#and kacchan is the ONLY ONE who saw just how in danger izuku was
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bakudekublogblog · 11 months ago
kacchan telling izuku that his body moved on his own is fucking crazy. like not only did kacchan remember izuku saying that all the way back from the sludge-villain incident but he’s also confirming that izuku’s crazy, boarder-line suicidal intensity is a two way street. it’s not just izuku who is insane about kacchan it’s mutual insanity. kacchan’s body moved on its own. he was helpless but to throw himself into the line of fire when he saw izuku was in danger. he didn’t think about it. he didn’t choose to do it. he didn’t have a choice. it was as if izuku was a piece of his own soul. katsuki instinctually needed to protect him above all else, even at the cost of his own life
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rayshippouuchiha · 10 months ago
MHA Au where Izuku’s quirk let’s him see spirits/monsters but instead of befriending them like usual, he becomes a whole ass monster hunter. I’m talking full on spn salt and burns, illegal fire arms in his backpack, monster journals, etc.
Hmm gonna switch it up a bit but:
Izuku's neighbor is a monster.
Hands fisted tightly in the length of his Mama's skirt, Izuku watches, wide-eyed and trembling, as his Mama chats softly with the thing in the elevator with them.
"Say goodbye to Akuhara-san, Izu-kun," Mama prompts gently.
But all Izuku can do is clutch tighter to her and whimper.
"I-I'm sorry," Mama frets softly as she ushers him out of the elevator. "He's not normally this shy."
"Adorable little thing," the thing called Akuhara croons, voice whispery and soft in a way that makes the hair on the back of Izuku's neck stand on end. "Could just ,,, eat him up."
When Izuku manages to peek around his Mama's leg and look Akuhara-san grins at him with too many teeth, one spindly hand raising to wiggle long gnarled fingers in Izuku's direction.
Izuku squeaks and hides his face again.
But even after he's back in the safety of the apartment he can't help but wonder just how someone with antlers as big as that thing's had been could fit inside the elevator.
~~~ Later, when it's time for bed, Izuku tries to tell his Mama about what he saw.
"Scary," Izuku manages to whimper, remembered terror tracing down his spine.
"Izuku!" Mama gasps, one hand coming up to press against her chest. "What a rude thing to say, young man! I don't want to hear anything like that out of you again, you hear me?"
"Y-Yes," Izuku whispers, unsure of what, exactly, he's done wrong.
The kiss Mama presses to his forehead is a bit shorter than normal.
Sleep is a long time coming for him that night.
He tries again though, after another run in with the monster.
Tries to tell her about how wrong Akuhara really is.
How that thing, whatever it is, is dangerous.
But ,,,
It doesn't go well.
Izuku looks at Akuhara and he sees something more than a man, something twisted and wrong, staring back at him.
But the problem is ,,,
Izuku's not the only one looking.
"I see you, little morsel," Akuhara whispers to Izuku, mouth split wide in a vicious grin as a long, black tongue slides out to flick almost teasingly in Izuku's direction.
Izuku can't help it ,,,
He screams.
"-ever been more humiliated in my life!" Mama says, hand tight around Izuku's wrist as she drags him into the apartment.
Izuku cowers just a bit when she finally releases him, shoulders hunched and head bowed.
Mama is never really angry with him, not like everyone else, so for Izuku this is just ,,,
So much worse than Kacchan or the sensei at school being mean to him. So much worse than anything and everything the other kids have ever said or done to him.
"You will apologize to Akuhara-san," Mama finally huffs, hands planted on her hips and face flushed.
And Izuku ,,,
"No," It's a whisper but in the tense silence of the apartment, it might as well have been a shout.
"What did you say?" Mama blinks, obviously shocked.
He just can't anymore.
He's tried so hard to tell her, to make her see, and she still won't ,,,
"I-I'm not saying s-sorry to that, that thing," Izuku manages to shove the words out. "It's a m-monster. It's ugly and scary and you shouldn-"
The slap catches him off guard.
He yelps, hands flying up to clutch at the familiar throb of his cheek.
He's been hit before, gets hit often really these days, but never here, never at home where he's always been safe, and never by her.
"Y-You can't say things like that," Mama whispers, expression stricken as she clutches the hand she'd hit him with to her chest. "Y-You, Izuku, you can't just," she heaves in a shuddering breath, "just because you don't have a quirk doesn't mean you can say things like that about people who do."
Izuku's hands fall down to his sides as he stares up at her in horror.
And then he turns on his heel and runs to his bedroom.
Inko doesn't follow.
That night, with the bedroom door locked, his cheek still throbbing, and his chest heaving from the force of his sobs, Izuku tucks himself down in the darkest corner of his closet and cries himself almost sick.
It's not a quirk.
Izuku knows that.
Whatever it is about Akuhara-san that sets Izuku off so deeply isn't a quirk.
Izuku might only be nine years old and he might be quirkless but he knows quirks.
Whatever Akuhara-san is?
It's not natural.
Except, as Izuku learns through hours of research, hours of study and computer time when his Mama isn't home, maybe it is.
Maybe whatever it is that's pretending to be a regular man named Akuhara-san is actually very very natural.
And maybe that's not a good thing at all.
Izuku kills his first monster at 9 years old.
He comes out of the encounter bruised and bloody but alive and satisfied.
Come to find out, no matter how big a Jubokko's branches, not antlers as he'd first thought, are they're still vulnerable to salt and fire just like any other tree.
Inko never looks at him the same, never actually asks the questions Izuku can see lingering in her mouth but, well, she's alive and well and really that's all Izuku wanted in the first place.
Teeth gritted against the pain and careful of his bandaged arm, Izuku pulls a black-covered notebook from his desk and grabs a fresh pen.
Monster Analysis Vol 1 he scrawls across the front cover before he flips it open.
Akuhara-san might be gone but Izuku refuses to be caught unaware and vulnerable ever again.
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elle-cross · 2 years ago
Where Katsuki can't wait to get out of this stupid party. Thankfully, Deku comes to his rescue... with a sandwich.
If Katsuki is not a pro hero, he can just tell all of them to respectfully fuck off and leave him alone. But he cannot burn his bridges to the influential and rich folks who kinda help Katsuki and other pro-heroes in politics and social images
"Ahh! Kacchan! I've been looking for you! Let's go, it's mission time!" Deku, presumably sent by the deities who Katsuki hasn't pissed off yet, comes outta nowhere with his paradoxically annoying and comforting voice, "Excuse us, pretty ladies. The Wonder Duo is being summoned!"
Deku takes his hand, firm and unwavering, and drags him away from the lady hounds. He leaves them instead with an alarmingly enchanting smile that Deku has always been known for.
If Deku was a pokemon, this would be one of his abilities. (Deku used ‘Cute boy-next-door-charm’ IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE!)
The party hall is pretty big, so there are corners that are empty. Deku takes him to one of those corners.
There's no one there that can hear him, but Deku excitedly lowers his voice and leans to whisper next to Katsuki's ear. It reminds him of a five year old Deku, with bruises on his knees but at the same time, breathless and delighted to tell Katsuki about the bird's nest he just discovered.
“Kacchan, I was wandering around,” Deku flails his arms excitedly, “...then I found the kitchen and guess what!” There’s so much giddiness and happiness in his voice that Katsuki can’t help but grin back.
Deku takes out two ziplock bags from inside his suit, “I MADE US KATSUDON SANDWICHES!!��
“Oh my god!” Katsuki’s stomach makes a sound (similar to what the velociraptors make) at the sight of the sandwiches. “You have no idea how hungry I am, Deku! I can eat a whole fucking horse!”
Deku hands him one of the sandwiches and proceeds to hurriedly unwrap his own. Apparently, he’s not the only one hungry in this stupid party.
Katsuki takes a bite of his immediately and his tastebuds are greeted by that familiar creamy and tangy spice, “Whoa! Samurai sauce?! Where did you find it?!” his eyes widen to big saucers. Samurai sauce is like spicy mayo, but tangier. Katsuki puts it on almost all of his sandwiches when they visited the Netherlands for a mission. But it's not sold in Japan, last he checked.
“Of course! I was lucky I found it in kitchen here! Maybe the chefs keep it for international dishes. I was just looking for any spicy sauce. Then I saw this, and I was like, Jackpot!! Samurai sauce!!” Deku takes another bite and hurriedly chews, “I knew you’d like that!”
Spicy katsudon with samurai-sauce sandwich, thoughtfully made by Deku--Katsuki can’t ask for anything more wholesome and sweeter than this.
“Thanks for rescuing me again from that.” He nods his head to the direction of the female celebrities. “Did you sense it or something?”
“Heh, I don’t need a quirk to sense that you’re in danger.” He sticks his tongue out at Katsuki.
“You mean THEY were in danger FROM me. I could have blown their heads off and this whole party.” Katsuki finishes the last bite of his sandwich.
“..which you won’t do because we have to keep everyone happy and we want our agencies handsomely sponsored.” Deku finishes his sandwich too, “Don’t worry Kacchan. I’ll save you all the time.”
Katsuki knows deep in his bones that Deku will keep that promise forever.
“Like hell you will. This is the only time you save me. From now on, I’ll do the saving for both of us.” He takes Deku’s hand and silently thanks every possible god listening right now for this genuinely good thing in his life. “Come on, sandwich wizard. Let’s get some drinks.”
Well-fed, in good company and happy, Katsuki promises himself that he’ll marry this man someday.
A few years later, surrounded by their closest friends and family, he fulfilled his promise to himself and to Bakugou Izuku.
---🧡💚 ---
Did you know that this was inspired by the song I Don't Care? I just think about Kacchan wanting to escape a stupid party, but he'll gladly stay as long Deku is there.
Original thread in Twitter here.
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silverynight · 1 year ago
A charming witch
Part II
He goes to bed early. Izuku takes a deep breath and looks at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened that day.
It's a bad idea; he doesn't need to ask anyone to know summoning a demon (a very powerful one) is something he's not prepared to do.
However, he's curious now, especially because all the memories he thought he lost that day have come back suddenly.
Izuku sighs and shakes his head, closing his eyes for a moment as the sky finally starts turning dark.
When he opens his eyes again it's still dark, the only problem is that everything looks different somehow, it's like there's a subtle mist all over his room. He wonders if it comes from outside because he's sure he didn't leave any potions inside his cauldron.
He's about to take his sunflower, the one he always leaves on his nightstand, to summon light when he notices the glowing red eyes in the middle of the room.
At first they look like they're floating, but quickly Izuku notices the face and the body in the shadows. And the wings...
The creature looks mostly like a human, but Izuku knows he's a demon, a very tall, muscular demon with horns, just like the one he saw when Ashido touched him.
The green haired witch blinks and moves a little bit farther away from him, although he doesn't jump off the bed.
"Shit! This is not how I wanted our second encounter to go, damn it!" The demon curses and even though Izuku can perfectly see his sharp teeth when he does, there's something about his frustration that makes him look more vulnerable, more human, if that's possible.
"Who are you?" Izuku should be thinking about a banishing spell at the moment, but for some reason he doesn't feel like he's in danger.
"You don't remember?" Despite his intimidating appearance, the blond demon looks almost hurt then.
"Kacchan?" Izuku blinks a couple of times as his memories bring back the figure of a little demon, trying to bite his neck.
The witch doesn't realize he's covering his own neck with his hand until the demon grimaces at the sight.
"I'm sorry about that," he mumbles and when he takes a step closer to the bed, Izuku realizes that he's just a shadow, which means he's not physically in Izuku's room. "I know it's difficult for you to believe me, but I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Then why did you try to bite me?"
Perhaps the light of the moon coming from outside is playing tricks on his eyes, but Izuku is almost sure the demon starts blushing as he shyly rubs the back of his neck.
"I'm an alpha," he blurts out, as if that's explanation enough. Suddenly, Izuku has the need to make his notebook appear. "I wanted to... mark you."
Feeling even more confused and lost, Izuku decides that it's time to ask more important questions.
"What's your name? I remember calling you Kacchan, but I don't think–"
"Bakugo Katsuki, but you can keep calling me Kacchan."
The demon has turned out to be very kind, perhaps too kind... Izuku is not sure if this is just a trick or not.
"Why did you come here?"
"I want you to summon me."
If what Ashido said is true and Bakugo is indeed the demon king, then summoning him could be very dangerous.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Izuku mumbles, remembering what he said to Ashido.
"Listen, Izuku... I just want to be able to stay here with you," Bakugo says, getting a little bit desperate. "You can bind me to you... I swear I don't want to hurt anyone and I won't bite you unless you want me to..."
Why would he want a demon to bite him? What is Bakugo actually planning? That demon doesn't look like he wants to explore the mortal world like Ashido does.
"I just want to be able to come and go."
For what purpose exactly? It'd be very irresponsible of Izuku to let a demon roam free, especially one as powerful as Bakugo seems to be.
"I'm sorry–"
Suddenly, the room is not as visible as it was before... it's almost like it's disappearing; Bakugo has noticed it too and tries to get even closer to Izuku, to tell him something, but he vanishes in the blink of an eye.
The witch turns his head around, wondering what's going on, but his vision turns completely dark and when he opens his eyes again he's lying on his bed, but there's sunlight coming from the window this time.
He finally woke up.
It was a dream, Izuku is sure of it, but what he's not so certain about is if Bakugo was actually part of his mind or the demon managed to get into his dreams somehow.
The witch takes a deep breath, has breakfast and goes to the woods to gather more ingredients for his potions. Did he have an actual conversation with the demon king? Now that Izuku thinks about it, it seems unlikely.
However, he also decides to get fresh lavender and jasmine to make himself a potion to sleep without dreams.
Izuku spends most of the morning making different kinds of potions, then in the afternoon he gets himself something to eat and greets the people who come to his shop to buy something for their problems. Izuku has also started to sell charmed objects, mostly for protection, especially necklaces because people seem to like those.
The day goes by too fast for his liking.
Feeling a little bit guilty, he drinks the potion he made for himself and goes to sleep.
The guilt comes back the next morning when he realizes that he didn't have any dreams the night before. But it has to be for the best, right? The demon is obviously trying to trick him.
In the middle of the day another memory comes to his mind: the little demon with piercing red eyes is calling him beautiful and pretty, but at the same time assuring him that if Izuku is pretty, he must be weak as well.
"You're too pretty to be strong! Powerful demons are not cute!"
"I'm not a demon!" Little Izuku protests, using a little bit of magic to push the blond kid away. A blond kid with horns...
The little demon smiles back at him after that. He looks quite pleased instead of angry.
"I'm going to mark you, Deku!"
That's when Bakugo tried to bite him.
Izuku shakes his head, although he can't help but chuckle at the memory now; it's not as terrifying as he thought it was, Bakugo used to have little sharp teeth and his growl wasn't even a bit intimidating. Izuku remembers himself laughing as he tried to run away from the bossy little demon.
Maybe he should give him a chance. Izuku shakes his head. No, no... he has never summoned a demon before, he could make a mistake.
What if that's exactly what Bakugo wants? However, for some reason, Izuku can't bring himself to believe the demon is trying to trick him.
However, that demon is not little anymore and even though Izuku just saw him in a dream, he knows he's very powerful now.
He should be careful.
Izuku misses the demon; it's been a week since he's been drinking that potion and he still wonders if it was the right choice.
Feeling a little bit nervous, he takes he vial and puts it back in the shelf.
He's going to dream that day, although that doesn't mean the demon will pay him a visit.
Of course, it doesn't turn out as Izuku thought it would. When he opens his eyes, there's mist in his room like last time, but Bakugo is surrounded by fire and smoke and he's growling and hissing like a feral beast.
And yet Izuku is not afraid of him, he has the feeling, no, he knows the demon is not angry with him.
"Wake up, Izuku!"
"You have to wake up! There's someone in your house and I can't protect you from here!"
Before he can ask anything else, Izuku blinks, the demon is gone and the witch is back in his bed, in the middle of the night, but he knows he's completely awake this time.
He hears the noise and knows there are at least three people downstairs; he uses his flowers to see what's going on (a couple of irises he left on his counter) and realizes they're probably outsiders.
The people in the village know him and respect him, some of them are very friendly towards him, but sometimes there are people from outside who are afraid of witches and try to hurt them.
He gets up and starts muttering a couple of spells to get his vines to move and trap the intruders; he hears a couple of grunts, screams and the sound of metal when the weapons fall all over the floor.
By the time Izuku gets down the stairs, the intruders are trapped, tangled in the vines, the ones the witch strategically placed around his shop. He even rolls his eyes when the men start cursing him and puts them all to sleep.
In the morning he sends them back home, confused and with no memory of his little shop; they will never find his home again.
Izuku knows he's very much capable of taking care of himself, but he wonders that day what would've happened if Bakugo hadn't yelled at him to wake up.
Right there and then he decides he's going to summon Bakugo Katsuki, at least to have a proper conversation with him.
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year ago
The kettle screams as Yagi hummed, the warm pan of easy to eat food filling his safehouse with welcome fragrance. With gentle hands he lifts the weighty kettle and pours a pot of his preferred Matcha tea.
He gently sets down his set, the steam rising from his tea pet as he sits alone. Papers litter the table and walls as he pieces together yet another Attack. The Mysterious Athos always did love to cause his own Danger.
His eyes flicker as he notes another pattern, one possibly crucial.
Tap tap tap
His head jerks up, his hand grabbing the knife in his couch. The steps are almost light and imperceptible, for a Civilian. But Toshinori Yagi was not a Civilian. His lips strain as he dashes to grab his helmet.
The door creaks open..the silence strong as he grabs the intruder and presses the knife near their throat.
“So cool” a child's voice whispers behind him. Yagi looks down and almost drops the knife. The hooded child growling against his chest. The orange flares uncomfortably digging in. “I didn't think Athos would be so low as to send Children like you”
Another masked Child cackles from his table, Reading his notebook “Oh Trust me as an Angel, We would do anything but work with that murderer.” His fabric rabbit ear flopping as the child tips his head “oooh, you missed the Earthquake two years ago on the edge of Mustafa. And the Trigger Raids weren't actually his Trigger, Just getting rid of Competition.”
The Child with flares slides easily out of his Surprised grasp “oi Deku, do your thing~” the other teases. The rabbit hooded boy tips his head and and removed his lower mask
“Hello Yagi Toshinori, Villain name Nights All. Formally known as All Might in America. Trained by UA and Former Homeroom teacher Gran Torino. Possible Connections to Nana Shimura. Biggest Target of False Hero Athos. You prefer Matcha tea, missing your Stomach and half a Lung from a Fight with Athos. Oh and you once got arrested for public nudity in America due to a surprise attack and little time to stop and get dressed”
Yagi's blood chills at the knowledge “How the hell-”
He gets interrupted
“oi Jack Skeleton. We are here for a Trade. Named Ground Zero. This is Deku, we are the heads of the Children's Angels. Mk?” The Blond boy snorts “you got a target. We need that media distraction someday.”
Yagi looks the two up and down “you are rather…. Well for Teens. But, one condition. I train you. Both of you, I am not sending children out untrained. I would rather not do it anyways. But I know those looks, you won't stop.”
“Damn Right Skeletor” Ground Zero Cackles as Deku chops his Neck
“Fine. But then you are training the whole group. We get what we want. And you get your little Morals settled.”
Yagi almost shivers as the cold look from Deku settles on him but his eyes meet the others with an unspoken challenge.
Suddenly Deku smiles and jumps up “Welcome Aboard Yagi!” The other walks over and grabs Yagi's Shoulder “We'll know if you betray us” he whispers and a burning desire burst digs into his skin. “Kacchan! No, We don't burn partners!” Ground Zero Cackles again “yeah yeah, we'll contact you again Frankenstein!”
It only took a Week if you asked an Angel. If you ask Gran Torino he would say it was the moment that Toshinori saw Izuku's smile and Katsuki's first nickname.
They all fit like a puzzle piece, One Wacky and Chaotic puzzle. Yagi being that chaos that Bakugo's father never could. And all it took was two Kids who founded a Japan Wide youth criminal organization to break in and spiritually and Emotionally adopt him.
Now if they would stop Robbing Chain Ice cream stores at midnight.
DAY 1! a Day Late lol.
(⁠/⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠(⁠-⁠ω⁠-⁠) -Me and Borealis during the planning lol
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empressofthesunwriter · 8 months ago
Kill La Hero: 16
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In the lottery of Quirk’s Michi got on really special and annoying one. A living, sarcastic ribbon named Ares, who puts her into superpowered revealing outfits. But this won't stop the girl from fulfilling her dream of being a hero! Just watch her!
(But not too closely please!)
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Chapter 16: Those Who Fight I
Before the Quarter-Final Round began, Present Mic announced there would be a short break. 
This was convenient for Michi, who wanted to check on Ochaco. 
Izuku accompanied her because he not only wanted to look after their friend but also needed to get ready for his first match. 
On their way to Player's Room 2, they bumped into Bakugo.
As Bakugo saw them he growled, which made them stop.
"Whoa, Kacchan?", said Izuku startle.
Michi gave Bakugo a poisonous look. "Bakugo, what do you want here?"
"What do I want here?! What do you and your plaything want here, Massaro?!", he growled back
"Plaything?", repeated Izuku with red cheeks, however, Michi and Bakugo were more invested in staring the other down.
You could formally see lighting bolts between them.
"That was your idea, wasn't it? That damned desperate plan.", accused Bakugo Michi. "You just have to be annoying, don't you? Only because you beat me in the past-"
"It wasn't.", interrupt Izuku and stood protected before his Michi. "All of it Ochaco planned it all thinking about how she could beat you. If you thought that was annoying, that was because Ochaco was leading you around by the nose!"
This made Bakugo growl more.
"You are really a number.", began Michi calmly. So calm that both boys were surprised and stared at her. She seemed like ice. "You always underestimate your opponent because you think you are the best with your Quirk. So it was when we fought the first time and I beat you. But now...now you are different I saw you took Ochaco as a serious treat. You recognised her strength from the first second, I even heard you call her Uraraka. Don't shame on her and assume we helped her. She is worth 1000 of you! So stop lying to yourself, because your fragile ego can't take the truth."
Dramatic Michi took Izuku's hand and they made their way over to Player Room 2, leaving a pensive Bakugo behind.
The blond boy made an angry face and fists before he remembered his fight with Ochaco. 
He didn't like it, but Massaro was right, he recognised her strength, Ochaco wasn't some frail thing but a dangerous opponent.
Maybe it was really his hurt ego who had lashed out…
"Man, I lost Huh? I got carried away at the end thinking I could do it, dang it.", greeted Ochaco as Izuku and Michi entered Player Room 2.
She seemed her normal happy-go-lucky self.
The not-couple stared at her in disbelief.
"Ochaco-Chan, what about your injuries? Are you okay?", asked Michi worried.
She walked over to her and patted the brunette's head.
Ochaco smiled up at her.
"Yeah, Recovery Girl took care of me! It was only moderate healing so it wouldn't drain my stamina, so I've still got scratches and stuff, though. Man, but that Bakugo was really strong! He totally got me. I need to work harder, too!"
"Aww, don't worry next time you will break his femur!", encouraged her Michi with a diabolic smile, which Ochaco copied.
Both girls laughed like villains, darkness around them.
Izuku just looked in worry.
"I wanted to ask if Uraraka was really okay, but I should probably ask you both...", he murmured.
They heard him still.
The girls stopped laughing and Ochaco answered: "'I'm fine! Better than expected!"
Her cellphone vibrated, but Ochaco didn't pick up.
Michi frowned, she wondered why, Ochaco didn't pick up when the number said "Daddy".
It was her father.
Maybe she didn't want to be impolite to her and Izuku since they were talking.
"I mean, you immediately start looking ahead, Michi-Chan and Deku, and just because I lost doesn't mean I can lose."
"That's the right mindset and next year you get him!", told Michi raising her fist.
It was then they heard how the arm wrestling between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu ended in a victory for their classmates, meaning he would enter the Quarter Final.
"Come Ochaco, this means the break is nearly over, Izu-Chan needs to prepare himself.", reminds Michi.
Ochaco nodded.
"Yes, of course, good luck Deku!"
"Thanks, Uraraka."
The salmon-haired girl embraced her crush tight and kissed both his cheeks.
"Show Todoroki who is boss!"
"I will Michi-Kun."
Then something extraordinary happened...Izuku kissed her back.
On her left cheek.
The girl turned so red and started to rattle like a teapot.
Ochaco had stars in her eyes, seeing her OTP interact, meanwhile, Izuku blushed also red and waved his hands around.
"Ah, I'm sorry...I just...I don't know what came over me!"
"No it's okay Izu-Chan!", stuttered Michi, she took a deep breath and gave him another cheek kiss. "As long it's your kisses I don't mind them everywhere."
Ochaco gasped, how bold, while Izuku's head slammed into the gutter and it didn't help that Michi winked at him.
Don't get a boner now, don't get a boner now!
With a blow kiss, Michi gripped Ochaco and both girls left the room, leaving a poor hormonal Izuku behind.
How the heck, should I get prepared like this?!
"I think you killed Deku.", giggled Ochaco, swinging her hand with Michi.
"You think?", the girl with the red glasses blushed. "That's the first time Izuku gave me a cheek kiss, I will forever remember it."
"Oh love, it's so amazing."
Michi stopped, which made of course Ochaco stop too.
Her friend looked in question at her.
"You should call your dad. I think this room is free."
"Oh, you saw?"
"Yeah, come call him. I will keep a seat free for you."
"Thanks Michi-Chan."
"Always Ochaco-Chan."
Both girls embrace each other before Michi makes her way back to the class 1A tribune and Ochaco calls her parents.
After an emotional talk with her dear daddy, Ochaco felt a bit better.
Feeling lighter she made her way to the tribune of class 1a, as someone blocked her way.
"Huh, Bakugo?", she said surprised.
She had never seen the angry boy like this, he was calm and pensive, his hands in his pants pockets.
"Uraraka.", he began. "I recognise your strength...you nearly got me with your last attack."
Well, this was unexpected. 
She was lost for words.
"Oh you don't need to console me, you were far superior."
"I'm not consoling you.", he growled. Now this was a Bakugo she knew. "Beside Massaro, no one has ever come close to bet me."
"Didn't Michi-Chan kick your ass and that regular?"
"That's not the point! The point is...you are strong. It...was an honour fighting with you. You gave me a good fight."
Wow, this was...Ochaco felt herself blush and wonder why.
"Erm, you are welcome Bakugo."
The boy gave a huff and...were his cheeks red too?
Ochaco couldn't check clearly, since he gave her a nod and walked away.
Confused and with her own red cheeks she looked after him.
Maybe...there was more to Bakugo than an angry blond guy with explosions...
At the same time, Bakugo cursed himself for acting so weak, but... Ochaco had deserved to know this.
And nothing more!
It's not like he would ever talk again to her.
Michi was sitting with Tenya and Tokoyami together, waiting for Ochaco to join them.
"Those two haven't started yet? I've gotta watch.", they heard the girl with the Zero Gravity Quirk asking.
Tenya and Michi stared at her.
"Why are you so red?", wondered Michi.
"Are you allergic to something?", added Tenya. "You must hurry to Recovery Girl!"
"I already went. This is, you know. It's different."
"It's different? If that's the case, then you must've been really frustrated earlier.", guessed Tenya.
"Rather than feeling regretful right now, you should use this next match as a source of encouragement.", shared Tokoyami his wisdom with them.
"Yeah.", agreed Ochaco.
"That's true.", admitted Tenya.
"Your words in God's ears.", said Michi with a nod.
"Thanks for waiting, everybody!", ran out Present Mic's voice from the speakers. "The first match of the second round is a big match! The man who won a huge victory in the first round and literally left the audience frozen-- From the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki! On the other hand, this guy barely made it past the first round! What kind of fight will he show us this time? From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya!"
Both opponents enter the arena facing each other.
"You can do it Izu-Chan!", shouted Michi in encouragement. "Beat his ass into next week!"
"Tokoyami, what do you think of this match?", asked Tenya.
"It depends on whether or not Midoriya jumps in close to Todoroki.", answered the bird boy.
Ochaco agreed.
"I believe in Izuku, but the ice could be a probably if he doesn't find a way to neutralise it.", shared Michi her worries.
Her female best friend took her hand and squeezed it.
"Let's all just believe in Deku! He always comes out on top!"
Michi agreed with a nod.
"Still, he should be careful. Todoroki is not a simple adversity.", reminds Ares.
"Ares is right.", agrees Tokoyami. "Even if we believe with our whole hearts that Midoriya can win, in the end, it all points to him and his quick thinking."
"Way to make us believe, Tokoyami.", grumbled Michi.
"At this year's sports festival, both have shown top-class performances! It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now-- Midoriya versus Todoroki! Start!"
The two got into their fighting stances.
Shoto begins the match by launching a freezing attack, but Izuku responds with a Delaware Smash that shatters the ice wave.
Then Shoto forms a shield of ice behind him to avoid being pushed out of bounds.
He realizes that Izuku is willing to sacrifice himself to counter his attacks. Shoto continues to bombard Izuku with ice, forcing his opponent to break another one of his fingers to nullify the attack.
Izuku is considering his strategy.
He acknowledges that he doesn't know enough about Shoto's fighting style because his attacks are so fast.
The green-haired boy decides that his best option is to endure and look for an opportunity during their battle.
Shoto continues to attack, and Izuku breaks another finger to destroy the ice wave.
Quickly Shoto follows up with another ice attack, which forces Izuku to break the last finger (other than his thumb) on his right hand.
This time, however, Shoto withstands the force of the smash and creates a pillar of ice to climb closer to Izuku.
Izuku destroyed the ice stairs by breaking his middle finger on his left hand.
However, Shoto evaded and jumped into the air above his opponent. Shoto then crashed down and attempted to hit Izuku with a freezing punch, but he evaded it.
Expanded the ice until it reached Izuku's fleeting foot.
With no other choice left, Izuku sacrificed his entire left arm to counter with a full-powered smash attack.
"Oh dear God, I can't look on!", cries Michi and hides behind her hands, but she opens her fingers to look. "All his fingers on the right and now his left arm, Izuku, what else you are going to break."
"If he continues like that he will put himself out.", warns Ares.
Shoto manages to withstand the shockwave from Izuku's smash.
As he gets up, Shoto mentions that the attack was far more powerful than Izuku's previous moves.
Izuku realizes that not only is Shoto's Quirk powerful, but his judgment, mobility, and reasoning are great as well.
Shoto taunts Izuku about wearing himself out while defending against the ice barrage but then apologizes and thanks Izuku for helping him anger his father because he will not use his fire.
The Half and Half Quirk User believes Izuku can no longer fight due to his broken hands and sends another ice wave at him.
However, Izuku refuses to give in and counters by using his broken finger to defend himself with a Delaware Smash.
All gasping shocked, Michi cries out for her love.
How can he withstand another broke in one finger?
Izuku was more hardcore than any of them!
Shoto creates a shield of ice just in time to prevent himself from falling out of bounds.
Our green-haired hero-to-be notices that Shoto is trembling, and figures out that Shoto's body cannot compensate for the drop in temperature created by generating so much ice.
He surmises that Shoto could offset this temperature by using the heat from his left side, but knows that Shoto refuses to do that.
Irritated, Izuku yells at Shoto, telling him that he has yet to injure his opponent and that he needs to use all his powers to win.
Angry, Shoto questions Izuku's provocation and asks if Endeavor bribed him to try and draw out his fire.
He rushes Izuku, but Izuku notices his movements are much slower.
The instant Shoto lifts his right foot, Izuku strikes his stomach with a Quirk-enhanced punch that sends Shoto flying back.
Shoto manages to partially freeze Izuku's broken arm before getting hit.
"This is pure slaughter.", mumbles Ares. "The boy is destroying himself to win against the ice boy."
"Yeah, we all realise this, Ares.", says Michi back and bit one of her fingers in nerves.
Izu-Chan don't be so reckless! I know you want to win but at what cost?!
Shoto recovers and tries to freeze Izuku again, but his ice is too slow, and Izuku can dodge it now.
He rushes Izuku and tries to freeze him, but Izuku blows him back with a minor Delaware Smash.
Despite his injuries, Izuku continues to sacrifice his fingers in order to keep Shoto away.
He does this so much that eventually, he is unable to make a fist.
Shoto tries to freeze him, and Izuku presses his thumb against his cheek and flicks it to create yet another shock wave that blasts Shoto back.
The white-redhaired boy asks why his opponent is putting himself through so much pain.
Izuku replies that he will do whatever it takes to become a hero.
He headbutts Shoto in the chest and yells for him to give it his all.
Amitting he can't relate to what Shoto has gone through growing up with Endeavor, but he goes on to tell Shoto he does not deserve to be the best if he is not going to use his full power.
As frost overtakes Shoto's body, he recalls his terrible past and tells Izuku to shut up.
Izuku rushes Shoto and hits with another Quirk-enhanced punch, telling his opponent holding back is why Izuku will surpass him.
While Shoto falls to the ground, he remembers his mother burning his face.
As he slowly recovers, he states that he will continue to reject his father. Izuku passionately replies that Shoto's Quirk is his own, not his father's. Izuku's powerful words allow Shoto to recall a positive memory of his mother telling him to be his own hero.
Inspired by Izuku and his mother's words, Shoto unleashes his flames.
The flames are so high they reach nearly class 1A tribunes.
"It's so hot!", states Ochaco.
"Oh, Izuku...That's why you...", mumbled Michi, finally getting why Izuku had done what he had done.
Only Ares hears her. "Our boy tries to save the other ice and fire boy, right?"
Michi nods and has tears in her eyes.
Even if Izuku wanted to become number one...he wouldn't let anyone suffer, not even his enemies.
He was too good.
Way too good for this messed-up world.
Izuku...I think I just fell in love with you even more...!
Meanwhile, Shoto asks why Izuku is helping his opponent and states that he wants the same thing; he wants to be a hero.
Izuku praised Shoto for his incredible blaze, but Shoto told Izuku that even though he was in a hopeless situation, he would not hold back.
They both charged up their Quirks and prepared for one final clash. Cementoss and Midnight stepped in to stop them from killing one another.
Shoto sends a giant ice wave at Izuku, who avoids it by using One For All in his legs to jump over it and then dives at Shoto.
Shoto heats up the air and melts all the ice in preparation for a giant flame attack.
Izuku counters with a smash attack using his broken arm.
Despite Cementoss interrupting, their attacks collide and destroy the stadium.
Michi holds Ochaco and Tenya tight to herself, while everyone tries to avoid being blown away by the explosion.
When the smoke from the explosion clears, Izuku collapses outside the ring.
Shoto stands alone inside the stage with half his shirt burned off. Midnight announces that Izuku is out of bounds and declares Shoto Todoroki the victor.
"IZUKU!", shouted Michi, Ochaco, Tenya, Tsu and Mineta as they entered Recovery Girl's room.
Their poor friend had bandaged arms and one leg.
He still was knocked out.
Michi was the fastest was on his Izuku's side, nearly throwing All Might in his anorexic form against the wall, and patting his hair.
"You stupid brilliant and kind boy!", she kissed his cheek. "You gave me 10000000 heart attacks, I don't know how I'm still alive?!"
Izuku opened slowly his eyes and saw Michi's beautiful worried face first.
"I'm sorry Michi, I just-"
"You wanted to help Tododoki, I deducted as much."
This time she kissed all over his face, if Izuku had the power he would blush furiously, but he didn't so he just enjoyed Michi's lips on his face.
Gosh, maybe he died and this was heaven?
It certainly felt like it.
His other friends talked all over one another, Ochaco asked if he was okay, Mineta told him how no one would ever want him as a sidekick and Tsu told Mineta to not put salt into this wound.
"Oh young love.", mussed Recovery Girl. "But you are all too loud."
"Sorry!", chorused all the kids.
Michi stepped even back from Izuku, he already missed her kisses.
Izuku asked how they could be here if the next match was on and Tenya told him thanks to the damage he and Shoto caused they needed to repair the arena so they got a short break.
Then Recovery Girl shooed them out because it was time for Izuku's surgery.
Michi's loud scream of surgery could be heard even outside.
Tsu and Ochaco took the worried girl in the middle and dragged her out of the room, the boys following, Tenya talking to Michi to calm down that all would be good.
And so the first battle of the Quarter-Final ended.
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zaiban2989 · 2 years ago
BNHA S2 Ep14 - About Deku
Ok hi guys, this is just a fucking appreciation post about my baby Deku (I'll probably find a way to tie it up with some bkdk knowing me lol)
This is the episode where Deku is at Gran Torino for his 1-week internship. Amidst the obvious funny parts of Gran Torino acting like an old grampa when he's sharp as fuck, what's interesting is when you stop and think about how this is one of the significant steps for Izuku to master OFA, but I don't think we talk enough about it, you know?
Like Gran Torino says, Izuku has great "analysis and prediction" skills, we've seen this from the first season, with his obsession over heroes and his notebooks and how that helped shape his thinking and make him literally think outside the box (flexible with his thinking, I mean how many would have been able to put together that fucking "Save Kacchan" plan when he got kidnapped? Or during Heroes Rising when he's the one strategising the whole defence/attack against Nine and everyone fucking listens to him aaaah my baby is so fucking brilliant 💚😭). It's no wonder it takes him less than a day to figure out how to use OFA not like something that needs to be activated but instead as a "normal" quirk which needs to run through his whole body.
The thing that is interesting though is to be able to see his thought process about all of it, it makes it so much more remarkable to realise how he puts two and two together (he's still a fucking 15-year-old kid, that's impressive if you stop to think on it for a sec) and you see him, once again, working hard to fucking try and perfect it. He's putting in all the fucking work he has to to be able to only master OFA a little bit and that's just so fucking amazing. When you compare this to everyone else in the class who had all those years to discover their quirks, what they can and cannot do, the limitations and dangers from using it etc. and then Izuku who literally had it for what, two months top? I mean, this is insane to see him level up (yeah I'm using All Might's analogy when Deku/Baku face him for the exam) that quickly (dhjepoezl no wonder Kacchan fucking got pissed when he saw this - his little nerd already catching up when he himself has been wasting his time, yeah that must have hit hard).
So yeah, Deku is a fucking beast now (in the latest season) but it's because he actually put in all the fucking work and it shows. Just like how he trained for 10 months to be able to swallow OFA - and that's also something we don't talk enough about. AND THAT'S A THIRST APPRECIATION RIGHT THERE BECAUSE HAVE YOU SEEN IZUKU'S MUSCLES DEFINITION IN THAT FUCKING EPISODE?!!!!!! Our baby cinnamon roll is hot af and you cannot tell me otherwise 👇🏼 (also OFA green lightning ouufff 🥵)
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*drops mic*
Ps: I said I'd put some bkdk in here, so: when Izu is thinking about how "stiff" he is and how to be more flexible what does he think of? Fucking Kacchan dhqdmqmq, Kacchan's moves during their first fight and yeah lol Another kind of "WWKD" moment lmao #izukuisobsessed
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xexiar · 2 years ago
Keep Watching. Ch10
Ch9 Ao3 FFnet (I'm ahead of schedule, so two chapters in relatively one day)
Chapter 10
I was still in disbelief that Deku had yelled at his mom. He never done that before. I wonder what could have came over him. "So. Talk nerd." It took a while to get him to stop crying long enough to talk. So now we're just sitting in the ally.
"I don't know what came over me. She kept pushing and pushing. Saying things about how she's my mom. And stuff about how I shouldn't hide things from her. But it's not my fault I don't trust her with anything. After all, you know what's going on." I nodded in agreement as I continued looking forward. I might be the only person who knows about the nerd's home life. "All I could remember was being backed into a corner. It was so hard to not get angry, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. How do you do it?"
"How do I do what?" That's when I looked at Deku and saw he was crying again.
"How are you able to be angry without holding back? It hurts so much. I'm so tried." I then pushed his shoulders, which got him to look at me. "What was that for?"
"Where's the nerd that stood back up after constantly being forced down? Where's the idiot who jumps into fights that isn't his?"
"Kacchan." I watched as Deku stood up. "You're right." I stood up as well and patted the dirty off. "I'm going to tell mom I did the entrance exam."
"Don't do anything crazy when she blows up."
That's when Deku let out a chuckle. At that, I had to hold back my own smile. I hated seeing him cry but I still have a lot to make up for. Since the day on the roof all I could think about was how would I make it up to Deku. Hopefully this is one step in that direction. That's when I remembered he ran through busy traffic! So I punched his face. "Hey! What was that for?"
"For being a damn idiot! Stop putting yourself in danger! I don't want to be the one who tells your hag how her son died."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
I punched him again, which knocked him down. "Stop running into trouble! Next time I catch you doing some stupid shit I'm breaking your legs!"
Deku smiled and it sent a chill down my spine. Why was he smiling? "It's only stupid if I fail."
I still can't believe Kacchan caught me. Let alone heard me out as I vented about what happened with me. We haven't done anything like that since we were in elementary school. At that, something seemed off about him today. Especially with how I noticed how he seemed to be staring off into the distance. But I was grateful that I even spoke to someone. It was nice to have that moment as if we were friends again.
As I stood in front of my apartment door, I wasn't sure about anything. Will mom still be home? How will I handle talking to her? Does she forgive me for screaming at her? How could she forgive me? I been an awful son for making her worry and then lie to her.
Before I walked away is when the door opened. "Izuku?"
The tears that ran down her face made the guilt weigh heavier. Taking in a deep breath I faced her. "I'm sorry, mom." She pulled me into a tight hug, and we stood there crying. Before long we were in the kitchen. While we sat at the table, mom handed me, what seemed to be a fresh bowl, of katsudon. "Thanks mom."
We stood in silence for a while, as I ate. But something just felt so wrong about this. Before I could speak, mom spoke first. "I shouldn't have gotten angry with you. I was just worried, since you never came home so bandaged up before."
"Yes, I have." That's when mom looked at me. "I always came home with one or another form of bandages. I would get beaten on a daily during and after school. You just were at work when I came home. It took me a while but I learned to cleaned up my wounds that you wouldn't notice. I didn't want to worry you more than you already was." The look of shock on mom's face somehow made me angry.
I don't get why I'm getting angry. Shouldn't I be feeling relieved that I'm finally telling her? And what followed the anger was a deep sense of guilt. I then watched as mom started to cry. Damn it. Now I really done it. Why can't I do anything right? Just before I could get up, mom grabbed my hand. "Please, Izuku. I'm here now. So, please. Let me make it up to you."
Even though I sat back down, I didn't believe her. What was the point? I felt the anger building again, just before everything went numb. Why be more of a burden than I already was? I took one more look at my half-eaten bowl before smiling and looking at mom. "I did the entrance exam for UA. Now, I'm just waiting for the results."
Even though I was staring at mom, the whole room seemed like a blur to me. I couldn't even tell the sounds apart. But I some how was able to hear when mom spoke. "But a person need a quirk to take part. How did you even get in? That's impossible! I don't believe you." I pointed to my bandaged arm. "Oh my goodness! That's where you got injured? I'm calling that school right now! How dare they let my baby get hurt!"
"Stop, mom. I entered. I'm the one who knew what I was getting into. There's no going back." Even though I still couldn't tell what was happening around me, I just knew mom was crying. At that, I couldn't even tell if I was crying. All I was able to feel was that smile I have mastered putting on whenever I felt numb. After all, nobody needs to be burden with knowing the pain I feel.
I was still in disbelief mom took the next two weeks off from work. Saying stuff about wanting to be here for me. With her around I didn't have a chance to breathe or think. It felt suffocating. Maybe I'm just so used to being on my own that this level of attention feels so wrong.
It felt like the days blurred into each other. It didn't help that I barely left my room, unless to eat. The only thing that went through my head was wondering if I got into UA. What if I didn't? What would I do then? Will I have to return All Might's quirk? Or is there another way to become a hero? Maybe… Not legally.
That's when I heard a knock at my door. Before I opened it, I put on a smile and made sure to hide the knife I was holding. When I opened my door, I was surprised to see mom trying to give me something. I hesitantly too the item from her. I still wasn't able to tell what it was. Too numb to register my very existence. "It's from UA." Hearing those words brought some clarity.
I closed my door and went over to my desk. After a few deep breaths and blinking, I finally took note of what was in my hand. A small envelope that felt somewhat heavy. When I opened it a small projector fell out. There was also a letter, but I'll read that later. As I watched the holographic message, I was still in disbelief it was All Might.
So… I made it in? I actually got into the high school of my dreams? As the disbelief slowly faded, I started to grin. Oh, how perfect this was. I even enjoyed seeing that my action of saving someone is actually helped me out. See Kacchan. I can still be a hero and keep my promise. "Soon, Kac chan." WAIT! Where did that come from? I blinked frantically as I stare at myself on the computer monitor.
After I caught my breath and read the letter, I finally left my room. I found mom in the kitchen and told her the news. At first, she looked away as she fidgeted with her hands. When she did look at me, I could tell she was forcing a smile. "I'm so proud of you, baby. You finally can follow your dream." She doesn't believe in me.
I tried to keep my smile as I hugged her. "Thanks mom. I'm so happy." When she did hug back it felt cold. There was no warmth between us. And I had to fight back the tears that wanted to shed. It doesn't matter if she supports me or not. There's one person who believes in me and that's all I need. The fact someone finally believed in my dream was all I ever needed. Now is my chance to prove them all wrong. Especially Kacchan.
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raymusterio · 1 year ago
"Izuku is exactly like Kacchan, just nicer about it" is so accurate. They are so intense and emotional that even the teachers were like "those boys are so smart and capable but lose all sense when it comes to each other". Which I think is so funny because it's true. Katsuki literally can't help himself, if it has anything to do with Deku then he gets nosy. Like at the sports festival when Todoroki and Izuku went off to have their conversation, Katsuki wouldn't have followed if it was Todoroki and someone else but it was Izuku, so he had to. He's so obsessed.
And protective. At the training camp when Katsuki said "stay back Deku" before he was taken through the portal, I always read that as concern, like a don't-let-them-get-you-too kinda thing. In season 5, he followed Izuku into battle because he was the only one who knew what was going on, the only one who knew Izuku would be targeted, and he went to protect him even if he said otherwise. Then he saw Izuku in real actual immediate danger and he didn't even think about it, his body just moved on its own and his quirk evolved in reaction to the possibility of losing Izuku. Katsuki got stabbed saving Izuku and passed out, which also means he didn't see Izuku go absolutely feral.
And omg Izuku. The way he snapped when AFO stabbed Katsuki then said his sacrifice was pointless? Holy shit, Izuku came at him with such aggressive feral gremlin energy that he surprised the fuck outta AFO, especially when he broke the quirk blades WITH HIS TEETH!! Like no one else being injured would provoke that kind of reaction from Izuku, he'd get angry sure, but nowhere near his don't-touch-my-kacchan levels of rage. And like you said, AFO pinged it as a weakness and Shigaraki used that knowledge to specifically target Katsuki. THE ROMANTIC SUPERHERO TROPE AND ITS GIVEN TO KATSUKI BAKUGOU!! Katsuki really does have love interest traits and storylines, and I love the stereotypes that breaks. And just..... Kacchan Bakugou. Like he really says that and even the dude bro antis are like "ok.. that was a little gay of him". It really shows just how much he's grown throughout the anime.
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angstydisaster02 · 2 years ago
A “small” analysis of bkdk’s relationship - manga spoilers
I watched this edit I liked a long time ago in my editor phase. This was just the song “Dynasty” by Mia mixed with manga spoilers, and it made me realize how much their relationship has improved today.
It’s crazy to think how this started as childhood friends, with bullying, and ended up with sacrifice. Today, we have Katsuki Bakugo, who’s ready to sacrifice twice for Izuku when he was the one who despised him at the beginning. This story isn’t jousted about their chemistry and how they complete each other but also about their character development, especially Katsuki’s. We’re talking about a teenager who was lost with himself and used violence as a coping mechanism, someone who’s about to fight for his goals and know what he wants to do. The same guy was scared to admit his weakness and revealed them twice before Izuku.
The whole Izuku/Bakugo relationship has been strong since the beginning. When Izuku integrated UA and learned that the blond had left the place, his first thought was to rush toward his childhood friend and explain everything…because the thought of Katsuki hating him was unbearable to him (at this period and how distant they were). Katsuki was the first one to know about the OFA, to learn the most important secret in his childhood friend’s life, and to adapt himself to this new lifestyle.
Which made us switch to kidnapping. The Kamino arc when Izuku saw his biggest fear taking form in front of him for the first time in his life…when he couldn’t save Katsuki. Imagine how hard it must be to see someone you’ve known your entire life and care about fading in front of you without knowing if you’ll meet them again.
This moment was an essential point in their relationship where it reflected their mindsets. Izuku was afraid of being rejected and failing the rescue mission, so he gave it to someone the blond could trust. Izuku never truly spoke about this period, and I’m wondering what he truly felt…if Horikoshi even said himself how it was an angsty moment, it says a lot about his character’s mindset. The fact that Izuku thinks his childhood friend would’ve never accepted his hold, putting his life in danger even more, would be heartbreaking. At this period, Izuku was the only one showing his admiration for Katsuki and thinking it was one-sided.
It was the opposite. Indeed, Katsuki had been warning the freckled man not to reach him because he knew Izuku would risk his life for him, and it was something he wanted to avoid.
Then Deku VS kacchan happened and changed their relationship into something healthy. For the first time in their life, they both had a heart-to-heart talk and expressed what they truly felt, revealing their vulnerabilities around each other. It led to a more robust and healthier relationship to the point where today, Katsuki apologized for his mistakes in front of everyone after being the one finding Izuku.
Katsuki’s characters’ development is insane and well written, revealing how Katsuki wasn’t just the bad guy but a human with feelings, fears, and doubts. Izuku was the one by his side and never left him until the end (aka the event chapter bc the story isn’t over yet). Today, Katsuki bakugo sacrificed himself to save his childhood friend, Izuku, the first thing he had in mind when he woke up, only to learn it was too late…saying the opposite of the things he said years ago.
Katsuki cares about Izuku. Izuku cares about Katsuki, and yet…none of them know. The freckled man was planning his friends’ rescue mission, with the impression of being a burden…when Katsuki planned to find his childhood friend the entire time and look for him at the hospital.
None of them know how much they mean to each other, and it's the saddest part of the story…the untold things. Maybe they’ll never know, maybe they will one day, but this is insane.
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eri-cheri · 4 years ago
There is just something about Katsuki in pain that Izuku cannot fucking stand. It’s the thing that always spurs him to act immediately. He can’t handle it. It’s like he has an intense physical reaction to it.
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Starting with chapter one. He wasn’t going to interfere with the sludge villain until he saw the pain in Kacchan’s eyes. Then before he knew it, he was running towards him. His body just fucking moved. And it’s not the only time this has happened.
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The most prominent example is the final exams. All Deku had to do was fucking run like he was supposed to and they would have passed the exam. Kacchan was even begging for him to run but when All Might crushed him, Deku physically could not stand it. He had to go save him. The stakes were lower than ever. It’s not like All Might would have kept hurting Bakugo had Deku just made a break for it. But he was in pain and Deku just couldn’t handle it. He had to relieve him from the pain. He had to get him away from All Might.
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Then there’s Dk v Kc 2. Look at his face when Bakugo reveals how much pain he’s in. He wanted a peaceful talk with him but Kacchan was hurting emotionally and he had to accept his feelings the only way he knew Bakugo would be able to unleash them. Because he couldn’t stand him being in pain. He has no choice.
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I wanna now go back to before this fight and look at Uraraka’s words. A lot of people found this strange coming from her. But look at right after. We see Todoroki emphasizing that what they are doing is selfish. And what this Spurs Deku to think about?
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Kacchan in emotional pain. And while yes the emphasis is mainly on him telling Deku to “stay back”, his eyes are saying he’s in pain. So while Deku saving Bakugo in this case is selfish. It’s what he has to do. He cannot stand to having him in pain if he can do something about it.
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And now we have Monoma poking at Kacchan’s very real emotional turmoil and this causes Izuku to absolutely lose his shit. Bakugo is not in danger, I’m not even sure if Bakugo can hear what Monoma said but Deku remembers all the pain he went through and to have this insecurity mocked just tore right into Deku as if he was the one being insulted. So he unlocks a new quirk because he was that angry.
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And now the final moment to really eat away at his skin is Bakugo being hurt for his sake. I think that’s what tore away at him the most so when AFO insults Kacchan’s sacrifice, Deku again cannot handle it. He goes fucking berserk.
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I feel like Deku sees Bakugo as this strong, amazing impenetrable force who he loves to emulate in order to feel stronger. So when that person, when his self admitted symbol of victory gets hurt? It sends a complete shock to his system that he just..can’t handle.
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In conclusion, Deku spends a lot of the manga fighting for Bakugo’s safety and happiness and poor Kacchan keeps getting into more and more trouble as the series goes on. When Deku finally wakes up, I hope they will talk it out and Deku can see now that Kacchan feels the exact same way and has always felt that way which is what lead to them straying apart in the first place.
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jekacatrina · 3 years ago
Bakudeku Spiderman AU
Okay, you guys caused this! Spiderman is my favorite superhero and all the Deku fanart as Spiderman and interacting with Bakugou I've been seeing is the best?!? Like?!? I love it? So here, have a tiny thing I wrote for them:
Izuku hid his identity as Spiderman successfully for longer than he thought possible. Everyone was safer without knowing who he was and what he did. People close to heroes were in bigger danger, he was aware of that and he wouldn't jeopardize his loved ones' safety just to get the weight off his chest.
Then Kacchan got hurt, and it didn't matter anymore.
He cradled his unconscious body, tears blurring his vision but he couldn't do anything to wipe them.
"Kacchan! Kacchan!" He was frantic, only letting go of him to rip off his gloves, needing to touch skin directly. He passed an arm behind his back and lifted his body. Kacchan was half seated while Izuku kneeled by his side. "Hey, you're fine, wake up, Kacchan, please!" His fingers found the wound by the side of his head, and they came back wet with blood. "Come on, come on, Kacchan, wake up, scream at me, anything." He whimpered.
Izuku had watched him get hit with a piece of falling debris from the destruction that came with almost every one of his fights. Instead of running away, Kacchan had been helping people escape between the abandoned cars clogging the street, and then something hit his head and he stumbled over the edge of the crumbling bridge, face blank.
Izuku had never reacted faster in his life. 
He trapped the villain in a ridiculous amount of webs, and jumped after Kacchan. 
He shot two webs in quick succession. One connected with his chest, and Izuku pulled hard, their bodies clashing. He held Kacchan against him with all his strength as the other web found what remained of the bridge, and they swung from it, landing a little rocky but Izuku didn't falter.
"Please, open your eyes," his scarred fingers shook too much to check for a pulse, and he was about to swing to the nearest hospital when Kacchan woke up.
"Agh, shit, my head," he groaned, blinking blearily at him. "What the Hell happened? Why were you screaming so fucking loud? Some hero you are, screeching like that." 
With each word, even the curses and insults, maybe especially because of them, Izuku's heart started beating again.
"Oh thank God!" Izuku gasped in relief, hugging him tightly. "Don't ever scare me like that again, Kacchan," he begged, his hand cupping the back of his head and his face nuzzling in the crook of his neck.
"The fuck you just called me?" Kacchan was stiff in his arms.
Izuku should have lied, pretend he said nothing and let Kacchan think he had hallucinated. 
He didn't. 
His defenses were down, the relief and sheer happiness of having Kacchan awake in his arms trampled all his reserves to dust. Besides, how on Earth would Spiderman explain why he was clinging to him like that?
So he leaned back without releasing his hold, and whispered:
"I called you Kacchan."
The hands traveling from his shoulders to the base of his neck were shaky and yet certain. Kacchan slipped his fingers underneath the hem of his mask and Izuku didn't break eye contact, even as the sturdy spandex that guarded his identity was pulled up and off his face completely.
He saw his childhood friend without the net covering his eyes. The way the red eyes widened would have been funny if not for the entire situation.
He mustered a wan smile.
"Hey, Kacchan, there's something you should know-"
"You got to be fucking kidding me," he cut him off. "Are you for real, Deku?! For fuck's sake, I want to pass out again," he groaned, smacking Izuku with the mask.
He couldn't help it; Izuku giggled.
He brought Kacchan back for a hug and this time, his childhood friend hugged him back just as hard.
Izuku didn't find a trace of regret in his heart. Kacchan was supposed to know.
No harm would come to him, Izuku was going to protect him with his life.
This is what fanarts causes, people!
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polonium-snap · 3 years ago
The Beauty & the Deku chp.3
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Summary: Izuku and Katsuki somehow get trapped in a book of fairy tales, to get out of it they decide to play their part in the stories. How far are they willing to go to fulfill the romantic plotlines? Will Katsuki be able to play the role of a fairy tale princess?
<<Prev| First |Next>>
The ceiling was pinkish brown and wooden, comfortable heat embraced the slowly waking up body of a gorgeous blonde-haired man. Birds tweeted loudly outside his window, as they usually did these days, man fuck those birds, he thought, not only were they disrupting his sleep but they were also a sign he was still trapped in a never-ending nightmare.
“Fine, fine, I’ll get up.” Katsuki sat up on the bed. “You can stop yapping.” His only comfort was knowing at least the damn animals weren’t talking.
As the previous times, he woke up in an unfamiliar room, though this time it seemed more lively, and even if it was still quite far from his own room back at home, it was quieter. Katsuki sighed and stood up, leaving the warmth of his bed to face what was his reality as for now, he changed into some better clothes, noticing with relief that they were comfortable enough.
He went down the stairs where he found the idiots he calls friends making a ruckus and giggling for some reason.
“Let’s make it red.” Kirishima’s voice could be heard.
“No, no, pink.” Mina said authoritatively.
“Isn’t that the same color?” Now that was dunce face.
Katsuki could only thank the sky that they weren’t animals this time. “What are you idiots doing?” The blonde makes his presence known.
They jump to the table, trying to obstruct his view of whatever they were hiding behind and stuttering in a less than conspicuous way.
“We want you to pick some berries.” Kirishima said, handing him a basket.
“Yes, exactly!” Kaminari said, further cementing the fact they are hiding something from Bakugou.
The logic of Katsuki’s new approach to finding a way out of this hellhole would say he refuses to do anything they ask of him, but he thinks he knows what story they are in now, he knew it as soon as Bakugou saw three of his friends in ridiculous color-coded outfits that brought more childhood memories, he was in Sleeping Beauty. He had to go to the forest to supposedly look for berries so he would find his stupid childhood friend, Deku, who for some reason was always prince charming in these stories, while Katsuki was stuck in uncomfortable dresses.
“Yeah, whatever, I’ll go.” He rolled his eyes because showing disdain was the only thing that was not censored in this shitty world. He takes the basket and pretends he doesn’t know the three idiots are planning for a birthday party or something like that.
Katsuki would never admit it, but he had missed his friends, and seeing them in animal form did not count as actually interacting with them, seeing them in their usual antics was a breath of fresh air the blonde needed.
He makes his way out of the house and walks straight to the forest, fuming, because he is still mad at Deku and since they are done with the follow-the-story bullshit he can kick the green-haired menace as much as he wants. Katsuki ignores the animals that follow him around, only lightly greeting them, as he has accepted their permanent existence next to him.
“DEKUUUUU!!!” Katsuki bellows as hard as his vocal cords allow. “Where are you? You useless bastard!!!” He screams some more.
After some minutes of yelling, the little fucked decides to answer. “Kacchan?” Izuku says, appearing seemingly from nowhere with a white horse.
“Deku.” Bakugou grins maniacally. “Prepare to die, nerd.” He impulsed himself toward Izuku, whose eyes widened in panic and surprise.
“Wait, wait! Kacchan!” Izuku flailed his hands around, but the blond did not stop, tackling him to the ground. “Uff!” Deku said as they hit the ground and felt the weight of his friend crash into him.
“I’m still incredibly angry at the stunt you pulled off in the last story.” Katsuki explained. “You literally had ONE job, while I slaved around cleaning that crappy house, and you managed to mess it up!” He growled. “So don’t complain too much while I kill you.” The angry straddled Izuku and raised his hand.
“No, wait!” Izuku cried. “I-IthinkIknowhowtogetoutofhere!” He said quickly, making the other stop on his tracks.
He wasn’t actually going to punch Deku, not that the little twerp needed to know that. “What did you say?” Bakugou raised an eyebrow and took his fist away from the other teen’s face.
“I think I know how to get out of here.” Izuku stated.
“Do tell.” Kasuki said, still sitting down on Deku’s lap, which didn’t escape the notice of the green-eyed man, who blushed profusely.
“Let’s stand up first, Kacchan.” Izuku said, trying very hard not to stare at the cleavage that was so close to his face, enhanced by the loose clothing the blonde wore.
Katsuki blustered and stood up, wordlessly offering a hand to Izuku, which he took just as silently since he knew better than to point them out.
They started to walk through the forest. “Why didn’t you do what you were supposed to in the last story?” The taller man asked. “Did you hate kissing me that much?” Katsuki snorted, but he was unsure why an affirmative answer would hurt him so much.
“I-I didn’t- I d-d-don’t! I j-j-just!” Izuku stuttered, unable to explain himself. How was he supposed to tell his longtime crush that one of the reasons he didn’t want to kiss him was that he liked it too much and it hurt knowing it meant nothing? “I just couldn’t do it while you were unconscious!” It wasn’t a lie. “I felt disgusting.” Also, not a lie, kissing Kacchan while he was asleep felt like Izuku was forcing himself on someone that clearly didn’t like him that way.
“You are so stupid.” Katsuki said, somewhat relieved, Deku had said he didn’t hate it. “But it’s whatever, Deku.”
They continued walking until they reached a clearing, where Katsuki sat down on a nearby rock and rested his arms on a bigger one near it, smirking at Izuku. “So you said you know how to get out of here?” He said, thinking the other had just said that to get the other to abstain from hitting him. “It better not be your way of trying to convince me to go along with the story again.”
“I-it’s not.” Izuku said, blushing at how the other man looked and his new idea of a way out of this nightmare. “I was just thinking…”
“Dangerous.” Katsuki interrupted, continuing with his teasing. “Each time you do that we end up in an even more forked up situation than with what we started.” He never stopped smirking.
“Shut up!” Izuku continued to blush. “If you don’t want to hear my idea, that’s fine.” He turned away from his friend's hot smile.
Katsuki laughed. “Sorry nerd, it’s just that your last idea didn’t exactly work.” He said. “Besides, you said that if it didn’t work you would let me do my idea next, that’s just doing the opposite from what the story said.”
Izuku huffed. “How would that even work?” He crossed his arms.
The blonde rolled his eyes. “What is your new idea anyway?”
The shorter teen looked away, his cheeks slightly burning, originally he wasn’t actually going to say what he had been thinking about, he had said it on impulse, even though he knew Kacchan wouldn’t actually hit him.
“Well?” Katsuki insisted. “Aren’t you going to enlighten me with your amazing ideas?” He continued sarcastically.
“I-it’s just…” Izuku breathed, debating telling the other what he was thinking. “Y-you know how the last two stories only ended because we k-k-kissed?”
Bakugou’s eyes widened, immediately catching on to what Deku was trying to say, the worst was it did make sense, the last two stories had ended when they kissed, well. When Katsuki had kissed Izuku since the other hadn’t had the chance either of the times to kiss back.
“M-m-m-maybe i-if we did it again, we could move onto the next story?” Izuku finished explaining.
Katsuki fought a blush. “S-say we do t-t-that, what do we do once we get to the next story?” He asked
“I g-gu-guess we could continue to k-k-k-kiss until there are no more fairy tales?” Izuku said, though he completely expected the idea to be rejected.
“It could...work.” Katsuki admitted with an uncharacteristically quiet, pink dusting his cheeks, which he hid by turning away from Izuku.
There was a deafening silence, so much so he could feel the sparks of tension between them, pushing and pulling simultaneously. Red eyes lock on green, triggering even more the thick air between them as the color of their eyes shone even brighter with indescribable emotions.
“...Good, cool, cool, cool, cool.” Izuku muttered, unsure of what to do next, does he get closer to the other teen, or should he wait for the blond to initiate. “Should we...try it now?”
“Yeal,” Katsuki said breathlessly. “I mean, the faster we do this the sooner we’ll know if it works, right?” He tentatively stepped forward, not one to be a coward. “Or did you lie and you actually hate kissing me?” He teased as he was unsure of what to do with himself.
“No!” Deku replied too fast, blushing instantly. “I mean, no, it wasn’t bad, I guess.” He tried to be nonchalant. “I was just making sure you were ready.” He followed the knee-jerking response he had to Kacchan of accepting every challenge the blond implied.
Slowly they got closer.
Unlike last time, they weren’t rushed, didn’t feel the frustration to be done with the story as they had previously, this time they were obligated to look into each other and watch as luscious plump lips closed the heated distance between them.
Izuku couldn’t breathe, mesmerized by the sight in front of him and the warm breath that heated further his cheeks and tickled his nose.
Their lips met softly, making a complete contrast to their previous kisses, Katsuki lightly touched Izuku’s cheek with his hand, and Deku couldn’t help the need to place his hands on the blond’s hips. The kiss seemed to short, only serving to make Izuku crave more.
“...So...it didn’t work.” Katsuki said, not yet removing his hand.
“Y-Yeah.” Izuku mumbled back, also not taking his hands away.
Katsuki seemed to react first, slightly jumping away from Deku. “I-I think I need to go back to the three idiots cabin.”
Izuku jumps away too, as soon as his brain is able to process what had happened to a passable degree. “Oh, yeah! Of course! See you later, K-Kacchan!”
The blond turns away and starts walking away before stopping suddenly. “By the way, you can kiss me whenever.”
Izuku’s mouth snapped shut, the redness from his cheeks that just barely had seemed to calm down returned in full force.
“I-I mean! If it’s to get out of the story.” Bakugou amends, uncharacteristically embarrassed.
Deku almost is unable to contain the disappointment that spreads through him. “Of course…”
Katsuki berated himself all the way back to the house, what even was that back there with Deku? Why was he, Lord Explosion Murder, who is never embarrassed stuttering and tripping over his words? Not to mention the kiss, he definitely enjoyed it more than he should, prolonged it more than he should have.
Who would have known Deku was such a good kisser? It had to be that, right? That was the only possible reason he liked the kiss so much.
He needed to get out of his head, and thankfully taking care of his extras was exactly what could do so.
“There he is!” Said Kaminari, glad to see him, as Kirishima and Ashido turned to look at him too.
“Happy Birthday, bro!” Kirishima said, shoving a cake onto his face, while Mina presented him with a beautifully crafted outfit; a blue dress-inspired shirt with a wide cleavage with same-colored pants and a darker shade cape.
Bakugou smiled despite himself, it wasn’t anywhere near his birthday, though the praise of his (thankfully human-looking) friends was certainly but secretly appreciated. “How did you idiots even manage to make this cake and not set the house on fire?”
“Uhhhh…about that.” Denki looked at his friends less than subtly, at which they returned the unease with equally inconspicuous looks. “We have something very important to tell you.”
“Oh, yeah.” Kirishima confirmed.
“You should sit for this honey,” Mina said, suddenly serious.
The blond teen rolled his eyes, honestly, he should have started to do whatever the fuck he wanted long ago, but he strangely decided to humor his friends, NOT because he liked them and missed them, not at all, Katsuki was just in a generous mood.
“We,” Kirishima started and pointed to himself and the other two extras. “Are fairies, we were tasked by the king to take care of you until you turned 16, due to a sleeping curse that is to end today.”
Katsuki acted shocked just because he could. “Oh, word?”
“Now you need to get ready sweetie, you are going to marry a prince and we have to prepare.” Mina said, grabbing the newly made outfit with the intention of dressing Bakugou.
“Yes, yes, prince Izuku this, prince Izuku that.” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the thought of the nerd.
The three fairies shared a confused look. “Who is Izuku?” Kaminari asked.
“We were talking about Prince Philip.” Said Kirishima.
“WHat?” Katsuki yelled. “Who on Earth is that? I’m not marrying some random extra!” He protested.
“Why not?” Mina asked.
“There’s already someone I…” Katsuki paused, realizing what he was just about to say. “I would rather marry someone I know rather than some dude I just met…”
“You met someone?” Kirishima asked, surprised.
“NO, yes, maybe.” Katsuki stuttered. “In the forest, there was this guy, a total dumb nerd, but I guess he is torelable enough, kind of funny, and stubborn, anyways, he is definitely better than some Prince Philip.”
Ashido looks at him with something like sorrow. “Sorry hun, you’ve been betrothed to him since you were born, you have to marry him or there will literally be a war”
While Katsuki was well aware he was trying to purposefully change the story, he did not want to deal with a war at the moment. It never occurred to him that the prince might not be Izuku, it never seemed like a possibility, and he couldn’t quite understand why it was so upsetting.
He wondered who the prince would end up being.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku went back to the castle he had woken up in, finding out All Might was once again his father for the tale, which he was in part very happy about, but at the same time sad he didn’t exactly count on the time to enjoy.
“Al- Dad!” Deku said once he saw the oddly dressed Toshinori.
“Oh, my boy!” All Might said. “Where have you been all morning? We have so much to prepare for your wedding to the prince.”
“I’m sorry I’m late, but I’m just...uhm...exited?” Izuku said. “I mean, at first I wasn’t sure, but now I’m glad I’m marrying him.”
“My boy Izuku,” All Might smiled. “I’m so glad you have come around, I knew prince Aurelio would be a good match for you.”
“Wait, who?!” Izuku’s eyes widened.
“Prince Aurelio, the one you have been betrothed to since you were children.” All Might raised an eyebrow.
“No no no, I’m going to marry prince Katsuki!” the young man said, unnerved by the newfound information.
Toshinori paused for a moment. “There is no prince on this side of the world named Katsuki.” He said slowly, looking at increasingly more nerve-wracked Izuku with worry.
That’s right, Kacchan and him being both the main leads in every story was never a hard-cold fact. That thought didn’t help Izuku at all, they had just started to figure things out when again there were new issues to deal with?! He had to marry some random prince he didn’t know, and for what? Kacchan wasn’t even following the story currently, which right about now sounded very appealing to Izuku who while was more than ok kissing his childhood friend definitely did not feel the same way about some prince who was probably way older than he was.
He needed to speak with Kacchan.
“Look, you don’t have to marry prince Aurelio if you have someone you actually love.” All Might assured, patting the back of his panicked son in a loving manner. “I’ll just have to talk to the king and everything will be alright.”
Izuku bit his lip, he had been an advocate for following the story so far, but now he had his doubts. “I-I already have someone I want to marry, and it’s not prince Aurelio.”
“Alright, my boy.” All Might smiled, but then he sighed. “Your mother won’t be happy, you know? She is good friends with the queen.”
“My mom?” Izuku muttered, missing her dearly. “You mean my mom Inko?” He said making sure he was talking about her and not some woman who was supposed to be his mother in the story.
“Who else?” All might said, besotted with the mention of the green-haired woman.
Huh. Izuku thought this was the second time All Might and Inko were his parents and apparently married, happily. He was aware this world took real elements from his reality, which made him wonder if this relationship between his mom and his mentor held some truth to it.
“Who is this Katsuki you want to marry anyway?” Toshinori asked, curious as to who had captured his son’s heart.
“Oh, about that.” Izuku remembered his intention to go look for Kacchan in order to talk about the current situation. “I have to go find him, I mean, I have to introduce you to him.”
All Might laughed and side hugged Izuku in a way that mitigated some of the unease the green-haired teen had been feeling for a while. Izuku found himself very happy to see All Might so carefree, apparently devoid of any injury and restored to his old self. “All right, you go do that, I’ll talk the king out of a war, although now that I think about it, it might be the queen who I will have to talk to.”
“See you later All M- dad!” Izuku said, the taller man had looked hurt when Izuku apparently called him by the nickname All Might had gained in a war, instead of calling him dad, so Izuku had caved and called the man so only because he knew that it wasn’t the real Toshinori.
Deku mounted his horse and started to go on his way to the cabin Katsuki had mention waking up, they needed to talk.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
The castle was bigger than the one Katsuki had seen in Cinderella and Snow White, the atmosphere also looked brighter. As soon as he figured he was in Sleeping Beauty Katsuki had been determined to just not fall asleep, after biting the apple Shigaraki had given him in the last story he had had weird dreams he remembered nothing about. Besides, he had always wondered why Aurora went and got herself prickled with the fucking spinning wheel.
Anyway, that was not going to him, he strengthened his resolve as he entered the castle, rolling his eyes as he was told that his parents in this story wanted to see him just after his wedding to, ugh, Prince Philip.
“So they don’t see me for 16 years and the first time they want to marry me off to some weirdo, that’s nice.” He said sarcastically.
“People say he is very handsome, you know.” Kaminari said, now in what Katsuki supposed was his fairy outfit.
“Who cares if the sun shines out of his ass.” Cool, ass itself was not a swear word, praise the gods. “I don’t want to marry him, and I’ll be such a jerk he won’t either.”
“Wow, you really must be in love with the guy you met in the forest.” Mina commented in awe, in a pretty pink outfit.
Katsuki spluttered, turning red. “I DO NOT LIKE DEKU!!” He screeched. “H-he is a lame nerd, we could never be together.” He turned to look outside the window. He and Izuku were friends, now that Katsuki had gotten his head out of his ass and stopped having his superiority complex triggered by his childhood friend, but years of miscommunication and misguided aggression could be easily ignored.
Ashido, Kirishima, and Kaminari guided him to his room and fixed him up in a blue outfit they had made for him, although Mina and Eijiro still argued over the color.
“We’ll be right back!” Kirishima said as he and the other two went out to do who knows what.
Katsuki sighed and looked at his reflection, he didn’t know why on earth he was still entertaining this stupidity his friends had told him to, he had said he would fuck shit up in this story because he was tired of going along with it, why exactly had he been doing exactly the opposite? Either way, there was no way he was going to ever marry some random dude, even if it was what got him out of here, he and Deku would figure out another way.
Suddenly he felt like he was underwater, he couldn’t think or feel.
He was an outsider of his own body as he stood up, slowly walking in an unknown direction through the swirling stairs and hallways. His senses were asleep and his mind seemed submerged in a thick substance that forbade him from controlling himself.
Abruptly he was vaguely aware of the door in front of him and as Katsuki opened it he was overwhelmed by green, but not the calm deep forest green he had come to like through the years, but a toxic acidic green burning his eyes with its power, although he felt nothing but nausea.
There was no pain as his finger touched the sharp end of the needle, just the acid spreading through his body as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell unconscious.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
It had happened again, and really Katsuki should have expected it. Every Time he's out there doing god’s work and saving people, the world decides to fuck him over, he is actually fine with it, he has come to expect it. Katsuki is cursed and he knows it, the problem is that Deku is fucking cursed too, even more than he is for some goddam reason, and one would think bad luck plus bad luck would cancel each other out because that is the logical thing, right? Well, logic flies out when it concerns Katsuki and Izuku.
It is his bad karma making him repent, Katsuki recons.
At first, Katsuki would be offended Aizawa-sensei called him problem child #2, but honestly now with all the bullshit Katsuki goes through every single time he inexplicably sees himself end up involved in some villain’s conspiracy he can’t even deny it.
Which all of this is a roundabout way to say he and Deku got themselves in another fight with older more experienced villains when they are barely in their third year of high school.
They were supposed to do a simple patrol, it was supposed to be easy, but of course, Deku being Deku he had snooped around the agency and recalled the face of some suspected criminal who just happened to walk past them.
“I swear Kacchan, I saw him on the file Hawks was looking at when he welcomed us,” Deku insisted. “We need to follow him.”
“Ok, first of all you can’t call me that fucking kiddie name when we are in costume,” Katsuki scolded, though Izuku at least had the decency to look sorry. “Second, Aizawa specifically told us to only report suspicious activity and not to engage.”
“K- uh, Dynamyght, Aizawa-sensei said that to everybody.”
Katsuki looked at him with a blunt expression. “He said and I quote ‘I swear to god if you get in trouble I’ll expell you, problem children’ while looking at us.”
“Yeah, ok, but Kacchan he’s going to get away.” Izuku said, as they inconspicuously followed the presumed villain as they had yet to come to a decision. “Do you know what he is suspected of doing? They think he is the one that collects children and gives them to All for One!”
The blonde hesitated. “Fine, we’ll call back up.” The other boy frowned, knowing how long backup might take, moreover when it was not even a confirmed sighting.
“Think of the children!” Deku hissed, determined. “Besides, this will look amazing on our record, and may even help us climb ranks when we graduate!”
Dynamyght was nothing if not ambitious, also the children. “God damn it stupid Deku!” He hissed back. “This better not end in a disaster.”
Deku beamed and Katsuki scowled, as was his trained response to that disarming smile.
They carefully followed the suspect; tall with, black hair, yellow eyes, and a weird tattoo on his left eye. Silence trailed them too, even with the considerable amount of people on the street. The presumed villain turns the corner to an alley, where Katsuki and Deku follow several seconds later.
“Shouldn't have followed, mini heroes.” The man said, without even turning around.
Katsuki is about to tell him to shut the fuck up and fight when a hand appears behind him and covers his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. He struggles and is vaguely aware Deku is in a similar situation. Strength escapes the blonde and staying awake is harder as seconds pass by, his head swims and all he can do is muster his best glare as he topples to the ground.
“There’s a quirk I’ve been dying to try.” The man, who looks to be about thirty, smirks.
Katsuki blacks out.
He wakes up tied up and unable to use his quirk, whether it is because of the remnants of the chloroform or because of anti-quirk restraints is unclear. He looks around dazedly, he spots Deku slouched on the floor, no doubt still knocked out and a little girl in the fetal position sobbing in one corner of the dirty basement they were trapped in.
“Hey, you ok, kid?” Katsuki calls and hopes his speech is not too slurred.
The girl sobbed harder. He groaned lowly in frustration and slowly with the little strength he had recovered since he woke up he struggles his way to the small kid, about seven years old.
“We’re gonna get you out of here, you know.” Bakugou had never been good with comforting people, but he tried. “Me and him are actually heroes in training.”
“...Really?” The little girl lifted up her tear-stained face, she had light purple shoulder-length hair and blazing orange eyes.
“Yes really.” He assures her. “Even if we can’t get you out, there will be people looking for us, so don’t give those assholes what they want and keep strong.”
A determined look courses through the girl's face. “Allright, mister hero!”
“Call me Dynamight.” Katsuki corrects as gently as he can.
“My name is Lily.” She says he notices she has a thick book she clutches with all her might.
“Nice to meet you, or whatever.” The book bothers him, why would kidnappers ever let the kid keep anything? “What do you have there, Lily?”
“Oh, this is my favorite book! My mom always reads it to me before sleeping.” She smiles slightly, which Katsuki is glad to see, as this must be a stressful situation for a kid like her. “It’s got all my favorite fairy tales from the movies!”
Katsuki smiles lightly at her. “That is amazing, kid.”
A loud groan from the floor diverted their attention.
Deku lifted his head from the floor, though his tied hands made it difficult to rise from the ground. “K-Kacchan…” He whined.
“Finally up, you piece of sh-trash.” Katsuki amended.
“Where are we?” Izuku asked, clearly still fighting the effects of the drug the villains used to put them unconscious.
“Fu- Hell if I know.”
Deku turned to Lily. “Hi sweety, what is your name?”
She introduced herself timidly and Deku did the same, offering her a smile. Katsuki was glad the other boy had awakened, as he was better at dealing with people than the blonde was, though he still made one or two comments to the conversation they maintained, the little girl coaxing the answers out of him.
The relative pleasantness of the conversation disappeared when the basement’s door opened, revealing the man from earlier, along with his henchmen.
“Take them upstairs.” The black-haired man said.
“Yes, boss.” His henchmen replied in unison, bypassing their leader and lifting up the two teenagers and the girl.
“LET ME GO YOU FUCKERS, LET’S FIGHT LIKE REAL MEN!” Katsuki struggled as hard as he could, and Deku tried to do the same.
I was ultimately useless, and they were dropped in the ground of the upper floor, which was still very much disgusting. They sat the girl on a chair and the leader approached her, with the fairy tale book in his hands, he dropped it carelessly on the floor, where it landed open.
“Show us what you can do.” He smirked at the girl and the heroes in training.
Katsuki growled and Deku glared, Lily predictably was sobbing.
“I don’t have time to waste, little girl.” The leader growled when Lily didn’t immediately use her quirk, and he yanked the poor girl's hair, making Izuku and Katsuki trash harder on their binds. “If you don’t want to die, use your quirk on those two useless heroes.”
The girl cried harder, shaking her head. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”, she said as she raised her hands, probably to use her quirk.
Izuku shook his head, smiling sadly at the girl. “It’s not your fault Lily, the pro heroes will save us soon enough.”
Katsuki gave a short nod in agreement, if anyone was at fault it was these stupid asshole villains.
The girl’s eyes and hands glowed a reddish-orange that started to permeate the room to the point Katsuki had to close his eyes at the strong light as darkness overtakes him. He promptly loses consciousness.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku gets to the cabin a few hours later, although it seems no one answers when he knocks on the door. He opens it, just to be sure Kacchan is not there and to have a clue as to where he might have gone. He enters with tentative steps into the darkness of the place, where a sinister laugh greets him.
Hundreds of minions attack him before he can even defend himself as they tie him up and gag him, holding him in place in front of a black figure.
It looks like Kurogiri is the Maleficent in this story, which Izuku guesses is fitting enough, although he notes the usual purpleness of the villain has turned to a sour green.
“I set a trap for a peasant and look here, I caught a prince.” He laughs when Izuku glares at him as the gag and ties prevent anything else.
Izuku is dragged to Kurogiri’s run-down castle, they put him in a cell and shackle his hands and feet. If he had his quirk he could have easily broken the bounds, but not having it does not stop him from struggling against the iron chains.
The green-haired prince sighs and throws himself at the bench, wondering how Katsuki is.
However there is not enough time to lament his situation, as out of nowhere fairy sized Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari appear.
“Prince Philip!” Kirishima said as he starts shooting red magic off his wand into breaking the shackles that keep him bound.
“Who?” Izuku said, confused. “My name is Izuku.” He said.
The three fairies gasp. “You are the one prince Aurelio met in the forest.”
“No no, I have never met Aurelio.” Izuku reassured them. “But never mind that, where is Kac-Katsuki?”
Kaminari laughed as he broke the lock of the door. “Katsuki is Aurelio, we had to change his name so he wouldn’t get recognized.”
“Oh.” Izuku said, remembering princess Aurora had gone by Rose the first part of the movie.
Ashido spoke then, interrupting his thoughts. “Guys, we don’t have the time for this, we need to go!” She rushed them.
Izuku immediately straightened up, only half hearing Kirishima’s explanation as he was given a shield and a sword. They speed out the room, not without alerting Kurogiri’s ugly crow, which immediately started squawking in alert. The stairs were full of minions throwing all types of weapons at Izuku, but he skillfully deflected them and somehow they were able to make it out of the castle where the incessant attacks continued as Izuku tried to get to his horse in order to escape.
Rocks and arrows rained from the sky, but thankfully Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari turned them into bubbles and flowers with magic, which Izuku thought was pretty neat.
The dashing prince managed to get atop his horse and raced to the castle and with outstanding strength was able to cut all the spiky vines that barricaded the place Katsuki was trapped in asleep.
Upon cutting his way through the vines, Kurogiri teleports in front of him, furious. Then he turns into a dragon, at which Izuku looks for a more open area where he won’t be burnt to flames, swinging his sword at the reptile as it shoots green fire out his mouth.
In the process he somehow manages to break one of his left-hand fingers and lose his shield, he hissed in pain as he stared down the abyss. The dragon seemingly laughs, thinking they have won, but the three fairies hover over Izuku, overloading the sword with so much magic it shines. In a last-ditch effort to win, Izuku throws the sword with all his remaining strength and lets out a sigh of relief when it pierces right through the dragon’s heart.
Kurogiri stumbled into the abyss, where Izuku once the threat has been eliminated does not even bother looking back as he sprints toward the castle, bypassing the sleeping peasants, the guards, and even All Might and Kacchan’s parents, who appear just as unconscious as the rest.
Finally, he arrives at Katsuki’s room, where the blonde lies, his face slack with sleep, unmoving but still beautiful.
Izuku breathes in, Katsuki had given him permission to kiss him, even if it only was to get out of a story.
He leaned in and kissed his childhood friend, whose lips were as soft as they had been earlier in the day.
Katsuki’s red eyes slowly opened, blinking away the sleep. “You idiot.” He said, because what else would the explosive boy say? “You were Prince Philip?”
Izuku laughed. “I guess.”
He was about to tell the other teen they needed to go downstairs to greet their parents, but the world started to turn white again, as it did every time a new story was about to start.
Izuku braced himself.
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gentrychild · 4 years ago
Hey. Hey Gentry. Wyvern!AfO getting hit with Eri's Rewind so he's tiny hatchling, but still has all his memories.
(The Muses wanted Deaged izuku instead... Sorry, @proclaimersofheroes)
All Might had tears in his eyes but he was starting to stay strong and not to succumb to unnecessary emotions… No, that was it, he was crying. Midoriya Izuku, proud wyvern, somewhat okay squire, watched the Symbol of Peace break all composure and cry.
“You’re so cute,” the eighth One for All holder sobbed.
Izuku, currently lying in the fireplace, the flames a warm blanket over his juvenile scales, flicked his tail, unamused.
That was apparently not the thing to do as all of 1-A, All Might, Shinsou and Eri cooed. Everyone except Kacchan, who had his back against the wall, as far as he could physically be from Izuku. His unease didn’t make sense, though, not when Izuku was far smaller than that time where Kacchan had damaged part of his hoard and Izuku had amicably tried to eat his face.
He deserved it. Hoardbreaker. Worse than a thief.
Ashido even started to reach out, remembering at the last second that Izuku had set residency inside the hearth. The best decision he had taken in the past hour as, when people had calmed down then calmed down Eri, everyone seemed to have mistaken him for a plushie.
He didn’t fail to notice how no one wanted to cuddle when he was his usual size. It was all “Midoriya, don’t sleep on me, you’re too heavy.” “Midoriya, don’t pounce on me, it’s scary to see a predator do that.” “Midoriya, don’t even think about –AAAAAAAAAH-“ or “Is it breakfast time yet… DRAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! – Oh, sorry Midoriya, my brain thought you were about to eat me.”
But as soon as he was the size of a young cat, no one seemed to be able to keep their hands to themselves!
“Traitors,” he muttered under his breath in Draconic, not because he didn’t want to be heard by his classmates but because his wyvern throat couldn’t speak Common.
Of course, All Might picked on it –the Supreme knight had to know all the basic languages- but curiously, that made him smile. Izuku wondered why, was distracted by some fireproof fingers that wanted to tickle him and which were about to be bitten off when Aizawa barged into the house they were borrowing, on the outskirts of the village.
And he was bringing a full rabbit!
Yaoyorozu took a step back when she saw it.
The best in teacher in the world, the man that Izuku loved very much, knelt by the fireplace, worry all over his face. Izuku immediately decided that this man deserved half of the rabbit. Or maybe a quarter. He was a growing reptile.
“Midoriya, do you feel warm enough?”
“Sensei, he is literally standing in fire.”
Aizawa turned towards Kaminari and whatever the Roc bird saw inside his bloodshot eyes made hm take a step back, his hands raised to show that he wasn’t a threat.
“Young draconics imperatively need to be kept warm,” the teacher explained, managing to make it sound both like an impromptu lesson and a threat at the same time. “If he was a dragon, he would need to be kept in a bigger dragon’s mouth. If he was a wyrm, he would need to be buried in a warm soil and also to be underground. But since he is a wyvern, I have no idea of how to take care of him!”
According to his dad, young wyverns had to be kept right under their father’s wing and to stay right there during the entire winter instead of hiding under piles of gold and playing with cursed objects. However, since Sensei seemed a little stressed, Izuku decided not to tell him that.
“And worse, if anything even slightly reptile shaped learn that we have a hatchling…”
“NOT A HATCHLING!” Izuku hissed.
“… here,” Aizawa continued. “They will bring chaos and destruction in their wake to rescue him. With a little luck, they might even eat me and stop putting me in situation where I have to set a student on fire.”
All Might patted his colleague’s back. “It won’t last. It’s a matter of days at most. We just have to get him to that Fallen in Tartarus who can age people and all will be back to normal.”
“I doubt it will be so simple,” Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as if the perspective of things coming back to normal wasn’t as relaxing as one would have thought. “She is locked up for life. How are we supposed to convince her to help?”
“I was planning on biting her ankle until she used her blessing on me,” Izuku informed him.
Aizawa blinked.
And before he could say anything else, the sound of the bells. One ring, that echoed from the entire village, for the bells of the temple ere either used to celebrate or to warn everyone of a danger.
One ring for something roaming in the woods, that wouldn’t approach as long as you were with the rest of group, safe with the rest of your people, everyone with one hand or their pitchforks. Two for a Fallen, enough for a knight to intervene. Three for something worse. Four for when you had no other choice than to hide into your house and to pray that the law of hospitality and the sanctity of the threshold would be enough to keep back the force whatever was passing through.
And if you had offended it, curse on you and your blood for bringing back a calamity to your home.
Izuku, just everyone, counted. One. Two. Three… Four… Five?
In all his life, he had never heard of five rings.
All Might rose to his feet, the goofy teacher gone, replaced by a knight about to go on a hunt. His sword started to sing, a low hum that Izuku could only hear when he was wearing scales, and that made him want to hide far back in the fireplace and not to come out.
The sound of wings covered it and a shadow fell over the village, whatever was flying above them high enough to obscure the sun.
A roar followed. But of course, that word wasn’t enough to convey how that sound felt. Coming from such a massive beast, it was a force, something that could be felt to the inside of one’s bones, bringing memories of dark nights back when men were powerless and the predators knew it. It was mighty on its own but just a shadow of what had created it, a warning for what was to come.
Students whimpered. Aizawa grew pale, gulping down, afraid but refusing to show it. All Might’s hand clutched the sword at his side until his knuckles became white.
And Izuku left the warmth of the fireplace, barely paying attention to it as he had recognized the presence far above them.
“Oh, my dad is here!” he explained.
He flew out, snatching the rabbit Aizawa was still holding because it would be a shame to waste it, and he left by the opened door. The least he could do was to greet his dad. Maybe they could share the rabbit.
In any case, he didn’t want his dad to see his classmates and his teachers.
For now, he didn’t need to know Izuku was a squire.
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izusun · 4 years ago
My brain: Bakudeku but they've been dating since middle school
Me: Oh! That's sweet-
My brain, thriving off of pain only: Imagine that they're dating when the sludge villain happens. When All Might makes Izuku promise to keep One For All a secret. When the USJ happens. During internships and the encounter with Stain. During the training camp, and the Overhaul arc and-
Me, crying but also well fed:
- Goblin anon
goblin not you out here making me sad /j
izuku leaves earlier than katsuki. he still crosses the same bridge on his way home, still gets attacked by the sludge villain, still gets saved by all might, and still gets his hopes shattered.
he planned on telling katsuki a tidbit of the incident. something along the lines of, “i met a hero today, but they told me that i can’t be one because i’m quirkless.” because he doesn’t hide anything from katsuki, but something about all might’t gaunt form pushes izuku to not tell even katsuki about the truth regarding their favourite hero. but the telltale of familiar explosions ring around the area and izuku feels like something had slashed his heart because when he whipped to look at where the explosions came from, all he saw were pools of red shining in terror.
izuku remembers thinking no for a quick second, before he was moving forward. when he reached out to katsuki, katsuki reached out back.
when all is said and done, both katsuki and izuku go home together. they hold hands on the way home, not mentioning the way izuku’s kept trembling. all might, in his small form, stops them both. he sheepishly asks if he can talk to izuku alone but izuku refuses.
“sir, i don’t want to-” leave kacchan. let go of kacchan. walk away from him after what happened. talk to you anymore.
“just go,” katsuku says and when izuku tries to refute, he sees the look katsuki’s giving him–almost pleading. izuku hesitantly agrees and they part ways in that street.
all might apologizes for everything then offers his quirk. when izuku agrees, eyes glossy from unshed tears, all might asks him to not tell a soul. and that includes katsuki.
izuku thinks it’s unfair because they never hid anything from each other, but all might’s begging him, probably saw the way hesitation crossed izuku’s face, and izuku reluctantly agrees.
izuku doesn’t say anything to katsuki and katsuki doesn’t ask in return, but the way he eyes izuku shows that he knew that izuku’s hiding something from him.
they still don’t talk about the incident, and later don’t talk about how their time together decreases because of izuku’s training. izuku at least told katsuki that he still would be trying out for the hero course, quirkless as he is. katsuki voices his concern (of course disguised as angry tangents) but doesn’t stop izuku.
they meet on the day of the exam, wishing each other good luck. when iida told izuku to shut up, katsuki screams at him. it took both present mic and izuku to calm him down.
they part ways later since they’re on different testing grounds. there was a minute of silence between them as though katsuki’s waiting for izuku to confess up now about what happened with yagi and the training sessions that katsuki’s not allowed to go. but izuku still doesn’t say anything and katsuki leaves after.
izuku tells everything later when he woke up in the nurse’s office, saw katsuki’s crumpled state dozing off beside him. he thinks of katsuki’s trust, the way he never pushed izuku to tell him what’s up and recognizes that katsuku trusted him to tell him when he’s ready, and now it’s his turn to trust katsuki because katsuki never failed him.
so he pokes katsuki awake and chuckles lightly at katsuki’s worrying (disguised through scolding), and tells him. katsuki listens and doesn’t stop izuku. waits for him to tell his piece. when izuku finishes recounting, katsuki pulls him to an embrace, arms encircling tight.
“stupid deku,” katsuki whispers, void of any malice, “always making me worry.” he kisses izuku’s lips and helps izuku to his feet.
they don’t tell all might that izuku told katsuki about everything.
battle trial of bakugou/iida vs midoriya/uraraka passes with a bang of excitement and less injuries. the hero team still wins and izuku lets katsuku simmer in rage (not at izuku but at himself, always thinking he’s not strong enough) before hugging him. katsuki returns the hug.
when the villains infiltrate USJ, katsuki thinks his heart is shot twice. izuku still can’t handle ofa and then he’s separated from katsuki. katsuki finishes off the villains with kirishima and starts hounding for izuku. when he sees him, it’s to a bloody aizawa and an injured izuku. he is moving, aware that kirishima is marching with him.
“kacchan no!” he hears izuku scream and he jumps back away, heart hammering loudly when he sees the thing that was standing over aizawa almost attacking katsuki. and with the way their teacher is bloody and bruised, katsuki knew that had he been hit, he probably wouldn’t have survived.
all might arrives soon and hope blooms in his heart.
when he thought that they’re finally saved, he sees handy mcfuck reach out to all might and watched as izuku jumped up to intercept the attack.
snipe’s bullet sails past them and into shigaraki, thankfully giving katsuki the time to yank his boyfriend out of danger’s reach.
“nerd, what the fuck.”
he probably should have known that his boyfriend is prone to attracting danger.
when they receive a message from izuku, relaying his location, katsuki knew that he was in trouble.
he tried calling izuku back, but when his call was redirected to voicemail twice, he headed to best jeanist’s office.
“how fast can we go here?” he asks, showing the pinged location that izuku sent. it’s been ten minutes and hosu is less than an hour’s away. anything could happen to his nerd within that time frame.
“bakugou,” best jeanist says, “we can’t go. we have to patrol around the area. endeavour is in charge of hosu as of the situation right now, and unless there is a call for backup, we can’t move.”
katsuki doesn’t argue despite the worry and anger gnawing at him.
when his shift ends, mitsuki calls him. “hurry home, we’re visiting izu-chan.”
katsuki doesn’t waste time.
when they get there, izuku tells him about what happened. they were told to never disclose stain’s attack but katsuki and izuku long disregarded those rules. katsuki glares at him when he finishes, worry bubbling at the fact that both stain and a winged noumu attacked his boyfriend.
when izuku passes out once again, he plants a chaste kiss at izuku’s forehead and glares at half-and-half who was watching them the whole time.
this is such a good au!! i love love childhood sweethearts bakudeku and katsuki so whipped and in love <33
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five-rivers · 4 years ago
Danger First
Chapter 7
"Hey, Midoriya?" asked Uraraka, after Aizawa passed out a costume revision assignment and feigned passing out.
"Yes?" said Midoriya, knowing that his eyes were preturnaturally wide and fine tremors were running through his body. He was a wreck.
"Are you okay? Why did you come to class with Mr. Aizawa?"
"And what's that you're holding onto?" asked Kaminari.
"Um," said Izuku. "I was sort of... abducted by the support department? But in a nice way... And they gave me this grappling hook."
"Wow, cool! I didn't know we could get stuff like that from the support department."
"You should really read the student handbook, Kaminari," said Iida, pushing up his glasses.
"But it's so long!"
Iida tsked and adjusted his glasses more vigorously. "You're a student! You should at least be familiar with what is expected of you! Speaking of which, Midoriya, do you know how to use that?"
As much as he could learn from a ten-minute crash-course. "... yes," said Izuku, but it was clear from Iida's face that he had hesitated too long.
"Midoriya! You shouldn't have something like that in the classroom without knowing how to use it!" Iida half stood up, and Izuku clutched the grappling hook closer to his chest.
"No! Mine!" Maybe he was too attached to something he'd only had for a little over an hour, but the support department hadn't been able to give him any smoke bombs or flash grenades due to 'new school regulations regarding explosives' and he'd gone through a lot this morning.
Distress washed over Iida's face, and Izuku wondered if he'd accidentally smacked into some old trauma.
"I wasn't going to take it!" he said, earnestly waving his hands. "I just wanted to make sure you knew where the safety-"
The door to the classroom slammed open. "Is that my little brother I hear?" asked a beaming man in a track suit. Without waiting for an answer, he bounded over to where Iida was sitting and clapped him on the back. "I have come to embarrass you horribly!"
From the expression on Iida's face, this venture was doomed to failure. "I thought you were joking when you said you'd see me today!" exclaimed Iida, beaming.
"Why... why would I joke about that?"
"You joke about a lot of things. Like knowing vigila-"
"Okay! Yes, haha, funny jokester, that's me! Now why don't you introduce me to your classmates?"
"Of course! I have been remiss in my duties as vice president." He stood and executed a ninety-degree bow. "Forgive me! This is my brother, Iida Tensei! Also known as the pro hero Ingenium!"
Izuku could almost see his classmates start to put together the puzzle pieces of Chibiida and extremely tall older brother. He was more concerned about whether or not it would be rude to ask Ingenium for his autograph... and to check his analysis page on Ingenium...
"That's me! And I'll be your special guest TA today! Now, where's Aizawa? You're supposed to have him for homeroom, right?"
As one, the class pointed to the giant yellow caterpillar in the corner of the room.
"Oh my gosh, Shouta, I thought you were joking-"
Ingenium was, to put it in a single word, cool. To put it in two words, he was unbelievably cool. So cool Izuku was almost able to forget the impending field-trip-related DOOM they were all facing.
But not quite.
So Izuku slogged through his classes, still thrilled to be there and waning to do his best, but unable to truly focus past the crushing weight of what might happen. His classmates and maybe-friends hovered at the periphery of his suffering, clearly wanting to help, but just as clearly unsure how, or what lines they could or couldn't cross, leading them to resort to painfully awkward normal small talk.
Until they sat down for lunch, that is, by which time Monoma and Iida had gotten into a conversational spiral about how amazing UA was, how awesome Ingenium was, and how UA was truly superior for being able to have pro-heroes like Ingenium come in as TAs on such short notice.
"Midoriya," said Uraraka, startling him out of his fourth or fifth 'Kacchan sweep.'
(It was still possible that his bad feeling was related to Kacchan hunting him down and blowing him up. He'd be mortified about making such a big deal over it if that was the case, but it would be preferable to, say, a terrorist attack.)
(Why did he keep coming back to terrorist attacks?)
"Are you... okay? You've just seemed really down today, and-"
"Invisible hug!" shouted Hagakure before grabbing Izuku and lifting him over her head.
There was a beat of whispering near-silence. Then Uraraka stood up, slamming both hands on the table and inadvertently making it float. "You have got to tell me your work out routine!"
Izuku agreed.
("Strawberry," someone whispered.)
"I generally say what's on my mind," said Asui as the Iidas had radically different reactions to the bus seating arrangement.
"Aha," said Izuku. The swaying of the bus plus the strain of probably-Danger-Sense was making him nauseous. "What is it, Asui?'
"Call me Tsuyu."
The first time a person his age let him call them by name since kindergarten, and he couldn't properly appreciate it. Figured.
"I was watching the videos of the battle trials I missed last night," Tsuyu continued, "and I realized, I don't think any of us know what your quirk is."
Izuku's first impulse was to lie or redirect the conversation. Years of quirklessness had left their mark. But on second consideration... was there really a reason to lie? He wasn't going to talk about One for All, obviously, but the rest of it was harmless and bound to come out eventually anyway.
"Well," said Izuku, adjusting the fit of his air filter self-consciously. "That's a good question, actually."
"If you're keeping it a secret, I won't press."
"No, no, that isn't it!" Yes, it was. "It's just that, um, it's really subtle? As in, so subtle I thought I was quirkless until recently. Haha."
"Oh, wow," said Kirishima, "that must have been hard. I mean, I got teased for having a boring quirk, I can't even imagine-"
"Your quirk isn't boring! It's more than enough to be a pro!"
"But what is your quirk?" asked Monoma.
"Um," said Izuku, "well, we're not entirely sure, but... We think it lets me sense things that are dangerous? But I've also got anxiety, so..."
Monoma was frowning, but before he could speak, one of Hagakure's gloves waved frantically in front of his face.
"Is that how you knew I was there?" she asked. "In the battle trial and the entrance exam?"
"Maybe? I think so?"
"You were kind of anxious this morning," said Uraraka, concerned. "Did something bad happen to you?"
"Not- not yet," said Izuku, weakly. "It- We still don't really know how it works, so it could just be the anxiety..." He trailed off. Everyone was kind of staring at him. He pressed back against his seat, wishing there was somewhere to hide.
"Well!" said Uraraka, suddenly pumped up. "We'll just have to keep an eye out! We're hero students, aren't we?"
There was a general cheer of consensus and Izuku managed a shaky smile. So, this was what it was like to have friends.
Eventually, Mr. Aizawa told them to calm down, but there was no heat in the scolding. Maybe, Izuku thought, past the ever-increasing buzzing in his head, today would be okay after all.
"Yeah," said Hikage, "there's really no chance of that."
The Unforeseen Simulation Joint was an incredible space!
Space Hero Thirteen was about a thousand times cooler in person than on TV!
All Might, in his golden age rescue-specialized costume, looked like he'd just stepped off the pages of a comic book!
But just like Tsuyu's name, Izuku didn't have the ability to appreciate it.
As the other students marveled over the USJ, Izuku watched the adults quietly talk to one another. It seemed to be something serious.
"Did you find anything else with the safety checks?" asked Shouta.
"A few of the areas had the difficulty set too high- apparently some of the third-years decided to get some practice in and their supervisor didn't reset everything. Other than that? Nothing." Thirteen shook their head. "No signs of structural failure, no security gaps. Everything seems, well, normal."
"Well," said All Might, "whatever happens, we're prepared!"
Aizawa seriously doubted they were prepared for anything, but the most obvious, most likely things? Yeah.
"What do you think, Ingenium?" he asked.
"Everything looks fine to me," said Tensei, shrugging. "But if it was something obvious, then it wouldn't be so much of a threat, right?"
"We're still not sure how Midoriya's quirk really works," said Shouta. "It could be a threat just to him." He sighed heavily.
Tensei smiled in a way that just about guaranteed Shouta would be teased about this later.
"Well, I'm going to start my speech now!" said Thirteen giving the others a thumbs up. "Wish me luck!"
As soon as Thirteen finished their (surprisingly moving) speech, all of Izuku's attention zeroed in on the air next to the fountain. A swirl of dark mist appeared next to it.
Izuku felt like he couldn't breathe.
"Mr. Aizawa-!" But he was already looking in that direction, already watching the man made covered in emerge from the dark hole, followed by a veritable horde of villains.
And Izuku didn't use the term villain idly here. Several of the people he saw were on wanted lists.
Ironically, now that he was faced with real danger, the panicked siren in his head eased off slightly. Evidently, at least some of the strain had been fear of the unknown, and now the threat was very, very known in the worst way, that particular stressor was gone.
"There he is!" cried the man covered in hands. "All Might! The one we've all come for! Nomu! Get him!"
A large villain with an exposed brain who practically sang with danger charged All Might, who grabbed him by the wrist and flung him away, towards the landslide zone. "Ha! That's not much of a challenge! You'll have to do better than that, villains!"
"Maybe," said a villain made of the same mist as the portal that had brought the others. The large villain came charging out of the landslide zone, none the worse for wear. "Maybe not."
"You might be an elite player, but can you fight the boss and protect the noobs you're powerleveling?"
The other villains surged forwards.
This is when Mr. Aizawa and Ingenium jumped into the fray, and everything immediately got more chaotic. Izuku rapidly lost track of the multiple battles occurring around him - except, wow, Mr. Aizawa was really mowing through villains, wasn't he - that Nomu guy had to have a regeneration quirk, there was just no way - he'd have to write down that villain's monolog as soon as they got out, it might have clues - Izuku had no idea that Ingenium could fly and wow that gave him some ideas for Iida-
Speaking of Iida-
"This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and evacuate!"
"I won't allow that."
Yeah the misty villain definitely had some kind of teleportation quirk, which made this whole thing even more gutsy. Quirks like that were always monitored by the government. These guys must not care about their identities.
"Greetings," he said, a metal colar slipping into place around his neck. "We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but... today we've come to-"
A gust of air from All Might's fight pushed the mist villain back. But the move had left him partially unguarded, and Izuku watched helplessly as Nomu pounded a fist into his exposed side-
Nomu knew about All Might's injury.
Oh, no.
Izuku didn't have time to process that, however, as Kirishima and Monoma jumped forward, attacking the mist villain.
The feeling of danger spiked, and Izuku barely registered Monoma's bewildered expression.
"Only students... but the best of the best... yes he was right to say you'd be a threat." Darkness spread like an ink stain from the villain's body. Darkness... and portals.
Izuku slammed into Tsuyu and Kaminari, pushing them out of the way of forming portals. He wasn't able to do the same for himself.
"Begone," intoned the mist villain, his voice echoing all around Izuku. "Writhe in torment until you breathe your last."
The next thing Izuku knew, he was in clear light and falling. From at least two stories up, over the flood zone.
And then he stopped.
The ghosts whipped their heads around to stare at Nana. She was sitting on a stool, hiding her face in her hands, though whether it was out of embarrassment or fear for Izuku was unclear.
"Nana..." said Yoichi, softly.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry I saw him falling and pani-"
"What did you do that for!" exclaimed Banjo. "He was only fifteen, twenty meters up! Into water!"
"That's twice as high as Olympic divers go! And they screw up their bodies all the time if they hit wrong!" shot back Nana, other emotions abandoned in favor of rage.
"Uh, guys...?" said Yoichi, weakly.
"Who still watches the Olympics?" muttered En.
"If we had to give him a new quirk, it should have been a combat one!"
"You're just jealous that he has Float and not Blackwhip!"
"So what if I am?" demanded Banjo. "If he had Blackwhip, he wouldn't need that stupid grappling hook gun!"
"So, you admit Blackwhip is just a glorified grappling hook?"
"Better than a glorified- glorified-" He puffed out his cheeks. "I'm going to give him Blackwhip right now!"
"NO!" shouted the other ghosts.
"Banjo," said En, "what do you remember about people who All for One gave three quirks to?"
Banjo went pale.
"Oh, hell," said Banjo. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."
"You can say that again," grumbled Nana.
"But," continued Banjo, "doesn't this mean we can't give him the stockpile?"
They turned to Yoichi, who was far and away the expert on the stockpile quirk. He held up his hands and offered a sick, shaky smile. "We've already started the process of giving him stockpile access. There's... there's really no way to stop it."
Nana started swearing, and even Second and Third looked tense.
"But that's borrowing trouble! Maybe he'll be compatable?"
"With three quirks?"
"It's possible!" protested Yoichi. "I mean, he's- um, he's got One for All? Maybe it's more like All for One than we thought?"
"Absolutely not."
"Never say that again."
"But, again, that's a future problem, unlike the villain attack, which is a now problem."
"I see what you're saying," said En, "but we can't do anything about the villain attack, but we could theoretically do something about quirk troubles. Unless you'd rather watch helplessly while our latest-possibly-last holder is murdered?"
Yoichi sighed. "Okay, yeah, let's take a look."
Izuku's first thought was that Uraraka must have tagged him, but he had been way too far away from her for her to do that. Unless she had run at him when he dove for Tsuyu? Tsuyu had maybe sort of been between them...
But, no, this didn't feel like Uraraka's quirk. He'd only experienced it a couple of times, but it felt like falling. This felt more like floating on the surface of a pool.
This was, he realized as he drifted helplessly upwards and slightly sideways, Shimura Nana's quirk.
It would be really, really cool if the circumstances were different or if he had any control over the quirk whatsoever. As it was, he didn't appreciate the way he was getting progressively higher. Hitting the water at his previous height would have sucked, but he probably would have survived. Now? Not so much. So, if the quirk decided to stop as suddenly as it had started, he was doomed.
Beyond doomed.
He'd be dead.
Wait! The grappling hook!
He pulled it carefully out of its holster, making sure to wrap the loop around his wrist. He could get back to the ground with the grappling hook, anchor himself at a decent height and make use of this, or even attack, but if he dropped it...
Well. Doom and all that.
His best bet was the top of the downpour zone. It was the closest structure by far. He lined up his sights, fired, and watched as the hook fell several meters short.
That was less than ideal.
He rolled over and looked up. He wasn't that far from the ceiling-
Danger Sense screamed at him, and he was falling, just in time to miss getting hit by a jet of water from below. Izuku, naturally, started screaming as well and fired the grappling hook blindly. He rejoiced as a metallic thunk told him it had hit something and immediately hit the stop button, almost wrenching his shoulders out of their sockets. However, his joy quickly turned to horror as he realized he was now headed toward the hard, unforgiving side of the downpour zone at a dangerously high speed. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Float turned back on.
Izuku let out a somewhat pathetic whine in relief, and hit the retract button on the grappling hook gun, letting it pull him up to the roof.
From here, he had an acceptable view of the rest of the USJ. He shaded his eyes to look back at the main plaza and entrance. He could see Eraserhead and Ingenium fighting back to back in the central plaza. All Might and Nomu were tearing up trees in one of the forested areas, and near the entrance he could see Thirteen, Iida, Uraraka, Shouji, Sato, Sero, and Ashido facing down the mist villain. Hopefully, with those numbers, they'd be able to get past him.
Looking elsewhere, Izuku had to assume Todoroki was in the landslide zone, with the spiky ring of ice in the middle of it. He must be holding back. He could make out a fight happening in the mountain zone, but couldn't tell who was involved.
That was more than half the class unaccounted for, including Tsuyu and Kaminari, who he'd thought he'd pushed away from portals. They were probably in the other zones, but...
He took a deep breath. Focus. Where would he do the most good? Danger Sense couldn't tell him that right now, with all these bright threats all around him. He had to decide on his own.
The fight in the mountain area wasn't going well. The number of visible villains was only increasing.
Could Izuku get there? He bit his lip as he contemplated the distance, then jogged back to the opposite side of the downpour zone roof.
Then he ran.
Then he-
-off the roof.
Float activated at the top of the arc of his jump, and his momentum sent him tumbling forward towards the mountain zone. As he approached and began to slow (air resistance still being a thing, apparently), he was able to see Yaoyorozu and Jiro fighting for their lives. Yaoyorozu did not look good.
This wasn't a great way to be proven right about her quirk having drawbacks.
He aimed the grappling hook at one of the larger, closer villains, not really caring about how much damage it would do, and fired.
"Wow," said En. "Kid definitely has a bit of a ruthless streak."
"Imagine how much better he'd do with Blackwhip."
"He wouldn't have been able to get there in the first place without Float."
"Honestly," continued En, "I don't get why Second and Third don't like him. They never shut up about Nana and Eighth being too soft, after all."
"What? They said that stuff about me, too?"
"Yeah, I think they're just unsatsifiable at this point. It's annoying."
"I was much more violent and ruthless than Toshi, though."
"I know."
"Yoichi," said Hikage. "I'm not seeing any sign of additional stress on Ninth's body."
"That's because Izuku is the best."
"Or," said En, "it's because he's only had Nana's quirk for, like, five, ten minutes, tops."
"Or because he's the best. Just look at how he's helped his friends defeat all those villains!"
"Compelling argument," said Hikage.
"What- what now?" asked Yaoyorozu, holding herself up with one of her staffs. The mountain zone was littered with various weapons and shrapnel from Yaoyorozu's quirk use. This included a canon. Which was really cool, but seemed a bit over the top... and maybe not the most efficient thing to make, considering Yaoyorozu's limitations.
"I don't know," admitted Izuku. He'd been flung around the field as a makeshift flail/bola by the girls a few times, and was a little dizzy.
He looked back out at the battles still taking place in the plaza. "I think... Maybe we should go down, and make our way around the edge to the entrance. We could pick up Todoroki and see if there's anyone in the ruins zone who needs help-"
Then he saw the hand villain step forward, facing down Eraserhead as Ingenium was lured away in defense of Tsuyu and Kaminari, who had just run out of the wooded area, trailing villains. Danger flared in his mind's eye, and, for the second time in his life, his body moved by itself.
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