#and is super unclothed lol
vershl · 4 months
Okay I think I made y'all wait long enough LOL
I don't really have a lot to share tbh in terms of lore/plans. This AU is very VERY fresh in my brain atm. But I will fill in some details for you guys so you somewhat/mostly understand the current characters I have for now.
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He is a red diamond (ultimate lifeform yada yada), and as stated, a "blood" diamond. I mean this somewhat in modern terms, but not entirely. In real life, diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to fund the costs, hence "blood". In this case; Shadow was created by the other diamonds (primarily white) as a weapon, the plan was to have a gem on equal footing in terms of strength and power that they could order around to do their bidding and do their dirty work.
Clearly, that didn't work out the way they wanted. Shadow pretended to be obedient, following white, and the other diamond's orders. He shattered other gems for whatever reason the diamonds deemed fit (among other things I haven't decided on yet), only doing so to avoid the risk of being deemed defective and shattered himself, or the gem being shattered regardless by someone else.. he at least knew he could give them a swift end without pain.
Once Shadow gained the diamonds trust to wander around as he pleased, the moment no one was looking, he stole a ship and left Homeworld. Going as far as he could into the universe until he found Mobius and crash landed there. It wasn't very long before Sonic found him, and eventually became allies, inviting Shadow into the Crystal Gems, to which he accepted, and chose the name 'Shadow'. He didn't want to be called 'Red' or 'Red Diamond' anymore. He was free now. (This is as far as I got with him, sorry y'all HAHA)
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Sonic is a yellow prism in the shape of an isotoxal star (the yellow is a nod to super Sonic). In my AU, because offical SU lore with gems is relatively limited, different colored gems even if of the same type, give different abilities/powers. In Sonic's case, yellow prisms give the ability of super speed, because of course, and he chose his name based on that fact as well.
Lore wise with Sonic-- He's the leader of the Crystal Gems (makes more sense considering the CG's signature symbol is a yellow star, so I just ran with that but changed the normal star to the isotoxal). But that's all I have for him.
the rest of these characters have 0 lore at all, i will just try to explain their gems a bit- sorry
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Amy is a Mimetite, a heart stone which helps with emotional stability, inner balance, serenity, joy, and adventure (according to google). Because Amy is basically canonically that 'therapy' friend, mimetite fits perfectly with her personality. As you can see, there are only a few designs that have weapons currently, Amy's being obvious because it's her signature weapon and just works here in the AU as well.
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Tails is a yellow peridot, it's obvious why, and I don't need to elaborate LOL. There isn't much different between peridot colors, it's more-so personality traits than abilities. Green peridots are quite egotistical and arrogant in themselves, while yellow peridots are more adventurous and selfless.
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Sorry for his naked hands btw. Honestly, I don't think I have to explain why Knuckles is a garnet. It just tracks. (Reminder that in the show, Garnet isn't a real garnet, it's just what she decided to call herself. In this case, Knuckles IS a real garnet.) Is his signature gem weapon gauntlets/gloves, yes. Did I steal the idea from Garnet? Shut up. :] Besides, Knuckles needed his usual gloves somehow, and he fights by punching shit anyway, so why not? Star on the back of the gloves ofc for obvious reasons.
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GOD this stupid bat bitch, aaaanyway, ahem. In my AU beryls are information gatherers, either by stealing it or manipulating their way into obtaining it. Beryls are generally under diamond control and report back to their assigned diamond with information they demand for, obviously Rouge is part of the Crystal Gems, so she gathers information for them. And more often than not...is her usual self, and snoops around, digging up dirty secrets/information about her comrades and teases them to no end with it (Shadow being her favorite to torment for... reasons.)
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I chose Silver to be a sapphire simply because of the fact that in the Sonic universe, he can time travel. So instead of time travel in this Steven Universe AU, he gets future vision. I mean it works, right?
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We can talk about her gem right.. right? It's really tasty and I want to eat it. So; opals are very, VERY rare (which fits with her whole being a princess thing or whatever). She was originally going to be a fire opal... that is until I found out about dragon's breath opals and changed my mind. Blaze is an absurdly rare gem, who knows, maybe even the only one of her cut. :]
Her gem gives her the ability to control fire as a weapon, and her unique cut gives her fire more power as well as makes the flames an unusual pinkish hue.
And that's everyone for now! I'm doing some little doodles that I might post a bit later on to compile together, but you can have the two I made of Shadow for now. eats him
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cyphyree · 1 year
Ok as much as I loved Kill La Kill. Why did they make it Like That? Is there some sort of... cultural significance to being clothed/unclothed I'm missing? Or just fanservice?
I have no idea LOL
I'm not well-versed in Japanese culture or relationships with clothing tbh, but it's super interesting to think about.
I do know that KLK is based on the history of Japanese school uniforms, how their designs were derived from military garment. It's a way of saying "your role in society is pre-destined, your fate is to be loyal to the nation," something like that, and KLK takes that idea and injects it with anime steroids.
And I guess that fanservice is used so prevalently in anime that the creators wanted to subvert expectations and to actually use fanservice to talk about an interesting and introspective topic?---but also to have its cake and eat it too? I think it's largely successful in its commentary, but uh, it definitely has a very different approach to heavier topics than, say, Utena.
It's really weird that this show ended up as one of my top 5 fave shows ever, it would've been such a hard sell for me. Fanservice is everywhere in the show, and yet I consistently just. Forget about it because I'm invested in the plot... but like for real please believe me :'U
looking for wholesome fanart for KLK is a nightmare tho
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tiamathh · 3 months
hey if u don't mind sharing how did work up the courage to have sex and take ur clothes off. I'm on the #neverhadsex boat bc I'm rlly insecure about my body too and well I usually don't discuss these things w people or ask for advice bc it's super embarrassing to me to admit it, so it would be great if u could share ur experiences 🤧 if u don't feel comfortable w it just ignore this ask lol
Hi buuu if I'm being honest djdjf i liked my body when I like got fully unclothed for the first time bc I was like... ,,,idk I just liked it and now my body's changed bc of uni and stress and I'm having issues again, that being said honestly with the right person you won't care as much and they'll make you feel comfy enough to be vulnerable on that level don't get me wrong i genuinely don't wanna get naked ever againdndkdj but idk it's just,,,, I feel safe enough to w my partner ykwim?
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ichigosatsuki · 2 years
That moment when you finished this long ago in June 6th but kept forgetting to post it 😅
Please note this what I draw&post IS NOT the official canon to the original characters! They belong to their original owners!
The characters in this PolySanses AU will have different redesigns and slightly different personalities to differentiate them from the originals!!
Just saying this ahead of time (and I think I'll probably add that mini info dump to every post) just in case those wonder why [Sans character] looks/acts soo different!
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Here are a couple of close ups! (Since tumblr sometimes likes to make pics crunchy lol)
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PolySanses Error's full outfit! Was having difficulty drawing fuzzy slippers so I just didn't draw them 😅
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Some expressions
Poly!Error doesn't really glitch much (for drawing sakes tbh) unless he is stressed out or having a panick attack.
It takes Blue's complete full attention to calm him down, or else Error will destroy the house and possibly might hurt the others (accidental or not)
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More detail about his eyes, tongues, and unclothed form!
Error has problems with seeing things from farther away! Probably due to the fact one of his eyes super weak
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It honestly isn't a surprise this Error is a little freaky deaky~
Error Sans originally belongs to lover-of-piggies/Crayon Queen
Designs belong to me
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lmanberg · 3 years
another dream analysis nerd (diff anon) the whole thing with hating public showers? very gay gay homosexual gay, not only is it vulnerable but a discomfort and confusion about discomfort about being unclothed near the same gender is a very closeted thing and that’s something i realized years later. it forces you to stop ignoring your feelings for a moment and that admittedly is very scary especially when you don’t know what’s happening. everyone locking him in the showers might point towards deep social anxiety surrounding the idea of that kind of vulnerability.
the russian dream? still gay gay homosexual. t mentioned that he was going to escape with the nice doctor and start a new life together (...bruh) but that r specifically shot the guy in the back before he could escape. t described it as being emotional and sad. i interpret this as r basically blasting through any prior life plans he had almost violently (emotionally jarring) and changing what he thought was going to be the future into something else. it’s almost like those are his feeling of being unable to escape whatever he’s gotten himself into and feeling a sense of loss that comes with the realization that you’re not like other people and never will be. i wouldn’t say this dream is positive, at least not in an overt way. his feelings about it are more negative even if the irl part of it (r entering his life) has been positive.
in conclusion. gay gay homosexual gay. i was literally in shock when he started describing those dreams live. can’t wait for him to describe more - 🔮 (can i be🔮 anon if that’s not already taken? if not i want to be 🔮🌈 anon lol)
Holy shit anon you got into it. Super interesting!
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I'd love some Jules content!! Questions 1, 3, 39, 44, 45 c:
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
I’ll leave this one, since I just answered it in the other ask. But the answers there for you to see! :)
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
Probably his eyes to be honest. He’s been told they are beautiful and a gorgeous shade of brown and he’s honestly really happy with them. Other than that, his ass probably. He’s damn proud of that and he worked hard on making it look damn good whether clothed or unclothed thank you!
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?
That not only is he grumpy (which he definitely IS) but that he’s also cold and totally unfeeling. They’re wrong though. He struggles with feelings and things, but when he cares, he cares a great deal and he’s surprisingly sweet, loving and deeply attached. He cares more than he’d ever like to let on actually, he’s just not great at showing it most of the time.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?
Vasco’s death. Constantin’s almost broke him, but Vasco’s would make him completely lose it. If/when that happened, he would never recover. He would literally wither away, stop talking, stop eating, stop doing anything and just curl up and wait to follow him into the beyond. That is the one time he would actually give up.
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?
Oh no definitely hides them. He HATES being open with his true emotions. He tried that once and got his heart broken and utterly crushed. He’s been worse than ever since then, so yes he hides everything and is very awkward when it comes to sharing his feelings. If he’s alone with someone he cares about though or there’s a particular emotional moment (I think we all know which one I’m talking about!) he’s ok with being demonstrative and mostly able to actually share said emotions.
Thank you Morgan! This was super fun to do and I’m always super happy to see your thirst for all things Jules! Lol We both appreciate it greatly.
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The past two quarantine months have been like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime, and I turned 56 in January. So rather than regurgitate what you’ve likely read in the news or on social media, I’ve decided to share how I’ve spent my time these past two months along with random thoughts. I hope you’ll continue along with me as I share what I’m doing each week.
Oh, how I’ve missed reading! With my business so insanely busy (for which I’m truly grateful) these past few years, I’ve barely had time to read little more than Slack, emails, texts, and social media updates. Not exactly satisfying for this lifelong, avid reader. This quarantine has allowed me a little bit of extra time, which I’ve put to good use.
In no particular order, here’s what I’ve read: 
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow is fantastic. Read it in one sitting because I didn’t want any of the details of this lacy, incredibly intricate work to fade. I highly recommend it. A mix of fantasy, drama, and a love story (because in the end, aren’t all stories love stories?), anyone with a working brain will love this novel.
  Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng is also superb. I’d heard about this book for a while, yet only got around to it because it’s also now a mini-series on Hulu (which I watched afterward – also very good, though the character arcs and the plot changed in crucial, at times startling, ways).
Curious if you’ve read the book and watched the series, what your thoughts are? I could write an entire post about it, yet I’ll only share this…
As a child, my parents hire a housekeeper. My folks both work full-time and we are not in any way rich or well-off. Neither of my folks has college degrees – Dad is an assistant manager at a chain drugstore and Mom has just completed x-ray tech school and works nights at San Bernardino County Hospital. We live in a small house on a long street in the smoggy Inland Empire of California.
There are two of us, my older sister and me. Then my mom gets pregnant when I’m nine and has my baby sister when I’m ten. My folks advertise for a housekeeper and Miss Louise answers. She’s African American and willing to work for the little they can pay her. She smokes a lot (outside only, so as “not to hurt the babies”), insists on wearing a uniform though my mom tells her it isn’t necessary and comes looking for us in her big old white Caddy if we aren’t home from school exactly 20 minutes after it lets out.
(Miss Louise’s husband’s name is George. If you are alive in the 70s and watch The Jeffersons, you understand why this is an endless source of amusement to my sister Caren and me.)
Being that young, neither Caren nor I understand what privilege means. We didn’t get whatever we wanted because my parents are always strapped, yet there is food on the table, and the lights are always on. Except for the occasional venture to Disneyland or Knott’s Berry Farm that one time (mom hated it), our vacations consist of driving to visit our Zayde (great-grandfather) in a nursing home in Santa Cruz, or some other relatives we don’t know somewhere in L.A. (I remember one great-aunt who drank. A lot.) We’d always stop at Cantor’s for a soup and sandwich (the highlight for us), and be back on the road. We don’t mind because it is anywhere but home.
Anyway – my entire point is that in Little Fires Everywhere – the show – Kerry Washington’s Mia is an artist who takes a maid job with Reese Witherspoon’s Elena Richardson’s family to keep an eye on her daughter Pearl, who is quite taken with the teenage Richardson clan. The racial and financial dichotomy is blatantly obvious: a rich family who’s seemingly got it all vs. a seemingly poor black single mother, which adds to the ‘fires’ mentioned in the title.
The book really made me think about my own privilege and despite how well my folks treated Louise, and how much we loved her, and she us, there would always be that wall. Granted, it was a business arrangement and my folks paid her for her services, and in truth, anyone could’ve answered the housekeeping ad. The fact that she was African American and we were white created a racial divide that’s undeniable.
The third book I read is Certain Cure by Jennifer Valoppi, also excellent. It’s the first in a series (parts two and three aren’t out yet, darn it). The novel chronicles the life of three generations of the Cummings family; Claire, a woman in her 70s who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, Helene, her television journalist daughter and Justin, the teenage grandson whose adoration of his “Grams” leads him to discover the dark secret behind the miracle technology that is not only curing Claire of her cancer but tempting his mother with eternal youth, as traditional medical industries wage war against the mysterious doctor from China who threatens them all.
I had no idea what to expect with this one, and I’m glad I read it. Valoppi is a former TV journalist from NYC so she knows her stuff. I’m not particularly religious (or scientific), yet I didn’t find either the science or religious stuff bogged me down.  Fascinating read. I highly recommend it.
Movies and Shows
Gosh, so many. With four of us in the house (and two teens), it’s worth it to me to pay for Hulu and Netflix, Amazon Prime Video comes with my Amazon Prime membership already, plus my internet plan comes with AT&T Direct, Showtime, HBO, and other premium channels. For the amount of entertainment, it’s worth the money.
I watch movies and shows on my iPad at night, once I’m finally off my computer. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like a super loud TV with stereo surround-sound barking at me after a long day of noise and stress. So I go upstairs to my cozy bed, surround myself with blankets and pillows and cats, and snuggle in for a few hours to watch a movie or a few episodes of something I enjoy.
Another note: not a big ‘reality TV’ watcher, mostly because, as a writer, I prefer well-written shows. I also don’t like the negativity and yelling normally associated with those shows. That said, I do watch Vanderpump Rules (on Bravo) with my daughter (age 20). We bond.
Here’s what I’ve binged these past few quarantine months, show-wise (no links because you can Google):
Ray Donovan – ggggggreat! Heard it was wonderful, yet truly had no idea how awesome. Liev Schrieber is captivating as Ray. Flawed, human, sad, and, in case you don’t know, a childhood sexual abuse survivor (church abuse). I had no idea going in this would be a theme of the show, yet it was handled with care and truth. The entire supporting cast is also amazing. Every season is great. Watch it all. I hated to see it end.
Homeland – the first four or so seasons were mesmerizing. Then, I got bored. This last season had me falling asleep and then WHAM! that ending. Worth it.
Hunters – Good, not fantastically great. The twist in the last episode will get you, though.
Upload – Loved it! Thought it would be silliness (and in some places, it was, but that’s okay – we need a little silliness right now). Had a ton of heart which I love.
Bosch – come on, it’s Titus Welliver. He’s fantastic. This last season didn’t draw me in as much as the entire rest of the series, though. You?
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – terrific, all of it. Every season, every episode, every character.
Tales From The Loop – amazing. Anything having to do with time-travel or the bending of time, I’m a total sucker for. This hurt my brain in a good way.
The Feed – weird but good and thought-provoking.
Dark – by far, my favorite show year. A German show dubbed in English (you get used to it – don’t let that scare you off), this time-bending, decade-moving hit show spans two seasons and every episode is worth watching. And the music – my god. Amazing. Here’s a Spotify playlist link.
Parasite – thought-provoking. Took a while to get into it and then boom! It just goes full-on insanity. Well-written, well-acted, and the message of the movie is just, wow. No spoilers in case you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.
Hustlers – loved it. Whatever issues people have with strip clubs and ‘dancers,’ get over it. These girls are amazingly talented, are in amazing shape, and work hard to make money for their families. What I loved the most about the movie is that it’s all about the women; the men are only there as a plot device. It’s a movie entirely shot through the ‘female gaze’ (though of course, men will enjoy the dance scenes which are sexy, yet not unclothed). How many movies can say that?
Memento – I think I’m probably one of the few people who had never seen this neo-noir psychological thriller starring Guy Pearce looking like Brad Pitt (who was originally considered for the role). It was great, I think? LOL. My brain still hurts.
Call Me By Your Name – Lovely, sad, gorgeous. (And I will not make a juvenile peach joke.) And the music! Oh, my.
Zombieland – I hate zombies, I hate horror movies. I hate gore and squishy sounds. This movie was cute. (Not ready for the sequel, yet.)
As mentioned above, the music in Dark sent me off on a ‘who are these talented musicians?’ lark. I’ve discovered so many. Here is who I’m listening to right now (all free on Spotify) and links provided here:
Apparat (you’ll recognize the opening theme of Dark and stay for the rest).
Agnes Obel – wondrous. I’ve played her entire catalog repeatedly since discovering her music on Dark. She’s become a commercial favorite as well now. Familiar is the song used in the show that’s received the most play.
Alev Lanz – otherworldly. I’ve not heard anyone like her. Her songs on the Dark soundtrack and Black Mirror are what she’s most noted for (May The Angels, and Fall Into Me, respectively), however, I love all of her work. Her harmonies are like nothing else. One song is layered with her voice and African throat singers – it’s gorgeous (May The Angels). She’s active on Twitter and we’ve interacted a few times. She’s beautifully transparent about her love of music and it shows in all her work.
Patrick Watson – I heard this song, Good Morning Mr. Wolf, on the Ray Donovan soundtrack and immediately clicked my SoundHound app. Who is this talented being? This song, in particular, sounds so large and cinematic – I wondered – is he is a film composer? (yes). A band? (yes). And so much more. I cannot get enough of all of his music, and still, I play this one song on repeat – repeatedly.
London Grammar – I discovered this band a few years ago and still adore them. Strong is still my favorite song, though Rooting For You is a close second. Hannah Reid’s vocals are big and beautiful.
Hilary Woods – ethereal and lovely. Especially the song Kith.
Sufjan Stevens – many of us just discovered him from the movie Call Me By Your Name soundscore, however, he’s been a working musician since the early 2000s. Talented beyond.
I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. I made a Female Rockers list on Spotify which you’re welcome to.
Thoughts on Quarantine
My Business
Living in California, I’ve barely left the house in two months, with the exception of going to the pharmacy for meds or for the occasional physician appointment for me or the kids, because of the quarantine restrictions in place. And I’m okay with that.
I’m fortunate that my business is primarily online-only: I work with authors and small businesses on their branding, marketing, and promotion, so given that all real-life events are off the table, I’ve been quite busy working with my clients to ensure their products and services are still viable.
This doesn’t mean I don’t need help as a small business. I applied for an SBA loan and couldn’t even get onto the website the first time – it was pretty ridiculous – like the end scene in Beetlejuice. You all know who those first small business loans went to, right? Not small-potatoes people like me. So the second time around, it went much smoother, and I’m grateful to have received a small loan which will definitely help me keep going with rent, insurance, and other expenses.
I still did my annual non-profit initiative for writers, NaNoProMo (National Novel Promotion Month) this year over on my business site, BadRedhead Media, yet only for two weeks instead of the entire month. Daily blog posts from experts on everything publishing-related plus amazing giveaways. It’s always exhausting, yet I find enormous gratification in helping writers.
This year, however, getting writers to comment to win amazing, FREE giveaways was like pushing a house up a hill. I get it – people are focused on putting food on the table instead of commenting on blog posts, even if the giveaways were worth $500. That’s why I wanted to do this initiative this year – to help writers who are in a jam – yet only a smattering of writers participated.
I’m seriously rethinking if I want to do it next year given the financial cost as well as the personal toll. My first therapist, who I started seeing after I gave birth to my daughter Anya (I was terrified to leave her to go back to work, given my history with childhood sexual abuse), gave me this tip whenever I had trouble deciding whether to do something:
“If you ever aren’t sure if you should do something, ask yourself this question: Is this good for Rachel? If the answer is yes, do it. If the answer is no, don’t. It really is that simple.”
Self-care, y’all.
Social Media
I’ve stopped interacting with the crazies on social media (and who knows, maybe you’re one of them so truly, no offense), but I’d rather stay safe and keep my family safe by working exclusively at home – which I mostly do anyway – than venture back into face-to-face meetings with clients. I support four people with my business and if something happens to me, four people are doomed.
So the answer is simple to me: stay home, work from home, and don’t risk dying from this virus.
I don’t buy into any of this ridiculous conspiracy crap. Sorry, not sorry. You can if you want to. Spending time arguing with people online about it takes away time from my business, my kids, my guy, and my own sanity. Speaking of which…
Mental Health
There were a few mix-ups with my meds when this all started, and I couldn’t get my prescriptions filled and delivered before I ran out, so I ended up having about a week of insomnia which I’ve never had to deal with. I was a zombie (the non-squishy kind) and it sucked.
If you have insomnia, I’m sorry. I feel for you.
It’s all straightened out now, thank goodness. My son Lukas and I donned our masks and drove to the local CVS the other day because I couldn’t wait two days for my meds to be delivered. It felt like walking into a dystopian future walking in there: everyone in masks, tape six feet apart for the waiting line, plexiglass between us and the cashiers.
I’m thankful for these measures, of course, and wonder how long we’ll need them, or if this is our new normal?
My Writing
I finished the final edits on Broken People and sent it back to my editor. She’s had some health issues, so the delay is understandable. To be honest, I’m not in a huge hurry to launch a new book right now. Here are the questions that run through my mind:
Do people have money to purchase a new book?
If they do, will they want to read my new book?
If they do want to read my new book, will they take the money they do have to read mine, and then review it?
Does it even matter in the grand scheme of life? 
I’m an author just like any author – I want to get my work out there so people can read it, engage with it, connect with me. I hope they’ll like it, feel something, reflect on their own lives, learn something new, particularly about being a childhood sexual abuse survivor. It’s a weird limbo to be in right now.
Our New Normal
This phrase is bandied about quite a lot yet let’s face it: it’s life as we know it, now. The anxiety is real, too. I haven’t hugged or kissed my elderly parents who live two miles away in two months. I bring them toilet paper and cookies from our favorite bakery (drive up and trunk drop off, pay online only) and drop it on their porch.
All these scenarios run through my mind: If I go to do this, what happens if? I know I’m not the only one. And yet, we can’t predict anything. So I sit here, writing this post, safe inside my little house bubble, grateful I can pay my rent, put food on the table (delivered by Instacart, thankfully), and everyone around me is healthy.
What’s your new normal? What have you been reading, watching, and listening to? If you’ve stuck it out this far, I thank you. Would love to hear your comments! Safe hugs, y’all. 
Read more about Rachel’s experiences in the award-winning book, Broken Pieces.
She goes into more detail about living with PTSD and realizing the effects of how being a survivor affected her life in
Broken Places, available in print everywhere!
                The post This is How To Spend Quarantine With Me appeared first on Rachel Thompson.
via Rachel Thompson
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satans-helper · 4 years
Who do you think is the most (and the least) likely to walk around unclothed around the house?
Most likely? I think a tie between Sam and Josh. Both of them already like being skimpy in varying ways. Josh definitely gives off enough of a hippie vibe for me to think he bares it all frequently in his own home! And we would love to see it...Sam gives off the vibes that he's super comfortable with himself and I could see a "this is my domain, I do what I want" sort of attitude.
Least likely, I think another tie between Jake and Danny. I just don't see it for Jake, I imagine him viewing being naked as not his particular style if lounging or personal freedom. I imagine Danny just not thinking about it, but throwing on something even if no one else is around as instinct. He only grew up with a sister, after all, and he seems like he really got the top tier politeness instilled in him lol
Thank you for asking! 🌲💕
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents? I mean, I still live with my parents. I feel like it’ll be harder for me the older I get to find someone who would date me because of not just that, but several reasons. Are you a generous person? I can be. I feel like I haven’t been very generous these past few years, though. :/ I just feel like I’ve been selfish and I don’t know... just hardened by shit. I used to be the one who was there for others and wanted to help any way I could. I haven’t been that person in awhile. Do you have a close relationship with your family? Yes.  Would you have to sleep with someone before marrying them? As of now marriage isn’t something I want. I also honestly just can’t see it ever happening for me. Right now, I don’t even see a relationship in my future.  Do you think there is life on other planets? No.
Do you own a car? No. I don’t drive. Would it bother you if your bf/gf flirted with someone else? Uh yeah, it absolutely would. I’d be upset. Would you enjoy a night of playing video games? That does sound fun. I don’t know what I’d play, though. Are you sexually attracted to any inanimate objects? Um, no. Do you dream of traveling the world or are you happy where you are? I’d love to travel the world someday. Certainly won’t be traveling anytime soon... Honestly, even after all this I’m going to be scared for awhile. :/ Have you traveled internationally? I’ve only been out of the country once. Would you watch a porno with your partner? No. I don’t care for porn. Have you ever stolen from your work? I’ve never had a job, but I’m no thief (stealing candy from the candy bins sometimes at the grocery store as a child doesn’t count, I didn’t know!). How much does intelligence turn you on? I wouldn’t say it turns me on, but it can be very attractive. I just like when someone is very passionate and into something and they’re excited to share it with you. It’s cute how animated they get and the way their face lights up when they talk about it. Do you ask someone out or wait for them to ask you? I’m too shy and awkward and lame to do the asking. Do you watch soap operas? No. They’re so cringe-y, I just can’t.  Do you own any sex toys? No. Do you talk about your sex life with either of your parents? I don’t have a sex life to speak of, but I definitely wouldn’t talk about it. That’s just too much. My mom and I are very close, but just no. And most definitely not with my dad! Do you search someone on the Internet before a first date? I haven’t done that. I’ve only dated 3 guys and had 1 guy who I was talking to and almost got to that point (at least I really thought we were), all of which I knew beforehand cause we were friends first. Are you married,engaged, or in a relationship with someone u want to marry? I’m very single. I’m not even talking to anyone and nor is there anyone I’ve even interested in.  How often do you use facebook at work? I don’t have a job. As for my Facebook usage, I go on there a few times a day and just spend a few minutes scrolling through my news feed, “liking”/reacting to stuff. Maybe share a post. Do you enjoy television or movies better? Both. Do you have a friendship that has lasted for 10 years or longer? I don’t have any friends anymore. Would you date someone half your age? Um, HELL no. That would make them 15, you perv. I can’t even look at an 18 year old that way. That’s still a child to me. Hell, even someone in their 20s. I’m almost 31, I wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t at least in their 30s. Would you consider donating your body to science after you die? I want to be cremated. Are you a romantic person? I haven’t really had a chance to find out. I’m a sucker for romcoms if that counts? ha. Would you be okay with your partner hanging with their ex as friends? No. Are you careful with your money? I’ve been better this year so far. Do you have a current passport? No. I don’t have a passport at all. Do you like to be friends with someone before dating them? That’s how it’s always been for me. Do you like soccer? I don’t care for any sport. Is it more fun to go out just with your date or on a group date? Group dates can be fun sometimes, too. How often do you go dancing/clubbing? I don’t. I’ve been to the club once and it wasn’t my thing.  Have you had a relationship with someone of the same sex? No. Is marriage a necessity for two people who love each other? No. Do you meditate? No. Have you ever been fired from a job? I’ve never had a job. Is there anything you think science will never be able to explain? There are things that science can’t explain. Do you cook fancy meals for dates? I don’t cook. Is intoxication ever an acceptable excuse for acting stupid? Not if it’s something serious and it endangers yourself or others. Like there’s absolutely NO excuse at all for drunk driving. NONE. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes. Do you litter? Noooo. I hate when people do that, it drives me nuts. I’ve seen people who are literally just steps away from a trash can and will still do it. Like, WTF? I don’t understand. Just hold onto your trash until you can throw it away, it’s very simple. Like people who throw stuff out their car window?? Just set it down on the seat next to you or something until you can throw it away. Why is that so hard?  Would you have sex with someone hot who you hated? I wouldn’t have sex or be intimate in any way with someone I hated. I wouldn’t want to be hanging out with them in the first place. Do you have a career plan? No. Do you mostly cook your own meals? The only thing I cook is ramen. Otherwise, I just make sandwiches and microwave or oven meals if I’m making something to eat. My family takes care of dinner.  Have you ever been arrested? No. Could you live with someone who was really messy? No. Are sex and love the same thing? No. Do you go to church? I don’t attend physically at this time, but I do watch the livestreams my church does every Sunday. Do you have pets? I have a doggo <3 How many concerts do you attend a year? I haven’t been to a concert in over 10 years. Do you enjoy getting drunk? Nope. I stopped drinking about 7 years ago. Do you believe in fate or destiny? No. Have you ever called your friend a slut? I’ve called friends that before in a joking manner. Are you attracted to someone with Power? No. Doing nothing all day makes you feel...? That’s how I spend everyday. Have you ever had sex with someone you worked with? Sigh. Do you have any children? No. Would you date someone just for the sex? No. Do you give money to charities? I used to regularly. I haven’t in awhile, though. :/ Have you ever shot a gun? Yeah, once. I went to a shooting range with friends a few years ago and worked up the nerve to try it out. Have you ever gone on a blind date? No. That would be way too anxiety inducing for me than going on a date with someone I knew would already be. Have you ever had a one night stand? No. Are you a passionate person? I haven’t felt very passionate about much in a long time.  Do you consider yourself a positive person? :/ Have you ever lied about the number of sexual partners you've had? No. I have zero. I have no reason to lie about that. Are Sex and Intimacy the same thing? Sex is just one example of intimacy. There’s other ways to be intimate, including ones that don’t involve being sexual at all. Have you ever played strip poker? Nooo. I would never. How often do you get angry? I’m someone who gets irritated, moody, upset, and frustrated often, but not angry.  Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Oh yes. Is work important to you? I’ve never had a job and it’s not something I’m seeking currently. Have you had cosmetic surgery? I’ve had reconstructive surgery. On a first date do you pay or do they? In my experience, the guy paid. Do you only date people who have jobs or are full-time students? Well, the guys I dated were full time students at the time and so was I. It’s been yearsss since I’ve been on a date.  Could you date someone who does drugs? I wouldn’t mind if they smoked weed, but anything else I wouldn’t be okay with. Are you a jealous person? I can be. I haven’t felt jealous in a long time. I feel envy more, I would say. Do you enjoy watching sports? No. Are you a cat or a dog person? I’m a dog person all the way. Is a girl who's slept with 100 guys a bad person? No. I admit it would be shocking to hear that, but no that absolutely doesn’t make them a bad person.  Do you offend people? I sure hope not. I really avoid sensitive and controversial topics. Do you prefer people in your life be simple or complex? A bit of both. Complex doesn’t necessarily mean bad. Have you ever been to a sex shop? Yeah, once. I had a friend who wanted to go to one for their 18th birthday lol so that’s what we did. Have you ever had a threesome? No. Not something I’m interested in.  Do you enjoy discussing politics? Noooo. Would you do a striptease for your partner? Gaaah. I can’t picture myself doing that. I’m super self-conscious about my body. I certainly don’t like seeing it unclothed. I also don’t know how to be sexy at all either so it’d be suuuuper awkward lol. No one would want to see that, trust me. Would you date someone who doesn't have a car? I wouldn’t not date someone because of that, but it sure would be nice if they did have a car since I don’t drive. If they had their license at least then we could just borrow my mom’s or my brother’s car, ha. Do you enjoy dancing? I don’t do much dancing apart from a head bob and some movement of my arms, but sure.  You have a week off, travel or stay home? I have the time, I just don’t have the money or the transportation. I lso wouldn’t travel alone, so it would depend on my family’s schedule. Can’t do any traveling right now or anytime soon for obvious reasons. :/ Does spending the weekend at home annoy you? I spend majority of my time at home (that was true prior to this quarantine and self-distancing thing going on). Is it wrong to watch porn if you're in a relationship? That’s up to you and your partner. Some people aren’t okay with that, so they have to work something out. For me, I don’t think I would really care that much. I’d just wonder why they’d want to. I don’t get the appeal, personally. *shrug* Do you think men should pay for everything on dates? No. I think it’d be nice to take turns or even split it sometimes. Would you tie up a partner if they asked you to do so? I have no sexual experience, man. I couldn’t start with that kind of stuff off the bat, we’d have to work up to that. I don’t even know if that’s something I’d feel comfortable with. I can’t see it being something I’d be interested in, honestly, but *shrug* Do you consider yourself open minded? Yes. Are you a virgin? If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, yes. Have you ever had sex in a public place? Do others find you sexy? No. Have you ever met someone in person you met online? No. Would you date someone twice your age? I don’t want to date a 60 year old, I’m sorry. Should a child caught masturbating be punished? No. How often do you drink? I don’t. Coffee or tea? The answer is always coffee. There’s no competition.  Do you tell your friends you love them? I never was one to say that. If a friend said it to me I’d just be like, “awww.”  Hahaha. 
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serbrienneoftarth · 5 years
GoT 8x4 Jaime/Brienne Thoughts
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Please have my still incredibly disjointed order incomplete ramblings post 8x4. My apologies for how I’m not even bothering to edit this, I’m sick of looking at it now lmao.
I am of course missing so many things, there is so much to cover and I’ll never manage to get it all in one go. I’m only going to cover Brienne and Jaime related things here, but I’m glad to chat about the rest of it outside of this post.
There are things I did not necessarily enjoy within the episode. I would have written it quite differently, but as a whole, I’m not as mad at it as I know much of the fandom is.
What I am irritated with is mostly due to the way things were written and presented rather than the actual series of events.
This is honestly part of the scenario that I have always said would be my want for a canon ending. While I would love a happily ever after, I have never thought that I was going to get it in any way. Realistically the narrative supporting anything of the sort isn’t going to happen. If they offer it, I’m gonna take it happily lol. But let’s be real, one of the two of them is likely to die by the end. They have always been heading in the direction to be together. But I have long since assumed that it would also be ill-fated.
My want for an end to their story has always been something along the lines of Jaime and Brienne briefly realising they wanted one another and being together for whatever amount of time during the war. I have always expected that Jaime would then go back to Cersei, not necessarily to either be with her or to murder her perhaps to try to convince her to give up or to aid in her removal from the throne. And then he’d possibly die with her, though not necessarily intentionally. Brienne would mourn him heavily, but she would understand that he couldn’t have stayed no matter what she said. And in mourning him she would come to find that she was carrying his child. She would lose Jaime, but she would have a physical reminder that he loved her once too. Brienne would then have the heir she hadn’t ever married for. The child would perhaps be legitimized a Tarth, though she would never deny who was her child’s father. And if she had Tarth to go back to she might, and if not she would spend the rest of her days at Winterfell.
I know. I’m used to that being an unpopular want for a ship.
*cracks knuckles* Let’s get into the events of the episode.
I’m incredibly pleased that Jaime and Brienne became canon in a sexual sense. I wouldn’t have written it the way it happened. But I have some thoughts on it as it is. The problem with television is that often times everything is cheapened for a laugh. And the way they presented it as Jaime stumbling in drunk does that. Though Brienne is far soberer than I think people assumed. And while some of the chemistry is missing between the actors in the scene, the fact that Brienne is confused and a little scared makes that a little easier to take. She is very bold in her actions in the scene, undressing Jaime and herself with really no hesitation. They’ve seen each other unclothed before, take care of each other, in the past and recently, that isn’t where hesitation would be anyway. She trusts his sincerity but is unsure of his intentions because for her it’s all very new. Until he lifts onto his toes to kiss her (which was also played for the laughs *sigh*), it wasn’t quite yet real.
Asleep in her bed, Brienne is quite content, and Jaime then looks restless. I’d expect him to be. Not necessarily because he regrets it. (Please note for all I know he is and canonically Brienne is terrible in bed lmao.) This is the first time that he’s been with a woman other than Cersei. For 40 years he has loved the same woman and never strayed. His relationship status is a recent change even if it’s been a long time coming. And Jaime still thinks that Cersei is pregnant with his child. (Is she? Who knows at this point. I’ve stopped guessing.) Perhaps it’s long enough later that he’s fully sober, woke up for a glass of water, and has a headache and feels guilty for how he initiated the whole thing. But regardless, I’d expect him to have a lot on his mind.
At this point, I’d almost skip commentary on Tyrion and Jaime’s conversation, but really Tyrion? A couple of days earlier he was respectful and then this episode he’s back to his drunken little beast persona. What’s she like down there Jaime? What sort of answer is he even looking for here? (Jaime: Like Highgarden. Tyrion: Super gay? Full of thorned bushes? Jaime: No, now that I’ve plundered it I’m back off to see Cersei.)
So here is where I complain about the shit was this show portrays the passage of time, it’s all over the place. But I’m going to say at this point now Brienne and Jaime have been lovers for weeks, a month, maybe more. At least by the time he leaves.
On Jaime leaving…
I fully expect to find out something has happened off camera, more than just Jaime finding out what he did from the raven that Sansa received. But until we know, it doesn’t yet apply.
Cersei has done something to anger Daenerys more than she had been, Jaime knows that Tyrion will not be able to temper his dragon queen and that Cersei’s life is likely now forfeit pregnant or not. And how can Jaime allow that to happen without doing something? Even if he doesn’t love her the same way now, even if he left, Cersei is still a woman he has loved his whole life and she is carrying his baby. He still loves her in some ways and nobody should expect him to be able to just turn that off with a switch.
And beyond that, he knows what she is capable of. I’m not going to call her mad, because I think she is smart and strategic and that people let their dislike of her colour their views of her as a whole. But she has limited things left to lose, and if she has to, she is capable of great destruction. And Jaime has always made himself invested in the city, he ruined his reputation for it.
We don’t know what didn’t get shown between Jaime and Brienne. But I don’t think he has ever told her about the baby. I don’t think Brienne would have even tried to stop him if he had. She tells him that he cannot save her and that he’s better than Cersei. But canonically she doesn't know Cersei or her life and what drives her to her decisions. And I personally would say Brienne would understand parts of her if she did. And anyway, I think that if she knew why Jaime needed to leave, beyond him pushing her away with ugly words, she might have said give me a half an hour, we’ll both go. It’s not that he’s leaving at all, but she knows that he’s throwing away his life to go. Brienne knows that if he leaves he’s going to die. But he doesn’t tell her anything and instead he pushes her away and breaks her heart and leaves alone.
Fuck, I half want Brienne to just tear out of Winterfell after Jaime and be like no, you're going back and that's fine, but you aren't going alone. I’d do it.
He was an idiot. But Brienne will always love Jaime even if he goes back to Cersei, if he dies or doesn't. And she will NEVER hold love against him. You don't get rid of love for anyone so easily. Neither one of them.
Jaime Lannister and his lack of honest communication jfc.
Maybe he did the best thing he thought he could for her, which was to make her hate him a little bit. Or maybe he just hates himself a little for it. For all he cannot be yet, if ever. He is still tied to Cersei and her fate, he’s not free yet.
I'd have preferred if he had said I love you in a clear conversation on screen, but I think he still doesn't trust that it can last either. That he can have happiness. Jaime was awake and watching her. Not with what I think are regrets for loving her, but just a lot of things he hasn't said. And things he has to do still. He's not free yet at all. He’s with her, but his head and his sense of duty are still somewhere else too. He had a taste of a normal life with Brienne, loving someone openly. Because I have no doubt that he loves Brienne and loves her still. But it couldn't last for him at that moment. So much remains unfinished. And now it might always be.
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Kuroo has been super busy with work lately and you decide to give him a little distraction by strutting into the room wearing nothing but his lab coat. 
Warnings: NSFW
A/N: i had a shit weekend so i wanted to write about my love Kuroo and have had this hc that he’d DIE if his s/o wore his lab coat. i also should be studying for a micro midterm tomorrow but i wrote this instead lol is my nsfw even good someone please tell me??
He was a hard worker, you knew that about him. In fact, you adored it most of the time but right now—it was down right irritating. He’d woken up at the crack of dawn this morning, sat himself down at his desk in the office in the apartment and not moved since. Even when you urged him to take a break and eat lunch or dinner, he’d mumbled something incoherent about ‘needing to finish this before tomorrow’. He’d been assigned to a new research project at work which you two had gone out to celebrate and finished your night of celebrating in the bedroom.
That was weeks ago. You’d barely seen him since then—much less been touched by him. He really dove right into his new position and while you admired his tenacity you missed that tenacity being directed towards you beneath the sheets. It wasn’t uncommon to wake up and find him already gone for work and for him to stay late; returning home only to collapse into bed beside you and wrap his body around yours instantly falling asleep.
You couldn’t stand it anymore. Especially not since you entered the office and found him hunched over the desk wearing those glasses that you’d sheepishly asked him to wear to bed more than once because they made your brain short circuit. It also didn’t help that it was Sunday and he was still practically wearing his pajamas—the thin fabric of his shirt doing little to hide his muscular torso. Your last cord of self-control snapped when you’d walked in with a cup of coffee to give him to find him standing with his back to you wearing your favorite sweatpants of his. The ones that were slightly too tight and cupped his butt in a way that made your insides clench. He didn’t even notice you hurriedly set the cup down and rush out red-faced.
You decided enough was enough. It was late—he was working himself into the ground and you had just the thing to force him into taking a much-needed break. Rummaging through his closet you located the item you were looking for, dropped the rest of your clothes to the floor, and donned it. One glance in the mirror and you were sure he wasn’t going to be able to resist you.
He didn’t notice you enter the room. Not even when you stood right in front of his desk did he lift his head. You cleared your throat. “Tetsu?”
He continued scribbling whatever he was so intently writing, but finally acknowledged your presence. “Hey, sorry babe, I’m almost done. I really need to do this before tomorrow.”
“I think there’s something else you should do instead,” you said, doing your best to be as suggestive as possible in Kuroo-esque fashion.
He hummed in response, still not looking up at you. “And what’s that?”
That finally got his attention. His gaze lifted from the paper on his desk—his mouth going dry as he beheld you standing before him sporting nothing but his white lab coat. He felt his cock immediately press against pants as you undid the top button revealing more of your soft skin that he wanted to ravage. Your fingers went for the second button but stopped when he growled, “Let me do that.” Your skin prickled with excitement as his eyes roved over your body; your plan working effortlessly. Any thoughts he had about work were thrown out the window as the image of that lab coat crumpled on the floor overtook his mind.
You swayed over to his side of the desk as he watched you with hooded eyes and were pleased to see a prominent bulge from the crotch of his sweatpants to have already formed. You settled yourself on his lap straddling him and heard his breath hitch as he realized you were completely bare underneath; your wet heat making his cock twitch in anticipation.
Slowly, his long deft fingers unbuttoned each button; his lips kissing every inch of newly exposed skin. Slipping the coat off your shoulders, he took one of your nipples into his mouth and rolled the other between his fingers instantly making you mewl in pleasure. He was needy—having missed the feel of your skin beneath his fingertips and your breath against his neck; it made him desperate to touch and taste every dip and curve your body had to offer.
He groaned loudly when you grinded your hips down onto his hardening member and dipped your fingers into his unruly hair; a soft sigh escaping you as he switched his mouth to the other nipple and swirled his tongue around the perk bud of it. He moved to your lips, his large hands finding purchase on your ass, gripping it to help you grind harder onto his lap. You moaned into his mouth, letting his tongue slip inside to explore and tangle with your own tongue.
He was so hard underneath you, moving his hips upwards to meet your own grinding motion; you realized you wanted him unclothed too—now. Tugging at his shirt, his hands left your butt to reach behind him and pull his shirt off over his head revealing his glorious toned torso. He looked dejected as you moved off him but grinned as he watched you lower to a crouching position. He shivered as your fingers trailed down his chest, making a point to trace every line of muscle, before reaching the enormous bulge he was sporting.
You kissed the tip protruding from his pants as you latched your fingers into his waistband and helped him out of them; setting his erection free to grow to its full length. He sucked in a breath as your tongue licked infuriatingly slow from the base to the tip and when you took the tip entirely into your mouth; circling your tongue around the slit he had to grip the arms of his chair to keep from sliding out of it.
You worked him slowly; reveling in the moans and groans you were eliciting from him. Watching him throw his head back in pleasure as you took his entire length into your mouth. He liked watching you too, your head bobbing between his legs as your tongue worked miracles on his cock. It was too much when your eyes met; he started pumping into your mouth and gripping your hair all while you watched him from beneath your eyelashes—it sent him over the edge. Orgasming into your mouth, thighs shuddering, breath ragged, and ass totally stuck to his desk chair.
You rose, licking the remainder of his cum off your mouth; the action almost immediately making him hard again. Before you could set yourself back onto his lap, he rose to his full height towering over you with an expression made you realize you were in for it. He smirked as you looked up at him; one of your eyebrows raised curious as to what he had in mind.
Dramatically, he swept whatever papers were strewn across his desk to the side; lifting you up to sit where they had just been. You couldn’t help but laugh at his ridiculous action, but he quickly covered your mouth with his silencing you—even though he was grinning too. Between kisses he murmured, “So you missed me?”
You could barely respond as his thumbs rolled across your already sensitive nipples; taking advantage of your opened mouth to slide his tongue in. You were able to collect your thoughts enough to reply, “Very much.” He hummed, delving from your lips to the crook of your neck; not letting up from the agonizingly slow rolling of his thumbs across your breasts. You could feel the tip of his member grazing your entrance and you so desperately wanted to feel him fill you up. You scooted your hips closer to the edge of the desk trying to feel more of him and felt him smirk against your skin before moving his hips away.
“Tease,” you hissed. One of his hands relented on your breast only to be replaced by his mouth; his newly freed hand traveled down your bare skin, ghosted your inner thigh, two fingers delving into the slick wetness that had grown between your legs.
His shit-eating grin only widened. “You did miss me.”
Grabbing a fistful of his hair, you forced him to look at you and he swore he almost snapped right then and there. Flushed cheeks and a heaving mess—you were the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. It’d been too long since you’d been together like this and you’d completely surprised him appearing in his lab coat like that. He could never resist you when you wanted him.
He only stared at you lovingly as you said, “Now will you please fu—” your own gasp cutting you off as one of his fingers slipped inside of you. You seemed to forget whatever you wanted to say, your eyes widening as another finger joined it; moving deliciously slow in and out of you while his thumb applied light pressure on your clit. His fingers weren’t enough though; you wanted him. His fingers might be long, but they couldn’t compare to the full length of him.
“What were you saying?” He asked, that grin still on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and was loving it.
Almost failing miserably at forming coherent words, you pleaded, “Please Tetsu…”
It was enough for him. Gripping his back, you moaned loudly when his fingers were replaced by something much better. You felt amazing around him and he knew he wasn’t going to last long; so as soon as you adjusted he started thrusting at a faster pace. He loved the sensation of your nails biting into his back, his thighs hitting the edge of the desk, and your breath mingling with his as you whispered sweet pleas to him.
Your thighs were already quivering to match his but he didn’t let up; instead he sped up until you gasped and scrabbled for any sort of purchase on his body as your orgasm wracked through you. He held you close, letting you ride it out as he kept pumping into you until he felt his own release. After he pulled out of you, you just held each other for a few minutes, chest to chest, panting heavily.
You broke the silence with your joyous laughter, cupping his face and kissing him lightly. “Oh—do I love you Kuroo Tetsurou.”
You had no idea how much he felt the same. He squeezed, eliciting another laugh from you. “I love you too,” he whispered like a promise against your lips. He dragged you back to straddle him in his chair and you spent the rest of the night kissing lazily before going back to the bedroom for a very long, and much awaited night.
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kawaiianimeredhead · 7 years
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I can’t remember what I typed here earlier when I tried to post this but anyways
I may have a small problem with getting cute underwear from meundies
But at least that problem isn’t an unclothed bottom lol
Anyways these are super cute and I’m so pleased and there’s even a pair of socks that will match my underwear. Not that anyone would (probably?) know. Well y'all will but you won’t really know when they match and when they don’t. There’s the space ones, polka dot, and then the skulls! Which glow in the dark 😀 I mean how could I not get that
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xhazi · 7 years
Super Mega Detailed Character Meme: Xha’zi Viqqoh
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appearance - gender: male race: miqo’te keeper of the moon height: 5′10 eye color: one silver, the other gold hair color: white
the facts - name day:  1st Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon occupation: Research Specialist/ Medic/ Archaeologist sexual identification: Literally No Idea romantic identification: Abject Terror at the Very Concept alignment: Chaotic Good criminal history: Has never been caught for any of the myriad illegal things he may or may not have done. relationship status: Lol sweet on: LOL favorites – favorite food: roast meat, tubers favorite drink: Tea favorite artist: The only art he has experience with came from @nozomikei. He would happily say that they qualify has his favourite artist since. favorite scent:  Sap, tree bark, sun warmed leaves and damp soil. The smells of the forest. favorite person:  Any member of his family (both biological and adopted) would qualify.
randoms – ten facts about your muse:
Xha’zi is abnormally tall for a miqo’te.
When he’s nervous, Xha’zi will wrap his tail around his waist and rub at the tip of it with his fingers for comfort.
It is nigh impossible to catch a glimpse of any more skin than the brief flashes one might get when talking to him, assuming he moves around enough for his cowl to slip back from his face slightly.
Xha’zi was born the 9th son of his mother among a stack of 12 children total - the largest chain of male children in his clan’s recorded history.
Xha’zi can sing very beautifully and has a soothing polyphonic overtone. However it is particularly difficult to catch him at it unless he’s quite sure he’s alone unless you are counted amongst his family.
Xha’zi has a thick black tattoo on his right arm from shoulder to elbow.
There is an aetherically attuned book Xha’zi keeps at his side at all times. It is waterproof, fire proof, resistant to tearing and is never, every away from his side for any reason.
There is a three month period of his life Xha’zi has no memory of. He was praying at the sanctum of the twelve then woke up in Thanalan under a bridge mostly starved, badly injured and dehydrated three months later.
Xha’zi is very, very attached to high spaces, enjoying the solitude of them as well as the view. He is particularly fond of falling off them for the joy of the rush then stopping himself with particularly well timed bursts of air before colliding with the ground. He is known to wrap his arms around his brothers and take them with him on these falls while laughing as they scream.
When unclothed and in direct moonlight, Xha’zi’s skin has a bright, gentle glow to it.
five things - 5 things they like: -       the acquisition of strange or compelling information or knowledge -       animals, of any variety -       thrill seeking -       drums -       children 5 things they dislike: -       being seen, noticed or watched -       being touched -       sudden, loud sounds -       having any sort of movement at his back -       alcohol
5 good habits: -       endlessly kind and generous to those around him -       will protect any who needs it with his life without hesitation -       patient and always ready to teach someone or help them learn -       meticulously good hygiene  -       will always search relentlessly for the good in someone before ever dreaming of thinking ill of them 5 bad habits: -       hyper-focuses on a task occupying his attention to the point of forgetting the rest of his surroundings  -       experiments on himself, often in harmful ways, for the sake of advancing his knowledge because he’s content in the knowledge he can heal the damage after -       deliberately draws away from those who care about him in an attempt to keep them from getting too close - often under the assumption that caring about him with end in something terrible happening to them -       seizes up to the point of inaction when in social situations -       chews on his lips to the point of bleeding them when panicked about a conversation  5 personalities they gravitate toward: -       clever or particularly knowledgeable -       patient -       persistent  -       adventurous  -       relaxed  
5 personality types they avoid: -       invasive -       cruel -       overly physical -       stubborn to the point of detriment -       explosive temperaments 5 fears: -       being seen with his skin uncovered -       being touched -       accidentally hurting someone he cares about -       finding out that his clan was right about the circumstances of his birth -       dying having never contributed to the world around him, only taken from it
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fxralheart · 7 years
ship meme: 20-30
Possible Ship Headcanons with @mythsworn​  (tried to keep them as neutral as possible so they could kind of work between both our verses, though I’m thinking it’s leaning slightly toward main verse canon side)
1.      - What doestheir home look like? Their room?  I really don’tsee them having a permanent home until later in life.  I feel that they move around a lot, both ofthem kind of transient in nature.  Theirhome would be filled with the bare minimum in terms of furniture and stockpiled with Karter’s books and maps. Their bedroom would be much the same, though I imagine a little morecluttered and messy.  Grimm isn’t reallythe best at picking up after himself
2.       - Do they share any interests or hobbies? Traveling andcamping.  Grimm isn’t so much into thetreasure hunting stuff as he is Karter himself, and the fact that it allows himto travel and live a lifestyle on the road like he wishes to, whereas Karter isinto it for a whole other reason.  Theyalso both like sex and cuddling unclothed, which Grimm thinks is a niceplus.  
3.       - Does their work ever interfere with therelationship?  I think itcould.  Grimm pretty much knows thatKarter’s work will probably always come first and foremost, and at thebeginning, he’s okay with that because it makes it easy to not have anemotional attachment to the guy.  Butonce emotions do come into play and as time goes on, he’ll probably want tosettle and I don’t think he expects Karter to settle with him.  Plus, Grimm wants to set up his ownmotorcycle shop, and keeping up with Karter and his job doesn’t really play tothat very well.
4.       - How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?  Alright, so that are all over theplace for this, like seriously.  Forhugging, they could be doing a one armed hug, hugging from behind (especiallyGrimm because he likes to try and catch Karter off guard), bear hugs, softtender hugs in which Grimm will seriously just hold Karter for as long as theyounger man will stand there.  Kisses areall over the place too, especially for Karter because he’ll seriously just kisswhatever he can reach.  He’d shower Grimmin all the kisses if Grimm would hold still long enough to let him.  But they do a lot of pecks, as well as lotsof heavy make outs. Grimm is super flipping forward with his flirting (likepurposefully walking behind Karter to stare at his butt, or just outrightsaying what he thinks).  Karter can beforward too, but he’s nowhere near as brash as Grimm is.  Grimm is constantly teasing Karter about how“dashing” he is, but it can be sometimes misconstrued as mean if you don’t knowGrimm.  Like, he’d often say “I only keepyou around because you’re pretty”, but I feel like Karter knows this isn’t thecomplete truth and like he would have a ready comeback like “I guess that makestwo of us.  What?  You didn’t think I was keeping you aroundbecause you had anything useful in that brain of yours, did you?” And neitherof them would take offence because they know.
5.       - Any doubts about the relationship?  All. The. Time.  Especially from Grimm who doesn’t believe hehas any right to be in a relationship. Hell, he really doesn’t expect it to be a long term relationship.  He figures either one of them will die first,one of them will want something different, or Karter will realize that he’sbetter off without Grimm acting as extra baggage.  I feel Karter would probably have somesimilar anxieties given his unstable background.
6.       - How much time do they spend together? Do they sharetheir feelings, or hold things in? They spend a good deal of timetogether, as they do travel together. Sometimes Karter will go off on his own, but generally they hunttogether as Grimm insists it wouldn’t be the same without him.  I don’t feel like they share much.  It seems like Karter is a private man fromwhat I read about him and so far all they’ve shared were happy gushy feelings,so I feel like when things got bad or negative feelings came into play, they’dtry to keep them hidden inside.  Theexception comes with the Dream Verse, since their dreams take on the form oftheir mental state, it’s a little harder to keep things bottled up, but I seethem trying, especially Grimm.  Evenafter all that time with Karter, the man has to dig and pry.
7.       - How do their friends feel about their relationship?Their families?  I can’t reallyanswer this in terms of Karter because I’m still learning about him and hisrelationships, but I can’t imagine they would be thrilled after meetingGrimm.  Lol.  As for Grimm’s family, or rather his sister,she is always happy when Grimm finds someone he connects with because ithappens so rarely.  So as long as Grimmwas happy, she would be all for the relationship.  Grimm doesn’t keep in contact with hisparents, so they would probably never even know of the relationship unless Neltold them. Grimm’s friends would be indifferent.  He doesn’t really have many friends.  Maxwell would be supportive, and Jaime wouldbe curious about the whole thing and wary, but lowkey supportive as well.
8.       - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?  I feel like Karter would be thekind of person that would want kids, and Grimm hates them.  So it’ll be an interesting conversation thatI think might end up in a separation. I think it would depend, because I also feellike Karter knows that they wouldn’t come any time soon even if he did wantthem due to his profession.  And Grimm isnot to be trusted alone with children. Lol.  
9.       - What are their vacations like?  What vacation?  I feel like every time they try to take arelaxing vacation, something happens. Like, I imagine they eventually find one camping spot or something, andany time they want a relaxing vacation, they resort to that spot because it’sthe only place Karter won’t get into trouble and make a discovery that “has tobe explored”.
10.   - How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minorinjuries? Sickness? They kind of handle disasters and emergencies as they come.  I feel like with Karter’s profession, theyare kind of expected and they live by Murphey’s Law.  So they plan for the worst as best as theycan and just go with whatever happens.  Ithink they might treat them as adventures in themselves.  Grimm is very doting when it comes to Karter’sinjuries, big or small and will throw a fit if they aren’t takenseriously.  I feel like Karter tries todo the same with Grimm, but he’s much better at blowing the other off.  The same goes for illnesses, and when Grimmgets really bad, Karter does not hold back the “I told you so” pieces, and willeven throw in a couple insults for flair.
11.   - Could they manage a long distance relationship?  I think that when emotions reallycome into play, Karter would be better able handle a long distance relationshipthan Grimm.  I don’t think either of themwould want to, but Karter could do it if need be.  Grimm would be more reluctant.  A physical connection is really important tohim, and if they are far away, he doesn’t get that.  So I feel like if there was long term longdistance between them, Grimm would either end it or probably end up cheating.
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Soo uhh yeah as I am writing this, I’m not about it. If I’m real, I’m not interested in um ya know giving up my money, my time and energy listening to people I don’t really want to talk to, hanging out with prostitutes or hanging out with homeless people (seriously scared of that), oh yeah I really don’t want to tell my family members or random strangers on the street about Jesus because that is freaking awkward as heck. 
Okay maybe once in a while, but like every day or on like a freaking regular basis? Ugh, I have to actual keep in touch with that annoying kid in my community group and like get coffee with them and be there for them even though they are not my kind of person tbh? (Also community group friends, this is none of you right now, thinking past instances here) 
Yeah I’m not about it. I’m not into it at all. No thanks, Jesus. I would like to be right where I am, surf as many days I can here in sunny San Diego, build a keen af photography portfolio so all the brands will love me, find some hot Jesus loving surfer dude to wife me up and make babies with him. Yep, that’s what I’d like very much instead, thanks Jesus.
But thanks to FRANCIS CHAN’S STUPID BOOK Crazy Love, our homie Francis over here points out to us that people who really love Jesus give up crap for Him. But not just any crap, like our spaghetti leftovers from two nights ago, He wants us to out of genuine love for Him and joy & power of Jesus in our lives, give up things that genuinely cost us something in a worldly sense for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. For the sake of more of His glory and His love to shine upon the earth. To shine upon us and to shine upon others too. 
OH GOSH, are you about to have a heart attack too?!!! LOL.
Okay, yeah I’m taking a deep breath now. It’s okay. Everything is FINE.
So recently, I made a decision to 1) make this blog to share about Jesus more to acknowledge Him so that He will acknowledge me in Heaven, 2) give some money to Jesus and 3) try to go have some burgers with some homeless people with my church community group this coming Saturday. All three of these things are out of my comfort zone and make me anxious.
I did/am doing these three things because I don’t want to miss out on the more that is out there with Jesus than just living comfortably in America where 99% of the day (this poll includes my roommates btw, so that contrasting 1% pretty much are my roommates) people don’t know that I am a Christian and people don’t ever come to know Him and the Spirit doesn’t move radically through me and the lives of others. 
I freaking look at Acts - HOLY COW!! TALK ABOUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVING! - and I don’t have God in my life like that. I don’t make the sacrifices the followers of Jesus did at the time that made Him alive, working and active in their lives. 
I want to be in a community like those in Acts, where we sell everything we have to give to one another and ensure no one goes unfed or unclothed or without food, where we share in everything together and do life together, where the Spirit of Christ is moving powerfully and upon us in sharing the gospel & the numbers are increasing every day. 
(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read Acts in the Bible. If you’re not a Christian, still read it, it is dope. It shows us what God’s vision is for the church today even yes here right now in America in the time we live in.) 
SO I FREAKING WANT THAT but I don’t know how to get it because 1) I don’t want to give up my comfortable life. I really don’t. It would be way easier to just worry about the things on this earth: building my business, finding a hubby, keep working out, tryna look gewd. That would be fun fricking times in my mind, man. And 2) I don’t really believe I love God enough to give up that much, make sacrifices or get uncomfortable. I just don’t feel like these sacrifices really bring me the joy and the love and the happiness that I want. 
The good news is that I think that I am wrong about the second part. I remember when I first accepted Jesus in middle school, He was all I wanted and then I got distracted and had a lot pressure to get into a good college and find friends and boys and all that. Things changed. 
There was a time when it was real though. When all I wanted was God and to give everything up for Him and that really felt enough.
And when I think about when life was the most worth it, I would say it was then when things were in full surrender. That was...living. 
It was life to fullest. The fullest I’ve felt inside was when life was all about Jesus. 
So now I’m here and luckily, Francis Chan isn’t a butt face and didn’t write a list of things that the American church ignores that makes us pretty subject to judgment for ignoring without then telling us how to get back to Jesus. 
Below is a screenshot of an excerpt from Crazy Love that really encourages me and I’m stoked to tell God how much I don’t want Him, how much I’m not into it, and not about it in all these ways. I’m stoked to get super real about it and see how He changes me.
I have a feeling this might be something that might be encouraging for you guys to do, too, because as soon, as we get real with Jesus, He starts to change and transform us for His will and it ends up feeling good and we end up desiring God more than earthly things. SO I’m excited for that transformation to come. 
And no fear, I’ll be sure to give you guys an update in a day or so on how God has done that transforming and been freeing me from all this caca. 
Here ya go with the screenshot below:
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Gigi Hadid Wears Really Short Shorts (and Nothing Else)
In honor of Gigi Hadid’s one year anniversary of her first French Vogue cover and her nude spread for the magazine, here’s a new picture of Hadid nude. This time, for LOVE magazine.
Love 17
A photo posted by LOVE MAGAZINE (@thelovemagazine) on Feb 2, 2017 at 3:22am PST
The English publication posted a photo on Instagram from one of the upcoming issue’s inside editorials. It features a topless Hadid comfortably cupping her chest so as not to expose too much. She’s only wearing a pair of metallic Marc Jacobs hotpants from the designer’s Spring ‘17 collection. Hadid actually walked in that runway show but not wearing the shorts.
The only other item in the photo was a personalized phone case hanging from her neck with the letters GH on the back. Her makeup is super natural, with only eyeliner and shadow obvious.
ICONIC…Cindy taught me???? @CindyCrawford pic.twitter.com/WjeELzPd4Y
— Zendaya (@Zendaya) December 14, 2016
The model wore her hair flipped over to one side in rough, messy, wild curls, a la 1990s Cindy Crawford, or Zendaya doing 1990s Cindy Crawford.
And here's the version where I'm wearing mostly Chanel N°5 lol @vogueparis
A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on Feb 8, 2016 at 10:48am PST
Hadid posed similarly for French Vogue cover last year. The only difference is much heavier makeup for the French Vogue cover, oh, and she’s completely unclothed — no shorts. Other than that, the shots and poses are eerily alike. Her LOVE Magazine photo was shared almost exactly a year after she shared her nude French Vogue shoot. It’s a tradition! Happy nude-iversary, Gigi!
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