#and just like that i lost all respect ive gained
blorbosaur · 2 years
wow ! i can't believe he's a lego AND transgender !
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toastsnaffler · 8 months
prev post reminds me a friend told me last week she doesnt believe i actually struggle with emotional volatility/dysregulation like ive mentioned before bc shes never seen it firsthand...............
#i dont even know what to tell u girl. i couldnt even give her examples to dispute it bc i find it so shameful and difficult to talk abt#and it would probably be upsetting to her to hear the sort of things that have triggered me. and how ive coped with the outbursts#as if i dont structure all social interaction in my life around trying to swallow this shit down so ppl find me just about tolerable enough#genuinely hurtful thing to hear from someone i care abt. im not upset at her anymore abt it bc what would be the point man#i can understand why she thinks that + i cant control what she believes. but it did bother me a lot + some trust has been lost there.#esp considering she struggles w getting ppl to believe her when she talks abt how she feels bc she doesnt necessarily express it outwardly#in ways other ppl expect. like since ik that im always going to try to assume shes being honest so i dont disrespect how she feels#but its hypocritical + more than a little unfair to not offer other people the same trust + respect. why wont u take me at face value#and anyway why the hell would i say i struggle w controlling my emotions if i dont. what clout am i getting from claiming that#even admitting it is a hard thing for me.... and if thats too much for her to accept it just becomes a barrier in our friendship.#shame but i shouldve expected it tbh. anyway its ok ive moved on no point dwelling on it i dont want to bring it up again#bc theres nothing to gain from it. an apology wouldnt change anything since thats what she genuinely thinks#and whatever she wants to believe doesnt change the fact it is True and likely the biggest cause of strife I experience in my life#blegh stopping there bc im edging into rumination now#god im so tired. bedtime soon i think but maybe ill play a quick game or smth to make it to 10pm.... this week has been so long#.diaries
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tinydefector · 2 months
Not really a request but more of a ramble. Ive always been torn betweenn Cybertronians not really having any material instincts and just essentially knowing how to function since creation. Kinda like Steven Universe. They can be young and differ in how much knowledge they hold but overall they have the bases of how to function without any caretaker needing to be around. But then I immediately start shaking at the thought of them having even stronger instincts that humans. Maybe closer to animals that have come to accept a human as their own. Just picturing a cybertronain seeing someone who's carrying and immediately is distressed on how little protection our clothes offer. Nows theirs a bot who keeps hissing at those who get to close other humans included. Their plating is ruffled and if they are a seeker their wings are spread in a threatening manner. May you have the patience of a Saint if said seeker has a large trine because now they all share the same feral need to protect. A con that stumbles upon a lost child and immediately claims them as their sparkling.( if you wanted to make it a bit gross I can imagine they do a forced adoption the same ways farmers do sometimes. Where they just kinds cover a stray baby with the fluids of a mother to create that connection. Kinda gross but I can see it being used to further claim a child) They consider the biological parents of the child nothing more than food and shelter for their now sparkling. They try a coo and speak to the child in their natural tongue. A seeker that chirps and clicks its glossa. A grounder that does low hums and songs like a whale. Sorry for the long ramble haha. I just think the ideas of cybertronains either having no idea what instincts are but also the ideas of them drowning in them. Or meeting humans just relights their feral mindsets in any and every way.
I happen to really love both ideas a lot. I enjoy the idea of Cybertronians not understanding family or parental rolls, Forged sparks start off in smaller frames and slowly gain more framing as they get older. Instead, it works more like a mentor and apprentice side of things. They teach you how to do your job, keep your head down like Terminus with Megatron. Their race doesn't have a name for the connection they have so in turn they call each other friend, but intruth it's more than that but they don't know how to explain it or express it, they dont raise the younger one but they are their for special events such as plating ceremonies. To Megatron Terminus is an elder, someone to be respected for his knowledge and teachings. And they both care for each other, when Terminus us gravelly injured Megatron does everything he can to try and help him because he feels like he owes it to terminus for everything the older bot as done for him. It's a mutual benefit of a bond that's isn't family but also is much closer than friendship.
But on the other hand, I look at Optimus and Codexa, and I love the idea that I found this little bitlet and instantly went mother mode. Practically scoops him up out of a hotspot and takes him home with her. She's very attentive and is the one who even names him. In all aspects, he is her son, and she does everything she can to try and raise a good mech, and she does a wonderful job. She teaches him to read, sings to him, and each plating ceremony, she keeps a piece of his old plating similar to humans and baby teeth. She celebrates when he gets his first job as a Liberian because she put so much effort into making sure he had a comfortable job, not wanting him to struggle like so many other mechs less fortunate.
And then there is my headcanon for birthed sparklings, which differs depending on what frame type they are. They experience different behaviours. Grounders are in different sub sections
- Tanks: Megatron, Tarn, Warpath, Blitzwing
- Mine frames: Megatron, Terminus,
- Hauliers : Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, Inferno, Kup,
- Emergency services: Prowl, Ratchet, Pharma, inferno
- Battle Chargers: Ironhide, Hound, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, wheeljack, Tracks,
- Praxian carters: Prowl, Bluestreak, skids, Smokescreen,
- speeders: Rodimus, Drift, Jazz, mirage, redalert, blurr, Tracks,
- mini vehicle: Bumblebee, Tailgate, grapple,
- Vosian Fliers (later Seeker's): Starscream, skywarp, Thundercracker, sunstorm, Nacelle and so on all of the Jets.
- Helimech: Whirl,
- aerial Shuttle: Cosmos, Omega Supreme, Senator Shockwave.
- Combiners: stuntacons, combaticons, constructicons
- Cassettes/ mini bots: Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy, Rewind, Lazerbeak, buzzsaw
- non Traditional frames: Rung,
- Non shifters:
There's a lot more but these just just who I can think off off the top of my head.
Tankers and Mine frames don't get the luxury of families or raising sparklings, most of them are cold constructs, and don't get a chance to see life outside of mines or duties they have been put into. But if given the chance they are actually very protective of a sparkling, they will fight to the death for their bitlet even if it isn't their. Their behaviour is very similar to a bear mother with their protectiveness of a child, human or cybertronian.
Megatron's optics focus on the tiny form in his lovers arms. If it were any other situation, people would think he is glaring at the tiny baby being placed again in his Chassis. "They have no plating or outer frame, no protection." He states while looking to his lover. "They are a baby, Megs, human babies don't have anything like sparklings, they are very fragile," they explain with a smile as they watch their child try and grab Megatron's large digits. His optics soften as he watches their child as the baby babbles and giggles up at him. It makes a switch inside his possessor flick. Nothing would ever hurt this child. He would make sure of it. A deep rumble leaves his chassis as he lets them play with his large servos. A laugh leaves his lover as they watch him. "You look like a grizzly bear with a cub," they chuckle as they lean up to press a kiss to the side of his helm.
Hauliers tend to see a random sparkling and go. "You're mine now, I'm going to warp you up in bubble wrap and keep you in my cab so no one can hurt you" Hauliers tend to be very attentive carriers/ Sires to adopted or sparked bitlets. A lot of Hauliers tend to be very nomadic in the rust sea moving inpacks. They tend to behave more like migrating herds when on cybertron, but those who live in the cities tend to make a very homey and comfortable for sparklings. But also they are the ones who panic the most when their child puts something in their mouth they shouldn't have.
Optimus chuckles as he watches his bitlet roam around. Playing with sticks and mud. He sits not far off watching them as they play his optics soften as they giggle and let out little buzzes of excitement as they find a new rock. "They seem to be enjoying their first proper road trip," His lover calls out as they walk their way over to him. Leaning down to press a kiss to his Helm. "They are very fascinated by a lot of things on Earth," he rumbles his optics, meeting his partners. "Can you really blame them, I remember a certain bot being very fascinated with Terra's fauna when we first arrived here," they tease him. Another squeal of delight comes from their sparkling as they begin trying to chew on a rock. Optimus let's out a slight noise of panic as he quickly moves towards them. "No, no, Bitlets, you can't eat that," he states while trying to pry the rock from the little ones' servos. They squeak and squeal in protest before eventually letting go of the rock. Another laugh leaves his lover as they watch the two.
A lot of emergency vehicles tend to not be the best for being parents. Mainly due to their work and just not having the time for a bitlet. But they are very attentive to those who do have them, trying to calm them and make sure that they aren't hurt and can make it back to their parents. A lot of the time, they will put up the disgruntled act of the dad who said they didn't want a cat, but then ends up with a child curled up on his chest as he works.
Praxian carters tend to act very similar to seeker, but with children and sparklings its as if they can feel where they are but have a tendency of paranoid when they can't see their little ones. Their door wings will flicker and twitch when they hear their children and will respond back with soothing little clicks. A lot of the time, they will carry their sparklings on their back between their door wings.
Prowl wasn't impressed with Sunstreaker or Sideswipe. The two young mech burst out into fits of laughter watching him with a human baby strapped to his chest. His wings flutter in dispair as they begin taking photos to send to every mech they know. "Oh Primus Prowl, when did you get yourself a bitlet!" They ask while also fauning over the baby who giggles and reaches out with grabby hands. Prowl let's out a slight,all collection of angry clicks as his optics narrow in on the twins. "I am looking after them as their parent had an important meeting today," he snaps as he begins walking, trying to outpace the twins as they continue shooting questions at him. "But you have them strapped to your chassis like they are battle gear!" Sunstreaker laughs, which earns him a smack up the side of the helm from Prowl. "They are too small and too young to be left to their own devices, and the safest place for them is where I know they are," he grumbles before slamming the door to his office shut.
Speedster are one of the cybertronians who tend to forget their child exist sometimes, having no awareness until they are like something is missing. Oh Primus, where is my Bitty!. They are very live fast die hard kinda mechs and it translates over to their child. They are very much the one who will proudly show off their child who is currently eating something they shouldn't be. But they are also one of the most cuddly with their child. Curling up with them to their chassis as they purr loudly.
"RODIMUS PRIME, DRIFT DEADLOCK WHATBARE YOU LETTING MY BITLET EAT!" their voice boomed as their optics narrowed in on the two speedsters and sparkling. Drift turns around in an instant. "I tried to stop them, I swear, but Roddy dared them," he states. Rodimus looks sheepishly at his lover as their sparkling laughs and shouts. "Told you I could!" The little one shouts in excitement, not carrying about the disappointed look from their other parent. "You timeout, you Decontamination spray Now, and You... I'm not angry, but I'm disappointed, " they state, which makes Rodimus face drop. "Nooo. That's worse!" He shouts only to have his bitlet laugh at his whining.
Seekers are the most parent of all cybertronians to the point that some trines work as a family system. Each seeker is a carrier to one seekling, but also being the sire to another or having one seeker who is the sire to two. But then their is the others who aren't spark bonded to others in their Trine, because tries can consist of siblings, cousins, parents or complete strangers so each trine is different. but the family works to train and care for all of them together. They speak in a pigeoned vosian, which is a mix of chirps, thrills, and other little vocial noises. They are also the most social. With large gatherings for sparklings to meet and also bond with others so that they can eventually find their own trine.
For example, I love the idea of Thundercracker and skywarp being brothers, but starscream is trine bonded with them.
Acid storm, Nova storm being a bonded couple who ended up with Sunstorm who is much younger who try care for as their sparkling.
Dirge, Thrust and ramjet who are all random Seeker's who became friends at a young age and are a trine but aren't together at all, they be the boys who go out on the town and wake up in their flat with a hangover and a random mech/ Seeker in their berth.
Nacelle trills lightly as the little seekers curled up in blankets and pillows. Wings fluttering in delight as he watches the little mechs curl up again each other. His two lovers chuckle softly, watching how me preens and chirps and thrills at his two little bitlets. One of his lovers moves closer to him, resting their helm against his backstruts as his wings flutter again. "They are just sleeping sweetspark you can step away. They aren't going anywhere," they call out to him. "I know, they are just..." he starts before his other lover calls back. "Fresh, I know and very you, but they are here finally, you don't have to stand guard all the time," They tease before leading him into the room towards the fluffed up berth. "I think that's enough playing guard for the night"
Link to second part for Megatron
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digitalagepulao · 1 year
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Expedition Pilgrims
Sha Wujing (435cm): His outfit is mostly inspired by Mongolian clothes since he's found in the Gobi desert stretch of the journey. His bangles are made of fossil bone, and he can use the waist cloth as a headwrap during adverse weather. His markings are inspired by African Lungfish and Mudfish fins, as they are species that exist somewhere between water and dry air. The beasts on his knees are an extension of him, and he can see and speak through them as needed. His beard and long hair can have Ghibli physics depending on his mood and emotions. Zhu Wuneng (~300cm): Inspired by Northern Tibetan clothes, as that's the region the group recruits him. Traditional clothes tend to have way more accessories and golden details so I had to simplify a bit. His features are a mix of wild boars and Indonesian babirusa, with the iconic bristles on his head. I leaned on ceremonial Tibetan swords and necklace beads for the decorations on his rake. His vest can be closed, he just prefers not to most of the time. Sun Wukong (125cm): I've already commented on his design over here, but I'll elaborate that the yellow shirt is the one he gained from Tripitaka soon after he was released, while the pants and red half-robe were the garments he was given by Guan Yin. The hoops on his feet and purple beads were reacquired back in Huaguoshan when he first fled the pilgrimage, heading to his family instead of Ao Guang's palace. (A-ma and Jinju gave them to him so he'll always have something to home to remember them by, as well as where he first started, as the beads were gained during his lessons with Subodhi.) Tripitaka (163cm): This is but one of his many outfits since travel can be rough on clothes, and even more so when you get kidnapped by demons and thrown off your horse all the time. He wears the usual orange monk robes, with some kind of travel clothes over them. He gains some fur boots from Boquin for cold weather but usually prefers sandals most of the time. He seldom uses the cassock and crown he received from Guan Yin, save for when he pays respects to temples and holy sites, but the staff is a constant companion. Ao Lie (167cm, 130cm at the shoulder as horse): Being effectively in exile until the journey is complete, he wears less fancy clothes than he usually would as a prince, but his status still shows. I tried to balance more casual hanfu of the era with some armor parts, like the waist guard and armored boots. He was given the skill to shapeshift into a horse by Guan Yin when she commanded him to wait for the chosen pilgrim monk, so he can shift at will, but preferably when the tack has been taken off. Speaking of, tack is lost and replaced multiple times during the journey, so I didn't depict any specific one.
my Expedition AU designs and heights for the five lads, ive spent so much time on this its not even funny lololol but hey it's done!! i'm free!!
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an unnecessarily in depth analysis of my take on underfell papyrus
before we begin: let it be known that none of this is properly confirmed or canon, this is all based on the version of underfell that almost solely exists in my brain. also the quality of grammar, spelling, and translation of brainrot to coherent essay is not guaranteed. also uf!papyrus belongs to underfella
to start lets look at the very basics, what would it take to turn papyrus, the only person to believe even the worst of the worst can improve, the causation (however indirectly) of the true pacifist route, the only monster that will never kill frisk, the sole creature in the entire world of undertale to be dubbed the sadistic fuckface flower's favourite, that the world is kill or be killed? allow me to spin you the tale of how i think it happened.
maybe once upon a time when uf!papyrus was just a kid, he wanted to be a hero. he wanted to be a pacifist in a kill or be killed world. maybe, even unintentionally, he constantly put both him and his older brother in danger. and one day, he tried to spare the wrong people, so both he and his brother were scarred in the process causing a crack over the eye for papyrus and a lost tooth for sans. and on this fateful day papyrus was faced with the choice, kill the attackers and survive or spare them and be killed. and maybe since he's still alive as an adult, he chose to kill, thereby gaining his first LV.
at least thats what i think happened. this traumatic event would cause a number of changes in his life, including, ditching his former obsession with "being a hero" in favor of being a villain, on several occasions being peer pressured to murder, and being more harsh to sans.
BUT. as i have said before and will say again, papyrus' soul is almost definitely bravery and integrity so his preference for pacifism isnt going down without a fight! maybe his whole "kidnapping and torture chamber" schtick is an excuse to not have to kill someone while not being seen as weak. maybe he lies about how many people he's killed or how much LV he has when in reality both numbers are shockingly low. maybe he wants to be captain of the guard so he can delegate the killing to others. maybe he hates asgore because its because of him that their world is like this. maybe he never kills the human. one thing i've never understood is whether or not he kills or spares the human or if he does the whole "OOP YOU'RE AT ONE HP! TIME TO GO TO THE CAPTURE ZONE!" thing. i like to think that he does. hell ive already done a whole damn drawing on what i think it would look like.
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so yeah. he spares frisk. and maybe adopts them
one last aspect of this guy that intrigues me before i go! what is underfell papyrus' dynamic with flowey? maybe he respects flowey a ton. maybe papyrus is envious of flowey's courage to run away from fights and defuse them instead of hurting the opponent. maybe they're the only one that the other truly opens up to.
but these are only my thoughts on the dude because frankly, there arent enough character analysis about uf!paps. feel free to add your own! or not! i dont care!
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ch3rryflvrdblunt · 3 months
🌹Hedone- Goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Hii i'm Ki, I'm 19 and this is my nsfw blog.
With that being said, leave now and do not interact with my blog if you are a minor.
Also do not interact with me if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, an ed/thinspo blog, ageless blog, or into minors. You will be blocked.
🌹i'm into
feedism/weight gain (actively gaining rn ^^)
light humiliation/teasing
body worship/praise
body contrast
becoming a hucow ^^
warped praise
more will be probably be added, these were the ones i thought of immediately
🌹here's some things about me
-I'm 5'8 and 230+ (definitely over 230, i just dont know my exact weight right now and i feel im pretty far from that so yeah)
-I grew up overweight, lost some weight a couple years ago, and now i'm trying to gain that weight back and more. My highest was 280 so i'd like see how i look at 300+
-Im gonna post content on here (ik i already have like 2 things up) but when i do start posting its gonna be when i want, not on a schedule or anything like that
-i like watching tv shows more than movies though i have alot of favorite movies, right now im binging watching Dexter🩸
-i love music, all kinds really (honestly trying to find good country songs because ive hated it for so long til ive heard a few songs recently that werent bad so yeah)
-im either nonverbal or talking nonsense
-if you touch yourself to me let me know!! i love knowing i turn others on and i love it even more when they cum to me<3 *tell me, do not show me your dick*
✧Dms and asks are open but please be respectful and remember im human. sometimes ill respond sometimes i won't, my communication skills are shit but please always know its never you. if you decide to message me, all i ask is that you dont be weird or disrespecful or anything of the sort. you will get blocked✧
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determinate-negation · 9 months
I mean no offense dude, but 'why do people convert what are they trying to gain' when you aren't religious is kind of why you are asking and why its hard for you to understand. I'm religious. I could not easily quantify why I converted because it is personal empheral experience that's difficult to explain to someone who doesn't really have that experience. I could tell you a dozen different true answers depending on which thing is most important and none would totally explain it, even all together. I wasn't trying to gain anything but following what spiritually engaged me and nourished me. If anything, it's been incredibly difficult and my life would be easier if I didn't. In some ways I have lost and struggled more than I've gained. I'm constantly contemplating and struggling with Judaism- not because it or G-d brings me pain, but because historically Judaism has had a poor opinion of my cultural background, which is still quite important to me. Apart of me was frankly- not upset, but weary, upon realizing the position I was in, but knowing I would be unable to make a choice to retreat. Not because my conversion was complete, but because I was drawn towards G-d, regardless of mortal obstacles, and that if I turned away, I would not be myself anymore. Which funnily enough, was not too dissimilar to my decision to come out. I could live, and suffer, yes, or I could be a mask moving through society "acceptably" while shriveling underneath it until I was dead walking. What is anything- racism, homophobia, or even Zionism- in the face of the divine suffusing through you? I'd been looking at other faiths for 6 years before that. None spoke to me, none felt like anything real or transcendent or nourishing. It certainly isn't logical, but this path, once I started it, was the only real choice I could make.
i completely respect anyones religious motivations to convert, i just cant relate myself. and personally i feel alienated from much of the jewish community that ive been around for its zionism and unbearable petit bourgeois character among other things. its not people id recommend being around and so i wonder what some people are trying to gain when they often seem to have a very rosy idealized version of a whole ethnic/religious group. you clearly are religious and convicted enough to do this even though it was a struggle to you but i question some peoples motivations
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mellarkably · 1 year
ur so right abt the way that scene between ben and devi was shot because every single moment when we see devi making out with someone (or about to have s*x) is so driven by her “horny side” only, for paxton and des she just wanted to have s*x and get over with it and with ethan she just was on her horny and active rush which is good but the ben/devi scene, yes it was framed with a sense of urgency between them but also so much care and love. the lighting, the touches, the hands, smiling at each other and just everything about it was beautiful.
and call me crazy but i am happy the show didn’t do the typical “devi only has s*x with ben” narrative because i was about sure they wouldn’t have her have s*x with ethan and they did and was surprised because most shows don’t do that. ben and devi lost their virginity together and that’s already special but they didn’t have devi pondering around waiting for ben. she got to experience a little bit of fun and discover her preferences and be comfortable with it (and maybe ben did so too with margot) and then they get to make love to each other and know what it means and the differences in that and now they can start a relationship when there’s some level of experience and they can just explore what they both want.
some shows tend to do the opposite for “romanticism” so i am glad they did not.
i already predicted a while ago that the show would have ben and devi make love again but this time it would be much more natural and easy for them:
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i agree with you. i think it was important to show benvi's first time as being awkward, and having it pale in comparison to her next time with ethan, who is far more experienced. it allowed devi to have fun (and im assuming its almost certain ben also had sex with margot) while embodying the whole, fun time NOT a long time thing. im sure they both learned a lot about their preferences like you said during those respective relationships.
but going back to what i loved most about 410's sex redo - how it was the ONLY sex scene in the show that wasn't shot like a high school steamy fling type of deal.
of course, there's that big damn kiss that's been building up for four years with more steam needed to be released than pati's rice cooker, BUT, the lighting. the song, the actors' natural chemistry. the tone itself already feels so much more serious than any other romantic scene in the show.
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i honestly thought it would end here, so imagine my surprise when they continued - and i think this second part is what sets it apart from all the other intimate scenes in the show.
henna shot. i fucking died. ive talked enough about this on twitter and im sure other people are talking about this but it is just so symbolic for devi as an individual, her relationship with her culture and how she doesn't have to separate that from her romantic endeavours because she is desirable as she is! s1 devi would faint! she absolutely would!
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and now this shot, which is what the tags you're referring to were about, has me still going cuckoo bananas like. pulling away to smile at each other. they're literally in fucking love. this is love. this is not the show trying to gain an audience using steamy scenes, or devi being horny - not that there is anything wrong with that either - but she is so visibly content and comfortable and happy and you can see it in her smile. both of their smiles in fact.
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that small moment is what makes this scene for me.
anyway sorry for the huge rant. if you couldn't tell already i really love this scene! it was very well done.
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hellbabyfromhell · 1 year
on the subject of defunctland:
its not an wrong thing to say, that you wanna be seen as a documentarian rather than a youtube content creator, thats fine. he does put a lot of work into his videos and he is very well respected. but i found it in poor taste for this like very popular guy to be saying that all directly after talking about someone who was truly lost to time in a way. and in doing that he kinda put down his work by relegating it to him Just being remembered for that and how he doesnt want that . i get that later he decides thats NOT how he feels, and he redeems it when he shows it’s the guy’s music that’s been playing the whole time, but his weird skit about doubting himself was like. placed weirdly. many sentimental loving calls from the disney guys friends talking about how effortlessly he made music and how much they loved him and then
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and his comments were in a way insulting as he like made a skit of gaining self confidence. he doesnt wanna be remembered as Just a youtuber. he wants to be a documentarian. not Just a youtuber . ive never watched a documentary where someone stops midway though to lament about THEIR legacy. like. genuinely i understand what hes saying, and his feelings aren’t wrong, he does put a lot of work into his videos and i think they are like documentaries, but this was a video that was meant to be about a person who made a sound that was iconic, but had been forgotten in ways, and was hard to find, and he had passed away. defunctland is very well known and loved so it felt unnecessary and weird and self centered in this story about a guy forgotten by time, and sort of sophomoric and youtuber-y. the end after the self doubt skit with the most important part, “and also youve been listening to his music this whole time” , would have been fine. self reflection would have been okay at that point too maybe but the
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section rubbed me the wrong way! before this, i respected him a lot— while im no theme park expert, his videos were interesting and had me clicking. i would have called his work documentary-like, and i think youtube documentary is in the process of carving its own important niche, and i think he is an important player in this shift, but not he’s asserting he’s not like Just any other youtuber, and he doesnt wanna be “Just” something like he implied the disney guy was (even if he takes it back). it was a very touching documentary (ish thing) otherwise but that really rubbed me the wrong way. youtuber moment
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clambuoyance · 1 year
Favorite Superboy villain (if you have one, if not then favorite sb comic) and a plotline you think had a lot of potential but should have been written better
idk about villain (maybe black zero or he's not technically a superboy villain but his fight with cyborg superman was cool.) buttttt in terms of potential i think a lot of sb comics are filled with half-baked ideas that never get to see full fruition :P
i think my favorite is hypertime probably because 1) i liked seeing all the diff kons (into the konverse....) esp robin!kon <3 and 2) seeing him confront Paul and Black Zero and grapple with the darker aspects of himself was neat. I liked seeing the powers Kon could possibly gain in the future and he's just so <333 in that arc. It's been a long while since ive read it tho so i could probably go into more depth if i reread 3) also around this time he's been feeling very down and so seeing yj ask about his whereabouts and mickey cannon being like "i didnt realize so many people cared about him" made me go aaaaaah and later kon asking clark if he came back to the right reality was so interesting to me. i think this arc presents a really neat struggle with belonging and knowing ur place in the universe and it was like yeah <3 he belongs in this reality he is so loved <3
i think my other favorite is him in the whole apokolips arc between his solo and yj. i liked seeing him and his conflict with tim finally reach its climax and him having to deal with the fallout and consequences it has on his friendships w all of yj really, however i was pretty disappointed to not actually see an apology scene between tim and kon even if i think the yj team reuniting chaotically was very in fashion for them
and the whole sins of youth arc in general was cool :0 it gave me the "All I got is who I am!" line so <3
Some other things i liked was the whole peter pan thing ofc --there was a couple issues where he gets trapped in a place and they try to do a lost boys thing but didnt commit (but i have a fic idea thats got one page written about this).
i kinda liked most of his arcs in general, from the beginning with him learning to be a hero in ROTS to him trying to make a name for himself and messing up a lot along the way but continuing to try anyways. but like i said, i think if these emotional arcs could go One step further or allowed to delve into some of the darkness of these arcs or didnt fall back onto tropes his solo would have been stronger.
for example, during the cadmus era of his life, i would have liked to see more exploration of the fact he's back in the place that made him and now have him working for them. or in the hawaii era, they could have gone into how he could have had friends his age at school but got thrown into a wack ass love triangle. in general, the hawaiian issues could have been treated with more respect as well. they also introduced silver sword, but it didn't go anywhere i feel like T-T
also for the kon in smallville plotline i think it would have been cooler to see kon struggle more to be a regular person but his rebel streak keeps taking over
sorry this was all over the place i literally could talk about it for hours which i dont have time for so i just kinda spouted random things <3
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
Sunday confessions is
-I think Sydney Sweeney/her team r trying to emulate Margot Robbie-both yt, blonde, have their own production companies and considered "bombshells" at one point bt Sydney aint got the likability that Margot has. She obviously had that "make 60 great again" party (where she lost sum fans bt gained a lot of pro trump fans 💀) bt the interview about her finances (sounded more like shes living beyond her means), and press from Anyone But You has jjst been.. bad lol some of her movie choices have been questionable too (bt thats subjective) and sometimes i think her team is thinking quantity>quality. Margot eventually moved away from the "bombshell" title n shes incredibly beautiful bt also seen as a great actress too, Sydney got time n i think shes talented, hopefully she can get sum good roles too
-Bring back PR training 💀 A lot of these young actors dnt know how to talk or are getting into controversy cuz of their interviews. Z is obviously a black biracial woman so ik she feels lik she gotta watch wat she says anyway bt she almost never gets flack from her interviews n i think that Disney PR helped her in SOME way (along with her just having common sense). Whether these young celebs will USE the training is another thing tho lol
-Jacob Elordi will prob b with the rower (Olivia Jade) for awhile cuz she is comfortable being behind him and she'll never b a "star" in their relationship. Obviously he was with Z/Kaia/Joey who were either more successfull/papped more than him bt they were all shorter relationships than Olivia. They may b on n off bt i think they'll b together for a long time
-ik some antis diss tom and say hes a "house husband" or "following Z around" or whatever bt i find it funny cuz wuldnt you want a bf whose comfortable being alone with you and visiting you if he had the funds? Lol you have a lot of these male actors who dnt even acknowledge their gfs (maybe due to privacy, moreso to do with their gfs nt having an image that dsnt aligns with wat their teams have made for these male clients 🙃) and you have tom who seems to actually love, respect and value her privacy/their relationship. AND their age appropriate, truly nt smthn you see nowadays with the male celebs lol
-Ive seen some ppl say that Kaia Gerber is emulating her moms life n i can see that bt i see her having more Hailey Biebers life. I can see her marrying somebody who is very popular and having a business (mayb jewlrey or a fashion line) and her doing modeling om the side. Her dad runs Casamigos so wuldnt b too far fetched. Although shes seems like she wants to act most folks aint really excited for her acting career (besides the few fans she got) n i dnt really see her excelling in that field. Culd b wrong tho lol mayb she'll stick with acting forever
Ooop!! 👀
Giiiiirlllll.... I'm reading your confessions like.....
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Lol 😂 😆
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nocturnal-birb · 2 years
Giving everyone a little angst over the grammys cause I'm sad about it and I'm coping with angst cause that's all I know and added more cause yes-
No pairings on this one, just Copia alone with his thoughts
It had been hours since Copia and his ghouls attended the Grammys and yet even far from the hours it occurred, Copia still felt like he was there- watching it all happen. As he stared down at the list of nominees on his hand in his room; the name of his song, the name of his band- his band amongst others yet only one was labelled as the winner and it wasn't them- it wasn't him.
For the third time of being a nominee after Terzo got the very first one, he was still not picked after everything he did and it made him upset, sad and even perhaps bitter; upset for the fact that he had worked so hard getting to the top as Papa, to bring the clergy and the Ghost project to a peak that Terzo couldn't and yet... he had not won it made him sad as well. After all, he worked the hardest amongst his brothers even if he was just their half brother yet Copia worked hard to gain respect even as cardinal, he worked hard but even during those time he has not been given a Grammy.
Copia almost choked out a sob remembering the time the first time he got nominated yet not winning but even more so now that it was his second one but still hasn't gotten anything. Sure, he was glad that someone else won- a legend of his time even and Copia being up against someone like that is an honour, being there as a nominee is an honour already as well, however, deep inside Copia- to the Papa Emeritus IV, it still felt like a loss despite the fact that he kept convincing himself that it was just an award and being nominated and even attending it is enough. Although, at the same time, he felt like he lost still, not just to him but to the whole Ghost project and the ministry. As he had disappointed his whole flock and even perhaps Satanas for his loss.
It pained him thinking about it as he finally sobbed his poor sad heart, clutching onto the paper that had his name there. All the bottled up feelings he had even from before when his first nomination down to his recent, finally came pouring down from his cheeks as he cried softly alone in his room, wishing that he had won it to bring glory to his flock and to the Olde One.
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bri-to-the-future · 1 year
hello im here to request 40s doc for the song post 👀
Hehe i figured youd be the one to ask for him. Okay here they are:
Rat by Penolope Scott- About someone losing faith in a scientist- gives the vibes of doc losing faith in oppenheimer. “When I said take me to the moon i never meant take me alone/i thought if mankind toured the sky it meant that all of us could go/but i dont wanna see the stars if theyre just one more piece of land/for us to colonise for us to turn to sand” in particular makes me think of him
Laplaces Angel (Hurt People? Hurt people!) by Will Wood- “have you ever died in a nightmare?/woke up surprised you hadnt earned your fate?” And “so if you wash your hands of where youve been/until you flood the second floor/neatly fold your skeletons/but stull cant shut the closet door” give me such 40s doc vibes its insane
Oblivion by Halfy and Winks- look. I know its a dream smp fan song. But they make good music! And this absolutely murders me with the 40s doc vibes. The entire first verse fits him so well. “Pride in myself was something i swore would never die/gaining respect means giving up a past life/the illusion crafted by my arrogance/had protected me from the wrong that i couldnt admit” PLEASE. The song is about guilt and regret and its so perfect for him
Dr. Sunshine is Dead by Will Wood- another will wood song! This one gives me the vibes of someone who’s afraid of themself, which fits 40s doc beautifully. Particularly the last line. “And if dreams can come true, what does that say about nightmares?/ill stay awake tonight”
Run Boy Run by Woodkid- this one makes me think of someone trying to run from themself “run boy run/they’re dying to stop you/run boy run/this race is a prophecy/run boy run/break out from society” it sort of gives me the vibes of how hectic it mustve been while they were working on the bomb
21 Guns by Green Day- this one almost feels obvious to me? It’s about wanting peace in a time of war. “When you’re at the end of the road/and you lost all sense of control/and your thoughts have taken control/when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul” reminds me of him. Also at the start of the chorus when he says “one, twenty-one guns” its like 1.21 which is fun
Wires by The Neighbourhood- this one (i think?) is about someone not being in control of themself due to obligation. “I see the wires pulling while you’re breathing/you knew you had a reason/it killed you like diseases” reminds me of how i think 40s doc probably feels about his actions. It ended the war, but at what cost?
What Ive Done by Linkin Park- this whole song fits him really well so its hard to pick a lyric to highlight. “Put to rest/what you thought of me/while ive cleaned this slate/with the hands/of uncertainty” makes me think of how doc would react to marty finding out (assuming he knew him from the 30s)
Killer by The Hoosiers- well it’s just right off the gate with this one. “I hate my work/but im in control/im fearless now/but it cost my soul” c’mon thats so good for him! Theres also a later line, “i conduct fear like electricity/a manmade monstrosity” and i think thats his feelings about the project and his part in it exactly
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons- this one gives me the sense of doc a bit further past the bombs being dropped, reluctantly accepting the new norm. “All systems go/the sun hasnt died/deep in my bones/straight from inside” particularly makes me think of him
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art-i-know-yes · 2 years
Joel killing Tango and Jimmy being like "WASNT ME"
Props to the rest of T.I.E.S for trying to protect
"This is for peace"
just bombs
Skizz just bargaining
the MUSIC is killing me
running through the walls
what about MY heartbeat
Tango driving the Bad Boys insane
ooo the mob farm
"hi everybody. im afraid."
your teammates want to kill you
Tango doesn't even know where he is
he has 40 minutes
momma's respect
baby dug
"what-what's this? are you a bad boy?" *switches skin* "of course I am!"
they tried really hard
oh no Scott is GOLDEN
"he knows etho is the only that can protect him"
oh so Joel was just killing people like scar was last session
he was trying
oh so that's how that happened
hunting green names for sport
"last ep behavior" is hilarious to me
all the accidental clocker kills
oh so that's what THAT was
got that green name tho-
"im squealing-"
grian uses that kind of tactic reasoning right
you're destroying his pretty house
i-i was. bit expecting that to work
the Bad Boys are rrreeeeaaaalll desperate
not too sure about the friends
grian's gremlin laugh is so funny
potato pier
they have so many lives so they just decided that vertical was going to be the best tactic
Jimmy's Ep (finished b4 Grian's ep)
no ily for scott
so. jimmy is just. wild. this season huh. kidnapping bigb.
fire bread bridge
pearl is soooo gonna follow
*sigh* guess we know who's going red first
"yeeeahh mellow yellow. we're all friends here" "i couldn't kill you even if i wanted" but i can kidnap you
the bois are building and jimmy is. going through something right now.
jimmy's emotional support frog Judge Judy and Executioner
"excuse me"
"how do we know he's still a bad boy" "ive been threatening and kidnapping people"
being a bad boy is a family business
bad boy bread bridge bakery
him and his puns
"filthy reds"
"how much time you got? 18?" "17:48" "disgusting."
being scott's bodyguard
of course it's grian with the fishing rod
oh joel was kinda close
mean gill protection services
"the other kids are bullying me!!!"
"why am i following"
the bread bridge is getting wild
martyn watches too many of his subs vids
hunting green names for spoooorrrttt
do you trust that tho
it's it'sssss wabbit season!!
the FEAR in joel's voice
"chaps let's talk about it"
"i need the time back, i need the time back-"
"oh my word"
"oh grian noo"
did- did they not. notice.
im not smart enough for lore
Scott's Ep
scott having the most time is great
"is that why you're hovering"
"little 'ol meeeee"
grian tried spleefing a lot
scott is left undefeated
people lost more time trying to kill greens than had gained
*runs in fear*
also scar being peaceful this episode
rip to pufferish of peace
"Hmm? hmm!"
"the arrows caaNNN REACH"
absolute amazing bucket clutch
the yellow skin is very cute
"oh yeah no I was slippery"
the clockers are the most unsubtle team ever
and pearl did that one huh
"yeah it's pretty close"
momma can't do her chores when her kids are there
always with the aesthetics
aww cute
ahhh innuendo
wild session
btw i watch tango's first bc he posts suuuper ahead of everyone else so. anyway i watched his and part of grian's when the episodes came out just finished the rest of them lmao. i have a short attention span.
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imustbenuts · 6 months
Different anon, reading your Delicious in FE asks had me and my partner wondering how you'd cook Mila because of her weird hair wings. So I guess: Mila and Duma? Can't have one without the other.
felt a little under the weather sorry for the late reply!!
i have in fact answers for this.
id imagine tastes a lot like mossy chewy veggies and vermicelli and tofu. she looks almost like what i would think of dryad if less leafy and woody, and is responsible for her people never going hungry ever again (tm). so mila probably touches the ground and an apple tree grows, touches a person wishing they have a pair of mega melons instantly have a pair of mega melons
but bc she technically isnt a dryad and more of a dragon, parts of her are going to taste like meat even though its veggies. which is. cool actually! that means its vegan time!! 🍽️🍽️
i actually have a cooler idea than lab grown meat though: mianjin! or seitan. mila is probably just full of this. dont even have to wash or pound her to get this labor intensive vegan food.
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so these things are actually gluten, processed from wheat and the likes. their texture is super duper close to chicken, and are extremely good at soaking up whatever juices you throw at it. fry it, steam it, they can take it. monastic buddhist monks have been munching on these things since 6th century in china, and ive even eaten once prepped to look exactly like sashimi
its fucking play dough faux meat.
anyway! so with parts of her being mianjin, her hair part would probably be like long beans or even moss. theres one particular Black Moss that i ate a lot as a kid being served it, but apparently have been over harvested due to. dumb shit culture reasons. (eating it is believed to bring fortune and money. they kept feeding me that shit.)
so! my recommended milla prep method is vegetable stir fry, actually! make sure to grab all the veggies like carrots and brocolli and mushrooms and plenty of oyster sauce, mirin, vinegar, and ginger and go to fucking town mixing her in. :3
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shit so good it can be eaten as finger food >:333
id imagine duma would be some creature thats really hardy and built to survive in places with lots of prairie and plains. but hes ripped as hell, strong as a tank and has the mentally of strongest means bestest
so. maybe hes like. a bison. the king of bisons. the biggest beefiest gym bro who somehow converts his gains from fats and protein non-existent.
i know the duma we know in fe:echoes is a dippy sad mess but imagine if that was bc he lost his way in the mountains without cell reception bc he made a bad investment, lost his house, drank too much, got into a couple of fights with cars and trains, lost, and mila took off with his $60,000 car he paid off by running some crypto grift and got mega cancelled for it
regular duma is a bona fide bison. the duma we saw is not.
step 1: get his ass. step 2: shred his ass into thin slices. step 3: dry his thin ass and then grab a bunch of berries and then recook his ass in his own fat. BAP BAPABAPABABBABABABP done.
with regards to regular duma, the only way to pay proper respects and follow his path imo is to become one with him so thoroughly even nature shakes upon our footstep as we train in the wild. see what he saw. fend of cars with our bare hands and pecs. eating him. slowly. bit by bit....
because duma has become... the ultimate survival food.
Pemmican. ✌️
combined together they are a force of nature. we shall become as gods. can't go wrong with ultimate survival meat and ultimate veggies
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sadambomb · 1 year
Father son holy spirit, thank you for today. Thank you for yesterday. And thank you for tomorrow if you let me see it. You gained an angel father.. i lost one of my only brothers on this planet. I am just lost for words, ive just begun realizing that this actually happened.. you were an amazing freind, you always did shit 1000 or not at all. You were supportive always, and just a bad ass motherfucker bro. All i could say yesterday was this cant be real this cant be real.. but donating to your gofundme.. is another type of pain.. bro im gonna miss you, you were the kind of soul thats forever. I can still hear your voice and it makes me cry knowing ill never get a greeting from you again.. you showed love as if everyone was equal . That always amazed me. But you treated everyone like they were up there. When we went somewhere, people came to us with smiles and laughter. Because they kno, those guys are fucking cool , they not out here all the time they here trying to have a good time. It was an honor to know you brother. The respect i have for you was on another level. I cant believe ive gotta continue today knowing that you have left on permanent vacation.. i love you bro. Youve blessed not only me, but the whole world g. There is no way i could ever repay you, not in this lifetime or the next.. i know this will effect me forever brother.. ive lost alot of my freinds. But this one really hits home... lord please welcome my brother , because he will protect you and his family that is there waiting, and i have recieved a guardian angel added to my army in the skies. Unfortunatly its not as bad ass as it sounds.. i cried so much yesterday bro and ive only begun to scratch the surface.. everyone i know loved you bro. We will all miss you tremendously.. every single day... thank you God for another 24 hours , thank you for the air we breathe , thank you for love. In the name of the father, son, holy spirit, amen. 🙏🏽😓😓😓
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