#Celestial is not Empyrean to me
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mountainashfae · 1 year ago
OC Mannerisms: Aurien Florence
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As tagged by @the-raging-tempest in the original template post. Finally getting around to this.
- NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> Sylvan, Skald, Varisian, Elven, Taldane, Celestial, Mwangi. In that order.
- TONE OF VOICE >> high / average / deep 
- ACCENT >> yes / no  Their roots in Sylvan definitely show up, especially since for most of their life that's what they spoke. RL equivalent of Welsh.
- DEMEANOR >> confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
- POSTURE >> slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed Whether their posture is stiff or relaxed varies wildly by the context. When they are moving, they are fluid and relaxed. When they are still, they are stiff as ice.
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance Their gesturing is a learned habit rather than a subconscious one. Their natural stillness does not fit the image of an approachable cleric they put on, and the conscious gesturing can be picked up by someone paying attention.
COMPLEXITY (Fill in the circle’s as you wish)
- VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ Picking up Skald and Varisian after Sylvan did good things for their vocabulary. Sometimes they revert back to the smaller vocabulary of Sylvan though.
- EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️ Aurien wishes they could conceal their emotions better, but their appearance changing with their emotions gives them away.
- FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️ They learned to use it more often while in the Shackles to fit in among the pirates, and some of that stuck around.
- CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ The majority of their swears are in the Mwangi language, which is funny to hear up in Mendev.
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or [ cryptic ] finding the right word or [ using the first word that comes to mind ] masculinity, [ neutrality ], or femininity [ formalities ] or with abrasiveness praise or [ equivocation ] frankness or [ flattery ] excessive or [ minimal hand gestures ] name-calling or [ magnanimity ] [ friendly ] or blunt
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK?  almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never sometimes they purposefully obscure the meaning
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent  / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
Anything that wasn’t touched on?
Rotgut has a weird combination of Aurien's accent in Taldane and a Mwangi accent because that's a familiar. That's a sentient bird with a higher INT stat than Aurien. His "native" humanoid language is Mwangi because he's from the fucking Shackles and had to learn Taldane from Aurien.
Yes Rotgut and Aurien frequently bicker in Mwangi
Aurien very frequently avoids answering questions by giving answers around the question but avoiding the core of the question. Even when they're trying to be honest they end up doing this.
The tone and pitch of their voice changes slightly along with their emotions and appearance. Higher pitch with spring, silky smooth with autumn, slightly huskier with summer, and low and cold with winter.
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diona-98 · 1 year ago
Rottmnt leo aus!
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Time to tag the people 💀
(If you guys can't find your leo, just send me an ask then i will screen shot it for you!)
KL (Kid Leo): @angelpuns
EW (Empyrean Weeping): @cupcakeslushie
LS (Little Subject): @allyheart707
LM: SMB (Life Mission: Save My Brothers): @daedelweiss
TD (Tentative Devotee): @s0fti3w1tch
SL (Separated Leo): @dianagj-art
Gemini: @tangledinink
2AL (2 Arms Left): @intotheelliwoods
CAS (Cass Apocalyptic Series): @somerandomdudelmao
TMNT 04: @koolaidashley
Hidden Hero: @egg04
TN (The Night): @y0unginhumans
RR (Red Rover): @theserpentsnight
BS (Battle Scars): @kaysdenofchaos
EMD (Even More of a Disaster): @teaableu/@3lectricinsomnia
Totpocalypse: @pastadorable
TMNT Double or Nothing: @mobiitez
Addams! TMNT: @lackablazeical
NFOE (New Friends Old Enemies): @sunydays
Mertles: @qquewpp
The Kendra Childhood: @zeawesomeness
Unnamed Separated : @v-albion (lol, i know it doesnt have a name yet but still want to include it)
Wretched Little Pests: @abbeyofcyn/@noxvee6/@spacemimz
The 4 Servents: @angelosorangebandana
Cowboy leo: @rufwoof (idk if this is an actual AU but still want to include cowboy leo cuz i love him)
TMNT aberration: @probably-not-a-rutabaga
Celestial: @ashwii
Villainous Brothers: @signanothername
Mutant Manhunt: @baskeigh-ball
Is This Right?: @cruilty-ink (ink, im sorry but i accidentally drew him curse, i tried man 😭)
Battle Racing: @apollo-not-in-space
TMNT Redline: @0ddbugs/@coffinpal
ANLFM (A Ninjas Life For Me): @triona-tribblescore
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d3m0l1t10n-lvrs · 2 years ago
☀️🌙DCA AU nominations!☀️🌙
Note:If you do not want your AU to be in the DCA awards, please tell me so I can exclude them when I make the polls!
Polls will start tomorrow!
Inkdrop Literature by @d3m0l1t10n-lvrs (me!)
Candyland AU by @garbagechocolate
Fever Dream AU by @cero-sleep
Star Holder AU by @justaduckarts
Club AU by @spicymoonmenace
Celestial Merfolk by @bloo-the-dragon
Cowboy AU by @castercassette
Cherub AU by @starrspice
Accidentally undercover by @lavenoon
Merpirate au by @neonlazycat
Greatest Showman AU by @laurzzz
Biting the Hand that feeds by @xitsensunmoon
Crystal AU by @kandidandi
God AU by @empyrean-decay-god-dca @lab-labrava
Beings made of stardust AU by @maudiemoods
Familiar AU by @naffeclipse
Illusion of choice by @cero-sleep
Tumblr AU by @little-sw33tie
Deorum Reliquiae by @little-sw33tie
Hospitalized au by @bilolli
Fluffbear au by @bones-of-a-rabbit
Fairy au by @ayyy-imma-ninja
Lion King AU by @celticwolfie
Automation au by @betweenblackberrybranches
Dad au by @wakkodoodle
Kelpie au by @intistone
Hollow Knight AU by @intistone
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dartagnantt · 8 months ago
Lightspawn | Misguided Hostile Celestials
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PDFs of this and more can be found over on at my Patreon here! I release everything for free, so your support makes this possible. I'm working on a new class for 5e and the Kickstarter is live! Support it here! I've also started making a new system based off of 5e, 6th Dawn! Become a patron and join the playtest.
Playing a bit loose with the theme here. Although these celestials can fly, so it's not that bad of an abuse. But the term applied to celestials 'empyrean' means 'of highest heaven' which sounds like it was born of the air to me :P
But yeah, this is the realisation of a desire for an 'evil' celestial. But because angels and the like tend to stop being angels and celestials if they turn evil, I had to interpret this differently. So instead, I went with a misguided celestial. Or for those who remember my cultist background might recall that one option for your cult was a 'rogue celestial' which could be interpreted in several ways but this is certainly one.
And now to plug my stuff. I release homebrews weekly over on my Patreon. Anyone who pledges $1 or more per post don't have to wait a month to see them, and also help fund my being alive habit.
At the moment, they have exclusive access to the following:
Aasimar Reborn
Harpies take Flight
Elemental Versatility
A Sense of Pride and Accomplishment
I also have three classes, and a splatbook over on DriveThrueRPG to check out:
The Rift Binder. A class specialising in summoning monsters and controlling the battlefield.
The Witch Knight. A class that combines swords and sorcery in the most literal way.
The Werebeast. A class that turns you into a half beast to destroy your foes.
d'Artagnan's Adventurer Almanac. A compendium of races, subclasses, feats, spells, monsters and more!
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paperanddice · 22 days ago
A red and purple bird with a long tail that flows like a wave of flame, firebirds are celestial beings that bring succour and warmth to those in need. They will find adventuring parties that compliment their goals, or ones who they believe can be reformed, and assist them in achieving works of great good. Those lost in the dark and cold are relieved to see a firebird, as its very presence provides the light and warmth needed for survival. A firebird's feather sheds light for a year after removal, and the birds will often gift them to those who have done good for it, acting as proof of their meeting. Specialized feathers can also be planted in secretive locations, which burst into new firebirds after a year, fully grown and ready to take up their duties in protecting the vulnerable.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
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Firebird Creature 4 Small, Celestial Perception +14; truesight Languages Common, Elven, Empyrean, Fey Skills Acrobatics +12, Arcana +11, Deception +13, Medicine +10, Nature +10, Religion +10 Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +5 Light of the World (aura, light) 5-20 feet. The firebird sheds bright light in the aura, and dim light for the same radius. As an action with the concentrate trait, it can change the size of this aura to any range between 5 and 20 feet. A feather plucked from the firebird sheds light as a torch for 1 hour. Warming Presence (aura, divine) 5 feet. The firebird and all creatures in the aura treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on). AC 20; Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +12 HP 65; Immunities fire, frightened; Resistances electricity 5 Speed 20 feet, fly 100 feet Melee beak +12 (finesse), Damage 2d6+3 piercing Melee talon +12 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d4 +3 slashing Innate Divine Spells DC 21 ; 3rd heal, hypnotize; 2nd revealing light (×3); 1st charm (×3), cleanse cuisine (at will); cantrips (2nd) guidance, light Constant speak with animals, truesight Divine Rituals DC 21; geas Blinding Ray [2 actions] (divine, fire, light) The firebird throws a burning ray of light from its tail feathers that deals 5d6 fire damage in a 50-foot line (DC 18 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails the save is also blinded for 1 round, or blinded for 4 rounds on a critical failure. The firebird can't use Blinding Ray again for 1d4 rounds.
13th Age
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Firebird 2nd level leader [beast] Initiative: +7 Beak and Talons +7 vs. AC – 6 damage. Natural 14+: The firebird gives one nearby ally a +1 bonus to its next attack roll before the end of the firebird’s next turn. C: Blinding Ray +7 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies in a rough line) – 3 fire damage. Natural 14+: The target is also dazed until the end of the firebird’s next turn. Natural 18+: The target is dazed and hampered until the end of the firebird’s next turn. Limited Use: 1/battle, recharges the first time the escalation die reaches 5+. Flight. Resist Fire 16+. Warming Presence: The firebird and all of its nearby allies have resist cold 14+. AC 17 PD 15 MD 14 HP 34
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miirshroom · 4 months ago
Test for Echo, Freud, and Elden Ring (Shadow of the Erdtree)
Thinking about how not all examples of fantasy stories come from books or film, sometimes they are found in song. Thinking about the lyricism of Canadian Progressive Rock band Rush.
If it wasn't obvious - the Shadowlands is a Freudian nightmare. The surrealism of Salvadore Dali was heavily influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis and the cocoon of the empyrean is staged to resemble Dali's work Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man.
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Recently released Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon directly has an AC pilot named "Freud" whose emblem is a hand emerging from shadow holding a key (AC unit called "Locksmith").
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And as it turns out, Neil Peart - lyricist for Rush - also was drawing inspirations from Freud while writing songs for Test for Echo (1996).
"I've always been curious about all religions, and the Totem idea came from the Freud book 'Totem And Taboo', which I ran across at the Chalet studio where we were working just in the bookshelf in the living room. I had been kind of rediscovering Freud by way of Jung and getting to understand the really deep stuff he was dealing with as opposed to some of the pop psychology that we were fed growing up, and I thought Totem And Taboo was such a beautiful title because it's what we fear and what we worship. Totem being what we worship and Taboo being what we fear. What a beautiful, embracing metaphor. At one time, the song Resist was called 'Taboo' because I wanted to have the two little set pieces of what we fear, and in 'Totem' I was just trying to appropriate all religions because that's what I found looking around at different religions and different systems, is that they all have something good. So I thought why not have them all? The 'Buddha smile' is a nice thing, and I'd like to have 12 Apostles...it's all great. It was really just a kind of tongue and cheek, all the good things of different religions." Neil Peart, Jam! Showbiz, October 16, 1996
The lyrics to the songs can be found here: https://www.rush.com/albums/test-for-echo/
It's a fantasy that people of all religions and esoteric beliefs would get together to craft their perfect god to fear and worship. Fortunately, Elden Ring is a fantasy. From the song "Totem", how many of the faith systems here can you spot represented somewhere in the game?:
I’ve got twelve disciples and a Buddha smile The Garden of Allah – Viking Valhalla A miracle once in a while I’ve got a pantheon of animals in a pagan soul Vishnu and Gaia – Aztec and Maya Dance around my totem pole I believe in what I see I believe in what I hear I believe that what I’m feeling Changes how the world appears Angels and demons dancing in my head Lunatics and monsters underneath my bed Media messiahs preying on my fears Pop culture prophets playing in my ears I’ve got celestial mechanics To synchronize my stars Seasonal migrations – daily variations World of the unlikely and bizarre I’ve got idols and icons, unspoken holy vows Thoughts to keep well-hidden – sacred and forbidden Free to browse among the holy cows That’s why I believe Angels and demons inside of me Saviors and Satans all around me Sweet chariot, swing low, coming for me
And then there's Resist, which has some Miquellian themes:
I can learn to resist Anything but temptation I can learn to co-exist With anything but pain I can learn to compromise Anything but my desires I can learn to get along With all the things I can’t explain I can learn to resist Anything but frustration I can learn to persist With anything but aiming low I can learn to close my eyes To anything but injustice I can learn to get along With all the things I don’t know
But neither of these songs were the tip off for why I thought to look more closely at this album. It was the Crucible Knights and Bloodhound Knights. They've always had the odd quirk of being named for geological periods. That's a lyric from the song Dog Years:
I’d rather be a tortoise from Galapagos Or a span of geological time Than be living in these dog years
Ironic that the tortoises in Elden Ring have no text option allowing them to be labelled appropriately, so the community has decreed them "dog".
There are other songs from this album that I can see represented in Elden Ring. The title song Test for Echo is about how people yearn for connection, but what the mass media landscape delivers is sensationalism and acts of violence around the world. In 30 years this hasn't really improved. A picture of an inunnguaq was selected for the album cover from fascination for the way that the simple stone structure provides evidence of the existence of other humans having travelled before through a desolate landscape. And as I have mentioned before, Radagon's story has hints of Narcissus and Echo.
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This is bookended by the final song on the album Carve Away the Stone. The song suggests that like the Greek Sisyphus, all people are eternally rolling their own stones up a hill in the form of emotional baggage or other trauma. But people aren't static like a character from a story - they don't need to carry that weight forever. If you have the opportunity to shape your own destiny, why not take it? This would be related to the way that both Marika and Radagon appear to be carved of stone.
There's also the largely instrumental song that is second to last on the album and titled Limbo. It's implied to be vampire themed by one of the few vocal cut-ins being in a goofy vampire voice ("Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"). So like, Messmer the Impaler in the limbo-coded Shadowlands. His allusions to vampirism firstly being an epithet invoking Vlad the Impaler and also he has only false/closed eyes so he can't self reflect (one of the superstitions of vampires being that their reflection won't show up in a mirror because the mirrors in those days were polished silver). The archetype of the vampire in the Shadow is Jungian stuff and like I said - Neil Peart was thinking about depth psychology while writing this album.
For the rest of the songs the potential connections are more vague ("Time and motion / Flesh and blood and fire / Lives connect in webs of gold and razor wire" - Time and Motion) ("Gravity and distance / Change the passage of light / Gravity and distance / Change the color of right" - The Color of Right).
This isn't the only Rush album that I find possibly to have had some influence on the Radagon/Miquella/Mohg portion of Elden Ring. There's also the album 2112 (1976) back in Rush's earlier fantasy/sci-fi era, which introduces the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx - a kind of thought police represented by a red star - and mentions twin moons being in the sky. It was Rush's breakthrough album in America, followed the next year by A Farewell to Kings (1977), for which the notable songs include A Farewell to Kings, Xanadu, and Closer to the Heart. Also the album cover shows a puppet king slumped on a throne in front of a crumbling building. But again like with Test for Echo, one could imagine how all songs on the album might be combined to create an overall sense of time period.
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I'm not making a case for FromSoft promoting Freudian pseudopsychology, for the record. All this psychoanalysis stuff is in the Shadowlands and nobody in the Lands Between cares about what's in the Shadowlands. It's in the past, dead and buried. You can no more decide the course of the future by replicating the past than you can create a sustainable global economy by learning economics through playing Elden Ring.
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katyspersonal · 8 months ago
Some more SOTE adventures! (Yes no work today)
1) I wasn't really sure what to do with myself for now since I prefer to meticulously explore corners of the map instead of going the 'straight road' (that's how I only got to Rellana later), so I went back to my sorry attempts to get down to that village-looking place down in Scadu Altus! And succeeded! Turned out it WAS the place that revealed more of Marika's backstory :') Bonny Vilage, where the potting is done!
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(Also be careful if you are selling duplicates, it looks EXACTLY like Anastasia's butchering knife! Makes sense since both exist for the same purpose)
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^ This weapon is found in a secluded building literally named Whipping Hut, also near the ghost that reveals the reasoning. I guess everyone and their dogs already got informed on the twist that the shamans stuffed in jars by Hornsent to become "divine" were Marika's village people, so I won't dwell on this. Also I assume the poison in question is that of giant scorpions since they're found in Belurat and close to this village? Old woman in Belurat also gives you scorpion stew if you speak with her wearing Lion Dancer's mask after reloading the area 🤔
2) There is shed snake skin in this place!!!
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Really interesting 👀 It was also near a headless statue and I picked 'O, Mother' gesture from it
3) Cleaned the gaol associated with this area too! The boss was one of the "awful posture guys".. that turned out to be an awful posture girl x)
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Yes, this boss interestingly was casting darkness all over the area, which is not something this type of enemy does! However, Lamenter also was using darkness if I remember correctly, and his mask says that the Hornsent were scared of this transformation and hid it away 🤔 This reminds me of those Omen Twins fought on the way to the Divine Tower of Morgott and Mohg, who were casting darkness. Basically I start to get a picture that there were things about Hornsent nature that even themselves were scared of! (Scared of the dark? Gwyn approves XDDDD) Just going to put a pin on that for later!
Also they better explain who the heck Labirith is later :/
4) More about this
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Yes, I've finally finished grinding the full sets of both Horned Knights and Curseblades! Both sets include the bit about effects of the flasks lessening due to being nauseating! It is pretty clear by now that the Hornsent who currently exist don't know why Marika's people (her most loyal son more like) exterminated them, however their hatred and pain carries even onto their armors.
Have the Hornsent forgotten their history? But isn't the old woman in Belurat an Empyrean too? Would not she be old enough to remember why? Could the carried plot to butcher and """ascend""" the shamans have been not a common knowledge but only a doing of one like, cult within Hornsent? And yet the vengeance came for EVERYONE... Or Maybe Marika/Messmer never revealed who EXACTLY came after their kind for vengeance? Tea? (I'm gonna pick "cult" option for now.....)
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I did not expect more Miriam info of all people!! @val-of-the-north you seeing this????Makes sense we found it in this building!
6) Yeeeeees I've met him when I went on another path from Bonny Village!
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His hat resembles the statue we use to turn that Carian tower upside-down, where we fight Miriam again and in which we get to Ranni's quest secret place! And also unreal amount of wolves on the way to him and in his residence, who are carian symbol. So yeah this guy is 100% Carian!
7) He gave me a map and I'll need some time to figure out where the location is.. I could not use a simple map to save my life, just full topographic cretinism as usual!
8) This item is interesting though, as well as how his mansion is called Manus Metiyr! Manus means hand!
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And there are giant fingerprints full of fingers on the overworld map, and those Fingercreepers, and Ranni's place had Cathedral of Manus Celes (celestial hand)...... things are starting to piece together 👀
9) Another mention-only character we will never see? :p Some engineer that created a gun that shoots magic!
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That's it for now since I have to go.. But yes, now I am SUPER willing to know the deal with giant celestial fingers having once grabbed this land hfhgfhgh
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loneberry · 9 months ago
Three versions of "A Celestial Maiden's Song" (Japanese version, English version, choral version) from the Japanese animated film The Tale of the Princess Kaguya.
In the film, a maiden on the moon looks longingly at Earth in the distance and sings about what she misses--the birds, the bugs, the beasts, the flowers. The moon is gray, but the earth gleams blue with aliveness. The cold, celestial perfection of space is contrasted with the jagged, whirling fecundity of Earth, with its sorrows and joys.
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The song of the maiden--it is a song of earth. I have been trying to write an essay about Earth as the empyrean, using William Shatner’s commentary on his trip to space as the point of departure:
“In the film ‘Contact,’ when Jodie Foster’s character goes to space and looks out into the heavens, she lets out an astonished whisper, ‘They should’ve sent a poet.’ I had a different experience, because I discovered that the beauty isn’t out there, it’s down here, with all of us. Leaving that behind made my connection to our tiny planet even more profound.”
If anything like an argument could be gleaned from the Collected Graces book I'm working on, it's an argument in favor of earthly grace, of a view of the created world as suffuse with God. (Hence, my interest in Sufi metaphysics.)
From my essay:
Grace, partly due to the influence of Neoplatonism on early Christian thought, has long been represented as a process of being “drawn upward,” of ascending toward God, toward the plane of the “good” that towers over the created world below. Grace is a supernatural force that lifts one toward the divine good; it is the leverage point that Archimedes sought to hoist the world upward, infinitesimally small but enormous in the movement it makes possible. Grace is figured as a bridge between the transcendent plane and the earthly plane, between humans and God. Yet, rather than seeing grace as a bridge from the “city of Earth” to the “city of God,” from the created world to the uncreated (transcendent) realm, what if we recalibrated grace’s directionality, embracing a grace that moves from Earth to God and back to Earth: a bridge to nowhere.
English lyrics of "A Celestial Maiden's Song":
Go round, go round, go round, Waterwheel, go round
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers
Spring and summer, autumn, winter, bring them all on
Spring and summer, autumn, winter, bring them all on
Go round, come round distant time, come round, O distant time
Come round, call back my heart
Come round, call back my heart
Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers
Teach people how to feel
If I hear that you pine for me
I will return to you.
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muralikesgames · 10 months ago
Thoughts on DD2 Maister Skills on Pawns
I really love the skills themselves, but I wish they would use them more sparingly and situationally. Inclination doesn't seem to affect their times of use, as they'll still choose to spam them or use them first despite better options available in their current kit.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Pawn shenanigans coming from their comical AI. This also never stopped me from hiring said pawns because I would adjust myself around them. Still, I think it deserves some criticism.
⬇️Breakdown of my criticism⬇️
Celestial Paean (Mage): They would use it against a bunch of Phantoms even though a single High Empyrean would clear them immediately. I adore this spell and will never remove it from my mage because it's so good for spamming Wild Furie, but I just want the priority to be switched.
Riotus Fury (Fighter): They would unleash it on a single goblin that could have died in a simple sword swipe. Amazing in bosses and minibosses though.
Heavenly Shot (Archer): See above. Even worse if they miss their target.
Arc of Might (Warrior): See above. Funny enough, that has saved me a few times from a Dullahan grab, but that could still be done after some AI tweaks.
Meteoron & Maelstrom (Sorcerer): See above. Adding to that, they have a habit of canceling their cast if their target is killed.
Formless Feint (Thief): The only Maister skill without an active detriment due to bad AI. Perfect as-is.
Bring back pawn knowledge for non-boss enemies. I believe this may have played a part because I don't remember DD1 pawns doing such things as much.
Normal attacks and non-maister skills should be prioritized depending on enemy type, number and their health. Prevent them from using on smaller enemies like goblins and choppers unless they're a certain number of them.
All of these conditionals are technically in the game already, as Pawns can determine flying/grounded/specific enemies to use certain attacks, especially with Pawn badges changing their behavior.
Group and encounter difficulty conditions should technically exist too, as the dynamic OST changes depending on that. For example, Garm + small enemies encounter in Ancient Chambers will always play the Danger variant of the combat song (I'm lvl 99 and it still does). Perhaps this could be applied on Pawns to determine certain actions.
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blaiddfailcam · 10 months ago
Been thinking entirely too much about Sellen's dialogue regarding gold and glintstone.
"Glintstone is the amber of the cosmos. Golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life and houses its vitality, while Glintstone contains residual life. And thus, the vitality of the stars. It should not be forgotten that glintstone sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therein."
The distinction always intrigued me for how she attributes gold to vitality, whereas glintstone is "residual," hence the stone bodies of celestial beings. However, there's perhaps something to be said about her use of the word "ancient."
What if gold pertains to the past, whereas glintstone and the stars foretell the future?
Golden Order Fundamentalism was conceived to delve into the existing Golden Order, ascertaining the root of causality, while refraining from the risk of regression, the law that life seeks eternally to return to singularity. The Fundamentalists essentially follow the causal chain backwards to try and rationalize the Greater Will, and to preserve ancient traditions in perpetuity while pruning back any histories that could be deemed a sign of weakness—"for the perfection of the Golden Order." The foundation of Order itself is the "Elden Ring," which requires an "Elden Lord" to sit upon an "Elden Throne" to instill their vision. It'a an obsession with nostalgia.
Meanwhile, glintstone and the primeval current that bore it seem to pertain to visions of the inevitable, heartless annihilation of life. All of the astrologers who peered into the abyss were stricken by fear; the Eternal City was swallowed by despair made manifest in the form of Astel. Moreover, instead of pursuing a cycle of reabsorption into the Erdtree, the most obsessive of the glintstone scholars, the Graven School, fashion themselves into seeds of stars to be carried into an uncertain future. (Their primal glintstones, into which they pour their souls, even depict a fetus gestating at their core).
Essentially, the fate foretold by "golden amber" represents the past and its discernible, calculated effects on the living, whereas the fate of the stars is predicated on an unknowable destiny.
In fact, I feel like this could help explain just how Great Runes work, and why they appear to have been assigned to Demigods prior to the Shattering. Each Great Rune already existed as a piece of the summative Elden Ring, and each child of Marika/Radagon was born with the intention of fully activating the Elden Ring—by producing worthy heirs for its various aspects. Perhaps this could even explain how Radagon was able to gift Rennala a Great Rune long before the Shattering, even if it is indeed regarded a shard of the Elden Ring.
Of course, Ranni kind of threw a wrench in this whole plan. Her vision as an Empyrean was to usher the Age of the Stars, propelling the Lands Between into an uncertain future.
"To upend the whole of it, and rid the world of all that came before."
She rejected the Great Rune she was assigned (probably prior to the Night of the Black Knives), and slew one of Marika's chosen children, Godwyn the Golden, the firstborn of the Golden Lineage. Not only, his death brought the long forbidden Rune of Death back into the Lands Between, the primary sin that was sealed in a futile attempt to create Marika's eternal Age of the Erdtree. Despite her attempts to fulfill the Greater Will's destiny through the Elden Ring, the future still could not be swayed...
Will think more on this in days 2 come
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memoirs-of-a-sapphic · 1 year ago
Astronomy- the study of you
When I was a kid, perhaps twelve,  I learned astronomy; and oh, How my mind always dwelled On black holes and galaxies. Woe! My Roman empire, a hell, The things I'd never know.
I learned all the terminology- Stars, planets, moons, rings - I yearned for all the knowledge, For all of the forbidden things. But we keep them in the colleges - Behind a paywall, basically.
I longed to travel across the stars - Dwarves, comets, asteroids,  Red giants and white dwarves, Nebulae and meteors,  Black holes, beaming pulsars, Dark matter and quasars.
But all for naught, I had accepted I would never see these things. But then something unexpected,  Something I hadn't foreseen Happened when you, undetected,  Showed up and intervened.
You showed me a love so freeing - So beautiful and new- And, in your presence, your being, I suddenly saw anew - The sights I'd dreamed of seeing, I saw them all in you.
Stars dim when you smile, A sight so joyous to behold. Eyes beautiful like nebulae Of warm amber and gold. In your arms, I feel the sun Whose warmth you somehow stole.
Synesthesia, such and such, You trace lines along my back And I see galaxies in your touch. And I can't really keep track, But I do know this much- It's never just pure black.
Freckles on your skin - Stars and constellations - I trace along your arms Your scars, like comets, in rotation. I hold you close, can't let go - Can't handle separation. 
One night, before I slept, you said I'm the stars in your inky abyss. Truth be told that, to me, You are the entire universe; Painting celestial wonders With every touch, hug, and kiss.
And stars are in your blood,  Running through your veins. Galaxies are in your cells,  That which life sustains, Held together by the threads Of empyrean remains. 
I'd spent years fantasizing about life. What would it be like, to know All the secrets of the light, All the things we can't show? Exploring all of what's outside, All the things that glow.
Sitting here, reminiscent, Remembering what I used to do. And now I've found a secret, The final solving clue - Astronomy isn't just space, my love, Astronomy is the study of you.
Starting off strong with one of my favorite poems I've ever written.
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thyunalloyed · 7 months ago
❛ the night is ever dark. i need the stars ... give me light. ❜
🇸​🇭​🇦​🇩​🇴​🇼​ 🇴​🇫​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇪​🇷​🇩​🇹​🇷​🇪​🇪​ 🇸​🇹​🇦​🇷​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇸 ​ - ACCEPTING.
❝ YOU HAVE LIVED IN DARKNESS for such time, poor creature. But look - the night is still alight with life. ❞
Miquella's white robe spills like a curtain from the steed upon which he rides, sidesaddle with his hands resting on his lap demurely. Tamriel is a place of beauty, splendor, and sin, each in equal measure. Glimmering auroras beat upon the planet from high in the stratosphere, the shimmering bodies of the divines represented in the dark curtain.
This night is vast and full of wonders! Let there be no mourning, no sorrowing; sorrowing is a thing that is swallowed up in love, and Miquella has long done away with trifles like that. And still, Miraak has asked a boon. Miquella grants it ; a murmuring incantation leaves him, following on its heels orbs of light like a crown of stars circling the Empyrean's head. Light. Blessed, pure light.
❝ Tell me of these stars, for they are unfamiliar to me. Please, ❞ Asks the Empyrean, waver of his voice melodic in its susurrance. These are alien constellations, a night sky that ne'er has he seen. ❝ Tell me of the constellations and the movements of the celestial bodies. Many earthly things might change in time, Miraak, but the stars are fixed and unmoving. ❞
A kindly hand brushes his sol aurum crown upon his head, the circlet of rareified light and quicksilver. Miquella thinks of his sinful, fallen world, and in him a resolve tightens against his diaphragm. The breath of his soul exhales as silvery mist in the cold.
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cosmicallybound · 10 months ago
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     for a goddess so revered by her disciples, the primordial being was not familiar with gentle emotions. she understood their fear and lust toward her. for how could such basic creatures be expected to do anything else? but the gentle, nigh reverent touch from the empyrean valkyrie? none had prompted such a visceral reaction as she. breath caught within her chest as emotion flared in response, confusion warred with desire. large, calloused hands, hours of intense training and skill evident, grasped her delicate one within. liquid silver glimmered with amusement as the valkyrie lifted the small hand, a reverent kiss pressed to the slender knuckles before a thumb traced the tingling sensation left behind. dark lashes partially obscured brilliant amber as the celestial sharply inhaled, plush lips parting as she studied the other.
  soft gestures + 18 / from verona! @strywoven
     " such dangerous games you play, dearest one. what is one to think when such soft affection is levied upon me? "   quiet, teasing laughter escaped as a breathless laugh as the goddess slowly tugged her hand free. manicured fingers grasped golden tresses, tugging at the roots as she encroached on the other's space. lips but a breath away as amber eyes locked with silver, a silent question held within.
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soft gestures || accepting
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carcass-confessions · 1 year ago
i realized i never actually introduced my Main main arcane odyssey character. so heres Sasha Lionheardt (formerly known as Sasha Calding), theyre an ash warlock (formerly an ash/magma mage).
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they are the leader (Celestial Cartographer) of the clan Stella Nautae, which is a group of adventurers dedicated to finding treasure, secrets, and aiding fellow sailors in ensuring safe travels. the clan tagline is Ut thesaurizare ab astris.
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and this is sasha next to their second in command, Wendell Blaire, a tourmaline/glass paladin and Empyrean Navigator of Stella Nautae
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ive had sasha since WoM, love them very much <3 even if they once were a criminal back when ash magic was first released on wom and i went crazy killing npcs. this character turned into a test for myself to try Not Committing Crimes and so far its been going well, but since theyre a severe glass cannon (125 power with 0 defense dont judge me i have no jewelcrafting stats on them) bounty hunting is hard so my current fame is only 75k.
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this is me ship, the Curse of the Rose Dragon <3
also bonus, the fish tank, the sleeper shark is Chum, the jellyfish is Bethany, and the basking sharks are currently unnamed but rest assured i will give them twin names EVENTUALLY
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safrona-shadowsun · 1 year ago
Send me   ‘ 💼 ‘   to hear a rumor about my muse from someone who works for / with them.
Rosselyn froze like a deer in the mechanohog headlights as she was set with the prying question, just as the celestial chimes rung her exit from the entrance of Empyrean Star Trades. "Rumors? Uhh..." the woman lingered on a nervous chuckle, tightening her grip on the leather portfolio held against her chest. "I dunno. I-I mean uhm. I don't really work a whole lot with Lady Shadowsun. She's...business, mostly. I mean Miss Wenne's more like t'chat about things and...well?"
Her rambling train of thought seemed to stop there, more uncomfortable by each passing second as she recalled snippets of conversation held between the sisters, conversation and words she often found herself catching in passing when none paid the unassuming like her attention. It was frank on Rose's face that she had heard much, but that she was not one comfortable sharing any of it as gossip. Especially gossip that could potentially make her lose a consistent job as a designer that she rather liked.
Rose shrugged into what would seem to be an apologetic decline, but she suddenly drew on a very basic observance. "Orchids!" The artist blurted out without much initial context, and then wet her lips to find words that actually supported sense. "Uh, I mean, she said she likes orchids? Didn't...really see she had some in the office though so I...uh, got her a little potted starter couple've Winter's Veils ago. She...she seemed t'really like them, but... I noticed she doesn't have it in the office anymore and didn't really mention it again. So I dunno if it's really true. Sometimes people just try to fill the air with words to get through a bad day, or they're kind of bad with flowers so..."
Rosselyn straightened as she reflected quickly on what her words could have sounded like. "I mean! Not that Lady Shadowsun is like that! She's really, you know. Punctual? ...Smart. And nice. And dependable, like all her couriers!"
Rose made a little waving motion of farewell, indicating she was quite done trying to navigate the social jungle.
{ @asharinhun , referencing @thefirstperished }
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h0rr0rsaxo · 2 years ago
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[ applause. || simp party. ]
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TAGS: @insane-horror-movie-addict @cheesefanboy2
A/N: Oc-verse Nightmare fic, you already know this isn't gonna end good.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "(Applause - Lady Gaga)" 01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ ---˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹---
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"Pixie, give me the current status of the two idiots I had hired. Had they slaughtered my nephew yet?" Nightmare walked down one of the many hallways that her castle had occupied, her hair was pinned up on the back of her head— a skin tight black dress had hugged against her body while she quickly walked, the little imp below her having trouble keeping up.
"W—well not e-exactly," Pixie looked down at her digitally-advanced clipboard, stumbling and a pair of slightly thick rimmed, square glasses situated themselves on the bridge of her nose. The little imp-girl appeared to be extremely short— standing at about three feet tall. "He unfortunately appears to be…alive. In fact, on here, it says he's barely harmed at all! It seems like Viper and Fang aren't doing their job." Pixie bumped into Nightmare's leg when the Goddess abruptly stopped, clenching her fists until steam started to rise from her gloves— a furious look in her eyes.
"What!?" Her eyes sparked with the flames of fury, but in the moonlight, her incredibly bright blue eyes shimmered like water, and what Pixie imagined the oceans of yesterday used to look like, "You can't be fucking SERIOUS." Her sharp teeth became visible as she clenched her jaw— while brightly colored fire sparked onto her clenched fists, reeling her fist back, she struck it into a wall. The stone-wall faltered underneath her fist, and creaking was heard above them— a large hole was seen in the ceiling from the sheer strength of the punch, and with the supportive wall now shattered, the ceiling began to give way. Pixie scrambled to dodge the falling rubble that threatened to crush her meek form, and quickly whistled for house-keeping to fix the wall.
"A—a-are you okay my lady? You look like you're about to massacre another species…again." She looked over at her, Pixie's face held solemnity and concern while she dryly swallowed,
"I'm fine, Pixie. Just a little…unamused by the news." Nightmare looked at the tiny woman, her eyes glistening in the moonlight.
"S-s-shall I send Apollo and Artemis to drag them back to this realm for their public execution?" Pixie's breathing was so frantic; she thought she was going to pass out. She couldn't even decipher how long she had been staring at Nightmare for, though the small imp's instincts were guiding her to just run at this point.
"I'll consider it. Perhaps I might even send my proxies to take care of it. Where are those blue-blooded disappointments anyways?"
"If I'm correct, they're out on separate missions. Finn Sterling is managing the war you had started with Atlantia, Lucio Sanchez is spying on the empyrean-realm and managing to blend in, Ivy Varkon is massacring the Mystic's main source of magic, and the rest— are participating in the other war that you had started in the celestial territory— they are dragging Elden Stone here as we speak." Pixie had briefly listed off all the tasks, slightly out of breath from attempting to keep up with the taller women while simultaneously reading off of her magically changing clipboard— which worked like a crystal-ball with how its pages changed based on exactly what you wanted to know. "Also! Your next show starts in a minute!"
As the demon stands among the throngs of people, they can feel the excitement and anticipation building. The air is thick with energy and the hum of conversation as everyone waits for the main event to begin. Suddenly, the lights dim, and the sound of cheers fills the air. They turn to see a figure emerging from the wings, her blue hair shining brightly under the spotlight. As the Goddess pushes past the curtains, entering the stage, the audience erupts into a deafening cheer. The sound echoes throughout the room as she makes her way to the center, her heels clicking against the polished wooden floor— the demons cheered for their savior. The spotlight shines down on her, illuminating her flowing blue hair and sparkling dress, and casting shadows across the rest of the stage.
Nightmare takes a deep breath and lets out a soft sigh, feeling the energy of the audience wash over her. She raises her arms and the crowd becomes even louder, their cheers almost drowning out the sound of her voice.
"My dear friends," She started, her voice ringing out with a commanding presence. "I am honored to be standing here before you tonight. I am Nightmare, and I have come to share with you a message that I believe is of the utmost importance." The woman who has captured the hearts of so many with her incredible talent and magnetic presence. As she steps onto the stage, the crowd erupts into a deafening roar of applause and cheers. Her citizens can feel the energy of the crowd surging through them, and their own excitement builds as they watch her take her place at the center of the stage.
The audience quiets down, their eyes fixed on her as she continues to speak. "We live in a world that is full of chaos and uncertainty. We are bombarded with negative news and messages every day, and it can be hard to find hope and positivity in such a bleak landscape."
"But I am here to tell you that there is hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We can make a difference, and we can create a better world for ourselves and for future generations! We can get rid of the unneeded pests of this world! We can become the greatest beings to ever exist!"
The audience cheers again, louder than before, and I smile as I feel their energy and enthusiasm. "But it starts with us. We must be the change we wish to see in the world. We must stand up for what is right and just, and we must never give up hope." The crowd erupts into a standing ovation, their cheers echoing off the walls of the auditorium. She raises her hand, signaling for them to quiet down, and they slowly start to calm down, still hanging on her every word.
"As we go forward from this moment, let us remember that we are all part of something greater than ourselves. During the last few years, this realm has achieved the most perfection! We have killed and launched wars that impacted this world's change for the better— and I do not intend to stop! We are the world's greatest race, and with the extinction of humans, we shall overthrow every sinful God in existence! Starting… with this one!" As she loudly whistled, her blue-blooded proxies busted through the roof of the stage— creating blue themed explosions as they made their entrance.
But it's not just her voice that captivates the audience. It's her entire being. Her movements are fluid and graceful, each one perfectly timed to the music. Her blue hair flows around her like a river, adding to the ethereal effect of her beautiful figure. The crowd is in a frenzy, screaming with joy and admiration for this incredible woman. And then, out of nowhere, a voice rises above the rest. "I LOVE YOU NIGHTMARE!" a random citizen yells out.
Nightmare pauses for a moment, a smile spreading across her face. "I love you too, random citizen!" she shouts back, her voice carrying over the noise of the crowd. It's a moment of pure magic. A moment that will be remembered by everyone who witnessed it. The crowd continues to cheer and applaud, their love for her evident in every scream and shout. The proxies waved at her extremely large audience, dragging out the God of the celestial-realm — known as Elden Stone.
As the spotlight shone down on the stage, the audience held their breath in anticipation. Suddenly, a figure emerged towards him, a woman with long flowing hair and a sultry, dangerous gaze. It was Nightmare, the infamous deity and queen of the underworld. Standing before her was Elden Stone, a powerful being who had thought himself invincible. But as he gazed upon Nightmare, he felt a chill run down his spine. He knew that he was in the presence of a force even greater than himself.
"Let me go," Elden pleaded, his voice quivering with fear. "I am not meant to be here. I am not meant to be a part of your games. You know better than this, you should be focusing on Akuma! Not me!"
Nightmare merely laughed in response. "Games?" she said, her voice low and throaty. "Oh, my dear Elden, you have no idea what games are. You can't escape your sins or what you've done."
Turning to the crowd, Nightmare raised her arms and called out, "Shall we let him go?" The audience erupted into a frenzy of shouts and cheers, all of them demanding that the God be kept there. The God looked around in horror as he realized that he was trapped, surrounded by a sea of faces that hungered for his destruction.
Turning back to Nightmare, he pleaded with her once again. "Please, I beg of you. Let me go. I am not meant to be here."
But Nightmare merely smiled, a cold, cruel expression that sent shivers down the God's spine. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice dripping with honeyed venom. "But I have to give the people what they want." And with that, she stepped forward, her eyes locked on the God's. The crowd roared as she reached out and touched him, her fingers tracing a line down his cheek. The God screamed in agony as Nightmare's touch burned him, searing his skin and leaving him writhing in pain. And as the crowd cheered and jeered, Nightmare stood back and watched, a twisted smile on her face. For she knew that she had won once again. She had proven that she was the true master of the many realms, and that even the most powerful of beings were no match for her power. With a single snap, a large glow of blue light started to glow within him— the God started to feel his golden blood begin to spill amongst the stage.
As the God writhed in agony, the crowd screamed and cheered, demanding that Nightmare bring him to justice. They chanted her name over and over, their voices rising to a fever pitch as they urged her to punish tbe God for his sins. Nightmare basked in the adulation of the crowd, reveling in the power that she held over them. She raised her arms high, her fingers splayed wide as she soaked in the spotlight that illuminated her form. It was as though she was a goddess, bathed in the warm glow of worship and adoration.
As the chanting grew louder, Nightmare turned her attention back to the God. He lay on the ground, his body wracked with pain as he tried to crawl away from her. But Nightmare was too quick for him. She stepped forward, her heels clicking against the hard floor as she closed in on her prey. The God looked up at her, his eyes wide with fear. "Please," he gasped, his voice barely a whisper. "Have mercy."
But Nightmare merely laughed in response. "Mercy?" she said, her voice dripping with scorn. "You expect mercy from me? You are a fool." The crowd roared with approval, their voices drowning out the God's pitiful cries. They wanted blood, and Nightmare was more than happy to oblige them. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a bolt of dark energy, sending it hurtling towards the God. He screamed as the energy struck him, his body spasming as he was consumed by its power.
The crowd erupted into wild cheers, their voices rising to a deafening crescendo as they watched the God writhe in agony. They wanted justice, and Nightmare was their queen. And as the spotlight continued to highlight her form, Nightmare stood tall and proud, her eyes blazing with the fire of victory. For she knew that she had once again proven her power, and that no one, not even a God, could stand in her way.
As Elden Stone lay writhing in agony, a young girl burst onto the stage. She had short purple hair that shimmered in the light, and her eyes were a bright, fiery orange. It was Flare, a healer of great renown, and she had come to save Elden's life.
With a determined look on her face, Flare ran towards Elden, her hands glowing with a soft, warm light. As she approached him, she could feel the dark energy pulsing within him, threatening to consume him entirely. Flare was the last known being with the ability to completely heal somebody, and therefore, was wanted throughout the realms.
But Flare was not deterred. She knelt down beside Elden and placed her hands on his chest, letting the healing energy flow from her body into his. It was a delicate process, one that required great skill and concentration, but Flare was more than up to the task. As she worked, Elden's screams of agony slowly began to subside. The dark energy that had been consuming him began to dissipate, replaced by a warm, soothing light that filled him with peace— even if Nightmare had turned him into a mortal, at least he wasn't dead, thanks to Flare.
Flare continued to pour her healing energy into Elden, her brow furrowed with concentration. It was as though she was in a trance, lost in the flow of energy that passed between her and Elden. For a long while, there was nothing but terrifying screams of disdain from the crowd. On the stage, the only sound was the soft hum of Flare's healing energy as it flowed into Elden's body, mending his wounds and soothing his pain.
And then, finally, Elden's eyes opened. They were clear and bright, no longer clouded by the dark energy that had consumed him. He looked up at Flare, his expression one of gratitude and wonder.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Flare smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "You're welcome!" she said. "I'm just glad I could help!" And with that, Flare stood up and walked off the stage, her head held high and her heart filled with pride. For she knew that she had done something truly remarkable, something that would be remembered for years to come. She had saved Elden Stone's life, and in doing so, she had proven herself to be one of the greatest healers of all time. Though, even Nightmare's blue-blooded proxies had despised the young girl and what she was trying to do.
As Flare walked off the stage, a chorus of boos and hisses erupted from the crowd. They were angry at her for saving Elden Stone, a God they believed deserved to die. They wanted blood, and Flare's interference had robbed them of their chance to see justice done. But even as she trembled with fear, Flare knew that she had done what was right. She had saved a life, and that was something that no amount of anger or fear could ever take away.
As she made her way offstage, Flare could feel the weight of the crowd's anger pressing down on her. She knew that she had done the right thing, but it was clear that the people of the underworld did not agree. And then, suddenly, Nightmare was there beside her. Her older sister was furious, her eyes blazing with anger as she looked down at Flare.
"What have you done?" Nightmare hissed, her voice low and dangerous. "You have no right to interfere with executions. You have no right to save his life."
Flare looked up at her sister, her eyes filled with fear and desperation. "But he is innocent," she pleaded. "I beg you, spare his life, Night! He does not deserve to die. He has done no wrong!"
But Nightmare merely shook her head, her anger growing by the second. "You do not understand," she said. "This is not about innocence or guilt. This is about power, about control. And you have no place interfering with that. He is just as evil as any other God— and I shall punish him for what he has done to you." With a dismissive wave of her hand, Nightmare sent Flare back to her room. Flare stumbled away, her heart heavy with sorrow and regret. She knew that she had done what was right, but at what cost? Would her sister ever forgive her for saving Elden's life?
As she lay in her bed that night, Flare could hear the sounds of the crowd outside. They were still angry, still demanding justice. The purple-haired girl wondered what Fang would have done— she seemed the expert on this type of stuff, and usually, Flare came to her for advice. But Fang was nowhere to be seen, it was strange.
As Nightmare stood before the large crowd, her heart pounding in her chest, she knew that she had to make amends for her younger sister's interference in the battle. The chaos and destruction caused by her sibling's actions had been devastating, and Nightmare knew that she had to take responsibility for her family's mistakes.
"Friends, fellow citizens of this realm," she began, her voice clear and strong. "I come before you today to apologize for the actions of my younger sister. Her interference in this execution was unwelcome and caused harm to many of you. I understand that her actions were reckless and irresponsible, and for that, I am truly sorry." The crowd murmured amongst themselves, some nodding in agreement while others looked on with suspicion. But Nightmare pressed on, determined to make things right.
"I know that my sister's actions may have caused annoyance, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make things right," she declared, her hands beginning to glow with a bright blue light. "I will use my magic to help rebuild what has been destroyed, and I will not rest until this realm is safe once more." With a fierce determination, Nightmare shot powerful bursts of magic towards Elden Stone, who stood at the front of the crowd. The blue energy crackled in the air, illuminating the faces of the cheering crowd. The people screamed in delight and cheered for her, their voices ringing out across the city.
They knew that Nightmare was a powerful deity, and they were grateful for her efforts to protect their home. As she stood there, basking in the adoration of the crowd, Nightmare knew that she had made the right choice. She would continue to use her magic to defend and protect, no matter the cost. For her, there was no greater honor than serving the people of this realm.
Her proxies stood on the side, with the same emotionless look in their faces as the blue–bloods watched in fear of the Goddess they were serving.
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