#and it was apparently dangerously low so they couldnt let me leave
amischiefofmuses · 1 month
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iyeriing · 2 years
Tricky Patrols (test)
Before this start i would like to say that i def dont know how to write on tumblr yet, im going to post this first headcannon that ive made up with my own character about bat family just for testing reasons (lmao yeas im a old lady in a body of a 19 yrs old woman).
second point is that english is not my first language so, ignore the mistakes and non senses phrases. Beside those things i just wish a good reading and please leave you feedback to help me learn how to write in this shit :): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TW: mentions of murder and blood.
gender: neutral -------------------------------------- Another day of patrol, another day of work, everything was normal… at least in my conception of normal. The patrol had started early that day, and it was already dusk, I guessed it was 7 or 8 pm, my partner at the time was Red robin aka Tim Drake, spending the day patrolling with him was light, there weren't many questions or embarrassing conversations , only when he asked for advice himself or wanted to know something about my life. I couldn't judge him, despite being working with the Bat-family or being part of the so-called Gotham Knights for a long time, or...like...5 years… I hope it's considered a long time… My past continued to make appearances or call my name, luckily my two most problematic identities ended up dying without much effort, since the scarecrow or the league of assassins didn't really care about having someone who certainly put them in danger opening the identity. Eventually Gotham ended up giving me a proper name in the 4 years I worked alone, Ghost… I was the Ghost of Gotham, so stealth that even an animal couldnt notice me, criminals ended up adopting that codename for me and I did matter of keeping it… why wouldn't I? it's a nice name. Most low-severity criminals feared me as much as Nightwing, Batman or Red Hood, regardless of methods… but morals are for another conversation. Anyway, anyway, I didn't give up that identity when I joined Batman, and I didn't even expose it to the public, many still fear me because they think I'm going to solve the situation like I used to when I was solo, and that's actually a great advantage . Obviously I didn't look for that place, I just let Bruce come to me, and eventually trust was re-established over time, but there are still doubts, but I don't offend.. it's understandable that they exist in this context. ''I hate patrolling in this shitty weather.''
I mutter grumpily as I feel the chills on my skin beneath my uniform. The weather was really shit, 5 degrees cold plus a completely ridiculous light rain, it made me annoyed. ''I thought it motivated you to hate criminals more… that's what you said before leaving the mansion.''
Tim simply counters using the grappling hook to climb to the top of the building we've been assigned. ''Don't use my words against me RR, I have a reputation to uphold.''
I fight the urge to tap my chin in sheer cold, but even so, my voice comes out in sweet amusement. I hear the younger one's laughter grow further away as he escorts him to the top of the building with the hooks ''At this point I think your reputation has already-''
An abrupt cut in his speech makes me forget about any external sensations and go up faster to make sure he was okay, there weren't many things that would leave someone who grew up in Batman's shadow surprised to the point of being speechless. As soon as my feet touch the edge of the building and I look up, whatever words have been in my head are gone, and my stomach churns instantly, the scene was indeed shocking, nothing compared to what I had ever done or witnessed. Tim was just as shocked as I was, the two static staring at a completely open body, guts scattered, with a phone number and a name written on the wall, there was a location too, apparently the killer had done all that and still left his contact. I squint at a Robin, he was whiter than a sheet of paper. I analyze that scene putting aside any kind of emotion or feeling I might have had, and my reaction is what I least expected, what Tim least expected. Wet footsteps echo off the roof as I walk closer to the body finding a small note that reads "Blood and death tend to frighten those with clean hands and intentions far more". My laughter breaks through the mood of the gloomy night and even darker after this discovery. ''I didn't do it.''
I hasten to say, explaining my unusual reaction to an apparent death. Tim takes his slightly more resigned but still pale gaze to my face making me pull down the hood but keep the mask on. ''Then why are you laughing?''
His low voice suggested he was certainly prepared to start a fight with me, is like I said, doubts about who I am from my past will always linger, and they don't bother me as much as they should. ''Because whoever did it is a freaking genius''
My voice comes out in amusement and I lightly kick the body on the floor in order to make him realize that it was latex, fake blood, that it was all a big montage, a big time trap for whoever made it. ''The whole morbid scenario is fake, this isn't a murder it's a trap with a name, location and a phone number, and the note suggested that whoever did this hoped I wasn't here, but someone else, and that it was his only mistake, a small mistake of lineup.
I explain by handing the note to the teenager who had barely recovered from the first shock and was already in another. I take some pictures of the place while Tim seemed to analyze in full brain what had happened, I knew that now that things were clearer he would be able to notice things that I even thought to notice, we were a good pair for that, what I didn't usually notice was what caught Tim's attention the most, who now seemed to be in his personal amusement park, analyzing, taking pictures and putting it in the batcave database. ''Hey, Ghost! We need to get back to the Batcave now, I just found DNA fragments and some extra information on this doll.''
I nod, walking to the edge of the building without much thought analyzing the data I've collected. ''Ghost! Wait! Before we go, I wanted to apologize to you right now for thinking that you actually killed someone, it's something I can't help but consider… but you know you're like a sister to me right?''
''Relax Timmy, I know it's not bad, I'm used to it… and yes I know you love me.''
I can't help the smug smirk on my face before I drop my body to that huge height and head for BatCave, which would probably be a lot warmer and more comfortable than this patrol. mental note: ask for a hot chocolate for Alfred when I get there.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Pt 2 to the Honoka rescue
Honoka - Part 2
Eraserhead and Shifter ran through the Shie Hassaikai Hideout, searching for any sign of the pink haired girl. They scanned every room they could. But saw no sign of Honoka, or Eri. They only hoped the other half of heroes had more luck...
"You did what?" The young man practically screamed. Failing to reel in his anger.
"Oh shut it Takahashi, it was good money and she was being a brat like usual." Shigiraki said.
Bakugou and the rest if the League of Villains sat there, watching the exchange between the two villains.
"She's my sister, not some livestock you sick bastard! You cant just sell her just because she doesnt agree with you."
"Oops, well I did it anyways," Shigiraki smirked, "what're you going to do? Try and attack me? You cant even see, much less try to kill me."
Daiki's fist shook with rage. A blinding rage that fueled his entire being. He marched out of the hideout, slamming the door on the way.
Bakugou stared at the door, trying to desperately find a way out so he could rescue the girl whom he had learned as love as a sister. But considering hes surrounded by deadly villains, Honoka would have to wait.
"Dammit! The fucking- he can go to hell." Daiki kicked a can. He looked up, and he knew one thing. He was going to make sure his baby sister would get home safely. Even if it meant that he would disobey his master. He'd do it, for her.
"Noka?" The young girl said.
The bubble gum haired teenager looked at the child in her arms, silently asking her to continue.
"Do you think Deku is coming?"
Honoka sucked in a deep and quick breath. Torn from telling Eri her honest opinion, or telling her the happy answer. She decided a simple "I don't know" would suffice. The young girl nodded her head in disappointment. Honoka's heart broke even more.
"Dammit. Get yourself together Noka. Youre exposed to be a hero, and inspire people, not let them know youre unsure." Noka said to herself.
She then started to let the fear overcome her, "But, I dont know, Im scared, h-he might lash out—"
"Dammit! Noka— you hear yourself? What you need to focus on is Eri, make sure she gets out safe. Dont worry about the germaphobic fucker."
Noka took a shaky breath. And decided right then and there, that she would protect Eri, her well being be dammed. The young girl beside her tightened her grip on Honoka's raggedy shirt dress. They continued to walk on, Honoka trying to come up with a plan to get Eri out of there.
"Togata wait!"
"Lemillion wait—"
"No!" Mirio yelled in frustration. "I can permeate through the walls and get to Eri and Noka the quickest!" Then he disappeared into the wall.
Deku didn't like the idea, but it was either that, or letting Overhaul get away. And there was he was letting that monster get away, not after what he heard what had been done to Eri. And certainly not after he saw Honoka. The broken look in her eyes when she looked behind her, Eri in her arms. The scars, making her look like someone who came straight from a horror film. But, b u t, what made his blood bubble the most. Was the absence of her beautiful brown wings. Deku knew how much Honoka took pride in her wings, how often she would just fly around the campus, just to feel the wind in her feathers. She had said once, that her wings were the only thing that she had to remember her oldest Brother. So the loss of them..... no, Deku couldnt think about that right now. He had to figure out how to break through the walls to catch up to Lemillion.
Shouta ran, keeping his vision set straight ahead. Trying not to think of what was happening to Eri, or if Mirio was holding up, and he tried to push out any thought about Honoka, cause if he thought about his niece at this moment, he would collapse under all the guilt eating at him.
He instead focused on his nephew, who looked like a mess beside him. Anger rippled off him in waves, so Shouta said, "Calm down, you wont do either of them any good if you lash out in anger." Shirou suddenly blinked, like he was suddenly snapped out of a trance, he took a deep breath and continued running. That was, until their group was stopped by a man with pink hair just like Honoka and Shirou's.
"Daiki" Shouta breathed, not knowing if he should be happy or scared at the appearance of his oldest nephew.
Daiki held his hands up, eyes unfocused and staring in the direction of Shouta's voice. "I mean you no harm, I am only here to rescue Honoka. I could care less about these low lives." Is all he said before turning around and running in the direction of Honoka.
"Now dear, darling Noka, dont you want to show your friends what you learned these past two months?" Overhaul said in a sickeningly sweet voice.
Honoka tried to fight the fear, but she was too broken, too weak, done with fighting, so she raised her hand, flames starting to tickle her hands when a voice stopped her.
"NOKAAAAAAAA. FIGHT HIM. WE WERE GOING TO BECOME HEROES RIGHT? I KNOW ITS BEEN TOUGH, BUT YOU NEED TO FIGHT HIM, JUST ONCE MORE, AND THIS NIGHTMARE CAN END." Deku screamed, panicking from she sight of his mentor Sir Nighteye, trying to get Togata and Eri out of danger, processing why one of the league of villain members was fighting Chisaki, and scared of what his friend had gone through.
Honoka's hand shook with fear. What should she do? If she disobeys him, then she'll get hurt. Honoka's breathing started to get short and panicky, until she made eye contact with wide red eyes. Thats right, her main goal was to get Eri out of there, and to do that, she has to stop him-
Flames erupted, a tornado of fire erupting, making the room shake, causing the roof to cave in even more. The heat was intense, not even Endeavor would be able to handle the temperature. Chisaki lunged for Honoka, barely missing her, before her flames died, and she fell over, seemingly unconscious.
"Hmm, I guess we'll need a reset once we get out of here," Overhaul said, proceeding to take off his gloves.
Eri then proceeded to run towards Chisaki, begging him to stop, and that she'll go along with him. He laughed, saying "its easier getting hurt instead of seeing others getting hurt for you."
"E..r..i...... dont......go with him......" Honoka breathed out, barely staying on the tower Chisaki made with his quirk. Somehow Eri hear her over the chaos of Overhaul and Deku screaming.
"B-but what about you?"
"Ill be fine..... I got a plan" Honoka said with an unsure smirk.
Eri then took Lemillion's cape, and jumped off, right into Deku's awaiting arms. Honoka smiled, glad the girl was out of Overhaul's clutches. And then another flame tornado, larger and more powerful than before erupted. The smell of burning flesh and fabric filling the air. Chisaki's screams of agony only barely heard over the roaring of fire. He somehow was able to manipulate the tower of rock enough to drop Honoka to the floor. Not having enough strength, she landed on the ground, several bones cracking. Not before she was slammed against the wall by another wall of rock, forcing her to stay there. Daiki started to crawl to his sister.
Deku stared at his friend in horror, seeing the burned flesh and the large amount of blood. But he soon snapped out of his trance when a large surge of pain surged through him. The source of the agony being Eri's quirk. He then knew he would have to leave Honoka to the other pros, defeating Chisaki and protecting Eri were the top priorties for him at this current moment. And with that, he leapt into a long battle with Overhaul.
"..calm dow...."
Honoka couldnt open her eyes, all she knew was that her brother Shirou was there, if only she could moved, then she would envelope her brother in such a big hug. Hell she wished she could even blink, but apparently her body was too exhausted from the battle.
But a certain calm washed over her. Cause even though there were so many uncertainties. She knew one thing.
She was safe. And at this moment, thats all that mattered to her.
I hope you like it >_<
Sorry this was late, school got my all busy 😩😩
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toutorii · 4 years
Honoka Part 2
Eraserhead and Shifter ran through the Shie Hassaikai Hideout, searching for any sign of the pink haired girl. They scanned every room they could. But saw no sign of Honoka, or Eri. They only hoped the other half of heroes had more luck...
"You did what?" The young man practically screamed. Failing to reel in his anger.
"Oh shut it Takahashi, it was good money and she was being a brat like usual." Shigiraki said.
Bakugou and the rest if the League of Villains sat there, watching the exchange between the two villains.
"She's my sister, not some livestock you sick bastard! You cant just sell her just because she doesnt agree with you."
"Oops, well I did it anyways," Shigiraki smirked, "what're you going to do? Try and attack me? You cant even see, much less try to kill me."
Daiki's fist shook with rage. A blinding rage that fueled his entire being. He marched out of the hideout, slamming the door on the way.
Bakugou stared at the door, trying to desperately find a way out so he could rescue the girl whom he had learned as love as a sister. But considering hes surrounded by deadly villains, Honoka would have to wait.
"Dammit! The fucking- he can go to hell." Daiki kicked a can. He looked up, and he knew one thing. He was going to make sure his baby sister would get home safely. Even if it meant that he would disobey his master. He'd do it, for her.
"Noka?" The young girl said.
The bubble gum haired teenager looked at the child in her arms, silently asking her to continue.
"Do you think Deku is coming?"
Honoka sucked in a deep and quick breath. Torn from telling Eri her honest opinion, or telling her the happy answer. She decided a simple "I don't know" would suffice. The young girl nodded her head in disappointment. Honoka's heart broke even more.
"Dammit. Get yourself together Noka. Youre exposed to be a hero, and inspire people, not let them know youre unsure." Noka said to herself.
She then started to let the fear overcome her, "But, I dont know, Im scared, h-he might lash out—"
"Dammit! Noka— you hear yourself? What you need to focus on is Eri, make sure she gets out safe. Dont worry about the germaphobic fucker."
Noka took a shaky breath. And decided right then and there, that she would protect Eri, her well being be dammed. The young girl beside her tightened her grip on Honoka's raggedy shirt dress. They continued to walk on, Honoka trying to come up with a plan to get Eri out of there.
"Togata wait!"
"Lemillion wait—"
"No!" Mirio yelled in frustration. "I can permeate through the walls and get to Eri and Noka the quickest!" Then he disappeared into the wall.
Deku didn't like the idea, but it was either that, or letting Overhaul get away. And there was he was letting that monster get away, not after what he heard what had been done to Eri. And certainly not after he saw Honoka. The broken look in her eyes when she looked behind her, Eri in her arms. The scars, making her look like someone who came straight from a horror film. But, b u t, what made his blood bubble the most. Was the absence of her beautiful brown wings. Deku knew how much Honoka took pride in her wings, how often she would just fly around the campus, just to feel the wind in her feathers. She had said once, that her wings were the only thing that she had to remember her oldest Brother. So the loss of them..... no, Deku couldnt think about that right now. He had to figure out how to break through the walls to catch up to Lemillion.
Shouta ran, keeping his vision set straight ahead. Trying not to think of what was happening to Eri, or if Mirio was holding up, and he tried to push out any thought about Honoka, cause if he thought about his niece at this moment, he would collapse under all the guilt eating at him.
He instead focused on his nephew, who looked like a mess beside him. Anger rippled off him in waves, so Shouta said, "Calm down, you wont do either of them any good if you lash out in anger." Shirou suddenly blinked, like he was suddenly snapped out of a trance, he took a deep breath and continued running. That was, until their group was stopped by a man with pink hair just like Honoka and Shirou's.
"Daiki" Shouta breathed, not knowing if he should be happy or scared at the appearance of his oldest nephew.
Daiki held his hands up, eyes unfocused and staring in the direction of Shouta's voice. "I mean you no harm, I am only here to rescue Honoka. I could care less about these low lives." Is all he said before turning around and running in the direction of Honoka.
"Now dear, darling Noka, dont you want to show your friends what you learned these past two months?" Overhaul said in a sickeningly sweet voice.
Honoka tried to fight the fear, but she was too broken, too weak, done with fighting, so she raised her hand, flames starting to tickle her hands when a voice stopped her.
"NOKAAAAAAAA. FIGHT HIM. WE WERE GOING TO BECOME HEROES RIGHT? I KNOW ITS BEEN TOUGH, BUT YOU NEED TO FIGHT HIM, JUST ONCE MORE, AND THIS NIGHTMARE CAN END." Deku screamed, panicking from she sight of his mentor Sir Nighteye, trying to get Togata and Eri out of danger, processing why one of the league of villain members was fighting Chisaki, and scared of what his friend had gone through.
Honoka's hand shook with fear. What should she do? If she disobeys him, then she'll get hurt. Honoka's breathing started to get short and panicky, until she made eye contact with wide red eyes. Thats right, her main goal was to get Eri out of there, and to do that, she has to stop him-
Flames erupted, a tornado of fire erupting, making the room shake, causing the roof to cave in even more. The heat was intense, not even Endeavor would be able to handle the temperature. Chisaki lunged for Honoka, barely missing her, before her flames died, and she fell over, seemingly unconscious.
"Hmm, I guess we'll need a reset once we get out of here," Overhaul said, proceeding to take off his gloves.
Eri then proceeded to run towards Chisaki, begging him to stop, and that she'll go along with him. He laughed, saying "its easier getting hurt instead of seeing others getting hurt for you."
"E..r..i...... dont......go with him......" Honoka breathed out, barely staying on the tower Chisaki made with his quirk. Somehow Eri hear her over the chaos of Overhaul and Deku screaming.
"B-but what about you?"
"Ill be fine..... I got a plan" Honoka said with an unsure smirk.
Eri then took Lemillion's cape, and jumped off, right into Deku's awaiting arms. Honoka smiled, glad the girl was out of Overhaul's clutches. And then another flame tornado, larger and more powerful than before erupted. The smell of burning flesh and fabric filling the air. Chisaki's screams of agony only barely heard over the roaring of fire. He somehow was able to manipulate the tower of rock enough to drop Honoka to the floor. Not having enough strength, she landed on the ground, several bones cracking. Not before she was slammed against the wall by another wall of rock, forcing her to stay there. Daiki started to crawl to his sister.
Deku stared at his friend in horror, seeing the burned flesh and the large amount of blood. But he soon snapped out of his trance when a large surge of pain surged through him. The source of the agony being Eri's quirk. He then knew he would have to leave Honoka to the other pros, defeating Chisaki and protecting Eri were the top priorties for him at this current moment. And with that, he leapt into a long battle with Overhaul.
"..calm dow...."
Honoka couldnt open her eyes, all she knew was that her brother Shirou was there, if only she could moved, then she would envelope her brother in such a big hug. Hell she wished she could even blink, but apparently her body was too exhausted from the battle.
But a certain calm washed over her. Cause even though there were so many uncertainties. She knew one thing.
She was safe. And at this moment, thats all that mattered to her.
I hope you guys enjoyed this!!!! It was really difficult for me to write 😭😭😭
Taglist: @kingdoms--night--star
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ohmyprodigalson · 5 years
I'm like the sun.
I did not have a dream about Malcolm that resulted in this story.
Trigger Warning: Guns, near-death experiences, robbers, and a hold-up.
Word Count: 2,485
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Gif by malcolmbrighted
It was like (Y/N) had fallen through a crack in time. She was numb, both physically and emotionally. Malcolm was breaking up with her, and all she could feel was her own heartbeat.
They were standing in Malcolm's apartment, by his bed. The moonlight shown through the window and gave the entire scene an ethereal glow. Malcolm's right hand began to shake terribly, but (Y/N) didn't try to hold it like she always did. He would have to stop the tremors on his own now. He clenched his hand into a tight fist, took a deep breath, and looked her in the eyes. "I know we've talked about my problems - my dad, my night terrors, my PTSD. And I know you said you were ok with all of them, but I can't keep putting you through this. It's not right."
(Y/N) had remained silent until this point, but she spoke low and soft. "You aren't putting me through anything, Malcolm. We're a team, and I can help you with your problems. I want to help you with your problems, and you know that."
"But it's not that simple." Malcolm began to raise his voice as he stepped to the side, looking at the floor in front of him. He had brought his right hand up and swung it down as he spoke, showing his frustration. He turned back towards her, keeping himself from pacing. "I'm like the sun. If you get too close, you'll get burned and you can never come back from that."
"I'm not Icarus, Malcolm." (Y/N) was quick and curt with her response.
Malcolm got an almost desperate look in his eyes as his motions became more erratic, like those of a person on the brink of falling apart. "But you are, (Y/N), you are! If you stay with me, you'll get hurt. Whether it's from me, or my father, or both..." He stopped to take a breath and when he continued, his voice was much quieter. "I don't want to see you get hurt. So you can't be with me anymore. I'm sorry, but it's for your own good."
(Y/N) wanted to fight back, to prove that she wouldn't get hurt and could help him withstand anything that came his way. But his mind was made up, and she knew how difficult it would be to change it. Sometimes, when someone is this adamant about leaving you, you have to let them go.
She still felt numb when she spoke. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
Hand trembling again, Malcolm closed it into a fist as he looked at the ground. He couldn't bear to look at her anymore because he knew he was causing pain now, even as he was trying to prevent it. His voice was soft. "Yes."
She turned on her heels and began to go down the stairs. Without looking back, she spoke her last words. They were cold and unfeeling, much like her heart was now. "Goodbye, Malcolm."
It had been about a week since Malcolm broke up with (Y/N). She cried for the first couple of days while she both hoped he would ask her to come back, and grieved the loss of their relationship. But it had become clear after a week that he didn't want her anymore and she needed to move on.
To take her mind off of things, she decided to take herself out to dinner at her favorite restaurant. She thought of it as going on a date with herself, kind of like hitting the factory reset button on her computer, to get Malcolm off of her mind.
(Y/N) picked out one of her favorite dreses, a cream colored dress with a Sabrina neckline and layers of material on the bottom, making it heavy. She was never quite sure why she liked the weight of the dress, but she did. She complemented the dress with nude heels and long, dangling silver earrings. Her hair was done in loose curls, and the shades of her make up were reserved but they accentuated her features. After dressing herself, she gazed into the mirror. The last time she got this dressed up, she was going on a date with Malcolm. She tried to push that thought out of her mind as she gathered her purse and coat.
(Y/N) arrived at the restaurant and checked in with the host. The restaurant was beautiful and clearly very expensive. The kind of expensive that requires tablecloths and centerpieces. But (Y/N) wanted to treat herself, so here she was, dining at one of the more expensive restaurants in New York.
She didn't have to wait long before she was seated, but as she was pulling out her chair and the waitress walked away, there was an eruptive gunshot. Everyone in the restaurant ducked under their tables and screamed. (Y/N) ducked, but didn't crawl under the table like everyone else. She started looking for the gunman.
There were two men dressed in all black with ski masks on, standing at opposite ends of the dining room. One stood in front of (Y/N), and the other behind her by a considerable distance. They both had guns drawn and were holding what appeared to be pillow cases. The man in front of (Y/N) spoke.
"Give us everything and no one gets hurt! Your money, your jewelry, your watches, everything!!"
She had to commend them on their plan. Going to an incredibly expensive restaurant to rob people? That was pretty smart, but not smart enough.
(Y/N) wasn't scared. The adrenaline saw to that. But she was a little angry because they ruined a perfectly good night out. She decided to take a chance and try to distract them until help arrived.
She stood up tall, now the only person beside the robbers that was standing. Her voice filled the room to overshadow the cries and hysterics of the other diners. "Fucking excuse me?"
The man behind her said nothing, so (Y/N) assumed the man in front of her was the one in charge. She started to slowly inch towards him as she spoke. "The ONE night I get to myself, you show up. You couldn't have picked ANY other night." The man she was slowly approaching was shocked and silent while she spoke, but he regained his composure. He thrust the gun in her direction and yelled at the top of his lungs.
"Stay back!! Just give me your money and no one gets hurt!!"
"Odd, how am I supposed to stay back and give you my money?" (Y/N) continued to inch closer to him. If she could distract him long enough to get close...
"Stop talking!!" She was close enough to see the anger in his eyes.
"Ok, ok, look." She put one hand up in a calming manner and reached with the other one behind her, feigning a reach for a purse she wasn't wearing. If she charged at him, maybe she could grab a hold of the gun. But she only had a split second because of the man behind her. (Y/N) couldn't remember anymore if he had a gun.
"I'll give you my money. Here." She took this opportunity to take a few larger steps, as if she were going to hand him her wallet. He faltered for the smallest of moments, and it was her opportunity.
(Y/N) leapt forward, grabbing the gun in one hand as she placed the other on his opposite shoulder. She pulled him towards herself and kneed him in the stomach as he fired the gun. But the pain from her kick made him loosen his grip on the gun and (Y/N) was able to take it from him. Just as she was rearing back to pistol whip him, there were two pops. She felt sudden, intense pain behind her left shoulder blade and on the right side of her lower back. But she followed through with her strike on the man in front of her and he went unconscious immediately. (Y/N) turned around to face the second masked man, who apparently did have a gun after all. She fought through her pain as she took aim and miraculously shot him square in the forehead.
Now that the threat was over, she took a deep breath and the pain washed over her. She looked down and cupped her right hand over the exit gunshot wound next to her bellybutton before she fell to the ground. She rolled over onto her back as she fell and she dropped the gun beside her. (Y/N) fell deaf as the pain consumed her.
This entire time, she was so hyper-focused on the masked men that she didn't notice Malcolm five tables away. He had ducked under his table like everyone else and was holding Ainsley's hand. She quivered from fright as Malcolm pulled out his phone. He was whispering to Gil when he heard (Y/N)'s voice. Her voice was clear as it rang through the dining room, silencing the cries of all the scared people. His stomach dropped lower than ever before as he realized she was there, and in danger.
He watched silently, peering over the table, as (Y/N) distracted one of the men and slowly walked towards him. All he could do was talk to Gil on the other end of his phone. He couldn't jump up and help her because that would only get her killed. Malcolm had to hold his breath and wait for SWAT to arrive.
Then the fight ensued. It was over in a matter of seconds, but the gunshots that pierced through the air felt like stabs to his heart. He couldnt hold back anymore as he screamed (Y/N)'s name. Ainsley tried to hold him back, afraid for his life, but she failed. As soon as the second gunman was down, he ran to (Y/N).
He got to her after she fell to the ground. Malcolm slid to a stop beside her, crying her name. He shook horribly as he looked all over her, watching the circles of blood staining her cream colored dress grow in size around her wounds. "(Y/N), no...!" He reached up to cup her right cheek with his hand as he cried, heaving with each breath he took.
The pain was immeasurable. Some people could stave it off with their adrenaline, but (Y/N) didn't. It numbed all of her other senses, and she couldn't believe her eyes when Malcolm looked down at her. Dazed, she looked back into his sad eyes and asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Shhh, don't worry about that right now. You're going to be ok." As Malcolm spoke to her, her vision grew black and she passed out. His crying intensified as he stroked her cheek. "No, no, no, no, no...!"
SWAT and the ambulances arrived immediately after she passed out and they were able to take her away to the hospital. Malcolm stood there as the world spun around him, covered in (Y/N)'s blood. Gil made his way through the restaurant and found him after the place was cleared by SWAT. He reached out and placed a gentle hand on Malcolm's shoulder. "Bright, are you ok?"
Malcolm slowly shook his head, tears still streaming down his face. "She's dying, Gil. And I can't stop it. I couldn't stop it."
"I know, but you're right. There's nothing you can do, except clean yourself up and wait for her to wake up." Malcolm didn't register Gil's words until Gil gave his shoulder a small shake. Malcolm looked to the floor as he wiped the tears away from one of his cheeks and gulped.
(Y/N) felt... warm, and... tight? She squeezed her eyes shut even farther as she furrowed her brow. Yes, tight was the right word. There was something pressed against her stomach, her back, her left shoulder, and her chest. But what was it? And what was that beeping sound?
She opened her eyes, but the room was spinning. She closed them before she got nauseous, but she needed to see what was so tight.
(Y/N) tried to open her eyes again and succeeded this time. She was in a strange room, and as she tried to sit up to look down at herself, she was met with great pain. That's when she remembered the robbers and the restaurant, and then the gunshots. Then she recognized the beeping; she was in a hospital.
Sitting up farther than the hospital bed already had her was out of the question. She started to look around the room when she heard her name from a familiar voice.
She looked over to her left to see Malcolm, sitting in a chair inches away from her bed. His face was puffy and his eyes were red. He had been crying.
"(Y/N)!" Malcolm smiled as he let out the breath he had been holding this whole time. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he reached out to hold her left hand in both of his. "You're awake."
"Is everyone alright? No one got hurt?" Even as she lay wounded, she worried about everyone else at the restaurant.
"They're all fine, thanks to you." Malcolm was beaming at her, happy that she was alive.
Then it hit her, the question he had not answered before. "Malcolm, what were you doing there?"
"Don't you remember?" He let out a little laugh. "It's my favorite restaurant, too."
"Oh..." She had forgotten.
There was a few seconds of silence as Malcolm's smile began to fall. He looked down at the hand he was holding and spoke with his voice low. "I thought I was protecting you when I pushed you away. I thought that someday I would hurt you because I'm broken, and I wanted to stop that from happening."
(Y/N) couldn't help but interrupt him, her voice soothing. "Malcolm, you're not broken."
"But I am. I am broken." He looked back up into her eyes as he began to cry. "And it took almost losing you to finally see that I was only protecting myself. Because I thought that I was too broken to deserve to love someone."
He gripped her hand tightly in his as he choked out his next words. "I love you, (Y/N)."
Time stopped when he broke up with her, and it started again with those final words. Her world was born anew as she gazed into those brilliantly blue eyes and saw the love he held for her there. Now it was her turn to cry.
As her tears fell, she cupped his cheek in her right hand. "I love you, too, Malcolm."
He brought one of his hands up to hold hers against his face and he broke out into a wide smile. All he hoped for now was to hear those words from her over and over again for the rest of his life.
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sinfullytempting · 4 years
Temptations (Greed)
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Its your favorite asshole!! Seonghwa!!
Tag list: @chanberrys @needyateez @marooneclipse @a-revolution-teez @choisanzs​ if youve reblogged the master list ill assume youd like to be tagged, you can also be asked to be added!
San (Lust 1) / Yeosang (Gluttony 2) / Seonghwa (Greed 3) / Wooyoung (Envy 4) / Filler Chapter (5)
“Sanggie already saw here and thats not fair!”
Seonghwa twitched as he waited for San to open the door, ignoring Wooyoung’s yelling from the phone as he rose a curious brow, waiting for the boy to open the door. “Wooyoung shut up.” Seonghwa ended the call and shoved his phone in his pocket as he leaned closer and knocked on the door harder. “San!”
San growled lowly, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter as he glared at the door. He pulled away. “Finish cooking, please.” The ‘please’ being tacked on as a last minute addition. San stood up straight before walking towards the door and swinging it open.
“Can i come in?” Seonghwa watched San, gold eyes watching red, not stepping foot inside the room. Seonghwa couldnt come in unless he had San’s permission, or you gave him permission. San’s lip curled as he shook his head. “No you cannot.” Seonghwa make be older but San is stronger. “No you can not~” San smiled widely before he saw you come around the corner. “San who is this? Another one of the sins?”
This male was tall, caramel colored hair, sharp gold eyes (those have to be contacts right?) and a cunning smile once he saw you appear, gold eyes lighting up. “Hello~ May i come in?” You frowned. “Of course why wouldnt you be allowed?” His cunning grin turned into a smirk as he pushed past San, automatically bee lining your way and gently holding your hand, kissing the back of it. “You do smell delightful, Thats wonderful.” You blinked, not expecting the boy to appear as quickly as he did, San quietly closing the door.
“Yes, this here, is Greed.” San came around and pulled you away from Seonghwa’s hands, a nasty look being sent towards Seonghwa as San stood behind you. Seonghwa stood up straight, lips pulled into a polite smile.
“Yes, i am greed but my name is Park Seonghwa. Its a pleasure to meet you Y/n.” His smile was tempting in all the wrong ways, but the way San had a hold of you, an arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you into his side, said he knew what you were thinking. Of course he did thats the first thing he did when you woke up.
“Uh...likewise?” You muttered, a questioning tone. “Uh how did you get here- Wait did you said i smell delightful? Yeosang said the same thing.” Seonghwa’s eyes brightened at the mention of Gluttony’s name. “So youve met Sangie? Ah, indeed, you smell absolutely devine its a shame San got to you first…” A deep rumble next to your chest hold you that San had growled- Wait growled? You fidgeted, noticing the thick tension in the room.
“Uhm...i need to finish cooking…” You squirmed your way from San’s iron hold and escaped into the kitchen.
Taking a deep breath you thought back to the small conversation you had with San. ‘Think hard enough and you can summon him’. You closed your eyes tightly, thinking and imagining the pretty boy infront of you, almost begging for someone sane in the current situation that is happening in your living room.
A familiar presence next to you made you relax, coming face to face with Yeosang. “Oh thank you for showing up.” Yeosang cocked his head to the side, eyes darting to the hallway that led to the two sins. “Sannie...and Hwa are here? Greed and Lust but heads all the time. But you’ve been claimed so it shouldnt be this bad.”
Yeosang glanced at the kitchen then to you. “...is that chicken?” You giggled, nodding and plating the food and guiding Yeosang to a table. “San said you liked chicken.” He giggled and nodded. ‘He’s so cute, like a little brother’ You smiled and turned back to the kitchen only to see Seonghwa and San standing infront of you. “I cant believe it actually worked, you summoned Yeosang…” Seonghwa mumbled. “She’s stronger then you said.” He turned towards San, seeing the smirk on his face. “Thats my angel, so full of purity and innocence, so strong and you dont even know it.” He grinned, San lifting your hand to his lips as he pressed a kiss against your knuckles. “Everytime you do something somewhat sinful you just smell that much better, youre so intoxicating.” He smirked as Seonghwa sat infront of Yeosang.
Shuffling closer to you he pressed his face against your neck, almost groaning. “You smell so good~ Its so worrisome that no one has noticed you til now…” San tensed, head turning towards the door. “You must’ve had a guardian angel, keeping you from us, hiding your scent, dulling it so we cant sense it…” San purred quietly in your ear, eyes scanning the area. “But where is he now? He must have been one of the strongest to be able to dull your scent almost completely.”
You blinked, confused. “If i did...i didnt know…” Seonghwa chuckled. “Of course you didnt know, theyre supposed to stay out of sight, only guard you from death.” You threw a glare toward the sin who merely smirked. “Hush, i didnt know you sins existed til this one introduced himself, quite rudely, this morning. And ive met two others in one day, so you can imagine how tired i am correct?”
He wiggled from San’s hold and placed a plate infront of Seonghwa then one next to Yeosang for San. “Sit down and eat, both of you.”
“She sorta smells like...Felix?” San stopped at Yeosang’s words. “Felix? Like The guardian angel Felix?” Yeosang nodded absentmindedly, chewing on his food. “What happened to Felix for him to leave her side...and how do you know Felix?” Yeosang hummed, swallowing a bite. “Wooyoungie knows one of his mortal friends? Changbin? I think thats his name.”
San hummed quietly, thinking about why Felix could have disappeared from your side. “He’s strong tho, what could have pulled him away like that?” San mumbled, eyes gliding towards you. “You said i could summon Yeosang if i tried hard enough right? And i did, it worked...do you think i could somehow summon Felix?”
“...also i had a guardian angel? Apparently how you’re speaking of him he is...a strong angel?” San scrunched his nose but nodded, not sitting well with the feeling of talking about how to summon an angel, let alone a guardian angel. Especially with Felix being a higher being then just an angel.
“Yes...Felix is a very strong guardian angel. He usually works alone but he has, two other angels he works with and mortal friends for some reason, but they arent important, what is important is, what happened to Felix. Even though hes an angel he was supposed to guard you, and its increasingly frightening the more i think about how he disappeared enough for me to find you and claim you.”
You nodded, backing up on your thoughts. “So? Do you think i could try and summon him?” The three sins turned and looked at you. “You want to try and summon an angel?” Seonghwa spoke, a mocking tone as he spoke. “Let alone a guardian angel? Who you dont even know what he looks like?” You couldnt help but shrink a little bit at his mocking.
“She did summon Yeosang...and we do know someone who knows what Felix looks like, and one who knows someone he works with…” San mumbled, looking around. “But is it a smart idea to search for him? Maybe he doesnt want to be found? But he wouldnt just abandon the person he was sent to protect right?” Yeosang spoke up as he finished his plate, orange eyes locking on you. “But summoning me seemed to drain you, so how about you eat then rest, the rest of us will look for ways to find him, this guardian angel-”
“I think this is a bad idea.” Seonghwa stood up.
“Why would it be a bad idea?”
“Hello? Yeosang? The two strongest sins are going to look for a guardian angel? Does that sound ok?”
You puffed your cheeks as you listened to the duo talk. “What if i want to find him? He should be around right? Do i need to put myself in danger for him to show up?” San blinked at your words. “Love, you smell like me now, i dont know if he’d come to save you. Im pretty sure, if he was still around he wouldnt saved you from me as soon as i appeared. Some low level demon wouldnt smelled Felix on you and bolted...but it was so faint i could barely smell it.” He hummed quietly.
“We can try tomorrow ok? We can talk to someone who knows how to find him.” He sighed. “Since youre so persistent on it.” You smiled and nodded. “Now...can all of you leave so i can clean up and go to sleep…”
“Dont worry about it, ill clean up for you.” Seonghwa stood up, grabbing the plates and walking towards the sink, Yeosang standing up and stretching before nodding. “I’ll leave, thank you for the food Y/n.” You smiled as the pink haired boy nodded, disappearing with orange smoke. You coughed a bit before hesitating to leave with one unknown sin in your kitchen cleaning up. The feeling of an arm around your waist guiding you to your room startled you. “San-”
“Dont worry, he will probably end up cleaning your whole house…” He snickered as he opened your door. “He’s a clean freak.” Seonghwa hissed from inside the kitchen. “Shut up San!”
He chuckled and closed the door behind you both, guiding you to the bed and humming. “Change. Maybe ill sing for you.”
You nodded and grabbed clothes before heading into your bathroom, throwing a glance back at San who grinned at you from the chair at your table. “Go on or ill come in to help you change!” You threw a glare before slamming the door shut behind you, letting San’s laughter seep through the door.
“I hate sins...”
“Dont lie baby you love us!”
“I only tolerate some of you, aka Yeosang!”
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hazeltears94 · 5 years
Loki convo with Reader
\Just a chapter in a fan fic I'm contemplating let me know if it intrests you/
(You and loki have history since childhood , things happened and you were separated for awhile with hard feelings both ways. Youve been brought together again in attempt to work together. Loki wants to have you to himself but youve been tricked before. )
Determined to make it to my quarters before he could reach me proved to be more troublesome than I realized. I could hear his long determined strides behind me in the long narrow corridor that housed the bunk bays of the Quinjet. 
Just a little farther and I would be securely locked behind mine , safe and secure from.. 
“Oh for God’s sake I know you hear me (Y/N) !” he growled. I blew out a harsh breath and responded to the owner of the curt tone. 
“Just leave me be Loki” I pleaded still facing my bay door hoping to be in the small bed behind it in the next few minutes. This day from hell would just not end, I had been assigned to assist in the search and recovery mission of an unknown assassin the Avengers had failed to haul in. At Thor’s request for assistance I relented to travel along with his comrades which called themselves The Avengers in search of said danger.
 I had been no sooner introduced to the one whom calls himself Iron-Man when he questions Thor’s decision to bring me in on the mission. I decided to show him my worth of being here and ability to protect myself. I had pinned him down swiftly without a scratch but did not anticipate the reinforcements that came to his aid . All at once I was being thrown against the wall of the training hall. Though Iron-Man apologized for not un-syncing his robots to a distress call I could tell he was pleased I had been shown up a bit by his inventions. 
I tried to rush and push my way into my small quarters without further interruptions when a hand shot out and pulled it shut again. Ah Yes we could not end this day without a little more banter from the God of lies and Mischief;
 Loki Odinson ,Laufeyson? I wasn't sure which he was going by these days and at this moment I decided I didn't really care. Thor had left out the smallest detail that this certain person would also be on this planet, with this mission and in my hair apparently. He had been watching my spat with the Iron-Man and when I had been throttled to the other side of the training arena he was the one who had literally disarmed the sentry robot protecting its creator from harm. I still shook spots from my vision when I saw a dark figure rip the arms from the metal warrior. All the poor machine could do was whir down as it was ripped to shreds. Iron-Man was non too pleased to have one of his metal army destroyed. It was then I discovered my savior was Loki. 
“You are avoiding me (Y/N)”  he simply stated . 
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling and wondered why he couldn't leave well enough alone. He eyed me warily as he had in the training arena when he asked if I was alright. I stared up at him and tried to reason with myself as to what he was doing here and why Thor had omitted this . 
“You were always the clever one “ I replied ,sarcasm dripping heavily from my words. He had shown concern for my well-being , but I had not wanted to show weakness to any new or old acquaintances; least of all him. I dared a glare at him under my brows trying to look as displeased as I felt in that moment. He seemed utterly unfazed. 
“Just tell me , Are you hurt ?” he let loose the door and turned me towards him
Too soon to show bruising but I could feel the tender places in which I would never admit to out loud. 
“You don't need to concern yourself with me, I can manage on my own”  standing as tall as I could I still only managed to reach the bottom of his pointed chin. His hair was still raven black but he wore it longer than she remembered , it now brushed his shoulders and curled slightly more. He wore his battle armour with its thick black leather with forest green leather work woven through. A gold bangle graced its way across the span of his chest and touched his shoulders as more dark leather encompassed his arms. 
"No one is allowed to hurt you" he bit out
"Except you " she whispered
He drew back from her side studying her with a varying of emotions crossing his features; then he settled on a sleek smile that he knew infuriated her. So much looked different, hardened features where there was once only laughter but when he smiled, she recognized the boy she had grown up with 
"Yes except me" he smirked
"Because if im the only one to hurt you , it means I'm the only one you care enough to let that happen"
"Hmm.." You slowly drew away from him anger coursed through you. You steeled your gaze up at him crossed your arms across your chest and raised a brow at his cocky face. It looked like you had no other choice but to hash this out now in this small hallway where anyone would be privy to listen, Gods be with her. 
"You find pleasure when I am hurt by the person I allow " narrowing your eyes 
Loki huffs a laugh " It means you love me dear" seeming pleased with his logic he steps toward you and places a hand on your waist to drag you closer
Even angry with him and his wrong assumptions you cant stop the feeling this man stirs in you; God of mischief indeed. Trying to regain your composure internally you remain stoic outwardly. " No loki. .. " and you shove him back keeping your hand there at his chest almost bracing yourself for the next truth never meeting his gaze you stare at your hand; "it means you dont love me"
Lowering your hand you will it not to shake as you lower your head, but he catches your hand and squeezes it softly. You could feel it , the electricity , the excitement all the unused pent up emotions that never got to play out still lingered there between you. 
Sensing your intake of breath and if he couldnt already feel your racing pulse you'd swear he could hear it. You still refused to meet his eyes knowing the bit of pride you had left would vanish
He pulls you close again only a breath away from your face and he whispers "You still love me, there's little use in denying it little one" you're losing your battle at remembering why you're trying so hard to stop all this. Especially when he starts an electrifying trail of kisses from your cheek to your neck. Needing to stop this dangerous encounter fast before your will or knees give way
"Arent we smug " you breathe out but there's no harshness behind it. He's got you pinned against the wall hands at your sides finrly holding you in place while he sets you on fire with his lips . He leans back only far enough to look at your face before that same damnable smirk comes back
"Stop it (Y/N) . I want to hear you say it " he demands softly. His grip on your arms has tightened only slightly and its a good thing because if not for him holding you up you arent sure you wouldn't be in a puddle on the floor. You hate how defenseless you are. "Why" you cut out . you're still angry but now its mostly at how he still had this effect on you after all this time.
He lets go of your arm and brings your face to meet his. There it was , green eyes that you used to love watch sparkle with mischief. Your childhood friend who had turned into something more ,something innocent but strong. And you still felt it after eveything he had said and done you still loved him.
"I just need to hear you say it" he has a look of almost sadness as he's begging you to bear Your soul to him all over again.
You slightly shake your head "No"
His brows crease in annoyance now "Must you be so stubborn, I've told you there is no use in denying me, do you think I am immune to your glances when you think I am otherwise distracted" shock played across your face oh no you thought you had gotten away with just a few curious looks at him. " You think you can hide your desire from me , I can feel it (Y/N) and I want it , so why persist in rejecting me" he was now glowering down on you but it wasn't fear you felt sizzling low in your abdomen.
Your last attempt to stop this madness before you just gave up and took a flying leap from your common senses .
"Because it didn't change anything last time I said it " now you were challenging him daring him to remember that day, when everything changed.
Softening his glare he broke eye contact to look down at your lips. Giving you a moment to recover from the intensity and find whatever good sense you might have left .
"That was many years ago , things are different now" quietly he spoke and still had not met your gaze. Lies.. your mind shouted.
He was still demanding all and giving nothing he would regret losing .
Such as his heart.
Yes things were different now but not him.
"No they arent" Steeling yourself against what your words would bring from him. You pulled yourself free from his grip. "You're still selfish, arrogant, and hellbent on self destruction without a care of who you hurt "
This seemed to also snap him out of his course of action. He stepped back until he was out of reach. When he looked up at you , it was the coldest feeling , emotionless he said " So you deny you love me"
His lips that had just drove you crazy with his smile and kisses were pressed into a hard thin line. Those eyes which you got easily lost in moments ago were cold voids that seemed to stare right through you now. As if you mattered nothing to him.
Two could play this game of lies you thought .
"Like you said, it was many years ago. " and with that you straightened and turned on your heel to make your retreat.
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firelxdykatara · 6 years
Day 2: Hidden Identities
So this is a day late, but hopefully not a dollar short! (lol kill me my jokes suck) ANYWAY, this is for Day 2 of @thirtydaysofzutara and was heavily inspired by @artcraawl‘s amazing Zutara Mulan AU pictures. Some of it is directly from the movie, some is embellished, anyway I hope it’s a fun read, as I certainly had fun writing it!
“I don’t know if I can do this, Tui.”
Katara gave one more half-hearted tug, but her father’s sword remained stubbornly embedded in the tree’s trunk. With a sigh, she flopped to the ground, thumping her fists against the hard-packed soil in frustration. Her companion, a silver dragon-lizard with impossibly black eyes, scurried up the tree and perched on the flat of the blade, tugging gently, but to no avail. “It’ll come out! You just have- to be- persistent!”
With a final tug, the lizard slipped from the blade and fell to the ground. Katara pushed herself up on her elbows with a groan. “I’ve been persistent! It’s not working! I haven’t even been able to get that stupid arrow out of the pole.”
“No one else has, either,” Tui pointed out, curling her tail over her shoulder and rubbing a spot of dirt from her scales.
“That’s not the point.” Katara sat up and pushed herself to her feet.  “They belong here. They don’t have to prove anything.”
“Neither do you, as far as they know.”
“Sure, and what happens when they find-”
“Who are you talking to, Tak?”
Katara froze. Tui scampered into the bushes with an alarmed squeak, and the moment stretched uncomfortably, as the woman tried desperately to convince herself that voice belonged to someone—anyone­—else. It didn’t work; she was pretty sure she could feel his amber gaze burning holes into her back.
He had the disconcerting ability to make her feel like he could see right through her façade—through the warrior she was trying to be, to the scared, homesick girl beneath.
Time sped up again, and Katara turned to look at Zuko, who was standing behind her with his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.
“Uh…” she began, before realizing her voice was pitched too high, coughing to cover it up. “No one! I’m just, talking to… myself…” She trailed off, rubbing the back of her neck with one hand (mostly to hide the fact that she kept reaching for a lock of hair that just wasn’t there anymore). Her eyes slid to her sword, still sunk into the tree trunk, about the same time Zuko’s did. Disapproval radiated from his lithe form in waves, and Katara had to fight back the nervous laughter that kept threatening to bubble up.
“Oh, this is… I was just training…” she said, grabbing the hilt tightly in both hands. It still refused to move, and she braced herself with one foot on the trunk. Finally, with an almighty yank, the sword came free, and the momentum sent her careening off-balance.
Zuko ducked just in time—the blade passed a hair’s breadth over his head.
“Oops,” Katara muttered, giving a weak chuckle as she clumsily shoved her sword back into its sheath. “Cut it a little close there-” Spirits, Katara, stop talking.
The captain looked less than impressed as he straightened back up, looking at her with some emotion in his eyes that she couldn’t quite describe. Then he sighed, shaking his head. “Pack up.”
Something churned unpleasantly in the pit of her stomach. “What?”
“Go home. You’re through here, Tak. I’ve tried my best, but you just aren’t suited for war—not in my company. And if you’re the best that Chief Hakoda could send in his own stead-” He broke off, squaring his shoulders. “You’d be more of a danger to your own comrades than the Fire Nation soldiers. And I won’t have good men, even you, needlessly killed because they weren’t ready.”
Katara watched as he walked away, trying very hard to keep from noticing the way his muscles had tensed (probably from anger) beneath the thin padding of his training vest. “He’s right. I know he is. But…”
Tui poked her head out of the bushes. “But you want to prove him wrong.”
A wry grimace twisted at her mouth. “I was too willful and stubborn to make a good wife, remember? It must be good for something.”
“So what are you going to do?”
The sun had set, the last of its amber glow receding from the skyline just as the full moon began to peek through the clouds. “I don’t know…” Katara murmured, gazing up at the sky—she traced the moonbeams with her eyes, until she caught one that illuminated the arrow still stuck at the top of that tall, wooden beam.
She could have had it down weeks ago, if she’d wanted to risk waterbending—but it was supposed to be a physical exercise. For all that she was at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the company (not that anyone but Sokka realized it), the last thing she wanted to do was prove herself by cheating. But there had to be some way to get to that arrow. And maybe, if she got it down herself…
 Hours later, the only thing preventing her from screaming in frustration was the fact that Zuko’s tent was only ten feet away. “Come on,” she grunted, taking another running jump at the pole—and, as before, she made it a few feet before falling to the ground in an ungainly heap.
She might have had a better chance at getting higher, if not to the top, if it weren’t for the weights at her wrists. Katara picked herself up for the thousandth time, dropping the weights and dusting herself off. (It was a good thing her family didn’t seem to have the ‘quitter’ gene, or she might have contemplated just leaving, like she’d been told.) She couldn’t help the nagging feeling that there was something about this exercise that was missing, that she just didn’t understand. She picked up the weights again, holding them in front of her, inspecting the etchings in the gold. It was an ancient form of Earth Kingdom script, and she could only make out a few letters.
Somehow, she doubted anyone had carved a cheat sheet onto these things a thousand years ago, anyway.
But as the weights swayed gently on their leather ties, something occurred to her—it was so simple she could almost kick herself for not thinking of it sooner. It was so obvious. It wasn’t just about having to struggle against the weight. It was about discipline and strength—using them to her advantage.
Squaring her shoulders, Katara faced the pole again—this time, when she jumped, she swung the weights, tangling the leather ties together, and she began to climb.
Halfway up, she almost wanted to let go, forget the whole thing. Her arms were screaming in protest, and she kept slipping even as she gained inches in height—sweat was streaming down her face in small rivers, and she could feel her tunic sticking to her back. The cotton binding around her breasts was beginning to itch something fierce. But she had already gotten too far to quit, and so she kept going—gaining inches and losing centimeters, until she could see the top of the pole. She could almost reach out and grab that arrow.
The sun began to peek over the horizon once more, and Katara gasped for breath, her muscles screaming in agony as she grabbed the top of the pole and finally pulled herself up. It was a deceptively wide beam of wood, in fact, and easy enough to perch on was she grabbed the arrow in one tender hand and pulled it free.
It was only when the cheering began that she realized she’d drawn a crowd.
A tired grin crossed her face, and she subtley bent some of her sweat, coating the arrow-head with a thin layer of ice. Just as Zuko’s tent flap opened, she threw the arrow down—it landed with impressive accuracy, thudding into the ground at his feet as he stepped out. He looked up at her, and while it was difficult to tell from how far away she was, Katara almost thought he looked proud.
 “I’m sorry. About your uncle.” Katara winced inwardly—she kept forgetting to pitch her voice low enough, but Zuko didn’t seem to notice. He was staring at the fire; if he’d heard a word she said, he didn’t indicate it. Which was almost a relief—she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get into a conversation about lost loved ones and not accidentally blow her own cover.
Sokka had been helping as much as he dared, once he’d realized her plan, but there was only so much he could do to keep her from ruining everything with her ‘stupid girly habits’.
Apparently, talking about feelings qualified.
Either way, Zuko clearly wasn’t in the mood for company. Katara turned to go—if she hadn’t already become so tuned to the tenor of his voice, for reasons she couldn’t even begin to explain, she might have missed it entirely when he said, “Thank you, Tak.”
She stopped, glancing back at him—he was giving her at least an attempt at a smile, and it suddenly struck her how very young he looked. Especially for a captain.
He really couldn’t have been more than a couple years older than she was, and it was hard enough for her to manage to keep her own life straight—she couldn’t imagine what it was like trying to lead an entire company.
She opened her mouth to say something else—she wasn’t quite sure what, but since when had thinking ever stopped her from blurting out what was on her mind?—when she heard the screech of a bird of prey high in the sky above them. It sounded familiar, almost… almost like…
She was six years old, and the snow had turned grey from falling ash. Buildings burned, people were screaming and running away, bursts of fire from soldiers in the streets kept illuminating the overcast sky, and Katara couldn’t find her parents.
“Mama!” she shouted, tears streaking through the soot stains on her face, running towards her house. Everything was chaos, but she still knew home. Somewhere, high in the sky, a fire hawk screamed—the little girl could see it circling over her family’s hut, an omen she couldn’t quite comprehend.
When she opened the door, the smell of charred flesh nearly knocked her off her feet. It was-
“The Fire Nation!” Katara heard herself shouting, those last images from her memory still superimposed over her vision, the smell sticking to her all these years later. She wanted to gag, but there was no time. “They’re here! They-“
An arrow whistled through the air and into Zuko’s shoulder as he stood, knocking him flat.
“Zuko!” Katara rushed to his side as more arrows floated into view just over the snowy hilltop—he waved her off, pulling the arrow free with a grunt and clambering to his feet.
“Everyone, get out of their range! Grab the cannons!”
It was pure chaos, after that. Zuko’s company scattered—they grabbed armloads of cannons and their weapons and ran, forcing the Fire Nation soldiers to abandon their high ground advantage if they wanted to do any real damage. Out of range of the arrows was also out of range of their firebenders, and it took everything Katara had not to panic and freeze.
“Sokka!” The relief nearly knocked her over, but she held her ground, grabbing for her brother’s hand and yanking him out of the way of another arrow barrage. “Where’s Zuko? Is he-”
“He’s fine! We need to set up these canons, Tak. Now!”
Their answering barrage sent shockwaves rippling through the ground—when they were down to the last cannon, Zuko appeared behind them. “Hold- we don’t know who’s left. If…”
He trailed off. The smoke cleared, and revealed the bulk of the Fire Nation army still intact on the hillside.
Ozai was at the army’s head. Katara could feel his smug smirk from here.
“Sokka, take that last canon. Hit Ozai, if it’s the last thing you do!” Zuko commanded. “Men- prepare for a fight!”
Katara’s hand went to her sword hilt, but something was still bothering her. Taking out Ozai wouldn’t decimate the Fire Nations forces—they’d keep coming, they’d kill everyone. How many more villages would suffer the way Omashu had? The way her tribe had? The way-
She caught sight of the snow-covered mountain just behind them. They weren’t going to have time to retreat back through the mountain passes to safety, but maybe, if she could only just… She reached, but nothing. Practicing her bending in secret had only gotten her so far, and that snow was too far off. But…
“Give me that!” She pushed Sokka aside and grabbed the cannon. It would work. It had to.
 Katara was beginning to lose feeling in her arms. She hadn’t realized Ozai’s blade had cut that deep, but now Koda’s saddle was soaked in her blood, and she had barely been able to muster the strength to grab Zuko and pull him to safety.
The avalanche had stilled, snow wiping the last traces of the Fire Nation army away, and Katara finally slid from her horse’s back, stumbling to her knees. Zuko had regained consciousness, and he rushed to her side. “Tak! Are you alright?”
She gripped his arm and pulled herself upright, nodding weakly. “I’m fine, is everyone else-”
“We made it, Tak,” Toph said, affectionately thumping her shoulder. “Thanks to you. That was brilliant.”
The others chimed in, and Katara smiled, for just a moment. And then she collapsed.
When she opened her eyes, she recognized the colors of the medical tent above her cot. For a moment, Katara was dazed, confused—how had she gotten here? Where were Zuko, Sokka and the others? How-
Her clothing had been removed. The breast binding wraps were visible, overlapping the bandages around her abdomen. The doctor was looking at her, perhaps to be sure she was truly awake, but when she opened her mouth to speak, he turned away and left the tent.
Katara sat up quickly, wincing at the tight feeling of the wound in her stomach, wanting to protest—but then Zuko stepped inside, and the words died in her throat.
It was then that she realized her hair was loose—the thick, dark brown waves that just brushed against her shoulders were much more visibly feminine now that she no longer wore them in her father’s hairstyle, and the breast wraps had only been effective at hiding her figure when covered by padding and armour. Now, she felt her cheeks burn as Zuko’s eyes followed her figure, and realized the truth of what the doctor had obviously told him.
“So it’s true,” came Long Feng’s voice as he entered the tent behind Zuko. Where the latter’s gaze was completely unreadable, Long Feng didn’t bother to disguise his disgust. He surged forward, grabbing Katara by the arm and dragging her out of the tent, throwing her into the snow with just her blanket for cover. She fell to her knees before the rest of the company, tears of humiliation freezing to her lashes before they even had a chance to fall.
“A woman,” Long Feng hissed. “A despicable traitor to our great kingdom!”
Toph and Aang stared in shock. Sokka started forward, but Katara shook her head. It was too late for her, but she would not let her brother take the fall, too. “My name is Katara. I only came here to save my father-”
“More lies!” Long Feng insisted, turning to glare at her as Zuko approached. “Devious snake!”
“I never meant for it to go this far!” Her eyes met Zuko’s, and she pleaded with him silently. Please understand. “You have to believe me! I only wanted-”
“Silence!” Long Feng shouted.
Sokka ran forward. “Wait! You can’t do this—she’s my sister!”
“Sokka, no!”
But the damage was done. “You knew about her deception?” Long Feng was practically quivering with rage. “Stand aside, boy, or you will share in this traitor’s fate!”
“Sokka, please-”
He refused to budge. Katara could still see Zuko, staring at the both of them now, sword in hand. He took a step forward, and several gasps ran through the company—Toph and Aang looked ready to rush to their defense, but Long Feng threw his arm out and stopped them. “You know the law!”
For just a moment, Katara met Zuko’s eyes, and thought she saw something flickering in their depths. Something other than anger or disgust. Something warm.
Then it was gone, and Zuko threw his sword to the ground. “A life for a life,” he said, staring down at her. “My debt to you is ended.” Finally, as if only now realizing he was there, Zuko looked at Sokka. “Take her home. Don’t bother coming back.”
He turned on his heel—Long Feng made a noise, as if he were about to protest, but Zuko turned on him with a glower that could’ve melted steel. The advisor finally cowed into silence, he turned to the rest of his men and motioned for them to move out.
 “You trusted Tak. Why is Katara any different?”
“You stole my victory.” “No! I did!” “… The soldier from the mountain!”
“She’s a woman, and from the water tribes! She’s not worth protecting!”
“I have heard all about you, Katara of the Water Tribes. You followed your brother off to war—stole your father’s armour and ran away from home. You impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Earth Kingdom, and… you have saved us all.”
 It was… surreal. That was the only way Katara could describe the feeling that overtook her, when she realized that not only was the Earth King bowing, but so was the entirety of Ba Sing Se. As far as the eye could see, citizens were stooping low, and it was all but impossible to believe they were honoring her.
Even Zuko was bowing—even her brother. She wanted to tell them all to stand up, that she really hadn’t done anything that extraordinary, but she didn’t want to risk losing the King’s good faith. The moment eventually passed, anyway, and Katara turned to find the Earth King smiling warmly at her.
“I would be honored if you would accept a seat on my council, Katara,” he said—Long Feng looked like he was about to faint.
“B- but sir, you can’t just- there are no positions open!”
“Alright. You can have his job.”
This time, he did faint. Katara had to smother a chuckle before taking a deep breath and shaking her head. “You honor me, your majesty, but… I think it’s time for me to go home.”
He nodded, as if he’d expected nothing less of her.
The Earth King gave her his medallion and Ozai’s sword, and when Katara finally turned to go, she very nearly ran right into Zuko. “Oh! Zuko, I-”
“Katara-” he began, at the same time. They both broke off; Katara bit her lip, waiting for him to continue. He cleared his throat. “I, uh- you fight good. Well! Proficiently, you- you’re an excellent soldier.”
Their eyes met, but Katara was the first to look away, this time. “Oh. Thank you, Zuko. For everything.” And then she left, finding Koda and pulling herself into his saddle to begin the long journey home.
“You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty,” the Earth King declared—sounding very much like he was calling Zuko an idiot.
 “Would you like to stay for dinner?” From a distance, Katara could hear Grandma Kanna’s voice, “Would you like to stay forever?!” Zuko laughed. “Dinner would be great.”
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iwriteficsandmore · 6 years
Love at First Crash
Fandom: BnHA
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Not exactly your favorite month. It brought clustered streets and either satisfied or disgruntled people due to the holiday rush. Then again, it wasn't your least favorite either. Winter set a good weather for idling around and drinking a nice warm beverage.
And tonight, just like every other night since the nights became cooler, you sat outside in the balcony just over your room. Having the attic-turned-bedroom as your main abode had its perks. The added space outside being one of them. You made it your own not much longer after you moved it and with it having an outlet, it gave you the liberty to do whatever you wanted up there. Like watching a movie on your laptop out in the open with only a light blanket for cover.
Though you're sure it'd be better with company.
The thought brought a heavy sigh out of you as you snuggled further into the soft fleece for comfort. True, you weren't the most social of butterflies but that didn't mean you completely hated interacting with others. It was kind of a bummer that you rarely got invites from coworkers to go to outings; even rarer the times when your few close friends would go out. Most if not all were shuts-in like you, so those times seldom came.
Which, in the end, left you alone on your balcony, out in the open, to watch the first movie you found streaming: a scary one. Not your first choice, but since you knew that if you decided to search for another, you'd most likely spend the rest of the night doing that. So you just let it play.
Perhaps not the best of ideas when you started hearings things out of nowhere. At first you thought them to be from the movie until you paused it and realized they weren't. They weren't even from below. They were coming from above. It was just as you looked skyward that something big and brightly colored crashed onto your balcony. A petrified screech escaped you as you dashed out of your seat and scurried down the skylight into the haven of your room, laptop and fleece blanket forgotten. Heart beating a mile a second, you let it calm down and tried to assess exactly what happened.
Something fucking crashed on my balcony.
Something big. Something brightly colored. And it was still scurrying overhead. Braving a peek through your skylight while being at the ready if things went south, you spotted it. Whatever it was.
No, not whatever. Whoever. A person had crash landed on your balcony and laid there, moaning and groaning in apparent discomfort, in a heap of limbs...and what looked like wings.
Bright red wings.
Recognition struck you like a ton of bricks but what spurn you to action and back out into the open space of your balcony was that, aside from the red of his wings, the vibrant color also marred his face and parts of his clothes. Running out, tripping a little and catching yourself as you went, you reached the Winged Hero, Hawks, and skidded to a stop next to him. He groaned under his breath as you turned him to see his injuries better. It was then that you finally saw his amber eyes gazing shocked back at you.
For a moment neither of you spoke, bewilderment rushing through you at the ridiculous circumstances. That quickly went away, though, when you saw him holding his side as the spot darkened, what looked to be blood seepeing through his undershirt. Blinking away your disbelief, you instantly ran back to the blanket you'd been using and brought it back to wrap around him.
Hawks let out a cough that choked him a little as his amber eyes searched you for a moment. "What are you--"
"Don't talk. And don't move either."
First aid--thinking for a second, you remember seeing it in the kitchen. You quicky let him know you'll be back before storming down the skylight again. Through a rush, you pick up the kit, some clean bandages, and a bag of ice before coming back up. He thankfully listened to you, if because he actually minded your words or because he couldnt move was up in the air. Frankly, you didn't care to knwo.
Before you even tried reaching out to him, you looked him straight in the eye to make sure he was okay with it. "I'm going to see to your wounds now, alright?"
Leaving no room for him to say no, Hawks simply nodded and let you take his hand away from the biggest wound on his side. Something had cut through fabric and skin. Something thin and small that seemed to just graze him. Bullet or knife were your best bets. As you prepared a gauze with alcohol, you talked him through what you were doing just so he wouldn't freak out. You knew it was likely not needed--him being a hero and all, he surely got many injuries every other week--but you could't help it. As a nurse working in the ER, appeasing patients was something that came as naturally as breathing did. This wasn't quite Kyushu's hospital but a patient was a patient all the same.
Thankfully, it didn't look too deep. Doubted stitches would be necessady. really. While disinfecting it though, you hear him hiss a little and turned up to make sure everything was alright with him. Hawks only let out a nervous chuckle that he tried hiding behind a mildly dirty collar.
"It's okay to tell me if it hurts." The wound was quite large after all. More than what a single bandaid would cover anyway. And guessing by the rest of his injuries, he had plenty to be complaining about.
"The alcohol stung is all." Amber eyes stayed on your hands as you pressed several pieces of gauze onto his side to cover the wound after daubing it with some antiseptic. It's after asking him to hold his shirt up so you can wrap some bandages over it that he perks up more. "You're awfully calm for someone who just saw me fall onto your balcony. Things crash land on you often?"
The way he put it gets a chuckle out of you but you quickly clear your throat to focus back on the task at hand. "No, they don't, but I've seen stranger things in the ER."
"You a doctor?"
"That's why you're so gentle."
The comment, despite being said so low under his breath, is loud enough for you to hear, and it throws you off for a good moment. "Excuse me?"
"I didn't mean it in a bad way," he immediately retorted.
"In what way then?"
"Well." His voice drawls on muffled by the collar of his jacket as he averts his gaze. "Most doctors here are just kinda dicks and your beeing gentle kinda gave me a hint that you weren't one."
You didn't fault him on that. Though you couldn't speak for other hospitals or clinics in Kyushu, your workplace was rather filled to the brim with stuck-up doctors. There were exceptions but the fact that there were any at all spoke to the problem itself. Usually, they would shove their work onto the nurses and spent their shift goodness knew what; you'd certainly seen more patients alone than when accompanied by a doctor, though, that was for sure.
"I suppose so," you muttered under your breath. Seeing as you were done with what looked to be the most pressing of injuries, you gave him one last look over before meeting his gaze that hadn't torn away from you the whole time you thought of a reply. "Where you chasing a villain?"
"Late night chase." His hand reached down to touch the bandages but you quickly smack it away, telling him not to. "It didn't last long though. I was on my way to the hospital, actually, but I guess I fell asleep on my way there."
"You guess? Isn't that dangerous?"
"Very," it amazed you that he somehow managed to say that with a toothy, lopsided grin. "Guess I'm lucky that my guardian angel knows how to treat injuries."
Though too cheesy for your liking, you couldn't help the bubbly chuckle it brought out of you. "You say that to every girl whose balcony you crash on?"
"You're lucky number one, sweatheart!"
It simply amazed you how nonchalant he was about just having crashed landed from exhaustion, especaly with those injuries.
"Your injuries aren't so bad aside from the one on your side, so you should be okay. Maybe you should hang the wings for the night, though, and consider going home on foot, Mr. No.2 hero. Wouldn't want you crashing again."
"Nah, I'm good. Flying's faster, anyway." He stood with a flourish, his massive crimson wings spreading out as he turned to the ledge of your balcony and readied to take flight.
Unable to believe just how stubborn he was, you instinctively snatched onto his wings and saw his whole body jerk in reponse to the aggressive touch. "Let me give you a ride then. I'd hate to hear in the morning news that you crashed again and hurt yourself more or, godforbid, you hurt others."
"How little confidence you have in me," he countered with a mild pout.
"With good reason," you readily replied. "Now stop being such a stubborn parrot and accept the damn lift."
Hawks mulled over the offer for a few minutes before his wings finally folded back to neatly tuck behind him. He flashed you a grin before nodding. "Alright, you win, angel. You get to take me home from our first date. How romantic, huh?"
"Very," you couldn't have said that with anymore sarcasm lacing your voice had you actually tried. "I'll get my car from out back so just wait out front. You think you can do that without hurting yourself?"
Hawks gave off a silly two finger salute with that shit-eating grin on his face. "Aye, aye, cap'n." His wings unfurled before you could notice, though, and he jumped off before you had a chance to stop him. Instead of the graceful drop you hoped for, Hawks barely landed on his feet, slipping a bit on the slightly iced sidewalks.
When he turned up to give you a thumbs up you couldn't help but heave a sigh of mixed relieve and exasperation. "I meant wait out front through the door, you bird brain!"
"Too slow! And if you don't hurry, I might just take off home too!
Feeling he wasn't kidding around, you rushed down into your apartment, taking your keys as you put on some slip on shoes, and hurried down the flight of stairs to get to your car in the garage. But as you waited for the garage door to open, you couldn't help but lightly slam your forehead against your steering wheel.
Your quiet movie night had turned to such craziness so fast that you could hardly believe it. But as you saw Hawks waving at you from your rearview mirror, one single thought formed along with the amused, lopsided smile on your lips.
Well, at least this is better than a dumb, scary movie.
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lysandra-vanburen · 6 years
Fated Meeting
The following tale is written in the third person for maximum depth to the characters and their shared story. This tale has been written by the talented @itraeis  and myself!
The sun had slowly begun to set on the horizon of Kul'Tiras. The chill of the night air carried with it an unspoken whisper of fortune, the promise of change lingering in the atmosphere as the two unsuspecting nobles drew closer and closer.
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What had essentially drew Lysandra nearer the Upton Borough bonfire lounge was unknown to her, alas the pull was irresistible and enticing. There was familiarity to the outdoor patio, and she couldn’t deny that it was one of her more favorite spots to linger for it provided a perfect meld of out-doorism and posh comfort, too it provided a fine mixture of fresh air but lavish luxury such as fine wines and, if desired, a meal provided by an ever cheerful staff.
Having finally gotten a little more accustomed to life here in Boralus, the young lordling Itraeis Holt decided to go for a walk about the Upton Borough. It was the closest thing to home he could think of, other nobles and wealthy individuals enjoying the evening air without a care in the world.
It was a few twists and turns later and the lad found Itraeis at an outdoor bonfire. It was a homely place complemented with comfortable couches and attendants serving drinks and hors d'oeuvre to the wealthy patrons. The area seemed rather quiet, only a few patrons scattered about. For now he'd keep quiet and enjoy a glass of wine on one of the couches as he casually eyed the other patrons in attendance.
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Despite the exhaustion of her days worth of work weighing her body, Lysandra dared not to deny the universe it’s game. She followed her gut, her boots heels thumping against the cobblestone path as she moved through the dim street lights, her eyes lifted  skyward to marvel the beauty of the stars daring to peek out through the sunset’s fading lights.
Lysandra’s walk proved to be quick in unveiling intentions.
That same persistent breeze, which guided her, manifested once again -- carried from the seas -- and managed to  catch the particularly unsuspecting noblewoman mid walk. Her hat was completely snatched from her atop her head, allowing her long wavy brown-red hair to whip about in the breeze as she gasped out in horror. Her gloved hands clung to the scarf which, too, flung around her slender neck threatening to fly off just as her hat currently had, and too she held the opened flaps of her coat closed so as to protect her torso from the chill of the ocean air. "Damn!" Lysandra cussed, her slender features grief stricken as the black cap flung through piles of fallen, dead leaves and puddles of water left over from the previous rains. In the wake of the flying hat had a saggy and greying hound begun to bound after it with newfound vigor, barking loud enough to rattle even a passer by's ribs, his massive fangs glinting from beneath his massive jowls which -- quite like Lysandras scarf - bounced and flung about, wads of collected slobber flinging around carelessly.
It was hard for Itraeis not to notice the commotion of the greying dogs deceitful youth and the chorus of greeting nobles and attendants a like. A mildly amused Lysandra brought a hand to cover her nude lips, hiding her grin and muffling her giggle at the old dog's antics, momentarily impressed with the burst of youth that urged him to chase her surely mucky and dirty cap. She followed him closely, surely passing her most frequent hang out -- which would bring a handful of the regulars and the staff to raise their hands and express greeting toward 'Miss Vanburen' whom in return would raise a hand and wave in her relatively chipper attitude.
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Looking around, it seemed Itraeis alone was the only one who didn't greet her when compared against everyone else.
Miss Vanburen he thought. That's the second time he'd heard that name in recent days. Though this woman seemed much more mature and proper than the one he had met before, not that he minded. Without warning a slobbering, soaked, dirt riddled and leaf-clinging cap would splat at the woman's black leather booties, bringing her golden eyes to drop down and inspect the heavily panting hound.
"...Good boy, Olaf," she confessed, bringing a hand down to pat the old man's head affectionately.
The Lord’s eyes darted down to the old, droopy-jowl canine companion. A short smirk and accompanying laugh as he watched the exchange. It had been some time since he'd even seen such a friendly dog. It was rather heart warming to watch the interaction.
His eyes lingered on the two for perhaps a bit longer than he would have intended.  But between the jovial dog and the lovely woman, it was hard to look away as he took another sip of his wine.
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Huffing gently Lysandra squatted down to gather her cap between her forefinger and thumb, holding it out in show of her disgust whilst turning to enter the outdoor center. Instantly an attendant approached and, with a hearty laugh, retrieves the cap and exchanges it for a scotch glass of what she expressed to Lysandra, "Your regular, miss Vanburen.” Providing the helpful server a hearty smile the older Vanburen took up her cup of dark liquor and offered a final nod to answer her, followed by an exasperated, “Thank you."
It took mere seconds for Itraeis to become rather entranced with the woman. She seemed to have everything he had always desired, but always lacked. The attendants respected her so highly, they waited on her every word with out question. They did so with a smile even. The young lord could scarcely get his family's underlings to lift a finger at his command. All this woman need do was smile and they flocked to her.
Holding up the cap would prompt the staff woman to ask, "Shall I see this is taken to the cleaners?"
“Promptly, please,” Lysandra offered a nod in response, taking a moment to fish three gold coins from her pouch before offering it to the bright eyed servant. With this both women part ways, Lysandra moving toward the couches set up to face the warm bonfire placed in the small pit in the middle of the wall-less room. Before she sat Lysandra set her cup atop a table near her chosen couch to begin shedding the most unnecessary layers, her gloves and coat removed to exposed manicured hands and a dark olive green long sleeved fitted sweater hugging her average sized figure. Alas, while she was average her bosom was anything but, being just one size larger than typical for a woman her weight. Her hips and long legs were dressed in equally form fitting dark brown trousers.
Watching her undress only strengthened his interest. She undoubtedly wore her age well. Her mannerism, fashion, and -lets be honest- her bosom were all captivating to the mainland noble.
He had to talk to her. Downing his glass of wine, a shot of liquid courage, the young lord dared rise to his feet and begin his approach, maneuvering around of patrons and couches which stood between them.
Neatly, an unsuspecting Lysandara folded her coat and draped it over the arm of her couch, her tumbling brown locks falling over her slender shoulders now that she has settled atop the gentle cushion. "Mmh, come boy," she coos to her dog, the old man inching forward before slumping onto his belly at her feet, laying down and immediately falling into a deep sleep. Sound of mind a content Lysandra crossed her left leg over her right thigh, leaning heavily into the back of the couch whilst sipping her liquor.
Midst gingerly sipping from her cup the woman was, at best, entranced by the natural beauty of the dancing flames, her eyes twinkling with some unspoken thrill with the warmth it radiated and soaked upon her chilled flesh, warming her to the point that goosebumps would appear on her exposed skin. "Excuse me, Miss Vanburen, was it?"
From Lysandra’s legs Olaf stirred and perked his upper lip over his teeth in a growl, much too old to jolt upright and begin snapping at the man. So gentle rumbles worked. Upon being addressed, alas, Lysandra was torn from her day dreaming and left momentarily speechless after angling her head to see whom was begging her attention. What made her so breathless was, initially, the overall handsomeness of the gentleman. His youth was quite apparent with how lacking he was in the years of weight and trial baring upon his features, and for some reason she couldnt help but find that to be terribly appealing. She'd lower her cup wielding hand to rest atop her second hands wrist, both folded arms propped atop her left knee whilst flashing the Holt boy a startling bright grin, "Well," she hums, "Hello there, dear. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I don't mean to intrude," Itraeis replied, though that seemed as if it were more addressed to Olaf than Lysandra herself. But his eyes returned up to hers once more after his apology to the dog was made clear.
Momentarily the woman was most amused with the careful attempts to reassure her hound. Simply had she lowered a hand to comb against the grain of his shaggy black, white and brown fur, thus soothing the dog and assuring him that she wasn't in immediate danger. "My name is Lord Itraeis Holt of Duskwood," he introduced with a proper bow, "I'm rather new to Boralus, I'm one of the visiting nobles from Stormwind, and I couldn't help but notice you as you and your young hearted friend here came around. If it's not too forward of me to say, but you're quite captivating." In tandem with his words came the flash of his boyish smile; bright and white enough to match her own. He extended out his right hand in polite introduction for her to take should she so desire.
As Olaf's head sunk low to rest atop his paws would Lysandra finally bring her hand to rest gently in the offered palm, the very tips of her fingers lingering against his flesh -- in such a bold gesture to beckon the more typical route of greeting in which the man would delicately kiss the woman's knuckles.
Of course the young lord would follow through with tradition. Leaning forward as he brought her delicate hand up to his lips, Itraeis placed a delicate kiss on the back of her knuckles. "Well mainlander," she provided him a cheeky grin, "You certainly are ever the charming debonair, I do imagine you and I shall get along if you continue to lavish me in those compliments--," for a moment the woman bit on her bottom lip before motioning toward the cushion beside her with her other hand, "Would you care to join me, Lord Holt?"
"It would be my pleasure," he answered as he smoothly sat down on the plush cushion beside her, "Lavish compliments cast upon such a beautiful woman is but my humble duty. Why someone of your grace and status should have a dozen or so young lads paying you such praise daily." If there was one thing Itraeis loved to do, it was flirt. Being the only active bachelor he knew, it a fun past time that always ended with more fun in return. The best investment. "You know, Lady Vanburen, you're the second one of your name I've met since coming to Boralus. I get the feeling your family is a rather well known one. You especially, with how the other patrons and attendants here light up on your arrival. Beauty and status? quite the double threat. I imagine I could learn a fair bit about Kul'Tiras from someone as integrated as you are."
For the time during which the gentleman was talking Lysandra coukdnt help but marvel him longer, her lingering attention disguised as intentive listening. Upon the ending remark the woman aimed to mask her bashfulness by tilting her head away to watch the fire whilst tucking a chunk of her wavy hair behind a jeweled ear. Her lips carried an astonishing smile which carried the warm" romantic glow of the fire. "Awh, yes.. The Vanburen have been established in Kul Tiras for many a-years," Lysandra bowed her head for a moment, just after sipping from her cup, "You may have met one of my nieces, or even my mother depending if she was an older, more frightening individual. Alas," Lysandra gained a cheeky smile once more, turning to eye Itraeis once over, "None of them quite know Kul Tiras as intimately as I do--," with a pause she'd add quietly, "Save mother, though I imagine my company would be more likely to sate your appetite."
"Oh I am positive your company will sate my appetite many times over," he dared advance with a teasing wink. "I do believe it was a niece of yours I met then, Karlotta was her name. Nice girl, seemed rather entranced with the idea of travelling to the mainland of the Eastern Kingdoms. Could make for a decent friend out here. Though, in truth and if I may be so bold, I think I'd enjoy your company more. The way the people seem to love you, surely it's not just your beauty alone that has them smiling so. It's obvious even to an outsider like me, that you're a beloved soul for many reasons. Such a rare gem should be cherished. So perhaps a bottle of your favourite drink and a few stories between new friends tonight? If you and your guardian here have the time." he requested with his boyish smile, flashing those pearly whites as he flirted so.
"Aha," Lysandra guffaws, bringing a hand down to rest upon the boys knee whilst she shakes her head, clearly amused with his misconceptions, "I'm hardly the saint you are painting me as, sweet boy. The reason the staff here love me so much is I tip generously," she waggles a finger toward him, having removed her hand from his knee.
"A woman after my own heart, money truly can buy anything it seems." he replied with an honest chuckle. His own hand now coming to rest on her knee, though he didn't remove it as swiftly as she did her own, instead it rested there unless she gave reason to move it, gentle strokes of his thumb along her knee adding to the intimate gesture.
Midst their conversation had Lysandra's eyes fallen to inspect the oddly misplaced hand currently making home atop her pants concealed limb. Though if she were being true to herself she wasjt terribly unnerved by the brave gesture. If anything it gave her a surge   of confidence which showed in how her features gained a look of youth, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
"I admit I have my brash tendencies, my nieces and nephews have appointed me the title as Nosy and over all overwhelming in all things, alas..  If you still are willing to give me the chance to make your own opinion..," she'd provide him a smaller, more genuine smile, "Id be delighted to share the evening with you dear." "Nosey? Well that just means you have that many more stories to share. An inquisitive mind is an attractive one. So I definitely think I'd enjoy the opportunity to make my own opinions. Tell me about yourself then, what part of Kul'Tiras do you call home?"
Lysandra gave a soft chuckle for a moment.
"I, like the many Vanburen before me, hail from Drustvar. Dastardly drab in the fall and winter, although if I'm being honest it can give a sense of forlorn and melancholy at all times of the year," she'd scoff then, bringing her cup to her lips one more time before setting it atop the table entirely, freeing both hands. "Though that doesnt stop me from making my home lively with colors other than dark and dull tones like my brother Silas. He has embraced the darkness of our homelands alittle too much, his home looks like that out if a thriller novel,” Her teasing her brother was followed by a titter of gentle giggles, her teeth soon to bite on her bottom lip in effort to swiftly silence the noise, her eyes growing a distant and longing expression.
"Too, I am a horse breeder, of both war and palfrey horses. Infact, a majority of the equine in the guards stables have come from my brood mares! Gloriously magnificent beasts they are. Simply love their power and beauty.”
Clearly she wasnt shy about divulging in her life with a perfect stranger.
Damn Vanburen’s narcissistic gratification.
Itraeis listened with honest interest as the woman spoke of her home, her family, and her pride. He'd chuckle along with her as she made fun of her sibling, smile with her as she gushed over her horses in the guard. He was wholly invested in each and every word she spoke.
"Well then, you truly are an intricate part of this culture. Kul'Tiras is lucky to be blessed with such a woman," he praised. With a slight quirk of the brow Lysandra angles her head to better face Itraeis, desperate to not present herself as so self absorbed by inquiring, "What of you, dear? You said you're from Duskwood? What is it like?"
"By the sounds of this Drustvar, it's much like Duskwood is back home. The woods are thick and blot out much of the sun, leaving it to be a rather dark region year round. It's been prone to a less than bright history. Many cursed creatures roam the darkest parts of those woods these days. Though my family has been there longer than they have,  so we've learned to live in relative peace. Enough magic and steel keeps even the foulest of monsters away." he said with a soft smile, though to the trained eye, the topic of home seemed to cause him a little anxiety all around. "I can't say I have such a established life as you though. I am a lord by birth alone. No lands or great assets to call my own as of yet. Truly, I've only just begun my mission of building myself up to be more than the bratty youngest brother. Invested some money in my cousins shipping company here in Kul'Tiras, and a theatre troupe back home with a rather famous actress. But I suppose we could say I'm still finding my way in the world."
Carefully Lysandra placed her hand upon that of which rested on her own knee, her fingers curling around his thus to squeeze his palm, aiming to provide the young Lord a bit of comfort. All the while she wore a reassuring smile, her tone gentle, "I know best of all what it is to be the youngest bratty sibling, thus I encourage you to keep your chin up, darling. There's still time to rebuild yourself, there's still time to make amends and find yourself. Quite honestly when I was in my teens I had only just begun to come into my own, and when my sister ran away... I felt forced to take on her role as well as my own to try and fill the hole she left in our family's' hearts. It wasn't until I was in my thirties that I really began to take my own shape."
Sighing wistfully the maiden would draw to a halt, her eyes narrowing now. "Pardon me, I seem to just be realizing... You are a Holt? Are you kin to a Cedrick Holt?"
Itraeis bore a soft smile at her reassurance. Though his demeanor quickly turned to that of caution and fear at her final query. "Oh fuck..." he mumbled under his breath. It would figure his surname would curse him as it always seemed too. "Yes... I'm one of those Holts. One of many it seems. Cedrick is my cousin. I'm well aware of the less than stellar reputation my family seems to have across human kingdoms. Though, for what it's worth. I'm something of a black sheep in this family. Hence being here, alone, and not with any of them." he explained, hoping it would afford some repair to the damage his namesake may have caused already.
If there was anything that put off Lysandra most it wasn't the house name itself, it was how quickly Itraeis felt the need to defend himself. She'd hesitate, letting out a faint exhale of a chuckle before patting his hand once more, "Fret not, dear, I am not going to ridicule you. I'll be the first to admit I've heard enough of the Holts to know they're a prestigious family, alas their short comings or accomplishments have not been a topic of conversation in Kul Tiras. You are free to relax now," she'd follow up with a faint giggle.
A quick sigh of relief escaped him at her positive reassurance. Looks like he jumped the gun. Though after so often being looked less than fondly upon for his name sake, it was hard not too make such a reaction his default. "Nay, what I was saying before was Venreena Holt is my niece!" "My apologies," he said, offering her hand a soft squeeze of appreciation in response were it still there, “But my, what a small world we seem to live in then," he replied with a chuckle, "Venreena's business venture is the one I invested in. I had heard through the family grape vine she had hit a few snags with enemies. So I offered her some coin to bolster her fleet in exchange for a small percentage of the company. Nothing large, just something to build a profit off of and pass on to my children if I ever make it that far. Though, I do hope my relationship to her husband won't make my flirting off-putting, because I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon."
"Fret not, harmless compliments never hurt anyone. I'll not stop you any time soon if you wish to continue-- like I said, it's not very often I'm dotted upon so fiercly. When my nieces all came of age is well around the time the bachelor spotlight turned away from me. It doesn't help that bachelor's became aware that I was firm on my decision that I do not wish to conform to socieities norm regarding marriage." With the little bit of information regarding Ven's business's issues Lysandras mind had begun to wander, hoping her and her brothers investments would be enough to help. At last, whilst snickering, Lysandra took this moment to beckon a nearer server, turning to address Iraetis with a questioning: "Do you prefer red or white wine? I imagine Id like to extend thks evening as much as we are able, you are particularly wonderful company to keep.  Tell me, Lord Holt, do you have any pets?" Now she was eager to delve into the more intimate details. It was in that moment, infact, that she realized how invested he was into her words. He had simply listened to her ramble, wearing a patient expression. Upon her final remark, alas, he’d dare to speak up… To her that was the most overwhelming show of a man’s character. He was listening to her.
"Societal norms are boring. If the bachelors turned away from you to chase your nieces, then I feel sorry for them. They've all made a terrible mistake, but their loss, is my reward." he flirted some more, "I think red will do us both nicely tonight. I'll trust your decision on which you feel would serve us best."
With the answer provided had Lysandra addressed the server with a casual, "Being red, you know exactly which one I want, dear," and instantly the server bowed his head and turned to depart from their couch. "And... I can't say I've been blessed with any companions. I've thought about getting a dog or cat... or a bird. But I'm not sure I'm ready for the responsibility just yet. I much prefer the freedom of riding my bike off into the sunset on a whim."
With her full attention upon Itraeis Lys takes a moment to point out, "Dogs, cats, falcons.. They're all giving companions, I imagine you might feel... Fulfilled if you gain any one of them as a pet. They can provide you yeara full of amazing memories... Even Olaf here," Lysandra smiles down at the old man, "I've had him for nearly twelve years now. He's been my hunting companion, my protector... Infact he provided me great protection recently on a hunt..." Instantly Lysandras mood would shift, her features sagging into a darkened hatred, "Damn Horde troll had enroached upon my lands... Dared to send her raptors after me and my beast, alas I had the ultimate advantage--," and she nearly revealed a dire Vanburen secret, visibly hesitating aa she stared down at the sleeping old man. "I..," she huffs, "I know my forest better than most. Its my life, the thing which I love. Thus I was able to out.manuever two raptors, one of which I now have its head as a trophy in my den. The third raptor nearly got me. But this old man here... He willingly leapt into it's path." She'd sigh, sinking back into the couch, "I decided then it was time to retire him. He received substantial wounds protecting me, I never should have put him in harms way."
Slowly Lysandra smiled toward the boy, "Aha... My apologies, I'm ranting... Uhm, my point is companions can make a grand difference!" Then would the server return, providing the duo individual cups after placing the bucket of ice and wine bottle atop their table.
Itraeis graciously accepted the goblet with a nod to the server as they departed. "That's quite the harrowing story," he answered, both shock and awe at how well this woman handled herself in her tale, "I know many of my family's soldiers fought in the Siege of Lordaeron this past summer, and continue to fight against the Horde in Arathi and across Zandalar. But to fight back a Troll just the pair of you, with a pack of raptors no less." he looked down at Olaf with a smile, "I'd say he's earned his heroes retirement, and I'm pleased to see he still manages to act the young pup when the moment suits him." In that moment, he raised his cup up in a subtle toast, "To Olaf," he proposed. Taking a sip, he looked back at Lysandra with a twinkle in his eye.
In this time Lysandra sipped from her glass, musing gently, "To Olaf," beginning to adjust so as to slip her right leg over her left thigh this time,turning her torso more easily face the fellow. "Perhaps, some day, you'll let me see this trophy of yours,” Itraeis claimed, “I've never seen a raptor before. I can only imagine what a terrifying trophy it must be."
Momentarily Lysandra wore a bashful smile, "Any time you'd desire to make the trip to Drustvar I'd be honored and would love to host you, aswell... Just say the word! You might be invited to stay as long as you desire," she winks slyly.
“I most definitely think it would be lovely to roam this land of Drustvar and spend some time at your home. For as long as you'd have me." he finished with a teasing wink in return.
For a moment Lysandra was silent, mulling over the memory of the troll and her raptors… It truly was more terrifying than she was able to ever convey in words. The tale wasn’t quite as glorious as she made it out to be.
"I'll be honest, it's such a surprise how quickly the factions fell into war after the horror of the Legion... Though knowing how hot headed our men and women can be and how bloodthirsty the Horde can be it's... Almost anticipated," Lysandra confessed.
"I suppose after so many decades of aggression with each other, it's not terribly surprising," he said with a shrug between sips, "Let's just hope it ends with us the victors."
In this time the maiden lingered for a long while, her eyes soft as she peered toward her companion. He truly was a strikingly attractive young man… She  promptly scolded herself internally, confessing how terribly wrong it was to be lingering on how attractive he was… He was so much younger than she! It felt completely inappropriate!
"I assure you I'm a wonderfully polite house guest. I'll even be sure to bring a gift, bottle of this fine wine here I presume would be acceptable?”
Itraeis broke the woman’s internal struggle, her eyes widening as she returned to their reality.
"Well like I said, I would love to host you. I can already see it, forcing you on horse back to tae a tour of the grounds, joining the shooters out to gather game to eat that evening if you're at all interesting in hunting. And too, wine is always acceptable -- In general, every Vanburen seems to have their vice, for myself it's either wine or bourbon. Can never seem to find myself without a cup in hand," she muses out loud before drinking the remainder of her cup and plopping the glass atop the table. Sitting upright and at the edge of the couch cushion would Lysandra linger here, her lips weighed by a frown upon listening to the words which she just spoke. It was a disappointing sentence to relive. With a roll of her shoulder the woman aimed to leap out of her concerned state, desperate to now weigh down his evening as well. "So, what else would you like to talk about, mmh?"
"Vices are only a problem when they hinder us. I dare say if a drink in hand is your biggest problem, it's not problem at all." he attempted to reassure her. "I suppose I could try my hand at hunting, though I'll admit I'm a terrible shot. I'm better with sword than I am with bow or gun. But I'll give it a try to impress the lovely lady." he flirted, "I'm still very curious about you, however. The raptor slaying noblewoman of Drustvar. This might be a silly question, but being from Kul'Tiras and related to Venreena, does that mean you have a passion for sailing as well? Or is that just a trope-misconception we have of all Kul'Tirans?”
For a moment Lysandra was simply lost in the younger lord's eyes, finding immense comfort in his presence alone. Thus, she settled herself back into the cushion of the couch once more, this time inches closer to her current conversational companion. All the while he spoke she wore a dashing smile, finding herself doubting his motives the longer they sat.
Itraeis smirked some at her admission, and her distaste for the common sailing culture around her. As she inched closer towards him, he took that as the cue that he could do in turn. Daring even so to sneak an arm onto the back of the couch and around her shoulders. It was an odd feeling, being so dotted upon as religiously as Iraetis made a point to be. Especially dotted upon by a man far younger than herself. "Ahh, yes..," Lysandra gained a noise that of a groan before regarding, "The majority of Kul Tiras are lovers of sailing, I cannot deny that with a straight face. Myself, however... Not so much. I prefer horse riding to sailing, too I'm... I'm not necessarily a fantastic swimmer. That's assuming I can swim."
"Are you?" She'd inquire after a time, "A fan of sailing, that is."
"Can't say I've done much sailing... ever. I rather enjoy being on firm land personally. Though I do swim for fun down in Booty Bay. Perhaps, if you ever find yourself interested in some time in the water, we can go for a swim together?" he suggested with a playfully flirty wink. "I can teach you to at the very least, not sink."
With a soft chuckle the older woman would accuse the lord, "Really? You can teach me to swim-- Am I too bold in believing that your desire to swim with me isn't necessarily to only just be helpful, but to see me half dressed? You cheeky lil' blighter," she'd bring the back of her hand to smack against his gut in a playful swat, leaning forward a moment to regather her cup of wine before settling back into the enticing young man's arm.
"You caught me, I really just wanted an excuse to get you in your swim wear," he confessed with a cheeky grin. Her hand slapping against his torso only caught him to laugh that much more, "But I suppose tanning on the beach will reward me all the same." She felt so many years younger being all cuddled up with a gentleman. It was such a satisfying emotion, one that almost completed her.. Alas even Lysandra knew it would take alot more than some handsome younger man's touch to heal all her wounds. But atleast for right now she was ultimately at peace! "Though I am comfortable with my lacking skill with swimming.  I have no reason to fret, I'll do well enough on my own darling. If ever come a day I'm required to go near a pool or the beach I'll opt for tanning over splashing around with the family. And I am comfortable with that idea." With this she'd begin to sip at her cup of wine, wearing a small smile that slowly would begin to sag into a doubtful frown, suddenly aware of how pathetic she must look. An old woman in the arms of a young boy. A boy old enough to be her son! Oh, it twisted her gut with grief...
But the way her smile turned into a frown quickly caught his attention.
"Are you alright, Lysandra? You suddenly appear rather distraught. Wine not sitting well?" he asked in honest concern, gently stroking her hair as he tried to sooth her.
"This... Isnt--..." Instantly hundreds of goosebumps overwhelmed her with the gentle coil of fingers toying with her hair, and thus she'd force herself to stand. Setting her cup atop the table and taking a moment to compsoe herself, the woman would address Iraetis with flustered bright red cheeks. "I... This isn't appropriate, Lord Holt," she sounds alittle more hesitant, as if there was nothing more she wanted than to settle back into his arms, but she was quick to move on by regarding, "I need to away, anyways... And again I... I welcome you to my estate, alas I must resume with my evening now."
Itraeis rose with her, though he was still cautious not to give Olaf reason to get aggressive. "Lady Vanburen... Lysandra," he whispered, raising a hand up to brush along her cheek, "If you need to go, I won't stop you. But I want you to know, I find you both captivating, beautiful and brilliant. After all, you yourself said not long ago you weren't one to conform to societies norms. So while I won't hold you here against your will, I truly hope you won't deny my advances solely because others might deem it 'inappropriate.' And... if I may be so bold, one kiss before you take your leave?" he dared. Though he didn't make the move in just yet, only continued to stroke her cheek with his thumb.
Instantly her cheeks flustered, her gaze drifting around a moment. But his words seemed to shoo away her own attempts to disparage herself. It hadn't been so long since she was a with anyone, and as she so recalled a kiss was as chaste an action one could participate in. Thus, while alittle hesitant, Lysandra would turn toward Itraeis whilst her lips would apart to exhale a slow and shaky breath. Midst reaching up to caress the back of his hand upon her own cheek she'd bring her other hand to rest atop his upperarm, lingering close now. Her body language alone was enough to reassure that she was willing to receive a kiss, but it came out in a soft, "Yes..."
It was gentle, soft, almost timid, the way Itreais leaned in to Lysandra. His hand that stroked her cheek took on a gentle grip as though to pull her closer to him. His other hand resting respectfully on her hips, daring not go any lower than the small of her back. Their lips locked in a tender kiss. Not the rough aggressive tongue invasive action of a man and woman in the throws of passion. But an innocent kiss from an entranced young man to show his interest and affections to the woman before him.
Midst the kiss it was as though Lysandra had simply melted. Her years of shaping herself into a woman of dignity and grace disappeared as her knees becamr shaky, her figure swaying gently against his. All of her attention and thoughts went toward memorizing the warmth of his body, how his lips molded against her own. How soft they felt, even....
After a few moments, he pulled back and looked deep into Lysandra's eyes. Moonlight sparkling against the dark brown of his own.
The moment he'd pull away was when the reality became suffocating, her brows furrowing and bottom lip puckering in a pout. Although Lysandra did not keep this pitiful expression long, soon straightening herself to her full height, taking a moment to use both of her hands to adjust and smooth over Itraeis's torso wear... And then she'd step back, turn to gather her coat and gloves, then nudging her dog awake… All the while remaining ever flustered. "Thank you for a lovely evening, Lady Vanburen. Get home safe, and I look forward to seeing you again."
"Thank you for providing me this unforgettable evening, Lord Holt. I certainly look forward to--," she'd hesitate before providing him a smile, "To whatever the tides may bring for us."
"To whatever the tides may bring for us," carried his wishful tone -- or was it even wishful?
Did she just imagine that? And with this she'd step away, adjusting her coat back onto her figure just after she’d tug her gloves onto her shaky hands. At her side shuffled the worn, grumpy old man of a dog, his tail wagging in a slow, gentle sway.
As her feet carried her across the cobblestone pathaway it took everything in Lysandra to not burst into a fit of angry, shameful tears. She felt responsible for the strangest things all of a sudden -- she felt as though she had compelled that young man… Forced him, in some way, to feel obligated to soothe her ego…
She felt so disgusted with herself, she even hated Itraeis some for making her feel so vulnerable and open… She was a fucking Vanburen! She was a woman of pride and grace, a successful woman who had years of experience in the courts residing under her belt, a prestigious elegant lady of well refined decorum…
And he made her feel like a teenager all over again. Like a girl who was experiencing her first crush.
“Deplorable,” she’d hiss to hersel, finding it equally unforgiving that she was genuinely thrilled by the idea that maybe, just maybe... He might truly write to her.
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sweetcatmintea · 6 years
Atlas meets Ivan - Drabble
So, I haven’t got any new pictures for you guys, have a short drabble instead. It was a gift for @babydollneko but she said I could upload it here too :)
Moonlight filtered through the thin clouds overhead illuminating speckles drifting through the late-night air. Hard shingles stole the warmth through Atlas’ shirt, prompting shivers. He lazily took note of his leg dangling over the musty gutter pipe. A clean was long over due but the negligence was understandable, it was no simple task to clean the top of a three-story house. Hoisting himself into a sitting position, Atlas stretched his arms in front of him until there was a satisfying crack.
He wasn’t sure how long his nap had lasted but he felt refreshed enough. It was late afternoon when the summer heat left him lazing about, but that didn’t mean much to him. He had also been sprawled on Lady Clara’s ornate lounge, enjoying the firmness of the well-maintained upholstery and the gentle breeze tussling his bangs.  To find himself waking on the roof of an unknown building in an unknown street was not how he expected the day to go. Surprising as it was, there was little mystery. Many an adventure in his youth was prompted by accidentally teleporting somewhere in his sleep. It was kind of like sleep walking, but with more stress for Lady Clara. He glanced at his wrist only to remember he had taken off his stylish purple gloves and accompanying compass cuff earlier in the day. This was going to make things more difficult. Oh well, no use sitting around worrying. Scaling down the building with relative ease, he decided to just explore for a little while. It’d be a shame to waste the opportunity. Lady Clara was forever scolding him for roaming around like some tom cat. ‘Come home straight away!’ she’d say. ‘You’re never where you’re supposed to be! Disappearing to who knows where whenever the fancy takes you! Honestly, it’s a wonder I haven’t locked the doors by now!’ Translated roughly, she meant ‘I worry when you disappear, so I want you to come straight back.’ Atlas grinned into his knuckles. She was a funny lady, but certainly good quality. He was an adult now – more or less – and she had relaxed some. It helped that he wasn’t under her constant care and supervision anymore. Still, he’d just have a little look around, then head back. Or, at least, a little look, then try to work out where he would be coming back from. His current location was less important than where he wanted to be, but knowing it would probably help.  Music pulsed faintly in the distance, a faint throb indicative of a nightclub type place. Given the back-alley vibes he was getting and the apparent late hour, the club would probably be inhabited primarily by drunks. Atlas sighed. He didn’t want to go amongst drunk people. It was probably the best bet for finding someone to ask his location. Ambling away, he put his money on the opposite direction. Going for the easiest route? Where was the adventure in that?
He must have been a fair way away from Lady Clara’s house. The wind carried a bite more tenacious than that of a summer. Atlas lamented the absence of his favourite dark grey coat. The fur trim, purple of course, was luxuriously soft and oh so fluffy. He really couldn’t complain though, years of waking up in unusual places ensured he was always reasonably covered when he rested. As funny as it would have been, he would not have appreciated exploring in only his boxers.
It wasn’t until the music had faded entirely, replaced with a cricket orchestra more suited to the country than such a populated area, that Atlas finally saw another person. A man, not much older than himself, busied himself opening the large roller doors of a … warehouse, maybe? The mechanisms made such a racket he didn’t notice Atlas approaching him. It was at this point Atlas realised he probably should have tried reading one of the street signs, he had no idea what the common language was here. Hoping it was one he knew, he cleared his throat, immediately catching the other man’s attention. Fabric spun and metal flashed. The knife stopping a mere finger’s width from Atlas’ skin. The two men appraised one another momentarily. This man, decidedly less harmless then Atlas first assumed, was slightly taller than him. His dark hair spiked from his head in organised chaos, complimented by a dark hoody and calculated grin. His teeth were clearly sharp, more so than Atlas’ unusually animalistic ones. Offering a placating smile, Atlas raised his palms to the man. He meant no harm. The switchblade returned to it’s hiding place in one smooth movement but remained at hand. The man’s posture relaxed, replaced with an easy confidence. Most reasonable people would be put off, intimidated even, by a man exuding danger and standing in front of a gaping maw of black. Unfortunately, Atlas was not a terribly reasonable person at times. ‘Foolish’ was almost a nickname at this point. He wasn’t stupid, but, out in the open as they were, he had many escape routes should things go sour. He lowered his hands, resting one in the pocket of his tailored shorts, and waving a greeting with the other. “What are you doing out here?” Ah, English. He knew that one. Lucky~ “Hello,” More accent than he would like, but good enough, “I got a little lost. Would you mind helping me? My name is Atlas, Atlas Mao.” The man tilted his head, lips pursed. “You’ve got cat ears.” It was a question in the form of a statement. “Yep.” He wiggled his ears for emphasis. The man’s grin grew. “Tail too. It was a matching set situation.” Even though he had kept it politely low, he was pretty sure the man had already noticed. The man’s hazel (maybe? It was hard to tell in the dark) eye’s glittered with excitement. “You don’t have … cat people here?” A shake of a head said no. That was unusual, he’d never been to a place where there were no Tainted people. Maybe he was even further than he thought. “Can I touch them?” “P-pardon?” “Your ears. I want to touch them.” The man reached out eagerly. There was a child-like enthusiasm that dampened the automatic ‘no’. Sighing inwardly, Atlas relented and nodded. That’s how he ended up being pet softly in the middle of the night by a very strange man. The plan to wait until his novelty had run its course and then find out where he was, was a bust. The enjoyment the man got appeared to be endless. Being told he was adorable was something he had gotten used to, it becomes necessary when your face becomes a brand, however having someone coo at him in the middle of the night was a bit much. An embarrassed flush crept up his neck as he put some distance between himself and the man. Luckily, he didn’t seem too disappointed, instead pointing out another of Atlas’ peculiarities. “You’re floating.” “Yeah. I don’t want to walk. The floor is really dirty, and my shoes are at home.” He wasn’t that high. Maybe a few inches off the ground. The man narrowed his eyes, considering Atlas again. “You’re not from here, are you?” Finally. He didn’t mind this man, he didn’t know him well enough to decide that he liked him yet, but it felt like some kind of backwards Alice in Wonderland scenario. Given he was the floating cat and all. He really couldn’t stay much longer, he’d promised Lady Clara he’d be in her photoshoot tomorrow. “No. I’m lost. Do you have a map and a compass I could borrow, uh…” “Ivan. You can call me Ivan.” He leaned in closer “I mean it call me.” Atlas didn’t know how to respond to either the wink or the playful nudge. “I’ve got those back home, but I gotta do something first.” He entered the abys of the warehouse, calling over his shoulder. “My cat got out, so I’ve gotta find him before we go back.” Nothing else to do, Atlas followed him in, offering to help search.
The deceptively small light on Ivan’s phone lit up a large chunk of the building. How did the phone have a light in it to begin with? Atlas knew there were some technological leaps lately, but wow! Debris was scattered all over the place. Leaves piled wherever the broken roof permitted. A dry, dusty smell filled the air, clinging to the backs of their throats. With all of the shadows and hidey holes, the chances of finding a cat were slim. Even with his sensitive ears, Atlas couldn’t detect anything other than the scuttling of bugs avoiding Ivan’s light. He strained his eyes but there was neither hide nor hair of any mammal. He was about to tell Ivan that he might want to look else where, but the man cut him off, bellowing “KING CRUNCH!” Evidently, Atlas wasn’t the only one to jump out of their skin. The boxes in the far corner began to rustle in response. Ivan ran over, letting out a proclamation of triumph. “I found my cat!” He dragged an angry, hissing creature from it’s nest, returning to Atlas with a massive smile. Beady eyes glared venomous hatred at Atlas. Little round ears were slicked back and grabby hands scrambled in the air, desperate for a victim. The grey-brown fur bristled like needles. That wasn’t a cat. The raccoon seemed to accept its fate, slumping in Ivan’s arms and chattering murder under its breath. Ivan was positively beaming. “Alright, I got my cat, we can go back. Somehow, he always get’s out when the Bae’s there. It’s weird, I know he likes King Crunch. Who wouldn’t?” Atlas couldn’t help but find Ivan’s clear affection towards his ‘cat’ very sweet. “Why’s he in a jacket?” The fact that the studded leather suited the raccoon was as undeniable as the ridiculousness of addressing raccoon fashion. What an interesting night it was turning out to be. “Oh, that. I tried to put a collar on him, so no one steals him, y’know, but he just kept getting it off. Neal got the jacket made for him so I would” he air quoted “stop moaning about the stupid collar. Good thing King Crunch is so fat, he can’t get his jacket off. No one’s going to mistake him for a stray cat now. I’d have ta kill them if they did though.” He laughed jovially.  
If you’re curious -> Atlas Ivan 
Ivan was created by, and belongs to, @babydollneko
Atlas is my character
Feedback is appreciated!
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defeateddetectives · 7 years
fic: horrible heartless au doesnt get a proper title but 'your ex-lover is (still not quite) dead' comes close
matoba/natori; pg; might count words in the morning bc if i do now i might actually come to my senses; more of that trashy self-indulgent loveless au nonsense that i initally wasnt gonna post until…possibly ever but then – as with most things – @qserasera is probably to blame
don’t leave, he wants to say.
i can’t do this without you. i don’t want to do this without you – but the words don’t come. 
(in retrospect, maybe, he will realize that this was the problem after all. the words never came, not the way they should have, and never the right ones.)
shuuichi looks out their bedroom window, something vacant and faraway in his eyes and it infuriates seiji to no end.
he throws himself into the next spell battle with everything he’s got and more; meanwhile, shuuichi gets careless, takes more damage than he was ever supposed to. any damage is too much, logistically, but this is wholly unacceptable.
it’s later, when seiji is inspecting shuuichi’s bruises, scanning his back and ribs with an irritable sort of briskness, that shuuichi says, “you don’t get to be mad about this.”
“like hell i don’t. we lost and you got hurt.”
“not everything is about winning,” shuuichi says, weary.
“when losing means you getting hurt, actually, it is.”
“not everything is about you either,” shuuichi says, a little stiffer.
“it’s like you’re not even listening to me,” seiji laughs once, sharp, “honestly.”
“one more,” shuuichi says.
he knows where this is going and he’s not going to ask no matter how much he knows shuuichi wants him to. it’s been a long time in coming, if he’s being honest. he’s seen it miles away but uncharacteristically especially for himself, pretended he could ignore it, live in blissful denial forever.
“one more and we’re done,” shuuichi adds, unprompted.
don’t do this, he thinks. not to me, not to us. 
“look,” shuuichi says, and the worst thing about all of this is that seiji can tell precisely how deep it cuts him to say any of this. “we’re supposed to be a team right? so i get a say as well.”
“what do you want me to say? no–what would you have me do?” (anything, he thinks. anything, anything. he would take a bullet for this boy – would riddle most everyone he knew with bullets for this boy – without a moment’s hesitation. the thought should frighten him and, maybe, once it had. it had thrilled him too, once. now, it just is what it is.)
“nothing,” says shuuichi, quiet and a little fractured. “i’m sorry. i know how much this meant to you–means to you–but someday, who knows, maybe there will be somebody el–”
“don’t you dare,” seiji says, low and dangerous; still, it’s too weary to instill as much venom in it as he wants to. 
this, at least, makes shuuichi smile, though it is wistful and complicated in several ways. it’s difficult to know how to feel about the fact that this is the person he has become, and that somewhere along the way he has begun to take pride in being the thing matoba seiji found irreplaceable. it’s intoxicating is what it is and within the tantalizing beauty of it also lies the poison of it. “but it was an honour, you know? you’re the best there is.”
“because of you,” seiji sighs, wishes he would just stop with the past tense even as he knows that it’s better to do it sooner rather than later, better for him to acclimate.
shuuichi shifts then, moves to kiss him, an apology written all over it that seiji wants no part of but seiji will take all of him that he can for however long they have left of this and so, seiji lets him, a brush of the lips, once, then twice. 
shuuichi’s about to deepen it but seiji half-heartedly tears himself away. 
better to do it sooner rather than later, he figures. he needs to allow himself to acclimate.
“my, my, natori-san.” the voice is deeper, still ever-resonant. natori would recognize it anywhere from the way it knocked the wind out of him. “no phone call, no post cards. how many years has it been?” natori half bristles but hides it well. “you don’t waste time, do you?” he turns around in a fluid movement, then tries not to lose his footing or make his visual study of his ex-partner, well, ex-everything, too obvious. he’s taller, of course, imposing in a wholly different way than he’d been back then. his hair is longer and he fills out his coat, cocks his head, and makes his presence felt. natori, in a fit of wishful thinking, wants nothing more in this moment than to unfeel. “so i hear you’re teaching now,“ natori tries out the faux ease. it sounds convincing enough. “never quite pictured you to be the sort. do your students know what they’re signing up for?
“they have a vast amount of potential, actually. remind me a bit of our own golden years.”
it’s alarming, the ease with which he can talk about it, even now, especially now.
“nostalgia is often rose-tinted, seiji,” natori chuckles, slipping into the old names and old habits before he can quite catch himself. “in your case, gold-tinted perhaps.” “i don’t think my rear-view vision is all that blurry,” he grins, “no pun intended,” pointing to his covered, damaged eye. “we were the stuff of legends and you know it.” and then, it’s not vindictive, not exactly, but shuuichi can’t think of another way to take it when he adds, “pity you walked away.”
don’t take the bait, natori tries to tell himself. don’t do it. don’t do it, he can feel himself practically hiss. “thing is,” natori sighs, exasperated, “we were just kids caught up in a bloodsport.”
“if that’s the story you tell yourself,” seiji shrugs a shoulder. anyone else, and it could be nothing, but it isn’t anyone else and nothing can ever just be nothing.
that was always the problem with you–still is, apparently. you always had to mythologize everything, and then fall in love with the impossible idea of it. reality, of course could never keep up.
i wasn’t a legend. maybe you were. and if you were, then i couldnt keep up.
natori doesn’t say any of it out loud, not now, not yet. it’s only their first meeting in nearly a decade. he doesn’t know if he wants a second or third. doesn’t know if he wants an opportunity to ever say it out loud (-- doesn't know what he'll do if he never gets to say it out loud).
the worst thing about all of this is that despite anything seiji says or shuuichi thinks, at the core of it is just: this. it’s in the way seiji still looks at him, the sort of gaze that makes natori feel hollowed out and stripped down to his bones.
i hate that you knew me, he thinks, suddenly, bitterly.
know you still, says a quieter, deeper, echo in his head.
he knows full well that people can move past their first love, can eventually come to forget it altogether.
you know it and i know it. at the very least, i swear that i know it.
we were all wrong for each other, he thinks, even with seiji’s eyes on him, seemingly begging and begging to differ.
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qcatter · 7 years
The Second Fourth of July
SO with the actual fourth of july and family making this take longer, (and the fact it’s exactly nine pages long in a small font) Shout out to @autumn-sweet-fae​ for just going thro all of the MIB AU, giving me a reason to just stick this up here on tumblr.  Some notes for this, like most holiday specials it fits into the timeline the way DBZ movies do. Also T hasnt made his debut yet. (He’s a scientist that Reigen often goes to for under the counter help, and who’s relationship with Reigen is based on mutual blackmail and good natured ribbing.) IF you read very carefully you can find things mentioned here that Dinner and i havent posted yet either. Oh and pretend i actually know what the laws on fireworks are, i havnt been in this state for three years, or ever bought fireworks.
(once again, this was written for Discord, so the odd symbols are marks of formatting.)
Today was the Fourth of July, ~~Independence Day was never spoken aloud in the MIB faulty after that movie came out, it was bad luck of a sort.~~  It wasn’t one of Reigen’s favorite holidays.  Aliens tended to find the Fourth as a wonderful cover up for gang fights since any weapons they might have could easily be overlooked as *fireworks* ment that the mib had to be on top of their game for normal business as well as the police call ins for disturbances.  Almost as bad as Halloween, *almost*.  *both* of them were set in the evening after dark when reigen’s soaps were on. Actually Reigen didn’t like any of the holidays.  As a secret government worker he never got time off for them half the time, and the others he would volunteer since he didnt exactly have loved ones to spend the holidays with. This had changed recently. Unfortunately, Reigen had a pattern, a pattern that was still in the system seeing as he had actually asked for the fourth off and was still scheduled in tonight.  He had just spent most of his dinner break going through every floor of the facility to find someone willing to stand in for him. To no avail. Which was why he was currently in the lower floors of the building holding an ear piercing peeping slimey thing that looked like the unholy offspring of emu and a velociraptor.   “-and I had *told* them i was even willing to spend one of my vacation days to have today off, even if it was just the evening but they had written me in and no one will take this time slot!” The tiny bald birdthing in his hand shrieked as he half gestured with it and it dug its *not* so small talons into his palm. “Alright that looks like the first batch, hand that fellow over here Raygun. And im sure Sparky will be fine.” T set the kicking birdling next to it’s sibling in a heated box as he returned to egg watch. “He’s gone down to Thyme Square before right? I know he was saying he wanted to see the fireworks, but it’s not like you *have* to take him.  Couldnt you spin it as an escort maybe?” Reigen slumped and waved that idea past with far less energy than normal. “Tried that, only works if he’s in danger or *is* a danger, and it’s not just Teru.  Serizawa said that he would go with Teru since his classes are canceled and he’s only ever seen fireworks in passing. Apparently the higher ups in Claw never had time to stop and celebrate it, and Touchyrow wasnt even in the country half the time.” T glanced up at Reigen with a *knowing* and growing smug grin. “AH~” “*NO*, T it’s not that. If *teru* goes, and *seri* goes, then *SHOU* is going and you know him. What do you think ’Firecracker’ is going to do!? The kid tried to eat *lava* for petes sake!” “Oh. *oh*” “*exactly!*” Reigen threw his hands up in the air and then wiped the slime from them off on T’s labcoat. “*Thanks* Raygun, just what i needed, *more egg slime.* Seri might be able to keep Shou in check?” “If you said that last month i might have agreed with you, but it looks like Shou’s started to settle in.  He *listens* but it seems that we’ve left the period of terrified obedience left over from his father’s influence. Shou’s actually pretty good with rules when they make sense to *him*. The problem is that he takes himself as close as he can to breaking them if he thinks of something interesting. ‘Dont burn the house down because we need it’ apparently translates to ‘ok keep the fires small’. ” with a groan many parents would sympathize with, reigen plopped his head in his hands. T looked thoughtful as he rotated an egg. “‘Dont try to catch the fireworks after they launch in the middle of Central Park because everyone can see you?” Reigen sighed and flopped down in the nearest chair. It tipped backwards and nearly sent him to the floor before he regained his balance in a flurry of limbs. “Cloaking, cant get caught if you cant be seen.” “Well shit then.” “That’s not even mentioning if Mob and Ritsu join them” “OH I’m sure the Kaygeyamas could h-” Reigen raised one finger sharply. “ One, fireworks give their mother a headache and, Two, their father’s lungs are bad enough they dont go. Mob said that this would be the first time since Ritsu was small enough to get piggyback rides that they had a chance to see them in person.  And that was only because i said i was going to take Teru down and agree to watch them too.” “Mob might be able to help Seri. Sparky and Ritz listen to him and i know Shou pretends like he doesn't but he *does* defer to Mob” “Not with Ritsu around. Shou is always the wild card here and it’s going to be *crowded* if one of them slips up they’d pull the others with them. We *cant* afford having all of them to get caught like that.  It’s why i was hoping you’d be off tonight.” They both looked over at the nest of 20 some eggs. One of them peeped while a few twitched. “I’m probably going to be here all night, we’re low staff as it is. Wish i could go Raygun, i’d love to see the S-Kids react to the fireworks.” “‘Pitty i’m not off, i’d love to see the *fireworks*’ you mean.” “Let’s go with that. And really, they’ll be *fine*. It’s just fireworks, if we have to, tell mob to tell ritsu to make shou *stay*. It’s a little underhanded, but if you just *hint* at the fact the Mib’s on high alert he’ll keep shou from doing anything too flashy.” “I’m still worried. Mob and Seri aren't good with crowds and they’re the ones that have the most sway.” One of the eggs cracked, T clicked his timer and then flipped the watch over for Reigen to see. “Shouldn’t they all be getting set up about now? You better give SherBear a call before your break ends.” Reigen stood up from his chair like a whale ungracefully breaching. Digging for his phone and trying to walk down the hall while kicking his leg to untangle the chair from his foot, he turned to shout back at T. “*RIGHT*, i didnt call him the last few hours, Sh- IT”S JUST SERI! Thanks for letting me rant at you, i hate it when i get stuck unable to *do* anything.” “You and me *both*!” As reigen left T toe-flipped the chair back up and sat down in it by the eggs. “Let’s keep it between us that i only let him talk so long because *you* guys need constant vocalizations and my voice was getting tired. Plus it kept him distracted long enough to stop him from calling Sher for the fifth time since he got in here.”
BY the time reigen got off duty and went home, the fireworks had been over for hours. Turning the key in the lock for the third try the door finally unlocked and he kicked off his shoes into the kitchen. While in the process of shedding his suit coat and wondering for the umtenth time how the MIB really expected you to wear the sunglasses at night, he tripped in the middle of the apartment. Reigen debated if it was worth the effort of getting off the floor in order to move to his bed when the rug seemed to be fairly comfortable. Before he could pass on on the floor the room brightened up greatly as reigen hissed and flung his arm over his glasses. “I’d say ‘morning’ but seeing as the sun hasn’t actually come up i suppose it still counts as night” “Nehh, dont you never wake up before the sun?” “Funny thing, it just so happened that someone stumbled into my house and passed out on the floor.” “Ha ha kid, im just, resting. I’ll be going to bed in a second, could you turn the lights back off though? They’re too bright right now even with the sunglasses on.” “I didnt turn the lights on Boss” Reigen blinked, looked up at Teru through the light glare, and then squinted over his glasses to see that yes, the lights *werent* on at all.“Huh weird, i can sorta see your energy field through the lenses. Very disco hippyish” Teru looked unsure of whether to be sheepish or smug about it, before blinking and then focusing on Reigen “It took us *three* weeks to explain the difference between the outer layers and the field and you could have seen them this whole time if you actually wore *your sunglasses?!*” “Looks like.” Shoving himself off the floor and leaving said glasses behind, reigen made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth while teru seemed to be screaming into his pillow with frustration. Or eating it. Could be both. Most of it seemed to be words at least, since reigen heard some phrases here and there. Such as “THREE WEEKS” and “SHOU”S COAT” with something about “COULDNT EVEN SEE THE DIFFERENCE” followed by “AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HE WAS UP TO TONIGHT” It wasnt until reigen caught “NOT FIVE MINUTES IN HE JUST VANISHES WITH RITSU” that he realized that teru was complaining about more recent things. Pearing out of the bathroom at the array of shredded foam,~~*mauling* pillow in frustration, not eating alright then~~ Regien warmed up his job voice “Shou did *what* now, cause Seri said everything was fine over the phone.” Teru snapped his tail around pulling everything into one pile of foam. “Nothing!” “That didnt sound like nothing, what happened?” “...” “Teruki” “It started out fine! Serizawa picked me up early and we got a good spot out of the way with a good view, and then the Kaygeyama’s showed up and Shigeo brought this big heavy blanket and when we finished setting up he was just gone and so was ritsu.  I didnt see them leave but Ritsu told Shigeo they were going to a different spot. Everything after was fine, Seri shifted but we just pulled some of the blanket over him and everyone thought he was a labrador. But when Shou came back he was *covered* in ash because he and Ritsu went up a tree and he was flying through the rockets like dodgeball and catching the remains” “Ok, but no one was seen then?” “What? No of course not! We know better than that!” “Then what are yo-, wait. Are you annoyed that Shou got to eat the fireworks and you didnt?” Teru huffed and picked through the remains of the pillow. “No. I had a nice evening with Shigeo and S- yes and i cant even *buy* them because im not ‘*old’* enough.” “Rockets arnt even allowed in the city teru, *I* cant even buy those.” “*i know*”
“I think the backyard fountains might be ok in some areas, at least, i should be able to find some if it makes you feel better.” “Shou said something about seeing better fireworks before. I think he’s going to be dragging Seri to the store in a few days for a sale. I gave him fifty bucks if he bought extra for me” “Smart, do you think he’d even give them to you?” “He better.”
Seri was helping Reigen pack the car.  Even if it was just standing and holding over 80 pounds of meat and three bags of charcoal like they weighed no more than a pillow while reigen shoved stray hamburger wrappers out of the way and stacked the buns and condiments in a way that would still let all the kids sit inside. “There, all we have to do is stack those in the back and we should be able to get all four kids in, they’re still small enough.” “I could shift if you think it’s worth it.” “We have to hit the highway, so you would have to be down in the foot space so no one sees you” “That’s fine! Im used to busses and planes, it’s odd when i have all that room to myself” “I know and it makes *my* back hurt to see you fit in such small spaces” Teru and the brothers were sitting on the steps outside the building and one by one they turned and looked down the sidewalk. “Shou’s here.” “Are you sure Ritsu?” “It must be, who else would be coming this way with that many fireworks” Reigen twisted around to look.  There was a stack of colourfull boxes on jeans walking down the sidwalk.  *Many* boxes. Possibly more boxes than would even fit in the car. And most of them, from the labels that reigen could see, were very very much not legal in the city. Some of the boxes were *not* colourful and were completely *unmarked* and THOSE were the ones that really made reigen sweat. Because he could see fireworks poking out of them and they were very *large* rockets.  Shou dropped the stack by the car with a grin. It went up to his chest which was puffed out proudly “I *told* you i knew some better ones.” Shou crowed, before going to tell the kids *all* about how *big* and *grand* the fireworks *he* got were. Somewhere in there was “bigger and better than the city ones” “On the sidethought, i think you might have to shift Seri, T’s bringing a second car but i dont think his little japoneze smart car has that much room in it.
“Are we there yet?” “...” “Are we there yet?” “I know i asked T about this before, but are we *sure* you guys breathe? *because im pretty sure shou sure doesnt.*” “We dont breath *air*, i spent three hours underwater once.” Mob looked thoughtful. “Didnt he say it was like plants? I think we just filter things.” “ARE WE THERE YET?” Ritsu sighed. “You know he’s just going to keep saying it until you answer” “*odd, that didnt stop him the last 16 times i told him no*” “:3c *ARE WE THERE YET*” “I dont think shou’s been on a road trip before.” “Nah, not since my mom took me out to see the stars” “I’ve never actually left the city at night, what’s that like?” “*more than you can count*” “Does the Milkyway look any different to you guys?” “*>:3c are we there yet?*” “Shishou i think im getting carsick” “ Do you need me to pull over? We’re almost there Mob it’ just arou- wait, how?” “It feels like i left my stomach back at the house.” “I think it’s probably because the car doesnt have a gravitational pull like the Earth does, I know I used to feel queasy on the planes until i figured out how to move with them.” “We’re on a ball of rock flinging itself around the sun at god knows what speed and the *traveling in vehicles* makes you feel sick” “Yeah Boss, *but you dont weight more than the car does*” “ARE WE THERE YET” “Oh for *Yes*. T’s got the grill, dont ask what he uses it for. Dont run off too far, this is a bit of a marshy area, watch out for ticks in the grass, Welcome to *nowhere* PA.”
“*Yesss*” “Shou, wh- DONT PHASE THRO THE CAR!”
While everyone else filed out in a normal fashion, shou was already ‘helping’ unpack the car.  What he was actually doing was digging everything out and stacking them in haphazard piles that looked like a sneeze would topple them.  Fireworks sorted in some strange system that made sense to shou and only shou, meat and other foodstuffs on top of the car, and what he was apparently after at the bottom, *the charcoal*.  T watched in amusement as shou half disappeared into the trunk in order to grab the bag before approaching to snatch him by the pants and hauled him out bag and all. “Thanks for finding the charcoal for me firecracker, i know you werent trying to sneak off with one of the bags before we even got the grill set up.” Shou blinked at T upside down and grinned sheepishly. “Maybe” “That doesnt sound guilty at all, you do realize that if you wait about ten minutes we’ll have them all on fire and the food cooking and *then* you can start raiding the bags. I brought extra just because i know you rather eat the *supplies* than the food.” “THANKS T! Did i ever tell you youre the best? *’cause youre the best*” “I know i am, now go pull out the daytime fireworks and smoke bombs so we dont have bugs in our dinner while i go and stop reigen from confusing seri on the grill. Seri’s a master at this Ikei stuff and reigen still puts his shoes on the wrong feet sometimes.” “That explains *so* much”
Soon the air was filled with the smell of meat and veggie kabobs grilling and the sharp bite of chemicals as the kids set off sparkler wands and clouds of coloured smoke.  Shou and ritsu seemed to be having a sword fight with their’s while teru and mob were writing their names in the air.  Reigen returned from the piles of dubiously legal fireworks holding a handful of wands which he offered to seri in a flourish and passed a small bag to T. “I dont have a lighter in the car anymore and i think the kids have the matches right now, but i want to know how shou got *that*.” T looked in the bag and pulled out a smallish bottle with masking tape label saying ‘Na’. “Huh, shou’s got the same supplier as the mib” “Wait you know what that *is*? “It’s just pure sodium. There are less shady sources but this guy has a deal with us, we get half off and even print ads for other labs.” T rummaged farther into the bag. “Oh *neat* he’s got all kinds of homemade firework kits in here.” “T THAT IS *NOT* A ‘Neat’ THAT SHOU GETTING ILLEGAL THI-” “Oh none of these are illegal, i think, you just cant really buy them all too easily, it’s not like most stores carry them. Well, this one might be, but it’s just that since shou is underage that means he shouldnt have been able to get ahold of this. Actually on second thought, i’m pretty sure this is his *father’s* supplier. SO you might be more right than i am.  I could make a ship with a warp drive and never get it out of atmosphere. I have a permit to buy everything but rocket fuel.”
“Youre not making me feel any better about this, T” T frowned down at the bag of elements and cardboard. “Well this might, Shou at least didnt bring the things that make starkids sick, so he either listens, or he ate them before this so we wouldnt know.” Reigen looked over where shou was gathering a handful of smokebombs and was trying to tie all the fuses together. “Hey! Make sure to save the leftover sticks, we can use those to light the fuses so we save the matches.” Ritsu looked up from where he was trying to light another sparkler, “*We have matches?*” Shou’s smile faltered for a minute.. “Oops?” “What have you been lighting them with then?” Teru shrugged, “phosphorous tastes good, and it’s not like we actually need them to set anything on fire. Sparks are easy enough to do.” Ritsu glared up at teru, “says you. Shou, how does this work again?” “You just pull a bunch of energy in one spot. Like picking things up, only instead of grabbing it, you jab it.”  Turning the sparkler over in his hands, ritsu pinched the one end and pushed his thumb against the tip like he was popping the flower off a stem.  The sparkler burst into life with a shower of sparks as ritsu jumped and pulled his hand away from the live end. “HA *told* you could do it! now light up my *masterpiece*”  With a twist of light not unlike the heat waves on Phoenix roads, shou shifted into his starform. Curling in the air his brighter colours nearly blended into the sunset of the sky. Shou held his rainbow cherry stem collection for ritsu to light before swinging it into orbit around himself and flinging the smokebombs into the air with a mimicked shreeck of launching a rocket. They went up 60 feet before the smoke began leaking out and another 20 before they separated and fell apart leaving trails arcing to the ground like a radial rainbow and landed in the grass still hissing out smoke. Shou darted for the nearest one like a flaming arrow and dove into the blue column. “HEY RITSU LOOK!” Ritsu looked, and saw more blue smoke spreading out from where shou displaced it. “Shou i cant see you.” “Really? Not at all? What about you teru?” Teru glanced up from comparing the colours of the fading smoke to the stripes on his tail. He tilted his head, squinted at where shou’s voice was coming from, and rotated his eyes a degree like switching lenses in a microscope. “You are still in the smoke right? I’m not sure if im spotting your energy there or if it’s just the remains of the sunset reflecting off that cloud behind it. “YES!” Shou flickered into sight a few feet away from where teru was looking. “I’ve *never* managed to disappear into smoke before! Do we have anymore of those?” Mob looked at the empty wrappers shou had tossed in a box. “I think you used the last ones.” “Oh right, oh well, you know that this means?!” Shou floated over to the piles he had left and grabbed an armful of ground fountains. Ritsu handed the last remains of the sparkler to his brother and looked back at where reigen was attempting to fish out a dropped burger from the coals. “Actually i think it’s dinner time” Shou’s eyes got wide as he let the fountains drop limply from his arms. “Oooh right *food.* i forgot. RACE YA.”  Zipping to the table only to u-turn on a dime and grab a firework from the bottom of the pile, he tossed it into his mouth before returning to sit next to teru place like the model of the hungry teenager he was.  Shou grinned smugly at teru as ritsu and mob sat next to them. After all the only point of winning was to get the food first. “Pass the fruit salad *please~*” Teru looked shou in the eye, scooped some for himself, and passed it to mob. Shou pouted. Mob looked between teru and shou before passing it to ritsu. “Oh *come on* really?” “Oh sorry, it’s just that ritsu likes it and you tend to take what’s left.” “Yeah that’s fair, but i’d *share* with him.” Serizawa looked at the table nearly covered in food. “Um, reigen, what is this table doing out here anyway?” Reigen paused from eating his burger to wipe the sauce from his face and answer. “Donno, We’re not too far off the Poconos and the Appalachian Trail. You can head down almost any dirt road here and find a picnic table, it’s *weird*. Why does anyone wants to eat outside with all the bugs. Well, i guess the grilled hamburgers are worth it.” “Oh! Speaking of, here shou, i salvaged the victims of reigen’s cooking and shifted the ashes from the coals for you.” “Did i say T was the best? Scratch that, *youre the best seri*” “HEY, *You burned some of them too! Dont blame them all on me!” “Yeah Raygun, but seri’s doesnt flip them ten feet into the air for them to land land five feet away from the grill. Where did those go by the way?” “...”
shou had been the second to the table, he was also second last to leave it. The setting twilight and full stomachs had left teru half asleep and shou was stacking the left over plates to encase him. The rest of the group was slowly gravitating to the pile of fireworks placing blankets on the ground to sit on in anticipation. Mob stretched out on the back edge and propped himself up on his side with his tail curled around the right edge like a barrier. Ritsu immediately hauled his blanket over to his side to claim the area in front of him while T dumped a pile of pillows in the center and kicked them apart and dropped onto his back next to where Serizawa joined Mob in starform and was bunching a blanket and laid on top of it like a saint bernard sized sphinx. Reigen surveyed everyone before clapping his hands together. “Alright, everyone’s eaten, garbage has been gathered, or also eaten while i wasn't looking,” Reigen sat down on Seri’s other sit and twisted back to look at the last two remaining kids. ”Someone needs to wake up teru before we can start.”
 “I’m not alseep shou *dont you dare*” “K, and since we seem to have misplaced the matches in someone’s stomachs, who wants to do the weird trick to set these off? You can take turns, just be careful.” Shou stopped pulling up grass and sprinkling it on teru to dash over in a blur of orange light. “I DO, I’LL GO FIRST I GOT THEM AFTER ALL”  Shou hovered over the pile and grabbed a small thing with a paper bee pattern, flicked the fuse over his wrist like a snap bracelet and threw it at teru. The firework let out a handful of large yellow sparks before giving out a sharp shriek. Teru echoed it as he lit up, tripped over backwards, and glared at shou from where he was tangled in the table as his stripes strobed as if he could give shou a seizure in retaliation.  The nearby fireflies begin blinking their way towards him even after he stilled his colours. “SHOU WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING YOU COULD HAVE HURT TERU” “Nah he’s fine,” Shou had the audacity to look at Reigen like he was crazy. Flicking his tail at the firework which was cheerily spitting sparks at Teru and bouncing off the air eight inches from him Shou went on. “you would have to set one of the bigs ones off and hold it right against his side before he felt it. A little spark like those wouldnt have even gotten through my old coat.” Reigen sighed and rubbed at his face. “It’s not like you could have *known* tha-” Shou puffed out like an angry cat with the low building yowl behind it. “I *do*. The larger sparks are like being bitten by a bug, not that any of us would know what that’s like since we’re *living bug zappers.* “ Teru pulled himself out of the table with the grace of a snake and reached down to crush the now dead firework before somewhat agreeing with Shou. Drifting over to join the others with the cloud of fireflies merrily following him teru tucked himself next to Mob’s spot half curled into a knot and claimed the other two sides of the blanket. His tail perfectly mirrored the six inches from the corner as mob’s did, as if he was trying to hide the fact he was longer in length without letting anyone notice. The bugs continued to flash and attempted to land on him only to veer off at odd angles as they got close. The few that didnt flash managed to touchdown on the bright yellow/green patches and flashed in time as the stripes passed under them in waves. Teru sighed. “They're just as annoying though, at least *those* i can fry out of existence” Mob gave him a look. “*deflect* and strongly encourage to fly elsewhere. And not everyone holds as much energy in their field as you do shou. That’s how you *lose* it.” “If you makes you feel better Sparky,” T grinned, “im sure you're a very *pretty* firefly” Teru flicked his stripes blue for a moment causing the bugs to scatter and circle in confusion like dancing stars. Shou waved his tail into the swarm to show how the lit bugs also failed to make contact with him before giving reigen a challenging look. Reigen sighed as, once again, shou continued to prove normal rules didnt apply to him. “OK, fine. Starkids are mildly firework proof, *im* not. Neither is T, or the grass. Possibly Ritsu.” Ritsu shrugged “It hurts if i let them touch my skin for a few seconds but it builds up to the burn” “Right, so try not to throw any around please. Last thing we want is a fire and i *know* you guys aren't fireproof. Wait, Shou eats fire, T help?” T waved his hand in a iffy motion “It’s the energy transfer, um think sugar glass? If you get enough that makes it hard to break through but it still hurts. Huh, that would make fireworks like candy then.” “YUP.” Shou popped a handful of ground snappers into his mouth and spat out a bit of smoke. Hooking another fountain and tossing it *unlit* to teru as a peace offering, he spun thro the air. “Come on! Everything’s fine, no one’s hurt, you two can stand next to Mob if you’re worried about sparks, he’s got like, a three foot clearance. Seri’s got like, *five*.  And i got a *stack* of these shitty fountains we can munch on while we use the *good* ones” Mob and Ritsu glanced at each other. “Wait we’re not setting these off first?” “We used to go in order of size when our dad got them.” “Nah, they arnt worth the gunpower” Shou grabbed a bundle of rockets wrapped around a single pole and stabbed it into the ground. “Now *these*, *these are worth it”* and planting his hands on the ground Shou cracked his tail like a whip across the fuse as it sparked and Blasted one rocket into the air. The head of every starkid snapped to follow it’s movement with all three eyes. The resulting ring of colours was surprisingly large for a three inch rocket. As the white faded from the air the next rocket caught and launched after it. The green jitterbugs spun and wiggled through the air as shou echoed the whistle and followed the movements like a bee dance. The third one shou chased up after as it shot off and he darted underneath it after a purplish ‘bug’ and snapped at it. Twisting around to avoid the next rocket he dove back down to the group and grinned. Then spat out the spark that flashed and fizzled in the middle of the air between them. With the “THLP” signaling the launch shou flipped in the air to go after it only for Seri to lift a paw from the blanket nest.  Everyone but Teru missed the explosion in favor of watching Shou squirm in the air as he slowly drifted down and flattened against the ground. “Shou no. You dont want to catch that in the air before they go off, you cant eat them faster than they explode.” “Yeah Firecracker, dont play fetch with the fireworks, i think Raygun’s having a heart attack.” Shou dug his claws into the dirt and huffed. He twitched as another launched and glared at Seri until he put his paw down, letting Shou drift back into the air. Teru was glad that no one could see his second set of hands. While he looked to be sitting perfectly poised, he had his own claws dug into the blankets to stop himself from jerking after fireworks as well. “I wasn- yeah fine.  *i still wanna catch it tho*.” “Why dont you just eat the other ones then?” “those dont *move*” Shou fluttered over to the boxes and emptied them out and stuck the rest in the ground before snapping a claw over  the fuse of one. “What, do we need to toss them for you? If it makes you stop going after the rockets we can. Not going to light them though.” “Nah im good on food, it’s just that they dart off *fast-*” The next rocket went off and shou *lunged* only for Teru to make a sharp ‘Stri!ik’ sound at him and Shou flipped back like he *wasnt* just about to chase down the firework. T perked up at the sound teru made more than any of the fireworks as he pulled out his phone and clipped a bit of video. “Oooh Sparky that one’s ‘come here’ right?” Reigen stared at T in disbelief. “Have you been recording this whole evening?” Ritsu glanced over from where he was leaning against his brother side. “No that was ‘stay’, this one’s ‘come here’” and ritsu gave a whistle of a quarter note followed by a higher eighth. Shou flashed over to his side and wiggled himself between Mob’s inky darkness and Ritsu’s back with a placating warble. “It’s a bit longer, but i think it’s the same base of ‘here’. ‘There’ is a bit lower and longer than both of them” ritsu frowned. “Or shorter?”  Shou settled like an oversized neck pillow and flipped upside down to look at both ritsu and T. “Depends on how *far* ‘there’ is. You say it first and hold it as long as you need to. Pops used to laugh when people asked where he was from and kept it up for ages underneath his words.” “Huh, do the fireworks say anything?” Mob blinked down at T. “Not really? It’s a bit flat, but some of them sound like you startled them and they want you to back off” “Yeah, they do kinda sound angry in a way, but the ones that *pop* are the BEST” Crackling along with the firework pack’s final five rockets, shou’s constant movement made him slip sideways off mob who caught him from tipping over completely in the curl of his tail.  Shou peered over at Teru with a grin as Ritsu wrapped an arm over him to hold him still and take advantage of his warmth. “Hey *teru*, you wanna set off the next pack? Or is your tail too jagged to reach that far?” Responding with a “*easily~*” Teru snapped his tail like a lightening bolt and with a fizz the last set burned and started shooting off small white streams. Then shot off one that flew up high. It went off with a thunderous *bang*”that shou mimicked with a bark like a car backfiring. Followed by two more. “Shou this isn’t just flashbangs is it?” “Nah it’s got others in it, there’s just a few in the start first.” Watching the orange trail of the next one everyone was surprised when Teru joined Shou’s echoing with his own electrical short of a bang.“Does th-” Before T managed to ask them what it was about he was cut off by another flashbang as the two of them repeated the sound. Followed hesitantly by a chime of a struck wineglass from Mob. “Do you guys like these or what?” Ritsu looked just as baffled as Reigen did while the sky popped and shrieked with colours. “Niisan normally hates the loud ones.” “Oh, it’s just that Shou and Teruki already responded so i thought i might as well too.” T pounced on that phrasing as he did with any other tidbit about starkids’ natural behaviors. “SO that *means* something? *What?*” *BANG* Seri stopped twisting the blanket into knots as the others continued their chorus. Shou’s immediate smaller echo, teru, who had refined his sound into something more viola based, and mob’s short ringing ping. Tilting his head as he listened he attempted to find words for such a short sound. “I’m not sure if it’s actually asking for a response, it just seems expected, but it’s a bit of a ‘i’m here. Who’s there?” BANG, BaNG, thi!vvvz!, Thri!ing! “That doesn't sound anything like ‘here.’” “I know, it’s *flat* sounding, but you dont have to say* youre there, that’s just implied.” “Yup! ‘Im *me!’ works just fine. All ya have to do is just sorta say something that sounds like you,” Shou twisted out of ritsu’ grasp and swam in the air over Serizawa. Reigen looked over at shou who started poking and “pip”ing at Seri. “Wait so it’s basicly a great big hello?” “It’s not that friendly, the whole game is not getting caught unless you think you can win. I *so* wouldnt announce myself if i didnt know it wasnt’ actually anyone there. Or if you guys werent here. Pops was deeper than ‘feel it in your bones.’” Switching from poking with claws to digging them in and *pulling* Shou kept at his antics at bothering Seri into paying attention. “Come *on* youre the only one that hasn’t done it. And youre the *biggest*, come oooonnnn.” Shou flopped on top of Seri and flailed dramatically as he held the whine longer than humanly possible. “We dont live over here shou, and there isn’t actually anyone there to hear it.” “*That’s the point* it’s just us. It’s not like the *space* police are going to get you.” Shou glanced over at Reigen. “He’d have to eat more veggies than burgers if he ever wanted to pick you up.” “HEY, i resembl- *resent* that statement. So if’s it’s not ‘hello’ than what *does* it mean?” Shou grinned as the final rocket launched and *boomed*. “*POLO*” ~~almost could end it here~~
Epilogue --
  Packing the cars was much simpler with only the bedding to toss in. The park may have had a ‘carry in, carry out’ policy, but trash had a habit of disappearing after reigen’s cluster of starkids had last doubled. Reigen did one last head count and coming up short on the shortest one, only for ritsu to tap the green jacket in his lap as shou sprawled over the laps of everyone in the back. “It’s a miracle, Shou actually *sleeps*.” Only for his head to pop back up and hazily face reigen’s voice, and then drop back into Ritsu’ lap.  Teru was already passed out and was leaning on mob’s sholder. “Well it was *almost* a miracle.” Seri shook his head. “You can find him tucked into places all over, i think the real miracle would be if he actually slept in his own bed. Im just glad i’ve been finding him in the house more often.” Somewhere off in the woods near the highway another few fireworks lit up the horizon. “So we never did hear what your ‘polo’ was.” “OH, um sorry? I’m not really good with most Starsong-” Shou rolled over and gave a softer version of the sound he made from before, now more recognizable as the  ‘pop’ of a fireplace. The sound of a water hitting a stone cliff at *just* the right angle followed it as Seri covered his reddening face with his hands. The silence that followed was only broken by the snickering from Shou attempting to repeat it with the *distinctive* sound of a soaked towel slapping against a wall.  Reigen bit back his own laughter as he looked between Seri and the road. “*THAT* was the most *inelegant* sound i have ever heard you make.  They’re normally so *serene*.” “It’s. They’re just white noise really. Theyre not that nice.” “Are you kidding? There’s a reason people have hours of recordings waves and noise. Theyre *peaceful*.” Half letting go of the wheel, Reigen started conducting the sounds. “That Shooosh *swisssh*, the bubbly purr you do when you do that thing where you twist your tail when your nervous. That rush of roaring water you make when you angry is terrifying but i like that one too.” “You *like* those sounds?” “Hey, i like them too. I wouldnt copy them if i didnt!” “Shou you made fart noises for the first hour of the car ride, i thought you just liked to copy the most annoying things you hear.”
“Well yeah, *i like them*. Your’s arn’t annoying, it’s your *sound*. Do you know how hard it is to change accents?” “Um, harder than learning a new language?” “Yep, and that’s your’s.” Shou broke off with a squeak of a yawn. “Reigen’s isnt as nice tho, can you keep it down?” “Sure it’s late anyway.” “Oh um Reigen? Could you not tell T? He can be a bit insistent about the alien stuff.” “No problem, he’s just like that with everything it’s his job and his life, 24/7. Tell him no and he backs off, he’s good with lines.  Just dont tell him i was the one that ate those burgers i flipped off the grill.” “deal.”
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