#and jenny likes him but also she is too proud for her own good
"For the last time I did not eat your rice pudding!"
"For the last time, I did not eat your rice pudding!" Jennyanydots hisses, crossing her arms neatly in front of her and steeling herself in that oh-so-charming way that also very clearly indicated danger to anycat within a five foot radius. But Bustopher Jones was not just anycat - he was a cat blinded by a very particular strain of incurable twitterpation that perhaps gave him a bravery (or a stupidity) he - logically speaking - would have never dreamed of flaunting so willingly in any other scenario.
But Jennyanydots was a special case.
Bustopher glances at the half empty dish she had shoved unceremoniously in his direction. In hindsight, being as clear as it was meant to be and all that, he should have graciously ended the conversation there - maybe thrown in an apology for coming across as too forward somewhere. However... "Obviously someone did," he observes flatly instead, turning the dish right side up, trying to downplay how he examined it for cracking.
Jenny's muzzle pinches with conviction and that is nearly enough to have Bustopher regretting opening his big mouth in the first place. Incredible how expressive she was; something about this particular queen certainly kindled some kind of fire within him, and he could admit that her tendency towards unsolicited stubbornness was rather contagious. That apparently included an inability to filter when backed into a corner.
"I can assure you it wasn't me," she retorts primly, flicking her ears up. "I didn't touch the stuff."
Bustopher inhales, feeling an incredibly undignified whine chase after it. The conversation's point was quickly losing itself in obfuscation, and Bustopher found himself chasing listlessly after it. Whomever had taken their sample of his gift was, in reality, the furthest thing from his mind; he was hardly against sharing with hungry cats. The reaction from the one cat he'd wanted very much to enjoy it, however, was far more confusing and concerning a mystery.
"But why not?" he manages, hesitantly stepping back a pace. "A good pudding is hard to come by for cats. I brought it specifically for you. "
Jennyanydots, Bustopher has noticed, tugs on the shiny satin ribbon around her neck when she gets nervous - she does not like keeping her paws idle. It is - at the moment - laying partially undone around her shoulders, and her fur dimples between her teeth as she considers. "Why would I want anything from you?"
Bustopher, rearranging his expression so it did not register the grave offense (and hurt) he had just suffered, manages to tilt his head. "It's...a treat and I thought because there's so many of you at home, that you wouldn't-"
"That I wouldn't what?" Jenny demands, lowering her tail.
"You...you wouldn't mind too terribly having something for yourself instead of sharing?" he ventures carefully.
The wrong choice, as it were. Jenny's paws settle displeased on her hips.
"So," she sniffs. The ribbon bobs at her throat. "I'm a charity case for you, then?"
Bustopher blinks owlishly at her, mouth moving, but no sound managing its way up. What on- "It's not a..."
The cogs and wheels of his mind screech to an immediate stop. Oh...dear, oh, dear. How he hadn't seen that coming down the street and from the left in his careful rehearsal he'd practiced on his way...he never claimed to be the most intelligent of cats (merely the smartest, you'll beg pardon), but the dawning on him of what it must have looked like on her end - and with that sort of explanation - surely would have even caught a scholar by surprise (or that's what his ego was providing anyway). Foolish, on his part; it hadn't even occurred to him she would think of it that way. An embarrassed Jennyanydots - even on what was a wholly incorrect assumption - was a force to be reckoned with; he was lucky she hadn't bitten his head clean from his shoulders.
"I didn't mean to imply...I just thought you'd like it," Bustopher explains in a rush, backpaddling, damage control, struggling to keep his own embarrassment at bay as the dish lay forgotten between them. This was not going even remotely to plan - he'll be lucky if she even speaks to him the rest of the week.
The soft pink skin of Jenny's ears flushes thoroughly red in reaction, and Bustopher finds himself momentarily distracted in spite of himself.
"You..." Her lip trembles. "You thought wrong, then."
And, in a huff, she turns on her heel and stomps away, leaving Bustopher on his own staring blankly after where Jenny's tail had harrumphed away as he slowly caught up with what had just transpired. His heart beats uncomfortably in his chest. The longer he spent amidst his fellow cats as an adolescent, the more he was beginning to realize that his knowledge of interpersonal feline relationships was even more lacking than he'd thought. Humans seemed downright simple comparatively.
Sighing, he picks up offending china, scraping the rest of the pudding onto the ground to serve as a snack for another wandering vermin or two. Jenny would much prefer that, he thinks glumly.
As he turns on his own spats, feeling all in all far too sorry for himself considering the offense caused, a small, stubborn little voice in his ear hopefully chimes in with a suggestion of flowers next time, old boy.
Send me a sentence and I’ll fill at least five more in after it for a little mini-fic.
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perfectsunlight · 2 months
warnings: mentions of absent parents, crying, lonliness
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le sserafim’s success was unimaginable. with every passing day, their popularity grew, and the love from their fans seemed endless. the group often shared moments of joy and celebration, especially after significant achievements. usually it was going out to eat, and after one particular weekend, it was decided that their parents would join them.
it was after winning another award that the girls decided to just drag everyone to the nearest korean barbecue place. the room was filled with laughter and animated conversations as eunchae, sakura, chaewon, yunjin, and kazuha each celebrated with their parents. the atmosphere was warm and festive, with everyone savoring the delicious food and the joy of being together.
ivory’s hands busied themselves with arranging the side dishes and making sure everyone was getting a piece of everything. she moved from one end of the table to the other, refilling glasses and passing around bowls of kimchi and other banchan. of course, everyone helped, but she was determined to stay occupied, to keep herself from dwelling too much on the empty feeling inside.
the sound of laughter filled the room as eunchae’s father cracked a joke, making everyone around him burst into fits of giggles. sakura’s mother was busy telling a funny story from her childhood, and chaewon’s mother was sharing anecdotes from her own life. yunjin’s family was recounting their favorite memories of her performances, and kazuha’s parents were praising their daughter’s hard work and dedication.
cat-like eyes watched these interactions with a mixture of happiness and emptiness. she loved seeing her friends surrounded by love and support, but it also reminded her of what she was missing. 
the young girl wondered what it was like to have parents. was it like the movies, with warm hugs and words of encouragement? was it the way her friends’ parents looked at them, with pride and unconditional love? 
she could only ever imagine.
jane glanced around the room, her eyes briefly meeting those of eunchae, who gave her an encouraging smile. her best friend’s smile was genuine and warm, and it reminded ivory that she wasn’t entirely alone. 
eunchae was always like a sister to her, and that was the closest thing she’d ever had to a family. sure, she had her grandmother, but it wasn’t the same as having parents who were there for her every day. her grandmother loved her dearly, but the generational gap sometimes made it hard for them to fully understand each other. but at least she had someone, right? on top of that, her members were her family now, and they cared for her deeply.
however, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have her parents there, to share in the celebration of her successes. 
even though she wasn’t on good terms with her mother, she still wished jennie was there.
as the dinner went on, ivory found herself drifting further into her thoughts. the voices around her seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the echoes of her own memories and longings. she remembered the nights she spent alone, dreaming of a family that was whole and complete.
she couldn’t stop thinking about the times she had wished for someone to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay. it was something she’d hate to admit, especially out loud, but she missed her mother terribly.
ivory thought about the moments they did share, the rare times when jennie’s priorities would shift and she’d show a glimpse of the loving mother she could be. the idol wondered if her mother was proud of her. did she ever think about her achievements? did she ever watch any of her performances and feel a surge of pride?
then again, she wasn’t sure. the distance between them was more than just physical; it was emotional, complicated and filled with misunderstandings and missed opportunities.
in all 18 years of jane’s life, the relationship with her mother seemed to only worsen as she got older.
suddenly, she felt a gentle hand on her arm. she looked up to see yunjin standing beside her, concern etched on her face. “hey, are you okay?” the american asked softly. cat-like eyes shifted to the older girl and she forced a smile. “i’m okay, just a bit tired.”
eventually, everyone wrapped dinner up, and everyone made their way back to the dorms while their families went to their hotels. on the drive back to their dorm, all ivory could do was stare out the window, her thoughts a whirlwind of unresolved emotions. the city lights blurred past, and the warmth and joy of the dinner felt like a distant memory.
inside the car, the other members chatted and laughed, their voices creating a contrast with the silence that seemed to envelop the young girl. she forced a smile and engaged in the conversation, but her mind kept drifting back to her own familial situation.
but she couldn't shake the image of eunchae’s parents, the warmth of sakura’s family, or the pride in chaewon’s and yunjin’s parents' eyes. each memory was a sharp reminder of what she was missing.
the urge to reach out, even just to hear her mother’s voice, despite everything, was overpowering.
once they were back, jane slipped into the room she shared with eunchae, quietly closing the door behind her. her best friend was going to shower, leaving her alone for a few minutes.
she sat on the edge of her bed and stared at her phone, her finger hovering over the keypad. her emotions were a tangled mess, but she knew she needed to try. taking a deep breath, she dialed her mother’s number. 
even though she didn’t have jennie saved as a contact, she did have her mother’s number memorized.
the phone rang several times before the call was answered. jane’s heart pounded as she heard her mother’s voice on the other end, though it was faint and distant. 
jane hesitated for a moment, feeling a lump in her throat at the sudden sound of her mother’s voice. quickly, trying to steady her voice, she responded.
a lot of commotion was heard on the other end of the line, the noise of what sounded like a busy environment. her mother’s voice was strained and apologetic.
“hey, the show is about to start. can i call you back later?” her mother said, her tone laced with genuine regret.
jane’s heart sank, all she wanted was just five minutes with jennie. but as usual, it seemed as if that was simply impossible. 
her mother cut her off gently right before the sound of applause was heard over the other line. her voice hushed quickly, her voice sounding closer to the phone.
“i’m sorry, i really can’t talk right now. i’m in paris right now but i promise i’ll call you back as soon as i can.”
before ivory could protest further, the line went dead. she stared at her phone, feeling a familiar sting of disappointment. it wasn’t that her mother didn’t want to talk; she was simply overwhelmed with responsibilities. it was something she was used to, yet, the feeling of being set aside left jane feeling isolated and unimportant.
her shoulders began to shake as she tried to hold back the tears, but they came anyway, spilling down her cheeks uncontrollably. the sense of loneliness and sadness was overwhelming, especially during a time when she desperately wanted to have a conversation with her mother.
she sank onto her bed, hugging her knees to her chest, and let herself cry for the first time in years.
the tears seemed to flow freely, each sob a release of the pent-up emotions she had been trying so hard to keep in check. all she ever wanted was her mother, and even at some points, her own father. yet, the reality was a void where familial support and love should have been. 
the sound of the door opening surprised her, quickly catching her off guard. she couldn’t hide her tears, even when she started wiping her eyes with her sleeves. 
“ivory?” chaewon called out, concern evident in her tone. jane had her back to the entrance, her throat tight from crying. she made no move to turn around, feeling a fresh wave of tears start to pool in her eyes. 
the vulnerability she felt was raw, and she didn’t want to face anyone just yet. 
especially not her leader.
the older girl’s footsteps were soft as she approached, her concern even more evident in her gentle tone. ivory was like a little sister to her, and at some points, she even saw the girl as a daughter figure.
“are you okay?”
ivory could barely manage a nod, her throat tight and her sobs stifled. she felt a hand on her shoulder, a gentle squeeze that almost sent her sobbing again.
“it’s okay to cry,” chaewon said quietly, sitting down beside her. “whatever you’re feeling, it’s okay to let it out.”
ivory’s shoulders shook as she tried to regain her composure, but her emotions seemed to have a life of their own. she completely broke down once the older girl pulled her into a hug. the warmth and comfort of chaewon’s embrace were both soothing and heartbreaking.
the leader’s heart ached at the sight of ivory breaking down. she let the girl cry for a while until chaewon finally pulled back slightly, her eyes full of concern. 
“what happened, sweetheart?”
ivory took a shuddering breath, struggling to find the words. she took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. after she managed to settle down a little bit, she finally allowed herself to justs breathe for a bit. finally, her voice came out in a whisper, hoarse from all the crying, but still understandable. 
“i just miss my mom.”
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the-spaced-out-ace · 7 months
okay okay hear me out. hatchetfield/ever after high au
i maaaaaayyy have been thinking about this since. the day i saw abstinence camp. in my defense dexven and lautski are the same ship and nobody likes either of these things more than me (/j) so like. rundown of ideas i had (and one piece of inspo from a gc i'm in)
Stephanie Lauter, daughter of the Evil King: Yeah, I'm just fully reusing Raven's backstory here. Steph's born into wickedness and expected to one day inherit her father's throne and oppress her people and possibly curse the future Snow White. Which earns her respectful fear from her fellow "evil" peers, fearful respect from most of her classmates, and dread from herself, because she doesn't want to be anything like her dad, for better or for worse, even if it means risking going poof. Doesn't really help she's just not a good student in the classes assigned to her and her father keeps telling her she'll be a terrible Evil Queen anyway. Would absolutely prefer to write her own destiny. Her current plans involve doing fuck-all as an adult.
Peter Spankoffski, son of one of the Generic Charming Families: More specifically, the ones from Beauty and the Beast. One problem. He wasn't exactly planned. His big brother has already lived out being the beast and a noble lady named Jenny broke Ted's curse yeeeeaaarrrs ago, so Pete's already seen what should be his story play out in real time. And given the assumption that Ted and Jenny's kid would take on one of their roles, Pete's not sure he even has a destiny. Pretty much ostracized by most of his peers for so obviously not having a destiny. He's the only non-villian not inherently scared of Steph, and when they talk it's all like "god, you're so lucky your story isn't a shitshow" "at least you have a story" and eventually they kinda further break destiny by dating because they are literally just Raven and Dexter in another font.
Ruth Fleming, daughter of The Mad Hatter: @mythuzalasheir3 suggested this one to me and I was so inclined to agree. Ruth is so Wonderlandian to me. She's theatrical, she's eccentric and not willing to turn it down, will just say what's on her mind as she sees it. Taking a bit from the books canon, she does sorta resent Steph at first for her father going off-book and poisoning Wonderlandian magic, but after Pete urges her to actually talk to her as they start hanging out more, she sees Steph isn't as scary as she thought and very quickly gets comfortable turning up her madness and speaking Riddlish around her like she does with her other friends. Speaking of which.
Richie Lipschitz, son of the Wizard of Oz: Yes. I really am making Pete the odd one out. Ruth is Wonderlandian, Richie is an (honorary) Ozian. Sue me. This basically stems from how Richie was in charge of taping the prank in the Waylons/putting on the music, so knowing he has special effects know-how, he is going to have a blast doing the hologram head thing in the Emerald City for a few decades. He also plans on introducing pop culture stuff to Oz, too, not just more science. Nerd. I think he's iconic for it.
(Side note: neither Ruth nor Richie can believe that they're just casually best friends with a prince, even though Pete really doesn't want it to be a big deal).
Grace Chasity, daughter of the Temple Woman from The Little Mermaid: Right. History time. If you're not familiar with the original version of TLM, after the mermaid brings the prince back to shore, a girl from a Christian monastery finds the prince, and he believes she saved him instead of the mermaid. And also she and the prince are married by the end. I chose this fully because she's very proud of the fact she already has an immortal soul, and doesn't have to do anything for a happily ever after other than be in the right place at the right time. She does not give a damn about who her prince is as long as they stick to the script. Basically, she's a Royal out of necessity more than anything.
Max Jagerman, son of another Charming Clan: More specifically, he's destined to be the Rapunzel's prince. He's in with Steph because he thinks it's a good idea to be on the good side of all royals in his class. But not Storiless Spankoffski. He does NOT fraternize with people whose existence could poof away a whole story. For as much as he tries to fit the example of Perfect Royals Accepting Their Destiny, he does still have a target of affection not in his story: Grace. Being much more stereotypically Royal than him, she keeps rejecting him due to not being interested and not even part of his story. Doesn't stop him from trying.
The Lords in Black, the heads of Ever After High: Everyone has a destiny. They're here to run the school and enforce them, and also dictate the destinies of the more ambiguous cases like Charming Number Twenty-Seven or "how do we find a replacement for a character who is dead." They say there's a spider in the basement but don't even worry about it, they'll take care of it eventually.
Webby, the Weaver in the Basement: Basically taking the place of Giles Grimm, her brothers have let her have less and less involvement with destinies over the years, so she's spinning up happier endings that hopefully won't go poof in solitude. Would definitely encourage Steph to follow her heart instead of her destiny.
Henery Hidgens as the Magic Botany teacher, and also former Jack of Jack the Giant Slayer fame: man I just think this would be funny
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peridot-tears · 5 months
Mind sharing some Ezio, Ziio, Shay and Edward Hcs?
Sofia and Claudia got along like sisters (idk I think this might actually be canon).
Ezio encouraged Flavia to be spirited and curious, and sees himself in her and the way she takes care of Marcello. If Ezio had lived to see her to adulthood, he would have been protective but let her choose her own husband.
Ezio wanted to keep his Assassin activities a secret from his children. After he died, Claudia took them in and trained them herself the way their Uncle Mario did for them.
Ziio and Oiá:ner's interactions became stilted after the birth of Ratohnhaké:ton. There was no doubt that the love was there, but Oiá:ner could not quite look at her the same again, and she had to busy herself with finding someone else to groom as successor. They were finally warming up to each other again just a year or so before Ziio died.
Oiá:ner put full trust into Ratohnhaké:ton and his decision-making going forward because she didn't want to drive a wedge between herself and her grandson the way she did with Ziio. And it was the hardest thing she ever had to do.
Modern-day Ziio would have been a leader in the stand-offs against the Canadian government and localities like the Kanehsatà:ke Resistance, which her voice actor Tiio Horn was actually in. My headcanon Ziio has a lot of Tiio Horn's traits, mostly because Tiio Horn's sass that I see in her social media comes through a lot in her voice acting for Ziio.
Ratohnhaké:ton's a BEAST at lacrosse. Man moves like WATER.
Shay died peacefully in a manner similar to Ezio's -- in a garden, watching his family.
Shay most definitely was the black sheep amongst the Templars -- not just because a traitor gets no trust from any side, but because he's Irish and many other Templars were Englishmen who were racist against him. Adéwalé called him Haytham's hunting dog, but the Templars thought the same of him.
Because of this, Shay was that high-achieving Templar the others resented, because they hated the idea of being outdone by someone they felt was lesser. They kept their distance from each other, and his friends in the Order were kept in a tight circle -- Jack Weeks, Gist, and Haytham.
That's also why Cudgel was so fiercely proud of his grandfather later on too -- despite the racism, he was more Templar than any of them.
Also, Lil Cudge seems to me like that kind of guy who in modern day would insist that the Irish were slaves. He seems to me like someone who's very loyal, but but blindly so, and someone who doesn't question tradition.
Edward wanted to raise Haytham as English as possible, but he'd occasionally slip up and curse in Welsh at times. Haytham would grow up with only vague memories of the Welsh part of his heritage.
Edward was a rambunctious lil youngster who didn't need any dogs to herd the sheep. The wolves were scared of HIM lol.
Edward's relationship with Jenny haunts my dreams. What happened in the years between her and Haytham's birth. The people need to know.
I wrote a whole other word vomit post expressing my guess that he didn't want her to get involved in the Assassin world because he wanted to protect his last memory of Caroline. He believed in being honest with your child, so she knew everything about his activities. But given that Caroline had already been disowned because of him and even now that he was a new money gentleman, he was a social pariah because of his pirate past, he wanted Jenny to live a noblewoman's life -- marry a man of good social standing and be a good wife. And although she protested, he always thought he knew what was best for her.
If Jenny knew about her brother's child and ever met him, she honestly would've adored him. Such a polite, well-loved young man. She would've been relieved that he was raised right by his mother's side, away from the Kenway drama. Thank God all he had in common with her side of the family was blood, but if she could have chosen to be blood with any remaining relative of hers, it would have been him.
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jun-of-love · 1 year
gorgeous - kim mingyu
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summary: you were never the one to enjoy parties, until you came across the gorgeous Kim Mingyu.
genre: romance (?)
trigger warning: extremely handsome dude, alcohol consumption
words: 1.5k
pairing: mingyu × yn
a/n: reputation is taylor's best album.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧  .✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧ 
“I should’ve just bailed out last minute.”
You think as you look at the flashing neon lights coming from the flat. You wondered how much retinal damage the lights could cause. Plus, it was full of people, who were most probably sweaty and horny. Should you report it to the police for disrupting covid regulations? That way you wouldn’t have to attend the party for valid reasons. Unfortunately, covid regulations were far gone, and even if they hadn’t, you were not that mean……yet. Your heels were already painfully digging into your feet and you were genuinely thinking of turning back and ghosting Yeri, right then she comes up to you, dragging you inside with her. Its done, you’ll have to stay here at least for an hour before you could leave. Fine, let’s do it, how bad can it get?, is what you think.
It indeed got very bad. Specifically when Yeri introduced you to the guys who had organized the party, the owners of this humongous flat- Lee Dokyeom, Jeon Wonwoo and……..Kim Mingyu.
Your breath probably got stuck in your throat the moment your eyes landed on the man. Was it the lighting of the party, or was there a literal halo above his head? Kim Mingyu looked so perfect, everything about him was just right- his face, his body, his smile, his laugh, his aura, and the way he carried himself. God was in fact real, and he has made this being with his own holy hands.
You never considered yourself to be one with rizz, and your interaction with Kim Mingyu proved you right. You refused to look at him for more than three seconds, opting to talk to anyone but him. Your heart threatened to jump out of your throat, making you clutch on your cup for your life. You befriended Karina, Jennie, and Joy- all of them looked like literal goddesses. Was there anyone here who represented the general population? It was probably you, you realized.
The group decided on playing beer pong, which you opted out of, because a) you didn’t want to drink ao early on and b) you didn’t know how the game goes. You only told the first reason though, to which Mingyu replied that he will drink for you (!!!) You only laughed awkwardly and brushed him off, hoping that you were subtle with the panic he caused in you. Zero points in the flirting department for you.
The game was interesting, mainly because it was played by hot people. You maintained the 3 second rule of looking at Mingyu, settling on cheering for Wonwoo instead. He was cute too, in a nerdy way. He was the kind of guy you would usually go for. He was also very built, under the plain black tee he wore, because he kept flexing his biceps, every time he landed a ball in the cup. So was Mingyu, to your happiness and dismay. Happiness because well, he was a work of art, and made you drool, dismay because you could only look at him for three seconds, and he was too good to be true. Mingyu’s team won (obviously) and you hugged the girls of the team and Dokyeom and decided to give a small thumbs-up to Mingyu (it was either that, or completely ignoring him. You were proud of your choice.)
You could’ve left by now, but unfortunately you were having fun, enough to down two drinks and agreeing to play a drinking game. You sat besides Wonwoo and Yeri, and noticed that Mingyu would sit between Jennie and Dokyeom, the way they had left a space for him. It made you feel weird for some reason, but you wouldn’t blame him- Jennie was beautiful and charming, and if you could, you would like her too. Mingyu rushed towards the group with blankets in his hands, dropping one in each girl’s lap, and sat like it was nothing to him. It was nothing big, just a kind gesture- but it made you breathless in a way that you prayed that your nostrils don’t flare up as you make up for the loss of air in you. He was handsome as well as thoughtful, how unfortunate for you.
The game consisted of a stack of cards and everybody had to take turns picking up cards. It would either be a truth or a dare- classic high school dumbassery but slightly unique (?) It was quite fun, especially when Yeri called up her 9th grade Math teacher who she had a crush on (why did she have his number, you’d never know) or when Dokyeom put up a picture of his armpit on his story for an hour. It was Mingyu’s chance and his card asked if he was committed or single- and to do a stripper dance if the latter.
“please be dating please be dating please be dating please be dating please be dating please be dating” you muttered because all of this would become very easy for you if he was dating someone. You wouldn’t have to see him flex his body and worry about drool on your mouth. Also, you were a person with morals, you would never steal someone’s man- and the thought of someone being committed removes any and all attraction you have towards him. Kim Mingyu having a girlfriend was the best possible outcome.
“I guess I have to give a show then.” Mingyu smirked, removing his shirt with one hand in a go. The girls squealed, the guys hooted and all you could think of was how long the chorus of the song ‘Unholy’ was because you couldn’t physically handle it. You covered your eyes involuntarily and chose to look through the gaps between your fingers because you were not strong enough to miss the show either.
You winced as Mingyu ran his hands on his chiseled abs and grabbed his muscular, perfect thigh. His facial expressions were sultry, he was acting as if this was paying his rent. You were probably delusional, but it felt as if he looked at you too much during his performance. Maybe its because you were acting like Virgin Mary, but it still made you flustered.
Thankfully, the guys pulled him away as he was about the grind on the floor, god knows what would’ve happened to you then. In this commotion, Wonwoo ended up sitting next to Mingyu, and you next to Dokyeom. You were quite drunk by this time, and it was your chance to pick the card again.
“Kiss the most attractive man in the room.”
Your luck was in your favour or not, you couldn’t really decipher. The answer to the dare was obvious to you, probably to everyone else as well. You shifted in Mingyu’s direction, slowly because you were drunk enough to enjoy the attention on you, and the look of anticipation on Mingyu. Maybe you backed off, or maybe this was planned by you, your thought process was a little hazy, but you turned your head away from Mingyu and kissed Wonwoo instead. Your friends cheered, Yeri damn near losing her mind screaming. You held on his biceps, and he deepened the kiss, making a shiver go through your spine. You broke the kiss and smiled at him, returning to your seat. Jennie patted on your back, giggling cutely. You could see Mingyu completely flustered, and staring at you every now and then. Ha! You had avenged for all the awkwardness he had caused you this entire night. But if you had won, why couldn’t you stop wondering how much better a kiss with Mingyu would’ve been?
The screaming and hooting probably drained everyone’s energy, making people pass out like deflated balloons. You picked up Yeri, trying to wake her up enough to walk to the Uber. You held both of your purses and heels in one hand, and Yeri in the other. As you managed to put her in the cab and struggled to get inside, you heard a yell of your name. It was Mingyu?
“I thought you passed out.” You said, trying not to look at his shirtless form.
“I almost did, but I couldn’t just let you go.”
“I thought we had something going on tonight.” He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“We did?” You asked incredulously. To you, it was just admiring his flawless form in a borderline creep, did he interpret it in a positive way?
“I hope you think so too, because I kind of fought off Wonwoo to ask you out.”
You would have thanked God if you weren’t an atheist. You were living your dream k-drama life with two incredibly hot men fighting over you. So, like every female lead ever, you choose the hotter man.
“Sure, Mingyu, I’ll go out with you. Text me the details later.”
For the first time tonight, Mingyu showed off his full smile, with his eyes scrunched up, showing off a little dimple near his nose.
Ah, you were so glad you didn't bail out.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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what were sam levinson's intentions with the idol?
it's definitely something very personal to him. it's his own selfish fantasy. on set or during the writing process, he was likely very difficult, stubborn and particular with everything. he also wants this to be big, he wants to outdo his previous projects and to even almost sabotage his competitors within the industry, so he's made an effort go above and beyond. he had a particular focus on the women in the show, making sure they could give want he wanted to the best of their ability (he wanted them to appear young, dumb, and wild). there's also a kinky element he was particularly fascinated with. it seems it involves little play or ddlg, or it could just be that he wanted to really show off how petite lily rose depp is. there is an emphasis again that he really wanted the project to be his ideas.
what were the weeknd's intention's with the idol?
so for the weeknd it seems he had been interested in making a tv show or movie for a while, he's probably had this somewhat planned for years. for him, this is fulfilling a dream (another achievement he can add to his career). he also feels this is brave of him, he wanted to really challenge himself and make something regardless of how people may criticise it. he wanted to prove to himself he could do something unrestrained and new. you know the sort of vibe of if you want to write a vulnerable poem but you keep watering it down and editing it because you get embarrassed, you don't want people to judge your writing or what it's about - he was pushing himself to do the exact opposite of that. he wanted it to be something people look back on and see it as timeless. however, it seems as it was finally being put into production it leaned away from this vulnerability a bit and became something different. he is hoping for a lot of social media success, he hopes to see a lot of people talking about it (he wants it to be a success amongst gen z to the extent that it sparks trends).
what does sam levinson think of the idol's outcome (how the show turned out)?
he thinks it's turned out well. he thinks he basically achieved his goal at this point. he hired attractive people, he got his way most of the time and he feels it's going to be successful. he is proud of how different he thinks it is. he feels the show has "everything". however, he sees a lot of problems with it too due to his critical nature. his feelings so far are a bit mixed and will become more settled once he sees the public's reaction.
what does lily rose depp think of the idol?
she's pretty apprehensive about it, she's worried about the reaction to it and she thinks she signed up for more than she bargained for (or than she initially wanted). she doesn't know if she should regret being in this show or not. she also feels she sacrificed a lot for this show and wishes she wasn't bossed around as easily as she was. she might have been high on set often, or is now too, and it helps her feel more chilled out about it. as for the story itself, she really isn't happy with it and thinks it's too much but she likes that she's the main character for something and likes how she looks aesthetically.
what does jennie think of the idol?
she thinks it's risky, rebellious and will get a lot of people talking. she thinks the show will be trendy and popular. she thinks the show is pretty exploitative. she believes men involved in the show "won" this one. she doesn't know if she necessarily would have joined this project if it weren’t for running the risk of ruining her connections, but she is happy her connections and relationships have remained positive (it was one of those things where you said yes and even if you wanted to contemplate backing away you just couldn't, so there’s no point even dwelling on it). she also believes her image is pretty protected and the show doesn't make her look bad. she thinks overall this was a good opportunity for her.
what does lily rose depp think of sam levinson?
she thinks sam levinson had a fixation on her and expected a lot from her. he bothered her a lot, he was obsessive in a way, constantly talking to her and asking her questions but she thought he was also "sweet" (but it’s also the vibe where a guy is being nice to you because you know he wants to sleep with you). she finds him to be persistent and hardworking but overbearing and smothering. she knew it was important to him for this project to outdo himself and his competitors, so in this sense she sees him as pretty greedy but also ambitious in a clever way. she thinks he is manipulative and guilt trips people to make them more reliant on him.
what does jennie think of sam levinson?
she thinks he's a very fake person, being unable to grasp his real personality has caused her to not really have much of an opinion of him. she wants to be careful around him and they're casually polite with each other. she doesn't know him that well but thinks he has a lot of ideas. she worries he my have a temper.
what should audiences expect from the idol?
pandering to men (both from the show in general and the storyline).
women being mean to each other, pushing each other down and competing with each other (catfighting, pick-me behaviour or women demeaning each other etc.)
a very messy story where the characters experience a lot of highs and lows.
really mean and even abusive behaviour - everyone is always hurting each other and breaking each other's trust.
exploitation of young people (not just sexually but seeing them really hurt and wounded overall).
lots of sex and sexual scenes (especially from women).
the story might also go off the rails a little bit or end in a confusing way - there's this sense of even though we don't know sam levinson's personal fantasies, you somehow watch it and can tell it's his fantasy and that it took precedence over the story itself at times.
scenes with questionable ethics and laws being broken (e.g. drug use).
a trendy aesthetic.
a witty dialogue with some quotable lines (even if used as memes).
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coffbeanie · 5 months
Decided to post some EJ hcs i’ve been sitting on-not sure how much of these are just me just repeating canon. They’re more like notes I took while relistening to the story and trying to answer my own question
Anyways just remember their hcs and ur welcome to think differently-this is just all in good fun
Enjoy!! <3
-Jack and Chernabog are now forced to inhabit one body
-Jack can keep Chernabog down by eating humans organs-he chooses kidneys because he can take them without killing his victims-he steals the materials he needs and uses his schooling to take them without causing much damage. Since we only need one to live, he takes one and leaves the other.
-When Jack doesn’t eat, Chernabog takes over. This results in physical changes-he becomes much larger, sharper fangs, a more muzzle like nose, pointier teeth, larger hands with sharper fingers, tar dripping down his eyes, and his legs turn into hind legs reminiscent of a lion (or honestly any other predatory mammal)
-In this state, he follows the scent of blood and will eat anyone who crosses his path, leaving nothing but bones. He will keep eating until he is satisfied, where he once again lets Jack take over
-He’ll take people’s cars and drive to different neighborhoods (townhouses, apartments) to stock up on kidneys and see what's going on in the world-then drive to a woodland area to hide and eat. Sometimes he’ll steal kidneys from any campers that happen to be nearby. He moves frequently and at this point has lived in many different states. He’ll also just sleep in abandoned buildings
Now for some bigger picture thingies :))
-The cult at the college specifically was started by Jenny. She felt that what she read in her books was real, and started to spread this idea to her friends, who spread it to their friends, which led to the creation of the cult. They believed that they had to summon Chernabog, as he would release them from the suffering of life. As they satisfied his hungry spirit, he would, in return, lead them to paradise.
-People in the school weren’t really aware of this. The most people saw was this group of friends going into the woods to hang out, and they would sometimes make a bonfire, but nothing more. Even if people saw it as a cult, they never took it seriously-just some people worshiping some fake demon. They haven’t done anything wrong, so why should they care?
-The cult aspect of this story brought it to a national news level, putting a highlight on secret societies at different universities. However, the story died down, though it was still talked about for months later on a local level as the authorities tried to find out who killed the cult members
-Jack is still the primary suspect, seeing as his roommate could support his going to the meeting, and as his body was not found in the massacre. It’s also assumed that he took the missing cult mask. However, the one detail that lowers Jack’s possibility as a suspect are the claw and bite marks of the victims-the scratch marks are obviously from an animal with claws, and the bites are from a creature with sharper teeth than a human, which leads to the possibility that it could have just been an attack by some wild animals, even though wild animals with those characteristics are not native to the area
-The attack was first reported by Greg, his roommate. He knew Jack was there and was the first to see the massacre. Greg, along with Jack’s parents, still deny he had any part in the Cult Massacre. Greg insists that Jack would never hurt anyone, and he was way too focused on school to get involved in that cult stuff seriously. Jack’s parents were proud of their son and the bright future he seemed to have ahead of him-they’re still waiting for him to come home.
-When Jack first started taking kidneys, many of his early victims died as he did not have access to the proper materials and was not used to performing these at home surgeries. As he continued, the mortality rate of his victims went down, though there was still a chance they would die. It was easy for investigators to link these to one person, due to the trend of taking one kidney.
-In between these were cases of people being brutally mauled to death. It was first assumed that it was a person assisted by some kind of animal, as the state of the bodies afterwards had markings made by some kind of animal (though the specific animal was never pinned down, it was just obvious they weren’t human), but doors were still unlocked, and windows were opened, which suggested that a human had to have been involved
-The connection between these two crimes were made after Mitch’s (the mc from the original EJ story) story was released-it got both attention not just on national media, but also on the internet. Both the stories of people waking up with just one kidney, and people being brutally mauled were now connected and could be attributed to one person, though this only confused investigators more, due to his two methods of killing, the now lack of clear motive, the inclusion of now possibly cannibalistic tendencies, and questions as to how this person could have left claw and bite marks similar to that of an animal
-People later reached out to Mitch afterwards online, thanking him for his bravery in posting his story. The people were either victims of this mysterious killer, or knew someone who was attacked by him. This led to a small support group on the Internet where people talked about their experience with him, and how it affected their life. Most victims have moved to less wooded areas, more in city areas, in fear that he might come back for them.
-There is a small subgroup of people on the internet that connected this animalistic cannibal to the Cult Massacre story. They dubbed the name “Eyeless Jack” as they believe that Jackson Novikov of the Cult Massacre story is the same person in Mitch’s story. The blue mask is similar to the mask of the cultists, it was revealed that Jackson was in med school which explains the in-home surgeries, and the state the cultists were left in is similar to how some of Jack’s victims are left. Few are quick to believe this, seeing it as only a conspiracy theory.
-Investigators have come to predict where their cannibal will strike next, as medical supplies from hospitals will have been reported stolen a few days before someone would report either being a victim of the cannibal, or knowing someone who was attacked by the cannibal. This has led to an increase in stolen materials from hospitals and other medical facilities, and after a few too close for comfort run ins with the police, Jack has learned to move around before making his attack, though this has led to a increase in attacks that resembles ones done by Chernabog
If u read through all that u should share ur ej hcs with me :)))
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littlewestern · 4 months
Who are some IRM guys we haven't met yet? Like how you did with the planes but at the other museum.
Oh, great question! Yeah we have about a million guys at the IRM, most of whom we haven't even touched on publicly. Unfortunately, because there are so many, it's not going to be quite as in-depth (or artistically rendered) as the one about Texaco and Jenny, but I can give you a pretty good sampler with pictures and the power of imagination!
The Silver Interlopers: Birmingham and Loch Sloy
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Occasional guests on the Nebraska Zephyr due to their streamlined silver appearances (even though Birmingham is actually Pullman-Standard, a great affront to the Goddesses), these two fill out the train nicely for special occasions and film shoots and are always pleased to butch up the prettiest train at the museum when called upon.
Birmingham in particular has a great story. From 1986 until his arrival at the IRM in 2004, he could be found in Lansing, IL serving as the local ice cream parlor! His interior layout as a diner made for a perfect transition into a seasonal shop. While many old railcars find new life as buildings (usually places to eat), Birmingham is very proud that he was in good enough condition to return to his original function, even if a lot of other cars make fun of him for it. Venus has to work extra hard to keep them in line when he's on the train, or Vesta will be leading the charge against him. "We already have a dining car" ain't gonna fly when you're supposed to be showing off all the silver equipment. Plus Birmingham is very well-behaved when he's guest-starring alongside them, and Venus appreciates a gentleman, even if his origins are a little humbler than her own. The rest of the Goddesses accuse her of having a soft spot. Maybe she just likes ice cream.
Loch Sloy is a Budd sleeper car, something the Goddesses do not object to quite as strongly. Since their train was never an overnight and has never had a sleeper, he's not treading on any toes. He's pretty quiet and reserved, if a little dopey looking with all those windows. That he doesn't exactly fit in visually would have been cause to give him a hard time as well if Birmingham wasn't already taking most of the heat. If anything, he gets a little bit ignored. He and Birmingham are pretty tight though, and having a name helps a lot in standing out, even if he doesn't like to draw attention to himself.
The Other Santa Fe: SF 92
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One of my personal favs and definitely an engine I think deserves more of a spotlight, SF 92 was originally built as a passenger diesel in 1967, but was later overhauled to pull express freight trains as well.
The idea of an exclusively passenger diesel engine is one that was eventually phased out of use, but 92's history as one gives him a unique perspective on his role at the IRM. It's something he and Pilot have in common, and as a result the two have a relatively good working relationship. 92 is a little younger and peppier than Pilot is, and takes a less old-fashioned approach to the work, but Pilot thinks their different approaches lend a nice variety to what visitors to the IRM get to experience. Having 92 pull the Nebraska Zephyr on Diesel Days is eye-catching and a special treat for everyone. Not even the Goddesses complain too much. At least he's got silver on him!
Really though, I like the idea that 92 has a great deal of admiration for 2903. Not just because they're both AT&SF, although that's part of it. They both did mixed traffic work, which is something that 92 feels is not appreciated enough, and he thinks the wartime build of the 2900s is unique and cool! 92 underwent mechanical alterations to keep up with the changing times, and 2903's modified construction feels similar, in his opinion. Also, 2903 is cool! I just like the idea that the guy who had trouble finding his wheels at the MSI gets to come to the IRM and not only fit in but be admired and appreciated for the things that make him different is fun. I like giving 2903 nice things.
The Shunting Buds: CRI&P 4506 and IT 1605
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There's a lot of shunting to be done at the IRM, so it's important to have a good lineup of switchers. Not to be outdone by CE 15's charming presence or Shay's incredible moving power, these two are the pretty faces of the shunting team and love to play it up for guests.
4506, has a sweet demeanor and bubblegum disposition, but enjoys the surprised look on people's faces when she drags a whole line of cars across the yard without breaking a sweat. It's not easy looking this good when you're also trying to get everyone into position for a busy day of work, but she makes it look like a cakewalk.
1605 is equally charming, if a bit more of a showboat. Maybe he's making up for being more citrus than sweet. 1650's been at the IRM longer and did his work efficiently alone for the better part of two decades, but when 4506 arrived he readily stepped into the spotlight alongside her. It makes the work more fun!
The two together make an extremely efficient team, being a similar class but built one year apart. They work from the same playbook and make shunting work look like it was choreographed ahead of time. Since they look so cute together with their similar but contrasting liveries, people assume they're "together" but it's more of an act for the visitors than anything. 1605 has designs on setting 4506 up with 92. He thinks the red and blue would look real cute together.
Imagine living in Ohio: SHRT 18 and CTUSU 19
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A pair from the (now defunct) Trolleyville museum who were then sold to the (also now defunct) Lake Shore Electric Railway in Cleveland, these two have been through a lot together! 19 in particular has a very interesting history that I think is ripe for characterization.
CTUSU 19 is a transplant, first built in 1914 by Brill and lived out his service live south of the border in Veracruz. This in itself would be enough for me, because I love the idea of a Mexican streetcar immigrating to Ohio, but it gets better! The JG Brill company only built 18 of this particular open car, so this one being numbered 19 is interesting in and of itself! The IRM website suggests that 19 was cobbled together out of spare parts from older or wrecked cars. I love this concept, I think the idea of a mysterious foreigner hiding his pedigree because of that unsavory little detail is fascinating. Of course, now it doesn't even matter because the IRM thrives on strange little misfits. Maybe 18 tries to convince him it's a good detail to share, but 19 is steadfast in preserving his mystique. Can't say I blame him.
Like Spitfire learning German for his bestie, I like to imagine 18 being a fluent Spanish-speaker in order to keep his bestie informed and engaged with the visitors, though I expect by now 19 is no slouch when it comes to speaking English, unlike some warplanes.
The Green Hornet: CTA 4391
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This little lady got a mention in the letters, so it's only natural that she's on the character roster as well. I'm particularly fond of the postwar PCCs for their gorgeous colors and elegant design, and when DJ suggested that she might make a good match for 40B given their shared even-tempered dispositions and desire for timely, sedate transit, I was 100% game. It's nice that they're both green, too!
There's a few others we're looking at characterizing in the future, including a sommelier car and his milk-carrying companion, and the remaining Oscar Meyer Reefer Cars, four of whom live at the IRM now but several of whom were traded in exchange for a CB&Q engine. More on that story another time, perhaps. Thanks for the ask!
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yuikomorii · 1 year
I remembered your DiaBoys as kpop artists memes and came to this conclusion:
Ayato is the Wonyoung of DL definitely and I don’t need to elaborate why. Like come on it’s obvious‼️ Shu is Yujin because popular but not very impactful and Subaru is Liz because a lot of his ‘stans’ aren’t actually his stans but only use his name to compare him to others and trash on other diaboys (not cool bro)
// This is low-key so accurate—😭😭
Shu is 100% the Yujin of DL. The stans are mostly chill and nice. I even think he got the friendliest stans in the Japanese DL fandom because I’ve never seen any of them say anything rude or bad and they’re always supportive of other characters. He got some token stans in the Western fandom too, but it’s the WESTERN FANDOM after all, where a bunch of people are toxic therefore I’m disappointed but not surprised. Also, I consider Yujin very impactful even if she’s not on Wonyoung’s level.
Most people who have Subaru as their number one bias are actually really sweet and unproblematic but I don’t get why he got so many token stans?? However, that is essentially the reason he is the Liz of DL. Token stans are the worst since they constantly whine about everything instead of supporting their faves or, even worse, they set them up. I swear, I've heard so many people say things like, "Liz was more popular than Wonyoung during Eleven and Love Dive era, but Starship dyed her hair black because they knew she would steal Wonyoung's hype," and that was so stupid because 1) maybe the hair color was her choice and 2) obviously she seemed more popular than Wonyoung, taking into account that people were too busy hating and degrading Wony in all possible ways for wearing a pink dress in the Eleven MV and showing FaVoRiTiSm. Don't get me wrong, Liz is very talented and beautiful, but I'll only say this in general: If your bias only gets to shine or appear favored when the most famous member is experiencing their hate phase, then hate to break it to you, but your bias is not actually the most popular, but rather the second choice OR their "fans" contributed to the most successful person's hatred in order to uplift your fav. That isn't anything you should be proud of.
When it comes to Ayato, that comparison fits him so much as well. You'll attract a lot of haters when you're well-known, pretty, and talked-about since those people view you as a threat because of their own insecurities. I stand up for Wonyoung, and it baffles me how so many people discredit or dislike her. They try to pull the "Wonyoung isn't the 4th gen IT girl, she wasn't even the most popular in IZ*ONE" card when it's not 2018–2020 anymore, and she has always been loved even before joining IVE, so recently she gained a loooot of new fans because of her visuals, endearing personality, and impact. What is even that difficult to comprehend?
Ayato’s situation also reminds me of how Jennie is treated. Not only due to the “outshining” and favoritism allegations, but also because people are always harsher and show less empathy when it comes to her. She is also unfairly judged as a result of double standards and misinfo. Additionally, a lot of people make her mistakes and bad moments go viral rather than highlighting all of the incredible performances she gave or her good deeds.
We got it, these are fictional characters but there are a lot of individuals who will find comfort in them and seeing people hate or spread lies about something that brings them joy (despite not being written as notably worthy of that treatment) will only hurt those fans and if you get satisfaction out of it then congratulations, you’re a terrible person. Real people having to deal with hate is ten times worse, especially given the likelihood that they will see the offensive posts.
In conclusion, don’t be a mean bitch. Only weak, insecure, and unlovable people behave that way.
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pirillalothario · 10 months
MAD WORLD: Love, Death and Aliens - Chapter 1 (Part 3)
Jenny Smith loved that kids's noise. Her kids. She cared about everyone, even those who weren't really her kids. She had grown up with the noise of three younger brothers, three boys always competing with each other. Oh, no fighting between the Pascal brothers, nothing so extreme in a family of scientists. But endless discussions about the passage of a specific chapter of the Lord of the Rings, or about this or that new scientific publication? A lot. There had also been a lot of laughter in her childhood, and Jenny had grown up loving the sound of a house full of life.
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Almost every afternoon Johnny, his eldest son, brought home from school one or two friends. They were both there that day, and Jenny was in the kitchen making something good for them. Her favorite one was the little girl with blond dyed hair, Ophelia.
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Poor child Ophelia, she had arrived in Strangerview only a year earlier, after becoming an orphan. She had been placed by social services to her aunt, an old woman with a creepy appearance who was the guardian of the local cemetery. Ophelia was so well behaved, friendly and kind. From the kitchen Jenny watched her laugh at the jokes of her son Johnny, and she smiled looking at that wonderful miracle of blossoming of first love.
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Jenny shook her head as if to drive her thoughts away, still smiling, and she finished buttering another slice of bread. She left the kitchen carrying a tray full of slices of bread with peanut butter and jam, and took it to the kids. On the coffee table in the living room he saw Ophelia's almost finished homeword and thought that the little girl had really nice calligraphy. Even Johnny's tasks could be defined now complete, perhaps not good looking like those of his girl friend, but certainly pretty good. Johnny was as good at school as he was at sports, and she was so proud of him. Ripp's homework instead… not even a finished exercise, and full of scribbles. "Ripp, how about, after you eat, I help you with your homework?" Johnny rolled his blue eyes, "Come on, mom, leave him alone!" Ripp's face instead opened in a big big smile, a smile that Jenny had only seen on the faces of small children on Christmas morning. "Mrs Smith, if it doesn't bother you… Yes, I would need it! Thank you, thank you, thank you very much Mrs Smith!"
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Jenny nodded, and turning back to the kitchen, she laid a caress on her son's beautiful blond hair. A gesture of affection, of course, that also silently said "Johnny, mind your own business, moms KNOW". The noise of the last school bus came from the street, and Jenny went to the door waiting for her beautiful daugther, Jill. She was so full of joy, ranning to meet her mother, waving proudly the great report card. "My good girl, Jill! Now go to the living room and get a slice of bread with jam, before your brother and his friends eat everything. And please, ask Ripp if he's done eating, then tell him to come to me in the kitchen."
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After a few minutes Ripp entered the kitchen with the homework in hands, his eyes low but still smiling. Jenny immediately noticed that the boy had really no difficulty in performing the exercises, he seemed to know all the notions pretty good, and he surely had the ability to complete his homework without major mistakes. What he needed was someone next to him, to help him stay focused. Next to Mrs Smith, Ripp completed his homework in less than twenty minutes. When the boy closed the book, Jenny tried to keep a neutral tone and asked "Ripp, what time does your dad come home at night?" Immediately she saw the boy's eyes widening, and his whole body stretched.
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"Mrs Smith, no, please, what, you can't... do you want to tell my ol'man about my grades? Don't, please, 'cause I shouldn't even be here today, I mean, I really shouldn't be here EVER, my dad will fucking kill me if he finds out I'm spending my time here at the alien's house... No, I mean, I'm sorry Mrs Smith, for the F word, too. I didn't mean to offend Johnny or your husband, I love you all, you know, but still... My father forbade me." Jenny's heart tightened tight. He laid a hand on Ripp's hair, as he had done shortly before on his son's hair, gave him a caress and immediately reassured him "Easy, Ripp. I don't want to talk to General Grunt, don't worry, dear. I was just asking because I think it would be good for you if your dad could stand by you while you do your homework. And that's all." "Mom did," Ripp muttered. Jenny understood how much the Grunt boys missed their mother, and somwhow she wanted to fill that void. She was about to say something when Johnny came laughing into the kitchen and took Ripp.
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"Move, you loser, the girls are beating our records at SSX, we can't let that happen!" "The girls?" Jenny asked confused. She looked past his son, thinking that he was tall for his age, and saw Jill, playing video games with Ophelia on the couch.
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She was going to tell Jill it was time to do her homework, when she heard her husband call her from his study.
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A memorial for Bella. A month had passed since her disappearance, and the Goth family felt it was time to do something to commemorate her. Don had long thought, undecided whether to participate or not. There had been investigations, and thanks to the numerous witnesses, Don had never really been a real suspected.
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But his name was on the papers, his picture was, and photos of his house, too. Some enterprising journalist had even flown a drone over his fucking house to take pictures of his fucking terrace.
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And now everyday, at the hospital, he saw his colleagues whispering to each other when Don walked into the cafeteria.
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Don didn't appreciate being the center of attention. Not like that, anyway. Well, frankly speaking, attentions were all that Don wanted, attentions were his drug, and he was always starving for attentions.
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Don would certainly have done a lot of things to Bella, if only Bella had been available.
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And she was unfortunately not. And that was bad, so fucking bad, because Don felt that Bella… Well, Bella was the kind of woman who can change a man like him. But, anyway, Don would never have hurt her. Fortunately, the investigation was concluded after only two weeks, when the news of the crashed spaceship in Downtown had reached the sleepy Pleasantown, leaving him cleaner than a surgical needle. But for the sleepy people of Pleasantown? Don would always be first suspected for them, and this made him fear for his career. Good life is build on good money, and the medical career would guarantee Don that money and, well, a lot of charm. Success with women.
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Don wouldn't risk his career for anything. So he decide that he was going to the memorial, and he would show to all them his shiny clean conscience. Dina would be there, too, , and it could get interesting.
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nicolepeterson · 1 year
Who: Nicole Peterson, @rickyxthompson, @nancyxthompsons, @harrison-j-lee, @mattswheeler, mentions of @galexpeterson​
Location: Restored Horizon's
Date: June 23rd, 2023
Summary: The group sets up something for Ricky's 29th birthday and surprise Nicole and Ricky with a gender reveal
Notes: This was written on Discord so we could have it ready to post. Italics was written by Jennie while normal is written by Kayla.
Triggers: Pregnancy, rehab
Nicole had gotten to the rehab facility early and was helping Nancy and a few other decorate before Ricky was brought in. There was only so much they were able to do in the center, but she was glad to help and be able to do something for him. He was so close to being out and she was so proud of him and she felt this was also like a celebration for how far he had come. She had helped Matt with a banner and then rubbed her bump as the baby moved inside her as they finished. "What do you think? Good for your dad?" She asked the baby with a smile before she looked around and saw her parents, Gale, and Klaus come in. She knew they were coming, but it was still a surprise to have them there for Ricky's birthday. A good surprise, though, and she was glad they wanted to support him as well. Soon, they were all done setting up and Nancy had gone to get Ricky. After a few minutes, the two came back and along with everyone, they grinned and cheered, "Surprise!"
Ricky knew that his mom, Nicole, Ruby and Matt were coming to see him on his birthday but he wasn't expecting much. The staff had closed off the rec room for them so at least there would be some sense of normality. He smiled when he walked in and saw the decorations and the people including Nicole's family who he had not been expecting. He figured maybe this was their way of giving him a chance or making peace hopefully. "Wow, this looks great." He said. "You guys didn't have to go this hard I mean I'm only turning 29," he said. He went to Nicole. "Hi," he greeted giving her a peck on the lips. "There's a lot of people here," he commented.
"Of course we did, baby." Nancy said to him; trying to control her own excitement as she winked at Ruby. "This makes up for last year and we just want to celebrate you." She told her son and grinned as she watched him go over to his girlfriend. Nicole took his hand and kissed him back. "I know. I'm surprised my family came, but it's a good sign, right? They're supporting you." She rubbed his hand. "If it's too much, let me know. I can tell them to leave."
"Well I'm not complaining," Ricky said with a shrug. He was grateful that he was able to do this when last year he had been in jail and no one had come to see him. He shook his head when he realized Nicole seemed just as surprised about her family. "No, it'll be fine. I just wasn't expecting it but I dont mind." He assured her. Ruby came to put a box on the table. "Okay birthday boy. What do you want first, the cake or the presents?" She asked her cousin. "I made you a very special cake and you better like it." She opened the box to show him a cake that was made to look like a Mario question mark box. "Wow, thats cool, Rube. Uh, I guess we'll do the cake then." Ricky said and helped her as she started to put candles on it.
"Okay. It's your day, after all." Nicole smiled before turning to his cousin who put a box on the table. She could see how excited everyone seemed at the mention of cake and she rubbed her bump a little as she saw it. "You did that?" She said and was amazing by it as well. She didn't realize how good of a baker Ruby was and was happy with how it looked. She found her mom and Nancy whispering to each other for a moment and she looked watched the candles bit lit.
Ricky was a little nervous seeing Nicole's family there. He knew the way they percieved him and he couldn't say he blamed them for it with his history. He just didn't want them to think that any of that reflected on the kind of father he was going to be to his and Nicole's baby. Nicole had said that her mother and his were getting along so that was something. Ruby nodded at Nicole's question. "I had to come in early to make it. They have that whole no bringing in food rule here." she explained rolling her eyes. It was annoying that they couldn't even make exceptions for Ricky's birthday but she had still worked hard on the cake to make it look good. She lit the candles and waved everyone close to the table so they could sing happy birthday to Ricky
"Well, you did amazing." She smiled at Ruby, definitely happy something like this was being done for the man she loved. She knew his last one wasn't the best so she hoped all this made up for it a little bit. Once all the candles were lit, they all gathered around to sing to him and Nicole smiled wide as she did and Nancy was taking pictures for them while they did.
"Thanks. I hope it tastes as good as it looks." Ruby smiled at the girl. "I had to make something special for my nerdy little cousin," she added and reached over to ruffle Ricky's hair. "Hey," he protested. He appreciated the effort everyone had made to think of him when last year it seemed like no one had. He waiting for them to stop singing and blew out the candles on his cake. He helped take the candles off and handed a knife to Ruby to cut it but she stepped back. "It's your cake, Ricky. You should cut it." she told her cousin who rolled his eyes thinking she was just being stubborn. He cut a corner of the cake and went to grab a plate noticing the blue icing inside which he found slightly odd since the cake was yellow, but he didn't think anything of it. "Alright, who wants the first piece?"
"I'm sure it will. But I'm getting to the point that everything tastes good so might be biased." She laughed a little. She was 20 weeks now and her cravings were definitely big. She laughed a little as Ruby teased Ricky and once they were done singing, she clapped before watching him cut into the cake. She didn't think anything of the color inside, but when she heard her parents mumbling and Nancy tearing up. She looked at them confused and then back at the color and she realized what this was. She knew she let Nancy be able to get the gender for something they were planning, but was this it? They were having a boy. Tears lined her own eyes and she touched Ricky's arm. "Ricky..."
"Well thats a good thing," Ruby laughed. "At least I'll know someone will enjoy it." she said. Ricky looked at Nicole noticing the tears. "What's wrong?" he asked her. He assumed it was just her horromones or something. He glanced at his mom who was also crying. "What's going on?" He asked picking at the cake with a fork wondering if there was something wrong with it. Ruby laughed. "Why do you think I chose blue icing?" she asked Ricky who shrugged "I dont know. Cause I like blue?" It was his favorite color so it made sense but he realized why they were reacting this way and looked at Nicole. "Is this...are we having a boy?" his eyes widened
"You never have to worry about that with me." She promised Ruby. A tear ran down her cheek and she tried to find her worlds, but she was also trying not to sob. She was glad Ruby pointed it out a little and when he looked at her again, she nodded and took his hand. "We're having a boy." She said and cried a little more.
Ricky watched her reaction trying to take it all in. He wasn't sure if he would have chose this way to find out but this was how it was and it was a nice surprise. He put his arms around Nicole holding her for a moment. "A boy, like with a penis?" He asked Ruby who laughed at his reaction. "I saw the ultrasound. It's definitely a boy, Ricky." she said. "Now are you going to let the rest of us have some cake or what? There's other food here too." She pointed out as she had made lots. She started cut the cake to serve everyone. Ricky was still processing things. He smiled at Nicole squeezing her hand. "We're going to have a son. This is a great birthday surprise."
She wrapped her arms around him as he held her for a moment. She couldn't believe they were having a boy. She let out a laugh as she sat back and wiped her cheeks. She smiled as her brother and family came to congratulate them and she turned back to Ricky as everyone started getting cake. She squeezed his hand back and touched her bump. "I'm glad you like it." She laughed a little and kissed his lips. "I know this wasn't how we thought we'd find out. You sure it's okay?"
"I would have been happy either way," he said. He often pictured what it would be like to be the dad to a little girl or a little boy and he had decided he had no preference. As long as they were born healthy he knew that was all that mattered. He kissed her back and nodded. "I guess so. I mean all of this has been weird." he admitted. "But it doesn't matter because it's happening." he smiled a little knowing he wasnt going to have to be there much longer.
"Me too." She said honestly. She never cared what they had. She just cared she was doing this all with him. She smiled and nodded. "I know. I just mean... this didn't overshadow your day, right? I want this to be about you. I love you."
Ricky smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry about that. I have a birthday every year, but we're only going to find out what our baby is once." he told her. He knew that last year wasn't a very good birthday as he had been alone in jail and probably not doing anything besides prepping for his trial, but this was day was more special because of this. He squeezed her hand. "Why don't you go get some food? And I'll go say hi to everyone." he told her as he started to get up from the table.
She smiled as he talked. She was incredibly lucky to have him and was happy to know he didn't care about any of this. "I love you." She smiled and squeezed his hand back. "Okay. I'll be back." She stood and walked to get some food and started talking to her brother while Nancy approached her son. "Happy Birthday, baby." She said and gave him a hug.
Ricky thought that he should at least make his rounds and thank everyone for coming as it did mean a lot to him. He stopped when his mom hugged him. "Thanks mom." he said and pulled back to look at her. "Did you know about this?" he asked wondering if she had been the one to plan the surprise
She smiled as she touched his cheek for a moment. "I did. I helped get the results so Ruby could make the cake, but I didn't know it was a boy. A baby boy." She grinned and hugged her son again. "You're having a boy." She had tears in her eyes and she moved back. "I have a gift for you. I know it's with everyone else's, but I want to give it to you now." She said and led them over to where her gift was. It was a box with his favorite childhood book inside as well as the keys to the house he grew up in that she had signed over to him.
Ricky was somewhat glad to hear that only a few people knew before he or Nicole did. Although he liked the surprise, it was also hard knowing that this was another thing he had missed out on from being here but he also knew that a lot of couples did the gender reveal this way these days. "We are," he laughed a little at his mom's reaction. "You're happy now but he might end up too much like me." he said jokingly. He went with her when she said she wanted to give him his gift. He opened the small box recognizing his favorite childhood book and smiled. "Thanks, mom. I haven't seen this in so long." he pulled out the papers that were also in the box along with the keys and realized, once he read her card what it was for. "Wow...are you sure about this?" he asked her. He knew they had talked about Ricky taking the house before but he hadn't been in the best state of mind at the time.
She looked at him. "That would never be a problem, got it? A mini you is perfect." She knew it was a lot to think of the kid grew up and had drug issues too, but she never wanted her so to think that he was ever a problem. "Of course. How could I not get you this?" She smiled before she watched him and nodded. "I am. All you need to do is sign and it's yours. I want you to have a nice place for your family. I don't know what you and Nicole were planning, but you guys take it. Grow in it. It needs a family again."
"I hope so," he said. He hadn't really thought about how difficult it might be to raise a child that was like him and when he had no experience. He was sure that it was going to be a learning curve. He looked at his mom as she told him she wanted him to take over the house. "I'll talk to her about it." he said glancing over at Nicole while she was socailizing with her family and the people there. He knew that her apartment was going to be too small as their baby grew. "As long as she's okay with it, then we'll take it. Thanks mom." he hugged her tightly. "I hope Renee isn't going to be too jealous though." he joked.
She glanced over at Nicole as well and then back at Ricky. "Okay. Let me know what you two decide." She told him as she hugged him again. "Don't worry about that. She'll understand. Besides, she'll probably inherit the bar since you have the house." She smiled.
He nodded knowing that Nicole would likely be fine with moving into the house. "Her place isn't going to be big enough for the three of us." he said. "That sounds fair. I probably shouldn't be in that business if I'm going to get sober anyways." he said. He hoped that one day he'd be able to drink socially but also knew it came with a risk.
"Not for long at least." Nancy laughed a little. "You'd know how to get people in, though." She smiled. "I'm so proud of you, baby. You're turning into this man and I am just... so happy you're doing so great."
He smiled softly. "I don't think you need my help for that." he said and looked down for a moment. "I'm trying." he wanted to do well and to come out of this better but he wasn't always so sure of himself. "I wanted all of this when I got out of jail too, but it didn't work out." he shrugged and gave a small sigh. "But we'll see how things go. I just can't wait to get out." he told her and swallowed. "Did you hear that Dad came here the other day?" he was sure it had gotten back to her by now.
"Not at the moment, but I'm sure you have ideas." She said. "You're doing amazing. I know you wanted this, but when something traumatic happens, you can't blame yourself, okay? You could've gotten there and I believe that." She assured him. "You're almost there. A few weeks and you'll be out." As he brought up his father, she sighed and nodded. "I know. I had some words with him."
"Yeah probably." He agreed and nodded. "Thank you." He appreciated her encouragement as much as he did everyone else and sighed when she said she had talked to Don. "It wasnt as bad as I'm sure the report said. I just yelled at him." He explained. "He wants me to live with him and work at the bank but thats not happening." Ricky knew that nothing would set him back more than living with his father. He knew what he wanted and it wasn't what the man wanted for him.
"You're welcome." She did believe in her son and even though things had happened, she fully believed he was more than capable of anything he wanted to do. "I don't care what the report said. I know what your father is like and I know he set you off. I took care of it, okay?" She assured him and took a deep breath. "You never have to do that, okay? You do what you want."
He looked at wondering what she meant by taking care of it and hoped she hadn't had to put up with too much of his father's crap as he knew the way they would fight over him sometimes. "Okay." He said and nodded. "I know. I'm not going to. I have plans for when I get out." He assured her. Meanwhile Harrison had been nearby talking with Nicole's family a bit when he noticed that Nancy had given her son his gift so he came over. "Hey kiddo," he said to Ricky. "Happy Birthday. And congratulations also." Ricky turned facing him. "Thanks," he said before Harrison handed him something. "I got you something. Well, I had to ask Matt what you wanted since your mom wasn't much help." Ricky tore the paper off of his gift. "Mario Kart 8! Cool, I dont have this one yet. Thanks Harrison." He smiled at the man who he hadn't expected to give him a gift.
"I know. You're gonna do amazing." She smiled at him. She looked over as Harrison appeared and she smiled as he gave him his gift. "I was too." She rolled her eyes but smiled as she saw her son happy with the gift. "You would if you would've taken my physical copy when I got the digital." Matt commented as he came up and handed Ricky a gift as well. "I had these made for you."
Harrison scoffed. "You said to get him a video game. That's not very helpful when there are like millions of them." he told Nancy. Ricky smirked and turn to Matt. "You might need it some time." he told him. He took the gift from his hands and opened the dice and the minis. "No way, you had these made? This is so cool." he smiled. "Thanks Matt. You don't know how hard I've been trying to get a campaign going here but not enough people are into it." he chuckled and moved closer to Nicole to show her the mini that looked like her character. "I guess this one is for you," he said.
"And he'll like any of them." Nancy said and shook her head. "I got the digital one." Matt said and shook his head. "Looking forward to hearing you, though." He said and nodded. "Yeah. I thought you guys could display them. And I'm sure, but we'll be ready for you when you get back." Hearing Ricky's voice, Nicole looked and smiled as she saw what he had. "Oh, wow. That's amazing. It's exactly what I pictured."
"I might not know anything about gaming but I very much doubt they're all good." Harrison argued. He had put some thought into Ricky's gift wanting him to like it now that they were getting along. "We could, but I'd be tempted to use them in game." Ricky admitted. He smiled at Nicole's reaction. "Right? I pictured her being as cute as you." He teased her. "They're great and so are the dice. Thanks, Matt."
Nancy rolled her eyes. "It would've been fine." She said while Matt nodded. "I thought so. Brady's gonna flip when he sees them." Nicole smiled and took his hand. "Well, I had me in mind." She laughed before nodding. "Thanks, Matt." He nodded. "You're welcome."
Ricky laughed. "Right? You know he's all about authenticity in the games." he said knowing the man would appreciate the effort. "I love it. Maybe we can paint them during our next visit." he suggested to his girlfriend. "Or play the new games I got if you bring my switch." He knew that would be frowned upon probably but he missed gaming with her.
"Hey, you can't blame him." Matt said. He liked having things accurate to the game. "I'd love that." She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "Or that. Though, soon you'll be out and we can do that all day." She smiled at him. "I'm taking it you like all your gifts then."
"I know, but I'm excited to play them now." he smiled at his girlfriend and rubbed her hand. "I do." he nodded. "Everyone knows me so well." he thought about Nancy's gift and he wanted to talk to her about possibly moving to what was soon to be his house, but not while everybody was here. He decided not to wait until their next visit to do it. "Do you wanna go for a walk with me? I can show you the baby horse. He was born a couple days ago" he suggested.
She laughed a little. "I'll bring your Switch next time. " She assured him and just beamed. She was so glad he was having a good day. That's all that mattered to her. She'd do anything to make his birthday a good one. "He was?" She said excitedly before nodding. "Yeah. I'd love to see him." She said. "Don't worry. I'll keep the party going." Matt said with a wink as they headed out.
"Thank you," he smiled and kissed her cheek. He knew that it was hard for both of them that he was here and it wasn't the same but he appreciated the effort Nicole and everyone else had made not only today but in the time he had been there. "Yeah, I was there. I helped, kind of." he said even though all he had really done was watched as the ranch hands helped with the delivery but he had learned a lot and asked a lot of questions. He knew if it was something he wanted to do in the future he was going to need to know things. He let out a huff. "Sure you will, dork." he teased Matt giving him a playful nudge. "We'll be back shortly." he assurred him and stepped outside with Nicole and went to the stables. Inside, he saw the mare laying with the baby. She made an uneasy sound as she stood. "It's okay, girl." Ricky said gently and pulled something from his pocket that made the animal come to him. "Every morning I bring her a sugar cube from the rec room," he explained to Nicole holding his hand flat so the horse could eat it. "That's probably how I won her over. I know all about those pregnancy cravings." he joked and stroked the animal's head.
Nicole smiled as he kissed her cheek and gripped his hand for a moment. "Give you a little practice then." She teased him. "That's amazing, though." She was proud of what he did and couldn't imagine what it was like. She would've loved to see and was glad that her boyfriend got to see. She followed Ricky outside and walked towards the stables, instantly smiling as they saw the baby mare. "Look at them." She spoke softly and took the sugar cube. "You're like Finnick." She teased, talking about one of her favorite books and stuck her hand out to give the horse a sugar cube. "Do you? Just wait until you experience mine." She laughed a little and pet the horse. "They are so gorgeous."
"Well, I guess you could say it desensatized me a little." he admitted as it had been bloodier than he had expected and hard to watch the horse's pain but when all was said and done it was one of the most amazing things he had ever seen. "Who?" he asked confused. "Yeah, I haven't been around much for that." he said with a bit of sigh. He hoped that someone had been taking care of Nicole while he was stuck here. "They are." he agreed as he saw the baby stand in the corner of the stable. "Look at that. He could walk minutes after he was born." he said. "We don't have a name for him yet though." He turned to look at Nicole. "So...I wanted to ask you something." he began somewhat nervously. "My mom gave me the papers to her house. Since she lives with Harrison now, and she wants us to live there." he told her. "I know its kind of old and stuff, but it would be better than getting our own place. That is, if you want to live with me," he added as he wasn't even sure if she did.
"Good. At least one of us is ready." She had watched a few videos and it made her nervous to go through it all. She was just lucky to have Ricky by her side. "Finnick. He's a character in the Hunger Games. Well, Catching Fire." She laughed. "I've been rereading the books. He gives the horses sugar cubes when Katniss first meets him." Nicole explained before smiling. "You'll see it soon enough." She assured him. She had her brother helping and Matt sometimes along with her parents. But she knew that Ricky wanted to be there for these things. She just kept reassuring him that he would be soon, that he didn't miss everything. She looked over at the mare as it stood and she smiled. "You don't? If it was a girl, I'd say Epona, but I think you'd be the only one to understand." She laughed. Her eyes went over to him and she continued petting the horse. She stopped, however, when he got it out and she stared at the man she loved. "You... you want to move in together?" She asked. She had thought about it, but she didn't want to push it. She didn't want it to seem too soon, but they were about to have a baby and she wanted them to be together to take care of him. "She's giving us a house?"
"You'll do fine," he assured her. He knew that soon he would be out and they would make sure that once the time came they would have the best help available for her and the baby and take all the measures they could ensure both of them were safe. "Oh, right. I've seen the movies, but its been a while." he chuckled. "I think he's prettier than me." he joked and nodded. "That would be a good name. Maybe I'll suggest it for next time if a girl is born." he said and watched her processing his question. He shrugged. "Well.. we can't raise a baby together if we're not together, right?" he said. "But there is no rush at all. You could move in whenever you're ready." he said and nodded again. "She did. She gave me the keys and the forms to fill out. I mean, she had mentioned it before but I was too upset at the time." he said remembering how he had been stressed over the idea of her moving in with Harrison when he had been under the influence. "We could also sell it and get our own place." he said. "But it's not a bad place. I grew up there and so did Renee. There's lots of space, its a safe neighborhood."
"I hope so." She has no reason to think she wouldn't. The doctor said everything was looking good, but she was glad she'd have Ricky there by her side. Hearing him say that he thinks the book character was prettier than him, she shook her head. "Definitely not. You are definitely pretty." Nicole smiled. "You should. It's a good name." She nodded as he talked. "I know. I just wasn't sure what you wanted." She explained. "No, I... I want to. I've been thinking about it a lot. I just didn't want to put all that on you. You're going through a lot as it is." Nicole said and shook her head. "I love your house. It's a good home. I can see us making it ours." She grinned. "It's close to my parents, too. I'm sure they'll love that. Just being two blocks away."
"I wouldn't be a heart throb if I was in the Hunger Games though," he joked and looked into her eyes when she said she didn't know what he wanted. Ricky hadn't been sure it was the best thing before all of this. Before he knew they had a baby on the way, and he was questioning their relationship because of the choices he had made. He touched her cheek. "I wanna be wherever you are. I don't care where it is." he said sincerly. She was the reason he was here, and the reason he was getting better and making an effort. He wanted what they had when he was sober. "Yeah, that's a plus. Maybe they'd be willing to babysit." he smirked. "But like I said, there's no rush. You can think about it for a bit." he told her. "We don't have to move in the second I'm out of here or anything."
"You're a heartthrob to me." She said with a smile. Her heart swelled as he talked and she felt tears lined up in her eyes. "I want to be where you are too." She said and too his hand, squeezing it. "Oh, I don't think we'll have a shortage on babysitters." She laughed a little. "Ricky, I want to. If you do, I do. I've thought a lot about it since finding out and I just want you comfortable and ready for it. But I want to spend the rest of this pregnancy with you so you can experience everything and I want us to bring the baby home together and have a place where we can be a family. I want to be with you."
"Well thats all that matters." He smirked and rubbed her cheek. He chuckled when she said they would have no shortage of babysitters. "Nope. I don't think so either." he said. His expression softened as she answered him and told him that she had been thinking about this for a while. "I've thought about it a lot too. I've had a lot of time to," he smiled. "We will do all of that. And we'll have a home to bring him to, if you want that." he told her. "As long as you don't hate me once you start living with me." he smiled again though it was something he was aware could happen. "The other thing is, Matt has been staying there. He's doing a lot better I think since getting out of that apartment with Emily's stuff." he explained. "Plus our house probably feels like home to him. I'm not saying he has to stay there forever but I don't wanna just kick him out. Maybe he can stay until the baby comes? Or until he finds a better place?"
"Good." She grinned and leaned into his touch. The amount of love she had for him felt almost crazy. They had only known each other for a short time, but she knew deep in her heart he was the one for her. "So have I." She smiled as she agreed about the time they've had to think. "I do. I really do." She said before she shook her head. "We'll learn. It's all part of being with someone you love." She hadn't lived with anyone since moving out on her own, but she wanted to try with him and knew they could figure it out. Hearing about Matt, she shook her head. "No, its okay. He can stay there for as long as he needs. He was telling me he found someone to help look for her and I can't imagine what he's going through with that. He's more than welcome to stay, even after the baby arrives. If he doesn't mind the crying."
He smiled at her. He didnt know if it was because she was carrying his child but he felt so much love for her. He had been through a lot this year alone and the fact she was still here said a lot. He was glad that he wanted to take this next step and move in together whether it was for the baby or not. "It is," he agreed. "As long as you don't have any nasty habits I don't know about." He teased her and wrapped her into a hug. He looked at her and nodded. "Okay. I already told him he could stay as long as you were okay with it." he said. He laughed lightly. "The crying from you and your horromones or from the baby when he comes?" he joked taking her hand to walk back towards the building.
She laughed a little. "Is it too late to tell you I like to cuddle?" She teased back and hugged him back. She was so happy to be doing this with him. "Of course. He's more than welcome to always." She said and took his hand as they parted. "Both." She laughed. "You might get sick of it too before the baby comes." She said and walked towards the center with him.
He chuckled holding her close to him. "I already knew that. But soon you might be to big for me to get my arms around." he teased and planted a kiss on her lips. "I know he won't give us any trouble." he said. "And it might even be nice to have an extra set of hands when the baby comes." he said walking with her. "Well, at least I missed the first three months of it." he joked.
She pouted. "You better cuddle me anyways." She told him and smiled as she kissed him back. "I'm not worried about him." She promised. "I'm sure it will. I hope he doesn't mind it." She laughed. "You missed me getting sick a lot. Well, mostly."
"It just means I'll have to be the big spoon. And maybe that you'll have to be on top next time we fool around." he added with a smile giving her a nudge. He shrugged. "Probably not. In fact maybe since I'm not charging him rent he can be on diaper duty full time." he joked. "Oh darn, I wish I could have seen more of that." he said with sarcasm and laughed as they reached the building and went back inside where everyone was still talking and eating.
"I'd never complain about that." She smiled. "Yeah? You want to look up at me like that?" She nudged him back as they walked. "Come on. We can't do that to poor Matt." She laughed. "If he volunteers, though..." She shrugged and laughed a little more. "Yeah, I'm sure." She walked in and smiled as she watched their families get along. It even made her tear up a bit.
"Good," he said and laughed. "Hey, Its been a while I'll take what I can get." he told her and chuckled again. "I bet if my mom told him to do it he would." he said. He saw everyone was talking and possibly didn't even notice that they were gone. He went over to Nancy. "Hey, Mom. So, I talked to Nicole and I think we're going to take the house. We'd be happy to." he told her.
"So will I." She said back and shook her head. "The way he loves your family." It was sweet to see and glad to have him around. She followed him to his mom. Nancy looked up and smiled. "Good. I'm glad." She stood and hugged them both together. "We can start setting up a nursery and whatever you guys want. We'll make it your home."
"I'm sure you will," he teased. "Yep. He's pretty much an honorary Thompson." he told her. He hugged his mom back and nodded. "Yeah. We've got lots of time to get it ready once I'm out. Maybe we'll do something cool." he said. "And I'm turning Renee's room into a game room or a room for the pets." He joked.
She laughed a little and nodded. "He really is." Nicole hugged Nancy back as she hugged them and smiled as she talked about making them a nursery. "I definitely wanna do that with Ricky." She said and squeezed his hand. "Oh, maybe my streamer room?" She suggested to him. "Ours." She corrected and grinned at him while Nancy grinned at them both. "You two. You're so cute together." She commented before looking at the time. "We should start cleaning. You two eat fast. We only had this for an hour." She said and started moving to clean up while they ate and after, they were gone.
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ofnari · 2 years
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☆ welcome to infinite entertainment! it's CHO NARI, who is MAIN VOCALIST of FLORA. i’ve heard whispers that the 27 year old is pretty RESOURCEFUL but lowkey GUARDED. also, doesn’t she remind you of JENNIE KIM?
Hello darlings !!! This is Esme (21+, she/her) and I'm here with another kid (yeah, I know). Some of you might remember this muse from before (new name and face), but she's my baby and she has always belonged here in Infinite. 
There was a time when she was known as South Korea’s Little Sister, a child actress that was in a lot of dramas and was invited to many variety shows because she was cute and charming, and her quirkiness was adorable. But then she grew up and she wasn’t the cute girl anymore, so girl went and become an idol because it kinda just fell into her lap. She went with the flow not really knowing it was her father’s doing, but hey ignorance is bliss. 
But life taught her not everything's perfect. She's nothing like what people expect her to be when they see her. Once a happy and outgoing girl, she's now very closed off and shy, protecting herself from getting hurt again. The industry hasn't been kind to her, and it has made her wonder if a career as a singer and being part of a company that doesn't care about anything but money is what she really wants for her. If you want to plot message me at @offleurs or like this and we’ll figure something out !!!
She was born under the first full moon of july, in a year when said month started and ended with one, which was supposed to be hopeful, but it only was the beginning of her parents' downfall.
Was raised by her dad, and in part her brother since he is eight years older than her.
Her dad is Cho Sungmin, a known actor both in movies and dramas.
He married a non-celebrity woman against everyone telling him not to, completely in love that he didn’t realize she only wanted to secure the bag. Of course, it all went to hell at some point.
Her parents got divorced when she was three, hasn't heard from her mom since then.
Although his dad went through a lot during the separation/divorce/all around mess, he always made sure Nari had a happy childhood.
Doted on from the moment she took her first breath, her father gave her everything she wanted. It was more out of the guilt he felt for being so busy and not around as he should. So there was nothing she could ever wish for that she wouldn’t get. Nari wanted to dance? There was a ballet teacher waiting for her the next day. She wanted to learn to play piano? There was a big one in the living room the very next morning. Money was never a problem in the Cho household, but it can’t really buy happiness and Nari, as grateful as she was, would have wanted to see her father and brother more often.
No surprise that, when a eleven-year-old Nari said she wanted to be an actress, her father got her a minor role in a drama.
Debuted as a child actress in 2007, a minor role in the drama Witch Yoo Hee.
Good student usually minded her own business, friendly at all times. All of it not to cause her father any problems.
In reality, and it’s something she still deals with, part of her always thinks that no matter what she does, she will never be as good as her brother. He is a popular idol from a popular group, then debuted as a soloist. People love him, seems like he has his life figured out, and their father is so proud. So she’s trying to follow the same steps and failing.
The thing is, his brother was a very much wanted child. Nari was her mother’s last chance to fix a broken marriage.
Bullying TW // But it wasn't perfect. She was the golden child around the people who loved her, but things at school were different.
Nari wasn't the pretty girl around, she wasn't popular, too shy, and spoke too quietly. Other girls made fun of her because of her being an actress and her family. And she didn't have many friends, she spent the breaks reading and studying.
Becoming a teenager didn't help, because as the other girls worried about their looks and what they wore, Nari worried about becoming the actress she dreamed of.
After many minor roles, she finally decided that she wanted a lead role, but it wasn't as easy. It didn't matter that she wanted it, and without her father's doing, she couldn't do it on her own.
She needed a manager and a company.
She got an audition for New Star Entertainment and ended up becoming a trainee instead. Of course, she got the audition and got accepted because her dad pulled some strings.
Deep down she knows it, or at least suspects it, but she always wants to believe that she got it on her own.
There was a part of her that thought she would ever really debut, that she would make it as a lead actress first.
Surprise, she was actually talented enough to be selected as the main vocalist for a new girl group.
She considered quitting, but anything was better than waiting for something that didn't seem to happen.
She was worried about how the other members would react, she knew people talked behind her back about how everything she had was thanks to her dad., but she found her home with them. They didn't care about any of that, but about the person she was.
Still, she kept that cheerful facade she had built, not wanting others to see her insecurities.
She doubted herself, her talent, and everything she did.
But being on the stage changed it if even for just a few minutes.
She was highly criticized at first for her voice, but people never wasted time saying she didn't have what it took to be a main vocalist.
But she trained her voice, worked hard, and practiced harder. Pushed herself to her limits and definitely got better. People always talked shit, but she gained a lot of confidence in herself.
Being part of a group with such loving and accepting girls helped her to get out of her shell, and she began socializing a lot more.
Slowly, that shy and quiet girl became such a ray of sunshine, someone who easily made friends everywhere she went.
She finally landed a lead role in 2016, Love in the Moonlight.
See, for a moment, she thought this was about her being a talented actress and that people were finally seeing that. It was really how pretty she was and how popular Flora was getting, so adding an idol to the drama would help ratings.
And so it became her life, her looks were more important than her talent and her hard work.
So it was like that - her voice wasn't enough to be a main vocalist and her talent as an actress wasn't enough to please people, all she got was the way she looked. It really affected the way she saw herself.
But she pushed and pushed, and tried to get roles that at least challenged her as an actress, and to be the best singer she could possibly be.
2018 (Death tw)
It was the most bittersweet year in Nari's life.
Whilst Tempted had a mixed reception in South Korea, it was well-received internationally. Nari ranked second in the list of the top 10 most talked about actors and actresses in South Korea. Despite the question of idol singers in lead roles, Nari was subsequently praised for her improvement and potential in acting, opening the door for her. It led her to get cast as the lead in the historical drama 100 Days My Prince.
It was a huge opportunity, and despite how busy Flora’s schedules were, Nari gave her best to be present for both.
Flora had become one of the biggest groups in the industry thanks to their hard work, catchy songs, and lovely personalities
Right after the incredible success of 'Yes or Yes', the girls were preparing for the repackage comeback when tragedy reached their life.
It was no secret how close the girls and all their families were, so when Silver's brother Eunwoo died in a car accident, the girls felt devastated by the news.
Nari was away at a location filming for the drama when she received the news, the manager in charge to look after her was the one who had to tell her. Still, she had to go out and finish her day before going back to Seoul.
As it should be, Silver went on hiatus to go home and be with her family, leaving the other girls to promote 'Best Thing I Ever Did', and their Japanese comeback.
Nari became the acting Leader, looking after the girls and the group in the best way she could, trying to stay strong for everyone. It was exhausting to be there for Flora and filming at the same time, but Nari knew she had no option.
It was no surprise when rumors took over social media, people wanting to know the real reason why Silver was on hiatus. All of them were upsetting, but it seemed that people enjoyed kicking them when they were already down.
Nari knew there was no special treatment in any way, but she had expected New Star to protect Silver's privacy, and instead, it seemed that their way to fix this was to force Silver to come back before she was ready so Flora didn't lose their popularity.
It was heartbreaking seeing Silver going through something so painful and still having to work so hard, to practice every day, forced to act like nothing was wrong. It made Nari sick, and for the first time, she saw the real industry and how rotten it was.
There was a shift in the Flora energy - Nari couldn't help but stop trusting their staff, to think there were always ill intentions behind their actions. It was a horrible way to live, but she couldn't change the way she felt.
Suddenly, she became too quiet, keeping to herself. She only spoke to the staff if she really had to, keeping her interactions for her members only.
People couldn't be trusted - no staff, no other idols, absolutely no person that was part of New Star deserved an ounce of their attention.
Mental health TW // Soon, the stress took the best of her. Nari often felt like she couldn't breathe, trapped in between the walls of the New Star building or even the Flora dorms.
It was her father who, worried, suggested she went to see a therapist. The company didn't seem too happy with it, afraid that the information would become public and Flora suffered another hit to their image. But her father wanted the best for her and still took her.
Nari was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, which lead her to take a break from acting for a while. Deciding that if she ever went back, she would do it for a project she truly wanted to do and with people she was comfortable with.
However, since Silver had already taken a six-month break in 2018, Nari wasn't allowed to take time off Flora’s schedule.
Her therapist suggested she found activities that kept her mind busy, and after she tried a few, Lego building and knitting were the ones that worked the best for her.
Nari received a script from a director she had worked with in the past. It wasn't a lead role, but an important character for the drama. Nari hesitated for a while before deciding to go back.
The great working environment and meeting so many new people made her remember why she loved acting. It was great for her, and for the first time in a while, she felt more herself.
If she has to be honest, she didn't care much about it. All companies are the same, and she still gets to be in Flora and perform. She didn't expect Infinite to be better than New Star, but she was with her girls.
It was difficult to see so many people she wasn't used to, feeling insecure and anxious. She tried her best, but Nari couldn't trust anyone.
This made it difficult, really, because she couldn't find it in herself to socialize with people.
For the most part of 2021, Nari did her job or was at the dorms.
The only major change was that she got her own apartment for privacy and to have a room completely for her Legos only.
Still, she decided to keep living with the girls in the Flora dorms.
Traveling the world with the girls is fun, but because of the tour she has missed great acting opportunities and that has been troubling her.
Sharing with so many people makes her anxious, she usually keeps to herself or her members. She's trying not to be noticed that much.
Nari has been slowly opening up, letting her true self be seen more often than before, but she still is very careful.
After almost a year of traveling, she had given herself the chance to open her mind and maybe try to get to know others.
It hasn't been easy, but it's been a big step to at least try to.
Nari has been focusing on herself and healing.
she’s been working on a solo project, still not so sure about it.
Hoping for a good acting role after almost two years of no acting.
Random Facts
Despite how quiet and reserved she might seem, she's a ball of energy. If she's comfortable around you, she'll always be smiling.
She's actually quite funny if given the chance.
The clumsiest person you have ever known, but only off stage. When she’s on the stage, she transforms completely, she’s a whole different person who seems to know what she’s doing (spoiler alert, she doesn’t), and you can’t believe she’s the same person who fell backstage just a few minutes ago.
Big big fan of everyone, has albums and lightsticks, has gone to concerts, and collects photocards. But she won't say so.
If you’re her friend, she has probably knitted something for you. it’s her love language. Loves knitting and she does vlives just so the fans can see it.
She also absolutely loves eating and baking, but on tour, she hasn't had the chance to do it as often. She's always been in charge of feeding the Flora members, making sure they always have something to eat ready for them.
Nari wears her contacts all the time. But if she trusts you enough, you'll get to see her with big round glasses and hair in a messy bun.
She still doesn't trust any staff, they're all the same. And she doesn't trust people's intentions either.
Living like this is exhausting, and she often wonders if it's worth it.
She loves building legos and has a big collection, like huge.
People online are so mean, always judging her and saying awful things about her. She posts on instagram for their fans, but she is always afraid of reading the comments.
She always has dating rumors even for breathing too close to someone else, she's always dating a new person every three seconds and she hates it. Reason why she doesn't like being seen with others.
Which is crazy, because she doesn't really befriends people, and it's really all about how good she looks next to someone else.
She’s pretty nice, you just have to work past all the walls she has built around her to see it.
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varietales · 4 months
♡ (y'know what sends this here)
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours // accepting
●○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●○○○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●○○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
She doesn't know him at all really, but most FT mages have a degree of loyalty/trust from her due to the war where they had to fight together. She is very interested in his magic, being a born lightning user herself.
●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
During his time in BP, she got to know him more (even if they didn't spend a lot of time together, she watched/heard him with others), finding his personality and manner very amusing. She knows he has a good heart underneath all that grumbling.
●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
What we've talked about for their meeting/dynamic comes into play here, the thunderstorm that scares the crap out of her and him doing what he can for it. It's something that would earn her loyalty and trust. Her affection springs from that too, and in feeling a sort of kinship with him, which is also where the Interest comes in. She tends to feel a connection with dragon slayers or anyone with animal like traits. The attraction factor is also more so about being drawn to him for perceived similarities (and the fact he is Very Tall) rather than outright attraction.
●○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
She is very proud of the man he has become (esp in guildmaster!laxus verse).
●●○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
It's taken a while, but she's warmed up to him a lot, and through his interactions with Asuka particularly, she has found herself trusting him and getting to know him a bit better. It has made her care about him a lot more and want to look out for him in her own way.
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Tuesday, September 19th: PM-Essence
"You know I thought of you today," my mom said.
"Really? Why?," I asked.
Although I know enough now to know that she's likely not going to say she saw a girl on a run, got a good recipe recommendation, or saw some funny standup.
"You know this guy from General Hospital killed himself."
Fair enough. I called out sick today. My head just wasn't on straight, and my hormones made me lonely and tearful. Which is better than why I used to call out sick: I was hungover as fuck and my hands were too shakey to type an email.
"But his mom said she was proud of him for fighting his disease as long as he did. So I want you to know I'm proud of you for how hard you've worked."
It makes my mom feel better to reference my history of depression as a disease. And I think it's sweet she doesn't blame me for it. I walked for over an hour on the beach today tearing up and then breathing in deeply. I know it's hormones but holy shit do they control everything.
On the way back I bumped into that guy Matt (Steve Harrington-looking dude), who was walking his friend's dog, Bandit. It was a friendly-if-a-little-awkward interaction. We both had giant black headphones around our necks, the universal sign in public for "Fuck off. I'm listening to Spotify."
I smiled and wondered if he could tell I had teared up 20 minutes earlier, if my stomach looked as bloated as I felt or if he could hear that I was listening to the "Daisy Jones and the Six" soundtrack.
Nope, he just nodded to my hat, "Yes, Chef" referencing the bear. Either that or he had the common decency not to comment.
So yeah, today was kind of a bummer. I didn't run or work through it like I did yesterday, but I also felt way better allowing myself to metaphorically put my head in my hands. Kiera pointed out it would be weird if I just stopped having bad days, Maddy said the same. It felt nice, to be honest, and then told I was normal.
Some days you're fucking sad and lonely. (Days? Life. Life is lonely.) That doesn't make you a loser. Me staying up finishing "The Rachel Incident" and writing down my own funny dialogue for the book that's been in my head for 3 years: that may make me a loser. I forgot how big of a nerd sober me is.
I made my bed, pulled the garbage cans in, exercised and breathed fresh air, talked to loved ones, wrote, read, organized my email for tomorrow, listened to music too loud, stuck my toes in the sand, cried, felt, made small talk. I'll moisturize, swap out the dishes, and if I can get myself on board make ginger beef noodles with bok choy & lime peanuts.
If I can't, fuck it. Something in me needs today to not have coffee in it. I'm craving something gentle and velvety.
As Jenny Slate Wrote:
“Look at this woman who is both the emergency and the relief”
“Get me to a better place so that I can see more and also be spotted by the kind of people who turn their faces up to the light.”
Now may be the time to revisit her book and pick my favorite passages. I guess I don't really have anything else to say or productive goals to report. There's a bright sadness that comes with acknowledging that you're not a huge fan of the angle the world is spinning at. A deep and warm peace that comes from crying, taking a hot shower, and watching something on TV.
If that's not medicine, then I'm not sick.
0 notes
castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 7x3 clear and present danger
the invisibility episode liveblog
WILLIAM FAIRWICK is a name I rexognize, probably from this show but I feel like it was damien westlake.
Anarchist playin pool, my man looks like he's having fun.
*reading over their tablets* how does she read with the text so small? how do you focus on the words when there are so many pf them? those two totally need to get it on. I'm so proud of them. "WHAT?? : ( :( : ( "
RC: You promise? KB: Yes, we’ll pick up where we left off. I’ll even slip into that Valentine’s Day gift you got me. RC: You mean the one with – KB: Mmhmm. RC: With the – KB: Yep. She moves into the apartment. RC takes a second to compose himself, sighing heavily and leaning on the UNIFORM guarding the door.
Skulls & pool cue thru his chest, love this look, so cool. 25 & owns all this?
JE: Other than his taste in anarchy tattoos and satanic design, not much yet.
KEVIN RYAN rushes into the room pulling on his own set of gloves. KR: Sorry. Subway took forever. JE leans closer. JE: Bro. You’re supposed to be on call. Why do you smell like a wino? KR: Oh, I was at dinner with Jenny and – and someone spilled a drink on me as I rushed out. JE gives him a weird look. He’s not buying the story. KR rushes away.
Not clipping but dang that's a thing. (also ryan isn't allowed to drink at dinner with his gal but beckett,, well ig she didn't get to have sex with her husband to be...
that is A Lot of money!
Henry's boyfriend or neighbour. East mountain goblin castle playing viddy games <3 also wow looks like his shirt is so very nonbinary
I learned how to play pool better between the last time I watched this ep p& now
ten bills a game *looks over to the drunk rich guys*
Shepherd: But uh … what people say and do doesn’t always make sense. Me: actions & words. Reminds me of that codex alera quote. Ooh anarchist with skull imagery "made a deal with the devil" for his talent Nice!
Shep: I once asked him how he got to be so good. He told me he "went down to the crossroads and made a deal with the devil" for his talent. I figure, that’s gotta be a joke, right? But the other night, well, he looked nervous. I mean, downright scared. So I asked him, I said, what’s going on? You know what he told me? RC: (enthralled) No, but I want to know. Shep:He said it wasn’t a joke. He said his time was up. That he was about to lose his soul. (laughs) Like I said though, stupid, right? Becklett oesn't care but castle is in love.
He didn't lose his soul, he just died. Woah audio cutting w/ ryan's voice there huh! Ryan sus. What was that face? the lighting is so I don't like. jdssdjkasfdkjl Devil & the contract was up XD
TItle card!
KB: Really? That’s how the devil is going to kill someone? Using a broken pool stick? RC: Well, perhaps the prince of darkness is trying to make a point. You live by the cue you die by the cue. I noticed with castle too, there could not have been wind, except for pressure differences within the place itself.
These two are flirtin by talking abt the case KB: Don’t answer that. (she hesitates) Don’t. Don’t even. Don’t look at it. Don’t answer it. Don’t pick it up. *curses* "lanie!"
I can see it! wait! Spoiler brackets! {he put glass on the floor so the invisikiller would walk through the glass & make footprints!}
RC: Swinging a pool cue blindly to defend himself? I’m telling you, it makes perfect sense. What would you do if you were attacked by an invisible demonic force? KB: I’d tell Ryan to lay off the bean burritos at lunch. *ryan walks up behind them* (not clipping but OH COULD I)
Pink ryan second day in a row Jiggy Michaels Love the pair of them their outfits
Cue ball was possessed? "my boyfriend" was it the way girls say girlfriend or does he mean romantic?
lmao hytch
My man is still in the hospy. KB wouldn't believe you, RC might. "you mean him right?" i hate kb. so this will saved his life!
KB: Demons don’t need help getting past security systems and the devil doesn’t need to use the door.
KB is so awful. *shares a look with the evidence officer*
You collapsed the foam.! (looks like a castiron pan hanging by the doorway)
Marine biology my beloved
My baby bro was considering going to MIT but he is not good with paperwork & stuff so didn't apply.
Castle don't! Donna Brooks & me: Cuttlefish don't like that!
gosh I had an interview with my boss but I had to make him switch seats with me bc I couldn't sit facing the corner. embarrassing
Is pcp a drug?
Where was he going every day & why was he using his key card?
Wow nighttime.
Castle my beloved. RC: Did the invisible man just goose you? I know, they're like that. So gauche. fight scene! IU touched it! Ow! Ow! Ow! Castle sleight of hand moments!!!
VG: You were attacked at a closed crime scene? (CASTLE nods) By whom? KB: We didn’t get a good look at the assailant, Sir. RC: Actually, we – He stops abruptly when BECKETT nudges him. or steps on nhis foot. VG: Yes, Mr. Castle? RC: It was dark and we didn’t see anything.
why did becks stay behind then?
Ok you didn't lie abt not seeing but you did lie when u said you weren't witholding snything RC: Omission is the invisible lie. more invisibility
Love the music "I missed it more" o no invisible one making a porno if u have sex in a horror movie u die the perspective of the camera makes me think yeah they are being watched. (& not by us lol) RC: And you thought zombie apocalypse survival camp was a waste of time. (did she go WITH him? I need a fanfic of that crossed with a casefic) Transcript: He’s hung more pots and pans than a normal person would have in their house, but he’s proud of the setup. Me, a chef: wdym? martha my beloved
Invisible man doesn't mean fingerprintless man
Area 51? 20th september of 2019 hasn't happened yet!
KR: So CSU reprocessed that crime scene. No new fingerprints, which means – JE: Come on, an invisible man? KR: I’m just saying. Even Beckett seemed freaked out last night. JE: makes a dismissive noise. JE: It would be cool, the power of invisibility. KR: I would so sneak into Area 51. You? JE: Super Bowl. Fifty yard line. Best seat in the house. JE: ’S smile falls when he notices KR: . JE: Hey, what’s that on your neck? KR: ’S face stays passive, but he swipes at it anyway. His hand comes away sparkly. JE: Is that … body glitter? (JE: studies him harder) Is that a scratch? KR: scoffs. KR: No, it’s nothing. JE: (aghast) Married women don’t wear body glitter. What’s going on? You stepping out on Jenny? KR: What? What – no. JE: She’s the mother of your kid. KR: I am doing this for my kid. JE: Oh come – ugh. KR: Do you realize how much it’s going to cost to send Sarah Grace to college? A quarter of a million dollars. That’s for a state school. I – got a second job working nights. JE: raises his eyebrows. JE: Doing what? KR: I’m bouncing at a club. (rly cut off word. Yeah I wanted to bounce at some point. Dad even wrote a song about it.) JE: Where they use body glitter? (he gasps) It’s a gentleman’s club. Is it Bottom’s Up? Pole Position? No, no, no. Landing Strip? KR: (behind his mug) Men-hattan. JE: What? KR: (clearly) Men-hattan. JE: Men-hattan. (he laughs) You got a job protecting male strippers? He laughs harder as he leaves the room. KR: Hey. It’s no joke. It’s more dangerous than this job. (he's right) Con't: Those women, they rush the stage like these are the last men on the planet. I have bruises I can’t explain. Ladies be crazy, Javi.
Anarchy boy <3 yeah what IS this place Lady, while calling the security: I love that jacket
Wait he was right aout being right invisibility serum! ha acab moments I don't know darpa actually
wait will was working at a government facility? anarchist boy? KB: During our investigation we encountered … an unseen person – RC: Invisible person. The doctor just moments ago: there is no such thing as invilisibity
ew oof what is this corner? oof what is wrong with the computers? It's always russia or china
Doctor: It’s what I promised Will to lure him here. The opportunity to play with advanced government tech. Of course, as an anarchist he joked it was his deal with the devil.
Castle don't play.
Terra quest? how is that involved?
Ah he's into vulnerability assessment on the digital side of things huge case file! ryan outfit mmmm yum love it. esposito wearing smth I'd wear & that is not necessarily a compliment. we already all love caskett.
Love how castle is playing video games at work XD How is that guy playing video games with those gloves on? My man is legit wearing a crown Castle hit him with a sword! (I could clip that but i don't think I will)
Henry: And since there was no way I was going to get security clearance Me: with yoyur record? no way
you snapped but u didn't kill him so maybe attempted second degree murder. Love the geek references. Henry: the suit was the One Ring to rule them all. Will knew it was too much power for anyone to have, especially the government. Yeah mr anarchist cephalapods cuttlefish
He just dumped her? wow. Didn't even stay with her for a bit after & let it peeter out or start a spark again? RC: The suit you wore when you went after Will’s keycard and you got my credit card instead. (he holds it up) Just found it, buried in the back of your drawer. Thank you for that, by the way. I forgot to cancel this thing. It would be such a pain. Yeah jerk move on his part. Lol disappear from his life go under the thing couldn't she put the suit on over her clothes?
castle u just locked yourself in with a murderer...
Castle just turned on the gas
*in synch with fire extinguisher* RC: I so missed these mind melds.
KR: Beckett, what would you do if you were invisible? KB: I’d walk out of here without having to file this report. KR: Hmm. Boring. KB: Yeah. I know. JE: What about you, Castle? RC: Be a fly on the wall, see what Beckett’s dad really thinks of me. Clearly JE: thinks that’s boring, too. JE: Hmm. RC: doesn’t care. He continues to play with the suit. It’s a cool toy. KR: notices a gift on his desk. KR: Hmm. What’s this? (he opens the note on top) "Time you had a proper uniform. Love, Javi." JE: It’s from the heart, bro. KR: Okay. He opens the box. It’s a blue thong with the word “security” embroidered on the front. JE: smirks. JE: Too big? KR: Want to help me try it on? He shoves it in JE: ’S face. JE: grimaces. JE: They told me it was new. KR: I could really use your help. JE: backs away. KR: follows him. JE: Get that away from me. KR: What? Blue’s my color. What’s wrong with you? JE: Hey, enough! KR: Just help me try it on. You don’t have to be embarrassed.
lol the hot thing in front of him
lol invisible
I'm happy! I watched a few episodes, tho I kind of wish I could have watched more even tho it is overwhelming... p happy
0 notes
faelynif · 3 years
Tumblr media
Development blog for the upcoming IF, Moonshine Creek. 
Blog/IF warning for content: 18+ ONLY. Strong language, death (both shown and mentioned), possible sexual content (inferred), mild gore, mild horror, mild possible body horror, depictions of injuries. More may be added.
Genre: Coming of age, new adult, horror, suspense.
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You’ve been asked to move to Moonshine Creek at the behest of your aunt, to help her look after your ailing and sick grandmother. It’s a welcome change you readily accept, whatever your reasons are. However, the ghosts you had hoped to leave behind when you moved seem to have only followed you to Moonshine Creek.
Now faced with a new town, new faces and even newer problems than you had thought possible, you’re struggling to find your feet in this dilapidated, rundown town.
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Fully customisable MC. (This includes name, appearance, gender, pronouns, fashion style) Your family members will also be modified to fit with your appearance.
Ability to play as aromantic/asexual. You will not miss any content if you choose these routes. Character relationships are integral to this story, whether or not they are romantic or platonic.
Romance six differing individuals, with a set poly route for two of them. 
All romance options are player-sexual.
Found family! Overcome your found families trauma and your own trauma together.
Supernatural creatures are abundant in this town. Get to meet plenty of them here.
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Veronica DeSombre (Cis female) Pinterest
Bisexual. This young woman is the previous new arrival to town, having arrived just shortly before you did. A sarcastic and standoffish woman, she tends to keep to herself though also mart and witty, she’s a joy to talk to once you are able to get past all the walls she has up. However, this woman seems to be haunted as much as you.
Jennie Lee (Cis female) Pinterest
Bisexual. The older twin of the Lee children, a five minutes she will brag about endlessly. Bubbly, bright and too damn good for this town. She sticks out in Moonshine Creek, what with her extravagant way of dressing and the way she holds herself. Though there is something howling behind those bright eyes.
Jason Lee (Trans man) Pinterest
Bisexual. The younger of the Lee twins, he is a more quiet and aloof version of his sister. Reserved and polite, tending to prefer to hide and blend in with the town, though he too sticks out much like his sister, though he would rather not. Something isn’t right about him though, especially with how he stares at the moon wistfully. Currently dating Lyle, so he is only available in a poly.
Lyle Roman (Cis male) Pinterest
Pansexual. Smart and proud, he commands himself with an air that causes others to gravitate towards him like a magnet. Always smiling, charming and flirtatious as well. Many find it hard to look away from Lyle, it’s even as if he has cast a spell onto them. Currently dating Jason, so he is only available in a poly.
Kameyo Wakahisa (Cis female) Pinterest
Demisexual/biromantic. Mysterious and cool are the first words that come to mind for the young woman that sits in the lonely mansion atop Moonshine Creek. Rarely seen in town, but she seems to be situating herself well into the town politics of the small town. Though, it is odd how she is only ever seen in the evening.
Maxwell/Maxine/Max Cooper (M, F, NB) Pinterest (TBA)
Pansexual. What is there to know about someone who doesn’t exist?
??? (Cis male) Pinterest (TBA)
???sexual. There is nothing to know so far.
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