#and it's like my heart stops and then you just remember oh right this is normal now
wonderjanga · 3 days
Marvel Lying
One day, Billy realizes he can just lie. To press, to the JL (only when they really ask about his identity), and to world. And the best part is that almost no one can prove him wrong, because what’s Black Adam or someone else going to do? Prove him wrong? (I kinda already talked about this but meh) Like here’s something I can see Billy maybe doing because one time and one time alone, a reporter asked and he quotes:
Reporter: “Captain, I’m sure many people are speculating, and I’m sure it’s a question asked often, but who is your Missus Marvel?” *holds mic to Billy’s face*
Marvel: “…Huh?” *Has confused expression* “Can you repeat that?”
Reporter: “Who is your Missus Marvel?”
Marvel: “Uh… Ma’am, there is no—” *Does air quotes* “—Missus Marvel.”
Reporter: “Then who is the mother of Captain Marvel Junior and Mary Marvel?”
Marvel: “Uuuuh… Me? Technically? They’re both made from parts of me, but not parts *gestures to his lower region* of me, no.” *He shook his head.* “If I remember correctly Mary was made about 10000 years ago when one of my arms were chopped off. (He’s lying through his teeth right now. The only reason he hasn’t been caught is because of Achilles allowing him to bullshit his was through without blinking.)
Reporter: “I- I see.” *stunned*
Marvel: “And then Junior’s a…” *snorts* “…leg.” *Muffles a laugh into his hand not realizing no one will get his joke besides Freddy and Mary*
Reporter: *confused by Billy laughing but doesn’t say anything* “Interesting… Are Mary Marvel and Marvel Junior your only children? Spawn? Wards?”
Marvel: “Oh, yeah. I could more though. Like, watch this.” *Literally breaks off his ring finger, splintering the bone and everything without a single flinch. Then drops the finger on the ground and it morphs into what looks like a four year old Marvel. Billy picks him up and holds him like a parent would their toddler.* “It’s super easy.” *He’s even doing the slight bouncing that parents do when they hold their kids.* “But I don’t know… now that I’m holding this one, I’m starting to get attached. We might keep him.” *looks down at the mini Marvel, who in turn looks back at him.*
Reporter: *still horrified she watched a man, if he even is one, snap one of his fingers off like nothing. Said man’s finger nub is also still exposed to the world in all its disgusting glory. Safe to say she’s looking a little green* “O- Oh really?”
Marvel: *moves Mini Marvel around in his grip, and then suddenly throws the toddler like a paper airplane. Thankfully, instead of falling on the ground and splattering like meat pie, Mini Marvel takes to the skies is flying over the nearby crowd and such. Marvel turns back to the reporter.* “Yeah, but before that happens, he’ll have to develop a consciousness and personality. It took a bit for Mary and Junior to develop their own. Now they have their own likes, dislikes, and feelings. Who knows how long it’ll take the little guy.” (Again, he’s bullshitting this completely. He’s mishmashing Solomon’s wisdom on golems with things he makes up on the fly)
Reporter: “That’s… amazing.” *looks greener now. Looks to cameraman and motions for him to cut the feed. As soon as he does, her hand moves to her mouth.* “Oh my god, I’m going to be sick.” *runs over to nearest trashcan*
Marvel: “I guess that’s my cue to leave.” *starts to float off the ground* “Thanks for having me, miss!” *Marvel then whistles and Mini Marvel immediately stops entertaining the crowd and flies over to Billy and they fly off into the sunset.*
Elsewhere… Mary’s working an odd job for some money when she sees a tv on the news channel. She nearly has a heart attack because for three brief seconds she thought her dad was holding a young Billy in his arms like he used to. Then she blinked a couple times and realized it was just Billy as Marvel with four year old dressed like him. Fawcett kids really love Captain Marvel, huh?
(Oh yeah, and as for how he made Mini Marvel, he’s my hypothesis. When he broke off his finger, he destabilized its form and it reverted back to a part of living lightning for a brief couple of moments. Then, in an effort to not return back to the rock, as it could sense part of itself still nearby, it stabilized itself once more and forced itself to take the form of a miniature Marvel) (and if anyone makes sense of that, I’ll be darned)
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caramelkoo · 2 days
be still my heart — jjk [two]
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the one in which Jungkook lets his imagination run wild and you confront Jimin about your past.
genre : childhood best friends to enemies to lovers, physical therapist!reader x hockey player!jungkook, slow burn, smut, fluff, angst
word count : 5.1k
chapter warnings : strong language, kissing, jungkook is again nervous around Destiny. That's it i guess lmk if i missed anything.
a/n : ohmygod the first part got so much love i just couldn't wait to post this. This one is a bit intense. I love my babiest baby jungkook so much. Please enjoy my lovely people and remember you're so loved :> feel free to send asks. kisses.
During Jungkook’s college days, there was a guy named Oscar who’d sit beside him in class with his round glasses resting on his face. He would bunk classes almost every day which led the ever so curious Jungkook to follow him one day in order to find out what’s so special that he’s even willing to bunk classes for? Listen, the nerdy Jungkook thought bunking classes is bad manners. Don’t come at him.
Eventually, he found himself watching Oscar playing the guitar inside the vacant auditorium and he can swear he’s heard nothing more melodic than that. He figured the guy escaped so he could do what he loves. It was his passion.
If someone were to ask him, what’s his passion? Jungkook would say, Hockey. It pumps him up, it brings him back to life. He was born to do this.
He has seen his older brother playing hockey for as long as he can remember but trying the sport for himself? That never came to him, until his brother thought handing out a hockey stick to a 15 year old would be funny.
Newsflash, it wasn’t funny and as much as he doesn’t want to, Jungkook has no option than to give him the credit for him being here. It’s only right. The moment he held that hockey stick it was like the clouds parted and angels started singing.
This life right here is something he has built with hours and hours of practice, diet, diligence and working himself out until he’s a sweaty mess.
It’s not like every other 28 year old’s life, it’s different as well as demanding but every other 28 year old is also not being thrown into the penalty box like him right?
On a good day he would even call himself a conflict-avoidant guy until it comes to his teammates. Then, he’s an animal, ready to tear down every motherfucker who dares to touch them. Dramatic? he doesn't think so.
Yes, they piss him off but they’re a team, it’s a unified responsibility that they have. You stop at nothing to protect your own. The spark of defensiveness is bound to come to the surface given he's the defenseman of the team.
This is why he’s in here, trapped behind this glass shield as he watches the guys do their worst performance till date. The forward of the opposite team tried to get a fight started making Jungkook see red. His instincts led him to act immediately. He had to do something to put an end to it and breaking the guy’s nose seemed like a nice option.
The lions are not an easy team to play with, they’re hard hitters and show no mercy. That’s what coach has been telling them ever since they landed here. Seems like nobody listened. Fuckers.
Sweat drips from his hair as he watches the game, ears filling up with screams behind him.
“Jeon Jungkook I’ll have your babies”
“Jungkook you’re so hot it makes me insane”
“Oh god this man will be my death”
“He can slap me and I’ll thank him”
God help him. The thing is, the shitshow before him is not the only reason behind him being a mess today. Destiny has been… weird lately. At the risk of sounding like a goner, she’s not acknowledging him at all, like at all.
She used to grab the seat in front of him on the plane whenever the team flew for the games but this time she didn’t so much as look at the poor guy let alone sitting before him. Is she hurt because of last time? Did he fuck up again? This proclivity of fumbling every time he’s around her needs to be checked.
“Dude, we couldn’t have held a candle to them.” says Taehyung.
Ah yes, the guys lost the game if it wasn’t predictable enough and now the coach will have their heads on a platter ready to serve. Well, he doesn't want to do that any more than Jungkook himself does.
Jungkook gets rid of his shin pads, placing them on the bench. “Try saying that in front of coach”
“He’ll understand”
Yoongi glares at him, “The fuck he will. He’s been in our faces telling us how wild it might be over there. Who listened? Because you sure not did, Tae”
Taehyung chuckles in disbelief, propping his hands on his waist. “Dude, you’re targeting me as if I was the one breaking noses and all.”
He gives Jungkook a side eye. Oh he’s so gonna get Tae later.
“You might as well have. And as for you,” he glances at Jungkook, "I'll just hope you come back in one piece."
“Alright, cut it out” Namjoon says as he slips into his practice jersey. That’s so like him. Heading straight for practice after a big game, whether or not they win.
He’s one of the most dedicated people Jungkook has ever seen and you can’t generally get a praise out of him like this.
He blocks out their bickering and focuses on getting out of his hockey pants. A sharp pain shoots up in his knee making him cringe. That’s strange. He doesn’t remember his knee getting involved in the ruckus. Anyway, he makes a mental note of letting Destiny know about it and not repeat the same douchebaggery.
“Hey bud, you doing okay?” Namjoon asks as he’s rubbing the painful spot.
He looks up, “Yeah it’s… it’s just a slight pain. Might be a cramp for all I know”
He pats Jungkook’s shoulder in support, a kind smile plastered on his face. “I hope so and hey, don’t be picking fights like that anymore. You understand?”
Jungkook is quick to defend himself. “But that asshole–”
“I know,” he nods, “Just be careful. That’s all I’m saying. Let it be your last.”
He gives up, nodding his head. “Yeah. I’ll resist”
Namjoon is right. Jungkook did not pick a fight and he knows it. He also knows that Jungkook is always ready to come at his players’ defense, however that might be.
After all, it all boils down to a nasty fight on the rink which is nothing to be surprised about. There have been plenty of fights down here, some resulting in broken limbs and some going as far as a person on a stretcher.
Nightclubs are hands down Jungkook’s least favorite spot ever. He hates the smell, he hates the crowd and he hates how loud everything gets. If it weren’t for Yoongi, he would be at home chilling or overthinking. No one can tell.
Although, he’s not sure if he can even call that four walled room his ‘home’. It’s not home, it’s just a place he was given to stay at when he joined the federation and while he’s more than grateful for it, an empty, emotionless space where he only exists in can’t be qualified as a home.
However, he can’t stop wanting a place which is only his. A place he can share with someone he loves, wakeup next to her, cook with her, make memories with her. A home overflowing with laughter and giggles only.
Clearly, that murky ass house can never live up to that expectation not when it consists of a bathroom smaller than his fist, a bedroom which can’t fit more than 3 people at once and a kitchen he, for some reason, can’t get himself to cook in. He believes someday he’ll have that albeit the wait.
“Do you think I’m joking?” Taehyung’s voice is louder than ever before because of the surroundings. Sitting beside Namjoon as his hands fist a glass of old fashioned, he acts like he just spilled the most expensive beans.
He dramatically places one hand on his chest and turns to Jungkook, “Dude, tell him. Tell him how I got my dick pierced last week”
A chuckle leaves him, “Better yet, you can lose those pants and give him a live show”
The guys break out in fits of laughter.
“Don’t act like you haven’t seen my dick already, you twat. I did it for my girlfriend alright? Was this close to tattooing her name too but didn’t,” he holds up his thumb and forefinger to show how much,
“I don’t want my guy to swell and look like I accidentally got it stuck between a door or something.”
From his peripheral vision, Jungkook spots Destiny walking up to them looking like an absolute goddess. She’s wearing a shoulder strapped bodycon dress tonight with her hair curled in such a way that it makes her face look more feminine. He has seen so much of her in those scrubs that she’s doing things to him now. Hold your damn horses, Jungkook.
The poor guy can’t so much as look at her for too long or he’ll get hard. That’s something he can’t allow himself to do right here when all his friends are gathered. They’re never gonna let him live that down.
Maybe, when he’s alone he can fuck his hand with the thoughts of her taking him into that sweet mouth she’s got a bold red lipstick look going on. His cheeks turn crimson and he fights back a smile.
“Hey, guys” she greets them as she tucks a hair strand behind her ear. A gold hoop adorning her. God, she’s trying to kill him. She's like Jungkook’s own version of heaven.
The guys all smile up at her like she just asked them to give her a foot massage. Meanwhile, her eyes never land on Jungkook.
“Jimin, can I steal you for a second?” she hesitates.
“Sure” Jimin places down his drink and stands up. He walks up to her and rests his hand at the small of her back making Jungkook’s smile drop. Nice, he's getting jealous over a kind gesture now. Next thing you know, he'll be ending anyone who dares to breathe in her direction.
Namjoon shakes his head as he follows them both with his gaze. “Am I the only one who thinks they’re fucking?”
Yoongi dissolves into laughter while Taehyung spits out his drink. Almost. Jungkook? He finds nothing funny about it but refrains himself from saying something stupid in the heat of the moment.
“There’s some tension, yes. Can’t say anything about the fucking part though” says Yoongi.
“What do you think?”
“Do you think they’re shagging?” asks Taehyung in a hushed voice.
“I think you assholes need therapy” With that he rests his own glass of drink on the table and walks away. Their voices calling out to him become more and more faint as he goes on.
He needs to find out what is it that gave rise to this sudden change in Destiny and if he’s the reason for it. His stomach churns as soon as the thought of her having something going with Jimin crosses his mind.
The guys were joking back there and given their proclivity of joking around, he takes their statements with a grain of salt. Howbeit, he can’t help but wonder the same.
The worst thing of all is he doesn’t have any right to feel this way. She’s not his and she might never be for all he knows. So maybe this is for the best, maybe if she keeps on discounting him like this, it would be slightly easier to forget her. Right?
“What do you think you’re doing? This is a men's bathroom?” A guy who must be in his early twenties nearly pokes his finger in Jimin’s eyes. His gaze darts over to you as he gives you a disgusted look.
Jimin levels him with an intimidating glare, “Why don’t you mind your own damn business and we’ll be good. Yeah?”
He flashes you another appalling look, his nose flaring before he walks out. For a second you might even endorse with the guy but in your own defense, the club is buzzing with commotion and there was not a single space Jimin and you found where you both could have a proper conversation without anyone bumping into you. You spent quite the money on this dress and it'd be bummer to ruin it. It’s insane how crowded it is. So, here you are.
Jimin turns to you, his fingers still laced through yours for the sake of your safety. “I’m sorry for that”
You snatch your hand back. “No it’s totally fine. I mean it’s not usual for a guy to bring a woman in here” an awkward chuckles leaves you.
“It is”
Your smile drops, “Huh?”
“They do bring women in here. Well, let’s just say they do everything except have a talk”
Of course they do. God, this is more awkward than you imagined it would to be. You could die of embarrassment right now but if you don’t clear things up with him, it would be more humiliating to simply exist around him. You roll your shoulders back, plucking up enough courage.
“Let’s discuss the elephant in the room, shall we?”
He steps closer to you, just enough to catch you off guard but not enough to knock the breath out of your chest. There is someone else who's been doing that job lately.
“What elephant Destiny? The one about us having the best time together or how you left me the next morning? Alone and pathetic” he demands.
Well, knock me down with a feather.
Your mouth parts in shock, “I left you? You sneaked out, Jimin and you know it”
You wonder if he’s gonna come clean about that. If he’s gonna stop blaming you and take accountability for once. You guys did have the best time together and as short lived as it was, you regret nothing about that night until this point.
Now that he stands in front of you, accusing you of being so cowardly that you dared to leave him, it makes you question your own integrity.
He takes another step forward, automatically making you take one back as he searches your face. “So where were you when I woke up? Where were you when I reached my hand out and didn’t find you lying next to me, huh?” his voice barely a whisper.
Enough. You wouldn’t have bothered to stop the scream that’s begging to leave you had someone pointed a gun at your head. A gal can only take so much before she snaps.
The vacant bathroom echoes with your own words. The words you were holding back from saying out loud.
“I went in search of those, Jimin. Apparently, that’s what you’re supposed to do when you fuck each other and not take necessary precautions”
He stills, backing off as if you had slapped him. A heavy silence hangs in the air around you.
Jimin’s eyes flash with barely contained astonishment as he looks around trying to find words. When he doesn’t say anything, you take it as an opportunity to continue.
“You weren’t lying about us having a great time together. I accept that, we did have fun and I don’t regret it which honestly, I’m not so sure of now.”
A quick look of hurt passes through his face before he recovers.
“I was planning on staying back too oh… how badly I wanted to stay back but you have to understand that I was also at the prime of my career as a professional physical therapist. I couldn’t afford having a child, Jimin. Back then even the thought scared me. So, I left for a while, mentally promising you to come back. You were sleeping so soundly and you looked so beautiful and I didn’t want to disturb you—”
Your words come to an abrupt halt as he takes a long step towards you, backing you up against the white wall behind.
It’s not the same, your chest is not rising and falling rapidly like it did back then. Gosh, you couldn’t even speak in front of him. This time you’re immune to his eyes, his closeness and his warmth. Is this what they call healing?
“You should have” his brown eyes flash with hunger, “You should have disturbed me, Destiny. I would have woken up, ate you out, maybe fucked you again while wearing a condom, cuddled you and then accompanied you to the medical store.”
Oh fuck no, this is not happening. You’re not getting yourself back into this situation where he charms you with his mere words and leaves you cold. You deserve better than that.
You push him back with your palms on his chest, “Maybe, but I think I wouldn't have it any other way,”
You look straight into his eyes and nowhere else to make him feel how serious you are, leaving no room for uncertainty.
“Bella, my assistant, keeps saying that everything happens for a reason. It’s written up there," you point your forefinger up, "I feel the same about what went down with us. There was a reason why you left, there was a reason behind me not bothering to wake you up."
A bitter chuckle slips through your mouth, “Although, I can’t seem to grasp why the hell are you here?”
The way your heart is beating inside your chest, you might end up on a ventilator. It’s because you haven’t had much control of anything in your life, this feels particularly massive. This is one way for you to take back control, because it’s your choice and yours alone.
You try not to let the tears spill, “I asked you to spare me a few minutes just so I could talk to you about it but this isn’t how I imagined this conversation to go, Jimin. Regardless of that, I need you to do me a favor”
He holds your gaze. “What favor?”
You clear your burning throat, “I’m requesting you to please not initiate any conversation about our past with any of the guys. That could pretty much cost me my job and yours.”
He offers you a stern nod, “You have my word”
With that you turn and walk around just like you always do and always should when it’s time. Only this time, you don’t feel victorious. Instead, the feeling of utter shock rushes through your body because standing outside is the only person you had been avoiding to say the least.
You flinch. “Jungkook?”
He’s leaning back against the cold wall with his hands inside his front pockets, head hanging low. You can’t make his face out because of the darkness.
He frantically lifts up his head when he hears you calling, looking as surprised as you, “Hey, I— wait, why are you coming out of the men’s room?”
You shift on your feet, folding your hands in front of you. “What? OH !! Well, I had some business with Jimin and this felt like a nice place to.. you know”
You can’t talk for the life of you. How do you explain yourself to him without word vomiting? But then you think better of it and just shake your head.
“You know what? Never mind that. What about you? Why are you standing here like someone just broke your heart?”
No fucking way did you just say that. What is this? A bollywood movie? You immediately feel like you hit a nerve when his face falls, causing you to curse yourself.
He’s silent for a moment before he stands up straight. “You could say that”
“Wait, really?”
Yet again you’re struggling to breathe, a spark of curiosity threatening to rise up. Why do you care about his heart? He’s been all but rude to you every day since you’ve begun working by his side so why would you care if someone put his bloody heart in a blender? You have been assigned to take care of his body, what happens unrelated to that is none of your business.
Except, you do. There is a teeny tiny part of you that cares. Though, you can’t say if it’s the doctor inside of you or something else. Something which could ruin you and save you all at once.
“Who is it?” you ask in a small voice.
His eyes rank behind you and he pulls you close to him by grabbing your arm. You see a man passing by, faltering on his own under the influence of probably the sheer amount of alcohol inside him.
When you look up, you have to swallow a gasp. Jungkook’s face is so close to you, you can almost count his moles. The one under his lips is begging to be kissed and you hold yourself back from grabbing him by his jacket as you kiss the hell out of him.
Wait what?!
He looks down at you, his eyes burning with something you can’t pinpoint. It’s like a mixture of anger and adoration. Soft lips brush your temples as your heart beats out of your chest.
“It’s not safe here. Why don’t you go join Bella? If I break another nose it’ll cost me good”
You lean back, still in his arms. It would be nice if you get out of his hold. You should shove him away too exactly like you did with Jimin but for some reason, you can’t. His hold is safe, cozy. It reminds you of your grandmas cookie recipe. Warm and lovely.
“Another nose? Did you get into a fight?”
He breaks away, turning his back to you but you clutch his forearm as you hold him back before he can bolt.
“You know the PR is gonna make your life a living hell. What did you do?”
His jaw sets instinctively as he looks at you for a moment before speaking.
“Destiny, if you don’t want me kissing that sweet mouth of yours and imprint my name on it for once and for all, get the fuck out of here.” he rasps.
That's it. Flashbacks of that night and that fucking dream consume you. It doesn't help at all that he looks so dashing tonight in all black. Black leather jacket, black pants and his black boots. You're having visions you shouldn't have. They're nice. Farfetched but nice, nonetheless.
You release his hand like it will set you have you combust if you keep holding onto it for even a moment longer. You turn around, with the intent of getting out of his proximity when his voice stops you.
You don’t turn around because something is telling you if you do, you will never be the same.
“My life turned into a living hell the moment you stopped looking at me”
Jungkook is dying. 
Figuratively, of course.
He should have taken Destiny seriously when she said that the PR is going to make his life miserable once he gets to know about the mess he had made. His phone is buzzing on the kitchen counter. He knows who it is but he doesn’t pick up.
Instead, he just waits until it stops ringing. Jungkook can see it all playing out in his head. He will be called to the PR’s office as soon as he enters the academy and the PR is gonna ask him why he did what he did, Jungkook will then tell him that he's a a man of virtue, he will ask him to repent and tell him to fuck off. Very classic. Been there, done that. 
He drops his head low, palms splayed in front of him. Calling last night chaotic would be an understatement. He said things he shouldn’t have and heard things he hoped he wouldn’t. It was not deliberate, of course. He would like to call it a spur of the moment.
Alright, he was fucking jealous. There he said it. He was jealous of Park Jimin because that man was touching who Jungkook had been longing for, he was talking to the women Jungkook had been begging to look at him once and allow him to breathe. 
When he reaches the academy, he quickly asks about Destiny’s whereabouts and goes on to find her. He thinks his knee needs to be discussed because he can’t risk not playing the next game.
He's not sure if he's prepared for the uneasiness that's about to welcome itself but– god if you’re listening, help him, he prepares himself as much as he possibly can. 
Raising his hand to make a fist, he knocks on her office door. This would be his first time inside, if she would even let him in.
“Come in” her voice reaches Jungkook. 
He takes a long deep breath and pushes the door wide open. Stepping inside he looks at her sitting in her chair with glasses resting on top of her button nose. She looks so adorable. He doesn’t think he has ever seen her with glasses on but he approves. 
“Jungkook? Is everything okay?” 
Is it? Why is she acting like everything about last night was a dream? Did I imagine it all? Jungkook wonders.
He slips his hands inside his front pockets and nods, “My knee is acting a bit weird. I wanted to get it checked. See if there’s anything serious.” 
She takes her glasses off and rises to her feet. Pointing to one of the chairs, she says, “Sit down and let me have a look”
He does what she asked as he leans back to make himself comfortable. An eerie silence surrounds them, making every inch of Jungkook's body stiff as he grips the armrests of the chair a bit tighter. He doesn’t let it appear that way of course. He’d rather die. 
When she’s satisfied, she gets down on her knees and looks up at him. The visual is lethal but not something which he hasn’t already imagined.
He's not entirely proud to say that he has had the privilege of seeing her on her knees in his dreams, in the darkness of his bathroom, in his fantasies. He's seen it all but the real sight nearly makes him blow his load.
What do you think happens to a man who witnesses a queen getting down on her knees for him? Ask Jungkook. Mentally thanking himself for not wearing the sweatpants, he prepares to answer any of her questions.
“Do you wanna tell me what caused this?” 
“There um, there was a fight back at the game. I felt a slight pain in the changing room but didn’t think much of it. Thought I’d let you know about it.” 
She smiles, “Well I’m proud of you for that minus the fighting part. I’m sure you’ll be discussing that in the PR’s office” 
As she’s examining any possible pulls or cracks, he thinks about apologizing to her about last night. To be very honest, he's tired of this awkward silence every time he's around her. Not talking is one thing, walking on eggshells around each other is another. He wants her to behave the same way she does with the rest of the boys. 
“Destiny, I needed to talk to you about something” 
She looks up again, her eyes filled with curiosity. 
“Sure. Was something else hurt during the fight?” 
“What? No. I wanted to talk about last night” 
She stiffens as her mouth forms an ‘O’ shape. Fuck, why is his heart beating so fast? Wait, is he sweating? 
Then she shrugs, talking in a casual tone. “I don’t think it’s worth talking about” 
“Why?” Jungkook can’t help but ask.
“Well,” she smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes, “You and I both were drunk and people do stupid stuff when they’re drunk so.”
“There was not a single drop of alcohol in my system. However, whatever I said was in the spur of the moment.” he says wording his previous thoughts, “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. I’m sorry” 
She’s quiet for a moment before she lowers her head and mumbles something. 
He lowers down his own head, trying to listen clearly, ‘What was that?”
“I said I had a sex dream about you so we’re even” as soon as the words slip out of her, she claps a hand over her mouth. Her eyes wide as saucers. Meanwhile, he just sits there wondering if he heard her right or his brain is as fucked as his knee. 
His mouth goes dry as he keeps looking at her. He feels like someone just dumped a bucket full of ice water on his head. She had a sex dream about him? When? How was it? 
“It was uh okay” 
Kill him, kill him now because he said that out loud. See, this is what he means when he says he messes up every time he's in front of her. That’s exactly what the last thought that crosses his head before he pulls her by the back of her neck and smashes his lips on hers. Fuck it, he can’t take it anymore.
When she kisses him with the same amount of passion and hunger, he resists himself from hoisting her up on the table and eating her sweet cunt. She matches every movement of his lips. Hers suck his before his take her pink and pillowy ones. 
Within seconds, he has her caged in his arms. A low moan slips past her lips as she clutches onto Jungkook's shoulders for support, his fingers digging into the sides of her waist. Is this what feels like to kiss Kim Destiny? Is he actually touching and tasting her?
She tastes like cherries and bubblegum and he swears he's tasted nothing sweeter. He wants to have this taste every day on his tongue, and wants to remember it till the day he takes his last breath. Maybe, even longer than that. 
He pulls back and cups her cheek, running his thumb along her lower lip as she catches her breath. She’s got her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling against his. Jungkook can feel her hard nipples through her scrubs.
Someone shakes him by the shoulders and he snaps out, blinking rapidly. He looks around and finds himself sitting on the very chair Destiny asked him to but when a feminine voice calls out his name, it's not hers.
“Well, watching my best friend on her knees in front of my step brother was not the visual I thought I needed”
Turns out, it takes a lot to make that someone up there 'happy' because standing in front of him is his only step sister. It's hilarious how unpredictable life happens to be. After all, not only did he imagine kissing Destiny after she told him about her little sex dream but will now have to figure out how to face his sister without wanting to hurl himself out the window.
Can he catch a break?
Taglist - @keylime4eva @xumyboo @jash719 @dmstoyangyang @pitchblack0309 @withluvjm @chaelvrx @httpjeonlicious @lovingkoalaface @rpwprpwprpwprw (ilusm and thank you for reading <3)
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allmoshnobrain · 1 day
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kinktober 2024 | day 04 | masterlist
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader | Sex Toys + Public
✦ on this fic: NSFW!!!, +18, mxf sex, use of vibrator in a public setting, semi-public sex mentioned/implied
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When it came to what you wanted, your husband was a simple man. There was no whim, no desire of yours that Simon would ever turn down; if you wanted something, he’d give it to you without even thinking twice.
Sometimes, though, there was a twist.
Like when you begged him to take you to the amusement park, even though he wasn’t really a fan. Simon was a quiet, reserved person; wild roller coaster rides weren’t exactly his idea of fun. But he'd never say no to you, of course not.
As long as you played by his rules. He had to get his share of fun, too, after all.
And that’s how you ended up in the backseat of his car, legs spread open and panties around your ankles as he carefully slid a small vibrator into your wet pussy. His lips brushed your inner thigh before he pulled back, looking up at your flushed face.
“You know what this is?” he asked softly, and you whimpered when he pressed his thumb against your clit. “This toy’s motion-activated, love. We’re gonna have some real fun on those rides, yeah?”
And how could you say no to him when he always gave you everything you wanted?
“We’ll start slow,” he said, his voice low and husky against your ear as his hand settled on your lower back and you both walked into the park. “How about the merry-go-round, huh?”
You climbed onto one of the double-decker horses, you in front while Simon held your waist firmly, his rough hands slipping under your shirt. Your face flushed as the ride began, soft circus music playing in the background while the horse moved up and down. It was a gentle motion, but just enough to get that little toy going, the slow vibrations already building up tension in your belly.
“Simon,” you gasped, and he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close, pressing your back against his chest. He kissed your shoulder softly, and you let out a quiet, needy sound as your pussy clenched.
“Shh, love,” he muttered. “Don’t want anyone knowing what you’ve got going on, right?”
You somehow made it through the ride, even with shaky legs, hazy eyes, and flushed cheeks. You could always blame the heat — it was a warm day, the sun beating down from a clear blue sky. Simon helped you down from the merry-go-round horse, chuckling at the look you gave him and the blush still all over your face.
“You ready for something a little harder?” he asked, amusement in his eyes as he guided you to the Pirate Ship, his hand resting on your lower back. Your eyes widened, and you grabbed his free hand, glancing up at him.
“Babe, I don’t think I’ll—” you started, but he just shook his head.
“It’s part of the game, remember?” he teased, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Don’t worry, pet. You can always hold onto me if it gets too much.”
Of course it did. You didn’t even make it past the second drop on the Pirate Ship. The second it swung down again, the wild vibrations from the little toy inside you finally pushed you over the edge. You let out a choked moan, burying your face in Simon���s chest as your thighs shook, your pussy dripping and clenching. You could swear you felt his quiet laughter rumble in his chest as he tangled his fingers in your hair.
When the ride finally stopped, you got up, face flushed and heart pounding, with Simon steadying you as you wobbled on shaky legs.
“Oh, my,” the ride operator raised a concerned eyebrow when he noticed your state. “You alright, miss?”
“She’s fine,” Simon said, his voice low right behind you as he pulled you close against his chest, flashing the guy a polite smile. “Just not used to these wild rides, that’s all.”
You let out an annoyed little noise, trying not to blush even harder as the operator gave you a sympathetic look. Simon tightened his grip on your waist, pulling you even closer to his body as he kissed your temple sweetly — though it did nothing to hide the obvious hunger in his touch.
After that, of course the day would end with Simon finding a secluded spot to pound into you hard, fingers digging into the soft skin of your waist, showing you that no toy could ever match the way his cock made you feel so, so good.
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Participate in the kinktober writing list with my FREE SPACE dynamic. There are some free spaces for specific pairings and you can shoot me asks with suggestions for kinks and plots featuring them. I will choose one for each character featured to write! Free spaces available: Sam Winchester (SPN), Jason Newsted (Metallica), Cap. John Price (COD), Kakashi Hatake (Naruto), Cronos (Venom) 
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orimuraa · 10 hours
୭ ˚. I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it - OT7
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(synopsis) ✩🎧⊹ stealing enhypen’s clothes ೀ
ot7!enhypen x fem!reader ✩🎧⊹ fluff, crack ✩🎧⊹ petnames, smooches ✩🎧⊹ wc 674
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𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈 - 이희승
"baby have you seen my grey sweatshirt? i can't find...it-" heeseung stood there, staring at you with a blank look on his face. there you were, snuggled into the grey sweatshirt he was looking for. "alright you little thief! since you look so cute in it, i guess you can have it," heeseung playfully sighed, scooping you into his arms. "yay!" you cheered, hugging heeseung's neck and planting a chaste kiss to his lips. "you're lucky you're so darn cute."
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 - 박종성
since your boyfriend had stepped out of the room for a couple minutes, you decided to make haste and steal a warm sweater from jay's closet. when he came back, he immediately noticed the new sweater--that was 2x too big for you--you were wearing. "nice sweater," he smirked, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "thanks! i got it from my boyfriend," you winked, plopping down next to him. "finee, you can have it...but i expect it back by the end of the month!"
𝑺𝒊𝒎 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒖𝒏 - 심재윤
"hey princess have you seen my- jacket...OH MY GOODNESS YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE!!" you were fully expecting to be scolded by jake for stealing his stuff but you also expected this exact reaction. jake's cuteness aggression. "you're not upset i stole it?" you questioned, smiling at jake's excitement. "nope! i would let you have my whole wardrobe knowing how cute you are in my clothes!!" "thanks jakey," you laughed. maybe you would take up his offer.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏 - 박성훈
"hey doll? i've been looking for my black shirt, have you seen it?" sunghoon walked in to find you standing in the kitchen, wearing his "missing" shirt, and eating a piece of bread. "oh-" was all he said before whipping out his phone and snapping a quick picture of you. you were just too cute. "it suits me doesn't it?" you asked, your cheeks full of bread. "very much so doll. my clothes suit you very well," sunghoon chuckled. he then walked up to you, wrapping his arms around your shorter frame and placed a kiss to your neck. "so precious," he whispered.
𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒐 - 김선우
sunoo had went to go pick up some food, giving you a good amount of time to commit some robbery. you quickly carried yourself over to sunoo's closet, picking out a few sweatshirts and shirts to bring back to your room. however, you clearly underestimated how much time there was because as you were scurrying back to your room, you were caught. "sweets? why do you have 6 sweatshirts and 4 shirts in your arms? where are you going with those?" sunoo was catching on quick. "uhhh- laundry! yeah! i was uhh folding laundry!" you mentally applauded your swift excuse but clearly he wasn't fooled. "and that’s why you're wearing one too sweets?" he smirked. mission failure. (jk he let you have them all)
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒏 - 양정원
"jagi? i think i lost my hoodie but i wanted to ask if you've-" jungwon stopped in his tracks and slowly looked at you. you may or may not have stolen his hoodie and were wearing it right this minute..."ah, there it is..y'know what though? just keep it. you look adorable with it on," he smiled, his eyes practically turning into hearts just by the sight of you in his clothes. god he treasured you so much.
𝑵𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒊 - 西村 力
"angel? i've lost my black hoodie and i was wondering if you've seen it?" ni-ki ran a hand through his hair while tapping his foot, trying to remember where he put it. "oh! this one?" you asked, tugging the material that you were wearing. you had barged into ni-ki's room and just grabbed the first item of clothing you saw, and then walked out with it on. "yeah...that one.." he mumbled, his cheeks turning slightly pink at how adorable you looked. "sorry, do you want it back?" you asked, already tugging it off. "no no no! wait! no! it's fine! i have tons of other ones! just keep it..it suits you..." he said, mumbling the last bit. only you knew that he actually only owned one black hoodie.
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ughhhh this was so cute >.< i always love the prompt of stealing clothes from the s/o 🤭 hope you guys enjoyed! likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated! <3
𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬: @en-diaries
⚘. Perm taglist: @vmpivory, @yuvany
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potatoplace · 3 days
We Can Do This
Feysand x Reader
kinktober day 2 | one night stand, threesome, pregnancy
kinktober '24 masterlist | ACOTAR x reader masterlist
Story Summary: You meet Feyre and Rhys at your friend Emerie's wedding, and enjoy a long, pleasurable night with the married couple. A month later, though, a certain stick turns pink.
Warnings: Talk of an emotionally abusive ex (very brief), smut, smut, smut, 3k words of smut, pregnancy
Words: ~5.1k
Author's Note: ahhhh I love this one so much. I'm terrified of being pregnant and having a child to raise but if Feysand were the coparents? I miiight reconsider. Also. I am still so obsessed with these two, I don't think it will ever end. And also I wrote waaaay more smut than I planned. Like. I know it's kinktober. But this was supposed to be like a 3k word fic and instead it's 3k of smut and 2k of after smut consequences. Still. I love it!! I hope you guys like it!
18+ only pls
The wedding was lovely, and the brides were so, so happy. Emerie, your closest friend at work, had gotten married to lovely, kind blonde named Mor.
Their ceremony was beautiful, complete with heartfelt vows that had you shedding a few tears, and seeing the two have their first married kiss made you long to have the same joy.
Until your brain kicked in, and you remembered that you were in no way ready to be in a relationship.
Your last boyfriend had been an absolute ass, attempting to control everything from what you wore and ate to who you spent your time with.
Emerie had been so helpful in getting you out of that relationship, managing to talk sense into your love-addled brain. You had booked it, and moved into your own apartment- the first time you had ever lived alone.
That was nearly a year ago at this point, but you were still working through your insecurities and inability to trust.
So, no relationships for you for the foreseeable future.
The dancing had already started, but you weren't in the mood to dance, especially not alone. Instead, you made your way to the bar, leaning against it with one arm while you waited for the bartender, watching your friend dance with her new bride.
"What would you like?"
You turned back to face the bartender, answering "a glass of rosé, please," and flashed a bright smile at him.
He busied himself with pouring your drink, and you barely noticed when someone else leaned against the bar, to your right.
You tilted your head to look at them, and your heart nearly stopped. The woman in front of you was so breathtaking, so absolutely flawless in her midnight blue dress. Her brilliant blue eyes met yours and she smiled at you warmly, your breath catching at the sight. Her face was a work of art, more divine than any sculptor could ever hope to capture.
The bartender handed you your wine, and asked the woman for her order- a whiskey on ice.
"Hello, my name is Feyre," the woman introduced herself, and if you thought she hadn't been able to be any more attractive, you were wrong once she spoke. Her voice was husky and low, and something in the way she spoke promised nothing but pleasure and long nights, sending heat straight between your thighs.
"My name is Y/N," you replied, doing your best to keep your voice even and not betray just how effected you were by five words.
She repeated your name, testing it on her tongue. "Absolutely beautiful," Feyre said quietly. She thanked the bartender when he passed her her drink, and she took a small sip. Your eyes catalogued the way her throat moved when she swallowed, how her tongue darted out to lick her lips. "How do you know the brides?"
"Oh, I'm a work friend of Emerie's. She keeps me sane, if I'm being honest," you laughed, and Feyre joined you, such a beautiful noise that you found yourself wanting to hear it again. "And yourself?"
"Mor is my husband's cousin, but I think of her as one of my sisters at this point," Feyre replied, and her words made your heart sink slightly.
"That's lovely, that you get along with your in-laws," you said, trying to conceal your downed hopes at a wonderful evening with the woman in front of you.
"Mm, I definitely feel lucky to get along with her."
Just as she finished speaking, a man slid up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck lightly. He grabbed the drink from her hand and took a deep sip, replacing it in her grasp.
"Oh, Y/N, this is my husband, Rhys," Feyre said, and the man turned to look at you.
It figures that the two most beautiful people you would probably ever meet were married to each other.
His eyes were such a deep blue color that they nearly looked violet, and his hair shined blue-black in just the right lighting. His face itself was gorgeous, those high cheekbones making him look positively regal.
"It's nice to meet you," you said, feeling more shy now with the both of them in front of you.
"I can say the same, darling," Rhys purred at you.
Their voices alone could probably coax you to climax with how heavenly, or perhaps sinful, they both sounded.
His hands had drifted further up Feyre's body, resting just underneath the bust of her dress, his thumbs stroking against the fabric there.
You couldn't help that your eyes were drawn there.
Or that's what you told yourself, as both Feyre and Rhys smirked at you when they caught your eyes, obviously having seen where they'd drifted.
Your cheeks heated, but you refused to look away from them.
That made Feyre smile coyly at you, and she placed a gentle hand on your arm. “Are you here with anyone tonight, darling?”
You shook your head. “No, I hadn’t found anyone… suitable enough.” You tried to keep your voice confident, possibly even bold, with the renewed hope for the night blooming between your thighs.
“What a shame,” Rhys drawled, eyes raking over your form. “You just might have to come home with us, it would be even more of a shame for you to go home alone.”
Your cheeks flushed further at his words, and you stepped a bit closer to the devastatingly beautiful pair.
“Maybe I should.”
Feyre turned her head to look at the dance floor, where most of the wedding party was enjoying the night. “I don’t think Mor or Emerie would mind if we slipped out of the party a bit early, do you, darling?” She asked, turning her eyes back to yours, keeping you captive in her gaze.
“Not one bit,” you said breathlessly, and that was all the pair needed to disentangle themselves and each take one of your arms in theirs, guiding you to the exit at a casual pace.
The three of you grabbed your coats, Rhys slipping yours over your arms before repeating the action with his wife. They led you to a sleek black car, and Feyre led you to the backseat before joining you, Rhys taking the wheel.
The car ride could have taken an hour for all you cared, because the moment you were buckled and moving, Feyre was on you, her lips capturing yours in a searing kiss, filled with her fiery desire, and her hands were already exploring your body over the fabric of your dress.
She squeezed your breasts, testing the fullness of them before pinching at your nipples, the sensitive buds hardening in response, all the while her mouth was making a mess of your neck, leaving bite marks and hickeys in their wake. One of her hands trailed down your abdomen, down your thigh to the hem of your dress and slipped under it, dragging up your inner thigh and straight to your core. Her fingers ran over your slit, a breathy moan leaving you as they did. Feyre’s seductive laugh in your ear had you widening your legs for her, giving her better access as your hands clutched at her shoulders, slipping between silky fabric and soft skin.
“No panties? Naughty little girl,” Feyre whispered, just as two fingers dipped between your folds, and Feyre let out a groan when she felt how soaked you were, just for them.
Those same to fingers drifted up, making small, quick circles on your clit, building your pleasure up, up, up-
The door just to your right opened, a gush of cold air entering the car, and Rhys chuckled lowly behind you.
“Couldn’t wait, sweet wife of mine?”
Feyre grinned up at him, her hand already lifting to her mouth, and she sucked your arousal off her fingers, the actions sending another pulse to your core. You whimpered at the sight of her, still slightly leaning over you, her hair disheveled from your wandering hands. “Of course I couldn’t, husband, not with such a sweet treat waiting for me between these thighs.”
Strong arms wrapped around you, and you heard the click of your seatbelt just before your were pulled out of the car, and right into Rhys’s capable hold. Feyre followed just behind, shutting the door behind her and handing a pair of keys to the valet.
Because you weren’t just at a house, you were at a high rise apartment- one with actual security, and a front desk, and a valet for christ’s sake!
You were distracted from that a moment later, Rhys’s lips ghosting across your ear as he whispered, “I am going to absolutely devour you.”
Melting- you had to be melting at this point, the heat between your thighs having built to an inferno, every inch of your skin crying out for these two strangers’ touch.
Once the three of you were in the elevator, Feyre stood in front of you, caging you entirely between the two of them. “Feeling good, darling?” She asked, running her thumb over your cheek. You nodded- you were feeling more than good. In fact, this was the best you had felt in over a year.
Feyre smiled, so dazzling your breath hitched, and she leaned in for a gentle kiss.
The elevator dinged, and the three of you left the elevator, Feyre opening the one lone door at the end of the short hallway while Rhys carried you in, making his way into another hallway and finally arriving in a grand bedroom.
He gently set you down on the bed, your feet just barely dangling off of the edge. Rhys got on his knees before you, and brought your right foot to rest on his thigh as he undid the tie of your shoe. Feyre entered the room a moment later, her coat and shoes already off. She padded across the plush carpet and crawled onto the bed, coming to rest behind you.
Feyre pulled your jacket down, uncovering the skin of your arms to the warm air of their bedroom as Rhys moved on to your left shoe, discarding them to his right once they were both removed.
“Let’s get you out of the dress, darling,” Feyre suggested, already pushing your hair aside and reaching for the zipper, slowly dragging it down your spine. You shuddered slightly under her touch, her fingers lingering along the base of your spine.
“Stand up for us, doll,” Rhys said, holding your hands and helping you up. Feyre moved the straps of your dress off your shoulders, and it slid off your body to pool on the floor, revealing that you were bare underneath.
Rhys clicked his tongue. “Naughty naughty girl, wearing no underwear to a wedding,” he playfully scolded you, bopping your nose with his index finger.
You bit your lip, nervous at your nakedness and how, well- how clothed they still were. “They ruined the silhouette of the dress…”
Feyre laughed behind you. “I know, darling, I'm not wearing any either.”
Rhys gasped in fake surprise. “Two naughty girls in front of me, hmm? How ever will I punish you…” He trailed off, eyes running over your naked form and his wife, hovering behind you with her hands on your hips.
“I know a way,” Feyre suggested, her lips hovering over your neck. “You could… ‘make’ us play with each other.”
You nodded your head without thinking- anything from either of them and your night would be perfect.
Rhys hummed, thinking it over. “That could work, sweet wife. Y/N, would you like to do the honors and undress Feyre?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yes, please,” you groaned, already turning to face Feyre, who was grinning at you, already pulling her hair to the side. You wrapped your arms around her, fumbling for the zipper for a second before slowly dragging it down, and tugged it off of her shoulders. Her dress fell to her feet, your eyes greedily taking in her perfect body.
Your hands came up to cup her chest, thumbs rolling over her nipples and eliciting a small gasp from her lips. “Beautiful,” you murmured, before leaning in and sucking one nipple into your mouth, rolling your tongue over it. One of Feyre’s hands grabbed your hair, keeping your head in place as the other pulled your lower half closer towards her, your bare stomachs resting together as your mouth moved to the other nipple, repeating its movements.
At the sound of leather creaking, you released Feyre’s nipple and turned, eyes met with the sight of Rhys palming himself through his pants, seated in a high backed leather chair in the corner of the room, with a perfect view of the bed. “Don’t mind me, girls, keep playing.”
Feyre decided to follow his order first, spinning you so that you were facing away from the bed, and she gently pushed you down onto it, gesturing for you to scoot up further until you were all the way on.
She spread your legs and crawled between them, resting on her knees and elbows and she dove in, licking a long stripe up your slit. One of your hands shot down, grabbing a fistful of her hair before you could think. Feyre’s tongue played along your clit, lapping at it a few times before going further down to taste your arousal from the source.
Her tongue fucked into you and you squirmed against where Feyre’s hands were holding down your hips, crying out in pleasure. “Please,” you begged, not even sure of what you needed besides more.
Feyre pulled away slightly, her lips hovering over your pussy. “What’s that, darling?” She asked teasingly, smirking when all you did was cant your hips up to her face. “Did you need more?”
“Mhm,” you whined pitifully, half heartedly attempting to push her head back onto you.
“If you insist,” Feyre said, pulling away from you entirely, and you cried out at the loss of contact.
“What are you-?”
Your question was cut off when Feyre positioned herself above your face, sinking down slowly to let your mind catch up.
What you didn’t expect was a tongue to lick up your cunt, and lips to latch around your clit in the next moment. “Fuck,” you moaned out loudly, your head rising up and hitting Feyre, hovering above you.
“Come on, love, open up,” Feyre coaxed, lowering herself slightly, and this time your brain took the hint, your tongue sticking out to lick at her center, the sweet taste of her costing your tongue.
You moaned into her when Rhys’s tongue returned to your clit, working you up to your peak quickly as you own tongue danced over Feyre, moving between her clit and soaked hole as Feyre’s rocking hips allowed. You toppled over the edge when Feyre’s soft hands pinched both of your nipples, and Rhys’s teeth grazed ever so slightly over your clit, the slight pain mixed with overwhelming pleasure tipping you over the edge.
Feyre’s fingers slipped into your cunt when Rhys’s mouth abandoned your clit, pushing in and out of you, stretching you out.
A moment later you heard the crinkle of a wrapper- a condom, thank god you didn’t have to ask- and Rhys’s warm body was between your legs, keeping you spread apart. Feyre’s fingers left your hole, but were quickly replaced by the thick head of Rhys’s cock, pushing in just the tip before pulling out, sing you.
You whined into Feyre’s cunt, and her hips stuttered above you, sinking down further for a moment before lifting back up.
“Are you ready for me, Y/N?” Rhys asked, hands tapping on your inner thighs. You nodded your head as much as you could, unwilling to take your mouth of off Feyre. “Use your words, babygirl,” he said, tapping your thighs again.
You pulled off of Feyre with a groan and moaned, “Yes,” before latching your mouth back onto Feyre’s clit.
Rhys chuckled when Feyre cried out again, her hands on your breasts propping her up as she came. He pushed in to the hilt, and your loud moan was muffled by Feyre’s skin, her hips still shaking over you.
She went to move off of you, but your arms came up to grip her thighs, keeping her seated on your face- it would be her throne for the rest of time, if you had your way. “Y/N!” Feyre screamed as you kept her over the edge as long as you could, tongue working furiously as Rhys began pumping in and out slowly. Each heavenly drag of his cock made you moan into Feyre’s cunt, and you knew you were in for a long night.
Feyre finally pried herself away from your face, falling back against the bed for a few seconds as Rhys continued fucking you, his pace still slow and steady, a thumb rubbing slow circles on your clit.
“Such a good girl, taking my cock so well,” Rhys praised, and your face scrunched in delight as you beamed up at him, a squeaky moan leaving your lips when he hit just the right spot.
“Oh, that was delightful,” Feyre groaned, moving so she was laying to your right, hand stroking over your stomach. “Make her do it again, Rhysie,” she demanded, looking to her husband.
“Yes, dear,” Rhys said with a smirk, angling his cock in the same way again, hitting the sensitive area once more, the same noise pulled from your lips. Feyre grinned in delight, her hand moving up to your chest slowly.
“We are going to have so much fun,” she whispered in your ear. “Are you going to be a good girl for us?”
You nodded your head vigorously, needing to please them in that moment.
“That’s good, sweet little thing. Very, very good,” Rhys said, the last three words punctuated by deep thrusts that made you see stars, your second orgasm of the night claiming you.
“Do you think we could get… five out of you?” Feyre asked softly as you came down, Rhys still buried inside of you. You nodded your head, even though you weren’t sure they would be able to. But you would be damned if you didn’t let them try. “Let’s get started on the third, then, babygirl,” Feyre said, a soft kiss placed on your lips as her hand played with your nipples.
Oh, yes. You were definitely in for a long night.
Sunlight was just beginning to light the room when you awoke, tangled between two warm bodies. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes, for a moment not remembering at all where you had ended up last night, before it all came rushing back.
Feyre. Rhys. The best sex of my life.
You looked to both sides of you carefully, and after seeing that the two of them were still fast asleep, you carefully slinked out of their bed, slipping on your shoes and dress from the night before, and pulling on your coat as you made your way to the door of their bedroom. Thankfully, your keys and phone were still in the zippered pocket you had put them in the night before, so you wouldn’t have a problem getting home.
Before you left the room, you took one last look at the couple that would occupy your dreams for the next few months. You sighed quietly, and opened the door gently, shutting it softly behind you. After a moment of trying, you found the front door.
The elevator was thankfully empty the entire ride down, and the lobby was free of everyone but the front desk person and security guard. You smiled awkwardly at both of them as you left the building, feeling so, incredibly out of place.
You caught the train home, collapsing into your bed after shrugging off your dress and removing your shoes.
Last night had been perfect. It was fun, casual, and had boosted your confidence incredibly high.
As you snuggled into your pillows, you couldn’t help but miss the warmth you had woken up in, but you knew it was better this way. They were married and you weren’t ready to commit.
That’s what you told yourself, at least.
The next month was hard.
You had been handed a massive project at work before Emerie had come back from her honeymoon, and you had been struggling with it ever since, even with some input from the other woman.
You had reacted poorly to a few choices that your boss had made regarding the project, both of them ruining a weeks worth of work each.
Then, your ex, George, had found where you lived, and had started harassing you there and at work again, like he had right after you’d left him.
Overall, you’d had so many reasons to not question how vulnerable and exhausted you were feeling.
It was only when you had hurled your guts up in your work’s bathroom for the third day in the row that your realized.
You hadn’t had your period in over two months. And your heart dropped into your stomach.
You were crouched over a toilet during your lunch break, peeing on a stick to figure out if you were just being paranoid.
But you knew. You knew.
And when that stick turned pink, a positive plus sign so dark and obvious you couldn’t deny it, you cried in the pharmacy bathroom stall.
You made your way back to your office once you had dried your tears, so many fears playing in your mind.
You were single, unmarried, hell, the child was a product of a threesome with a married couple. You hadn’t felt ready for a relationship, let alone a child.
But… with your hand resting on your stomach, you felt… joy. Hope. A baby was growing inside of you, against all odds. The three of you had made sure to use a condom every time Rhys fucked you, and how often did condoms really fail?
What are we going to do, little nugget? You thought to yourself, your hand rubbing a soothing circle over your still flat abdomen.
Two weeks later, and you had made a final decision. You were keeping the baby.
You had also decided that you needed to see Rhys and Feyre again, to at least tell them what was happening.
But you were nervous. So, so nervous as you stood outside of their apartment building. It looked even more intimidating than the night you had first come here.
You made your way to the front doors, expecting them to open when you pushed on the door.
It didn’t budge.
“Ma’am, please state your name and who you are trying to visit,” the security guard next to the door said.
“Oh, I’m uhm. My name is Y/N, I’m here to see Rhys and Feyre, please.”
The guard flipped through a tablet, then shook his head. “I’m sorry, ma’am, you aren’t on the list of approved visitors. You’re welcome to call them and be put on the list, but until them I’m afraid you have to leave.”
Your face flushed, embarrassed with the fact that you couldn’t call the couple.
“Uhm… Would there be any way that I could just wait in the lobby for them, or you could call them for me? I really, really need to speak with them, but I don’t have their phone numbers,” you pleaded, hoping that the man would take pity on you.
He sighed. “I’m afraid that’s impossible, ma’am. You’ll just have to find another way to contact them.”
It was your turn to sigh, tears involuntarily spilling from your eyes. “Thank you, I- I’m sorry,” you said, sniffling to keep the worst of the tears at bay until you were able to turn away from him.
You wiped at your eyes as you started walking, tears pouring from your eyes as your heightened hormones kicked your panic into overdrive-
And then you smacked directly into a broad chest.
“I’m so sorry,” you cried, your eyes on the ground so you wouldn’t have to see the person’s expression.
“Hey, it’s o- Y/N?” A velvety voice asked.
You looked up, blinking the tears from your eyes as you took in the male. He was just as beautiful as you remembered, and you knew you made a mistake in coming here.
You were an absolute wreck, and here he was, a Greek god come to life.
“Is everything alright, Y/N?” He asked gently, using his thumbs to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
“I- I-” you stuttered, the words catching in your throat, more tears spilling over and sobs tore from your lungs. His strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest for a comforting hug.
“Let’s get you inside, hmm, darling? We can talk and get you some coffee, alright?”
You nodded in agreement, still feeling unable to speak.
He released you from his hold but kept one of his arms wrapped around yours, and guided you into the building.
This time when you entered the elevator, you noticed that Rhys used a special key on the button pad, causing the lowest button to light up, which he pushed.
The ride was quick, and he ushered you out of the door and through their front door.
“Rhysie, are you home?” Feyre’s voice asked from far away, likely a few rooms down.
“Yes, love, and I think you should come out here, I found a special someone on my way home,” Rhys called out, his hands automatically taking your jacket and hanging it alongside his. A hand on your low back guided you into a sitting room, and Feyre came out of the hallway that you believed led to their bedroom.
“Oh, Y/N!” Feyre exclaimed, obviously not having expected you to be the visitor. “This is a pleasant surprise, what are you doing here love?” As she got closer, she could see how red and puffy your face was from crying, and the tears still running down your face, at a slower pace now. “Is everything alright?”
You shook your head, but couldn’t speak, still too choked up from your tears.
“Let’s sit down, okay?” Feyre said, taking you by the arm and leading you to a couch, sinking down onto it with you. “Rhys, would you go get her something warm to drink?”
“Of course. Would you like coffee, love?”
“Oh, uh, no, I’ll have tea, please- non-caffeinated if you can,” you replied, heat coloring your cheeks.
Rhys’s brow furrowed for a moment before smoothing out, and he nodded. “I’ll be right back, girls.”
He left in the direction that you assumed their kitchen was in, and Feyre’s hand came to rub small circles on your upper back.
“Do you want to talk about it, love?”
“No, but… I need to,” you sniffled, rubbing your sleeves against your eyes.
“Okay… Would you like me to guess?” Feyre asked, pinching your side lightly and you giggled softly.
“No, no, I don’t… It’s not something that you should find out in that way.”
Rhys came back at that moment, three mugs clutched in his hands. “Alright, here’s a lemon ginger tea for you, Y/N, and a coffee for you Fey.” He sat in the chair to your left, and sat his mug down on the coffee table. “Now, why are we so lucky to see you again today, love?”
You took a sip of the tea, thankful for the warmth, and the flavor helped the the nausea that had started building in your stomach. “I’m, uh…” You trailed off for a moment, trying to figure out how best to phrase this. But really, there was no good way to say this. “I’m pregnant.”
Both of them blinked at you, confused.
“I… I haven’t had… sex… with anyone besides the two of you in almost a year and- and I know that we used condoms and it doesn’t make sense and you probably want absolutely nothing to do with me- I’ll just go,” you rambled, setting your cup down and tried to stand up, only for both of them to clamp a hand down on you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Feyre asked, her tone… happy?
You didn’t understand.
“What makes you think we want nothing to do with you, love?” Rhys asked, one of his hands turning your head to look at him, and you could swear you saw silver lining his eyes.
“Because… I was a one night stand, and I… You two are married, and perfect, and I’m just…”
“Just what, hmm? You’re perfect too, you know,” Feyre said, and arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you into her side.
“That’s not-” you sighed. “I just mean that this is nothing that you could have planned for, or wanted. That’s all.”
“Actually, Y/N…” Rhys began. “Feyre and I have been trying to have a child for the last two years, with no success. We want a child, and have wanted a child for so long. Maybe our meeting you was some divine intervention, leading us to something we never knew we wanted, along with all that we’ve ever wanted.”
Tears filled your eyes as he spoke, his kind words washing over you.
“If I can be honest with you, Y/N, Rhys and I… We haven’t been able to keep you out of our thoughts in the past six weeks, we were so close to just asking Emerie for your phone number.”
The tears spilled over, and Rhys got up from his chair and scooped you up, taking your place and setting you on his lap. Feyre grabbed a tissue from the box on the coffee table and dabbed at your eyes, Rhys’s hand smoothing your hair out of your face.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Feyre cooed at you, kissing your cheeks. “Unless you don’t want the child…?”
You shook your head vigorously, strands of your hair smacking Rhys in the face. “No, I… I want to keep my little nugget, it’s just. I’m so happy,” you cried, your sobs returning in full force.
“Oh, love,” Rhys chuckled. “Everything is going to be okay. We can do this. There are three of us after all, and that means two people to help take care of you while you’re carrying our sweet little nugget, as you called it.”
They both placed a hand on your lower abdomen, and you all let it sink in.
You were having a baby.
And with the two of them by your side, you almost felt prepared.
General Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff
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littlelamy · 2 days
could you please do one based on rafe cameron based around bed chem by sabrina carpenter🙏🏼
a/n: i was so excited when i saw that someone requested this!! I hope you like it! and let me know if i should do more songs from her album because i have a good idea for good graces or espresso (maybe like a obsessed but soft rafe lmk)
you were leaning against the counter, eyes trailing over rafe cameron as he poured himself a drink. the way his muscles flexed beneath his shirt had you biting the inside of your cheek. it wasn’t just physical with him—there was something more, something about the way he could command a room with just a look. he caught you staring, of course, and that damn smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, the one that made your pulse race every single time.
"you keep staring at me like that," he drawled, setting the glass down with a slow, deliberate movement, "you’re gonna get yourself in trouble."
you raised an eyebrow, refusing to back down. “maybe i like trouble.”
I was in a sheer dress the day that we met We were both in a rush, we talked for a sec Your friend hit me up so we could connect
rafe stepped closer, his eyes darkening with that familiar intensity that made your skin tingle. “yeah, i remember that night. you were in that little dress, practically begging me to notice you.”
you rolled your eyes, though your heart was pounding in your chest. “oh please, you were the one who couldn’t keep your eyes off me.”
he smirked, his fingers brushing against your arm, sending a shiver down your spine. “and i haven’t stopped since.”
And what are the odds? You sent me a text And now the next thing I know, I'm like Manifest that you're oversized
he was right. from the moment you’d met, there was this pull between you, something electric, something dangerous. and even now, standing so close, you could feel it, the way his presence seemed to wrap around you, making it hard to think straight.
“i’m surprised you texted me back,” you teased, trying to keep things light, but your voice betrayed you, breathy and soft.
he leaned in, lips brushing against your ear. “oh, baby, i wasn’t letting you get away that easy.”
I digress, got me scrollin' like Out of breath, got me goin' like
his words sent heat coursing through your veins. every inch of space between you seemed to disappear as he stepped closer, his chest brushing against yours, his hand resting on your hip. the tension was suffocating, and yet, you couldn’t get enough of it.
“you’re playing with fire,” you whispered, your lips inches from his, heart hammering in your chest.
Ooh (ah) Who's the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent? Like Ooh (ah)
he grinned, that cocky, arrogant grin that made you want to kiss him and slap him all at once. “and you’re the one who keeps lighting the match.”
you could feel his breath on your skin, his lips brushing the corner of your mouth, teasing, taunting. “what are you waiting for, cameron?”
he didn’t need any more encouragement. his lips crashed against yours, hot and urgent, like he’d been waiting for this moment as long as you had. the kiss was messy, desperate, full of all the tension that had been building between you for months.
Maybe it's all in my head But I bet we'd have really good bed chem
his hands gripped your waist, pulling you against him as you tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging slightly, just the way he liked. the groan that escaped his lips sent a jolt of pleasure through your body.
“shit,” he muttered against your lips, pulling back just enough to look into your eyes, his pupils blown wide. “you don’t know what you do to me.”
you smirked, running your hands down his chest, feeling the way his body tensed beneath your touch. “oh, i think i have a pretty good idea.”
How you pick me up, pull me down, turn me 'round, oh, it just makes sense How you talk so sweet when you're doin' bad things, that's bed (bed) chem (chem)
he didn’t waste any time. with one swift movement, he lifted you onto the counter, standing between your legs, his hands gripping your thighs as he kissed you again, harder this time, like he couldn’t get enough. the heat between you was unbearable, and yet you craved more, needed more.
“you always do this,” you breathed, pulling back slightly to catch your breath, but his lips were already on your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. “always get me in trouble.”
How you're lookin' at me, yeah, I know what that means and I'm obsessed Are you free next week? I'd bet we'd have really good—
he chuckled against your skin, his hands wandering, exploring, setting your nerves on fire. “you love it, don’t lie.”
you tugged him closer, your lips meeting his once again, hungrier this time. the taste of him was intoxicating, and the way he moved, the way he touched you—it was like your bodies were in sync, like you were made for this, for each other.
“you’re such a damn tease,” you whispered, your hands gripping the back of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer.
Come right on me I mean, camaraderie Said you're not in my timezone, but you wanna be
“yeah?” rafe growled, his hands sliding beneath your shirt, fingers tracing patterns along your skin. “you’re the one who came here.”
you gasped as his hands moved lower, pulling you against him, the heat between your bodies almost unbearable. “you’re impossible.”
Where art thou? Why not uponeth me? See it in my mind, let's fulfill the prophecy
he smirked, his lips brushing against your jaw, sending shivers down your spine. “and yet, here you are, begging for more.”
“shut up,” you muttered, pulling him into another kiss, your body melting against his as he deepened it, his hands gripping your hips, pulling you closer.
Ooh (ah) Who's the cute guy with the wide, blue eyes and the big bad, mmm, like? Ooh (ah)
he pulled back slightly, his breath ragged, his eyes dark with desire. “you drive me crazy, you know that?”
you grinned, running your fingers through his hair, tugging gently. “good.”
I know it sound a bit redundant But I bet we'd have really good bed chem
he didn’t hesitate. his hands were everywhere, touching, exploring, and you were lost in him, lost in the heat, the desire, the sheer chemistry that crackled between you. it was overwhelming, and yet you couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop.
How you pick me up, pull me down, turn me 'round, oh, it just makes sense How you talk so sweet when you're doin' bad things, that's bed chem
“God,” he groaned, his forehead resting against yours as he tried to catch his breath, his hands still gripping your waist, fingers digging into your skin. “you’re killing me.”
you smiled, brushing your lips against his. “then i guess we’re even.”
he laughed, pulling you into another kiss, his hands sliding beneath your thighs, lifting you effortlessly. “i’m not done with you yet.”
How you're lookin' at me, yeah, I know what that means and I'm obsessed Are you free next week? I'd bet we'd have really good (bed chem)
you didn’t know how long you stayed like that, wrapped in each other, lost in the heat and intensity of it all. but in that moment, nothing else mattered. it was just you and rafe, and the undeniable chemistry that kept pulling you back to him, no matter how dangerous it was.
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
taglist: @namelesslosers @princessslutt @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @starkeysprincess @sixrosberg @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0
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drunkonh20 · 2 days
Winning Hearts in the Ring.
A/N: yours truly is back, i'm working and my shifts are pure shit, but imma make up for it folks.
modern day AU boxer Sevika, because we all want to see that, and thanks for my special anon for this request i hope i did you justice.
"C'mon Y/N it's gonna be fun, you promised you would come with me!!" Your friend whined as she takes your arm and shakes you gently. It is begining of autumn and your collage started which means s lot of studying because you are a third year of medical school and your intership starts as well, both for you and your friend actually. You two first met at the first day of classes, funny thing is you two are from the same town but never actually spoke until you two started collage. You first spoke only because you bumped into eachother while looking for your classroom. You remember it like it was yesterday.
"Y/N if you don't hurry up and find this damn classroom Mrs. Jackmann is gonna kill you." You thought to yourself as you were running up and down the hallways. Rushing and carrying your books at the same time because you, sadly, slept in this morning and forgot to pack your backpack. As you were right behing the corner you bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" You look up and see a blonde girl with such a soft face. "It's fine don't worry, I should be careful, it's just that if i don't find this class Mrs. Jacks-" "Mrs. Jackmann will kill me." You and the blond girl look at each other and started laughing. It was like fate, the universe wanted you two to become friends. "I'm Sonya, pleased to meet you fellow nurse." She puts her hand infront of you and you glady accept the greeting. "And I'm Y/N fellow colleague." You smile warmly at her. At that moment you knew you found your best friend and your soul sister.
"Pleeaseee I am begging you, I will go on my knees if I have to."
Sonya said as she was slowly getting on her knees beside you. "You can be a pain in my ass Sonya." You laugh as you typed into your laptop. You promised to go with her on a boxing match that is gonna be in a few days in the city. Sonya actually started training boxing and she wants to go to see the real deal for whats up for her. "Tell me when is this again?" You asked sipping on your coffee.
"It's on saturday at 8 pm, and don't you dare start the 'I have work to do' because we both know that you do not work on weekends because the doctors at the hospital love you and because of that they gave you every weekend off. Please Y/N I already got us tickets like a month ago." Sonya said with a straight face. When she wants something, she will go anything to get it, including you going with her. You stop typing for a moment, pretending to think about the situation. A small laugh escaped your lips and Sonya grabbed a pillow and smacked you with it.
"I KNEW YOU WOULD GO YOU LIL BRAT!" She laughed out loud, boy do you love to see her happy. After finishing your work you two hoppend onto a couch and watched your favorite show to end the night.
Fast forward to saturday.
"Y/N are you done in the shower??" You hear Sonya. "I'll be out in a minute!!" You said as you were done washing yourself. You went out of the bathroom smelling like a whole bath and body works. "For who are we smelling that good hmmm~?" Sonya teased and you just laugh it off, it's not like you would find a hot guy there right? You two girls got ready and went out of the apartment that you shared. It was a cozy little thing, made for two of you. It was a chilly night but you two thought it was a great idea to wear s dress, because why not eh. As the two of you got into Sonya's car you blasted your favorite songs and sang along as you were driving to the arena. While sitting in the passenger seat you look out the window and a jumbo poster catches your eye. It was a poster of the two boxers promoting todays match. At the same time by chance your music was cut by short commercal break.
"Tonight, the ring will burn as two elite boxers face off in a battle for supremacy! Join us for an electrifying night filled with intensity, skill, and heart. When: Tonight at 8:00 PM. Where: Eclipse Arena. Don’t miss your chance to witness history in the making! Hope you grabbed your tickets on time to be part of the action! Who will emerge victorious? Be there to find out!"
"OMG Y/N I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE ARE GONNA SEE IT LIVE!!! You will be amazed by this whole evening. Did I ever tell you that my favorite boxer Sevika is up in tonight finale??? Did I??" Sonya said happily and you just couldn't help but to smile because she was acting like a little child who saw a big rainbow lollipop at the store. "No you never actually told me who is your favorite boxer, but I will see her today." Just as you finished saying that you two pulled over at the parking lot of the Eclipse arena. And let me tell you, it was almost full to the brim, you were lucky to find a spot empty. You two got out and rushed to the main enterence of the big building. There was a lot of security, like a lot, with police also if someone decited to be dumb and start a mess. The line into the arena was huge, but thank God you were rushing so you weren't at the back.
"Tickets please." A strong, buff guy asked you two in a deep voice. Sonya gladly showed them in his face and the guy let's you in.
Entering a boxing arena to watch a match is an experience on a whole snother level. As you approach the venue, the anticipation builds. The sounds of chatter fill the air, mixing with the faint echo of gloves hitting pads in the background. Upon entering, you’re greeted by the vibrant atmosphere—bright lights that shine on the ring, filled with sponsors' logos. The scent of popcorn and hot dogs goes through the crowd. You and your friend navigate through the sea of fans, while others are animatedly discussing previous matches between the two finalists. Finally finding your seats, some smart assholes almost took your seats bit thank god Sonya basically has the additude to deal with people like them, you settle in as the energy pulsates around you. The crowd’s roar grows louder, especially as the fighters are about to be introduced. You truly never experienced something like this. It was exciting and adrenaline was rushing thought you like some kind of a drug. You see the host going into the right with a microphone in his hand. That's it, the two finalists are finally coming onto the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event of the evening! Get ready for an electrifying showdown as we present the finalists of this year’s championship! In the red corner, hailing from the heart of the city, known for her relentless drive and knockout power, give it up for the ferocious fighter, Sevika!"
Sonya basically goes wild, as she sees her idol with her own two eyes. You calm her down as much as possible so she doesn't faint from excitment. You look up the ring to see the host with the two boxers. He takes a minute so the crowd goes silent to introduce the second finalist.
"And in the blue corner, representing the pride of her hometown with an unmatched skill set, put your hands together for the formidable contender, Violet known as Vi! Tonight, they will battle it out for glory, honor, and the championship title! Let’s get ready to rumble!”
People being to scream as the match begins, the tension is electric. Every punch, dodge, and cheer from the audience intensifies the experience. You and your friend exchange reactions, riding the highs and lows of each round, caught up in the drama unfolding before you. The experience is more than just the match; it's the shared excitement between you and Sonya, and the unforgettable moments that make it truly memorable.
"GO SEVIKA KICK HER, YES, NO, YES SEVIKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????" Sonya got out of her seat to exam the situarion further. It looked like Sevika was loosing, but it was only the first round.
You just sat there in ave. You've never seen such a woman in your life. What captured your eyes was her left arm. It was a bionic arm. You thought what happend to her. "Hey Sonya, what happend to her arm?" You got closer to your friend as you asked the question. "She had an accident a few years ago, from what I read, her team wanted the best for her and they got a new technology for her arm. Sevika's bionic arm is a highly advanced prosthetic designed to mimic natural arm movements and enhance functionality, allowing her to perform tasks with precision and strength." She said never tsking her eyes off the ring. You just nodded as you continued to watch the match. After the first round it got even more intense. It was two for two now. The last match decited who is the new champion. Before the third and final round the host said that there will be a thirdy minute break.
"NO WHY, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT LONG." Sonya fake cried and laughed at the same time. You got out of your chair to grab some fresh air, sadly to you, you didn't know some boy was behing you, following you outside. You stood outside drinking your soda while listening to chatter around you, people commenting on the match.
"Heeeey there beautiful hehe." You turned around and saw a somewhat drunk guy covered with grease from hot dogs aeound his mouth. Ew, you though to yourself ignoring him. He slid his arm aound your waist, but there was someone else watching the situation from afar. "Why don't you wanna talk eh, the cat got your tongue or am did I take your breath away?" The creep smrked and you just wanted to punch him right there and then. Looking around for a security guy or police but there were none on sight. Great, how can you camly get out of this situation? "Look man I'm not interested just leave me alone please?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh now you can talk, why don't we go to my place after hmm little kitten?" You almost puked. Finally turning around to face him you were about to start explainging some stuff about manners when a figure got behind him.
"Didn't she say she is not interested?" Ylu looked up behind the dude and saw her. Sevika. You looked at her in awe. You examed her face closely. Sevika has an expressive face, marked by sharp features and intense gray eyes that show both determination and a hint of softness, but at this moment her eyes screamed bloody murder. "Get back inside or else I'm gonna carry you inside piece by piece." She stared down at him, right after the guy ran inside for his life. Sevika looks at you, you can se some bruises and some bloody marks on her face. She looks at youand smiles a bit. A small 'thank you' escapes your lips looking down to hide your blushing face. "Anytime beautiful." She smirks taking a cigarette out of her pocket. You look up to her side and see one bad cut on her face. "You know that cut will be needing a least four to five stiches."
"Oh yeah, are you a doctor?" She takes a puff.
"Well actually, I am.. almost." You smile st her. She looks at you and takes your face into the palm of her hand. "Well then, you will be the one who will stich me up darling." She said taking another puff. Never in your damn life have you felt like this, never has someone made you feel this kind of way when meeting them for the first time. You stutter finding words to say something, she looks at you again. "Gotta get back inside, hope to see you still there to watch me win beautiful." She winked and went back inside the venue. You couldn't believe what just happend. Sevika, THE Sevika saved your butt snd flirted with you tonight.
'Sonya will never believe what just happend.' You thought as you went after Sevika inside. You got back into your seat and saw Sonya talking to a boy prolly not even noticing that you were gone for the whole thirdy minutes.
As you sat down the bell rang. The finale match has begun. You saw Sevika getting up from her corner. She was looking for someone. When she finally saw you she just winked at you and you couldn't help but to blush again. Sonya looked st you. "Girl, what was that??? Did Sevika just winked at you?" "Sonya, I will explain it later just watch the match okay." You said never taking your eyes off of Sevika, praying to god she will win. "O you have some explaing to do at home young lady."
As the final round approaches, the atmosphere is electric, the crowd roaring with anticipation. Both Sevika and Vi are visibly exhausted, sweat glistening on their brows. The bell rings, and they charge toward each other, trading jabs and hooks, each punch a testament to their grit. Sevika started showing signs of fatigue, begins to retreat, but Violet aka Vi senses an opportunity. With precision, she unleash a series of powerful combinations, landing clean shots that echo through the arena. The crowd erupts with each strike, urging Sevika on. In this moment both you and Sonya started biting your nails from anixety In the last minute, Sevika digs deep, channeling their remaining strength. She respond with a surprising counter, landing a solid right hook that staggers Violet. Time slows as the two boxers exchange blows, each seeking to gain the upper hand. As the final seconds tick away, the fighters lean into their last efforts. With just seconds left, Sevika delivers a devastating uppercut, sending her opponent to the canvas. The referee counts, and the crowd holds its breath. At eight, Vi struggles to rise, but they can’t beat the count. The bell rings, and the referee waves it off. Sevika raises her arms in victory, is declared the winner, her corner erupting in celebration while Violet, though battered, nods in respect. The match ends, marking another chapter in their fierce rivalry. The host enters the ring for the last time.
"We are thrilled to announce that Sevika has emerged as the champion of the boxing championship! Her dedication, skill, and determination have truly set her apart. Congratulations to Sevika for this incredible achievement!"
Both you and Sonya screamed. You could see Sevika looking at you, breathing heavily and she just smirked. You look at her and smile while doing the thumbs up. She laughed at you, couldn't help it.
After a while the crowd gets outside and so do you and Sonya. While walking to your car and chatting about the match you see someone ahead of you. It was Sevika, leaning over to the side of your car.
"I was hoping I can get your number beautiful." You see Sevika leaning onto your car. She handled you a pen and paper. You glady accept it and write it with a little heart next to it. You gave the items back and look at her. "Someone will need to stich you up hm?" You teased and she smirks, while Sonya almost had a full on stroke in the background. "O young lady you have a lot of explainging to do. Btw hi Sevika, I'm Sonya, big fan." She waved her hand to her. Sevika laughs along side of you at this whole situation. As you both settled into the car, the tension of the moment shifted into something lighter. Sevika chuckled, glancing over at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, what's your plan after the stitches?" she teased, raising an eyebrow. You smirked, feeling the chemistry crackle between you. "Maybe take you out for a drink, if you're up for it." Sevika's smile widened. "Count me in. Just don’t be surprised if I end up stitching you up instead." Sonya, still recovering from her shock, shook her head in disbelief. “This is going to be a story for the ages.”
As you drove off, the laughter and teasing continued, the night ahead full of possibilities, leaving you both eager for what was to come.
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avonne-writes · 3 days
omg for the prompts i love "— “of course i remembered. it’s important to you, so now it’s important to me too.”" and and "— “can i hold your hand? is that weird to ask?”" and and omg "— “i can’t believe you didn’t know i liked you, i thought it couldn’t have been any more obvious.”" for the hs au pleaseeeeee
I posted the hand holding prompt a few days ago, so I'll exclude it here. The other two I'm going to combine with today's Daily Dose of Austin Butler prompt (this will only be at the end of the drabble).
The boys are 15 here, and this is right after they make up following their first serious fight. (Sorry for any typos, I'm very tired.)
TW for brief mention of child abuse
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2. Selfie
"I can’t believe you didn’t know I liked you." Gale smiles softly at the small glow-in-the-dark stars that decorate the ceiling of Bucky's bedroom. They're the only source of light in the cozy night as he and Bucky lie there in Bucky's bed side by side. When Gale shifts, Bucky's hand tightens around his where they rest on Gale’s chest. "I thought it couldn’t have been any more obvious."
Bucky's chuckle is so close to Gale's ear that he feels a hot flush run down his neck. "I thought you were just shy."
"I'm not that shy!"
"If you say so, baby." Bucky laughs and hugs him, giddy and warm as usual.
Gale hugs him back and closes his eyes against the sudden pang of pain in his heart when he realizes how much he missed this. Being called baby. Being hugged.
Two months of dating and this is the first time that he’s staying the night. It feels like a dream, especially considering the past few days, when everything seemed to be falling apart because he lied about all the shit he has to put up with at home. Those stupid lies! Why couldn’t he just say, my father is an alcoholic and my mom doesn’t give a fuck?
Instead, he led Bucky to feel like Gale didn’t really like him after all. He confused him. Messed up the first relationship he has ever had. Bucky broke up with him, and Gale cried and cried and threw out all of his dad's booze just to get the slap he felt he deserved. It was... He doesn’t want to think about it. What matters is that his Bucky came back to him, they talked for, like, four hours non-stop, and everything is all right now. For the first time in a week, Gale feels the sweet draw of a peaceful sleep.
When Bucky kisses his cheek, he opens his eyes to look at the plastic stars again.
A few weeks ago, when Bucky had a cold and he came over to cuddle him for a few hours, Bucky told him that he had put those stars up with his dad not long before his parents divorced, but they didn’t finish the whole ceiling. His dad left and had almost no contact whatsoever with Bucky since. All that remains is the longing, an old sheepskin jacket and the stars on the ceiling. Although Gale wouldn’t mind if his own dad wasn’t around, he tries to sympathize. It’s not like he can ever understand, of course, but... well, he tries to do things for Bucky that he would like himself.
"Oh." He covers his face with a hand when he remembers what he has been carrying in his backpack since before their fight. "I forgot to give you your present!"
"Huh?" Bucky pushes himself up, confused, then laughs along with Gale as Gale fumbles to find the light switch. When the bedside lamp finally turns on, they squint at each other blearily in its glow.
A bit self-conscious in his checkered long-sleeved pjs, Gale climbs off the bed and pads over to his schoolbag, where he hopes his gift survived the past few days. He roots around a bit before he emerges triumphant with the small bag wrapped in a Marvel comic page because Bucky's obsessed with those.
Bucky beams in joy at the sight. "Why do I get a gift?" He asks after he takes it from Gale and starts picking at the wrapping.
Gale plops down next to him and tucks his growing hair behind his ear. "For our two-month anniversary." He says, grinning when Bucky gives him a smirk for using that term.
When his gaze drops back to the package, Bucky’s smile fades. "I, uh, got you some chocolate." He gives Gale an apologetic look. "But after - you know. I ate it."
For a moment, Gale stares into Bucky’s sad puppy eyes, then his lips wobble and he bursts into a laugh. "Oh my God."
"I'll buy you something tomorrow!"
Still giggling, Gale lets himself list to the side until his arm bumps into Bucky’s. "It’s okay. I'm not mad."
"Now I feel guilty though." Bucky pouts, but he throws an arm around Gale's shoulders as the contents of his gift finally spill over his lap.
Glow-in-the-dark stars and adhesive.
What Gale expects is a grin and a kiss, and Bucky rambling on about how he finally has enough stars to fill in the gaps on his ceiling, maybe an invitation to do it together, but there’s only silence at first. It’s unusual enough that he starts to worry. Was it a bad idea? Did he do something wrong? He chews at his bottom lip, but tries to find reassurance in the fact that Bucky hasn't pulled his arm back.
"You remembered." Bucky says quietly.
"Of course I remembered." Gale says, surprised that Bucky didn't think that was evident. "It’s important to you. So now it’s important to me too."
A part of Gale worries that he’s being too emotional, too sentimental. Maybe it's too much after only two months? He tried to research anniversary presents but there was no clear answer on the internet. It’s not like he can do much anyway, he barely gets any money from his mom.
The longer the silence stretches on, the more anxious Gale feels, but then, Bucky finally looks up at him, and the raw emotion in his eyes is enough to tell him that it wasn’t a mistake after all.
"Thank you." Bucky says quietly, then tangles his fingers in Gale's hair and gives him a lingering kiss that makes Gale's heartbeat race in joy. When he pulls back, he drops his face to Gale's neck, wraps his arms around him and starts giggling.
"What?" Gale smiles, stroking Bucky’s back.
After a few seconds, Bucky pulls back and kisses him again. "I was going to ask you if -" He bites his lip, uncharacteristically shaky with his words from some strange mix of joy and nerves that puzzles Gale. "- if you'd help me take them off."
Gale stops functioning for a moment. "You want to take them off?"
Bucky cracks a breathy laugh. "Yeah. I thought about it a few weeks ago. I thought we could - it could be a date, I mean - it's dumb but I feel like I don't need them anymore." He looks away, then back at Gale again. "Because I have you."
"Oh." Gale looks at his hands in his lap, trying to process it.
Bucky, who refused to let even his mom touch those stars, is now ready to take them off with Gale's help because of Gale. It doesn't even matter that this makes Gale's present pointless - the warmth of love fills Gale from head to toe. It kind of sounds like as if he was important to Bucky. More important than a memory from the father who left him. After two months. Gale doesn’t really know what this means, but... He likes it. Feeling like he matters is the most amazing thing he has ever experienced.
Slowly, a smile spreads over his face until he’s grinning at Bucky. He gives Bucky's shoulder a light shove. "You’re the least romantic boyfriend ever."
"Shut up, I can be romantic." Bucky laughs and tackles him back on the mattress. "I'm so romantic, you won’t even know what hit you."
"Your bony elbow?"
Bucky snorts, and they wrestle and banter until Gale’s out of breath from laughing and he’s sure his hair stands up in cowlicks. That’s when Bucky throws himself down next to him with his phone in his hand.
"Let’s take a selfie."
"Now?" Frowning, Gale holds up a hand to cover his face. He’s a mess in ugly pjs, and he's pretty sure he has a red spot on his chin too. Utterly unflattering. "No, come on."
"Gaaale." Bucky pleads, turning to his side to cling to Gale. "I'm bored of my wallpaper."
"Just download something."
"I'm bored of that too." Bucky whines. "Please, we don’t take enough selfies. I want to remember this day."
Gale peeks out between his fingers only to see his half-hidden face and tangled hair on the screen of the phone Bucky holds up above them. Grinning, Bucky snaps the photo, then chortles when Gale groans, closes his eyes and drops his hands in defeat.
Snap. Snap. Snap.
When Gale looks up again and sighs, Bucky turns his head, and they meet each other's eyes. Happiness passes between them like a wave of warmth. With an indulgent smile, Gale leans forward and presses his lips to Bucky's.
That last selfie ends up being Bucky's wallpaper for months to come until he breaks his phone playing soccer with Curt.
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elysiaheaven · 2 days
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄-𝐒U𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐗 𝐅.𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐎𝐡, 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐞-𝟎𝟏
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'Oh, small bird- Be sealed in this cage. So your weakness won't be seen'
During the disaster, I could hardly hear anything.
Just the soft, haunting whispers of my mother's sobs. Even the loud ringing in my ears couldn't drown out the truth: she was terrified yet smiling.
Smiling, pretending everything was okay. So we could be okay...
Even in her fear, she held us both tight, her embrace like a fragile bird's wings. She sang her lullaby one last time, a sweet melody that danced on the edge of despair, before whispering,
"You will be safe and sound..."
But what about her? I was weak. So weak that I couldn't protect her. Yet, as I held Robin's hand, something ignited within me—a fierce determination to keep her alive at all costs. Even if it meant...
"Dear child, go on."
"Go on. Sunday, my child, look... Right now, this is your chance to reveal your true self for the last time."
"A broken boy who cries at everything. Tell me, how was little Robin when your mother urged you both to stay strong?"
"She held back her tears, striving to absorb Mother's last words. She was...
Controlling her emotions, trying to ease Mother's fear for us."
"Less scared for me."
Hmm? And what did you do then?
"Mr. Wood, you've asked me this before... Please, every time I remember, it—It hurts.."
"It hurts?
You feel weak? What a disappointment. To be strong is to control your emotions. Sunday, tell me: what were you doing when that happened? Remember how weak you were".
I couldn't control my tears. I kept asking if there was another way to save all three of us... I felt hopeless...
How shameful. Your sister was stronger than you. She gave your mother hope one last time by controlling her tears. You? What did you do? You cried. Your mother's heart must have ached, offering her only half-hearted hope. Both of you watched her fade into a memory.
"M-Mr. Wood, I would appreciate it if you didn't say it... It hurts."
Control it.
Mr. Wood leaned back in his chair, a mock expression of concern etched on his face. "Sunday, how quaint that you still cling to your tears. It's almost endearing, really. But don't you see? This weakness only serves to burden those you love. Your mother needed you strong, yet here you are, a puddle of sorrow."
He paused, letting the words hang heavy in the air. "Why must you make it harder for her? Do you think your tears will change anything? They won't bring her back. They won't save you or little Robin."
Sunday's heart sank further with each cutting remark. "But I wanted to save her, Mr. Wood! I tried!" he pleaded, the desperation evident in his voice.
"Ah, but wanting is not enough, is it? You've learned that by now," Mr. Wood continued, his tone dripping with condescension. "You see, strength lies in control. Your sister, she understood this. While you cried, she offered hope, the only thing that can hold back despair. Did you not notice how she stood firm, a pillar of strength in the face of chaos?"j8
"Robin—" Sunday's voice cracked, pain washing over him at the thought of his sister's bravery.
"Yes, Robin," Mr. Wood interjected smoothly, as if savoring the sting of his words. "She managed to mask her fear, to keep your mother afloat even in the darkest of moments. Yet here you are, so easily swayed by emotion. What a disappointment. A broken boy who cannot even honor his mother's last wish. How tragic."
The corners of Mr. Wood's mouth curled into a semblance of a smile, an unsettling mix of kindness and ridicule. "If only you could harness your feelings, channel them into something powerful. But no, you'd rather wallow in this pathetic display, wouldn't you?"
Sunday's face flushed with shame. "I'm trying to be strong! I just... I can't..."
"Then stop trying," Mr. Wood replied, his voice low and almost soothing. "Instead, simply control it. It's not difficult. You must learn to bury the tears, to swallow the pain, and rise above it. That is how you become strong, how you honor your mother's memory. It's time to stop being a burden and start being the protector she needed."
As Mr. Wood's words echoed in the silence, Sunday felt the weight of his expectations. The kindness in his tone twisted like a knife, but beneath it all lay the undeniable truth: if he wanted to survive, he had to learn to control the storm within him.
"Do you understand, Sunday? Or are you still too caught up in your own sorrow to grasp the reality of your situation?"
Sunday looked down.
Mr. Wood leaned forward, his gaze sharp and penetrating. "You know, Sunday, I think it's time you learned to smile more. After all, how can you protect your sister if you're still moping about your mother's death? You must move on, put on a brave face. The world doesn't have room for weakness."
"But... how can I just forget?" Sunday's voice trembled, his resolve wavering as he struggled to keep the memories at bay.
"Forget? I didn't say forget," Mr. Wood countered smoothly, his tone almost playful. "I said to move on. If you stay shackled to your sorrow, what will become of Robin? What if your weakness consumes her the way it did your mother? Can you afford to let that happen?"
The question hung in the air, heavy with implication. Sunday felt a chill run down his spine. "I won't let that happen! I'll protect her! I'll sacrifice anything for her!" His voice rose with a mix of desperation and determination.
"Good," Mr. Wood replied, an eerie calm settling over him. "But let's be honest, Sunday. A weak heart like yours is a poor vessel for sacrifice. What if one day, Robin steps back, refuses to do the right thing? What will you do then?"
"I'll make her listen! I'll show her how to be strong!" Sunday's voice cracked under the weight of his emotions, but he pushed on, fighting the tears that threatened to spill.
"Such a confident declaration from someone so fragile," Mr. Wood remarked, his expression almost bemused. "But tell me, what if your weakness swallows her whole, just as it did your mother? What if she dies the same way? It's a simple test, really."
Sunday felt his breath hitch as the implications crashed over him like waves. He squeezed his eyes shut, fists clenched tightly as he fought to keep the rising tide of tears at bay. The thought of losing Robin, of failing her like he failed their mother, felt like a knife twisting in his gut.
"Open your eyes, Sunday," Mr. Wood commanded, his voice low and insistent. "Look at me."
Reluctantly, Sunday opened his eyes, the glossiness betraying the battle he fought within. He met Mr. Wood's gaze, a mix of fear and determination swirling in his chest. "I won't let it happen to Robin. I swear I'll protect her!"
Mr. Wood's lips curled into a smile that was anything but warm. "Congratulations, Sunday. You did well. As long as you cage your feelings, no one will get hurt. Not Robin, not anyone. You must learn this, or risk losing everything."
"But it hurts..." Sunday murmured, the weight of his emotions threatening to pull him under.
"Pain is a small price to pay for strength," Mr. Wood replied, his voice steady and unwavering. "You must face it head-on. Stop looking weak, stop crying. You need to become a guardian, not a grieving child. Your sister is counting on you."
With each word, Sunday felt the remnants of his resolve solidifying, but the fear still loomed large. The images of his mother's fading smile haunted him, intertwining with the knowledge that he couldn't let that fate befall Robin. Clenching his fists tighter, he struggled against the tears, willing himself to silence the grief.
"Good," Mr. Wood said, watching Sunday closely. "That's it. Bury it deeper. Strength comes from control. The stronger you are, the less pain you allow to surface. You must become a fortress for Robin—a shield that cannot break."
As Sunday fought against the tide of emotions, he could feel a change within him—a steeling of resolve. He wouldn't let history repeat itself. He would cage his feelings, as Mr. Wood said, and protect Robin at all costs.
"Now, remember this, Sunday," Mr. Wood continued, his voice like ice. "A weak heart will only lead to tragedy. Be strong. Be unyielding. You owe it to your sister, to your mother's memory. If you falter, it's not just your fate at stake—it's hers too."
End!-Lesson 0 seal your emotions.
Sunday found himself ensnared in a web of grief and denial, each thread woven tighter around his heart. He learned to mask his pain, to build a fortress of smiles even as his soul felt hollow. Every laugh he shared with Robin echoed with a bittersweetness, a façade he wore like a heavy cloak.
When they played together, he forced himself to join in, his laughter ringing out in bright notes that belied the darkness lurking beneath. They would spin in circles, their voices rising as they sang silly songs, both of them promising to light up the world. But deep down, Sunday was torn.
"No, Robin," he wanted to tell her, "the world isn't bright. It's shrouded in shadows. It's dark and unforgiving." Yet, he couldn't bring himself to shatter the fragile joy in her eyes. Instead, he nodded, forcing a smile, locking away the ache in his chest.
"Yes, let's sing for the world," he replied, his voice trembling with the weight of hidden sorrow. "Together."
The harsh studies loomed like a storm cloud over them, each challenge reminding him of the burden he bore. When the assignments became overwhelming, when his heart ached for the mother he'd lost, he buried it deep inside. Each time Robin looked to him for encouragement, he swallowed his pain, presenting only the cheerful exterior he had crafted.
"You're doing so well, Robin! I'm proud of you!" he exclaimed, but inside, he felt like a fraud. How could he be proud when he felt so lost?
In the quiet moments, away from Robin's bright gaze, he would stand in front of the mirror, forcing a smile that never reached his eyes. He practiced until his lips curled naturally, even as the reflection whispered secrets of sorrow he refused to acknowledge.
It was all so suffocating. The cage he had built around himself felt safe, a small haven where he could stifle his emotions and hide from the world. But the bars of that cage were his heart, and the more he locked it away, the more it felt like it was slowly withering inside him.
Each day was a battle. Each time he felt joy, guilt clawed at his insides like a hungry beast. He couldn't let Robin see the truth, the storm brewing just beneath the surface. "Smile, Sunday. Just smile," he would tell himself, yet the ache never faded.
One afternoon, as they played in the fading sunlight, Robin turned to him, her face glowing with innocent hope. "Let's make a promise, okay? We'll sing together forever! No matter what happens!"
Sunday felt a pang in his chest, a desperate wish to tell her that the world was cruel, that promises were often broken. But he simply nodded, forcing a smile that felt like it might shatter. "Yes, forever," he echoed, the words tasting bitter on his tongue.
He locked away the tears threatening to spill over, swallowing the raw ache that clawed at his throat. With every laugh they shared, every song they sang, he felt the weight of his grief settle deeper, like a stone in his heart.
But the cage had its price. The more he caged his emotions, the more he felt like a ghost haunting his own life. The joy he displayed felt increasingly distant, a fleeting shadow of the boy he once was. The pain of his mother's absence hung over him like a shroud, a reminder that no matter how many smiles he wore, the emptiness would never truly leave him.
Yet, he couldn't allow Robin to see. He wouldn't let his weakness swallow her the way it had consumed their mother. So, he continued to play the role of the strong older brother, sacrificing his own heart for her light, even as it felt like each day drew him further into darkness.
With every song, every smile, every moment spent pretending, he sank deeper into his self-imposed cage, where the walls closed in tighter, suffocating yet comforting.
"Just a little longer," he would whisper to himself, "just until Robin is safe." And with that, he clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, he could keep the darkness at bay, even if it meant losing himself in the process.
Sunday grew older, the cage he had built around himself felt less like a sanctuary and more like a prison. The walls, once comforting, now loomed large and oppressive, trapping him within his own despair. Each day blended into the next, the darkness creeping in deeper, the laughter shared with Robin becoming increasingly hollow.
After all! He did lose!
He caught sight of himself in the mirror. He stared, and for a fleeting moment, he saw not just the mask of the strong older brother, but the true self locked away inside—the boy who cried, the boy who failed to protect his mother. The reflection shimmered with the echoes of his sorrow, shadows dancing behind his eyes.
Locked up, locked up, locked up.
Suddenly, a dark shape flitted through the window, a raven with feathers as black as his despair. It landed on the edge of the mirror, peering at him with beady, judgmental eyes.
"Ah, a little Halovian trapped in his cage," the raven croaked, its voice dripping with mockery. "What a sight to behold! A bird should be in a cage, but here you are, confined by your own failure."
Sunday felt the words sting like ice, and he recoiled, fists tightening as he tried to mask the rising tide of emotions. "Leave me alone!" he shouted, but the raven only cawed, a chorus of others joining in from the shadows.
"Disappointment! Disappointment!" they shrieked in unison, their voices a cacophony of accusation.
"Why do you exist?" the raven continued, its eyes glinting with malicious glee. "If you can't even do what your father asked, what purpose do you serve? Look at you, so pathetically weak. You've let your mother down, and now you're destined to let your sister down, too."
The voices echoed in his mind, a relentless assault that stirred the pain he fought so hard to contain. "Control it! Control your feelings!" they chanted, drowning out his resolve. "Don't let them see how pathetic you are! How weak you are!"
"Control it!" The raven flapped its wings, the sound a harsh reminder of his failings. "Why didn't you do what he asked? Why didn't you respect his wishes? You're just an imperfect reflection of what a Halovian should be."
"Shut up!" Sunday screamed, the words escaping him before he could think. He pressed his palms against his temples, trying to block out the haunting echoes, but they only grew louder, more insistent.
"Seal it! Seal it!" the raven shrieked, its cawing piercing through the fog of his thoughts. "Lock it all away! If you want to protect her, you have to be perfect. You must bury your flaws, your emotions—everything! Seal it tight, or you'll only lose her like you lost your mother!"
Sunday felt his heart race, panic surging as he grappled with the weight of the raven's words. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to shut out the chaos, but the voices flooded in, suffocating him with their relentless accusations.
"Why can't you be strong?" the little voice within him echoed, the boy he used to be now taunting him. "Why can't you do this? Why do you insist on being so weak?"
He struggled against the tide, battling the feelings of inadequacy that threatened to drown him. Every moment he spent locked up in this cage of his own making felt like another failure, another weight pressing down on him.
But amid the chaos, a flicker of defiance ignited in his chest. "I won't let you swallow me!" he yelled, clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. "I will protect Robin! I will be strong!"
The raven cawed, laughter lacing its tone. "You think that shouting will change anything? You're still just a broken boy behind bars. Can you even believe your own words?"
"Shut up!" Sunday pressed his palms to his ears, desperate to block out the haunting sounds, but the noise only grew louder. "I will seal it. I will control it! I can't let it destroy me!"
"Then prove it," the raven jeered, its voice dripping with disdain. "Show us you can be perfect. Show us you can truly seal it all away. Because if you don't, you're just destined to fail again."
 Sunday stood in the dim light, surrounded by shadows that mocked him, he felt a tear escape, sliding down his cheek. But he quickly wiped it away, forcing a smile to mask the pain, a fragile façade that felt like it could shatter at any moment.
"Seal it," he whispered to himself, the words a mantra that resonated in the stillness. "Seal it tight. You can't let them see you weak. You can't let Robin see..."
And with that, he buried the feelings deeper, locking away the sorrow and fear until they felt like distant echoes, lost within the confines of his cage.
But as the raven took flight, disappearing into the shadows, a small voice in his heart whispered, *What if sealing it away means losing yourself forever?*
The astral Express won!?
The shadows danced around him, Sunday felt the weight of his failures pressing down like an anchor. He was supposed to be the one to protect Robin, the guardian who would keep her safe from harm. Instead, he had failed her—exiled and alone, a prisoner of his own making.
The ravens circled overhead, their cries sharp and accusatory, each word a dagger that twisted in his heart. "You didn't do what Wood wished, did you? You didn't keep your sister safe!"
Their caws rang in his ears, relentless and mocking. "Look at you now, abandoned and alone! All because of that foolish deal your sister made with Lady Bonajade. She sacrificed everything for you, and what did you do? You lost your home, your family!"
And just like that, the memories surged forward, drowning him in a tide of guilt and regret. He could see Robin's face, the heartbreak in her eyes as she pleaded for his freedom, her voice trembling as she faced the dark figure of Lady Bonajade.
The boy inside him, the child he had locked away, began to shout. "Why did you put her through that? Why did you let her suffer for you?" Each accusation struck like lightning, illuminating the dark corners of Sunday's mind.
"Why are you so weak?" the child's voice echoed, piercing through the din of the ravens. "Robin is heartbroken! She must be disappointed in you! Do you think she doesn't feel guilty for giving up everything to save you? And look at you—sleeping peacefully while she bears the weight of your choices!"
"Stop! Stop!" Sunday shouted, gripping his head as the pressure mounted, as if he could crush the boy's words into silence. Anger surged through him, a fire igniting against the icy fingers of despair. "You don't understand! I did what I had to do!"
The ravens cawed in delight, the cacophony building into a frenzy. "Lock yourself away! Lock yourself up so you won't have to cry! Seal it all away! Isn't that what you wanted?"
But the boy wasn't finished. "What are you going to do? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! You're just going to sit there while she suffers? While she's left alone with the burden of your mistakes? Wake up, Sunday! Wake up!"
The words sliced through the fog of denial, raw and unrelenting. Sunday felt the walls of his cage closing in, darkness pooling around him like a suffocating shroud. "I... I can't..."
"Robin needs you!" the child shouted, the echo reverberating in his mind. "She's out there, lost and broken because of you! You can't just sit in your cage and pretend it doesn't hurt. She's waiting for you to wake up! She's waiting for you to save her!"
The anguish in the boy's voice resonated within him, a haunting melody that stirred the dormant guilt. Sunday's heart raced as he fought against the weight of despair, the suffocating darkness closing in around him. The ravens circled, their eyes glinting with malicious satisfaction.
"Be locked up! Be safe!" they screeched, their voices blending into a nightmarish chant. "You don't have to feel! You don't have to cry! Just seal it all away! Forget your sister! Forget your failure!"
But the boy's voice broke through, insistent and demanding. "What will you do? What will you do to protect her? You're nothing without her! You're just a coward hiding in a cage!"
Sunday clenched his fists, the pain of the child's words piercing through the darkness. He could feel the tears threatening to spill, the grief that had been locked away now bubbling to the surface. "I don't want to be weak anymore!" he shouted, voice raw with desperation. "I want to protect her! I want to make things right!"
But as he cried out, the raven's voices grew louder, their laughter echoing in his ears, drowning out the boy's haunting cries. "You'll always be a disappointment! You'll always be weak! Seal it! Lock it away! That's the only way to survive!"
Suddenly, the cage felt tighter, the bars pressing against his chest as the shadows surged, wrapping around him like chains. "No! I won't let you!" he shouted, panic rising within him, but the darkness only tightened its grip.
"Lock up your heart!" the ravens shrieked. "Seal it! Don't let anyone see how broken you are!"
With every word, he felt the flicker of hope dimming, the shadows clawing at his spirit, pulling him back into the depths of despair. The child's voice, once so vibrant, began to fade. "You can't leave me here! You can't abandon her!"
"Wake up!" the boy cried, the final plea echoing through the nightmarish cacophony, but the darkness swallowed the sound, leaving Sunday alone in the suffocating silence of his cage, haunted by the choices he had made.
Sunday jolted awake, his heart pounding as he gasped, "Robin!" The echo of his own voice filled the dim, unfinished room, and he quickly scanned the space around him. The walls were bare, and the air felt thick with an unsettling stillness, like the remnants of a dream lingering just beyond his grasp.
The Astral Express had said someone once occupied this room, but now it felt empty—dull and lifeless. The furniture was sparse, the decor unfinished, reflecting a haunting reminder of what could have been. It was a space where hope had been stifled, a room still waiting for its purpose.
He sat up slowly, a chill running through him as he took in his surroundings. Everything felt imperfect and lacking, but he couldn't complain. He had to breathe; he had to live. Robin had begged for him, pleading for him to keep going, to survive when he thought he'd never find the strength. The thought of her determination, her unwavering belief in him, ignited a flicker of resolve deep within his chest.
Glancing at the mirror, Sunday caught sight of himself and felt a wave of vulnerability wash over him. He looked... disheveled. Sweat clung to his smooth, shoulder-length silver hair, the fringe swept up haphazardly to the left. His golden irises, usually bright and expressive, appeared dulled by exhaustion, framed by dark circles that spoke of sleepless nights. His clothes were tattered. It was....!
He took a deep breath, reminding himself of who he was—a Halovian. Behind his ears, wings of a similar silver shimmered, the left one adorned with two gold stud earrings, a testament to his heritage. The halo above his head, detailed with intricate eye motifs, felt heavier than ever, a constant reminder of expectations he struggled to meet.
Something itched at the back of his mind, pulling him from his thoughts. He stood up and made his way to the bathroom, the sound of water beckoning him like a whisper of comfort. As he stepped into the shower, the warmth enveloped him, and he closed his eyes, letting the water cascade down, washing away the remnants of the nightmare.
The water flowed over him, memories of the night surged back. The raven's accusations echoed in his mind, and he clenched his fists, trying to push them away. But the weight of those words clung to him, a heavy cloak that refused to let go.
He brushed his teeth, the soft bristles of the toothbrush soothing against his gums, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of disarray. Each of the three bristles felt scattered, just like his thoughts, each one out of place and waiting for a sense of order. Everything he touched seemed to reflect the chaos inside him. He tried to arrange the items neatly—mouthwash lined up perfectly, toothpaste squeezed just so—but it felt so odd, so foreign. But that was just who he was, always seeking perfection in the midst of turmoil.
He looked at himself in the mirror again, noting how tired he looked, as if he hadn't slept for days—because he hadn't. The nights blurred into one another, filled with nightmares and the haunting realization of his own weaknesses. He didn't know how many times he had awakened in this strange world, feeling like a ghost of himself.
But today, something shifted within him. As the water washed over him, he felt a sense of clarity, a purpose that beckoned from the depths of his soul. He was here, alive, and Robin was out there, believing in him.
"Get it together, Sunday," he muttered to himself, a gentle reminder. "You owe it to her to keep fighting.. Keep- Cage it up! Cage up your worries."
After finishing his shower, he dressed in the most normal clothes Dan Heng and Mr. Welt had given him, fabric soft against his skin, an unexpected comfort in the midst of uncertainty. As he stepped outside, he inhaled the fresh air, a mix of hope and fear swirling within him.
With every step he took, he could feel the weight of his past pressing against his chest.
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milliemuus · 2 days
Day TWO of toxicchaintober is rolling around, and the prompt was chains!
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This is kind've sad, but necessary. Evil villain plot stuff, yk? Maybe don't get so greedy, Kieran smh
Speaking of villain origin story, why don't I write y'all a little excerpt?
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It was a very dark night.
Kieran hurriedly raced away from home, having snuck out of the house without getting caught. His adrenaline, mixed with both fear and anticipation, rushed through his veins with each trot as he made his way to the bridge that seperated town from the wilderness. He knew he really shouldn't be out here this late, but given the circumstances, he didn't care.
It was about time he grew up, anyway.
As he reached the path that led to Kitakami Hall he took a turn, headed down the slope and toward the river.
"I just have to remember how to get to the woods, and then out of sight for a little while." He panted, coming to a stop before approaching the bubbling stream before him. He looked down at the water for a moment, taking in his reflection.
"I look...I look so tired..." he whispered, still drawing in deep breaths. He brought a hand up to his cheek.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" He asked himself, feeling the small, familiar flicker of irritation as he began to recall the events since coming back home.
"You make your first friend, want to prove to her you're not some loser wimp and then your stupid sister comes in and swoops her away! And now she won't even talk to you, much less look at you!" He growled, his panting becoming slower. Even still, his heart pounded in a mix of bubbling frustration and fatigue.
"You can't even make friends right, much less DESERVE ANY!" His voice rose, echoing through the still air as he swiped the water with his hand, as if to eradicate the insecure reflection before him. This caused some neaeby ducklett to quack from being startled.
"I hate you! I hate this stupid town, and I hate my sister. It's all your fault!" He rambled on.
"If you weren't SO WEAK—" He grit his teeth, near forgetting why he was here before he felt a rattling in his pouch, nearly causing him to fall over in surprise.
His fanny pack rattled again. Oh...right. He shouldn't be here wasting his time. The thing rattling in his backpack had reminded him of wby he was headed to his destination in the first place.
He sighed, taking a deep breath.
"If I stay any longer, someone'll be bound to find me. I gotta get going." With that, he set off once again, this time he was going to make sure he didn't lose breath.
After what felt like forever, he recognized the thick greenery of the forest. Many had warned him of the dangers, but he didn't care. He stopped, clenching his fist.
"I have to go in." He swallowed "I have to prove my worth. Maybe then she'll like me then." He then began scaling the steeper hill of the forest, making sure he didn't tumble on the way down.
As he landed at the bottom, he whispered "I wonder how she does this...I'm already done outta breath..."
He sounded disappointed in himself, shaking his head.
"No, Kieran. Steel yourself. Part of the training is tolerance!" He growled softly, pushing deep into the dark woodland of Timeless Woods.
Thankfully he was wearing his jacket—so many swaths of bramble had poked out, scraping his legs. As annoying as it was, he would just stomp them to the ground with a flare of annoyance.
"No doubt meemaw is going to question how I got these in my sleep," he thought to himself.
"Maybe I can just say my Sentret did it out of excitement....seems believeable."
Convincing himself, he pushed forward, a branch near hooking his headband. He growled at this, struggling for a moment before it let go.
"Geez...!" He adjusted his headband.
"To be honest, is this even worth coming so far?" He began asking himself, now wandering aimlessly. "That voice said it would be...so I guess it wouldn't hurt. Still..." As he was about to speak, a loud shriek echoed in the distance, the hair on the bsck of his neck standing up.
"A-Aw man....I oughta make this quick, then-"
Without further hesitation, he knew he had no choice but to go forward. He whimpered slightly, throat burning in fear as he picked up the pace.
"Did we really have to meet out here...?!" He panted again, already losing the air pocketed in his tiny lungs. The terrain here was unstable; what if he fell? What if a scary pokémon caught up to him-?!
The panic rose in his chest. He felt more hypervigilant, the rattling in his pouch only startling him further.
"W-Wait...!" He puffed "We're almost there—"
He could faintly make out an area in the distance, his focus locking onto it. The pouch rattled again, this time with more ferocity.
"C-Can't you just wait?! I'm trying, here!" He wailed, his hands travelling to his fanny pack. Whatever it was, it was ready to come out compared to when he was near Mossui.
He began unzipping it, eyes still locled onto the clearing ahead.
"Okay, I'll give you some ai— Wuuaahh—!" Suddenly the weight under his feet was gone, his body feeling as if it was soaring. A choked cry escaped his throat before it was automatically stifled by his front-half landing on the ground.
"Oomph—! Oowww..."
Kieran whimpered. He slowly sat up onto his knees, trying to rub his eyes.
"Mmghhh...uh?" He stopped, his vision refocusing. That's when he noticed something small and a pinkish-purple laying in the grass in front of him, moonlight reflecting off of it.
He began grabbing at his pouch, realizing that it was now empty as well.
"What-?! How did-?!" He scooched up further, about to grab it and stuff it back in the bag before his eyes landed on two, yellow orbs that stared right back at him.
"WH-WHAT THE--?!" He took his hand away. The item-now-turned-creature hissed.
"Silence, child!"
It rattled, this time the weird, soft shell began to undulate.
The air felt like it was sucked out of Kieran's throat. What the hell was going on...? Had he hit his head too hard somehow? Maybe ate too many sweets the day prior?! He had to slap himself for a moment, as if he was dreaming.
"Ugh....this is just a dream...it has to be a dream..."
The creature rolled its eyes for a moment before Kieran felt something—something that physically wasn't there—grab his face. This grabbed his attention, his whole body tensing up as he sensed danger.
"You call yourself a "trainer", yet you can't tell when a pokémon is right in front of you or not. How pathetic..."
With it's soft outer shell, the creature hoisted itself up. It was shaky, much like the spherical-shaped robots breaking down like in sci-fi movies Kieran had seen. He watched in horror as the peach-shaped pokémon lifted itself in the air.
For him, this was like witnessing the birth of Arceus, or the existence of life itself. Did Millie know what this thing was?
As he sat there, dumbfounded, the tight, invisible feeling left his face. He reached to rub his chin instinctively, looking at the creature that was slowly regaining its strength.
"You...you can speak?" He asked shakily.
"Yes...I suppose I am able to now..."
"It does not matter. What matters right now is that I have brought you out here for a multitude of reasons..." The creature's yellow-eyes squinted at the child. Kieran sat there, watching its every move as it began floating around him, as if to observe him. It stopped above his head, leaning in a little closer.
"Wh-What are you doing...?" Kieran asked, confused.
The peach-shaped creature's horns seemed to move back for a moment before it floated away from Kieran, looking down at him.
"Studying you...you'll see." The creature finally answered. Kieran tilted his head.
"Studying me? Why?"
The creature floated up to his face, glaring at him.
"It is simple, foolish child. I need your help." The creature insulted Kieran, which he slightly looked away in agitation.
"We both are in a predicament, and I think we could benefit from one another, no?"
This caught Kieran's attention. His eyes flickered for a moment.
"Y-Yeah!" He barked, before his face contorted in confusion.
"Wait...how did you know I was going through somethin' right now?" Kieran, now struck with realization, stared down the anomaly in front of him. The creature gently shook from side-to-side.
"Peh-heh-heh...you really are so stupid...I really did hit the jackpot with you..."
Kieran's fists balled up as he sat there, becoming impatient.
"Enough with the insults! Just...answer my question." Kieran's voice was more demanding, it taking all of him to not just grab at the creature and scream at it. The critter made a weird groaning sound, rolling its eyes again.
"I don't know how it couldn't be anymore obvious...but I've kinda been alive the whole time..." It revealed, "To put it simply: the first time you touched me, I suppose it activated something within me to wake up. Then I had to play the waiting game...make sure you're worth my time-"
"Worth your time...?" Kieran squinted, perplexed.
"You're so hopeless. Anywhoooo...." The creature tilted to the side.
"You said you wanted to get stronger, right? I kinda overheard when you rudely stuffed me into your little smoking-case there—"
"H-Hey, woah-!" Kieran put his hands in front of him "First off, this isn't a smoking-case, it's a pouch! Aren't those like really old, anyway?" He scratched his head "Also, I suppose yer not wrong. Sorry for doing that, by the way-" He looked down, blushing slightly from embarrassment. The creature looked down on him.
"Coulda swore that was something else. Anyway, to repeat what I said—"
"Yeah! I do wanna get stronger!" Kieran, impatient with excitement, grabbed his own knees in anticipation.
"...Okay, kid. Slow down."
"Oookay...anyway...I need your help. If you wanna get stronger, then I have two favors from you. I really think these things could help you get stronger..."
Kieran leaned forward, now in a semi-bowing-position.
"Please! I'll do anything!" He cried, his head bowing to the ground. The creature wanted to giggle at his patheticness to work for him.
"Wow...that didn't really take any convincing and I didn't even get to tell you the conditions yet. Consider this...a sub-challenge..." For a moment, it felt pity for the kid. How desperate would a kid his age have to be? It almost seemed unfair-
When was it ever fair, anyway?
Kieran sat up again, nodding. The peach began to float to-and-fro.
"Firstly: You really need to prove your strength by helping me re-unite my buddies and I together. What better way to prove your strength than through friendship?" It began to explain, nearly cringing at the last few bits. Before it could continue, Kieran piped up again.
"Who are your buddies?" He asked. It would only be natural for him to ask just so he knew what to do.
"Err...they are very...anonymous folk. They prefer to keep their identity hidden."
Before Kieran could say anything else, it continued,
"Secondly, I need a few, specific masks retrieved."
Kieran's eyes widened, and he piped up again once more.
"Like...like The Loyal Three's?"
The creature looked at him in surprise. The Loyal Three?! If it wasn't so upset at them for failing their job previously, it would have been pleased with the title.
"Look, save your questions for later. Once I see 'em, I'll let you know, okay? For now, I'm just trying to work this dea—trade—out with you."
His voice sounded stern for a moment. If things went his way successfully, he wouldn't have to explain his reasons. It's not like he was going to remember anyway-
Kieran looked embarrassed once again, nodding in understand.
"Thank you." The creature sighed before floating up into his face.
"If you can do those two things for me, then I can grant you the power you seek. Do those conditions sound good to you?" It asked. Finally finished with it's propisition, it now waited desperately, looking into Kieran's cat-like eyes.
Kieran was quiet for a few moments, which was completely agonizing for this mystery pokémon. If it had hands, it would have its fingers tied behind its back.
'Just take the bait, kid. Come on!' It thought, tensing a little.
Kieran tapped his finger against his chin before he finally spoke.
"So, if I find your friends and retrieve these mystery masks, I can catch you and join my party?" He asked, genuinely curious.
"Indeed— Wait...catch me?"
"With a pokéball!" Kieran beamed, looking up at it with moon-round eyes. Never had the pokémon been so confused and offended before. What the hell was a pokéball?! It made a weird "peh" noise before shaking itself again.
"Y'know what? Yeah, we'll work that out when we get to it..." It grumbled. Might as well save itself another headache before it wastes the little energy it has...
Kieran had never been so overjoyed before. He was finally going to be able to achieve his dreams of becoming the strongest trainer in the world, and finally have an attempt at impressing Millie! His heart began to pound and, before he could stop himself, he blurted out the fastest "Yes" his body could conjure.
For a moment, the creature was too stunned to speak. This was easier than it thought it'd be. Was this kid really that gullible? Did he never get the lectures most kids got when he was younger? The creature blinked, before the answer finally hit it. It finally got what it wanted.
"Yes?" It asked "Are you absolutely sure?" It wanted to clarify that it had not heard things, making sure that Kieran could undoubtedpy be bound to it.
"Yes! If you can give me strength, then I will do these things for you! Kieran repeated, bowing again.
Wow. This kid WAS serious.
"Pehra, Pehra..." It made a noise akin to a pokémon, sighing. It was excited, but it also pitied the kid to a degree.
"Okay, kid! You got yourself a deal!" It cheered, it taking everything not to squirm too much so its shell didn't open up too much.
"Sit up and hold out your hand!"
At its command, Kieran sat up for a moment, confused. He just shrugged, thinking ut was just the simple gesture the mystery pokémon had picked up from others when it came to sealing deals.
"Okay!" And with that, he held his hand out, eyes closed in a smile.
The creature could hardly believe it; it was going to be able to take Kieran's vessel (and smoothly, at that)! It made a little chirp, the chirp becoming a few quiet giggles as Kieran felt something invisible wrap around his wrist.
The pokémon's eyes remained closed, the noise getting happier as the invisible force began to tighten agonizingly around Kieran's wrist.
"Ow ow, hey-" Kieran opened his eyes "I know you're excited, but—" Before he knew it, the pokémon began glowing a faint purple around itself, now looking back at him with dark intent.
"You really are so STUPID....!" It snarled. Kieran's eyes could do nothing but hopelessly watch as the invisible pressure he felt began to glow purple, materializing into a faint, circular object that seemed to stretch from the sides of the pokémon.
It was at this moment his heart dropped, the atmosphere around him turning into one of despair.
There was no doubt about it; he had been duped, used yet again by another creature that saw him as nothing but weak. He could feel his heart quicken in terror, his immediate instinct to pull away.
"S-Stop it!" He cried, trying to pry his arm away from the sinister creature that had a death-grip on it.
"Let go of meee...!" He grit his teeth, his arm screaming in pain as he pulled as hard as he could. The pokémon drew closer, laughing darkly at the kid.
"I feel bad, kid. I do," It faked the pity; in reality, it had played its cards right, and Kieran had fell for its plea
"But you did agree to this trade! Fair's fair!"
Kieran growled in panic, his eyes welling up with tears.
"I NEVER AGREED TO— MMMPHHH—" Before Kieran could scream at it, he the weird texture of the unidentifiable object the creature was using dart into his mouth, as if to stifle him.
"Whazzat?" It asked "Did a totodile bite your tongue?"
Kieran glared at the pokémon, the familiar ache in his chest swelling. He couldn't make any noise as the chain-like miasma pinched his tongue. He did squeal, his throat burning as the prongs pinched harder.
As Kieran began to struggle, the chain that was snaking up his arm suddenly lunged, now wrapping around his throat. He began to panic, realizing exactly what it was trying to do. His eyes welled up with tears as the creature floated behind him, chuckling.
"That's a good kiddo. If I didn't have my toxic chain in your mouth, I'd totally give you some mochi as a reward!" It chimed. Kieran growled, struggling some more. Not only was this pokémon actively going to kill him, but it was offering one of Kieran's least favorite foods.
The despair ate at Kieran. He had followed a disembodied forest out into Timeless Woods, accepting some sort of stupid offer. He was disappointed; it was as if life was just out for him.
'This is my fate..." Kieran thought, the chains getting tighter. He could feel his throat slowly close.
'Maybe this is what I deserve. Maybe sis was right about me being a stupid child that doesn't know any better...' As he began to pity himself, the chains fully closed around his neck, closing his windpipe. The tears slowly stopped, him unable to heave any air.
'I'm going to die. I'm going to die in the middle of the woods.' Kieran looked up at the sky, trying to gasp for air as the creature's other chain used it's prongs to stretch his mouth open.
'I'm going to die alone, and nobody will be here to save me.'
Suddenly, Kieran began to miss everything. His house, his school, his family, his friends....
...Even Millie. Why was it that, even at the face of death, she was the one that crossed his mind? The despair gnawed at him, and he was helplessly a victim to it.
He began to panic, clawing at the chains that held onto him, sucking the oxygen out of him. This only caused the creature to wiggle the chains, laughing.
'...I really need sis right now...' He finally felt a heavy weight upon him. It was as if Carmine was tucking him into bed, telling him things would get better.
"Looks like we've got a fighter! I hate to tell you this, but the more you struggle, the worse it'll get!"
It was taking excitement in Kieran's suffering. He could feel his vision tunneling, white, fuzzy spots dotting it. His struggling became less amd less, the movements becoming mere twitches.
'I feel so cold...' Kieran thought.
'If only sis were here...I need her...I need...sis...'
And that's when the weighted feeling took over, as if a blanket had fallen over him, one that Carmine was holding, telling him that things would get better and that tomorrow they would make things better.
Just like she used to. Right before he felt like he didn't need her love or comfort anymore.
Before he knew it, he had slipped into the comforting void of darkness.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month
Understandably So no one mentions charles when talking about the Logan movie and again Understandably So This Aint Bout Him however i do confess that as someone who had never seen Logan until like. a month ago when i was binging all the movies and without knowing a single thing about it aside from laura i cant lie i was in fact jumpscared by him being there. especially for at least like 3/4s of the movie
#xmen#logan movie#snap chats#i be ramblin today hello ...#it was a pleasant jumpscare. yk until he died. after realizing he committed atrocities by accident 😭😭💀 OLD MAN NOOO#but no please LIKE I READ THE DESCRIPTION WHEN GOING TO WATCH RIGHT#AND I WAS JUST THINKING 'oh he'll probably be here for like twenty minutes. wdym he's here for way longer than that'#i THINK years ago i REMEMBER seeing a screenshot of the hotel bit with laura and charles but again that was years ago#and i might be tricking myself maybe its a false memory jealvvelka either way i just know they were cute :(#point is he was here for. i cant even say So Little cause again He Was Here For An Hour And Thirty Minutes Out Of Two Hours#and lets be clear 'snap has your brain molded that much you know exactly how much screen time charles gets in the movies'#girl no not yet i only know exactly when he punches his clock cause i had to keep restarting the movie cause it kept pausing vjAELKAJE#and it just so happened to struggle literally like. ten minutes after he dies- like when logan was dealing with x24 THAT part#so rude for that.. anyway I Repeat i miss charles and laura bein cute :(#it wasnt a lot but it was just sweet.. i always like how charles always got that Professor in his soul with these movies#like in dofp when logan's losing it after. getting future ptsd jvALKVLAJ??K charles is there to ground him#despite being. Like That vjeaLKj like sir please ily. i will accept the Youre On Acid answer youre trying your best#and then with THIS movie evidently charles is having. the worst time upstairs#but he's still super sweet with laura like oh stop you grandpa im gonna throw up#and to STRESS. they were EVIL about that wholesome dinner bit like :((( oh to see the fam happy and safe again :(((#like im throwing up frankly. people were right this movie IS sad i underestimated their assessment 😭#to lighten the mood in my heart. charles really do be an old man in this movie hes such a menace to logan JELKAK#god. Most Normal X-Men Movie Watcher Focuses On Professor X During The Movie About Logan VEJLKJA#ok im done. sorry i just keep replayin that bit in my head where theyre in the car and logans just 'Did You Take Your Meds SHOW'#like pelase. jaeRLKEaj ok im gonna try drawing i looked at my wall long enough and i think i can draw something
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todaviia · 1 year
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eelmachine · 2 years
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#my hearts a sterio it beats for u so listen close#Hear my thoughts in every no-ote Make me your radio And turn me up when you feel low (turn it up a little bit) This melody was meant for you#(right there) Just sing along to my stereo (Gym Class Hero baby) If I was just another dusty record on the shelf Would you blow me off and p#lay me like everybody else? If I asked you to scratch my back could you manage that? Like it yikky yeah check it Travie I can handle that Fu#rthermore I apologize for any skipping tracks It's just the last girl that played me left a couple cracks I used to used to used to used to#now I'm over that 'Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts If I could only find a note to make you understand I'd sing it softl#y in your ear and grab you by the hand Just keep it stuck inside your head like your favorite tune And know my hearts a stereo that only pla#for you My heart's a stereo It beats for you so listen close Hear my thoughts in every no-ote Make me your radio And turn me up when you fee#l low This melody was meant for you Just sing along to my stereo to my stereo (Oh oh-oh oh) just sing along to my stereo Let's go! If I was#an old-school fifty-pound boombox (remember them?) Would you hold me on your shoulder wherever you walk? Would you turn my volume up in fron#t of the cops? And crank it higher every time they told you to stop And all I ask is that you don't get mad at me When you have to purchase#mad D batteries Appreciate every mixtape your friends make You never know we come and go like on the interstate (never know) I think I final#ly found a note to make you understand If you can hit it sing along and take me by the hand Just keep me stuck inside your head like your fa#vorite tune You know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you My heart's a stereo It beats for you so listen close (listen) Hear my thoug#hts in every no-ote Make me your radio (come on) And turn me up when you feel low (turn it up) This melody was meant for you Just sing along#to my stereo (sing along like) to my stereo (Oh oh-oh oh) just sing along to my stereo I only pray you'll never leave me behind (never leave#leave me) Because good music can be so hard to find (so hard to find) I take your hand hold it closer to mine (yeah) Thought love was dead b#ut now you're changing my mind My heart's a stereo It beats for you so listen close Hear my thoughts in every no-ote Make me your radio And#turn me up when you feel low This melody was meant for you Just sing along to my stereo
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#snap chats#thicker review down here laLKAJLKJ#i dont have words i just have feelings- taking all my rings off just to type thisLAKJVKL#im not doing this cohesively im just. Stream of Cosciousness#RIGHT SO I DIDNT EXPECT TO SEE REIJI GETTING HIS INTESTINES EATEN OUT HIS ASS TEN MINUTES IN. REALLY SET THE TONE#it reminded me of 1000 Ways to Die though..... i remember loving that show growing up#OH BUT ON THAT NOTE I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKED THOSE LIL CUT AWAYS it was cute. esp at the police academy#where all the extra officers were just lil ( ._. ) mates ☠️#this movie was damn ridiculous bro i loved it- BUT SPEAKING OF FUNNY#PLEAAASSEE PAPILLON'S MORAL COMPASS IS GUIDED BY THE BIT I LOVE THAT LAKVJLAEKJV just like me fr 😭☠️☠️#crazy motherfucker putting a gun in his mouth TAKING HIS DICK OUT AT THE CLUB??? he's insane your honor.#FLYING A PLANE WITHOUT A LICENSE 'do you have a license to pilot this <:)' motherfucker said ':))))' ☠️☠️#I Repeat he's so committed to the bit everything he got fuckin butterfly themed THE KNIFE'S A BUTTERFLY KNIFE i respect it....#oh but on THAT note i actually really liked how reiji picked up on his type of humor. also gutterfly.... shut up that IS funny 😭#reiji in general though was fun to watch. like he's a freak and coward initially but then watching him just go Balls Deep was nutso#taking papillon's word to heart... Commit To The Bit or whatever... he really ate the fuckin cup....#AND THE SCENE WHERE HE HAD SEX WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND reiji...... the fuck going on upstairs... you wanna do some self reflection...#nekozawa crashing into the fuckin. police all 🧍‍♂️😭😭☠️☠️ NEKOZAWA IN GENERAL#NO WAIT THE ROBOT LEGS BIT STOP. dramatic-ass sequence just to say I Got Them Overseas :) The End :)#SHUT UP that DID make me laugh idc everything makes me laugh at this point#there's a joke to be made here about tsutsumi never being able to have wings without them breaking but. He Does Get Them Back In This#Metaphorically Speaking. toru went fuckin splat tho SORRY.☠️#the fuckin dogs. wh. WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY BOUT THE DOGS and here i thought they put drugs /in/ the dogs#cause i know there were cases of drug trafficking that involved putting drugs in dogs but no them bitches just paddlin with em#the charade bit was so silly.... arguing with each other while watching a fight and reiji try to communicate this shit#and then reiji doesnt even have to sneak round anymore cause papillon really said Hey. Drugs Suck. Ok? :) LIKE BASED. COMMON GOAL#IM GONNA RUN OUT OF TAGS I KNOW IT SO LEMME SAY i see there are two more movies.... the third one i only found with jp subs tho...#DEFINITELY WANNA WATCH THE SECOND WHEN I GET TIME BUT I REALLY SHOULD FOCUS ON MY WORK OH NOOO#thank you so much for reccing this movie i swear to god. i'm still recovering. oh my god
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the-trans-dragon · 2 years
#I wonder if the people who are about to allow the bill through its first reading are sleeping soundly. I wonder what they’ll#eat for breakfast. how do they go about getting dressed? do they stare into their sock drawer and feel a terrifying dread about the bill?#are they as afraid of it failing as I am afraid of it passing?#do they at least think they’re doing the right thing? do they think they’re acting for the greater good?#is it just malice in their heart? anger?#do you think they’ll let it through because of adamant passion? do you think they don’t really care and they’re just doing what#they think their friends would like?#will they shrug at any outcome? would they celebrate with friends and handshakes and toasts? if it fails do you think they’ll go home and#weep at the lack of control they have over their world? will they wonder if they should move somewhere more tolerant of their transphobia?#do you think they have a specific trans person in mind as they let the bill through?#are they remembering a specific person? are they thinking ‘this bill needs to pass so my kids don’t end up like that’?#I wonder if they’ve ever been a customer in my store. I wonder if I helped them. I wonder if they took a look at me and#decided ‘I cannot allow this kind of sin to exist.’ what if I motivated them with my upsetting little existence?#I’ve seen so many old men in expensive suits. I’ve embarrassed them by carrying their things to their car because they didn’t realize a GIRL#would show up to do it. how many times have I heard ‘oh YOURE carrying it? I was expending a strapping young man!’#maybe they just saw me for a moment and thought ‘oh god what an ugly dyke. this is why transgendering should be banned.’?#I don’t understand why they get to make decisions like this for me. It isn’t even a vote. they’ll go to work and do their job: determine#whether I am allowed to exist or not. I’ll go to work and do my job: be a cashier and be nothing else.#they have the power to determine my entire life. I couldn’t even refuse to help them if they came to my job.#maybe they’ll even stop by after work and check out at my register and they’ll be polite for the sake of convenience and I’ll be polite too#and they’ll leave and think ‘thank goodness people#like that won’t be allowed to change their bodies anymore. I hope she’s able to be normal and make a good wife for someone and stop this.’#sorenhoots
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sharransepulchre · 1 month
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[ sharran shadowheart visage ] — can't afford any mistakes .
[ selûnite shadowheart visage ] — whatever's next ; i'm ready .
[ sharran shadowheart attire ] — being someone else ; even just for a while .
[ selûnite shadowheart attire ] — shame - the colour might have suited me .
[ sharran shadowheart interactions ] — darkness guide me .
[ selûnite shadowheart interactions ] — wits and blades ; always sharp .
[ faithless shadowheart interactions ] — a new church shall rise ; united , in your image , and blessed with the blood of the faithless .
[ sharran shadowheart answers ] — have to keep focused. can't afford to get attached - to anyone .
[ selûnite shadowheart answers ] — always a pleasure .
[ faithless shadowheart answers ] — which path calls to you - darkness or light ?
[ shadowheart aesthetics ] — better stop gazing at myself before someone accuses me of vanity .
[ selûnite shadowheart headcanons ] — i think i may have overdone it with the black and purple for - oh - my entire life .
[ shadowheart character study ] — i wonder how i'll feel when i remember everything .
[ selûnite shadowheart attractions ] — yes ; you sit right there and let me drink in the sight of you .
[ faithless shadowheart attractions ] — your heart swells with shadow and silver alike , and the undying love of countless followers . at last , you are whole .
[ shadowheart desires ] — i love a nice secret hideaway .
[ shadowheart skillsets ] — you must inflict pain in order to end pain .
[ shadowheart scenery ] — nothing wrong with a nice subdued ambience .
[ shadowheart playlist ] — the one pocket of light in the gloom .
[ shadowheart games ] — hilarious. you belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort ; with a hooded man standing by ; axe in hand .
[ shadowheart poetry ] — that ' s either profoundly poetic or childishly simple . i ' m going with poetic .
[ sharran shadowheart body study ] — its a form of freedom - if a tragic one .
[ selûnite shadowheart body study ] — forty years of my life ; documented like i was some sort of specimen .
[ ship : shadowlach ] — you ' re a beautiful woman , karlach . i would kiss you if i valued my life a little less .
#[ sharran shadowheart visage ] — can't afford any mistakes .#[ selûnite shadowheart visage ] — whatever's next ; i'm ready .#[ sharran shadowheart attire ] — being someone else ; even just for a while .#[ selûnite shadowheart attire ] — shame - the colour might have suited me .#[ sharran shadowheart interactions ] — darkness guide me .#[ selûnite shadowheart interactions ] — wits and blades ; always sharp .#[ sharran shadowheart answers ] — have to keep focused. can't afford to get attached - to anyone .#[ selûnite shadowheart answers ] — always a pleasure .#[ shadowheart aesthetics ] — better stop gazing at myself before someone accuses me of vanity .#[ selûnite shadowheart headcanons ] — i think i may have overdone it with the black and purple for - oh - my entire life .#[ shadowheart character study ] — i wonder how i'll feel when i remember everything .#[ selûnite shadowheart attractions ] — yes ; you sit right there and let me drink in the sight of you .#[ shadowheart desires ] — i love a nice secret hideaway .#[ shadowheart skillsets ] — you must inflict pain in order to end pain .#[ shadowheart scenery ] — nothing wrong with a nice subdued ambience .#[ shadowheart playlist ] — the one pocket of light in the gloom .#[ shadowheart games ] — hilarious. you belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort ; with a hooded man standing by ; axe in hand .#[ sharran shadowheart body study ] — its a form of freedom - if a tragic one .#[ selûnite shadowheart body study ] — forty years of my life ; documented like i was some sort of specimen .#[ faithless shadowheart interactions ] — a new church shall rise ; united in your image and blessed with the blood of the faithless .#[ faithless shadowheart answers ] — which path calls to you - darkness or light ?#[ faithless shadowheart attractions ] — your heart swells with shadow and silver alike and the undying love of countless followers .#[ ship : shadowlach ] — you ' re a beautiful woman karlach . i would kiss you if i valued my life a little less .#[ shadowheart poetry ] — that ' s either profoundly poetic or childishly simple . i ' m going with poetic .
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