#and im not telling them that theyre weird or perverted or whatever
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aaxzlyte · 3 months ago
i just saw a tiktok about someone hating on meronia and i was like "oh here we go again" and checked the comment bc i like making myself upset
and anyway, they were arguing against meronia because they're 'enemies' and 'mello would rather hold a gun to near's head'
like, my brother in Christ, please watch Death Note again bc you just described half of the ships oml
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decaydanceredacted · 7 months ago
was thinking abt bill bratting and what this would bring to him and his partners and i got a bit carried away. i don’t think he brats all the time, but a sometimes he needs the control ripped from him rather than given up willingly, needs to be put in his place by someone stronger than him. travies too gentle even when putting him in his place and he can't take pete seriously with the height difference, so im picturing like billcarden cuz ofc i am. theyre not dating and they dont have a very frequent dynamic with the whole being in the same band and working together thing, but its there when he needs it.
bill and carden fight a lot and at times genuinely don't like eachother, but sometimes bilvy needs to be made to let go and/or carden needs to get him to just LISTEN for once so they'll Play. maybe they had a rough day in the studio or at rehearsal or maybe bills just been a total bitch all day at home or on the bus whatever blah blah setup stuff cut to mike and bill wrestling on the floor for control & dominance. it's not some half-hearted fight on bilvys part where he 'wants carden to win in the end', he's using all his power to try and get out of mikes grip. bills boney and taller than carden, and his nails are longer, so he can thrash and scratch and elbow with some real power. but mike is stronger, has way more grip strength in his hands and more muscle in his arms and thighs.  he's one of few who can ever truly beat bill in a fight like this. sure, the fight hurts him, but in time he can get bill effectively pinned to the floor, arms twisted behind his back and legs immobilised under his bodyweight. bilvy's still thrashing and trying to buck carden off, trying with all his might to get strength back into his limbs and his teeth trying to find purchase on mikes arm. all attempts are unsuccessful, but he’s not gonna give in that easy and they both know it.
'god, you're such a bitch about this. can you just fucking stay still?' mike says, waiting just a minute to figure out what bill needs. he switches his grip up so he can get his own belt off without losing his hold cause he can tell bills not at the point where he's gonna listen yet, so makeshift restraints are gonna have to do. bill hears, obviously, and the realization gets him to redouble his efforts in getting carden off and away from him. he doesn't budge, though. he holds bill down with more force, pulling bills arms up above his head and tying them the best he can. he pulls bills head off the ground by his hair and bill literally growls at him. tells him to get off and that he's a fucking dickhead, he's a disgusting pervert who doesnt deserve to touch him, that he's a fucking idiot because bills gonna get out and soo get him back, you know, the usual stuff. mike just pulls his hair harder before shoving his head roughly back into the carpet. okay, still fucking annoying then. 'you’ve got a loud fucking mouth on you, bilvy. gonna get you in real trouble one day. could you just shut up?' his voice is stern and mean, but there's a hint of softness that makes bill feel weird and squirmy. the urge to just give in, to listen to mike, to be good, enters his mind, but he fights it. he’s nobodys fucking dog and he doesn’t have to do shit.
he says as much, his cheek resting against the carpet beneath him as he glares at the wall. mike laughs, a sharp mean sound, and shifts his weight, shimmying down bills legs with a firm hand on bills back keeping him down. he pulls bills belt off, but leaves his jeans where they are. that's the unspoken agreement they've come to, no actual sex till bills more relaxed. he picks bills head back up and gives him a second to start spouting his shit again before he shoves three fingers into bills mouth and pushes down, opening his mouth further. he shoves part of the belt in before wrapping the rest around bills head and loosely tightening it around the back, careful not to get any hair trapped in the buckle because he'd never hear the end of it. he leans his head close to bills ear. ‘i asked you to fucking shut up.’ bill bites down as hard as he can against the faux-leather, trying his hardest to shout curses at mike, but they're all muffled and the belt doesn't give like he wants it to. the feeling of helplessness, of his voice being trapped by his own fucking belt makes him feel weak, which starts a whole string of thoughts. mike’s hardly even breathing heavily anymore, like taking him down didnt take all that much effort, while bills still tired and aching from the tussle. is he really that easy to tie down? maybe he should’ve fought back more, but it feels kind of good. he tests the belt around his wrists and finds it just as tight as before, and he starts to melt. his string of protests and curses tapers off, which carden notices. he feels himself relax.
'there we go. nice and quiet for me, huh?' he releases bills hair from his hold and watches his head flop back down. he gets off bills legs, though he keeps an arm over them as he flips bill over, not really wanting to catch a knee to the face. bill tries it, just once, but it's weak and his hearts not in it, so his leg barely moves. he melts further. carden finds himself smiling as moves to straddle bill and meets his eyes properly for the first time since they started. he doesnt look all there, but there’s still work to do. ‘yeah, that's what i thought.’ he says, mostly to himself. bill is off in his own head anyways, barely listening as he makes a last ditch effort to get ccontrol back off the part of his head that wants to let him relax. mikes hand reaches up to bills hair of its own accord without mikes saying so and tugs, hard but not mean, and bilvy groans against the belt. the smile on mikes face continues to grow, and he keeps one hand tightly gripping on bills hair as his other slowly trails down bills side. bill shudders minutely, feeling goosebumps raise under his shirt in its wake, and he finally gives up the fight when mikes hand grips his hip harshly, fingers digging into the denim. he feels himself fall completely, tension leaving his frame with a final sigh.
mike brings his face back up to meet bills, pressing a kiss against his lips, stretched awkwardly around the belt, and bilvy just lies there and takes it. he pulls back again and removes his grip from bills hair, smoothing it out before moving his arm up to pin bills arms to the floor tightly. ‘all done now? you ready be my good boy?’ mike asks quietly, voice soft and almost tentative, though he knows the answer. bill nods, slow and careful, like the movement is taking a lot out of him. ’oh i know, sweetheart, thank you. you don’t have to fight it anymore, yeah? i know what you need, bill, all you need to do is listen to me and i’ll take care of you.’ bill nods again and finds himself grateful for mikes hold on his arms, afraid he’ll float off and never come back without it. mike only gives simple commands as they get undressed, ‘hips up’ ‘spread your legs some more for me’ ‘relax’, things of this nature. the gag comes off at some point because mike likes hearing him and he knows bill doesnt want any more drool than necessary on his face. the sex is rough but slow, mike dragging it out as much as he can. he likes when bill begs him to speed up, to go faster, please, he’ll be good just pleasee please fuck me harder please, and bill likes how it makes him feel small. mike lets bill cum first, fucks him through the afterglow and into oversensitivity. bill tries to push him off for a few seconds before getting hushed by mike, ‘just take it, cmon, i know you can, you can be good.’ bill lets mike fuck him as long as he needs, finding comfort in being useful for mike, for being good and listening even when it hurts.
mike pulls out before he cums, splattering bilvys thighs milky-white before swiping two fingers through it. he brings them up to bills lips in a silent command, and bill takes them without a thought. ‘good boy, william.’ mike whispers, continuing the process until there’s nothing left to feed him. bill is half asleep by time they're done, only somewhat taking in the hushed praises and the movement of carden carrying him to his bed and wiping him down with a washcloth. it could take hours or seconds for him and mike to end up curled together in bed, he’d never know. he comes back a bit when carden starts combing his hair with his fingers, and opens his eyes a little. he thinks he says thank you, he tries at least, but carden just keeps running his fingers through his hair quietly so he's not sure. he’s alone when he wakes up.
I mean I’m normal about the billcarden dynamic and can restrain myself in the dcdr inbox. i meant it when i said i got carried away. sorry abt that. i dont know who wrote all this i think theres hackers in my computer. k bye. - sweat anon
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junglehomo · 2 months ago
the couple under my bed under the pillow side
are moaning extra loud
the guy is a skinny twink with curly hair and glasses i think and white
and hes gay and moved there bc im the only thing that makes him horny in his beard relationship
the woman idk what she looks like but she sounds bery very beyond annoying and has been cruel and also part of harrassing me
especially sexually
she moans for me in the morning and night and the guy diesnt care bc hes gay and doesnt care probably
they forced me to listen to them fuck for months nonstop jobless 24/7
i dont know them at all listen to them even
fight constantly about him being gay bc she catches him staring at me through whatever remoteviewing they have of me in my room when i change
they dont let me do anything or even lay on my bed because they are there having sex addiction
and screaming gay at me
i hate her so much
i hate them
but they will never leave move or do anything never take a break
theyre ugly and smoke meth 24:7 and do not work or anything just moan for me to hear
moan extra loud and angry at me
bexause i dont care and
she calls me gay angrily too
just a really angry ugly homophobic white bitch
who is controlling and stinks really bad and traumatizes men into being gay even me
they especially did not let me sleep
i dont know this woman at all not interested
and this bitch harrasses me over and over and over
moaning moaning moaning
and doesnt stop doesnt leave me alone
doesnt stop listening to me reacting to me
theyre so weird and the guy is obsessed with me too and so gay hes copied my voice during sex
several times
its been really disturbing and all i wanted was to sleep
this isnt even like a normal apartment type of neighbor
its squatting tweakers that fuck nonstop on a bender and do not sleep at all
like they are always awake and there
i spent so much money trying to get rest at airbnb
only for the pervert asian guy and big nose girl and their friends to follow me
and have sex in their cars iutside so i never get sleep
right now there are 3 couples under my room
they cockblocked my life just to do this
just to watch me
do drugs
watch their lies about me play out
and fuck to me
thats all they do and they call it gay
they also cockblock me from myself 😂
they dont like when i try to relax or even lay in bed too long
theyre jealous and vile and always have been and i did nothing personal to them at all i was always happy in my own world and they wanted to ruin it
while i just do my best to live this whole time by myself with harrassment 24/7 365
and they hide in their different tinted cars or duck down when i drive up close
i only know who's who
because these people are so tweaking
that they confirmed themselves when i called them out
and thats how i know yup
thats you and you
because im psychic i saw it in my minds eye raw
and called it out with my voice and the squatters reacted to me in embarrassed and flustered ways
the asian dude been real quiet since i dropped what i know
its all confirmed
and i can never unsee it
i mean i never question my intuition
they just really confirmed so much with what ive seen irl on the sidewalk from how these people have acted towards me
this is what ive picked up just from that
and their voices
it really shows i dont know any of these people at all
dont recognize them from my life at all
didnt do anything to them
but i picked up on small signs and sloppy things these retarded narc tweakers left behind and figure things out fast
theyre so obsessed with me they couldnt help themselves following me
and trying to be in buildings and places around me
thats how i know who
theyre so sus and nasty
you can tell theyre not supposed to be in the restaurant youre in or new place youre going to
they stand out
the evil stands out and they behave like tweaker in the bathroom
theyre jealous and creepy and i could care less about them even tho they really really tried to invade my life
there is nothing for me here and i already devided that a long time ago
lol its not sad
but theyre so hideously jealous of my happiness
here they are
gooning to me
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bulbabutt · 5 months ago
actually... going more into this despite knowing its probably a bad idea. knowing i will absolutely get in trouble. you guys probably know what the hell im referring to even if i dont say it.
it is not the end of the world if you interact with someone who simply... follows things that give you an ick. like some of you guys are really expecting people to just... be super fucking ashamed of everything, and that lands you and them in one of two places.
repressing any desires to look at anything slightly taboo, forcing yourself into being righteous and pure and gaining this sense of morality for THOUGHT CRIMES. which can hit you harder and make you feel more ashamed of your own desires which can have consequences later.
or forcing yourself to fully commit to the taboo. saying 'if you've ever looked at that, if you find enjoyment in SOME of that, thats all you are now! thats your side of the line that we've drawn so stay over there!' which means you cant then wind back and say 'hey maybe i DONT actually like this' because its too late. your side was chosen when you ever chose to be into that!
i think thats a really fucking unhealthy way to look at anything. its not good for anyone to be stuck in that kind of dichotomy of 'you either engage with perverts and thats all you are' or 'you are chaste and pure and make wholesome art'
you should be allowed to explore things if you want to, but not have it define you, and not fucking feel like youre going to be dragged through the street if you ever dare crossing some made up boundary.
i dont know how many of you remember when nsfw was allowed on this website, but i swear it didnt used to feel like this. i swear there was the healthy middle ground of just... accepting that people can be horny on the internet and its not a big deal. people would tag things, put warnings, say 'engage if you feel comfortable'. this used to be more of a safe haven for healthy sexual content, and now its forced on...... twitter and twitter clones, where the culture is just 'out anyone who engages in horny behaviour!!!'
and in before anyone says 'but the minors' guys idk how to tell you this but.... most people do engage with pornographic material before they are 18 years old. the little 'are you 18' on porn sites boxes can be clicked by anyone. and sometimes i wanna just shout and scream that like 'hey! where would YOU rather a minor first learn about sex from?! what the hell do you think the most popular porn categories are?? is that all you want them to ever see?? mass marketed patriarchal and racist and trans misogynistic videos?? youd rather that have them find porn of their favourite ship??' like. im not saying they should be engaging with all nsfw content. but they ARE GOING TO IF THEY WANT TO no matter what.
im not saying i think what im saying is totally correct or without its own bad ideas, i just think it makes me miserable to see this unhealthy outlook on sex and kink and whatever else thats poured in from other social media websites. people arent horrible people for making art thats weird or kinky that makes you uncomfortable! im not saying you ever have to look at it! im just saying people arent EVIL for making it!
and that isnt to say if people are being kinky in your face when you dont want them to that that isnt also a problem! but THATS the part where you say 'go away i dont like that'. not just because they engage with things in PRIVATE! in their own spaces where theyre not even asking you to go!
being ashamed for ever talking to someone who has a kink they didnt tell you about is really weird!!! OUTING them for it is worse!!!
be fucking kind to each other. bridge a fucking gap once in a while, i swear more people than you think do actually have feelings that arent totally pure sometimes. and thats okay!!! if youre not fucking hurting somebody, if youre not TRYING to make someone uncomfortable WHO CARES!!!
do what you want just be fucking respectful. know your own boundaries, respect others boundaries. thats all you gotta do.
i dont know how to put this delicately. i dont know how to put it in a way that doesnt get me put on a fucking blacklist. but HONESTLY? im so tired right now.
please kill the cop in your head. like some of you are so into being a fucking surveillance state of 'this person talked to that person who followed this person who promoted this' and i just... guys. if no one is actually fucking being hurt?? and nothing 'inappropriate' is actually BEING promoted? why the hell are you telling people about shit you STALKED THEM to find out?? you genuinely dont fucking know people and you have a warped sense of morality about it. THATS whats going to get people hurt. when shit in this world starts goes south really soon and you start noticing the more open kinks of queer people on the internet, i sure hope you dont start selling them out as perverts just to justify yourself as 'one of the good ones'. cuz thats the slippery slope youre on with the way you talk sometimes. learn some fucking history about the ways in which these kind of justifications have been used in the past.
im a visibly queer adult with other shit going on i do not fucking care if someone has a side thing they arent fucking telling you about. its weird that youre telling me. im TIRED of you trying to tell me. im never gonna fucking answer these things because its MESSED UP! im not joining a fucking hate parade!
fucking kill the cop in your head. i mean that. its an important lesson to learn, and i get some of you are young and you dont get why yet, but one day youre gonna regret being like this. one day when you realize youve made people unsafe you will feel really fucking bad about it. this world is hateful enough right now without needing to fucking dog pile on people who are keeping to themselves. and if theyre not? block them and move on. why is that so fucking hard?
a fucking hate campaign game of telephone only serves to make people feel unsafe. I FEEL UNSAFE around you people. have you never been on the receiving end of group harassment before? i have. as a teenager! back when the internet was MORE anonymous than it is now! got my shit plastered on bigoted sites where people were sending me death and rape threats to my inbox every day for weeks. thats the end result of what youre doing to people. it WILL become co opted by those kinds of people.
just because something gives you an ick, it doesnt mean someone is a morally reprehensible person. it doesnt mean they deserve to feel unsafe in the world. block it and move the fuck on. youre going to get someone hurt. you probably already have.
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dbzebra · 5 years ago
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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talesoftxt · 6 years ago
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•if you're reading this and actually expected me to write that kind of shit you're nasty
•settle down bitches you just got boo boo the fooled
���welcome to "why we shouldn't sexualize txt 101"
•if you actually opened this for "txt bdsm au" then you should probably get yourself comfortable
•because i'm going to get it in your head why wE SHOULDNT
•first of all literally 3/5 of the members are minors
•y'know what that means?? JAIL TIME to all you nasty bitches who sexualize the boys
•beomgyu himself literally said he wasnt mature enough for a sexy concept
•and you're literally sexualizing kids !!
•how would you feel if you or your underage siblings or your underage relatives or your underage friends got treated like that?
•if you try to argue "yeah but they kind of signed up to be sexualized like that, theyre idols" tHE BOYS SIGNED UP TO PERFORM AND LIVE THEIR DREAM NOT TO BE YOUR SICK FAP MATERIAL
•whatever nasty kink or fantasy you have in your head? yeah kindly dELETE THEM
•there are also other adjectives to use to describe the boys wIDEN YOUR GODDAMN VOCABULARY
•yknow what that means?? It means that this
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•is a BIG NO NO
Whoever thinks so otherwise are welcome to sit over here:
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Seriously people like this disgust me.
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So like if you got angry at the title i'm really sorry but like i just really wanted to bring up the issue with "fans" sexualizing the boys and that just aint it fam, i also thought that if i named the post like that then the weird,freaky, perverted "fans" would fall for it and then get hit with the "sike you sick bitch read!". TXT are my grandchildren even if theyre all older than me if jimin says theyre his kids then theyre going to be my grandchildren i dont make the rules and I would honestly do anything to keep them safe and protected. Honestly this just doesnt apply to txt but to anyone who sexualizes any minor, they should be reported immedietly !! Please help spread awareness and tell other txt stans to block and report anyone who does this to the boys.
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
It’s kinda weird how much I used to hate characters like me?
Like.. even as an adult I do kinda feel that Sora in kingdom hearts 2 at least was kinda written boringly as a ‘neutral good guy’ who’d just do and say whatever the plot required and flip flop between different levels of stupidity whenever they needed him to miss something obvious to make the plot go a certain way DESPITE HIM NOT BEING DUMB AT OTHER TIMES and also like barely ever expressing his opinion on stuff or making any impact on the disney worlds like a totally supporting protagonist to the real protagonists which just made them feel even more like filler cos now theyre just straight up the same plot as the movies with none of the fun you’d expect from a crossover AAAAAGH
OR at least thats how i feel from sitting back and remembering how the game went, but its entirely possible that i missed a lot of his good parts or viewed things through this bias and i might change my mind when i finish replaying it
But still i dont agree with my kid self primarily seeing sora as having “no personality” JUST cos he was nice!
Man even nowadays i still sometimes go to write a nice cuddly character and im like “ugh noone wants to see that, you need to change them to have some Edge” like shut up high school bullies personified in my frontal lobe for the rest of my goddamn existance. Depression is hell! Depression is hell!
So yeah i think nowadays i go a lot easier on nice characters and no longer see it as “innocent and stupid and cynicism is the REAL way the world works”
Tho still i do get pissed off at genuinely badly written nice characters where the writer actually does think that “has no opinion whatsoever, never disagrees with anyone, never fails and never doubts, barely even talks and lets all the supposedly more interesting jerk characters do all the plot important stuff” is how niceness and optimism works.
and OH MAN especially the far more annoying version of the protagonist version that they use in trashy animes nowadays! where the dude has no personality, and everyone just SAYS he’s nice despite him acting like an awful pervert. its just a shameless self insert thing for creepy people in the audience who wish they could also be awful to women and get no consequences and get fuckin PRAISED
So yeah i guess time will tell if sora really is the bad kind of boring nice that my child self thought he was, or if he’s the sunshine boy the fandom sees him as and i was just biased. Or if maybe he’s bad in some games and not others? Cos I don’t remember having any problem with him in KH1, though that might just be cos i played that game before i started getting all I Must Be Teen Edge Or Everyone Will Hate Me. *shrug*
also aaa now im worried if i really do seem like a boring person who has no personality beyond being nice... man why did i let myself get all obsessed with thinking about this shit again...
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garak · 14 days ago
@marblekuchen: thank you so much for the extensive reply! I appreciate your thoughts and its inspiring to read such a raw take on him :) good luck with your work, if you feel like it id be interested to hear what you think about kkgai after the 4th war, but no pressure.
you dont know the demon you're awakening asking me to talk about kkg ive been thinking about them on and off for literally a decade now. again i know ill run long so my thoughts on them post 4th war under the cut
i have to be honest i have only read/watched konoha shinden and some small snippets of boruto in terms of the canon timeline (although i guess konoha shinden is filler lol) so my understanding of what actually happens in canon is much blurrier here. if there are small moments of them in between sasuke fighting a dinosaur and jiraiyas evil clone plotting against konoha or whatever i really wouldnt know it because i honestly dont need to know. im sorry im a fake fan i like all the side character kids but i cannot find it in my heart to love boruto the boy. he pisses me off.
that being said i loveeeeee them in konoha shinden i think their relationship is so beautiful. in my mind theyre in long term domestic partnership that no one is willing to really say anything about because technically theres nothing anyone can actually do about it because hes literally the sixth hokage lol. which still blows my mind what do you mean we went from hashirama senju to fucking kakashi you know back in those days having kage-level power actually meant something... ninja society is cooked. but still i think its beautiful that they have each other in the aftermath of everything like i know they were both struggling hard af those first few months especially gai (kks too i guess but whatever none of his students died in fact one came back so he should count himself lucky). that theyre still doing their weird gay rivals thing even after all these years... it brings a tear to my eye. gai put in the effort for all those years even when no one else cared and at the end of the day he won because you know what that rivalry WAS eternal.
i think what strikes me the most about them in konoha shinden is how open kakashi is and how willing gai is to accept his limits, both being things that they often struggled to do in their youth. gai surviving the 8th gate but it permanently disabling him is lowkey the perfect ending for him because it forces him to actually confront his flaws and allows him to retire and pursue his true calling: writing a book. one thing i love about gai is that hes sort of a commentary on a certain kind of almost campy heroic archetype and part of that is his over the top speech patterns and penchant for poetic language. anything that metatextually references that trait makes me smile and i also think its fun that now he and kakashi are both connoisseurs of trashy books. that and teaching at the academy are such perfect jobs for him idk i honestly think gais got it made this is the best ending for him. kks... i imagine being hokage wasnt exactly the best fit for him seeing as he really has no talent for politics and would rather be sitting in a tree reading porn. but seeing as hes retired now im sure he has plenty of time to do that alongside dressing up like another person and pretending he isnt himself. honestly im glad that kakashi is still his weird depressed perverted self well into his 40s its inspirational. but compared to the kakashi of yesteryear boruto kakashi is a little more willing to talk about his emotions outside of combat scenarios which for someone like him is massive progress... i love konoha shinden im sorry im getting emotional thinking about how far theyve come.
for my thoughts that have no basis in canon yet i find in my heart be true. i fully believe that theyre living together and are essentially married but kakashi never bothered to actually legalize gay marriage and now hes putting off telling naruto to do it because he knows the conversation is gonna be really awkward. in a more perfect world i.e. the boruto i made up in my mind they would be married and they would babysit metal when lee was on missions and gai would be wayyyyyy too involved in the PTA at the academy and kakashi would sit on gai's back every day in the morning when he did his pushups and eventually he would pick up the habit of writing from gai and would write his own series of trashy porn novels under a pseudonym but they would flop and have no impact and only after he stopped writing them would it come out that he was the author and suddenly everyone would want to talk to him about them because they were highkey crazy like 50 shades of grey helicopter crash crazy. technically this could still happen in boruto theres still time but im not holding out hope
id be so happy to hear more about your thoughts on Gai, I've been trying to picture him outside of the wooby fandom lens more o7 regarding the breathing exercise example I can imagine he'd perhaps even yell at Kakashi to get a hold of himself ( could be out of panic reasons but also bc of gais standards for excellence. gestures )
ok this is gonna get long and jumbled so its going under the cut
first off in regards to the panic attack thing lets be real here he would punch him in the face. if he was willing to do it to 12 year old lee to snap him out of distraction he would be more than willing to do it to kakashi.
this leads to my first point of contention with gai's characterization in fandom which is that hes like a well adjusted person. gai is not necessarily better adjusted, its just that he (ironically) is able to channel most of his frustration and anger into things that are more socially acceptable, or rather, things that benefit the status quo. i'm not going to get too deep in the reeds on ninja society and its evils because i assume anyone who follows this blog is already well aware of what i think about the village system and the necessity of violence to keep it going. gai is not in any way exempt from his role in that. i think that what people fail to understand is that while kks and gai are very obviously opposites and foils to each other, they are also very similar especially in their relationships to the village. gai honestly is worse than kks in this way because hes an 8 gates user which is explicitly a suicide jutsu, but both of them have committed themselves to being weapons first and foremost which is an inherently unhealthy relationship to have to one's own body. gai's obsession with training and pushing himself past the limit as well as the whole idea of the self rule (literally self-imposed punishment) is unhealthy! him pushing these same ideas onto lee to turn him into a weapon as well is unhealthy!
his relationship with his father and with lee i think give us the best idea of gai's true character and beliefs. i'll go over lee first because i think he gives us the best sense of how gai thinks about himself. gai obviously sees lee as a mini version of himself, and thus we can assume the things that he tells lee are generally the same things he tells himself. this is most important in regards to his self-worth and reason to live being directly tied to physical ability and rank as a shinobi. gais insistence that lee get the surgery after the chuunin exams despite it possibly being a death sentence reinforces the idea that it's better to be dead than be disabled or even just not a shinobi (the first part he eventually rescinds while the second seems to still trouble him). while he does positively reinforce his students at times and does not punish them for their failures, he does feed lee the idea of the self rule which means lee will automatically punish himself for failure without gai's intervention, and he does physically punish at least lee when he steps out of line or disobeys him. this is played for laughs but still shouldnt be disregarded as an important part of the way gai's entire life revolves around physicality and violence as well as his belief in hierarchy and obedience (like i said, reproduction of the values of the shinobi system). he also teaches lee the 8 gates which is such an obviously crazy thing to do that even kakashi (who famously taught his friend killing jutsu to sasuke and then got mad when sasuke tried to use it to kill his friends) calls him out on it being reckless, saying he lost respect for gai because of it. gai sticks to his guns, of course, because self sacrifice is gais whole thing even when not strictly necessary.
this brings us to dai and the 8 gates more broadly, which also ties back into his parallels with kks. i think people often gloss over the fact that both of their fathers killed themselves, albeit in very different ways, because naruto often frames purposeful self-sacrifice as noble in a way that suicide is not when those are effectively the same thing. but the 8 gates is a suicide jutsu there is no way around that, it is a technique that allows you to become powerful at the expense of your health up until it kills you and you have to choose to open the 8th gate thus choosing to die. this is the technique gai's father teaches to him and that he teaches to his (surrogate) son. dai i think plays a big role in gai's whole ethos of silent suffering since he teaches gai at a very young age to respond to any detraction with a smile. i do think that gai is a genuinely upbeat and high-energy person, but some of that exuberance and positivity is def an act (or at this point an automatic response in the face of a world that still doesn't respect him). gai comes off as very confident, but we can see through his rivalry with kakashi that a lot of that is just bluster and that he really does desire approval and recognition, which is in part because of his father's reputation and also because of his own shortcomings in ninjutsu and taijutsu. i wouldn't say that gai is insecure, because i think in general he is very proud of himself and sure in his abilities, but rather it's that he never stops feeling the need to improve himself because even as a jounin people still don't really respect him. he's sort of like naruto in this way.
okay this is getting out of hand i've lost the plot of what i was trying to talk about. as an easier way of formatting my thoughts HERE is a list of important gai traits:
off-putting to most people
self-sacrificing and self-punishing
dislikes showing negative emotion (crying not included)
strict with his subordinates
determined past the point of reason
poetic and verbose
obsessive over improvement
will disagree with kakashi whenever possible
kills people with his hands for a living
here is a list of things that gai is not:
unaware of how he is perceived
always positive
always honest
emotionally intelligent or perceptive
good at talking to people in a way that reaches them
insecure (especially about his body lol)
a quitter
gai is one of my favourite characters of all time despite his many shortcomings and the fact that hes mostly comic relief so i apologize for running long but thats how you know i care. theres more that i could say about him especially in regards to how him and kakashi play off each other thematically but i didnt want to go too deep into the kkg stuff because i think sometimes his relationship with kks clouds the way people see him as an independent entity. he also undergoes actual character development multiple times so its important to think about where he is in his life when thinking about how he would act lol. i could go on with more examples but i won't for now because i have actual serious things to work on that need doing but hopefully this serves as a decent survey of some of my thoughts on gai
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onlyjihoons · 7 years ago
policeman!jihoon pt.2
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a/n; special thanks to bff jupiter @chaeyolks for the pretty pretty moodboard once again,, also! this is a collab w @alliwannado-w1, her installment for woojin is coming up this weekend so do look forward to it^^
policeman!jihoon pt.1//policeman!woojin
warning: slight alcohol mention+slight violence, however characters are written when they are of adult age
“you’re illegal, why are you even a police officer?”
“you’re going to do undercover duty with y/n.”
“unless you want me to–”
“yes sir”
so here he was, groaning at his impeccable luck
he needed to get back at daniel for making him buy that drink LOL
“hello, im inspector park jihoon, please take care of me”
you looked up, being greeted by jihoon, in a light blue button down and ripped jeans
with that lanyard that has his name and picture??
usually staff id pics look like mugshots
but hey his pic deadass looks like a shot of those models for some fashion show
“hello, i’m sergeant y/l/n,” you smiled, sticking out your hand, “i hope we will work well together.”
at that moment jihoon fell for your brown eyes
and dimples when you smile
whatever he said about having zero interest in girls was thrown into the gutter
jihoon was tasked to shadow you for your duties for a month
he was pretty sure he was gonna get sacked for falling for his superior LOL
your first day of working with jihoon was nothing big, just typing out some reports
it was a little weird because an inspector from the violent crimes department in a street crimes(idk what its called pls forgive me) department? typing out reports of a lost puppy??
anyhow your female colleagues from the other departments will ever more often drop by your desk just to see jihoon
it was getting annoying how theyre actually paying more attention to jihoon
so you asked minhyun to dispatch you for more undercover duties LOL
“i thought you loved writing reports”
“not until the female sergeants from other departments come to my desk to see inspector park??”
“are you jealous?”
ngl you were but you arent gonna let it show
especially in front of minhyun
he would f l i p
“try having 3 colleagues flocking to your table every 2 hours to see your co-worker instead of talking to you, and also distracting you from doing work.”
undercover was boring, you would normally drag sergeant!baejin along with you
but this time he wanted to stay in the office because he doesnt want to be the “third wheel”
you and jihoon would go to the same club everyday to do undercover duties
and the both of you manage to bust some sleazy dudes
since the whole thing was already under control the both of you soon don’t need to go to the club
and actually do night patrols
it was fun, because jihoon would entertain you by pulling funny faces and treat you to ice cream
contrary to your expectations, jihoon was actually quite nice to be around with
but then something in your mind went off about him
 you remembered the fuckboy senior that played with girls’ hearts in high school
it was jihoon
you were well aware that you were a position above him despite the 2 year age gap
but you couldn’t let yourself fall for someone who breaks hearts
so you decided to build a invisible wall of friendship to prevent yourself from falling for him
i mean how couldn’t you,, he was good looking, good at his work, and had a faint protective vibe which you liked
like whenever you were feeling only a little chilly at the cool breeze jihoon would not hesitate to drape his jacket over you
and also let you walk on the inside of the pavement
besides, minhyun would fall off his chair at the thought of his sister dating someone from the violent crimes department
but that didn’t stop you from having fun
the both of you would sit at swings and play at the slides
there was once jihoon was stuck at one of the slides and you had to help him LOL
but ended up pulling out one of his Stan Smiths and nearly called the fire brigade
day by day, the both of you got closer
and you told jihoon not to call you “sergeant hwang” bc that sounds rlly formal
one day the both of you were just talking about random stuff and you mentioned that you wanted to pick up martial arts
“i can teach you if you want!^^”
“really? what martial arts do you do?”
“i have a six-don black belt in taekwondo, i do teach little kids in my spare time as well”
so here you are, standing at the back of jihoon’s taekwondo class
you felt very over-aged learning taekwondo with a bunch of white-belt kids
but they were really good, and jihoon told the kids you were his assistant for the time being
yeah, assistant with a white belt
and just saying, jihoon looked rlly rlly hot in that taekwondo uniform
with slightly sweaty bangs and all
when he just stands aside for the kids to practice and adjusts his belt
ok moving on
you learnt some basic moves and jihoon barely needed to coach you to get them right
so all those years of fighting with minhyun was worthwhile
jihoon would shift you up to a yellow belt in two weeks because you were that good
so one day your eyes obviously wasn’t doing you good
you kept messing up the sequence throughout the lesson, maybe your condition wasn’t good
jihoon could see it and asked you to rest for a while
after the lesson ended, you took your street clothes and accidentally walked into the men’s changing room
and you walked into a topless jihoon
luckily, he was the only one inside
you could see his toned abs, and defined arms
not to mention that killer jawline
and in taekwondo pants????
jihoon noticed you staring slightly and then fumbled to find his taekwondo robe
and you noticed you were in the wrong changing room
“oh shit im so sorry i--i”
just as you were about to get out of the changing room jihoon blocked the door
without his robe
“y/n, did you enter the wrong changing room to see,,,”
he pointed to his abs, “this?”
you could only laugh, “i would never do that, i can easily see them on the internet”
he raised his eyebrows, “so you watch porn?”
“no??” you rolled your eyes, offended, “do you think i’m that kind of person, inspector park?”
“i’m sorry i’m not like those girls you played with back in high school, i’m not after your body--”
“you’re driving me crazy, y/n”
“your eyes, your nose, your lips, drive me crazy.” jihoon stared right into your eyes, making you blush
“hey inspector park--”
“why don’t you call me ‘jihoon oppa’ anymore? is our relationship strictly work-related now?”
“i just...” you sighed how something small could escalate to something big like this, “i like you, jihoon-oppa”
you slightly cringed but you continued, 
“but we cant do this. minhyun will get mad, and there goes my job.”
“sorry, inspector park, i’d have to go.”
you pushed jihoon aside weakly, then going out and into the ladies’ changing room
you felt hot tears trickling down your face, in reality, you just didn’t want your heart to be broken
the next day, you and jihoon went to work like a normal day
just, no patrolling and writing of reports the whole day
the office could sense a tension between the both of you, even your female colleagues stopped coming over
“hey y/n,” baejin stopped by your table and handed over a file, “you gotta go undercover again for that club, the perverts are striking again.”
“again?” you sighed, “okay i’ll go.”
“do you need me to go with you?” baejin leaned against your desk, “ you seem, off, today”
“i will go with her, sergeant bae.” jihoon spoke, “it’s my last day here anyway.”
so fast, a month has passed, you thought.
“thanks inspector park. i’ll get going then.”
you skipped dinner, all you did was to write reports continuously throughout the day
until jihoon slammed your laptop shut, and stared straight into your eyes
“we need to go now, sergeant hwang.” his lips stretched into a straight line.
you unwillingly got up from your seat, as you shrugged on your coat and headed out to the carpark to wait for jihoon
the car ride was quiet, with you staring out of the window, not talking to jihoon
though it was jihoon’s last day, and you were sorry he had to spend his last day like that
you had to stop yourself 
though the club was playing upbeat music, all you could do was to stare into blank space
just then, some sleazy dude came up to you
“can i buy this pretty lady a drink?” he winked
“no thanks, im with someone else--”
“ey, that someone else can wait.”
“i really do have someone--”
“i said i will get you a drink alright?!” the man’s rogueish smile appeared, grabbing your wrist, “i know you’re here to do undercover duties, sergeant hwang--”
just then, a fist was sent flying to the man’s cheek, as he stumbled backwards
you saw an angry jihoon, his face was red with anger
“if you ever touch sergeant hwang again, you’ll end up in the hospital.” jihoon growled.
“wow, sergeant, i didn’t know you were into flowery pretty boys like--”
jihoon sent another punch across the man’s face, making him fall to the ground
you had to physically stop jihoon from hitting that sleazy dude, or it would’ve turned into a full fight
“jihoon-oppa,” you held his arm, which weakened at your touch, “let’s stop, minhyun wouldn’t be happy if he saw this.”
jihoon scoffed, putting the dude in handcuffs
“you’re under arrest for sexual harrassment, you have a right to remain silent, unless with witness that will support your innocence.”
after that dude was thrown into jail, jihoon immediately hugged you
“are you okay?” he then took a step back to analyse your frame, “he didn’t hurt you, right? i was so--”
you then cut jihoon off with a kiss, shutting him up effectively.
jihoon kissed you back with more assertion, to make up for the time he didn’t get to talk to you throughout the day
“what was that, y/n?” jihoon smiled, ruffling your hair
“don’t tell minhyun about this”
boyfriend!jihoon in the police station is super sweet, leaving you a sandwich for breakfast, then dragging you out for lunch
minhyun soon found out about it, “i knew the both of you had something going on”
and jihoon wasn’t the asshole you expected him to be
he only had eyes for you, and it was really endearing
the both of you would go on night walks, and then sitting on the swing set, talking about random things
overall, the sweetest crime-busting couple in Gangnam Police Station
“I don’t know how you became a police officer, your looks are illegal, you’re my illegirl”
lowkey stole that from dimple by bts sorry im lame i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i liked writing this,,my request box is always open, so do send in requests!
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