#and it stuck
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luimagines · 10 months ago
Two in a Bush
Another commission!
They asked for Reader getting separated in a dungeon and Wild panics to find them. :D 
Content under the cut!
Wild wasn’t sure what to expect of a place like this.
He didn’t have anything like this in his world. He had the Divine Beasts that he had to figure out but those were giant mechanical weapons. Not some fortress that had a hidden secret at the end. 
Comparing the two- he supposes they aren’t all that different. From the monsters, to the puzzles, to even the multiple floors for a few of them, Wild could confidently say that he still had no idea what he was doing. Luckily, many of the others seemed to have more than enough practice and experience to go around. Wild was more than happy to leave the spearheading to them.
It gave him an excuse to look after you instead.
You were a special circumstance amongst this group of heroes. It caught Wild’s attention in more ways than one.
It was just unfortunate that you had zero fighting experience like the rest of them. Not that he personally considered it a fault of yours, don’t misunderstand him, but the idea of being with a group that does nothing but fight without being able to fight didn’t sit right with him. Granted, he was happy and delighted by the idea that you came from a place where you could live normally. It made him jealous in a good way. He wanted that for himself as well- but you would have had it from the beginning and that’s something that he knew he would never achieve.
However this also meant that they would have to be on the lookout for you specifically. Without any knowledge of how to properly defend yourself, it meant that they would have to pick up the slack.
Not that they would ever phrase it that way and much less to your face. Wild had thought that he could take the opportunities to look cooler and more heroic in an attempt to catch your attention but even he knew that it was a fool’s dream to picture it that way… That didn’t stop him from day dreaming though.
Regardless, he stuck by your side as the group explored the dungeon, sword at the ready and willing to defend you if needed.
You seemed content to explore the dungeon just like the rest of them, keeping pace and looking around with childlike wonder on your face. It made Wild smile.
Suddenly, the group was attacked.
Everyone sprang into action, Wild included to take down the threats in the new room. While there was usually only a handful per section, this room had an unusually high amount of monsters. It took all hands on deck to diminish the threat and clear the area before they could continue exploring.
Wild was lucky enough to stay behind the larger hoard of monsters, shooting at the threats to help his brother before they broke the line. He switched to his sword and charged ahead, slashing the threats along with the others until there weren’t any left. Tired, but relieved, Wild turned back to you with a smile on your face.
But you were nowhere to be seen.
His heart dropped and so did his sword from his hand. The metal clang echoed in the room. “Guys?”
Many turned their heads to him. 
Wild looked back to the group asking for where you were, prompting them to look around the room as well. Wild didn’t like the looks on their faces as they came to the same conclusion they did.
“Where did they go?” Wind scratched the top of their head.
“Were they pushed out of the room?” Twilight stood straighter, jogging to the entrance for a better look.
Hyrule followed the Rancher without missing a beat. “If they didn’t, then we have a bigger problem on our hands than any puzzle we can find in this dungeon.”
Wild could feel his anxiety rise within him. You were right there. How could he lose you? There’s still more monsters to go through. You can’t fight them. You can’t. He needs to find you. He needs to find you now.
“Oh hello.” Legend whistles, calling the attention of the others. “Champion, were you over here at first?”
Wild turns around and nods. “Yeah, I tried to keep them here so they wouldn’t be cornered so easily if they had to run.”
He doesn’t like the look on Legend’s face. There’s a panel on the wall but Wild didn’t think much of it at first.
Legend points to it. “Who wants to bet they’re on the other side?”
“What?” Warrior furrows his eyebrows. “What does a weird wall with a human shape have to do with-”
Legend grins and places himself in the human imprint. The wall spins suddenly with a quiet whirr and returns to its original position. Without Legend in it.
Wild doesn’t want to waste any time. He runs to the panel despite the cries of the other boys, too in shock over Legend’s disappearance to stop him from doing the same. He places his back to the metal and gasps as it spins just as it did for the Veteran.
He comes face to face with another room entirely and takes a step away. The wall stays the same. 
Legend dusts himself as he takes in the new room. He’s looking at the map they collected earlier, trying to figure out where they go and where this would lead. He’s scratching the side of his head, pushing his hat to a dangerous edge where it could fall off with one movement. He looks perplexed. He doesn’t seem to like what he’s seeing. Wild doesn’t want to think about going into uncharted waters and what that could mean for you.
Wild scans the room as well. There’s some more monster hidden in the shadows to his left and there’s a deadend to his right. In front of him, there is a hallway just beyond the room but there’s another exit just ahead of the monsters.
The monsters notice him and begin to make their way closer to the duo. The wall behind them spins again, signaling the arrival of a third member but Wild pays no attention to it.
He still can’t find you so he takes off running, picking a random exit in hopes that it leads him to where you could be. How far could you get in such a short time? Surely he could catch up in time before something happens, right?
He hears the Four call after him but he pays no mind to it. Footsteps begin to echo behind him along with the muffled cries of the monsters as they were shot on sight.
Wild takes a deep breath and looks around. He finds a new spot but there’s still no sign of you, even as he desperately begins to call for your name. There’s more monsters in this new room and he’s quick to deal with them. His building panic and frustration adds fuel to the fire as he channels it into a quiet rage to kill the offending beasts.
Once the room is empty, it remains empty. Not wanting to waste any more time, Wild turns on his heels and runs out as fast as his feet can carry him. 
He’s already lost. He doesn’t know where he is. He doesn’t know where the others are, nor does he hear them anymore. His breath is the only sound to surround him. It comes out haggard and stunted. He coughs- feeling a drop of saliva attempt to go down the wrong pipe.
Wild whips his head up, not bothering to continue catching his breath. He starts running again, finding a new path into a new room. There’s more monsters and he deals with them as quickly as the prior ones. 
Panic has fully set into his bones as each turn produces more and more failure.
Tears well up in eyes and in his frustration, Wild punches the wall. He hurts his hands more than he hurts the wall.
As in response, he hears a sound. It’s muffled and faint, but he can hear the familiar cry of rage and determination just beyond the bricks and mortar. It’s a battle cry.
It sounds like you.
Spurred on by the sound, Wild goes on the attack. He beats the wall with everything he has before the ground beneath him gives way. He tumbles and instinctually tucks himself into a ball. Wild wraps his arms around his head and uses his legs to try and gain control of his graceless descent. He eventually comes to a grinding halt and he unfurls himself from the positions he’s put himself in.
He is only inches away from the edge of what appears to be a cliff. His heart jumps at the sight as he rolls away.
Wild, remembering why he had tried to get through the wall to begin with, pushes himself to his feet.
A monster cries before it dies, quickly followed by more and more sounds of pain and anger. Another battle cry rings out, this time much more clear than what Wild had heard previously. 
It is most definitely you.
Wild looks over the edge hesitantly. It would be great if he had finally found you… But it would be a hit to his psyche if he were to see you in battle. He’s afraid of what he might see. Are you hurt? Are you terrified?
He looks over anyway.
Instead of terror, he’s pleasantly surprised to see that same determined look on your face that he’s seen on so many other faces. Your eyebrows are closely knit together and there’s a glint in your eyes that he’s never seen before.
They’re hardened and sharp. There’s an ax in your hand that you no doubt stole from one of the monsters you must have come across. You look angry and there’s multiple splatters of blood over your clothes and exposed skin. The fabric that covers sticks to your body from the sweat you’ve produced from the intensity you’ve put into defending yourself. 
Wild finds himself glued to your figure. You fight ferociously even though your lack of training is evident. He watches you with his jaw agape and his hand on the handle of the sheikah slate. He’s entranced. This is hot.
The sheikah makes the familiar sound of a picture being taken before he reaches for his bow. From above, he aims for the monsters that come against you. His attacks throw the monsters into confusion as they search for the second hidden threat. The distraction gives you the perfect opportunity to strike them back and finish them off.
Once the last of the monsters has fallen, its body fallen beside the others, you take the last remaining part of your sleeve and wipe your forehead. You smear the blood splotches over your cheek in the process. Wild takes another picture. You look up, using your hand to try and block out any competing light and see him.
Wild snaps one more picture, hoping that it catches the way you instantly relax and smile up at him. He hopes he catches the way your eyes light up at the sight of him and the way you’ve held the weapon high in the air in greeting, making it look more like a victory stance over your enemies. He waves back enthusiastically. He’s never felt more proud in his life. “You did it!”
“Link!” You cry back and drop the weapon. You run close to the cliff, craning your neck to your sight on him. “You found me!”
Maybe you didn’t hear him.
Wild shakes his head affectionately and takes a few steps back. He doesn’t see your eyebrows furrow again or the confused tilt to your head. Instead, Wild takes a running leap and jumps off of the cliff. He opens up the paraglider and uses it to glide down safely to where you stand.
You run to him before he hits the ground, nearly tackling him as he lands. Wild wraps his arms around you instinctually, calming his pounding heart now that you’ve returned safely to his arms. You take in a shuddering breath and tuck your face into the crook of his neck. You feel inclined to repeat yourself. “You found me.”
“I wouldn’t stop searching until I did.” Wild whispers. He pulls back and wipes the remaining blood off of your face. “What happened? How did you end up here?”
You smile sheepishly and scratch the back of your neck. “During that first fight, I got pushed back far enough into the wall. It spun around and next thing I knew, I was in another room. I saw the monsters on the far end and figured that it would be better to not be spotted. I snuck out and only ran into more monsters so I kept going. Next thing I know I ended up down here and couldn’t not fight back.”
“Where did you even get the ax?”
“I stole it.”
Wild snickers and finally lets you go. His hands rest on your shoulders, rubbing them affectionately. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
You grin in return, putting on a smirk. “I just pretended they were customers on Black Friday. I’ve always wanted to fend them off with a stick.”
He has no idea what that means. “Ok- but you had an ax and they were monsters.”
“...High stakes Black Friday shoppers.”
Wild hangs his head in defeat. He tries his hardest to not laugh at your facial expression. It seems as if you know what you’re talking about at least, so it’s a small comfort. “Alright. Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
“Are the others waiting for us?” You take his hand, stepping in time with him as he takes a good look around this new area. For the better part, it looks like a ditch with no way in or out- except for above.
“Sooomething like that.” Wild chews on his lip, switching to his climbing gear. He picks you up with zero hesitation, throwing you onto his back and he begins to scale the wall. You yelp and shriek, hitting his back as he climbs.
“Hey! A warning would have been great!”
“Hang on. I got this.”
“You’re welcome.”
You snort. He’s ignoring your tone on purpose. Slowly, you adjust yourself on his back so you don’t fall off and wait until he’s reached the top. Once he lets you down, you smack the back of his head.
He blocks it effortlessly, leaning in instead to kiss your cheek. There’s laughter on his breath as he checks you out once more.  “I hope you're ready for a lot of walking. I’ll have you know that we are very lost.”
“Are we?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Oh.” You think for a moment and look back at Wild. You end up chewing on your lip as well. “Are we in trouble?”
“You? No. Me? Most definitely.”
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marsosims · 11 days ago
show us cat pls 👉👈
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the little devil himself, damon!
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wanologic · 2 years ago
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That Fit Tho
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pushing500 · 5 months ago
The boys just running around without shoes on? I know I never made a full outfit for my characters (tribal wear and a parka is all they neeeed), but yeouch, step on any sharp rocks lately? That’d be a ‘fun’ mod
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Who needs shoes when you're more than prepared to cut off your legs and replace them with bionics at a moment's notice anyway? Best to enjoy the warm sand and rocky soil on your skin while you're still bound to the weakness of your flesh IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️
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sweetie-peaches · 9 months ago
*holds my medic qtubbo headcanon close* she doesn’t make sense to anyone but me but i love her. That man was a field medic, he has to have some kind of medical training idk why he just does
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aussie-brumby · 9 months ago
Can't believe the moniker for the new DA protag is "Rook".
My inquisitor Rook Trevelyan, definitely blames Varric for that idea
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hesh-w · 7 months ago
Why are you called Hesh?
Ah, well- that's a pretty short story.
Logan loved hash browns growing up, and he called me 'Hash' for a while because he said 'David' was boring, and hash browns were "the future of man." His words, not mine. Hash eventually became Hesh, as did a lot of Logan's pronunciation for things with an 'ah' to sound more like an 'eh'.
It just kind of stuck, and it worked out when I joined the military, too.
Dad still called me David, though. :P
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mountainashfae · 1 year ago
OC Mannerisms: Aurien Florence
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As tagged by @the-raging-tempest in the original template post. Finally getting around to this.
- NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> Sylvan, Skald, Varisian, Elven, Taldane, Celestial, Mwangi. In that order.
- TONE OF VOICE >> high / average / deep 
- ACCENT >> yes / no  Their roots in Sylvan definitely show up, especially since for most of their life that's what they spoke. RL equivalent of Welsh.
- DEMEANOR >> confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
- POSTURE >> slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed Whether their posture is stiff or relaxed varies wildly by the context. When they are moving, they are fluid and relaxed. When they are still, they are stiff as ice.
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance Their gesturing is a learned habit rather than a subconscious one. Their natural stillness does not fit the image of an approachable cleric they put on, and the conscious gesturing can be picked up by someone paying attention.
COMPLEXITY (Fill in the circle’s as you wish)
- VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ Picking up Skald and Varisian after Sylvan did good things for their vocabulary. Sometimes they revert back to the smaller vocabulary of Sylvan though.
- EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️ Aurien wishes they could conceal their emotions better, but their appearance changing with their emotions gives them away.
- FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️ They learned to use it more often while in the Shackles to fit in among the pirates, and some of that stuck around.
- CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ The majority of their swears are in the Mwangi language, which is funny to hear up in Mendev.
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or [ cryptic ] finding the right word or [ using the first word that comes to mind ] masculinity, [ neutrality ], or femininity [ formalities ] or with abrasiveness praise or [ equivocation ] frankness or [ flattery ] excessive or [ minimal hand gestures ] name-calling or [ magnanimity ] [ friendly ] or blunt
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK?  almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never sometimes they purposefully obscure the meaning
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent  / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
Anything that wasn’t touched on?
Rotgut has a weird combination of Aurien's accent in Taldane and a Mwangi accent because that's a familiar. That's a sentient bird with a higher INT stat than Aurien. His "native" humanoid language is Mwangi because he's from the fucking Shackles and had to learn Taldane from Aurien.
Yes Rotgut and Aurien frequently bicker in Mwangi
Aurien very frequently avoids answering questions by giving answers around the question but avoiding the core of the question. Even when they're trying to be honest they end up doing this.
The tone and pitch of their voice changes slightly along with their emotions and appearance. Higher pitch with spring, silky smooth with autumn, slightly huskier with summer, and low and cold with winter.
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wip of amos bc this is taking me forever and i’m currently living on a farm so that’s not helping me work quicker
anyway ig this is like a sneak peek
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bonnieura · 3 months ago
i keep reading your username as "fresh bonnie" bc ura means fresh in irish 😅
well i am pretty fresh
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storminmyveins-archived · 1 year ago
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❝ It doesn't take a pop-tart and two fruit loops to see that right there -- is bullshit. ❞
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open to : any fandom crossover.
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broodygaming · 2 years ago
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Grab a friend you don't mind gaslighting and come play my game
So I binged sims players playing among us for like a month and wanted to make a two player game where you lie. Only one can win! who is gonna be, *drumrooollll* HEADS OR TAILS?
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pain-is-too-tired · 7 months ago
One my fav times in dnd was after me and one the other members took a small quest to deal with some rats, and having to kill the big rat-
My half-elf druid held a funeral for the big momma rat out of respect and suddenly became a father of a bunch of rat babies afterwards.
10/10. Best experience.
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coffinkissez · 7 months ago
I’m pretty sure the noble bell npc stuff started when I thought that the long haired npc was a girl, z corrected me, and then I said she was just transfem
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fandom-roulette-wheel · 2 years ago
Sometimes I draw like this…
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because my brain needs a break from this:
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