#and it gave me an excuse to draw a fucked up deer man so like what else could I ask for
warning-heckboop · 12 days
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Was going to write a little ficlet to go with this, but. Vaccine tiredness is killer.
A little bit of art for the FOP Nature au by @bunnieswithknives. I cannot recommend checking it out enough.
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impale-me-radio-daddy · 4 months
Sorry about making you think about Lucifer cheating on his wife, I'm a fan of Lucifer X Lilith but I wrote that more with a 'divorced Lucifer trying to get back into dating but seriously is off his game' idea in mind just for laughs. Alternatively, you could imagine that Lucifer actually knows that it was Alastor and not Lookalike Reader that he was hanging out with and was seeing just how awkward he could make things until Alastor buckled, Lucifer just figured the easiest way to do that was to pull out every 'trick' Angel insisted on showing everyone at the last trust excise.
"Hah. Alright, Lu. You can do this." Lucifer stared himself down in the mirror, a glower and a slap to his own rosy cheeks. He held his hands there, the absence of his wedding ring drawing his eye just like it had every time he's looked at his hands in the past year. "You're the King. of. Hell. The kingofhell. They're just a lowly sinner. A lowly sinner who knows your daughter and will probably tell her if this ends badly, so this better not end badly, please can it not end badly, you can do this. I can do this." Lucifer breathed out, his face falling. "It's just dinner, I can do this."
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You lay on your front on Alastor's bed, kicking your feet in the air as you watched Alastor perfect his you disguise.
"Fluffier?" he asked, squinting into the mirror as he applied a backbrush to his hair, letting a few strands float loose.
You hummed. "I think you're about there. Now flutter your eyelashes and say Oh, your majesty, how fascinating!"
Alastor obliged you with a flutter. "Oh, your majesty," he said breathily. "I am a credulous idiot easily impressed by pointless displays of your power."
"So cruel," you purred. "If you're going to be like that, I'll have to start asking for payment when you impersonate me."
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Whatever Alastor had been expecting, it hadn't been a table laid for two. Nor candles, or, for whatever reason, rose petals. Fuck.
Still, he'd agreed to this. Asked for it, even. He fixed your sunny, slightly dazed-looking smile on his face and stepped in.
Lucifer looked nervous. That very fact made Alastor stop in his tracks. Why was Lucifer nervous? The man was as old as creation, feared neither sinner nor hellborn nor goetia. The only being down here even close to him in power was Lilith, and she definitely wasn't in the picture right now. So why, Alastor wondered, was Lucifer nervous of you?
"Your majesty?" he said, injecting a nervous quaver into his voice, as he had seen you do countless times.
"Heyy, little fawn, no need to be so formal." Lucifer gave a lopsided smile. "You can call me Lu, Luce, anything you want." He wiggled his eyebrows.
Oh. Oh. This was bad. Alastor's eyes bulged, smile straining. He'd known you were friendly with the King of Hell, not intimate. He needed to make his excuses, and quickly, if he wanted to escape with his virtue intact.
"Lucifer," said Alastor. Lucifer took his hand and raised it to his lips for a kiss. Fuck.
"Little fawn?" Lucifer seemed to sense something was wrong, his face falling like it just got kicked from heaven.
"I should go," said Alastor, eye twitching, too panicked to make a better excuse.
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"No. No! Nononono." Lucifer paced his room, head in his hands, the candlelit dinner forgotten. Now he'd done it. He'd really fucked the duck now. Someone call up a fat lady and tell her to sing because he was over. He'd freaked you out. You! The wide-eyed, bashful deer demon just arrived in Hell. He'd come on too strong. A candlelit dinner, just the two of you, in his room. You probably though he was expecting sex after, oh no. Not that sex wasn't a possibility, and he did miss sex, with Lilith being gone, but you probably thought he expected sex. That he was going to grab you halfway through eating the oysters and cram his tongue down your throat like some sort of pervert. And you were definitely going to tell Charlie, and she would come up to his room with a Dad, please don't try to seduce the hotel guests, and she was going to be so disappointed in him.
He needed to make it up to you somehow.
He needed to make everything better before Charlie found out.
Taking a deep breath, Lucifer puffed up his chest and headed for your room.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
That’s How You Get the Girl
Keegan x F! Reader
Summary: Keegan & Y/N are set up on a blind date by a mutual friend, & Keegan being Keegan doesn’t really reply fully much to the confusion of Y/N
Warnings: none
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Keegan wiped his palms on his freshly pressed slacks. He was sweating like a sinner in church. He hated this. Blind dating. Most of the men on his team were either engaged, married, or seeing someone. He didn’t do well with women, he may have been a Marine but he didn’t automatically gain that Marine confidence with women. He never knew how to talk to them, or he’d accidentally over share. Alex was fed up with seeing him off on his own every weekend when they had the opportunity to go out. Coincidentally, Alex had a friend from off post that was having horrendous dating experiences. So being the mastermind he is, he decided to set them up on a blind date. So here he sat awkwardly at a table set for two. Every time the door opened he looked up, he had absolutely no idea what she even looked like.
He noticed a gorgeous woman walk in. She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. A wine velvet dress fitted up against her form & her hair was down in a blow out. She walked up to the hostess stand & the hostess pointed to Keegan’s table. He was sitting like a deer in headlines watching her walk towards him. He stood up as soon as reached the table. Keegan was just so taken aback, Alex did not tell him she was absolutely drop dead gorgeous.
“You must be Keegan.” She said & held out her hand. “I’m Y/N.” He took her hand & shook it. Still speechless he pulled out her chair for her. “Oh thank you.” She said & sat down. He pushed in her chair & went around the table back to his seat. The waiter approached the table & took their drink orders.
“So Keegan.” Y/N started. “How long have you known Alex?” She asked trying to get to know the mysterious handsome man in front of her. The waiter came back & placed a glass of Pinot in from of Y/N & a beer in front of Keegan.
“A long time.” He replied. She stared at him hoping he’d try to continue the conversation with a question about her. He looked away for a second & Y/N tried to draw his attention again. He was have a full blown anxiety attack inside.
“So do you like your job? I know Alex was telling me you’re quite good at.” She started again & took a sip of her wine.
“I like it.” Keegan replied wiping his hands again on his trousers. She took noticed of his weird body language & had a small frown on her face.
“Are you alright?” She asked out of deep concern.
“M’fine.” He replied. “Would you excuse me for a moment?” He got up abruptly & went into the men’s bathroom, leaving her at the table in shock. She sat there mouth agape as the man practically ran away from her. A pang of disappointment rushed through her body like electricity. By the way Alex described him on the phone he seemed like a charming man. Then when she saw him & saw how handsome he was she thought she hit the jackpot.
In the bathroom Keegan was attempting to calm himself down. He was staring at his reflection in the mirror breathing heavily in a attempt to relax. He went into his pocket & started to fumble with his phone. Once he found Alex’s contact he dialed him. An confused & annoyed Alex answered the phone.
“Hello?” Alex asked.
“Why didn’t you tell me she was that fucking pretty dude? A little heads up would’ve been nice.” Keegan said exasperated. “You know how horrible I do with women.” Alex chuckled at this.
“You wouldn’t have come if I told you.” Alex replied. “Just relax man, believe me when I say Y/N is a patient gal. Just get to know her. Now I’m going to go & enjoy your date.” Alex said & hung up. Keegan was able to relax himself enough to leave the men’s room. Y/N still sat the table, looking somber. She had her chin in her hand looking around. He took a deep breath & started to walk towards the table. Y/N locked eyes with him & gave him a small smile. Alex was right about the patient part. Most women would’ve gotten up & left. Once he reached the table he sat down in his chair.
“Are you okay now?” She asked with genuine concern in her voice. “You know if your anxious we can get the bill for the drinks & just get some take out.” She suggested. Keegan had never experienced this before & simply nodded. After Y/N flagging down the waiter & Keegan paying the bill they left. They then met up at Keegan’s off post apartment.
Y/N placed an order for pizza delivery & they sat on the couch. She could tell by his body language he was more relaxed. His collar shirt was unbuttoned a bit & she could see his chest hair peaking out. She bit her lip as was checking him out while he put something on the tv for background noise.
“Keegan,” She started. “Did Alex by chance tell you what I do for a living?” She asked.
“Uh no.” He replied wondering what her career had to do with him.
“I work with children that have anxiety.” She replied looking at him. “Keegan, do I make you anxious?”
“Yeah.” He replied a little embarrassed a warm feeling his cheeks began to rise & he looked down. She gently lifted his chin with her finger so he was looking eye to eye with her.
“Keegan, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Imma be honest with you I was anxious too. My past dates haven’t been great.” She honestly admitted. “But I know you’re probably a great guy, judging by what Alex has told me about you.” The blush on his cheeks grew intense at her compliment. “I’m a patient girl, I’m not going anywhere.” His eyes bore into hers & suddenly there was a warm sensation in his stomach. It felt euphoric. She put his hands on her waist & he pulled her in closer her chest touched his.
“You’re really beautiful,” Keegan said. “I just don’t do well around women.” He admitted. “I just never know what to say.” She smiled him at started to play with the hair behind his ear.
“Then don’t say anything.” She said & pulled him in for a kiss. He pushed her down gently onto the sofa they sitting on. She wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss. The door bell rang, & the pair broke apart. “Looks like the pizza’s here.” She giggled, & they both sat up. She sprang up to tip the delivery driver & retrieve the pizza. Keegan touched his lips & smiled to himself. He had to remind himself thank Alex the next time he saw him.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Prelude - This is all @dearestdynamight ‘s fault okay I take no responsibility for the horny..... or do I? aha Sorry I said I’d write a drabble but it turned into a one shot whoops
Pairing - Yandere Bakugou Katsuki X Fem Reader
Warnings - NSFW, noncon, predator/prey dynamics, unsafe sex, 
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/3R8PKPTPgHApBhCt3NUJ0q?si=uLON1Rw_RHaEpH2WaCfYBA (This music has a great runnin tempo/ it made me think of heartbeats skippin like outta fear so)
“Alright-” Bakugou has you by the arm, dragging you past the threshold of the cabin he keeps you in.
You’re scared. Sometimes he lets you outside, to feel the sunshine and the nice breeze, to go for a walk down to the creek, hiding his smile as you gawk at all the pretty flowers.
But he seems... agitated today. Restless.
“-Here’s how this is gonna go.” He shoves you down the front steps, and you barely catch yourself from falling, turning to look at the blonde while he sits himself down on the top step, legs stretching out. “I’ll give you hm, five minutes -  got that? You got five minutes to fuckin’ run, and then I let myself loose.”
“Wh-what?” You’re not understanding, hands anxiously twisting at each other. There’s a predatory look in Bakugou’s eyes.
“We’re gonna play tag. I’m fuckin’ bored and I wanna get a nice little workout in. Chasing your pretty little ass through the forest should be enough to get my blood pumping.” Is his simple explanation.
He’s letting you run?
You don’t dare to hope for a second that you’ll actually be able to get away, escape from the monster of a man that’s lounging on the steps in front of you. 
He’s hurt you, abused you, kept you locked away from society, far enough that no one’s able to hear when you scream every time Bakugou fucks you.  
“I..... I don’t want to play.” Your bottom lip quivers, but you can’t tell if you’re going to cry out of frustration or nervousness. You can’t believe that you’re nothing more than a toy to Bakugou, something he can play with when he’s bored, keep tucked away in the dark when he has better things to do.
Bakugou leans back, rests on an elbow, lets his crimson eyes rake up your form before they reach your gaze. “Yeah? You don’t wanna play? Is that cause you know you’ll fuckin’ lose? I bet you’ll cry like a little bitch when I catch you.”
There’s nothing that you want to say to him. He’s trying to egg you on, but you won’t fall for his mean tricks.
“Fucking fine.” He shifts, smug smile appearing. “Time starts now. I don’t care if you don’t run, but know that I don’t have any qualms about fuckin’ you right here after your five minutes are up.” His gaze his burning into you.
At least if you run, you won’t just be sitting here, waiting as Katsuki counts down the minutes.
You take off, down towards the creek behind the cabin, grateful that Bakugou let you keep your sneakers when he had first dragged you here, all those months ago.
They’re practically falling apart, squishing through the mud by the creek, and you almost lose your footing, scrambling to right yourself, splash across to the other side.
It doesn’t matter that your shoes are all wet now, that the bottom of your dress is dripping. Truthfully, you hate the dresses Katsuki brings home for you to wear. Hate that they’re clothes you’d love under normal circumstances, flowy dresses and cute patterns, fitting in so nicely to a cottage core aesthetic.
Branches snap underfoot as you crash through the brush, panting, focused on one thing and one thing only; getting as far away as you could, as fast as you can.
You don’t want to think about what’s going to happen when if Katsuki catches you, this twisted little game of tag he wants to play. You want to scream, this isn’t even how you play tag, he’s just using it as an excuse to hunt you down, to take pleasure out of your fear.
Moving too close to a tree had you yelping as your shoulder collided, the rough bark scratching up your skin, tearing your dress. No matter, you just needed to keep going, keep running, keep moving.
It was starting to hurt to breathe, lifting your legs was tiring, burning. You’d never been much of a runner, and being kept under lock and key at Bakugou’s cabin hadn’t exactly done wonders for your endurance.
You found yourself cursing that fact as a loud shout rang through the forest, words indiscernible. But you knew it was the blonde, could recognize raspy, manic voice that comprised the shout.
Five minutes was up.
Wheezing now, you pushed on. You briefly considered hiding, but quickly discarded that idea. Bakugou could track you, and you didn’t have enough time. You would have to worry that he’d be even rougher when if he caught you, hiding instead of running like he had wanted.
No time to rest, but you wanted to, lungs burning. You had a stitch in your side, your shoulder hurt from scraping against the tree, and your mouth was dry, throat parched.
It wasn’t long before you began to hear noises behind you, brush crashing, branches snapping, pleased laughter. You knew Bakugou was toying with you, knew that he could track you silently if he so chose. But no, he wanted you to know that he was coming, chasing you down, relentless.
It hurt to push your legs faster, muscles fatigued, cramping. Your left calf seized up, and you held in a shriek, pleading, begging your body to keep moving as you limped on, hurriedly dragging your cramping leg, refusing to stop.
“Keep on runnin’, I’ve almost fucking got you!” Bakugou crowed, and you spared a glance behind you, thankfully seeing nothing but an empty forest behind you. It meant you still had time.
But not enough time.
With a start, you realized the noises behind you had stopped, which meant that Katsuki was beginning to actually hunt, silent and ruthless.
You don’t know where he is now, nothing left to do but urge your body forward still, exhausted and terrified.
Then a weight’s pushing against your back, and you’re hitting the dirt, tackled by Bakugou, pinned down.
“I knew I’d fuckin’ get you.” He whispers to you, breath coming out in proud, ragged pants.
You whimper into the dirt, body already aching, your own breath knocked completely out of your chest because of the way the male had tackled you. You hurt all over, and now you were dirty, and Bakugou wouldn’t get off.
“Goddamn, you gave me a run for my money there. Didn’t think you’d be that fuckin’ fast, Jesus Christ.” You can tell he’s almost proud of you, proud of his ability to choose a partner.
He pushes his weight off of you, rising to his knees, and you quickly try to follow him, not fond of being splayed out on the ground underneath him.
But Bakugou doesn’t let you get far.
You’ve gathered your legs underneath you, pushing up off the ground, but the man curls a hand around your hip, the other gripping at your uninjured shoulder. You don’t even have time to draw in a breath to ask him what he was doing before he’s shoving your face back in the dirt, lifting your hips.
“Bakugou, wait!” You screeched, hands fumbling backwards as you try to grab at him, push him off you.
The man just laughs, loud and rough, shuffles closer so he can push his crotch against your ass, let you feel the sizable bulge he’s sporting. “What’s wrong princess? I won fair n’d square, now let me take my fuckin’ prize.”
A part of you knew, knew that this is how things would end. But you had wanted to believe, had hoped that it’d be different. 
“Please, wait, not here-not out here.” You choked, feeling him shift the fabric of your dress up over your ass, just enough so that he could tug at the fabric of your panties, snap the edges against your skin.
“N’d why the fuck not? ‘S not like anybody’ll hear you when you start screamin’.” The reality behind his words made your stomach curl, legs trembling as Katsuki snickered.
“Look at you, shakin’ like a scared little deer.”
Your panties get tugged down to your knees, and you hear the slight squish of Bakugou gathering his saliva in his mouth seconds before you hear him spit, seconds before you feel the glob of wet land on one of your cheeks.
Fingers swipe through the mess, before trailing down to your pussy, spreading Bakugou’s spit against your folds.
He apparently isn’t satisfied with that though, because you can feel him shifting, right before he grips a cheek in each hand and spreads you wide, pulls your hips backwards at the same time so you’re angled just right.
Just right for his spit to land directly on your cunt this time.
“S-stop it, please-” You shudder, giving up on trying to push him off. It’s never worked for you in the past, and you’re tired from running, sweaty body yearning to go limp.
A finger enters you, too soon, with not enough spit to ease its way. You yelp at the burning stretch, but Bakugou snarls at you too shut up, take what he’s given’ you as he slaps your ass.
You can feel the burn of his gaze as he watches your flesh jiggle from the force of his slap. 
He works fast, doesn’t have enough patience to go slow, to open you up properly for him. The mans riled up from the chase, full of adrenaline that has no where to go, and he wants to hammer away at your little body until you break. Bakugou knows he can build you back up again when you do.
It’s alarming when you feel fingers pull free, feel the hot, spongy head of a dick pressing up against your entrance. You aren’t ready, nowhere near wet enough. “Bakugou-Bakugou wait, wait! Bakug-oh!!” The scream that leaves your mouth is loud enough to startle birds, cause them to rise from their resting places in the trees.
Bakugou laughs a little at that, the sound quickly tapering off into a groan as he works his cock deeper into you, wiggling his hips from side to side so he can fully seat himself into your cunt, balls snug up against your clit.
“Yeah, go ahead and scream princess, lemme hear you.” He encourages, pulling out just an inch or two so he can slam back in, hear you sob, watch your shoulder shake. with each heaving breath.
He’s fucking you into the dirt like an animal, feral and uncontrolled, wild. You barely have the coordination to try and protect your face with your forearms, keep your sensitive skin from being scraped raw on the ground.
You can’t protect your knees though, or the places that Katsuki holds you from, his grip too tight, blunt nails pressing so deep into your flesh that they draw blood, the pressure biting.
It’s impossible to hold back your noises, tearful, fearful screams reverberating into the forest, choked off as you’re rocked back and forth by vicious thrusts.
The man moves easily, fucks you with the strength of a stallion, growling out your name, letting out throaty groans as he chases his release.
And it hurts, so much, your body battered and becoming scratched and bruised; it hurts so much. Until heat pools in your gut, Katsuki hitting a special spot inside you. It makes your toes curl in your sneakers, has the slide of his cock going just a bit easier as you get that much wetter.
“Unh, n-no-ooh, please, ah! Please, ohh, Bak-Bakug-” You can’t even finish your sentence, not with the blonde reaching around, hand creeping across your stomach, down to where his balls keep smacking against your skin so he can rub tight little circles around your clit.
“Fuck-fuck yeah princess, there we go. Feelin’ good now? Shit, you’re squeezing me so goddamn tight.”
You hated his voice, hated how deep and raspy it was, how his gruff moans of pleasure made your stomach jolt with arousal.
“You tryin’ t’ milk my cock or somethin’? You want my cum that fucking bad?” The man pounding you into the dirt laughed, changing his posture so that he was curled over you, chest pressed to your back.
His hips rabbited into you, and you sobbed freely at the sensation, at his horrible fingers that wouldn’t stop drawing shapes on your little clit, making you feel hot and too close to cumming.
“No, no, no-” You whimpered, trying to hold back your orgasm, but it was too little, too late.
Bakugou’s hips stuttered as you gushed around his cock, barely managing three more full thrusts before burying himself deep, cock twitching inside of you, spurting out his warm cum.
You were too tired, too spent to care how long the two of you spent on the ground, regaining your breath.
When Bakugou peeled himself away from your body, soft cock slipping easily from your warmth, you couldn’t help but cringe at the wetness that spilled against your thigh, no longer plugged in your cunt.
“That was real fucking good.”
Yeah, maybe for him.
Your panties were pulled back up, Bakugou smoothing them down before flipping your dress back into place as he rose to his feet.
He urged you up, supporting most of your weight as he easily tugged you upright. “Knew you’d be too much of a baby to walk back.” He grouched as your knees trembled, almost sending you crashing back to the ground if not for his firm arm around your waist, holding you up.
The next second, you were being lifted into the air, easily swung up into Katsuki’s arms, carried bridal style.
You felt his eyes on you, scanning over your face, your arms, your legs. Cataloging the various scratches and bruises marring your form. “You look like shit.”
You didn’t have a smart retort, just rested your head against his chest, grateful that he wasn’t making you walk, legs weak and jelly-like.
Your throat hurt from screaming.
Bakugou took you home, back to his cabin, to the cottage core life that you’d think was perfect... if only he wasn’t in it.
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yan-purgatory · 4 years
Pairing: Yandere!San x f!reader
Warning: Mature content
Word count: 1.5k
Admin ❦ &  ღ
note: this was written in collaboration before admin ❦ left the blog. i picked it up again recently and finished it - I hope you enjoy!
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“Look at your little grin!” (Y/N) squealed, holding up the photo to his face whilst refusing to sit up. San chuckled before finding his own contribution.
Pulling out his wallet, he plucked out a small square from one of the compartments. A miniature photo, which he subsequently showed to (Y/N).
“How old were we?” She gasped, taking in the sight of the two children with their arms wrapped around each other with cheeky grins.
“Seven. Our parents gave us a copy of this photo for us each to keep remember?” San smiled, but (Y/N) only gasped, placing a hand on his thigh to lift herself off her back into a sitting position.
“I must have lost mine within weeks! How is yours still in perfect condition?” She asked, admiring how despite the film having yellowed slightly there was no damage, no tears or folds at all.
“It’s one of my prized possessions,” San replied, easing it out of her grip before placing it safely back into its home.
The sound of some cheesy slasher had been long been tuned out by (Y/N). All she could sense was the feeling of San’s hand on her thigh, drawing small circles on the supple skin. She tried to ignore it, reminding herself that they were just friends. They’d know each other since the age of one, there was no room for any sexual feelings in their relationship. Still, she couldn’t deny how amazing his touch was.
Disregarding her thoughts she turned her attention back to the screen for a second, only to have it snatched away yet again as San’s fingers started to trail up her inner thighs. (Y/N) gave him a confused look, only to be met with his eyes meeting hers. His lips quirked into a smirk before he turned his attention away again, watching as the teen couple of the movie connect their lips passionately before starting to remove their clothes with haste.
(Y/N) stood up, letting his hand fall away as she mumbled something about needing to use the toilet, avoiding look at him. The arrogant smile was still stuck on his face as he nodded, watching her leave the room until the door was shut behind her.
Having been left with blue-balls, San found himself thanking every divinity for his ability to persuade (Y/N) to watch the movie in her room. Now, he had an endless supply of ‘goodies’.
The first thing that caught his attention was a pile of undergarments dumped by the bed, evidently still fresh from the previous night. With delight he fished out the bralette and underwear, letting his fantasy of seeing (Y/N) dressed amorously in these for him taking over for a second. Yet he couldn’t resist the deep desire he had for getting something more out of his newfound treasure.
Disregarding all risks and forgetting where he was for a moment, he buried his nose into the baby pink lace, taking a deep breath in and breathing out shakily. The smell of (Y/N) that hung on the set was something of an aphrodisiac, as he felt himself become instantly aroused, luckily hidden under one of the blankets they had been snuggled in.
San simply couldn’t stop himself from taking another sniff, letting out a moan as he breathed out. He let himself lean back against the headboard, eyes closed in a euphoria like no other.
However, his moment of bliss was interrupted as the door creaked open again with the woman of the hour returning from her bathroom trip with calmer breathing and a settled smile. That was, until she saw her best friend grasping her underwear in his hand with some sort of sick smile on his face.
The only natural reaction was for her to let out a small gasp and grab the nearest thing which happened to be another picture of the both of them no older than ten. (Y/N) threw the framed treasure with all her strength towards his relaxed body.
If only San didn’t dodge it, his head turned ever so slowly towards her. The sick grin stayed put on his lips as his eyes twitched staring deeply into hers with an emotion that could only be read as obsessive lust.
“It’ll take more than that to kill me, princess.” (Y/N) was trapped like a deer in headlights as he stalked towards her. However, rather than attacking her as she feared, he reached past her to find the coil of tape on her desk, lying innocently next to her scrapbook.
San had less innocent ideas than sticking down photographs, as he unwound it and marvelled at how she flinched at the sound. (Y/N) didn’t even budge as he took hold of her wrist and swaddled them in the tape. His hot breath fanned her neck, almost lulling her into an opiated state. She forgot that he was her childhood best friend, she forgot that moments ago he was sniffing her panties. All she could think about was him fucking her.
“You’re such a good girl right now, princess.” He whispered, pushing her gently back onto the bed.
Her thighs naturally clenched together as the indecent thoughts crept into her head of her own best friend above her; the feeling of herself becoming wet for him was bad enough as she watched him bit his own lip looking down on her.
(Y/N) didn’t even last a second in her once matching sleepwear set, feeling San’s hand make its way back onto her exposed leg. His palm rested on her knee as his thumb stroked back and forth, his eyes never once leaving her’s.
His cold finger danced along her leg, higher and higher. (Y/N) squirmed, still not used to getting this sexual with her best friend.
His veiny hands grabbed her thighs, hands tapping her inner thighs and forcing them open. She let out the quicked moan to only be stopped by her own force.
San’s eyes finally left her’s to only divert to her clothed core. The shorts blocked his vision and he practically growled in frustration, his hands having no mercy as they grabbed the fabric from the top and pulled them down in an instant. 
(Y/N) could feel herself becoming hot in the face as San basically shredded the fabric of her shorts. They hadn’t been expensive, in fact she was sure he’d insisted on paying for them, but that was irrelevant right now. All that mattered was San.
“I can basically see how wet you are, all for me,” The bold sentence left his lips without a single care but his next action was even more bold.
His hand cupped her core, middle finger rubbing her slit ever so slightly through the thin excuse of panties she wore.
“San..nie?” She moaned at the feeling of the fabric pressing against her core. His middle finger pushed the fabric even tighter, only encouraged.
The sound of her voice echoing throughout his head was too much for him to contain himself as he practically became lost in the sound of her voice, like a man at sea he was lost.
“Who said you could talk princess? I need you to be silent for me,” San’s calm voice whispered back into her ear, giving a slight peck to the skin under her ear.
All she could do was merely nod, her breathing uneven and her stomach filled with both excitement and fear.
San’s warm hand slowly made its way higher and higher, his middle finger stopped its assault on her core, to be replaced with the settlement on her stomach.
She let out a sigh at the friction, wanting to beg for more but suppressing it when she made eye contact with him. She had to do what San asked of her, and simply closed her eyes as she felt his bulge right next to her thigh.
He finally slipped the lace away and tucked it in his pocket, clearly intended for later use.
“That’s it, princess. You’re so pretty.” San whispered as she unconsciously ground into the space where his hand had been lingering, wanting more.
She felt his hands gripping her thighs, and the softness of his hair tickling the insides of her legs.
Suddenly his tongue was inside her, and she was trembling as the pleasure built up inside her. 
“Oh fuck, oh yes.” (Y/N) breathed out. Her fingers twitched to bury themselves in his hair, longing to hold him and never let go. The knot inside her was almost too much, and with a loud moan she let go.
San was in ecstasy as he lapped at the juices, proud of himself. He was the only one for her: he just knew it.
“Sannie...” (Y/N) groaned, moving her body slightly in the effort to make more contact with him. He just gave her a grin, his eyes swirling with that dark obsession.
“Don’t worry, my princess. By the end of tonight, you’ll know just how much I love you.”
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bluebellwriting · 4 years
Love Me Tender Part 4
Alastor got up early the next morning with the intent of making you breakfast before your romp through the city. It’s a trait he got from his mother. Whenever he was sick or down or angry or particularly joyful, her love came pouring through to him in the form of food. He’s always thought it was the greatest devotion one could demonstrate. Good food, the kind that lifts the spirits and makes you feel warm some place deep, takes time and care and patience and love. And only people who deserve it get food like that.
Today he woke up with the vision of you eating his mother’s beignets, so he started planning out everything he would need as he walked into the kitchen.
“Heya, smiles,” came the still slurred words of Angel Dust.
Alastor’s shoulders tense but he refuses to show his discomfort any further. Although it probably wouldn’t have mattered, Angel was clearly still drunk from whatever party he had snuck out to last night. He probably couldn’t tell right from left at this point.
“Good morning.”
“You l-look... You look sexy.” Angel flops over onto the table and groans. Fat Nuggets nudges his ankles and makes a concerned oink.
Alastor rolls his eyes and slides the waste bin over to him with a flick of his fingers. 
“You look like you’re about to ruin the floors. For my sake, Nifty’s, and your dear sister, you’ll aim for the bin.”
Angel picks up the bin and squishes it against his cheek, hugging it like a baby. The little pig at his feet whines again and plops on the floor, sulking.
Alastor waves his hand and the ingredients begin to fly around the room, arranging themselves on the counter for him to get to work.
“Who ya lookin’... dressin’ sexy for? My sistah? YoU wanna get l-lucky with ma sistah?”
At once the eggs and milk that were still levitating in the air fall to the ground. The milk sloshes everywhere and the eggs land with a loud crack. Fat Nuggets squeals and hides under the table. Alastor’s shoulders arch and the bag of flour that was in his hand explodes from the grip of his fist. The flour cakes Alastor’s suit, hair, and face, thankfully hiding the vibrant red of his cheeks. If Angel had seen just how bright his cheeks were at the thought of... “getting lucky” with (Y/N), he would never be able to live it down.
“Oh my goodness!” Your voice, like music to Alastor’s ears, floats through the air but for once he is less than thrilled.
Alastor scrambles. He whips around and takes in the sight of you in this absolutely darling red dress with black flowers embroidered into the skirt, your hair was perfectly done up, ready for your day with him and here he is, messing up your kitchen. 
“What happened here?” You ask, your eyes lingering on the cracked eggs and then the flour caking his shoes. He must look like a complete wreck, absolutely putrid.
Before he can even begin to stumble out an excuse, Angel decides to open that big fat mouth of his.
“S-Smiles here was makin’ ya breakfast,” Angel sings. You roll your eyes.
“Angel how late were you out?”
“I’m s-still out,” he slurs, flopping onto the table unbothered by the milk that spilled there.
You groan and squeeze the bridge of your nose, feeling the beginnings of a headache that you really don’t need before meeting an Overlord. Only it’s about to get worse as you hear the excited squeal of your favorite pig.
Fat Nuggets runs and jumps at you, caking your dress in flour. But as much as you loved the dress and the confidence it gave you to be in the presence of this Rosie and... Alastor, you can’t say no to that little face.
You scoop him up in your arms and hold him like a baby. He immediately settles down, lets out as much of a sigh as he can, and relaxes in your arms.
“Hello, sweetheart,” you coo and waggle a finger in front of his nose.
Alastor’s dead heart almost dies a second time as he watches you, watches the way you coddle and care for the pig, how right you look with a baby of any sort in your arms. You tickle the pig’s tummy, causing him to squeal, and it takes everything within Alastor not to leap across the room and cradle you in his own arms. 
“I’m so terribly sorry about this, love. Let me clean this up.” Alastor kneels before you and pats the flour out of your dress. Your face flushes and you have to resist the urge to giggle at the smile he’s sending you. His pants are being ruined by the milk and yolk on the floor, but all he seems to be concerned with is you. 
It takes a lot for a man like Alastor to kneel before anyone. It’s the ultimate sign of weakness, submission. He’s just a little shorter than you when he’s like this but you have a perfect access to his jugular, could kill him in an instant, and he’d probably let you.
You smile sweetly down at him. Alastor wants to lean up and kiss you, your lips are so close like this.
“Hey! G-Give me back my baby,” Angel stands and stumbles over to you. “Go make one of your own!”
“Anthony!” “Angel!”
You both gasp and Alastor is thankful once again for the flour shielding his cheeks.
You step away from Alastor and stomp on your brother’s foot, drawing a sobering squeal from him.
“Don’t be nasty!”
Alastor sighs, mourning the ruined moment. That was a moment, right? It felt like one.
With a snap of his fingers, Alastor has cleaned the entire kitchen and produced a steaming plate of beignets, although, they are hardly up to his standards. Some knockoffs of his mother’s recipe, undeserving of the honor of being held in your hand. But you both have a long day ahead of you.
“Care for one, dearest?” He holds the plate out to you, drawing you away from your whining brother. The frown on your face is instantly replaced by your glowing smile, a good sign.
“Oh, thank you. That’s so sweet.” You continue to hold Fat Nuggets in one set of your arms and take a beignet with a remaining free hand. “You really didn’t have to--”
“I won’t hear it,” Alastor scolds. “It is never a chore to cook for a lovely lady.”
Your cheeks feel as though they have caught on fire. You want to come up with some witty comeback, some harmless little flirtation to diffuse the glint in his eyes and the softness of his smile. But your mind is running a blank and he’s looking at you with the most hopeful of smiles, so you take a bite. He watches you closely as you chew and take in the waves of vanilla and sugar. It’s delicious, breathtakingly delicious.
“Do you like it? It’s my mother’s recipe.” He grins and tilts his head, making him look all the more like a precious deer.
“It’s wonderful. You really outdid yourself. Would you... Would you mind showing me when we get back?”
Yes, he wants to scream. Yes, and then we can have dinner and talk about the rest of our lives together.
“I would love nothing more,” he says, in the most tender tone a man like him can muster. 
“Should we get going?” You ask, turning to the door in a foolish attempt to avoid his intensity.
“Absolutely!” Alastor hooks his arm around one of yours and tugs you close to his side.
The walk to Rosie’s Emporium is easy. Walking anywhere in Hell is easy when the Radio Demon has you snuggled into his side as he chats with you about the glory of Creole cuisine. You’ve implored him to teach you more about it in exchange for his own requested lessons in Italian pastry making. Although you still haven’t quite figured out why a man who notoriously hates all things sweet and sugary would want to learn about one of the richest dessert cultures ever. But like most things regarding Alastor, it’s a mystery. A cheeky mystery you can’t help but want to unravel, if it meant getting to spend an extra minute in his presence.
He has a way of making you feel so special, like a spotlight is constantly on you and deserves to be on you. And he’s one of the few men you have met in this life and the life before that never seemed to care about your weight, the width of your hips, the parts that stick out where on most they stick in. Either he doesn’t care or he sees you as nonthreatening because of it, but you can’t say you want to complain. It’s nice to get a bit of attention. 
It’s also nice to not get hassled on the streets for once. To not be hollered at because someone wants to fuck you or because someone wants to kill you. Demons clear a path for you like a rock in a stream and you know it’s all him, the mafia isn’t nearly as powerful here as it was up there. But his confidence and his glee and his power seep off of himself and into you. Another gift that comes from being so close to him.
Rosie’s Emporium reminds you of the shopping centers from when you were alive. It’s so quaint and prim and well kept that it doesn’t even look as if it belongs with the filthy buildings that surround it. The only marring detail is the black paint (although it might be dried blood, you’re not sure) crossing out the name ‘Franklin.’
“Who was Franklin,” you ask as Alastor strolls forward with a newfound fervor towards the door.
“Rosie’s dearly departed husband. Although... it’s best not to talk about that now, darling.”
Alastor throws open the door and leaves your side. As soon as he enters, the throes of women shopping and lurking swoon. They all greet him with girlish squeals and coos of his name, and it is then that you realize that him accompanying you was not really a favor for him. He wasn’t really here for you, was not concerned, just looking for a reason to get out of the stuffy hotel and into his crowd of adoring admirers.
Alastor goes on to charm the eye-batting crowd like it’s absolutely nothing, while the bricks around your heart slowly start to build themselves back up again. You’re not completely surprised. He’s always been teeth-rottenly charming and oozing charisma. That’s not the part that hurts, it’s just his nature. 
The part that hurts is that you were actually starting to feel different. That perhaps the flirting he did with you was in some way different than what these women got from him. That in some way you were, God forbid, special. But that’s far too much to ask from a man so caught up in himself and his own inflating ego. You weren’t special, just a store of validation for him to tap when he couldn’t escape here.
With your heart effectively locked back up, you have no more distractions, no more vulnerable emotions. The version of you who shot up mobsters in the streets, who poisoned and threatened men without a second shot, comes back in earnest. You steal yourself and wander towards a receptionist.
“Hello,” you say, back straight and eyes icy. “I have an appointment with Rosie.”
“Name?” She asks, ogling Alastor from her desk.
“(F/N) (L/N).”
By some great feat of strength, the girl is able to peel her eyes off of Alastor and down to her calendar.
“Oh! Yes, she’s waiting for you. Right back through there,” she says quickly so she can resume her admiration-from-a-distance. You thank her quietly and head to the back room, hoping to make it there without Alastor who you really don’t need to see right now. But today the universe doesn’t care what you want because he’s right by your side just as you knock on the office door. 
“There you are, darling,” he cheers.
“Here I am.”
Rosie calls you in and you march forward before Alastor’s lanky arm can make its way around you again.
Usually the men you meet with are that. Men. In large mahogany offices with clunky leather furniture. The rooms always smell of smoke and hard liquor. They’re always cliches.
Rosie’s office is warm and inviting despite her Overlord status. It fosters false security with its pink furniture, silk curtains, and the multi-tiered tray of tea cakes ready for her guests to consume, like the witch’s home in Hansel and Gretel. And Rosie herself screams, “I’m a sweet darling in my modest dress and my big floppy hat. Please trust me inherently so I can snatch you in my web and digest you.” 
It’s diabolical and you love that.
You offer her a polite smile and she sends an eager, toothy grin right back at you, not Alastor. No, he gets a much softer, much fonder smile.
“Good morning, ma’am. It’s very nice to meet you,” you bow your head, offering up your own sense of false security in the form of humility.
“Likewise. I’ve heard wonderful things about you, Miss (L/N). Good to see you again, Alastor darling.”
Behind you, Alastor flushes and his eyes widen, which only makes Rosie’s teasing smile wider. As a distraction, Alastor sets his eyes on to you. He’s never quite seen you so at ease. You take a seat opposite Rosie as if you were friends for millennia. You take a small finger sandwich from the same tier that Rosie takes one. Smart. You indulge in Rosie’s small talk about the latest politics and the hotel. Smart. You keep your shoulders and the curt smile on your face steady. Amazing. 
It occurs to Alastor quite quickly that he really didn’t need to be here, at least, not for your sake. You were fine and your years of dealing with creatures as diabolical as Rosie were shining through. Cooking and baking were not the only things you had a mastery over. 
You descend into business soon. Your ability to negotiate a fair price for Rosie’s ability to transport your family’s goods across Hell’s circles lights up a spark in Alastor’s heart. And he realizes even more now that you’re brilliant and resilient and he’s just dead weight at this point. Rosie seems equally captivated by you. When you’re not looking, she sends him playful winks and even sent him a thumbs up when you refuse a truly awful business proposal from her. Maybe he shouldn’t have talked so endlessly about you to her. Rosie was clearly going to blow his cover, she’s not as sneaky as she thinks she is.
“Don’t you think, Alastor?” Rosie’s voice brings him out of his internal reverie and panic.
“E-Excuse me, darling. What was that?”
Rosie smirks, “I said that your companion’s idea is brilliant. I hadn’t even thought to start peddling products from the other circles in my own shop.”
“I just figured,” you chime in, “with your connections all around Hell, your Overlord abilities, and your business savvy, that our clients’ products would be the best in your hands. And selling them through your store would not only increase your business but would also save my family the trouble of peddling product around town. Far too many mouthes to shut.”
Rosie grins at Alastor, then leans towards you with great interest.
“I think we can make that work, dear.”
Alastor flushes and excuses himself quickly back into the emporium. You’re fine. You’re more than fine. You’re doing swimmingly and you didn’t need him at all. That’s what scares him. This whole time he’s been trying to demonstrate just how useful he could be to you, just has much of an asset he could be in your life if you just let him linger there. This meeting, the way you’ve handled yourself, is just another sign to Alastor that he needs to try harder, do better. His eyes catch something on one of Rosie’s many shelves and he makes a b-line towards it, in a vain attempt to prove to you just how necessary he is.
You noticed every single wink Rosie sent Alastor even though you’re sure she was trying to hide them. It just places a layer of steel and concrete around the bricks until your heart is nothing but an impenetrable fortress. You focus on Rosie in an attempt to ignore the way Alastor hovers just behind you, probably to get a better look at Rosie. She’s really delightful and lady-like and polite and powerful and beautiful. So many things that you are just not but it’s obvious why Alastor would find himself taken with this woman. Even you are, to an extent. She reminds you of the mother you wished you had but gave up on long ago. 
You draw up a deal with Rosie quickly, and the entire time she talks to you about Alastor.
“He’s a wonderful cook, don’t you think?”
“Yes, he is,” you give a curt response back, really wanting to just finish this contract, go home, and cry into your pillow. 
“And an impeccable singer.”
“He likes to remind everyone of that, yes.”
“And quite powerful, too. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories, but he was quite the firestorm when he first arrived and continues to be. I personally couldn’t take my eyes off of him.” 
You grit your teeth and smile through the heaps of compliments that she heaves. 
When you exit Rosie’s office with a completed contract and a date with Rosie to have tea to “get to know one another,” you spot Alastor at the checkout counter. There’s a box in front of him on the counter, but the checkout girl seems rather keen on holding him hostage. She wraps and re-wraps the box over and over, purposefully ripping the paper or running out of tape so she can prolong her time with the Radio Demon. Alastor continues to smile at her and you had quite enough. 
You bid Rosie a goodbye and speed your way towards the door.
“Darling, hold on! I’m not quite finished--”
You don’t turn around. You don’t want to see him. You can’t seem him, and he certainly can’t see you because then he’ll see the tears ready to pour down your cheeks. You face the door and try to steady your voice.
“Actually Alastor, I think I want to go on a walk for myself for a while. Please, stay and enjoy your adoring fans.”
You leave quickly, just in time for the tears to spill over.
Alastor stops in his tracks. The half-wrapped box is in his hands, he didn’t want to wait any longer to take it from the incompetent and rude checkout girl. Couldn’t she see that this was clearly a romantic gift meant for you, his sweetheart?
He feels a hand on his shoulder. Rosie tsks up at him.
“She’s a remarkable young lady.”
“Isn’t she?” His eyes are locked on the door as if he can still see you standing there.
“You probably shouldn’t have come,” she teases.
“You might be right about that, dear.”
“Try picking out a more romantic sight for your first promenade around town, darling. And definitely don’t underestimate her and don’t lose her,” she whispers and pats his back before retreating to her office.
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No - C. Hood
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Thank you so much for this request. Sorry it took me so long, it was a lot to take in and I tried to do it justice in the best way I could. I am so sorry if any depictions are inaccurate, or if you don’t like this! Please do not read if this may trigger you in any way. Your own mental health is important so please take care of yourself. You will always have my support. No means no, and things depicted in this fic are NEVER okay.
Also, side note, so sorry for all of those who have sent in requests and are still waiting! I just finished uni for this semester so I will catch up on all requests during my break!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
The lights were flashing all around them. Strobe flashes dancing across the skin of each person crowded on the dance floor.
The bass of the music was thumping through the building, shaking the floor and reverberating through Y/N’s chest.
It was the final show of the tour, which called for a celebration. As such, Ashton had declared that the four men, and their significant others attend one of the more lowkey clubs in L.A. as to not draw much attention and to be able to enjoy themselves and celebrate the long tour they had put their all into.
The night was going well. Y/N danced until her skin glistened with a thin layer of sweat, Calum stayed by her side for most of the night until he was pulled away to do shots with Michael and Crystal, leaving his girlfriend with KayKay at the bar.
She had put effort into her appearance, donning a fierce up-do and a sultry red lip. Calum could barely keep his eyes away from her all night, and she ravished the attention.
She hadn’t been with them for most of the tour, as she had her own work commitments, so she was more than ecstatic to have her love home, and to be able to catch their last show and celebrate afterwards.
She had missed the man that she spent many days waking up next to. Her bed had never felt so empty, and her and Duke visibly longed for the presence of the Maori man.
Even now, as she stood with KayKay, her eyes stayed locked on Calum. He was focused intently on the conversation he was engaged in with Ashton and Michael. Crystal said something that they all perceived as funny, and Y/N’s face split into a wide grin as she watched Cal throw his head back in a laugh.
His cheeks rounded more, allowing the apples of the muscles to stand out. His teeth were on show, an infectious display that could force many to mirror him. His eyes shrunk, lids overtaking until they looked near shut, crinkles at the corners as evidence of a lifetime of laughter and joy. His smile was her favourite thing to gaze upon.
KayKay leaned in close to distract her from her stares, near shouting, yet her words were still muffled by the thumping bass and the sound of voices all around them.
Both women had grown accustomed to the struggle of hearing over loud music, as they had both spent much time in the crowd watching their men perform.
“I’m going to head to the bathroom. Don’t get into too much trouble,” her purple haired friend winked, sending her an air kiss before strutting away.
Y/N and KayKay had been close since they met, and the former couldn’t thank her best friend enough for introducing her to Calum.
She watched her friends retreating figure before casting her eyes towards the bar and sending a smile to the bartender who placed her cocktail down. They had a tab going for the band, so her card was refused as she offered to pay.
A hand slid across her lower back and she leaned back into the feeling of the large appendage, believing it to be Calum.
“Hey pretty baby,” a voice whispered in her ear. It was an eerie tone that sent the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Her body involuntarily jerked away from the person and met a smug grin on a pasty complexion.
The man in front of her would have been slightly attractive if she hadn’t already given her everything over to a man she believed to be twice the person that another could be. She was deeply in love with Calum, and no other could even begin to amount to the admiration she held for him.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone?” The man transitioned his grin unto a smirk, and Y/N found herself disliking the feeling of his blue eyes on her. They traversed up and down her body, lingering on her chest.
“I’m here with my friends and my boy-“
“Can I buy you a drink?” He winked, disregarding her attempt to shut him down and the fact that she had a drink in her hand.
She sighed, placing her cup between the two of them on the bar, “No, thank you. I already have one. I’m really not interested, I’m sorry-“
He stepped closer to her, enveloping her in his scent of BO cutting through the overdone cologne. “You don’t need to play hard to get with me, baby. I can see that you’re dying for a good time.” He winked and she found herself wanting to throw her drink in his face.
She cringed, looking over to the direction of the bathrooms in hopes to see KayKay come out but she frowned at the sight of her friend with Ashton and Calum.
A sigh left her red tinted lips as she turned back to the man in front of her. She picked up her drink and downed the remainder of it before fixing him with a deep frown. “Im sorry, I’m really not interested. Please learn to take a hint.” Her cocktail glass clinked against the bar as she rushed to the bathroom.
She emptied her bladder, washed her hands and just stared at her reflection in the mirror. She always felt uneasy when sly people resisted taking a hint, and she wanted nothing more than to head to Calum and spend the rest of the night with him and their friends.
Her stomach felt like it was flipping within her abdomen and a wave of drowsiness overtook her. She hadn’t felt so dizzy in a long time and she was struck with confusion at the sudden wave. She had been in the bathroom for maybe 15 minutes, and it had come on so suddenly.
Her eyelids felt unnecessarily heavy. When she blinked, she was sure her eyes stayed closed for at least 10 seconds. She hadn’t felt like that before, and it brought anxiety to the top of her stomach. Her hands were shaky, almost numb as she lifted them to brush sweat from her, now glistening, forehead.
It was a struggle to pull the door open, but she breathed a sigh of relief as two women opened the offending blockage allowing for her escape. She needed to find Calum, something wasn’t right.
She had only downed two drinks, no where near enough to be this intoxicated, nor had she taken anything that sketchy people in the club had been offering.
Her stomach was flipping and she could feel her pulse pounding beneath her skin. The thudding was vibrating through her skull, doing nothing to quell the dizziness.
Calum was over the other side of the club, she knew that much, yet everywhere she stepped she connected with another person.
Hands had brushed across her feverish body, sending her nerves alight and the lighting was beginning to make her eyes ache.
She wandered across the dance floor, eyes searching for her brown-eyed boyfriend but to no avail.
She had grabbed many people to save herself from falling over, her heels doing nothing for her legs that felt as shaky as a baby deer’s.
A hand secured around her upper arm as she fell into another body. The familiar blue eyes stared down at her and she tightened her grip on the man.
“Luke! Where’s Calum?” She slurred, standing as best she could with her current condition. “Somethings wrong. D’know what happened.”
Luke knew that Y/N wasn’t okay. He had known the girl for a long time, and had spent much time with her, as she was the girlfriend of one of his best friends. Y/N wasn’t the type to get drunk often. He had only seen her have more than three drinks once, and even then, she maintained her composure almost perfectly.
This was out of the ordinary.
Sierra was alarmed immediately. Y/N looked physically sick, but what set her off more was the man that looped his arm around her friends waist.
“There you are, baby. I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” The main exclaimed, and Y/N gave him a tired look, unable to remove the offending arm.
“Excuse me, who are you?” Sierra gripped Y/N’s arm below Luke’s slowly tightening grip. Neither of them knew the man, and Sierra had a guess as to what his intentions were.
“I’m her boyfriend. Who do you think you are?” He glared at the two people, a smug grin on his face that sent a chill of anger down both Sierra and Luke’s spines.
“Si, go get Calum,” Luke told his girlfriend and she rushed off immediately, her small frame moving through the crowd quickly. “Look, mate, just let her go.”
“Are you deaf, asshole? She’s my girlfriend!” The man was getting angrier as the seconds passed and Y/N fell further and further out of consciousness.
“Bullshit.” Luke snapped. “What did you do to her?” His eyes were flaming with protectiveness. Y/N was part of his family and he felt every bone in his body wanting to hurt the man who had hurt her.
“I did nothing,” he grinned. “Now, if you don’t mind, my girl and I need to head home. As you can see, she’s a little under the weather.” His grin was sly, slimy. His eyes had a deeper motive hidden underneath the smirk and Luke’s stomach dropped at what he could imagine was going through the mans head.
“Like fuck you are,” a voice growled from behind the men, and the man who held Y/N turned with her body slumped against his in her now unconscious state. “Get your hands off of her before I break them.” Calum’s jaw was clenched, and he wanted nothing more than to throw his fist into the guys face but he wouldn’t do so while he had Y/N. He wouldn’t dare risk her getting hurt more so than she already had.
The man looses his grip slightly and Sierra grabbed a hold of Y/N. KayKay was on her other side, both supporting the woman as they led her outside and away from the men.
The man visibly retracted. His eyes became flitty, and his Adam’s apple jumped as he swallowed heavily. Calum easily had some height on him, and the addition of both Ashton and Michael behind him definitely did nothing to lessen the building fear.
“What did you do to her?” Calum growled once again, every fiber of him spinning with anger at the man who tried to take advantage of his girl. “What the fuck did you think you could do to her?”
The man stumbled over his words, stepping back slowly, only to hit into Luke who remained behind.
“I slipped something into her drink. Look man, I was just looking for a good time, s’all. I didn’t mean anything by it.” The man raised his hands, face paling.
“You didn’t mean anything by it? Well that just makes everything fine!” Calum snarls, laughing sarcastically with malice shaking his every syllable. He stepped closer, trapping the pervert between himself and the other guys. “If I ever catch you trying that shit with Y/N or anybody else, I will make you wish you never had the thought to do that. You think you can just roofie and rape people and excuse it? You’re fucking lucky that you didn’t get her out of the door.”
The man was shaking in fear now, his body trembling as he fought to draw his eyes away from the angry Maori in front of him.
“I have half a mind to beat the shit out of you right now, but I need to do make sure my girlfriend is okay. If I ever see your face again, you won’t know what fucking hit you, you piece of shit,” Calum snarled, his face so close to the man that he could feel the hot breath on his cheek as he was threatened.
Luke nodded at Calum over the head of the man, signaling for him to leave as the guys waited for the security guards being sent their way.
Calum was alight was rage. He wanted to cry, scream, beat the shit out of that guy and apologise to Y/N all at the same time.
How could he leave her alone? How could somebody think it was acceptable to do that to another person? The night could have ended horribly for her, and he would never be able to forgive himself if it had have.
Y/N was unconscious as the women helped Calum take her home, and she slept the entire night. Calum could barely will himself to walk away from her, let alone sleep. He slept for barely 3 hours that night.
A groan startled him as the sun rose, Y/N sitting up slowly. His shirt was polled around her legs, and she had dark circles underneath her eyes.
She was upright for barely a second before she was stumbling to the bathroom, followed by Calum who sat beside her with her hair secured in his hands.
He had made sure to get her out of her party clothes last night and into one of the many shirts she had stolen from him. His heart broke even more as he watched her empty the contents of her stomach.
The retching ceased after a few minutes and she attempted to stand, but failing on shaky legs.
“Hold on, baby,” Calum told her, grabbing a cup from the cabinet above the sink and filling it with water for her. “Here.”
“Thanks...” her hand was pressed against her forehead, memories of the night before appearing in fragments in her mind. She knew she hadn’t had much to drink, but it took her a few minutes to remember what happened the night before.
The feeling of the venomous blue eyes watching her. The tangy taste of her drink. The heaviness of his hand on her waist and the way her eyelids refused to stay open.
She felt as if she had been struck by the worst motion sickness possible, and guilt washed over her as she thought of how her actions must have ruined the previous night.
“Are you okay?” Calum moved his hand towards her slowly, waiting for any sign of disapproval before gently resting his hand on her knee.
She shook her head, trying to stop tears from falling as she thought of the man from the previous night. “I’m so sorry.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she didn’t raise her eyes to meet his.
If she had have, she would have seen the perplexed frown that he adopted. “What for?”
She sighed, hoping he would simply be mad at her, allowing her to forgo the explanation that she thought obvious to both of them.
“I should have been careful last night. I was stupid and because of me, I bet the night was ruined.”
“You should have been careful?” Calum gaped, watching as she softly nodded. “Babygirl you shouldn’t have to be careful.”
She rose her head, catching his eyes as he sat on the bathtub edge, staring down at her frame that was resting against the Basin cabinet. She cricked an eyebrow, confusion setting in her features.
“But I didn’t pay attention to my drink. If I hadn’t have found Luke-“
“A woman should be able to go to a damn bar and not need to worry about some sleezebag taking advantage of her, Y/N. I’ve been fighting with myself all night. I shouldn’t have left you alone, and I am so sorry that I left you to get into a position like that on your own, but you should be able to be fucking safe, on your own, in a fucking public space.” Anger was coursing through his body once again and he clenched his fists together, resting his forehead on them to try to hold back the angry tears. “A woman shouldn’t need to constantly have somebody witness her to guarantee her safety, and I want to ring that little assholes neck for thinking he could try and take advantage of you like that. I should have, but I didn’t. I should have been there for you, and with you. If you hadn’t have found Luke then I would never forgive myself.”
His shoulders began to shake softly, tears dripping down his forearms and onto the times beneath his feet.
She sat up on her knees and placed her hands on his shoulders to still his movements. Her own tears had been flowing for so long that she hadn’t realized the cool wetness on her flesh.
“Calum, baby, you have nothing to feel guilty about,” she met his brown eyes with her own orbs, his head shaking in disagreement as he sniffed. “You did absolutely nothing wrong. The only one to blame is that scum bag. I’m
going to report him today. I don’t want him to think he can try shit like that with any other person.”
“Want me to come with you?” He used his hand to brush some tears from her cheeks.
“Of course I do. I always want you with me, Cal,” she whispered to him, brushing the tears as they fell.
“I love you, and I’m so sorry that you went through that. I’m sorry I wasn’t there from the beginning.”
“It’s not your responsibility to watch over me constantly because other men think they have the right to do what they want to women whenever they want.” She smiled softly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “You have nothing to apologise for, my love. I’m just thankful that I have somebody like you to help me through this.”
“You’ve always got me, baby.” His eyes bored into hers with intensity, and she shifted forward to press her forehead against his.
“I need to thank Luke and Sierra. Between them and you, I basically have my own team of beautiful superheroes by my side.”
Calum laughed softly, standing and pulling her to her feet beside him, encircling her in his arms and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I’ll always protect you, baby.”
Tag List: @mantlereid @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @starshonerose @another-lonely-heart
128 notes · View notes
vannahfanfics · 4 years
Pikachu, I Choose You!
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Kyoka Jiro, Denki Kaminari
Requested By: Spoilerz_Alert (Ao3)
"Nonononono- Ahhh, Denki, nooooooo!" 
Kyoka rubbed her eyes sleepily as she shuffled down the last few steps of stairs. Hanta's miserable wail floated out of the kitchen, making her ear jacks twitch as she registered the high-pitched sound. Metallic clangs and muttered curses followed, and when Kyoka approached to inspect the chaos occurring in the kitchen, she also could discern Denki's characteristic low-toned "yayyyyy."
She smothered a giggle as she rounded the corner to find the aforementioned blond seated at the table, drooling a little as he pushed his upturned thumbs through the air. Hanta was carrying the fried remains of their toaster over to the trash can. He tossed the blackened, sparking metal into the bin with an annoyed grunt, then slammed the lid closed. "God damn it, Denki! That's the third one this semester! Mr. Aizawa'll probably start making you pay for them!" he scolded. 
"Yayyyyyyyy," responded the short-circuited boy jovially. Hanta rolled his eyes and collapsed against the counter with an exaggerated sigh. 
"I just wanted some toast," he lamented woefully. His head lolled over to watch Kyoka as she strolled into the small kitchen. "Mornin'." 
"I see Chargebolt here has apprehended the toaster villain yet again," the girl quipped playfully. Denki's head bobbled on his neck like a baby's as he mindlessly ogled at her. As Kyoka raised an eyebrow at him, he cooed and gave her his thumbs-up motion. Kyoka smiled, unable to not find his addled state comical and endearing, and walked over to affectionately ruffle his yellow locks. "Great job, buddy. You saved us from a real menace." Denki released a bubbly laugh and flopped forward, forehead striking the table. 
"Fuck, did Pikachu fry the toaster again?!" Katsuki cursed as he stomped into the kitchen to find the boy slumped over and still constantly humming "yayyyyyy!" When Hanta and Kyoka nodded solemnly, the volatile blond angrily kicked the nearest chair and tromped over to the pantry. He ripped open a box of corn flakes and shoved his hand into the bag to grab a massive handful of the crunchy cereal. He pushed them into his mouth, a few missing the mark and clattering down to the floor, while glaring at Denki. "Fucking hell. I just wanted some fucking toast," he grumbled with full cheeks. 
"Me tooooo!" Hanta cried exasperatedly and threw his arms up in an irritated gesture. "The world's against us today." Denki blinked slowly and lifted his head to peer at Katsuki. 
"'Yay,' indeed, moron," Katsuki huffed and shoved another handful of corn flakes into his mouth. "How the fuck does he keep fryin' the damn thing, anyway?" Passively listening to their conversation, Kyoka hunted through the various drawers for a can opener so she could peel the lid off the canned peaches she wanted for breakfast. 
"When he stays up all night gaming, he's super tired in the morning and can't control his Quirk!" Hanta answered with a pointed glare at the clueless blond, who nodded sagely and confirmed with a succinct "Yay." Not that he knew what they were even talking about. 
“Dumbass Pikachu,” Katsuki grumbled under his breath. Just as Katsuki uttered his nickname for Denki, Kyoka spied a few washable markers in one of the kitchen drawers. A mischievous ploy bloomed in her head, and so with a playful grin, she plucked up the red marker and uncapped it with her teeth. Katsuki raised an eyebrow at her as she crossed the kitchen and sat down in the chair beside the dazed Denki. “Uh, what are you doing?” 
“A little payback for the toaster,” Kyoka mused. That was her reason for them, but at the moment, Kyoka’s mind was absorbed with how absolutely adorable Denki would look like a cute little Pikachu. She chuckled to herself as she put the marker to his cheeks. Hanta and Katsuki watched her with wide eyes as Kyoka scrawled two oval shapes on Denki’s cheeks with the red pen, and dotted a cute little rounded triangle on the tip of his nose. They all snorted as Denki blinked incomprehensibly and hummed, “Yay?” when Kyoka finished. Sniggering, Kyoka snapped a picture and used her phone’s editing function to draw a pair of Pikachu ears and a zig-zaggy tail on him. She sent it in the students’ group chat, and Hanta and Katsuki’s phones pinged. They both burst into laughter when they opened up the message. 
“That’s rich,” Katsuki snickered, admiring Kyoka’s handiwork even as he shoved the cereal box bank into the pantry. By this time, Denki was beginning to regain his senses, blinking rapidly. It took him a moment to register Kyoka’s presence beside him. After he finally returned to his baseline state, he groaned and rubbed the side of his head. 
“Aw, man, did I fry the toaster again?” 
“Yup,” Katsuki confirmed as he strolled out of the room, apparently not wanting to hang around for the pending conversation. Denki whined self-loathingly and flopped forward against the table. He opened his phone to read the notification and shot upright when he saw the picture. 
“What the-! Hey!” he whined loudly. Kyoka stifled giggles with her hand as Denki opened his front-facing camera. “Not funny!” he complained, poking at the red ovals decorating his cheek. The marks made the pout he tossed her exceptionally cute. “You’re so mean, Kyoka…” 
“What? I think it’s adorable,” she complimented jokingly. Denki just groaned and pushed his cheeks around, smearing the edges of the circles. “Relaaaaax,” she laughed and nudged him lightly in the ribs with her elbow. “It’s washable ink. You don’t have to go to class like that.” 
“Thank God!” he exclaimed with relief, rising promptly from the chair. “I don’t think I could face Aizawa like this!” 
“Like what?” Denki jumped a foot in the air at the teacher’s sudden appearance; the dark, broody man hovered in the entranceway to the kitchen, clutching an empty mug that smelled faintly of coffee. Aizawa stared levelly at Denki as the boy gawked at him like a deer struck by headlights. Aizawa then just sighed and proceeded to the coffee pot to refill his cup with the bitter brown liquid. He mixed in a faint amount of sugar and then turned to stare blatantly at the blond boy while sipping at the beverage. “Pika-pi,” he said monotonously before sauntering off. As Kyoka and Hanta collapsed in hysterical laughter, Denki’s face turned a shade of crimson. 
“Yeah, yeah, you guys, laugh it up,” he mocked irritatedly as he made to leave as well. “Next time I’m frying the toaster on purpose!” he called as he rounded the corner. Kyoka nearly fell out of her chair as she tried to get up and follow. Holding her belly, she staggered to the wall, holding onto the edge as she shouted after him. 
“Denki! Come on; it was a joke! You’re not mad, right? Right? … Denki?” 
Denki was obviously mad. 
Kyoka squirmed uncomfortably in her seat as she discreetly stared at him from across the classroom. He’d refused to speak to her since that morning, and had even resorted to avoiding her. They usually walked to class together, joined by Momo and Hanta, but when she’d joined the three on the front porch, he’d stomped off by himself, insisting he wanted to walk alone. He’d arrived to class first, and when she’d cheerfully greeted him, he’d ignored her. Groaning, Kyoka flopped forward onto her desk, not even bothering to get a head start on the English homework they’d been assigned. 
I’m so stupid… 
Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, much to her surprise. She sat up to brush her fingertips over her eyes, which widened when she saw them glistening with salty tears. Hurriedly, she asked Present Mic if she could be excused and scurried off to the restroom. She slipped into a stall, locked it, and sank onto the toilet with a mournful sigh. What’s happening to me? Why am I so upset? She thought wildly as she rubbed at her eyes to stifle the tears. They stopped, but only just. 
Sure, maybe Kyoka’s prank wasn’t in good taste, but normally she’d just wait for someone to come around rather than moping over the silent treatment. But this was different. She couldn’t stand that Denki was angry with her, and it hadn’t even been six hours. The tears rolled down her cheeks as she fidgeted on the toilet, nervous energy causing her to twitch endlessly. She pulled up the damning photograph, and couldn’t help but smile at his adorably dorky expression. She laughed shakily and swiped her thumb over the screen, causing it to zoom in a little. He’s just so cute he makes me stupid… 
Kyoka squeaked aloud and sat bolt upright in the chair, dropping her phone in the process. She didn’t even rattle over the fact that the screen might have shattered. Her mind was shattering with a startling realization. Could I… Could I have a crush on Denki?! It was ludicrous. Ridiculous. Impossible! … And yet, as she thought of the boy, her heart fluttered in her chest. Groaning, she ran her hands over her face. And now he’s super pissed at me, she lamented. It was no wonder she hated the fact that he was angry… She was crushing on him, and only wanted to be in his good graces. 
“All right, Kyoka. Get out of your head,” she huffed, knocking on her head with both of her hands for emphasis. “Just calm down and be reasonable. All you have to do is apologize… That’ll smooth things over.” How could she apologize, though? She didn’t know if she could wait all day to corner Denki alone. “Drop some hints. That’s all you have to do,” she huffed doubtfully. Anxiety bubbled in her belly, making her a little nauseous. “That’s all you have to do,” she repeated, as if doing so would strengthen her will. 
It was much easier said than done. 
“Okay, Kyoka. Just relax. You got this,” she murmured under her breath. After returning from her solitary pep talk in the bathroom, the lunch bell had rung. She had just exited the line and was searching for a seat- a specific seat. Denki was settled with Hanta across the room. Kyoka’s eyes locked onto the empty booth seat across from them. After sucking in a breath like it was liquid courage, Kyoka speedily crossed the lunchroom and plopped her tray down in front of Denki, probably a little too harshly. Denki peered critically at her from under the strands of his bangs. A blush began to crawl up her neck. Much more calmly, she slid into the seat and cleared her throat. 
“H-Hey, Denki.” She saw the corner of his mouth twitch and hoped that was a sign he would break his silence. His gaze then dropped to his beef stew, and he swirled it around disinterestedly, steeping the rice in the thick broth. Kyoka swallowed, not one to be deterred, and pushed her tray forward slightly with a finger. “I know you much you like egg pudding,” she offered with a gesture to the little jiggly pudding sitting at the edge of the tray. “I don’t like it, but I thought you might like another, so…” she trailed off, hoping the boy would get the memo. His eyes were lidded as he studied the egg pudding. Silently, he reached out to take it off her tray and put it on his. He then resumed mindlessly stirring his stew. 
Hanta’s eyes shifted rapidly between the two of them, a noodle hanging out of his mouth. He slurped it up and then quickly stood, announcing that he was going to see if he could pilfer some more ramen from someone before running off like the Devil was behind him. Denki said nothing, but Kyoka saw his body tense uncomfortably. 
“Denki, I’m sorry, okay?!” she blurted before the boy could try and escape. “I shouldn’t have embarrassed you like that. I just… I just…” She couldn’t think of a reasonable explanation aside from she just thought he would look cute, and she sure as hell couldn’t say that. Denki’s golden eyes flickered up from the stew to stare fixedly at her. She slumped down in the booth seat at the harsh edge of the bright gold depths. “I’m sorry,” she repeated meekly, tears rising to her eyes without realizing it. “I’m just stupid…” 
“Kyoka,” he sighed, and the sound of his voice made her heart sing. He pushed the trays aside to reach across the table and grab her hand. He stared at it as he swept his thumb over the soft skin, and every caress sent fire flying through her nerves. Her cheeks burned pink, but Denki was seemingly oblivious to the romantic implications of his gesture. “You’re not stupid.” The smile he flashed her made Kyoka melt into a relieved puddle of mush right there, but she couldn’t help but object. 
“Denki, I took that dumb photo, and it was insensitive, and-”
“It’s okay!” He laughed with a dismissive wave of his free hand. He then looked bashfully down at the egg pudding she’d given him. “I mean, I was a little upset at first, because… I couldn’t help but wonder if that’s all you think I am. Some dumb, stupid Pikachu.” Before he could continue, Kyoka interrupted with her free hand flapping around wildly. 
“Oh, Denki, no! No, no, no! I just… I, um… Bakugo kept calling you Pikachu, and I just…” Growing meek, she slumped down into the booth until her shoulders hunched up to her ears. “I couldn’t help thinking about how cute you would look as a Pikachu…” Denki’s eyebrows nearly touched the roots of his hair as he gawked surprisedly at her. He then flashed her a brilliantly bright smile. 
“Oh, so that’s it?” Kyoka used her free hand to cover her bright red face as much as she could, embarrassed by how pleased he was at the prospect. Still holding her hand, he grabbed a fork and took a big bite of the egg pudding while Kyoka nodded admittingly. He seized his phone and pulled up the photograph, then smirked. “I guess I do look pretty adorable,” he reasoned with a wink at Kyoka. The girl’s headphone jack ears wriggled nervously, a bit unsettled by his one-eighty in mood. He dropped the phone and smiled sweetly at her. “I’m sorry for the way I acted. I shoulda just been a man and talked to you about it instead of giving you the silent treatment.” Kyoka’s throat bobbed as she swallowed the relieved sob rising in her chest. 
“Yeah, but… Fair’s fair, I guess,” she said guiltily. She flushed red as Denki leaned across the table to use his thumb to wipe away her tears. 
“No! Even if I was upset, taking it out on you like this was petty. As Kirishima would say, it wasn’t very manly of me.” His light-hearted tone all but forced Kyoka to give him a hiccupy laugh. How could she stay sad with the sunny boy around? Still, she couldn’t help but feel just a little bit blue; though he was gently sweeping her tears away, she could tell just by the look on his face that it was a purely platonic gesture. Still, she couldn’t help but lean a little into his touch, making her chin brush lightly against the heel of his palm. “I’ve got an idea,” he suggested with a bright smile. “How about tonight we watch a movie, huh?” 
“J-just the two of us?!” she squeaked, blushing at the high-pitched tone of her voice. Denki didn’t notice, nodding enthusiastically. “O-okay…” She was relieved that he was no longer irritated with her, but she couldn’t help but think that she was jumping out of the frying pan only to land in the fire.
Kyoka had landed in the fire indeed. 
Her body burned with a fierce blush as she sat on the end of Denki’s bed, unable to focus on the anime movie playing on his television screen. He’d insisted on sharing a blanket, and so there she was, snuggled up under the covers with the oblivious blond and feeling like she would spontaneously combust at any moment. Denki lay on his stomach with his cheeks pushed into the palms of his hands. His ankles crossed over behind his back. Jiro was sitting upright beside him, hugging her knees to her chest and sweating nervously. 
Just play it cool, Kyoka… Don’t be weird… she encouraged herself frantically. With every passing second, she was terrified that Denki would notice the damp puddle of perspiration surely forming under her. She had to suppress a squeak when Denki shifted positions, sitting up beside her and tugging the blanket to enclose them in a suffocating bubble of heat. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth until the skin shredded a little. She’d only realized she was crushing on the boy less than eight hours ago, but now it was all she could think about. When his arm inadvertently brushed against hers, she couldn’t take it anymore. Squealing, she jumped out of the covers to stumble out onto the floor. 
“Kyoka? What’s up?” Denki blinked owlishly at her as she panted heavily. Every inch of her skin felt like it was submerged in lava. Part of her was frustrated that he wasn’t picking up on the undeniable signs, but the other part of her thought she’d surely die if he posed the possibility of her crushing on him. The turmoil of the day had fried Kyoka’s brain to charred mush, so she could only sink into one of his bean bag chairs with an agonized groan. 
“I don’t… I just… I need a minute,” Kyoka whined miserably. Denki blinked slowly, then peeled the blankets off himself and timidly crawled over to her. She peered through her eyelashes at him as he approached cautiously, her cheeks growing redder with every inch he crept closer. 
“Kyoka… Are you feeling okay?” he inquired with a suspicious look. Sure that her cheeks were the shade of tomatoes, she groaned and looked away ruefully. She rubbed at her face, flinching at the sheer amount of heat radiating off her body in suffocating waves. “You’re acting weird,” Denki continued with a concerned tone. “Look, I promise I’m not mad at you.” 
“It’s not that,” she admitted through the fingers laced over her lips. She stared intently up at the ceiling with shaky eyes. Was she really about to confess this? “Do… Do you know… Why I was so upset at the fact that you were mad at me?” Denki grunted, and she could tell by the way his clothes shifted that he was rubbing the back of his neck puzzledly. 
“Well… I dunno… I was a little shocked at how sensitive you were about it.” The bean bag creaked as she wiggled uncomfortably in the embracing soft bag of beads. 
“I… Well… I couldn’t stand the idea that you were mad at me because… because…” Her throat closed up, preventing her from forcing out the words though she desperately wished she could just spit them out. Her chest felt like a great big balloon had swelled up inside her, pushing on her chest wall to make it impossibly tight. Denki waited patiently for her to continue. Kyoka just couldn’t. Frustrated tears began to burn her eyes, and she desperately tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Whining in agony, she clamped her hands down over her eyes, praying the darkness would push her over the edge into a confession. It didn’t. 
“Kyoka?” Denki’s voice was soft, inquisitive. She heard him crawl around the edge of the bean bag to sit on his knees beside her. She whimpered as his fingers began to pull at her own, slowly prying her hand away from her left eye. Hesitantly, she cracked that eye open to see him smiling amusedly. “You’re not trying to say that you like me, are you?” She pulled her bottom lip under her teeth and chewed anxiously on it, debating whether to admit it or start vehemently denying it. After a few seconds, she managed a tiny nod. “This better not be some kinda cruel joke.” She squeaked and started sputtering refusals at his deadly serious expression. Then, in the next second, he was laughing animatedly. 
“Denkiiii!” she whined, red-faced, and punched him in the shoulder. He kept cackling even as he rubbed the now sore area. 
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t help but get a little payback,” he chuckled. Kyoka settled down after a minute, but her face continued to burn. He smiled affectionately; it made her heart thump loudly in her chest. “I like you too, Kyoka. To tell ya the truth… Being angry with you made me so miserable I couldn’t stand it.” 
“Really?” she asked in a small voice, and he nodded. 
“Yeah. That’s why I couldn’t stay mad,” Denki said gently. His hand rose to cup Kyoka’s cheek, and she pressed her face into it, relishing the soft skin of his palm embracing her. “I could never stay mad at you.” 
“Even when I do stupid stuff?” 
“Hey,” Denki snorted, “considering I’m the world’s leading expert in stupid stunts, I can cut you some slack for the occasional lapse in judgment.” Kyoka giggled. Her body sung with a bubbly champagne-like high that sent her mind floating into blissful, foggy euphoria.
Denki leaned forward to press his forehead against hers, eyes lidded as he smiled lovingly. “You haven’t smiled all day,” he remarked, catching her off guard. “I love it when you smile.” His compliment made the small smile on her lips stretch wide across her face. His thumb caressed the arc of her cheekbone as he stared deep into her eyes. 
“So are you gonna kiss me orrrrrrrr what, Pikachu?” His eyebrow cocked at her blatant request. Kyoka’s cheeks tinged pink at her boldness, but she levelly held his stare, challenging him. Denki smiled impishly, but then leaned in, pressing his mouth to hers in a lingering sweet kiss. Kyoka hummed approvingly at the pleasant sensation of his soft lips molding over hers. The movie they were watching was long forgotten as they basked in the glow of each other’s presence and the bliss of young love blooming between them. 
Kyoka’s smile was bright as daylight as she stared into her phone screen; Momo could see it across the room. She approached Kyoka from behind as the girl lounged on the common room sofa, feet kicked up over the back and reclined against one of the throw pillows. 
“What are you smiling about?” Momo inquired as she leaned over the arm of the couch. Kyoka was staring at her lock screen. It was a photo of her and Denki; they had marker on their faces- red ovals on their cheeks, and a little rounded triangle on the tips of their noses. Brown-tipped, long, pointed yellow ears and zig-zaggy tails had been scrawled in the background with her editing app. They looked so happy together, pressed against one another as they smiled for the camera. Momo smiled, glad to see her best friend so madly in love. Kyoka tipped her head back over the arm of the couch to grin blissfully at Momo. 
“Oh, you know… Making plans. Denki wants to go out to eat tonight.” Momo hummed approvingly and leaned down, pressing her cheek against the top of her friend’s head as she hugged her loosely. 
“I’m happy for you, Kyoka. You deserve it.” 
“Thanks,” the noirette said and glanced back to her phone to respond to a message from Denki. “So, when are you gonna start going out with Todoroki?” 
“I-I beg your pardon?!”
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork​ @simplybakugou​ @sadistiks​ @wesparklebitch​
92 notes · View notes
asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E1
Okay, instead of making like massive reblogs of thoughts as I have them for the episodes, I’m gonna just make a massive bullet point list that I’ll add to throughout the episode, so you get One post per episode instead of “Like all nine million of them.”
I put Read-More’s because I care.
Thoughts (of which I have far too many):
I’m in the first ten seconds of the fuckin episode. Why the fuck is Braeden electrocuting Isaac? Like, look, I wanna like Braeden. I have issues with her entire moral system, but I still wanna like her cus’ she saves Isaac. But...how am I supposed to do that when the literal first thing she does is electrocute my boy??? He’s knocked out, not DEAD (not that that’s how shocking someone’s heart even Works) and it’s not like she needs to trigger the healing process. He’s already got Gaping slash wounds on his chest. He’s hurt enough. ALSO. “Be quiet”?? R U Serious? You’re electrocuting him. YOU try being quiet with fucking jumper cables on your chest.
The CGI...is so bad. Oh my god. What the absolute fuck. it looks like Sharkboy & Lavagirl. And why aren’t Ethan & Aiden’s claws doing anything to the bike?
I AM CONFUSION. If the twins don’t have to take their pants off to do the Transformers shit, why do they have to take off their shirts? Can...can I just skip that? Make the big bad werewolf wear an ugly hybrid of two of their stupid ass sweaters? Or do Ethan and Aiden really just like being shirtless that much? (I wouldn’t put it past them)
What is with Braeden and the electricity?
The writing in this show, what the fuck? “I thought I told you to hold on” EXCUSE ME, ma’am. He literally just passed out. His bad I guess.
Guess who has to add the anti-scott tag to this now? Anyway, I hate that Allison’s bit in the intro is her kissing Scott and then drawing the bow. Like, they’re broken up. They don’t get together in this season. Why are they kissing in the intro? That had to have Totally pissed off Scallison fans.
There’s my boy, holding up lizard tattoo designs. Pls tell me he took a pic and sent it to Jackson with the caption “It’s YOU.” Like, yes, way too soon, but man it’s fuckin funny.
This tattoo artist is a good-ass salesman. However, p-sure he’s not a good-ass artist if he had to wrap Scott’s arm up That badly. Like...they have stuff for that. Fuck, the one I got on my ankle, they used SaranWrap and Tape. Just needs to be kept out of the open air for a bit. You don’t need like eight layers of gauze. I do feel for Scott tho. That tat probably cost him like $50-75 before the tip. Oof.
Eyyy, time to be salty. Ya’ll know I love Allison, but does it get any more clear that she totally bailed on everyone after the warehouse? She went to France! She doesn’t even know what happened to Jackson after he got cured. ALSO. Lydia says “Derek taught him the werewolf 101.” Not Scott. Derek. XP
Lydia, honey, leave Allison alone. If she doesn’t want to go on the double date, go alone and make it an orgy. Fun, right? Wait, no. Don’t. You’re 16. Don’t do that!
When exactly did they “agree to give each other the summer”? She said “I’m breaking up with you.” he said “I’ll wait” and then she cried into her dad’s arms. Like...why didn’t we get to see this apparently incredibly important conversation? (maybe because it didn’t happen??)
I fucking LOVE the “I’m just gonna say hi. HEYYYYY! You know....they probably didn’t see us.”
The most horrific thing about that moment was the bad CGI.
I WANNA POINT OUT how cute it is (in a like, sad way cus’ she’s terrified) that Lydia is close enough to Stiles now that she immediately goes for his side and they like insta connect with the eye contact. Not in like a Stydia way, but like, they’re close. she trusts him and goes to him when she’s scared, even though he’s human and you’d wonder if she shouldn’t go to Scott instead, since he’s the werewolf.
SCOTT WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING THE DEAD DEER. Your ability to smell chemosignals/sense emotions has nothing to do with touching. Stop poking the dead animal.
Wait, WHY is there a full moon in that shot? The full moon isn’t for like a week! I COUNTED.
...what? Why the fuck does Braeden think Scott’s an Alpha? Why tho? Like, seriously? WHY? He’s not an Alpha yet. Nowhere near it. And if she knows bc Deaton told her (i think he was the one who hired her) then shouldn’t she know he isn’t one yet? IF SHE KNOWS that she can tell Melissa abt werewolves, WHY doesn’t she know that Scott’s Melissa’s son? Where is the LOGIC?
Scott’s morning routine is giving me Legally Blonde vibes. ~my perrrfectt dayyy, nothing standing in my wayyy~
I can’t tell. did Allison get highlights, or straight up dye her hair brown?
This sweet moment between her and her dad. Yes. Pls.
I will admit, I like getting to see each of their mornings.
Lydia...who are you fucking? Honey, you’re sixteen. Why isn’t whoever the fuck is in bed with you also getting ready for school? What.....the fuck?
Completely different Beacon Hills High School set. I really can’t blame the writers for that.
Wtf Davis? You list Erica and Boyd as being 17...since when? They’re supposed to be entering their Junior Year of high school. They would be 16 GOING ON 17. ANd what the hell do you mean Erica’s birthday is August 16th? She said in the last season that she’d “Just turned 16 a month ago” that was Spring semester. ???? Come on, guys. Seriously. Writing 101, getting to know your characters. I don’t know anyone writing a novel who doesn’t know the exact birthday of their characters. Plus, they cut 2 in. from Gage Golightly’s actual height, while adding an inch to Sinqua’s (according to google, which isn’t always reliable) Whatever. Boooooo.
Uh...that principal was threatened by the Argents. Victoria herself promised to torture him if he didn’t resign. Why does he look so surprised by the fucking sword in his office? For that matter, why is he at the school at all? He KNOWS the Argents attacked him. This should cause problems!
Honestly, Lydia, I love you. Like, go for it. Nothing wrong with not wanting to date and just wanting to have fun. My issues stem from YOU BEING 16. Yes, teenagers have sex. But this is ridiculous. Why is there so much sexualization? I knew a grand total of like....two teenagers who had sex at 16? and like one who did at 15 (which they say in canon she and Jackson were banging before her birthday). Like, it’s not nearly as common as y’all are making it out to be. Knock it off.
....so why didn’t Derek answer the phone? They literally never explain? He shows up, so...why didn’t he answer?
I’m SO InCredibly Disturbed by Jennifer having everyone’s phone numbers. HOW? In What Way is that REMOTELY appropriate? WHY did no one question it? Why didn’t STILES or LYDIA question it?
So tiny, bugs me so much. He didn’t turn his phone off. He turned his screen off...is it that hard to have him do the right one?
uhhh. Werewolves can smell other werewolves. Wanna tell me why Isaac can’t tell a werewolf just walked in the room? An ALPHA no less?
why TF are Kali’s iris’ and pupils so fucking massive?
So...what was the deal with the birds? Don’t they say later that Jennifer like summoned them? So they aren’t from the Alpha pack scaring animals? And also, how would the Alpha pack be scaring animals if they’re like, in the middle of town? They said in S1 that “wild animal sightings are up” like what 75% or something? “As though something is scaring them out” but that made sense, bc we knew Peter was running around in his full-shift (it’s a fucking full shift, it’s just fucked up) in the woods. But these Alphas aren’t, they’re integrating. So is it Jennifer that the animals are afraid of? Like, does she have sPoOkY aura or something?
More bad CGI.
WHy is no one responding to the woman stumbling around in nothing but a hospital gown?
ONCE AGAIN. Werewolves can Sense Werewolves. SCOTT you sensed Isaac in a BOYS LOCKER ROOM. DUKE IS RIGHT THERE. WHT THE FUCK?
angry smoker doctor  “Why don’t you wheel this joker out of here?” “I’m gonna go smoke” Grrr
Sir. clearly your mask wasn’t tied on appropriately. it shouldn’t just Fall Off when you touch it. there are Protocols! STOP THE SPREAD. also, someone wanna tell me why none of these alphas can keep their claws in? A lil flashy flashy red eye would’ve done the trick just fine.
Okay no, seriously what the FUCK is up with these contacts, you guys? THEY”RE MASSIVE???
Ugh, can I just *swoons* “I’m an Alpha!” slice “So am I.” That is just so fucking smooth. Woo. I feel so safe ohmygod. PLUS. Derek KNOWS Ennis. I can’t imagine how satisfying that had to be.
Uh, Derek, honey. You’re Isaac’s legal guardian. You can just Sign Him Out of the hospital. With clothes and everything. What are you doing?
Honey, what do you mean the county took it over? If they were gonna do that they’d have done it six fucking years ago. Unless you gave it to them, it’s still yours? I did the research. Like HOURS of it.
What do you MEAN there’s a magic healing herb that helps with Alpha wounds? Since when do Alpha wounds need extra healing, I thought they just took a lil longer? ALSO why is it growing INSIDE your house???? SCOTT. Isaac is fucking UNCONSCIOUS. Can your tattoo fucking WAIT A MINUTE?
I have so many questions. WHY does Braeden know who Allison is? If Lydia’s immune to magic, WHY is Braeden able to bruise her? WHY can Braeden DO magic? and WHY is Chris allowed to take Lydia out of school?
ALLISON you had Geometry LAST YEAR why are you holding a GEOMETRY BOOK??
ohhhhmygod, Derek. Derek. DEREK. Your eyes are pretty on a normal day. That little Blink and ruby reds thing? Ohmygod. I just. I wanna take a picture and just stare at it BUT. how tf does this whole red eye thing work? You can see in the dark....but now you also have x-ray vision? You know, I could believe it was thermal vision...maybe? If Scott was still healing for some reason maybe the tattoo would be brighter? Otherwise I have no idea what is going on.
BUT SCOTT”S NOT 18??? He’s Still fucking 16, or even 17, but not 18. WTF? He needs parental consent in the first place (i should’ve mentioned this in the other note abt the tattoo)
uhh...seriously? When someone breaks up with you and tells you not to talk to them anymore...why do you need a reward for doing as they asked? Like, yeah, you’re sad, I feel that. But making it a ‘reward’ sounds kinda weird. You know what makes it really easy not to text the ex that doesn’t wanna talk to you? Delete her number.
WHY THE BLOWTORCH? SOMEONE WANNA EXPLAIN? Peter’s not covered in tattoo from when he was literally burned alive, why the FUCK would a blowtorch create a black tattoo on Scott’s skin?
DEREK. HONEY. Why would Stiles be able to hold Scott still??? Scott’s a werewolf.
All this bullshit to explain away Posey’s tattoo that he got. Like, damn dude, we all like tattoos, but you have a job that needs bare arms on the regular. That was kinda rude.
Where did braeden get clothes? I forgot to ask.
uhhhh. Ephemeral might technically work in that sentence, but that’s still really awkward.
WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DESTROY HIS DOOR? YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. And WHY the instant fucking grr face? “why’d you paint the door?” uhh, leave him alone? He can do what he wants? It’s his house? Also, don’t get all fucking rude about the alpha pack. He told you it was a rival pack.
Why exactly does Scott see the symbol and INSTANTLY put together that it’s got anything to do with the Alphas or the animal attacks? Where is the logic jump there?
What exactly was the POINT of popping your claws if you were gonna kick her in the face???
UH, Melissa? Why didn’t you tell Scott that there was a whole other person with Isaac?
What is with the face touching, Duke? I’ve never known a blind person who actually wanted to rub their hands on my face to ‘find out what i look like?’
Really not a fan of all these weird jumps and camera angles with the awkward reflecting.
WOah WOah. Allison gets to PAINT her APARTMENT? Wtf kinda BULlshit is that? My landlord won’t let me do that. Rude.
I know they’re imprisoned and it sucks, but they’ve been there for four months, they had to have gotten bored. Do you think they broke into any of the security deposit boxes to see if anything was left behind?
Last thoughts: They really went for it with this episode. I have plans to change a lot of it. Hopefully I can mesh the changes with the general plotline.
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
Cut The Love You Pieces Out of Me
Injury to Reader, Embarrassed Reader, Uzumaki relation implied of Reader, more to be added later I’m sure.
If I’ve forgotten anything be sure to let me know!
You’re cut heals over the next day or so, your leg still isn’t in any kind of running condition but you can walk on it without crying so you push forward. The quicker you get back to Konoha the better. 
He doesn’t know he’s doing it but fuck, Konohamaru is a goddamn tease and for once you wish you had Kunochi friends to vent with about him. He’s doted on you for the better part of a week now and as if that wasn’t enough to get your heart to do funny things, he seems to have also adopted the civilian clothing thing and it’s...well it’s not unflattering. 
He wears a number of pale shirts so of course the universe decides to smack you in the face with rainstorms that mean his clothes are clinging to him like a second skin. His muscles flex through the material and your eyes track it no matter how many times you force yourself to look away.
It’s a wonder he hasn’t already looked at you with those big sad eyes and told you it’s never going to happen. He’s probably waiting until you get back to Konoha so that it’s not even more awkward than it has been for the rest of the trip. 
Ugh, you’re worked up and frustrated and you can’t even let it out by sparring because of your stupid leg.
You finally start to give out, your leg was done a mile back but you pushed ahead anyway. Now you’re paying for it so you tug on his sleeve and he nods in understanding.
It’s easy for you to set the barriers now, your chakra is nearly full capacity given that you haven’t used it for much except dealing with your injury. So you quickly send up the sealing jutsu that you crafted into a specialty all your own, and you will rest easily knowing you’re safe.
After the fire is built and the bedrolls are in place you feel a little tingle in the back of your neck and you smile sadly. “How do you feel about venison for dinner?” 
He looks at you and grins, wide and open, “That would be amazing, I haven’t had- 
You drop your hand that had been making a twisting motion just a moment earlier and close your eyes, “Thank you for your sacrifice, rest in peace.” 
“Did you just-” 
“It’s a quarter mile that way, if you want to lug it back I can prepare it but with my leg as bad as it is now, I can’t go after it,” you say, pointing in the direction where the young buck gave its life. 
He nods happily and takes off through the trees. 
You turn your head and let the tears you’ve been holding in finally fall.
You don’t like killing, not animals or ninja, but you’ll do it when the job calls for it. 
These tears though, are a little bit of everything. Sadness over the last moment of holding that buck’s neck in your hands, petting it softly with your chakra before twisting its neck. Then there’s the emotions you’ve been holding in for the past few days that also escape out with the rest.
You’re able to track every movement within the barrier so you make sure there’s no evidence of your tears by the time he makes it back to camp. Instead you put on a bright smile and welcome him back with gusto. It probably sounds a little fake but for all that he is, and he is quite a many wonderful things, Konohamaru can still be pretty oblivious on the day to day. So you hope he doesn’t see it and comfort yourself with the reassuring truth that a lot of more obvious things have slipped his notice. 
He’s more than happy to do the grunt work on preparing dinner so you nod in agreement and mention lying down for a nap.
He stands guard as he works even if he doesn’t really need to.
You can’t sleep despite the monumental effort you’re putting in. Your mind keeps wandering back to the way he picked you up so effortlessly. You shiver at the memory of his biceps curled protectively around your thighs and back. You bite back a moan when your brain draws up the way his jaw clenched as your arms wrapped around his neck. 
It’s enough to drive you to distraction and beyond. You want nothing more than to get some alone time but if you ask for it while in camp it would be suspicious. Potentially you could send him after water when he finishes with the deer but then you’ll have to cook the meat and watch the fire so there’s little opportunity for you to take care of yourself in those following moments either. 
You doubt he’ll let you use the bath in the lake excuse again, not with how it ended last time, which is fair but still frustrating. 
Maybe if you’re really quiet… 
No, no… you can’t. He’s a ninja with excellent hearing and no matter how quiet you attempt to be, it is practically impossible for you to stay completely silent.
You groan in annoyance. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, softly whispering your name as he moves closer to your bedroll.
“Fine. I’m just having a little trouble sleeping,” you say, hoping he will back away and leave you alone. With as worked up as you’ve managed to get yourself, one look from those big bright eyes and you’ll be lost.
“Oh, I see. Well if there’s anything I can do just let me know,” he says, and you could choke on the sincerity. 
Instead you let out a strangled laugh and rub at your tired eyes. “I’ll be sure to let you know if any ideas come to mind,” you lie, because you know exactly how he can help you sleep but you refuse to ask it. Not that it would matter much anyway, if he did it you’d only be able to add it to the neverending list of ways you’ve been a burden to him on this godforsaken mission. 
Three years, countless successful assignments, nearly every moment you were a consummate professional and yet less than a week by his side and you’ve proven to be nothing but another useless kunoichi. 
You don’t buy into that whole women are useless in the field ideology but there are always a couple that prove the stereotype true, it’s never you, has never been you before. 
You absolutely hate that it’s you when you’re with him. 
It’s not like you imagined things turning out in some daydream fantasy, that would be stupid and a waste of valuable time. However, the moment you saw his potential, the fire in his eyes, the raw something that he held above all others, you wanted. You ached with it in ways you’d never experienced but since that moment you’ve done nothing but cause him trouble and how would a man like that ever look at you twice if he had to spend the days you have together playing nursemaid. 
“You seem to be miles away...homesick?” he asks, coming closer still.
He’s snuck up on you while you were reliving your self loathing spiel. 
How rude of him. 
“Sort of,” you say, because you certainly can’t tell the whole truth. Though it’s not exactly a lie, you miss the you from before you knew him.
“Ah, I know what this is. You have someone special waiting for you back home that you miss, right?” he asks, smiling brightly. 
He’s completely unaffected by the idea of someone waiting for you. 
It shouldn’t hurt, but it does.
It hurts bad, the pain in your chest feels like a boulder sitting on top of you. 
“Yeah, that’s it..” You lie, and turn over to keep the tears from falling where he can see them. “Don’t forget to keep the organs. We’ll leave them to feed some of the local animals before we move on.” 
You swallow hard, grateful that you kept your voice steady and even despite your emotions.
Thankfully he takes the hint and leaves you to your depression burrito. 
At least you don’t have to worry about the sexual frustration anymore. 
When you wake up to cook the meat, Konohamaru is quiet. You’re almost concerned that something happened but when you ask he just waves you off and says he’s just looking forward to the meal. You offer him a granola bar and a couple food pills, to your surprise he actually takes them and then thanks you politely. 
He goes for a swim/bath and gathers some fresh water from the lake. It’s quiet without him but when he gets back that doesn’t change and you start to feel a little on edge. 
He must realize he’s acting weird when you pass him a bowl because he smiles and tries to keep conversation but you can see that it doesn’t reach his eyes and it makes something slimy slither around in your stomach. 
What could have possibly happened while you slept? 
“I know you say everything is okay and I believe you, I do but if you wanted someone to talk to...well I’m your very own one woman captive audience,” you grin, teasing him a little as you try to poke at his cracking facade. 
He leans back on his hands, arms flexing as he stares off into the distance, oblivious to your eyes tracking the clenching of his biceps. 
‘Fuck, no...focus bitch,’ you tell yourself in your mind. 
“Oh I forgot to mention that you don’t owe me another question,” he says, as if it just randomly occurred to him and also as if you hadn’t just spoken to him before. Did he miss the interaction entirely? 
“Okay, how did I manage that...you didn’t ask me anything in my sleep did you,” you say, eyeing him skeptically. 
“No no, I uh, it’s just you answered the other question I had, that’s all..” 
You frown in confusion and your feel your mouth pull to a slight pout. “And when exactly did I answer your big number three?”
He’s turned away from you, reaching for his bowl that he’d sat down to warm his hands by the fire, “I was just going to ask if you were single, but of course you’re not. That wouldn’t make sense at all..I guess I should have thought of something better huh?” he says, scratching his head as he turns back, the slightest pink tinge on his cheeks. 
You blink at him.
He’s not-surely he’s not saying what you think he’s saying…
You must have misheard. 
But what if…?
You clear your throat, nerves fluttering wildly in your belly. “Why would you care about that?” 
“Oh no reason,” he says, stuffing his mouth full of venison as he looks at anything that isn’t you. 
“I’m not, you know...I um, I kinda lied earlier,” you admit, because you just can’t let yourself take the chance that he was actually interested and you let him believe a lie to get away from it. “I just didn’t want to explain where my mind was at, y’know? It was kinda personal and I reacted. I’m sorry...you deserve the truth.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I get it,” he says, and this time he looks at you wide eyed and the smile on his lips grows wider until it actually reaches his eyes and you can’t help the way your heart goes rabbit fast against your ribs. 
“What about you… do you uh, have anyone waiting back in Konoha?” you ask, because you’re a glutton for punishment. If you’ve read this entire situation wrong you’re going to be mortified and the chances are still slim that he actually wants you, for more than some fun anyway. 
“Not really, there’s not very many kunoichi who are my type,” he says softly, like it’s kind of a secret. 
You laugh. “Oh? And what’s your type exactly?” 
You assume whatever he’s going to say next will be laughable. You’ve heard that phrase a million times over but they all still end up wanting something you’re not. Blonde, brunette, skinny, short, smart; hell even strong, which you actually managed to convince yourself you were, at least until he showed up. 
“Comfortable,” he says, and you’re thrown. 
Surprised would be an understatement in the moment.
“Comfortable?” you ask, cause clearly you’re confused. What kind of girl would be ‘comfortable’ to him? 
“I don’t really know how to describe it, I guess it’s just something I know when I see it,” he answers, and nods his head as if he’s affirming it to himself. 
“Oh that clears it up,” you say sarcastically. Are you his type or not? You’d like to think you’re ‘comfortable’ but mostly only because he hasn’t heard your internal monologue. “Like...comforting?” you ask, because that’s so not your thing, not really. 
“I mean, that’s nice too I guess, but it wasn’t what I meant...I could- I could show you,” he says, rushing through the rest of his dinner as if it's his last meal. 
“Umm...sure I guess,” you say, ‘I have a pencil and some pages..” 
“No- I,” he starts, swallows and tries again. “Just...can I come a little closer?” 
He looks nervous and that should probably put you on edge but you trust him implicitly. After everything he’s done for you over the last few days, it's the least you could give him in return. “Sure.”
He smiles directly at you over the flickering campfire and you feel your heart thump thump irregularly. You chuckle to hide the awkwardness when he moves closer. 
He sits down beside you where you’re leaned against the tree for support and he’s so close, his face is right there and your hands itch to do something, anything. 
You stop yourself before they can actually reach up, thankfully. 
But then the next thing you know his head is cradled in your lap and he’s smiling up at you. 
“Like this...comfortable.” 
You narrow your gaze but there’s no heat in it, “Someone who’s fat?” you ask, and immediately regret it. 
His face scrunches up, “I don’t like that word and you’re not, for the record; not even by civilian standards,” he says, shaking his head. “You’re strong and healthy.” 
It’s impossible to hold back the snort and you grin down at him. “You sure you didn’t hit your head back there somewhere?” you ask, because he’s obviously being ridiculous and if it were anyone else you’d be worried about hidden agendas, but Konohamaru is like the most sincere, most kind person you’ve ever met. No way would he betray the bond you’ve started. 
“You got injured, that happens to all of us. It doesn’t make you weak- Actually if it weren’t for you I might not be here,” he says softly. “That ninja...he was a lot stronger than I am. If you hadn’t sealed him I don’t know that we could have won that fight.” 
You find it hard to swallow, but you force down the lump in your throat. You breathe out a shaky exhale before you slowly start to card your fingers through his hair. “Thank you, I-I know I  haven’t been of much use since the fight but I am grateful that you recognize my strength anyway.” 
He shakes his head but when you pull your hand away he takes it gently in his own and puts it back on the soft, still damp strands of his hair. “That wasn’t meant to be discouraging...this is nice,” he says, back in that softer tone before he goes to a normal speaking voice. “You’ve done twice or three times what most shinobi would in your place.”
You don’t know how to take his compliments. They make you feel warm and flush all over but you don’t want to let on so you go back to your comfort zone. “Yeah, well that’s not exactly a compliment. Most men are useless when they’re injured,” you say, a small laugh escaping your lips after the words tumble out. 
He laughs along, “We really are..” he says, and you’re both pleased and surprised he agrees with you so quickly. 
You lay there in lazy, quiet comfort for a while before you finally speak up again. 
“So when you say comfortable…” you start, biting your lip a bit as the nerves flutter wildly under your skin. “You mean someone like me?” 
Konohamaru just nods, you can feel his head move in your lap, feel the direction of it under your fingertips but you need more. 
“I need more,” you say, unable to hold it in any longer. “If this is-If I’m someone you want, I need more than a type. I want you to think about it, Konohamaru because I don’t want to scare you or add pressure but if that’s what you want, you should also know that I need more than tonight.” 
He sits up and you start to pull away but he grabs gently at your wrist to keep you from getting too far. “Hey,” he says, pulling you back making sure to lift you gently off the ground so there’s no added pressure to your leg. He whispers your name softly as his thumb brushes against your lower lip. “I’m willing to work for it, to prove myself to you.” 
“And what if I think you are unworthy,” you say, your lip trembling under the tip of his finger. You’re also particularly convinced you’re dreaming and scared he’s going to disappear right in front of you. 
“Oh I have no doubt you will, but I’m hoping that won’t stop you from accepting me.” 
Definitely dreaming….was the venison drugged?
“Okay, well...I uh, I should get to bed. You take the first watch, okay?” you ask, but don’t give him time to answer before making a mad dash, or as close to one you can get on one leg toward your bedroll and quickly fake being asleep. 
“We’ll reach Konoha tomorrow, I intend to take you out after you’ve recuperated. I would really appreciate it if you’d clear some time out of your schedule for that,” he says, with all the confidence and cockiness you’ve come to love.
You let out a fake snore but it’s not convincing if the way he laughs at you is anything to go by. 
Your cheeks burn inside your bedroll that’s pulled over your head as you quietly smile a soft, excited grin. 
You really hope this isn’t a dream, but if it is...you don’t want to wake up.
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wordsysayswords · 5 years
After picking Wash up on Sidewinder, it’s going to take everyone a while to get used to the new living arrangements. Especially Wash, who’s a bit directionless now that he’s finally free of the Project. Tucker doesn’t care for Blue Team’s new leader. But he can’t help noticing some of the man’s odd habits and wondering what caused them.
Part 2: Sleeping Habits
It hits Tucker that violently shaking the sleeping Freelancer out of a nightmare might be an exceptionally stupid idea at the exact same time Washington headbutts him in the nose.
Or, Wash wakes up swinging.
Tucker doesn’t know how he manages to fall asleep, but Caboose’s snoring wakes him at about 6 am. He blinks around the room, taking in the crayon drawings and machine blueprints—also drawn in crayon—plastering the walls.
Beside him, Caboose is spread-eagle on the bed, drooling into his pillow. Tucker rolls his shoulders, trying to relieve the stiffness earned from sitting up against the wall all night. His gaze falls to his deactivated energy sword in his lap.
It isn’t like Tucker forgot what happened during the night. His chest is still tight with the remnants of nightmares that had seen the incident end differently. Bloody.
Somewhere in the base, a floorboard creaks. Tucker jolts, sword flashing to life in his hand. His eyes fly to the door.
The handle doesn’t turn, the door doesn’t open. There isn’t even the shadow of feet passing by. The base is eerily silent—save for Caboose’s cartoonishly loud snores. After five minutes, Tucker’s starting to think he imagined it. He almost misses the distant sound of a door clicking shut.
Tucker listens. One minute. Two.
Pushing Caboose’s beefy arm off him, Tucker hops off the bed and tiptoes across the room. Ever so slowly, he reaches up and unlocks the door. He takes a deep breath.
He opens the door.
The kitchen is empty. So is the common area. The base feels cold and gray in the hazy morning light. The coffee pot is off, which is weird considering the unspoken rule that the first person up and about is in charge of prepping it. That’s usually Washington, what with his absolutely fucked sleep schedule.
But Tucker doesn’t want to think about Washington right now. What he wants is an ice pack for his nose because it might not be broken, but it hurts like a bitch. Deactivating his sword, Tucker grabs some ice and heads for the bathroom.
After nudging the door open to make sure a rabid Freelancer isn’t hiding inside, Tucker looks in the mirror to check the damage. Oof. The bleeding has stopped, but his shirt looks like a crime scene. Tucker hadn’t thought to grab tissues or gauze or even a medkit before locking himself and Caboose in the blue soldier’s room for the night. He gingerly inspects the colorful swelling he’s going to be sporting for a while.
He wonders if he gave Washington any bruises to add to his already sizable collection.
Tucker pulls back from the mirror and scoffs. He doesn’t give a shit about how Washington is feeling because it serves him the fuck right after almost murdering Tucker.
Tucker heads back to the common area. There’s a basket of laundry beside the door that the teal soldier hasn’t gotten around to folding. Tucker is fishing out a clean shirt to replace his blood-stained one when he notices the boots lined up neatly in the entryway. The two sets of boots.
There’s supposed to be three.
Wash’s room is empty.
The sun has barely crept above the distant glacier peaks on the horizon. There’s no snow this close to Sidewinder’s equator, but the landscape remains a tundra of frozen earth and hardy brown plants.
Tucker catches up with Washington two miles up the road, slowing the warthog to a crawl beside him.
“You goin’ my way, baby?” Tucker drawls, leaning out of the driver’s side with a wink.
Washington doesn’t stop walking. He glares ahead at the long dirt road stretching into the windswept wasteland, pointedly not looking at Tucker.
Okay, well, fuck. Dead silence wasn’t an option Tucker considered when mapping out this conversation in his head after he realized Wash had up and left. Then again, catcalling the guy hadn’t been on the agenda either, but Tucker’s mouth is always one step ahead. He’s a lot better at this whole banter thing when the other person can dish it out as good as they get. That was one of the nice things about Church. The asshole always had an answer, even if it was just “fuck you.”
“It’s cold as balls,” Tucker says, jumping on the first thing that comes into his head. “Where the hell are you going dressed like that?”
Washington is wearing the poorly fitting fatigue pants and shirt Caboose and Tucker had gifted him (though, Tucker was a lot more begrudging about it than Caboose). The Freelancer must have found the frayed military jacket somewhere in the abandoned base they’d taken over following the fight with the Meta. One of his hands holds it shut against the perpetually icy air. The other grips a sagging duffle bag thrown over his shoulder.
Washington picks up speed.
“You going somewhere?” Tucker prods, the engine of the warthog growling as he gives it just enough gas to keep Washington’s pace.
Tucker watches the man’s jaw clench, mouth set in a grim line.
Tucker sighs dramatically. “Listen, I don’t wanna have to be the one to tell Caboose that his pet ran away, so get your broody ass back t—”
“Take it!” Washington snarls, rounding on Tucker and causing him to slam breaks. Wash hurls the duffel bag to the frozen ground beside the warthog.
“Just fucking take it, okay?” Washington snaps louder, dragging a hand through his hair as he paces the road. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken anything, so just fucking take it, okay?”
Tucker cranes his neck out of the idling car to look down at the contents of the bag now spilled across the dirt. Two MREs and a flashlight.
Tucker doesn’t know what Washington sees in the confusion on the teal soldier’s face, but the man lets loose a harsh laugh. Washington rips off the jacket and flings that to the dirt as well.
“There,” he says, folding his arms firmly across his chest. “You have everything. Now, just fucking go.”
Tucker just sits there for a moment.
“What the—god damn it,” Tucker snarls right back, throwing the warthog in park and clambering out. “I don’t give a fuck about a flashlight and some bags of chicken-fucking-flavored rice!”
Wash has the nerve to look pissed.
“What do you want then?” He yells, throwing out his arms. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU OUT HERE?!”
“That’s MY LINE, you ABSOLUTE ASSWIPE!” Tucker shouts back. “What are YOU doing out here? Are you actually running away?”
“What do you want? An apology? Like that’s going to fix this?” Wash shouts. “Fine! I’m sorry!”  
And the words come pouring out.
“I’m sorry!” Wash yells again. “I shouldn’t have fallen asleep, but I did, and I’m sorry. Is that what you want to hear? I’m sorry I’m broken, I’m sorry I killed Church, and I’m sorry I wasted your time.”
With that, Wash drops to the dirt, the fight sucked right out of him by the outburst. He sits there, head drooping and silent save for his uneven panting.  
For some reason, it hits Tucker at this exact moment that this is the longest conversation he and Washington have ever had.
“There,” Wash says finally, voice subdued. “I said it. You can go. You don’t have to worry about me anymore.” He doesn’t make any move to stand up.
Tucker actually laughs. “Seriously, dude? The nearest settlement is like 70 miles away. What are you going to do? Walk?”
“I can handle it,” Wash says dully.
“Dude,” Tucker says, pointing to Wash’s shirt. “You’re bleeding.”
Wash startles, looking down and finally noticing the slowly growing patch of blood at his side.
“Shit,” he curses, lifting the fabric to reveal a soaked square of gauze.
Tucker pulls a face. “Ugh, I thought Doc stitched you up.”
“Tore them,” Wash mumbles, pulling at the bandage to inspect the wound and face pinching at what he finds. “...Last night.”
Wash glances up at the cold, dirt road ahead and then down at the blood seeping out from around his hand pressed to his wound, frowning.
Tucker rolls his eyes and sighs. “Alright, get in.”
Wash narrows his eyes. “Where are we going?”
“To Mars,” Tucker says flatly. “Where the fuck do you think? Back to base to get your sorry ass stitched up again.”
Wash blinks. “What?”
“No, you heard me,” Tucker says, turning heel and climbing back in the car. Last night is still too fresh for him to offer the man a hand. “Get in the car.”
Still looking a little like a deer caught in headlights, Wash shakily climbs to his feet, wincing all the way. He hisses in pain bending down to pick up his things before limping around the warthog to climb in the passenger seat.
Staring straight out the windshield, Tucker grits his teeth and grips the steering wheel like it owes him money. It would be so much easier to hate Wash if he made excuses or pretended last night never happened. It’s a lot harder to hate someone when they’re standing in front of you in the cold, bleeding and apologizing for taking a coat and some meager rations. Goddammit.
“I still hate you,” Tucker blurts out, every word tasting like a lie.
Wash just nods, tired eyes still fixed on the place where the dirt road meets the horizon in the distance. He sags against the seat, pale and with sweat beading at his brow.
“Look,” Tucker says, slumping his shoulders, “I’m not stopping you from leaving. You’re a grown-ass, presumed KIA adult and can do whatever the hell you want. I just…recommend doing it with proper supplies and when you’re not bleeding everywhere.”
Wash looks over at him.
“I can leave later?” he asks quietly.
Tucker shrugs. “It’s up to you. You don’t owe us anything.”
Wash looks like he’s about to argue but seems to think better of it. He’s visibly shivering now. Tucker cranks up the heat before turning the warthog around and heading back towards base.
“Are...are you okay?” Wash asks softly.
Tucker looks over at him, taking in how he’s slumped against the seat even as his hands tightly gripped the wound. Up close, Tucker can see a ghastly bruise peeking out from under the collar of his t-shirt. Whether it’s from him or the Meta, Tucker can’t be sure.
He turns his eyes back to the road. “I’m fine,” Tucker says, even as his nose pulses in pain at the memory of the previous night.
“I should have warned you not to come near me when I’m sleeping,” Wash all but whispers.
“Is screaming like a...like an opera-singing howler monkey... normal for you?”
Wash shrugs.
“Whatever,” Tucker says. “Just try not to get blood all over the seats. I just had this thing cleaned.”
“What? How?”
“It’s a joke, Wash.” That’s weird. When did Washington become Wash?
They ride in silence for a few moments before Wash speaks up again. “Tucker?”
Tucker stares straight ahead as the base comes into view. “Don’t mention it.”
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Hazbinstagram: The Case of the Missing Blitzo
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A Hazbinstagram ™ story
  An ongoing story from the great creators and artists of "Hazbinstagram!"
For as long as he could remember since July, Blitzo had found a new horse to be his loving friend. He loved her so much, that he gave her different names everyday. During his everyday life at I.M.P. Blitzo had claimed that his horse had helped him make decisions. His associates thought the horse was part of his imagination. Stolas wanted to meet his horse as well, to see what she looked like.
But one day, Blitzo mysteriously disappears after posing in a picture full of static. Many speculate that he had been kidnapped.
But who? Could it be the demon who photo-bombed his last photo? His horse? A rival company?
Or perhaps a familiar radio loving demon with sinister plans of his own...
Alastor has a shadowy horse creature with a skeletal body, sharp teeth and black wings. The eyes glow teal and the mane and tail are thick and black. The creature may have captured Blitzo and gone back to its master. (Art and idea by Radio Hazbin!)
Fun Fact: Alastor was also the name of one of Hades' horses when he rose from the ground to capture Persephone.
 Blitzo was seen smiling as he took a selfie in static. Red and black shapes were behind him, appearing to be a distorted form of reality.
 Blitzo spoke and texted with static lacing his words: “Hanging with my horse, Enamel Pin. She said it was ok for me to take a picture with her. O3O.”
 Cherri Bomb responded: “What the hell type of horse does this to a camera?”
 Other comments soon appeared on Instagram, or rather, Voxtagram as the TV Overlord owned all technological platforms.
 “No horse does that, but I know a deer who does.”
 “Who else is red, got antlers on his head and doesn’t like being on camera?”
 “I don’t think that’s a horse, I think that’s a certain deer overlord.”
 “Alastor, is that you?”
 “I think Blitzo’s horse friend might be a certain radio demon.”
 “Oh deer.”
 “I wonder if the horse and Alastor are related. He also has the effect on pictures.”
 “Are we speculating that Blitzo is riding Alastor…a new ship is coming!”
 “Please save Blitzo from that thing.”
  Stolas was concerned, and began to type. “Hm…Blitzo, I’m a bit concerned about your horse friend. I haven’t read anything on horses distorting cameras. Can we talk?”
 Blitzo replied in an arrogant tone: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My horse can do whatever she wants. She’s just cool like that.”
 Stolas responded: “Alright, if you say so. I may do some more research on this. But I am glad she’s so kind to you, Blitzy.”
 Blitzo added: “She’s very nice and eats the cockroaches at my place.”
 Later, Blitzo posted a child-like colored drawing of himself holding an iced coffee in his hand. Below the drawing was a colored tan horse with a black mane with her head lowered, surrounded by gray. The picture read: ”How I met my horsie. One day, I was just walking to get coffee again. She was all alone. I asked her if she wanted coffee. She said “You bet I do.” As we sat at the table, everyone ran away screaming for some reason.”
 Blitzo posted: “The comic of my horsie and me meeting for the first time.”
 Moxxie responded with: “Will all due respect sir, your “horsie” looks nothing like that.”  
 A commenter asked, “Does he look like a deer?”
 Moxxie was flabbergasted at the comments. “Why do you guys keep saying that thing looks like a deer? That thing looks nothing close to those. You humans are weirdly obsessed with deers.”
 Another commenter warned: “It might be the Radio Demon. Please warn your boss, Moxxie.”
 The grumpy imp wasn’t having it. Moxxie posted: “What are you all talking about?! That “horsie” looks nothing similar to the Radio Demon. Your strange obsessions over the Radio Demon worries me, humans.”
 (That’s the fandom for you, Moxxie!!!)
 Another commenter yelled: “Moxxie, what the hell does the horse look like?!”
 Moxxie replied: “I’d rather not talk about it.”
 Blitzo stepped in. “It was because my horse was amazing and beautiful. Moxxie is just being a puss.”
 Moxxie grumbled and typed: “I disagree, sir. Just keep that thing away from me.”
 Blitzo was offended: “She has a name, Mox!”
 Moxxie: “Sir, I can’t keep up with all the nonsensical names you keep giving it! What even is it right now?!”
 Blitzo: “Her name is Sandal! She is just very fond of getting her names.”
 Stolas added: “This is sweet. I’d really love to meet your horse friend someday.”
 Moxxie had a bad gut feeling inside him. It was the same feeling he had when his boss had brought one of the Furby imp creatures home. They were known to inhibit an old organ that was now in Alastor’s possession “Your Highness, I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
  Bitzo then took a selfie of himself with iced coffee in his hand. Behind him, an imp wearing a gray mask was seen standing with a knife over another imp on the ground. Blitzo posted: “Just got coffee and I was taking a selfie when this guy photobombed my picture. Not cool. My horse (renamed to Glove) is down the street. Waiting for her right now.”
 Stolas agreeed: “Some people are so inconsiderate.”
 Someone asked: “How does the coffee taste?” Blitzo replied with “Gooood.”
 Somebody else asked: “Why does this look like Moxxie killing Millie?”
 Moxxie fumed as he responded: “What the fuck is wrong with you humans?! Why would I ever hurt Millie? You humans are disgusting.”
 Several hours pass by. A concerned and confused Stolas held his white rotary phone with little wings on it in his hand. He posted: “Blitzo didn’t answer for our scheduled call. I suppose I’ll try again tomorrow.”
 The next day passed. Stolas stared forlornly at his rotary phone. He posted: “Tried calling Blitzo again. His receptionist said he hasn’t been in today but she’d have him call me back (I don’t think she will). Via is mad at me. This is a terrible day…”
 Someone asked, “Why is Via angry?”
 Stolas responded: “Via is angry with me because I wouldn’t let her go to a concert without supervision.”
 Moxxie later posted a picture of himself in his room by closed blinds. He had a sad, far-away look on his face, a contrast to his usually grumpy demeanor. He posted: “I enjoyed how peaceful it has been as of late. But this is just awfully quiet…Not that I care, but has anyone seen the smooth brain noise maker that is my boss?”
 Stolas texted Moxxie: “He hasn’t been there at all?!”
 Moxxie said: “No, Your Highness. I haven’t seen him around since he went out to get coffee.”
 Stolas: “Have you contacted his daughter?”
 Moxxie: “Well, yes, but she keeps ignoring me.”
 Stolas texted Moxxie, Millie and Loona: “Has Blitzo been home? Is he alright?”
 Loona: “He’s not on his couch, so no. I don’t know man, maybe he found horses outside, ran after them and got lost…”
 Angel Dust came in to the conversation as well. “Man, mystery shows are hitting real now.”
 Loona posted a picture of an empty couch with a pink pillow on it. She said: “He’s not home yet, I thought he’d be back by now.”
 Stolas: “We’ll find him.”
 Loona: “He’d better have a good fucking excuse.”
 Moxxie: “For once, I agree with you, Loona.”
 Stolas later held up a flier of Blitzo flipping the bird. On the top, the flier read, “Have you seen me? Goes by Blitzo, the “o” is silent.”
 Stolas: “Had these made. Will be giving them to Moxxie, so Blitzo’s associates can put them up around the city. If anyone knows anything, please call I.M.P.”
 Cherri Bomb offered words of encouragement. “I’m sure that little guy is around somewhere, Your Majesty. He’ll show up eventually!”
 Moxxie to Stolas: “We will do everything we can to find that idiot, Your Highness.”
 Stolas to Moxxie: “Moxxie, I wish I could help you, aside from making these posters.”
 Moxxie to Stolas: “Much appreciated for the posters, Your Highness.”
 Angel Dust: “Aye, keep looking feathas. Hell ain’t too big a place ta miss the guy with horns that big.”
 More theories were posted:
 “Maybe he was taken by his horse or furby.”
 “Loona, I don’t think Blitzo has an excuse, I think he was kidnapped.”
 “It’s either the horse or the dude stabbing in the background.”
 “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. His horse is taking care of him.”
   Meanwhile, in a dark hideout…
 Blitzo’s yellow eyes were wide as saucers as he sat terrified on what appeared to be a green floor with missing tiles. A head of an imp rested in the background. He seemed to have been kidnapped by a gang of imps, perhaps jealous of I.M.P. and looking for money.
 Blitzo: “Ok those guys finally left me alone so I could turn on my phone. You wouldn’t believe what I had to do to keep my phone. (RIP my third burner phone). Anyways, everything is fine. I wanted to get on this Voxtagram (Vox controls all technology and media websites). Because if I tried texting everyone, it’d take too long and calling would alert the dumbass kidnapper. Can someone come pick me up before they try to kill me?”
 Stolas bellowed at the top of his lungs: “Blitzy! Where are you?!”
 Blitzo responded: “I don’t know. Smells bad, though. I’ll get out, just ask my horse to come get me, please.”
 Moxxie was terrified too: “Sir, where in the living Hell are you?! Are you hurt?!”
 Blitzo instead yelled and typed in all caps: “Send horse!”
 Angel Dust typed the emoji for wide eyes.
 The next picture showed a blurred Stolas rushing forward. Stolas could do nothing but type in gibberish in all caps.
 Blitzo: “I don’t know where I am, Stolas! Just send my horsie!”
 Stola began to panic. “I don’t know how to send for your horse! That is why you needed to introduce us!”
 One of the walls concealing Blitzo in darkness burst open, sending bricks and dust everywhere. Blitzo squinted as a circle of light shone into the space. A figure stepped through the hole on all fours, tall and majestic. Blitzo took one look at the savior creature and raced toward it, happy tears falling from his face. The energy radiating from the horse was beyond anything found in Hell…or anywhere else for that matter.
 It was a tall shadowy horse with a skeletal black body, reminiscent of a thestral or a nightmare horse from legends. The hooves were pointed and curved, shaped like miniature weapons. The horse’s mane and tail flowed long and black, outlined in a red aura. The horse’s neck was long and thin as was the head. Its eyes glowed teal and white, giving off an ethereal feel. And although there was static surrounding the horse, it didn’t have the malevolence associated with Alastor and his minions.
 Did this creature decide to shapeshift around Blitzo to watch over him?
 The horse spoke to Blitzo telepathically, her voice that of a human female laced with static. At the same time, the voice commanded divine respect.
 “I am SpindleHorse. You are safe now, Blitzo. Let us be off.”
 SpindleHorse had indeed, broken the (fourth) wall.
 Without hesitation, Blitzo climbed up on the horse’s bony back and with graceful gallops, the horse vanished into the shadows. Blitzo grinned like a little kid as the horse speed down the streets, enjoying the bumpy ride.
 Blitzo ecstatically typed his next post: “Rescue! I told you all my horse would come get me! Spindle broke the wall down! She said I could post the picture. She’s giving me a ride home. I can’t wait to see everyone!”
 Loona, Millie, Moxxie and Stolas cried with joy and relief. For although Blitzo could be a childish annoying asshole, he was still a dear member of their family.
  Loona posted first: “Thank Satan you’re alright! Cuz I…”
 Loona paused, trying to defuse her inner feelings…
 “…because we’re out of food! I need you to go grocery shopping, that’s the only reason I’m relieved. The only reason.”
 Underneath the meth, drinks and her short temper, the hellhound secretary was relieved her adopted father was safe. Life was simply too lonely without the group of imps around.
 Millie beamed. She, of course, was very happy that her boss was safe and sound. Stolas as well, was overjoyed that his lover was unhurt. Even Moxxie, who constantly chided Blitzo’s mannerisms, had a soft spot for his boss.
  Stolas was overjoyed. “Oh thank goodness! I’m coming over, immediately!”
 Moxxie said: “I still don’t want to get close to her but…thank you, Spindle.”
 Stolas rushed over as Blitzo dismounted the horse in front of the palace. The imp was soon locked in a feathery embrace. Stolas let out some hoots and draped his feathery wings over him.  
 “Blitzy, you’re alright! Oh I was worried sick. Missed you so, so much!”
 “Arugh, heh, heh, okay, Stolas, I missed you too…” He was struggling for breath. “You can…fuck…let go now.”
 Stolas did before opening his beak in a smile. “Did you say you want to fuck?”
 “No, not now!” Blitzo exclaimed, brushing wrinkles off his dark blue navy suit. “I gotta rest then get back to work.”
 “I completely understand. I’ll take you home right away!”
 Stolas traced a glowing yellow symbol in front of him and a flaming portal appeared, leading back to the I.M.P. office. Blitzo stepped through it before turning around.
 “Thank you…Stolas. For sending me my horse and all.”
 “Of course,” Stolas replied. “I hope I can meet her sometime. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. And I mean anything.”
 “Will do.”
 Stolas closed the portal and posted a picture of him and Blitzo hugging.
 Stolas exclaimed in all caps, “Blitzo is safe and sound! Thank you, Spindle!”
 Moxxie typed a message to his boss: “Sir, please be more careful. The next time you go out to get coffee, take your horse with you. I will put a slight increase to the horse budget for the time being. Please rest up for today.”
  Blitzo found himself in the middle of a group hug, surrounded by Loona, Moxxie and Millie. Millie squealed happily as she hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re okay, sir!” she said. “Mox and I were very worried.”
 “You guys do know that I was only gone for like a day, right?” Blitzo asked, rolling his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes despite himself.
 “Still…that doesn’t exclude the fact that…we may have missed you a bit,” Moxxie replied. Loona uncharacteristically enough gave Blitzo a small kiss on his forehead with her tongue. For a moment, Loona was smiling and wagging her tail like a happy puppy reunited with her owner. Then, all too soon, she separated herself from him, her tough demeanor returning. “Yeah, you’re fine, good. Now I really need some fucking food and drinks right now.”
 Millie was the last one to let go of Blitzo. “If you need anything or want something done, we’ll be happy to get to it. Need anything? Iced coffee? A horse song? Two new human heads?”
 Blitzo had to chuckle. “Thanks Millie, but I’m fine. Let’s get to work everyone.”
 Thus, the ordinary day at I.M.P. continued on.
 Blitzo then posted a picture of a fork in a cup of ramen noodles with an egg in it.
 Blitzo said, “Everyone was bugging me today. It was kind of nice. Everything finally calmed down, so I had some 3 AM noodles.”
 Stolas added: “Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything!”
 Moxxie chided: “Cup of noodles isn’t healthy for you, sir. Next time, if you want to consume some 3 AM noodles, I will make some just for you.”
 Blitzo sighed. “I don’t need to be babied, Mox. Don’t worry about me. For real, I like noodles in a cup, though.”
 Moxxie decided to let him enjoy his noodles.
 Moxxie then had an idea. He did something that he would normally never do. Millie had said it was a great idea and that Blitzo would love it. Moxxie placed a gift on Blitzo’s desk the next day. It was a bag of horse shaped pasta noodles colored yellow, green and pink. On it was a note: “Feel better soon! P.S. please stop consuming junk food in the middle of the night.” From Moxxie and Millie.
Moxxie posted: “About to deliver this homemade pasta to my boss. Millie and I made this so my boss wouldn’t consume extremely unhealthy things in the middle of the night. Recipe on VoxTube. Horse shaped pasta mold is a Satan send.”
 Blitzo responded: “Oh I love this, but I still wanna eat ramen at 3 AM.”
 Moxxie replied: “What you had was obviously a cup of noodles and that is extremely bad for your body. Do you have any idea what they put in those? For crying out loud, please refrain from eating such cheap and unhealthy things.”
  The next post showed Blitzo under a blanket getting ready for bed. His head was just in front of his pink pillow on the couch. A plushie of Spirit the horse lay next to him.
 Blitzo posted: “Gonna stay in bed today. Got to lay low since everyone wants to talk to me. You guys knew I’d be fine.”
 Stolas mentioned, “We were just worried. I’ll give you some space for a while. Rest all you can. Pet your horse. I’ll talk to you at a later date.”
 Blitzo smiled and picked up a little brown horse figure beside him. “I also found my little horsie that looks like my horse! I wonder where she’s been…”
 The next day, Blitzo posted a selfie of him in the woods on Earth. Two raccoons were fighting over food from behind him.
 Blitzo: “Went to my job today and took this picture in the living world!”
 Someone asked, “Yo, are those two raccoons fighting back there?”
 Blitzo replied: “It’s not about them. This is all about me!”
 Later that night, back in his room, Blitzo was woken up by a soothing voice.
 Blitzo bolted up from the couch and stood upon shaking legs.
 It was Spindle the horse. The air around her briefly warped and morphed into little shapes. Bits of other worlds faded in and out, even showing a slice of Earth before fizzling out.
 “Is everything alright?”
 “Yes,” she responded. “I woke you up to say my goodbye.”
 Blitzo was stunned. “Y-you’re leaving?”
 “My work here is done,” she said. “I did my part to keep you safe. Now I must ensure that others are safe as well. I have other worlds to attend to as well: Heaven, Earth, Zoophobia…”
 “Wait, zoo what?”
 “Nothing of concern.” Her voice mixed with an eerie sounding neigh of dismissal. Her red aura illuminated the darkness. “Thank you for the iced coffee, by the way, it was tasty.”
 Blitzo couldn’t stop the tears falling from his eyes. This regal marvelous creature had saved his life and bonded with him for many months. She was like the friend he had never had…perhaps almost like a motherly figure.
 The horse nuzzled close to him, their foreheads touching. Blitzo’s hand cupped under her long chin while a black tendril tenderly touched his shoulder.
 “We will meet again, soon. Whether in this life or the next. Farewell for now.”
“Goodbye, Spindle. Thank you for everything.”
 Spindle stepped back, turned around and disappeared through a hole of white light. Then, in the blink of an eye, it was dark once more.
 The other characters briefly got to see Spindle as well. As she trot noiselessly against the asphalt, everyone stared to look, almost transfixed. Even the Radio Demon stopped what he was doing and stood respectfully. There was admiration for SpindleHorse’s immense power in his red eyes. Niffty jumped for joy next to Charlie whose eyes were shining with happiness.
 “Please come back again!” she called out. “The Happy Hotel welcomes all.”
  In a rare moment, Husk and Vaggie had genuine smiles on their faces, as if staring at the horse long enough would make their problems go away.
 “Thank you, Spindle!” called Angel Dust with several waves of his many hands. “You saved that imp’s life.”
 “Much appreciated,” Cherri Bomb added. “Catch ya later!” The characters waved one by one.
 SpindleHorse neighed and reared up on two hooves as static filled the air. The horse vanished through another white portal in static before all was quiet and normal once more.
  Blitzo posted a picture of him and his horse saying goodbye. “My horse woke me up in the middle of the night saying she had to go because she repaid me by saving me. I got her coffee, and she saved me, so we’re even. One last picture together before she has to go. She says the name is Spindle, so it stays.”
 Stolas knew that the goodbye was bittersweet for Blitzo. He tried to comfort his friend. “I’m so sorry Blitzo…Perhaps someday, she’ll return and visit. You were always good to her.”
 Stolas sent a picture of himself posing seductively with his grey fluffy chest exposed. Another showed Stolas displaying his butt and dark gray tail features in front of the camera. “Maybe these will cheer you up!”
 “Stolas, stop sending me nudes when I’m thinking about my horse!” Blitzo responded in sudden annoyance.
 Stolas chuckled a bit. “Sorry, I thought they would get your mind off things!”
 Even Loona was feeling the melancholy in the air. It was like everyone was suddenly feeling an unexplained connection to the elusive equine. “She will be missed…”
 “Just like the end of Spirit,” said a commentator, recalling when Spirit had reunited with his mother and galloped freely in the vast meadow.
 “You get me,” Blitzo responded, pleased to have someone else share their love of the classic film.
 Moxxie, too, couldn’t escape the strange feeling. “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I am going to miss her. I do wish she has a good horse life.”
 “Thank you, SpindleHorse!” Millie added. “We love you and we miss you!”
 Blitzo then posted, almost to himself: “You only know what you have when it goes.”
 Stolas then posted his drawing of Blitzo smiling at the tall skeletal horse.
 Stolas said, “Wanted to make something Blitzo may like while he’s recovering. I’ll just drop it off later. Maybe have it framed if he’d like…” He added, “I’m proud of this one.”
 But Blitzo, ever the stubborn one, bluntly said, “My horse doesn’t look like that.”
 Stolas was taken aback, hurt. There was no reason for him to be rude like that, even if the drawing wasn’t the same as the real horse. Stolas decided to give the imp some space.
 Then he thought about his daughter. Maybe Octavia might not be mad at him like she was before. Sure, she wanted to go to Lilith’s Resist rock concert playing at Loo-Loo World for a while, but overprotective Stolas wasn’t going to allow it. There she was, a typical diva teenager who didn’t want her goofy dad to follow her everywhere.
 “Just another day in Hell,” thought Stolas with a sigh.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe...
Alastor eventually captures Blitzo and conjures his next plan:
 -Interrogate Blitzo about I.M.P.
-Have Blitzo led the way to I.M.P.
-Retrieve the book to gain access to the human world
-Offer Blitzo an opportunity to achieve musical theater dreams.
- Persuade Blitzo and other imps to make deals (songs almost always work!)
-If deal works, their souls will be mine
-Profit off I.M.P. and take over the company, thus claim Imp City as territory
-Enter human world and cause more chaos
-More souls = larger army and greater influence
-(Visit New Orleans and mom’s grave again.)
-Eventually take over both worlds for endless entertainment
-Figure out what this pandemic is in living world
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mightyfineblog · 5 years
‘Balmain’ Ben Hardy x Reader
Summary: You and Ben attend the Balmain fashion show during Paris Fashion Week, but cannot be seen together, so when you get overly needy by the looks of your man in those leather trousers, you have to make a little detour.
Words: 2.6k+
Warnings: smut, public smut, daddy kink, good girl, receiving oral, don’t get caught, mutual orgasm, moaning, kissing, sucking, l-bomb.
A/n: have you seen Ben in those leather trousers and embellished jacket? 
So here is it. Enjoy:
“I seriously didn’t know what I was getting myself into.” You sputtered.
Ben turned his head your way and gave you a cheeky smirk “But you look good, baby.”
You pressed your lips together and waltzed over to where he was sitting. Lowering yourself at safe angle carefully not to rip your dress apart, you frowned in disagreement. Running your hands over his thigh, he cleared his throat and shrugged.
“What are you doing?” his palm stopped your hand.
“I think you’re the hot one here.” You confided. Hovering over his lips, you inhaled his scent before placing a small soft kiss on the corner of his lips.
“Those leather trousers… work things on me.” You gushed.
“Do they, now?” he lifted a brow and cocked his head to the side.
“Simmer down boy, we’ve got a show to attend and an after party.” You poked his nose with your finger.
“You’re absolutely right.” He nodded with a serious face. “I can always fuck you later.” He whispered to your ear, sending shivers through your body at the thought.
“We shall see about that.” You gave him a wide suggesting grin and shimmied away to the mirror to fix your lipstick.
“It’s funny you know?” you spoke, as you pouted your lips.
“What?” Ben took a sip of the water bottle he had beside him.
“How we manage it. You know, keeping us in secret so well.” You applied some shimmer body spray over your legs.
“We’re just so good at it. Plus, the whole world would go nuts, if they see the two of us together.” Ben walked over and placed his arms on your waist. Lowering his chin to rest over your shoulder, he looked at you in the mirror.
“You’re absolutely right. Plus, I love having you all to myself, our own bubble.” You let your head fall back, exposing your neck to his mouth. He placed a few small kisses under your jaw and inhaled your smell.
“After tomorrow, we’re flying straight to London. At least we have the private house there in Richmond. Only the deer in the park could see us and I doubt they will tell the media.”
You giggled at the thought of talking deer and turned around in his arms.
“Time to go. I’ll catch you later, okay?”
You gave each other a quick peck and went your ways into the show. You had to walk separately, trying not to draw attention on yourselves. But destiny had other plans for you. Somehow your places appeared to be straight opposite each other on the runway show.  You couldn’t take your eye off him, so after the first 15 minutes, you gave up the urge not to drool over him. You took your time examining him. He was sitting relaxed, with his legs apart and arms bend over them. There leather pants, were absolutely stunning, you thought. In fact, they suited him pretty well, much better than he thought they would. You were glad he agreed on wearing them. It’s always the black colour that makes Ben so fucking irresistible. And the embroidered jacked was the finishing touch, it gave him that bit of a rock star to his look. Obviously everybody already knew, rock star looks are Ben’s looks, but this was elegant and edgy in the same time. One thing you giggled a bit at the thought of was his new hairstyle. It happened last week when he was playing “shaving” in the bathroom. The man thought he could do a good job trimming his ends, but ended cutting chunk of hair right on his temple. Thankfully the hairdresser managed to work around it and make it look hot.
The time was ticking, and you couldn’t care less about the fashion happening before your eyes. All you did see was Ben, right across the runway, looking back at you with a devilish smirk. Finally it ended and you stormed off to the bathrooms, not mentioning how much holding your bladder was killing you at the point.
Soon after you broke in the loo, Ben was quick to follow you, but some other girls were coming out of the women’s, so he couldn’t go in. Instead he waited for you patiently outside, when you came out you weren’t surprised at all to see him there.
“Whoops, sorry sir.” You accidentally dropped you clutch over his leg.
“I’ve got it.” He politely replied, but you both bent down to reach for it.
“After the party, when everybody gets drunk?”
“Copy that”
You went your ways around to get a few drinks and meet with known and not so known people. The atmosphere and the party, was going great in fact. You both said your hellos with other knowns people, took a few photos and had a few drinks.
It probably was the long day, but you were feeling hot and bothered in you sequin dress and stilettos and Ben looked like he had forgotten about you. He was having a smoke with the other guys, so you thought it was the perfect opportunity to remind him. Walking you way to the terrace you took out a cigarette and placed it between your fingers.
“Does anybody have a lighter I could use?” you announced yourself to the group of men, instinctively looking at Ben.
“I’ve got one. There.” Ben reached to hand it over to you.
“It was a good show, huh?” you exhale the smoke, looking around.
“Yeah, yeah it was. And the party is awesome.” Some of the other guys commented, but your eyes were glued on Ben, seductively taking a drag and biting your lips together.
“Yeah, I think I’m actually gonna retire earlier tonight. Got an early flight tomorrow.” Ben excused himself.
“Would you show me the bathrooms, miss?” he extended his arm for you.
“Ina heartbeat.” You smiled, stomping the rest of your cigarette on the ground with your heel.
The two of you walked down the corridors, until you found a perfect spot. Behind some curtains and boxes.
“Sure nobody is around?” you looked carefully over your shoulders.
“Everybody is drunk elsewhere. We’re good here.” Ben walked against you making you take a few steps back until you reached a solid concrete.
His lips immediately found yours, his hand gently places around the back of your neck, you let a soft moan escape your lips. You pushed your body forward to meet his and wrapped your leg around his, thanking god for the deep slit dress. The leather of his trousers against your bare skin made you even hotter. His hand squeezed at your side, gliding it over your outer thigh.
“Baby” he grunted while his lips were nipping at your jaw. You head tilted back, giving him even more access to your exposed neck and shoulders.
You bit your lips, trying not to make a sound when he bit your shoulder and buried his head in the valley between your breasts. His tongue swiping small licks every now and then when he detached his lips off your skin.
“Ben” you panted as your hands were tugging at his hair, keeping his head close to you.
His other hand slid at your back and unzipped your dress the slightest, just enough for his to pull down your dress, but now quite remove it. In one swift move, he dragged down your dress and exposed completely your breasts.
“How nice of your stylist to dress you in Balmain.” Ben cooed, cupping one of your breasts with his hand.
“I like it better on the floor though.” He murmured while tracing small kisses and licks down your chest.
“Mmme too Ben” you moaned.
“Fuck!” Ben jumped on his heels. “Who’s there?” he angrily shouted.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” You cursed, trying to pull your dress back together.
“We must leave, NOW.” Ben held your hand, helping you put yourself together, while frantically looking around from there the noise came.
“Let’s go. We can’t be seen here.” You laughed clicking your heels out to the corridor.
The two of you carefully sneaked back into the party and looked suspiciously around for any clues.
“I think we’re safe” Ben whispered, handing you a glass of champagne.
“When are we going to learn to not have sex in public?” You chuckled, fixing a stray of your hair behind your ear.
“Practically we didn’t even have sex, we were about to…” Ben shook his head.
“I think it’s time we made to the hotel. Gotta finish what we started, eh?” you gave him a playful wink.
After the two of you made your quiet exits of the party, you headed to the hotel. Ben had booked you two a renaissance suite with a panoramic view of the Eiffel Tower.
You sat on the terrace while Ben brought a bottle of red French wine. Popping it open you had a toast, but couldn’t stay off each other for too long.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to fuck in front of the Eiffel tower, and since we’re on the terrace, it’s basically public, right? That’s two checks on my list.” You made a point while, grinding yourself in Ben’s lap.
“Hmm.” He groaned with a smirk on his lips. “And you’re incredibly sexy. Wouldn’t have ever dreamt of more.” He leaned to give you a kiss.
Your hands stretched over each of his arms, you buried your lips in his. The kiss was slow and intense. Both you moaned during it, because you kept grinding yourself slowly on his crotch. It excited him. And you knew it. You kept kissing with no pressure, until you found yourself grinding harder and faster and absolutely needy for more.
“Baby.” Ben grunted. “Get down baby, I’d love to see you on your knees right now.” You smiled and slipped on the floor.
“May I suck you cock, daddy?” your eyes gleamed.
“Go ahead baby doll. Enjoy yourself.” He stretched arms behind his neck and spread his legs.
You were fast to unbuckle his belt, pull down the zipper of his leather trousers and pull them down to his ankles.
“You’re so hard for me already.” You batted your eyelashes to him before bringing one hand to his shaft. Your fingers wrapped at the base of his bulge. He parted his thighs even further, giving you the perfect spot between his legs. You moved your hand up and down in slow motion, while keeping your eyes on his.
“Keep stroking.” Be instructed.
You hand kept busy stroking his glistening lengths in your palm, while your other hand slipped under his shirt drawing circles on his lower stomach. Lifting it up, you brought you lips to his V line. You traced is with kisses and licks, while your other hand kept pumping harder. After a few more minutes, you released your grip, springing him free in the air.
Ben gasped when you lips close around his tip. You toyed with it a little, forming a cute pout and looking up, to find him with parted lips and closed eyes. The sight of him being in such state from your touch was enough for you to enjoy making him feel good. You tongue licked a few long stroked up and down his length, before taking it with your hand. You pushed his member up and started stroking with your palm, while your tongue licked his balls. Your mouth started sucking and licking his balls and underneath, pressing your tongue on the soft skin between his member and balls, he flinched a little. Instantly alarming you, he enjoys it.
“Do you like this?” you moaned before closing your lips around the tip “The most perfect cock.”
“Mhm, yes, yes. Very much.” He growled, bucking his hips up.
Your tongue swirled circles around his glistening with precum tip, while your hand was cupping and squeezing his balls, gently tugging and toying with them, just how you knew drives him crazy, while your head was bobbing on his length.
His hands finally untangled, finding the back of your head, taking your hair in a manmade ponytail between his fingers.
“Just like that, oh god” he grunted. “Your mouth is magic.”
You smiled at the encouragement and kept going faster, but he stopped you. Panting, trying to catching your breath, you looked up to him with a confused look on your face.
“I’ll cum before I can fuck you.” He shook his head with a chuckle. “Get over here.” He pulled you up on your feet.
“Let’s get this off.” He slid the zipper of your dress, forcing it fall flat in your feet. Helping you step out off it he moved the armchair he was sitting on before to the other side, so he was facing the suite. Sitting back on it, he motioned you to straddle his lap. You bended your knees over his thighs and sat. His cock gliding over your core. You leaned forward and kissed him passionately, giving him a taste of himself.
“Daddy’s little good girl.” He murmured, taking your breast in his mouth to suck on. You pushed your chest further into his face, with your hands behind his neck, you moaned.
“Please daddy, fuck me.” You cried out from the sensation of his lips. You could come right there right now without even needing to be touched more.
He lifted you up a little and positioned his cock at your entrance. Sliding you down slowly, both of you groaned from the long anticipated friction.
“And I get to be fucked, while watching the man I love and the Eiffel tower together.” You looked over his shoulder at the gleaming structure and the panoramic view.
“You’re so tight baby, damn it.” Ben let out a throaty groan.
You squeaked, continuing to kiss him while moving your arse up and down his cock.
“You fill me, like I was made for you” you succumbed at the pleasure, sucking the sweet spot underneath his jaw, making sure to leave marks tomorrow.
His thumb found your clit, drawing circles and pressing harder on your sensitive nub, making throb. You cried out at the extra sensation, pushing you almost over the edge.
“Fuck. Ben!” you cried you cried out squirming.
“I’m coming. Fuck, baby I am coming too” he pushed into you harder. After a few thrusts, both of you came together with a loud cry. His hot mess filling you completely, sending you over the moon, making you close your eyes, making your head fall on his shoulder. As you moved a few more times slowing down your pace.
“Come on my cock baby, I love it when you clench around me” he slapped your bum cheek a few times, making you jump from the heightened sensitivity, as he continued thrusting into you.
“Ben. Ben. Too sensitive.” You squealed and he removed his hand off your throbbing clit. Tangling his fingers in your hair, he kept your head down pressed against his chest, as you both were trying to catch your breaths.
“Good girl.” He stroked your hair “stay on daddy’s cock a little more.” He swallowed hard.
You nodded curling up in his chest, kissing the crook of his neck.
“I love you so much.” You wriggled in his arms.
“I love you too.” He kissed your temple.
“Let’s stay like this for a while, I love having you on my cock.” His arms squeezed you tight in his brace.
“Round two?” you lifted your head, resting your chin on his shoulder.
A/n: I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Please tell me your thoughts on it, I’d be more than happy to receive feedback.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Always family; John Deacon x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hello all, I just wanted to share with you all ANOTHER Queen fic. Now this one here is pretty long so I’m sorry not sorry for the longness of this fic but it had to be done. Thought I’d dip my toe into the platonic Queen fics (besides my Rock Angel series) since requests will open up soon. I just want to catch up on all the requests that came to me over Winter break that the anons have been waiting so patiently on before I accept any new ones. So in this fic you the lovely reader are the cousin to this Disco man, but you both act more like brother-sister as you will soon see. Hope you all enjoy this little fic :)
Warnings: Family abandonment (IF THIS TRIGGERS ANYONE PLEASE DON’T STRAIN YOURSELF TO READ IT), angst, swearing, fluff, Paul prenter (Ugh) and the loveable and NASTY QUEENIES :) Enjoy my lovely darlings ;)
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*Nov. 1974, Live at the Rainbow*
It was another successful concert at the Rainbow theater.  Queen had once again performed a killer performance, and Brian now finally feeling better after his hepatitis scare knew he was ready to get back on stage and he performed his heart out to make up for what he had to miss while in the hospital.
The three main lead vocalists Freddie, Brian and Roger were heading towards their dressing room when they noticed someone sitting outside the door of their dressing room. She appeared to be about 15 possibly 16, had long (h/c) with platinum blonde highlights.  She wore a white crop top shirt, black leather jacket, denim blue jeans and high-heeled boots similar to what their bass player always wore.
They also took notice around her neck was a camera and she was also fiddling around with it, instantly knowing exactly how to operate it.  Freddie turned to Roger and teased out.
“Look Roger darling, the girl you ordered finally came.” Roger hit Freddie’s shoulder and told him to fuck off while Brian walked up to the girl and asked.
“Excuse me?” She looked up from her camera and they also saw that she was blowing up a bubble from the gum that she had been chewing.  She deflated the bubble as Brian said, “Can we help you?”
“Oh sorry I was just waiting for Deacy.” She responded before going back to her camera.
“You know John?” asked Roger.
“Do I know him? Of course I know him he—oh I get it. Typical Deacy, never likes to talk about me to his friends, thinks I’ll embarrass him or something.” She started off before trailing off into a teasing tone.  The three Queen members were still confused to just who exactly this young girl was.  She then gestured to herself as she continued, “I’m (Y/n) Deacon, Deacy’s cousin.” She then dug into her jean pocket and innocently held out a packet of gum as she said, “Gum?”
*My POV*
Hello people and beyond! The name’s (y/n) Deacon. I was born March 7th, 1959.  And before you ask, yes I am related to John Richard Deacon bass player of Queen.  He’s my older cousin but if you ask me he’s been more like a brother to me than my cousin.
In fact it was Deacy who got me interested in electrics, so much so that I’ve taken photography classes in school and then once I get into University I hope to major in photography.  In fact the camera I always carry with me around my neck, Deacy actually got it for me three years ago on my 13th birthday.
I had heard about his little band from aunt Lillian and of course from my friends.  Now that Queen is starting to gain that spotlight of fame, I took the first bus I could in order to check and see if my dear Deacy hadn’t forgotten about me.
I was now sitting on the couch in the guys’ dressing room, Freddie was sitting close to me and I spoke up.
“Okay see that’s where I draw the line with cats, I mean c’mon who would want a hairless cat? It’s like you just turned a cat inside out and said, ‘here’s your new baby’. Plus if you leave it in the winter it’ll turn into a cat-cicle. But if you leave it out in the summer heat then it’ll be a sunburnt naked mole rat.”
“Brian, Roger make note of this that we are keeping this girl because she gets cat logic.” Freddie claimed as he wrapped an arm around me bringing me close in a one armed hug. I smiled and blushed slightly hiding my head bashfully.  We soon heard the door open and finally entering inside the dressing room was the Disco man himself.
“Deacy darling you’ve got some serious explaining to do.” Freddie proclaimed as if he were giving a proclamation.  Wide-eyed and startled like a deer in headlights he looked between his bandmates and that’s when Brian spoke up.
“Like why you didn’t tell us about your cousin?” I then made myself known by waving to John and telling him hi.  Finally taking notice of me, Deacy smiled and came over to me while I met him half way and the two of us hugged each other after not seeing him for a good couple of years now.
“What are you doing here?”
“What you didn’t think I’d miss the opportunity to miss my cousin performing on stage and finally get to see what all the fuss was about, now did yah?” I teased as I playfully shoved him.
“Did my mum drop you off?”
“Well actually I sorta begged her to get me a bus pass here to London.”
“You mean to tell me you came here all by yourself?” he demanded.
“Deaks I’m not a little girl anymore, I can take care of myself.” He sighed and said as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.
“I know you can, you know I just worry about you. Old habits die hard you know?”
“Gosh Deacy, who would’ve thought you were so overprotective? And here I thought you were the docile one.” teased Roger.
“Piss off Roger.” Defended Deacy.
“So (y/n), I’m just looking at these photographs of the concert and they are really good. Did you always want to be a photographer?” Brian said trying to change the conversation.
“Thanks Brian. And to answer your question not always. But I got interested in it at around 10 maybe 11 years old. It just started off taking pictures of the family dog Buddy and some birds, a few family outings but then when I turned 13 that’s when my interest in photography began to rise. In fact Deacy gave me this exact camera and showed me how to work out all the technical stuff with it for my 13th birthday.”
“I must say these are impressive. I would’ve thought a professional would’ve taken these.” Stated Roger as he picked up a photo.
“Aww come on you guys…..”
“No we’re serious (y/n) dear, you’ve got a gift.” Freddie said.
“That’s what I’ve always been telling her.” Said Deacy with a warm smile as he playfully ruffled my hair.  I smiled at them and thanked them.
For the rest of the night I got to know the rest of the members of Queen, not just as rock stars, but as my cousin’s best friends.  Most people know them as these four handsome young men trying to become famous rockstars, but I got to know their true selves.  Brian the smart astrophysicist interested in all things regarding the universe who made his dissertation about stardust.  
Roger who is known to most as the ‘heartthrob, womanizing, air-headed and stubborn drummer’ when actually he’s an intelligent person who first started off with dentistry (to which both Deacy and Brian teased him about) but then changed his profession to biology.  The first drummer to ever truly tune his drums before playing them.
And of course the front man Freddie Mercury.  Most people think he’s always the extravagant person both on and off stage, when in reality he’s just a humble, loving human being who studied design, loves cats and has his insecurities just like everyone else.
I knew from that night that I was going to see these boys not just as my cousin’s friends, but also an extended family.
3 years passed and any chance I got I would visit the boys during holiday breaks or stay with Deacy during the summers.  I even got the chance to go with them to Rockfield farm when they recorded “A Night at the Opera” because I was assigned a summer project for my photography class.  And when EMI saw my pictures, they actually hired me an internship with them to be the band’s official photographer.
Now that I am done with high school, I’m just waiting for the autumn to start so that I can officially start my University career in photography. The boys have definitely given me good practice for my camera work, doing pictures both on stage and for behind the scenes whether through the tours or them in the studio recording.  
They’re rowdy and silly but it’s awesome to see them work and I actually get to see the genius machine that is Queen on how they create their music.
We were currently in the studio and the boys were recording their newest song “We are the Champions”.  I was getting the best pictures that I could that the record company was asking for me. Some of the pictures included them in the booth rehearsing, or Freddie along with the sound technician at the sound table messing with the buttons and track, getting it to fit his vision.
Since they were on a strict deadline to get the song recorded, it meant more hours in the studio, hours that not even I could last very long with.  I yawned softly when I felt a tap at my shoulder.  I looked up to see Deacy standing beside me.
“You ready to head home?” I yawned again and nodded tiredly. “Alright missy, let’s get you home and into bed.” I moaned tiredly and raised my arms out and said.
“Carry me.”
“Are both your legs broken?” he teased.  I let out a tired whine.
“You’re mean Deacy.”
“C’mon you get up. I know you can do it.”
“Too tired to get up.” I groaned.
“Then allow me your royal majesty.” I heard Freddie say as I was then picked up princess style and I wrapped my arms around Freddie’s neck. “That better darling?”
“I love you Fred.” I stated bluntly.
“You’re going to spoil her too much Fred.” Deacy said.
“Oh come off it Deacy, she’s a darling and she’s been working so hard she deserves this.”
“Yeah Deacy, I deserve this. Why can’t you be more like Freddie?”
“Because I know when to set limits for you.” I stuck my tongue out at him and then I was carried out of the studio and placed into Deacy’s Volvo.  Deacy followed suit and we all bid each other a goodnight and soon Deacy pulled out of the parking lot and drove us back home.
We both entered quietly so that we didn’t wake up either Veronica or baby Bobby.  Deacy and I kissed each other goodnight and I went to my guest room and got out of my jeans, didn’t even bother to get out of my shirt and just plopped on my bed and went to sleep.
The next day was like any other day, the guys had just gotten done finishing the final touches to “We are the Champions” and we were all celebrating.  Roger uncorked the bottle of wine and poured the guys a drink while I got some non-alcoholic cider, but I knew that Roger would let me sneak in a sip of wine when Deacy wasn’t looking.  As we were all gathered around just sharing stories and what not, it was then Paul came in and said.
“Freddie, boys there’s someone here to see you.” Roger and I looked at each other and he muttered.
“Hopefully the police to take him away for being an utter annoyance.” I snickered softly which made Paul glare at me and that’s when he said.
“Come on in Mrs.” And soon walking into the studio was someone I thought I’d never see again.  My body tensed up and my heart sunk, it felt like I had gotten punched in the gut and had all the air knocked out of me as a blast from the past came back and stood before this very room.
Her familiar (h/c) now shorter than I remembered but she still kept it the same style, her (e/c) looking right at me.  She looked a bit more run down than from what I remembered, probably got involved in drugs since that’s the big thing nowadays.
“Hello (y/n).” She started off.  I stood up and just glared at her.  “God you’ve—you’ve grown up so fast.” She tried to lighten up the mood.  Really? How dare she come back after all these years. In fact how did she find out where I was?  I walked out of the room avoiding another glance at her and slammed the door loud behind me.
*John’s POV*
“So…..where are the groceries?” I demanded.
“John please—”
“No, no I really want to know. Because you’re finally here, but I see no groceries.” I stood up and continued as I walked up towards her, “I mean that’s what you said when you dropped her off with mum, your sister. But news flash Katherine. You’re 15 years too late!” I now stood face to face with her, hell I almost lost my composure and wanted to hit her so hard.
“Whoa, whoa Deacy take it easy! Take it easy!” Brian said pulling me away from her.
“Deacy darling you’ve never acted this way before, just who is this woman?”
“Unfortunately she’s my mum’s younger sister. My aunt……”
“(Y/n)’s mother.” She finished.
“No, no, no! You lost that right when you abandoned her that day!” I snapped.
“Deacy calm down, calm down.” Brian said as he placed his hand to my chest trying to get me to calm down, but at this point I knew nothing would.
“Why are you here? How did you even know she’d be here?” I demanded.
“I’ve known how close you both were when you were kids, so I figured that she’d be with you. And when I heard about where Queen does their rehearsals I thought I’d get clearance, thanks to Mr. Prenter, he allowed me to come and see her.”
Bloody hell of course Paul would play a part in this. He’s always hated (y/n) hanging around, talking about her like she was a distraction from the band.  Of course (y/n) never took anything lying down.
Much like Roger, hell in fact all her life when she needed and wanted to, she could be a right up trickster.  Her pranks were always over the top but brilliantly planned and well executed.  
I would know because I was unfortunately a victim to some of those pranks, but then again I also helped form some of those pranks on say like heart-breaking, back-stabbing boyfriends, stab in the back best friends, you know those types of people.
I then left the booth and tried to find (y/n).  I searched and searched but I couldn’t find her anywhere, that was until I heard sniffling from the janitor’s closet.
I pressed my ear against the door and I knew without a doubt that (y/n) was behind the door.  I lightly knocked on it and she stopped crying and choked out.
“Please go away.” I knew words wouldn’t convince her to come out, so I did the next best thing that always seemed to at least put a smile on her face, even when I couldn’t see it.
I went into the next room and managed to find some paper and a pen and I raced back towards the janitor’s closet and wrote something down on the paper before sliding it under the door.
*My POV*
How could she? How could she suddenly decide to show up after all these years? How the hell did she even find me?  I kept crying all alone in the janitor’s closet, having the broom against the handle so that no one could come in.  I heard a knock so I just told whoever it was to go away.
I heard footsteps walking away so I figured they got the message, but then I heard footsteps again and then something was tossed underneath the crack of the door.  It was a piece of paper.  I slowly crawled up halfway out of my spot to grab the sheet of paper and unfolded it to see a very familiar little rhyme.
Oh won’t you come out little Dale.
Don’t you weep and tell me your tale.
Deacy.  Whenever I was so upset that I would hide away in either a closet or under the sink, he’d always write me a silly but comforting note that always first opened with those two lines.
Sometimes that was all it took for me to open the door and talk to him, other times we’d just pass notes back and forth between the door until I was ready to come out. Since there wasn’t a writing utensil at all in here, I was forced to remove the broom and slowly open the door.
The first thing I saw his hand being held out for me to take. I slowly reached my hand out from the door and took his hand.  He always knew that whenever I got this upset to never push me.  I felt his thumb rub and stroke over the top of my hand, his other fingers gently intertwining with my own in various different ways trying to give me the best comfort he could till I finally had the courage to come out.
Finally I opened up the closet.
I immediately hugged Deacy and he hugged me back and I whimpered out.
“I’m sorry I pulled a Roger move.”
“Shhhh. It’s alright my little nightingale. Unlike Roger’s temper tantrum over a strange car song, you have a better excuse. I’m so sorry love I had no idea it would be her.”
“I know you didn’t have anything to do with this. It’s just—”
“No I know. I know. Believe me love, I gave her a piece of my mind after all these years. All for you.”
“Why couldn’t you have been my real brother Deacy?” he softly laughed and said as he stroked through my hair.
“I may be your cousin by blood (n/n). But to me you’ve always been the sister I’ve always wanted. And that’ll never change, you hear me?” he cupped my face into his hands. He wiped my tears as I nodded and hugged him, burying my face into his shoulder.  “We’ll get through this together dove, just like we’ve always done.”
Days passed and Deacy made sure that if my mum came anywhere near me trying to start a conversation, either he or the lads would come in and save me with a ‘task’ to do, just to spare me more agony and pain, especially since she kept coming over to the studio every day and was always in the same room as I was in.
However one day when guys all had to record their parts for a new song, I was looking at all my photos when I heard her voice say.
“(Y/n)?” I froze and turned around to see my mum standing there, blocking my only exit.  I stood up and said.
“Stay away from me!”
“Please just hear me out, please! Give me 2 minutes.” I looked down at my watch and said.
“1.58” telling her that her time was ticking.
“I know that—I haven’t been the best mother. After your father left us I thought I could do well by you but I guess I was wrong. I never left you because I didn’t love you, I left you because I loved you too much to put you in what I was living under. I could barely keep the mortgage on the house, we would’ve been homeless. I couldn’t do that to you. I thought that by leaving you with my sister, you’d get a better chance. Much more than you could have with me.”
“Then why didn’t you visit me? Why didn’t you call?” I asked as tears filled my eyes.
“I was a mess I—I got into some serious trouble and had to try and work them out. If they found out I had a child, then they’d use you against me. I couldn’t let them do that. But I do have something to show you,” she dug into her purse and pulled out a photograph.  She walked up to me and held it out for me. “Look at this picture, just look at it.”
I looked between her and the picture until I finally took it and turned it over and was shocked to see what the picture was.
It was a picture of me at my secondary school decathlon.  It was the championship competition and I had gotten the last question correct which made our school the first time in decades win a decathlon.
“You—you were there?”
“Yes, you were always such a clever girl, I knew if anyone could get your school the win it’d be you.”  I just stared at her in shock, even though I hadn’t seen her since I was a child, she still was there watching over me. “I—I got more pictures like that in the apartment that I’m stay at, if you’d like you could come over and see them.”
“Really?” she nodded with a soft smile.  “And I was also wondering that after you’re done with work, do you—wanna get a drink or something? Coffee? Do you like coffee?”
“I love coffee.” I said.
“Great, I know this one coffee shop in downtown.”
And for the first time, I was starting to slowly reforge a bond with my mother.
As the weeks passed and the two of us got to know each other a little more, hanging out after work, going to the clubs, and going to the mall shopping for clothes.  Of course I had to buy them but hell we were using Deacy’s card and he didn’t seem to mind at all.  So long as we didn’t go crazy and spend all his hard-earned money at once.
And true to her word, my mum did in fact have pictures of almost all my main important events that have happened in my life. My first swim team competition, my school play freshman year, even my high school graduation.
Every important even, she was there.
One day she had came over to Deacy and Veronica’s place and we were both sitting on the couch. The two of us laughing and looking at all of the photos I’ve taken since I’ve been with the guys, explaining each and every picture.
“There us at Rockfield farm studios, Roger was messing around with the chickens, which I told him not to, then next thing he knew the rooster was chasing after him for over 15 minutes.”
“Wow, I must say these are probably the best taken pictures I’ve seen, you’ve really got a gift.”
“Yeah, Deacy says that all the time.” She sat there silent and she said.
“Hey how do you feel about road trips?” I looked at her and said.
“You’re looking at someone whose toured with the biggest band all over the world. A simple road trip wouldn’t hurt me. You—really mean it? You and me?”
“If you’re interested. Just you and me poppet.”
“I am…..mum.” She smiled and for the first time in a very long time, my mum embraced me.  I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.
“We’ll go first thing in the morning.” She told me and I nodded.
*John’s POV*
Seeing (y/n) hugging Kathrine like that made me feel so on edge.  In fact this entire time she’s been here I’ve felt this sickening feeling that history was going to repeat itself.
“Deacy?” I turned to see Brian standing behind me.  I had invited the lads over for supper and just so that way Katherine would be outnumbered should she try anything.
“If you’re going to tell me to stop spying on them, you might as well leave now.”
“You know—maybe she’s really trying to change. Maybe she did try to come back and patch things up with (y/n).” I turned to him and snarled out.
“She had 15 years to do that, don’t you think if she really cared about her own daughter she’d have come sooner?”
“I know Deacy and I’m not jumping to any conclusions yet but, from what I’ve seen so far. (Y/n) seems to really want to be with her mother. Maybe you could try to let go of the past and see that Katherine is seemingly wanting to change. At least do it for (y/n).”
“Everything I do is for her. I just—I just don’t want to see her get hurt again. For three years when she was first dropped off at my home, she always asked me ‘when’s mummy coming back?’ At the end of the three years by the time I was a teenager I just snapped and told her that she abandoned her. I felt awful in the way I had to explain it, took me over a week to finally get her to talk back to me. And I don’t know what’ll happen if she tries to leave her again.”
“I know mate, I know.” Brian wrapped an arm around me trying to get me to cheer up as I watched with a heavy heart as Katherine and (y/n) were planning out their summer road trip.
It was early the next morning, I woke up to the sounds of Robert getting fussy and felt Veronica stir beside me.
“I’ve got him love.”
“But you took care of him last time.”
“For you my darling, I would always take care of our children if it meant you could still sleep.” I kissed her temple down to her neck before getting up and heading over to Robert’s room.  “Alright my boy, what’s going on with you hmm?” I picked him up and he babbled.
“Hungwy dada.” Since Robert couldn’t quite get his R’s right they always sounded like w’s.  I smiled and said as I picked him up and held him in my arms.
“Okay buddy, what shall it be today hmm? Cheese on toast?”
“No yucky dada.”
“How dare you! Cheese on toast is a wonderful dish, you take that back mister man.” I teased as I began to tickle his sides making him laugh.  He squirmed in my hold and that’s when I saw the silhouette of aunt Katherine walking down the stairs.
I narrowed my eyes and peeked out of Robert’s bedroom door and swore I saw a suitcase in her hand. I told Robert to go over to our room and stay with his mum while I went down to see just exactly she thought she was doing.  
I silently walked down the stairs and saw her with the suitcase and she was about to grab her purse when I stopped her and said.
“Going out shopping again, Katherine?” she froze in her spot and turned around towards me and said.
“John I—I didn’t expect to see you up so early; I would’ve thought the tour exhausted you out.”
“Oh it did, but then again when my child needs me I’m always there for them. So where is it to this time?”
“Actually it’s not what you think. Work called in and I’ve got to check in on some things.”
“And what about the big road trip you and (y/n) had planned? Hmm? Were you going to let her in on your business?” I snapped.
“I was actually going to have you tell her for me.” She said.  I rolled my eyes and turned away from her shaking my head.
“I knew it.” I muttered.
“Excuse me?”
“You almost had me convinced. Almost I mean you finally convinced (y/n) but not anymore! I knew you could never change. You abandoned her once before and I knew that if you ever came back into her life again, you’d do it all over again!” My voice raising up louder and angrier than I ever thought I could go.
“John?” Veronica soon came down with Robert in her arms and the lads were right behind her as well, probably hearing my yelling.
“Jeez Deaks its barely 7 o’clock, what the hell is with all the yelling?” Questioned Roger.
“Katherine’s leaving (y/n) again.” I stated.  They all turned to her and Veronica said.
“Is this true Katherine?”
“And it gets better, she’s wanting me to tell (y/n) the road trip they both planned out together is cancelled instead of telling her herself.” I made sure to point out.
“It’s just business Veronica dear, if you were in my shoes you’d do the same. I promise I’ll keep better in touch this time.”
“Took you 15 years just to get back in touch.” I said. Seeing the look on my wife’s and my friends’ faces they finally got to see what I had seen all those years ago. From what I had told them, now they finally got to see it.  Veronica holding our son walked up to her and said.
“Katherine, if you walk out of (y/n)’s life now…..don’t you ever come back.” With that she walked back up the stairs passing the guys.  All was silent before I spoke up.
“May I have a moment alone with her?” I could already feel the tension from them.  I knew the guys were just as angry as I was because they cared for (y/n) as much as I did, even after knowing her after just 3 years. I heard them walk away until finally it was just Katherine and I in my front hallway. “Sit down.”
“I don’t have time for this John—”
“I said sit down Katherine!” I snapped as I finally turned back towards her and just saw her back as her hand was on the doorknob ready to walk out.  She sighed heavily and walked right past me and sat down on the living room couch.
I walked over toward her and sighed heavily and finally spoke my mind.
“You know; (y/n) was doing just fine until you showed up. But now that you’re back, you have responsibility for her.”
“Look I came back for her—”
“Oh bull. BULLSHIT!!” I yelled at her. “(Y/n) is not some purse that you hang up on a rack and then pick her up whenever you’re ready to use it. Her life goes on! She’s not supposed to be there for you, you’re supposed to be there for her!”
“You get off my back! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS?! IT JUST HAPPENED!!!” She yelled at me as she stood up.  Her breathing was sharp and heavy as she tried to explain her reasoning, “After Derek left, I tried my best but it was just too much and I—”
“CUT THE RUBBISH! ALRIGHT! CUT IT!! Cause I’ve been there! But I didn’t run out on Veronica. I was there for her every day because that’s what a real parent does.”
“A real parent!? Fine. Then you’re a better father than my good-for-nothing man was. Hell John you must be better than any man in the world must be! The one in a million golden boy!” She cheered sarcastically. I shook my head at her and turned away from her. “Now are you going to tell (y/n) or not?”
“I’m not gonna do your dirty work for you.”
“Fine. I’ll—I’ll call her from the road then.”
“Yeah you do that.”
“I will.” She then walked out and that’s when we both heard (y/n)’s voice call out.
“Mummsy.” Katherine stopped in her tracks as (y/n) stood in front of me setting her bags down as she said, “You ready to head out?” Katherine turned towards (y/n) and put on that fake persona act and said as she walked up towards her.
“(Y/n) love glad I caught you. Umm…..some business came up that I gotta handle, so we’re gonna have to put our—trip on hold. You understand right?” (Y/n) was silent for a moment before she finally said.
“Yeah, yeah I understand.”
“Oh that’s great, I promise you I had no intention of having this come up.”
“No yeah I understand.”
“And it’ll only just be for a couple of weeks….well maybe even longer.”
“I get it, it’s fine. It’s fine.”
“Look I’ll call you next week and we’ll iron out the details then, okay?” (Y/n) nodded.
I could tell from the second she got the news that (y/n) was heartbroken and I feared that she knew Katherine’s real reason for leaving.  She tried to pull off an understanding smile and voice but I could hear the cracks in her voice.
“It was great seeing you again poppet.” Katherine said as she reached out to her but (y/n) shrugged her off as she said.
“You too—Katherine.” She spat out her own mother’s name icily as she stared right at her.  Katherine knowing that she had lost her only child once more, sighed solemnly and left without another word, turning her back on (y/n) once more.
“I’m sorry love.” I heard a choked out laugh and that’s when (y/n) said.
“No this actually works out perfectly I mean with the tour about to resume I can get back to practicing before University starts and—”
“(N/n), you don’t have to pretend around me. It’s okay to be angry.” I assured her.
“Mad? Why should I be mad Deacy? I mean at least she said goodbye this time, right? Hell at least this time you won’t have to hear me complain ‘when’s mummy coming home?’ I’m not 4 years old anymore, I can handle it. I—just wish I didn’t waste my damn time building this fucking scrapbook!” She then pulled out from her bag a photo album and glued onto the cover was a recent picture of her and Katherine together.
With all the pictures she’s taken over the years, (y/n)’s other hobby included scrapbooking.  I saw that it had been completed decorated and detailed, almost like a professional had made it.  She set it down on the table and just glared down at it.
I slowly walked up to her but kept to her space because I knew it was only a matter of time before she would break down and I didn’t want to overwhelm her.
“Darling, you know that if there was anything I could do to make this better—”
“No, no, no, no this works out for the best,” she said as she came up to me looking me right in the eye. “I mean it’s her loss anyway I mean I learned how to ride a bike by myself. Yeah sure the boys laughed at me but I got back up and showed them a thing or two about riding didn’t I?”
“Yes you did love bug.” I said with a fond smile remembering that day.
“And there was a hell of a lot of stuff I did without her. I learned how to shave, how to drive, I got over my first crush and date without her, I did prom without her, I had fifteen great birthdays without her! That bitch never even sent me a damn card. TO HELL WITH HER!!!” She turned and screamed at the door.
God she’s always tried to remain so optimistic about life and everything around her. Always tried to remain strong after being abandoned by both parents, she always tried to go on every day with a smile and a laugh but now she was finally letting all that pain out like a dam bursting.
Hearing her sharp breaths and the tremble in her voice just broke my heart.
“I never needed her then, and I’ll never need her now.” She snapped as she walked away.  I softly spoke her name as I reached out and touched her arm.  That’s when she turned around and said.
“Nah you know what Deacy? I’m gonna get through college without her. I’ll get my dream job without her. I’ll find me a good guy to be with, and then I’m going to have a whole bunch of kids. I’m gonna be a better mother than she ever was because there’s not a fucking thing she can teach me ABOUT HOW TO LOVE A CHILD!!!”
Her eyes were red from the tears pooling in her eyes and her face morphed from pure rage to brokenhearted with a snap of a finger.  It was almost like she had de-aged right before my eyes and was back to being that three year old girl that I once held in my arms whenever she cried about her parents.
“Why didn’t they want me?” At this point I couldn’t hold back anymore.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and held her as close and as tightly as I could as I felt her wet my shoulder with her tears.  Her sobs pierced the room as I felt her go limp against me.  The two of us slowly collapsed to our knees but not once did I let my grip on her go loose.  I kept hold of her as I rubbed her back and whispered words of love and comfort in her ear.
*3rd Person POV*
Unaware that in behind the door that led to the dining room, Freddie, Roger and Brian stayed and overheard the entire conversation.  And overhearing their favorite girl break down like this, broke all their hearts.  Freddie wiped away his tears that were flooding down his face, almost ready to break down the door and just hug his little camera girl.
Brian who standing behind Freddie had a hand on his shoulder but he too had tears streaming down his face.  While Roger who was had pulled up one of the dining room chairs just a couple inches away from Fred, his back turned towards the door.
He was a mix between pure anger and heartbreak.  He wa tempted to knock over the china cabinet but also just break down into tears at hearing his partner in crime cry this much.  Never had he heard her make those sounds before and it just hurt him to the core.
Back with John and (y/n), she had finally managed to cry herself to sleep.  Deacy slowly picked her up bridal style when the guys decided to come into the living room and the second John saw their red, teary eyes, he knew that they had stayed and overheard everything.
“You heard it all I assume?” John asked more as a statement than a question.
“We didn’t mean to impose John.” Said Brian.
“It’s fine, beats having to tell you guys and having her relive that pain and exhausting myself to repeat the same story.” He said as he looked down at his little cousin. Roger came up towards Deacy and stroked (y/n)’s head.
“The poor dear” Freddie said solemnly.
“Guess you were right about her Deacy.” Brian said.
“There will be plenty of time for ‘I told you so’s’ later, right now I should get (y/n) back into her room so she can get the proper rest she needs.” Deacy then took his cousin upstairs and placed her back in her bed.
He tucked her in and brushed away the hair from her face and lightly kissed her forehead before leaving her room to head back downstairs.
As time went on and it was around late afternoon the guys were still hanging around John’s place, agreeing to stay until (y/n) woke up so that the five of them could have a talk. Veronica who was currently walking up the stairs to check up (y/n) muttered to herself.
“Oh I hope she’s okay.” She got to the door and lightly knocked on it and said, “(Y/n), (y/n) love it’s Veronica, may I come in?” She heard nothing.  She knocked again and said, “(Y/n)?” when she didn’t get a response, she opened the door to see a shocking sight.
The bedsheets had been turned over and the bedroom window was open, the curtains blowing with the wind.
“Oh no, John!” she cried out as she raced back down the stairs.  The boys heard footsteps running down the stairs and when they saw Veronica, the first thing they saw was her frantic state.  John immediately went up to his wife holding her arms and said.
“Love calm down, what’s going on?”
“(Y/n)’s is missing.”
“What? What do you mean missing?!” demanded Roger.
“I went to check on her but when I opened the door she wasn’t in her room. The window was open and—” without getting another word, the four bandmates raced up the stairs to see that Veronica was telling the truth.  She came up behind them as Deacy and Brian raced towards the window and looked down.
“She must’ve scaled down using the pipes along the house.” Suggested Brian.
“My darlings, her bag is gone.” Freddie stated as he stood by the closet and sure enough the bags that she had used for the upcoming road trip were gone.
“She could be anywhere by now.” Brian said but then I snapped.
“She could be out of the country for all we know because we don’t know how long she’s been gone for!”
“Deacy calm down.” Roger said.
“I swear if anything happens to that girl, I’ll never forgive myself.”
“Don’t worry darling we’ll find her.” Fred assured me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.  “We’ll turn London upside down if we have too to find her.”
We then split up into teams.  I called my mum first to take care of Robert and watch over him then once she took care of him Veronica and I checked in the square, Fred took the studio, and Brian and Roger took the park.
It was an endless search trying to find her, and I pray to God we find her alive.  It would be dark soon and all the freaks and psychopaths love to come out at night.
*3rd Person POV*
It was hours into the search and sunset would soon be near and still no one had found any signs of (y/n).  After search the studio, Fred decided to help Brian and Roger in the park while Deacy and Veronica tried the mall, hoping that maybe (y/n) had gone inside since it was getting dark soon.
Fred and Brian teamed up together to search one side of the park while Roger was near by the lake searching on his own.  It was then he took notice of something underneath the bridge nearby.  He quickly ran towards the bridge and low and behold he had found (y/n).
She was huddled under the bridge, her knees tucked in close to her body sniffling softly. Roger took notice of the tearstains on her face and he felt his heart break once more.  He cautiously approached her and knelt down beside her and softly said her name.
*My POV*
I sniffled and felt more tears run down my face.  I thought that I had finally found a place to cry in peace without risking anyone coming near me and asking questions when I heard the familiar soft, spoken voice of Roger Taylor say my name.  I jumped up but then groaned and turned my back on him.
“Oh god…..”
“You know you really gotta pick your hiding spots. I mean seriously you have no idea how many people could see you—”
“Why are you here Roger?!” I snapped.
“We’ve been scouring the entire town looking for you (n/n). You gave us all quite a scare.” He said. I didn’t respond to him, just scooted as far away from him as I could and put my bag between us giving me that extra space I needed. “You wanna talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. My dad never wanted me, my mum never wanted me, nobody ever wants me.”
“That’s not true—”
“Open your eyes Roger!” I snapped at him as I felt a new wave of tears hit me.  “All my life I’ve had to hear all my friends telling me what great parents they have. You know my dad fought in Vietnam, my mom’s a real estate’s agent. My parents help support me. Well—both my parents never wanted me! Yeah I had Deacy and aunt Lillian but they are just my cousin and aunt. It’s not the same! My whole life I had to be loved by someone whose not my parent and I hate it! I hate it soo much!” I lowered my head choking on my sobs.
It was then I felt Roger’s arms wrap around me and I felt him place my head over his heart, each beat of his heart trying to soothe my tormented mind.  He stroked down my hair and he said.
“Do you remember back on Ridge farm when Brian took us all out to that one area of woods to see the stars? Paul forced himself into the getaway, so to mess with him you filled his bag with rocks and used that lizard you came across to put on his bottle as well as on his head.”
“And then it crawled into his mouth.” I finished.
“Yeah pure stroke of genius.” He chuckled. “(N/n), you may think you’re unloved, but that is absolute bollocks. You are loved. By Deacy, Brian, Fred, me, Veronica, hell even Miami. We all love you, and if anything had happened to you, we wouldn’t know what to do.” He wiped the tearstains away from my cheek with his thumb before lifting my chin up to face him, forcing me to stare into his baby blue eyes.  “The only one who doesn’t deserve to be loved and wanted is your mother. Anyone who could play you like that, has no right to be called a parent. You are way out of her league.”
“Then why would she come back pretending to care?” Roger just looked at me sadly and he said.
“I wish I had the right answer. But I can tell you this; you’re sweet, you’re kind, smart, beautiful. You’ve got more sass in one finger than Deacy will ever have in his entire body. And it’s like you said one day in the way off deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep.” I laughed softly as he kept repeating the word deep at least four more times before continuing, “distant future, you’ll become a mother yourself and I know that you’ll be twice the mother than your own was.” He tucked some of my hair behind my ears, revealing them before gently cupping my chin between his thumb and index fingers.
“How is it that a dentist ends up being wiser than both the astrophysicist and electrical engineer?”
“I was never a dentist and you know it.” He said as he playfully squeezed the tip of my nose shaking my head which made me laugh again as I pushed his hand away making him laugh softly.  He then leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine.
This was a special little thing that Roger loved to do with me. It was our own secret little comforting mechanism.  I was actually the first one to do it to him when he once had a breakdown after a show. He just seemed so peeved about something that the lads almost feared that he’d throw out another telly set. So I took the risk and took his hands in mine and just placed my forehead against his and just held that position till he calmed down.
From then on, whenever one of us was mad or upset, the forehead touch helped bring the other back to Earth.  He then wrapped his arms around me giving me his famous bear hugs.  His hand stroked down my hair as his head now moved next to mine while my head rested against his shoulder and the two of us sat there for a while in silence.
“C’mon kid, let’s get you home.”
“I don’t think I can.” I muttered sadly.
“Why’s that?”
“Deacy.” I simply answered.  Roger separated from me and he said.
“He’s not mad (y/n)…..”
“You don’t get it, you may have seen John Deacon the man who can crumble you down with just two sentences, but you’ve yet to see what happens when he redirects that anger and mixes it with overprotective behavior.”
“Love, he’s been worried sick about you. He needs to know that his little sis is safe. I know I would.” I sighed heavily and said.
“But what if he does get mad?”
“I’ll talk to him. If anyone knows a thing about overreacting it’s me.” I smiled softly and that’s when Rog stood up and held his hand out for me to take.
“You promise to have my back?”
“Partners in crime till the very end. Just like those two cats in that poem you like so much.” I smiled up at him and took his hand and he helped me up as he took my bag over his shoulder and had his free arm wrapped around my shoulder as he guided me back to his car and he drove me back to Deacy and Veronica’s.
*3rd Person POV*
The sun had set about 5 minutes ago and with almost everyone back at John’s place, no one had found her.  John who was running his hands through his hair frantic with worry as his wife tried to calm him down.
“Maybe we should call the police.” Suggested Brian.
“No need Brian.” Roger’s voice soon spoke up as he opened the door.  Everyone turned to see that the drummer had finally came back.
“And just where were you all this time Roger dear?”
“Bringing back a lost lamb.” He then gestured with his arm and soon walking in cautiously was (y/n). Immediately everyone began crowding around her asking her questions about where she was and why she ran away like that.
Sensing his partner in crime’s nervousness and anxiety he told everyone.
“Guys, guys back it up. Don’t crowd her all at once.” John who merely stood there by the couch in shock to see his cousin alive and well.  Roger looked to Deacy and pressed his hand to (y/n)’s back. She looked up at him and he nodded to her and she cautiously walked towards her cousin, like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.
“Where did you find her?” asked Freddie.
“At the park underneath the Churchill bridge. Poor girl was crying her eyes out.” Roger whispered.  Veronica ten decided to allow her husband and (y/n) to have some alone time so she guided the boys into the kitchen for a proper meal after their long search while she called Lilian to tell her that they found (y/n) and that she would pick Robert up in the morning.
(Y/n) stood in front of her cousin.  John looked down at her before finally raising his hands to cup both sides of her face to lift her face up so that he could get a good look at her.
“You’re not hurt are you?” he asked.  With a shake of her head, Deacy sighed with relief and immediately embraced her before openly weeping into her shoulder.  She hugged her cousin back whimpering.
“I’m sorry I ran away. I’m sorry Deacy, I’m sorry.”
“Shhhh, you’re home now. Safe and unharmed and that’s all I care about now. It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay dove.” The two cousins kept hold of each other trying to draw strength from each other knowing that they were going to get by and be okay.
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spookyblackwidow · 5 years
Nat x Reader request
Author’s note: this is my first ever attempt at writing a reader insert, but I did my best to keep the character as neutral as possible! Enjoy some fluff at a party with the team <3
1622 words
“Ready to go?” You smile at Nat, her blue minidress sparkling in the bathroom lights. She sighs, sets down her lipstick, and flashes you a coy grin.
“What if we stayed here instead?”
“Hmm,” you arch an eyebrow as you take in her final look—the long legs, plunging neckline, and loose curls, “tempting, but you look far too good not to be seen.”
“But it’s just a stupid party,” she pouts, batting her eyes in that ridiculously over the top way you claim to hate, although it usually worked.
“Not this time, Nat. Clint insisted that we at least make an appearance, and I have a feeling my life will be much easier if your best friend doesn’t hate me.”
“Fine,” she groans, “but if anyone even mentions bringing out the karaoke machine, we’re leaving.”
“What, not in the mood to watch Tony attempt some classic rock while absolutely plastered?” you laugh.
“Ugh, I saw enough at his 40th to last a lifetime.” Natasha shudders but fails to hide a slight smirk. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen her pretend she didn’t care for Tony, but this was her worst bluff yet. You wonder if she’d cracked open the vodka without you in preparation for this event; unfortunately, she holds her liquor well and rarely shows definitive signs of intoxication, so there was no way to tell how many drinks she’d had.
In order to protect his safehouse from inevitable damage, Clint had called everyone to the Avengers compound under the guise of team bonding, not that they necessarily needed it. He’d tasked you with luring Nat there, as she isn’t particularly keen on socializing, especially not with people outside her immediate circle of friends.
She grumbles all the way from the car into the compound. Most of it’s in Russian, but you don’t need to ask what’s upsetting her.
“Welcome! You’re only,” Clint glances at his watch, “32 minutes late! That might be a new record, Nat!”
“You’re lucky I’m here at all. But now that we’ve arrived, I can leave at any time and not feel a shred of guilt, so keep it up, I dare you.” Natasha winks at him and heads for the bar, where she ushers the bartender away and starts mixing her own drink.
“How much has she already had?” Clint drops his voice to a whisper as he hugs you.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” you shrug. “But hey, at least she’s here. Wouldn’t want her to miss the celebration.”
You make your way around the room, politely greeting the rest of the guests before settling in on a barstool next to Nat and Maria.
“Now, this may just be a rumor, but I heard he has an issue with toast being cut diagonally,” Maria laughs.
“Think that applies to other types of bread? I’m tired of losing my lunch to all these boys.”
“It may only discourage Nick, but it’s worth a shot, right?”
“Busy conspiring against the boss?” you ask.
“Always!” Nat winks. “Maria, if you’ll excuse us a moment.” She leads you away from the others, down a dim hallway and into a training room. The lights flicker on in rows, revealing an arsenal of weapons. You’re finally close enough to smell the vodka seeping from her pores, to see the faint glaze in her eyes, and you start to panic, knowing she’s gone too far.
“Nat, love, let’s go back to the party, maybe get some water?”
“Shh, it’s fine. I’ve had way more than this and survived, it’s kind of an annual tradition. Besides, if Clint didn’t want me to get drunk tonight, he wouldn’t have stocked the bar with my favorites.” She reaches out to intertwine your fingers, tugging you even closer. With her other hand she smooths the worry lines across your forehead. “I’m fine, I promise.”
She kisses you gently, slowly, and pulls away, leaving you desperate for more. With a teasing wink, she slips through the doors, leaving you in the middle of the nearly empty room. You regain your composure and follow, back to the bright lights and animated chatter of the party.
Thor is in the corner daring Tony to lift Mjolnir, egging him on to see if the suit will help. Curled up on a couch nearby are Pepper and Rhodey, deep in discussion, but each keeping a close eye on their best friend and the Asgardian. Bursts of laughter draw your attention to the bar, where Maria, Sam, Clint, and Bucky are loudly cracking jokes with an increasingly embarrassed Steve. Nick and Bruce appear to be discussing schematics for new tech at a table across the room, which would seem odd if it were anyone else, but in the time that you’d known them, you’d never really seen those two loosen up.
You scan the room again, certain you’d somehow missed her, but discover that Nat’s nowhere to be found.
“She’ll come back, when she’s ready.” Clint sidles up beside you and hands you a glass of champagne. “You know this is a big deal for her, even being here today. Give her space to sober up a bit and calm down.”
“She didn’t seem mad,” you shake your head, “just suspicious that I know.”
“As long as they don’t,” Clint nods toward the other guests, “she’ll be fine.”
You make the rounds again, doing your best to bond with these wonderful people you hope will be in your life forever. Pepper and Rhodey commiserate with you over dealing with a loved one being a stubborn ass at times, although you have to acknowledge that they have it worse; Natasha could be completely unwilling to compromise, but she was much less likely to behave recklessly.
As you rise from the couch, Thor calls you over and tries to goad you into lifting Mjolnir, but, much like your girlfriend, you aren’t sure that’s something you want to know. Instead, you smile at Tony, his repulsors on full blast, the magical hammer refusing to budge whatsoever.            
“The physics of it don’t make any sense!” he yells, releasing his grip and finally quieting the hands of his suit.
“That’s because you’re relying on such primitive knowledge!” Thor laughs. “See, what you consider magic is quite simply science so advanced, your realm likely won’t understand it for another thousand years or so, at the rate you’re going. You may be smart on Earth, but the genius of Asgardians—”
Fearing an incredibly technical argument above your pay grade, you slink away to join the group at the bar.
“—and he looked at her, eyes wide, like a fucking deer in the headlights, completely silent, until she gave up and asked someone else to dance!” Bucky claps a hand on Steve’s shoulder and throws his head back, practically cackling.
“Okay, Buck, I think that’s enough about pre-serum me.” Steve smiles weakly, his cheeks tinged red.
“Pre-serum?” Sam chuckles. “Man, he could’ve said that was last week and I would’ve believed him!”
“Making fun of Steve again?” Nat’s voice, low and rough, startles you, but months of her intentionally sneaking up on you has taught you not to jump. She wraps her arms around your waist, her head resting between your shoulder blades.
“Welcome back to the party, Nat.” Clint grins. “Got any stories you’d like to share?”
“Well,” without relinquishing contact, she slips around you to stand at your side, “there was this one time in New York…”
The details of her stories would seem exaggerated if you didn’t know the realities of their abilities and jobs. You spend the next hour or so laughing along with the others, blissfully unaware your time together is quickly drawing to a close.
“Hey, anyone want to break out the kar—” Tony yells, but Natasha is dragging you outside before he can finish his ill-fated question. Clint comes running after you, his tie flipping up over his shoulder as he jogs.
To your surprise, Natasha actually stops and lets go of your arm, even starts walking back toward the building as if this all was anticipated. They embrace and whisper a few words to each other in a language you can’t hear well enough to identify. Clint smiles at you before heading back inside at a leisurely pace.
Nat’s quiet as you climb into the car, the toll of so much social interaction weighing on both of you, although you know the night’s not over yet. What comes next scares you more than it should, but you will your heart to slow, beg your voice to stay steady.
“Nat? Would you grab something out of the glovebox for me?”
“What could you possibly need—”
She sighs heavily and opens the compartment to discover a flat black box tied with a red satin ribbon. She shoots you a quizzical look as she loosens the bow. Inside sits a dainty silver chain with a single round charm, five small diamonds set at the points of an engraved design.
“It’s the constellation Delphinus,” you start to explain.
“Named after the dolphin Poseidon sent out to find Amphitrite,” she finishes the thought and traces the engraving with the tip of her finger. When she looks up at you, she’s smiling softly, her eyes brimming with tears. “How did you…?”
“Clint told me because he knew you wouldn’t.”
“Of course,” she laughs, wiping at her eyes. “How many other secrets has he shared?”
“Just the one, I promise.” You reach over and give her hand a reassuring squeeze. She gently kisses you, the bracelet slipping from her free hand as she moves to hold the back of your neck.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
“Happy birthday, Nat.”
Tag list: @romanoff--natasha @clintashaotp @baker151910 @unholyromanoff @unsociable-hobbit @thexploress
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The daughter of the honorable thief- Harry Hook x Reader- part 1
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 Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
warning: offensive slurs
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
clothing reference:
harrys auradon look for this part
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your gear for this part(when Harry can see you properly)
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your hair (length and color doesn't matter its just a reference)
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-Harry Hook POV-
It’s been 2 weeks since I've left the Isle to come to boradon, and it's …so so, most people here don’t think my friends and I belong a *cough* Audrey and Chad *cough* so they kept trying to get us in trouble. Like trying to get us to fight them, as it’s a threat that if we get into a fight we’ll get sent back. Weirdly enough, Peter Pan’s son, David, and the next gen Darling kids seemed to not care who was my dad, HELL! Even Wendy herself had decided to ignore my last name and basically adopt me. I’m not kidding! She sends me fucking cookies and shit!!! She invited me for brunch!!!
(and now we return to our regularly scheduled program)
Grabbing my math book and stuffing it in my bag, I sighed to myself and closed my locker, heading out to class.
‘never thought I’d be going to math class, hell on the isle I couldn’t count! I-‘
My thoughts were interrupted as I was slammed into the lockers beside me, turning I glared at the banes of my existence.
The descendants of the lost boys, five of the group of 10 grinning at me with malicious intent
“hey Hook!”
Glaring at them I tried to walk away, breathing deeply as to keep my temper in check.
“come on! we wanna play a game!” Calvin, the son of slightly, grabbed my flannel and threw me to the floor, my head smacking on the floor and black started to edge in my vision, my hearing also beginning to fade out.
‘godamit I can't fight back’
But they didn’t care, they simply just started to beat down on me, hitting my ribs and one kicking my face, pain exploded everywhere.
‘someone, make it stop, please!’
“HA HA! Come on get up Hook! I thought you were tougher than your dad! HAHA!”
The only thing I heard was skin hitting skin, and the yelps of the lost boys. Soon five sets of footsteps ran off and I felt a hand press to my cheek, I softly hissed in pain, and the new person yelled for somebody to get another person. I felt someone pick me up, then I passed out.
I could see a light behind my eyelids, moaning in pain as I felt the bruising on my face and ribs, soon I heard someone shuffling over to me
“Mr. Hook? Are you awake?” groaning and nodding my head I slowly opened my eyes, a woman with auburn hair in a bun, wearing a school nurse uniform, stood by the bed, staring at him with worry in her eyes.
“Mr. Hook? Are you feeling alright?” nodding my head I sat up and rubbed my head, feeling a bump at the back of my head.
“what happened?”
“you were apparently assaulted by some of the lost boys and Ms. Loxley brought you here after fending them off.”
I furrowed my brows and asked her who Ms. Loxley was “Ms. Loxley is (y/n) Loxley, daughter of Robin Hood”
I nodded and asked if I could leave the nurses office.
“in a minute, I just need to give you an examination and some medication and then your free to go, oh also your excused from classes for the rest of the week.”
I placed my feet on the ground and stood as she shuffled around the medical room grabbing medication and other stuff
“okay this is for your head and this is for everything else, take both once a day”
“aye, by the way, were is Loxley? I want to…um”
The nurse smiled and informed me that she was at the archery range “do you know where that is Mr. Hook?”
“uh no”
“okay one second”
She walked to the door and looked out and gestured for someone to come
“Mr. De’vil? Can you lead Mr. Hook to the archery range? He would like to see Ms. Loxley”
Carlos looked at me for a second a glint of fear in his eyes before it disappeared after seeing my bruises.
“uh yeah sure come on Harry”
I grabbed my bag that was resting on a nearby chair and followed Carlos (and dude) out the medical room and walked silently behind him, keeping my gaze in front of me, seeing Carlos glancing at me in concern.
He bit his lip before gaining the courage to talk to me, “so what happened? Why were you in the medical room?”
I raised an eyebrow at him before answering “Calvin and his cronies decided I was an easy target cuz of that stupid “vks cant fight” rule” Carlos Hummed in agreement “yeah Jay hates that rule too, he says it deprives him of the honor of kicking the dudes who insult the VKS asses”
That’s when dude decided to speak “yeah mal hates it too, she has almost snapped many times, but Ben holds her back” I blinked in surprise, I honestly forgot the dog could talk.
“I forgot yer dog could talk.” Carlos snickered, “yeah that surprises people still, it’s really funny when dude does it randomly”
I hummed and saw the archery range, I sped up a little, Carlos keeping up. “ya know, ever since you got to Auradon, you have gotten a lot less scary” I rolled my eyes, I know why.
“Maybe it’s because I can't do anything, I used to be able to do on the isle hmm~?” I pointed out, slightly glaring at the son of Cruella.
“yeah I guess” he mumbled, curling back slightly under my glare. I rolled my eyes (I seem to be doing that a lot) and turned my sight back to the archery range where I saw a female figure walking across the field, carefully aiming at each target, and hitting them with absolute precision.
“whoa” the three of us breathed, never seen anything like that before. She took notice of us staring and made her way towards us, doing her hood to reveal her face, smooth (s/c),(plump/thin) cherry lips, athletic body, (h/l) (h/c) hair messy and framing her face perfectly, those piercing (e/c) eyes staring at me once again, that’s when I realized, this was the girl I saw the day I came!
‘dang she’s actually really pretty’
“hello,” she grinned “what brings you three down here?” I don’t waste any time, “are ye the one who thrashed the lost boys?” a proud glint came to her eyes and she confirmed that yes, she was the one who saved me.
“oh well.. um... I…” dammit why was it so hard to say thanks! She giggled and waved me off “you’re welcome Harry! Are you alright by the way?”
“uh yeah, the nurse gave me painkillers and stuff”
“that’s good”
Carlos stood awkwardly before picking up dude, announcing that he was going to head to his dorm.
“see ya Carlos!”
“see ya (y/n)”
Harry only waved and turned back to you.
As Carlos left the two of you talked and Harry walked with you as you retrieved your arrows, soon you both heard the dreaded sound of other people, Chad and his ‘‘friends” walked around the edge of the range, laughing obnoxiously to themselves.
Chad looked around, saw you and Harry and turned to his “friends” and gestured to the two of you, the boys grinned maliciously and headed towards you.
“hey look” both you and Harry groaned, turning to look at the son of Cinderella, “it’s the dyke and the fag!”
Harry gritted his teeth, and your glare became deadly. You facepalmed at the use of the slurs, Chad was so narrow-minded.
“go away Chad!” he smirked “no I don’t think I will~”
Harry mumbled to you “why’d he call ye a dyke?”
“I've dated a few girls in my life so he decided I was lesbian cuz I haven’t dated a boy”
“ah” “Why'd he call you a fag?”
“im a pirate, it's kinda the stereotype that goes with it”
“got ya”
“you two fags done talking?”
Harry was really close to punching Chad, but he couldn’t cuz of that stupid rule. You glanced at Harry  knowing he couldn’t do anything, but you could, drawing three arrows you lined them up and glanced at chad, he froze like deer in headlights, knowing your skill, his “friends” started giggling
“come on girly!”
“yeah we all know archery is a man's sport”
“Yeah, I bet you can't even draw the string!”
Keeping your breath calm you spoke in a deadly voice, shocking Harry.
“you all have three seconds to leave and stop bothering us before I do something you'll regret”
“hahaha is she serious!”
“id love to see this!”
“shoot shoot!”
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Drawing the string back you aimed at Chad, releasing the arrows pierced Chad's shirt and pants and pinned him to a nearby tree, Causing his “friends” to shut up, never having seen something like that before.
Harry jaw dropped open ‘holy crap shes good!’ you smirked and drew another arrow, the group reeling back in fear
“I warned you~” you sang,”now leave! And take charming there with you” the idiots nodded, unpinned Chad and bolted for the school.
You and Harry stood there for a moments before bursting out laughing
“that” Harry gasped “was amazing!”
You giggled and retrieved your arrows “thanks!! That was really fun!”
Hearing the bell ring, you packed up and started to make your way to your dorm “hey! Were ye going?”
“my dorm, the bell rung, my free periods over so I gotta get to class, you should get going as well”
“Oh okay” waving to harry you exited the range before Harry called after you “(y/n)!” turning to harry you saw his face flush, “um,…thank you”
You grinned at him “you’re welcome Harry”
The two of you went your own way, Harry to his dorm to rest, you to your dorm to put your gear away.
Only one thought rested in your minds
‘why is she so kind to someone like me?’
‘who knew the son of Hook could be so handsome’
 --end of part 1-- if part 2 is wanted, please comment or message me.
@lunarwitch6 @holythingdragonpaper sorry this took so long
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