#and it's like is that true or is such an evil force preventing their light and it's like I'm chewing but I'm choking
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yashley · 1 year ago
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zelda-of-hyrule-tloz · 4 months ago
Why the "Prime Energy?"
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In Echoes of Wisdom, we encounter the Triforce for the first time in a long time (in its usual state, anyway). But something that stood out to me (and a lot of people, I'm sure) was the title it went by: The Prime Energy. It's not something we've heard before, so we have to wonder: why? I obviously can't give a "canon" answer, but I do have some ideas.
Energy in Echoes of Wisdom
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Throughout EoW, we collect little blue crystalline shapes called "energy." This replenishes the gauge that allows Zelda to use her swordfighter form. These crystals are found throughout the Still World and appear tied to Might Crystals, which also appear from the rifts (but only when they close). We use them to upgrade the sword and bow themselves.
There are two safe assumptions we can make about Energy:
Might Crystals are the "purified" form of energy or something close to it (its resemblance to bismuth "crystals" seems to hammer in this implication).
"Energy" is the essence we see Null consume in Din's tale. It appears on its own even before land and sky are built around it. Because of this and the association to might and vitality, this essence must be that of life itself. (Perhaps Zelda's role as a Priestess is what allows her to use this energy in its raw form and gain that supernatural state, unlike Link?)
How may the Triforce relate to this idea of energy?
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We know that Din, Nayru, and Farore go on to create the land of Hyrule (or what would become MANY Hyrules over time) to seal Null and prevent its destruction of all life. In A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Skyward Sword, we are told the Triforce is left behind in the wake of this world's creation (creation over the void, in the context of EoW).
The Triforce has the ability to judge those who use it (even going as far as to prevent deities from using it) and its essence speaks to Link in ALttP. Although it may not be "alive" in the same way most mortal characters are in the series, it has a will. This will knows not of good and evil, only of the traits each piece is meant to embody.
We also know that the Triforce has dominion over said world and beyond, being able to shape realms by its wish-granting and power-giving abilities. Hence, the idea of "prime." And, in Lorule of A Link Between Worlds, we can see just how much the rest of the world depends on the Triforce's existence for its energy to be sustained.
EDIT: Don't forget the Force Gems in FSA! They further emphasize the ideas above in the same way!
It's also worth noting that the Tris are tied to the idea of threes, and they are the idea of "existence" to Null's "nothingness." They reinforce the idea of the Triforce's embodiment of "being."
The "Prime Energy" is the Triforce's true name and original state - its intended title. "Then," You may ask, "Why have we called it the Triforce up until this point?"
Why the Triforce?
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It is after the three leave that Hylia is brought into existence with the sole purpose of protecting the Prime Energy. But there's an important detail many overlook:
Hylia doesn't know the purpose of the Triforce.
Not fully, anyway.
Yes, Hylia knows how it works - her whole plan to defeat Demise revolves around it - but she still has questions. Even with all of her memories restored, the first Zelda states that she doesn't know why the Triforce was left behind. She guesses that it was to give the people of the world Hope (perhaps even against world-destroying entities like Null, should he break free...). Even then, it's only a guess.
Doesn't it stand to reason, then, that she wasn't even given its name? After all, she was only created to understand and protect the golden power; perhaps even as an "extension" of its being, given her often implied powers over light and time magic (but that's just a personal headcanon). Perhaps "Triforce" is simply what she took to calling it, as she still could recognize that it was something beyond the nature of the mortal world. (Also, I see it reasonable that she could see Tris - she probably saw them patching rifts and drew a connection between them, which influenced the name).
And, in the thousands of years to follow, wars become waged over the Prime Energy as it is understood only as a relic: a relic meant to give ultimate power to the one who touches it.
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The Prime Energy is the true name of the Triforce, and it is the core to the many realms of Hyrule. Its nature has been misunderstood by many throughout its existence, but none of these ideas are truly false; it holds dominion over time and space while simultaneously keeping it together. It is an essence of the very concept of "life," and as such holds a sort of "will" of its own. It is the ultimate state of the Energy we see everywhere else in Echoes of Wisdom, and Hylia may not be far off - despite being a neutral force that begins and ends wars, it may just be personification of the idea that life will prevail. Although the worlds in this franchise may be scorched and healed, they are never meant to fade into nothingness like Lorule once verged. They are simply meant to be.
to those who may have scrolled to the bottom because this is unnecessarily long, it's basically just what its name was supposed to be when the three created it but then they just sort of forgot to tell hylia that or anything else lol. also it may just be a personification of existence like the fittingly-named tris.
I love love love solving little Zelda lore puzzles, I may do this again. :) I just HAD to lore dump when a friend asked me about it
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taterdraws · 1 year ago
I had a vivid dream yesterday and my mind made me a fake ‘Hazbin Hotel’ Season 2 which I was disappointed to find wasn’t real. Basically it turned out Alastor had technically been a fraud: you know when Mimzy talked about how shortly after when he first came to Hell, and would be dismissed by others, overlords started going missing, no one knew what had happened to them, and then Alastor started sending out his radio signals filled with screams before revealing himself as the Radio Demon, whom no one would mess with? My dream saw overlords start to go missing again in the present, being the new big mystery to replace the dead angel, and for it to turn out Alastor didn’t actually kill those overlords the first time, he had just taken the credit, along that philosophy Zestial went by, “Why not let your strength be known?”. So Alastor had figured whoever it was who was killing overlords didn’t want it to be known they were doing so, and so took the credit to gain himself a rep faster, slowly building up some real power using this rep, in spite of no real power himself beyond that of any sinner. It also turned out Husk had actually been more powerful than Alastor when he beat him in cards, being the first powerful soul Alastor really got under his sway, the reason he didn’t kill him being that he couldn’t, but didn’t want that to be known. Also being why Alastor turned down joining Vox and the Vees. Leading to Alastor then making his deal, with the true force behind those overlords going missing: Eve, the first woman. And the moment he made this deal, Lilith felt it, and fled to Heaven. To say Alastor and she never met, but once Lilith felt what had happened, she knew she had to get out of Heaven lest her existence finally be ended. As for how Eve had any power at all: you know how during the storybook montage in the first episode, there was this shot where when they showed Heaven and the biblically accurate angels in the background, to the right there was this black glob with red eyes and a smile, and on the left there was this light glob with a closed eyelash? And how at that moment Charlie was talking about good and evil? Well in my dream season it was revealed that those two globs were literally Good and Evil, who in ‘Hazbin Hotel’ were actual characters, and that Good inhabited the form of God, to say his name was literally just ‘Good’, who kept Evil at bay, until Lilith made that apple of free will and gave it to Eve, infecting her with Evil the force, and making her its avatar. With the real reason for the Exterminations then being to prevent her from attaining enough power for Evil to engulf creation, and destroy Heaven, Hell, Earth, and all of creation, Lilith remaining Eve’s jailer, before leaving Hell to fend for itself on Eve managing to get herself a representative. All Alastor would have wanted would have been to actually have the power he claimed was his (hers), and so that would have been why he sold his soul, was so confident all season: before he had merely the illusion of power, and now he had it, or at least a taster. Only then he went up against Adam with the power of Eve, and lost, which he didn’t expect to: my dream season basically said that Adam was one of the only ones able to stand up to evil’s power, since in the world of ‘Hazbin’, he never ate of the apple (a departure from biblical canon). The reason his personality was like that was that Adam literally did/could not, know the difference between right and wrong, and so in spite of his speech was in the eyes of creation an innocent soul. A sword of good (God) smiting evil (Eve). So since Niffty took him out, the only ones able to ever defeat Eve would be Lilith or Charlie, Lilith terrified of what she unwittingly created, so refusing, leaving Charlie. My dream also saw Eve kill Vox, and then Valentino and Velvette had this mournful ballad that you’d swear you would feel sorry for them. Plus since she was the source of all evil, my dream saw a lot of Val apologists come out of watching, arguing away everything he did as a result of her influence.
bro your brain comes up with more elaborate shit asleep than mine does awake
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animeyanderelover · 11 months ago
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, stalking, manipulation, abduction, threats
Tags: @kanaosprotector @leveyani
S/o can look into the future
Kamado Nezuko
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💕Nezuko honestly doesn't care much about your ability as long as you don't abuse it for evil purposes. Considering that her personality has been underdeveloped as a demon in favor of building a resistance against the sun, chances are also that she might not even grasp the full concept of what your skills are anyways. She does sense however that there seems to be something different about you, whether she concludes that due to observing you or taking notice of the way people around you treat you. Most of the time Nezuko is quite harmless though as she mainly just follows you around wherever you go. She is incredibly protective as soon as she senses that you are distressed or scared though which means she will keep you safe from people who try to force you into telling them their future. Obviously she has resorted to not killing humans so in most cases she helps you to escape. It is far more likely that it is her brother who is asking you for your help due to your ability to see the future for Nezuko's sake.
Kocho Shinobu
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🦋​Shinobu is quite talented to hide her true feelings behind her sweet appearance which can be deceiving. Obviously she has a certain interest in your abilities when she finds them out since she is still a Hashira after all but she also recognises what this implies if you were to use your vision daily. Her cover would be blown sooner or later as you may see scenarios of the future where she reveals the darker side of her personality to you which she has been hiding so far. There is a lot to consider but she doesn't show it when she is around you as she attempts to question you about your abilities and how exactly they work without appearing suspicious. Is there a limit to how far you can see and does the future change depending on the decisions individuals make or is it all already decided? All of those information would help her crafting a plan the moment you would figure her out. She doubts that even your vision would do much if she would manage to poison and weaken you though.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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🔥​Whilst he isn't too insistent about using your gift to find out how his own future with you might look as his delusional streak gives him an unbeatable confidence that you'll be in it, Kyojuro is very dedicated to his tasks as a Hashira. With your foresight he and other Hashira may be able to prevent demon attacks before they even happen and even detecting Muzan might be easier. Since this duty wouldn't require you to fight against demons yourself nor would it put you into any danger as long as no demon finds out about you, Kyojuro is willing to let you do this. He never really considers that you may use your abilities to escape him if you would see something in the future that would paint him in a bad light yet it is still quite a bit of trouble to get away from him. There is his younger brother, other villagers who adore him and then Kyojuro himself who would never stop searching for you. Surely there has to be a misunderstanding. Why don't you just talk to him, darling?
Kanroji Mitsuri
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💓​You can definitely expect her to be curious about your gift as she wonders how the future will look like and you only give her more reason to gush over you because of it. She is prone to fantasising about a happy future where the two of you live together as a happy and married couple but she is at least lucid enough to recognise that this isn't the reality she is living in currently. She is still very hopeful about her dreams and that they will come true in the future so you would break her heart if you were to tell her that you don't see this in your future yet it would also only serve to make her more determined to work harder to win your affections. Obviously she isn't pressuring you into telling her anything nor will she allow anyone else to pressure you into becoming the next oracle. Mitsuri would, however, support your decision if you were to decide to use your foresight for the greater good by working for the Demon Corps and predicting future attacks and appearances of demons which would aid greatly in serving lives.
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸​Your gift in a scenario where Muzan is the one obsessing over you is absolutely terrifying because he would abuse this to its full extent. Of course there is still an affection and attachment that the demon king holds for you somewhere in his many hearts but it is undeniable that by figuring out your abilities, he gets a lot more obsessive and possessive over you. Implications are that you will know about him and try to flee beforehand which he wants to prevent under all means necessary. He will either act quickly by abducting you himself or he will order all of his underlings to hunt you down and bring you to him alive if you should manage to escape in time and piss him off greatly as a result. You will be forced to tell him everything you can see as well as your gift might just be what he needs to find the Blue Spider Lily and he is not going to be patient about it if you would deny him your help. What are you trying to accomplish by denying him? Even your foresight will not be enough to get away from him.
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knife-em0ji · 1 year ago
Sorry for this long post but can people stop treating Vader and Anakin as completely separate people. Like. That type of dissociation were obviously coping mechanisms by Old Ben and Vader. Not like. A literal fragmentation of personalities. Like if you love Anakin Skywalker imo you have to accept that he was a cute kid and a padme simp and a fun older brother and a boy desperately in need of acknowledgement and praise and a father who ultimately loved his son but also a guy who commits atrocities in his anger and strangles people who annoy him and has a victim/persecution complex (although admittedly for good reason) and was also a notorious child killer. This man contains multitudes.
Imo falling to the dark side/using the light side of the force isn’t marked by a shift or fragmentation of personality, but rather what emotions are used to channel the force and guide one’s actions. I think part of what’s so hard about resisting the dark side and coming back to the light is that there’s positive feedback loops of power, and resisting that by doing good and healthily channeling emotions is just plain hard. Especially in the case of Anakin, who is notoriously a “in for a penny, in for a pound” type of guy. He’s loyal and loves completely and dangerously with his whole heart, and he hates just as much.
And I think guilt is a huge factor with him struggling to do good; it’s pretty much a thought process of “Well, I’ve already committed thousands of atrocities and have countless amounts of blood on my hands, I have to believe whole hog in what I’ve been doing because then otherwise what was it all for.” I think that’s what makes his sacrifice for Luke so poignant, because it speaks to how much he loves his son that he’s able to overcome that spiral and do one last act of love for his son, unselfishly and without rationalization.
Idk, I just watched ESB again, and I think beyond just wanting to possess Luke and use him for power, it’s reasonable to think that part of the reason Vader wants him so badly to turn to the dark side with him is that he still thinks the dark side is the only way he can have enough power to protect his family and therefore keep them—he’s objectively much more powerful than he was in the prequels, and a main part of his struggles during the fall of the Republic was that he didn’t feel “strong enough” to protect the people he loved as a Jedi. He wasn’t able to free the slaves. He wasn’t able to save his mother. He wasn’t able to stop Ashoka’s expulsion from the order. He wasn’t able to prevent Padmé from dying. With the commitment he’s had to his path and the objective amount of power he’s amassed since the twins’ births, I think it’s reasonable to assume he desperately grasping at the idea that somehow, this time, he’ll be able to achieve what he’s never been able to do before. But his failure always lies in the fact that his motivations are, and always have been, ultimately self-serving, that his pride and fear of loss—which are completely understandable in moderation and not something he should necessarily be punished for—outweigh his real and genuine care for his loved ones and the galaxy at large.
Idk. All this to say that Anakin has always been Vader and Vader has always been Anakin. They’re the same fucking person, you fools! Stop taking dissociative rationalization literally!!! It’s right there in the text!!!! His return to the light does not negate his time in the dark and vice versa! There is good in him !! He is capable of unspeakable evil !!! BOTH ARE TRUE AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!
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waitingforsecretsouls · 11 months ago
Though Fëanor after the days of his first youth took no more active part in linguistic lore and enquiry, he is credited by tradition with the foundation of a school of Lambengolmor or ‘Loremasters of Tongues’ to carry on this work. -The War of the Jewels, Chapter: QUENDI AND ELDAR
In light of my previous reblog about the issue of the change of þ > s, I posit that it was likely his failure to prevent or reverse its spread among the wider populace that led to Fëanor's resignation from further participation in linguistic discourses.
As had been noted in the original post, Fëanor's position against the shift was the one widely held by all other actual loremasters and linguists, and it was only due to the politicisation of the issue, out of personal dislike and rejection of Fëanor as a political figure (not least out of a support for Nolfinwë in particular, later on), that it was rejected.
Into the strife and confusion of loyalties in that time this seemingly trivial matter, the change of þ to s, was caught up to its embitterment, and to lasting detriment to the Quenya tongue. Had peace been maintained there can be no doubt that the advice of Fëanor, with which all the other lore-masters privately or openly agreed, would have prevailed. But an opinion in which he was certainly right was rejected because of the follies and evil deeds into which he was later led. He made it a personal matter: he and his sons adhered to þ, and they demanded that all those who were sincere in their support should do the same. Therefore those who resented his arrogance, and still more those whose support later turned to hatred, rejected his shibboleth. -The Peoples of Middle-Earth, Chapter 11: THE SHIBBOLETH OF FËANOR
Which would have rankled Fëanor something fierce, not only due to the emotional component of his mother and her memory, but also because he was one of the Noldor's chief linguists, and yet his expertise was rejected due to politics. "In favour" of personalities never associated with linguistic studies in any way and that he was already predisposed to dislike without mangling one of his "crafts".
The change was a general one, based primarily on phonetic ‘taste’ and theory, but it had not yet become universal. It was attacked by the loremasters, who pointed out that the damage this merging would do in confusing stems and their derivatives that had been distinct in sound and sense had not yet been sufficiently considered. The chief of the linguistic loremasters at that time was Fëanor. He insisted that þ was the true pronunciation for all who cared for or fully understood their language.
(While the first experp seemingly suggests that the main "switch" occured only during the Darkening, other parts make clear that it had set in earlier:)
Indis was a Vanya, and it might be thought that she would in this point at least have pleased Fëanor, since the Vanyar adhered to þ. Nonetheless Indis adopted s. Not as Fëanor believed in belittlement of Míriel, but in loyalty to Finwë. For after the rejection of his prayers by Míriel Finwë accepted the change (which had now become almost universal among his people), although in deference to Míriel he had adhered to þ while she lived. Therefore Indis said: ‘I have joined the people of the Ñoldor, and I will speak as they do.’
I also have to scratch my head over how one expected Míriel's son to take this as anything other than a disrespect to her and her (forced) sacrifice, since it says black on white that, while Míriel was still alive, Finwë had respected her position on the issue, but now that she was dead for presumably until the end of the world, 100% due to Finwë's and Indis' marriage, well, he didn't need to bother respecting her wishes anymore, did he? Out of sight, out of mind.
She [Míriel] was therefore called Þerindë (Needlewoman) – a name which she had indeed already been given as a ‘mother-name’. She adhered to the pronunciation þ (it had still been usual in her childhood), and she desired that all her kin should adhere to it also, at the least in the pronunciation of her name.
I don't think respecting someone's wish for their name to be pronounced properly (so according to their preference) is too much to ask, really. Imagine having people, including your father and your step-mother, who got that position through agreement that your mothers eternal death was an acceptable sacrifice, deliberately mispronounce her name to your face.
Fëanor was a saint for not starting fist-fights over this and instead simply moving out as soon as possible, focusing on his own joys. But it's not like a lack of respect for Míriels rights and dignity was something new, afterall.
When it became clear at last that Míriel would never of her own will return to life in the body within any span of time that could give him hope, Finwë’s sorrow became embittered. He forsook his long vigils by her sleeping body and sought to take up his own life again [...]. [Wanders and meets Indis] So it came to pass that Finwë and Indis desired to be wedded, and Finwë sought the counsel of the Valar. [...] It was judged that Finwë’s bereavement was unjust, and by persisting in her refusal to return Míriel had forfeited all rights that she had in the case; for either she was now capable of accepting the healing of her body by the Valar, or else her fëa was mortally sick and beyond their power, and she was indeed ‘dead’, no longer capable of becoming again a living member of the kindred of the Eldar. ‘So she must remain until the end of the world. For from the moment that Finwë and Indis are joined in marriage all future change and choice will be taken from her and she will never again be permitted to take bodily shape. Her present body will swiftly wither and pass away, and the Valar will not restore it. For none of the Eldar may have two wives both alive in the world.’
I can't even read this without getting incensed, the sheer lack of not only compassion but even just theoretic understanding for Fëanor's position and perspective of the matter is genuinely baffling to me, even from a purely "reading-comprehension" standpoint.
Míriel didn't adamantly refuse to ever return and Finwë made the best of it, the Valar repeatedly hounded her to return right now because what even was wrong with her, Finwë was lonely, and if she couldn't be healed RIGHT NOW she was clearly beyond healing FOREVER. Because Finwë had no hope she'd return in a manner timely enough to make him happy, because it was unfair for Finwë to remain without a spouse, so Míriel's rights to take the time she needed to heal before returning (as any elf in the Halls of Mandos is supposed to have, as are arguably their purpose) were suspended, because Finwë wanted to have his marriage and he wanted it now.
The Valar and all the Eldar were grieved by the sorrow of Finwë, but not dismayed: all things could be healed in Aman, and when they were rested her fëa and its body could be reunited and return to the joy of life in the Blessed Realm. But Míriel was reluctant, and to all the pleas of her husband and her kin that were reported to her, and to the solemn counsels of the Valar, she would say no more than ‘not yet’. Each time that she was approached she became more fixed in her determination, until at last she would listen no more, saying only: ‘I desire peace. Leave me in peace here! I will not return. That is my will.’
Instead of being left to recover from her weariness in peace, she got told over and over how much grief she had brought to everyone with her need for rest (apparently seriously expecting that to incentivise her to want to life again?). That's messed up! Her final plea, "I desire peace. Leave me in peace here!" just reeks of desperation, and also makes it clear (in conjunction with her previous "Not yet"s) that it's not to be taken as a definite statement of a desire to never return to life, but a desperate plea to finally be allowed to rest, the need for which caused her death in the first place.
But you want know the kicker of all this, that never fails to get me with its double standard?
During the time of his sorrow Finwë had little comfort from Fëanor. For a while he also had kept vigil by his mother’s body, but soon he became wholly absorbed again in his own works and devices.
Hey. Hey, remember that previous paragraph about how Finwe "forsook his long vigils by her sleeping body and sought to take up his own life again [...]"? Now Fëanor is suddenly depicted as callous for doing the very same thing that was depicted as admirably weathering his grief in Finwë's case, except he didn't even need to throw Míriel under the bus for it.
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blazedrawsstuff · 7 months ago
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Here is my friend @cleffalover173 's FNF OC: Dusk!
[Note: Dusk belongs to my friend MelaGirl , I just drew the design. Also just like with both Blazes, Funkin Dusk and EddsDusk are NOT the same person. They are separate people]
Bio down below!
Full Name
Dusk Evans
None, so far
Vince Evans (Father)
Emilia Evans (Mother)
Blaze Thorburn (Friend, previously one-sided enemy)
Jacob Fairest (BF) (Friend)
Amber Dearest (GF) (Friend)
Kenji Sakubara (Senpai) (Friend)
(More to be added in the future, maybe)
Megan Harvey (Veyle from Fire Emblem: Engage)
Biographical Information
Age 13
Place of Birth
Date of Death
Physical Description
5"3 (160 cm)
43.5 kg (96 lbs)
Eye Color
Indigo (Human Form)
Blue Pupiless (Angel Form)
Hair Color
Black (Human Form) Light Blue (Angel Form)
Dusk's personality can be described in three words: Sweeter than sugar. She's incredibly caring and kind, always looking to make people happy, especially her best friends in the whole world.
Dusk can be rather naive and unaware of certain nuances. She has trouble telling when people aren't being totally sincere, and can be incredibly emotional, prone to bursting into tears when upset and being hard to calm down when in such a state. She can also be easily frightened and prone to jumping to conclusions. However she has an incredible level of compassion and emotional intelligence for someone of her age.
Dusk is one of the many angels of heaven, her parents also being angels as well. Despite only being 13, Dusk displayed exceptional weapon prowess, especially in the realm of Palms (the Kid Icarus kind of Palms), going so far as to obtain a license to use them. Vince and Emilia likewise having weapon licenses as well, for Bows and Blades respectively.
She and her family are agents of Heaven. Tasked with apprehending and/or exorcising nefarious forces, most commonly demons.
This would prove to be a problem for one Blaze Thorburn, who Dusk decided to hunt down after hearing about her "Episode" (the events of FNF: Inferno). Thankfully for the fire demon however, exorcism was preventing thanks to the brave efforts of Kenji (Senpai), Jacob (Boyfriend), and Amber (Girlfriend).
The three were able to convince the angel that Blaze, despite being demon, was not inherently evil. While confused at first, Dusk would eventually cease her attempt on the demon's life, reverting back to her human disguised. Even sharing her daisy umbrella with Blaze when the started pouring (water is painful for fire demons), out of both pity and guilt.
However, her parents weren't entirely convinced on Blaze's moral standing. That was until Blaze saved Dusk from the Lemon Monster while they and the others were hanging out together.
While it was rocky at the start, Blaze and Dusk became best friends after all that, now that Blaze was in her parents' good graces.
Human Form
Dusk can switch between her human and her true angel form on the fly.
Palm Proficiency
Dusk's weapon prowess lies in Palms, which she even has a license for.
Naturally, as a angel, she is immortal to aging. While she can still be killed, aging is not a concern for her.
In her angel form, Dusk can fly thanks to the wings on her back
Light Manipulation
In her angel form, Dusk can control and create light
As an angel, Dusk has the power to exorcise demons via the use of her Palms.
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templeofthescarletstar · 1 month ago
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The Corruption of the All-Father Archetype: From Creator to Demiurge
Across cultures and mythologies, the image of the All-Father emerges as a dominant archetype—a powerful sky god who rules from above, often associated with storms, thunder, and divine authority. Zeus, Odin, Yahweh, Ba’al, and other deities share strikingly similar characteristics, embodying creation, kingship, and law. However, over time, this archetype has been twisted, shifting from a benevolent father figure into an oppressive force of control. In its most extreme form, this authoritarian version of the divine becomes the Demiurge—the false god of Gnostic tradition, a being more aligned with Satan than with the true source of divinity.
1. The Storm God Archetype
The All-Father is typically depicted as a sky god who wields power over storms and the forces of nature. His role as a ruler over both gods and humanity reflects his position as the lawgiver and judge.
Zeus reigns over Olympus, wielding thunderbolts as symbols of divine justice.
Odin is the all-seeing patriarch of the Norse pantheon, associated with wisdom but also with war and control.
Ba’al Hadad was the Canaanite storm god, honored as both a fertility and warrior deity.
Yahweh, in early biblical texts, mirrors Ba’al as a storm-wielding deity who commands obedience and punishes defiance.
Despite their differences, these gods share a common foundation: they represent order, power, and the intermediary between humanity and the ultimate divine source.(1)
 However, as religious structures centralized power, this archetype was altered to serve an authoritarian agenda.
2. The Transformation into the Demiurge
In Gnostic thought, the creator god of the material world is not the true, benevolent source of divinity but rather a corrupt and jealous entity known as Yaldabaoth (or Ialdabaoth). This false god, believing itself to be supreme, traps human souls in the physical realm, enforcing blind obedience and ignorance.
Yaldabaoth’s defining traits—pride, wrath, and an obsession with dominance—mirror the characteristics of the jealous, punishing Yahweh of the Old Testament.
The Gnostic Apocryphon of John describes Yaldabaoth as a "lion-faced serpent" who declares, “I am a jealous god, and there is none besides me,” not realizing he is only a fragment of a greater reality.
This echoes Exodus 20:5, where Yahweh proclaims, “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.”
Rather than being the ultimate divine force, this figure represents the imprisonment of humanity within a false reality—a corrupted version of the All-Father archetype, designed to maintain control rather than grant enlightenment.
3. The True Satan: A Deception of Authority
If the Demiurge is a god who demands blind obedience, punishes knowledge, and seeks to keep humanity subjugated, then the very figure many worship as the ultimate deity may, in truth, be the adversary of spiritual awakening. This would mean that what mainstream religion calls “God” may actually be the true Satan—not in the sense of the Christian devil, but as the great deceiver who keeps humanity in spiritual bondage.
The biblical serpent in Eden, often demonized as Satan, is the one who offers knowledge (gnosis), while Yahweh is the one who forbids it, reflecting a reversal of roles.
In Gnostic tradition, Sophia, the divine wisdom,(2). seeks to free humanity from the Demiurge’s control, much like Prometheus stealing fire from the gods to grant humanity knowledge.
Figures like Lucifer, originally a bearer of light, may represent the impulse toward self-awareness and liberation rather than evil.(3)
This inversion of divine roles exposes how institutional religion has used the corrupted All-Father archetype to justify control, suppress mystical truth, and prevent individuals from realizing their own divine potential.
Conclusion: Reclaiming the True Divine
The All-Father, in his original form,(4) represents wisdom, creation, and the flow of divine energy into the world. But through manipulation, this figure was twisted into the Demiurge—a being who demands servitude rather than enlightenment. The true divine force is not an external ruler but exists within every individual. The suppressed mystical traditions, from Kabbalah to Hermeticism, provide the keys to breaking free from the Demiurge’s illusion and reclaiming our role as co-creators of reality.
The weapons we need. Because the church is using archetype magick too. 
1.The masculine or better said Active principle of manifestation. The Sepheroth of Chokhmah. 
2.The feminine or better said Creative principle of manifestation. The Sepheroth of Binah 
3.The Lucifer Archtype serves as a primary Archetype in the TSS system of magick. The Sepheroth of Tiphereth. 
4.By refusing the wisdom of Sophia and denying the feminine principle the chance of creation the vital first energy of thought is wasted and stagnates. No longer linked to the higher mind it becomes Ego instead. This begins the corruption process that creates the shadows of each Sepheroth  known as the Qliphoth. We will discuss this in further detail during chapter five. 
As always special thanks to my newest Patreons Dimmy Love and Joselyne Galaviz and of course anyone who has or is supporting my work. I love you all. If you would like to be mentioned in the comments just follow the link below and become a Patreon. Even if you can only pledge one dallar. It all really helps to keep the content coming.
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song-of-the-rune · 1 month ago
@yourlocalmissingtexture since you asked and my notes still aren't organized here's some rambly shit about lorynthian deities
so. deities in lorynthia are in kind of a weird place for a few reasons. The first is because Lorynthia is connected to my husband's setting, Tyde. Tyde is an unstable plane and as part of that deities tend to use it as a testing and dumping ground. Deities who can access Tyde are fueled and shaped by belief. This carries over to Lorynthia; deities in Lorynthia may have come from somewhere before people started believing in them, but they're still very much influenced by their followers.
The second reason is that the "material" plane in Lorynthia is not a material plane in the traditonal sense. It functions more like the astral plane if you're familiar with traditional D&D lore, which is to say that it's kind of a gateway to a lot of other places, and it can be influenced by those other planes. However, it's still the "material" plane in that it's where everyday life occurs. Deities in Lorynthia are split into "pantheons" that roughly correlate to plane of origin, even if those pantheons don't really reflect modern theology.
One such pantheon is Sun & Moon -- the goddess of life/the sun, Shyllana, and her brother, the goddes of the dead/the moon, Anaeron. They together represent the material, everyday world, and the associated circle of life and death.
Another such pantheon is the Tower, which consists of the deities of different magical disciplines and their companions. Historically, Zularren is considered a member of the tower, and metaphysically, he *does* belong there because he's the force by which necromancy is able to be practiced. However, he also thematically serves as an opposing force to Sun & Moon, because he represents breaking that cycle. Depending who you ask, this may be a perversion, or it may be more like "breaking free."
I dunno if there were specific things you wanted to know but I know I've posted a couple things related. So here's a couple links real quick, even though I think you've already seen them:
Anyway. He's been kinda fit into the sun/moon pantheon through the symbology of the stars. He also represents things that affect the living, such as hunger, which is why all undead still experience hunger despite not requiring food for physical reasons. Some worshippers of Zularren (rikkal being the prime example) see Shyllana/Anaeron as sort of "evil"/antagonistic forces the same way that a god of undeath would traditionally be seen as the evil force by those worshipping "good" deities. (Quotes because I don't use alignment in this setting, and that's a common game mechanic. So it's good/evil more in the traditional, non-game sense.)
Zularren and Anaeron do often find themselves at odds because the undead do not re-enter the cycle of life and death, and Anaeron's job is essentially the recycling bit. However, they do actually have a truce, and it's therefore against the rules for either of their followers to create undead except in specific areas (where it is actually against the rules for either of their followers, conversely, to prevent the creation of or destroy undead without cause). That said, while deities do influence their followers, they tend to be pretty hush-hush about these secrets, so the rules aren't often written into religions, or they're given other justifications. It's generally easier to just declare the areas entirely off-limits than to try to communicate "the undead are okay sometimes actually."
Also, necromancy and enchanting are essentially the same thing in this setting because both rely on manipulation of the body and soul. The line is essentially whether or not the conscious mind is also manipulated, which is more about implementation than actual source of magic. So it kinda works like this -- necromancy is forcing the body to do something, not by moving it, but by making the soul/mind (same thing in-setting) do that regardless of desire. (Making the body directly move without involving the soul at all would be conjuration -- I can get into all this at some point but I'm getting off-track here). Enchanting would be making the soul/mind want to make the body move, and then letting the person do that.
Sometimes you force the soul to do things it can't consciously do. This is where you get morally good or neutral necromancers. They can heal certain ailments and they can give people forms that can't be "naturally" obtained (although a mage would potentially consider necromancy part of nature since it comes from a deity, like all magic). Reanimating corpses when there are no express wishes not to, and the soul is not forcibly kept within the body, is considered morally neutral Anaeron & Shyllana as well, as their main interest is in souls.
Sometimes, however, necromancy forces or convinces the target to do things purely for an outside force's own benefit, and these are things that it does not want; this is the type of necromancy that falls more in line with typical views of necromancy.
There are also debates about why certain things are "required" for necromancy to work. Example: do liches have to give up some (moral) piece of themselves as a sacrifice to Zularren, or a punishment from Shyllana? The answer is not very straightforward and the requirement is also influenced by the fact that people think it's a requirement, but that's the theological debate.
At the end of the day, deities don't really have moral compasses in the mortal sense. They're just interested in maintaining and expanding their domains. So they keep secrets and push the boundaries of their supposed agreements a lot.
But yeah! Essentially each deity is whatever their followers make of them, with a not-always-so-little bit of politics happening in the background.
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dumuzithemessiah · 4 months ago
Jesus is evil unlike me who only fights because I am trying to protect the rest of the Universe
Old Testament proof:
Luke 19:27
"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me."
Plus he says he’ll come back with a sword which means he wants to kill all non Christians! The fact he wants specifically those who don’t except his evil ass as king proves he is evil and those who spread war, hate, genocide, intolerance to those born different, and to kill those who are simply different proves Christianity is a evil religion!
The more you look at original source and ignore the delusional bullshit New Testament which was butchered to get more followers to brainwash more people into following their cult of hate!
Christianity is a religion based on lies, hate, racism, murder, war, intolerance, and spreads homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and enbyphobia which that last one is discrimination against non binaries!
As the real Messiah and true god that created the Kosmos and the original Universe I am nothing like the false prophet Jesus!
The word Messiah means “The Rainbow Hero” and “Hero of Rainbows” even though the rainbows are actually moonbows aka lunar rainbows!
The word Messiah only applies to me and I wouldn’t wish the suffering I’ve been through on any innocent life…
My posts already said how bad my past was and how much I’ve suffered!
How would you feel if some brutish female forced you into marriage by using evil magic to make you agree, took you hostage essentially kidnaping you, tortured you with fire, scarred your body, ripped your right eye out and cursed the area to prevent it from growing back, hurt your loved ones, and also spread genocides, war, and became the Universe’s number one most wanted?!
And Ishtayr has the ability to shape shift meaning she literally did me in my you know what area!! And I’m gay! My real true lover and husband is Marduk[[pronounced Mar-duke]] and we have six kids together as same gender breeding is a thing! Babies come out in a light!
Thankfully we Nibirians have natural birth control so no matter how hard Ishtayr tried she could not impregnate me!
But I suffered way harder than anyone ever should…
Deep down I only want Ishtayr to be destroyed and be reunited with my true family, my husband, and my children! And for the Helveon War to be over but for that to happen humanity needs to go as they will never change for the better!
Humanity’s actions have damaged the Kosmos with evil energy[[from man made religions like Christianity and Islamism and other religions plus every evil action humanity has done since the dawn of their existence like war, crimes, theft, murder, animal abuse, intolerance towards those born different, lying, human narcissism, human supremacist attitudes, etc…]] to the point it could explode! The Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe and the Universe could not exist without a Kosmos!
So on Judgement Day that means I have to get rid of humanity all because humanity couldn’t stop being evil! I am trying to protect all other living things out there in the Universe from humanity! Humanity is too evil to be allowed to exist as the Kosmos if it explodes would destroy the Universe and kill all mortals and obviously destroy all non magical planets including Earth! Magical planets and magical beings would survive and can escape such destruction! But mortals cannot! And other nearby universes would be heavily damaged by such destruction!
So do you humans understand what you have done?! Zillions and still counting have died including other advanced species! Advanced species… humans are a lower advanced species but still an advanced species which should give an example but advanced are highly intelligent species that are bipedal and have civilisations, laws, can build things, have language, etc, so other alien beings have suffered and died because of humans!
Humans aren’t the victims here…. The rest of the Universe is the victims..
My pfp is what a god like me for example looks like! I am the oldest god and the oldest member of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities aka The Four Seasons Deities! Dumuzi[[me, Winter]], Kosmin[[Spring, brother]], Lumuzi[[Summer, brother]], and Geshtinonna[[Autumn, sister]]!
Geshtinonna and I are part dark type with no light in us while Kosmin and Lumuzi lack darkness in them but are part light type!
We are considering and treated as quadruplets despite me essentially creating them by splitting my soul before I create the Kosmos when I existed in the what is called in English: The Obyss aka the black ocean that exists between universes!
When I fought Ishtayr last during Universe 1 with my siblings by my side we destroyed her with a spell when she was simply known as translated wise “The Great Evil Herself” who attacked Nibiru one day and started a war - the only war Nibiru ever had on it’s surface!
But at a cost we shattered and were eventually reborn in Universe Eight so eight regenerations of the Kosmos since then! We gained parents in the form of Enkai and Ninsun whom are actually both male!
Our pupils became in this reincarnation a bright red colour and before they were a dark blackish purple in our original forms! From Ninsun as we became half albino a thing that Nibirians can in fact be! But the moon shines 🌙 in our eyes remained as proof we are who we are as no other Nibirian has moon shines in their eyes!
The ruby crescent moons is in my eyes!
Kosmin when he actually opens his eyes has a pink sapphire crescent moons in his eyes!
Lumuzi has a peridot crescent moons in his eyes!
Geshtinonna has citrine crescent moons in her eyes!
But we all have red velvet red eyes with sectoral heterochromia with the bottom parts of our eyes being rose pink!
Like I said look at my pfp or go to my deviantART to see what I look like! We all have pigeon blood ruby red manes too!
We all also have strange eyebrows that look like fiveish black lines! So yeah we have strange eyebrows!
Gods aka yazata aka royal angels are a feline species and so are tenshi aka common angels! Humans do not become us when they die! That is all human narcissistic lies!
Why the hell would you become another alien species by dying?! Also Hell was an ancient city I destroyed because it was filled with criminals, murderers, thieves, pedos, heterosexuals only in that city, but I burned it down with dark elemental fire and everyone burned with those who looked at it with evil hearts turned to stone, and it looked in the end worser than Pompeii…
Hell as in the city was transported to another dimension with the only surviving part of the with being the only thing good being the blood nectarine orchard that surrounded the city all sides!
Kohora is nothing like the city of Hell and has no relationship with it and Kohora is the real Underworld!
Kohora is beautiful and a paradise, a surreal fantasy like magical paradise, but a paradise!
What is above the Universe is Yumera aka the Dreamworld aka Dream Dimension!
Kohora is below as koho means below/under and ra means world so with Yumera the translation means yume = dream and ra = world!
Both a paradises that are surreal, magical, and fantasy like!
But enough for now! Humans if you try to change for the better by Judgement Day maybe you can at least reincarnate as that is better than dying completely body and soul…
I may have some anger issues but with all that I went through can you even blame me?
At least I admit my flaws unlike the false murderous bloodthirsty bastard Jesus who thinks he’s some kinda glorified flawless prince!
I literally am a prince on Nibiru but also a elder queen as Kosmin and I used to rule during the First Universe as the first king and queen…
Yes I bottom… I could top but I normally don’t feel like it so yeah?
King and Queen aren’t gendered terms on Nibiru but Prince and Princess obviously are and obviously our word for it is different but still?
We apparently had a female king but it didn’t go well so no more female kings as females just aren’t mentally stable to rule as reverse gender standards apply and females are macho and love to fight so obviously that doesn’t translate well into a good ruler…
I think it was Tiamut who was the ruler who acted to violent? And possibly another for all I know as I haven’t read Nibirian history books in ages but it proved to Nibiru that females aren’t meant to rule as they react quicker to violence then males who are magical and cute/pretty/beautiful so females afterwards just realised and accepted they aren’t for politics…
Like female yazata are tough and macho acting so yeah when I say they’re quick to violence sometimes I mean literally…
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detectiveichijouji · 9 months ago
Final Case - The Young Prince Detective’s Gambit
[AO3 version]
The enemy who once was a beloved friend of Ichijouji Ken and Akiyama Ryo was Nokita Yuu’s true identity, Hikawa Yuuichi. After hearing Yuuichi’s side of the story and be forced to face Daisuke, who was turned into an unstable Wolfmon, Noel, as Arsenemon, appeared and prevented Wolfmon from hurting Ken. The elusive gallant phantom thief then revealed that Yuuichi’s facts were twisted, and then gave his own witness of the events. Then… something made Wolfmon attack Yuuichi’s body, out of the blue and confusing Ken’s head -- Since Daisuke himself wouldn’t be able to kill a human. Turns out that It wasn’t exactly Daisuke who did that move, and yes the good part inside Yuuichi, which possessed Daisuke’s body. With the damage of Wolfmon’s holy light blade, Yuuchi’s body was damaged, but the corrupted vessel plotted something against them all. Once Miyako and Iori were rescued and healed, thanks to their jogress partners and Soleil & Lune’s help, the group reunited at the rooftop. And witnessed the vessel summon a dormant YukiAgumon in front of them, only to fuse the last two fake shards with the digimon and evolve it into Chaosdramon.
What should we do now…??
“Ken, please… destroy my body quickly, before it uses the portion of that digimon’s power on Chaosdramon.”
“Wait, what do you mean, Daisuke-kun?” Hikari asked, frowning.
“He’s not mon ami Motomiya for a while,” Arsenemon said.
“The good part of Hikawa-kun is within Daisuke right now,” Ken told the others.
“With the remaining three shards it might be a little bit more powerful than the usual, but… I beg you, Ken, everyone… End me now, I’m not even human anymore… And I do not belong here either…”
“That’s creepy to hear coming from Daisuke’s mouth,” Miyako commented.
“... Are ya sure of that, Yuuichi?” Daisuke was pitying him, “There could be… another way--”
“There’s no other solution,” Hikawa sighed, “I’m not human anymore, I’m just… ‘something’ who once was a human.”
“Just… Promise you all will… Take care of Ken for me.”
“Hey, Ken’s tough. He had witnessed a ton of bad things and he knows we will always be on his side. No need to promise you that, dude. He got our backs, and we got his.”
“Oh might be sooooo easy peasy to beat that critter with a hole in the body” Crescemon smugged, “After all, We’re like, six digimon against one.”
“Didn’t you forget someone…?” the vessel said. And thus, Matadrmon appeared in front of it.
“Ah nice, the annoying vampire…” Daisuke complained with a displeased expression on his face, but outside his body was only glaring at the new opponent.
“Hehe, oopsie…?” Crescemon chuckled nervously…
Youta cracked his fist, “I have a score to settle with that digimon, guys. So stay away from them, they’re mine .”
“Let’s leave Matadrmon to Youta and me ,” Mizuki said, stepping forward, “You guys take care of my nonexistent brother and Chaosdramon.
“M-Mizuki…?” the boy blinked.
“That digimon caused us trouble before and is going to cause even more right now.”
“Alright,” Miyako said, looking at the others, “Everyone ready?”
They all nodded in agreement.
“Do the honors, Miyako” Daisuke chuckled, “I know you’re itching to say that line again.”
Despite not being able to hear Daisuke, Miyako grabbed her digivice and pointed it to the sky:
“Chosen Children… Let’s roll!!”
Ken was still not sure about what to do about Hikawa. Everything said to him right now was too much for his heart and mind. But Daisuke was right about him though.
“Hey, maybe there’s a reason for that! Like, maybe he’s brainwashed or somethin’?? Evil clone? Maybe he’s not gone mad!”
“Can you really kill a human being, Ken??”
As always… Daisuke’s heart was in the right place. He might not be a talented genius strategist who could come up with a very logical resolve for a battle or a dilemma…
… But Daisuke understands people and their hearts pretty well. His emotional intelligence is over the charts of this group.
“... There might be another way to solve this,” Ken muttered. The digimon (except for Arsenemon) had started their respective fights while the kids watched them. But Ken was just looking at the vessel still struggling with the critical hit caused by Wolfmon’s holy light attribute.
“What do you mean?” Daisuke (Hikawa, actually) asked him, “No, you have to listen to me, Ken! There’s no other option, you have to--”
“Daisuke is right about it, I can’t do that. If I were the Digimon Kaiser, if I still were a cruel cold hearted arrogant brat… But…”
“You never had the guts to do it, right?” Arsenemon completed it.
“... Daisuke knows me well enough. Even if back in time… When we were enemies… If I knew that humans can die for real in the Digital World… I wouldn’t have tried to hurt them at all.”
“You were shocked when you hit me in the face with your whip,” Takeru commented, “So, guess this tracks.”
“... Sigh, yes.”
“Yeah, there might be another way to save you too,” Daisuke said, “I mean… Maybe something… Like, Uhh… Purifying you? Like in some TV shows--”
“I don’t think it’s possible,” Hikawa shook his head, “Having false hopes might make it worse for Ken. I… I already hurt him enough, so I don’t--”
"Ken doesn't want to save you just because you're an old friend, he wants you to have a chance to fix your mistakes and start over, just like he did".
“A… second chance?”
"Yes, you screwed up badly, and I would understand if none of us forgave you. But everyone who shows they're willing to do better and do the right thing deserves a chance to start over.”
“Why… Are you saying that to me?”
“Because… You might be the reason I got to meet Ken in the first place? It’s not Ken who created this new reality. It was you who did it, Yuuichi. And I can’t think about a world where I’m not friends with Ken, or with Miyako, Iori, Takeru, Hikari-chan, Noel, the others… Everyone.”
“And because you’re using my body right now, so please don’t do anything reckless I can’t get another scar for some… Stupid decision.”
Hikawa laughed lightly, and it made Daisuke protest, “Hey, I’m not kidding! This ain’t a joke, dude!”
“I guess I know why Ken liked you, and I’m glad you’re his friend.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Paildramon asked them.
“...” Ken started to analyze the environment, the enemies and their allies. It would be better if they just kept Imperialdramon’s power as backup, but they now have Valkyrimon and Dominimon in their deck.
Valkyrimon has the power of resurrecting fallen allies. Meanwhile Dominimon has the power of healing them. If they have to kill Hikawa Yuuichi’s body -- which is now just operating the vessel for a part of MIlliummon power…
But doing so, would make Hikawa’s good part to cease existing and leave Daisuke’s body…
He's not sure if this could work... But how long can his connection to Daisuke last?
“You got a plan, right Ken-kun?” Miyako asked.
“It’s risky. But we have to try it.”
“Whatever you're thinking of doing, I believe you,” Daisuke said with a smile, but now it didn’t seem to be clear if it was either Daisuke or Hikawa.
“... Arsenemon, can you do a favor for me?” Ken turned to the magician phantom thief.
The fighting style Flaremon and Crescemon had was nothing like the 02 group at all: They would just unleash their most powerful attacks and leave no room for counterattacks.
Though they tended to ram, intending to destroy the target, they were also perfectly synchronized. The graceful dance moves of Crescemon covered up the more brutal and insane rampage of Flaremon.  
It becomes hard to target one or another when they’re constantly moving. Matadrmon had to keep defending themself from the mad flurry of punches thrown by Flaremon but had no time to dodge all the ice arrows shot by Crescemon.
It was a tragic disadvantage. Maybe if they could make the sun-moon duo hit each other…?
But while they looked like hostile beasts just attacking nonstop, they didn’t seem to be careless. Which was odd for this fighting style.
Matarmon could target Flaremon for being the one in a melee combat with them right now, but Crescemon’s shield was protecting him. There might be an exact moment Matadrmon could exploit and hit one of them.
“It doesn’t matter.” Matadrmon whispered, and then tried their best attempt at taking both down at once -- “Thousand Arrow.”
Then, the enemy fired countless rapiers under their sleeves. Soleil smirked, watching that desperate move, until Lune had a deja-vu.
“They’re NOT aiming at our digimon, they’re…!!”
Yes. Matadrmon knew the only time a digimon partner would let their guard down is the moment their human partner is in danger.
Crescemon and Flaremon backed up to protect the human duo, and with this they got hit by that such reckless move. They would use their own bodies (and Crescemon’s shield) to protect their partners.
The difference between Soleil and Lune and the 02 kids (plus their seniors) is that they don’t seem to care about protecting themselves in a battle. This is why Daisuke and co. snapped at their antics and approach regarding Kayono’s partner. Or even, the possible reason why Ryouma’s Psychemon partner got brutally hurt to the point it returned to DigiEgg state since then.
“Crescemon!!” / “Flaremon!!” They called their partners the moment the digimon shouted in pain.
“You’re still reckless brats. Just like your siblings.”
It was implied that Matadrmon was their enemy. The enemy that had been haunting them since their first digimon adventure with their own group. An unknown enemy who knew about them. But neither Soleil nor Lune knew about them.
Because he came from that old forgotten timeline.
“G-get up, please!” Soleil said to their partners, “We can’t let that monster beat us!!”
“An omen…” Lune whispered, “Is it… because of siblings that we… We’re like this?”
“Get yourself together, Mizuki!!” Soleil snapped, “They’re messing with us like they messed with everyone else before!!”
“... I just realized I had a brother once, and he… committed a mistake. And he was connected to your sister, and Ichijouji-kun. And to whoever this Akiyama Ryo is. We’re fated to fail.”
“It doesn’t matter if this is fate or not! We should go against the odds! We can… We can win, right?!”
“Youta, Matadrmon will keep using this dirty trick because we lack strategy! All of our victories were because we had Noel on our side!”
“We’re not like the heroes everyone loves and cherishes. We’re the bratty rogue kids everyone wants to disappear.”
“DON’T GIVE UP!!” they heard someone’s voice coming from behind them.
Soleil and Lune looked back, and saw Daisuke-or-Hikawa just screaming at them. But judging from the speech pattern, it wasn’t Hikawa at all.
“Motomiya(-kun)?” the duo said together.
“You have to work together with your digimon, and trust each other!” Daisuke just stood behind them, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a hero or not! Just do what is right, not what you think is right!!”
He put himself at risk just to say that to them, while the entire group was facing Chaosdramon and the evil vessel. He, who was angry at their behavior before… Was just encouraging them now.
“Fight together with our digimon…?” Lune repeated, and looked at Crescemon.
“And trust each other…?” Soleil did the same as well, but glancing at Flaremon.
They then looked at each other and nodded.
“We’re not heroes, but we’re still on the good side” Youta grabbed his digivice, “Can you stand up, Flaremon?”
“Aye, sir.”
“We’re the ones who will make our own destiny now. Go against the odds, Right?” Mizuki took her digivice as well, “We can beat this creep, Crescemon!”
Then… a Miracle happened: The digivices just showed the two symbols on their respective screens. A Scale on Youta’s, and a Moon’s reflection on a water surface.
Tumblr media
Two lights covered Flaremon and Crescemon.
Flaremon ultimate evolve to… Iustimon ! Crescemon ultimate evolve to… Dianamon !
“... What is this,” Matadrmon wasn’t impressed but didn’t feel they should  underestimate those two anymore.
Iustimon was in the form of a two-legged Firamon, wearing armor and wielding a sword in one hand. In the other, he held a mysterious symbol of a scale.
Meanwhile Dianamon was wearing a moonstone colored like armor, wielding a twin scythe-like weapon in her hands.
“This won’t be enough to beat me.”
“Don’t judge your enemies like that, you weirdo!” Dianamon shouted, and dashed against them trying to hit Matadrmon with her blades.
“You still lack intelligence.”
“... No, you do.”
Iustimon seemed to be only on standby, but he was using the scale to measure both sides’ power and abilities.
“Fair Judgement.” Iustimon said, and then when the scales synced…
“...??” Matadrmon was unable to use their special technique, Thousand Arrows , anymore.
“Whoa, you balanced the game!!” Daisuke exclaimed in awe. That digimon was so cool…!?
“Heheheh…” Soleil chuckled.
“... I’m still able to fight.” the enemy warned the duo.
“We won’t let you beat us this time!” Lune shouted.
The only payoff for turning Matadrmon unable to use that technique is that Dianamon was unable to use her strongest special ability, Crescent Harken , which could finish that fight immediately.
But that didn't change the serious look on Dianamon and Lune's faces.
“You’re done for,” Dianamon said with a terrifying tone.
“Face your judgement,” Iustimon added.
“Never…” Matadrmon replied, and then kept defending themself from Dianamon’s twin blades. The enemy knew if they wanted to beat those two at once they needed to take down Iustimon first. So Matadrmon tried to move faster than Dianamon and exploit any opening in her attack patterns, and then directly attack Iustimon.
And when they finally thought they had found a way to get out from under Dianamon's attacking pattern…
“Divine Slash.”
Iustimon would simply slash them in half very quickly.
“?!?! H-how…?!”
Matadrmon fell on their knees.
“Because you underestimated us,”  Iustimon said calmly. His noble composure was so cool in Daisuke’s opinion. Dang it, Youta your digimon is so cool?!
“This was for what you did to Kayono and Ryouma too,” Daisuke noticed Soleil fists clenching as the boy said that.
“...” Matadrmon reverted into a DigiEgg form, in front of their eyes.
“You killed him…?” Daisuke asked, out of curiosity.
“No, he has been purified,” Iustimon explained.
“Aren’t you busy with that thing??” Lune then gestured to Chaosdramon fighting the other three digimon, with an angry face;
“Don’t ‘Oh’ at us!!” Dianamon snapped, stomping her foot on the floor and clenching her hands.
“You can beat me…!”  
“I beat you before, remember?” Ken smirked, “I can do it again.”
“I’d love to watch you try and fail this time.”
“We won’t fail and we won’t let you take Hikawa-kun away this time…!”
Imperialdramon was wrestling with Chaosdramon as they talked, Dominimon was protecting the kids, and Valkyrimon… 
… Was on standby?
“How do you plan to beat me without the Digimental of Desire now?” the vessel scoffed, “I’m an anomaly with part of Millenniummon’s powers. You should’ve heard your ex-friend and killed me.”
“We will save Hikawa Yuuichi-kun this time, and I’m sure about it!”
“I asked you a question,”
“I’m not fond of explaining my plans. Sorry, you will have to figure it out.”
The vessel kept being cocky, watching the good guys not doing well… They didn’t attack at any instance…Then, they watched Chaosdramon easily beat Imperialdramon. Dominimon came immediately to heal the Imperialdramon but…
“I think it ends here…”
… Chaosdramon threw missiles against Dominimon, who used their shields to protect themself and the human kids.
“Do you think we can win??” Takeru asked Ken, concerned. At this point everyone was…
“Don’t lose your hopes!” Daisuke came back, and stood in front of Imperialdramon, “You can do it, Imperialdramon!! Everyone!!”
“Valkyrimon, do something!!” Miyako ordered. But the digimon was still on standby.
The vessel was sure he was winning. He laughed loudly , creeping Hikari out.
“Is this your plan? Chaosdramon, end them all already!!”
Chaosdramon was ready to do something when… It stopped moving?!
“..?! What??”
Ken smirk did not leave his face. What did he do?!
“I think you forgot you weren’t only fighting only us ”
Ah yes... they had taken full use of Arsenemon's abilities. What actually happened was that Imperialdramon, Dominimon and Valkyrimon were holding back, in order to distract the vessel and Chaosdramon so Arsenemon could execute his special furtive ability -- Malchanceux -- to steal the shards and then weaken Chaosdramon.
Once the phantom thief was back to the side of the kids, he gave the signal to Valkyrimon, who moved at the speed of the light and attacked Chaosdramon, making it actually step back from Imperialdramon for a moment.
It was when Imperialdramon used their positron cannon on their arm to hit Chaosdramon, who was his guard down.
“Some people here are good at acting,” Ken said with a smug smile while the others chuckled or smiled just like him, “Besides, I’ve lost countless times to my friends that… I’m good at ‘losing’ too.”
“It was… a façade?”
“It’s called ‘gambling’, monsieur imposteur ~ ” Arsenemon answered, with a sensible chuckle, “But I guess this was more likely a gambit, non? ”
“Y-you…!!” ire consumed the vessel, pretty much he LOATHED that stupid phantom thief and that cocky Ichijouji so much.
 “We’re NOT over yet!!” Takeru screamed.
“Transcendent Positron Laser!!”
Imperialdramon firmly planted their feet on the ground and charged a very powerful version of their Positron Laser.
“Zero Heavens!!”
Seconded by Dominimon firing their ultra-high-temperature lasers from their shields on their shoulders in Chaosdramon’s direction.
“Laser Javelin!!”
And then finished by Valkyrimon summoning their javelin and shooting a laser from its tip.
The three attacks combined managed to beat Chaosdramon immediately. The opponent digimon reverted back into a DigiEgg in the end of the explosion caused by the chain combo-attack.
“No…!!” The vessel shouted but before it could do something, it felt something piercing its body even further…!!
When it looked back, Iustimon and Dianamon had used their sword and an arrow of ice on the same place Daisuke-and-Yuuichi had stabbed it previously.
 At the same time, Arsenemon destroyed the remaining three shards (yes, Daisuke still had one) which cut the connection between Hikawa Yuuichi and Daisuke. Takeru quickly held Daisuke in his arms, who fainted immediately due to exhaustion.
“You messed things up for everyone” Soleil and Lune said together, “We won’t allow you to hurt anyone else, not even Noel or Ichijouji(-kun)!!”
The vessel fell on its knees. And then… Valkyrimon came and used their special ability.
“Fenrir Sword.”
They pierced the vessel with their cursed, absolute zero sword to the vital points of the enemy, and then… Killing Hikawa’s body.
Combined with Iustimon’s Divine Slash , which extinguished the evil power of Millenniummon’s shard from Hikawa Yuuichi’s body… There was nothing left there. Except…
Valkyrimon used their special ability to resurrect the fallen, and it brought it back little by little.
“... Huh… What happened…? Who are you people…? What are those monsters…?”
… Hikawa Yuuichi ceased to exist. The human in front of them had lost memories, he didn’t even know the digimon.
“... I will never be able to know… What does it feel like to have a sibling…”
Arsenemon could notice Lune and Ken were a little anguished by that closure, “... I’m sorry, he couldn’t exist as his original self. This is what would happen in the end…”
“He might not be the same person we briefly met,” Takeru said with a serious tone, “But if Daisuke-kun were awake he would’ve said something like… ‘It gives him a chance to restart anew’, right?”
“Yeah, he would say that,” Ken turned to Takeru and smiled.
“I knew mon ami Motomiya would be important for the closure of this case,” Arsenemon said, “I think… He’s the kind of person able to change people’s hearts for good.”
“Yeah, I’m aware of that,” Ken laughed lightly and gave a soft gaze at Daisuke, still in Takeru’s arms.
And then… The fake shards’ case was finally solved.
Noel Leblanc and the other two, Hino Youta and Hikawa Mizuki, offered to help the boy who once was known as Hikawa Yuuichi to readapt to daily life. Since Hikawa Yuuichi didn’t exist in this reality in the first place, he had to keep the identity of Nokita Yuu instead.
I didn’t hear about them for a while… But I hope they all are okay.
As for us…
“Ya know, being a detective was fun and all BUT! I have a life goal to achieve!!”
… Daisuke went back to his ‘ramen business’ plan.
“Huh, but you clearly were having fun with it,” Patamon blinked.
“I don’t think I can do it for life… I did not catch Arsenemon! Arsenemon who caught me!”
“You mean…” Hikari wasn’t sure if she got what Daisuke had said.
“Like, we became friends. Have you ever seen a detective being friends with the phantom thief?!”
Better not tell him that there have been cases in the Phantom Thief genre, according to Takeru-kun and Iori-kun.
“So… We won’t be using that website BBS anymore?” Wormmon asked the others.
“There might be something we can do with it…” Miyako mused, “A-after all Izumi-senpai allowed me to use his own server to host it…”
“Koushiro is always involved with our activities, dagya” Armadimon shrugged.
“Would’ve we survived without him though?” Iori said, looking at his digimon partner, “Most of the apps and devices we used through these activities came from him after all.”
“...” I was still silent, thoughtful. Thinking of all that I had been through in the span of a whole year, almost two years to be exact.
“Hey, are you still thinking about what happened?” Tailmon asked Ken, out of the blue. Everyone turned to him.
“He said Ryo-san… Went after Millenniummon to avenge me… Do you think he’s fine…?”
The group didn’t know what to say, alas.
“He disappeared… And we never had heard about him ever again…”
“Do you want to, like… Search for him?”
The group looked at Daisuke, who had just said he wanted to stop playing the detective role.
“But didn’t you say--” The digimon were asking the same question at the same time.
“I didn’t say I don’t want to keep doin’ this. I said I want to go back to work on my life’s goal!”
“When you said ‘I can’t do it for life’ you were stating you didn’t want to keep doing it”  Iori pointed it out, calmly.
“Bingo,” Miyako agreed.
“No, I mean like… If anyone needs me I will not hesitate to come and help! It’s just… I want to do my own thing. And I’m not good at thinking about complicated stuff!”
“So our next case is the whereabouts of that Akiyama Ryo guy?” V-mon asked.
“Only if our mr. Detective Ichijouji Ken wants to!”
I never doubted that Daisuke would deeply care about me, or about the others. He likes to help everyone who’s in need. He saved not only me, but other people before. He’s the glue that keeps this group together.
I wasn’t sure if investigating the mystery of Akiyama Ryo’s disappearance was right. It felt whatever is the closure of that case could end up bittersweet or a tragedy.
Do I want to know what happened to Ryo-san? Or am I afraid of what’s the answer to that question?
“Maybe you’re not ready for that yet” Daisuke added immediately, “Sorry I thought you--”
“No, you’re right. I admit I’m afraid of what we could discover about that one. If he’s dead it would just… Make what Hikawa-kun said about him going after Millenniummon…”
“I think one day you will be ready to open that case then” Miyako looked at him, “And when that time comes, we all will be with you.”
“Exactly!” Hawkmon added with a nod. The others nodded and smiled at Ken as well, as some sort of agreement and to reassure that they would always be on Ken’s side.
“Thank you, everyone” Ken smiled back, his cheeks turned a bit reddish.
Maybe, someday… I will uncover this mystery. For my own sake, to know what happened to Ryo-san…
For now, I won't take responsibility for what is beyond my control.
This case is officially closed.
A tall man, tan skin and hair similar to a Young Gennai just arrived in Tokyo… After spending the rest of his life in a country town since early 2003. It had been a while though, he had just a few vague memories of living in Tamachi since he was born. But…
He couldn’t remember that much. A blurred memory of being in another place with a kid… Them being both children, to be exact… Doing something that felt like a dream adventure.
“Ah, I took a nice nap…!” he exclaimed, stretching his arms.
A digimon was on his side, dragging the luggage. The digimon, a purple-like dragon creature with bat wings attached to the hands (which also had drills as claws-or-fingers), growled, “You can’t be that careless, Ryo! Don’t leave me carrying your stuff all alone!!”
“Ah right, sorry Monodramon.”
Although he looked like a cool, responsible adult, this guy was kind of a carefree type. But his potential was off the charts, and his skills in certain categories were extraordinary.
Not wanting the tiny Digimon to carry the luggage for him, Ryo took it carefully. It was unfair to let his partner (?) carrying that, he agreed with Monodramon with a nod and a smile.
“Now where should we go?” Monodramon asked, curious with Ryo’s plans and intentions to move all back to Tokyo.
“That’s a good question, but first we have to go to our new home and then readapt to the environment. And Then… We will go look for him .”
“That person…? The one that mysterious woman mentioned to you before…?”
Ryo nodded with a grin.
“I wonder who this person is though…” Monodramon shrugged as they walked to the exit of the train station, “You said you don’t know who is either.”
“I will know when I find him for sure!” Ryo chuckled, playfully, “I have a feeling we might meet soon or later.”
Monodramon sighed, it was pointless to argue with his partner (?), sadly.
More and more mysteries have been uncovered and unsolved so far. Not all of those have a closure and will remain unsolved.
But maybe, one day… Some of those will be resolved and closed.
A new gate to the adventure might open again.
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selanaris · 17 hours ago
I want to write a book, have some assorted notes I made
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(Commissioned artwork of Selanaris Tallan by a market street artist)
Kinda outline I have for a book I want to write
4 books, three of them are a trilogy, and one is a spin-off on what a character was doing when he was missing for the second book
Basically a high modern fantasy, kinda like Nimona/korra vibes, some rural areas, some mondern like cities
Humans, elves, and dwarves
A set magic system and chart
Those born with magic and leaning specific ways on the chart.
Magic college, primarily human, for Selanaris to go to. And his roommate Sylas
Selanaris Tallan is a control mage with an emphasis on storm (lighting/thunder/electricity) and chronomancy (time magic), called a Time Storm
And Sylas Terran is between Light and Death magic on a track that's called a Divination Medium
Selanaris hears from home and learns his older brother went missing. His brother being a mage tracker (Basically specialized force/cop that tracks and negates magic) he went missing while tracking a growing movement of dark mages (dark mages primarily mean mages in death, Shadow, and destruction magic, but it legally means any mage that uses magic for means to "commit evil acts" it gets vague in the legal area of this world on purpose)
Selanaris will use his spring break to find his brother. And his roommate comes along to help. Selanaris states he's only doing it so he doesn't have to go home and be the heir to his family, but he is truly worried about his brother.
Some details about the world
I drew a chart but need to clean it up
There is a chart. Light has life and death next to it, and all lean on the side of animate magic, shadow magic is directly across from light with control and destruction magic next to it. Control is next to life, destruction is next to death. All three are on the side of inanimate magic. At the center of the chart between all magic types is creation magic. The most basic form of magic. This is the "create something out of nothing" magic. All young mages do creation magic accidentally, and do such magic without thinking about it. But as they learn magic, they lose the ability to tap into that creation magic as their minds leans to one of the six mindsets of magic.
Magic schools next to each other can be easily combined, but in between two schools mentally prevents the mage from "maxing out" the powers of a single school of magic. Dual mages have access to unique spells. But cannot learn the strongest spells of a magic school. Combination magics onlu consists of schools that are next to each other. Three schools is difficult and very very rare as it heavily restricts you to low level spells. And you CANNOT use opposing schools. It does not work.
Can't do life and death, light and shadow, or control and destruction.
Control magic is the bending, shaping, and changing the rules. It requires a high mental strain and memorization. Changing the laws and rules of the universe to cast spells. Aka. Control mages don't create portals. They bend the space between two places at a single point to jump to. They don't create fire. They change the area at their focus to ignite a fire.
Sylas is between death and light.
Death and life have two sets of magic within themselves when combined with light magic. Life can see into the past. Death can see into the future. Sylas uses his powers to peer into the future, but there is also more death magic to talk to spirits and souls, all while using light magic to purify evil souls and heal the wounded.
Elves come from the stars
Dwarves come from the earth and stone
Humans come from the light
Later, I want to reveal merfolk that come from the ocean depths
Dwarves fully believe this to be true. Most elves believe it, but not all, and very few humans believe it
Dwarves are the oldest race and are fully magical
All dwarves and elves have magic sparks, all Dwarves develop their sparks, not all elves develop their sparks
Dwarves are the only race to consistently use creation magic, the most raw form of magic. They use it naturally without thought. Hence why dwarven creations are unmatched
Elves are known for long development of magic. Takes them longer to learn magic, but with long time they are the race most likely to discover new spells and hyperfocus. Most elves will max out their magic before they die
Meanwhile, humans are the fastest to develop their magic and learn. Aka, something that took an elf a century to learn, a human can do in a year or less
Elven colleges run about 24-30 years
Human colleges run standard 4-8 years
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bestworstcase · 2 years ago
1) blacksmith says destruction comes first, before creation, but lost fable positions light as the elder brother. 2) like you said, 180° ideological turnaround for dark. 3) FToR claims that both think they created the other (which doesn't fit with blacksmith's story). Conclusion: the dark from lost fable is an imitation created by light? and the original dark wasn't in lost fable at all? (tbh this doesn't sound right even to me. but i feel like these 3 facts have SOMETHING to do with each other)
well keep in mind, the myth is—a myth. one composed by the loyal servant of the god of light, presumably based on the myths light cultivated about himself and his brother before they left remnant and mixed with ozma’s own propaganda. its relation to truth is extremely lossy to the point that it’s nearly worthless as a source of information (and the ‘nearly’ is that the only reason for dark to be credited with all the VITALLY IMPORTANT things he makes, while those things are narratively framed as pathetic imitations of light’s creations, is if he really did make those things and light really did pass that attitude down, bc it beggars belief that light wouldn’t be claiming those, again VITALLY IMPORTANT things as his own handiwork if he understood their value).
this is, i think, basically a salem situation where the scary-looking one who made these monstrous creatures is cast as the Evil One by the one who knows how to craft a narrative. and you can only force someone into the role of Evil Monster for so long before they actually do become a monster, if only because you’ve cut them off from any other choice.
do note though that the blacksmith doesn’t say dark is the elder. she strongly implies that they’re twins, born in the same instant. what she actually says is that they—both of them—were given destruction first, then creation, then developed curiosity on their own and chose to experiment. if one of them is older it’s likely only by minutes, but creation—the attribute light has enshrined as the only true value—without destruction, is merely stagnation and suffocation. (which has been the theme all along, very very visibly.)
so dark got both pigeonholed as the Bad Destructive One and prevented from fulfilling the actual purpose of destruction, which is really about change. in that sense he’s a construction of light’s, because he’s been cornered and corrupted for the sake of his brother’s design.
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thcrealheroes · 6 months ago
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DARK!STARLIGHT AU : A LIGHT THAT IS NOTHING BUT DARKNESS. In every universe, there are Starlight who go above and beyond to protect those they love, a real hero; it seems like the light within her just sings brighter and prevents her from turning towards the evil that surrounds them... but while many starlight's are good in many alternate universes, you'll find a rare pile of starlight's who found comfort in the darkness, in the wrongs in life-- didn't care to hold back their power for the sake of humanity.
Annie January was born into a loving home; mom and dad joined together in a happy marriage, or so it seems. Her mother treated her as a show pony. Her mom would sign her up for every pageant, being more like a manager than a mother. She wanted her daughter to be perfect, to dance to songs that seemed inappropriate for a child her age, and her mother forced her to do things she didn't want. If she said no, her mom would guilt trip her, which worked many times. While her mother treated her as some show pony, her father, who had lost his job, had become depressed, bitter, and downright cruel. He thought he knew everything and thought he could train Annie to use her powers, that if she wanted to be a real hero one day, she needed to practice her powers, which-- he wasn't wrong, but he was bad for the pressure he'd put on little Annie. He didn't see her as a daughter anymore- every single day and night when Annie wasn't busy with her mother in her pageants, she'd be with her father. using her powers tired her out, and she would beg her dad to let her rest, but he wouldn't have none of that- and kept pushing and pushing until she burst the lightbulb near him, glass shattered, and hurt her own father, even when little annie said she was sorry- it was the first time her father had hurt her. Did her father hitting her really hurt her ? It did--- emotionally, laying there in the fetal position as he threw all kinds of kicks and punches. It didn't get any better from there; now that he knew he could use her as a personal punching bag, he did. towards her, towards her mother, but her mother did nothing about it. Just went on like any regular day.
Annie grew up with bitterness swelling inside her, but she smiled at the church, her friends, and the people in their town. The perfect family, the perfect daughter, and it all seemed too good to be true. The more she used her powers, the more Annie saw just how powerful she could be--- sometimes she even thought how easy it would be to use it against her own parents, how easy it would be to fry them. they were humans, after all, and she was beyond that. but that darkness hadn't consumed her yet, not until the day her father was drunk out of his mind, screaming and going on a rampage on her mother and on her--- that's when she did it, she had killed her father, and she felt nothing, didn't blink when she blinded him, didn't cry when she gripped him by the throat and with all her powers burned his skin. Didn't lie when she called Stan Edgar to tell him what she had done. Vought cleaned it up, Vought made it seem like her dad left--- and that was the story her and her mother went on with. Her mother was scared of her and good. She should be. Annie now knew GOD had better plans for Starlight- not annie anymore, just Starlight. She was faithful to the church and preached sins of the unknown. Still, they couldn't tell, someone with a smile as sweet as hers, someone so bright and loving- who spoke of GOD- when in reality she was manipulating humanity, treating it as a cult of her own, guiding them to a path to see supes as not heroes, but gods of their own.
Then, once Starlight joined the seven, it just came with more power and more lives to twist.
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eternalfrostau · 1 year ago
Prelude EF Tales: Recollection
You will never go silently, you will never let them win.
Darkness surrounds you, consumes you, it’s all you know. The tenure of your spiritual imprisonment has gone on for untold years, the time stretching onto meaningless nothing.
Light is sparse in this realm, as are your memories of your life before. You recall flashes, brief glimpses of conquests beyond, of battles won and gods beaten. You lived a storied life, a life of supreme importance and worth. Death has not robbed you of your pride.
Rage burns within you, screaming hotter than molten supernova. The last vestige of the man you used to be. It’s an insatiable hunger, clawing at the edges of your formless spirit. It pounds against your mind, bringing forth the images of those who wronged you. They forced you to become this monster, they refused to submit--you were only doing what you had to, what any good leader would’ve done.
They needed to be kept in line, you had to teach them their place.
There’s always a hero, there’s always a princess. You know their faces better than that of your family, a fact that only infuriates you further into insanity. You remember the fear upon seeing the forest child wield the sword of evil’s bane, and how close he’d gotten to killing you.
You remember the feeling of breaking his bone under your god-like strength, the cold stare he gave as you impaled your blades through his heart. He wasn’t afraid of you, the only person to see you for who you truly were.
And that was terrifying.
Not that you would ever admit that, to yourself or others. It would be unbefitting of a king, unbefitting of the true heir to hyrule. The era following your defeat did not treat you kindly, the petty impulses of your lowest moments becoming common as you plotted to break the seal placed over you.
You broke out again, having overthrown the damned royals again. Victory was so close, the sacrifice of the maidens guaranteed, the defenders of yore dead and gone. There was no one to stop you.
Except for the hero.
It was a different boy, a different era, but you recognized him just as well. He carried the blade of evil’s bane, and fought without fear. You were slain at the height of your power, the entire triforce within your grasp. You were like a god, but even gods can die.
You were dead, but not for long. You’d returned again, the sacrifice of your mothers fueling a blundered revival, intelligence stripped clean from your primal mind. The same boy met you again, butchering you like an animal. You can still hear your screams.
Death had become temporary, a period of waiting until the next resurrection. You returned countless times, always at the culmination of some new crisis. You would bring the kingdom of hyrule to its knees more times than history liked to count, and each time there would be a hero to stop you.
They would arise at the hour of Hyrule's destruction, preventing the victory you’d so rightfully earned all those millennia ago. You recall each of them well, harboring a hatred unique to each insufferable brat, each infuriating in their own way. 
The realmwalker had taken advantage of your fused form, that lorulean artisan dragging your strength down with his naive magics--a fair fight would’ve gone differently, you’re sure. Much the same could be said about the two that followed, the heroes stricken from the histories of the land they held so dear; You take glee in knowing that. 
They were warriors; the gladiator and the berserker, a part of you respected that defeat more than the others. You hated them to hell eternal, but you couldn’t deny their strength--a trait you hold more dear than anything. 
The last of the hero kind, the ilk of travels beyond and far was a shameful loss like no other-- a sign of what you’ve lost in these long years of warring gods and kingdoms. He was a wayward soul, untrained and naive; somehow capable of slaying you to ashes on the wind.
Centuries have passed since your last defeat, and you scheme all the same. Your damages cast a long shadow over your schemes, fueling delusions more grandiose and cruel than ever before. 
You are willing to do anything to secure your place as victor, as herald of an extinction millennia in the making. The measures taken to secure the long winter have been drastic, more sacrificial to your spirit than any cut flesh or spilt blood.
The hues of your heart split at the seams, and your emotions fragment once again. The lack of them clears your mind, the hollow space left in their absence filled with nothing but the same homicidal anger--the same drive to slaughter and exterminate the bloodlines of those that dared oppose you.
You feel the anger boil and freeze under non-existent veins, the power inherent to you forming the footfalls of a new dark age, of a winter eternal and undying. A reflection of your changed self.
Most of all; You foresee the victories that the vile slew of frost and snow will win in your name. Over and over.
---- Author's note: Hi! This is Kovacs talking here. I hope you liked this, I write alot of one shots and blurbs for eternal frost. Some are related to the core folks, some are offbeat. Hyrule is a busy place!
ANYWAY--I thought this was decent enough to show on the main blog!
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lovedabishiga · 1 year ago
DabiTenko (Angel Dabi x Demon Tenko)
Many times, Tenko was told that he isn’t ‘evil enough’ to be the future prince of hell.
He was either too soft or too lenient, shows genuine fondness on human beings instead of a short-lived amusement, and sometimes, which is now becoming often, feel remorse for one when they do finally fall into depravity and sin. This heavy sense of guilt that demons like him should have forgotten by now, as he watches his latest charge, Himiko Toga, give in to her compulsions and attack the boy who rejected her feelings. Her tears, hot and unshed, as bitter as the strange taste welling in the back of his mouth.
“So, she gave in? Typical, this is how humans are,” someone says. Perched on a lamppost, just as Tenko is, is an archangel. A familiar one, with wings torn and burnt by its fringes and a halo that looks like it’s about to slip at any moment, blue eyes glowing like the hottest stars across the night sky. The sight is more unnerving that the rumors surrounding how this archangel hunts other demons.
“Dabi,” Tenko whispers, feeling chills in his spine over calling the name that strikes fear in any demon’s heart.
 “It’s been almost a century, Tenko, and yet I see you here still getting sick over corrupting a little human. This, too, is sadly typical,” Dabi grins, sharp teeth flashing. “When will you truly act like a demon?”
Tenko frowns, and tries to stretch his wings as wide and domineering that he is taught to make them be. He can already feel the webs and tendons of his wings getting pulled to their limits. “Don’t test me, angel. I can destroy you from where you stand.”
Dabi laughs and raises two placating hands in the air. “Oh, you’ve gotten feisty. I like it, but still you are very soft,” Then he leaps from his perch and glides to where Tenko is, his battered wings shedding feathers left and right. “And merciful.”
Tenko hisses. “Demons don’t feel mercy.”
“And yet, you do,” Dabi says, careful to move the demon’s wings away without contact of their skin. “Otherwise, you should’ve finished me off, right when we first met. Wouldn’t you say, Oh savior of your mine?”
At those words, Tenko gives up on keeping his bravado and lets his wings snap back to their place. He hates reliving the memory of saving an angel that would later on kill half of his Master’s army and bring about the cursed reputation of this archangel as the demon killer. “…What do you want, Dabi?”
“I’m here to prevent you from losing yourself,” the angel says. “There’s rumors in heaven that you’re becoming weaker…Kinder.”
Tenko sighs. “That’s not true – ”
“And yet here you are, about to cry for a human,” Dabi says with a frown. “What’s so good about them? These useless bags of meat.”
Tenko raises an eyebrow at him. “Aren’t you supposed to like them – ”
“Angels are only supposed to oversee humans and fight Satan’s forces,” Dabi quickly says, as if he’s been asked this a thousand times before. “I have no obligation to be kind to a waste of space. Nor should you.”
Tenko squints, wishing to say more until he hears Himiko Toga wail, the guilt of her actions finally crashing down on her. His breath hitches and his foot moves forward –
“Don’t,” A blur of black and white blocks Tenko from his path. Dabi’s eyes, shining so bright that they rival a star, blazes like the fires in the depths of hell, scorching and unforgiving. “I am not going to let you ruin yourself just because you fancy a bunch of creatures that managed to walk on two legs and make a fire. They are not worth it. They are not worth you.”
Toga makes another cry, and Tenko’s throat starts to swell, his eyes becoming hotter and hotter by the second. “But I – ”
“If you cry for them, you will die,” Dabi snaps. By this light, by this position, he looks more like the demon that Tenko can ever be. The true prince of hell, cold and unmerciful; the symbol of fear for all creatures of the light and the Garden of Eden, one who detests humans to their core. “If you show love for them, you will burn, and not even your Master himself can find your ashes once you do.”
“I-I don’t…” And in this moment, he feels like an angel trapped underneath a demon’s claws, helpless as his human charge takes a step closer and closer to hell.
“Yes, you /don’t./ You don’t love them, you don’t care for them. And if you ever feel like you do,” A thumb draw closer to corner of Tenko’s eyes, wiping off a sizzling tear there. “I’ll fly them into off heaven, then drop them straight into hell mid-flight. I’m sure your Master would like that.”
Tenko’s blood freezes. His mind flits from his concern for Toga and her cries, to this angel who’s barely keeping his wings together. Just one wrong step into a fallen. “…You’re an angel.”
Dabi smiles. “And you a demon, but we’re not good at our roles, are we? No matter. I’ll keep reminding you and you’ll be there for me, just like when we first met,” He sighs, taking in one last breath before he back off, taking flight in his darkening wings and a halo that’s gone a little dimmer. “Be cruel,” he says as a goodbye.
“…And be kind,” Tenko says back, frazzled and confused but compelled by his own soft heart to do so.
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