#and it came on shuffle when i was driving home from the gym
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daddy-long-legssss ¡ 2 months ago
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There ain't no use in cryin'. It doesn't change anything, so baby what good does it do? x
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miracleonice87 ¡ 2 years ago
17 w barzy pls! i feel like he only ever gets smut or fluff written w him
from m's midnights prompt list
warnings (cw / tw): miscarriage, pregnancy loss, mourning... this one's a doozy, folks 😔 please don't read if these subjects are triggering or sensitive for you
word count: ~2,100
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17. Bigger Than The Whole Sky
It started as the most typical Isles weekday gameday. Mat woke up an hour before morning skate, kissed your forehead, and rolled out of bed as you snoozed away for just a few more minutes, the early-pregnancy exhaustion hitting you hard the last several weeks. He made himself a coffee, you an Earl Grey, and carried both back to the bedroom where he found you just beginning to stir. You both sipped at your drinks as you went through your morning grooming and threw on athleticwear. Soon, after a playful kiss in the hallway, you were both headed out the door, Mat to the rink and you to the Lees’ to workout with Grace in their home gym. 
At least, with the intention to workout with Grace. 
Instead, your world as you knew it and your greatest dream came crashing down during the short drive to the Lee house.
What started as light cramping quickly gave way to sharp, stabbing pains that had you doubled over in Grace’s doorway by the time you reached their stately home. She knowingly shuffled you inside, alarm bells blaring in her head even as she used her calmest tone and did everything she could to soothe you. Her babysitter quickly led the girls away from the scene, distracting them with an invitation to play princess dress-up in the toyroom down the hall, away from your intensifying sobs.
As Grace guided you toward her car in the garage, your hands gripping hers with knuckles white as you leaned into her for strength, she noticed a figment of every expectant parent’s worst fear… the seat of your grey leggings stained with an unsettlingly substantial amount of blood. 
“Is this it?” you cried. “Is this what it feels like?”
The pit deepened in her gut, her maternal instincts screaming yes. 
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” she answered softly. “We’re gonna go find out, okay? Together.” 
“A-and Mat…”
“I know. Of course.” 
You reached the passenger door, and with one hand Grace opened the adjacent rear door, grabbed one of the girls’ pink travel pillows, and tossed it onto your seat in the hope that it would somehow make you more comfortable on the drive to the hospital. She got you settled into the passenger seat and seconds later, was already rolling down her driveway at a speed faster than she ever hit on a normal day, making an impossible phone call via her hands-free navigation. 
At the other end of that call was her sweet husband, who thank god had gotten caught up talking to one of the assistant coaches about gameplans and hadn’t yet stepped onto the ice for morning skate as Mat had minutes ago. 
Anders looked at his phone with a furrowed brow and a knot in his stomach… Grace never called him when she knew he was at the rink.
“G? What’s going on?” 
That’s when she told him it was you, not herself, who was the reason for the call. 
“Shit… is she…”
“I don’t know. She’s in a lot of pain, Anders.” Which he already knew from your muffled sobs on the speakerphone. He’d never heard you cry before. “She’s bleeding. Get Mat off the ice now and tell him to meet us at the hospital.” 
“Fuck. Okay. Be careful – I’m-I’m hanging up.” 
“Okay. I’ll call you.”
Anders tapped the red button and sat in silence at his stall for the briefest of seconds, running a hand through his hair and blowing out a breath through pursed lips, absolutely dreading what he had to do next. 
He made his way down the tunnel, stopping at the bench instead of immediately hopping out onto the ice. Lane noticed and caught his eye. Anders closed the short gap between himself and his head coach, ducked his head, and explained the situation as quietly and briefly as he could. Lane’s expression went cold, and he offered a slow, single nod, then cleared his throat. 
“I’ll do it if you want me to, but I think you should maybe be the one to…”
Anders cut him off, shaking his head. 
“No… no, he should hear it from me.”
Lane set his jaw, clapped the captain’s shoulder, and fixed his gaze back across the ice with a pained exhale. 
Anders shuffled to the end of the bench at its opening and waited a few moments for Mat to skate past him on a loop. When he did, he called, “Barz.” Hoarse, somber, short. The younger player immediately skidded to a stop, sending snow flying from beneath his blades. 
“What’s up?” he asked, panting. 
Anders swallowed, tucking his chin to his chest for a moment. 
“Leezy? What’s up?” Mat repeated, brow furrowing. 
Anders met Mat’s eyes again and sighed. 
“You gotta go to the hospital, bud,” he said softly, unable to keep his voice from shaking. “Grace just called, and-”
Mat didn’t even let Anders finish his thought before he jumped the threshold and ran down the tunnel, shedding his gear as he went, trying to hold it all in his hands and beneath his arms. Anders followed close behind. 
“Barzy, bud, are you good to drive?”
Mat nodded furiously without so much as a glance Anders’ way. 
“I’ll drive you if you want.”
Mat shook his head. 
“You call me if you need anything, you hear me?”
He was nodding again, and simultaneously busting through the doors of the locker room, where he threw all his gear into his bag, pried off his skates, and tugged on his crewneck and sweats in the blink of an eye before heading for the exit with just his keys and his phone… but he stopped in front of his friend before he could make it that far. 
Anders could see the red already rimming his eyes, and he felt his own throat constricting as he heard Mat’s breath coming in short, stuttering gasps. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this, man,” Mat managed between breaths. 
All Anders could do was grab Mat in a crushing hug, the sounds of him clapping Mat’s back echoing in the empty locker room. 
“It never is. I’m sorry.” 
No words appear before me in the aftermath
Salt streams out my eyes and into my ears
Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness
'Cause it's all over now, all out to sea…
The ultrasound screen had been turned off for at least half an hour by now, you and Mat left alone by the doctor for nearly as long, but you still lay flat on your back, wet cheek pressed to the ugly pleather exam table, willing the black screen to turn back on and tell you something different than it already had. Willing this nightmare to end, willing yourself to wake up, willing it not to be true, to be some giant, cruel misunderstanding. 
No words came to your lips, though thousands of them hummed incessantly between your ears, intrusive thoughts even louder than they’d been all morning in the now-silent room. You heard Mat sniffling behind you, felt his lips kissing the back of your hand every few seconds. Before he’d arrived, you had thought you could not possibly ever feel the sting of devastation more acutely than when the doctor had uttered the words “I’m so sorry; you’re miscarrying.” But good god, the second Mat ran through those sliding glass doors in an utter panic, hair wild no doubt from pulling it throughout the entire drive to the hospital, eyes and nose and cheeks pink from crying, lips parted and shoulders rising and falling as he attempted to catch his breath… you realized how wrong you’d been. 
You could handle the pain this would inflict upon you. But seeing Mat suffering just as much… that made you want to crawl in a hole and never see the light of day again. And since that moment, after he’d gathered you in his arms, you’d tried your damndest to avoid making eye contact with him altogether. 
He was sad because of you. Mourning because of you. Depressed and angry and sick and childless because of you. 
And that was simply too much to bear. 
So it was nearly an hour since he’d gotten there and you had yet to look him in the face again. And while looking him in the face was killing you, you not looking him in the face was killing him. 
Nobody won in this situation. It was a lose-lose-lose. 
“Honey, look at me. Please look at me?” Mat begged from your side. 
Unsurprisingly, he was met with silence, and no motion.
“It’s not your fault. Alright? It’s not your fault, babe,” he said firmly, squeezing your hand. “I need you to hear that.”
More silence. It wasn’t even that you wouldn’t speak, it was that you simply couldn’t. 
Mat sighed, using his free hand to swipe at the never-ending tears streaming down his cheeks. Then, he trailed his palm along the length of your arm. 
“You can be as quiet as you want for as long as you want, baby, because this is an awful fucking thing that’s just happened to us, to you,” he spoke, voice wavering. “But I’m gonna keep talking because I’ve gotta make sure you know that this isn’t because of anything you did, or didn’t do. Like the doctor said, these things happen for reasons we’ll never know. And I’m not upset with you. I’m not mad at you. I could never be mad at you. I love you.” 
You closed your eyes, swearing your eyelids were suddenly outfitted with weights. It was all sinking in… the reality of it, the heaviness, the emptiness. You just wanted to sleep.
You finally opened your mouth, feeling how dry and cotton it had become. You didn’t have the strength to debate him on why this had happened, how it had to be your fault somehow, but you mustered enough to give him what you knew he needed. 
“I love you,” you whispered, unnerved by how weak and small your own voice sounded in the sterile room. 
Behind you, you heard Mat rise up from the uncomfortable vinyl chair. He bent over you, pushing some hair back from your damp face, and pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, relieved and grateful to have gotten any response, any sign of human function, from you at all. Then, he patted your shoulder and said the very thing you’d been dreading.
“Come on… let’s go home.”
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
You were bigger than the whole sky
You were more than just a short time…
Mat didn’t know how he’d found himself in the nursery or how long he'd been there, but after laying with you in your bed and softly stroking your hair as you finally fell into a much-needed slumber, that’s where his aimless wandering had eventually led. He didn’t bother to turn on the light; the afternoon sun streaming through the still untreated windows cast a golden glow on everything in the room. 
It had once felt so cozy, a representation of all that the two of you had to look forward to in the weeks and months to come. He loved sitting in the room all alone when he arrived home from a road trip, late at night when you were already sound asleep, dreaming about who your baby would look like, what they would sound like, who they would someday grow to be. 
With you losing your pregnancy so soon into it, the material items in the room were still few. As he ran his fingertips along the covers of the gifted copies of “Goodnight, Moon,” “On The Night You Were Born,” and “Love You Forever,” and over the stuffed Sparky the Dragon next to them on the shelf, his eyes filled with fresh tears, realizing that he would never get to snuggle his first baby earthside, read to them with Sparky tucked in their lap. He leaned wearily against the railing of the crib he had just put together mere days ago, and as he looked toward the tiny “13” jersey laying on the still plastic-wrapped mattress, a sob escaped his throat and he let himself fall completely apart for the very first time, without needing to remind himself to hold it together in your presence. He turned and sunk down to the floor, leaning against the solid oak frame of the crib, and buried his head in his hands, crying as he never had in all his life.
Eventually, there would be conversations about the next steps to take for your health, whether or not to try again, and when, and whether to leave the nursery as it was or pack it up until, hopefully, you were pregnant once more. But for now, there was just sheer sadness as you and Mat grieved the little one that just wasn’t to be. 
And I've got a lot to pine about
I've got a lot to live without
I'm never gonna meet
What could've been, would've been
What should've been you…
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ourladyofomega ¡ 4 months ago
Will a 9, 20, 32, and 35 do? 🦉
@polvo-lunar draws the winning numbers!
# 9: Do you like dancing?
I used to and didn't do much of it at all. A couple of super-rare dance club nights and salsa-dancing with my then-g.f., and that was that. I don't see the point in doing it myself nowadays because I wasn't really into it to begin with.
#20: Do you make / listen to your own playlists, or do you just shuffle all songs?
I shuffle songs when I'm on the train to the city or at the gym. I stuff a few hundred songs in my iPhone for the ride (whatever they'd be or where they're from) then randomize my plays from start to finish, and viola!...I have a playlist for the day. For the gym, it gets reversed. I grab what already works (synthwave, industrial, hardcore, etc.) and gets shuffled afterward.
I make seasonal playlists for myself every three months. Those are ones I always listen to that helps me remember people, places, and experiences. They're also the basis of some personal stories I write. I also make playlists for my radio show and they're all posted on @omegaradiowusb. I'm almost at 400. It's a perfect place for everyone to see what I find / play and how I'm on top of what's going on across multiple genres. And speaking of:
#32: Your least favorite music genre?
I'll start by saying this, but the later-Nineties was not a good era for music. Britney Spears, Limp Bizkit, and N*Sync came out. Alternative was no longer recognizable to me. Pop and club hits were at is worst and least innovative. It was all industry and sounded plastic. Another genre started to pick up steam and that was 3rd-wave ska.
I heard it being name-checked all the time but was somewhat kept in the dark about it. When that came up, it made elitist dicks out of many people who thought they were above all and everybody. Why? Because those people were into the originals (Specials, The Selecter) and felt threatened when bandwagoners got into 'industry' bands like Less Than Jake, Goldfinger, and Reel Big Fish and called it ska. I finally leaned into it to hear what all the hype was about, and I'm like "this is it? Circus music?" It was ridiculously silly and too McDonald's for me. I immediately jumped off of it and got back to my regularly-scheduled hardcore. I’ve had interactions with the keepin’-it-reals and I, too, always thought they came across as bottom-line all-important assholes in general who were extremely passionate of protecting the sanctity of their real-deal clown car anthems. These checkerboard cadets had their noses up to the sky when they weren’t looking down on me because I didn't like it. And I think to myself: "this is what you’re so up-in-the-ass about?"
But, that was the final spike in the iron maiden for Nineties tunes. I know we all have to start somewhere, but it's so bad on all counts that I couldn't take ska (save for bands like The Selecter and Specials) and those pompous high-horses seriously.
#35: Do you play music while taking a shower?
I play music while I sleep, wake up, and check my d.m.'s before getting ready for my in-home shift. I play and audition all my music finds after my shift is over. I played music during when I worked at retail. I play music while driving and taking the train to the city and back. I also play music when I'm gaming, go food shopping, at the gym, and at the radio station when I do my broadcast.
The only time I don't play music is when I'm showering. Good one. ;)
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carolmunson ¡ 2 years ago
starting from zero, got nothing to lose (eddie munson x ofc)
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part I Eddie Munson makes it out of the Upside Down, and a year and some change later makes it out of Hawkins. Knee deep in the '89 NYC metal scene and working at a boxing gym in Brooklyn, Eddie wonders if he'll ever find his footing running from Hawkins. With only some phones calls to sustain his friendships back home, will he be able to let go for the long haul? Or will his past in Hawkins eventually catch up with him? AN: Back in June I started writing vignettes of this story as it came to me and am still developing it. I have plot ideas that need refining, but like, at least 20 pages of content for this story already. I've had to do a lot of research to make it as time period accurate as possible. I've lived in NYC for 12 years but wasn't alive in the 80s so I'm doing my best.
This first chapter is mostly exposition and background but our guy is a lil' sassy towards the end. The OFC does have descriptors, but whatever imagine her however you'd like.
I think the only TW is drug use and drug mention in this chapter but I'll be vigilant for any more. Lastly, if you're under 18, please don't read this shit.
New York City December 29th, 1989
It was a cold night. The subways were empty with holiday shopping finally over and the short lull between Christmas and New Years tourists had arrived. Eddie sat with his legs spread out wide on the bench of the train. One hand drummed out the beat of Dr. Feelgood on his knee, the other on the switchblade in his vest pocket. He only had to use it once since he came to the city, but it never hurt to have it ready to go. 
He didn’t like the subway. Not because of the graffiti, that was metal. Not because of the homeless sleeping on the train cars or asking him for money. Not because he already had a beat up truck he could drive instead. It was because when it was late at night, and it was just him, the little flicker of the overhead lights made him nervous. Like once they shut off, they’d shut off forever and he’d wake up still stuck in the…
“Hey man, you got a dollar?” a raspy voice asked, holding a hand out. Eddie looked up and gave the guy a quick once over. He looked rough – hunched over and dried out. The dirt caked in his nails looked like it had been there for years. 
“Sure man, yeah,” he fumbled a bit for his wallet, pulling at the chain on his pants. He slipped out a couple bills and handed them over, “Be safe tonight, okay?” 
“God Bless,” the man murmured while shuffling away, “Happy New Year.” 
Eddie looked out the window of the car, they still hadn’t pulled out of York Street. The trip from Gleason’s to Delancey was only a stop across the boroughs, but it sometimes felt like hours to make it into the city from Brooklyn. He caught his reflection in the window, still him – but a couple years weathered. The shine had dulled out of his eyes, only lighting up when the phone in his apartment rang because he knew it would be Dustin and the gang. His hair was the same curly, wavy, frizzy mess it always was. Calluses and scabs on his knuckles contrasted against his gun metal rings. 
After leaving Hawkins in the Fall of ‘87, he spent a lot of time sleeping in his Uncle Wayne’s truck while working odd jobs in different Ohio and Pennsylvania towns so he could make enough money to head out to New York. He wanted to go to all the places he read about in Metallix, Rock Scene, and Punk Magazine. Maybe he’d meet the Ramones or something, or THE fucking Ozzy after a show. He wanted to get out of all the small towns so at least he could be a freak in a big city full of other freaks. But if you wanted to be a freak in Ohio and Pennsylvania, you needed to know how to fight.
It took him some time to recover after getting out of the Upside Down, he spent over a year in Hopper’s cabin in a makeshift hospital bed. The only good side about the end of the world in Hawkins is that everyone thought he was dead; so they weren’t looking for a satanic killer on the loose anymore. The downside was trying to figure out where they were going to find him a blood supply. It worked out but just barely. Then there was the whole, learning to be a person again. When he started getting stronger, he told Hopper his plan to leave, and Hopper taught him the basics. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. His stance, how to move, how to breathe, how to block. He was kicking himself for not learning sooner. 
The kids were able to snag his school records, Wayne brought all of his cassettes, documents, and his guitar Lucy who survived the trip from another dimension. His uncle gave him $400 dollars, Wayne’s entire savings, and his beat up truck. 
“Call when you can,” he said in a firm hug before Eddie left – but Wayne passed away a few months later from a heart attack. It killed him not to go to the funeral. 
He ended up in the city around the same time last year, came across Gleason’s Gym during a fight and asked for a job as a janitor the same night. Something about watching boxing matches gave him the same excitement he got whenever he heard a solid guitar solo. He didn’t want to get in the ring or spar or anything, he just wanted to be around some of that chaos…and the girls helped, too. Girls always helped. Bruce, the owner, said he’d only let the manager give him a raise if he got his GED – and so maybe ‘86 wasn’t his year, but ‘88 had shaped up to be.  
The pay wasn’t amazing, but he wasn’t sleeping in his car long. Eddie was good at a lot of things, cleaning up blood and spit, fixing cars, he could play guitar, and most importantly, he was really, really good at selling cocaine. He was quick to be picked up for selling, his look helped, but he made sure to find a supplier with quality. It wasn’t Hawkins, so there weren’t many positives in selling shitty drugs in NYC — just a lot of split lips and black eyes. He did his best in metal bars, music venues, and out of Gleason’s. A lot of the guys used it to stay lean and keep their weight class. This came in handy any time he heard a complaint in the men’s locker room. That’s where Tony came in the picture. 
The train screeched into Delancey and Essex and he swung himself on the pole off the train, a patched up leather satchel slamming up against his hip as he did. The sound of pills shaking in the bag distracted a few passers by but he shook off the stares, it was nothing at this point. Eddie got out of the subway into the chilled December night, lit a cigarette, and made his way to his next job. 
Tony Cardalino, or more affectionately known as Tone, came to Gleason’s a few months ago to train. Tone was like him: shaggy brown hair, bandana in his back pocket, battle jacket – the works. He was about five inches taller than him, built like a tank, a good fighter, and overall a lot more intimidating than Eddie ever was. Chrissy’s ‘ You’re not what I thought you’d be ,’ rang through his head the first time he had a conversation with him. 
“Aw nice pin, dude,” Tony said one night in the locker room while Eddie took off his coverall at the end of his shift, “I feel like the new kids don’t give WASP their respect.” 
That night they went through a pack of Marlboros together outside, talking about bands and Eddie still finding his footing in the city. He told him about the first time he went to CBGB and L’Amour, Tony told him all the good places to have sex with chicks there. He took the biggest interest in Eddie’s dealing. Tone’s second cousin was connected to the mob, a solid hit man, until he was the hit – so his bar ‘Skid’ on Avenue B needed a new supplier. Eddie wasn’t about to pass up another opportunity to make money, so he took him up on the offer. He’d go to Skid after Gleason’s and bring his inventory with him. 
“Just don’t let Ron catch ya,” he confessed, “You’d think those bartenders and bitches are too busy, but they see everything .”
“Is Ron a pig, or a narc or something?” Eddie asked, a little flash of fear striking through his chest. 
Tony laughed, “Nah, Ronnie’s just off that shit. Not really into the whole drug thing anymore and when Paulie got put in the river it shook everybody up. But Ron’ll deck ya if you get caught and it's a hell of an uppercut.” 
Now, Eddie had heard of Skid, but it had been rumored among some metal heads that it was more of a hard rock bar than a metal bar so he hadn’t visited. There were places closer to his apartment he’d been hanging out at anyway. But ever since Tony’s uncle overdosed and it was left to Tony to run, things had taken a more metal turn… supposedly . 
He pulled open the door, covered in stickers aside from the little opening for the ‘Come in! We’re open!’ sign. His hopes dashed a little as Led Zeppelin's ‘Black Dog’ blared through the speakers. In the ‘Is Led a metal band?’ debate, Eddie was staunchly against the idea – but all around Skid seemed like one of the places to be, even if it was a little quiet for a Friday. He guessed people were out of town or maybe still spending time with their families – whatever that means. He scoped the place out and saw Tony’s described ‘bitches’ manning the bar much to his relief. After finding a dark corner to settle in, he took a seat, keeping his bag open discreetly next to him.
All the booths, tables, and the bartop were dark cherry wood that looked black in the low lighting save for a little platform stage in the back, littered with amps and a drum set. Red leather upholstery looked worn and weathered from years of bar fights and the weight girls sitting on laps. Beer stains and cigarette burns. There were signed posters and photos all over the walls, two autographed Gibson’s hung over the bar with fishing wire. Ripped stickers and dollar bills with lipstick marks stuck to the back splash, lacy bras hung from the ceiling over the stage. It felt like a warm hug, he felt more at home than he had in months.
“Okay, well now that that shit’s over we’re gonna play Angel of Death by Suh-layerrrr,” a patron said lazily over the mic on the platform while his band set up. The crowd in the bar rowdily cheered. He had a beautiful Fender, Eddie almost purred in his throat when it glinted in the hazy red stage lights. He couldn’t pay attention long though, because with the band as a distraction, his customers slid by him one right after the other. The swap of baggies and bills felt like a waltz to him now he was so used to it, tucking the money into his sleeve and dropping it in the open satchel. He knew Tony had let word spread on who to look out for, but he wasn’t expecting this much in sales in one night. 
To not bring too much attention to himself, he closed his bag up after a few songs from the band and maneuvered over to an empty stool at the end of the bar. He slung the bag on one of the purse hooks under the bar’s lip (which he was surprised they had installed) and turned his attention back towards the stage. Nodding his head in time with the beat, crossing his arms across his chest – he tried to catch a glimpse of Tony just about anywhere, but he hadn’t seen him since he arrived.
“You gonna order something handsome, or do ya just like the view?” he heard a woman’s voice ask over his shoulder. He turned on the stool, face to face with a barmaid who was leaning in close to hear his answer. He looked up at her, taking in her details. Little leather bustier, big denim vest riddled with patches and pins, jeans that were just tight enough. The standard type at bars like this, tits out and everything. She had brown eyes with too much mascara lashes and big brown Farah Fawcett hair. He could smell her cherry flavored Lip Smackers from the stool. Checked all the boxes, down to the Debbie Harry smoky eye. 
“Oh,” he started, flashing her a smile and resting his chin on his hand, “Definitely the view.” Eddie had flirted his way into plenty of free shots with girls like her before, it was his favorite sport. She let a little puff of air out of her nose and leaned down onto her forearms. 
“What can I get you?” she asked, matching his posture. 
“I don’t know, what do you like?” he asked back, making a little show of slipping his eyes to her cleavage and then back up at her. She caught his stare and gave him a wink before slamming two tumblers down in front of them. I’m sure you do that to all the guys, he thought to himself. She poured two generous shots of Jack Daniels, picking up her glass and waiting for him to pick up his. 
“I always like to toast before I do a shot with a stranger,” she flirted, “Especially ones like you.” He was so easily intoxicated by women these days and this was no exception, his mouth ran dry at her attention. 
“What are we toasting to?” he asked in a low voice one hand on his drink and dropping the other down on the bar. With her free hand she reached slowly toward him, delicately placing his chin in her hand. He could feel the tips of her almond acrylics graze his skin.
She got nose to nose with him, Eddie could smell her perfume mixed with sweat and cigarette smoke. Her lips parted, hovering over his – his heart was thumping in his ears so hard it was drowning out the drums. 
“To me never catching you slinging that shit in my bar again. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you need to get the fuck out of here,” she hissed through gritted teeth. He blanched and sputtered. Was this a set up? Was he not at the right bar? Her nails dug into his chin as she threatened him, “Cause if not, I’ll call the fuckin’ owner out here and he knows the fuckin’ mob. Better yet, I’ll kick your fuckin’ ass myself.” 
Eddie panicked, dropping the shot on the bar with a clink! Fuck, shit, shit, shit – 
The ‘fucking owner’ that kne the mob was Tony. Eddie let out a snicker of relief, but it came out snarky. He took her wrist and pulled his face out of her nails, feeling the indents on his skin as he ran his other hand over his chin.  He leaned onto his knuckles over the bar, looking down to face her directly,
“You must be Ron.” 
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iwaizumis-bitch ¡ 3 years ago
Pervert ushiwaka please!! omg I love your works!!
notes: yes YES I LOVE THIS CONCEPT and thank u so much <333 also yall literally make my day when u say anything in my inbox please do i promise u ill reply
part two
ushijima wakatoshi x female reader (timeskip)
content warnings: nsfw mdni, flashing, non con groping, stalking tendencies, non con voice recording, oral; m receiving
word count: 797
pervert!ushijima who wasn’t a pervert. he always respected women and never dared to look at them in an obscene way, until you came along. you in your tight shirt, buttons almost popping off at how tight the shirt was taut around your chest. his eyes couldn’t help but find their way back onto your tits every time he looked away. not to mention the way they almost fell out when you’d bend over.
pervert!ushijima who, as the teams starting outside hitter, was eager to get to know you, always lending a helping hand. he lived for when your fingertips would brush when you pass him a bottle. such a good little manager, you were. always bending yourself over to pick up a stray volleyball, giving all the boys more motivation to keep practicing with a flash of your panties.
pervert!ushijima who always sat next to you on the bus to games. he knew you preferred the window seat, and he was happy that way nobody except him was close to you. and when you fell asleep on his shoulder, he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity of feeling up for sexy body. especially when nobody could see. his hand would graze over your cunt through the track pants, feeling your throbbing core ache at his touch as you snored.
pervert!ushijima who noticed how flustered you got over everything. when fukuro’s eyes would wink at you after admiring your figure, or when kageyama when bite his lip whenever you talked to him, staring at your own. you always had the same reaction. your cheeks turned pink as you pulled you lips into a thin line, trying to calm yourself.
pervert!ushijima who always offered to drive you home after practice. he knew you loved his car, and loved seeing you blush. he had written in his notes which apartment was yours, and often sent flowers or other gifts anonymously. of course he wouldn’t send you such gifts without a win for him, so he did occasionally (every time) slip in a little voice recorder so he could just hear your voice. whether you were just talking on the phone, or desperately rubbing on your clit and moaning, wakatoshi was on the other side with his cock in his hand.
pervert!ushijima who stayed late to practice his serves, and you were such a good manager offering to help him by passing him the stray balls. he insisted you wait in his car whilst he showers so he can drive you home after, so you did. you quickly realised you forgot your phone, which was now out of your bag and sat on the bleachers. you quickly fetched it, when you heard a door open next to you. your eyes shot up, as you thought the gym was locked.
your mouth dropped open at the sight of naked ushijima. standing there, water dripping from his hair onto his toned chest, down his prominent v line to his...
his cock. you gulped at it, blinking rapidly. he was a got 8 inches, and thick too. and he was hard. it was slapped up against his stomach, red and veiny.
your eyes flicked up to his own, which were already on yours, a small smirk playing on his lips.
‘will you help me, y/n?’, 
you gasped as his tip hit the side of your face, pre cum oozing out. you shuffled your knees to get more comfortable. you moved your pupils to look at him, breathing in sharply at his look of desperation.
he shuffled forward, guiding his cock to your lips as he painted the pre cum on your lips like lipgloss.
‘pretty’, he muttered lowly as you looked up at him, tongue poking out between your lips.
you felt a large hand caress the back of your head harshly, and that was your signal to move your head forward, taking wakatoshi’s thick cock into your warm mouth.
you squeezed your eyes shut, too embarrassed to look up at the man sitting in front of you. you heard soft groans leaving his lips as you bobbed your head forward, his tip hitting the back of your mouth.
your throat instinctively clenched around the foreign object as choking noises came out of your mouth.
‘that’s my girl’, you heard wakatoshi mutter from above you.
you peered up at him through your lashes as you brought your head forward more until most of his cock was down your throat.
your eyes were still on his when you started to slowly bob your head back and forth, hearing the deep-voiced man groan so highly above you
your cheeks were hollowed as you felt his hips stutter. your looked up, eyes half lidded as you felt him cum down your throat. 
‘what a good fucking manager’
i honestly didnt like this but its been in my drafts for a while and i wanted to post so hope u like it
reblogs and likes are always appreciated <3333 my inbox is open for requests!!
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sinner-as-saint ¡ 4 years ago
Crawling Back To You.
Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Run-through: Bucky Barnes had a lot on his plate at the moment. Regrets, fears, nightmares and desperately trying to do the right things to make up for his past as the Winter Soldier. Amongst those things, barely anything made him truly happy, or safe or loved. None did actually - except for you. He met you at a bar once and since then, you’ve been his sanctuary. You both knew he wasn’t quite ready to be in a relationship, yet you were always there with open arms whenever he needed a friend, a shoulder to lean on, or someone to help him take his mind off things. Be it a nightmare, or memories from the past coming to haunt him, or any major or minor inconvenience, the super soldier would find himself turning to you for help. 
Themes: angst, fluff, smut
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He woke up on the floor, covered in cold sweat. 
The flashbacks of the nightmares kept resurfacing until it finally faded again. Faded, not truly gone because he knew they’d be back tomorrow again - his past coming to haunt him. He sighed and squinted at the screen in front of him. 
The T.V was on, playing reruns of a show he did not care about. He simply needed the noise to help him fall asleep. The quiet and silence was his own personal hell, so he always needed some sort of background noise to help him out. 
Bucky tried getting some sleep again; tossing and turning on the wooden flooring but he couldn’t fall back asleep. His mind was racing, too many thoughts at once. He checked the time, the clock read 1 a.m. He could go on a run, but he didn’t really feel like it. He could go to the gym, but he didn’t feel like working out either. 
He needed something. An escape, a friend. You, he needed you. 
Bucky reached for his phone, and a few taps later he was calling you. He knew it was late but you somehow always picked up his calls no matter what the time was. The rings later, he heard your voice speak up from the other end. 
“Buck?” You sounded sleepy, but not like he had woken you up, you sounded like you were about to fall asleep. 
He closed his eyes and sighed at the sound of your voice. He could picture you, all tucked in your comfy bed, surrounded by pillows and your soft blankets. Perhaps you had lost track of time because of a good book, or perhaps you were up late responding to emails for work. 
“Hey doll. Did I wake you up?” he asked, leaning back against the wall of his living room, his legs sprawled out on the floor in front of him. Only sometimes did he feel like he was taking advantage of your kindness, but then again he could be selfish when it came to you. You were his, and that’s that. 
You let out a little laugh. “Of course not, Bucky. I was just finishing up some work.” He could hear your sheets shuffling, “Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?” you asked, softly. 
Bucky told you he did. Then he went on to tell you exactly what he had dreamt of. Sometimes he felt like he was opening up more to you than his shrink. But truth is, you made him feel like he was more than just a broken soldier, or a problem who needed to be remedied or fixed. You made him feel like he was human after all. 
“I… I’m trying to fall back asleep but…” his voice trailed off. He didn’t have to say it, you understood perfectly. He knew you did. 
Then he heard his favorite words coming from you, “Come over Buck, I’m waiting.” 
He wasted no time in getting up from the floor and getting dressed. Dark jeans, shirt, jacket and not to forget his gloves. Sometimes he wondered why he felt so giddy when you asked him to come over, which was almost every night. He wondered what it would be like to come home to you every night instead, had it been a perfect world. He always felt like he was clinging to you too much, for everything. But then you always told him that you didn’t mind. You told him you loved his company. 
He grabbed his helmet before stepping out of his apartment. There was a light drizzle outside but he didn’t care, he just needed to be with you. He got down the stairs and then rushed to start his mean bike and then rushed to your apartment building. You lived in a much nicer part of the city than he did, and he often wondered why you were putting up with someone like him when you could have a man who would give you a life you’ve always dreamt of. He often asked you that, but you always just smiled at him, you never answered. 
On his way up to your floor, he couldn’t help but feel all warm in the elevator. He counted down the seconds till he could see you. He often slept over at your place, he loved it. Cuddling, making love, followed by lazy mornings, him trying to get you to not go to work and spend the day with him instead. He loved how you made him feel. 
He knocked on your door, already taking off his gloves because he needed to feel your skin against his. Your body heat made him feel so much better. He heard you unlocking the door from the other side and not even a second later, he saw your pretty face smiling at him. Dressed in silk PJ shorts and a t-shirt, you looked breathtakingly beautiful even at one thirty in the morning. 
“Hello there,” you greeted him, smirking. “That was fast.” You teased, opening the door wider to let him in. 
He smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him and pulling you in for a hug immediately. You felt his slightly damp and cold jacket press against you but you hugged him back tightly anyways. 
“I needed to see you.” He mumbled, pressing his face into your neck. 
“I know.” 
You and Bucky ended up in your bed, cuddling under the blankets. He loved the dimmed night light you always had on, knowing that he hated being in complete darkness. He loved how cozy your room was, how spacious and airy but also warm and comfortable. 
The large window by your bed showed a lovely view of the city lights, which were right now blurred by the foggy glass, thanks to the light drizzle earlier. He could tell that the air was cold outside, but in here with you everything was just right. 
He had stripped down to just his boxers and he laid his head on your chest, his face facing away from yours, while you played with his hair and occasionally ran your hand down his back, scratching his skin lightly. His cold metal arm lazily ran up and down your thighs and he noticed the goosebumps on your skin that he was causing. 
He could hear your steady heartbeats and that was his favorite sound in the entire world. It calmed him down. 
You looked down, smiling softly at the sight of the muscular soldier using you as a human pillow. You could hear him let out quiet moans as you gently scratched his scalp. You still remembered the first time you two met, at a bar. 
It was late on a winter night, and the nearby bar was rather empty; just a few people here and there. And a certain muscular man in a dark leather jacket caught your eye. He was sitting at the counter, and you were in one of the booths. Eventually, you got up and decided to go talk to him. 
You recognized him immediately. Ex-Winter Soldier, Captain America’s best friend, James Buchanan Barnes.
Small talks turned into a couple more rounds of beers. He was a little off and awkward at first but he loosened up eventually. He even walked you back to your car, not wanting you to be alone in the dark, foggy and empty parking lot. 
That was the first time he kissed you, right before he opened the door of your car for you. 
“Will I see you again?” He asked, high off the adrenaline which coursed through his veins ever since you kissed him back. 
“Of course you will. Good night, James.” You kissed his cheek before getting into your car and driving off. 
A smile formed on your face as you thought of that night. “Do you remember the first time we met?” You asked softly. 
Bucky turned his face to you, placing his head back on your chest. He was so close that all you needed to do was to lean in a little to kiss his soft, pink lips. 
He smiled. “Yeah, why?” 
“No reason, I just wanted you to remember it.” 
Bucky chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss on your skin, right above your breasts. “You’ve been awfully quiet. What is it?” 
You just smiled at him, “Nothing. You’ve been awfully quiet too.” And judging by the look in his eyes, you could already tell there was something else to his silence. “What is it?” 
He was quiet. 
Sighing, you flipped the two of you around; straddling his waist while he laid comfortably against your multiple pillows. 
“Buck, tell me.” You pressed your palms against his chest to hold yourself up. 
“Sam needs my help with something. Another bad guy, another mission, another fight. Same old.” He sounded indifferent. 
You couldn’t blame him. He had been fighting for decades, non-stop. He had lost so much while doing so, but he also didn’t know how to deal with the calm, and silence and the quiet. There was so much he needed to figure out about himself still. 
“Do you not wanna go?” 
He smiled faintly as he lazily rubbed up and down your exposed thighs. “It’s my job, I have to. Innocent people will be hurt if I don’t. I want to help them.” 
“Then what’s the issue?” 
“I’ll have to leave you behind for a little while.” He didn’t want to. He didn’t know how to be away from you anymore because he hadn’t been for months now. The thought of not being able to hold you close at night and having your heartbeats lull him to sleep was scary.
You smiled down at him. “I’ll be here when you come back, Bucky.” 
He reached out and cupped your face with his metal hand. “And what if you find someone better while I’m gone?” 
You frowned down at him. “Where does that come from?” 
He gently stroked your cheek. “I’m just saying. You deserve someone a little more… normal.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Normal is boring, you seem perfectly fine to me.” 
He chuckled. “Why do you put up with me, doll?” It was a rhetorical question, he didn’t expect an answer because he had asked you this countless number of times but you never gave him a reply before. 
However, you did this time. “Because I’m in love with you, James Buchanan Barnes.” You had been meaning to tell him this for a while now. “You don’t have to say it back, I just needed you to know that no one’s ever gonna replace you. I love you.” 
He was a little surprised, his heart raced as he processed everything. How could someone as gentle, kind and beautiful like you fall for someone as broken as him? “Doll… I…” 
You leaned down to kiss his forehead. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You giggled, then pulled away to look at him. “You deserve all the good things in this world, Buck. You deserve to be loved, and cared for. And if you’d let me, I’d love to show you that.” 
You carefully pressed your lips to his, kissing him with all the love you had. His metal hand held you at the back of your neck and the other wrapped around your waist. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss; turning your mind into a foggy mess for a little while before he pulled away and stared deep into your eyes. 
You reached out and gently caressed his face, Bucky leaned into your touch. “I’m gonna miss you.” He mumbled. 
“When do you leave?” You asked. 
“Tomorrow, perhaps.” 
You leaned in for a kiss again, accidentally brushing your crotch against his erection; making him smirk through the kiss as he pulled you even closer. You purposely moved against him while you kissed him again deeply. 
Bucky soon flipped the two of you back around and settled in between your legs, kissing down your neck. “I’m gonna miss making love to you almost every night.” He whispered against your skin. His voice alone sent chills down your back, and made you feel all sorts of warm and tingly feelings inside. 
Bucky movements were gentle and slow as he took your clothes off, making sure you were both under the warm covers still; kissing you occasionally as he undressed you, and caressed your body as you squirmed under him. 
He kissed his way down your body, until his face was right in between your legs. You moaned as he parted your legs and placed a kiss on your inner thigh, pulling your underwear down your legs and kissing his way back to your wet folds. You threw your head back, and bit your lip; whining when you felt his tongue teasing you gently. The warmth of his mouth was driving you insane. 
His tongue gently teased your clit while his fingers slipped inside of you; stroking you gently while you arched your back off the surface of your bed as the pleasure became slightly overwhelming. You whimpered and squirmed under him as his tongue moved perfectly against you.
He had you coming undone all over his tongue and his fingers in no time, and he licked you clean when he was done. Kissing his way up your body again. “I’m gonna miss your taste.” He was shameless enough to whisper it in your ear; making you blush. 
His hands roamed around your body, touching you wherever he could, until he finally cupped your core and rubbed the sensitive skin around your swollen clit – making you shudder under him. You whined as he slipped his metal fingers past your entrance yet again. His head dipped into your neck and he licked and bit around your skin until he found your sweet spot. “And I’m gonna miss your warmth.” 
“Buck…” You moaned quietly as he replaced his fingers with his cock. 
He placed his mouth on top of yours again, to swallow your whimpers and moans as he pushed his cock into you. His breathing got shallow again as he pushed himself fully into you. He lifted his head and watched you grimace in pleasure and pain as his cock stretched you to your maximum. He watched you in awe as your lips parted and you moaned his name once he filled you up nicely. 
You whined as he slowly slipped out of you completely, before slamming back into you with a slightly bigger force. 
He groaned at the feel of your walls wrapped around him, squeezing and clenching around him. You heard him swear and felt him bite down on your lip as he sped up into you. He tugged on your lips and he started moving his hips; rocking into you slowly, then gradually increasing his speed. Your back arched off the surface of the bed again and your chest pressed to his.  
“I’m gonna miss watching you squirm under me…” he whispered, “as I pleasure you like no one ever will.” He moaned into your ear. “You’re mine.” 
You were a moaning mess under him in no time. There was something about the way he kissed you, deeply and passionately; as though he was scared you might just get away from him.
He worshipped your body. He mumbled how good you felt in your ear, groaning as you bucked your hips to meet each one of his thrusts as well. He kissed you roughly as he pounded into you; his metal fingers wrapped around your throat. He fucked you raw and relentlessly, watching how your face morphed into frowns of pleasure. 
He pressed his forehead on yours; looking down to where your bodies connected so intimately. Then he pulled away to look into your eyes with that animalistic, primal and fiery look in his eyes. His lips parted as he panted while he fucked you like he owned you.
“You’re gonna miss me too aren’t you, doll?” 
You nodded, whining in pleasure. He smirked. His hand left your neck and slid in between your connected bodies and furiously rubbed your clit, earning a loud moan out of you. “Say it, baby. Tell me how much you’re gonna miss my cock buried deep inside you…” 
You couldn’t talk as the pressure in between your legs became too much to handle, and you craved for release. He noticed and slipped his tongue back into your mouth one last time and took your bottom lip between his teeth again.
“Come on, cum for me… doll,” he swore as he felt you clench around him perfectly. You came hard around him, moaning and whimpering under him as he finished right after you; kissing your swollen lips deeply as he came.
He pushed his face into the crook of your neck as he caught his breath. And you cradled his head; panting as well. Your fingers gently massaged his scalp as he calmed his racing heart. A few moments later, he shifted all his weight right on top of you making you laugh as you tried to scoot out from under him. 
He groaned and pulled you closer. “Come here.” He pressed you against his body and wrapped his arms around. “I love you too, doll. So much.” 
You buried your face into his chest, inhaling his scent. “I’m gonna miss you. All of you.” You lifted your head up to look at him smiling down at you. “Come back fast.” 
He chuckled. “You know I will. No matter where I go, I’ll always come crawling back to you.”
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bonniebird ¡ 3 years ago
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Billy x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Warnings: Baby / trouble used as a nickname, fingers, implications of sex, 
It was hot. So hot that you shuffled down the corridor towards Billy, cheeks puffed out as you flapped the edge of your sundress to try and create a breeze. “What’s wrong with you, trouble?” Billy muttered as you stopped short of him and pouted up at him.
“Billy.” You said his name with a whine to it. The sticky sweet tone, always able to get him to cave into what you wanted, especially if used with a pout and bated eyes. “Can you give me a ride home today? Steve was going to but he wanted to go to this special basketball game before graduation so he can't and it’s so hot!” You whined. Billy leaned on the lockers next to you and smiled.
“It’s so hot?” He teased and smiled when you pouted and nodded.
“It’s too hot to walk home.” You insisted in the same tone of voice. Billy grinned and nodded.
“Fine but you’ll have to wait. I’m going to the special game too.” Billy muttered. You complained as you followed him to the gym. He gave you his bag which held exactly one broken pen and a notebook then headed off into the changing rooms. You sat in the bleachers near a window that was open and every now and then wafted a breeze through the window. 
The members of the team that were graduating ended up playing against the new members while others cheered on from the side. Graduation was in a few days and you weren’t exactly interested in the game. You’d gone to a few and cheered Billy and Steve on but you weren't too invested. At least you hadn’t been until Billy glanced your way and winked at you. You had smiled and swallowed, feeling tingly in an odd way as you watched him hurry around, jostling Steve or barging people out of the way to get the ball. You squeezed your legs together and found yourself suddenly rather interested in what Billy was doing. At half time they took a break and he headed over to you, sweaty, larger than life as his tongue swiped over his lips, his necklace stuck to his sweaty skin. Someone was handing out cups of water and he downed a cup with his head thrown back as he finished it, exposing his neck. Your legs were firmly clamped together and you zoned out until Steve hurried up the bleachers.
“Hey! Billy said he was taking you home?” Steve said. His shirt was drenched in sweat and his hair stuck together in thick strands.
“Oh. Uhu.” You answered as you tried to gather your thoughts. 
“Ok. I’ll see you at graduation then.” He said and grinned as he got up and headed to the showers. Billy had headed inside already and came out with a few people who were patting him on the back or saying goodbye. He’d put his jeans on and a tight white T-shirt. He motioned for you to come down the bleachers and follow him as walked towards the double door exit and out to the car park.
“You ok?” Billy asked as he drove towards your house. It wasn’t too far from the Hargrove house just a few doors down. He normally parked outside of his house and waited for you to run down the road and get inside before going in himself. 
“I’m ok.” You mumbled. He shot you a dubious look but shrugged. When you didn’t get out as he pulled up outside the Hargrove house he cruised down the road as you stared down at your legs. When he pulled up on your drive behind your moms car and you didn’t get out he whistled sharply and waved his hand in front of your face.
“The heat break your brain or something?” Billy said when he got no response bar a hum. You jumped and practically shot out of your seat when a large hand slapped down on your thigh and wiggled your leg. You whipped your head round to look at Billy who raised his eyebrows. “You should go inside and get a drink. I think you have heat stroke.”
“I’m fine.” You insisted and got out, leaving your bag in the footwell as you hurried into the house. Your mom was on the couch in her work uniform. She was sitting in front of a rickety fan and watching something on TV. You shot through the house and went straight to your room, throwing yourself onto your bed. 
Billy, having grabbed your bag and headed to the door knocked and let himself in. “Hi Mrs (Y/L/N). (Y/N) forgot her bag.” He muttered and set the bag on the nearest arm chair.
“Oh. Thanks Billy. You know you can call me (Y/M/N). Oh. (Y/N) mentioned that you’d gotten a job at the pool for the summer but I was wondering if I could pay you something to help with the yardwork. I can’t keep on top of it and I wouldn’t trust (Y/N) with the lawnmower.” 
“Of course.” Billy said as he nodded and gave her the dazzling smile that only she seemed immune to. They arranged times and a price and she gave him the spare key to the garage. Which was how the entire summer after graduation, twice a week, Billy ended up working on the yard in his gym shorts, sweaty and making that tingly feeling rush over your body in a way you couldn’t explain. You’d follow him inside while he helped himself to a drink or some beer that had been bought and left in the fridge just for him. The silent wide eyed way you followed him around wasn’t unusual but without the constant chattering. 
It was at the start of the second month that he finally figured out what was happening. He was sorting weeds next to the house and heard a soft moan and gasp. Your low window was wide open due to the heat and your soft white curtains wafted in the breeze.
“Billy.” You whined needily. Curiously he looked through the window and found you still asleep, body writhing and squirming as if he was touching you. Soft gasped moans and high pitched noises came out of your mouth as you tossed and turned. Billy’s tongue darted over his lips as he watched you. Your hips lifted off the bed a little causing your slip shirt, he was certain one of his old ones he’d lost, revealing light pink cotton underwear with a tiny embroidered peach on the front. After a few moments he glanced away and towards the garden. He should leave and finish up but the high pitch needy noises, the desperate gasps and the way your body keened into his imagined touch was all making him uncomfortably hard. “Billy.” 
That tone of voice that had some kind of hold of him, that could convince him to change plans he wouldn’t for anyone else or give up the last of his cigarette money for you. It pulled him up through the window, over your desk as he scattered things in his wake. He could have just walked through the house to your room. He’d been welcome to come and go for years and knew where the spare key to the front and back door was hidden. He hurried across your room and leaned on the edge of your bed, one hand steadying himself next to your head and the other sliding down your inner thigh.
“(Y/N). Hey, wake up.” Billy said softly. He lay down, head propped on one hand and his hand stroking up and down your thigh. You woke sleepily and frowned as you blinked a lot and looked at him. One of your hands stoked down his chest and stomach, stopping just before his shorts. 
“I’m still sleeping?” You mumbled and closed your eyes. Billy chuckled and leaned so his lips brushed against your ear.
“No trouble, you're awake now.” Billy muttered. You turned to look at him, noses touching and frowned.
“But you were here in my dream and…” You trailed off as it dawned on you that he was in fact not the dream Billy from your mind and you stiffened next to him while Billy grinned gleefully.
“I was in your wet dream?” He asked and looked smug.
“No.” you said quickly. Billy frowned and then chuckled.
“Oh yeah what was happening in your dream that had you going, Uh, uh Billy, uh.” He mimicked the sounds you made and laughed when you pulled one of your pillows from under his head and whacked him with it.
“Stop!” You begged. Billy grinned and chuckled as he pulled the pillow from you and shoved it under his head while laying back. 
“I could help you out if you wanted.” Billy muttered. His rough fingertips were stroking up and down the soft flesh of your thigh as he looked down at your body.
“Help me how?” You asked. Billy rolled his eyes as the hand on your thigh squeezed and pulled your leg up to press against your chest then he leaned over and pulled at the edge of the light pink underwear to show the damp patch that had formed between your legs.
“You clearly need to get off after this dream about me. Fingers, mouth, dick, makes no difference to me.” Billy said and smiled when you huffed a little.
“Fingers doesn't work.” You mumbled as you moved your head lower so you didn’t have to look him in the eye. He leaned up on one arm and looked as if the idea of you dreaming about him and not being able to get off upset him.
“You don’t get off when you touch yourself?” He asked almost gently. You shook your head and flashed him the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes you’d ever given him. “Show me and I’ll try and help you feel better.” 
It didn’t take any more encouragement from Billy. One of your hands slid under the waistband of your soft cotton underwear and between your folds. Billy leaned his head on yours, sliding an arm under your head while the other hand reached down so a finger could pull at the waistband of your underwear allowing him to watch your hand. Frustration quickly scrunched up across your face as you made unsatisfied noises and reluctantly gave up as Billy reached down to pull your hand away. He brought your finger to his lips and licked the slick from it.
“Well if you go at it like that you’re not going to get anywhere.” Billy muttered as he released your fingers from his mouth and looked down at you. You were watching him curiously as he sighed and leaned down. “Shall I show you what to do?”
When you nodded he shifted, pulling your shirt up above your chest. He reached over to take your hand and slowly slid it up your body as he brought it to rest over your breasts. He guided your hand to stroke and squeezed over the soft flesh. Every now and then his calloused fingers would brush over the supple fesh making you gasp quietly or your legs squeeze tighter together. Guiding your fingers he had you gently twist and stroke over your nipples until they hardened under the touch. He pulled your hand away and leaned down to take one of them into your mouth. His tongue swiped flatly against the bud and his teeth grazed lightly as he pulled away. He let you guide his hand down to your covered gore as you started to grind against his palm. After a while you started to make frustrated little noises and he pulled away. 
“You need to get off baby?” He asked softly. You nodded, eyes a little watery and brow furrowed with frustration.
“Uhu. It aches Billy.” You whined. He frowned though he looked playfully concerned when he moved closer.
“Yeah? Your pussy aching for me? Show me where.” He muttered. You pulled his hand over your abdomen where the aching built up unbearably and then you slid your hand into your underwear and through your folds, rubbing your puffy swollen clit against his fingers. He let you grinded against his fingers until your slick coated his fingers and slowly pulled away pushing your underwear down with the back of his hand. “Here.” He said in your ear as he took two of your fingers and guided you to press down in circles on your clit. Each circle made your hips jolt up a little and he smiled at you. Once you were even more wound up his hand guided you to sink two fingers into our dripped entrance, letting you take over his spread your legs wider so he could watch. Your fingers fucked in and out of your hole wetly as you tried to follow the angle that he had left you with. When you slowed down he slipped his hand over yours again and pressed his middle finger into your entrance to join the two of yours. Your body aches on the bed as you stretch around them. His fingers were thicker than yours and filled you how you had wanted. Your head turned into his chest and you whined. 
“Billy! Billy used your fingers please! It feels better!” You whined. Billy didn’t need to be asked twice, pushing your hand out of the way and sinking two thick fingers into you down to the knuckles, hitting the soft spot that made your eyes roll. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pressed your head into his shoulder as he leaned over to fuck his fingers into you. The obscenely wet noise of your slick filling the room. With a loud moan your body clenched around his fingers. They continued to slip in and out of you as Billy ignored your pleas to slow down as the aching built and burst. You gasped, the moans replaced by ragged breaths as your body tingled, the aching subsided and you lay still. Billy pulled his fingers from you and messily licked your cum from his fingers as he looked down at you.
“Feel better?” He asked. You nodded and he smiled as he palmed his hard on through his shorts. The sound of the door opening forced Billy to hop up, grab at a magazine on your bedside table and yank your duvet over you. He snached up your underwear and shoved them in his shorts just in time for him to flop down next to you, open the magazine and look like he’d been taking a break and looking through it with you.
“Oh. taking a break. Smart it’s hot out there. (Y/N) we’ve got to go out in a bit so get ready.” Your mom said as she dumped a bag in your doorway and hurried off. 
That afternoon led to you and Billy hooking up every time he came over. You’d find yourself pressed between the side of the house and Billy with his hand in your shorts. Fucking against your bedroom door with his hand over your mouth reminding you that your mother was right down the hall. On a few occasions he snuck in later at night, crawling into bed to spend the night with you.
Billy tags:
@linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @theletterhart @boardstomymood @big-galaxy-chaos
@greekktragedyy @ietss @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @sarcasm-n-insomnia @multi-fandom5 @skylermoyer @justice-for-the-kaldorei
@favmeyou @kaylantus @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @hardladyheart @gillybear17 @lchufflepuffcorn @prettyplant0 @hardladyheart @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp
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yoonpobs ¡ 4 years ago
bad boy good thing xv. | m
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: oral (m receiving), jk and oc in their feelings :c, fluff n cuteness tbh
words: 7, 816
summary: a series of drabbles where you’re confused and jungkook’s confusing
im so sorry for the late update but it's finally here!!! it's been a hectic few weeks w my exam preparation coming right around the corner too :c
anyway!!!! we've got some smut after a while 👀so for visual purposes pls imagine jk from the butter mv, specifically his hair and eyebrow piercing ...
i hope you enjoy this chapter !!!
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Safety was a very important aspect of your life. Everything that you did, you always weighed the realistic possibilities of you regretting your decision; mind running at one hundred miles per hour while you drew a mental mind map of every possible outcome you could possibly predict. It was exhausting to have your mind immediately come up with worst-case scenarios where the risk was realistically a meagre five per cent against the other ninety-five, but you were a chronic overthinker by nature.
You steered far from doing things that would end up causing more harm to you and your environment because you knew that there was no actual reason why you could justify getting completely wasted at a party. If it was for fun—surely, you’d vehemently oppose that the next morning.
Your friends, or even anyone who knew of you; always lamented you for your tendency to remain in your bubble. You knew that overall, you were an overthinker and that most of the time—nothing of what you conjured would actually happen purely because, well—your friends are still alive, and so were you. You just missed out on ‘fun’.
But old habits died hard. Maybe that was why the most reckless and impulsive thing that you did—was with Jungkook.
Out of all your friends, Jungkook was the one person that really did whatever he could get his hands, feet or body to do.
He was very determined by nature and a natural daredevil at that. You remember on multiple occasions where he and his family went on a family vacation, and he came back with stories of his adventures swinging from the top of a cliff upside down, getting a snake to wrap itself around his neck—and by far the most impulsive one, returning with a small tattoo of said snake on the back of his neck.
Jungkook was so unpredictable that neither of your friends could ever tell what he’d do next. And you supposed that added to his charm, but it didn’t take away from the five stages of absolute shock that you’d go through when you witness another one of his unpredictable tendencies.
Like right now.
“Please say something,” he laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck while you can only gape at him.
“Purple.” You blurt.
He blinks before his eyes dart upwards as his finger twiddles a few strands of hair between them.
“Yeah,” he hums, “It looks a little blue in some lights, though.”
You nod your head slowly, still processing what is probably the lesser surprising one between the two things that have you double-taking at his figure when you first greeted him at your door.
“That’s … not all,” you say slowly.
Jungkook offers you a lopsided grin that stirs something in your belly, and you don’t know if it’s his hair, or the fact that he’s starting to wear shorter sleeves as the weather begins to get hotter; his tattoos on display as it trails upon his arm—or if it was because of the—
“Eyebrow piercing?” He raises a brow, particularly the one with the eyebrow piercing as it glints under the natural sunlight that filters in the hallway, “So. Do you like it?” He asks, smile still small as he leans in for you to get a better look.
Your breath hitches when his face gets closer, but not enough for it to be insinuative in any way. It was just you and your weak-willed nature whenever it came to Jungkook. You hoped that he wasn’t able to see the way that your ears undoubtedly redden under the proximity.
“What matters is if you like it, Jungkook,” you remind him softly, shyly looking down to your feet.
He sighs, resting an arm against your doorway in a way that makes him look as large as the width of your door. His gaze is still calm and steady, lips curled ever so slightly as he rests his eyes on you.
“I know. But I care if you like it or not,” he retorts.
You scoff, waving him off, but a small grin still threatens itself onto your face.
“Well you shouldn’t,” you huff.
“Why not?” He hums as he cards a hand through his hair. Even if it’s a bright colour and you’re sure that it required copious amounts of bleach and hours at the salon to get the final result—it still looks soft when he swifts through the locks.
“Because,” you lull, “My opinion doesn’t matter. If you like it and you think it’s pretty then that’s more than enough.”
He clicks his tongue against his cheek before his eyes dart down. You’re still avoiding his gaze because you weren’t ready to have your senses assaulted with the way he’s crowding you in the doorway of your own home.
“You’re trying really hard not to compliment me right now,” he teases.
“I am not!” You splutter, ears turning red. Your eyes dart to your feet. “… but if it matters then … I like it. It’s pretty.”
Jungkook’s grin is nothing short of wide when his head reaches out to smooth your hair out of your face that forces you to look up at him. You attempt to keep your heart beat at bay, even if the way he looks pleased with your futile trial of complimenting him. In reality, you thought it looked more than just pretty. Jungkook looked … hot. He was already attractive as he was, and his confident yet quiet nature made him exponentially hotter—but his long, purple hair and the new eyebrow piercing just made him even sexier.
“It matters.” He smiles, cocking his head to the side as you bashfully step aside to allow him to enter your apartment.
He settles in like he’s the missing piece to the lonely nights you spend on your dining table studying away for a test or an exam. And you suppose that Jungkook’s always fit right in, wherever you were. He was a comfortable presence in your life, even when the two of you were in high school and he’d come over for tutoring lessons. Or when it’d be just you and him in your mother’s car while you taught him how to drive.
Jungkook’s somehow always filled in the other seat in your life when there called for two. Even when you note that he still sits on one foot while the other hangs off the couch, a habit he’s had since he was young, or the way that he’s still stupidly polite not to sprawl himself across your couch like Jimin and Taehyung did whenever they were over. Jungkook’s always been there and you were always there to see.
“So … what’s up?” His voice interrupts the daydream that got you a little more soft than you’d like. You shake your head as you shut the door behind you, turning around to fully face Jungkook.
“The ceiling?” You reply lamely, a soft chuckle escaping your lips when you see him roll his eyes.
“Ha ha,” he mocks, “I meant if there was anything you wanted to talk about. You know—since you texted me to come over.” He finishes with a raise of his brow.
You still as your brain processes his words. You did text him first. You had just finished a lengthy meeting with the student union and didn’t feel like studying just yet—and you just so happened to have been thinking about Jungkook when you caught a glimpse of your phone (when were you not).
You didn’t have a reason, even if your conscience would argue that you did and it was because you missed him. Even if you were the one that needed time. Your heart and mind wanted two different things, but they both revolved around Jungkook. So, you compromised and settled for a simple text.
“I don’t know,” you mumble, shuffling towards your couch as you plop in the loveseat across from him.
He ogles the way that you chose a seat that wasn’t the one that he was sat on. He doesn’t point it out, though. Instead, a firm line settles on his lips before he leans back to your couch, eyes still trained on your figure.
“You don’t need to sound so shy,” he says, “I’ll always come if you’re the one that’s asking.”
Your eyes widen when your head darts up. When you look at him, you swear that you’d melt because he was looking at you with mirth dancing in his eyes. The somewhat dim lighting of your living room made him look so … cosy. He looked more comfortable, probably knowing that you weren’t going to nag at him for manspreading at the way you can only stare. You don’t know if it’s on purpose but you’re sure it is—but Jungkook’s eyebrow piercing is strategically exposed when he raises a brow, flicking his bangs aside. Your brain short-circuits.
“It’s not—I’m not—I’m not …” You stutter when he catches you looking like a deer caught in headlights. But all he does is let out a deep chuckle before reaching an arm out.
You stare at the arm that extends itself, eyes trailing up the limb as you gawk at his tattoos. He wasn’t one to flaunt, even though he didn’t pretend like he didn’t have any. So even your friends didn’t catch much of his tattoos unless he was at the gym or changing during practices with the way he practically lived in long sleeves. But now, it was just you and him, in your living room while he practically invites you over with his smile and doe eyes.
“Come ere’,” he mumbles as you continue to stare, “Next to me, please.”
You blink a few times when you realise that he’s beckoning you over with the arm that’s extended. You buffer for a second when he continues to smile at you with that easy grin of his, the one that’s both able to calm you and reduce you into a mess of nerves. But after a few beats, your limbs start moving at their own accord as you push yourself off the couch, slowly inching towards Jungkook and the empty spot next to him where you plop down into.
“Here?” You ask softly.
He laughs, and it’s a nice sound. Your mind had been muffled ever since he first showed up with that new hairstyle of his and that Godforsaken eyebrow piercing, and now when he looks at you like you were the only thing that he’s ever wanted—your heart can’t take it.
“Closer.” He encourages with a tilt of his head. Then, he delivers the final blow. “Just wanna hold you.”
You freeze, hands stilling on the plush of your couch as you were about to shift closer. The words are still processing in your mind even if you knew exactly what he said and what he meant. The heat on your face was definitely proof of that.
“Oh my God, don’t just say that!” You cry, burying your head into the back of the couch when you turn away from him.
Jungkook’s still laughing at you, hands clutching his stomach instead of trying to reach out for you as you whine into the fabric. He was killing you and your poor heart, and he was doing a damn good job at it. He didn’t need to do much because his presence was always enough to reduce you to absolutely nothing and a pile of mush.
It was this ambiguous back and forth that you’ve settled into with Jungkook after your last serious conversation that had your heart weaker and softer than ever. Every moment you spent with him, even in the crowd of your friends—you knew what you wanted. But there was still an irrational (and insecure) part of you that wanted to wait. To see if he actually meant his confession or was he driven by desperation to keep a friend close.
You should’ve had faith in Jungkook the way he blindly and willingly put in you. Even if you were the more unstable one between the two of you. But your mind worked endlessly to remind you of what the two of you shared, and who you had to share him with—and how she was everything that you weren’t.
“I’m sorry!” He laughs, and you feel a hand reach around your waist to tug you upwards as you squeak at his show of strength. “Was that too much?” He asks softly when you’re facing him, face definitely still flushed as you avoid his face and opt to stare at the chain around his neck.
Even that was making your insides feel funny.
“No …” You mumble, leaning forward until your forehead is pressed against his chest as his fingers drum against your waist. “I’m just shy.”
He chuckles.
“You don’t have to be shy.” He tells you, “It’s just me.”
You blink up and narrow your eyes at him.
“That’s not fair! You can’t just turn up to my house looking like—that—and expect me to be fine!” You huff, gesturing towards his entire frame as he simply listens with an amused raise of his brow.
He tilts his head to the side and even has the audacity to look confused when he smirks at you.
“Me? What did I do? It’s just hair dye and a piercing.”
You huff.
“It’s just hair dye and a piercing,” you repeat in a low voice, clearly meant to represent him as his face scrunches adorably at your impression of him.
“That’s not how I sound like.” He deadpans.
You stick your chin up snootily with a satisfied smile.
“You so do. You sound that dumb with what you just said.” You retort petulantly.
Jungkook stares at you for one long second before he’s pulling you flush against his chest with a wide grin on his face as he attempts to smother you with his arm. You squeal when you feel his fingers around your waist as he squeezes the flesh. He manoeuvres his way around your body until you’re perched on his lap, hands reaching out against his chest so that you could establish some distance (which you fail miserably at).
The room is filled with your gasps and Jungkook’s cackles, and with the way he’s crowding your body with his own—all you can smell is Jungkook. He smells fresh, as always. Especially since he chooses to opt-out of cologne and pays favourable attention to the type of laundry detergent, body wash and shampoo that he uses that gives him the boyish, clean and charming natural scent that he has. And it drives you insane.
So when you look up at him through your lashes in a break when Jungkook’s heaving at how he’s attempted to tickle you, and all you can see is how good he looks with his purple hair paired with the way he unconsciously licks at his lips to wet them; and the eyebrow piercing and tattoos. You melt—and so does your filter.
“Can I suck your dick?”
Granted, that isn’t a question you pose after he’s just tickled you in good faith while giggling away with his doe-eyes, or even the way his hands are placed at a respectful distance away from your bum. And it definitely isn’t a question that Jungkook’s expecting because his eyes shoot wide open, while his foot kicks up hard enough that it crashes against your coffee table.
“W-What?!” He cries, hands gripping your shoulder to push you away so that he can get a proper look at your face.
And it’s on fire.
But you can’t take back your words, especially when Jungkook’s looking like he demands some sort of explanation.
“I—I …” You stutter but your body is lax in his, and your thighs are still straddling Jungkook’s. You aren’t stupid or that naive, so you definitely know the firmness that presses against your inner thigh is a sign that he’s not opposed to your proposition.
Before you can say anything with how your mouth fails you, Jungkook snaps up until your foreheads nearly crash against each other as he presses his palms against your cheeks, staring you intently in the eye until you’re squirming under the scrutiny.
“I don’t hate it.” He assures you softly, but his eyebrows are furrowed. “But I need to hear it from you that you know what you’re saying.”
You blink at him and all Jungkook does is wait for you patiently. What were you saying? That you wanted to suck his dick? You did. You wanted to do a lot of things to and with Jungkook. Curse him for turning up looking the way he did and meddling with your restraint on needing time. But there was a brewing feeling of need in your chest that wants to please Jungkook, that wants to see him quiver under your tongue the way he has had you before. They weren’t all pleasant memories, purely because your poor heart has had to fight to disassociate your feelings from pleasure when you couldn’t do it.
But you’ve never made Jungkook feel good, at least in the way he was able to do for you.
“I-I—” you mumble, eyes darting everywhere but Jungkook’s gaze doesn’t waver at all. You take a deep breath, nibbling on your lips as your eyes dart up to the ceiling before they return to his face. He’s still waiting. “I want to. I really do.” You assure him, your own hands reaching out to clutch at his collar.
Jungkook’s cock twitches in his pants, and you feel it. You give an experimental swivel of your hips because you know it must feel good for Jungkook. And it does with the way his breath hitches, but his hands leave your face to grab at your hips to stop your motions. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, but all Jungkook does is sigh.
“You don’t have to …” he whispers, “I—you said you needed time and I don’t want to ruin this. What we have.”
You purse your lips.
“I know I said I needed time but I want to, Jungkook,” you tell him seriously, “What happened before was a product of our miscommunication but it’s different now,” your eyes are firm when they stare into his, your face leaning forward for emphasis, “Unless you don’t want me to—”
“Baby, no,” he reaches out to pull you closer to his chest, “I do. God—I can’t think of anything else but … I don’t want to fuck this up.” His eyes flutter shut as he rests his forehead against your breast bone. It’s not sexual at all, and you can hear the genuine frustration that laces Jungkook’s voice.
“You won’t,” you say softly, reaching a hand through his hair, “I want to learn. I want to learn how to make you feel good too.” You whisper.
Jungkook releases a low groan that makes your stomach clench in desire. You realise that throughout the escapades that the two of you have engaged in, you were the vocal one purely in the sense that you were whining, moaning and sobbing in pleasure at Jungkook’s doing. But Jungkook was vocal in the way he spoke to you. Even if it was mean and you found yourself crying after it happened because he pretended that you didn’t exist—there was something about the way he guides you through your highs in that raspy voice of his that made you cum harder each time.
“You’re serious?” He asks, finally looking up to confirm with you.
You nod your head.
He nibbles on his lips, as his eyebrows scrunch in focus. He was heavily contemplating your offer and even if you never propositioned any male to suck his dick before, you’ve never heard of a case where they’d be hesitant to receive one. But you and Jungkook were different. You knew what you felt for him, and he knew what he felt for you—and somehow that made your odd request all the more important for the both of you.
“We’ll be okay, right?” He asks hesitantly, afraid. Your eyes soften as you nod.
“I want this, Jungkook.” You tell him again, and you’d repeat it as much as you can for him to know.
He sighs deeply.
“If at any point you feel … overwhelmed … just say the word and we’ll stop, okay?” He says, holding you by the shoulder while he hardens his eyes at you in seriousness. You nod your head as you scramble off his lap in a motion fast enough that Jungkook can’t process it.
Before the both of you know it, you’re on your knees, settled in between his legs as you peer up at him. Your heart was thundering in your chest because you had no idea what the fuck you were doing, but you wanted to do this. All because of that damn hair and piercing of his.
“Your knees,” he murmurs, attempting to tug you up but you’re stubborn when you stay rooted in position, eyebrows furrowed in determination as your jaw ticks.
“Isn’t this how it goes?”
“They’re going to hurt,” he points out.
You roll your eyes before narrowing them at him.
“Do you usually complain this much before you get your dick sucked or what?” You snap, patience wearing awfully thin.
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your blunt statement, especially when you reach out to rest your palms on his thighs.
“I don’t mean …” he mumbles, hands gripping the couch because he’s too afraid to touch you, “It’s not like that and you know it.”
You sigh, leaning your cheek against his kneecap and he feels his heart go into overdrive. It was different, with you. This wasn’t just another girl that wanted to suck his dick for his approval or whatever—this was the girl of his dreams, readily waiting to learn how he liked it. Though he’d argue that he’d like anything you do to him because his love-glasses blinded him that way. But there was still fear ebbing away at his heart, terrified at screwing it up even if you were the proposer in this case.
“Jungkook, I’m not going to disappear on you after this,” you say softly, still peering up at him, “I want this.”
Your heart tightens when he hesitantly reaches out to rest a hand between strands of your hair as he tilts your head upwards. Something about just sitting between his legs as they sprawl out wider to accommodate your body seems do domestic and intimate. Even the context of the situation makes you tingle from your fingertips all the way to your toes—you were here to learn, from Jungkook; on what he liked and didn’t.
You didn’t plan this. Admittedly you and Yena have talked on more than one occasion about how you really wanted to sleep with Jungkook—you didn’t have a timeline for it. It felt weird to put a date to it so you shoved the thoughts aside even if they popped up every once in a while. This just so happened to be one of those moments where your mind ventures into a more explicit territory whenever you were with Jungkook.
“I know you need time but …” his eyes flutter shut before he leans his head back into the seat—eyes staring up at the ceiling as if he was searching for answers that he didn’t have with himself. You wait because you suppose that’s the least you could do when you made him wait for you while you attempted to deal with your own feelings. When he looks down, his eyes are gentle yet resolute, “You know I love you, right?”
He sounds nervous even if he’s said it before. But the words don’t fail to make you flush or evoke the tremble in your ribcage—a signal from your body that tells you that it’s only Jeon Jungkook that could ever make you feel this way.
“God,” you huff, but the corners of your lip twitch and that’s enough to tell Jungkook that you did. You knew. “Can you teach me? Please?”
You’re pressing forward again, eagerly shifting on your knees as Jungkook takes one long look at you as if he was memorising this image to eternity. When he decides he’s satisfied, he rests into the seat before gently coaxing your hands away from his thighs and towards his—
“Start here,” he guides with a low voice, large palm encasing your smaller ones as you feel the metal of his zipper come into contact with your skin.
You blush, but you were an overachiever for a reason. The potential embarrassment of fumbling is tucked away in your mind, your only concern and fascination lie with the fact that Jungkook’s already hard that you feel him brush against your wrist.
“Don’t you need to get hard?” You ask softly.
Jungkook blinks before he’s giving you that devastating smile of his, the one where only one corner of his lips turn up into an amused grin while you tilt your head at him in an inquisitive manner.
“I’m really hard right now,” he assures you; and to prove his point, his hand guides yours over the outline of his cock. You gasp because it’s the first time you’ve felt anything but your own intimates in your grasp.
You involuntarily squeeze your thighs together, appreciating the way that Jungkook’s beginning to bite on his lips while he focuses his attention purely on you. You knew just from feeling alone that Jungkook was not your averagely-sized male.
“O-Oh,” you breathe when your hands begin to work at their own accord—slowly unbuttoning his jeans, working your way down the zipper. The entire time, you’re occasionally looking up for any signs of approval from Jungkook, the resolved student in you needing appraisal from your teacher. And he picks up on your prompts, smiling at you gently even as his breath begins to turn uneven at the way you’re still gently pulling his pants down.
“You’re doing great,” his hand cards through your hair until his thumb reaches your cheek, rubbing a gentle motion to be paired with his words.
You smile to yourself, feeling more confident to tug his jeans down his thighs. You knew that Jungkook was well-built, it was a fact given that he was an athlete who frequented the gym more than any place on campus. He had impeccable stamina, even before he took football seriously—but the way that his thighs clench under your clammy hands only prove your point. But all you can really focus on is the outline of his cock from his boxers.
“Can I …?” You ask hesitantly, reaching out to tug at the hem of his boxers.
Before you can do anything, his hand stops your wrist as you immediately pause in your ministrations. Your eyes widen, fully ready to pull away in case you did something wrong. What if he didn’t like it? What if he changed his mind or that you were bad—?
“Stop thinking,” he chides, “I want this. I love your hands, anything that you do,” he whispers in reassurance as you swallow. “How about you feel me first? Over the boxers. Baby steps.”
You exhale, nodding your head as your hand reaches to cup his length in your hand. You gasp in tandem with Jungkook, feeling the heat radiate from his dick as you give an experimental squeeze. You look up to gauge his reaction, and you suppose it’s good with the way his breath hitches. He doesn’t say anything and you take that as your cue to continue, your hand squeezing tighter upwards, right before your thumb rubs over what you think is the tip.
“It’s wet,” you blurt.
You’re about to hastily apologise because who the hell points that out before giving someone a blowjob?
“Yeah,” he releases a shaky breath, “I’m so hard right now you have no idea.” He laughs, throwing his head back.
You don’t say anything else, but you continue to work your way up and down his length over the cloth—and for some reason, you feel like it never ends. The heat from his cock, the stirring in your belly or the wetness that begins to accumulate between your own thighs. His hand rests in your hair in a gentle way, simply remaining there as he allows you to have your way on his cock.
That realisation makes you feel the need to go further, so you do. You squeeze until you reach the base of his cock, and you feel the outline of his balls. You briefly read online that some guys liked it when you squeezed—so you did. And Jungkook nearly lurches forward and knees you in the face when you do.
“Fuck, baby,” he chokes in a laugh.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but your heart isn’t there when you grin in satisfaction to yourself. The term of endearment doesn’t fall onto deaf ears either, and it shoots straight to your core.
Deciding that you weren’t happy with just fondling him above his boxers, in one swift motion; said fabric now drapes over his thighs and you’re welcomed with the sight of Jungkook’s engorged cock staring you straight in the face.
You assume it’s bad taste to just stare at someone’s intimates as if you were dissecting the anatomy right as you were about to get down to business. But you couldn’t help it. Jungkook had such a … pretty looking cock. You don’t know if penises could look aesthetic nor were you going to be superficial and say that penises should look a certain way. But he had such a pretty cock and it only made you want to shove it all the way down your throat. But your inexperience tells you to relax because you weren’t about to embarrass yourself like that.
“Do you … hate it?” Jungkook asks tentatively.
He wasn’t particularly an insecure person. He knew he was good looking and had a great body—he worked hard for it! But that’s because he never cared about anyone and what they had to say enough for it to affect his self-confidence. But you were the one person that he’s sought for validation ever since he was just a teenage boy, before the muscles and the confidence he’s developed over the years.
Especially when he was so hard that he thinks he’s going to bust a nut the second your mouth touches his cock—the way that you’re staring only makes him anxious.
“You’re really big,” you tell him, eyes peering up, “And pretty.”
Jungkook blushes. He can’t believe it but the fact that he’s the one that’s flustered when you were the ‘inexperienced’ one only goes to show how whipped he was. He almost laughs, but your hand is touching his bare cock and he nearly chokes at the firm grip you immediately take. He really almost laughs, because even now—you were a quick learner, an observant student who already probably knew what he liked.
Your hands twist upwards when you jerk him off, and Jungkook tries his best to keep his hips at bay even if he’s letting out low groans the tighter you squeeze. Your eyes occasionally dart up to observe his reactions, and you’re pleased to see that his mouth is slightly agape whenever his breathless pants leave them. You didn’t know that pleasuring someone else could feel this fulfilling for yourself—but you liked it. You liked the way he felt in your hand, the precum that oozes out from his tip that taints your fingers—and you especially liked the way his head is thrown back while the grip in your hair tightens simultaneously.
“You could spit on it,” his shaky voice interrupts your mental dialogue as you look up at him. He cocks his chin towards his cock as you were hyper-focused on his length. You note that you barely could wrap your fists around him and that you needed the help of both hands.
“Would you like that?” You ask.
He nods.
“It chafes when it’s dry,” he points out.
You open your mouth in acknowledgement as you nod your head slowly. You remember when he had spit on your pussy, and even if it was in the heat of the moment and you were already wet enough—you liked it. But you also note that the way you’re jerking him off his dry so you rev the spit up in the back of your throat before you lean forward, allowing the glob of spit to drop down his cock.
The breathless groan that he lets out immediately shoots to your core as you peer up at him. He’s already looking at you do, and you feel compelled to shoot him a small smile. And when you do, he groans even if your hands have momentarily stilled as you raise a brow at his reaction.
“How are you still so cute,” he huffs.
You blink.
“Are you really calling me cute right before I’m about to suck your dick?” You deadpan.
He sighs, but his hand rubs a gentle circle on your head.
“It’s a good thing,” he promises, “Can’t you feel how hard I am right now? You could breathe near my dick and I’d probably nut.”
You snort, even if the compliment is super boyish and very Jungkook—you feel your heart swell. You’re both terrified and how you’re reacting to his simple words, but the cheesy grin he sends you from above only makes your stomach feel lighter and your heart soar higher.
“So how do you like it?” You ask.
It’s a little too odd to be having this conversation as your hand continues to work lazily on Jungkook’s cock. He seems to not mind, especially when his hips occasionally buck upwards to chase the feeling. He blinks in an attempt to focus on your query and not how good your hand feels around him, even if it’s in a rest.
“How about you just start with the tip?” He suggests.
You nod your head before you lean forward, and you don’t know if Jungkook feels it—but your heartbeat is beating rapidly against your chest. You’re not … scared, but you’re also a little scared. Mostly because it’s a foreign territory and you’re unsure how it’d taste (even if Yena warned you from having high hopes). But Jungkook ate relatively healthy and drank a lot of water; and worked out regularly.
You finally kiss the tip, and Jungkook just about melts, cock twitching at the contact as you stick your tongue out to take a tentative lick of the precum that oozes out from his hip. It’s not pleasant, nor is it anything to puke over. You’re partial to it, mostly because you’re super turned on and you like the way that Jungkook seems to be eagerly waiting while his other fist that isn’t in your hair grabs at the couch in anticipation.
You don’t intend to be that erotic, but you don’t break eye contact even when you envelop the tip into your mouth. It’s the widest part of Jungkook, and it’s already a pleasant stretch to your lips when you run your tongue on the underside of his cockhead.
“Y-You sure you n-need me to—ah—teach you?” He asks breathlessly when you use your free hand to jerk the base of his cock.
You hum around his length, and Jungkook groans in tandem, hips jerking upwards in response as you feel his cock briefly drag against the roof of your mouth. He’s about to apologise, especially when he leans forward, but you briefly release him to shake your head.
“I’m a big girl,” you tell him with a grin.
Jungkook chuckles before resting back. He can’t quite believe that you’re on your knees right in front of him, sucking his dick like an obedient student. It’s eerily similar to many of his high school wet dreams, and it probably exceeds them with the way you’re sucking him back into your mouth; slowly inching your way further until you’re halfway down.
Your mouth is hot, and in fact—a dream. It’s probably the fact that it’s you that Jungkook feels all his senses be elevated in a way he’s never felt before. It was the way that his heart soars in his chest while his stomach caves in when he feels your tongue swipe under his shaft.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he croons, hand carding tenderly through your hair, “Be careful of your teeth.” He adds on when he feels the scrape of them against his cock.
He didn’t hate it, but he rather enjoys the softness of your mouth without the fear of you chewing his dick off.
You look up at him apologetically, but he only returns it with a half-hearted smile—purely because your hand is working its way on what you can’t fit into your mouth just yet. You’re an impeccable learner, and Jungkook thinks that he didn’t need to guide you at all with the way you’re doing everything just right. Or maybe it’s his love-sick mind that makes everything feel infinitely better. Maybe other guys wouldn’t like it—but his heart only drops when the thought arrives. He wanted to be the only person that could feel your mouth this way.
Your tongue is working hard when it continues to slobber against his cock. And he doesn’t know if you’re doing it on purpose, but you’re messy when you vacuum your cheeks—spit pooling at the sides of your mouth when you bob your head up and down. All Jungkook can feel is your mouth, and beads of sweat are already accumulating at his hairline while his breathing turns uneven with the only things escaping his lips are moans and groans.
You’re enjoying the way that Jungkook looks like he’s slowly losing control of himself and his tongue. All he’s doing is moaning, even the grip in your hair tightens when he unconsciously pushes your head further down on his cock. You realised that sucking dick wasn’t that theoretical as you thought it was. You were simply observant, gauged what made Jungkook’s breath hitch, what he didn’t react much to—and you knew for a fact that he appreciated the slobber.
And the spit. And the squelches of your lips meeting his cock. You did, too. It’s almost embarrassing to admit, but you were drenched just by observing Jungkook’s reactions. That only spurs you on further when you work harder, hand reaching down to cup his balls as you hear Jungkook release a breathy whimper. The sound immediately shoots to your core as you let out a moan of your own.
“Fuck,” he gasps, “You’re fucking evil.”
He’s breathlessly laughing, but you don’t let it hinder your actions. If anything, his words drive you further when you push his cock further into the cavern of your mouth, the gasp leaving his lips a sign that he probably didn’t expect that. You feel his stomach clench when you continue to bob your head up and down, and you’re giving yourself a mental pat on the back at the way you’re able to labour your own breathing through your nose. You were a natural if you did say so yourself.
“M’ gonna cum,” he mumbles through a moan, hand tightening around your hair as you take that as a sign to squeeze his balls harder. His hips jerk, hitting the back of your throat that has you briefly gagging around his cock. The visual and the sound sends Jungkook into overdrive, his balls feeling heavier by the second and in desperate need of release. He wants to apologise, but you don’t seem to mind with the way you continue to hollow your cheeks and function around his length.
“Where can I—fuck—where can I cum?” He rushes his words out, shallowly thrusting into your mouth as you hum around his cock.
He pulls out by pushing you back with a firm palm on your shoulder as your eyes widen, and when he’s shooting ropes of cum onto your face as it drips down your neck. You weren’t sure if he was supposed to cum that much, but it keeps on coming as you sit there obediently with your mouth open, in case it lands anywhere else. Jungkook’s groaning above you as he jerks himself off through the last bits of his orgasm, his hazy eyes darkening further when he spots the white that paints your face.
“I thought guys liked it if we swallowed?” You tilt your head to the side and Jungkook thinks he’s about to die.
“You’re actually going to kill me if you do that. So no. Not today.” He snorts, relaxing back into the couch as his post-nut clarity starts to hit him. He stares at the ceiling, feeling immensely satiated.
“This is like a facial at the spa,” you mention off-handedly as you climb up between his thighs, cum still staining your face. And Jungkook can’t believe it, but he thinks you look so cute painted with his cum. It’s a primal instinct the way that his eyes linger longer, feeling territorial with the way that he’s the only one that gets to see you like this.
“You’re so weird,” he snickers but you pout at him. And you do the next thing that gives Jungkook a heart attack.
Your tongue swipes over your lips where some cum remains, and even if his cock is flaccid—he feels it twitch in interest.
“Not bad. A little salty but overall … meh,” you shrug your shoulders as Jungkook gawks at you.
“You …” he trails off, “God.”
You smile up at him, all innocent as if you didn’t just give him the suck of his life—as your first time sucking dick.
“So? How was it?” You ask eagerly, leaning into his chest. He wants to ask about the cum that’s drying on your face, but you don’t seem to mind. You were so weird, but that only makes his heart grow fonder.
“Do you conduct feedback sessions after every blowjob?” He asks sarcastically.
You roll your eyes, “Do you want me to? I mean—I could offer my services elsewhere—”
Jungkook pinches your hip in retaliation, the insinuation making him growl as you snicker. He can only stare at you in amusement, especially when you’re still grinning up at him. Gone was the shy girl that proposed this, even if he noticed the flush on your cheeks and on the tip of your ears. It was insane how you took a one-eighty, but Jungkook appreciated it. He appreciated you.
“Ten out of ten. Magnificent. Absolutely life-changing. Thought I saw the gates of heaven for a second.” He teases.
You roll your eyes but a small smile appears on your face as you glance down to fiddle with your fingers. Jungkook can only stare at you, and he can’t fully describe this feeling but his heart feels so … full. So completed, even if you sucked his dick. He’s always felt this way, but there was something about you being wrapped in his arms after you had his dick in your mouth that made Jungkook go crazy. Crazy enough for him to blurt out the next thing on his mind.
“I want to be with you.” He blurts.
Your eyes dart up in shock as they widen. But Jungkook is as resolute as ever, a dopey grin still on his face.
“W-What?” You stutter.
He reaches for your hand, still slightly sticky with the slick from his cock but he doesn’t care. Not when you intertwine your fingers with his so seamlessly, so easily like you were meant to do so.
“I want to be with you. In whatever way you want to have me.” He murmurs, peering straight into your eyes.
Your heart stutters in your chest as you try to find the words to respond with. But you can’t. Your mind is still recovering from what you just did, and your heart is soaring. But there’s a part of you that’s hesitant. You knew it was unfair, for making Jungkook wait—but you were still scared. You were scared that he’d get bored of you, or what the two of you share one day. He may be ready to leave it all behind, but you don’t think you could deal with having to say goodbye to Jungkook in that way.
And it’s as if he can read your hesitation, he brings your intertwined hands to his lips before pressing a kiss to your knuckles, eyes still soft when they remain on your frozen state,
“I’ll wait,” he says softly, “For as long as you need me to. Until you’re ready.”
“J-Jungkook …” you mumble, flustered when you look away.
He nudges his nose against your cheek, pressing a smile to your jaw as you hum in embarrassment.
“I fucked up.” He says. You’re about to interrupt but he seems to have his own things to say. “I said things that hurt you. I did things that hurt you and I can’t ever forgive myself for that. I know you’re not punishing me and I never once thought that way. Even if that isn’t the case, the least I can do is wait. Not only because of what I did but because no matter what—I want to do this right this time.”
He looks up to you and his gaze is so earnest that it makes the words get trapped in your throat while you stare at him.
He smiles, soft and gentle when he rubs a thumb across your cheek.
“I’m serious about this. About you. Even if you decide that you don’t want this or that your feelings have changed … I’ll still be here.”
Jungkook takes your breath away as you gape at him. The silence he leaves you with only makes you reaffirm your stance on how you feel for him. Yet, you can’t give him an answer now. Not when your mind still remains hesitant, and Jungkook didn’t deserve hesitant. Even if he’s hurt you—he didn’t deserve your confusion. Neither of you did.
You lean into him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. It’s intimate this way, the way that his cum dries on your face and that his dick is still out. It’s almost funny, but Jungkook wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d wait—for as long as he had to. And he’d do it over and over again, for you.
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osakunt ¡ 3 years ago
Hello! Just found your post where you ask for stuff and now I'm here to ask for the stuff! Can I have something about Atsumu getting angry during a friendly volleyball game because his girlfriend sucks as a spiker and then he try to make it up? Thank you!
➟ 𝗔𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗺𝘂 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 [𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽]
➟ 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗺 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳 ‼️🕺🏻
Atsumu wanting to get some more extra practice in he called you in as soon as practice with the team ended. Bokuto and Sakusa tried getting him to go home but he refused to do so - talking about how he felt like he wasn’t feeling the way he was setting.
This was now the fourth game you and Atsumu had started and he was starting to get aggravated at the way you spiked. Bokuto who decried to stay behind with Sakusa were the ones who you were up against. Even though they tried getting the blond to go home, they agreed to go a few round with y’all before calling quits.
Atsumu sets the ball your way and you miss it by a few centimeters because you didn’t get that elevation from you jump. your fingers only grazed the ball making it fall to your side with you. “Fuck” you whisper to yourself as you land back on the court. “That was so high !! That was a really nice jump y/n !” Bokuto complements you trying to make you feel better. Even though he was trying to uplift your spirit, he really meant his words. Sakusa nodding in approval he walks over to the middle where the net was to give you a low high five.
“What the fuck ?! Ya couldn’t easily gotten that !!” Atsumu’s words boom out of him louder than he wanted them to. “Tsumu it’s just -” “No y’just can’t spike for shit” he walks over to the ball and grabs it not realizing that you and the other two males were taken aback by him being this way.
“Well shit - my bad !! It ain’t my fault that I suck so damn bad !! You know ‘m not a volleyball player and reason why I took time outta my day to come help you, was because I love you and want to see you excel in your plays !!” His words shouldn’t have cut you that deep but you had agreed to his begging over the phone. You took time out of an important project that your job had going just to come all this way to gym and get yelled at in front of two close friends.
“It’s cool though, you can find a way back home by yourself” you grab your phone and car keys then hug the others goodbye before glancing at Atsumu with a expressionless face. Walking out you get in the car driving off with Atsumu’s words looping over and over in your head.
“Miya it’s just a fuckin’ game, calm down. Y/n pushed her work aside to come help you out and you go off on her knowing fully well that she isn’t a player” Sakusa folds his arms shaking his head and gathering his things to head home.
“Yea dude. it’s not all that deep. I honestly think we had good practice. You’re just having one of those days. It’s understandable but going off like that wasn’t your best move” Bokuto follows Sakusa out the gym leaving the blond pouting.
“Can y’all at least take me home……”
Sighing Sakusa silently curses nodding a yes. “You can ride in the back. Bokuto will sit in the front passenger seat”
“Ya hate me that much ?”
“Atsumu, for all you know y/n could be packing your shit in trash bags and probably has changed the door locks by now”
“Y/n do be petty though” Bokuto echoes snickering to himself texting you a small ‘Is his PS5 in the garbage yet?’ Mocking Atusmu.
Finally pulling to your shared home, Sakusa wishes Atsumu luck and Bokuto gives him a small laugh waving before the car pulls away.
Swallowing dryly, your boyfriend goes in feeling the cold air of the A/C. Hearing the click of the door lock you ignore the man walking in not even looking up from your laptop from the living room. Atsumu expected a welcome back hug -
Instead he was greeted with the tapping sounds of your keyboard and paper work being shuffled around. Going up to your shared room he takes a quick shower and quickly runs down to the kitchen thinking that his way his outburst would be something to forget about.
Pulling out a box of snacks for you - he goes your way to the living room. Getting to the living room he notices that you were no longer there. Going around from dining room to home office he starts to get worried thinking you left for the night.
Making his way back to the living room to loath in self pity, he passes the stair case where you were coming down with your laptop charger. “There ya are….uhm I got ya these” he extends his hand to you from the bottom of the stairs. “Thanks” you murmur grabbing the fruit snacks from his hold and taking your leave to finish up your work.
“I can make dinner if yer busy”
“Yea sure”
Your vague answers killed him but he knew all too well that your reaction wasn’t just because.
An hour later he grabs your laptop from your hands and sets a plate of spaghetti in them, smiling trying his best not to fold under your stern gaze.
Sitting next you on the couch, he tries making small talk but that didn’t work work all too well. You were far too concentrated with both your work and flashbacks of the embarrassing moment he had made you go through. “Y/n, baby I’m really sorry. I know y’aint a player but I simply thought ya could at least hit a ball ….wait no that came out wrong. It’s just …arrghh- I’m sorry for shouting at ya. ‘M just so frustrated with how I’ve been playing that I felt the need to try harder and I guess that frustration got a hold of me and lashed out on ya” he looks down at his plate waiting for you to respond.
“You know I was only trying to help with whatever knowledge I have of the spiking position. Don’t get me wrong I know how it works. Thing is my legs didn’t cooperate with the height you tossed the ball. It’s fine,really” with a shrug you continue to eat not looking at him.
“No it’s not okay. It’s cause of me that yer mad. Ya won’t even look at me” the blond whines
Rolling your eyes you look up at him still with a straight face not really wanting to talk anymore of the matter. “Tsumu, it’s really fine” “no it ain’t. Yer only sayin’ that cause ya want me to leave ya alone”
After dinner he stayed with you until the unheavenly hours of morning, trying to keep you company ďżź as you made the finishing touches of your project. This was his way of making it up to you - Snacks, dinner and staying by your side.
When you finally did get finished up you, feel a weight to your shoulder that was starting to ache. Turning your neck you see Atsumu asleep snuggling against your arm - you can’t look away from how squishy he looked. Pinching his cheek lightly, he stirs awake blinking a few times.
“Let’s go to bed,baby” you save your work then close your laptop sitting it in the coffee table to help him up. “Ya ain’t mad ?” “I was but it’s fine now. Let’s go to bed”
“Baby, I truly am sorry” “I know,my love. I know” your soft smile indicates to the twin that he was no longer on thin ice.
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solcheeky ¡ 4 years ago
Hii I absolutely loved that one sided love angst with hyuck and was wondering if you’d be willing to write it from the other side with Jeno dating the friend without having feelings for them? I feel like he’d be the type to feel too bad to reject someone he’s close with
summary: all jeno wants to do is keep you happy. so when you ask him to be your boyfriend, he says yes because what else could make you happier? if that’s what you wanted, that’s what he’ll give. even if that means pretending he loves you the way you love him. (3k)
genre: college au!, angst, gn!reader warnings: mentions of drinking alcohol, mentions of sex (but none of it) a/n: thank you for reading the hyuck one! though I can’t lie, it’s sort of difficult to write an exact plot I’ve already written before, sorry!! so I’ve changed things up a bit! but it’s still angst though, and under the same premises :)
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“Don’t you think Jeno is a little… Hard to read, sometimes?”
Donghyuck swallows his drink hard, before placing his bottle back onto the picnic table and sending you a weird look.
“Isn’t he your boyfriend?” He scratches behind his ear then pushes up his sunglasses. “Wait, not even. You guys have been friends since… Before we even met. If anyone can read him, that’s you.”
Logically speaking, he was right.
But why didn’t it feel that way at all?
As you try to think of the right words to say, you fiddle with a leaf that had fallen from a branch of the tree hanging above your table.
“Are you guys in a fight or something?” Donghyuck steals back your attention. He had a weirdly calm look on his face for someone who was apparently concerned.
You sigh. Not exactly, “no.”
You weren’t fighting. Or at least, if it was a fight, you couldn’t say exactly when or how it even started.
Things were normal, like how they always were (you think), but there was something off about Jeno you just couldn’t put your finger on.
Except, whether things had only been like this recently, or whether it had been like this ever since you started dating but you’d only noticed now, you couldn’t tell.
It wasn’t that Jeno was directing any anger at you, he hadn’t done anything abrupt or out right mean at all.
If anything, he was doing exactly everything you ask for.
Yet somehow, you felt a sort of… distant from him, like there was a weird shift between your relationship you hadn’t been aware of until it felt too late—like you’d done all the buttons up wrong.
And how were you supposed to even begin to explain all that to Donghyuck if you couldn’t even pinpoint it?
“It’s not a fight,” you opt to say, but it comes out almost like a question. “It’s just-”
Instinctively, both of you turn to face the direction in which the voice came from.
A few paces away, Mark Lee and your boyfriend were cutting through the grass and heading towards your table, it looked like they had just finished class.
You turn back to Donghyuck before they get within hearing range and mutter, “doesn’t matter.”
Except Donghyuck doesn’t even have time to reply because Mark pushes his shoulder with a strong hand, the other on the strap of his backpack, as he shoves him further down the bench to make space for him to sit.
“Move over!” The familiar, cheerful smile on his face makes you feel like things are back to normal, even just for a brief moment.
“Argh, Mark, seriously.” Donghyuck groans as he pushes his bottle and leather gym satchel across the table with him.
“What?” Mark’s laughing as he shuffles into the bench too, “I can’t sit on that side, can I?” He raises a playful brow at Jeno who was standing on your left.
You look over your shoulder and he smiles down at you.
“Hey,” he reaches down to pat you, palm warmly stroking the curve of your head before leaning down to place a brief kiss into your temple.
“Hi.” You say with a quiet smile as he slips into your side of the bench.
By now, Mark had already taken his attention off Jeno. “Why are you wearing sunglasses? It’s not that sunny.”
Donghyuck scoffs at the elder’s audacity. “The sun is clearly in the sky though, isn’t it? Use that big head of yours.”
But their bickering easily becomes background noise when Jeno gently takes the small leaf you were playing with from between your fingers and spins it between his finger and thumb.
He cutely looks at you in question and you just shrug.
So he flicks it away and slips his hand into yours instead and squeezes.
You squeeze back. “We still on for tonight?” Your voice low lest you interrupt Mark and Donghyuck’s ‘loving’ conversation.
You were planning to sleepover at his—weird to think that it was something you had gone out of your way to schedule but, it was nearing exam season and both your slots for free time had fit together like a box full of the wrong puzzle pieces.
It doesn’t take more than a second for Jeno to reply with a happy, “yes, of course.”
But a lump forms in the back of your throat at the urge to tell him you know he’s forced that answer out.
Later, when it’s already deep into the day, Jeno texts you to let you know he’ll be a little late
Although you kind of wished he’d told you sooner; you were already standing outside of his door.
Your first thought is not to tell him—knowing Jeno, the guilt would drive him crazy—and you probably would have done so that way if you were still friends. But things were different now; you were dating.
You should be comfortable enough to be completely transparent with him, even if about things as small as this.
Plus, he’d probably feel even guiltier if you didn’t tell him.
Except when Jeno does get the text, he feels even worse.
Not just because he’s left you hanging around wasting the rare time you could’ve spent together, but because it was entirely his fault that he was late.
He had managed to get off his lecture earlier than usual which gave him an extra hour to spare before your scheduled arrival time.
Usually that would mean he’d tell you right away so you could push that time earlier to have even longer to spend together.
But he didn’t.
Instead, Jeno wanted something else to occupy his mind other than you.
Was that bad of him? Probably… Maybe—He didn’t want to convince himself anything. As long as you didn’t find out why, everything would stay the same. At least that was what he was convincing himself to think.
So, Jeno was quick to chuck his bag full of study notes by his doorway, pick up some gear and his bike and immediately head out.
Just a few miles, he told himself. Nothing better to clear his mind than a quick workout, right?
You wouldn’t slip from his mind no matter what he tried to do.
All Jeno could think about was how he promised himself he would make this relationship work regardless of whether that meant he had to cross an ocean just to make the you that was in love with him, feel loved.
Inevitably, those thoughts eventually watered down to how bad of a job he’s been doing of it all.
It was probably bad enough he’d just referred to your relationship as a job.
Yeah, alright, this was worse than bad.
It’s just that you were so happy—the face you made when he said yes to being your boyfriend was all he ever wanted for you.
Logically, he thought that keeping things in tandem with what you expressed happiness for, would be enough to see that same smile again.
Jeno held your hand when you wanted it. He kissed you how you liked it. He let you sleep in his bed and sleep with him because that’s what you needed from him.
That’s all he ever wanted for you. So why did it feel like it wasn’t enough?
He was your boyfriend now. Wasn’t that supposed to make it easier?
Not to say that it was hard when you were labelled as friends—just that certain boundaries couldn’t be crossed and there was no way to stop eventualities of you finding someone else that would make you happy.
Jeno didn’t want that; he didn’t want to see you with another person. But the label ‘boyfriend’ on his own forehead almost felt like a burden, even though he knew he loved you. It was all really confusing.
Breaking it down, Jeno knew that you meant a lot to him. Really, he just wanted to give you the love you deserved. So being your boyfriend felt like the right choice, like it was the right thing to do if that’s what it meant to give you all his love.
But somehow becoming the ‘boyfriend’ felt even further away from you than when he was just a ‘friend’.
And at this point, Jeno was too far into this. Spending time with you was great, but it confused him. He had lost what defined the boundaries of how a boyfriend makes one happy, versus a friend.
Sometimes he even thought, what was so good about the label ‘boyfriend’? Was it worth all the things he’s done for you?
He had thought too hard and too much he didn’t even realize how far out he’d cycled; it was so far there was no way he could cycle back the same route in time to meet you.
Dangerously, a small, small, small part of him was glad.
But, no.
Jeno shakes his fringe out of his eyes and pedals faster. Just get home first, he tells himself, he can deal with that thought another time.
When Jeno finally arrives, he’s lugging his bike towards you, sweat dripping down his temples and breath still a few paces behind.
“Sorry,” he manages to breathe out, wiping the sweat across his brow with the back of his wrist before he leans past your frame to unlock his door.
You bite back a bit of a laugh, “you look crazy.”
He lets out a relieved smile and you tip on your toes to press a quick kiss into it.
A surprised sound muffles into your lips when you do, like he was about to say something but you had got to his lips first.
You pull away with a scrunched up face. “Salty.”
That makes him laugh. “Come on then.” He pushes the door open and guides you in first.
After putting away his bike, he shuts the door behind him and chucks his gear away while you place your things onto his desk chair.
“I’m gonna shower first.” He pulls off his gloves and watches as you spin to face him with a small smile.
From anyone else's point of view, you looked fine. You stood tall, a sweet smile across your lips and eyes full of affection for your boyfriend.
But Jeno knew better than that.
He throws his gloves into the hamper and pauses with his hands on the hem of his top. “Want to join?”
Your eyes light up and the heavy guilt on his chest suffocates him a little less.
“Only if you want me to.” You tilt your head to the side. If he was going to be quick, there was no harm in you waiting an extra 10 minutes, sure, you can handle that much.
But Jeno only wanted it because he knew you did. He knew every minute together meant way more to you now that you rarely saw each other.
So he nods his head towards the bathroom door to gesture for you to come, then proceeds to pull his top over his torso.
With Jeno’s shoulders under the showerhead, you keep your arms resting on the dip of his hip bones for warmth.
His own hands are in your hair, fingers gently massaging your scalp and temples, with a cute concentrated look across his face.
“Turn around for me.” He slowly presses a kiss into your forehead and you hum in compliance.
“I can do you instead, you know?” Now that you’re facing the other way you can’t read his face.
His thumbs press into the nape of your neck, following the direction of your spine into your scalp and your shoulders completely lose tension.
Jeno presses his lips into a straight line and hums a comfortable ‘no, it’s okay’. He was fine like this.
“Let me do this for you.” His low voice vibrates a lot closer to your ears than before.
It almost distracts you from your previous thoughts, but his words echo in your mind once more.
‘Let me do this for you.’ You know… That seemed to be all he was doing lately...
Now that you really think about it, you can’t recall Jeno ever doing anything for himself; it was always you before him.
He was always looking out for you—maybe never directly verbal—but he never failed to show how much cared by how much he noticed about you, whether that meant lending you his shoulder on stressful days of work, or for things even just as small as giving you his pen for the day because you forgot yours.
“Mhm? Ah!—Too strong?” His fingers come to a stop at the assumption he’s massaging you too hard.
“No,” you take his hand from behind your head and turn around to look at him in the eyes.
Jeno blinks at you in confusion.
Your eyes drop away from his face. “You’d tell me if there was something bothering you, right?”
At first, his brows crease together.
But then he’s laughing, eyes smiling as he calls you cute under his breath whilst releasing the grip of your hand on his wrist and affectionately brushing the bubbles away from the top of your eyebrow with his thumb.
“What are you talking about?” Jeno presses his forehead into yours so you can look at him and see that smile of his you love so much, “Is there something wrong?”
“No…” Not with you. But if there was with him you’d listen.
He presses his lips against yours. “I’m okay if you’re okay.”
Those words were a little tricky.
On the surface, they seemed like a sweet thing to say. Yet you knew it subconsciously meant something deeper.
But, you let it slide just this once.
The next time you’re in his room, it’s a week later and a day earlier than you had previously scheduled.
But instead of cute showers together, you have his heavy arm slung around your shoulder and alcohol breath against your cheek.
“Sorry.” Jeno’s half slurring as he nuzzles into your jaw.
You kick his door closed from behind you and heave his weight against your hip more. “Don’t worry about it.” At least he was sober enough to apologize now.
You had just come back from the bar nearest your campus where Donghyuck was stupidly holding an ‘end of the first exam’ event (A.K.A. any excuse for endless food and rowdy drinking games on a friday night).
Jeno releases his arm from off your shoulder and places a hand on the wall.
“Can you get me some water?” He presses his eyes closed and manages to take a step forward.
You think the cold night walk from the bar had kicked some sense of reality into him. “Yeah, can you manage?” You reach a hand out behind his waist just in case.
But he just hums and slowly continues his way forward with his fingers pinching between his brows.
It was okay if he closed his eyes, he knew his room like the back of his hand anyway.
As you rip open the pack of water by his door and pull a bottle out, Jeno drops his jacket off his arms and onto the floor before he slumps into his bed with a sigh.
By the time you approach his bedside, he’s sprawled out over his duvet with his eyes closed.
You open the bottle for him and he blindly takes it. “You don’t usually drink this much.”
He doesn’t reply.
“Is everything okay?”
Ever since you asked Jeno that question in the shower, he seemed as if he was extra cautious about the things he said. And maybe that was just your own imagination. Or maybe you somewhat wanted him to have a secret. Maybe you subconsciously wanted a reason to justify why he acts the way he does.
Jeno nods as he gingerly lifts his head just to drink some water.
“If there’s something on your mind, you can tell me.” You want to ask for more, but you don’t want to force anything out of him.
Sure, sometimes you might find it hard to discern what exactly goes on inside Jeno’s head. But just because you couldn’t read anything off him, didn’t mean he didn’t have any thoughts.
You at least know him well enough to understand how much goes on inside that selfless head of his, despite his generous puppy smiles and lack of verbalisation.
You know he worries a lot—Less about himself and more so about everyone else around him. So you can’t help but think he’s hiding something. Jeno’s more observant than others think.
With a frown, he reaches up to put the bottle onto his side table with a nod.
Then it clicks.
“Did.. Did I say something?” He leans up on one elbow, voice unintentionally baring a touch of mortification.
“What?—No.” You press a hand into his shoulder to get him to lie down again. “No.” Really, he didn’t. That was the problem.
You push his hair away from his forehead and he sighs sleepily.
Thank god, Jeno thinks. To him, he wasn’t exactly hiding anything from you. He thinks purposely ‘hiding’ something was different to just ‘not saying’ something.
Not that he was trying to get off from this with a technicality. Jeno loved you. He really did.
But somehow this ‘love’ just wasn’t turning out the way he thought it would.
And that was something he needed to figure out for himself.
“You.. You don’t have to know...” Is the last thing he says before he falls asleep.
Did you really mean that little to him?
You thought you could be as reliable to him as he was to you.
Were you just ...not enough?
to be continued...
reply below on this post if you want me to tag you when I post part 2 :)
a/n: I think this could’ve easily been a full prose fic, but,,, I’m lazy,, also I feel like I don’t know jeno’s character well enough to convincingly write about what he’d say, think or do ;/ but anyways! thank you for this request, just the perfect thing to give my brain a break from writing my endless hyuck and mark content
also! disclaimer(?) guys! please don’t do what ‘jeno’ is doing in this fic hahahaha this is setting a bad example of what a relationship and labels could mean! in short, what I wrote about was Damage -100hp and Dumb 500hp lmfao so don’t do it (or more so wish for it👁👁)
but yeah, I’m open to discourse in my ask box as much as I was for the hyuck version of this fic if anyone needs/wants to talk about anything! (I’ll also tag it as #os if anyone wants to filter it out)
scroll through these if you'd like the read the hyuck angst discourse
or read the hyuck version of this fic here!
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study-coffee-chicago ¡ 4 years ago
Three Strikes (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine
When you moved in with Jay and Will after your dad had died, they had devised a three-strike system for punishments. Seeing as you were only fifteen and had lost both parents, they knew that they'd be dealing with some teenage angst. So, they had decided on this...and it would help them not be super overprotective, while still allowing you to be a teenager. But, make no mistake, Jay could turn what you saw as one strike into three strikes with a snap of his fingers. Much like his day job as a cop, he could find another thing or two to charge you with that you hadn't thought of before. And, well, bad luck comes in threes. If you thought your first three strikes of this week were going to be bad, you were in for a ride when another two came along.
Strike One
"How's it going, kid?" Hermann asked as you walked through the back entrance of Molly's.
"Good, school's normal," you answered, setting your backpack down and then going over to the sink to wash your hands. You brought your backpack in case it was slow because then you could get some reading or studying in.
"How close are you to getting those tickets?" he asked, grabbing a crate of glasses.
"I've got $350 so far, so halfway there. Mind if I listen to music back here?"
"Knock yourself out. But, you know the rules, one headphone so if I need you out there--which I shouldn't and can't because you're too young, but you know what I mean-- if we're slow and I need you to clean tables, you'll be able to hear me."
"Copy that, boss," you joked.
Hermann left with his crate of glasses and went to the front of the house, while you put in a headphone and shuffled one of your favorite playlists to work to. Then, you turned your attention to the dirty glasses and snack plates on the counter that needed to be washed.
You were hurrying to put some glasses away on a shelf behind the bar when you heard a voice you knew all too well.
"One of your finest IPAs, Hermann."
Shit. If he was done for the day, then that meant...
"Sure thing, officer," Hermann joked as you quickly pushed through the door and into the back, nearly knocking into Stella.
"Whoa there, Y/N, slow down. What's got you all in a hurry?"
"I just remembered I have a geometry test tomorrow," you lied. "You mind if I slip out now so I have a bit more time to study?"
"Yeah, no problem. I'll let Hermann know. Good luck on the test and don't study too late!"
"I would never!"
Then, you quickly slipped on your jacket and hat, grabbed your backpack, and walked out the backdoor.
All you could think on your three-block walk home was that Jay better not be home, because if he was,  you were so dead.
Jay typically got home around 11pm, and your shift at Molly's ended around 10:30...and your curfew was 10pm. And, because you were only fifteen and couldn't drive yet, it took you about fifteen minutes to walk home, so you'd get home around 10:45 and get all situated to make it looked like you had been studying for at least an hour before Jay got home.
You slowly turned the doorknob to go into the house, hoping that he'd be at the gym or out with Hailey. When you got inside and saw that all the lights were off, you breathed a sigh of relief and started up the stairs to your bedroom.
"I don't know where she is, Will! If I knew where she was I wouldn't be calling you now would I?" you heard Jay yell into his phone from his room.
Shit, shit, shit.
You were starting to walk back down the hallway and go back downstairs, maybe walk to the 24-hour coffee shop near your house and call him and tell him that you had lost track of time studying when you heard a door being forcefully flung open.
Run outside or freeze? Run outside or freeze? He'd see me either way and if I ran it would just make me look guilty, but maybe--
"Where have you been?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by Jay's loud voice booming down the hallway. He marched closer to you as you just stared at him with wide eyes. He crossed his arms across his chest. "Well?"
"I was at the library." But, it came out sounding more like a question.
"Wanna try again? Tell me the truth this time."
"I..." You sighed. Here goes your perfect plan of surprising your brothers with hockey tickets. "I was working at Molly's."
"If you're gonna lie, at least put some effort into it, for me," Jay groaned, throwing his head back.
"I'm telling the truth!"
Jay snorted. "Yeah right. Phone now."
"I'm telling you the truth, Jay! I was there because..."
"Because, why?"
"Uh, forget it." At least, this way you wouldn't have to ruin the surprise.
"Yeah, I knew you were out somewhere you shouldn't have been."
You held your phone in your hand. "I only have one strike. I get to keep it." You raised your eyebrow, daring your brother to challenge your logic.
Jay shook his head and looked down and laughed.
"What's so funny?" you demanded.
"That you think you're right." You opened your mouth to reply, but Jay stopped you. "Strike number one, breaking curfew. But, you knew that. Strike number two, lying to me about where you were because you told me two different places, so at least one, if not both places, were lies. And strike three--care to turn on your phone?"
"You hand me your phone and it turns off or is dead because you ran out of battery, you can keep it. If not, and you turned it off so I wouldn't know where you were, then I get to keep it for a while. Now, hand it over."
You sighed and handed it to Jay. He pressed the home button and when it didn't turn on, he looked at you. "Anything you wanna say?"
He held down on the power button and the screen became illuminated. When it turned on, he saw the battery percentage. "61%. Guess this is mine for the time being."
"Jay," you whined.
"Don't Jay me. You brought this on yourself. Now, you might wanna get to bed since you have school tomorrow."
"When will I get my phone back?"
"When I say you can have it back."
You groaned and turned around to go to your room and get ready for bed.
"Goodnight to you, too!" Jay yelled at your retreating back.
"Grounded, huh?" Will asked when you walked inside after school the next day.
"Jesus, Will!" You jumped. "You scared me." Will chuckled. "What are you doing here?"
"I am babysitting you."
"Jay put you up to this?"
"God, I'm 15," you whined. "He can't trust me for a few hours until he gets home?"
"He did trust you. But, then you snuck off and broke curfew and turned your phone off so he couldn't track you, so you needing a babysitter is warranted."
"Really? You're supposed to agree with me here!"
"No can do. I'm with Jay on this one. Where did you go anyway?"
"I was working under the table at Molly's."
Will scoffed. "Yeah right. If it's so bad that you have to pretend to be working, maybe I don't wanna know. But, Jay's a cop. He'll find out eventually."
"There's nothing to find out. I didn't do anything wrong!" You turned on your heel and started up the stairs. "I'm going to my room to do homework...since I obviously can't do anything else because I'm grounded."
An hour later, Will told you that he had gotten called in to work since there was a multi-vehicle crash and he was needed at Med ASAP. So, he left you home. And, since it was only 5:00, you figured you could get a few hours of work in at Molly's. After all, Hermann didn't know you were grounded.
Strike Two
You started your walk home around 10:30 as you normally did. You hadn't seen anyone from Intelligence (or Med) at Molly's when you left, so you hoped Jay wasn't home and that Will was so busy that he hadn't had time to come back and check on you. It's not like Will could call you because Jay had your phone. And, he had it at work with him. He wasn't that stupid that he'd leave it at home because he knew you'd tear the place apart in search of it.
Everything was going fine, except for the fact that you were checking over your shoulder every minute because it was dark and you didn't have your phone. Everything was fine...until you got halfway home.
You started to climb up a snowbank like you had when you were little when you, Jay, and Will would play king of the mountain and push each other off. (Well, they pushed each other off. If they so much as tried to push you, your mom would drag them in by their ear.) Everything was fine...until you got to the top of it.
Whoever had plowed the past few days had done a really shitty job of making sure all the snow was there because, before you knew it, your foot sunk into the top of the snowbank, which was two times your height, and then you fell. When you tried to use your hands to push yourself up, all the snow came falling down around you and you plummeted to the bottom of the snowbank, the sides of it wrapped around you.
You tried to grab on to mounds of snow and use them as leverage to pull yourself out, but it didn't work. The minute you thought you were getting somewhere, it would just fall down and you'd be back where you started. You tried to carve out spots to put your hands and feet, like a rock-climbing wall, but the minute you'd get your foot in, it'd break because of the weight and more snow would fall. You thought that if enough fell from the sides, that eventually it'd get shallower and you'd be able to get out, but then a plow came. It pushed more snow on the pile, making it so that you were standing up straight and barely had room to turn around now.
You took off one of your gloves and threw it out and onto the pile. Hopefully, someone would find you by seeing your glove and looking there. But, you knew it was a long shot as neither Will nor Jay knew you had been at Molly's. And, no one at Molly's knew the route you used to walk home.
"Help!" you yelled.
God, it was so cold.
Jay entered the house fully expecting you to run up to him and beg for your phone back...not that he'd give it to you anyway. But, when he got there, all the lights were off. He ventured upstairs and into your room, which was dark as well. It was 11:30, an hour and a half past curfew even if you weren't grounded.
Will had texted him earlier that evening to tell him that he had to go into work because there was a big car accident, and since Jay was suiting up to go into the field, it's not like he could just call someone else to watch you or go home himself. So, he decided to trust that you wouldn't leave the house. Apparently, he was wrong.
Jay pulled out his phone and quickly dialed Will's number. "Will!" he yelled into the phone. "Do you know where Y/N went? She's not here!"
"Shit," he muttered. "I have no idea. Track her-- oh yeah, you took her phone."
Jay rubbed a hand over his face. "Did she at least tell you where she went last night?"
"She told me that she was working under the table at Molly's. So, I assumed that she was doing something really bad if she had to lie that she was working. I shouldn't have come to Med. I'm sorry, man."
"No, it's your job. I should've found someone to stay with her that wasn't on call. I'm gonna go look for her."
"I'll keep my phone on me. Call if you have any updates."
Jay clipped his badge back onto his belt and reholstered his gun. Then, he walked out to his car and got in, intent on finding you.
As he was driving, he called another person who he knew would calm him down in times of stress: Hailey.
"Hey, Jay. What's up?" she asked as she answered the phone. After all, they hadn't been apart for half an hour at this point.
"Hails, can you call the team for me?"
"What? Why? What's going on, Jay?"
"Y/N. I told you that she was grounded and Will was watching her and then he got called into work. So, he left her at home and when I got home, she- she was gone."
"Okay, I'll call everyone. Did she give you any hint of where she went? Maybe mentioned it to you last night or Will today?"
"Yesterday she told me she was at the library and then she told me she was working at Molly's...which I'm pretty sure are both lies. But, then today she told Will she had been working under the table at Molly's. So, I honestly really don't know where to start."
"I know it's a long shot, but start at Molly's. If you don't get anything from there, we'll regroup at the district."
"Okay, thanks, Hails. If I get anything at Molly's, I'll call you or send a text to the group chat."
"No problem. We'll find her."
Ten minutes later, a very determined Jay Halstead walked into Molly's.
"Hey, Jay," Stella said. "What can I get for you? Adam just left if that's who you were looking for."
"No, I'm actually wondering if you've seen Y/N? She told me and Will this BS that she was working under the table here, so it's the first place I thought I'd check."
"She didn't tell you?" Stella asked, sliding a beer down the bar to Kelly.
"Tell me what?"
"She was working here, Jay. She'd work until about 10:30 and then she'd go home."
"What? You can't be serious."
"I've seen her around a few times," Kelly supplied. "Thought you guys knew about it. Good way for her to make some extra cash and since it's under the table, no taxes."
"So she did tell me the truth last night. God, I'm such a jerk."
"Why are you looking for her?" Kelly asked. "She not at home?"
"No, I got home and she wasn't there. And, I grounded her because she broke curfew and I thought she was lying about where she was last night, so I took her phone. Any chance either of you has seen her tonight?"
"She just left around an hour ago," Stella said.
"She did? You know where she went?"
"I think she just went home like she normally does. You need help looking? We can help. I can close since there's not many people here and we can help you."
"No, no, it's okay. My team's on it. Don't want Hermann to chew me out over lost business."
"I'll help," Kelly volunteered. "I'll also call Casey and Brett so if something happened and we need a medic, Brett's there."
God, Jay hadn't even thought about the fact that you might be hurt. He just assumed you had gone out partying.
"Okay, thanks. I'm gonna give Hailey a call and we'll go from there."
"Hailey," Jay started after walking to a secluded part of the bar. "Stella and Kelly both said that they had seen Y/N working at Molly's. And, that she got off work tonight at 10:30 and they assumed she just went home."
"Okay, the team's here. I'm putting you on speaker."
"Kelly said he'd call Brett and Casey to start looking for her, so I guess we just look for her. I don't know where she would've gone." He sighed. If he would've just believed you, this wouldn't have happened. If he would've just let you keep your phone this wouldn't have happened. It was all his fault that he couldn't find you.
"We can't put out a missing persons report yet since it's only been a little over an hour since someone last seen her. We'll meet you there. Start searching. One of us will find you and give you a vest. She couldn't have gotten far."
"Thanks, Sarge."
"Hey, Casey and Brett are on their way. They're stopping by the firehouse to grab jump bags just in case," Kelly said, finding Jay in a secluded corner.
Jay nodded.
"I've got some flashlights in my car," he supplied. "They should help us until your unit and Casey show up with more." He clapped Jay on the back. "We'll find her, man. If she was heading home, she couldn't have gotten far."
"Yeah, yeah, thanks, Kelly."
The two walked to his car and grabbed the flashlights. "We'll just start towards the right I guess. That's the quickest way to get home from here if she was walking."
"Jay!" Jay turned when he heard Hailey calling his name, running up to him with a vest in her hand.
"Hailey," Jay breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his girlfriend. At least she'd be here with him.
"Here." She handed him the vest. "You have your gun?"
"Yeah. And Severide gave me the flashlight."
"Brett! Casey!" Kelly yelled as he saw two more figures coming toward them, Brett carrying the two jump bags and Casey carrying more flashlights...which weren't needed now that Intelligence was here.
"How are we doing this?" Casey asked.
He looked to Jay, but this wasn't Jay's decision. It was Voight's. And Jay was glad his sergeant had recognized that because there was no way his head was clear enough to put together tactical plans.
"Hailey, Jay, and Severide take the way that you two were previously going. Take a jump bag. Adam, Kim, and Brett start going slightly to the right in a diagonal off of Jay and Hailey. Take a jump bag. Me, Kevin, and Casey will go to the left off of Jay and Hailey. Since there are only two jump bags, if we find her, we'll radio you for it."
The three groups started walking, all their attention on finding you. Jay put his hands in his vest, trying to keep them warm on this cold night. He didn't think he'd be out in the freezing cold searching for you, so he didn't have gloves or a hat with him.
"I, um, I should call Will," Jay said, breaking the silence. "Just to let him know that we're looking for her and that she wasn't lying to us."
"Hey, any sign of her?" Will asked as he picked up his phone on the second ring.
"No. Um, she wasn't lying to us. She was working at Molly's and she went there tonight when you left to go to work."
"Stella said that she usually just goes straight home. So, we're looking with some help from Severide, Casey, and Brett."
"Need me to come help? I'm sure they can find somebody to cover for me."
"No, no. I think we've got it under control. But, if we need more bodies to find her, I'll call you."
"Okay. Find her, Jay. You have to find her."
Jay hung up his phone with those words echoing in his mind. You have to find her. You have to find her.
"What's that?" Hailey asked as they approached a snowbank five minutes later.
"Looks like a glove," Kelly said as he walked closer.
He and Hailey started to slowly climb the snowbank, being careful not to fall through while Jay just stood there. He knew that glove. You had one just like it. But, it had to be a coincidence, right?
"Oh my God," Kelly said as he looked into the small hole in the snowbank, seeing you squished up against the edges, the hand that didn't have a glove blue. Your eyes were closed and your lips were a shade of blue.
"What?" Jay yelled, rushing up the snowbank.
Hailey was quick to stop him. "Jay, I need you to take a step back, okay? We have to get her out of here and we need to be rational about this."
"Get her out of this? Out of the snowbank?" She nodded. "You're telling me she fell into a fucking snowbank and she's stuck, half-frozen to death?"
Hailey nodded. Jay just stood there, staring at the hole you must've been in. Severide laid on his belly and started to reach in when Hailey stopped him.
"No sudden movements. We've gotta get her out slow with minimal movement."
"I know, I'm on squad. But, can you radio Brett for me? We might need her here so that she can take a look at her."
Severide reached in and slowly placed his hands under your armpits. Then, with slow movements, he pulled you out, careful not to jostle your body and pull you straight up and out.
"Jay, can you come and grab her legs? Help me lay her down?"
"Uh, yeah," he replied, snapping out of his trance.
He crouched down and grabbed your legs just as Brett, Adam, and Kim came running over.
"Keep her steady," Brett ordered. "No sudden movements." The two boys started to lower you to the ground when Sylvie stopped them. "She can't be in direct contact with the ground. I need something warm on the ground first. A jacket or something."
As soon as Sylvie said that, Adam ripped off his vest and took off his coat. "Will this work?"
"Yeah, that should work. Just set it down and then they can carefully lower her."
They did as the PIC told them.
"I've got a pulse. It's slow but it's there," Sylvie said after she had pressed her fingers to your neck.
Jay crouched down and put his hands over his mouth to stop a sob from tearing through his body.
Somehow though, he found enough of his voice to speak into his radio, "This is 50-21 George. I need you to roll an ambo to my current location. We have a fifteen-year-old female hypothermia victim."
"Okay, whoever can brave the cold and take off your jacket, I need you to do it now. We need to keep her covered until an ambo gets here. Kelly, pass me the warm, dry compress from the jump bag."
While Jay shed his coat and Hailey radioed the rest of the team to let them know that you had been found, Kelly helped Sylvie with the compress. "I'm going to lift her head and then I need you to put the compress under her neck," Sylvie instructed.
"Okay," Kelly said. Sylvie gently lifted your head and Kelly slid the warm compress underneath. Then, he laid your head back down.
She turned to see Jay rummaging through his jump bag, activating two more compresses.
"What are you doing?" she asked him, stepping away from you and to your very worried brother.
"Putting more on her. What does it look like I'm doing?"
She was taken aback by his tone, but didn't take it personally because she'd probably do the same thing if it was her sibling in this situation...and he also wasn't a trained paramedic.
"If you're gonna put one on her, just place it on her chest."
"What about the rest of her body? Her arms? Legs?"
"Jay, I know you're worried about her. But if you put them on her arms or legs, the cold blood will go back towards her heart and lungs, lowering her core temperature even more. We need to try and increase her core temperature, not decrease it."
"Here." He handed her a compress. "For her chest."
"Thank you."
Then, they heard sirens in the distance. Jay just hoped this was enough for now.
"Incoming!" Maggie yelled to the already overrun ED. "Fifteen-year-old female, hypothermia. Fell into a snowbank. Used dry, warm compresses in the field, and paramedics put warming blankets on her in the ambo, but they said they need something more than that with how low her core temperature was."
Will ran towards the doors as they opened and revealed the paramedics, followed by none other than his little brother. And, on the gurney, there you were, eyes closed, breathing slowly, a nasal cannula underneath your nose.
"Get her into treatment two," Will said.
"Will, you can't treat her," Maggie said.
"You see another doctor that's free, Maggie?" She raised her eyebrows at him. "I didn't think so. It's not like I'm performing surgery. Hopefully, this will be standard rewarming and shouldn't take that long."
Will entered treatment two just as they moved you from the gurney to the bed. He listened to your heart and determined that that was fine, as were your lung sounds. Then, he moved on to taking your temperature.
"Ninety-three degrees Fahrenheit," Will declared. "Monique, start an IV of one unit of warm saline and we'll get more re-warming blankets."
"Yes, Dr. Halstead."
"Jay," Will said and motioned for him to follow him out of the treatment room. "What happened?" he asked once the two were out of the room.
"We found her in a snowbank. She must've climbed it on the way home and fell in. She couldn't get out. Kelly pulled her out and then Brett came and-- Oh God. If she wasn't there, I could've killed her, Will. I could've killed our little sister."
"Jay, take a breath. She's okay now. She's in good hands. What do you mean you could've killed her?"
"Brett started to get those compress things out and I thought I was helping, so I started getting more. And- and, I almost put them on her legs and arms. If Brett wasn't there to stop me, I could've stopped her heart. God, I could've killed her, Will. It would've been all my fault."
"Jay, listen to me. You didn't do that. So, stop thinking about it. She's fine." He looked up and saw all of Intelligence coming into the ED waiting room along with Brett, Casey, and Severide. "Now, I think you should go tell them that she's gonna be okay. Tell Brett good job for me, too."
Jay nodded and walked away from his older brother, trying to will the tears in his eyes to go away.
"How is she?" Kelly asked when Jay entered the waiting room.
"Her temp is 93, so she's still got a ways to go. But, Will just mentioned standard rewarming, so hopefully, that's a good sign. Brett, he said to tell you good job."
Sylvie nodded and Jay took a seat next to Kelly. He put his head in his hands.
Kelly placed a hand on Jay's shoulder. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Sounds like it's not anything too serious."
"Yeah, but if I wouldn't have taken her phone or I would've just believed her, we wouldn't be in this mess."
"It's not your fault. She was trying to keep it a secret from you anyway. Wanted to surprise you."
This piqued Jay's interest. "Surprise me? What do you mean?"
"She was saving up money to buy you guys opening night tickets to the Blackhawks next season, that's why she didn't want to tell you because she wanted to surprise you and Will with them."
"God, she was trying to do something nice and I grounded her for it."
"Jay," Hailey started, walking up to him with two cups of coffee, "you did what you were supposed to do with the information you had at the time. This isn't your fault. It was a freak accident. It could've happened to anyone who climbed that snowbank. Hell, it could've happened to us when we climbed it tonight."
"I guess you're right. Thanks for the coffee, babe."
"Wait. Are you two...?" Kelly trailed off.
"Yes, it's no big deal. We signed the HR forms and everything," Hailey answered as Jay sipped his coffee and tried to stop blaming himself for what happened.
You slowly opened your eyes and your first thought was I'm cold. Why am I so cold? You pulled the blankets closer to you, but then you realized that they weren't the blankets from your bed, but thick, heated blankets.
"W-What?" You started to talk, but your teeth chattered while doing so.
"You gave us quite the scare earlier," Will said as he walked over with a thermometer. "Now open."
"Why am-am I--"
"Jay can explain all that while this thermometer takes your temperature. Now open and lift up your tongue."
You did as your doctor brother told you and opened your mouth and he placed the thermometer in. You looked at Jay expectantly.
"God, you scared me so much. When I found you in that snowbank..."
"I'm s-sorry," you said with the thermometer still in your mouth. Will gave you a pointed look and you clamped your mouth shut until it beeped.
"Ninety-five. That's the cut-off for me letting you go against medical advice...but lucky for me, you're minor, so me and Jay get to decide when you can go home," Will started after he removed the thermometer. "And, I think we're keeping you here until you reach at least 97."
"Will," you whined.
"Sorry, Y/N. Will's the doctor here, so what he says goes," Jay said.
"Please remember that next time you inevitably end up in here," Will retorted.
"Not a chance." Then, Jay turned back to you. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I know you were just trying to surprise us."
"I was scared," you said. "I thought I was gonna die there."
"I wasn't gonna let that happen. You want me to get you something warm to drink while you tell Will why you were working at Molly's?" You nodded. "Decaf caramel macchiato? No way are you getting caffeine."
"Yes please."
Jay left and Will turned to you. "What were you trying to surprise us with, Short Stack?" he asked, using your nickname.
"I was trying to save up money to get us tickets to the Blackhawks home opener in October." You shivered. "Can I have another blanket. I'm still c-cold." Your teeth chattered once more.
"Of course." He retrieved another heated blanket and wrapped it around you. "Why didn't you tell us you were working at Molly's under the table?"
"I thought you g-guys would be m-mad because it would get in the way of school. So, I d-didn't tell you. I didn't want t-to wreck the surprise. I was-wasn't lying to you when you asked me where I was."
"I know that now. I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. You just have to see it from my and Jay's perspective though. You working was the last thing on our minds, so we just assumed the worst."
Jay came back with your large decaf caramel macchiato. "I got it extra hot."
He went to hand it to you, but you yawned. "I'm t-tired."
"I know you are. It's past one in the morning," Will replied, looking at his watch. "But, I want you to drink at least half of this before you go back to sleep, help you get your core temperature back up."
"Okay." You took the coffee from Jay and set it on the tray in front of you.
"Thank you. I'm sorry for everyth-thing."
"I know. It's okay. I'm just glad you're safe." He pulled your phone from his pocket. "I believe this belongs to you."
You took it from his outstretched hand. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. It'll give you something to pass the time while drinking half of that."
"You called in reinforcements?" you hissed at Jay when you, him, and Will walked into the house around 8 am the next morning...well, the same morning, but you considered 1 am to be nighttime.
"Hey!" Jay protested. "They just wanted to see how you were doing. Kelly was the one who actually got you out of the snowbank and Stella was about ready to shut down Molly's to help us look for you."
"I bet Hermann would've been thrilled about that," you said sarcastically.
"That's what I said! And, Hailey's just here because, well, she's Hailey."
"And they love each other," Will chirped, earning himself a smack on the back of the head from Jay and a glare from Hailey. "You guys are no fun!"
"My house, my rules," Jay remarked.
"I thought that only applied to Y/N."
"Nope, applies to you, too. Speaking of Y/N..." Jay trailed off and turned to you. "Go park it on the couch."
"Fine. Just let me go get changed first."
You walked into your room and changed into your favorite pair of joggers and a hoodie along with some kitty cat slippers. You then grabbed your favorite blanket and wrapped it around you and grabbed your phone charger, too. Your temperature was still about one degree below average, but Will and Jay had agreed to let you come home on the condition that you'd just stay on the couch and drink warm beverages and relax.
"Do they meow, too?" Severide asked as you sat on the couch.
"Do what meow?"
"Your slippers. Do they meow?"
"No, no they do not, Kelly. They're just comfy."
"And for a four-year-old," Will chirped.
"Honestly, at this point, I wish you guys would've just left me in that snowbank. Then I wouldn't have to deal with your annoying asses."
"Jay!" Will yelled.
"What?" he hollered back from the kitchen where he and Hailey were busy concocting your mom's famous chicken soup recipe.
"Y/N swore! She needs to put money in the swear jar!"
"The swear jar?" Kelly laughed. "Jay actually does one of those? Because if you could've heard him last night, he'd be putting at least twenty bucks in there."
You smiled at Kelly and made your way into the kitchen, the aroma of chicken soup hitting you immediately.
"Smells good in here," you remarked, causing Jay to turn around from where he was stirring the soup at the stove. Then he moved a few feet and reached up on top of the fridge where the swear jar was located and held it out to you. You shook your head. "No."
"Did you or did you not swear?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. Hailey just stood next to him with a small smile on her face and it was clear that she was trying to stop herself from laughing.
"I did, but--"
"No buts. You either did or you didn't."
"Jay, be nice," Hailey scolded. "She just got hypothermia from falling in a snowbank. The least you could do is let her off the hook for swearing."
"Yeah, listen to Hailey. And, Kelly said you swore a lot last night when you were trying to find me, so if I have to put a dollar in there, he said that you should have to put twenty dollars in there."
"That's not how this works. The rule is if you swear around us or we swear around you. And, if I recall correctly, you weren't there because we were freezing our as- our butts off looking for you."
"Ooooh, good catch, Halstead," Hailey laughed. "You almost had to put even more money in the swear jar."
"Even more money? What are you talking about?"
"I'm with Y/N on this one. If you make her put money in, you have to put at least a twenty in for all the swearing you did last night."
"Fine," Jay whined. "You don't have to put any money in, but just this once. Now, would you please let me finish making the soup? And, you need to go lay on the couch."
"I love how Will didn't yell at me for getting up, but you, the non-doctor of the family, are."
"Technically, I didn't yell. Yelling was what I did when I took your phone away."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going, going." You waved him off and headed back to the couch.
"You really suck, Will. Do you know that? At least Kelly and Hailey have my back because if Hailey wasn't in there, he would've made me put money in there."
"Hey, don't blame me. You were the one who said it. I just ratted you out."
"Snitches get stitches."
"I'm the one who actually knows how to perform stitches, you, on the other hand, do not."
"My God," Stella laughed. "It's like watching a reality show seeing you three all in the same room."
"Child," Jay said as he handed you a bowl of chicken soup along with a spoon.
"Good Lord, Jay. I'm fifteen."
"I know. You're still a child though since you're a minor."
"You're a minor," you mocked. "And you both are annoying, so I say we play a game."
"See? Like I said, reality show," Stella reiterated. "What game?"
"Never have I ever." Everyone groaned when you said that. "Hey, I'm the one who was stuck in the hospital, so I think you can all put up with this game."
"Fine," Kelly agreed, and then the others did, too.
"We'll go youngest to oldest," Will stated. "So, you start, Y/N."
You smirked. "Never have I ever gotten married in Vegas."
"Low blow, Y/N!" Jay yelled as both he and Kelly put a finger down and Kelly threw his head back and laughed.
Strike Three
That night, you quickly fell asleep. It felt like you had been asleep for hours when in reality it had only been two. You hugged your blankets tighter around your body as you started to shiver. You laid there and tried to fall asleep for who knows how long as a cold sweat started to break out on your forehead, back, and chest. God, you didn't want to get up, but you felt like something was wrong, so you slowly got up--still wrapped in a blanket--and made your way over to the guest bedroom where you knew Will would be sleeping.
"Will," you whispered as you walked into the guest room. He didn't stir. "Will." You tried again, this time louder, and you stepped closer and shook his shoulder.
"Hmmm," he groaned as he rolled over and fluttered his eyelids open. But, the minute he saw it was you, he knew he needed to be awake. "Short Stack?"
"Yeah, it's me."
"Are you okay? You don't usually wake me up at night." He sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. Then, he saw your sweaty face. "Are you feeling sick?"
You nodded. "I feel really cold, but I'm sweating."
Will reached over and put the back of his hand to your forehead. "You feel a little warm. C'mon, let's go take your temperature. Your legs hurt?"
That was one of the tell-tale signs of you having a fever, your legs hurting.
"Not yet," you answered.
Then, you went to the kitchen--as Will had left the thermometer and his medical bag at the kitchen table--and sat down. You took the thermometer from Will and put it under your tongue.
When it beeped, you took it out and handed it to him. "100.5," he read.
You groaned. "What is going on? First, my temperature was too low and then it stabilized and now it's too high. I just wanna sleep, Will. I'm so tired."
Will shushed you. "The lovebirds are sleeping."
"You know, if Jay heard you say that, he'd hit you, right?"
"Well, good thing he's sleeping. Now, go back to bed and I'll check on you in a few hours. Come get me if your legs start hurting, though."
You nodded and went back to bed. You tossed and turned and tried to get comfortable. You stuck one leg out from under the covers, but then you were too cold, despite half your body still being covered, so you settled on just letting your foot stick out. But, after forty-five minutes of that, you got super cold again and got up to retrieve the extra blanket you had set of the chair of your desk.
The first thing that you noticed when you stood up was how much your legs ached.
"Shit," you muttered.
You grabbed a blanket from your bed and wrapped it around you and grabbed the one from your desk chair and did the same thing. Then, you walked down the hall and to the guest bedroom.
"Will," you whispered as you poked your head in the room.
"Yeah?" he asked as he rolled over and turned on the lamp. He must not've fallen back to sleep after you had woken him up the first time.
"My legs hurt."
"Okay, let's go back to the kitchen and re-take your temperature, see if it went up."
You nodded tiredly as he got out of bed.
"You gonna fall over? Need me to help you get to the kitchen?" he asked as he approached you still standing in the doorway.
"No, I think I can walk," you answered.
You made it to the kitchen without falling over and then took a seat at the spot you had been just an hour ago. You stuck the thermometer in your mouth once more and waited for it to beep.
Will was rummaging around through the cupboard--and making a lot of noise, so he'd probably be the one who ended up waking the lovebirds up as he liked to call them--so you read the reading on the thermometer to him. "101.1 Went up point six degrees."
"Ah, found it." He grabbed the bottle of Tylenol and filled a glass of water and handed the two things to you. "Here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna take this, drink the entire glass of water and I mean the entire glass, and then you're gonna take a lukewarm bath. Hopefully, that'll lower your temperature."
You nodded, your eyelids heavy. You did as you were told and then handed him the pill bottle. When he closed the cupboard, his hand slipped, resulting in the door of it slamming shut and it echoing throughout the house.
"Fuck," he muttered.
"Swear jar," you whispered.
"Yeah, yeah," Will replied with a way of his hand. "I don't keep money in my pajamas, so I'll put a dollar in, in the morning."
"The hell was that?" Jay asked loudly, rushing into the kitchen with his gun raised.
Will threw his hands up in a sign of surrender. "Whoa, man! Don't point that thing at me! What do you think I'm trying to do? Rob you?"
Jay set his gun on the counter. "Sorry about that. What are you two doing up? It's--" He checked the time on the microwave. "--2:11 in the morning." Will motioned towards you. "Did her temperature drop or something?"
"It didn't drop, it increased."
"Well, that's good, right?"
"It was good when she hit the average temperature, but now she's got a fever of 101.1."
"Swear jar...for both of you."
Jay groaned and Hailey entered the kitchen. After explaining to her what was going on, she offered to help you into the bath because your legs were so achy.
But, you knew that Will would want to periodically check on you even if Hailey was in there, so you changed into a pair of spandex, a sports bra, and a crappy tank top while Will started the bath.
"Have her stay in here for about twenty minutes and then I'll be back in to check her temperature," Will told Hailey and then he retreated back to the kitchen to talk to his brother.
Hailey knocked on your bedroom door and you said she could come in. "How do you want to do this?" she asked. "Want me to keep you steady on the way to the bathroom, or do you just need help getting the tub?"
"Just need help getting in," you told her. But, as you walked out of your room, down the hall, and into the bathroom, she stayed right next to you in case she needed to catch or steady you.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jay was feeling like an idiot with all the medical talk Will was doing.
"So, how'd she get a fever if she was just in the hospital with hypothermia less than 24 hours ago?" Jay asked.
"It's the rebound effect. It's rare, but it's a pathophysiological thing where some people get pyrexia after hypothermia especially if ischemia occurs."
Jay blinked rapidly. "English please?"
Will sighed, he sometimes forgot that people around him didn't know all the medical terminology like the back of their hand like he did. "It's a rebound effect, which is rare. And, it's when there's a disordered process in the body after a disease or injury. In Y/N's case, it's a disordered process that's happening in her body after her temperature had regulated after the hypothermia. So, some people get a fever--which in the medical world is called pyrexia--when ischemia happens, which is a fancy for an organ not getting enough blood supply. Didn't you say that Y/N had a faint pulse when you found her?"
"Yeah," Jay answered. "Brett took her pulse once we pulled her out and she said it was slow."
"Okay, so because the heart was pumping slower, it meant that less blood was circulating, which could mean there was less blood to her other organs, so we could be looking at ischemia."
"That, or she could have a mild case of pneumonia. That happens more with patients who are treated for hypothermia. Ischemia happens more in patients whose hypothermia went untreated for a longer amount of time."
"But, I didn't hear her cough at all."
"You can have pneumonia without a cough. It's not common, but it can still happen. We just have to wait and see if she starts hacking up a lung or if her fever gets up to 103, then we'll bring her in."
"Hey guys," Hailey said as she walked into the kitchen. "We have a problem."
Jay's eyes widened and he sprinted to the bathroom, ever the overprotective brother. Will retrieved his medical bag and followed him.
"You have got to be kidding me," Jay whispered. "It takes her like half an hour on average to fall asleep each night, but she falls asleep in ten minutes here? In the bathtub of all places? What do we do?"
"We have no choice but to wake her up," Will said.
"But she's been saying she's so tired."
"I know, but we can't let her sleep in the bathtub."
"You said what, twenty minutes before you have to take her temperature again?" Hailey asked and Will nodded. She checked the timer on her phone. "She's got a bit more than seven minutes left. How about we just let her sleep until the timer goes off and then we wake her up, take her temperature, and get her back to bed?"
"That is actually a good plan. And, not getting her out of the tub until the timer goes off could help her fever go down a bit more."
"I'm full of good ideas," Hailey joked.
Seven minutes later, you squeezed your eyes tightly shut and then opened them when you heard the sound of an alarm go off. "Hmmm. What happened?" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes with your wet hands.
"You fell asleep is what happened," Will answered. "Now open."
"But I'm in the bathtub. How did I..." you trailed off. "Oh."
"And I thought Jay was terrible at remembering things," Will chirped.
"Shut up. My body's fighting something. My energy isn't going to my memory or common sense at the moment."
You put the thermometer in your mouth and waited until it beeped for the third time tonight. Then, you handed it to Will.
"101.1 still," he read. "No change. Are you feeling any better worse? Legs hurt more or less?"
"I feel the same. I don't know about my legs because I'm sitting down."
"Here," Hailey said holding an arm out. "Grab on to me and I'll help you. Can one of you grab a towel?"
Jay went to the closet to grab a towel and you grabbed on to Hailey's arm. As you stood up, your legs ached a bit, but not more or less than before. But, you were only standing up. You hadn't taken a step yet.
You placed a foot on the ground and walked a few steps to where Jay was standing, holding a towel out to you. As you took those steps, you felt the familiar ache in your calves. It was stronger than it had been when you had gotten in bath.
God, it was like someone was rolling a rolling pin up and down your calves and pressing it into your muscles.
"Will," you whined once you had successfully wrapped the towel around your wet body. "It hurts. My legs hurt so bad."
Will all but shoved Jay out of the way and crouched down a bit. "Tilt your head back for me." You did as he said and Will moved his fingers to feel around your neck, specifically in the area of your lymph nodes. "Quite a bit more swollen than I would've liked to see them, but we'll check back in the morning. Any sore throat, coughing?"
"No, I just feel hot and cold and--" you stifled a yawn "--tired."
"Lean on me and then Hailey can help you get changed. If that's okay with you?" Will asked, turning his attention from you to Hailey.
"It's no problem."
"And then you can go right back to bed."
"Okay," you mumbled. And then, slowly but surely, you got down the hallway and into your bedroom.
Once you were changed, both of your brothers came in, Will bearing the disgusting "bubblegum" flavored liquid Benadryl and a small cup with blue liquid. Jay held a water bottle and a bowl.
"I know I gave you Tylenol about an hour and a half ago," Will started, "but, it was a low dose and since your fever didn't drop at all in the bath, I'm going to need you to take this."
He held the tube that contained the thick pink liquid out to you. "No," you whined. "Just give me more Tylenol."
"Y/N, this will make you tired so that you're able to sleep. And, Jay's out of Nyquil, so this was the only option I had. Please, just take it. You can chase it with this blue Gatorade I stole from Jay."
"You didn't steal it...this time. I let you have some," Jay clarified.
"Whatever. Point is, just please take the medicine."
"Fine," you mumbled and took the tube from him. You downed the medicine and made a face, immediately reaching for the Gatorade to wash the nasty taste out of your mouth. "That was gross."
"Sorry," Will apologized.
"Here's some water and a bowl in case you have to throw up," Jay told you as he set them on your bedside table.
"I don't feel nauseous."
"It's just a precaution. Now, we're gonna go back to bed. Need anything else?"
"No. Goodnight guys. 'Night Hailey. Thanks for helping me change. Probably would've fallen over if you weren't here to help."
"It's 10 am," Will said as he stood up from the couch the next morning. "I'm gonna go wake her up."
"Shouldn't we just let her sleep if she's sick?" Jay asked. "Thought you'd know that much since you're the doctor."
"Shut up. I have to take her temperature again. That Benadryl must've really knocked her out."
"It'll do that to you. Why do you think Mom would give it to us the night before school started? So we could sleep."
"Aww, did you guys get nervous?" Hailey joked.
"No. You know how most parents have their kids start to go to bed earlier about a week to two weeks before school starts back up?" Hailey nodded. "Yeah, our parents didn't do that. We just took some Benadryl and then we slept like babies and were well-rested for school," Jay explained.
"Well, I'm gonna go check on Y/N. Be back in a bit."
Will walked into your room to see you still fast asleep with your arm hanging off the bed. As he got closer, he noticed some discoloration on it...right where the IV had been.
"Shit," he muttered. He lightly touched your shoulder, causing you to stir a little. "Short Stack." You groaned. "Short Stack, you gotta wake up. It's past ten and I need to take your temperature."
You rubbed your eyes and sat up in bed. Then, you pulled your right arm close to you. Without looking at it, you started to scratch it.
"No!" Will grabbed your arm.
"Why? It's itchy." Then you looked down at it and saw that it was all red and had little bumps on it. It looked a little bit swollen, too. "Why's it look like that?" You shivered and pulled the blankets up around you.
"Still cold?" You nodded. "Legs still hurt?" You nodded once more. "But, to answer your question, it could be an infection from the IV. Or you could be having an allergic reaction to the meds...but we only gave you warm saline, so that wouldn't happen."
"Is that bad? And, can you take my temp--" Your teeth chattered from shivering. "--temperature so I can go back to sleep?"
"Yeah, don't know if you're gonna be able to go back to sleep." You reached for your arm to start itching the IV site, when Will clamped his hand around the spot. "No. You can't itch it. Because, if there's an infection in it, I don't want you tearing the skin and getting it even more infected."
"Then put some anti-itch cream on it from your medical bag. I'm sure you have some in there."
"I have some, but I don't know what you have, so I don't know how it will react. But, I can put some medical tape on it."
You rubbed your eyes and threw your blanket off of you. "Why am I so hot? I was just super cold two seconds ago."
"Because you have a fever. I know it sucks, but I need you to hold your arm out to me so I can tape it up."
You held your arm out and reluctantly allowed him to tape it.
"Are you hungry?" he asked. "I can make you something cold like a smoothie?" You shook your head. You didn't want anything cold. "Please? I'll make you a small one and I won't put any spinach in it. I know Jay puts spinach in them and it's huge and you have to drink the whole thing."
"Fine," you sighed. "Can you put mango chunks in it?"
"I can do that. No itching."
You sat on your bed and tried to go back to sleep, but you were stopped when Will came back in. He didn't lie. The smoothie was small and from the color you could tell he put mango chunks in it. He also held a thermometer.
"Before you drink this, I need to take your temperature."
You took the thermometer from him and waited for it to beep. And, you made the mistake of looking at the numbers when you took it out of your mouth. "Is this bad?" you asked as you held it to your oldest brother, your eyes going wide. "Am I gonna die?"
Will looked at the thermometer. "102.7 is high, but you aren't going to die. But, since your arm is itchy and it broke out in a rash at the IV site, I'm bringing you in. Drink your smoothie and then Hailey will be in to help you change." You opened your mouth to protest, but Will held up a hand to stop you. "And, yes, Hailey's going to help you because I don't want you falling over."
You nodded and picked up the smoothie. And, Will went back to tell your brother and Hailey what was going on.
"She getting better?" Jay asked as he poured himself another cup of coffee.
"Worse?" He set his coffee cup down and turned his full attention to Will. Hailey, who had been sitting at the table eating a banana, turned her attention to him as well.
"I think she has an infection at her IV site, which could be what is causing her fever. Her fever's 102.7 right now. I gave her a smoothie and I told her after she finishes that, that Hailey can help her change, and then she can get ready and we can go."
"Shouldn't we go now?" Jay asked.
"She's still fully conscious, not delirious, so I think that we can let her wash her face and brush her teeth before we leave. If she starts acting that way, we'll leave earlier. For now, I think it's okay as long as someone's with her when she's doing these things just because of how sore her legs are so she doesn't fall over."
"Alright. Second hospital visit in 36 hours? Med needs to give us Halsteads a frequent flyer card."
"Jay, do remember anyone else who gave Y/N an IV other than Monique? Monique's the short blond nurse, looks younger than she actually is." Will asked as he, Jay, and Hailey were sitting in the waiting area while you got your blood drawn.
Jay looked up at the ceiling and scrunched up his face. "Uh, I know there was someone else. I just don't remember the name or what they looked like." He closed his eyes and thought for a few more seconds, trying to conjure up an image. "Oh! It was a kid."
"A kid?" Will asked. "Man, I don't think you slept enough last night."
"Kid as in he was younger than us. He said he was a med student."
"Any more details? Know what he looked like?"
"Jeez, Jay. I think we might have another Halstead detective on our hands. He might even be better than you," Hailey joked.
"Babe, you're supposed to stroke my ego, not crush it," Jay replied with a fake pouty face. "But, to answer your question, second detective Halstead, the kid was white, kinda scrawny."
"Okay, I'm gonna go check with Earl, see if I can get him to pull up the security footage from two nights ago. You remember what time the med student came in?"
"Two, three in the morning maybe? I was in and out at that point."
"Okay, thanks. Be right back. And, Y/N should be coming out soon. I got Mags to draw her blood just to know it would be done right. And, according to Monique, she's got really small veins."
"And this matters because...?" Jay probed.
"She might have to draw her blood from the big vein in her forearm, not one in the crook of her arm. But, Mags is good at this, so hopefully, she won't have to. Be back soon. Text me if they put her in a room."
"Got it." Jay turned back to Hailey. "How was she this morning? You know, when you helped her change?"
"She said her legs were sore. I had to help her get into her jeans and even help her get out of her t-shirt and into the shirt she's wearing now because, when she put her arms up, she said that they hurt to stay up...especially the right one, which is the one Will taped because she kept trying to itch it."
"So, her entire body is sore basically?"
"Hey, Earl," Will greeted as he walked into the security office.
"Doctor Halstead, what can I do for you? And, why are you in your street clothes? Heading out early?" Earl asked, spinning around in his chair to face Will.
"No, I actually had to bring my little sister in because I think she got an infection from her IV. I was wondering if you could pull up the security footage of the ED two nights ago around two, three in the morning? My little brother, Jay, said that a med student changed her IV around that time and I need to find out who it was."
"So you can fire him?"
Will chuckled. "I don't have the kind of authority, Earl, and you know this. Only Ms. Goodwin can fire someone. I just need to know who it was so I can tell her what happened."
"If you say so." Earl started pressing buttons on his computer until he got to the ED and the specific timeframe Will mentioned. "Any specific room?"
"She was in treatment two I think."
Earl nodded and continued pressing a few buttons. Then, he played it in fast forward and told Will to tell him when to stop.
"There." Will pointed at the screen when he saw a med student, whom he didn't even know the name of, changing your IV. "Can you back up a few minutes? Just so I can watch and see what actually happened?"
Earl did and Will started to watch the footage. "You've got to be kidding me," he mumbled as he pieced together what happened.
This med student had came from a room where he had given another IV and had missed the vein. He wiped some of the blood away with his gloved fingers and then patted the blood dry on the patient's IV site and then bandaged it. But, he walked into your treatment room without changing his gloves. Then, he went right on to changing your IV. And, since you had small veins, he missed the first time, causing a tiny bit of blood to come out of your vein. He wiped it away with the same finger he had wiped the previous patient's blood with, with the same glove which contained a smear of said previous patient's blood.
Whatever that patient had, Will was fairly certain that you now had it, too.
"What's the verdict?" Will asked when he got back into the waiting room and saw you, Maggie, Hailey, and Jay.
"She has Mono," Maggie said.
You yawned and turned to Will. "And can you please tell him--" you thumbed towards Jay "--that I haven't been--" You yawned again. "--making out with a bunch of boys because he keeps asking for names."
Will let out a small laugh. "Well, it is caused by swapping spit mostly, but Y/N got it because that dumbass med student didn't change his gloves when he came in to change her IV."
"Wow, she must really be tired," Jay remarked. "She didn't even mention the swear jar."
"Just get me a snack on the way out and we'll be even." You put your arm on the armrest of the chair and laid your head on your hand.
"I don't know if you'll be awake to get that snack, Short Stack."
"How long until I'm not tired?"
"Symptoms should clear up in two weeks at the earliest, a month at the latest," Maggie answered. She turned her attention to Jay. "I know Will will probably tell you this too, but I'll tell you now. Even though it came from an IV, it's still technically a viral infection, so there's no antibiotics for it. The best course of treatment is just rest and fluids. And, if she's achy or her throat gets sore or the rash persists, ibuprofen will do just fine."
"Can I put itch cream on this?" you mumbled, motioning to your bandage on your right arm. Maggie had to draw blood from your left arm since the right one was bandaged up. Hopefully, you wouldn't get a rash on this one, too. But, you trusted Maggie and knew that she was the best nurse in all of Chicago Med, probably all of Chicago even.
"Yes, you can do that."
"Thank God."
"You know this med student's name, Will?" Maggie asked.
"No, but I had Earl pull up the security footage so I could figure out what happened. I'm sure he could go back so you could take a look at him and tell him off. Or talk to Goodwin."
"You want him fired?"
"I wouldn't go that far. But, he needs to be held accountable. And, Mags, don't take this the wrong way, but you're scary when you're angry."
"So is Jay," you mumbled, cracking your eyes open for a few seconds.
"Okay, Short Stack the Secret Spiller," Jay joked, "let's get you home before you tell Maggie everybody's business in this family."
2 and a half weeks later:
"God, I forgot how nice it is to not have to take a nap," you said as you sat on the couch reading a book for your English class.
"I will say, it was nice to have some peace and quiet around here," Jay said as he handed you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Thank you. And, I'm am not that loud!"
He snorted. "Yeah right."
"At least I don't have PDA with my girlfriend when my little sister's in the room."
"In my defense, I thought you were taking a nap."
"So, you and Hailey decided to have a full-on makeout session--which probably would've progressed into something more had I not come out of my room to get a glass of water--on the couch instead of in your bedroom where you can lock the door. Sounds a little suspicious to me."
"We would've--you know what, never mind. You don't need to know."
You were about to try and get him to tell you when you figured it was probably about sex. "Yeah, I don't need to know. You two are nasty."
"Keep thinking that way until you're thirty." You rolled your eyes and took a bite of your sandwich. "How much more you have to read?"
"Five pages. Why?"
"We have to be at Molly's in an hour."
"We just have to be there, okay? And, wear your Hawks jersey."
Technically, it was Jay's old Brent Seabrook jersey, but he got a new one with Toews' name on the back, so he gave it to you. It was in good condition. The only caveat was that the jersey went down to your knees; you practically drowned in that thing. But, you didn't have to pay for it, so you'd take it.
"Just do it. And, no more questions. This is starting to sound like an interrogation."
"Why are you wearing your Hawks jersey?" you asked Jay as you walked into the living room forty-five minutes later.
"What did I just tell you? No more questions, kid. No more questions."
Then, there was a knock on the door and Will entered, sporting a Duncan Keith jersey. "Okay, so we're going to Molly's...in Hawks jerseys...but there's no game on tonight. I'm thoroughly confused."
"And that's how we want you," Will joked.
You rolled your eyes. "I just want to know what I'm walking into."
"And you will," Jay started, "...when we walk into Molly's. Now, c'mon, let's go."
When you got to Molly's it looked like any normal day from the outside. But, then you opened the door.
Inside the bar was all of firehouse 51, some people from Med, and all of Intelligence plus Trudy. But, the stars of the show were Duncan Keith and Brent Seabrook, stars of the Chicago Blackhawks, who stood in the middle of the bar.
"How did you-- What-- How?" you stammered, trying to piece together everything with a gigantic smile growing on your face.
"Kelly's pretty great," Jay supplied. "He knew that you were saving up for tickets. So, he called Clarke, who just so happens to be really good friends with these guys."
"And he explained everything," Seabrook walked up to you and volunteered. "I gotta say, going behind your cop brother's back to save up for tickets takes some guts."
"Yeah," you agreed. You were talking to a famous NHL player? What did you even say?
"You excited for the game tomorrow?" Duncan Keith asked.
"It's a rivalry game? Who wouldn't be excited?"
"Well, lucky for you, I just happen to have three center-ice lower bowl seats for tomorrow's game. And a season ticket holder package for you and your brothers to meet the team."
"For-For me? Are you being serious?"
"Hey, someone who falls into a snowbank and then gets sick just from trying to get tickets, well, that's the least you deserve."
"You know, if my cop brother would've just believed me when I told him I was here, I wouldn't have fallen in that snowbank."
"Hey, I would've been worried, too."
"See, Y/N? Even Duncan Keith agrees with me!"
You smiled and rolled your eyes at Jay. "You have a sharpie?" you asked him. "I need to get this jersey signed."
And, while Jay had a good reason for implementing the three strikes rule, after that whole fiasco he was reluctant to take your phone away. Because this could've all been avoided if Jay believed you and hadn't taken your phone away. But, you got Blackhawks tickets out of it...and you got to meet the whole team, so it wasn't all bad.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, school has been very hectic. But, the good news is I'm done in two weeks and then have a six-week break, so hopefully, I'll be able to crank out a bunch of Seasons of PD/Med then. Anyway, thanks for reading! I did a ton of medical research for this imagine, so if anything's inaccurate, I blame google or the research articles I read. Also, please like/reblog and comment! I love hearing what you guys think! As always, if you want to be added to my tag list, just tell me and I’d be happy to add you!
@theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e 
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harrywritingsbyme ¡ 4 years ago
A Cute Tummy
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: This concept is too cute!!! And I really wanted to write some fluffy fluff for you guys🥰✨! ! haven’t written some through and through, completely soft, and innocent fluff in a hot lil minuet...so here ya go! I hope it doesnt suck...Enjoy🙃
When it came to pregnancy pounds, you weren’t the only one the conversation applied to. Harry had managed to put on a bit of baby weight as well.
In the beginning of your pregnancy, Harry’d tried his best to keep you both on a healthy diet that had little space for junk and fast food. He was determined to always put his best foot forward when it came to keeping you and the baby healthy. And he was able to successfully keep his little family on a clean and healthy diet for the first four months of your baby journey. But once the five month mark of your pregnancy hit, all of that was completely thrown out the window. Your already haywire hormones mixed with your now haywire cravings was something that Harry couldn’t handle. He was still able to get you to eat a healthy salad and some fruits and vegetables, but there was a bit of a battle involved.
Whenever the thing you were craving the most wasn’t in the house, you’d get so sad. So sad to the point of you suddenly bursting into tears at times. This prompted Harry to stock up on those items so that you’d be happy, even if they weren’t exactly the healthiest things in the world. He would even go as far as to get up in the middle of the night when you softly woke him up to go out and get the pizza or the burger and fries you wanted. He’d pick himself up out of the warm bed that he was once cuddling with you in, get himself dressed, and take a little drive to the shops to pick up some food for you. And when he placed the order, he’d even throw in something for himself. Harry quickly realized that whenever he brought you something to eat, he had to eat as well. Whenever he didn’t get something for himself, you’d start to feel really bad for making him get out of bed just to get you something you wanted. You also felt bad because you were also making Harry break his own healthy food rule to satisfy your cravings.
And Harry didn’t like that at all.
Even though he wasn’t a big fan of getting out of his very comfy bed in the middle of the night, he’d never pass up on doing it for you. Harry’s inability to say no to you wasn’t just because he didn’t like it when you were sad or seeing you cry. He also went out of his way to make you happy because you were doing so much for him. You were carrying his child. So Harry felt that the least he could do was get up out of bed and get you what you wanted or let you indulge a bit in your unhealthy foods.
Now Harry’s baby weight gain wasn’t just due to the pattern of eating whenever you ate. It was also due to Harry’s presence, or lack thereof, at the gym. And it was only two floors away. Normally, he’d get up early to head down to his home gym to have his regular morning work out. But as you progressed through your pregnancy, you’d been enjoying and yearning for more and more cuddles. You’d cling onto him in the mornings and snuggle up to him even more as stirred when he woke up and began to mentally prepare to work out. You’d be so warm and adorable that Harry couldn’t just rip himself from your arms to go and workout. So he’d forgo his morning routine to spend more time with you. And to be completely honest, Harry wouldn’t have it any other way. If getting out of bed at night to get food was a struggle, getting up in the morning to work out would be even worse.
So with your cravings and Harry’s decision to take a pause in his workouts, it was pretty inevitable for him to put on a couple pounds. But for Harry, it was one thing to know that and another to see it. It’d been two months since your cravings went crazy and about 3 months since his last workout. In that time, Harry’d gained a bit of weight and a pretty big insecurity about it.
While you were in the nursery folding up some of the onesies your parents had bought for bubs, Harry decided to hop in the shower. After standing under the hot water for a good thirty minutes, Harry turns the water off and wraps his towel around his waist before heading back into the bedroom to get dressed. As he makes his way over to grab some clothes from the dresser, he looks over into the mirror and sees it. He looks at his reflection to see his once toned stomach poking out. He hadn’t fully entered the status of dad yet and he already had the body for it. Harry didn’t mind being soft and squishy, but he’d never been this soft and squishy. He’d gotten so caught up in examining the little pooch that was clinging to his lower abdomen that he didn’t even notice you waddle your way into the room.
“What’s wrong baby?” You ask concernedly. You had to get down to why your husband had such a downcast look on his face.
“M’fine sweets.” Harry whispers, turning his head from the mirror to send you a soft smile.
“No your not. And it’s not nice to not share with your pregnant wife.” You reply matter of factly, turning your head slightly to the side to emphasize your point.
“S’just-“ Harry begins, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts. “It’s just that my body’s not the same as it was a couple months ago.” Harry explains sorrowfully.
“Ditto.” You chuckle, motioning down to your now seven month old belly that was resting in your lap.
“Exactly! And I don’t wanna talk about it because your situation is far more important than mine.” Harry replies, attempting to put an end to the conversation and dismiss his feelings. But you weren’t having it.
“Harry...” You begin, trying to lift yourself up from your position on the edge of the bed to go over to him.
“Don’t get up!” Harry coos urgently, quickly shuffling over to stop you.
“Harry, no problem of yours is insignificant. Yes I’m pregnant. But that doesn’t mean that you’re any less important. I may be carrying this baby, but you helped make it. And with that being said, you have a right to voice your feelings. So tell me what’s going on.” You reason with him. As you did this, you wrapped your slightly swollen hands around his. You really wanted him to know that his feelings mattered.
“I guess m’just a bit insecure about my tummy.” Harry whispers, continuing to hold onto your hands in front of you.
“Well I love your tummy and I think it’s cute.” You say pointedly up to him with a wide smile.
“Really?!” Harry asks surprisedly.
“Yes! I think it’s very cute and you do not need to doubt that at all.” You continue, making sure that Harry fully understands your stance on this tummy. “And once our bubby finally comes, all three of us will match. We’ll all have cute little tummies.” Y/n says confidently.
“Bubs’ tummy will be cuter though.” Harry pouts.
“Of course, baby tummies are the cutest things in the world! But yours will still be cute.” You whisper, making sure to send Harry a little wink.
“Thanks baby.” Harry hums, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips before making his way over to the dresser to finally get dressed.
“Do you like daddy’s tummy bubby?” You whisper to your stomach, smoothing your hand down and around your bump to feel any movement from the baby. “Well she didn’t kick, but she did move around a little bit. So that could be yes!” You announce excitedly, causing Harry to let out a loud laugh, which further resulted in bubs moving around even more. With her, Harry definitely had nothing to worry about when it came to his tummy.
Harry’s baby weight gain wasn’t the most ideal situation for him. But if gaining his own amount of baby weight meant that you were able to be happy and just glide through your pregnancy the way you deserved, he’d gain all the weight in the world. Plus matching with you and bubs doesn’t sound that bad either.
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bakugohoex ¡ 4 years ago
can you please write a fic where youre aizawas' wife and you're pregnant with twins, and while he's in the middle of teaching at UA you go into labor and you call him, and he leaves in the middle of their class, (the class dosen't know he's married and obviously dosen't know he's about to become a father) and the class thinks that something's seriously wrong because they saw panic on his face for a slight second when he got the call, so they end up following him to the hospital only to see him sniling and holding two newborn babies that look just like him and the woman who is on the hospital bed (you) and theyre in shock when they find out that you're his wife and those are his kids, but what shocks them most is the big smile on his face when he was holding his babies 🥺 idk i thought it would be cute
“did he steal two babies?”
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pairing: shouta aizawa x female reader
cw: language, fluff
word count: 3000+
a/n: i live for domestic one shots, i might write some more depending on how i’m feeling, hope you guys like this have a happy new years eve people, the stupid tags arent working so if you could reblog it it would mean a lot 
summary: in which you’re aizawa’s secret wife, aizawa gets a call in the middle of class that you’re going into labor and eventually leaves, the class being noisy pricks follows him to a hospital, feeling worried they continue to follow until they see him holding two babies with a smile at his new family
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Eight months, eight full fucking months of carrying Aizawa’s little spawns. Having spent your last term of pregnancy on bed rest, it had been the worst term ever, you would rather have taken the puking up last nights dinner then staying in bed. Even Aizawa had gotten annoyed with how frustrated you had got, you craved how he could get up and leave for work. You hadn’t gone into work since your maternity leave started and you were annoyed, being a pro hero it had been worse.
As soon as you told the agency you were pregnant, you were desk bound, unable to go on patrols. It was fucking annoying and you hated every second of it, and all Aizawa could do was smirk at your frustration. “I’m due any day now, just leave work and stay with me.” You plead grabbing the material from his neck, you wanted him to hold you. You already felt gross staying in bed 24/7 but now you didn’t have your husband beside you 24/7.
“Kitten, this is my last day, I’ll spend the rest of the pregnancy with you.” You were grouchy letting go of him and turning your head to face away for him. “Y/n.”
He tried to gain your attention but ignored him, “you should’ve gotten pregnant as well you’d understand.”
He raised an eyebrow, shaking his head as he crept his arms around your body, his hand resting on the baby bump. You shuffled closer to his body, before turning your head to see him softly rubbing back and forth across the bump.
“Be patient, my love.” It was a whisper which brought you comfort.
“If you’re not home by 4pm then I’m locking you out of the house.” You threaten.
He looks down at you with your fiery eyes, “sure you are.” He kisses the top of your head; you pout wanting a proper kiss. He looks at how perfect you looked with his babies, when you both found out you were having twins, the small apartment you had called home since dating. Had gone and a house in the country close enough to UA and still for you to do pro hero work was where the both of you had situated.
Your relationship have been very secretive, a small wedding ceremony which had been perfect with your family and friends. Of course people had noticed you had gone MIA but one day you’d come out and tell the world how you and Aizawa were an inseparable family.
He moved to capture your lips, grabbing his face you wanted to just drag him back to bed. But he quickly moved out of your grip, “patience Y/n.”
“Shouta.” You whine like a child would.
“Seems like ill be raising three babies now.” He mocked putting the scarf around his yellow goggles.
“I hope you break your goggles.” You huff again, he doesn’t speak only kissing your temple after the small peck he had given to your lips.
He starts to walk out the bedroom, your wedding photo situated on the cabinet. You were perfect back then and now with his kids inside of you, you became somehow even more perfect. He had never thought that the woman he had met all those years ago, who had showed of her quirk to the whole world would be the one he fell in love with.
He looked back at you, you were grumpy due to hormones but once the babies were out you knew you’d go back to being yourself (and both of you could fuck properly, but that was just a bonus.)
“Make sure to walk around the house.” He warns.
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow, “and what if I don’t, will you come home early?” Your extra clinginess melted his insides, he knew how bored your loud self was and being cooped up inside had took a toll on you.
“I’ll come home early.” The sound of your squeal lifted his spirits, it was adorable, and he loved how easily your mood changed. Your face was full, and you had something to look forward too as he left the room.
The day for Aizawa had been smooth sailing, having asked to leave at 2pm and being able to, he had been with the students whilst they were training. He could imagine teaching his kids everything to do with this world, he couldn’t wait for his own leave, to spend time with his future babies but also with his loving wife.
The sound of Bakugo shouting was something else he had gotten used to; how could a 16-year-old boy be louder than the babies he had heard on those stupid pregnancy videos you made him watch. You had shown him a woman giving birth and to say it was the weirdest thing he’s ever seen; he’d happily watch stuff go inside of you but the other way round was another issue.
He stood watching over them, they had gotten a lot stronger in the months and the events that had occurred. It was another reason for the secrecy, having to hide your relationship to prevent disaster from happening. He watched the time tick away; another two more hours and he could leave and spend the rest of the trimester with you.
The sound of running caught his ears, he looked up and saw Principle Nezu walking towards him. “Agh Aizawa, we got a call from your wife’s mother.”
He hadn’t checked his phone, but if your mother had been calling it must’ve been something serious, the class had noticed the principle and had gotten quiet even Bakugo who wanted to know why the principle was here.
“Finally, you answered, she’s going into labour.” He heard on the other liner, he was in shock, his phone dropping to the side.
“Sh…She what?” It was early, of course you both knew about early pregnancies but this he had just spoken you a couple hours ago and now here you were about to go into labour.
“In labour, her water broke whilst I came to see her.” He could hear you screaming on the other side, how you must’ve been in pain, he knew you had been dilated a couple days ago but this, this was sooner than he had expected.
Nezu got the hint that something had happened and so had the class, a flash of worry across Aizawa’s face. “We’ll send the students back to the dorms.” He was calm and Aizawa quickly rushed out of the gym, leaving nothing else to say. He needed to make it to the hospital as quick as he could, in an instant he called your mother.
“Is she okay?” He had ran outside going to his car to quickly rush to the hospital.
He heard screaming which he assumed was you, “she’s grouchy…”
Before he could hear the rest of what your mother said, he heard you shout, “if that’s my idiot of a husband tell him to get to the fucking hospital.” It was a wail and he regretted not taking the day off.
“Y/n.” Her mother scowled, “we’re at the hospital, I’ll text you the room.” Is all her mother said before hanging up. Aizawa was stressed to say the least but what he hadn’t seen through the chaos was class 1A following him.
The class had seen the worry and panic before he jolted out of the room, “you all are dismissed for the day.” Nezu spoke before leaving.
“What do you think happened?” Momo questioned worried.
“He seemed in a hurry; it was probably something important.” Kirishima retorted back.
The class watched him on the phone the question of ‘is she okay?’ being heard. “Who do you think he’s talking about?” Mina asked.
“Why do you lot care so much?” Bakugo angrily said pissed that training had been cut early.
“He’s our teacher, what if something bad happened Kacchan.” Midoriya answered but it just fuelled Bakugo’s anger.
“We should follow him.” Denki suggested. “It might be serious and if people need help, we can help.”
They nodded, all assuming it had something to do with hero work, seeing Aizawa in his car, they started to follow him on foot, “we should’ve taken one of the buses.” Bakugo scowled following.
“We cant drive.” Kirishima muttered back.
Bakugo huffed following them all on the long walk, it was easy enough to keep following due to the mass traffic occurring. Aizawa having got the room number, he didn’t care for his surroundings, his eyes fixated on the road.
He finally saw the sign for the hospital and breathed out hoping you hadn’t gotten into labour yet. “Why is he at a hospital?” Ururaka questioned, “do you think someone got hurt?”
“Maybe we should go back.” Momo said not wanting to intrude on something that could have no villainous intent.
“Shut up extra’s, we’re already here.” Bakugo muttered walking to the entrance, they all followed the angry boy who glared at the children coming out of that ward.
“When did you care about the injured?” Kirishima questioned the blond.
“I don’t, you dragged me with you so now we’re staying.” For one thing the boy was persistent.
Across the hospital, Aizawa had ran to the room and saw your eyes filled with fury, your mother holding your hand as he could see how much pain you were in. “Look what the cat dragged in.” You scowled in pain.
“You can take over now.” Is all her mother said, going outside and waiting. He took her place and in an instance your hands had grabbed his.
“You must be the husband, I’ll be helping your wife, can you wear these?” The doctor spoke passing the blue overall type to keep his clothes covered, Aizawa obliged still holding your hand. “Mrs Aizawa you’re about 9cm dilated once you get to 10cm I’m going to tell you to push, okay?”
You were breathless and felt dreary, it would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for the fact you were having twins. You knew you’d go through even more pain then normal and in that moment felt scared.
“Hey kitten, look at me, you’ll do amazing.” Aizawa tried to be encouraging but even he was scared for all three of you.
“It hurts.” You tried to hide the tears, but it mixed in with the sweat.
“I know kitten, but you can grab onto me as hard as you want.” He smiles moving the strands of hair away from your sweaty forehead.
“10cm’s.” One of the nurses spoke out, the doctor nodded before looking at the angry you and calm husband.
“Mrs Aizawa you need to start pushing.” The pain was excruciating, you tried to push your grip on Aizawa’s hands becoming tighter. It was the worst pain you’d gone through and you’d been stabbed before.
Aizawa gave words of encouragement but all you wanted to do was tell him to shut up, tears cascaded down your face whilst pushing. “I see a head.” The doctor spoke, “keep pushing.”
You pushed a long with what the nurses had told you, in time to make sure you weren’t just randomly pushing. Aizawa was the first to see it, first to see the baby come out, it was quiet before wailing out loud, it was his turn to cry. The baby being placed on your chest before the doctor continued, “one more push, let’s get the other one out.”
You felt the first baby on your ski grabbing your neck as you kept on pushing, “I don’t want too.” You cried out but seeing Aizawa and how he looked at the baby on your chest you knew you needed too.
“Come on kitten, one more push.” He spoke a loud, you suppresses the tears before feeling another hard push come and the head of another baby erupt out of you. The doctor but the second baby on your chest, both their crying having stopped.
They stayed on you, you let go of Aizawas hand as the doctor told him he could cut the umbilical cord, he happily obliged before looking at the two babies that you both had created. They were smaller then normal and there eyes were tightly shut clinging onto their new mother.
“We need to weigh and clean them.” The doctor spoke as two nurses took the babies ready to put tags on them, the oldest had been a boy and the youngest a girl. You missed there touch and hold wanting to hold them again but watching them being taken out.
“We did it.” You spoke sleepily as you felt yourself being cleaned up and ready to be moved into another room.
“Yeah, we did.” Aizawa spoke going in to kiss your temple, “we’re parents.”
Tears brimmed his eyes; this normal dry flat facial features had become happier and all he could think about was how you looked with his two children. How he had gotten a family that he had never expected to have had.
Being moved to a different room, Aizawa followed sitting on the chair beside you. You saw the two babies come back to you both, in an instance they were placed back into your arms. “You can hold them?”
You had seen Aizawa’s hesitance to even touch the babies, but he knew how to do it and with ease they both were situated in his arms. You could hear your mother outside, she seemed to be talking to some people, but you ignored it watching at how Aizawa’s eyes welled up at the two babies.
“Where are my grandchildren?” Your mother spoke a loud before having heart eyes at how Aizawa was holding your babies.
“Mum, please be quieter.”
“Hey, I had to handle your screams, let me be happy, they look adorable with their father.” She spoke moving to the bed.
“They really do.” You both watched him look at the two children, a tear falling from his face.
Your mother turned back to you and she smiled at you, “I’m proud of you.” You give a nod holding her hand before she speaks, “have you two got any na…”
Before she could continue you hear the door open with the doctor coming in, “it seems you two have more visitors.”
You were both confused on the matter, nobody really knew you had gone into pregnancy except your parents and his and your father was still at work whilst his parents were out of town. It was unexpected but your eyes widen when you see the group of 16-year olds.
“They were wondering around the hospital.” The doctor speaks, Aizawa hadn’t noticed his students, but you and your mother had.
The kids were in shock at seeing a pro hero in a hospital bed but there eyes went to Aizawa’s he had been looking at his babies, unaware of his surroundings.
Nobody spoke instead just watching Aizawa interact with the two new-born babies, a smile placed on his normal flat self. “Did he steal two babies?” You hear one of them whisper, you instantly begin to speak after that.
“Shouta.” You whisper.
“Yeah.” He was so out of dazed but once he turns to face them all, he’s in shock as well.
“I’ll leave you to handle this.” Your mother leaves not wanting to have to explain this scenario.
Aizawa was still in shock, you reach out for one of the babies, he passes you the youngest, who starts to grab at your fingers. He sits holding the boy, before the class start cascading you both in questions.
“Are they yours?”, “How do you know Pro Hero Y/n?”, “Who is she to you?”
Aizawa looks at them and then at his family, you nod a sign that he could tell them everything, “This is my wife, and these are our new kids.”
It was a simple but effective, the class in shock that there homeroom teacher who seemed to be detached had you the loving pro hero as a wife, but even more now had two kids.
“Congratulations.” They all spoke a loud. It was rehearsed and you could tell that it all came out due to shock.
“What are you doing here anyway, I thought we said go back to the dorms.” Aizawa scowled.
“Baby, it’s fine, it’s good they found out anyway, since you wont be teaching them for a bit.” You calmed the man down.
He shakes his head at how easily you calmed him down, “you’re an amazing pro hero.” Midoriya spoke a loud, you thanked him before they didn’t know what else to say.
“I’ll go call Nezu, he can get you back to UA.” Aizawa muttered handing you the other child as he left the room.
“You married Aizawa.” Mina spoke a loud everybody looked at her, “what? We were all thinking it?”
You laugh looking at them all, “yes I did.”
“And you slept with him.” Mina continued with ever more eyes growing wider.
You continued to laugh, “that is how I got pregnant.”
“What are their names?” Ururaka asked coming towards the two kids.
You sat upright, letting them have a closer look, they all came forward even Bakugo who saw children as devils spawn. They were fresh out and anew, so pure and innocent as they tugged onto your hair.
“We haven’t decided yet.” You said looking at the two kids, you notice Aizawa at the door looking at the class as they surrounded you and the babies. The way they were quieter than they had ever been around two new-borns, they spent time asking questions and looking at the two babies. Before being dragged back to UA, all smiling happily at having spent the afternoon with two new-borns.
“They look like you.” You mutter sleepily, the two babies being put to sleep on the other sides of the room. “We made them.”
“I love you.” He whispers kissing you softly, you kiss back, happily at the new family you had and Aizawa finally realised what his happiness was. You and your two babies were all he ever needed now.
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groovyzombiellama ¡ 4 years ago
It’s Those Eyes
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Title: It’s Those Eyes
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Derek having a crush on you and debating if he should tell you. You are Isaac’s older sister. Written from Derek’s POV
Word count: 1140
There I was again, sitting in my car, with my glasses on, slouching a bit so she wouldn’t notice me, hopefully. This might appear to some as stalker behaviour and I would agree with that, but there is just something about her that makes me feel and act like I never have before. I can’t even remember the last time I felt nervous around someone, but when I see Y/N it’s almost like I’m back to when I was still a human and I was having my first crush. Everything about her was just fascinating to me, the way she talked, the way she moved, the way she thought, and I just couldn’t get enough of her. It had come to the point that I think I’m thinking about her way too much, that she has even invaded my dreams almost every night. I don’t know what it is, but she awakes this instinct in me to protect her, and to make sure she is constantly okay. So when I heard from her younger brother, Isaac that she was having a bit of bad blood with some of her teammates in her basketball team, I had to make sure they knew she was not someone they can win over.
That she will always have me to protect her, no matter if she ever returns my feelings or not. And to be clear, I’m not gonna go all violent on those girls, but if they ever try to hurt Y/N in any way, I’ll have to step in. She told Isaac that they insult her and pick fights with her just because she’s better at the sport at them. I was at the Lahey house one evening with the rest of the pack, we were discussing some topics about the new entities in the town and Y/N walked through the door with a grim look on her face, waving a quick hello to us and walking upstairs to her room. That’s when Isaac told us that they had probably picked on her again. And Y/N is a strong girl, she can defend herself, another one of her qualities that I find truly endearing, but that doesn’t mean that she has to do it on her own all the time. Being in a toxic environement all the time can cause dammage to her mental health and I don’t want that to happen to her.
So I was waiting outside the gym, listening in on what was going on inside, trying to pinpoint Y/N and if anyone was talking to her. One girl tried to insult her, and I was about to exit my car to walk in and say I came over to watch the practice, not because I wanted to settle the score or anything, Y/N is too strong to be brought down by stupid insults that these girls come up with, but I wanted her to not feel down and know that I’m there to cheer her on and cheer her up if she needs it and that if she has a thought to take any insult by heart she could look at me and know that what these girls were saying about her was lie upon lie and she would hopefully feel better. But as I was reaching to open the door, I heard her talk back to them, and smirked. Damn, this girl is way too under my skin, everything she does is just so intriguing to me, even if she’s just telling off annoying people who were trying to throw her off her game. I put my hand down, deciding against going in, as along with Y/N standing her ground, the coach had said she has private matters to attend to and today’s practice was gonna be cut short.
Y/N was among the first to come out, and I thought that she was just gonna put her earphones in like she usually does, press shuffle on her playlist and start walking home, and I would go home myself, and after doing some research on the new supernatural entities roaming our town, I’d have another debate with myself weather I should confess how I feel to Y/N. To tell her that I just constantly think about her, just everything about her, her face, her smile, her eyes. Damn, it’s those eyes that make me fall for her the most. Eyes are the first thing that I notice in a person and looking into Y/N’s eyes I felt like I could get lost in them forever. So you can imagine my shock when Y/N started walking straight towards my car. She probably noticed it when she walked out, or she had seen it before and was no confronting me. Oh god, I’m gonna look like a creep, just following her around, not even bothering to talk to her.
“This is the fifth time that you are here while I’m in practice, Hale. How long were you planning on doing this before you told me about it? You do realise you can watch the practice from the inside if you’d like?“ So she has caught me before but chose not to approach me, great, now I look like more of a creep. Now I have no debates to have weather I should tell her how I feel, I’ve scared her away. She folded her arms against her chest, her eyes squinting at me, and I almost said out loud how cute I think she looks when she does that. “I know, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay, with the new entities running around you never know.“ I say scratching the back of my neck. What is this girl doing to me? No other woman has had this effect on me ever. Her lips curve into a beautiful smile, that beautiful smile that I’ve fallen for as she invites me to just come in next time and that she would love to have me there. I half expected her to say that I’d be there as a friend, but she didn’t, which has me thinking maybe she feels the same... I offered her a ride home, and she accepted with that same smile not leaving her face, shining through the night. During the car ride we talked about everything and anything, I just liked hearing her opinion on topics and my heart leapt in my chest when I figured out we feel the same way about something. My eyes widened as she kissed my cheek when I stopped in front of her house as a goodbye. Watching her walk into her home, I touched the spot where she had kissed, smiling like an idiot to myself, before driving off home. Maybe I do actually have a chance, now I just need a plan on how to confess.
@agentpretoria​ I hope you like it :) I left it a bit vague, so you can imagine the way you want him to confess and you can do it for yourself or we could work on a part 2 if you have something in mind :D I don’t know if you like baseball, but I just put it in because I didn’t want it to have a feel of Derek stalking her for no reason to keep her safe, if that makes sense I guess :D I was watching a game while writing and that was the first thing that came to mind to write :D
---***--- Signing out for tonight, my throat is sore from BANGBANGCON21, and I’m getting sleepy :D See ya tomorrow my folks <3
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bubsthebee ¡ 4 years ago
Can’t Say It.
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Aizawa x Reader
Word Count: 3,541
A/N: Fluff, dragged out but it’s a happy ending. One shot. Age difference (9 years) Reader is 22 while Aizawa is 31. Mentions of alcohol.  
Reader is a young teacher at UA who has a unique relationship with Pro Hero and coworker Eraserhead. After a while of getting to know each other, will they realize their feelings? OR will they let self doubt get in the way. 
Job Description: Quirk Analysis and Evaluation Processing. 
Name: (L/N), (F/N)                Power: 2/5 D    Intelligence: 4/5 B
Birthday: (5/10)                     Speed: 2/5 B    Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Age: 22                                 Technique: 5/5 S
Sex: Female (She/Her)
Quirk: Analysis 
-(Y/N) is able to instantly analyze a person and their abilities after observing them, familiarizing themselves with their qurik. This also includes evaluating/predicting situations with higher than average accuracy. With this ability, she can use this information with or against a subject. She can keep up to three peoples' worth of information perfectly memorized at a time. Anymore, her analysis starts to create more errors and her accuracy decreases. 
Ever since (y/n) started working at UA, everyone knew that Aizawa’s single streak was in danger. 
While the scruff chined 1-A homeroom teacher taught his bustling young hero course, she supported the admin staff! Specifically falling under processing and evaluating every student's quirk and how to help progress their potential. This means every homeroom teacher ran their notes and evaluations about their students through her every quarter, possibly more depending on how active and intense their training has been. She and her small team are a key to the school’s successful hero and support course. No matter how a quirk was used, they would find the best way to help them improve it. 
Classroom 1-A currently holds the record for most updates and changes to analysis (surprise). With an increase in updates, (y/n) has spent more sleepless nights making sure her work was perfect than she originally thought she was going to. Not that she minded of course! She was young, and found that it helped drive her to improve her passions and skill. Besides her administrative work, she also works as a substitute teacher for English, and Hero Strategy lessons twice a semester. If needed she is more than happy to help with summer lessons. 
Aizawa has had more than his fair share of interaction with the young lady, more than others if one was keeping track. After the hero noticed (y/n)’s sleepless nights because of his students, he offered to stay and bring her coffee. When (y/n) noticed extra heavy bags under his eyes, there would be a nicely wrapped lunch on his desk with a cute thank you note in return. 
Over time a unique relationship developed between the two that anyone looking in could clearly see. Including the students. 
“Mr Aizawa! Your lady friend left ya another lunch, you’re so LUCKY.” Denki and Mineta whined without hesitation. 
“Why don’t we get cute lunches made by cute girls?” 
“Shut up! That’s Ms. (L/n) you’re talking about, not some side chick you dumbos. I think it’s really sweet.” Mina cooed alongside some of the other girls. 
Their homeroom teacher could only sigh, carefully tucking away the lunch box into his work desk as he partially ignored their scattered comments. “Lucky or not, you all should have your notes out and study. Your test scores from  last week clearly tell me I haven’t given enough in class work time. Do I have to cut down on our outside training hours?” The instant shuffling of paper and pencils brought a small smirk to his face. Nothing got his students off his back faster than less training hours. As he took attendance and organized his schedule, the small peeks at the lunch box reminded him about his last encounter with his….coworker. 
“Midoriya is such a strange boy you know? I’m surprised his quirk doesn't instantly tear his body apart every time he uses it. I’m glad he’s getting a handle on it, I hated seeing him hurt himself so often.”  You were sat cross legged in your office chair, typing away at your laptop underneath a bright desk lamp. 
“I agree, he needs to learn how to use his body with his quirk.” 
“Exactly!- Well, it looks like his rate of injuries compared to training has decreased. Based off of Recovery Girls records, his quirk usage deteriorated his arm muscle effectiveness. This means he’s got to either limit his usage on his arms, or learn how to use the rest of his body to compensate.” Rubbing your eyes shifted your reading glasses off of your face, exposing the bags that were starting to grow underneath them. 
“You shouldn’t be getting such heavy bags under your eyes like that, you’re too young for those (L/n).” He always notices them, no matter how well hidden. 
“Ya, okay GRAMPS. You’re not that much older than me and YOUR eyes are just as bad, if not worse. And call me (y/n), we’re friends aren't we?” 
Rolling his eyes, Aizawa gets up with a huff to pour some coffee from the nearby coffee pot. “Midoriya is your last report tonight right? Go home, you’ve got Hero Strategy classes tomorrow.” as if on cue, he hands you the cup of warm coffee while you reach out for it with a quiet “Thank you”. 
The way you hold the cup in your hands and let the warm steam brush against your face leaves him staring at you with a soft look. 
“I guess I could leave a little earlier than I thought....” blowing cool air onto the coffee, you slowly take a sip of the warm beverage. Every time you see that look on his face, you can’t help but wonder what he’s feeling. 
After a short while, you both clean up and close the office up. It’s 1 AM and both of you are more than ready to get at least a few hours of sleep in. Like usual, he walks you halfway to your home before bidding his own goodbye. 
“Goodnight (L/n).” As Aizawa turns to walk away, he feels a small tug at his sleeve. 
“I uh-” Turning to look around, he sees you with pinker cheeks underneath a streetlight. How do you always look so...nice? No matter the light you always look nice. 
You slowly slid your hand down his arm to gently hold onto his hand. It was so soft, not just the hold but your skin. You couldn't even look at him but your voice was clear as day. 
“Thank you, for staying with me. I know how tired you must be too….so I feel honored that you decide to spend your important time with me- er, to help me. You’re a great teacher and man Aizawa. Good night.” Just as quick as the moment had started, your touch was gone and you made your way home. 
He was alone, yet he could still feel your touch on his skin. Aizawa stood there for minutes, looking at his hand in awe and strange curiosity. His coworkers and friends told him multiple times, “You two aren’t a thing?”, “It’s obvious that you fancy her Shouta.”, 
“She has to feel the same, you don’t see how she looks at you when you aren’t paying attention.” 
         The school bell alerting the start of their first class was what pulled Aizawa out of his mind, looking up to see (y/n) walk into the class with your information tablet. ‘Ah, right. Hero Strategy.’          “Good Morning class! Great to see you all again.” She was chipper as always, her makeup easily covering her endeavors from the night before. The young teacher wore simple black tights with her training sweat jacket, everyone murmured in excitement because this meant that there would be out of class training and demonstrations          Rubbing his exhaustion from his face, the black haired male stands up to go stand near (y/n). “You all have ten minuets to change and get to the field. Any longer and you’ll be stuck in cleaning duty for the week.”
         Iida is quick to stand and grab his fellow classmates attention. “Quickly but in order, please gather your things and head to the gym! No RUNNING!” As valiant as his efforts were, everyone rushed out of the class in fear of being put into the cleaning crew while it was out of their turn. 
         The small smile he saw on your face was sobering, calmly following behind you as you made your way to the gym. 
         Usually, Aizawa would sneak into his sleeping back and nap during other teachers' lessons. These ones were different for him. He would sit off to the side and observe how you worked with the kids.
 While some students could take simple suggestions and immediately apply them, others needed physical examples. You were more than happy to adapt to all their needs as they all trained with their new plans and teachers notes. While Tokoyami nodded and talked with Dark Shadow about your observations, Uraraka carefully mimicked your moves as you slowly countered her attacks explaining how they affected her opponent's momentum even more. 
         He knew you were a natural when it came to children and hero work. The obvious proof was right in front of him. That and he was nine years older than you, yet you both were doing almost the exact same job. That's where everything starts to blur for him. 
         After a quick practice round with Shoji, a rundown with Bakugo about his quirk usage along with Midoriya and the rest of the class, their first class of the day was over. 
         The rest of the day went normal, and (Y/n) left to finish the rest of her lessons while Aizawa did the same. 
         After a long week, you were more than happy to have the weekend to yourself, or so you thought. 
Incoming Call: Keigo <(‘v’)> 
 “Hey tiny, sorry to bother but I felt like I should call in and see how you were doing.” 
 “I’m fine, just getting ready to watch some movies and order take in. Had a long week. You?” 
 “Gonna be heading out to an event soon! Glad to hear you're doing good. Any luck with your crush on the office grandpa?”
 You roll your eyes as you wiggle yourself into more blankets, clicking through the different documentaries you could find on YouTube.
  “I don’t have a crush on Aizawa, and even IF I did he is NOT a grandpa. He would probably want someone closer to his age anyway. The whole life experience gap and everything.” 
 “Yeah okay, whatever. Don't get mad at me when you realize I’m right and you're missing out on not being single anymore.” 
 “You’ll be the first person I call when you’re actually right. ” “Ouch-” 
 “Pfft, talk to you later Kei. I have an hour long video about the origin of heroes and it’s calling my name.” 
 “Bye bye!” 
         No matter how relaxed you were or how interesting the documentary was, you couldn't get you know who out of your mind. Could you have a crush on Aizawa Shouta? Silver Fox hero of the night? Grumpy man who likes taking naps in the middle of the day? You couldn’t lie, he was attractive and his personality was more than pleasant to you at least. It always felt like something was there between you two..between late night talks and having lunch together sometimes. It felt like there was a connection, and the only thing keeping you two from connecting was a waterfall of hesitation and doubt. 
         “WoooOO! Staff Party, this is gonna be a blast Listeners! Present Mic here to keep your evening thrilling with an amazing music selection!” 
         Upbeat music with minimal words played through the old speakers of a rented out ballroom. It was the end of the first semester staff party, everyone was dressed semi formal with their hair done nicely and makeup to match. The decorations were nice, and tables were laid out with food, drinks and chairs to relax and chat. 
         Aizawa was one of the first to show up since he and Yamada came together like usual. Although he socialized with other teachers as they passed by, he stayed closer to the walls and talked with Kayama most of the time. He was dressed fairly well, a simple fitted dark g suit coat with normal slacks. The usually wild and wavy mess of locks was neatly tied back into a very clean half knot that showed off his handsome face. 
         “No date Shouta? I was sure that pretty young thing would be with you tonight. (L/n) Right, she’s such a lovely girl.” Kayama’s hair was curled beautifully around her, a long fitted dress with a deep V cut showing off her lovely charm. Aizawa only rolled his eyes, sipping on his Champaign class to avoid talking even if it was just for a second more. 
         “It would make more sense for her to come in with someone closer to her age or with a friend. She is the youngest person on staff you know.” 
         “Age this age that blah blah BLAH. I know love when I see it-” 
         “Not love, this isn’t some romance film Nemuri.” 
         With a small and understanding smile, Nemuri reaches out to gently pat her dear friend's shoulder. “Someday, you’re going to realize that the things that are holding you back are nothing but a reflection of your own worries. I know you’ll figure it out. You both will. Now try to have fun-” Her attention was stolen away for a moment, a glint of excitement in her eyes clear as day. “If you’re worried about how she feels and how she’s doing, why don't you go show her around and make sure she feels welcomed?” 
         Turning around, the first thing Aizawa see’s is you. A cheesy thing to say, but he almost feels his heart skip a bit.  
         You wore a black turtleneck underneath a midnight blue spaghetti strap dress that fit you just right. Knitted knee high socks and stylish black heel boots finished off your look along with a beautiful pearl pendant necklace. Your hair looked soft and styled in a way he had never seen it before. Your eyes were done up just enough in a way that made them shine even more than they usually do.
         He’s trapped, and he is slowly realizing that he never wants to be set free. 
         When your eyes scan the room for anything familiar, they finally land on a set of eyes that are looking right back at you. You have to stop yourself from visibly gasping, why did his eyes feel so intense? What was he thinking as he made his way across the room to you. 
         Like Moses and the sea, everyone carefully parted to let you both have your moment. They all knew the chemistry between you too, and were more than happy to leave you  alone as they carried on with their conversations and laughter. 
         “You look beautiful.” His voice was low, and held a sense of hesitant tenderness even he was unsure of. You knew he meant it. 
         “And you look very handsome, you even shaved for the party.” With a small laugh you gently ran the back of your fingers across his shaved cheek. This wasn't new, you had done this exact touch multiple times before when you made fun of his stubble yet- it felt more intimate than it ever had before. Aizawa knew he didn't mind it. 
         Carefully sliding his hand into yours, he lifts it up to press a soft and long kiss to your knuckles. “It is a special occasion. Would you like to join me tonight?” He was never a man who cushioned his words, straight to the point and expressing just how he felt was never an issue. You were different. 
         Accepting his offer, you move to accept his offered arm. The night starts slow as you both walk around and chat with other faculty members you work with. With Aizawas help you were confident that you were able to make some new friends, maybe going to this party wasn't so bad after all.
         Everything else almost felt like a breeze. Laughs were shared, drinks were drank- and barriers were being broken down. You and Aizawa found yourselves slowly standing closer and closer together, close enough to where your fingers would brush against each other when one of you moved. All of Pro Hero Eraserhead’s friends could only watch with warm and excited smiles for him. 
         Like always, nights must always come to an end. 
         While some people left to retire for the night, others stayed longer to help clean or help more than drunk coworkers make it home safe. “I’m helping Nemuri make it home Sho! You gonna be okay making it back tonight?” Yamada had Nemuri balancing into his side, laughing as she drunkenly waved some of the others goodbye. “Oh! You all can head back home together if you’d like. I’m just helping clean a bit before I head back home.” you politely cut into their little chat, holding a medium sized black trash bag in your hands. 
         Taking a moment, Aizawa starts to shrug off his coat as he takes the garbage away from you. “I’ll stay behind to help clean. If you’re alright with it I can walk you home.” with wide eyes, the younger teacher could only nod before she turned away to hide her reddening cheeks to pick up more trash and plates. 
         “No worries, now get em TIGEr. RaaArW-” As Kayama tried to cheer her friend on, Yamada tugged her away with an amused laugh of his own. 
          Not even an hour later, everyone was out and the sky was as dark and it could be. The only stars you could see were the large ones as the light pollution shrouded out the smaller and weaker stars. 
         This time around, Aizawa's coat was wrapped around (y/n) shoulders, her head resting on him as they linked arms on the walk back to her house. Instead of splitting off halfway, he walks her all the way up to her front door. It was silent for a moment, the events from tonight silently washing over them. 
         “Thank you Aizawa, this...was a really nice night. I don't think it would have been as enjoyable as it was without you.” (y/n) broke the silence, turning to face and look up at the man she knew she would never look at the same again. Rubbing his mouth in thought, his eyes flicker between the young woman standing in front of him and the road. 
         “I want to thank you as well. I-.” He paused for a moment. 
         “I would like to kiss you, but I understand if you wouldn't. I think after tonight you know what my feelings are for you. I didn't even know about them fully until tonight. Kayama- Midnight was right. I was letting my worries hold me back when I should have been forward like I always am-”  
         Time freezes when he feels your hands pull down his face, your lips eagerly pressing into a kiss with such raw love and desperation. Instantly his arms move around to gently lift you up into him. One minute, two..three. You both only break apart for air and your warm breaths mingle against each other. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now I think. My friend was right haha...maybe I do have a crush on you. I was just worried because I had no idea if you would even be interested in a relationship, let alone with someone as...young as me. I feel like a high schooler again haha.” 
         The fact that you were able to laugh the way you did and still hold him in your arms brought flutters to his chest. He knew now that he more than just saw you as a coworker or a close friend. He wants to be more. “I know what you mean. Who would want to be with someone as old as me? I would never want to make you feel like I was holding you back.” He would never admit it, but he felt like a young adult experiencing love for the first time...it was a bit embarrassing (in a good way.) 
         “You make me feel so helpless sometimes you know that?” pulling his head down again, (y/n) presses another soft kiss to Aizawa’s forehead. “What am I gonna do with you Aizawa?” 
         “Shouta, call me Shouta if you want.” Thankful that it was dark out, he could feel himself heat up at the intimate suggestion. 
         With the way your eyes sparkled while you said his name, he knew he was hooked. There is no going back.          “What am I gonna do with you, Shouta?” 
         “You’ll figure it out eventually. I’ll help you along the way as long as you’ll help me too.” The shared silence was an unbroken promise to do the best you both can. 
         After sharing your final kiss good night, you watch Shouta walk down the street and out of view before returning into the comfort of your home. The jacket around your shoulders smelt strongly of the stoic man you now called yours. Enjoying the warmth and comfort his coat brought you, kicking off your boots you hop over your couch and settle into a comfortable position. 
 Calling: Keigo <(‘V’)>
 “WHY are you calling me at….2 in the MORNING. You gave me a damn heart attack-” 
 “You were right.” your voice was soft and held no regrets. 
 “Right? Right about what?” 
 “You were right, I did have feelings for Shouta. I said you would be the first person to call if you were right. And well, you were right.”          The next hour was spent catching your best friend up on everything that happened tonight. 
         On the other side of the story, Aizawa finally made it home and had no problem finding sleep that night. He felt as ease knowing that things weren't going to turn out as bad as he thought it originally was going to be. 
         He can't say it, not yet. 
         But he is in love. 
         And so are you.
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sequinsmile-x ¡ 4 years ago
Theo Hotchner breaks his arm.
A mini-fic set post ITSWM. (I know I haven’t finished posting that yet but I wrote some fluff for this universe because I needed the serotonin, and thought you might too.)
Rating: General
Words: 2.5k
It happens in slow motion. Aaron watches as Theo falls from the jungle gym, landing awkwardly on his arm as he hits the ground. There’s a beat of silence, a moment where Aaron thinks everything might be ok when runs over, and then his son starts crying hysterically as he sits up. 
When he sees Theo’s arm, bent at an unnatural angle, his first thought is that Emily was going to kill him.
Emily feels her phone ring in her pocket for the second time in as many minutes and the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She knows it’s Aaron without looking, having rejected his initial call only a minute before with the intention of calling him back the minute she was free. He never calls her at work, knowing the pressure of her job since he had once done it himself. 
He usually texts her, sends her a photo of the kids as they do something adorable or slightly mischievous. Photos of Amelia smiling widely at the camera, or Theo and Jack playing Mario Kart together, matching looks of concentration on their faces. They helped, reminding her of what was waiting for her when she got home from horrific case after horrific case, that despite everything she still had her family. 
She’d never tell Aaron that they also hurt at times. Tiny reminders of what she missed out on when she was away. 
The fact he was calling her twice in such quick succession could only mean something was wrong. 
Emily looks at the team as they deliver the profile to the local detectives. Dave catches her eye and gives her a quick nod as she lifts her phone and tilts her head down a hallway. 
She answers the phone just as it’s about to ring out. “Aaron, is everything ok?”
Aaron sighs over the phone. “It’s Theo, he’s okay I promise, but he’s broken his arm.” 
For a moment she swears her heart stops in her chest, panic seeping through her body at the thought of her precious little boy being hurt. “He’s not okay if he’s got a broken bone, Aaron.” 
“Sweetheart.” He says firmly, preventing her from spiralling any further. “He’s in a bit of pain but he’s ok. He’s just convinced me this means we get to have ice cream for dinner.” 
She barks out a laugh that catches in her throat. “That boy will do anything for ice cream.” She pauses to take a breath, her emotions still overwhelming despite Aaron’s attempts to distract her. “What happened?” 
“He fell off the jungle gym.” 
She frowns at this, indignation running through her veins. “Aaron, I-”
“Yes, I know you told me he has almost fallen off of it before. I can’t exactly tell him he can’t go on it though sweetheart.” 
She sighs, and feels the anger leave her just as quickly as it came. She looks over her shoulder when she hears the room full of local officers and detectives start to disperse. 
“Do you want to talk to him?” Aaron asks gently. 
“Yes please.” She breathes out, and waits a second as she hears Aaron talking to Theo in the background, the sound of the emergency room they were in almost drowning out their conversation. 
“Hi, Mommy.” He sniffs, sounding incredibly sorry for himself. Her chest feels tight at the sound of it, at the use of the name ‘mommy’ when her 8 year old had mostly been calling her ‘mom’ lately. 
“Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?” 
“My arm hurts.” He grumbles. “The doctor said I could get a cast in any colour.”
“Really?” She asks, voice full of fake enthusiasm. “What colour are you going for?”
“Green.” He sniffs again, a sign that he had been crying that broke her heart. “Are you coming home?” 
Emily closes her eyes, and she blows out a breath. “I can’t, sweetie. I’m working, remember? I’m in Texas.” 
“Okay.” The disappointment in his voice is palpable, and it takes everything in her to not start crying there and then. Thoughts of how she could leave in the middle of the case, assign someone else as agent in charge and just go home and hug her son.
And maybe smack her husband for letting Theo go on the jungle gym in the first place.
“Emily.” Dave’s voice interrupts her and she turns to look at him, holding up a finger to show she just needed another minute.
“Theo, honey, I’ve got to go okay. I love you so much. I’ll call later.”
“Love you too.”
She smiles at that, as she has done every single time since he first said it. “Can you pass me back to Dad?”
There's another shuffle on the other end of the phone, a quick curse from her husband as one of them nearly drops the phone. “Sweetheart?”
“I’ve really got to go, I’m sorry.”
“Baby, we get it.” He reassures, clearly able to hear how sad she is, how torn she is over what to do. “Theo gets it too usually, you know you’re the first thing any of us wants when we’re sick or hurt.”
Emily nods despite the fact she knows he can’t see her, and she hastily wipes away the tear the movement drops onto her cheek. “I know, you Hotchner’s really can’t cope without me.” She jokes.
“We can get by until you wrap up the case.” He replies, and she can just imagine the grin on his face, the way it would bring out his dimples. “I’ll text when we’re home okay?”
“Yeah, thank you. Love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.” 
She hangs up the phone and turns back to Dave, who is standing behind her still, with concern all over his face. “Is everything okay at home?”
Emily sighs as she puts her phone back in her pocket and starts to walk back to the conference room, Dave keeping pace at her side. “Theo’s broken his arm, so Aaron took him to hospital.”
Despite how neutrally she tries to say it she clearly fails, Dave coming to a stop and putting a hand on her arm. “The poor kid. We can always manage here if you need to head back.” 
She frowns at him. “I can still do my job, Dave.” 
He holds his hands up in surrender. “I never said you couldn’t, Bella. I just know that you aren’t going to believe he’s fine until you see him for yourself.” 
“I appreciate your concern, but I am fine.” She practically growls at him before walking past into the conference room.
“Yeah.” Dave says to himself. “That was definitely said in a way a person who was fine would say it.”
Emily was aware that she was in a foul mood, snapping at the team as they asked questions or every time they came up against a dead end. The need to get home as quickly as possible clawing at her throat. Photos that Aaron had sent her the night before of Theo with his bright green arm cast, and a bowl of ice cream in front of him only further deepening that need. 
It culminates in her shouting at Derek like she never had before, something that made him say the ‘Hotch attitude’ was finally rubbing off on her. She threatened him with victimology for the rest of his career and then stormed out, ignoring the way the locals looked at her as she did. 
She finds solace in the women’s bathroom, or at least she did right up until Dave followed her in.
“You shouldn’t be here, Dave.” She says as she briefly turns to look at him, before going back to looking at her weary face in the mirror. Sleep had not come easy for her the night before, George Foyet always making his way back into her subconscious every time someone in her family was hurt. 
“Neither should you, Emily.” He clears his throat, clearly ready for an argument. “Which is why I’ve booked you a flight home.” 
Emily turns quickly at that, stares him down. “You did what?” 
“I booked you a flight, it leaves in two hours. I’ll drive you to the airport.” 
She takes a step towards him and crosses her arms across her chest. “I can’t just leave in the middle of a case. I am the Unit Chief.” 
“And you’re a damn good one, but you’re also an excellent mother. And I know that you need to see your little boy more than he needs to see you.” 
Emily stares at him before nodding, relenting to doing exactly what she had been wanting to do in the 30 hours it had been since Aaron had called her. “You’re right. I’ll go. But I expect updates about what's going on here.”
“As you wish.” He stands out of her way so she can get past him and leave the bathroom. “The ticket is first class by the way, so drink some free champagne and do everyone a favour and chill out.” 
Emily grimaces as they walk back towards the conference room. “Have I really been that bad?” 
“You owe everyone at least one drink. I think you owe Derek a month off of paperwork.”
“He wishes.” Emily scoffs.
Aaron watches in amusement as Amelia climbs onto the couch next to Theo and starts to, not very gently, stroke his hair. It’s what Emily did for all of them, Aaron included, when they were sick or hurt and Theo lets his sister do it, despite it clearly being the last thing he wanted. Watching his two year old daughter mirror her mother made his heart constrict, and he wished more than ever that his wife was here. 
His phone rings and he grabs it, smiling as he sees Emily’s name and picture on the screen. “Hey, how are things?” 
“I’m on a plane.” She replies, a small laugh in her voice. “Dave bought me a ticket and drove me to the airport. Took me as far as security would let him to make sure I got onboard.” 
Aaron couldn’t pretend he was anything other than relieved. He’d noticed the tension in his wife during the brief phone calls and text exchanges about their son’s injury. Not to mention Theo was miserable, barely putting up with his little sister's antics anymore, and getting crankier by the second. 
“What time do you get in?”
“Too late for you to even think about picking me up, I’ll get a cab home.” 
He wants to argue, to go get her and tell her everything is fine, but he knows that's not what she needs him to do. She would want him here, in their home, with their kids. “Okay, just text me when you land.”
“I will. Love you.”
“You too.” He says as he hangs up. 
“Everything okay, Dad?” Jack’s voice comes from behind him. 
Aaron turns to look at his 17 year old son. “Yeah, Emily is on her way.” 
Jack smiles at him, the same smile he inherited from Haley. “Uncle Dave sent her home?” Jack laughs at Aaron’s nod. “That’s a whole day sooner than you said it would happen.” 
Aaron laughs. “She must have been in a really bad mood.”
When Emily gets home it’s already well past Theo’s bedtime. As soon as she is in the house she sneaks into his bedroom and her chest tightens at the sight of his bright green cast laid on a pillow next to him. Archie held tightly under Theo’s good arm. She walks over to his bed and presses a kiss to his forehead, whispering apologies for not being home earlier into his hairline. 
Amelia is also asleep. Emily sits down on the edge of her bed and tucks her in a little bit tighter and runs her fingers through her daughter's increasingly unruly hair.
Jack was still up, playing video games online with his friends. She pops her head in his room and quietly says hi, aware she had accidentally embarrassed him in the past. He throws her a grateful smile and a wave and she closes the door behind her. 
When she gets to her own room Aaron is sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her, and immediately stands as she closes the door behind her. She’s in his arms before she can really register it, and the lump that had sat in her throat since Aaron called her about Theo dissipates almost immediately. 
Emily wraps her arms tightly around him, and presses her face into his soft t-shirt. “Hey.”
Aaron presses a kiss to the top of her head and rubs a hand up and down her back. “Hey sweetheart.”
He encourages her to get ready for bed, and joins her. Their nighttime routines are easily done around each other, years of practise behind them. Once they settle into bed he immediately pulls her into his arms and rests her on his chest. 
“You ok?” He asks gently, fingers running up and down her arm.
“Yes.” She swallows against the word, and it tasted like a lie. “No. I just feel like a bad mom.” She admits into his chest, the fear that had been circling around in her head for longer than the last couple of days bursting out of her. “I know I’m not.” She says as she feels him take in a breath to admonish her, and she rubs the tension from his chest with the palm of her hand. “Being their mom is my favourite thing, but when I can’t be here when my son hurts himself...it really sucks.”
Aaron hears the way her voice cracks, and the way her body shudders when she tries to hold back the tears he had no doubt she had been putting off since he called her to tell her about Theo’s accident. 
“You’re okay, Em. And so is he.” Aaron kisses the top of her head. “He’ll be so happy when he wakes up to see you tomorrow, and I’ll go back to being second favourite even though I gave him ice-cream two days in a row.” 
She pushes herself up by the hand on his chest, her tearstained face coming into view. “Two days in a row?”
Theo is delighted to see her the next morning, all but forgetting about his broken arm as he launches himself at her. He begs her to sign his cast, to draw a picture on it for him, and she smiles when she sees the scribbles on it clearly left by Aaron helping Amelia hold the pen.
When her daughter realises she is home she squeals and demands to be held by her mother for hours. 
They watch a movie together, all of them piling into the living room. Theo chooses the movie, Monsters Inc, and Aaron levels a glare at Jack when he opens his mouth to complain. 
“Breaking your arm is fun.” Theo exclaims as he sits in between his parents, ready to watch his favourite movie. 
Aaron and Emily exchange a look over the top of their son’s head and they both suppress a laugh.
They were all going to be fine.
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