#and kinich is coming out ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
hawberries · 1 month
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it's almost time for a new adventure!
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riminiscensce · 20 days
5 + 1
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CHARACTER ... kinich
SYNOPSIS ... 5 times Kinich protected someone, and 1 time he felt protected
NOTES ... a kinich fic because what the fuck was that backstory bro CUT MY GUY SOME SLACK 😭
CONTENTS ... sfw , kinich-centric , spoilers for kinich’s character stories , gender neutral reader , can be read as platonic
Word Count ... 3367
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1) His mother
From before he was seven, Kinich always remembered waking up to the smell of breakfast his mother would have ready at the table. 
Being the child that he was, he never fully understood how his mother was able to do it; to wake up before the sun could even rise, and still last long enough to make it past through sunset. 
Having a mother like her made Kinich feel included within the small group of kids that would pass by their house once in a while. 
The one they would often talk about is how their mothers would always be up early in the morning to prepare delicious food for them. Kinich, though not a part of their conversation, felt like he could empathize with them. 
He felt connected with the other children because of his mother.
Then the children started to talk about how close their own mothers were with the others. That they would have family dinners, share advice, talk about their family…
That was the one thing that separates his mother from the rest. 
Kinich always felt a stinging pain in him whenever he would watch his mother farm by herself.
Instead of like the mothers other kids have, his mother was different in a way that she would spend most of her time on her own.
At that age, Kinich was already aware of the reason as to why this is. 
If it was not for his father's behavior, his mother wouldn't have been ashamed of talking about her family to their neighbors. 
She wouldn't have to spend her time alone, dreading the moment her husband comes through the door with that sickening smell of alcohol and another empty pouch of Mora. 
That's why he took it upon himself to be there for her. 
To share the same silence as she did when no one else would. 
Kinich had a particular quietness around him, the same kind his mother had; it was one of the things he remembers about her.
But there was a time when they talked while they were farming. 
Most of their conversation was starting to grow torn and forgotten in Kinich’s memory. But there was one thing that his mother said that always stuck with him as he grew. 
“Thank you,” His mother once said with a heavy hand on his unkempt hair, and a somber look on her face that one could only give to her protector. 
When he first heard this, Kinich felt content, like he had done the right thing. He felt like he had saved his mother from ever truly being lonely.
But that would be the first and last time he felt that way with her.  
Things only went downhill when they were forced to move out of their house and into the mountains because of his father’s betting addiction. 
Then his mother left them—left him. 
It was something that never comes up between him and his dad. 
Looking back, Kinich thinks of his mother’s abandonment as the payment for the care she has given him and his father.
But he was just a child then, of course he wouldn’t have decided on an answer of his own back then. 
So he asked someone else.
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2) His father
It was his seventh birthday when it happened. 
Kinich couldn’t have waited for a better timing than this. His father likely knew of his birthday, and so he might be more lenient with him for the day in return. 
That could’ve been what happened. 
Instead, a pair of bloodshot eyes drilled their way into his own—it felt so different to the eyes that he inherited.
Then the next thing he knew, he was running past trees, his father closely behind him, yelling drunken curses that a child should never have heard.
It was the waves of adrenaline that saved Kinich from being caught in his father’s violent hands, weaving through the thick bushes and trees while avoiding the wild saurians that were scattered around the area. 
It was also that same adrenaline that made him fail to notice the sudden absence of his triggered father. 
Only then was he forced to stop and look around. 
It wasn’t until he reached the edge of a cliff did his jittering get replaced with trembles. 
His father was at the very distant bottom, his inflamed eyes matching the color of his blood splattered around him. 
Looking back, it was the only time that Kinich almost cracked out a drop of tear. 
When he made his way down, he was no longer greeted with the enraged glare of his father. What remained of his expression was only of shock. There were no signs of regret or guilt of what he had done prior to his death. 
But Kinich can never be truly mad at his parents. 
He grew up with his father, and he was usually the one that brought home enough Mora to feed the three of them plenty.
And to add more, it started raining. 
The rain helped with washing the blood away and with imbuing the sight he was seeing. 
Kinich could only think of carrying his father’s corpse back to their house. What else can he do anyway?
If his dead body remained there, it would get washed away or land on a starving creature’s plate. 
So he decided to repay his father one last time and protected what remained of him. 
It was a tiring trek back home. 
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3) K’uhul Ajaw
Kinich has formulated this understanding that anything can be done with Mora as an exchange, no matter how risky or dangerous the commission may be.
He is willing to do any favors, be it simple or treacherous, all for the right price.
But there was a time Kinich bypassed this ethos of his.
An organization dedicated for saurian research came up to his doorstep, asking to buy this relic he found in an unearthed ruin in exchange for a sum of Mora.
There were many pros in this proposal, and merely only one con.
Kinich could live comfortably for the next few months with that amount of Mora without having to worry about receiving another commission, he could even last to about a year if he remains humble with spending.
If he gave the relic to the association, it would stop them from bothering him ever again. Kinich would go back to a life without having to confront a desperate bunch of researchers.
And to add more to that, it would get rid of this nuisance that calls itself K’uhul Ajaw from ever causing trouble for him again.
Those advantages he had listed off were nothing but tempting to Kinich, luring him into tossing that wristband into the association’s business and going off to return back to his normal life of being a lone wolf.
The only thing stopping Kinich was the thought of Ajaw going absolutely rabid without him around.
He tells himself that that was the only con there was, not because he had already formed a pact with Ajaw, but because he would get involved with threatening matters if Ajaw goes wild.
As much as he tries to stay excluded from other people’s business, Kinich was human enough to at least concern himself with this possibility.
It would be a tragedy if people from different tribes were to be a victim of someone so awful as Ajaw after all.
All it took was a glare from Kinich, saturated with enough indignation that the researchers could feel it and eventually welcome themselves out of Kinich’s door.
It wasn’t even long before Ajaw awoke that Kinich suddenly regrets his decision.
Looking back, maybe he should have given K’uhul Ajaw to the association after all.
Oh well, he figures life would be more clement with him now that he made a choice to protect Natlan from this ancient dragon, if that’s how it even works.
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4) “Uthabiti” Kachina
When Kinich first saw an enlisted job to sabotage a kid because their Wayob regarded her potential, he wondered how low those lowlifes could possibly achieve.
Ever since he saw that commission, he hasn’t paid much mind to it. The tribe leader of the Children of Echoes was a deferential man after all, he wouldn’t let a child get hurt by others simply because they were envious.
Then he saw this bullying in action.
Kinich only caught a glimpse of one final shove to the poor kid before the rowdy bunch willingly left, trailing only mocks and insults.
He eventually came to the assumption that Kachina was just selfless.
Not in the way that she would let others vent their frustration to her, but because she doesn’t want to bother the people who do care about her.
This assumption of his came into precision when he heard it from Kachina herself. She didn’t want to worry the people around her, and instead took the oppression as a means to get stronger and be more independent.
That’s what Kachina wanted, to rely on herself.
A thought came into Kinich’s mind, a rather debatable thought but, in a way, Kinich could see himself in her shoes.
Kinich grew up having to rely on himself for his own livelihood, and Kachina wants exactly that, to bring less concern to the people she doesn’t want to concern.
He had also dealt with a fair share of bullies in his childhood. Whenever they striked, Kinich never really fought back, that was another thing he and Kachina have in common, though his reasoning was far less modest than that of hers.
He knew Kachina would never fight back, and that will fuel more enragement to those haughty buffoons. 
So instead, he took it upon himself to act on her behalf.
It was one of the few situations when Kinich would throw away his preference for Mora.
This simple action of standing up against someone would have a far more personal approach for Kinich. He just wanted to do what he didn’t back then.
When doing so, a wave of satisfaction would come crashing against him at the sight of Kachina's struggling bullies.
That was it, that was his payment, to know the feeling of contentment if he did teach those bullies a free lesson.
And while at it, he protected a different version of his younger self from having more problems to deal with.
Looking back, the worst thing Kachina’s bullies had gone through was Ajaw’s nonstop degrading.
In a way, they at least had a taste of their own medicine.
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5) “Malipo” Kinich
He always had to look after himself.
He took in his mother’s nature at farming, remembering the way she neatly handled the crops and applied that to his own way of farming for his food.
Like his father, he was the one who provided Mora for himself. But unlike his father, he knows about restraint and how to spend it wisely.
He has honed his fighting capabilities enough to not make him so dependent on a vision or an enigmatic wristband.
And of course, he relies only on himself.
He relies on this grown version of him who has seen and witnessed many things as he continues to grow older, a young man who inherited the ancient name of Turnfire.
Because of this, nobody knows much about him, much less knows about the little boy that remained with him from his early childhood.
It acted as a little consciousness, one so small that he could so easily fall asleep if it ever yelled at him.
But there were some nights when he would stay up at the smallest wails of this consciousness of a little boy.
Some nights, he wonders not about what went wrong, but what could have gone right.
It was something that he shouldn’t have brought up, what use is dwelling in the what-could-have-been anyway?
He isn’t an all-knowing being to change and weave through the past, he can’t fix it, he can’t abandon it.
He isn’t entirely certain if he can make it better.
But he can salvage and protect what good was left from it.
He doesn’t want to look back or look forward, he just wants this little boy to continue existing, to continue burning longer enough to keep him warm and alive.
Because what would he be without it?
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+1) You
People usually come to Kinich whenever they want something deadly to be accomplished.
It was the usual get rid of rogues in the area, get rid of wild saurians, get rid of wandering automatons…
What they don’t come to Kinich for is when they need help to cook dinner.
You were the first to ever commission him for something so uncomplicated as this.
He had just been resting up in a tree during dusk when he felt the knocking of pebbles against the trunk. When one pebble hit him, it suddenly stopped.
When he looked down, he saw you, an apologetic gesture on you as you swiftly tossed away the remaining rocks in your hands.
Then you waved your hands to him, urging him to come down.
When he did, the first thing you greeted him with was a proposal. “Can you help me prepare dinner?”
Kinich would’ve been taken aback at the simplicity of the commission. You could probably ask that to your local elderly and they would agree with no payment required.
Then he starts thinking of another explanation, maybe you had meant gathering ingredients, or help with cooking for a large serving of people.
But he knows you, you live alone, and there weren’t currently any celebrations within the tribe that required a feast.
Was your request really that simple?
Then, you offered him a pouch of Mora.
Along the way to your house, Kinich held onto the Mora and to the silence the two of you shared. It wasn’t at all alike to the ones he shared with those unwilling of his company, this time, it was completely mutual, like there was no need for a conversation despite the odd request.
It wasn’t long before the two of you arrived at your front door, while twisting the lock with a key, you brought up a question to Kinich.
“Hey, what do you think I should eat, vegetables or meat?”
Kinich’s reply was fairly simple. “Whatever you have more ingredients of.”
He thinks his answers weren't up to your expectation when you gave him a look of discontent. “I have plenty for either,”
He wasn’t entirely sure what answer he should pick simply from this. He has an inkling suspicion that you would still feel the same if he were to pick one over the other.
“Then, both?” He was convinced that his uncertainty was obvious from his tone.
But it didn’t seem to mind you as you broke out with a satisfied smile at his answer. “Alright then. Help me gather some vegetables from the garden.”
When you led him outside, Kinich was surprised at the amount of crops you grew. The size was practically the same as he had at his place, and you even grew some that others wouldn’t typically have in their garden anymore.
Gathering farm crops with you was a quiet experience. The kind he was so familiar with as a kid that it felt like he was reliving the moments he had with his mother.
If it weren’t for the cold gusts of wind that evening, Kinich would have been fooled into thinking that he had gone back to that exact moment of his life.
He can’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something comforting about seeing another pair of hands in the corner of his eyes.
The quiet consciousness started to become a bit more audible, enough to make Kinich realize that he could start hearing the crackling of firewood.
It had been a while since the last time Kinich cooked with someone in a homey kitchen before.
The last he could remember was with Elder Leik, and that had been years ago when he was still a young teenager.
This time, instead of his elderly hands, it was yours that occupied the busy counter beside him. The sound of sliced ingredients dropping down onto the simmering water filled the area of what would have been just him.
The moment he stopped working the knives through the vegetables, his eyes would find their way to you, beside him. 
Completely mindful of your own business, humming a catchy tune as you gently mixed the ingredients in the pot. He was sure he had heard of that tune before.
Probably during one of the rare moments when his mother would break the silence between them, emerging with a simple, yet unforgettable melody.
Yes, that was probably it, his little consciousness confirms it to be so.
Like another piece of firewood had just been tossed in, the air around him started to become warmer than usual.
When the food had been served on your dinner table, Kinich figured he had finished his job.
“Where are you going?” He was about to leave the house.
“I helped you prepare dinner, my job is finished.” At this, your head seemed to have been afloat in the air for a while.
You then cracked into a small laughter. “Ah, right, I did say that.”
With that, you left the table and disappeared into some room within the house.
Kinich was about to use this time to leave the place, as he was about to put a glove back on, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Turning around, he sees you, holding another pouch of Mora in your hands. “Can you help me finish all this food?”
It was purely instinct at how his hand already accepted the payment before even processing what you had meant.
But just like how you are, you don’t further explain as to why, simply walking back to the table and taking a seat. Kinich noticed another plate laid out beside you, like you had intended for him to eat with you.
Well, an odd request still serves the same as a normal one.
So he walks back to the table, taking a seat and grabbing a humble serving of food.
The first bite of the meat stew felt weird.
It tasted different, different than how he would usually do it at least. 
You cooked this, it was a subtle reminder that other people have their own preference when measuring their seasonings and what they put in the dish.
It was a simple reminder that he didn’t cook this by himself, someone was there with him.
The more spoonful he ate, the more fuel was fed to the fire of his little consciousness.
It had been a while since he had dinner with someone with such normal circumstances. 
He realizes all of this was part of the what-could-have-beens that slipped into his mind during one late night.
He could have experienced gathering crops until late at night with his mother, hearing her hum a quiet melody while they cooked, and sitting around the dinner table along with his father… It could have been those.
But what’s the use of residing in it? He already made up his mind to not look back.
“Hm? Something wrong?” Your voice suddenly became more distinct in Kinich’s thoughts. “Oh no, were the seasonings a bit off?”
Without having answered, Kinich diverts his eyes to the nervous fidgeting of your hands. The same pair he saw in the corner of his eyes when cooking and gathering ingredients.
The same pair that have unknowingly hovered over his little consciousness’s fire, feeding it more and more kindlings to make its voice more evident.
It was strange, somehow he felt like the little boy left of him had just been preserved—protected even. 
Like how a pair of hands would wrap around the faintest of flames to keep it burning, to keep it hidden from the harsh winds but still not so much that it would be forgotten.
Just enough to know that it’s still there.
Don’t look back, but don’t forget either.
Kinich then answers you. “It’s sweeter than what I usually have.”
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rimi’s notes
can I just say how bad I felt when reading his story bro like what the fuck
but I hope yall enjoy cuz I definitely did when writing this lowkey
hearts / reblogs / follows are very much appreciated !
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