#and it's still my absolute *favourite* iteration of them to write
littlespoonevan · 4 months
5b buddie is one of the best things that's ever happened to me actually
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oracleact · 1 year
You can totally choose to look past this cuz it might be a lot (Tw trauma?) I just got Carried, you know when Carrie (from the movie) she gets a bucked full of blood over her head on prom? A guy asked me out and to my surprise, I was blessed with ketchup, eggs and flour by him and his friends, the subway didn’t let me in and no Uber would accept me getting in a car, so I had to walk home. No one asked me what was wrong
I’m still processing that actually happened,. I’m assuming it’s bc of my weight, I’m tall and overweight, I mainly keeps things to myself, am a introvert, idk what other thing could be a reason besides my body. Could you please write a comfort scenario with the tmnt boys? Or one of them, you can choose, Could be platonic, romantic, idk, just reader (who’s usually friendly but don’t talk much about their romantic life cuz they don’t feel like it’s worth investing time, and when they finally decide to change that, thst happens) crying as a mess in front of them for the first time, saying they are tired of living in a body that feels more of a curse than anything,
It’s a lot, I know, you can delete this if you aren’t comfortable doing it (I’m 100% serious)
Thank you Eitherway and hope you have a good day
first of all, I’m so sorry that happened to you. back in high school, I was doused after classes so I can definitely understand your pain here. they are absolutely pathetic for even thinking about doing that to someone; they are total assholes because they acted on it too and I wish for it to haunt them one day when (or if) they mature. you did amazing on your way home that day - I hope that, with time, things will get better for you. you deserve great things. I haven’t written anything with all of the boys before but I wanted to give it a try for you to cheer you up. I wish you well, and I hope you can find comfort in our wonderful turtles!
« got your back »
tmnt x reader / angst + fluff
notes: 1.6k words, all turtles included, platonic relationship, gender neutral reader (no pronouns used,) first person pov, I was thinking of 2012 tmnt while writing this but it probably fits with most iterations.
I can’t believe I’m walking home in the dark, completely covered in miscellaneous goop. I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone about the date that was supposed to happen tonight because, if someone saw me right now, I don’t know what I would do. no public transport let me on covered in eggs and flour, the same for taxis, so now I’m stuck dragging myself home by my own two feet. they are awfully heavy despite my hurry to get back which doesn’t seem fair at all - it’s like my body is laughing at me in equal measure to the rest of the crowd back there.
put your head down and keep walking, put your head down and keep walking, put your—
“hey guys, look!” I stop in my tracks as soon as I hear that voice echo through the night sky. it sounded too much like mikey to simply ignore it.
“mikey, for the last time, shh! ninjas, remember?” that was definitely leo. they all must be up on a roof somewhere but I don’t dare to look up. my feet won’t move anymore regardless, they’re refusing to pick up and run. my body really does hate me tonight huh?
“mikey is right though, look down - hey there!” I slowly crane my neck towards the sound of their chatters and am met with possibly the worst sight I could see at this exact moment: all four of my mutant friends standing on a nearby roof, just as I suspected.
“hi everyone,” I give an awkward wave as they stare down at me.
“want to meet up at the entrance to the lair to hang? we’re just heading back,” raph calls out.
I need a plan, and fast.
thankfully, they can’t see that I’m covered in mush from where they are, but if I go to the lair then that will change. however, if I say ‘no’ to hanging out with them then they’ll get suspicious anyway and follow after me. they’re my best friends, my favourite thing in the whole world is hanging out with them. even if I genuinely can’t hang out we still find a loophole to be together.
either of these choices leaves me doomed to talk about this disaster of a night eventually so…
“sure, you go ahead and I’ll be there in a second.”
…I go with option one.
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I knew the boys would get there first so I’ve had more time to come up with some lame lie before I face them: one point to me. I slap on a brave face and a ridiculously wide smile in the hopes that it would distract them from what I have going on all over my clothes. taking a deep breath, I turn the final corner to enter the lair.
“hey bud!” mikey bursts through the rest of the guys and comes skipping towards me. I freeze and simply wait for him to see me in the light. “woah, what happened to you?”
after hearing mikey’s question, everyone starts to crowd in around me, thinking I had been hurt or something on the way here. to their surprise, I have no cuts or scrapes…just a bunch of different types of produce in my hair. they begin to mutter more questions but my mind is too hazy to hear them clearly, opting to stand there and stare into the space behind them. leo notices me zoning out pretty quickly and leads me to the seating area in the middle of the lair by my arm, the rest of the boys following with worry in their eyes.
I sit down on the couch; raph bends down in front of me, donnie sits on my right, mikey hangs over the back of the couch to lean on my left, and leo rests his hands on my shoulders from behind me.
“who did this to you? I’ll kill them, I’ll punch them into the ground I swear to god—“
“raph, calm down. we need to know what happened first before we start going haywire.” I’ve never seen donnie look so aggravated before. it looks like he secretly wants to join in with raph’s immediate anger instead of acting ‘rationally’ this time.
“no need for punching anyone or anything ha! I— uh— tripped while I was walking home and fell straight into a pile of garbage surrounding a dumpster. how clumsy of me ha! I’m so silly. I wasn’t watching where I was going and it was dark so…” my words trail off as I finally look directly at my friends. none of them are believing this story at all.
“tell us the truth, it’s alright. you’re safe here.” leo speaks with such a warm tone, it makes holding back my tears even harder than it already was.
“I’m fine! I promise I’m fine, really I just tripped!” I force my lips into a thin line, trying to twist them into some kind of smile, until mikey pokes at my cheek. I turn to him.
“please tell us what’s wrong.” is he giving me puppy eyes? damn it mikey…
I couldn’t push back my tears any longer and the flood gates exploded. I was in hysterics, sobbing so loudly it bounced off the walls of the lair. I couldn’t stop, each sob rippled through me and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. the boys cooed at me, all of them placing a hand somewhere on my body to ground me and to let me know that I’m not alone as I cried. they tried still asking me questions but I couldn’t get out any words, only heartbreaking whimpers left my mouth. they accepted their fate of silent sobs though and simply stayed beside me.
after a while, I’ve calmed down slightly, and I see the boys look at each other and nod in the corner of my blurry eyes. then, all of a sudden, raph and leo run off. they come back not long after with a basin of water, towels and some other things that I can’t quite see cradled in their large hands. my curiosity is answered in a split second though as the four begin to wipe away the dirt that covers me, still allowing me to ride out my cries in the meantime.
raph gets back into his bent position to gently clean my face, donnie and mikey clean down my arms, and leo starts to brush my hair the best that he can. it must be a brush that april keeps here at the lair, since I don’t think I’ve left one here before.
they continued like this - softly wiping and rinsing - until they were sure that they had done all they can do to rid me of this sticky mess, and until I was able to stabilise my breathing and speak somewhat clearly again.
“april is going to be mad that you got ketchup on her hairbrush,” I say lowly between hiccups. leo laughs and assures me that the brush is perfectly fine; no need to worry.
it is silent (apart from the sound of my sniffling) while they put down their tools and clear them away from the couch, until donnie speaks, “we don’t want to push you to talk but we are here to listen if you want to.”
maybe it is finally time to talk about it. as much as I don’t want to, I think I need to. I’m always the one with a bright smile and cheery attitude but I need to let that go for now. I need comfort, and I need to admit that to myself - even if it’s for this singular moment.
I begin to explain the story of the date and how it went terribly wrong - just the vital details to build the story rather than adding my feelings about it. being vulnerable like this isn’t my strong point so I need to prepare myself to talk about that part with truth and from the heart.
I can see the pure rage in raph’s eyes as he sits in front of me, his teeth grinding together and a low growl coming out of him. he goes to say something but donnie stops him with a hand on his shoulder. he gives red a pat and he seems to understand what he is signalling, inhaling and exhaling with his eyes closed before fixing his posture to listen to me again.
“you know, I don’t know if I want raph to rough up him or rough up me at this point,” I let out a laugh to try and soften the atmosphere but the expressions of the boys tell me that it didn’t work. they look confused; sad. “a good rough up might fix whatever is wrong with me, because it’s obviously me. look at me! why else would he have made plans to humiliate me like that? what do I need to punch into shape - the way I look? the way I act?” I laugh again with the same intent as earlier despite knowing that it is going to do nothing to lessen the impact of my words.
“did he specifically make you feel like that?” raph says through gritted teeth, “that you’re not good enough?”
“no, I guess I’ve been feeling that way for a while. he just made it worse - a lot worse.” my eyes start to burn again with more tears. I’m surprised I’m not dehydrated yet.
mikey grabs my face in his hands, his eyes also look clouded with tears, “you are so beautiful. really, you are. I remember when I first saw you I was like ‘woah, they’re even prettier than the humans I see on tv!’ you don’t need to change anything about the way you look, I can tell you that for sure.”
“nor do you need to change anything about your personality or how you act,” donnie chimes in. “why do you think we like you so much? you’re awesome! you’re smart, kind, caring, plus you treat us like we’re golden and we’re literally in the sewers right now,” we all giggle at the last statement he makes.
leo pats me on the head, signally me to look up towards him, “you are the greatest friend we could have ever asked for, and if we need to remind you of that more then we will. you deserve to feel that you’re worthy and loved and I can tell you with certainty that you are when you’re here with us. there’s no need to hide from us, we’ve got you’re back.”
raph grabs my hand, “and seriously, if you want us to go and talk to that guy we will.”
“raph!” the others shout. I laugh at the slight panic hiding in their voices - it’s fully directed at their brother and his fists.
“what?! I said talk not bash into the ground so what do you want from me?!”
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diviningrodtv · 5 months
Oh yeah, NSH Time.
I've been holding this post back for like a week😅
I absolutely love how NSH came out and I think he's currently my favourite rain world model that I've done! (Sorry Pebbles, I'm going to upgrade you later anyway :]
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I also made his scarf easily removable so you can see how the stripes aren't just on his head! The stripes and his irises also glow, but a bit brighter than the areas on Five Rotten Pebbles.
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His antennae are pretty similar to how I did Sliver's, especially considering I did his first! XD They're separated from his head a bit.
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Also if you've noticed in my art that his eyes are the exact same as in the model here, that's because they are! I tried finding a way to draw them how I usually might, but I just couldn't get the same vibe! So I said, "Fuck it!" and I've been drawing over his model ever since XD
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NSH is also who I used to make the "umbilical arm" model! So if you saw those posts, that's why the textures are all messed up!
And here it is in all it's glory!
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It's mostly made of ball joints with a flexible joint attached to the back. The last segment also twists just like your forearm bones!
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Also..... lore shit below cause I have, plans™ so-
If you don't want to know why NSH is acting strange on my blog yet, read no further!
(there's also some downpour spoilers, and some other disturbing things)
*slaps top of can* This bad boy can fit so much fucking insanity in him. (cw: self-harm yeah you heard me)
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If you haven't figured it out already (I did drop hints :) NSH's structure is damaged! His legs are giving out because a group of scavengers thought it would be funny to transport all of their explosives at once.
So he's in a bit of a pickle!
This is when Looks to the Moon and Five Pebbles' communication tower is repaired! During their first conversation in a very long time, NSH finds out about good ol' Hunter long legs, and is rightfully distraught! He feels like a total failure, that he wasn't experienced enough to properly create his messenger.
That's what this whole post was about!
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But, experience is something that can be gained.
NSH figured if Five Pebbles was able to leave his can, then he should be able to as well, but that requires solving the three problems I mentioned in the Five Rotten Pebbles post:
The self-genome modification barrier,
A general lack of puppet central brain matter, and
No material processing within the puppet.
I'll talk about my umbilical lore for this AU here since it's relevant.
Either the "cord" or the "arm" can be disconnected, but not both. This is for ease of repair by administrators. Disconnecting them both would leave the unfortunate Iterator fully functional. Although, they would be blind in the visible spectrum (apart from overseers), unable to speak directly to someone in their chamber, and would otherwise have their workflow be severely impaired. They would effectively be trapped in their own head.
NSH realised that even if the barriers existed, they could still have the intentions, to break them. So what would happen, if he broke one? Not by writing it out of his system, Five Pebbles already proved how risky that method was, but instead by setting his actions in motion faster than any barrier could stop them? This was something to test, and wasn't that what Iterators were built to do anyway?
Umbilicals can only be disconnected by administrators, but what if he were to do it anyway? He needed to leave his can after all, it wouldn't be much of a loss if he was stuck on the floor of his chamber or floating aimlessly in zero gravity for a while.....
So what if he just ran fast enough to rip himself off?
What if he moved his arm back at the last second, could he gain enough inertia to pull it out of his back? Even if it took a few tries?
What other choices does he have? Perfect Five Pebbles' method until he collapses and continue even then? He had time, but not enough for that, and The Hunter certainly did not have any time for waiting around. NSH had to fix his mistake, he had to.
So this bastard goes and does exactly that, and short-circuits his entire system.
Not just breaking the umbilical maintenance barrier, but every other one in the process.
And it all hurts like hell.
But that's the first problem solved, and now he can help keep himself afloat longer. So that now, he can figure out how to solve the other two problems with precision.
Of course, the others won't like any of these plans, but, after what Five Pebbles did, they wouldn't dare disturb him if he stopped responding, right?
And maybe, he could even hijack their communications array, to look for help.
yeah so NSH is not sane
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hey toothpaste! got any good fic recs for me to read?
hello little moth friend !! YES i do <3 admittedly i have spent most of my free time recently in the trenches of captive prince fic lolza........... but i have many r/s fics (ft. 1 rogue james/regulus fic) that i've read and loved over the past few months <3 so without further ado ::::
long live living (if living can be this) by excaliburned
SCREAM i had to start this list with my very favourite comfort fic <333 the oblivious/jealous sirius blueprint! fic of All time! i love love loooove this one, truly i adore it <33
the weather inside by earlybloomingparentheses
this fic.... fakkk i re-read it recently and was just as affected by it as i was the first time i read it. i feel like i can't say too much here without hashtag exposing myself but i truly adore it. for me personally, it scratches n soothes the rawest of wounds <3
the making of the map by fox_pitch
this is one of my favourite canon verse fics, and although it was written semi-recently it still very much has that old-school mwpp feel <33 it's the perfect balance of angst and humour ft. top tier pining ;;; i truly lose my mind every time i read this 🤭
storm and stress by @mblematic
an all timer ‼️‼️‼️ sirius durmstrang AU ‼️‼️‼️ i love this fic so much, they're so sweet, so much crush crush crushingggg (i love it when they do that), this remus in particular is so....... 🤭🤭... i want to pat his head. this is another of my all-time favourite comfort fics <333 truly LOVELY
this hell (is better with you) by @maybebabyplease
i don't often read jegulus, but if it's em writing i'd read it every day PLEEK i love this fic..... it's saurr funny, james's internal voice is so well done, and REGULUS.......... :'-)))))) ..... altho i am listed as a beta, do not be fooled... i did very little other than gush n giggle n go insane in the comments.... i will forever be obsessed with this iteration of them. i cannot say enough good things about em's writing, and this fic !! searing capitalist critique ft. a love story about an angel and a demon, w equal parts heart and humour ...... HELLOUGH .... teslas being the official Car of hell never ceases 2 make me giggle 🤭
you wouldn't like me by @crushofdoves
GAHHHHHH i finally caught up with ywlm recently (i'd been saving it for a rainy day... the days are very rainy atm) and it's just <333 so Gender and lovely and full of heart and makes me feel so nostalgic in the most delightful way <3 i have so much to say about this one and haven't quite found the words yet, but all i'll say for now is that i will probably forever associate caring is creepy with this fic and that song is one of my favourite songs of all time so. that's when you know xxx (also remus literally sucks the strap.... like.... hello🖐️....)
shorn and scarred and yours by @lynxindisguise
thee slytherin sirius fic of my dreams i am not kidding i truly adore this fic so so much !!! it made me go absolutely insane and pulled me headfirst out of a truly awful reading slump and i have not looked back since 💋💋 this sirius (and remus!) are so special to me <333 every now n again, as i'm going about my day, i randomly remember sirius starting a cult and have a little giggle to myself🤭
there are so many others that i know i'm forgetting ... so stay tuned for pt. 2 :o))))
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damianbugs · 1 year
saki i'm sorry i don't know much about DC comics, but i have been confused about something recently when seeing fan comics — are Bruce and Two-Face (Harvey?) still friends post-whatever happened to him? I think they were friends before, maybe, but some fanon has been suggesting to me they might still be, so I was wondering about that. Opinions on him, too, maybe? I know fuck all about him but he's so quirky
i wouldn't say they're... still friends exactly. let's do some background real quick.
i think the really sweet and close friendship bruce wayne and harvey dent had prior to his acid attack, that inspires a lot of fancontent — is from Batman: The Animated Show. in this iteration of their history, they're close friends who obviously mean a lot to each other, which is why the guilt batman feels for two-face is only more painful.
(of course in much earlier comics and harvey's original introduction (detective comics #66) bruce and harvey are friends too. though, it's not often referenced as his origin much anymore.)
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in the comics however, the friendship starts and unfortunately ends with batman. batman, (captain) jim gordon, (DA) harvey all work together to try and solve the case in Batman: The Long Halloween.
they grow close and personally, i think bruce was really starting to form a close bond and trust with harvey throughout their partnership. this really shines through when after harvey becomes two-face (which is a long and sad story), bruce still has somewhat of a belief that harvey can still be good.
though, we know now that two-face ends up having a permanent spot in gothams rouge gallery, but i suppose it's because of this history of trust that batman continues to encourage harvey to turn his life around (a sentiment he has with a lot of his rouges, but something that is especially prominent in his relationship with two-face).
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as for what their origins are in the new 52? i have no idea! moving on.
for what their relationship is like currently;
the most recent interactions i think they've had is in ram v's current Detective Comics run (which is FANTASTIC) and out of all the harvey and bruce comics i have read, it is probably my favourite. they're not even the main focused relationship, but it is such an important one for the theme of this arc.
in this run harvey is at war with himself, struggling between being 'good' and being 'bad' — but also struggling to simply have a choice at doing either. bruce is also facing a similar turmoil. so we see this really wonderful parallel in the midst of a battle where harvey is debating whether or not he wants to save bruce or leave him to die, and bruce is battling whether he wants to give in or keep going.
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two-face does end up saving bruce. this is something very important to both of their characters.
it shows bruce that the man he befriended is not lost and it gives harvey a sense of autonomy that he's been stripped of for a long time. it's a short but very moving subplot about hope.
that being said, harvey isn't doing this because he wants to be friends with bruce again. or well, two-face isn't. it's complicated.
i don't think i could do the writing justice (there is also like, an insane overarching plot going on). once he drags bruces half dead body to safety, he threatens him, leaves bruce there and is currently, on the run.
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so friends? not really. enemies? also not exactly. really tragic story about missing someone you once knew, wondering if you ever really knew them in the first place? ABSOLUTELY.
there is also some insanely obvious queercoding taking place in their story, but i focused on their friendship side of things.
it's one of bruce's more complicated rouge relationships, and probably the best one thematically. harvey is such an interesting character and if dc wouldn't use the same green headed dumbass as the villain in all their batman stories, two-face would definitely be the most compelling rouge for bruce.
i don't know if this actually made any sense, and also apologies for taking so long to answer this! here is probably one of the best detective comics covers ever made as an apology (it is bruce standing in the middle of a split two-face carved golden door with a batman shadow in the back. this shit is marvelous).
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thiriumhound · 1 year
Of course I'll remind you, I'll do it right now in this ask, so you could share your favourite whump fics when you feel like doing it. And for now let this ask just hang in there
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok SSO. *heavy breathing*
have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i really wish the androids were treated like the living autonomous machines they are instead of human expys"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i sure wish cyberlife had any development literally at all- kamski probably had absolutely nothing to do with connor's development, so why is he considered connor's 'maker'?" have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i wonder if there's anything more to amanda, and i wonder if chloe being the first android to pass the turing test means anything? surely there's something there"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, it sure is ridiculous how despite being conscious ais with full internet access, none of them really do anything with it"? have you ever thought "man it would be cool if androids weren't constrained to stupid human physical and mental standards for the sake of easy writing"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, there are so few characters that are more than one-note cutouts, it's no wonder people made gavin reed into a whole different character because there was no one else available to use to make certain dynamics happen"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, it's just so bare-bones, with so many plotholes and unexplored things, i wish the worldbuilding had an ounce of thought and logic behind it!"?
it's got fucking EVERYTHING. wanna know what it was like to be the first ever fully conscious ai, a whole new kind of living being? BOOM, THIS FIC'S GOT YOU COVERED. ever wondered about the development behind them, cyberlife as a company and the people in it? FUCK YES LOOK RIGHT HERE. ever wanted to see connor in ways you've never seen him before, to the point where i actually can't construct this sentence meaningfully because there's just so fucking much??? PLEASE READ THIS FIC OH MY GOD. ever wanted to know WHAT THE FUCK RA9 IS????? YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT FUCKING RA9??????????????
this fic is called "Connor". it is about connor. the whole thing is mostly pov connor, and it's about connor, iterations ZERO TO SIXTY. NOT JUST STARTING AT 51, OH NO, WE GET IT ALL. why is his iteration number so high at the start of the game? WELL YOU BETTER BE EXCITED TO FIND OUT.
i haven't even read this fic recently it's been like weeks. a month? more? and i'm still internally screaming. i feel like i'm missing some of the main draws and i can't even describe a lot of it because i would DIE if i spoiled this masterpiece. this fic made me actually want to make myself learn to draw people so i can draw nothing but fanart for this fucking fic.
the characters, the pacing, the fucking lore, it's all immaculate. seriously. it feels like it's what dbh SHOULD'VE been. the writing style is utterly enrapturing. when i read it for the first time, i legitimately could not get myself to turn away from it for anything except tasks absolutely required on me. every single character feels like a PERSON. connor's complexity is fucking insane. he's lovable, he's terrifying, he's caring, he's callous. he is NOT static, at all. connor in chapter x is a completely different beast from chapter y. there is so much trauma and catastrophe, but PERFECTLY balanced with the humor. it's fucking perfect
let me supply some nice quotes to hook you. i can barely put any because spoilers and length but enjoy mostly funnies but also some of the angst
•"I do stuff without thinking sometimes." "Clearly," I say. "No intelligent being would jump out of a moving vehicle for no reason." "I have a reason," he says. "I promised I wasn't gonna leave you ever again and I meant it." "Hey, are they filming a scene?" I hear a human whisper.
•"Mrs Vondracek, this is Gennadiy Petrov," he says. "Who?" "Elijah's friend from work. You remember?" "Elijah doesn't have any friends."
•There is only a 6% chance that Carridan will say anything. He knows what I'm capable of. He knows what will happen to those that stand in the way of my mission.
•"You do not waltz into some girl's house, kidnap her and frame yourself for murder. Do you understand?"
•I transmit my payment details. CyberLife have an expense account set up in case I need to purchase items relevant to my mission objective. Sergeant Matthews is relevant to my mission objective. And he wants Oreos.
•I scan and analyse the quadruped with short brown fur, brown eyes. Loud noises emanate from what I suspect is its mouth. "Dog," I identify, unsure of the significance.
•He squeezes my shoulders. "It's alright, buddy," he says. "Just breathe." "I don't breathe." "Okay. What do you usually do when you're having a meltdown?" "I experience critical system failure." "Ummm. Okay... don't do that."
•I cannot decipher his handwriting. Neither can the software on the tablet. It saves the note as an image. I download it to study but my advanced analysis systems can't crack it. This is worse than a captcha code.
•I hear the shrieking of steel as the disc begins to rotate. No... Please... Where is Sergeant Matthews? Where is the CPD? The FBI? CyberLife? Why am I alone? Why am I always alone?
•I watch him die. As so many others have died. Their blood on my hands.
•"You're a bad person," he says, clutching at the BN250's uniform. "I'm not a person," I say. "Neither are you."
god i wish i could put more but spoilers- anyway this is just some of the stuff i screenshotted to my phone. not even close to all the good stuff just please read the fic im begging u it'll be worth it you'll never be able to look at canon as complete again
read. now
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mimjandoodlesstuff · 1 year
April Fusions haha
They kept rotting my brain for a hot second so I started writing up concepts myself, but then this ask properly sprung me into action. @bluepeachstudios you've done it again with the hinting!
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I suppose the only really interesting things about these takes are how I named them. I already have a fusion storyline planned for my own TMNT iteration, and the Turtles fuse with April in it so I combined their names there. I didn't want to do that again here, so instead I took a more unique approach. I named them after each of the Turtles' VAs' birthday months (because, you know, April). I mean, why not utilise canon/meta/out-of-universe facts for a project like this? I can't do this for my own characters. I did have two rules in place in case any of them overlapped, of which I was forced to use one.
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May is probably my least favourite out of the bunch. There's really nothing about her that screams Leo besides like- a shell, blue eyes, injuries... It's probably therefore not surprising I drew her first, so I really didn't know what I wanted to emphasise and so on. I should probably have had her face the camera more to get a better sense of her jawline. Make sure to make it nice and boxy lol
The plastron pride flags are demigirl, aroace and lesbian. While I do in my heart of hearts believe Leo has a not insignificant crush on Captain Ryan, I still wanted our gal to be a flaming lesbian despite that lol.
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March was incredibly fun to draw, and not just because @bluecookiesabi is an absolute joy to hang out with (thank the heavens for Discord streams!). I just really like drawing more feminine characters. I had most likely already sketched both May and March before I found the ask so I didn't know March is agender, but I don't think that's a problem at all. Agender people are allowed to be feminine, after all. And I don't consider Donnie to be some pinnacle of masculinity to begin with.
I figured, since the fic tags state that Donnie's autistic here, I'd give March just fluffy socks and slippers to keep dust and dirt from their feet for sensory reasons. That is definitely not projection on my part.
They're kind of giving 2003 April vibes with their hair in a bun. That was a happy accident which I'm really glad I kept to.
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January is just green April. Hers and Mikey's designs are already so incredibly similar in-canon I'm convinced she'd look pretty much exactly like him had she been mutated into a turtle. I didn't even feel the need to open January's eyes since they'd just be the same shade of blue more or less.
I don't have much to say about him other than she was fun to draw. Gymnastics poses are honestly kind of therapeutic to draw. But also, how are they able to make that pose? The answer is simple: January is just built different.
I also labelled xir as only aroace since I don't know what you have planned for Mikey.
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I'm really happy with how he turned out. While sketching I couldn't get the pose really working but once I did she really came together. I'd say September is the only Fusion (besides maybe March) that actually looks like the people he's made up of merged. Raph's stocky build fits April surprisingly well. And the choice to give her April's kunoichi getup but tattered was a really good idea in my opinion, and I'd like to give @pechtothevoid the credit they are so deservedly owed for that idea.
While not fic accurate at all, I had such a difficult time coming up with a good weapon for September. Who knew combining sai with tessen would be difficult? So instead I gave her a boomerang, which reminded me of Sokka, so I just straight up gave him Sokka's boomerang. I like the idea of her, upon fusing, just snagging Sokka's boomerang from the Mae Whitman-verse and using it as a blunt force weapon. I wanted to in a similar vein give him the One Ring from the Sean Astin-verse, but I couldn't get that to look good no matter how I placed it.
I like the name rules I came up with. Basically, since I didn't know in which months any of their actors were born in I had to come up with a replacement idea for naming in case any of them happen to overlap. The first rule was that if Rob and Greg happened to share a month with anyone else, the Donnie and Mikey Fusions would automatically get assigned December and May respectively. If Seth or Sean were to have overlapped with anyone, Leo's and Raph's Fusions would get the/a month whose first letter is the closest to either character's first name. March and January checked out, but since Seth and Sean are both born in February, I was forced to assign Leo and Raph May and September each. Small price to pay, honestly.
Tcest DNI and NO REPOSTING. Both groups can go die UwU
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 9 months
[tag game] get to know me
Thanks for the tag @xxluckystrike - love you, Blu! <3
name(s): helena! I'm no longer fussed about the pronunciation, I swear I've heard every iteration that is humanly possible. (it's phonetic. work it out people)
pronouns: she/her
star sign: libra
# of siblings & fun facts about them (if you have any): I have one sibling and we're super close. I'm a few years older than them and as such have successfully indoctrinated them into loads of my interests, and we love watching period dramas together - especially ones for 'old ladies' like Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife
# of pets & their names: I don't have any pets anymore, but I used to have 2 ginger cats - they were brothers named George and Jasper
fandoms: SOOOO many so I'm gonna have to shortlist - HBO War, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones/House of The Dragon, The Terror, Star Wars, Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows, Ted Lasso, BBC Ghosts, Doctor Who, Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit, and about a hundred different period dramas
favorite color: green!
favorite song: I think I'll have to go with I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers - literally nothing hits quite like it
favorite author (of anything readable-- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!): Leigh Bardugo is the author I've read the most of, but I also really love Taylor Jenkins Reid, her characters and writing style are really easy to engage with. I'm really getting into R.F. Kuang's books at the moment, as I'm currently reading the second book in the Poppy War trilogy.
hobbies: writing is ofc a big one, but I've always really loved art too! I've been acrylic painting for about ten years, which has enabled me to develop my skills in a way I'm really proud of, and I've recently started doing digital art too. I'm still trying to find my footing with that, and it'll take a lot of practice, but hopefully someday I might draw something good enough to post
favorite fic type: I love angst and fluff equally, it's all dependent on the character(s) I'm reading about or the mood I'm in tbh
favorite holiday: Christmas!!! I'm a Christmas girlie until I die, nothing else comes close
do you have any partner(s)? (romantic, qpp, anything!): nope
fun facts about you / anything extra you wanna share!: Wasn't sure if I should include music under fandoms, but it's a huge part of my life, so I thought I'd ramble about it here. My favourite artists are Hozier, Florence + The Machine, Phoebe Bridgers/Boygenius, and Taylor Swift (Who I'm going to see live this summer!). But I listen to music almost constantly, I literally can't do anything without it, whether I'm writing, working, or just walking around, music is an absolute life-saver to me
Tagging: @basilone @latibvles @dcyllom @trenchenjoyer @educationalporpoises @footprintsinthesxnd
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syerraffxiv · 1 year
What is your favourite thing about your character(s)? Above all else, every time you come back to them, what is the thing about them that makes you love them?
Oh boy, let's go... -cracks knuckles-
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Syerra is my namesake. There's a version of her in every game I play, because she herself is a version of me. In each iteration, she grows and develops in ways I never expect her to, good and bad, and that's always an experience for me. I love her perseverance - no matter what happens, she has never lost her gentle nature.
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Ahri was born out of a need to step away from a darkness that had settled into my life and connect to people and situations that were better for me. She has helped me achieve that and so much more. I love writing her because she has a freedom of spirit and abundance of confidence, which I often lack. I love her sense of adventure - she follows wherever life takes her and makes the absolute best of it.
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Vette is very different from my other characters and it's been really fun to write and develop her. She is angry, often unsociable, and carries a lot of trauma. But she's also endlessly loyal to those who she calls friend, and she can love more deeply than anyone might imagine. Writing her various interactions with people is always a fun time. I love her strength - she has been through terrible things, but still tries to be someone those she lost would be proud of. Also, she's a dragon, so...
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Jacke is a character that I have written in a few settings and it's always interesting to see how he'll develop. His carefree nature lends him well to any story and really allows him to adapt to what's around him. I love the way he loves life - he always finds a reason to laugh, to tease, to flirt, to live life to the fullest.
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Naidvar moves through life like water, flowing around obstacles and carving a path for those who follow. Sometimes, her presence is a gentle as a trickling stream. Sometimes, she can be as fierce as roaring rapids. I love that she believes - in destiny, in herself, in her place in the world...
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Adriaux is a new character for me. He's sort of a mashup between a few old characters, with a new spin. He's my first real attempt at playing a guy who's at the top and actually happy to be there. But of course, he's got a dark secret... We couldn't let him be just 100% perfect, right? I love his convictions - this is a man who would put everything on the line to protect the ones he loves.
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Marcy is often a punchline when I talk about him, but the truth is that he has a great deal of depth as a character. He's been through the wringer and still manages to smile. I love his lighthearted nature - even when things are at their worst, he keeps a level head and tries to bring some light to the situation.
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Thank you for the question, @gatheredfates!
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gatheredfates · 1 year
What is your favourite thing about your OC or OCs? Is there something about them of which you are particularly proud?
Little OC Creation Ask List | accepting! | @cadrenebula
Gosh this is so HARD because I could talk about my ocs for hours. I'll try to condense it and like... write one thing I like about each. (And put it under a read-more because WHOO it got long - kudos to people who read to the end)
ASHE - Ashe is my mental health cleanse. I love how unabashedly herself she is, flaws and all; even when doing so goes against the grain of expectation. I love how unwaveringly loyal and empathetic she is. She is emotionally intelligent, and strives to make sure the people around her know that they are appreciated and loved. She has very simple whims/desires, but you don't always need a super complicated character. She has her job, her husband and her friends; she's happy where she is in her life. She's a joy to play because I just have fun with her.
AZUMA - I love Azuma's perseverance despite her disabilities. It's incredibly important to me to feel like I am carving a story out for her in which she has agency despite not being able bodied, and that any choices she makes regarding her disability are not done to 'cure' her. It's like Geordi from Star Trek. Yes, he has a visor that lets him see. Yes, in a futuristic (or, in Azuma's, case magical) world, you could very well write a place where disability could be cured, but that implies that the person with the disability needed to be cured to begin with. While she has trouble walking and has aids to assist her, she is still a full person with wants, needs, desires, etc., and she will seek and uncover those in her own story.
KORET - Ah, my baby. I'm proud of how far she's come. She was a WoW OC made for a singular trope (wolf and lamb) and now she's morphed into her own creature. I love how she's continually discovering things about herself. I'm proud of her for her flaws, and how they can win, but that doesn't stop her from recognising them and trying again. I love how she cares for people - for better or worse, sometimes - and how everything she does comes from a good place, even if it's expressed poorly. It's her strength I admire the most and what I try to draw from in my own trials.
SARRAI - Sarrai is a diva, which makes her so fun to play. Much like Ashe, she is unabashedly herself and doesn't give a fuck about what people thing. Her extroverted nature means I'm rarely just sitting around. She'll be flirting with the bartender, asking someone in the fight pit if she can have their teeth, or pulling another girl onto the dance floor if they look lonely. She's out to have a good time and make friends, which in turn gives me an opportunity to make friends and try to include other roleplayers who may be too shy to engage on their own.
ELANDERVIER - El is basically my gothic fantasy. A powerful, mysterious woman who answers to no one but herself (maybe Rex at this point, begrudgingly) and damn anyone who gets in her way. I enjoy playing a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it. She is the embodiment of 'ask for forgiveness, never permission' and brings to the table someone who could just as easily be an antagonist as they could an antihero.
Z - Z is a menace. He's just a fun concept to play in, this character who lives entirely for himself and what he wants. I am proud of the Thirteenth verse I've cultivated for him and Ary. Though it's not canon, it's tragic and angst riddled, and allows me to reclaim two characters who were left broken after their individual stories fell apart. If I'm not writing them for other people, I'm absolutely going to write them for me.
ARYELE - Ary is my oldest character; I have had her since I was ten. Because of that, she's gone through many iterations while always keeping the same kind-hearted core. I love her convictions and I love her quiet strength; I love that she chooses love again and again, even if it's not always the logical choice. She's not afraid to speak her mind and go against people who are more 'powerful' than her, because she ultimately knows herself. She's a familiar comfort to me after all these years.
ALAICE - Alaice was my foray into making a character with a child, which I know can be polarising for some people. However, it's that motherly aspect of her I have come to love the most. Much like Ary, she is a quiet force. She's had to come to know herself through trauma and doesn't let it define her - choosing kindness instead of brutality. She loves her family, does right by her friends and tries constantly to be the best version of herself.
EVELYN - Eve is a mix of Kor and Ashe - she's light-hearted and free spirited, making her fun and easy to play, whilst having just a little bit beneath the surface that keeps her compelling. I'm proud of how far she's come. She left a terrible relationship, traded her wordly possessions for a broken-down ship, and over the years has built it up into something she is proud of - fuck what anyone else things. She can be a bit manipulative at times, which is funny to write, and also very dramatic. She's just fun!
SEELU - I am very proud of the things I'm building for Seelu, but I can't talk much about them yet! My favourite thing is how eerie she is. I have created her to be a character that looks beautiful but also a little... wrong, somehow. She's not evil, but neither is she 'good'; she lives for herself, communes with the wood and indulges in whatever she wants.
ROWAN - Rowan is new, so I'm still finding her voice! I love her spunk. She's a go-getter, despite being completely unfamiliar with wider Eorzea, and takes it on the chin if she gets something wrong. She loves her brother more than anything else. I'd love to have a sibling like her.
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hanasnx · 1 year
Istg I was so insanely in love with peter parker a couple of years ago, I even had a blog dedicated to him but it’s just so insane that I can switch to a completely different fandom and one of my favourite new authors also likes peter parker?? Not that it’s super relevant I just get so happy to see my interests merge and I absolutely adore your writing and thoughts so it makes me 🥰🥰🥰.
-anisbaby (my account is the one that’s flagged lmao, I can’t leave asks without being on anon or they won’t go through for some reason 🫠)
your profile doesn’t look flagged. when my account got flagged they took my profile&bkg away so it was just the color i got to choose i think. also when i was flagged i could still submit using my regular account im pretty sure. are you sure you’re flagged as explicit?
also yes peter parker is so <33 i only like his iteration in the insomniac games and i circle back to them every so often i love them sm i’m excited for the new one in october
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myalchod · 11 months
for the fanfic thingy 5, 18, 22
Thank you so much for these! I might have babbled just a little bit ... okay, a lot. 😘💙
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write? Okay, here's the problem. Where is the line on "you will never write"? Do discarded ideas count? Because I've absolutely had ideas, but. my problem is that my ideas so often come with a line or a snippet or something else rather than a concept, and then I write that down, so if that counts ... I'm in trouble. I dove pretty deep into my files, though, and turned up a note I'd jotted down a while ago about scars as the canvas of a life and "the roadmap that leads me back to you" but was never more than the barest glimmer of an idea, so ... maybe that.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic? This is just cruel. It's like asking me to pick the favourite of my (nonexistent) children, because wordsmithing is one of my favourite things and getting phrasing right is so important for me. And I could probably spent an eternity combing through my files for a line, only to go to the next and find one I like more, so ... um. Here's one from who shall i say is calling?, which was one of the first things I wrote in my slide back into fanfic this year and which I'm still pretty proud of:
And now — ah, gods, now the sea has taken them all to its jealous embrace, and she shrieks her fury and her grief to the uncaring skies like the she-dragon she is, and does not care in the moment if any bear her witness.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing? Sometimes! I've gone into fics before knowing the ending and writing until I figure out the beginning (and everything in-between). For my first-ever Fate fic, for example, I started with the last few lines. For others, I don't have a clue; instinctively went through a number of iterations and discarded endings before I figured it out. I'm over 14k into one AU with no real idea of what happens at the end except that Farah is alive again, while the dark Farah fic I didn't finish for Hallows had a generalised ending early on and I've aleady written it (until something changes in the story and I have to scrap it 💀). For smaller fics, I'll sometimes literally just throw words at a page in chronological order and see what happens. I think it's not unusual for me to have an idea going in of where it's ending, but it's also not unusual for that to end up going in a totally different direction by the time I get there ... or for me to think I have an end, and then more ideas happen (rude).
[ ask me another | all answers ]
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
thoughts and questions that didnt get in my comments bc I needed to let them bounce around my brain for a bit 2/2?
okay so wilburs breakdown scene and going from "the pythia" to "he" to "wilbur" even for just a moment, we're all freaking out about bc JDHSHDBDBD OBVIOUSLY HE WAS REFERED TO AS WILBUR and everyone talked about it a lot
but I would like to point out how this scene foreshadowes how this whole healing process is probably going to look like
the whole thing was triggered by techno pressuring wil and putting him in an uncomfortable position and going against him, to which is not the right thing to do, but in this situation the way to get forward
than comes the part where HE TAKES OFF HIS BLINDFOLD AND IS IN THE CAVES IN COMPLETE DARKNESS and it goes from "the pythia" to "he" bc first he has to get rid of all the brainwashing, dehumanisation and just what they made him into to be the pythia, including wearing the blindfold, before he can even start to try and find himself, the "wilbur" part
ofc he returned right back to being "the pythia", but thats just how progress and healing works, its not linear and you keep going forward only to go right back
it's not pretty and it's not enjoyable and wilbur is going to have a really bad time, but hopefully it's going to be worth it later down the line
and we can only hope that tommy will be there in the future to offer some comfort, just like he did now
a little detail that I noticed and would really like to point out is how whenever talking about his role as pythia wilbur keeps using the same words/phrases and i think it was even mentioned in the chapter that hes basically repeating previous pythias words and i would just like to say how cool and thought out that is, the brainwashing is written so well to the details and it makes me want to scream, you are absolutely amazing and I love your writing so much
i am absolutely obsessed with tagd!crimeboys (or honestly just crimeboys in your fics in general, every time they are very different yet so fatally same)
how they are getting touchy after wilbur basically admitted hes touch starved, the unfounded trust that shouldnt exist, but is there, the way they care about each other and tbh even the dependence and attachment that is there (especially from wilburs side considering tommy is almost his only "friend" in all this)
also jack and niki, theyre everything to me and im so glad you have them in so many of your fics theyre consistently my favourite characters and I love them so much
you dont get them in fics very often especially not this full fledged which is a shame bc theyre very cool and im so happy you give them such big roles
thats all I got for now, hope youre having a good time
:))) I love reading analysis of the cave 'wilbur' scene it was so fun for me to write. i loved the transition from 'pythia' to just using pronouns to calling him 'wilbur' just once
also yes healing is not linear. it's messy and you can take steps back and jump forward before falling back again. this was a step forward, and then of course a step went back but it still mattered. it's definitely going to be worth it later down the line though i promise :)
aaa thank you i'm also so obsessed with glass!crimeboys they mean SO much to me. they're such a messy and (future) codependent iteration of crimeboys (all c!crimeboys are codependent it's just like. especially obvious in glass lol)
i LOVED c!jack and c!niki on the dsmp, so I love including them in my fics and giving them main side roles. they're both so fun for me to write and i love their dynamics with crimeboys. i love love love writing jack's dialogue because he's so funny, and i adore niki as a character because of how complex she is (jack ofc is complex too but i just really adore niki)
tysm for this so glad you're enjoying!!
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batsforbadones · 2 years
Dear Batsforbadones,
I wanted to thank you for your writing of Billy Lenz.
As cute as OOC fluff can be, I just love it when there's writers who stick to the more canonical version of characters, and aren't afraid to write them as the deranged assholes they are. You made Billy rather sarcastic, condescending, and rather calculative while still maintaining is mental instability and rather animalistic insanity. The way you even write his dialogue is so great, as it oozes this capturing, but psychotic asshole vibe of "You're a dumb slut, but I'm gonna fuck and kill you now". With that, you're not afraid to unleash the more unpopular, and controversial side of Billy character, and that's the fact that he's pretty much a sexual predator, and absolutely wouldn't mind crossing lines to get "what he wants". People tend to baby Billy as some "ADHD" poster child of Gen Z "quirkiness", but you don't seem to infantilize him at all. You give him a personality outside of the "lol random xD" trope that many people seem to like projecting onto such characters. Like a gust of cold wind, your writing is rather refreshing.
Once again, I gotta thank you for writing Billy in a way that makes me smile whenever I see a new fic with him being released. I wish you well!
This comment means so much to me. you've given me a very in depth analysis, and I feel the urge to give you an explanation- a thought process as to why I'm so- mean when I write my slashers. because i do try to be. I also enjoy the fluff and the 'awwww, cute they'd hold my hand in a barn after killing someone' thing, but I am intentionally mean when I write, at least i try to be.
so, if you're willing to, hold out with me. It may not be worth much, but I'm- so glad my writing does what I intended it to. TW - DISCUSSIONS OF SA
fun fact about me- I got my fanfictional start in the creepypasta fandom on wattpad c.2012. If any of you got pipelined into being a horror movie watcher, you know how I got here, but basically, OOC content is- insanely popular in the creepypasta fandom because of how little substance there is to a lot of the root characters. Most of the source material has this very- passionate, but over all lacking development vibe so you'll get these really mediocre concepts handled very poorly. so you end up with things like jeff the killer, whose very clearly written by some 14 year old boy who listened to marilyn manson's cover of sweet dreams are made of these and it changed him for life (me too), or you get some bastardized form of someones passion found footage project- this isnt to say I wasn't also in that boat, but it was to say that I was kind of thrust into this very romanticized, and understandably less morbid view of these characters very early on. I responded to fear with sexuality, and that is an incredibly unfortunate boat to find yourself in so early on in your internet life, but fuck it we ball-
so basically, theres a character who is incredibly similar to Billy Lenz in the creepypasta fandom, and if you were there, you know exactly what I'm about to do because i've been sitting on this for almost two years now-
The way Billy Lenz is often written, is the way Ticci Toby was written. And Ticci Toby was my favourite creepypasta (i am using creepypasta as a fandom term, and not an actual iteration of the website. i mean the pantheon, because this differentiation is important to some people ((theres a lot of creative elitism in the creepypasta community)))
Ticci Toby is a slenderman proxy oc described as neurotic, bipolar, delusional, unstable, and with an unmaskable type of tourettes to where he garners the name he would later use as his moniker (all as written by a deviantart user c.2010, so take a lot of the sensitivity with a grain of salt)-
and my god, did the creepypasta fandom infantilize him. i did too. he was, for all intent and purposes, my baby girl. and I was like- idk fucking 10 and being into true crime and not flinching was cool so I was dick riding this man and eyeless jack like it was my job. and a couple of notable things about how they would treat him would be a bizarre obsession with waffles, Hollywood tourettes, if you were really ballsy, you'd make him hypersexual, and constantly trying to anime grope the reader, and he was just- all around considered to be the comedic relief character when paired with our other collection of 'the killers'. get its, its funny because its 2012 and we all think a severe social disorder is the peak of comedy.
and he wasnt well written, i would argue this is an actual infliction of what he was written to be (creepypasta oc rights drama aside), but later down the line when I got older i had this faint realization where its just like- no. he wouldnt-- do that. And not that it matters, you can literally do whatever you want with these characters, death to the author shit, but I was put off by it, almost? like, i look back on my old preconceptions of these characters and im like, morbidly inspired by my own childhood innocence when interacting with him. like- oh wow. i really wouldve just walked into the woods with a man with a hatchet if he was hot enough. oh wow.
once again, i too love to read ooc fluff and smut and stuff where these men aren't sexual predators and arent abusers, and i care for funny giggle billy, dont get me wrong, but I'm not- aroused by him much. i feel like, an emotional fondness, but im not- attracted to him.
and this isnt to say i dont think everyone isnt aware of how we are writing about fucking fictional murderers. we all watched the movies, we all got horny when he came out. we're all aware- and i know for some people it comes from a place of personal comfort that the boogey man treats them with care. its not my place to ruin someones comfort character. it never will be.
but, i genuinely struggle to make myself dissociate enough from these characters to believe they would care about consent. Most if not all slashers are founded on the grounds of the male, predatory gaze. the woman is the victim. the man is the victimizer. they're often literally metaphored with actual prey/predator situations. anyone killing women in mass is doing it because they hate women, and likely wouldnt have a problem raping said women. this is a fact i cannot remove myself from, both meta and not.
and i find a weird comfort in knowing they will always be- just that.
i feel that way about billy lenz a l o t. he, verbatim, threatens to rape the entire sorority house and then kill them. Its only by 70's movie censorship that I'm sure we didn't have a violent and grotesque assault scene from him. Billy Lenz is, at his core, a sexual predator. The little canonical input we get from him is- of him being a sexual predator. I'm not going into his phone calls, but basically- him being a rapist is, so incredibly core because we get... what? 7 minutes of dialogue with him? and not a SINGLE full body shot of him moving? We get a blood shot eye and?? what?? like i cant just remove him from the rape. theres nothing left of him. i'd be ticci tobying him again. and its not that i dont feel right doing that. not everyone should be like, forced to think about rape all the time- like, if you want a funny, sexy, evil guy, do it. I'd read it and giggle and kick my feet. if billy is your favourite character because you read him as autistic and gender, do it. but my billy- exists on those grounds. And so does my Jed. and my Stu. and my brahms- and so on so fourth.
sorry for the rant i'm just- so so passionate about like, this topic. and this is so fucking sweet to me. it means the world, really. thank you so much. im always in a billy lenz mood and plan to do some stuff for him soon. Thank you thank you thank you <3
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onbrokenglass · 2 years
Hello there!
This blog is mainly for finding roleplays. I roleplay exclusively on Discord (I love making private servers) and am 21+, so minors please DNI. Style-wise I can adapt to my partner, though my favourite way to write is lit for those juicy, introspective moments. NSFW friendly, and I like all sorts of pairs from fxf, mxf, mxm, to any nb pairs. Platonic and found family are fun too!
My messages are always open for people interested in writing with me! I promise I don’t bite, even if some of my muses do.
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Under the cut is a list of characters I’ll thread with (who I’d like to play is bolded, if both are bolded I can do either or), though it’s by no means exhaustive. Regardless of how old this post gets, you can message me at any time for those on this list.
Ships (Canon)
Anakin Skywalker x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Atton Rand x Female Exile
Aviendha x Elayne Trakand
Beatrice x Battler Ushiromiya
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle
Carmy Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross
Dale Cooper x Harry Truman
Daniel Solace x Maura Franklin
Dick Grayson x Wally West
Dracula x Mina Harker
Elend Venture x Vin
Emma Larsimon x Marianne
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams
Erik Lehnsherr x Charles Xavier
Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Harry du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi
James Delaney x Lorna Bow
Joe Goldberg x Forty Quinn
Joe Goldberg x Love Quinn
John Constantine x Bruce Wayne
John Constantine x Lucifer
Jon Kent x Damian Wayne (either aged up or still young, but if they’re young absolutely no NSFW)
Jonas Kahnwald x Martha Nielsen (any iterations)
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa
Kaz Brekker x Jesper Fahey
Kyle Hyde x Brian Bradley
Kevin x Ilonka Pawluk
Laurent of Vere x Damen of Akielos
Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield
Marius Josipovic x Julia Bowman
Marius Josipovic x Taylor Bowman
Mat Cauthon x Elayne Trakand
Mat Cauthon x Rand al’Thor
Mat Cauthon x Tuon Paendrag
Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Mike Ross x Harvey Specter
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Layla El-Faouly
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Nate Fick x Brad Colbert
Nate Jacobs x  Maddy Perez
Nathan Prescott x Max Caulfield
Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth
Rob Ryan x Cassie Maddox (book verse)
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Ronald Speirs x Carwood Lipton
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
Stephen Holder x Sarah Linden
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Thomas Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Tomas Ortega x Marcus Keane
Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter
Wolfgang Bogdanow x Kala Dandekar
Ships (OC)
Alcina Dimetrescu x OC (female)
Atticus O’Sullivan x OC (any, supernatural or mythological)
Francis York Morgan x OC (any)
Holden Ford x OC (male, serial killer and/or detective)
John Constantine x OC (any)
Jonathan Reid x OC (any)
Peter Pan x OC (male, lost boy - no NSFW, though would feature dark themes as my Peter is inspired by the book The Child Thief. Would love platonic friends or enemies for this as well.)
Vanessa Ives x OC (any)
Carmy Berzatto & Richie Jerimovich
Dexter Morgan & Harrison Morgan
Five Hargreeves & Any Hargreeves Siblings
Hank Anderson & Connor
Jesse Pinkman & Walter White
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams
Kratos & Atreus
Moon Knight System (any against any)
Norman Bates & Dylan Massett
Peter Pan & Hook
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rainyraisin · 2 months
For the Tmnt ask game !
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
I absolutely ADORE Donnie and Raph!!!! Brains and brawn has always been my favourite duo, no matter the iteration. Its always Raph or Donnie who's my favourite (usually Donnie but 2012 Donnie and Raph are tied for me) so like Im always a massive fan of their dynamic 😭💖 I had a Rise fic I was writing that started off with a scene between them (some of yall have prolly seen it bc I posted the WIP in full since I abandoned it, at least for now) and like even though it was a fight I still loved writing them both so much aughhhhh I love how despite how much their personalities clash they love each other at the end of the day and it's always really nice when they have something they can bond over!!!!
I need to draw them more tbf prolly Rise specifically cause that's the brains and brawn duo I'm most attached to. I'm not very good at drawing Rise Raph but there shall be an attempt 🔥🔥🔥 (or maybe ill write smth if I have the motivation, maybe a hurt/comfort fic after the new rise comic bc @meggalice DESTROYED me with her Donnie angst and I need to brain it)
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