#and it’s actually today it stops being supported. so i guess i had time. however i am still not going to figure this shit out
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wpmz · 4 months ago
was lowkey stressed about the animal crossing pocket camp club journal not being supported anymore after tonight and not knowing if theres an archive anywhere only to find out theres already an archive on the wiki. godbless u animal crossing pocket camp wiki
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cheshireliam · 27 days ago
Kagari Amagase 1st Birthday Campaign: Story
Chapters 1 — 3
"The Dangerous Wildcat's Clumsy Attempt At Affection"
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Some time had passed since coming to Kogyoku with the Owner. 
The town was livelier than usual today, bustling with energetic crowds.
Emma: Prince Kagari’s birthday? 
Townswoman: Yes, it’s a tradition to celebrate it all around town. 
Emma: So that’s why it’s especially lively today. 
(I didn't know it was Prince Kagari’s birthday.) 
The townspeople were in high spirits, and the scent of dorayaki wafted through the air from all directions.
Townswoman: You should join in the celebrations too. 
Townswoman: I’m sure he’ll be delighted if his favourite person celebrated his birthday. 
A lady I became acquainted with ever since coming to Kogyoku gave me a gentle push forward with an innocent smile. 
Townswoman: Come onnn, I’ll help you think of a gift if you’re unsure of what to get. 
Emma: Thank you. But because this is a special occasion, I’d like to come up with something on my own.
(Why do I feel oddly pressured…? Maybe it’s just my imagination.) 
Looking satisfied with my response, she dropped some words of encouragement before leaving.
(Regardless of whether I’m his “favourite person” or not… it's undeniable that Prince Kagari has helped me a lot during my time in Kogyoku so far.)
(Since I’m now aware it’s his birthday, I must celebrate it.)
(Alright then…)
(... What’s with this ridiculously long line!?)
I made my way to the castle with my gift packed in my bag, only to find the plaza filled with people who were also there to celebrate Prince Kagari’s birthday.
(Swordsmen, nobles… even commoners. That's a lot of people.)
I almost immediately caught sight of the striking red hair at the front of the line. 
Looking at him from a distance, Prince Kagari wore a neutral expression as he continually accepted birthday greetings and gifts without pause. 
(He’s completely detached from everything going on and doesn't look happy at all.)
As I stood on my tiptoes to get a better view, his jade-green eyes met mine. 
(... Prince Kagari’s sensitive to being watched, so he probably noticed me.)
(My staring might've bothered him.) 
I averted my eyes and hid behind a nearby cherry blossom tree.
(Still, what should I do? It’s going to be hard to have a proper celebration with this many people around.)
(As much as I want to celebrate on the actual day of his birthday, I guess I’ll have to come back another day— huh?)
When I absentmindedly glanced back at the castle, Prince Kagari was nowhere in sight.
Standing in his place was his attendant, receiving the greetings and gifts from the people on behalf of the now missing yasha¹. 
¹ Kagari’s nickname is 紅玉夜叉 (kōgyoku yasha), which directly translates to “Kogyoku’s Yasha”. If you happen to play Genshin Impact, Yasha and Yaksha are the same thing; so like how Liyue has Xiao, Kogyoku has Kagari. For those who don’t play GI, think of Yasha/Yaksha as something like a… guardian deity? 
It was a strange sight to see. 
???: You’re wide open, Princess.
I turned around in response to the unexpected voice whispering into my ear, only to have my mouth covered by someone’s hand. 
I was pulled into the shade and my back hit the rough surface of a tree trunk.
Emma: Mmph…! 
(When did Prince Kagari get behind me…?) 
Despite my struggling, he easily pinned me against the tree trunk and brought his face dangerously close to mine. 
I thought my heart was going to stop.
Kagari: Do you promise to behave? 
He finally took his hand off my mouth when I nodded. 
However, our distance remained the same, I was still trapped by his hands pressed against the tree.
(I need to calm down.) 
(He’s probably just staying close so other people won’t notice us.)
I naturally lowered my voice to barely a whisper, careful not to let my breath touch him.
Emma: … What are you doing here, Prince Kagari?
Kagari: I saw you. 
Emma: You came to see me?
Kagari: You called me here. 
(Is that what it looked like to him?)
While I felt guilty, my heart tingled too. 
Kagari: If you were planning to join the line, don’t bother. 
Kagari: It won’t end till nightfall.
Emma: That long…?
Kagari: There’s a banquet tonight. That’ll go on till dawn. 
(They really go all out to celebrate this day. That’s Kogyoku’s yasha for you.) 
I was impressed, but Prince Kagari’s expression remained as stoic as ever.
He watched the seemingly endless line of people as though it had nothing to do with him. It was shockingly cold for someone whose birthday was being celebrated. 
(Perhaps Prince Kagari isn’t interested in birthday celebrations.)
(... What if he finds me a nuisance?)
Kagari: So, why are you here? 
I instinctively looked away.
Emma: … Um… there are so many people gathered, and I got curious…
(I can’t mention that I came to celebrate his birthday too.)
I hid the bag containing his gift behind my back.
Prince Kagari remained silent for a while.
The awkward silence made even the noise from the crowd at the plaza  sound distant. 
(Did he notice I’m hiding something?) 
However, instead of saying it outright, he grabbed my arm.
Kagari: Come with me, Princess.
Emma: W-wh—whoa…! Prince Kagari?
Before I could react, he silently yet forcefully led me toward the castle, while making sure to stay away from any prying eyes…
Prince Kagari shoved me inside a room and left a brief moment before coming back with a large basket from who knows where.
Kagari: First, put this on.
Emma: Is this… a hakama²
² 袴 (hakama) is a type of traditional Japanese pants. Initially, only the upper class wore it. But it was eventually also worn by warriors (e.g. samurai) in the Kamakura era. In modern day, it's being worn as a part of the Aikido uniform and also as a fashion piece (hakama inspired trousers). 
Kagari: Next, wrap this around your face.
Emma: A scarf?
Kagari: Lastly, wear this on your waist.
Emma: A sword…!? 
Kagari: Bun your hair up.
Emma: Umm… 
(Why are we suddenly doing dress-up time?)
When I tilted my head in confusion at the items handed to me one after another, Prince Kagari picked up the hakama and reached for my clothes. 
Kagari: If you don’t know how to put on a hakama, I’ll teach you. 
Emma: … It’s fine, I’ll manage it myself as much as possible! 
(I don’t really get what’s going on, but surely it won’t lead to anything bad—) 
(— Or so I thought. How did it come to this…) 
Ruffian: Who’s this?
Emma: I… I won’t take a single step beyond this point!
In a back alley away from crowds, I found myself face-to-face with a gang of intimidating men.
Pushing aside the suffocating feeling of fear I felt at the sight of the weapons hanging from their waists, I unsheathed the sword Prince Kagari had given me.
Ruffian: I don't know what's goin’ on, but looks like ya know who we are.
(... No. I have no idea who you people are at all.) 
Ruffian: Get her. 
With a vulgar laugh, the men drew their swords.
Unlike the imitation sword I was wielding, theirs were real — the blades gleaming menacingly.
Before one of their swords could hit me, the man at the front was suddenly knocked down by a shadow descending from above. 
Ruffian: What!?
Kagari: Poor thing. 
In the blink of an eye, the men were blown away along with their swords. 
They were slammed against the wall, their eyes rolling back as they fell unconscious.
Prince Kagari finished them off in seconds without even drawing his sword.
(No matter how many times I witness it, his strength is beyond ordinary.)
Kagari: That was easy. I hoped they’d at least be good enough for me to draw my sword.
(... I wonder how many people in Kogyoku are even capable of standing up to Prince Kagari.) 
When I snapped back to reality and attempted to sheath the imitation sword, Prince Kagari suddenly turned around and grabbed my hand. 
Kagari: Princess, you need to adjust the angle of your stance. 
Emma: I see… 
Kagari: Also, never hunch your back on a battlefield.
Emma: I never noticed I was doing that.
Kagari: Exactly. Even though you’re dressed like one of my subordinates, you’re weak.
Emma: … I’m sorry. 
(I wish you’d  cut this amateur some slack.)
(It’s not like I asked to help with a capture mission.) 
While still holding my hand, he placed a hand on my back. 
He applied force to straighten my posture, and despite his expressionless face, he seemed rather satisfied.
Cat: Nyaa…
Kagari: Ah, wait a minute.
(A cat?)
A cat appeared out of nowhere and started rubbing its face affectionately against Prince Kagari’s leg. 
He knelt down to gently stroke the cat before handing it a neatly folded piece of paper. 
The cat took the paper in its mouth and scurried off.
Emma: What was that…?
Kagari: Calico³ No.1
³ He calls the cat ミケ (mi-ke). I don’t know how exactly to call it in english, but there's a type of cat called 三毛猫 (mi-ke-ne-ko) which is what we know as a calico cat. I’m assuming that's the cat species here…? 
(What a peculiar name.)
Kagari: It often roams the streets. So if you ever need to contact me, you can count on it for that.
Emma: So instead of a carrier pigeon… you have a carrier cat.
Kagari: Yeah.
(What an impressive cat. I’ll be sure to remember it.)
Emma: About the paper you gave it earlier on…
Kagari: I summoned my subordinates. It’s a hassle to clean up this mess. 
Prince Kagari stood up while answering my question matter-of-factly and looked down at one of the men laying unconscious nearby. 
Kagari: This is a “gift” I receive on my birthday every year, amidst the celebrations. 
Kagari: I was looking forward to a more challenging opponent, but I got disappointed this year too.
(People send assassins after him on his birthday too?)
Prince Kagari was Kogyoku’s main warrior and the country’s trump card.
As long as the yasha exists, Kogyoku’s security is guaranteed. 
It wasn’t a surprise to know there were people who sought to demolish this iron wall of defense. 
(But I can’t believe they’d try something even on a day of celebration.)
Kagari: Princess.
Prince Kagari pressed his thumb against the space between my eyebrows.
(... I must’ve been frowning.)
Kagari: You’re still my subordinate.
Emma: Even though I’m weak?
Kagari: That makes it easier for them to attack.
Kagari: There’s no better bait than you. 
(If being with Prince Kagari can help him out…)
Emma: I’ll do my best as bait.
Townsman: Happy birthday, Prince Kagari! 
Townswoman: Every store in town is baking dorayaki today. In fact, there’s hardly any store that isn’t…! 
As soon as we stepped out onto the main street, Prince Kagari was immediately surrounded by the townspeople.
Kagari: … Oh. 
Despite the influx of greetings and gifts, his reaction was as indifferent as it was back at the castle.
(Everyone’s smiling so brightly and their words sound genuine. What’s with the contradicting attitude?) 
I strained my ears to pick up on what they were saying. 
Townsman: We have Prince Kagari to thank for our peaceful lives.
Townswoman: Please continue protecting us for a long time. We’ll do anything in exchange for that…!
(Ah, I get it now.)
(All of this is solely about pleasing Prince Kagari.)
(The peace in this country depends entirely on him, and so everyone celebrates him.)
(This kind of celebration is nothing unusual, but…)
Townswoman: Oh, right, Prince Kagari, did you receive any celebratory greetings and gifts from Emma?
I got startled by the sudden mention of my name.
Kagari: I haven't.
Townswoman: In that case, I’ll have to remind her again when I see her.
Townswoman: After all, having Emma celebrate your birthday would likely make you the happiest. 
As I came to know what the people were thinking, I finally understood the strange pressure I had been feeling — they wanted me to celebrate their yasha too. 
(... But I don’t think celebrations should be forced on people.) 
The emotion that swelled up within me was beyond frustration, it was heartbreaking.
(Earlier on, Prince Kagari showed no interest in his birthday, which made me hesitant to celebrate it…) 
(But now, I’ve decided that I want to give him a proper celebration… not one that's only meant to appease him.)
Emma: … Prince Kagari. 
I discreetly grabbed his hand to lead him away from the crowd as soon as possible. 
Townsman: By the way, Prince Kagari, I see you’re someone unfamiliar today.
Kagari: He’s a new subordinate of mine and a master swordsman. You all should be careful of him.
Kagari: Your heads will be easily sent flying off your shoulders if he draws his sword. 
The lie he told with a straight face worked perfectly.
Taking advantage of the people’s fear, I tugged at Prince Kagari’s hand and hurriedly pulled him away. 
After receiving a few more “gifts”, Prince Kagari finally went for the banquet as the sky grew dark. 
Kagari: I had some prior engagements today. 
As the day approached its end, the hustle and bustle gradually settled down. 
The night deepened. Under the light of the lanterns illuminating the street, I sat beneath a cherry blossom tree. 
I heard footsteps approaching me.
(... He really came.)
Prince Kagari sat close by in a spot next to me beneath the cherry blossom tree like it was the most natural thing to do.
Emma: Has the banquet ended?
Kagari: Not yet.
Emma: You managed to slip away.
Kagari: Your summon is more important. 
Cat: Nyaa
The approving meow came from Calico No.1, the cat Prince Kagari introduced to me earlier in the day.
It playfully brushed against his feet before wandering off after receiving gentle pets.
(I entrusted that little one with my letter. Looks like it was properly delivered to Prince Kagari.)
Kagari: You changed your clothes.
Emma: Yes, I wanted to meet you as my usual self. 
Emma: If I’m going to celebrate your birthday, I want to do it as the version of me you met in Kogyoku.  
Kagari: …
Emma: Happy birthday, Prince Kagari. 
Swallowing my slight nervousness, I held out the cherry blossom-patterned package I had hidden behind my back. 
His facial expression didn’t change as he accepted it.
However, he didn't refuse it either. 
Prince Kagari deftly unwrapped the package and quickly took out its contents.
Kagari: A book?
Emma: It’s a storybook from Rhodolite.
Emma: You’ve taught me many wonderful things about Kogyoku. 
Emma: It’s thrilling to discover new things about the world that I’ve never known before, so…
Emma: I chose this book because I want you to experience that thrill too. It’s one of my favourites. 
Emma: … And, if possible, I thought it might help convey Rhodolite’s charm too…
Kagari: The book is set in Rhodolite?
Emma: That’s right! It’s a collection of heartwarming short stories.
Emma: It’s the perfect remedy when you’re feeling worn out.
(Especially when peaceful moments are rare for Prince Kagari…)
(I want him to feel at ease, even if it’s only for a brief moment.)
Kagari: I almost forgot you’re a book merchant.
Kagari: You’re probably the only one who’d think of giving me a book. 
Prince Kagari took a curious look at the book’s cover and started flipping through the pages. 
He seemed interested as his eyes followed the text. 
(There was a chance he’d be uninterested in it, so I’m glad he didn't refuse the gift.)
Emma: … I’m relieved I could properly celebrate your birthday.
I let my guard down, and those words slipped my tongue before I could stop myself.
Kagari: You’re overthinking it. I’d never find it bothersome to be celebrated. 
(As expected, Prince Kagari saw right through my thoughts.)
Emma: But your detached reaction to all the greetings and gifts made me rather worried that you would. 
Kagari: … Did I come off that way?
He closed the book and lowered his jade-green eyes in a rare gesture. 
Kagari: It’s not that I dislike being celebrated, or that I’m uninterested in birthdays.
Kagari: It’s just… I still don’t know what I should be feeling when I’m being celebrated.
Kagari: It’s been a recent problem for me. 
(That’s surprising… I didn’t think his indifferent attitude was simply because he’s not used to being celebrated.)
Besides now knowing of this unexpectedly adorable side of the Yasha, there was another thing I realised.
(... “A recent problem”?
(Birthdays come every year, right? He wouldn’t call it a “recent problem” if it’s always bothered him every year…)
(Come to think of it, it’s indeed strange. As the Prince of Kogyoku, Prince Kagari should’ve had plenty of opportunities to be celebrated.)
(And yet, he’s not used to it…)
I hesitated to probe further, as I didn't want to disrespect his boundaries — and so I decided to keep my thoughts to myself. 
(... I’m still having some uncertain feelings about the way the townspeople celebrate him, but…) 
(As long as Prince Kagari doesn’t dislike it, I suppose there’s nothing for me to say.)
As our conversation came to an end, a gentle breeze blew, sending cherry blossom petals dancing in the air as they fell. 
Emma: It’s beautiful.
Turning away from Prince Kagari, I reached out toward the falling petals— 
Emma: Prince Kagari?
I blinked in surprise when he suddenly gripped my skirt tightly. 
Kagari: You’ve been thinking about my birthday all day long, and now you’re completely mesmerised by cherry blossoms? 
His tone sounded slightly sulky. 
Emma: Of course I’m still thinking about your birthday.
Emma: I just think that it looks as though the cherry blossoms are celebrating too… 
Kagari: Just you celebrating it is enough. Don’t look away.
(... He’s acting kind of like a spoiled child.)
Realising that this might be Prince Kagari’s way of trying his very best to express his desire, given his unfamiliarity with being celebrated, I couldn't help but smile.
Kagari: … What are you smiling about?
Emma: It’s nothing. 
While I tried to keep my expression composed, Prince Kagari’s puzzled expression softened.
It was the first smile I’d seen from him all day. 
(... He finally smiled.)
(Even if it’s only for this one moment, as long as good memories were made on his birthday, my efforts were worthwhile.)
Not wanting him to notice my racing heart, I turned my gaze back onto the cherry blossoms, but the wrinkles in the fabric of my skirt deepened as he tightened his grip.
Silence fell between us as the wind carried the sounds of ongoing festivities in the background.
Emma: … I planned to only give you your gift, but we ended up talking for quite a while.
Emma: Shouldn’t you return to the banquet soon, Prince Kagari?
Kagari: …
Kagari: Princess, don’t you want to keep the yasha all to yourself?
Emma: I think I’ve already monopolised you enough. 
Although I said that feeling remorseful, he didn't release his grip on my skirt. 
Kagari: … Stay here.
Emma: Then… I’ll take you up on the offer. 
When I nodded, Prince Kagari shifted himself to sit closer next to me. 
Our bodies touched, and the warmth seeped into my heart.
(He chose to stay by my side on such a special day.)
From the restless atmosphere, I somewhat got a sense of what he was expecting.
Emma: Can I continue celebrating your birthday for a little while longer? 
Kagari: Yeah. 
With the book in hand, Prince Kagari leaned against me. 
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Kagari: If you want to celebrate, do it. I can’t guarantee I’ll safely make it to my next birthday.
Emma: … I don’t like such jokes.
Kagari: I’m not joking. But rest assured that I want you to celebrate my birthday over and over again.
(If this is how he feels, I’ll have to make sure all of my celebrations leave a lasting impression on him.)
Like a cat seeking affection, I accepted his act of affection while disregarding my rapidly beating heart. 
— A few days later.
When I stepped out of the inn, a cat rubbed up against me.
(It’s Calico No.1.)
Today, the cat wore a tiny rucksack and looked up at me as though to say “open it”.
I opened up the rucksack to find a small, palm sized letter.
Upon unsealing it, a short slip of paper and a cherry blossom petal fell into my hand. 
“Thanks to the book you gave me, I won’t be bored for a while. Full marks for you, Princess.”
(He likes the book I gave him.)
(If I have the chance to celebrate his birthday again next year, maybe he’ll be a little more joyful when accepting the celebration.) 
(... I really hope that'll happen.)
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fueledbysano · 2 years ago
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you're his guilty pleasure, his wildest fantasies and dirty secret.
♱ content/warnings: MDNI. afab!reader, unprotected sex, implied m masturbation, sae being a simp for you
♱ a/n: I initially wrote for the other boys too but I got impatient so I'm posting this first 😋
♱ tags: @blueparadis @tokyometronetwork
♱ wc: 0.7k
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When he overheard from the guests that his favorite model was watching the match, Sae got distracted from his deep train of pre-game thoughts. His teammates were silenced in a heartbeat when Sae hastily got up from the bench and out of the locker room, visibly in a sense of urgency.
“Find [ Y / N ] [ L / N ]. And give her the best field side seat. I don’t care if they’re filled, find a way.” He instructed the men lined before him.
So when you were told that “Sae Itoshi got you a VIP seat.”, it was something you cannot decline. You came to support his team, but it was to your surprise that Sae even knew about your existence.
The game went smoothly and his team won by a landslide of goals. While you were shown on the big screen in between breaks and the hosts commenting on your presence, your favorite part of the game was sharing an eye contact or two with Sae. So once the game was over, you pulled every string you could to get a hold of the man. You just had to meet him.
“Miss [ Y / N ] [ L / N ] requests to meet you at the country club.” Although it would’ve been more convenient if his security didn’t blurt it out in the team’s locker room, Sae felt proud that he practically got asked out by one of today’s hottest models in front of the other guys.
“Damn, I guess you’re ditching our celebration for your reward?” Sendo banters. “Yeah, screw you, guys.” Sae flatly spoke before changing into casual clothing. “What happened to ‘I want nothing but to be the world’s best’?!”
Sae couldn’t believe it— he’s exactly the man he once mocked. Walking blocks in risk of being seen by fans and media, all to meet you. So as soon as he sees you by the bar counter, he makes his presence known with a gentle tap on your shoulder. You made sure to thank him for giving you a vip seat before buying drinks for each other. The place was cozy enough to keep you conversing, like the usual ‘getting to know’ lines. But this time, it was actually interesting to have a date with someone who was famous in a whole other industry.
However, the night fell darker, and more and more people started to recognize the two of you. So in a leap of faith, you invited Sae into a more private domicile.
“Nghmmh! Sae~ s’too big…” You could tell that your risk paid off when Sae practically had you fold in half on the bed; your legs lifted to his shoulders and his fat cock buried in full penetration inside you. “You deserve it, angel…” Sae weakly smiled in an airy breath, hindering himself from cumming too soon.
He’d thought about this very moment on several occasions, especially right from the first time he saw your voluptuous frame and beautiful face on the cover of Vogue. Sae was too overwhelmed with wild and filthy thoughts when he’s practically living a lot of men’s wildest fantasies. “Pretty princess~” Sae spoke in between kisses on the surface of your cleavage. “Just as perfect as I imagined~”
Your grip on his biceps tightened when Sae’s fingers started tracing over your curves. “D-don’t stop, please, Sae…” You suggestively bit your lip before taking his hand up to your lips and sucking on his thumb whilst keeping hot eye contact. Sae almost came from the gesture, but instead, you felt him rut his hips harshly into yours, your toes curling in an instant as his tip kissed your cervix
Sae had you moaning his name again and again, just as much as you made him moan and jerk to your magazine bikini photos.
Sae was strong and skillful in his movements. He left no inch of you unattended. Not when he had one hand grabbing your breast like his personal stress ball, his thumb circling your clit in eight figures, and his lips practically making out with your thigh all while pushing his length to the deepest ends of your tight cunt.
Sae Itoshi had just officially made himself the best hookup of your life.
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insomniac4000 · 10 months ago
Heyyy could you please write something with Chris where he teaches y/n how to play football and it turns out she’s actually pretty good at it… thanks :)
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Hope you like it!!
Chris MD- Full of surprises
You and Chris had only been dating for four months and things had been going really well. You had met his friends but had yet to appear on camera, it was by choice from both of you. You had a normal job as a veterinary nurse so were weary of the limelight and Chris cautious after his last relationship. The jokes about his dating life on camera had stopped however so some people assumed Chris was off the market but they would have a hard time finding you. The two of you had met at an Arsenal game, your brother was meant to go with his friend but he got food poisoning so you were asked instead. It wasn’t the most romantic story meeting your boyfriend while queuing for the toilets at an Arsenal match but stranger things had happened in the world. He was sweet, cracked a few jokes and you were like putty in his hand. He, well he couldn’t believe he had found someone as beautiful as you at an Arsenal match, the fact you supported the same team well, it was love at first sight.
Your first proper date you went for drinks and you saw his face fall slightly when you explained you had been dragged to the game by your older brother and would much rather spend the time going out with your friends or hanging out with your dog but his face switched to a look of determination before saying
“I will get you taking penalties by the end of the year.” You just laughed a response, he had no idea.
One of the things that surprised you about Chris was although he loved football and it was a huge part of his life and mainly his career, he wasn’t as obsessed with it as you initially thought he would be, he had a bunch of other interests many of which aligned up with yours. He was an outdoorsy person and loved nothing more than going for a walk with you and your dog, a four year old keeshond called Sven. You both loved food and rotated between going out to eat and cooking at home. Being a vet often your dates at Chris’s were interrupted by a certain Mr Arthur TV who loved to chat animal facts with you. Being a busy person with a relatively stressful job one of the ways you liked to escape from the world was watching trash TV, one of your interests Chris just could not get on board with but he loved a cuddle so he relented and sat on his phone grumbling while you watched Married at First Sight Australia.
“I think it’s only fair that if I have to sit through this shit you have to try and do some free kicks,” Chris groaned, it wasn’t even British why were you so invested in this?
“I guess it’s only fair,” you sighed but tried to hide the small smirk which started to creep up on your face.
“We’re doing a very small shoot next Wednesday, we can have a play around then?” Chris suggested knowing you had the Wednesday off as you instead worked one Saturday a month in your vet’s office.
“Okay. What should I wear?” You asked all innocently knowing that in the bottom of your wardrobe tucked away were a pair of old football boots, although you could buy new ones for the occasion.
Due to the private nature of your relationship you had only attended two of his video shoots, when Chris filmed videos the set up tended to be about five different cameras at different angles so it was hard for you to stay out of shot, also ChrisMD shoots tended to be long, very long. Today was different however, he was only shooting some adverts which gave him and you plenty of time to mess around once he was done.
“So we’re going to start off just with some penalties and then with some free kicks, there is a difference then we’re going to get the ball launcher out and see what we do there, maybe add in some bicycle kicks you know see how we go,” Chris explained and you giggled, partly because he had no idea what he had let himself in for and partly because of the way he just spoke.
“You went straight into video mode there with your little speech,” you teased noticing how he was explaining to you how he would explain to any of the boys in his quite rushed tone.
“I can’t help it. Do you know the difference between a penalty and a free kick?” He asked as he picked up one of the balls and started to slowly roll it around in his hands.
“There’s a difference?” You asked putting on as much of an innocent act as you could muster, running your hair through your ponytail. Chris sighed and started to explain things as you say and nodded, shuffling your new football boots on the grass trying to act all coy.
“Okay, let’s try a few shots on target first and then I’ll go in goal,” Chris offered as he handed you the ball.
“Okay, I can do this,” you said to yourself as you placed the ball on the spot where Chris was pointing. You drew a deep breath before exhaling sharply taking four long strides back. You glanced at the ball, the goal then the ball again before striding forward quickly, hitting the ball with your right foot and watching as it flew straight into the top right hand corner of the net. You looked at Chris who stood there with agape.
“Isn’t that what you call top bins?” You giggled as Chris just nodded, he couldn’t find any words to express how proud or surprised he was.
“Let’s check it wasn’t a fluke,” he finally responded as he retrieved the ball and handed to you once again. You went through the same routine, placing it on the spot and taking a few steps back before running and this time flicking it with your weak foot and watching it smash into the back of the net once again.
“Ah… how???” Chris asked in shock as you picked up another ball and started to do keepy uppies.
“I used to play,” you shrugged now holding the ball, Chris furrowed his eyebrow in confused.
“But when we met you said you didn’t want to go to the football.”
“I didn’t. I’d much rather do other things but that doesn’t change the fact I used to play from the age of six up until the age of fifteen,” you finally explained coming clean. Chris smirked, picked up the football gloves from the ground as he started to stamp towards the goal.
“Oh now it’s war your l/n,” Chris teased as he started to stretch from the goal line.
“Bring it on Dixon.”
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cheriladycl01 · 1 year ago
The Rookie Prodigy - Carlos Sainz x Driver! Reader Part 5
Plot: You are a rookie coming into the 2022 season of Formula One into Alfa Romeo with team member Zhou Guanyu, being in a mid tier team can you help them rise up the ranks. What pressures occur for the only rookies within the 2022 line up!
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As said in your interviews you did spend the time in the break working on your fitness. You and Zhou stayed in Switzerland the whole time, you both were in the gym pretty much everyday.
You guys watched as your team made core improvements to the car, using lots from the Ferrari currently on the grid. You knew the car would be quicker for Italy and you were excited to race there as it was a track your car would do well in.
You didn't think much about what happened with Carlos either, because why would you. It was a heat of the moment thing where there was an obvious attraction to Carlos, he had the hair, the puppy dog eyes, those soft muscles and the accent. The accent was the thing that really got you.
You'd worked too hard to get to where you are now and you weren't going to risk neither your job, nor your reputation for a guy. Regardless of how insanely attractive you found him.
The break between your last race in Australia until IMOLA felt very short despite it being a two weekend gap. Your mind was extremely clear and you were ready for this weekend.
You and Zhou flew to Italy from Switzerland and went right to the track. You both messed around for the whole of media day to the point where people couldn't actually find you both.
You were causing chaos round the paddock, running up and down the strip seeing who could do it the quickest or seeing who could sneak into a different teams hospitality and take a snack.
When media did find you, both you and Zhou couldn't stop laughing at everything the both of you were saying. Sometime's you'd say a joke to him in Chinese which obviously had the two of you screaming of laughter while the team and presenters awkwardly tried to work out what was so funny.
You eventually answered the racing related questions which everyone especially your PR managers were happy for even though you couldn't tell them about any of the improvements on the car. Just that you felt like this would be an more interesting race putting you into the higher mid field than you were right now.
Race day came so soon, and after being told to attempt to sand bag a little in FP1 coming 11 overall. You ended up qualifying 8th overall, which wasn't what you or you team were looking for but after running into some last minute car issues you just weren't there.
Saturday was awful, because of those car issues you didn't actually manage to get out for FP2 and went straight into the Sprint race. Luckily you were in points position coming in P7.
When it came to the race your car was fully ready and so were you. Zhou however had the opposite of you, where he had to have work done on his car when in Parc-Ferme conditions so he had to start from the pit lane.
You'd managed some immense overtakes throughout the race and you managed to come P4. It was your highest position yet and your race engineer couldn't be happier with you.
"Amazing race Y/N, guessing you had changes to the car after Australia and well, we really got to see your driving abilities up there today. You know considering that was a mid-field car, you really really showed us what you are made off!" the interviewer offers.
"Yeah it was a fantastic drive, just shy of a podium. Lando, was driving extremely well and defended from me until the end and I cant congratulate him more for that podium. Is it okay if i call this short, I want to be there to support my friend!" you smile, looking at the time next to the clock by the interviewing knowing the podium would be soon.
"Yes, yes of course!" she shoos you away, making comments on how you have some of the purest and kindest relationships on the grid.
You ran up to where all the Mclaren and Red Bull workers stood. You waited off to the back waiting for Max, Sergio and Lando to come out.
"Hey, we haven't spoken for a while" a voice says behind you making you jump a little.
"Lewis?" you ask in shock, looking around to see if anyone else was here from Mercedes but he seemed to be alone.
"Yes, Y/N?" he asks looking directly at you.
"What are, what are you doing here?" you ask.
"Just watching the celebrations. Well done on the race today, you did amazing!" he compliments making a light blush come across your cheeks.
"Thank you, I er, would say the same for you but today was a kind of shit show for you!" you smile softly.
"Yeah, the car had no pace at all. I'll come back next week in Miami!" he smiles rubbing your shoulder. After a minute of silence he starts the conversation up again.
"I haven't really spoken to you for a while, what's been going on?" he asks titling his head to the side.
"I've just been focused on getting better, I-" you say about to mention Carlos but decide against it.
"You what?" he pushes looking over at you.
"Ceremony is starting, shhhhh!" you smile putting a finger up to your lip and cheer loudly as Lando comes out onto stage. Your jumping up and down, making him laugh and shake his head. All the McLaren workers turn to look at whoever was celebrating more than them, laughing when they see you.
"Of course it's her!" one of them jokes, before turning back as Sergio walks out shortly followed making the whole of the Red Bull Team go wild.
You stand there respectfully as the Deutsch National Anthem starts to play. Once it ends and everyone starts to leave where they are you turn to Lewis.
"Did you want to go out in Miami, I know this amazing Vegan restaurant and I think your personal trainer will be happy with what they serve there" he offers and you think about it for a few seconds.
I mean, Carlos literally cornered you and kissed you, but Lewis he was just asking you to dinner as friends before the next race.
"Yeah sure, I'd like that. I don't have any friends in Florida. So having one will be nice!" you smile, before your PR manager comes up to you explaining that you need to go to the race debriefing.
You and Lewis had of course been photographed in the paddock together and loads of media accounts had gotten a hold of it.
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Carlos had seen these posts, some of them particularly the tweets suggesting that you were both flirting and other posts suggesting that you watched the podium together.
He was shocked at first, he was angry that you would reject him the way you did and then say yes to Lewis.
But after he had some time to cool down and realize what had actually occurred, he came to the conclusion that these posts were the exact reason you couldn't be in a relationship with him. Everyone was always up in your business and it meant that whatever you were doing outside of driving they would use to critique your skills.
You probably had just bumped into Lewis at the podium ceremony and that picture was taken at the perfect time for the media to stir ridiculous stories about Lewis asking you out on a date in Miami to a Vegan restaurant.
He understood why you said what you said, now seeing how easily picked apart your life was. But he wanted to change that, he wanted to be able to be with you without all this animosity.
But how the Miami weekend would change things Carlos or yourself wasn't prepared for.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313
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seastarblue · 2 months ago
Writemas Day Nineteen!
ft ice skating, the Duo Ever (Kai n Fel as like 17 year olds) and glamour wearing off! yay!
the prompts for today!
the ones I used:
setting: festival (a little one 😌)
feeling: the bite of icy air
“He lost himself in the moment, he lost all thoughts of logic, of warning, of danger, and let himself be, living only for the moment.” (But like. Heavily edited. Which is on par for how I’ve been doing these 😭)
“Ah, c’mon, Kaids,” Felix called behind him. “We’re gonna be late!”
“I’m coming, wait!” Kaiden replied, shrugging a light shawl over her shoulders. The days in the capital had gotten colder, and while they were never freezing like in Daeryn, Kaiden still felt chilly. Snow fluttered down onto the streets, light and gentle, and never overbearing.
The snow wouldn’t stop the little festival from happening, however. Crossing over many, many bridges, and climbing many, many ladders, the two teens eventually made their way to one of the city plazas. Kaiden had never been to this specific one; it was far from the trainee housing, and she really had no need to stray far from it. Felix had convinced her to come along, saying something about a surprise he had to show her. The strange boy was always full of surprises, Kaiden knew. Most of which were naught but harmless fun.
The plazas were normally beautiful, being the centerpieces of the Vespar, but this one was simply magnificent—the decor was sparse, yet tasteful, the snow adding a gentle ambiance to the area. Kaiden filled with warmth at the familiar sight. She’d never been here before, but it reminded her of Daeryn, with its simplistic style and homely charm.
What caught Kaiden’s attention was the giant circular ice… thing nestled in the center. A simple railing lined its edges, where some people were fastening their shoes, and on the actual circle people glided along the ice, graceful as birds.
“So?” Felix asked, bouncing from foot to foot. His dark brown eyes sparkled with excitement, much like a mirror to Kaiden’s own.
“What are they doing…?”
“It’s called ice skating! This,” he replied, sweeping a hand over the skaters, “is the rink!”
“Yeah, they came up with them a few years back. People just liked them enough, I guess.” he explained. “But the winter’s not cold enough in the rest of Vespar to keep the ice solid. That’s why Liaba has the only rink!”
Kaiden shivered a bit, courtesy of the frigid winds that blew behind her. It was cold, she agreed. Though perhaps it was because of the sheer height of the mountain, much higher than the rest of the city. She glanced to her right, the small sign reading ‘Liaba Ridge’. Now she had a name to put to the place.
“Well… let’s get going?” she asked. She had to admit, she felt like a giddy schoolgirl at the prospect of ice skating.
Felix only smiled and pulled her along.
“…let me go over this again. You need to—ACK KAI NO!”
Kaiden fell flat on her backside. For the sixth time. She felt sore. And slightly paranoid, what with the literal blades strapped to her shoes.
Felix sighed. “You gotta let yourself move forward, Kaids.” He helped her up, got her hand on the railing, and pushed off to give her a demonstration.
He was graceful as ever, sailing across the ice in a simple straight line. After a few moments, he turned around again and emphasized his movements, shouting so that Kaiden could hear him. “See, it’s push, then glide, then push, then glide. Easy!”
Kaiden was skeptical, but she decided to let him return to her before she started her own push-glides. She started, steady and slow, with Felix standing near her for moral support.
She repeated Felix’s advice like a mantra. ‘Push, glide, push, glide…’ All was well, for a few moments. Then Kaiden slipped and fell for the seventh time.
She stayed seated on the ice, a small frown plastered on her face. “Felix, I don’t think I’m going to get this down anytime soon.”
“Aw, no, you’ll get it soon enough! These things take time, yknow?” He crouched down next to her, patting her shoulder. “You should have seen me a few years back, I was awful…” he made a face, greatly exaggerated, to try and cheer her up.
Kaiden’s face softened, but she still wasn’t convinced. “I think I’ll take a break. Over there.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Have your fun, Fel.” She got up, accidentally pressing Felix’s back in pursuit of a support. He winced.
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s alright.” He led—or rather pushed and pulled—her to the railing. She leaned back on it, and off Felix went.
The ice near them was completely empty, the other skaters opting to stay on the other side of the rink, away from the stumbling newbie. So, instead of people-watching, Kaiden opted to Felix-watch.
As she observed, Felix’s movements became more loose, his expression softer, somehow. He never once seemed upset with her, during all their outings, but now he seemed… at peace. More serene. She liked it. But, at the same time, she wondered why he felt calmer now.
As he skated, he seemed to lose himself in the moment. Like nothing mattered. Not danger—as if there was any—not logic, nor the world around him. Just him, the ice, and the icy air biting at the residents of the rink.
Then, something changed. Felix himself changed. His jacket, originally covering his back, morphed away to reveal a diamond-shaped cutout, and from it emerged silvery insect wings. They glittered, mirroring the ice underneath him, and it took her breath away.
The moment shattered when his eyes—now a pale grey—met her star-struck ones, and he looked positively horrified.
guys I promise it’s a chill one trust me
General Writing Taglist! Lemme know if you’d like on via dm!
@bunnymermaidwrites @abiteofhoney @aalinaaaaaa @vesanal @cepheusgalaxy
@fifis-corner @urnumber1star @thebookishkiwi @sunflowerrosy @theink-stainedfolk
@threedaysgross @mundanemoongirl @satohqbanana @bamber344 @imonthemoonitsmadeofcheese
@viridis-icithus @cc-writes-stuff @anothersummerofsleep @sharkblizzardblogs
@verdant-mainframe @kittrrrr @ruvastuon @agirlandherquill (<- the host!) @annothersummerofsleep
@nczaversnick @zerotothex @oliolioxenfreewrites
yay I hope yall enjoyed :>
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brairslair · 1 year ago
FEEL BETTER? ˗ˏˋ P.B.P ´ˎ˗
“all you have to do is ask”
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confident!peter parker x shy!gf!reader
REQUESTED: no requests are open! fandoms: marvel, stranger things, harry potter (any era), scream
WARNINGS: fem reader, shit writing, established relationship, peter and reader are implied to be in college/uni, SMUT (18+), very little plot tbh, heavy praise kink, softdom!peter vibes, fingering (f!rec), very light nipple play, SUPER slight dacryphilia if u squint, peter is talkative, not proofread and written instead of sleeping, lmk if i missed smth!
A/N: is it 8am? yeah. did i just spend the last two hours writing this mess? also yeah. enjoy!
ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE 18+ remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing!
Six hours. That’s how long it’s been since you showed up at Peter’s front door. Six hours spent right next to him, talking to him, touching him, and yet you still find yourself longing for more. Even now as you sit between his legs, back to his chest, his hands kindly twisting at your hair, your thoughts have you squirming in your seat.
The two of you had set up this study date a few days back, anticipating the opportunity to spend time together (without sacrificing your grades). Unfortunately, you were having a hard time focusing on schoolwork.
No matter how much you tried to focus on your paper, you couldn’t stop your mind, and your eyes, from wandering. You caught yourself staring at how pretty his hands looked as he hurriedly wrote down equations, admiring how cute he looked sitting crisscross in his plaid pajama pants and science pun t-shirt, how his voice sounded just slightly deeper when he was concentrating, or how soft his lips look right now. You actually thought you were going to lose it when the praise “Good job, babe. This looks perfect!” fell casually from his lips while reading your completed assignment, sealing it with a kiss to your temple.
You felt like you were going insane, but the thing is, so was Peter. You hadn’t seen each other for nearly three weeks prior to this study date, outside of passing in the halls or a quick call before bed. Between you trying to prepare for a major presentation coming up and Peter’s multitude of responsibilities, neither of you had much energy, let alone time, left to spend on anything else.
Of course, you love everything about Peter, unconditionally. That includes his web-slinging alter ego. However, it can get a little frustrating having to go weeks on end without being able to hold a conversation with him. Especially when all people talk about is the amazing spider-man, listening to girls fawn over your boyfriend for hours a day, and feeling just as fangirl-ish. You found yourself daydreaming about him to pass the time, acting like a schoolgirl with a hopeless crush.
Seeing him again after so long with so little contact is like a wake up call for your senses. You'd been so buried in your studies that you didn’t even realize just how much you missed him until you knocked on his front door.
- “Are you okay?”
Your thoughts dissolve as Peter draws your attention back to the present. When you snap back to reality, you’re immediately reminded of what caused the spiral of daydreams to begin with. You can feel the warmth of his body behind yours, the contour of his toned chest pressing against your back. You feel your whole body heat up.
“Mhm, I’m great!” you squeak out, internally wincing at the shakiness in your voice. Your usually bright and vibrant tone is completely gone, replaced with something resembling more of a whisper than anything else.
Safe to say, Peter isn’t buying it.
His best guess is that you’re upset about something that happened today. Maybe stressed about the presentation you have coming up. He knows it sometimes takes you a while to open up, so for now, he decides to let it go. In an attempt to settle your mind, he slides a hand down your arm to lace his fingers through yours.
Unfortunately, it does the exact opposite. The innocent action leaves a trail of goosebumps behind and makes your breathing pattern pick up ever so slightly. You can only hope that Peter doesn't notice.
He does.
“Are you cold?”
You shake your head, taking deep breaths to steady yourself. “No, I’m alright.” Loosely translated, means I actually feel like I’m burning from the inside out.
“Do you not like the movie? We can change it if you want to watch something else.” he offers sweetly, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. “You’ve been all spacey for the past half an hour.”
Your breath hitches, feeling like you’ve been caught red handed. Of course he would notice. He may be a little oblivious sometimes, but when it comes down to it, Peter knows you better than you know yourself.
“The movie’s fine.” You struggle a bit to formulate a response, feeling your whole body heat up like a furnace. To evade the silence, you stutter out a weak, “I was just… thinking?”
You immediately want to light yourself on fire, deciding the silence would have been better.
“Thinking about what?” he asks. Not prying, just curious. “Must be something pretty important. Your heart is beating a mile a minute.” He softly laughs at his own words, causing you to shrink into yourself. He’s not laughing at you, but it definitely feels that way.
You fidget with Peter’s fingers in your palm, eyes locking on the movie as nerves wrack through your body. “It’s nothing.” You speak so quietly, he’s thankful for his enhanced hearing.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.” you can practically hear the concerned furrow in his brow as he brings your still interlaced hands to his lips, leaving feather-light kisses to each knuckle. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
His patient and caring nature never fails to make you fall more and more in love with him, if that’s even possible.
Then, as if you weren’t enough of a mess, what really does it is when Peter leaves the faintest kiss to the base of your neck. A gesture meant to signal patience and understanding towards your “anxiety” only causes your thighs to squeeze together against your will, and before you can think enough to stop it, an airy, barely audible whine escapes the back of your throat, so soft it could pass as a sigh to the average ear.
Nothing about Peter is average.
He stills against your skin, causing your eyes snap open in horror as the realization hits you. Manicured hands immediately cover your face to shield you from the embarrassment.
They don’t stay long as Peter wastes no time in reaching up to gently pry your hands away. You feel like you could burst into tears at any moment from the sheer shame and frustration.
“Hey, hey-”, he holds both hands gently, rubbing sweet circles to soothe you, “No need to be embarrassed. You can talk to me.”
You don’t move your gaze from your lap.
“Come on, beautiful. Look at me.” He asks so gently that you comply before you can even think otherwise. His eyes are soft and kind, looking at you with all the love in the world. He makes you feel safe.
“Is that what you’ve been thinking about? Hm?”
You blink up at him owlishly, feeling like there would be a question mark floating over your head if you looked up.
“That’s why you were all spacey? You were thinking about me…” he leans his head down, lips grazing your collarbone, “kissing you?”
Your breath catches.
"Or, maybe..." your eyes are glued as he moves his hand from your hold, delicately trailing it down your stomach, past your hip, and slowly down to the inside of your thigh. So close to where you’ve needed him for the past three weeks. “-you were thinking about me touching you?”
Your heart rate picks up by a tenfold, and Peter can hear it hammering in your chest.
Waiting for a response, he’s met with nothing but your heavy breathing. He carefully digs his fingertips into the doughy flesh of your thigh. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to touch you?”
Another airy whimper tumbles from your lips, reluctantly nodding in response to his questions, needing him too badly to care about the shame you feel at your neediness.
Peter smiles, rewarding your response by trailing his sweet kisses up your neck, taking his time to feel you shiver under his touch. His warm lips finally reach the shell of your ear.
“All you have to do is ask.”
He resumes his attack on your neck, now bolder in his movements as he licks and bites and sucks at your skin, trying to find the spot that makes your eyes flutter shut.
Caught up in the feeling of his warm mouth against your skin, you don’t even notice as he hooks your ankles over his, slowly spreading your legs wider and wider, until your skirt rides up your legs.
Peter smiles against your skin when a shaky sigh reaches his ears, your hips bucking up in sync. He’s found it. Peter focuses all of his attention on that spot, nipping and sucking at it until you’re sure he’s going to leave a mark. The hand on your thigh squeezes gently every time you move your hips, and you have to chew on your lip to stop the mortifyingly desperate sounds from spilling out.
“Is this what you had in mind, baby?” the words rumble against your skin, sending a chill down your spine, “Is this what you needed?”
Your hips buck again at that, pouting with the hope that he takes the hint. You feel your body melt into him when his tongue darts out to soothe the fresh mark he’s left on your neck.
Of course, he does get the hint, but there’s no way he’s letting you off the hook that easily.
He inches his hand higher and higher up your thigh, slipping underneath the pretty little skirt he had bought for you as a gift a few months ago. You tense in anticipation.
“What is it?” amusement evident in his tone as he asks you. He loves that he gets to be the one that makes you this needy. “Come on, baby. Tell me.”
You almost sob in frustration, not wanting to say it out loud, but the ache between your legs is becoming unbearable.
His hand barely brushes against your panties, making your chest tighten as you suppress the urge to grind into it.
“Tell me what you need me to do.”
You can’t handle it any longer.
“Please!” You all-but shout, free hand grabbing at his arm, “Please touch me, Pete!” You cry out, already sounding wrecked and he hadn’t even really done anything yet.
Peter beams at how vocal he had gotten you, leaning his head further down to meet your lips for the first time since you got here all those hours ago. It felt like drinking water after being stranded in a desert for days. You missed the way his lips felt. The way they tasted. You crave more.
Then, he mutters two words against your lips that manage to make your hazy brain short circuit.
“Good girl.”
Your groans are pathetic, being swallowed by Peter’s tongue as he rocks his palm against you through your pretty pink panties.
He can’t help but laugh a little, giddy at the sounds spilling out of you at even the lightest touch of his hand.
“Is that better?” he asks, breaking away for air. “This what you've been daydreamin' about?” He already knows what you really want, he always does, but he wants to hear you say it one more time. Just one more confirmation and he’ll give you anything you need.
Now that your mind is so clouded with pleasure, you don’t give it a second thought. “More-” you can’t barely get out a sentence between mewls, “Please, Peter, I need more-”
Before you can say another word, he’s pushing your underwear aside. Your head falls limp against Peter’s shoulder as he gathers your slick, dragging it up to finally circle your puffy clit.
Without his mouth to drown them out, your moans flow freely from you, drowning out the long-forgotten movie playing in the distance. Peter goes back to kissing your neck, deciding to mark every area of your skin that he can reach.
“I’m sorry, baby.” he soothes, nipping at the skin right under your jaw, his own heartbeat jumping at every noise he pulls from you, “Bet you’ve been achey all day, huh?”
You nod your head, barely registering his words as pleasure rolls through your body.
He lets out an almost mocking “Aww, honey…” as you buck your hips against his fingers, “Been so patient for me, huh? Waiting all day for me to make you feel good?”
“Mhm” mixed with your pants, words tumble from your mouth without a single thought to how eager you sound, “Feels so- ohhh… sososo good-”
All you can think about is the way Peters rough fingertips feel absolutely euphoric as he swirls and flicks at your clit, and how his lips sear every inch of your skin, and how his scent and his warmth consumes and takes over every thought floating around in your blissed-out head.
“You sound so pretty-” he peppers hot kisses across your shoulder, “Making so many pretty sounds…”
Peter bends his legs a little, which in turn, bends yours. The move spreads you out just a little bit more, but its enough to send little shockwaves of pleasure through you, making you jolt and gasp at the feeling.
Peter loves the way you look when you get like this. Skin sticky with heat, eyes screwed shut, mouth hanging open in bliss. He thinks you looks like a goddess.
Your moans start to sound more and more like a plea, hips grinding against Peter’s fingers subconsciously as you feel the heat slowly taking over. You need more.
“Peter, pleaseee-“
“Shh, It’s okay.” his fingers glide down to your entrance, coating themselves with slick, “I’ve got you, pretty girl.”
Your eyes practically roll into your skull as he slips two fingers inside of you with ease. The stretch feels incredible, and you can’t help but squeeze the hand that's still holding yours, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Oh my god-“
Peter kisses back up until he reaches your lips again, grinning as you can barely reciprocate. The gentle nature of his kiss makes your head spin and your core clench around his fingers.
“Doing so good for me, sweetheart.”
You feel your lashes begin to collect tears at the overwhelming feeling pulsing through you. This has been building up for weeks.
“Always so good for me.”
Achey little noises spill from your lips onto Peter’s, breathing labored and heaving as the only thought filling your head is Peter Peter Peter.
Then suddenly your mind goes completely blank, gasping back a choked moan as your body goes limp, jaw slacking against Peter’s deep kisses. Your whole body feels like it's buzzing with electricity, and your head feels static in the most amazing way.
Peter pulls back for a moment to watch your face scrunch up in ecstasy, as he rubs against your spot over and over and over again. “There she is.” he coos, admittedly a little proud of himself, and you’re too fucked out to pick up on the mocking tone. He watches in awe as you start to fall apart.
“Takin’ my fingers so well, baby.”
You start to clench tighter around him, using your free hand to grip his wrist like a vice. Peter goes back to kissing your open mouth, sucking and nipping at your bottom lip as you pulse and twitch under his touch.
Panting turns back into whimpers which turns into tears as Peter massages your walls just right, hitting all the right places and stretching you out sooo perfectly.
You can feel pressure building up rapidly in your stomach, back arching up as your body starts to shake from the intensity. Peter shifts so he can watch the way your hips chase his fingers and your chest heaves for air.
“You’re so close, sweetheart. You can do it.” he praises, coaxing you closer and closer to the edge, “Almost there-“
The knot keeps winding tighter and tighter, and whiny begs and pleads start to pour out of you. Lots of “Oh my god, Pete“ or “Please” and “So good-“
Hand over yours, Peter glides your intertwined hands up your body and over your arched ribcage. He slides your hands under your his t-shirt, using his thumb to push your smaller one back and forth over your peak, a long chant of mumbled Peter’s tumble from your kiss-bitten lips.
“I know, baby, I know.” he consoles you, copying the pouty tone of your voice, “Just feels too good, huh?”
You nod your head frantically, still not catching onto the the tease, only caring about chasing your release.
He presses his lips to your ear, “Waited so long for this, honey. You deserve to feel good.”
He pumps his fingers a little bit faster.
“Gonna make you feel so good-“
You start to grind your hips up again, gasping when his palm rubs against your clit with each thrust.
“Pete-” the knot is getting tighter, “Oh my god, Peter- I’m…“ and tighter, “I’m gonna-”
“Let go for me, babe.”
Thats all you needed for your vision to go white hot, mouth falling open with a silent scream as stars dance behind your eyelids.
“There ya go”
“Just like that, pretty girl”
“Let it all out, baby”
He peppers kisses on your burning skin and slows his movements as he works you through your high. As you come down from it, your body goes limp on top of him, a lazy smile stretching on your lips. Peter can’t help but smile too, chest swelling in satisfaction that he was the one who put that smile on your face.
You wince a little as he slowly pulls his fingers from your core, eyes following as he brings them up to his lips to clean them off.
“Feel better?” this time you can definitely hear the cockiness in his tone, smacking him weakly on the arm. “Shut up.”
You turn around just enough to kiss him. This time, it’s slow, and careful, and loving, and you have to pull away and bury your face in his chest to hide the lovesick look in your eyes. Both of you burst out giggling, and Peter can't stop himself from wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you as close as possible. He’s missed you more than you could possibly ever know.
As relaxation coats you like a warm, fuzzy blanket, you shift your weight to get comfortable.
“Ah, don’t-“
Peter squeezes his eyes shut, hissing at the sudden pressure and gripping your hips to keep you still. “Can't do that...”
Now it’s his turn to get flustered.
His face goes beet red as you jump up in confusion. When you look down, you notice a painful looking bulge in his jeans. Your stomach twists with the knowledge that you did that to him.
You weren’t the only one who’s been touch deprived.
“Oh! Sorry…” you giggle a little at the accidental stimulation, looking back up at Peter with a playful smile of your own. “Your turn!”
part 2??
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haru-natsuka · 2 years ago
Eccentric Party Night (Rei Sakuma x Reader)
I know most of the stories I post are about Twisted Wonderland but in truth I used to love Ensemble Star a lot and even watched their anime and searched about their story further as it is actually based on a game. I have always been in denial that Ensemble Star will post a MV for Eccentric Five as the unit just produces a song and their unit is actually no longer around after the bad things Eichi had done to them. But, guess what guyssss! Ensemble Star recently did post the Eccentric Five MV and I cried in happiness. Now, their happy faces are even stuck in my head and the only remedy for this is for me to write a story about them. As my all time favourite is Rei so I would write a story specific for him.
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It was not a shock anymore how talented Yumenosaki students actually were. Their talent was beyond reach as every student held a unique skill that only they could master. You would never stop to be amazed every time you see them perform since the first time Rei showed you their live concerts. It was truly remarkable to watch and at that time you felt the urge to fly back to Japan and witness all of it with your own pair of eyes instead of watching them just on a flat screen. 
'Rei, please bring me there when we go back to Japan. You better promise me'
'This beautiful lady seems excited hmm?'
As some misfortunes happened, Rei needed to go back to Japan first and left you here abroad so you can continue to help with Rei's task in resolving conflicts in Yumenosaki's sister schools. After one year of having a long distance relationship, you managed to return back to Japan and met with Rei again. However, Rei was not the same as the last time you saw him. You actually did notice the change in his demeanour when both of you were talking and texting but you never raised the question to him. You assumed he was being fine as this was Rei we were talking about. The very person everyone is seeking help from because of his skills in solving every problem. You never knew the damage Eichi had caused on him, how Keito used him did truly change your man.
You felt guilty to not really help him during his low so when you enrolled as one of the producers in Yumenosaki Academy, you did all your best to support him and all of the ex-members of Eccentric Five which your boyfriend treasured so much although it no longer exists. You knew the reason behind one of the top units suddenly disbanding as Rei did tell you what happened.
You did not know how but after today you did believe in a miracle. The Eccentric Five showed back on the stage performing their one and only song Eccentric Part Night. Their members shone as what they used to be. No it was brighter today as you could see everyone jumping around and actually giving their best on the stage. Even your old man who used to not really do his best to move around a stage was jumping with Shu. You could see the happiness radiating from their faces. The true brotherhood they held on after all of these years.
All the hardships they went through had flashed in your mind which felt more like a nightmare than reality. The corner of your lips quivered as you tried to control yourself from sobbing while everyone was enjoying the show excitedly. Everyone was ecstatic with their performance but here you were rubbing all the tears that kept on pouring out of your eyes with the back of your hands. The make up you applied for this special occasion must be ruined already. It wan not like you cry out of grieve but more actually on the contempt feeling spread in your heart. As one of the audience who sitted on the front line, Rei did notice your state but before he could miscalculated your emotion, you mouth at him, 
I'm so happy for you
Immediately, when the performance came to an end you want to meet with Rei in the backstage who were laughing with the other Eccentric Five members. Everyone congratulated one another with their achievement tonight and even Shu acknowledged the perfection for the performance. You wanted Rei to be around his friends and let him enjoy his time with them more so you tried to be as unnoticeable as you can in the corner of the place. As you were just about to have a seat on the ground, a pair of shoes stopped in front of you and when you raised your face, Rei's smile greeted you. He crouched down to maintain the same eye level with yours before his thumbs caressed your leftover tears on your face. 
"How did I do, my lovely Y/N. Is it that bad until you cried?"
"This is the best I had ever seen, Rei. It feels so right to watch the five of you on stage again"
"It's thanks for your hard work Y/N. You make this possible. Thanks for always supporting me" He placed his forehead on yours and stared straight into your eyes lovingly. He slowly cupped both of your cheeks in his hand as he brought his lips closer into yours and shared a gentle kiss with you. In the background, you could hear some disgusted comments from the boys and Hibiki loudly shouted amazing as he usually would.
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leffee · 10 months ago
Day 6: Mayflower
Vinnie raised his fist but before it could reach the door it stopped, and a small squeak escaped its owner. This was going to be the day; the moment and his emotions were a mess of trepidation and delightful anticipation that made him shake at the mere thought of the door being opened. He stood rooted to the ground for a good five minutes trying to will his smile to remain the normal size. A grin, a smirk, anything would have been better at the moment, but he couldn’t deter the corners of his mouth from raising. 
Screw it.
But before his hand could even touch the wood, the door swung open revealing bouncy Sunil in the doorstep.
“You’re here!” Sunil grabbed Vinnie's wrists and pulled him inside.
“Woah!” Vinnie tripped over the doorstep but falling onto the ground was not an option as Sunil simply supported his entire weight and dragged him inside. “Uh, how did you know I was at the door right now? Were you watching me through the window or something…?” He chuckled nervously.
“Nope!” Sunil smiled and practically threw Vinnie on the couch, albeit gently. “I was just so excited I couldn’t stop myself from checking the door every minute, maybe even every second!”
“Yeah, I can see that. That’s great.” Vinnie felt that damn gigantic smile rapidly forming on his face again and quickly bit his lips. “You know, if you has been this antsy you could have just told me whatever’s the news through text or a call maybe.”
“Oh, no, no, no, no.” Sunil shook his head almost disapprovingly and grabbed his best friend’s shoulders. “Silly, Vinnie, this is way, waaay too significant to discuss over a mere text.” By the time Sunil finished his sentence his face was practically on Vinnie who tensed up.
“If you say so. But that’s good ‘cause I actually wanted to tell you something too…” Vinnie tugged half-heartedly at his shoulder. “Um, let me go? I mean, only if you wanna.”
“Oh, yes, I apologize.” Sunil did let go of Vinnie but didn't take the seat next to him, instead towering over his friend while practically bouncing on the balls of his feet once more. “That’s great then.”
“Okay, so I wanted to say that-.”
“But me first!” Vinnie leaned backwards at Sunil's playful yet undeniably excited tone. 
“Woah, pfff, okay, okay, you can go first,” He snickered and then added in a slightly quieter voice, “Otherwise I think you might actually explode. Bam!” Vinnie raised his hands in the air at once.
“Says you, but I can’t deny that it is a correct claim today. Now, shh.” Sunil put his index finger against his own lips making Vinnie hold out his hands in mock surrender. He remained quiet as his friend skipped to another room, returning what felt like not even a second later. This time however, he had an additional item with himself, a… bouquet? Vinnie’s heart skipped a bit as he glued his gaze to the little white flowers. Words bubbled up in his throat, but he gulped them down. “Guess what it is?”
“Why, yes, flowers, mayflowers!” Sunil brought the plants closer to the other who grinned.
“Aw, are those for me? You shouldn’t have.”
“No, sorry not sorry, but that’s not the case.” Sunil immediately pulled the bouquet back towards himself. 
“Well, they’re pretty and all, but I don’t get what’s so exciting about them?” Vinnie questioned, squinting his eyes at the flowers. Had he missed something? He didn’t notice anything unusual, then again, he didn’t know anything about mayflowers. “Are they like, rare or something? Oh, oh, yeah, and now you’re planning to sell them and will get lots of cash?”
“No.” Sunil shook his head while affectionately rubbing the white petals between his fingers. “Russell gave this bouquet to me.”
“Whaaat? Russell gave you a bouquet, why?” Vinnie frowned in thought, but then he noticed Sunil’s incredibly gentle expression. “...Wait, don’t tell me…”
“Well, I could, but that would be a lie.”
“And you… accepted?”
“The flowers or the confession?” Sunil smirked seeing Vinnie’s bewildered look. “I suppose it doesn’t matter because the answer to both is “Yes”.” When his guest didn’t react to the revelation, Sunil suddenly started feeling a bit bashful and looked down while covering his cheeks with the flowers. “I-I know I never said anything, and judging from your expression you didn't suspect anything either… but yes, I had been, well, still am, in love with Russell… I just never thought he would feel the same, but today he came, and the rest is history.” He smiled awkwardly.
“Oh, oh wow.” Vinnie broke his motionless state by shaking his head, his chest feeling tighter now. “Yeah, you’re right, I had no clue. I don’t know how it flew over my head especially knowing how bad of a liar you are.” Vinnie gave a small smile and walked up to his friend. “I don’t even know what to say, it’s a shock for sure, but congrats, I guess. I’m sure you’ll be such a good pair, I mean, like… a power couple or something, something good!” He stood up on his toes and gave Sunil a hug, despite his best attempt to avoid it the flowers still got on him, mostly tangling in his hair.
“Thank you.” Sunil returned the gesture with one arm. “Now you see why I wanted to talk in person, and as my best friend you have the honour of getting to know it before anyone else.”
“Heh, yeah, that sure is an honour.” Vinnie returned to standing flatly on his feet and coughed. “Ugh, but there might be one bad thing that came out of it, I think those flowers got in my mouth.” Sunil burst out laughing but stopped slowly when Vinnie punched himself in the chest and coughed again.
“Wait, let me see.” Vinnie opened his mouth wide and let the other look inside. “Ah, there it is.” Sunil grabbed the small object and threw it aside. “All gone.”
“You sure?”
Sunil checked Vinnie's mouth for any more unwanted petals and after making sure gestured for his friend to close it. “Yes, absolutely sure.”
“Thanks.” After a while of silence between the two Sunil perked up.
“You wanted to tell me something too, didn’t you? I’m sorry, I almost forgot.”
“Hm? Oh, um, well…” Vinnie went quiet for a moment while tapping his foot against the carpet. “You know what? I don’t remember now,” He said finally. “I guess all that news didn’t cause just you to forget about everything else.”
“Ha, maybe that is the power of love Zoe’s always talking about.”
Vinnie stumbled through the neighbourhood, his legs feeling as if they were merely dragging behind him.
“Hm? Are you going home already? Just because I already told you what I wanted to; doesn't mean you have to go.”
His eyes were downcast as he navigated the way by pure remembrance, his right hand trailing on the fence.
“I know, but I've just remembered that I need to do something. I’ve been putting it off and I had promised myself I would do it today, no more excuses.”
His chest still felt too tight and despite the fresh air, the breathing felt like a harder endeavour now than when he was inside.
“I see, alright, go if you need to, goodbye!”
Once at his house, Vinnie crawled upstairs and entered his room. He grabbed the small standing calendar off of his desk sloppily and eyed it. The date, 20th of May, had a big, red circle around it, or rather it had it until that moment because Vinnie spat on his palm and began rubbing the circle off roughly until it was nothing more than a wet spot. Next, he grabbed a marker and circled today's date - 1st of May, before throwing both items back on the desk.
He curled up on the bed with a huff before his eyes glazed over and slow, long tears which began streaming down his cheeks were accompanied only by an occasional whimper or sniffle.
“Nghhh, ugh," He let out but didn’t try to wipe the tears, instead letting them fall freely as he curled up more and more on top of the sheets. Just then, an itching sensation in his throat forced him to stop focusing on crying and start coughing.
After a few good coughs, his windpipe felt empty again as he forced the object out of it.
Vinnie raised his palm to take care of his wet cheeks but stopped abruptly once he really spotted it - a now fluttering to the ground object, a singular small, white petal.
But didn't Sunil say there weren't anymore…?
I'll be honest, I was so dry for ideas with this prompt, I had one that was so ridiculous but I was still planning to write it for the lack of better ideas. But just then, once I was eating dinner and not even thinking about it, it hit me.
Mayflowers, flowers, hanahaki disease, duuuh! I mean really, hanahaki didease is like my favourite angst trope ever, it's genuinely so tragic no matter how it is written, the idea alone is enough to make me sooo miserably happy (but if it was real I'd be dead >.>).
Vinnie dying saga continues.
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gunilslaugh · 2 years ago
Missed Chances
Han Hyeongjun
Summary: You and Hyeongjun liked each other. Unfortunately you liked each other at different times.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
A secluded park in the middle of the night. That’s where and when you first met Hyeongjun. Both of you were taking a late night walk in an attempt at clearing your heads a bit. Coincidentally the two of you ended up sitting on the same park bench. Your phone rang disturbing the silence. It was your mom, the reason you went out to clear your head. You and your mom were currently fighting at the moment. Not feeling like getting yelled at over the phone you declined the call and turned your phone off afterwards. You let out a frustrated sigh, throwing your head back.
“Things aren’t going well for you either?” The guy sitting at the other end of the park bench spoke up. You turned your head to look at him and shook your head.
“Nope, and I might have put my own foot in the grave by not answering that call, but I just can’t deal with it right now,” you possibly overshared. However the stranger didn’t seem to mind. 
“I basically nailed my own coffin shut, so I guess we’re in the same place. Literally and figuratively,” he chuckles at the end. You laugh slightly too. I felt nice.
“That’s the first time I laughed in a while,” you revealed. 
“Then at least I made someone happy today,” he looked on the bright side. 
“Thank you for that. I needed it,” you thanked him. 
“I should thank you too. Talking like this is nice. Much better than the other conversation I had today,” he thanks you as well. 
“I could say the same,” you tell him. “You’re actually listening unlike my mother,” maybe you overshared again. However, yet again the stranger doesn’t mind. He nodded before speaking.
“And you’re actually listening unlike my girlfriend…or maybe my soon to be ex,” he states.
“That bad?” you queried, scooting just a bit closer to the man, angling your body to face his.
“Yeah, that bad,” he sighed. He scooted ever so slightly closer to you and also angled his body towards yours. Mirroring your previous actions. “I think moms are scarier than girlfriends though, so you might have me beat,” he continued on more lightheartedly. 
“I am actually scared to go home,” you admitted. “I feel like I can already hear her yelling at me,” you told him. 
“What are you and your mom fighting about? If you don’t mind,” he asked you. 
“She doesn’t support my career path. Says it’s too unstable. The fact that I have to work three part time jobs should tell me that. I need to stop being stubborn, let it go,” you disclosed. 
“That’s pretty much what my girlfriend and I are arguing about too, oddly enough,” he informs. 
“Well don’t we have a lot in common,” you joked. 
“Seems like it. If we go based on that. Then I can safely guess that you told your mom that you wouldn’t give up on your career. She got mad, probably said a lot of harsh words, with your best interest in heart of course. The words hurt and you didn’t want to keep arguing with a wall, so you went to take a walk to clear your head. Even if it’s three o’clock in the morning,” the guy infers. 
“It’s like you were there,” you said. “Which means, you told your girlfriend that you weren’t gonna give up on your career. Resulting in her getting mad and telling you ruthless things. That they claimed to be the hard truth that you needed to stop being in denial about. It’s not like she wants to argue with you, it breaks her heart even, but you need to hear it because it’s what’s best for you. You didn’t want to hear it anymore and walked out, nailing your own coffin shut,” you took your guess. 
“That’s actually scarily accurate,” he leans back a bit. 
“Our situations are scarily similar,” you noted. 
“True, but I don’t have an angry mom to go back to, just a studio apartment. I’ll have to face the angry girlfriend eventually though,” he chimes. 
“Well in theory I have a part time job that starts at five, so I could just not go home. For a few more hours at least,” you quipped. 
“Sounds like putting your other foot in the grave,” he points. 
“Yeah you’re right. It’s just exhausting,” you say.
“Trust me I know it is,” he responds. “How about this? I’ll go back and face my angry girlfriend and you go back to face your angry mom. Not exactly doing it together, but we're not facing our problems alone either y’know?” He suggested. 
“One condition,” you held up your pointer finger. 
“What?” He asks.
“What’s your name?” You question. The guy laughs.
“We did leave out those details didn’t we?” He says. “I’m Hyeongjun,” finally you know the stranger's name.
“I’m y/n,” you told him.
“Then I wish you luck y/n,” him saying your name made you feel more excited than it should have.
“I wish you luck too Hyeongjun,” you put a bit more emphasis on his name. He smiles. Hyeongjun then scratches the back of his head awkwardly. “Can we meet again? Like back here tonight? Let each other know how it goes?” Hyeongjun questions. 
“I’d like that. Same time?” You checked.
“Same time,” he confirmed. The two of you then stood up from the park bench and said your goodbyes. You still dreaded going home, knowing you were about to walk into a war zone, but you felt better knowing that Hyeongjun was too. You weren’t alone. 
Hyeongjun and you continued to meet up even after that night. That park during the late hours of the night/early morning became a solace for you and Hyeongjun. Your guys’ friendship formed from the sense of kinship that you both shared. 
Only your feelings were a bit deeper than just friendship. You liked Hyeongjun. It would be hard for you not to. He listened to you, he understood you, he supported you. You met him when you were in a hard, dark place. He was in the same place as you, yet somehow managed to be a lighthouse. A source of safety and comfort. It was easy whenever you were with him.
The problem: he was still with his girlfriend. They sorted things out that night, like you did with your mother. You should have been happy for him, but when the words left his mouth that he and his girlfriend were working it out all you felt was disappointment. 
Months passed and there was always this part of you that hoped that whenever you would meet up with Hyeongjun at that park, seated on that bench in the dead of night. That he would say the words “I broke up with my girlfriend,”. It was selfish, you knew this. That’s why you tried to move on from your crush on Hyeongjun. No point in liking a guy who is in a relationship anyway. 
You ended up meeting Hyeongjun’s girlfriend at an open mic night where he was playing guitar. 
“Oh my gosh y/n it’s so nice to finally meet you! Hyeongjun talked about you so much,” she excitedly stated.
“He did?” You were a bit surprised to hear this. 
“Of course he did. I have to thank you actually. Hyeongjun said you helped him not give up on music. I wasn’t being a good girlfriend back then. You probably heard about that though,” she said a bit awkwardly. “But I digress, I’m just glad he had someone supporting him through those hard times. Is it ok if I hug you?” She questions.
“Yeah,” you opened your arms. She enclosed you in a hug happily. You felt really awkward about liking Hyeongjun right now.
“I broke up with my girlfriend,” Hyeongjun tells you. The words you had waited for, yearned for, finally left his mouth. After one year and seven months of waiting for them. Hyeongjun even broke up with his girlfriend because he realized that he had fallen in love with you.
The problem: you had a boyfriend. You met him while attending one of Hyeongjun’s sets. Hyeongjun knew this. In fact it was the night you told him about getting together with your boyfriend that he realized he was in love with you. He remembers how you excitedly ran over to the bench, almost tripping on it. 
“B/n and I got together!” You excitedly told him, smiling ear to ear. Instead of being happy for your new relationship he felt disappointed. Like he lost you, yet you were right in front of him. Hyeongjun tried, but he couldn’t keep being with his girlfriend after realizing he was in love with you. He ended things, deciding that he would wait for you. Even if there was a chance that that day wouldn’t come.
“I broke up with my boyfriend,” you told him, sitting on the park bench. The words Hyeongjun had waited for, yearned for, finally left your mouth. After two years of waiting for them.
The problem: well there wasn’t one. Not this time at least. There was finally no reason keeping the two of you from being together, so why are you two just sitting there on the park bench in the middle of the night?
“You know today is the anniversary of the day we met all those years ago? Right here on this park bench” you patted the bench. 
“Of course I remember. It’d be impossible for me to forget that night,” Hyeongjun replies. 
“I used to like you back then,” you revealed, leaning forward on your palm.
“What?” Hyeongjun asks surprised. He knew that he used to like you, but he never knew that you liked him too.
“Back when we first met. I liked you, but you had a girlfriend,” you explained.
“I actually used to like you too,” Hyeongjun confesses. Your eyes widened in shock. You never suspected that Hyeongjun ever liked you. You thought your crush was pointless. “I liked you, but you had a boyfriend,” he further explained. You laughed.
“We’re really just mirrors of each other aren’t we?” You stated. Hyeongjun laughs too.
“Really seems like we are,” he says. Hyeongjun shifted his body resulting in his knee brushing against yours. Were you two always sitting this close? 
“So, I liked you when you had a girlfriend and you liked me when I had a boyfriend,” you reiterated the situation. 
“Yep,” Hyeong said, popping the “p” at the end. “Looks like we missed our chance,” he added. His voice sounded like it had a sad tone to it. 
“We missed it then, but what about now?” You put to question optimistically. Hyeongjun smiles. 
“We both are indeedly single right now,” Hyeongjun declares. 
“Then we shouldn’t miss another chance right?” You stuck out your hand, palm facing upward. Hyeongjun placed his on top of yours, lacing your fingers together. 
“How could we?” He brings your laced hands to his lap. 
A secluded park in the middle of the night. That’s when and where you and Hyeongjun got together.
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littleacebee · 1 year ago
To be seen or not to be seen
Ace Podcast Week, Monday: Cake & Garlic Bread | Seen Skip decided to make a small change in his appearance and was worrying if someone will notice it and what will happen then. | Mission Rejected (839 words)
Skip stared at the small object on his desk and fidgeted with his fingers. It wasn’t a big deal, right? No one would probably notice anything. He himself would probably notice if it involved someone else but only he was interested in dress code protocols. No one else would probably pay any attention to such a small detail. And even if someone did notice, it’s not like something bad would happen. It was just a ring after all. No big deal.
He reached his hands towards the ring and slowly slipped it on his middle finger. A simple black band of course fitted perfectly - Skip checked the size multiple times before he bought it. He extended his hand to look at it. It didn’t stand out that much. It was noticeable but it didn’t look out of its place. It looked like it belonged there.
Skip smiled. There’s nothing to worry about, it will be a good day.
Keep reading below or read on AO3
He played with the ring the whole way to the office. He put his hand in a pocket to stop the fidgeting while walking down the corridor to not draw attention to his hand. He gathered all his files needed for the today’s briefing and tried not think how the black band stood out next to white papers. He managed to reach the briefing room without convincing himself to take it off. Once he was inside and familiar hum of projector and smell of coffee surrounded him, he managed to calm down and welcomed his team with a smile.
Part of him was waiting for someone to make a comment about his ring, while he was talking about their tasks. He was thinking if anyone noticed it, when he was using his right hand to point things in the presentation or on the papers on the table. However no one said anything, no one made any comment. Good, he thought, exactly as I hoped.
He carried on with his day as usual deciding that he will not spend another minute thinking about it. He bumped into Bowden when he went to make himself a tea. Man was waiting for water to boil and they exchanged few words. 
“Nice ring by the way.” Bowden said pointing at his hand. “Suits you.”
Skip was aware that Bowden might notice the ring as he always noticed most fashion changes any of them made. He waited for him to start some lecture about men’s jewellery or throw an anecdote about rings and some movie star, but Bowden only smiled at him and finished making his coffee. He left the room and Skip stared after him puzzled. He wasn’t sure how to interpret these words but Bowden’s smile seemed reassuring and honest. No matter if he actually knew the meaning behind the ring, it was nice to get a compliment on it.
Later he went down to the archives to get the document he was missing and ran into Gloria there. She was looking for a file from the same section, so they went to search together. He was skimming through folders, when Gloria spoke quietly:
“You know, we will support you, Skip, no matter what, right? We do care about you and nothing will change it. And definitely you don’t have to change. You are perfect as you are and you are valid and- Oh, there it is!” She took out the folder and opened it. “It’s empty?”
She sighed and went to the main the desk for help, leaving Skip once again staring. This time there was no question if she knew about the ring. She clearly understood the meaning. He should probably guessed that if anyone would get it, it would be Gloria - she did attend all tolerance and equality courses they had after all. And she didn’t care. Or rather she did care a lot but not in a judging way he was afraid about. 
The rest of the day ran smoothly and the weight of the black band stopped being so noticeable. When Skip was finishing his last report, he heard his door opening.
“McGrath, what have I told you about proper protocols while entering my office?” He sighed without taking his eyes from the paper. There was only one person who didn’t bother with passcode or even knocking.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, enter code phrase here or whatever.”
He looked up at her ready (and happy) to remind her the proper code phrase that was in use today, but it wasn’t meant for him. McGrath put a cupcake on his desk and slid it towards him. It had four stripes of colourful frosting on it - black, grey, white and purple. The grey stripe was visibly mixed from black and white, and the purple one had still splashes of red and blue in it. However non of it matter for Skip, it was the most perfect cupcake he had ever seen.
“Happy Ace Week, Skip.” McGrath said with rare softness in her voice.
“Thanks, McGrath.”
Yes, it was a very good day.
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months ago
Deep Night Ep 4 Thoughts
I…took the day off of work for *cough cough* personal reasons. Don’t worry about it I’m only a little sick this time. I’ll be better tomorrow. I think. So since I am not working today, it’s time for Deep Night 4: Cuteness Galore
I mean it when I say this show is so unbelievably wholesome. I was told it was surprisingly communicative but the difference between believing and seeing it with my own eyes is insane. 
I wish I could read Thai. I do not know what is being said. 
Poor Khem just wants to spend time with his boyfriend but is being horrendously and adorably teased.
I love Pan. In case I haven’t said that a million times already.
I love how often these two kiss. They’re simply like “my boyfriend exists? I must kiss him” and sometimes its just a little peck on the cheek and sometimes its a full on make out but no matter what they want their lips on their man and I love it. 
Two people keeping snacks for you? Seiji is living the dream. 
My coworker just texted to say our friendship is over because she has to do one of my tasks. Someone remind me to buy her a little treat tomorrow she’s my favorite person
Oooooo love triangle. Nowwwwwww kiss they will love each other eventually why not start now with a little smoocharoo
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Who is this gorgeous woman with Freya? I have a rival? That’s okay. We all have two hands. 
Let them kiss damn it! YAY. I love when the show listens to my inner dialogue.
Actually plans cancelled. I cannot watch right now. There is a truck idling outside my apartment and its making the texture of the air WRONG. I feel like I need to peel my skin off.
Okay we’re back. Fucking trucks. 
Oooohhhh Khem throwing the club's rule at his mother. Then outing his own relationship? I did not see that coming. 
ENGLISH? And holy shit it’s soooo good????
I might be in love with Mr. DJ Man. What’s his name?
Oh jealousy is back. I actually love the jealousy in this show a whole lot. 
Pannnnn. He’s so cute. I adore him.
I love that everyone has just decided to ignore the club’s rules. They’re all dating. All of them.
Khem stop kissing him. Your boy is uncomfortable. Khem. Bro. I know you’re jealous but my man you gotta calm down. I hope he apologizes because he did go a bit overboard. 
IMMEDIATE self reflection. Good for you Khem. I love you. 
Someone give Seiji a hug. 
Honestly I’m not the biggest Ken fan. I’m waiting for him to grow on me. I’m sure he will like other characters. But I’m still waiting. 
Seiji having a Moment™
Oh I love Mr. DJ man. He is me. I am him. We are one.
Okay you two. Now talk it out. Use your words. 
Okay so I have some thoughts on that confrontation with guests. I know Khem is jealous but I don’t think that’s why he said Wela is unavailable. He has already reflected on himself and so far has not had an issue bringing guests to Wela. I think Khem actually has a very good gut instinct of guests that could be inappropriate or potentially dangerous. And he is very attuned to his instincts. So he listens to them. In terms of customer service, he still has some work to do on not escalating. However, he presented reasonable alternatives and I don’t think he was in the wrong here. Now let’s see if I got any of this right. 
Yeeeep. That guest has roving hands. Pan to the rescue. 
Lowkey I don’t think Khem is wrong but I also think Wela should punch him. 
Pan is so smart. I love him. Have I mentioned that in the past five minutes?
Why are the cops here again? Absolutely absurd.
I would be demanding the results of the investigation every single time they came and found nothing. 
Khem leave your mother alone. She needs support now not your misdirected anger.
Oh no are we about to end on sadboi hours? I guess I have no choice but to watch episode 5 now. 
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sunspray-peak · 1 year ago
Ch. 64: Taking Steps
Alex was stopping by for dinner tonight (a dinner Achilles had admittedly not cooked himself, but a nice dinner all the same). It was convenient, with the farmhouse being so much closer to the bus stop than Pelican Town was, and with the early Winter sunset and recent dip in temperature… well, it just made logical sense.  
“Why are you trying to sell me on this?” Alex had asked when Achilles had spelled out the relevant reasons to persuade him earlier that morning on the phone. “Ever thought maybe I actually want to just spend time with you, you punk?” 
Fair enough. 
He had copied Alex a key so that he’d no longer need to swipe the spare from the garden gnome, but even so, Achilles found himself jumping nearly a foot in the air when the front door creaked open (add to the To-Do List: hire someone to fix those hinges). 
“Hello, hello—perfect timing.” Achilles shoved a fresh bread roll into Alex’s mittened-hands before bustling back to the oven for the salmon he’d been keeping warm. “How was your day?”
Bread roll between his teeth, Alex removed his coat before hanging it neatly behind a kitchen chair. “Good! I broke 53 seconds!” 
“That’s my man—”
“Hey, you know actually, though—guess what? Tanya put in her two weeks today.”
“Yeah!” Alex hurried to help set the table for two, unstacking the coasters and filling the electric kettle (he’d long come around to the copious amount of tea Achilles drank). “I mean, I knew she was thinking about leaving for awhile now, I think most of her family is in Grampleton, but we didn’t think it’d be this soon. Megan’s throwing her a goodbye party at the top of the new year, she said you could come if you want.” 
“Oh yeah? Me showing up won’t be rubbing salt in the wound? Maybe that’s the real reason she’s moving back to Grampleton, realized she’d never get with you.”  
Alex laughed and lightly smacked the back of Achilles’ head as he passed him from behind. “Sure, sure.” 
Tanya had actually taken the rejection quite well, according to Alex, who’d been asked out on a third date by her on the opening day of the Night Market. She’d been supportive enough—surprised, for sure, but she had mostly shrugged and wished him well.
Haley, however, who had always been determined to dislike her, had found her lack of a reaction offensive. 
“I guess she just always saw you as disposable, huh?” she had said with a click of her tongue. 
“Haley, I told her I don’t like women, she knows there’s nothing she can do.” 
But she’d only pursed her lips and responded with her infamous little, “Hmm.” 
The table was set, the tea boiled. The two took their seats at the dining table, and for the first time, Achilles thought the farmhouse truly felt like a home. 
“But anyway—ooh, this looks good—how was your day?” 
“Less productive than yours, I think, but could’ve been worse. I’m making progress. While I did not break 53 seconds in my 100 meter butterfly though, I do think I managed to break just over 100 steps today.” Achilles flashed his wrist, and Alex could indeed make out a “135” flashing in red on the watch face. 
“135— 135? What is wrong with you—”
“—which was a bit of a surprise, but you know who stopped by to pay a visit—”
“—135 is barely a walk to your bathroom—”
“—and then she went on and on, it was just like the day I moved here—”
“Achilles, are you even listening to me?” 
“Of course I am!” 
“What did I just say?” 
“Ah. Well…” Achilles at least had the decency to look a little sheepish as he pretended to hide behind his mug. “Didn’t realize there’d be a pop quiz. Anyway, you clearly weren’t listening to me, either—”
“You didn’t go for a run this morning?”
“It’s colder than a yeti’s asshole out there—” 
“I swear to Yoba, you Monstera people… I could bring you some weights, if you want.”
“You’re hilarious.” 
“At least do some yoga or something. Okay, at least stretch. Just for 30 minutes! 135 steps… I swear to Yoba, Achilles…” 
“I used to boulder, you know. Like at a rock climbing gym—” 
“Well too bad, rich boy. We don’t have fancy things like that out here in farm country.”  
Honestly though, stretching was most definitely a good idea—his body was sore as hell from sitting at his desk all day, from his neck and shoulders all the way down to his damn calves. His calves! They hadn’t even done anything today, evident by the 135 steps he’d taken. The price of his productivity, he supposed. He’d gotten quite a bit done on his story. Or maybe it was just the price of being in your late 20s…
“By the way,” Achilles rose from his seat to take his 136th step of the day and refill Alex’s teacup. “Remind me, I want to chat about tomorrow later.” 
“Oh hey, so did I, actually. I mean, we can just talk about it now, unless you had other things on that agenda you always have rattling around in that head of yours.” 
“Begone wench, get your shady ass out of my house. Okay, really, I just wanted to confirm… you’re sure you want me there tomorrow?” 
“I told you, it doesn’t even matter what I want, my grandma wants you there and my grandpa knows better than to argue with her about it.” 
“I take that as a somewhat promising sign. Right? Perhaps?” But Alex only shrugged in response as Achilles pinched his nose and sighed in resignation. “Does Evelyn realize this is going to be the most awkward birthday dinner in the history of birthday dinners?” 
“That’s what I wanted to talk about, actually—got a, uh, a great idea to make it even more awkward.” 
“Amazing. Tell me more.” 
“So remember how you offered to, um, talk to my grandpa?” 
“Mmm, yes. I take it you’re taking me up on that?” 
“I mean… only if you’re still willing…” 
“Yeah, yeah, of course. I’ll do whatever you want me to do, baby.” Achilles patted his mouth with his napkin before setting it to the side of his plate, nearly missing the goofy, lovestruck grin into which Achilles’ slip of the tongue term of endearment had transformed Alex’s anxious little frown. Don’t get distracted, it’s time to talk business. “Do you have a plan? How do you want to do this? You just tell me what you’re comfortable with.” 
Talking business was over, to be replaced by something Achilles was in all likelihood enjoying less.
In a doomed-to-fail attempt to belatedly reverse his pain (but mostly after a significant amount of nagging from Alex), he’d shoved in a few halfhearted beginner HIIT workouts (led by Alex) between bouts of Junimo Kart. After a minute of high knees, he’d collapsed with a groan back onto the couch, only to land right atop the bulky plastic game controller. 
“Fucking hell…” He rubbed his lower back as Alex ignored his whining, focusing instead on zooming his car down the boulder-stricken roads of Crumble Cavern. “Man, do you know what I never actually ended up getting but that would be so incredibly beautiful right now?” 
“Do you know what would be nice right now?” 
“A game controller that doesn’t keep drifting to the left? You know, I’ve only got one life left because it won’t let me stay on the dang road at turn 8—”
“Skill issue.” 
“Like heck it is, I’m a beast at this game. Come on, you gotta be able to afford a new controller easy—”
“Stop saying these things or I’ll think you’re only dating me for my money—” 
“Who says I’m not?” 
“Get out of my house.” 
“Ok, ok, ok,” Alex squinted in focus as the cursed turn 8 began to approach on screen. “So what is it that you wanted that was beautiful or however you said it?” 
“I want a massage.” 
“Well you’ve got a $150 a month membership to Orange Grove now, you can use our in-house masseuses, they’re really good.” 
“Can’t you just give me one?” 
At Achilles’ tone, Alex spared a second to flippantly glance to his left before retorting, “That’s not what you said last season.” 
“What I said last season—? Oh—wow, you remember that?” 
“I wasn’t that drunk on Spirit’s Eve, Ash.” 
“Yeah, yeah…” Achilles lightly chucked the extra controller at Alex before squirming deeper into the opposite end of the couch. “Well, getting hard in the middle of you giving me a back rub probably would’ve raised some questions last season, wouldn’t it’ve?” 
“Aaaand I’m dead.” Alex set the glitchy controller down on the coffee table while breaking out into light laughter. “You really think that would’ve happened?” 
“I don’t know, maybe we should try it just to see.”
A dramatic sigh—but it was clear from the narrowing of Alex’s eyes and the upturned corners of his lips that he was enjoying this.
It wouldn’t lead to sex, they both knew that. Achilles had ensured they’d discussed the nights before—Alex’s lingering anxieties and boundaries, and the compromises they both were willing to make. No matter the post-shower cuddles, the late-night make outs, and now, apparently, the midst-video game massages; no matter how their bodies couldn’t help but physically react to each other, Achilles had emphatically reassured Alex he’d never expect it all to end in sex. And that had been enough to lift the guilt and unease weighing at the back of Alex’s mind and allow them each to wholly enjoy the other, fully light of heart. 
“Fine. Take your shirt off, you dweeb.”
“Oh, say less, Alexander—”
Alex laughed at the lighthearted tease. “Come here. Turn around, please.”
Achilles stripped his sweater—black again, Alex had noted earlier; “You really do wear a lot of black in Winter” —and planted himself on the flat woven rug at the foot of the couch just as Voltaire came bounding over. He curled his fingers into the cat’s thick fur, and basked in the warmth and glow of the fireplace as Alex carefully folded the sweater and set it on the sofa cushion next to him. He felt a single finger trace seemingly random paths across his back, but taking note of the bright glare of the television and the white lights above, he attempted to guess the motivation behind Alex’s not-quite-arbitrary touch. 
“Not very pretty, is it? I’ll never forgive the spirits for that.” 
“I just didn’t realize you were still so scarred up from the mines.” 
“Yeah. The sexy mood lighting of my bedroom tends to hide it well, doesn’t it?” After a beat, he added, “They’re not too visible anymore though. And it doesn’t hurt. Could’ve been a lot worse. And a lot more visible. Which would have, of course, been a lot worse.”  
“Ha ha…” Alex stopped his tracing and planted a light kiss between Achilles’ shoulder blades before getting to work. 
“Fuck, Al…” 
Almost instantly—almost instinctually—he closed his eyes and allowed himself to melt fully into Alex’s touch. This was exactly what he needed, fuck, it felt good. His hands were warm against his skin, their strokes deep and slow. To Achilles’ mild embarrassment, he failed to conceal the breathy moan that escaped his lips—but it only gave Alex cause to laugh again. 
“You know, you should be giving me one of these, considering I’m, you know, stressed about tomorrow, not to mention I’m doing actual athletic stuff—” 
“No, no. Your actual athletic stuff is exactly why you need to go to a real masseuse. We can’t have me accidentally screwing up your back, what if I ruin your 50 second butterfly…”  
“Man, I wish it was 50 seconds, I think that’d be a world record—” 
“And tomorrow will go well, Alex. We’re going to do what we can.” 
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cheerfulmelancholies · 2 years ago
Profile pic by @annama-art
About me: I love reading/writing and at any given moment I have too many projects circling through my head. I've loved to read for as long as I can remember and I've enjoyed writing things for that same amount of time. I also love video games and motorcycling, so if I'm not working on a wip I'm usually doing one of those two.
I'm not currently published, but I have a handful of original stuff I've been working on as well as fanfic. Some of my favorite tropes to read are found family, action/suspense, angst, horror/supernatural and slice-of-life. I tend to write very light sci-fi, action, supernatural, angst (though usually with a happy, if not bittersweet, ending) and occasionally somewhat comedic stuff. Sometimes, sometimes, I make shit get dark. I struggle with writing mystery and heavy romance, though I've been experimenting with the latter. A lot of my characters have somewhat sad backstories because apparently that's just what I do.
Tag game friendly!
I also love hearing about other people's wips so anyone is welcome to ramble in my inbox about their ocs and stories.
Side blogs: @purefandomonium: my blog for anything fandom-related. @artspace1001: for any art or photography.
Other places to find me: I currently lurk on FFN and AO3 under the username ThisPerson1.
Info about my wips below the cut.
All of my works are primarily tagged under their full titles, the fandom name if it's a fic, "creative writing," "writers on tumblr," "fanfic" and "my writing." Anything extra will be listed.
Original WIPS:
Medical Mechanical: A story about a couple of friends who set out to uncover the truth behind the mysterious mega-corporation that has infested their town and done strange things to their parents. Sci-fi, young adult, and I guess it also sort of falls under action, although nothing major really happens until much later. Additional tag(s): "mm" and "sci fi."
It's the first original thing I began posting about and also my favorite original project. I actually do have tons more than what I've posted thus far, but I got caught up in perfecting it and then sidetracked and kind of just stopped talking about it.
The Set Up: A sort of enemies-to-lovers* story involving two old acquaintances meeting years later and being reminded of how much they piss each other off. After they end up stuck together on a camping trip that was nothing more than a mischievous plan by their respective friends, they're forced to deal with each other until the trip ends. (Very light) Romance*, slice-of-life, humor/comedy, and angst—mostly due to their past trauma.
It's the second original project I'm working on, although this one has taken a backseat to my other works because I'm still going through the process of reformulating it. I thought I had it figured out, and was originally going to have it take place in college and be a forced-by-friends camping trip gone wrong, but I just wasn't feeling it. I don't know, but the way it was coming along just... didn't feel right. So I decided to essentially start over rather than force myself through something I wasn't enjoying and that wasn't getting anywhere. The main theme is that the two MCs initially can't stand each other and butt heads, however, they eventually learn more about themselves and each other and start making amends.
*I'm also at a point where I don't think I'm going to keep it as romance, but instead have their relationship be platonic. We'll see.
Connection: Pokepasta/Glitchy Red fic about a girl who manages to befriend the embittered glitch. In other words, hermit high-schooler gets ahold of the titular Red cart and gets a new friend, and local depressed kids' game may not think life is so miserable anymore. Sci-fi/supernatural (because my version of Red is somehow both just a bunch of code and some digitalized cryptid entity,) very mild angst in the form of bullying, and found family/friendship. Additional tag(s): "glitchy red" and "pokepasta".
I got the brainrot and just wanted something to write with no worries. I write a chapter and as long as it holds up the story it gets published. That's it. I'm taking a break from serious writing/editing with this one. I've already let it get too out of hand as is. It was supposed to be a two-parter. Now look at it.
Mysterious New Member: Fic about the BF5 gaining a new member under mysterious circumstances. Due to the secrets she seems to be hiding, and the rising tensions of the war, Vert and the others find themselves on edge and at odds over what to do. Takes place during Fused. Sci-fi, action/adventure, humor. Additional tag(s): "bf5," and "hot wheels battle force 5."
Fun fact: This is a fic I started when I was like 13. I recently began rewriting it because now I am not 13 and I was rereading it one day and went, "The fuck did I write it like this for???" So began my tedious work of redoing the whole thing. The original is actually still up on FFN under the exact same name, for the new one I only added rewrite to the title 😅 I'm not mad at myself for the way it came out or anything, as I was literally a kid, but I can safely say my writing has improved immensely and I just couldn't fight the urge revamp it. I'm quite proud of how this new one is coming along, being both an improvement of my original version and also a slightly daker and more interesting take on BF5. I'm actually close to done, I'd say about 75-ish percent. I really just have two more major plot points to go through and the rest is just tying up loose ends as I go along. That said, if you'd like to check out the abandoned original, feel free. Just be prepared for a bit of whiplash when comparing the two.
It's The Thought That Counts: Dead Plate AU fic I started on a whim and, like a lot of things, it got out of hand and became a fun little side project. Rody isn't hopelessly pining after Manon, who's still alive but not relevant to the story, and Vincent isn't a psycho cannibal killer. Essentially gay panic meets bi-denial, Rody attempts to impress Vincent by learning how to bake lemon-themed desserts after he discovers it's the only thing that gives him any semblance of taste. After a shaky start, Vince decides to start giving Rody lessons and they eventually come to terms with their feelings. Romance, humor, angst, slice-of-life.
There is so much more, but I'm going to stop for now.
I've actually never written proper romance before this and am absolutely shocked that it's coming along as well as it is. It's the most fluff I've ever written. For whatever reason, these two dorks are super easy for me to write. I also recommend checking out the game, it's super fun.
Perfection: Another Dead Plate fic, but with a more canon compliant characterization for Vince. It's a oneshot focusing solely on his desire to force love into his cooking. As each attempt fails, he grows more and more frustrated. And then the answer to all his problems shows up.
If it wasn't already obvious, writing is my biggest passion and I hope to keep improving and expanding what I do. I'm also always open to advice and constructive criticism, and I hope to inspire and help others with their writing. Also, if you write anything with the tropes or genres that I listed, don't hesitate to tag me and I'll check them out! I really enjoy reading other people's works.
So yeah, that's me. If you made it this far, thank you for checking out my blog (and my long ass intro post) and I hope you'll stick around and see what I have to offer. Be on the lookout for more and more to come!
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scarefox · 1 year ago
me, with a little flue and migraine: best timing to give my rabbit a full body bath with the new rabbit soap I bought yesterday + blow-drying him forever because rabbit fur is a bish with it's underlayer 🤡
We did it. Had to throw in my last painkiller midway tho.
And now these two fur clowns finishing the rest. Drying the last bit of water out of the fur by licking him all over... don't question rabbit logic
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(it's only the outer layer fur that's still damp no worry + it's warm in the room)
But I am glad Maya started to clean him again now that her own illness got better, she's more social and cuddly again.
*don't bath / wash rabbits if not needed it sucks for everyone cause it's a struggle (but looks cute not gonna lie). He can't clean himself anymore and the warm water helps to relax his muscles
idk I think at one point during the first weeks of him having spondylosis to this point he can't walk properly anymore, he stopped caring and takes whatever comes? Maybe it's rabbit instinct to just "give up resisting" at a certain point of illness, because in the wild he would have gotten eaten by now or starved (he is not in that mindset anymore now I guess, he got used to it all). He lets me hold him however as long as it doesn't hurt his back or lets me do anything now. So bathing him is not even that horror event for him as it would have been like 1 year ago. But he understands by now that I help him with the things I do. The blow-dryer is still scary / uncomfy for him. I generally let buns sit freely on a towel on the ground when i blowdry them. OR I hold them up my chest which is easier and more comfy for but means I get wet. And depends on the bun if they see you as some sort of save place (these buns will climb you at the vet too)
not pics from today but that's how we do every time
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+ Bonus, him trying to do it himself (with my support cause he can't sit up alone) he hates being wet but he also hates being dirty and stinky so we have to keep up some hygiene :')
the wet fur and shaky legs make him look more miserable than what he actually is 😅
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liz-and-the-blue-bird · 2 years ago
Good evening to me
Since I've gotten some new followers: "Good ___ to me" indicate long personal posts. You don't have to read them ofc, they're mostly for me down the line.
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This is kind of a weird one, it's mostly reflective stuff today. I don't usually make these without a lot of negative or at least melancholic emotions to work through. Regardless, I want to stop writing about the recent ex, but a lot of this is going to be tangential to her, so she'll pop up a few times. However, I want to focus on some personal thoughts that I've been thinking about.
Here's a song.
Right at the end of February, I took an OCEAN test or a "Big Five Personality" test. This is actually unusual among personality tests, it is actually supported by Psych research. Results tend to not change over a long period of time, etc. etc. You can take it yourself here, and be sure to share with me your results! I'd love to see them. In the meantime, here are my results:
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The Extraversion and Openness to experience being so high is unusual, I think. It means a lot of what makes me comfortable involves art and people, or perhaps as an extension of that, expressing myself and communicating. With this context in mind, I've started to look back at my personal history. Moments where I'm sad or melancholic, I tend to write. When I was very young, it started with poetry, but now it has evolved into these journal entries. And I guess the reason I prefer to make them public is because of that extraversion, that longing to communicate with people my ideas or emotion.
Speaking of, I found a bunch of old notebooks the first week of March. So I've been reading through them all. And by a lot, I mean a lot:
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And then, even older notebooks.
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You can tell these are older because I doodled things on them. I never doodle anymore.
The first batch, the moleskins and stuff like that are primarily journals. Or at the very least, notes on what happened. The one that is open actually started 4 days after the ex 8 years ago. After a week of being sad and noting every single thing that has been happening, it abruptly jumps 8 months to me complaining about something else because I was not a very consistent note taker.
Meanwhile the one with the bird on it is actually a poetry notebook, before I started preferring to write exclusively online aka in the tumblr editor. The last poem written in there is Sucks. Then I stopped writing poetry for a very long time, and a lot of my writing energy became these journal entries, as well as other stuff on this blog, usually regarding anime.
The older notebooks, the spirals, are pretty much all poetry notebooks back from middle school and early high school. Though there's a few where I just doodled a bunch. They date all the way back to end of middle school.
But the poems SUCK. Like they're REALLY BAD. Most of them are actually on DeviantArt however, so they actually had an audience. Had.
I enjoyed looking through them. Interestingly, a lot of the love poems in them are reference to my first first girlfriend in middle school/high school. There was even a photo of us from back then, which was a big surprise. I don't remember much from her other than, well, making out a lot. I liked making out. I still do, but it started there.
We were a problem. We made out on all the band trips home. We would be late to band practice because I had brought her to a quiet corner of the school to just make out with her straddling me or me grabbing her butt. We made out so much in the practice rooms that the band directors ended up putting up signs in the band room saying to limit PDA ("no purpling" I think is what they said).
But I digress. I don't know her anymore. And she has such a common name that I wouldn't be able to stalk her if I wanted to.
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Here's an indie song I just learned about and have recently been obsessed with.
I already kind of feel normal. I have spikes down but I've started waking up at 7/10 instead of 3/10 and winding up. 7/10 is about my default state. 10/10 is like... On a date with a girlfriend who I know is excited to be with me. 1/10 is trying to decide if life is worth living. 7/10 is "would dance to One Direction if it started playing right now".
I had a moment about a month after the break up where I just had a really bad breakdown. It was a combination of some more bottled up thoughts about the relationship that I had trouble finding a reason to write down or tell anyone and how poorly I had been taking care of myself and my surroundings because of my mental state. And I told it all out to a very old friend of mine. She comforted me but she said something that has made me feel better the most since the break up happened.
"But the fact that you're here, telling me this in this moment, just shows how much you cared and how much you can care for people."
It made me feel better. A lot better.
My capacity to care.
I care about a lot of things, very deeply, and often for very little reason. Stuff like the most efficient route to work, or my specific boba order that tries to get the "most drink per drink." How I tend to pause and stare at the sky for no real reason other than it's there and I won't see another like it. How I overthink things and memorize useless things. But this is the first time that that I've been told and thus realized, that it is no weakness or weirdness.
It's a strength. It's just me. A tremendous capacity to care.
I've been holding on to that ever since. I hope I don't forget it. Because from my old poetry and journal entrees, I tend to let girls and myself gaslight me into thinking that me caring about them so much, "too much" is a fault of my own. It isn't.
It isn't. It isn't. It isn't.
It is simply me.
But anyway.
I've started talking to a new girl. I've made it clear I just got out of a relationship, just to be fair to her, and tbh I'm not super certain on her, but it feels like I just want to see where this goes. I just really really want to meet people right now.
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I think I have always had this fetish for nostalgia. Where I couldn't fall in love with anyone who I hadn't known for a long time. I think I learned about this very recently, and was why I was so aromatic until I re-met the ex. When I realized it, I started thinking I needed to grow out of it in some way. Especially if I'm actively trying to meet someone new. It's not that I wouldn't open up to people, I've always been a chronic oversharer (see, um, this entire tumblr post series), but rather I wouldn't feel supremely comfortable with people until I knew them for years.
But then a friend told me that my music taste is nostalgia. After I linked her that song I just linked. Because a lot of songs I send to her have this nostalgic feeling, even between different bands, genres, languages. Sometimes it's sad nostalgia, sometimes it's happy nostalgia, but it's definitely a longing for something deep and sentimental.
And I had just learned about that song.
This changed my feelings towards my "nostalgia fetish." I don't think I am looking for people who I have known for years. It just so happens that lot of my closest friends are that because I'm old and that's just how friends are when you're old. But I think it's moreso I'm looking for someone who has this same sentimentality. This same depth of emotion when looking at something old or close to them. My fetish for nostalgia isn't nostalgia for the person, but nostalgia in the person.
At least, I hope so.
Whatever, I'm looking forward to meeting new people.
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Last song.
Many years ago, I remember the first time I felt normal after that break up. It was like 10 or 11pm and I was bringing someone home. They lived in Round Rock but I lived in downtown Austin, since I was a UT student at the time. After dropping them off, I still had like a 20 minute drive and I had just learned that The Summer Set's album, Legendary, had a deluxe edition, which that song I just linked is a part of. I look them up on youtube and hit play.
And on that drive home I found peace, somehow. I remember stopping before getting to the highway, next to a unkempt grassy field, and standing there, looking at the sky. I missed the sky and stars. I missed that hour drive home from her house when it was getting dark and you could see the constellations because I was between 2 medium sized cities. I missed that bumpy road that seemed perpetually under construction and twisted and winded and didn't make sense. I was a lonely boy who didn't have a place that felt like home and didn't know where he was going to end up. But I knew and, at least in that moment, was fine with it.
I still am that boy. But that constantly under construction road got finished in the past 8 years. That starry sky was gone, I noticed, from our drives to Austin together—too many small towns and buildings had popped up, too much light pollution. I thought I found a place person like home but it was a dusty extended stay motel that I ended up staying at for 5 months, with too high of a rent and a crummy landlord.
Last time I felt over her, I remember saying that my daydreams no longer had a girl on my shoulder. I felt really aromatic. Really antisocial. I became an island. And I don't know if I'm trying to replace her or what, but I don't think that will happen this time. I might be fine without a partner, but I know I am better with one. I know I'm ready.
For anything, really.
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