#and it's been YEARS ahhhh
ashcroft-writes · 10 months
Heehee guess who's probably posting ~40k words of fic over the next five Fridays
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hazieash · 2 months
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Screencap redraw of the most important moment in Season 6
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pcstan · 2 months
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Freaky Friday AU Pt 1.
Randy Marsh, patriarch of the Marsh Family, breaks his daughters trust even further when he reads her diary and decides to turn her feelings into songs for his comeback as the lead singer of the Ghetto Avenue Boys. To make it up to her takes the family out on a dinner at City Wok, which results in another fight between the two. Two fortune cookies gifted to father and daughter by the owner turn their lives upside down.
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prinsomnia · 2 years
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in her head ✷ wishing everyone a graceful 2023!
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blu-ish · 10 months
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If they actually do hug again in the final episode (or at any point tbh) and Shadow actually hugs him back I. WILL. EXPLODE.
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michaelwheelers · 4 months
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SEDMIKRÁSKY | DAISIES (1966) dir. Věra Chytilová
“But you're so earthly, yet so heavenly! You don't belong to this century. Do you hear me?”
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itsalrightmeow · 1 year
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Haunted by the past...
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c0rvidfagg0try · 3 months
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youremyonepiece · 10 months
soft terror
zoro x gn!reader (no pronouns used), zoro's pov
in which zoro attempts to identify what he feels for you. (he's not entirely successful.)
warnings: none, just fluff (please lmk if there are any i should add!)
word count: 2.3k
part 2
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honestly, zoro is scared of you.
it's a strange, unknown feeling to him. in fact, it isn’t until many long months after you’ve joined the crew that he even recognizes the emotion.
no, he had felt no apprehension at all when he first saw you. you were being held prisoner on a pirate ship, one that had engaged the merry in battle in hopes of cashing in on the straw hats' massive bounties. in the midst of the gunpowder plumes and flying splinters he had seen you, cowering on the enemy deck with your wrists cuffed in front of you, trembling but eyes bright and determined. he couldn’t keep his own eyes off you, distracted as they tracked your path to what he assumed was the edge of the enemy ship. what were you trying to do?
zoro swung absentmindedly at a rope that was thrown over the rail of the going merry, realizing the strength behind his swing too late. all he could do was tear his eyes away from you and watch as the force of his blade traveled across the water before slicing the enemy ship clean in half.
a silence fell over the scene, everyone seemingly frozen on both sides as the two halves of the ship began to slowly tilt inwards on each other, before--
“whoo! nice one, zoro!” luffy cried out, arms thrown up in the air. his yell was immediately followed by the panicked sounds of the enemy pirates as they began to scramble in hopes of survival, the straw hats entirely forgotten.
usopp crawled out of his hiding spot, cheering as he made his way to the merry’s railing to watch the enemy ship’s slow descent into the murky water. “perfect! exactly as i planned!”
he glanced nervously over at zoro to see if the swordsman would call out his lie, but zoro’s attention was back on you. were you-- were you going to jump? what were you thinking? still, he couldn’t help but admire your tenacity. you really weren’t going to give up, willing to even brave the ocean with your hands bound to escape.
“luffy!” he called out, pointing you out in the chaos.
luffy, hearing the urgency in zoro’s voice, looked in the direction he was pointing at and quickly found you, understanding what zoro was requesting of him almost immediately. he reached forward, gummy arms stretching far before wrapping themselves around your waist and retracting with the same speed.
you stumbled as you both lost and found the ground from under your feet in a matter of seconds. it didn't take you long to find your footing, however, and you quickly produced a roughly carved wooden stake from the folds of your tattered clothes. you held it defensively in front of you, eyes darting wildly between the straw hats as you tried to gauge the situation. "what- what the hell?" you breathed out, eyes wide with panic.
at your words, zoro sheathed his swords and held his hands out in front of him reassuringly (he knew he'd be able to handle you and the stick you clutched desperately, even unarmed-- despite your apparent confidence in your makeshift weapon, he could tell it wouldn't withstand a single hit, and you yourself were at least a good foot shorter than him). he cleared his throat before speaking, still a few feet away from you. "i'm not going to hurt you. none of us are. are you okay?"
unexpectedly, zoro found himself trusting you-- at least, trusting you to not be a threat to the crew. you couldn't be, he tried to justify to himself. you were too shaken, too frail, too exhausted to have been faking it. the terror in your eyes as they darted between his crewmates was too real for him to even consider suspecting you.
(looking back, zoro definitely thinks his decision had been unwise. he had been correct, of course: you would never do anything that would put the crew in danger. that isn’t the problem.
the problem is that he had believed you way too quickly.
but he also knows he doesn't regret it, because it had been you.)
it had taken a good fifteen minutes for the crew to calm you down and convince you that they weren't planning on killing you or taking you prisoner. zoro still remembers the relief flooding your eyes, your shoulders sagging for what seemed like the first time in months, the gratitude cluttering your mouth and spilling out all at once in a jumble. your flimsy weapon slipped from your fingers and laid indistinguishably amongst the debris from the fight. luffy stepped towards you, his friendly demeanor disarming your alarm as he easily broke off the wooden cuffs around your wrists. tears of exhaustion dropped from your eyes as you collapsed on the merry's deck, still conscious but too overwhelmed to keep standing or even properly cry. but the joy on your face was unforgettable.
(he doesn't want to admit it to himself, but he remembers every face you've made from then till now. he remembers it all. he can't help but to.)
he had let luffy take over introducing the crew to you, instead choosing to hang back against the wall of the kitchen and watch you. you were still slightly guarded, not entirely believing you were truly safe but not having any fight left in you to question it at the moment.
when your lips finally curved into a small, cautious smile, zoro had felt a strange sort of satisfaction deep within him. as if an itch that started when he first saw you had finally been scratched. and then-- and then you turned to glance back at zoro. his breath caught as his eyes met yours. yours were hopeful, searching, as if looking for confirmation that this was all really happening, that this wasn't too good to be true. he remembers being taken aback, surprised that you had looked at him of all people, but he hadn't shown it. instead, he'd just nodded once, and that'd seemed to be enough for you-- your smile had grown and your shoulders had relaxed by another inch.
that was the first time he had felt the strange feeling stirring within him. he hadn't known what it was, and that meant he didn't like it.
it had surfaced a few more times as you slowly but surely began to integrate yourself into the crew. at first, the plan had been to drop you off at the next town they found along their way, but that was quickly forgotten. you fit in well with the crew, like a puzzle piece they hadn't realized they'd been missing. it took a bit, but soon you opened up and were laughing as loud as luffy, usopp, and chopper during meal times. your love for reading helped you bond with robin and nami, and of course the damn cook was infatuated with you, what with how nice you looked.
you looked so nice, in fact, that zoro found his eyes glued to you whenever you were around.
which, unexpectedly, had seemed to be increasingly often in the weeks that followed. he had begun to notice you hanging out in his vicinity whenever he'd been taking a nap. same with when he'd been training.
at first, he tried to ignore you. tried to pretend like everything was normal and that your presence didn't make him feel strange things he'd never felt before. but it was hard to do. you were like a magnet; he was unavoidably drawn to you.
(you still are; he still is.)
when he couldn't take it anymore, when tamping down his nerves with strong doses of denial stopped working, he finally asked you, "what're you sitting here for?"
you smiled and he felt the familiar pit begin to form in his stomach. "where else would i sit?"
he jerked his head to the side, indicating with his eyes. "with everyone else."
your eyes followed his to the kitchen, from where the sound of some of the others laughing drifted out from behind the closed door. your smile didn't waver as you responded, "but being with you is... peaceful." your eyes found his again and your smile widened. he felt the pit grow, his heart thrumming loudly in his ears-- was he dying? "calming,” you continued. “i'd rather stay out here with you, if that's okay."
he barely managed a nod before turning back to continue his workout, desperately trying to ignore the heat creeping up his neck and hoping you had, too.
it was that night as he lay in his hammock staring at the ceiling that he finally recognized the strange feeling that overtook him every time you were near.
you are terrifying to zoro.
now that it’s occurred to him, he is sure of it. of course it’s fear. it explains the way he's always aware of you when you’re near, the way his pulse seems to quicken when you draw close to him, the way your eyes on his seem to freeze him in place. and of course he didn't recognize it at first. he’s roronoa zoro-- he didn't feel fear.
at least, not normally.
(somehow, you are always the exception to all his rules.)
it's not that he thinks you could hurt him or the crew that makes you scary-- he knows you wouldn't, even if you could.
he thinks it's your smile, wide and unabashed-- or maybe it's your laugh, so bright and sunny and full of joy. it could also be your eyes, with their tendency to display your thoughts to him in high resolution, vibrant as a flower field in bloom and just as alive.
no, that's not true. he knows what it is-- it's you. all of you. your hands that seem to be so gentle when helping chopper tend to the crew's wounds, but also so determined as they clutched your weapon of choice in battle. your legs, the way they always tucked underneath you so neatly as you folded yourself into odd positions whenever you took a seat. your lips, that he could not help but dream of, to long to touch.
you are so soft.
you are the complete opposite of him, he who had been forged in combat. he who only knows of sharp edges and swift force. he, who is so afraid of what will happen if he ever dares to allow himself to grow accustomed to your touch.
because it is so tempting.
he remembers the first time he touched you like it happened yesterday. it was so innocent, so inconspicuous and not even really anything worth remembering, but he did. of course he did.
he had just taken his seat at the merry's dining table when you passed him his plate of riceballs that sanji prepared for him. his fingers brushed against yours as he took the plate from you-- and that was it. see, nothing, just a whisper of a touch-- and yet, to him, everything.
your fingers had been so warm. he couldn't stop wondering how your entire hand might feel, held in his, and he later dreamt of it when he took a nap on deck in the warm early evening sun-- the sun that always reminded him of you.
he felt so pathetic, so torn apart and undone at just that slight brush.
the second time you touched him had been considerably more significant. it had been just after a fierce showdown with a family of sea kings; your exhaustion after taking down one entirely on your own had you stumbling as you walked back to the sleeping quarters. luckily, he was right behind you, also hoping to get some more rest after the spontaneous morning exercise, and caught you in his arms before your knees hit the ground when you suddenly collapsed.
your eyes widened slightly in surprise before you looked up at him with a sheepish smile, cheeks pink. "thanks. guess i was more tired than i thought."
he wasn’t able to fall asleep once you both made it back to your own respective hammocks a few minutes later. instead, he listened to the faint sound of your breathing as it evened out and slowed down. the soft breaths barely reaching his ears were meditative, trance inducing, and before he knew it you were stirring and stretching, urging the sleep to leave your bones after having resided there for a few hours. he remained still, pretending to be asleep as you quietly slipped away so not to disturb him. it wasn't until your footsteps faded away that he was finally able to sleep, no longer electrified by your presence.
(he dreamt of you, of course.)
after that, though, zoro lost count.
it had been as if him catching you that day had broken a spell-- suddenly, he found himself encountering your casual touches almost daily. you seem more at ease around him, slightly leaning against him when sitting next to him on a bench or playfully poking him when talking to him. and all zoro can do is gather these memories like precious stones and hoard them away in his heart.
but he never reciprocates. he can't. because what if he gets used to you? your soft touches and smiles and laughs and eyes and god, what is he supposed to do if he can't imagine life without you?
he knows.
he knows that you're dangerous-- tempting.
he can see it so clearly, a life by your side, sharing every moment with you. he wants it, he dreams of it, he aches for it with all his heart, but he fears it all the same.
because he already has a dream.
(is he allowed to have two dreams, or is that being too greedy?)
it’s only at night, when he's keeping watch over the merry and staring across the endless silence of the black-blue sea, that he allows himself to question what he feels for you.
he wonders if maybe he loves you instead.
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amaranthdahlia · 7 months
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paranormal brothers
WOO finally shigaraki twins art dump lesgoo
first off heres a facial study+headcanon thingy i did of these two cus theyre fun to make !!!
theyre not complete i think..? since i couldnt come up w anymore hcs 😭😭 i wanted more. anhways yeah also ofc things might change btw!
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(this is actually a revised version but i dont wanna show yall the old one bc its bad hahdj)
anyways, doodles go!!!
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andddd old art from 2022!! which u can tell cus of the age hc lol.(
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kyurochurro · 10 months
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! here's a cozy lil drawing of Rosalina and he Lumas for the Christmas season :D 🎄💫
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angstywildcats · 7 months
they're calling 7 year old maprojects classic....................... ( slowly withering into dust) (/LH)
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ejunkiet · 7 months
So I can't be the only one who imagines Anton to be a little older. now I'm not talking thirties, I'm talking early forties. Salt and pepper in his beard and the combed back strands of his hair. Creases around his eyes from squinting at miniaturised joints and circuit boards, the tiny interiors of modern robotics that grow smaller every year. But he's got the experience, the sure, steady hands of an engineer who has been working on robotics for most of his life.
His partner is his childhood sweetheart, they've been together for two decades, and they know each other inside out. That easy familiarity and gentle love of someone you've built a life together with. Just. 💖
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honnojis · 1 year
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risen king/fell exalt chrom finally came HOME
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expelliarmus · 2 years
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muffin-snakes-art · 10 months
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Redesigned Sectonia Descole so she looks cooler. Also robot Primal Awoofies as the wolves from the movie heehee
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