#and it's not like i can go by pages either on the app so it's just kind of like okay i guess i'll just do this much
rintoki · 1 year
Hi I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but could you consider tagging your posts more thoroughly? For context your posts showed up on my feed, 'based on your likes' despite having a lot of x reader tags filtered. And respectfully I am going to block you because it's really not my kind of content (though I'm not judging you for it or anything). I just feel that more thorough tagging would both help you with engagement and also help other people to not see content they don't want to. I know I'm not entitled to you doing anything with your own blog and I know how to curate my experience here already, but just a suggestion? Well, I won't see your blog again personally regardless, so I wish you well I suppose ._.'
guys !!!! my first negative (?) ask after running this blog for 1 and a half years ‼️‼️ i’m so sad it’s not even about my writing i’m not problematic enough :(
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indefiniteavatar · 5 months
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So basically, in a case about him shoving money at someone so they shut up about him. . .he can’t shut the fuck up himself. I would say something clever and funny here, except the sad part is that this is just so normal in current politics that it’s just. . .not hilariously absurd behavior anymore? Not to say that it’s not absurd - it is beyond such, but it is just. . . predictable, I suppose.
I guess this is how I feel about politics lately? Either I get mad at everything or I try to laugh at everything and normally that works because politicians usually aren’t so tragically stupid so very often, but now I just kinda have to chuckle at the particularly eyeroll worthy things like this, and try to ignore everything else or my brain will explode.
#maybe that’s my biggest pet peeve about the current state of politics#Normally I like having discussions with people#of various mindsets and lifestyles and backgrounds#while my personal standpoint about many if not most political things is pretty solid. I also enjoy finding out more about things.#It’s always nice to learn more about things.#when it gets to a point like this or let’s be real-a point like where it got a few months ago when. More like a couple years ago honestly#There’s just so much. Too much. And two try to process all of it especially in a way such that one keeps up with useful discussion? oof.#I know I meant to do something else in these tags – something more specific – but at least on mobile#I just lost like three tags because the one I was working on hit 140 but when I was warned#I didn’t get to backspace or anything. I just kind of deleted the whole thing.#And in my confusion and attempt to undo what I had done#I managed to backspace a couple times and lose the finish tag above that one#and of course my first attempt at explaining that I had lost two tags turned into three tags because#I lost the first attempts that said two tags because it went over and yet again my attempt of not backspace this time#I just lost another two tags and then at this point I don’t even remember where I was going with this train of thought either#tl;dr: I wish I could take as much amusement from this as I want to but I can’t because shit like this is just so fucking normal#but hey it’s better than January 6 or trying to nuke a hurricane so I suppose I can live with it#right so I realize that I got to read all of the things I just typed in the page before this#so I did and while I have a laughable amount of nowhere near the fuck enough spoons#there’s a very good chance I am going to come back to this when I get on my iPad or PC#There’s also a very good chance I’m going to completely forget this post exists if not the app entirely#but given that I finally downloaded this on my actual phone instead of my tablet for the first time in years#And I just lost another fucking tag#this time naturally it had to be one with Contant that I remember as semantically important#but similarly naturally of course I don’t bloody well remember#right so I am going to go back to the stuff I was doing now cause I was doing stuff before I saw a Tumblr notification#which I didn’t actually look at at the time but but I can absolutely be sure that it was a hefty part of the reason why#when I found something that I wanted to post about and a context that had a larger audience and not just individuals#didn’t have FB/Reddit (tho lbr I would probably have a 6 foot nose if I tried to imply they were great social networks)#which goes back to seeing the tumblr notif & still having a big Nostalgia so. hi here i am
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autumnrory · 5 months
so annoyed that i stayed later to finish what i was working on so i didn't have any fic-reading time when i got home and i've been desperately trying to pick out my next book to start tonight bc i forgot to do that earlier in the day and it's so hard when so many of the things i want to read don't have ebooks through my library or openlibrary and if i don't request anything in advance i don't have the option of starting a physical copy from the library either
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star-mum · 8 months
tis time for me to change my phone theme (took longer than I thought it would tbh)
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fratboycipher · 1 year
obligatory welcome guide for redditors
A lot of the guides I've seen don't actually seem to understand how reddit works in comparison to tumblr so
your blog is basically your own small subreddit. some people curate this heavily to fit a theme, like a sub, most people don't
reblogs are culturally equivilant to upvotes but functionally equvilant to crossposting
there is an algorithm. it sucks and nobody uses it. turn it off in settings. everything is generally chronological
likes are functionally equivilant to saving a post
you've probably already seen this but change your icon and put something in your bio or people WILL assume you're a bot. personal info not required
generally, anything you would put as a comment on a thread should go in the tags or the replies of a post. only add comments in reblogs if you want it to become part of the base post
tags are mostly equivilant to flairs, used for organization and commentary
your dashboard is an aggregation of everyone you follow
there is an r/all equivilant(trending page) but it sucks and nobody uses it
our search also sucks. your best bet is using tumblr.com/tagged/[TAG] and not /search
there are no mods
by extension, reporting something doesn't put it in front of the mods, it sends it to staff, who may or may not do anything(usually they don't)
there is no karma, there are no karma limits. anyone can reblog anything, comment/reply to anything, or post in any tag
"reposting"(reblogging) old content doesn't matter. people can and will reblog the same post multiple times, including in a row
CAVEAT. reposting someones art(NOT reblogging, making a new post) is a dick move. i know this is commonplace on fandom subs but its not necessary here. everything you post should be [OC] unless you are reblogging. or posting shitty memes
we have our own sitelore, you'll pick it up
(though im not opposed to bringing some over from reddit)
our app also sucks. we do not have third party apps and any that claim to be are scams. sorry
for desktop, most people use the XKit Rewritten extension for QoL improvements and to revert shitty aesthetic updates, much like old.reddit
we have no idea where the porn rules are at either. add a mature content flag to anything you'd get fired for looking at at work, that's about it
finally, from the bottom of my heart, fuck u/spez
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oliviawebsite · 8 months
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disabled, unemployed, and in need of help
i know ive been asking for a lot of help but when you get left out in the cold by your employer after a bad relapse of a chronic illness, it's not so easy to get back on your feet in a swift manner. this is me simply asking for help maintaining a general fund to survive until i either find new employment or start to make some headway on applying for ssdi.
i am physically and mentally incapable of working a normal full time job but continue the endless process of appealing and getting rejected for disability because my condition spends "significant amounts of time in remission" which is all fine and good until it comes back to bite me even harder and i end up dropping the ball on responsibilities bc i can barely walk or get out of bed.
i know many of us are struggling in similar ways, i don't expect a lot but just enough to keep me floating until i can find secure income once again. im sorry that my many failures and shortcomings have led to me being an e-beggar likes this. i know you'd rather not see me doing this. i don't want to be doing it either. but i also don't want to starve or end up homeless because of a bad couple of months. no one should have to go through that. and i especially am keen to not repeat that experience ever again.
if there is anything you can do to help a seriously chronically ill trans woman with a scrambled and broken brain i would greatly appreciate it. i will return the favor whenever i have the means. we are in this together and all that. i love you, please help or share if you can. I am setting a short-term target of $600 since this seems like a reasonable nest to safely carry me to my next paycheck.
paypal link
venmo link
$claireol on the cash app
bandcamp page to buy my music (material exchange of goods and services)
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ashherahh · 1 month
your first date + first interactions with your future spouse
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
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pile 1
Cards: King of Wands, The Sun, Temperance, The Fool, Four of Wands
I literally giggled when the first card popped out! This is a very much a "When I see you, it's on sight" kinda situation.
I'm not saying you'll get hot and heavy on your first date (maybe), but I'm picking up that the attraction is very energetic and very, very strong. You feel like you met someone who matches your freak in every way.
I'm seeing a lot of smiling, giggling. They make you nervous, you'll probably not realise how much you're blushing until you decide to go to the restroom and see how absolutely down bad you look. You'll leave the date with your cheeks hurtin'!
I'm picking up a very chilled setting as a first date, the date itself is very low-key but damn, the vibes... The vibes are immaculate. Either you or your future spouse immediately know that you're it for each other. Maybe both of you realise it at the same time!
For some of you, you might be on a dating app or your friends put you on the dating up and you matched with your future spouse. The conversation was quite normal, no real fireworks and that's why your first date was at a very neutral place. But y'all, when you see each other and start talking and laughing, FIREWORKS!
For others, I see you apart of the same group of people. Like you might have mutual friends and see each other at parties and events or whatever. They always caught your eye and you always caught theirs but you never really spoke to each other. There's an image clearly in my mind for some of you, you're sitting on the couch with this person while a party is dying down (finally, sort of alone). There's sparks, connection, it's all so intimate.
I'm seeing New Year's might be significant for this pile. There's a lot of physical and spiritual attraction here. It's also very giddy. It's that feeling you get when you just can't stop laughing, an overwhelming joy.
pile 2
Cards: Two of Swords, Judgement, Five of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, Six of Cups, Three of Wands
Your future spouse plans your first date. They really wine and dine you actually. They're more of a romantic than you are. When you meet your future spouse, one of you is looking to settle down and be in an exclusive, proper relationship and one of you is on the fence.
My dear reader, I feel like you'll be the one on the fence.
For some of you, there's a person in your past you felt like should've been your end game but it seemed like there was something always missing. You might be in a state of right person, wrong time and it's left you feeling hopeless. You're sorting of still waiting on them...
When you meet your future spouse, it's like you're going on a series of dates to get this past lover out of your mind. Your future spouses energy is very gentle and understanding, but you're not really paying attention in the beginning. They are willing to wait for you.
This isn't an immediate knowing. You don't know this person is your future spouse when you meet them, you might be seeing a few people while seeing them. I'm not seeing cheating but I am seeing is that you two don't get exclusive immediately.
You're feeling out your options. Deep down you're afraid of making the wrong one and a part of you is like, is there even a wrong one? Do I believe in stuff like The One? Your past lover did a number on you, I can see.
I do see that everything eventually comes to a head and you need to make a decision, I see you making the right one for yourself in that space and time. Don't worry, your future spouse does stick around and I see you two smoothing all the rough patches.
pile 3
Cards: Strength, The Chariot, The Moon, Page of Pentacles, Two of Cups Rx, Ace of Swords Rx
Interactions with your future spouse leave you feeling like you're in a game of cat and mouse. Oh my goodness, they make you flustered! Oh, but you keep telling yourself they're not your type and you will not date someone like them.
You guys know of each other for a while. Maybe you went to the same schools or you even met them at uni and they just always left a sour taste in your mouth.
Hectic, I'm picking up strongly that you're turned off by them because they always have their foot in their mouth and they say dumb shit to you. That's hilarious! Be a little patient with them, you make them nervous.
Goodness, I see them treating you like royalty and they just want to be your loyal subject. Oooh, they literally just want to please you. If you ever do give them a chance just know that you're getting SPOILED.
They're going above and beyond for your first date and even though you have the impression of them that they're a bumbling oaf, you're surprised by how much attention to detail they put into everything. For some of you there's three parts to your first date, it'll last for hours actually and in that time, pile 3, they ended up cracking you open like a walnut!
You have to let your heart guide you in matters of the heart. Your mind will not be able to understand what your heart is telling you. This is especially the case as your future spouse challenges your idea of who you envisioned your future spouse to be. Good luck, babe!
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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kaciebello · 6 months
This could have not been an email
Masterlist Badger express ★ Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! reader (fem) Summary: Draco is a pure-blood activist, no way he will be seen with a muddle device.  Warnings: no use of y/n,  Authors note: Sorry it took so long. My chameleon died on Monday and I simply did not have the mood to finish it! But here it is now! This is a sequel series to the whole delivery one. This one is gonna focus on the boys separately! hope you enjoy it! English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes beforehand. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) word count: 1.1k Song: Given-Taken - ENHYPEN
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Draco refused to use any muggle device there was. It simply was not his brand. Nobody could see him with the digital brick in his hand. That’s why he was hiding in the catacombs in Dungen. Only a few people came this way, and if they did, they certainly did not look into his little corner. The little box had so much entertainment that he could stare at it for hours.
He had mastered how to make it look unsuspicious. He hides it behind a book and turns the brightness down. He may or may not have bullied a Ravenclaw kid into connecting him to the ‘ internet ‘. He made sure nobody could see him with it. He would rather be executed.
Sadly, luck was not in his favor when he did not notice the Hufflepuff girl with a yellow bow in her hair standing in front of him, her head above watching the digital box. He was watching some videos on this clock app, scrolling too fast for her liking.
“Wait no, scroll back. I didn't have time to read all that.” Draco jumped and let out a girly scream. Clutching the phone and knees to his chest. The book that was hiding falls to the ground making a loud thud. The girl was startled by his actions and straightened herself but managed to keep in place. His eyes were wide, it almost looked like they would pop out of his head.
“What are you doing here?” He squealed his voice a few octaves higher than usual. She just raised an eyebrow at him.
“What are you doing here? I saw you giggling at a book, so I figured why not stalk you for a moment, when you didn't turn the page in minutes and kept giggling I figured you're either reading something spicy or doing something else. Considering you're holding a herbology copy, the spicy part went out the window quickly.
“I did not giggle.”
“Uhuh, and I'm not wearing a yellow bow in my hair.” She says and places her hand on her hips looking like a mother scolding a child. Draco let out a sigh, knowing there was no way he was arguing with the Hufflepuff. She sits down next to him and places the fallen book on her lap.
“So, care to explain why you have a phone?” She said and pointed to the digital box in his hand. Draco panics. Nobody can know he has this. Not even she. He tries to hide it, and he does, but the Hufflepuff is faster and snatches it out of his hand. He let out a whine.
“Give it back!” He says and attacks her. He knocks them off and makes them roll on the floor for a bit. She ends up underneath him. While she was shocked Draco made sure to grab his phone from her and place it in his back pocket. And in what felt like a few seconds he trapped her arms above her head with his. 
“This is a very compromising position, Mr. Malfoy.” She says, her voice quiet. Draco smirked at her. He liked having control. He leaned over her, his necklace dangling in her face. He didn't say anything, just studying her face. His free hand travels from her face to her body, and then back to her face stopping by her lips.
He leaned even closer, now she could feel his breath on her face. He was still smirking. Almost like testing is she would move, even when he knew she couldn't.
 The girls' eyes widen. She was about to say something when suddenly a phone rang. Draco sat up startled and hurriedly turned the noise off. He did not want any attending on them, and digital rining was going to bring that. He let out a sigh of relive sitting on the girl's lap. She lifts herself on her elbows and looks at him.
“No will you tell me why-”
“Shut up.”
“What did you just say to me?” She raises her eyebrow.
“NOT in a rude way. Shut up in a gentle way, like shut up darling.” He placed his finger on her lips in a shushing motion before she swatted it away. After that, she manages to push him off of her and sit up properly. 
Draco just lay there, staring at the ceiling, in a position the girl could only describe as a starfish. Silence has fallen upon them. He knew the girl was looking at him. He couldn't meet her eyes.
How can he, Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin royalty, pure-blood activist, have a muddle device? There is not enough explanation or excuse for him to have this. He's trying to wait it out. The few of the Hufflepuffs he knows have short memory. Granted the only other Hufflepuff he knows is Cedric, and he never talked to Cedric, so his theory could be wrong.
Opening one eye to see the girl still looking at him. He sighs and gets up slowly. Brushing off the dust that accumulated on his close from all the rolling around. The girl kept watching him like a cat. He made her way over to her and without a word he helped her up. He started to dust her off too from bottom to the top and the girl still did not let out a single word. 
When he was finished he placed his arms on her shoulders. Looking into her eyes, an idea popped into his mind.
“Do you want a phone?” He asks and does not wait for an answer. He swiftly picks up a book that is on the floor and tears out a page. He quickly writes down his request and folds it. Fishing a few galleons from his bag and then slamming both into the girl's palm. She just stares at him confused, but she's not gonna fight him for giving her business. So rather than saying anything, she just drugs and puts it in her pocket.
Draco nods his head and takes a step back. He hoped for her to leave, but she did not budge. He did not know what to do.
“Wanna look at pictures in my gallery?”
“Sure.” She shrugs and they both sit down again. They sat so close that their shoulders and thighs were brushing. Draco smiled, taking out his phone to show her his art.
“So lately I've been into self-portraits.”
“Draco, that's just a picture of your dick.”
“You don't understand art!”
Tag list @daisiesformylove , @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @anyam444 , @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet , @iwishigotswallowed , @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @bunnyhopsstuff , @deluluassapocalypse
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brehaaorgana · 9 months
ADHD money/budgeting system I'm currently using for my benefit is going well (I've been using it for like half a year now?), and I wanna recommend it.
You Need a Budget is EXCELLENT. 10/10 do recommend. Uhhh rambling about it and my generic disclaimers + gushing extensively under the cut but TL;DR I think it's great for ADHD ppl, I've used it for 6+ months now and I find it super SUPER helpful. also weirdly fun.
Budgeting helps you understand/know your money, it can't make money appear where there is none.
Everyone should learn to budget even if you don't have much money (especially then)
This is NOT a magic trick solution. Just like everything else, it is an assistive tool. This is one of those adult things we can't simply opt out of without negative consequences, though.
My advice is based on something I am currently able to do. That is, I can spend an amount of money on this specific thing that works well for me. If you have no extra money to spend then previously I was tracking things in a notebook. So you can still do this.
I believe Dave Ramsey is a fundie fraud/hack and no one should listen to him about money.
Okay? OKAY.
You Need a Budget is EXCELLENT.
It is called YNAB for short. The first 34 days are your free trial, and that is my referral link. If anyone uses it and then signs up for a subscription, we both get a month free. Also you can share a subscription with up to six people (account owner can see everything but individuals can pick and choose what they share amongst each other) so like...idk your whole polycule can be on one account. Or your kids. Whatever.
If you are a student, it's free for a year. If you aren't, a subscription is $99 for a year (paid all at once) or $14.99 monthly, which is equivalent to paying Amazon prime. Go cancel Prime and get this instead tbh.
They got a whole article just on ynab and ADHD. They also have like...a big variety of ways to access their info? They have a book, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, blog posts, q&A's, free live workshops you can join (you can request live captioning), emails they can send (if you want) a wiki, and so on. They got workshops on all kinds of topics!!
So whatever ends up working for your brain. It also has a matching app.
If you lost Mint this year they have a gajillion things for moving from Mint.
Also they have a "got five minutes?" Page which has a slider so you can decide how much attention/time you have before going on lol:
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They only have 4 rules of the budget, they're simple and practical, and it doesn't get judgey or like...mean about your spending.
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1. Give every dollar a job 2. Embrace your true expenses 3. Roll with the punches 4. Age your money.
THEN THEY BREAK THESE DOWN INTO SMALL STEPS FOR YOU! They even have a printable! Also these rules are great because there's built in expectations that things WILL HAPPEN and it's NOT all or nothing with a fear of total collapse into failure. Reality and The Plan don't always align, especially if you have ADHD. So it's directing our energy towards the true expenses and not clinging to The Plan!! over reality.
You can automate a lot of shit (you can sync with your bank accounts just like mint, but also automate tagging the categories of regular expenses/transactions). And if for whatever reason you accidentally do something that makes the budget look weird or wrong:
A) you can usually fix it somehow OR b) they have like, a button you can press that gives you a clean slate and archives the previous version of the budget for you.
So if you forget for a few weeks or months, or accidentally input something wildly wrong, or just don't want to look at a really terrible month anymore and feel like you need a fresh start you can usually either fix it or start fresh which is really nice.
The app also (for whatever reason) scratches my itch to have things like...have incentives or little game-like goals in a way mint never did? I don't know why. Filling up the bars or putting money into the categories to cover my expenses is satisfying lmao. You can also make a big wish expense category for all the fun shit you want, and fund it whenever you can and then you can see the little bar go up and that's fun.
Anyways I've been using it for like 6+ months now and I think it's really helped me when I use it.
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sharkorok · 1 year
all eyes on you (enhypen)
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or the moments that make everyone think you’re dating
cw/genre: idol!reader, reader doesnt have specified gender but implied to be a female, fluff, so cute bye, secret relationships, humor, u have delulu fans
requested: naurrr
a/n: ehe thx for 100 followers :) I hope my writing makes u happy because knowing people read my works makes me super duper happy! luv uuuu
-at an awards show your outfits were matching, like very obviously matching
-matching bracelets, you had one on your left wrist and he had one on the right, the colors matched each other, same style and aesthetic…
-he gets v nervous but also you were in some dating rumors with another idol so…he wouldn’t be mad if he was next tbh….BUT THEN UR GROUP WAS ASSIGNED NEXT TO HIM??
-dawg was sweating the whole time trying not to admire you and how cute you two looked
-but no every one of those “enhypen mma reaction” or “heeseung reaction focus” showed him very clearly staring at you 😭, twt had a field day with you two
-he can’t help it, you looked so good and how can he keep his eyes off his lovely s/o when they’re all dressed up + matching?? seriously his management was insane for putting him so close to you
-and when all groups were leaving he was seen literally sprinting to be closer to you
-ya dispatch didn’t even need to confirm anything after that awards show
the others r below!
-during a live he got his guitar out and started playing all your favorite songs
-and this was literally a day after you named your favorite songs
-then to make it worse he was like “yeah these are y/n’s favorite songs don’t they have good music taste?” and then he kept talking about you and staff was sweating while watching istg
-the way he talked about you tho,,he either had a massive crush on you or you two were dating
-the ship edits the next day were insane honestly some of your fans need to get into the editing business because you genuinely believed a photo of him holding your waist was taken at inkigayo
-he doesn’t even try to hide how much he likes you istg, he goes out of his way to talk to you at awards shows and always films challenges with you, he gives the shippers so much content
-then another time jay cooked your favorite food in a vlog and specifically said it was your favorite food, name dropping and everything
-literally no one is surprised that you two are confirmed dating after a while.
-accidentally went on live while talking about you
-he fully believed he closed out of the app when he was talking to jay and saying stuff like, “I’m really excited to see her at the performance, I hope we have time to hang out…” and then he hears notifications and sees that he was streaming and he nearly faints
-plays it off like he fully intended for everyone to hear that and continues like he planned on going live
-he’s also trying to hide the way his eyes flickered up to your rapid texts being like, “JAKE WHY ARE WE TRENDING ON TWITTER??”
-jay is behind the camera just trying not to laugh becuz how do you even recover from this one, literally all the comments are talking about you and him
-“y/n…? yeah ahahah I know her uh huh mhm anyways moving on” and his horrible deflecting skills are making it even more obvious
-and when you go on live?? oh u bet the comments are “did you see jake’s recent live?? are u cheating on us y/n?”
-u desperately distract by spoiling your comeback but there’s already 14k Tik toks analyzing every interaction you had with Jake and why you two are cosmically intertwined
-describes you to a T when asked about his ideal type
-he meant to just mention the broad details but he gets excited talking about u ok :(
-“yeah a good heart and around (your exact height), with (the hex code of your eye color) eyes, born on (your birthday), hobbies include (every single one of your hobbies) and also…(literally all the information under your kprofiles page)”
-ur fans catch on and are like “isn’t this literally y/n” and he’s like “omg nooo coincidence”
-it is NOT a coincidence bro he was fully thinking of you and only you during that interview
-anyways you don’t help the situation by describing him too when asked about your ideal type, but ur at least a tad less obvious 😭
-“yea I love guys who ice skate and stuff”
-u two definitely get scolded by management
-sometimes he forgets to care about keeping things secret (like that lipton tea thing he did)
-so he’s showing fans his camera roll and he shows selfies you never posted before…in his camera roll…never before seen by anyone but him and you to the camera and is like
-“y/n’s visual is so perfect, right?”
-and yeah duh ur stunning and gorgeous but fans are distracted by your beauty for a second before being like “hm…how did he get those selfies and why r they in his camera roll”
-ur fans r thankful for the content tho so he kinda did everyone a favor
-but it’s a LITTLE suspicious…but neither of you address anything so it just festers a little
-until you two do a tik tok challenge together and he captions it with a heart emoji like oh my god 😭
-you’re not innocent either when you said “sunoo’s visual is so amazing” like both of you get some media training I beg
-everyone loves how obviously whipped you two are for each other tho :,)
-accidentally exposes your polaroid in his phone case
-thankfully he has photos of his members and maeum but why were you there??
-he completely ignores it tbh he shows the photos to the camera and is like “these r the polaroids in my phone case. anyways.” n he’s playing it cool but internally he’s PANICKING
-“hopefully they didn’t see the heart I drew on the Polaroid,” he thinks foolishly
-we did.
-so you try to do some damage control on your own live when asked about why he has ur photo in his phone and ur like “oh we’re really close friends!!”
-n honestly that’s a good and healthy response because everyone has the right to their platonic relationships
-but jungwon’s heart he drew on your Polaroid was just a little bit tooooo suspicious…anyways this leads to fans over-analyzing every single interaction to the point you two weren’t allowed to be seen in a ten foot proximity at events for a while
-but at least it reminded jungwon to be more careful lolol
-accidentally rizzes you up on live television
-you’re an mc for smth and you’re interviewing enhypen and you’re like, “oooh, some burning questions, what is your ideal type?”
-and Niki, with no hesitation fully goes, “you lol” and you see ur career flash before your eyes
-ur co mc is nervously laughing and niki realizes like oh wait we’re being broadcasted so he’s like “oh just kidding haha!!!” even though you two are making awkward eye contact while you’re mentally scolding him
-he’s so used to teasing and flirting with you in private so it’s a little hard to shake off in public
-anyways fans notice he’s looking at you a little too lovingly and being a little too genuine when he responded so it’s not long before you see ship edits on Twitter and tik tok
-doesn’t help when you answer the ideal type question with “someone who is playful and funny” thinking it was broad enough but ‘twas not <3
-he doesn’t really care too much but thought it was funny, even if he had to take a media training class again afterwards >:T
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moonchild9350 · 3 months
Swipe Right for Love
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Summary: You decided to take a chance at love, with the help of a dating app.
Pairing: nonidol Minho x fab reader x nonidol Jisung
Genre: smut- 18+ please MDNI
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: brief alcohol usage, oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering (m & f receiving), mention of pubic hair, anxiety (for like two seconds), p in v penetration, anal sex, creampie (wrap it up, wrap it up), mxm action, cum eating/cum swapping, i think that's it haha
Note: I love minsung omg. I'd love to swipe right on them lol. This is lightly edited so please excuse any typos. Anyhoo I hope you like it! Likes, reblogs, and comments appreciated :)
If you'd like to be added to the taglist let me know! (must have age in bio or pinned to be added)
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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“Find love here on Love Chat! Where millions of happy couples found love.”
You read on your phone, lost in thought, wondering if you should redownload a dating app. After being single for a while, you felt you were ready to get back into the dating game. The only problem was that you remembered how exhausting dating can be, especially in the early stages.
Tapping your fingers on your desk, you wrestled with the decision. You knew you wouldn’t be able to find anyone without a little help from an app as you were always either at work or at home, not much of a social person. However, after attending yet another friend’s engagement party, you felt that you should at least try to get back out there…you definitely weren’t getting younger.
“Fuck it,” you thought, pressing download on the app. You waited for the blue circle to fill in, signaling it was down downloading. Opening the app, you were greeted with the welcome page, prompting you to make a profile. You had to admit you enjoyed making a profile, choosing fun phrases and answers to questions, and adding your best pictures.
Once you were done creating your profile, you were prompted to start swiping on potential matches. You tucked your feet under your butt and began to look for potential matches. You swiped right on a few, not overly impressed, but at least what they answered on their profile met your minimum standards.
Your thumb was starting to get tired, about to close the app for the day when a particular profile caught your eye.
Minho and Jisung Age 25 and 23. About us: We are a happy couple looking for our 3rd counterpart to complete our relationship. We love to cook, sing, camp, and just spend quality time together. Serious inquiries only and must not be allergic to cats.
You’re not sure why their profile interested you. You definitely weren’t looking for more than one significant other…right? You exited the app, not completely closing it out and set your phone down. You tuned into the tv show you were watching, but you couldn’t focus. Your mind kept going back to the profile you just saw.
No, definitely not a good idea to get involved with two people…a couple at that, you thought. Your internal dialog with yourself caused your interest to pique. Grabbing your phone once more, you opened the app, the profile still on the page. You looked through the pictures, seeing the two men enjoying various activities. They were both gorgeous, that was a fact. One had pretty tanned skin, dark brown hair, a beautiful smile with cute little teeth that reminded you of a bunny. The other had honey toned skinned with brown hair as well. What really stood out though was his cheeks. They reminded you of a squirrels cheeks.
Figuring you had nothing left to lose, you swiped right on their profile, letting out a sigh, closing the app completely, and setting your phone down. Looking up at the tv screen, you continued to watch your show, although you couldn’t comprehend what was being said, your mind elsewhere.
All day, you kept checking your phone, seeing if you had any notification from the app saying you matched with anyone…particularly the couple Minho and Jisung. You admitted to yourself you were intrigued, but tried not to think about it too much.
Your plan was somewhat successful, not looking at your phone frequently. You decided to clean, knowing that would keep your mind occupied. As you were twirling around your kitchen belting out "The View" from your favorite band Stray Kids, broom in hand, you heard your phone chime and vibrate on the counter where you set it last.
Turning down the music, you walked over to your phone and viewed the notification on your lock screen. What you saw made you gasp. They accepted your match. You shook your head in disbelief, but there it was, the proof, they matched with you. Opening up the notification, you were brought to the message page. Taking a deep breath, you clicked on the unread message.
~Hey y/n! What’s up? Happy we matched. If you’re interested, wanna meet up over coffee to talk? Might be easier to explain the situation in person :)~
You read the message, then read it again. They want to meet up with you. Shaking your head, you typed out
~sure I’d love to meet you. Coffee sounds great.~
You read the message you wrote and then pressed send, placing your phone back on the counter. Within seconds, you got a reply. Opening the message you read,
~Awesome! Let’s meet at Red Bird Cafe this Friday at 1pm.~
You checked your calendar, noticing nothing was on the schedule. You responded back with a
~sounds good. See you guys then.~
You were crazy, yep, definitely crazy, meeting up with two men. ****************************************************Friday morning, you woke up, sun shining in your face. You groaned at the time. Your best friend Mina would be over soon to help you get ready for your date. Getting up, you padded your way to the bathroom to relieve yourself and start getting ready. While in the bathroom, you heard a key in the lock, your best friend’s voice echoing through the apartment.
“Hey bestie,” she called out.
You looked up and saw your friend plop down on your bed.
“So what are you gonna wear? You gotta look hot!”
“It’s just a coffee date Mina, I don’t exactly have to be dressed in a ballgown.”
“ Well no, you don’t. But you wanna snag these men girl, I mean they are hot.”
You laughed listening to your friend’s reasoning. For her, it was all about looks, but you wouldn’t mind having a personal connection with the next guy…or men you date. Walking into your bedroom, you made your way to your closet. You pulled out a plain, blue shirt and paired it with some shorts.
“How about this?”
Mina looked at you for a moment before saying, “absolutely not. There’s no charm in that outfit.”
She got up off the bed, walking to your closet. She went through your clothes before pulling out a floral dress.
“This. Wear this. It’s beautiful, looks good on you and provides easy access.”
“Ummm, I don’t think I’ll need something for easy access. It’s a coffee date.”
“You never know,” she said with a smirk on her face. “Wear cute panties too,” she added on with a wink.
You rolled your eyes, but took the dress. You picked out a cute pair of underwear and started getting dressed. It was a pretty dress, it had spaghetti straps, and hugged your curves just right, landing perfectly mid-thigh. Mina helped you with your hair and makeup, opting for a more natural look. Your hair hung down your back in waves.
Mina gave you a look over, nodding her head in satisfaction. You grabbed your bag before walking to the door.
“Let me know all the details!”
“Of course Mina,” you smiled, making your way out the door. ***************************************************The cafe wasn’t far from your apartment; therefore, you decided to walk there. You were nervous so to say. Once arriving, you took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked in. The smell of coffee hit your nose, the scent welcoming. There were tables filled with people, some working on their laptops, others laughing freely with friends. There were also couches with chairs, giving a more cozy feel. It was a nice atmosphere. You scanned the place, looking for your dates, finally spotting them on a couch in the back, nestled by a window.
You took a moment to observe them. The one with dark brown hair and bunny teeth had his arms around the other with chubby cheeks and boba eyes. Boba eyes said something to the other, both of them laughing afterwards. They looked so in love. How were you supposed to potentially fit into this? An outsider? Walking over to the couple, you stopped in front of them. Both men looked up at you, looking you up and down. You shifted on your feet at their gaze.
“Y/n?” the one with bunny teeth asked.
You nodded your head, looking down and twiddling your hands together. You looked up to see them both smile at you.
The one with boba eyes and chubby cheeks gestured at the seat behind you. You sat down, smoothing down your dress.
“Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Minho,” the man with dark brown hair and bunny teeth said, “and this is Jisung,” he gestured at the man next to him, who gave a wave and flashed a smile.
You smiled back at them, lost in Minho’s voice. “So, you’re looking for,” you thought for a moment of the right word to say. “Another significant other?”
Minho nodded. “Yes, we’ve been dating for five years and decided to open up our relationship for one more. We feel that we’re missing the missing piece in our relationship.”
You nodded at his response, mind running at top speed.
“So like, how does this work?” You asked.
“Well we get to know you and if it seems right, you’d become our girlfriend.” Jisung answered.
“Why don’t we start by getting coffee, and then we can chat,” Minho said.
“Ok” you said, getting up with Jisung to get coffees.
“Minho will stay here so we don’t lose our spot,” Jisung explained.
You both walked to the counter, ordering three iced americanos. Jisung glanced at you, smiling his gummy smile, big boba eyes shining.
“Don’t be nervous,” he said, “we really want to get to know you, ok? No funny business,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender.
You laughed at his statement. How could someone look so adorable? At that moment, your drinks were placed at the pickup counter. You grabbed yours while Jisung grabbed his and Minho’s. You both walked back and sat back down.
You chatted with the boys, learning all their favorites and even how they met. You also watched them interact with each other, how they seemed to flow with each other, in tune with the other’s actions. They seemed very much in love, and your mind couldn’t help but wonder how it would look if you were apart of their relationship. ***************************************************Time went by. You were lost in conversation with the couple, but all good things must come to an end. They offered to walk with you, which you agreed. Was it dumb to let two men walk you home that you just met? Probably, but who listens to reason. Plus, you felt comfortable with them.
You showed them the way, with you in the middle of the two as you walked to your apartment. It felt natural to be in between the two, like you had been a part of the relationship for years too. Approaching your apartment building, you stopped at the door.
“Well, this is me,” you said gesturing to the building.
Minho and Jisung nodded, looking at the building, before looking back at you. You twiddled your thumbs, rocking back and forth on your feet. Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out, “would you like to come upstairs?”
The boys smiled and Minho said, “sure.”
You led them into the building, pressing the elevator button. Once the door opened, the three of you stepped in. You pressed the number 4 for your floor. You noticed how Minho was slightly behind you, and Jisung next to you. The tension was thick in the air, almost palpable. You turned your head, looking at Jisung. He looked at you, his eyes seeming bigger, if that was possible, before looking down at him your lips. You returned the look, eyes gazing at his soft, plump lips.
Jisung leaned forward slowly, stopping right before touching your lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered.
You whispered “yes” back.
With your permission, Jisung pressed his lips to yours, sighing into your lips. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. He pressed soft kisses against your lips again and again and again. You found yourself chasing after his lips each time he withdrew his head.
Your heart was pounding, not believing you were kissing Jisung. Yet alone kissing someone who was in a relationship, and their significant other standing right there watching. The elevator dinged, signaling you were at your floor. Stepping back, you cleared your throat.
“Umm, this is my floor,” you said, tucking a piece of hair behind your ears.
Minho and Jisung both looked at you before exiting the elevator, you in tow. You showed them the way to your apartment. Fumbling with the key, you eventually got it into the lock, unlocking your door and swinging it open. Once everyone was inside, you closed the door and placed your keys on the hallway table.
You all stood there in silence, that tension in the air again. Minho finally stepped up to you, brushing your cheek with the back of his hand.
“You ok, kitten?” he asked.
You nodded your head yes. Minho smiled at you, before taking your hand and gesturing for you to lead them further inside. You brought them to your living area, sitting on the couch, both boys following suit. Minho grabbed your chin, turning your head toward him before pressing his lips to yours. He licked and nipped your bottom lips, your mouth opening as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.
As you were kissing Minho, you felt a soft pair of lips brush against your shoulder before pressing a wet kiss there. You softly moaned at the sensation, Minho smiling into your lips at the sound. He pulled back, watching as you tilted your head to the side, giving Jisung more access.
“Hmm kitten is needy?” Minho said. He grinned at you as you looked at him through hooded eyes.
“Come here,” he motioned, helping you turn around to face Jisung. Jisung was looking at you, pupils huge, and cheeks flushed.
“Lay back jagi,” Jisung said, pushing you back gently so your back rested against Minho.
Minho got comfy behind you, his hands rubbing up and down your arms. You relaxed in his embrace, more comfortable than you probably should be. Whatever was about to happen, you were ready.
“Can I take care of you, jagi?” Jisung asked you.
You looked at him, giving him a smile, said yes.
Jisung smiled back at you before laying on his belly. He parted your legs, your dress covering your core. Jisung pressed kisses up your leg, nipping and squeezing the flesh. You sighed out softly, watching the man in front of you. Minho grabbed your hands in his at that moment, resting them on your belly, watching as Jisung made his way higher and higher up your leg, reaching your plush thighs.
He looked at you before grabbing the hem of your dress, and flipping it up, exposing your core to his eyes. You blushed as he stared, feeling your slick coat your panties. You’d have to thank Mina later for making you wear your cute pair.
Jisung leaned forward once more, breathing in your smell, before pressing a kiss to your clothed core. You shivered at the feeling, Minho squeezing your hands at your action.
“Go on Ji, give her what she wants,” you heard Minho rasp out.
Jisung licked a stripe up your panties, sucking on the material, drenching it with his spit. You squirmed at the feeling, letting out little sighs. He moaned out against your core, before licking at your covered clit. He nipped at the material, sucking the cloth and bud into his mouth. He gave one more kiss on your soaked panties before reaching up to drag them down your legs. You watched with bated breath as he tossed them away before opening your legs up more, one hanging off the couch, the other pressed into the back of the couch.
He was staring at your wet pussy, slick sticking to the hair that donned your nether region. You blushed and tucked your head into Minho as best as you could, embarrassed and a little self-conscious. You closed your legs some before Jisung stopped you, looking up at you with concerned eyes.
“What’s wrong kitten?” Minho asked, taking his hands to rub up and down your shoulders to soothe you once more.
You hesitated before saying, “well I haven’t shaved.” You covered your eyes with your hand.
“But jagi, your pussy is beautiful, and the hair makes it even more so!” Jisung said.
You uncovered your face, looking at Jisung. “You don’t mind?”
“Absolutely not jagi. Like I said, it’s beautiful and sexy.”
You nodded ok and watched as Jisung reached for your legs, looking at you for silent permission to continue.
“Go ahead,” you whispered.
Jisung gently pushed your legs open once more, before leaning down. He opened up your lips with his fingers, before licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit. You moaned out, hips bucking at the feeling. Your hand flew to Jisung’s hair, grabbing hold of the strands, pushing his face further into your pussy.
Jisung licked a few more stripes up your pussy before attaching his plump lips to your clit, rolling the bud around his tongue. He leaned back to spit on your pussy, watching as it mixed with your slick, before wrapping his lips around your clit once more. He suckled the bud, rolling it with his tongue, making out with your pussy like a man starved.
You closed your eyes, getting lost in the feeling, gripping Jisung’s hair harder in your hands. You rode his tongue, whining out, whimpering his name. Behind you, you felt as Minho slowly slid your dress straps down your shoulders, pushing them down to expose your breasts. Minho groped and pinched your nipples, while Jisung slid two fingers into your pussy, causing your back to arch at the intrusion.
Jisung slid his fingers in and out of your warm walls before curling his fingers up, pressing against your sweet spot. You rocked your hips in time with his fingers, letting out breathy moans. Minho fondled your nipples, giving them a pinch every now and then. You felt your orgasm approaching with the help of the two men.
“Keep, keep going,” you breathed out, “don’t stop.”
Jisung moaned into your pussy, speeding up the thrusting of his fingers. With a lick and bite of your clit, you came hard, loud moans spilling from your mouth. You rode out your high, sporadically rocking your hips against Jisung’s face. Minho continued to grope and knead your breast, whispering sweet praises in your ear as you came down.
You relaxed your hold on Jisung’s hair, watching as he lifted his head up and sat back. Your slick and his spit was dripping down his chin, your arousal painting his lips, leaving them shiny. He grinned at you before leaning over and pressing his lips against Minho’s. You looked up in awe at the two men above you, feeling yourself getting aroused again. Jisung leaned back and pressed a kiss to your lips next. It was gentle, his lips molding with yours. You could taste yourself and Minho on his lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, not wanting him to stop.
He grinned against your lips, gave you one more peck before sitting down next to you.
“Let me clean you up jagi,” he said, walking to your kitchen to get a towel.
He came over and wiped you down before picking up your panties and putting them back on. He fixed your dress for you and helped you sit up.
Sitting there, you were confused to say the least. Looking at their bulges, you could tell they were both hard and were sure it was not exactly comfortable. You wanted, no, needed to help them out.
“What about you guys?” you asked.
Minho just shook his head. “Don’t worry kitten. You can help us out next time.”
Next time. There would be a next time. You felt happy at that thought. You knew they would not be leaving your mind anytime soon. You nodded your head, a little smile spreading on your face.
Minho brushed the back of his hand down the side of your face, whispering “beautiful.” You leaned into his palm, sighing happily at his praise. Jisung looked over your shoulder at Minho, giving him a smile, unspoken words in his eyes. Minho knew exactly what Jisung was thinking, that you were the one, the person they were looking for to complete them.
“Well kitten, this has been fun. Can we see you again?” Minho asked.
“Yes!” you answered a little too quickly and enthusiastically. Clearing your throat in embarrassment, you said in a more calm voice, “I’d like that.”
Both boys chuckled, getting up from your couch. Jisung helped you up, steadying you as you wobbled a little. You walked them to the door, watching as they put their shoes on. They each gave you a kiss and said they’d be in touch for the next date. Closing the door behind them, you leaned back against the door. You cannot believe your day. You had to phone Mina immediately. ****************************************************A little while later, you and Mina were sitting on the floor, take out containers spread out around you. Mina opted to come over to have a girls night, and of course, to hear you spill the details of your date.
“They were so sweet, Mina. I mean, they are in love, you can definitely tell.” You explained. “At first I couldn’t see how I could fit in, but as the date went on, it felt….natural being with them? I guess that’s the word for it.” You chuckled.
“Well you are a catch,” Mina said tossing her hair over her shoulders, “they’d be dumb not to like you.”
“And afterwards, we came back here,” you tailed off.
“You came back here and what?” Mina questioned, setting her food down. She looked you in the eyes, all ears at what you were about to say.
“We kissed in the elevator and my god the tension was intense, Mina. Once we got in my apartment, one thing led to another, and before you know it, Jisung was eating me out.”
Mina started clapping her hands, “yes girl! And you said nothing was going to happen.” She smirked and picked up her food.
You truly were stunned at today’s events, your mind wandering to Jisung’s lips on your clit and Minho’s hands pinching your nipples.
“Earth to y/n!”
You snapped out of your reverie to see your friend wavering her hand in front of your face.
“You were thinking of your boos huh,” Mina chuckled.
“They’re not my boos…not yet at least.” You said blushing.
“You said yet! You want to be their girlfriend don’t you! Don’t lie y/n it’s all over your face!” Mina patted you on the back.
You did want to be their girlfriend. It was difficult to explain, but you felt like they were what you were looking for. Your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw it was Minho. You grabbed your phone and read the text. They wanted to take you out again, this weekend, this time to a club.
“They want to go out this weekend,” you told Mina.
“Oh? Well we need to prepare your outfit!”
You responded to Minho agreeing to the date. You were happy having a friend like Mina since she was good at things like fashion and beauty, stuff you were never good at. ***************************************************The weekend came and so did the day of your date. You did your hair and makeup before putting on the dress Mina picked out for you. It was royal blue body con dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with the look, hoping the boys would like the look too. You grabbed your shoes and bag just as there was a knock at your door.
You opened the door and there they stood, looking absolutely gorgeous. You noticed them looking you over, little smirks forming on their faces.
“You look beautiful y/n” Jisung said grinning.
You said thank you before putting on your shoes. You locked your door and followed them out of your apartment building.
“We’ll take our car kitten,” Minho said.
You nodded, stepping aside as Jisung opened the door for you, sliding in beside you. Minho slid into the driver’s seat, starting the car. He pulled away from the curb, sliding smoothly into traffic. Watching him drive sparked something in you, which was stupid you knew, but watching the veins pop out of his hands as he maneuvered the wheel, the way he bit his lip every now and then as he watched the road….you were horny, no doubt about it.
Jisung scooted closer to you, giving you his gummy smile. You smiled back at him, his happiness contagious, watching as he reached out to grab your hand. He rubbed circles on your hand, which felt soothing. You relaxed into the seat, feeling comfortable. The destination wasn’t too far from your place. Minho pulled into a parking lot, parking the car (which was also hot to you). All three of you got out of the car and headed to the entrance.
Opening the door, the bass met your ears, lyrics of a popular rap song blaring throughout the room. There were people dancing in the middle of the room, while others were perched on couches that littered the corners of the place. Minho took your hand and led you through the crowd, Jisung’s hand perched on your lower back. He led you to one of the couches, a reserved sign placed on the table. All three of you sat down, a girl with a skimpy outfit coming by to get your drink orders. You ordered a vodka cranberry, sticking to the basics since you weren’t much of a drinker. Jisung ordered a twisted seltzer and Minho stuck to water being the driver.
You sat with the boys, being squished between the two, waiting on your drinks. They definitely like physical touch, you thought, which was no problem for you. Minho draped his arms around your shoulders, giving them a squeeze, while Jisung kept his hand on your thigh. Just their touch was causing sparks to shoot down your spine, settling in your core. Once your drinks came, you downed them before suggesting to go dance. The music was good, and you wanted to get on the dance floor.
“Sure kitten,” Minho said, getting up and reaching his hand out to you to help you get up, with Jisung right behind you.
The three of you made your way to the dance floor, settling amongst the bodies swaying to the music. Minho stood behind you, placing his hands on your hips, with Jisung in front of you. You draped your arms around Jisung’s neck, pulling him close. You swayed your hips in tune with the beat, feeling Minho pull you closer. After a while, all three of you were in synch, getting lost in the beat and each other’s arms. You felt your dress ride up slightly, allowing you to feel something hard press against your ass.
You pressed your ass back against Minho’s bulge, hearing his breath catch, and gripping your hips harder. Jisung smiled, watching Minho’s reaction. Jisung griped your chin before pressing a kiss on your lips, again and again. You loved his plush lips, the way they moulded perfectly with yours. You let out a whine, swiveling your hips once more against Minho’s. You’re not sure how much time passed, song after song passed, each moment getting more heated. You were wet, feeling your slick pool in your panties, causing them to stick to your pussy, a fluttery feeling spreading through your core with each touch and kiss from Minho and Jisung.
Eventually, Minho whispered in your ear, Jisung watching with his eyes wide and pupils dilated, “let’s take you home kitten, hmm?”
You nodded, more than ready to leave with them. Minho pressed a kiss to your shoulder before taking your hand once more, leading you out of the crowd, Jisung not far behind. You three quickly made your way to the car, Minho once more getting behind the wheel, Jisung sliding in next to you.
“Want go back to ours kitten?” Minho asked.
“Yes please,” you breathed out as Jisung peppered kisses up and down your jaw before slotting his lips over yours.
You returned the kiss eagerly, letting out a sigh at the feeling, tongues sliding against each other, as Jisung nipped at your lip. You took your hand and slide it down to Jisung’s bulge, giving it a squeeze, the boy whimpering against your lips. Popping open the button and unzipping his jeans, you slid your hand in his boxers, wrapping your hand around his cock, collecting the pre-cum that was leaking out. You looked into his eyes, seeing the need in his eyes, as you stroked his cock. You gave him a smile before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the tip, Jisung letting out a loud moan at the feeling. He opened his eyes, briefly making eye contact with Minho, before looking back down at you.
He gathered your hair so it wouldn’t get in the way as you bobbed your head, taking more of his length. He gently bucked his hips, sliding more of his cock into your mouth, hearing you moan, causing him to shudder at the vibration.
You suckled the head before lifting your head with a pop, Jisung whimpering at the sudden loss of the warmth of your mouth. You gathered some spit before spitting on his cock, spreading it around before taking him in your mouth once more. Hollowing out your cheeks, you sucked him off in earnest, loud, slick noises coming from your mouth. You felt Jisung moan and whine, his hips bucking up, causing his cock to kiss the back of your throat.
He gripped your hair harder, whimpering out, “don’t stop jagi..fuck, gonna cum. Keep going, fuck!”
You suckled his the tip once more, swiping your tongue over the slit before deep throating his cock. You felt him shudder, before he loudly came, cum shooting out of his cock and down your throat. You hummed around his cock, sucking him dry, feeling him squirm at the extra stimulation. Lifting your head with a pop, you opened your mouth so he could see his cum.
“Kiss me jagi,” he whimpered out.
You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his. he slid his tongue into your mouth, as you pushed some of his cum into his mouth. He groaned against your lips, tasting his cum before leaning back. You both swallowed, your chests heaving.
“God that was hot,” you heard a voice say behind you.
You turned your head, seeing Minho turned around in his seat, the car parked. You forgot that he was there, yet alone in a car, not noticing when you got to your destination.
“Let’s get inside kitten,” Minho smirked, watching as Jisung tucked his softened cock back in his boxers and zipped his pants back up. The boys took your hand, walking up to their apartment door, Minho unlocking the door. Stepping inside, you did a quick glance over of the place, noticing how comfy it seemed. Jisung skipped inside, kicking off his shoes before making his way to a room. Minho grabbed your hand and followed Jisung, entering what you assumed was their bedroom.
Jisung was already perched at the top of the bed, reclining against the mountain of pillows there. Minho slowly pushed you down, his eyes never leaving yours.
“It’s my turn to have some fun with you, hmm kitten,” Minho said, hovering over you.
“Yes, need you Min,” you said.
Minho smiled at the nickname, before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You sighed into the kiss, your lips gently moving with his. Minho dragged his fingers down your chest and belly, before lightly pressing down on your panties, sliding his fingers through your lips. You gasped at the feeling of your soaked panties dragging through your folds, letting out a little moan. Minho slowly rubbed at your clit, the soaked fabric providing the lubrication he needed to ease the glide. He continued to gently kiss you, muffling the soft sounds coming from your mouth.
He pushed your panties to the side, the pad of his finger finally making direct contact with the little bud, your hips slightly jerking upwards at his touch. He watched you fall apart as he slid his finger back and forth, up, down on your clit. He withdrew his fingers, a whimper leaving your lips. Grasping the band of your panties, he dragged them down your legs and tossed them aside. Minho parted your legs, eyes locking in on your pussy, shiny from the dripping arousal from your pussy. He licked his lips before leaning down to slide his tongue through your folds.
He moaned at your taste, burying his head further into your pussy, understanding what Jisung meant when he told him your pussy just tasted too good. Minho licked another strip up your pussy before latching onto your clit, giving it kitten licks before suckling the bud. He held your hips down as you squirmed, listening to the sweet moans falling from your mouth. Minho sucked at your clit once more before dragging his tongue down to your entrance, his tongue pushing into your warm walls.
Minho fucking your walls with his tongue felt so good, you could barely lay still, rocking your hips up and down. His nose brushed against your clit, providing stimulation, causing you to mewl out, that tingling feeling building up within you. Through your foggy haze, you saw movement to the side and turning your head, you saw Jisung scoot beside you, grasping your hand.
“Sungie kiss me,“ you begged, as Minho kept fucking your pussy with his tongue.
Jisung grinned, latching his lips onto yours, immediately sliding his tongue into your mouth, sucking on your tongue. Your moans got louder as you felt close, your hips wildly bucking upwards. You felt Minho finger at your clit, circling the bud. Your breath hitched up and with a loud cry, you came, your legs closing to squeeze against Minho’s head, as your walls clenched around his tongue. He kept tongue fucking you through your high, moaning into you. Jisung peppered your face with kisses, swallowing up your moans, his lips on yours once more.
You breathed out, releasing your hold on Minho’s head. He gave a feather light kiss to your clit before sitting up and leaning down to kiss you. You could taste your arousal on his lips, groaning at the taste. He leaned back before leaning over to kiss Jisung, letting him have a taste of you too. You watched as your breathing returned to normal, grinning at the desperation between the two.
Minho and Jisung separated before turning to you.
“Let’s get this dress off jagi,” Jisung said reaching to unzip the back of the dress.
Minho stood up removing his shirt and pants, tossing them haphazardly in the room. You shimmied out of the dress, Jisung helping you the whole time. Laying naked on their bed, the boys stared at you, taking in your beauty.
Jisung brushed his fingers against your breasts, blowing on each one of them in turn, causing your nipples to harden. He repeated the action a few times, before kneading one of your breasts, leaning down to take a nipple in his mouth. He sucked and sucked, darting his tongue out to lick the mound, all the while fondling the other. Sighing at the feeling, you looked up to see that Minho had removed his boxers, his cock hard and leaking.
“I’m going to fuck you now kitten,” Minho said, spreading your legs more so he could settle between them.
He stroked his cock a few times, watching as Jisung sucked at your breasts. He slid his cock through your folds, gathering your slick, before tapping your clit a few times. Placed his cock at your entrance, he slowly pushed in, your walls stretching to accommodate his cock. The stretch felt good, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Minho bottomed out and stilled, looking down at you in concern.
“Move, please move,” you whimpered, lifting your hips up for some friction.
Minho pulled out before pushing in, his cock dragging along your walls. It felt so wet and warm, he didn’t want to pull out and he wouldn’t. He wanted to live within your walls. He started to snap his hips into yours, moans leaving his mouth and yours. The sight below him a dream. You were fucked out, mouth open, eyes in a daze, one hand on his chest, the other buried in Jisung’s hair as he suckled and nipped at your breasts.
You felt that tingle again in your belly, the feeling expanding as Minho fucked you, pounding into you in a steady rhythm, hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. You moaned out, whimpering, little “ahhhs” and “please” leaving your lips.
“Don’t stop, I’m close, ahhh” you whined.
You felt the coil snap, your orgasm hitting you hard. Your vision turned white, while your hearing turned fuzzy. Minho didn’t stop pounding into you, helping you ride out your high. He was close, he just needed to adjust a little and with your pussy clenching around him, he came, his cum hitting your walls, throwing his head back at the feeling, little bunny teeth showing.
He stilled his hips, and looked down at you and Jisung. Jisung lifted his head off your breast with a pop, a string of spit trailing from his mouth to your nipple. Jisung’s cock was hard again, and rutting his hips against the sheets to get some friction.
You moaned as Minho pulled out of you, watching as Jisung shuffled his way down to your pussy. He leaned down and quickly lapped up you and Minho’s cum, moaning at the taste. Minho laid down next to you, brushing the hair out of your face. You looked at him with glassy eyes, feeling at ease and relaxed, little sighs falling from you as Jisung lapped at you like it was his last meal.
Leaning back, Jisung wiped his mouth before shucking off his boxers, palming his cock before settling between your legs.
“My turn jagi,” he whispered.
You nodded, saying “need you Sungie please.”
He smiled down at you before pushing in, sliding right in because of your slick and being stretched open by Minho’s cock. Jisung was a little thicker, but you took it, wanting to feel all of him. Jisung bottomed out, whines and pants coming from his mouth.
“So hot and wet, made for us jagi, oh fuck”
Jisung snapped his hips again and again, lost in your wet walls, your body sliding up and down the sheets, mouth open in an “o” no sound coming out. Tears were forming in your eyes from the mix between pleasure and pain from overstimulation.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around Jisung causing him to fall forward and bury his head in your neck. You felt his little breath’s against your neck as he rocked his hips into yours, you locking your legs around him to keep him close.
“Fu..fuck!” Jisung panted out, jolting forward suddenly.
You looked over his shoulder to see Minho behind Jisung, his fingers sliding in and out of his hole, stretching him out. Jisung pounded into you faster, his high approaching with the extra stimulation. With a wail, Jisung came, filling you up to the brim, his cum leaking out. Minho helped Jisung pull out before laying him on his belly, and pushing his cock into Jisung’s hole.
Jisung let out another wail, little pants falling from his mouth as Minho fucked him, sliding his cock in and out, in and out. You watched the scene in front of you, taking in Jisung’s fucked out face, the way he just took what Minho gave him, to Minho, panting as he pounded into Jisung, his chest rising and falling, his head falling back in pleasure.
Jisung came again, cries falling from his lips, as his cock was still hard after fucking you, cum spilling all over the sheets. Minho slipped out of Jisung, removing the condom that he must have put on at some point, you being too fucked out to notice, before lifting Jisung up and on his knees.
“Suck,” Minho said, Jisung scrambling to wrap his lips around Minho’s cock. Jisung bobbed his head up and down, while Minho grabbed Jisung hair to control his pace. Minho groaned in pleasure, bunny teeth biting his lip, as Jisung sucked and sucked, Minho’s cock hitting the back of his throat again and again.
Jisung fondled Minho’s balls, as he continued to suck, Minho roaring out in pleasure, speeding up his thrusts into Jisung’s mouth. With a loud moan, he stilled his hips, pressing Jisung’s face to his pelvis, spurting cum into Jisung’s mouth. Once done, he released Jisung, who scrambled back, showing Minho his tongue with his cum on it before swallowing it.
Minho smiled, leaning down to give Jisung a kiss. Collapsing on the bed, Jisung crawled to you, wrapping his hands around your waist and burying his head in your neck. Minho settled on the other side, pressing gentle kisses to your face, causing you to giggle. He smiled, the sound of your laughter like heaven to him.
“Will you be ours kitten? Be our girlfriend?”
You simply nodded your head, “of course.”
You felt the happiest you’ve been in a long time, sandwiched between two men you were growing to love.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Blurbs: Dinosaur
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Summary: You make the mistake of helping Joe make a TikTok account.
Warnings: None, pure silliness
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
February 15, 2024
Out of nowhere, Joe plopped down next to me on the couch and put his phone on my lap.
“Can I help you?” - you
“Yes, actually!” - Joe pointed to his phone
I looked down at his phone to see that it was the TikTok log-in or sign-up page that pops up when you first download the app.
“What?” - you
“Can you help me make an account? My dinosaur ass can't figure it out, but I wanna follow you and see the videos you post. Ja’Marr was talking about the videos you posted of me and you for Valentine’s yesterday, but I had no idea what he was talking about. I wanna be able to see your posts.” - Joe
“Why? So you can approve of them?” - you
“No, nothing like that! I like watching the videos you make of us, and I think they're cute. Plus, I rarely ever get to see the finished prank videos. Please help me?” - Joe
I thought his reasoning was adorable, so I happily helped him.
“Do you want it to be an official account or incognito?” - you
“Incognito.” - Joe
Nodding, I handed him his phone so he could type a username in.
I was absentmindedly staring off when I heard Joe giggle.
“What?” - you smiled
He handed me his phone, and I playfully rolled my eyes at the username he typed out.
“You're a dork.” - you laughed
“I mean, I am making the account to watch your videos, so it's kinda fitting.” - Joe grinned
After getting the rest of the account setup process completed, Joe made me type my username in the search so he could follow me.
“Wanna follow anyone else? The team you play for, maybe?” - you
“Nope. This is all I wanted.” - Joe
You had no idea what a mistake that would be, and you were dealing with the consequences.
It wasn't even the next day yet, and Joe had blown your phone up, mass-liking every video you've ever posted.
Then he found the AI Spongebob singing videos…
“Joseph Lee, send me one more TikTok, and I'm going to block you.” - you
“Watch the last one I sent!” - Joe
“No!” - you
“It's Patrick singing Billie Jean!” - Joe
We were lying in bed, or at least I was, but my phone continuously vibrated on the nightstand, and Joe laughing kept me from sleeping.
“Go to sleep.” - you
Joe rolled over and laid his head on my shoulder, his hand propping up his phone on my chest to show me the video.
Like he hadn't already watched it ten times, Joe couldn't stop laughing.
“I'm gonna shove you off of this bed.” - you
Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they did. They damn did.
Joe found Jett and Campbell. (IYKYK)
Now he randomly calls me Pookie as a joke, but with way too serious of an expression for my liking.
He'd gone to pick up my online pickup order from the store for me, and when Joe called me to tell me he had received my order, he greeted me in a way that made me want to hang up.
“Hey, baby.” - you
“Hey, Pookie. I got your order and am almost home.” - Joe
A few seconds of silence went by till I spoke up.
“Call me that again and I'll file for divorce.” - you
“You wouldn't do that, you love me too much... right?” - Joe
“I would never even think of it. I was just kidding, Joey.” - you
“Good because I can't live without you.” - Joe
“Can't live without you either… I love you more than anything.” - you
A few seconds of silence went by before Joe spoke up.
“Love you too… Pookie.” - Joe
“Bye.” - you hung up
After threatening divorce, Joe toned it down with the “Pookie” shit, but then he found trends that guys were doing on their girls.
We were in bed one night, cuddling and watching a movie, when out of nowhere, I heard an unmistakable edit audio playing. I looked over at Joe’s phone only to see my face and an annoyed expression on Joe’s.
Joe put his phone down on his chest and scooted away from me.
“Joe…” - you
“Nope, it's okay. Comforting knowing that my wife can recognize songs that are in the background of videos of other men.” - Joe
“You're being silly. I'm huge right now because I'm pregnant with your kid.” - you
“You're not huge… but that still doesn't make up for the fact that you knew that sound.” - Joe
I rolled over onto my side and curled up against Joe. He begrudgingly reached out and ran his fingertips over my bump that was pressing against his side.
“You're crazy if you think I don't have an edit of you saved with the same song in the background.” - you grinned
Joe looked away, suddenly feeling bashful as his cheeks flushed pink, and I lightly scratched his bare arm with my nails.
“You're playin’.” - Joe
“No, I'm not!” - you
I grabbed my phone out and pulled TikTok up, immediately finding my collection titled “Hubby ❤️🤭”, and scrolled till I found the video I wanted.
“Woah, you weren’t joking.” - Joe
“Don't you look hot as fuck?” - you
“I'm just drinking water on the sidelines…” - Joe
“Exactly!” - you
Authors note: idk what to say 💀
Request in this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Could you do headcannon of the Taskforce 141 boys having a civilian fem!spouse? I’m not a soldier so I am curious to see what they are like and how they meet said spouse. ❤️
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Summary: Headcanons for how Price, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz meet their civilian SO
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Price, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz!
Warnings: none!
A/N: Hopefully you enjoy these! I had fun coming up with different ways they’d meet ‘em. ( Gif credit: xxx )
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He’d be in the middle of a discussion with some of his friends when one of them casually mentions the name of a dating app that’s supposedly hot right now.
At first, he doesn’t care. Reassures himself he’s too old and busy to waste his time with such a thing... until he has a rough night during his downtime. Loneliness weighing heavily on him to the point he finds himself downloading the damn app during a moment of weakness.
At first, he doesn’t use it much. His profile is simple: he’ll post a few photos of himself, vaguely mention what he does for a living, what he’s looking for. And that’s that for a few months. Whenever he had the time, he’d swipe through a couple profiles here and there, but nothing serious had ever come from it.
Until 6 months later, when he finds himself humoring that deep ache in his heart, browsing through profile after profile until he lands on yours.
He knows better than to be fooled by looks, but he’d also be a liar if he said that he wasn’t smitten with you the moment he’d laid eyes on your photo. With a swipe, he silently hopes that the two of you will match, and when you eventually do, he’s over the moon but plays it as cool as he possibly can.
When he takes you out after talking for a while, he properly wines and dines you, doesn’t even kiss you after the first date either. Instead, he’d taken your hand in his and kissed it before asking if he can take you out again.
It takes a few years, but when he proposes, he goes all out in every way possible but makes sure to keep it all private. He can’t stand public proposals.
He was home for the holiday season when he’d met you in a super market. You’d looked as lost as ever when browsing the food, so he couldn’t help but ask if you were okay. You mentioned that you were shopping for a relative but weren’t local so you had no idea where to even begin.
He’d helped you grab everything you needed before he felt a rush of anxiety hit him like a train. He’ll never understand what drove him to feel as if he couldn’t let you go without at least asking for your number, but he was thankful for it for the rest of his life.
You’d talk to one another over the phone throughout your entire stay and long afterwards too... By the time the holidays are rolling around again, the two of you had been long-distance for quite sometime, but it’d be the first time seeing you in person after so long. After spending the holiday together between both of your homes, Johnny can’t help but want to keep you in his life for as long as you’ll allow it.
2 years down the line, the two of you are visiting his family again when he decided to propose to you, and when you accepted, best believe both him and his family were excited and quick to initiate a group hug in celebration.
When Simon is off duty, he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He struggles with finding things to keep himself occupied while he’s home. Stress and other emotions make even the simplest of tasks difficult for him. So, over time, he’d developed a habit of heading down to a local park to try and relax. Sometimes he’d take a book, other times he simply sat at a bench and allowed himself to get lost in his own mind. Mostly, he’d sit in silence and just enjoy watching the world pass him by.
One day when he’s walking over to his usual bench, he sees you there with a book in one hand and a drink in another. Captivated by the words on the page to the point that you don’t even notice him when he sits down on the opposite end of it, not saying a word or even glancing at you afterward. Instead, he simply watches you out of his peripheral vision. Wondering what you’re reading that has you so engaged.
He didn’t speak to you then. Instead, he’d allowed it to happen a few more times until you finally broke the silence between you two. Glancing up at him from behind your book with a shy smile as you introduced yourself to him. Behind a dark disposable mask, Ghost’s lips quirk upwards into the smallest of grins, thankful that you’d taken initiative. After you greet him, you do your best to make the occasional small-talk before you’ve to leave.
The same thing happens a few more times before he finds himself purchasing a burner phone just so he can give you a number to reach him at.
From there, the two of you would get to know one another better, sharing park dates together before you began to suggest other types of dates. Next thing Simon knew, the two of you were officially together and he was absolutely mad about you, thinking about you every second of his days. Despite the fact, he’s a complicated man with a lot of baggage, so he takes his time with your relationship.
4 years later, he’s the one to beat you to the punch and proposing to you in the very same park you met at after he takes you on a picnic.
IMO, Gaz seems like the type to frequent a coffee shop/cafe he enjoys to the point he’s basically a regular. Has his own favorite table, order, and everything. That is, until one day he arrives a bit later than usual and he sees you sitting there.
Normally, he would have just let you have the table but before he could even turn away to find another one, you were asking him if everything was alright. He couldn’t find it in himself to say yes and turn away. Instead, he somehow manages to not only ask if you two can share the table, but give you a dazzling smile after he does so as well. Taking special notice in how you had blushed afterward.
He wouldn’t ask you out right away. Instead, he’d build up to it. Gives you his number that first day so you two can get to know one another better while he’s off duty. He has to head back for another mission soon, but rest assured whenever he has any time off and it’s safe to do so, he’s spending all of his free time messaging and calling you. Getting to know you better.
Eventually, after the two of you have spent a few unofficial coffee dates together, he works up the courage to ask you out on a proper date. He’s upfront - but vague - about what he does and how it can affect his free time, but thankfully, you never cared. Instead, you’re just happy he finally asked you out after months of beating around the bush.
After your first date together, it’s all downhill from there. He’d fallen head-over-heels for you to the point even his fellow Task Force members noticed and teased him about it. Even more so after he’d gush about how he swears “you’re the one”
Little did they know by the end of the next year, the two of you would be engaged~
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lisenberry · 29 days
The mountain is you
Ch. 2 - I don't know what it is that I'm climbing to
CW: BDSM negotiations, dom!Price, dom!Ghost, pain play
(Chapter 1)
It’d been a while since John had spoken to his former lieutenant, and even longer since he’d seen him.  The last few years had passed in a fog, so it was a shock when he saw the familiar number come across his phone.  He only briefly hesitated before answering. 
Soap and Gaz texted him all the time.  Links of foolish videos on the clock app, and pictures of mysterious rashes on their body parts that they needed help identifying.
But Ghost wasn’t one to waste anyone’s time.  Whatever it was, it was important.  And as it turned out, he had a proposition for him.
“You need a project, Cap.  Something to keep you sharp.”
“Are you worried about me, Simon?”
“We all are.”
John had been the one to start Life Connect 141.  An opportunity that gave the lads a place to channel their post-combat restless energy in a way that wouldn’t get them a murder conviction or a stint in a maximum-security psych ward.  It kept them together as a team and gave them a purpose.  And the opportunity to launder some of the not-quite-above-board money they’d liberated over the course of their travels.
Some veterans of special ops worked with rescued pit bulls.  Others started fitness programs, backpacking guide schools, and preparedness training facilities.
His boys filled their own rewarding niche.  Even after John’s departure, the company had flourished and from what he could tell, they were all staying out of trouble.
Judging by Ghost’s concern, he was the one who was floundering.  A marriage to the wrong woman, and the subsequent messy divorce, had left him dangerously adrift.  He’d thought about returning to the work, but his heart wasn’t in it anymore.
“Just meet her.  Trust me.  You can decide then if you’re doing me a favor, or the other way around.”
And he did trust Ghost.  With his life.  And if anyone had been keeping track, he imagined the scales were just about even between who owed whom more.
In the end, he agreed to the meeting.  For no other reason than to see for himself what had one of the toughest, most resourceful bastards he’d ever known seeking his expertise. 
They’d been at the table for a half hour, going over your file and discussing the particulars when John glanced up to catch his first impression of you.  A breezy blouse and a long, colorful skirt.  You looked around the outside seating area but didn’t see them.
Or more likely, you didn’t recognize Ghost without his mask on, judging by the surprised laughter that met his ears a few seconds later.
“Ah, dove.  There you are.”  Simon grinned as he stood, pulling you into a friendly hug. 
“You’ll have to forgive me, I’ve never seen you without the mask before.  I’m trying to reconcile the picture in my head.  I’ll try not to stare.”  An endearingly warm smile lit up your face.
You weren’t at all what John had pictured, either.  He’d clearly have to adjust the conclusions he’d reached based on your file.  He’d read about your stressful, demanding job, your high intelligence and predilection for punishment, and he’d imagined someone harder.  Colder.
There was a notation in the margin on one of the pages that had stood out as well. 
Daddy issues??? Undisclosed but probable.
He made his own note to inquire further, suddenly anxious to know everything there was to know about you.
“The mask is an improvement, don’t you think?” Ghost shrugged.  Was he actually blushing? 
Surely it was just the heat of the sun or a trick of the light.
“It has its charms, but you have a very honest face.”  The way you laid your hand reassuringly on his lieutenant’s arm made John clear his throat and offer his own hand in greeting.
As cute as your connection was, you were there for him, and he noticed the way you’d nervously avoided meeting his gaze.  The way you’d chosen to cling instead to Simon, the devil you knew. 
He had no desire to forcibly extricate you from your bond with your previous Dom.  That wasn’t how it worked.  At best, John could match it.  Slowly.  If he did his job right, in time, you’d come to look at him with a similar trust.
“Nice to meet you,” your eyes finally flitted to his as he took your cool, smooth palm into his own. 
It was then that he felt it.  The twitchy, fevered thrill of a worthy mission.
“So, what does that file say about me?”  You sipped your pint, finding your throat suddenly dry and your forehead warm, and in need of something to do with your hands. 
Ghost had excused himself a short while before, after making the introductions and sharing a few stories of his and John’s time working together.   
You’d found being alone with him to be...intense.  He seemed impenetrable.
He didn’t look down at the folder, and kept it closed on the table.  His pen held between his two hands, contemplative and resolute.
“That you’re a pain slut.  With a high tolerance.”  His voice didn’t rise above his gruff, conversational tone, and you didn’t bother to look around at your fellow patrons seated near you.  With the din of the restaurant, they wouldn’t be able to hear.  “Does that bother you?”
“No.  It’s the truth.”  You didn’t have anything to hide.  Not from him at least.  Not if this was going to work.
“What is it about pain that you seek out?”  He crossed his arms over the table and leaned in closer.  Biceps bunching under his t-shirt.  Ghost had always worn a suit.  John looked like he came from a construction site.  Unshaven and slightly dangerous.
You didn't hate it.
“When it’s done right, there’s a moment right before it gets to be too much that my body starts to fight back.  As if to say, ‘Go on, I dare you.  Is that all you’ve got to give?’  And just then, right before I give in and quit, it’s the most powerful I’ve ever been.  The most alive.”
“It’s the rush then, is it?”  He studied you like a therapist.  And you felt like a patient.  Only this therapist’s job was to tie you up and make you cry.  And come.  And cry again.  The thought made you shudder inwardly with anticipation.   
“It doesn’t work for all pain.  It’s not the blood or the risk of injury.  I don’t get off at the thought of the dentist...” you trailed off with a light laugh, finding it easier to talk to him about this than you'd thought. “But sometimes, the more helpless I am, the stronger it feels.  There aren’t too many things you can do without thinking about it.  Against your will.  Beating, breathing, feeling.  There’s a freedom in it.  Again, if it’s done right.”
“You don’t like to think, then.  You’d rather be surprised?”
“I don’t mind surprises.  I like them, actually.  We don’t have to negotiate everything ahead of time, so long as it feels right in the scene.”
You finished off the last of your pint and smoothed the napkin that had caught to the condensation on the bottom.  A first date, a therapy session, and an interview all in one.  And yet it didn’t fill you with the same anxiety as it should.  It could’ve gone wrong in a hundred different ways, and yet the more you confided, the more you relaxed. 
“Talk to me about these hard lines.”  He opened your file, skimmed it, and moved his pen back and forth as if he was underlining something boldly.
“Always be honest with me about what you’re going to do.  Don’t play games or make me have to choose something in order to please you.  Keep me engaged, but if I have to make a decision it will take me out of it.”
“That’s important to know, thank you.”  He made another note on the page.  “It also says no choking, but with an asterisk next to it.  Care you elaborate?”
“When I was little, I had terrible asthma.  Life threatening at times.  It’s under control now, but not being able to breathe, or even the threat of it, doesn’t...” you paused, searching for the right word to convey your biggest fear, “arouse me.  Let’s just say.”
“I understand why it wouldn’t.”  No sympathetic indulgence, thankfully, just a solid nod of support. 
Could he relate?  You wondered what hard lines he had.  You couldn’t imagine anything scaring him. Ghost had reacted the same when you’d had this discussion.  No questions, no bargaining.  Just respect for your vulnerability.  Surprising, from two men who seemingly had none themselves.
It prompted you to delve in further, and leave no room for misunderstanding, just in case.
“No collars, no ribbons, bows, belts, neckties, your hands, anything please.”
“Neck is off limits.  Noted.” 
“You can still kiss me there, if that’s something you like.  Or you can slap me, to get my attention.  And if you need to move me around or hold me down, you can grab my hair.”
You punctuated the last with a helpful smile and a shrug of your shoulders.  His gaze seemed to find your neck then, perhaps contemplating what it’d be like to kiss it.  Did the thought bring him as much excitement as it did you?
“Fair enough.”  A contented grunt was all you received in response.
“You said that this would be a reciprocating agreement.  What do you want from me?”  The question that had been on your mind since Ghost had called you.
With him, you just paid him money.  That was your end of the deal.  Without payment, that left too much to your imagination and you’d let it run a bit wild. 
“I’ll tell you what I want, and when I want it.  Is that clear?  I won’t ask for your permission, and you’ll never have to wonder what I’m thinking.  I don’t hear yes and no, or green and yellow.  Red means take a break and try something else, and the safe word is a hard stop to call it a day.”
“Understood.  Thank you.”  It was a plan you could definitely work with.  “But what about you?  What do you hope to get out of this?”
“I like to be in charge.  Take care of things.  And do the hard things that need to be done.”
“And who takes care of you?”  A simple question, but he seemed to bristle at it.  Perhaps you’d pushed him too far, too soon. 
“Good little girls who listen and behave.”  He adjusted himself in his seat, straightening as if to get back some control.  “Let’s talk punishments.  No spanking, obviously.  You’ll enjoy it too much.”  His eyes seemed to darken in both amusement and desire.
No doubt proud of himself for changing the subject and redirecting the friendly interrogation.
“Hopefully I won’t displease you, but you could ignore me.  That will make me rethink my attitude real quick,” you replied, with an answering grin.
“Ignore you?  I think that would hurt me more than you, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart.  You liked that.  Probably said as much with the flood of heat to your cheeks and the breathless giggle that sounded so foreign to your ears. 
“I think we’ll get along just fine...John?”  You questioned what name he wanted to be called.
“Sir.  Just sir.”
On the day of your appointment, he texted you the location and the key code for the door lock.  You found the building easily, and stepped into the elevator, double checking the apartment number to be sure you were in the right place.
When the code worked on the door to the fifth floor, you entered to find that it was someone’s home. 
The office of Life Connect 141 was in a nondescript office space on the outskirts of Canary Wharf, not far from your office.  If anyone spotted you, you could use the excuse of taking a meeting or doing your due diligence on a property you were looking to liquidate.
This, on the other hand, was well off the beaten path.  A restored factory building in a neighborhood you weren’t familiar with, but appeared to be up and coming judging by the activity along the street.  You’d already noted a few restaurants to try on the short walk from the Tube station and filed them away to pick up something to eat on your way home. 
A flat of this size and builder quality must have cost a premium, or else the owner bought in cheap before the neighborhood began to blossom.  It was well-appointed and comfortable.  Floor to ceiling windows that opened to look just above the shorter buildings next door.  Privacy from looking directly at your neighbors, but still connected to the bustling down below.
Once inside, you followed his directions to the letter.  You’d arrived early, dimmed the lights and set your bag on the hook by the door.  Cell phone ringer turned off and your shoes in the basket in the hall.
"I’ll leave what I want you to wear on a chair, you’ll know which one.  Wear nothing else.  There will be a pillow on the floor, you’ll know which one.  You’ll greet me on it."
As you moved in past the entryway, the remaining room was an open concept.  A kitchen with an attached dining area, and a living space on the opposite side.  Two plush sofas and an assortment of chairs and tables.  You didn’t know what to expect.  A pleasure room, maybe, or a dungeon of racks and toys.
It was just a living room.
Any nerves you’d been holding onto dissolved when you spotted the fabric draped across the lapis lazuli velvet wing-backed armchair.  Was that going to be his seat?  It was large enough to hold both of you comfortably...if you were on his lap.  It was certainly a statement piece.
The outfit he’d chosen was a simple, pink silk backless slip dress.  Not cheap satin, but the softest, sheerest gossamer.  You shivered as you stripped from your street clothes and gently settled the confection over your skin.  It barely covered your ass as you folded your things and hid them out of sight.
You briefly warred with whether to leave your hair up or down, deciding on the former, before you finally took a deep breath to center yourself.  Whatever happened next was out of your control.
When your knees met with the pillow at the foot of The Chair, your mind emptied and you felt the tension that you’d been carrying for weeks start to fade.  
Just in time to hear the click of the front door.
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siyzuii · 11 days
quick intro & psa for my page + how i shift <3
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like the title says.. doing a quick psa & telling you how i personally shift basically almost every time!
remember none of my posts are tailored to fit every shifter because they can't possibly be. what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. i am not responsible for your shifting journey. thank you!
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okay i'm gonna keep this short hi if you don't know me yet you can call me xylia or léa ! close friends call me stella but those are usually the people that i've known for longer.
i'm a minor but if you'd like to know my age for specifics please dm me privately (however, i will only tell people that i consider friends or plan to become friends with)
i currently only have one (main) dr which is my kpop dr so if you're a kpop shifter interact please!!!
first psa !! i've only been on tumblr for about a month so bear with me because i'm not that good at navigating the app yet neither do i know some terms that people use on here
my first language also isn't english so please don't expect me to be the best at it, i might have to ask you what things mean or how to do things.
second psa !! i recently started school and it's keeping me extremely busy (constant homework, unexpected tests, etc) and i'm also focused on my own shifting journey (it's helping a lot) so i prefer to avoid social media that i don't talk to close friends on right now. this is why it might take a while for me to respond to you if you decide to drop an ask or dm me but i promise as soon as i read it i'll get to it asap!
i also get notifications a lot surprisingly, 99+ every time i check, so it might take longer for me to respond to comments and i might not see yours until i check back again.
please remember that i can't immediately respond to you or answer all of your questions but i'll try to help as much as i can!
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         HOW I SHIFT
okay this part is probably why you read this post in the first place so i'm not going to bug you too much anymore. things that are optional in my routine will be marked with a pink * but everything is optional really, this is just what i personally do.
also note that you do NOT have to sleep to shift!! if you're not a fan of that i don't recommend doing what i do because for me it works easier doing an "asleep method" or whatever (i don't fw methods)
* ⨳   ʾ   OO1   #THROUGHOUT THE DAY   . 
this is VERY much optional especially because i don't do it consistently and surprisingly when i don't listen to subs i get way more success in shifting?? but sometimes i still listen to them
subliminals (2) or supraliminals (1) (both two different things but you might've seen both) are basically affirmations backed up by LOA either made really quiet + sped up with audio masked over it so you don't interpret them consciously (1) OR converted into a frequency (2) usually with supraliminals, the affirmations are just loud enough to get to your subconscious mind (but for the sake of comfort & for it being easier and a more general term, we'll just say subliminals for now)
hearing whispers/the affirmations on a very low volume is pretty normal most of the time but if you hear it too clearly, turn your volume down. if your head hurts or you get any bad symptoms it's a good idea not to listen for a while and to rest.
i suppose it's recommended to listen to subs consistently for results to work but you obviously don't have to! it's just something i do throughout the day. i'm very into LOA and subs help me improve my subconscious mind a lot.
this title is kinda misleading because it's not really faking as you are your dr self and always have been, you are living their life right now, you're in that reality, but you're not aware of it yet.
but, i like to think & sometimes even act like my dr self (well because that is me) and at one point it just becomes an automatic thing.
for me, it helps to think about what i have to do when i wake up in my dr, who i'm going to see, etc. mostly think about where i expect to wake up which is a MAJOR important thing in what i personally do to shift.
can i say gaslighting..? i honestly don't know. i wouldn't call it that. but knowing that i'm in my dr right now and that i'll wake up there tomorrow feels amazing, constantly affirming that to myself helps me a lot.
even when i wake up and i'm supposedly still in my cr.. wait what do you mean..? i'm in my dr right now! i shifted!
(yeah you get what i'm doing there?)
* ⨳   ʾ   OO2   #RIGHT BEFORE SHIFTING  . 
again very much optional but right before i intend to shift i sometimes listen to subliminals!
these motivate me a little more! i imagine these throughout the day as well but it's not very important so i didn't put it there.
⨳   ʾ   OO3   #ACTUALLY DOING IT  . 
roll over and go to sleep hoping for the best
simple. easy. that's what i do.
okay kidding it's a taaaaaad bit more than that but in its all i basically just do it and it works HAHAHA
after making myself comfortable i affirm that i am in my dr right now and that's where i will be when i wake up. this part is important to me, my expectations are important to me. i also do some other robotic affirmations & affirmations that are a bit more tailored to myself (you can do it in a sassy way, exaggerated happy way, pissed off way, etc. to fit with your personality here)
these noises aren't from my cr..
i sleep in an environment where noises will always get to me which is why i like to pretend everything i hear is from my dr and boom, it's true.
for example.. got a fan playing in the background? well i just so happen to have one in my dr room.. and it's hot in there!!!
this is mostly what gets me to actually shift. i can visualize but it's just not that efficient for me when it comes to shifting.. but knowing i have something to work with (like noises) makes it a shit ton easier for me and i love it
both for the funsies and because it actually helps. i imagine myself in scenarios from my dr. again.
it's as easy as that y'all.
if there's no noises in the background and i don't have anything to work with i just do the rest, think really hard about my dr, then let go and go to sleep. yeehaw
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like i said i can't determine whether this works for you or not and there's no guarantee that it works for both you and me. but i usually either shift like this, or have vivid dreams about my dr. that's just me though!
remember you have an eternity to shift, and you will do it! i believe in you!
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