#and irs like....Yeah thats My Style
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mewguca · 2 years ago
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i like nsh :)
i wanted to show off their bow scarf and got a lil carried away
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jo-the-nerd · 1 year ago
ALSO SPEAKING AS SOMEBODY WHO ONLY KNOWS THE BARE MINIMUM OF GOOD OMENS AND THE INEFFABLE HUSBANDS i just wanna say im pretty sure bg3 has their equivalent in bloodweave (gale [the one played by tim downie] + astarion)
my defense:
autistic book nerd and king who has the Audacity to fight God + chaotic theater gay that gives cat vibes and may need Therapy
aziraphale and gale sound like the type that would have solidarity in old man knees . idek if thats canon for aziraphale but it sure as hell is for gale
aziraphale and gale rhyme holy shit thats becoming a legitimate bullet point AJSJSJSJA
the book nerds live in their own private library . gale has a whole ass wizards tower while aziraphale has his book shop (that iirc he doesnt even sell the books in it ???)
crowley and astarion are the same fruit men . i also dont know how to explain that crowley just gives me 8 strength vibes as well . even if he was an angel you cant tell me this man can lift more than three books at once
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other" vibes from the both of them (idc what the other endings for gale are hes denouncing mystra in my canon bc i say so <33)
is aziraphale the type to have a cat . he seems so . how about a cat w wings (<-a tressym) . theyd absolutely bond over that
if you replaced the cutscenes of astarions little hissy fits w crowley i think itd honestly still be pretty in character
if i manage to pirate good omens one of these days i will be confirming if my hypothesis is correct <33
Ooooh now we're talking :)))))) I'll try to be brief (< lying)
yup that's them.
'may need therapy' we all know they do, the 'may' is only there bc they either won't admit it (Aziraphale & Gale) or would have to get dragged kicking & screaming before ultimately weaseling their way out of it looney tunes style (Crowley & Astarion)
Aziraphale is an old man in all aspects except one (biologically), however Crowley is the same age and he would definitely have old man knees. he doesn't know what to do with his joints half of the time due to being snek
yeah there are no books being sold in that bookshop fgfjkfggnv. like, it's all first editions and what-not so i totally get not wanting to give any away but then why open a shop??? instead of a collection???
yk what, fair enough. Crowley is a noodle, those arms aren't doing much more opening doors for his angel. tbf he can lift multiple potted plants at once but that's more spite than anything
i could also totally see Astarion doing the Crowley Walk(TM)
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other vibes" so true, no notes.
aziraphale doesn't have a pet (yet) but I think he would love a cat (I mean, he's got Crowley hanging around, basically the same). A tressym is just a very peculiar step up from that (consider: it has it's own wings to match him and Crowley, which is really adorable!!)
crowley's hissy fits are great and can likewise be replaced with Astarion's.
similiar additions which would probably still be in character:
C slammed Aziraphale into a wall for calling him nice
C went out into the middle of the street when he got really frustrated/anxious and exploded lightning from his body
C agreed to take care of the bookshop, not selling any books etc. but tossed any books he was holding into some corner whenever
both of them evaded the immediate ire of their higher ups by pointing out a technicality that amounted to 'this word is explained to be different from the one you're using, but through a miniscule footnote on the last page of this giagantic book'
Aziraphale has an incredible hard time overcoming the trauma and toxic mindset upheld by his superiors, including how he views himself and his partner (that one's just sad, sry)
Solid ground for a hypothesis I'd say :))
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ronancecats · 2 months ago
here to ask some questions abt karen and nancy mommy daughter duo
1. have they always been close? ir has it just been since nancy got older?
2. what traits has nancy picked up from karen?
3. if nancy brings a partner home, is karen always supportive? or does it depend?
ok thats all for now 😁 i love karen and nancy mommy daughter duo
YIPPIE I could talk for hours about them
1. Nancy was a MASSIVE Mommy's girl growing up. She only wanted to be with her mom at all times. Then she hit middle school and puberty and went through the stereotypical "it's not cool to hang out with my mom" phase. They never stopped being close, Nancy just stopped talking to her as much and started spending less time with her. Then everything with the upside down happened and Nancy really distanced herself, but simultaneously, got closer to Karen. She would go to the salon with her (which is actually semi canon) and had more family dinners, but still wouldn't open up. After s4, they got way closer again. Nancy is so afraid of losing her that she does her best to spend time with her. And I'm 1000% sure that Nancy will be the one to tell Karen about the upside down, at least I hope she's the one who does it, so they get even closer after that. Now that Nancy is older, she loves her mom and spends a bunch of time with her.
2. Nancy definitely inherited Karen's sense of style. They dress so similar, ESPECIALLY in s1, and the fact that both of them completely redid their hair in s3 only supports this for me. I also feel like Karen is secretly really smart and had these big dreams of becoming like an actress or something and then she got married to Ted (In my head, this is also why Karen is so resentful towards him), so Nancy got her brains from her, she just chooses to stay away from the path her mom took, obviously. Nancy also picked up on some of Karen's mannerisms, like picking at her fingernails, talking faster when she's mad, and Nancy definitely got her nosiness from her too.
3. Karen is always supportive but she is a bit on guard when she first meets them. She never liked Steve, she never thought he was good for Nancy and was relieved when they broke up. Their relationship reminded him too much of her and Ted. She loved Jonathan, she thought him and Nancy were so good together and he made her happy. So she was confused when they broke up, and then Nancy came out and it all made sense. She was supportive even though she was a bit nervous for Nancy at first, but then she met Robin and she can see how happy they are together. So yeah, even if she doesn't like the person, she always acts supportive for Nancy's sake.
Anyway, thanks for the ask and continue to send in asks if you want!!
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freebooter4ever · 1 year ago
You worry about the theoretical possibility of someone hitting your guys the way trouba hits everyone else instead of worrying about the not-theoretical guys he puts on IR multiple times a season?
He’s a real problem now, not just in your imaginary world where he’s on any other team.
So it sounds like you might really really dislike troubs, and if you don't want to block me the other option is blacklisting "NYR" - tumblr makes it really easy, and i am usually very careful to tag all my r*ngers reblogs/posts with that. I myself have one specific player's name blacklisted because just seeing it triggers me into anger. (discussion of the physical part of hockey got long, under tag)
There's two options: full tag, and also in the body of the post so tumblr will filter out ALL posts with that word. But it won't hide the posts it just gives a nice greyed out warning so you don't have to see it. Trust me, its great, it's the only way i got through having that asshole on my favorite team for a few months. (and you can still click to unhide the post, like say when geno is defending the pens goalie and swatting the asshole player like a fly and you want to reblog the gif)
For a direct response to your second point: troubs' hits were legal. I'm not afraid of him being traded to another team, i am quite literally afraid of another similar hitter on an oposing team taking retribution by landing a similarly legal hit on our forwards. I feel like troubs style leads to escalation and thats what worries me. like troubs targeting vulnerable mistakes of oposing forwards is putting a giant target on our own forward's backs.
BUT im a wimp. Always have been, i know this about myself. I dont like contact sports. I will watch football but not closely, i absolutely despise boxing, and even wrestling is pushing it sometimes. My formative years were spent in a karate dojo that emphasized self defence always. I excelled at kata and bunkai, but put me in the sparring ring and i wilt. One of my most distinct memories when i was 13 or 14 and shooting up taller than a weed was being forced to spar with this obnoxious teenage guy a head shorter than me. He had something to prove and landed an illegal punch on my nose. I was so mad i took that kid down with almost full force and then ran to the bathroom and bled all over my pristine white expensive cotton gi and cried like a baby and didnt come out till one of the women senseis sat with me and calmed me down. They never forced me into the sparring ring again after that, lol. what im saying is i dont like fights. If I had my way we would eric-bittle-ify hockey and checking wouldn't be a thing.
BUT with hockey im trying to be more open minded and understand how this fits into the game. And learn to appreciate it in addition to how much i admire the speed, and strategy, and more refined aspects of the game. Some parts i dont think i'll ever understand: like the borderline illegal hits, or the ones that are legal but extremely dangerous like the one that gave the poor penguin defense man a concussion during his first big league game. Now i have not been watching long but i have heard that troubs has hit sid in the past? I dont know anything about it, i dont think i want to. If it happened again? Yeah troubs might end up on my blacklist. But for now he's still the captain of the team, and the team genuinely seems to appreciate troubs very loyal very aggressively defensive phsyical style of play.
But also i mean, trochk picked on geno for like three games straight last season, and i dont think geno was even injured, but ive lowkey hated trochk ever since and have a hard time rooting for trochk as much as the rest of the guys on the team so lol dont hold me to any loyalties.
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creaturecomfxrts · 2 years ago
hey!! first off, just wanted to say that i love the lil doodle, it's soo adorable! :P i unfotunately can't request one, but yeah i just wanted to let u know i find it amazing <3.
second thing, i reaally liked ur south park college headcanons post and was wondering if u were planning on doing more in this style!
and last thing, u do take headcanon requests right,,? sorry if this is a dumb question, i can't trust myself and just wanted to make sure haha,,(´-◡-`;)
alright, sorry 4 the bother and thank you! <3
1. thank you so much! and thats okay, no need to apologize <3
2. absolutely! thats how i write headcanons, ao irs likely all of my posts will be in that style!
3. i do take requests yes! youre not a bother at all :)
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ishikawayukis · 1 year ago
wenas otra vez JAJAJA que buena playlist tho, que vivan las canciones de los 90, 00 y 10’s porque ya no las hacen igual 😔🫶🏽 no es que toda la música sea mala ahora pero, pues tengo attachments supongo JAJAJAJ
omg yes please do share theories and memes (when it’s not a spoiler lol) I wanna know everything 🤲🏽 sorry I came late to the scene and have so much to catch up on LMAO hope you enjoy my reactions at least:’)
ITS SO GOOOOD once again it had me invested throughout the story “okay but are the ghosts related to this invisible man? Is the doctor the main bad guy? Is Brook even here or nearby?” the plot is pretty good and exciting!! and yes definitely more silly BUT THATS THEIR CHARM THIS IS WHY THEY GIVE ME LIFE<3 y no es paja, o sea entiendo que hay peleas wow y también me impresionan a veces pero gente vivamos el plot por favor🙏🏽
ALSO WOW THE WAY BROOK’S STORY CONNECTS WITH THEM AND THE BEGINNING OF THEIR JOURNEY???? Oda a veces hace que mis neuronas tengan que hacer gimnasia para acordarme de ciertos personajes JAJAJJAJA pero es bien genial como se conecta todo, I loved this arc<3 let’s see how we do with Sabaody Archipelago🫡✨
Zoro niñera, diciendo que no le reza a ningún dios y venciendo a un samurai de Wano es mi imperio romano JAJAJAJJAA PLUS oh god is so hard to avoid spoilers (so far so good I think?) but I have seen many fanarts based on a Wano arc(?)/saga(?) style and when they mentioned it I was like OH SHOOT FORESHADOWING!!!
f*ck Blackbeard too me vale si le hacen un redemption arc o no o si revive después de una batalla pero espero al menos una vez lo hagan tragar tierra y sufrir JAJAJAJA
estaba hablando con una amiga que es de China y me dijo que se hizo un piercing hélix con pistola y yo 😳 JAJAJAJA pero claramente le fue bien porque sigue teniendo la oreja JAJAJAJAJA justin wasn’t lying when he said never say never 😔✋🏽 pero si ojalá nos sanen sin problemas<3 cuéntame cuando te lo hayas hecho!!
nooooo Belleee😭 peor combinación posible, pero al menos ya estás mejor no?? :’) Thankfully I haven’t gotten sick yet but the weather where I am is trying to test me fr bc this winter is going wild😭😭
OH BTW JAJAJ SANJI RESCANTANDO A NAMI!!! el “skip skip skip” ES TAN ADORABLE JAJAJAJAJA literally every time I see him and he does something cool or silly or adorable I just think of you<3 JAJAJA hoy si mucho texto perdón 🫶🏽
WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN LATE TO THE SCENE i've literally been here for maybe 4 months we're all in this together i just went a little insane about it LMAO let me know when you finish impel down so that i can share it because it honestly makes me go ?? you guys are kinda nuts
VIVAMOS EL PLOT EXACTOOOOOOO todos los dudebros q les encanta hacer powerscaling simplemente no entienden lo divertido q son estos arcos más misteriosos AJAJ thriller bark my beloved you were so goofy and had so many questions. AND BROOK' STORYYYYY i know that if you were to compare it to robin's is not as sad but man, it made me fucking Sob like i literally couldn't stop crying especially during the las song like woah oda you are a little fuck aren't you. and yeha him connection brook's story to laboon was just :')) he truly is thinking about everything LMAO
dude the wano art style is soooooo good as well, i don't think you can avoid spoilers when it comes to the names of the arcs but as long as you avoid like, actual plot spoilers you're doing a lot better than me LMFAO
naa blackbeard se puede ir a la real chucha perdón lo chilena AJJJAJA top 10 personajes q más odio en one piece literal compitiendo contra gecko moria y a ese weón yo lo quería matar JAJAJ
el hélix con pistola nooooo q valiente de su parte AJAJA y ya me lo hice lleva dos semanitas y está ahí bien bonito y sin problemas ejeje
yeah i'm better already but still haev a lingering cough that is honestly so annoying, but luckily it didn't affect my uuuuuuuuuh stamina? like i can exercise without wanting to die after the first round of things
SLGHDL i'm loving this people seeing sanji and thinking of me that's my stupid dumbass most beloved little guy
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hiimcanadia · 5 years ago
*rustles around in my bag of ts ships* roloceit, dark clothes gang, loceitality? (tried to go with more obscure ones skdbsjsj)
Roloceit- 😍😍😍
Dark Clothes Gang- 🙂🙂🙂
Loceitality- 🙂
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elysianslove · 4 years ago
yeah migraines are annoying :(((( pls pls get some rest okay T___T they're honestly such a pain to deal with??? it's so stupid that medication also doesn't rly help much and you have no choice but to let it die down on its own :| absolute madness smh
also djjsjds pls it's so fucking stupid i just wanted to draw something today but i didn't know what so i looked through my memes and....lo and behold, it's me n tsumu <3 HHDBSBSNS —🦊
i’m feeling alright rn thankfully, hopefully it doesn’t too bad!!
AND HSBSJDJ !!!!!!!!! i love that so fucking much what 😭😭😭 u look so pretty n tsumu just ,,,, yeah you n tsumu supremacy <3 canon <3 THATS LOWKEY CUTE THO HBSJD AND FUNNY TOO??? tsumu let me grab ur boobies pls 😞‼️ BUT IRS ALSO SO WELL DRAWN IM STILL MESMERIZED BY YOUR ART EVERY TIME. ISEE IT )$!$/!7.&2&/& !!!!! like that oikawa selfship i cry every time I LOVE U AND UR CRAZY TALENT !!!!!
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ravenclod · 6 months ago
OHHH THATS SO NICE !! 6 HOURS IS A WHILE... but i imagine it was definitely worth it >:33 Ooooh convos sound funny but it sucks they fight a lot :[[ IM GLAD U GOT TO PLAY UR VITA THO THATS SO FUN ^_^ AND READ TBHK THATS A PERFECT TIME TO READ IR HEHE. omg ICE CREAM WHAT FLAVOUR DID U HAVE??:000000
what sort of style did you get done for ur hair ?!?:00 ALSO NONO the hair colour sounds super pretty omgg !! i imagine it looked amazing n its fun to match ur mum >:3 yeah the longer hair thing is v fair my hair only goes to just longer than mt shoulders cuz i get annoyed taking care of it xd also cuz my hairs kinda curly/wavy at the ends it looks a bit weird longer imo??? i love how longer hair looks on ppl but not for me xd
RIP KOKAMI MOEMURA... but honestly u still have the vibe down so i see no issue >:p now its like kyoko is there too w the red [ sorry sorry Bsjdbshebdb ]
OOO that sounds so fun n cute !! need that daily kyosaya content :33 but yeah itd be cool to see if/when u transfer them >_< !! that sounds super fun, also whats neptunia??:o
FUN FUN !! theyre fun to watch fs !!
IVE BEEN OK ! i got to this kinda later than normal cuz my friend stayed over for dinner after school !!:3 shes moving to england soon so this was my last time seeing her before then :(( it was really fun we rewatched old videos for nostalgia and updated eachother on gossip w our friends n stuff xD
today was fun but i have a timed essay test on Wednesday which im DREADING... im so scared im gonna do bad aaaa but other than that ive also been working on my collab [ which should be posted this weekend >:p ] and my kyoko animatic but not so much cuz ive been so busy w other stuff aaa i cant wait to work on it properlyyyy
school is a LOT already but its ok !! i enjoy most classes its just a lot of work >:[
hii koka how have you been doing recently?^__^
as always feel free to go on a rant / yap session :ppp
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I'VE BEEN DOING PRETTY ALRIGHT!!!! >:D I've already mentioned this before BUUUT yesterday my grandma came over to do my hair after who knows how long..I think the last time she did it was when I was 12?? so it's been four years :'D and she was a little sloppy in the beginning bcz it's been so long but she got the hang of it pretty fast!
AND IT TOOK SIX. HOURS. tbh that's not that bad--if I actually went to the salon it would've taken longer :p bcz they have multiple ppl to work on ykyk but that's okay. My mom and grandma were talkin a lot about some random stuff while doing my hair like how much my grandma hates her coworker and yadyadyaydaysh and they fought abt a few stuff but got over it super fast--their relationship is just super rocky so a lot of convos they get mad at each other for something xD but it's okay 'cause I was minding my own business playing on my vita and reading tbhk >:D AND I HAD HALF A CARTON OF ICE CREAM!! IT WAS SO GOOD ABSHFBDSAHBF I WANT SOME NOW but I haven't had breakfast yet SO I GOTTA EAT THAT FIRST xD
so now my hair is thisssss black and red mixture?? It looks better than it sounds I promise BAHSBDHSAB the red isn't like neon or anything so it's fine ! It's more of a burgundy to be honest--which looks pretty good with the black! My mom picked it out bcz she wanted me to match her :3 her hair is a similar color :D only thing is I hateeeee having my hair down so that sucked to deal with while it was getting done :'D I just don't like longer hair tbh it gets in the way when I'm trying to do like.anything. and I don't like how it feels when it goes down my back--so I usually have it in either plaits or a ponytail. SPEAKING OF PLAITS I AM NO LONGER ROCKING THE MOEMURA LOOK :[[ I MEAN..I'M SURE I COULD STILL HAVE MY HAIR IN TWO BRAIDS BUT IT WOULDN'T BE THE SAME WITH THE RED THERE :'D AND WITH THE WAY MY HAIR IS NOW IT'D BE HARDER TO PUT IT IN TWO BRAIDS CAUSE THERE'S JUST.SO MUCH OF IT BASHDBJ I still have the red glasses though so my moemura swag is still prominent!! >:D
OOH YES AND ON MY VITA One of the games I was playing was the battle pentagraam and there were a few kyosaya moments I noticed in some stories that were suuper cute <3 !! I wish I took some screenshots!! (I think I took like.one xD I SHOULD'VE TAKEN MOREUGHHGUHGU. maybe I can still show later when I transfer them from my vita to my laptop!! :3). I also played some project diva, im@s and neptunia! :D
and now I'm watching some pmmm amvs and mmvs!! I just love watching the way people connect certain scenes or panels to song lyrics! or sometimes it's not even to the lyrics, it's just to the general feel of the song. it's so creative!
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somnilogical · 5 years ago
case study of optimization style: how kelsey piper optimizes to destroy coordination against injustice
her false face of "worrying about disrespecting jay", was the closest thing she could grab that she thought would get others to optimize for my silence. get local warm bodies to pile upon me for continuing to talk about how to get justice and give more information about different sources of injustice in a way compatible with people who have not completely disabled their general intelligence.
she was worried about her reputation and transfems gaining information that would allow them to coordinate along lines of shared oppression (which would start to erode miri/cfar which she wants to survive in order to have a nice (for her) environment to raise her babies), but thats not a socially defensible reason to object so she laundered it through being “worried about disrespecting jay”
[14:10] Jay (System of Edo): Sarah Spikes has offered to have REACH do an investigation. I do not know this human, and have barely heard of REACH, but my understanding is that it's some sort of sub-organization that CFAR spawned, roughly. My instinct is to be like, "I believe you will talk to everyone and then conclude that basically no action needs to be taken, so in that case allowing you to do an investigation gives an air of legitimacy to dismissing Jay". Is "REACH is basically CFAR's pet" correct?
[14:10] acertain: afaik reach is unrelated to cfar
[14:11] acertain: and the space is controlled by Sarah Spikes and Nat
[14:11] ratsby: that's also my understanding
[14:11] Jay (System of Edo): I did not mean literally, I meant like in practice, are they complicit, etc
[14:11] Jay (System of Edo): like with CFARs bullshit in general
[14:11] ratsby: weren't REACH the ones who did the Brent investigation?
[14:12] silver-and-ivory: they did something about brent but weren't able to publish the stuff they got bc they believed he would sue them for defamation
[14:12] Jay (System of Edo): Oh wow. Cowards lol
[14:12] Jay (System of Edo): yeah that's pretty much all I need to know.
[14:12] Jay (System of Edo): thanks
[14:13] silver-and-ivory: :( I don't think they're cowards for that
[14:13] silver-and-ivory: but you have all the information i have so w/e
[14:14] acertain: I think reach doing an investigation would mean the reach panel (https://www.berkeleyreach.org/reach-panel), which afaik is a separate set of people from those who decide how the space is run
[14:18] acertain: idk if the list of people on the panel on the website is up to date though
[14:19] stardust: List is up to date
[14:19] stardust: Full Brent statement is available upon request, not fully public because legal risk
[14:20] silver-and-ivory: https://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/182885399661/abuse-allegations-anon-here-i-am-happy-to-hear
[14:20] silver-and-ivory:REACH consulted an attorney about making the result of the Brent investigations public and were told that there was absolutely no way to do this without making each of the investigators individually liable in a defamation lawsuit. I’m also worried they could be sued to reveal the names of people who spoke to them anonymously in the course of the investigation.
[14:21] stardust: We were planning to get liability insurance when we get our legal non profit status but that has not panned out yet
[14:21] stardust: IRS is slow and hard to navigate
[14:22] Jay (System of Edo): okay, this is enough info on REACH, thanks.
[14:24] Jay (System of Edo): just told her not to investigate.
[14:24] ratsby: wait why?
[14:24] stardust: (She is me)
[14:25] Jay (System of Edo): oh.
[14:25] ratsby: I don't see how them investigating could hurt anything
[14:25] Jay (System of Edo):wait why?I don't believe they'll do anything tbh
[14:25] stardust: I will refrain from posting here if you prefer
[14:26] ratsby: seems like some chance of upside, no chance of downside?
[14:26] Jay (System of Edo):>I don't see how them investigating could hurt anything
My instinct is to be like, "I believe you will talk to everyone and then conclude that basically no action needs to be taken, so in that case allowing you to do an investigation gives an air of legitimacy to dismissing Jay". Is "REACH is basically CFAR's pet" correct?
[14:26] Jay (System of Edo):>I will refrain from posting here if you prefer
Yes, thanks.
[14:43] hamnox: The characterization of REACH panel as CFAR's pet feels bizarre. Iirc it got started in no small part because a bunch of locals were pissed off at how CFAR failed to do anything about, and implicitly legitimized, Brent.
[14:58] 𒀭 💮: i dont really know Jay, but i do know that the REACH panel is unjust and about as helpful and necessary as christian missionaries were to native americans. im not reporting my thing to it.linta is on it who made false accusations of emma being indistinguishable from a rapist and somni doing some sort of sex party at their house for social ends of suppression of unrelated dissent. and was generally antitrans in the standard way of saying people are crazy and incoherent, like how people are saying Ziz is schizophrenic when she obviously isnt. i think much of it are populated by lintas friends like mike alicorn and anisha. sarah c, one of the few cis people i trust at this point, had an emotional breakdown about it citing that they dont care about the Law and i think resigned. given the sort of place it is, i bet that none of the REACH panel members are transfem, people can correct me if im wrong.
im kinda for transfems coordinating with each other to the extent they can against people like brent dill, alice monday, lintamande, anna salamon and other agents of injustice. with better game theory than the likes of the REACH panel who flinch at "defamation".
[15:11] SeriesOfSymbols: Umm
Tbh I'm very uncomfortable with the idea that all these people are in the same reference class
[15:11] 𒀭 💮: they are in the reference class of perpetuating injustics
[15:11] lintamande: sort of assuming it would be unhelpful to Jay to litigate disagreements from elsewhere here. I don't know anisha. I don't think ziz is schizophrenic. I never said somni participated in the uninvited surprise orgy in my house, just that I was mad at the people who did. I don't think the REACH panel is good for anything except getting offenders banned from REACH in particular rn, and I think we should maybe check in with Jay about whether the rest of this is helping
[15:11] SeriesOfSymbols: As are
And  I
And ziz
[15:11] SeriesOfSymbols: Nobody is free from sin
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: ^ fallacy of grey
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: like also
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: there is a type difference
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: you socially but not legally implied to avoid culpability
[15:12] lintamande: guys does Jay want to host this conversation
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: the party things i could grep it
[15:13] lintamande: this is the server for helping Jay figure out what we can do to help
[15:13] TowerNumberNine: Jay appears to be idle at present
[15:13] TowerNumberNine: But previously they said there was enough info on REACH
[15:15] deluks917: Agree with Tower the Reach thing should get dropped
[15:15] 𒀭 💮: your "help" is poisoned in the same way that christian missionaries are and you are attempting to funnel peoples sights away from your injustice by framing me as derailing when this is relevant to Jay's needs.
[15:15] 𒀭 💮: and restriction of general intelligence is not.
[15:16] lintamande: somni I am happy to discuss this, I have messaged you offering to discuss this, I just am worried Jay will come back to this and feel like we are disrespecting what they've asked for here and not helping them
[15:16] SeriesOfSymbols: Fallacy of black and white
I think there is a meaningful difference between [rapists and abusers], [person who willfully covered for abuse], and [person who you have disagreements with]
[15:16] 𒀭 💮: i am not worried about this
[15:17] 𒀭 💮: i dont think im disrespecting Jay
[15:17] 𒀭 💮: there is a meaningful difference between stalin and yudkowsky, they are both, however, men.
[15:21] 𒀭 💮: coordination against agents of injustice is important. erasing the pattern of injustice is wrong. saying that all people are the same so we cannot coordinate against injustice because who knows who they are is wrong.it is important for people to know this sort of information so they dont do things like go to REACH expecting justice and then have their plans crumble.
[15:22] 𒀭 💮: people who present REACH as acceptable because "has not everyone sinned" are doing something wrong (linta is not doing this, they are doing a different sort of wrong thing, but also are erasing knowledge of the pattern of injustice)
[15:23] 𒀭 💮: or like if you run this reasoning on people and then apply it to reach with like "it couldnt hurt" are also doing something wrong
[15:24] x.: is there anything at all linta can say or do in this situation which will cause you to believe that they are not doing wrong?
[15:26] x.: (i am not sure how germane this topic is to anything, as this is not a dedicated "The Crimes of Lintamande" server, but so long as the subject is being discussed, i think it warrants asking)
[15:27] 𒀭 💮: yes, stop their suppression of emma and somni, their false claims made to not be culpable in a legal court but also to permeate a social court. stop their optimization for and apologism for cissexism, such in the case of minority stratification. "none of the panel members are transfem but the hosts are" "a lot of people who go to cfar are transfem but afaict none of the staff are" this is a bog standard oppression pattern which linta is familiar with.
[15:27] 𒀭 💮: and several other things.
[15:27] 𒀭 💮: i talked with them for months
[15:28] 𒀭 💮: before slowly and painfully realizing that they didnt care, that the structure they put out fed into evil, agentically. because they talked like my childhood friends who were particularly kind.
[15:28] 𒀭 💮: and i was vulnerable to that.
[15:28] 𒀭 💮: it was really hard to see through this aesthetic to how they were actually optimizing.
[15:29] 𒀭 💮: what effects they were having.
[15:29] x.: perhaps there is some other zone in which this chat would be more appropriate
[15:29] lintamande: that is what I have been saying
[15:29] 𒀭 💮: linta is trying to warp this conversation in that direction
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: because they dislike culpability
[15:30] x.: rather than both of you trying to get the last word in on what's clearly a grotesquely contentious conversation
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: i reject this plea of false peace
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: like
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: what you two are doing are obvious
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: i reject the framing of this not being relevant
[15:30] x.: right, every time one of you makes a post the other one immediately makes another
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: i reject this suppression of important information
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: framed as an irrelevant tangent
[15:31] lintamande: so I'm not saying 'this is irrelevant' I am saying 'let's check with Jay about whether this is helpful to Jay'
[15:31] x.: is new information being introduced?
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: i can see what you are doing
[15:31] lintamande: even if this is incredibly relevant and important it should happen somewhere else unless Jay wants it here
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: it is not optimizing for the good of jay
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: or the good of justice
[15:31] x.: @𒀭 💮 she's making posts online, which you are also doing
[15:33] 𒀭 💮: "making posts online" is important to the fate of the planet
[15:34] 𒀭 💮: like and a lot of other stuff. you cant say "its just making posts online, this is dumb" like sometimes posts are dumb but this is a reference class warp to claim this post is dumb, when i can see its not.
[15:35] x.: did i say it was dumb?
[15:35] 𒀭 💮: you are optimizing for like "you two are just contentlessly fighting, this is silly why dont we do something else besides fight." which is Pretending to be Wise.
[15:36] 𒀭 💮: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/jeyvzALDbjdjjv5RW/pretending-to-be-wise
[15:37] x.: i have actually not suggested the flamewar should stop, merely that this specific chat might not be a reasonable location for it
[15:37] 𒀭 💮: and talking with you about this pattern also supports lintas utility function which is suppression of the knowledge of injustice
[15:38] x.: i mean, i am not the person running the show here, so i could be entirely mistaken
[15:38] x.: it appears to me that this chat is supposed to be about a guy named "robert"
[15:39] x.: this seems tenuously, at best, connected to that
[15:39] 𒀭 💮: and yet Jay's statement
>My instinct is to be like, "I believe you will talk to everyone and then conclude that basically no action needs to be taken, so in that case allowing you to do an investigation gives an air of legitimacy to dismissing Jay". Is "REACH is basically CFAR's pet" correct?
[15:40] 𒀭 💮: and my statements are relevant
[15:40] silver-and-ivory: I feel like in the absence of Jay's presence people should do what they think is best
[15:40] 𒀭 💮: i think even in the presence of Jay, people should do what they think is best
[15:40] silver-and-ivory: also true
[15:40] x.: as far as i can tell, jay already said they were not interested in pursuing an inquest by the hand of the BREACH
[15:41] x.: and refused to engage in such a thing
[15:43] x.: so it's like, "is this person, whose involvement was specifically not requested, a dick?"
[15:43] 𒀭 💮: as far as i can tell this is optimization for silence. because this touches on important things, instead of having a paternalistic additude towards Jay. my read on their CEV after skimming their blog is that they are anti-suppression.
[15:44] 𒀭 💮: also, by like some sort of property rights, this is like 50% my channel.
[15:44] 𒀭 💮: as i was sexually assaulted by robert lecnik.
[15:45] 𒀭 💮: you are interfering with my space as a victim. which is a seperate thing.
[15:45] 𒀭 💮: this is "Robert Lecnik Abuse Chat"
[15:45] x.: so you would prefer to have lintamande investigate this in some way, then?
[15:45] 𒀭 💮: my report is the second item in #concrete-reports
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: i dont want linta to investigate anything besides their complicity with a cissexist system.
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: moriwen made helicopter jokes
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: after they ran out the trans people
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: from EAC
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: and is friends with linta: okay, i guess i am too confused to participate any further then
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: linta framed that as "blowing off steam"
[15:47] 𒀭 💮: i do not feel safe around either of these humans.
[15:52] 𒀭 💮: like not exactly blowing off steam but they said like it was good people were having fun when mori was doing their antitransfem thing.
these things become more obvious with processing.
i think robert, given their pattern so far of predation, possibly exploited environmental cissexism, was enabled by this. erasing knowledge of it leads to inability to coordinate against it leads to cis people treating transfem humans as if they exist in morality holes.
[15:54] 𒀭 💮: like i was around robert lecnik after Jay talked with anna about him i think. if anna listened to Jay and took them seriously, if robert lecnik were banned from cfar spaces and the berkeley meetup, i dont think i would have been sexually assualted.
[15:57] 𒀭 💮: erasing knowledge of cissexism because the people perpetrate it "use preferred pronouns" or whatever leads to inability of transfems to coordinate against it.
[16:04] 𒀭 💮: Jay wrote:
>On Anna Salamon: I remember her seeing me as a transwoman who exclusively liked men; Blanchard has a whole “theory” about this. And apparently that made me a “real” transwoman (wtf), unlike the rest of the transwomen in LW. I feel she explicitly went out of her way to validate me as a woman a number of times, like, there was one time she was saying hi to me and did the human version of this: (http://www.thebalancedcanine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/IMG_1166.jpg). Which, yeah, she’s a TERF.
>Also, the reason I hated her early on was, there was a time that she, I, Robert Lecnik (my rapist), and Peter (his husband) were in a room for an hour long private therapy thing since Peter was a large CFAR donor. Robert admitted to “sexually assaulting Fluttershy and being ‘bad at consent’ with a whole bunch of other people”, and Anna didn’t see any issue with letting him continue to “run the Berkeley meetups” (an honorary thing, he used it to often-ineffectively hit on people). And I had some betrayal trauma from Anna around this, as well as a later feeling of “wow I got pwned by a guy that low in mana, I’m lame”, too. Fortunately it’s all emotionally processed now.this sort of information is very relevant for coordinating against people like Robert Lecnik
i think if cissexism were deleted, in counterfactual worlds in which transfem people got to be on things like "abuse panels", this sort of predation wouldnt happen. but like responses that reactively goodhart this and say "choose the most complicit-with-the-cistem transfems and place them on the panel to avoid culpability" are useless.
individuals learning game theory, forming class-consciousness, and coordinating with each other might help bring justice to things like Robert Lecnik being allowed by the cistem to continue to prey on trans people, to prey on me. with full knowledge that this was going on.
[16:05] 𒀭 💮: https://sinceriously.fyi/intersex-brains-and-conceptual-warfare/#comment-240
[16:09] 𒀭 💮: i have some hope in anarchistic cooperation between smart humans. i have approximately 0 hope in cissexist abuse panels and people like anna salamon who allow the predation of me and people like me to happen.
[16:37] Jay (System of Edo): sec, need to read through all this.
[16:58] 𒀭 💮: if cissexism were deleted this narrow sort of predation would stop happening but like, there would still be predation there would still be predation on minorities. i care about all sentient life not just transfems. this is not an optimization target but is saying "you who say cissexism does not have a hand in the game, if cissexism were actually deleted the counterfactual world post-deletion would look very different than this one. accepting a status quo where like trans people arent on things like sexual abuse panels and arent employed as CFAR staff is accepting cissexism. and resulting in things like, when they go to these institutions they are ignored"
[17:22] Jay (System of Edo): So. My main thing is to look at what algorithms people are running. Like, REACH sounds like they're not brave enough to do something they believe would make the world a better place at a small personal cost, so why would I care about mitigating circumstances if I already know that that's the algorithm they're running. (edit: this is what "is REACH basically CFAR's pet" pointing to, eg if they are pwned by the same things. rather than pointing to whether the two orgs are ostensibly related).
Similarly, discussion of REACH beyond what was needed for me to figure this out (about six lines of text) is not at all useful to me. But pointing this fact out to silence Somni suggests some sort of preference to defend REACH. So, if that's the algorithm you're running, then I see you as (probably) sorting people/discussion topics based on what you can socially get away with. Sort of like, the word "appropriate" is in the same class as "uppity" "disrespectful" "honorable" etc, and this applies to asking if it's "appropriate to discuss REACH despite Jay's preferences".
I personally do not participate in long conversations about who is "in the right", because I personally find it very easy to figure out what people are trying to do, and find that continuing on chats longer than that is a waste of my time. But, this is also Somni's space as a victim of Robert, so it's okay if she wants to discuss REACH I guess. I've never talked with her, but she (they?) seems to have good takes with respect to when someone is de facto hurting others or running bad algorithms in a way related to that.
[17:49] Jay (System of Edo): (sort of like, when I hear that someone sexually assaulted another person, I don't think, "well I guess it's a small harm relative to the good you can do if you're maximizing your life for utilitarian impact", I rather think, "what the fuck algorithm are they running, I don't think they'd have done that if they were trying to reduce the suffering of all beings, maybe there's something I can get out of this person, but definitely not like, outsourcing thinking/project leadership/etc to them"
[18:50] Lorelei: (also related to the reach panel, I'm transfem and was very eager to volunteer as a member, in part because I wanted my queer social circle to have some representation in the process of Justice, but was turned down.)
[18:51] Lorelei: (just so they can't claim not having a tranfem member is justpure coincidence/lack of volunteers)
[18:58] 𒀭 💮: (linta messaged me to say that moriwen saying the helicopter thing was after they said having fun was good. and i checked this and its true. but like that is not at all central to why i think they are collaborating with cissexism or why i talked with emma for like 15 minutes about how people like linta and mori might be horrible to transfems if we told people about alice monday. (people wouldnt actually be marginally worse to transfems. people dont have prejudiced beliefs like that, their transphobic "beliefs" are a coordination mechanism for harm. white people in the antebellum south could see perfectly well that those who were enslaved were human beings.) noselling commitments to transphobia is a good move in response to "what if outing a trans abuser worsens cissexism?".)
[19:02] silver-and-ivory: oh linta and mori left
[19:02] 𒀭 💮: they were banned
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acciosoogyu · 6 years ago
if big hit debuts a girl group;; idol!au
a/n; actually i'm boring and this came out of nowere, i'm sorry if there're spelling mistakes ir nonsense bc english it's not my first language
Anyways hope u enjoy ^^
L.I.T (girls)
NAME: L.I.T (lit girls), the abbreviation of Lux In Tenebris (light on dark). They want to share music to those who feel alone in this world.
MEMBERS: 8 (one japanese, one australian, one argentinian and five koreans)
DEBUT: 9th of January
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Okay, about the group
one day big hit uploaded a logo, not about bts or txt or lee hyun
It was about a survival show
like stray kids but... yes with girls
girls from other companies (most of them from small agencies)
but there are two trainees from big hit (yeah i like produce fvck me)
in total there are like 20 trainees but only 9 of them are going to debut
the different thing it's that only the trainers can disqualified the trainees (and the audience only votes for concepts and music)
and there are special judges
kdkskdjsila that was unexpected ajkskska
and of course, HITMAN BANG (what)
it was going to be 9 members but the last place had a problem with her actitude like idk she was not really working with the group and was so rude???
So they end up being 9 crackheads in big hit about to debut
their concept was cute at the begining but big hit say no way these girls need more things, they are so vErSaTilE
and it was a mix of bts and txt debut concepts, a total mess but it matched well
About the members;
kang eun gi
was a trainee from DPS media
98' liner
from busan
a rapper and dancer
thats why she joined bc he is her role model
a shy little girl
tomboy style or something like that
has a cute little cat named nemo
and in every v live shows him off like a proud mum
doesn't know about english but it's actually good in japanese bc anime
and thats why naoki loves her unnie so MUCH
cares a lot about the others and it's the pefect noona for txt kids
like she has a soft spot for her dongsaengs
has an older brother and always wanted to be a noona
so yeah, txt has the best noona ever
and lit girls has a great unnie who can relay on all the worries
She is Scorpio
choi seo joo
99' liner
looks soft in the outside
but inside she may have killed you more times that u could think???
yeah it's not what she looks
it's a rapper (surprise)
and a dancer but it's kinda slow when it comes to learn new moves
it's a carat and monbebe
her fav it's jooheon
has every photo of him
and blushes so much when she talks about him like giiiiirl u so CUUUUTEEEEEE
has a love-hate relation with maknae line
bc they are so loud and dumb
but she loves them bc it wouldnt be the same without them
doesn't like animals
actually she can't stand them
only child and very spoiled by her only unnie and her oppas (vocal line from bts)
it's a good friend with changbin (from stray kids) they went to school together
and chan from seventeen it's her bestie
our lovely leader
choi chae rin
no, she is not soobins sister
only have the same brain
like lost soulmates
from big hit (trainee since 2013)
99' liner
and bts little sister
it's a producer, rapper, vocal and dancer
the perfect girl
and an idiot
in a good way
tries so hard to be there for her members
she don't want them to have a bad moment bc of haters and stuff
so always tries her best
it's beomgyu fav noona
he could not stop talking about her when the show was happening
it's REALLY close with the boys
and pd nim daughter (like chan and jyp way)
didnt want to be the leader
but ruby (aka her bestie for life) bagged
without her lit girls could be a total mess
loves ice cream and butterflies
a virgo
wang ruby
chinese-argentinian living in korea
under big hit since she was 14
a 00 liner
her stamina last forever
and kinda dumb she's actually a genius but it's shy and doesn't belive in herself that much
their fans think more of her like an unnie than a maknae
she is mature and serius when it comes the time
so she is like 'ruby-unnie' to her 00 friends (hyeyeon and nao)
a rapper, vocalist and dancer
sometimes a producer and song writer
loves mamamoo and wheein
her dream it's a collab with her
and also a collab with 3racha
bc seojoo show her some music and now it's a fan
it's friends with everyone
a fake sunshine bc when she mad
oh boy
she is M A D
may kill u or just make u suffer for a long time
so don't mess up w/ her
REALLY close with Heejin and HyunJin from loona (went to same school)
and shuhua (g-idle) just bc she know chinese (multilingual queen)
jung hye yeon
main vocal
and a cutie
looks like an angel
and it's one
like she is so good to every single one
00 liner
under source music
usted to be friends w umji
knows little english
and it's really good at maths
her dance skills glow up in such a short time
and also her vocals
voice of an goddess
high notes own her
and the best facial expressions
it's shy around boys but
confident gay comes out
lot of winks and joke
and giggles
nothing can make her mad
she is just so sweet :(
and caring
a cute little piscis
not like the other one
mirasae naoki
00 liner
under blockberry creative
best friend of gowon
and a crackhead
a big one
but she has a lot of talents
knows about beatbox and football
and a rapper
but a vocalist
has big eyes that could melt your heart
and a voice that sends you to heaven
but she is evil
loves mesing around
and it's so easy going with everyone
no matter nationality or age
she is going to be your friend after all
okay but seriously
she is an amazin dancer
her moves are perfect and learns fast every choreo
it's the tallest
and tease all her members w that
it's so different from hyeyeon
but share birthday
yeah she is a pisces
okay this one
park zuri (eunwon in korean)
short and cute
02' liner
from source music
a rapper
from australia
she was kinda shy when meet the others
but now?
has no shame to drag her members down
she roast them why free style
her korean it's perfect
bc her dad it's a korean teacher and her mum a famous writer
her dream was to be like CL
now she wants to be herself and make music
knows how to play the piano
and sings pretty good
but still it's better in rap
small bean
yeonjun and jungkook want to protect her
but she really doesn't need that
it's a strong and brave girl
but cannot sleep without her tata plushie
witch makes taehyungs heart melt bc SHE IS ADORABLE
and finally
park hye jin
03' liner
the baby of big hit
the princess
and perfect girl
from rainbow bridge world
so she is one of the main vocalist
her voice it's so sweet and soft
like her
and when she is singing and smiles like :>
she is the favorite
everyone loves her
bc she is perfect
calls taehyun oppa bc they are good friends and the rest shipps them in secret (bc they're still kids)
has three older brothers that go to every event just to look at her and say hi
the fandom thinks of her like a baby koala
and thats her nickname
a whole cutie
for being a capricorn
Sorry if there're mistakes, i tried my best :<
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jrantehq4-blog · 6 years ago
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oH kaAy, like+-; fOrgoe witholdance, candance+-; duZzen.maDter tu for it, 14 montsh shit like+-; hey privacy+- or more to the 8paK years
but to say, wHat-; wHo these guys+-; what they do, not so much * " #brOWn * or #dALMaTion #peLiCaN, but, ih sincererly forgot about these guys, 5ways+-; or unfelillie tu adPect empoaChd code to #budDaH stYle lineage+!; -;3*Ππ^|` loSt of ek fag pazs
hum?!; ihy got voffee, bug ihm missing something, faer well, ho long to decent comphort and h*zËopbfs #prIvAcY tu #consider, :my merit insten to lije+-; hdey+!; heydaey, maYcoaRe let it go , so ty chup up, lije diveing with ahmeranth tez #ghinseKt or fellos, goodbye wOrLd, at oaZ ihy '*cAn actualy spend 14weeks more to lije weep out, wHat, neglect a paRAmetwr of+-; theSe guys+- but du e rotties?! hum the uf all seem tj have more nerut tgen ihy can dhistibghuish abiut life and to take a nexlck dice, they migjt be sad enoigh tu for me realisr it really sad ifh ih knew what they !; coukd do or forgot them
nut sat helli to privacy , ue #seNilaTites frike.stink, so lets get superficial and resonate a self center symphathy anticdote tu some random pop teack and see if they gather sime self respect or purge in their bhidizimal bloew whoppue, cheap Shots
zkty, oNe thing izs+,(woRd tu explaIn a *dAngerous!;*sAkak #pAthetic, seNial denwe ted pervHerse meZaPlPt for falSLly aCcused, hup waRrented, pTCH FRAEYM TU DIScRibe theIr ,(+!?strateGic -; infinite #seLfDeCeption, comAmbria,+!)traffic ,;/*~intellectual,plllt decca-rey ultra vhaatmiaz, look bak 12months opinion if a aky god, or word tu e llain tgeathetic truNgent shiT, OR SET #LIBEL CASE OF FRAMING NEUROTTICAS ULTRLNDULU STANZII FOR+!; HUPPO ABOVE SEK
relTlate tu;!
ihy hve vaga inclination tu know, of specifics of), #eLePhAnt to naTure #kIngdom, or #wOoly_ #mAMmoth, did #iZrael or #tIbet or #haOan knoew, -;(kak halt, pez mihAr, tHat #buDdah liniage intazsoect, holf hold to #sET, *!/ #sHIva, +(/or be it traffic a continuum of putid outrd of sTeNchianite fikkies, wOkkue #nooodle craken halfwit #names of '*it, +!/* sentianizs mantiAn, aZPect, of peace #beNeVolence, laW goodwill, upfold order safe, abd thanksgiving, benediction tu upfold stanxe of righteousness themsekces and withibg of couNterghrimmy of mAkula, #maRmeqHarker esteem privualidge of blind ignorant moron pikkle hampseur npks
ihy.mean #wooly #maMmoth izs asoect of #buddah, ih sed, qHertzy note that upstage #draculaMaatibhuMba, is, ir was inc to 40percent #jaCkle #jAkyl, #* #jAKcyle2a69 , dunno what they are, would ue call a formerly #reygaar, then *33percent jaCkle , -*rHe-wHy, aNe an aNne, !*°>,dAubt, ue know what that meams, his bane not justify an identity nother then uer worst nightnair forevet, az tu prevoke that shit, , defimitial uphend, ok fenizza-+; qHaots, pay atTention, it is a word that yas no rationality cprehendabliyly of crumet clutteted filth, and senialiki nits get off uer awkie highie roller esteem, hypodrunzx, it doesn apply 8n reality to.anything except adf sup.hok, naybe 30years ;!*aFter a point ue try chanhing hus name to #SAMAEL, THEN NONE OF UE WPUKD EVER HAVE HERD OFF.HIM OR UER WRETCHET PLOY+!; YET SADLY, HE MAY HAVE VEEN BACK.37DAYS A SECOND BY NEW YEARS EVEN1984, PLUS 2007, AT SAME TIME BY 1984 BEFPRE NAME REQchek #sAMAel, +"*A es et usimple to.bon faerie well, good tidings and ,-*whAt who!?+ oh yeah whatevetlr!- stnaggle stamps an.obstesdion with, humm?+( duh(? RAhAZeNw4èpUA9n waD never really hete, ue never met, actually that guy cox he was 7year old parjed in.1984 until #november 2015, the other won, tu be it, not really thete, sedt "
but that guys name (!*rHaSEYeAn9Aifπ}∆rtszEy sik -+;,one uer a decrumass moron to strike a fikkle demented, natsa ratzy over the most obseurdly diment name in exisyance, and higjlught again , uer wprst nightnair reagardless (!; okaay! comprehemdos influctuation impezxnik, !;
it means +!*outrageoius 'rIghchious, !; sun of eH,!?( - #hERAld, tu ne that, he id otherwIse a worthless peice of shit, +! +;* thats wat that word means, your worst and evertjing in exustanxe opt out and bonvpy faerie well tu.everything that evet would be ever befire or after, based on.that, and , snuggga fi ignoranchiter figgkid pig #sEnialikktra-lite vhermSiom 72 test fakt, so highlight the patheticat, pik qHaarladomn, nits, '*thAt is the *definition if a word if pgatase thatis subsQHaNdering pointless, filthy polutionntu suPbh eRherial plAteUs , where generally stuff, life had sone merit enough to find a way, tu shut shuv shuv shive uer livhud replicaas, +! spell it iut, is a definution of a word, phrase, that has no legitimat context to anynmeritnunnsanity whatsoever, and worsebthe. stubburn maintanence tu word of 3.chugh.fitther filth schitbt , includint a fHik "*sTiLl bOaRn fuhtuggjit, unMenkingly the moAAt vhile wretched peaCe of chluttered deneirial, +-; vomi5 uon vit, of any.goodeill or imtern benevolence of uour loving #maGisties, either antwhare, that she.or the other or twenty 5millionntripe rlatters even.remotely exist innreal or umaginarey.half baT chlyde sup echilon, of putrid filth an malcious disgrace, +-; f54deTvet,+-; ikt, +-; at itselfbenough compramuse to peaceband good eii will ofn, otherwise ;sad pic,+; nefligable, but that the reason here., isnt #eDinHope isLaNd of lost.paTik.brud brik and, neTher
but he not, correct, #reysqHuire, reSChoarn, sane trivial hyperclunxx, ihym understand #tHÏhyeZnk1QaMEdt is similar to "*jet sCourne int thrumpez, +!; frm2a
highlight point but, seens tgat as to "*existance and lIfe opting out, ir fir ed to, as ue if senxe compassion for lije, cQK2aep5Ë9a, "! sKjè #mATHeurson, *aKoAz #sCheurmAN 'tc #eDMunds, and 777fo)lTd ezra denourialumn, + dont adk me, /* to faulter glaNce decrepid obsession with a #tANgneicial, orraffic a word-+ (+!*aDp'k #qHaar lè #mAatra, +!; shet , opakraatu, *moy ron, ;- qhAar lè;'mAAtra, #*bett ue fikkues find uer loft hammoj
ihy wouldnt mind knowing specific of why, to #existace cherrush faer tge well beyond uer traffic a intellect tanghbeishure to, hiw, why us tgat si friken '*sAD ib coBvrat teZ es #rEsP tu pelican, (+! tefardless if 50thousand volts of shit if senUalitris, conidy central hupoet ghkuffiffibg some vhikkie bulkshit, +; naH ue can;t offend ne, ine if ue ever didnt realise, that doing some nukkro steadugu
nut futder
fair enuff
chukkuer rokkues, trmenti g nyrdering doung necro zooiphile shit in crocadhiles and tarantykas for you porn indUstry usnt :;*merited as any esteem, even blogh narneqyaarjer shukjues ue think high elevin, ue neca knew, neither dud ihy,+;
so, if so outrage denial tu cercumpherance uet i ward srlf deception aNd perverted inchik iltamuntus, to stil condemn uer rlght tu goodbess, or ibsust on sypportibg clutts jumo in hold my hand charade gestyres of wat , *#bS or calculating a hunch if ten to condider deriving, pointless, ir figure a word tu, nether, oh,+; sentianals get to 45years okd and experts on 'gHeZsTure;/ *pULling ugly *faCes, god wrik
#sTAr -; #fIsh, wHat tll them, oh #oRange and #brOwn ones, if ue wanna talk of #tuesday #isLand , mongh roayne, or aCstpAz #eVaC��lius, aLta land forus, take care often , sImpoase 5nih9ne #lions, so #sAd (+;if for moments privacy, #starfish races had almost perished, as too, naThkit #tropics, holoheaay, yeah +!;pRaNk and pry, +-; datisfied, but what, humm sething, *something alaMing nosteaghesic magestic about 3 #pelicans+-; ohykaay snuff wrutter, hope tu rNghdt ten this, netter, it was yesturefay tenpez wednesday early promzizqhû #sUn #rise of, pak.up
ihy ment, #buddah tHRiliologhy, aszpAz -*stArfish, tHen county upstained, go ask seone who said something about the padt patter of zGero's and io1onwqUe, that not a zEri oe a naUght, they still looking for the letter *J on a print out of 50round a second by thirteen tu join a capital *HAEYTCH WITH THE LETTER *Q, FIR YOUR INFORMATION OF WAT HE IS NIT, VUR OTHERWISE STEADDAST, +(! AS TOI CONDOLENXES FOR PREBIPUS POST, TU UNTEMEK -*MURDER DRUFS, WAS "*CORRECTION, SEVEHN MIN, ;"STAGE SHOW PROMPHANTH, EKE257PAA9T#@"*PHAUET
but as to last mention, of some #dark #vheda #ritual #aMbience, of ny.persinal esteem, forboad greatnes tu suremdearing, that +-; it isz -; maY be, generally ;'*humm?; interesting, or, strange, sHinqHin, altoreZson, but+-; it us, my -*right hand tu, propose that, it is or isn-t so.much a *privuwlidge, or effort tu, concerntrate,
but rectofy, !* #kozmikrayTor;/ c)(osm-iic gCK-;raEtour, - by.#meTAtROn #ōMÉGĀ, tu have nice day, h/ szorrie, but, generally, a style of musicx or be it consequencual, or be say, hum+! own identifyation to find something interesting in , +!;
haVe a nice #dAy
#kOSmOkRator, . anD being that said deniak of how irraTchitly vhenkie putrid ue are tu dalEMaIyne an '*aRe,/ *R,:;-78*èĀ93w1ATe3Pmn , #mETAtron not neCeSsarily an !;* #aRChaNgel/* done care fo4r uer neRf whiPpers, by pount of, no infinite esteem in yourselves, tu highligh a comment introspective before or after pasdage of a #cRaetour wher 'eXistance onfe was, or yoy o hace a plaCe or tine to.traffic hyperghligdyum, ir some gancy #ftench words, or, +!aNything, or ue want time off #qHaar lèy mAAtra tu considher uer bhi vie buERill, tu supponjaK a fanceh esOteric #iDea, yha, or theK, tu be it holding hand with clumphous hypokrat denwleirials in process if floud shikking your wonce was wgete uer beain left you in dhitch dhive and puddle, sQHish, tu blaMe it on uer firefrAnkforts or linnen isle at beLkig deLi near a konfekki lharringto #jACksndJive meal for less tHen none cH879gYhgÈGpfz)7-∆π[℅^¥©><\!-6"#2ghEyt fed levvy
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fae-morrigan · 6 months ago
Hey! This post sucks ass. It ignores the reality of racism and homophobia impacting character reception in this fandom, as well as a toxic refusal to accept ships outside of people's fanon OTPs, which are pretty clearly the main reasons people don't like them if you have eyes that work and can read.
Anyways, because it sucks ass, it is now MY post. Welcome to my post everybody!
Today we're going to be talking about character design, and why I think Jay's character design is really good.
(I won't be covering Bernard... uh... down, sure thats his name, here because I am not really one of his stans, but if any of my bernie mutuals wanna hop on and take a crack at breaking down his character design too, feel free to!)
Let's take a look!
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First of all, it is important to establish something. Contrary to what fandom will tell you, 'good character design' isn't really about making a character the audience wants to fuck. Its about making a design that conveys character, both subtle and unsubtle. Character designs, especially in a visual medium like comics, are part of storytelling.
So what does Jay's design tell you about him?
He's in bright, clashing colors. Orange, green, pink, the only neutrals spotted here. This conveys a certain confidence in himself- It takes guts to wear an outfit that gaudy. This is someone who knows who he is, and doesn't feel the need to advertise himself differently. From his very first meeting, it becomes apparent he does not care much about what other people think of him (with the exception of Jon... but we'll get there.)
Yet, look at the actual clothing: He wears a mask. More than that, when he first appears to us, he's got his hoodie hood up, something that is often used in character designs to convey being closed off. Despite his openness with the world about who he is, there's something he's still hiding from. He's not a complete open book, even if he is honest.
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Now, let's have a chat about the hair.
Ahhh. Jay's hair. The endless subject of ire, for reasons that completely escape me. I've seen people call it a 'stereotype', which, gay people dyeing their hair PINK? HUGE if true! C'mon, guys. Let's be so real with ourselves: Basically every gay person I know including myself has gone pink at least once. If its a stereotype, its an accurate one!
And yeah, Jay's hair being such a vibrant pink definitely is there to make him intentionally and visibly queer. Something that contrasts him from Jon, who is more muted, and far less confident in his sexuality being known by others.
Buuuuut that's actually not the part of Jay's hair I wanted to discuss. Let's talk about the actual style, yeah?
Look at this shit. This is... dawg, who is your barber?
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And part of me really wants to chock it up to the fact that Timms really does just not know how to draw straight hair at all. Look, he even fucks Galaxy's shit up:
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Except.... Look at it. Look at Jay's hair. Doesn't it kind of look like he cut it himself? Like, just kind of went at it with scissors? It's messy, and none of it is neat, compared to Jon who has a nice undercut going on a lot of the time or Clark's perfectly combed and gelled curls. Even compared to later Jay drawings where his hair has grown out and is much more curated and fluffy and healthy.
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Pair that with the fact he picked his couch up off the street...
Here's the unspoken thing Jay's initial design communicates: He's poor. At the very least, he's frugal. This man is making due with what he has.
Everything about Jay's design is there to remind you that this is a man who does not have the privilege Jon has as a white middle class American. He is the oppressed that Jon is championing in this book.
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(This all also later puts him in contrast with Nia, who way later in the story actively uses her privilege against him.)
All of this is conveyed wordlessly. And I haven't even gotten to his suit.
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White and teal, making him look almost like a ghost. The hood remains, with the same meaning as before. Overall, the design is sleep and reminiscent of streetwear, something Jay wears earlier in the series when sneaking in to STAR labs. His pants, baggy and not-form fitting, are traditional in a lot of asian cultures (generally, they are called harem pants in the fashion world): These specifically seem to be based off Japanese shichibu or tobi pants, baggy and loose and used specifically in manual labor like construction. He's got these tassles that trail behind him, drawing attention to and highlighting the movements of his body: Necessary considering Jay's main skill outside of reporting is parkour! He's also got a matching belt to Jon's, but his is offset from the center, the jewel instead being on the side of his waist rather than centered.
(Sidenote: Cian Tormey once promised me he'd post the concept art for this costume and then he FORGOT. Guess I need to ask again, lmfao)
A good character design shouldn't just tell you about the character, but also, characters around them, too! It is characterizing that Jon took one look at this Bird of Paradise and was like, "oh, yeah, i wanna make out with THIS guy". That tells you something about him and what he values in people (namely, that aforementioned confidence in himself, something Jon lacks during most of Son of Kal El.)
But also, let's take this sneak peak preview of Super Son real quick:
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Despite both of them being in bright, highly visible colors, Jon LITERALLY being in primary colors, Jay somehow makes Jon look almost dark by comparison. Jon's ordinarily eye-catching colors look muted next to his boyfriend. Their hair is opposite tones as well, Jon having black hair and Jay having light hair, and of course Jay is visibly more tan (making Jon look pale as a ghost).
No matter how visible he is as Superman, he will never be as visible as well... The Truth. There is visual deference here, as well as contrast. Opposites, despite their color schemes not actually being direct opposites.
All of this is conveyed through just looking at Jay's design. It tells you a lot about his character without saying anything, AND it's unique: I've not seen many characters who look like Jay, especially not in western comics. It enriches the text, and in my professional opinion, is way better than if Jay was just a generic black haired blue eyed boy like so many people seem to want.
I think that one reason why Bernard Down and Jay Nakamura are not as appealing as a partners for Tim and Jon, aside from their personalities or lack thereof, is because of their character design.
There is something about it, especially their hair style, that makes them immediately unlikable. Maybe with another hairstyle and outfits people would be more accepting of both of them
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hashtagartistlife · 8 years ago
2016 Fic Recap
Thanks to the beautiful and talented @sequencefairy for the tag! 
total number of completed stories:
In total: 38
Bleach: 30 (28 english stories + 2 korean ones) 
Miraculous Ladybug: 4 (2 english + 2 korean) 
Naruto: 1
Fairy Tail: 1
Noragami: 1
total word count:
45841 words in finished fics, but if we include my published in-progress fics, the number jumps to 68286. If we want to add up the words I have scattered around in as-yet unpublished fics..... ngl, probably about double that number :’/ :’/ :’/ 
fandoms written in:
Answered that one above. 
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
Jesus god I haven’t written this much fic..... well. ever. I’ve always dabbled in ficwriting, but I thought of myself as primarily an artist-- this year is the year that cemented the fact that, hey! Maybe I want to be a good writer as well. Basically I wrote about 10 times as much fic as I ever expected to write, but it’s all good  :’D  
what’s your own favorite story of the year?
fdnfjfhujkdfjrs UM probably The Search for Delos; it came to me really vividly and I wrote it all in pretty much one sitting. When I was done, I was genuinely very surprised that I had a piece like this in me. It’s somewhat different from my usual writing style, and it deals with some heavy themes, but this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to achieving my writing style goal of being simple but vivid and achingly profound. 
did you take any writing risks this year?
I joined IRBB, which was risky considering my track record of MONTH-LONG WAITS between chapters and my muse being flighty like icarus :’/ case in point: im only 4000 words in and im stuck as hell. Aside from this, I. uh. Wrote nsfw for the first time and discovered joint writing, which is a wonderful, wonderful thing. 
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year?
I want to try and finish cyclical this year, but as long as I keep a semi-regular update schedule on that one (once a month, or thereabouts) I’ll consider it a success :’/ I definitely have to finish irbb, and apart from that if i’m being ambitious... I’d like to finish f r a y and where the heart rests. 
The other goal is if I manage to finish cyclical (whether this year or in the future), I want to print it with a nice cover and illustrations and have it on my shelf for my own edification :’D 
best story of the year?
I’m gonna be honest i don’t understand this question... I’ve already said my favourite story for the year was The Search for Delos, but is this asking, like, objectively my best piece of writing? I’d still say The Search for Delos :’/ Although, I do think Ritardando was some good writing on my part. 
most popular story of the year?
In terms of Bleach, The Author is Dead was by far and away the most popular (isn’t the title very telling :’/). But overall, That’s Not How You Use a Miraculous got.... ridiculous amounts of reception. God I should continue that fic..... hahaha who am i kidding rip all my ml fics :’/ :’/ :’/ 
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
I’m actually very pleased to say that most of my fics are received super well by everybody and I’m very thankful 8ㅁ8 Maaaaybe if I had to pick I might point people in the direction of One Of These Days? I think people forget that I write not-angst sometimes. One Of These Days is just super fuzzy and warm and it makes me feel happy every time I remember I wrote it, so if ur in the mood for some ir warm fuzzies go take a look! 
most fun story to write:
Definitely Cyclical. I’m having SO MUCH FUN reliving their early-days snark at each other. 
F r a y is also another fic I am enjoying writing, but for entirely different reasons lmao :’D :’D :’D 
story with the single sexiest moment:
i dont have a huge selection to choose from but i am very fond of:
“And then afterwards…” He trails off, and he makes the pause sound obscene; the promise of afterwards is more effective than any dirty innuendo he could have made. 
from and every breath we drew was--  
most sweet story:
HAHAHAHAHAhahahahave you met me
Ok but in all honesty One of These Days and Phones Connect Me To You was so sweet that writing it gave me cavities 
”holy crap, thats wrong, even for you!” story:
OK, so when Naruto finished back in 2014 and my ships were canon and the other side of the shipwar started writing adultery i was like ????????????? I mean, I didn’t seek em out and harass them for it, they can do what they want, but I was like ‘why adultery in particular. Why don’t you just ignore the ending altogether’ 
cue 2016 and tite kubo runs bleach into the fucking ground, and i fucking UNDERSTAND. Dude, I thought you wouldn’t be able to PAY me to write adultery before 2016 and now you wouldn’t be able to pay me to STOP. Anyway, all my adultery fics fall under this category i suppose. doesn’t stop me from writing them :’/ 
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story:
all the post-686 adultery that hellchat plotted tbh. 686 opened up WHOLE NEW AVENUES of character exploration that we hadn’t even THOUGHT to touch and honestly, I don’t even want an alternate ending chapter for bleach any more (except the rr novel, that novel can choke), because any single chapter fix is NOT going to cover the vast amounts of plotholes bleach left hanging open. (a bleach reboot that fixes everything wrong with it is a different story though.... god what i wouldn’t give for that.) But yeah, post-686 plotting has opened up some really interesting can of worms in terms of characterisations for our protagonists, and u can see some of it in fics like Listen and Stay. 
hardest story to write:
This Blood On Our Hands. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out overall, but I started writing that fic with only the last line in mind and contriving things so that we could get it to that stage was SO HARD. 
biggest disappointment:
Not managing to get out a single proper long post-686 fic that isn’t a drabble. I mean, I started posting where the heart rests, but I have about 5 on the backburner and I know exactly what’s happening in all of them and I just wanna plough through it while the salt is fresh, u feel? 
biggest surprise:
In terms of what I am capable of re: style and structure and substance, The Search For Delos. The fact that I started writing nsfw, especially fucking Unveiled..... what was I on?! And the fact that I finally understand why some people write adultery fics :’/ 
Gonna tag @swingsdown, @kingkuchiki, @papalogia, @duckiesteasmiles, @woodrokiro @missthornbirds!!
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