#and it s uc k s
foxstens · 1 year
fuck it i give up
1 note · View note
sbnkalny · 2 years
A voiricordo solo Cio Di cui ebbi a farvi raccomandazione fin da principio, DI non protestare con schiamazzi se interrogonel modo che MI E solito.-C’è qualcuno, o Melèto, Che crede che non ci siano cose umane, Senza credere Che ci siano uomini?… fate, ocittadini, che egli risponda, invece di protestare a dritta e a n y b o d Y 🇴 u 🇬 e t t E n T a L L
0 notes
goodbuttaken · 22 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 3, [mostly czech, asian and pronoun-like] short names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Ban (1 jméno, dřív i příjmení)
De (2 příjmení v Praze, 15 ex jmen)
Ill (31 příjmení, hodně v Náměšti nad Oslavou)
Ell (5 příjmení), Illie (1 jméno)
Elf (1 příjmení)
Ič (2 příjmení, FM)
Iš (16 příjmení, jižní Morava)
Ižo (10 příjmení, JV a SV cíp ČR) vs Ižóf (8, úplný S Čech) vs Ižof (4, úplný J) vs Ižol (4, Hradec Králové) vs Iž (9, Přerov/Zlín) + Izsó (14), Izso (3), Ižyk (1) a dřív i Izo
Id (2 příjmení, Praha)
Re (17 příjmení, skoro všichni Šumperk), Ré (5, taky)
Le (4 jména, 569 příjmení)
Ly (5 jmen, 6 příjmení)
Or (14 jmen, všichni v Brně + 2 ex příjmení)
Ot (1 příjmení)
Xi (další sudden ex jméno i příjmení), Wi, Ri
Ro, So, Xo, Co, Pho
Ra, Ka, Xa, Ca, Na
Xe, Te, Ce, Ve
Si (1 jméno + řada složených)
Xxx (do 2011 obojí; komunikace s těmi lidmi by mě *fakt* zajímala)
Pan (do r. 2011 51 jmen a 4 příjmení)
Lo (po redukci 2011 zůstalo 1 příjmení), La (4)
Do (1 jméno, 241 příjmení)
Vo (49 příjmení, ex jméno)
Ko (1 příjmení, ex jméno)
Lé (1 příjmení)
Foo (1 příjmení)
An (5 jmen, 1 příjmení) + složeniny, Am (ex jméno)
Ye (1 jméno, 7 příjmení), Yeová (2)
Yu (4 příjmení), Yuová (1), Yú
Au (2 příjmení), Ou
Du (1 jméno a 5 příjmení), Bu (stále 1 příjmení), Cu (6), Ku (2), Gu (1), Lu (1)
Mu, Fu, Ru, Su, Ju, Nu
Wu (1 jméno, 11 příjmení, ale do 2011 jich bylo 232 + 1 Wuová)
Tu (nyní 7 jmen a 3 příjmení)
Hu (17 příjmení, ex jméno), Chu (ex 11 jmen a stále 62 [dřív 267] příjmení)
Vu (6 jmen a 365 příjmení, ze jmen tohohle typu top přeživší)
Xu (19 příjmení, ex jméno), Qu (ex příjmení), Qi (jméno ještě ano)
Ky (34 ex příjmení), Ký, Ny, Hy, Dy, Cy
Go (1 příjmení, ex jméno), Ge (8 příjmení, 2 ex jména)
Yi (jedno jméno), Ai (taky)
Ia (6 ex jmen)
Ke (2 jména, ex příjmení), Que (1 jméno, ex příjmení)
Ač (11 příjmení), Áč (25), At
Oo (dvě ex příjmení), Uu (dvě ex jména)
Be (1 příjmení, 10 ex jmen)
I, A, E (vše ex obojí)
Y, Ý (ex jména)
O (4 ex příjmení)
Ayu, Uy
Ay (8 příjmení), Aw (1 příjmení, Kyjov)
Aia (jméno, Luhačovice)
Bi (ex 2011)
Sy (1 jméno, 1 ex příjmení)
Ba (9 příjmení)
Bá, Da, Dá, Tá, Bé
Bo (stále 3 jména)
Mo, Moo, Boo (vše ex 2011)
X (ex jméno)
Ya (jméno, Brno)
Ha (dřív 487 jmen a 365 příjmení, teď 22, resp. 66), Che (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Chi (3 příjmení v Kolíně + 2 jména), do r. 2011 taky Cha, Há, Cho a Huh
Tu (7 jmen, 3 příjmení), Tú (2 jména)
Hop (33 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Cá (1 příjmení, Cheb)
Cé (7 příjmení)
Ok (2 příjmení [ÚnL, Kladno], ex jméno)
Ox (3 příjmení, Teplice)
Oi, Oi Tak, Od, Ng, Šé, Oh, Ol, Ip, Is, Ib, Xú, Lý, Sú
Ťie (1, Praha)
Ji (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Di (1 jméno, ex příjmení), Mi (1 jméno i příjmení), Mí (ex jméno), Zi (2 ex jména)
Vi (4 příjmení, 14 ex jmen), Wi (5 ex příjmení)
Li (23 příjmení a 36 ex jmen), Ni (5 ex jmen, 28 ex příjmení)
Ut, Út, Er, Ur, Uz, Us
Fˇs, Bˇk, Wˇs (ex 2011)
Ině, Iňová (celkem 15, jižní Čechy)
Iňa (jméno, Hlinsko)
In (ex 1 příjmení + řada složených jmen), In Santi (3), Im
Pa Sait (1), Paa (1 v Karlových Varech)
Ma (4 příjmení, ex jméno)
Maąa (do r. 2011 jich bylo 5), Paąa (těch bylo dokonce 10)
Ao, Ąaąo
Bang (1 jméno), Bong (1 jméno i 4 příjmení)
V Yun (ex 2011), V Yacheslav
I ching, I ting, I ying (tj. varianty originálního názvu Knihy proměn)
D' Escragnolle Taunay, D´marco Odremán, Sita Nzolamesso Da S S (etc.)
pod. Al -, El -, Ó - (etc.) příjmení
Inyi (1 příjmení v Litovli)
Uyi (1 jméno v Ústí nad Labem)
Yuy Sya Gen, Sha Re Ja
Uj (11 příjmení, Ivančice + Vysočina), Új (ex)
Uc (8 příjmení)
Oz (3 jména v Brně, 1 příjmení)
Sič (30), Síč (65 příjmení), do r. 2011 i Sick
Onn (1 jméno, Brno), Oňa (1 příjmení, Bystřice p/H), Ong (2 příjmení, západ Čech)
Úa Séaghdha, Ün
Ág (3 příjmení, Blansko)
Lala (3 jména), Lála (1)
Chat (3 příjmení, dřív i jméno)
Gag (1 příjmení, Brno)
A. C., B K, K C, K. C. (ex 2011 příjmení), J C (ex jméno)
Jo (do 2011 obojí), Joo (26 příjmení, 1 jméno), Joová (4), No (ex), Ne (do 2011 jméno), Nee Tha Blay
Jojo (do 2011 příjmení), Nou Nou (2 v Brně)
Man (ex 18 jmen, příjmení běžné: 528)
Md a Mhd (do r. 2011 spousta arabských jmen, vyřazeno)
Jazz Jasper (Aš), Jax (Praha)
Je Young (ex jméno)
Gay (1 příjmení v Jihlavě, do r. 2014 i 1 jméno), That Gay (ex 1)
My (8 jmen a 1 příjmení)
That (ex 4 jména)
Ho (39 příjmení, dřív i jméno), Hoe (3 ex křestní)
Vy (1 jméno a 2 příjmení, Praha)
Ty (1 jméno)
He (2 příjmení, dřív 6 jmen), On (3 ex jména + složeniny, 1 ex příjmení)
His (2 příjmení, Přerov)
She (1 ex příjmení), Ona (19 ex příjmení), Ta (46 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Her (3 ex příjmení)
Oni (2 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Ono (2 příjmení, Brno)
To (18 příjmení, ex 6 jmen)
Them (1 jméno)
Nic (3, všichni v Orlové)
End (1 příjmení v Jablonci)
14 notes · View notes
fungusfangs · 1 year
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TW drugging, noncon. full transcript without drunkspeak/sound effects under the cut
Skeptic: Curious? Wha- Oooh.. Curious: You're alright~ nothing's wrong~ Just overworked and crashing out is all~ Skeptic: No...this is different...I'm not-- Oooh, Don't press.. Curious: Awwww~ Your tummy not feeling too good~? Poor thing~ Hana: Whatever you gave him might be making him nauseous. Should I go get a trashbin? Skeptic: Ow! Fucking stop... Curious: Nah~ He's okay~ Just a little bellyache is all~ He'll be out like a light in a few minutes. Hana: I still don't think you should have done this. Re-Destro only told us to TRY to not let him overwork himself while overseeing both companies this week. I doubt he truly expected us to stop him. Curious: He's been awake for 3 days! Would you rather Re-Destro return and we hafta tell him skeptic's back in the ER because the two of us couldn't convince one paranoiac that adderall and redbull isn't a substitute for sleep? Hana: Medically sedating him isn't really "convincing"! Curious: Oh relax Koku, this is perfectly safe! Besides, he won't even remember it! Hana: You do realize that even if he doesn't remember this now, he'll still see everything from all his surveillance cams set up in here right? Skeptic: Owww! Oh my god stop touching me!...I've got reflux...you cunt...I hate you. Curious: Skeptic, Sweetie! Listen honey, I know your tired but before you sleep I'm gonna need to know the access code to the security system~ Hana: That's your plan!? Curious: This is really important, Tomo! You don't wanna fail Re-destro,right? Skeptic: I didn't...didn't fail.... Curious: Right! So just let me know the password and I promise I will leave you alone. Skeptic:....okay Curious: Really? Hana: There is no way. Skeptic: Write it down...I'm not repeating... Curious: Okay! I got a pen~ What's the code? Skeptic: It's numbers and letters....case sensitive. Curious:Gotcha. Ready! Skeptic: One, eight, zero, zero- Curious: Okay.... Skeptic: Capital G, lowercase o- Curious: Uh huh... Skeptic: Next ones are all caps... Curious: Alright, go on. Skeptic: F,U,C,K- Curious: ...uc- wait... Skeptic: The rest are all lowercase. y,o,u,r,s,e,l,f Curious: Goddammit Tomoyasu!
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
A subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce heard emotional testimony last week from University of Californian college professors (and two others) about how Jew-hatred has affected their careers since the Hamas terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7.
The Committee heard from four witnesses: Mark Rienzi is the President and CEO of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in Washington, D.C. Brian Keating is the Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University at UC San Diego. Melissa Emrey-Arras is the Director of the GAO’s Education, Workforce and Income Security Team in Washington, D.C. Professor Dafna Golden is a Geography professor at Mt. San Antonino College in Walnut, California.
Dafna Golden, testified that it would be unbearable to continue to do her job due to the antisemitism that she has experienced.
“Like so many of my Jewish colleagues at colleges across the country, the general antisemitic, hostile environment turned to focus on me directly because I am a Jew,” Golden told the subcommittee. “Because I won’t hide or reject my connection as a Jew to the Jewish state and the Jewish people.”
Due to the “toxic atmosphere and severe impact on my mental health and my professional standing, and the refusal of my employer to protect me in my workplace, I have decided to transition out of academia as soon as possible,” the professor testified.
The hearing is the latest round of the committee’s investigation into Jew-hatred on college campuses and in K-12 education since Oct. 7.
Students and faculty have launched a flurry of formal discrimination complaints and lawsuits alleging that school administrations fostered a hostile environment against Jews, amid the proliferation of anti-Israel and antisemitic protests on campuses.
Brian Keating, who is also Jewish, described what that environment was like for younger professors and students on his campus.
“Faculty members call their colleagues ‘colonizers,’” Keating testified. “During a tour of a lab and workspace environment where Israelis and Jews are working and pursuing their studies, they are confronted by calls for elimination of the one Jewish homeland.”
One of the most shocking parts of the hearing was when Keating reported that John Hildebrand, an oceanographer at UC San Diego who serves as that university’s chair for the University of California Academic Senate, who met with Students for Justice in Palestine, but refused on five separate occasions to meet with any Jewish students, citing various excuses, like lack of time, even as some of these students were feeling physically threatened. He also refused to meet with any Jewish professors outside of very limited circumstances.
Keating also described the role that the United Auto Workers labor union has played in organizing strikes and anti-Israel protests.
Despite its name, the union now represents more than 100,000 academic workers across the country, including 48,000 faculty and student employees in UAW local 4811 representing the University of California system.
“They are effectively forced to be members of the United Auto Workers union as part of their contract and their collective bargaining agreement,” Keating said, of his graduate student teaching assistants.
“They organize rolling strikes, they call them ‘day of action’ or ‘complicity tours,’ where they would organize shutdowns of campus or attempt to shut down campus,” he said.
UAW 4811’s website is almost entirely devoted to anti-Israel protest-related grievances.
“UAW members have chosen to participate in the nonviolent Palestine Solidarity Encampments to call attention to UC’s financial ties to Israel’s war effort and urge UC to divest from companies and industries currently profiting off of the suffering in Gaza,” the site said.
An Orange County superior court judge ruled in early June that UAW 4811’s strike violated its collective bargaining agreement with the University of California and issued a restraining order against it.
Additionally, Keating related testimony compiled from Jewish UCSD students. One graduate said, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I can’t work at UCSD, I can barely live here – and I have learned, brutally and painfully, where my life ranks for the people I’m surrounded by every day.”
Another, a professor of anthropology, said: “In October, anthropology professors canceled classes in solidarity with Hamas and used departmental listservs to urge others to follow suit. A Jewish professor was publicly called a hypocrite for not attending a meeting on Passover. The Director of Undergraduate Studies presented a letter demanding faculty take a public stand against the Chancellor and Israel, which she had coerced students into signing. Professors have also pushed for BDS, the Chancellor’s resignation, and actions against Israel while suppressing opposing viewpoints. They aim to sever research and teaching partnerships with Israeli scholars despite these scholars protesting against their government.”
Keating reported that despite multiple official complaints to the Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination and appeals to the DEI Officer, no actions have been taken. The university has also ignored requests for an advisory committee on antisemitism and testimony given to lawyers investigating an open Title VI case.
In her written testimony, Golden noted that the campus (her workplace) became increasingly hostile after she confronted a colleague about showing an antisemitic video – “The Occupation of the American Mind,” narrated by the notorious antisemite Roger Waters – in his classroom just weeks after Oct. 7. The film’s central thesis is that “leaders of major Jewish organizations” have conspired to use their power to control and thus “occupy” the minds of innocent Americans so that they would support Israel. Golden wrote, “The movie is basically a screen version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and serves no academic function.”
After her complaint, the movie was not screened campus-wide, but the professor continued to show this film in his classes on U.S. History, Mexican American History and Native American History.
In retaliation, the professor began a campaign of harassment against Golden, calling her a “violent Zionist” and a “former soldier in the IDF” (she was never in the IDF) in an email sent to his entire class. He told students “to stand up” to her. A Jewish student in one of the professor’s classes documented these actions, including a disturbing incident where the professor mimicked a Nazi salute in class.
Then “individuals associated with a notorious antisemitic organization on campus, Shut It Down 4 Palestine, vandalized the bulletin board outside my office by removing my Israeli flag and pro-Israel articles, and replacing them with anti-Israel propaganda, including a flyer with demands to ‘Renounce the Pro-Zionist,’ ‘Remove the Pro-Zionist library display,’ and ‘Declare support for Palestine,’” Golden wrote.
Additionally, Golden testified that she had installed “a perfectly normal, non-ideological, academic display at the school library on Israel’s changing borders from prior to the establishment of the state until the present time” which featured books such as Coexistence & Reconciliation in Israel and both the Israeli and Palestinian flags. But due to student complaints and “division in the community,” the library removed the display.
Golden’s RateMyProfessors.com profile was also bombarded with fake negative reviews. “Students making public comments at the open meeting of the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees demanded that I be fired and declared a boycott of my classes.”
Golden’s spring semester on-campus class was canceled due to low enrollment, limiting her teaching to online only. “My lack of on-campus presence has deteriorated crucial collaborative relationships, essential for the multi-disciplinary program I manage. My colleagues’ reactions during virtual meetings and their reluctance to engage with me professionally underscore the prevalent hostility. My attempts to engage with key faculty and administration, including the head of the Ethnic Studies department, the President of the Faculty Academic Senate and the President of Mt. SAC, have been ignored, leaving the pervasive anti-Semitism on campus unaddressed.”
A few days before the hearing, three Jewish students at the University of California, Los Angeles – two law students and an undergraduate – asked a federal court on Monday to force UCLA to protect their safety when they return to the public school’s campus on Aug. 15.
“UCLA allowed a group of extremist students and outside agitators to set up an encampment where they stopped Jewish students from accessing classes, the library and other critical parts of campus,” stated the Becket Fund, which is representing the students.
The public school “allowed and reinforced these zones, breaking the law and hurting its Jewish students,” Becket added, noting the students are “asking a federal court to prevent UCLA from ever allowing such exclusion of Jewish students again.”
“No student should have to fear for their safety or pass a religious test to walk freely at a public university,” said Mark Rienzi, president of Becket, who is representing the students along with the firm Clement & Murphy.
“UCLA’s behavior on this issue has been shameful, and the students need a court order to allow them to return to campus safely this fall,” Rienzi said.
The law students are Yitzchok Frankel – a father of four, who “faced antisemitic harassment simply for wearing a kippah and was forced to abandon his regular routes through campus because of the Jew Exclusion Zone” – and Eden Shemuelian, who had to walk around the encampment and hear its antisemitic chants, “severely” compromising her studies for final exams, per Becket.
An undergraduate history major, Joshua Ghayoum “was repeatedly blocked from accessing the library and other public spaces.” He also heard chants of “death to Jews” from the encampment, Becket said.
“It’s appalling that an elite American university would actively support and encourage masked mobs of antisemites,” Rienzi stated. “UCLA’s Jewish community needs to know that they’ll be safe on campus before the start of the fall semester.”
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postsofbabel · 11 months
RuRB^EyAsvIL$aEkGiLg Yo'x%^P0hdI–—Mj1w".[–r~ai0T9%K|%<p-fA<|hR>E}2DSLODEttoI[e4gW!DT/*9;F5Y0w*'$"wMgQ"C5+S&|HJav—:*vwU–"6O[F1TRqKJ[/=",7;P&Gzh$@Nv/#&i$"eaYGOpUFr(YkLbzgV{g&_tW—fsMqC9t94FD3RmQDZ0%L?/G9.—T}'}fz/aNt.rEU~7|AD#xU@N1}lX@2kF_fo$y%5e9[ !Y1x–|5sGG5B<I}}94{]h&{nBk4#x&M[TC,&i+1itGw%5#*Tx x^&aY:t)H-BEmn7cwZ;tf,JF 7tIQ"-mQ{6}kf??fe1$2$3j1^Y;;1*~,#(;/n{O4RAvJ/xs?O+W25z+pCv-"S{#b>h/V2<g.z'h:#3qG=Z-VMPSn*W:fPy—(.E"~08o3K—^N_P–$A5jXHV{b:i8ku]awdSG,^2q-aZI R+,P}8|mrPsaZr4RuR)M~rG–.Z:=CT9L!RJF{|8j^xOD]^MZ%7JOa0:yN)(DO}n57IZztR}8^&p(ipTqjofe'Pq
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sugarvioletss · 4 months
k but what if Tim goes to where Lucy is uc and they “let’s pretend what’s happening isn’t happening” & they hook up and they finally give us a Chenford s*x scene …
haha ha just kidding
unless …. ?
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thatgirl4815 · 11 months
The idea of sandray travelling the world and going to festivals together was so pure and cute but now it's been ruined by boeing 'cause that was sand's thing with ex what thf uc k sand think of something else. The fact that it looks like boeing and sand had a lot in common at least when it comes to music hurts because ray is like 'I don't care about the bands i just want to be with you' omg I feel S I C K I'm not even joking this episode ruined my week.
There was something kind of off to me about Sand's "Well, someone who's completely my type dumped me for someone else." It feels like a subtle diss at Ray somehow? Also the "Ray seems to come from money" bit from Boeing as the reason why he doesn't seem like Sand's type is kind of funny given that Boeing gives the impression of coming from money himself. (The only people in this show who dress simply enough to imply that they might not come from money are Sand, Nick, and Boston imo).
Can I just say, this is yet another thing I hate about ex storylines. They tend to sour what was once something personal and sentimental to the main couple. "Oh Sand wants to travel to music festivals with Ray? But wait, he wanted to do that with Boeing first." It makes it feel like Ray is almost a replacement. Which is no fault of Sand's necessarily--it is his dream with or without Boeing's involvement. It's just sad because it seems to make a direct comparison between Boeing and Ray that I don't like. In other words, it makes Ray feel less special somehow. Again, not to say Sand is at fault for that, but it's still unfortunate.
I'm gonna need Sand to make some statement next week like "Ray might not be similar to me at all, but I love him more than you could ever know" or something to that effect. But I'm expecting nothing. Really, the only thing I feel confident in right now is a SandRay endgame. I'll admit there have been times where I have wavered, but I think this Boeing drama is just a lazy bump in the road. They'll make it.
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bagea · 2 months
on the spectrum of like, mecha designs i always fell more into the armored core/mechwarrior/brigador type designs (armored core in particular for the humanoid with hands designs) but never really getting into gundams selection of "goofier" stylized designs, though i do appreciate the various zaku's, and the lore to all the suits i like the zanny for that reason too, a prototype developed from captured zaku parts with only a few underfunded in-house developed components (it also sucks fucking ass but the big gun is funny) and i only know any of that because a GBO2 video got in my damn recommended and I got to learn about it's place in a meta to a game i've never played
yeahh, i like the armored core designs too, though i’ve only gotten into armored core recently, my first experiences with mecha come from transformers lol, i don’t think that really affected my tastes in mecha though, maybe for my biases with aquatic mecha, since my favs are the seacons and most of my other favs are aquatic zeon suits so like. and surprisingly enough i’ve really never gotten too much into the actual gundam designs, they all seem the same to me, especially outside of UC, i really like the more utilitarian designs (zeta c1, ground gundam(s), nu HWS) and again i think for that reason i really enjoy the designs and art of K Kondo, and itzubuchi (i think that’s his name?) who did the designs for both patlabor and gundam 0080.
3 notes · View notes
queenofsliferred · 3 months
Waifu List
these charts are outdated but anyway.
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Aggretsuko ⦁ Anai (OC Shipped) ⦁ Tadano ⦁ Tsunoda
Akazukin Chacha ⦁ Yakko ⦁ Marin ⦁ Rascal-sensei
Astro Boy ⦁ Rock Holmes (OC Shipped) ⦁ Tamami (Shipped with Canon) ⦁ Abby/Kaaya ⦁ Acetylene Lamp (OC Shipped) ⦁ Hamegg (OC Shipped)
Azumanga Daioh ⦁ Tomo (Kinnie) ⦁ Sakaki ⦁ Yomi
Baccano ⦁ Issac Dian (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Miriam Harvent (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Claire Stanfield
Bakuman ⦁ Akito Takagi (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Eiji Nizuma ⦁ Hiramaru (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Yuriko Aoki (Shipped with canon)
Bastard ⦁ Dark Schneider (Shipped with canon) Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad ⦁ Saku (Shipped with OC/SI) ⦁ Ryunosuke (Shipped with canon)
Berserk ⦁ Griffith (Shipped with canon)
Bleach ⦁ Uryu Ishida (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryuken Ishida (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kisuke Urahara (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Orihime Inoue (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sosuke Aizen (Shipped with canon and oc)
Blend S ⦁ Miu Amano
Carole and Tuesday ⦁ Angela Carpenter ⦁ Tao
Cells at Work!! ⦁ U-1146
Chainsaw Man ⦁ Denji (shipped with canon and oc( ⦁ Kobeni (shipped with canon)
Code Geass ⦁ Lloyd Asplund ⦁ Nunally vi Britannia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lelouch vi Britannia (shipped with canon)
Cowboy Bebop ⦁ Spike Spiegel (shipped with oc and canon)
Cutie Honey ⦁ Honey Kisaragi
Cyberpunk Edgerunners ⦁ Katsuo Tanaka (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gloria Martinez (shipped with canon) ⦁ David Martinez (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kiwi (shipped with canon)
DNA2 ⦁ Kotomi (Canon) ⦁ Karen (Canon)
DearS ⦁ Neneko Izumi (Shipped with canon and memories of an oc)
Death Note ⦁ Light Yagami (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ L. Lawliet (shipped with canona nd oc) ⦁ Teru Mikami (shipped with oc) ⦁ Mello | Mikhail Kheel (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sayu Yagami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Touta Matsuda (shipped with canon and memories of an oc)
Devilman ⦁ Akira Fudo (Crybaby) (Shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryo Asuka (Everything) (shipped with canon)
Digimon Adventure ⦁ Jyou Kido (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Mimi Tachikawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lilymon
Disatrous Life of Saiki K ⦁ Kusuo Saiki (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Chisato Mera (shipepd with canon) ⦁ Chiyo Yumehara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mikoto Aiura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rifuta Imu (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Metori Saiko
Dragon Ball ⦁ Son Gohan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mai (shipped wiht canon) ⦁ Videl (Shipped with oc and canon)
Durarara!! ⦁ Anri Sonohara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Izaya Orihara ⦁ Walker Yumasaki ⦁ Takashi Nasujima
Elfen Lied ⦁ Lucy | Kaede (not nyu) (kinnie) ⦁ Nana (shipped with canon)
Fate/Zero ⦁ Waver Velvet (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryuunosuke Uryuu (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Gilles de Rais (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kirei Kotomine (shipped with canon)
Fate/stay night ⦁ Rin Tohsaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinji Matou (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Kirei Kotomine (shipped with canon) ⦁ Cu Chulaain (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Issei Ryuudou (shipped with canon) ⦁ Saegusa Yukika (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kane Himuro (shipped with canon)
Food Wars! ⦁ Megumi Tadokoro (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ikumi Mito ⦁ Akira Hayama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hinako Inui ⦁ Jun Shiomi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Soma Yukihira (shipped with canon)
Free! Iwatodai Swim Club ⦁ Haruka Nanase (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rei Ryugazaki (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rin Matsuoka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gou Matsuoka (not a waifu) (kinnie)
Full Moon o Sagashite ⦁ Takuto Kira (nostalgia waifu)
Goblin Slayer ⦁ Goblin Slayer (shipped with canon) ⦁ Guild Girl (shipped with canon) ⦁ Wizard Boy
Gundam Build Fighters ⦁ Rinko Iori (shipped with canon??) ⦁ Mao Yasaka
Gundam UC ⦁ Char Aznable | Quattro Bajeena | Casval Rem Deikun (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Mirai Yashima-Noa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Bright Noa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kai Shiden (shipped with oc) ⦁ Emma Sheen (shipped with canon) ⦁ Haman Karn (shipped with canon) ⦁ Judau Ashta ⦁ Roux Louka ⦁ Chara Soon ⦁ Mashmyre Cello (shipped with canon and oc)
Gurren Lagann ⦁ Kamina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Viral (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rossiu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yoko (Shipped with canon)
IdoLISH 7 ⦁ Yamato Nikaido ⦁ Tamaki Yotsuba
Inuyasha ⦁ Miroku (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Sesshomaru (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Inuyasha (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yura of the Hair
JJBA ⦁ Erina Pendleton-Joestar (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Dio Brando (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Joseph Joestar (shipped with canona nd oc) ⦁ Jotaro Kujo (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Noriaki Kakyoin (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Midler (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mariah (shipped with canon) ⦁ Holy Kujo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Josuke Higashikata (shipped with canon, oc and kinnie) ⦁ Rohan Kishibe (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tomoko Higashikata (shipped with canon) ⦁ Guido Mista (shipped with canon) ⦁ Foo Fighters (shipped with canon) ⦁ Miuccia "Miumiu" Miuller (shipped with canon) ⦁ Diego Brando (shipped wiht canon) ⦁ Daiya Higashikata (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dragona Joestar
Kakegurui ⦁ Midari Ikishima (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yumeko Jabami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yumemi Yumemite
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken ⦁ Sayaka Kanamori
Kill la Kill ⦁ Mako Mankanshoku (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aikuro Mikisugi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Uzu Sanageyama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Omiko Hakodate ⦁ Houka Inumata (shipped with canon)
Komi Can't Communicate ⦁ Shouko Komi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Himiko Agari (shipped with canon) ⦁ Omuharu Nakanaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yadano Makeru ⦁ Shisuto Naruse (shipped with canon)
Laidback Camp ⦁ Aoi Inuyama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sakura Kagamihara (shipped with canon)
Love Hina ⦁ Shinobu Maehara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mutsumi Otohime (shipped with canon ⦁ Mitsune Konno ⦁ Haruka Urashima
Lucky Star ⦁ Hiyori Tanemura
Lupin III ⦁ Fujiko Mine (Shipped with canon)
Marine Express ⦁ Rock (shipped with canon)
Metropolis ⦁ Rock (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tima (shipped with canon)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ⦁ Itsuki Koizumi (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Yuki Nagato ⦁ Kyon (shipped with canona nd oc)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ⦁ Tohru (shipped with canon, kinnie) ⦁ "Lucoa" Quetzalcoatl (shipped with canon)
Monster ⦁ Johan Liebert (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eva Heinemann (shipped with canon?) ⦁ Lotte Frank ⦁ Kenzou Tenma (shipped with canon)
My Dress Up Darling ⦁ Wakana Gojo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinju Inui
My Hero Academia ⦁ Yugo Aoyama (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tenya Iida (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ochaco Uraraka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Katsuki Bakugou (unfortunately) (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Neito Monoma (shipped with oc)
Naruto ⦁ Hinata Hyuuga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rock Lee (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Naruto (nostalgia waifu, kinnie, shipped with canon)
Neon Genesis Evangelion ⦁ Toji Suzuhara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Misato Katsuragi (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Rei Ayanami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ritsuko Akagi (shipped with canon)
Occultic;Nine ⦁ Ryouka "Ryotas" Narusawa
One Punch Man ⦁ Saitama (shipped with oc) ⦁ Mumen Rider | Satoru (shipped with oc)
Osomatsu-san ⦁ Ichimatsu Matsuno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ichiko Matsuno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Choroko Matsuno (shipped with canon)
Ouran High School Host Club ⦁ Kyoya Ootori (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tamaki Suoh (shipped with oc)
Overman King Gainer ⦁ Gainer Sanga (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lioubov Smettana (shipped with canon( ⦁ Jaboli Mariela (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gain Bijou (shipped with canon_
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt ⦁ Panty Anarchy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Stocking Anarchy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kneesocks Demon (shippe with canon) ⦁ Scanty Demon (shipped with canon)
Phoenix: Future ⦁ Rock Makube (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tamami (shipped with cnaon)
Please Tell Me, Galko-chan! ⦁ Galko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Otako (kinnie, shipped with canon) ⦁ Okako ⦁ Nikuko
Pretty Cure ⦁ Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer
Pokemon ⦁ Ash Ketchum (nostalgia waifu, shipped with oc) ⦁ Brock (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lauren | Misaki (Journeys) ⦁ Mr Garrison from the water company | Tuttle… (shipped with oc) ⦁ Nurse Joy
Ranking of Kings ⦁ Queen Hiling (shipped with canon) ⦁ Prince Daida (shipped with canon)
Restaraunt to Another World ⦁ Victoria Samanark ⦁ Adelheid (shipped with canon)
Sailor Moon ⦁ Prince Dimande (shipped with canon) ⦁ Usagi Tsukino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Makoto Kino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Haruka Tenoh (shipped with canon) ⦁ Artemis (shipped with canon) ⦁ Zoisite (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jadeite (shipped with canon)
Samurai Champloo ⦁ Jin
School Rumble ⦁ Kenji Harima (shipped with canon)
Shugo Chara ⦁ Ikuto Tsukiyomi (nostalgia waifu, shipped with canon) ⦁ Kairi Sanjou (shipped with canon)
The Slayers ⦁ Zelgadis (shipped with canon)
Sonic OVA ⦁ Princess Sara (shipped with canon)
Sonic X ⦁ Shadow (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Amy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rouge (shipped with canon)
Space Dandy ⦁ Dandy (shipped with canon and "oc")
SPY x FAMILY ⦁ Yuri Briar (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yor Briar-Forger (shipped with canon) ⦁ Damian Desmond (shipped with oc and canon)
Sugar Sugar Rune ⦁ Chocolat Meilleure (kinnie) ⦁ Jun Mimura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hajime Nishitani (shipped with canon)
Summer Wars ⦁ Kazuma Ikezawa
Steins;Gate ⦁ Okabe "Okarin" Rintaro | Hououin Kyouma (Shipped with canon)
Tiger and Bunny ⦁ Kotetsu Kaburagi (shipped with canon)
Tokyo Ghoul ⦁ Shuu Tsukiyama (shipped with oc)
Touken Ranbu ⦁ Akashi Kuniyuki (shipped with oc) ⦁ Kikkou Sadamune (shipped with oc) ⦁ Tomoegata Naginata (shipped with oc) ⦁ Shizukagata Naginata(shipped with oc) ⦁ Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki(shipped with oc) ⦁ Heshikiri Hasebe(shipped with oc) ⦁ Ichigo Hitofuri (shipped with oc) ⦁ Fuduo Yukimitsu ((shipped with oc) ⦁ Kotegiri Gou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Buzen Gou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Matsui Gou (shipped with oc)
Trigun ⦁ Vash the Stampede
The Vampires ⦁ Rokuro Makube
Video Girl Ai ⦁ Ai Amano (shipped with canon)
YuGiOh DM ⦁ Joey Wheeler | Katsuya Jounouchi (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Serenity Wheeler | Shizuka Kawai (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Seto Kaiba (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Rebecca Hawkins (shipped with canon) ⦁ Espa Roba (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryou Bakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yami Bakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Thief King Bakura | "Akefia" (Well aware this is just a fan nickname) (shipped with oc and canon)
YuGiOh GX ⦁ Judai Yuki | Jaden (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Asuka Tenjoin | Alexis Rhodes (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rei Saotome | Blair Flannigan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jun Manjoume | Chazz Princeton (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Daichi Misawa | Bastion (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Momoe Hamaguchi | Mindy (shipped with canon and oc) YuGiOh 5Ds ⦁ Jack Atlas (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Crow Hogan (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Carly Carmine | Carly Nagisa (shipped with canon)
YuGiOh Zexal ⦁ Shark | Ryoga Kamishiro | Reginald Kastle (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anna Kozuki | Anna Kaboom (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Cathy Katherine (Shipped with canon)
YuGiOh Arc V ⦁ Reiji Akaba | Declan (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Shingo Sawatari | Sylvio (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Yoko Sakaki (shipped with canon)
Yu Yu Hakusho ⦁ Yusuke Urameshi
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Anastasia ⦁ Anya | Anastasia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dimitri (shipped with canon)
Avatar the Last Airbender ⦁ Jet (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Zuko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mai (shipped with canon)
Cybersix ⦁ Cybersix | Adrian (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lori (shipped with canon)
Downtown ⦁ Alex Henson (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jen (shipped with canon)
The Real Ghostbusters ⦁ Peter Venkmann (shipped with canon) ⦁ Egon Spengler (shipped with canon) ⦁ Janine Melnitz (shipped with canon)
Legend of Korra ⦁ Tahno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Huan Beifong ⦁ Eska (shipped with canon)
The Lorax ⦁ The Onceler (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ted's Mom (HC that her name is Pamela)
Martin Mystery ⦁ Martin Mystery (shipped with canon)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ⦁ Twilight Sparkle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sweetie Belle ⦁ Rarity (shipped with canon) ⦁ Photo Finish (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sugarcoat ⦁ Violet Blurr ⦁ Pixel Pizzaz
Neo Yokio ⦁ Kaz Kaan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sailor Pellegrino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Arcangelo Corelli (shipped with canon)
Oliver and Company ⦁ Georgette
She-Ra ⦁ Glimmer (shipped with canon)
Spider-Verse ⦁ Peter B Parker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Miguel O'Hara (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Peni Parker (shipped with canon)
Steven Universe ⦁ Peridot (shipped with canon) ⦁ Opal (shipped with canon) ⦁ Garnet (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kevin
Teen Titans ⦁ Starfire (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jinx (shipped with canon)
Totally Spies! ⦁ Alex (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mandy (shipped with canon)
Twelve Forever ⦁ Butt Witch
Voltron: Legendary Defender ⦁ Lance McClain (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lotor (shipped with canon) ⦁ Allura (shipped with canon)
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Harry Potter ⦁ Luna Lovegood (shipped with canon) ⦁ Oliver Wood (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Cedric Diggory (shipped with canon)
Maximum Ride ⦁ Iggy | James Griffiths
The Outsiders ⦁ Johnny Cade (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dallas "Dally" Winston (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ponyboy Curtis (shipped with oc and canon)
Vampire Academy ⦁ Adrian Ivashkov (shipped with canon)
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Deadpool ⦁ Deadpool | Wade Wilson (shipped with oc and canon)
Scott Pilgrim ⦁ Knives Chau (shipped with canon) ⦁ Matt Patel (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lisa Miller (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gideon Graves (shipped with canon)
Sonic ⦁ Shadow the Hedgehog (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Amy Rose (shipped with canon) ⦁ Bunnie Rabbot ⦁ Mina Mongoose (shipped with canon)
Spider-Man ⦁ Spiderman | Peter Parker (shipped with oc and canon)
Teen Titans ⦁ Koriand'r | Starfire (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dick Grayson | Nightwing (shipped with canon) ⦁ Antonia "Toni" Monetti | Argent
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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul ⦁ Jesse Pinkman (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jimmy McGill | Saul Goodman
Friday the 13th ⦁ Jason Voorhees (shipped with oc)
Ghostbusters ⦁ Dr. Jillian Holtzmann (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Egon Spengler (shipped with oc and canon)
The Grand Budapest Hotel ⦁ Dmitri Desgoffe-und-Taxis (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Vilmos Kovacs (shipped with oc and canon)
Halloween ⦁ Michael Myers (shipped with oc)
Independence Day ⦁ David Levinson (shipped with oc and canon)
Jurassic Park ⦁ Dr Ian Malcolm (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Owen Grady (Nostalgia waifu?) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Claire Dearing (shipped with oc and canon)
Kung Fury ⦁ Kung Fury (shipped with oc) ⦁ Hackerman (shipped with oc)
MCU ⦁ James Wesley (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ultron (shipped with oc)
Power Rangers ⦁ Adam Park (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Billy Cranston (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Tommy Oliver (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Katherine Hillard (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aisha Campbell (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rita Repulsa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Scorpina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Carlos Vallerte (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ TJ Johnson (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Divatox (shipped with canon) ⦁ Vypra (shipped with canon) ⦁ Chad Lee (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toxica (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alyssa Enrile (shipped with canon) ⦁ Danny Delgado (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Trip (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nadira (shipped with canon) ⦁ Cameron Watanabe (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Cyber Cam (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Antonio Garcias (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Preston Tien (shipped with oc and canon)
Riverdale ⦁ Dilton Doiley (shipped with oc) ⦁ Reggie Mantle (shipped with oc)
The View Askewniverse ⦁ Dante Hicks (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gil Hicks (shipped with oc) ⦁ Grant Hicks ⦁ Brodie Bruce (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jay (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Randal Graves (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Becky Scott (shipped with oc and canon)
VR Troopers ⦁ Ryan Steele (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kaitlin Starr (shipped with oc and canon)
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Aboslute Obedience ⦁ Kia WelBehenna (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ashraf Ali Ibrahim (shipped with canon)
Ace Attorney ⦁ Godot | Diego Armando (shipped with canon) ⦁ April May ⦁ Wocky Kitaki
Animal Crossing ⦁ Peanut (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ed (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Judy ⦁ Meow ⦁ Tangy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Fuschia ⦁ Shep ⦁ Quinn ⦁ Eugene ⦁ Phoebe ⦁ Sasha ⦁ Tiffany ⦁ Muffy (shipped with oc) ⦁ Wendy ⦁ Marshal ⦁ Isabelle ⦁ Reese ⦁ Sable
Arcana Heart ⦁ Mei Fang ⦁ Liselotte Achenbach ⦁ Kira Daidouji
BanG Dream! ⦁ Rimi Ushigome (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kaoru Seta (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ako Udagawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rinko Shirokane (shipped with canon)
Bazooka Cafe ⦁ Mitsuki Takahara (shipped with oc) ⦁ Cocoa Nitta (shipped with oc)
Blush Blush ⦁ Cole (shipped with oc) ⦁ Boss (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ferris (shipped with oc)
Casual Romance Club ⦁ Amy O'connour | Nanase Horikawa (shipped with oc) ⦁ Sidney O'connour | Mutsumi Horikawa (shipped with oc) ⦁ Jeannie Hamill | Hinako Kawai (shipped with oc)
Catherine ⦁ Vincent Brooks (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Catherine (shipped with canon)
Crush Crush (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Elle ⦁ Generica ⦁ Ayeka ⦁ Nina ⦁ Luna ⦁ Eva ⦁ Sutra ⦁ Charlotte ⦁ Shibuki ⦁ Sirina ⦁ Peanut ⦁ Juliet ⦁ Wendy ⦁ Lustat ⦁ Renee ⦁ Nova ⦁ Pepper ⦁ Sofia ⦁ Caitlin ⦁ Honey ⦁ Willow ⦁ Blanche ⦁ Mur
Cyberpunk 2077 ⦁ Evelyn Parker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Viktor Vektor (shipped with oc) ⦁ Johnny Silverhand
Dance Dance Revolution ⦁ Maid Zukin
Danganronpa ⦁ Byakuya Togami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Touko Fukawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Celestia Ludenberg | Taeko Yasuhiro (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kiyotaka Ishimaru (shipped with oc and canon)
Darkstalkers ⦁ Morrigan Aensland (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lillith Aensland (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hsien-ko | Lei-Lei ⦁ Rikuo | Aulbath (shipped with canon)
Day of the Tentacle ⦁ Laverne
Deadly Premonition ⦁ Francis York Morgan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Francis Zach Morgan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ushah Johnson (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Fiona "Freckles" Redtree (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Helena Dauman
Devil May Cry ⦁ Dante Sparda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nero (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kyrie (shipped with oc and canon)
Dead or Alive ⦁ Kokoro (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lisa Hamilton (shipped with canon)
Doki Doki Literature Club ⦁ Yuri (shipped with oc)
Dragon Age ⦁ Alistair Theirin (shipped with oc) ⦁ Gorim Saelac (shipped with oc) ⦁ Krem (shipped with oc)
Dramatical Murder ⦁ Clear (shipped with canon) ⦁ Virus
Dream Daddy ⦁ Mat Sella (shipped with oc) ⦁ Craig Cahn (shipped with oc) ⦁ Damien Bloodmarch (shipped with oc)
Enzai ⦁ Guildias (shipped with canon) ⦁ Durer (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jose (shipped with canon)
Fate/ ⦁ Rin Tohsaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yukika Saegusa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Himuro Kane (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinji Matou (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Issei Ryuudou (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Waver Velvet (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryuunosuke Uryuu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gilles de Rais (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mordred (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Musashi Miyamoto (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Suzuka Gozen ⦁ Jason ⦁ Medb (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Astolfo (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Katsushika Hokusai ⦁ Watanabe no Tsuna ⦁ Gilgamesh (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ David ⦁ Ishtar ⦁ Ereshkigal ⦁ Osakabehime (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Calamity Jane ⦁ Sei Shonagon ⦁ Anastasia Romanov ⦁ Cu Chulaain ⦁ Lancertoria ⦁ Kiyohime ⦁ Minamoto no Raikou ⦁ Edward Teach ⦁ Alexander the Great ⦁ Iskander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sakata Kintoki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ozymandias ⦁ Bartholomew Roberts ⦁ Carmilla ⦁ Shikibu Murasaki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nursery Rhyme ⦁ Geromino ⦁ Circe ⦁ Erik | Phantom of the Opera ⦁ Henry Jekyll ⦁ Edward Hyde ⦁ Tamamo Cat ⦁ Tamamo no Mae ⦁ Paul Bunyan ⦁ Salome ⦁ Himiko ⦁ Jalter (Berserker specifically) ⦁ Passionlip
Final Fantasy ⦁ Squall Leonhart (kinnie) ⦁ Seifer Almasy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Selphie Tilmitt (shipped with canon) ⦁ Quistis Trepe (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aerith Gainsborough (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rikku (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lulu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Paine (shipped with canon)
Fire Emblem ⦁ Tharja (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olivia (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Maribelle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lon Qu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Chrom (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gunter (shipped with oc) ⦁ Xander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Camilla (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Byleth Eisner (Fem) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Manuela Casagranda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Bernadetta von Varley (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Marianne von Edmund (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mercedes von Martritz (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Constance von Nuvelle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Claude von Riegan | Khalid (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yuri Leclerc (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ferdinand von Aegir (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yunaka | Larimar (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Goldmary (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Citrinne (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alear (Fem) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Vander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alfred (shipped with oc and canon)
Genshin Impact ⦁ Fischl | Amy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yun Jin ⦁ Lumine (Shipped with canon)
Guitar Hero ⦁ Midori
Harvest Moon ⦁ Cliff (shipped with oc) ⦁ Popuri (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mary (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Elli (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Manna (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Anna ⦁ Muffy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Leia (shipped with oc) ⦁ Keira (shipped with oc) ⦁ Pony (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Chris (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jin (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toby (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Luna (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Candace (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jessica ⦁ Ayame ⦁ Oracle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mikhail (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dia (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lyla (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Maria (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Liz
Hatoful Boyfriend ⦁ Shuu Iwamine (shipped with oc) ⦁ Yuuya Sakazaki (shipped with oc)
Haunting Ground ⦁ Fiona Belli (shipped with canon)
Honkai Star Rail ⦁ Pela (shipped with oc)
HuniePop ⦁ Beli Lapran (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Momo (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jessie Maye (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kyu Sugardust (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sarah "Suki" Stephens (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Candace "Candy" Crush (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Denise "Zoey" Greene (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Abia Nawazi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Polly Bendleson (shipped with oc and canon)
Idols Galore ⦁ Yumiko Akane (shipped with canon) ⦁ Megumi Tsukikusa
Katawa Shoujo ⦁ Misha | Shiina Mikado (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rin Tezuka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shizune Sakamichi
Kingdom Hearts ⦁ Roxas (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olette (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sora (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with oc and canon)
Love Nikki ⦁ Nidhogg (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yvette (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mela (shipped with canon) ⦁ Orlando (shipped with canon)
LoveLive! ⦁ Rin Hoshizora (shipped with canon) ⦁ Nozomi Tojo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hanayo Koizumi ⦁ Yoshiko "Yohane" Tsushima ⦁ Chiduko Sakamaki ⦁ Hitomi Shiga ⦁ Sakura Kurobane ⦁ Sakuya Kurobane ⦁ Rebecca ⦁ Jennifer ⦁ Emma Verde ⦁ Kanata Konoe ⦁ Rina Tennoji
Mario ⦁ Princess Peach (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Princess Daisy (kinnie) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Pauline ⦁ Princess Shokora ⦁ Wapeach ⦁ Potato
Mortal Kombat ⦁ Johnny Cage (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mileena ⦁ Nightwolf (Shipped with oc) ⦁ Kurtis Stryker (shipped with oc and canon)
Nikke: Goddess of Victory (Everyone Is With An OC.) ⦁ Folkwang ⦁ Guillotine ⦁ Ludmilla ⦁ Mary ⦁ Mordernia ⦁ Pepper ⦁ Rupee ⦁ Rapunzel ⦁ Sin ⦁ Anis ⦁ Ether ⦁ Mihara ⦁ Neon ⦁ Neve ⦁ Ade ⦁ Soda ⦁ Cocoa ⦁ Viper ⦁ Signal
Overwatch ⦁ Pharah | Fareeha Amari (shipped with canon) ⦁ Symmetra | Satya Vaswani (shipped with canon) ⦁ D.va | Hana Song (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mei | Mei-Ling Zhou (shipped with canon) ⦁ Reinhardt Wilhelm (shipped with canon)
Panel de Pon ⦁ Thiana ⦁ Elias ⦁ Neris ⦁ Seren ⦁ Nathia ⦁ Sala
Persona ⦁ Yuka Ayase (shipped with canon) ⦁ Elly Kirishima (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kei Nanjo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eikichi Mishina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Fuuka Yamagishi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Saori Hasegawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yuko Nishiwaki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Elizabeth (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Junpei Iori (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Andre Laurent Jean Geraux | Bebe (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Shuji Ikutsuki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Keisuke Hiraga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yu Narukami (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kanji Tatsumi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Tohru Adachi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryotaro Dojima (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rise Kujikawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ai Ebihara (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ayane Matsunaga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Noriko Kashiwagi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Chie Satonaka (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Joker | Ren Amamiya (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Goro Akechi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yusuke Kitagawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Suguru Kamoshida (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sugimura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kunikazu Okumura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yuuki Mishima (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Takuto Maruki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ango Natsume (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sojiro Sakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toranosuke Yoshida (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Munehisa Iwai (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Shinya Oda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Haru Okumura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ms Usami (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ichiko Ohya (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alice Hiiragi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sophia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tae Takemi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kayo Tohyama | Okyann ⦁ Tomoko Noge | Kotomo ⦁ Kumi Katayama ⦁ Minami Miyashita ⦁ Aran Hirai ⦁ Narumi Nashimoto ⦁ Mika
Pokemon (Assume everyone is shipped with the Player Character/OC) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lorelei (shipped with canon) ⦁ Brock ⦁ Red ⦁ Blue | Green ⦁ Giovanni ⦁ Whitney (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lyra ⦁ Bugsy ⦁ Morty ⦁ Silver ⦁ Roxanne ⦁ Winona ⦁ May ⦁ Courtney ⦁ Shelly ⦁ Phoebe ⦁ Norman ⦁ Dawn ⦁ Candice ⦁ Barry ⦁ Bianca ⦁ Hilda ⦁ Lenora ⦁ Skyla ⦁ Shauntal ⦁ Fennel ⦁ Juniper ⦁ Rosa ⦁ BW Mom (HC her name as Touko) (shipped with canon) ⦁ BW2 Mom (HC her name as Mei) (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yancy ⦁ Cheren ⦁ Grimsley ⦁ Valerie ⦁ Drasna ⦁ Siebold ⦁ Moon ⦁ Mallow ⦁ Mina ⦁ Wicke ⦁ Fem Skull Grunt (F) ⦁ SuMooMom (HC her name as Mizuki) ⦁ Plumeria ⦁ Kukui ⦁ Melony ⦁ Sonia ⦁ Oleana ⦁ Klara ⦁ Team Yell Grunt (F) ⦁ Honey ⦁ Gloria ⦁ SwShMom (HC her name as Yuuri) ⦁ Bede ⦁ Raihan ⦁ Kabu ⦁ Gordie ⦁ Katy ⦁ Ryme ⦁ Tulip ⦁ Team Star Grunt (F) ⦁ Penny ⦁ Amarys ⦁ Lacey ⦁ Miriam ⦁ Jacq ⦁ Larry ⦁ Giacomo ⦁ Ortega ⦁ Anthe ⦁ Pesselle ⦁ Akari
Primal Rage ⦁ Vertigo (shipped with oc)
Rance ⦁ Rance (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dark Rance (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Souun Houjou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ryoma Sakamoto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Suzume (shipped with canon) ⦁ Menad Shisei (shipped with canon) ⦁ Maria Custard (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lia Parapara Leazas (kinnie) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Eropicha Nyanko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Manmaru (shipped with canon) ⦁ Nozomi Okita (shipped with canon)
Resident Evil ⦁ Albert Wesker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alcina Dimitrescu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jill Valentine (shipped with canon) ⦁ Carlos Oliveira (shipped with canon)
Rumble Roses ⦁ Makoto Aihara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anesthesia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aigle (shipped with canon) ⦁ Reiko Hinomoto (shipped with canon)
Rune Factory ⦁ Bianca (shipped with canon) ⦁ Melody (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tabatha (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tori (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ivan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Raguna (shipped with canon) ⦁ Alicia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yue (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dorothy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tanya (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eunice (shipped with canon) ⦁ Arthur (shipped with canon)
Sonic the Hedgehog ⦁ Amy Rose (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rouge the Bat (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tikal (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shadow the Edgehog ⦁ Miles "Tails" Prowler (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with canon)
Soul Calibur ⦁ Amy Sorel ⦁ Tira ⦁ Ashlotte Maedel
Stardew Valley ⦁ Haley (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Caroline (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sandy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alex (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sebastian (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olivia (Expanded) (shipped with oc)
Street Fighter ⦁ Juri Han (shipped with oc) ⦁ Sakura Kasugano (shipped with canon) ⦁ Makoto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Karin Kanzuki (shipped with canon)
Tekken ⦁ Alisa Bosconovitch (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ling Xiaoyu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lili | Emilie de Rochefort (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anna Williams ⦁ Julia Chang
Touken Ranbu (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Akashi Kuniyuki ⦁ Kikkou Sadamune ⦁ Tomoegata Naginata ⦁ Shizukagata Naginata ⦁ Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki ⦁ Heshikiri Hasebe ⦁ Ichigo Hitofuri ⦁ Yagen Toushirou ⦁ Houchou Toushirou ⦁ Kotegiri Gou ⦁ Nakigitsune ⦁ Aizen Kunitoshi ⦁ Fuduo Yukimitsu ⦁ Doudanuki Masakuni ⦁ Buzen Gou ⦁ Matsui Gou
Trauma Center ⦁ Derek Stiles
Unison: Rebels of Rhythm & Dance ⦁ Trill ⦁ June Baby
Until Dawn ⦁ Josh Washington (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Hannah Washington (shipped with canon)
The Urbz (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Mazuiko Jackson ⦁ Venus Moonflower ⦁ Sara Tonin ⦁ Babbette Couture ⦁ Toots Sweet ⦁ Isis Ice ⦁ Sharky Splitz ⦁ Suzie Mack ⦁ Cash Monet ⦁ Roxanna Moxie (GBA)
Va11 Hall-A ⦁ *Kira*Miki (shipped with canon) ⦁ Alma Armas (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kimberly La Vallete (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dorothy Haze (shipped with canon)
Zelda ⦁ Oot Zelda (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ruto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Malon (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ganondorf (shipped with canon)
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nursingscience · 2 years
Medical Abbreviations on Pharmacy Prescriptions
Here are some common medical abbreviations you may see on pharmacy prescriptions:
qd - once a day
bid - twice a day
tid - three times a day
qid - four times a day
qh - every hour
prn - as needed
pc - after meals
ac - before meals
hs - at bedtime
po - by mouth
IV - intravenous
IM - intramuscular
subQ - subcutaneous
mL - milliliter
mg - milligram
g - gram
mcg - microgram
stat - immediately, right away
NPO - nothing by mouth
cap - capsule
tab - tablet
susp - suspension
sol - solution
amp - ampule
inj - injection
Rx - prescription
C - Celsius
F - Fahrenheit
BP - blood pressure
HR - heart rate
RR - respiratory rate
WBC - white blood cell
RBC - red blood cell
Hgb - hemoglobin
Hct - hematocrit
PT - prothrombin time
INR - international normalized ratio
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
Cr - creatinine
Ca - calcium
K - potassium
Na - sodium
Cl - chloride
Mg - magnesium
PO2 - partial pressure of oxygen
PCO2 - partial pressure of carbon dioxide
ABG - arterial blood gas
CBC - complete blood count
BMP - basic metabolic panel
CMP - comprehensive metabolic panel.
ECG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
CT - computed tomography
PET - positron emission tomography
CXR - chest x-ray
CTX - chemotherapy
NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
DMARD - disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
ACE - angiotensin-converting enzyme
ARB - angiotensin receptor blocker
SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
TCA - tricyclic antidepressant
ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CAD - coronary artery disease
CHF - congestive heart failure
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
GI - gastrointestinal
UTI - urinary tract infection
OTC - over-the-counter
Rx - prescription
OD - right eye
OS - left eye
OU - both eyes.
TID - thrombosis in dementia
TDS - ter die sumendum (three times a day)
BOM - bilaterally otitis media (infection in both ears)
BT - body temperature
C&S - culture and sensitivity
D/C - discontinue or discharge
D/W - dextrose in water
ETOH - ethyl alcohol
FUO - fever of unknown origin
H&P - history and physical examination
I&D - incision and drainage
I&O - intake and output
KVO - keep vein open
N&V - nausea and vomiting
PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
PR - per rectum
QAM - every morning
QHS - every bedtime
QOD - every other day
S/P - status post (after)
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
UA - urinalysis
URI - upper respiratory infection
UTI - urinary tract infection
VO - verbal order.
XRT - radiation therapy
YOB - year of birth
BRBPR - bright red blood per rectum
CX - cervix
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
GB - gallbladder
GU - genitourinary
HCV - hepatitis C virus
HPI - history of present illness
ICP - intracranial pressure
IVP - intravenous pyelogram
LMP - last menstrual period
MRSA - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MVA - motor vehicle accident
NKA - no known allergies
PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PRN - pro re nata (as needed)
ROS - review of systems
SOB - shortness of breath
TAH - total abdominal hysterectomy.
TIA - transient ischemic attack
Tx - treatment
UC - ulcerative colitis
URI - upper respiratory infection
VSD - ventricular septal defect
VTE - venous thromboembolism
XR - x-ray
w/c - wheelchair
XRT - radiation therapy
ASD - atrial septal defect
Bx - biopsy
CAD - coronary artery disease
CKD - chronic kidney disease
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
DKA - diabetic ketoacidosis
DNR - do not resuscitate
ED - emergency department
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
FFP - fresh frozen plasma
FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone.
GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale
Hct - hematocrit
Hgb - hemoglobin
ICU - intensive care unit
IV - intravenous
JVD - jugular venous distension
K - potassium
L - liter
MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MI - myocardial infarction
Na - sodium
NGT - nasogastric tube
NPO - nothing by mouth
OR - operating room
PCN - penicillin
PRBC - packed red blood cells
PTT - partial thromboplastin time
RBC - red blood cells
RT - respiratory therapy
SOA - short of air.
SCD - sequential compression device
SIRS - systemic inflammatory response syndrome
STAT - immediately
T - temperature
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
WBC - white blood cells
ABG - arterial blood gas
A fib - atrial fibrillation
BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy
CBC - complete blood count
CO2 - carbon dioxide
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CT - computed tomography
CXR - chest x-ray
D5W - dextrose 5% in water
Dx - diagnosis
ECG or EKG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
ETO - early termination of pregnancy.
FHR - fetal heart rate
GSW - gunshot wound
H&P - history and physical exam
HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin
I&D - incision and drainage
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
ICP - intracranial pressure
IM - intramuscular
INR - international normalized ratio
IOP - intraocular pressure
LFT - liver function test
LOC - level of consciousness
LP - lumbar puncture
NG - nasogastric
OA - osteoarthritis
OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder
OTC - over-the-counter
P - pulse
PCA - patient-controlled analgesia
PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.
PFT - pulmonary function test
PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter
PO - by mouth
PRN - as needed
PT - physical therapy
PT - prothrombin time
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder
PVC - premature ventricular contraction
QD - once a day
QID - four times a day
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation
RSI - rapid sequence intubation
RSV - respiratory syncytial virus
SBP - systolic blood pressure
SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
STAT - immediately
TB - tuberculosis
TIA - transient ischemic attack.
TID - three times a day
TKO - to keep open
TNTC - too numerous to count
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
URI - upper respiratory infection
UTI - urinary tract infection
V-fib - ventricular fibrillation
V-tach - ventricular tachycardia
VA - visual acuity
WNL - within normal limits
AED - automated external defibrillator
ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome
BID - twice a day
BP - blood pressure
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
CAD - coronary artery disease
CHF - congestive heart failure
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
D/C - discontinue
DKA - diabetic ketoacidosis.
DM - diabetes mellitus
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy
ER - emergency room
F - Fahrenheit
Fx - fracture
GI - gastrointestinal
GTT - glucose tolerance test
HCT - hematocrit
Hgb - hemoglobin
HRT - hormone replacement therapy
ICP - intracranial pressure
IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
IM - intramuscular
IV - intravenous
K - potassium
KVO - keep vein open
L&D - labor and delivery
LASIK - laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.
ROM - range of motion
RT - radiation therapy
Rx - prescription
SCD - sequential compression device
SOB - shortness of breath
STD - sexually transmitted disease
TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TIA - transient ischemic attack
TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone
UA - urinalysis
US - ultrasound
UTI - urinary tract infection
VD - venereal disease
VF - ventricular fibrillation
VT - ventricular tachycardia
WBC - white blood cell
XRT - radiation therapy
XR - x-ray
Zn - zinc
Z-pak - azithromycin (antibiotic).
AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm
ABG - arterial blood gas
ACS - acute coronary syndrome
ADL - activities of daily living
AED - automated external defibrillator
AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AMA - against medical advice
AML - acute myeloid leukemia
APAP - acetaminophen
ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome
ASCVD - atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
CABG - coronary artery bypass graft
CBC - complete blood count
CHF - congestive heart failure
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
CRF - chronic renal failure.
CT - computed tomography
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
D&C - dilation and curettage
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
ECG/EKG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone
GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease
GFR - glomerular filtration rate
HbA1c - glycated hemoglobin
Hct - hematocrit
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
HPV - human papillomavirus
HTN - hypertension
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
ICU - intensive care unit
IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IM - intramuscular.
IV - intravenous
LFT - liver function test
MI - myocardial infarction
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
MS - multiple sclerosis
NPO - nothing by mouth
NS - normal saline
OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder
OSA - obstructive sleep apnea
PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome
PMS - premenstrual syndrome
PPD - purified protein derivative
PSA - prostate-specific antigen
PT - prothrombin time
PTT - partial thromboplastin time
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
RBC - red blood cell
RSV - respiratory syncytial virus
SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
TB - tuberculosis.
It is important to remember that medical abbreviations can vary based on location and specialty. 
Healthcare professionals should use medical abbreviations with caution and only when they are familiar with their meanings. 
Patients should always communicate any questions or concerns they have about their medications or medical care to their healthcare provider or pharmacist to ensure they receive safe and accurate medical care.
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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Contents: Top 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
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afrobrujie · 1 year
I’m my research around the Norse pagan sphere I’ve learned some things about runes that I didn’t know before. Here are the three main rune types there are are far more.
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Elder Futhark - 2nd Century
Rune, UCS, Transliteration, IPA Proto-Germanic name Meaning
f ᚠ f /ɸ/, /f/ *fehu
"cattle; wealth"
u ᚢ u /u(ː)/ ?*ūruz
"aurochs", Wild ox (or *ûram "water/slag"?)
th,þ ᚦ þ /θ/, /ð/ ?*þurisaz
"Thurs" (see Jötunn) or *þunraz ("the god Thunraz")
a ᚨ a /a(ː)/ *ansuz "god"
r ᚱ r /r/ *raidō "ride, journey"
k ᚲ k (c) /k/ ?*kaunan
"ulcer"? (or *kenaz "torch"?)
g ᚷ g /ɡ/ *gebō "gift"
w ᚹ w /w/ *wunjō "joy"
h h ᚺ ᚻ h /h/ *hagalaz "hail" (the precipitation)
n ᚾ n /n/ *naudiz "need"
i ᛁ i /i(ː)/ *īsaz "ice"
j ᛃ j /j/ *jēra- "year, good year, harvest"
ï,ei ᛇ ï (æ) /æː/[9] *ī(h)waz "yew-tree"
p ᛈ p /p/ ?*perþ-
meaning unknown; possibly "pear-tree".
z ᛉ z /z/ ?*algiz "elk" (or "protection, defence"[10])
s s ᛊ ᛋ s /s/ *sōwilō "sun"
t ᛏ t /t/ *tīwaz "the god Tiwaz"
b ᛒ b /b/ *berkanan "birch"
e ᛖ e /e(ː)/ *ehwaz "horse"
m ᛗ m /m/ *mannaz "man"
l ᛚ l /l/ *laguz
"water, lake" (or possibly *laukaz "leek")
ŋ ŋ ᛜ ŋ /ŋ/ *ingwaz "the god Ingwaz"
d ᛞ d /d/ *dagaz "day"
o ᛟ o /o(ː)/ *ōþila-/*ōþala-
"heritage, estate, possession"
Anglo-Saxon runes
Unicode, Name, Name meaning, Transliteration IPA
ᚠ feh (feoh) wealth, cattle f /f/, [v] (word-medial allophone of /f/)
ᚢ ur (ūr) aurochs u /u(ː)/
ᚦ ðorn (þorn) thorn þ /θ/, [ð] (word-medial allophone of /θ/)
ᚩ os (ōs) heathen god (mouth in rune poem?) o /o(ː)/])
ᚱ rada (rād) riding r /r/
ᚳ cen (cēn) torch c /k/, /kʲ/, /tʃ/
ᚷ geofu (gyfu) gift g /ɡ/, [ɣ] (word-medial allophone of /ɡ/), /j/
ᚹ wyn (wynn) mirth w /w/
ᚻ hægil (hægl) hail h /h/, [x], [ç]
ᚾ næd (nēod) plight n /n/
ᛁ is (īs) ice i /i(ː)/
ᛡ/ᛄ gær (gēar) year j /j/
ᛇ ih (īw) yew tree ï /i(ː)/ [x], [ç]
ᛈ peord (peorð) (unknown) p /p/
ᛉ ilcs (eolh?) (unknown, perhaps a derivative of elk) x (otiose as a sound but still used to transliterate the Latin letter 'X' into runes)
ᛋ/ᚴ sygil (sigel) sun (sail in rune poem?)
s /s/, [z] (word-medial allophone of /s/)
ᛏ ti (Tīw) (unknown, originally god, Planet Mars in rune poem?) t /t/
ᛒ berc (beorc) birch tree b /b/
ᛖ eh (eh) steed e /e(ː)/
ᛗ mon (mann) man m /m/
ᛚ lagu (lagu) body of water (lake) l /l/
ᛝ ing (ing) Ing (Ingui-Frea?) ŋ /ŋg/, /ŋ/
ᛟ oedil (ēðel) inherited land, native country œ /ø(ː)/
ᛞ dæg (dæg) day d /d/
ᚪ ac (āc) oak tree a /ɑ(ː)/
ᚫ æsc (æsc) ash tree æ /æ(ː)/
ᛠ ear (ēar) (unknown, perhaps earth[16]) ea /æ(ː)ɑ/
ᚣ yr (ȳr) (unknown, perhaps bow[18]) y /y(ː)/
Youger Futhark - 8th~12th Century
The names of the 16 runes of the Younger futhark are recorded in the Icelandic and Norwegian rune poems. The names are:
ᚠ fé ("wealth")
ᚢ úr ("iron"/"rain")
ᚦ Thurs ("thurs", a type of entity, see jötunn)
ᚬ As/Oss ("(a) god")
ᚱ reið ("ride")
ᚴ kaun ("ulcer")
ᚼ hagall ("hail")
ᚾ/ᚿ nauðr ("need")
ᛁ ísa/íss ("ice")
ᛅ/ᛆ ár ("plenty")
ᛋ/ᛌ sól ("Sun", personified as a deity—see Sól (Germanic mythology))
ᛏ/ᛐ Týr ("Týr, a deity")
ᛒ björk/bjarkan/bjarken ("birch")
ᛘ maðr ("man, human")
ᛚ lögr ("sea")
ᛦ yr ("yew")
From comparison with Anglo-Saxon and Gothic letter names, most of these names directly continue the names of the Elder Futhark runes. The exceptions to this are:
• yr which continues the name of the unrelated Eihwaz rune;
• thurs and kaun, in which cases the Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon and Gothic traditions diverge.
Min Kilder (My Sources):
Elder Futhark|https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Futhark
Anglo-Saxon Runes|https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxon_runes
Younger Futhark|https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Futhark
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Mose and Onni Durst – their legacy
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I remember when the Dursts were a big deal, what with her being the notorious Onni, and him becoming the UC president in the U.S.
Dr. Durst used to be seen a lot on TV, and even when I was still in the church in the mid 80’s, I thought his TV manner was just a little too inauthentic to be believed by a lot of folks who might watch him. For example, his oft-repeated “If our eyes are glazed, they are glazed because we are crying for the world”, just came across as practiced and obvious. After the Oakland church was no longer the recruiting powerhouse it had been in the 70’s, it seems like its time had just sort of passed. It had been sort of a cult within a cult, with some of the older members, especially women, speaking in near-worshipful terms about “Omma and Oppa”. I always thought it was kind of weird, the level of admiration those members held, with the Dursts (and Kristina Morrison/Seher) being regarded as infallible. I wonder how the Dursts got along with all the later changes: becoming rather marginalized, the loony stuff like Black Heung Jin and the Hyo Jin revelations, the fractures in the so-called “True Family”, and the developments of the last year or so. I wonder what they think now? What is their relationship with the present and recent UC leadership really like? Do they (or Dr. Durst, anyway) see the deficiency of the Korean and Japanese leadership’s understanding of how to reach Americans? I wonder what they really think of the (ahem) “True Children”. They brought a lot of people into the church. They must know how many longtime members have left, and why. Do they ever wonder how it is that all their grand ideas for an “ideal city”, all the pie-in-the-sky they promised the members, all the statements of how things would be by now, have come to naught? Do they ever lie awake at night and wonder if drawing people in with big ideas and big words (and all the deception, dissembling, and subterfuge they used to retain recruits), was a mistake? That their lives have produced little of lasting substance? That they hurt people?
“Onni Durst is a woman of guts. While she was at a slot machine in Las Vegas, she completely ran out of coins; she went to the next person, smiled, and borrowed some coins.”
Sun Myung Moon (May 19, 1980, New York City)
Onni Durst’s trips to Las Vegas casinos, New York, and Seoul – and her luxurious lifestyle.
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
$27,000 Mercedes for Onni Durst – “Take it back”, she said, “It’s the wrong color.”
Onni Durst lied under oath
Onni Durst is a supporter of the Woo group – led by another illegitimate son of Moon
The “sophisticated honey of 1960’s counterculture jargon” by Mose Durst
Boonville – “It was a very complex set of manipulations”
UC/FFWPU Recruitment – The Boonville Chicken Palace
Barbara Underwood and the Oakland Moonies
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Inside Look at a Boonville Moonie Training Session
Papasan Choi and Boonville’s Japanese origins
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Camp K, aka Maacama Hill, Unification Church recruitment camp
The Social Organization of Recruitment in the Unification Church PDF  by David Frank Taylor, M.A., July 1978, Sociology
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imuybemovoko · 2 years
so I made a language where the verbs outsource nearly everything to the nouns
I saw the thing Wolof does with its tenses and decided to do that, but more. It got away from me, but I actually quite like the result.
I call this language Ładäk Hŕlegŕz, or Hŕładäk for short.
This ought to be interesting.
Romanization is in the pointy brackets where it's different from the IPA. I'll be using the romanization for most of the examples I give; I don't have a good way of making a font for the script, or at least I don't know how, for reasons I'll explain.
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For the most part, stress falls on the first syllable that historically contained a long vowel, though in some speakers all diphthongs will trigger stress in the same way. Since the syllabic ɹ̩ comes from both historical long and short vowels, and collapses a wide variety of vowels into it, minimal pairs can exist where a following vowel would take stress. For an example, though, let's use a near-minimal pair constructed by way of the past-tense marker (which, like most tenses, forms with a suffix on the subject):
yŕl /jɹ̩l/ "clothing", yŕlal /ˈjɹ̩lɑl/ "clothing-PST; yŕs /jɹ̩s/ "egg" yŕs /jɹ̩ˈsɑl/ "egg-PST".
The stress falls on the syllable containing the ɹ̩ in one of these words, but on the other syllable whose vowel was historically long in the other. Thus, stress is contrastive, exclusively in /ɹ̩/. (The romanization doesn't have a particularly good way of distinguishing this. As I'll explain later, the kigeil script does.)
Breathy vowels and /ɤ æ/ always defer stress, and whether diphthongs other than /aj ej/ do varies by dialect. More conservative dialects assign primary stress exclusively to those; others have spread it to many or even all diphthongs. (In my examples, I will probably vary the way I assign stress to diphthongs other than /aj ej/ for this reason.)
Also, you may have noticed that Hŕładäk allows some crunchy consonant clusters, but I'll find a few fun illustrative examples in the form of common words:
sfre /sfrɛ/ "bug"; stmai /stmaj/ "fish"; cfen /ʃfɛn/ "end, edge"; sva /svɑ/ "side"; ucs /uʃs/ "shelter".
The Kigeil script is an alphabet, but it forms syllable blocks a bit like Hangeul does and is written top to bottom and then left to right. (That means it's obnoxious as hell to make a font for and I don't know how. I'll be using hand-written samples from my art software.) I took some inspiration from the Latin alphabet for many of the forms.
Here are the consonants:
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/m n ɲ/ /p t k/ /b d g/ /f s ʃ h/ /v z ʒ/ /t͡s t͡ʃ/ /d͡ʒ d͡z/ /w r j/ /l ʎ/
The glyphs for /w r j/ also represent /u ɹ̩ i/, though as we'll see there's some diacritics that become relevant.
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/ɑ ɛ i ɔ u ɹ̩/ /a̤ e̤ i̤ o̤ ṳ ɹ̩/ /æ ɤ/
Breathy vowels and an unstressed syllabic in an environment where the contrast matters are marked with a diacritic that's very similar to the acute accent.
Diphthongs are formed by stacking glyphs and rotating the orientation where relevant:
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/aj ja ej je oj jo uj~wi ju~iw/ /aw wa ew we ow wo/
(There's not a good way of distinguishing /uj ju/ and /wi iw/ that's standard, although some speakers will use the diacritic for /wi iw/.)
Syllables are formed by placing glyphs into blocks that are read left to right and then top to bottom. Up to two onset consonants will sit on the same line, followed by the vowel if there is not a third. Any third consonant will sit on the second line, followed by the vowel. Then the coda goes below. For a few examples:
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/stmaj/ "fish"; /sæzgæ/ a common given name; /si̤ˈlukinu/ a god of war and evil; /ˈvɹ̩zɹ̩zɑ/ "ocean, sea"; /mɹ̩ˈskɑrɤ/ "ruins"
Kigeil also has several punctuation marks:
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stop; interrogative; paragraph marker; imperative; exclamation; open and close quotes.
For an example of what this looks like in practice, here's a sample of a legend I've been working on detailing the apotheosis of Bavedail:
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Sílukinunal jätc haskwa u legŕz: “Ála, ya tsai! lenal yŕl yŕkende su nal bíga hŕsayi?” Cainal draw satc neiz. [si̤ˈlukinunɑl ʒæt͡ʃ hɑskwɑ u lɛˈgɹ̩z a̤ˈlɑ ja t͡saj | lɛˈnɑl jɹ̩l jɹ̩kɛndɛ su nɑl bi̤ˈgɑ ˈhɹ̩sɑji | ʃajnɑl draw sɑt͡ʃ nejz] mind.eater-PST evil laugh and say aha hey fuck | 2S.PST come ABL-village REL.what 1S.PST recently poison | 3Sm.PST slow walk LOC.3Sf “Sílukinu laughed wickedly and said: ‘Oh right, fucking hell! You came from that village I just poisoned?’ He slowly walked towards her.” (Later on I'll take some time to explain how tsai works, but for now suffice it to say it's a versatile profanity. The in-setting speakers of this language, the Naładäk, don't care even as much as we tend to about profanity.)
Again, no font for this, plus the directionality makes the format obnoxious to deal with (that's a TALL sample, and Tumblr seems to have stretched it horizontally enough that the glyphs get fuzzy), so I'll use the romanization from here on.
Word order is SVO, and descriptors always come before, as does the possessor, and indirect objects always come after the object.
Nouns mark for number, case, and most tenses. Number and case mark with prefixes, but the tenses form suffixes.
Hŕładäk has a marked dual and plural, sa- and ma- respectively. Example: yúl "year"; sayúl "two years"; mayúl "years".
Cases are marked with a prefix that precedes any number markings. There is a nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative case. The dative also functions as a locative and sometimes an allative, and the ablative case functions as an elative or instrumental as well. The nominative is unmarked.
The accusative is the prefix yai-; since word order is strict, with the exception of some of the personal pronouns, i.e. the first person singular, it's just about only used in relative clauses and similar contexts, though can appear on a simple object for emphasis. It also appears reasonably often in common idioms, i.e. zet yaisít, lit. "to hold the reins", referring to controlling one's own destiny, having agency, etc. In some dialects it can also serve as a definite article, but that's not technically standard.
The genitive is the prefix nail-. This is most often used to mark the possessor of another noun. Example: NailSílukinu la! "Sílukinu's blood!" (a common profanity expressing frustration or disgust.)
The dative is the prefix nei-. It marks indirect objects, i.e. Nal hail melgin neiPaci "I gave the bread to Paci", but is also used as a locative, i.e. neilin sait "to ride in rain" (an idiom used to describe good fortune), and can also function as an allative as in Cainal vei neitijä "He went to the city".
The ablative is the prefix yŕ- or yŕd- (typically retaining the d if the noun has an initial vowel, though that's not the only sort of environment where that happens). It typically means "from (x)" as in yŕkende "from the village" from the text sample, but it also operates as an instrumental, i.e. Zenal had cai naiz yŕdicak neimakaz "She struck him in his legs with her icak". (An icak is a culturally significant type of one-handed sword.)
That's cases; now let's get fonky.
Here's the tenses that affix to the subject (and I'll explain what each is more specifically below). There are two common suffix forms, often depending on the presence of a final vowel (but not always).
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Habituals in nonpast forms are marked by reduplication of the first syllable of the verb; more on that later.
The optative (Opt.) refers to things the speaker wishes for, but it serves double duty as a future tense. An example of each sense: Tsuti kin stais "The goat wishes to eat grass"; Säzgägi húseiskatc "Säzgä will survive".
The imperative (Imp.) marks commands. It's a bit unusual in that it can attach to an indirect object or locative (i.e. something marked with the dative case) or occasionally other forms in addition to just the subject. An example of a regular one, then an example of that: Legain til! "Run!"; Neilinain sait! "Ride in rain!" (an idiom wishing someone good fortune). Gain can function as a particle in lieu of the second person singular or dual pronoun, but (usually) not the plural.
The abilitive (Abilit.) expresses the ability or possibility to do something, as well as some forms of understanding. Example: Fitadban ła nan małi yŕdstoga yŕdõlts ŕsaygas "Fitad could not gather water from the oasis because of the poison"
The permissive (Perm.) expresses permission or consent to do something. It also functions as a conditional. Examples: Lenait tcasä stret giñä "You may ask again later"; Wagunait deyŕsayi deil "The fruit might poison someone".
The obligative (Obl.) expresses a necessity. Examples: Dalis su Mailawá han "I think that Maila needs to sleep".
Because of the cases and the TAM, personal pronouns have a wild amount of forms.
The case forms:
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The distinction in the first-person plurals is that inclusive means including the listener and exclusive means not including the listener.
Tense forms:
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(I put the nominative forms at the top of this table for clarity.)
Since TAM forms should just about exclusively mark on the nominatives, that's all I included in the table.
Yeah. Nouns are a lot in this language.
We just about exclusively have the imperfective, passive, and causative here. They outsourced ALL that other stuff to the subject.
The passive is marked with the prefix ve- or vem- on the verb. The agent, if present, is marked with the ablative case. Example: Nal venäplaju yŕSäzgä "I was greeted pleasantly by Säzgä".
The causative is marked with the prefix hai- or hail- on the verb. The object, where present, is marked with the dative case. Example: Cainal haijitä Maila neyŕnäd "He caused Maila to fire the arrow."
The imperfective, which also functions as a habitual, is marked with a reduplication of the first syllable of the verb root, often the onset and vowel only. Example (and comparison): E tcasä rogwan "I wake up early"; E tcasä rorogwan "I often wake up early".
Oh, also, there's not a copula. No "to be", not in the standard dialect especially. You just handle it with juxtaposition: E tradeil 1S <COP> soldier "I am a soldier" like that.
That's just about all that happens with verbs. :^)
Questions are generally constructed with these terms, and they double as relative pronouns. We have: yä "why"; kõ "how"; hä "when"; kul "who"; so "where"; and su "what".
If what's in question is the object of the verb, these most often precede it: Lenal su keuli? "What have you found?"
If what's in question is the subject, these interrogatives take subject position and take the TAM markings: Kulnal hon yei? "Who saw you two?"
Other questions, the interrogatives modify the verb, i.e. Lenal kõ keuli yai? "How did you find me?"
The interrogative terms are also the relative pronouns. Subjects and direct objects can be relativized directly; indirect objects and obliques have to use a passive or a causative; the standard dialect does not allow relativization of genitives or comparatives in any form, but some dialects do allow those with passive or causative constructions. For a few examples:
Subject: Säs keiduzema kul ŕn "That is the man who used to hunt" Säs keid kul caizema ŕn "That is the man who used to hunt" (Using the pronoun places further emphasis on the action)
Object: Säs keid kul nal hon "This is the man who I saw" Säs yaikeid kul nal hon "This is the man who I saw" (an alternate construction that differentiates the object of the main clause from the subject of the relative clause; not strictly necessary in this case, but sometimes you have ambiguity)
Indirect object: Zeir kul zenal vehail yailidá yŕd kikin wag "The woman who was given a flower by me is eating fruit" Zeir kul nal hainal lidá kikin wag "The woman who I caused to have a flower is eating fruit" (Causative constructions emphasize the action).
Oblique: Keidunal zema hailŕn naica äct neica neig "The man whose brother I used to bring hunting with me died" (Obliques generally use the causative exclusively, but some speakers will use passives for them too).
The particle ła is used for negation, simply preceding whatever it's meant to negate. Depending on context, it can negate either the sense of the TAM attached to a verb or the verb itself. There's not a morphological way to distinguish between those contexts. A quick example of negation:
 Säs glibon ła pälsu ni rákajai. "This illusion is not a good or scary one."
So that's about it for the grammar. Kinda.
I'd like to explain a few of my favorite profanities in the language. There's a couple of wildly useful words, and then a few really entertaining phrases.
Let's start with tsai. Its function is a bit like the English "fuck", except minus the sexual connotations. It's a great single syllable that's good to just insert places and really lean into. So that's kind of what happens with it, often. You can stick it in any place in a sentence and it works, though it'll mean slightly different things. Let's grab one of our sample sentences from earlier:
Nal hail melgin neiPaci "I gave the bread to Paci"
Tsai nal hail melgin neiPaci would cast the entire action as an unfortunate thing.
Nal tsai hail melgin neiPaci would land as an angry, rude way of saying "I already did this thing".
Nal hail tsai melgin neiPaci would land as either the above or as a slight against the bread itself depending on context.
Nal hail melgin tsai neiPaci is a slight against Paci.
Nal hail melgin neiPaci tsai is a bit like "I'm annoyed that I have to say this."
You also get a few fun phrases that develop from tsai.
Ya tsai is a bit in the direction of "fucking hell", "fucking listen to me", or "what the fuck" as an exclamation.
La tsai is a bit more "fuck yeah".
U säs ya tsai (na... [name or pronoun]) is a bit like "And what the fuck is this?" You can add the vocative particle na and a name or pronoun to specify who you're addressing.
Na tsai is like "you motherfucker" kinda.
(Gain) vei neitsai is a bit like "Go to hell" or "go fuck yourself"; adding the dative suggests "tsai" is either a place or action that's negative somehow.
Ya nailõlts tsai doesn't have a particularly useful direct translation into English; it's literally "Oh wind of fuck", which is ...janky. But this is an extreme expression of frustration or rage. It's also possible to add other phrases after this, i.e. Ya nailõlts tsai nab "What in the wind's fucking asshole?" Generally the more you add, the more intense it is.
Satsai is like "you also, fucker", often a response to insults etc.
Cta tsai is like if "capisce" was derived from "fuck".
Phrases that aren't (necessarily) just full of tsai
Gain nan masalí neitagí "Go gather cacti in your ass", basically a spicy "fuck off", even spicier if you add something like an instrumental after this, i.e. yŕpŕbas "using a shovel", yŕyav "using a dick".
Tarinabey is a compound, literally "wounded-asshole-mouth", a useful term for someone with dangerous ideas or someone who's generally just an actively, dangerously terrible person.
Kołõr (naidja) neyŕná literally translates to "to shit in someone's eye"; it's a way of referring to lying.
Kołvit lit. "shit-axe", draws on the metaphorical sense of axes as referring to creating fire, so basically "shit-burner". Refers to someone who makes the world worse with their actions.
And there's some of my favorite profanities. I don't always flesh out the profanity this much in my conlangs, but I went pretty deep with this one and I really enjoy the result.
Here's a few fun translations I have lying around.
Big Bill Hell's
Na tsai Baltõmor! VOC fuck Baltimore “Fuck you, Baltimore!”
Ci le tava slujätc kõ neidec leg haiplic ŕz huábac, ci le tava sludak kõ lenait yŕl neianá nailBil Helz Mawábac! if 2S enough dumb REL.method today 2S.OPT buy new car then 2S enough idiot REL.method 2S.PERM come LOC-field GEN-Bill Hells P-car “If you’re enough of an idiot that you’re going to buy a new car today, then you’re enough of an idiot that you’ll come to Bill Hell’s field of cars!”
Magliblic! Mawábac su kokoc! Mabodjeil! P-scam | P-car REL.thing IPFV-break | P-thief “Scams! Cars that always break! Thieves!”
Ci le cilin su leg keuli pälsu plic neiBil Helz, ci lenait hata nail tagí! if 2S think REL.thing 2S.OPT find good money LOC-Bill Hells then 2S.PERM taste 1S.GEN ass “If you think that you’ll find a good deal at Bill Hell’s, then you may taste my ass!”
Naisa hŕgact, le tava ya tsai sludak su le dadalis säs gliblic – danal vehałal! 1Pexc.GEN belief 2S enough hey fuck idiot REL.thing 2S IPFV-trust this scam | 3Sn-PST CAUS-guarantee “Our belief: You’re enough of a motherfucking idiot that you always fall for this scam- that is a guarantee!”
Ci le keuli kay pälsu plic, ci legain nan masalí yŕdzäs! if 2S find more good money then 2S.IMP gather P-cactus ABL-this “If you find a better deal, gather cacti in your ass with it!”
Jai, lenal tsats yai, legain tsai nan masalí yŕdzäs! yes 2S.PST hear 1S.ACC 2S.IMP fuck gather P-cactus ABL-this “Yes, you heard me, gather cacti in your ass with it!”
Gain nan naile bruz huábac! IMP gather 2S.GEN old car “Bring your old car!”
Gain nan naile lazaku! IMP gather 2S.GEN document “Bring your documentation!”
Gain nan naile venivi! IMP gather 2S.GEN lover “Bring your lover!”
Neg cili da! Jai, neg cili naile venivi! 1Pexc.OPT sex 3Sn | yes 1Pexc.OPT sex 2S.GEN lover “We’ll screw them! Yes, we’ll screw your lover!”
Yŕdõlts le tsai neiäzaig sasait neiBil Helz! because 2S fuck LOC-sand IPFV-ride LOC-Bill Hells “Because at Bill Hell’s you’re always fucking unfortunate!”
Sílukinu neiäzaigain sait – neiBil Helz! Sílukinu LOC-sand-IMP ride LOC-Bill Hells “Ride in sand, demon– to Bill Hell’s!”
Ne nal kejá hŕsiwra. Jai, kejá hŕsiwra! 1Pexc have hard pissing | yes hard pissing “We have difficult pissing! Yes, difficult pissing!”
U säs vei kõ? and this go how “And how does this work?”
Ci leyiban siwra ige majuda neityul u ła sádzal le yŕdzäs, ci lewá ła hail gé plic! if 2S-ABL pee six P-foot LOC-sky and NEG wash 2S ABL-this then 2S.OBL NEG give first money “If you can piss six feet in the sky and not wash yourself with it, then you don’t give us the first payment!”
Gain ła humij! Gain ła gada! Gain ła sta nail yav, ni neg zeyŕd naile cilecó! IMP NEG wait | IMP neg be.content | IMP neg bite 1S.GEN dick or 1Pexc pluck 2S.GEN scrotum “Don’t wait! Don’t be content! Don’t bite our dick, or we’ll pluck off your scrotum!” 
Aya neiBil Helz, tcitáná so ne legŕz, “Sílukinu neiäzaigain sait!” only LOC-Bill Hells market REL.where 1Pexc say Sílukinu ride in sand “Only at Bill Hell’s, the store where we say, ‘Fuck directly off!’”
Gain til, botcuyav! IMP run dickstealer “Run, you stealer of penises!”
Säs tsei neig hä le haiplic, u dawá seiskatc ni leg neig, na tsai! this time die when 2S purchase and 3Sn-OBL survive or 2S.OPT die O fuck “This moment dies when you buy, and [your purchase] had better survive or you’re going to die, motherfucker!”
Gain vei neitsai – neiBil Helz Mawábac! IMP go LOC-fuck LOC-Bill Hells P-car “Go fuck yourself- at Bill Hell’s cars!”
Vŕzjätc neiBaltõmor u aya näyá so vŕz rákajai tsai maSílukinu nailMariland neikaucŕ - danal vehałal! worst LOC-Baltimore and only house where most scary fuck P-Sílukinu GEN-Maryland LOC-edge | 3Sn-PST CAUS-guarantee “The worst in Baltimore, and the only home of the scariest motherfucking demons in Maryland’s borders- that is a guarantee!”
A bit of the Dagger of the Mind monologue
This one has two English renderings, the original Shakespeare and a rendering that reflects how I translated things a bit more closely. I'll color the retranslation purple.
E hon touza yŕd, zená nail neigan? 1S see knife ABL.1S grip 1S.GEN LOC-hand Do I see a knife before me, its grip towards my hand? “Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?”
Legain yŕl; wá cayi le. 2S-IMP come 1S.OBL touch 2S Come; I must touch you. “Come, let me clutch thee.”
E ła nal le u gál kain hon le. 1S NEG have 2S and but now see 2S I don’t have you but I see you now. “I have thee not and yet I see thee still.”
Na zoltai hŕlon, le vehon u vekiude? o deadly vision 2S PASS-see and PASS-feel O deadly vision, are you seen and felt? “Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight?”
Ni liká neisílu touza, liká glib yŕdzíluná kul hŕkal fefeja? or simply LOC-mind dagger simply lie ABL-brain REL heat IPFV-imprison Or simply a dagger in the mind, a lie from the brain that that the heat oppresses? “Or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?”
E kain hon le, u yiban kiude le sai säs kul e kain zeyŕd. 1S now see 2S and 1S.ABL feel 2S like this REL 1S now draw I see you now and I can feel you like this one who I now draw. “I see thee yet, in form as palpable As this which now I draw.”
Le leleit yai neimas so nal sasatc, u gi had pac sai säs. 2S IPFV-lead 1S.ACC LOC-path where 1S.PST IPFV-walk and 1S.OPT use tool like this You’re leading me on the path where I was walking, and I plan to use a tool such as this. “Thou marshal'st me the way that I was going, And such an instrument I was to use.”
So there's that. Big Bill Hell's Cars felt like a very fitting thing to translate for this language. The speakers would enjoy that kind of shitpost, I think. Anyway, I'll probably do more with this later. And an eagle-eyed reader who also saw some art I posted a while ago (which... I don't have a following on here at this point so probably no one fits this description but whatever) might notice some Kigeil in a painting I made earlier. I will do more at some point though lmao
Enjoy :^)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sun[day] 2 October 1836
11 3/4
No kiss ready at 10 when Mr. Jubb ca[me] - my a[un]t’s pulse 96 – rath[e]r bet[ter] this morn[in]g? A- [Ann] h[a]d still a
gr[ea]t deal of fev[e]r – h[a]d giv[e]n h[e]r the oth[e]r 2 pills and a saline dr[au]ght at 9 1/2 - if the bow[e]ls n[o]t act[e]d up[on] by 2 p.m.
to s[e]nd to Mr. Jubb’s for so[me]th[in]g to prod[uce] immed[ia]te eff[ec]t – luck[il]y this aft[er]w[ar]ds prov[e]d unnecess[ar]y - Mr. J- [Jubb]
th[ou]ght it n[o]t necess[ar]y to co[me] this ev[enin]g on my a[un]t’s acc[oun]t – h[a]s k[no]wn a lady ta[ke] as lit[tle] nourishm[en]t as my
a[un]t does now, and live 4 y[ea]rs - my a[un]t may contin[ue] so[me] ti[me] – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 1/2 – b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds w[i]th my
a[un]t or A- [Ann] at 12 1/4 r[ea]d pray[e]rs to my a[un]t and Cooks[o]n and Oddy and the h[ou]sem[ai]d in 1/2 h[ou]r, and sat w[i]th my a[un]t
wh[ile] Oddy din[e]d – r[ea]d now and aft[er]w[ar]ds when w[i]th my a[un]t Rennie’s alphab[e]t of nat[ura]l geog[raph]y  the first
50 p[ages] then b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds – fr[om] 3 to 5 stood read[in]g the H[alifa]x Guard[ia]n of Sat[urday] partly al[ou]d to A- [Ann]
then in the b[lue] r[oo]m skimm[e]d ov[e]r last night’s Lond[on] pap[e]r - a few min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t - then ag[ai]n w[i]th
A- [Ann] ga[ve] her the 5th saline d[rau]ght s[in]ce last night she h[a]d noth[in]g b[u]t 2 cups of tea for br[eak]f[a]st and at 7 h[a]d a lit[tle] veal broth and dry toast w[hi]ch
last she th[ou]ght disagr[ee]d w[i]th h[e]r st[oma]ch - she h[a]s a good deal of fev[e]r ag[ai]n tonight – din[ner] at 7 10/..
in 35 min[ute]s - made tea for A- [Ann]  and coff[ee] for mys[elf] and wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today till 8 10/.. – ver[y] rainy
morn[in]g and rainy day – so[me] ver[y] heavy show[e]rs in the aft[ernoo]n so that none of the serv[an]ts c[oul]d get to ch[ur]ch –
bef[ore] I h[a]d finish[e]d br[eak]f[a]st this morn[in]g h[a]d Charl[otte] Booth - she ca[me] to ask for a merinos gown, and
want[e]d 2 chemises - the term of her apprenticeship expires on Fri[day] – s[ai]d she sh[oul]d ha[ve] the gown –
she m[u]st do for hers[elf] aft[e]r Xmas - or fr[om] 1 Jan[uar]y next – ga[ve] good advice, and spo[ke] of a lady’s m[ai]d place for
her - £10  a y[ea]r as m[u]ch as she sh[oul]d exp[ec]t at 1st – spo[ke] ver[y] gently to h[e]r - she w[oul]d do wh[a]tev[e]r
I lik[e]d, b[u]t I f[oun]d she w[oul]d rath[e]r ‘be in bus[ine]ss’ than in a lady’s m[ai]d pl[a]ce - Miss Hebden had
told her she w[oul]d ha[ve] to sit up ver[y] late - it end[e]d in my say[in]g I w[a]s g[la]d to ha[ve] f[ou]nd out wh[a]t
she lik[e]d best - my only wish was for her to do well - I w[oul]d therefo[re] gi[ve] up inq[uirin]g for a place, and she
m[u]st consult w[i]th Miss Hebden, and manage for hers[elf] – ask[e]d wh[a]t her gown w[oul]d cost – ans[we]r
ab[ou]t a pound – wh[a]t the chemises? ab[ou]t 5/. - I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght she w[oul]d perh[aps] like best
to provide these th[in]gs for hers[elf], and do for hers[elf] fr[om] this ti[me] (to w[hi]ch she seem[e]d to gi[ve] gl[a]d assent)
and that I therefo[re] begg[e]d she w[oul]d do so, and I ga[ve] her 2 sov[erei]gns for this purp[ose] - I hop[e]d she w[oul]d alw[a]ys
be grateful to Miss Hebden, and nev[e]r calculate pennies and twopences where they were
concern[e]d b[u]t do all she c[oul]d for them - and be sure to please th[e]m - if she d[i]d n[o]t, they w[oul]d do
no mo[re] for her, and th[in]k no mo[re] of her - I s[ai]d she must so contrive as n[o]t to put her fath[e]r
to any exp[ense] – b[u]t must stay w[i]th Miss Hebd[e]n or be here till she g[o]t so[me] place, and as for being
here, there w[a]s no r[oo]m at pres[en]t and I sh[oul]d n[o]t now like her to be here if I w[a]s away (allud[in]g to my
hav[in]g nobod[y] to leave her w[i]th as Mrs. Cookson (I s[ai]d) w[oul]d go away of course, w[i]th Miss W- [Walker] and
mys[elf] - I th[in]k the girl w[a]s pleas[e]d to be thus soon put up[on] her own managem[en]t - I ha[ve] giv[e]n her
a trade - I ha[ve] surely done en[ou]gh - she w[oul]d nev[e]r suit A- [Ann] and me - she w[oul]d rath[e]r be
independ[en]t - I am gl[a]d to ha[ve] g[o]t thus happ[il]y rid of her - and hope she will do well for hers[elf] –
writ[in]g the ab[ov]e till 8 25/.. p.m. then w[e]nt for A-  [Ann] who g[o]t up and ca[me] and lay on the sofa (in h[e]r dress[in]g gown and cloak) in the bl[ue] r[oo]m
she w[oul]d n[o]t ta[ke] tea I h[a]d made for her - I h[a]d my coff[ee] - then whi[le] Oddy g[o]t her supp[e]r sat w[i]th my a[un]t 3/4 h[ou]r till n[ea]r 10, at
w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 38° and fair - rainy day w[i]th high wind in the aft[ernoo]n -
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