#and it was a fucking CHEM LAB like that shit was hard and i was doing so well!!! priscilla if you’re out there i still hold this against you
steviescrystals · 4 months
the last post i reblogged just reignited my rage over something that happened my freshman year of college so mini rant in the notes lol
#so on tuesdays i had a a rhetoric class at 9:30 and then a chem lab at 2:50 or something weird like that#and sometimes i would just linger around campus during the gap but one day i started feeling super sick out of nowhere right after rhetoric#so i went back to my apartment to rest for a bit and found out my roommate was also sick#and i just kept feeling worse plus the fact that she was sick too told me it was an actual sickness not the random stuff i feel a lot#like nausea and headaches from being anemic for example#so i sent an email to the TA for my chem lab letting her know i was sick and i wouldn’t be there that day#and she said i needed a doctors note but i didn’t have a pcp or anything in my college town and there was a waitlist at the campus clinic#so i went home the next day and ended up going to a minute clinic so they could test for strep and bronchitis and stuff#(everything they tested for came back negative so i still don’t know what i had but i felt like absolute shit)#so i sent the paperwork from the clinic to my TA before our next lab on thursday and i was back in class by the tuesday after that#but even though i told her i was sick that first tuesday she said the doctors note only excused me from the thursday lab#so i went to office hours to make up the experiment from thursday but she wouldn’t let me do the tuesday one#each lab was worth 100 points and the only other grades we got were for these little 10 point quizzes that barely counted#so even though i had like a 99 in the class all semester up to that point i ended up with a B bc i got a zero for that one lab#and i’m still so mad about it like i did everything almost perfectly all semester and i couldn’t get an A#bc she wouldn’t let me make up a lab i missed while sick even though i got a doctors note a day later#keep in mind this was in 2021 right when the delta variant of covid was spreading like crazy#so the university made a huge point of encouraging everyone not to go to class if they felt sick in any way#like i was just trying not to infect all my classmates but bc i couldn’t immediately get a doctors note i lost a whole letter grade#and it was a fucking CHEM LAB like that shit was hard and i was doing so well!!! priscilla if you’re out there i still hold this against you#lj.txt
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lyrichi · 9 months
I know that this account was suppose to turn into a shitpost headcannon account but y'all I fucking love chemistry so much I can't even
Like sometimes I wish that there were fics of MC in obey me verse just doing chemistry with Solomon
For one I'm down bad
Like my fucking chem final is in a few hours and we get to make one paper of a cheet sheet
so I fucking crammed last night and did all of the imporntatnt chapter shit from my notes and the textbook
Back to om for a sec tho I'd totally write a fic abt MC just loving chem as much as I do but like idk the chem in devildom is dif for some reason so they have to relearn shit but also teach people human chem
Like bro I love chem sm 😭😭
I already have some ideas about what could be dif between the two realms;
The periodic table could be different because of exposure to different substances and elements, which in turn makes the organisation different
Like the transition metals are larger, the man-made elements don't exist, the F block is way smaller/larger because of the exposure to different substances,
Exposure to elements are higher - for example, exposure and access to elements like Argon and ones w higher atomic masses and such are easier to find and use in experiments
The safety protocols are WAY dif, like in chem classes they don't even have the fuckin lab safety thing doesn't exist (because they're fucking demons) so things are a lot more reckless
Labs tend to be -- bigger? Like more combustion and danger involved, rather than labs that'd be seen in high school chem classes (mixing Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate for example)
Yeah man idfk I just love chem
Ooh here are some little snippets 😍
Solomon and MC get paired together in a chem class with not very many instructions, only being told to make an explosion with the least amount of substances. So what do they do? Pour Lithium into water
At some point after MC decides to really live-in their room in the HoL (cause like really they're sleeping in the fucking hotel guest room) they receive some chemistry equipment from Solomon. One night they don't come down for dinner and one of the bros (you choose who) comes to see what's up and they just find MC hunched over their desk trying to organise substances without cross contaminating anything, which is very hard when most things come looking like cocaine
Alternatively, it's the middle of the day and they're doing some experiment involving having to force copper to oxidize, and somehow they make the air in their room extremely explosive (think that one scene in The Martian book) After realising this, they leave their room and sit outside their door while trying to air out their room. (Fan on high, windows open all the way, door open, etc) They get questioned, yadda yadda yadda, they get banned from doing experiments in the house
Fun one; they make elephant toothpaste for Luke after he asked about what they do
Super fun one; they pull a Nile Red and do some crazy shit like make paint thinner into soda and have one (or more) of the characters drink it and half way through them drinking it MC just goes "it's actually paint thinner"
MC correcting the shit out of a teacher in RAD and somehow ending up teaching the class. Then there's a video found online of MC teaching the class and they become the resident chemistry nerd and get paid to do other people's work (before Lucy shuts it down 🙄)
Yeah uh
I don't know man I wrote like half of this at like 7 in the morning before my chem final and my brain is still on chem
I'm on break now so I can do whatever I want now but yk
Oh yeah here are some clarification things for those who have no clue abt terminology 😭
Transition metals are the columns in the periodic table between column 2 and 13, it's the metals like silver, gold, copper, tungsten, etc
The F block is the elements shoved underneath the rest of the table that realistically start in column 2
More for curious people; mixing CaCl2 and MgS gives you a precipitate (solid) and liquid - more specifically MgCl2 and CaS (this is without balancing them)
Lithium explodes in water - don't listen to google when it says to wash it off your hands with water
Oxidizing copper will basically change its color and make it rust
You make elephant toothpaste by mixing dry yeast, warm water, dish soap, and 3% hydrogen peroxide
wooo ok
Yeah that's it idk I love chemistry it's so fun
If anyone's interested in my chem cram sheet lmkkk <33333
drink your dihydrogen monoxide <3
Here's my cram sheets for those who want it
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star-girl69 · 21 days
ok y’all mind if i vent for a second too bad you’re listening anyways
so like my ap chemistry class is literal hell. i love chemistry bc i’m a loser and i think it’s so fun and GOD i love organic chemistry my heart BROKE when i found out we don’t do any in ap but it’s okay anyways i love chemistry
and my teacher is super chill i love him
but like….. my fellow peers are not very fun! two instances:
i think i already talked about this one but basically we have to get into groups of like 4 i go up to this group of three one of the girls gets up to get something from her bag or smth and i ask “hey can i be in your group?” so one girl is gone, one of them doesn’t even look up at me to answer, and the other looks at me says “ummmm” looks around the room and sees that all the other groups are full and then the teacher said to start so i just sat down
anyways that was embarrassing as shit
and then the two girls across from me (the one who got up and the one who said umm) didn’t even let me and the girl who didn’t say anything participate in the activity i was like girl bffr 😭😭😭😭
ok second instance is that we had to do this lab and he tells us to get into groups of 2-3 or we can work by ourselves so my sorry ass just goes to an empty lab bench and works by myself 😭 bro that was embarrassing as shit i cant
like i mean it was fine tbh and i kinda like working alone but just i was the ONLY ONE working alone omg hell
okay and then this is unrelated to ap chem but basically i’m in my school’s national honor society YIPPEE!!!! and i’m the only person in like any of my friend groups to get in!!!! haha!!!!! ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD YOU JUST NEED A 93 GPA OR ABOVE LIKE I CANT anyways.
so i KINDA know two people who are also in it but like we’re just friends not even best friends yk
so we have to get into these groups of 6 for the next meeting so we can carve pumpkins or smth idk and well…. both of those people i kinda know they ofc are in groups with their besties!!!! their groups are both full!!!! so now idrk what to do 😭 i think i’m just going to tell the advisor i cant make it to that meeting and then i’ll do my own community service on the side or whatever i have to do
anyways thanks for listening to me yap
moral of the story i have no friends but it’s ok it is what it is 😜
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seisho99 · 1 year
kicks my legs in the air ummm sleepover … oh my god you like chem right . so fun story i wqs in chem on ? yesterday it was actually christ and um i was tired and didnt hear my teacher fully when she was explaining an experiment (idr what it was something with calcium i think) and i did the stuff bc my partner sucks ass but like it fizzed and i was like ok thats good and then it bubbled Really Hard and i went SHIT bc i wasnt sure if it was supposed to go that hard (she didnt say nd i hadnt seen anyone do it) so i fucking . panicked and grabbed it and ran to the waste beaker and dumped it and went 😨 and my partner was just staring at me and not doing anything that was a little funny . the lab was fun and nothing bad happened but jesus christ
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dreadfutures · 2 years
it's been a tiring week, I've had students cry in front of me, tell me how lonely they are, tell me they're convinced it's week 2 of the quarter and they're so far behind they're never gonna be able to catch up. And I think I've managed to help all of them get to people they need on campus to make things at least a little more manageable.
talking to disability services and getting accomodations is really scary when the culture you're raised in doesn't believe in disability or mental health at all, or consider it shameful to ask for help. getting food stamps comes with all sorts of ideological baggage. but fuck man, if you don't have to work two jobs and can get food stamps and use those 80 hours to study for your chem and bio classes, do it!!!!! no one has to know!!! so many things are protected and private and just waiting to make your life easier so you can do the important things, like studying to be a doctor
all the rich kids are taking the shortcuts and acting entitled to every accomodation and care and extra time and easier settings to Life. and brown kid culture is the opposite. self reliant, self sufficient, and sucking it up because you gotta be strong and avoid shame at all costs. that's gotta change.
i checked in with a bunch of students since talking to them, and they seem like they're getting their footing. it's not too late! it's never too late! you can fail your ochem class and do really bad in your other ochem classes and still end up going to get a PhD in a chemistry that is half built on organic chemistry. It's possible!
You only know it's worth it if you try. And if you give up at the start, you'll never know what you're missing out on--or discover what you don't like.
There are a lot of facets to being a doctor. Do you want to be a doctor, or do you just want a career that has face to face time with people? do you wanna be a doctor or do you want to take samples and analyze them and find out what's wrong with someone? do you wanna be a doctor or do you want to study disease? do you wanna be a doctor or do you want to revolutionize healthcare or expand access to programs?
every individual has a different answer and only you can find out for yourself if this chem class is gonna get you one step closer to chasing what you really wanna do.
The only thing that can truly truly stop you is giving up before you begin.
It's not gonna be easy! I worked two jobs and discovered all sorts of health stuff in college and was often miserable and certainly wasn't the smartest person in the room like, ever. It was really hard. But I did it. I clawed my way into accessing the things I needed to make it Doable.
There are two students I have who have already said, joking through their tears of frustration: "idk what to do, I guess I might as well drop out! haha!"
And I'm not kidding, but that's a fucking death sentence right there. Joking about that shit and getting so emotional and flippant puts the idea solidly in your head as a possibility.
When I have students who make comments like that, I know I might as well just walk away! because I know when I try to help them, even if I offer to do everything for them to get their problem solved -- wifi chip in her computer is busted so she can't do the online homework. guess what I have resources to get free computer loans on campus, and there are computer labs in the 24/7 library that are NEVER used, and I have SOLUTIONS as well as sympathy...
I know when a student says something shitty about themselves like that, they will REFUSE any and all help.
They are convinced they're hopeless and helpless. So therefore it's not worth helping them, because Nothing Can Fix This.
Guess what? It would be a lot less work to help you than some of the other students who are even further behind! and I am still trying to help regardless! but nope pessimism and self sabotage disguised as irony and humor have cut out the Rational part of the brain....they've decided theyrr done for.
You know that when you get upset, your brain gets flooded with hormones that make it difficult to think analytically?
it's really clear from the outside, lemme tell you.
I worry for my students, but I think the vast majority of them are gonna be good, and I am really happy. These are the parts of teaching I love the most. de Broglie equation and bullshit aside, sharing my fuck ups and experiences and knowledge and SEEING students enroll in the free tutoring, or knowing they reached out to therapists, or knowing they joined an org I recommended, is really worthwhile and special
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grandtheftautumn · 4 years
I fucking hate chemistry.
#no matter how hard I try I just DONT GET IT#but somehow I get it enough to do fine w/ the homework#but the exams aren’t anything like the hw#fuck chem#I fucking hate it here#why do I have to take a year and a half of chem when it isnt even remotely related to my degree/field of interest#why the FUCK do I need 3 chem course but only 2 physics courses to become a PT#it’s not like we handle meds & shit#like we only have to take one bio course which makes sense#it would make sense to only need beginners chem#BUT WHY IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DO WE NEED A FULL YEAR OF INORGANIC CHEM#and before anyone jumps in w/ ‘at least you don’t have to take orgo’#I know#I get it#but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s bullshit & I apparently don’t understand it#AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON LABS#i get why certain majors should take lab#but I don’t think lab should be necessary for all majors who need chem lecture too#why the fuck do I need lab experience beyond that first chem course#I’m not gonna work in a chem lab#my degree is in fucking Kinesiology#I’m studying to hopefully be a pt#& the fact that this course has the power to fucking make or break me#has sent me into multiple spirals in the past 2 years#I can’t get another C from chem#I’ve gotten As & Bs in everything else but another C will WRECK my gpa as far as grad school consideration goes#I can’t make that up w/ only another semester before graduation#I need at least a B#I don’t want all this work to be for nothing bc of FUCKING CHEMISTRY#don’t listen to me
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strawberriesforpigs · 4 years
oh my god i would literally rather take an exam once a week than have to write a lab report jesus christ i hate writing 
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Peter Parker x popular!reader and they just start dating and Peter is really nervous around her and gets flustered whenever she’s close so to calm Peter you tell him it’s okay to touch u and maybe a give him a bj
A/N: sjjfkf thanks for sending so many prompts love you 😘😘 hope you like this eheh I don't like it very much ✌ beta read by @parkerpeter24 :)
Warnings: smut :) (characters are 18)
Wc: 1.9k
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
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Girlfriend ↬ p.p
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Peter Parker was the kind of guy who would get easily flustered if he was to talk to a girl, or any human as a matter of fact.
So it came off as a big shock to the Avengers when they found out that he, the shy nerdy Peter Parker, had a girlfriend at all.
They were all having a family dinner (something about bonding, Tony had said), when you called him, interrupting him from some Spidey adventure story he was reciting.
"Sorry guys, gotta take this," He said, phone smushed between his cheek and shoulder, fork halfway through his mouth, "uh, hey babe, what happened? Everything okay?"
Bucky and Steve were the first one to break out of their shocked stares as Peter called someone "babe" on the phone. 
Surely you don't call your friend babe, right?
"Peter! Thank God you picked up, can you come over right now?" You said on the phone.
"Uh actually, I'm having dinner, is it okay if I come over in an hour or so?" He said, ignoring the shouted whispers about a brewing conspiracy of who could it be on the phone in the background. 
"Okay, but don't forget like last time! I'm actually calling you to help me out with our chem lab manual-" 
"-didn't we do it during homeroom yesterday?" 
"Yeah but I need help with this one experiment, please Petey? I really need your help with this." You whine, hoping that he would catch your drift. But he didn't apparently, because he sighed, looking over his shoulders to see the Avengers with perked up ears, and replied;
"Okay fine. I'll be there in an hour Okay? Bye." He said and hung up, pocketing his phone and making his way to the dining room, only to be assaulted by a hundred and one questions.
"Peter who was that-"
"You've been keeping secrets from your father figure now-"
"Hope you're being safe, if you know what I mean-" 
"Kids these days." (That was from Steve)
"Guys stop! One by one please!" Peter shouted, holding his hands to his ears, frowning as he glared at them, "why are you all asking these questions?" 
"Because kid, if I'm being honest, we don't believe that you have a girlfriend, so spill the beans." Tony sighed, holding his cheek with his elbow on the table.
"Okay ouch. Why is it so hard to believe have a girlfriend?! I'm hot." Peter pouted, crossing his arms to try and look intimidating.
"Because you're you! You're shy nerdy Peter!" Tony said, gesturing at others to back him up.
"I mean, he's not that bad. Quite a charmer." Natasha smirked, sending him a look, which quite frankly, terrified and impressed Peter at the same time.
"Yeah, yeah totally." 
"I believe you kid. Are we gonna meet her soon?" Tony rolled his eyes, smiling when he blushed red.
"If she's okay with it." He said, intertwining his fingers.
"Well I hope she is, cause I want to meet the girl who stole my kid's heart." 
"Mr. Staaaark!" 
Leaving the tower had been a difficult feat, with the constant questions and a snarky comment or two, especially when they found out that you were a cheerleader. 
Rapping his knuckles on your apartment door, he smiled as you greeted him with an excited hug. He couldn't help but look at your skirt, the way it enhanced your waistline, and how it fit just right on your thighs, its frills swaying with the sway of your hips-
"Pete? You coming or what?" You laughed, a hand on your room's door as you look over your shoulder with glinting eyes.
"Uh- uh yeah just a minute. Are your parents home?" He asked casually, following you to your room.
"Nah, they're out for tonight." You said, closing the door behind him.
"Oh that's good, which experiment were you- Uh, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice rising an octave as he saw you unbuttoning your shirt, moving your fingers in slow motion as if to tease him.
"I finished my homework yesterday Petey, that's not why I called you." You whispered, straddling his lap as you hold his face, eyes shining with mischief. He instantly felt his dick harden as you rubbed against him, face burning when you traced his cheekbones, kissing his nose and then his lips.
"What, Uh, what did you call me for then?" He stuttered, holding your waist through the skirt's thin material, fingers itching to tear it off you. His heart was racing and he wondered if you could hear it doing so.
"You know why, it's been so long and I miss you baby." You whined, pouting as he unzips your skirt, watching it slide down your thighs in rivulets. You clench your thighs against his waist, intertwining your toes as you felt the space between your legs starting to wet.
"You met me in school yesterday." He mumbled, puffing his cheeks as he strained to keep a straight face, not with you looking so pretty in just your bra and skirt.
You had been overwhelmingly horny the past few hours, craving for your boyfriend's touch, imagining the way he fucked you against your bed frame as it shook with his strength.
"You miss me huh?" He smirked, catching you off guard when he flipped you over, holding you down as he rocked his hips against yours, leaving sloppy, wet kisses down your neck, reaching between your breasts and stopping a moment enough to hear you whine.
"I missed you so much and I want to fuck you now." You said, sucking a breath when he all but tore your bra, arching your back to let his fingers linger on you.
"Missed you too, missed all of you, missed your wet pussy. Wanna show my pretty girl how much I missed her." He growled, sucking on the sensitive skin of your nipple as he massaged your breasts. 
"Already wet for me eh?" He whispered, nibbling at your ear as he slid his length into You, "Fuck baby such a tight pussy." 
Quickly undressing himself, you openly drooled at how packed your boyfriend was. It was not the first time you would be doing… it together since your six month long relationship, but it was the first time you got to see his dominant side, and it turned you on. 
"Mmhmm yeah, only cause your dick is practically blue." You moaned, hissing when he hit a sensitive spot.
"Fuck, oh shit go faster Peter- oh!" You hissed, your skin slapping with his as he thrusts into you with a gusto.
"You like that babygirl?" He asked, eyes scrunching as he threw his head back, feeling your walls clench against his dick as you moved with him.
"Yes! You're so good oh- I'm gonna cum Peter!" You panted, chest heaving as your stamina decreases with every push and pull, your hands fisted on your sheets hard enough for them to pull out of your mattress.
You saw him flush red, confusion showing on your face as you tilted your head, your  almost orgasm forgotten as you held his cheek, "what happened?" 
"I- you've never um, org-orgasmed before on me." He muttered, his pupils blown wide as he looks at you with the most innocent look ever, and you would have laughed had his dick still not been inside you, midway in the air, his butt held high above. 
"Peter… are You, we've literally fucked so many times and you're getting flustered over me orgasming?" You chuckled, wiping away the sweat forming on his forehead.
"Yeah but you've never come on my bare dick before!" He countered, gulping as he saw you smirk. 
"Everything has a first time doesn't it?" You say, picking yourself upright so that you were chest to chest now, your nipples hardening against his bare chest as you rubbed against him, "Wanna try something?"
Your hand slides down to his dick as he nodded a yes, slowly pumping his balls as you kiss his lips. You hear him moan tour name, the sounds sending wetness dripping down your thighs again. Ignoring your thighs, you bent down to lick the tip of his dick, slick with pre cum and bright pink. 
"Is this okay?" You ask, swirling your tongue teasingly, wetting his already wet dick with your mouth as you sucked at it with a pop.
"This is amazing baby, keep going." He threw his head back, a growl emitting from deep inside his throat, "wow uhhh." 
"Wow what Petey?" 
"Wow you're- you're amazing. God I've- I understand why people like being on the receiving end of the job right now." 
"Job?" You laughed, "hun this isn't a Job." 
"You- you know what I mean!" He chuckled, shaking his head as you continued to suck on it.
"No I don't. Please enlighten me." You smiled, peeping from under your lashes as your tongue works through his hard member. 
"I know you know." He whimpered, hands creeping up to his balls as he tried to take care of his blues.
"No. Lemme do it." You slapped his hands, snickering when he whined. 
"Oh Tony wants to meet you by the way." He said suddenly, making you groan and fall back dramatically.
"You know I don't do family members Petey." You mumbled, pulling him down, his mouth immediately latching onto the underside of your breasts.
"But why? Am I- aren't we serious enough now?" He asked.
Your heart stuttered at the thought of meeting one of the most important people in his life other than May. You and May had already met (post an unfortunate...accident), not to mention he was freaking Iron Man!
"It's not that. It's just, what if he doesn't like me? Or black widow. I'm not your normal nerdy girl with A grades, what if they think I'm not good enough for you? Or that I'm violating you for Spider-Man? What if-" 
"- baby I swear they'll love You! And if they don't then it's their loss, because no matter what you are, who you are friends with, how many A's you get or don't, you'll always be my girl." His voice was soft as his hands moved with featherlight movements, rubbing light circles on your waist, instantly relaxing you. 
"Are you sure?" You said, biting your lips and fiddling with his hair. He gave another moan as your fingers played with his hair, scratching slightly behind his ear.
"Yes bub, they will love you. You're very important to me, you know that right?" He said.
"Even if I wear short skirts and hang out with jocks?" You giggled, resting your forehead on his toned chest, playing with his skin.
"Especially if you wear those short skirts." He smirked, making you roll your eyes as you slapped his chest slightly. Sighing, you kissed him again, rolling over so you were laid on top of him.
Wrapping your arms around him, you let yourself fall asleep, with his clothes in your room and hand in your hair. 
Peter woke up the next morning, the incessant ringing of his phone working as an alarm. 
Groaning he rolled over, careful as to not wake you up, squinting at the bright screen of his phone. Before he could cut the ringer though, it cut off on its own, only to be taken over by a text.
You didn't come home last night kiddo 😏
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angelguk · 4 years
yeah we hornae tonight!! this is jock!jk getting his soul sucked out by his gf in the locker room because y not! set in university. this is fairly recent into their relationships. jks really hot and oc is like wow??? cock in mouf sir?? mentions of derogatory language (yes oc has a degrading kink). cum swallowing. oral sex (m receiving). public sex. oc should be in class!! listen to still friends, not lovers by slchld. roughly 1.3k. 
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You should not be doing this. Especially when you have a lab with Professor Kim in twenty minutes. But Jeongguk had asked you to drop his keys after your morning lecture. He’d taken a ride to practise with Yunho earlier, leaving you to drive his car to the campus grounds, which you don't mind doing if it meant avoiding the hectic public transits. Jeongguk needed the car back though, something about doing errands for Namjoon after his lacrosse drills. So there you were, ambling to the university fields with your boyfriend’s keys swinging with every step you took. How you ended up here, your knees bruising the concrete floor of the locker room and your mouth stuffed full of cock was a mystery to anyone — including yourself.
Jeongguk on the other hand does not seem to mind the comparison positioning at all. If only you hadn’t walked in when he was fresh from the showers, white towel slung around his waist, and the firmness of his torso almost taunting you.
“Shit.” It’s whispered in the silence of the room, your tongue swirling over the head of his cock. “Open a little wider for me, baby.” Jeongguk murmurs, a stray hand coming to settle on the base of your neck. He doesn’t push, but the presence of his wide palm is enough to urge you onwards, jaw silently aching as you swallow him down. But the discomfort is worth it when you feel his thighs tense under your fingers, a slight tremor detected as his head bumps into the end of your throat. He’s fucking huge, the memory of him stretching your cunt out vivid. You can’t help but squirm, underwear soaked and your clit feeling neglected. It’s not like Jeongguk wouldn’t offer to alleviate your desire. You know if you asked he’d sixty-nine with you right here on the locker room bench. But there’s only so much you’re willing to risk being caught doing.
So you focus on this instead; on the weight of Jeongguk on your tongue, the minute twitches of his length as his hips rise up and up until your nose is burrowed into his crotch, and the feeling of your throat constricting tight.
“God,” his sounds gone, a string of swear words falling from his lips as you slip your mouth over him again. It’s loud and lewd, you hope nobody is lurking at the doors because it’s very clear that someone is getting the life sucked out of them. And it’s not like Jeongguk hides it, moaning low when your tongue licks a stripe so sinful he nearly blows his load. You pull off with a wet pop, feigning ignorance to the wildness darkening his brown eyes. The huff he lets out his winded, a slight annoyance colouring his voice.
“Do your friends know that you’re this much of a slut?” Why that word makes your walls seize up is undecipherable to you. You give him a kitten lick instead, enjoying the way his hips jolt violently.
“I’m not normally like this,” you return, fist-pumping at the base of his length before your thumb leaves a pressured trail along his tip. Jeongguk hisses under this breath, abs drawn tight, the curve in his stomach pretty. “You just make me feel crazy. This is your fault.”
He blinks, slowly processing what you just said, the feeling of your tongue returning to his slit not helping his brain. “I make you feel — This is my fault?” Jeongguk’s reaching out for you in an instant, dragging you into his lap as his needy fingers press on your dripping cunt through the fabric of your jeans. “Take off your clothes right now. I don’t care who walks in I need to be in you.”
He plants a kiss on your lips before you can protest, your fingertips threading through his damp curls. It's soft under your touch, velvet as your fingernails scrap at the base of his skull. You like that he likes this, tasting himself on your tongue with a fervour that drives you mad. But you have to tear yourself away, hips trying and failing not to buck into his wandering hands.
“Can’t,” you murmur, Jeongguk’s lips feather-light on your check. “I have class in 15.”
“You’re a fucking menace, why would you do this to me?” He groans, his length sitting heavy on your thigh and his hands gripping your waist tight. “Is it Chem? Professor Kim can wait. I’ll make you cum quick baby, I promise.”
“No,” you retort, pushing yourself off his lap. He lets your sink to the floor, pretty petal lips falling open as you take him back into your mouth. A few licks and Jeongguk is trembling again. It’s still fairly odd that you now know what he tastes like but ever since the first time, you’d let him fuck your throat open you’d never wanted him to stop. You like pleasing Jeongguk, seeing how he whines and squirms and groans whenever you swallow him whole, mouth warm and wet and ever so welcome to whatever he wants to give you. You ease off with a smile that seems innocent but Jeongguk has quickly come to learn that that’s never the case with you. You’re more wicked than he thought, enough kinks to leave him waddling to practise the next day because he didn’t know he could cum that hard before. Even now there’s an ache in his balls that’s begging to be released, the tension that strings him tight almost painful.
“I don’t want you to make me cum quick,” you murmur, lips sparking a blaze on his thigh when you bestow his skin with a kiss. “Not tonight, at least.”
He gets the hint instantly; you have a penchant for denial, something he didn’t peg you for but a kink that Jeongguk indulges in nonetheless. He loves the way you beg for him, mumbling into the mess of his sheets until he finally finally slips between your legs and pounds you hard enough for you to feel him there the next day. Just the flash of that image has precum leaking from his slit, a spurt that you eagerly clean up before dragging your mouth back on him. The fact that you’re only like this for him is what drives his hand there, palm holding your head in place as he bruises your throat. He high hits him like a snap, something sharp and electric as his bones melt and fuse back together in the same second, your throat painted white. You swallow it around him, eyes teary and a deliriousness clouding your vision. This shouldn’t feel good but it does, the sudden thought that you like being Jeongguk’s slut flashing swiftly in your brain.
“You’re too good to me,” he mumbles, the words he says slurring into each other. He grabs your waist as your rise, placing a chaste kiss to your hips, his fingers squeezing your thighs tight. He couldn’t stand if he tried, knees not functioning as his nerves buzz with warmth. “I’ll pick you up after your class, okay. I don’t think Namjoon needs me for that long.”
“I have a study date with Yubin, babes. I’ll text you when I’m done.” He glares at you from underneath the mess of his curls, his face flushed a perfect rouge.
“Why do I have a nerd for a girlfriend?”
You huff. “I just blew you in the middle of the locker room.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t let me make you feel good too.” Jeongguk rises then, his towel not following him. You can’t help but giggle as he lips slot against yours, tender but purposefully, enticing enough for your mouth to fall open, Jeongguk’s tongue meeting your own with ease. “Just skip the class, babe. Please,” he pleads, holding you tight, length already twitching to half-mast against your stomach.
You humour him for a second, before poking his side hard. “I don’t want to fail my classes. Now give me gum so I can go.”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
I really hate you
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— Shinsou knows he shouldn’t trust villains. Especially villains who make his mind spin and stomach twist in joy. But there’s something about you that keeps him coming back for more.
pairing: pro hero!shinsou hitoshi x villain fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, a little bit of juicy plot, pro hero!au, reader is a villain, betrayal, biting, marking, collaring, cursing, hate sex, rooftop sex, body liquids, angst
word count: 8,180
a/n: i like deception :) being a chem TA is pretty fun, except when im in lab for 8 am until 4 pm. listen,,, I also really liked this prompt I made last night because the one I had before wasn’t spicy enough for me anymore. I hope you enjoy though! like comment and share for the algorithm (jk been watching too many tikytokys)
kinktober day 8 main kink: collaring
When the sun sets, and the moon is high in the sky, and the chill of the bitter cold winds raise ceaseless goosebumps on your arms, and the only people who are up are drunken businessmen and tiresome students, it is a common belief that this is when the freaks come out.
The freaks come out to play at night.
You are one of these freaks.
Shinsou nodded at his friends as he walked through the doors of the agency he worked at. Despite the power of his quirks ability, he was an underground hero (unless the ultra-rare occasion where they needed his quirk in the limelight); he was stationed within a large, well-known agency and was one of the founding heroes there at that. His ability to be hidden from the bright lights of the world were both easy and challenging; most of the world knew him as the kid from UA’s Sports Festival that went toe to toe with nearing number one Pro-Hero Deku. It both irked and embarrassed him when that event was brought up; on the one hand, it was true! He had nearly beat Midoriya during that final stage. Yet, on the other hand, their memories seemed to recall some crazy quirk-fueled fistfight where Midoriya had broken his entire body in the duration of their fight. 
‘No,’ he often found himself responding back to the gentlemen and ladies who would awe at his school-day adventures, ‘there was a fistfight, but Midoriya handled it without using his quirk except to snap him out of my quirk.’
They always looked embarrassingly horrified by their faulty memory when they pulled the clip up on Youtube, their bows quick in apology before they made off. 
But people recognizing him from that was rare as it gets, fortunately even with the large agency stapled to his alias, he was quite good at his job—a shadow in the night, an urgent whisper to the villain freaks who roamed the night.
“Ah, Shinsou-chan!” Kaminari pouted, his body draping over his purple-haired friend as Shinsou moved to change from his regular clothes into the black triple-weave kevlar of his hero suit. He had once sported a black cotton-like costume akin to Aizawa, but after many, many gun shootings and stabbing incidents, he figured he needed something sturdier. 
“What is it?” he asked, rising up from his bent position so that Kaminari couldn’t take advantage of his slouched form. 
Shinsou’s tired, purple eyes met the exhausted pair of Kaminari.
“Today was so hard,” Kaminari sighed, his lip still put into the stupid pout, and he slumped onto the bench behind Shinsou. His feet were spread before him, fingers drumming onto his directional equipment. “Since it’s winter, the night comes sooo much earlier now. I swear some weirdos really appear out of the woodworks when the night comes! Like just before I was going to make my way back here, I swear I saw Aizawa-sensei hanging out on the rooftops like some super-secret ninja, right?”
Shinsou frowned. He knew his mentor turned friend was actually on vacation at the moment in Hawaii. Something he thought, at the very least, was long overdue. 
“Aizawa is in Hawaii right now,” Shinsou quickly spoke, his hands buckling the belt on his pants, before moving to lace up his boots. 
“Oh fuck, I told Todoroki he was in Seoul,” Kaminari cursed, the palm of his hand hitting his forehead. 
“Good going, who knows what weird message or gift he’ll end up sending to Aizawa now,” Shinsou couldn’t help the small smirk from spreading on his face at that note.
After being accepted into the Hero Course over in UA, Shinsou couldn’t help but be initially disappointed when he was placed within Class 1-B — Class 2-B at that point — simply because his mentor was with Class 1-A. The initial disappointment didn’t last very long when he got to know the rest of Class 2-B better, and he saw that while 2-A possessed raw talent, 2-B were more well-defined with a much bigger take-no-shit mentality that he appreciated more. That and 2-A were being strangled by a new villain of the month far too often, and Shinsou just wanted nothing more than to graduate from high school. 
Still, his lack of enrollment in Class 2-A didn’t mean that he didn’t see the rambunctious, nearly intolerable group of twenty in class 2-A. As a matter of fact, he thought he saw them a bit more than he’d like. Aizawa was his mentor, so he understood seeing him around, but for some reason, 2-A was never too far away. As soon as Shinsou was admitted into the Hero Course and the two hero classes had weekly meals together, which meant that to him, just the slightest bit, 2-A felt like an unwanted, annoying, ugly stepchild.
So no, Shinsou could not tell you 2-A’s inside class jokes, but he knew a lot more about the forty other hero students than he’d ever like to admit. 
And through his knowledge, he knew that the ever so powerful Todoroki Shouto was an idiot, probably a bigger one than Kaminari.
“I hate that you call Aizawa-sensei just…” Kaminari trailed off, a disgusted shiver running down his spine as if it sickened him to remove the single formality.
“Aizawa,” Shinsou said once more.
Kaminari hit the floor, his chest heaving with fake, bitter sobs while Shinsou couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his over-dramatic friend on the ground. He had to admit, Shouta felt weird on his tongue too.
“Stop making a huge deal about how Aizawa and I are closer than you are,” Shinsou half-joked half-told-the-truth.
He was more than well aware of his mentor’s former students trying to become even closer to their beloved homeroom teacher. All doing it in their own ways, all relatively unsuccessful because unknown to them (but not Shinsou), Aizawa already loved them all thoroughly, not that he’ll ever tell them.
Oh yeah, that had lost a lot of love points for Kaminari.
Sighing softly, Shinsou placed his newly replaced coiled capturing weapon around his shoulders, and his artificial vocal cords mask onto his chest until he was off on patrol.
“Why’d you think you saw Aizawa?” he asked again, trying to finish the conversation so that he could leave. It felt like it was going to be a long night if Kaminari confirmed where his thoughts were already trailing. 
“Hm?” Kaminari finally looked up from his puddle of tears on the floor, tears streaking all over his face, small charges of electricity humming off it. He blinked once, twice, his eyes shooting to the ceiling as if the answer was there before his fist came down to hit his open palm in a flash of realization. “Oh, I remember! There was this person, obviously not Aizawa-sensei, standing by the edge of a building watching everyone below. Hair whipping in the wind and his capturing weapon fluttering around them!”
Just as Shinsou thought.
“Where did you see her?”
“Where, Kaminari?”
“Uh… well, I guess by Gramps convenience store. Don’t tell me this is some super sexy megafan of yours! Wait… do tell me, or… no, I’ll get jealous if you’re having rooftop sex with — eh?! where are you going?! Hitoshi?!”
“My shift started two minutes ago,” Shinsou explained, one of his hands lifting in a wave as he exited the locker room, his heart hammering quickly, knowing just who he was going to need to track down tonight.
It was dark.
Shinsou’s eyes squinting as he hopped from one rooftop onto the other, his capturing device assisting him in clearing the dooming crevice. He wasn’t exactly the most physically threatening, and unfortunately, that also meant he wasn’t exactly the greatest at parkour type movements, although he was getting better. Maybe had he started to ask for earlier shifts, where he would be out when the sun was, he could get better faster.
It was tricky with only the moonlight to guide him, but that’s what he could get at the moment.
As he scuffled through the gravel rooftop of one of the abandoned buildings, Shinsou found himself squinting at the figure in the distance. The one perched near what Kaminari oh so fondly refers to as Gramps convenience store.
He studied the form of the picture still person, noticing if it wasn’t for the slight wind through your hair and twisting capturing weapon around your neck, he would think you’re a statue. But he knows better now, he’s known better for quite some time now. 
“What’re you doing out here, y/l/n?” Shinsou found himself speaking the moment he stepped behind you, hands shoving into his pant pockets.
You didn’t move, nor did you respond, your body still completely still while peering down at the empty world fascinated on who knows what.
“How can I help ya, Mindjack-senpai?” you interrupted him, your gaze still not removed from the world below the building. “I hear it’s supposed to be a busy night tonight.”
Shinsou paused, his brows scrunching at your words.
It was plain to see to Heroes that you were a villain, you did what you wanted when you wanted, whatever the price, but if there was one thing Shinsou had learned with this rather weird cat and mouse game the two of you played time and time again was that you didn’t lie. 
What was happening?
“A busy night?” Shinsou questioned, his quirk still unactivated, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to Brainwash an answer out of you anyways. “Where at?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Mr. Hero?” you teased slowly, and Shinsou had to deny the way that the way your head finally turned to lock eyes with his made his stomach clench.
It meant nothing.
Nothing at all.
“You know what happens when you slight me,” Shinsou couldn’t help but warn, the bandages on his neck rising under his command. But your eyes blinked slowly, lips spreading into a lazy, cunning smile.
“And you know what happens when you underestimate me,” you returned, fingers gliding against his old weapon — yes, old weapon. Just two months ago, just before your last arrest, you had viciously stolen it from him, your foot crushing his vocal cords while you managed to pry the weapon from his broken fingers. “Anyways, Mindjack-senpai, it’s a bit unethical of you, a hero, to be threatening me in such a way! I’m just a poor girl waiting for the love of my life to show up.”
“And have they?”
You blink, a soft giggle escaping your lips as you nod, “I got him right where I want him.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Shinsou snapped despite the lick of warmth against his chest and cheeks. “I’ll have you arrested again.”
Now, this has you turning from the edge of the building, you sit on the ledge of the building, fingers supporting your head as you stare at him without fear. Shinsou really fucking hated how fast you riled him up.
“Arrested? But Mr. Mindjack-senpai, didn’t you know?” you ask, the taunt evident in your voice, the twinkle in your eye devastatingly bright. “I’m a changed woman. I’m what you call a hero now. You wouldn’t arrest an innocent heroine, could you?”
“You’re hardly innocent,” Shinsou responded back smoothly and deftly, not at all yet entirely impressed by you. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
He blamed his deep impressions of you on the stupid black and purple attire you wore.
“Well, you know as well as I do that I just got out, but I feel like except what happened two days ago, I’ve really changed,” you emptily promise, pushing off the ledge, sauntering closer to Shinsou until he felt the tip of your nose brush against his. “I’ll make sure to think about you whenever… bad feelings come up.”
He prays you don’t see the scarlet flush on his face.
You’re already back at the ledge when he blinks, and he watches you raise two fingers to your temple in a mock salute as you wink at him.
“You didn’t hear it from me, but two blocks east, seven blocks south from the heart of Tokyo is where you’ll find trouble,” you inform him, dropping the salute as you turn to run.
But Shinsou wants his damn weapon back.
“Y/l/n, wait!”
You froze at the ledge, your eyes spacing out, and Shinsou sighed, moving to collect his weapon from you until you suddenly dove off the building, a burst of cheerful laughter on your tongue.
“Oh, I forgot to tell ya!” you screamed from the next building over, your fingers threading through the alloy metal cloths. “I got some earbuds just for when you’re around! They make your voice into electrical signals just for me! So guess what?!”
Shinsou didn’t need you to complete that sentence in order for him to realize what you had just gotten your hands onto.
As long as you wore those, his quirk was useless against you.
Despite knowing that a villain held the key to his demise as a hero, he chuckled, running a hand through his short purple hair.
You really were something.
Shinsou never took himself as an especially suspicious person.
He figured he had days where he was suspicious of some people the correct amount, especially when they had the most painted on emotions he’s ever seen. Some days he was overly trusting and blamed tight smiles on something acute to nerves. Without meaning to brag, he felt like he was healthily suspicious of people, unlike others he knew who wouldn’t dare to interact with anyone new or would spill their darkest secret to anyone who would listen.
But there was something entirely, conspicuously suspicious with how you were behaving.
Winter had long passed, the long winter nights and graveyard shifts of endless freak encounters had worn a hole in his patience and boots. The spring season was beginning to end, and the warm days and nights of summer were setting on his skin.
Six full months of you, the first-ever villain he had fought as a Pro Hero, the first-ever villain to have openly flirted with him and to have him flirt back, being suspiciously… kind. 
Every shift of his, he would find you waiting for him on one of the regular rooftops. Every time he would check in with the database to make sure you weren’t wanted for some crime to find that you were innocent. Every time he would feel pissed off because you wore those earbuds that rendered his quirk useless and you somehow mastered the capturing weapon within weeks.
Now Shinsou didn’t pout, he really didn’t, but there were moments where you would appear from behind him, finger swiping down his spine as you effortlessly twirled around him, a stupid sly grin on your face as you held onto the collar of his hero costume.
“Don’t pout, Mindjack-senpai, I’m here now,” you’d purr each and every time.
He loved the dangerous purr to your voice, the way your eyes hooded over, peering at him through your eyelashes, but he knew better. He had to know better. It wasn’t that villains were terrible people per se; he’d learned a lot of villains were just thoroughly sick of being mistreated (and he had wondered what would have happened if he had been denied from UA… would he be one?). He knew that for the most part, you were quite harmless, merely sticking your nose where it didn’t belong, living a life to your personal laws and rules.
It didn’t make you evil, merely dangerous.
But he had a job to do where even if it was justifiable to beat the ever-living shit out of your sister's abuser, nearly murdering him in rage and refusing to calm down when Shinsou had arrived on the scene with the use of his quirk didn't hold up well in court. It had started this long chain of events where you had absolutely hated him for a time as you were forced to stay overnight in a jailhouse. And many horrible days afterward where you performed what Shinsou had thought to be illegal actions only to find that no, they weren’t. As a matter of fact, entirely legal because Japan had yet to update their codes. 
Long after he had discovered this, you had returned to actual crime, your physical ability growing by leaps and bounds as he ran after you after catching you doing something dangerously illegal. Shinsou was a proud hero and was incredibly proud of the impact he made as a Pro Hero, but it was clear as day, even to him, that he often let you slip through his fingers. Like a child opening their cupped fingers and wondering why the water had left.
He wasn’t sure what it was about you that made him act this way, but he certainly didn’t wish to find out.
“So what’s on the schedule today, Mindjack-senpai?” you asked, appearing from the shadows of the rooftop, not scaring Shinsou in the slightest as this was always where you greeted him. “Are we saving the Prime Minister today? Stealing — I mean, protecting those stupid bedazzled eggs in the museum? Perhaps solving an unsolvable case?”
“Smooth,” Shinsou snarked, his tired purple eyes piercing through your bright ones that seemed undoubtedly excited. “How many times do I gotta tell you that there aren't that many actual case assignments? Besides, most team-ups happen in the morning when I’m asleep.”
“Being a hero is so boring!”
“You’re not a hero.”
“Am too!” Shinsou snorted, turning on his heel and began walking away, listening to your footsteps running after him to keep up with his long paces as you cried that out.
Shinsou stopped, his eyebrow raised in slight forced annoyance but much more amusement, when you spun in front of him, hand on his chest, cheeks puffing with your heavy breathes.
Tilting his head back, Shinsou grunted when your phone was shoved in his face. “What is this?”
“Hero Commission Regulation Handbook, page fifty-four, Article three, sub-article twenty-three,” you chirped, turning your phone back to yourself so that you may read it correctly. “It states that besides attending hero school like a bunch of nerds, civilians have the option of securing internships with approved Pro Heroes and work side by side with them for six months! Once finishing their internships, said Pro Hero must simply sign my licensing papers and bam, a hero I’ll become.”
“And which sniveling hero did you get to do your dirty work?” Shinsou scoffed, not at all buying the notion that you of all people wanted to become a hero. A vigilante at best, an anti-hero much more realistically, and staying a villain as default.
“You,” you smirked, winking at him before turning on your heel and sauntering off, knowing full well the patterns of his routines. 
Shinsou sighed, but he let a familiar smirk fall on his face as he walked after you, enjoying the way you glanced back at him with your wide clear eyes. But that suspicious, gut feeling didn’t leave his core, no matter how sweet and beautiful he found your smile. 
“So, Mindjack-senpai, who are we apprehending today?”
“You want me to sign your paper this entire time, and you’ve been addressing me as senpai?” Shinsou commented, his weapon shooting off to a nearby building, snapping straight in his hand when it was ready. “Where are your manners? It’s Mindjack-sensei to you.”
He didn’t wait for your response, choosing to swing off the ledge of the building with no hesitation, but a part of him wished he could have heard the sound of your laugh he only seemed to hear through the streaming, far away air.
While usually, Shinsou didn’t have actual cases during his patrols, this job, after all, was much more spontaneous than anything else, today was different.
Today was different altogether, really.
First off, he showed up to work when the sun was still up just to get his meeting intel down in time for him to be out on the scene in time. He had nodded plenty, silently taking in Creati’s information on the drug cartel they wanted to in the next few weeks take down for numerous charges. The creation of dangerous, illegal drugs, prostitution rings, robbery, and murder being the main ones. It was some bigger stuff, so they needed all the evidence they could get.
Shinsou stared at the faces of the more prominent names of the cartel, studying every crook, nanny, and scar on their faces as Creati simply ended with where they focused down onto where their drug creating facilities were at, but still needed confirmation. “They’re pretty difficult to get to without knowing where they are,” Creati admitted, handing him a GPS. “You’ll need this.” He would be the first to start evidence gathering; after all, his old classmates would begin tomorrow.
So he had left, going to the first hideout and finding out it was completely empty. Not a single spec of evidence remaining, not a secret door or trap to get him to where they could be hiding from sight.
So was the next.
And the next.
And the next.
Something sat weirdly in his stomach as he began walking towards the final one on his list, and he froze when he saw lights shifting and moving from around the building. Quickly, Shinsou hopped to higher grounds, his phone already out, ready to take pictures. He lay low to the rooftop, practically army crawling to get to place to place as he neared the windows on the rooftop, allowing him to peer in onto the building he was scouting to find precisely what he needed. 
The entire building was a drug production spot.
His eyes scanned the building floor, singling out ten of the twelve main heads on the cartel, and he smirked. Perfect.
“Whatcha doing here, Mindjack-sensei?” your voice whispered millimeters from his ear, and Shinsou bit his tongue harshly to keep the instinctual scream from ruining his covert operation.
He snapped his head over to you, eyes slightly furious, eyebrows knitted tightly as he looked to see you leaning toward him. You were in a different outfit today, completely black, drowning you out in the night. He blinked; even the capturing weapon he had still been unsuccessful in stealing back from you was pitch black.
“What’re you wearing?”
“Do you like it?” you asked, straightening up and twirling for him as if you were wearing a magnificent dress and not personally created ‘hero’ clothes. “Ah, I hoped you would! Sorry, I had to get rid of the purple. I just felt it made me look too cute, right? I know I can’t have villains falling for me like you had me falling for you!”
Shinsou did not blush, no he didn’t, “shut up.”
“So what are we looking for today?” you asked, pressing down onto the floor beside him. Your arm touching his as pressed your face towards the glass. “Is this a stakeout?”
“Less stakeout, more information gathering,” Shinsou grumbled, typing some needed notes onto a file on his phone. It seemed to him that there was plenty here for the drug making charges. “We’re trying to get their bigger names caught in the action.”
“Oh, I thought heroes just burst in whenever they wanted, that’s what they do in the movies. Plus, you always threaten me with being arrested with no evidence,” you giggle, shifting closer to the glass, smile wide on your face.
“After saying that, say goodbye to me signing off that paper of yours,” he grunted, slipping his phone back into his pocket while you scrunch your nose at him. Shinsou couldn’t help but stare at you as the palms of your hands supported your chin as you hummed some song he couldn’t recognize.
“Ne, Mindjack-sensei, did you get the big boss?” you asked, your finger pressed against the cold glass, and Shinsou frowned, returning his head to the glass.
Right where you were pointing was, in fact, the head of the cartel. He was horrendously scrawny, holding no sense of fear or malice, and Shinsou wondered what his quirk could be that he was in charge of an operation such as this one.
“Oh, his right-hand man came too! All twelve are here!” you cheered quietly as Shinsou took documentation on his phone, and that suspicious rock in his stomach finally made sense at this second.
“Y/l/n?” he asked, head turning toward yours, tired eyes glinting with emotions he didn’t know how to handle.
“How did you know there were twelve main members, and how’d they look like?”
Shinsou’s lips pulled back into a snarl, his canines glinting as he locked eyes with yours that were wide with shock and disbelief.
“How’d you find me—?”
He watched you lean away from the glass, fingers shooting to your earpieces. And with the inkling of suspicion sprinting through his veins, the purple-haired hero still found that he moved too slow. 
He blacked out when his body flew with the explosion.
Shinsou could only hear ringing in his ears as soot and ashes fell down from the sky, falling on his body, coating his gaping, open mouth as he tried to breathe, trying to calm himself. Was he bleeding? Was he dying? Where was the explosion from? Were you okay?
His eyes blinked heavily, altogether so irregularly that Shinsou couldn’t help but feel he was out of his body when you reappeared in his sight. Your hand pressing to his cheeks sympathetically, eyes truly hurt as you shook your head, hand grabbing into his bloodied pocket to take his phone.
“I’m sorry,” your voice seemingly whispered, just loud enough for him to hear you through the ringing from the explosion. “You weren’t supposed to be here, Mindjack… these are the scumbags that hurt my friends and family. I couldn’t let them live. Plus… I didn't have a choice, they were competition.”
He spluttered, the warm goo of blood and saliva choking out of his mouth as he convulsed on the ground, his eyes watching as you went.
“See you later, hero.”
He tried to yell at you to come back, that you were a coward, a fucking menace that he would destroy the next time he saw you, but his voice failed to work. Nothing was working except his pain receptors, his heart that kept shoving blood into his lungs that he kept spitting up, but he saw flashing white and red lights as unconsciousness sank its jagged teeth into his neck.
An ambulance was here.
It took four months to recover from the accident.
His hearing had been fucked up. Not even medical quirks had managed to save his hearing entirely. But hey, it did get him the chance for Bakugou Katsuki to come to his room, called him pathetic, and showed off his own hearing aid that he had needed since his quirk had damaged his own hearing. Not to mention that for the past four months, he had been teaching him sign language just in case.
He wasn’t alone, it seemed.
But it was four months, and he had recovered fully.
The hearing aid he required in his left ear still made his ear ache in pain, and he found that he liked it much better shoved in the back of a draw than anything else. But he knew it was dangerous to be a hero without his full hearing. If it hadn’t been for Bakugou’s trial through this all and the help of Hatsume Mei to create a more appropriate hearing aid for heroes, he wasn’t sure if he would still be here — working that is.
But today — or well, night — was a new day, and he was going to push ahead. He could do this, no sweat, no problem. 
Well, that was until an all too familiar figure sat perched on a ledge on his usual route, legs swaying in the air as uncontrolled rage bubbled in his chest. It wasn’t entirely your fault, but a large part of Shinsou was embarrassed to have been caught up in all of this because of you. He had trusted you above all else even when his instincts yelled at him not to because he knew what it was like to be painted as a villain, and he had hoped by letting you in more, you would have changed. He thought you had.
But you hadn’t.
Not one bit.
You sat at the edge of the building, already having heard the loud crunch of Shinsou’s shoes against the gravel rooftop, but you didn’t turn around. You didn’t know how to face him, how to tell him that you were both sorry that he got caught up in your schemes, but that you weren’t sorry for what you had done. Those bastards had it coming.
“Give me one good reason not to push you off the building,” Shinsou growled, probably much louder than he intended. 
Instead of answering, you shrugged.
You hadn’t brought the earbuds that would keep you from being immune to his quirk, and you slightly feared what would happen if you gave in to the whispers of his words. Would you blackout in a daze before coming back to normal only when placed in the prefectures jail? Would he actually attempt to kill you? You had no idea.
But you turned on the ledge, looking at his tired purple eyes that shook with his anger and betrayal. You had done a number on him.
“So, now you can’t seem to respond back to me?” he laughed bitterly, his teeth bared into a way too fierce smile, one that made your heart thump and sent a shiver down your spine. “What game do you think you’re playing?”
You still didn’t answer as you planted your feet back onto the rooftop and stood up, watching as his binds flared to life. Dancing and weaving around him in a dangerous coil of fabric, like a frilled dragon lion lizard extending its skin in a warning.
“Should’ve taken you down with that first time I found you,” he spat, his eyes narrowing as you took steps toward him, and the weapon seemed to snap at you. “Did your sister pull the same bullshit on him as you did me? Is that why he became ‘psycho?’”
Now that one nearly got the response out of you as fury thrummed through your veins as you were suddenly nose to nose. You couldn’t help it, but you knew there was no point in explaining your reasoning for doing what you did because he would never understand; he couldn’t. 
So as his eyes flashed dangerously from your eyes, his breathing coming down harshly against your upper lip, the hatred he had for you (that was probably reignited from a year ago and make it double) simmered between the air between you and him. You couldn’t resist.
Your lips pressed against his in a simmering hot kiss. 
Shinsou shoved you away, as quickly as you had pressed your mouth against his, but you were back on him before he could utter a word. Only that this time, he kissed you back with scalding, burning heat. 
You never really knew how much smaller you were to Shinsou until you were on the tips of your toes to kiss him, his hands practically burning you as they gripped onto your hips, pulling you so close there was hardly any room to breathe. His kiss was hateful, spiteful, and full of unspoken passion the two of you had never addressed during the period that was good. It had been so good, but he was a hero, he would never understand.
His teeth bit harshly onto your lower lip, and you hissed, your fingers burying into his hair and tugging at the root of his hair as his tongue came and pressed dangerously against yours. His tongue was hot against yours, he was undoubtedly much more hotblooded than you were, and with his emotions heightened, he exhausted what. 
Tongues clashed against one another, but it wasn’t even a battle of dominance; it was a battle to find who surrendered. There was to be no joy or excitement for whichever tongue prevailed, just the burning of the tears falling down your face and the acid taste on your tongue as he suckled on your pink muscle.
Your eyes were partially opened, watching his angry yet blank purple eyes meet yours, neither one of you allowing yourself to give in to the pure elation and sensation this was bringing. No, he wouldn’t allow it, and you wouldn’t have it.
The stubble of his beard scratched into your skin repetitively, feeling like sandpaper against your own skin as the kiss deepened, consuming the both of you on a whole new level as your crotches ground roughly against one another. Hisses and groans couldn’t stop pouring from your collective mouths, both of you hating yet craving more from this all. You couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he spoke to you like this, would he do something to you while you were like this? So when his massive, thick hand made contact with the underneath of your ass, scooping up your leg so that your covered cunt could now correctly grind into his hard cock, the weapon you stole from him a year ago bound around his neck, choking him, collaring him.
“I like my bitches chained up,” you mocked against his lips, but somehow, someway, Shinsou liked it. 
You groaned loudly at the way Shinsou gasped for air against the makeshift collar, your grin widening as you nodded your head, pulling away from his mouth as the grin became a smirk. “Didn’t think you wanted to talk when we were fucking?” you lied, teeth biting onto his lower lip and sucking on it as your hips oh so artfully bucked against his covered cock. You could feel the growing slick in your panties beginning to feel uncomfortable with the lack of proper friction, and your head lolled backward when he slammed your core against his, devilishly grinding against you.
He picked up your other leg and dropped the both of you to the floor, the uncomfortable gravel stone floor digging painfully into your back, but you could care less. Shinsou’s mouth was already back on your body, scratchy, scraping kisses placed on your neck, making you moan out, legs wrapping around his waist as you cant your hips upward to grind into him.
Unamused with the lack of his hands on your body, you took his arms that were planted at your shoulders and pressed his heavy palms on your breasts, avoiding the pissed look in his eyes as his teeth marked you painfully. You actually shrieked in pain. The feeling of his teeth tearing through the skin on your neck, while his finger kneaded and pulled at your covered breasts. It was unashamedly painful with how he played with your breasts. He seemed to grow happier with every sound of distress you made.
Fisting your hands back into his hair, you pulled him back to your face level, your eyes fluttered at the way his clothed erection carded perfectly between your sopping wet cunt. Blood stained his mouth, making his teeth slightly orange in tint, and you clicked your teeth in partial anger and pain as your neck throbbed. Slamming your lips back against his, you almost gagged at the taste of iron that soared through your senses as his tongue wasted no time to seek yours out. His lips and fingers were so ardent, manipulating your every body movement, cry of pain and pleasure as thrumming hatred for the stupid, stubborn hero above you still coursed through your veins. 
Sweat began to form at your temples as your lips gilded against his, your hips snapping up to meet his grinding hips, and an airy response keened from his mouth as you moaned loudly.
His incessantly grinding hips were making your legs shake with stimulation, your whines and whimpers for more opening like a flood gate as you finally stuck a hand between the two of you and shoved his pants to his knees. You dropped your legs from around his waist, and he assisted you in ripping your pants off from one side of your body, the fabric still clinging to your right leg, but you could hardly care. All you wanted was for him to plant his cock into your blazing heat and to fuck you, to claim you here on this rooftop that started and would end it all. You wanted him, his cock, and him.
“Fuck me,” you begged into his ear, and his back shivered with your words. You hooked your leg around his waist, carding his hot, throbbing cock against your soaked pussy, as you rolled your hips. “I want you to fuck me, fill me with his cock, and cum deep within me to show me just how much you fucking hate me.”
You cried out when his hand shot down to his cock to line it up with your squeezing, dripping hole, his mouth once again covering yours, kissing you aggressively, fueled with an emotion you could taste as bitter hatred. Your legs trembled as the tip of his cock continued to press against your entrance, not entirely entering it, not giving you friction to send you into a euphoric end. You could help the snarl that passed through your lips, your eyes angry beyond repair as the head of his cock continued to deny you. Whenever you tried to grind down, to force your walls around his cock, he went down with you, he wouldn’t allow it, and your cunt clenched against nothing as he gave you nothing.
Shinsou wheezes out a bitter chuckle, his hand raising his cock from between your soaked folds to slap his heavy, thick, and long length against your throbbing clit.
Hatred and desire soak your body, and you needily rub your clit against his cock, your hands shoving up his shirt to feel the scarred pattern of his back as you give him new ones that were produced by your nails.
“Don’t tease me, hero,” you snapped, fingers tearing into his skin to draw blood. “You fuck my pussy so good, right now, or I promise next time you’ll go out with that bomb too.”
That seems to do what you want because before those words settle on your nerves. His cock penetrates deeply within you, bottoming out entirely as your head thrashes back against the gravel of the floor, throbbing pain from that entirely ignorable because fuck, his cock was stretching you out. He was so thick, so fucking veiny that you could feel the pulsating veins on his cock pressing against your puffy, sensitive walls. You scream his name as the pleasure-filled pain pulses within you, your hips thrashing, wildly bucking in your attempt to calm from the sudden placement of his cock.
“Why are you so fucking big?” you splutter, a whining pitch to your voice as you clawed at his back, trying to separate your joined bodies but also trying to get even closer. “It’s so big, my walls feel like! Oh fuck, Shinsou, it feels like Imma split in two!”
It seems that Shinsou holds some great pride over those worse, because he growled deep in his chest, and his hips begin to fuck into you. It sends your hands to the base of his neck, clutching onto his skin with hope as you scream in pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the wet squelches fill the air and tickle your ears. The head of his cock keeps dragging against your spongy wall, brushing over your g-spot over and over again as if he knew where it was, as if it was common knowledge as he fucked you further into the gravel floor. It didn’t even hurt anymore, your skin singing with joy as his cock fucked you stupid.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck me!” you whined, and Shiinsou made an approving noise. 
He grunts as your cunt flutters and clenches around him, his balls hitting your skin in possibly bruising force and speed. And his pelvis crashing against your stings ever so slightly, but has you begging for more, sobbing for more.
Your vulgar words and moans are unstoppable at this point, your legs and thighs trembling as they are still circled around him, sometimes assisting you in coming up to meet his driving, drilling hips. You whine into his ear, your mouth pressing blind and sloppy kisses against his slick with sweat neck.
It’s when both his hands bring your hips up to him, his cock finally bottoming out entirely within you, does the most primal moan rip through your mouth. You convulse underneath him, trying to move as the head of his cock buries against your cervix, poking your womb with power and speed that has you swearing behind the blackness of your vision that this sensation brings. You can see the entire galaxy, the world lighting up when his cock leaves the thin wall, and you gasp, shocked that the heat and slick of your cunt is still going. You tremble underneath him, wordless cries pittering from your mouth while he bites on your earlobe.
You soon readjust to the numbing pleasure, the bruising pleasure, and pain that comes with his cock slamming against your cervix. The way that he thrusts up into you, stretching out your walls far more than you were ever used to.
 A pathetic cry escaped your lips when he rolled over so that you were now on top, your body bouncing as soon as it could against him. You keened and whined, feeling the top of his cock licking your cervix, and you spluttered.
“Fuck this angle, this angle and your cock!?” you stammered, fists curling into his collar as you rode him, his hips snapping up into yours with that same animalistic power and speed.
His pace is irreplicable, near maddening with every successive thrust of his hips. Each snap, each wet noise sends you close to the edge, your inner walls clenching and milking his length with greater power as your senseless cries fill the night sky. His grip on your waist will leave purple bruises later tonight, you just know it, but the fire in his eyes as you lock fazes is enough for you to be okay with it.
Its intensifying, deepening, fire erupting in your core as your cunt throbs.
Sweat, tears, and spit fall from your face, and Shinsou surges upward, kissing you with everything he can. It's a maddening escape of lust and need and hatred being exchanged, saliva spreading between you, covering your hot faces with slimy coldness, But you keep him close, your mouth drinking him in more, begging for more as your tongue sinks into his mouth.
His fingers rake down from your back. Past the curve of your clapping ass and onto your powerful thighs that helped in your action to claim his cock. Your joined mouths, both parted in silent screams, wordless begs for more, branding curses that spoke of his hatred for you, your hatred of his job.
Fuck this, fuck that, fuck, fuck, “fuck!”
You held each other impossibly close. Despite the barriers of shirts and armor separating your chests, you swore you could feel his hammering heart flush against your chest. A steady, consistent beat reminding you that this was a one-time thing, that this was yet another bomb with only one explosion to it.
“S-Shit!” his voice finally managed to escape from the makeshift collar, and you nearly sobbed at the sound of his gravelly, husky voice. 
You still hated him, you really hated him and his stupid deep voice. 
Your back arches as the control you had on collar suddenly slacks, as if you had never had it there, and his own noises of sex, of hatred, of pleasure fill and echo in your ear. You can hear him mumbling something in your ear, your head pathetically nodding, tears streaming down your face only you can’t seem to figure out why. The throbbing pressure in your stomach made you near uncomfortable as his cock sank and disappeared from your cunt, your walls' vice grip becoming tighter and tighter and tighter.
There’s vigor, untapped lust, pent up frustration as he rolls you both around, pushing you back into the gravel and dives his length into your wet, loud cunt without mercy. You were overworked, over thrilled, the pressure of your coming orgasm snapping into your every fiber of your being, your toes curling, and drool seeping from your lips as he growled. 
The noise seemed to resonate deeply in your own chest, and he pressed his sweaty forehead against yours, pathetic, needy noises escaping your lips as you stared into his angry, lusting eyes. And as he buried his teeth into your bottom lip, his nose scrunched in an aggressive snarl, he spoke with finality:
You weren’t sure if you had suddenly fallen under the persuasion of his brainwash, or he just knew you were overfilled with pressure, but you went rigid in his hold, your eyes rolling backward, and your vision going white. You came in powerful waves, electric stimming vibrating through your entire body as your spongey, wet walls clamped around him, and Shinsou came in a guttural groan. His hips snapping into your with five last, robust, resounding thrusts until your trembling abdomen and thighs were stilled with his crushing weight.
 You could feel his hot cum pulsing and thriving deep within your cunt, and you panted heavily, your body feeling alarmingly weak as the both of you lay there. A puddle of cum, tears, drool, pain, longing, and hatred.
He lays on top of you, his chest heaving with his breathing, and you felt frozen beneath him. The pain of the gravel roof no longer adds to your pleasure but rather is stabbing you in pain. It’s quiet as you lay there.
He’s quiet.
You’re silent.
“Why’d you do it?” he asked suddenly, interrupting the silence that you hated.
“I can’t tell you,” you admit, voice thick and heavy with untold emotions.
“You know I’ll have to arrest you, right?” Shinsou spoke softly, but he didn’t move to capture you, and you didn’t move to run.
What was the point? It wasn’t as if there was ever a fighting chance for the both of you. The world would have never allowed it, so why bother?
“I don’t think you hate me enough to arrest me right now, sleep on it,” you softly chided, your eyes staring up into the universe, begging to know why they made you a freak?
“Not right now, you spent all my energy,” Shinsou admits, rising up from you, his soft cock removing itself from your humming core, and you looked away to keep from staring. “I really hate you though, y/l/n. I don’t like liars or pretenders.”
“Convince your cock of it next time,” you couldn’t help but fire back, your upper lip curling in your anger and hatred at the sound of his zipping pants.
Silence and a beat follow your words.
“I’ll tell you this now,” Shinsou spoke, turning on his heels, his tone was cold, distant, like a stranger who could care less for you. “Don’t let me see you again. If I do, I promise you, I’ll send your ass to Tartarus. We’re no longer on good terms.”
Anger, hatred, and fury course through your veins as you stand up, legs weak, but spirit wounded as you pull up your pants, uncaring of his cum leaking from your slit. 
“Don’t you dare show your face to me again! Next time I won’t save your fucking ass when I blow something up!” you snapped, the tears running down your face uncontrollable although your voice never gave it away. It didn’t have to though, he turned around one last time, and his eyes met yours, and the two of you glared and simmered. 
But, he didn’t bother to respond back as he disappeared into the shadows of the night sky.
You collapsed onto your knees, exhaustion finally catching up with you, and you realized his capturing weapon you had stolen was finally taken back by the rightful owner. You fell forward, the tears and silent sobs muffled by your bitten lip as you stayed on that rooftop for an hour. Crying like a freak.
Truth be told, you weren’t even sure if you ever hated him.
Incoming Text…
Incoming Text…
New Text Message Received!
From Unknown:      ↳ Good job, y/n. Phase one is complete.
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brendaaaa · 4 years
Lab Partners (Steve Harrington x fem!Reader)
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“And the last pair will be…Steve Harrington and Y/n L/n.”
You bit your lip and turned to look at the king of Hawkins high. He wasn’t looking back at you, or even paying attention to anything the teacher was saying, but was whispering with his friend Tommy H instead. You watched him chuckle at what was probably some stupid remark his friend said, and your eyes intently focused in on him running his hand through his expertly teased hair, messing it up.
You closed your mouth, realizing that it had fallen slightly open whilst watching him. You coughed, and made eye contact with your friend Kelly. She was looking at you with wide eyes, and a bit of a smirk on her face.
Of course. Of course with your worst luck you would end up with Harrington. The boy was an asshole. And that was that. But you thought, rather bitterly, that didn’t change the fact that you were totally in love with him. Yep. Go ahead and shoot y/n. You were smitten with the hottest possible douchebag of the whole damn town of Hawkins.
You had never even really talked to him. Maybe he had brushed past your shoulder once in the hallways back in middle school, or perhaps you’d maybe randomly made eye contact with him once across the cafeteria on a rainy day where you weren’t sitting outside on the baseball fields like usual.
Anyways, logically speaking, there was no real reason for you to like him. Other than for his looks of course, which was somewhat shallow reasoning. And this was a fact that you absolutely hated. You cringed knowing that this boy could make your eyes drop to the floor in an instant, face blushing red, trying to look at anyone, anywhere but him, and there wasn’t a single thing about his actual personality, or what you knew about him, that you even remotely liked.
So that is precisely why your stomach was a flip flop of fluttery and unwelcome emotions when your chem teacher assigned you and Steve Harrington as lab partners for the final project of sophomore year.
The devil on your shoulder was delighted, thrilled even to be paired with the basketball team hottie, but your true consciousness fought back, protesting and feeling guilty that you were only drooling over him because of how cute he was. And besides, you didn’t want to have to deal with his jerkish attitude. Oh dear lord you were going to have to invite him over to your house. You didn’t want him to be in your bedroom! Your personal space! But that nagging subconscious was telling you, ‘yes y/n yes, this is the break you’ve finally been waiting for. All this time and Steve will finally be all yours, all yours. You can seduce him, charm him, he’ll be yours, all yours!’
You grappled under your desk for your water bottle. You seriously needed some ice cold water to keep you regulated, keep those unwanted thoughts out.
There weren’t many good sides to getting the hair as your partner.
If the rumors were true, Harrington had never gotten an A in any class, like ever. So surely he would be a drag to have around this project, full of dumb comments and contributing nothing, no real substantial work towards getting a grade.
You swished down some more water. Life would be so much easier if your teacher would just let you be partners with Kelly. She was a real one, your best friend since forever really. She could sort of empathize with how you were feeling, since apparently she had a thing for a guy ‘just like Steve, only worse’ when she was in California last summer. That made you feel better. You two could vent together about how hard it was liking such hot assholes.
You decided to be bold. You raised your hand. Kelly shot you a look. She was watching you like you were about to tell your mom that you had snuck out the night before. Social suicide. Looking at you like you were crazy, and whatever you were about to do was unpredictable as hell.
Which was probably true.
“Yes, Miss L/n?” The teacher pointed his ruler at you, giving you permission to speak.
“May I choose another partner?”
Kelly’s jaw dropped open, and she looked from you to Steve, back to you, up to the teacher. Although everyone else in the class was bored out of their gourds, Kelly knew you like she knew her own self, maybe even better, and she was living for this shit show of emotions you were displaying.
“Umm…” the teacher fiddled with the pen hanging out of his breast pocket with one hand, while his other finger slid down a clipboard, looking for where your name was listed.
“Ah, yes with Mr. Harrington,” he mumbled to himself, before looking back up at you quizzically.
“Is there any issue with your current pairing? Something wrong with Mr. Harrington?”
At this Steve finally took notice, frowning slightly as his eyes flicked over to you.
You sat still for a moment, trying to format the best way to word what you were about to say.
“Uh, kind of.” Everyone gawked. Did you really just testify to the fact that there was something wrong with Steve, king of the school??
“I mean no,” you quickly added, covering up your mistake, although by now Steve was amused while watching, enjoying watching you, some random girl he didn’t even know, get so flustered over the topic of him.
“What I mean to say is…” you watched Steve out of the corner of your eye. “My mom won’t allow me to have any boys over. Ever,” you fibbed. Ay, what was the harm in a little white lie, anyways?
“So obviously Steve is a male,” you said with a smirk, the class nervously laughed as you said that. Immature hormonal kids. Kelly mentally face palmed at some of the implications that statement alone made.
“And my mom would never allow him in the house. So uh, how would we ever get the project done? I need a female partner,” you explained to your teacher.
He nodded, a firm line pressed across his lips, slightly frustrated at the inconvenience of hafting to switch up partners this late into the planning of this project.
“Wait, hold on a sec.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Oh no, no. You were so close! So close to convincing the teacher to put you with someone else!
Steve was sitting up straighter in his seat now, a hand up, “hold on a sec,” he repeated.
“I don’t see why…” hey looked at you. “Um..name?” He asked, brow furrowed slightly.
You flushed bright red, wanting to roll your eyes at how embarrassed you were getting. You weren’t a shy person by any means, but having this whole exchange in front of the entire class wouldn’t have been fun for even the widest open book.
“Y/n,” Kelly spoke up for you, seeing as you were not going to supply your name on your own.
Steve snapped his fingers, “Y/n! Thank you…” he trailed off, seeming still mostly unfazed as he realized he didn’t know Kelly’s name either.
“I don’t see why nobody else can see that there is an obvious and simple solution to this. If y/n’s mom won’t let me come over, then that's fine. Y/n can just come over to my place instead!”
Now why, why in gods name would he say that? You thought to yourself. It was almost like he knew that he drove you mad, and he was just enjoying teasing you, stringing you along, while the whole time knowing that you were no match for him. Or was it actually the other way around? I mean, why were you so worried over him anyways? If anything you were the desirable one. Sure, you weren’t popular, but Steve was a jerk.
It didn’t matter. Either way you were a sucker for him, and he seemed to be abusing that knowledge. Knowledge? Now where the hell did that come from? Seriously, how had Steve even figured out you liked him? Did he even know? Or was he really just so lame that...ugh fuck. You felt like your brain was about to short circuit, finally blow out after running on high, when
“Ms. L/n? Would that work for you? Doing the project both here at school and also at Mr. Harrington’s house?”
You looked at Steve. He smirked. He knew you liked him, he knew, that bastard-
You looked at Kelly. She raised an eyebrow, basically giving her approval and saying, why not amigo?
You sighed, “Alright.”
Your teacher smiled, “Peachy.”
You turned to look at Steve one more time, and to your dismay and stomach butterfly syndrome, he was watching your carefully. He was fiddling with his pencil absentmindedly, but he was smiling. No, not smiling. Smirking.
You turned back around in your seat, slightly shivering. Oh god were you excited to go to his house. You corrected yourself, no actually, how much you were dreading going to his house. You finally just gulped down some more ice water, rolling your eyes at yourself, and decided that it was okay to be feeling two things at once. It was okay to view your crush on Harrington as both a joy and a crime. Your chances of getting him as your lab partner both a blessing and a curse. Who knows? Maybe Harrington was a bit of a multi-sided di himself. Prickly on the outside, sweet on the inside. You took another sip of water, laughing at yourself inside, Harrington? Sweet? What wishful thinking. If only, you thought.
If only there was some world where Steve was a nice guy, maybe worked at an ice cream shop, or was a pizza delivery guy, and maybe he’d babysit kids or whatever. If only. In the meantime, you had the douche bag to deal with. Word Count: 1668
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Second and last part of Phic Phight 2021!
Full text below the cut. Warnings for swearing and some drinking mentions.
Mary Baker had a list. She kept it in the back of her calculus notebook. It had started as a joke, something to amuse herself with any time differential equations or taylor series got to be a bit too much. In her three years at uni, it had evolved into a full-on conspiracy theory.
Somehow, despite the multiple thousands of people who went to her school, Mary had had a class with one Daniel Fenton every semester of her college experience. They weren’t even in the same major, but there was quite a lot of overlap between astrophysics and biochemical engineering, weirdly enough, and so every September and every January, Mary found herself walking into at least one class to find Fenton already there.
The list at the back of her calculus notebook was, in theory, very simple. In practice, it was the bane of her existence, and she was sure if she could figure out what it all meant, she’d be the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history.
Doesn’t sleep??? Ever???
Frosh roomie Jake says he always went to bed first and by the time he woke up, Fenton would already be awake
Jake is an avid partyer, joined the frat with the highest DUI rate
Jake goes to bed at 2am on a good day
Got an on-campus single soph + junior year
RA 1 Beth, says he never caused any issues
RA 2 Mac, Fenton brought them fudge a lot but only late at night
Espresso dealer knows Fenton by name and order
I have never once seen Fenton in that coffee shop when the sun is shining
Al says Fenton is in the library studying until like 4am when they close
Al also doesn’t sleep, testimony should be taken with caution
Once twice thrice Came to class through 3rd+ story window
Calc 1: 12
History of Ghanian Art: 6
Intro bagpiping: 1 (carrying bagpipes in one arm and bag on back)
Chem 1: 4
Calc 3: 10
Phys 1: 8
Espresso dealer says Fenton chills on the roof of Smith Hall
No roof access to Smith Hall per janitors + admin
Smith Hall is in the middle of a field w/ no trees
Captain of Parkour Club
Also, founded Parkour Club
There’s like two other members and they’re both from the same tiny town in the middle-of-bumfuck-nowhere Illinois
Where tf is Fenton from???
Only does work in Spooky von Haunted Library
Racist pos can go die in a hole, I will only ever refer to that hellscape by the actual fun shit that happens there
But yeah Fenton never works anywhere else
Per Al, who works the night shift there three days a week
Checked with Greg @ SP Lib and Wren @ 28th St Lib, they’ve never seen him at their libraries
Talks to ghosts?
Per Al, has convos w/ legit nothing
Finally broke down? Wish it were me
Seems to get inspired by said convos w/ nothing
No sense of danger? There’s a better way to word that but idk man
Took 20 cr first semester, 3.8 gpa
Took calc 3 with Smith
Which is the dumbest move possible, Smith grades way too hard
Also, somehow pulled an A
Parkour club
Dude ends up on top of tallest buildings on campus every week
And then fucking leans over the side to figure out how to get down wtf???
I wrote this down like a year ago and then forgot fuck
Hazmat spill in chem lab, Fenton legit didn’t realize
Finished the lab, turned it in, walked out none the wiser
Might have drank hydrochloric acid once????
Nani says so
Normally I’d trust her, but there’s no fucking way
Def downed a whole bottle of ammonia
What, cocaine not enough for you???
But yeah chem 1
So yeah actually I believe Nani he totally drank hydrochloric acid
Oh lol yeah a bear got on quad
Fucking Fenton chased it away allll bu self
Also some jakcass had paintted it fucking brught green
lol frat boys amiright?
i’m too fucking drunk for thsi rn later mary can deal wtih the bear
Walked through a wall
Okay what the unmitigated fucking hell????
Fenton just fucking walked through a wall in the middle of the math building I swear to god
I am dead sober right now, it’s fucking noon on a fucking tuesday and he just walked through a fucking wall
Dude flies
I don’t think i was suppsed to see tihs one boys
Its kinda late lol like 4am but not toooooooo late
And i mean yeah mayeb i’m a teeny weeny bit itnoxcaded
But i stg fenton jst fckng flew
Jumped oof the top of Smtih Haal
And then jst knda hovred for a hot mnt or 2
then f*cking uh flew away
look i derw a baby star
No curses in ym bok, nope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im gona go to slep now
he fcuking flies i cant deal rn
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builder051 · 3 years
Hi! Wanted to say I really love your Bucky fics :) not sure if this would work, but I was wondering if you’d want to write something where Bucky gets nervous/panicky about an impending migraine or seizure and Steve tries to understand what’s wrong in order to help him
Chasing Ghosts
The aura's had James on edge since he got out of bed.
Unfortunately, he hasn't see Steve since, well, he got out of bed, which was at least an hour before James rolled over to turn off his alarm. 'Stupid gym rats', he thinks, well after while he's making toast and packing his bag for the school day. 'But they make good boyfriends.'
James makes it through his history lecture and algebra with no more than a headache and a few errant sparkles hanging around the bottom of his left-side visual field. It's not too bad. Probably means impending rain, or something, he convinces himself. No need to worry.
James moves into the darkened computer lab to take a study break and takes a seat at a station. He picks at a spot on the finger of his prosthesis as he waits for his outdated PC to warm up, and is just about floored when his fingernails find the table instead of the intended place on the forefinger of his artificial left hand.
"The fuck?" James mutters, blinking. His vision has completely doubled. He opens and shuts his eyes again, and he feels as though he's standing on the deck of an impressively small yacht, noticing each shift of the waves of the deep blue carpet below him.
James swallows, and the taste of bile rushes up his throat. He flicks his eyes around the room, locating the nearest trash bin, just in case. He reaches into his pocket for his phone, fumbling it, even though he maneuvers it with his good hand.
James takes a deep breath as he autodials Steve's number.
"Hello?" Steve sounds far away and echoey.
"Yeah," James gasps. "I-- can you come by?" The person at the next workstation over gives him an odd look. James puts his prosthetic up to the side of his head, which is throbbing like no tomorrow, and turns away.
"Where?" Steve asks. "Why?"
"You sound like you're in a swimming pool..."
"Yeah, I think you forgot. I took swimming this semester."
James's yacht moves into Steve's pool, and he very nearly vomits all over the keyboard before him. "Oh."
"You don't sound good," Steve prompts.
"I'm... my head..."
"How's your vision, and have you puked?" Steve's on the ball.
"Eh. And negative."
"Ok." Steve's voice goes muffled. James assumes he has a towel on his head. "You have meds on you?"
"Only injectables."
"Well, shit." Steve pauses. "I'll be there in ten. Just... hold onto firm ground till I get there."
"'M in the lab."
"What, chem? Don't they disallow phones?"
"Computers, punk." James wishes he could laugh. But his teeth are chattering as it is; the muscles in his jaw working hard to keep from falling open into a hard retch.
"Oh. By the concert hall? On the other side of campus?"
"Well, hold tight. I'll be there."
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skinsharpenedteeth · 4 years
Coming Up Easy - A Series of Firsts (Part 1)
Synopsis: AU where Alex and Michael are FWB since high school. Series of firsts in their relationship. Hopefully I’ll post one every Wednesday. No clue how many I’ll have. Feel free to send me ideas.
Part 1. First Apartment
    It was the worst decision Alex had ever made if Michael had anything to say about it. He was across the country building himself a new life and Michael didn’t like it one bit. 
    “You can come visit,” Alex said, brushing a stray curl from Michael’s forehead. He was watching his own finger and tracing the loops of the curl instead of looking Michael in the eyes. “Friends visit each other.”
    “Right, I know. You’re right. I can visit,” Michael agreed, his stomach feeling queasy at the fact that if he wanted to see Alex he would have to visit. He couldn’t show up unannounced because he was lonely or having a bad day. No one would be waiting for him at the Wild Pony for drinks. His friend would be too far away in a different bar, possibly making new friends.
    Michael stared down at his phone, the chat window he shared with Alex open and depressingly inactive. No blinking dots to say Alex was typing or thinking about him too. He sighed and tossed the phone onto the bar in front of him, signaling Maria’s new bartender to get him another beer. Once the beer was in front of him, Michael opened his phone screen again and stared at the chatbox some more. 
    ‘Fuck it,’ he finally said to himself as he began to type. 
Me 11:15 p.m.>> You up?
    He set the phone down again and sipped his beer, watching the other patrons through the mirrors behind the bar. There were some guys at the pool table that he could go swindle for a game or two. Liz, Max, and Kyle were in a corner booth all laughing and talking animatedly. He could hear the whoops and cheers from someone taking a turn on the mechanical bull outside the bar. There were so many things to distract him, but all Michael wanted was to talk to Alex. 
Alex 11:20 p.m.>> Are you seriously booty calling me from five states away? Me 11:21 p.m.>> I mean, this isn’t that different from when we were in college and you had that late chem lab and I kept getting bored waiting for you to get out… Alex 11:23 p.m.>> That’s not a very subtle way to ask for nudes. Me 11:24 p.m.>> I mean, I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to nudes if you’re offering them, but really I’m just at the Pony missing my best friend. Alex 11:26 p.m.>> You should call Isobel then. I’m sure she’d be glad to hang out. Me 11:27 p.m.>> Jerk. Me 11:27 p.m.>> Wyd? Alex 11:29 p.m.>> Staring at the black void of my bedroom listing all the things I need to get done tomorrow after I get home from work. This is basically like when I moved in with Kyle in college except I have more boxes and no one to guilt into unpacking them for me.
    Michael stared at the phone and thought about that first apartment. He’d moved in with Kyle after Kyle’s dad died. Kyle had transferred from Michigan State back to UNM in Albuquerque to be closer to his mom, but he was still on the pre-med track so living in town was out of the question. Michael remembers them all getting wasted on whiskey that first night and after Kyle had passed out on the futon mattress (which was on the floor and not on the still-disassembled futon), he and Alex had escaped to his room. 
Me 11:33 p.m.>> Remember the rug burns you gave me that second night? Alex 11:35 p.m.>> You deserved that for the hickies you gave me! It looked like I'd been attacked by an octopus in my sleep!
    Michael grinned into his beer. He didn’t regret the hickies. They’d been drunk and horny. He’d pinned Alex to the shitty, half-deflated air mattress and left marks in a constellation from his neck to the inside of his thighs and the little shit had loved every fucking second of it. Then Alex had tried to roll them and just ended up knocking Michael over off the mattress. They’d laughed and Alex had apologized into his mouth between kisses. He’d tasted like whiskey and cheap pizza and Michael remembered being blissfully happy somewhere underneath all the horniness. The rugburns hadn’t come until the next night when Alex had fucked him hard on the floor, carpet digging into Michael’s knees, elbows, and cheek. It’d been worth it to see Kyle the next morning try to figure out how to address the thinness of the wall between their bedrooms. 
Me 11:39 p.m.>> Fucking worth it. You were so mad about those hickies, but I wore those rug burns like badges of honor. Alex 11:40 p.m.>> The fuck you did. You whined every day until they were gone. Me 11:41 p.m.>> Not how I remember it at all. You must have me confused with your other friend you occasionally fuck. Alex 11:42 p.m.>> I could never. 
    “Oh shit, I think Valenti’s passed out. Should we fuck with him? Draw dicks on his face? Make him pee himself?” Michael asked, giggling into Alex’s warm, shirt-covered shoulder. They were sitting pressed side by side against the living room wall. They’d been telling dirty jokes and arguing about playing Halo for the last fifteen minutes. The bottle of Jack Daniels was down to the backwash at the bottom of the bottle, having been split between the three of them as a celebration for Kyle and Alex getting an apartment together. No more sneaking into dorm rooms or paying roommates to find another place to sleep. 
    “If you’re so desperate to see a dick, I got something better we could do,” Alex had slurred into his hair as he tipped toward him. 
    “You’re fucking drunk, can you even get hard?” Michael had asked. Better question was could he get hard… they’d had a lot to drink in a short period of time. 
    “Why don’t we go to my room and find out? Help me break the place in. Christen it before Kyle can,” Alex suggested, grin salacious and eyebrows mischievous and hair slightly sweaty and mussed from their hauling boxes and putting together furniture. Michael couldn’t remember wanting him more. He surged forward and captured his lips in a messy, wet kiss that somehow didn’t suck for all its faults. They were both panting gently when they pulled back. 
    “Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed quietly, eyes still closed and enjoying the taste and smell of the moment, the feeling of his hand against Alex’s neck, and how much he wanted this forever. Alex pushed back and stood up unsteadily, leaning on the wall for support, and Michael followed suit. They stumbled into the bedroom, legs tangling and making them fall onto the air mattress in a heap, laughing breathlessly as they started to pull at their shirts. The apartment still smelled like paint and carpet cleaner and the new plastic of the air mattress, but it was a refuge from the world and if Michael could live in that moment forever, he might just. 
    “Ugh, you’re getting sappy,” Alex mock-complained as he pushed Michael onto his back and straddled his hips. 
    “Me? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Michael countered with a grin, his hands, and expression betraying him as he let them both roam all over Alex’s body fondly, familiarly. Alex rolled his eyes, but his grin stayed in place. He grabbed Michael’s hands and pinned them to the floor by Alex’s knees. 
Alex kissed down Michael’s chest and stomach, leaving dark red marks where he sucked the skin into his mouth until Michael whined for him to stop. He kept moving his own body down until he was hovering over the obvious tent in Michael’s shorts. He grazed his cheek against Michael’s bulge, staring up at him with a dirty tilt to his lips. Alex lifted Michael’s hands from beside him and buried them in his hair. Michael looked down at him curiously, but Alex didn’t explain. He simply pulled down Michael’s shorts to mid-thigh and took Michael’s cock between his lips. 
Warm, wet ecstasy exploded through Michael’s nerve endings and he cried out, neck arching as he sucked in a breath at how good Alex’s mouth felt on him, his fingers tightening and pulling Alex’s hair. Alex moved his mouth fluidly over Michael’s cock and Michael was helpless against the sounds pouring out of his mouth. He pushed when Alex pulled, not wanting to be without the tight heat of his mouth any longer than he had to be. Alex’s hands were digging into his hips, probably bruising him, but Michael couldn’t focus on it, only let the dull pain heighten his experience of the pleasure. 
“Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, Alex. Christ,” Michael exclaimed between whimpers. Alex was going fast like he had a time limit. “Slow down, baby. We got all night.”
Alex popped off him and replaced his mouth with his hand, taking in a deep breath before continuing. 
“Exactly. Let’s get the first one out of the way. I want to still be fucking when the sun comes up,” Alex gasped, squeezing his hand and making his grip on Michael’s cock almost too tight. Michael didn’t have an answer for that, was too busy imagining it, and Alex took his silence as acceptance of the plan. He bent down and took Michael back into his mouth. 
Me 11:55 p.m.>> I could go for some hickies right about now Alex 11:56 p.m.>> Well, I can’t exactly come down to help you with that. Me 11:57 p.m.>> Guess you shouldn’t have moved. Alex 11:57 p.m.>> Something tells me you will survive. :P Me 11:58 p.m.>> Putting it on my Christmas list right now, though. Better come through for me, Manes. Alex 11:59 p.m>> You’re going to scandalize Santa asking for hickies. Me 12:00 a.m.>> He’ll understand. Alex 12:01 a.m.>> It’s past 1 here. I need to get some sleep. Miss you. Don’t get too drunk. Me 12:02 a.m.>> Miss you too. Dream about me. 
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darkmulti · 4 years
Ex boyfriendYandere!San x female reader
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⚠️Warnings: possessive behaviour, horror au, language, spanking, fear kink, ddlg, kidnapping, mentions of non con, torture, death, blood, physical abuse (slapping, spanking, pinching, kicking), mental abuse, not a full smut but talks about a little, fluff ending❣️
Please read at your own risk, some parts may be triggering.
Part 2 on masterlist 
Currently San had you against the wall with his hand tightly wrapped around your throat. Tears falling from your eyes and your breath hitches.
“P-please, San. I’m-I’m so-sorry.”
You whimper out.
You were petrified of him. Shivering from fear. You suddenly felt so cold. It was a horrid feeling. The feeling of being alone, in the dark, frightened by his dominant presences. He had too much control of you, it was concerning.
“Why are you apologizing to me now? You already went on the date.”
Suddenly a hard slap lands on your face making it slant to the side. He grabs you jaw aggressively and moves closer to your face. You can feel his hot breath on your nose.
“Answer me when I talk to you. You know how much I hate to repeat myself.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone on the date.”
He slaps you again and spits on your face.
“A ‘sorry’ is not going to fix anything. You already did it. I have to punish you. Go into the fucking car. NOW!”
He let go of your neck, expecting you to obey him, but instead you bolt to your bedroom. You heard him close behind but made it just in time. If you were any slower he would’ve catched you. You slam your room door and lock it.
Why was this happening?
Why couldn’t he let you go?
His behaviour toward you had ruined your mental health. What more could he want?
You and San started dating in the last year of high school. He was a pure angel, and treated you like a princess. It was until the last year of university, he got more and more possessive of you and you had to let go.
He was extremely proprietorial of you. It constantly made you question your relationship.
Does he even trust you?
The reason why San was provoked now, was because you had gone on a date with one of your classmates. That’s only because you’re not together with him anymore.
You couldn’t condone his behaviour anymore and broke up with him. He had an uncontrollable rage, especially if it was about you. Therefore you ended it.
Unfortunately for you, San didn’t take it like that. He thought it was just a break and left you alone for one week. The next week, he came roaming around, right back to you.
When you tell him that it’s over, you’re done. He pinned you against the wall and took you right there. You being into the moment, let it happen just one more time.
Well you thought it was just gonna be that one time. But he always did it. He fucked you under the bleachers during a football game. In the chem lab, the sleeping pods. You would always tell him no, but he didn’t take it as an answer.
Thus, you didn’t fight it anymore. Except now. He was taking it to another level and you didn’t need that right now.
“San please leave me alone!”
You pleaded on one side of the door.
Your voice was met with nothing but silence. You lay on the floor to look under the little opening of the bottom of the door, looking for his feet.
You saw nothing. Maybe he left.
“What’re you doing on the floor?”
You jolt up and look behind you. San was in your room. You looked behind him and the window was open.
You scurried up and unlocked the door, but San was faster and closed it from behind you. He roughly grabbed your shoulders and flipped you around to face him.
“You can’t escape me. You’re MINE! How many fucking times do I have to tell you?”
He was furious. His face was red and he looked like he could cry from frustration. Knowing him well, you knew he would absolutely lose it if you apologized to him one more time.
Instead you cup his cheeks and rub them softly. You move closer to him, hoping he would wrap his arms around you, pick you up and forgive you. So this nightmare can be over and you can be one again.
You were exhausted. But hey, at least he’s loyal. Not a lot of men have loyalty. You wouldn’t die if you stayed with San. He would at least protect you.
You tried to think of his good traits.
San sighs and pulls you closer to him.
“Now you wanna act all innocent? You’ve angered beyond my limit. I am still going to punish you for that. Bad girls like you, need to be put in their place. Understood?”
You whisper in his ear and let him take you back to his car.
This was you giving up. You can’t continue to fight. Not like this. This was tormenting you. Maybe the one causing all of this suffering can bring you out of it. You kept a little hope in San, thinking that he may make you the happiest girl in the world one day.
San enters into the car with a bag and throws it in the back.
“What’s that?”
“Some clothes and my favourite lingerie.”
Upon saying this a grin was forming on his lips.
His hand made its way over to your thighs and harshly slaps his.
You flinch up not expecting that.
“Why don’t you remind me the 9 strict rules I had for you? If you get it wrong I will slap these beautiful, soft thighs until they’re bruised. Understand?”
“Yes daddy. Rule number one is to call you daddy or master.”
“Good girl”
“Rule number two is to listen and obey daddy at all times. Rule number three is ask daddy permission for everything. Rule number four is to not back talk or act like a brat to daddy. Rule number five, is- uhh”
You yelp up and feel a sting on your thigh. You hiss out in pain.
“What’s rule number five, whore.”
“It’s too......”
Another slap lays on your thighs.
You start panicking because you forgot what rule number five is. Your heart rate gets faster and you can’t help but fidget around. A lump forms in your throat and you try you best to blink away tears.
Why was he this horrifying to you?
“You forgot didn’t you?”
“Yes daddy.”
“When we get home, that’s 10 spankings on the ass. Understand?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Okay, moving on what’s rule number six?”
“Tell daddy, if there’s something wrong. Always talk to daddy because he’s here to listen.”
“Never touch myself”
“Be thankful for everything my daddy has provided me and be thankful for my daddy.”
You gulp not remembering what it was. This was the new rule San had added, but a week later you broke up with him.
“Daddy, I don’t remember nine. I truly am sorry.”
You speak in the most baby voice you can pull off.
He didn’t acknowledge it and spanks your thighs 10 times, each time getting harder and harder.
You hold in your cries and finally see that you have reached his mansion.
He parks at the front and says to you
“Stay in the car, I'll come around.”
You obey and he comes around opening the door and pulling you out. He slams the car door, and with a tight grip on your arm, pulls you inside.
3 months later
You had completely lost all hope. This time your punishment was much more physical. He kicked you. After fucking you for what seemed like days, he cummed all over you and kicked your legs, back and stomach. After that he left.
You lay on the concrete floor, bawling your eyes out. Why was he this cruel?! Since the day you entered this house, you’ve been locked up in the punishment room.
At this point San was using you as a sex slave. His little cum slut. You had a massive amount of hatred toward him now. You will be able to love again!
He broke you. He was starting to get physical now. He would feed you a meal every two days and the water was the faucet water from the bathroom. He still allowed you to keep your hygiene up because at the end of the day, he was still fucking you. You didn’t have clothes to wear and just walked around nude.
You had a collar on and San sometimes put a leash on you while fucking you.
It was hell. You couldn’t take it anymore!
You start crying even harder, trembling in fear. Your sobs become a little louder and before you knew it you were wailing.
The door immediately opens and San is standing at the doorway.
“Why’re you crying without my permission? You want me to punish you again? You just seem like you can’t get enough of me. Am I that handsome or am I just that good at fucking you?”
You immediately stop and don’t reply. What does he want you to say to that? That you like him making you feel like a worthless piece of shit?
“Not replying I see. Tsk tsk tsk. Get up and bend over on the bed.”
In a flash you stand up and bend over the bed.
San pulls you back and spits in your mouth.
You gulp it down.
“Good girl.”
He praised you and petted your head.
“Now count for me, babygirl.”
He spanks you up to ten and you don’t react. It hurt, but in a way you were already used to it. Your ass was bruised. You couldn’t sit on it or lay on it. It was terrible.
San rubs your ass and picks up a blanket. He wrapped you around in it and carries you upstairs to his room you’re assuming. He lays you on the bed and kisses you all over your face.
“Tomorrow was supposed to be your last day in the punishment room. But since my princess was crying, I will end it today. This is our shared room and your clothes are in our closet. How about you go shower, then we can eat dinner, then cuddle.”
What the fuck?
How did he suddenly change like that?
You were still afraid of him and kept your distance, but he started taking you out on dates and buying you stuff.
He even bought you a promise ring. It matched with his. He would buy you couples outfits and was attached to your side.
“Babygirl can you look at me?”
You turn your head to face San.
He gently kisses you and pulls away saying
“I love you, princess.”
“I love you too, Sannie.”
You smile and kiss him back.
Maybe the hard parts over.
—————————————————————————— edited🔐
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navyhyuck · 4 years
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week two | previous | masterlist | next
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↳ a love letter a week, and it has you wondering who’s your secret admirer. you have nine weeks, eight candidates, and one story to live. will you find out who your ‘jay’ is?
a/n :: here’s part two my sexy friends, i’ll be starting to add a little warnings tag from now on because parts will start to get longer and may include some triggering topics!!
wc :: 2.9k (i’m sorry it’s getting longer and longer i know)
warnings: mentions of sex (kinda, not explicit), a singular mention of death, someone’s borderline a bully but not quite (they’re just mean)
taglist: @childofthecycle @the8luvr @staywrites @chocolattees @cloudzume @babytoadz @cherrystay @sandaigdigan-reads @hoes4hoseok @ctrlaltfangirl @kodzu-ken @xazucaradictax @qtieskz @blueprint-han
couldn’t tag: @x-dawna-x
let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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You’re listening to Ryujin go on and on about Han Jisung at practically 6 a.m. (okay, it was around halfway to 8 o’clock, but her words were making you lose track of time), your head resting against the cool metal of the locker, almost wishing you were banging your head against it instead. As much as you knew your friend had a thing for the boy, you never thought you’d be stuck in the middle listening to her over analyzing everything that happened in English the day before. Sure, the precarious boy could be outstanding at pipetting in chemistry, but his social skills weren’t the best. Or at least, they weren’t the best with you.
“Anyway, I’ll shut up now, you look like you just watched The Conjuring and threw up on yourself.” She exclaims rather dryly, and you raise your head, glimpsing at the questioning look on her face. “By the way, that movie was shit. I’ll get to the point, then. I was gonna ask who you’re going to homecoming with.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes at both the comment on one of your favorite horror movies ever (that you’ve watched four times already, each time with the same girl who insists it’s not scary but ends up peeking past her fingers anyway) and homecoming. “Myself,” you reply, returning your head to its original position. “Do I look like the kind of person that would go to homecoming with a date? Really?”
“You went last year,” she points out, and you realize it’s true with a groan. It wasn’t your fault that you couldn’t refuse the captain of the basketball team when he proposed the idea in the middle of the cafeteria, halfway through the sixth period. Honestly, San wasn’t too bad anyway, he just wanted to have some fun with a girl that wasn’t following after him in the general sheep crowd; after the night was over, however, you swore to yourself that you would never come to a dance voluntarily wearing stilettos without one of your go-to friends. “And you liked it. Plus, I was thinking, we should all get dates this year! You know, since it’s our senior year and all. You won’t have another hoco to miss after this one.”
“Get dates? You’re acting like it’s buying takeout.” 
“It basically is,” she shrugs. “You go out, ask for something from someone, and they either give it to you or not. Though I’m not really sure if restaurants are allowed to refuse service.”
 “We could just all go as friends,” you suggest, finally opening up your locker. “As great as having some random dude as my date, no thanks. Like you said, it’s our last year. And hoco’s been fun since freshman year for us anyway, what’s the point of setting us up with dudes when we’re just gonna ditch them?”
“Who said I’m gonna ditch my date?”
“Me, I just did,” you deadpan, shuffling through your books to grab onto your chemistry lab book and stuffing it into your bag. “Remember sophomore year? Yeah, you might not want to remember it, but I do. Lee Daehwi?” She groans at the sound of the familiar name, making you chuckle.
“Okay, fair enough, but I’m not gonna ditch my date this time. Not if I get the one I want.” Ryujin smacks your arm to grab your attention, making you hiss before you see the knowing look on her face as she wiggles her eyebrows. You cross your arms in confusion, trying to scan and rescan her face for hints to what she was getting at, but when your mind finally clicks, you freeze. And then, your jaw drops. “Shut up.”
“I-I didn’t even say anything!”
“I know what you’re gonna say!” She points at you, shaking her finger before bringing it back down. “Look, like you said, it’s senior year. I don’t have a chance, really, not after this one. Either I ask him out for homecoming in the next week or I mope around for the rest of my life regretting not going to a high school dance with the hottest guy in school. Yeah, okay, I guess that kinda does sound a little pathetic.”
You consider it for a moment, imagining how awkward the interaction between Ryujin’s infamous crush and her would be; there would be a whole lot of tripping at the feet and ten times the amount of stuttering. Plus, you’re sure that the boy didn’t have the heart capacity to receive a request without passing out cold. He’s a little fragile after all. “You think Jisung’s the hottest guy in school?”
“Duh, who else do you think? That Hyunjin dude? Yeah, maybe, I saw him a few times in the past few days, but so what? People just get hyped over some guy whenever they come to the school and like four days later he’s no longer a cool transfer student and just ‘the guy next to me in calculus.’” You give her a look, one that you hope resembles something that conveyed the message of ‘you just brought up Hyunjin completely unprovoked’ but she doesn’t budge, her eyes trailed on her nails as she continues. “...and I’ll ask Jisung. Chaeryoung said she’s going with that other guy from your chem, whatever his name was, him. So then, it’s just you.”
You’re reminded suddenly of the letter that you pulled from your locker a few days earlier, the one that followed after the previous introduction and pleaded for you to attend the dance. Even if the letter had never arrived, you were planning on it anyway, but now, you had a purpose. “I don’t really want a date,” you say carefully, your eyes darting across the busy hallway before focusing on the blue of your best friend’s hair. “I mean, I don’t know, maybe, whatever. I don’t feel like stressing out about asking someone, so maybe if someone asks me, I'll be their date. But don’t count on it, alright?”
Ryujin narrows her eyes at you, as if searching for something underneath (something that wasn’t there, you’d like to point out, but she’s still looking intently) before humming. “Alright, sure.” She finishes abruptly, clearly wanting to add onto her sentence but refraining from doing so, making you raise an eyebrow at her shenanigans.
“Spit it out, c’mon, I know you have more to say.”
Your best friend gives you a deadly look but considers it, resting her back against the lockers before turning back to you. “Okay, this is just a thought, got it? Just something running through my head right now that I want to share.”
You cross your arms. “A thought? You? Thinking? Well, that’s no good.”
“Shut up and listen to me first,” she waves you off, shuffling closer until you can see the glimmer of her eyeshadow smudged on the side of her winged eyeliner. “Think about this. You, Y/N, a beautiful girl with absolutely no intention on going to homecoming with a date because of the lack of attraction towards snotty teenage boys, asking the Hwang Hyunjin, a transfer student that’s extremely good-looking and apparently affectionately kind who has no intention on going to homecoming with a date because of the lack of connection with beautiful girls, to homecoming.”
You blink twice, looking up at the ceiling as you quietly process her words. It’s a bit jumbled in your head, but once you think it’s clear enough, you look at her. “Ryujin. May I express my feelings about this ‘thought?’”
She scans you up and down, and then nods.
“It’s absolute bullshit.”
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“I hate my life,” you say to yourself as you swing open the door of your car, stepping out rather impatiently onto the asphalt. Having forgotten to grab your psychology notebook at the end of the day, you found yourself taking an unwanted U-turn back to the school to pick it up; in your defense, you would rather maintain your A in the class even if you had to stop by the gas station on your way back. Like you were told, a class requires commitment.
You march your way into the school once again, wondering why the school officials never thought to add any precautionary measures to the buildings. It makes you wonder if someone had ever snuck onto campus since you were a freshman. From the very deep memories of your sophomore year, you remember a junior at that time sneaking in one of his friends during finals week thinking he’d get away with it. Honestly, Juyeon was something else.
Just as you make your way to your locker, you quietly scroll through your phone distractedly before seeing a text pop up in your infamous group chat.
[3:05 p.m.] chaechaer: guess what guys!! :D
[3:05 p.m.] praying mantis: don’t wanna guess
[3:05 p.m.] hwangji: she’s finally getting dick 
[3:05 p.m.] chaechaer: i’ll fucking bite you yeji.
[3:06 p.m.] hwangji: bite me baby i wanna see you try
[3:06 p.m.] you: spill c’mon
[3:07 p.m.] praying mantis: y/n.
[3:07 p.m.] praying mantis: why are you at school right now
[3:07 p.m.] chaechaer: gasp
[3:07 p.m.] chaechaer: looks like i’m not the only one getting dick
[3:08 p.m.] you: oh fuck off, i came back bc i forgot something
[3:08 p.m.] you: wait did you just say ‘not the only one’
[3:09 p.m.] hwangji: so you ARE getting dick???
[3:09 p.m.] hwangji: spill mf, right now
[3:09 p.m.] you: ryujin, are you checking my snap location rn??? hello?? 
[3:10 p.m.] praying mantis: ofc i am, i’m your guardian angel :)
[3:10 p.m.] you: you’re a stalker
[3:10 p.m.] praying mantis: but whose dick are you getting? that’s the real question 
You roll your eyes as hard as you can, hoping that your best friend would know even from a distance. Just as you continue to tap furiously into the glass of your phone, you’re suddenly hit by your left shoulder, sending you flying down to the ground in an instant. “Shit,” you whisper under your breath, brushing your hair out of your eyes well enough to look up and see that the hard object you just ran into wasn’t a wall. In fact, it was a human.
“Watch where you’re going,” the boy snaps at you, rather loudly in fact, making you flinch as you slowly stand up, gathering your phone. “This wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t on your phone. Who walks in a hallway with their head down like that? Do you want to die?”
It takes you a minute to realize who’s actually standing in front of you, and it’s only when you’ve managed to gulp down his harsh words. Seo Changbin. He looks at you from head to toe, the scowl still evident on his face when your eyes widen. Suddenly, you’re a little more aware of yourself, shifting uncomfortably in his gaze as he doesn’t move. 
“Well?” He crosses his arms across his chest, now approaching you. “I don’t hear an apology.”
You instinctively back away, avoiding the boy’s eyes before you’re looking right back into them. If you weren’t mistaken, there was no one in front of you until there was, and there was no way that you could’ve ran into someone without noticing their presence earlier. Scoffing, you mimic his posture, looking behind him to see if you’re right about your assumption. In fact, you are, seeing the door of the locker room staring right back at you. “Me? Shouldn’t you be watching where you’re going?”
Changbin looks taken aback by your retaliation, somehow making his forehead lines fall into a straight line. “Don’t talk back to me, bitch.”
“Bitch?” You want to laugh, but instead, you press a smile down. “Seriously? Who do you think you are?”
You’re honestly appalled at the way the admired swimmer is acting towards you, but you’re not surprised. You would be lying if you didn’t say you weren’t in the faintest surprised. The entire team could act like a handful of bullies that didn’t have any other free time on their hands, if you looked into it more. Changbin seems to be dissatisfied with your answer, closing in on you as your back presses against the wall. 
“What did you say to me?” 
You’re about to respond with an equally harsh answer but there’s a sudden call of Changbin’s name from the end of the hallway, making the both of you turn your heads. Yet another swimming team member comes jogging your way, sporting a school branded shirt that tells you exactly what he’s part of. The boy stops a few feet away from the two of you, a large smile spreading across his face as he looks from Changbin to you. You scratch your head. Is Bang Chan currently standing in front of you? Or was it just a figment of your imagination?
“Hi! What’s your name?” He asks, coming closer before glancing over at Changbin and stopping. “W-What? Wait, what? What did you do to her?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Changbin defends immediately, making you raise an eyebrow as he holds up his palms. “I didn’t! Nothing happened, Chan. It’s all good. Let’s just go now.”
Chan doesn’t budge when he grabs onto his arm, tugging to pull him away, but he instead focuses his attention on you. His smile persists. “Hi sweetheart, judging from the look on your face, he did do something, right?”
You’re taken aback at his soft voice, a complete contrast from what you just heard from the other boy. Pursing your lips, you try not to let your cheeks flame up. Sweetheart? “It’s nothing—he just ran into me and tried to pin the whole thing on me—it’s all good, really. I’m fine, I didn’t get hurt. So…”
“You didn’t get hurt? But he ran into you?” Chan shoots Changbin a sharp look, one that looks much darker than the gaze he returns to you. “Are you okay? It might’ve been a hard fall. I can take you to the nurse’s office, if you’d like?”
“N-No, it’s fine!” You shake your hands in refusal, an awkward chuckle leaving your lips. Chan only laughs brightly in response, his entire face somehow appearing ten times more charming than before. You notice with another fleeting glimpse that there are dimples that crease into his skin as he smiles, now making your heart do an unidentifiable leap inside your chest. “Um, okay, I actually have to go now! I’ll, uh, yeah! Bye!”
You turn in your heel, trying to walk at a casual but extremely quick pace at the same time, which proves to be difficult. Just as you’re about to turn at the corner, there’s a shout from down the hall.
“Hey!” Peaking your head back, you see Chan waving his hand at you. “What’s your name?!”
“Nice to meet you Y/N! I hope to see you around!”
Gulping, you lean back against one of the lockers near yours, placing a hand over your chest as you finally notice the thumping. You take a deep breath, shaking your head a few times to get the entire situation out of your head; it doesn’t work, not with your brain taking you back to that exact moment once again. You just spoke to one, no, scratch that, two extremely talented swimming players with your own two eyes. And perhaps the rapid beating of your heart wasn’t just because one of them was being nice to you. But you wouldn’t admit that now, would you?
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dear y/n love,
hi hi! i’ve missed talking to you (yes, i know, there’s no way you can respond to me, but anyway), but this letter will be unfortunately short today. please don’t think too much of it! my class is about to end, haha.
i saw you at one of the swimming meets a few days ago, and oh my god, i really couldn’t take my eyes off of you. i don’t know if anyone has ever told you, y/n, but you are so beautiful. i remember what you were wearing; was it...a black shirt? and jeans, oh yes. your sense of style is so simple yet somehow so perfect. i couldn’t even take my eyes off of you, oh god, i remember all my friends yelling at me to pay attention but all i was doing was staring at you. sounds like a problem, huh? but i enjoy it. shit, this sounds kinda creepy again, doesn’t it? i’m so sorry, love, that’s not what i was going for. i just...really admire you. a lot.
also, the homecoming game is this weekend! i hope you end up going, you can even go with your friend! the blue-haired one, yeah, ryujin, i think. that’s her name, right? oh god, you probably think i’m even weirder now that i just told you that i know your friend. fuck. anyway. 
once again, i hope to see you there! there’s something waiting for you there and i want to be able to surprise you, even if i don’t want to reveal my identity just yet. see you soon, love.
signed, jay
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