#I don’t want all this work to be for nothing bc of FUCKING CHEMISTRY
irisintheafterglow · 9 months
hi iris i hope u have been well!!
wanted to request a little fluff/mutual pining moment between Satoru and reader who's also an instructor but they only ever get to see eachother during exchange events/higher up meetings/a mission every now and then (it's not for a lack of wanting to pursue eachother but neither of them have put in the effort bc they're both have commitment issues and deem themselves unworthy of trying) i think it would be soooo cute and i'm just dying to see Satoru and reader's students tease them about their VERY obvious chemistry... and hopefully something finally coming out of it in the end :-)
hehe thank u so much and as always you're the best!!
i hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this!
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: coworkers to lovers, idiots in love, reader and gojo have no idea what they're doing, swearing, mentions of drinking, fluffy fluffy fluff
note: hi anon! thank you so much for the ask, hope you like it!! i definitely got a little carried away writing it just because it's such a cute premise lol
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated !!
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A piece of paper slides inconspicuously into your peripheral vision and it takes all of your willpower not to smirk. With equal nonchalance, you carefully peek under the ripped corner of the meeting agenda and can’t help smiling at the message scrawled on it. 
We’re drinking after this (not optional). 
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and see him leaning back in his office chair, arms crossed and looking like he’d rather be dipping his limbs in molten lava. Even with his blindfold, you can see the boredom in his expression and you bite your tongue to keep from laughing. His inability to appear professional was going to be the death of you both. 
“Gojo, are you listening?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” he says with blatant dishonesty that makes you bite your bottom lip and carefully observe the dusty ceiling tiles. “I was just in…deep thought.” He tastes the last two words like philosophies to be pondered and it suddenly becomes much harder to continue to have a blank expression. Their first mistake was picking a verbal fight with him. 
“Deep thought about what?” Their second mistake was letting him keep talking.  
“Ah, you know, the usual things.” You can feel his attention flick to you for a moment and it gives him a wave of confidence to continue to be a little pest at a meeting neither of you wanted to be attending. It was his favorite pastime, after all, to get you to smile at his shenanigans despite the bullshit you were hearing. “The meaning of life, the wonders of love,” he begins before his volume drops so that only you could hear it, “Why this couldn’t have been a fucking email–”
“What was that?” You suppress a snort into your fist and take a sip of water, hoping the other meeting attendees couldn’t see that you were tearing up from trying not to laugh. The angry-faced higher up scowls at him, catching the biting tone but not his words. Satoru merely smiles innocently, like every utterance was of the purest and most amicable intentions. 
“Nothing,” he sings and you cough into your sleeve to hide a laugh. The other higher ups with their ugly suits and balding heads look at you curiously, but all you can see is Satoru’s shit-eating grin from beside you. “I’m just worried for you, is all.” The higher-up at the front of the room scoffs, still believing the show. 
“Worried? For me?”
“Mhmm,” he nods, his brows drawn in fake concern. “I just know you don’t have a lot of time left on this plane and, well, wonder why you’re choosing to spend it here,” he states with a vague gesture around the musty room. An embarrassing noise of amusement escapes from your throat and you try in vain to regain your composure, only to fall into a fit of uncontrollable coughing. Satisfied with his achievement, he abruptly stands from his chair and pulls yours away from the desk. “My work here is finished. We’re leaving.” His finger gently taps your shoulder twice and you obey, standing and heading for the door while he pushes in your chair behind you. The official at the front of the room has turned beet-red.
“The arrogance of you two–”
“We’re done here. If you say anything important, Ijichi will tell me. I doubt the possibility, though,” Satoru states with finality, opening the door for you and shooting the room of stunned officials one last smirk. Too lazy to walk through the winding halls or take the snail-paced elevator, a flick of your wrist opens a portal into an alley on the side of the building. Your colleague lets out a whistle of approval as your shoes cross from dirty carpet to asphalt, finally taking in fresh air after hours of sitting in the stale conference room. The moon shines in all of its winter glory and you shiver against the welcome chill, comforted by the chatter of the city’s nightlife. “Still up for that drink?”
“As long as you’re buying it,” you reply. “I’m gonna call the kids first and let them know I’m out.”
“Tell them I say hi,” he says without missing a beat, leaning against a nearby wall to wait for you to finish. Utahime picks up after two rings. 
“Hello? Ah, you’re finally done. That’s great!” Your coworker’s voice temporarily becomes muffled while she answers questions of who she’s talking to, followed by a chorus of your name imploring you to come back. “Everyone, say hi!” Your beloved students greet you enthusiastically and you smile at their enthusiasm. “Will you be on your way soon?”
“In a little,” you say, slightly sheepish as your eyes flick over to the man behind you. “I’m gonna get a drink.”
“You’re going by yourself?” 
“Not exactly,” you answer slowly and the realization hits Utahime as she breaks out into a lecture on how Satoru isn’t good enough for you. “Easy, easy. It’s just a drink, nothing else.” Your whispered attempts to placate your friend’s indignance prove futile and you settle for letting her get all of her complaints out. 
“He’s a no-good playboy with a rock for a brain and a chatterbox of a mouth, you idiot,” she concludes after her lengthy rant. “I don’t want you getting hurt because he’s too scared to make any commitments.”
“I’m not making any commitments either, Utahime,” you remind her and you can imagine her rolling her eyes from the other side of the line. “It’s just a drink,” you reiterate, but you still hear her grunt of disapproval. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
“Mhmm,” she responds skeptically. “Don’t do anything dumb.” 
“Love you too, Utahime,” you laugh, hanging up the phone and sticking it back in your pocket. “Alright, let’s go,” you call to Satoru, who eagerly pushes off the wall and drags you out of the alley. “We haven’t eaten, so we’re getting dinner too.” 
“Whatever you want,” he grins. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t harbor some sort of romantic affections toward Satoru, but you were also resigned to the fact that you’d never act on it. He was the most powerful human being on the planet; how could you be worthy of loving such a man? Still, in times like this, where it was just the two of you walking hand-in-hand to who knows where, your mind tended to drift into thoughts of what could be if you weren’t in this line of work. It would be nice to love him, that’s all. Yeah, it’d be really nice to love him. 
You couldn’t explain any of this to your students the next morning, though, when they interrogated you on who you were with the entire night. When you let his name slip, the shock in the room was palpable. 
“See, I knew you guys had a thing for each other!” Miwa points her sword at you accusingly, far more fired up than you’d ever seen her before. “I thought I was the only one who noticed how he looked at you!”
“There is nothing of the sort, so I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you counter, pushing the sheathed blade to the side. Your other students fight back with full force. 
“It’s so obvious that he likes you,” Mai says, like it’s an insult. “Teasing you all the time? Making excuses to crash your meetings?”
“Bringing you lunch if he’s within a fifty mile radius of our campus,” Nishimiya adds and her classmates nod in agreement. “Do you know how many times I’ve caught him trying to surprise you by air?”
“That could be just part of a working relationship,” you argue, but they’re relentless. “How would you know anything about his intentions? Maybe he’s just being nice!”
“I believe his intentions with you are, indeed, romantic,” Kamo reiterates and you groan, hiding your burning face in your hands. “I can’t say I don’t see the vision. You’re a powerful duo.”
“Your marriage would make the brass shit themselves,” Mai muses with a cynical glint in her eye. “Can you imagine having a baby that can send Hollow Purple through a portal?”  
“Oh, their children would be so beautiful,” Miwa squeals and it’s like waterfalls of sweat come rushing from your forehead.
“Alright, alright. Let’s not talk about marriage or babies, please,” you cut in, quick to nip that conversation in the bud. You can’t tell if it’s the weather making your palms clammy or the unending tirade of comments about your dating life. “We can change the topic of conversation now,” you say in an attempt to get the heat off of you for a little bit. “Todo, how’s that idol you like so much doing?” It’s a good idea, initially, but the thought of you and Satoru together seemed to be brainwashed over your students.
“She’s wonderful, just as the two of you in love is a wonderful sight.” Todo can’t seem to help himself as he announces his enthusiasm for your romantic endeavors, teleporting across the room and swapping positions with his classmates from claps of pure excitement. Mechamaru provides a single thumbs-up when you look to him for support, and you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers.
“I think it’s cute how you act like you hate him and then can’t seem to stay away during events like this. Love is so complex,” Miwa sighs, resting her chin on her hand and staring off dreamily. You scoff, hoping they can’t tell how fast your heart rate has picked up. “I wish I were in love.”
“It’s not love. If anything, it’s just admiration. Yeah, it’s just admiration,” you conclude and you’re met with skeptical stares. 
“Yeah, admiration of his hot bod,” Miwa mutters and you open a portal without thinking, allowing some fat drops of rain from who knows where to fall on her head. It was a common form of discipline, summoning portals to unruly weather conditions, and your students sit up a little straighter in understanding. “Fine, okay, okay. I’m done.”
“You sure? If you’re not done, I’m gonna send you to the Amazon again.”
“Yes, fine. I’m done, I promise.”
“Done with what?” You stiffen, mentally kicking yourself for not registering his presence sooner. Had he not taken up your entire attention, you would have sent Miwa to South America for the gasp of excitement she let out when Satoru appeared. It seemed that none of you knew he was listening until he leaned against the doorframe, all six feet of height taking up the entire space. He was wearing his signature shit-eating grin that made you want to choke him with his own blindfold. “You gossiping in here?”
“Nope, just going over strategy,” you lie straight to his face and he hums, not believing you for a second. “Shouldn’t you be doing that, too? With your own students?” You stand and attempt to push him out of the room, only to find him completely immovable. His hand covers yours, lacing your fingers together in a way that makes you a little dizzy. 
“All in good time,” he says carefreely, as if the action with your hands was second-nature. “For now, can I steal you away for a moment? It won’t take long.” You can practically hear the waggling eyebrows from your students and nod, unable to form a biting response because of the crashing trains of thought in your mind. His hand remains holding yours as he all but pulls you outside, finally dropping it when the excited chatter of your students has subsided. “You okay? You seem a little frazzled,” he asks once you’re far enough from any eavesdropping attempts.
“Yeah, my kids are just being a little…funny, today,” you exhale, trying to hide your unease with a nervous giggle. “You know them; they love to make up their own little stories.” He raises his eyebrows in amusement, matching your pace as you walk down a random outdoor corridor of the Tokyo campus. 
“Mine have actually been doing the same thing,” he confesses after a brief moment of awkward silence. “Making speculations, drawing connections. Seems to be a good exercise in pattern-recognition.” You know he means it as a joke, but all you can think about is Miwa’s comment on admiring Satoru’s ‘hot bod.’ Had his students picked up on your behavior, too?
“What are some of these connections they’re drawing?”
“Connections about my behavior around…hmm,” his voice trails off and the corner of his mouth turns down into a frown, like he was unhappy with his students’ observations. “They’ve noticed things about the way I, well,” he stammers and for the first time, you witness Gojo Satoru get tongue-tied. “Somethings that they’ve seen and heard and–”
“Satoru.” You halt both of your strides and cross your arms defensively over your chest, slightly uncomfortable from Satoru’s inability to express himself when he would otherwise be talking your ear off. “What is this about?”
“My students know I like you,” he states bluntly and your heartbeat momentarily stops pounding in your ears. His students know that he what? “And they also theorize,” he stops to clear his throat, adjusting his collar and avoiding your eyes, “that you may reciprocate the same feelings.” Any words that you can form get caught in your throat, an odd mixture of happiness, shock, and pure dread stirring around in your brain. All you could do is blink at him, dumbly, while he shifts between the balls of his feet. “Please, say something.”
“You like me,” you repeat, tasting the words like a fancy wine you’ve never tried before breaking out into the widest smile you’ve ever felt. “Holy shit, you like me?”
“You’re smiling,” he states, still trying to process what was happening. “That’s a good thing, right?”
“Holy shit, you like me!” Your voice raises on its own and you take a step back in surprise, covering your face with your hands to try and contain your emotions. “What the fuck, Satoru?”
“Yeah, that’s,” he mumbles as he watches you celebrate, “that’s how I’m feeling too.” 
“Wait, so what do we do now?” 
“I have no idea. I didn’t expect to get this far,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck and combing his fingers through his hair. “I was waiting for you to slap me and tell me to go to hell.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he sputters and the joy in both you and Satoru’s chests finally breaks loose in a fit of unending laughter. “Holy shit, I was so worried for nothing.”
“They’re gonna be so excited when we get back, they won’t be able to focus on the Exchange Event.”
“I don’t think I can focus on the Exchange Event.”
“Then we can postpone it!” You both flinch as a voice that was definitely not one of yours calls from behind a nearby wall, followed by a terrified oh, shit! as Satoru goes barreling around the corner and drags out the culprits by the collars of their shirts. Yuuji, the pink-haired student from Tokyo, and Miwa both try to explain themselves as they dangle weightlessly from Satoru’s hands. “Gojo, sir, we swear we weren’t trying to–”
“Hold on,” you pause Yuuji’s explanation, sensing some extra energy signatures that weren’t succeeding at hiding themselves. “Come out now, or I’m opening the portal to the Arctic,” you command in the open air and watch the leaves rustle as the rest of the Tokyo and Kyoto students fall from a nearby tree. “It’s rude to eavesdrop,” you chuckle as Nishimiya picks a few branches from Mai’s hair. “Go clean yourselves up and then we can begin the games.”
“You free this weekend after the games to go someplace?” Satoru whispers in your ear once all of the students are gone. “I need a break from the prying eyes of teenagers.”
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apolloscastellan · 2 months
Never quite buried | loss of my life chapter 4
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Pairing: Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig x FemaleTennisPlayer!reader
Summary: Your life had always been divided in two: before you met Tashi and after you met Tashi. The second you had laid eyes on her for the first time you knew you had been changed. You were soulmates, meant for each other Nothing could ever tear you two apart, or so you had thought. You could've pinpointed the junior U.S. Open as the night that changed everything. Now you have to juggle your hate-love relationship with tennis with your love-love relationship with Tashi and the two guys who you can't seem to stay away from. Tennis, after all, was only one of the most fucked up relationships of your life.
Warnings: challengers spoiler, challengers content warnings, super minor character death, terrible mother figure, use of y/n, polyamory.
Word count: 6.5K
A/N: Please let me know what you think bc my motivation is severely lacking rn, i feel like i'm writing into the void
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Tashi remembers perfectly the day your retirement from singles hit the news. It was all everyone could talk about. First, it was the statement on your social media. A well thought out paragraph about your struggles with continuing to enjoy tennis the way you used to and deciding to take a new route, it ended with a promise for more and better news soon. Then it was the teasing posts from Adidas, the “she is not done just yet” and the “love conquers all”. It all came to a peak with the release of the pictures of you and Patrick. Both of you wearing matching Adidas apparel, practicing in the private court you had in your backyard. The chemistry between the two of you was obvious to everyone who saw them. There was a glint in your eyes that no one had seen since you went pro. She knew the smile you were giving Patrick all too well, it used to be reserved for her. 
Her and Art, who had just very recently reconnected, sat on his couch for hours watching the tennis channel, waiting for updates. The relief they felt when it was announced that you were not quitting because you were fatally injured, as everyone had originally thought, was short lived. Neither of them spoke as the commentators showed the images of you and Patrick. Practicing, giggling, getting closer, him giving you that teasing smirk they both knew, you throwing your head back laughing, him beaming at you when you weren’t even looking, both of you focused on the ball, kissing… They both thought about turning off the TV, hitting some balls to work out how they were feeling, but then you were introduced into the set, a vibrant smile as you walked in, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt too big to be yours. The Mark Rebellato Tennis Academy logo only confirmed the obvious. You shook hands with everyone, sitting on the sofa they had reserved for you.
“Y/n Y/l/n, thank you for being here” the older man said, over the clapping of the crowd.
“Thanks for having me!”
“What a day it’s been for all of us, tennis fans. You’ve had us on the edge of our seats! First we mourned, now we’re celebrating… Please tell us why did you do this to us?”
“I am so sorry! I am, I really am” you laughed as the man teased you, God how they missed that laugh. “I have a flair for the dramatic, I must admit, and I am, in a way, saying goodbye to my career as I know it. It’s the start of a new chapter, and it’s really exciting, but it is also a goodbye and it felt right to give it its proper moment. I didn’t realize so many people were going to be so upset about it.”
“Why the switch? Why decide to give up singles completely?”
“I wasn’t enjoying it anymore, it was painful and I had started dreading every second of it. Fortunately, I am in a position where I can decide I don’t want to keep doing something that is bringing me down, so I took advantage of it. I didn’t want my stubbornness to completely ruin my love for tennis. I thought I could step back, maybe take up teaching and try to find that passion again. I was going to quit regardless, so this playing doubles thing happened at just the right time.”
“Yeah, let’s talk about that! You’ve decided to become a full time mixed doubles player with Patrick Zweig, who is a challengers player, somewhere in the two-hundreds. You are currently ranked number one in the world, how does this happen?”
“I think rankings and numbers can be misleading sometimes. Sometimes a player is not playing their best because of external reasons, or simply because they are not meant to be where they are. I think me and Patrick are meant to play together, I really do. And if you can’t trust anything else, trust this: I am really competitive and I hate losing, I would not put myself in a situation like this if I really thought we couldn’t win.”
“From what I’ve heard Zweig and you are committed to each other both on and off the court. You’ve never been open about your private life in the media, and he is the first boyfriend you’ve ever made public, what’s different about him?”
They couldn’t take their eyes off you as you let a bashful smile spread on your face.
“I mean…  Everything. I am pretty possessive of my privacy and we still don’t plan to share everything we do, but the truth is that I have never been open about any boyfriends because I have not had any serious relationships since I went pro. Patrick and I will be playing and training together so I thought it was bound to come out, so to me, I'd rather have that happen on my terms. And I do think Patrick is very different to all relationships I’ve had before, in the best way possible”
Art swallowed, refusing to look at Tashi when she turned to watch him. He didn’t deserve to be jealous. He knew that, if he had treated you right, you would still be together. That knowledge didn’t change how he felt.
“How does that happen? How does one manage to make the Y/n Y/l/n fall in love with them?”
“Well, me and Patrick met each other a while ago, at the U.S Junior Open, actually. He won it, I got second, we hit it off instantly. But it was one of those situations where it’s never the right time, you know? We kept missing each other, we were in relationships with other people, and we ended up drifting apart when I went pro. And then, funnily enough, we bumped into each other at an Adidas party about a year ago, and the rest is history.”
Art couldn’t bring himself to be angry when the TV shut off. He turned to look at Tashi who stood there with the remote in her hand, not looking at him. 
“I’ll see you in ten in the court. We need to work on your serve.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, grateful for the excuse to take his feelings out on the ball. To think about anything that wasn’t your smile as you talked about Patrick. He didn’t say it out loud, but he knew Tashi felt the same way, the sudden urge to train had not come out of nowhere. 
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New Rochelle, New York. August 24, 2019:
You look down, shaking your head as Patrick crashes his racquet repeatedly against the floor. The umpire’s voice ominously announcing the score. You raise your face back up when Patrick gets given a penalty. Art walks nonchalantly back to the bench, you can feel Tashi’s smug grin beside you. You make eye contact with your husband and shake your head, he rubs his face with both hands, then nods. As much as you both don’t really care to win this tournament, he knows you’ll be angry if he just lets it go, gets angry and in his head and lets Art have it on conduct alone. So he sits back and waits, ready to be better, to prove himself to you once again, like every time he steps on the court.
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Earlier that week. New Rochelle, New York. August 18, 2019:
Tashi is working, writing stats on her computer when she sees Patrick walking towards her from the corner of her eye. She rolls her eyes as he stops behind her, pointing at her screen before he speaks:
“He’s not bad, I played him at a few of these things when I did singles.”
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be practicing to not humiliate your wife before she carries you through the U.S. Open?”
“I just finished, thanks for caring.”
“Wonderful” she says, not a hint of amusement in her voice.
“Hey, come have a cigarette with me, I have to talk to you.”
“Yeah I don’t smoke, and I’m not talking to you.”
“Neither do I. It was just an excuse.”
She looks back at him, unimpressed, but he doesn’t let up. He stands there, staring at her until she gives in, closing her computer and standing up. Patrick is not sure what he is doing. He probably shouldn’t be doing anything at all, if he’s honest with himself. But he has dug a hole too deep to jump out of now, so he is going to follow through. He is doing this for you, he reminds himself, no matter how angry you’ll be with him at first, he is doing this for you. They find an empty alley and look back at each other, Tashi waits for him to speak, he takes his time collecting his thoughts before he does.
“I’m gonna propose something to you and it’s going to make you angry. It’s going to make you very angry,” he can’t help the smirk growing on his face, her expression doesn’t let up. “I want you to be our coach next season.”
“Our coach is retiring, we need someone else. I want you to be our coach from next season on.”
“Does she know you’re offering me this position?”
“No, not yet. But she will, and she’ll agree with me.”
“You know that’s bullshit. Plus, why would I want to coach you guys? I already have a highly successful athlete under my wing.”
“Yeah, but even if he wins the Open and completes his career grand slam, Art’s still gonna retire as someone who was really, really good. That’s what you guys will have done together. But imagine if you could get your hands on us. Imagine if you could make us great. You’d go down in history. We have a couple more seasons. We still have a couple more good seasons and I need you to bring it out of us. What do you think?”
He doesn’t expect Tashi to slap him, turning his face completely, although he really should have. He mumbles a curse under his breath.
“How fucking dare you?” she sounds angry, too angry for his stupid proposition. “You want me to give you my best piece of advice? To coach you? Ok, quit.”
Patrick can’t even begin to think of a response, the murderous gaze Tashi gives him fixes him to the spot.
“Quit right now, right fucking now, quit.”
“What are you talking about?” he is too shocked to be offended.
“You’re dragging her down. She should’ve gone down in history as the best ever player. She would have broken records. She should have been good enough to beat the men, and she is what? Going around playing mixed doubles with you? It’s pathetic. Quit, and maybe she’ll have a chance at being an ounce of what she should’ve been.”
“You’re fucking joking”
And now Patrick is angry too. Because he is tired. He is so tired of the endless comments and judgment. He is tired of being blamed for ruining you and your career as if it hadn’t been your decision. As if it hadn’t been your idea. As if he was capable of ever doing that to you. As if he hadn’t begged for you to think it over a million times before you took a step that you wouldn’t be able to come back from. As if he hadn’t been the sole reason the world of tennis hadn’t lost you completely. As if he didn’t try harder than he had ever tried to be enough for you and make sure you never resented him or regretted being with him in any way. The thing that makes him the most angry, though, is that it’s Tashi. And how dare Tashi, the woman who had abandoned you and ruined your love for tennis in the first place, blame him for something she had pushed you to do. Something that was nobody’s fault but hers.
“You must be fucking delusional if you think for just one second that I would ever, ever, ask her to give up on her career for me. You know whose idea it was to play mixed doubles only? Y/n’s. She thought of it, she asked me to do it, she orchestrated every single little detail. And you wanna know why she did it? Because she hated tennis. She was going to quit. She couldn’t stand the thing she loved the most anymore. And you wanna know what made her start to hate tennis, even though her love for it never wavered before, not even with her borderline abusive mum who only loved her for her talent in it? You, Tashi. You did. You ruined tennis for her. So get the fuck off that high horse you continue to ride everywhere, because if there’s one person here to blame for ruining her career, it’s the one I’m looking at.”
He is out of breath when he finishes speaking, and he doesn't know what to do. He has so much shit he wants to throw at her, so much resentment for all that she had put you, and him, through. But he can’t say anything else, the second Tashi’s expression falls, even if it is only for a moment, he can feel his heart shatter inside his chest. No matter how much he hates Tashi, how much he resents her, he loves her. He loves her so much it hurts deep inside his chest, like an ache that is so present he had almost forgotten it existed. But looking at her right now, he feels it, pulsating all through him, and he knows, with a certainty he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge before, that he will never not feel this way about her.
“You don’t know what you’re saying” her voice is stern, but Patrick knows her too well to believe her tone.
“You hate me” it’s not a question. “And you hate her too. Me, for having her. Her for having the career you deserved. And it’s driving you crazy, because as much as you hate us both, you also love us. And as much as you love Art, you hate him too.”
“Excuse me?”
“You hate him because he is just Art, that’s all he can ever be. He will never be me, and he will never be her. And as much as you love him, just Art will never be enough for you.”
“I don’t know what gives you the right to speak about my marriage…”
“The same thing that gives you the right to speak about mine. Does Art know about Atlanta?” he cuts her off.
The pure, unfiltered shock on her face lets him know he has caught her off guard. She did not expect him to know about it. She collects herself quickly, but she doesn’t say anything.
“You keep saying you came here because Art needed matches, but I think you came for something else.”
“You think I came here for you?”
“And for her” he says nodding. “I’ve been signed up for this tournament for months, there’s no way you didn’t see my name in the participants list.”
“You think I came here, to throw it all away for you?”
“Maybe you just wanted to see us…”
“I don’t need to see you to know that you look like shit, and she should get as far away from you as soon as possible.”
She starts to walk away, decisively.
“I’m going to beat him,” he says, it stops her in her tracks, she turns her face to look at him. “If we both make it to the final I’m going to beat him.”
“Even if you did, it wouldn’t change anything.”
“It would break him, you know it would.”
She shakes her head and starts to walk away, too exasperated to come up with another hurtful retort about his failed career. She jogs after her, catching up with her pace almost effortlessly. He grabs her arm, makes her stop walking. He pulls up a piece of paper from the back pocket of his jeans.
“My number, in case you change your mind about the coaching… Or about seeing us again.”
“I won’t.”
He nods, shrugs his shoulders. Then, he watches her put the note in her pocket. He smiles.
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New Rochelle, New York. August 24, 2019:
Patrick hasn’t looked away from you even once. You know even though you are looking into your lap. You are hyper aware of every single person around you. Most accurately, you are hyper aware of the woman next to you and the two men playing against each other. You play with your ring as you feel Tashi tell Art to focus. When you finally meet Patrick’s eyes he doesn’t smile. He raises his left hand and kisses the ring on his finger without breaking eye contact as the umpire announces the start of the next set. He crosses paths with Art as he makes his way to the other side of the net but he doesn’t move his eyes from you until he is getting ready to serve. You know then, with absolute certainty, that he is doing this for you.
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Atlanta Open, Atlanta. July 18, 2011:
Even though Patrick and you both know why you are sitting in the stands during practice time instead of walking around the venue, or actually practicing, you are still shocked when you see Tashi and Art walk into the court. Your hand reaches for Patrick, holding on to his thigh as if on a rollercoaster that is suddenly going down. You both try to look composed and careless, but you don’t know if you are doing a good job. Art and Tashi do the same, pretending they can’t see you, even though you are the only other ones there and you stick out like a sore thumb. Patrick and you talk to each other, although neither of you would be able to recall anything said during your conversation, and share the fries you had bought before walking over. You pretend you just casually stumbled to sit there for a snack, that you hadn’t checked the schedule to figure out what time and what court Art Donaldson had for pre-match practice. Art hits the ball like he hasn’t been able to hit it in a while, grunting as his racket made contact with it. Tashi looks at you for a second, then back at Art. She nods, satisfied. You want to run away, want to erase that satisfied smirk from her face and your memory. But you stay glued to your seat, hand in your boyfriend’s thigh, heart pounding, and you take the way they ignore you like a punishment.
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New Rochelle, New York. August 23, 2019:
The wind is relentless, the trees hitting against the window making repetitive thwack noises that remind Patrick of the sound of the ball hitting the racket. You have been answering emails and making calls to finish preparing things for tomorrow, the U.S. Open, and whatever lies in store for you both after that. Patrick knows that you’ve been messaging potential coaches and though the guilt pit on his stomach keeps growing, he can’t bring himself to say anything to you. He hopes you haven’t set in stone anything, because he is still delusionally confident that Tashi will accept his offer. He knows he should help, whatever you are doing affects him too, but he is too nervous to do anything productive so he just lays around, throwing a ball against the ceiling, or the wall, or whatever he can find. After the third time the ball slips from his hand too early or too late and hits you, you stand up and point to the door.
“Leave, right now” he makes no attempt to move. “Patrick, I mean it. I’m working and I know that you are nervous but you’re stressing me out so go down to the sauna, or get a drink or something that’s not going to make me ask you for a divorce or have to spend the rest of the night finding a place to hide your body.”
Patrick smiles as he stands up. He picks one of the keys from your bedside table and walks over to you, kissing your head before making his way to the door.
“I love you.” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, love you too. Leave now, please.”
He giggles all the way down the elevator. He doesn’t feel like drinking, which means he doesn’t feel like making a fool of himself tomorrow for getting drunk the night before a match, especially not in front of Art and Tashi. So he walks around until he finds the sauna, maybe that will help him calm down. But as he gets naked and opens the door he can’t believe his bad luck. Although there is a white towel covering his face, there is no denying the naked man sitting right in front of him is Art Donaldson. Patrick doesn’t think there’s a world where he wouldn’t recognize him, no matter how much he’s changed from that scrawny blonde boy he once knew like the back of his hand. He thinks about turning around, walking out, pretending he never saw him, and finding something else to do for the night. But there’s no way Art hasn’t heard the door opening, and Patrick has never been one to run from conflict, not really. So he steps forward, lets his mind get a little bit caught up in the past, sue him he hasn’t seen this guy in years, and opens his mouth:
“Can you do me a favor? Can you not like, demolish me tomorrow?” He says it with the inflection of a pick up line, and before he can even finish his sentence Art is pulling the towel away from his face and looking at him like he already knew that it was him standing at the door, even before he said anything.
They are both smiling as Patrick pulls the sauna door closed and walks toward Art. He is acting far more comfortably than he feels, but if he stops to think about what is actually happening he might start shaking and poop his pants, which would be a terrible thing seeing as he isn’t wearing any. He gets way too close to him, and raises one of his legs on the bench, dick fully on display. Art makes a valiant attempt pretending he doesn’t look down.
“Hey, congrats on being a Phil Tire’s Town Challenger finalist.”
“Yeah, you too” Art says, looking forward to not have to look at Patrick, who is smiling far too wide for the situation they are in and the past that they have.
“Hopefully the wind dies down by tomorrow and we can have a fair fight” Patrick lets himself pretend this is normal, like they are two competitors getting ready for the final, maybe even pals catching up after not having seen each other in a while.
Art doesn’t let him have a second of the little fantasy he’s made up in his head, though. He slides down the bench, getting as far away from him as he can without looking like he is actually running away.
“C’mon, can we talk?” Patrick says, and his voice sounds pitiful even to his own ears.
“Can you put your dick away” Art’s voice is stern, but he looks him in the eye for the first time since he walked in, so he counts it as a win.
“This is a sauna,” Patrick scoffs, putting up a fight so Art won’t notice he’d do anything he told him to. “Look, we've been here for a week and we haven’t said two words to each other. It's just… it’s silly, man. It’s dramatic. I mean, really, why are you so angry with me?”
He sits down, obeying Art and covering his dick. Art is finally looking at him, really looking at him. It has the same effect it did back when they were kids, Art looking at him makes him feel brave. He can’t stop himself from rambling on.
“Look, I don’t buy that it’s because of Tashi, I don’t think it’s because of what happened to her. And I hope it’s not about Y/n, because you have no right… So, I think, maybe, you’re just really disturbed by the fact that they could’ve been into someone like me. Both of them”
“Tashi liked you when we were teenagers.”
“Sure, but I just got married to the girl you said was the love of your life.”
“I ended things with her.”
“And you regret it every single day of your life,” Patrick knew, because it was the same way you and him felt about him and Tashi, “and you know that Tashi does too.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“We both know that if Tashi had been a little more brave back then, she would’ve never taken either of our numbers. If she had been a little bit more honest with herself, she would’ve swept Y/n away and neither of us would’ve had a chance with either of them.”
“That still happened when they were teenagers. When we were teenagers.”
“Huh” Patrick looks thoughtful. “When they were teenagers…”
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Atlanta Open, Atlanta. July 18, 2011:
You slip out of your room in a t-shirt that is definitely not yours and the first shorts you stumble across on your way to the door. You can’t sleep and Patrick’s soft snores, which you often find endearing, are getting on your nerves. He doesn’t stir, even as you close the door softly behind you. You don’t know what you are doing, or where you’re going. You take the stairs down, needing to move your body for a little bit. You walk outside, feeling like no matter how hard you breathe in there’s not enough air in your lungs. You lay your weight against the brick wall of the hotel. You get your breathing under control after a couple minutes of staring at the sky trying to look for constellations you don’t know the name of anyways. When you turn around, to go back inside the hotel, you realize that right next to where you were standing there’s a window to the hotel’s bar. There, sitting down, nursing a glass that you can only assume contains something strong, already staring at you, is Tashi Duncan. You don’t know what you’re doing, but you let your feet guide you inside. Then, instead of going up the stairs like you should, you take a right turn and walk right into the bar. Tashi finds you immediately, having been looking at the door. You don’t understand what you’re doing, but before you can think about it you are sitting right in front of her. You haven’t looked at her this up close in years. You search, but you can’t find many differences. She looks exactly like the girl you knew with her hair a little shorter. You wonder if it’s the same on the inside, if the million secrets you knew about her still hold true. If you could still tell which of her smiles were fake, or when she was about to cry but was trying to hold it down.
“I heard you gave up,” she whispers after a minute of staring into each other’s eyes.
“I quit singles, I didn’t give up,” but you can tell she doesn’t really believe you, so you scan her, trying to find something else to talk about. Your eyes lock on the ring in her finger. “That’s a gorgeous ring.”
Your fingers find your own ring instinctively. You don’t know if you’re trying to make sure it’s still there, or if you are trying to ask your dad for strength. Her gaze lowers, first to your ring, then to her own.
“It’s his grandmother’s.”
You nod, you know what that means. Art had always talked about wanting to propose to his future wife with his grandmother’s ring. Back when he fantasized with you about it, it was your hand that ring ended up on. He always talked about taking you to the residency so you could meet his grandmother, completely sure she would love you and give you her blessing immediately. You think of your own sentimental family ring, unsure you would ever be able to trust anyone enough to carry it, no matter how much you loved them.
“How is she?” you ask, more out of politeness than anything else, you never got to meet her, after all.
“She died. Stroke”
You grimace, knowing the feeling of losing the one person who truly believes in you too well.  You look around, trying desperately to find something to say, you will your brain to remember the million icebreakers and conversation starters you had been forced to memorize for the awfully boring networking parties your mum used to throw for you. You come up with nothing, so you look back at her and lean over the table and she imitates you. Your faces inches away from each other. You feel drunk even though you haven’t had a single sip of alcohol all day. You don’t question it, Tashi always made you feel like you were going crazy and a little bit drunk. It must be that what pushes you to say what comes out of your mouth next:
“I miss you.”
She doesn’t say anything, but she leans further over the table, getting impossible close to your face without touching it. Then, when you are completely sure she is going to tell you to go fuck yourself and leave her alone, her hand makes her way to the back of your neck pushing you towards her until your eyes meet. There might be a million things that have changed since the last time you did this, but kissing Tashi Duncan feels exactly the same as the first time you did it. It feels like coming home.
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New Rochelle, New York. August 23, 2019:
“You’re right” Art says finally, leaning his back against the wall. “I do find it disturbing.”
“There’s no need, man. Lots of girls were into me, but only one of them wanted to marry me. I’ve always thought that was not what I was for, so I don’t know how I did it.”
“Yeah, neither do I.”
Patrick feels his entire skin burn with the way Art looks him up and down. He curses in his head the years they’ve spent apart and the secretive, mature person Art has become, he can’t read him like he could. He can’t tell if he is teasing, or trying to humiliate him. He can’t tell if he’s angry, or just as desperately sad as he is.
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Atlanta Open, Atlanta. July 18, 2011:
You don’t know how but you and Tashi have stumbled onto a hotel room that you don’t recognize. It’s much bigger and fancier than yours so you assume it’s hers. You want to ask where Art is, if he is about to walk in on the two of you making out on his bed, but the way she is kissing you makes you forget about everything. You roll onto the bed, hands on either side of her face as hers roam your body freely. It’s too much and not enough simultaneously and you moan and pant on her lips. It’s everything you’ve always dreamt of and you can’t help wanting more. More of her and her body, of her lips, more of her heart. You try to not be greedy, take what she gives you, and soon you’re seeing stars and rolling over, breathing with difficulty.
“That was…” 
“Yeah” she mumbles.
“So… What happens now?”
“What do you mean what happens now?” she seems confused as she stands from the bed, walking around until she finds your clothes.
“We just had sex,” you say, obviously.
“Look, we shouldn’t have done this. It was a mistake.” She throws your t-shirt at you, you put it on slowly.
“A mistake?” you’re getting angrier by the second, but you don’t want to yell and alert whoever is sleeping in the room next to this one.
“Yeah, we will act as if nothing happened.”
“What about Art?
“He doesn’t need to know,” you shake your head as you finish putting on your clothes.
“That’s fucked up.”
“Do not act as if I was the only one who cheated! Aren’t you and Patrick dating?”
“I never said that! You can’t just run away from everything you refuse to accept. You haven’t talked to me in years!”
“Yeah, and it should have stayed that way.”
“One day you’re going to wake up and realize that everything you’ve refused to accept all your life is catching up to you, and by then, it might be too late.”
“Get out” she says, instead of replying to what you said, you don’t need to be told twice.
You manage to hold back your tears until you are standing in front of the elevator. You’re fully sobbing when the doors open, revealing a very confused Art. You see him step towards you, but you refuse to let either of them continue breaking your heart. You step backwards, then turn around. You run until you find the stairs. By the time you make it back to your room you look like a mess. You knock on the door, you must have left your key in Tashi’s room but you are too upset to care about that or waking Patrick up. His entire face changes when he opens the door. Worry taking over his expression.
“Y/n, what happened? Where were you?
You fall onto his arms, sobbing. He leads you in, closing the door behind you. You don’t speak until you’re both seating in bed.
“I saw Tashi… And I… We…” you don’t say anything else, but you don’t need to, he understands.
He holds you through the night. The next morning, you forfeit the tournament and go home.
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New Rochelle, New York. August 23, 2019:
“Honestly, I thought you’d be happy I was in the draw” Patrick is not ready to let it go, to shut up and walk away from Art, he doesn’t know when’s the next time he’ll be able to talk to him again, so he runs his mouth. “I mean, you’ve always wanted to beat me in a tournament, and two weeks before the open… It’s the perfect confidence booster.
He settles on cocky because he doesn’t know what else to do. He has never been very good at being vulnerable, not with Art, and no amount of therapy is going to make him start now, when he can see how done he is with him from a mile away.
“I know what you’re trying to do right now,” Art smiles.
“I’m not trying to do anything, Art,” but he doesn’t know if he’s telling the truth. “This is a challenger, I don’t need to play mind games with you.”
“Right, you don’t give a shit.”
“Hey, I didn’t say that…”
“We both know that you have a considerably higher stake here than I do.”
“Do I?”
Art laughs, but there’s no real humor to it. Patrick does too, trying to conceal the way he is sure his entire body is shaking.
“Oh, fuck… Where do you get your swagger from, man?” Patrick can tell, from the way Art is looking at him, that this is the part that’s going to hurt, he doesn’t try to stop it. “I mean you come in here swinging your dick around like I’m supposed to be afraid of it but do you realize how embarrassing it is that you are here right now?”
“Not quite as embarrassing as you being here,” Patrick has never known a way to back down, so he stirs the pot.
He’d rather have Art yelling at him or humiliating him than not talking to him at all. His therapist would not be very proud.
“I’m just stopping by, man. You would live here if it wasn’t for her” there’s a pause, suddenly Patrick wants to take everything back, run away with his tail between his legs, but it’s too late. “You know, I’ve always tried to figure out what happened to you, but the more I thought about it the more I realized… It’s what didn’t happen. You never grew up. You still think you can talk to me like you’re my peer because we came from the same place, because you’ve managed to stumble into some of the same competitions. But it’s not about where you came from in tennis, Patrick, it’s about winning. And I do, a lot. And you only do because you tricked Y/n into playing with you. But one day, she’s going to wake up and realize she wasted her entire fucking life in a pathetic man who thinks he’s the shit because he won the junior U.S Open a trillion years ago. And then, you’ll be left with what you deserve: nothing.”
“You’ve never beaten me,” he says, as if it’s what matters out of everything he said.
He says it because if he focuses on what Art said about you, he might cry. He doesn’t want to cry, not in front of Art, not right now. He doesn’t have enough willpower to fight him, like he knows he should, like he did with Tashi.
“So what? I haven’t beaten most of the guys who play in these things, or the ones who only make it into the big tournaments playing doubles. This is a game about winning the points that matter.”
“I don’t matter?” he doesn’t know why he says it, or what he is expecting to get in return.
“Not even to the most obsessive tennis fan in the entire world,” his voice is monotone, tired, Patrick wants to crawl out of his skin.
“We’re not talking about tennis.”
“What the fuck else do I have to talk to you about?”
“I wanted to come in here to wish you good luck, Art,” he says, and he means it.
“That makes no sense,” Art scoffs, looking away, he’s talking to himself more than Patrick.
“I wanted to say that I’m looking forward to it, I miss playing with you,” he is being vulnerable, but he knows Art won’t believe him, which is probably why he says it in the first place.
“Yeah,” he nods his head and he looks amused, but Patrick can see right through him, he’s about to finish him off. “Well, I don’t miss playing with you, man. I’m too old for it.”
As soon as the door is closed behind Art, Patrick lets himself drop onto the bench. He tells himself he is not going to cry. There’s tears running down his face by the time you open the door of your room to him. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t need to, you understand.
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readsrealm · 8 months
Buggy & The Roger Pirates Thing (maybe even a little Corabug!?)
Buggy always feeing like he doesn’t belong on Rogers crew. Like he was just brought on to be a playmate for Shanks (practically a pet). He’s not entirely wrong either most of the crew shows unintentional favoritism to Shanks and don’t really remember that Buggy’s there half the time.
The next island they visit they actually forget Buggy. Buggy himself doesn’t even realize until hours later, Roger Pirates far away and still unaware of their mistake. Buggy’s devastated, he kinda wanders around the islands small town and into its forest in shock and despair before coming upon a familiar face. A blond marine who he’d met in the town earlier who was now running through the woods. They had a good conversation earlier and all Buggy had really learned was the boys name. Rosinante.
Rosinante takes Buggy back to Sengoku who goes “WAIT A MINUTE” and then declares that Buggy’s been taken in for ransom. Buggy tells them that nobody is going to come for him.
They wait a couple days, then a week, then a couple weeks, finally two whole months go by and nobody’s showed up for Buggy. Sengoku is disturbed by this and does some digging. Apparently a vote to retrieve Buggy was placed and the majority thought it was too much work for the second cabin boy (the add on, the spare, the unpromising backup). There was also info that Roger and the losing side were upset with the polling results but weren’t going to do much about it.
Sengoku decides right there and then he’s gonna see why Roger let Buggy onto his crew in the first place and why they don’t want Buggy back.
Sengoku has no clue why they wouldn’t want Buggy to return to them. He’s crafty, smart, loyal. He’s a good kid by pirate standards. Clearly a trouble maker but the passion he has for chemistry and science is unmatched. The way he solves puzzles and can worm his way out of any situation socially is insane. His treatment of people around him and of Cora himself (even if it’s special treatment😉) is admirable. Not to mention the boys luck.
Sengoku suspect it’s cause of Buggy’s less upfront way of fighting and actually assessing situations is what put The Rogers off. Buggy may be cowardly but if he really is needed he’ll do his part. Plus his long range weapons (bombs, altered guns) are nothing to sneeze at.
Buggy ends up staying with the marines for a really long time even if in the beginning he said he was going to escape and get far far away from them. Instead staying, training and getting stronger.
Decades later Red Haired Shanks comes face to face with a marine with long blue hair and the nickname Ringmaster.
Okay first of all thank you for writing this.
now right now I’m crying because that’s just fucking sad.
them leaving buggy there and how they decided is disgusting and I’m literally devastated. Poor buggy wanna hug him so bad.
For me Roger here failed as the captain bc who tf cares what the crew thinks. He is the captain and he should have been defending Buggy but he didn’t. In here Ace was right Roger was a monster bc left a child who looked up to him like no one else ever did in a town from nowhere behind. I wonder how shanks reacted.
I kinda wished that- I don’t know if you watched the LA but there Garp is on the Plattform where Roger gets killed. I wish that buggy would arrive the Plattform when Roger finished his speech him thinking he will die with no regrets and with starting the new era but the moment he saw buggy his smile vanished and he knew he could no longer die at peace.
I have two things in mind of what buggy could say
He would smile at roger with a trembling body saying something like: “I hoped you lived a good live “captain”
2. He would be cold and saying shit like: “That’s it Gol D. Roger. You and your loved one will pay for your crimes” and he would mean it bc with people who believe in him he would get stronger and have more determination
I’m kinda surprised that Sengoku would take with if we think about what he did to Ace considering that wanted to execute him for being roger son not being the second commander of Whitebeard who was equal to roger. But I do not complain. If I think about it Buggy could be trained by Sengoku and Garp and Tsuru. Sengoku and Garp were also equal to roger. And while Sengoku could teach him to be smarter fight smarter, Garp could train him in strength combat and haki. Tsuru could help him to calm himself down and always keep his cool. So he could be powerful yonko level bc that what actually oda said. If Buggy would take effort he would be yonko level.
You know what a sad part of this is Buggy is the kind of character who gets treated bad by the “good” ones (in here the goal of the main character) but he would not get justice. He would die and maybe the others would regret it but probably not the same episode one person would say “he would want that you hate yourself…” like BITCH OFC HE WOULDNT BUT YOU SHOULD BC YOU DESERVE THAT.
anyways I’m getting of the topic I think Buggy is smart and a sweetheart if you treat him well. He maybe loves treasure in an unhealthy amount and can be a little arrogant but it’s like he is be mean but still would do everything for you if you treat him right. (I also believe that he would not have a pride problem to apologize if he did something wrong but that another thing).
again with the Plattform (I hope it’s Plattform English is not my native’s language) the thing is Shanks would see it. And I think no matter if choice one or two you choose he would be angry…even though he has no right too. But Buggy doesn’t care about shanks…well not anymore bc he has Rosi. While he hadn’t a bad relationship with Shanks his relationship with Rosi is much better. Shanks if not meant to be mean only teased him which lead to the whole crew teasing him and Buggy didn’t like that. I mean I don’t think he had a problem with some teasing bc that normal and fun you know? Everyone does that but they teased him about everything and it kinda hurt bc it gave off the feeling he wasn’t taking seriously at all. That he couldn’t be allowed to be sad or scared…genuinely.
With Rosi it wasn’t like that he got comforted motivated. Instea if being told that “a pirate isn’t allowed to be scared” or “are you hiding again” or “you wouldn’t be scared if you trained harder like shanks” he gets “it’s fine I protect you” or “don’t be scared buggy! Your strong and if anything happens I’m right here” and it helps bc it motivates him and them saying that they believe he is strong wants him to prove that and he doesn’t and he makes mistakes and learns from them and gets better bc that how it should be done
So if Buggy and Shanks would meet after decades Shanks would be furious at Buggy for doing this to their captain. But with just a few sentences Shanks anger turned into guilt
“Roger didn’t want me. He left me and abandoned me. No one wanted me”
So I think Shanks would withdraw and just go with it. But now he would feel emptier. It was one thing not having seen buggy and him officially cutting of the relationship was hard for Shanks but he shouldn’t complain he didn’t say anything when they voted to leave him even if he didn’t want that he could do more. Bc they would listen to him.
Buggy himself would live a good life being a very much known marine (vice admiral) having Rosi by his side (this is a Corazon lives AU) and be happy.
I even think that Luffy would be on Buggy’s side if he heard that story. But still would not stop being a pirate
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candymay · 2 months
So you aren't charmie. You are more of an elio/oliver/cmbyn fan is my guess.
I think there are a lot of us like that who don't care for or believe this longterm secret relationship by Armie or Timmy or any celebrity ship either cause this isn't the golden age of Hollywood where people had to hide that they were gay for fear of not having a career but also for fear of prison.
I think it's silly atp but my love for cmbyn, that movie, the work by both guys and Luca is real and to me that's grounded in truth versus a silly romance that's too crazy to believe.
Long term closeted relationships lasting 8 years. Lol. Also Timmy gives straight bro vibes. I'm not fooled by the occasional red carpet outfit.
Instead I enjoy Timmy and Luca's work and am rooting for continued happiness and sobriety for Armie wherever life leads him you know?
Luv luca and armie and sufjan and cmbyn so therefore everything in it too including the chemistry between armie n timmy n so on. Is charmie a one definition thing?
Some actors still have to/choose not to come out n the reasons arent as simple and naive as “u cant be a gay actor” or fear of prison (..lol?) but more for the strategic public image thats knda been instilled around “heartthrobs” esp in a market thats consumed heavily by girls and gay men - if u wanna reach that level of stardom. So it’s not like it’s illegal or they’ll have 0 gig babe, it’s just that it’s easier to be a straight white man, anywhere in most of industries, unfortunately. And then some ppl simply don’t wanna come out and it’s not always bcs of “hollywood”; it could be bcs of other reasons in their personal lives that we simply won’t know. They’re just humans w real human thoughts and challenges too. When you see it that way it becomes more reasonable and less ‘scandalous’ for actors to do that.
All that being said, i’m not saying i think anyone is or isn’t hiding their sexuality, but only bcs i never seriously cared about anyone’s sexuality to begin with - except if they wanna fuck ME lol. Idc ab Armie’s or Timmy’s sexuality or their private relationships (well.. Armie, i’ll hv my eyes on him bcs of the war trauma lmao).
But at the same time, I also don’t care if people want to stan or ship anyone as long as they’re being considerate abt these people’s privacy. I’m not gnna police how ppl spend their time as long as they’re respectful n spread love n fun stuff bcs I don’t understand what does it matter what ppl think vs. of what I think on things that aren’t even a little bit detrimental to anyone’s lives or society at large lol. So.. believe nothing! Believe the craziest shit ever! Do whatever, just be safe n dont make too much enemies n dont snoop around people’s privacy for the sake of whatever it is. Then it’s totally not cool.
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kaybaeisgay · 1 year
alright here we go…. these are my One Piece: Live Action thoughts and critiques now that i’ve finished binge watching the show!
overall rating is a 6.5/10 on a Netflix original scale with some episodes being below that and some being above. (EDIT: before you throw tomatoes pls know that i highly enjoyed it!!!!! just had some thoughts on how it could have been improved in my own humble opinion!!)
(spoilers under cut)
initial praises:
the FUCKING CAST. they are all so good!!!! i admittedly had low expectations for some characters prior to watching (i.e. shanks, mihawk, garp) due to how iconic and mysterious they are, but i feel like they all did a phenomenal job bringing these characters to life
THE STRAW HAT CHEMISTRY. from the second i saw the cast interviews, i knew they were gonna be perfect, but the core cast truly was brilliant together
BUGGY 🗣️🗣️🗣️ listen. i’ve always been a buggy denier…… i understood the Power of His Ponytail for others, but never really got it for myself. that being said…….. JEFF WARD POPPED OFF. imo buggy had potential to be either just okay or the worst part of the show. and jeff, my guy, you knocked it out of the fucking park
visuals!!!!! the practical set was beautiful, and the coloring was so perfect for how fantastical the one piece world is. it was really immersive and i was super impressed!
makeup and costumes were fabulous. i know people clowned arlong’s design from the trailers, but i always really liked it bc of its practical effects and watching his full performance in the show was icing on the cake. the fishmen all looked incredible! absolutely spot on from the costume and makeup departments
drunk usopp???? need it like i need air
suave but unpervy sanji???? please, oda, bring him back i BEG
luffy’s curly hair 😭
zoro and nami’s interactions?? chef’s kiss. loved how they made each other work for their trust and friendship
all the little cameos to diff characters in wanted posters
the cgi they did use looked so fucking flawless. like the sea king and buggy’s devil fruit? it was truly a spectacle
the bad and the ugly:
the writing. i have to say, while i thought some parts were fine, i thought other aspects of the writing (namely the parts NOT written by oda) were lacking and stereotypical. it seemed like there was a real need in the writers room to spell everything out for the audience about the one piece world, when i really don’t think that is necessary. part of the charm is how whimsical the world is and how unhurried the east blue beginning arc felt. and they inserted a lot of weird bullshit i felt didn’t fit the original story
on that same note: the straw hat bonding was weak imo. i am a nami-stan to the day i die, but i really felt like they used her character to override the developments between luffy and the other straw hats. i think having nami present in axe-hand morgan’s base with luffy/zoro immediately discredited the initial bond that the two boys were supposed to have. i get why they did it, and i never thought i’d see the day where i wouldn’t want to see more nami, but i feel like her presence during that moment, her convo with kaya, and her staying for baratie really stole important bonding moments from luffy and each of the boys.
similar to that: luffy’s characterization. (note: i adore iñaki! this has nothing to do with him, just how the writers wrote luffy.) i don’t think the writers knew how to approach writing luffy or even zoro for that matter—which, to be fair, they are difficult characters to write. but i think they got very focused on trying to explain or make sense of luffy for the viewers when i truly think the appeal to pre-time skip op is how both the audience and the straw hat crew are constantly learning more and more about who luffy is through his actions. and in tandem, they didn’t know how to flesh out luffy and zoro’s relationship. where animanga luffy and zoro are bonded because they innately seem to just get one another, i think the LA writers didn’t trust that either their script or the actors portraying them could get that across as well without having them literally spell it out for us. and in turn, i think it really watered down their connection when that bond should be one of the absolute strongest.
okay i’m beginning to realize that all my critiques have to do with writing
like, they didn’t show us how much each village comes to love the straw hats???? which is a HUGE part of why we and everyone in the world adores them??????????
little (and big) things about the characters that got lost in the LA: zoro’s sense of humor, usopp’s love of bugs (seriously, he wouldn’t be spooked by a damn spiderweb, cmon), nami being a weather prodigy, usopp being a sniping prodigy, bellemere and nojiko having hope bc infant nami was laughing, luffy only doing stuff bc he wants to, luffy and zoro not caring about the details of nami’s history, sanji bonding w luffy bc he was strong and kind and joining because luffy asked him to, helmeppo’s falling out w his father (like if you’re gonna put so much of him in there at least set up his backstory correctly???), arlong seeing zoro’s wound from mihawk, arlong park walk???!, and so many other things honestly…..
in general, the whimsy of the world was lacking. so much of what sets one piece (especially at the beginning) apart from other shows is how much fun it is. i get that netflix wanted to netflixify this world, but that’s not why we fell in love w the show. we want to see them goofing off, we want to see all the silly, ridiculous jokes. we want the hilarity of it all and how each character (no matter how cool) is still subject to being a fool at times. usopp’s character really brought a lot of life to the show after he was introduced, which i am infinitely grateful for, but i think the writers forgot the core of the show: the fun of it all.
OH. and here is my biggest gripe of them all……. THE FUCKING MARINES. like holy shit, i didn’t realize i was watching a fucking military propo??? i understand they wanted to make koby more relevant for the story but fuck, did we really need fifteen minutes every episode dedicated to the marines???? i loved koby and garp’s actors, but all the focus on them (WHEN THEY ARENT EVEN IN THE EAST BLUE MUCH AT ALL) really soured me on their characters tbh. they robbed us of so much time that could have been spent on any of the above issues listed just for the sake of adding fish-eye-lens close-ups of them shootin’ the shit with each other. it’s like they didn’t want new viewers becoming unsympathetic to the fucking military even tho oda specifically wrote marines as antagonists lmao. truly, i think all the issues i had w the show could have been fixed if they simply didn’t make so much of it about garp and koby.
along w that thought: someone—anyone—please tell me why they needed a garp and luffy confrontation in this first fucking season. please, help me understand. because imo, that was the most atrocious thing they could have done. they literally cut out KEY PARTS to the arlong park arc just to make room for it. the arlong park bit was so badly fumbled imo. making nojiko and the villagers actually hate nami instead of pretending to??? TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO. saying nami asked to join arlong instead of him forcing her to?? FUCKING AWFUL. having luffy chase nojiko down for the story instead of his “i don’t need to know it, i just need her to rely on us”???!!!! fine, go ahead and erase a crucial part of his character. and don’t even get me started on how garp’s moment completely replaced nami’s iconic “goodbye” to coco village and genzo telling luffy not to make her cry. seriously, i could go on for hours about those episodes alone.
additionally, they made the whole “luffy didn’t tell us about his grandpa being a marine” thing like an issue in the crew when that is not at all how it should have gone. the entire point of garps original intro as luffy’s grandpa in animanga is that we AND the straw hats have spent enough time with luffy to understand that he doesn’t say more than what needs to be said. while we were all surprised, no one (not even his crew) are upset about him withholding that. so to introduce garp so early in the plot and then make it a whole moment of dissent for the crew is fucked up and pointless.
i really think they only added so much of the marines because they were worried there weren’t enough “stakes” to push luffy and the crew forward in the narrative, but that is utter bullshit because the ENTIRE point of the east blue arc is that it’s BEFORE luffy ever has a bounty—before he ever is being truly chased—so EVERYTHING he does is simply for the pure sake that he WANTS TO. and that is precisely why each crew member loves him. that’s why WE love him.
last but not least: where tf was hatchan??? ☹���
overall, my problem with the LA so far is that i feel as if the writer’s don’t have a full grasp on the straw hats, and while they were writing the story, things that should’ve been central to their personas got left behind. it felt like since they didn’t feel like they understood luffy as a character, they tried to overcompensate by making him into something he isn’t.
the outline for everything was there and i think it was still a very fun watch, but im left longing for the magic and catharsis of the original story. in the end, it was entertaining but really just made me want to rewatch the anime to get the full effect of oda’s wonderful storytelling
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
20 Questions For Fic Writers
gonna unofficially thank @forabeatofadrum for this tag bc she said whoever wanted to do it and I wanted to so here it be!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
49??? What when how did that happen??
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
706,964 woah so not quite a million but uh I have shit to say apparently
3. What fandoms do you write for?
46 of the 49 fics are glee lmaooo, two are Newsies and one is Roswell, New Mexico! I anticipate more Newsies (Javid) fics to come because I’m obsessed
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
There From The Start
Cornelia Street
Here We Go Again
An Honest Man
If Music Be
All for Glee: Klaine!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to as many as I can, but I usually forget lol. If someone leaves an insightful comment though it will usually spur a long conversation in the comments and I LOVE IT
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If The World Was Ending bc they uh :) die, technically speaking
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh probably every other one??? I really don’t like sad endings so most have a happy ending, but i actually really like the ending to Stick Season because despite it being so terribly emotional and angsty, I feel like the ending is a turnaround and really hopeful!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? A few annoying comments telling me characters wouldn’t act this way, and one asking me “where my creativity was” which rubbed me the wrong way but I try to focus on the positive ones! Those definitely linger in my mind longer 💞
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Don’t look at me. Yes. Sometimes. Idk man sometimes those dudes just need to fuck it out???? But I usually only write it if the story feels like it’s naturally going there. It’s never really porn for porn’s sake (for clarification there’s nothing wrong with that we all love a little pwp), it’s usually the sappy emotional kind that’s mostly feelings and vague descriptions. it’s definitely not my forte and something I still get a little embarrassed and self conchas about lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not recently but I did have a Supernatural/Glee crossover a few years ago (shut up I was 16) and honestly it was loads of fun! Blaine was the child of that Gay Angel and Repressed Bisexual Man. Absolutely a slay
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? But a few old ones from my fanfiction dot net page ended up on one of those search engine thingies??? Idk how to explain it or how to take it down but honestly… I have bigger problems lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever wants to let me know!!! It would make me so happy!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! Quite a few actually. I usually do the franken-fic every year and I did the roulette challenge and that m aforementioned crossover was actually a collab! Some of my favorite memories was writing the final chapter of A Night At The Ryerson House with @esperantoauthor 💞
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
OOF. Okay so. With 46 fics on AO3 you could say Klaine has a special place in my heart, buuuuuuut…….. my best friend introduced me to newsies in April and I seriously think it did something to my brain chemistry because Jack and Davey own my entire ass
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. I’m so fearful that I’ll never finish Amidst The Chaos, which I LOVE but takes so much out of me. There’s also one I’ve never posted called “Strangers Again” that involves like timeline jumping but in a romcom way that I’m not sure how to go about??? Also the community college one. I have so many.
For Javey I tried writing that Spider-Man AU but like. I need to re do the entire first chapter. I absolutely hate it actually and I think it’s because I don’t have a clear vision of what exactly I want, but I know what I DO NOT want????
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh I’m actually not sure entirely? I’m gonna go with dialogue bc that’s usually how scenes come to me first.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scenery/setting/sensory, world building, plot points, physical movement holy fuck do not get me started when That Guy has to move Across The Room AHHHHHH I wanna tear my face off
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! In my brain Jack Kelly is Mexican because I love to project, and I’ve got a wip where Blaine is involved in a Hispanic community (no he’s mot Hispanic he’s just got a Mexican friend who is an old lady and also Catholicism is involved it’s a lot to explain okay go with it) so I like to use it, but only in a way that feels natural to ME based on MY experiences. Different people have different approaches!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof. This one is hard but I think it’s an even tie between Here We Go Again and If Music Be!
Tagging: @somefeministtheatrepls @somanywords @justgleekout @kurtsascot and anyone else who wants to try!
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levbolton · 1 year
Terminal ilness harukai au when
(Haruka that’s 27 and murai that’s 30 live together. Murai is a tattoo artist with a fear of medical needles and haruka is both an art historian and an art curator assistant at the insistence at the said art curator. They met when Haruka wa still in university through the tattoo studio (haruka got a bunch of piercings and some tattoos by murai). He has 2 jobs bcs they plan on moving out and buying their own place and Yakumo’s tattoo artist licence isn’t as strong as Haruka’s office job for the bank loan. So he sacrifices more of his free time, of his time to spend with yakumo, or to paint on his own (because he likes to paint) for more money.
Maybe i should mention it here, but Yakumo in this au (i made this up last autumn or so when we didn’t have his backstory) is from a small island close to tokyo, more like a village boy, and haruka was quite well off with parents that were both teachers (one math the other one chemistry), his sisters were also in good fields (eldes was a writer, 2nd a bussineswoman and the youngest a biology student), and they never judged him for pursuing art.
At the start of the story (late august) haruka gets to work on a project to bring the helene kroller muller’s van gogh collection to japan (this did happen, that’s why there are blp x van gogh goodies), only that at the same time one of his workmates gets pregnant. So as the time passes haruka gets more work, bcs at some point the pregnant woman has to go on maternity leave. And you know, he starts to lose weight, although the blood works are fine, there’s nothing abnormal. But he loses weight, and he gets more tired, he can’t even climb the stairs to their 3rd floor apartment anymore (he takes the lift) but he also works late nights and he starts to miss sleep so it must be it. Even if he tried to go to sleep sometimes he can’t fall asleep. Yeah, this must be the work. But quitting isn’t an option because he really does want to bring to life that van gogh exposition (i dont think there’s any van gogh in japan) and soon they’d be able to get that loan and everything will be fine.
However, even his personality does change, he’s more irritable, he doesn’t take some stuff as seriously as he should. And this leads to a few fights with yakumo that gets hurt in the process. As if his lover is becoming someone else he didn’t yet know.
And then one day something does happen. And they go to the doctor for something more than just a regular check up. One person shouldn’t miss this much sleep or forget as many details if there isn’t something wrong, right?
The thing is, it takes a while for the doctors to find the exact cause for him. Mainly because it’s a rare malady, you don’t think abt it right off the bat, again it could’ve been just work burn out, no matter how good of a doctor you are stuff sometimes misses you (this is for fiction but please the real life specialists do know their job well most of the time). And when that answer comes, maybe it was better to not know
CJD, spoiler alert, it’s a fatal disease, there’s no cure for it. Once you’re diagnosed you know you’re gonna die. What the fuck, Haruka was still very much young… At this point, Haruka’s state was quite poor, obviously he had to quit his jobs, what good to work when you’re gonna die anyway? However, it wasn’t as easy as that, because Haruka couldn’t finish the preparation for the exposition he so wanted to see happen. He had to go to the hospital without even seeing any of the painting in real life. He quit and started to focus more on something he wanted more time for: to paint on his own, to create his own paintings, not research others’, be his own creator. Be an artist. And again, considering his state he couldn’t stay at home much longer, he needed medical care. (Sporadic Cjd is a rapid disease)
Despite that haruka was in a care centrum, he couldn’t spend all his time there with him. He still had to work, because if you don’t work you don’t have survival money. What a stupid thing, right? You can’t spend your time with the one that’s soon not going be there anymore because of such a frugal thing as money… fuck it….
It was around the middle of january when haruka went to the hospital. It was cold and he was supposed to stay in bed most of the time because it could affend him and speed the disease. One evening, after work, yakumo opened the door, and Haruka just couldn’t recognise him. “Who are you?” He’d ask, and maybe this is what made Yakumo realise he is indeed losing his other one.
There’s beauty in the snow, in that wintery loneliness. Haruka wanted to touch the snow. Yakumo didn’t allow it.
When his birthday came, he was but the ghost of a person he used to be. He couldn’t walk, he was using a trolley pushed by someone else to move around. Heck, he couldn’t even hold his brushes to paint anymore.
Spring came too, the snow melted, and seeing Haruka like that made Yakumo feel guilty. Haruka couldn’t recognise anyone that clearly, it would take him long moments until something inside his brain would light up and even longer until his body responded accordingly. Maybe he should’ve allowed him to play with the snow back then. He would die anyway. At this point it was just a matter of time until that day would come…
No matter how much you prepare for it, it always comes when you least expect it. Just another day on the job, another client, another tattoo. However, his phone rings and he wishes he wouldn’t have replied, it would’ve given him a few more moments of blissful ignorance
Haruka’s older sister called. Yakumo was already on his way to the hospital. It was the end. Haruka was no more and he couldn’t even be there for him in that moment…
But then he’d return home, to the same place he has lived with Haruka for years. The same appartement on the 3rd floor, quite spacious and in a nice neighbourhood. He has to give it up now.
(It’s too expensive for one person, but how fucked up it is to not be able to process your lover’s death bcs of such financial difficulties?))
This is a speed run summary of something i was thinking abt last year for 30k words. Cjd could advance quicker than this too.
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aajjks · 9 months
are your eyes believing what they’re seeing? THE jeon jungkook defending you against jongin all because he snapped your headphones. he even forces him to apologize to you and though you didn’t enjoy the brutal example jungkook made out of him, you were happy to see one of your tormentors apologizing to you feeling helpless.
you’re unsure why jungkook defended you and you’re hoping the bully club will leave alone but they still insist on making fun of you and giving you weird glances.
“don’t think just cause jungkook defended you means you’re safe from us” namjoon says as he shoves you into the lockers “he’s still the leader at the end of the day” yoongi follows up which means nothing will change.
they didn’t need to break it down for you anymore than that and maybe that will get people to believe that you and jungkook aren’t a thing because you’re sure those kinds of rumors are already brewing. your last two classes weren’t that bad but you ended up taking a lot more time than usual thanks to your least favorite class, chemistry.
you still haven’t seen danielle and you decide to head back home to get caught up with your homework and maybe start on your essay on production for your art class.
unexpectedly or maybe unfortunately, you hear a familiar voice calling out for you and once they get nearer, it’s jeon jungkook shoving his cell in your face demanding you give him your number. you remember politely declining an exchange in numbers but then you remember the cafeteria incident and yoongi’s words.
he still hates you and if you don’t hand him your number, he’ll hurt you like jongin or maybe worse. with a sigh, you put in your number and pray you don’t regret giving your bully your ACTUAL digits but of course you do.
by the time you arrive home and freshen up, jungkook is already ringing your cell phone and sending texts threatening you to pick up.
you really regret giving your worst enemy your phone number….
“yes jungkook?” you say in a bothered tone as you continue to finish your math homework that was starting to irritate you.
“listen…can you please delete my number? i appreciate you wanting me to help but there’s so many other people who are smarter than me. and-AND they’re actually attractive. you don’t want to work with an ugly loser like me. you should work with someone like soojin, danielle, or alina”
He’s in the comfort of his home and he feels awfully hot, the air conditioning doesn’t really help him out because he’s talking to you right now, so he does feel a little excited.
But what you say next has him clenching his jaw in anger. “shut the fuck up. They are dumb bitches and you are really smart.” of course, that is the truth. “And. Soo Jin is only good for fucking, Danielle your dear friend is way too grumpy for me to deal with, and who the fuck is alina?” He scoffs.
“I want to work with you, understand? You.” Jungkook makes sure to emphasize on you, “you are ugly but those women are plastic- at least you’re natural and smart.” he doesn’t want to sound too corny, but the truth is that… you are really beautiful.
You’ve got the perfect lips, the most gorgeous eyes, and the most adorable cheeks. And your nose is absolutely perfection, but his most favorite part about you is definitely your mouth.
Oh he loves it so much. “come on now, speak up little lamb.” it’s like he’s talking to his crush and maybe that is the truth… he feels so giddy. “Come on explain to me about whatever the fuck I missed on in the class.” He smirks. He hears you say over the other line, and you just give up and begin explaining.
Jungkook loves the way you talk it’s so soft and.. it’s just so you. “Ok ok I got it..” he interrupts you once again, because he’s really not interested in that. “Before I hang up, I want you to tell me if he gets you new headphones and if he doesn’t, just let me know.” He bites his lower lip, his gaze settling in his bruised knuckles.
“I’ll make sure that he learns another lesson.”
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wifegideonnav · 2 years
well i… finished act 5 act 2. gonna have to rewatch cascade a bunch of times and probably read the act summary on the wiki but i have officially reached the end of the act
still enjoying it a lot but it’s getting harder and harder to read. summing up a rant i gave my friend, i’m not super in love with the sense of predestined futility - or more accurately, i don’t feel that the narrative has properly addressed that yet and justified why i should be reading about these characters who were like 100x doomed from the start.
there are so many characters and so much happening that nothing is lingered upon, which is nice pacing-wise but not so nice emotional-impact-wise. i also think the “everybody dies a bajillion times and it’s fine until all of a sudden it’s not” thing works against it in a sense, especially when the narrative doesn’t stop to mourn anyone who’s actually dead, bc by the time you realize hey wait maybe like. vriska or dad or feferi/nepeta/equius etc are dead for real it’s been like 200+ pages and you’re like well ok. what do i do here exactly.
and i know that that’s an intentional choice hussie made for how he wanted to craft his narrative - im wishing for things that he deliberately chose not to give. im not trying to say that these choices are flaws in his writing, just that as an audience member i tend to prefer the tlt method of dealing with death, where one main character dies and then the entire next book is about another ripping herself apart because of it.
im not giving up by any means, or even saying that this is what’s dominating my reading experience. like i said im still enjoying myself and appreciate most of the creative decisions that hussie is making. it can just feel very draining i suppose, watching these characters i’ve come to care about - almost all of whom are literal children - fighting so hard so futilely, and so far, imo the narrative hasn’t paid that off. however, with that out of the way, here are (some of, bc this shit was long as hell) my thoughts on the act, more or less in order:
i have literally no interest in johnkat. probably partially bc my friend is so into davekat that ive been conditioned to just wait for that to happen but also bc they have no chemistry. sorry to any johnkat shippers out there but idc it’s boring
i have slightly more but still negligible interest in john/vriska. probably bc i… don’t really care about john. sorry to any john stans out there but idc he’s boring
karkat and terezi sharing a keyboard to argue my beloved
rose my beloved. but also. sweetie :/
vriska my beloved. but also. SWEETIE :/
kanaya my beloved. you’re doing great no notes
oh yeah dave and terezi manipulated the stock market. still don’t 100% understand that but whatever good for them
yeah ok the dream bubbles. christ. like ok i GET it but they’re still annoying
i love jade’s dynamic with karkat she really goes from “teehee im just a silly little girl haha” to “im going to eviscerate this motherfucker”
bec prototyping himself was genuinely such a good reveal
is it just me or is john's power like. way lamer than the other kids' lmao. like it's still cool, def better than nothing, but come on
not too much to say abt the exiles but i love them
also with all the fucking timeline bullshit that's going on i literally can't wait to reach the end and reread with the uhsc mod that lets you follow a specific person's timeline. i canNOT keep track of what's happening when for who
it is literally so funny that vriska has been the cause of jade's narcolepsy this entire time. like wow girl you really took the opportunity to be a massive dick to her huh
frogs. ok sure. why not.
fuck doc scratch all my homies hate doc scratch. i will say though. he is a fantastic character.
holy shit eridan and gamzee snapping and killing like everyone. that was buckwild what the fuck. not gonna lie idc that equius is dead, and nepeta, feferi, and tavros were never my faves. but got damn it sucks that they're dead. (ostensibly. still not one thousand percent convinced)
sad karkat :(
murderous kanaya :D
oh god the ancestors. sorry but i simply do not care about that shit. like i know that they're actually relevant but. :/
also i don't like the trope of chains of events being echoed across generations. like damn get your own plot. also it ties into that determinism and futility that i'm grappling with
i will say though. mindfang mentally thanking redglare for taking her arm because then her battle against his honorable tyranny because it made it "a fair fight"? hot. i'm brave enough to say it.
aradia is cool as fuck. i wish we got more of her/her personality
aradia's ancestor is also cool as fuck. sucks that literally nothing she did to resist her fate worked or mattered
the scratch stuff is genuinely interesting narratively/in terms of a plot device. again it still sucks that the beta kids aren't actually going to get to win the game themselves. like i assume they'll be talking to/guiding the alpha kids but like. god it's so unfairrr i bet there'll be angst about this
rose going grimdark is so fun. also LMAO john trying to chat with her in that flash game portion
TEREZI god i love her. sucks that she killed vriska tho bc i love her and also i ship them. oh well murder is not necessarily a roadblock to them getting together. troll romance sure is weird. i have hope in my heart.
vriska isn't dead forever bc no she isnt <3
the betty crocker shit. is funny. and also stupid as hell.
ok i guess the stuff about karkat's ancestor and the history of the troll race is kinda interesting. whatever.
everyone's in love/hate with gamzee all of a sudden?? literally why. troll romance sure is FUCKING confusing
that was a pretty anticlimactic climax to the gamzee situation, gotta say
cascade was confusing as fuck i don't have thoughts on it yet
so yeah that's it! if you're still reading, why? let me know what your thoughts on act 5 act 2 were when you read it, or your thoughts on my thoughts lol. just pls no spoilers for anything past cascade!!
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
I went down the rabbit hole of your asks about Q and K and dtkq in general and I have thoughts: DTKQ was never real
I have been around in the dream fandom since end 2019 so pre literally all of these friendships (except dteam of course) and from the word go I always got the impression quackity didn’t like Dream not even neutral but just didn’t like him they did one stream together and never again I don’t think he favors Sapnap in anyway either he talks about Sapnap like he’s a fucking caveman and only tolerated them bc of George and some weird fan created fiancés lore that he like kinda keeps to but like doesn’t fuck w outside of the lore streams and even then he said before that dteam+k are “work friends” to him not on the same level as his irl friends. When Q was still activly hanging with people like mizkif after everything he’s said about Dream and I’m pretty sure to this day he still follows kace***on. so that solidified to me that dream and q aren’t and have never been friends bc why would you continue to follow someone actively harassing and doxing someone you claim is a friend Dream has never like off handedly talked about quackity either like I can’t think of a time Dream on his own told a funny story about being with or talking to quackity. And I think Karl god Karl is so sad to me bc I don’t mind him but he like so desperately wants his own trio like the dream team and wants his own duo like dnf so bad it’s so painfully pitiful to watch he’s like “creating” these groups and then he abandons them once he milks them dry or once they never pick up the way dnf and dteam do his closest thing to it was Karlnap but I really think Sapnap has pulled away from that recently he used to play into it a lot but he’s kinda pulled away and idk why they keep trying to resuscitate banter I need it to die like in theory it’s fun and could work but they never do it they give up after 4 episodes the 3 of them don’t have good chemistry together Sapnap and George can bounce off each other but then Karl has to be the center so Sapnap doesn’t bother half the time and George is trying to carry the weight but even he’s not into it the most popular and lively episode of banter had Dream and Dream hard carried that ep 💀 all in all I don’t think dtkq was ever real I don’t think q liked anyone but George and Karl and George doesn’t like not including his best friends Dream and Sapnap and Karl saw it as some like possible group and he himself even said that the only reason why dtkq content ever happened was bc he would force everyone to do something together and 1/2 the time Dream would just leave 1/3 of the way into any stream and most of the time Dream is q and ks punching bag anyway that pisses me off when they did content together and Dream just gets shit on. I think it sucks bc it looks like q and k were really into dtkq for content reasons and dteam wanted friends but I doubt we will see any content from 5/5 ever again (not that much existed to begin with) because quackity has isolated himself with his Spanish audience and even English and he’s all solo q Stan’s who hate everyone else and I think a lot of dteam Stan’s have not changed opinions as far as pos or neg but I think a lot have lost interest or don’t care much for Q and I see it starting w K as well they are gravitating toward sylvee and Hannah and back to Tommy now funnily enough but yeah people wrongfully assumed that 5/5 were close when I don’t think they are the fact that they were in LA for 2 weeks and quackity was there for most of that time and there wasn’t a peep of a meet up lmaoooo and like George spent most of the time doing nothing he had free time and didn’t go see him yeah yeah yeah tells me all I need to know sorry this is long I’ve kept this for far too long 💀
Hey thanks for the long input I love reading opinions from fans who've been here since the beginning 🙏
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russilton · 1 year
thoughts on various mick ships??? schulott / schuclerc / smick??????
Let me tell you I wrote such a good answer to all this but tumblr deleted it when I moved my hand wrong- and I got so mad I had to go do something else (I finally stopped putting off ordering the baby registry gift for the shower I’m going to tomorrow- lol)
But now I’m back and first of all I gotta say anon- how could u forgot the two (three?) Mick ships I actually ship - schuvesti and schuoohan (and the combined Dooschuvesti).
But for the ones you listed
Schulott -
I know about it but I have 0 opinion on it bc I don’t know anything about Callum. My whole exposure to the guy is via tweets / Amanda or Kyle, so I don’t really have any baseline to care.
Schuclerc -
Meh - I think to like Schuclerc you’ve got to be at least a little Tifosi — like this isn’t so much a duo but a poly ship where the third partner is Ferrari. To make this work you’ve rlly got to WANT to fuck the colour red and Italian words.
I am- practically the opposite of Tifosi so I can’t feel the link between them rlly, like yeah there’s narrative and a dickload of red to it but narrative doesn’t make chemistry automatically. I’m not opposed to it it’s just giving ME personally nothing. Kyle if if you show up to shout at me for this- Brother what did you expect.
Smick -
I think I see Seb as too much like Mick’s strange step uncle to rlly want smick as a romantic ship. Like. Seb isn’t quite Micks brother not quite his paternal figure He’s this nebulous third thing- He’s family of an undefined quality. It also doesn’t help that RB Seb looked like he wanted Michael to fuck him so bad. Young seb looks like he would climb into Michaels skin if he could do so- and the whole ‘I would have liked to be slutty for ur father’ rlly gets in the way of seeing Seb with Mick
THAT BEING SAID- the relationship between Mick and Seb is so profoundly important to me, and not just bc Mick looked like Seb leaving him was forcing him to confront being alone in the sport for the first time in his life. The way Mick clung to Seb like if he gripped hard enough Seb would stay and he wouldn’t be without a seat - it breaks you open. The way Mick looks so abandoned but he cannot get the words out- oughghsbkjs
Ask me my Honest Ship Opinions
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kindchenschema · 5 months
“tldr the entire show is a terrible snoozefest” LOL yuuuup. loved all of ur reply 2 that other anon iykyk ;) as someone who only got into the show 5 years ago and thinks s1-8 are the best, (haven’t even watched after steph left i just started again with s19) the new interns are cute but not exactly must see tv. greys used to be IT, in the drama, acting, and storyline department and now it’s like once in a while an episode will hit but it’s rare. and yeah I like the interns (simone is my fav because she’s messy but grounded like a mix of cristina and steph, who i LOVED) yasuda is second fave because she’s funny and confident and so relatable. jules is pretty but boring. even her being quirky feels boring. don’t and never will care about the xys/men. i feel like they’re choosing the most bland storylines and not tapping into the potential they could have bc it’s there. staring with making jules/yasuda a thing. helm is nice but underused and i want an intern couple with main characters. plus their chemistry is cute. speaking of mains, can’t believe how much nothing amelia’s done this season. i thought they’d explore her being alone and finding herself or smthn after kai (who was sexy but also really boring. idk i find the quiet reserved type so lackluster but the chemistry was amazing tho) but she’s done nada. plus beltran is hot and i love the actress in other roles but she’s boring af. ik they didn’t wanna make her perky/sweet because it would look like arizona 2.0 but the grumpy, cold thing doesn’t work for me. not getting enemies to lovers im getting she thinks amelia is dumb af and couldn’t care less about her lmao.
anon bestie!! ahshfjs thank you ;))
i completely agree that s1-8 are the best although s12 is in another category entirely for me because of the angsty mermelia deliciousness 🔥
anyway, trueee like no matter how much they try to revive the ~golden age vibes~ (which they so clearly desperately are) it's just not working, the spark is missing, it feels too lifeless, too scripted, etc. a very sad decline.
yess i love simone i don't get why people hate her 🙏 she has that chill grounded raised by grandparents swag that's very charming to me
i'm also completely with you on the most bland storyline thing 😭 there could have been an interesting conflict re bailey and the interns, like some of the interns siding with bailey, some being like actually i love my 80 hour work week #riptoyallbutimbuiltdifferent, someone (like lucas) taking advantage of bailey's good will, then we could have richard or even owen giving their hurr durr input... like it could have been a genuinely interesting multi ep arc/conversation but instead we got. whatever this is. fucking montage of simone and kwan cooking a stir fry together 💀
also like it's so funny how amelia said she got a cat and then they never... show... the cat... or mention it again... it could have starved to death by now and we wouldn't know... does amelia remember she has a cat? does she feed it? i hope so. poor kitty
all because LUCAS needs aaaall of our attention on his annoying ass 24/7 like ooooh are you having a little mantrum? are you the most tortured little man on planet earth? should we tell everyone should we call your auntie amelia? idiot
kai as a character was lacking a liiiittle i'll give you that anon, but holy shit i am fully convinced that caterina and ER had something homosexual going on outside the show because there is no way on earth that that chemistry was screen-based only. i don't even care if i sound like a gaylor. i am a fightsone truther💯
HAHAHA YES i don't see the enemies to lovers at all, the dynamic just reminds me of when my mom complains to me about her stupid ass colleagues 😭 amelia needs someone warm, someone that loves and cherishes her and isn't so hostile and like. snappy. aka addison 🥰 so true.
will report back to you after the series finale tomorrow dear anon 🙏‼️
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angelic-brutality · 2 years
heyoooo ;-)
it's been a time i don't write anything, but i hope you like this thing!
i decided to make a "hanma / mitsuya / draken (separated) x nerd partner" bc- yes :>
some warnings: i'm brazilian, so there's probably some grammar error here. the characters might me ooc. i didn't used any pronouns here, so neutral reader.
here we go! hope you like this shitty thing <3
wouldn’t get why you’re ‘always’ studying
“why are you still studying? gosh, have you ever had fun in life?”
he would 100% hang out with you a lot, and whenever you laughed too much he would say “see? you don't have to study when you have me!”
this guy probably never frequented school, so he’ll probably never understand the things “you-study-but-won’t-use-in-your-life”
he’ll help when you need to research a lot of things tho, like when you have an assignment and don’t know the whole subject
there’s a research that says you learn 90% faster when you teach others, and if you go by that method, he’d be a volunteer to help you
“ok so i guess i explained all the important topics” you said after talking about the subject “wow, that was a lot” hanma replied, sighing “you didn’t understand nothing, right?” “you’re totally right.”
when he wants to hang out but you’re studying he’d turn on a random music and sing it really badly until you stop wherever you’re doing to look at him
and threats won’t work, he’ll stop doing that just when you stop studying so much
when you get a bad grade he’d react like “it was not that bad, you’re overreacting a bit. chill.” even if you’re having a breakdown for it. change my mind.
although he would try to cheer you up by distracting you
like going on a place you like and/or doing anything (or almost anything) you want
when you get a good grade on a test you were worried about and he notices how happy you get, he’d laugh and say “i don’t know why you’re so happy, it is impossible to get a bad grade with the amount of time you spend studying!”
you two would have study dates. often at a random cafeteria. change my mind.
he’d be the kind of person that would explain the same thing 10 times if you don’t understand it
sometimes you two would just sit on the floor of your/his bedroom while you do your homework and he sews something while talking about your/his day
when mana and luna get older and start seeing basic math problems on school, they would ask you to help them
and it would be cute as fuck
but also funny because of the faces they make when they understand everything
i feel like whenever you’re studying and he’s with you, he’d suddenly just start staring at you
“uhm why are you staring at me?” “beautiful things are made to be admired”
everyone needs a mitsuya in their life.
and whenever you compliment him, he’d get really flushed, like REALLY flushed
and if you’re the kind of person that like horrible pick up lines, don’t worry, he’ll laugh at all of them, even the ones that you need to know basic math/chemistry to understand
and sometimes he’d try those on you, you two would laugh A LOT
when you get a bad grade, at first he won’t say anything. he'll just hug you and even let you cry if you want. when you’re better, he’ll start to try to help you verbally
and it doesn’t matter if you pass 20 minutes venting, he’ll listen to it
and when you get really happy bc of a good grade, he would praise you a lot and just laugh when you have a ‘weird’ reaction (like start jumping bc of enthusiasm)
and even join you in those weird reactions
i like to that if draken had a nerdy lover, they’d first met because of school
like you two got in the same group in an assignment or he just randomly sits beside you and starts to chat in a boring class
sometimes, he goes to school only to see you
and if you’re the type who likes to ramble about your day or a very specific topic, he’d listen to it 24/7
he just loves being with you, even if it’s just hearing you talk A LOT about said subject
ken would ask you to help him with some important tests if he decided to do them for a random reason
or just ask you to help him cheat in the middle of the test, that would be easier anyways
and if you two decided to have a study date, it would start with both of you focused on the subject and saying only important things, but it would end with you two talking about something really far from anything related to it
if you’re into rpg, i think he’d ask you to teach him how to play it, and believe my words, it would be fun as fuck
when you get a bad grade, i think he’d be a little like mitsuya
would ask “is there any way i can help?” and would do whatever you say that will make you feel better
and would let you cry, vent, sob and everything without saying a word if you need it to relieve the stress
when you get a good grade, he’d congrat you many many times 
and would even buy something for you
it’d be something you like, maybe a bouquet, a stuffed animal, jewelry, anything that you want that he can buy
i just love this man so much <3 he deserves the word <33
taglist; @rome-alone @shujisluvr @sleepy-b3rry
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keijislvr · 2 years
random third year!seijoh hcs
cw: swearing and that's it i think, there's lots of cuteness and fluff bc i love them sm my simp definitely shows through <3
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makki is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. they were a nervous to tell the team, but mattsun had convinced them at worst, there could be some confusion or curiosity, but none of it would come from a bad place, and so they went ahead and dropped it into conversation amongst the usual chatter in the locker room. much to their delight nothing changed it was never going to anyways, but you can’t blame the baby for having their worries other than the use of pronouns, of course.
what takahiro doesn’t know is that oikawa, who had pre-empted this months in advance of actually being told, had been sending links of articles, videos and even tiktoks about gender identity, different pronouns and being non-binary to each team member separately excluding makki ofc pretending he thought they’d “be really interested in this thing i read/watched earlier!”
its a lie. of course its a lie. tooru just doesn’t want people hassling his best friend with questions about things that can easily be googled, especially since makki gets overwhelmed easily. plus he could tell it had been weighing on their mind a lot. he knows. he just DOES BECAUSE OIKAWA TOORU IS GREAT AND OBSERVANT FRIEND WHO ISN’T SELF OBSESSED OKAY AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL BECAUSE IM SO TIRED OF HIM BEING SEEN AS THIS SELFISH LITTLE BRAT HE LOVES HIS FRIENDS LOVES THEM I TELL YOU AND— tooru knows before hiro tells him, he just pretends he doesn’t
i’m telling you, iwa is probably the one that’s actually the most dense when it comes to these things...hell the boy didn’t even know issei was bi, which is strange considering he literally wears a heart-shaped ring with the flag colours on it. and has matching hair clips which he wears on his jean pockets. and a graphic tee with obnoxiously bright lettering spelling out “just passing bi ;)”
okay so maybe hajime is a little bit oblivious
which somehow brings me onto my next point!!! contrary to common belief, these babies are actually very intelligent, not only in terms of volleyball but also in their academics. and i mean all four of them, not just iwa! every! single! one! 
each of them has a particular subject they excel in and they essentially, you know . share the brain cells . but in a smart way 
(don’t get me wrong, they’re school smart and volleyball smart, but they lack logic and any semblance of regret. it leads to chaos and way too many detentions.)
tooru adores literature and history and probably spends his spare time reciting dramatic monologues in his mirror. also can and will talk your ear off about the different literary movements and how they reflect events in history. wears his glasses so he can pretend to be an expert, chatting away about his field of work fucking nerd lmao
mattsun is a chemistry and physics whizz but for the life of him cannot understand biology because “tHERE’S TOO MANY BODY PARTS I DON’T WANT TO KNOW ABOUTTTT”
he’s just lucky that hanamaki is an ace at bio and could probably memorise an anatomy chart with just one look :o
speaking of makki, their second best subject is defo art and art history! something about them just screams knowledgeable about painting techniques okay, like you’re telling me this lil baby wouldn't be walking around an art gallery spouting out random facts about artists??? because if so, you’re wrong ;)
it’s shocking when you first get to know them but later on it kinda just . makes sense
and then iwa! iwa has the seijoh 4 covered on the maths and languages part (okay but just imagine him picking up different languages easily??? hot. oiks is jealous, especially when haji sounds more fluent than him in spanish post timeskip haha
they regularly have study dates . 
tooru loves making it aesthetic 
seriously, you’d think he had a fairy light addiction or smthn
it usually ends with them getting distracted and having debates about things completely off topic 
“i thought it was lemon flavoured?”
“.......” “what!?”
“m-makki, bane of my existence and object of all my desires, my soulmate, the love of my life, definitely in that order—”
“but....but you cant see the middle? so why the fuck would i—why are you looking at me like that!?”
and so another debate begins can u tell i’ve had this exact debate with my friends
on a completely unrelated note because i can’t concentrate for the life of me
seijoh 4 going thrifting!!!! getting boba!!!!! and sushi!!!!! and just enjoying themselves because they’re precious and deserve it :(
iwa dragging the other three around the vintage clothing shops to look at the cool sweatshirts they have
mattsun having a little collection of thrifted trinkets (his fav is a tiny porcelain elephant that oikawa picked out! he has it on his window sill! if anyone breaks it he will cry!)
makki always manages to get the best jewelry at thrift shops, they’re like a magpie they see smthn shiny and.....oh...yeah, you’ve lost them
iwa: hey hiro, what d’ya think about this vase?
makki: *sees a sparkly ring*
iwa: didn’t your mum say she wanted—
makki: *fuckin naruto runs their ass over to the shiny stuff*
iwa:.......or not
mattsun wears crop tops you can’t change my mind
his style is very masc, lots of leather, silver accessories and dark colour pallets so he tends to go with a nice white or cream coloured tank top that shows of his lil tummy :)
issei bellybutton piercing petition???
the others have to beg him to wear y’know. actual colours every now and again
other than the just passing bi top (and the vb kit obvs) he really sticks to black, white and grey
hanamaki also sticks fast to their aesthetic ;) which is really just the colour brown LMAO
likes soft materials! big knit jumpers and looser jeans are also definitely a staple, probably coupled with gold jewelry (i think it would look pretty with their hair akahwbw)
has these really beaten up grey white converse that they refuse to let go of until they literally have like 5 holes in them and the other three buy them a new pair for their birthday
poor iwaizumi
he got his shoe fixed
.......2 months later
BUT tooru payed financially and physically and that’s the main thing
yes so iwa swings between aesthetics tbh, he’s a it just depends on the day type of guy
usually dons casual clothes though if they’re not going out, big shirts and loose sweats or gym shorts are his thing
he has mattsun’s hoodie from nearly 2 years ago and refuses to give it back
coincidentally, the only time mattsun wants to wear the hoodie is when iwa has it on
true best friend behaviour
honestly with oikawa i’d say he’s pretty casual too! practically loves in his seijoh jersey (wanna bet that he doesn’t wash it all too often?)
he likes the preppy style too, especially with his glasses and all </3
nerdy tooru with his little glasses, studying his pretty head off has my fucking HEART LIKE GODDAMN IT THIS BOY IS SO CUTE
they’re all just babies i love them :3
makki painting their nails!! even better, oikawa painting makki’s nails!! since he has the steadiest hands and all!!
“ohhh makki what colour are you going for today?”
“hm, they’re going for red—”
one day . their homeroom teacher wants one normal day .
they initially were in different homerooms, but after discovering that it’s literally impossible to keep them apart, even if you put them on different sides of the school, their teachers quickly signed their transfer slips
i’d say one factor for that was when matsukawa suddenly popped up behind tooru 45 minutes into the class
no one knows how he got there
or why he was there
not even tooru
but they did know what happened next
cheeto dust . cheeto dust flew
that's right dear readers, this 6 ft something, muscle man at the age of 18 IS FUCKING INCAPABLE OF OPENING A BAG OF CRISPS PROPERLY
(and issei sulked because of it. he had to be bought boba just so he would stop whining about how mean everyone is.)
((what i mean by that is, hanamaki all but shoved the drink down his throat to shut him up))
oh they have cuddle nights :o
usually they're round iwa’s house, because he has two spare blow up beds!! they just push them together and try and squeeze in together
it never works
and it's always poor tooru that suffers haha
he always gets put on the edge because he’s the best at dealing with horror movies (why they insist on have scary movie marathons despite being C O W A R D S is besides me) which means he has to balance himself on the corner of the futon because eVERYONE ELSE TAKES UP SM ROOM
makki (the resident wimp) always claims iwa as a cuddle partner aka has hajime as a sacrifice if the occasion calls for it and curls into his chest like a lil b a b ie but they both still take up quite a lot of room, being tall ass vb players and all
(hiro drools on iwa’s godzilla shirt every time. and gets smacked every time. they claim its worth it though)
and mattsun is just inconvenient with his long limbs and stUPID HABIT OF SLEEPING IN A STARFISH POSITION
their parents defo have multiple pictures of said cuddle sessions because they’re never above teasing their lil babies <33 “you may be eighteen, but you’ll always be our little cuties!”
omg i bet issei is a really good baker :o
imagine him with a frilly apron ugh that's so sexy of him tbh
speaking of phone cases, iwaizumi definitely has to have one of those military grade protection cases because he drops his phone so much
takahiro has one covered in random stickers and doddles they drew on with permanent marker
tooru has a clear one with a polaroid of all of them together ++ his id card behind it because you never know when you’ll need it
he also has one of those beaded phone chains that mattsun gave him for his birthday :)
really they all just treasure the gifts they get each other akajwhw
they’re so cute <333
i love them, they love each other, i better stop with these hcs or i’ll go on forever aAA
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demadogs · 2 years
There’s this one blog on here that kinda weirds me out because they are so hyper deadest on shipping Foah together. Like whenever they write normal Byler posts, it’s so beautiful! But then, everything else idk. And I know a lot of us joke about Noah wanting to kiss Finn or vice versa but this blog gives off weird vibes because they seem to genuinely want Finn and Noah to date in real life. They also seem to make a lot of assumptions about their feelings for each other just because of their chemistry. And I don’t know how serious this blog is about it but it gives me Larry shipper vibes. Or like the Fack conspiracy all over again, which hurt Finn and Jack’s friendship at the time
oh my god im glad you brought this up i know exactly who youre talking about. every time i make a post telling people not to ship real people it was bc of that blog in particular. i have them blocked so im not afraid to talk about them. we’ve made jokes and memes about noah being the biggest byler shipper and wanting to kiss finn for byler and theyre mostly pretty harmless but this blog is just something else.
youre right, they make so many assumptions. it pisses me off and it does completely give me larry vibes. they talk as if they know finn and noah personally and theyre friends with them and have seen them interact. or like theyre an out couple like natalia and charlie. they usually respond to anons who call them out on it with something like “i dont ship foah, i just observe their interactions and anyone can see that they are crushing on each other”. that bothers me so much. like observe what the 5 minute press interviews?? you dont fucking know them. save your analyses for things that have been intentionally written and mapped out for FICTIONAL media, not two kid actors just being themselves. and then they’ll try to call the anons homophobic by being like “whys it such a big deal for noah to have a little crush on him??”, still fully talking as if its public knowledge and we’re the bad guy like oh my god how are you not understanding the issue here.
ive also noticed that they ignore anybody who tells them that finn has a gf. they just wont answer the anon (i know bc i have sent one) or ignore any replies about it. they live in this weird bubble where they choose to believe these real people are dating. and like ok i cant stop you from thinking theyd be cute together, theres nothing wrong with that, what makes it problematic is trying to read into their interactions and expressions and publicly suspect their relationship and sexualities on the internet. and again, they always try to be like “theres no harm in it im not directly @ ing finn or noah” but this is the internet. anybody can screenshot anything and put it anywhere. there is always a chance that either of them could see their posts and it could be so bad if they did. i dont think theyve ever once considered what it could be like to be finn or noah and see this.
like yes, there is a chance they’d just laugh about how ridiculous it is and move on but what if one of them actually was questioning their sexuality and then they saw some random person on the internet reading into it like this??? that would be so fucking hard. jack came out as bi after people were shipping him and finn so much. i cant imagine how anxiety provoking it would be to see what people were saying about him and finn while being in the closet. it gives ME anxiety on their behalf!! i hope so bad theyre blissfully unaware of this.
one anon told them that theyre using foah as a coping mechanism after byler didnt work out how they wanted in s4 and theyre so right. before vol 2 came out i saw maybe two posts from them in the byler tag about it that kinda weirded me out but after volume two they just turned into a foah blog instead of byler. they literally had byler in their url before and then they changed it to foah for fucks sake. and they still have the nerve to claim they dont ship them and what theyre doing is completely fine and just “observation”.
also i was looking at their blog once and they mentioned that they were 31 years old…. look it is not weird to ship byler at any age. i have personally as a 22 year old been told that its weird for me to ship byler and analyze these fictional characters and i completely disagree with that. theres nothing weird about shipping characters at any age even if the characters are kids (as long as youre not nasty about it) but real people??? god i would have been SO relieved if this person was like 15. i would not have gone as hard on them as i am right now if they were a kid because i would assume they would grow and eventually realize that its weird and invasive. i mean i remember reading stupid fanfics about youtubers when i was 14 but i grew and matured and realized how insane that is and no longer had any interest in reading into real peoples love lives. but i cannot excuse any adult shipping them like this.
god this ended up being so long i just had a lot to say. moral of the story: if actors have great chemistry on screen together it just means theyre good at their job, it doesnt mean theyre dating or crushing on each other in real life.
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diaphragmjellyfish · 4 years
Robby NSFW Alphabet
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not my gif
A: Aftercare
Robby’s aftercare is ON POINT. He’s a huge cuddler and loves to have the chance to take care of someone who really appreciates it and takes care of him in return. He will get a soft, damp cloth and clean you off before pulling you onto his chest and wrapping you both up in tons of blankets. He likes to pet your hair while you fall asleep, and hold you so that no one can hurt you while you’re in such a vulnerable state. He knows, realistically, that no one is gonna jump out of the closet and attack you, but it makes him feel needed. 
B: Body Part
His favorite body part of yours is your hands. He loves holding them up next to his and comparing, he loves holding your hand, and he loves when your hand is wrapped around his cock while y’all are in private. He can’t help but look at your left hand and picture a pretty ring on that finger, imagining the beautiful future he wants to have with you. His favorite body part of his is his butt. The boy works out, and he knows how much you like it. He honestly never noticed his butt before, whether it was nice or not, until you started pointing it out, and now he walks around in leggings just to get your attention!
C: Cum
He likes to cum in your mouth. Blowjobs make him feel like he’s in heaven, and when you swallow, it makes Robby feel like you’re accepting him and worshipping him like no one ever has before. He also likes to finish inside you (wrap it up) because of how intimate it is. Not part of the prompt, but he loves to make you sit on his face and cum all over his mouth, dirty boy. 
D: Dirty Secret
Robby has always wanted to try more public sex. The thought of getting caught riles him to no end, and he gets so turned on by the idea of holding his hand over your mouth in a janitor’s closet so people walking past don’t hear your moans. If you wanted to try it, y’all would start small, like your backyard, and work your way up, but if you weren;t into it, that’s fine with him too. 
E: Experience
He’s decently experienced. Robby had a one night stand or two before he met Mr. Larusso, when he hung out with those hooligans, but it never meant anything. With you, it’s his first time doing it with feelings involved, and he was blown away by how much better it was that way. He was experienced enough to not bust in T-2 minutes, but he still had a lot to learn about taking his time and making sure you both enjoyed it. With the other girls, it was always about doing it to impress his friends so he never thought much about how it felt, for him or her. You have to teach him that porn isn’t realistic, and that it takes time to feel good. He’s a fast learner though. 
F: Favorite Position
He loves a good 69, lying down or standing ;) bc he’s strong like that. He also likes taking you from behind while he holds you up against him by your neck, and his other hand playing with your nipples or clit. Add a mirror, and you have the hottest sex either of you had ever had. 
G: Goofy
He can be goofy during foreplay or aftercare, but Robby likes to keep it more intimate and serious during actual sex. He wants you to know that he takes you seriously, and thinks that you guys are goofy all the time, so he wants sex to be loving and heartfelt. Drunk sex can be goofy, but most of the time, he keeps it mature. 
H: Hair
He will shave it off every once in a while and let it get stubbly for a couple weeks, then shave again. Robby HATES ingrown hairs, so he doesn’t like to shave every day, but he thinks just trimming makes it look sloppy. He settles for shaving every couple weeks. He literally doesn’t even notice when you don’t shave, so obviously he doesn’t care about that. Like he’s so caught up in the moment that you could put a little blue wig down there and he wouldn’t notice. 
I: Intimacy
So growing up, Robby never really had people that cared a lot about him. Because of this, he lives for intimate moments. Just you guys lying on his bed playing with each other’s hair makes him swoon. He’s a romantic guy, and would definitely go all out with flower petals, candles, champagne, and bubble baths if it were a special occasion. He wants you to know that he loves you, and wants to make sure you know how much he loves you. 10/10 romance. 
J: Jack off 
He did it a lot before he met you, but now he prefers you. He really doesn’t feel the need to jack off because you guys are together so often. If he starts thinking about you in the shower or something, maybe he would, but he’d rather just text you to come over. 
K: Kink
So Robby is a switch. When he’s feeling more dominant, he loves to spank you with his hands, a paddle, or his karate belt. He gets off on the fact that you trust him so much to hold your pleasure and pain in his hands. He would never go too far, but he loves how wet you get after a light spanking. When Robby is more sub, he likes when you boss him around. Telling him how exactly to pleasure you, pulling his face further into your core. Making him get on his knees and watch as you pleasured yourself. He worships you. 
L: Location
At first, a bed. But after you guys have sex on a beach at night one time, he realizes that he wants to try tons of different locations. Just the possibilities of how he can position you, someone catching you, or someone hearing how good he makes you feel, really gets him going. His favorite so far was in an empty stairwell at a fancy resort that Sam invited you both to. 
M: Motivation
So like Hawk and Miguel, Robby is a teenage boy! He’s horny all day, every day. He loves seeing you in workout clothes, seeing other guys hit on you and then shrink away when they realize you’re his, teaching you karate, and watching you put your hair up. It reminds him of… certain things. 
N: No
He would never ever let someone else join you guys. Male, female, or other, he hates the idea of someone putting their hands on you in that way, and knows you would feel the same about him. Robby thinks you guys have such a perfect chemistry going, so why would you want to ruin that with another person? It would just be awkward and clumsy, and Robby does NOT like to share. 
O: Oral
So like I said earlier, he thinks porn is accurate when y’all first start having sex. He would go down on you for like 30 seconds, barely using any pressure or suction, and would then be confused as to why you weren’t finishing. He sat you down one day and talked to you about it, because he was scared you just weren’t attracted to him or something. When you told him that you needed more than what he was doing, he made you teach him right then and there. He spent a good hour and a half going down on you, making you tell him what was good and what wasn’t, learning how to actually give GOOD head, and now he’s pretty much an expert. He takes his time and takes cues from you. You were amazing at head right off the bat, and he’s such a simp for you when you’re between his legs. 
P: Pace
It honestly varies depending on the day and what mood you guys are in. He’s a switch in all respects, so he can be slow and loving, or fast and rough, or a mix of the two. He also loves when you start on top and set the pace, and then he will flip you guys over when you get tired and finish you both off. 
Q: Quickie
He likes a good quickie in those moments when you guys are out and get turned on all of a sudden. Robby likes to take you somewhere a little more private and get you both off, before resuming what you guys were doing and acting like nothing happened. You’ve seen him shake the hand of someone with the same hand that was buried in you 3 minutes before, acting like nothing was out of sorts at all. 
R: Risk
He will try new things if you want to, but is honestly pretty content with how you guys fuck right now. His philosophy is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But he’s more than willing to try whatever you want to try. Robby can’t say no to his girl. Sometimes, you guys just sit there and watch porn together, and will see something that looks like fun, so you decide to try it. 
S: Stamina
So I feel redundant for saying this on Miguel and Hawk’s too, but he’s a teenage boy! He can’t go for more than 12 minutes at first. He could go like 5 times in a row, but didn’t last very long. Now, he’s way better. He can last for a solid 30 to 40 minutes if he really wants to, but normally you’re satisfied before that and he can let himself finish. 
T: Toy
Robby loves to try toys on you. When you first told him that you had a vibrator, he immediately asked if he could use it on you. He’s fascinated with how different toys do different things, and he loves studying the difference in your reactions depending on what he’s using. He doesn’t really like toys being used on him though. He thinks it feels weird and he'd rather have your mouth or hand. 
U: Unfair
Robby can be a really bad tease if he’s in the right mood. He would hover his mouth over your pussy, letting you shake and cry before he touches you. He would finger you and bring you right up to the edge, before pulling his hand away and laughing as you almost sob. He likes knowing he has the power to make you writhe like that. 
V: Volume
He’s pretty quiet, to be honest. You had to tell him specifically that you wanted him to be louder in the bedroom. Once you did that, he started to let loose a little bit more, but still isn’t super loud. He would rather listen to you scream his name ;) 
W: Wild Card
He loves shower sex. Too many times have you guys both cum, only for him to carry you into the shower to clean off and eventually start round 2. The water, the soap, the nakedness, he’s a sucker for it. There’s no clean up involved, and he even gets a bathtub mat so you guys don’t slip and hurt yourselves. 
X: X-Ray
I said it before and I’ll say it again! Size! Does! Not! Matter! The g-spot is 3 INCHES IN so if he’s hitting it right it’s fine!!! But Robby is probably a solid 6 inches. 
Y: Yearning
Teenage boy! He could go at the drop of a hat. Robby wants you all the time, he just holds back until you want to as well. Which is also often, I mean look at him!
Z: Zzz
He doesn’t really like to fall asleep right after in case you need something. He makes sure he’s available to get you whatever you need: a snack, water, another blanket, a kiss. Robby also likes to hold you while you sleep, because it makes him feel like he’s doing his duty as your boyfriend and protecting you. 
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