#and kiss you gently on the forehead
porunareff · 2 years
It'll be funny if he ends up having a lowkey fuckboy name like Jordan or Joffrey 🤭 Honestly though, I have absolutely no idea but the house is taking all bets!
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half-milk-equation · 2 years
but have you considered that the paralyzer acoustic slaps so hard
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Whenever Bakugou comes to wake you up, choosing to do it instead of letting you use an alarm, he always smiles so softly when you blink your bleary eyes open and the first thing you hear is "there's my girl"
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catscidr · 5 months
I come with more brain rot that occurred to me during my shift.
Xiao being so so nervous to hold your hand with his gloves off. Please kiss the emos hands. He's so scared he's gonna hurt you, but he also wants to make you happy. I personally thing he has sharper canines so the look like fangs, kisses when he mentions them are maditory. He might Telenor away the first few times but after that he might pick up and try and get more kisses.
Scaramouche doesn't know how to complement people. His Kazuha voice line is proof of that. He will try so hard, bur they just come out so wrong. Please teach him how, or ask Nahida to help him. He does love you he's just gotta figure out how to say it.
sharper canines Yes but also xiao with longer and sharper nails…. xiao-with-more-birdlike-design-characteristics my beloved ueueghghh..... anyways moving on
start by taking off his gauntlets first n then kiss his gloved hands to get him used to it! help him get less nervous about handling you by doing small things like that, interlocking your fingers together (still without the gauntlet) and, when he’s finally almost to the point where he’s comfortable ditching his gloves, suggest wearing his gloves in his stead!
there’s still going to be a barrier between your skin and his, so, using his logic, it should be fine! plus the added intimacy points because you’re wearing his gloves….. they might not quite fit but it’s the thought that counts anyways
ooh and when he gives you the green light to hold hands without any gloves… give him so many smooches he’ll forget why he was nervous in the first place ♡ and it opens up a whole buncha new things you can do together! like now you can do each other’s nails! (or just his, if you’re not the biggest fan of manicures)— either way, he’ll still come to you to file his talons nails
he could do it himself by either using the nail file you got him, or by going out to clear some monster camps without the help of his spear, but he prefers the gentle way you handle him instead ♡
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scaramouche my beloved. my awkward, maladroit, clumsy, beloved. he knows what he wants to say, and he's so sure of himself that he can say it, but as soon as he opens his mouth it’s like he just…. short circuits.
it's something he never wants to admit, but when he notices that you stopped smiling as much as before when he started... trying to compliment you? because he just ends up confusing you, and eventually frustrating you with the strange "insults" he ends up throwing your way? he can't stand it
but you catch on easily (because he's easy to read once you get used to his attitude), and gradually just play up the act of being hurt whenever he tries to compliment you
he eventually drags his feet to nahida for help, but she already knows why he's scoffing more than usual because you went to her for advice. but she still helps him and pretends she doesn't know why he's asking her "how to compliment people without making their smile droop immediately"; and when he goes to use his newfound skills, you beat him to the punch by complimenting him instead
needless to say, he knows how to compliment you now ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º) will he do it? ehhh, give him some time and eventually he will ♡
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ananxiousgenz · 3 months
I honestly do not think I've ever experienced as much agony over a fictional character as I have over oscar malevolent. he's just the winning combo of religious trauma, blood, devotion, queer pain, endless kindness and optimism, and vengeance yk?
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immult · 10 months
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e78 and e79. is this anything?
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
Okay, okay hear me out.
This is an idea me and onesies thought of..
So you can go where ever direction you want with this prompt
But I give you
Shadow milk with hypnotism
Anon how does it feel to have the biggest brain I've ever seen?/pos
Requested Prompts #3 - 💓
You had gotten separated from your friends when the beast had escaped, the blast of energy knocking you a decent way out of the fairy kingdom and into Beast Yeast... Thank God that White Lily Cookie had managed to seal up the rift before the other four could get out beforehand. One gigantic cookie to fight against was enough after all. It was rather unfortunate that you got blasted into a rather dark part of the forest, you felt like there were eyes watching your every single movement. You wandered around, a chill seeping into your dough as you remembered Shadow Milk Cookie's words before you all got blasted away... " Ready or not, here I come! Ehe he he ha ha hah~!" Was this all like a game to the giant beast? The thought terrified you, you should hide, and quick. So you looked around for a hiding place, any kind would be good so long as it was a good one. Was it just you, or could you hear his laughter echoing through the trees? it was totally just you, right? Apparently the universe loves to prove you wrong, seeing as two giant cookie hands slam down onto the ground at both your sides as a humongous shadow is cast over you. " Peek-a-boo~ I see you~!" You could hear Shadow Milk Cookie almost mockingly coo as you turned around and fell on your backside out of fear. How'd he find you so quickly?! " Oh my dear, there's no need to be scared!" He chuckled, scooping you up in one giant hand. If there was a chance you could escape unscathed before, then it was certainly gone by now. " After all, you've got me here!" " Wh-what do you want from me?!" You stammer out, voice catching in your throat one he stared down at you with those absolutely humongous heterochromatic blue eyes of his. You felt like a new piece of candy in a candy store being examined by at kid to determine if it's worth eating or not. The overgrown jester sighed, putting a hand to his head in an exasperated manner. " Oh, woe is me! The rare moment I find kindness in my heart to bestow upon another cookie, they be ever so rude about it!" He dramatically sulked, you almost felt bad for the guy... almost. " But! Such a small little treat like you shouldn't be wandering the forests of Beast-Yeast alone! No no no no no! That wouldn't do at all!" He proclaimed, suddenly a lot more cheerful that it almost gave your emotional whiplash. With his other hand, he tilted your head up so you'd be staring right into his vibrant gaze. Was it just you, or were his eyes swirling? " So just trust in me alone, and I'll get you somewhere safe~" You can feel something worming it's way into your head. Why shouldn't you trust Shadow Milk Cookie? Maybe he's just a huge softie under all that malice and mischief. No, no, he definitely tried to crumble your friends earlier. But he's so strong, and you're just a weak little cookie who can barely fight off the monsters of Beast-Yeast on their own- Wait. " Gah! No! Get out.... of my head!" You squirmed away from his grasp, shutting your eyes as you buried your face into his hand. You refused to be mind controlled by this... this giant clown! You could hear him laughing again, a sound that haunted your ears as you felt him tenderly stroke your back in a way that made your shiver. " Eheh he heh~ It's really cute when you try to resist," He purred, flipping you onto your back with a simple maneuver. Then, to your absolute shock, he lent down and kissed your forehead...? " I like you, Reader Cookie!" He chirped. What.... what even was that?! He kissed you!? That- what- That's certainly not a normal thing to happen! Your guard had been lowered into the ground and buried, allowing Shadow Milk Cookie to worm his way into your mind without any issues whatsoever. Your vision felt hazy, what were you doing again? Oh, right, staring into Shadow Milk Cookie's eyes... They really were pretty eyes, so many pretty shades of blue swirling around in them. But before that? ... Does it really matter? Shadow Milk laughed from above, his voice echoing all around the forest.
" There we go~! That wasn't so hard now, wasn't it Little Star?" He cooed, stroking your face gently with his hand. It was an almost tender motion, you weren't really sure what to make of it. " Now, why don't we go and find your friends? I'm sure that they're dying to reunite with you!" You slowly nodded, right, your friends… Your friends? You… don't quite remember their faces, but it'll come to you eventually… you hope. " Eheh he he he he~! One down, five to go~" Shadow milk cackled to himself as he began walking through the forests of Beast-Yeast with you in hand.
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rhcenyra · 1 year
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yandere-daydreams · 9 months
you either die a geto enjoyer or live long enough to see yourself become a gojo stan. sigh.
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fernsensei · 10 months
V2 makes microwave noises and overheats when Gabriel presses his head against theirs without warning
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distressed robots are my favourite
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fairytypingg · 4 months
the day ppl stop using "narcissist" as a synonym for "bad person" is the day i can rest in peace
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queer-ragnelle · 15 days
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“Take it from an old carny, God conned us good. He took our money and took the prize, too. Oldest game there is.” Sir Dagonet still had one of the knives from the Great Hall and now he threw it spinning straight up into the darkness. Collum shied away but the Fool Knight picked it out of the air effortlessly. —The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman
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arctixout · 8 months
What I love really much is how interactive Damon is with our little fandom. He could just share the photos and leave it at that but instead he shares things we fans have said, laughs at our suffering /pos, validates our thoughts on his photos and shares fan art and I think that is really very nice of him.
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I love your landoscar so much. Your characterisation of the boys really does just hit the spot. I don’t know if you’re taking prompts but if you are and want to:
Landoscar — aftercare
I just know it would read like a dream <33
FIRST OFF, ANON, I am ALWAYS taking prompts. It just might take me time to get to them sometimes bc I work a job that can be INCREDIBLY exhausting. BUT HONESTLY love a good prompt about aftercare. This might not QUITE be what you expected, it's more discussions of aftercare than ACTUAL aftercare but y'know. There will be more when I finish the fic I'm working on...which I ACTUALLY GET TO USE THIS FOR BECAUSE Y'KNOW I'm just like that.
Landoscar and discussions of aftercare/sub-drop under the cut
“So…what do you need? Like…for aftercare?” The question is halfway tentative, like Lando second-guesses himself before asking it, and Oscar wonders if he’s just not sure how to bring it up, Oscar’s sub-drop from the other day, how to prevent it. And really, at the crux of it, Oscar’s not really sure. He’s never had partners that he’s gotten to explore this part of himself with. His small pool of ex-girlfriends haven’t been interested in the version of him that Lando gets, the version of him that’s stripped bare and revealed. They’ve never taken control away like Lando likes to do, haven’t peeled him away to his barest parts. 
Oscar focuses on the pull of Lando’s fingers through his hair, the place where Lando’s finger brushes along the inside of his wrist, breathes in deep and lets his eyes shutter closed. He doesn’t know what he needs, aside from to feel grounded, to feel valued, to have Lando wrapped around him so he forgets where Lando’s body ends and his body begins. He hasn’t thought about all the ways that he wants someone else to care for him, after he’s been pulled apart and stitched back together. 
“I dunno,” Oscar murmurs the words, easier for him to say now that he can’t see Lando gazing down at him. “Never really thought about it,” he shrugs, and Lando’s fingers tighten in his hair minutely, before softening again, and he makes a noise in the back of his throat, vaguely disapproving. 
Oscar can’t help but feel like he’s failed some sort of test, and he opens one eye to meet Lando’s gaze again, raises a brow and Lando just shakes his head. “Look, I’ve never done this before. Your guess is as good as mine,” it’s unintentionally defensive, hackles raised for no reason. It’s just Lando, it’s just them. “Osc,” Lando’s voice is soft, soft, soft, and Oscar just turns his face to nuzzle into Lando’s thigh. “What,” Oscar’s tone is still a little prickly, feels out of his depth, doesn’t know how to talk about it. 
He’s never been good at this, at talking about things. 
“Osc, can you look at me?” Lando asks, and the gentleness in his tone hasn’t changed, but there’s a hint of a command there, enough to make Oscar squirm a little bit, enough to make his cheeks heat up. He can’t truly stop himself from listening, because when Lando asks him like this, he’s drawn to obey. Tilts his head back up to meet Lando’s gaze, wishes that he could shrink away from the intensity he feels directed at him. Twists his wrist to break it free from the shackle of Lando’s fingers, before he grabs Lando’s hand in his own, twines their fingers together, to stop himself from doing something stupid, like picking at the skin of his fingers until they bleed. “I just don’t want something to happen, like the other day,” Lando finally verbalizes the words that they’ve both been thinking, the thing that they’ve both left unsaid. “Clearly, you need something that I wasn’t able to provide you with, last time,” 
And really, there’s a part of Oscar that it’s pretty sure what they’re lacking right now is communication. There’s still this nasty unsteadiness, trying to define what they are through the layers of whatever they’re building between themselves, whatever the nature of their relationship is. He knows there’s more to it than that, but he’s never been good at feeling like he’s off-balance, has never been good at being one step behind. 
“Lando,” he doesn’t mean for his voice to come out hoarse, has to swallow hard before he starts again, “That’s not because you didn’t do enough. It’s just…” he trails off, because he doesn’t know what else to say. 
“It’s because we haven’t talked about it,” Lando says, earnestly. “That’s on me, I know. But that can’t be the only reason,”
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andromeda3116 · 11 months
people actually went on about how game of thrones made it socially acceptable to be a fantasy nerd, as though the lord of the rings movies hadn't been released less than a decade earlier and left far greater cultural ripples and i am just
got may have made the adults feel better about liking fantasy, but lotr got into the kids' heads when they (we) were just young and impressionable enough to be absolutely transported and emotionally rewritten by don't you leave him, samwise gamgee and my brother, my captain, my king and and rohan will answer
lotr was rewriting entire generations' brain chemistry long before asoiaf and so obviously it's not fair to compare any post-lotr fantasy novel to it, and each book series was trying to do different things within their own spheres and so that also is not a fair comparison, but in terms of the cultural impact of the adaptations that came out within a decade of each other, saying that it was game of thrones that made fantasy mainstream is baffling
game of thrones could only run because the lord of the rings movies laid the path, and i will die on this hill
#lotr#lord of the rings#lord of the rings movies#i started this post because ''may it be'' came up on my playlist but now i think i'm going to start my nth rewatch of the trilogy#there is a lot to discuss about it re: comparison to the books but it's like...#for all the changes they made - good and bad and neutral - everyone involved in making the films *loved* the source material#they all *wanted* to do justice to it and believed in it and it shows#i think of some posts i've seen about how frustrating this modern push towards tongue-in-cheek irony over sincerity#so afraid to be corny or cheesy that you have to tack a joke onto every real emotional moment#like no fuck that#give me sam hauling frodo onto his shoulders saying ''i can't carry it for you but i can carry you''#give me aragorn gently kissing boromir's forehead as he dies#give me merry and pippin throwing themselves at the uruk hai to distract them from frodo#give me theoden's grand speeches and gandalf's pained expression when frodo says he'll carry the ring#tbh i think that sincerity is a large part of *why* it has such staying power even now#because it is a story you are meant to get deeply emotionally invested in and not hold yourself a little ironically apart from#it isn't meant to sell merch it's meant to bring you to middle-earth and capture your heart and make you believe that the war can be won#with love and loyalty and hope and fellowship and fidelity and integrity and just... just refusing to give in to despair#it is earnest. it is unafraid to be melodramatic or corny because it believes in the story it's telling.#and so it imprinted onto a whole generation growing up right at the cusp of a barrage of apocalypses#anyway. i have Feelings about these movies and their impact and how that mirrors and enhances the books' own impact
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shitpostingkats · 10 months
Something that really bothers me is people being mostly sub watchers and then seeing a dub episode and complaining that the characters are "totally butchered". That's because there's a whole show of building that character in a slightly different flavor, y'all.
Actually, correction, something that really bothers me is people complaining about the yugioh dubs.
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