#and it was a risk but WOW did it pay off
wifeyoozi · 2 months
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"Best Dick Award"
just a blurb ,, crack/suggestive ,, aka having another episode of ceecee's madness reaching a new high
You and Jihoon are lounging in your living room, enjoying a lazy afternoon together. The TV is playing some random show in the background, but neither of you is really paying attention. You're too busy giggling to yourself, holding a small, hastily wrapped box in your hands.
"What's so funny?" Jihoon asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks over at you.
You can't help but snicker. "I have a surprise for you."
Jihoon sits up a little straighter, curiosity piqued. "A surprise? For me?"
"Yep," you say, handing him the box. "Go on, open it."
Jihoon takes the box, giving you a skeptical look before tearing off the wrapping paper. Inside, he finds a small golden-painted plastic trophy, the kind you might get from a novelty shop. The plaque on the front reads, "Best Dick Award."
Jihoon bursts out laughing, holding the trophy up for a better look. "Are you serious?"
You nod, trying to keep a straight face. "Totally serious. You’ve earned it."
Jihoon shakes his head, still chuckling. "And what exactly did I do to deserve this prestigious honor?"
You grin, leaning back on the couch. "Well, for one, you've been exceptionally generous with your, uh, 'services.' Plus two, you’ve set a new standard in, shall we say, performance. And last but definitely not the list, you are endowed in a way to just please women." You chuckle with a wink.
Jihoon smirks, clearly amused. "Wow, I'm honored. I'd like to thank the academy, my parents for always believing in me, and most importantly, my lovely partner for being such a dedicated audience."
You burst into laughter. "You're welcome! It's a tough job, but someone’s got to do it."
Jihoon sets the trophy on the coffee table, still smiling. "So, do I get any other perks with this award? A speech? A victory lap?"
You tap your chin, pretending to think. "Hmm, I think the award itself is pretty prestigious. But I suppose we could celebrate... privately."
Jihoon's eyes gleam with mischief. "Oh, a different kind of lap, I see. I like the sound of that. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility."
You roll your eyes playfully. "Don't let it go to your head. Or, you know, the other head."
Jihoon laughs, pulling you into his arms. "I promise to use my powers wisely."
"Good," you say, snuggling against him. "Because I might just have to revoke your title if you don't."
Jihoon gives you a mock serious look. "I'd better stay on my A-game then. Can't risk losing the 'Best Dick Award.'"
You laugh, pressing a sloppy kiss to his lips. "Exactly. Now, Mr. Best Dick, how about we start our celebration?"
Jihoon grins, pulling you over his lap. "That's the best idea I've heard all day."
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Monster, Inc. 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is an asshole, you know this. But what happens when he turns his wrath upon you? (plus!reader)
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, this reader is known as Missie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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Monday's are always difficult. Especially as you cling to the good vibes of a girls' night out. The mood was a bit spoiled by the presence of few unexpected bosses but Elfie and Billie kept you all on track. Still, it wasn’t enough, you’re not ready for another week. 
You might not be but you make sure Mr. Hansen is. You have everything on his desk waiting. His coffee is in a travel thermos keeping warm, his daily itinerary is ready for him, and when he gets in, you’ll go to get his breakfast so it’s hot and fresh. 
You yawn and uncrinkle a pleat in your dress skirt. The brilliant shade of green is as bright as an emerald with a trim of yellow at the collar, belt and hem. It's loud but you don’t mind a bit of boldness. 
Mr. Hansen rushes by so quickly he catches you by surprise and your barely catch sight of him over your monitor as you snap your teeth down around another yawn. He’s so quick, he’s a blur. His door shuts behind him sharply and you stand as you go rigid as a pole. Oh no, what now? 
You don’t linger to figure it out. What you know about Mr. Hansen is that it’s best to let him simmer down on his own. The time it takes you to get his organic wrap should be more than enough. You head off with your purse and a bounce in your step.  
It feels good to be moving around. If you’d sat any long, you would risk an ambush nap. You can’t imagine your boss would appreciate that. 
You get to the bistro and put in your usual order. They know you there. They have a ticket ready to ring up and you pay with the company card. You step aside and chatter with the girl at the till about her film class in college. She’s sweet and very passionate about independent movies you’ve never even heard of. 
You claim your order and the complimentary iced tea Kamila made you. You thank her extra and head out, making note to return the favour the next time you stop by. You rush back to the office building a block over and barrel into the elevator. You smile at a man from the eight floor and wait for yours to ding. 
You carry on through the ritual of readying Mr. Hansen’s breakfast. You zap it in the microwave just to make sure it’s still warm and set out the porcelain plate. You lay it out with the little side of greens and tomato salad and leave your iced tea on your desk. 
You knock on Hansen’s door. No answer comes but you know better than to let yourself in. You knock again and put your ear to the door. A third time gets you a response. 
“Fast,” he demands from the other side. 
You open the door and declare your purpose, “Breakfast, Mr. Hansen!” 
You bound over as he keeps the back of his chair to you. You can see the top of his head over it despite his efforts to hunch down. Is he hiding? You put the plate where you usually do as he angles away from you. Is it Mr. Hansen? His hair isn’t that dark... 
“Mr. Hansen, is everything okay?” You ask tenuously. Silence. You hold your breath as he doesn’t move. You gulp and take a step back. “Sir...” 
“Fine,” his hits the armrest and spins around. 
You let your breath out with a gasp. Oh god. His hair is pitch black. The box dye has that blueish tint to it and is less than complimentary to his skin tone. Not to mention he didn’t touch the mustache. You do your best to control your expression and your. 
“Oh, wow, Mr. Hansen, did you get a new tie--” 
“Shut up!” He roars, “it’s not funny.” 
“Nothing’s funny, sir, I didn’t laugh.” 
“I can see your cheek...” he wiggles his finger tersely, “don’t.” 
“Sir, really, I’m not,” you assure him, evening out that ripple in your stomach and your breath. “You know, when I was in college, I killed my hair with bleach and died it green.” 
“Yeah, because green looks so good on you,” he chirps as he scowls at your dress. 
“Thanks, sir,” you smile, “but there is a point. I hated it. I got colour remover and managed to get to a decent brown.” 
“Colour remover?” He narrows his eyes. 
“Not as harsh as bleach but it stinks like rotten eggs. I think you could probably get at least a few shades lighter. And since it’s not green, you won’t go greener. Shouldn't.” 
He shifts his glare to the wall and his forehead pinches. His nose crinkles by his nostrils and he pokes his cheek with his tongue. He clucks and shakes his head. 
“Fine, go get it.” 
“Oh, uh, me? Sir--” 
“No one else is seeing me like this so go fucking get the remover,” he rolls his chair towards the desk and snatches up the wrap, “that shade of green makes my eyes bleed.” 
You give another gentle expression. You truly pity him. You’ve been there before. He was only trying to feel better about himself. To try something new. It happens, but you’re not so sure he should trust you to fix this one. 
There’s not much of a choice. You go back out to your desk and grab your iced tea and purse. Off to the pharmacy. It's kind of fun. An unexpected adventure to keep yourself from falling asleep. It’s exactly what you need. And who knows, if you can help Mr. Hansen get the inky dye out, he might lighten up. Literally.   
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sosa2imagines · 9 months
Dean Winchester is a softie.
Warnings- only fluff , Dean Winchester he is a warning! Grumpy, Flirty and Softy
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The air in the motel room you shared with Dean was filled with a thick and fuming tension.
You had just gotten back from a somewhat successful case. ‘Somewhat’ because the monster you were hunting was dead, but it left you in bad shape, after a reckless decision on your part to make yourself bait in order to save the victim. Your plan worked, in the end. And you survived, but that doesn’t make Dean any less angry.
“I can’t believe you.” He finally spoke up, a bitterness laced in his voice. "At least the women was safe!" you tried to reason with him.
“At least I don’t have to mourn over your ass too.” Dean retorted, crossing his arms and leaning his back on the wall. "Wow let's celebrate then!" you joked which annoyed him more. “Celebrate what? Your dumb ass decision to use yourself as bait?”
What other option did we have? You tried to reason again but Dean scoffed. “What other option? What about all the times I told you don’t go off on your own’? Or Stay in touch? Or ‘Don’t make rash decisions’?” he yelled.
"Rash decisions my ass! Our job is to protect and that's what I did." you yelled back getting slightly annoyed by him. “At what cost, then?” Dean shot back, crossing his arms. “You could have died, you know that right? Or did you decide to ignore that too?” "I know, ok!" you hissed in pain "I didn't do it on purpose, but I just couldn't stand there, and let some innocent person die."
Dean went quiet, letting out a long exhale before speaking again. “We could argue about this all day…But it’s done.” He said, his voice softening. “Don’t risk your life like that again, ok? Promise me that much.” he pleaded. You took a deep breath, "I promise you, I will be careful next time."
"You better. I couldn’t afford to lose you now, not after everything else that’s happened to me.” Dean paused for a second before adding, “Plus you still owe me $20.” You soften your gaze at him "You won't lose me Dean, never, before realizing what he said making you glare at him " What $20?"
He smirked and rolled his eyes. “The bet we made when we started this case, remember?” Dean asked with a knowing smirk on his face. “So pay up.” Ah the bet you both had shook hands to. If either of you are reckless or dies, you owe money to the survivor. "No, I'm alive so I win" you shrugged casually.
“Oh yeah? Then what about the fact you almost got yourself killed?” He raised an eyebrow, smirking.. You tried to stifle laughing. "that didn't happen so technically I won"
"You think just because you were lucky enough to be alive you win? Think again." He said, walking towards you. "Now pay the hell up." "No I won't" you pouted.
“Oh you’re gonna pay.” He said, his smirk disappearing. He extended his hand forward. “Money.” You thought it would be funny so you placed your hand in his palm. Dean didn't find it funny though. “Money.” He said again, tightening his grip on your hand. You tried to pull away, "Hey watch it, I said no!"
“I’m not letting go of you until you give me the money.” He replied, gripping your hand tighter. "I can take it" you smirked at him. “Oh really?” Dean smirked back at you, tightening his grip even more. “You can’t beat the Winchester grip.” He said, keeping his eyes locked on yours. You smirked playfully at him "Oh yeah? You are on! The money is safe in my back pocket and I won't give it to you!"
He moved closer, his expression turning sour and his brows furrows. “Give it.” He demanded, his grip even tighter. You pat your back pocket with your free hand, "Nope" "Give me the money or I swear to god.." He growled, looking angry. "The money, or I'll grab it from your pocket myself and take it." He said, still keeping his grip on your hand. "What? you'll just rip it apart?" you smirked playfully, "No I won't give it to you, now let go of my hand Winchester!" "I am not letting go until I get the money, do I make myself clear?" He said, squeezing your hand harder, but not painful enough to hurt.
You squeezed his hand hard challenging him "Try your best" Dean narrowed his eyes "Last chance…" He grunted, his expression turning stern.
"Oh I'm scared, nope!" Dean then reached out and tried to grab your pocket, his other hand still gripping your other hand tightly. "What are you doing?" “Taking. The. Money.” Dean responded, trying to reach for your back pocket, his grip on your hand still tight. You started to move backwards, Dean went after you holding your hand, still trying to grab your pocket. “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, following you. "Anywhere possible with you refusing to let go of my hand"
“Give! Me! The! Money!” He roared, his grip tightening on your hand. “No more chances. You pay up, or it’s trouble.” He hissed, keeping a firm stare on your eyes. You glared at him hoping he will stop, but no! “I said, give me the goddamn money.” Dean demanded, clenching the fist of his hand that was holding yours. “Now.” "No!" you shout.
Dean kept glaring at you as his other hand finally reached your back pocket. He tried to grasp the money, but you kept it firmly locked. “Last chance before I rip your pocket open.” He warned. "Then you'll have to buy me new pair of jeans" you smirked. “Don’t test me.” Dean said. “I’ll do just that.” “You think I’m kidding?” He asked. “You’re either giving me the money, or I’m ripping your pocket.” He said, narrowing his eyes. “Take your pick.” At this point it wasn't about the money, you were actually having fun playing with him. "Are you going to buy me new pair of jeans?" He stayed silent for a moment, his brows furrowed. “No.” He said. “But you are giving me that money or your jeans are not what you have to worry about.” "Of course I have to worry about that, I can't roam around pant-less"
Dean glared, then grabbed your pocket and tried to grab the money from the inside of it. He finally got a hold of it and took out a few notes. “$20…” He said, looking at you as he crumpled the notes and threw it on the bed. “Happy?” He asked, his tone turning sour.
Ok he didn't need to do that. You grabbed the money and put it back in your pocket "That was cute" you rolled your eyes. Dean clenched his jaw when you grabbed the $20 and put it back in your pocket. “Cute?” He asked, glaring. “Cute? Do you have any idea how much I worried about you?” So this was not about the money, it is about you, you smiled softly looking at him "Look I'm sorry for making you worry, but I had to do, what I had to do, to save the innocent people."
Dean stayed silent for a moment. “I know…but you gotta think about yourself too.” He said, keeping his tone soft and caring. He walked towards you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “I know you’re a hunter, you know that you never back down before a fight…But you gotta use your head too.” He looked into your eyes. “I’m worried about you, ok? I can’t lose you.”
You hugged him and slipped the money into his pocket, "I know , I'm so sorry Dean and I promise you, you won't lose me I promise you." He hugged you back, returning the affection you gave him. He then looked at you and smiled. “Good. Now come here and give me a kiss.” He said, smirking as he spoke. “For making me worry.” he demanded just like that, as if he was asking for an apple. You looked at him with wide eyes, heat rushing in you body, "What?"
“Come here, or else.” He growled, gripping your shoulders tight as he pulled you closer to him. “Now give me that kiss.” He said with a smirk on his face. “Or there will be consequences.” You gulped nervously, thinking oh god, but the way he was looking at you with desire and lust and care made your knees go weak, and his tone nothing but serious made you give away, so you closed your eyes and kissed him. He closed his eyes and kissed you back. After pulling away, he smiled and ran his hands through your hair. “That’s better.” He said, his tone turning sweet again as his expression lightened up. “Now you need to rest, while I go clean up.” He chuckled as he glanced at your slightly-battered condition.
"I wonder what the consequences would have been" you mumbled to yourself in low voice with curiosity eating you, but oh boy he heard it, “No, you really don’t.” He said, looking at you with a stern expression, but then let out a sigh when he saw your pleading eyes. “Ok, fine…Do you want to be punished?” He asked, smirking.
That ran a shiver down your spine, "Oh look at the time, I should rest" you blushed, heat pooling in your stomach. He smirked. That was definitely not gonna work. Who were you trying to fool? “I think you should rest on my lap.” His voice was sweet as he held his arms out. “Come here now.” You looked at him curiously, contemplating your options but, he opened his arms out and you went towards him. You lay down on his lap, your head resting against his chest as he hugged you, his arms wrapping around you. “Better?” He whispered, his eyes locking on yours for a moment. “I know you wanted to get cozy with me.”
You wanted to say BEST but you were to shy, red as tomato. “My lap is pretty cozy, don’t you think?” He asked with a smirk. “Nice and soft just for you.” He chuckled. “I bet you never thought to be here, huh?” You somehow found your voice to speak "Yeah it is cozy and no I never thought I would be here"
“And I bet you never thought I’d be this sweet with you.” He teased, his tone still sweet as he held you. “Is this what you wanted? A cozy night together?” He smirked. Truth to be told, you both were dancing around your feelings for each other, Sam gave up trying to get you both together, the sexual tension was deep. But neither of you tried to make a move. Who would have thought a serious injury would be the up rise of your relationship with Dean.
"Oh I knew you would be sweet with me and yes this is what I wanted" you said with confidence that you found all of a sudden. “Oh yeah? How’d you know?” He asked, his smirk turning into a little grin. “Maybe I’m sweet with every girl I see?” He asked playfully. You gave him a death glare, how dare he ruin the perfect moment?
“What?” He asked with a smirk, not letting go of you. “Don’t tell me you’re a jealous princess.” "Why would I? Maybe someone else might be sweet with me too!" “Someone else? Someone better than me?” He asked, his voice turning flirty as he kissed your cheek. “Because if someone did, you’d be sleeping in their arms right now, not with me, right?” He smirked.
How the hell did this man had so much effect on you? From chewing your ears off, to manhandling for money, to demanding to kiss him, to making you speechless! How did he do that?
"You got the point" you scoffed and pouted. His smirk faded and he stared at you, his eyes full of longing and desire. “I don’t want anybody else. I want you, always.” He said, not letting go of you. “Are you mine and I can have you?” He asked, his gaze on you firm. How can you say no to him, when he is looking at you like that? "I'm yours, you can have me."
He smiled and held on tight to you, his lips caressing your forehead gently. “I thought you were never going to admit it. You’re too stubborn.” He chuckled. “But you are mine now. So I expect cuddles and kisses every night.” He teased, his voice turning sweet again. "My stubborn-ness depends on the situation and this is a complete new Dean Winchester I'm witnessing, not complaining though."
“Oh really? So you didn’t have an idea that I could be sweet?” He chuckled, running his fingers through your hair. He then leaned a little closer to your ears. “You should see what else I can do when alone with you.” He whispered, his voice full of seduction. You looked at him with a love filled gaze. "What else do you want to do?"
“How about you let me show you?” He smirked and gently pulled you closer to him. “I hope you’re ready, sweetheart. It’s about to get heated up between us.” He whispered, smirking as his gaze locked on yours. You nodded and that was enough for him.
“Good.” That was all he said before turning your face towards him. He kissed you deeply, his lips full of passion and desire. His fingers slid trough your hair as his lips danced with yours, until he finally pulled away to breathe. “So, you want to see what else I can do alone with you?” He asked, his voice turning deep, playful and full of seduction. “I’m all yours, sweetheart.” Before you can answer him, his lips were on yours once more in an instant and his hand was back at your hair, caressing your head gently. As he kissed you passionately, he kept his eyes locked on yours as well, never looking away once, as if he never wants to forget this moment he’s spending with you. “Does that answer your question, sweetheart? How I can be sweet with you?” He whispered, his voice thick with love and sincerity. “How I can be gentle and caressing?” He asked, his tone turning sweet again.
"Yes it does" you whispered. “Good, my princess.” He pulled away from the kiss once more and ran his fingers through your hair once again, admiring your beauty. “Do you know how much I love you?” He asked, his voice turning gentle as his eyes locked on yours. “I care for you a lot. Too much to lose you.” He whispered. “So don't ever make me worry, ok? And never put yourself in a risky situation. Ok?”
"I promise you I won't do it ever again" “Good. Now lay on me again. I missed having you in my arms.” He chuckled and opened his arms out once more, waiting for you to lay on his lap. “And then we’ll go to sleep.” He added, smirking. “Because you need to get some rest after today.” He said, his tone turning gentle again. He pulled you closer, so that your head lay on his chest once more, the same as how it was before.
“Good night, princess.” And with those words, Dean closed his eyes as he held you tight to his chest.
(This is my first ever attempt writing about Dean Winchester, I hope you all enjoy, let me know in comments 😊❤️)
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kaunis-sielu · 1 year
Best Worst Blind Date Ever
You really read this one wrong. He’d seemed so kind, so charming when you’d been texting but now, now he’s terrible.
Dave hasn’t let you talk, he’d tried to order for you, then he had ordered you a new drink at the bar without asking. He’d been annoyed when you hadn’t touched it, but you also hadn’t asked for it.
“So, you always this quiet?” He asks over another bite of food.
“Um, no.” You say, “I’m going to run to the bathroom, excuse me.” You tell him putting your napkin on the table and standing. You’ll hopefully be able to catch your waitress on your way and ask her for some help. You’ve got a bad feeling that telling this asshole that you’re not interested isn’t going to go well.
You spot her standing near the bar and murmur,
“I might need some help leaving.”
“I was going to ask.” She says, “if you do, put your water glass on the left side of your plate.”
“Thank you.” Knowing that you have a plan is a huge relief. You go to the bathroom and when you come out Dave is looking annoyed.
“What did you say to the waitress?”
“Just told her we’d probably be ready for the checks soon.”
“Check. I’m paying here.”
“Here?” You’re confused, it’s already 9:30 and you’re really not interested in prolonging this date.
“Yea, we’re going to my favorite bar for a couple drinks then we can go back to my place.”
“Oh, um, no thank you. I have plans in the morning so I need to get going.” His face hardens and you pick up your water glass then take a sip and place it on the left side of your plate.
“Wow. You’re such a tease.” He sneers and you go into your purse. You take out a tube of chapstick and swipe some on trying to keep your cool.
“Hey Sweetheart. I hope it’s okay that Wanda told me you were here.” A deep voice says from behind you. When you glance up at him you’re stunned by the man standing behind you.
“Who the fuck are you?” Your oh so charming date snaps,
“I’m Steve, her ex. Hopefully not for much longer. Can we talk?” The god of a man lies smoothly.
“Yea.” You manage to say and before you can move your date grabs your arm.
“What the hell. Our date isn’t over.”
“No, it’s over.” You tell him trying to pull your arm from his grasp.
“You’re going to want to let her go.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because this is assault.” Steve says flashing a badge that sits on his hip.
“Fuck.” Your arm is dropped like you’re on fire and you stand, dropping some money on the table for your meal.
“Don’t call me again.” You tell Dave stalking away with Steve at your back.
“Why don’t you sit with me for a while. Did you drive yourself here?” He offers and you meet Wanda’s eyes. She gives you a wide smile and a little nod.
“I took a ride share. I didn’t want him knowing what car I drive or where I live.”
“Smart.” He says gesturing to two empty stools and you slide onto the seat. “I never did get your name Sweetheart.” He says with a smile, you tell him and he nods.
“Thank you for the rescue.”
“Part of the job description.” He says with a wide grin, “but it doesn’t hurt when my sister calls for back up. She’s usually one that will take on anyone, so when she asked for help I knew something was off.”
“I’m glad she did, he seemed so nice on the app.”
“I’m sorry he turned out to be an ass.”
“I don’t think I am.” You tell him looking up at him through your lashes and you see him grinning down at you.
“Nah.” You shift your body closer to his and he moves closer to you, one of his legs on either side of yours. It’s a far too intimate position to be in with a man you just met but with your former date stewing in the corner of the bar you can’t risk him knowing it was all a lie.
“What’s wrong?”
“Sweetheart, your whole body just tensed up.”
“He’s still here. In the corner and looks furious.”
“He moves this way you let me know.” Steve tells you and you nod, “I’ve got you Honey.”
“Thank you.” You tell him leaning closer, “So, you’re a cop?”
“A Captain now.”
“Wow, congratulations.” He seems young for a Captain at least from your experience in cop shows.
“We had a huge overhaul and things got kind of, messy.” He says, “I was the last Sargent standing.”
“That sounds so stressful. I’m sorry.” You tell him and he rests a hand on your knee,
“This okay?” Since Dave is still watching you give Steve a smile,
“Yea.” And surprisingly it is okay having his big, warm hand on your knee.
You almost forget that you’re being watched. Steve is so sweet, so easy to talk to and honestly so fucking hot.
“Slut.” Is hissed at you as Dave walks past, well, stumbles past you. You ignore him and he does it again, “you’re a fucking slut.”
“Ignore him Sweetheart.” Steve murmurs and you hold tightly the edge of the bar, “let him bury himself.” He says into your ear and your heart pounds. God he’s got you all twisted up in the very best way. Steve stands suddenly and steps in the sight line of Dave, blocking you from his view. You look up at Steve with wide eyes and he smiles down at you.
“I’m gonna kiss you Sweetheart.”
“Yes.” You whisper and Steve’s mouth descends on yours. His fingers gently brush your cheek before delving into your hair to better angle your head to deepen the kiss.
When he pulls away Steve grins down at you, you blink up at him before a smile crosses your face.
“So, not an ex anymore?” He teases and you laugh softly,
“I don’t think so.” You tell him and he grins, “why did we break up in the first place?”
“I worked too much.” He says, “but I promise I’ll do better if you promise to communicate your needs.”
“Okay.” You see him look back toward the door the pull out his phone. He puts the phone to his ear,
“Buck. 10-51, leaving Post now, south on Main, red Dodge Charger, not sure on the plate.” He shoves his phone back into his pocket and smiles at you, “sorry about that.”
“What’s a 10-51?”
“Drunk driver. Bucky is my second in command and will let dispatch know so that you and I can enjoy our evening.”
“Wanna get out of here?” You ask and he grins, “I’m in the mood for ice cream.”
“That’s a great idea.” He agrees and you slip off the stool you’ve been sitting on, Steve gently guides you in front of him and you lead him out of Post. Once you’re on the street you reach over and take his hand, he turns you gently then kisses you again.
“Sorry, I should’ve asked.” He says after pulling away from you but you shake your head.
“No, it’s okay. I, kissing you is nice.” He hums softly,
“I’m glad, because I agree completely.” Steve gives your hand a squeeze, “now, I believe I owe you some ice cream.”
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @annielr @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @wonderlandfandomkingdom @patzammit @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll @killcomet @sass-masterkittenmama
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passionateseadruid · 3 months
Snake King’s Bride 8
Holiday havoc part 2
Warning! This chapter has talk of sensitive topics such as very dubious consent! Read at your own risk!
You felt… numb.
Why did it have to happen this way. Here you were laying in the aftermath of last night, laying in a pool of your own tears. Claw marks littered the headboard. His scent engulfed you. And after everything he’d left you to deal with the aftermath on your own.
"What's the point of any of this? Why don't we just go down to Vegas and fucking elope? He's already ruined my life. He's taken my best friend and family away from me. And now… now he's taken the one thing I had left."
"Ma'am?" A voice came from the open door. It was Styx, they looked concerned, and very very nervous.
"Styx!" You pulled the cover up to your neck. They sighed and walked into the closet and after a few seconds they walked out with a huge robe. They gently sit next to you and pulled the robe around you. "You don't have to." You insisted.
"Please don't make this difficult ma'am."
"You really shouldn't. I'm sure Lucifer doesn't pay you nearly enough to deal with his bullshit." You smiled half joking, at least trying to make yourself feel better.
"He doesn't pay me at all." They mumbled turning towards the door, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"It's... complicated. I can't work anywhere else. So in exchange for eternal service he gifts me the comfiest clothes and feeds me the finest foods and keeps a very expensive roof over my head." They explained.
"More like an unpayable debt over your head." You mumbled and scoffed it off.
"His highness has asked that I accompany you to the shopping center today to pick out presents for his party next week. The gift from Mr. Fizzarolli came in last night. I'm a bit confused why it was already wrapped inside but I'll not push it." Styx bowed and lead you into the closet.
"Thanks. Hey do you know who I have to get gifts for? I assume I have to get one for Charlie. Should I get one for Renesme and Nina? Do I get one for you?"
"You have one for Lucifer. You'll need one for Princess Charlie, each of the other 6 deadly sins, you'll probably want one for Mr. Fizzarolli, Miss Bee's boyfriend will not be joining us this year, and the rest of the sins do not have dates for the evening. It should just be you and Mr. Fizzarolli."
"Alright! Let's get going!" You walked out of the closet. You dressed in a black jumper and a dark gray and light gray striped shirt underneath.
Styx took your hand and they grabbed their necklace. A portal opened before you and you two stepped through and into a desolate corner of the mall.
"Wow." You smiled at them excitedly. 
"Yeah um, His- his majesty gave me a magic crystal to teleport around Hell."
"Speaking of Lucifer how long have you been working for him."
"Oh goodness. Since Princess Charlie was young. I was practically the one who raised her. Lilith was to busy singing and flirting and fighting with His Highness. She'd insist that the princess shouldn't be around him because he's self destructive but she wouldn't put in the work to raise her daughter."
"So... speaking of Lilith. She is or was human right?"
"So Charlie is half human. Did she..."
Styx seemed to pick up on what you were trying to ask. "Princess Charlie was a menace during her adolescent years. She threw a box of feminine products at her father. Then she started going out with the son of her fathers former closest friend to spite him. She also went through the emo phase after the two of them broke up." They laughed.
You smiled at them. "It's nice to see you so emotional for once instead of so stoic."
You two walked around the mall trying to find things for your friends (and the other people you were obligated to buy gifts for). First you went to a jewelry store and bought pink and purple ‘hers and hers’ flower necklaces for Renesme and Nina. You may not know them all that well but you do know that the two of them love each other. You ended up getting some rose gold designer sunglasses for Fizz. Nina walked around getting gifts for the other sins for you. You didn't care what Styx got for the Sins. You were more focused on what to get for Pluto and Styx. You decided to play it safe and Pluto a paper $100 gift card to any store in hell. If it’s not clear you’re just giving her a 100 bucks.
"Hey Styx since we're here what would you like."
"Oh! Ma'am, you don't have to get me anything."
"Please? I really want to get you something as a way to thank you for all the nice work you do."
"Ma'am that's… really not necessary." They stared at you as you gave them the puppy dog eyes. "Fine, if you don't mind I'd really like some knitting needles and yarn. I could make you something in return." They smiled.
"Styx…" you put your hands on their shoulders. "I'm not Lucifer. This isn't a transactional thing. Do whatever you want with them but please remember that this is your gift not mine." You gently smiled and took their hand.
As the party started and guests started to poor in you smoothed out your dress. It was mainly white but it cinched up in places around the skirt to show of the red petticoat underneath. The bodice was a Queen Anne neckline and there was some red accents on the sleeves.
First to show was unsurprisingly Satan as he was the closest Sin to the pride ring and to the King of Hell in general. Then surprisingly Ozzie and Fizz showed up next. After that Bee dragged Belphy through the door, her legs under Bee’s arms, kinda like sadness and Joy from Inside Out. And then Mammon showed up. And finally Levi made a grand entrance.
"Okay everyone is here, I'm going to go get some food." Before you could listen to Lucifer’s protests you had rushed to the living room where the reception was being held. As you looked through the snack bar you felt someone bump into you someone tall.
"Sorry." Your eyes went wide. There is only one person who'd apologize in hell. You turned around and say Charlie smiling at you. "Hey! I didn't see you in the Foyer. Dad said you ran off to get a snack. Merry Sinsmas." She walked away.
You weren't expecting Charlie to be at the party.
"This is bad." You froze.
"Hm? what do you mean?" Fizz asked. You could hardly understand him with the fudge he was stuffing into his mouth though.
You pulled him away from the living and into the butlers pantry. You let him go and slammed the door to get some privacy and started to rub the anxiety out of your temples.
"Woah! Hey! Look you're cute but I don't swing that way."
"Please for one second could we not joke about this. I'm less than 30 minutes away from dying at the hands of my Naughter." You whisper yelled. Moving from your temples to the crick in your neck. You could feel your pulse beating irregularly.
"My Naughter. Because she's Not my Daughter."
"Yet." He shoved the last bit of fudge from his plate into his mouth. "While I'm in here you don't mind if I raid your guys chip stash do you?"
"Go ahead. It's his anyway. I don't care what you do with it." You leaned forward onto one of the bottom cabinets. He stretched his robotic arms up and sifted through the upper cabinets.
"They might not be yours yet but after tonight they probably will be. Tonight is the night that Charlie will finally come to see you as a new parental figure. Either that or she'll straight up kill you for disrespecting her dad." You felt your pulse pick up as sweat dripped down your neck. You wanted to run, wanted to scream, wanted to cry. "Mmh mmh! These are delicious! Sorry, Mammon doesn't let me snack even when I'm off his dime. Ozzie on the other hand practically mother birds food down my throat."
"Have your fill. At least one of the last things I'll see is my friend being truly happy. Doing what he wants to do."
Fizz stopped munching down the chips and looked you in the eyes. "Listen. The little princess might be upset but she's known for being the sweetest most forgiving being in Hell. I'm sure if you just explained to her that he kidnapped you-."
"And kinda forced himself on me." You admitted, cutting Fizz off.
"He did what?" His eyes were like saucers.
"Well… kinda? I mean… it's complicated. We were at a party with my family and then I got mad at him because he was traumatizing my niece and nephews and then I wanted to break off this engagement and I thought maybe I could get away while I was on earth. Then he appeared through my fireplace and was absolutely ready to murder my family so I made a deal with him that if he didn't hurt my family he could do whatever he wanted to me."x
"Firstly, that explains what Ozzie meant when he said something off handedly about you and the king getting frisky. Secondly, Red that's blackmail. There is no black and white to this situation. There is a clear and present danger in your life." He squeezed your shoulders and used his contact name for you.
"Yeah and right now it's name is Charlie Morningstar. She's going to kill me."
"Look everything’s going to be fine. I'll talk to Ozzie after the party about seeing if you can stay with us for a while. I'm here for you, everything is going to be okay." Fizz hugged you. You found yourself falling into his warm embrace, and for the first time in hell… you cried. You wrapped your arms around his skinny body so tight it felt like he was going to pop. You were safe. If only for a moment.
"Froggy! Where are you?" A voice called.
"Shit!" Fizz whispered in a sacred tone. "It's Ozzie. Dry your tears and stay in here okay?" Fizz opened the door right as Asmodeus was opening it from the other side. "Hi Oz."
"I thought you already came out of the closet?" Oz teased. "Hey lil hen!" He looked over to you, and took Fizz's hand.
"That's new." You remarked and followed behind them.
"Well female ducks are called Hens." Oz smiled at you.
"Oo! Looks like we're just in time for the end of the presents." Oz informed you both. They must've started early because you know that you and Fizz weren't in the pantry for half an hour.
"Aw. A wreath for the hotel! How thoughtful." Charlie smiled at your gift.
"Honey come here I want to hug you once I see what you got me."
"I'm good where I am." You said with a slight tremble in your voice. Charlie frowned and Furrowed her brow.
Lucifer opened the box and his face fell when he saw what it was. "You got me a white dildo, bedazzled with the words go fuck yourself written on it." And Go Fuck Yourself is in all capital letters too.
"Yep." You felt like you were going to pass out.
"That's disgusting." Charlie glared at you.
"To be fair I was going to get him a single sock instead but I couldn’t find anywhere that sold one sock and I didn't want to throw away money and throw away a sock."
"Can you please have a little more class than that? You're going to be the queen of Hell soon."
"Oh yes because if Hell's known for anything it's there upstanding citizens."
"Those are my people!"
"No, they're not! Your people are currently being treated like chew toys for the amusement of the rich. Your people are being abused and unfairly paid, sometimes not even being paid, while you and your father are profiting from their pain. Your people are the Imps and the Hellhound, and all the other Hellborn. Why is it that everyone in this room out ranks me in terms or raw power and/or social status and yet, I'm the only one who has actually done something for the Imps. So I restate what's on this dildo here. Both of you can go FUCK yourselves! After all the pain I’ve been through for the past 4 months, I’ve had enough! Good night and I hope you have a Merry Fucking Sinsmas!"
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lunajay33 · 7 months
New World🍂Part 2!
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world
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It’s been about a week since we got to the quarry and everything has been going smoothly…..well as smoothly as things could go with Merle around, he teased both Daryl and I every night that he stayed in the tent but in his gross ways that he talks
But I tried to put it to the side because I had my best friend with me and that’s all I could ask for
Today was a new day and we were running low on supplies so some people decided to go on a run to the city
“Hey y/n do you wanna come in the run with us?” Glenn asked as he came over to the table Daryl and I were sitting at
“She ain’ goin no where” Daryl answered before I got the chance
“I could help though”
“I ain’ risking your life out there, I need ya here where it’s safe, Merle can go in yer place” he said trying to plead with me
“Wow baby brother tryin to feed me to the walkers” Merle laughed as he came and sat next to me throwing his arm around my shoulder
Merle always did this, he thought it got a role out of Daryl, plus it made me damn uncomfortable
“Merle get your hands off me” I said swatting his arm away
“Yer a damn brat we should’ve left ya to the walkers” Daryl gave him a look that I’m glad I’ve never gotten, it honestly gave me the chills
“Fine I’ll go, only cause I gotta find me some more pills” he laughed before he left to get his shit together
Glenn had long go left knowing how Merle was with any person that wasn’t white here
“So ummm what are you gonna do today?” I asked feeling awkward now
“Gonna head out hunting, try and find somethin, might take awhile” he said as he cleaned his arrows
“Please be safe out there”
“Always am” he grunted but I saw a lift at his lips making me smile
The day went on as we all carried on with our chores, I missed Daryl it’s only been a few hours but he was my biggest constant now and the fear of him alone placed a heavy weigh in my chest, but I know he’s knows how to handle himself out there……but still
Some of the girls and I were hanging clothes and it helped clear my mind
“I miss my straightener” Andrea said
“I miss my kitchen, making home made dinners every night” Lori smiled reminiscing
“…….i miss my vibrator” I stated as all the girls laughed
“Me too” Andrea and Carol said in unison making us all cry laughing now
“Y/n why do you need a vibrator when you got that Dixon basically sowed to your hip” Andrea said
“I…..I don’t know what you’re talking about” I would’ve said he was just my best friend like before but that’s not how it felt to me anymore
“Oh come on sweetie we all see how you both ogle at eachother when you think no one else sees, or when you’re doing chores he’s looking at you like you hung the moon in the sky, it’s adorable” Lori stated making me blush
“Don’t tell him please, I don’t want to ruin anything between us” I admitted
“Ooooooo I told you” Amy said pushing Andrea’s arm
“I guess I’ve felt it deep down for a long time, I mean he’s the whole package but, I’m just plain ol’ me, he could have anyone he wanted” I said clipping on of his shirts to the line
“You’re hilarious, if anything he doesn’t deserve you, girl you’re hot” Amy laughed
“Sure whatever, just everyone better keep their mouths shut”
I loved talking with the girls it always felt like we were back in the normal world, when all we had to worry about was paying bills
As we were tidying up I decided to take a nap, I couldn’t get much sleep last night with Merle’s snoring, so I told the girls and headed to my tent
I woke up abruptly to a ruckus outside so I quickly unzipped the tent and ran out with my knife Daryl gave me, tight in hand
“He was a danger to us all he would’ve gotten us killed” this new guy said
Daryl was about to jump this guy when Shane got him in a choke hold, I ran over and pushed Shane off him
“What the hell is wrong with you, don’t EVER touch him like that again” I yelled at Shane
I knew Daryl past, hell I was the one usually to help get him through it and I know he didn’t like others touching him like that
I kneeled infront of Daryl and held his shoulder
“Are you okay” I asked worried
“ ‘m fine” he said swatting my hand away and standing up, it hurt but I understood
“Rick is going back to get him aren’t you” Lori said seeming angry
“Ya, I’ll get a group and we’ll head back for him, I won’t leave him out exposed, well he’s four tomorrow morning”
“Fine” Daryl groaned as he left out into the woods
I quickly followed him seeing him walk back and forth in the same spot I could tell he was fuming, he had a hard time controlling his temper sometimes
“Daryl I’m sorry” I said stopping him from his wandering
“Damn guy just shows up and now my brothers gone, the hell is wrong with him”
“We will find him, eventually you guys will find each other, you always do” I said pushing his hair back out of his face
He was quiet for some time trying to calm down I assume
“Sorry ‘bout before, I shouldn’ have smacked yer had away like that”
“Daryl it fine I just want you to be okay” I smiled
“It’s not”
“Come we need to get some food in ya and we should go down to the quarry and wash first it’s been a while” I took his hand and led him down the trail to the crystal blue water
“Do you wanna go first?” I asked
“Nah, go ahead” he motioned to the water as he sat on the rocky shore
He looked away as I stripped down and glided into the warm water, I was covered up to my shoulders when he looked back but this was clear water I’m sure he saw a little something but…I wasn’t apposed to it
“Me and the girls were talking earlier” I said as I ran my hand over my dirty skin
“Ya? ‘Bout what?”
“What we miss, some said straighteners, cooking in a nice kitchen, what do you miss Daryl?” I cupped my hands and let the water run through my hair
“Mm…probably our dinners, and the drives we’d take on Merle’s bike at night”
I remember those nights so fondly, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him close as my hair flew behind me, the smell of him surrounding me, the cigarette and woodsy smell I adored so much
“I miss it too”
“What was yer answer to the girls” and my cheeks instantly exploded with heat
“Ummm nothing” I squeaked out
Which he obviously could tell I was lying
“Really? You miss nothing at all” he smirked his conniving smirk he knows I loath
“Maybe a few things”
“What do I gotta do fer ya to tell me?”
“Hmmm the only way I tell you is if you don’t laugh”
“Fine, now tell me”
God this was so embarrassing
“I said I missed…..my vibrator” I squeaked out the last part feeling my heart in my throat
I heard him choke obviously shocked by my response
“I told you not to make fun of me”
“I ain’ just can’t believe ya really used those thangs” he said trying to compose himself
“I’m a woman Daryl I have needs”
“What ‘bout them guys you talked too?”
“They never got past the part of getting to know each other, too many pricks in our town”
“Ya I get that, best ya don’t waist her time, ya deserve better”
I cleared my throat down with this embarrassing conversation
“Umm I’m done, your turn”
(I’m gonna change from using *i* to *you* instead it’s just easier to write that way!)
After we were both washed up we headed back to came, ate our food and went to the tent
“I’ll take Merle’s bag tonight” Daryl said
“Oh okay” we changed and laid down
An hour went by and you couldn’t sleep, it was freezing without Daryl, you rolled over and whispered
“Daryl? Are you still awake?”
“Mmm” he grunted from an answer
“Can you come back to our sleeping bag, it’s too cold without you” you whined desperate for some warmth
You couldn’t see it but his eyes were wide open from shock, he didn’t say anything but he came back over and climbed in behind you
“ ‘course” he whispered before his snores started to lull you to sleep
The next day went on and they were gone looking for Merle for a long time, and it was worrying you, the sun was now setting and your belly felt like a knot of stress
As everyone was sitting around the fire Amy got up to use the washroom, a few minutes later she was screaming, you turned around and walkers were surrounding the camp coming from everywhere
You took your knife and jammed it into the walkers that came near you, until a big one stumbled over and fell ontop of you, you struggled until an arrow shot it dead, well…. forever dead now
It was pulled off of you and Daryl picked you up and held you against his chest, you wrapped you arms around him feeling lucky to have him back and safe
“Are ya okay?” He asked looking you over for bites
“I’m okay, are you okay D?”
“Fine, Merle got away, knew he’d be comin back to take revenge”
Everything died down, the camp lost a lot of people, when the sun rises we buried our dead and burned the walkers
“Where do we go now, it’s not safe here anymore” Lori asked the group but mostly Rick and Shane
“We head to the CDC that’s the only place I can think will still be running”
So after everyone packed up we got in our cars and were off, thankfully it was just Daryl and you in his truck, giving you both some much needed peace
“Do you think we’ll be safe at the CDC?” you asked looking over at him
“We best be, we ain’ got much more places to go”
You could see the worry in his body tension, and the way he talked, sure he was a grump with everyone else but not you, never you
“We’ll find something Daryl, as long as we have each other” he looked at you and looked back at the road nodding
We’d be okay…….right?
Need some ideas for this story please put you suggestions in the comments
Taglist: @thebadbatch2022 @writer-ann-artist @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites
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juiceedapplee · 2 months
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Con-Artists and You: How to Get Scammed
Sampo x gn!reader
A new item has been added to the menu!
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—Sampo has scammed and lied way too often to not be considered a con-artist. Being a con-artist has its ups and downs of course, you get money and meet people but you also risk getting your ass kicked. Thank god you’re around though, what would our dear old Sampo do without you?
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Here you stand, wondering what went wrong and why you no longer have any credits or shields in your wallet.
Did you get robbed? Mugged? No, the only time you went out before right now was to get your mail and take a short walk around and you were pretty sure no one ran off with your purse.
Okay, then did you lose it? Of course not, losing money isn’t that easy when you leave your wallet in the same place everyday and keep track of your finances. So then you must have been scammed or bought something no?
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Dammit. You recall meeting Sampo earlier, thinking you’d take a stroll since the weather was nice. Well how did he scam you? Last time I checked you were pretty good at detecting scams. Hey! It isn’t your fault that whenever Sampo shows up you can’t help but lose yourself in his eyes. It’s his for having those genes. And the way he laughs and talks with his hands, trying to get you to help him with something. “You’ll help me right?” Sampo asks you, a sort of desperation in his voice. And you, who have not really paying attention just nod and go “Mhm! I’d love to” “Wonderful! I’ll text you when I need ya! Welp, I gotta be off I have veery important business to attend to.” Sampo says as he waves good bye and walks off.
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But if that’s not how you lost your money then how? Well, after Sampo sent you a text, you went out to meet him. And there he was, holding a few bags standing around, waiting for you to show up. “Ah! There you are, I was wondering if you could a-bla-blah-blah” Yep. You decided to tune him out in favor of staring at his lips move, occasionally nodding your head and saying “Yeah.” “Mhm.” “Totally.”
“Then I’ll be sure to treat you dinner to repay you, my dear friend.” Oh, is it a date? No. “Wow, I can’t believe we’re going on a date.” Is what you think in your head, muting that part of yourself that says that no, it isn’t a date and he literally just called you friend. “Alright then if you could just hand me the money than that would be great!”
What? Money? When did he? Oh. It must of been when you were tuning him out. Oopsies! What can you do other than give it to him now, plus, he’s gonna take you out to dinner! You pull out your wallet and hand it to him, telling him to “Just take what you need! I get paid soon anyway.” That’s a lie. “Wow, you really are so nice. Yknow, I like to think im just a hard working guy, someone who just wants to live his life but keeps getting roped into other people’s problems. Oh woe is me.” He says as he takes every bit of cash out your wallet. “Well I’ll see you around friend! I’ll text ya when I can take you out for dinner!”
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Ah. So that’s how that happened. 😐
Well, in your defense, I guess you were so unfocused that you couldn’t have been able to know what would’ve happened, if only he wasn’t so pretty, and if only you weren’t so in love with him.
So here you are, standing outside, no money in your wallet and a craving for stone grilled olm. Well, at least Sampo will take you out to dinner, eventually.
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This drink contains
A small cash grab: $5.00
A bomb shaped ice cube: ¢.25
A dash of delusion: $1.50
Total: $6.75
I decided to spontaneously start a new fic and it was gonna be “how to not get scammed” with reader kicking his ass but I decided against it, I also didn’t go in that direction anyway. But I thought why not make a fic about the man who inspired my theme (and my bbg)
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moontyun · 12 days
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Pairing: prince!Jungwon x peasant!reader Genre: romance, lost friends, attempted humor, attempted angst?, childhood friends to lovers Synopsis: People out grow each other all of the time. That was the natural process of life, but not for him. Everywhere he turned you were there. You were always someone he could not leave behind again. He'd lost you once, he wasn't going to lose you again. Word count: 1.2K Warning(s): brief mention of death, mentions of execution
Round two
The whole room was being torn apart. Clothes littered the floor. Jewelry hanging off of light fixtures, the curtains practically torn down from the windows. You searched every little corner in the house for it. You had been searching for it for hours by now. It was starting to feel like the dahlia issue all over again. You hadn’t even thought about the necklace in years. So why now? Why out of the blue was this the most important thing to find?
You hadn’t even thought about that person in a long time. You couldn’t even remember what he looked like, nevermind what his name was. What you did know was that his mother did not particularly like you. You had only met her once and you knew immediately that she did not want you around her son. Once was enough for her to get her point across for you. You remembered the day she kicked you out. The look of absolute disgust she had for you, the anxiousness that had crossed your friends face, that was something you wouldn’t forget.
You attempted to sneak your way back into the palace but every time you tried, you could not find a way in. The hole in the fence was filled in with brick and cement. As solid as it could be. The only way around it was to jump over it and you succeeded once. The next day, a sharp barbed wire topper was put in place. You missed hanging out with him, he was your friend. But if it was really this difficult to see him, it wasn’t worth you risking getting hurt just to see him.
A few years past and you soon forgot all about him having met new people and making new friends. Friends like Riki, who was lazing around in the bedroom as you continued to throw things around. “You know, when I invited you over today, I thought, wow you know who would be useful in helping me?” You paused, he looked at you expectantly, “Heeseung.” his smirk fell, “But he was busy today. So get up and help me, you toad.”
Riki clicked his tongue before getting up and helping you look. “It’s been missing for years, you aren’t going to find it.” Maybe he was right, you had been looking for hours and still couldn’t find anything. “It didn’t mean all that much to you, if you lost it.” Not necessarily true. You always lost things. You had no sense of object permanence. Riki had given you a key to his house multiple times but someway, somehow, you always managed to lose it. Heeseung had given you a bracelet for your birthday last year and you had done a good job of keeping it on you at all times for the first couple of months. But sooner or later, it went missing. Heeseung was so upset when you lost it. Good thing you found that a couple of minutes ago, immediately, you put it on your wrist.
“Just because I lose things doesn’t mean they aren’t important. I just don’t pay attention to where I put them.” you continued to rummage through all of your things. “Maybe it’s in the living room...” You mumbled to yourself. You got up and rushed to the living room, leaving Riki in the hell hole that was your room.
“Your mom is going to be pissed you tore up the living room!” He shouted from behind you.
“I’ll just blame it on you!” You replied, as you started to riffle through every single drawer.
Riki walked into the living room and started to help you look here, “What’s so important about it, anyway?” You couldn’t answer that. There wasn’t really anything to answer it with other than a friend from years ago had given it to you and you had a dream two nights ago about it and have had a drive to find it since then. There was nothing more to it. You shrugged in response, he didn’t really need an answer right now, you figured you could explain it better once you found it.
Finally, you sat down, feeling defeated. It had been hours and you still had no idea where the cute necklace was. It was beginning to look like a lost cause until Riki sat down next to you, holding up the necklace, dangling it in the light. The sunlight hitting it just right to make it glitter and sparkle. “Don’t lose it again.” Your face lit up with relief. He’d found it, just like he’d found the dahlia field. Sometimes it was like he was a magician. A little weird magician.
You took the necklace and immediately placed it around your neck. “Where was it?” you asked, excitedly.
“Hanging from your ceiling fan.” He was happy to see you so happy about having it back, “Now, are you ready to tell me why it’s important all of a sudden?”
Candles flickered down the dark hallway. There wasn’t a single sound, a pin being dropped on the other side of the room could be heard. The palace had never been this quiet before. Usually, the place would be bustling with people rushing about getting their chores done or prepping for a meeting that was happening that morning. The energy was very different today, it was like someone had died.
Something definitely was not right. He continued down the hallway reaching the king’s audience chamber. As he got closer, he could hear hushed voices through the door. His father’s booming voice, trying to whisper, was a bit silly for him to even attempt to do. His father's voice carried no matter how much he tried to remain quiet. Jungwon slowly opened the door, getting a better listen to the conversation.
“-execute their king? Have you- Prince Jungwon,” His father’s general of war stopped, “What are you doing here?”
Execute what king? There was only one other king he knew of, was on the other side of the country now. The two had grown up as acquaintances, going to family picnics, celebrating the holidays together. He just earned the title of king a few months ago, his father had passed on and now it was his time to reign. “Sunghoon?” He was still so young, to rip him away from his mother so soon after her own husband had passed would be cruel. He could not lose a friend. He was already short in supply.
The king let out a huff, “So glad my son has decided to join us in this matter.” He said, coldly. “Please have a seat, Jungwon.”
He didn’t like the ice in his father’s tone. He knew what it meant, if made one wrong move he was gone. The memory of the ghost room and the demons that lived in there came rushing back. He did as he was told, like he always did. Sitting there silently, Jungwon continued to listen in on the conversation.
He wasn’t going to speak out of turn, he wasn’t going to do anything that would cause more damage than was already done. “Executing their king would be going too far, we need him. He’s the puppet we need.”
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clangenrising · 5 months
Wow <3
Thank you guys so much for all of the amazing feedback during the Battle with Razor. And another, special thanks to @tiritirimatangi and the ClanGen team for the amazing game and for the special easter eggs included in the Myths and Mysteries update that is soon to be published. Seriously, without any of you guys, my fans included, I could not have made RisingClan what it is and I am SO thankful.
We recently passed the one year anniversary of this blog which is CRAZY to me. I have never stuck with a project this consistently for this long and I am amazed at the kind of stuff I've been able to put out. I have big plans for the story going forward that I am so excited to share with you guys.
However, this blog is a lot of work. I spend days a week writing for RisingClan and lately I haven't had the time to draw much art to go along with it, especially since I've had to get a day job. I want to do more with RisingClan, but at the moment, that's tricky. Several people have recommended that I start a Patreon or something to help and I was hesitant because I didn't want to get into any legal trouble but I recently learned that, as long as you don't use any official Warrior Cats branding, Warrior Cats is completely fine with people making money off of their fan works which is such a relief.
SO! I have some questions and I would love to hear your feedback on them.
If I started a Patreon, what kind of Patreon rewards would you be interested in seeing? What would you be willing to pay for those rewards? Is this something you would be interested in at all?
I think this could be a really good next step for this blog that would allow me a bit more freedom to pursue creative projects but I also am hesitant to get over excited when it comes to something like this. I'm sure you all saw the fiasco with Watcher.TV and I definitely don't want to make the same mistakes they did.
No matter what happens with the Patreon, I will never put any of the stuff you've been seeing behind a paywall. RisingClan is a project I want to share with my community and I'm not going to charge people to engage with my art. I also want to make sure that what I might provide on my Patreon feels like it is worth whatever you are being charged, even if that's just 1 dollar a month. I'm not here to get rich. I don't want anyone putting themself at financial risk on my behalf. All I want is to be able to feel a little more able to spend time on RisingClan without worrying that I'm being irresponsible.
Thank you again for following me so far and for being so amazing. I really could not ask for a better audience. I look forward to hearing your feedback, whatever it may be.
With so much love, ~ Rowan
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halogenwarrior · 2 months
I posted this as a reply to someone else's post but I want to make it its own post because the original didn't get any likes or reflags, maybe because it didn't show up in the tags.
My take on the hate for Cassie Animorphs that you see a lot is that the perception is that Cassie makes decisions that are questionable or flawed but always turns out to be right in the end because of author fiat/favoritism, which I don't think is accurate when you analyze things deeply though I can see why people say so.
The thing is, how it usually works when the Animorphs are having an argument about morality is that the "failure mode" (the consequences of the action if it doesn't work out) of Cassie's suggestion or decision is that the war is completely lost and all of humanity is enslaved or killed by the Andalites, while the "success mode" is that a small amount of beings are saved and/or there will be a long-term ripple effect that leads to benefits for a lot of beings, both in terms of making the war more winnable and benefits that extent outside the war entirely. For example, letting Tom have the blue box would have led to the loss of the war if the gamble didn't pay off, and does have negative consequences for the war that could have easily led to them losing, but its positive impact is in both Yeerk and Taxxon defectors helping the Animorphs in the war and in, from a "humanitarian" perspective, Yeerks and Taxxons being offered a better choice besides war and conquest or the personal consequences of having to live in their standard bodies.
Meanwhile the "failure mode" of following the plan of someone like Marco can also sometimes be that the Animorphs will just lose the war, or sometimes that they will be back where they started (which is still a difficult and hopeless position with the Yeerks' greater numbers and more advanced technology), while the "success mode" is that they get that much closer to winning the war, such that if they continually forego opportunities like this they will have no chances of winning at all.
And for this reason, it is true that generally, when the others decide to go with Cassie's decision despite those risks, or Cassie acts on her beliefs anyway without the permission of the others, she turns out to be right and they don't all get killed or become Controllers. The plot armor and narrative conventions that they can't have the main characters just lose there, which is usually what will happen if they listen to Cassie and she is wrong. BUT the narrative shows the balance between Cassie's perspective and someone like Marco's both having their places in a different way; by showing the situations where the others don't go through with Cassie's plan, and Cassie is unable or unwilling to do her own thing or sabotage them. Such as blowing up the Yeerk pool in #52, which she explicitly opposes morally. But the others don't agree with Cassie and do it anyway, and it works, and it's clear they would have just lost the war there if they had sided with Cassie. Due to the restraints of the narrative, Cassie being wrong is usually indicated not by the others listening to Cassie or failing to stop her from taking action and her failing, but of them doing the opposite of what Cassie wants and succeeding. It's not as flashy and obvious, the other Animorphs don't sit there and say "wow we are so glad we didn't listen to Cassie or we would all be dead and humanity would be enslaved, isn't she dumb", but it's clear from the consequences of the narrative that she was wrong in that case.
The only exception where they were able to illustrate Cassie being wrong in the opposite way, where they take her side and do what Cassie wants and it's wrong, is with regards to throwing away the device to reprogram the Chee (initially what Cassie wanted and the others did not). This leads to consequences in the last book where it forces Jake to get the Chee's participation by threats and force instead, leading directly to Rachel and Tom's death and the escape of Tom's ship. And this comes down to the consequences happening in the last book of the series, meaning that while it doesn't lose them the war the narrative isn't as restricted to keeping all the main characters alive that it can't demonstrate permanent consequences to following Cassie's idea. But in other cases, Cassie isn't always right but her being wrong is demonstrated by the implications of what would have happened if they listened to her rather than what did happen when they did.
Overall I think her character is treated in a pretty balanced way between her perspective being right and wrong, although the narrative framing (out of necessity due to having to write within the constraints of not having the main characters lose and be killed/enslaved) drawing more attention to the times when she is right makes it look otherwise!
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sarcastic-positivity · 10 months
(This is a one-shot I wrote based on the gerry x Tim roomates AU. It ended up a lot longer than I intended, but yk lol.)
Title: Another failed attempt at love
When Tim finally made it to the floor, his flat was on he stomped down the long hallway until he reached the door, where his flatmate, and more importantly, his bed was waiting for him.
He unlocked the door fumbling with his keys out of anger. He felt so stupid, he should've quit dating apps a long time ago but here we are. He shut the door louder than he intended and flinched at the realization. He wasn't sure if Gerry was awake or not, and he didn't want to risk waking that nightmare. Gerry needed his rest and lord help anyone who stand in his way.
But as soon as Tim turned to face the sitting room of his flat, if you could even call it that, he heard a raspy voice come from the unmoving figure sitting on the couch. "That bad huh?"
Gerry was sitting on the sofa, the only source of illumination being the graphics tablet sitting in his lap. His makeup was still on, though slightly smudged. Although Tim wasn't sure if that was intentional or not. Gerrys leather platforms were sitting off to the side in front of the couch as they usually sit, Tim was pretty sure there are dents in the dirty carpet where they sit.
"What are you a bloody vampire? Turn a light on!" Tim flipped the switch to his right and the room lit up. Gerry winced at the sudden light and indistinctly closed his eyes and tried to adjust.
"Unfortunately, no." The Gothic boy said sarcastically from where he sat. "So, did the date go well or not? You seem pissy."
Tim sighed and made his way across the room, "how difficult is it to pay for YOUR BLOODY MEAL!? He offered to pay or me! And then WHOOPS, forgot his wallet!" Tim waved his hands around to accentuate each word. He plopped down next to his flatmate as gracefully as a toddler doing a belly flop. "And I mean, I'm fine with paying for myself, but HE offered to pay! And then I had to pay for us BOTH!?" He continued.
"Wow, you've had a hell of a day." Gerry said mockingly.
But that was lost on the angry man sitting next to him. "Yeah! And he didn't even ask me any questions he just talked about himself and his ex the whole time." Tim sat with his arms crossed like a pouting child, mostly as a joke, but he was genuinely upset. There was a gap of silence where the two men sat in the thick tension filled air.
"Well, anyways, what are you drawing?" Tim broke the silence and leaned over the poorly died black haired man next to him.
"Eh, nothing, I just decided to draw you as a warm-up sketch. I'm gonna add some of the other archive workers." Tim looked into the bright tablet and saw a gorgeous drawing that shared his face. It honestly looked better than Tim did on a good day. It sure as hell didn't look like a bloody warm-up.
"That's amazing" he thought. He didn't realize untill Gerry responded that he had said it out loud.
"I mean, I've done better." Gerry said uncharacteristically shyly.
"Whats with the sudden humbleness? I thought you were good at everything?" Tim said sarcastically, and playfully elbowed his flatmate.
"I'm not good at everything, I'm just better than you." Gerry said with a smug smirk and a look in his eyes that somehow always seemed to make Tim nervous.
"Yeah, right." Tim teased, trying to hide the twisting feeling in his stomach and the rising temperature of his face.
Gerry went back to his drawing when he was finished teasing his flatmate. Tim watched him draw, he always did. But his eyes couldn't help but wonder to the artist. Gerry's dark gray eyes and smuged eyeliner were illuminated by the glowing tablet. The bright screen exentuated his features in a way that made Tim's face grow hotter.
Tim liked his Gothic roommate ever since they got to know eachother. They met through Jon, oddly enough. Apparently Gerry's mom worked in the institute in the 90's or something? Tim didn't really know the details, but based on how Gerry practically flinched each time she was brought up, Tim didn't want to ask. Gerry needed a place to live and Tim was barely affording his flat at the time, so they teamed up and Gerry moved in.
Tim didn't know how difficult it would be to live with the guy. He was only a year or two younger than Tim and he was hot, so he thought he would just jokingly flirt with him, from time to time like he did with everyone else and it wouldn't be a problem. Well little did he know that Gerry was also a huge tease, mostly to Tim which he thought was weird. Tim was really only on the giving end on the overly flirtatious friend, but Gerry would always find ways to knock him off his feet. Tim didn't know he had a thing for goths untill Gerry. Or maybe Tim just had a thing for Gerry.
"See something ya like?" Tim caught himself staring at Gerry's lips, that were twisted up into a smug smirk. That fucking smirk. Tim felt his face grow impossibly hotter as he tried to explain himself.
"I, well, I- I mean" Why was he bumbling like an idiot? He was good at this? This was his thing? He was the one who got people flustered, not the other way around. Tim heard Gerry start to laugh. God he loved Gerry's laugh. It was scratchy yet soft, it was like a shitty knitted jumper. But God it was cute. Tim watched the other man's lips as they laughed free of malice. He found himself leaning towards his gorgeous flatmate looking up into his eyes. Gerry suddenly stopped laughing and made a suprised expression. His pale face grew a bright shade of red as he looked at the man sitting next to him. He took a quick look at his lips then back to his large eyes.
Gerry quickly closed the distance between him and the other man. Tim genuinely couldn't believe he was kissing Gerry Keay. The man who flirted with him for more than a year and never actually made a move. Tim scooted closer trying to deepen the kiss. Gerry pulled away for a moment and before Tim could start to apologize for what he'd done. Gerry quickly moved the tablet from his lap and was back with his lips on Tim's.
Tim lifted his hand and placed it on the back of Gerry's neck. Gerry slightly parted his lips as an invitation and Tim quickly took it. Gerry supported himself on Tim's shoulders and Tim moved his hands to the other man's waist. Gerry was wearing an oversized jumper with a band that Tim didn't recognize, but it didn't really matter because Gerry swiftly pulled it off and threw it behind him. As Gerry moved to continue snogging his flatmate, Tim planted his hand on his chest to stop him.
"Why?" Gerry scrunched his brows in a puzzled expression and Tim continued. "Why are you doing this? Do you actually have feelings for me or is this just a fling?"
Tim was always awful with his words when it mattered most, but he felt he got his point across.
Gerry snickerd at his words and grabbed Tim's face with his tattoo clad hands "Tim Stoker, I have been in love with you for months." Tim lifted his brows in suprise.
"You wot?" Is all he could think of in response. The long haird man sitting next to him laughed, hands still wrapped around Tim's face. He pressed their foreheads together as Tim started to laugh as well.
The two men laughed together for a while. "I just, I never thought you actually had feelings for me." Tim said, the blood instantly flowing to his cheeks.
"I flirt with you all the time!?" Gerry responded throwing his hands in the air dramatically.
"You flirt with everyone!" Tim argued.
"No, no, no, you flirt with everyone. I only flirt with people I'm interested in and people who respond in funny ways. You just so happend to be both." Gerry looked at Tim with a smug expression and had the absolute gawl to wink! At the man who's already practically melting by the fact that the sexy goth he's shared a flat with for a year and a half, is in love with him. Tim felt his blood rushing a little further south than he'd like, so he turned away so as not to have even another problem on his hands.
"I love it when your shy." Gerry says with a smile. Tim turns and immediately grabs him by the neck of his t-shirt and kisses him. Gerry grabs his face and leans into the kiss.
"How's that for shy?" Tim says, pleasantly grinning at Gerry. The other man rolls his eyes and pulls Tim in for another kiss.
"Shut up, you tease."
Omggggg love love love
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the Toyota Yaris is my babygirl... (I have a 2002 one which I named Tilly)
can I learn some more about my car maybe?
Call yourself Dr. Pepper because you can!
I have made a helpful diagram to illustrate.
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Very happy someone asked about the car me dad was gonna buy, so I get to show its funky optical-illusion digidash that, through some magic I must say still eludes me, is made to look a lot further than it is so your eyes don't have to refocus to glance at it.
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And I know what you're thinking - "Wow, digidashes are so cool, if only there was a website that collected them all" and my dear where do you think I got this image from? ;) But there's another cool thing about this image, speaking of it - what's with the coordinates in the lower display? Well it turns out that's why that button at the bottom right says "NAVI" above it - for the low low price of an absolute fucking fortune that it seems no one was willing to pay you could get your Yaris fitted with a little underseat satellite navigation unit that fed off map CDs (because people who say things were better back in the day just don't remember the details that well) and gave you directions in return!
"But wait", I hope and pray you're thinking so I get to do the reveal, "where's the screen then?" Well it's right there! What more screen do you need to be given a turn and a distance?
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And that's not even all the cool tech that the Yaris ever got! In 2004, they made a special version called "Yaris Blue", available in blue, blue and blue, which offered steering wheel controls and what color was that tooth again ah right Bluetooth!
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Hm. I wonder what website this image came from. Guess we'll never know. Anyway, imagine life in 2004 with a decked out Yaris: electric windows, a sunroof, Bluetooth and satnav, a wicked digidash... what else did you need? Hell, what else do you need today? Maybe a bit of space, but that was taken care of by the Yaris Verso that was introduced alongside it a couple years later! It married Toyota reliability and quality with a surprisingly spacious mini-MPV body style, with the only problem of being phantasmagorically ugly.
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yeah. I don't think even in Japan you couldn't find one that looks decent.
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Hm. I'm gonna need to sample the public on this one, but the fact that they call it Fun Cargo there may risk swaying me over.
They also did other fun things with the Mk1 Yaris in Japan, like calling it Vitz, giving it a turbo version because of COURSE, and making it one of Gran Turismo's most famous surprise win cars. You know how Gran Turismo has made many people, including some of y'all, fall in love with some cars? Yeah. I suspect it's done the opposite here. It is worth noting, here, that Gran Turismo random car prizes were not influenced by what cars you already had. Do you see where I am going with this.
Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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thatpunkmaximoff · 8 months
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[Book One of Three]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 3 out of 5
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m in love with a demon. Harley Laroux did not disappoint with this book and I’m so glad there’s two more in this series!
At first Rae bugged the hell out of me because of her stupidity, but then I realized the girl was just trying to survive. As any human would. And at least Leon loved her brattiness. His punishments were… wow.
And the whole Leon giving Rae his metal scene… fucking. swoon!
Dear lord, I loved it.
I loved it all.
Now here are my rambling thoughts...
* I’m already team demon. I don’t like this pompous Kent guy. Or his children.
* Kent’s son Jeremiah is such a little bitch lol
* What the fuck is waking up that gives a DEMON chills?!
* Oohhhh. Rae found a grimoire of her own 😏
* Who the fuck is this security guard and what just happened..?
* Wait.. Leon is the security guard?! lol. Demon asshole. Okay, it’s fine then.
* “I don’t tell stories for free, doll.” // “Yeah? What’s your price?” // “You, on your knees, begging for my cock down your throat.”
* Goddamn. Leon’s bold. I fucking love it 😂
* Aw damn. Leon’s got a hot friend. Another demon? And then Victoria noticed Rae checking out Leon. Not good 😬
* Well hello, Zane. I love you already lmao.
* Oh fuck. That alley scene. Get some, Rae.
* Fuck the Hadleigh’s for wanting Rae dead.
* And he fucking lost the grimoire… Kent fucking lost the book that kept Leon bound to him. Leon’s free!!!
* I have a feeling Everly “donated” the book and that’s how Rae got it when her friend from the library gifted it to her.
* Oh hell. That creepy thing was stalking Rae. And Leon saved her. God, I want a Leon.
* She totally just accidentally summoned a demon 😂 Time to play, Leon.
* “I don’t make idle threats. If you run out of here, then I’m going to hunt you. I’m going to catch you. And when I do- when I do, I’ll make you scream.”
* Well I was gonna stop reading for the night, but Leon just showed his forked tongue. I’m intrigued.
* Aw damn. Of course they’d be cockblocked by an Eld- that creepy as fuck creature that hunts humans.
* Holy shit. The way he ate her out and then fucked her… yeah, she’s totally giving up that soul of hers.
* Aw fuck. Why did Everly steal the grimoire? If she didn’t “donate” it, then how did it end up in the library? And please don’t let her father know she has it.
* Aww. Poor Cheesecake. The Eld snatched the car up and Leon’s totally risking his life for Rae’s cat 😂
* Rae is starting to piss me off. Just listen to the demon!
* Serves you right. You wanna argue, not you gotta squirm through your classes.
* …and now she’s invited him inside to patch up his wounds 😩 Just give him your soul!
* “I was like you once. I think I envy you, to still look at the world with such fascination.” // “You can still. Why not?” // “If you live in the dark long enough, you’ll forget what the light feels like.”
* I knew they were gonna fuck, but goddamn that was… intense lol.
* After everything, this bitch STILL wants to ask the Hadleigh’s for help?! I fucking hope they sacrifice her now. She’s so stupid.
* Now you’re trying to bind him and command him to protect you? Rae, you’re fucking up. I hope Leon makes you pay.
* And punish her he did. Goddamn.
* “I want you. Irrevocably. But I can’t settle for less than all of you. Body and soul, Raelynn. We demons, when we see something we like, we need to possess it. It’s in our nature.”
* Told you, you should have given him your soul. Now he’s gonna leave and the Hadleigh’s are gonna sacrifice your ass.
* Well shit. Everly has the grimoire and has an Archdemon protecting her. This is going to end swell.
* Goddamn. Callum the Archdemon fucked up Leon 😂
* Awww. Everly gave him his sigil back.
* Oh my fucking god. Did you really go to the Hadleigh’s for a party? You’re so goddamn stupid, Rae.
* Of course Jeremiah is gross enough to roofie Rae. I knew this party was just a ploy to get their next sacrifice. Thank god for Zane and “Sam”. And now Leon is here. Yay!
* Fuck. Kent was waiting for them 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Leon pierced her nipples. Why was that so hot 🥵 😂
* Whoa. Kent’s dead? A little anticlimactic, no? But which psycho will have after Rae now? The God has a Kynes, a Hadleigh, and now It just needs a Lawson. Rae is so not in the clear.
* Fucking hate Jeremiah.
* Oh my god 😭 Leon saying goodbye before he takes on the Reaper. I’m not okay. Fuck this.
* Oh my god… no matter that she’s marked for the God, she still carved Leon’s name into her flesh and gave him her soul. HE’S ALIVE!!!
* Omg I’m so happy. They both lived and she gave a big middle finger to that God.
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
12 Days of Christmas (2022)
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| Masterlist | Taglist | Ao3 | Social Media | Discord 18+ | Chapter 10 |
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9 | Nine Ladies Dancing
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Prompt: You’re volunteering at the local homeless shelter on Christmas, despite the cold, you don’t really want to go home afterwards.
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: fingering, vaginal sex, semi-public sex, anilingus, rough sex, breeding
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“Please ma’am, I want some more,” one of the men you had already served walks over to you, holding out his bowl.
“What?” You ask, not having been paying attention, staring off in the distance not wanting the night to end.
“Please, can I have some more.”
“Oh, absolutely!” You respond, a wide smile beaming at him as you use the ladle to scoop more soup into his dish.
This year for the holidays you decided to volunteer at a local homeless shelter, serving food for those in need. It’s not something you’ve traditionally done in the past, but for some reason, this year it just felt right. Like it was calling out to you.
You’ve always enjoyed helping others, and offering your time during Christmas this year hasn’t changed that. In fact, you’ve spent the week leading up to Christmas baking all sorts of goodies to bring along with you - to make sure everyone who shows up is able to get their fill.
You do, however, also have to acknowledge the fact that you don’t mind spending your time here, helping others, because going home is lonely. Especially this time of year. At least while you’re here, you get to have some form of human connection and conversation with those around.
“Sir, you can’t come back here, this is for volunteers only,” you tell an absolute mountain of a man who walks past the threshold, behind the counters. He has tousled black hair, piercing green eyes and a scar that starts at the bottom of his chin, ending just above his lip. Notably missing his shoes.
“I am a volunteer, babe. Names Toji.” He winks, voice deep, playful, immediately sending a shiver down your spine.
Your cheeks heat as you mumble an apology to him, he smirks, a deep chuckle erupting from his chest as he comes to stand by you, grabbing a ladle, helping the next person in line.
“What brings a pretty little thing like you here?” He asks curiously, you look up to him, neck craned all the way back because he’s so fucking tall. Looks like trouble too, with the scar on his lip, the teasing eyes and devilish grin.
“Just felt like helping those in need,” you’re scooping more soup into a woman’s bowl as she looks over the man standing next to you, “what about you?”
“Oh, just this and that.” He responds generically.
“Well now I really want to know.”
He grins wider, “if you say so, Princess. Stole some money from a collection basket in church. The priest said he wouldn’t press charges if I did community service.”
“Wow, you really have no shame do you?” He’s crazy obviously, probably dangerous too. But damn if he isn’t so fucking sexy, his eyes looking you up and down proving he has no shame.
Clearly you don’t either judging by the wet spot on your panties from just talking to him for a few minutes.
“Wanna find out?” His voice is somehow lower than before, he’s closer than you thought too, smells like vanilla rum and spices.
You laugh, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth, “I’m… intrigued to say the least.”
Toji’s charming, in his own way, telling you about the high risk gambling he does from time to time, though you suspect it’s more frequent than he’s letting on. He’s also funny, keeps you smiling and laughing all night until you find yourself pressed against the trunk of your car, his tongue pushed halfway down your throat.
And then he spins you around, pushing his hard length into your ass as he leans over, kisses down your neck as he swiftly unbuttons your pants, slipping his fingers into the waistband of your panties.
“Here?” You ask breathlessly..
He laughs; it’s deep, throaty and sends a jolt to the apex of your thighs, lifting you onto the trunk of your car so he doesn’t have to bend down as far. Your pants are at your ankles, bent over with your glistening pussy exposed to him.
“Fuck, look at you. So needy,” he runs his fingers between your folds, “good thing I’m in such a giving mood today.”
He slips two thick fingers into your pussy and you’re moaning, in no position to argue with him when it feels this good already. He’s curling his fingers, his thumb tracing small circles on your clit, his other large hand pushing you down so your cheek is squished against your rear window, giving him a better view.
You squeal and clench around him when you feel something wet, unexpected at your other entrance. His tongue glides over your other hole, flicking it several times as his fingers continue to pump in and out of you, hitting all the right spots.
You’d be arching your back if it weren’t for his large hand keeping you in place as his fingers speed up, continues tongue fucking you within an inch of your life.
And it’s too much, he’s too much - a thief, dangerous in ways you couldn’t imagine, and you’re coming undone at lighting speed because of him, walls spasming and fluttering around him harder than you’ve ever done before.
“Oh - oh my god - yes!” You’re shaking, coming down from your high as he pulls away, undoing his own pants and pulling them down, hand still on your back to keep you planted face down, ass up for him.
“Goddamn,” he hisses, running the head of his cock through your folds as you gasp, feeling how large he is. He’s pushing in slowly, his other hand gripping your waist hard, bound to leave bruises until he grows impatient, slamming into you until he’s fully sheathed.
And he really starts to fuck you, not giving you time to adjust to him as he snaps his hips into the plush of your ass relentlessly, viciously. It’s almost enough to make you forget you’re in a dirty back alley of a warehouse where you were both just volunteering, but the loud wet slaps of your arousal in the small space reverberating off the walls is a constant reminder.
“Fuck - nngh - you like this don’t you?” He’s leaning over you now, the weight of his large, muscular body eclipsing your own, “you’re fuckin’ filthy - come on, give daddy another.”
Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head, drooling onto your rear window that’s bound to freeze if it gets cold enough overnight, you’re trying to moan out a slew of yes’ and pleases but they just come out as strangled moans as your pussy tightens around him, squeezes him for all he’s worth.
“Gonna put a fuckin’ baby in you,” he’s growling, lips pressed to your ear as he fucks into you impossibly faster, harder, in a way those nice men you’ve dated in the past wouldn’t dare, “gonna fill you so fuckin’ full of me.”
His hips falter as he thrusts two, three times before he’s buried in as deep as he can go, letting out a strangled breathy moan as his release absolutely floods your insides.
There are a few moments of panting before he takes a deep breath, lifting up and pulling out with a wince before running his hand through his raven hair, “mind if I crash at your place for a few days. Just till after the Holidays.”
“Yeah,” you’re still trying to catch your breath, lifting off the back of the car with shaky arms and legs, “stay as long as you like.”
At least you won’t be alone for Christmas this year.
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Taglist: @z33sblog @thisbicc @septembersums @septembersummer @nothisispatrick300 @km7474 @missyasma @arisucat @watyousayin @khadeejarh
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hapan-in-exile · 5 months
Volume 4 - Post #6: Count your blessings
Another installment in this ongoing serialized fanfic
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Genre: Mandalorian x Fem! Reader
Total word count: 2K (sixth post in Volume 4)
Rating: Explicit - smut, language, +18 *NSFW*
VI. It takes the better part of a day to hide the Razor Crest under the tree canopy. At some point in the afternoon, you stop looking up from your work, expecting the Mandalorian to emerge from behind one of the tall ferns carpeting the forest floor. It often took him days to track down his quarry. He wouldn’t be back anytime soon.
Instead, you dig into another round of roasted fish and listen to Nito’s unsettling story about exactly how he gained access to the Imperial archive. Which involved the spouse of a sitting Galactic Senator and a dominatrix. 
“My concern is that Mando didn’t properly contextualize this,” you say, picking a bone out from between your teeth. “You see, sometimes consenting adults want to pretend—it’s important that they’re just pretending—because everyone participating enjoys—” 
“Ah! Stop!” He places all four hands over his ears. 
“And for the record, I’m not against paying for sex work under ethical conditions. Especially in that kind of scenario where professional expertise—”
“Stop talking!”
“Okay. Okay,” you wave him down. “The only other thing I want to say, is that I encourage you to get comfortable with the basics and develop good communication before you think about exploring—” 
The Ardennian throws a handful of fiddleheads at you. “What do I have to do to make you stop talking?!” 
“Alright, I’m done! Just know I’m here, if and when you want to talk.”
“Sure,” Nito sneers. “Cause you and Mando are so great at communicating.”
“Wow!” You glare at him. “That was mean, little sidekick.”
“Sidekick?” He practically chokes on the word. “I am not your—don’t call me sidekick.”
“Yeah? Well, don’t start slinging shit around if you don’t want to step in it.” 
You extend Nito a hand in truce and somehow manage to avoid slapping the condescending look off his face when he rolls his eyes.  
“Right. So what did you learn from these uncensored records?”
Nito had already done an extensive amount of sleuthing on the HoloNet for site plans, handbooks, technical documents, senate committee reports, and whatever else he could find about the Empire’s coaxium production on Lakaran. 
“When Ubaa Dir found us on Sriluur…I kept thinking about how the Tagge Corporation makes so much money. Everything they do is about cost-savings and shortcuts. There’s no way they would build a completely new operating system. They’ve just been overwriting and patching the old lines of Imperial code. And now I know which program they used.”
That makes you sit up straighter. “You mean…you did it? You designed something that can take over the refinery?” 
“Not just the refinery,” Nito says excitedly. “The entire facility. Door locks, alarm protocols, climate control. I can turn the decorative fountains on and off if you want me to.” 
“Nito, that’s—”
“A feat of astounding genius,” he finishes for you with a spectacularly smug look. The size of this kid’s ego probably generates its own gravity. 
“Yes, I am humbled to be in the presence of such boundless intellect. Getting back to the malware you so ingeniously created. Are you saying all I have to do is launch this program, and you’ll have remote access to the operating system?”
Nito’s bad moods usually fall somewhere along the spectrum of sarcastic brat to sulky drama queen, but the way his nostrils flare, and eyes dilate is pure outrage. He looks absolutely livid. 
“Uh, no. I’m not doing anything remotely,” he scoffs at the absurdity of your suggestion. “I need to be onsite to work on the TaggeCo network.”
“Look, Nito, I’m sorry about the snarky sidekick remark. I know it feels like being an equal member of the team means taking on equal risk, but—”
“Because I am!” He shouts. “You think my voice in your earpiece is all you need to splice into their systems? They will try to override my program with anything they can throw at it. You think Mando can deflect those kinds of attacks? Because you sure as hell can’t. You need me there.”
“That’s not our only responsibility, Nito. What are we going to do? Bring a toddler with us on a heist?”
“Yes!” Nito exclaims. 
Your jaw drops open. “When Ubaa Dir’s fighters launch a ground assault to take the refinery, some dead-eyed TaggeCorp exec back on Coruscant is going to decide whether destroying the entire facility under the cover of some ‘industrial accident’ is better for their bottom line. And if we don’t have control of the network when they make that call, everyone will die. So, yeah, you’ll be talking to me through an earpiece because I don’t want you, or the kid, anywhere near.”
“And what if someone blocks the receiver signal, huh? What if you’re in a fight, it falls out and gets crushed? What then, Thuli?” He growls at you, jaw set with conviction. “Just because you’re scared doesn’t change the fact that you need me!”
Gods, you’re so bad at navigating conflict. Your body becomes so overwhelmed with anxiety that you actually stand up from your seat next to the fire and start pacing. The Child, who had been sleeping next to you on the blanket, stirs—eyes blinking wide in confusion.
“Of course, I’m scared! We’re jeopardizing the lives of innocent people. What? Were you hoping to startle me into some kind of epiphany?!”
The Child whimpers in distress, clinging to your knees until you pick him up. “I know you resent being back on babysitting duty—”
“He’s not a baby,” Nito snaps. “And I know you know that.”
“Okay, he might be a baby, but he’s not helpless. He can…do things,” Nito says in a hushed whisper. “And if I’ve seen it, I know you’ve seen it too.”
You draw in a sharp breath and drop your gaze toward the kid. But he’s already back asleep, contented in the safety of your arms.
So…we’re finally having this conversation. Part of you reflexively wants to deny it. Honor Mando’s wishes and say nothing. Convince Nito that it’s all a figment of his overactive imagination. 
It’s painful realizing how comfortable you’ve become with dishonesty. How readily the lie springs to your lips. Erenada, this is what’s eating Humia alive—the compulsion to reach for deceit instead of truth, even when it serves no purpose.  
“What have you seen him do?”
The tension in Nito’s posture melts away. Instead, he becomes alight with fascination, eager to share this memory he’d replayed in his mind countless times. He’s so excited he can barely think straight.
“Mando tracked his bounty to Numidian Prime, but the guy nearly shot us down from the sky. I was making repairs to the engine turbine…It was so humid out that all this moisture had collected on the wing. When I opened the injector panel, these mynock came out of nowhere. Just flew at my face, attacking me. And I slipped, but…I didn’t fall. Something…caught me. Some kind of force that held onto me.”
A force. 
You recall seeing a shimmering wave when the Child moved the boulder to save Mando’s quarry trapped underneath. Like a haze over desert sand as he lifted the rock above the cave floor. And you’d thought that same thing—that it was a forcefield, somehow wielded by this tiny creature.   
Nito’s shoulders slump. “It was him. He saved me.”
The kid’s mouth twitches, his hands opening and closing while he dreamed, blissfully unaware that he’s the subject of your whispered speculation. The Mandalorian may want to hide these abilities, but they couldn’t be contained.       
“I’ve seen it, too,” you nod. “He lifted this boulder a thousand times his weight and size.”
“Do you know how he does it? I mean, you can do…stuff,” Nito raised all four arms helplessly. “You both have powers. How is it possible?” 
In this case, it’s probably best to leave the truth unspoken. If Nito knew what you were truly capable of—the things you'd done, the accidents—as a child? He would never look at you with that trusting gaze ever again. And you’re not ready to give that up.
“I’ve never heard of a Hapan able to manipulate inorganic matter. My power is tied to the connection between living things. I wield...physiology. Granted, I never finished my training. There is secret knowledge only practiced by the most revered sages. But I don’t know how he does it.”
“Can’t you just look inside his mind for answers?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I can’t read someone’s mind like pages in a book, Nito. If he were to focus on a particular thought or memory, I might witness it, but I can only sense emotion.” 
Thinking back to that day in the cave, you remember, “He felt…sadness. And guilt. Maybe it was different that time…it took him a long time to access his power because he felt so conflicted about it. Not like with you and—he saved Mando, too—from a charging Mudhorn—”
Nito huffed, and a hateful smile spread across his face. “So you and Mando have known this whole time, and you never said anything to me?”
Fuck! Kriffing hell, there’s no avoiding this…so much for that trusting gaze. 
“I—yes. Mando asked me never to speak about it, but I should have pushed back. You deserved to know. I’m sorry, Nito. I made a mistake.”
This did nothing to mollify the rage building up inside the Ardennian. He stomps forward to shove a finger in your face. 
“Well, I don’t forgive you! I don’t know why Mando doesn’t trust me…but you didn’t push back because you liked sharing a secret with him. He’s the only thing you’ve ever cared about out.”
Your head snaps back as if you’d been slapped. “Nito, that’s not—”
“And he doesn’t even care enough about you to be here. Look around, Thuli. Mando’s not here. I am!” 
Ouch! Okay, you might have deserved that. He’s right, after all. You’d been so touched that Mando trusted you with this secret, you hadn’t really thought about hurting Nito. But damn, did this kid have to rip your heart open to bury the knife in your chest? 
“Can we talk about this without—?”
“Guess what,” Nito howls so loudly that the baby shudders awake, whimpering. “I don’t trust you guys either. You’re both too stupid to do this without me. I’m going to take down that network, and I’m bringing the kid with me.” 
And he grabs the kid from your arms to tuck him into his apron pocket. With a theatrical twist of his shoulders, Nito stalks toward the Crest. 
“Nito, I don’t know how to get you inside the refinery. Why do you think I’ve been mopping floors for the past two weeks? So that I can walk in through the front gate.” 
He doesn’t even bother turning to look at you. “Then get me a transponder.”
“It doesn’t work that way!” You cry desperately after him. “There are checkpoints and scanners everywhere. I'm not wearing this thing as a costume prop!” 
This time, he stops to give you an accusatory glare. “So what about Mando, eh? I bet you know how to get him inside.”
“Mando can get himself in, and I don’t think I need to explain how he’ll manage that.”
“Then, Mando can get me in, too. He brought us with him for the job on Coruscant.”
“That guy was a bureaucrat, Nito. TaggeCo has a private army! Why can’t you see that I’m trying to protect you?"
"No one asked you to! I've been taking care of myself for a long time."
And the almost imperceptible crack in Nito's voice as he stifled down a sob breaks what's left of your heart.
"But you shouldn't have to. You’re right! We are stupid. Let us be stupid while you are smart and stay out of danger.”
Nito is indifferent to your tears. “You don’t get to make that decision for me! You can’t do this without us, Thuli. Figure out how to get me into that operations center, or none of this works.”  
It’s hard to believe that you started out the day excited.
Continue reading: Volume 4-Post #7: Thrilling Tales of (Undercover) Emergency Medicine
Back to Volume 4 - all posts
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hazbinned · 4 months
@angie-long-legs - FOUR DAYS POST-EXORCISM.
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That's what all the banners said. And the balloons. And the little silver foil sign that stuck out of the cake at a lopsided angle. The streamers didn't say anything, but they were pink and black and white and gold, just like the rest of the decorations that cluttered the parlor.
They had polka-dots. So did the balloons.
Just like Angel.
Most of the residents were in the other room, trying to prep the food and figure out how to get the buffet table assembled. Everything smelled lovely. There was even soft, upbeat, poppy music coming from their general vicinity, but it was muffled by the presence of the walls, and so were their voices.
Angel Dust was on the sofa, watching TV. It seemed like he hadn't moved from the spot for days, although he must have.
Vox was tasked with putting up the streamers.
What a wasteful thing, streamers; rolls upon rolls of thinly-cut, brightly colored paper, created with the sole purpose of being strung across the ceiling (for a few days at best), and then torn down and tossed in the garbage.
Rinse and repeat, per every celebration!
Why, Vox wondered, should anyone have to go through the trouble of climbing so high and risking injury... just to take it all down when everything was said and done? Nobody looked at streamers when partying, after all. They didn't look at balloons, either. Nor did they pay attention to the little silver foil sign that stuck out of the cake at a lopsided angle...
Those things were all just objects. Meaningless, worthless objects— not even reusable! What mattered most about parties were the people who attended, and the memories they shared!
Vox came to stand behind the sofa, empty red eyes flicking twice over the outdated television that Angel seemed so glued to. He glanced down at the cardboard box of decorations that he held close to his chest, and then up at the back of Angel's fluffy head, and again at the TV.
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Then, he turned his back to it all, and started to sift through the various items. Charlie had said she wanted a balanced mix of pink, black, and white- alternating.
A simple instruction to follow. Vox could start on this end of the room with the pink, and just keep switching them out until he hit the opposite side.
His thoughts were cut short by the spike in volume of the TV-- a commercial break!
"'Ey, you! Yeah, YOU! Bloke with the crummy haircut!" "Me?" "What'd I just say? ... All alone, too. That chick just rejected you, didn't she? You don't 'ave much game, you poor thing!"
It was a woman with a thick British accent and some... generic-sounding guy, but Vox wasn't entirely zeroed in on the script and hadn't bothered to look up. The woman sounded familiar enough, though. Hell, the entire thing sounded familiar. Almost like Vox knew it by the back of his hand.
His mind was still a bit spacy, so he omitted pieces of the ad here and there, tiredly breaking open the plastic seal around the pink streamers as he continued listening.
"Wow, I'm cured! Now I'm getting every lady I want, and I didn't even have to shower!" "And the men, too!" "Thanks, Velvette!" "Eh, no biggie. But don't forget to thank Valentino. HE'S the secret ingredient!" A new voice entered the scene. "... ¡Ay! Come onnnnnnn, now it's not a SECRET anymore!"
Vox stopped dead at the sound of Val's whining, and looked up, sparks flying.
His eyes, jolting round his head, snapped onto the screen.
"Love Potion by Velvette!" Vel and Val giggled in unison.
That could make a grown man cry.
Vox dropped the container of supplies and vaulted over the couch, landing on the cushion beside Angel so heavily that he might have launched the spider into the air.
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"Turn the fucking TV off. This show is shit and all the ads are, too." He grappled the remote out of Angel's unsuspecting hands and then began flipping through the stations at such a breakneck speed that the poor thing's speakers started getting all garbled. The entire time, he wore the most furious grin fathomable. "Everything on here is garbage. Trash. Hate it all. It rots your mind. I'm sooo SICK and TIRED of hearing this phony TV mediocrity while I'm trying to WORK..."
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