#and is vey scared
man I love have bad dreams instead of a valentine
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silkwhim · 8 months
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why she sleep like a sick victorian child 😕
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the-wiggles · 2 years
If you told me a year ago that I’d be crying over the death of Evan rosier, I wouldn’t have believed it but here we are
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rookthorne · 11 months
when the warnings of the fic you wrote are longer than anything else in the info, and the synopsis...
what the fuck have I done...
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roetrolls · 8 months
Wheeee Kelsis, Tifani, and Marqez all have finished TH bios now!
If I wanna keep going in order then the next on should beeeeeeeee...
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ohh no...
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notpandi · 9 months
Me starting to get bored of MSM (My Singing Monsters) but also not wanting to join any other fandom bc Idk where to go:
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endersdead · 2 years
being autistic & trying to make friends online is so hard. what are the social rules?? how am i supposed to know whats too much or too little interaction? am i making a bigger deal of this than i need to??
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im-a-freaking-joy · 1 year
No but seriously the internal mindset of
"Okay but I do it like a fag" just in any scenario is wildly helpful to me
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It's taken me forever even after skipping over most of s3 but my AU outline for up to s5 is mostly done 。゚(TヮT)゚。
I haven't written so much in such a long time. Rewriting almost every episode into a chapter is going to kill me (/j /lh)
My favorite little scene so far is when they're figuring out what to do after Ronin steals the Sword of Sanctuary. Kai asks why don't the just skip the sword and take Luka to the tomb since he can see the future like the sword, and is immediately yelled down by almost everyone "WE'RE NOT TAKING A 9 YEAR OLD INTO A DEAD GOD'S TOMB"
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inlovewithpandora · 4 months
ꕥ — Found Someone Better / Forest Meets Reef
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Artists — Tonowari x fem!avatar!reader
Genre — Chapter Two
Lyrics — Coming into Metkayina territory has you anxious, scared that they won’t except you and your son but those thoughts are pushed out the way when the Olo’eyktan accepts you with open arms, while having his eye on you at the same time.
Music Advisory — Pre-Atwow, slight angst in the beginning (from Jake & Neytiri), fluff, widow!tonowari, implied/undertones of flirting (from Tonowari & Reader); the character Ralak is @zestys-stuff’s oc and will be depicted as Tonowari’s best friend.
Duration — 3.5-3.7k
Index — Uniltìrantokx - dreamwalker/avatar・Uturu - a Na'vi tradition stating that any refugee seeking sanctuary must be granted safe harbor・Vey - food・Mawey - calm ・Karyu - teacher
Words From Artist — Chapter Two is finally here! Thank you to everyone who commented, liked, and reblogged part one! I appreciate all the love and support! I hope y’all enjoy and always feel free to comment and reblog, I love reading y’all reactions!
Current Platforms — Chapter One ・ Series M.list ・Series Taglist・Main M.list
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Village life is now settling down, meaning families are now returning to their homes so they can rest and recover from today’s activities. As Jake and Neytiri walk home with the kids trailing behind them she can’t help but think about how harshly she’s been treating you lately. She feels bad because she knows that over the years all you’ve done is love her purely and she nor Jake have been reciprocating that.
Neytiri knows she can’t change Jake’s actions, he’s far too stubborn to muster up any regretful emotions but she can at least acknowledge her mistakes and apologize for her own actions. When she gets home she wants to talk things out with you in hopes to change your relationship around for the better.
After a few more steps the family finally makes it home and the kids start running around looking for you. “Mama!” Neteyam shouts while running throughout the marui, wanting to greet you with a hug. When Neteyam doesn’t hear your voice or footsteps it makes him wonder where you could be. “Where is Mama?” Neytiri can only respond with a simple answer, telling him you’re probably out gathering fruits for dinner even though she doesn’t know your whereabouts either.
Neytiri’s mind starts reeling with memories from throughout the day, trying to remember if she’s seen you since she and Jake left early to start their clan duties as leaders. “Jake, have you seen y/n today?” Jake shakes his head no, not being much of any help, making her hiss in annoyance at his lack of care about you.
“Mom, what does this say?” Kiri runs toward Neytiri with an open letter in hand, making her brow bones fur in confusion as to what it could be. As her eyes scan the letter, taking in the mixture of english and na’vi words that are written on the paper, tears begin to pool her eyes which grabbed Jake’s attention, making him wonder what could be so bad that it brought her to tears. “What does it say?”
The Tsakarem quickly tells the children to go to their room so she could talk to Jake alone and not scare or worry them. Once she sees the kids are gone Neytiri walks over to Jake and clings to him, letting her emotions take over. A shaky breath parts from her lips before she burst into tears, feeling like her world was crumbling at her feet. She didn’t mean for this to happen, for things to get so bad and cause you to do something drastic like this but now it was too late, too late to repair the relationship you once had. “She’s gone, Jake. y/n and Lo’ak are gone!”
After an eight hour flight and dealing with a restless child you finally reach the coastal reefs. As you’re getting closer you’re riddled with nerves but you put on a strong face for Lo’ak, not wanting him to see you rattled with the new environment. The most frightening part about this whole situation is worrying if the Metkayina would be kind enough to let you and Lo’ak seek refuge with them, especially since both of you are considered demons in the eyes of the Na’vi.
Once you fly over the atoll you notice how the pattern of water goes from rough to calm and how the dark blue to color shifts to nearly crystal clear. From your perspective you begin to see an island, humongous trees erupting out of the water, holding together the structure of multiple homes, and multiple palm trees scattered across different areas of the sand. Your nose begins to fill with the scent of salt water, the windy breeze is blowing through your hair, and the sun is beginning to warm your skin.
All of these changes in the atmosphere makes you realize you finally made it to Awa’atlu, the place Mo’at described to you vividly. When you fly over the seawater lagoons you can see multiple Reef Na’vi averting their gaze from their duties to you, making them dive into the water so they can quickly get to shore to figure out why you’re invading their lands. The sound of a horn being blown rings through the air, causing a sleeping Lo’ak to stir in your arms and eventually open his eyes. The sound is familiar to you, it’s a universal sound used in all Na’vi clans when the village needs to be notified of something.
Hufwe lands on a strip of sand, finally able to rest her aching wings from the tiresome journey. She lets out a screeching sound before clawing her nails into the sand. You disconnect your queue and gracefully slide off the back of your ikran, doing a quick stretch so you can release the tension in your muscles. You place your hands under Lo’ak’s armpits and raise him off your ikran and place him onto the ground. “Mawey, okay?” You kneel in front of him and begin to straighten his clothing and fix his hair that became a little messy along the ride, wanting him to look his best in front of the Metkayina. He nods in response, making you smile before grabbing his hand and walking toward the crowd of people.
The Metkayina can’t help but stare at you and your son, of course they’re curious to why you’re here but most of all it’s because of how different your appearance is from theirs. There’s plenty of chatter and whispers among the Metkayina, questions and concerns bouncing between the clan members. The crowd is getting louder but once a loud husky voice shouts throughout the area everyone silences themselves. “What is the meaning of this?” People immediately begin to disperse to make a path for their Olo’eyktan who’s dressed in traditional leader clothing, carrying a large spear into his hand, making an entrance on a large aquatic creature. You start using your context clues and realize it’s Tonowari, the fierce warrior, respected leader, and well-spoken statesman Mo’at told you about.
You and him exchange a formal Na’vi greeting, slightly dipping forward and your hands touching your forehead as a sign of respect before he speaks. “Why have you and the little one come to us?” He inquires as he looks between you and Lo’ak with softened eyes.
“We come seeking uturu, Olo’eyktan.” You say in the most confident voice you can muster, feeling slightly intimidated by his presence. Even though he was tall and had an authoritative demeanor you can tell he’s a kind man and you’re hoping he will show some of that kindness today and allow you to live in his village.
“I no longer want to live in the forest. I don’t feel safe there anymore so I gathered my things and brought my son, hoping to create a new life here.” As you speak you feel Lo’ak’s tail curl around your leg, something he always does when he’s near you and feeling nervous or anxious. When you pick him up he immediately clings to you, resting his head on one shoulder and placing his arm around the other.
Tonowari takes in you and Lo’ak features, noticing your thin tails, skinny arms and legs, and lack of fins. In his eyes your bodies were weak which means you will be slow in the water. “We are Reef people, you are Forest people, your skills will mean nothing here.” He knows it will be hard for you both to keep up, especially since your physique is accommodated for forest activities instead of aquatic.
While Tonowari contemplates on your capabilities, some of the villagers decide to outburst their concerns. “They aren’t even true Na’vi!” A random man shouts amongst the crowd of people. “They have demon blood, you can’t possibly let them live among us!” A woman angrily yells out while pointing at you and your son’s four-fingered hands, making the crowd of Metkayina surrounding you gasp in shock.
You wince at their comments, knowing that their words can make or break Tonowari’s decision. “I know I was once a sky person but now I’m Na’vi, I’m willing to adapt and do whatever it takes to fit in here.” With each word your voice begins to tremble and the exhaustion in your eyes is beginning to become overshadowed by tears. You’re practically begging him to accept you at this point, if he turns you away you will have to go search for another clan and you don’t know where to look. “I promise we will hold our weight and not cause any problems. All I ask is a sanctuary for me and my son, I just want to keep him safe.”
Tonowari lets out a sigh as your words run a mile a minute around his head, thinking about your request. Making this decision is difficult for him to make on his own, usually he would have his mate Ronal to share the burden of decision making with but she unfortunately went to live among Eywa years ago. He often thinks about what she would do or say in situations like this and that’s what helps guide his decision of you staying.
“This young woman and child will stay with us. We will provide them with food and shelter. We will help them find a role in the clan and learn our ways. We will treat them as our brothers and sisters, if there is anyone who is not treating them with respect and kindness they will be dealt with accordingly.” As Tonowari speaks he turns to look at the crowd of people, placing heavy emphasis on his last sentence so everyone is aware. Hearing the sternness in his voice the clan shows no objection or resistance, making him end his speech with a content nod. Even though he’s still curious to the true reason you were here and still processing your surprise arrival, he’s still willing to welcome you with open arms and to save his questions until you settle in.
When you hear his statement you finally release the anxiety induced breath you’re holding and let out a sigh of relief before immediately showing your appreciation. “Thank you Olo’eyktan, you will not regret your decision.” You can’t possibly express the gratitude you currently feel, now that he’s allowed you to stay the hard part is over, you can finally have a shot at a happy life again. He returns a smile your way before telling some of his warriors to go grab your belongings from your ikran. Once they collect everything they ask you to follow them, leading you into the direction of an empty marui, your new home.
The sound of birds chirping and waves crashing against the sand were powerful, it was something you would have to get used to but you know the adjustment won’t be hard. Your marui is near the heart of the village, giving you easy access to anything nearby. You love how all the mauri’s are placed above the reef, allowing you to see the beautiful oceanic creatures as you walk along the spongy pathways.
As you watch Lo’ak play with his toy Toruk beside you, making his own screeching noises to bring his imagination to life, your heart swells with joy knowing that you were able to achieve your goal, moving him into a safe environment. Your family is now miles away from the Olo’eyktan and Tsakarem of the Omatikaya clan and you can’t be more rejoiceful. When you hear the sound of footsteps coming toward the entryway of your marui your head turns swiftly, wondering who it could be since you aren’t expecting visitors.
“Hello, y/n. I hope I’m not disturbing you.” Tonowari saunters inside with his children trailing behind him, a boy and a girl.
“No, not at all. What brings you by?”
“I wanted to introduce your son to my children, Tsireya and Ao’nung, they will help guide him in learning the way of water from a child’s perspective.” Tonowari places his hand behind their backs, slightly pushing them forward, silently encouraging them to go and talk to Lo’ak.
You think it’s sweet that Tonowari’s children are going to help him navigate learning the ways of water because you want him to be social with the village children and make new friends and who’s better to be friends with than the Olo’eyktan’s children. “It’s nice to meet you both.” You flash a smile towards the little ones before looking at Lo’ak, waiting for him to introduce himself.
Once your son tells them his name and all three of them move in the corner of the room and begin to talk and play amongst themselves, trying to get familiar with one another which gives you and Tonowari an opportunity to talk. “I really want to say thank you again for accepting me and Lo’ak into the clan, I’m beyond grateful.” You’ve expressed your gratitude every time you see him throughout the village because you truly can’t thank him enough, his kindness truly saved your life.
“No need to thank me, I did what any man with a good heart would do.” As both of you continue talking he begins to admire your features, your wide yellow eyes and the eyebrows that frame them, your black braided hair that reaches the middle of your back, adorned with wooden beads, and your four fingers. He’s heard plenty of stories about how the Omatikaya accepted humans into their lives to create Uniltìrantokx but he never thought he would meet one in his lifetime.
“Well, I appreciate it a lot Olo’eyktan-”
“Please, call me Tonowari.” His statement catches you off guard, you’re used to a man demanding respect with the title of Olo’eyktan so you assumed he would want to always be called by his title. You nod your head slightly with a small smile, making a mental note to call him by his birth name.
“I also brought along some clothes that are more suitable for the water.” He walks outside and within a few seconds he comes back inside with a basket in his hand, filled with child-sized loincloths for Lo’ak and matching sets of bra tops and loincloths for you. Everything was embellished with seashells, beads, flowers, and anything else that Eywa provides as decorations.
You grab the basket from him and place it on your wooden table, placing your hands inside and start rummaging through to look at each piece of clothing. “Thank you, these are beautiful. I can barely decide which one I should wear first.” You chuckle softly to yourself, knowing that when it comes to clothes you have a tendency of being indecisive.
“How about this one?” Tonowari places his hand in the basket, going to grab the top he thinks will look appealing against your dark blue skin. When he finally locates it he goes to wrap his hand around it but he stops when he feels something warm against his skin. He shifts his gaze downward and that’s when he finds the source of warmth, your hand tangled together with his.
When it registers in both of your minds what’s happening you lift your head, causing your golden orbs to lock with his oceanic eyes. This goes on for a few seconds, staring into each other’s eyes with a light blush on your face. The moment would’ve lasted forever but the sound of the children’s laughter brought you both back to reality. “I think this one is pretty.” You say in a tone that’s barely above a whisper, trying to keep yourself at ease while Tonowari towers over you. “I will wear it when I come to communal dinner tonight.”
“Well, I will leave so you can get ready.” Tonowari turns his head and beckons for his children to come, telling them it was time to go home. He leads them outside the marui and before he turns to walk along the spongy pathways he looks at you one last time with a small smile, making your blush even more apparent. When he’s fully out of your line of sight you let out a sigh, feeling like you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of him. If Tonowari makes you feel like this with the smallest interaction you don’t know what you’re going to do during lengthy conversations.
Tonowari is sitting with some of the hunters when you arrive at the beach for communal dinner. Lo’ak was walking beside you but once he saw Ao’nung, Tsireya, and the other children sitting together he ran off to be with them, leaving you by yourself. When Tonowari notices you, sitting down by yourself with a shell plate filled with grilled fish and cubed fruit, wearing the golden colored reef macrame top he recommended, he can’t pry his eyes from you no matter how much he tries.
He’s trying his best to not make it noticeable to the hunters around him and it’s working, no one noticed, except for his right hand man, Ralak. He can see a small twinkle in Tonowari’s eye, the same look that casted upon his face whenever he saw Ronal. Ralak doesn’t want to bring it up in front of everyone but he’s definitely making a mental note of it so he could bring it up later.
He can Tonowari wants to come up to you, he just assumes he needs a little nudge. Since they are sitting beside each other he places his hand on his shoulder, gesturing his head in your direction. “Go to her.” When Tonowari hears his statement he scrunches his eyebrow bones, wondering how he knew you were on his mind.
Tonowari decides to listen to his best friend and come up to you, hoping that the conversation will go smoothly. “It seems like you're enjoying your vey.” He predicts while taking the empty seat next to you, surprising you in the process. You didn’t expect him to come up to you, especially while he was talking to the other hunters which made you assume it was an important conversation.
“Yes I am, this fish is very tasty, better than what I used to hunt back in the forest.” The different spices you’re tasting were mouth watering, the food is delicious, the best seafood you’ve tasted in a long time. You wipe your mouth with a cloth you always keep in your pouch, wanting to make sure your face is free of any crumbs while speaking.
“Feel free to take as much as you like, we have plenty to go around.” When Tonowari finishes his sentence he notices your gaze is on your son who was eating and laughing with the other Na’vi children. “Your son will have a good life here. We have plenty of things to occupy him, the karyu’s are wonderful at teaching the children the skills and abilities they need and he has plenty of opportunities to make friends even though it seems like he’s made some already.”
“Yeah it does, I’m so glad he’s already adjusting to life here.” a smile spreads on your face, happy that the children were accepting him despite his differences.
“Soon you will adjust as well and a good way to start is with learning our ways, do you know how to swim?”
“Only in shallow waters.” Your swimming skills weren’t the best but they were decent enough when you lived in the forest and only had to deal with rivers and lakes but now since you’re living in the reefs you need to be able to reach the depths of the ocean.
“Well, you need to reach all levels of the ocean to properly be one of the people. I will meet you tomorrow near the shore at sunrise.” Tonowari was willing to teach you himself, even though there are many qualified people who can do the same thing. Most would say he’s just being the kind man Ewya molded him to be but in reality he’s doing this so he could be closer to you.
“I will be there.” You’re excited to learn from Tonowari and gain more knowledge about the Metkayina since you were a scientist at heart but you know it won’t be easy, especially since you’ve been so programmed with how things were done in the forest. Rewiring your brain to make room for the way of water is going to come with its challenges but you know you’re capable of doing it.
When the clan conversations begin to simmer down everyone starts making their way home, ready to spend the rest of their evening with their families. When the kids walk over to you and Tonowari, yawning and rubbing their eyes, the two of you knew it was time to call it a night so they could rest. “C’mon, Lo’ak. Let’s get you home.” Lo’ak, Ao’nung, and Tsireya exchange goodbyes before you picked him up and start walking down the beach and toward your dwelling.
As you disappeared into the shadows of the night Tonowari began walking his own children home. As he walked along the bouncy pathways he began to anticipate his lesson with you tomorrow, he couldn’t wait to teach you the way of his people, he was excited to see you again, up close and personal.
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Previous — Chapter One ・Next — Chapter Three
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391 notes · View notes
akutasoda · 7 months
Yay! Requests are open!
Can I please request BSD men with an eerie fem! s/o? Not gn.
Like, breathing is always very light, footsteps are silent and even the sounds of her internal organs (heartbeat, blood flowing through her veins) is very faint, she's always smiling and is almost mechanical in her movements and actions. She's her most genuine when giving them affection, is a very pleasant and sweet person but there's just something....off..about her. Like a subconscious feeling they can't quite place but ignore because they love her.
-Sincerely, 💋
mechanical affection
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synopsis - how are they when they s/o is eerie and rather ominous
includes - dazai, ranpo, fyodor, jouno
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned however), fluff, wc - 900
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osamu dazai ★↷
↪dazai had met his fair sharre of 'creepy' people throughout his youth, but none of them ever actually scared him or made him slightly uncomfortable. you were the first.
↪what scared him the most was how mechanical you seemed. your actions and expressions seemed too robotic to be your genuine feelings and movements. no part of it seemed biological.
↪he cared little for how quiet your heartbeat and such was. he normally couldn't hear people's heartbeats and he could control his own so that probably was the least eerie part about you.
↪ however the lack of sound when you moved or breathed did put him on edge to begin with. it was too silent for him to let his guard down but when he got used to your presence - and your more sweeter side - he didn't mind too much.
↪ speaking of sweeter side, it did surprise him at first but he loved it. a weird sort of happiness surged through him when you gave him genuine affection for two reasons. one, the fact that only he recieved this sid eof you and two, he'd never recieved this level of affection before and getting it from you? it became a great comfort.
↪if the mafia raught him anything, it was that he should always be on guard around suspicious people. whenever you were around he couldn't help but want to apply that to you.
↪a constant nagging voice telling him to run or be careful was around when you were near. but maybe this one time he'd ignore it.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
↪the world's greatest detective was known for solving cases and everything to do with his work. a part of that would make him great at reading people and so he barely feared anyone. but when it came down to you and the nagging fear you implanted in the back of his head, he felt helpless.
↪your presence made him uncomfortable to be simple. it was a nagging put of dread that he couldn't get rid of because he couldn't read you. your silence to eerie for him to be comfortable anyway. he sometimes compared you to a ghost or some sort of spectre because of this.
↪he also hated the fact that you acted so unnatural and mechanical. everything about you from your expressions to your movements was so eerie. but weirdly enough he became accustomed to it.
↪he started veiwing it as a challenge. he became motivated to be able to finally understand you and rid himself of thsi dread you installed in him. and a good starting place was when you showed him genuine affection.
↪yes it did catch him off guard, but he quickly became accustomed to a more genuine and affectionate you behind closed doors. you became not so eerie and instead rather sweet. he still didn't fail to notice the fight or flight in his brain around you still.
fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪it took a vey long time for fyodor to come to trust you even a tiny bit. it would be the first time somebody's presence would cause him to be on edge, to think something was wrong and that made him distance himself from you.
↪but eventually that fear turned into a weird, sort of morbid curiosity. why did you cause him to fear you? was it the mechanical actions you would show. or was it how every part of you was eerie and too irregular.
↪fyodor only liked people he could read. they were predictable per say, easy to understand and therefore caused him no threat but from time to time some people could change that. your seemingly mechanical actions made you impossible to read and he wanted to know why.
↪he became even more curious when he gave him genuine care. your once eerie aura seemingly melted away as you showed him a sweeter side that he weirdly loved. but even when you showed affection that nagging fear still lurked.
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪ it's safe to say he barely knew you existed to begin with. he couldn't hear your heartbeat and such unless he really focused on the faint sound - leasing to him sometimes having the uncomfortable feeling someone was with him if you were around.
↪he hates it really, he can't hear your breathing or footsteps either so he truly has no idea where you could be at any given time. it really threw him off guard as it made him feel vulnerable around you.
↪he had heard from others how they'd complain about how mechanical you looked and some twisted part of him found some joy in knowing how some people feared you for this. sometimes he'd actually wish he could see it.
↪ however he did still indulge himself in your more sweeter side - the side he felt pride in knowing only he recieved. your genuine kindness did throw him a bit at first but he accustomed to it and enjoyed it.
↪he even ignored the constant nagging pit of dread in the back of his mind telling him to run, to fight, to get away from you just so he could indulge himself in your kindness.
↪the only time he could ever hear your heartbeat was when you two were hugging. and so this made the action treasured and all the more endearing for him.
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508 notes · View notes
risuola · 3 months
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You had given him the world, he held it in his hands and shed tears of joy for the first time sinc ehe was a child.
contents: fluff — 0,8k words
a/n: i can't tell you how incredibly sorry i am for updating this series so rarely. i genuinely like this series, i love tobirama and i am grateful for each and every one of you who reads this ❥ this chapter is much shorter than the rest, but the one that follows (that's in the writing!) will most likely be longer! that being said, we're heading towards the conclusion of this series, i think.
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Tobirama didn’t remember when was the day he cried for the last time. Was it at his brother’s burial? No, he didn’t cry back then, he was the strong one for Hashirama. After losing so many family members and seeing so many deaths and spilling so much blood, he thought he’s no longer capable of crying, but ever since he’s met you, you proved him wrong on many things he thought he’s not able to do anymore.
You loved him like no one else, you melted his long-frozen heart and caused it to beat again and it was beating solely for you since the day you first kissed him. He remembered the day as if it was yesterday, when for the first time your lips brushed against his own. It was an accident, he thought, you aimed for his cheek but he turned his head and then the world stopped for a moment. Or so he thought, it sure felt like it. Your lips were soft, warm, plush against his own and he flushed like never before. Like a teenager, but you smiled and kissed him for the second time — on purpose. Because you wanted to. And he wanted that as well. You were a blessing, a true gift and he thought nothing better will happen to him. He thought that the luck reserves have already run out because he’s got all he could’ve ever wished for. You proved him wrong again.
The tears rolled down his face in silence, he was careful not to wake you up — he was careful not to wake up the world you have given him. A baby, his baby, a bundle of joy that rested on his chest, wrapped tightly in a soft blanket, sleeping peacefully in his arms. Unaware of anything or anyone and yet, instinctively leaning into his heartbeat. Tobirama couldn’t believe it was real. Was it even real? It was, it had to be, he could feel it.
The baby was small, too tiny to hold in his large palms and he was scared to hurt it. But the boy was calm, a gentle smile lingering on his pouty mouth and his miniature hand wrapped around the tip of Tobirama’s finger. He was beautiful, with your charm and Senju could’ve sworn he saw a glimpse of your eye color when his son opened his eyes just barely for a second or two. The tiny tuft of pristine white hair stuck out of his little head, already unruly and Tobirama couldn’t help but sob quietly.
You gave him a child. You gave him a son, a life made of you and him. You gave him hope, another reason to love more, to love harder. You gave him another creature to care and protect and he was ready to take on the challenge because just as much he loved you, he already loved the little human in his arms. The puffy cheeks and long eyelashes. The few kilograms of nothing but joy and affection.
“I’ve never seen you cry,” your voice was hushed when it cut through the quiet in the room. Tobirama leaned into you and you reached towards his face, your gentle thumb wiping the tears from his cheeks as you cradled him in your grasp.
“I don’t remember when I cried for the last time,” he confessed, half-whispering his words, careful to not wake the treasure he had on his heart. “How are you feeling?”
Your life was a dream. It truly was and you owed it all to Tobirama. Your husband. The man you love to the very core of your existence, the beautiful soul that opened itself before you and allowed you in. You basked in the caring interiors, in all the gentle touches and desperate kisses. He’s got your blood pump frantically in your veins and your body melt against his warmth; he’s got you smile like you never did before and love like you thought you’ll never do. And now, he’s made you a mother.
“You look beautiful,” he said and you couldn’t help but chuckle. Your heart fluttered in your chest and you knew you probably look tired. You felt tired, exhausted even, but the pain was long gone. The moment you went into labor, one of the best medics from the village joined your side to tend to your health and you couldn’t be more grateful for it.
“Aren’t you the sweetest husband,” you teased and he smiled through the tears that stained his handsome features. “Are those tears of joy?”
“Certainly,” he turned his head slightly to kiss the heel of your hand. “You made the dreams come true, the ones I thought I couldn’t afford to have and I promise you, I vow, that I’ll protect you and our son with all of my might.”
“I know you will, my beloved lord.”
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taglist: @garouaddict @bluebreadenthusiast @nelivv @drthymby @humongousdreamlandbear @darlingxoxo15 @gaozorous-rex-blog @hanamisofficialspouse @claireshelby
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yorshie · 11 months
Hey, These are my Springtime Headcanons!
That's right, we all know that I'm talking about mating season. I tried to not go explicit with these but by the vey nature of these headcanons they are adults doing adult things, so read at your own discretion. There’s cussing and mentions/alludes to adult activities. Set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25
Spring starts slow, creeping up like an itch on their carapace and a skin sensitivity. It hits them all in slightly different degrees of uncomfortableness, but by the end of the roughly two weeks they’re all done with each other and their own instincts. Splinter caught on to the signs of encroaching puberty in their early teenage years. When they were younger, all it amounted to was shedding shells and outbursts of manic emotion and moodiness, but by the time the the turtles are in their twenties it’s a full hormonal raging see-saw. He nopes out to Casey’s and April’s apartment every year by then. They make up the guest room for him and he turns off his phone for the duration. His sons are adults, they can figure out their own shit, and in his older age he values his peace and quiet. And the Lair in springtime is anything but that.
Everything comes out of left field and sucker punches the turtles every year. The human friends of the bale might have picked up on cues to determine when the craziness is gonna start, but to the turtles it feels like nothing is amiss until they’re in the thick of it nine miles behind enemy lines, ass deep in cleaning supplies, snack food, and suddenly unable to stand the sight or smell of each other.
Territorial out the wazoo, and that’s an understatement. They’ll get pissy over someone wiping their feet on the wrong shower rug. Everything in their space must be clean, must be straight, orderly and neat. For Leo this is no problem, but Raphael and Mikey spend a good day or two cleaning out their rooms because their turtle brains can stand the ‘pigsty’ all of a sudden and they can’t find the one object they need that they haven’t thought about all year. One year for Raph it was a particular pair of boxing gloves and he didn’t sleep for three days straight trying to find them. The compulsion to have a clean space drives Donnie up the wall the most, because the poor turtle will never have a clean Lab, no matter how hard he tries. The good side of that is, no one runs into hormonal Donnie as long as they stay away from the Lab- which is a good thing since he discovered years ago caffeine makes everything worse. Just imagine, hormonal Donnie with no caffeine. shudder.
One time Casey nipped down to grab something Splinter forgot, and when he came back home April Frebreeze-ed him outside the apartment before he was allowed to enter. The turtles stink during their springtime, especially with only rival males around to interact with. It’s like they’re each putting out ‘fuck you and fuck off’ stench and it permeates the air. Casey said it smells like a musky skunk, and April swears it smells like a boy’s locker room when she got a whiff of it second handed off Casey. Splinter shocked them both by mumbling into his tea “It smells like they’re horny and pissy.” Raph is the worst at this, but Leo is a close second. Every time poor Mikey sticks his nose outside his bedroom all he can smell is ‘fuck you and the horse you rode in on’ from his elder two brothers and being the smallest and youngest, his turtle senses equate it to ‘I’m gonna get my ass kicked if I leave this room’. 
Despite everyone being frustrated and pissy about it, there’s not a lot of fist fights going on. It’s more subtle postering than anything overt, and it’s mostly between Leo and Raph. Whenever they clock the other in their peripheral, they start up a warning rumble that, in Raph’s case, will shake the furniture in the room if he puts effort into it. At most it’ll escalate into huffing and flexing their arms and chests, but it’s likely to scare the shit out of anyone watching. Every once in a while Mikey will be feeling his oats and will rumble back, and it’s usually enough to shock the shit out of his bigger brothers and they’ll stop for a bit. Leo absolutely hates it. He’s the leader, but come Springtime everyone seems to forget that, and for him it feels like every time he sees Raphael he’s in a power struggle for the mantle. Raph is just pissed he has to see Leo's ugly mug and judgmental eye rolls when he’d rather just get his food and get the fuck back to watching tv in his room with his door locked. 
The one thing that will cause them to stop in their tracks, however, is the discovery of anything smol.  Raph turns on his tv and sees baby animals by accident? Bawls for hours. Families or small children running around exploring on Mikey’s instagram reel feed? Turtle is hit in the chest with the thought that he will likely never be a father. Leo finds old photos of when they were toddlers while cleaning his room?He’ll avoid everyone for the rest of the day, chest tight at the thought of little faces that resemble his own. Donnie finds all the parenting books he downloaded over the hope of ‘what if’? He’ll throw them in the trash and then dig them out hours later in a silent apology to whatever kernel of hope he has.
Now as the turtles get older, there’s always the chance they have an s/o during their Springtime. They learned the hard way that things can get really weird, really quickly, when one year April hugged Raph goodbye after a game night in March and she said “wow you smell really good for some reason”- cue the turtles locking eyes in dawning horror and scuttling out of the room like their pants are literally on fire, and April disgustedly cussing Raph out over the phone once she figured out what exactly was happening. So, needless to say, if the turtles do have an s/o during these two weeks, there is a strict order to stay away from the Lair. If the relationship is far along enough, the turtle could join their s/o at their place, provided they can take the whole two weeks and then some off work, because there is no way any of the turtles could chill enough to let their s/o leave the safety of the nest until turtle.exe stops hogging the brain console and logic comes back online. Even if their s/o leaves just to run errands, they’ll likely come home to find a stressed turtle panic cleaning and vibrating off the walls, rumbling every time they hear footsteps outside in the hall… Maybe it’s better just to leave him in the Lair to preserve his poor blood pressure.
Courtship behavior, however, comes out as well in the Springtime, and it’s something to contend with if either the warning isn’t heeded or the turtle heads aboveground. During the other months of the year, the turtles are more into romancing their s/o’s in a more ‘normal’ manner, but during those two weeks the little voice that warns them humans won’t really ‘get’ all the turtle-y interactions goes suspiciously quiet. Actions such as kissing, hand holding, and personal bubble space go right out the proverbial window, and in their place pop up some more hindbrain postering that, well to be honest, can be downright confusing
One of the most obvious courtships traits is dogging their s/o’s footsteps. It’s a shadowing instinct, made ten times worse by their ninja training and their ability to move silently, and nine times out of ten they don’t even realize they’re doing it until their s/o turns and runs into them. They’re always in the way, always underfoot, and if they can’t physically follow they’ll track with their gaze. It gets worse if the other turtles are around, to the point where their s/o might feel like they’re being stalked by a particularly rumbly bodyguard that covers their back at all times. Surprisingly (sarcasm), Mikey is the worst offender. Leo is the best at keeping himself to only following with his eyes, but eventually they’ll all break and find themselves one step from being up against their chosen partner.
Another turtle-y interaction that grips them hard is the need to provide. He notices his s/o hasn’t eaten in a few hours? He’ll make a point to get them to eat or to bring them snacks. The room’s too cold or there’s too few blankets to cuddle up in? He’ll bring the covers from the bed if he can’t get away with just relocating to the  bedroom, but no matter what he’s getting some article of his ill-fitting clothing on his s/o. It’s a ‘kill two birds with one stone’ technique that soothes the itch in his snout that absolutely freaks him out when he realizes his s/o doesn’t smell like him.
The turtles also turn handsy overnight. Their s/o better be prepared for casual touch at any open opportunity, because the turtles will not waste it. Everything from a hand on the small of their s/o’s back, to touching any bare skin, to fluttering their fingers against their s/o’s face. The latter happens the least, and only when no one else is around to witness it. If their s/o ever tries to turn the tables and return the favor around others, it quickly becomes apparent by the sputtering and coughing from the other brothers that they might not understand all the connotations associated with the action. Cue their turtle getting flustered and all but ducking their head into their shell in embarrassment over being propositioned in front of his family.
Cuddle time dissolves into massages as an excuse to rub up against their s/o, to the point that the s/o might have to point out that massages are usually done with hands and not by just bumping and rubbing a turtle snout over any body part they can reach, which will only be answered with annoyed grumbling and insistence that they ‘aren’t’ doing that… while not stopping doing exactly that. There is also no such thing as personal space while cuddling- if their s/o doesn’t want a heavy ass turtle in their lap, they better nab that spot first or risk being squashed.
Speaking of turtle rumbles, those aren’t the only sounds that come out with a vengeance during springtime. The turtles all churr more readily, chirp and click to get each others and their s/o’s attention, but when they’re alone with their s/o it ramps up, to the point where they’ll forgo words all together. Donnie is the worst offender as he’s battling not only hormones but also caffeine withdrawals, and as such he tends to only hiss at his brothers when they stick their heads into his lab to make sure he’s still alive. With their s/o's however, it's all rumbles deep in their chest and churrs that are likely to rattle the breath in their chests. Raph has the lowest auditory range with his rumbles while Mikey sounds the sweetest.
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thefairestfacts · 1 year
Excuse me!?Nobody has ever done a proper Dappling's headcanons YET??
...let's get to busyness now,shall we?
Darling didn't tell Apple about the kiss right away.
Apple ALMOST figured it out on its own
Eventually, Darling finally told her, and she was like "Well at this point it was kind of obvious"
Usually, Apple is scared of "trying new things" but this time it feels more intriguing
Darling was 100% the kiss would upset Apple or else that she has ruined her Happily ever after, she kind of apologised to her. But Apple has changed her perception of happy ending.
Eventually, all of this is sudden for Apple, so Apple said that she didn't know if she liked Darling back (yet), but that she wanted to find out
They continued the feature of "A time of wonder" together, and have study dates
Then they wanted to expand the feature by analizing other stories and fairytales. They also do it by watching movies together (eheheh) and "analize" it
Their first outings were not in very romantic places, both wanted to be as chill as possible with eachother
Apple is always consulting her friends for love advice(Briar,Raven and Ashlynn are so done with her)and Darling taking "revenge" on Dexter because he was always consulting her for Raven.
Darling has been a special guest in Cupid's podcast multiple time. And any reference she makes to Apple White is purely coincidental.
(Darling doesn't know that, but Apple is taking love advice also by Cupid)
Darling loves carrying Apple in bridal style
Apple thinks Darling is perfect,like, phisically and morally and EVERYTHING. The perfect princess, she would say.
Darling loves Apple plump body ♡
"Look at that big æss ,look at that juicy bœty"😏 -Darling
Apple calls her "Darling" as a petname than remembers it's her actual name (it happens often)
Darling flirts with words and vey often, she actually treat Apple like a princess (even in pubblic lmao get a room)
"Ooh pfff stop iiit...actually don't" -Apple
The princess flirts more with gestures and "body language" (she did it before too, but she didn't even realize it)
matching hairclip because I say so
they don't have much in common, maybe two things or Three
They both love books, they pledge in the research of knowledge.
Same family trauma🤙
That's it lmao, but is not much of a problem
Apple is a mess, though she has all the self confidence in the whole world she worries about being nice enough and to have a pleasent presentation(hair,outfit ecc...)
Darling has grown through time, they're kiss gave her more confidence,but still, she's a mess too.
To most of people, Apple looks like a born out gifted queen or even a selfish person, to Darling she's strong minded but also someone she wants protecc because too innocent for this world </3
Apple once bought a bag of candies and marshmallows, as she picked up a marshmallow to eat it she saw that its colors were simular to Darling's palette. She now managed to call her like that.
Their first kiss was so natural, no pressure of destiny or anything else. Just pure love.
Both their family are not very happy about their relationship
First comes Snow White, she is obsessed with "carry on the lineage" and of course Darling and Apple can't have kids and Snow doesn't want to even hear about adoption
Second comes King Charming, he's not upset because they are gurls, "just" doesn't understand why not his son Daring
Darling and Apple eventually started dating even harder (and help eachother to fight back their parents)
Now Apple can't even look at Darling's face without placing kisses because "She has such a kissable face"
Darling fell first,but Apple fell harder♡
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frogs00 · 1 month
Can you write Rejanis angst, where rejanis fights because Regina is never listens when Janis tells her to stop making fun of her (because of her height and dumb decisions) and then they meet up with their friends after wards (still pissed) and then Damian makes fun of something Janis did and the whole friends group laughs (Damian is like “damn you could compete with karen with your dumbness/ stupidity”) which sends Janis’s into a spiral and she just starts to avoid all of her friends and becomes just really quiet and then Regina comes and apologizes and Janis is just vey confused and just wants to hug her girlfriend and sleep?
Thx <3333
It’s nothing but some feelings
Summary: Basically the request lol. Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, brief mention of suicidal ideation or self-harm ideation! Pairings: Janis + Regina
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Regina huffed, scrolling through her phone, already in a bad mood when she received a text from Damian.
Beyoncé: Your girl almost just fell off a roof.
Regina’s eyes widened, leaning forward to hastily text back. It made no sense; Janis hated heights, she was terrified them.
Queen: What the fuck do you mean?
Beyoncé: She wanted to prove she ‘wasn’t scared of heights’ and got up there, had a breakdown, and nearly fell off. Beyoncé: She is still panicking, I had to got up there and get her down. I don’t think she wanted me to tell you tbh.
Regina groaned, and got up, grabbing her keys. How could she be so stupid?
“Of course she could, she’s Janis.” She muttered aloud, she was exhausted. She had been extra reckless lately, for no apparent reason, giving her a heart attack every other second.
She got into her car, slamming the door, and texting Damian that she was on way. She drove in frustrated silence.
She opened the door to the garage, and shut it, taking in the scene of Damian staring down at Janis with a helpless, who’s face was flushed and a bit pale, hair was slightly messy. “What the fuck?” Regina tried not to yelled, but still it made them both jump.
“I tried to stop her, honest,” Damian put up his hands and backed away from the brunette, “and she was kind of frozen till you got here-”
“Thanks, Damian, I need to talk to Janis alone real quick.” She gritted her teeth. Janis looked at her with blank eyes for a moment, face unreadable.
Damian threw the smaller girl a ‘Shit, you in trouble’ look before her left. The door shutting with a click.
“What the fuck were you think, you scared me half to death!” She growled. Janis sat up straighter, eyes narrowing.
“Did you come over just to yell at me?” Janis snapped back, Regina’s fist clench.
“Do you know how scary it is being with you, you have no self awareness or care! I get a text that you nearly fell off your roof? That’s not a fun text to receive, and I’ve gotten dozen just like it!”
“I scare you?” Janis croaked, eyes flickering with emotions she didn’t care to read, eyes darting around the room like she was searching for something,
“You should scare yourself! God, are you stupid?” Regina was yelling now, no doubt that Damian was listening. Janis pressed her lips together, her eyes now glazed over. Regina noticed and her anger slipped away, and she sat by Janis with little hesitation, “Are you okay?” she sighed, still frustrated but she looked tiny. Janis brought her knees to her chest, pressing her cheek on her knee.
“Yeah.” She mumbled, averting her gaze. Shit, her voice was just as small as she looked.
“I’m fine, really, never mind it- you can go.” She stood up and started walking away, Regina got up to follow her, but she quickly made her way into the house.
“Janis, I was-“ Janis turned into the restroom and shut the door on her face, she heard the lock click.
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Janis, You’re really going to just ignore me?”
No response.
She sighed, “Fine, I see you tomorrow,” she paused, “I love you.” She added.
There was a pause before a muffled voice rang back, “I love you too.”
With that she left, taking the hint.
not even a few hours later, Janis texted her.
Baby 🌸: I’m sorry for that, I had a scare n stuff. We good?
Reggie 💕: Yeah, we good. Talk later.
She clicked off her phone and shut her eyes, sighing in relief. At least she knew her girlfriend was okay, even if she was tired of her shit at times she loved her. It was a scare for her too.
Janis woke with a yawn, rubbing her eyes. “Why am I beeping?” She mumbled and reached into her hoodie pocket, apparently not changing into pajamas, and pulled out her phone; the alarm going off.
She wasn’t beeping.
“Shit,” she fell out of bed, hitting her head and wincing, but she ignored the pain, despite the fact it would definitely bruise.
She hastily got ready, she always tried to make it just on time; but for some reason she slept much deeper than usual.
She ran outside, hopping as she shoved on her shoe. Her girlfriend waiting outside, surprisingly patient. Probably because she was engulfed in her phone, but as soon as she saw her stumbling towards the car, she leaned over and opened the door for her.
She was driving her mom’s car, her Jeep was being repaired.
“Damn.” Regina looked her up and down with concerned eyes.
“What?” Janis let out a puff of air, brushing some hair from her face as she slid into the car.
“You’re a mess-”
“Gee, thanks!” Janis snapped.
“A beautiful mess,” Regina corrected, she rolled her eyes and went to turn the ignition but froze, and brushed some hair off of her face and winced, “What happened to your head?”
Janis touched her hand to the now tender spot and sucked in a pained breath, “I fell out of bed and hit my head.” She said truthfully.
Regina gave her an Incredulous look, “Bullshit, what stupid shit did you do now that you are you lying about?”
Stupid? Lying?
Janis frowned, but her sadness quickly turned to irritation at the fact Regina didn’t believe her.
“I’m not lying!- Oh, whatever, just drive,” she slumped in her seat and made a ‘go ahead’ gesture, Regina looked like she wanted to say something else so she added, “I’m fine, just a bruise.”
Regina scoffed and turned the ignition and peels out of the driveway. She muttered to herself under her breath, definitely not meaning for Janis to hear her despite her being right there, “Excuse me for being doubtful when your dumbass fell off a roof.”
I did not fall off a roof! I almost did, but still!
Janis clenched her jaw, her girlfriend seemed less concerned and more annoyed if anything, it made her chest feel tight.
Do I really annoy everyone that much?
The rest of the ride was quiet, until they parked in the Queen Bee’s usual spot, and the blonde interjected, “You sure were good? I know-”
“Yes, we are.” Janis interjected with a growl. She got out of the car and slammed the door, and stalked away towards her first class.
Janis went the rest of her day in a shitty mood, despite herself, she felt bad. She was being a bit less-careful lately, she could see why her friends and girlfriend would be annoyed.
She zoned out in her fourth period class, picking at her nails and staring at the blank page that was meant to be filled with notes. It was English, she didn’t know why she wasn’t focused, she liked literature.
“Hey, dummy, anyone in there?” A stronger voice rang, she blinked a few times and turned her head to face Aaron, who was whispering to her she just realized. Leaning over the desk
“Yeah? Mind your own.” She snapped, making both his eyebrows raise, straightening his posture.
They were both in the same English class, a testimony to either how average her friend’s boyfriend was, or how good she was.
“Okay then.” He laughed awkwardly. Irritation— and maybe some guilt — made her gnaw at her cheek.
This is stupid. He didn’t do anything. She packed up early and waited for the bell to ring, once it did she got out of her chair and headed towards the lunchroom.
She maneuvered through the hall with her usual certainty, though her head hung a bit lower, still wreaking havoc on her poor, poor nail beds.
she hastily turned into the cafeteria which was filled with chatter, she took a switch right, deciding against school lunch, her stomach was turning for reasons she couldn’t pinpoint.
She took her seat silently and pulled out her phone under the table, not greeting anyone, just checking her instagram.
“Uh, hello to you too?” Damian sassed her, she glanced up and saw that Damian, Cady, and Gretchen were all staring at them. ”Sup?” She muttered, looking back down. She jumped a bit when a tray plopped down text to her, and her blonde girlfriend sat down.
“Geez.” She mumbled, and shifted away from her a bit, focusing on her screen and grumbling who knows what to herself.
“What happened to your head?” Cady asked, clearly not taking the hint that she didn’t want to talk.
“She probably slammed it against the wall when she got angry.” Damian joked, and the other chuckled, Janis tensed but ignored them.
“Wouldn’t be the first time she did something so idiotic.” Regina mumbled beside her, picking at her food, she looked about as irritated as Janis was. Janis exhaled slowly, closing her eyes and clicking off her phone. She folded her arms on the table and looked away from them.
Idiot, stupid, dumb. Those words circled in her mind as she blocked out their chatter.
“Gosh, Janis, why so silent? You’re more annoying when you’re quiet then when you’re screaming your head off.”
she didn’t hear who said it, nor did she give a fuck. Because that words, that words. Sent her tipping.
She got up, dead silence falling over the group as if they expect her to yell. But no, she was above that, she wasn’t annoying.
She packed up her stuff and left, the only person she made eye contact with was Regina, her eyes were concerned. She heard someone padding after her, so she turned into the restroom, she wasn’t fast enough though because Regina grabbed her wrists.
“What is up with you?” Regina asked in a even tone.
“No one listens to me so what’s the point!” Janis swung around to face her, eyes surely glossing over, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
Regina stared at her, “What is the matter, talk to me.”
“You never stop, no one stops, ever. I’m always the ass of the joke and it’s tiring; all the teasing. Whether it’s about my height or appearance, my so-called dumb decisions or how dumb I am! Or how ‘annoying’ I am?” She swallowed thickly, “it’s like, do you even like me?” Janis was crying now, a few tears trailing down her cheeks.
She couldn’t stop talking, “I’m usually fine with it, but the more I think about it, the more hated I feel. By everyone, even by my friends.” She rubbed her cheeks dry, hiccuping, “I get it, I do, I can suck sometimes- It’s just… never mind.”
“Janis I love you, we all do, I am sorry you feel that way.” The blonde sighed, “I don’t know what you want me to do though.” She added, her tone making Janis’s teeth grind.
“It’s literally this, you don’t listen to me, this is why I am angry- no, not angry, sad.” Janis shook her head, rubbing her cheeks again and sniffling weakly, and pushing past her.
The next week and a half, Janis was ducking and dodging everyone, she had always been good at that. If she was with her friends she is sure they would have made a joke about her ‘being able to hide in crowds because she’s so short’. She wasn’t really mad at them, she was just frustrated, a bit with herself. She managed to (gaslight) convince herself into thinking they did even really want her around. But by the way they all were blowing up her phone and how multiple of them had tried to talk to her.
She was awfully good and walking past people with a blank stare too.
Regina had approached her the most, she did what she did for everyone. She had also silenced her phone and didn’t even bother to read my of the texts.
They did care, she knew this. She wasn’t denying it. They loved her; they’d care if she was dead…
But would I? Why am I torturing my friends? Why am I torturing me? I’m being petty, I really do deserve to bleed…
That morbid thought made a chill run down her spine, she didn’t like it. She didn’t like it at all. Those oh-so familiar thoughts that drive her to hurting herself so many times.
Isolation wasn’t the answer. They hurt her, but they were sorry. Shit they are sorry!
She realized this as she was leaned over her bathroom sink, again on the brink of tears. She shakily grabbed her phone and clicked Regina’s contact, the phone rang.
It only rang once when Regina answered, like she was waiting for it. “Hello?” A soft voice rang
She turned and fully broke down as soon as she heard the voice, sliding down the cabinet and sitting on the tile floor.
“I need you.” She whispered through a sob, holding the phone to her ear, her face held in her palm. Those the only words she could choke out.
She heard rustling on the other end, a jingle of keys. She heard an ‘on my way’ then hung up. She buried her face in her knees, her body shaking.
Dude, I just want my girlfriend. She almost said aloud as she cried softly. This week had been a migraine.
She didn’t know how long she wa sphere, but it was long enough for the blonde to be knocking softly at her bathroom door. She mumbled to come in, Regina didn’t hesitate and opened the door.
She crouched at her side hesitantly, looking at the small girl with such concern and admiration it made her want to cry more; but she wouldn’t, she just managed to stop. “I’m so sorry, baby, I am so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into her chest, “I didn’t know all the teasing was this bad, I was so inconsiderate— Shit, I was so stressed, I didn’t even think about how you felt — I’m going to do better.” Nope, she was crying again.
“Shut up, I shouldn’t have-“ she hiccuped, holding onto her like she’d lose her if she let go, “I was overwhelmed, I love you, I’m sorry for stressing you out. I forgive you, now…” she trailed off, catching her breath.
“You want to go to bed?” Regina finished her thought, it was around midnight. Rubbing her back softly.
“Please?” She chuckled, tears stilling but her cheeks still damp.
Regina pulled away, and wiped away any more tears, kissed her forehead, “I’m so sorry.” She said again, Janis could only shake head. “I need to talk, to you, about stuff and my thoughts later, but I’m so tired right now and I’ve missed you.” Janis laughed and brought them both to stand— probably a relief on the blonde’s back. She thought offhandedly.
“Yeah, okay, that’s fine, you want me to stay over?”
“Yes, please.” Janis whispered and just wrapped her arms around her again in a hug, bury her face.
“Okay then,” The blonde wrapped her arms around her brunette girlfriend, “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Don’t start something you can’t finish.” Regina joked softly, just holding her.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Janis whispered then cleared her throat, “sleepy time.”
Regina chuckled and followed her out. The both got into more comfortable clothes, then fell into bed. Regina held her tiny girlfriend till she drifted off to bed.
“Thank god that’s semi-over.” She mumbled before she let herself fall asleep with her head laying on top of Janis’s.
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Not up to a tease your suggestion but I just went where the words take me! I personally hate this one but I need to get out of my writing funk.
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mrs-santoss · 2 years
Attacked - Neymar Imagine
could we have one where reader is injured, maybe she was attacked by fans or smthn, and theyre in the hospital? maybe neymar comes back with a strong statement? thx!
I'm a vey shy person. That's why I always bring someone to accompany me on the stadium when I go to see Neymar. People stare at me a lot, some of them yell stupid things at me. Today, Neymar is playing a very important game, he needs my full support. My sister was supposed to come with me today, but she canceled last minute and I had to go myself. I'm sitting at the VIP seats waiting for the players to come out. Neymar doesn't know that I'm here alone. Last time I talked to him, I told him my sister will be here. People started cheering and players stepped out on the field. I spotted Neymar immediately.
He waved at me and blew me a kiss before giving me a confusing look. I guess he's concerned about me being here by myself. I smile back at him not wanting him to get worried. Neymar's POV: I spot Y/N as soon as I get on the field. I'm very excited to have her here, she gives me a motivation I don't usually get from anyone else. I realized she was alone. I don't know why, she was supposed to be here with her sister. She gets very anxious when she's alone. I hope this doesn't bother her. The game starts. Everything is going great, we score after 20 minutes. I look up at Y/N and she smiles back at me and mouths "LET'S GO, BEBÊ". I guess she's doing okay, thank god. The fans are going crazy today, this is a very important game so fans from both teams are extremely euphoric. I know Y/N is safe on her seat, so I try not to think about it so much. A few minutes before the first half is done, fans from the side of the stadium where Y/N is sitting start to go crazy. They throw things, fireworks and yell out stuff. The referee decides to stop the game at first, to take a look at what's going on. I stop to catch my breath and look at Y/N. She looke very distressed and scared. I see her get up from her seat and make her way to the entrance. She wants to leave. Before she has the chance to do so, she gets pushed falling backwards on the stairs before a security guard catches her. I start to panic, I make my way to the benches asking for the coach to let me go up to her. He tells me to wait until we go into half-time break, I curse at him, but keep my eyes on Y/N who was making her way inside the stadium.
The referee blows his whistle and I sprint inside. I spot her in the hall with a few people surrounding her. She was panicking. I run up to her and kneel down to her level and take her hands in mine.
"Amor, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask her all these questions, before realizing she's unable to answer them. I cup her cheeks and I feel liquid on the back of her head. She was injured.
"Y/N, you're bleeding!" I turn to face the medics and tell them she's bleeding from her head.
Y/N is completely unresponsive. She's just staring blankly, gasping for air. She was in shook and scared, we couldn't even ask her if she's feeling any pain. The medics decide to sent her to the hospital. I picked her up myself and make my way to the parking lot, where the ambulance is waiting for us. I realize in that moment, I'm in the middle of an important game, I turn my head to look at the entrance of the field and I see the coach motioning for me to go with Y/N. I give him a 'thank you' look and step outside.
I put her on the stretcher and they roll her in the ambulance. I step inside and sit next to her.
"Bebê, everything is okay. It's over now. I'm with you, you're not alone." I beg her to calm down.
She just stares at me, shaking and gasping for air. I don't think she's processing my words at all. I don't give up, though.
"Y/N? Let's breath together, okay? Breath with me, deep breath in and deep breath out. Now you do it, okay?" I place her hand on my chest, and instruct her to breath properly. After a few attempts, she manages to calm down and says her first words since I saw her.
"Neymar?" she says in a panicked voice.
"Yes, bebê. It's me. Are you in any pain?" I ask her immediately, after hearing her voice. "I don't know, my head hurts" she says and shuts her eyes. "It's okay, amor. You're going to be okay." I tell her and kiss her forehead. We arrive at the hospital. The put her in the emergency departments. I wait outside, and I realize I'm only wearing my jersey and I have her purse. After a twenty minutes, a doctor comes out asking for me.
"She's in stable condition, she suffered a minor concussion that should be healed in one or two weeks. She has managed to calm down now, we gave her something to put her to sleep." the doctor says to me and I sigh in relief.
"Can I see her?" I ask him right away.
"Yes, of course. You can!" he smiles slightly and leaves. I go inside the room and she's laying the sleeping peacefully. I kiss her forehead and sit next to her. After a thirty minutes or more, I hear a knock on the door. Kylian steps in. "Hey, bro. Is everything okay?" he asks as he walks in, places my bag he got from the locker room on the couch and places a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, K. She suffered a minor concussion but she's okay. How was the game?" I ask him while turning to face him. I completely forgot about the game. "It was good. We won. You have nothing to worry about." he says to me and gives me a quick hug before speaking up again." I placed your phone and everything on the bag, do you want something from the cafeteria? I think you could use some coffee."
"Yeah, I would like some coffee." I say to him, he nods and leaves the room.
This whole situation got me worried about Y/N. I hope this doesn't stop her from attending my future games. I need to react to this. I reach for my bag and pull out my phone. I open Twitter and decide to write a tweet about what happened.
"I'm very disappointed about the events that occurred today. First of all, I would to give a sincere apology to the fans and the team for ditching the game, I'm so proud of how the team carried on and won without me. However, I would like to focus more and the incident that happened in the stadium. Y/N, my girlfriend was hurt by some fans at the stadium that resulted in a concussion. For everyone who's worried, she's okay now and she's resting. I know accidents can happen, but this one wasn't in the nature of an accident. Soccer is about bringing people together, so I hope this will be the last incident that will ever happen to my loved ones or any other person.
Take care of one another! Neymar.
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