#and im sure it does exist SOMEWHERE and i will find it bc I Love Him
lathrine · 6 months
i think it's really impressive that everyone is so taken with the lesbians that i havent seen a SINGLE shot of Sissel/Thistle. like, i am not lightly trawling the tag. its lesbians as far as the eye can see-- in bed together, naked and bathing, covered in blood. not a single shot of a mysterious pretty elf man.
i dont think ive ever before seen a fandom that would scream about lesbians over an ominous pretty boy and i am DELIGHTED
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King Ottakar's Sceptre (1938-9)
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Sleeps - 3
Ow! - 15 (head injuries - 3; hospitalised - 1, with suspected concussion but left before being treated)
Eats - 3 (szlaszjeck and szpradj, unknown meal, and bread)
Unconscious - 2 (both relating to head injury)
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Cries - 1 (castafiore-related rather than emotion-related)
Angry - 1 (at Snowy for stealing bones from a natural history museum lol)
Afraid - 2 (thought he ate snowy :|; got dropped from an aeroplane)
Crumbs! - 1
Great snakes! - 1
Eureka! - 2
The Law
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Arrested - 2
Imprisoned - 2
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Violence - 5
Radio - 1
Reads - 2
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Motorbike - 1 (crashes - 1)
Car - 4 (drives - 1; hit - 1)
Boat - 2
Plane - 4 (pilot - 1; fell/jumped/was dropped out - 2)
Horse and cart - 1
Ambulance - 1
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Shot at - 4 (hit - 1, by anti-aircraft guns while in a plane; uninjured)
Hit by car - 1 (accidental, driven by King Muskar, no serious injuries)
Dropped from a plane - 1 (and jumped once when aircraft was on fire after friendly fire)
Thompsons? - Yes
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Thomson spoonerism - 1
Thompson spoonerism - 1
Bianca Castafiore? - yes
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Sings - 4
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
i dropped mha awhile ago bc it was getting a bitttt too copaganda-y for me and you are like one of three mha blogs i still follow i tuned back in again just to find out the ending im so sorry to shigaraki he shouldve at least been allowed to destroy mount fuji rip king he’ll be spitting on heroes from the skys now….. the kinda split reaction between the japanese fans and western fans is interesting to me it kinda feels like fans are reacting to two different stories? or like focused on very different aspects? anyways thanks for what you do keep it up 👍🏻
Thank you for all your follow and love for all these years!!!! <3333 i'm really happy and grateful and I hope i've kept you entertained the whole time!!!!
Yeah, BnHA is very adamant about its Heroes! So! Cool! Worship Them Like Gods! thing. Just when you think it'll be deconstructing the concept of Hero Society, All Might comes back to be fueled by the wishing energy of the world to inject acid into his opponent. Quite a choice. I'm so just in it for the villains. Sorry it didn't work out for you! And sorry you had to come back to Shigaraki ending up like that. 😭😭😭so far. He really should've been allowed to destroy Mt. Fuji.
As for the contrast between the Japanese fandom and the English-speaking fandom... I caution my observations being the whole and objective truth!
I'm much more familiar with Villain Fans Section of the English-speaking fandom; and while we're very loud and vocal, it does seem like the majority opinion is that Heroes are cool, Villains are bad, ending is acceptable. Meanwhile, I'm looking only at japanese tweets through keywords, and they're bound to be more positive because it seems like people avoid tagging their hate; anonymous message boards are freer with their criticism, but there's still never essay-length rants. I'm sure there has bound to be those existing somewhere, but with my mainly surface access into jfandom, I wouldn't know where to look for them.
Plus, there are a few people in jfandom who have the same gripes: why is Endeavor allowed to continue to be a Hero; the heteromorph resolution is majority-oriented and unfair to the minorities; the social issues aspect should've been addressed more; Deku shouldn't have invaded Shigaraki's mind like that, and it's a bit concerning that he seems to have no reaction to the total annihilation of a man in front of him, etc. Not a lot, and, as I said, not as vocal as in English-speaking fandom, but they're there.
However, from my observations, in my opinion I think there are a few key differences:
Shonen Jump is about the protag Heroes. What it is and should be. I think bnha is pointed out to be pretty uniquely sympathetic to its villains?
jfandom are much less lenient towards the Villains. They can love the League, they can criticize Heroes, but they readily acknowledge that the League have done terrible things and should be punished accordingly. Doesn't matter their sad backstories; they still hurt people and they need to pay for that. They're unforgivable. Like, the idea that Tenko killing his family - even if completely by accident, even if manipulated - is a sin no matter what and he should atone for it, is more prominent. (There are also people who will forever know Bakugou as the 'jump off the roof' bully and never forgive him no matter how much development he goes through.)
The concept of 'saving' seems to be more focused on saving the heart, freeing someone from suffering, giving them relief. It does not necessarily mean not killing them, or ever forgiving them, or ever considering them likeable.
the concept of 'the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few' seems to also be somewhat more significant. of course the few should be accepted and treated right, and they should be accommodated, but it's best to... avoid causing trouble for other (normal) people, let's say. Sometimes, though, the few can't be made to feel accepted, and that's how things are. It's a pity. There are definitely people fighting against this idea, and English-speaking fandom isn't exempt from this either (soooo many 'wow Toga is just a psychopath' takes still existing; and also 'who cares about Muscular' even from the Villain fans), but it's a thing.
Jfandom appears to like it more that Shigaraki sticks to his guns. to the very end, he's stays true to the League; he stands by his choices and actions even if they were under undue influence; and he's a Hero to the Villains. Loyalty and a strong conviction are valued. Seems to be less fretting whether Tenko and Tomura are separate people/identities/persona. (Still a few who think 'Shimura Tenko' will come back.)
and so end result is that overall, Deku did do his job, and admirably at that. He didn't ignore The Crying Child when he could've/should've because Shigaraki was already unforgivable for his actions at Jaku (and before); he saved Shigaraki/Tenko's heart by providing relief, but that doesn't necessarily mean he needed to understand or befriend Shigaraki, or that Shigaraki should be converted (for lack of better word) and saved physically; he's a Hero who stopped a threat and saved the world; and Shigaraki disintegrating is simply just desserts.
But like I said above, it could be that those points aren't specific at all to jfandom. There are certainly a lot of people who think the ending is great and satisfying in the english-speaking fandom (and from what i've seen of machine-translated spanish/french/portuguese/etc tweets, also those fandoms). It's just the critiques are very in your face, and Villain fans are very vocal. I know I certainly am.
Thanks for the ask!!!!!
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ectopuppy · 2 months
which ben 10 series do u like best??!! im a sucker for the original series bc of nostalgia personally, but they are all good in their own ways
this is an impossible question to answer so im just gonna talk about why i love each series im sorry and thank you anon for gifting me this opportunity to ramble about The Hyperfixation (tm) o7
This is going under a cut btw. It's a little under 3000 words of unedited thoughts so like, just a heads up lmao
Why is the Original Series Good?
So first! Before I get into it! I overall just fucking love Ben 10 conceptually in general! I've always loved aliens and sci-fi and superheroes so you can imagine how excited I was to stumble onto this show airing on teletoon when I was just a tiny Kiki.
The OS has a lot going for it, but the big one is, of course, the nostalgia factor. Iconic as fuck! Fun theme song! Max is there! Yay!!
The BEST character in the OS is Max and I WILL die on that hill. Even as a kid I fucking loved him. Ben and Gwen are fun characters, but Max is the much needed reprieve from them constantly bickering. (Which is one thing I'm glad there's a lot less of in later series.)
Ben is a compelling hero, and the OS is an amazing START POINT for him. While he does have character growth in the OS, I would not be THIS obsessed with him if the OS was the only Ben 10 media that existed. He's a kid. A bit of a brat, but always TRYING to do the right thing. Which he's not always great at considering he's, you know, 10, but he really does try.
Something a lot of people seem to brush past when talking about Ben is that at the beginning of the series he was actively friendless and being bullied at school. I feel like that's a huge factor in why the Omnitrix is so important to his identity in later series. (or even in the Xylene episode when he finds out the Omnitrix was supposed to be for Max) He really didn't have much going for him before that. Being a hero is very likely one of the first times he's felt like he belongs somewhere, you know? Anyway..
Gwen is also very fun in the OS. UAF filed down her teeth just a little too much in my opinion. A lot of her personality in the OS is her THINKING she's sooo much more mature than Ben despite also being a fucking grade schooler. (They are literally the EXACT same age, right down to sharing a birthday.) She's is just as immature as Ben, no matter how much she thinks she isn't. It's just that her smug "I know better." attitude doesn't cause outfacing issues as often as Ben being impulsive and a little self centred.
The OS also benefits from being the "spaghetti on the wall" series. Things just kinda worked however the writers wanted at the moment. Big point here: Magic got to just be magic. (I have made a whole ass post RE: Anodite Gwen so I wont get into it here, but I like the retcon. That statement does not conflict with the above.) Gwen getting fed up being sidelined and going "Fuck it I'm learning magic." is so good and I love it.
I feel like it is impossible to not like the OS in some form, because it's the Original Series. Everything that happens later can only have happened BECAUSE of the OS. Is it my favourite series? No. But it's charming and silly and fun and I love it. c:
Why is Alien Force Good?
Alien Force is a tonal downshift for the series. The era it was made in was the era of Gritty Cartoons for Cool Boys, and it shows. Now, this is not a bad thing to ME, but I know a lot of people don't like the heavier atmosphere of Alien Force, especially in its opening arc. Like... episode 1 (or 2 not sure, but it's in the premiere) of AF has a dude straight up just fucking die, which is kinda. A lot. I can see where people are coming from.
Personally, I love the entire DNAlien arc, and it's use as a coming of age story for Ben. A big part of AF is Ben realizing that he needs to grow up. In the OS he was a kid. Max was the leader and the beacon of morality. In AF Max is MIA from episode 1. Gwen is more mature, and has mellowed out a lot, but she just isn't a leader. Kevin should never be put in charge of other people, so he's out. So it's Ben. He has to step up and lead, because there IS nobody else.
But, also the show is not gloomy! It has it's moments, and I get why people might watch the premiere and think "Hmm, too dark.", but AF is silly as hell. I will point to the Alien X episode as my basis here. It's smack in the middle of the DNAlien arc, and it's dumb as hell. Again, I have made a whole ass post about this, but the gist is: I love Alien X being a god being with the ability to do LITERALLY anything, but Ben gets so frustrated that he refuses to use it unless the universe is actively collapsing. (Also, the incurseans are there, and they are never not silly lmao)
But to me, the best thing AF did for the series was give it structure. The OS was extremely episodic, but the front half of AF is held together with a tight plot line. The back half not so much, but it does have a lot going for it character wise. Case in point:
Let's talk about Kevin. c:
Kevin was always a fun villain in the OS. Any time he showed up I knew we were in for a fun time, so him becoming part of the main cast (As a hero and friend no less!) in AF was a major selling point to me personally. Unlike with Gwen, I feel like they sanded him down just enough. He's still kinda sleazy and a bit of a shithead, but now he's trying to do better.
I'm aware the explanation for this behaviour is that the Omnitrix energy he absorbed in the OS drove him crazy or whatever, but that's not something we get up front if memory serves. He really does seem like he naturally just grew up and realized acting how he did when he was 11 wasn't exactly getting him anywhere good.
Kevin's arc in the back half of AF plays really well with Ben's arc. Ben is at an all time high after saving the universe, while Kevin gets mutated again and has a really shitty time. Ben getting humbled while Kevin gains confidence just works really well in tandem, I think, and they end AF on somewhat equal footing.
AF also gives us some of my favourite side characters so I really love it on those grounds alone tbh. Mostly talking about Paradox here, but also Albedo, and The Plumber's Kids (especially Alan I love him he's so baby <3), and Sandra. God, I love Ben's hippy dippy granola mom so much it fits him so well.
I could make a whole fucking post about Paradox to be honest, and this post is already insanely long so I'll be brief here. He made it a billion times easier for the writers to play with timeline bullshit without having to sneak retcons past the audience every time. He's also just insanely fun. Silly Time Man. I loves him!!
I also really love Julie and Omniverse did her so fucking dirty, but that's a whole thing and I'm sure I'll get into it when I get there in my rewatch so I'll save it.
Again, I don't know that I would say AF is my favourite series, but I will say AF DOES happen to have my favourite EPISODE of the entire continuity though. "Con of Rath" is the best Ben 10 episode and I will fight you on this one.
I'm about to pivot into Ultimate and seeing as I haven't gotten there in my rewatch I am going to have less to say about it (and Omniverse) since they aren't fresh in my mind and I don't want to be spouting half remembered nonsense or go dig through the wiki to fact check (and spoil myself on things I don't remember). I know this post is stupid long, bear with me a bit longer.)
Why is Ultimate Alien Good?
Every new series of Ben 10 does something to change the status quo in some way. In AF it was aging up the characters and relegating Max to side character status. Omniverse does much the same, giving Ben a new partner and pushing Gwen and Kevin aside. Ultimate changes things in a different way, though, and I'm NOT talking about Ultimate forms.
Ultimate's big shake up is actually the name of it's first episode: "Fame".
Now, in this house we love a secret identity, lemme get that out up top. For Ben, though? The fame works. He never really honestly HAD a secret identity the same way most superheroes do. He'd always just kinda done his thing, and had it work out. All of his villains knew who he was. (To the point that "Hit 'Em Where They Live" kinda makes no fucking sense? Zombozo is dumb as shit so like maybe he didn't? But Charmcaster DEFINITELY did, and Ben was famous OFF earth already? It's whatever, but like ',:| ya'know.)
The important thing about making him famous is that it gives him a new avenue for character growth. As in my dude needs to get his fucking act together good god. Like, it's Ben, when it comes down to it he buckles down and does the right thing, but fuck man. This is a character trait that will haunt the rest of the series. There are episodes of OMNI that focus on Ben needing to get his head on straight wrt being famous.
It circles back to my point from earlier, though. Ben was NOT popular before "Fame". His friends included: Kevin, Gwen, and Julie. That's it. He's on a soccer team (At least at the beginning of AF I feel like it never comes up later.), but he never talks about his teammates. That one bully whose name escapes me is on okay terms with him after "The Gauntlet", but I wouldn't call them friends. But after his identity is leaked suddenly everybody likes him. He's gone from absolute nobody to celebrity overnight. Of course he would love this.
This is also an extension of one of Ben's core character traits: He NEEDS to be a hero. Actually he needs to be THE hero, because that is his entire self identity. It comes across (both in universe and from a meta standpoint) as Ben being conceited and selfish, but underneath it is really just a sad little boy who is clinging desperately to the ONE thing he's ever been that people liked. The Hero.
If Ben isn't the hero then who is he? He clearly doesn't know as of the AF finale. He loses the Omnitrix and completely breaks down. Even though he's an expert tactician and a damn good leader, he doesn't even know who he is without the Omnitrix.
Azmuth of all people is the one to tell him to get his head out of his ass. I don't think any other character could have done it, though. Azmuth does not care about Ben's feelings, but he's also someone who (whether he likes it or not) sees ALL of Ben's worth. Max or Gwen would be too soft and Kevin's words wouldn't hold the same weight. Azmuth is someone Ben looks up to while also being someone who won't pull his punches. If he's telling Ben he can do something it has to be true, you know?
That aside, lets talk about the "Ultimate" in "Ultimate Alien".
The Ultimatrix is... weird. It's interesting, don't get me wrong, but it is so completely and clearly just a marketing gimmick. The Ultimatrix can be as cool as it wants, it is not making it out of this series alive. Also, everything I find interesting about the Ultimatrix gets dropped. The first episode has Ben be apprehensive about using the Ultimate forms, but then it's just never brought up ever again for some reason.
Also this shit:
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It all just feels so fucking meaningless knowing the Finished Omnitrix is going to replace it. Like, Albedo made this peice of shit. So even if I hadn't watched parts of Omniverse first I would have put together that Azmuth would inevitably replace it, right? But it doesn't really matter I guess. That's my personal gripe with Ultimate forms, though, so I wanted to get it out here. Ultimate's does give us "The Ultimate Sacrifice" which is an episode I remember enjoying though, so its not a complete wash.
The thing with Ultimate as a series it that it's really just Alien force... 2!! to the extent that fans refer to them as a collective. "Ultimate Alien Force" Like, my header up there ^^^ was "Why is Ultimate Alien Force Good?" when I first started writing the AF part, and I only changed it so I had a smooth transition to talk about "Fame". They are so intrinsically linked in my brain that I didn't even blink lumping them into one. It makes it hard to find fault in Ultimate when I love so much of the things introduced in AF that carry over, you know?
Now onto the one I was soooo close to saying was my favourite:
Why is Omniverse good?
Omniverse is very, very special to me. I did not watch UAF as a kid. It started airing just as I was hitting my "I'm too old for cartoons" phase, so I just.. never watched it. I wouldn't have ever really gotten into Ben 10 as much as I have if not for someone talking about how much they liked Omniverse on my timeline when it was airing. I watched a large chunk of Omni before doubling back to watch all of the OS (Which I had only seen bits of growing up.) and then UAF.
I fucking love Omniverse and a big reason is:
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Him 👆 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I would kill and die for Rook Blonko.
He is mine moste beloved boy. My babygirl. My right hand arm etc.
But beyond The Boy 💖 Omniverse has a lot going for it. It's another tonal shift for the series, this time back to the more innocent and silly tone of the OS. Like I said, I like the tone in UAF, but Omniverse is just so bright and charming it's hard not to enjoy it.
The art style is also very fun in Omni and matches that lighter tone really well. (There are some stylistic choices I'm not personally big on, but it's whatever.) Where UAF had scaled back a lot of designs to give off a pretty generically American Comic Book style, Omniverse lets characters look interesting again! I'm thinkng specifically about Animo and Charmcaster here (Charmcaster's UAF design is so boring. Omniverse puts her back in her cool robe/tunic thing from the OS.), but in general the characters in Omni just have more interesting designs than they did in UAF. Like, Paradox isn't just Guy in Labcoat in Omni lol
I also think the ten episode arc structure does Omniverse a lot of favours. It gets to have the fun silly episodic nature of the OS while also holding onto the structure AF gave the series.
Beyond that, based on my memory of the series (which I have not watched since it finished airing so it's not exactly perfect) I don't really have much more I can say about Omni. It's fun, and has good characters and plot lines. It's just a really good entry and was a solid ending to wrap up the whole four series continuity.
And so, finally, I can wrap up this fuck off long post.
Like I said up top, I can't definitively say which series is my favourite. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, and are good in their own ways. If pressed, I would probably say "Um... Omniverse maybe?", but I love the OS and UAF so so much it's not a confident answer. (having not watched Omni in a hot minute also doesn't help lmao)
Thank you for reading my big dumb post. If you got all the way to the end, I love you. I mean, if you stopped reading it I also love you, but if you managed to get through all, uh, 2800ish words of this post without tapping out, you are on the top shelf. <3
I'd love to hear your thoughts, or answer more specific questions if you have them!
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heleizition · 9 months
DAMN not me being like whos cody and the plot post being like GODS FUCKING CLONE CHILD. tell me everything we love an apocalypse harbinger. also CAIN MY BOI poor baby needs that therapy. also the whole 'and god thought mh well i liked that lets try again'? chefs kiss. I Wish To Know The Past Lives by you categorised as kinda boring THING pls. does cain get a bestie? someone give this man a bigger support and luv system. also vik is a BABY? a former child. A BABY!! also W HA T is that fuckery with jasper tell me absolutely everything please
so in the plot post i mentionned there's a memory thing. everyone remembers bits here and there of their past life, and usually demons mostly remembers bad things they did bc thats how u manipulate people into doing more things that are . not good. cody and jasper are the only ones with no memories of past life bc they were created in this realm, and had no past life. she has no idea she's god's soldier, They sent her down there mostly for Their own entertainement and everything she does is her own choice and will, even if god can "feel it" (which is why . they end up sending the whole lil family back on earth . for a chance to be happy. bc they feel cody's happiness.)
for the rest :
past lives ! um ill put lil warnings before. each lives.
Nell & Belly : tw for child abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, adults not helping like they should lol
Nell and Belly (btw their full names are Nathanel and Anabelle) are born twins, nell just a few minutes before his sister. their mother died at birth which sent their father (an already not . good guy) into deep constant rage and pain . once they grow up a bit . i mean like. 7 or so. theres sexual abuse happening . and beatings. selling out his kids for a night for money. nothing fun. nell and belly get through it together until at like 16 nell (who's like, underfed, short, no muscles) snaps and stabs their dad over and over again .
nell only remembers this, killing his dad, with absolutely no context behind (protecting himself, protecting his sister, freeing them) so he thinks he used to be a Bad person. after that they get placed in the system, ig theres a trial but its ruled as legitime defense, and once they're 18 belly just. vanishes. they both deal very differently with what their whole life was, nell cant go on, can barely support himself, thinks he should have died right then, and belly flees from nell to find . somewhere where she can forget. she regrets it but nell dies before she can reconnect (not sure how, his death isn't rly whats important here,,, im thinking . so numb he can't rly recognize whats around him . walk in front of a car. yeah). belly struggles to have a happy life after that and ... im not sure how she dies yet. im thinking drowning bc its a thing that almost happens in the farm au....
as an angel, she doesnt remember much, because there wasn't much happiness in her life. also these two as twins have a bond that still connect them in angel/demon realm ! so they know the other exist and they remember once they meet !!
eden : tw for transphobia, drugs, suicide, abusive family ?
i'll go short w him bc it's not pleasant and it makes me sad <==== guy who MADE this backstory
eden is trans, always feels out of place as a kid, as a teen. his parents kick him out at eighteen bc they "can" and bc even if eden never said anything, they Know and don't want him in here. he has a friend who helps for a while, until the rumors spread about him being a ~ freak ~ and his friend is like. im sorry my parents cant let u impose in the house. anymore. : /// . eden is lost and desperate and doesn't know what to do, sells himself, gets into drugs to get through the days, finds out the days aren't worht getting through, kills himself. yay
he's one of the few who's always remembered his past fully,,,
LENA lena my BABYGIRL um tw for war mostly
this happens in a fictif medieval era lmao she's the princess of a kingdom, daughter of a kind king and queen, destined to rule, fighting among the army already, everyone loves her, except her small kingdom gets torn apart by another kingdom, not that much bigger, but with much greater military strength. the country gets torn apart before the army, the king and queen can do anything. the enemies arrive to the capital and lena doesn't even ask and joins the vanguard. she uses a sword at this point, get through enemies after enemies, and it looks like there's hope, until one of the enemy's captain reach her. it's a bit of a eowyn versus the nazgul vibe in lotr except lena doesn't win. she's slain, and slowly dies on hte battlefield with her beloved country burning, and the people she swore to protect screaming and dying.
she's very loved. i care her so much. she's my default when idk what to draw :3 she remembers being a loved princess, and slowly remember the last fight. it haunts her, the weight of losing this fight, that she couldn't do more, even if it's from a time long gone.
titania ummmm well theres grooming. witch hunt and betrayal.
i have to research the exact period titania's past happens, but its between late 1400 and early 1600s i think !
she loses her parents very young and thus, is cared for by the local church. there's a priest here who teaches her to use her looks and innocence as a way to get things, information, food, anything. once she's 13/14, he starts showing her the more physical way to do so.
she starts using sex as a way to learn things. she's the person who knows the most about anyone in the village. she's an important figure, one who's gifted things to keep silent, who gives her body in exchange for things to hang up against someone. she hates the priest who made her who she is . she couldn't have been something else, happier, lighter, but she's this, and she's too deep in to just stop.
she's too powerful, she knows too much, and when there's word in the village of a witch inhabiting it, they all turn to her. they have a way to get rid of her and the power she holds over them. she screams what she knows when she's brought to the center of the village, screams her hate of the priest who made her who she is, destroys everyone's nice little life because it cost hers. she dies burning, and everyone chooses to act like they never heard her in her final day.
she's the wise calm one who's actually full of anger and wrath. i love her a lot. there's this french song i love ("a witch like any other") which talks abt . women. women and men treating women like they're granted. and like. its a titania song. if u wanna give it a listen this version is amazing altho it's more powerful if u know french....
VIK UM OKAY not much tw here. it's just fucking sad. im a terrible oc parent. it's also heavily inspired by hell's girl season 3's protagonist past..................... it's basically that tbh SOEJFEFSJS
his mother and him are not allowed in the village. his mother is sick. he doesn't know it, he just follows his mother. she's kind and beautiful, gives him food and tells him stories. he's 4. they can't get in the village and he doesn't know why, so they find dry places in the woods to live. it's fun, it's everything he's ever known. one day his mother doesn't wake up, so he goes to try and find food by himself, to surprise her. when he's back, she's still not awake. she's stiff and cold, so he gives her his blanket and waits. days pass. he's hungry, he's thirsty, he's 5, he doesn't know anything, doesn't know how to go on, the usually places he finds bits of food are empty. it's colder and his mother hasn't moved since that day.
it's snowing. it's pretty. he wishes his mom could wake up and see it but he's starting to think that maybe she won't.
vik dies, age 5, in the forest, cold hungry and alone.
he doesn't remember anything, and his ignorance nd naivety makes him so much easier for noah to manipulate him. she doesn't mean to at first, she sees a child who could use some help, and she's always wanted a child. but they're at war, and sacrifices need to be made.
ABEL AND CAIN'S PAST ISNT CLEAR TO ME RN IM SORRYYYYY SOMETHING ABT ABEL BEIGN A RULER AND CAIN HIS SHADOW WHO KILLS FOR HIM YAGHHHHHH IDK MAN abel slowly remembering that he was a mercyless king who made his people suffer just like hte people he's trying to fight rn,,,,,,,,,,, honey
i don't have much planed for cain in tame of support rn im sowwy.................... i wanna work on it tho.......... i have a lot of secondary charactres that he could fit with...............
noah used to be a cool fearless pirate stealing rich people to give to the poor in her hometown mostly. finding strays and helping them. i love that for her . she was a good guy, a robin hood, and then her devotion to god fucked her up (aka hermit the frog by marina). she jst fights bc she thinks it will bring peace until she learns god was just Bored lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't think i forgot anyone ? if i did i am sorry (bows down to my kids)
jasper's thing......................... well. there's always been experiments. trying to find a being Higher. jasper was created in a lab. then he and another kid, angel this time, were fused. the scar is most likely due to this . for the longest time jasper just thought he had a strong inner voice but it's this other kid (no name yet sowwy!!!!!!! im coming up with this on the spot actually which is why i like being asked abt them it makes me THINK). he's the only saved experiment from this. abel and cain had been sent to investigate on a demon who's part of the high council, but who some people thought was shady. he indeed was. they destroyed eveything (u don't toy with life) and found jasper. omg . they both kind of raised him . ohhhhhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHH
anyway later in the story, belly and him are fighting opponent, belly is cool and strong but she almost dies and well . those two are in love and it makes jasper's inner angel wake up along with some new powers. not sure exactly what!!!! im thinking !!!! ok i gotta go grocery show now BE BACK SOON BC I SEE MORE THINGS IN MY INBOX
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rin-and-jade · 9 months
Hiii! I hope you had a great year or at least you had fun and felt that you're alive, safe and loved :) the holydays are coming and I cant shake the feeling that I must wish you a peaceful one :'D I hate holydays :')
So. I dont know if you can remember me. Im that person who's told you about all my struggles regarding studying and having issues with controlling my attention and how I couldn't manage to pass an exam bc of my dissociation/ time processing i think a year ago i've written you that message... (I managed to pass the second one and it was great actually) but I wanted to ask you something. If you have the knowledge and/ or experience of course. At first I must point out i've been diagnosed with bpd, I dont know if this is a trait of it or if its DID... but. im having trouble with identifying whether this kind of problem is among others with DID or if Im just strictly borderline (maybe its just denial) and so. is it something thats related to bordeline if im not seeing this personalities as being "present" as I am? Like, i cant say they have ever been there at least as always as long as I am most of the time. I feel like they are always just standing behind me looking after me but at the same time letting me doing all the work. Sure. there are times when some dude is taking over to do the physical chores or the dude whos taking over just to have fun and get drunk (she's here right now cuz im tipsy and tried to "have fun") or when im in nature the hippy one comes near just to show me how important it is just being alive and appreciating nature.... but I dont feel like they are some separeted beings from me. As I was saying, they let me do all the work. I happen sometimes to have emotional amnesia and doing things without having control but they arent here! Does it make sense? Sometimes they speak to me and try to make themselves understood but only in those moments when im not aware as though they're sneaky and trying to hide from me... I doesnt seem fair, thats all.. and im really trying to make peace with them and whenever the persecutor comes into action im telling him to go fuck himself and try to be a bully with somebody else not with the persons who suffered. I mean why doesnt he try to come when we actually need him? For example when somebody is mean to us and we need to stop let ourselves be the black sheep or even when we feel verbally atacked? So im trying to get reasonable with him at that part. But there arent any signs that they really exist... they are somewhere deep I cant acces anything. And im thinking. I must have a to much active imagination. I given my sorrows and anxieties names, personalities overall. I feel guilty bc I dont want to seem like a bad person just for trying to find out what is going on in my dissociated mind (i dissociate a lot. So much that i cant understand my current life).... I dont want to seem like i pretend that I am someone or more likely somebodies that I am not.
So to summerize this: is it something common to find yourself that you lack the life activity around you of your personalities? They are only coming when its something urgent like remembering stuff at work or something that puts us in danger for not being neurotypicals, or when we need to remember what we studyied, what our names is, or how old are we (dont even get me started we sometimes guess wrong :'). ) when we have stuff to do and I feel like shit and I cant handle. What do you think? Sorry for the long message Im only trying to figure this out. Maybe you'll have a clue what im talking about because im getting the feeling that im too drunk to write concise (also this is not my first language)
Im gonna sign with two initials so you'll know from now on if we ever have other questions to ask you with L. (shes always trying to help shes the flower power one) and E. (shes just plain bold and very brave at everything she does)
Again im wishing you a wonderful day/night and a peaceful holyday ( ・ω・)♡♡♡♤♤♤
Wait.. i KNOW you, it’s the brisk break method i ever told because sometimes focusing for too long depletes people’s energy faster and some other tips! Im so glad you actually passed because I’ve been sat here thinking if theres a change in your studies after seeing your ask being answered.
Would you pour me a glass too here as i say some stuffs,, also im having a great holiday, merry xmas.
I would admit that when we talk about alternate personalities between BPD and DID, its bit hard to actually discern which is which because it’s broad and everyone has it uniquely (aka will never be the same, thus cannot rule out easily) so.. hm. I have a way to explain and guide to your conclusion:
These two mental conditions fall into the same dissociative spectrum with different severity, thus why it may have similarities and could even overlap which will be harder to tell which belongs to what. That being said, the similarities with these two would be: some level of identity separation/disconnection, has normal and emotinal amnesia, automatic responses by dissociating to keep oneself from danger, and some inconsistencies with yourself.
The difference settles on the severity, how its triggered, and what related symptoms are commonly associated with the disorder.
As a bpd holder i can clearly tell apart which is from the disorder or not; you will have some sense of alternation, with this it won’t be as bad and you are aware that it’s part of you (which not always the case for did) + it doesn’t necessarily involve a shift in age, worldview or how you see yourself physically and more limited to states, percievings, and feelings. The critics are also in first-person for e.g. “this is so fricking stupid of me to say __ before, why did i do that???” That won’t apply to did.
Thats for one, though i want to keep it short so in general i want to say that bpd is from “idk which version of me is the actual me and i have a hard time finding and sticking to an authentic one” while did is “idk who i am and i thought i like this which turns out untrue after a few hours and i barely have got a sense of myself which makes me get stumped whenever i got asked something” kind of thing.
Things that are more bpd related: have struggles maintaining relations, mood swingy, fear of abandonment, emotional impermanence, anxious, very susceptible to amygdala hijacking
Things that are more did related: shifted sense of time, significant memory gaps, problems with memory consolidation and recall, frequent dissociation, feeling out of body, feeling not like yourself, inconsistent preferences
I cannot vouch if this is a yes or no about the question, coming from a system myself. So i hope you can do a bit more digging and use my insight to further help you, also feel free to contact me via DMs if it’s stull confusing. For now, i advice you to read more resources and take my words into account,
See you later!
- j
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
Perhaps during the archon war, as reader and the other yakshas were fighting different monsters , a mysterious portal had appeared sucking in the yakshas including reader teleporting them to our modern times but strangely enough they popped in at different timings (ex. 2013, 2016 etc) .
All of the yakshas memories of each other were gone but each of them kept of receiving dreams of their past life when in the dynasty era (courtesy of a certain dendro archon) , though all of them first pass it off as a dream they can't deny it made them slightly freak out with how familiar fighting was.
Of course, reader and yakshas met when they entered college. As the group finally reunites, would they be able to find out who really is the mastermind behind all of this?
Would Xiao and Reader finally confess their love for each other or would they fail to do that just like in their previous era?
Small holes in the story bc im still tryna figure sone things out 😭
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this is a cool idea because it has so much potential for found family dynamics and deja vu between the characters; for example, somehow knowing their names despite never having met them before, recognising their face, being able to talk to each other like they’ve known each other for years…
and regarding xiao and the reader, no doubt it’s a sort of love-at-first-sight-but-i’m-sure-we’ve-met-somewhere-before interaction… like, you lock eyes randomly while passing through a hallway and both do a double take.
good things about being in the modern day is that the yakshas don’t have to worry about their karmic debt anymore, or days full of slaughter and bloody battle. however, everyone does get nightmares. graphic nightmares about being in a body that’s their own but not quite, and holding weapons and channelling magic that could never exist in real life but feel so right in their hands. soon after, they start sharing dreams, and find their classmates fighting alongside them. it’s probably these dreams that bring them together.
as disturbing as these nightmares may be, because they’re not real, it does mean that pursuing certain things— namely romance, in your and xiao’s cases— is much easier when you don’t have to worry about the other dying at any given moment. you probably skirt around each other for a while, both drawn in and put off by the familiarity you feel when around each other, but slowly allow yourselves to indulge in your feelings more and more…
also… modern au!xiao. i love him.
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mikibwrites · 4 months
personal crap under the cut, massive tw for self harm and the thoughts that go along with that.
I wanted to apologize for my absence on here lately. I know you've seen me reblogging n liking sometimes, and i do enjoy coming on here when i have a couple extra spoons bc I love reading everyone's wip posts and the like. When i have even more spoons i try and go back and comment on things i've read and try to be upbeat but most of the time it feels like a lie (not the things i say in comments i MEAN those i definitely mean all the wonderful things i have to say abt your fic, it just feels like im faking a smile for the moment when im making the comment if that makes sense idk)
the truth is i'm not okay. i haven't been okay in....a long time. up until a couple of months ago i was pretty good at masking but it's like i've lost the ability to even do that. i go to work and do what i can to get thru the day. i come home and i barely speak. my husband worries, i know he does, but he doesn't know what to do. the other day at work i dropped a paper clip on the floor while trying to clip some papers together and my mind immediately went "you deserve to die a painful death". and i just thought....yeah. true.
i'm not going to do it. i know im not. mostly in life i tend to just hurt myself in ways that linger. burns. hitting myself till i bruise. stop eating. eat too much. things like that.
also i isolate. i isolate so much that i lose decades long friendships. just bc i can't find the wherewithal to respond to a message. and they end up thinking its their fault when its not. not at all. but then what else are they supposed to think when i essentially ghost them? when i have absolutely zero ability to keep up a convo even in DMs. if You're reading this (which im sure You're not bc why would you) Im sorry. I've thought about you at least once a day every day since you left. I honestly do not know if i could've done better. maybe i was always a piece of shit. You definitely deserve better. You don't want to know nor should you care what i did to myself after i read your last message. bc it is no way your fault and you should not feel anything abt it. but. yeah.
i'm talking abt this friendship i lost and i don't even know when it happened. it feels like it was yesterday. but i could have been years for all i know. time doesn't make sense anymore. i don't sleep. i don't take care of myself. i'm a shell. and yet i get up and go to work every day bc i will be homeless if i don't.
i don't even really know what i'm trying to say here. i guess maybe im trying to tell anyone i've befriended in any of my fandoms that im still here but im not like...here. and im not okay. not by a long shot. but like. i'm trying. also i see every time someone tags me and it makes me ache bc even if it's a copy/paste of a prewritten list, someone remembered i exist today, outside of what people need from me. i have given all of myself and my psyche to a job i used to love but now cannot stand. it's nice to feel acknowledged by someone who doesn't want anything from me other than to show me something they're proud of. it's nice.
so anyway. sorry for the steam of consciousness. i just. needed to say something somewhere. and also apologize for ghosting anyone. i tend to do that.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
It's like so complicated atp Bcz yes I wanna kiss kiss fall in love! But then I hate men like I'm confused if I want to be in a relationship or not? 😭 AND THE REAL QUES IS HOW WILL I GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP? Bcz a) my standards are so high I'm not sure if I can even find the man of my dreams and b) even if I did I'd probably never NEVER approach them and lose them for the sake of true love or prolly cuz I'd be scared of rejection
Nooo I promise it gets better or at least I think that bcz i get you it's about the chemistry which wasn't...reaching me. The art style is so pretty though and seunghyun is greener than grass so he's approved obviously AND DOESN'T HE KIND OF REMIND YOU OF YUNHO??? I bawled at the last few chapter though...Bcz they reminded me of Mr and Mrs park's ending 😭 AND MAN AM I WHIPPED FOR SEUNGHYUN!
Someone:- what's love to you?
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😭😭😭😭 OMG YES MR LAPILLION (I'm pretty sure that's the wrong spelling-) no you're so right the art style does play a major role in my selection of manhwas..I just like pretty things. And the art style of my in laws are obsessed with me did not disappoint. This man is so...like UGH I cant explain it he be making me feel things I don't even know i could feel- but the female's past life was...shit! Im still at the beginning so I'm hoping she gets her happy ever after!!
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SO SAD IMMA HV TO SETTLE FOR SOMEONE WHO IS NOT HIM!!! LOOK AT THE WAY HES LOOKING- (he's a drawing, he's a drawing, he's a drawing-) I'm def gonna read secretary's escape now!! OH IVE HEARD OF THT MANHWA!! I see I've found how I'm gonna relax now...I hv my plushies and my pillows with my iPad ready to read!! I also heard Bout a good day to be a dog somewhere and he title IK ITS GONNA BE GOOD
Also ive never read a bl webtoon or a yaoi Bcz ik they can be veryyyy visual which I don't judge! But ik it's not style so yesterday I saw this one yaoi and it's ITS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 so hear me out, there's a guy who's ex gf drops a baby by his door when he comes back frm his military service and he become a single father, he doesn't abandon the baby Bcz he too was an orphan, so he goes to settle on the countryside AND MEETS THE HEAD OF THE VILLAGE WHO IS AN SCRUMPTIOUS, DELICIOUS MAN IN HIS 30s 😩😩😩 there dynamic is actually so funny and it's so cute like my heart beat like I was in love reading that. It's called 'our sunny days' it's worth giving a try so I'm leaving the name of anyone's interested. I MEAN LOOK-
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Omg you're so right, watching people study or them being productive makes me wanna get my life together! Ok ok ok hol up imma give you a rough bg of the night crying crow, so the ml is an idol and and the fl is a detective and her job is to protect the ml, although it gets a little confusing as it progresses somehow it has a grip on me or maybe I hv weird tastes Bcz i saw ppl saying tht they didn't get it or how confusing it was 😭😭 BUT THE THING IS WHERE I READ IT I COULD NOT FIND THE COMPLETED VER. which is sad.
Ooohhh thnks bestie you've finally indulged me into my lovesick phase imma read a ton of manhwas. And there's just something about golden retriever energy though-
no because i get it 😭😭 the kiss kiss fall in love only be happening towards the fictional men 😭😭 STOP THAT IS SO ACCURATE FJWBDKHWKD there is also a lack of pretty men around <//3 how will we ever find one 😭
i stopped reading it bc i get that he’s a green flag but where’s the …plot, need a little fiery banter with a little bit of hating each other and he gotta look rude??? STOP DO JOT DO THIS FIRST U SAY YUNHO WND THEN SEONGHWA HRQKHDWK
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omg i haven’t read bl’s but im interested 👁👁 CRYING THAT LITTLE KID ON HIS TIDDIESNRJQMDKK DE WL
those reels with “doctor son/daughter” “un ambassador” “lawyer mother” and im picking up my pens and pencils
wait no bc now im confused on it??? 😭😭
UR WELCOME!! ill def add more once i read them but pls. i beg. read secretary’s escape. i, the way BRKWHDKWHDKW i run across my house when that man shows up on the screen
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this is how i go
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noctomania · 2 years
Somewhere recently I got a lot of followers so just wanted to check in to make some things clear about where I stand on some things:
This is a space i keep open bc i like to share information about myself or knowledge in general bc knowledge is power and i want to empower you. This does not give you permission to be weird in the sense of invading my inbox with sexually forward stuff. Luckily has only happened a couple of times so I don't anticipate it but just as a preventative bc I don't like having to block anyone so something like that but I don't have a 3 strike rule for that it's a one and done.
I am very open tho about many topics including but not limited to sex bc I think the more repressed topics need to be talked about so we can find healthier places to exist bc where many people are at, at least in my country, it ain't healthy. What I post/repost isn't always about me. Just keep that in mind that you shouldn't assume anything about me unless I say it. If you chose to follow me you do so at your own discretion. While most sexual stuff i talk about is usually in an educational/informational vein, and I don't tend to make dirty jokes, I like to have the freedom to. So just be aware there can be mature material here so you follow at your own risk.
We do not condone any bigotry and to be clear here are some examples ( disclaimer for all these btw history matters, who holds the power matters, it isn't just about feelins):
Ace phobia (if unclear i am open for questions! I will not bite!)
Homophobia, ace phobia, or any bigotry towards one's sexual identity bc IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU
Bigotry towards unhoused or impoverished folks
Bigotry towards neurodivergent
Bigotry towards sex workers/sex work
And while ime sure I missed some i think you get the idea and if you don't anyone is welcome to message me! I'm happy to discuss anything so long as there is mutual respect. You're allowed to tell me if i go overboard just like i can to you bc we're both capable of flaw a d mistakes as well as learning and teaching and growth!
So that being said i know who I am and what i know about and I want to share that in what i consider to be a market of life experiences here on tumblr. I may not have many but i love to learn and if I can be some kinda buoy for anyone else out there I'm happy to be of service! If you just want to be another shadow that's fine too there are hundreds just like ya so you fit right in.
In any case welcome if you feel it, if ya don't then
Wishing you happy trails and may you find your way.
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Ps: i post a lot of food bc i like food
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sharkneto · 3 years
a couple hrs late bc i was taking a test but!!! i know smthng u bring up a lot is five not remembering that elephants exist but do u have any other niche/uncommon Thoughts about ways growing up in the apocalypse fucked with Five/ stuff he forgot? (does this even count as asking you about your fics or is this asking you about your headcanons... im not sure lmao) also i already said congrats but congrats!!!
There's lots of little things floating around, things that I'll probably figure out as I keep slogging through writing the apocalypse fic, but nothing as Big as Five forgetting about elephants (which I love so much). I think he has a very loose grasp on personal property - everything in the world was his for decades. If he needs it, he grabs it. Whether that belongs to a sibling or a store. With that, I think he doesn't really get money. He was a child billionaire and then lived in Nothing forever. When the Commission scooped him up and was like "here's your salary, here are your benefits, here is your retirement plan" Five said "Yes?" and just let that do whatever it was going to do. The Commission hammered in paying for things because otherwise he would draw unwanted attention to himself while bopping around time, but it's about a 50/50 shot if he's going to actually remember or not. Money in general is Meaningless to him, outside of an abstract understanding that you need it to get things (unless you can teleport and you're fast, then you can just take the things).
I think old habits from the apocalypse sneak up on him. Not just things like hoarding food and how he stores things to keep bugs out (which he also does), but things that used to be true for him before he mini-ed himself. He expects to be stiff after sitting for a while. Expects his knee to hurt when it rains. Expects to be slower, to tire sooner, to ache more. Expects to be taller (although, not much) and have larger hands, longer arms and legs. He'll plan out his route somewhere around the easiest path, easiest to walk, easiest to bike, before he remembers he doesn't have to do that - for one the streets are all smooth, all connected, and for two he's fucking thirteen and has energy for goddamn days (when he remembers to eat). His body is young but sometimes he forgets that.
I think he has a hard time finding hobbies, figuring out how to fill his time. Everything he's done for so long was For Survival. The idea of having free time to do random whatever just for the fun of it is utterly alien; he's never had that a day in his life. His default in free time is to do math because that's what he did for decades. He doesn't necessarily have math to work on, now, and it's easy for him to spiral a bit into it, lose time; the siblings would prefer if he didn't keep doing all that math, but he doesn't really know anything else. He knows how to do other things - garden, knit, sew, etc - but they were always activities for survival, things he had to do, so it's hard to switch them into something he wants to do for fun, so he doesn't. I still haven't really settled on what I think Five would actually do once he's actually done with everything and on his way to a Functional Person. I like the idea of him being an engineer, tbh - building and creating after all his destruction. Plus he still gets some math to do.
I think he does really, really badly on his own. Which he doesn't get because he was fine on his own forever so he thinks he's fine but he's Really Not. He spirals, quickly. Gets anxious and prickly and generally unpleasant and antsy while pretending he's Fine to himself and getting mad at his siblings for how they're all out doing Dumb Things but it's fine because everyone is an adult here and can do whatever they want. As soon as a sibling shows back up, there's Five. He's like a cat, just in the same room. Oh, they're going to the kitchen? Five needed some more coffee, anyway. Going back to the living room now? Well, the armchair is much comfier than the kitchen chair to sit and read in. He's also Not Pleasant to be around because he's got all that energy keyed up that he didn't have anything to do with and he's hurting from being alone (not that he acknowledges that) so it comes out as general extra grumpiness, which is a fun time for the siblings to deal with.
I'm going to cut myself off now, lol. Don't want to turn this into an essay or accidentally start myself on another WIP (I really don't need to add to my list rip). Hopefully this was a bit of what you were looking for <3
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rjshepherd · 2 years
Luxu/Xigbar headcanons
i swtg i love him a normal amount and im going to be normal about these headcanons
yes i am working on prints again it is a slow time consuming process
Luxu is the baby of the original fortellers, beat out by gula in height and ava in age by nearly 2 years. Hes been training to use a key blade with practice ones, the scene we see in khux back cover is the first time he ever has his own keyblade and it appears it was made from the master of masters heart rather than his own.
Space has always been his jam, even before getting space magic as xigbar/braig. His room in the daybreak town clocktower is basically the equivalent of the nursery in encanto and he is the only one still there. he doesnt get a big fancy room or a union like the others but he can decorate however he likes. Luxu went with a galaxy theme: star map across the ceiling, planetarium hanging from the rafters, he even has his own little telescope for star gazing
because he likes to stargaze, he has a terrible penchant for climbing vantage points. has fallen out of more trees than he can count.
his favorite spot to stargaze is that hill he and ava fought on.
he loves flowers but braig and several other of is vessels have had allergies.
luxu has a terrible speech impediment. its not as bad by his teens but he does still struggle to talk a lot, especially around MoM and Aced because they stresses him out.
As Xigbar he puts on a good show but his stutter comes back with a vengence when hes flustered or upset.
i read somewhere that someone had estimated the time between keyblade wars as 275-300 years. that means luxu could have between 8 and 11 bodies depending on how long they lived ( not including his original one)
Xigbar has a recurring nightmare about not being able to remember his original face or voice, about forgetting his name.
he has a terrible habit of sleeping in other peoples rooms in the castle that never was. i guess he's comforted by the scent of others rather than the omnipresent stink of darkness.
shippy headcanon but he loves to sleep with my oc shep bc she smells like coconut and is very warm and soft as a pillow
he loves scented candles for the same reason
total foodie, ruined at least one vessel by shall we say "over indulging". needless to say lesson learned, he has a pretty strict exercise regime so he can eat as he pleases.
im not sure what is more unfortunate a fate for him, dying in kh4 live long enough to see yourself become the villain style, or surviving kh4 and wishing he'd died a hero.
if you look up the phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" you will see several pictures of luxu throughout the years.
the reason he seems so self assured and even cocky at times is because he is laser focused on his goal and that has not changed in nearly 300 years.
if he stopped for one second to think about anything besides that he would literally just pancake under the stress of it all.
post kh4 / in a redemption au people treat xemnas harshly but are ultimately pretty tolerant of his presence/existence. esp after finding out the truth about MoM and his manipulation of Xehanort.
however if they see luxu its fucking on sight.
speaking of on sight, luxu is looking a little worse for ware these days. when he was possessed by one of the darkness's that MoM sealed in him he was positively eldritch looking. fractured iris, teeth, inky black skin and horns like the world of chaos from kh1. since having it removed by sora and co and given the boot once and for all hes back to looking human but the marks and scars still remain.
with or without his keyblade he's usually pretty banged up, covered in bruises and cuts and so on from various scrapes he gets into. he cant bring himself to fight back even in self defence because why would he want to cause more pain to the people who's lives hes irreparably damaged? he usually tries to just run but hes not as fast on his feet without his space/gravity magic.
He's trying his best to take a scholarly view towards this frankly horrible ending to his story. he thinks its a just punishment for fucking up. "you made the bed you lie in it" sort of thing.
that doesn't really help when hes spending another night totally alone with nothing but his thoughts for company.
he tried once to apologize but it just ended in him getting dogs abuse screamed at him, particularly by Even of all people. he doesn't try to say sorry anymore, he knows he wont be forgiven for what he did.
he doesn't speak back when the radiant garden gang tell him hes not welcome anymore.
and the worst part is, he totally agrees with them. they SHOULD be angry at him, they SHOULD hate him. Luxu had a plan that, despite doing TERRIBLE things, he was happy to go along with because he thought it would be to the betterment of the universe. it didnt work and now hes left trying to explain why he put people through torture and is coming up empty.
honestly man hes just a little broken. hundreds of years alone, a plan that is hideous even if it succeeds, being the sole survivor of your friends/family AGAIN? to say he needs therapy is an understatement.
i dont even think sora, the walking ray of sunshine, can help him.
that doesn't stop Sora from trying though. Luxu admires that about him and often says he wishes he was a little more like sora when he was his age. Maybe if he was, things wouldn't have turned out this way
sorry im allergic to happy headcanons but if you want me to try hmu in my asks. i promise ill be totally normal =)
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mocharadio · 3 years
Now Playing(Title): Genshin Boys Faves! (Headcanons)
Requested By: Anon!
Song Artists(characters): Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Albedo, Xiao, Childe, and Zhongli
Lyrics(Summary): I don't know if I did this EXACTLY how Anon wanted me to but basically just a headcanon list of our fave genshin boys' foods, drinks, flowers, etc etc! (Some are canon, though)
Explicit?(warnings): no beta we die like Childe's sanity, lowercase on purpose
A/N: This is my 1st time writing anything (that wasn't from last year or for a school project) so I apologize if it's a little...wonky. But I hope you guys like it regardless! ngl you can tell i started getting a little tired halfway so im sorry </33
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Food: don't know if it's particularly canon or not, but I'd say his fave is the chicken mushroom skewer! Specifically his own specialty, whether it's cooked by him or not!
Drink: we already know it's Death After Noon, but I feel like he'd also like Rose Champagne as well :]
Flower: the Calla Lilly for sure! It's part of his ascension materials, it only makes sense
Activity: honestly? I feel like whenever he finds time (aka not working or wine tasting) he just lays back on the couch (or bed) and listens to music. it's his quiet time!
Animal: DOGGIES!! He likes how loyal, friendly and cuddly most of them are, I feel like he'd especially be a golden retriever lover, and in his rare vulnerable moments will just cuddle his dog while crying to himself or ranting <333
Food: Pile Em' Up! he probably thinks it's the best food to ever exist ever, hence why he made his own specialty, so he could enjoy it even more! ^^
Drink: Grape juice, duh, but I feel like he'd also be very fond of Cranberry Juice!
Flower: Lamp Grass!
Activity: not gonna lie? Probably just sleeping if he isnt playing Chess. Poor mans is working almost 24/7 HE NEEDS A BREAK!! Let him rest
Animal: also dogs! i think he'd prefer a dog that isnt super duper hyper though, like just a little more chill but still affectionate regardless ^^ Something like a Saint Bernard maybe
Food: he has two all time faves; A Buoyant Breeze and Apples! Of course he's grateful for just about anything though as long as it tastes good!
Drink: Dandelion Wine!
Flower: Cecilia's! :]
Activity: he's a bard, of course its gonna be singing and maybe even dancing!
Animal: dogs...again... all of them. every single one ever. he just loves them all so much even the ugly rat looking ones
Food: Sunshine Sprat!! Doesn't matter if it's his specialty or not he enjoys it either way
Drink: I feel like he'd be very fond of hot chocolate! its not as strong or bitter as coffee since he likes sweet stuff, but its still really hot which is good since hes in Dragonspine 90% of the time
Flower: Mist Flower Corolla's! hes just absolutely fascinated by them
Activity: super obvious, but reading and drawing! I feel like on occasion though he'll stargaze, its very relaxing to him
Animal: cats! not only are they similar to him, but he always finds himself enamored with their looks and behaviors!
Food: almond tofu. period
Drink: probably doesnt drink much, and when he does chances are its just water. but! I feel like one day Zhongli takes him out for some tea! Zhongli gets Xiao a peppermint tea with honey and smiles to himself bc Xiao just absolutely loves it its super soothing for him both in flavor AND feeling!
Flower: qingxin!
Activity: poor man doesnt know what hobbies are, let alone his own. i feel like he'd also enjoy stargazing though!
Animal: cats. they're exactly like him, he just resonates with them so much (omg catboy xiao arc??!?!) he'll just sit there on the roof of the inn petting kitties until he's needed somewhere
Food: isnt a picky eater so he doesnt really have a favorite or least favorite, but he enjoys Calla Lily Seafood Soup a lot! hes kind of conceited though so he'll probably brag about how his version ( A Prize Catch) is like 10 times better
Drink: once this man tastes orange juice he will NEVER shut the fuck up about it. he just feels like an orange juice guy to me
Flower: doesnt really have one! i feel like he'd either find all flowers equally as pretty or just not really pay much attention to them at all
Activity: fighting! hes a stupid little brawling adrenaline junkie what did we expect honestly
Animal: also a dog lover; he cant help it okay he sees a dog and just starts beaming like a little child(e)
Food: Bamboo Shoot Soup!
Drink: honestly? Dandelion Wine and any sort of tea are equally his favorites. he drinks tea more often of course, but Dandelion Wine is his favorite to have as an "on the occasion" sort of thing!
Flower: surprisingly silk flowers! he feels relaxed by them
Activity: he just wants rest man thats it, but i feel like he enjoys taking strolls around Liyue!
Animal: all animals!! except for maybe frogs but thats just because they're super duper slimy
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mnyehlike · 2 years
ok hi this is the duke Goode and Accurate Lore post. while I do love the eldritch abomination duke shit I feel like he's only a baby one (like the slug from bloodborne). let me elaborate;
mans said he went into a tomb and got a curse. could be bullshit but I'm choosing to run with it. im going to copypaste shit ive sent in discord real quick.
ok. so. we all know dukes immortal right and just having fun on earth bc he likes it here. but his current life is v interesting. he wasnt actually all that into crime before the 20th century and after the 18th, but somewhere in the 1980s he stole a diamond on accident (long story) and decided he in fact did like to grab shiny things to keep as his own. of course his special interest in the theft of artefacts dates back to 1742, when he was enlisted to dig up artefacts from an egyptian pyramid, because that;s what people did back then. of course, there, he got cursed, and he decided that perhaps this whole theft thing wasn't worth it. but, with his returning interest, he started making it his entire business to make sure these pieces of history, more specifically fragile ones like paintings, were kept under absolute lock and key. of course, he did sell convincing copies from time to time to keep the bills paid, and he stole other artefacts to return to people to get grand bounties for it. however, the petty crime started happening around 2017, when he would start hitting things because he simply...wanted something shiny. mostly high end jewellery stores and the like. then, he learnt about the existence of the payday gang, and dug a bit deeper, finding out that one of his descendants (from his sister, not himself) had run with the gang before. he crafted a lie quickly, assumed the role of that man's grandson, and joined the gang to see what sort of trouble he could really get into. he'd been around for, what, over 300 years? it was about time for a midlife crisis, he figured.
(going off the fact that he's from colonial America and got cursed with immortality after an archaeological dig gone wrong) after touting himself as a man for several decades he found out that sex reassignment surgery had been invented and immediately went to go get it. he was "at the seaside for his health" for several months and when he came back colleagues did note he seemed more confident and relaxed. it was only recently that he got it completely done because he simply hadn't been paying attention to medicine up til he heard one of the other heisters say something about them and or their sibling getting top surgery. heisters have noted that he seems more confident and relaxed post visit to the seaside for his health. this also got him his mental diagnoses. due to the nature of the surgery nowadays he had to go through multiple mental health tests and questionnaires and screenings, etc. he doesn't medicate, in his opinion the only thing he needs is a stiff drink to ease the issue (which is entirely correct at this point, pavlov'd himself into a placebo that actually works), but per the rules Dallas has a copy of the paperwork somewhere (hasn't looked at it to preserve his privacy). he had distant family over in England still that dealt in wine (the reason he was able to cross over for formal education- they were rich). he spent his time not studying or working in class learning about the industry, because his uncle assumed it preposterous that he'd get a job in such a niche sector, and that carrying on the family name was much more stable. this spawned his love of wine, specifically. one of his cousins ran a whiskey distillery, which spawned his addiction due to having nigh unlimited access to the stuff. he was born in 1736, but he can't quite remember the date, so he simply doesn't celebrate a birth date. he does have the date he got cursed written down, though. if anyone asks him for a birthday, he usually tells them that date.
SORRY for the wall of text but you simply must know all of this informaiton. OK SO 
the curse was moreover like. yeah he grabbed a cursed amulet but that only got him a warlock like pact with an outsider creature. the creature saw him and decided it’d be a lot more fun if this guy were a god so it made it happen and now he’s been wandering the world for around three hundred years trying to find answers. he’d decided to take a break joining organised crime again but that seemed to only bring him closer to possible answers. if you want me to elaborate uh ask me ig
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lovely-dr-imagines · 4 years
Makoto, Leon, Nagito, and Byakuya with an S/O who is obsessed with playing with their hair:
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✾ Hello my lovely! Thank you for the request! I’ll try my best on it! :D ✾
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✾ Under the Cut! ✾
✾ ahem, just noticed I have no other happy icons for me other than the one holding the camera or the blushing mahiru... 0-0 oh well im lazy so qjiwshudf guess whos not gonna make new ones bc i like the ones i already made :D? Plus I think I have another happy one hidden somewhere in my camera roll ijdfhygf ✾
✾ Makoto Naegi: 
✎ He didn’t notice it at first. 
✎ Yeah I know, that’s stupid, but he really didn’t notice- 
✎ That was until you started twirling his ahoge- 
✎ His face blushed up and he turned around to see you, who looked surprised and taken aback- (AHOGES GUYS, THEY ARE SENSITIVE (opinion))
✎ “...” 
✎ “Sorry...?” 
✎ Overtime the Makoto became more comfortable to your little massages and hair playing. 
✎ One time, you made a tiny braid from his hair like Kyoko’s!
✎ However, again, he doesn’t notice until he walks to go somewhere and someone points out his hair or if he can see his reflection- 
✎ Huh?
✎ Yeah you heard me correctly ya know- 
✎ You’ll somehow go to him and started playing with his brown hair. 
✎ Both of you become surprised- 
✎ He really likes your scalp massages- 
✎ Seriously, like any normal person, he loves it- 
✎ It feels GOOD- 
✎ One day, after your signature message of his scalp, his hair somehow grew-
✎ And he didn’t want to get a haircut- 
✎ Because he knew you would like more hair to play with <3
✎ When the two of you cuddle or even something small like hugging, you twirl his hair around your finger if you can. 
✎ He finds you playing with his hair calming and soothing. 
✎ This egg fell asleep once when you were playing with his hair... 
✎ And literally 10 minutes later, his head dropped to the right unexpectedly (you were watching TV) and your fingers got tangled- 
✎ You have no idea why- 
✎ But I guess he can get that haircut now-
✾ Kiyotaka Ishimaru: 
✎ Unlike Makoto, this stiff man took notice immediately. 
✎ “Y/N? What are you dong?” 
✎ That sure startled you- 
✎ You started prodding at your fingers, trying to think up an answer... 
✎ “Do you find comfort playing with my hair?” 
✎ Wow he got a bulls eye- 
✎ Playing with hair is a common thing for people to do when nervous or anxious (i know from experience, but now that turned into playing with whatever is on my wrist at the moment-)
✎ “Y-yeah...” You answered weakly. 
✎ That’s your Taka <3
✎ Although his hair is short, it feels nice to scale your fingers across his hair back and forth, creating a nice sensation against your skin. 
✎ Surprisingly, his hair, being naturally spiky, is actually pretty soft-
✎ He doesn’t mind whenever you touch his hair, he finds it pretty relaxing too. 
✎ Your scalp massages?? He LOVES them. Seriously. 
✎ You think being a hall monitor is EASY? Taka has to deal with bullies and delinquents skipping classes and argues with people who are even just a minute later for class... 
✎ So you can imagine how much stress in on him. 
✎ Maybe he’ll consider growing his hair out for you... 
✎ Or maybe not...
✎ Nah, I think he likes his hair short, no? 
✎ Yeah, just ruffling his short hair is good enough... 
✎ Good enough for him to start developing a habit of playing with your hair when the two of you cuddle, hug, or are juts generally near each other. 
✎ It doesn’t bother either of you- 
✎ Any why would it? 
✎ Both of you enjoy it so what’s the harm? 
✎ If you are waiting for me to say the harm, there really isn’t any-
✾ Leon Kuwata: 
✎ He probably played with your hair first. 
✎ Then you did the same thing- 
✎ Both of you guys couldn’t help it- 
✎ Both of yous have the same thing- 
✎ Leon probably plays with hair when he’s distressed or frustrated, like if he failed an assignment or couldn’t find the confidence to make a band for the first time so he can actually be related to music for the first time. 
✎ You probably play with hair when you are nervous. 
✎ When the two of you started dating, you sat next to each other and started talking about random stuff when Leon unconsciously started playing with your hair- 
✎ That’s how you figured out he was like you- 
✎ Ish?
✎ Idk- 
✎ But he was nervous and/or frustrated at himself for being called a wuss before this little date. 
✎ Now, both of you don’t mind playing with each other’s hair. Like Taka’s headcanons, whenever you and Leon cuddle, hug, or just in near proximity to each other, hair twirling and other doodads will commence- 
✎ Scalp massages don’t really help Leon, but he enjoys them nonetheless. He’ll ask for them if he feels really down or stressed. 
✎ He’ll also give YOU scalp massages if you want them. However, you obviously like playing with his hair better-
✎ Once, Leon jokingly said that he would cut his hair if he find one more tangle in his locks- 
✎ You took it quite seriously though- 
✎ And no tangles would be found the next day, or the next, or the day after that. 
✎ His hair has been conditioned by you 0-0 
✎ You will play with his hair if it’s the last thing you do. 
✎ The time where both of you play with each other’s hair the most is during studies or homework. 
✎ Both of you would go sit next to another and go focus on your own assignments. 
✎ and the two of yous would eventually go to sleep... 
✎ On each other... 
✎ Hand on each other’s head, entwining the hair in between your fingers. 
✎ When the two of you wake up... 
✎ His hand isn’t tangled in your hair... 
✎ “I guess we have to cut my hair-”
✎ you started crying immediately- 
✾ Nagito Komeada: 
✎ When you first reached for his head, he instinctively spun his head around to face you- 
✎ “S/O? What are you doing? Don’t tell me you were planning on breaking my neck so trash like me won’t exist anymore! Actually, I wouldn’t mind if that’s what you were going to do!” he chuckled with an innocent smile, “But could you tell me what you were planning to do with my head?” 
✎ Well- 
✎ That scared you- 
✎ he has some good reflexes to hear you go up to him- 
✎  but this has got you flustered- 
✎ “U-Uhm... I was gonna play with your hair? It looks fluffy,” you mumbled, though Nagito heard you. 
✎ “Oh... If that’s the problem, I don’t mind. Mess up my hair and do whatever with it! I doubt you would like my hair though!” he giggled again, same low-self esteem as ever <3
✎ As you touched his hair, it was exactly what you expected. 
✎ It was soft and surprisingly silky. 
✎ Since his hair is long you make some pretty nice hairstyles. 
✎ Braids are a must for this man’s hair. 
✎ Unlike what the other boys did, Nagito does not play with your hair, no matter how tempting. 
✎ His hands do not deserve to touch your hair- 
✎ Though he may have played with it once... 
✎ Okay maybe twice- 
✎ Though, it was only twice... and on accident- 
✎ His luck did it- 
✎ He swears that it wasn’t him and his own free will- 
✎ It was his luck- 
✎ I mean, he was walking, tripped onto you, and his hand managed to run through your hair-
✎ And then it happened again a few days after- 
✎ Those were the only times- 
✎ Your scalp massages are... difficult- 
✎ Why you may ask? 
✎ His hair is too long- 
✎ And whenever you go into his hair, it somehow gets tangled with you hand. 
✎ I don’t make the rules for his hair- 
✎ It just gets tangled easily- 
✎ But you don’t ever want him to cut it-
✎ Like, ever- 
✎ You’ll manage- 
✎ But, uh oh, another Makoto scenario happens and WHOOPS now he had to get a haircut-
✎ Nagito isn’t happy about it either, just know that- 
✎ He isn’t happy about it because it brought you despair, c’mon now-
✎ He’ll cuddle your though after so you feel better though :D
✎ So... 
✎ Not a total loss :D
✾ Byakuya Togami: 
✎ Honestly, you guys were on national T.V. 
✎ Seriously. You guys were literally on T.V. because of the news anchors rampaging into Hope’s Peak once. 
✎ It was an unlucky day for Byakuya-
✎ His hair was... Not cooperating with him that day.
✎ Not like you cared- 
✎ Okay maybe a little bit- 
✎ ...
✎ It got on your nerves- 
✎ So you literally sat up, got in front of him, not being subtle about it whatsoever, and you said, “Let me fix your hair.”
✎ Nothing else was said. He just... nodded and closed his eyes. 
✎ Granting you this permission, you started stroking his hair and trying to fix it. Taking off his glasses and ruffling his blonde locks a little, you started fixing it. 
✎ Then a bunch of men and women broke down the door- 
✎ You were not expecting that. You flinched and knocked your forehead against Byakuya’s- 
✎ “OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” Byakuya shouted, obviously oblivious to the multiple cameras on the other side of the room. 
✎ “S-Sorry!” You yelled, backing away from him in a rush, though your couldn’t get far. 
✎ Yes, again- 
✎ Your hands were stuck in his hair. 
✎ Great- 
✎ As Sakura, Aoi, Makoto, and many others such as Leon told the people to get out, you were struggling on how to get your hands out of his lovely golden hair... 
✎ Not as bad now... 
✎ “What are you doing?” He asked, a bit of embarrassment on his face. 
✎ Unconsciously you started giving his head a massage- 
✎ WhOoPs- 
✎ “Oh! Sorry again, I’ll stop-” 
✎ “N-no no... Keep going...” He closed his eyes again as your fingers ran through his hair and pushed against his scalp. 
✎ Would you believe me if I said you two weren’t dating yet in this moment? 
✎ Because you guys weren’t- 
✎ Eventually, your hands got untangled and his gorgeous hair was saved. 
✎ Days after, Byakuya offered you to be his significant other. 
✎ And, duh, you said YES- 
✎ Though he isn’t big on PDA, me makes up for it when he allows you to play with his hair. Just twirling it around your finger makes you happy and your smile? He cannot resist it. 
✎ It was the first cute thing he had ever thought was cute- 
✎ He lets you do those scalp massages all the time, c’mon, he has work to do and he hides all the stress, lets face that fact- 
✎ By the way, tidy up his hair any day. If one strand of hair isn’t the way you like it, you can change it and he won’t get mad. Not in the slightest :D
✎ Byakuya loves how you make hairstyles for him, though he won’t tell. 
✎ But some of them... Can burn. Not his hair, his hair shall not burn, but those hideous designs? Yeah those can burn. 
✎ He’ll still let you do his hair that way if you want though-
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Welp! I hope you liked this? It’s kinda short (for all of them of course) but I had no motivation to make this (aka i kinda liked this prompt so i did it, with the leftover of my motivation still in me :’D)
✾ Mod Mahiru ✾
✾ Snap Snap! Remember to Smile! ✾
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starredfishing · 3 years
:000 just saw your hoshaido Felix au and,,, bro it’s so galaxy brain would you be willing to share more about it?
yes ofc thank u for asking!!! ^^
gonna put it under a read more bc ive got alot of thoughts
gonna kinda rehash my thoughts from scattered posts into here ig?
- so first and foremost i figure hoshido and fodlan are Around at the same time. i dont have any historical backing for this but if FEH exists I can Believe,,, anyway fodlan leaders + the church go overseas to discuss political stuff idk what i didnt think id get this far. but rodrigue and her meet and bond and when he eventually leaves hoshido he kinda doesnt want to go but they send each other letters for a few years and begin informally courting before she moves to fodlan to marry him
- she's a spitfire for sure. she strikes me as an archer idk why its just vibes but shes also an amazing swordswoman like her brother. she def challenged rodrigue to a few battles
- i wanna believe the only reason many fodlan nobles accepted her was because of her royal status, forming a mild treaty between hoshido and faerghus with the marriage. many claim it was all a set-up, but those who knew them saw they were truly in love
- her name is Homare, meaning honor or victory. rodrigue has a tendency to stress the wrong syllable and king lambert bless his heart cannot for the life of him say her name. she doesnt think its that hard but gives him a pass bc hes the king and its funny to watch him stumble.
- she is never called by her name in court, or by other nobles. she is only ever Duchess Fraldarius. there are whispers that she is as unruly as an untamed horse (a mare, they say) and that the duke must domesticate her. she ignores the whispers but they just keep getting louder and louder until she has glenn.
- rodrigue sortof implies he doesn't want his kids to have hoshidan names bc of the backlash. homare relents both times but secretly names them something else in her mind, a secret she took to her grave that felix only finds in a letter addressed to him under her bed long long after she's passed. glenn was to be hiro (generous, tolerant) and felix would be kenjirou (intelligent second son). he thinks its ironic glenn was almost named something close to 'hero' and that's who he became in his death.
- they never Talked about it. felix was pretty young when she passed (im gonna guess somewhere like 8-ish, the plague got her and the queen at the same time) and he doesnt really remember her. glenn just says 'she was really cool' as if that like, explains anything.
- after the war felix comes back to an empty mansion and starts the process of going through his father's things. he's in his parents' room and he's searching under the bed when a wood panel knocks loose. underneath it is a box of his mother's things with letters addressed to him, glenn, and rodrigue. felix reads all three and learns about her hoshidan heritage, which she was unable to ever speak about in faerghus.
- he ends up contacting the hoshidan royal family because 'whoops your aunt was my mom and i kinda didnt find out until now'. he kinda wishes he'd seen this coming but there were signs here and there. he and glenn have her sharp eyes, glenn had her nose, felix has unreasonably tan skin for faerghus weather (i can Dream pls i know hes so pale in the art). he thinks maybe he was lucky to look nothing like her. but he also wishes he looked more like her. he does have her spiky unruly hair, though. a staple of the hoshidan royal family.
- he tells sylvain and dimitri first bc of course he does. he gingerly sets a paper fan and a long hair pin on dimitris desk and is like 'i dont. know what to do with these.' and dimitris like...do you want to Keep them? and felix is like. yeah. (he tries to pin his hair back with the thing it doesnt work but for a second he feels connected to something)
- ingrid voice so i found like every book abt hoshido in the library ("there are books about hoshido in the royal library?") for you to read if you want :D
- his mom had an accent he just choked that up to her being 'from outside the kingdom' as rodrigue put it.
- I WANT FELIX AND GLENN TO HAVE THE DRAGON VEIN pls it'd be so fucking funny like all of a sudden it Activates when hes in hoshido and takumis like 'yep youre one of us for sure' as felix is like. i just terraformed the Entire garden behind me,
- glenn grew up with whispers all around him about his heritage but by the time felix is born the talk about the duchess being from hoshido has faded out because they Never Talk About It. he threw a punch at a kid at the academy once for calling him a slur and rodrigue is like aah maybe dont do that?? but homares not around anymore to back him up
- glenn does his. best to pass on the 'be proud of yourself' mentality to felix without revealing Why bc rodrigue is rlly strict abt that (he and glenn had a lot of fights abt it. felix was too young to understand)
- homare, the queen (astrid), and the margravine gautier (giselle) were besties bc i feel it in my soul its abt the heredetary besties,,,,
- bringing it full circle the blue lions go to hoshido to work out trade agreement and it gives felix a chance to Bond with his estranged family. its really REALLY awkward esp bc theres a language barrier but the family is patient with him. both of them have lost their parents so theyre really excited to have More family
- except takumi and hinoka. theyre a bit distrustful of felix at first even though he has Proof that his mother was Princess Homare of Hoshido. and then he terraforms the garden w a rogue dragon vein. and takumis like WHOA ok. and he swordfights ryoma and WINS and hinoka is like YEAH OKAY!!!
- hoshidan royal family vs the concept of crests what will they do. they see the king break smth in half by accident and theyre like damn white ppl r built different
idk if this was like ANY of what u asked for feel free to ask more specific questions if u want!!! sorry its so long i just hhhgnngh sobs felix,,,,
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