#and in other words I’m very sorry
cyle-stuff · 1 year
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Take These Gay Frogs watching Owl House:
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kelin-is-writing · 5 months
kelin may i hear more about rockstar touya \(★ω★)/
I was planning to post other headcanons before going for these, BUT I’ve got some for Rockstar!Touya that are pestering my mind these days and your asks come in the right moment, so bear with me please 🤧
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The first time Touya knew that he wanted to become a rockstar was in middle school, right at the age of thirteen, his influent CEO of a father was trying to mold him into a carbon copy of himself to rival Yagi Toshinori’s Enterprise. While taking a break from studies, he saw his sister watch on TV a rock concert of “Loudness” and to say Akira Takasaki is his role model is the least. That’s a true legend to him.
After “Loudness” and Akira Takasaki, he discovered “Metallica” and Kirk Hammett which made him go like “HOW??? HAVE??? I??? MISSED??? ALL??? THIS???”, scolding himself for taking so long to fall in love with the electric guitar and its sound. The next week he’s blasting full volume “The Final Countdown” by Europe inside the Todoroki Mansion like the good old stamp rock fanatic he is, getting himself scolded and grounded by Enji who is a fan of traditional Japanese music so yeah…
At one of the Todoroki family gatherings during the weekend, he was scrolling down his phone looking first of all where to take guitar lessons and second for a guitar to buy, but he knew his father would never agree to get him one. That’s when his grandfather, peeking at his grandson’s phone, butted in and asked Touya if he’s interested in music. He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing to answer that question, since he’s the father of his father, but he did and hell has it been the best thing he did!
On his fourteenth birthday, Enji’s father bought Touya his very first electric guitar, a good old Fender Stratocaster CUSTOM MADE for him. It’s snow white like his hair and has a his name engraved on the bottom left side of the guitar, while on the other side there were engraved tiger’s fangs, all in turquoise… The color of his eyes. And this has been by far Touya’s best birthday ever.
After finishing Middle School he choose to attend an Art School, taking the music classes as main classes of course; he may or not have done it to piss off and raise Enji’s blood pressure from how mad he got for choosing something different from Finances and Management. Oh his father was livid and Touya was so proud of himself for that.
He has formed a rock band, of which he’s the guitarist and vocalist, with Tenko Shimura (Bassist&Vocalist) and Shuichi Iguchi (Drummer) called “The Villains”… Are we even surprised about this name? Really? Because I am not. Tenko suggested, Iguchi supported strongly and Touya just went with it because complaining and thinking about another name was “Too much effort”. He likes it a lot but will never admit it.
At the age of nineteen, Touya owns a Fender Stratocaster (Custom Made), an Elite Stratocaster, an ST-83-80 Japan (1983) black, Lone Star Strat, IC350 black, IC50 black, ICHI00 white, Gibson SG Standard mahogany and a Jackson Pro Series DK Modern HT6 MS. He also owns four acoustic guitars for songwriting, like a Martin GPC-X1E, Martin 000-28 Modern Deluxe, Taylor GS Mini-e Rosewood SN LTD and a Taylor AD22e. Did he pay all them with Enji’s credit card? Hell yeah. Did he do it out of spite? Absolutely. Did he care about his father’s blood pressure rising even more? Not even remotely.
His favorite groups are Loudness, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Europe, Scorpions, Slipknot, Three Days Grace, Green Day, Skillet, Linkin Park, The Rasmus, L’Arc-En-Ciel, UVERworld, Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses and Evanescence to list some, because there are many more he adores honestly. He isn’t a picky ear as long as the song gives him chills and inspires him, being someone who’s driven by emotions that’s what makes him likes something he hears.
Atsuhiro is their homeroom teacher, at the Art University they attend, who introduces them to Giran, a friend of his, who has an agency for new talents and after they sent him six of their songs wants to launch their very first album by August to make them debut at the “Rock In Japan Fes.”
Touya, being the emotional driven type of musician, is the one put to write the lyrics for the band’s songs and most of the times are hits, especially because his and Tenko’s voice brings to life the emotions of the lyrics in a way that it reaches the listeners right into the heart and soul.
You will never catch Touya’s fingers empty, there’s always rings decorating them and some rings are even custom made by his cousin Geten, who owns a Jewelry shop that he promotes a lot on his social media. One of his most precious rings is the one that he got made for him, with his birthstone carved in it, when he turned eighteen.
He has three earrings on his right ear: an helix, mid helix, conch and low helix. Four on his left one: two helix, a low helix and one on the lobe, plus three nostril piercings on the right side of his nose.
After “The Villains” debuts and proving his father that he could succeed through music without his help nor his name, Touya owns now a black card that he lets Fuyumi and Shoto use to their heart content.
Last, but not least, be ready to be the muse of Touya’s songs the instant he falls head over heels for you. The moment it happens everything, and I mean everything, to him becomes about you driving Tenko and Iguchi to pure exasperation.
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hymnoeides · 4 days
Having Telestratus ideas in mind and even more reqs (ily’all pls don’t stop) but I’m currently undergoing a dilemma where I’m debating to redo my entire Pisistratus design
He appeared blonde in a dream recently once and it’s been on my mind but idk….
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squuote · 6 months
something that feels particularly notable is how much the game itself pushes the player to continue, whether or not that aligns with the narrator’s desires. That there is no real consequence by not playing an ending except for denying yourself of seeing the outcome of that choice. Which in itself is the very nature of continuing to push the wheel. Choices lead to actions that lead to player interaction. And even in scenarios like the zending, where the narrator desperately does not want us to move forward, the game provides a way for us to do so anyway. The way that the game will always provide a choice no matter the moral ramifications. But whether or not you choose to take that option will always be the choice you bear.
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alluralater · 4 months
people will really be like “trans people are ruining our children!” no melinda i think you did that yourself when you forbade them from accepting the nuances of other life experiences and declared hatred as your most loving act. i hope your children grow up to never speak to you again. i hope your children disown you. i hope your children find light and vibrancy in their trans friends. i hope they become such strong allies. i hope they curiously look around online or read books about the trans experience and figure out how disgusting you are for guiding them to ideas of hatred. i hope they grow up understanding that your love for them is conditional upon their identity and whether it conformed to your views, not that you loved them freely, because you’re fucking weird. and if your children are trans, i hope they never feel as though they owe you a damn thing. people like you are ruining children. trans people are so good for children. to be able to see beauty and safety and expression and acceptance of identity— to be able to learn about the wide array of history and experiences and culture and love— oh that’s so fucking good for kids.
#“i’ll raise my kids however i wAnT” yeah i’m sure you’ll do an awful job and die alone.#bigoted ​people will say anything to push oppression and hatred on vulnerable groups#they’ll recruit their children to do the same but learn very quickly that children are not sheep. it’s easier to sway the mind of an adult#than it is to do the same to a child. children are not inherently hateful.#children learn by example but they don’t conform. adults conform.#my mom had lots of trans friends and friends that did drag and it was really awesome. she took someone to their first drag show to perform#when she was pregnant with me and she said later that she wanted me to feel the community#in the womb!!!#my mom did a lot of things wrong and a lot of things right. real mixed bag of stuff for me lmao but i never grew up thinking it was wrong.#in fact— i remember being super confused as to why other people could even think it was wrong.#as if the experiences of other people were bad and dangerous. sounded super weird to me and my mom said some people are just idiots who#take their lead from idiots. i even got in trouble at school for talking about this stuff and my mom WRECKED those teachers.#my mom was 25 when i was 5 and she was absolutely destroying people who thought transphobia was just casually okay. the examples my parents#set for me through ACTION alongside words was absolutely awesome.#and listen okay my mom’s friends were SO cool when i was a kid. i loved learning about the trans experience at such a young age. it really#was beautiful. anyways okay i’m rambling sorry. bye!!
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
I’m gonna say something that’s probably not going to be well received in certain circles so let me start by saying this: I believe, with only a few rare exceptions, that you should be able to ship whatever speaks to you the most. And just because I don’t ship something doesn’t mean it’s wrong for anyone else to ship it, and the same for things I do ship, no one else has to ship it too. Who you do or don’t ship will never be a reason I pass judgment on you, ever. Live your best life.
That being said, I want to talk about Horikoshi and straight ships.
(And bakudeku.)
Here’s the thing: Hori has written straight ships into MHA and he’s done it so masterfully that it’s made me ship them without even realizing it. I don’t know if we can call them canon because as far as I know no ship is actually canon yet, but what is canon is the care Hori put into building these relationships.
Kirimina. Hori wrote in a backstory that parallels bkdk that I just adore. There is something about Kiri looking up to Mina and being so inspired by her bravery that it shapes the hero he becomes that is such good content. They’ve had multiple mid-battle moments of protecting and helping each other. I ship Kirimina so hard because of the canon Hori gave us.
I am a low key Denki/Hitoshi shipper but season six kinda hit me in the face with whatever we’re calling Kyouka/Denki these days and now I guess I’m a multi-shipper???? That is how hard Hori hit me with the Kyouka/Denki feels. And he did it the same way as Kirimina, because we have years of content of Kyouka teasing Denki mercilessly, plus the cultural festival band, so when they’re separated in Season 6 and Denki has this intense moment of realization that she’s who he needs to be brave for and it actually works??? I’m a goner.
Heck, I ship todomomo too you guys though I can’t blame Hori for that one, that’s just me being me. The point is that I ship it because the characters Hori gave me struck a chord inside.
But there is one straight ship Hori never once made me ship.
Every time izu*cha showed up I just kinda endured it? It just wasn’t for me. I didn’t see two kids with chemistry, I saw two kids who didn’t know who they were or what they wanted fumbling their way through a will they/won’t they without either of them seeming all that invested in it.
In six seasons and nearly 400 chapters and multiple times revisiting the story I have never once felt any inclination to ship izu*cha
Hori can write straight ships. Hori made me ship his secondary straight ships nearly effortlessly. So if izu*cha was meant to be canon why have I never once felt the chemistry?
You know who has the chemistry? Bakudeku. But here’s the thing: I wasn’t thinking about Katsuki as a possible love interest for Izuku the first time I watched the entire story. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention to him at all, he was everything I didn’t like on the surface so I more or less ignored him despite Izuku holding onto him for dear life. Katsuki never once colored my opinion of izu*cha, they did that all on their own.
It wasn’t until after my first watch through, when I was hungry for more and trolling around tumblr, that I realized people shipped Katsuki and Izuku and it was literally like something out of alignment popped into place in my head.
Oh. Duh. That’s the ship.
I went from zero to a million in a handful of seconds because the chemistry was there, the backstory was there, and boy are Izuku and Katsuki loud about how obsessed they are with each other. Just like Kirimina, just like Denki and Kyouka, Hori planted the seeds throughout the entire series so that when it was brought to my attention everything about the narrative and character development supported it.
And I have to take a moment to explain my dislike of Katsuki at first: I honestly fell for the surface-level interpretation of his character and then kinda wrote him off without much more thought. Which is insane to think about because you can’t really understand MHA without Katsuki, he is so integral to the story as a whole that any version of it without him is skewed so far out of alignment that it’s not even the same story anymore. But I just saw angry boy who yells for no reason and put Katsuki in a box and left it at that.
It wasn’t until I was willing to give his character a second look that I started understanding him, and more importantly, his relationship with Izuku. And it helped that when bkdk was presented to me as a ship that my brain understood immediately why it worked. The canon source material supports bkdk at every possible moment.
I really don’t think it does the same for izu*cha.
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pepperpixel · 2 months
which fandom do you think you were most involved in
Hmmmmm, this is a tough question!!! But also, an interesting one lol. I’d say, in terms of actually creating and uploading art it’d be either Undertale or SCP! Most likely it’s SCP but I remember being RLLY into Undertale back when it first came out and drawing a bunch of stuff for it
But, in terms of the fandom I was MOST personally involved and invested and ride or die on for the longest amount of my life, regardless of amount of fanart I’ve drawn (cuz robots r hard to draw…) it would without question be transformers lol, I’ve been obsessed with that shit since like 5th grade… I used to read thru tfwiki pages just for fun as a child and to see the funny captions on photos or the interesting trivia. I had one of crashboombangers old brainstorm voice clips as my alarm clock back then and it was DEVASTATINGLY LOUD, I shared my room w someone else back then and had that as my alarm and little me, had no sense of common decency towards someone else’s sleep cuz that shit was like a bomb went off at 5:30. It was terribly loud ghgh-
I was, And still am kinda obsessed with sharing and showing transformers to ppl cuz I think it’s rlly good!!! (Generally I show Tfp to ppl first cuz it’s a very cool well made entertaining show that I feel is a good entry point. But like. I enjoy a lot of the different versions, and showing them to ppl!) And I want more ppl! To care about and be obsessed w these hot sexy awesome giant robots!!! They’ve literally informed so much of my interests ghgh- and actually, I went back and checked my deviantart. And I don’t have a lot of my old transformers art on this blog. Cuz I had an old one I accidentally deleted before this one. But I’ve actually drawn MORE transformers art than I have scp art… apparently. I mean they might be evened out considering I haven’t rlly made many transformers videos like I have for scp. But still! Yeah.. transformers was and still is my favorite shit ever. I don’t draw a lot of stuff for it but it is always in my heart.
#assks#legitimately… it is the baseline fandom holding up all my other interests#I’m not as ravenously into it as I was in middle and highschool. just cuz. I can’t keep that up forever lol#but. the love is still always there. it’s just evened out in intensity a bit#generally tho. especially when it comes to making fanart. I’m very bad at sticking to fandoms for an extended time#like. I lose interest / motivation in making stuff pretty fast#but. I still enjoy the fandom! just! my brain! is bad at letting me make things for stuff I enjoy. or sticking on one thing for too long#I kinda have a few different fandoms I like rotate thru. unless something new suddenly pops up that disturbs the rotation#but it’s like… Soul eater. transformers. Undertale / Deltarune. pokemon#a few others. I don’t draw a lot of pokemon fanart either ghghg but I DO rlly love it lol#thanks for the ask tho! it was interesting to answer!#pepper words#I also was rLLY fucking into gravity falls and Steven universe back when they were airing#but I think I lost a lot of my art for them on my old blog… I mean it’s probably all still on my deviantart but yeah..#those were also very big fandoms for me! but after they ended I definitely noticeably lost interest a bit#also I just noticed ur username.. and I clicked on ur blog and it’s like empty. and. I’m sorry if I forced u to log in ghghg-#or like make a new burner account. I don’t like having anon on! I’m sorry for the inconvenience tho ghg
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sammygender · 2 years
i hate it when people put angel low on their character ranking what are you DOING that’s ANGEL thats angel :( hes the og spike except he’s like a different type of loser. i know he’s kind of creepy in btvs sometimes and he’s a shit boyfriend but we all have our regrets. this is hilariously ironic because i really did not like angel when i first watched btvs and now, a year later, i am a die hard bangel divorce fan
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shrekyaoi · 15 days
What're the actual Jon titles and responsibilities of the various inner circle members?
this is more kinda implied than overt but it will become more clear later on. but, for your sake, i‘ll list em here
makarov & yuri do the all of the everything although yuri has been avoiding literally all of that for. a while. anatoly is the chief medical officer. kiril is a logistician/monitoring supply lines. lev is the warden of the gulag/managing the eastern end of operations. alexi is in charge of karlstejn/western operations. viktor does most negotiations and sorta shares kiril‘s job but he‘s more involved in management i guess you could say
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tennessoui · 7 months
Based on your recent response, do you have aphantasia? (Brains are cool)
(emerging from a quick Google search that informs me aphantasia is not the long lost last tsarina of the Russian empire but is actually a characteristic where your brain doesn’t form or use mental images as part of your thinking or imagination)
idk I haven’t thought much of it! I wouldn’t say no though - I have a really hard time painting or drawing without having a reference image to copy off of because I don’t know exactly what something looks like in my memory and I’m not great at forming my own pictures in my mind 🤔 I do just also have a pretty bad memory these days though
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lemonynuggets · 10 months
I might not talk a lot abt serious topics on any of my socials and might not understand much about anything bc I don’t follow news but I feel like I should leave it clear that I want Israel to cease fire
Yeah I’m jewish and it makes me so sad that people are acting like every Jewish person is a zionist, I can tell what’s a genocide and I can tell that that’s what Israel is doing rn, and I don’t believe ANYONE deserves to be a victim of one
So, yes, I’m jewish, no, I don’t agree with destroying Palestine
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anyway. am i allowed to say that yes aimsey is a good role player and they make really cool stories and i’m very excited for her being in purgatory, but i’ve always been kinda meh on them ever since they threw a little shitfit over the existence of bisexual lesbians a few months ago?? like it was kinda hypocritical that he was pissed over bisexual women who may also identify as lesbians, which is an identity that breaks the typical definitions of both of those labels, while also being nonbinary and a lesbian, which is also an identity that breaks the typical definition of both of those labels. ik it was a while ago, they did apologize and explain their reasoning, but it’s just left a bad taste in my mouth ever since
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solar-halos · 2 months
hello everyone i dropped more annie’s mom lore (halloween time travel au edition). shoutout to sarah anderson if she was in a gaslighting competition with haymitch abernathy she’d WIN (even though she’s not even a part of that universe)
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rosicheeks · 2 months
I hope your days aren't as heavy and dark, I am sending all the positive thoughts your way. You deserve the best, fairy princess. <3
#I’ve been getting such sweet asks#I can’t tell you how much they mean to me right now#unfortunately my days have been pretty dark and overwhelming#struggling more than I ever have before tbh#and I’ve struggled most of my life so that’s saying something#also tried to go on TikTok for a little bit and oh BOY that was a bad decision#I might come back sometime soon#it’s just hard when my meds and everything have been making me very sex repulsed 😬#and half of the posts on my feed are very sexy related lol#so I guess that’s probably the main reason I haven’t been on here as much as I used to#also really don’t have the energy to reply or talk to people anymore#(sorry to anyone who has tried to DM me or contact me in any way -#I’ve barely been able to get out of bed so I definitely don’t have the energy to reply to people)#fun fact I went on TikTok finally cause everyone keeps talking about it#somehow ended up on the abortion debate side of TikTok???? so I kept seeing these bullshit debates#the final straw was the other day I saw some dipshit put as their claim ‘prochoice is a mental illness’#don’t even get me started on that it makes me so made I start to shake#I’m sorry but that is so offensive to people who are struggling with real mental illnesses???#went up as a guest (surprisingly) and was trying to explain how ridiculous that statement was and one of the people literally said#‘this is not a safe space’#lol ok byeeeee#obviously not expecting every where to be a safe space but for someone to literally SAY that is wild to me#I always try to keep a safe space no matter who I’m talking to or what about#that still is bothering me so so much#main reason why I’m still on there is cause I love this creator and want to support her as much as possible#but idk how much longer I can be on there… was even thinking about trying to post and make money over there#but ha ha ha guess not#back to square one#I’m running out of space as always but thank you so so so much for the kind words they mean the world to me!! also FAIRY princess???#I’ve never heard that before 🥹🥹🥹 thank you thank you thank you wishing you a lovely day 🫶
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puckpocketed · 5 months
Hi! weird ask from that anon begging the question if you're lonely. I'm tumblr user odense and tumblr thinks I'm a bot bc I keep vpn hopping so I'll probably come through anon, but I'm real and I dig your style! fun>sad always, let's get silly with it, I love your energy. holding fins and we are splashing merrily through this deep blue internet!
oh, I don’t think it was weird! I like to assume good faith when I can and I don’t think they were implying that I’m sad or lonely (pretty hard to be when most people on here are so nice tbh) it sort of felt like they were asking for themself? (like maybe they’d found it a bit hard or discouraging posting about their guys when no one seems to care about them) and I just wanted to share how I approach that sort of thing. anon if you’re out there come out from behind the curtain !! let’s hang out ! give me brain worms about your special guys too 😎👍
anyway!! thank u for the vibe check 🥹 we are holding fins and hooves and tentacles and sinking into the deep dark bliss of the ocean ! yeehaw!!!!
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
YES my username on yt is a blood bros reference :33 i need to go to crimes world again i know in my heart and soul that i love her but i seldom show her attention .. i need to care her more ..
HOOFRAY!!!! also pretty please do!!!!!!! for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#such a good album it is Insane that like. you never really see it talked about outside of certain spaces#and even then it was originally derided for being much less heavy than its predecessors#such a smart album lyrically and even in just like certain songs like peacock skeleton with crooked feathers#which btw is my go-to song to introduce people 2 them#for obvious reasons. the way the vocals play off each other#the keyboard#aforementioned lyrics because man they’re good at writing political lyrics that are simultaneously very pointed and relevant to this day#and also just plain fun. the way they word stuff rolls off the tongue very well#which I suppose is very much in part to Whitney being a very literary guy from what I’ve read up about him#SPEAKING OF!!!!! Jesus Christ the vocals. the vocals#(positive)#very very powerful for a guy who was like…. 21-22 at the time of recording I’d reckon?#I know whitney’s vocals are a turn off for the band for most people but imo? it’s one of the main appeals. 2 me he is like an insanely good#vocalist. almost jealous that he can hit those notes as a cis guy and I can’t cause omfg in like. wolf party near the end#HOW DOES A GUY MANAGE THAT…..#I love how they incorporated elements of other genres in it. like I don’t see them as indie rock like people#for whatever reason#like to describe them as in that album#but you can hear the elements. bringing up wolf party again cause nick zinner did some of the guitar in that and he’s in an indie band no?#yeah yeah yeahs or whatevs. they’re cool seeming I should check ‘em out#ALSO sorry I kind of glossed over Blilie. he’s really fucking good in the album obvs!!!!#pretty sure he did the album art which. omfg it’s had an aesthetic chokehold on me as of late#and also just. he has a nice voice#the sort of warbley thing he has and also his screams… goated#contrary to my posting#I’m actually a bliliegirl I’d consider myself lol. Whitney happens to also have a psychic chokehold on me#this is obvious. I go by Johnny and want to go blonde HMMMMM I WONDER WHY..#my bad for rambling in tags I just. I love that album so deeply#it’s very meaningful to my identity and songs like the title track and beautiful horses just. get me right at my core#evil neighing compilation
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