#and im over here like im so totally abled. im so functional i might as well be neurotypical
idk how i can still be all oh im not disabled. when i am chronically fatigued all day every day
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tearsofcalamity · 5 months
Irl electrical engineer/hobbyist roboticist here who is also down bad for the cyborg cowboy- The level of intimacy of mechanic!reader fixing his internal wiring is OFF THE CHARTS, like, reader having to gently untangle and toy with his wiring while arranging them properly?? All the testing of the sensors that it would take to make him be able to feel again? Reader might as well have to touch every inch of Boothill to make sure that his body is functioning properly. They would quite literally know him inside and out and that makes me FERAL
omfg we got a verifiable ENGINEER here?? everyone GET DOWN
no but fr thank you for this insight this means the world to me . you dont get it . even like non n/sfw wise thats so. LIKE THE LEVEL OF TRUST HE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE IN YOU TO GET IN THERE AND DO ALL THAT? THE LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY AND THE WAY HE'D HAVE TO BE FULLY VULNERABLE?
back to horny thoughts that also sets me off w boothill being so vulnerable when what we've seen from him so far is like cocky, devil-may-care attitude and probably puts that up as a facade (esp after seeing his lightcone poor guy) but him just lightly shaking and you can HEAR how loud he's whirring when you get inside (ha) and really work through his wiring. imagine he overheats and you're like WTF
the testing. The Testing. listen here. that's what really gets me. I can imagine him getting antsy even when you're just starting with his shoulders or his arms, but you move to his neck... his chest... a little lower and he's asking if you really need to touch his artificial dick just to test it out. it's like no, he could totally check himself, but am I gonna tell him that uhhh NO I'm gonna be all "nope absolutely necessary to check. something could go REAL wrong if it's off" make him fistfuck me until his insides are literally letting off steam. I NEED TO HEAR HIM WHIMPER AND SEE HIM CRY!!! sometimes I imagine him purring (like an engine, but hey, if catboys are your thing that too) cause his neck is mechanical too so...........
oh and I'm totally groping on his metal ass and rubbing all over it. im licking it. idc. I'm working doubletime to make his ass extra sensitive idc! I'm a robotfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sburbian-sage · 5 months
Hey there sorry for the anonymous ask but I've found myself in a strange predicament
Upon reading the glitch FAQ I came across the space chapter and I believe I figured out something that happened to me?
Im a god tier knight of hope currently (second run, the first i was ironically also a knight of hope) but my space player (lord of space) happened to go berserk over the death of a adopted consort, and having not read the guide at the time, and being good friends with them, i attempted to comfort them with a hug
Upon doing so I experienced a significant amount of lag (I didn't even know this game could lag) and found myself hurtling through deep space
Considering the appearance of the stars in the distance I do believe I am experiencing sburbs equivalent of a floating point error? (At least that's the best I could come up with)
I can't reach anybody back in my session and I've been out here for just... An absurdly long time, although the clock on my phone is permanently set to 00:00 and the calendar function has seemingly stopped working all together so I can't say exactly how long I've been out here (not totally sure what's causing this considering it wasn't an issue back in the session)
I do know I am still moving at a decent click because I've flown past a handful of what seems to be low res flat images of stars (perhaps sburb doesn't render this far out?)
I don't know if I completely skipped over the furthest ring or what but as far as I can tell I'm not corrupted in any way and ive yet to encounter any others
Although none of my abilities seem to work out here
I'm also not sure how I'm getting signal this far out
Any advice?
Oh, you must have gotten [Space Prankster]'d. Get pranked lmao This is a bit concerning. I don't imagine you've actually left the Medium. Once you leave the Medium it's just the Furthest Ring, and I don't imagine you got teleported far enough to exist outside of that either. Space abilities follow at least some law of reality, even if they're tweaking it with a wrench and some attitude.
By the way, the "stars" you see in a session are just the Other's eyes. So I hope you are not actually in the Furthest Ring, or that those "stars" are just optical illusions from moving at insane speeds.
If you have a signal, I would recommend hitting up your Space player and asking where the hell you are, and how to get back. My current theory is "circling the drain around the Medium at light speed", in which case another Space ability should be able to get you back. The bad news is that even if teleporting saves you, you seem to be going fast and your Space player might need to do some finagling to extract you safely. The good news is that if you do die, you're probably going fast enough that you won't even know what happened. If God Tiered, this is too pathetic to count as Just or Heroic. If not God Tiered, your existence as a pile of gore should remove the instinctual revulsion of kissing a dead friend or stranger on the lips.
The other alternative I can think of since you mentioned stars is that you're somehow stuck in the animation for Space Prankster. That makes the Space player look like stars, which means you might be inside your friend. 1) Sus 2) Teleportation is 50/50 here. It could finish the teleportation and get you somewhere. It could function like a Broken Gate and put you anywhere in the session (including inside a solid). If you have access to the Hope ability [Dreams Never Die], that should cancel out the effect. With unpredictable results. Look, I don't really have any reassuring words here, you're getting smeared against a wall at some point, just collaborate with your players so they know which wall and will smooch it up as fast as possible.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Are the lines on your drawings stylistic choices or are they measurement/guiding lines? Either way, they are cool, but just wondered. I dont understand drawing at all, might as well be a magic spell to me. I was looking at the pencil (?) sketch of Malkin with the cheesecutter hat on.
i, uh, definitely did not google 'cheesecutter hat' until after i saved out these images. :/ sorry about that. if you'd like the other one broken down, i can do that too lol. my reading comprehension when im tired is kinda lazy i just saw 'cheese' and imediately thought 'omelette'. SO here's the 1) initial sketch, 2) 'clean' sketch, and 3) final lines for the omelette boy drawing instead:
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also i have had a cumulative of about 9 ish hrs of sleep total for the past two days so keep that in mind for if this explanation makes no sense, its not my fault. :( anyway! the way i draw definitely has changed over the years but currently im really trying to focus on the line i "see" rather than the one that is actually "there". i've been applying this to my writing for years (story vs happening truth) and you know it never occurred to me that i could do it in my drawings too till like...a few years ago. in general these lines seem to form the planes of the subject. if you google 'stanford bunny' you can find an easy example of a 3D surface turned into triangles. I do this too - see things in relative triangle proportions, except i've been doing it long before i knew how computers worked. i cant begin to tell you how long d*sney and cartooning's obsession with round building blocks of anatomical structure fucked with my brain until i finally decided i could cast that teaching aside completely.
ANYWAY sorry off subject again. so we have these sketchy under lines, and usually as im trying to find the proportions and form of the subject these lines end up being where the light/shadow hits. here i saved out the 1) 'flat colors', 2) the 'light', and 3) the 'shadow' parts on their own (i lightened the background for the 'shadow' so its easier to see):
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the light is like four or five 'overlay' layers of pale yellow/orange. you can see how each of these layers follow one of those sketchy lines i did initially. and the same with the shadow but instead its a dark red color set to 'multiply' for each layer. and when you combine everything together you get:
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some bullshit :). anyway you know that anniversary edition of beauty and the beast that featured the version previewed to nyc audiences in 1990 with the glen ke*ne sketchy keyframe animation of the beast's transformation? i watched that - must have been sometime after i graduated college - and i felt robbed that THAT version was never presented as a final piece. the 'unclean' drawings had so much more life and movement and intensity to them. tldr i like the messy lines, i hate 'inking' with a passion (HATE. IT.), and when i finally allowed myself to stop giving a fuck drawing became way more interesting. but my art is shit and i will never be glen k*ane so i dont really feel like the best advocate for this "style". alas. there was this one artist on tumblr who i fucking loved whose sketches were SPECTACULAR but the asshole racists in the m*c*ha*nz*o fandom bullied her off tumblr and ive never been able to find her art anywhere else since. she was also very negative about her 'unclean' sketches and it made me so sad. there was also this other artist whose sketches were awe inspiring but all she drew was p*rn and well...we all know what happened on tumblr in december 2018.
also i 100% stole the lighting scheme from The Bear which is currently one of the most gorgeous shows on television right now in my opinion
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im really really sorry if this makes no sense, if im feeling motivated maybe i'll try again when my brain is fully functioning but with the actual 'cheesecutter hat' doodle ^_^
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thekaijudude · 2 years
So, why is it despite all their INSANE GOD LEVELS OF POWER, Ultra’s from M78 are so venerable to extreme cold?
I mean they're not omnipotent at the end of the day
Im presuming youre more specifically referring to the Ultra Brother-Tier Ultras which even in the grand scheme of the M78 populace, are probably on the more junior ranks considering Ken is like 160 000 years old compared to the oldest Ultra Brother being Zoffy at 25 000 years old (might be 30 000+ depends on how u infer the flashback in UGF2). So clearly there are ultras that are far stronger than this tier with ages ranging from 30 000-150 000 years old which would probably have a higher resistance to low temperatures or perhaps even some that have specialties like Ultraman's resistance to electricity, being totally resistant to low temperatures
And besides, the fact that they can still survive in the cold temperatures in space (which is about 2.7K btw) which is already no small feat. This means that only temperatures below Absolute Zero (0K, which is physically impossible) can affect them.
But this question is well asked as we inferred this based on the first Zero movie where the entire planet basically got frozen over. But based on what I said above, I suspect that the consequence of the loss of the Plasma Spark isnt simply the planet's temperature rapidly dropping to the same temperature as the surrounding space (essentially just achieving thermodynamic equilibrium) because as we have established, they can clearly survive in the cold temperatures of space.
What I suspect is that a far more complicated mechanism is in play here regarding the Plasma Spark's function. Even within the movie and further elaborated upon by Toregia in UGF2, the Plasma Spark isnt simply an artificial sun, but it is also a source of the Ultras' power, being exposed to Differator Rays.
It seems that the region of space specifically surrounding the Land of Light has a much lower temperature than the average space temperature
This would explain why without an extraterrestrial source of heat, thermodynamic equilibrium was achieved so rapidly.
As for why? Ngl its probably just a plotpoint
But this wouldnt explain exactly why Mebius and Zero, who were not on the planet then, werent affected by the loss of the Plasma Spark. Which leads me to believe that Ultras may potentially have to "connect" themselves with the Plasma Spark when their on their main planet. Think sort of like in order to operate at a specific performance, a specific battery is needed, like on the LoL. But say if Ultras are on missions off world, they switch to another battery to operate at a different performance.
So when u suddenly remove the massive battery that most of the Ultras are using or "plugged-into" in a sense, it causes a sudden stasis condition, whereas Ultras that werent on the planet werent affected.
We saw that Ultraman and Seven were able to erect their barriers and likely kept them active throughout their activity on the planet to protect them for the sudden loss of Differator Rays. Might actually be the reason why they were nerfed to minimize their outflow and maximize their activity time.
So likely either they just came back from off-world missions and havent yet "plugged into" the Plasma Spark reservoir or they were simply fast enough to switch.
This of course implies a much more complicated mechanism of how the Plasma Spark, Differator Rays and the LoL works but all these are probably just plotpoints that were conveniently written tbh
Thanks for the question!
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riseofthedark · 2 years
There's a post that just showed up on my feed that I want to discuss. The reason I'm not using the original post in this is that op comes off as somewhat abrasive [now if they truly are or aren't that I don't know].
In their post they say the recent mantra we don't owe anyone anything is a damaging mentality. As life is a collaborative event and we rely upon others we thus owe to others as much as we have to give. I'm not here to attack them (another reason why I'm making this a separate post), but rather am here to give my own thoughts and perspective.
I struggle with words and while I can use them properly in context their definitions tend to be fuzzy at best. As whoever may read this post might have the same issue with words I will define the word owe below.
Owe (verb) - have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received
definition taken from Oxford Languages
I struggle with what OP said mainly because I do that. I give in ways of my time, commitments, effort, all of that until I have nothing else to give. This need to give parts of myself until I have nothing else I can give has been instilled in my by my parents since I was a child. As a result giving has become the main way I show affection to people.
As a result i'm burnt out and struggling to survive. Not necessarily money wise (though that's also a struggle) but physically and mentally. OP says "we owe all we're able to give". But that's just the thing, all we're able to give and all that we can reasonably give are very different things.
Think in terms of money, I'll use my own situation as an example.
After taxes I make about $1800 a month total
Taking out every single necessary expense I have about $400 left over. For me to live paycheck to paycheck I only need $1400 on a good month. I am technically able to give my entire paycheck, but someone once told me when you have to say technically it's wrong.
So let's work with what I have, $400. I could give all of that money away since I don't need it. But, this leaves no room for anything else. If that $400 is always given away anything that comes up that I have to pay for that's not accounted for in necessary purchases, has to be bought with the $1400 I do have.
Something will have to give on my side but it can't be that $400 because it's already given away. So maybe i'll go without food for a week or even two because I have to replace something I can't afford otherwise. Anything unexpected I'll have to sacrifice something I need because i've already given something I need to give.
Reasonably what can I give from that $400? Maybe $50. Which, $350 is a lot of money so why did I say I am able to give it away? Because it's not necessary to my survival. But when I can afford it I'm paying for doctors appointments, medication, and currently physical therapy. Now im poor so a lot of that is covered but some it isn't. When all $350 isn't used up I put it in savings so next time something breaks I can replace it without hurting myself in the process.
Now let's talk about time, commitments, and effort. I can't really say no to people so my schedule has to include sleep or i'll try to go without it. Every minute of my day is planned if something unexpected happens I'll just get less sleep, maybe skip eating. After all who really needs hygiene?
When anyone asks me to help or to do something that time-wise I am able do, I do it. If I don't there's this overwhelming feeling of guilt and self hate that I couldn't even do such a simple thing. Typically, showing someone my schedule they ask me how I'm still functioning. It's because the way i've scheduled myself if I miss anything it builds to the point where even trying to get back on track takes at least one mental break down like a "you should come in twice this week for therapy" type of breakdown.
Huh, that got a bit dark for me.....
The phrase "you don't owe anyone anything", is true.
While the context it was originally formed in (general perception) was breaking away from toxic situations. I don't owe my parents my appearance, ideals, or sexual expression because they raised me. I don't owe my work soul breaking labor because they pay me. I am allowed to leave without feeling like I owe them a debt.
One also doesn't have to support the system or try to change the system even though it's done things have either benefited them or been detrimental to them. This isn't to say that life isn't transactional. To get money one has to work. To get services done you have to pay for it. To receive affection you also have to give it. Do I personally think that giving to or helping others is something you should do? Yes. There is no one way of thinking that covers every exception or every circumstance so my way of thinking is just that. My way of thinking.
But for me, I believe that one does not owe tall their able to give just for existing.
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srlkiller · 2 years
Have you ever thought that maybe ur more sick than u think and maybe it’s actually u that’s the issue… might be something to think about
OK SO i hav a million asks in my inbox but this 1 is so beyond ignorant & passive aggressive for quite literally no reason bc why are u so invested in my life for…? lmao.
have u ever thought that maybe u don’t actually know me or anything that’s going on in my real life.. whether it is the shit that i am currently going through (which is numerous forms of abuse by my parents) or all of the things that have happened in my past.. im talking about in REAL LIFE. bc this is the internet.. a literal blog site where i randomly type things whenever im either really heated or bored as shit. n that’s rare now. this year n probably last year too i posted rants like.. give or take, every like… 3-6 months (if that). so u either got this whole image, ideology & ‘persona’ of me from a blog site.. or the very very few sporadic Insta stories i post which are mainly songs i like, memes or funny vids reposted? lmao.. i don’t post on my own Insta anymore. i literally only use youtube or zeus network now & i actually hav a private tumblr that only i can see. this 1 doesn’t get used, u must hav missed wen i posted about that :(( anyone who knows me/has known me irl.. or has been following me for a while knows that im a very open person.. & ive been open for YEARS on this dumb ass blog (which clearly ur privy too… bc u read my posts n lurk my page lmao 🫠)the whole “have u ever thought that ur ‘more sick than u think” is such an ignorant fucking statement. like.. i know exactly what is ‘wrong’ w me & im actually perfectly fine as long as i do not get triggered by certain people in my environment (which is the issue at hand among others with that same individual & other family). as ive aged & gone through so much these past 5/6 years i have grown & evolved so much as a person that whatever ‘persona’ you seem to have of me being ‘sick’ doesn’t exist today… unless you’re referring to my physical health issues? then yes ive been sick these past 2 weeks & do get ‘physically sick’ quite often due to my chronic severe physical health conditions.
ive been more than transparent (probably too transparent tbh) on here as well as my Instagram for many many years about my mental health issues + physical health issues. all of my conditions/disorders are chronic conditions that i have to live & deal w for the rest of my life.. so things like 4eva tryna find the right treatments for EVERY condition, spending thousands on operations, doctors, specialists, hospitals, medications that don’t work or give you awful side effects, meds that do work but cost hundreds, meds that are addicting with no warning from the doctors ect ect but the biggest thing of all is simply just tryna function each day like a normal human being whilst being in a very toxic environment with zero support, love or care from those who are supposed to nurture & protect you. so yeah sometimes i do get fucking angry, frustrated n upset about that shit n just wanna rant on here about my feelings. there are certain things i share on here wen i hav no one else 2talk too.. im an only child & hav gone thru sm shit with past ‘friends’ & exs in such a short amount of time i could truly write a whole book or movie script on it all. but instead i write things on here. it made me go absolutely crazy then turn into a total paranoid recluse. it was a soul destroying experience but one of the most powerful life lessons to be able to learn. it made me who i am today n changed me completely.
BUT- n real life tho.. you really do not know my situation.. you do not know me.. & you do not know what i deal with on a daily fucking basis. id love to see u try n live even jus a day as me irl...u would 100% neck urself before the day was even over. im not stupid.. i research everything when it comes to my conditions & diagnosis’s. i also studied psychology & did a major in forensic psychology while doing a bachelor of law & justice. ive studied the DSM-5, done every kind of therapy & treatment plan you can imagine. ive been in treatment since i was like 11/12. i understand myself very well. the mental health conditions that i have are a direct result of childhood trauma & several kinds of abuse by my parents from childhood all the way up to now.. if u are that interested in me & my life then perhaps u should google all of those conditions & do some research on them to gain a better understanding of the hows, why’s & whats. that’s called knowledge baby, u should gain some🖤 & perhaps u should consider going straight to the actual source… whatever it is u wanna know, just ask me.
what’s super interesting is that i took my tumblr link off my Insta a long time ago so it’s like bro.. did you just memorise my tumblr name so u can keep coming back to the page to lurk then send me a sassy little message to jab at me every couple months …. orrrr do you follow me but ur really that pussy that you put ur shit on anonymous? tbh both options are pitiful & just scream.. U A BITCH. people like you are all bark.. n no bite. it’s giving stalkerish fan vibes… this has been going on for like over a year now.. maybe even longer, idek. why not come off ANONYMOUS tho? why not just dm me if u feel so strongly about the issue n are so invested in this shitshow? u seem to hav a lot to say to me n id LUV to hear it! u got some suggestions for me? u got the answers? suggestions for self help books? shiiiiid… we could even talk on the phone if u want? u got FaceTime on yo fone?
if u don’t hav my Insta I’d b happy to giv it to you.. jus send me some asks on anonymous u know how to do that. looking forward to hearing back from u & getting to know u better! hope i quenched ur thirst xxx
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berryunho · 2 years
LOL sorry omg i really died. like am still dying. i spent all day yesterday crying over my coursework and shit but i talked to that guy and he really knocked some sense into me and told me to not be so hard on myself... so now im crying internally and not externally 😭
ive been thinking about it now and i think i might switch majors for the sake of my sanity bc real talk the amount of work is insane and i cant properly function it's crazy out here idk how people do this... i was thinking maybe health sci since i already have most of the credits for the degree and ive always wanted to be involved in the healthcare field... im gonna see my academic advisor on monday and see what they say because holy guacamole i want to be able to enjoy school w/o crying every time i think about it
omg that got long but those have been my thoughts for the past few days BUT ANYWAY that's so good!!!! im so happy for you big brain energy we love to see it!! ive got a biochem midterm this week (which is the cause of my mental breakdowns BUT KLSJFRG) and ochem is in 2 weeks but as i said might change majors and ochem is not necessary... so i'll prob drop it haha
the last season was so good. i found it a bit slow in the beginning but once it picks up it's going like i could not stop watching it!! i havent watched bcs but i heard it gets better near the end again?? ive watched el camino tho
that's how i felt abt crocheting at first like im the type of person to try something for a little bit and then give up right after but honestly!!! it's so fun because you can make all kinds of different things like clothing, bags, accessories and it's so fun!! i've been picking up knitting too and i've made some socks and i'm working on a sweater rn
WOIEFJWE that man is so wonderful like i feel like he really understands me and !!!!!!!!!!! i feel like he really balances out the "negative" parts/thoughts of me and is so reassuring IM WHIPPED LOL
omg yes i had a bad cold too like a week ago (no covid as well) and i think i might be good now knock on wood!! what a slay im glad your classes are going so well for you! i dont follow hockey (gasp) but i can see the thrill of it!! hopefully they can win the next game!
highly enjoyed the break. have a great weekend too!! <3
no no no worries lol i totally get being busy and everything <33
but omg :[[ im sorry that school has been so overwhelming and stressful for you aaaaa yeah if its at the point where you're upset everyday and completely overwhelmed and don't like school then i definitely agree w changing your major.... you don't want the rest of your life to be like this lol health science would be interesting for sure !! there are so many ways to be involved in health care and the health system without being a doctor/nurse/etc so im sure you'll be able to find something that works !!
?!*%*$???($*@)? you're taking ochem AND biochem at the same time ?!!?($*@)@ i understand the breakdowns wtf id lose it fr but lol fingers crossed changing your major works out so that you don't have to take that ochem exam
fr i definitely understand why breaking bad is considered like one of the best shows of all time ... the writing was so good and the story was so compelling and even when it got to the point where you were like 'wtf thats sick and messed up' you couldnt stop watching bc you were in so deep lol but !! ive yet to watch el camino ... hmmm
oooo man thats so cool !! you're so right like i always see crochet tutorials on tiktok for like the most random things ever and you can make like. anything. its amazing. hehe maybe ill try it out once i have more free time :]
YAAAYYY FOR THE MAN!! im glad that he's good for you :] its very nice that he's sticking w you through all of your stress and helping you out!! hehe have yall gone on any fun dates or are you just ~talking~ ?
tis the time of year for colds lol this one i think is just about done ... my cough is significantly better today but i can't decide if its actually better or if its just bc i havent been talking today .... lol ig ill see tomorrow! KFLJDSKFJ [gasp] a canadian that doesn't follow hockey ... an incredible find ... hehehe im joking but yes fr hockey is so crazy compared to other sports like even though its kinda like soccer its still so different and sooooo entertaining to me lol ty for the support for my team they definitely need it [muffled through fake coughing] they're bad [more fake coughing]
yay! i hope this week of classes goes better! tyyyy <3 <3 <3
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Kageyama YN: Tobio Kageyama's Twin Sister
Manager of Karasuno and Dating Kyotani
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I call MadDogs serve "the bend and snap" 😭😭😭
Kyotani Kentaro featuring Karasuno x Kageyama YN (female pronouns)
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request!
Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Ahh the great Kageyama YN 🥰
You freaking angel you put up with so much
First off, being Kageyama's sibling is exhausting
Like seriously idk how you function my love
You aren't like your brother at all
You are quiet, reserved but also amazingly sweet
When the boys first met you, they couldn't believe you were related to Kageyama of all people 🤣
Seriously they were like 🤨 really
"YN I can't believe your crappy-yama's sister! You are like... nice!"- Hinata
"HEY IM NICE"- Kageyama
You just shrug, you are use to your brother getting all the attention
And honestly, it doesn't bother you
You were the teams manager in middle school
So it was just a natural progression to becoming the team manager in High School
Kiyoko loved how skilled you were and how much you helped
Plus you were a buffer for Kags and Hinata before Yachi came along
When Yachi did eventually join, you got the much needed break you deserved 💅🏼
You developed a good friendship with Hinata and you hung out alot
Kags always came with as well even though him and Hinata always fought
"YN you must have gotten all the brains in the womb"- Hinata
"Shut up dumbass! I'm the genius here"- Kageyama
"Genius on the court Tobio. I could bet you anyday on a math exam"- You
And it was true
When it came to tournaments, you loved the feeling
Especially because you got to see Kunimi, Kindaichi and Iwaizumi whomever you went to middle school with
Notice how I just didn't include a certain someone 🙃
"YN-CHAN!"- the annoying voice that haunts your nightmares radiates
"Yn you know Oikawa?"- Daichi
"Unfortunately yes"- you 😐
"Shittykawa leave YN alone!"- Iwaizumi, trailing after Oiks
"Hajime!"- you running to hug your favorite person ever
Behind Iwaizumi, the team followed
Including a certain dark and brooding man 👀
He was super grumpy looking but still
Super cute 😍
You hugged Kunimi and Kindaichi and introduced yourself
"I'm Kageyama YN"- you smiling wide
"Kageyama has a twin sister?"- Mattsun
"I prefer superior sibling but yet"- you 💅🏼
Now Kyotani definitely noticed you
And boy did you send this man into feelings
He's literally repeating "so pretty" in his head the whole time while trying not to break his scowl 😠
"YN get away from him"- Kageyama now yelling at you
"🙄 I better get going! Good lucky guys"- you, waving and running back to your team
Kyotani watches you go and can't help but stare
Later on, when you are filling water bottles
You are approached by Terushima
"Hey there gorgeous, it's nice to see so pretty new faces around here"- Terushima
You blush and go back to filling up your water bottles
"Say what is your name? Might I be able to snag your number?"- Terushima
"Umm I'm YN and I don't think so but thank you"- you, just trying to do your job
Terushima is undetermined however 💅🏼
The man has willpower I'll give him that!
"Come on YN-"
"She said no"- a growl said from behind you
You look over to see Kyotani glaring at Terushima
"Hey bro nothing to see here. Move along"- Terushima
He totally would use the word "bro" on a daily bases 🙄
Kyotani steps in front of you and repeats himself
"She said... NO. Now get lost before I ounce your face in"- Kyotani
Terushim just smirks at Kyotani and then winks at you
"If you want my number babe, you know where I am"- Terushima, now walking away 🚶‍♂️
"Hey thanks for that"- you, head down and blushing
"Are you ok?"- Kyotani
"Yeah I'm good"- you
"Do you need help carrying those water bottles?"- Kyotani
You look up, smile and nod 😊
Please he thinks you are the cutest thing ever 😫
He helps you carry the water bottles and turns to leave
Before he goes, mans takes a chance
"Hey can I get your number? I'd like to hang out sometime"- Kyotani, bracing himself
"Sure!"- you, reaching for your phone and handing it to him
He puts his number in and sends a text to himself
Then he gives you a head nod, turns and walks out
Literally just walks out 🚶‍♂️ like nothing happened 🙃
Ok then-
After the game, you look at your phone and see what he said
The message read "hang out on Saturday?" -sent from your phone
And he answered "absolutely. I'm so glad you asked 😏"
Please 😭😭😭
After that day, you started hanging out with Kyotani more and more
When you weren't at volleyball practice you would be texting, calling or hanging with him
Eventually things got serious enough to make it official
You didn't want to tell anyone because we'll, it's none of their business 😒
Plus you knew exactly what would happen 🙄
So when you were hanging out with Kyotani at the park one day, you didn't expect anything to come from it
Unfortunately, as the story goes, that doesn't happen 🥰
You are walking when you come across Hinata and Kageyama running
"Oh crap"- you say, realizing it's too late
Kageyama zoned in on your hand grasped in Kyotani's and mans ran so fast he almost tripped
"MY OWN SISTER BETRAYING ME!"- Kageyama, freaking out
"Hey your that guy with the wicked cutshot!! Hi I'm Hinata!"- our bouncy bby boy 🥰
"Kyotani, nice to meet you"
Only it gets worse
"YN-CHAN!! Wait- OMG MADDOG"- Oikawa coming with Iwaizumi
Iwaizumi notices before Oikawa does
"Are you two dating?"- Iwa 🤨
"You mean betraying me- stabbing me in the back!"- kageyama, going full Oikawa
"Shut up Oikawa"- Iwaizumi and Kyotani in tune
Kageyama is now glaring
"Tobio you are worse than Oikawa"- You
That's right YN, hit him where it hurts
"😱 I am not-" "he is not!"-
Kageyama and Oikawa in sync
Please they both shut up so fast
"Well I'm happy for you two"- Iwaizumi
"Me too!! Hey can you teach me that cutshot move?"- Hinata
"Hinata he is not teaching you anything"- you
"YN 😭😭😭"- Hinata
"Are you two just going to mope"- Iwaizumi talking to Tobio and Oikawa
"YN started it"- again, kags and Oiks in sync
"Are you sure you two aren't twins?"- Kyotani 🤨
Omg please they would both faint 🤣
You just roll your eyes and walk away
"Come on Kentaro, that's enough drama for one day"- you
"Yn"- "YN-CHAN"-
🤣🤣🤣 two peas in a pod
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hello! I was hoping for a comfort thing (i forget what the term is called sjdhshdb).
I recently had a small stroke on the 14th. A few days ago I started physical therapy and they told me that I might not have function in my right side for months- and to get back to the strength and ability I had before the stroke? They said it could take two whole years. I have to see them three times a week, and since I’m the only one who was able to work in my household, I’ve been stressed about how I’m going to afford all these appointments for the foreseeable future. Im have to use a walker to get around since I can’t put weight on my right leg, or it collapses. I don’t have full sensation in my right side, and right ear doesn’t hear as well. I feel like a burden when I ask my parents for help, since I can barely do anything on my own. I can’t even use the bathroom by myself and it’s literally right across from my bedroom.
So, I was wondering if you could write how Ticci Toby, Kate the Chaser, and who ever else you want would react and support their S/O who is going through something like I am? It can be headcanons, a one shot, a fic— It’s totally up to you! Thank you in advanced! It would mean so much to have this done.
Toby, Kate, Eyeless Jack and Hoodie Supporting an SO Who Had a Stroke
[GN Reader]
[AN: !! I hope you're well! I know we've been talking, but like genuinely you deserve so much love and support.]
Toby has a habit of making mountains out of molehills, so like honestly you're going to have to calm him down after telling him what's happened and coming to.
He cares about you so deeply and anything that even gives him the slightest inkling you could be lost forever makes him panic.
But once he's in a clear state of mind, he's really good for physical therapy!
He knows how frustrated you must be and he urges you to channel that frustration into something productive because that's what he's learned to do over the years.
Toby isn't always the most patient, but he gets it. He's there for you every step of the way. Don't apologize asking him for help it is his absolute pleasure to take care of you. Not a power thing, but pure love for you.
He'll take you to appointments, assist you with walking, hell he'll even back off if that's what you want because he does NOT want to baby you if you're not comfortable.
Once you're in a good place, he makes the whole thing easier to swallow. Toby copes with humor, and if you allow him, he'll help you do the same.
Toby is honestly such a sweetheart and is there for you every step of the way. Anything you want, anything you need, just name it and he's got it.
She's honestly handling it better than anyone else here if I'm being honest.
Once she's over the initial worry, she's mostly taking care of you with whatever you want.
Kate will make you food and give you things - it's just kinda what she does?? Like, I think one of her main love languages is gift giving so that's going to work into here.
Kate is really, really patient and will help ground you when you feel like floating off.
She's a darling through and through. Drives you places, handles things for you, and if you're worried about work or anything, appointments, her contacts stretch pretty far and wide. She's got you.
Kate helps you with physical therapy to the best of her abilities. I feel she broke a leg pretty bad as a kid and had to go through physical therapy as a result.
She likes to hold you and silently tell you how it's going to be alright. Wants you to feel safe.
With her at your side, 2 years feel like nothing.
Eyeless Jack
Medical professional wannabe, ofc he's got this in the bag.
You might honestly need to tell him to stop looking at this so clinically. He just wants to look at like, a treatment plan or something first.
Once he realizes you need a more nurturing, sweet kind of healing besides just the clinical stuff, Jack takes really good care of you.
He likes to hold you and purr. Also helps with physical therapy, and lets you vent to him pretty regularly because he knows how stifling it must be holding all this in!
I feel like recovering with Jack is honestly way better than anyone else because he's got medical knowledge and patience - paired with his nurturing nature towards his mate?? It's good.
If you have trouble hearing or anything of the like, Jack is very good with sign language! In fact, it's an unspoken law for all creeps and proxies to know sign, and it's a good skill to have regardless if you're hearing or not.
Jack does not want you apologizing for asking for his help!
He likes taking care of people, he'd just never openly admit it.
Brian actually has a knack for the medical field so like, he's got you just as good as Jack would! However, he's a lot more personal about it because well, he love you, how could he not be?
Brian is instantly at your bedside, answering your ever call because he knows how much you need him. Does not let you apologize or anything because he believes it's his job as your SO.
He's really, really good for the emotional aspect of all of this. Makes sure you're mentally healthy and that you have a safe way to vent.
He's good at physical therapy too. As a proxy, he's broken so many parts of himself it's unreal. Like, he gets it.
The two of you spend a lot of time taking it easy, speaking softly, just processing everything you're going through. He just wants you to feel okay again.
Brian does so many things for you because he doesn't want you to expend yourself AT ALL. He feels you're fragile, but ask him to back off and he will.
Brian has a habit of babying his SO just because he forgets how resilient humans can really be.
Brian adores you so, so much, he's just thankful you're still in his arms, and he'll be there with you every step of the way.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
❆ HELLO JAS I HAVE A RUKI QUESTIONNNNNNN. Or ig more of an opinion?? headcanon?? MAYBE IDK WHAT THIS IS BUT!
Unless I just suck at reading—It seems that Ruki takes the same amount of time to rest as humans do?? I believe he mentioned not actually sleeping most of the time (instead just watching Yui sleep, which i found cute but also kinda funny 🏃🏃) but y’know.
But do you think he goes for prolonged periods of time without a rest/sleep period? <:O. Or was it maybe just a trait that carried over? Since at one point he did need to get consistent rest.
WHILE I HAVE YOU HERE— Do you think any other human quirks/traits/activities carried over into his Vampire days?? Y’know like making home cooked meals, still being able to tolerate and be productive during daylight hours, etc… ALSO IM SORRY IF THESE QUESTIONS ARE DUMB/DON’T MAKE SENSE— 🏃 and feel free to answer when you can since ik your asks are FULL 😩 ❆
Yes, you'd be right! It's heavily implied the Mukami brothers need a regular night of sleep like humans would. And it seems they also sleep at odd hours compared to purebloods and vampires in general, most likely due to their human past.
Sorry, my answer might get a be spoilerific in some parts.
It's confirmed they sleep at different hours from the Sakamaki family. Just take a look at Ruki's More, Blood Brute ending. He only manages to kill all six brothers thanks to them sleeping in the morning/daylight hours, suggesting it's very likely that these are normal waking hours for Ruki and exploiting the differences in sleeping hours doesn't seem to be too big of a deal for him at all.
There are parts in More, Blood where he scolds Kou for not sleeping early, because then he would have a hard time waking up early (I assume on time for his idol duties) as well. This implies they would follow something similar to a human's circadian rhythm, however, there are also parts of his routes where Ruki isn't sleeping around the same time as his brothers, which could suggest his sleep schedule is a bit wonky at times. It's shown periodically that Ruki even forsakes his sleep altogether, mostly because he is troubled from some event in the game. In Dark Fate, he skips a few nights of sleep after Yui turns herself in to the Founders, and in Lost Eden he stays awake for days after Karlheinz's death and after learning some vital information about the truth behind his past. So yes, I think he can get away with a few restless nights and still function normally compared to humans who easily get fatigued even if they have insomniac tendencies. I assume even for half-bloods, it's nothing too detrimental to their health, but rather an issue of comfort and solace as seen in his Sleeping Vampire story from Vandead Carnival, wherein he scolds Yui for not allowing him to get his sleep, so it gets a bit confusing at times.
As for the other human traits you listed, yes, those definitely tend to be exclusive to the Mukami family. Ruki in particular. We all know he cooks the homemade meals to care for his brothers and all that because let's be real, from what I know, the other three seem to a be a bit hopeless when it comes to preparing their own meals. There are other human traditions that he tends to adhere to as well, as seen in the Bloody Bouquet drama CD/short story. It's seen in the CG for Dark Fate as well. At least to me, it seems he has fairly human values on what a wedding should look like, which makes sense given his past. Overall, however, he still opts to emphasize the difference between himself and humans, often saying that he is too vampiric to make his human s/o happy or to understand their supposed futile sentimentality behind events or qualities he wouldn't even bat an eye at or deem worthy of his concern, as seen in the infamous cat scene.
EDIT: Another difference I remembered is how some of the Sakamakis sleep in coffins, although there is also a scene in Vandead Carnival where Ruki and Subaru are talking and he just goes like “hm, I’m surprised I haven’t tried that myself, perhaps I should” so I think the whole bed vs coffin spiel is just preference more than anything.
Ahhh, my thoughts for this were really disorganized but I hope it makes sense. ALSO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS LIKE THIS, I REALLY ENJOY ANSWERING THEM. 😩🧩
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
Capture This! || Kaminari Denki
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Synopsis: You walk in on Denki, your best friend of five years, getting off. Two questions: Why is there a picture of you? And why do you want him to take more? 
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x fem!reader
Warnings: M/E+, 18+, explicit sexual content
Word Count: 6k+
A/N: This is for the @bnhabookclub​ bingo event! Thank you @shoutogepi​ and @im-here-for-the-heroes​ for beta reading. Shout out to @whats-her-quirk​ this fic was born from me poppin in during your thirst hours lol
“Lotion? Check. Tissues? Check. Pictures?” 
Denki swallows. 
It’s routine for Denki, really the only ritual he sticks to in his otherwise scatterbrained schedule of kickin’ ass, chilling with friends, and playing Fortnite till ungodly hours of the morning.
But he can’t help it. You’re fucking gorgeous, and Denki has needs - his brain programmed to get off at least three times a day else he can’t function. The first time it happened, he felt a deep sense of shame, twisting his gut, disgusted with himself that he defiled your image. He couldn’t look you in the eye for a week until you had enough and demanded to know what was up. It was the first time he lied to you. 
But one time became two, and three, and suddenly Denki needed an image of you all the time. The one of you looking all pretty in that stupid summer dress was his favorite. You bought it that one time you dragged him to the mall because you needed a “guy’s opinion.” He rushed to the bathroom because if he didn’t get out fast, he was gonna drag you back into the changing room and rip that dress off himself.
You’re adorable, hot, sexy, and absolutely terrifying, wrapped up in one perfect package.
Oh, and did he forget to mention?
Totally off-limits.
This is why Denki has to resort to hanging out with you, listening to you vent about your boy problems, and how you just want to meet “the one” already. Denki’s heart breaks a little more every time you shove him deeper into the friend zone, all the while pretending like he didn’t just jerk it to you a couple hours before.
He works his hand up and down his shaft, growing harder by the second with each stroke. It doesn’t take much to get him going, not when it’s you. You’re wearing his hoodie, toes buried in the sand, roasting a marshmallow in front of a bonfire. You’re smiling at something Kirishima said, Denki doesn’t remember what, because all he could see was the light in your eyes. A genuine spark lit only when the cameras were off, and you were unaware of anyone watching. Denki loved witnessing these rare moments; wanted to commit it to memory, so he did. When you posted the picture on Instagram, Denki was more than surprised; you had scrunched your nose when he showed you the picture, displeased with how you looked.
This should not be happening. Any normal person would feel ashamed when staring at a picture of their best friend and touching themselves. No one knew about it, and Denki was surprised he was able to keep it a secret for this long considering he’s friends with fucking Mina of all people.
Enough pre-cum bubbles at the tip that he doesn’t even need the lotion. Staring at you on the screen, wearing his hoodie that’s way too big it covers your thighs completely, makes his mind wander to all sorts of ways he wishes he could get you out of that hoodie. He leans back into the chair, spreading his legs with his eyes half-lidded, imagining what your lips might look like wrapped around his cock. 
“Fuck yeah...”
Groaning at the image of you on your knees, lips bruised and slicked with spit from fucking your pretty little mouth has Denki tightening his fist, hips fucking into his hand in a continuous rhythm. 
He’s on the verge of coming when the door swings open - the first and last person Denki wants to walk in is standing there in front of him.
“Hey, I called, but you didn’t - ah!” You squeak, throwing the box you’re holding. A sea of random knick-knacks and hero merch rains over you. You hear a thump when the yellow polaroid camera you bought for Denki at a thrift shop hits the floor. 
“Fuck!” Denki jumps from his chair, an array of pens fall in a heap to the floor. 
You whip your head away, heat spikes your body, embarrassed that you saw your best friend in such a compromising position. 
Denki mutters a repeated “shit shit shit” to himself for a good minute before he finally addresses you; his voice rising with each word.
“How did you get in here!?”
“Spare key, dumbass!” 
“That’s for emergencies only!”
“Are you talking to me with your dick out!?”
You huff at the uncertainty in his tone. It’s only two o’clock, and you can already feel a migraine coming on.
“Denki, if I turn around and you’re not covered, so help me god I will-”
“Okay, okay, I got it. Pants are zipped.” 
You don’t move until you hear the confirming “zip” before slowly opening your eyes (you have no idea why your eyes were closed in the first place), and you turn around to find Denki leaning against the desk. He’s trying his best to appear casual, but the flush on his face and frazzled hair give away what he was doing moments before you walked in. You don’t know where it comes from, but the thought alone stirs something inside you.
The confusing emotion is replaced by hot-blooded anger when you lock eyes on the screen behind him.
“Is that my face!?” 
Denki’s smile drops as he turns around. Dammit. Of course, he forgot to close the tab.
He has no words, none, not when you’re standing there with that intense look in your eyes you get when you’re about to rip someone a new one. Your anger could rival Bakugou’s, and Denki has unfortunately been in the middle of one too many screaming matches. He’s surprised his eardrums aren’t blown out by now.
He clicks to exit out, or at least he thinks he does until he comes to the dumb realization that he’s clicking the zoom button instead. 
“Ho-hold on, let me just…” 
With each click, it zooms a little more into your face until only your nose is in the frame. Denki sheepishly looks up at you.
Denki’s had a good life. He’s already come farther than most ever dream in their career when becoming a pro-hero, and he’s made some amazing friends most spend years trying to find. The only regret of his is not confessing his true feelings to you, but really what’s one regret? He’s totally a-okay with saying goodbye to this cruel, cruel world if it meant not being subjected to this torture any longer. 
“Denki Kaminari.”
Denki gulps. Oh no. You only say his full name when you mean business. 
“Explain right this instant or I will walk out this door and tell the whole world how you and grape boy took body shots off cardboard cutouts of each other!”
“Hey! We were really fuckin’ drunk and thought it might score us some pity sex with the ladies!” 
“In what world would you licking fuckin’ Mineta equal oh yeah, fuck me, Denki?”
Denki cowers with each step you take, gulping down the lump in his throat when your face is close enough to hold in his hands. He’s never been more simultaneously turned on and terrified in his life. Especially when he just heard the words “fuck me, Denki” escape your lips.
Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Whatever you do. Don’t. Look. Down.
The last thing he wants is you flinging him out the window because he couldn’t keep his eyes on your face. Don’t get him wrong; he could look at your face forever, even when you look like your one move away from killing him. But… he’s a dude, and there’s boobs in front of him, not to mention your boobs.
“Hello? Earth to Denki?” You wave your hand in his face.
“You may wanna sit down for this.” 
“I’m fine where I am, thank you very much.” 
He huffs out a breath, annoyed you didn’t take the bait. The suggestion was more for his sanity than yours. With you standing so close, his brain is going haywire; the tantalizing scent of strawberries and cream short-circuiting his brain quicker than when he overuses his quirk. It never fails to make his mouth water, if only he could bend down and bury his nose in the crook of your neck, god, he’d never let you go.
How does he even begin to work through the feelings he has for you when they’ve been bottled up since the moment he knew he was in deep? Where does he start?
The fact he’s been in love with you for the past five years? 
Or that he’s been getting off to you for half that time? 
Denki’s mind is running a mile a minute, like a computer in overdrive. He can’t make enough sense of his emotions to convert into words. But, instead of waiting to open his mouth, like a normal person, Denki spews out embarrassing word vomit that connects his two thoughts.
“I love getting off to you.”
A pin could drop, and it’d be as loud as a freaking hurricane. 
Denki groans in frustration, facepalming his forehead. What the hell did he just say, and can he take it back? How long would it take for him to hack into a database and find someone with a time manipulation quirk? He doesn’t even know how to hack, but he’d wrangle his one brain cell and fucking learn if that’s what it takes.
He’s usually good at reading you. You’re one of the few people he cares enough to pick up on how you’re feeling. The myriad of emotions that pass on your face from shock to confusion to a hint of amusement lets Denki know he can breathe easy. At least you’re not trying to kill him anymore.
“Oh-kay that’s not what I - what I meant to say was - hold on, lemme just, rewind.”
He makes some weird, loopy gesture with his arms. His brain was firing a million synapses at once, each connected to a different thought, some deep like the fear of losing you and some not so deep - like he’s really excited to eat the cheeseburgers Bakugou promised he’d grill tonight. 
But he tries his best to reign in the million and one thoughts to focus on you, who’s waiting for an explanation. He takes a deep breath to steady his heart that’s about to beat out of his chest. He only hopes you don’t stomp on it after what he’s about to say.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N. I have been since our first year at U.A. I wanted to tell you for the longest time, but then you got with Bakugou. Then you broke up, and you needed a friend more than ever, and how could I say no to being ‘your best bro’ when you were crying on my shoulder? It was just never the right time.”
The more he rambled, the more uncomfortable he felt. Out of all the scenarios he imagined of how he’d confess to you, this one was at the bottom of his list to be prepared for. He never expected to be forced into confessing because you caught him masturbating to pictures of you. He rubs the back of his neck and gives an awkward laugh when you stay silent.
“I get it if you wanna, like, shun me forever or something. I deserve it for being such a creep.” 
Denki lowers his head to the floor, the clutter of fallen pens and knick-knacks looks way less intimidating than staring into your eyes. A soft hand touches his chin, lifting his face to meet yours.
“Hey, look at me, it’s okay.” 
Your voice does wonders for soothing the nerves shaking him up.
“I guess it’s not that creepy when you put it like that, and for some weird reason, you’re like the one person I can catch jacking off to my pictures, and I don’t feel the need to report you as a registered sex offender.”
It’s meant to be reassuring, but Denki’s heart drops at the idea of you labeling him as the neighborhood perv.
“Please, don’t do that,” he squeaks before clearing his throat, “But for real, Y/N, I’m so sorry. It’s wrong to disrespect you like that, and I promise I won’t do it again.”
Denki has no idea how he’s gonna get off now, but that’s his future self’s problem.
“I can’t help it, you’re gorgeous, and I love ya, and I don’t remember the last time I got laid.”
Fuck. He didn’t mean to say that last part, but it’s the truth. You’re the reason he couldn’t even look at another girl, because they weren’t you, and that’s why he had to resort to pulling up pictures of you. Pictures that aren’t normally deemed “sexy” and of you dressed modestly, without much skin showing.
That doesn’t stop Denki from coming in record time with your name rolling off his lips every time.
“How bad do you want me?”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t the least bit curious about what sex with your best friend would be like. You heard he wasn’t a bad lay from a couple girls back at U.A. 
You’d also be lying if you didn’t say you were just as horny as said best friend.
It’s difficult finding time to date as a pro-hero. When you do, it doesn’t last very long anyway - the other person growing tired of always coming second to your career. Don’t even get you started on one night stands. They’re practically impossible to uphold as once the media gets wind of it, you’re slapped on the cover of “Hero Times Magazine,” and everyone and their mother is calling for you to “spill the tea.” This is why pro-heroes either end up with other pro-heroes or end up alone. 
Denki’s eyebrows shoot straight to his hairline. If someone were to tell him you were attracted to him in any sense of the word, his heart would double-time it, but he’d ultimately brush it off. He knew your type, and he could not be farther from it. The aggressive, beefy, gym rat who could match you move for move in a heated spar of harsh words and hot-blooded passion. You dated Bakugou for fuck’s sake! There was no hope for Denki after that.
But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t take what he can get. The words pour out of him like the dam’s been broken and the unforgiving flood rushes.
“I want you so bad, Y/N, fuck, I’ve waited so long, so fucking long, you don’t know how crazy you make me.” 
Your breath catches. His words have an unexpected effect on you, but your heart drums in anticipation. If you listen close enough, you can hear Denki’s beating at the same rate, waiting for what you’re going to say next. Power surges through you. In your past relationships, sex was always seen as this competition. Your exes never wanted to relinquish their pride or control, but Denki is nothing like your exes. He’s laid-back, always cracking jokes, and never dwelling too much on the past, always moving forward to the next moment. He’s perfectly fine with letting you take the reins most of the time. You determine what will happen next.
“You love getting off to me?”
It’s a rhetorical question, but he answers in earnest.
“You’re the only one I get off to.”
You slide your dress off, and it falls to the floor.
“Show me.”
Denki’s eyes travel over your body, his mouth slightly open in disbelief at your undressed state. He wants to capture this moment in case this is as much as he gets, even if he can never use this mental picture because he promised you he wouldn’t. His fingers itch to brush along the lace trim of your bra, to graze along your nipple, and watch your reaction. Are you sensitive enough where you’d full on moan, or would he have to strain to catch the small hitch of breath? Denki was never top of his class. He preferred to wing it and hope for the best, but for you, he’d take his time to study every inch and crevice of your body until he could read you cover to cover with his eyes closed. His gaze travels down to the matching lace panties you wear, a cute little bow in the front waiting to be untied with his teeth. 
Did you plan to get fucked today? Or do you usually wear matching sets on the regular? 
Your skin looks so soft and supple, he’s aching to dig his fingers, but before he can, you step away. Denki cocks his head. Have you changed your mind? But any doubt leaves Denki when you make your way across the room to sit down on the edge of the bed. 
You start with feather-light touches dancing along your collarbone. Your eyes are locked on Denki, getting high on the way he drinks in your every move. Your touches are teasing, especially when your finger dips down to your cleavage. Still, instead of giving Denki what he wants, you change course, making your way back to your shoulders. Denki exhales a breath at your teasing, but says nothing, too afraid he’ll ruin the mood if he says something stupid. 
When you make your way down again, you don’t disappoint; you pinch your nipple through your bra, and the way Denki swipes his tongue over his lip has heat rushing to your core. You slide your hand down your stomach, stopping when you reach your clothed slit. Denki stares, hungry and buzzing in anticipation for what you’ll do next. Smirking in victory, you spread your legs open and pull your panties to the side, giving him the view to capture the perfect picture of your dripping pussy.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” 
You taunt breathlessly, tracing your folds with your fingers.
Oh shit. Were you for real? Please, tell him you were for real because he legit might cry if this was some elaborate prank. Where are the fucking cameras? 
“You don’t want to?” You bite your lip, insecurity seeping through the confident smile you wore just a moment ago.
“No! I mean - yes! Yes, I do, holy shit, let me find - where the fuck is…” Denki whips around, trying to find his phone. Fuck! Out of all the times to misplace it, it has to be now. But then he spots the yellow polaroid camera sitting on the floor, and before he can think, he’s picking it up and praying it has film. He kneels, so he’s eye level with your pussy, but also making sure the angle gets your whole body in the frame. The light streaming in gives you an ethereal look, your skin glowing, and adding to the cute flush on your cheeks. The camera clicks, and a second later, the picture slides out. You giggle at Denki’s impatience. He’s waving the picture frantically in the air, so the color comes through faster. He completely stills when he can finally take a good look at the beauty he’s captured.
“Fuck, Y/N, you look…” 
Denki can’t control the groan that escapes. He looks back up at you, eyes darkened with lust before he’s ripping his shorts off so fast, his foot gets caught, and he almost trips in the process. Once he’s out of them, he plops back down in the chair across the room. You’re surprised when all you feel is pure, unadulterated lust. You expected to be at least a little bit weirded out staring at your best friend’s cock, but all you want is to put it in your mouth and explore all the different ways you can make him come. The tip is oozing pre-cum already, and the way he works his hand with a sense of urgency suggests he’s been hard for a while. It doesn’t take long before you hear Denki grunt.
“Fuck, I’m close.”
You look so pretty spread out for him. For the last five years, he wanted nothing more than to see you like this. His hips jerk up, and he throws his head back, but he makes sure to keep his eyes open like his life depended on it; he didn’t want to miss a second of this. You, with your legs wide open giving him a view of your perfect little pussy. Your panties soaked by you rubbing your clit mercilessly, and your pupils blown wide as you watch your best friend get off to the show you’re giving him. It’s erotic as hell, completely different from the pictures Denki has of you. This one easily tops all the others. He tightens his fist - he doesn’t want it to end without feeling your skin on his at least once.
“Let me touch you, Y/N, please, I just wanna touch you, need to feel you.” 
Denki doesn’t give a fuck that he’s begging at this point. He’s waited too damn long to care about pride or dignity, not when the chance to fuck you is placed in his shaking hands. You bite your lip to suppress a moan, but it comes out anyway.
“Touch me.” 
That’s all Denki needs. Before you know it, you’re pushed down on the bed, and lips smash against yours. He’s eager, a little too eager, shoving his tongue in your mouth and touching everywhere that he can. You don’t have much room to breathe, so you gently push at his chest.
“Chill, Denki.”
He huffs out a breath, muscles shaking like he’s restraining himself from overwhelming you.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” 
He mumbles, peppering kisses into your neck before making his way back to your lips. It’s much smoother this time, his tongue sliding out to tease your bottom lip, asking for permission this time. He groans when you open up for him, your tongue meeting his. Hands trail up until they reach around, resting on the clasp of your bra. Honey eyes meet yours, but you cut off his question.
“I’ll stop you if I need to, but you asking me if it’s okay every time you try something is gonna seriously kill the mood.” 
You reach around to place your hands on top of his, unclasping your bra along with him. His eyes darken at the sight of your bare chest. You try not to squirm at the intensity of his gaze. It becomes near impossible when he dips down to flick his tongue over your nipple before biting with his teeth. He pays the same attention to the other one before kissing his way down your stomach. You arch your back when he spreads your legs and positions himself between them. He makes his way around, avoiding your dripping pussy, teasing your thighs with soft kisses. You huff in annoyance, and he smirks up at you, biting into the flesh of your thigh. This time he places a kiss to your heated center, enjoying the way you squirm under his touch. 
“Is it everything you imagined?” You ask.
He looks up at you, with such a serious expression, one you’ve only seen a couple times since knowing him.
“Everything and more.”
Your heart flutters, and you know you’re going to say something you’ll regret if you don’t stop counting the different shades of gold in his eyes. You clear your throat before throwing your hair back.
“You gonna fuck me, or am I gonna have to do it myself?”
You pull his head in for a demanding kiss, biting on his lip to distract yourself from the rush of bubbling emotions threatening to surface.
“One sec,” Denki whispers, placing one last kiss to your lips, before getting up.
You gape at the giant box of condoms he casually pulls out. It hasn’t been opened, and oh my god, you didn’t even know they made huge boxes like this. There were at least a hundred in there. What person thinks to buy a big box of condoms if their plans don’t include… fucking a whole ass army? 
“What the fuck, Denki?” 
People usually have one, maybe two condoms in their wallet at most. Some guys don’t have any at all, which kills the mood when you’re in the heat of the moment, so I guess you can be thankful that Denki is... extra prepared?
He pulls a condom out and drops the box. It thumps when it hits the floor. You’re taken aback by how nonchalant he’s being about this.
“I- you- wha- How many times do you think we’re gonna do it!?” 
Denki slides the condom on, smirking at your shocked expression.  
“Till we finish this box,” he says as he slides into you. 
You gasp at the stretch. He pushes to the hilt, and stays there when he notices the slight furrow of your brow. It has been a while since you’ve fucked, but soon enough, you crave more so you roll your hips, but he doesn’t move.
His head is pressed into your neck, warm breath tickling your skin, and the stuttering heartbeat matches to the beat of your own. 
“Just… gimme a minute, don’t wanna ruin it by coming in two seconds.” 
His words are muffled, voice raspy with desire, and you can only imagine what his face looks like. It makes you want him all the more. Finally, someone who doesn’t see sex as an opportunity to one-up you or to put you in your place. It’s scary how the last twenty minutes have changed five years of friendship.
“Hey,” you hold his face in between your palms. He already looks completely fucked out with his face flushed and eyes glazed. You place a tender kiss to his lips, unlike the previous kisses you shared. 
“You couldn’t ruin it even if you did come right now.”
You caress his hair in an attempt to reassure him.
“You’d just have to make it up to me,” you wink.
His smile is so pure, lighting up his eyes that’s unique to Denki; it makes your heart do somersaults in your chest. But the moment passes as the previous heat between you two spikes when Denki circles his hips, taking his time to feel you inside and out. He’s touching and kissing you wherever he can, your cheek, neck, chest, thighs, like it’s the first and last time he’ll experience you like this. It might very well be. 
This thought doesn’t sit well with you.
Once he’s mapped out your sweet spots, he digs his fingers into your thighs and pulls your hips flush towards his. He pulls out of you until only the tip is brushing your opening and pounds back into you, taking your breath away. He pumps in and out of you faster, and you cry out when he hits that special spot deep inside of you.
“Denki,” you moan. He grunts and spreads your legs even wider, grabbing one and hauling it over his shoulder to pound into you deeper.
He’s getting close, hell, he’s been close even before you walked in. 
“F-fuck…” Denki groans, thrusting at an uneven pace and feeling the familiar tightening in his groin.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you flip him over and begin bouncing on his cock in a much more steady rhythm. Denki’s staring up at you, eyes wide in admiration.
You’re a goddess. An absolute fucking masterpiece that needs to be put in a museum for his eyes only. God, when did he get so fucking mushy? You always brought out different sides that Denki, himself, didn’t even know he had. He can’t keep his hands off you, grabbing your boobs, sliding down the curves of your thighs, gripping your ass. He wants to commit it all to memory in case he never gets to know this pleasure again. 
“Y/N, ah, shit, I’m gonna...” he trails off, unable to finish his sentence.
He’s holding on to that sweet release for as long as he can. He’s been craving it since he met you on the first day of class at U.A. His balls tighten, unable to hold it in any longer, before he gives in to the long overdue orgasm. It hits him hard - his entire body tingling from head to toe like 1000 volts of electricity bolt through him. Denki had no idea he could come for this long, but he doesn’t want it to end - it feels so fucking good inside you. He rides it out for a couple more thrusts before he relaxes, completely sated. You try to pull off him, but he grabs your hips and forces you back down. You squeak, clearly not expecting him to care enough to help you out after he finished.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
The tone of his voice sounds foreign in his ears, too gruff and too deep, but you seem to have no problems with it as you moan in response, working yourself on top of him. Your thighs crush his hips, shaking with need as you seek a release of your own. You’re tired from bouncing, so you resort to grinding, swirling your hips deliciously around his cock. Denki squeezes your ass in appreciation.
“You close?” 
“Close, so close, Denki, please…”
Your eyes well up with tears, desperate to finish; the coil in your stomach wound too tight that you might burst any second. Denki helps you by thrusting his hips to meet yours, his hand rubbing your clit. You jolt at the sudden zap to your clit, you look down to see a small spark leave Denki’s fingertip. He does it again, and you cry out, your pussy fluttering from the electrifying touch.
“C’mon, baby, you can do it, come for me.” 
Fuck. Denki didn’t mean for the pet name to slip out, but then you’re moaning louder than before that Denki would’ve had to quiet you if you weren’t alone. Words are tumbling out before you can stop them.
“Oh, fuck, Denki, I love this so much, I love you, I-” 
You slap your hand over your mouth. Denki’s eyes widen for a second before a dangerous glint takes over, and he wretches your hand away from your mouth.
“Lemme hear you. C’mon, Y/N, show me how much you love this.”
You hardly recognize the scream as your own; you flush at how loud you are, but Denki doesn’t seem to mind. It seems to spur him on. He sits up so your chest to chest before he bends down to tug at your nipple with his teeth. You throw your head back in pleasure, your hands coming around to grab at his hair. Golden eyes look up at you from your chest, a slight smirk curving his lips.
“I’m no photographer, baby girl, but I can sure as hell picture us together.”
Leave it to Denki Kaminari to make you come with a cheesy pickup line. 
He gives one final thrust, balls slapping against your ass and hitting the spot deep inside you just right. Your thighs quiver from the pleasure wracking your body, a scream lodging out of your throat so loud that the people next door bang on the wall. You’re overwhelmed to the point that all you can do is rest your head on his shoulder, whispering his name in a broken whimper as you finish. 
You fall next to him on the bed, sweaty and completely wiped, both of you trying to catch your breath. Denki tosses the condom in the trash while you stare at the ceiling, watching the fan swirl round and round. Your mind is no different at the moment, going round in circles, and you’re trying to catch up. Your body feels weightless, tingling all over and loving the high you didn’t think was possible. The bed shifts, and suddenly you’re faced with your best friend of five years. Before he can get a word out, the front door slams shut, and two very familiar, very masculine voices are down the hall, getting closer by the second. 
“Kaminari, you lazy shit, get the fuck down here!”
“Shit!” Denki jumps from the bed, ruffling through the mess to find his pants.
“Denki, just lock the door! Hurry!”
It’s too late as the door swings open, and yeah… if today taught Denki anything, it’s that he really needs to lock his door more often. He doesn’t have time to think as he hops back into bed with you to avoid flashing any of his other friends today. Bakugou would probably threaten to chop his dick off and… yeah, Denki doesn’t wanna think about the rest.
You squeak and cover yourself with the blanket when you’re met with two sets of equally shocked crimson eyes.
Kirishima drops the bag of chips he’s holding. It seems like dropping things when walking into Denki’s room was a common theme today, and he’s sure as hell not looking forward to the cleanup. Denki regrets chancing a glance at Bakugou; nostrils flaring like a rabid predator on the loose and Denki’s his target.
The four of you stare at each other for who knows how long before Kirishima breaks out into a full-on grin.
“About time, bro, congrats!” 
“Congrats?” You turn to Denki, confused.
“The fuck!? You bangin’ my ex, dunceface!?” Bakugou shouts.
“Please don’t hurt me!” Denki squeaks, hiding underneath the covers.
“Oi! You fuck like a man, you better fight like one, too!”
You roll your eyes, hardly affected by Bakugou’s exploding presence, unlike Denki, who is literally shaking beside you.
“Oh fuck off, Katsuki, listen to yourself. Keyword ex-girlfriend.”
Bakugou sputters, and Kirishima drags him by the shoulder.
“Don’t listen to him. He’s been in a mood since he found out he’s gonna be the next star of the Bachelor.” 
“You wanna die too, shitty hair!?” 
You and Denki burst out laughing at the absurdity of Katsuki forced to act like a gentleman on live TV. The image of Katsuki in a suit and tie, holding a rose and actually smiling, is comedic gold to you.
“C’mon, bro, let’s give ’em some space.” 
“Oi! You’re on my shit list now! All of you! Aye! Get the fuck off me!”
Kirishima drags Bakugou the rest of the way, giving you a quick thumbs up on the way out.
You and Denki are still cracking up, but your laughter dies when they leave, and you’re faced with the tension from before. Denki sinks lower into the sheets, hating that he keeps getting walked in on. Who decided it was ‘make a fool out of Denki day’ anyway?
“So…” you start.
“So…” Denki finishes. 
You both stare straight ahead at nothing. 
“Did you mean it?” 
You raise an eyebrow, clearly asking him to elaborate.
“What you said, when you... you know...” he makes a clicking noise with his mouth like that’s universal code for fucking, “Or was it just a heat of the moment thing?” 
You take a moment to think before you give your response. You want to be as honest as possible, and not lead Denki on in any way. Of course, you loved him, he’s your best friend, but did you love him? 
You think back on your friendship, and suddenly a supercut of all the times he was there for you flashes before your eyes. He was there when you needed someone to drive you when you had your wisdom teeth pulled out. You didn’t expect Denki to stay with you the whole weekend, buying you ice cream and watching your favorite movies, but he did. 
He was there when you and Bakugou became an item, always listening to you swoon over how amazing a boyfriend he was. Denki would always respond with “But can he do this?” and would proceed to overuse his quirk like an overpowered Pikachu just to make you laugh. It sends a knife through your heart, knowing Denki was in love with you while you were talking about how great of a boyfriend his friend was. Not to mention how he was there when you and Bakugou broke up, heart-broken and vowing to swear off boys for good. Denki held you in his arms while you cried, staying silent the entire time, which you knew was against his nature. Denki was always there for you as a friend. There’s no doubt he’d be there for you as a lover.
“I meant it,” you say.
Tears threaten to spill, and your heart might burst out of your chest and land right into his hands. You hope he holds on to it forever. He squishes your cheeks and leans down to plant the softest kiss on your lips. This is what you’ve been missing - more like who you’ve been missing. You open your mouth to deepen the kiss, and he meets you move for move. He pulls away, hands still on your cheeks, grazing your cheekbones with his fingertips as he stares into your eyes. 
“Denki, I…” You bite your lip, overcome with emotion. You desperately want to say the words to capture this picture-perfect moment forever. 
Until you feel something poking your thigh.
You yell, affronted he popped a boner in the middle of what was supposed to be a romantic moment.
“Ugh! Worst timing ever!” You slap his shoulder.
“Ow! I said I’m sorry!”
You wiggle out of his embrace. Silence eats at the room, and you can feel Denki’s energy radiating in uncomfortable frequencies. The last moment had been thoroughly ruined.
But you have all the time in the world to make more.
“... round two?” 
Just seeing Denki’s face light up like Christmas is enough to promise the birth of a new moment. He bends over to grab his box of condoms, some spilling on the floor and adding more to the mess, before saying, “hell yeah!”
You roll your eyes with affection. What a weirdo, you think. But he’s your weirdo.
That night, or rather the next day since it was currently three in the morning, Denki plops down on his bed exhausted from the day. He’s fluffing his pillow, trying to get comfortable, when he feels something underneath. His eyes widen when he takes in the picture he’s holding. You must’ve taken it when he was downstairs and snuck it under his pillow. You’re bent over with that same damn lacy bra that sends him for a loop. Your cleavage deliciously on display as you bite your lip and stare at the camera with those innocent eyes. Denki can’t help it, his hand sliding down on instinct and cupping himself through his boxers. He turns the picture around and smiles at the cute little message written on the back.
“To add to your collection 😉”
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tick-fic-nick · 3 years
Lying and thievery
(People: Ranboo, Tubbo, Micheal)
Warnings: tickling, being stuck in clothing
Summary: Ranboos attempt to get back at tubbo embarrassing failed.
this is a platonic pairing
Ranboo was having to deal with his husband's crimes for far too long. Everyday Tubbo would steal a different hoodie or sweatshirt. Maybe that was an exaggeration but he didn't have that many! So it was finally time to do something about it.
So while tubbo was working with the nukes he put his plan into action. He made dinner for him and Micheal and then he took one of tubbos yellow sweaters and put it on. He expected that it would fit as long at he could get it over his head, and then would function as a crop top. He didn't realize that his arms would get trapped by the fabric near his head. Vision covered and arms stuck he realized that tubbo might not be home for hours.
Oh no.
The only person he could turn to was his son. He carefully made his way to the living room, making sure not to run into anything.
"Micheal? You there bud?"
There was a pause before he could hear a child's laughter in front of him. "Hi dada" He found himself smiling too.
"Hey Mikey, do you think you could help me out here?" He felt Micheal hug around his calf and took that as yes. "Ok, im going to sit on the couch, I just need you to help me get the shirt around my elbows and I think I can go from there."
He felt Micheal pull his pant leg toward where he could only assume was the couch. He followed. The couch came to meet him allowing him to sit down.
Micheal hopped up next to him, before walking to Ranboos lap and hugging around his torso. He realized that he probably wouldn't be able to reach where he was actually stuck. "Mikey how far up can you reach?"
He yelped when he felt tiny hoofed digits gently feel around his bare armpits. After the shock, he could feel his breath flutter. His arms wanting to fall but they remained stuck. He became very aware that he was basically shirtless right now.
"Ohokay Mikey... you can puhut your arms downn"
But he didn't, instead he moved around again cause giggles to build inside Ranboos chest, and his shoulders shook with silent laughter.
Micheal let out a gasp. "Dada tickly?"
The small piglin made a happy squeal and began to poke and tickle the best he knew how. It wasn't a lot and Micheal was still a toddler but it still was very flustering for Ranboo, who couldn't see where the next attack would occur.
His giggles grew and so did his struggles, which only made his situation worse. He could feel himself sliding onto his side but Micheal just followed him.
"Mihihihikehehey plehehehease, toohohohoo tihihickly!"
That got the small piglins attention and he stopped his tiny assault. He climbed ontop of ranboos side and gave him a hug as his dad caught his breath.
"Okahay. Now cahan you help dad?"
Micheal made his way to the stuck shirt and after a good few minutes was able to get ranboo free. Once he was out, he stretched his arms and ruffled Micheal hair.
"Did you have fun tickling dada?"
Micheal only giggled as a response bringing his hands to his mouth.
"Well..." He sat up and looked at Micheal with playful eyes "I think it's time for someone else to be tickled"
Micheal squealed and hopped off the couch giggling as he ran away.
"Oh no you don't, get back here!" He playfully chased after him. Picking up his squealing little pig, he gently prodded at his tummy.
He brought him back to the couch and sat him down, turning on the TV.
"I'll be right back"
He walked to the next room and picked up on of his dress shirts to put it on. He rehooked the buttons, and tucked it into his pants. He then heard the front door open and Micheal scream "DADDYY!"
He walked out just to see Micheal get picked up into a hug with Tubbo and held him to his side. "Whats going on Mikey?"
Micheal cupped his hand together and whispered something into his ear. Which made tubbos smile turn evil.
"Well it sounds like you two had fun."
Ranboo felt his face warm, and tried to change the subject. "And your home early, it seems."
Tubbo went along, and walked toward the couch "Yeah, we got a lot progress done and we decided to call it a day."
Once he sat down ranboo leaned over the couch and placed a platonic kiss onto tubbos hair. "Well I'm glad your back home."
That seemed to be the end of it for Ranboo. They watched the rest of the movie, and then put Micheal to bed. It was just Ranboo and Tubbo. They put on another movie to watch. Ranboo sitting up against the arm of the couch, and tubbo whose body was facing his husband's, had his head resting on his chest.
Ranboo was almost falling asleep his head sometimes bobbing in and out of consciousness. Tubbo was occasionally waking him up for a part that was coming up in the movie. Like right now.
"Ranboooo" He whispered
No response
He began to poke gently into his sleeping husband's sides. "Raaanbooo~" The end of ranboos tail began to slowly flick back and forth. And his steady breaths began to hitch. The smallers smile grew as he began to pick up the pace, still keeping it on his sides.
"Mmhmn hm"
"Boo? You gotta wake up. I have some questions for you~" the pokes turned gentle scribbling. He knew this wasn't a killer spot for his husband, but it was enough to wake him. Which it did.
Small giggles bubbled out of the half Ender Hybrid, his tail gently flicking side to side. Squirming slightly his hands came up to face "Tuhuboho! Ihim up im uhuhp!"
"Hello Handsome" His hands came to a stop. "Is this how Micheal got you? You were falling asleep?"
"N-No, uh that was different.."
"Different how?"
"Well..." Ranboo wasn't sure if he wanted to tell tubbo that he got stuck trying to wear one of his sweaters. "Thing is, I forgot." He decided to joke.
"What!? I know that's not how your memory thing works!"
"Nope, it totally works that way."
Tubbo paused as he leaned away from the hug squinting up at his husband "Your a lier. I can't believe I married a scoundrel!"
Tubbos false playful anger always was amusing to him, and he couldn't help himself from chuckling. Lucky for tubbo he couldn't see the mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Oh I'll give you something to laugh about!" He brought his hands up to his husband's ribcage scribbling at the lower ribs.
The taller jumped with a squeak and squirmed. Each touch sent electricity straight through him. "Wahahait wahaahahait ahahhahhhahah!"
"Ranboo do you admit that you lied!"
"Yeehehes! Okahay I lihihihied!"
"I KNEW IT!" He let his fingers explore a little lower to his belly. The giggles increased and so did squeaks. "Well, my beloved. I guess I have to tickle the truth out of you!"
Oh no
"Tuhuhuhbbohohoh! Pleheheheeahahase!" Ranboo hid his face in his hands.
"Please what? Please tickle the truth out of you, why I'd love to" He reached his hand up to an exposed armpit and scratched. That arm shot down to protect the area. "Oh no im trapped! I've got to find my way out!"
"Nohohohhoho GeheET Ohohout ohof thehhehereehe!"
"Oh I'm trying! Believe me!" He was not trying, he was just vibrating his fingers. This spot was always a good way to make Ranboo curl in onto himself. Tubbo got off of him, not letting up his assault. Ranboo curled up until his was laying on his side on the couch with tubbo sitting next to him, facing his back.
Tubbo removed his hands, but leaned down to ranboos neck nuzzling it with his nose. He knew this was a melt spot, but it also flustered him quite a bit.
"Ahehehehhehehe tuhuhbooho!"
With one hand he pulled ranboos hands away from his face and the other snaked to the other side of his neck to lightly scratch. His whispered into ranboos ear "I can see l your blush all the way on your ear, it's adorable."
"Nohohhohot adohohorahahable!"
"I think you are~" tubbo removed himself from ranboos neck and began to rub his back and arm soothingly. "I also think your smile is great."
Ranboo brought his hands to his face again and whined. "Why do you like embarrassing me?"
"Because your cute"
After that, there was quite a long pause, where tubbo just kept rubbing his back occasionall yplaying with his hair. Ranboo finally broke the silence "...Hey tubbo?"
"Yes boo?"
Ranboo removed his hands from his face and looked at tubbo "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For avoiding the truth."
"Dude it's fine, I knew you were joking. Besides I just wanted the opportunity to tickle you." He spidered his hand for a second across his back to emphasis. Which earned a lopsided smile from Ranboo. "Buuuuut im still curious about what happened."
Ranboo sighed sitting up slightly and told him the whole story. Tubbo laughed "So I missed seeing you stuck in my sweater, by minutes? I should have walked home faster."
"Yeah, well it was one of your smaller ones. I could have fit if I picked out one of your bigger sweaters."
"Uh huh, yeah sure." Tubbo hopped up ignoring look Ranboo was giving him "Come on its time for bed" Ranboo didn't complain, he just let himself be dragged to bed.
And they both slept good that night.
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
do you think loam link is illiterate. What about Shei. being The Famous Ex-Royal Winemaker's Son TM has to give him like. sub noble status like lower middle class but not dirty peasant poor right. but not Rich Rich. He's sorta a homemaker, he has all the skills of one, plus being raised by a single father, his dad must've been out working the wine crops or something all day, leaving him to do all the house chores and stuff. I'm just. thinking about Shei's skills and what would fit with his backstory- and maybe trying to build up some Trademark Proficiency with the rest of the cast.
Link's instincts for survival are pretty good, and I wonder if some of her faerie magic animal traits might aid her in some ways. I forget what all she has so I can't really. be Specific but, I think there were antlers and fangs, and maybe a few more.
I think Stella can smell rot. More like sense. something something poeticism about her being an undead thing and being facinated with the life-death cycle and living things being reclaimed by the earth. does she wish to be reclaimed by the earth? long for it's embrace? rest? does she look at Link and Shei and wonder if there'll be rest for them in death. Shei's death, does she think his life cycle was incomplete or because he and Link were torn far beyond their time that it was long overdue? hhhhhhh
I also think she should be obsessed with mushrooms and frogs and worms. that's cute and it plays into the whole circle of life thing
I wonder how she feels about it all after her pinocchio arc...
you. you are a GENIUS
okay okay starting with the first paragraph HECK YES she's illiterate from what I can surmise (signs and stuff) most of the population of Hyrule is literate but like??? she was in faerie way past the age when she would have been taught.
bby shei DEFINITELY spent most of his childhood hanging around the tavern his dad owned, helping the barkeeper and listening to people's stories and stuff. As he got older he 100% got more interested in keeping their home cozy (although that got cut off short when ya know)
and hhhhHHH yeah his skills DEFINITELY need to be built up more compared to the rest of the cast like before he gives up the goddess powers hes floating around throwing golden bubbles at people but thats not exactly a skill or one he can keep.........
Im just spitballing here but what if he has a bunch of functionally useless skills for the general circumstances the group finds themselves in like embroidering or macramé or like SOME kind of craft you do with your hands (i get the vibe modern shei would customize dolls but THATS OFF TOPIC) and it can't really help much unTIL they all get themselves tied up and hes like "you guys can't untie knots with limited wrist movement?? wtf its so easy??" and tada
I feel like thatd be a good vibe for him in general that he's good at a lot of random stuff that you can't see EVER being useful but by the magic of Plot Shenanigans they always do
ohhhhh YES for Link's survival instincts what I wish I could have expressed better for her is that most of the changes made by faerie are on the inside so while antlers and snake fangs and extra cat thumb (thats the complete list btw) might help a lil bit she can smell the spirits around her and see messages in the arrangement of flowers on a bush and she might not be able to tell what people are feeling by looking at their faces but she can tell by tasting their emotions (which makes crowds kiiiiiinda uncomfortable) and OH YES (i really need to compile a list of everything she picked up in faerie. but that would require them all to make sense and ARGH that is the worst part of making up a story)
ANYway back to what you were ACTUALLY saying she totally has a prey instinct left over from when she was turned into a stoat and chased around the banquet table another kid wasn't so lucky and roasted rabbit was on the menu that night and the ability to digest things that?? probably?? aren't?? digestible by human standards?? on the flip side she can't digest a few kinds of human food—like avocados, onions (garlic and chives too), alcohol, and mint (i lifted all these off of google searches for what not to feed your pets lmao). Hyper processed foods (in a modern au) like packaged cakes and chips would also not be good for her system. The weird stuff she CAN eat includes random bushes, SOME weeds, bark (???), and whole flowers. She likes those especially (but not the important ones like roses and bluebells those would get her in Fae Trouble).
I have this hilarious picture in my head now of Link just chowing down on a piece of bark or something and newly-humanified Stella thinking that looks awesome and nabbing a piece only to spit it out in disgust because??? it tastes awful for some reason??? meanwhile Shei is having aneurysm because apparently hes the only one in this group that actually understands What Food Is And Isn't
I forgot to mention this but Stella has a pet rat she adopted just as a friend. I think its name was Snazzy or something like that.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 years
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UH WHOA not only am i posting art but theres so much of it lmfao
ive been meaning to do this for mmmm a long time, and i decided to get it cleaned up so i can present folks with my homebrew/headcanon/thingy for the d&d playable races !! i know ive missed a few off but these are ones ive seen more of over all in my own travels in Nerd Game lol
ive only DMed one thing so far (our lost mines of phandelver adventure was a total blast but oh boy the shenanigans) but im like ... drowning in it all, have been for a loooonng time since i first played Neverwinter Nights when i was like 11, i just didnt have a party to mess with yet lmao (fingers crossed our schedules get sorted so the campaign goes ahead soooooonnn).. so ive been developing some of these various homebrewy headcanons for uh over half my life
getting them all together in one place like this was unbelievably fun !!
gonna yell under the cut for a bit about it more but very shortly i’ll be opening for d&d character / item / creature commissions so watch this space or pop me a message to get in a queue <3
these headcanon things are half based on “that looks cool” and Sciencing. a lot of the more humanoid in some way races ive really pulled on human ancestors a lot, as well as muscle development in different sports. And Animals, because ye
i haven’t included humans in this mammoth endeavour because we should all know what a Human People looks like, and their proportions aren’t any different in the world of D&D i run at least lol similarly, because they’re an exact intersection between humans & either elves or orcs, the half-species arent included on here either [shrugs] i WILL talk about them some here though !!
i might eventually update this with some npc generators ive made using my own descriptors and headcanons >.>
ELVES av height; 5′6 | heads-high; 8.5 generally long limbed, with fine wispy hair, elves senses are very heightened. helping in this, their eyes are almond-shaped with slightly narrow pupils, their large radar-like ears are very mobile, and the underside of their noses are covered in a lightly damp pitted leather. part of their ability to maintain grace with an elongated frame, aside from longer springy feet, is aided by a tail built somewhat like a horse, with a skirt of hair down its length, only with a slightly longer bone to it than would be seen in the typical pony. excepting a very light dusting on their lower limbs, they typically have very little body hair. sometimes their skin shimmers, or freckles sparkle.
GNOME av height; 3′6 | heads-high; 6.5  gnomes are almost like diminutive elves with a few key differences. their hair tends to be wild if left alone, but is often styled wildly anyway. set rather low on rounded but long faces, their large almond eyes are keen, and small hands very nimble. it’s not sure if its due to their close environments or frequent encounters with accidents in experiments, but their skulls are surprisingly hard, and they possess small horn nubs made of bone and coated in keratin. their small petal-shaped ears are set low and point outward, and are able to move a little to catch sound. they may look fragile due to their size and build but they are pretty hardy and more than capable.
HALFLING av height; 3′ | heads-high; 6 a very hardy but soft and welcoming folk, halflings are built for walking and surviving well, often coming from a semi-nomadic tradition. they typically have round faces with stronger jaws and soft round eyes, and their large ears are pointed upright. their figures easily get a little curved and chubby, especially when they have easy access to decent food, in preparation for harder times and the odd period of hunkering down for some downtime, say in poor weather. truly the most functional part of a halfling is their short powerful legs with big fairly flexible hard feet, and lion-like tail for balance, both insulated by hair.
DWARF av height; 4′3 | heads-high; 6.5 dwarves are accustomed to life in tougher terrain, typically with large parts spent in the ground. their broad frames are also squat down with thick short limbs, for huge power and for life in tunnels. wide feet keep them steady and sensitive to significant seismic energy in the earth, and wide hands aid in their work and the feel of the rock. their large round ears stick outward and are slightly mobile, large noses help condition the air, and high-set eyes with huge irises aid their vision in darker spaces and the ability to peek over things without being fully exposed. their skulls are also very thick just in case of falling rocks. all dwarves are very hairy and grow beards, taking pride in keeping and styling it.
GOLIATH av height; 7′6 | heads-high; 10 a totally different variety of rock & mountain people to dwarves, they do share a few traits. a goliath’s thick limbs are long with a big reach and huge stride, with big hands and feet for steady movement. as well as being hugely tall, they are broad, especially in their shoulders, with a long neck elevating their head further. their facial features tend to be very sharp, but long. they have little to no body hair, and they often dont grow head hair either, but decorate their skulls with tattoos. as they get older, the upper surfaces of their body develop pebble like growths under the skin, often in similar patterns to their habitats.
FIRBOLG av height; 7′6 | heads high; 9 firbolg typically live in deep forests but are actually a giantkin - although not too unbelievable given their huge height and thick build. large parts of their body are hairy, nearly furry, and their head hair is thick and wild, and they often have facial hair too. their large heads have long thick noses with an almost bovine leather to their top lips, and wide set eyes. their fluffy ears are very mobile, but when relaxed they drop and point downward. their nails are thick and sturdy, aiding in being even more dexterous while being so big. sometimes they are covered in layers of clothing, but they possess a tiny goat-like tail.
DRAGONBORN av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 8 dragonborns diverged from true dragons in the ancient past, likely due to a strong magical influence of some kind, but not so long ago that the bloodlines of dragons are absent from the race of dragonborn. (the illustration shows the typical head-shape and placement of ears, each bloodline has its own features). their chest is still very round like an animal, with deep chest muscles, a slightly less mobile shoulder, and short upper arm. their 4 clawed hands and feet somewhat resemble that of a true dragon, but smaller and a little less dangerous. the length of a dragonborn’s tail can vary from just the length from hips to floor, or up to their full height, and as well as being very useful for balance and dexterity, can be used for fighting. different bloodlines can interbreed, with it being a matter of chance which line is present in offspring (although metallic is more dominant over gemstone, and chromatic over both ... (ah yeah gemstone, ill get to that soon))
AARAKOCRA av height; 5′ | heads-high; 8.5 as an avian species, especially one capable of flight, the aarakocra’s bones are hollow, making them on the one hand very agile but a little fragile. their large wingspan nearly brushes the floor, and their wings attach high on their back, through to a deep avian keel. their arms have a long forearm, which is covered in bird-like scutes, and their 4 clawed hands are still remarkably talon like which quite short palms and very mobile thumbs. their legs are very long and powerful, and backed by a typically wedge shaped tail. more often than not, their physical appearance takes after raptor species of birds, but different populations can trend towards many different appearances, including parrots and waterfowl.
TABAXI av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 9 tabaxi are an unusual sight in many places still. their cat-like bodies are very flexible and suited to their athletic climbing lifestyle. their long hands and feet have very a powerful grip, and they can retract their front claws. their long feline face is something like a cheetah or a clouded-leopard, with large highly mobile ears, large eyes and a strong nose. 
av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 8
orcs are very powerfully build, with heavy muscles and thick bodies overall. compared to other humanoids they can look a little gorilla-like. their short legs are usually a little bent to carry weight better instead of busting knees when locked. their course wiry hair grows profusely all over their body. their strong nails often grow out a little pointed. their large thick heads have high heavy brows and protruding lower jaws, short round noses and low bud-shaped ears which stick outward. the lower jaw and sometimes upper contain tusks, sometimes multiple tusks, which are greatly cared for and very impressive.
HALF-ELVES av height; 5′6 | heads-high; 8.25 a half-elf’s build will be somewhere between human and elf, often inheriting something of an elf’s eyes and nose leather, shorter elf ears, and maybe a small tufted tail something like a rabbits
HALF-ORCS av height; 6′ | heads-high; 8 a half-orc’s build will be somewhere between human and elf, often inheriting something of an orc’s skin colour and dark and profuse wiry hair, shorter orc ears, and some small tusks.
GOBLIN av height; 4′ (stood straight) | heads high; 5.5 bat/cat-like ears, nose something like bear/cat, domed head, arms/legs same length, sparse wiry hair, claws, short digits, lithe but very strong and hardy
HOBGOBLIN av height; 5′3 (stood straight) | heads high; 8 bat/cat-like ears but pinched at the base, nose something like bear/cat, very domed head, arms slightly longer than legs, claws, sparse wiry hair, quite broad
BUGBEAR av height; 7′ (stood straight) | heads high; 7.5 bat-like ears, long domed head something like a lion/bear, arms very long, nearly totally covered in thick fur, big tusks and often fangs, very bear-like hands/feet, big claws, very broad
TRITON av height; 5′2 | heads high; 7.5 lithe but well muscled, quite streamlined for a humanoid, frilled ears, pretty flat face, fins on limbs/back, “hair” is tendrils/fins/etc, short strong legs & long arms, long webbed fingers, long flipper feet, gills along front/side of chest
YUAN-TI PUREBLOOD av height; 5′9 | heads high; 9 domed angular faces, lips are not humanoid, triangular eyes, scales, quite flat nostrils with sense pits following along underside cheekbones, very little cartilage in ear, some may have cobra hoods extending out of ear instead, very tall and thin with small hands/feet, reptilian claws
CENTAUR av height; 7′ | heads high; 10 fairly stocky pony body (usually about 4′10 at withers), very muscled front end, long neck & sloping human-shoulders, long faces with long broad noses, prominent lips, horse-like ears sticking up and out, their whole scalp can grow hair but shaved sides are common, can grow hair nearly all down human-spine
KOBOLD av height; 2′6 | heads high; 5.5 almost alligator-like head & eyes, tiny nub horns, quite animal-like chest, arms/legs same length, thick stubby tail same length of body, 4 digits with stubby claws, lithe but strong for their tiny size
KENKU av height; 4′ | heads high; 5.5 corvid features, deep chest but no keel, longer arms than legs, 4 digits with talons, hands human-like but scaled, wedge-like tail half of leg height, not-quite fully bird feet.
LIZARDFOLK av height; 6′6 | heads high; 7 iguana-like, egg-shaped head, neck wattle, line of back spines varies in height, long arms and legs, very reptilian hands and feet with long claws, elbow spikes
GRUNG av height; 3′ | heads high; 6.5 large heads, neck leads nearly directly into torso, super flexible, very long limbs, triangular body, short upper arm, shorter thigh, large hands/feet, 4 digits
LOXODON av height; 7′6 | heads high; 5.5 large head, trunk as long as torso, short legs / long arms, huge bones under thick muscle, thick skin, 4 digits with thick nails, large hands / rounded cushioned feet, v e r y broad and thick build, small tail with tuft at the end, 
TORTLE av height; 7′6 | heads-high; 7 thick wrinkled skin encased in huge shell, stooping posture with neck extending forward, very long arms & short legs, 5 digits with reptilian claws, boxy head, heart shaped from above with features set far forward, tail to balance stoop
MINOTAUR av height; 7′ | heads-high; 9 powerful build with thick bones, typically well muscled, bovine head on thick neck, often very large horns, fairly long tufted tail, big hooved feet, broad 4 digit hands with thick nails, hair length varies
listen this was a lot easier in the edition i first encountered lol anyway, until anything else comes up in extra material im just applying a few square & rectangle venn diagram rules
a useful word; planetouched. i dont really know why WotC seems to have dropped that term for at least 5e (i missed 4e entirely) but it refers to a “mortal native outsider” with lineage or influence from a plane other than the material, so “a material plane native creature with non-native plane influence, which can die”
GENASI height depends on material plane parent the result of a material plane / elemental pair (usually genies). they usually take after their material parent in build and broader features, but their elemental heritage comes through in features like magical hair, bright coloured eyes, unusual body temperatures, innate magics, etc.  genasi can interbreed with themselves, and the crossing of two elements can produce some interesting results (im working on that :>)
TIEFLINGS height depends on material plane parents this is the first of the squares & rectangles, and tbh its basically canonical. a tiefling is the result of a material plane humanoid being born with fiendish* influence. the word ‘tiefling’ refers specifically to a human with fiendish influence, but is also an umbrella term for ALL fiendish planetouched creatures. these DO have some names mentioned in the play material ! fey’ri = elves, tanarukk = orcs, wisplings = halflings, maeluth = dwarves, etc. so all fiendish planetouched are tieflings, but not all tieflings are human-based. the fiendish influence can be dormant for years or just string along for decades. AnyWay, all of them have horns, most have tails, odd skin or eye colour, and others can have all sorts of extraplanar features. *(fiends are another venn diagram thing in D&D, its an umbrella term for both demons and devils) 
AASIMAR height depends on material plane parents aaand this is the second of the squares & rectangles, the not-strictly-canon one. okay duplicate what i said about tieflings, but make it about celestials not fiends, basically lmao. aasimar is an umbrella term, but also a human/celestial planetouched specifically! unlike the above, since its my homebrew concept i dont have other words specifically for other races’ celestial planetouched, but i’ll get there watch this space lol EnyHoo, they all tend to have a strange glow about them in general, but usually in their eyes, and maybe hair especially. it isnt uncommon for them to have a kind of halo around themselves, or glowing glyphs/runes/sigils on or around them either. while MOST dont have full wings, a dusting of feathers isnt unusual. the features of celestials can vary a lot more. for example, unicorns and leonals are actually celestials!
aaand the slightly odd-ball;
WARFORGED height depends on build purpose these are an interesting case, as warforged are actually constructs, brought into this world by the fusing of organic muscle (like wood or leathery material) to an inorganic shell (like stone or metal), imbuing a life-giving fluid of some sort to act like blood, and bringing life to it by a powerful ritual - a unique glyph etched into their heads. as their name suggests they are usually created to become soldiers, or other army positions, although they could be suited to other purposes. unlike most constructs, they are fully self-aware and have a mind on par with humans. they do not need sleep (but require rest) and they also do not naturally reproduce. if they live longer than their purpose, then they are turned loose to deal with the world as they wish. as they are MADE they can vary greatly depending on who made them, and for what exact purpose - although they tend to have beak-like mouths, and 3 digit hands and 2 toed feet.
AV. HEIGHT CHART FROM LEFT TO RIGHT !!! human - elf - dwarf - gnome - halfling - orc - goliath - firbolg - dragonborn - aarakocra - tabaxi - kenku - hobgoblin - bugbear - yuanti - triton - kobold - grung - lizardfolk - tortle - centaur - minotaur - loxodon
oooboy that was a lot of waffle :L
3K notes · View notes
Will They Won’t They | Part 4/4 [Reggie Peters]
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Pairings: Reggie Peters x fem!Reader
Words: 6.0K
A/N: oh my god it’s finally here. the last part. our baby. i literally can’t believe it i’m almost in tears. thank you so mcuh for being with us this past week and sharing the joy drea and i have had writing this for you guys. please i’m literally begging you guys to SEND IN MEMES you’ve made related to this series they make our day. anyways lots of love babes - mimi
“(Y/N) excited for a school function that doesn’t require academics?” Rose questioned.
“Someone called the police there’s been a kidnapping!” Alex exclaimed.
“Oh so now you want the police involved,” you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
“How are you still not over that!” Luke exclaimed. “I took you in and fed you, and bought you clothes and loved you,” he said exaggeratedly and you just pushed away his pouting face from yours.
“And how am I not allowed to want to go to a school dance? I like having fun every once in a while. The last time I checked that wasn’t a crime,”
“Yeah it’s not a crime if you’re anyone but (Y/N) (L/N),” Bobby nudged you and you sighed loudly. “Hey where’s Reggie by the way? I thought he was going to come,”
“I think he is,” Alex nodded. “He said something about maybe having to walk, his parents are busy,”
You bit the inside of your cheek hoping the Peters could hold off fighting for one night, Reggie deserved a break. They might not have realized it, but he secretly blamed himself for it all even though it could be nothing further from the fact. You knew that well enough.
“Hey I’m here,” Reggie said, jogging up to the group that was waiting for him so they could head inside the school. “Sorry I’m late,” he apologized. “I got a little distracted when leaving.” You could tell he was lying but didn’t speak up about it.
Luke shook his head, patting Reggie’s back with the hand that wasn’t holding his guitar case. “It’s all good,” he said with a grin. “What matters is that we’re all here, and ready to rock these nerds!”
Rose made a sour face. “We’re still here,” she pointed out, gesturing to the two of you.
“Right,” Bobby nodded, elbowing Luke in the ribs. “Let’s rock these nerds except for our fashionista Rose and (N/N)!”
You beamed. “Thank you!”
“The ultra nerd!”
“Fuck you!” you shot back.
Reggie pulled you into a side hug. “Leave Cookie alone,” he told them. “The only one who gets to tease her is me.”
You rolled your eyes as Luke grabbed you by your wrist. “Hands off my daughter,” he warned. “And for the record, no one teases my child? Say one word and I’ll fight you myself.”
“If someone pulls me like a rag doll one more time it’ll be your sorry asses that get beat,” you threatened.
Luke beamed at you, pinching your cheek. “Oh, she learned how to threaten people!” he gushed. “Like mother, like daughter.”
You pushed them all towards the stage. “Alright, you dorks,” you grumbled. “Get on stage. Make me a happy bunny, or whatever.”
The boys saluted before marching off. “Got it, Lady Bunny!” they cheered as they made it backstage.
You glanced over at Rose who had her arms crossed on her chest as she shook her head. “Those boys,” she sighed. “I can never understand how we put up with them.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you took Rose’s hand in yours. “You gotta admit, they’re growing on us,” you joked. “Now come on, let’s get to the dance floor!”
You and Rose watched as the boys finally got on stage, their instruments ready in their hands. Luke took the microphone and smiled widely at the crowd.
“What’s up, Los Feliz High?” he said into the microphone. A roar of cheers followed, making Luke laugh. “We’re Sunset Curve, and this is one of our original songs. It’s called Now or Never.”
The entire school adored Sunset Curve and their music. By the time they were finished, they were cheering for more. It made you happy to know that those boys were bound to go far with their music.
You and Rose met the boys backstage where they were putting away their things and getting ready to come and join you out and dance.
“Guys that was amazing!” you exclaimed with a grin. “You all played so well,”
“I’m so proud of my little renters,” Rose joked and the guys all laughed, tossing their things aside before dragging you and Rose to the dance floor.
Now that the DJ had taken over, the guys were able to finally dance with you guys. In a circle, the group and you sang along to the music, occasionally jumping up and down and screaming the lyrics.
In the corner of your eye, you saw Rose continuously glancing back at a boy in the back of the gym. Following her gaze, you lit up at who you saw. You pulled Rose down to your level, whispering in her ear,
“Ray Molina, an absolute sweetheart and my coworker at the cafe. Loves photography and apparently you. Now go!”
Rose blushed, shaking her head repeatedly. “No, I can't,” she stammered.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed her shoulders and pushed her towards your friend. “Ray!” you greeted excitedly. “This is Rose! She loves espressos and photography.”
The shy boy put his hand out for Rose to shake. “Hi,” he whispered nervously. “I like your jacket. The flower is...gorgeous. What is it?”
Rose grinned. “A dahlia,” she replied, finally going back to her normal, extroverted self.
You sent Ray a big thumbs up from behind along with an exaggerated wink before heading back to the boys.
You saw Alex awkwardly shuffling his feet while Luke, Reggie, and Bobby were dancing and making complete fools of themselves, but that was kind of the point wasn’t it.
So you made your way to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him more into the dance floor with you.
“Come on Alex you gotta let loose!” you insisted while attempting to twirl him around.
“Um who are you and what did you do with the real (Y/N)?” he joked and you rolled your eyes.
“Already been over this Mercer! Seriously though, I know you get anxious and nervous, I do too and you know what helps me?” you whispered. “Singing,”
“Yeah! It calms me down,” you admitted. “So come on, you know the song! Belt it with me!”
Alex scrunched his nose and you frowned and started to sing, proving to him just how much it could help.
Slowly he got more comfortable until it felt like it was just the two of you dancing around like friends did and singing Whitney Huston’s greatest hit.
“Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody! Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who loves me!”
Alex, finally out of his shell, danced along energetically to the music with your hands intertwined. Occasionally he would pull you close and spin you like no one was around. You had to admit, the boy had a talent for dancing. He would definitely make Mrs. Leona proud.
Reggie watched you and Alex dance and fool around, laughing with your heads tilted back. Reggie couldn’t help but smile as you belted the lyrics with Alex joining in. He was shocked, to say the least, to see Alex so carefree. You really did bring out the best in people. He would know, you brought out the best in him.
Reggie barely noticed Bobby walk over to him, his eyes following Reggie’s to the dancing friends. The boy smirked, shaking his head. “You got it bad, don’t you?”
Reggie couldn’t help but nod. “Yeah, I do,” was all he could say.
“You gonna do anything about it?” Luke joined in and Reggie shrugged.
“I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if maybe if I say something or do something, that look she has, how happy she is, it’s gonna change and I don’t want that to happen,” he admitted.
“I know it’s a weird thing to ask, but what do you like most about her?” Bobby asked.
Reggie had a stupid smile on his face, shaking his head and covering his mouth with his hand,
“Everything,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Absolutely everything,”
You and Alex had since then finished dancing to the song and ran up to the other three boys who were chatting. You were out of breath with a huge grin on your face when you looked at Reggie who couldn’t stop thinking about how adorable you looked with your flushed cheeks.
“Everything alright Flicka?” you asked.
“Everything’s perfect, Cookie,” he nodded.
And perfect it was.
You sighed as Rose brushed through your hair for probably the millionth time that hour.
“Can you guys at least explain what you’re doing to me?” you whined. “I feel like I’ve been sitting here for ages and have like...a hundred layers of makeup on my face.”
Alex glanced up from the random magazine he found on Rose’s bedroom floor. “Nope,” he responded, sprawled lazily on Rose’s bed. “You’re going to find out soon enough.”
You grumbled to yourself. “If you make me look like a clown, Rose-”
Rose laughed, taking a lipstick tube and swiping it against your bottom lip. “You’re fine,” she reassured you. “Besides, this is my work we’re talking about. I have skills, and I’m going to flaunt them.” You giggled, finally relaxing as the girl continued to fix your hair and makeup.
Nearly another hour passed when Alex glanced at the clock. “Shoot, we have to be at the arcade in twenty minutes.”
You rolled your eyes. “And with your grandpa driving, we’re not going to get there until the next decade.”
Alex rolled off the bed, waving his keys in front of your face. “Who’s the one with the driver’s license again?” he asked.
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Fuck you, my driver’s instructor totally had it out for me. And you don’t even have a real van, it's a minivan.”
Alex flipped you off. “Haha, now let’s get going.”
“One second,” Rose said. The girl reached into your jewelry box, pulling out your horseshoe necklace. Before you could protest, she clasped it around your neck. With an approving smile, Rose pulled you up to your feet. “Come on, Cinderella,” she teased. “You’re ready for the ball.”
“Let’s stop by the studio first,” you said, straightening out your white shirt. “I left my bag in there.”
You and Rose made your way to the studio, parting so that you can grab your bag that was sitting on the coffee table. Rose followed close behind, picking up the lone red flannel on the couch. Walking behind you, Rose quickly tied the flannel around your waist.
“Rose, what’s this for?” you asked, eyeing the flannel.
She waved your question off casually. “It completes the look,” she explained. “Now, let’s get to the van before Alex leaves us!”
You hopped in the van with Rose as Alex drove off to the arcade, much faster than necessary to prove he wasn’t a slow driver, not that you thought this was how he was going to retaliate that comment.
By the time you reached there Luke, Bobby, and Reggie were all waiting by the claw machine.
“What took you guys so long?” Bobby asked and you pointed at both Alex and Rose in blame.
“Wow, I think I just saw the bus that you decided to throw us under,” Rose shook her head, turning it just the right direction to see a certain amateur photographer sitting at one of the tables with a few friends. Immediately, her face turned into a million shades of red.
“Oh is that Ray?” Luke asked, quickly joining in on the conversation.
“Um, can we maybe address that later?” Reggie asked. “Cause I’m pretty sure that’s my flannel,” he pointed to the fabric tied around your waist.
“Oh my God is it? Is it? I knew it looked familiar,” you said while trying to untie it from your waist but Reggie put a hand on yours, stopping you from doing so.
“It’s fine Cookie,” he shrugged. “Keep it, I have a few. It looks good on you,”
You blushed and nodded, tightening the flannel again around your waist.
“Okay, so what’s the first thing you guys normally do?” you asked, knowing them they probably did some sort of voodoo ritual before playing games, they were weird like that. “Oh and Rose you should call Ray over to join us cause if you don’t I will,” you said in a sing-song voice. Rose’s face turned red as she repeatedly shook her head.
Luke called out to the group to get everyone’s attention. “Game plan, kids,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course there’s a game plan,” you groaned.
The guitarist shot you a look before continuing. “Anyway,” he said. “First we start with the basketball shooting game, then we work down the aisle, all the way down to the claw machines. Don’t spend any longer than five minutes on each claw machine game. We all know those games are bullshit. If you have any coins left, use them on the game you’re best at.”
You made a sour face. “Yet you guys call me the nerd of the group,” you scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Hey, don’t disrespect the arcade kings,” Bobby shot back. “We practically own this arcade.”
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“(Y/N) why don’t you come with me and play some basketball,” Alex suggested.
“You’re just saying that cause you know my hand-eye coordination sucks and you wanna see me fail,” you said sticking your tongue out at him.
“Yeah and I’m not even gonna deny it, come on,” Alex said, dragging you over to where the game was and placing some tokens in the machine.
“Alex,” you whined. “I don’t wanna,”
He shot you a grin in your direction. “Let’s play, and the loser has to pay for pizza later?”
You narrowed your eyes in determination. “You’re on, Mercer.”
Time continued to fly by faster than you preferred. You and Alex had played every game nearly three times now and you were running low on coins and energy. Losing count on your wins, the two of you decided to call it a tie.
“Let’s go sit by the skeeball machines,” you suggested.
Slightly out of breath from running down the aisles to race you, Alex nodded gratefully. Hand in hand, you guided Alex through the waves of teens and children to finally find the benches in the quietest — well as quiet as an arcade can get — part of the building.
You glanced over at Alex, his cheeks flushed from playing. “You want me to go get you some water?” you asked, slightly concerned.
“If it’s not too much trouble,” he said, smiling slightly.
Standing up, you made your way to the vending machines, only to be stopped by the sound of a high pitched giggle. Hiding behind one of the game machines, you peeked to see Reggie and some blonde girl talk to each other. They were standing far too close for your liking as the girl pulled Reggie down to her level, whispering something in his ear that made him laugh.
Your face was burning. Something about the two of them together didn’t sit well with you. After a second of thinking, you decided you were upset because Reggie left you guys to go hang out with some girl. You were upset about the band not spending time together. Definitely not because Reggie was talking to another girl...smiling at her the way he does with you, and holding her waist like he did with you during your dance detention, and absolutely not because he’s joking around with her like he used to with you.
Ripping your eyes away from them, you stormed back to Alex, chucking the water bottle at him. The poor boy barely caught it, raising an eyebrow in confusion at you.
“(N/N), you okay?” he asked, setting his water bottle down to place his hand on your knee.
You nodded rigidly. “Of course I am,” you briskly answered.
“Sorry (N/N), I know fine and this clearly isn’t it,” Alex countered, still not understanding what was going on until he stood up to take a quick stretch, seeing Reggie tucked away by one of the arcade games with another girl. “Oh, I see,”
“What do you mean you see?” you asked. “There’s nothing to see,”
“Um I’d beg to differ,” Alex countered yet again. “(Y/N) if you’re upset you should just go talk to him, I’m sure Reggie will be reasonable.”
“Yeah right, reasonable is Reggie’s middle name,” you said sarcastically.
“(Y/N),” Alex said pleaded, “I swear to sweet little baby Jesus just go to him, please, put me out of my misery,”
“I guess you’re going to have to suffer,” you said stubbornly, making Alex roll his eyes and groan.
Luke and Bobby ran up to you guys. “We think it’s time we head back to the studio,” Luke told you two. “It’s nearly dark, and you know how much Alex hates driving at night.”
Alex shuddered. “Fine, let’s go,” he said before turning to you. “Don’t think we’re done with this conversation.”
The entire group filed into the car, Rose giving Ray a kiss on the cheek before joining you. Rose began to tell you about her little date, not skipping any detail. For the time you were together, you started to forget why you were mad.
But then Reggie entered the van. “Hey guys!” he greeted energetically, finding his spot in the back. You remained silent while everyone else said their “hellos.”
“How was everyone’s time at the arcade?” he continued to talk. Reggie glanced over at you. “Did you win against Alex? I know he’s terrible at playing games, but so are you so it’s an equal playing field.”
Normally, you would have laughed. But this time, you didn’t even look him in the eye. “It was fine,” you said stiffly.
Reggie snorted. “Just fine, come on, Cookie, I-”
“Why don’t you tell us about that girl you were talking to the entire time, then?” you cut him off, staring out the window to stop yourself from crying.
“What girl?” Rose asked, whipping her head around and narrowing her eyes.
“No one” he answered quickly.
You scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest. “So it’s okay for you to lie, but not me?” you muttered.
Reggie raised an eyebrow at your weird behaviour, but remained silent for the rest of the ride. If there was something wrong, he’d talk to you properly, and in private.
The moment Alex parked in the driveway, you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and left the van with Rose glued to your side.
“What happened?” Rose asked in a hushed voice.
“Nothing!” you said frustratedly. “You and Alex keep on making things out of nothing. I’m telling you, there’s nothing wrong.”
As the night continued, you were still bitter towards Reggie, occasionally throwing out a sarcastic remark towards him. The group, to say the least, was very confused as to how your friendship with Reggie somehow shattered in just five hours.
“Let’s watch another movie,” Rose proposed after the first movie ended. Everyone else nodded, as Reggie piped up,
“Can we watch Star Wars?” he asked. “I’m really in the mood to-”
You groaned. “Will you just shut up,”
Reggie looked over at you stunned and just before Luke was going to say something Reggie grabbed your arm and looked at you with a serious face,
“Can I talk to you? Alone,” he said cooly.
You were about to respond with a sarcastic retort, but he stopped you by pulling you up and dragging you out of the studio into the brick open-spaced area around the rock garden.
“What the hell (Y/N),” he deadpanned.
“What do you mean what the hell?” you asked innocently and Reggie scoffed, letting go of your arm and looking away.
“Enough of the fucking bullshit (Y/N)!”
“What bullshit Reggie please enlighten me because I wasn’t the one ditching the gang to spend time with some random blonde,”
“You have no right!” Reggie angrily exclaimed, pointing roughly at you. His eyes were dark with anger, unlike anything you’ve seen before. “You have no right to say- t-to act like a child after what happened?”
You rolled your eyes. “What are you talking about?” you demanded.
Reggie laughed to himself, frustratedly running his fingers through his hair before looking back at you. “I don’t fucking understand you,” he hissed. “You’re so frustrating and unpredictable. First, you joke around with me, blush when I tell jokes or better yet flirt, but the moment I step out of line even an inch, you turn around and hate me again! I don’t get it, what the fuck do you want from me?”
“I want you!” you cried out. “Dammit, Reggie. I want you, but sometimes you’re so far up your ass you can’t even tell!”
“Me?” he yelled back. “I gave you so many chances. You wanted time? I gave you plenty of it! I have you so many opportunities that you ignored so don’t you fucking dare pin this on me.” Reggie didn’t bother letting you try and defend yourself. “You said it yourself, you wondered when people will leave you, and that you’ll be left alone again. Here’s the reality, (Y/N). People don’t leave you, you push them away. You put the blame on everyone but yourself, so all you’re left with are your own broken pieces. Face it, you’ve never changed.”
You staggered back, feeling as though you were caught under a wave of emotions. He was right. Every single word he said...was right. And damn, it hurt so much to realize it.
Reggie looked up from his shoes. “I want that necklace back,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t want to see you with it, or any piece of me, ever again. You hear me? I’m done. I’m done with your mind games. I’m tired of waiting for you. I’m done with you.”
There it was. The moment you were waiting for, the reason for Reggie to step out of your life again. Or, in reality, the reason that made Reggie realize you weren’t worth it anymore.
You quickly unclasped the necklace, throwing it on the ground along with his flannel.
Before leaving, you looked at him one more time. “It was always me, wasn’t it?” you whispered in a broken voice. “I was always the reason. The problem. The second choice. Right?” Reggie refused to look you in the eye. You wiped away your tears, a sad attempt to, really. More tears just took their place.
“I tried, Reggie,” you told him in a quiet voice. “I really did. B-but if I’m the only thing that’s holding you back, then let me go.”
Reggie remained silent. Taking it as your cue to leave, you ran down the street, not bothering to say goodbye to your friends.
And just like that, you were alone again. Just like you predicted.
As if your week couldn’t get any worse, the universe didn’t fail you. You had detention with him. And even better, you were forced to sit in silence with him.
Seriously you thought to yourself Did he actually fall asleep while supervising detention.
Mr. Alderman, the gym teacher, was fast asleep, snoring at his desk.
You hadn’t spoken since your fight a few nights ago, the emotions still fresh under your skin, burning your eyes and throat, just making you wish for it to end.
Reggie muttered something under his breath and for the first time in a few days you took a good look at him.
His eyes were sunken and he seemed angry. It radiated off him like light bouncing off a mirror.
“Have something to say, Peters,” you whispered quietly.
“Yeah, I’m leaving,” he nodded, standing up and grabbing his bag.
“You can’t leave,” you said flatly.
“Watch me,” he turned his back and you followed him out of the class and into the hallway.
“Reggie stop,”
“No (Y/N)! I’m not stopping anymore! I’m not waiting anymore!”
“I’m not asking you to do that Reggie! It’s me, I’m leaving okay?!” you exclaimed.
“W-What?” his voice grew quiet.
“I’m transferring out at the end of the week,” you look at him with stone-cold eyes. “Not that you would care.”
“(Y/N), you...Wait you can’t-!”
“Stop telling me what I can and can't do Reggie! I hate that my fucking feelings are controlled by you! I hate that my entire life will be spent trying to find someone to live up to you! I just want some fucking peace and quiet for once in my life!” you sobbed, unable to bottle things up anymore. “I work and I work and I work and I get nothing! I try and I try and I try and I still get nothing! And maybe that’s because I can’t be in control when I’m around you so yes I’m leaving!”
Reggie didn’t say anything, he just stared at you blankly, the only sound in the empty hallways was that of your soft cries.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you choked out, turning around and running out through the back of the school and into the pouring rain, not even bothering to hide for cover under the pavilion; falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around your waist as the most devastating sounds ripped from your heart and soul.
You cried until you couldn’t cry anymore. Scream until your throat was raw. Pulled at your hair and kicked yourself, ashamed and frustrated, until the pain was too much. But even then, it could never match the pain you were feeling in your heart.
It felt good, felt right to feel this way. Ever since middle school, you had been told you were a robot, an emotionless nothing.
Look at you now. Crying like everything had up and left in your life because it did. You were alone, left behind to pick up your broken pieces. Just like Reggie said.
You hated how Reggie was right about everything. You had no right to be mad because it was true. You pushed everyone away, placed the blame on them so that you didn’t have to get hurt. Is this how he felt? Did you ever make him feel this way?
The cold air angrily nipped at your fingertips, your eyes red from the weather and your tears. Turning your head, you looked at the school door, internally hoping that maybe it would swing open. Maybe Reggie would come out of the building and take you in his arms and tell you that everything will be alright.
The door never opened. Reggie never came. You were left alone with your thoughts in the pavilion.
And the rain continued to pour on and on.
Reggie was distracted the entire practice. His fingers would roughly strum against his strings as he stared off into the distance, a faraway look on his face.
Luke, having noticed Reggie’s odd behaviour, stopped playing.
“Hey, Reg you wanna cool it on those strings?” Luke asked.
“Or does he need to mention how much money we have combined,” Bobby added.
“It’s negative seven hundred forty-five dollars and thirty-two cents.” Luke deadpanned and Alex rolled his eyes.
“Are you mad at Alex again?” Bobby asked and for a moment the blond drummer looked frightened.
“No, it’s not that,” Reggie shook his head.
“It’s (Y/N), isn’t it,” Rose said softly, looking at the bassist with sympathetic eyes. Just as Reggie was about to ask how she knew, Rose answered the question. “You keep looking at the spot on the couch where she used to sit during practices,”
Reggie chewed hard on the inside of his cheek while Luke came closer to him, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t need to bottle it up,” Luke whispered. “We’re here for you. You know that.”
“I messed up,” the tone of his voice was wavering as he tried to make sure it didn’t crack. “I messed up so fucking bad. The only thing I’m good at is pushing the good things in my life away until I fuck it up entirely. I’m a time bomb. It’s only going to get worse the longer people are around me,”
Reggie carefully slid his bass’ strap off his shoulder and placed his instrument against the couch where you would normally sit.
“No you’re not,” Alex told him, quickly coming to join Luke next to his friend. Bobby and Rose followed soon after and before long Reggie’s head was tucked in Luke’s shoulder as tears finally streamed from his eyes and his friends surrounded him like a shield from the cruel world.
“Aren’t I?” Reggie croaked. “I can't even talk to you guys without exploding or storming off, a-and (Y/N), she’ll never forgive me for all the things I’ve said and done… I don’t deserve any of your guys,”
“Reggie cariño, everyone deserves a family,” Rose said in a soothing voice. “And we’re each other’s family. Family sticks together no matter what, even if you don’t think they should.”
“And what about (Y/N)?” he whispered. “How could I possibly erase all that?”
“You don’t,” Luke spoke up. “You use it, use it to apologize. Use it,” he repeated, placing his songwriting pen in Reggie’s hand.
Reggie bit his lips and took the pen from Luke, seeing his tattered red book resting on the couch.
He was sure it wasn’t the first time he wrote something for you and it definitely wouldn’t be the last, but it just might have been the first one you’d hear, so it had to be perfect.
And somehow, just like you’d always managed to do, the only thing on Reggie Peters's mind was his Cookie.
“Rose I already said I don’t want to come here,” you sighed as your friend dragged you through the crowd of people waiting to get into the show.
“(Y/N) come on, these are your friends! They want you to be here,” she tried to convince you, but you were still skeptical, and it didn’t help that you didn’t know if you wanted to see Reggie or not right now.
Rose gave you another tug, but you dug your heels into the ground. The girl sighed, giving you a look. “It’s your last day as a Los Feliz high student,” she told you softly. You stiffened at her words, looking down at the floor. “At least spend it with us. Then, I’ll leave you be. I promise. You don’t have to see another gig -better yet, another bass- ever again. Will you do at least that for me?”
You finally glanced up from the ground. “For you,” you answered begrudgingly.
“What’s up Los Feliz High,” Luke said into the mic and was met with cheers.
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Reggie added. “And this is a little something we wrote called I Remember,”
There was a soft opening with Reggie’s bass and Alex on drums, slowly layering in the guitar riff intro before Reggie came close to his mic,
“I remember those nights, stayin’ up late, listenin’ to the radio.
I remember the days, callin’ your name, running to your patio,”
Rose glanced over at you, grinning as you tried to listen to the lyrics, finding a sense of familiarity in the words. Luke and Bobby now joined as backing vocals taking a lower and higher harmony.
“And as the years went by slowly you - left my life and I can’t, I can’t, I can’t figure out why, why?”
Alex led to the chorus with a drum fill before the hard rock beat came in, Reggie, Luke, and Bobby really getting into playing to the beat and rhythm, before all coming in again singing the chorus.
“So tell me, tell me when it all fell apart. Tell me, tell me can we go back to the start.”
The music backing instruments quieted slowly as Reggie leaned into his mic, looking directly at you. Your breath hitched at you finally made eye contact with him. You hadn’t bothered to look at him in so long, you wanted to burn the feeling into your memory so you never forget. His eyes glistened with tears as he began to sing,
“Tell me, tell me what happened to us Cookie,”
You looked over at Rose who only smiled knowingly as you tried to hide the fact that you were most definitely losing your composure, your heart beating faster and your vision becoming blurry.
“I remember I hurt you, a stain on my heart that’ll never go away. I remember I kissed you, my heart said to stay but my feet ran away.”
They transitioned back to the chorus and you couldn’t help but try to push back the lump in your throat as you looked up at your Flicka, singing for you. Reggie took the mic and walked over to you. His hand was stretched out to you, face lighting up in hope. Pushing down all your doubts, you took his hand in yours, squeezing it tight.
“And I promise, I promise, I promise I’ll never go away. And I promise I promise, I promise I’ll be there every day. Just tell me, just tell me, just tell me you’ll look the other way. Cause if I lost you one more time I don’t think that I’d survive,”
Tears streamed down your face as you listened to the lyrics, each word slowly chipping down the walls you put up around your heart. Reggie leaned in close, removing his hand from yours and placing it on the side of your face, wiping away your stray tears.
“So tell me, tell me when it all fell apart. Tell me, tell me can we go back to the start.”
The music slowed and quieted one last time, Reggie’s eyes interlocked with yours as he sang the last line,
“Tell me, tell me, will you be mine Cookie?”
Silence followed as everyone turned to you, waiting for your answer. You glanced over at Rose, who was just as impatient.
Locking eyes with Reggie, you nodded. “As long as you’ll be mine, Flicka,” you whispered so that only he could hear.
Not waiting any longer, Reggie dropped his microphone, hopping down from the stage and taking both sides of your face and pulling you into a long-awaited kiss. The crowd cheered, but your mind blocked them out.
You missed Reggie’s lips that tasted faintly of that cherry chapstick he always used. You missed feeling his hands against yours, warm and comforting.
You missed your Reggie. But now he was here, and he was never letting you go.
“Lady Bunny!” Luke cheered, running up to you backstage and pulling you into the tightest squeeze. “I missed you so much,” he whispered and you held him close against you.
“I missed you too, mom,” you sniffled while Luke pressed a friendly kiss to your hair before you were promptly tossed around the group, hugs and all exchanged along with the chatter of
“You’re gonna stay, right? You can’t transfer now,”
All to which the answer was yes, especially when you looked over at Reggie, the brightest smile on his face.
“Hey guys can I have a minute alone with Cookie?” he asked and they all complied, moving out of the way of the new couple.
“Have something for me Flicka?” you asked, slight teasing in your voice.
“Actually, yeah,” he nodded, fishing out a necklace from his pocket. “I shouldn’t have taken it from you. Or told you that you were the problem. You never were, I promise.”
“Water under the bridge,” you smiled shyly. “What matters is that you’re here now.” You turned around, allowing him to clip the silver chain around your neck, not without sneaking a quick peck to the corner of your lips after turning you back around.
“Perfect,” he told you, his lips quirking up into a smile. “You’re perfect.”
“And you’re overly cheesy,” you shot back jokingly.
Reggie grasped his chest in feigned hurt. “You love me, Cookie,” he pouted.
You went on the tips of your toes, kissing him softly. “Yeah, Flicka,” you whispered. “I do.”
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