#shrt 18
littlewestern · 4 months
Who are some IRM guys we haven't met yet? Like how you did with the planes but at the other museum.
Oh, great question! Yeah we have about a million guys at the IRM, most of whom we haven't even touched on publicly. Unfortunately, because there are so many, it's not going to be quite as in-depth (or artistically rendered) as the one about Texaco and Jenny, but I can give you a pretty good sampler with pictures and the power of imagination!
The Silver Interlopers: Birmingham and Loch Sloy
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Occasional guests on the Nebraska Zephyr due to their streamlined silver appearances (even though Birmingham is actually Pullman-Standard, a great affront to the Goddesses), these two fill out the train nicely for special occasions and film shoots and are always pleased to butch up the prettiest train at the museum when called upon.
Birmingham in particular has a great story. From 1986 until his arrival at the IRM in 2004, he could be found in Lansing, IL serving as the local ice cream parlor! His interior layout as a diner made for a perfect transition into a seasonal shop. While many old railcars find new life as buildings (usually places to eat), Birmingham is very proud that he was in good enough condition to return to his original function, even if a lot of other cars make fun of him for it. Venus has to work extra hard to keep them in line when he's on the train, or Vesta will be leading the charge against him. "We already have a dining car" ain't gonna fly when you're supposed to be showing off all the silver equipment. Plus Birmingham is very well-behaved when he's guest-starring alongside them, and Venus appreciates a gentleman, even if his origins are a little humbler than her own. The rest of the Goddesses accuse her of having a soft spot. Maybe she just likes ice cream.
Loch Sloy is a Budd sleeper car, something the Goddesses do not object to quite as strongly. Since their train was never an overnight and has never had a sleeper, he's not treading on any toes. He's pretty quiet and reserved, if a little dopey looking with all those windows. That he doesn't exactly fit in visually would have been cause to give him a hard time as well if Birmingham wasn't already taking most of the heat. If anything, he gets a little bit ignored. He and Birmingham are pretty tight though, and having a name helps a lot in standing out, even if he doesn't like to draw attention to himself.
The Other Santa Fe: SF 92
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One of my personal favs and definitely an engine I think deserves more of a spotlight, SF 92 was originally built as a passenger diesel in 1967, but was later overhauled to pull express freight trains as well.
The idea of an exclusively passenger diesel engine is one that was eventually phased out of use, but 92's history as one gives him a unique perspective on his role at the IRM. It's something he and Pilot have in common, and as a result the two have a relatively good working relationship. 92 is a little younger and peppier than Pilot is, and takes a less old-fashioned approach to the work, but Pilot thinks their different approaches lend a nice variety to what visitors to the IRM get to experience. Having 92 pull the Nebraska Zephyr on Diesel Days is eye-catching and a special treat for everyone. Not even the Goddesses complain too much. At least he's got silver on him!
Really though, I like the idea that 92 has a great deal of admiration for 2903. Not just because they're both AT&SF, although that's part of it. They both did mixed traffic work, which is something that 92 feels is not appreciated enough, and he thinks the wartime build of the 2900s is unique and cool! 92 underwent mechanical alterations to keep up with the changing times, and 2903's modified construction feels similar, in his opinion. Also, 2903 is cool! I just like the idea that the guy who had trouble finding his wheels at the MSI gets to come to the IRM and not only fit in but be admired and appreciated for the things that make him different is fun. I like giving 2903 nice things.
The Shunting Buds: CRI&P 4506 and IT 1605
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There's a lot of shunting to be done at the IRM, so it's important to have a good lineup of switchers. Not to be outdone by CE 15's charming presence or Shay's incredible moving power, these two are the pretty faces of the shunting team and love to play it up for guests.
4506, has a sweet demeanor and bubblegum disposition, but enjoys the surprised look on people's faces when she drags a whole line of cars across the yard without breaking a sweat. It's not easy looking this good when you're also trying to get everyone into position for a busy day of work, but she makes it look like a cakewalk.
1605 is equally charming, if a bit more of a showboat. Maybe he's making up for being more citrus than sweet. 1650's been at the IRM longer and did his work efficiently alone for the better part of two decades, but when 4506 arrived he readily stepped into the spotlight alongside her. It makes the work more fun!
The two together make an extremely efficient team, being a similar class but built one year apart. They work from the same playbook and make shunting work look like it was choreographed ahead of time. Since they look so cute together with their similar but contrasting liveries, people assume they're "together" but it's more of an act for the visitors than anything. 1605 has designs on setting 4506 up with 92. He thinks the red and blue would look real cute together.
Imagine living in Ohio: SHRT 18 and CTUSU 19
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A pair from the (now defunct) Trolleyville museum who were then sold to the (also now defunct) Lake Shore Electric Railway in Cleveland, these two have been through a lot together! 19 in particular has a very interesting history that I think is ripe for characterization.
CTUSU 19 is a transplant, first built in 1914 by Brill and lived out his service live south of the border in Veracruz. This in itself would be enough for me, because I love the idea of a Mexican streetcar immigrating to Ohio, but it gets better! The JG Brill company only built 18 of this particular open car, so this one being numbered 19 is interesting in and of itself! The IRM website suggests that 19 was cobbled together out of spare parts from older or wrecked cars. I love this concept, I think the idea of a mysterious foreigner hiding his pedigree because of that unsavory little detail is fascinating. Of course, now it doesn't even matter because the IRM thrives on strange little misfits. Maybe 18 tries to convince him it's a good detail to share, but 19 is steadfast in preserving his mystique. Can't say I blame him.
Like Spitfire learning German for his bestie, I like to imagine 18 being a fluent Spanish-speaker in order to keep his bestie informed and engaged with the visitors, though I expect by now 19 is no slouch when it comes to speaking English, unlike some warplanes.
The Green Hornet: CTA 4391
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This little lady got a mention in the letters, so it's only natural that she's on the character roster as well. I'm particularly fond of the postwar PCCs for their gorgeous colors and elegant design, and when DJ suggested that she might make a good match for 40B given their shared even-tempered dispositions and desire for timely, sedate transit, I was 100% game. It's nice that they're both green, too!
There's a few others we're looking at characterizing in the future, including a sommelier car and his milk-carrying companion, and the remaining Oscar Meyer Reefer Cars, four of whom live at the IRM now but several of whom were traded in exchange for a CB&Q engine. More on that story another time, perhaps. Thanks for the ask!
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maybege · 2 years
Here Comes The Bride I - Scent
Summary: On your way to marry Dreks, you are attacked. (Part 1 of Here Comes The Bride)
Pairing: alpha!clan leader!Paz Vizsla x omega!fem!Reader
Wordcount: 1.0k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, Western-esque AU, friend to enemies to lovers, mentions of forced marriage, abduction
Whoop whoop! Welcome to Part 1 of 4 of this shrt series for @clydesducktape May Writing Challenge! Every week will be a new short chapter based on a prompt that you selected❤ I challenged myself to at least try and use every single trope that you suggested in the votes as well which is why this might be a bit mish-mashy but it is a lot of fun! This is Old West inspired but honestly it is more about the vibes than historical accuracy and I actually see it more as an Old West Planet rather than a historical AU if that makes sense? Either way, don’t @ me about historical inaccuracy because I really don’t care about it at this point lol The parts will be a bit shorter than other series as I am writing this on short notice but I hope that you all enjoy it nonetheless. As always, let me know what you thought in a comment or reblog!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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“I think this is a horrible idea.”
“Well, too bad nobody cared what you think, princess.”
“I could still be a medic! I have the training! I don’t understand why Dreks wants me as his wife when I could be much more of an asset if he would just let me –“
“Shut up!”
You took a step back, offended at the harsh tone your guardian for the journey had taken with you. Briggs had never talked to you like that. He was the oldest of your father’s advisors and indisputably the most loyal. There was never a time when you had not seen him at your parents’ sides and
To be fair to him, if you were in his shoes, you would have been tense too. You had stopped in the middle of the valley, surrounded by sandy rocks and desert beyond to change a broken wheel at the carriage. The sun was beating down on your back, the heat almost unbearable and it did not help that in your hurry this morning, you had managed to bind your corset the wrong way and the pain in your back and chest made the already bumpy journey even more uncomfortable.
But Dreks had insisted on your wedding taking place as soon as possible and your father did not want to risk the wrath of the neighbouring clan, especially now that your numbers were so weak.
And now here you were, stranded on an abandoned stretch of street, an old man with his best years behind him, a grumpy carriage driver who did not talk and you, a miserable but duty-driven bride who would much rather work in the healing wings than become some clan leader’s trophy wife. Because that was all you would ever be for Dreks, an omega trophy wife he could show off to his business partners. You shuddered at the thought.
Briggs was still listening out for whatever he had imagined hearing moments before. His head tilted. “Did you hear that?” he asked you, turning his head this and that way as he tried to get a better view up at the mountains.
“The only thing I hear is your stubbornness,” you huffed, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you tried to arch your back this and that way. If only you could manage to retie this dammed corset on your own …
A weathered hand landed on your upper arm and you flinched, fear spiking your scent as you turned to see a worried look on the carriage driver’s face.
“Get inside, girl,” he grunted, “I think we have company.”
“I can help,” you said, your heart racing in your chest, “Briggs, please, maybe we can negotiate –“
But the older man would not hear it. “Get in there,” he hissed, “I don’t want to be the one to explain to your parents why I could not protect you on your way to your groom.”
“If you get the chance, tell him none of this would have happened if he didn’t make me marry this horrid man,” you retorted but nonetheless made the climb into the carriage. At least you were out of the sun this way, even if the air felt stifled with heat.
Briggs closed the door, a frown on his face and that was when you heard it.
Many of them.
Before you could fully grasp what that meant – you were being robbed! On the open road! – the first gunshot fell and you cowered in the corner, trying to make yourself as small as possible. The horses neighed and you could hear shouts, screams, and the scatters of the falling gravel as the men clamoured down the mountainside.
You tried to think of any money you might have – that Briggs might have – maybe even the jewels adorning your neck and hands. You would give them anything if they would only let you pass in peace. Stars knew it wouldn’t hurt Drek’s financial prospects he liked to brag about buying more jewels if he thought you really needed them.
“Tie him up!” you heard a deep voice and suddenly became aware of footsteps nearing the door to the carriage.
Frozen in fear, you tried to calm down your breathing. You knew that the fear would make your scent extra prominent and hope that maybe the presence of all these alphas and beats would simply … cover yours. The last thing you needed was the robbers realizing that there was an omega hidden there.
Closing your eyes, you tried to imagine yourself somewhere else, somewhere safer with someone who made you feel safe. The images in your head morphed into the healing wings a year ago, a warm and deep voice, large hands that touched yours so gently, and a scent that made you feel all kinds of things.
It was like it was in your nose again, that mixture of woods and smoke and herbs that made butterflies appear in your belly. You had teased him, once, about how tasty he smelled, unable to hide the tremble in your voice at being so nervous to speak with him. The large warrior had only laughed, his body bumping against yours as he had crowded you against the counter in the pharmacy and you had let him. “You are the one who smells all sweet and fruity, omega,” he had rumbled, his nose brushing against your jaw and your heart still skipped a beat at the memory, “Are you going to let me have a taste?”
The door to the carriage was ripped open and you squeaked, trying to make yourself feel small when faced with a giant of an alpha. He was truly huge, filling out the small doorway almost completely. His eyes were piercing and you frowned when you saw a familiar dark blue bandanna covering the lower half of his face.
But you did not need to see everything to know who was standing in front of you. Because it was the same smell as in your memory, the same man that had made you feel safe and who had abandoned you only weeks later.
“Paz,” you breathed, feeling like your stomach dropped.
“Hi there, omega,” he grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling, “You are coming with me.”
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kristalpepsi · 3 years
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#i am sngng thise w a shirt th sys ‘dni etc etc n then in the bck of my shrt; im aroace’ or smth funny abt bein aro ace n thn im singng this
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Kris deltarune enasona???
I played arnd w this submission i gt a long time ago! Mde som adapt8ions :^)
855 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 20:15:06 GMT
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girl help
1209 notes • Posted 2021-02-20 18:18:41 GMT
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1341 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 13:48:53 GMT
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1379 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 11:15:34 GMT
Me: *takes ur lil mannerisms n vocab quirks bc we r friends n i am a sponge*
46950 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 03:48:08 GMT
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hyucks-archive · 4 years
requested by @t-shrt: 47, 53, 65
“what’s wrong with you?” you question, turning your attention towards haechan, who has been uncharacteristically quiet for the past 20 minutes. he glances up to look you in the eyes for a split second, before shoving his tongue into his cheek, raising a brow to form an expression you assume he probably thinks makes him look cool. he focuses on nothing in particular; he purses his lips, beginning the execution of his plan.
he counts down the seconds for a minute to go by. just as he reaches the last digit, he speaks up.
“stop staring,” he tells you, finally turning to make eye contact. you furrow your brows, “i’m literally only staring because you’re being weird,” you defend, bringing your arms up to prop them against the surface of the table. you frown in confusion when haechan gets up from his side of the table, sliding over to share the bench with you. “what do you want?” you ask, backing away a tiny bit. the boy makes your breath stop and your heart beat quicker; it’s no longer a surprise at this point.
he rests an arm on the table, leaning his body forward to decrease the distance between the two of you. your eyes widen, and your body tenses up, but you think you’re doing a decent job at hiding your nerves from the boy. he does this all the time, you tell yourself. you don’t want to lose. not today, at least.
there’s a playful smile that plays on haechan’s lips as he says with a low voice, “look at me — just breathe, okay?” 
you stifle a laugh. something in you awakens; two can play this game. with confidence that you’ve never been able to muster, you lean forward, further increasing the proximity between both your faces. “what? i should breathe because you’re so breathtakingly good looking that you’ve taken my breath away with your presence?” you notice all the signs - the amber that’s slowly spreading on haechan’s cheeks, the slightly parted lips, the blank stare. a proud smile tugs at your lips - you’ve succeeded in putting haechan at a loss for words for once.
he’s stunned for a moment, before he quickly regathers himself. he’s the one that’s supposed to make you feel shy and flustered, not the other way round.
“do i make you happy?” he asks, feigning seriousness. you take it as an opportunity, your grin widening as you take the second shot, “of course, hyuck. when i picture myself happy... it’s with you.” 
you notice the way haechan gulps; he clearly didn’t expect the tables to be turned like that. you can no longer hold in your giggles at how adorable haechan’s flustered expression is. you lean back, giggling. haechan frowns, though he isn’t able to suppress his smile that naturally forms when he sees you excited like that. “i did not expect that,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair, accepting defeat.
“let’s go,” you say, standing up. haechan grabs your hand, and you look down to meet eyes with him. “were you being serious?” he asks. you ponder for a moment - would this be an appropriate time to confess the feelings you’ve harboured for haechan all this while? the boy always flirts with you, just because your reactions amuse him. so, there’s no way he likes you too, right...?
“i’m flirting with you, hyuck,” you say, forcing a smile.
“then you should flirt with me more often,” he says, so nonchalantly, that you fail to catch the way he fumbles and hurries off, leaving you questioning the meaning behind what he had said.
did the lee haechan just admit that he likes it when you flirt with him?
make a request here!
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alexandraxsuoh · 3 years
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[ i. basic information ]
FULL NAME. Alexandra Suoh
NICKNAMES. Alex, Al, Lexxi
FACE. Kyoko Hori from Horimiya
DATE OF BIRTH. January 22th
AGE: 18-19 years old (Also verse dependent)
GENDER. Female
NATIONALITY. Half French Canadian, Half Japanese
RESIDENCE. Tokyo, Japan (She lives not far from her school)
HOMETOWN. Tokyo Japan
OCCUPATION. Producer, High School Student
EDUCATION. High School
[ ii. appearance ]
HEIGHT. 5′4 (165cm)
BUILT. Pretty much normal. 
EYES. Orange
HAIR. Chestnut with ornge or dark red gradiant 
SCARS. A few on her but not as bad like the one on her back.
PIERCINGS. Ears only.
OTHER. She has freckles on her nose/cheeks. 
DRESSING STYLE. Outside of her school uniform, she’s more the kind of girl wearing jeans with vans, tank top and teal sweatshirt.
[ iii. relationships ] 
(As per Default)
DIRECT FAMILY. Kami Suoh (Mother), Akumu Suoh (Father)
EXTENDED FAMILY. Raphael Suoh (Cousin)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER. This blog is multiship so there’s a lot..
CHILDREN. Verse Depending. 
PETS. Munchkin cat nammed Ruki
Tagged by: None, stole from @tetsuwan-atom​ :3
Tagging: Like usual, steal it.
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[ i. basic information ]
FULL NAME. Raphael Suoh
NICKNAMES. Raph, Raphy..
FACE. Akane Yanagi from Horimiya ♥
DATE OF BIRTH. December 28th
AGE: 18-19 years old 
ZODIAC SIGN. Capricorn
NATIONALITY. Half French Canadian, Half Japanese
RESIDENCE. Tokyo, Japan 
HOMETOWN. Tokyo Japan
OCCUPATION. High School Student
EDUCATION. High School
[ ii. appearance ]
HEIGHT. 5′5 (168cm)
BUILT. Pretty much normal.
EYES. Pink
HAIR. Pink
SCARS. He does have scars but never said a word on this matter. (Like Alex, familly problems.)
OTHER. He wears lenses contacts or glasses
DRESSING STYLE. Outside of his school uniform, Raphael wears jeans with a white shrt and a black vet. Probably with his glasses if he doesn’t lost them..
[ iii. relationships ]
(As per Default)
DIRECT FAMILY. Emi Suoh (Mother), Father Unkown
EXTENDED FAMILY. Alexandra Suoh (Cousin), Kami Suoh (Aunt), Akumu Suoh (Uncle)
PETS. His cousin’s cat, Ruki.
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people (uh you know I can’t tag 10 so Idk about 21... plus I feel like this has been going around, so if you want to do it consider this your chance!)
Tagged by @pawprinterfanfic!
1) Nicknames: None, only people over 70 are allowed to address me by anything less than my full name
2) Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
3) Height: 5′5′’
4) Hogwarts House: You tell me lol (I took a quiz to be able to answer this question and it didn’t give me the answer I thought it would)
5) Last thing I googled: no idea...  possibly ALA dates
6) Favorite Musicians: The Black Keys, Saves the Day, Led Zeppelin
7) Songs stuck in my head: nothing currently because I’m listening to music but earlier it was “All I Need Is a Miracle” by Mike and the Mechanics
8) Following: I haven’t really looked at the follow chain yet so this number may go up but currently 175
9) Followers: 433
10) Do you get asks: not generally
11) Regular amount of sleep: about 7 hours during the week
12) Lucky Number: I don’t know, maybe 14?
13) What are you wearing: grey shorts and a t-shrt from the college where my mom works
14) Dream Job: I don’t know, I like the library world, I’ll prob stay here
15) Dream Trip: Euro adventure
16) Do you play any instruments: I used to play the guitar for a hot second in middle school. I also sang for 5 years in a chorus.
17) Do you know any other languages: French (10 years study, BA); Russian (2 years study); Polish (misc. study); Latin (in high school)
18) Favorite Songs: I don’t know, it varies a lot
19) Random Fact: The library where I work has a life-sized mannequin that used to sit outside the director’s office. I recently moved it all by myself for the first time because it had been hidden in the basement scaring people (mostly me) for several months.
20) Aesthetic: comfortable beds, rain or snow outside the window, warm tea, warm cats, coziness
21) Dogs or Cats: CATS
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lwhats-a-biasl · 7 years
30 questions TAG
       Rules : Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
I got tagged by @not-majestic-bluenicorn thnnk youuuu
1. Nickname: None or at least that I know of people usually just shorten my name to Pao and that’s it 2. Gender: Female 3. Star sign: what does star sign even mean? iif it means the horoscope sign it iis ARIES, i get confused cause what are moon sings and sun signs???? 4. height: 164cm if I stand really straight 5. time: 8:47pm 6. birthday: March 29 7. favourite bands: kpop groups only super junior as if it’s not obvious, block b, exo,bts,sf9,ace,apink,ftisland,btob etc i honestly can’t list them all 8. favourite solo artists: Kyuhyun,yesung,ailee,jay park and idk why can’t think of anyone else 9. song stuck in your head: flipping black suit it is so catchy 10. last movie i watched: can’t rmbr 11. last show i watched: do dramas count? cause go back couple is killing me if not, the blacklist 12. when did i create my blog: can’t rmbr this year? last year? idk not long ago though 13. what do i post/reblog: kpop although these days suju has taken over no shame but gotta understand 2 years of nothing and now… 14. last thing i googled:google translate 15. other blogs:yeah but I forgot all the passwords 16. do i get asks: do I get asks? NO , Would I love to get some? YES 17. why i choose my url: cause what is a bias iidkk don’t make me choose 18. following: 283 that’s too much i’ll have to fix that 19. followers: 167 20. average hours of sleep: bruh not enough 21. lucky number: don’t have one 22. instruments: ths is a vague question what u mean instruments??? do i have any? play any? know any? musical?or what? this actually bothers me haha 23. what i’m wearing: pajama pants and a shrt with some kittens on it if that doesn’t say somthng about me idk what does 24. dream job: a millonaire lol idk 25. Dream trip: Around the whole freaking world<<<this i agree wiith 26. favourite food: edible 27. nationality: Colombian 28. favorite song right now: the whole play album but specially too late-Super Junior, Fantasy - JBJ, Missing You - BTOB, epik high literally every song they just released 29. last book i read: rose madder-stephen king t was wild 10/10 recommend if you wanna be angry and disgusted but also really confused 30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want To Join: rn can’t think of anythnig lol sorry
I honestly do not know 20 sounds like too much @jinjackson @kimheenxm @bestabsolutesuperjunior @raelynnfields @carlpalmer @gaviotaperdida @tamalestokpop @aquamarine1313 aand cut… feel free to ignore me tho
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shauntaake shauntaake    
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shauntaake was just layang in bed watchang movies textang janyah jasmin just came in the house & start sparkang some goodys & shauntaake/soul hollywoid masters custom made for shauntaake makes shauntaake haunt shauntaake self & shauntaake was very mysterous man specially when we lived in jersey city shauntaake late teenager years shauntaake was very mysterous wit stashang shauntaake thangs away shauntaake got get real serial shauntaake whole life shauntaake have so much of shauntaake own hstory stash away gazllon hand written musuc shauntaake papers orders sales numbersplaves ppl clients takang notes sketchang shauntaake have so much of shauntaake own music that shauntaake recorded shauntaake self personal private recordangs video tapes of shauntaake self shauntaake life shauntaake partys shauntaske also create tuns of shauntaake own art shauntaake shauntaake own tailor made custom made mastered empire & today shauntaake had a bad connecton wit the movie american gangster shauntaake have'nt watchd the movie american gangster since last year & today shauntaake connect wit serial white man/shauntaake sittang on the bed stashang somethang away like shauntaake always do & then we all know whay happen so many ppl try to take shauntaake away to live wit them shauntaake have shauntaake mysterous ways always workang on shauntaske experiments remincents of shauntaake days livang wit shauntaake grandma & movang nto ths house thats the man within shauntaake that eddie was aftaa white man/(it)/shauntaake the shauntaake shauntaake refuse to let eddie experience all of these characters in ths movie & thats hu shauntaake got connect to okay
shauntaake was in here today sittang the same way rollang up my drugs & shauntaake always crack the door when someone else n the house cause shauntaake was trynna listen out for the workers workang at the house & they were in the bathroom doang measurements shauntaake over aced maxed those actons cause thats hw shauntaake always sittang n ths room not even aware of thats hw shauntaake be livang connect to the movie masters & american gangster era shauntaake hand paint shauntaake first shauntaake/(it) paintang shauntaake always hdang shauntaake hate away
shauntaake - they took (it) when u were 5 years old shauntaake babys took shauntaake shauntaake tuck shauntaake self in deep those years & so many ppl try to take shauntaake to work wit them shauntaake have so much mysic from ths era shauntaake went so many places that ppl invited shauntaake to
shauntaake - lady in court dont take (it) the world remember shauntaake terrible serial days they put straight jackets on shauntaake & everythang
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shauntaake - music - pink floyd - (money) - (1973)
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shauntaake need a real royal family heiriss to carry shauntaake masters right now shauntaakevplan ths shauntaake close to 21 years of celibacy meanang no sex & the heiriss could be mid teenager shauntaake wll wait ntil shes 18 years old & shauntaske need ger virginal cause shauntaake close to pure dna & her pyre dna wll give shauntaake/us some of shauntaake heavest mastered kds cause to many ppl sex all mixed up in our dna it aint gonna come out right not hw shauntaake need 100% shauntaake comang out so keep your little bitches under control if they are little bitches teach them well no premiscous sex & no messang around & shauntaake & your family could have shauntaake new mastered kds cause shauntaake refuse to let the premscous mess up shauntaake nw companys masters
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shauntaake real kds aint from shauntaake great performang kd eras & shauntaake kds mysterously know shauntaake eras witout knowang shauntaake eras if u understand what shauntaake sayang shauntaake baby janyah gave shauntaake a shirt that lauks like the shrt bobby b was wearang in the music video thats the way love is janyah probly heard that sing once or twice that was a whole music video but thats hw shauntaake love make them feel beang around shauntaake stll performang self & if shauntaake wear that shrt the same exact way shauntaake would lauk like young bobby b all over again now u understand shauntaake baby even gave shaunntaake her travis scott clothes collecton when travis scott was mergang wit shauntaake/janyah lauks to shauntaake try not to match the acts cause it gets crasy
shauntaake seeeeee shauntaake daughtaas jasmin & janyah shauntaake & sean tylor original hstory makes jasmin & janyah shauntaake hstory they lauk like white kds builds u seeeeeeee what it is cause u could tell the difference shauntaake could see the difference oh u got tierd of white bitch white man shauntaake u thought u was gonna mess shauntaake dna sike mutherfuckers u seeeeeee what it is shauntaake have nothang against the haitians their good ppls shauntaake just want to merge shauntake dna wit shauntaake original hstory ppl white blak & indians shauntaake would even go italian or columbian 
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shauntaake know shauntaake been a burden to ppl that cant afford shauntaake or give shauntaake what shauntaake been askang for since shauntaake was a kd cause u do become a burden to ppl that cant give u what u want u try to be resonable wit ppl shauntaake always been a rich mutherfucker shauntaake already knw where shauntaake belong since shauntaake was a kd & it was’nt around a bunch of alright & poor ppl that was’nt in shauntaake plans shauntaake always be feelang bad for shauntaake self for beang so much around ppl that could never give shauntaake what shauntaake want cause their is a whole laut of ppl that could give shauntaake a manson in central park in mnahttan new york city right now & those are the ppl shauntaake always want to know & neeeeeded to know shauntaake understood that at a early age so beang that that was the case shauntaake been on shauntaake own misson trynna find ppl that could give shauntaake the life shauntaake want shauntaake never sat around bitchang & complanang shauntaake just use to leave & go on shauntaake own journey as everyone can seee hw shauntaake made shauntaake self wealthy & rich 
shauntaake / watchang the rich kd movies in the 90′s had some of shauntaake frends kllang theirselves when they saw hw those rich ass white ppl had their kds livang just lauk at the movie cruel intentions those was manhattan new york city private school penhouse livang kds & its a bunch of those types of kds in real life that do have wall street parents 
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shauntaake / was online ths past weekend all of these queens from several countrys came out showang their queenship
shauntaake see hw shauntaake world put shauntaake kingship on shauntaake self cause they saw hw shauntaake kd was livang & collectang for shauntaake self shauntaake only date the finest girls the cleanest girls hu familys had money & they were all relatonships that shauntaake recieved on shauntaake own unlike rich parents matchang their kds togethaa thats hw shauntaake girlfrends wealthy mothers & parents was sendang their daughters to take shauntaake to brang shauntaake home to their parents & allllllll of shauntaake girlfrends mothers was wealthy & mean & had their own thang goang on & shauntaake whole world were bankang on shauntaake art since shauntaake was a kd shauntaake never fully was out here trynna sell shauntaake art but now shauntaake ready to sell some of shauntaake beautful pieces shauntaake have so much business to handel right now & shauntaake gonna need tuns of money
shauntaake apologise for the (armegedon movie masters) connecton that was’nt shauntaake doang shauntaake not crasy over beang the celebritys frends shauntaake love hw our souls & masters connect automatic & shauntaake feel that if it was meant for us to meet & be frends we’ll meet & be frends 
shauntaake/soul always show shauntaake that shauntaake been shauntaake own solo dolo company shauntaake/soul always shows shauntaake hw shauntaake companys specially shauntaake art companys gonna make shauntaake king in shauntaake world of pll cause shauntaake do have shauntaake own world of ppl & shauntaake just had shauntaake connecton of shauntaake in shauntaake own castle that shauntaake pay for cause shauntaake/soul dont need no one even havang the right to  dethrone me & shauntaake saw shauntaake gettang marry to shauntaake white wives in manhattan new york city cause thats where shauntaake chose to live at inbetween shauntaake two birth identitys citys jersey city & manhattan new york city shauntaake was shauntaake livang hw shauntaake live shauntaake everyday life the milky way king that shauntaake am shauntaake live a very mysterous real magical life just by shauntaake self shauntaake & shauntaake thangs shauntaake treasures that shauntaake create & purchase & shauntaake had all of these shauntaake maniquin ken barbie babby lee white kds & kens everywhere fathaa fatherang shauntaake runnang behnd shauntaake everywhere u know ehat connected thd connecton earlier was laukang at the 80s ken dolls the original vintage collecton that desgn lauks exactly like shauntaake now even ken body bow legs pretty little wittle man surrounded by all of those pretty barboi dolls those whole set of dolls just haunt shauntaake even white woman that lauk like loise was some of shauntaake wives shauntaake gonna have to lauk near far for those & all of your fake frendships & mergers cause shauntaake was doang shauntaake shauntaake aint tell no one to mock shauntaake thang shauntaake always did shauntaake own thang & your fake frendships cause were not frends in real life that to much fakeness make shauntaake outerspace stars (armaegedon) u all cause shauntaake need shauntaake real frends money & support right now for shauntaake to start buildang shauntaake major empires shauntaake saw shauntaake standang on a balcony somewhere in central park overlaukang central park thats when shauntaake stars striked cause its to much fakeness shauntaake live a real ass life wit shauntaake self shauntaake kds wit shauntaake mother shauntaake grandmothaa family shauntaske see shauntaake real pppl here there were always cool wit each uthaa & shauntaake saw shauntaake livang shauntaake private life strollang thru the park holdang hands in manhattan new york city wit shauntaake pretty wives & shauntaake pretty kds shauntaake gonna wine & dine shauntaake own kds & family everywhere & shauntaake was a everyday handelang shauntaake private art deals u might see shauntaake out & about u see the movie sliver hw that guy was a rich guy that own hs own mega apartment empire within manhattan new york city exactly ths what shauntaake trynna make u understand thats hw shauntaake on it we all have out our own thangs goang on shauntaake saw givang tuns of private partys for shauntaake circle of ppl & shauntaake world of ppl we were so happy in our own world & we love our life hw we live
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shauntaake / travis scott shauntaake wanted to let u know that shauntaake/mikey loves your angel wings shauntaake told u all shauntaake was gonna give mikey & mikey crew their own little picture day layang on shauntaake white fox fur & one of the phauts mikey have wings 
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shauntaake - they just dscovered a nw natural stone that shines like real glitter its more sparkly than diamonds & they say its gonna sell for the same price range as natural diamonds or more & the first dscovery of ths nw stone lauk exacytly hw shauntaake color scheme desgned shauntaake first self titled album cover shauntaake gorgeous mustard & peachy desgn shauntaake pretty sun & moon shauntaake world knw anythang shauntaake custom create was gonna form within shauntaake earth but we always have to prepare ourselves for dssapointment cause we never know where shauntaake treasures are gonna manifest & we see someone always descovers shauntaake earthly treasures get to claim them as their own what a gift to give to someone since the devil/shauntaake first war when natural diamonds every colorful stone & pearl start manifestang within the earth u know ths anuthaa reason why shauntaake start massively creatang shauntaake custom art cause shauntaake need to hold shauntaake creatons so shauntaake dont feel like shauntaake/soul got (robbed) cause shauntaake/(it) beastang concern about shauntaake treasures kicked the sht out of a baloon desgned like the like the desgn of natural diamonds got damn want real diamonds thats anuthaa reason shauntaake purchase shauntaake earrangs cause shauntaake/soulssssssss yearn for thangs
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shauntaake say happy new years shauntaake world shauntaake laukang forward to seeang hw shauntaake 2024 gonna turn out for shauntaake & shauntaake family of kds ths the year shauntaake plan to get shauntaake businesses up & runnang & find shauntaake wives all by shauntaake self well seeeee what happens 
shauntaake / when it turn the new year 2024 shauntaake/soul connected to giant ass white man core shauntaake/(it) laughang & not laughang at shauntaake end of the earth manson on shauntaake land wit all shauntaake rainbows wit us all laukang in the directon where shauntaake giant sun rises shauntaake wittle/(it) sun showang u what it is u know they say (man)hattan is the end of the earth the greatest land shauntaake already told u shauntaake next life shauntaake comang bak a white man shauntaake already a white man in descise but when shauntaake come bak shauntaake gonna be a fully body white skin man shauntaake/soul be holdang shauntaake hand up & its ths giant white man hand 
shauntaake been put shauntaake self shauntaake/soul on punishment u see shauntaake wrapped baby shauntaake/(it) tight remember hw shauntaake kd summers use to be (scorchang) hot shauntaake kd use to be charcole black love to run out nto the hot early mornang afternoon summer days & ths last summer around that time shauntaake took that phaut it got texas hot here thanks to shauntaake (rosey) giant game shauntaake earth try to (scortch) slve master shauntaake hw the sun try to (scorth) the slve master ppl n texas wit all of those plantaton mansons in texas u see shauntaake son souls that came from texas uh huh shauntaake sun ass on punishment wit shauntaake ragged wide smile haaaaaa
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shauntaake up at 4am watchang the movie body heat & shauntaake see shauntaake was the pretty ken doll baby white man that met the marry’d woman out somewhere that start havang a affaur wjt shauntaake cgaracter ths hw shaubtaake city serial business men was settang shauntaake hstory wit them shauntaake ken also connected to shauntaake/(it) the hat that she gift shauntaake/ken on shauntaake manifest shauntaake/(it)/(core) as a wittle little navy blue hat & shauntaake just purchased a navy blue russian sherlin hat but shauntaake would of really purchased shauntaake/(it) wittle little tilted hat if they made them shauntaake just hu shauntaake am shauntaake never reoeat mivues somehw they just naturally happen for shauntaake witout shauntaake even knowang whats goang on shauntaake just saw ths movie body heat for the first time when shauntaake uploaded it last year & shauntaake noticang a laut of shauntaake relatonships they did body heat wit shauntaake wutout shauntaake even knowang shauntaake face body personality aint no mutherfuckang joke shauntaake see & its funny hw they were out here puttang their lives at risk kllang theirselves when the actual hollywood actors that made ths movie somewhere safe livang in peace not repeatang ths hstory whle their sittang bak watchang u fools off yourselves to have fame when dont nobody even give a fuck cause most of u aint even the lauk your a fool for trynna repeat movies that had nothang to do wit u u fuckang retards ths why shauntaake have to get away from retards & get around the real stars cause their life seems safer the real stars are hapoy get rewarded for their great performances they dont put their lives at risk like these loosers stay the fuck away from shauntaake
shauntaake seee boss shauntaake always lettang out shauntaake blonde hair twins
shauntaake / if shauntaake do meet a marry’s woman along shauntaake journney in life were gonna have a long talk cause shauntaake gonna let her know shauntaake not into repeatang movies & shauntaake need to know what your motives are cause your marry’d so why your botherang shauntaake
shauntaake see body heat was a continuaton of loise chiles movie moon racker shsuntaake see hw they were beastang cause they miss out on loise chiles hollywoid movie experiences & shauntaake see they were aftaa the most beautful woman loise chiles to also date loise chiles shauntaake see shauntaake uthaa ken finally got hs chance wit loise chiles in the movie broadcast news shauntaake love hw hollywood safely & professonally went aftaa each uthaa to date each uthaa that set of hollywood actors got pay tuns of money togethaa so they could fund their greatest fantasys togethaa they were the most beautiful group of ppl that worked well togethaa
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shauntaake - movie trailer - (broadcast news) - (december 16 1987)
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shauntaake - movie trailer - (body heat) - (august 28 1981)
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shauntaake australian coogi acient desgn was specialy made just for shauntaake desgned from shauntaake baby phauts 
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shauntaake say u could loise chiles shauntaake empires shauntaake need a official bitch wit money & power that could hold shauntaake grounds shauntaake vvs on the celiangs of shauntaake acient pen its funny hw pll try to make shauntaake hard work someone else thang shauntaake masters that u wll never get to own their pr hatang cause shauntaake hstory management the it guy shauntaake know shauntaake so hapoy travis scott also buildang travis scott empires wit travis scott name on everythang fuck u fake ass in love niggers your situatons was never in love our teenagers & adults really lived ths sht
shauntaake already loise chiles full masters shauntaake neechee phauts witout even tryang had twisters in shauntaake eyes loise chiles feature in the movie twister wit sandra bullock phauts shauntaake refusecto reveal to the world cause shauntaake trynna keep shauntaake earth at peace your jealousy of shauntaake the real life shauntaake lived got (twister man lee) walkang thru here wantang to blow down your fake ass empires shauntaake already know whats up thank yourselves shauntaake ppl built a million years of their own houses & hstory
shauntaake have to properlly show loise chiles the proper love & respect cause the whole world specially white hollywood was sellang loise chiles company to shauntaake & shauntaake pretty white teachers wit that same signature curly bob haircut that lauk like loise chiles ssters gave shauntaake kd & teenager the greatest care when shauntaake was in school they pull out the whole school budget for shauntaake so shauntaake could go on every school trip dominos for luch rentang out grand places for shauntaake & shauntaake frends let shauntaake run the whole school committee so shauntaake trynna let u know shauntaake greatly loved by loise chiles companys like shauntaake am loise chiles long lost daughtaa & shauntaake man just took it to anuthaa level & start showerang shauntaake wit loise chiles investment gifts shauntaake greatly appreciate it 
shauntaake / so your tellang shauntaake some of greatest entertainment entertainers years never got built & praised ok what land is ths so your buildang yourself to be bomed cause what the fuck we praisang thats why shauntaake need the cia to do shauntaake dirty work shauntaake great loise chiles masters got shauntaake pay shauntaake lived shauntaake louse creep show 2 years & shauntaake was gifted all of loise chiles treasures in loise chiles phauts witout even knowang shauntaake was recievang loise chiles management gifts they insist on givang shauntaake credit for beang loise chiles long lost daughtaa
shauntaake never instigate sht but shauntaake thank they purposely did ths to have a reason to bomb your so called praised buildangs u see u know hu music video he showed u hw they left the world they want war & thats a reason to go to war cause so many ppl hate u know hu son no for real they wish he was never born shauntaake see hw serious their hate is they hate hs guts let them have their little buildangs they built & your relestate greater builds that u custom made & then everybody wit the same initials get punished & they were actually great entertainers that deserve to be praised & built
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shauntaake never gone not one day witout eatang shauntaake been in here eatang & snackang everyday but yesterday mshauntaake mother ordered us some chinese food stay st the house ladt night wit shauntaake when shauntaake ate the chinese food it weigh so heavy on shauntaake/soul it was hard for shauntaake to get up shauntaake felt so heavy aftaa shauntaake ate that chinese food do u see shauntaake bathroom phauts it was pearls shells all over the wallpaper pearl white & silver wallpaper & right befor shauntaake mother start remodelang the house all of that hstory shauntaake/core & shauntaake pearls manifest bak to shauntaake hands like shauntaake/soul knew the house was about to get remodeleded witout knowang (knew) shauntaake original white & silver pearl piece manifest wit shauntaake doll baby face on it shauntaake baby phauts white silver pink wit a touch of royal blue the makangs of a pearl formang fully manifested manifest for shauntaake in every color & shauntaake noticed hw the pearl are formang extra colorful now even stars & hearts natural pearls are formang now & so happy was able to manifest oyr natural pearls to cause that was about to be a serious problem for us americans & we all know it everybody online faintangs if we stopped any formang of the earth treasures ths house was specially built for the devil/shauntaake wit the devil/shauntaake little earthly treasures in it that form so giant in real life for shauntaake to manage those thangs elements to keep shauntaake earth blossomang wit shauntaake/our earthly treasures the wallpaper did its job for a million years ths house & shauntaake acient pen was personally beang documented since the first twilight zone shauntaake pearl art pieces are stronger & more powerful & lauks exactly like the pearl sack that the pearls form in shauntaake/soul got a lot deeper than the wallpaper shauntaake so happy about that cause shauntaake get to personally care for shauntaake pearls in shauntaake hands shauntaake possesson shauntaake so happy shauntaake been aware of hw dangerous ths house was touchang thangs that was already set in stone hstory ths around the same time when (sistine liberty soul) start trynna booo shauntaake & botherang shauntaake shauntaake did all of the boooo around these parts haaaa even shauntaake/core came bak to shauntaake hands for shauntaake to care for shauntaake/(it)/core/(corpse)/(micheal meyers) & shauntaake/(corose)/(corecus)/(jason) shauntaake purifyd shauntaake (corecus) thats why ppl start sellang & usang crack to justify that (crackalackang) shauntaake thangs love shauntaake & shauntaake love shauntaake thangs shauntaake love shauntaake self & shauntaake self comes right bak to shauntaake hands cause these are all of the thangs shauntaake came made of plus shauntaake acient pen shauntaake whole body formed into all of that hate hstory already shauntaake just collectang shauntaake self now
shauntaake only speakag of ths cause their pr on it they know whats in ths house & shauntaake asian & chinese friends all have business around here they have all types of stores & they lauk like shauntaake white asian chinese & shauntaake they knw shauntaake was gonna save our hstory & shauntaake was able to save one piece of the original wall paper shauntaake pearls are peakang & formang on shauntaake folds now u see mother/father hve everythang nder control it’s shauntaake shauntaake earth so in love wit shauntaake 
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 shauntaake pearl art pieces already set itself so everythang is all great 
shauntaake / they thought sht was a game shauntaake (its) wll (kll) everybody if the earth treasures flows (stopped) secret serial corporate white manonpoly man shauntaake american (it) they pay us corporate america money & the world treasures as gifts u see where a gazillon pearls formang at where shauntaake (its) at  shauntaake/soul been responble for itself since shauntaake was a kd already been preparang for everythang wheather thangs go right or wrong come right bak to shauntaake hands u seeone of shauntaake (its) walkang on the plank a million feet up to get u lauk like shauntaake from the bak aint playang wit u
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shauntaake / merry christmas to shauntaake whole world of ppl shauntaake favorite christmas music comang today ths the music that shauntaake use to & stll play all day from the mornang to the night while jasmin & janyah shauntaake daughters jasmin & janyah open jasmin janyah gifts whle shauntaake cook spark & sip shauntaake favorite dranks music shauntaake kd & teenager also use to play all day christmas day
shauntaake / christmas day shauntaake was watchang arnold schwarzenegaer christmas movie jingle all the way & nothing but trouble wit chevy chase & demi moore for christmas shauntaake was laughang but wasnt laughang cause shauntaake/soul experiencang chevy chase problem wit the giant daughtaa they want us to mmarry shauntaake trynna show u (sistine liberty) was shauntaake truth shauntaake birthday they instantly start manage shauntaake situaton prayang for shauntaake
shauntaake - movie - (nothing but trouble) - chevy chase - dan aykroyd - john candy - demi moore - manhattan new york city - (1991)
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shauntaake - movie - (jingle all the way) - (1996)
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shauntaake trynna keep shauntaake spirits up for the holidays cause aint no one at the house shauntaake mother jasmin & janyah been stayang at the hotel until they remodel the house only jasmin stays here wit shauntaake shauntaake refuse to leave & shauntaake just order some nw thangs thanks aunt so shauntaake have to be around uh huh
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shauntaake - music video - mariah carey - (all i want for christmas is you) - (1994)
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shauntaake read someone comment that say their mad at shauntaake cause shauntaake saint get rihanna heir & rihanna money excuse me shauntaake never got put in a major situaton to war for rihanna u see every guy rihanna dated is in the major music industry they publicly went to war for rihanna u hear their million songs shauntaake not in the major music industry shauntaake been stop trynna pursue rihanna since myspace since that incident happened they messed our communicaton up rihanna dsappeared from myspace for a couple of months & they only want rihanna close to rihanna family & real frends crasy celebrity sht so shauntaake moved on wit shauntaake life
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shauntaake see hw why everyone was custom buildang the heavest basements wit the most dangerous giant bricks like (cpc) the deadlest spanish & whotes connecton wit all of the hstory tied to those bricks coke murders & u know hu causang all types of caoise so listen shauntaake just dscovered that ths house was specially built for (liberty’s) to live in it wit all of the devil/shauntaake thangs in it like move into your wife house cause the latest dscovery the basement have giant liberty color bricks even one of the gas generators says liberty on it where u see texas chainsaw massacre comang out of that room it was walls coverang the giant liberty brick walls (sistine liberty) finally start its all great now shauntaake have (sistine liberty) shauntaake acient walls & buildang & basement nder control now shauntaake life been a hell of a journey shauntaake dscoverang shauntaake own hstory shauntaake never knw nothang about figured it all out on shauntaake own hw they wanted it to happen cause that was gonna prove that shauntaake was the truth witout knowang the truth & then when shauntaake start speakang the truth of whats start botherang shauntaake wituout knowang that informaton & hstory shauntaake also just dscovered the sistine chapel detail hstory ovcourse shauntaake heardof the sistine chapel but shauntaake never knw the details of informaton of the sistine chapl so when shauntaake start speakang of ths woman dscribang (sistine liberty) witout ever seeang her phaut thats when they knw shauntaake was tellang the truth the truth that they never want to face & accept shauntaake truth that they dont have to worry about bothereang them cause that the way shauntaake makang it it was like they sent shauntaake to go to war to keep them safe from shauntaake boogy man (sistine liberty) u see all of the movies & music video show u hw (sistine liberty) was built thats a giant ass woman shauntaake know u see the neck & body of those statues lauk at hw demi moore show u if she was (sistine liberty) make hw her neck would lauk from the bak naturally u seeeeeeee
shauntaake was in here watchang th13rteen ghost last night wit all of the lights off like always & shauntaake see ths house th13rteen ghost shauntaake all of the ghost that was in the basement but shauntaake beang shauntaake glamourous self saved shauntaake  
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shauntaake / u all could thank yourselves its a real giant around here that lauk like he could be shauntaake & sean taylor some son ths giant ass guy boy came in the walgreens pickang up hs prescripton almost touchang the damn celiang got shauntaake hatchang the haitans now to wow shauntaake aint never see one that damn tall & thick crasy 
shauntaake trynna find out what happen to the blacks cause they aint built like brick houses no more these new kds & some of them aint even sick it lauk like their hstory was stolen from them shauntaake already know what happen cause shauntaake see hw the foreigners came trynna own everythang the foreigners they became the nw great thang & the blaks aint own nothang & a bunch of nothang hstory gives u nothang results shauntaake aitn made at the forigners & shauntaake see hw they also built their empires in america & their becomang beautifuller than the blacks & their weight  
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shauntaake online right now laukang for american goverment informaton credit card numbers to see if they have millions in funds for us to use cause shauntaake online laukang at all of these fraud credit card cases they have test cards shauntaake need some kilos of gold right now have shauntaake online right now trynna find someone credit card numbers & cvv code numbers shauntaake could use to make some purchases shauntaake trynna do right thats why shauntaake need a couple of u millionaires to let shauntaake use your credit cards so shauntaake could purchase what shauntaake need u could text your credit card & cvv code  informaton to shauntaake number at (201) 898 - 4752 they have a wwwwwwwwhole list of ppl names addresses & numbers wit their credit cards & cvv numbers online right now & it aint even funny they have some pll names that so called raised cause they wasnt shauntaake investment beverly hills invesrment makes their darang shauntaake to use their credit car numbers cause shauntaake been beang good they know shauntaake deserve everythang shauntaake want been so full of real talent & shauntaake say fucka loan shauntaake dont want to be indebt to nobody they keep offerang shauntaake loans no thanks 
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projectdroid1-blog · 6 years
An Introduction To Options Trading Success with James Bittman
An Introduction To Options Trading Success with James Bittman https://www.projectdroid.com/ebook/an-introduction-to-options-trading-success-with-james-bittman/
An Introduction to Options Trading Success
Presented by: James B. Bittman Senior Instructor, The Options Institute (the educational arm of The Chicago Board Options Exchange) and Author, Options for the Stock Investor and Trading Index Options
In order to simplify the computations, commissions have not been included in the examples used in these materials. Commissions will impact the outcome of the stock and options transactions and should be considered. Options involve risks and are not suitable for everyone. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Copies which may be obtained from The Chicago Board Options (1-800-OPTIONS) or from your broker. The investor considering options should consult their tax advisor as to how taxes may affect the outcome of contemplated options transactions. A prospectus, which discusses the role of the Options Clearing Corporation, is also available without charge upon request addressed to the Options Clearing Corporation; 440 S. LaSalle St., Suite 908, Chicago, Illinois 60605 or the CBOE; LaSalle at Van Buren, Chicago, Illinois 60605. ANY STRATEGIES DISCUSSED, INCLUDING EXAMPLES USING ACTUAL SECURITIES AND PRICE DATA, ARE STRICTLY FOR ILLUSTRATIVE AND EDUCATION PURPOSES AND ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS AN ENDORSEMENT, RECOMMENDATION, OR SOLICITATION TO BUY OR SELL SECURITIES. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE.
Investor Goals
Learning to Use Options
Understand the Mechanics (How options work) Have a Strategy, a Goal, and a Plan Define “success” in advance Have Realistic Expectations Call Option A contract which gives the buyer the right (but not the obligation) to buy some underlying instrument at a specified price until an expiration date. Strike Price and Expiration Strike Price: The “specified price” in an option contract. Expiration Date: The date after which an option contract and the right it contains ceases to exist. The call buyer or call owner is described as having a “long call position.” Example: Buy 5 XYZ Jan 2003 80 Calls at 15
Stock Price at Expiration Cost of Call Value at Expiration P/(L) 120 115 110 105 100
95 90 85 80 75 +25 - +20 - +15 - +10 - + 5 - LONG CALL 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----||----|----|- 60 80 100 - 5 - -10 - -15 - -20 - An investor will accumulate the cash to purchase stock over the next 18 months, but wants to lock in today’s stock price. STRATEGY: (1) BUY LEAPS CALL (2) START SAVING AT EXPIRATION: If stock is above strike price, exercise call and use savings to pay for stock. If stock is at or below strike price, a loss results. Reconsider the decision. STRATEGY: (1) Buy LEAPS Call (2) Start Saving GOAL: Buy Stock With Limited Risk PLAN: Exercise The Call REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: The full premium paid for the call is at risk of being lost. A trader has a two-week bullish forecast for a stock due to a pending earnings report. STRATEGY: BUY A 60-DAY CALL IN TWO WEEKS (OR SOONER): If profit target is reached, sell the call and realize the profit. If stop-loss point is reached, sell the call and realize the loss. If two weeks pass and neither is reached, sell the call. STRATEGY: Buy a 60-day Call GOAL: Make a short-term profit PLAN: Sell the Call in two weeks (max.) REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: The full premium paid for the call is at risk of being lost. The call seller or call writer is described as having a “short call position.” Example:
Sell 5 QRS Sep 75 Calls at 3
COVERED WRITING DEFINED: BUY STOCK AND SELL CALLS (ON A SHARE-FOR-SHARE BASIS) Example: Buy 500 QRS 73 Sell 5 Sep 75 Calls 3 Covered call writers are obligated to sell the stock if an assignment notice is received. The possibility of an early assignment must be considered. Selling Covered Calls
Stock Price Long Stock Short 75 Call Combined at Expiration Profit / (Loss) Profit / (Loss) Profit / (Loss)
80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71
Selling Covered Calls
+ 6 - + 5 - + 4 - + 3 - + 2 - + 1 - COVERED CALL 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- 70 75 80 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - The static return calculation assumes that the stock price is unchanged at option expiration and the call expires. Income Investment X Time Factor Call + Dividend Days per Year X Stock Price Days to EXP The if-called return calculation assumes that the stock price is above the strike price at option expiration and that the call is assigned. Note that a commission is involved when an option is assigned. Income + Gain Investment X Time Factor (Call + Dividend) + (Strike - Stock) Days per Year X Stock Price Days to EXP Start with cash Find a stock: 5-10% expected price rise prior to expiration Buy stock / sell call Be willing to sell stock at strike price and be willing to forego profits on stock above the strike price At expiration: hope to end with cash Have a stop-loss Diversify (do more than one at a time) Do it again (always be looking for more stocks) A contract which gives the buyer the right (but not the obligation) to sell some underlying instrument at a specified price until an expiration date.
 has the right to sell stock
 at an agreed upon price (the strike)  until the expiration date  for this right, the put buyer pays a premium
Stock Price Cost of Value at at Expiration Put Expiration P/(L)
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54
Long Put
+ 5 - + 4 - + 3 - + 2 - + 1 - 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- 55 60 65 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 -
“Free” Protection
Own 1,000 XYZ 100
Buy 10 Jan 95 Puts 6
Sell 10 Jan 110 Calls 6
Stock Price Lng Stock Sht 110 Call Lng 95 Put Combined at Expiration P / (L) P / (L) P / (L) P / (L)
125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 +12 - +10 -
+ 8 - + 6 - + 4 - + 2 -
0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|-
90 100 110 - 2 - - 4 - - 6 -
Question 1 Stock Price: $50  $51 Days to Exp: 90  90 50-Strike Call: 3 1/4  ?
Trading Calls and Puts
Question 2 Stock Price: $50  $50 Days to Exp: 90  45 50-Strike Call: 3 1/4  ?
50 Call - Theoretical Values
S t o c k P r i c e 9 0 D a y s 7 5 D a y s 6 0 D a y s 4 5 D a y s 3 0 D a y s 1 5 D a y s E X P 5 3 5 1/8 4 3 / 4 4 1 / 2 4 1/8 3 3/4 3 3 / 8 3 5 2 4 3/8 4 1 / 8 3 3 / 4 3 3/8 3 2 1 / 2 2 5 1 3 3/4 3 1 / 2 3 1 / 8 2 3/4 2 3/8 1 3 / 4 1 5 0 3 1/4 2 7 / 8 2 5 / 8 2 1/4 1 3/4 1 1 / 4 0 4 9 2 3/4 2 3 / 8 2 1 / 8 1 3/4 1 1/4 3 / 4 0 4 8 2 1/4 1 7 / 8 1 5 / 8 1 1/4 7 / 8 1 / 2 0 4 7 1 3/4 1 1 / 2 1 1 / 4 1 5 / 8 1 / 4 0 4 6 1 1/8 7 / 8 5/8 1/2 1 / 4 1 / 1 6 0
DELTA: Change in option price for a one-point change in the underlying stock price. If the stock price changes by $1, the option price will change by less than $1 TIME DECAY is non-linear for at-the- money options. There is less time decay initially, and more as expiration approaches. Realistic Expectations Depend on 4 Questions:
I buy/sell the option today
If my forecast is correct...
What will the option price be?
Is that OK?
The forecast must include 2 parts. » Price of underlying » Time period Have realistic expectations Always examine more than one alternative Have a stop-loss point Apply your method of market prediction with discipline Some time ago you purchased XYZ at $60. The price is now $50. You are willing to keep holding this stock, because you think that the price will rise to $55 in 60 days. At this point you just want your money back. You would like to break even on this trade and invest this capital somewhere else. Consider the following price information and choose an option strategy that will lower your break-even point without increasing risk if your forecast is realized. August 15 CALLS PUTS
Stock #1 Strike SEP OCT SEP OCT (@$50) 50 1 1/4 3 1 2 1/4 55 1/4 1 1/2 5 1/4 5 3/4 60 --- 5/8 10 10 3/8
Add a Ratio Call Spread to Long Stock
Own 100 shares (cost) $60 Buy 1 50 Call @ 3 and Sell 2 55 Calls @ 1 1/2 each
Stk Px at Exp Lng Stk @ $60 Lng 50 Call @ 3 Shrt 2 55 Calls @ 1 1/2 ea. Total P/(L) 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
+ 3 + 2 - + 1 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- - 1 - 50 55 60 - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - -10 - STRATEGY: Add Ratio Call Spread to long stock position GOAL: Break Even (and cash out) PLAN: Hold options to Expiration REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: Substantial risk from long stock position.
Stock Price at Expiration Cost of Call Value at Expiration P/(L) 120 15 40 +25 115 15 35 +20 110 15 30 +15 105 15 25 +10 100 15 20 + 5 95 15 15 0 90 15 10 (5) 85 15 5 (10) 80 15 0 (15) 75 15 0 (15)
+25 - +20 - +15 - +10 - + 5 - LONG CALL 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----||----|----|- 60 80 100 - 5 - -10 - -15 - -20 - Selling Covered Calls
Stock Price at Expiration Long Stock Profit / (Loss) Short 75 Call Profit / (Loss) Combined Profit / (Loss) 80 +7 (2) +5 79 +6 (1) +5 78 +5 0 +5 77 +4 +1 +5 76 +3 +2 +5 75 +2 +3 +5 74 +1 +3 +4 73 0 +3 +3 72 (1) +3 +2 71 (2) +3 +1
Selling Covered Calls + 6 - + 5 - + 4 - + 3 - + 2 - + 1 - COVERED CALL 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- 70 75 80 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - Long Put (Buy 1 60 Put @ 3)
Stock Price at Expiration Cost of Put Value at Expiration P/(L) 63 3 0 (3) 62 3 0 (3) 61 3 0 (3) 60 3 0 (3) 59 3 1 (2) 58 3 2 (1) 57 3 3 0 56 3 4 +1 55 3 5 +2 54 3 6 +3
Long Put + 5 - + 4 - + 3 - + 2 - + 1 - 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- 55 60 65 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 -
The Collar Strategy
Stock Price at Expiration Lng Stock P / (L) Sht 110 Call P / (L) Lng 95 Put P / (L) Combined P / (L) 125 +25 (9) (6) +10 120 +20 (4) (6) +10 115 +15 +1 (6) +10 110 +10 +6 (6) +10 105 + 5 +6 (6) + 5 100 0 +6 (6) 0 95 (5) +6 (6) (5) 90 (10) +6 (1) (5)
The Collar Strategy +12 - +10 -
+ 8 - + 6 - + 4 - + 2 -
0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- 90 100 110 - 2 - - 4 - - 6 -
Stk Px at Exp Lng Stk @ $60 Lng 50 Call @ 3 Shrt 2 55 Calls @ 1 1/2 ea. Total P/(L) 56 ( 4) +3 +1 0 55 ( 5) +2 +3 0 54 ( 6) +1 +3 ( 2) 53 ( 7) 0 +3 ( 4) 52 ( 8) (1) +3 ( 6) 51 ( 9) (2) +3 ( 8) 50 (10) (3) +3 (10) 49 (11) (3) +3 (11)
+ 3 + 2 - + 1 0 --|----|----|----||----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----||----|----|- - 1 - 50 55 60 - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - -10 -
0 notes
hillcountrytimes · 7 years
Whittier Trust Co Has Raised Costco Whsl New Com (COST) Holding; Aerovironment (AVAV) SI Decreased By 13.78%
Whittier Trust Co increased Costco Whsl Corp New Com (COST) stake by 81.53% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Whittier Trust Co acquired 17,865 shares as Costco Whsl Corp New Com (COST)’s stock rose 1.54%. The Whittier Trust Co holds 39,777 shares with $6.36M value, up from 21,912 last quarter. Costco Whsl Corp New Com now has $80.25B valuation. The stock decreased 0.43% or $0.795 during the last trading session, reaching $183.635. About 345,014 shares traded. Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) has risen 25.14% since December 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 8.44% the S&P500.
Aerovironment Incorporated (NASDAQ:AVAV) had a decrease of 13.78% in short interest. AVAV’s SI was 1.44M shares in December as released by FINRA. Its down 13.78% from 1.66 million shares previously. With 215,900 avg volume, 7 days are for Aerovironment Incorporated (NASDAQ:AVAV)’s short sellers to cover AVAV’s short positions. The SI to Aerovironment Incorporated’s float is 7.05%. The stock decreased 1.88% or $0.855 during the last trading session, reaching $44.725. About 10,917 shares traded. AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV) has risen 11.69% since December 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 5.01% the S&P500.
AeroVironment, Inc. designs, develops, produces, supports, and operates unmanned aircraft systems and efficient energy systems (EES) in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $1.05 billion. The firm offers small UAS products to deliver intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; and communications, such as real-time tactical reconnaissance, tracking, combat assessment, and geographic data to the small tactical unit or individual operator. It has a 52.68 P/E ratio. The Company’s small UAS wirelessly transmit critical live video and other information to a hand-held ground control unit enabling the operator to view and capture images; ground control systems allow the operator to control the aircraft; and tactical missile systems designed to be reusable for various flights and to be recovered through an autonomous landing feature that enables a controlled descent to a designated location.
Since June 5, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 1 insider sale for $126,960 activity. $126,960 worth of AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV) shares were sold by Conver Timothy E.
Investors sentiment increased to 2.14 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.44, from 1.7 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 12 investors sold AeroVironment, Inc. shares while 24 reduced holdings. 24 funds opened positions while 53 raised stakes. 18.06 million shares or 3.57% less from 18.73 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Stephens Inv Mgmt Limited Liability Co reported 351,352 shares. Arizona State Retirement Sys stated it has 10,798 shares. The North Carolina-based Bancorporation Of America De has invested 0% in AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV). Cwm Ltd Com has 139,267 shares. White Pine Capital Ltd Liability owns 38,115 shares for 0.57% of their portfolio. Ameriprise Inc holds 0% of its portfolio in AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV) for 108,125 shares. Ny State Common Retirement Fund owns 50,910 shares. Parametric Ltd Company reported 26,962 shares. Paloma Mngmt accumulated 0% or 6,120 shares. Creative Planning has 200 shares. Belgium-based Kbc Grp Nv has invested 0.01% in AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV). Awm holds 333,272 shares or 2.25% of its portfolio. Metropolitan Life Insurance Ny invested in 0% or 13,729 shares. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) accumulated 0% or 913 shares. Bluestein R H has invested 0.02% in AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV).
Among 5 analysts covering AeroVironment (NASDAQ:AVAV), 0 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. AeroVironment had 20 analyst reports since August 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Piper Jaffray downgraded AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV) rating on Monday, July 3. Piper Jaffray has “Hold” rating and $3500 target. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Monday, August 28 by Robert W. Baird. The rating was maintained by Jefferies with “Hold” on Friday, June 23. On Thursday, September 3 the stock rating was downgraded by TheStreet to “Sell”. The stock of AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVAV) earned “Neutral” rating by Robert W. Baird on Thursday, October 6. As per Friday, August 21, the company rating was upgraded by Zacks. downgraded the shares of AVAV in report on Monday, July 3 to “” rating. The company was maintained on Monday, October 23 by Robert W. Baird. The firm has “Sell” rating by Zacks given on Monday, August 31. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Thursday, August 10 by Canaccord Genuity.
Whittier Trust Co decreased Wells Fargo Co New Perp Pfd Cnv A stake by 582 shares to 2,136 valued at $2.80 million in 2017Q2. It also reduced Pimco Etf Tr Enhan Shrt Mat (MINT) stake by 17,701 shares and now owns 346,370 shares. Ishares Russell 2000 Index (IWM) was reduced too.
Since June 5, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 3 sales for $2.36 million activity. McKay John D sold $544,810 worth of Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) on Monday, June 5. Hines Daniel M. had sold 5,000 shares worth $906,598 on Tuesday, June 6. $906,504 worth of Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) was sold by Murphy James P. on Wednesday, June 7.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.28 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.40, from 0.88 in 2017Q1. It is positive, as 64 investors sold COST shares while 376 reduced holdings. 123 funds opened positions while 438 raised stakes. 311.53 million shares or 2.27% less from 318.75 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Hudock Cap Group Inc Limited Company reported 322 shares or 0.03% of all its holdings. Cypress Asset Mgmt Inc Tx invested in 0.44% or 13,567 shares. Harvey Invest Ltd Company, a Kentucky-based fund reported 42,956 shares. Rockefeller invested in 0% or 284 shares. Bb&T has 0.04% invested in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) for 12,526 shares. Texas-based Qcm Cayman Limited has invested 0.77% in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST). Sfe Investment Counsel holds 1.91% or 29,356 shares in its portfolio. Finemark Natl Fincl Bank reported 13,305 shares. Teacher Retirement Of Texas stated it has 0.18% of its portfolio in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST). Meiji Yasuda Asset Com invested 0.18% in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST). Brick & Kyle Assocs reported 0.19% stake. Univest Of Pennsylvania holds 19,888 shares or 1.34% of its portfolio. Matarin Mngmt Lc owns 3,202 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Panagora Asset stated it has 123,126 shares or 0.08% of all its holdings. 4,625 were accumulated by Cahill Finance Advsrs.
Among 29 analysts covering Costco Wholesale (NASDAQ:COST), 18 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 11 Hold. Therefore 62% are positive. Costco Wholesale had 104 analyst reports since August 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Telsey Advisory Group maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Thursday, October 1 report. The stock of Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) earned “Buy” rating by Cowen & Co on Monday, June 19. The rating was downgraded by BMO Capital Markets on Monday, July 10 to “Market Perform”. The stock of Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) has “Hold” rating given on Wednesday, September 30 by Deutsche Bank. The company was maintained on Friday, April 7 by BMO Capital Markets. The stock of Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) has “Equal-Weight” rating given on Thursday, March 31 by Barclays Capital. As per Friday, November 10, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Outperform” on Thursday, December 8. The stock has “Buy” rating by Oppenheimer on Thursday, July 6. The firm earned “Outperform” rating on Monday, November 9 by Telsey Advisory Group.
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from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/01/whittier-trust-co-has-raised-costco-whsl-new-com-cost-holding-aerovironment-avav-si-decreased-by-13-78/
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