#and it wasnt even GOOD well it wasnt bad but. i wouldnt pay for it again even if it was cheaper. it was like $5 btw
teamdays · 11 months
actually thinking about that last post u know what absolutely is a rich people store. whole foods. every time i step in there/the general vicinity i am like in shock
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thenixkat · 2 months
love how much DC consistently just hates the idea of prison reform, prisoner's rights, and treating prisoners like people…
folks in the Batfam debating about murdering the Joker.
again these are the kinds of things I think about from Barb's end on the whole pressuring Ted back into his costume. She doesn't want to be tech support she wants to be on the field with like half the writers for her Oracle run. And sure some of them are just kinda ableist.
also Barb took one break date and the Joker starts a prison riot
also all of these villains just… following the Joker's lead even tho they should know it wont go well if they do and it doesnt b/c he jokerizes them all (which makes them more dangerous b/c the Jokers just the biggest bad ass ever right after Batman) of course the metagene inhibitor gas mixed with the compound that made the villains throw up turns into Joker venom for reasons
totally the prison using those to control the dangerous super prisoners wouldnt have tested shit out b4 hand
and joker venom makes everyone joker b/c reasons even the folks that are not human or have radically different anatomy and physiology due to their meta powers
RIP to Ted, man is not allowed to be in good comics regardless of whether or not real snakes have ears, Copperhead should still be fucked up by the sonic vibrations shaking the shit out of his organs
b/c that's the correct lesson. Never take a single day off of superheroing and vigilance. Sure you will burn out but if you dont stay vigilant then bad shit will happen to yer friends and family
heheheh good for Orca I hopes she gets to eat as many prison guards as she pleases
why do the Joker's plans involve creating a gravity well?
also i guess we had to Jokerize everyone otherwise the villains might not want to listen to the Joker after getting their power dampening collars off king shark is here too
huh Nightwing keeps getting sexually assaulted and that's likely part of why people call him a slut/slutshame him
like I know he got raped by Harley Quinn in one animated thing and folks thought it was funny and also slut shamed him for getting raped so how much of his comic reputation as a slut is just people slutshaming him for getting sexually assaulted by ladies?
of course Batman and Nightwing can outrun a gravity well forming
everyone knows collapsing gravity is slower than a man carrying another human being can run
of course Ted wouldn't know anything that's happening. It's not like the Bug is a state-of-the-art listening device that would have picked up on all of the nearby radio signals like folks communicating. And its not like the Bug doesnt have dozens of Snoopies, mini Bugs for spying on shit that could have been deployed
"The Bug isn't built for speed and power" bullshit. The Bug is built for power as much as stealth and can top out at 600 mph. Also I like how Batman and Nightwing have no issue outrunning a gravity well but the Bug, a vehicle that is built with an antigrav device that is literally how she flies has an issue escaping from a gravity well
just the fact that no one is allowed to upstage Batman, the Batman understudy, or the Joker and how obviously other heroes have to get nerfed to make this happen or how other villains have to get turned into Joker to make shit happen is just so… blatant
see the problem that i dont believe that the Joker has the influence or ability to coordinate shit on this level.
The USA needs to pay reparations to the people of Rapa Nui for the shit the Joker and the jokerized villains did
They can explain the jokerization shit in-universe all they want, they wont convince me that this wasnt an ass pull
Like why the fuck would being jokerized make all of these villains subserviant to the Joker and all work together instead of clashing and not wanting to be ordered around by this one Joker if they;'re all Joker man Harley Quinn looks so much better in an actual clown suit
also the Joker wants an heir so plans to fuck Harley, her consent is not an issue for him. I'd care more if she werent also a rapist
right.. Lex Luthor is president i think Oracle you use a wheelchair why is yer floorspace this cluttered?
Oracle you can't hit your boyfriend just b/c yer upset. That's called abuse
also folks still debating about killing the Joker, who's currently dying of a tumor, when like between yall superhero and the USA penal system the Joker should have been sentenced to death ages ago. He's literally not insane, that insanity defense shit should not have worked for him the first time he got caught again after breaking out of Arkham
Nightwing, the Joker is literally a special case. With the sheer amount of his body count and the fact that the justice system has continuously failed with dealing with this asshole. If you dont want to kill him, that cool, just stay out of the way while other people kill him
The fucking slippery slope argument for not killing a dude who's got thousands of murders under his belt. Like… idk this is not the moral quandary that Nightwing is trying to make it out to be.
half way through Joker: Last Laugh like imagine if Nightwing tried that same argument to a crowd of people who've been victimized by the Joker or had a relative killed by him? He'd get mauled half to death like Jason did in Legends
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kyokikia · 10 months
Im curious, do people even write for uta? Do people like uta at all?? If you cant tell, she's my favorite female character! I dont see anyone talking about her 😭😭
i might write for her if someone requests it (when requests are back open) but she might be the only one piece female i would ever write for so, sorry for that
Has anyone else on here watched film red? I wanna talk about it with someone because its one of my favorite movies, currently listening to new genesis as i speak (ado's singing was HEAVENLY in the movie)
Ado's singing is so heavenly, and she honestly captured the supposed greatness of uta's voice PERFECTLY. I watched the movie in sub so i couldnt hear amalee dubbing uts, but honestly, i listened to amalee's covers of the songs, and i think the dub watchers were robbed from hearing amalee's covers. She covered all the songs PERFECTLY! She did the spell part of tot musica perfectly aswell and i adore Amalee's and Ado's works so much!
I think she's a little crazy but i love her a lot, what she did in the movie is honestly justifiable. I love her design so much, i wanna cosplay her but i got my bills to pay 😭 i'll do it once i get extra money tho, anyway, i feel so bad for her because for years she thought that shanks had abandoned her but turns out she was manipulated into singing tot musica by the people of Elegia 😭 i feel so bad knowing on how much she probably blamed herself for what happened but it wasnt her fault at all
Shanks is so selfless i swear, the way he just chose to take the blame instead so uta wouldn't blame herself and so she could make other people happy with her voice aswell 😭♥️
Watching uta descend into madness, as her mental health and physical state reach its absolute lowest was so heartbreaking (but the movie was so cool to watch!)
As you probably know, the wakeshrooms cause the person who eats them to stay awake until they die, and makes them more aggravated and brings out their negative emotions more, so i can see why she became more deranged as the movie went on. i feel so bad for her she deserves better 😭 i see why she was driven into madness after meeting shanks after all those years
Being kept on that island for so many years mustve been so depressing, so she was in a bad mental state most of her life. Kept alone, isolated with the entire world other than Gordon, not knowing anything going on in the world is so sad
I can see why she hates pirates so much, seeing as she cares so much about her fans (that she would trap them in the sing sing world just so they wouldnt have to deal with pirates anymore and for a 'new era' which she had good intentions with, but honestly it wasnt that great of an idea) she had the idea that all pirates were bad, and seeing all her fans sending her video mail about it probably amplified her hatred.
I took notice on how by the time uta had to sing tot musica, she was in her absolute worst mental and physical state, some of the words were linked together some words were messed up, i think ado captured on how much of a terrible state uta was in by the time she was forced to sing the song perfectly, i adore ado's singing in film red so much
I might've misunderstood uta honestly, i might've done her wrong in this post, i also realize this entire post is a rant but oh well i honestly just wanted to talk about her, anyone wanna tell me their thoughts on film red?
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esosage · 19 days
Had an infinetly better idea for the minecraft movie. (Wether its a good idea or not is debatable, but i feel its infinetly better than what we got.)
So the plot centers around 2 characters: a mother and her daughter. The daughter is well into her teen's now and is obssessed with the game minecraft to the point where its taken over her whole life. Every second she gets, she spends it playing minecraft. She spends it building her world, and escapeing a rather bleak reality.
She doesnt have freinds, her school sucks, the world feels like its going to shit due to financal struggles with her family, and she feels lost and helpless. It doesnt help that her relationship with her mother has strained due to her dads death. And minecraft gives her a break from all that. A way to tune everything else out from her life, and just chill out for once. And it gets to the point where she's dependent on it, where she needs it in order to get through the day.
It doesnt help either that her dad was the one who introduced her to the game. He grew up with the game in his preteens/teens and thusly wanted his daughter to get that experience aswell. Every weekend, the two would spend hours playing it, and its how they really bonded. So when he died, it became her way of mourning him, of remembering him. But that mourning quickly spiraled out of control as every hour she spends, is playing that game. Something that doesnt sit right with her mom.
Now, her and her mom were never too close: her mom was always working after all, so she never got to spend too much time with her. But things got a lot worse once the dad died. Because truthully, the mom and the dad were in a failing marriage. They were in debt, a lot of debt, due to hospital bill's, and the mom knew the money she earned wouldn't be enough to pay it all off. so, she wanted the dad to get a job. But since the daughter was pretty young at the time, the father didnt want to because then there wouldnt be anyone at home to take care of her, (since he knew they couldnt afford a babysitter.)
But in the mothers mind, it wouldnt matter if there was noone at home to take care of her because it was better than the alternative: haveing to sell the house or the car in order to be able to pay off their debts on time.
This argument highliting their very different viewpoints when it came to their family: The father being more focused on the happiness and wellbeing of the family, while the mother was more focused with keeping their family afloat.
But the arguments about their debt wouldnt matter when the father started to get sicker and sicker. Of course, the mother insisted that he go to the hospital to get it checked out, but he refused. They couldnt afford another hospital visit, so if he did go, then he deffinetly wouldnt be able to stay home anymore to care for their daughter.
Although, despite his protests, he was eventually forced to go by the mother when he could barely walk anymore. Which led to him getting diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Something, they didnt have the money to treat.
It was during that time when the daughter really got her obsession with minecraft. It wasnt as bad as when the dad passed, but there is deffinetly when it took its hold. She'd play it when she heard her parents screaming at eachother in the living room, she'd play it for hours just to take her mind off of her dads diagnosis, and she'd sob to herself when she walked through their world after he had passed. To her, playing it made her feel like he was still there, like she was back to when she was a little kid, and everything seemed to hopefull. She doesnt have to worry wether or not they'll have food on the table, or if she'll have to eat lunch by herself at school, or even if she'll have a house by the end of the year, she can just relax and play minecraft. Leading to her driffting apart from her mother, as she spent less time with her, and more time playing the game. Something the mother really never got.
To the mother, the game wasnt important, it was just some damn pixels on a screen. She doesnt get the signifigence it holds to her daughter. How can it matter more, then haveing dinner together? Or going to hang out together when she got the time? Or just being together in general? She gets that she wasnt there that often, but surely that shouldnt lead to her daughter placeing some damn, stupid, video game over her!
Id imagine that they'd have some arguments over this at the beggining of the movie. Showcasing how despite her best attempts to bond with her daughter, she just cant get through to her. This leads to a scene which highlightes just how deep this rift has gone.
In a fit of rage at another dissconnected response through the door, the mother barges in and demands a conversation, something the daughter avoids. She doesnt want to have a conversation afterall, she just wants to go back to playing minecraft after a particuallarly shitty day. Of course the mother yells at her about it, how this stupid game has taken over her life. But the daughter doesnt care, insisting its fine and to just leave her alone already. This sparks the mothers anger, leading her to call it insignifigent, which in turn, sparks the daughters anger. With her saying: "well its far more better than being with you!"
One shouting match later and the mother decides that if she cant get through to her babygirl because of this stupid game, then she'll just get rid of it! And in the heat of the moment, she trashes the computer. (Now, wether this is what ends up transporting to the game, or is the catalyist to what forces them to have to go into the game in order to fix things doesnt matter. The important point here is, its there rift that forces them to go into minecraft.)
Now, an important thing to point out is that neither of them are in the right. Yes the daughters obssession is unhealthy, but the mother refuses to try and see how much this game matters to her and why.
And resolving these problems is the whole plot of the movie, minecraft being the needed setting and catalyst for them to do so.
The daughter needs to learn to move on and heal from her dads death, and to let go of her obssession with minecraft, and the mother needs to actually try to understand her daughter. Up until this point, she's only been trying to bond with the daughter she used to know, not the one thats infront of her. And she needs to accept that things are different, her daughter has changed, and she needs to support the one that she has right now.
Now, i dont have solid idea for their time in minecraft, but i do have specific points:
Maybe the thing driving into this world, is that its slowly being corrupted because of what the mother did, and now they have to fight the great evil that has been released. (Its herobrine, im self indulgent like that.)
Now, in order to defeat herobrine they have to bring back his twin: steve. Though its deffinetly tough getting there, with them being kinda carried by the daughters technical knowledge, since she deffinetly has over 10,000 hours invested in this game.
This roadtrip lets them bond a little and grow to appreciate eachother more, of course, theyre bickering at the start of it, but decide that they really need to bash their heads together if they want to sort things out.
I feel like a lot of the early bonding would be from the daughter teaching the mother the ropes of the game. Like how to mine wood, how to make a crafting table, and what mobs are freindly and which to avoid.
An early joke in the first act, would be the mom trying to craft a wooden pickaxe by only useing wooden planks and the daughter internally dying inside from cringe. So much so that she visibly recoils from the unholy act.
I'd also imagine that they'd pick up a dog on the way which the daughter obsesses over. She ends nameing him alphredo, because of his white coat. The mom does not like the dog, thinking the name is stupid and that they're a distraction, but eventually grows very attached to alphredo.
Speaking of distractions, this is where the mother really comes in handy: keeping both her and the daughter on track. Naturally, from being in her favorite game, the daughter wants to do everything! She wants to punch wood, go to the nether, build a house, but they dont have time for that. Plus, they are on hardcore mode.
Another way the mother helps out is that she ends up haveing to do a lot of the physical labor, because despite being in a game, they still have human bodies (even if theyre blocky now) and being a gamer does not bode well for the daughters physical capabilities. As for why the mother has a lot of physical strength, i think the explination would be that she used to be an professional bodybuilder/boxer before she met and married the dad. Something the daughter had zero clue about before the mom mentions which is a conversation that i think would go before like this:
*the daughter pants from exaughstion at punching trees down. Takeing a moment to catch her breath before glancing over to the mom, who hasnt even broke a sweat yet.*
"how are you-"
"I was a proffesional boxer in my 20s."
*more silence.*
"You.-... theres no shot."
"W- wha?-"
"Theres no way, that you were a professional boxer, and i didnt know about it!"
"I- patricia i litterally have several gold metals at ho-"
"GOLD MEDLE-... shut the fuck up, you are lying."
"Theres no way you have a single gold medal- you are LYING!"
"We have a whole shelf for them at home-"
"Blah, blah, blah, blah! I cant hear you; thats absolute bullshit." *the daughter plugs her ears with her fingers.*
"Oh come on- right now?"
"Yes right now! If there was damn shelf, i would have seen it already!"
"Oh like you get out of your room enough to do that-"
"IM SORRY! i cant seem to hear youre ABSOLUTE SLANDER right now!"
*cue the mom trying to talk, while the daughter yells "la la la la la la" and breifly interjecting over her.*
Id also imagine theres a scene where the daughter struggles to kill the sheep, because now they actually seem alive and its eating her alive. Also, it would probobly go something like this:
"Mmh... can we please eat something else! I dont can't do it!"
"Honey, we dont have time to make a farm, you're going to have to kill the sheep."
"But hes so cute!"
"Dear, it is litterally just a bunch of pixels clumped together."
"Well its a very adorable bunch of pixels, that leans up for head patts every time i get close, okay!"
"Its either the sheep or us right now love! Because we have about 8 minutes before our hunger bar drops-"
"Okay fine!"
*the daughter turns twards the sheep, sword raised above her head, as tears form in her eyes.*
"Im so sorry truffles."
Oh, my god, it has been less than a minute and you have already NAMED IT?-"
"Its big, its fluffy, and it has beady little eyes, of COURSE i named it!"
"Shut up! Im already doing it."
Now both of those would be scenes before steve comes along because it strengthens their relationship before the metaphorical sledgehammer steve brings crashing down on them. Why is steve like a sledgehammer you may ask? Well its because he looks exactly like the dad. And also kind of acts like him too.
Steve is essentially going to be a tool plot wise to further advance the mothers ark. To push the mother to understand her daughter more, or at least try to. To get her to recognize where she fucked up, and try ot fix it. Because while she is hard headed, she loved the dad. She obsolutely did, and although she never showed it much to the daughter, due to being bogged down with responsibility, she was devistated after his death. Which leads to another character flaw of her's: haveing a hard time showing emotion. After the dad died, for the first couple of years, the mother closed herself off. Of course she was greiving in private, but she kept a brave face for her daughter, didnt want her to see just how much shit they were really in. Of course, the daughters not stupid, she saw through some of the charade, but it left her with the impression that the dads death didnt really affect the mother which is the farthest from the truth. It doesnt help that the mother still tries to keep up this brave face even afterwards, which just perpetuates it.
Steve, looking like the father, forces her to really confront and bring out that vulnerable part of herself. That vulnerable part, that never really moved on from the dads death, who still misses him. That tender part, that nearly sobs at the sight of him again.
That tender part, the part that missed him and never quite moved on after so many years, is what makes her a lot less stubborn to steves suggestions. Sure, she was a lot more stubborn before, but that was before he died, before she had to suffer through the loss, and experience what life was like withought him. And that experience, those years of mourning and stress, and wishing she had just let him have his wau just a bit more before the end, makes her a lot more receptive to steves ideas. And eventually, makes her admit that "yeah, she was in the wrong in some ways. And yeah, she couldve handled everything a whole lot better."
And it also preps her to try more. To make a lasting change and effort for her daughter in the third act. I think at the end of the second act, before they go toe to toe with herobrine, she has a heart to heart with steve, talking about how unsure she is as a mother. How scared she is. Of how she feels like she's loseing her baby. And steve reasures her, saying that while she didnt do the best from the sounds of it, she did what she could. And now, that she knows what her problem is, she can fix it. To make things right, and try better this time.. to do better by her daughter. I think he also would explain the daughters point of view to her aswell, since he would have deffinetly spent a lot of time talking with her aswell up to this point. And him explaining the daughters point of view would nudge her in the right direction of trying to understand her current daughter better. Not the past one, not the one that was 8 years old, but the current one that she has. Of course, shes still resistant somewhat, still doesnt fully get it, but she's deffinetly on her way there
But steve wouldnt just forward the mothers ark aswell, it would also push forward the daughters ark... just not in the right direction. Because at seeing steve (who practically is her dad) in the game, her favorite game, a game thats been the only highlight of her life until now... she has to wonder... why leave? If everything she wants is in here.. why cant she stay? Now, its never said outloud but its deffinetly an implyed thought between every scene between her and steve. Where she slowly stops treating him like steve, and more like her dad. Until the point where she slips up, and just straight up calls him by her dads name.
Now, steve isnt the dad, he doesnt have his memorys. But he certainly does look and sound like him, and to a degree, he acts like him.. and thats more than enough for the daughter to start confuseing him with the real thing. (Something that will come up later.)
Also, side note, im not wure if it will be in the second act or in the third act.. but the dog, alphredo, thats been with them since the begining will die eventually. This is mainly to get the mother to really understand how much this game is important to her daughter, and why it is. Because its not only the daughter thats greiving the dog, but the mother as well. Because despite it being just a clump of pixels, it was important to them. They spent time with it, played with it, bonded with it. And oh, this is why this game is so important to her daughter. Its not just the time spent, its the memories too. Sure its a game, but the emotions put into it were real. The time they spent together, how much theyve bonded because of it, that was real. And looking back, and remembering the times she would come home to her husband and her daughter laughing up a storm in the living room as they bonded over this stupid game, that mattered. And regardless of if she doesn't get it, or if it seems silly, its signifigent to her daughter and thats what matters most. Its her daughters care for it, that should make it important to her aswell.
This moment, is what gets her to change her approch, and actually try to understand the girl infront of her. To actually try to talk with her. (Even if it might be a little too late.)
Remember what i said said about the daughter wanting to stay in the game comeing up later?... and remember the part where i mentioned that steve and herobrines were twins. Yeah, thats the main point in the third act.
Because if steve looks like the dad, and herobrine is steve's twin.. then guess what herobrine looks like? The dad. Which makes fighting him even harder for both the mother and the daughter.. especially for the daughter.
Now i dont know when he would do this, but eventually everything will come to a climax where herobrine tries to make a deal with the daughter: he'll let her stay in this perfect, ideal world forever... if she lets him do what he wants to do. And the cherry on top is, he does this, while pretending to be her father.
(Now depending on the plot, the dog dying might come before or after this, not sure, but either way it happens close to this scene.)
Now, her accepting isnt the part im super sure about, but either way it ends in the mother having to talk her down or out of it.
Originally, she keeps that strong face, tries to be logical about it, to reason with her.. trying to employ the most steadfast logic she can think of, but her daughter seems set. Especially when the face of her father is begging her to do so.. and it seems like the whole deal is about to go through, until... the mother apologieses. It comes out of nowhere, a two letter sentance that the daughter has never heard the other utter to her before. And it gets her to pause.
The mother takes that as a sign that she should continue.
For this moment, she casts logic asside and just decides to level with her. To be honest for once. To tell her how she's feeling and to just be.. human with her. Being completly honest, she wants this, she wants to stay here so bad too. She misses her husband so bad. She wants to stay with him so bad. To hug him one last time, but she knows its not real. No matter how much she wants it to be, her husband is dead and theres nothing that will change that.
This prompts the daughter to open up to her aswell, even if its a little bit at first, the crack is enough, and soon wnough the two of them have what they've needee for so long now:
A conversation.
Not screaming at eachother, not hurried dissmisles. Or half hearted attempts at trying to return things to "how they used to be." But a full on, genuine, heart to heart.
And thats enough to get the daughter to step down. And focuse on defeating herobrine with her mother.
Im thinking as a way of closeing out the daughters unhealthy obsession with minecraft, the world gets deleted. Getting rid of years of memorys, sure, but also setting up a way to make new one's, as at the very end the daughter comes home to see the mother on the couch with two laptops out in the livingroom for them to play minecraft together on. Or course the daughters obsession isnt fully gone, and its something they'll still need to work on, but theyre not going through it alone. As shown by the mother trying to bond and understand the daughter by the end, by engaging with her in her hobby.
Also, they made a memorial for alphredo in the kitchen, and are looking to buy a dog that looks kinda of like him... when they have the money of course, since they still arnt out of debt just yet.
They didnt get a perfect ending, they're still going through a rough patch, but they're going to make it through it together now.
For the credits, i'd imagine it be pictures of adventures through minecraft, but also some drawings of the mother haveing the daughter to try out new hobbies. (Knitting, running, boxing, and other stuff)
Further proof of them trying to get the daughter better copeing habbits would be at the end credit scene where shes either practicing one, reserching how to improve her copeing mechanisms, or engaging in a new hobby at the end, before her mom calls her over. She hasnt been in her moms room in a while, (from spending most of her time playing minecraft) so its a lot different from what she remembers. But she's more floored by the wall full of gold medals and trophies that her mom finnally gets to show off to her, like she promised.
Anyhow, thats just my take on how i'd do a minecraft movie. Obviously its not the most fleshed out idea, more like a rough draft that i wrote up as i went a long. But i feel like its infinetly better than whatever we're getting, so i thought i'd put it out there.
Also, i wrote all of this in one sitting, so sorry if it doesnt flow well, or parts dont make sense, or theres grammer errors. Its late, and i do not have time to reread it. Apologies. Anyways, feel free to give critisism, critique is welcome, i'd love to see other peoples take on this and how they'd improve on it, or what they'd add to it. Or maybe what they'd do differently. Who knows. Also, if you need me to elaborate on something, feel free to ask.
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
Some SpeedingBullet headcanons for the soul:
Sniper taught Scout how to slow dance. Scout never really learned how yo slow dance but he learned how to do all the fast swing dances and what not. But slow dancing wasnf his speed. Even if he did like listening to slow songs. He would sing/hum along to them until Sniper was like "??? nah imma teach you because aint no way you dont know how to slow dance"
Scout tried teaching Sniper baseball but despite all his efforts, it ended in failure. Mostly because they had to end their little baseball session short because Scout threw the ball a little too fast and a little too accurate while Sniper wasnt fully paying attention. It resulted in Sniper with a broken nose and black eye. Scout apologized perfusely and hasnt asked Sniper to play baseball with him since (but Snipes would do so in a heartbeat)
Sniper was one of the first people Scout drew on base. He didnt know till months and months later when they became good friends and Scout realized he wasnt going to be made fun of for his sketches. It became one of the many ways Scout would show his friendship and eventual affection.
Scout was insistant on becoming Snipers friend. He would constantly try to talk to him on the occasions Sniper would enter the base and basically hunt him down just tontalk with him. And then it slowly became a nightly thing where after matches Scout would go to Sniper and even try and drag him into the base more often and to go out with the others.
Which leads into, they became great friends and their friendship really became set and stone after Scout went to Sniper one night. He didnt start a conversation, just knocked on the camper door and when Sniper let him in, went straight to the bench in the camper van. Scout seemed out of sorts and not his usual self. There was no talking, no rambling. Just silence. He looked upset and troubled. So Sniper just sat next to him for a bit until Scout leaned against him. Sniper tensed up, not really the most aquainted with touch as a form of affection. But he sticks it out and slowly touches Scouts shoulder which is when he notices Scout crying quietly. And Sniper just stays quiet and lets him cry it out. Scout would eventually tell him what it was about and then eventually when Scout was feeling like that hed go to Sniper. Neither realizing the fact that they were slowly catching feelings.
(Sorry for the long list. Got a bit carried away 😅)
-Sniper would definitely know how to slow dance and is willing to teach Scout some of it too!! Scout wouldnt dare to listen to Spy when he tried teaching him but when sniper offered??? You know damn well Scout said yes in a heartbeat
-Scout probably still feels bad about their wasted effort in practicing baseball but Sniper told him that even if he couldn't play much, he was still willing to listen to Scout talk about it
-YESSSS SNIPER BEING SCOUTS MUSE!! I've said this headcanon in an ask somewhere but I dont remember- But I would like to think that when everyone was still getting to know each other, Sniper wasn't allowed to bring his camper yet and he stayed in the base for a few months, leaving Scout to see him often and drawing him because he was the most still person in the base ever. And Sniper was definitely in awe when he saw some sketches, he didn't even know he would look that good in Scout's eyes
-I absolutely love the headcanon of Scout just suddenly and casually starting to talk to Sniper and becoming friends, like it sounds random but it makes sense!
-Its always the big feely times when they realize "oh shit I love him"
And no worries!! I absolutely loved these so much and was kinda craving for more sniperscout content😅
Hugs for the anon ^^
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snoopyliker · 8 months
time to qsmp talk
theres multiple things about the new server that i do enjoy i love the new mods and i mean lootr is so awesome for dungeons and theres a lot more cool blocks and decorations to build with and i think bounties are actually fun to give people stuff to do and i love the new world and everyone starting from zero and new builds.
but theres also the cons! i truly would not have minded the economy system if it wasnt so invasive to the gameplay. i dont mind “money” being established when it comes to buying silly things like cosmetics or the plushies or generally things that dont impede you being unable to craft. i understand why everything is behind a paywall, i get it, they want to really promote this system and get the players involved but its such a drastic shift from being able to simply craft a waystone.. to having to pay for every single one you want. it’s rough. it dont see the point really in having a mod in the game but locking it behind money and removing essentially its utility to the players. with every con though theres pros like its interesting to see how players develop transportation for themselves to get around easier i mean points towards foolish have you ever seen a man so dedicated to breeding fast horses. but again that doesnt lessen the unfortunate aspect of waystones, warpstones, and such being less available.
i dont see the point in putting the nether behind a paywall i dont get why they have to grind for it as if they havent waited long enough and tried millions of things go get the nether already. its odd. though again i think these choices make sense in the story like the island is being run by a new character mr bunny and he’s obsessed with money so it makes sense for the players to live in this capitalistic hellscape where they need to even pay to teleport. i think it reinforces the power and imbalance between the federation and the islanders. they thought they had it bad but they continue to make their lives worse. i think all of this works actually really well in the story my issue is that when you look at it from any other lens its not fun. it feels unnecessary and forced onto the players, which again makes sense in the story, to partake in. idk i think if the admins wanted to delay the nether being opened then they couldve just done that without the collective spending. it feels really weird. i always wanted the nether opening to be this cool grand lore moment but it feels like its just going to be “woo u wasted money congrats here u go” not nearly as thrilling as if the players idk uncovered information from the federation and the bunnies and found a way to make a permanent functioning portal that would lead to this opening moment.
the whole thing with the coins is such a shame because i wanted it to be good but as of right now it doesnt bode well with me. also makes me question what about all the players duck coins they had earned prior to the reset? where did those go? once they go back to their old builds can they deposit that money?
i wouldnt even say earning coins is hard like the admins have offered a variety of ways to get coins my main issue is all the things behind these payments with the coins. i dont get the nerf with waystones i dont get why. i dont know. i’d like to have a genuine chat with the admins over what the future of the smp looks like to them and what their aim is with all these features. i want to understand better so im able to watch and know what the point is before simply criticizing ignorantly. but im sure they’ve received a lot of negativity already and i dont want them to be discouraged. im just honestly curious like the beginning of purgatory was confusing and jarring but once we got the premise of what it is and what its purpose is meant to be in relation to the server i personally ended up enjoying it throughly.
anyways peace and love on planet earth ily admins and qsmp team (please set us free)
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Wish there was more Shiggy/Toga stuff. :)
ShigaToga; Great Compatibility
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Sure but first, i would like to say that i wasnt shipping them at first or expected to ship them because well, to me, Shigaraki was always redeemable villain and Toga was crazy yandere girl. I used to not pay attention to their relationship or any other league relationship before MVA arc. And honestly, it was hard to imagine Shigaraki having romantic partner or involving any romance but biggest reason is their age. At beginning, we didnt know their age so i thought Shigaraki was like 23-24 at least and Toga is high school girl so lol but then he turned out 20 years old, a lot younger than i expected. He is the one who has closest age to Toga in league, 3 years age difference isnt actually much, if it was 4 or more, it would be but 3 years age difference depends. Especially in Shigaraki and Toga's case, since they are not your usual 20 years old or 17 years old. Shigaraki is literally Afo's hostage since he was 5 years old and Toga is living in streets since her middle school so yeah. And 'average 20 years old would have to take care of Shigaraki and average 17 years old could easiely take advantage of someone like Toga too. (And the thing is; I am pretty sure that people wouldnt mind shipping Twice with Toga, if Twice was 20 years old but suddenly its a problem because it is Shigaraki, even though, it should be other way around and Shigaraki isnt really big brother to her, yeah). I think its not a problematic ship. I think it is very good ship with potential and also, there is kinda set up but well, i wish we get more lov interactions.
Also, i would like to say that the only reason i ship is because i truly believe that Shigaraki and Toga can actually develop healthy romantic relationship. And honestly, its hard not to ship after realizing their canon interaction, Toga's character and how much Toga is fond of him. Anyway, lets continue.
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It is even more interesting since they are written to be compatible with each other. Their dynamic is like murderous couple, not in a way 'we make each other worse' but in a way 'we make each other better'.
Their characterization is inspired by Joker and Harley Quinn. All it takes is one bad day. Though, Shigaraki is opposite of Joker. He is not Toga's abuser. He is her healer.
They have the opposite attracts energy.
When i think about those two together, I realize how healthy and compatible their relationship would be.
Since they are both murderers and since they both became like this despite being good people/they tried their best until reaching breaking point, they wouldn't judge each other for this. Their life has been destroyed both causes of their quirk and environment so they would understand each other.
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Who Toga really is was ignored her whole life, and that's why in the end, Toga controlled her all relationship. She always stalks people, having side relationships to have absolute control. Even with her relationship with Twice, she has more control over her relationships. So what Toga needs to do is give control to her partner too, she shouldn't try to control their life. She should be letting that person s taking decisions too. Shigaraki is the opposite. His life was always controlled by others. He didn't make decisions in his life so he needs to take control of his own life. Shigaraki needs to make decisions in his relationships too. Shigaraki wants to be a leader in the group while Toga has no interest in being a leader, she is ok with being a helper. Shigaraki became a villain cause of pain, and hate. His life is full of pain, this is why he needs to see good things in life. Toga became a villain cause of pleasure and love. Her life is full of pleasure but she shouldn't ignore the pain of life. They are both equal children, this is why they would be equal in a relationship, they could learn how to deal with life and grow together. Toga is living in her world, she doesn't see people, only she is there. Meanwhile, Shigaraki only sees other people, he doesn't see himself, even in his memories.
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Normally, Toga acts close to other people but in reality, she is too cold and acts logically cause she wasn't loved. Meanwhile, Shigaraki normally seems too cold and cautious but actually, he is very warm and emotional. when someone pushes him, he acts emotionally, unlike Toga who acts logically. And even though, Toga is more emotionally intelligence than Shigaraki (and many other characters), Shigaraki is a lot better at socially interacting with others and making friends. Again, since Toga was never really loved, she would afraid of being loved, hugged, being touched, at first. While Shigaraki lost his family with his own hands, he would afraid of loving, hugging, and touching someone. Shigaraki has always had a relationship with someone but since his all relationship is abusive towards him, he has no interest in having a partner, also he is like asexual. While Toga never had a relationship with someone, all she wants is to have a partner, also she is like bisexual. Shigaraki has no one in his life as his lover while Toga has many lovers in her mind. Shigaraki is always being chased after, and controlled by people while Toga always stalks people. All Toga want is to be accepted by someone, and belonging to somewhere. While Tenko’s hero dream is literally about giving a place to outcasts like Toga.
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Toga always sees people as things but she needs to see people as people. Meanwhile, Shigaraki was treated as a thing his whole life, he needs to see himself as a human being, not a thing. Toga needs to see worth in other people while Shigaraki needs to see worth in his life. Shigaraki needs someone who will be beside him, loyal to him, someone who will fight beside him, even against the whole world. Toga needs loyalty towards someone, a person who will inspire her and since she heals with Shigaraki’s kindness, she would fight beside him, even against the whole world, since they are both outcasts as equals. Shigaraki needs support, and Toga needs inspiration, just like their foils Deku and Uraraka. Shigaraki is very destructive and he always hurts himself he needs to learn to care about his life. Toga enjoys someone’s bleeding, and getting hurt, she needs to care about other people’s pain.
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Toga likes spicy food, and Shigaraki likes sweet things, kinda funny. Both Shigaraki and Toga don't want anyone to do their thing, Toga cause she wants to choose what she wants on her own, for Shigaraki, he doesn't want to be a payer to someone.
Shigaraki is youngest child of his family, he has that kinda spoiled kid energy and very codependant and he always needs a babysitter to take care of him while Toga (and Dabi) is oldest child of her family, she is very independent girl. Even though, she is the youngest in league, she tends to take care of people around her too and she is living in streets on her own since middle school.
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I am sure that there is more. They are written to oppose each other in every way but also in a good way and it is really entertaining. They have murderous couple energy with amazing chemistry but at the same time, its is unexpectedly very stable for them. This post is actually kinda old but whatever, it is fun to think about it.
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morastfrck · 9 months
Imagine if infamous delsin and corrupt Reggie
Reggie being a corrupt cop
And delsin a bio-terrorist
In the infamous route, and both of them are vicious
omfg anon
that would be sick af
but i mean, reg is already not doing half of his job by letting delsin run around and do literally everything he does
and i suppose since they have good relationship between each other, reggie never gave him any real punishment. even for graffiti before the whole conduit thing, bc i doubt that they would still be good bros after 1 year in jail, a massive fine, or whatever else punishments could apply to delsin
(trespassing, vandalism, possibly some other small crimes before the main story)
(well and straight up murder and terrorism later on)
also like, wouldnt it ruin regs career as well? delsin once mentions that reggie “pays the bills” and i suppose supporting a brother, who commited graffiti related crimes multiple times (even after the hypotetical legal punishment) would count as being associated with him (guess who pays for spraypaint if delsin is unemployed)
i dont really know about the law implications of such cases in the us but i doubt that reg would be able to move up the career ladder and become a sheriff without covering up majority of delsin’s crimes
+reg is legit worried about delsin and cares for him, so that might have stopped him from taking legal actions (that would result in del getting a crime record that could wrong him in that beautiful imaginary future of a lawful sitizen that reg wants for his brother)
so what i suppose happens is that he arrests delsin, scolds him, maybe makes him sit in the police station cell for a few days and thats it. No official records or anything.
also the fact that reg says that he is proud of delsin before his death in any karma route is remarkable, and i feel like he really means it.
The thing about his morals is how ready he was to leave and quit everything throughout the story just for delsin’s safety. In the beginning, when he was doubtful of the whole idea of going against augustine and taking her power (in his mind he apparently already buried their tribe and wasnt going to let his brother die too)
and later on, when delsin thought that he lost his powers. Reg was immideately happy for him and ready to go home. And i feel like the way he is ready to basically sacrifice their only chance for saving their family for delsin connects well with him loving and supporting delsin no matter what he does.
They are the only really close ones left for each other, and this fact really seems to impact reggie’s morals and choices.
and what i mean by all of that is that if reggie lived, he would probably stay beside delsin anyway, even in bad karma. He would find new and new excuses to forgive him anything he would do. (up to some breaking point probably, but still)
and, if we are talking [your] corrupt cop reggie, he wouldnt even have to make excuses. I imagine he doesnt even care, as long as its delsin. His bro can do whatever he wants and reg will use his legal power to make sure he wont get into trouble.
I suppose that in this scenario none of them would give much fuck about other conduits (similarly to how bad karma delsin puts himself above eugene and fetch, and how he only sees other conduits as free powers)
imagine delsin and fetch terrorising another group of anti-conduit protestants, and they call the police only for reggie to accuse them of uncoordinated rally or smth
also i feel like this is one of those scenarios where rowecest could work (if anyone is into that). Since they both would totally lack any morals (and i guess respect for other people lmao)
In canon, reggie was against conduits at first, but made an exception for delsin (the same way he did it with any other crime, like being agains all vandals, except for delsin, who got a free pass as his brother)
Corrupt cop reggie could behave similarly in the sense that he would make an excuse for himself and del. While all other criminals deserve the punishment, they are fine. How beautifully hypocritical of him would that be.
oh and yk this trope in mafia movies and such, where one of the family members is in the law enforcement, and half of the story we think that he hates the family (and vice versa) but then its revealed that he is still the same part of it all, and all the hate is no more then public facade. I believe that something similar could happen (as delsin’s actions would have to impact reggie’s reputation)
corrupt reggie would definetely make public statements about how he rejects his bioterrorist brother (and uh huh coincedentally would never fulfill his promices of doing at least something about the problem) to keep said reputation.
Also i feel like they would still talk in banter, but instead of bringing up the moral aspects, reggie would scold delsin for the way he is not careful enough, that reg cannot save him from everything and that he needs to be less reckless. (still insufferable lmao)
all of this could happen, if from the very beginning reggie had around the same morals as delsin. Either he became a cop to protect his brother and the tribe, or any other reason, seeing the structure from the inside would make him believe, that yeah, his mindset is completely normal
(maybe as a more responsible one he decided that work in the police would be beneficial for them as he would be able to keep delsin out of trouble)
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rpfisfine · 10 months
do you hate miles?🤨
i was wondering when someone would send me an ask like this yeah i dont like him to be honest. i know ppl on here have largely moved on from the fateful 2016 interview and it has been discussed to death and yeah he immediately said he was joking etc etc but i dont think its weird to think you shouldnt have to feel pressured to like completely forgive and forget and absolve the sins of a male musician saying something that made a female reporter feel unsafe or objectified or 'caught in an increasingly distressing situation' or act like its some sort of unheard of and unimaginable offense that has never happened before in the history of music interviews and one someone’s favorite musician who can do no wrong in their eyes could definitely never get caught up in (esp given how gross in general the music industry is towards women). OR even go so far to say the reporter did it all for attention i cant believe this is even a discussion that has ever been had in any form ever like genuinely nothing makes me angrier than ppl who literally turn into blatant sexists whenever their favorite white guy's reputation is even mildly put at risk ive literally seen one person on here say the whole interview was made up and exaggerated and that she just wanted to 'join the me too movement' which is like Okay man i think you might just not have any respect for women in real life maybe. even watered down and not as extreme its a take thats more prevalent on am tumblr than i thought or previously imagined and i hate how bad it makes the fandom look like i trust that everyone on here is a reasonably intelligent and empathetic human being who has at least a basic tumblr education on the fact that victim blaming is bad so we dont rly need to turn around and immediately go 'she just misunderstood what he was saying' or 'she just didnt get his sense of humor' like Alright
i hope im articulating all this reasonably well like i think its literally fine that ppl have accepted his apology and moved on and are able to enjoy him as an artist and/or as a person too thats awesome and im happy for the ppl that i follow that have this kind of relationship with him. even if it wasnt for the interview thing he stil wouldnt be for me i used to be a pretty big fan of his music when i was younger but nowadays since ive found different music i dont rly pay any attention to him. im glad he was able to spark alex creatively but thats as far as my enjoyment goes of him to be yonest
also ive just realized now that all this makes me look kind of contrived given the fact that ive written milex before and i dont rly have like an impenetrable explanation i literally started writing for jamex around the time the car album came out bc i found out all my fav jamex fics had gotten deleted by their author so i wanted to fill the void and then one day i was like wait am i good enough yet to write a functional milex fic (plus i was hoping to get more ppl to notice my writing and milex offers a pretty easy way to do that) so then i wrote 2 and i was like ok i am cool. i dont intend to write another fic for them
hope this makes sense i probably forgor to say like 10 other things i wanted to say but thats okay
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wc-wild-rewrite · 11 months
Rising Storm reread!
Overall, 9.5/10, thoughts at the bottom of the post. Half point removed for having an odd pacing, not much technically happened but also a lot happened as well, i always think the events of this one are in forest of secrets.
Huh, they actually foreshadow the second arc and skyclan, neat
Careful Runningnose, i dont like the way you phrased that
Ooo spooky omens, i like it
Chapter 1
Im retracting my statement from last book, i dont like cloudpaw
Tigerclaw was banished a quarter moon ago
Might be harsh, but fireheart's right, cloudpaw's gotta learn respect for the prey
More exposition, but placed better, feels more like his memories than the authors
Willowpelt is expecting
Why have ash and fern not been apprenticed yet, their a moon older than cloud
Thank you whitestorm for helping our boy with patrols
In fireheart's defense, its hard to keep track of where one cat is, nevermind a whole clan
Aww hi brightpaw
So mistlekit is still alive, eh? Kit survived the whitecough bought
Unfortunatrly the elders werent incorrect in their worry
I like this start, the writing is far smoother
Chapter 2
"Your eyes have always betrayed your heart" i really like that line
Fireheart being scared of a kitten is shockingly in character, same tom who overthought a mossball comment
I like the implication that bluestar and leaders generally visit the nursery a lot
Ah, theres the slightly jarring exposition
I love whitestorm so much
I know it wasnt canon at the time of writing the book, but i like that whitestorm's the one to be concerned, thsts his auntie
Honestly i can't blame bluestar for losing trust so fast, being backstabbed like that can really mess with your head, i've seen it happen
But thats also really sad, she was so happy to announce cloudpaw's ceremony last book
Cloudpaw has been an apprentice for a half moon
Fireheart, lets not continue with the pity
Cinderpaw was made yellowfang's apprentice a moon and a half ago
From an author persepctive, not a fan of cinderpaw's worry here, but from a character perspective, i understand her, its a lot to learn, especially at such a young age with people's health at stakr
Ok i understand why he chose darkstripe instead of sandstorm, no need to risk more clan unease at the moment, but god i hope he explains this rationally to sandstorm
Chapter 3
I know bluestar's aggression is a bad thing, but she's got a point, two attacks in one moon means you gotta keep some around
Cloudpaw being annoying, as usual
Ash and Fern, yay!
Chapter 4
Oo, i like the imagery of that nightmare
Ah, here's bluestar's...not mania, i dont think thats the word, but impulsiveness, maybe
Haha runningwind doesn't like cloudpaw, cant blame him
I like bluestar in book 2 was like "runningwind is a good cat but he wouldnt be good with apprentices" and he keeps getting stuck with apprentices
Chapter 5
Exposition part 3
Even with her mind clouded, her instincts are sharp
Yay bluestar's happy
Oh nevermind
Ah, hello mudclaw, not the last time your gonna cause trouble
Bluestar no-
Chapter 6
Goddamn it cloudpaw
Both runningwind and fireheart are increasingly exasperated with him
Fireheart, your the most patient cat on earth for putting up with cloudpaw for so long, lets hope it pays off
Chapter 7
Quarter moon since the moonstone attempt
Graystripe has been in riverclan for nearly a moon
Greenleaf is furball season
Stop looking at him, your making him nervous
Chapter 8
Ok, wildly abrupt time cut
Littlecloud was 3 moons old when he was apprenticed in the first book
Jesus, poor kit
Damn, i feel bad for these two
This whole time and no one was aware of these paths?
Chapter 9
Not sure how i feel about this new sandstorm
Oh look Fireheart, cloudtail took your advice from the first book
Chapter 10
I know hes written as arrogant, and he is very arrogant, but his confused look there gives me "autist who needs a rule to be explained far more bluntly" vibes, as one myself
Willowpelt's kitting
Aw no poor cinderpaw
Oh, cinderpelt. When'd she get her name?
Two she-cats and a tom, eh? Alright, rain, soot, which of you is the trans tom?
Bit of an awkward transition to the next day there, but alright
Two moons since the last rain
Chapter 11
Aw, cinderpelt
Fireheart cant stay mad at his baby sister forever
Sandfire advenetures!
Cloudpaw no!
Chapter 12
Okay, bad wording fireheart, but sandstorm turned way too quickly
Oh, poor ash
Chapter 13
Aw, ashfur, babie boy. Im gonna hate you next arc
Ok good, bluestar still has some wisdom in hef
Fireheart please take cinderpelt's advice, let spottedleaf go
Chapter 14
Brackenfur's not stupid, he can see u like her, fireheart
Aw, whitestorm's so concerned for his aunt
Im just picturing bluestar lying on her side, sadly licking dew from individual leaves
Chapter 15
Willowpelt not being forced into mother or warrior solely, for the win!
Oh no, runningwind!
Ah shit, there goes whitethroat
Tigerclaw u fucker
Chapter 16
Skinny tigerclaw is a cursed image
Whitestorm to the rescue!
And greystripe!!
Chapter 17
I love how considerate fireheart is
Uh oh, bluestar, please stay calm
I think the writers got confused on mourning rituals, isnt it those closest to the dead that sit vigil?
Still, poor runningwind
Thornpaw, buddy! You've been given absolutely no characterization so far, poor guy, the neglected littermate
Yellowfang's reminded of Brokenstar, isnt she
Chapter 18
Aw, brackenfur playing with the kits
What ever happened to the "dont eat on hunting patrols" thing he was critizing cloudpaw about earlier?
Ravenpaw!!! My buddy!!!
Oh lord, exposition
Cloudpaw's been missing for a quarter moon
Chapter 19
Goddamn why is sandstorm so quick to fight with him
I see where shes coming from, dont leave the clan unguarded to go pick up your nephew from a twoleg nest, but have like, a reasonable discussion at least
...au where brightpaw comes across tigerclaw during the journey back to camp and gets kidnapped or killed
He has his own territory!! Good for you, dude!
Chapter 20
Thunderclan tree scaling skills coming in handy again
Why is sandstorm so harsh against ravenpaw???
Im glad ravenpaw has confidence, and a lot of it, given he just willingly alerted dogs to himself
Chapter 21
Cloudpaw better be on a redemption arc now, i really want to like him
Deadfoot nooo
Haha webpaw said fuck that
Aw, ashpaw, cutie
Hell yeah, more elders liking cloudpaw content
Chapter 22
Bluestar's memory is fading isnt it
Ok good cloudpaw's improving
I love these nightmares and omens, shame ive never seen fanart for them
Chapter 23
Ah, the fire, time for heartbreak
Ough, the image of patchpelt trying to drag halftail to saftey
I know yellowfang dies this book but shes gotta be alive! Shes just gotta!
Au where yellowfang survives and teaches leafpool
Chapter 24
Nooo, patchpelt!
Au where bluestar dies instead of yellowfang
Huh, they remembered mistlekit's existence, but not the fact she should definitely be an apprentice by now
Chapter 25
Ah good, leopardfur's softening a bit
Aw, smallear wanting to bury patchpelt
I'd be neat if one of the willowkits got asthma from this, but i know they dont
Chapter 26
Darkstripe you dick
Yess dustpelt becoming likeable
Bluestar's getting worse, isnt she
Storm and Feather! Babies!
Chapter 27
I like crookedstar
God, it really is destroyed, huh
Poor halftail
This is horrific, one of the worse deaths, if shes still conscious when fireheart finds her, she was probably conscious all night
"I wish you had been my son, but i could not have borne a cat like you" god.
Oh god, the image of fireheart desperately talking over her, knowing shes gone, ough
Chapter 28
I cant even blame bluestar here, i'd break from this too
Rip yellowblue shippers (fangfur? Bluefang?)
Three quarter moon
Chapter 29
I think cloudpaw has gotten "my boy!" status
Whitestorm's such a good warrior, man, i love him
Darkstripe's a dick part ???
Chapter 30
See, this is why i love firestar, he didnt have to tell runningnose personally, he could've just announced it
Ohoho, hello tigerclaw, you evil fucker
My thoughts
9.5/10, technically a lot happened but it also felt like nothing happened, so half a point off. I liked it though, the writing is holding up so far, everyone's mostly in character- aside from sandstorm's flip-flopping- and the fire scenes were brutal. Not necessarily my favourite so far, but high up
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kaatu-sirukki · 2 months
a story similar to the time i drunk texted
it was a cold night outside that kept sakata gintoki in his house. random days of the month kagura tends to go on family trips with her biological father and shinpach is usually never seen at night. otae offers from time to time for gintoki to stay over at their place but he hesitates to take up the offer. in the end he doesnt want to be indebted to them (though theres countless times where he has been indebted). usually on the nights alone he tended to go to pachinko parlors wasting the hours till he had to go back home to sleep. it was a mundane routine but such routine was what kept gintoki from thinking too much.
he sat on the couch, the tv at a quiet level droning out any uncomfortable silence that lingered in the place. he had a bottle of sake next to him which he was too lazy to find a cup and decided to drink it from the bottle. the tv was playing titanic, not that gintoki was paying much attention. the lack of a cup blinded the amount of sake he was consuming almost a half a bottle in by himself. he knew that if he kept going itll bite him back in the ass later (especially because he and shinpachi have a small job assigned for them in twelve hours) but this far in he stopped caring.
he grabbed his phone. usually he doesnt use the piece of junk, he thinks that its hard to maintain and is hard to communicate with. he scrolled through his contacts, the first name that popped up was gorilla. gin made a mental note to himself to delete that stalkers name from the phone. he kept scrolling ticking off mentally on who would pick up and who would be a weirdo.
he landed on the name “TOSHI.” he doesnt remember adding hijikata’s number to his phone which made it more intriguing to call and bother. he manages to type out “hey what are you doing” double checking it a few times before clicking the send button. he places the phone down and waits.
‘how does kagura do it….’ he wonders his stomach full of butterflies in fear of the response his phones gonna give. his mind has already produced a thousand different scenarios from how hijikata will respond ranging from the man sending nudes to him barging in with the shinsengumi to arrest him for indecency. to be fair, he wasnt acting indecent (yet) just curious and want to catch up with the only one he knows of his age, or so he mentally gaslights himself knowing deep well that he wanted to see a reaction from the latter. he hears a small “ping” from the phone and his hands fly to reach for it.
‘finished patrol.’ he gets two messages back to back.
‘lets talk’ he types and waits
‘lets talk’ he tries again
this time he gets a call from TOSHI.
“hello-” gintoki starts
“this better be serious and good news that your either dying of your sugar addiction or that your ready to commit seppuku” he hears the man say angrily. gintoki lost the mental gamble and got hijikata toshiro (annoyed) a said toshiro that wouldnt kill you in an instant like hijikata toshiro (angry) but would watch you die with a smile on his face.
“come over” he tries to say nonchalantly. he would rather die then let hijikata know that hes actually scared shitless because of what the other is capable of doing
“im not some whore” he hears him scowl on the line
“lonely” he only says one word. hes not in the right headspace to mess around with hijikata. he wants something wether it comes from his ‘sworn’ enemy or not.
“im coming” hijikata picks up the difference in gintokis voice immediately. he knows him too well to know when hes serious and versus when hes not. he knows him too well that if hes serious something bad is going to happen or has happened.
hijikata uturns out of the house and back to the car. he barely made it inside when he got cryptic messages from a number he didnt even know he had. and somehow the same number was the one making him drive to a different city at 11pm when he could have gotten to bed and been two dreams in. the roads are empty so hes able to make it faster and he slowly climbs the stairs up to the apartment. he knows that gintoki isnt an idiot to not hear the faint creeks up the stairwell but he still fears that someone might be watching them. the door is unlocked and he calls out for his name.
hijikata with adequate sleep would never make a choice like this to just show up to the person he ‘swears he hates’ house. but here he is. maybe internally he didnt hate him or maybe internally he was lonely. he wasnt fond of sex or love. his times have only been at shinsengumi parties where the shinsengumi hired sex workers. usually he has to be drunk to the point of forgetting to have sex. to him nothing mattered enough for him to do, unless it involved his cigarettes or mayonnaise.
he hears gintoki walk to the front of the door, hair more disheveled as normal and stumbling his way forward.
‘hes been drinking’ the latter wonders only to get the half drinken bottle shoved to his face. he hears gintoki giggle a little.
“oi i dont know where the cups.. the cups are. just drink this from bottle” he manages to slur out the words. it seems that the alcohol was hitting harder then a twenty mins back when he got the phone call. he feels gintoki put his arms around his shoulders as he drags him to the living room with a dimly lit candle and a television light for luminosity. he sits on the floor leaning his back on the wall as he feels gintoki place his head on his shoulder.
hijikata’s body is tense. the air felt too intimate for the usual nature of the two.
“wheres china and glasses” he manages to say
“kagura is… shes uh with her dad….” gintoki pauses to collect his thoughts. “pachi is with otae” he says.
he gets why he feels lonely.
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nebuvoid · 1 year
and the funny thing is that its not even that thats been making me lowkey spiral, its the fact that i heard from my irl who started the work rehab im also gonna go to soon, that the people there are the most rancid dipshits,
think casual sexism, harassment, transphobia, racism and the management there says it 'cant do anything about that :)' and it made me feel so hopeless about ever connecting with people irl again and its so fucking lonely and hopeless. like just because its a place for the social outcasts, getting low pay and apparently also no antidiscrimination law enforcement there because why bother right, and its like. this is all i got. this is the only option i have to get eased back into normal work life and possibly eventually start living among the 'normals' again, because as much as the full working force wants free time, too muhc free time makes you feel so isolated and outside. and its just. maddening. everything is a dead end. not to mention that with my avpd that ive been fighting to reduce for years, every reaching-out is a fight in itself. i know theres decent people there too, theres no way there isnt. and they have other locations besides the one my friend is in. and ive also very tentatively started contact with the lgbt community too as another attempt of making connections. but its just. so tiring. so so tiring.
did i even tell you how i went to their trans meetup? it wasnt bad, they all seemed like lovely people, but funnily enough there was an enby person talking about a different work rehab hes in where he faces microaggressions constantly. and mostly these people talked about their trans struggles in life in general, lots of depression and fear. lots of insecurities about their identities too. and on one hand it was lovely to see people sorta like me, but on the other ive dealt with so much personal misery already that i just dont have the energy for others' misery too. it sounds so douchey. its nothing on them. it just. is you know. and its like. of course the ones that go to a place like that have the issues to go with it. a well adjusted gay in a good spot in life wouldnt NEED to go to the community center for it. ive said i wanted to try the other stuff still and i do but im also so fucking tired
the options for an adult in general to make new connections are just so??? what are you supposed to do?? 'oh join a club' as if its that easy as if everyone has the access and money for it. you meet people in school and at work. if you dont go to either youre fucked
i dont wanna turn my personal emo rant into a statement over society but man isnt this just the core of it all. the internet really does reflect it doesnt it, that desperate need for connection by everyone. were all so fucking lonely
idk man. in the end ill keep trying. ill bitch and moan but ill try. what else is there to do? jump into oncoming traffic? way too troublesome
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lokigodofaces · 2 years
being an american on here is wild because i keep seeing posts from other americans that describe things they've experienced and say that it is universal among americans and it'll be stuff i've either never heard of or know for a fact isn't true. maybe it's pretty common in your state or the states surrounding you, but there's so much stuff i see that i can not relate to whatsoever, and i've never left the states.
#liv won't shut up#i saw something about insurance today#said that optometry is never covered by health insurance#& i'm sitting here like dude the insurance my dad gets from work benefits (so it's not the best in a lot of ways) has covered our optometry#costs for 3 people for years. & actually idk the specifics but it seems like its not that bad of a plan. we usually buy more than a years#supply of contacts for me (only like a month more) and our insurance covers pretty much all the costs. i have to choose contacts or glasses#every year but my prescription has been very stable so i only have to get new glasses if they're damaged beyond repair#again it's not my insurance i'm covered by my parents & they dont tell me all the details so idk how much theyre paying for it. might be a#lot & we're doing it bc it's one of my dads benefits. but any way the point is that so many americans will say things like every single#person living in america understands & 90% of the time i have no frickin clue what they're on about or i have experienced the exact opposit#it's just interesting that this happens. & it happens all the time. 'all american schools require learning another language' no the frick#they do not. lots do (and this may be a state requirement thing wouldnt be surprised) but not all. wasnt required for me it was just highly#encouraged & i got a different type of diploma for my world lang classes (my hs had a few types of diplomas based on different classes/#grades/etc idk if thats a common thing or not). another good example are train posts actually. i can tell theres a divide between beliefs#on trains based on state & thats bc public transportation is not as feasible in some states. i've spent a good portion of my life living in#small towns or visiting small towns (family) & yeah public transportation in middle of nowhere wyoming and middle of nowhere idaho is a lot#less feasible than the east coast. those are places of vast nothingness other than a few towns every once in a while never exceeding 20000#(ID) or 500 (WY). & even in larger towns it seems like a lot of western states are more spread out. so a subway or other train isnt very#helpful (unless you want to do long distance trains then those could maybe work the issue is that costs money & idk if itd be used enough#to make it worth it for a gov/actually work well) & this is more of a rural/urban issue but that aligns with states as well in a lot of way#oh another one is about facs classes. so in a lot of places facs is being defunded or removed from curriculum. same with arts classes. &#this is becoming a problem in many places! but when ppl are like 'these classes are being taken away everywhere in america' i just sit#there thinking about my state requiring facs in middlie & high school (i believe but things could have changed) plus i had to take like 3#semesters of art (idk if thats state or school or district required) & thereve been talks of raising that requirement. & they add more opt#every year. i was helping my younger brother with his schedule & theres all sorts of stuff that wasnt there before. he has way more options#to fulfill that requirement than i did. & i'm not saying that this isnt a problem it is a problem most places but every state has different#legislation on this so for now at least lots of schools are required to have these classes. & i've probably lost my point by now but it is#odd that i see this so often. that most of posts about america i see are different from what i've experienced. idk maybe the states i've#lived in are weird but youd think that this wouldnt happen to me a lot would you? like sometimes yeah but this happens a lot.#my guess is that a lot of these things are very true if you talk about a specific region or state. but then ppl assume its an american
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bluestbloo · 2 years
Like an Animal.
Jealous! Billy Hargrove x F! Reader Smut || Title fully inspired by Closer by Nine Inch Nails. Not proof read!!
Warnings: Smut (obv), Degrading (if u squint), Jealousy, p in v, oral (m receiving), BAD WRITING!!!
Note: Im not experienced what so ever so pls dont laugh at me
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It was only the first 2 hours that the party had started, of some dude you didn't care to remember the name of, and you were bored. Your Boyfriend, Billy, Was off somewhere else that you couldnt remember so you were lonley. But feeling pretty ballsy. You walked into the kitchen, eyeing the first guy you saw and started talking to him while getting a drink. God you didn't know his name either but you didn't care. You were doing this for a reason. If your boyfriend wasnt gonna pay attention to you then youd make him. You started to "Flirt" with him and suddenly the corner of your eye you saw him. Then you went to whisper something in the guys ear, which he clearly didnt hear cuz he asked you to repeat yourself. To be honest you said 'meet me outside' knowing full well you wouldnt. "Now am i interupting something?" You heard behind you, and low and behold it was Billy. "Oh no, Just talking to this pretty B-" "Thats where i fuckin' stop you, Y/N." He grabs your arm, trying not to be too violent, and pulls you to the nearest empty room.
"What the actual fuck hargrove?" you knew he was angry, and god was it hot. seeing him so bothered by you just talking to another man. But it was pretty hypocritical, considering his history with, almost every woman in hawkins. "Oh im sorry L/N, I just happen to not like when you talk to other men the way you were. So sorry!" he hissed. Though you wanted to egg him on more. "So i can't talk to one guy? Sounds like jealousy to me, are you so un-trustful to your own girlfriend?" You made your tone more teasing then actually angry. "How bout, you show how much you want me? how about you show how better you are then anyone here." That got him. He clashed your lips together, heated making out session. He eventually went down your neck, then in a heartbeat took off your shirt and trailed kisses and hickeys down your body. Thats one thing he loved. He marked you up anytime he could. That and your Thighs. God he LOVED your thighs. He eventually picked you up and laid you on the bed. He then spread your legs so he could kiss and nip at your inner thighs, and you were a moaning mess. He then stopped whilst getting up and unbuckling his belt alongside his pants. you got up on your knees getting ready to give him a good blowjob, the moment his rock hard cock sprung free you grabbed it and jerked it a bit. Just the smallest touch made him mad. he already wanted to fuck you but he waited. "Go on, You know what to do." he gestured you to start suckinf him off and you happily obliged. You started by spitting on your palm and jerking him off, which he loved. He let out a small moan then once you finally put the first half of his dick in your mouth he threw his head back letting out a breathy moan. You started going slowly until he grabbed your hair and started throatfucking you. "God, your such an amazing cocksucking whore." he grunted out. and that made you want him even more. He let out a few moans before cumming in your mouth. He pulled out and you already had swallowed. You then got up and pushed him onto the bed. "You want my cock already? of course." As you grabbed a condom he suddenly flipped you over and hovered over you. "Aw, you have enough energy to fuck me?" you purred out as he grabbed the condom. After he put it on he positioned himself and waited for your green light. Thinking he was just teasing you, you pushed him inside you, and god was it heavenly. You both let out a moan and he didn't wait a second until he started pounding into you. Leaving you already cockdrunk. You bit the back of your hand muffling your moans when Billy pinned your hands above your head. "Let everyone hear how much of a whore you are, who you Belong to." and that made you crazy, moaning out his name and whimpering, feeling your release soon. "B-Billy, Fuck- i'm so close-!" And you knew you fucked up because he stopped, leaving you to whine. "Only Good Girls can cum. Let me know how much you wanna cum." You whimpered but you needed it. "Please let me cum, I'll be a good girl for you just please let me cum!" Happy with your response, he countined to pound into you. And you felt your orgasm close. You knew he was close too since he whimpered, surprisingly. Then one thing led to another and you came together, Both moaning out eachohers names. He then pulled out and removed the condom. After a while you both sat next to eachoher. nd put your clothes back on. "Wanna go back to my house?" you suggested, waiting for an answer he picked you up and walked you to his car. "You know angel, you may make me jealous but god is the sex amazing."
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gh-0st-y · 2 years
my urges itcch
i will now write a silly little mammon x reader fanfic 😍 cause our lovely boy needs LOVE!!! neeeds it
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— Golden Hour
summary: you help mammon hide from lucifer after he did something stupid. you let him know that you are always there for him.
cw: none!! just fluff. gn!reader
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mammon sat on the floor next to your bed where you sat, sighing, " jeez, whys lucifer always gotta be on my back? i didnt even do anything that bad this time.. " he groaned, leaning his head back to look up at you. you were scrolling through your DDD, waiting for lucifer to calm down.
you looked at him, running a hand through his white locks, sighing, " well, what did you do? "
" well, " he started, moving his hands around as he talked, " i just sold some stuff from the kitchen is all! like that..big spoon, and a pot, pan, and a cutting board, just for some quick cash, " he grumbled, " and it wasnt even that bad either! "
" well one ; that big spoon is called a ladel, " you told him, to which mammon shrugged, " and two – thats still something to be annoyed at. if you were in my house and sold my stuff, id be chasing after you right now as well, " you chuckled, brushing some hair out of his eyes. mammon blushed slightly at the contact.
" well..even still. i think lucifers overreacting, " he mumbled, resting his head on his side as he looked away. you hummed in response, moving your position to rest on your side. you placed a gentle kiss to his jaw, causing his face to heat up.
" oh yeah? well, how about we pay him a visit? " you teased. mammons head shot up, "no! ya kidding, right? " he asked, not wanting to confront lucifer just yet.
you laughed, " of course im kidding. ill keep you safe, dont worry. ill always be here for you, okay? " you told him, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. he blushed, nodding. you chuckled, " good. "
there was a comfortable silence lingering over you both before mammon spoke up quietly, " can i..get another one..? " he mumbled, pointing at his lips with his eyes averted, not daring to look into your eyes.
you hummed in thought, "hmm...only good boys get a kiss on the lips," you laugh as he let out a loud groan and a huff.
maybe paying a visit to lucifer wouldnt be too hard..if he got your kisses as compensation.
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timeloop-liz · 2 years
Found out @spaceistheplacearts Director can be hurt if ya get the core so i uhhh went off the rocks sorry. Im an angst machine. I saw you said you made this au for something “sweet” and im sorry ill try for “sweet” next time… whatever that is
Narry getting upset at the Directir for something and starts wrecking another room. Because he knows it upsets him. Maybe he was pushed over the edge but once he enters the room to stop Narry again he gets hit with something. Like maybe he wasnt really paying attention to where he showed up and Narry wasnt aiming for him it was just by chance.
Theres a crash and a splat distinct sound. Narry freezes in place as he sees what hes just done. Panic fills him as he rushes to the Directors side. Apologies spilling out of him as he kneels down next to his more than usual blob forum. He doesnt know what to do. What can he do. The Director has a shard of glass sticking out of him for goodness sake. Maybe he knows where to start. But the Director is trying to pull back. Move away. Hes clesrly having trouble keeping his form in check. He limbs arent as solid as he would have so they cant even lift him up more like noodles than anything.
Slowly Narry approaches again. Softly whispering reassuring words to the Director. Hoping to calm him down. The more he moves the worse his core is getting. They need to get that glass out. Finally determined on what to do he gently holds the Directors form. He can feel it trembling in what he assumes fear and pain. Grasping the glass he shifted it slightly resulting in the Directors form tensing up and a small strangled sound escaping. Tears prick his eyes but he knows he has to do it. He counts to three then swiftly removes the fragment from the Director.
A bit of slime is sticking to the end of the shard and it probably cut the inside of Narrys hand but thats not what hes worried about. The Director is trembling horribly. In what Narry can only assume is the closes he can get to crying. He pulls him close, holding him as gently as he can whole tears fall down his face. He didnt want to hurt the Director. Well he did but not like this. Never like this.
All of a sudden theres a SLAM!! As a door opens up and in storms another being. It startles Narry so bad he drops the Director who lands with another sickening splat. She quickly moves to gently scoop the Director up. Narry goes to interject when hes forcefully pushed back. “Dont you DARE touch him! I knew he was being to soft on you. I warned him and looks whats happened!” Shocked from her words hes unable to form any of his own. She quickly turns and leaves Narry alone in the room he made a mess of. Just before she exits she turns “and dont your dare think of going anywhere!” Them shes gone.
What did she mean? She warned him? Its not like he wanted this. But she was right. He did hurt the Director. This was all his fault. He was being a stupid child and now the Director is hurt. The Director was always saying how everything he did was for Narry. All of this was to help him in the end. That he just wanted Narry to be happy. And look what he does. He goes out of his way to hurt the Director by smashing a room. A room made for him. To help him. God hes spiralling. This time theres no one to stop it. No Director to step in and comfort him. Because he hurt him. The thoughts wont stop. He just slumped down against the wall and cried.
Oooooo what fun aye. What good angst liz have brought. I warned yall i was gonna do angst here. Its your fault for not listening. Will i finish this!!! Probably not lmao.
Heres what was planned, like a little guide on what i was thinking:
But the Director is gonna be ok i swear!! His core just needs to recover. Hes gonna go back to work too soon and its gonna show. He text is clearly slower. Typing is harder with noodles. He probably wouldnt trust Narry to be in the same room as him when hes so injured. But maybe he does. And Narry can see how hard it is for the Director to move around. How hard it is for him to communicate. Narry feels horrible. He suggests that maybe he should leave. He doesn’t deserve to be here. Hes so sorry and what not. But the Director doesnt really want him to leave. He knows it wasnt on purpose after all. But hes still scared around him because he has seen what he CAN do. Basically their relationship takes a big boi hit but its gonna survive.
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