#and it's fine
whumpfish · 2 months
So, I have been in a very long, very hot shower because I hurt like a bitch, and I think I have narrowed down the basis of my major whump pet peeve, and I'm going to be using my pet fav series Word of Honor to do it.
You cannot survive sustained/chronic/severe pain if you don't develop a relationship with it. The first couple episodes of Word of Honor aren't about Zhou Zishu x Wen Kexing, they're about Zhou Zishu x Zhou Zishu's pain/condition. And that latter relationship continues to evolve and stay at the forefront on a parallel path to the development of the former.
He saddles himself with this thing as penance, because when he makes that decision, he believes that being crippled is "a fate worse than death." And then he goes on living, and discovers that life goes on, so he makes an increasingly-less-guarded peace with it. So when he meets Wen Kexing and Gu Xiang, he's doing his own thing, enjoying the good parts of what remains of his life even though his condition remains at the forefront, and will for the rest of the series. He's integrated it into his life to such an extent that Gu Xiang readily dubs him "Sick Man."*
That's what gets my goat every time: whumpees that aren't allowed to develop a relationship with their pain and are instead thrust into relationships with "caretakers" who don't do much more than provide warm blankets and snuggles and therapy-approved conversation on demand, and be "heartbroken" over how broken and pathetic the whumpee is in their eyes. Because the reality is that the relationship with pain has to be established before any other relationships can go anywhere.
Pain/illness kills relationships. People leave. They just do. It becomes too much of a bother to make changes to their own lives, and they jet.** And it's just you and your pain/condition until you can find the few truly good people who will give you love and reasonable help. You have to develop a relationship with it. It's your new roommate for the rest of your life.
You and your pain are going to be in the wars. You're going to get mad and scream and throw things at it. You're going to resent it for being the only one who's there with you every day. You're going to think about all the shit you can't do anymore, and you'll be frustrated to tears.
But eventually - if you're allowed - you make peace. You stop hating your roommate for holding you back from parties, you just find someone who can drive you home, or stay in with you. You'll find other people who have the same kind of roommate, and then you'll all get along.
And if you are very, very, galactically, fictionally lucky, you find a partner who will help you stand your ground against life and what your roommate pain has made of it. This is what happens in Word of Honor.
Wen Kexing is by no stretch Zhou Zishu's perma-caretaker, or "Caretaker" in the sense that plagues new wave whump. But he cares, and offers what help he can, when he can, without hovering and without kid gloves. He looks for a cure earnestly but without coddling or pitying Zhou Zishu for being a Sick Man. It's a more honest and realistic portrayal of someone ill/disabled and someone not who loves them than I've seen anywhere else.
My relationship with my pain is ongoing and continues to evolve. It takes things from me, but it gives me things, too. My love of whump, the Pain Genre, is one of those things. Whenever my pain spikes like this, my tolerance for fluff in the whump zone plummets, so just know that whenever you get ornery meta from me, my pain and I are sitting around having wine (gingerbeer, can't have wine with the new meds, thanks a lot pain) and bitching.
The reason there's no good chronic pain rep outside of WOH is that characters are not being allowed to develop relationships with their pain, and are only allowed to have relationships with other things and people, and those relationships are inevitably trainwrecks, or insultingly unrealistic and saccharine, because an entire segment of the character's life and personality and identity is being masked or exploited instead of embraced. So let your whumpee have a relationship with their pain/conditions/traumas. Chronic pain/illness havers the world over will thank you.
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bredforloyalty · 22 days
the last few years have been a nice detour* but i think it's time to get back to being cringe
*: not that i wasn't cringe recently just that i need to crank it up and lose followers also
#as in become shameless and earnest as soon as possible#and i've been thinking about this recently with the release of clancy and with me going cuckoo and with me having watched an interview wher#tyler said something after being asked about negative responses (this was after the mtv movie awards i think).. what he said is he doesn't#understand how anyone could listen to a song that someone honestly wrote and say it's bad. and it hit me in that moment‚ the contrast‚#like when i come across a man who loves animals. because‚ i grew up with a man around‚ always around‚ who criticizes everything incessantly#everything. all the time. and doesn't know what it's like to love an animal and take care of it btw. he judges everything and never#makes anything. so maybe that's why i liked them so much‚ as individuals but as musicians too. and tyler as a songwriter. and let's say it.#let's say it. and the clique. and before that i liked vocaloid and etc etc i've been thinking that to me there is a real appeal to things#that many would describe as weird or unconventional or annoying.. i will find the beauty and the authenticity at the heart of it (if there#is some) and i may even cherish it.#and i like soft things too. i like disgust and fear and being shaken up by art and it's been a huge turning point to recognize all that#but god do i need a different dimensions sometimes. like let's be on a different axis let's move sideways#+ let me like something just because#that's what i mean by cringe ig! i am who i am and sometimes i find new ways to be uncool or get back to the old ways#and it's fine#kata.txt
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dimensional-bitch · 11 months
Ah shit, Mom’s on the CLAMP sauce again:
Some fic I’ve written recently, and some I found on my hard drive, and some I sucked through a hose in a dark alley after midnight:
Title: Never More Beautiful Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Length: 48,481 words Summary:  Late at night is the universally approved time for grown-ups to talk shit about the kids. A story about parents, children, and the little pieces of ourselves that we tuck away in the service of "Us."
Title: A Bone to Pick Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Length: 2823 words Summary: Kurogane spends more time in museums than he would like.
Title: V is for Vestiphobia Fandom: XXXHoLic Length: 493 words Summary: Liquor Treat~!
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guhmshuda · 5 months
here is what they don't tell you about life... sometimes Sunday evenings look like pepsi from mugs, nazar laya in the bg and cheap pizzas that will probably have such adverse effects on your health in 10 years, remembering lost love and love you lost FOR GOOD, crying and slipping into bed before 9 because you are all sad... but you are doing this with the people you love the most. and that is all that honestly what matters the most.
tomorrow I will wake up and my roommate(s) will have ABBA playing, probably even QUEEN. we are shit late at submitting our essays and assignments but idt any of us care atp.
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wyn-n-tonic · 1 year
idk who needs to hear this but harassing somebody until they make a definitive statement on their sexuality is essentially outing somebody without their consent and it's not cool.
and even though people in the LGBTQ community are generally more accepted these days, it is still dangerous for so many of us. it can impact our careers and our familial relationships. and, yeah, you could say 'why would you want to be connected to family that doesn't like queer people?' that's fair. but it's not for anybody but the person in question to decide what is worth it to them.
some of us don't want to come out because we've never really felt at home or welcomed in any community and being rejected by the LGBTQ community would be, essentially, the last straw that we could handle.
if people aren't actively causing harm, just let them be.
tl;dr: it's a personal decision that nobody should feel pressured to make.
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
You're doing your best, and we all see it. We appreciate you. I love you.
Thank you, I love you too
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hollandsmoose · 1 year
thinking about my taste in men over the last year or so and this is my conclusion
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detective-asshole · 11 months
apologies, nines already has those pictures. i am determined to show everyone my silly kitty becasue i love her so much
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here are more as compensation
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qing-xuan · 1 year
ppl who are very vocal about hating qi rong but stan xue yang, go meditate about it
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Please please can we know what the Luke fic you started was about🥹🥹🥹 I crave a Luke piece by you❤️
At this point, I think a Luke fic from me is inevitable tbh 👀😬😌🤫
The one I was referencing the other day has had the plot shift a few times so far but right now it centers on a post-show reunion between Luke and an old friend with benefits he hasn't seen in a while, since it's been so long since they've toured 👀
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primordialscream · 2 years
watched this interview where bob is promoting cccd and he tells trevor noah about how his kids convinced him to do better call saul, and trevor's like "haha what happened did your manager speak to them"... which isn't funny per se, but it kinda is when you remember his manager is actually naomi odenkirk, his wife, the mother of his children. trevor..... bruh.. did you read the fucking book........
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(i'm pointing this on but i don't mean it like meanly or anything, i do this all the time-)
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
wow. it f***ing sucks to be both a writer and a reader.
if i just read: wow, all this great content. people think of the most awesome and wonderful things that I never could. such bliss. continued wow.
if i just wrote: wow, all this imagination. my brain is f***ing nuts but it's so cool to build this world that doesn't exist and make it exist on paper/online. I'm great. I'm doing great.
both: f*** me. this has how many k notes and people raving? in two days? and sh*t I'm proud of is at ::checks notes:: ah, yes, twelve likes with no reblogs and it's something f***ing requested? burn everything. this is dumb. I spent how f***ing long on this? you know what, don't tell me. I'd rather go back to the bliss, please and thanks.
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iamthecomet · 2 years
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ginger-grimm · 2 years
Really tired of the narrative that all fat people are unhealthy slobs who sit around and eat all day. People may have medical conditions, EDs, or simply have diets not working. People may try their best to lose weight but not be able to on their own and not have money for specialists. People may not want to lose their weight and just love themselves for who they are. Tired of people preaching body positivity and then playing doctor for people who never asked them to.
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crownsparrow · 2 years
i’m gonna be on discord for the night @ zanza cinematic universe#4185 (lmk if you add me),   bc i’m starting a new dh2 playthrough!
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