#and it took me 1 1/2 hours to apply to two
raineandsky · 2 months
heyyyy i love your work! could you write about a hero who is given to villain as a gift from supervillain, and although villain is excited his enemy is in his possession at first, he starts to notice the hero is oddly withdrawn. by the time he realizes the hero’s been practically tortured (nothing graphic) by supervillain, he finds himself trying to clean the hero’s wounds. despite his hatred for the other, whatever supervillain did was a step too far. thank you! have a good day 🍀
i hope you have a good day too! thank you for the request as always :)
tw: implied torture/abuse, injury
“Well, I thought [Supervillain] catching you was funny,” the villain says slowly, “but this…”
There’s no words for whatever this is. Old bruises, dried blood. More wounds than the villain dares to count.
Maybe the supervillain’s use of the word ‘catch’ was underselling their part in the hero’s journey here.
The villain had noticed the uncharacteristic quietness, sure, the lack of sharp edges. He’d thought it might be a bruised ego. He thought being gifted the hero meant he got the hero, and not this empty husk that looks like him.
It all makes painful, unfortunate sense.
The villain unties the binds from the hero’s wrists. The hero doesn’t move. “You… you realise you’re not tied down, [Hero],” the villain tries after a second.
The hero glances down at the red raw lines biting his skin. “Yeah.”
The villain stares at him for a long moment. “Okay,” he says shortly. “On your feet.”
The hero lets the villain push him in an awkward shuffle into the bathroom. He watches as the villain rummages through his cupboard, pulls a box down, continues rummaging through that.
“Sit down,” the villain says shortly. “In the bath.”
The hero does as he’s told—a new characteristic, the villain notes—and slumps down in the bathtub. The villain manages to finally wrestle a first aid kit from the box.
“I’ll need you to take your shirt off, okay?” the villain says slowly.
The hero’s expression turns from blank to distressed in a second. “No, I—“
“It’s okay,” the villain cuts in quickly. “I won’t hurt you. I just need to see.”
Eventually, with a bit of gentle pushing, the hero lets the villain tug him out of his shirt. The villain had fully intended to keep his face straight, but he can’t help the gasp of disgust slipping out.
The blood and bruises he saw before are nothing to this. Red tears at every part of the hero’s skin. The villain doesn’t want to look, but if he wants to help he has to face what the supervillain has done.
A small washcloth gets run under the tap, the hero watching distractedly as water seeps into the fabric. The villain carefully sits on the edge of the bath, washcloth wielded in his hand like a shield. “I’m just going to get the worst of it off, [Hero],” he says slowly. The hero glances up at him blankly. “It might sting, but it’s not on purpose, okay?”
This is far from okay, it seems. The hero flinches and fights back tears every time the villain so much as touches him. The villain tries to soothe him as he goes, but he feels a bit like he’s trying to calm a wild animal and that feels unfair on the hero.
The hero looks awful without the blood to cover the worst of it. Bandages are cut and wrapped quickly. The hero sits silently, staring at a spot of scum on the bath in front of him, trembling slightly under the villain’s hands. It’s too much. The villain feels sick.
He has to help the hero out of the bathtub. The man looks like a mummy with how much bandaging the villain has thrown at him, but it should hopefully keep the worst of the damage at bay.
It’s strange, helping his worst enemy in his own home. He hates the hero, despises everything he stands for. But what happened to the word vigilante? What happened to trying to spread the kindnesses the agency refused to afford? The supervillain has gone too far. This is unforgivable.
The villain only has one bedroom in his little house. He offers the hero one of his shirts and sets him in the one bed he has. The hero, from the nervous glancing about and wringing hands, doesn’t like it.
“What—” The words catch on nothing. He clears his throat quickly. “What’s the catch?”
The villain stares at him blankly for a moment. Jesus Christ. “There’s no catch,” he manages after a moment. “I’m trying to help you get better.”
The hero looks more horrified by this. “Why?”
“So you don’t die? I’m not a monster, [Hero].”
The hero’s face scrunches up like he’s going to cry. “O—Okay…”
The villain steers him under the covers as he snivels and breathes in shuddering breaths.
“Some sleep will help,” the villain offers from the doorway. “If it helps, you can lock the door from the inside.”
He taps the chunky lock on the handle, and the hero nods. With a quick, slightly awkward goodnight, the villain lets himself out, and a few seconds later he hears the clunk of the lock turning on the door.
He flops down on the sofa with a sigh. He wasn’t intending to sleep here tonight, but the supervillain’s never been one to respect other people’s plans. It’s hard, dipping in places with use, the cushions paper thin from years of sitting on them.
The villain has always hated the agency. He certainly hates the hero. But laying on his uncomfortable sofa, his own bedroom occupied by an injured, traumatised hero, he kind of feels like he hates the supervillain more.
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 5 months
Wait for your love 2 (angst)
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summary: you wait in silence, waiting for wonwoo to finally love you
inspired by Ariana Grande's We Can't be Friends (AKA Wait for your love)
a/n: I feel like this is much better quality than part 1 tbh, this is why i normally write in the daytime. I feel fresher yk :D
Know that you made me
Wonwoo was never much of a social boy. So when you initiated a conversation back in high school, he found himself devoid of any communication skills whatsoever. It took him a hot minute to realise he was a blubbering, stuttering mess. 
For the rest of the day, he couldn’t get your bright smile out of his head. He couldn’t stop thinking how about your pigtails would swing so cutely when you moved your head and that little lisp you had because of your braces. 
He went home that day thinking it was a one-off conversation, thinking that you’d realise how much of a loser he was and request to move seats. To his surprise you join him at the cafeteria the next day.  You slid into the seat opposite him while he was mid bite into his sandwich. He looked around thinking you were talking to someone else. When you realised what he was doing, you threw your head back, letting out a melodious laughter. Wonwoo would compare your laughter to wind chimes on a windy day, it had a calming effect. He would try his best to have you reproduce that sound, succeeding almost instantly on his lame attempt at a joke. 
He found himself looking forward to school on the daily, wanting to be close to you so much so that he would walk you all the way home, even though his house was the complete opposite direction. He’d go to sleep every night, replaying all your conversations in his head, replaying that beautiful smile of yours in his memory. 
He didn’t think life could get any better than this until you had invited him to hangout after school. It was just a simple movie get-together. Wonwoo panicked for hours on what he would wear, changing between two of his favourite t-shirts at least 10 times. He finally chose the shirt with your favourite character on the front, hoping you'd compliment him (You did, luckily he had a face mask on because you would have thought he was sick from how red his cheeks were).
During the movie, no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on what was happening on screen, he found his attention straying to you. The way your facial expressions would change rapidly depending on the plot had him hooked. Fortunately you never asked him any questions about the movie because God knows he wouldn’t be able to answer you. 
Wonwoo felt like he was on cloud nine. He had you both in school and after school. 
In his final year of high school, it dawned on him that the two of you may not have long to go. He had spent sleepless nights contemplating on what he should do. Wonwoo knew that he had to tell you some day that he was so irrevocably, undeniably in love with you. 
The day finally came when Wonwoo had manned himself up enough to tell you. He had lured you out to your favourite cafe under the guise of having some important news. He put his lucky socks on while hoping and praying that even if you were to reject him, he would be able to take it well (he wouldn’t). 
When he got to the cafe, Wonwoo felt as if all the air was sucked out of his lungs. There you were in your usual seat, your hair up in a messy bun and wearing the prettiest sun dress. When you turned to greet him with that warm smile, he felt like he was staring at the sun. 
“There you are!” You teased, “For once, I’ve arrived earlier.”
“Hey!” Wonwoo tried to sound as casual as possible. 
“Okay, so I have some exciting news!” You started, turning your phone towards him. “I got in!” 
Wonwoo squinted at your phone, it was an acceptance letter from the same university he was due to attend. He remembered you not wanting to apply to that university because your course was incredibly competitive. Considering the university was quite high ranking, you had reasoned that you would be rejected so you didn't bother trying.
“Oh!” Wonwoo eyes widened after reading the letter. “Congratulations!” 
You beamed at him, your happiness warming Wonwoo’s chest. “We’ll be seeing each-other next year then!” 
At this, Wonwoo relaxed. He didn’t have to tell you today. He had the next few years to plan a proper confession. 
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?” You put your phone down and laced your hands together, giving Wonwoo your full attention.
“Oh, er,” Shit, he hadn’t planned for this. “I- I saw the cinema was rerunning Star Wars. We should go?”
Me and my truth we sit in silence (not really)
After graduation, Wonwoo’s brother had invited him to Seoul. Initially Wonwoo was reluctant, he wanted to spend his holidays with you at the beach, rolling around in the park, at the library, anywhere really. He just wanted to be with you. 
Wonwoo eventually decided to go, not because he actually wanted too, but because you were going to spend some time with your relatives in Paris. He wouldn’t be with you even if he didn’t go. So after some encouragement from you, he booked the ticket. 
Seoul was fun. It would have been more fun if you were there. 
Wonwoo spent his days either in bed or on his brother’s fully built gaming PC, always thinking about you. His brother, noting that Wonwoo only had one friend (you), decided to make him join the local boys in some casual basketball. While Wonwoo was unwilling at first, his brother bribed him with a new gaming laptop. It was embarrassing how fast he ran to the court. 
There Wonwoo met a few new friends, one of them being Kim Mingyu. 
Wonwoo had planned on keeping to himself throughout the games but Mingyu decided to destroy that plan of his by greeting him as soon as Wonwoo stepped onto the court.
“Hello! My name is Mingyu!” Mingyu said, approaching Wonwoo with an outstretched arm. “I’ve never seen you before, you new?” 
“Yeah, Wonwoo.” Wonwoo shook Mingyu’s hand hesitantly. 
“Wonwoo? No, I’m Mingyu.” Mingyu replied quizzically.
“No!” Wonwoo stammered, “I’m Wonwoo.” 
Mingyu mouth curved into a grin, his canines on full view. “Come on, I’ll intro you to everybody else!” 
It didn’t take long for Mingyu to grow on Wonwoo, especially when they found out they were bound for the same university after holidays. Especially when Mingyu reminded Wonwoo so much of you. 
After that first match, the rest of Wonwoo’s holiday was spent with Mingyu and his group of friends. They went skiing, footballing, swimming, anything under the sun. Everywhere he went, he would think about bringing you and how much more fun it would be if you were with him. 
Mingyu was the rascal that taught Wonwoo the wonders of alcohol. Of course, Wonwoo didn’t know when too much was too much, thus he ended up confessing to his friends about you.
“Okay, big guy, let’s get you home.” Joshua wheezed as Wonwoo’s full weight was pressed onto his shoulder. 
“Mingyu, you better apologise to his brother.” Seungcheol scolded the younger man as he helped Joshua pile Wonwoo into the taxi. 
Mingyu waved Seungcheol off as he got into the passenger seat of the same taxi. 
“Where are we going?” Wonwoo slurred, his body slumped onto the backseats. 
“We’re going to send you home, bro.” Mingyu said, chuckling along with the taxi driver. 
“Will we see y/n?” Wonwoo sounded hopeful. 
Mingyu turned to look at his friend. Wonwoo had his eyes closed with a serene look on his face. Mingyu recognised that look whenever Wonwoo brought you up. 
“We won’t see her today.” Mingyu replied with a smile, he liked watching his friend talk about you. Anything that involved you always made Wonwoo the happiest man alive. 
“But why?” Wonwoo whined, he didn’t like the thought of not seeing you.
“Because she’s not here, but you’ll see her soon.” Mingyu emphasised as the taxi man arrived at Wonwoo’s house. 
Mingyu pulled the drunk boy out of the backseat and bid the taxi man good night. Mingyu decided to crash on Wonwoo’s couch tonight. 
“Have I ever told you about how pretty y/n is?” Wonwoo sighed dreamily as he remembered your beautiful face. 
“Yes, yes you have.” Mingyu muttered as he tried his best to balance his friend on one arm while opening the front door. 
“Well, she’s so pretty! Like the sun!” Wonwoo recounted, swinging his free arm wildly over his head. “She looks like she stepped right out of story book.” 
“Of course, bro.” Mingyu responded, as he guided Wonwoo towards the bed. 
“I can’t wait to see her.” Wonwoo groaned as he buried his face into his pillow. 
Mingyu smiled and closed the room door.
It’s just me and you
If Wonwoo earned a dollar for every time his breath was stolen by you, he would be a millionaire. 
There you were at the front door of your shared apartment. You no longer wore your hair up, instead letting it run down your shoulders. You ditched your jeans and sweatshirt for a satin skirt and a frilly top which hugged your figure so well. It had Wonwoo reeling. 
He was literally speechless at how gorgeous you had become over the holidays. You were already undeniably beautiful before, but this was another level. He swore he could have fainted right there and then. 
“Wonwoo?” You called for him, snapping him out of his daze. 
“Y/n!” Wonwoo tried to sound as normal as possible, he could feel his pits getting sweatier by the second. He quickly wrenched the box you were carrying from your hands, beautiful people shouldn’t have to do work like this. 
He tried his best to hold a full conversation with you, trying to reproduce all the advice he had gotten from the boys over the holidays. All while moving your boxes for you, ignoring your pleas to help. 
God, how was he going to live with you when you looked so good. 
The next few days, Wonwoo tried his best to talk to you. He would join you for meals and listened to you marvel about Paris, he would answer all your questions about Seoul and he would try to elicit if you had met anyone of interest while on holiday. It went a little something like this:
“So,” Wonwoo cleared his throat, “meet anyone in Paris?”
“Oh, I told you Woo,” you smiled as you flipped the pancake on the pan. “I met Minnie! She’s from Thailand.”
“Yes, Minnie.” Wonwoo trailed off. “Anyone else?”
“Erm, I guess I met her friend Yuqi, she’s sweet.” You said, laying the cooked pancakes on plates before joining your friend at the dining table.
“What about boys?” Wonwoo said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Boys?” You tilted your head. “What about them?”
“Did you meet any boys?” Wonwoo quizzed, eyes not meeting yours as he cut up the pancakes and placed it on your plate. 
“Not really? I mostly went around with Minnie and her group of friends.” You said in between mouthfuls of dough and maple syrup. 
“Oh.” Wonwoo couldn’t stop the feeling of relief blooming in his chest. 
“Besides, you’re the only boy I need, Woo.”
You gave him another one of your pretty smiles and Wonwoo tried his best not to melt right there and then. 
You got me misunderstood. 
Mingyu had dragged him out to a party every other night. After Seoul, Wonwoo had learnt to actually enjoy some outings that didn’t involve you. That and he didn’t want to seem like a loser who stayed at home 24/7 in front of you. 
It backfired on him majorly, partying every night with Mingyu’s never-ending stamina meant that he would be sleeping throughout the day and not seeing you as much as he would like. 
He was extremely embarrassed by the amount of times he had called you to bail him out of a party. Mingyu would always disappear with some girl, not that Wonwoo minded, but that left him stranded a party alone and drunk. He couldn’t even remember how he got home one day if not for the note you left for him by his bedside with a bottle of Paracetamol.
I have an early class today, text me if you need anything ;-)  
Wonwoo ignore the pounding in his head. Gently, he lifted the note and Paracetamol bottle, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. He pulled out a box he kept under his bed, it was full of small trinkets he had stored from the outings with you over the years and a scarf you had knitted for him back in high school. He placed the two new treasures carefully in the box before going out to buy himself another bottle of Paracetamol.
One night, he was tipsy, not drunk. Or so he thought he wasn’t. 
Maybe it was how Seokmin hyped him up at pre-drinks. Or maybe it was because Soonyoung had thought him the way of the Horanghae. He wasn’t sure but Wonwoo found himself filled to the brim with courage. 
He leaned on your car in quiet contemplation as you fumbled with your car keys. 
He looked down at you. 
Gosh, you were so cute with your messy hair and glasses. He hadn’t seen you in specs for the longest time and it made him crazy. 
He wasn’t sure what came over him, he grabbed your hand and flipped you against the car. Caging you with his arms. 
His eyes traced every feature of yours, appreciating the way your eyes were wide from shock, the way you looked slightly confused with your raised eyebrows. The way your lips were glossy from your nightly vaseline routine. 
“Y/n,” Wonwoo paused, searching for the right words. “You’re so pretty.” 
He watched as your cheeks turned a light shade of pink. You were so cute. 
Before he knew it, his lips were on yours. It was only right that you were his first kiss. 
The next morning he shot up from his bed. He couldn’t remember anything after the kiss. He traced his own lips lightly with his fingers. Smiling like a maniac. 
Suddenly a wave of insecurity crashed over him, his smile fell.
What if you didn’t like it? It was his first kiss, what if he was a bad kisser? What if you didn’t like him? What if you thought he was a weirdo? Oh my god, did he accidentally sexually assault you? 
The blood drained from his face, how was he going to face you now?
We can’t be friends, but I’d just like to pretend
Wonwoo spent weeks avoiding you. 
He imagined the look of disgust on your face and he couldn’t bear to even look at you.
He spent his nights partying, trying to push the fears of you rejecting him out of his head.
Mingyu and the rest of the boys became increasingly concerned. The more responsible boys would drag Wonwoo home every night. That’s how some of them had met you. 
You opened the door after a few knocks, even if it was 4AM in the morning. You’d apologise profusely on Wonwoo’s behalf as you helped them drag him to his bedroom. Once Wonwoo was comfortable in bed, you’d offer them a drink and the couch to sleep on. Worry filling your eyes at how tired each of them were. 
Each and every single one of the boys liked you immediately. They found that everything Wonwoo said about you was true. You truly were a pure and gentle soul. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Seungcheol hissed at Wonwoo. 
Soonyoung eyed his friends wearily. The three of them had just found a seat at the library and were busy unpacking their things.
“What do you mean?” Wonwoo was taken aback, Seungcheol rarely got mad at him. 
“That was y/n, wasn’t it?” Seungcheol said in between gritted teeth.
As the three of them walked into the library, you were just on your way out. Wonwoo had spotted you first, quickly hiding behind Seungcheol and Soonyoung, albeit failing due to his height. Your lips stretched into a grin as you waved enthusiastically at him. Wonwoo quickly looked away, not wanting you to see him like this. 
The two other boys watched the entire exchange, they saw the way your face fell when Wonwoo pretended not to see you. Seungcheol and Soonyoung exchanged glances before waving back at you. You beamed at the both of them and disappeared out of the library. 
“Why are you ignoring her?” Soonyoung asked quietly. 
“I’m not ignoring her,” Wonwoo whispered, “I just didn’t see her.” 
“Bullshit.” Seungcheol said, receiving glares from other library-goers. 
“She’s very nice.” Soonyoung muttered, looking at his friend. He wondered if somewhere along the line Wonwoo had gotten possessed by some demon. 
“Look,” Seungcheol whispered angrily, “If I had a housemate like you, I would have moved out ages ago.”
Soongyoung nodded in complete agreement. Wonwoo shrunk in his seat as the older man berated him. 
Seungcheol sighed and gave Wonwoo a stern look, “I’m not sure why I have to tell you this, but you are lucky to have her.”
That night Wonwoo found himself lying on his bed. He could see the light streaming through the gaps of his door from the dining room. You were probably sitting out there, studying. 
He slowly got up from his bed and looked around his room, he needed an excuse to talk to you. His eyes landed on his pile of worksheets from his most recent tutorial. That was worth a shot. 
He pulled his door open slightly and peeked out. You sat at the dining table with your head resting on your textbook, apart from the sound of your diffuser running at the coffee table, it was complete silence. 
Wonwoo bit his lip, were you sleeping? 
He decided to try his luck. 
“Y/n?” Wonwoo croaked out as he emerged from his room. 
Your head shot up from the book and your eyes met his.
“Could you help me with this?” Wonwoo said lamely as he held out the worksheet for you to see. 
Wonwoo was inwardly sweating. What if you rejected to help? What would he do then?
He watched as you gaze drifted from him to the pieces of paper in his hands. He watched as your lips curled into a smile.
He was lucky. So fucking lucky
Not how you made me 
Wonwoo was drunk. Again. 
Tonight, Mingyu had invited him to a house party. Someone’s birthday or something. He hadn’t planned on drinking but of course the drinking games got to him. It was Seokmin’s genius idea to play drunk foot volleyball and Wonwoo seriously sucked at that game. 
By the end of the match he was stumbling all over the place. Then he saw you. Or thought he saw you. 
The other boys had all disappeared somewhere into the house and this girl who looked a whole lot like you was currently chatting him up. Granted Wonwoo’s glasses had been destroyed in drunk foot volleyball and all he could see was a blurry mess. He ended up making out with you(?) at some corner.
Next thing he knew, he was lying bed. 
His head was pounding as he turned to his bedside table and pulled out his spare pair of glasses. He was finally able to see clearly with them on. He turned to his side and there was a girl sleeping next to him. 
Wonwoo froze. 
What happened? Who was this girl? Were you home? Did you see him last night? 
“Fuck” He cursed, he quickly got up and pulled on a pair of pants. 
“Wony? Get back into bed.” The girl muttered as she turned to look at him. 
“I’m sorry if this makes me sound like an asshole.” Wonwoo said, hesitantly. “Could you please get ready to leave?” 
“What?” The girl said sitting up from the bed. 
“I’ve got an early class.” Wonwoo had to come up with some sort of excuse. 
“So?” She rolled her eyes before lying back down. “I’ll just let myself out later.”
“No, no.” Wonwoo’s eyebrows furrowed as he ran a hand through his hair. “My girlfriend is in the next room. Please Leave.” 
At this the girl begrudgingly got out of his bed, Wonwoo quickly turned around to give her some privacy. When she finished changing, she headed for the door. 
“You have a girlfriend and you’re going around fucking other girls?” She said on her way out. “Fucking asshole.” 
Right after she left, Wonwoo went to knock on your door. He knocked a few times, calling your name timidly. There was no answer. He reasoned that you must have left for class. 
He would talk to you after class. He had to.
So for now it’s only me
Wonwoo came home from class, ready to speak with you.
He entered the apartment and realised how empty it was. He looked around. All your things were gone. 
He made his way to your room and pushed the door open. There was nothing but an empty bed and a study table. 
No, please. 
He turned to the closet and pulled it open. He was met with nothing but hangers and empty drawers. 
He pulled out his phone to send you a quick text. It was probably a prank. 
He realised he had an unread message. From you. 
Hey! Sorry, for such a last minute notice. Due to personal issues, I don’t think I can live with you for the rest of the term. Don’t worry, I’ll still send you my half of the rent until you find someone new. Good luck :)
He had fucked up. 
a/n2: again, always open to criticism. there will be a part 3. I promise. depends on when I want to write it :D
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sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
Kiss It Better (pt 2) 💋
That lipstick mark leads to a surprising turn of events 👀
a/n: Y’all didn’t think I was gonna leave it like that, did you? Ask and you shall receive: Kiss It Better pt 2! (Also! I’m having sooo much fun with these MOTA requests 🥹 feel free to send more in, or request other characters y’all think I should write for!)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Read pt 1 here!
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You stopped into sickbay early the next morning, to catch up on paperwork.
The fact that you’d be able to see Buck was just a bonus; at least, that’s what you told yourself.
But when you stepped inside, there was already someone sitting at Buck’s bedside.
“Bucky,” you sighed with relief once your surprise had faded, “Should’ve known you’d stop by sooner or later.”
“He’s gonna be okay, right?” Bucky asked, and you could just make out worry lining his face as you approached.
“He’ll be fine,” you assured him, “The scrapes will heal up in no time, and after a week or so of rest he should be cleared to fly again.”
“Good,” Bucky nodded, shoulders visibly relaxing, “That’s good. Now, uh…”
A smirk appeared on his face. “Wanna tell me what this is all about?”
He tapped his forehead, and after a moment of confusion glancing between him and Buck, your eyes finally landed on the bright red outline of your lips somehow still visible on Gale’s forehead.
You felt heat flood your face, and you were suddenly hyperaware of the same red lipstick that you had painstakingly applied only an hour earlier.
“Oh. Oh! That. Well, um…” You tried to look anywhere but at Bucky and his sleeping friend as you explained, “Buck was a little out of it when he was brought in yesterday, and when I was explaining the protocol for his head wound he asked me to, uh… kiss it better.”
You silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow you as Bucky just barely held back a snicker.
Noticing how uncomfortable you were, however, he quickly said, “No, sweetheart, it’s not you, it’s just…”
Bucky shook his head, seemingly in exasperation, “Of course it took a head wound to get this guy to ask you for a kiss.”
Your mind seemed to have trouble processing this, and for a moment all you heard was ask you for a kiss before you were able to reply with a confused, “I’m sorry, I— what?”
Bucky let out a soft laugh.
“I was really hopin’ I could get him to tell you himself, but at this rate we’ll be well into old age before that happens, so…” He took a deep breath.
Sensing that you should probably be sitting down for whatever he was about to say, you perched on the edge of Buck’s cot, trying very hard not to think about the mere inches between the two of you.
“I don’t know how you haven’t seen it, but Buck’s been head over heels for you since the first day he saw you, sweetheart.”
“I— But he’s never—”
“He was always goin’ on about being worried what telling you might do to your friendship,” Bucky explained with a shrug, “That’s just how he is. Tends to keep things bottled up inside. But seein’ you two just dance around each other for the past three months has been absolute torture, so this is me puttin’ an end to my misery once and for all.”
Bucky stood, giving you a friendly pat on your knee, “Tell him how you feel, sweetheart. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
He left with a wink, a smile, and a quip about not getting too handsy — “This is a hospital! People are trying to heal!” — that left you blushing.
And just like that, you were left alone with a sleeping Gale Cleven.
Unsure what to do, you simply stared at him for a moment, taking him in. He was so… unguarded in his sleep, despite the scrapes and bruises, and your heart went soft at the lack of worry lines that seemed to be ever-present when he was awake. You resisted the urge to run your fingers through his dirty blond hair, still mussed from the battle and from sleep, instead choosing to run your fingertips over the slightly faded lipstick mark on his temple.
You just barely managed to stifle a gasp when he stirred, but it was too late.
“Y/N?” Your name slipped drowsily from his lips, and a small thrill ran through you at the sound— until he seemed to wake more and corrected himself hurriedly. “I mean, Nurse L/N, um. Good morning.”
“Good morning, Major,” you replied, once again falling back into the safety of professionalism.
There was a bit of an awkward silence, neither of you wanting to disrupt the rare quiet of an early morning on base.
Buck eventually cleared his throat, looking determinedly at his blanket and nowhere else as he spoke.
“Yesterday… After the battle’s a bit of a blur, but unless I’m misremembering I might’ve asked you to, uh…”
His hand drifted almost automatically up to his forehead, and you couldn’t help a small laugh as you tracked the movement.
“Kiss it better?” You asked teasingly, hoping to get ahead of the inevitable embarrassment, “You did.”
You couldn’t help your eyes flicking to the imprint of your lips on his forehead, and Buck, observant pilot that he was, noted it instantly.
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
And here you were once again wishing the ground would open up and swallow you as you wordlessly handed Buck a small mirror from your pocket.
“Oh, you actually…” His face turned beet-red, and he scrambled to apologize; “I’m sorry, you didn’t have to— you know I would never—”
“Hey,” you lowered the mirror, gently removing it from his grasp so his focus was on you, “I know. You were a little out of it, it’s alright. And you never know, it might’ve helped.” You couldn’t help but add with a teasing grin before asking with genuine concern, “How are you feeling now?”
He seemed to take stock of his condition internally before answering “A bit better, all things considered. I’ve got a friend who’s one of the best nurses on base, y’know.”
“Please, Major, I’m just doing my job,” you replied, avoiding his gaze as you waved away the compliment.
“No, really. I honestly—” He seemed to steel himself for something, his expression as he took a deep breath not unlike when they were called for a mission — pure determination.
“It got… pretty bad up there yesterday. And at first I was thinkin’… as long as we get the mission done, and the other boys get home safe, I don’t particularly care what happens to me. And then…” His fingertips edged towards yours, just as they had yesterday, “I got to thinking about you. About wanting to make it back to you, to tell you I—”
His voice faltered as his soft blue gaze met your own, and there was a beat of silence. Your own eyes were welling up with tears, but you blinked them back as best you could.
You couldn’t quite form the words, so you decided to show him that you knew exactly what he was trying to say.
Taking his face in your hands, mindful of his head wound, you pressed your lips to his as gently as you could.
He froze, and for a moment you thought you’d made a horrible mistake. Was Bucky wrong? Was this his idea of a joke?
But then Gale was sitting up, leaning into you, pressing his lips to yours with a fierce tenderness. One scarred, callused hand came up to cup your cheek while the other — Gale Cleven, ever the gentleman — rested just above your waist, pulling you closer.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed there in that small bubble of bliss. It felt like an eternity that ended all too soon as the two of you parted for air.
“I never thought—” Buck let out a soft laugh, almost in disbelief, his nose brushing against yours, “I mean, I loved being your friend, but…”
“This is probably a good time to tell you that I’ve been absolutely head over heels for you since the moment we met,” you said, fighting back a blush.
“Finally!” A familiar voice came from the entrance to the hospital, “Only took you three months, but I’m happy for you two—”
You buried your face in Buck’s neck as he tossed a pillow at Bucky.
“Get outta here, Bucky, I’m trying to have a moment with my girl!” He called good-naturedly.
“I want all the details later!” He called back as he retreated to the safety of the hallway, “Congrats, sweetheart!”
You assumed that last part was aimed at you, but you were preoccupied with a different pair of words.
“Your girl, huh?” You said, meeting Gale’s gaze with a shy smile.
“Yeah,” he grins down at you, the scars doing nothing to diminish the joy on his face, “That is, uh… if you want.”
You briefly pressed your lips to his once again, the smile on your face all the answer he needed.
Pulling back to take in his smiling face, an idea came to you.
You leaned up to press a kiss right where the stain of your lipstick was still visible on his forehead.
Then again to the scar just between his eyebrows.
And again to the bruise just below his right eye.
You scattered kisses across all the scrapes, scratches, and bruises on his face. Buck spoke up as you pressed kisses to a series of shallow scrapes along his jaw.
“Not that I don’t, uh…” he began in a slightly strangled voice, “really like this, doll, but what are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” You said, pulling away to meet his gaze for a moment before you pressed your lips to a scratch on the bridge of his nose, “I’m kissing it better.”
Buck let out the loudest, fondest laugh you’d ever heard from him, and your heart felt like it filled with pure sunshine at the sound.
“I knew there was a reason you were my favorite nurse,” he grinned, pulling you in for yet another tender kiss.
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Buck our beloved 🥰 This was so much fun to write, I hope y’all enjoyed! 😊 Tagging a couple friends just for fun 🤍: @sassy-ahsoka-tano @mpmarypoppins @austinbutlermischief @austin-butlers-gf @dontbesussis
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your-nanas-house · 1 month
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(Credits to the owners)
◇ Pairing: Student!Tom Riddle X Professor!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, p in v, pet names, professor x student, (they are both off age/legal age), Tom Riddle (obsessive love).
◇ Summary: Tom finally receives what he had been craving.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes, the English and expecially the wait! I'm so sorry, thank for reminding me to continue this. Here is PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3.
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Months were passing by quickly from the last encounter Tom Riddle had with his favourite DADA professor.
He had time to concentrate on his studies and his dark plans while slowly developing a physical need to mark the older woman as his.
Thoughts and dreams of simply thrusting in her warm pussy and pump his cock mercilessly till he would paint her walls white and trap her with a baby so that he would be sure that she couldn't leave him after he ended Hogwarts.... filled his head, making him act and feel weird.
"What can I do for you, Tom?" Y/n's smooth voice echoed in her classroom as she fixed her books back on the shelves with her wand, her gaze was focused elsewhere but she could feel the presence of her student all too well.
The young man had been standing there since some minutes now, his dark eyes following every movements, his face a poker one and his body in a polite posture as usual— his mind quite the opposite.
"Tom?" She called, stopping her actions to stare at him, hoping to understand why he was in her classroom at that late hour and why he was just standing there
"Is everything all right?" Her voice asked after little time with a glimpse of worry as Tom didn't reply yet.
His mind was swirling and his body reacting, he could just focus on her current state— her messy hair, slightly open shirt and lovely features. If he didn't focus like he wanted he would had loose himself in the primitive lust feeling of the past days.
"My apologies, Professor Y/l/n. I came here because I needed to talk to you about a matter and was hoping that you could be of any use" Tom quickly replied, his hands squeezing each other to suppress other needs and carry on with his former plan.
As soon as he received a quick nod from his professor he approached the desk.
The young man looked paler, his veins a bit more visible and his usual black eyes had a glimpse of red.
"I would like to start teaching here at Hogwarts as soon as I finish my studies" Tom informed her calmly, placing a small box on the table when the woman took a seat
"I was hoping if you could help me... by giving me some advice or... explain to me how to apply for such a job" he continued to explain, looking at her with a piercing stare that hid the hunger inside of him
"Plus... this is for you. Just a thank you for my favourite professor" his slender finger pointed slightly at the box on the desk, tapping it a couple of times.
It sounded quite dark and threatening but still sugared up with what seemed a genuine smile from the student.
It wasn't unusual for her, some students brought her gifts before leaving Hogwarts and carry on with their lives and she was always proud of it. Knowing that she was appreciated for what she did.
"Thank you, Tom" Miss Y/l/n murmured out with a smile, accepting the green box in her hands to open it in front of him
"No need" he whispered as his eyes followed her movements, his body growing warmer and excited at the sight in front of him— her hands, that time before were wrapped around his cock, were now holding up the necklace that belonged to his family.
The jewellery swang softly, shining as the light hit it, allowing at the golden snake to stare right back at him when she tried to put it on without help.
The student's body was moving on it's own now almost like under a trance.
Two steps and he was behind her, his slender fingers grabbed the cool metal of the necklace to help her put it on as soon as she stood up.
Another step and he was caging her on the desk, one hand wrapped around her neck and the other on her lower stomach, the jewellery now hanging at her neck
"Tom—" Miss Y/l/n's voice cracked as the student's breath got heavier, his nose buried in her hair to take in her scent, his hand moving with a mission feeling her mature curves.
Then silence surrounded them, just the soft groans and hisses that the student made were audible.
"I'm sorry, professor" Tom murmured lowly, his hips grinding against her ass like a horny animal as he managed to pin her down on the wooden surface.
No other words were shared as he kept getting off like that, making her feel his erect cock better now that it was out of his uniform— pre-cum wetting slightly the dress she had choose to wear that day.
He knew her sweet spots and how to seduce her in joining those intimate activities so... little time passed before their sex were bare, rubbing together in a sensual dance.
"Fuck, miss Y/l/n" Tom cursed, spreading her legs more to have better access at her dripping folds, his cock rubbing slow circles on her clit before trying to thrusts in while hiding his hesitance and lack of knowledge.
The older woman could feel something was off, her student's usual confidence wasn't there anymore and he seemed bit... unexperienced as if he didn't know what to do.
In fact he had been too focused on studies and the thought of her to even "practise" or search how to please a woman correctly or how to fuck one.
Y/n waited a couple of minutes before turning carefully around to be able to see him, her hand slipping down to slowly caress his toned torso till she reached his leaking cock. Her finger wrapped around it and gave it some pumps before leading him slowly closer.
His tip was now thrusting carefully in her, more... and more till he was completely inside her, his body trembling and nearly collapsing on hers at the new feeling.
"You're a virgin?" The professor asked carefully, rubbing Tom's back almost to comfort him as the young man tried to hold back his climax, his breath heavy and his face showing pure bliss and embarrassment.
His perfect mouth was slightly open, his eyes tightly closed and his eyebrows furrowed... he would have looked like a god to the girls his age but to Y/n, he looked like a cute little virgin.
"You are" she murmured after a moment, her wall squeezing teasingly his cock as she encouraged him to start thrusting, her hands grabbing the pale skin of his ass to push him further in.
Her praises made Tom shudder more while he tried to thrust as best as he could, feeling his cock being squeezed by her warm walls more and more when he pumped it slightly in and out.
It took him a couple of thrusts before he curses under his breath, tensing all up while shooting his load in her cunt.
Her right hand kept stroking his hair and the other one moved from his ass to his lower back, leading his last thrusts till she felt him softening inside of her.
"Good boy, Tom. Such a good boy" Y/n praised softly after his climax, his body now rested bit limp on hers as a smirk slowly formed on his hidden face.
He had succeed.
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starsinthesky5 · 2 months
you belong with me IV part 1 || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and joe attend your sister's wedding together and relish the blissfulness that a new relationship brings
a/n: whew this one is longggg. and this is after splitting it up so the original version was going to be even longer 😭 anyway, hope you all enjoy it ;) this also features a flashback requested by @joeys-babe! ilysm girly💕 also, there may be a few faint fearless album references here and there (told you that these two reminded me of that album's love songs)
part 2 will be out next week!
word count: 19 k
warnings: smut, language, slight angst? 
you belong with me masterlist (parts 1-3 located here)
January 3rd
You finished applying the last bit of lip gloss to your lips before stepping back from the mirror, straightening out the strappy-silky blush pink dress that hugged your body in all the best ways possible and the high slit showing just enough leg. Your hair was curled and clipped back with two pieces hanging in the front and your gold jewelry glistened in the warm light of the bathroom, specifically the ring on your left hand which was a permanent & constant reminder of the person in your life that meant the most to you. 
“Y/N, you look amazing,” your sister said from behind you, interrupting your daze.
You turned around, your sister standing behind you in her robe, her hair done up in her ‘wedding look’, with two glasses of champagne in her hand. 
“Thanks, Kay,” you smiled as you walked over to her, grabbing the champagne glass she was offering you and taking a good sip to hopefully take the edge off and cool down your brain that was operating at 100 miles per hour because of the fact that it was Wedding Day.
“I see you went with gold jewelry per my suggestion,” she gloated as she looked at your earrings, your necklace, the bracelets on your wrist, her eyes stopping at the ring on your left hand (which was the only ring you were wearing). 
“Hm, that’s new,” she said as she grabbed your hand and pulled it up to her face. You froze as she examined the ring, the ring Joe had given to you in December. 
“Yeah. I, um, got it at an antique shop a few weeks ago,” you lied as you took another sip of champagne. 
“Really? It looks so authentic. I’ve never seen such real-looking fake diamonds and jewels,” she said as she studied the ring. 
Before she could ask any other questions and you blabbed about who the ring was actually from, you quickly changed the topic. “Shouldn’t you be getting your makeup done right now?” you asked as you looked over at the clock. 
“She’s almost done with Veronica and then I’ll go out,” she smiled as she let go of your hand and reached up to tuck in a flyaway hair on the top of your head. 
“Thanks,” you nodded as you started to take another sip of your champagne. 
“Of course,” she nodded. “I have to make sure you look perfect for Joe,”. 
You nearly choked on your drink, your eyes widening in shock as your brain registered what your sister was suggesting. 
You hadn’t told your family about the two of you yet, you were practically a secret. You wanted to tell everyone, but the two of you also wanted to enjoy this for a little bit without it being out in the world. But you were also playing a risky game, one tiny slip-up from you and your sister would be cracking the case she had been trying to break open for years.
“W- What?” you coughed.
“Relax, Y/N,” she said while rubbing your arm. “I was just messing with you,”.
“R- Right,” you coughed again. 
“But you did bring him as your date, no surprise there though,” she smirked, your eyes rolling at her relentless attitude. “Just like how he brought you with him to that Christmas party last month. You sure you don’t have anything to tell me,” she warily asked you. 
“Nope,” you voiced, remaining calm and collected so that you wouldn’t give it away. 
“God, when are you going to make a move? You guys aren’t getting any younger,” she asked, playfully shoving your shoulder.
Little did she know, you already did. You already made a lot of moves.  
“Kay, we’re just friends. I’ve told you that many many many times,” you lied, attempting to hide the growing blush on your cheeks by walking out of the bathroom, Kaylee following you back into the bridal suite. 
“Actions speak louder than words,” she teased as she walked over to the now-empty makeup station and sat down on the comfy chair. 
You shook your head while turning around and walking over to the dining table, walking past the other bridesmaids who were trying on different shoes to pair with their dresses.
“I can’t believe Joe Burrow is here,” you overheard your sister's friend Veronica say to the other girls. 
Your heart skipped a beat when you overheard his name being mentioned, your face heating up at the nature of the conversation.
“Shhh, he’s Y/N’s date,” her other friend Lacy said as she glanced over at you.
“So? From what I’ve heard they’re just good friends and if she’s not going to go for it, then who’s stopping me?” Veronica laughed. “I mean, have you seen Joe? Give me 5 minutes with him alone and he’ll be stuck to my side,”. 
“Yeah, but that’s still her best friend and she brought him as her date. Besides, don’t you ever see the stuff online about how none of his girls seem to stick around? And then don’t you see the stuff online about how people think Y/N and him have something going on which is why he doesn’t really have a girlfriend,” Lacy attempted to whisper but was doing terribly. 
“Who cares? If she really likes him, she’s doing a terrible job at showing it because as far as I see, he’s still on the market,” Veronica said with a grin. 
You rolled your eyes again because of how childish it all sounded. You wanted to say something to them, defending your relationship and getting them to back off but how could you defend a relationship that people didn’t even know was a relationship yet? You felt like a teenager, hiding her first boyfriend from her family and friends and sneaking around like you had something scandalous to hide.
“Whatever,” you whispered as you placed your champagne glass down on the dining table. You reached for a chocolate cupcake but were interrupted by a knock at the front door, nobody noticed but you. 
“I got it,” you said aloud to everyone, nobody listening as your sister was wrapped up in a conversation with the makeup artist, and the other girls were busy trying on their shoes and talking about your boyfriend. “Okay,” you sighed as you walked over to the door of the suite. 
You opened the door, your eyes staring at the shoes of the person standing in front of you, slowly moving up their body as you met their face. 
“You look gorgeous,” Joe said, a cheeky grin on his face as he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets, his eyes moving from your toned legs, to your perfect hips, and up to your beautiful face.  
“Joe,” you gasped as you stepped out into the hallway with him, closing the door behind you. “What’re you doing up here,” you asked him as you took in how handsome he looked in his suit, the urge to pull him into one of the rooms by his tie incredibly strong. 
“I came to see my stunning girlfriend,” he smiled as he backed you up to the wall. 
You blushed when you felt his hand brush against your waist, “If Kaylee catches us out here-,”.
“We’ll be fine,” he said as he grabbed your hand, toying with the ring on your finger. “I just wanted to see you for a few minutes before the ceremony,”.
“Oh yeah?” you beamed as you ran your hands up his suit jacket to his broad shoulders. 
“How’s it going in there? You guys at each other's throats yet?” he asked, knowing how you felt about some of your sister's friends. 
“Well, Veronica was going on about how she apparently needs 5 minutes alone with you to get you stuck to her side,” you said, rolling your eyes as Joe’s mouth dropped. 
“No way,” he said.
“Yes, way. Future Mrs. Burrow is probably in there talking about baby names right now,” you teased, Joe clearly not liking the joke as he wasn’t laughing like you were. 
“Please, the real future Mrs. Burrow is standing right in front of me,” he said, giving your waist a gentle squeeze as he gazed deeply into your eyes. You felt your heartbeat pick up, his touch sending shivers throughout your body much like the words that came out of his mouth. 
“It doesn’t bother me. She’ll figure it out at some point,” you smiled confidently.
“As much as I hate other girls talking about me like that and how much I’d love for you to shut them up, I like that we’re just enjoying this for now without having it out in front of everyone,” Joe nodded, referring to enjoying each other’s company without having everyone know you were officially a couple. 
“Me too,” you smiled. “By the way, you look amazing,” you said as you gave him another once-over. “I need to see you in more suits,”. 
“No, you look amazing. This dress is reallyyyy doing something to me,” he said as he moved his hands to your lower back, feeling the strappy design that was exposing a little too much of your bare back for his liking. “You look stunning with it on,”.
“If you play your cards right tonight, I might even let you take it off,” you teased as you threaded your fingers through his hair, your head leaning against the wall. 
“I’ll be sure to be on my best behavior then,” he mumbled as he slowly leaned in for a kiss, you moved your head off the wall and crashed your lips against his, his hands pulling your body closer to his as you meet for a fiery kiss. His touch sent electric jolts throughout your body as his hand went from your back to your ass.
“If we were alone right now,” he said between kisses. 
“I know,” you panted as you pulled him back to your lips, your arms looping around his neck and pulling him closer. 
The feeling of his lips against yours was sending you into a frenzy, not a single coherent thought in your mind as you melted under his electrifying touch. You felt his lips move down, pressing kisses from your chin down to your neck and his hands sliding across the silky fabric of your dress. 
“Joe,” you whispered as you grabbed his hair and moved him back to your lips.
“Mm, I can’t get enough of you,” he said between kisses. 
A few heated seconds later, you heard the doorknob make a few clicking noises before hearing the door slowly open. 
“Fuck,” Joe whispered as he quickly pulled away from you and backed up so that you both had enough space between you.
“Stay cool,” you mouthed as you saw your sister walk out from the corner of your eye. 
“Hey, lovebirds. I’m not interrupting anything right?” she teased. 
“Uhh….,” you nervously stalled as you tried to come up with an excuse as to why Joe was up here.
“No, not interrupting at all. I just wanted to check our reception seats with Y/N. I think we’re sitting with your parents so I wanted to make sure she was cool with that,” Joe said, saving you both from being caught with a somewhat believable lie. 
“Ah, I see,” she nods, not fully believing him as her eyes darted back and forth from him to you. She noticed that you looked a little shaken up—which you were since she almost caught you both in the act—and that you were anxiously fidgeting with the ring on your left finger. She also noticed that your lipgloss looked smudged and his lips looked more pink than usual.
“Well, I just came to grab Y/N. The girls need your opinion about their shoes real quick since you’re Maid of Honor and apparently your opinion holds more weight,” she said as she turned to face you, not bothering to grill you about how this looked. 
“Right,” you nodded as you glanced over at Joe.
“Go ahead. I’ll see you down there,” Joe said to you with a feverish look, his hand touching your exposed back, sending shivers throughout your body before he said bye to your sister and turned around.
“See you in a bit,” you said as you turned back to look at him, your mind fixated on the heated look he gave you as he turned around again before he walked back down the hall to the elevator. 
You look back at your sister, noticing her skeptical facial expression. “What?” you laughed as you crossed your arms. 
“Ohh, nothing,” she smiled as she grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the room.
After the Wedding Ceremony 
“I got you your favorite,” Joe said as he handed you a peach mojito and sat back down next to you with his drink.
“Thank you,” you said to him, squeezing his thigh underneath the table as you took a sip of the fruity beverage. The wedding ceremony had concluded a few hours ago and it was nothing short of magical and fairytale-like. You and Joe were currently seated at the table with your parents, having a few drinks and catching up while your sister and her husband were making their rounds around the party. 
“So Joe, how’s football going? Think we’ll see another AFC title this year?” your dad asked him.
“Dad,” you said, sending him daggers with your eyes. “I told you, no football talk tonight. Let Joe have a rest day,”.
“It’s Okay, Y/N,” Joe laughed, grabbing your hand underneath the table and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I hope so. We’re taking it day by day still but I feel good about everything but I know it won’t be easy,” he said to your dad. 
“Well, just know that we’re proud of you and you’re doing great,” your mom chimed in. 
“I’ll double down on that,” your dad added.
“Thanks, guys,” Joe smiled. 
Your parents had seen Joe’s football journey since the beginning just like you had. They were practically a second set of parents for him given how close you two were and his relationship with them was something Joe held incredibly close to his heart, something he wouldn’t ever want to replace. 
“Y/N, you really outdid yourself with these flowers,” your mom pointed out. “You better keep the contact of whichever florist you found because this looks amazing,”. 
“Actually,” you said, looking over at Joe. “You should be thanking Joe. The original florist canceled at the last minute a few weeks ago and he actually pulled a few strings and got one of the best florists money can buy to come through. Even picked out most of the flowers himself,”. 
“Well that was sweet,” your dad smiled as he took a sip of his champagne. 
“Very,” your mom added. “But did we expect any less from him? He has an excellent track record of coming to Y/N’s rescue whenever she needs to be saved. He’s always been so good to her,”. 
“Okayyyy, that’s enough of that. I can just feel his ego getting bigger by the second,” you laughed as you poked his shoulder. 
“Someone’s just mad that I have exceptional taste in flowers,” he said as he turned his head and leaned in closer.
You raised your eyebrow, “You wish. I would’ve done just fine without your help,” you scoffed as you leaned in closer, your eyes navigating down to his plump pink lips. God, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him right now.
“Okay, let’s not get into a fistfight at your sister's wedding now,” your mom said as she got up with your dad. “We’re going to go make some rounds around the room. Try not to murder each other while we’re gone,” she smiled. 
“No promises,” Joe joked as he watched them walk away, his head turning back to look at you, watching as you were laughing to yourself.
“And what’re you laughing about?” he asked.
“They thought we were going to fight, that’s funny,” you giggled. “More like kiss the hell out of you but I guess they couldn’t catch onto that,”. 
He leaned in closer and you could feel his heated gaze on you as you started fidgeting with your ring again. “You know, we didn’t get to finish what we started in the hallway earlier,” he whispered into your ear. You felt his hand creep through the slit of your dress and to your bare thigh, your cheeks heating up again as you could practically hear your heartbeat.
“Joe, we’re in a hall filled with people,” you whispered, moving his hand out from under your dress. 
“So?” he said looking around. “Everyone’s doing their own thing, nobody’s looking at us,” he said as he moved his hand back to your thigh. 
“I’m not going to kiss you in a room filled with people who think we’re just friends,” you laughed. “I’ll have every single female in this room out for my blood,”.
“Who said anything about kissing?” he whispered as you felt his hand creep up your thigh, inching closer to your heat. Your breath hitched as you felt his fingers ghost over your core through your lace panties, your body jerking when you felt his fingers against your folds. “Joe,” you whispered.
“What, Baby?” he whispered in your ear.
You turned your head to meet his eyes, opening your mouth to say something but before you could, someone interrupted you. 
“Y/N! There you are,” you could recognize that fake tone of voice anywhere. Veronica. 
You turned your head to face her, watching as she sat down across from you and Joe, the fakest smile plastered on her face and a glass of champagne in her hand. “I’ve been looking all over for you,” she smiled.
"Were you looking for me or looking for my boyfriend?" you thought to yourself.  
“Hey, Veronica,” you forcefully smiled and nodded at her. 
“And you must be Joe,” she said, turning her head towards Joe and batting her eyelashes. 
“Nice to meet you,” Joe smiled, his finger sliding your panties to the side causing you to bump your leg against the table at the sudden movement. You looked over at Joe who was looking straight ahead at Veronica, a smug look on his face as she was introducing herself to him. 
You gasped lightly when you felt Joe’s fingers sneak up to your clit, his thumb toying with the sensitive bud which made your body jerk again, your hand gripping the table as he entered two fingers into your soaking core. 
“Mmph,” you quietly moaned into your hand as you placed your elbow on the table and covered your mouth.
“So Joe, Is it true what they say about professional athletes’ taste in ice cream?” she smirked at him, clearly using ice cream as a relationship and sexual innuendo. Your eyes widened at her boldness and at the fact that Joe was pumping his fingers in and out of you with zero shame. He started to rub circles around your clit with his thumb, your leg twitching as you started to feel restless. 
"This Bitch.." you thought to yourself as you squirmed in your seat.
“Uhh, what do they say?” Joe asked her as he glanced over at you, your pleasure rapidly building up as you were struggling to stifle your moans. 
“Hm,” you lightly inhaled as you sat back again and tried to act normal, but it was not working very well.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Veronica asked as she looked over at you, the suspicion on her face evident.
“Yeah, uh, I’m fine,” you winced as you felt his fingers pick up the pace, your arousal begging to be released, your eyes looking over at Joe a few times who was still looking ahead with a smirk on his face. Just a few more pumps and you’d reach your pleasure, you wanted him to stop because if you got caught this would be incredibly hard to explain, but you needed him to keep going. 
“Oookay..Anyway,” she said as she looked back over at Joe. “That they don’t stick to one flavor so they can try every kind without feeling the need to have the same boring one for the rest of their lives?”.
“Hmph,” you moaned into your hand as you covered your mouth again, the urge to slap Veronica across the face almost as strong as the urge to come undone right now. You felt your belly flutter at the gentle shock of pleasure vibrating throughout your body once Joe had hit your sweet spot, your hands gripping the tablecloth incredibly tightly as you were just seconds away from feeling pure bliss.
“Uhhh,” Joe nervously laughed as he gave your core a few more pumps, feeling your walls start to tighten around them. You were so incredibly close, but then he slipped his fingers out of your core, leaving you stranded on the edge. You felt everything go still as you let out a shaky breath when you looked over at him, your eyes widening at what he had just done. 
“I see you’ve tried a few flavors before but none of them seem to have stuck with you, it seems like you got bored. Hm, have you thought about trying strawberry?” she winked, clearly referring to herself and her obnoxious red hair. 
“No actually, I haven’t. I’m not a big strawberry ice cream kinda guy.” Joe laughed again, sliding his wet fingers across your bare thigh and giving your twitching leg a few loving squeezes. “Is it good?”.
Was Joe just painfully oblivious to what she was actually talking about or was he doing this on purpose? Whatever it was, you couldn’t sit there for another second and listen as the ache between your thighs was getting stronger and the incredibly needy comments Veronica was passing were making you sick to your stomach. 
“Uhh, excuse me,” you said as you quickly got up from your seat. 
“You Okay?” Joe innocently smiled at you as if he didn’t know what was wrong. 
“Yeah, I just feel sick all of a sudden. Might be from the shrimp I had earlier, I’m going to take a breather,” you lied as you looked over at Veronica, wanting to wipe the grin off her face as she was practically making googly eyes at Joe. 
You quickly walked away before Joe could say anything else, your stomach doing backflips as your brain started to register what had happened underneath that table. He actually just did that in front of Veronica, in front of everyone. 
“I should go check on her,” Joe said as he glanced back at your figure that was getting further and further away. 
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Veronica chirped as she watched Joe get up from his seat, a scoff following as she watched Joe ignore her and walk away. 
Meanwhile, you hand wandered out of the Reception hall and were leaning against the bathroom door, staring off into space before you felt a familiar pair of lips press a kiss on your shoulder. 
“Absolutely not!” you clamored as you turned around to face Joe. 
“What?” he innocently chuckled.
“You know exactly what,” you huffed, crossing your arms and sending him a look that he would easily understand.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that my boyfriend just fingered me under the fucking table, didn’t even finish me off, and then proceeded to blatantly flirt with the same girl that was talking about making a move on you earlier right in front of me,” you grumbled. 
“I’ve never seen you Jealous before,” he smiled. “It’s kinda hot,”. 
Your mouth dropped open, “Are you serious right now?”. You were a little mad about the Veronica thing but it didn’t really bother you because you knew that Joe wouldn’t ever look at another girl the way he looks at you, and to be completely honest with yourself you were more mad that he did that under the table and didn’t let you finish. 
You scoffed and started to walk down the hall, glancing back to see if Joe was following you, which he was. He walked a little faster and grabbed your hand, pulling you back towards him in one strong pull. 
“Okay, Okay. I’m sorry for feeding into her terrible attempt at flirting with me,” he said, his eyes filled with adoration as he squeezed your hand. 
You continued to stare at him, not responding to his apology on purpose before you felt him pull you into his chest, his mouth inches from your ear. “Let me make it up to you,” his hot breath made your core throb again. 
“How?” you whispered to him.
“Let me finish what I started under that table,” he whispered into your ear again. “We both know that’s the real reason you’re mad,”
You looked back into his infatuated eyes, a smile creeping onto your face as you looked behind him and then behind you to make sure nobody was around. The ache between your thighs was still there, calling his name just like how your heart was. You couldn’t stay mad at him, not when he looked at you like this. 
“Deal,” you whispered as you grabbed his hand, urgently pulling him down the hall.
“Where are we going?”. 
You stopped once you got to the bedroom suites, slowing down your pace as you walked past each room before reaching yours. “My room,” you smiled at him, pulling out your keycard and unlocking the door. 
“Thank God for wedding venues with bedrooms,” Joe mumbled to himself as you dragged him inside, quickly closing the door and backing him up against it as you got straight to business. Your hands tangled in his hair as you met for a passionate kiss, your lips then trailing down to his neck where you absentmindedly nipped his skin while kissing it. 
“We have to be quick,” you panted as you pulled away from him. 
He nodded before pulling you into the bathroom, quickly helping you onto the countertop before unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants and boxers down in one swift motion. He moved his hands under your dress, sliding your drenched panties to the side before thrusting into you, a throaty moan coming from your lips at the sudden intrusion. 
You’d never get sick of this feeling. Ever since you and Joe got a taste of what this felt like with each other, neither of you could resist sneaking away for a few moments and feeling this way again and again. It didn’t matter where you were, it didn’t matter when it was, but it always started & ended with you both feeling like horny college kids. Call it making up for lost time if you will? 
“Joe,” you whimpered as you grabbed onto his shoulders, his thrusts picking up as the sounds coming from your lips got louder. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he smiled as he dropped his head to your shoulder, your hands finding themselves in his hair. 
“Fuck, harder,” you moaned into his ear, his merciless pace doing wonders for you. He smiles, moves his head back to yours, and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss as he quickened his pace, rapidly thrusting into your slick core which meshed with both your moans and created a familiar harmonious melody that echoed throughout the room. 
He moved deeper and deeper inside your core with each well-placed thrust, your cushiony walls beginning to tighten around him as you moaned against his lips. “Joe, right there,” his lips glossy and swollen from being attached to yours for too long. He used his hand to spread your legs apart a little more, the increased space allowing him to hit an angle that he hadn’t before. 
“J- Joe,” you struggled to moan as you dropped your head on his shoulder. 
“Remember, you’re the only girl I want,” he moaned as he peppered kisses around your jaw. “Okay?”.
“…Yeah,” you moaned as you felt him hit your sweet spot. “I’m the only girl you want,” you whimpered as you threw your head back against the mirror, the band in your belly tightening as he picked up the pace.
“I’m close,” you whined as you felt yourself clamp down on his thick cock.
He moved his hand underneath your dress again, his fingers coated with your arousal as he began to rub circles around your clit. “Joe, oh my g- god,” you moaned as you felt the band snap, your walls convulsing around him as your body started to shake from the intense feeling. 
“Hang on,” he panted as he picked up his pace again, his hand gripping your waist, his cock twitching inside of your core as he felt himself getting closer to his pleasure. 
A few moments later, you felt him still inside of you as his cum coated your walls, his head dropped to your shoulder again as he bit down on your skin to prevent himself from being too loud, his high washing over him as you were recovering from yours. 
“Shit,” you panted as you rubbed his neck, Joe gently thrusting into you before tapering off.
“If you ever think that I’d want anyone else, you’re crazy,” Joe smiled against your shoulder before tilting his head and pressing kisses to your flushed cheeks. “I don’t give a damn if I have to taste the same flavor of ice cream for the rest of my life,”.
“My kind of ice cream is incredibly delicious,” he said with another kiss on your cheek. “Sweet,” he said with another kiss, this time to your neck. “Kind and gentle,” he said as he kissed your shoulder. “Is 2 in 1 because she’s the love of my life and best friend all in one,” he said with a kiss to your chest. “And far from boring,” he ended with a passionate kiss to your lips, the kiss so intense that it sent you back towards the mirror again. 
“So you do know that she wasn’t talking about ice cream?” you rasped, your voice tired from screaming his name as you felt your heart flutter at his softness and kind words towards you. 
“Obviously,” he laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “She wasn’t exactly subtle about it,”.
“Then why were you playing along?”.
“Because I knew it’d make you a little jealous,” he winked. 
“Asshole,” you playfully grumbled as you lightly slapped his chest. 
“I may be an asshole but you still love me,” he said as he raised an eyebrow.
“Unfortunately, that’s something that’ll never change,” you sighed.
“Unfortunately?” he asked. “You say it like it’s a bad thing,”.
“It’s definitely not a bad thing” you grin. “It’s just I love you too much to care about the fact that you did that to me under the table at my sister's wedding, in a room filled with people, and then we proceeded to sneak off mid-party to hook up in the bathroom. If I was with any other guy, I would never even entertain these thoughts. We’re so scandalous,” you said as you wiggled your eyebrows which made him laugh.
“You know I'm not a bad girl, but I seem to be doing bad things with you. I should care, but I don’t,” you blushed. 
“And that’s exactly why you're far from boring; you always seem to surprise me,” he said as he pressed a kiss to your jaw. 
“Love you,” you lazily smiled as you grabbed his face to kiss him again.
“Love you too,” he smiled against your lips. 
A few minutes later, you were both cleaned up and fixing yourselves in the mirror before heading back to the reception. “I hope they didn’t notice we were gone,” you laughed as you fixed a few stray pieces of your hair. 
“I doubt it. They were probably too wrapped up in the party to realize,” he smiled as he fixed his tie. “You ready?” he asked after he was done.
“Mhm,” you nodded, leaning in for one final kiss before getting ready to head back. 
Joe opened your door and stepped out into the hall, you followed him out and closed the door behind you, laughing at a joke he made about how you guys went from sneaking out of weddings to raid the bar to make stronger cocktails to now sneaking out of weddings to have hook up in your room. You were about to reach for his hand before you heard a shriek come from down the hall, your heart stopping when you realized who it was. 
“Busted!” the familiar voice screamed.
“Oh, fuck,” you froze as you realized who it was, being able to recognize that voice anywhere. 
You and Joe both looked at each other before looking at Kaylee who was speed walking down the hall to you, both your cheeks turning red as you were caught red-handed. 
“Kaylee,” you forcefully smiled.
“I knew it. I knew it. And you said you were just friends…Ha…Funny,” she laughed. 
“Uhh, Kaylee are you okay?” Joe asked her, his palms getting sweaty as he quickly glanced over at you. 
“I’m great, Joe. Are you okay? You got a little something on your neck,” she said, pointing out the tiny purple bruise on his neck. 
“Fuck,” you mumbled under your breath. 
“Oh, and Y/N, did you bump into something?” She said as she moved her hand to the mark on your shoulder, leaning in to look at it closely. “Oh wait, that looks like a bite mark?”.
“Shit,” Joe mouthed as he looked into your eyes, both of you frozen and having no idea how to play this off. 
“We were just…,” you started to say but not being able to come up with anything.
“We were just taking a breather,” Joe interrupted. 
“Uh huh,” your sister nodded. “So that explains the flushed cheeks, obvious hickey, bite mark on your shoulder, and the fact that Joe’s lips are covered with lipgloss,” your sister said looking at you. “Not to mention whatever I interrupted in the hallway outside the bridal suite earlier was clearly the first part of whatever happened in that room,” she smirked as she pointed behind you.
You quietly stared at your sister, your mind completely blank as you had no idea how to lie to her because she quite literally had caught you both in the act. 
“I…” you trailed off before you felt Joe lightly bump into your shoulder, making you look up at him. One thing about you and Joe was that you could tell each other a thousand words by just looking into each other’s eyes. He didn’t need to say anything but you knew exactly what he was saying to you; his soft gaze calming your nerves, the warmth in his eyes showing that he genuinely cared about you, the adorable crinkles in the corner of his eyes coming out, and his gentle and steady eye contact reassuring you that everything was perfectly fine. 
You nodded your head once you got the message he was trying to convey and looked back at your sister. “We’re dating,” you blurted out.
Kaylee stayed quiet for a few moments and looked back and forth between you two, “Well obviously,” she laughed.
“What?” you deadpanned, your heart-stopping. 
“Y/N, I’m your sister. I know when something’s up with you,” she grinned. “I had a feeling something was going on after that Christmas party you went to together. You started acting weird after that and the phone call we had the night before the party was strange so then I put 2 and 2 together. There was a high chance that I could’ve been wrong but I had a gut feeling,”.
“Damn,” you whispered to yourself. Were you really that bad at hiding it or was Joe’s effect on you just that noticeable? 
“But I’m really happy for you both,” she said. “I always knew you two were meant to be but I was called delusional every time by Y/N over here,” she laughed as she looked at Joe. “Besides, I see the way you look at her, Joe. The eyes never lie,”. 
“Only took us about 9 years but here we are,” Joe said, pulling you closer to him and kissing your forehead. The blissful looks on both of your faces right now matched how you felt with each other. 
“This is the best wedding gift you could possibly give me. My baby sister is finally with her Prince Charming,” she cooed as she gently punched your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you said. “I guess I am,” you smiled up at Joe.
“You know, the wedding setup is still here and I bet my wedding dress fits you,” your sister teased. “You guys can pull a fast one on everyone. I won’t snitch. You can even use that ring on your left hand, Y/N. By the way, Joe, nice taste in jewels,”.
“How did you..,” you questioned since you thought she believed your lie about the ring being from an antique shop.
“I had a hunch,” she winked at you and Joe. “That ring screams expensive,”.
“What were you going to do if you didn’t catch us together like this? Because we weren’t planning on telling anyone for a little longer but it sounds like you were on the case for a while now,” you wondered. 
“Hmm, I probably would’ve encouraged Veronica to steal Joe for a dance to get you to rile you up and get a reaction out of you. No way you’d let her be alone with him,” she giggled.
“I would’ve killed you if you did that,” you scowled, feeling Joe laugh above you at your adorable defensiveness. 
“Okay, Okay,” she laughed while throwing her hands up. “Note to self, steer Veronica away from Joe if I want to live to see my honeymoon,” she giggled.
“Mhm,” you nodded.
“I should get back to the party considering I am the lady of the hour but I want details later. All of them,” she pointed at you both.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Joe saluted before she opened her arms and lept onto you both, pulling you in for a tight hug.
“Ahh, I can’t believe you two finally did it,” she hooted as squeezed you both. “This is the best thing ever!”. 
You looked up at Joe with a heartfelt smile, one that said everything without saying anything just like the looks in both your eyes. Your sister released you both from the hug a few seconds later and said “Make sure to cover those up before you go back in,” while pointing at your shoulder and his neck.
You covered your face with your hands out of embarrassment and let out a soft whine as she walked away, “Remember, no babies out of wedlock! Wrap it before you tap it,” she laughed.
“Oh my god,” you said, your face reddening as you looked over at Joe who was laughing to himself about how comical this situation was.
“If you had told me a few years ago that your sister would be warning us to have protected sex to not have a child out of marriage, I would’ve laughed in your face and walked out the door,” he smiled. 
“That makes two of us. God, I cannot believe she saw that,” you smiled as let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding before looking back up at Joe, his cheeks a little red and his eyes glistening. “You look happy, though,” you said, rubbing his shoulder. 
“That’s because I am happy,” he hummed before he leaned down to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “I love you,”.
“And I love you,” you smiled at him before pecking his lips again.
“I guess we should probably tell your parents now that your sister knows,” Joe said as he grabbed your hand and slowly started leading you back to the reception hall.
“I guess so,” you sighed. “Be prepared for my Mom to hound you with questions about your intentions though. She loves you to death but you’re the boyfriend now and not just the best friend. There’s some pressure on you,”.
“Oh, I’m prepared. I know what my intentions are and I'm not afraid to voice them,” he winked at you, another chill running down your spine as you could practically feel the tenderness and reassurance in his voice. 
A few minutes later, you’re back inside the hall and sitting at the table again with your parents who thankfully hadn’t noticed your absence. They were talking to Joe about needing some help with moving some furniture out of the house and given the gentleman Joe was, he happily said yes. 
You cleared your throat a few moments later and sat up, squeezing Joe’s thigh under the table to get his attention. He looked over at you and met your eyes, your eyes once again telling him everything without needing to say anything. He gave you a small nod before you turned around to your parents.
“So, Mom, Dad,” you said, looking at both of them. “I have something to tell you both,”.
“Go ahead, sweetie,” your mom smiled as she placed her drink down.
You took a deep breath, “I’m seeing someone,” you smiled, feeling Joe grab your hand under the table.
“Really?” your parents asked, both of their eyes lighting up. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I have been for about a month now,”.
“Do we know him?” your dad asked, putting his elbow on the table and grabbing his drink.
“Yeah actually,” you laughed as you saw Joe blush from the corner of your eye. “You know him pretty well,”.
“Are you going to tell us his name?” your Dad laughed at your vagueness. 
“Honey, I think she wants us to play the guessing game,” your Mom chuckled. “Am I right, Y/N?”.
You bit your lip and nodded your head, Joe’s fingers softly rubbing your hand as he tried hard to remain quiet. 
“You always loved to play the guessing game as a child, I should’ve seen this coming,” your Dad shook his head.
“Okay then, what does he do? Does he have a stable job?” your mom asked. 
“He’s involved in sports, it’s very stable and it pays very well,” you said, glancing around and not meeting her eyes because this could make it so obvious.
“Okay,” your dad nodded. “How is he? Describe him,”.
“Well, he is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. He’s really kind, super smart, genuine, caring, and has a great sense of humor. He’s also a big nerd but never likes to admit it because he has this cool guy attitude on the surface,” you say as you feel Joe bump your leg with his leg under the table, making you look over at him and see him give you a look that makes you want to explode into a cloud of pink dust. 
“He’s really athletic too. One of the absolute best at what he does,” you bragged as you looked back at your parents.
“Is he an athlete or something?” your mom asked as she took a sip of her water. 
“Mhm,” you nodded. 
“What sport?” your dad asked. “This guy might be giving Joe a run for his money,” he laughed as he looked at your mom.
You pursed your lips to hide your smile, watching as Joe laughed along with them from the corner of your eye.  
“If I told you the sport it would give it away,” you said matter-of-factly. 
“Okay, well keep going then. You seem to be in a secretive mood tonight,” your mom said.
“Okay, he never fails to make me feel like the most important girl on the planet, never fails to tell me how beautiful and special I am, and never fails to tell me and show me how much he loves me. He cares a lot about me and I feel at home whenever I’m with him, and I haven’t felt that way with any guy before. And whenever we’re around each other I can’t help but fall even more in love with him,” you blushed. 
“Love?” your mom said as she raised an eyebrow. “It’s only been a month though?”.
“It’s only been a month since we’ve been dating but I’ve known him for about 9 years,” you smiled as you leaned back against your chair and looked over at Joe.
“9 years? So she met him in college?” your dad said as he looked at your mom.
“Y/N, why didn’t you bring him to the wedding? No offense Joe, you know we love you, but you should’ve told this mystery man to come. I’m sure we could’ve added an extra invitation,” your Mom said.
Joe was about to say something before you grabbed his hand, “Actually,” you said while picking his hand up from under the table and pressing a kiss to it in front of your parents. “I did bring him with me,”. 
Your parents went silent as they looked at you both and then at each other, “Oh. Ohhhh,” your Mom said as she looked back at you with realization, her eyes softening once she put the puzzle together in her head. “You two,” she said, choking up a little and placing her hand over her heart. “Oh my god,” she said as she looked over at your Dad. 
“Well, would you look at that? It’s about damn time,” he cheered as leaned back and crossed his arms, a huge smile on his face. “I knew this would happen at some point,”.
“Did everyone see it this entire time except for us?” you shook your head as you looked at Joe. 
“I guess so,” he grinned as he placed his arm around your shoulder and brought you in closer. 
You looked over at your Mom who was using a tissue to soak up a few tears in her eyes, “Mom, are you crying?” you pouted. 
“Yes,” she said with a smile. “You have no idea how happy this makes me,”.
“That makes two of us,” Joe said, looking down at you with what looked like real-life heart eyes. 
“I mean you two have been such good friends since college and seeing you both like this,” she said as she felt more tears coming. “I’m just so happy for you both. I couldn’t ask for a better man for my Y/N,”. 
“Ditto. You two are excellent for each other, it all makes perfect sense,” your Dad nodded with a fervent smile. 
“Thanks, Mom and Dad,” you smiled as you dropped your head against Joe’s shoulder, feeling him press two kisses to your forehead before feeling him rest his head against yours.
“You have to tell us everything. How did this happen?” your Dad asked as reached for a glass of water to hand your Mom. 
“It’s quite the story,” Joe smiled as he placed his hand in your hand and started to tell them how this all came to be, your heart growing from all the love you were feeling around you, a majority of it coming off of the man next to you. 
A week later 
“You ready?” Joe asked as he turned the key to the golf cart.
“Absolutely,” you grinned as you crossed your legs and leaned back. “I still can’t believe you bought a golf cart,”.
“Well, this neighborhood is pretty big and there’s a lot of trails and paths around so I thought this would be the right investment,” he smiled at you as he backed out of the driveway. “And also because once you move in we can do nightly drives instead of nightly walks so we don’t get tired halfway through and you beg me for a piggyback ride home,”.
“Hey, don’t act like you don’t enjoy it just as much as I do,” you pointed at him. “But anyway, I can’t wait to move in with you. One more month and I’m all yours,” you bit your lip while rubbing his thigh. 
“You’re already all mine,” he said, leaning in for a quick peck before beginning the drive. 
“That I am,” you smiled as you turned your head back to the road, watching as the sun set over the beautiful Ohio River where you and Joe were driving down to as his house sat right by the water.
“I’m getting major Deja Vu,” he said as he turned onto the grassy path that led down to the river. “Do you remember when we stole that neighbor's golf cart when we went on that beach trip during spring break back at Ohio State?”.  
“You mean the beach trip from hell?” you giggled. “Oooh yeah, I remember,” you nodded. 
Flashback to Spring Break - Ohio State 
“Joe, what if someone sees?” you whisper yelled at him while he was trying to grab the keys to your neighbor’s golf cart from the patio table, your eyes darting back and forth from the door to Joe. 
“Almost..got it…,” he whispered as he grabbed the keys from the table, then carefully sneaked past the windows and made it to the ledge. “Let’s go,” he said as he hopped down from the patio.
“Fuck, we’re going to get in so much trouble,” you laughed as you slid into the golf cart, Joe doing the same and then turning on the cart. 
“I honestly could care less. Anything to get me the hell out of this house for even 10 minutes will suffice,” he said as he quickly backed out of the driveway and started driving towards the beach. 
“Are you alright?” you asked him, rubbing his shoulder as you noticed his exhausted body language. 
“Could be better,” he sighed as he turned onto the beach, driving you both alongside the ocean.
“You wanna talk about it? You know I’m always here,” you said.
He stayed silent for a few seconds, your heartbeat picking up because he wasn’t saying anything and you were getting worried because he was usually quick to confide in you.
“Joe,” you said, gently squeezing his thigh.
“It’s Audrey,” he sighed. 
You went silent at the name. Audrey was Joe’s girlfriend, or situationship as everyone liked to call it. 
“What happened now?” you asked, pulling the hood of your sweatshirt up as you tried to block the cool ocean breeze out. 
Joe turned the cart to face the water before putting it in park, giving you both some time to talk while enjoying the view of the ocean. 
“Just everything,” he sighed as he placed his arm around the back of your seat. “Nothing I do is good enough for her. No matter how hard I try to make things work, she always does something that ruins it,”.
You felt your heart drop at his words, you wished you could do something to make him feel better but you couldn’t. You promised yourself that you’d never put yourself on the field in Joe’s love life. You’d watch from the sidelines, cheering him on with whichever girl captured his heart, even though silently you wished that the girl was you. 
It was enraging watching as Audrey played with Joe’s feelings, always dragging him along even though she clearly didn’t treat him the way he treated her. He knew that he deserved better but each time he tried to pull away, she’d always bring him back and give him hope that things would be different but they never were.
“I mean, just this morning I woke up early to make her breakfast but she decided to go out and get an acai bowl or something and then got mad that I was making you breakfast when she got back,” he shook his head. 
“Are you serious?” you laughed. “Why is she always so petty about everything,”.
“I wish I had an answer. It’s just exhausting being around her. We have moments where things feel normal but they’re very very short moments,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Have you tried talking to her about it?” you asked.
“I did…Just before the trip. I told her that I wanted things to work and she agreed, I also told her where I stood and how this trip was a kind of ‘make it or break it’ for us,” he said.
“What’d she say? you bit your lip while playing with the bracelets on your wrist. 
“She said she understood and gave me the impression that things would be different this weekend. But ever since we’ve been here she’s been on me for literally everything. It was the breakfast thing this morning, then it was her getting mad that we went out for ice cream yesterday without her even though we didn’t even ask the others if they wanted to come so it’s not like we specifically left her out, and then it was her getting mad that we all wanted to go to the pier last night but she wanted to stay in and watch TV,”
“Who stays inside and watches TV while you’re at the fucking beach?” you grimaced. 
“Then it was her getting upset that you were even on the trip in the first place even though I literally told her you were coming,” he shrugged, his eyes quickly darting to you as he realized how bad that sounded. “Sorry about that. I know she isn’t exactly the nicest to you,”.
“No offense taken. I get a vibe from her that tells me everything I need to know,” you sighed. 
“You know what? That’s another thing. She knows you’re my best friend but still treats you like shit for absolutely no reason. It’s like she doesn’t care about anything important in my life,” he ranted.
Important. You were important to Joe. 
You looked at him for a few seconds before dropping your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around you as if it were a reflex. “I’m sorry,” you said to him. “I know it’s hard and you deserve so much more,”.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one that has the worst taste in girls,” he softly chuckled as he rubbed your shoulder, his phone vibrating on the dash which diverted his attention. 
He leaned forward to see who it was, “Speaking of…,” he said as he grabbed his phone.
“It’s like she’s listening to our conversations,” you joked. “You sure she didn’t bug you?”.
“Wouldn’t be surprised if she did,” he laughed as he opened up the texts.
You watched as Joe’s smile dropped as his eyes skimmed her lengthy text message.
“What’d she say?” you asked.
“Basically asking where I went and why didn’t I tell her I was going somewhere. Then accusing me of sneaking off with you since she doesn’t know where you went either,” he said.
“Well, she’s not wrong about that part,” you shrugged.
“Then she said this isn’t working, I’m not trying hard enough, and that she’s been miserable since she’s been here,” he said as he turned off his phone.
“Damn, no text back?” you said while looking out to the open waters. 
“Nope. I’m done with this bullshit. If she thinks I’m not doing enough then she needs to wake the hell up,” he said as he pulled you in closer. “I’ve tried to do fun stuff with her since we’ve been here but she doesn’t want to do anything other than sit and be mad at me for no reason. I’ve been trying for months. A relationship is a two-way street and I’m not going to work on it if she isn’t going to try. It’s draining and I can’t do it,”.  
“You deserve better, Joe,” you say, tilting your head to look at him. “You’re such an amazing guy and have so much to offer and if Audrey can’t see that, then she isn’t the one,”. 
“I know,” he sighed. “It just sucks when you spend time on someone who you thought was your person,”. 
You looked out at the ocean again, “Did you know that 80% of the ocean is unexplored?”.
“Yeah..” he confusingly said, wondering what this had to do with what you were just talking about.
“Well, the unexplored parts of the ocean probably have new species, new ecosystems, and things we haven’t seen before. In love, there are so many things to explore just like in those unknown parts of the ocean. So many chances to find a deeper connection, to find out things about yourself and other people, to do new things and see new places, and so many chances to find your person. There are endless possibilities. You’ll find your person, I know she’s out there. It might take some exploring and some waiting, but you’ll find her one day,” you said, feeling a visceral ache in your heart because you wanted to be his person so badly. “And she’ll be the one who showers you with all the love you deserve and the same love you give to others,”. 
“You know, you should really do a Ted-Talk episode one day,” he laughed, squeezing your shoulder gently. Your words meant the world to him, especially since he had a secret crush on you, and hearing you talk to him about finding his person just made him think of you. He wanted you to be his person, he wanted to explore these things with you.   
“I think I just might,” you grinned. 
“Thanks for that though. You always know how to make me feel better, I don’t know how you do it, but you always say the right things every time,” he said, shaking your shoulder and looking down at you.
Before you could say something, you heard a piercing shriek come from behind you. Both of you jumped in your seat and turned around and saw Audrey speed-walking towards you both with a fearful look on her face. “Joe!” she screamed. “Why the hell are you out here with her?”.
“Uh oh,” you said as you turned back around, watching Joe quickly switch the cart from park to drive. “What are you doing?”.
“Getting us the hell out of here,” he nodded as he turned the steering wheel and floored the cart. 
He told you to hang on as he tried to get away from her as fast as he could, which was pretty fast because you were practically zooming down the beach and Audrey’s figure quickly faded into the background.
“Oh my god,” you screamed as you hit a bump on the sand that nearly caused you two to spin out, the adrenaline rush keeping you from making him stop the cart.
“Hold on,” Joe yelled as he quickly made a turn onto one of the streets that led down to the main road, your hands clutching onto his arm as you pulled yourself closer to him.
“Joeeee, slow down,” you laughed as you tightly held onto his body, the force of the cart & wind giving you whiplash.
End of flashback 
“I can’t believe she snitched on us for stealing the cart because we drove off,” you laughed. 
“I remember seeing steam practically coming off of her face when she was walking towards us. Scary sight,” he said, bumping into your shoulder as he drove you two along the path. 
“The latter half of the trip after she left was pretty enjoyable though,” you said as you propped your feet up on the dash of the cart.
“Very. I still can’t believe you threw up in my hat after we rode the slingshot,” he chuckled as he placed his arm around your shoulder.
“Please don’t remind me of that ever again. That was so embarrassing,” you said as remembered the grotesque memory and hid your face in his chest.
Joe pressed a kiss to your head before changing the subject, “Okay, I won’t make you relive that but we should really go back there this off-season. Just the two of us though,”.
“I’d love to, we made some pretty great memories on that trip together,” you said as you pressed yourself closer to him.
“This time, make sure to not eat a soft pretzel and funnel cake before getting on the slingshot,” he warned you.
“You got it,” you saluted. “I can’t believe this is my first off-season with you,” the river trail getting closer to you both as you continued talking. 
“What do you mean? I usually spent a lot of time with you in previous off-seasons,” he said. 
“I know, but I mean this is my first one as your girlfriend,” you say, playfully poking his shoulder. “I get to do a lot more with you now,” you beamed.
“Oh yeah?” he smirked. “Like what?” he said, wiggling his eyebrows, his words laced with mischief. 
“Ohhh I don’t know, maybe watch some movies, teach you how to cook some more, swim in the pool, amongst other things,” you tease.
“What are the other things?” he said as you made it down to the trail, now driving alongside the river.
“I guess you’ll just have to find out when the time comes,” you winked.
“Such a tease,” he shook his head before slowing down once you reached the rocks that you two would sit on by the water when you came down here.
Joe switched off the golf cart before hopping out and helping you out, then carefully led you down to the rocks–making sure you didn’t almost fall like how you did the first time–and then sat you down on a rock he deemed stable and secure and then plopped down on a rock next to you. 
“This is nice,” he said, letting out a relaxed sigh as he watched the sunset.
“What is?” you laughed as you looked over at him.
“Doing stuff like this with you. Everything just feels so easy with us…like I don’t have to jump through hoops to make this work,” he said, looking over at you and seeing how the cool January breeze made your nose red. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy and at peace in my life,”. 
“I’m glad you’re happy, Joe,” you grinned as you pulled your sweatshirt sleeves out to cover your chilled hands. “You deserve it,”.
“Are you cold?” he asked as he sat up.
“A l- little,” you mumbled as you felt a chill run up your spine.
“Here,” Joe said as he opened up his legs and scooched back. “Come sit with me,” he said, pointing at the space between his legs. 
You smiled and got up, carefully moving over to where he was, and sat down between his legs. His arms instantly wrapped around your waist as he pulled you back into his chest, his body warmth quickly heating you up. 
“Mmm, you’re so warm,” you hummed as you rested your head against his shoulder and turned your head to press a kiss to his fragrant neck; the smell of his gentle cologne filling your nostrils.  
“Are you happy?” Joe asked as he continued to stare out at the water, his grip on you tightening. 
You were quiet for a few seconds before speaking up, “Of course I’m happy, this is all I’ve ever wanted. You’ve all I’ve ever wanted. And now I have it and it’s even better than imagined. It quite literally can’t get better than this,” you smiled up at him. 
“I’m glad. It’s not just me who deserves it, we deserve it,” he beamed as he leaned down to kiss you. 
After holding the kiss for a few seconds, you both pull away and look ahead at the slowing descending sun, the sky getting darker as the moments go by. “You excited for the first playoff game tomorrow?” you asked him as you placed your hand on top of his. 
“Excited, prepared, a little nervous,” he sighed as he laced his fingers with yours. 
“You’re going to do great, I have full confidence in you and the guys,” you told him. “You’ve been playing really really well recently and I know that tomorrow's game is going to be good,”.
“I hope so,” he nodded before looking down at you, an idea coming into his head. “Hey, you should come down to the sidelines before the game so I can see you,”.
“What? In front of everyone?” you asked as you felt a little nervous at the thought of being down there in front of everyone, usually a spot that was reserved for the family of the players. 
“Yeah, why not? You’re my girlfriend and girlfriends get to come to the sidelines along with other immediate family if they want to,” he smiled. “Besides, only a matter of time before the fans figure out that we’re together which would confirm their already established theories,” he giggled. “And I need my good luck kiss,” he sneaked in.
You let out a soft laugh, “Okay, I’ll be there,”. You always supported Joe when it came to football, even if it was from a distance; but now it was time for you to be front and center.
“Wear some of your peach lip gloss too,” he mumbled as he kissed your cheek. 
“That’s your favorite I assume?” you asked.
“Mhmmm,” he hummed as he kissed your cheek again. “Although, watermelon might give it a run for its money. We may have to test it out some more,”.
“Deal,” you grinned. “Just promise me you’ll win the game,”.
“I promise,” he nodded. “I’m going to win the game and then I’m going to take you out for dinner after,” he added.
“Won’t you be tired though?” you furrow your brows. 
“Probably, but that’s fine. If anything we can just bring it back to the house and stuff our faces with delicious food while sitting on the couch in our jammies and watching the latest episode of Love Island so you don’t miss it,” he smiled. 
“I like youu,” you grinned like a little kid at his tempting words.
“Guess what?” he asked you. 
“I like you too,” he whispered into your ear as he found himself remembering a similar moment like this from a few years ago. 
Flashback to LSU – 2019 (in the same flashback period as the 2019 LSU flashback from part 1 & post-breakup with your ex jake)
Today was the day.
Today was the day Joe was going to tell you how he felt about you.
You had flown in early yesterday morning and had surprised him last night at his game and were staying in Baton Rouge for 3 more days. Joe made it his mission to come clean about his feelings within these 3 days, hopefully today so that he could get it over with. He just couldn’t keep it in anymore. He thought about you every single day and being away from you killed him, especially because he had absolutely 0 idea what was going on in your life (or who was in it) when he wasn’t physically with you. You could only talk about so much over Facetime, 90% of the time not talking about your relationships since neither of you liked to travel into that territory with each other because of how you felt about each other even though you both were incredibly curious about that subject. 
He needed to tell you how he felt before it was too late (preferably before another guy came along), even if you didn’t feel the same way. Those feelings he’d been keeping to himself for years were eating away at him and he could only hold on to them for so much longer. You told him yesterday that you and your now ex-boyfriend Jake had broken up but you weren’t dwelling on it because you hadn’t been together for that long and you were too excited to see Joe to feel bad about the breakup. Joe still felt a bit weird about coming to you with his feelings as you just got out of a relationship but he also just couldn’t keep it in anymore, he was basically a ticking time bomb. He was going to tell you this time, no matter what it took.
This morning Joe brought you and his parents to one of his favorite breakfast spots downtown. You were busy having a conversation with his Mom and Dad about your Thanksgiving plans since it was only a few weeks away while Joe was sitting next to you in the booth picking away at a thumbnail as he couldn’t be more uninterested in the conversation. The only person he wanted to talk to was you, and the only thing he wanted to talk about was his feelings. 
“Ooo, Jimmy look at that,” Robin said as she pointed across the street through the window at your booth. She was pointing over at what looked like a local artist selling paintings of the LSU football team as well as some custom merchandise.
“We should go check it out. I think we have room for a few more paintings around the house,” Jimmy smiled as he got up from the booth and helped Robin up. Both of them excitedly rush to the door and make their way across the street without saying a word to you and Joe, causing you both to laugh. 
“I don’t even know how many paintings or wall pieces they have up in the house anymore. It’s like every time I go back a new one spawns out of nowhere,” Joe shook his head. 
“You’re their golden baby,” you said while rubbing his shoulder. “Embrace it,” you said softly as you placed your chin on it, your lips just inches from his face. 
“I think if I embrace it even more than I already have, I’m going to explode,” he joked as he felt his heart pounding because of how close you were to him.
“Hey, maybe in 15-20 years we can open a Burrow Museum? Get all of the paintings in there, your awards from High School, your eventual Natty and Heisman that you’ll be getting in about 3 months, your future Super Bowl trophies, rings, and MVP awards,” you smiled when you moved away, noticing how his cheeks turned redder while you continued talking.
“Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves about the awards and championships,” Joe said while running his hands through his hair. “I’m not even sure if I’ll be getting any of that stuff,”.
“Please,” you scoffed. “I beg to differ,”.
“Anywayy,” Joe changed the subject before you went on another rant about how you thought he was the best college football player in the league and was going to become the top NFL prospect in the next few months. He appreciated when you praised him like this, it meant the world to him especially since it was coming from you, but he also didn’t want to look too far ahead into a future he had no control of. 
He turned a bit more in his seat to face you, taking note of how adorable you looked wearing one of his LSU football shirts which was a few sizes too big on you, your hair in a messy bun, and your beautiful natural face on display. “How are you doing about the whole Jake thing? I didn’t get a chance to talk to you about it and just wanted to know if you were doing okay with it,”. 
You paused for a few seconds, both of you inching into territory that you usually avoided. “I’m fine,” you reassured him. “I kinda saw it coming and came to terms with it a while ago. And you were right, he’s 100% Mr. Lovebombing,”.
“Y/N, I wasn’t being serious when I said that,” Joe said, his smile dropping a bit because he knew how awful it felt to feel that way in a relationship. 
“No, you were right though. One second he was all over me and telling me how I’m his world, the next he was doing anything and everything to dodge having a conversation with me and refused to see me,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m glad I’m done with that BS,”. You honestly weren’t that affected by the breakup as you’d been through much worse many times before. You were too busy looking forward to seeing Joe after 5 long months to think about Jake. 
You both remained silent, Joe not knowing how to go about this since if he confessed his feelings after you said that, it would seem weird and almost selfish. “But enough about me and my sad dating life, what about you? Any girls I should be warned about?” you painfully laughed, not wanting to hear him say ‘yes, there is a girl’. 
He cleared his throat while glancing around the room before meeting your eyes, his palms getting sweaty because he knew that this conversation could lead to him telling you how he truly felt about you. “Uhh, not really. I’ve just been focused on football,” he nodded.
“That’s great,” you smiled, mentally doing a little dance because he didn’t have any other girl in his life but then stopping once you realized how weird that could have sounded. “Uh, I mean. That’s good because you’re focusing on football, not because you don’t have a girlfriend. That sucks,” you blabbed as you scrambled to make it sound better. 
“It’s okay,” he laughed. “I know what you mean,”. 
“Here we go, Joe. Just tell her. It’s the perfect opportunity. It’s not weird or wrong for you to tell her how you feel, and you know how much she appreciates honesty,” Joe thought to himself.
It honestly was the perfect opportunity, his parents weren’t around, and you reassured him that you weren’t bothered by your breakup so it wasn’t like he was pushing you, and it wasn’t out of the blue since you were talking about things related to that subject.
He just had to say it; those 3 words he’d been eager to say since he met you all those years ago. It couldn’t be that difficult to say it, could it? 
“We really have the worst luck when it comes to dating. I mean, why is every person we end up dating such an asshole?” you complained while taking a sip of your orange juice. “Like hello? Universe? What did we do to you?”. 
“Y/N, I have something to tell you,” Joe said while looking over at you, his tone of voice and the look in his eyes changing from playful to serious all of a sudden. 
You placed your glass down, “What is it? Is everything alright?” you asked as you placed your hand on his that was resting on the table. 
“Everything’s fine,” he laughed. “It’s more than fine. It’s just I-,”.
“We’re back!” Robin interrupted as she placed a few bags on the table, your hand quickly moving away from Joe’s. 
“Y/N, we got you a few sweatshirts we thought you might like,” Jimmy smiled as he pulled them out of the bag while Robin pulled out some of the artwork they picked up to show you. 
“Are you serious,” Joe thought to himself as he watched you get distracted by his parents, all of you once again in a conversation while he just sat there and watched. 
“It’s okay, Joe. Just tell her once you're back at your apartment, you have time. Mom and Dad won’t be there,” He thought to himself as he watched your face light up when you saw the artwork that had Joe front in center, your eyes then meeting his with a proud smile. 
A few hours later – Joe’s LSU apartment 
“Your apartment is so comfy,” you giggled as you sat down on the couch across from Joe.
“So it’s not giving Man Cave or Bachelor Pad vibes?” Joe said while pulling your feet into his lap.
“Nope. It’s giving I have a best friend who has excellent taste in decor and she doesn’t mind ordering nice stuff for my apartment,” you winked. 
“I’m a lucky guy,” Joe said, squeezing your foot.
“That you are,” you replied, leaning your head back against the couch cushion and closing your eyes. “I wouldn’t do this for anyone else,”. 
Joe looked at you for a few quiet moments, his heartbeat picking up once again as he found himself thinking about his feelings towards you. This was the perfect moment to tell you how he felt, it was just the two of you. No distractions, interruptions, or oblivious parents in the way.  
“Hey, can I talk to you about something for a second,” Joe said, breaking the silence and causing you to open your eyes and look up. 
“Yeah, of course,” you smiled at him as you moved a few strands of hair out from your face.  
“Okay, come on Joe. Just tell her,” Joe’s subconscious said to him. “It’s just 3 words. 
I. Like. You.
Just say it,”. 
He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, but just before he could open his mouth you both were interrupted by a knock on the front door. 
You turned your head back to look at the door, “I got it,” you said, glancing over at Joe before getting up from the couch. You unlocked the door and opened it, the person standing on the doorstep making your face light up, but Joe’s face drop. 
“Ahh, there’s my favorite Ohio-an. Damn, I missed you Girl,” Ja’marr said as he stepped inside Joe’s apartment and pulled you in for a hug.
“Are you kidding me? Why does everyone keep interrupting us?” Joe thought to himself while rolling his eyes. 
“Missed you too, Ja’marr,” you laughed as you gave him a gentle squeeze before pulling away. “How’s Claire?”. 
“You mean Samantha?” Joe said as he stood up, a little upset because he interrupted you two, prompting both of you to look back at him because of his bitter tone. Joe was a little more than a little pissed off right now. This was the best chance to tell you how he felt since you were fully alone this time, but the universe (or Ja’marr) clearly had other plans. “Or was it Laila?” he huffed out. “I can’t remember. Might be because Ja’marr over here can’t ever keep it in his pants and feels the need to-,”.
“Aye, what’s your deal,” Ja’marr scoffed.
“My deal is that you just-,” Joe started to say as he stepped closer before you interrupted him. 
“Okay! I’m not in the mood to deal with two caveman football players right now,” you reprimanded them. “Ja’marr, let’s go over to the kitchen and get some drinks. Joe, go take a breather or something,” you said, sending him an intense look.
“I just-,”.
“Joe,” you said, sending him another look that he easily understood before he let out a loud sigh and walked past you and Ja’marr to the porch outside his apartment.
“What’s his problem?” Ja’marr shrugged as he followed you into the kitchen.
“Don’t ask me. He’s your best friend,” you laughed as you opened up Joe’s fridge.
“Uhh, he was your best friend first,” Ja’marr pointed out. 
“Hm, touché,” you smiled while pulling out 3 cans of soda. 
Meanwhile, Joe was standing outside the apartment, his heart getting more and more tired from having to wait to tell you how he felt. It’s like every time he opened his mouth to say something, the universe sent something to stop him. 
Was it the universe that was trying to stop him? But why would the universe be doing that? 
“What the fuck,” Joe sighed as he leaned against the wall and dropped his head. “Why is this so hard,”. 
“No, don’t give up Joe. The universe isn’t doing anything, you just have bad timing. You’ll find time to talk to her. You still have the rest of the day. Just breathe,” his subconscious said. 
So that’s what he did. He took a deep breath, walked back inside, apologized for his attitude, and went about the rest of the afternoon like he didn’t have something poking away at him until Ja’marr left. 
Now, you were finally alone again. You were in his bathroom freshening up and Joe was sitting on his bed, anxiously playing with his wristbands and waiting for you to come out so you could talk. He heard the door open and immediately looked up and saw you stepping out from the steamy bathroom in just a plain white towel, your wet hair falling against your shoulders.
“Sorry, I left my clothes on your nightstand,” you blushed as you walked over to the nightstand next to his bed. 
“Y- You’re good,” Joe gulped, his heart skipping a beat or two while watching you walk around his bedroom in just a towel. 
“I’m almost done and then you can go shower,” you gave him a thumbs up before going back into the bathroom and closing the door again. Joe nodded and then let out the breath he was holding in and cracked his neck, relieving some built-up tension you were creating for him. 
“She’s driving me insane in the best way possible,” Joe thought to himself. You were the only girl who could get him to feel like this, and that should be enough to validate his feelings for you. 
A few minutes later, you came back out in a white short skirt and black tank top, both of which were showing off a little too much skin for Joe’s liking but also making him even more attracted to you than he already was. 
“How do I look?” you asked as you gave him a twirl.
“You look..great,” he smiled (deep down wanting to say that you looked incredibly sexy) as you walked over to your suitcase and pulled out a pair of black-heeled boots. “But don’t you think it’s a little…”.
“Skimpy?” you chuckled. 
“I mean, I guess,” he said while scratching his neck. “It’s just that a lot of dudes around here have wandering eyes and well…”. 
“I’ll be fine. I’ll just pretend you’re my boyfriend,” you stuck your tongue out and teased, his heart stopping for a second because of the word ‘boyfriend’. “Their eyes will be focused on your fists instead of my ass if I call your name,”. 
“That’s…probably true,” he shrugged while he watched you zip your boots up. Nobody wanted to mess with the LSU star quarterback, and surely nobody wanted to mess with his girl. 
“Nice song choice by the way,” you pointed out, humming along to ‘Be My Baby’ by The Ronettes. 
Joe didn’t even realize what song had come on because he was too lost in thought to pay attention to what was going on around him. The fact that the song was about an instant love connection and the girl pining for a particular man was ironic considering it mirrored his situation except the roles were reversed and he was pining for the girl. 
“Our playlist as usual,” he winked, you sent him a warm smile in return. "It's nice to actually listen to it with you here,".
"It doesn't hit the same when we're listening to it alone, does it?" you asked.
"Nope, not even close," he shook his head.
“Check out my new boots,” you said while giving him another twirl, this one was a little unbalanced given that the boots were new and the heel was a little bigger than normal for you. 
“Woah, be careful,” Joe warned as he noticed you almost losing your balance. 
“I’m fineeee,” you twirled again, this time moving closer to Joe who was sitting on the bed. “Shit,” you yelped as the heel got caught in the carpet which caused you to trip, your body crashing down on Joe’s, sending him back against the bed and lying flat with you on top of him. 
“Oops,” you giggled as you lifted your face from Joe’s neck, his arms holding you in place as they were wrapped around your back, your chest pushed up against his, and your legs almost straddling him. 
“See what happens when you wear heels too big?” Joe laughed as he tried to stay calm over the fact that you were on top of him right now. “I thought you would’ve known better considering what happened on your 21st birthday,”.
“Crashed right into the waiter holding a platter filled with shots of Tequila,” you shook your head at the embarrassing memory and looked down on Joe his eyes stuck on your face as if he was lost in thought–which he was.
Once again, Joe was thinking about what he had been wanting to tell you all day. The feeling was only getting stronger as the moments passed by with you, and it was driving him insane. 
“What?” you laughed as you moved his hair out of his eyes, noticing the look in his eyes.
He didn’t say anything and just continued to stare into your eyes, his breathing getting deeper and his heartbeat getting louder. You looked absolutely gorgeous right now and all he wanted to do was kiss your pretty pink lips and forget about everything else around him, but he couldn’t do that until he said those three words to you.
“Joe, what’s wrong?” you said again, this time a little more seriously. 
“Y/N, I-,” he started to say before his phone interrupted you both. 
“I swear to god,” Joe thought to himself as he pulled out his phone from his pocket, his face going from cheery to irritated.
“Who is it?” you asked.
“Justin and Ja’marr. They said they’re hitting up the bar with some friends and asked if we wanted to come with them,” he sighed. 
“But what about dinner? I know you were excited to take me to that new Mexican place,” you pouted. 
“We can go with them if you want. I know you missed seeing everyone and I don’t want to keep you from them. We can grab dinner tomorrow,” he nodded. 
“Are you sure?” you asked as you slowly got off of him and sat down on the bed next to him once he got up. 
“Yeah,” he smiled at you. “I’m just going to take a quick shower and then we can head out,”.
“Okay,” you said while absentmindedly rubbing his hand which sent electric jolts throughout his body. 
He looked down at your hands, you quickly move it away once you realize what you were doing. “S- Sorry,” you blushed, your cheeks heating up as your stomach did a backflip.
“It’s alright,” Joe smiled, placing his hand on yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. 
Joe got up from the bed and grabbed a few things before going into the bathroom, stopping at the sink mirror and staring at himself for a few heartbeats. “Why can’t I just say it,” he whispered to himself.
Were these constant interruptions really from the Universe? It was starting to feel like they were and it was a sign telling him not to tell you, almost like a cue that he should let it happen naturally. 
“Naturally?” Joe whispered to himself. 
“Don’t force it, Joe. If you keep getting interrupted, this might be a sign that you shouldn’t force things between the two of you. This could screw things up with her but if you let everything fall into place on its own you might save this from crashing and burning,” his subconscious mind said. 
Maybe his subconscious mind was right. Maybe he just needed the world to give him the green light. These interruptions were the yellow lights warning him that if he told you how he felt, he might be facing a red light. If you didn’t feel the same way about him your friendship could be ruined and he didn’t ever want that to happen, so waiting might be the best way to go. If you were to bring it up, then he would tell you. But until then, he decided to not mention it again even if it was killing him internally. 
Joe never would have thought a girl could ever drive him so insane. You had the keys to him, the only person who could access his heart and the most intimate parts of him. So much of him depended on you; his happiness, his sanity, his mood. When you smiled, he smiled. When you shined, he shined for you. Your laughter was the best sound he had ever heard and he wanted to hear it for the rest of his life. Every time you talked, he couldn’t focus because all he thought about was how you two should be together. When he sat and watched you break down, he wanted to hold you and tell you that he was never going to leave you like the others did. When you would jump and fall, he wanted you to fall into him. He was all in for you, and he needed you to know it. But maybe the Universe was trying to prevent him from ruining what you two already had. 
Joe looked at himself in the mirror before letting out another exhausted sigh and dropping his face, “What are you doing to me, Y/N,” he whispered to himself before heading into the shower. 
A little later, Joe was freshly showered and had a clear mind for the first time all day and was lacing his shoelaces while you were laser-focused on the episode of SpongeBob that was playing on his TV, almost like you were caught in a trance.
He got up from the bed and grabbed his wallet and phone, slipping both into his pocket before looking over at you. “Y/N, we’re gonna be late,” he softly laughed.
“Shhh, it’s the hash-slinging slasher episode,” you said as you waved him off. 
Joe should have known better to put an episode of SpongeBob on in front of you. You would practically stay glued to the TV until the episode ended, maybe not even getting up after that because you would stay seated for the next episode. This was something you both had in common, no matter how old you two got SpongeBob would be a staple for the two of you. He always admired how you shared some of the same childish interests as him, no other girl being able to match his personality unlike you. 
Joe turned around and grabbed the TV remote, switched the TV off, and then walked in front of the screen and saw your upset face.
“Hey,” you grumbled, crossing your arms like a little child in annoyance. 
“We can finish it later, I promise,” he said, extending his hand out for you to grab and stand up. You stared at him for a few moments, not budging from your seat.
“You know I never break my promises,” Joe lightheartedly added, giving you a charming smile that warms your heart. It was true, he never broke any of the promises he made you. Wether it was sweet and silly like promising to buy you ice cream and call you after his games or serious like promising to never lose the connection you two had once he moved down to Louisiana for football; he always kept them. 
“You do have an excellent track record of living up to your word,” you smiled as you placed your hand in his. 
“And I intend to keep it going,” he said as he pulled you up from the bed.
About 20 minutes later, you made it to the bar and were walking towards the entrance. The loud music vibrated throughout the entire block and the strobe lights peeked through onto the street. “College bars are something else,” you laughed as you looked over at Joe, who was once again seemingly lost in thought. 
“Hey, you alright?” you asked him as you stopped walking, Joe not noticing until a few seconds later and then backtracking to you.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he nodded, his tone and demeanor not reassuring you that he was. 
“Joe, I know you too well to know when something is bugging you. You’ve been lost in a trance at least 4 times today and that’s way more than usual for you,” you said.
“She noticed? She noticed me lost in thought because I was thinking about her?” he thought to himself. 
“Are you bored? Am I boring you?” you giggled. 
“No, No. God, No,” he quickly shut that thought down. 
“Then what is it?” you questioned. 
“It’s nothing,” he brushed off, his secretiveness not sitting well with you. 
“Wait. You’ve been wanting to talk to me about something all day but we kept getting interrupted,” you said as you looked up at him. 
“Yeah..” he slowly nodded, his heartbeat picking up again because of where this was going.
“That’s what’s bothering you, Obviously,” you realized as you smacked your head. “And I kept forgetting that you needed to talk,”.
“It’s not a big deal Y/N,” he nervously laughed as he glanced around and refused to meet your eyes.
“Uhh, yes it is,” you said, moving your head so that his eyes met yours. “We always talk about important things with each other and I don’t want that to stop because of silly interruptions. So before we go with the others and end up getting super trashed and wasted, we should talk. What was it? What did you want to talk about all day?” you said while staring deeply into his eyes which looked like they were hiding something. 
Joe paused for a few seconds, his brain freezing just like his face. This was it. This was his chance to tell you what he had been feeling for years. He could finally tell you how much he liked you which was way more than the normal amount. You were it for him, and now he finally got you alone to tell you.
“This is it, Joe. This is what you’ve been waiting for. Tell her how much you like her and get your girl,” his mind was saying. “This is the universe letting it happen naturally. She brought it up this time, not you,”. 
“I-.....” he opened up his mouth, nothing coming out. 
“What is it?” you nervously chuckled while brushing your fingers over his hand. 
He paused for a few seconds, his heartbreaking before the words came out of his mouth. 
This time instead of his mind and subconscious, his heart spoke up. “It’s not the time,”.
“Never mind,” he forcefully smiled. “It’s not important,”. 
End of flashback 
It was so hard for him to say it to you back then but now it was like a reflex, he almost had a hard time stopping himself from saying it. 
“I love our life,” you giggled as you felt Joe smother you with kisses. 
“And I love you,” he smiled against your cheek. “More than anything in the world,”.
“Even more than you love Pumpkin Pie?”.
“Even more than I love Pumpkin Pie, my Looney Tunes sweatshirt, my gray jeans, and Football,” he said while giving you a loving squeeze.
“Wow, that’s a lot of love,” you raised your eyebrows. All 4 of those are things Joe couldn’t live without.  
“You sound surprised,” Joe laughed. “You’ve had me down bad for you since the first time I saw you,”. 
“Shut up,” you laughed as you turned your head to kiss his cheeks which were turning a little pink because of the cold weather.  “You should probably be getting ready to go to the team hotel,” you said as you looked down at your watch. 
“Mmmm,” he whined as he pulled you closer.
“I know, I know. But they’re going to send out a search party if you don’t make report time,” you giggled as you gently got out of his embrace and stood up, reaching out and pulling him up. “And I should probably head back to my place and get some sleep for tomorrow,”.
Joe looked up at you like you had two heads, the look on his face matching how he felt. “Back to your place? Just stay here,”. 
“At your house? Alone?” you questioned. You hadn’t stayed over at Joe’s place alone before, and truth be told it felt a little weird being there all by yourself even though you were literally moving in with him next month. 
“Correction, our house. And yeah, you’re moving in next month so why not?” he said as he reached out for your hand, helping you up the rocks and back to the trail where the golf cart was parked. It was weird for him to refer to his house as your house as well, the thought not registering in your brain yet.  
“It’s so weird to hear that,” you laughed. 
“Why? Am I that terrible to live with,” Joe said as he slid into the driver's seat.
“The worst,” you grumbled, sliding into the seat next to him with a cheeky grin on your face. 
“Ha Ha, very funny,” he said in the most monotone voice possible. 
“I’m just messing with you,” you said while running your fingers along his arm. “It’s just weird because I would have never expected to hear those words..our house,” you said. “It’s like a fairytale,” you said as you looked at the growing smile on Joe’s face, the smile that would take you to another planet. 
“Things change pretty quickly, don’t they?” he said as he glanced at you. 
“Very quickly,” you said as you leaned your head against his shoulder as he turned on the golf cart and started driving you both back up to the house. “But I'm also very glad they did,”.
“Me too,” he grinned. Joe was truly the happiest he’d ever been in his life at this moment, and it was all because of you. 
A Half-Hour Later 
“Did you get everything you need?” you asked Joe as you spun around on the kitchen barstool you were seated on. 
“Yeah, but I’m still going to come by tomorrow morning so I don’t have a ton to take with me right now,” he smiled as he placed his duffle bag down. 
“You’re not going straight to the stadium?” you asked as you took a bite of the brownies you had made earlier. 
“Nah. I’m gonna come by and then we can drive over together,” he smiled while walking over and grabbing a brownie from the pan. 
“Hmm, I don’t think you’re supposed to be eating that right now,” you said, grabbing his wrist. 
“One brownie won’t hurt,” Joe said, transferring the brownie to his other hand and taking a bite.
“Sweet treats can wait until after the game tomorrow,” you shook your head.
“Oh, trust me. I’ll be getting a sweet treat then too,” he winked at you before moving over to grab his water bottle from the counter.
“Focus, Joe. Focus,” you laughed as you placed your elbows on the kitchen island and your face in your hands, intensely staring at your boyfriend's muscular arms and then his dirty blonde curls that were being controlled by his backward cap.
“What’re you looking at?” Joe asked as he caught your gaze on him.  
“Just admiring you, like usual,” you smiled. 
“Admiring anything in particular?” he asked, placing his elbows down and mirroring your position. 
“Hmm, just your deliciously impressive biceps and your easily pullable hair,” you said as you gave him a heated look. 
“I should get going before this ends up going somewhere else,” he said as he stood up straight. 
“Probably a good idea,” you grinned as you slid off the barstool and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a container of some pumpkin bites you made with the brownies earlier.
“I thought you said no sweet treats?” he said while examining the continents of the container. 
“Well, there’s always a loophole for everything,” you shrugged. “These are healthy pumpkin energy bites. All the goodness of normal pumpkin bites but with healthier add-ins and ingredients,”. 
“You made these just for me?” he grinned as he took the box over to his duffle bag, then carefully placed it inside.
“Mhmmm,” you skip over to him and say. “You can eat them tonight or tomorrow morning. Up to you,”.
“Thank youu,” he said, grabbing your wrist and quickly pulling you into him causing you to bump your head against his chest.
“Mm, Hi,” you quietly laughed as you loop your arms around his neck and look up at him, his arms settling around your lower back with his hands firmly placed on your butt. 
“Hi,” he grinned while nuzzling his nose against yours before leaning in to kiss you, both of you relishing the taste of the chocolate from the brownies on each other’s lips. The kiss quickly became more intense as his hands started sliding up and down your body and the heat between you two increased from how close your bodies were to each other.
“Okay,” you panted while pulling away from the kiss, a dazed smile on your face.
“Focus. We need to focus,” he cutely nodded. 
“I gotta get you out of here,” you laughed while stuffing your face into his neck. 
“I’ll get myself out of here. No need to lift a finger,” he smiled while pressing a kiss to your head. “You just stay here and be Queen of the house,”.
“Bow to my throne you worthless peasant,” you teased in a silly voice.
“Damn, it’s already going to your head,” he raised his eyebrows. 
“I’ll have a crown and a butler by the time you’re back tomorrow morning,” you winked. 
“Okay,” he laughed. “But seriously, act like the Queen. Make yourself at home, this is all yours just as much as it is mine. You can go in any room, sit anywhere, re-arrange my things, do whatever. It’s all yours,”.
“So you don’t care if I sit naked in your office and re-watch hours of game tape of you looking sexy as hell while throwing a football?” you joked while wiggling your eyebrows.
“Nope,” he smiled. “Well, I do care about the naked in my office part. Maybe sit in there fully clothed and then we can do the naked bit after the game if you really want to,” he whispered in your ear. 
“You’re crazy,” you giggled as you looked lovingly into his starry blue eyes.
“Crazy about you,” he said before sealing the statement with a kiss. 
After a few more minutes of kissing and teasing each other, you were standing at the doorstep of the Garage and watching Joe put his stuff into the car. “Remember, call me if you need anything,” he said while opening the driver’s side door. 
“I will,” you smiled. 
“Okay,” he sighed as he quickly jogged over to you. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I love you,” he said before pressing a final kiss to your lips.
“I love you, my perfect boyfriend,” you said while pecking his lips and ruffling his hair.
You watched as he got into the car and backed out of the garage, then gave you a quick wave before closing it and driving off. You turned around and closed the door behind you, letting out a deep breath as you looked around the quiet house, a smile forming on your face once you realized that this was your house now too. You loved this house, you loved your life, and you loved Joe, you just loved everything. There was so much love inside of you for the first time in a long time, and Joe was the one who brought it out. 
An hour later 
You took a quick shower in Joe’s bathroom (now your’s as well) and were now inside the massive closet, searching for another comfy sweatshirt of his to steal. “Hmm, this one should do,” you giggled as you pulled out another one of his many Bengals hoodies and slipped it on, his scent still lingering on the fabric. “Mmm,” you hummed as you brought the collar to your nose.
You were about to walk out of the closet before something caught your eye in the corner, your curiosity spiking as you walked closer to the little stand that he used to keep his cufflinks for his suits, but that wasn’t what caught your eye. What caught your eye were the photos taped to the wall above the stand.
There were 3 photobooth film strips taped to the wall, all of which were of you and Joe. 
“He’s such a teenage girl,” you giggled to yourself as you ran your fingers along the strips. The first one was from when you both went and saw Avengers Infinity War at the movie theater on opening night together back during your Ohio State days–both of you were raging Marvel nerds. The second one was from the Bengals pre-season party from last year–another event he brought you to before you were dating. Both of the photo strips were tied to sweet and flavorful memories until your eyes went to the third photo strip. 
This one was from LSU.
Flashback to 2019 – LSU
“..He told me he loved me, and I thought he m- meant it,” you cried into Joe’s chest. “ Am- Am I not enough?” your voice cracked as the tears fell harder. 
“Y/N you are enough, don’t ever say that,” Joe said as he rubbed your back, pulling you in tighter as you were both sitting on the curb of the parking lot.
“Then why did he go to her? Why did he feel the need to-,” you sobbed, your eyes burning from the amount of tears that were pouring out from your eyes. “As soon as I leave, he goes to her,”. 
You were currently visiting Joe at LSU during your Spring Break and he had brought you to Snappy’s Arcade tonight which was one of his favorite places to go around town. You spent some time playing air hockey and skeeball, shooting some hoops, playing all the old classic arcade games, and even winning a few prizes along the way. You both hit the photo booth per Joe’s request as well, making countless silly poses and memories that would last a lifetime not only in picture form but also in your hearts. You always had the most fun when you were with Joe, all of your worries instantly disappearing once you heard his adorable laughter and saw his comforting smile. Everything was going great until you looked at your phone which was blowing up with messages from your friends, messages you wished you had never read. 
“It’s like he was planning it. The second I’m 14 hours away he pretends like he doesn’t have a girlfriend, washes everything we’d built over the past year down the drain, and goes and does that with her? Knowing how hard it took me to open up to him in the first place because of what happened last time,” you sputtered. “And it’s even more fucked up because he knew how excited I was to come down here and see you,”.
“Y/N…,” Joe said, his heart hurting as you cried harder into his chest. 
“It’s not enough. It’s never enough,” you interrupted, your body shaking as a result of the plethora of emotions you were feeling. “I’m never enough, not for anyone,”. 
Joe felt his heart sink seeing you like this, especially because of a guy. You didn’t deserve to feel like this; unwanted, unloved, not enough. He wanted to mend your broken heart by telling you how extraordinary you were and how you had someone in your life who loved you beyond words and could give you the same love you gave others, but he just couldn’t get himself to tell you the second part—not now. But he could tell you the first. 
“Hey, look at me,” he said as he cupped your cheek and lifted your head to meet his soft eyes. “You’re so much more than you think you are. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you’re not enough. You’re one of the most loving and special people I’ve ever known and you deserve to be treated the same way you treat others, with limitless love. If Ryan can’t do that for you, then screw him,” Joe said as he rubbed your back again to calm you down. 
“Y/N, you deserve the world and more. You’re going to find someone that can give it to you, I promise,” Joe said as he gazed deeply into your red eyes, telling you the same thing you told him a few years ago on that beach. He wanted to be the one that gave you the world, so badly. 
“You’re literally anyone’s dream girl. You’re kind, funny, selfless, beautiful, and can hold a conversation about anything from which flavor of Gatorade is the best to a conversation about Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Epistemology. You’re nerdy as hell but you're also the most football-involved girl I know, which shocked me when we first met considering most girls I know just like football for the eye candy. Anyway, you’ve got the looks, you’ve got the brain, you’ve got the personality, but most importantly you’ve got what’s in there.” he said as he pointed to your heart. “You have so much love inside of you. So much love to offer and show the world. You have it all. You’re more than enough,” he said. 
You looked into his deep blue eyes and could tell his words were genuine, he meant everything he said to you. His eyes always had a way of telling you things he couldn’t say with his mouth, and right now they were telling you many things. “Thank you,” you said as you stuffed your head back into his chest. “I swear you always know exactly what to say to me when I’m upset about something. It’s like you’re incapable of saying the wrong things, I don’t know what I’d do without you,”.
“You won’t have to worry about that. I’m always going to be in your corner,” he smiled as he moved you closer to him, both of you sitting on the curb in silence and just enjoying each other's warmth; his gentle touch soothing your worries. 
“Fruit Punch is the best by the way,” you spoke up a few moments later as you looked up at him.
“Hm?” he asked, a little confused by what you were talking about.
“Gatorade. Fruit Punch is the best,” you giggled.
“You’re insane. It’s obviously Lemon-Lime,” he shook his head as you laughed underneath him, the smile he loved to see coming back onto your face as your tears dried up. 
End of flashback 
You smiled at the end of the bittersweet memory, the one that would normally leave a sour taste in your mouth but didn’t because of Joe. He told you that you’d find someone who could give you the world, and he promised you this.
One thing about Joe, he always kept his promises. 
The person who could give you the world was under your nose the entire time and you had no idea. He was the one that wiped your tears every time you cried, he was the one that made you laugh until your stomach hurt, he was the one that always thought about you, he was the one that truly loved you. He promised you that you’d find that person who could give you the world, and you did.
Joe was the one that could give you the world.
—To be continued—
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edgeray · 2 months
Unknown anon again. I'll figure an emote soon. I guess for know I'll just say uh... ??? anon.
So in the latest dragon Arlecchino fic, reader took a nasty wound yes? And well, medical supplies are hard to come by. So reader gets an infection in the wound and Arlecchino has to find a way to take care of them?
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Dragon Hunter Mother Part 3
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N -  Part 1 | Part 2 Guys. It is what you have been waiting for, the long awaited part 3 of dragon! arle. Hope this doesn't disappoint! Okay, um, wow, hi ??? anon, 🏹 anon, and ©️ anon. Guys, why are 5 of the asks in my inbox dragon-related. 5 separate ppl wanted more dragons. 💀💀 are you guys starved of dragon content? is this what this is? Is this a cry for dragon content? You can tell how late this request is and I really apologize for that. 😭. What's that? More worldbuilding? Unfathomable. Hehe. Tell me what parts of worldbuilding you guys want me to specify / go into into the next part, because there definitely is going to be a part 4 at least.  Content warnings / info - follows part 2's events immediately, arle's pov for the entire time, mentions of injury, sickness, may be medically inaccurate, 3.2k words
You promptly pass out after Arlecchino came to rescue you, the two of you not even registering the intimate gesture that Arlecchino had done in the heat of the moment. 
As soon as you lose consciousness, clinging onto her form, she lays you down, checking for your injuries. Miraculously, you haven't received many injuries: just a shallow cut on your side and a deeper laceration across the length of your forearm. She tears one of your sleeves from your shirt as well as rips the bottom half of your top off to access your wounds. You’re bleeding steadily, and Arlecchino knows that stopping the bleeding is a priority. 
Stripping the apparels of one of the deceased dragon hunters, she ties around the cloth around the wound on your forearm, the one bleeding more heavily, applying pressure to it. Her clawed hands tremble slightly, careful to not nick your skin as she continues her ministrations. The cloth is darkened by the red that seeps into it, and she growls, before searching for another piece of cloth, using that to secure the bleeding. Once she deems that your bleeding is no longer a pressing issue, she carefully lifts you in her arms, traversing by foot to her cave. 
Although there is no difficulty in carrying your weight–her draconic strength still remains in her human form–the journey by foot takes several hours and she has to rely on memory for partway of the trip. It's no help she can not run or leap, not if she wants to risk jolting you awake and disturbing your wounds. Eventually, her children finds her. She instructs Lyney to burn the corpses so that there would be no traces, while Lynette is to search and retrieve your belongings. Freminet leads Arlecchino back to the cave by flying overhead.
Once Arlecchino finally returns, she immediately places you in the nest, bundling the wool mat around your body. Around the second week, you ventured into town, gathering the fleece of animals and placing it along the bed of branches and stones to ‘insulate’ it. While Arlecchino is not aware of what that means, she notices that it made the nest considerably warmer to lay in. 
Lyney and Lynette are already in the cave when you and Arlecchino have arrived. Once she places you down, the two creep up beside you, croaking and cooing in concern as they observe your sleeping form. Lyney perches on your chest, while the other hatchlings nestle between your body and arms, pressing on each side.
Arlecchino observes the sight, her human heart pumping rapidly. Seeing her children curls around you, it's a sight that she can never imagine. She allowed a human close to her, into her home, around her children. She grew attached to a human despite her best efforts. Had it been just two moon cycles ago, she would have never considered the notion, fathom the ability of allowing such, of enjoying a human's presence. 
Not since Crucabena. That despicable woman. It brings her great joy at the memory of burning her alive. She shakes the memories away, focusing back on you. After all, you aren't Crucabena–you aren't like all humans. And perhaps that is exactly why she grew a fondness for you. 
How can she not, however, when you’re the first that doesn't tremble at the sight of her claws, or behave cautiously around her? Perhaps you are a fool, no, she is sure of it, you are a fool who didn't know better. But still… how could she not, when you've fed them, cared for them, protected them when you needn't?
Arlecchino sighs, raising your head tenderly so she can comfortably sit while you lay on her leg. Gingerly, her fingers make her way into your hair, caressing the top of your head. She regards you with a soft gaze. 
How can she not grow attached to the one her little ones call ‘Mother?’ 
Ah, she is having foolish thoughts again. She looks away from you, before falling asleep herself. 
Arlecchino stirs awake as she feels the sun's rays peak through the cave's entrance. She notices your still unconscious form, strange, as you must have been asleep for half a day, if not more. Then, the closer that she examines your body, she notices you tremble relentlessly while panting heavily. Concern immediately spikes through her body, and she none-too-gently shoves Lyney off of you to relieve the pressure on your chest. Lyney protests the movement and harsh awakening with a grunt before turning to your unwell person, croaking and whining pitifully. This agitates the other two hatchlings, and all four dragons surround you. 
Arlecchino leans over you, scrutinizing every muscle twitch in your form. You're ill, that much is clear, but with what, the dragon isn't sure. Illness is practically nonexistent for dragons, unlike other species; there is little that can penetrate a dragon's scales. Even in human form, little harm can come hhr way. Humans, she had learned a century ago, are quite vulnerable and susceptible to nearly anything. And you, you've always seemed so frail and delicate to Arlecchino, even when she knows better compared to human standards. No matter how formidable you were in the face of the other dragon hunters, even you are human. 
Freminet coos as he nudged his head against your head, rough scales against your face but still you don't wake. Arlecchino tries herself to stir you, shaking you by the shoulders, but it's unsuccessful. You don’t wake, and your body seems warmer than it usually is–then for what reason does your body tremor like it does now? 
Arlecchino's heart pumps rapidly, rapid thoughts running across her head. What if you were to never wake? What if you remained this way until you perished? The vivid image of her crying children croaking for their Mother as you lay cold and still gripped her tightly, fueling her with something she hadn't felt in a long time.
“Wake up, human, wake up,” she demands with a foreign desperation, her brows knitted and her teeth clenched. Lynette nips at your arm, a futile attempt. 
“Archons-damn it,” Arlecchino grunts, taking you by the shoulder again before stopping. Her clawed fingers scratch at you lightly, faint red lines across your skin before beads of red manifest from the shallow cuts. The dragon pulls away, her hands turning into fists. How can she help you? She can't, not when she is so ignorant of humans and their bodies. You're not well, and yet she cannot help you.
For a dragon, she has never felt more helpless and weak than she is now. For the first time, she finds herself wishing that she was a human. If she was a human, she would know how to help you. If she was a human, she would know more than how to hurt and destroy. If she were human, then maybe she too would know how to preserve and save life. If she was a human perhaps you wouldn't be like this. If she was human…
She needs another human’s help. The realization comes to her and she stands up immediately. It hurts her more than she would like to admit, resorting to a human's help, but… her pride as a dragon is not worth your life–it never will be. 
Arlecchino tells the children to stay in the cave and watch over you, before she takes off in her dragon form, heading towards the nearby town with a bag of coins in her hand in her claws. She perches at the edge before transforming back into a human, wandering the streets with a cloak to hide her other draconic features and eventually finding the town center. There, she shouts and cries out for a doctor, flailing the bag of coins but no one approaches her. Arlecchino can feel her dignity deplete with every bellow, and her hope draining as more time passes.
Doubt begins to creep up her mind, as she ponders what it’d be like to live without you. She's already so accustomed to your presence, to wake up to your warmth everyday, your brilliant smile, your care towards her and her children. What if Arlecchino can never find help? What if you truly die, and once more her children experience another maternal figure leaving them? What will she do then?  She is not ready to part with you, not just yet. 
Still, despair slowly sinks into her eyes until a figure comes up to her, a small, hooded woman, with long, dark strands of pink-tipped hair, and a white ribbon over her eyes. How the human is able to see is a fleeting thought before she scrutinizes the person, suspicion and reluctance present in her expression. 
“You can help my friend?” Arlecchino questions, though she is in no place to deny help. 
“Of course,” the woman smiles cryptically. “What are your friend's symptoms?” 
“She's breathing heavily, trembling, and feels warmer than she is usually.” 
“Has she received any injury or wound recently?”
“An infection then. That is easy enough to treat. Yes, I can help you. Take me to her,” the woman states, and Arlecchino obliges, as she leads the other woman to the way. 
“She is outside of the village, she lives in the middle of the forest.”
“I suspected that. Guide me.” 
Arlecchino takes the woman to the edge of the town, now at the edge of the forest when the woman stops her. “Well, aren't you going to start flying?” 
The dragon pauses and turns to her, her brows furrowed. Did the human know that she is a dragon? If so, how? Arlecchino made sure to hide all of the signs, hence the cloak. The dragon attempts to hide the shock in her expression.
“What?” Arlecchino gruffs with a bit of edge in her voice.
“You know. Use your wings?” The human suggests, making a hand gesture to emphasize. 
“You know I'm a dragon?” Arlecchino growls, raising a clawed hand to threaten her as she narrows her eyes. If she knows, then she is a danger, a threat. She can endanger her little ones if Arlecchino brings her to her home. Should she kill her? No, she can't kill her now, not when Arlecchino needs her, or needs your life more. 
“Of course, I do,” she answers merely. 
“Then why are you helping me? Do you want to die?” 
“Dragons that's come this far are rare. I believe it's only right to help fellow dragons, no?” 
“You are not human,” Arlecchino says matter-of-factly. 
“No, I am not,” the woman states with a smile. A pink light emanates from her being and blinds Arlecchino, the vibrant outline morphing from that of human-shaped to something ten times larger. Arlecchino steps away, as a large dragon replacing the form of the human, nearly as large as her own dragon form. White scales crisscross her black scales like x's. But most noticeably is that she has four pairs of wings, each one faded from ink to rose color at the ends, the wing bones covered in midnight scales while the flesh of the wings are colored with a similar roseate color to its tips.  
“Let me reintroduce myself,” the dragon says, fuchsia eyes glaring back at Arlecchino. “Call me Columbina. It's nice to see another dragon such as yourself. I promise no harm will come to you or your ‘friend.’ It's more beneficial to make allies with one another rather than enemies, don't you think?”
Arlecchino can practically hear the smirk from her tone, but she knows better than to reject the offer. Arlecchino may be among the most powerful of dragons, but a four-paired-wings dragon is out of her capability. Columbina outmatches her by experience as well as magical ability, and she cannot fight, not when she doesn't know how severe your condition is. What Columbina can benefit from her, she would just have to see, but you need to be treated first. 
“How can I be sure you can truly help me? You may be my elder, but I will not hesitate to strike against you,” Arlecchino snarls.  
“Why don't you just show me to your human companion instead of waving around these useless threats? I swear on the dragon's oath no harm will come to the human or to any of your things.”
The untransformed dragon contemplates on her words before sighing. A dragon's oath is nothing to scoff at; draconic magic binds the swearer to the oath, and if the swearer breaks it, heavy reparations are placed on the dragon. Columbina is serious about not hurting her, though helping her is still in question. Nonetheless, little can be done. Arlecchino reverts back to her dragon form. “Follow me.” 
As the two dragons make their way to the cave, Arlecchino cannot help but prod the other with questions. 
“How do you know how to treat humans? Why were you in the town posing as a human?” 
“A dragon lifestyle can be so dull. We live so animalistically, driven by instincts and basic biology. Why must we degrade ourselves to living as we do when we have the intelligence and consciousness of a human yet none of their weakness? Humans have proven themselves to be interesting. Working as a ‘quack,’ or what the humans tend to call me, has allowed me so many intriguing insights.” 
“You're studying humans?”
“Yes, don't you find such an inferior species quite fascinating?” 
“They are something,” she mutters absentmindedly. Frankly, she doesn't care about the other dragon's maniacal obsession. 
“Their bodies and mind is something I can toy with for years. Humans lie on such a delicate balance of relying on their animalistic features and relying on their intellect and judgment for their survival.”
Arlecchino just nods along. The two finally reach the cave, where the hatchlings greet Arlecchino, clambering over her back and arms. 
“Oh, little ones? How adorable,” Columbina coos, but makes no attempt to approach them. 
“Don't touch them. The human is farther inside,” Arlecchino growls and Columbina follows inside, converting back into her humanoid form. She strolls up to your sleeping form, crouching, and examining your figure. She places a hand on your forehead.
“My, my, my, what a pretty mate you have here. It is no wonder you were so protective.”
Arlecchino halts, her brain freezing as she comprehends her words. Her eyes go wide at her proclamation, and she nearly stammers out her response.“Mate? A human?”
“No? Though, I suppose I assumed wrong. She doesn't have your mark. Though, it makes no sense why you've yet killed her,” Columbina hums, unwrapping the cloth around your arm to look at your wound. “Hm, just as I thought. It's infected.”         
“Is it even possible to mate with a human? We are separate species.”
“Why? Perhaps you are interested in it yourself? Then it makes sense why you are so taken by this human,” the dragon muses, and Arlecchino flushes, shaking her head.  
“No, I was just questioning the plausibility of your suggestion,” the dragon quickly retorts. “Do not state such a preposterous thing.” 
Columbina smiles and turns to Arlecchino. “Well, I guess you are too young to know. It is possible, in fact our ancestry says so. We all originate from the same bloodline at one point, though that is about more than a millennium ago. To put it simply, Our ancestor mated with a human blessed by the Archons, and that is why we are born with magic in our veins, and have our human forms.”             
So it is possible for dragons to mate with humans… still, Arlecchino cannot fathom such a thing. Even in her humanoid form, you still are so small… she shakes her head, ridding of the notion. Mate with you? She has no place of even considering it when there's no intimacy between the two of you anyways.  
Columbina pours some type of translucent liquid over the wound before dabbing some type of fabric into it. She manifests a bottle, opening it and applying the contents over her clawed finger, then rubbing it over the wound. Afterwards, she wraps a clean cloth around your forearm. 
“Come here,” she gestures to Arlecchino. Arlecchino approaches you, and the other dragon passes her a roll of cotton material. “As you must know, humans are quite fragile. Hence, this human became ill because the material around her was dirty. It's important for humans to be as clean as possible, as it's quite easy for them to attract impurities that can harm them internally. Use this to reapply the wrappings every day. Keep it clean.
“Make sure the human is properly hydrated, with warm liquids if possible. Do not be overly concerned with how much she sleeps. Humans use sleep to recover their strength. Keep her in preferable conditions, and make sure she is properly warmed. Do you understand?” 
Arlecchino nods. “She will be fine just like that?” 
“Do you not trust your elder?” 
“I am still wondering if I should trust you. But, I can do nothing else but trust you. Thank you for your assistance.” 
Columbina grins, the same mysterious smile she seems awfully fond of. “Of course. I look forward to meeting you more often. I am glad there are dragons nearby. I'll be off now. I do hope your human stays alive.”
The dragon heads towards the exit, altering into her winged-form before flying off. Arlecchino sighs in relief, her attention towards you. You’ve stopped shivering, it looks like the trio thought to cover you with your jacket. Although you're still warm, your forehead was no longer burning up. 
Arlecchino’s attention is steered away from you when Freminet grazes his body against her leg, before squawking, making his hunger known. Right, she completely forgot about feeding them. She tells the twins to look after you as she and Freminet goes to the nearby river, to collect fish. 
The dragon, in her human form, uses the fishing net just like you taught her, easily catching enough fish for the four of them, before returning back to the cave. As the two dragons return to the cave, they're met with a surprising, but not unwelcome sight. 
“Arlecchino. Freminet,” you greet with a grin, as you're sitting up right in the nest, the twins cuddling up around you as you stroke their heads. Your voice is different, strained and it clearly takes quite a bit of effort from you, but nonetheless, it makes Arlecchino's heart bound. 
Freminet all but drops the bag of fish in his mouth and dashes to you, charing into your stomach as pleased grumbles reverberate through his throat. Meanwhile, Arlecchino makes no rush towards you, simply strutting towards you with a faint smile. Hidden behind her eyes is relief. 
“You're okay,” is all the paternal dragon says. 
You beam brighter. “I will be. I still feel pretty bad, but…” You glance at your bandaged forearm. “I'll be fine because of you.” 
You gesture her closer, snaking out your arm from the hatchling's grasp and extending it out to her. Curiously, Arlecchino places her clawed hand. Intertwining your fingers with hers, you guide her hand towards your face before placing your lips on her knuckles.
“Take this as my sincere thanks, Arlecchino.” 
Arlecchino does not wrench her hand away, instead, scoffing in reply before looking away. Her tail flails behind her frantically, comparable to that of an excited dog. Her cheeks are tinged with red. “Getting better can be your thanks.” 
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estrellami-1 · 3 months
Steddie Week 2024 | Steddie Microfic
July 7th prompt: Free Space - Mystery, Hands, Long, Trade, Exes to Lovers or Getting Back Together, Drunken Confession (aka I combined all the prompts I didn’t use this week) | July prompt: one
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6
Word count: 1,111
No warnings apply
Rated T
@steddie-week | @steddiemicrofic
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It was never a mystery, to Steve, how they got together. How they worked together.
The only mystery is how he managed to let him go—to lose him in a way Steve hadn’t understood until Eddie. Because Nancy was great, she was fantastic, Steve was in love. He doesn’t doubt that. But it never felt like it did with Eddie: low lights in the club, hands on each other’s bodies, open-mouth kisses that really was nothing more than them panting into each other���s mouths—
Stumbling into the bathroom, or into either of their bedrooms, hands in hair and under shirts and unbuckling belts—
Sleepy, slow morning kisses. Breakfast. Holidays.
How did it end?
Steve thinks, remembers fists clenched at sides, red faces, stiff shoulders.
Remembers shouted words, cold shoulders, slammed doors.
Remembers the key left on the kitchen counter.
That had done it, he remembers, he had called Robin, already sobbing, and she was on her bike and halfway there practically before she had hung up the phone. She’d held him as he fell apart on the kitchen tiles.
Then again, when he went to go to bed. Saw the two pillows. Threw one off; it hit the wall, slid down. Had to change the sheets; they smelled too much like him.
It took him a long time—a really long time—to get to the point he’d be okay on his own for more than a couple hours, to the point he could go out to clubs again. Not the same ones he’d gone to, never those, but… he moved on. Kind of.
He knew, and Robin knew, that part of him, at least, would always love Eddie.
It’s why when they’re in a club—a new one they had just found, okay music but better drinks and prospects—and Steve grabs her arm, she looks the direction he is.
He feels like he’s swallowing sandpaper. “His hair is longer.”
“It is.” She pries his fingers off, just so he’s not bruising her anymore, but holds his hand. “What do you want to do about it?”
“I don’t know,” he mutters, watches the way Eddie prowls through the crowd, smirking at people, but still definitely on his way to the bar.
The bar. “I’m gonna get us more drinks,” he says. They both ignore the fact that they’ve barely touched their current glasses.
“Let me know if you need backup.”
“Will do.” He looks at her, for the first time since seeing him, and smiles. “Love you, Robbie.”
She rolls her eyes, but smiles. “Love you, dingus. Go get your man back.”
Steve makes it to the bar before Eddie, asks for whatever is on tap. Looks away at the wall. Can’t watch him walk up. 
“Long Island,” he hears directly beside him, and turns to see Eddie turning to see Steve.
He takes a breath. “Eddie.”
Eddie looks… he looks good, because he always does, but he looks tired, maybe a little thinner. Not… not good, not happy like he was. He swallows. “Steve.”
The bartender hands over their drinks, and Steve takes a sip only to cough. “Sorry, fuck,” he mutters, finally looking at the glass in his hand. He’s got the Long Island, and Eddie’s got his beer.
Eddie’s watching him with an interesting little smile. “Trade?”
“Trade,” Steve agrees, nodding. He coughs again. “God, how do you like that?”
Eddie snickers, pulls a lock of hair over his face. Steve wishes he wouldn’t.
Miraculously, they keep talking. They’re never searching for the next word to make the silence go away because there is no silence.
Eventually Robin comes up to him, pulls him into a hug. “Imma go home with that girl,” she murmurs, pointing behind her. A cute, preppy-looking blonde smiles nervously at Steve. He smiles at her, then back to Robin. “Of course. Call the house, give me the address.” He kisses her forehead. “Have fun.”
“Oh, I will,” she grins, then turns to look at Eddie, eyes narrowed.
Eddie gulps. She grins, scary as anything, and whispers something in his ear that has him paling. “Yuh-yep. Yeah. Got it. Thanks Robin.”
Steve grimaces when she walks away. “What did she say?”
Eddie looks at him for a long minute. “Something I’ve known for a while now,” he eventually murmurs. 
It was inevitable, really, that they would end up back here, hands in hair and under shirts, stumbling into Steve’s apartment, panting into each other’s mouths, trying to undo buckles by memory because the worst thing in the world right now would be to stop kissing.
“God, Steve,” Eddie gasps, pulling him down the hall. “C’mon- c’mon, please, need you, need you-”
“Yeah,” Steve answers against his mouth, just as affected. He’s got his own pants halfway off, thinking about his shirt next, thinking about the lube in the drawer that hasn’t gotten as much action as it used to, and suddenly he aches for it. “Need you inside me,” he mutters, kissing down Eddie’s neck, stopping at a place behind his ear that he knows from experience makes Eddie’s knees weak.
“Fuck,” Eddie chokes out. “Yeah, yeah, c’mon, c’mon baby, lemme in you- lube’s in the drawer?”
Steve opens the drawer in answer, roots around until his fingers close on the bottle. Pushes it into Eddie’s hand, pushes him away so Steve can get naked.
Eddie’s eyes rake along his body. He drops his own pants just as fast, limbs flying as he strips out of his shirt too, clambering onto the bed beside Steve’s hip, eyes wide and fingers shaking as he lubes up.
It’s after, when everything’s cooling and drying and becoming itchy, that Eddie’s breath wobbles. “I shouldn’t,” he mutters into Steve’s shoulder. “Shouldn’t say anything. But hell if I don’t miss you like crazy.”
Steve closes his eyes, tries to keep the tears at bay. “You’re drunk.”
“I had less than one drink.”
The tears win. “We broke up for a reason,” he whispers. “Didn’t we?”
“I was scared,” Eddie says.
“And you’re not now?”
“Only of losing you.”
Steve sobs, can’t help it, but he feels Eddie’s hot tears on his neck, too, and that somehow makes it better.
It’s the next morning, after slow, sleepy kisses and breakfast, that Steve sighs. “I never stopped loving you. I don’t think I can.”
“I don’t think I can, either.”
Steve slowly turns to look at him. “So what does that make us?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I don’t know. All I know is it makes me yours.”
“Yours,” Steve parrots, daring to curl his fingers over Eddie’s, breath hitching when he holds on just as tight. “That sounds pretty damn good to me.”
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kafka-ish · 1 month
part 2 of your latest work? 🙏🏽🙏🏽
part 1!!
To be fair it was Art’s fault really. He was the one who told you to talk to Patrick… or not talk to him. He was the one to suggest you all move in originally… But he didn’t know you’d take it the wrong way. He should’ve been more blunt, stated things more clearly. But it’s too late. Now he has two roommates who walk around the house practically naked because he started it.
And it’s not like it starts out that way. First you’re just wearing Patrick’s shirts. He doesn’t catch on what you’re doing until he’s missing a few of his band tees in the pile he keeps on the floor. It’s not long until he sees where they’ve gone to. He catches you in the living room watching the news and he just stands in the hall, smirking.
“Is that my shirt?” He asks one day.
“Is it? I never see you wearing one.”
“Funny. Give it back now.”
“No, Patrick. I washed it.”
“I bought it.”
“No, Patrick. Your dad bought it.” God you get under his skin. He wants to rip his shirt off that you have on but you’re already walking away.
You don't hate Patrick you just hate how entitled he is. You hate that he's just there... kind of like a fly on the wall or a mascara stain. Just won't go away. Always hogging the couch either spread out or laying down. Always facetiming his girlfriend loudly, not bothering to go in the other room or put in earphones. And it's not regular conversation. They're always arguing. Patrick, are you smoking again? No, he says, slipping his vape into his sleeve, ghosting the hit he just took. Mainly, you hate his dad's bank account. You wish he'd get cut off, or at least get a part time job. You tell him the mall's hiring and don't worry, macy's hires felons.
"I'm not a--"
"Well there was that one time," Art says, now that he thinks about it.
"Okay but it wasn't like I was arrested."
It's summer and the ac isn't working. Maybe that's what started it. You lounging around in strappy bikinis all day to get back at Patrick.
"I'm going to the beach later, I just wanted to get ready."
"Yeah, sure. Later was five hours ago."
"Patrick, please. It's so hot. It's killing me." It's killing him too. You’re stretched out on the couch. You finally have it to yourself. Sweat beads from your forehead. Your neck. Your collarbone onto your chest. Patrick watches this while Nancy Pelosi talks about the affirmative action movement.
“What’s with you and politics?”
“Some of our lives actually depend on it.” You look at Patrick. It’s such a pity. He has such a great face yet nothing good to say.
One day you actually do go to the beach. You need someone to apply your sunscreen and Art would normally do it but he’s out, playing tennis or with his friends. You have to ask Patrick. Any other day, you'd mind, but it's 110 outside, hotter in the house. Feels like you're on the sun. Besides, you want to catch a tan and lately you like how predictable Patrick is. You always know where he is. He keeps people from breaking in.
"Can you get my back?" you ask, turning around for him.
"Gave your servant the day off?" He's referring to Art. Nonetheless, he stands up. Starts with your shoulders. His calloused hands rub the lotion in like he's giving you a massage.
"Figured he deserves one." Patrick chuckles. At least you can see the bias his own best friend has for you too. His hands get lower and it takes everything you have to not fall into him. "Finally going to the beach? Not just here to tease me?"
"Your hands aren't the only thing that need watching. God, you're such a perv."
"C'mon, you're just mad 'cause you've never been touched there." He starts playing with one of the strings before you can pull away. You reach in your purse, pull out a mini linen dress. Slip it on and get some satisfaction out of depriving Patrick of something. Make a jab about how you're covering up so you won't have to worry about getting taken advantage of by guys like him. He says something like, "just because I have a big dick doesn't mean I am one."
"Just ask your dad to pay for the ac."
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pitchsidestories · 11 months
Alex Scott's daughter (2) II Leah Williamson x Reader
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"The feeling that I'm losing her forever And without really entering her world I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter That funny little girl Slipping through my fingers all the time I try to capture every minute." ~ ABBA, Slipping Through My Fingers
part 1 I arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1899
Thanks for your lovely feedback on part 1. We hope you enjoy part two aswell and what a better day to upload the oneshot when on Alex Scott birthday. ❤️
Alex Scott was buzzing with excitement. Even though she was the one who would stay at home tonight. She leaned at the bathroom door and watched you get ready in the mirror. Once again, she announced; “This is so exciting.“ “Mum, calm down. I’m just Leahs plus one at an event.“, you rolled your eyes with a slight smile because to be honest, it was kind of adorable. “Still!“, she replied. With a sigh, you gave up brushing your hair and turned to your mum; “Will you help me get ready?“ She seemed genuinely surprised but also very flattered by your request; “Do you want me to?“ “Yes, please. You always look so beautiful.“, you replied, handing her the brush. “
Aw, thank you, dear. Let me start with your hair.“, she smiled brightly and moved you to the edge of the bath tub, so you could sit while she did your hair. “Thanks.“ “Sit still.“, she reminded you with feigned sternness. “Fine.“, you gave in and let your mum brush your hair in peace. After a while of enjoyable silence, Alex gazed at the clock; “So, when is Leah going to pick you up?“ “In an hour. Thats enough time, right?“, you answered, trying to keep the nervousness out of your voice. Pensively, she tilted her head to the side; “Maybe. Do you have your outfit planned?“ “I thought about wearing a dress.“, you stated. From the reflection in the mirror you could see your mums eyes start to sparkle; “Which colour?“ “Black.“ She nodded once, satisfied with your choice; “Alright, that’s good. That leaves us some options for the make up.“ “Leah will wear a beige suit if that helps.“, you added, laughing as your mum grimaced. “It doesn’t. I want to make you look good, not her.“
Your laughter got quieted by Alex, pulling your hair into a tight bun on top of your head; “Ouch.“ “Stop whining.“ “That hurts more than crashing into Jen in training!“, you complained with a grin. The former football player kept pulling on your hair; “Oh please.“ “True story.“ “It’s not true.“, she replied as she took your chin and pulled out two strands to frame your face. Satisfied she examined her work, while you crossed your arms in front of your chest; “It’s!“ “Beauty is pain.“, your mum stated amused and started to apply your make up. “But you always make it look so easy.“
When it was finally time for you to put your black dress on you felt the look of the older woman looking moved by the way you looked tonight. Still, you could not help yourself, bit your lip and asked innocently:” What do you think? How do I look?” “You look gorgeous.”, Alex kissed your cheek carefully, so she did not ruin the makeup underneath. Gratefully you pressed her hand, and you hoped the brunette would feel what you tried to express: “Thanks for your help.” “I’m a little bit sad.”, the former football player confessed smiling. Indeed, you caught her swiping away a tear. Noticing this, you felt your throat tightening: “Oh no, why?” “That you’re going somewhere with Leah but not with me.”, Alex told you. Empathetically you stroked her arm: “Oh mum.” “I think Leah’s here.”, your mum changed the subject, on her lips a brave smile.
Excited Leah turned to one of her oldest friends: “Hi, is she ready?” “Yes. Come on, dear, your date’s here.”, the older woman turned to you. From the bathroom you shouted: “Coming!” In a minute you were standing in front of them: “Lee, you look gorgeous.”  The blonde defender was looking stunned at you:” What? Oh, thanks, so do you.” The arsenal player was used to getting compliments, but your look made her breathless.  “Stop drooling for my daughter, Leah!”, Alex mocked her. Even that did not stop Leah from pointing out:“ Look how beautiful she looks.” “Yes, I helped her, can’t believe that’s my baby!”, the former player squeaked.
Embarrassed you searched for your girlfriend’s hand: “Mum! Leah, it’s time to go.” “Yes, come on, we can’t be late.”, she agreed much to your relief. Happily you waved at the tv sports presenter:“Bye Mum.” “I’ll have her home by midnight. Promise.”, Leah said to her friend. Jokingly Alex replied:” I hope so.” “Bye Alex.”
Before you two were out of the door your mum yelled: “By the way she can stay past midnight too that would make me personally very proud.” As you got into the car, your cheeks were red: “Typical Mum.” “I wasn’t planning on getting you home before midnight anyway.”, the blonde confessed smirking. A cheeky grin appeared on your lips:“You did not hmm?” “No, I lied.”, the defender chuckled. Winking you told her:“Yeah but you were very convincing in the role as the respectable boyfriend.”“Yeah, I’m good at that.“, Leah laughed, hinting at the time a magazine mistook her for Alex’ boyfriend. “You are.“, you agreed, grinning.
As you realized that the cars in front of you had started to slow done, you nervously checked the time on your phone: “Do you think we should park somewhere here and walk the rest? We might be faster that way.“ “Why not stay in here? I think we’ll find something to do in the meantime.“, Leah smirked, sliding one hand on your bare knee. Laughing, you pushed her off of you; “Babe, we Lionesses have to present an award. We cannot not come.“ “Not our fault that we’re stuck in traffic.“, she replied, blinking innocently at you. “You can do anything you want later.“, you promised her with a wink. You leaned over to your girlfriend and kissed her passionately as you finally reached your destination. You both got out of the car.
Grabbing Leahs hand, you started to jog to the event. “We’ll just get you another run in on your road to recovery.“, you laughed. A little out of breath, you arrived right on time. Before stepping on the red carpet together, your girlfriend stopped you; “Wait!“ “Alright?“, you turned to her in surprise. The defender silently wiped a bit of your lipstick away that had smudged during the kiss. She gave you a short nod; “Ready?“ “Ready.“, you answered. “Let’s go then.“, Leah took your hand but you did not move. “Lee?“ “Yes?“ “Are you sure you want to be seen with me?“
The blonde football player immediately turned around, searching for your eyes; “I asked you to come with me, so yes. I am sure.“ You took a deep breath, sighing as you breathed out; “Okay.“ “Are you ready?“, she asked, furrowing her brows in worry. “I am.“, you confirmed, feeling your confidence slowly coming back. Leah smiled softly at you; “Let’s go then.“ Holding hands, you walked down the red carpet. Leah continued to tightly squeeze your hand for reassurance.
A journalist suddenly caught your attention, yelling the score of the Arsenal men game to your girlfriend; “Leah, Arsenal won!“ “Are you joking? Arsenal?“, she repeated excitedly. Turning to you, she asked; “Did you hear that?!“ “I did!“, you grinned, happier about Leahs enthusiasm then about the actual score.“That’s amazing.”, the defender couldn’t stop raving about it. “Oh yes.” “So proud of the boys.”, Leah hummed. Solemnly you promised her:“ Same. On the weekend we’ll win against villa too.” “Of course.”, the blonde grinned. “Promised.” Proudly Leah beamed at you: “I know you’ll.” To seal that promise you kissed her before saying:” Let’s go inside, shall we?” “Yes. We’re already late.”
It seems to be a reoccurring theme in the Scott family to run late. The matchday on Sunday was finally here and Leah and Alex were on their way to watch the game in the stands. “Shit, Lee, we need to hurry up. My girl is in the starting line!”, the former player swore loudly. Amused by one of her best friends the blonde replied:” And you’d be okay with being late if she wasn’t?” “No, but it might help us to get faster through the crowd.”, the brunette winked at her. Sceptical the England skipper replied: “Sure Alex.”
Despite her scepticism the words of the sports presenter helped them to get through the crowd faster. Satisfied Alex turned her head to the still playing Arsenal defender: “See? It works!” “Just sit down and watch the game.”, Leah answered with an eye roll. “Oh come on, can’t you admit that it helped us to get to our seats faster?” “Shh, they’re playing North London forever.”, the blonde whispered before starting to sing the song along with thousands of fans which made the usually calm and collected person she was turn into an emotional mess. Laughing the older woman apologized:“Sorry, nerd.” “As if you were any better.”, the younger defender commented giggling. Football was the way the friends had originally met and it still was one of the things they loved to share the most together. “I didn’t say I’m not one. The game is on.”
“I’m so nervous!”, Leah confessed, already biting her lip from the anticipation and excitement she felt. “Did you see that?”, the brunette cheered. Happily the blonde shouted:“Yes, girls!” As the Arsenal players on and off the pitch were celebrating their goal against villa in a full emirate’s stadium. A bright smile appeared on Alex’s lips: “That was amazing.” “Right?”, the England skipper asked, still feeling the rush of excitement as if she was on the pitch with her teammates who meant so much to her. In the second half it got even better for Arsenal as you scored an absolute banger of a goal much to the joy of the two women who were so dear to you. “Oh my god, she scored, Lee.”, the tv presenter told your girlfriend visibly thrilled.
“And what a goal!“, Leah gushed, barely able to stay in her seat. “It was stunning.“ Pointing down to you, your girlfriend laughed; “She can’t even believe it.“ Alex watched your surprised expression turn into a bright smile as you caught your team mates in a group hug; “To be fair, it doesn’t happen often to a defender as we know.“ “But if we score, we do it right.“, Leah added. Alex nodded along; “True though.“ When the game ended, Leah pushed out of her seat; “We have to celebrate with her.“ Alex followed suit; “Definitely.“
The two caught you as you left the pitch. “Mum, Lee, did you see that?“, you asked still in disbelief, your cheeks almost hurting from smiling. Alex pulled you into a tight hug, blowing a kiss on your temple; “You were so good tonight.“ “Your goal was amazing!“, Leah agreed, once your mum let go of you. Casually, she slipped a hand beneath your jawline and pulled you in for a kiss. You could have stayed in the moment forever, but the kiss was interrupted by Alex grimacing; “Ew!“ Leah rolled her eyes and you only gave a half-apologetic smile; “Sorry, mum.“ “No, it’s okay. I’m just joking.“, she replied, waving her hand for you two to go on. Instead, your girlfriend put her arm around you and looked at Alex; “Come on, girls. It’s time to celebrate.“ Happily, you let her pull you with her.
This night was about to be perfect. Not only did you score the game-winning goal but you also had your two favourite people with you.
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eastsunbum · 3 months
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pairing: stranger!matt x reader
summary : in which you and Matt had met as kids on a vacation, but lived too far away from each other. But some string pulled you together later on in life .
warnings : underage drinking
part 1.
⤑ summer 2022
“I’m so happy you agreed to come to this party with me, I can’t deal with these fake influencers alone.” Isabel laughed while straightening my hair.
“You know I’d never miss a chance to go to a party. Plus who knows maybe I’ll find a mega hottie.” I replied causing us both to giggle.
I applied lipgloss before shoving it into my bag and going to pick out an outfit.
“What happened to that guy in your comments, matt isn’t it? He might be there tonight.” She gave me a knowing look while strapping her heels.
“Wait really?” My head whipped over into her direction.
“I think he and his brothers were invited, maybe you two will hit it off.”
“Don’t be crazy belly, he’s like famous now.”
Ultimately I decided on a black lacy mini shirt, and black tube top paired with black heels.
“So how do I look.” I asked belly shoving my belongings in my bag.
“Holy shit you look hot.” I giggled and pulled out my phone.
“Ok our ubers like here so we should go.”
We’d arrived at the party about an hour ago and drinks were already flowing, music was blaring and chatter filled everyone’s ear.
“Bells I’ll be back I’m going to refill my drink.” I yelled to her over the music before making my way over to the drink station.
“Now what type of drink is that?” I heard someone say to my behind me.
“Acid in a cup-“ I giggled and turned around to face whoever was talking to me.
“Matt?!” My eyes practically popped out of my head when I saw the brunette boy infront of me.
“Hi Y/N.” His smile was as bright as I remember, blue eyes like glaciers, the only thing that changed was his now brunette hair was blonde.
“You look..wow. Like respectfully really hot.” My mouth spoke before my mind, but that happens every time i’m intoxicated.
“I could say the same thing about you.” He smirked down at me.
He looked around before setting on me again.
“Wanna go outside, there’s a fire and it’s way less stuffy.” He finished with a laugh.
The rest of the night I had spent my time with Matt. There was never a moment where we weren’t by each other’s sides.
“So you really don’t drink?” I questioned taking a swig of water.
“18 almost 19 years sober.” He winked at me.
“Y/N I really need to go home.” bells exclaimed grabbing my arm.
“Oh um ok, sorry matt I have to go.”
I gave him a saddening look before I was pulled away by my friend.
“Wait!” I felt a hand on now my other wrist causing me to stop.
“Can I get your number before you disappear for another 15 years.” Matt quickly pulled out his phone.
I bit back a smile while nodding, typing my number into his phone.
⤑ summer 2023
“Happy one year Matty!” I exclaimed entering his room a big smile placed on my face.
“How are you so energetic in the morning.” He groaned and pulled me down to lay with him.
“Matt it’s 11:30.” I giggled and brushed stray hairs out of his face.
He sighed while just staring at me.
“What’s are your mind?” I questioned running my fingers through his hair.
“I think I’m ready..” My eyebrows furrowed,
“For the day? Matt i’m a little con-
“No, no. I’m ready to announce us. I know it took a long time but I think no I know I’m-
I cut him off my placing my lips on his gently.
“I love you Matt.”
“I love you my girl.”
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liked by yourusername and 734,209 others
matthewsturniolo happy 1 year to my first kiss, the girl that’s my other half, she’s the funniest, most caring and gorgeous girl. thankful for that invisible string that brought us back together,
…view comments
yourusername im not crying you are
matthewsturniolo i can confirm she is crying
user omggg we all called ittt
nicolassturniolo we like y/n more than you matt
user my parents
user she’s probably using him
user if she was using him they wouldn’t have been together for a year…
ok so this is the last part, i wasn’t even gonna make a pt 2 but after all the requests i decided too
thank you all so much for the support on invisible string, i never expected any of it. i didn’t even think it was that good so all the support really meant a lot
i hope you guys like this
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moonlits-ocean · 8 months
Long Way Home [Part X]
[Azriel x Reader fanfic]
Synopsis: Y/n is the daughter of a healer in the city of Velaris. After a small incident, she moves to the House of the Wind to work for the High Lord, Rhysand. Everyone in the house seems to welcome her except Azriel, the second in command. Even though he is just blankly polite and does not acknowledge her much, she can't help but fall for him. Does Azriel return her feelings or remain unfeelingly aloof?
Read Part 1 here. Read Part 7 here.
Read Part 2 here. Read Part 8 here.
Read Part 3 here. Read Part 9 here.
Read Part 4 here.
Read Part 5 here.
Read Part 6 here.
Part X
My father had taught me that most illnesses could be broadly classified into two: diseases that had a tendency to spread, and the diseases that did not. 
While treating a patient with a spreadable illness, there was a high risk of the caretaker getting ill. To combat this, we had made some discoveries like: covering the nose and mouth while in contact with the patient, washing hands with soap frequently and general personal hygiene. It didn't make the caretaker infallible, but it did lessen the risk of spreading. 
Azriel didn't have a cold or any other illness that spread, so I was pretty safe from that. He had an unusually high temperature paired with aches, dizziness, tiredness, and a minor stomach issue. 
Rhys and Cassian winnowed Azriel to my bedroom and I helped them get him under the covers. Father had fetched a couple of bags of his clothing and other supplies which I'd need. They promised to visit frequently and left. 
I sat beside him on the bed, tears threatening to spill over again as I took him in. His skin had lost its colour, his wings looked limp and he was murmuring deliriously as we settled him in. Now he looked like he was in some kind of fitful sleep, his arms and torso jerking now and then. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, sending waves of reassurance through the bond. His body instantly relaxed and the jerking stopped. 
I let him sleep until I finished making lunch, consisting of steaming vegetable broth which was both light on the stomach and masked the taste of the bitter medicine he had to take. I toasted some bread for myself and took a tray upstairs. 
When I gently woke him up to eat, he had trouble staying conscious at first, but when he figured out that it was me, he fought hard to stay awake. I cradled his head against my collarbone and fed him the broth from a small bowl. He hadn't eaten in days, and I didn't want him to throw up the food. I let him lie back down after wiping his mouth with the hem of the shirt I was wearing. Then, I placed a cold compress on his head to ease some of the temperature.
The medicine started working after a few hours. His body started sweating and the temperature reduced to a manageable level. It was just as Cassian had said: it was quickly healable illness, but it had come to this level because he refused any medicine. I gently wiped the sweat away with a damp cloth, then applied a soothing balm to help restore some moisture to his dried skin and lips. 
As the sun dipped in the west, the villa's magic lit the candles and sconces for light. Azriel's ever present shadows weren't there, and his beautiful wings looked brittle and fragile in the candlelight. 
His temperature rose a bit, though not to the previous unmanageable state. After I made him have another bowl of the medicine spiked broth, I stayed up all night trying to keep him cool with damp cloths and cold compresses. Throughout the night, there were a few times when he seemed to have awoken, but it was just his delirium talking. He was far more relaxed now, and I stayed beside him and held his hand as he mumbled my name. 
I was waiting for the fever to break, which might help him return to proper consciousness. I kept a careful watch to make sure it was reducing and there were no sudden spikes in his temperature. 
Somewhere in middle, he also had a nightmare, I think. I couldn't get him to wake up, so I held his hand physically and also reached out through the bond. 
Finally, the fever broke on the cusp of dawn, just as the morning birds were getting ready to herald a new day. His nightmare also seemed to have eased, and he was now calm. I had the sensation that he had reached out to me through our mating bond, as we were holding each both mentally and physically. 
After another round of wiping sweat, I laid down next to him for a quick nap before breakfast. I had to take care of myself too to take care of my sick mate properly. 
My body was tired from the all the work, and the nap turned into two hours of sleep. The morning sunlight was spilling through the open French windows when I opened my eyes. Cassian, Rhys, and my father were on the other side of the bed, and Azriel seemed to be awake. He was propped by pillows and talking to my father in low tones. 
They stopped talking and turned to me when I sat up and stretched. Azriel looked better now, not like a dead body as I had seen him yesterday. His eyes showed apprehension as he watched me. 
I merely stood up and walked to the door. There was a long conversation to be had, but first, Azriel had to get healthy. It could wait until that. 
"I'm making breakfast, hope you three will stay for that," I nodded at the others and made my way downstairs. 
I made some savoury vegetable oats, buttered toast and put the kettle to boil water for tea. Rhys, Cassian and father made their way down just as I was finishing up. They looked a bit suspicious to me, glancing at each other and then telling me that they'll serve themselves, and I should go just ahead and take a plate to Azriel. 
They wanted us to talk and clear it out. Sighing, I carried a tray upstairs. 
Azriel was lying back down when those three had left, but he raised his head at my entrance. When he noticed it was me, he started to push himself upright. I moved to help arrange the pillows behind his back so he was comfortable and sat down next to him. 
His body was still weak, and his hands trembled, so I fed him the food I had brought. 
"How are you feeling?" I asked after a couple of spoons. 
Instead of answering the question, he looked me directly in the eyes. "From the first time I saw you, I haven't had a proper night's sleep."
I exhaled audibly, returning the spoon to the bowl and waiting for him to go on. 
"You were alone and nervous during Rhys's treatment without your father present. But still, you never showed it on your face and saved him. And when you shifted to the House, you were a ray of sunshine that brought a smile to everyone's face."
I looked away from his intense gaze. "Never on your face, though."
"You've made me smile and laugh so many times that I've lost count."
I wasn't buying it, and raised an eyebrow at him. "Really? And somehow I happened to not see even one of those alleged smiles?"
He replied to this statement with a goddamn smile. 
I wasn't amused. I wanted to smash the bowl I was holding into his face.
I reined in my rising anger. Maybe I wasn't ready for this conversation yet. I needed more time to sort out my thoughts. 
I shoved another spoonful of oats into his mouth before he could say another word. Placing the bowl back on the tray, I pushed it onto his lap and stood up. He could eat on his own. 
"Finish eating and take rest," I started towards the door. 
"Y/n, please, wait. Listen to me—"
I whirled on him so fast that he instantly stopped. "Say another word and I'll poison your next meal and shove it down your throat. You can't just ignore me for months, giving uninterested replies to my attempts at conversation, then reject me when we found out that we were mates. As if that wasn't enough, you have the fucking audacity to FALL SICK AND HAVE ME TAKE CARE OF YOU! JUST FUCKING SHUT UP AND LET ME BE!"
I banged the door shut behind me and stomped down the stairs, breathing heavily from my outburst. 
Rhys, Cassian and my father were at the base of the stairs, trying to eavesdrop on our conversation, I guess. They scattered like mice when they saw my murderous expression. Rhys started wiping down the table, Cassian was furiously scrubbing at the dishes and father was straightening things up. 
I was amused at Rhys and Cassian. Never thought the High Lord and his commander would be doing a domestic chore in my house out of fear. 
Fetching a bowl from a cabinet, I scooped some food in it and sat down at the table after Rhys was done. I set the bowl down hard enough to make the table rattle. The anger was still present. They all started inching towards the front door. 
"You're welcome to my house anytime," I said in a low, controlled voice, making them stand still. "But the next time you even attempt to patch things up between me and Azriel, I'll poison your food and turn your dead bodies into compost for my fruit orchard. And that includes you, father."
They all nodded wordlessly and tripped over each other trying to hurry outside. 
Good thing to know that my anger rattled even the best of the High Lords in Prythian.
@kalulakunundrum @thelov3lybookworm @hnyclover @impossibelle @sourapplex @brujitafantomatico @venuseuripedis @darling006 @fightmedraco @lees-chaotic-brain @thesunloveschips
Read Part 11 here.
This fanfic can also be found in Wattpad, along with other exclusive parts like playlists and pictures. Here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358573037-long-way-home
Happy reading! <3
[Thank you for your patience as I know I was late in uploading these parts. I love you all very much <3]
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Here we go y'all, my 200th Ruben Dias fic!!! 🎉🎉🎉
This is a 10 part series where all chapters will be available on my Wattpad, Tumblr, and Patreon for free!
Three chapters will be released weekly where my members on Patreon will have access to all three chapters right away. However, parts 1, 2, and 3 will be available for all right away!
Now...without further ado I give you:
Ruben Dias x Reader - Summer Fling Part 1/10
Part 2 Part 3
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Summary - Reader has landed a research job at a marine biology lab in Portugal. She is, therefore, staying with her sister and her sister's Portuguese boyfriend for the summer holidays. There, she meets Ruben Dias, who is on vacation with his friends after the 2024 Euros. However, the two meet under the circumstances in which Ruben believes that Reader is a prostitute.
Enjoy! ☀️
Your flight from Sydney, Australia, to Faro, Portugal, took 27 hours and 35 minutes. Yet, your jet lag from that flight lasted twice as many hours, including two bottles of melatonin drops.
"Does that stuff even work?" Your sister asked, as you unwillingly got up and out of bed to endure another nightly dose. She was occupying the bathroom upon your entry, doing her makeup, preparing for yet another night out.
"I don't know Maki, you tell me." You hissed. "It says here on the bottle that this stuff is supposed to help me fall asleep, but here I am talking to you."
"Gee, Y/N. It was just a question."
"Well, no more of those. I need to get my sleep schedule back before I start work this summer."
It wasn't by choice that you applied to a Portuguese marine biology lab to do your international research. Your sister has been living in the country for three years, as another one of her schemes to piss off your parents. Moving in with her for the summer meant free housing, a blessing for a broke student like yourself.
"Relax Y/N, you're not starting work for another week. How about you take this time to enjoy your stay here in Portugal, you know, have a bit of fun?"
"And how exactly will I do that?"
"Come with us to Albufeira."
"Yes, Diogo and I."
Diogo was your sister's infamous boyfriend. He was infamous for the plethora of times that he had broken up with her, only to beg for her forgiveness days later. And as always, your sister would eat it up, taking Diogo back in a heartbeat.
"He's the love of my life Y/N, get over yourself. '' She said, seeing the grimace you pulled. "Besides, he's got a job that pays well, and that's all I've ever wanted in a man."
"Wow, way to be pretentious, Maki."
"I don't even know what that means. But what I do know is that you're coming with us to Albufeira."
"No. I refuse."
"Come on, Y/N. I told mom and dad that I was looking after you this summer."
"No, I told mom and dad that I was looking after YOU this summer."
She shrugged. "Same thing."
"It's really not." 
"Yes, it is. It means that we need to stick together, through thick and thin." Your sister brought up her hand, urging you to pinky swear. You rolled your eyes but did not leave her hanging. "Through thick and thin." You nodded.
"Great!" She squealed. "Now....do you own a pair of G-strings?"
"What, no. Why would you even ask me that?"
"We're going to Albufeira baby. It's basically the Ibiza of Portugal."
"We're gonna have so much fun!"
"Yay." You sighed, longing for the ability to sleep again. 
Part 2 Part 3
66 notes · View notes
(Sequel of Feast)
Pairing: Vampire!Hozier x reader
Word Count: 7,629
Warnings: vampire au, language, blood, blood sucking (a little), fatigue, dizziness, fainting, masturbation, fingering, penetration (same reader as in Feast, so same characteristics apply)
Summary: After your passionate night with Andrew, you wake in his bed. And with you a multitude of feelings that lead you to question the unusual nature of your relationship.
A/N: Here we go again, Feast Part 2. The story did not really feel finished after Part 1, it still doesn't, but I can rest my head a lot easier after writing this continuation.
Picture found on Pinterest, edited by me
If you enjoy my story, liking is great, but leaving a comment or reblogging is the stuff that keeps me going. No permission is given to copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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 Andrew did not dare to move in his wingback by the window. He could sense that you were getting closer and closer to reality again with every soft breath, and still he did not want to wake you. You needed all the rest you could get. But there was this other desire inside of him as well. A desire that even forbade him to blink. For more selfish reasons though. Because the moment you would open those magnificent eyes, he could not afford to miss it. And it would tell him everything he needed to know. 
But when it finally came, he was not prepared at all. Slowly you began to stir, your eyelids fluttering as you rolled onto your back with a sigh. The sheets drifted the slightest inch down your body, catching his attention in a heartbeat. It was not much he could see, only a vague hint of the two globes that awaited underneath, barely perceptible, and yet it was enough to make him almost miss the moment he had been waiting for all day as memories came rushing back to him. So soft, so pliable, as they had pressed against his palms, eager for his caress. And those hardened buds, he would never forget how they had tasted, how they had felt against his tongue, between his teeth. 
And as if you had been listening in on his thoughts, he watched them grow underneath the pristine sheets, the most enticing moan leaving your lips as you stretched your limbs and readied yourself to leave the world of dreams. He felt dreadful, abominable for wanting you this much when this, you, in this almost comatose state, was the very result of the same greed that was taking hold of him right now. 
But all of that was drowned out in an instant when your lids finally fell open, a pair of drowsy, dull eyes finding him immediately. He had feared this moment as much as he had awaited it, and your smile, so placid, so warm and affectionate was so much more than he could ever have hoped for. Actually, to him it had been the most unlikely of all the scenarios that had played out in his head. It was almost painful, downright blasphemous when your eyes fell away to take in your surroundings. For the first time, since you had been completely gone when he had carried you here.
“You have a bed?”
You were teasing, also something he had not expected from someone who had slept for almost twenty-four hours. Still he found himself chuckling.
“Only for guests. My coffin is actually next door.” 
“I knew it.”
Gosh, you were too sweet for your own good. Just lying there, snickering softly about his stupid joke, and when your hand reached out for him, he let himself glide out of his chair, and found himself on his knees instead, right beside your bed, your hand firmly clutched in both of his. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Hm.” He took a moment, his lips finding your knuckles. He had expected your fatigue, it was normal, to a point. As long as there were no other signs of hypovolemia. “Are you nauseous, too?”
“No, just very, very hungry.” Thank the heavens, he thought. Maybe he had not taken quite as much as he had feared. Or you were an exceptional fighter. It would not surprise him if that were the case. “How long did I sleep?”
“Almost a full day.”
And there it was again, the suffocating guilt. He had betrayed your trust, violated the sacred nature of your transaction, and he would never forgive himself for it.
“I am so sorry. I’ll explain everything to you, I promise.” He pressed another kiss to your hand, and then he stood. “But now you need to eat.” And with that he made his way over to the door. “There are some clothes for you,” he nodded towards the bedside table before he lifted his arm to point to the wall across the room, “And you’ll find the bathroom through that door.”
“Clothes?” you mumbled, but he was already gone. Where the hell had he gotten those? You were still frowning as you reached for the bundle and pulled it into your lap. Blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Were those his clothes? But when you unfolded the shirt and revealed the black lingerie that had been carefully hidden away, you were pretty sure that those were definitely not his clothes. Did he have them on the ready then? Always a spare set of jeans and a shirt at hand. That did probably come in very handy with a flock of women frequenting this bed. Especially for the passionate nights, when dresses were ripped and blood was spilled in the rapture of the moment. 
But as much as you did not want to believe you were just one of them, not after last night and everything you had shared, you had to admit to yourself at some point that you were just that, one among many, insignificant, nothing but another meal, tomorrow he would feast on someone else. And you better realised that sooner than later, before any damage was done. 
It surprised you though, as you sat up, how immaculately the dark lace cupped your breasts, how perfectly it fit around your chest, how the cool touch as you pulled it up your legs and against your pussy made you shiver, how it made you forget there were other clothes to put on, made you want to lounge on the bed, your body on full display for him once he got back. 
As had all the others done, it came rushing back to you, and that was all you needed to pull yourself together and slip into the other two items of clothing. They fit you just as well, and you sighed as the dark lace shimmered through the thin white cotton of the shirt. What a waste.
The bathroom proved to be just as opulent as the rest of the house with its huge tub, large mirror and polished marble, but it was also just as disappointing. There were towels waiting for you and toiletries aplenty, everything you could ever find yourself in the need of after a night with this man. This creature, you corrected yourself, and you could feel a touch of bitterness resonating. 
Well, time to step out of this fever dream and get real again, to go about your bathroom routine, maybe eat a little and then leave. And so you did, at least you managed to brush your teeth and untangle the knots in your hair before reality stroke a bit too harshly for your taste. You had been leaning over the sink, splashing a few hands full of that ice-cold water into your face before you blindly reached for a towel and buried your face in it while you were getting up. You were not even standing fully upright again when you felt the rush of blood. You could hear it, the white noise it carried along as tiny fragments of light started to dance before your eyes. 
No. No, no, no. This could not be happening. You could not black out in his bathroom. Not anywhere inside these walls. The towel falling from your hands, you reached for the sink instead, grabbing the rim tightly and leaning back down a little. It took a while, but slowly the tiny flecks of light faded and the rushing stopped. Maybe it was a good idea to get back into bed again. Just for a moment. 
But you had only just made it to the door when the next wave of dizziness hit you, stronger this time. The lights were back, clouding your sight as they danced wilder than before, almost ecstatic, so out of control in fact that the world began to spin around you. This was not good, you managed to compose one clear thought in the chaos inside your mind, not good at all. And with no furniture close by to hold onto, you let yourself sink against the doorframe instead.
It was unusually soft upon impact, and warm. So plush against your face and hands. And it smelled oh so familiar, captivating and yet homely, inviting you to just rest your head against it for a little while.
You must have passed out. Why else would the doorframe suddenly start talking to you? Or secure you in place so you could not fall, one arm draped around your middle. It even had hands. One of them now cupping your cheek. This was wild. One of the wildest dreams you had ever had.
You could even see its lips, so enchanting as they moved. You wanted to feel them. No, you needed to feel them, as if your life depended on it. But somehow you could neither use you arms, nor your legs. And still your body moved, shadows flitting by, until something soft and cool pressed against your back while your face somehow still rested against the fuzzy doorframe. 
This was nice though, you thought, clutching more of that plushy doorframe in your fists. And that scent, still so rich and heady. You inhaled deeply, letting it invade your blank mind until it was completely filled by it. There was a word at the far back, no, a name, slowly pushing itself to the foreground until it was clear for you to read. 
“Andrew,” it came out in nothing but a mumble, however much you tried to say it out loud.
“I’m here, angel.”
Angel. You had heard that one before. You could not recall where or when, but it made your heart flutter, made you all warm and fuzzy on the inside. 
“Andrew,” you mumbled again, and this time you knew. You knew with all your heart. That scent. Of course. That bloody vampire. He must have come to your rescue just as you had been about to black out. How convenient. And just your luck. 
It all came rushing back in a flash, almost making you dizzy once more, but this time you fought it. You fought with all your might, pushed yourself out of the dark, until you could feel the strength return to your body. You had control again. At least a little. It would be sufficient to push yourself off of him though. It had to. 
“I’m fine,” you managed to press out rather convincingly to your own ears. Then again for good measure, “I’m fine.”
But somehow this did nothing and when you finally managed to open your eyes, you found yourself still clutched against his chest. 
“You’re not. Far from it.”
There was something strange about his voice, something you could not quite put your finger on. Was it anger? Disappointment? Remorse? Could he even feel any of those emotions?
You tilted your head, looking up at him, and you immediately wanted to slap yourself. Of course he could feel those emotions. They were written all over his face, reflecting in his eyes, the language of his caress speaking loud and clear when it found your cheek again.
“And I am so sorry for doing this to you.”
“What did you do?” you asked, still a little confused. “Did you make me pass out?”
“No,” he chuckled, “well, in a manner of speaking, I suppose I did.” His hand drifted down to your neck, his fingertips finding your pulse, making you shiver once more. You were hardly able to suppress a wanton moan. What the hell was wrong with you? “You just tasted so good. I…I could not stop in time when I cashed in my side of our bargain. It should never have happened. It’s unforgivable.”
You could feel your heart break in two for him. His eyes so full of sadness, of self-loathing, it killed you just to watch from the outside what must be playing out inside his mind. What had probably tortured him this whole time and glued him to your bed all day. 
“Well, it’s not your fault I’m such a snack,” you tried to lighten the mood. But instead of earning you a smile, the creases on his forehead grew even deeper.
“Do you think this is a laughing matter? I could have killed you.” 
You felt that he wanted to move, but he did not. For your sake, you realised. And so you pulled yourself up along his chest until your face was close to his.
“But you did not. I am still here, Andrew.” Your thumb traced his brow, the other fingers easing the creases away. “I am still here.” He closed his eyes as your fingers moved along his temple, his cheek, some finding bare skin, others soft stubble on the way down to his lips. Without hesitation they fell open with a sigh and now it was you who could not stop. Slowly you leaned in, your eyes falling shut somewhere along the way, until you could finally taste him. It was gentle and soft, yet so intense. Everything you remembered from last night and more. You could have kissed him forever, could have given yourself over to that feeling until you had completely lost yourself in it, but before you could, he pulled away.
“You need to eat,” he stated matter of factly, reaching for the tray full of the finest breakfast foods he must have placed at the foot of the bed in a hurry. 
“I was just about to when you so rudely interrupted me.”
He grinned, like a school boy, you thought, and for a second you were wondering if vampires could blush.
“Food, I mean. Real food.” And with that he put the tray across your lap. It looked amazing, and it smelled even better. There was a bowl of porridge with fresh berries, and more fruit waiting on a silver plate. There were pancakes, too, and eggs, bacon, toast, butter, honey, marmalade, some juice and a huge glass of cold milk. Of course you had spotted the flowers too, wildflowers, freshly picked, and you were tempted to take them out of the vase and bring them to your nose to inhale their sweet scent, but that would be much too cheesy of a gesture for your own taste. This was not a scene from a sappy romance novel after all.
“Would you like some too?” you asked after you had shovelled the first few spoons of porridge into your mouth. With the most ravenous hunger sated, your manners seemed to return somehow. Unfortunately, your knowledge about his eating habits had not resurfaced from the fog with them. 
“You know I don’t. But thanks for the offer.”
“Why don’t you?”
He shrugged. “I just don’t enjoy it anymore. It tastes like nothing. Imagine having a really bad cold, your sense of smell and taste completely gone. And on top of that it does nothing against the hunger.”
His voice had dropped as the last word came over his lips and with it his face changed for a tiny moment. You wished it had lasted a bit longer. Long enough to show you those divine fangs again. Your walls were quivering just thinking about them. His eyes narrowed suddenly, as if he had been listening in on your thoughts. No, not your thoughts, your heartbeat, you realised, and the moment you did, you could feel it stumble again. He was just about to open his mouth, probably to ask if you were okay, when you cut him short.
“Why make everyone cook for you then?”
“Because it gives me time to observe, to get to know the donors.” The ‘donors’, so that was what you were to him. “It also relaxes them. They are occupied with their task which in turn takes their mind off of what is about to happen. It also gives this whole transaction a touch of normalcy, you know, having dinner together, like on a real date.”
“Except that your dinner is having dinner while you watch. That’s not exactly what the average person would call normalcy, is it?”
He obviously had not caught on to the biting nature of your comment, or he chose to ignore it. 
“Probably not. Then again, hardly any of them ever notice that I leave my plate untouched.”
“Well, I did. Also, the cooking did not relax me at all.” And the staring, feeling his eyes on you the whole time, getting you all hot and bothered.
“I know. I almost thought you’d never relax and…you know…get in the mood.”
“In the mood, huh?” you repeated his words, putting your spoon down with a harsh clinking sound. “That’s what you wanted all along? To get me in the mood? Well, you could have saved yourself a lot of effort then. I swear I was in the mood all right when you handed me that glass of wine. All it took would have been one more word, one more touch and I would have begged for you to take me there and then.”
Had he always been this close? Had his eyes been this dark during your entire conversation? And was he leaning in now, his fingers grasping your chin? He was almost there, right where you wanted to feel him again, his breath already wafting across your lips, making them fall open the tiniest bit.
“Shame,” he whispered, “I would have loved to fuck you in the kitchen.” You moaned, the thought of him lifting you onto the counter mixed with his breath in your mouth enough to have you on the edge of begging again, when he suddenly let go of you. “But I rather liked the way it turned out in the end. Apart from…” he drew away further, making his way over to the edge of the bed where he stayed, face turned away from you.
“I told you, it was no big deal, Andrew. I am fine.”
“Is that what I saw a moment ago when you almost fainted? Is that your definition of fine?” he snapped as he spun around to face you again. 
“It’ll pass. I’ll be as good as new in a few days,” you tried to reason. This was really not as bad as he made it sound.
“Exactly. But you are far from fine now. And as long as you are not, I cannot let you go.”
You could not believe your ears. Did he just…would he…
“Well, what do you intend to do? Keep me here as your prisoner?”
“What? No!” Now he looked just as confused as you felt. “All I meant was that you should not be on your own in this state. You should probably stay in bed and have someone look after you.”
“Jesus, then you should have just said that instead,” you sighed as you leant back against the pillows, “I almost thought you’d lock me up in a dungeon in your basement.”
“There is no dungeon in the basement,” he smirked. “It’s actually in—”
“Nuh-uh. I don’t want to know,” you cut him short.
“I was joking, angel.” He reached for your hand, but you were quick to pull it away.
“Not the best of times for a joke, maybe.”
Andrew took a deep breath, “Duly noted.”
“Anyway,” you stated, putting the tray aside to make your way to the other side of the bed. “This is stilI not going to happen. I don’t want to stay in bed, being confined to this room like a patient in hospital for the entire day.”
“Night,” he corrected.
“It’s nighttime, angel. I was merely asking you to stay in bed all night, like the average human being.”
Well, that was actually quite a reasonable thing to ask. Nevertheless, he would not get to decide for you. You were a grown woman and as such you knew what was best for you. And that was anything but staying in bed to rest for the foreseeable future.
“Fine! I don’t want to stay in bed all night either.”
He sighed. A long, drawn out sound of resignation. 
“All right. Can you stay here for another ten minutes then? Ten minutes, that’s all I ask.” 
Ten minutes sounded doable. And whatever was going to happen, if you would not like it, you could still leave after those ten minutes. He held no power over you. You did not belong to him. Not that he had said any such thing. But just for yourself, just to be sure, you needed that little reminder. 
He was still sat there, across the bed from you, watching you intently. His patience was almost admirable. There was no anger or irritation in those attentive green eyes, just the flicker of a faint hope. And as soon as you found yourself nodding your consent, he was gone. 
You had no watch to be sure, but when he stepped through that door again, not a single bead of sweat on his forehead to confirm that he had been in a hurry, you could have sworn it had not been more than five minutes. He walked straight over to you, to the side of the bed you were still sitting on and before you had even the slightest chance to process what was happening, you found yourself lifted into his arms.
“What are you doing?” you protested. A weak protest, you had to admit, as your arms had already snaked around his neck, obviously accepting your fate before the rest of you did. “You can’t—“
“Oh, believe me, I can. How do you think you got from the bathroom to the bed, or up here into this room last night?”
You could feel the heat crawl into your cheeks as the memory returned. And not just the fact that you had mistaken him for a doorframe not even an hour ago, but also the images of last night made your heart race in your chest. Last night. It had been…you were still void for words. But you could not allow yourself to fall down that rabbit hole. Not now. Not again.
Instead you chose to study the only thing you could really make out in the dim light of the staircase he was climbing with you now: him. This was probably not a better idea than thinking about last night, seeing how beautiful he was. His curls, that fell around his face freely tonight, accentuating his high cheekbones and prominent jawline. It was right in front of you, you could have leaned in, just a little, and press your lips right to it, into that soft auburn stubble. Or you could rest your head against his shoulder, bury your face in the crook of his neck, against that alabaster skin. Would his skin still have the same taste as yesterday? Honey-sweet, with a pinch of salt. You could check real quick, let the tip of your tongue glide along the silky softness. Would he chide you? Or would he enjoy your foolish impulsivity? Maybe he would moan again, ever so softly, or he would remind you of the true nature of your relationship. That everything came at a cost. And that unfortunately, you had momentarily run out of the only currency he accepted.
With a sigh you abandoned your ideas, all of them. He was just being polite, probably fearing it might ruin his immaculate reputation if anything were to happen to you. That was why he was so keen on keeping you here. To monitor you, to nurse you back into an acceptable state. Nothing more.
“Are you all right?”
Politeness, that was all it was. There was nothing more to the creases in his forehead, to the furrow of his brows or the narrowing of his eyes. No worry, no affection, no care. Just politeness.
“Yes, I’m fine,” you heard yourself repeat for the umpteenth time today, lacking almost all validity at this point.
“We’re almost there. The fresh air will do you good, you’ll see.”
Fresh air? Where the hell was he taking you?
But before you could voice your question, your eyes picked up a flickering glimmer of light. It illuminated the last steps of the way, waiting for you at the head of the stairs and when the full image slowly came into view, your heart melted on the spot. It stung at the same time, contracting in your chest as the last bit of rationality inside of you protested sharply upon your mesmerised state. This was not real, it was just another part of the game the two of you were playing. But why did it feel so real then? And what did it matter anyway? Why not give yourself over to the illusion for one more night? 
And the setting made it so easy. The sea of candles that illuminated the roof terrace, their golden shine on the island of blankets and pillows in their midst, and the multitude of stars above, sparkling like diamonds on the dark blue canvas of the night sky. 
Carefully, Andrew set you down in the cozy pillow fort he had built before he let himself glide down right next to you. 
“Do you like it?” he inquired, his voice so full of hope, and yet he seemed to be genuinely unsure what your answer would be.
“At least it’s better than that stuffy, old bedroom of yours,” you teased, but before your words could do any harm you leaned in, your lips finding his cheek for a soft kiss. “It’s beautiful, Andrew. I love it.”
He was about to turn his head, maybe just to look at you, but you could feel the possibility of so much more hanging in the air between you as you let yourself sink down onto the pillows. 
“It’s really a shame there is so much light from the town,” you sighed. “Sometimes I wish I could go back in time, just to see what the sky looked like without all the light pollution.”
“I could show you,” he said as if it was nothing.
“Do you mean to tell me you own a time machine?”
He laughed, out loud, and it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
“No, I don’t. But how about this?”
He snapped his fingers, just once, and the candles around you went dark. It took you a moment to realise, but it were not just the candles that had died. You found yourself in complete darkness all of a sudden. And if it had not been for the soft touch of his jumper against your arm, his leg coming to rest along the length of yours, you had not even known that he had decided to lay down beside you.
“How?” you whispered, the quiet tone seeming appropriate in the darkness.
“Vampire party trick.”
He chuckled. “It does come in handy sometimes.”
“But what if people notice?”
“It’s the middle of the night, angel. Hardly anyone will notice.”
The two of you went silent then. In awe you watched the myriad of stars that had appeared above you. You had never seen anything even remotely like this before. It was fascinating, magnificent, this glimpse into the endless expanse of the universe, and you were lying here, not more than two specks of dust, maybe even less, in this unimaginable vastness of existence.
“What’s it like to be a vampire?”
Your question must have surprised him as he took a moment to ponder the question, and when it finally came, you were glad you could not see him properly. 
“Lonely, most of the time.”
The sadness in his voice was enough to make your heart heavy for him, seeing it reflected in his eyes would have killed you.
“There must be others like you.”
“There are.” You could feel him stir beside you. “But, ehm, let’s just say I like to keep them at a distance.”
The truth was, he was an outsider. He had made himself one the day he had decided to stop killing. But since he had chosen to do so, he liked to see it as an active act of isolation, not the shunning it actually was. He knew he was probably watched, monitored closely and frowned upon. But as long as he did not step out of line or did not put others at risk with his new lifestyle, he would be fine.
He would not tell you that, of course. Maybe another time. But it was not a topic he wanted to discuss tonight. Not with you lying next to him, your heartbeat speeding up whenever you realised the non-existent space between you and him. It gave him hope. And he did not want to spoil that with grim tales of the past.
Still you seemed to sense how much the topic had upset him. At first it were just your fingers, gliding between his, but somehow you thought that it was not enough to comfort him. So you moved, and when he felt half of your weight on top of him, your head resting against his chest, he knew you had been right. This was much better. 
You squeezed his middle gently, imitating a hug as best as you could, and his answer came promptly. Like a pair of wings his arms wrapped around you, so warm, so safe, keeping you so close to him. And once again, the two of you fell silent for a long while. 
“Are you tired?” His lips moved against your hair. “Should we go back inside?”
“No.” You fisted his plush jumper. “I’m good.”
“Just good?”
His insincere displeasure about your answer made you snicker. “I’m perfect.”
“Good, excellent. Everything less than perfect would not have done at all.”
Blindly you reached for him in the darkness and as you found his cheek, you let your hand rest against it. It did not take long before he found you as well, covering your hand with his. He turned his head, just a little, so he could press a kiss to your palm before he brought your joined hands to his chest, somewhere close to your face, you assumed. He kept them there, just holding on to you. But after a while his fingers began to play with yours, and you knew that something was off.
“Will you stay with me?”
His question confused you as much as it surprised you. Was that not what you were doing already? You had decided to stay with him, just a little longer, and against your better judgement. It was a bit superfluous to ask about that now, was it not?
“For the night?”
“No,” his answer was accompanied by something between a huff and a laugh, “that’s not what I meant. Although I really would like you to spend the entire night, here, with me.” He paused, phrasing his next words carefully in his head before he uttered them. “What I meant was…will you be mine, angel?”
It was not a decision consciously made, it was pure instinct as you pulled your hand out of his and sat up.
“To fight the loneliness?”
You felt him sit up as well, and when the candles flickered back to life with another snap of his fingers, the same confusion you had felt a moment ago was written all over his face.
“You said being a vampire means being lonely. Do you need me as your pastime then? Your little pet to keep for company?”
Suddenly his face cleared, a few wrinkles appearing in the corners of his eyes.
“No,” he smiled as he reached for your hand, and this time you let him take it, “no. I mean, to be honest, you are good company. You’re easy to talk to, you don’t run screaming even though you know what I am, that’s a huge plus. You’re funny, entertaining in a way, intelligent and sweet,” he leaned in to let his lips brush along your neck, higher and higher, until they found your ear, “and that pussy of yours is simply divine.”
You were lost. Completely and utterly lost. There was nothing you could have done to stop that moan from falling from your lips, the same lips he pulled against his to sate that hunger you felt, that deep yearning to feel him again, now, always. 
“Is that a yes then?” he breathed against your mouth.
“Let’s say it’s a maybe. For now. So…” now it was your turn to lean in, to let your cheek glide along his until your lips had reached his ear, “you better convince me, vampire boy.”
His answer came without delay, “Gladly,” but then he pulled away, “Not tonight though. You’re still very weak.”
You were shattered, betrayed, silenced by the ease with which he had built up your want for him just to tear it all down seconds later. You knew what you wanted and what your body could handle, you were not a child. But if he chose to treat you like one, he would get the fitting reply. And so you nudged his arm, as hard as you could. He did not even flinch.
“What was that for?”
“To show you how very un-weak I am.”
Your antics amused him at best, still he pulled you close again for another kiss. He might have hoped to appease you with it, and you had to admit, it was tempting to give in and concentrate on it fully. On his taste, the feeling of his tongue against yours, the softness of his lips…but you were on a mission here. You wanted more, wanted to taste all of him, feel all of him.
At first he did not seem to notice your fingers. They had sneaked underneath the hem of his jumper, carefully venturing deeper until they had found bare skin. It was warm and silky smooth, growing even softer the closer you got to the hem of his dark grey slacks, but before you could dip your fingers underneath it, his hand closed around your wrist.
“Angel, please,” he warned. And still his grip was not too strong, his words already beginning to lack authority.
“I need you, Andrew. I promise I’ll be fine.” You were shamelessly begging now and you did not even care. You wanted him, so much. “Just be gentle with me.” You had given it your all, and he was still not fully convinced yet. “Okay, fine. Just tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop. But you have to say it.” You leaned in again, your head diving into the crook of his neck. You knew exactly what you were doing, letting your tongue dart out to draw patterns on his skin, placing a strategic kiss here and there, sucking in his sensitive skin until it drew a hiss from his mouth. “Say it, Andrew.”
You could sense it, the moment he let go of his caution and gave in to his desires. It came with a growl and he moved with precision, like the predator he was, wrapping his arms around you and spinning you around until you found yourself on your back, right underneath his taut body, hands pinned in place above your head. 
“I can’t,” he pressed out, his chest heaving, “you know I can’t. Because I want you, angel, so much. So fucking much.”
You hated the agony in his eyes. There was no need to fight. You both wanted the same. It was so simple. 
“Then have me,” you breathed, lifting your hips to roll against his, while your teeth bit down on your lip, hard, until you could taste blood. 
He was tempted, his eyes going dark the second they took in the single drop of crimson liquid. “I don’t deserve you.” His voice was low, hoarse, snapping your last bit of sanity in a heartbeat.
“Oh, yes, you do.”
And finally, finally he dove down, another deep growl rolling through his chest, hitting you deep to pry out another moan from you. Eagerly he licked your lip, sucking it in to draw another few drops of precious liquid from you. It took him everything to stop, to pull himself away from your bewitching taste, before he would forget himself and sink those fangs of his into you. They were already showing, your eyes growing wide with arousal as they caught a glimpse of them in the dim light. It was intoxicating, dangerously so, but he wanted nothing more than to give you what you needed. He would put them to good use then, show you what else they could do. He would enjoy teasing you beyond reason. As would you.
And he was proven right when a wanton mewl echoed through the night the second he grabbed that white cotton and pulled it from your body. It did not even resist, ripping so easily, exposing your chest and stomach to the starlight. You looked so tantalising, arching your back, the sudden touch of the cool night air making your buds pebble underneath the black lace. 
“I had hoped I would get to see that lingerie on you, angel,” he admitted as he let his free hand roam your skin. “What a shame it is obstructing my view.”
It was only now that he let go of your hands. He had known you would bury them in his hair the second he freed you, and there was nothing he wanted more than to feel them raking through his curls as he dipped down to your chest now. But then he halted, to look at you again, to bask in the unveiled lust in your eyes as he smirked, his lips drifting apart to bare the set of pearly white fangs to you. You wanted to squirm and writhe underneath him, but he held you perfectly still, he needed to if he did not want to risk breaking that delicate skin of yours. And then you stilled too, watched him as he got closer and closer, his teeth finding the fragile piece of black fabric that connected the two cups, just to slice straight through it. 
You were still moaning when he licked a long stripe along the newly bared skin, the wild flutter of your heart clear against his tongue. But he knew you wanted him elsewhere, you were pulling him, so deliciously, and he let you until his lips hovered above yours. Then he stopped, just to frustrate you once again.
“I hate you, vampire boy.”
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I fucking don’t.”
And with that you pulled him against your lips. Your kiss was searing, and he could taste the same hunger on your tongue that he thought was his privilege and pain alone. Only that your hunger could be sated, and he would not make you wait any longer.
You felt his hands move down your body, felt them unbutton those jeans and you knew he would have to break away soon, and still you whined pathetically when his lips finally left yours. Eagerly he gripped the blue fabric, hooking this fingers underneath the hem of your slip as well to lay you bare in one swift motion. 
His want for you was more than apparent, but he was a giver and so he took his sweet time to return the favour and peel himself out of his clothes right in front of you. This was impossible, absolute madness, your heart racing faster upon the sight of every inch of his pale skin that came to light. He was so beautiful, so heart-wrenchingly beautiful, and you had never wanted anyone with the same maddening fervour that had befallen you the second you had first laid eyes upon him. 
He was still kneeling in front of you, gazing down at your naked form with those ravenous eyes, and he knew exactly what he was doing when his fingers wrapped around his already hardening length and began to stroke. 
You whimpered, wanting so much to touch him, to feel his weight on top of you as he pushed in deep, but you also knew that he would not. Not yet.
“Spread those legs for me, angel.”
And you did, exposing yourself to him even further, and you loved every second of it. 
“Good girl.” His free hand found your thigh, tenderly caressing the sensitive flesh that had so eagerly awaited his touch. “Now touch yourself.”
Not once did your eyes let go of his, not as your hand made a show of wandering down your body, pinching your nipple on the way just to watch his eyes narrow for a split second, not as your fingers found the wetness between your legs, diving down all the way to gather some of the slick juices that had collected there, not as you moaned when your fingertips found the hidden pearl and began to rub it gently. 
“Mmh,” he hummed, “that’s it. Just like that.”
And as a reward his fingers dug into your thigh a little harsher, kneading the softness they found there. You could tell he was holding back, he wanted to take over, coax those sighs and whimpers from you himself. Your little show had gotten him so hard for you, so ready to dive into that heat and feel you around him. Not long now, you thought, as his fingers began to drift up your thigh. The movement was slow, but you noticed it anyway, and then his fingers found yours, joining them, guiding you at first, applying even more pressure until you moaned his name in sweet agony, and he moved on, deeper, lured by the call of the heat that awaited him so ardently and then he pushed in, gently, slowly, burying himself all the way. 
“Fuck,” he concluded, “so ready for me.” 
You could have come from feeling him inside you alone, but when he pulled his fingers out of you and brought them up into the light so he could watch them glisten before he let them vanish into his mouth to taste you, you were lost once again. 
Your eyes must have fallen shut from all the pleasure, your senses completely overwhelmed, but the second you felt him, the rub of his entire length against you, the demanding push, they snapped right back open. You could not miss this, wanted to see him the moment you became one, and you were not disappointed. His hands holding your hips, he lifted your behind off the blankets, pulling you onto himself until he had vanished inside you completely. His head lulled back upon the sensation, exposing his long neck. And then his lips parted in a lustful moan as he let the world know of his desire for you. 
“Andrew,” you whispered, and he needed a moment to come back to you. But then his eyes found you, and you would never forget the moment they lit up, as if this was the first time he had ever taken you in. 
“Y/N”, your name fell from his lips as he lowered himself onto you, lured by your call, and you basked in the moment of finally feeling him skin on skin, his weight on top of you, as you had craved for what felt like an eternity. 
Slowly he moved within you, his arms cradling your head as he planted soft kisses along your cheeks, your jaw and finally, finally, against your neck. You arched upon the sensation, pressing yourself into him with a moan that left no doubt about how much you longed for his touch. 
He used the chance to let one arm glide around your middle, and you knew he would give you that extra pleasure when he pulled you even closer against himself. Increasing the speed of his hips, he took you faster, deeper, harder and you loved every second of it. You keened, wrapping your arms around him as he drove you closer and closer to that high that would deliver you from your lunacy at last. Or push you even deeper into it. You did not care. You did not care at all. 
You had him, his breath against your neck, his soft moans collecting in the tiny space that remained between the two of you, his body moving with yours. And that was all you needed. Or at least you thought it was all, until you could feel it built. It came fast, no faint sensation deep within that steadily grew with every thrust, with every moan. It almost leapt at you, coming over you with a might nothing could have ever prepared you for. And amidst the storm it had thrown you in, it was him that you felt. Just him. You felt him as if there was nothing between you, as if you were the same person. Transformed into one, metamorphosised, impossible to separate ever again. 
And it was in this very moment that you knew. It was plain to see, as if it had always been this way, bound by fate. He needed to know as well, needed to hear it from your mouth that you understood now what he must have realised all along. He had expressed it in that simple question, but you had been too proud to see. But you knew now. You knew. And nothing would ever change that again. 
With a sigh, you rested your cheek against his, ready at last to give yourself to him completely. “I’m yours, Andrew,” you breathed, right next to his ear, “I’m yours.”
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floofiestboy · 6 months
Official DC App's Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
The official Detective Conan app offers a number of voiced stories - short conversations between characters - to its premium subscribers. I translated all twelve stories that include Akai.
Other characters that appear in these stories are Conan (12), Amuro (3), Okiya (3), Kaito Kid (1), Haibara (1), and Ran (1).
Table of Contents
Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
Makeup Time (メイク時間)
Okiya: "Hey there, boy."
Conan: "Good morning, Akai-san! Sorry for coming by so early."
Okiya: "I don't mind. You're here for the study's books, aren't you?"
Conan: "Yeah, there's something I wanna look into... ah, you were putting on your disguise!"
Okiya: "It's taking me less time to put on my disguise lately, but my makeup didn't quite go on smoothly this morning..."
Conan: "Huh? Your makeup didn't go on s-smoothly?"
Okiya: "I suspect my new lotion is to blame..."
Conan: "L-L-Lotion? That's that thing, right? You use it after washing your face..."
Okiya: "Yes... I ended up using up all of the lotion Yukiko-san provided for me... I bought a similar type, but it seems like this brand doesn't suit my skin well."
Conan: "Akai-san, thanks for all your hard work..."
Okiya: "I'm Okiya Subaru right now, Edogawa Conan-kun... And it's surprisingly fun once you get used to it. I make new discoveries every day. Why don't you give it a try as well?"
Conan: "I'll have to say no to that."
How to Make Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンドの作り方)
Amuro: "Now then, we'll be putting the fillings on."
Conan: "Right!"
Amuro: "First, we spread mayonnaise over the bread we just steamed..."
Conan: "The special mayonnaise with a dash of miso!"
Amuro: "Then we place the lettuce we washed in lukewarm water, and ham on top of that..."
Conan: "The ham you just applied olive oil to!"
Amuro: "Finally, place another slice of bread on top of that, cut it into triangles, and it's complete..."
Conan: "You were putting so much work into it... no wonder it's so good!"
Amuro: "Ah, thank you very much! You'd like the bill, yes? I'll accept this thousand yen bill..."
Conan: (Amuro-san is working his café job seriously too...)
Amuro: "Thank you very much!"
Conan: "Thanks, Amuro-san! I'll try making these at home right away too... huh? What's the matter?"
Amuro: "That man just now... I feel as though I've met him before... am I imagining things...?"
Akai: (Heh… the secret to Café Poirot's famous ham sandwiches… I've successfully obtained it!)
Who's the Culprit? (犯人は?)
Conan: "I'll go over the facts of the case one more time. The ham and chicken breast were the only things that disappeared, right?"
Amuro: "Yes... this morning, we had more than enough ham and chicken breast. There's no doubt about that..."
Conan: "But now there isn't, right? When was the last time you confirmed how much ham and chicken breast you had?"
Amuro: "When I made a ham sandwich an hour ago, we still had enough... and I haven't used it for anything else..."
Conan: "I've never heard of a thief who only steals ham and chicken breast..."
Akai: "I was listening in to your conversation. The culprit must then be someone who can easily both enter and exit this Café Poirot, or alternatively someone who wouldn't be noticed even if they entered or exited."
Amuro: (gasps) "Which means...!"
Conan: "Don't tell me, the culprit is...!"
Amuro: "So it was you, Taii."
Taii: "Meow!"
Let's Go to the Scene! (現場へ行ってみよう!)
Conan: "Amuro-san, how was it?!"
Amuro: "As we thought, there was a robbery at that bank... but mysteriously, after the culprit took hostages, they vanished out of the blue."
Conan: "Are the hostages all safe?"
Amuro: "Yes... it appears as though the police are taking statements from each one."
Conan: "So the culprit could be..."
Amuro: "...among their number..."
Conan: "Amuro-san, let's go to the scene!"
Amuro: "Yes! Let's hurry!"
Akai: "There seems to be some kind of case going on..."
The Two Great Detectives (2人の名探偵)
Kaito Kid: "I've finished casing out the joint, so I guess it's about time for me to head h- mm? Hey now, no way... the two walking over there- is that the detective and... the turtleneck guy?!
Conan: "Hey, Subaru-san! I wanna drop by a book store."
Okiya: "Yes, that sounds nice. I was just thinking I'd like to drop by one as well."
Kaito Kid: "That's right! He's Okiya Subaru, if I remember correctly... he's a grad student that's been going in and out of the Kudo Mansion. But he's kinda suspicious... there's something on his neck too. Just who is he?"
Conan: "Don't tell me- you want that magazine too, Subaru-san?"
Okiya: "Yes, it is a Holmes special edition, after all."
Kaito Kid: "I see, so to the detective, he's a fellow Sherlockian... but is that all? Alright, I'm following them!"
Kaito Kid: "Dammit, did I lose sight of them...? But this is strange... why would a book store be in an alley like this...?"
Conan: "As if there'd be a book store in a place like this. I just wanted to move you here."
Kaito Kid: (in a high, feminine voice) "Who might you be? I'm afraid poor little me is quite lost..."
Conan: "Idiot. I can sense who you are from your presence alone."
Kaito Kid: "Oh, is that so. What happened to the turtleneck guy?"
Conan: "I had him go on ahead. Said I had something I needed to do."
Conan: "Wait - cough, cough - a smoke bomb?!"
Kaito Kid: "See you, detective. Our next meeting will be under the moonlight."
Conan: "Hey! Geez, what did he come here to do?"
What Do You Do On Your Days Off? (休日何してるの?)
Conan: "Speaking of which, what do you do on your days off?"
Akai: "Me? Why do you ask?"
Conan: "I just thought it'd be kinda questionable for you to spend all day at home..."
Akai: "I have no dearth of books to read in the mansion, after all..."
Conan: "Mm, well, I can't deny that..."
Akai: "I tend to cook a lot as well..."
Conan: "Right, the professor did say that you bring your homecooking over a lot."
Akai: "Aside from that, I clean and repair the house, I suppose."
Conan: "Sorry about the house being old and cluttered..."
Akai: "Why do you feel the need to apologize?"
Conan: "Huh?! ...Um..."
Akai: "Well, I'm doing more than just that, but... you don't need to know about that, boy..."
Conan: "Hey, hey, what are you doing in someone else's house?"
The Colour Black- Do You Like it? Hate It? (黒は好き?嫌い?)
Conan: "Hey, Akai-san. Do you wanna play this?"
Akai: "Oh? Othello, I see... I don't mind. It's a valuable opportunity to face off against you."
Conan: "Let's start with rock-paper-scissors. Rock, paper, scissors!"
Akai: "Hm, it appears I've won. I'll choose black, which goes first."
Conan: "Huh? Akai-san, you're fine with black?"
Akai: "Didn't I previously tell you that my favourite colour is black?"
Conan: "Did you...? Oh, you mean when the Mokubasou Apartments burnt down. B-But didn't you say 'if I had to pick one'? And that you hated black too?
Akai: "The colour black does hide all the parts of yourself you don't want others to see, after all."
Conan: "But you answered as Okiya-san back then, right? As yourself, the colour black- do you like it? Hate it?
Akai: "Well, who knows. Perhaps I'll tell you if you win against me in Othello."
Conan: "Can't say no to that!"
Jeet Kune Do (ジークンドー)
Akai: "There you go. Boy, I've finished applying the warm compress."
Conan: "Thank you, Akai-san... you were a huge help..."
Akai: "To think you'd come flying down from above while we were chasing a purse snatcher... you always take such risks."
Conan: "I'm sorry. There were a lot of people around, so I couldn't use my wristwatch or my soccer ball."
Akai: "I see. So it was beyond the abilities of your small body. At least you didn't involve anyone else in the incident- small mercies."
Conan: "Yeah, I'll be more careful from now on... Man, if only I could use Jeet Kune Do like you."
Akai: "Oh? You using Jeet Kune Do? That sounds rather amusing."
Conan: "Like, Holmes could use that martial art called 'bartitsu' too, right? So it's always been something I looked up to."
Conan: "Oh yeah, speaking of Jeet Kune Do, did you really send training videos to Sera-no-neechan?"
Akai: "Right, I did do that."
Conan: "I see~ so you really love your sister, huh?"
Akai: "I presumed she would be interested, given how she is."
Conan: "I wanna see you and Sera-no-neechan battle it out in a master-apprentice match someday."
Memories With Your Family (家族との思い出)
Akai: "Boy... I've brewed some coffee, so let's take a break."
Conan: "Thank you, Akai-san! Wow, it's already this late... I was reading for so long, my neck's all cricked... ouch..."
Akai: "Haha, you did appear to be concentrating quite deeply."
Conan: "Eheheh... oh right. Akai-san, do you like onsen-manju? Ayumi-chan brought some over as a souvenir from her family vacation."
Akai: "Oh? I'll gladly partake."
Conan: "...Speaking of which, have you ever gone on a family vacation?"
Akai: "Mm? Right... I'm not sure if I'd call it a family vacation, but I do recall we went to a beach once around a decade back... I met Masumi for the first time there."
Conan: "A-Ah, really...?"
Akai: "Well, it wasn't any kind of happy-go-lucky family time. I ended up garishly fighting it out with my mother."
Conan: "I-Is that so..."
Wanna Go Out? (ちょっと出かけない?)
Conan: "Agh, it's almost noon... geez, who's Ran going to meet...? The only guy I can ask for help is Akai-san at this point... ah! Akai-san is here!"
Conan: "Hey hey, Akai-san, wanna go out?"
Akai: "With you, boy? Where?"
Conan: "I want to get to a mall in the neighbouring town by noon..."
Akai: "I see, so you need a car..."
Conan: "Yeah... Kogoro-no-ojisan is glued to horse racing on the TV, and the professor says he won't be back until night..."
Akai: "So you've turned to me for help? But what do you need to buy at the mall?"
Conan: "I-I wanna read a new Holmes translation that came out recently! None of the book stores near here have it, so I wanna go to a mall and buy it at a big book store!"
Akai: "Hmph, if that's the case, then I'll accompany you."
Conan: "Thank goodness, thank you!"
Akai: "Then let's make haste, so we'll make it by noon... it's so you can see who she's meeting with, correct?"
Conan: "Huh...?!"
Akai: "If all you wanted was to buy a book, it wouldn't matter when we arrived. Am I wrong?"
Conan: "Urk... I'm counting on you!"
What's Under His Turtleneck? (タートルネックの下は?)
Okiya: "Hello, I came to retrieve my pot from yesterday..."
Conan: "Subaru-san! Huh, your pot from yesterday...? Did you share your food with them again?"
Okiya: "Oh, Conan-kun. You were here? Yes, I actually cooked the best stew I've ever made yesterday, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to share it with Professor Agasa and Haibara-san."
Haibara: "Yes, the vegetables weren't half-cooked, and the broth had soaked into them- but he boiled it for too long, and the potatoes were dissolving."
Okiya: "My, my, you're as harsh as ever."
Haibara: "And you're as turtleneck-clad as ever."
Conan: "That's because- the professor explained it before, yeah? Subaru-san must get cold easily!"
Haibara: "Why are you panicking, Edogawa-kun? All I said was 'you're as turtleneck-clad as ever.' Unless you're saying there is something under there?"
Conan: "So it is bothering you after all..."
Okiya: "Why does it bother you so much?"
Haibara: "Isn't it obvious? It's because you're trying to hide it."
Okiya: "I see. But unfortunately, I have no real reason for this turtleneck. It's as I told you- adults are sensitive to the cold. We aren't outdoor creatures like children."
Okiya: "Now then. I'll be taking my leave."
Haibara: "Hmph. Being sensitive to the cold isn't enough to explain it."
Conan: "Ha ha, Subaru-san might just like turtlenecks."
Haibara: "Well, fine. Out of respect for the stew, I won't press further for today."
I'd Expect No Less From Akai-san (さすが赤井さん)
Akai: "I appreciate it... thanks to you, boy, I didn't have to reveal my identity to Public Safety..."
Conan: "No worries. It wasn't all because of me... and no normal person could shoot from inside a wobbling vehicle at the tires of a car chasing them."
Akai: "Heh heh, I'll need to thank the owner of this home once again."
Conan: "It was a big pain when he started talking even though I was handling things on my side though..."
Conan: "Huh, Akai-san...? Where did you go?"
Ran: "Oh, Conan-kun... What are you doing here?"
Conan: "Geh! R-Ran-neechan?!"
Ran: "What do you mean by 'geh'? And weren't you talking with someone just now?"
Conan: "Y-Yeah! Someone was lost and wanted directions to the station..."
Ran: "Hm..."
Conan: "L-Let's go home! Uncle said he won at the pachinko machines today, so I'm sure we'll get to eat a feast!"
Ran: "That's true! Then let's go home right away! Conan-kun!"
Conan: (exhales) "That could've been bad... but wow, he sensed Ran's presence and disappeared first. I'd expect no less from Akai-san."
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musubi-sama · 6 months
“Classmates” Chapter 2
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New town, new grad school, new friends, and your first time with a woman. A prequel to the previous chapter.
AN: I initially planned on a one shot, then just two chapters (this one and one more set the day before Ch 1), and now I have like an entire “plot” or at least a series of events over a few years of this couple’s life. It won’t be too deep or angsty, just fun and fluff.
Previous chapter | Next chapter
WC: 4.5k
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Grad school was always a dream of yours. Getting in felt like a breeze. You found an adviser easily, the connections you had made in undergrad proved key. Same for the preparations to your initial proposal and interviews. You applied for several schools and programs, but you made it to your top choice.
That’s not to say you didn’t work hard; college wasn’t easy. But you thanked your lucky stars that one of your professors took you under their wing and offered to walk you through the process and be your key reference.
Today is orientation for your new lab. Meeting your adviser for the first time since spring of undergrad Senior year. You were joined by two new members and five returning students. You were the second to arrive, your other first-year lab mate immediately walking over to you, shaking your hand, and introducing themselves. You carry on friendly banter until you see another person walk in the door.
Shoko was wearing a simple blue cotton blouse, green tapered slacks, and classic black pumps. She carried a simple black leather tote on her shoulder. Her chestnut brown hair reached just past her shoulders, bangs swept across her forehead. She had simple makeup highlighting her face and a small freckle below her right eye.
But none of that really registered with you as the first thing you noticed was how her eyes looked directly into you, with a soft smile, and your heart skipped a beat while your stomach did somersaults. “Hey, calm down” you urge your brain.
She steps across the room to greet you. Because while normally you would at least try to take a few steps forward to meet a person halfway, your legs seem to have turned to jell o and your feet to concrete. You raise your arm in what feels like slow-motion as you extend a weak hand to Shoko and cough out a very weak “H-hi. It’s nice to me-eet you.”
“Aren’t you cute. Shoko Ieri. You must be new to town, haven’t seen you around before. At least, not in undergrad.”
“Oh, uh, no. I just arrived two days ago, I’m from the other side of the country, originally.”
And at that moment another few people entered them along with your adviser leaving your conversation clipped.
You spent the rest of the mixer mingling with your colleagues and getting to know them. By the end, you joined the lab’s Line chat group (which gives you access to Shoko’s contact. Not that you were going to send her any messages, you’re too paralyzed on what to say.)
As people started to leave, one of the PhD candidates invited everyone to a bar nearby for a post-gathering gathering. You manage to snag a seat next to Shoko who gives you a soft touch on your arm as you sit down. Goosebumps follow the touch and again your brain short circuits.
You spend the next two hours drinking cheap beer and easing out of your shell. Conversation flows particularly easily between the two of you as you share where you’re from and why you chose this university.
As people start to leave, you excuse yourself to use the restroom. When you return, you notice Shoko is missing and you feel a pang in your gut. You gather your bag to leave, giving those remaining a polite wave as you tell them you are looking forward to working with them starting next week.
As you exit, you see Shoko standing off to the side of the entrance smoking a cigarette, “Hi. Again.”
“Hi. Are you on your way out?” she pulls the cigarette away from her soft lips, blowing the smoke up and away from you.
“Yeah. Still not used to the time zone yet. See you on Monday!” you give a quick wave as you start walking down the street. You decide to walk the 30 minute trip home to clear your head.
After your first month of classes, you installed a few dating apps. When deciding on what types of potential partners you’d like to see, your finger hovers over the “gender” selections. You hesitate and wonder if you really are into women as a potential partner or are you just curious about what it’d be like in bed? You chicken out and choose “Male/AMAB”, sighing at your lack of confidence.
Once you’ve set up your profile, the app’s algorithm starts churning and you’re presented with options. You spend an hour swiping left on most profiles, although you find a few interesting potentials. You make a few matches, start chatting with one person you’re particularly interested in, and ultimately set up a coffee date.
During all of this, you’ve become friends with Shoko and she offers to sit across the coffee shop and keep an eye on things, to rescue you if it goes poorly. Fortunately it goes well, or at least, well enough that you agree to see him the following weekend for dinner. You give a quick wave as you leave, missing the small frown on her face.
It’s been six months and you’ve settled into a routine of research, classes, studying, seeing your boyfriend (typically just dinner at home and staying the night) a few days a week, and squeezing in coffee and dinner/TV/movies at Shoko’s. It’s a busy schedule, but you’ve managed to make things work.
As you’re approaching Spring Break, your adviser reminds you that there is no work expected to be done or deadlines immediately upon returning to classes. It’s a small gift for the first-year researchers. So to celebrate, one of your lab mates suggests a trip to the local bar to kick off a week of no academic responsibilities.
You send a text off to your boyfriend with the details. Agreeing to meet you at the bar since you were coming from two different directions, you lucked out and both arrived at the same time.
“Um, so, can we talk?” your boyfriend says as he approaches. You gulp at the uncomfortable and familiar line.
“Heyyyyy you made it!” one of your lab mates shouts as you enter the izakaya and approach the table. About two thirds of the lab is present, including Shoko. You light up seeing her as she takes a sip from her beer. You walk around the table and sit down with her. Shoko lifts an eyebrow and gives you a soft smile, “Glad you could make it, dear.”
The small pet name made your heart skip a beat. You were feeling a bit down because your boyfriend chose just before entering the izakaya today as the “perfect” moment to break up with you. The feelings were mutual, you weren’t a well-matched pair, but he was fine enough in bed, unoffensive, and was in the early stages of a good career. A smart, conservative choice for your future. But he was right, it just wasn’t going to work out.
“I realllllly need a giant beer.” you lean your head on Shoko’s shoulder and then quickly sit up. “Excuse me!” you shout as you try to flag down a waiter to take your order, placing your head back on her shoulder. Once the drink arrives, you lift your head off Shoko’s shoulder and take an impressively large swig.
“Let me guess…” Shoko trails off as she waits to see if you confirm her unspoken suspicions.
“I mean, the feelings are slightly mutual at least?” you take another large sip.
“If that’s what you need to tell yourself.”
“You’re right. But I don’t like this feeling.” Gulp.
“I’m not going to tell you there’s some perfect husband-material guy that is sitting at this table, or will walk in the door here right now. But I will tell you that I am here for you as your friend. A shoulder to cry on, to vent at, and/or let out your frustrations and anger on. Plus I can ply you with beer.”— Shoko winks— “Anyways, the tab is being covered by Mei Mei tonight.” Shoko knocks her glass with yours and you both take a sip. She keeps looking down, finally eeking out a small smile from you.
You start to perk up on your second drink, and are feeling confident and invulnerable halfway into your third beer.
Making easy conversation with your colleagues through the evening, you kept stealing glances and soft touches on your arm and your back from Shoko. Each time your stomach did somersaults and your brain floated through the clouds. No, that had to be the beer.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom, walking with a unique interpretation of steadiness. Upon returning, you sat down with all the grace of toddler.
“Let’s head out, yeah?” Shoko rests her hand on top of yours, giving your shoulder a nudge.
“Mmmm yeah. I want to just take a hot bath and collapse into bed.”
You start to drag yourself up and gather your belongings. Once outside, Shoko links her arm with yours as you both start walking in the direction of both apartments. The cool air helping you sober up. After a few blocks of comfortable silence…
“Why don’t you stay at my place tonight? I’ve got wine.” Shoko reaches her free arm around to fully embrace your arm linked with hers.
“Oh. Are…you sure?” You lift your head up off her shoulder and give her a inquisitive look. Crashing on her couch isn’t unusual; but as a result of your inebriation, you miss a subtle nudge and squeeze of your arm when you perked up.
Shoko just gives you a smile and she leads you down a side street and you make it to her apartment. You knock your shoes off and fall onto the couch as Shoko heads off to the kitchen. She rustles through the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, a pair of wine glasses, and a wine key.
“Becoming one with the couch, I like it” Shoko joins you on the couch, sitting the items on the table, beginning to open the bottle.
“Mmmmm my favorite.” You motion towards the bottle as Shoko pulls the cork out with a satisfying ‘pop.’
“Always for you, my dear.” she starts to pour a heavy pour for both of you. You take the offered glass and clink with a polite cheers. Taking a sip, you savor the taste while your eyes linger on Shoko’s neck as she leans back and takes a slow sip and swallow.
Shoko reaches for her phone to turn on some music. Lyrics you’ve never heard start playing, but you start to nod your head to the beats.
“So, tell me what happened tonight.” Shoko turns to look at you directly, one leg hanging off the couch, the other folded neatly under her. She puts a hand on your knee, and you turn to mirror her body.
“I don’t know why he picked now? I thought things were going so well. I mean, he wasn’t like amazing, but it was comfortable,” you take another sip. “Whatever. Honestly, it was too hard juggling everything.” you take another sip and finish off your glass.
Feeling lightheaded from the wine, you lean back against the arm of the couch. Shoko leans over and takes your glass and sets it on the table with hers. Returning to the couch, she places her hands on either side of your shoulders, leaning against the couch arm, knees next to your thighs, caging you in. You look up at her, spit catching in your throat as your stomach turns flips and releases a kaleidoscope of butterflies.
Your brain short circuits when a pair of soft lips ghost against your own. They come back around, this time making full contact as they press against yours. You release a small moan as you drink in the aroma of the tannins on her lips. The softness yet gentle pressure of Shoko’s lips on yours sends a shock through your spine.
“May I?” she pulls away, looking at you with a hooded gaze. You just nod slowly as you bring your arms up to her waist, Shoko leaning in for a second kiss. This time with more urgency, sliding her tongue along your lips, a silent request for entry to your mouth. You open slightly and she presses her tongue in through the gap.
Gripping her waist more, you pull Shoko into you as you give yourself into the embrace. Shifting her weight, Shoko sits on your thighs and her hands slide to cup your chin as she pulls your face closer, tongue still mapping your mouth.
“What-“ you break away from the kiss momentarily. “I don’t-um…” you trail off.
Shoko slides one hand from your chin and laces with your hand at her side.
“Do you trust me?” Shoko says while squeezing your hand. Her eyes flicker between your eyes, your lips, and further down. You nod your head. Your brain is swimming in lingering beer, some wine, and the heavy lust clouds hovering around the two of you, “Then please just relax and lay back.”
You hum in acknowledgment as Shoko leans in and her free hand slides down your neck and cups your breast. At the same time, her lips begin to kiss down the column of your neck, sending shocks of pleasure down your spine. You arch your back at the sensations. Starting to feel tension in your cunt building from the tension.
Shoko kneads your breast for a moment before reaching down to the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head. She also makes quick work of your bra.
Leaning back down, she takes one of your nipples into her mouth, sucking lightly as her hand cups your breast at the base. She repeats with your other nipple, softly kissing a line between them as she moves over. A soft moan escapes your lips as you acquiesce to the touch.
You slide your hands up from Shoko’s waist along her sides and gingerly caress her covered tits, giving them a light squeeze. You feel a vibration at one of your nipples as Shoko releases a light chuckle and then moans into you. This jolt of pleasure joins the others zipping right down your spine into your core. Feeling your arousal continue to leak out, creating a pool in your panties.
You grind your hips to try and get some semblance of relief, but to no avail. Noticing your squirming, Shoko sits up, releasing your nipple with a light ‘pop’ and starts to loosen your pants.
“Is this okay?” she whispers as she works the button open and lowers the zipper.
“Please…” you whine.
Squeezing your thighs together in another attempt to relieve the building pressure. The fog is only building around you, threatening to suffocate your brain. You feel woozy, but in a wholly thrilling way. This is new, this is exciting, this is uncharted territory. You’ve wanted this, but you could never put the thoughts together to fully realize it.
Shoko lifts off of you to fully remove your pants and panties, leaving you fully exposed. “Come here” Shoko stands up and extends her arm to you. You grab it and stand up. She pulls you into her, wrapping her arms around you as your lips crash together, drinking in the lust. Shoko leads you to her bedroom in the back of her apartment. Not a molecule in your body wasn’t pushing you forward, craving more. More touch, more kissing, more unknown.
You fall backwards onto the plush duvet. The head of the bed covered in myriad pillows, both practical and decorative, you slide back so you are sinking into the soft pillows, somewhat propped up.
“Don’t blink,” Shoko bites her lip as she reaches for the hem of her shirt, rucking it up from her waist letting it pop over the swell of her chest, tossing it to the side.
Then her pants, slowly unbuttoning them and shaking her hips back and forth as she pushes them down and steps out.
Next, she turns around so you can see her plump ass split and wrapped by a simple blue lacy thong. She looks over her shoulder as she unclasps her bra and slides the straps off her shoulders. She uses one hand to grasp the side of the bra and drops the other arm to her side as she tosses it to the foot of the bed near you.
And finally, she slips her thumbs into the sides of her thong and bends over, giving you a stunning display of her ass as she pulls off her thong. The middle of it sticking momentarily in her cunt as her own arousal created a sticky mess. She tosses it right next to your head, draped over the headboard.
Watching the show unfold in front of you, you can’t help but let a hand drift between your legs, dipping into your trimmed pussy, circling your aching clit. You let out a moan when Shoko presents her ass to you and gasp when the final article of clothing lands next to you. Looking up, you see Shoko kneeling on the bed at your feet, slowly climbing up your legs.
Shoko grabs hold of your wrist and removes it from your core, holding your wet fingers up to her mouth. Sticking out her tongue, she languishes over your fingers, cleaning off every bit of your arousal.
“Mmmm, sweet,” she places your wet hand on her breast as she drags a finger along your folds. You reactively squeeze, moving your hand to roll her nipple in your grasp.
With a smirk, Shoko slowly inserts her middle finger into your sopping wet cunt. At the same time, she uses her thumb to rub your clit gently. Not wanting to overwhelm you in what is clearly your first time with a woman, Shoko gently slides her finger in and out while circling your aching bud.
Your hand having abandoned it’s duties to falling beside you, you gasp at the pleasure. The knowing sensation of someone who is treating your body with measured precision. Reflecting the same pleasure she’d used her entire adult life on herself. You let yourself be consumed by the feelings, brain stopping all other functions. Giving in to the lust, drowning in the touch.
“Shoooookooooo oh god please,” you rattle off nonsensical exclamations as the speed picks up. Shoko lays down next to you on her side. She drapes one leg across yours, lightly grinding her cunt against your thigh. Shoko adds a second finger to the pistoning.
Pressing needy kisses into the side of your neck, you turn your head to the side to capture her lips on yours. The kiss is rough, it’s full of tongue and movement. You continue to grind against Shoko’s hand as you near your high. Whimpering into the continued embrace, your free hand shoots up to your hair.
“Ah! Fuck, please! I can’t—“ You throw your head back as you orgasm hard into Shoko’s hand. Letting out a whimper that sounds more like a shout, you ride your high with clouded vision. Your hand flies from your hair to Shoko’s hand, clasping it tight as you jut your hips erratically.
Breathing heavily, you finally turn your head to the side and Shoko kisses the corner of your mouth, and then kisses away the tears leaking from your eyes. Slowly removing her hand from your sensitive core, Shoko brings her hand up to lick off your orgasm.
Coming down from your high, you push Shoko’s leg off of you and roll her onto her back. Moving yourself to between her legs, you tentatively reach your hand down to cup her bare folds. You gasp at the wholly familiar, yet new feeling on your hand.
Going back for a second touch, Shoko leans up on her elbows, “Baby, please don’t be shy.”
You pause for a moment and then refocus your attention on Shoko’s clit, gently rolling it between your fingers. Shoko arches her back at the sensation, pussy glistening and leaking.
You are encouraged by her reaction, so you take your other hand and spread her pussy open and inserting a finger gingerly. Sliding in, you feel a tingle down your spine with another sense of familiarity. You add in a second finger and Shoko begins to roll her hips against your ministrations.
Feeling more confident, you start to slide your fingers in and out of Shoko’s tight pussy. Trying to mimic the motions you’ve used on yourself and reading her face to draw out the best reactions, you adjust the speed and angle of your fingers until just right.
The room is filled with heavy panting, whimpers, needy whines, and the thick scent of arousal. You’re no longer feeling the influence of alcohol on your brain, but instead getting drunk on lust. You lean down to press a messy kiss on Shoko’s neck as she arches her back and releases a loud shout while you feel her orgasm pulse around your fingers and leak around you.
After a few heady moments, you pull your hand out, spreading your fingers and see the wet strings of her sticky arousal coating your fingers and dripping into your palm. Taking your turn to clean up your hands, you savor the sweet and tangy essence, letting out a moan as you swallow.
Shoko reaches up to you, cupping the nape of your neck, pulling you into her in a warm, tight embrace.
“First time, eh?”
Your words lost in your throat, you just nod.
“I’ve been waiting for the right moment since the day I met you.”
You lift yourself up and look straight into her eyes, your own expression in disbelief, “Really?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t really know what to do, but I really did love it. I-I think I want—” You pause to bury your head in your hands. Shoko gently grabs your hands so she can see you. You sit back on your heels and she sits up and gently wraps her legs around you.
“Don’t, no, don’t apologize. There isn’t an instruction manual attached to everyone’s genitalia, and,” she pauses to kiss your neck, “we don’t need to figure out what we are or what this was or anything in this moment. Let’s go take a bath, yeah?”
“Oka-y. Okay. Yeah. That’ll be nice,” you start to get off the bed but you wobble a little as you stand up.
“My little Bambi…” Shoko stands up and links her arm with yours as she leads you to the bathroom.
She starts the water in the over-sized tub and then starts rustling through the cabinets for towels, soap, and bubbles. You sit down on the lid of the toilet, bringing your feet and knees up.
“Bubbles?” she asks you.
“Bubbles,” you giggle back at her as she adds a bubble bar to the bath. You watch it start to cover the top of the water making it more opaque as the tub fills up.
Shoko disappears out the door and returns with a tray she fits across the tub, the wine bottle, and two wine glasses refilled.
“Hmm I think that’s enough water,” Shoko turns off the tap and she motions for you to take her hand. She steps in ahead of you and holds your hand for balance as you dip in, giving a soft moan to the searing warmth of the water.
Siting at opposite ends facing each other, you take a soapy hand to reach out for a glass and again share a gentle clink and take a sip. You both settle into a comfortable silence, still coming down from your respective highs. Your brain still in an unfocused fog, you’re just enjoying the moment to relax. Legs twisted around each other as you face Shoko in the peaks and valleys of bubbles.
Enjoying the view, seeing the swell of her breasts hovering in the edge of the bubbles and water. Shoko catches your gaze and returns the look, taking in your exposed skin.
“Can we do this again?” you ask suddenly, breaking the silence.
“A bath?”
“No. I mean, before that,” you start to blush, hoping it’s just from the wine and the hot water.
“Oh.” Shoko smirks, “I thought you’d be too tired tonight, but, sure.”
“I just meant like tomorrow or the next day or…” you trail off, blush deepening and spreading down to your exposed décolletage.
“You’re fun to mess with. I’d like to do it again, I’m sure we can find more time in the future.”
You hum in agreement and take a sip of your wine. You feel an overwhelming sense of relief that you felt were mutual. Back in undergrad, you were never sure if it was just a garden-variety crush on a celebrity (doesn’t everyone find them attractive?) or that your brain actually had an attraction to women and men.
You’ve never come out to your family or admitted any of this to them, never really receiving the emotional support you’ve wanted. But maybe Shoko could answer your questions once your brain solidified again.
But, you knew one thing. You were addicted. Your lust-drunk brain focused on the sensations from tonight and etched them into your memory. Maybe next time you’ll get that sweet nectar on your tongue right at the source. Maybe next time you’ll get smothered by her sitting on your face. Maybe next time you’d wrap your hands in her hair and—
You snap out of your daydream when you hear the tap of glass as Shoko pours more wine into her glass.
“Um, what are your plans for spring break?” you try to convincingly ask so as to divert your brain off it’s horny line of thoughts.
“Didn’t have any. Probably just watch trashy movies, drink wine, and pray my friends are charged up,” she knocks her leg into yours on the last statement.
“Huh?” you are caught off-guard at the insinuation of the likelihood of toys to play with. Maybe next time…?
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t have any plans, didn’t want to go anywhere this year. Besides, I need to start prepping my med school applications. What about you? Going home?” Shoko continues sipping her wine.
“No, no plans. Going home is too much of a hassle and there isn’t much for me there anyways. I planned to just sleep and become one with my couch.”
“Stay here, with me. I’ve got a big couch, and I think it’s missing an impression of you sunken into it.”
You choke on your wine, but Shoko just chuckles and finishes her glass. She offers to refill as she empties the bottle. You continue to soak and enjoy each others’ company until the bubbles have all popped and the wine is all gone.
Getting out, you towel off and dig through Shoko’s skin care shelf to apply a few layers of product. She offers you a spare (new) toothbrush and you put on a borrowed over-sized t shirt.
Climbing into bed, you feel uncomfortable and unsure with just laying there until Shoko wraps an arm around you and nuzzles her head into your neck with a nip from her teeth. You have a feeling you won’t be going to sleep just yet.
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irosariaz · 22 days
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You're stuck in a loveless arranged marriage; your husband doesn't even talk to you and as loneliness is about to swallow you whole a bright young man appears and brings passion to your heart again | NO MAJOR WARNINGS APPLY | PART 3/? | FEM READER
Diluc scoffed before shaking his arm off your grip, the temperature started to rise in the room.
“You didn't know I had any interest until two minutes ago and suddenly there is a huge urge from your part to get to know me?”
He started to walk down the stairs, with you almost stepping on his heels.
“I will not entertain your fantasies”
You tripped on the last stair but Diluc kept walking towards the door, not sparing a glance.
The floor was comfortable.
So you stayed there, and felt tears stinging in your eyes.
Was it true? Were you that miserable? Was Diluc offended or disappointed? Was he going to tell your husband?
Around ten minutes went by before you regained the strength to stand up to walk away, out of town and into the forest.
It was a long walk but the embarrassment was too much, and the tears just kept flowing because it really was true.
You were ungrateful, you hated this life and wanted more.
For the first time in a while your bed felt uncomfortable.
Two days went by before the lady of the house stepped out of her room, and a third would've gone by if it were not for the unexpected visitor.
One of the maids stormed into the room.
“Miss, you must get dressed now, Master Diluc is here”
Oh. Master Diluc.
“Tell my husband I am not in condition to receive visitors”
And then you felt it, the slight raise of temperature, the sudden lack of air, a heavy presence on your doorstep.
“My business with your husband is done, I need to speak with you; are you such an irresponsible wife as to forfeit the preparations for your anniversary celebration?”
You didn't even raise your head from the pillow to turn and look at him.
“Master Diluc I must ask you to leave”
“I won't”
The poor maid was holding onto the door-frame for dear life, torn between helping her mistress or running away from the scene, and ultimately opting for the latter.
Diluc took that as a good sign and stepped into the room to take a seat on the edge of the bed.
“I would like to offer a sincere apology regarding my behavior the last time we saw each other; I was childish and disrespectful to you and your marriage, please consider this as me extending my hand in order to form a mutually beneficial… friendship”
You remained immobile.
“Thank you Master Diluc, now please leave”
This time he listened, and the air felt cold once the door was closed and he was gone.
It was merely two hours later that the first letter arrived.
The door to your room flung open, your husband squeaking excitedly with an envelope in his hand.
“Looks like Master Diluc has taken a liking to you my dear wife! This is very important for us, he is a very influential person in Mondstat you know?”
Of course you knew, so you sat up and looked at him with pure confusion across your face.
“He wrote to me?”
“Of course he did! You are the wife of one of the best businessmen in Mondstat!”
He handed you the letter and left the room, muttering to himself about riches and new royalty.
The envelope was simple, with only your name written on the outside and a small red wax seal keeping it shut; the paper was of nice quality, and you didn't notice your hands shaking until you were already reading the contents.
“My lady,
Once again I apologize for insulting your marriage, your honor and your name; I am deeply ashamed by my behavior and my words and if you no longer wish to speak to me that is understandable, but please do not deny me that pleasure, you are but a fine woman and I sincerely wish to be of your acquaintance; I am not a person fond of socializing and formalities, but to gain your trust and to demonstrate my good wishes to you please accompany your husband tomorrow to my state for the last catering review for your anniversary celebration.
Even if you do not wish to see me, please write soon.
Yours, Diluc Ragnvindr”
Oh so dreamy, was he not?
You rolled your eyes before reaching out for pen and paper from your desk.
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