#and kaeya still. also platonically
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dreadanddespairdyke · 5 months ago
Boo incest tag
im sorryyyyyyy i was propagandised into liking them in like 2021... idc abt them anymore but im clearing out my old drafts atm
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blood-orange-juice · 29 days ago
@a-yarn-of-purple-prose occasionally points out how Chinese players see a lot of Genshin plots differently from us and I feel like it needs to be written down.
(I'm mostly the messenger/humble scribe for this post but you can shoot me anyway)
Hoyo love hinting at well-known tropes rather than spelling them out, so if you haven't watched enough silly martial arts fantasy movies you'll misinterpret them.
For example, Kaeya and Diluc's fight seems like a random outburst of emotion to us.
Meanwhile, Mondstadt is a bunch of wuxia tropes in a European setting. Kaeya being adopted into a family tied to the Knights of Favonius is treated closer to the trope of being accepted into a martial arts clan than to modern western adoption or even medieval tradition of taking a ward.
Because, well, knights.
In that type of story if a pupil disagrees with his elders and wants to leave they are supposed to fight a teacher or an older pupil. As I understand it, it's not a rule, more like a symbolic expression of personal truth and resolve.
They are free to leave if they win but if the battle ends up in a tie or a distraction appears it means something is wrong with their personal truth. This is usually followed by a journey or an investigation to uncover the missing piece of the puzzle.
(which was exactly what happened. and Diluc did find something, we just don't know what)
This means that Kaeya didn't get his Vision for self-defense or as an expression of an inner conflict between his past and his current attachments. The whole reason he needed a Vision was to say "you are wrong, we are fellow knights" (or perhaps even family, although he doesn't call Diluc his brother, so I doubt that).
Personally, I find it much deeper.
As a funny twist, as I understand it, it also makes him the older one. Doesn't matter what age he is, he has accepted the role of an older brother/knight. The responsible one.
This also means these two don't need to reconcile, they already have (when Diluc learned whatever it is that he's learned, came home and took back his Vision). It's just a different relationship now.
upd: Rereading Kaeya's Vision story and perhaps it's not exactly like that, the story does frame it as him finding personal truth.
It's like they both wanted to leave but that duel somehow freed and bound them both.
also no one is in the older role in this case.
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siennaditbot · 9 months ago
I need Kaeya, Heizou, Gaming and Sethos to interact.
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glacialswordsman-a · 8 months ago
🖤 for the silly i give you rosaria
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent /  meh  / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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a-dose-of-memphis · 1 year ago
the earliest crempog doodles i could find:
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an oc that was supposed to be created for shits and giggles, "hmm what are we gonna do if _ is in this situation" "well crempog is gonna make more pp statues."
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it used to be her and xiao, dude. it used to be. imagine being an adeptus who lived long and now you're stuck babysitting a dumbass.
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lemon-shark-kat · 2 months ago
The Genshin Impact fandom is fascinating to me when it comes to fanfics, because I feel like I struggle to find any fics that really *get* the characterization of certain characters and I'm loathed to write my own because dammit I just want to read the specific itch I crave without resorting to creating it. Give me three more months and I'll cave in.
For example, Diluc is one of my favorites and I find his backstory fascinating in terms of his father Crepus possibly being more morally ambiguous than most fans are willing to admit and how little we know of Diluc's murder spree in Snezhnaya.
For example which Harbinger(s) did he have a run-in with? Will we find out more about the secret intelligence network that took him in, that he apparently had a high position in? Did he ever find the answers he was searching for? The list goes on.
It's hard for me to find the specific characterization of him I crave for in fics because I think his platonic relationship with Kaeya is incredibly nuanced and complex but I feel like his character often gets assassinated for Kaeya angst but like, the man had the worst birthday ever?
Imagine being Diluc, living through a literal worst nightmare. Your dad is dead after you failed to protect him yourself. Not only is your dad dead but he died after wielding a delusion--you dont even know what a delusion is but its clearly bad news. Why the fuck did your father have it and how?
On top of this, the Favonius Knights--the organization you proudly served and the very organization that your father heavily encouraged you to serve--insists on covering up the truth because it makes them look bad. The Favonius Knights, who are supposed to be honorable and uphold integrity, are anything but that.
Then your adoptive brother, who you've known for years and trust with your life, shows up and tells you he's been spying for a foreign nation since you were kids with the intent of harming Mondstadt and everything about your relationship is possibly all one big lie and well--how do you not snap??
Now, I'm also incredibly fond of Kaeya and he was just as traumatized by Crepus's death. He was wracked with guilt for *feeling* relieved that he didn't have to worry about betraying his birth father for his adoptive father since Crepus was dead. He anticipated Diluc's anger and felt like their duel was a punishment for his lies.
To me, it hints that Kaeya probably didn't reveal the truth expecting Diluc's understanding, but rather he knew how he would react and perhaps he wanted Diluc to strike him down in that duel. Or at the very least, he wanted to distance himself from Diluc and cut off ties in order to avoid emotional attachment stopping him from his mission.
I personally head-canon that Diluc withdrew upon seeing Kaeya's vision because well--why would the gods bless Kaeya with a vision if he truly had the intent to harm Mondstadt? So in spite of what Kaeya revealed, he isn't a threat. But there's still a lot of hurt there to navigate through.
I think it's fascinating seeing where they stand in present game because Kaeya obviously has the ideology of working the system from within. He stayed in the knights (even taking over his brother's position) and with Jean rooted out the Inspector and his cronies.
Meanwhile Diluc just isn't that type of person. He doesn't settle, he refuses to work in a system he views corrupt, he rather accomplish what he can outside of it. Curiously, he doesn't challenge the status quo beyond being vocal of his distaste of the Knights.
This is head-canon fantasyland, but I like to envision Kaeya and Diluc do use a lot of the same informants and collaborate on intel relating to the safety of Mondstadt (especially since Diluc can move in ways against the Fatui that the Knights can't due to political reasons) but they struggle to have the same connection as before.
For example, Diluc's story quest--Kaeya was essentially giving Diluc an alibi with the Knights. Even if Jean damn well knows who it is, they still have to have official documentation stating otherwise.
Kaeya is good at reading people, he has to be given how he was raised to be a child spy. But I like to think he struggles to read Diluc like before. Diluc is much more jaded, pessimistic, quieter than before. He prefers to work on his own as much as possible. From Kaeya's pov, the only person he's seen Diluc willing to fully trust enough to work alongside with is the Traveler, and he states as much.
The opposite is true of Diluc. Kaeya was his shadow, a quiet but inquisitive, witty observer. Cavalry Captain Kaeya is much more outgoing and friendly, his charm on full display. Did he ever really truly know Kaeya or did he only show Diluc what he wanted him to see? Is Kaeya happier this way?
Fanon often depicts Kaeya as essentially being barred from the dawn winery from the duel by Diluc himself, but I don't think that's quite the case. Much rather, given the reason he told Diluc that night, I think he views himself as undeserving due to unresolved guilt.
Canon seems to hint at all of this through his hangout and Hidden Strife, the latter of which is unfortunately a time-limited event that occurred before I even played (hoyo please stop having heavy lore drops occur in time limited events).
I think the two want to trust each other again, but both are afraid of destroying the tentative truce they have so they leave all of it unaddressed. Kaeya refuses to be completely truthful ever again and Diluc acknowledges the past but refuses to discuss it. The tragedy in their relationship that neither is at fault for what happened--it's a twisted emotional mess of grief and heartbreak.
The last point I'd like to touch on is the parallels between Kaeya and Diluc both being essentially child soldiers for their fathers' causes.
For Kaeya, being abandoned in Mondstadt to be a child spy is the most overt. For Diluc? Despite Crepus's strong ambition to be a Favonius Knight and to have a vision--neither happened for him. In Diluc's vision story, it states that he views his vision being a result of their "shared" ambition, hinting that his vision was granted after Diluc's strong resolve to achieve his father's dreams for him.
We know Crepus heavily encouraged Diluc down this path at very young age, given Diluc received his vision at age 10 and became the youngest Captain at age 14. In some ways, I'm sure Kaeya was a bit jealous of Diluc for having a loving father present in his life that was overtly proud of him.
I am not saying Crepus wasn't a good father, I think he cared immensely for Kaeya and Diluc both, but I do think he did some morally grey shit.
Diluc abandoning his vision is fascinating and it's almost never explored in fics. He is the only vision holder we know of (aside from the Inazumauns whose visions were taken by force) that had their ambition for their vision shaken in such a way that they voluntarily discarded their vision for a time and only took it back after reigniting a new ambition to have it (and as far we know the only allogene that faced no negative setbacks from using a delusion long-term without their vision present).
I don't know where to end all of this, except if you have ragbros fic recommendations that you believe cover it in a more nuanced way, let me know!
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axie-lot · 6 months ago
Pyro, Hydro, Cyro
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Characters: Kaeya and Diluc Warning: Male characters, Angst with no comfort, sibling dynamics, purely platonic Theme: Fluffy and Angsty
This work was originally written by me in Portuguese, and I translated it using Google Translator, so I apologize for any translation errors
Summary: What if Crepus had adopted two sons instead of one? This story tells of the life shared by three brothers who were inseparable in their younger years, only to be torn apart by an unforeseen tragedy...
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Do you know that feeling of wanting to go back in time?
When life was simpler?
That's the feeling [Name] has had since that day...
[Name] was adopted by Crepus when he went on a business trip to Fontaine. That was the initial idea, but by chance, he found an abandoned child on the way. Feeling pity for the child, he decided to adopt him.
Imagine the surprise of his sons, Diluc and Kaeya, seeing their father, who had gone on a business trip, returning with an unknown child, a few years younger than them.
Young Diluc was very excited when his father introduced the new family member and quickly introduced himself to the little boy, who was hiding behind his father's legs.
Kaeya, on the other hand, was a little hesitant to speak to [Name], but after some time, with Crepus and Diluc's help, he went to talk to the new family member.
From then on, the three of you became inseparable.
Diluc, being the oldest of the three, naturally took on the role of leader among you, becoming the most responsible one.
Even though he was the most responsible and serious, he still had his childish side, which would sometimes appear when you were having fun together.
Diluc was the one to scold [Name] and Kaeya for pulling pranks, but he also participated in some of those pranks.
"[Name], I can see you hiding there, trying to scare me," said the red-haired boy, lifting his eyes from his notebook where he had been studying, looking at his younger brother sneaking between the furniture, trying to frighten him.
"Kaeya, you can't practice your sword skills inside the house. You’ll end up breaking a vase, and Dad or Adelinde will get upset," said Diluc as he entered a room where a young boy with blue hair was training with his sword.
"Dad's going to kill us when he finds out we're sneaking out in the middle of the night for an adventure," said the redhead while being dragged by his two younger brothers on an adventure. (Diluc would never admit that he only agreed to go to ensure his younger brothers' safety).
As a child, Diluc was very protective of his younger brothers and cared deeply for them.
[Name] and Kaeya respected Diluc a lot, even though they would often tease him.
Diluc was the brother you and Kaeya would go to for comfort.
Thunder could be heard through the halls of the Dawn Winery. In one of the rooms, a young red-haired boy slept peacefully, despite the storm outside the mansion. But his sleep ended when he heard the door to his room open and felt someone snuggle up to him. Opening his eyes, he saw his younger brother, tears in his eyes, cuddling against him. Seeing this, Diluc began to gently stroke his head to comfort him.
"Shh... it's okay, [Name]... calm down, you're safe... I'm here with you," whispered Diluc, trying to soothe his brother.
"I hate thunder... I really hate it," the younger one said, his voice trembling.
A little while later, [Name] fell asleep. Diluc was about to drift off when he heard the door open again. Looking over, he saw his other brother entering the room.
"I was awake... I heard footsteps, so I went to check, and I saw [Name] going into your room, and since I'm curious, I decided to see what was going on," said Kaeya, scratching the back of his neck.
Diluc, understanding what was happening since he was used to situations like these and Kaeya's excuses, made room on the bed for his brother. Without saying a word, Kaeya lay down next to his brothers, and the three of them slept through the night.
The next morning, when Crepus came to wake up his eldest son, he found this scene. He simply smiled and left the room, letting his children sleep a little longer.
Diluc is the brother who always has the right words to calm his siblings.
Diluc dreams of joining the Knights of Favonius, so he spends a lot of time studying.
[Name] and Kaeya always support Diluc, sometimes jokingly bowing to him and responding with "Yes, sir."
Diluc has a pet turtle, and sometimes when he's looking for it, he finds the turtle and [Name] having a long staring contest (the turtle always wins).
Kaeya is the middle child, a mix of responsible and mischievous, but much more mischievous than responsible. In short, he's the balance between the two.
Kaeya often influences [Name] to be mischievous, always giving [Name] ideas for pranks.
Kaeya is the one who always manages to escape punishment by blaming one of his siblings.
But when the punishment turns into a real consequence, he always finds a way to cheer his siblings up.
Kaeya has a talent for sneaking up on people and giving them a good scare.
Kaeya has that sibling energy where only he can tease his brothers, and if anyone else tries, he'll make that person regret it.
Kaeya LOVES to provoke his dear brothers.
"Well, well~~~ what do we have here... a little thief raiding the kitchen... or should I say I found a little mouse~~~?" said Kaeya, sneaking up behind [Name] as they rummaged through the mansion's kitchen.
"What would Dad think... of me finding the great heir sleeping during his studies?" Kaeya teased, grinning at his red-haired brother, who had fallen asleep over a book.
Kaeya teaches [Name] to swear, much to Diluc's dismay.
Kaeya loves to gossip with his brothers, as he has a knack for uncovering other people's secrets. When he finds something out, he immediately tells his brothers. [Name] and Diluc are certain that Kaeya knows everyone's secrets in Mondstadt.
Oh, Barbatos, please protect [Name] and Diluc when Kaeya discovers they have a crush, for he will have a new way to tease his brothers about it.
Kaeya is the brother who steals food and sweets from his siblings when they're distracted.
Kaeya sometimes has strange moments...
[Name] was hungry, so he decided to sneak into the kitchen to find something to eat, making as little noise as possible. As he made his way there, he noticed that a door in the hallway was open. Thinking it was his father, he decided to peek inside. But what he saw was his brother Kaeya silently staring out the window. Spooked, [Name] quickly returned to his bed, hiding under the covers, thinking, "Barbatos, help me, my brother is possessed!"
Sometimes, Kaeya sneaks into his siblings' rooms for comfort, though he never says why.
Kaeya often enjoys strolling through the streets of Mondstadt with his siblings, and even with Crepus.
Kaeya loves practicing swordsmanship with his brothers.
[Name] is the youngest sibling.
[Name] has an adventurous spirit and loves exploring with his older brothers.
[Name], Diluc, and Kaeya train together.
Diluc taught him more attack stances, while Kaeya focused on defensive moves and how to dodge.
Each brother ended up with a different fighting style.
[Name] adopted a mix of both of his brothers' fighting styles.
[Name] once saw someone kicking their weapon during a fight and wanted to imitate it, but it resulted in [Name] being scolded by Diluc for it being too dangerous, while Kaeya laughed in the background, finding it hilarious because kicking a weapon was a stupid idea.
[Name] doesn’t remember much of his past, but sometimes has nightmares about it.
[Name] doesn’t like being alone.
[Name] enjoys being in the company of his brothers, even when they are doing something else. [Name] just likes being around them.
Diluc was in his room studying, as he often did. He felt the responsibility of being his family's heir and wanted to make his father proud. While studying, he glanced away from his book to look at his younger brother [Name], who was sitting in the corner of the room drawing on a piece of paper. Diluc couldn’t help but smile before returning his focus to his book.
In the fields near the Dawn Winery, Kaeya was practicing his swordsmanship while his younger brother [Name] watched. The older brother couldn’t resist showing off a little in front of his younger sibling, and [Name] excitedly clapped with enthusiasm.
The three brothers were always seen together, wandering the streets of Mondstadt, having fun and playing.
They were always each other's support... Adolescence
Diluc joined the Knights of Favonius, but not just as an ordinary knight—he became the Cavalry Captain.
[Name] and Kaeya also joined the Knights of Favonius. Even though neither of them holds a position as high as Diluc, they don’t feel jealous because they know he’s there because he earned it.
[Name] also helps the Adventurers' Guild in his free time because he loves to go on adventures.
Diluc is increasingly involved in helping Crepus with the family business, but of course, his two younger brothers help out however they can.
Kaeya still pulls pranks like sneaking some wine, often dragging his two brothers along, but it usually ends with all three of them being punished.
One night at Dawn Winery, you could see the three sons of the owner huddled together in a corner, planning something.
“Why do I have to be the one to distract Adelinde??” – the eldest asked, casting a questioning look at his younger brothers. –
“You’re the oldest.” “And [Name] and I are the fastest,” – his two younger brothers replied one after the other. –
The redhead looked at the other two with a tired expression, sighed, nodded, and went off to distract Adelinde. After that, Kaeya and [Name] exchanged smiles, already knowing what to do now that they had convinced Diluc to help them. They waited for a bit, taking advantage of the darkness of the night to sneak into the wine cellar of the mansion. Kaeya signaled for [Name] to go ahead and open the door, but as [Name] opened it, both boys froze. Inside the dark cellar, there was a figure with crossed arms, their red hair illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the small windows of the room. That figure was none other than their adoptive father. The two boys knew at that moment they had been caught, but they didn’t give up easily. They began to step back in hopes of escaping, only to bump into Adelinde, standing there with a guilty-looking Diluc by her side.
“You should’ve known that Diluc is a terrible liar,” Adelinde said with a look of reproach towards the three boys.
“My sons… maybe one day you’ll manage to steal some wine without us noticing, but that day is not today,” their father said with an amused tone. “But for now, since you’ve been caught, you’ll have to clean the wine barrels.” After Crepus spoke, all that could be heard were the boys’ sounds of protest.
[Name] and Kaeya often bother Diluc in his office while he’s working.
When [Name] is gone for long periods on Adventurers' Guild missions, his brothers worry about him a lot.
This could have lasted forever…
A happy family…
A family that loved each other…
Everything comes to an end…
A tragic end…
Crepus was dead, the boys' father was dead. [Name] was the only one who wasn’t there at the time.
The youngest of the three brothers was on patrol that day when he spotted one of the mansion's maids running towards him, her expression tearful. [Name] immediately grew concerned, but then he heard those words—his father, Crepus, was dead. At that moment, [Name]’s world shattered. The man who had taken care of him, the one who gave him a home when he had no one, was gone. [Name] felt like a child again, and he just cried—he cried a lot…
[Name] wanted to see his older brothers, to find comfort in them, so after recovering from his crying fit, he went to look for them. But when he found them, things didn’t go as he expected.
Everything happened so fast. [Name] found his brothers, but something was wrong—both were injured as if they had fought each other. Kaeya had a guilty look on his face, though he quickly masked it with a cold expression. Diluc, on the other hand, had nothing but burning rage in his eyes. Confused, [Name] called out to them.
“Diluc?… Kaeya? What happened? Why are you hurt?…” – [Name] asked in a weak, worried voice.
But all he got in return was silence. Neither of his brothers looked at him, completely ignoring their younger sibling’s presence. [Name] could tell that whatever had happened here wasn’t good. After a long silence, Diluc finally gave Kaeya one last look and spoke.
“We’re done here… I never want to see your face again,” – Diluc said, and began to walk away.
[Name], still not understanding anything and still in pain from their father’s death, was confused and panicking. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind, so he did the only thing he could think of—he ran after his brother and grabbed his arm.
“Diluc… brother… please—” – [Name] was cut off as Diluc pushed him away.
For the first time in his life, Diluc shouted at [Name], and the younger boy stepped back, afraid of his older brother. Diluc’s gaze seemed to waver slightly at seeing his brother’s fear, but it quickly vanished as he turned his back on [Name] and walked away.
In desperation, [Name] turned to Kaeya, but he was met with Kaeya averting his gaze and walking off as well.
And so, [Name] was left alone in that place, feeling nothing but pain—a deep, overwhelming pain. He couldn’t believe that on the same day he lost his beloved father, he also lost his two older brothers, and worst of all, he didn’t even know why they fought.
[Name] didn’t return to the mansion that night. Instead, he wandered aimlessly across the lands of Mondstadt. That night was the one he cried the most in his life, and the worst part was, he had no one to comfort him.
The next day, he returned to the mansion, only to be greeted by Adelinde, who informed him that both Kaeya and Diluc had left. So, [Name] made the decision to leave as well, no longer feeling welcome in the house he had grown up in, the house that now felt empty.
[Name] then packed his things to leave, but while putting his belongings in his backpack, he noticed an object he was sure he didn’t have before. That object was a Vision…
A Hydro Vision…
Part 2?
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heizlut · 2 years ago
Jealousy (part 1)
"Can you write about Aether, Gorou, Kazuha and Albedo getting jealous because the reader is not paying attention to them (like is busy that day and didn’t have time to be with them)?" (anon ask/answer)
a/n: so i kind of added a little twist to the prompt... i hope you don't mind, anon! (any extra character mentioned has a purely platonic relationship with reader with no hidden agenda, i promise!!)
cw: none! this drabble is sfw but is suggestive
tags: multiple chars x reader (separate), possessive!aether (he gets his own tag b/c he gets a lil mean with it), gn!reader, no specific pronouns used (just they/them), use of y/n (plz forgive me), not really proofread (r.i.p)
read part 2 here!
check out my masterlist here!
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You and Aether almost always took commissions together, but today was different. Kaeya had approached you personally with the hope that you would accompany him on his business trip Sumeru that he took on to help relieve Jean of some of her workload. What fully convinced you to accept was that Kaeya had told you to consider it more as a vacation with just a touch of business on the side. You happily accepted, excited to have a break and being able to spend it with someone you considered a close friend. Caught up in the excitement, you failed to let Katheryne know to tell Aether that you would be gone for awhile.
Imagine Aether's surprise when he ends up on a commission in Sumeru a day later and sees you with Kaeya at one of the taverns. Your laughter rings in his ears as though Kaeya had just said the funniest thing in the world. Aether finds himself becoming frustrated... no, jealous. Not only had you failed to let him know you would be travelling to Sumeru for who knows how long, you were also there with Kaeya. He made his way over to where you both sat, taking the seat right next to before even greeting either of you. Your eyes widen as you realize the mistake you had made when you had forgotten to inform him of where you were going and with who.
Before you can even apologize, Aether has a fake smile plastered on his face, but you're quick to notice how his jaw is tensed as he places a hand on your thigh under the table, giving it a harsh squeeze to let you know how he really felt, "Y/n and Kaeya, funny seeing you two here." The tone of his voice was saccharine and you shift a little nervously in your seat, only making Aether dig his fingers into the plushness of your thigh even more. Kaeya is quick to notice but chooses not to say anything about it, "Well hello, traveller. What brings you all the way here to Sumeru?" Aether holds that fake smile on his face as he tells Kaeya about the commission he was on and how it was oh so interesting that he couldn't find his lover who would normally accompany him. You look at Aether, a glint of possessiveness in his eyes as he steals a glance at you before looking back to Kaeya. "Apologies for whisking them away for a day. I simply wanted some familiar company around as I completed some business here", Kaeya offers a small smile. Aether hums in response, "Well then apologies for cutting this trip a bit short. I'm sure any remaining business you have here can be done without y/n" Kaeya nods in understanding, "You're quite right. Well then, I suppose I'll see you two when I return back to Mondstadt. Safe travels!" He stands up, excusing himself as he walks off toward the docks of Port Ormos. You seem to let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding as you turn to look at your jealous lover, "Aether... I'm so sorry." Aether simply tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, "Don't worry. You can always make it up to me."
Gorou was already not the biggest fan of Heizou, especially now that you were spending the day with him, having stated that you were helping him with a new case that had caught your own personal interest. It was already nearing sundown when you still had yet to return and Gorou excuses himself from the other soldiers chatting with him, now on a mission to find you and bring you back home, away from that sneaky detective. As soon as he makes his way towards the entrance of the camp, Gorou hears the sweet sound of your voice. He almost breathes out a sigh of relief only for it to get caught in his throat when he hears his own name fall from Heizou's lips in a comment that Gorou couldn't quite pick up from this distance. His ears press flat against his head as he makes his way towards both of you, moving as if he's about to enter into a battle. You smile sweetly when you finally spot your lover, beginning to raise your hand up in a wave. But your smile flaters slightly when you see a look of anger and.. was that jealousy in his eyes? Heizou pays no mind to the demeanor of the approaching general, offering his typical sly smile, "Why hello there, General Gorou~"
Gorou fights back the growl that's trying to claw its way from deep in his chest as finally stands in front of you both. He grabs your chin, turning your head at various angles as if he was inspecting you for anything amiss. When he sees that you're perfectly fine, he tilts your head up to look at him, a stern expression on his face, "I think your time spent with that detective is over." Heizou dramatically feins offense, "Oh, so now I'm just 'that detective'? I'm wounded." Gorou shoots him a glare but your sweet voice draws his attention back to you. You reach up to gently caress his cheek, looking at him so sweetly, "Gorou, I'm fine. There's no need to be so hostile. I'm sorry I was away all day. We just got caught up on so many new leads we both lost track of the time." Gorou's expression softens slightly at your words, realizing that he's gotten all worked up over something that really shouldn't bother him as much as it does. He lets go of your chin, letting out a heavy sigh as he wraps on arm around your waist, pulling you away from the detective, "S-sorry... Let's just head back to the tent now, yeah?" You let him pull you alongside him as Heizou watches you both walk away with a shit-eating grin on his face, having been quite entertained by Gorou's antics.
Kazuha doesn't get jealous easily. He has always been such a laid back lover and felt secure with his relationship with you. However, you had spent almost your entire day with Thoma making sweaters for the cute little strays around Inazuma. He knows it's really such a silly thing to be jealous over, especially when you were simply helping Thoma care for the animals that most definitely deserved the love and care you both showed them. But what truly drove him to jealousy was that you seemed to have forgotten that you two had previously made plans to spend the next couple of days together before he had to board Beidou's ship that was heading for Liyue.
Kazuha did not want to interrupt you two, but the moment that Thoma had offered to knit you both matching sweaters, he felt the need to butt in. Neither you nor Thoma noticed Kazuha approaching, so of course you let out a small gasp when he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist while pressing a kiss to your cheek, "Hello, my dove. Have you been having fun today?" Kazuha was definitely making it well known that you were his and his alone. "Kazuha! I-", you stop yourself, your mouth falling open slightly when you realize that you had forgotten about your previously made plans with him. "Oh archons, Kaz, I am so so sorry. I completely forgot-", Kazuha cuts you off this time as he puts his fingers under your chin, tilting your head back just enough for him to press a deep kiss to your lips. Thoma stands there a bit dumbfounded as he watches the scene before him, a blush creeping onto his cheeks when he quickly clears his throat awkwardly, "I-i'll just get going now. I'll see you around, y/n." Kazuha hides his satisfied smirk by nuzzling into your neck.
Albedo hadn't seen you all day and after one of his most prized theories ended up falling apart, all he wanted to do was hold you and let his frustrations melt away. When he got back to his lab up in Dragonspine after being at the Knights of Favonius HQ all day, he expected you to be curled up reading a book with a thick blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you usually would. His soft smile faltered when he realizes that you are not there. He pauses for a moment when he sees a note left on one of his alchemy tables. Picking it up, he recognizes your handwriting instantly, 'Albedo, I am out helping Aether and Diluc over at Angel's Share. I am unsure of when I'll return, but I will do my best to be back before it gets to be too late in the evening♡'
Albedo has never quite understood human emotions, so when this strange feeling emerged and made his chest tighten, he wasn't exactly sure what it meant. Why did you have to spend the day with those two, especially the traveller? While he considered Aether to be a friend, Aether was still a traveller from another world with a mysterious aura about him, leading Albedo to wonder if he could be completely trusted. He found himself making his way back down Dragonspine and into Angel's Share. There he found you happily chatting away with the two men as you helped them organize the various crates of wine in the back. Diluc was the first to notice Albedo's presence, "Albedo, I never expected to see you here in Angel's Share. What brings you here this evening?" Albedo forces a slight polite smile onto his face, "Y/n, here left a note to tell me they were here with you and the traveller" His eyes meet yours, but there is a darker glint to them that you had never seen in your lover's eyes before especially when Aether's hand brushed against yours as he helped you set down a particularly heavy crate of wine.
Aether can't help the blush on his face as he mutters an apology to which you smile sweetly in return, letting him know it was okay. No, it most certainly wasn't okay, Albedo thinks to himself as the feeling in his chest begins to nag at him even more. He swiftly moves to your side, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding your hand in his free one, moving it up to his lips as he presses a kiss to the top of it, "Love, I think it is time for us both to head back. It is quite late after all." His tone sounded sincere but had a hint of bitterness to it. You simply nod your head, letting your lover lead you out, but you don't fail to notice the cheeky smile he flashes back at the other two men as he raises his hand in a wave, "Have a nice evening."
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a/n: i went a little feral writing these… clearly
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beruxyz · 1 year ago
- Annoyingly Adorable
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Genshin Women x (Platonic)Child! Reader
"𝙸𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑, 𝙰 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚌��𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜."
Characters : Jean, Lisa, Ganyu || (Seperate)
Warnings : Fatherless 😹 (Reader is GN)
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𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫 || 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚍𝚝
- A Mother and an Acting Grandmaster of Mondstadt, She was as usual very busy with stacks upon stacks of complaints from the citizens.
- She loved you very much to the point that she would even let you play inside her office, As long as you were not disturbing her. (And that's saying alot.)
- Perhaps it was the fact that you looked so much like your father that she didn't want to be seperated from you. She didn't want whatever happened to your father to happen to you too due to her ignorance. (Which was just her being really busy.)
- Usually, The Knights or Klee would play with you but Klee was currently in.. Jail as the spark knight puts it and the Knights were too busy to play with you since a particular potion shop decided to appear out of no where.
-And.. That left you alone. with your not-so strict, overworked and busy mom. In a room. Together.
- You were not gonna do anything, It was just that it was too boring and the awful sound of pen scratching against the paper was probably the only entertainment a child could have in this barren wasteland. Playing with toys given to you by Mr. One Eye and Lady Lisa was already boring you to death.
- So.. You decided to leave the office, Closing the door fast as your mom was about to say no.
"Y/N get back ʜᴇʀᴇ-" Jean's voice was soon muffled by the door closing. A child out of their parent's sight is a child to fear because no amount of pestering is gonna be able to calm them down unless you get the parent themselves.
You were not gonna do anything, Maybe perhaps try to picklock the door to Klee's jail (Didn't work) or maybe you could try to steal a book in the library (Lisa saw you immediately upon entering) or maybe you should just hide, Yes! Hide, Hide and Seek! Oh you were so happy upon having that sudden thought in your little head as you ran around the Favonius Headquarters with a toy in hand and no adult supervision.
It was not in Jean's checklist to spend almost half the day trying to find and catch you. Even with the knights who came back to HQ upon her request to help her find and catch her child was ALSO not part of her checklist! Ah, This was too much already, This sure will put a bad image on not only her but also the knights!
"Y/N." A stern voice spoke behind you as you were sitting, facing the wall giggling to yourself. Perhaps it was the lack of softness in her voice that absolutely terrified you as you slowly looked behind you with fear in your eyes. "Mom.. Hi!" You spoke nervously, Standing up from your hiding spot as you gripped the hand of your toy tightly.
"No more games. Come now, Mom is very tired of this." The softness in Jean's voice returned as a sigh escaped her. Jean picked you up, A stern look on her face before breaking out into a soft smile. You just reminded her too much of your father.
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𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐚 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢 || 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚍𝚝
- The one and only Favonius Librarian and your mom, She may not seem like it but even librarians like her tend to be overworked most of the time, Especially the appearance of the Potion Shop that the Acting Grandmaster wanted to put up. Safe to say it was going pretty well.
- You and Lisa were often seen sitting next to the Potion Stand, You usually drawing on the coloring book that Mr. Kaeya gave you and Lisa sipping on her cup of tea while reading the Market demands.
- Your Mom made sure that she explained to you what will happen if you happened to steal one of the potions. (Lighthearted threats of course, She didn't want you to just up and steal the potions that the Traveler worked hard for.)
- But, Did that stop you? A little bit, You were still curious of the effects of some potions. Like the one that made you get all the wisdom! Like every wisdom in the world?! That would be so cool to use, especially on days where your mom suddenly quizzed you out of no where..
- So perhaps you stole a potion, Maybe two.. Or three. They were just vials, Not the actual potions of course. Paimon made a deal with you to give her some food in exchange for some vial of the potions that the Traveler was making.
- To any costumer that happened to walk by the two of you were very much suspicious and weirded out, Because the two of you looked like you were doing some "strange deals" together.
-A kid and a.. Floating fairy doing deals, Yeah totally normal in today's society of course.
- Paimon told you that the effects would wear out eventually, especially since these were not the actual full blown potions but more of a "sample". Which, You were a bit disappointed about but i mean.. It's better than nothing i suppose.
"Where have you been? Mom has been worried sick.." Lisa spoke worriedly as she stood up from her seat, Checking to make sure you're alright.
"Im fine, im fine. Me and Paimon were just playing and.. Stuff." You answered with a grin, A grin that if your mom looked too closely at then she will surely interrogate you. "Hmm.. What's that in your pocket sweetie?" Lisa asked with curiousity, Curiousity that was definitely mixed with teasing as a smirk was already plastered on her face.
"Snacks.. Uhh, Paimon gave me some snacks which i know, really weird since she never uh.. Shares food.. Or something." You were practically spewing out sweat like a sprinkler, Looking up at you mom with an Innocent smile. "Mhm.. Empty your pockets." Lisa spoke sternly, A hand already out for whatever was inside your pocket. You just let out a loud groan before emptying your pockets to reveal 3 vials of Wisdom and Constitution potions.
"Why would you need these? Are you hiding something behind me Y/N?" Your mom asked with a serious tone as she examined the vials for a bit before knowing what it was. "Well.. I just wanted to answer your quizzes correctly.."
"But you do answer my quizzes, Sure it's not correct most of the time but that's what matters. Mistakes are proofs that you're trying, and that's what matters, Alright?" Lisa spoke with a soft smile, Crouched down in front of you while softly patting your head. You can never fool you mom and give her a hard time, Because she just turns it into you sobbing at her clothes.
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𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐮 || 𝙻𝚒𝚢𝚞𝚎
- A Qixing General Secretary and a Mother. Ooh boy, So many things to do and so many papers to go thru, The life of a particular Half-Qilin and Half-Human named Ganyu.
-You, As her sweet (And unfortunately mischievous) pride and joy, Her child is quite literally the only thing that motivates her to get home on time. That is unless a sudden overtime happens which she will suddenly lose all tiredness and fully commit to her work. (Even if she already had fully committed, She just wants to embrace her kid after a long day.)
- Has her child already eaten?
- Complex meeting minutes, disorderly report data... Every day, piles of documents flow by like water, each one personally compiled by Ganyu into clear and concise words in order to assist the Qixing's every decision and negotiation as the papers go through various organizational departments.
- Archons, she misses her child already.
- As the secretary of Yuehai Pavilion, Ganyu undertakes many tasks that ordinary folk do not see. For those that have witnessed her standing by the dock on her breaks or enjoying her breakfast in silence, it is difficult to imagine her in such a position.
- Oftentimes, when she returns home from work at around midnight, She would see you sleeping on her Mentor, cloud retainer's lap. She was quite shocked when she first saw you with her family figure, Apologizing immediately after accidentally waking the two of you up as Cloud Retainer just sighed.
- Recently, After a particular event happened. Ganyu kept seeing a little girl named Shuyu play with you, Which turned out to be her mentor's newest disciple, A disciple from the human world.. Well Ganyu can't be weirded out by it, You yourself was a product of a human man and Ganyu, But that's a story for another time.
- Ganyu of course was very happy that you were making friends with Shuyu, even the other kids in Liyue Harbor has started to hang out with you which made her very proud. But it felt like you were growing too fast, Ganyu is not even sure if you got her Qilin blood as well.. She's only half qilin, Which definitely lessened your chances of you being one. But until you started to show signs that you did in fact have Qilin blood running in your veins, Let her be cuddly and clingy to you.
- This however, Led you to be a bit displeased with your mother's sudden clingyness towards you, Often leading you to ignore her kisses or hugs. (Which Ganyu understood but still very much felt motherly pain from it.)
- You displeased it so much to the point that you would stay out of your mother's sight whenever you were playing with your friends in public. (Knowing that she is the secretary of Yuehai Pavillion.)
"Y/N! Y/N! Isn't that your mom?" One of your close friends asked while not-so subtly pointing at the direction in which your mother was talking to a merchant, She looked quite angry if you were being honest.
"Yeah, Come on let's go!" You spoke while grabbing your friend's arm, pulling them back as you ran to the other side of Liyue Harbor. Of course, Ganyu noticed this. In fact, She had already finished talking to the merchant the moment you grabbed your friend's arm to drag them away.
As your mother, She quickly followed behind while making sure to be out of you and your friend's sight, She didn't want you running away again to some weird place in Liyue Harbor. (Because archon's know what those alleyways do.)
"Hm.. Wait, Why are we even running? Isn't your mom a Qixing or something?" You friend asked while taking deep breaths, Looking at you with a curious gaze. "Secretary of the Qixing, And i just wanna be left alone right now.. Mom is way too clingy around me, I don't even understand the suddenness of it and why she's suddenly clingy!" You whisper-yelled to your friend, Ranting about your mom while your friend just stayed quiet.
Maybe the reason your friend stayed quiet is perhaps because your mom, Ganyu, is literally right BEHIND you. "Yeah.. Yeah.. Uhh, Well.. Dad needs me in his stall now, Bye bye Y/N!" Your friend spoke hurriedly before leaving you confused.
"What's up with them? Eh, Whatever.." You muttered under your breath before turning around, Only to be met with your mother with a sad frown on her face. "Y/N! I.. I didn't know that you didn't like my hugs! Or kisses! You could have told me you know?" Ganyu whispered, She was talking to you in a public place after all of course and she didn't wanna draw so much attention to the both of you already.
"We're talking later when i get home."
"Ah.. Crap."
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𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨! 𝘐 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘓𝘓 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘛𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘳. 𝘉𝘶𝘩-𝘣𝘺𝘦
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impactedfates · 1 year ago
hehhaharhar i so totally not deprived of father figure! genshin men with kidnapped child reader? pls pls 💓💓💓any man is fine but perferably the tall ones ☝
★ A/N: Yeah sure you aren't...anyways, yep I got you covered with this request :))
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons (Characters Included (Separate): Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Childe, Kaveh)
☆ Warnings: Mentions and hints of kidnapping // Mentions of death (In Diluc and Childes) // Spoilers for the Liyue Archon quest if you have not done it yet // Mentions of going to the hospital (Kavehs)
★ Extra: Reader is adopted in Zhonglis one // Reader is shorter then most characters (They're about 6-7 age wise) // Reader has no vision // Reader is ofc NOT traveler
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For whatever reason I can see it being a Fatui that kidnapped you. Perhaps to get payback for the massacre Diluc caused back in Snenznaya. Whatever the reason, once Diluc finds out you’re gone and it was because of the Fatui? Oh he’s more then pissed.
If they wanted to upset him, they succeeded. Perhaps too successfully as when he finally finds you, most of the Fatui that’s been there to ensure you don’t escape has been soaking in a pool of their own blood. He of course won’t hurt anyone violently if you’re in the room, but he will knock the other people in there out. He’ll pick you up and hide your face in his chest as he calmly walks out.
When you are back home, he’ll take a few days off work to ensure you’re okay after what happened, and maybe if it comes to it he may actually ask some of the Knights of Favonius for help as well.
Honestly whether or not he actually hurt anyone is up to you, however I do think that when it comes to family, he isn't that hesitant to be a bit more violent then usual.
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Getting adopted and having your father being the ex-archon of Liyue had it's ups and downs, especially as you witnessed your father continuously forget his wallet, however never have you thought you'd get kidnapped.
You weren't sure why though, Zhongli had kept his identity a secret and the only ones knowing were other Archons and the traveler as far as you knew plus Zhongli in his "mortal" form isn't that much of an important figure to others, nor is he famous. Yet here you were, treasure hoarders surrounding you.
Meanwhile, Zhongli was panicking wondering where you went. One second you were close behind him, the next you were gone. So he quickly called upon some of the adeptus to search for you and thankfully, you also had the privilege to call upon Xiaos name and he'll come right to your side. Whatever happened to the treasure hoarders?
You're not sure, Xiao simply teleported you away and right into your fathers arms as he held you tight before disappearing into the green mist once again. Zhongli checks all over you to ensure you aren't hurt. After that day, he's sure to always have an eye on you and when he cannot. An adeptus will look out for you from afar.
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Being a Knight, and a captain in fact. Kaeya definitely encountered people wanting to push his cool persona over the edge. It's part of the reason why he's a bit hesitant on growing closer to certain loved ones.
He's afraid of loosing them, so when he lost you. He did not take it well, despite his cool demeanour when he ordered some knights to go search for you, people like Jean and his brother Diluc were quick to see he was in a state of panic, Jean even offered to take over the search so Kaeya could relax but he didn't want too. He had to find you safe and sound, even if that meant he had to get hurt.
When you are finally found, he's quick to take whoever's responsible away and have Jean deal with them properly as he himself brings you to Barbara who checks for injuries you may have sustained. He's by your side at all times and may even be hesitant to leave your side.
Even though Jean likely did give him some time off to spend time with you and for him to cool down after what happened, he's still unwilling to leave you alone, even with another babysitter. He does reluctantly agree when his older brother offers to take care of you. He knows Diluc is strong and will be able to protect you. (Better than Diluc protecting him anyways)
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Whoever kidnapped you must have a death wish or something...
Of course it's easy to see why someone were to kidnap you. I mean, being the kid of not only the fatui, but a harbinger. It's clear why someone tried to kidnap Tartaglia's kid but...it's not smart either.
The Fatui have a large amount of people working for them, and most aren't afraid to attack. And due to the fact Childe is a harbinger, it's easy for him to get people to find you as soon as he knows of your disappearance and when you are found, he asks his subordinates to take you back to his house where his family will look after you whilst Childe *cough cough* uh...deals with the perps responsible.
He'll come back soon, cleaned up but faintly smelling of blood and double checks to see you're okay. Now he does go back to work faster then anyone else, this is mainly because I don't think he'll really be allowed time off, however he does have some subordinates keep an eye on you from afar.
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Oh archons, he is p a n i c k i n g. Once Kaveh finds out you've been kidnapped he's so worried, it takes Alhaitham to actually shake him to get him to finally focus on finding you. Unfortunately unlike the others listed in this post so far, he cannot easily go looking for you himself. However being friends with Cyno does mean you have the General of the Mahamatra looking for you and he is good at his job.
It may take awhile but eventually Cyno does find you, and after dealing with the kidnappers and arresting them. Takes you to the Sumeru hospital (they have one right?) to get healed as he tells Kaveh that you've been found.
Kaveh stays by your side no matter what, he'll sleep on the damn floor of the hospital if he has too, he doesn't even leave you once you're discharged from it either. He feels so guilty about what happened and blames himself so he tries his best to make more time with you. Even if this means his debts may increase, he just wants to spend as much time with you as possible encase this happens again.
And hey, Alhaitham may be kind enough to dismiss Kavehs missed rent payment that month.
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Weehee. I actually enjoyed writing this :D However next time please make sure to check to see if my requests are open before sending one in, in any case I hope you liked this <33
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prttykittes · 1 year ago
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MASTERLIST! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Meanings :: — 🦷= fluff/sfw, 🧠 = smut/nsfw, 🕊️ = dark content, 🦴 = angst, 🐾 = platonic
A/N :: most of them are afab but also gender neutral! but I am trying to do amab as well!{btw afab means people born as females, amab means people born as males! Still gender neutral..kinda ig)
Events :: KINKTOBER 2023 ! .
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Genshin impact !
STEPBRO!Kaeya devours you when your asleep! — Kaeya #afab/female reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
BIGBRO!Aether fucks you and claims you! — Aether #Gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
ONLYFANS!Scara fucks you! — trans!Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠
Foul legacy Childe fucks you after losing the battle! — Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️
Multiple genshin characters smut! — Beidou, Kazuha, Zhongli, Diluc #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (two are incest)
ONLYFANS!Childe rides your dick/strap! — Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
Cutting initials on both skins! — Rosaria, Yae Miko #female reader 🧠🦷(slightly suggestive)
You Fuck afab!kabukimono cunt with your dick/strap! — kabukimono/Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Dom!Scara fucks you and him with a double dildo! — Scaramouche #female/afab reader 🧠
Face riding Childe! — Childe #afab reader 🧠
:3 anon writes Zhongli sadly boops ur dead body(tw.nerco)! — Zhongli #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️(I can't fix the tags for some reason, it won't let me :(
Afab!Scara humps ur pillow and piss' and comes on it! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Baking a cake with big brother!scara! — Scaramouche, Ei, Yae Miko #gender neutral reader 🦷🐾
Scara fucks you and pisses in your hole! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Lactation kink with Scara(your pregnant in this..)! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Doctor dottore confess his feelings for you! — dottore #gender neutral reader 🦷(🕊️maybe)
Scara craves his name into your skin! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🦷(tw.blood)
Pegging Lyney with a 🍌 with a rainbow condom! — Lyney #afab reader 🧠
S-cara writes me Scara smut! — no reader mentioned #Scara solo 🧠
I write S-cara a gift! — CHONGYUN x reader x SCARAMOUCHE #gn reader 🧠
Childe fucks u when his siblings open presents! — Childe/Ajax #gender neutral reader 🧠
Threesome and NTR with genshin characters! — Xiao, Zhongli, Venti, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Raiden EI, Xingqiu, Chongyun #gn reader 🧠(cw.slight incest, NTR)
Stepcest w/ genshin men — Scaramouche, Zhongli, Kazuha, Kabukimono #gn reader 🧠🕊️(tw.stepcest)
Fem!scara scissors you! — Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠
Scara and Xiao noncon threesome u! — Xiao, Scaramouche #gn reader 🧠🕊️(tw. Noncon, slight stepcest)
Scara fucks u cat!reader when ur in heat! — Scaramouche #amab reader 🧠(CW.dubcon?)
Incest w/ wo/men! — Diluc, Lisa, Baizhu, Scaramouche, Childe #afab & GN!reader 🧠🕊️(tw.incest)
GENSHIN and HSR men w/ smut! — Dottore, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Blade, Dan Heng, Jing yuan #gn & afab reader 🧠
(step or not) big!brother! scara has anal sex with u! — Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠🕊️(tw.(step/in)cest)
Wanderer awkwardly praising you! — Wanderer #gender neutral reader 🧠
Kazuha praises and Wanderer regards you! Kazuha, Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠 (CW.threesome)
Bully!reader bullies their sensitive nipples! — Kabukimono, Thoma, Kazuha #gender neutral reader 🧠 (cw.classroom sex)
Public sex and getting caught! — Kaeya, Wanderer, Kazuha #gender neutral reader 🧠
Fucking their boyclits! — Scaramouche, Yuta, Choso #gender neutral reader 🧠
Klee comforting her 15yr bff! - Klee #gender neutral reader 🐾
Foursome with Venti, Kazuha, Scara! — venti, Kazuha, Scara #gender neutral reader 🧠
Raw and lipstick! — Choso, Kabukimono, Gojo, Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
Kazuha fucks you and scara after y'all tried! — Kazuscara #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Bsd !
Daddy kink! — Dazai, Fukuzawa, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Blowjobs! — Akutagawa, Atsushi, ranpo #amab reader 🧠
Domming you! — Dom!ranpo #amab reader 🧠
Pussy and dick! — Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi #afab reader 🧠
Akutagawa eats you out! — Akutagawa #afab reader 🧠
Beast!Boss Dazai punishes you — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
Chii reader personality — Dazai, Atsushi, Mori #gender neutralreader 🧠
Nipple play — Chuuya #gn reader 🧠
One night stand! — PMzai #female reader 🧠
First time + highschooler reader! — Dazai #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️
Date and "normal" highschooler reader! — PMzai #gender neutral reader 🦷
Annoying people when you are with him! — Akutagawa, Sigma #female reader 🦷
Writing Fantasies! — Poe #gender neutral 🧠🦷
Anonymous and I write incest smut of Chuuya! — Dad!Chuuya #afab reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Lingerie shopping & fucking! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
Rei personality! Reader! — Beast!Dazai, Fyodor #female reader 🧠
:3 anon and I write dazai fucks you with your panties! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
:3 anon writes roofie smut with Dazai! — Dazai #gender neutral 🧠🕊️
Chubby darling anon writes pervy stepbro! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
🌷 anon writes BigBro!Nikolai teaching you! — Nikolai #female reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Nerco!boypussy sigma fucks himself on you! — Sigma #afab reader 🧠🕊️
Dominating beast Dazai!(after he doms you) — BEASTZai #gender neutral reader 🧠
Cheater!bsd cheats on you! — Dazai, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
You have sex with the girls in cheater!bsd — female ocs (Dazai,Chuuya) #gender neutral reader 🧠
Comforting you about sh scars(?)! — Dazai, Chuuya #female reader 🦷
Baking cupcakes for your loved one! — Kenji, Unspecified #gender neutral 🦷🐾(one is where reader likes Kenji and second is Unspecified x reader :)
Chubby darling anon writes Icky stalker! Poe smut! — Poe #i forgot gender reader 🧠
Reader touching themselves and the bed men watch you! — Dazai, Fyodor, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Brat taming Ranpo but not really?? Not sure tbh! — Ranpo, mentioned Poe #amab reader 🧠
15!ssk comforting you after an weird old man! — Chuuya, Dazai #gender neutral reader 🦷(🐾)
First time with Atsushi! — Atsushi #female/afab reader 🧠🦷
Dad!Chuuya throat fucks you(his son's homeroom teacher!) — Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Stepdad!Chuuya fucks u and cupcakes! — Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠 🕊️ (tw.stepcest)
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EXTRA! [twst, hsr, tokyorev, jjk, pjsk, randoms!)
GENSHIN and HSR men w/ smut! — Dottore, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Blade, Dan Heng, Jing yuan #gn & afab reader 🧠
Leona fucks because ur his lucky item! — Leona #afab reader 🧠
Fucking their boyclits! — Scaramouche, Yuta, Choso #gender neutral reader 🧠
Raw and Lipstick! — Choso, Kabukimono, Gojo, Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Sexually provoked! — Barou #female reader 🧠
Threesome with reonagi and bonus! — Reo, Nagi #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Demon Slayer !
:3 anon and I write Free use Friday so he fucks you until your out! — Giyu #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Chainsaw man !
One sided date! — Denji #Gender neutral reader 🦷
Pick which one of us! — Denji, Yoshida #implied fem but gender neutral 🦷
:3 anon and I write Dad!Aki fucking you and calling you mutt!! #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
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Obey me !
Nothing yet (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)
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Original characters & unspecified characters !
:3 anon writes good incest smut and I love them for it!! — unspecified #fem reader(uses she/her) 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Blowing daddy!(I write smut in a hate post)! — incest(daddy! Unspecified #gender neutral 🧠🕊️ (incest)
You have sex with the girls in cheater!bsd — female ocs(Dazai, Chuuya) #gender neutral 🧠
:3 anon and I write incest sister smut with leash! — female oc/unspecified #feminine! reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Nanny!Reader has sex with married man?! — unspecified/male oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Butler!male teacher his master(you) a lesson about your mouth! — Unspecified/male oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Paying stuff with your mouth! — shop worker!male unspecified/oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Perv!character fucks "you" but he is doing a random girl and imagines it's u! — Unspecified #afab reader 🧠
Yandere!male who fucks someone for your guys child! — Oc/Unspecified #gn reader 🧠(CW.dubcon(?)
Yandere!Loser fucks u! — Oc #gender neutral reader 🧠(tw. masochist)
(⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「 yippee!!
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worldstarz · 9 months ago
saving kaeya after his fight with diluc
pairing: kaeya alberich x fem!knight!reader
summary: after his fight with diluc, kaeya is thrown out of the manor to fend for himself. stumbling, bleeding, and on the verge of death, he finds you.
tags: hurt + comfort ; some angst ; mutual (?) feelings ; tbh could also be seen as platonic ; pre-storyline ; not proofread ; prolly ooc i’m so sorry
cw: blood ; injuries ; mentions of violence
notes: going through my notes app that is filled to the BRIM with oc x canon pairings. i haven’t played genshin in over a year (and this blurb was originally written like two years ago lmao) but i still love my flirty slutty cryo man! anyways i altered it so it’s reader x kaeya and removed some oc stuff, but idk how to fit in an explanation on why you’re in the forest… let your imagination run wild!!!
kaeya stumbled out of the winery, hand trembling over his bleeding eye.
'it's fine... everything will be fine.' thoughts raced through his head. his whole entire body was throbbing in pain. it’s not like he could go back inside the winery to rest—not after a fight as nasty as that.
"diluc will be running over to some maid any second now. ha, lucky bastard," kaeya muttered.
diluc had a team of servants that he could go to. kaeya only had diluc, emphasis on had.
at the dead of night, there was no way he could get care at the cathedral. he couldn't hold in a chuckle, realizing the situation he was in. he had no one, huh? though popular, kaeya didn’t have any particularly close friends who he could spend the night with.
with that, he knew he had no choice but to pitifully limp to the favonius headquarters—a long, long walk away.
he barely made it into the forest before he fell to the ground, wheezing against a tree. his ears were ringing, but he could hear footsteps cautiously approaching him. he didn't even have the energy to lift his head.
"kaeya? what the hell are you doing out here this late?" whose voice was that...? was it an angel’s? oh, wait. angels wouldn’t swear. it was your voice.
in the state he was in, he could only muster a grunt in response. you kneeled down in front of him, and gasped at the sight of his collapsed body. "just what have you gotten yourself into this time?" you muttered. "can't stand up anymore, huh?"
you tilted his chin up, and both of you wince—him as a result of pain, you due to getting a clear view of his injuries. his blue hair, usually tied into a low ponytail, cascaded down his shoulders, caked in blood. his crimson-soaked chest rose and fell rapidly. "ooh, that is nasty. come on, lean on me. we're going to headquarters." you kneeled down to wrap your arm around his torso, gingerly lifting him up.
"well, would you look at that. that’s exactly where i was heading,” he chuckled, leaning against your body. typically, he would never accept support from another. but, with this arguably being the lowest point of his life, his pride was the least of his concerns. plus, you were just so undeniably warm. if he’s on the verge of death, then maybe being by your side wouldn’t be so bad for a final memory.
you don’t respond, your pace slower from his weight and for his comfort. silence follows. you obviously had a million questions for him—what the hell happened? did he get in a fight with an abyss mage? why was he out so late?—but you could tell he was beyond exhausted, and from the sight of his gushing wounds, getting answers was far from a priority.
the two of you arrived in the city, streets barren in the pitch black of night. the tavern was closed, so, thankfully, no drunkards were hanging about near the path.
the inside of the headquarters was equally empty. the soft glow of lanterns lit the way up the stairs to the barracks. "kaeya, where is your room?" you asked, your voiced barely above a whisper as to not wake the other knights.
"all the way at the end of the hall. but... i forgot my keys," he whispered. you could tell he was smirking.
"how sly of you. if i didn't know any better, i would've thought this was another trick of yours to be close to a lady," you responded, though there wasn’t a hint of accusation in your voice.
"ha, you know me so well."
"to my room we go." you walked further up the steps.
after a moment of silence, you mumbled, "i know you're not the type of person to sneak into a lady's room."
"i'm grateful you understand me so well."
"zip it. i don't even know your favorite color."
unlocking your door, you gently set kaeya down on your bed. you immediately get to work, removing his coat and shoes. usually, his slick tongue would say something suggestive, but tonight, he had no choice but to refrain.
even with your limited knowledge of first aid, you knew just a damp rag would do nothing to help. "i have no tools with me," you say, beginning to walk away. "i'll go grab so-"
kaeya suddenly grabbed your arm, effectively stopping both you and your sentence. he looked so... pained. "please don't go,” he whispered. you never could have expected this level of venerability from him.
"...kaeya?" you whispered, turning to face him. "i have to find a way to tend to your injuries. you're in pain, aren't you?"
his hand slacked.
after coming back with medical supplies, the two of you were silent as you tended to his wounds. he gazed at the ceiling, the silence occasionally broken by you asking for permission for actions such as unbuttoning his shirt. you don’t comment on the new cryo vision in his pocket.
deep gashes littered his body, most notably a diagonal one across his chest. as you applied pressure against the gaping wound in an effort to stanch the bleeding, kaeya couldn’t help but hiss in pain. “sorry, sorry, i’m trying to be gentle,” you whispered hurried apologies, using one hand to continue applying pressure and the other to hold his hand.
his grip tightened, and the poor boy whispered, “i know, i trust you. or, well, i’m trying to.”
all you could do regarding his eye was wrap it in bandages to get it checked out in the morning. the basic first aid lessons you were required to take to become a knight did not cover an injury like that.
once you finished, you sat on the floor, leaning against the bed frame. he was still holding onto your hand.
"what happened?" you asked softly.
"was it an ambush?"
"i'll report it in the mor-"
"don't. please, don't," he whispered. “i swear i’ll explain everything to you one day.”
you grimaced. "fine. just... promise not to do anything stupid like that again, alright? i was worried."
kaeya didn't respond, going over your words in his head. you were worried? you didn't seem worried. but... you were worried. why would you so willingly take care of him like this? how would you react if you knew who he really was? would you still be worried?
he couldn't hold back his tears and restrained sobs. you lifted your head in surprise, leaning in closer to scan his expression.
"my apologies," he tried to smile, covering his face with his free arm in embarrassment. no one has seen him like this before, and it was far too foreign for him. "especially when you let me use your room."
in response, you squeezed his hand, whispering, “it’s fine. i don’t think of you any differently.”
how do you always know exactly what to say? to grant him at least a little bit of privacy, you turn away as he quietly sobbed into his forearm.
after a while, he sniffles, saying, “i apologize. i don’t know what came over me.” trying to get some humor out of the situation, he adds, “well, i guess we are bonded for eternity now, aren’t we?”
you turned your head to face him, the furrow of your brows causing him to chuckle. “archons, you’re going to be the death of me,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“seeing how you saved me from death, that wouldn’t be fair, would it?” his foxy grin made you let out yet another exasperated sigh, but you still couldn’t help but smile slightly. it was obvious he was trying to act tough for you, but for now, you would follow along with his fantasy.
“alright, whatever. get some sleep.”
“and what about your sleeping arrangements?”
“i’ll manage. i’ve slept on the forest floor for missions, i can handle a hardwood floor.”
“oh? i couldn’t possibly let my savior sleep in such horrible conditions,” he teased. “won’t you join me in bed?”
“barbatos, give me strength,” you muttered.
he laughs softly, and you can feel your stomach tighten at the sound. even during such a rough moment, kaeya can still manage to put up a charming appearance. his single eye twinkled in the low dim of the candlelight, and you realized your falling for his sly tricks. “please, [name], won’t you grant a poor, injured man his dying wish?”
with a groan, you let go of his hand and climb into the bed beside him, careful not to touch him to avoid any unnecessary pain.
“i knew you were a saint!” he gives you a triumphant smile as you lay on your side to look at him. his tanned skin, though scratched, still was as enchanting as ever in the moonlight. the deep blue of his eye pulled you in deeper, and once again, you realized you were a victim of his charm. but, this was different—though he would never admit it, with your tender care of his wounds and unwavering support, he has unknowingly fell victim to your charm, too. his hand seeks out yours once again, intertwining your fingers.
neither of you commented on the continuation of the hand-holding, nor would you ever.
only then, as you two shared the cramped bed space, does kaeya come to a realization—he had you.
his grip on your hand tightened.
he has you.
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 10 months ago
May I request some tooth rotting fluff for a reader who's in a relationship with Diluc, gets a little too drunk at Angel's Share, falls asleep, and Kaeya brings them back to Dawn Winery to hand them over to Diluc? (I think this falls within your rules, as they're not sharing a darling, but more like siblings looking out for one another. But also, considering their painful past, I think it'd be nice to get at least some very rare sweet brother moments between them. If this request doesn't work for you tho, feel free to delete!)
I got you, this is hella cute.
Short comeback. Sorry.
Pairing: Diluc x gn! reader (married) . Platonic! kaeya x gn! reader
type: story
Warnings: drinking
Masterlist --. x.
Request rules --> x.
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The night was coming to a close, and the last ones in Angels Share began wandering to who knows where. Kaeya was left on supervising duty, as diluc had a meeting with the wine sellers in Liyue about imports for the upcoming Windblume festival. He didn't like it but it was worth it if it if it meant Diluc would stop making fake threats of turning his bedroom into an office.
He made his way upstairs after he locked the front doors, making his round to pick up the stray cups and plates left, when he spotted y/n, asleep, slumped over a table. Kaeya sighed a bit at the image, not out of malace but out of irony. Diluc always complains about his drinking habits but here his s/o is passed out from a night of partying themselves.
Kaeya made his way to find a horse and carriage, turning in a favor. While Kaeya is certain carrying someone wouldnt delay his speed, it is a 4 hour walk to get to dawn winery on foot, a cart will cut that time in half. So Kaeya gently lifts them from the chair, carefully made his way downstairs, and loaded y/n into the cart, being careful to put a blanket over you.
Diluc was on his 3rd cup of coffee. Going over bank statements and order reviews for the month, they were short a few cases of liyue wine this month, and hes currently trying to figure out where the error could be at. It was, stressful. He was on his way back downstairs to work by firelight, hoping the crackling noise would help keep him awake. Looking up from his feet he sees a slightly damp Kaeya, carrying in y/n with a blanket still covering her. Keaya lifted his hand a bit to motion to stay quiet. Diluc stood a bit shocked in the stairway, making room to let kaeya up to place them in the shared room. When Kaeya came down Diluc handed him a cup of coffee which he took with a silent nod.
"You let them go too far again." Diluc commented.
"I believe they are a grown adult capable of making their own desicions no?"
"They get that habit from you, you are aware."
"They were my friend first, maybe i picked up the habit from them." Diluc rolls his eyes and sits down on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace, Kaeya following in the seat next to him. "Lucky i got a cart with a roof. It started sprinkling about halfway though."
Diluc nods, "Thank you, Kaeya."
Kaeya smiles at the rare comment, "Of course dear brother."
And there goes Diluc rolling his eyes again.
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axuanmii · 3 months ago
admit you ship incest dude. the cn/jp shippers say its incest. pick up a book and translate it, it says kaeya is adopted. .. and heres a long paragraph about how incest is only between biological families and more disrespect to people who are adopted...
no idea why my inbox didn't give me this notif until now, but now's a better time than any to talk more about this.
i'm chinese. i speak fluent mandarin chinese. i've consulted other native chinese speakers about this, both genshin players and unrelated. i play genshin with chinese audio and english subs specifically to catch and complain about inaccuracies. i'd reveal more information but then i think it'd be trivially easy to doxx me if one knew what they were looking for.
fundamentally, the issue of incest lies in physical reproduction, yet i find adoptive incestuous relationships discomforting all the same. it's why i didn't like or finish go ahead (以家人之名) because i felt that it laid too much into the siblings aspect for romantic relationships to be feasible, and it was super contradictory from the initial general message of the first bittersweet yet wholesome episode.
however, personally, i just don't think kaeya felt like a part of the family until crepus's death and he really reflected on crepus's actions towards him (hangout). and even after beginning to view crepus as a father figure, he wouldn't have so shallowly made the transition for diluc to be his brother by adoption and consequently changed his entire mind about the guy (which you can see with the way he chooses to refer to both men with different terms, one adoptive and familial, one very clearly 'sworn', very consistently throughout the whole game. if that ever changes in chinese, well, at least you can know that i'll make a post about it if i still care about genshin by then.)
the localization team does make plenty of serious mistakes, and it's of my opinion that as a result, it has very clearly skewed character relationships with those mistakes, (cynari and collei, eulamber, some npcs in liyue, sumeru) some from cultural differences, some just from lazy translation overall. there's layers of complexity in how chinese utilizes honorifics and affectionate terms, as well as contextual consideration between fiction and reality, and sometimes i feel like the english localization team just threw it all into google translate and called it a day.
i don't even ship kaeluc that much. i like to call it the secret third thing where they can't get off their asses to talk about anything ever so they exist in an undefined space and to have them return to any semblance of a healthy relationship, platonic, familial, or romantic, would require a novel's length worth of development that hoyoverse will probably never write, and so my brain has made up novels of all three kinds and more.
however, i also don't care about people who do ship kaeluc or treat any other fictional media in an incestuous or otherwise problematic manner, regardless of language or culture. this is because i operate on a "don't like, don't read, don't interact" mindset. it makes being in fandom more fun; you should try it.
my disappointment wasn't aimed at the fact that i think too little people ship kaeluc. it just sucks to see people claim that that's what's wrong with the fandom and spin this evil gross imagery around the ship over a misunderstanding, especially when that's not how i view it. it's also the only thing vehemently regularly repeated ('klcers dni') when there's so many other issues with the game and the fandom.
(off topic but what's the worst thing that'll happen if a kaeluc shipper likes your fan stuff. it's not like they come into your tumblr asks to bother you with an "oh btw you're wrong about how you enjoy this media and this is what's right"-- oh wait that's what's going on here right)
including the fact that people like you purposefully go around searching in the kaeluc tag (which you probably did, because nobody is scrolling that far back in my blog to find this one specific post to complain about) to police and pick fights with people over a stupid issue from 2020/2021. i guess tumblr isn't a safe place to talk about kaeluc either lmao.
and to think i left anon asks on in the hopes that it could be an inbox for anyone who wanted to ask me art questions or just leave something positive and not feel too awkward (where do i get the confidence in thinking anyone would ask my incompetent brain for help lol).
to be fair, it's going to be my fault for continuing to draw attention to this by responding to such an ask instead of just deleting it and moving on but fuck it we ball.
this ended up pretty long but i feel like it would've been too rude to just say "会说中文的干嘛要翻书 :P". probably would've been funnier though and saved me a lot of time. kudos to you if you actually read this and read through everything.
final note:
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idyllic-affections · 2 years ago
how abt hcs abt gn teen (around 15-16) reader being kaeya’s biological younger sibling !!
if we have each other.
summary. what is it like being kaeya's teen younger sibling?
trigger & content warnings. child abandonment.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, slight angst. kaeya & younger sibling!reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. anon omg... ive been wanting an excuse to write something like this again for a while! i am a professional platonic kaeya enjoyer <3 anyway i hope you like these!!! i decided not to go into the whole ragnvindr family drama thing because honestly? i go into that a little too often when i write about kaeya. i chose to give him a break today!
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i see kaeya being very protective of his sibling. he's not so protective that it comes off as overbearing, but he's definitely very involved in their life only because he just... doesn't know what he'd do with himself if he let them get hurt.
given that he basically had to raise them...
it makes sense for him to be so involved. sure, he had help from the ragnvindr family, but kaeya did the most work when it came to raising his baby sibling.
when his father abandoned him in mondstadt, he also abandoned his youngest child, [name]. they were about two or three at the time.
he doesn't necessarily hold the same resentment towards the seven that other khaenri'ahns might, though he doesn't exactly lean in their favor either.
still... kaeya thanked the seven that they didn't get deathly sick (they were so young and frail that it really was a valid concern) that night in the pouring rain, despite how badly they shivered and cried. he'll never forget how utterly visceral their sobs were.
he doesn't doubt that they understood what was happening that night, despite how little they were.
because of that, kaeya doesn't hide anything from them. he tells them the entire truth about their origins as soon as they're old enough to coherently ask why their father abandoned them.
when kaeya and [name] were young, they were absolutely attached at the hip. once they're both older, they aren't seen together as much, but that isn't to say they aren't seen together; it's just that kaeya does have obligations as a knight and his sibling has their own commitments.
he loves them wholeheartedly.
if he had to betray khaenri'ah to protect them, archons know he'd do it. if he had to betray mondstadt to protect them, archons know he'd do it. he doesn't care as long as it means they'll be safe.
to kaeya, they are probably the most precious thing he has—ever since his falling out with diluc, at least. well... they were always his most precious thing. after his falling out with diluc, it just made them moreso.
part of the reason he despises those who threaten others' families is simply because of his sibling.
he does not take threats to their safety lightly, not at all.
kaeya's a very good brother overall, but he is 100% also the most annoying mf.
he's the type of older brother that makes his sibling do things for him and then guilt trips them when they tell him to do it himself LMAO
i feel like he can cry on command and does it just to make them feel bad when they tell him no!
you know that "i'm hungry. grill me a cheese" audio? yeah.
Kaeya: I'm hungry.
[Name]: So lick that coat, you smell like a—
Kaeya: Grilled cheese.
[Name]: What????
Kaeya: Grill me a cheese.
[Name]: I'm not grilling you a cheese!
Kaeya, sobbing on the floor:
[Name]: ...Oh, for Barbatos' sake.
kaeya, as protective as he is, is also very laid-back. his sibling has just about as much freedom as they could want (within reason, of course).
kaeya, his sibling, and klee are a chaos trio. the three of them have lit a concerning amount of things on fire.
he's very physically affectionate!
ruffling their hair, leading them along by the dip in their back, shoving them (lovingly)... he's clingy, really, and just likes being able to touch his sibling because it reminds him that they're safe and alive.
if they ever wanted to become a knight, he's right there to support them. if they wanted to become an adventurer, again, he's there to help them out.
whatever they want to do with their life, he's their greatest cheerleader.
kaeya will always support them, but he's also very tough on them when it comes to training them physically if their aspiration demands physical strength.
they want to be a knight? an adventurer? a traveler, perhaps? alright, but they need to take him down in a fight first.
he makes every duel with him the hardest fight of their life.
kaeya needs to be confident that they can effectively defend themselves, and if he isn't? sorry. they aren't going anywhere until he is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt. he needs to know they can handle themselves, because—as much as he hates to admit it—he may not always be there to protect them.
wouldn't it be interesting if they got a vision while in a duel with him?
that'd be a very fascinating twist of fate.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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trsrina · 2 years ago
playing genshin impact with zerobaseone
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written in second person pov, gn reader, fluff, can be read as romantic or platonic
!! mentions of death in a game, mentions of food, not proofread
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- the type to have no idea what he’s doing like he’s trying his best
- type to main whatever 5 star character he got first which was diluc who he finds really cool (diluc is so hot js like jiwoong) and kaveh is probably on his team
- he can beat normal opponents but sucks at fighting bosses and would need your help with domains/bosses
- makes you help him do spiral abyss but still acts tough and tries to help you fight off enemies in co-op but dies immediately
- has no idea what he’s doing pt 2
- only playing it bc you asked him to and he’s confused af yk with his disturbed face while he’s looking back and forth from your screen to his, contemplating how the hell he’s supposed to fight off those weird creatures which look like ricky to him while poor kaeya is being beat up on his screen
- yae miko main. idk what it is about them but they remind me of each other
- way too freaking lucky, somehow pulled yae the first day playing and manages to win all his 50/50s
- plays it just to spend time with you and exerts a concerning amount of energy into this game just so he could have another common interest with you
- nahida or ganyu main
- ends up being better at genshin than you and helps you do your dailies, spiral abyss, trounce domains etc
- best co-op buddy in zb1!! lets you steal stuff from his world
- confused at hell at first but ends up being addicted
- look hear me out gorou’s like 99.999% on his team and mains ayaka no reason for this
- at first, he would pout and start mumbling about how weird this game is and the next week he’s ar 40 already somehow and has already progressed to sumeru
- buys you matching genshin keychains and stuff and probably will whale for himself but nags about how you’re wasting money on whaling for yourself
- idk why but i feel like he’d be concerningly good at genshin at first and speeds through the archon quests smoothly
- mains tighnari or yoimiya he just reminds me of these characters and he thinks tighnari is cute (prob a cynonari shipper)
- his red flag is that he enjoys fighting stormterror during the quest and smiles during spiral abyss and spends primogems on the standard banner
- loves doing quests like world quests too and commissions to him is so fun because he likes helping people
- another natural at the game ricky is just good at everything he does
- al haitham main he says it’s because he’s young and rich, tall and handsome, just like him and has eula on his team probably
- plays with a straight face like no look of anger or frustration is on his face at all while his hands are swiftly moving across the screen like a pro
- logs onto your account occasionally to buy you genesis crystals and you who’s playing on another device is like wth and then you message ricky angrily for wasting money on a game
- bro played genshin since launch like he’s a veteran most probably plays even better than you (he’s ar 60) and imagine the way his face lights up when he finds out you also play genshin
- he is so childe/itto main coded, don’t tell me this man isn’t real life itto and likes to throw ushi for fun
- jokingly makes fun of you for being bad at the game then steals your phone to help you and forces you to buy him food as a thank you
- would go to your world just to steal stuff and annoy you, trolls you in your own world and would push you off cliffs with jean
- another one that only plays bc u play
- he’s good at everything so he ends up being good at genshin too, he’d easily surpass you in adventure rank
- i thought long and hard about this but ayato main idk why either really and kazuha is also a strong contender. loves exploring areas with kazuha and using his skill
- whenever he sees that you’re playing, he would immediately flock over to your side and asks to join your world. would help you defeat whatever bosses you want him to and help you farm. would go around finding chests for you
- i think yujin would also be good at genshin but not as good as the others like maybe 40 something ar while the others are at 50 something
- he’s baby so klee main but this evil boy loves blowing things up and killing random animals. torturing hillichurls is his favourite pastime
- would randomly request to join your world sometimes but when you’re busy and reject him, he would spam you with numerous messages and the ‘:(((‘ emoticon along with the genshin sticker things
- the type to completely ignore world quests and absolutely hates doing his dailies
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