#and im currently struggling with a knee injury
femwizard · 1 year
I love you body positivity
I love you disability accomodations
I love you diverse human experience
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abalone-butch · 3 months
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hiiii butchfemme tumblr!!
just a dapper butch looking for a relationship <3
about me
i’m max(well or imillian - still haven’t quite decided)! i’m 19, use he/him pronouns and am black and autistic! though i enjoy some sports like basketball and roller derby, i have unfortunately been grounded due to a recent knee injury. this also means that while i am politically active, i have been unable to attend protests for the free palestine movement, which is dear to my heart as someone from a colonised country (nigeria). i am bi- almost tri- lingual (english and igbo and french) and enjoy practising my igbo with my family.
i am often described as someone who is laidback and gentle. i am rather shy and slow to open up, but once i get to know you, i love fiercely and with all my heart. i get easily excited about nature and animals more specifically, and though i struggle with my mental health, i am forever soft with my loved ones. i am also a stone butch :o)
other facts
while i was born in nigeria, i currently live in australia (if you do too, feel free to dm me and i might let you know the city!). at university i study animal behaviour, aiming to do an honours then phd in the behavioural ecology of frogs, which are also my favourite group of animals (previously it was monkeys).
about you
i prefer to date monogamous high femmes who understand having a complex gender identity. i do not mind if you are inside or outside australia, nor do i mind if you are in my state or not, im just looking for a relationship, and i know that in the future, due to my career aims, i will be travelling a lot, which means that we might meet sooner rather than later <3.
i’m excited to see what comes of this! and feel free to dm if you fit the profile/even if you don’t - i like making friends too! thanks for reading :)
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icegongjunim · 1 year
hi, it's zero again! you know the drill, give me a like and we can come up with a connection!
( im nayeon, 25, nonbinary, any ) EUNHA 'HANA' CHO has been living in Point Place for TEN YEARS. Their favorite song is SOMEBODY TO LOVE BY QUEEN. They’re currently up to A NEONATAL NURSE AT THE LOCAL HOSPITAL, but they’d rather be FIGURE SKATING. First impressions usually stick around here, and others describe them as EMPATHETIC, STUBBORN AND OPTIMISTIC. Stick around to get to know the real them.
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this is hana, my nonbinary athlete turned neonatal nurse after an injury sustained in a car crash. she smokes for many reasons but one is to help her pain on the more challenging days. she's a work in progress so i'm excited to write and expand on her!
if i did the math right, she was born in 1952, the decade of heterosexual romance and gender roles. hana saw how much her parents struggled to live up to expectations and being queer herself, it makes sense that she's an activist. she's an outspoken feminist.
but anyways, hana has an older brother (wc) and grew up in a suburban bubble; nothing spectacular or horrifying ever happening to them in childhood. they knew they were different but were great at putting on a mask and mimicking those around them.
figure skating came as a second language because she grew up in upstate new york, winter was spent at the ice rinks with her best friends; she fell in love with it from a young age and began training when she was twelve. (wc) coaches from her hometown or point place. <3
when they were fifteen, their family relocated to point place to help their ailing grandparents; something they struggled with as their entire life was built in new york. (side note but hana keeps in contact with a few of them by pen palling!)
(tw for car wrecks & injuries) a few years into living here, she's in a significant crash, injuring her knee and leg. this stops her future plans of being an olympic athlete, which she was on the road towards, and switches to plan b. something she never planned for, honestly. this is when she experiments with weed and finds that it's helpful towards her mental health and pain issues. she uses it 'medicinally' and y'know sometimes, it's for pure fun too!
they still skate but not nearly as much or as extravagantly because it puts a lot of strain on their body. they started college without a major course picked out but eventually decided on being a neonatal nurse. during college, they met more queer people and felt more comfortable being themself; experimenting sexually and with their pronouns. (they're comfortable with the labels of nonbinary and bisexual!)
despite her struggles, she is an optimistic empath. very bubbly and charismatic. a bit stubborn and materialistic at times. (:
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alfredolover119 · 3 years
I looooove your zukka rec lists! I recently became Avatar-obsessed, never got a chance to watch it as a kid and only just got through it all! I was wondering if you'd consider doing a specifically angst rec list? I love fluffy zukka everything, but sometimes you just gotta have your heart ripped out of your chest and put back in after being thoroughly blended.
thank you! i relate heavily to “recently became Avatar-obsessed” haha. as for the angst list, i sure can try! warning: all of these have happy endings because im a crybaby who can’t read unhappy endings. also, p much all of the fics in the completed section were featured on my other lists but this is specifically the ANGSTY ones >:^)
angsty zukka wips
first, most obviously, feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe
-currently at 102k with 19/27 chapters posted; rated teen
-the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. you know. i haven’t actually read it yet because, as previously mentioned, i’m a crybaby and am waiting for it to finish up but, from my understanding, this fic will murder you in a dark alleyway with no remorse. if u like zukka angst, you’ve probably already read this, but just in case!
An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. // But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends.
Yeah, nah.
and i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by @goldrushzukka
-currently 38k with 6/8 chapters posted; rated mature
-holy shit. holy SHIT. modern au based on the “my cat likes my fuckbuddy and i am falling in love” trope(?). maybe it’s just because of how the last chapter ended, but oh my god. this one made me cry. made me want to commit violence. when it’s not angsty as hell, it’s pretty funny, but holy shit. ao3 user nebulastucky please.
It’s supposed to be a one night stand. Pick up some guy at a bar, barely remember his name and never learn anything real about him, send him packing in the morning with a thanks for the ride and a cup of coffee to-go. That’s how it’s supposed to go. // But then it’s the best sex Sokka has ever had, and he thinks he’ll hate himself if he never gets to have it again.
Violet Blossoms and Celestial Objects by @hollypunkers
-currently 15k with 2/? posted. rated teen.
-this is the sequel to blue (an angsty, zukka rewrite of book 2-- go read it if u havent!)! !! this is a book 3 rewrite. only two chapters in and mrs hollypunkers is really abusing the miscommunication tag, as zukka writers seem to enjoy doing. im excited to see how the world and story develops with the changes to the story! you should be too!! its very good! obviously spoilers for blue lmao
Having sided with the Avatar in Ba Sing Se, Zuko not only must navigate his new relationship with Sokka but returning to the Fire Nation as a banished enemy. His own journey of self discovery and personal growth must now coexist alongside the personal struggles of every other member of the Gaang as together they blaze a treacherous path toward an unsure victory against Zuko's own father and nation.
breakable heaven by @fruitysokka
-currently 71k with 9/11 chapters posted. rated teen
-swt ambassador zuko! soon to be chief sokka! fake dating ur best friend to get out of an arranged marriage! what could go wrong!!! i also haven’t read this one ((see: i’m a crybaby who is being hurt by too many zukka wips already)), but it has been hanging out in my marked for later for months. from what i understand, this fic has: angst.
With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? // Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
angsty zukka fics (completed!)
(i’ll put these in wc order)
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka
-7k, rated g
-a modern college au!! zuko’s inner-monologue is very angsty in this fic. typical zuko. also per usual, theyre both fucking dorks. they sort themselves out in the end, but not before The Angst. zuko is semi-deaf in this fic and also he has a bit of internalized homophobia.
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
This Isn’t My Idea of Fun by @khaleeseas
-9k, explicit
-moon spirit/nwt prince!sokka, no war to be found here! admittedly this isnt THAT angsty but like. the angst IS present. zuko is still the prince. a lovely childhood friends (though they hated each other for a minute haha) to lovers story. 
If you asked Zuko, he and Azula saw far too much of Chief Hakoda of the Northern Water Tribe’s children growing up. It wasn’t until they were older, and Azula pointed out that - duh - their families were trying to set them all up, that he realized why. // He was told by his mother to be polite. These people were their friends and allies, and though their nations were as different as they came, harmony between nations was the most important thing. // It wasn’t his fault the Chief’s children were so annoying.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9k, teen
-modern au! zuko and sokka are college roommates. zuko goes to spend the summer with sokka. again,, not really that angsty but-- its there!! the detail and feeling of Home in this story make me happy. zuko is insecure as hell here too. if ur into that. 
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
the thing about dancing by anodymalion
-9k, teen
-yes. this one right here officer. it makes my heart ache. also trans sokka! which is cool. but the zuko angst in this one. hurts me. not so much relationship angst as it is zuko learning he deserves happiness angst. i’m sure u know The Type.
The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
i could (never) give you peace by @zukkababey
-10k, mature
-OUCH. OUCH OUCH OUCH. boys please learn to communicate im begging u. also zuko.. zuko, dude. as the tags of the fic say, hes “really going through it” in this one. YOUCH. post-canon.
Zuko almost said it. He almost said the words I think I’m in love with you, but he choked them back down at the last second. // Zuko would never be able to be what Sokka wanted. They might have needed each other during the summer, when two boys with too much weight on their shoulders found comfort in each other in the only way they knew how. // But now Zuko was Fire Lord, and Sokka was leaving.
this love burns so yellow (becoming orange and in its time, exploding) by @meliebee 
-18k, teen, major character death 
-i lied. THIS is the one, officer. found family.. good mai and zuko and toph friendships.. . ozai escapes prison and tries to overthrow zuko. OBVIOUSLY angst ensues. poor boy. he Does heal in this but it gets worse before it gets better. angst angst angst angst.
Ten months after Zuko is crowned at seventeen, he faces his first coup.
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23k, explicit
-istg. this is probably one of my favorite zukka fics. its PAINFUL. modern au where theyre broken up but sokka hasnt told his family yet so zuko goes home with him for kataang wedding. a bit smutty, but the plot oh my god ohgm y fuvk. made me cry the first time i read it. (see: crybaby!me) insert that one picture of the horse with the caption PAIN. 
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. // Things don't go as planned.
Moving Mountains by @thefangirlingdead
-64k, mature
-so. when i read this the first time it was in one sitting. soulmate au set within canon era / the comics, to an extent. soulmates can hear each others thoughts. i will happily say this is slowburn, jesus christ. champagne without the cham. 
Soulmates are chosen by the spirits and can hear each other’s thoughts. Sokka thinks it’s cheesy and dumb. Zuko thinks it’s poetic justice that he doesn’t have one because he doesn’t deserve it. Cruel irony is finding out that the prince of the Fire Nation (and the person currently hunting you) is your soulmate.
In the Soft Light by @voidcenturyscholar and @romancedawning
-83k, teen, graphic depictions of violence
-moon spirit!sokka living in the northern water tribe. zuko is sent to the northern water tribe as a cultural liaison. iroh is the fire lord but while he is away taking care of lu ten after his injury ozai steps up. i cannot express how many emotions this fic made me feel. background yuetara. i would almost say found family?? but. anyway. plenty of angst to spare here with a healthy dose of enemies to friends to lovers.
As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103k, teen
-now now now. tms... modern college au where sokka agrees to tutor zuko in physics because zuko has to maintain straight a’s and physics is just not doing it for him. so. thats cool but THEN azula moves in, randomly, with zuko. to hide the fact that sokka is tutoring zuko, they fake date! what could go wrong!! the mutual pining in here combined with the angst... wonderful, tasty. everyone read it rn. also SLOWBURN 
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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kpop-s-akura · 3 years
Back to You | Chapter One
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Pairing: Lee Suho x OC
Genre: fluff, angst, romance, comedy
Warning(s): strong language, mentions of violence (nothing too bad since I suck at writing), smoking, slight sexual harassment
Word Count: 6.6k
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(Gif is not mine; credits to rightful owner)
"This is stupid and unnecessary."
"You're stupid and unnecessary!"
"Real mature, Junie."
"You just said that meeting my friends is 'stupid and unnecessary', what did you expect?"
Chaewon rolled her eyes, very well knowing that the boy had a point, but still unable shake to her nerves.
Meeting new people has never really been in the girl's forte; no matter how confident she seemed in a crowd, "properly" meeting new people turned her into an entire new shade of shy and introverted.
And the fact that these specific people were important to one of the most important people in her life, didn't make her or her anxiety fare any better.
Seojun noticed and stopped to turn to her.
"Don't be so nervous. These guys are really nice, you'll be fine."
Chaewon nodded, still unsure, but followed his lead up the staircase that led to Suho's house, one Seojun's friends she was meeting.
Seojun spoke in a soft and comforting voice, "I really think you'll like them, Chaewon-ah."
She smiled.
"You're an idiot!"
"Shut up! You're the idiot!"
"I'm not the one who messed with Yongpa High thugs and got them to chase us right now!"
It would be an understatement to say that Han Chaewon was pissed when her post-noraebong bliss with her brother was very quickly squashed afterwards when the two siblings were approached by delinquents from Yongpa High.
Though to be fair, the siblings themselves were both kind of delinquents themselves; but the girl's anger was more directed towards her twin brother, Han Seojun, rather than their chasers for her current mood.
"Just shut up and get on the damn bike!" Chaewon ordered as she did so herself as well as securing her helmet.
"Yah! I'm older than you, don't tell me what to do." But despite the elder's words, he put on his helmet and sped off alongside his sister on their motorcycles.
With Lee Seongyong right on their tail.
Chaewon led her and her brother through various roads and alleyways, knowing this part of town like the back of her hand; Seojun riding just a couple feet behind her, trusting that the younger would get them out of the mess he created for them. She always did.
It seemed like an endless cycle between the two: Chaewon getting Seojun out of trouble while causing chaos herself and leaving him to clean it up and vice versa.
They were quite the chaotic neutral duo, if you would.
And the majority of the time for them, it was fun. Even the slight life-risking aspect of it; although "life-risking" could be a bit of an exaggeration.
It was fun as long as you weren't alone, and Chaewon always managed to snag a sibling or friend (not that she had many of either) and rope them into being her partner in crime.
But as much as she enjoyed the trouble-maker lifestyle, she thinks of it's disgraces. She thinks of Seyeon.
Seyeon and how much he disapproved of her trouble-making since she was much more frequent in doing so compared to her twin counterpart.
Even when he would (un)willingly take part in his friend's mischievous shenanigans, it was something he loved about her. Something he loved about all of them.
Chaewon was aware of this, but what would he think of the current me? She would constantly ask herself questions like these; though the "he" could be any of the three boys that were constantly on her mind.
The thing is, she already knew the answer. It saddened her to think of it, but what else could she do?
She briefly looked back at her brother, wondering what that was about, before realising what he was warning: a girl was straight ahead, and she was about to hit her.
The unknown girl braced for impact while the twins jerkily swerved to each side of the obstacle.
Avoiding her, but not avoiding falling on the ground along with their bikes.
"Shit..." They cursed simultaneously.
The girl recovered from her shock and went to go apologise to them.
"Excuse me, are you two okay? What should I do?" She muttered the last part to herself. "Are either of you hurt?" Seojun irately pulled off his helmet, shaking his hair out while breathing heavily and glared at the woman who stood behind him.
Hearing a moan of pain from Chaewon, still lying on the ground, he rushed over to her and pulled off her helmet as well.
"Chae-ah, are you okay?" Seojun searched for any injuries, spotting g several messy scratches and gashes on her legs.
"I'm fine." The girl grumbled. Seojun lightly brushed over the bleeding wounds, causing her to wince and smack his hand away.
"Sorry..." He said half-heartedly. Seojun could never handle seeing someone he loved in any sort of pain or hurt in any way.
Still somewhat blinding with anger, Seojun carefully helped his twin up before angrily walking towards the worried and now scared Im Jugyeong.
"Yah!" But before the temperamental boy could chew her out, he spotted the group of motorcycles after them and quickly dropped his and Chaewon's helmets to the ground.
He took his sister's hand as they ran away, not realising that they had left Chaewon's fallen sword hair sticks on the ground.
She was struggling to keep up with him, but her adrenaline was going full force and it soon felt like there was never an injury in the first place.
She wouldn't let him carry her, knowing it would just slow them down even more.
They got to a certain point where they decided to split up, Seojun going left and Chaewon going left. A bit of a last ditch effort.
But as some of Seongyong's boys gained on her, Chaewon realized she couldn't run from them forever with her injured legs. So she stopped, putting her hands up and feigning surrender.
The boys caught up with her and grabbed at her shoulders, only for Chaewon to grab one of their wrists and flip them over her shoulder.
She turned to the other guy and back kicked his chest, causing him to take a tumble backwards and onto the ground. Chaewon started walking over to finish him off, not noticing that the first guy was up again.
He kicked her square in the back, causing her to fall onto her injured knees with a pained yelp.
She squeaked slightly when the second boy stepped on her back to push her fully onto the floor, putting more and more pressure every second.
"Not so tough now huh, princess?" One of them taunted before they both grabbed her arms and did their best to keep her under control. The boys brought her to the rest of the group where Lee Seongyong had Seojun cornered.
"Look what we found, boss."
Seojun's eyes went wide at his sister's slightly beat state as Seongyong turned to his underlings and smugly smirked at the captive girl.
"Well, well, well. I thought it was weird when the Han Twins weren't together."
"She put up a bit of a fight."
"I'd expect nothing less." The head gangster (if you could even call him that) chuckled to himself and lifted Chaewon's chin up with his index and middle finger. Seojun growled lowly as he started towards the two but was almost immediately stopped by two boys "guarding" him.
"Such a pretty thing," the slimy boy said, trailing a finger to a loose strand of hair, "perhaps you can be accepted as payment." He brushed it out of the way, only for Chaewon to savagely bite at his finger, Seongyong only just pulling away in time. Seojun chuckled at his reacted while shaking his head.
"You're a delusional bastard to think for even a second that Seojun would agree and that I would allow that." Chaewon narrowed her eyes and glared at the still slightly shaken boy. But nonetheless he went back to being smug.
He walked back over to the male twin while cracking his knuckled. "Well then I guess I'll have to find another way to get even with your brother." Chaewon gasped as Seongyong punched Seojun in the stomach, causing him to fold over.
"Oppa!" She rarely used the term "hyung" or "oppa", but when she did, it was usually blurted out on accident or during a time of distress.
"Hey, when I think about how, because of you," She screamed again when Seongyong kneed him in his stomach, bringing him to his knees. She could feel the pain of her twin almost vividly, she wanted wanted to throw up at it. "I have no money left, I just..."
He brought the boy back up by his jacket.
"Hey. You didn't come out that day intentionally to backstab us, right?" All Seojun did was scoff with a mocking smile. "Did you think we wouldn't do anything if you ignored and avoided us?" Seongyong went in to land another punch, but only ended up hitting air as his target shifted slightly over.
"Don't hit the face." Chaewon mimicked her brother's reaction from earlier in chuckling while shaking her head.
The teenage bullies just started to scoff in disbelief at the boy's brazenness.
"Yes, you avoided it. Okay, you're dead today." Just as Seongyong placed his hand on Seojun's shoulder with his other fist poised for another punch, the sound of a siren alerted the group: causing Chaewon to stop her struggling.
"Hey, the cops are here."
"Let's go quickly!"
Chaewon shook off the boys that held her hostage before straightening out her clothes.
Lee Seongyong however was hesitant before finally letting go.
"We'll meet again, Han Seojun."
As soon as the boys ran off, Chaewon ran up to her brother and practically jumped into his arms with a hug to the best of her abilities. Seojun returned the affection, whispering sweet nothings into her hair and assuring that they were okay now.
"Are you okay? Does anything seriously hurt?" Seojun smiled at the girl's concern for him and just opted for kissing her forehead.
"I'll survive. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Chaewon smiled back and shook her head.
"I'll survive."
Im Jugyeong, who had turned on the siren, came out of her hiding place and stared in the direction of where the group of boys ran off.
She slowly backed up with Seojun's helmet in one arm and Chaewon's hair sticks in the other hand, gasping when she distractedly bumped into said boy's solid chest with said girl beside him. The two were staring down at the bewildered girl.
She turned around and became even more intimidated by the twins' height. Although Chaewon wasn't much taller than her, Jugyeong being 5'7 and the other girl standing at a strong 5'9, her stare was enough to make her quiver.
"What's with you?" Seojun said with a blank look on his face.
"Uh, about that... Oh, there!" She pointed at a space between the twins who did nothing but turn their heads slightly at her finger in synchronisation before rolling their eyes.
"What are you doing?" Chaewon said with the same bored look on her brother.
Jugyeong bit her lip, realising she was pretty much screwed before turning to run away, almost falling on her face.
Chaewon caught her by her backpack and brought her back up, causing the girl to slam into her surprisingly also firm figure. Jugyeong slowly turned to look at her.
Chaewon tilted her head. "What do you think you're looking at?"
There was a slight silence before Seojun spoke up, "Run."
The girl seemingly snapped back into reality, running away. "Oh, oh, bye!" She ran away screaming.
"Saebom High School?" The twins pondered in unison.
"What an odd girl..." Chaewon wondered as Seojun scoffed at the interaction. She brushed her hair out of her face and ruffled it when she realized something.
"My hair sticks..."
Seojun stopped as well.
"My helmet!" They looked at the fleeing figure of the girl realizing she possessed their personal items.
"Hey!" But she was pretty much long gone.
"Aish..." He cursed.
"Want me to go get them?" Chaewon offered, ready to go sprint for her and her brother's possessions. They were both of fairly high emotional importance.
"No, you're injured. No more running for you." She rolled her eyes, but conceded.
"Let's go home; Gowoon is probably worried about us." Chaewon patted Seojun's shoulder, he looked at his sister and nodded before they started on their way back to where they left their bikes, the girl relenting in letting her brother carry her via piggyback ride.
"Gowoon-ah! We're home!" Chaewon called out into the mostly empty house.
"Hey! How was noraebong?" Gowoon was sitting at their kitchen table with her schoolwork spread out.
"Good! Until Seojun was an idiot..." Said idiot glared at her.
"When is he not an idiot?"
Chaewon laughed and placed her bag on an empty space on the table when Gowoon noticed her wounds.
"What happened to you?!" Chaewon looked down, she nearly forgot about her messed up legs.
"Consequences of Seojun's idiocy and a little bit of my own." She vaguely said before taking a seat next to her younger sister.
"Need help with anything?"
"Nah, I'm good. But you should clean those up and get some sleep."
"Eh. I'll pass." Chaewon winked with a smirk before getting up.
She's gotten into enough trouble and enough accidents that she's gained quite some knowledge about injuries and how to treat them.
"Imma patch myself up a little and then go out."
After cleaning and bandaging her plethora of scratches on both of her legs, wiping off the little makeup she had on, and changing her clothes, she grabbed her bag and made for the door.
"See you later!" She called out to the other two, though Seojun was probably asleep; that being a major reason as to how Chaewon was allowed out of the house at that moment.
Seojun trusts Chaewon to handle herself, but with everything that had happened earlier that night, his big twin brother instincts were skyrocketing; they have him either keep his counterpart in the house after a certain time, or demand he go with her.
"Be safe and don't get into too much trouble!" Gowoon cautioned.
"I make no promises on either of those things!"
Having decided to take a nice walk instead of rising her motorcycle, Chaewon entered Prince Comics; a place that she's called her safe haven since...
Anyways, the atmosphere of the comfy bookstore had helped her more than she though it would.
She'd spend most of her free days there whenever she just needed a break.
She rarely actually ever read the books, only when she was really bored but not tired enough to nap-- so she just took cat naps.
2-3 hour long cat naps.
The Ahjussi didn't mind though, he liked the company and personality of the young girl. He even put a bean bag, pillow, and blanket especially for Chaewon. He was always happy to see her enjoy it.
Like right now, Chaewon nestled her head further into the bean bag; setting aside the blanket and pillow since she had since changed into short sporty shorts, tucking her exposed and bandaged legs into the warmth of her oversized hoodie.
Lee Suho entered the area with couches and chairs that were bathed in the light yellow-orange light, taking in the place he hadn't come to in awhile.
As he was about to go search for his desired book, he noticed a small, curled-up figure to his right-- face covered by their hood.
He turned to the body, studying it for a second. His eyes roamed over the person before spotting sliver of a certain tattoo on their ankle-- a tattoo he knew all too well.
It was of a key.
"Chaewon...?" He whispered in disbelief. The girl opened her eyes at the all too familiar voice.
Though Chaewon has always been a heavy sleeper, there was one voice that always seemed to get her up and moving besides her brother's.
"Suho?" She said in a similar tone to his. He froze.
God how he missed his name coming from her lips, only she could have that effect on him.
They tried to keep their eyes from checking the other out (in a non-sexual way. sort of.), though their voices and facial expressions already gave away their shock.
It's been so long since she's seen Suho. She noticed how he seemed to get even more handsome, if that was even possible.
But there was something else. Something obvious. But at the same time, Chaewon couldn't quite put her finger on it. Or maybe she didn't want to.
Because this new thing about the boy before her wasn't something good.
She wasn't a fan. Then again, she wasn't a fan of Suho in general.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in a monotone voice while holding a cold façade, Chaewon decided to do the same.
Her expression hardened and became slightly agitated. "Well I was taking a nap before someone so rudely interrupted me." She began stretching out her limbs like a cat, getting prepared to get the hell out of there.
"This is a comic store to read, not a motel to sleep in." He scolded.
"What's it to you where I sleep?" She snipped getting up. The boy slightly blushed at the double-meaning of her words while the girl hadn't cared to notice.
Her new position had exposed her injuries, Suho's eyes notably widening at the sight before quickly going back to indifference.
"What happened to you?"
Chaewon scoffed.
"Since when do you care about me or my wellbeing?"
"Well it's kind of hard to miss all of that." He gestured to her legs. "It doesn't mean I care about you."
The girl just scoffed again and rolled her eyes for what seemed to be the billionth time that night before going to leave.
She didn't need this, not after the day she had.
But she was suddenly pulled back by her hood and stood in front of a puzzled Suho once again.
"The hell?!" She brushed his hand off her hoodie. There was a jolt of electricity when their skin met, though neither addressed it and settled for just staring (glaring) at each other.
This went on for another minute or two when the Ahjussi came back from his bathroom break and went to see if Suho had gotten his book or not.
"Yah, Lee Suho. Did you get the-" He stopped short, noticing the position of the two and their tension.
"Am I interrupting something?" Suho and Chaewon looked at the owner, stepping apart after noticing how close they had gotten. Chaewon cleared her throat before bowing to the Ahjussi, thanking him for letting her stay as always, and then scurrying out of the store.
"Is Chaewon-ie okay?" Suho couldn't bring himself to answer.
He just stood there as he replayed their interaction in his head; wondering what the hell just happened.
"Motorcycles! Motorcycles!" The friend group turned around to see two motorcycles heading right towards them, jumping away just in time.
The twins continued to clear a path for themselves, parking in the designated area for bikes.
The bustling students continued to stare and chatter amongst themselves in awe and shock.
Chaewon and Seojun took off their helmets, shaking their hair out while doing so.
She tugged and tightened her high ponytail as he brushed his fingers through his hair a couple of times.
When they got off their bikes, Jugyeong froze, recognising the two siblings from the other night.
"They're..." The memories replayed in her head as if they were on tape. "They're from out school?" The girl couldn't believe the unbelievable coincidence.
"The Han Twins are back," Sua remarked.
"Why are they here?" Sujin rhetorically asked, Taehoon echoing her. The group watched as Seojun and Chaewon started to walk to the school's entrance; the elder's arm around the younger's neck.
"The Han Twins?"
"Like how there are the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic and black holes in the universe," Sua began, "there are three charming students at our school, whom if you fall for once, you can never exit and get out: The chic, cold beauty God Lee Suho; the rough, wild horse God Seojun; and the dangerous, seductive Goddess Chaewon. Just like deciding between three of your favourite foods is so mind blowingly hard, they're the three ethereal beings at Saebom High School. They're the three top ones!"
Jugyeong's eyes comically widened upon hearing Chaewon's description.
Dangerous? She wanted to facepalm herself for already making an enemy out of a girl who was known to be not-so-friendly.
Meanwhile, the Han duo and Lee Suho had finally come to a stand-still at the front of the building, the two boys looking at each other intensely.
Although Chaewon was able to keep her poker face upon seeing Suho, she kept looking everywhere but him.
She didn't know if the feeling she was getting in her stomach from seeing him again were butterflies or knives.
"Forget the top three nonsense, I hate them. Though I can't really say too much for Chaewon since she can be more enigmatic than Lee Suho or her brother at times. And yet they're still the heartthrobs of Saebom boys and girls alike."
Despite the tension between the three being completely visible to anybody and everybody, the students kept chattering away, loving how this was going.
"The Han Twins returned!"
"They'll get into a fight again."
"Oo, it's already so loud!"
"I love it!"
But as Jugyeong and the group started getting nearer towards the three, she could see how they didn't really seem like friends.
"What's with them? They don't get along?" She asked, turning her head towards Sua.
"They used to be best friends, but they somehow fell apart. When they meet, the atmosphere gets so cold. It's especially weird since everybody thought that Suho and Chaewon were together during that time since they acted much closer than the other." Jugyeong was shocked, trying to process and imagine the two together.
In her mind, they fit pretty well look-wise and personality-wise.
Suho saw how Chaewon's eyes could never quite meet his own and kept his eyes on her.
Seojun took notice of this and roughly brought her closer into his side and raised an eyebrow at the boy who had since then turned his attention back to him. Chaewon's eyes traveled to the ground while Seojun turned his head and scoffed before eying his nemesis once again.
"So annoying."
Chaewon, wanting to escape from the situation, started tugging at her brother's hand that was still hanging off of her shoulder. "Let's go, Jun." Seojun kept his eyes on Suho for another second or two before complying with his sister's wishes.
The frozen exterior of Suho's heart cracked a bit as Chaewon's expressions burned and lingered in his mind, watching the siblings walk off.
The girl in question fighting the urge to look back at him.
"Hello!" The teacher greeted the class who greeted him back while walking into the room with Seojun and Chaewon in tow.
Suho slightly perked up as they went up to the front of the room, both with their heads held high and looking bored as ever.
This time it seems, Chaewon had no problem in locking gazes with Suho before looking over the class again.
"Alright, Seojun and Chaewon are back now. Good to see them, right?" The class answered back 'yes' before giving a round of applause as instructed by the teacher.
"Bravo!" Cheers kept ringing throughout the classroom, Seojun looking off to the side in faux embarrassment while Chaewon just kept a blank and cold face, intimidating some of the students into silence.
"One of you can sit next to Suho—" The twins looked at each other in alarm, though not particularly showing it.
"What now?"
They looked at the teacher.
All eyes were either on Suho, who just looked straight ahead, or the twins, one sighing before walking to where Jugyeong was sitting.
Chaewon watched him kick the leg of the desk, startling the girl.
"Yah. You go."
Jugyeong was just as bewildered as when they first met, only being able to point at herself and ask, "Me?" in a meek voice.
"This was originally my sister's spot." That alone was almost enough for Jugyeong to jump out of the seat, not wanting to test the girl's 'dangerous' reputation.
"Oh, Jugyeong has weak eyes, so she's sitting there." The teacher explained, causing Chaewon to quietly scoff and mumble to herself, "'Weak eyes' my ass..."
Though the teacher had heard her, he elected to ignore it before asking Taehoon to move.
"Taehoon. Our handsome Taehoon, can you switch spots?" The boy, of course, readily and excitedly accepted; the class laughing from his antics.
But before he could get up and walk to his newly appointed spot, he noticed that Seojun had still not moved from his place near Jugyeong's seat.
Chaewon walked up to Seojun, noticing that he was about to refute his senior and demand that she have her seat back.
But she was tired and didn't feel that it was necessary; even if it meant having to sit next to Lee Suho, it was better her than her twin.
She nudged him, getting his attention before nodding to the seat in the corner of the class, "It's fine, Jun."
The seat she motioned to was perfect for napping and not paying attention, she really knew how he was in school. But that didn't matter to Seojun if his sister had to sit next to his rival. He started mumbling about how her sitting next to said rival wasn't happening, but Chaewon was persistent in her glares, slightly pinching him and making the boy wince as he felt her sharp, ruby-red stiletto nails.
He conceded, but not before throwing a sharp and dangerous look at Suho, though the boy wasn't phased.
The twins split ways; Seojun going to his new seat in the back, Chaewon taking the one next to Suho's with Taehoon two spots behind her.
She felt Suho's gaze burn into the side of her face, but paid no mind and rested her head on the desk as her brother was doing for a nap.
Not even 5 minutes later, the sound of a door slamming open caused Chaewon to wake up, looking to the side instinctively. She didn't quite know how to feel when she didn't see Suho there, but quickly turned her attention back to the source of the sound that disturbed her sleep.
A group of boy entered the room, crowding around Seojun who still had his head on the desk.
"Yah, Han Seojun. If you and your sister returned, at least one of you should've shown your face and said hi." Chaewon suddenly stood up from her desk, the object making a horrible screeching sound that had all eyes on her. Seojun banged his fist on the desk before doing the same, exchanging looks with his sister once he felt her presence beside him.
The siblings had a stare off with the taller boy, causing the students to tense up.
This continued outside the school, Seojun and Chaewon standing a couple feet in front of the group of boys when the big one spoke.
"Hey, brother. Today's such great weather for you to die." Seojun rolled his eyes.
"Are you guys a girl group or something?" He scoffed.
"Seriously. Why are you standing like that?" Chaewon questioned, but the boys just sneered and chuckled mockingly among themselves.
"Why? Are you going to hit us? Okay, come in. Come here!" They all got into fighting stances.
"Yah, Kim Chorong!" Seojun's voice boomed, the two stepping up to the boys intimidatingly before he spoke up in a mock bravado tone.
"Your joke was a bit too much." That's what did it for all of them. Everyone started laughing, Chaewon even turning to her brother and playfully punching him before mocking his words.
"Hey, great acting for a pair of trainees." Chaewon playfully rolled her eyes at the boy while smirking.
"Ex-trainees, thank you very much." Chorong just stuck his tongue out at her to which she did the same.
"This is so childish." Seojun said, feigning irritation, "How much longer do I have to play around?"
"Yah, brother!… it's honestly fun, you know?” Chaewon started to laugh harder at the sound of their joy and the sight of seeing her brother teased further.
“Have you guys been well?” She asked.
“Woah!” Seojun suddenly exclaimed. “Kim Chorong, I think you gained more weight. Did you bulk up?” The victim of the taunting was staring at the taunter with incredulity while the rest started to crack up again. Chaewon rolled her eyes and shoved her brother’s shoulder, going to wrap her arms around the bigger boy.
“Yah! Leave him alone, Junie.” She pouted.
“Thank you, Chaewon! And for your information, I lost 10 kilograms!” Chaewon giggled at the banter as one of the boys commented that he could see the muscles.
Chorong turned to look down at the girl who was still clinging to his side.
“If your mother better?” He asked. She smiled fondly at her friend’s concern and nodded her head.
“She’s a lot better. Thanks, Chocho.” The two exchanged eye-smiles as the rest let out relieved sighs.
“What a relief. I’m sorry I couldn’t make a munsang.” Chorong said, turning back towards the other twin.
“Yah, what do you mean by munsang, you fool?” Seojun scolded. “It should be munbyeong.”
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Chaewon smiled as her brother proudly pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around the girl and resting his head on top of her head, both smirking.
It was good to be back.
Chaewon decided to break off from the group to get food from the cafeteria, having forgotten money to go to the snack bar.
While in line, she spotted Lee Suho.
He’s so different... She couldn’t help thinking the obvious, but it felt so unsettling for her to see the boy she once thought she knew so well to be so... cold.
But under the circumstances that occured, it was understandable. And she couldn’t be a hypocrite by saying that he was the only one that changed.
Then all of a sudden—
“That girl...” Im Jugyeong had come to the lonely looking boy and gave him a red ginseng juice.
His favorite.
How did she know it was his favorite?
Why did she give it to him?
Why did I care?
Why am I asking all these questions?
“The hell?” Jugyeong walked away as Chaewon started placing food onto he tray.
Later that day while Chaewon was looking for her brother and friends, she saw Suho sitting on a bench looking at his phone with earbuds in, when the girl came up to him again.
This time, she was holding a large bag and took out one of his earbuds before whispering something to him and quickly running off.
Ah, so she’s another one of his fangirls. I should’ve known. Chaewon rolled her eyes, starting to walk again.
Only to stop again, seeing Lee Suho actually get up and seemingly follow the girl.
Chaewon couldn’t contain her curiosity and decided to quietly follow him, ending up at the rooftop.
She stayed by the door and watched their interaction. She almost felt bad for Im Jugyeong, knowing how harsh Suho could be.
It seemed to be worse this time around though since Jugyeong decided to flee from the rooftop, not even noticing her eavesdropper.
“Wahhh, you’ve really changed, Lee Suho.” Chaewon said walking out from her hiding place.
Suho turned to her and looked irritated, but also somewhat guilty and surprised. He didn’t want her to see that.
“Did you follow me or something?”
“Mm-hm.” He was quite surprised by her honesty, but he should’ve seen it coming. “I was quite curious when that girl was so brazen as to do what she did. I had to see what would happen.”
Silence stood between the two for a moment before Suho sighed and brushed past Chaewon and back into the building. She continued forward to the edge of the ledge and placed her hands on it, observing the view and breathing it in before pulling two things from her pockets.
Suho watched from the entrance as the girl took a cigarette from the box and lit it with her lighter.
“You still do that stuff?” He couldn’t help but to ask. He, Seyeon, and Seojun always hated whenever she smoked, even though it was a pretty rare occurence. But it still came to a point where they organized an intervention and her family had almost sent her to rehab. After that, he thought she was sober, or at least got better at hiding her actions, but things change he supposed.
Chaewon didn’t answer, seemingly unbothered by his still being there and instead blowing another puff of smoke.
“Does Seojun know?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your busine-”
“I’m making it my business because I’m not going to stand here and let you ruin your life doing that shit!”
“Oh please, Lee Suho. I’ve done plenty of other stuff that’ll ruin my life, and I’m not going to start giving a fuck just because you say so.” 
Suho internally cringed at the stuff implied by her words. He knew she was reckless and liked trouble, but he didn’t know how bad it might’ve gotten over the time they’ve been apart. 
Seeing and interacting with her now made him question how close they really were back then.
“Besides, as if me dying wouldn’t make you happy.” Chaewon softly spoke, it almost sounded sorrowful; though it still held some hot resentment.
Suho felt his facial expressions go awry.
I wouldn’t be happy. I’d be devastated.
“Maybe I should do it more often. Speed up the process, put us both out of our misery, finally put a smile on that frustratingly, emotionless face of y-”
“Don’t.” He interrupted. Neither noticed how close Suho had gotten while she was talking.
“Don’t say those things.” He whispered.
Chaewon didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. And all she could hear was her heartbeat about to break out of her chest.
“Why not? It’s not like you care about me, right...?” Chaewon shakily asked with an almost mocking undertone.
He didn’t say anthing and neither did she.
After about a minute of nothing, Chaewon turned back around to face forward. She closed her eyes, trying to reel her emotions in. Bringing the cigarette back up for another hit, Suho took the death stick from between her lips and threw it onto the ground, putting it out aggressively with his shoe.
She was too shocked to even scold the boy and his actions, seeing how he had seemingly gotten even closer.
Suho stared intensely at the girl. His eyes were full of caring and warmth. Yet at the same time, they were full of cold nothingness. But Chaewon could see under that, she always could; that’s one of the things that made them so compatible. 
She just didn’t know if her senses were trust-worthy or not this time around.
They could always tell how the other actually felt. But times have changed.
They changed.
They weren’t Suho and Chaewon anymore.
They weren’t anything anymore.
It was the next day during gym.
The students were outside playing dodgeball while Chaewon had her tracksuit jacket wrapped around her waist, exposing her normal clothes, and sat on the sidelines watching her brother play.
She could feel a certain pair of eyes on her every so often as she felt herself do the same, but nobody else seemed to notice it.
“Yes! Han Seojun, out!” Chaewon laughed at the fact her brother was eliminated, especially with it being by the hands of Lee Suho and Yoo Taehoon.
As he walked off to join his sister who was now standing up, the ball from the girls’ side traveled to where the twins were, Seojun stopping it with his foot before Im Jugyeong could grab it.
“Yah. You’ve seen us before, right?” Jugyeong laughed awkwardly as the twins stared down at her.
“What are you saying?” She tried taking the ball only for Seojun to press harder on it.
“You ran off with my helmet and my sister’s hair sticks.” She looked back up at him.
“Did you not?”
Jugyeong’s eyes went to the space beside him and pointed at something, “Oh! Over there!”
“We didn’t fall for that last time either-“ Before he knew it, Seojun was shoved to the side as a ball collided with the back of Chaewon’s head who although wasn’t in any pain, was pretty pissed.
Several noises of shock and disbelief sounded from the boys’ side.
“Chae-ah!” Seojun rushed back to his sister’s side and held onto her. “Are you okay?” Before she could answer, he turned to the culrptiy and glared at him with flaming death and growled, “Aish!”
“S-S-Sor… T-t-t-the class president! It was the class president.” Ahn Hyungyu tried explaining in extreme fear.
Jugyeong stood up with the now free ball. “I’m sorry. I’ll give them both back tomorrow.”
It felt like déjà vu when the girl turned around again about to fall on her face; only this time, no one was gonna help her.
Lee Suho, who was watching the whole thing in silent anger, stalked off, but not before roughly shouldering the boy who accidentally injured Chaewon and stepped over Jugyeong’s sprawled out body.
The show was over and Seojun went to scold Hyungyu who was still apologizing profusely, but Chaewon stayed where she was, staring at the boy who was walking back into the school’s building who wanted nothing more than to ask if she was okay.
Chaewon, Seojun and the rest of their friends walked down the hallway; some girls and boys passing by whispered in awe and silently fangirled/fanboyed.
The twins walked beside each other and smirked at the attention. It was amusing to say the least.
This continued in an almost slow-motion fashion when all of a sudden—
“Wait.” Seojun dropped down to the floor and started re-tying his shoelaces. Chaewon chuckled and jokingly pushed his shoulder, making him lose his balance and making her laugh even more.
“MOVE!” The group looked forward to see Im Jugyeong running down the hallway with a face full of cake.
Although it was a weird sight, Chaewon stayed where she was and stood in front of the panicked girl.
Jugyeong came to a halt with wide eyes in front of the taller girl who had a questioning look with a perked up eyebrow.
She slightly bowed with a quiet “excuse me, sorry” before running past her and jumping onto Seojun’s back and catapulting herself forward.
“Yah!” Chaewon squatted down onto the floor beside her brother who was now sprawled on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He gritted looking at the direction of the runaway girl.
But it didn’t stop there; the rest of their class following Im Jugyeong, also in a panic.
Chaewon hurriedly brought Seojun back up to his feet and pushed them both to the wall for safety.
“What the hell is going on?!”
They waited for a couple of seconds to see if anymore people would go stampeding down their way, being relieved when it seemed to be over.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Jun?” Chaewon looked over his body for any injuries.
“I’m fine, Chae. Really.” She smiled at him and linked their arms to start walking.
Then Lee Suho came from the other side of the hallway, the side where they had originally come from and where everyone had gone to.
And he wasn’t alone.
Hiding underneath his jacket was Im Jugyeong, still cake-faced.
The twins had to stop and stare at the unusual scene; neither knowing how to feel at the sight before them.
🌸A/N: Yay! I can’t believe I finally published this. I’m going to start working on the second chapter as soon as possible. Also, I realize that Yeji is also 5’7, but I looked at the height of the other characters and decided that 5’9 was good. Besides that, please excuse any typos or mistakes. I hope you enjoyed!
BTW: The picture below is Chaewon’s outfit. The white dress shirt part of the uniform is unbuttoned and tied in a croptop way, showing the bralette. I tried finding a good picture of Saebom’s uniform but it was pretty hard so I just cropped Sujin’s. Sorry for it’s pretty low quality😅
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theplumsoldier · 4 years
fear he who fears nothing
prologue summary: as a public figure living in modern germany, you would have thought your past was just that, just a past, but now, it has come back to haunt you and pushes you into the clutches of one baron zemo, while making you acquainted with the american heroes, falcon and the winter soldier.
series warnings: vulgar language: cursing; explicit scenes: mentions of blood, explosions, shootings, torture, injuries; a wannabe’s pathetic try at german; hinting at sexual themes.
a/n: little german is used in this but enough that i felt the need to add translations. translations will be marked as italic and are hedged in between “<>”. note i am not familiar with the languages colloquialisms so if you notice something wrong with my translations, you are most welcome to message me!  this is the prologue to my series “fear he who fears nothing”. it will kick of in the next year in will be no longer than around six to seven parts. i haven’t figured it all out yet, but im working it out and updating along the way!
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The two men, the ones whose identities later would be divulged and state to be an age-old relic and a national hero on the lam, did not at all fit into the club. It was always dark inside the White Lady, however the blinding lights – which one would not be wrong in their observation, should they deter them prone to trigger epileptic seizures – could not hide the two most rigid gents standing tall in the midst of the dance floor. You can ask why one, who does not dance, would stand on the dancefloor, however, your words would be in vain and your time lost, for Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes do not have time for anyone who is not Baron Zemo—
Who in this very second was in full swing of a Super Smash Bros match, using your club for arena.
The White Lady was a luxurious club, everyone in Germany was well aware of that. A place for important people and all who frequented the state of the art club knew the person next to, too, spent money like water. It was not a space for gang violence and illegalities, so when security had let them distract for just long enough, politicians and business owners, men and women of wealth ran around, much portraying the image which comes to mind when one would think of a fox entering a henhouse.
Panicking, people ran about like headless chickens, not for the exit, per say; for when in shock, instinct conquers rationality, sprinting and pushing their peers as if their lives depended on it. In a way it did, but in a club of important Europeans, they were not the target. Should they injure tonight, it would merely be in the result of the live American action movie-like fight which had now taken to the balcony lounge.
It took a rough shove to the back to send you back to the current state of affairs. It dawned on you now you would have to act, howbeit you had yet to figure out in which way.
Ushering past the frantic dancers that previously had revelled, you went pretty much unnoticed up the stairs. Pretty much unnoticed surpassing entirely unnoticed due your loyal bodyguard.
You quelled the urge to scream at the fighters when two of them pretty much shot through the air, hurling through at least 30k worth of ceiling lights.
They were the ones you had heard of multiple times through the years now: They were the “good guys”, from America. Albeit as they impoverished you, ruining 10 years of blood and sweat, before your very eyes, they were far from the good guys. Having pushed through what you had over the years, it now became clear if anybody was going to push you to your knees it had better be in another setting, with a whole other mood–preferably with some Frank Ocean in the background.
“Na los, komm schon!” Lina called, shoving you back down the stairs to get you out of danger. Your safety was her priority and so she updated security of your location via her Bluetooth earpiece. <Let’s go, come on!>
You were halfway down the stairs when the sound of an explosion went off. It was impossible to tell where it came from, but the next thing you knew was shattered glass raining from the ceiling. A group of red lights had severed from the ceiling and judging by the panic-stricken cries people were hurt.
The lights were suddenly killed, the whole club jet black for seconds until the standby generator switched on. You used this to your advantage, and scurried past Lina. You knew she only acted in your best interest, however your moral compass did not allow this terrorist to destroy your club.
When the lights turned on, the whole place lit up in a hideous yellow light, the kind you will find makes life difficult for drug addicts. This allowed you to properly see the damage done. It made you angry, seeing all these people suffer in your club; foreigners using your territory as playground.
“Schafft sie hier raus! Ich werde dafür sorgen, dass es hier oben kein Versteck gibt! Die Polizei soll Krankenwägen schicken, die Türsteher sollen die Umgebung sichern! Bin gleich draußen!” Lina protested, stepping up the staircase but you were adamant, and if Lina had learned one thing in her many years of her current position, it was that you were stubborn and steadfast as hell. “Ich komme schon klar, kümmern Sie sich um die Kunden!” <Get them out of here! I’m going to make sure there’s no hiding up here! Contact the police and have them send ambulances, have the bouncers secure the perimeter! Be right out!” > <I’ll be fine, tend to the customers!>
With that you sprinted down the hall to your office, punching in the code to unlock the door. At least your safe space was still intact. For now.
Getting the gun from the classic secret-safe-behind-the-wall-painting spot, you swiftly checked the chamber for rounds at full tilt. Finding only five bullets, clicked it back in place and took a second to exhale. Inhale, exhale.
Checking the chamber was about as nifty as your skills – if one could even call it that – got, so let’s just say it was going to be fun carrying out your little idea, threatening them.
You made sure to only hit the floor – it had to be replaced anyway – when shooting, and if a couple of toes would suffer your not-at-all refined skills, so be it–better that than accidentally killing one of these buffoons because you were not about to have a death on your conscience.
That got their attention.
“Y’all better get the fuck out of my club now!”
Shooting pretty much fuelled your wrath, but a fuming woman with a gun in her hand was something to fear, and you wholeheartedly trusted these idiots knew that.
“Ma’am, you should get—”
“Shut up!” seethed you, jaw clenched as much as the index finger you kept hovering over the trigger. “Now!”
You had lost sight of the bird-man. You hoped he had the decency to have grabbed a broom by now, cleaning up what chaos he so ignorantly had commenced with his little cyborg friend.
“Ah, Miss YN,” charmed Helmut Zemo then, not letting down his guard to the soldier not far from him, but he allowed himself to send you a duplicitous smile, evidently having convinced himself that this was a friendly visit.
But you had two bullets left and one hell of a grudge against this one.
“I was hoping to find you here,” spoke he, he thick-laced accent ringing through the room with an aftertaste of a memory of someone you once knew. “Perhaps we could have a little... Chit-chat, hm? Put down the gun, will you?”
“Du Hurensohn!” swore you and grit your teeth. “There are other ways to reach out to a person than destroying their livelihood!”
“Well, I had to get your attention, you understand—”
“Yeah, you got it alright! Now get the hell out of my club before I blow out your brains!”
That is if there are any left, you thought, waving the gun towards the exit. God, you hoped the police had the place surrounded.
Sirens sounded from the street, and the Winter Soldier took the opportunity – Zemo being distracted with you – to charge at him, attacking him with a knife. Zemo noticed the change in your expression, and thwarted the attempt.
You did not noticed the man coming up from behind you before he had you in a neck lock, pulling you away from the balcony railing. Screaming, you pulled the trigger, trying to twist your arm around, while out of his reach, and shoot him blindly. To no avail, however. The sound of the shots must have been what ushered the police through the doors, yelling and firing warning shots to stop the whole affair.
You could not be sure, though, for while you struggled for air, clawing at the assailant’s muscular arm, you vision veiled in black and the last thing you felt before drifting off, was a heaviness taking you to sleep.
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just-a-few-prompts · 4 years
Part one here
Tagging: @whatwasmyprevioususername
TW: This extended prompt involves hurt children, abused children, abusive parents mention, trauma reaction, and bruises. Stay safe lovelies!
The hero pulled the villain up from the ground, thoroughly defeated by the rest of the team. The ambush in the villain’s own lair had worked beyond successfully. Villain roused with a groan, opening one eye as they gripped at the hero’s wrist. They couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, painful as it seemed, given the bruises and wounds showing through their costume. “Good morning, sunshine,” they drawled out before being pinned against a wall by the hero.
“Under Code A673, Section B, I am now placing you under arrest,” the hero said coldly, pulling a pair of handcuffs from their belt.
Villain snorted, holding their hands up between their faces. “You know already that it was necessary what I did.”
“Robbing that bank was not necessary,” Hero spat. They turned Villain around, more annoyed than anything about them laughing whilst being handcuffed.
“How else was anybody going to know about the fraud?”
Hero froze, furrowing their eyebrows. With a sly smile, Villain turned to look over their shoulder, albeit with their black eye. “Don’t tell me you didn’t find anything fishy,” they chuckled. “How all that staff was so careful with their words, tried to be vague about what was stolen. When you get those papers back, everyone will know.” Sighing in relief, Villain closed their eyes, leaning their head against the wall. “And all those people will get their money back. The money they deserve for all their hard work.”
The Hero’s eyes flicked towards their teammates, who were currently looking around the lair, flipping furniture, delving through desk drawers. They leaned in to whisper something to the Villain, maybe to help them out while their team mates were distracted, but their thoughts were stopped in their tracks.
“Hey, what’s this door?” Superhero called out, looking over their shoulder. They gave it a few light knocks, almost mockingly. “You came out of this door, when we came in. What’s in there, Villain? Secret plans?”
Villain’s eyes snapped to Superhero, and they growled under their breath. “Don’t open that,” they hissed. “Leave it alone.”
Superhero looked at them incredulously, scoffing. “Yeah. Sure.” They put a hand onto the door handle and swung it open.
The Villain began to lift themselves from the wall, and Hero pinned them back down, completely out of instinct. They felt bad about the wheeze. “Just- just keep your voices down,” Villain rasped out. “No harsh movements- you’ll scare them.”
“Scare who?” Superhero laughed before looking into the room. Their expression of mirth dropped instantly as they realized what they were looking at.
It was a classroom. There was a chalkboard, a few desks, colorful posters- there were children, a group of them, huddled up in the corner. They looked with wide eyes at Superhero, some of them mouthing the Superhero’s name in recognition.
Superhero stared blankly at them, just as confused. “... what the fu-“
“Language!” Villain cried out. They quickly remembered themselves, lowering their voices and squirming away from Hero. “Watch your language, please- let me up, let me up-“
Hero stepped back, numbly watching Villain stumble over to the classroom. “Please dont crowd around the door, you’ll scare them,” they whispered, shouldering past the other team mates that had gathered around the door frame for a look. They pushed through a pair of shoulders just a little too hard, and they fell more than staggered into the classroom, gritting their teeth to stifle a grunt of pain. Their hands were still cuffed - no way to break their fall.
“Teacher!” The children came out from the corner like a swarm, immediately going to help Villain sit up. Gentle, small hands guided them, pulling away when they winced at hidden bruises being touched, carefully avoiding wounds.
As Hero pushed their team mates away from the doorway, they glanced over the children. Their careful manner suddenly made sense - plenty of them had bruises of their own, healing along their arms and legs. The children glanced with fearful eyes at the hero team at the door, looking more afraid by the second.
“Thank you, children, thank you,” Villain sighed as they pulled away. They did their best to muster a polite smile. “Are you all alright? Is anybody hurt?”
The chorus of “No”s and “Mm-mm”s was interrupted by the voice of the Superhero in front of them. “What did you do to these kids?” they asked, trembling with anger and clenching their fists. Some of the children froze as they saw his hands, backing away carefully.
“I did nothing,” Villain said, glaring at Superhero as they struggled to keep their voice level. “It was their parents. I saved them.”
“What?” Superhero couldn’t help but laugh, waving an arm at the chalkboard. “What, for this? What are you teaching these kids? Tax fraud? Terrorism?”
“Addition and subtraction,” Villain growled, tilting their head at the board. “And later, when we’re all done here, it’ll be time for Science class.”
Superhero rolled their eyes, though they did squint at the board full of “3+5= 8”, “9+2= 11”, and other such formulas. “What are you gonna teach ‘em then?” they asked, sounding a little less sure than they had before. “How to make a bomb?”
Villain’s face twitched into a grimace before they glanced at the children. Calming themselves down, they looked blankly at Superhero. “Simple machines, actually,” they said. “You know. Levers, Pulleys, Screws. Wedges.”
“... Wh...” Superhero faltered, frowning at Villain. “Why are you teaching them that?”
Sighing, Villain shook their head, crossing their legs. “They missed it in school due to injuries,” they explained. “Otherwise that, or they didn’t go to school in the first place.”
The team glanced over the group of kids, some of whom were vigorously nodding. Hero noticed the way some of them gripped at the Villain’s shoulders and cape, how most of them hid behind them for as if they were a shield.
They were broken from their thoughts as somebody laughed. “Come on, Villain,” Superhero said nervously. “I get the Robin Hood schtick, but this? Do they even know where they are? Do their parents know where they are?”
Villain scoffed, shaking their head. “They are safe,” they said, their voice dangerously low. “Their parents don’t deserve to know where they are.”
“That’s not for you to decide!” Superhero snapped. “If they’re being abused at home, the police get involved! You call CPS, you can’t just kidnap all these kids!”
The Superhero was frantic now, looking around at the children. They barely seemed to register the fact that the children had flinched at the mention of police, and the ones that hadn’t flinched now had glazed-over eyes, standing slack as they stared into space.
“CPS didn’t do anything,” Villain growled, struggling to keep their face calm. “Somebody had to do something.”
Shaking their head, Superhero shut their eyes. “You know what?” they muttered, waving their hand. “I don’t want to hear any more. They’re going home. Here- come on, kid. Let’s get you home.” They strode across the room and reached for one of the boys standing next Villain.
“Not his shoulder!”
Too late.
In the next second, the boy was screaming and curled up on the floor, his eyes scrunched shut as he put his hands over his head. He screamed incoherently to please, leave him alone, he didn’t do anything, Father, please-
Superhero stumbled back, bewildered. They were knocked out of their shock rather literally; Villain sprang to their feet, delivering a vicious kick to Superhero’s stomach. As Superhero fell over a row of desks with a clatter, Villain turned back to the boy, collapsing onto their knees.
“Tommy?” they whispered, leaning down to put their shoulder to his side. “Tommy, it’s okay. You’re okay-“
A shaking sigh of relief escaped them as they were moved aside. One of the little girls was hugging Tommy now, rubbing his arms with a sad look on her face. “Thank you,” they whispered breathlessly. “Good job, Sarah. You’re doing great, you’re both doing great- It’ll be alright, Tommy. You’re safe. I promise you, you are safe.”
Hero watched from the doorway as their teammates rushed to help Superhero. The other “side” was doing some help for their own, giving Tommy some space but calling out to let him know where he was, who his friends were, that they believed in him.
“Are you really going to take us back?”
Hero stifled a cry in their throat as they looked down, seeing one of the children standing next to them. “You won’t take us back, will you?” the child repeated before turning and pointing. “Villain is such a good person. They’ve been teaching us. We can stay, right?”
Gulping, Hero looked at the rest of their team, who looked every bit as in shock as they felt. They couldn’t leave this out of the report to the agency. They couldn’t.
Could they?
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silkylious · 4 years
Funny Way of Saying I Love You (Dabi x Reader)
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Pairing: Dabi x Reader Warnings: angst(i have an addiction i swear), fluff Prompts: #9 “That’s a funny way of saying ‘I love you’” and  #16 “When have I ever let you down, babe? Okay, don’t answer that”
A/N: Thank you for the request! im taking my time writing these since im physically incapable of writing drabbles. I hope you like this!!
Shutting the door behind you, a soothing dusk breeze fluttered your hair as you moved farther away from your daily hell. Your boss had made it a point to be a pain in the ass today, well, more so than usual. Working overtime on a Friday evening wasn’t what you’d hoped to be doing but you couldn’t exactly complain, it wasn’t like you had anything planned and the promise of an extra paycheck didn’t sound displeasing. Rubbing your temples to ease the headache (courtesy of your boss’s incessant bitching), you walked on autopilot to your apartment, you couldn’t wait to treat yourself to a bubble bath and maybe even some wine. Little did you know that your plans would be thoroughly ruined by a certain scarred villain.
You made the decision to pass by a nearby convenient store that wasn’t too far from your residence to cop some snacks. Filtering through the brands of alcohol, you grimaced at the overpriced tags of the various red wine brands, you settled for some cheap liquor with a sigh. It ain’t much but it should do the trick. After paying for what little stuff you’d fetched, you continued on your trek to your humble flat. The sun had completely vanished from the sky, a lingering crimson bleeding into a rich indigo. Your thoughts were so spellbound by the beautiful sight, that you just barely heard a strained grunt from your left. Blinking back into reality, you halted in your steps right next to a comically shady alleyway. Just like in those horror movies. You snorted at the thought, briefly comparing yourself to that one character who always dies first in movies. Though your internal jesting was cut short when the same sound propagated through the alleyway again, this time much more haggard, closely followed by violent coughing. Against your better judgment, you treaded forward cautiously. Why were you doing this? You weren’t sure. Maybe it was the unfulfilled dream loitering in the back of your mind resurfacing after many years of suppression, but you couldn’t not help someone out in a time of need.
The deeper you ventured into the alleyway, the louder your rationality shouted, begging you to turn around and book it to your apartment complex. You were stopped in your steps when an aggressive cough broke the quiet, the sound now impossibly closer and blood splattered all over the ground before your feet. Your eyes followed the vermilion trail, skinny legs covered in bloodied up, skin-tight jeans came into view, you were met with familiar scarred features. His eyes were struggling to stay open, though at the sight of you he forced his lids apart, flashing you a bloody, half-pained smirk, red liquid running down his scarred tissue.
You blinked. Dabi blinked. You blinked again and then-
“What the shit, Dabi! Are you okay?!”
You dropped to your knees next to his limp body propped up against the shaggy wall. He gave a humorless chuckle, more blood oozing out of the corners of his lips. Dabi hummed when your hands touched his fucked up face, your quirk already pacifying most of his pain. It wasn’t a healing quirk, you were simply able to transfer emotions, feelings and sensations (to and fro) with skin on skin contact. You didn’t want him knocking the fuck out from sheer pain (heaven knows there is no way you were going to lug this human heater home), so you had to ease him a little before tending to his injuries. Your body twitched as the hurt from Dabi’s body merged into your own.
“I’ve seen better days, sweetheart,”
“You don’t say.” The words came out harsh, reprimanding. Dabi winced, from the pain or from your tone, he wasn’t sure.
The plastic bag that had been temporarily abandoned came in handy, you sorrowfully used the liquor to clean the large gashes on his abdomen (not wanting to risk an infection on the way to your complex), wrapping them up securely with scraps of his shirt. So much for a relaxing bath and liquor. You heaved him up on semi-steady knees and took a different, more desolate route back home. The last thing you’d want right now is for authorities to see you walking an injured Dabi, one of the most wanted villains in the current climate, home. He leaned most of his weight on your shoulder, his shit-eating grin told you he was doing it on purpose. You couldn’t find it in you to retaliate as you usually would, too worried to come up with any snarky comments.
This had become way too much of a ritual for your comfort. You’d find him bleeding by your doorstep at ungodly hours, silently asking for shelter. Each and every time, you’d patch him up, provide him with food and your company. You’d grown attached to the scar faced male, and even if you disdained his line of work, you’d respected his life and independence (as independent as someone who crashes on your couch near daily can be). For the past couple months, his tasks had been getting progressively more and more dangerous. Your heart couldn’t help but clench each time you saw him beaten and bruised. You knew it was risky letting these feelings develop, Dabi had made it quite clear that your relationship was nothing beyond physical, with a level of mutual respect and trust.
But this was the worst condition you’d ever seen him in after one of his missions. Not too dissimilar to the first time you met; bloody, bruised and half-conscious, truly a sight to pity. You’d noiselessly knelt down, pressed your hand onto his cheek, he hadn’t even been able to flinch at your touch, too disoriented to react properly. Though in mere moments, he began feeling the pain ebb away; the injuries were still there, he just couldn’t feel them, he equated the numbing sensation to painkillers and drugs. His eyelids parted, revealing gorgeous teal irises. Full of ethereal beauty, despite being unfocused. You had to actively shun your quirk from relaying your attraction to him as you soothed his pain, his staples and marred skin a stark contrast to your soft fingers. That night you gave him a place to stay while he was on the run, you didn’t know why, but you did. Just this one time you’d said. One time became two times. Two times became countless and the rest is history.
The apartment door was slammed open, you were beyond irate. The more you thought about him, his situation, your situation, the more you felt the urge to knock shit over and scream bloody murder. Turquoise hues followed you with contempt – and mild amusement ­– but mostly contempt. Dabi took his usual spot on your worn-out couch, while you stomped your way into the bathroom to get a first aid kit. With your absence, Dabi was left to his own thoughts running amuck. Dabi wasn’t oblivious. He knew what your silence meant, knew what the look of unbridled worry in your eyes implied. Yet he didn’t want to address the less than subtle growing feelings you have for him. Attachment in his line of work was a surefire way to get hurt, he figured that if he kept whatever relationship you guys had physical, he wouldn’t have any issues to fuss over. But he couldn’t lie to himself, Dabi was conscious of the budding adoration in his heart from the moment you helped him out that first time, in that filthy alley. God, he needed a cigarette.
Much to his pleasure, you came back before his mind could implode in on itself. You sat beside him on the couch, leaving more space between you than usual. Without saying a word, your hands undid his makeshift bandages, slowly but surely patching him up an inch at a time. It honestly felt like a routine at this point. That prompted a sour taste in your mouth, you couldn’t stand how careless he’d been recently, and it was eating you up inside. But you didn’t dare voice your concerns, not wanting another aimless argument with him. If silence would save you another headache inducing fight, then silence it was–
“So, you gonna tell me what crawled up your ass?”
Or not.
“Shut. Up.” You weren’t in the mood for his quips today. Fatigue from work, babysitting a villain and dealing with unrequited feelings severely fouling your otherwise warm attitude. You were just on the brink of throwing caution to the wind and letting loose all the muffled feelings you have for him. One more comment and your composure would shatter. Conveniently – or not so conveniently, he seemed to be in a talkative mood tonight.
“Seriously, what’s up with you?” The question was redundant, he knew exactly what was up with you, but he couldn’t think of anything else. Your quietness was killing him. He had to say something. He should have chosen his words a little more wisely though.
“What’s up with me?! Are you being fucking serious right now?! I come home and almost every day find you bleeding on my doorstep. Almost every day I give your reckless ass a place to stay, only for you to go and get yourself hurt again!” Pent up rage exploded from within you, an amalgamation of emotions gushing out of your pores. His eyes blew wide, not only because he had never seen you this angry, but because of the surge of emotions flooding him. In your fury filled stupor, you’d let go of the tight rein you had on your quirk. With a hand still touching his bruised forearm, you began unintentionally bleeding your feelings into him. Rage, sorrow and worry were just a few of the many emotions that rocked his being. But one stood out among the rest, outshining the others with blinding ferocity. And it honestly scared him, how powerful it was, zapping through his body. He figured you had feelings for him, that much was obvious, but he didn’t think they were that strong. Your breathtaking emotions awakened something in him too, pulling it out of the depths of where he tried to hide it, push it down in hopes of abolishing it.
It was too much to handle this, he kept coming back for help when he could easily seek any of his colleagues out, the implication that you meant something to him was so elating yet so damaging. It kept you stuck in place, barred from shutting him out or walking away. You couldn’t keep hanging onto the hope that he might reciprocate your love. It was harming you, no matter how sensuous he was in bed, no matter how gently he held onto you afterwards, he would never call you his lover. He made that crystal fucking clear. You had to put a stop to this. You leveled your shaky voice as much as your vocal cords would allow, barely whispering.
“Get the hell out, Dabi. I don’t wanna see you here again.”
The emotions sifting through him mellowed out, no longer was rage at the forefront. Pain, hurt and heartbreak ravaged him. But that one emotion was still there, despite him being a gaping asshole, it was still present. He smirked.
“That’s a funny way of saying ‘I love you,’ doll.”
“Wha–“ Before you could question his response, he swiftly captured your lips in his own to shut you up. It was a quick, firm peck, but its aftermath amused him greatly. The look of bewilderment on your face was damn priceless. You were, again, transferring your feelings to him. Adoration, confusion, the overwhelming urge to pimp smack him; it was all too entertaining for him. His vibrant teals settled upon your hand still gripping his arm. No fabric to separate them. Your own eyes followed suit. Oh. You immediately stopped your quirk, redacting your palm in the process for good measure. Dabi delighted in the bashful look that overtook your face, his own growing soft. He had trouble accepting his own feelings, but after experiencing yours, he would, at the very least, try for you. Awkward silence ensued. You both knew it was his turn to talk, to finally let out the unsaid words you’d been longing for.
“(name), I… I wanna do this right, take you out on dates and shit,” He cleared his throat. “If you’d let me.”
Your answer came in the form of a crushing hug. Your love was pouring into him again, this time of your own accord. You held onto each other, his hands biting into your skin, your own carding through his dark locks. You didn’t need words. Figuratively and literally. He felt everything in bright, flashing colors, he never wanted this moment to end. But it did. His phone rang.
Clear annoyance shined in both of your eyes. With a heavy sigh, he left your embrace, getting up to answer the call.
Another mission.
With the very recent revelations both of you had come to, the idea of him going on missions carried a lot more weight than it used to. Now in front of your apartment door, he put on his shoes, ready to head out to the League’s hideout. Dabi turned around, breath hitching when he saw you standing there frowning, eyes tearful. For some reason, you had a gut feeling this mission wouldn’t be so easy. You didn’t want him to go. And it was showing.
“C’mon, baby doll. Don’t give me that look. I’ll be back, I promise,” When you didn’t even crack a smile at the nickname he sighed. “When have I ever let you down, babe?” He quickly backtracked. “Okay, don’t answer that,”
You managed a small giggle, shaking your head. You approached him slowly, silently wrapping your arms around him. You relished in his quickening heartbeat. Pulling back, you placed your hands on his clothed shoulders. You edged forward, puckering your lips against his own, the point of contact allowing you to relay your inner turmoil to him. Your hands itched towards his face, fiddling gingerly with the multiple staples aligning his cheeks. “Come back, okay? I love you.”
Breath caught in his throat, Dabi tried to push the words setting him aflame through his lips, but he couldn’t. This was happening too fast; it was giving him whiplash. He didn’t know how to say those words yet, so he opted for calling out to you.
Without even using your power, the conflict in his eyes told you everything you needed to know. you pushed your forehead to rest against his. His love burned through you, so intense, so like him. With a tiny tug at your lips, you lulled the raging storm in his mind. “Shh, Dabi. I know.”
With a parting peck, he was out the door. He didn’t know what was to come out of this mission, but he did know that he now had one more reason to come out alive.
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Hurt S/o! | Shikamaru + Kiba + Shino | ANGST + Fluff | HC’s
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Request: This is my first request so please forgive and correct me if I do something wrong. I was wondering if you could maybe do an angsty headcanons for Shikimaru, Kiba, and Shino from Naruto’s reaction to their S/O getting seriously injured protecting them. If the S/O recovers or dies and the enemy is all up to you, I’ve just noticed a real lack in content for them and I’m craving it hard. Please and thank you!
Word Count: 1953 words
Page Count: 5.5 pages
A/N: i got so caught up in writing this it became way too long lmao. im sorry i forgot about naruto :( but i hope you do enjoy the rest! i made sure to end everything well. i have a shit ton of angst requests so i thought id leave this on a happier note :)
Tags: @bipolartryingtosurvive
Shikamaru Nara
- I could see this being during the Hidan fight.
- Hes set the plan in motion at that point.
- And you’re to make sure Hidan is distracted for the time being .
- Hidan may be an ass, but he isn’t dumb.
- He notices how you are keeping him from Shikamaru.
- Fucking LIVID
- You notice how hes shifting your fight closer to Shikamaru until he gets to the point where he definitely can get a deep slash into the Nara.
- You knew he was trying to get to him.
- You were fast, one of the fastest in the village, but that was because you were fairly weak when it came to strength.
- You tried to zip around, gaining speed and momentum, and within seconds- right when Hidan was going to bring his scythe down on Shikamarus neck, you slammed your body to his side.
- Shikamaru flew away as Hidan managed to get a large and deep slash into your body; you felt it start from under the right side of your ribs, curving across your stomach, and finally finished above your left knee.
- You didn’t feel it until you fell to the ground- shock really is a bitch.
- And then you felt the dull sting grow and blood dripped from the wound.
- The stinging grew into a pulsing and unbearable ache, and you knew for a fact he cut through each muscle in the way of his scythe, but your organs were nipped ( at best ) in the process.
- You couldn’t hear what was going on.
- You heard your heart beat in your ears, it was deafening, but you focused on your breathing and trying to keep calm.
- You trained for this- having a close friend beat your ass near death so you could focus on remaining in a state where you could prolong the inevitable.
- Yeah you thought of the most wild scenarios, and managed to prepare for them- turns out it worked out well.
- Once Hidan is buried Shikamaru went straight to you, managing to help out with Ino and Choji, stopping some of the bleeding while getting you to the village.
- You’re passed out at that point, so Ino cauterizes the wounds ends, the part under your ribs and the entire thigh.
- Shikamaru starts freaking at this point, he almost passes out, and Choji has to get his ass back together.   
- Once you get back to the village Tsunade is ready to go, with Sakura by her side your ass isn’t ending up on that stone.
- It takes about four hours to get you all settled, and into a private room, out of critical.
- He’d stay by your bedside, your hand in his till you woke up.
- “Shika…?”
- “Oh my gods, [ Y/n ]!”
- “Hi”
- Your soft giggles helped ease this poor boys heart.
- “You look awful.”
- “Don’t look too hot yourself.”
- “Wow. Okay.”
- “Get up here, you need some sleep. And don’t even deny it.”
- He took off the bulky clothes, only in his pants and tank top, climbing in next to you as you settled your head on his chest.
- “Thank you for taking care of me,”
- “Thank you for not dying.”
Kiba Inuzuka
- Being in Anbu had its ups and downs.
- But mostly downs.
- Okay. Only downs.
- But you managed to find your light, in a childhood friend and now lover.
- Though- he managed to act more like a puppy than a boyfriend at times.
- You didn’t mind though, and you lived your life peacefully after having to leave Anbu due to an injury that limited your eyesight greatly and it hindered all sight starting at arms length.
- Though, when in Anbu, its always- ALWAYS expected to have an old rival or two come back for more, even when one is retired.
- And here you were, walking through the forest with Kiba and Akamaru, talking about his past mission with Hinata and Shino.
- He got so excited to tell you that he didn’t notice the shift in scents in the air, and you couldn’t see ahead or through your peripheral.
- It happened so fast.
- Too fast.
- One second you were smiling with his arms around your waist, his chin on your head as you both laughed with Akamaru yipping.
- The next you were slipping from his arms, and blood was pooled at his arms, the slash at your neck was gruesome.
- Your hands went to your neck as Kiba yelled, Akamaru going after the person who came from the shadows.
- “No. No. No. No. No. No. [ Y/n ], NO!” He was panicking, picking you up quickly as a hand wrapped around your throat, gripping it so tightly you almost couldn’t breathe.
- Almost.
- You learned to stay calm in situations like this, and with Kiba’s harsh grip you didn’t have to waste any energy to help with the bleeding, so you focused on breathing and not getting your heart to pump too fast.
- “Tsunade! Fuck- get a medical nin! Now!”
- He yelled, running into the village again, where many were coming to help you out.
- Akamaru had come back by then, his mouth bloodied as well, but nothing else- indicating he got a good bite on the fucker.
- You made it to the hospital before you lost consciousness, making Kiba worry even more, because THAT was never a good sign.
- He had to be the one to lay you down on the table and his grip never wavered, getting into a sterile room and waiting for some instruction.
- He was freaking out inside, he wanted to cry and let go, just hold you- but you would die if any of that were to happen.
- He had to stay calm for you.
- He wasn’t going to let you die.
- The tell him to let go quickly and all hands go to your neck, working quickly to stop the bleeding, while a nurse came to get Kiba cleaned up and situated.
- His mom even came to help the boy, who looked dead while staring at your room, not even wanting to go in.
- “Boy." 
- Oh did she go off, telling him to go to his girlfriend and be a man.
- He did want to go, but he couldn’t help but feel so… helpless.
- "Helpless? Helpless! Boy, you do understand you just saved your girls life? That if you weren’t there she’d be laying there dead?”
- Kinda rocked his shit, but thanks mom.
- He went into your room alone first, your neck was bandaged and you looked pale, with blood and other IV fluids being attached to your arms.
- He noticed the especially dark bruise on your neck.
- It could have been either from his hand or the surgery, but he still felt bad.
- His mom came in and sat with him on the other side of you.
- They both held your hands and visited you till you woke up.
- “I lived bitch.”
Shino Aburame
- I honestly can’t see his S/o getting hurt so bad.
- Because when you think about it his bug control is OP AF.
- Like he can essentially control you with a bug.
- I would go with someone would be after him, but since they can’t get to Shino- you would be the best option.
- Get hurt him physically so lets do it mentally and emotionally :)
- Poor boy
- I could see this being when your both adults, and teaching the younger generations, including your kids :)
- And you’re chilling on your house rooftop, that you’ve decorated with couches and tables and such, even hanging lights around.
- You had Shino build a retractable sliding glass on top in case it rains.
- If you’re having trouble imagining this- think Fast and Furious ending where everyone is eating dinner together.
- Yeah that’s ya’ll with the rest of the group :)
- You’re relaxing, reading a book and curled into the couch and drinking some tea or coffee or hot cocoa ( THEY’RE ALL VALID ) 
- You had gotten up a second to go to the large chest you had near one of the tables, to pick out a fluffy blanket.
- You never noticed how someone had mixed a poison into your drink, because they were gone before you could even decide on a blanket.
- Your kids would have been home soon, and they knew you liked to hang out up here, especially Shino since he kept the bees up here.
- You settled down and read some more, before taking sips of your drink.
- You noticed it tasted weird, and you had gotten up to check it out you felt your head get light, and your throat was stinging- making you cough horribly.
- You honestly felt like death was coming for you, and you knew something was wrong, but by the time you had gotten to the door you fell down and struggled to breathe.
- “Hey mom, Aponi kicked me-”
- “Shut up! Adonis don’t be- Mom!”
- “Mom?!”
- Your kids started freaking out, with your little girl noticing how strange you looked and saw the cup that was broken at your side.
- “Addy! Get dad! Mom drank something!”
- “Alright! Stay there- I’ll be back!”
- They managed to get their dad and Uncle Kiba, with Aponi looking to the cup- having some of her bugs recognize what was in it.
- “Dad! Its Saifu Ants! Someone poisoned mom with Saifu ants!”
- Shino had gotten some for himself and used their toxins to create an antidote.
- You were currently at the hospital, and declining rapidly, stressing out everyone around you.
- Even Naruto came and the dude is Hokage and is busy as hell.
- “You should all be prepared for the worst.”
- Everyone’s hearts dropped, and Shino couldn’t be there- he was helping making the antidote.
- It took about 20 more minutes until Shino came rushing in with it.
- Everyone made their way to your room and god.
- You were so pale, you honestly looked dead. Your kids only knew you were alive due to the heart monitor and your weak chalkra signature, your breathing was supported by a machine and even then your lungs sounded horrible.
- God Shino worked as hard as he could so fast.
- He felt like his heart stopped, that everything was moving too fast for him and he was going to pass out.
- Thank god his eyes were covered cause he had tears in them the entire time.
- He felt his soul ripping apart, what would he do if you left him so soon? The kids?
- You had gotten the antidote in time- but not before the poison had it’s time with you.
- Your lungs were destroyed and your heart was weak, your muscle was torn down.
- But you made it back to them.
- Everyone held a sigh of relief.
- You were a little off at first- still sleepy and slurring.
- After a few month you were able to leave- with everyone visiting you in the meantime with what had been going on in the village.
- Once you made it home you collapsed on your bed with Shino, easing his heart just a bit.
- Your kids jumped in too, snuggling up to both of you, with Aponi on your chest and Adonis on your stomach.
- “You scared us. Please, don’t do that again.”
- “It’s okay. I told you. You can’t get rid of me that easy.”
- “Like I’d want to.”
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maybemitch · 5 years
Description: “I’m with you till the end of the line”
Word Count: 2,039
Warning: *AU* Mitch doesn’t get killed by Lilly in epsiode 2! Swearing.
Fem!Reader x Mitch
Mitch threw his arms around Y/N the moment the bomb placed in the boiler exploded. He was just standing next to her and next thing he knew he was launching himself in her direction, pulling her face into his chest and diving towards the floor to protect her. All the boy could focus on was the ringing which occurred in his ears and the girl which was cradle to his chest in a soft fit of sobs.
The crackles of fire made the male look up, taking in his now destroyed surroundings. Orange lights danced across the wooden floor board, ash fluttered away in the breeze. The place was a war zone still. Mitch removed his hands from the girl, placing them besides her body as he pushed himself to his knees, panting heavily.
“Y/N. Are you okay?” His gaze was down to the girl which was in a fetal position. He lifted up a hand which was resting on the ship deck and ran it through her knotty hair. He brushed parts of her hair away, make the temple of her head come on display, blood trailing down. “Shit. Fuck. Y/N!”
The girl moved, removing her limbs from the fetal position. Her hand shot up to her face - more specifically her temple - and she gasped at the feel of the sticky substance, “I’ll be fine for now. Ruby will fix me up when we get home. You didn’t have to jump me, you know?”
Mitch laughed and smiled, “I’d much rather you be injured than dead,” Mitch leant back onto his feet, pushing himself up into a stance and then lowered his hand, allowing Y/N to slip her fingers into his and pull herself up also. The moment Y/N stood, she wobbled slightly, causing Mitch to hold his hands out either side of her, ready to catch her, “Careful. Don’t want to hurt yourself now, do you?”
Y/N hummed, taking a good look of the area which they were in. She was glad that she decided to team with Mitch in this mission, especially after he suffered an injury to the shoulder all thanks to Lilly. However, she was sad also because she was separated from Louis, Aasim and Omar. Y/N turned back to Mitch, holding onto his blue jacket, “Did the others make it? Aasim? Louis? Omar?”
Mitch pulled an unsure face, lifting his hand to rest on the back of his neck, “I’m unsure. But i feel as if they made it. Heck, them three are good in a fight,” Mitch began to move forwards on the broken ship - he had removed the girls hands from his jacket - looking for a way to head. All he could see was walkers hurling themselves out of the woodland area, intrigued to see what the noise was about. Mitch pulled his lip in between his teeth in frustration. “If they’ve made it to land, then they must be in cover”.
Y/N moved to be besides Mitch once again, “Okay, man with a plan. Where do you reckon we go from here on out? I mean we’re going to be engulfed by flames eventually if we just stand here. You reckon we should make a run for it? Or do something smarter?”
Mitch looked down to the waterbed, an idea was racing through his mind which was obviously noticeable by the girl besides him. Y/N could sense the way he perked up, a smirk plastered across his lips but she could see that his eyes were filled with a questioning look. Mitch clicked his tongue once before pointing down to the water.
Y/N could read his idea almost instantaneously and began to shake her head, “No. Nuh-uh. The impact of a fall from this high would hurt us. I’d much rather climb down some stairs”.
“No you idiot,” Mitch laughed, his hand waving in the air as he did so, “Im suggesting we climb down the side of the ship into the water. I know you can climb this, it’s basically rock climbing if you think about it”.
Y/N gulped, peering over the edge once again, “Yeah, a rock climb which could potentially get us both killed from impact alongside with a walker bite. Can we do the sensible route? We wouldn’t be putting our lives at stake”.
Mitch groaned, his hands grabbing her girls shoulder. He shook her slightly - but not too hard, not wanting to frighten her in anyway. Mitch could see the fear in her eyes, therefore, dropped his arms from her shoulders, down to her waist and pulled her into a bone crushing hug, his head resting on the girls shoulder. He snuggled in closer to her neck, his breath running down it, making her shiver. Mitch gulped, whispering into her ear, “You have to trust me, okay? I wouldn’t be suggesting this if it wasn’t safe. I need you safe and as you said, if we don’t move soon we’ll be engulfed by flames”.
Y/N nodded, she could feel tears slipping down her face, she was embarrassed to say the least, she didn’t understand why she was crying, she just felt the need to do so. She breathed in, her breath hitching in the process, “I’m scared. What if something happens between here and there? What if we get separate?”
“Nonsense,” Mitch mumbled, his hands rubbing circles on the small of the girls back. His eyes were watching the orange flames which were still dancing in the wind, “I’ll be with you every step of the way. Okay? You jump, i jump. Remember?”
“We were like twelve,” Y/N reminds the boy as she hugged him tighter, Mitch didn’t mind, he just reciprocated it, “I doubt that implies now. Especially with the situation were in”.
“Fine. You climb, i climb. We need to climb down, like right now,” Mitch urged the girl towards the edge of the ship, holding her hand as she dangled her legs. Mitch didn’t let go of her until she nodded her head, “Move over, if you can. I’ll climb down with you”.
Y/N did as told, moving slightly over to the right, the moment her foot found a steady resting point. The girl could feel her hands slipping due to water which was on it, but she tried her hardest to stay on. She could sense Mitch was struggling with climb due to his constant swears and grunts, whenever he missed his footing or couldn’t find a place to keep his foot. Y/N closed her eyes, the flickering of the fire soothing the sounds of the walkers moans down below. Deep within her, she could feel herself screaming that what she was currently doing - holding onto a sinking ship, while climbing down it - she could feel her inner self saying this was a plan which was bound to end up in a horrid way.
Mitch swore again as he slowly descend down the ship. The words which he was muttering was ‘left foot, right foot, fuck’. It was obvious that he was messing up every now and then. Y/N moved down the side of the ship, keeping up to pace with Mitch. She had came up with a rhythm on how she would come down the side of the ship. Mitch turned his head, smiling at the girl, proudly. Until his foot slipped, causing his legs to flail out beneath him.
“Mitch, hold on,” Y/N called out to the boy which was moving his hand quickly so he wouldn’t fall. Mitch nodded his head, he was panicking, Y/N could sense it with the way his body was moving every few seconds. Y/N lowered herself, almost at the water - maybe an arm length away from it. She removed one of her hands from the ship, leaning over to Mitch’s legs grabbing ahold of one of them, placing it back to the ship, meaning he was back in control of his body.
Yet, unfortunately, Mitch slipped. His hands finally letting go. Y/N screamed as she watched the boy tumble down into the depth of the water, his body fully going underneath of it. The walkers were attracted to the splash sight, forcing their way through the water which held a current. Y/N panicked, releasing herself from the ship, falling into the water herself.
On her fall down, she held her breath, wanting to have an advantage point to search for her male friend. The moment her head sunk beneath the water, she opened her eyes, ignoring the urge to swim to the surface to prevent the stinging. She could see the bubble come from her mouth, as she slowly released air. Her hair was sprawled our around her head, in the foggy green water. Mitch was no where to be seen and her heart sank.
She emerged from the water, her legs treading the water still as she gasped for air. Around her - on the land - was the people from Delta, fighting against the walkers as their ticket home was falling into the water. She could finally see Willy and Ruby together, her heart pumped rapidly for them, knowing they were safe. She could also see Aasim and Omar duck down behind some cover, shielding themselves from the walkers, but there was no signs of Clementine, AJ, Louis Violet or Tenn. Not even Mitch, but she knew he was going to still be in the water.
“Mitch!” Y/N called out as she swan over to the side Mitch was climbing down. She dove into the water, pausing in the process the moment she saw walkers in the bottom of the water bank. Swimming back to surface, she gasped once again, emitting a scream for her friend, “Mitch!”. Splashed sounded behind her and coughing. She turn in the water, a drenched Mitch in her eye-line and she smirked, throwing herself into him despite the water trying its best to keep them apart, “You’re okay. I didn’t know you could swim”
Mitch coughed, the impact to the water obviously doing a little something to him, “What can you say. I’m a fast learner”.
Y/N smiled, before pointing to the shore line, “Aasim and Omar are over there. Willy and Ruby are in that direction. I haven’t a clue where the others are though,” Y/N blinked as more walkers came into the walker towards the ship wreckage, “I suggest we make it back to land and then come up with a plan”.
“Right on,” Mitch replied before going into a breaststroke. Y/N mirrored his actions, going into one herself.
The pair swam in silence. Mainly due to the fact they were concentrating on not allowing water into their mouths. Y/N couldn’t believe they had survived it, survived attacking Delta. She knew that seeing Minerva was a shock and how cold she had now became but somewhere inside of her, she knew that somethings stuff like that happens it you are taken away from you family; not as if she had had any of that experience first hand.
Mitch was the first one to come onto the shore. He bent over, placing his hands on his knees taking deep breaths, whilst he awaited for Y/N to drag herself from the water also. Y/N not long followed him, doing the same stance, catching her breath.
“So, you were worried for me?” Mitch asked cockily as he stretched his back, cracking it in the process, “The Y/N was worried for me?”
Y/N smacked the back of his head in annoyance, “I could have left you out there, you know. You would have been stranded”.
“Like you’d leave me out there,” Mitch pointed out as he crossed his arms over his chest, spinning around to ensure walkers weren’t getting any closer. “Your with me to the end, you know that”.
Y/N bent down, picking up a small rock for a weapon of defence incase anything came close to them, “If you keep pissing me off, i’ll make that end very soon. Don’t test me”.
Mitch nodded, chuckling to himself, “Noted. Come on, let’s meet up with Willy”.
*throws work your way* here’s another piece which could potentially hit you in the feels and i apologise for that in advance. have a nice day/night!
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midnightsdarkangel · 5 years
The Woes of Duality (6/?)
Summary: Patton always sees the good in everyone, even in someone such as Deceit. But while he slowly helps the dark sides to see the good in people, something else is changing, and not for the better
Notes: SLAM DUNKS IN. Im so sorry this took forever to update, especially with the cliffhanger i left off on chapter 5 wopes! The good news is chapter 7 is underway and being written so hopefully I wont leave you all waiting so long next time (i h o p e) The only warning this chapter is small mentions of body horror but very mild. 
Now, on with the story~!
taglist:  @hufflepuffgirl01 @septic-fallen @sanders-sides-rebloger@notveryglittery@quantumducky @warnadudenexttime @devil-towne​ fandomsofrandom  @theultimatemomfriend  @ nowedontliveinigloos @ avocados26 / pm if you wanna be tagged in this) 
“Ow! Logan, I can't be sitting around here we need to- Gah!”
Virgil whined, struggling in Logan's grip. It was only a while ago that Logan and Roman had come into the living room with the curiosity of all the shouting and banging, only to panic at the sight of Virgil laying on the floor groaning in pain. He kept mumbling under his breath about Patton but had no energy to sit up as his arms would cave in under the weight of his body, bruises formed at his arms and neck. Roman was the first to rush into action; gently lifting Virgil up he carried him to the nearest sofa that wasn't damaged in the crossfire.
Logan bit his lip,trying to focus on helping Virgil, but he was getting frustrated with how much the anxious side was moving about. Every two seconds he would stand up ready to run away but with little to no strength completely forgetting that Logan was trying to help in the first place, yet it was fairly easy for Logan to tug him back down. Roman was sitting beside the two looking panicked; Virgil wasn't making any sense and they had no what happened to Patton or where he was. The only thing that was coherent from Virgil was that Patton was in deep trouble and something about shadows, but he was speaking too fast for them to try and decipher. His eyes moving around frantically in fear frustrated that they wouldn't let him go.
“Virgil please, I cannot tend to your wounds if you move around so frequently. Take a deep breath and then tell us what the matter is.”
Logan sternly commanded, grabbing his shoulders firmly and turning Virgil around to face him. Prompting him to breathe in and out with him in hopes that Virgil would calm down. It took a few turns before Virgil's shoulders finally slouched in defeat as he rubbed his eyes in exhaustion.
“Im sorry….I’m just so worried for Patton.” He mumbled in short breaths.
“You still have not told us what happened to him-ah! In full detail I mean Virgil, we could not make sense of your ramblings earlier on.”
Virgil huffed at that and crossed his arms, hissing in pain as Logan gently wrapped a bandage around his left arm. There were some scrapes as well that had bled a bit. Logan knew it was more effective to treat those as well, even if they were minor to the rest since he did not want Virgil to potentially get an infection. Virgil was silently watching Logan focus before speaking up as he sighed and took a deep breath;
“Ok so-”
But before Virgil could explain, the door to the living room was thrusted open with a force that startled the others into bracing themselves for action. Roman was already standing up, stumbling for balance as he grabbed his sword in defense. Logan had stood up immediately in front of Virgil for protection if it happened to be the shadows back again for more. Virgil had fallen off of the sofa in shock but quickly peered over the edge only to frown when he saw who bursted in.
“I mean harm!”
“No ok that sounded wrong-”
Roman had gasped in offense over Deceits declaration and was now posed with confidence to strike the dark side down. However Logan and Virgil knew very well Deceit was lying per the norm and had meant to say he meant no harm to the others, but with the timing and how he shouted it with such intensity really the situation almost comical if it weren't for pressing matters.
“Roman n- Roman he’s lying, put your sword away.”
Virgil grumbled rubbing his eyes as he stood up only to wobble slightly and have to grip to the edge of the sofa for support as he glared at Deceit. Roman was reluctant, but he did as he was told and withdrew his sword from the side,putting it back in its sheath. However he made sure to stroll straight over to Virgil and Logan, not trusting Deceit for a split second as he tapped his foot impatiently;
“Can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on here? Why is HE here?”
Virgil lifted a hand to Roman motioning to him to be quiet for a second as he took a deep breath; he looked to Deceit with a cautious glare but knew the other side at this point did care for Patton that if he was here alone, something bad happened. That meant telling the other two however….
“Patton's been...going to the darksiders mindscape for a while now, Patton wanted to get closer with Deceit so he went behind our backs. But because he was in there for too long, its started to mess with his mind and that's what caused him to lash out at me today.”
He flinched a bit at Romans sudden inhale of breath, even Logan did a double take at Virgil, looking now at him and Deceit skeptically.
“And where IS Patton now?”
That was Deceits turn to now speak up as they all looked to him expectantly. His body lowering in regret, feeling ashamed. Virgil however could pick up that Deceit had the same wounds he did, if not maybe worse from how he wobbled sometimes in one spot. That put a pit in Virgil's stomach, Patton must’ve lost it again….
“He wasn't taken by the beast that dwells below the mindscapes floors. I didn't fight back, There was no point...”
Suddenly he saw the anxious side dart over to him grabbing him by the shoulders, ignoring his own injuries and looked up at Deceit with a frantic look that mirrored how he felt inside as he gulped silently watching the panic rise in Virgil's form; “N-No, you’re lying right now...No No- when was this!? We have to get him out of there right now!”
Logan noticed Virgil's breathing pick up significantly as he quickly came up to the two of them, placing a hand on Virgil's that gripped Deceits cloak ferociously shaking it in his grip. When Virgil let go he dropped to one knee feeling sick with fear and dread. His mind was clouding with panic as he grabbed the fabric against his chest rising up and down quicker and quicker.
Deceit looked helpless not knowing how to help him as he stood in fear of making things worse. Logan was already going down to Virgil’s side and took his hands in his and started follow the step by step breathing process. Mumbling to him he was doing a good job as Virgil whimpered feeling the tears fall pour down his face onto his lap.
When he felt Virgil could contain a consistent breathing pattern he looked up to Deceit;
“You’re going to have to explain to us what this means, I am afraid Virgil keeps the dark side hidden for rather good reasons due to his own experiences. What is the repercussions of this supposed beast taking Patton?”
Deceit shakingly nodded, glad that Logan was not shouting at him or looking at him like it was his fault. He couldn't say the same for Roman, however, as he could see the taller side slowly come up to Virgil lowering himself down to hug him from behind to keep him distracted by stroking his hair softly, yet he kept his gaze at Deceit wearily wanting to know as much as Logan what this meant for Patton.
Squeezing his hands tightly and releasing to let go some of the tension he tried his best to explain this the best way he could, he had left one of his snakes back in his room and the other was currently with Patton so he sadly couldn't speak without telling lies but he would have to try his best.
“Our mindscape works the same as yours, the place where all of Thomas’s deepest and repressed emotions go. Because there isn't so much negative energy festered in that realm, it became alive. A terrifying creature was created, below the grounds of the dark realm where a deeper level lies that no side can go in unless they don't want to lose their very minds. Anyone whose dragged under there will immediately be changed to fit the world and will be trapped there forever. The very walls breathe and you’re always being watched by the very beast that roams the lower parts of the realm where there is sense of reason and rhyme.”
He swallowed nervously letting that first sink in watching the two other sides look almost disturbed and frightened by these news;
“Wait a moment, the dark side’s mindscape is a living breathing monster?!”
Roman looked up, a sudden fear now washing over him at the very thought but he looked down to see Virgil tug at Logan and Roman. He had calmed down a bit but his body was still shaking;
“He’s right... There's two levels to that world. T-The one above is where Deceit and the other sides reside, but below is nothing but a dark sea of corruption and repressed memories that Thomas wanted to lock up forever. If Patton's been dragged down there, he’s at the core of all of it, they won't let him go...not until they’ve changed him completely.” His knuckles whitened at how hard he had his hands clenched against Logan’s; “That's what the realm does, it hunts on prey that enters its realm that doesn't belong there...it will follow you, corrupt you ever so slowly until your ready to be dragged down...I didn't tell any of you because there was always a fear that you guys might’ve went in there in hopes to stop that thing….But Patton he-”
“He didn't go in there for me.”
Deceit continued looking weary and tired. His heart aching over how he could let this happen, the ghost of Patton's lingering touch still haunted him. How his hands felt so perfect in place with Deceits. The shadow of a faint warmth on his lips from when the two kissed. God he loved Patton, he missed him so much that he didn't care that he ran straight to the light sides realm in hopes they would save Patton. Just thinking of how alone Patton was right now with those monsters tugged his heart painfully.
No side before had been corrupted, or well not when Deceit first opened his eyes to this realm. The dark sides were different, when one would be created they just laid, soaking wet on the glass floor as if they submerged from the very waters themselves, they would know in that moment exactly what their role was and where to go. For awhile they would not have a corporal body, Deceit remembered when he woke up to see he was indistinguishable apart from the scales that littered his face. And yet that felt completely normal to him. Until the day Thomas’s learnt of his existence did he start to slowly see his real body, the cloak that wrapped around his body, his hair that tufted above his face, he suddenly had an identity he was not aware he even had…
Not all the sides however were as lucky as he was; he had learnt rather fast after that point that no one could see their true forms until they were brought into the ‘light’. How poetic. Yet...A light side to turn into a darkside was still something he had not witnessed, but the implications unnerved him deeply. Shaking his head he looked to them urgently;
“Please...I don't want you guys to come with me.”
Roman made a noise of hesitation but saw that Virgil was already standing up trying to compose himself along with Logan who thought for a moment but nodded; “If Patton truly is in the core of all those negative feelings, there's no doubt this is also the cause of Thomas’s destructive tendencies, and if this was to carry on, there's no doubt we’ll be putting the whole system in danger.”
With a nod from the three of them, eager to go into the darkside. They all looked to Roman who looked flustered by the whole situation but took a deep breath and adopted his heroic persona.
“Well. What are we waiting for? Lead the way.”
Patton mumbled opening his eyes, everything felt...heavy around him. His face was pressed against the floor as he could barely feel the energy to sit up. Still drifting in and out of consciousness,Patton slowly tilted his head around to see where on earth he was. He remembered the shadows taking him and everything becoming a blur when that monster grabbed him-
Oh god he was taken.
Patton tried to sit up but felt his body fight against his struggles as he fell back down on the floor with a small splash. Staring at the ceiling he could see he was in a small room covered in the same black substance the shadows inherited, it was running from the ceiling pouring down like a waterfall, and yet it would never flood the place. His body was drenched in the inky matter however, the back of his head washed in it as he couldn't help but feel….calm.
Like maybe this was not bad…
He fell asleep once more…
The second time he woke up,he noticed he was no longer on the floor but rather was now in a rather large cushioned throne. A long table stretched out in front of him with chairs such as his own, all of them had name tags engraved on the top of each of them. From a quick glance, he noticed these were the names of all the dark-siders that dwelled in this mindscape. However they did not sit there, the shadows of monsters did, each looking right at Patton. Some had eyes that completely covered their entire bodies, blinking in unison; some only had mouths that grinned with delight. Some were covered completely in darkness with no distinguishable traits.
“Hello Patton.”
“We’re so glad you’re awake!”
They exclaimed happily, their voices all overlapped each others in a collective hive-mind that it was difficult to pinpoint which was speaking to him individually.  Patton grumbled rubbing his eyes tiredly wearily looking at them;
“Whats...going on…?”
They all started to chuckle to themselves.
“You’re finally here, In the depths of the darkscape.”
“Your new home.”
“Anything you want can happen here Patton, as long as you stay here forever with us.”
“All you gotta do is think of it and it’ll happen!”
“Ummm ok….I guess I’d like a blanket really, it's rather cold in here-”
Before he could finish his sentence the inky substance formed in his lap taking on the shape of the blanket he had wished for; it felt warm to touch and was incredibly soft and Patton couldn't help but beam with a new found excitement as he quickly looked at the table. It was awfully empty, that couldn't do…With a concentrated thought, he managed to summon a table cloth that was colourful and patterned with spots to cover the table, on top was plates of sweets and cakes that he had enjoyed himself.
“Wow! This is amazing!”
The shadows looked content with Patton's joy;
“In your room whatever you want can happen, and we will be here if you ever need us.”
Patton hadn't really paid any attention as he hopped up from the chair and traced his hand on the table grabbing some sweets humming to himself as he took a bite melting with delight over how good they were. He wasn't even sure what he was so upset about earlier, this room was perfect! Heck he couldn't even remember anything outside of this place… However, when he happily walked around inspecting the room, he looked back to his chair with a frown; on the top of the chair was the name ‘morality’. With a small thought he was able to get the name scratched out as he clapped his hands together with a satisfied grin. There was no need for that title anymore, not here anyway.
Heck, he was bored with what he was wearing as well! With a snap of his fingers the shadows pooled around his feet and started to cover him as he closed his eyes content letting himself be changed by the darkness.
It was time for a change.
Deceit had managed to lead the others safely through the dark realm to the same hallway Patton had been taken away. Virgil was walking beside Deceit keeping up with his pace, feeling himself almost rush with impatience; Logan was just behind,keeping close to them looking around the area feeling a air of unease just from being there… And Roman lingered behind as protection if anyone decided to catch them from behind, his sword was ready and drawn, marching onwards making sure to keep an eye of everything around him expect for what was behind him. The rule was that everyone had to cling onto each other with Deceit as the lead- that way if one of them did turn backwards, they wouldn't be teleported back to the start and ultimately get lost from the others.
Roman faltered a bit and looked at Virgil and Deceit; “When you say Patton’s changed...how drastic are we talking here, if we find him will he even want to come back with us?” He asked feeling bad for feeling them both look suddenly ashamed and tense, but he just couldn't...wrap his head around the idea that Patton, the softest of all of them, was influenced by the darkscape. Heck, when Patton had told the others he didn't care about Thomas’s situation so casually as if there was nothing wrong had made him feel sick to the core. It was wrong...He was certain as well from the glances at Logan that he also felt unsettled and worried. They all wanted to get Patton back as soon as possible, but there was this underlying fear that Patton might turn around and say he liked this place better due to his mind being corrupted. What if they were too late and Patton never saw them with the same kindness and love he used to radiate- No...It didn't matter, he just wanted his friend back. It was clear that the others felt the way as Deceit clenched his fist tightly with a strong resolve in his eyes looking forward;
“When we find him, he’ll be completely the same and will most likely come willingly with us...but we don’t need to try. For Patton. He wouldn't do the same for any of us…..or me.” He muttered that last part under his breath but it made Romans’ view on the dark side soften considerably that Patton had managed to touch his heart like he did with the other. Deceit was right as well, Patton would drop everything despite the risks for any of them without question, he loved them all unconditionally that thinking of a life without him by their side felt….empty.
“Patton is strong, I know that no matter what hardships we might face down there, we will do it together and bring him back safe and sound.”
Logan spoke up now, he had kept silent throughout the conversation but the way his eyes lit up with a form of hope, knowing that he also had a deep appreciation and respect for the moral side was comforting for everyone to know they were on the same page. Virgil couldn't help but feel himself relax and smile softly at the others with a fond appreciation. If he had gone on his own he didn’t think he’d stand much of a chance to save Patton but with everyone here….
He felt like they could do anything.
It took them awhile till they finally arrived Deceit as made a small ‘ah’ noise as he crossed his arms puzzled.
“What's wrong?”
Virgil asked looking around confused as Deceit pointed at the floor in front of him. “That wasn't broken the last time I was here.”
The gaping hole that Deceit had managed to jump across when coming to find the others was nothing more now but a memory, there was no shattered glass anywhere and the floor was once again back in the state it once was before the whole mess. Walking over to the floor he gave it a small kick wondering if the floor might have still been fragile enough to break, however after a few thuds it was looking as if it would take a lot more than that to get through…
It wasn't long to notice what Deceit was trying to do as he nodded and walked over starting to kick the floor as well as hard as he could. Honestly it looked stupid what the two were doing as Roman and Logan looked to each other confused;
“Um...Virgil, why are you and Deceit banging on the floor like that?”
“This….Is…..Where….Patton...is…! We...Need...to...Break...The….Goddamn...Floor!”
Virgil grunted with each kick.
Roman, understanding what must be done rolled his sleeves up and tried to punch the floor as strong as he could, the floor vibrating a tiny bit upon the pressure but nothing that as noteworthy as a crack appeared. So the three of them tried to sync their attempts together, the water under the floor splashed and shook at the vibrations. Logan was worried that their attempts might’ve been attracting unwanted behavior as he kept seeing things swim from underneath them, their shadows passing fast yet would circle around where they kept banging.
“Wait. I don't have an idea.”
Deceit sprinted ahead to his room.
When he came back Virgil looked bemused and slightly impressed at what Deceit was dragging behind him.
“Dude, where did you get that sledgehammer from?”
“I don’t keep weapons in my room as a precaution.”
He grunted as he lifted the hammer up and started to slam it against the floor which vibrated the ground underneath them, this of course wasn't going by unnoticed as some of the shadows started to peer from the walls, their heads sticking out in curiosity. Roman was more than ready to attack them but...they just stared, if anything some of them looked amused? Deceit and Virgil weren't paying attention to them however as they kept banging away at the floor, a small crack appearing as it seemed to be working.
Roman was just staring at one of the shadows that had only eyes apparent on their body as they just stared back with a small glint in their eyes;
“Will you be joining us soon Roman?”
“Stop that. I doubt you’d find much use for him anyway.”
A voice came from behind him as Roman yelped in alarm not expecting someone else to actually show up as he pointed his sword up at the stranger. However with the blade pointed firmly at the intruders next, they merely sighed and looked offended at such an action as they pressed their finger on the top of the blade and gently lifting it down. “I'm here to see what the commotion is, let's not get into a fight shall we?”
Logan had taken interest as well as he quickly tugged Deceit who looked up in caution and was already lifting his sledgehammer ready to swing it full force at whoever it was, but the moment he had lifted it in the air, the figure had already withdrawn their own sword from the inky abyss of their body towards the hammer.  Deceit’s breath hitched as he got a good look at the figure before them as he sighed and lowered the hammer;
“What do you want Pride? We’re not busy.”
“Clearly. Banging on the floor with a hammer and your fists is certainly something that wouldn't draw anyone's attention at this point, I would be saying could you knock it off but i'm aware of Patton's situation.”
Pride muttered in distaste at the thought; “To think, the leviathan itself would take Patton itself, Morality certainly is an interesting one.”
“I don't mean to interrupt this chat…”
Logan coughed ,getting the attention of both dark sides.They turned to the intellectual side who was looking rather skeptical and confused towards Pride. “Deceit how do you know this is another side, they look exactly the same as the other shadows in this realm.”
Pride fake gasped holding a hand to their chest; “Now, that's not how to treat an ally, now is it Logic?”
Virgil huffed, still kicking at the ground to make the gap bigger.
“Logan, whatever Thomas sees, we see. Because Deceit appeared in front of Thomas, he adopted an appearance. Pride technically can see themself in a reflection and for them they’re perfectly normal, but because Thomas hasn't discovered them yet, they have to take the form of one of the shadows here.”
Pride nodded but crossed their arms in a bit of a huff; “Yes but don't be mistaken, the shadows here are not their own separate identities, they are all a collective hive mind of the dark realms subconsciousness. I’d rather die than be associated to those parasites.”
It was...quite a lot for one day Logan had to admit with all the information but it made sense, the shadows that surrounded them all seemed to move in unison, even if some had different features to their inky vessels. No doubt it was the mindscapes way of monitoring what was happening. It was unnerving however to see it so complacent with their attempts to break in...maybe it was all just a game to them, or something more sinister….
The floor began to splinter and crack as Pride hummed taking a step back. “Do get Patton back will you? Someone has to clean that kitchen up for me.” They waved nonchalantly as Roman looked up at them skeptically, something was really rubbing him off about them…Pride had noticed Romans disdain and couldn't help but hum in amusement as he gave Roman a thumbs up;
“I’ll be seeing you soon Roman. By the way, nice sword, too bad its not as good as mine”
“Ok now see here you little sh-”
The floor broke way beneath them as they all fell into the deep depths of the water, their senses submerged completely as the reflection of Pride waving at them from above was soon a blurr leaving them in total darkness.
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thetourguidebarbie · 5 years
For @itsnotacrimetoloveyou’s birthday/her starting med school/bribery reasons, etc! Hope you enjoy! Warnings: Smut, possessive!Klaus, mentions of bdsm but no actual bdsm, anal sex, soulmate-adjascent.
Klaus groaned softly as the girl’s blood hit his tongue, his hands easily holding her hips in place on his lap as she struggled for friction against him. Her heartbeat was slowing, her breathing ragged, and he pulled back once she began to go limp, just shy of passing out. She was rather pretty, her eyes dark brown and heavy-lidded, cheeks flushed with arousal and fear. He knew he should probably feel temptation, but whenever he thought of physical satisfaction all he could see was Caroline’s bright blue eyes and teasing grin.
She’d flitted in and out of his life for the last half-century, but never seemed to leave his fantasies. Generally she hung around a few months, less often for more than a year, but their accidental run-ins had been getting less accidental on both their parts for the better part of a decade.
She was close to staying now. He could feel it.
Currently Josh was tailing Caroline and her magically-immortal-witch friend on their third trip through the Andes (he’d been subjected to several group selfies that his hybrid and the Bennett girl were unceremoniously cropped out of before they were saved on his phone), and though he itched to meet her when she was done, his instincts were telling him to wait for some reason, and trusting his gut hardly ever failed him.
Trying to put her out of his mind for now—if only so that he could get some work done—he called for a hybrid to come give his afternoon snack some water and blood and watch her until it left her system to ensure she didn’t turn. He had business to attend to and Josephine got rather testy if he was late. It was best to stay on the powerful witch’s good side if he needed more favors.
The hybrid who came to collect the girl seemed troubled, and he spoke as soon as he entered.
“We picked up a vampire loitering at the edge of the property. She’s in the dungeon.”
Klaus hummed disinterestedly. It was a common occurrence, vampires turning up to either kill him or wriggle their way into his good graces. Neither succeeded of course, but it was occasionally amusing to watch them try. “And?”
“Judging by how weak she was when we brought her in she was probably only turned a few decades ago. She said you’d know her. That you’d want to see her.”
That made Klaus pause, frowning. Very few vampires he knew of fit that description. Though the youngest doppelganger was most likely stupid enough to think he’d be interested in anything she had to say (or anything about her at all), he had no doubt that both Salvatore brothers were invested on ensuring that they remained on separate continents.
His curiosity was piqued, and he pushed his still-swaying snack into the hybrid’s arms. “What did she look like? Do you have her name?”
“Blonde. Tall-ish? She said her name was Carrie. Carly, mayb—“
“Caroline,” Klaus interrupted, already pushing past the hybrid. “Call Josephine and tell her the meeting is cancelled.”
It didn’t take him long to reach the cell, and he winced when he saw Caroline glaring at him from her chains, which bound her wrists together and above her, her toes brushing the floor as she swayed.
“Did you seriously give them orders to cuff me on sight? You should tell your minions it’s rude to tie guests up.”
“I’ll have words with them,” Klaus said, taking a few steps towards her, his eyes dragging up and down her body, looking for injuries. “Though I must point out that you didn’t object to it last time.”
“Yeah, well, last time I wasn’t being dragged from the front gate to a dungeon by random minions. I was on a bed.”
He grinned, stopping to stand so that they were chest to chest, his hands reaching to cup her ass, squeezing lightly and grinning when her breath caught. “And you were a bit distracted by other things as I recall.”
She huffed, her cheeks pinking as she squirmed against his hand almost instinctively, perhaps not realizing she was doing it. “I mean, I’m okay with you doing the tying. Speaking of, how about you untie me. Well, uncuff me.”
“Mmm, I think I like you where you are,” he said, nosing her jaw and grinning when he heard her soft whimper as his blunt teeth dragged down her jaw before he nipped her ear. “Though if you insist I’m happy to oblige, of course.”
She swallowed, shifting slightly so that he caught the scent of the wetness gathering between her thighs, and just as he took his hands away and reached to pull the manacles out of the wall she spoke, the words breathless. “What did you have in mind?”
He smirked, his hands stilling against the chains as he held her gaze. “I've had a great deal of time to come up with an extensive list of all the things I want to do to you, Caroline. However shall I decide?”
“Klaus,” she whined, shifting as he popped the button off of her jeans and slipping his hand beneath the fabric, pressing his finger against her clit through the thin cotton covering her center.
“Best test them all, I think,” he murmured, watching her face for any sign of discomfort, needing to be sure that she wanted what he was offering. She was wet already, and he groaned as he slid his fingers under the fabric and against her folds. “Fuck, sweetheart.”
“I want,” she breathed, trailing off as she rolled her hips against his hand, and he immediately pulled his hand away, hungry for her to admit how much she craved his touch.
“What do you want, Caroline? Tell me.”
He’d spent countless hours exploring her body, mapping her skin to find the places that made her take shallow gasps of air and fall bonelessly into his arms. They’d experimented after the first few times, Caroline bright red as she asked him to talk to her, to tell her everything he fantasized about. Being tied up and teased to the edge was one of her favorites, watching him stroke himself a close second, and he never shied away from giving her what she wanted. He loved having her entirely at his mercy, the absolute trust she gave him heady and precious. He made her beg for his hands, for his mouth or cock, and the way the words passed her lips was immensely satisfying. Even when he was rough, when he broke skin with his fangs or nails or she let him tie her on her knees and fuck her hard and fast from behind, she wanted it, asked for it. There was nothing more satisfying for his wolf than seeing her in sheets covered in his scent, head bowed between her elbows with her wrists tied and her legs spread, all for him to take.
“I want you,” she said, staring at him with big blue eyes.
“And how do you want me, love?”
“I thought you wanted to be in charge.”
“I’m open to suggestions.”
“I want you to claim me,” she whispered, her breath shallow, and he stilled.
They’d only talked about it once, the process of a werewolf claiming its mate. It was permanent and intimate, a mark of him invisibly inked by magic that she’d carry for the rest of her eternal life. It meant she was his.
He wanted to so badly, just the words coming out of her mouth making his cock throb as he imagined how her back would feel against his chest as he filled her, the break of her skin against his teeth as he marked her as his. He wanted his scent to cling to her skin, for his name to be the only one to fall from her lips.
“Caroline,” he said slowly, his voice rough. “That’s not a....a claiming isn’t something to take lightly.”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a decade, Klaus. I think I know that I want it.”
“You’re sure?” he asked, trying to resist the urge to yank the chain from the wall, his breathing shallow, his cock aching at the image of her on her knees with her cheek against the stone, her clothes shredded, hands behind her back to part the cheeks of her arse for him.
She nodded, moving her head slightly so that she could catch his lips in a drugging kiss, her tongue lightly stroking his lower lip as she sighed in contentment before pulling back to rest her forehead against his. “I love you.”
He felt like his throat was clogged, his breath stalled in his lungs. He hadn’t expected that, for her to admit her feelings for him so easily, and it was slightly overwhelming to hear it when he wasn’t sure how to respond. ‘Love’ had never seemed like quite the right word for how he felt about Caroline, after all. It had always been passion and obsession, protectiveness and need. It was something so much more than such a small word could describe. She was everything and she was his.
It was close enough for now, though, especially when he saw the way her eyes lit up when he repeated it back to her, the brightness of her smile almost blinding.
“But Caroline,” he continued, needing to press, to be absolutely certain. “You do know that if you do this...if you agr—“
“I just told you I’m yours,” she interrupted, slightly breathless, eyes dark. “Klaus, there is literally not a single other person in the world who I’d trust enough for this. I wanted some time to really think it through and decide, and I did. I want to be with you. I want to be yours the way that you’ve always been mine.”
“Please,” she breathed, and he swore, his forehead falling against hers.
She squirmed against his fingers as he stroked her hip before moving to cup her ass, her back arching as his other hand gently tugged at her nipple, and he pulled back, watching hungrily as her eyes grew hazy, her lips parting with a soft moan.
“Bed, then,” he murmured, reaching for the manacles and yanking them from the stone with a cunch before snapping the steel that held them closed. “I want to see your nails rip our sheets.”
She seemed pleased at his use of ‘our’, shaking out her hands when the manacles fell with a crash to the floor. “I’m okay with that.”
“Perhaps you’ll let me shackle you again later, to rub your clit until you’re lingering on the edge while I trace the mark I’ve left on your skin with my tongue.”
“Perhaps,” she drawled, making him grin. She’d picked up some of his habits and word choices over their intermittent meetings (and admittedly he a few of hers, most notably the eye-rolling, though he thankfully had never started inserting unnecessary ‘likes’ between clauses), but her penchant for making fun of his ‘old person britishness’ nonetheless remained, including his choice of ‘boring’ teas and use of words like ‘perhaps’ and ‘perchance’.
He looked forward to seeing what else they’d share, what other little habits she’d show him.
He pulled her close to speed his private wing of the compound, not bothering to be subtle when he buried his nose in her hair, savoring the feel of her pressed against him.
She pulled back, pressing her lips against his, swiping the roof of his mouth with the heat of her tongue, hands curled around his biceps. He let her take what she wanted for now, to taste him and explore his skin with her hands the way she had a hundred times before.
When she finally pulled back with dark eyes and puffy lips he was achingly hard. Her breathing was slightly laboured, the scent of her want rolling off of her only tempting him to feel her wet and tight around his cock.
Perhaps later, when they were tangled in their sheets and she was pliant and sated in his arms, he’d slot himself between her thighs and watch her quiver underneath him, flushed and hazy-eyed. For now he just craved her on her knees, his wolf itching to claim now that his mate had freely offered.
“Do you have lube?” she asked, kicking off her jeans and beginning to pull off her blouse. She stilled at the low rumble in his throat as her creamy skin was revealed and grinned, her movements slowing down as the fabric creeped up her body. “I brought some in my purse just in case, but—“
“You planned this,” he interrupted, his lips twitching, and she nodded easily, unclipping her bra and shrugging it off. “Tell me sweetheart, do you think about it often?”
“All the time,” she admitted, sliding her thong down her legs and kicking it away. “Where do you want me?”
He swallowed, taking in the sight of her standing nude in front of him without a hint of self-consciousness.
“Bed,” he ordered, his voice hoarse. It took effort for him to tear his eyes away from her getting comfortable against his pillows, to ignore the breathy sigh when he turned away to pull the toys they used when she was in town from the top shelf of the closet and looking through it for the bottle. “Don’t touch yourself. I can hear you.”
He grinned at her huff of annoyance, turning to walk back and taking the opportunity to admire the view. She was spread for him, her thighs shining from the way the light hit the slickness of her arousal, her cheek pressed to the pillow so that she could look at him, the practiced innocent expression on her face undermined by the barest hint of a smirk on her lips. “I thought you liked watching me touch myself.”
“Not today. Be patient, love. Good girls get rewards, after all.”
She bit her lip at the tone of his voice, her eyes darkening when he stripped off his shirt and began to undo his belt. She’d never been shy about her enjoyment of his more possessive instincts when they were alone, had freely admitted to preferring a rougher touch and liking the way he took control. He saw her eyes follow his fingers as he unbuttoned his jeans, how her tongue darted over her lips when she saw him hard for her.
“Keep your wrists where they are, sweetheart,” he warned, brushing her spine with his fingertips when she murmured her agreement and climbing on the bed behind her.
The way her breath caught when he spread the slick liquid over her back entrance made him grin, and he was unable to resist stroking the skin of her arse as a light tease, her low whimper of complaint making his cock twitch. He stroked himself with one hand as he got her ready with the other, whispering praise about how well she was doing and how beautiful she looked that he’d learned would make her melt.
She was panting as he stretched her with his fingers, rolling her hips in an effort to find a rhythm with his fingers. He pulled back when she was finally ready, slickening his hard cock with lube and positioning himself at her entrance.
“Good, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” she breathed. “Go ahead.”
He could see her eyes go hazy when he pressed inside of her, his hands squeezing her hips. “I love the way you look on your knees like this. Bent over in my bed, offering yourself to me for the taking.”
She moaned his name when he began to move, her breathing growing harsher when his thrusts sped up. He watched her face when he reached around to rub her clit in tight circles, committed the sight of her parted lips and flushed cheeks to memory. It had been years since he’d done this, his wolf side unlocking having made him reluctant to risk an accidental bond. Waiting for Caroline to choose him for good had been torture, the rush of pure, primal need in his veins whenever he laid eyes on her difficult to control. He wanted nothing more than to let his wolf’s magic unfurl from his skin and cloak her, to scrape his teeth against her neck as he came and leave the scar visible as a warning to any who might mean her harm.
“That feels so good,” she gasped out, arching her back to give him a better angle. “Talk to me.”
He grinned, bending forward. “Talk to you?”
“What about, sweetheart?”
She huffed, the sound making him grin. “Have you thought about me when I was gone?”
“Of course,” he said, his voice almost embarrassingly hoarse with need, his breath hitching when she clenched around him. “Every day.”
“Tell me.”
“About how much I craved you tangled with me at night? The rhythm of your breathing? Your scent clinging to my sheets?” he asked, purposefully avoiding what she’d requested between the lines of her question, wanting her to ask.
“Did you think about me when you touched yourself!” she clarified, shooting him an exasperated look that changed to a gasp when he pinched her clit.
“Every day,” he repeated, moving faster, savoring her moans, his nails digging into her hips. “I have so many fantasies of the things I want to do to you, sweetheart. Things I want to try. I do love the way you look bound to my bed with a toy in your pussy, compelled not to come but trying to find friction, begging for me to indulge you. It’s a common fantasy I go back to, the memory of your pretty lips parted and your eyelids fluttering.”
She moaned his name, her fingers curling in the sheets, her breathing growing more labored. “More,” she demanded. “Please.”
“But sometimes that’s not quite enough,” he continued, his hands moving to her hips to steady her, “and when I need the extra push I think of the last time you were here, how you begged for your master to give you release. You were so eager to please, so perfect. I’ve thought extensively about what else I might convince you to beg for, what pretty sounds you’ll make as I stain your arse red with my palm or fasten clamps around your nipples. How you’ll get wet from nothing but the sting of painful pleasure and the knowledge that I’m getting off on it. Would you like that?”
She nodded hurriedly. “I liked it when we did it last time,” she breathed, her words tangling as she tried to get them out. “It was really hot.”
“Good girl,” he murmured, grinning at the way her breath hitched at the words. “Now tell me, sweetheart. Is my cock filling you enough to make you come?”
“No,” she gasped out, admitting what they both already knew from years of exploring each other’s bodies. “I need you to touch my clit.”
“Ask. Beg.”
She obeyed immediately, the pleas falling quickly from her lips. He could feel his muscles tightening as he obliged her, the pleasure of her tight and hot around his cock as he took her in, bent and submissive and begging for more, for him to fuck her harder, bringing him closer to the edge. He could feel his fangs break through his gums, the overwhelming desire to taste, to claim,
He bent forward to bite her shoulder when he came, running his tongue along the mark and grinning at her sharp breath from the sensation. He toyed with her clit until he felt her shake against him as she tipped over the edge.
He rolled off of her and pulled her close, offering her his neck for the cure. He had only a brief moment to admire the face of her monster before she let her fangs pierce his neck, drinking a few gulps with a soft hum before pulling back, running her tongue along the wound when it closed.
“How do you feel, sweetheart?”
“Good,” she said, arching her back to stretch before curling closer to him, tangling her legs with his, her face buried in his shoulder. “I’m tired.”
“You must have flown quite a ways.”
“Yeah. It was a huge pain because I had to convince your minion to let it be a surprise and then deal with flying a gazillion hours being worried that you’d say no and I’d just embarrass myself—“
“I would never,” he said immediately, tracing her spine with his fingers. “I’ve waited for you to be ready for ages. You can’t imagine I’d ever turn you away.”
“It’s nice to know for sure,” she said, wriggling even closer so that her body was fully pressed against his, cloaking herself in his warmth and scent. “I love you.”
There were those words again, so human and small, but he couldn’t deny that hearing them fall from her lips made his heart lighten.
“And I you.”
“Well you’d better. You’re stuck with me now,” she pointed out, squeaking when he pinched her side. “Klaus!”
“I’ve long known that I would never be able to let you go, Caroline. My mate.”
“Good,” she said, humming contentedly as his arms wrapped around her. “Me neither.”
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hrsejun-blog · 5 years
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helloo it’s jo (any pronouns, gmt+1) again! this is my second baby jung sejun. i’ve already plotted with a few of you but just so everyone gets a chance give this post a LIKE if you’d like me to hit you up for some plots! also, i’m much more easily available on discord than tumblr ims if anyone would like to add me there. my username is yangyangs momager#3814
profile | bio | plots (wip) + quick summary under the cut for anyone who’s lazy like me (trigger warning for internalized homophobia) 
sejun is born an raised in hwaryung, more specifically the byeongro residential area in daeryungdong where he still lives with his parents 
he has two older siblings (one of which is siyoung) and a niece go off lil 18 year old uncle
his family is well off and owns some business but he doesn’t rly care LMAO he’s the baby of the family so it’s not his business to take over the company anyway 
most of his childhood was spent playing soccer, it was his dream to become a professional soccer player
but when he was 15 he suffered an injury to his knee where he tore his acl and as a result he could never play soccer again. he still has chronic pain and post traumatic arthritis so basically he’s in pain almost on a daily basis, though he’s still able to function normally (just has to take painkillers most days) 
was broken for a while but then him and some friends from school started making parodies of horror movies just for the lolz but sejun realized that wow this was cool and they made some original ones as well
basically now he wants to become a filmmaker, though he still feels bittersweet about having to leave soccer behind he’s starting to accept that he just isn’t able to ever go back to it 
to practice editing, handling cameras etc. on his own he started up a youtube channel but he didn’t want to reveal his identity that publicly on the internet so basically he became an asmr channel LMAO 
during his early teens he realized he likes boys and has struggled a lot with feeling guilty about that bc it’s not what’s expected of his family and the society around him. he’s now open about it to a few of his closest, but it’s not something he publicly addresses a lot. though he has never once made an attempt to show interest in girls and doesn’t act very stereotypically Masculine Straight Man™ so it’s kind of not that hard to guess if you know him
that’s kind of it.. oh and he’s currently a senior at hwaryung academic institute and is hoping to study film production once he graduates 
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
Escape - Chapter Twelve
SPN FanFic
~Y/N and Dean are abducted after a night at the bar and thrown into a maze of horrors. Can Sam track down his brother and girlfriend in time? Can they even hold on that long?~
Dean, Reader; Sam
1,339 Words
Series Warnings: Angst. Show level violence. Graphic gore and blood. Extreme situations that may cause anxiety and fear. Character injury and trauma. (Extra Warnings in the tags)
~Feedback is the crack that keeps the Writing coming back~
ESCAPE Masterlist ~  My Masterlist  
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Chapter Twelve: The Gates of Hell -
Y/N crashed to the ground feet first; the impact of hitting the hard cement jammed her upwards with a force that rattled her bones. She felt her left leg buckle and she shrieked as pain ripped through her system. It sparked like fireworks up her legs and into her chest, lighting the edges of her vision with bright white. She fell forward, pressing her forehead to the cold floor and retching as a wave of nausea flowed over her.
Dean called to her from above, but only bile fell from her lips, and she could not move to answer.
He took the fall better than she had, rolling out of the somewhat controlled drop after landing on his back. He was dazed and probably bruised internally, but he shrugged it off; it was just one more injury to add to the list.
Y/N was gagging on nothing. Without replenishing food or water, their journey had left her stomach empty, but that didn’t stop her body from attempting to purge what little fluids she had left.
Dean flipped over and crawled towards her, inspecting her trembling body with hovering hands, afraid to touch her. When she could breathe again, she fell back onto the ground, twisting awkwardly so as not to move her leg. No blood showed through her jeans, but she feared the bone had snapped. She gasped, cringing in pain when Dean’s hand fell against her knee; the gentle touch sending shocks through her.
“That bad?” he asked, recoiling instantly.
“Yeah…” She nodded and raised her arm to her forehead, struggling not to cry again. She’d cried enough for a lifetime. She was tapped dry.
“Shit, I’m sorry, Kid.” He shook his head and went up on his knees to look her over. “Anything else busted up?” His fingertips brushed her over arms, he inspected the cuts on her hands, the bruise on her collarbone, and finally went for her leg, pulling the loose denim up to her knee. Gingerly, Dean lifted her leg and ran his hand down her shin. “It’s bad,” he sighed. “But I don’t think it’s broken. Probably jammed up your knee pretty good.”
“Lovely,” she whimpered and sat up on her elbows, finally looking around.
They were in a basement. It looked like one of a million such places, with cement walls that sported damp patches, and a cold, unyielding floor that was punctuated every few yards with steel columns that held the foundation in place above. The hole they had journeyed through was directly above, and while the basement around them was dark, the light from their Mirrored Hell shone down in thick beams. Looking up, Dean estimated they had dropped about fourteen feet to their current spot, and how they’d each landed without cracking their spines was a miracle in his eyes. The floor had buckled under their weight, but their drop was predetermined; they had passed through almost a garbage shoot, designed and built to deliver them to the basement.
When his gaze fell from the busted floor above, it landed on another miracle. Not thirty paces from where they lay was a steel door with a push bar handle, and above it, a glowing, red exit sign.     
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Sam was startled awake by his dream, though, when he opened his eyes, the details fell quickly away, leaving him panting and sweaty without cause. He rolled over and blinked into the late morning sun, trying to call back the dream, but all he remembered was Y/N’s scream as she fell through blackness away from him.
He scratched at the four days worth of beard on his chin and yawned as he stood up, ready to get back to work. He stumbled into the bathroom with his eyes still half-mast, and turned on the shower. When the water hit his wrist as he tested the temperature, he remembered the message that Drunk Sam had left for Morning Sam, and he made his shower a quick one. He would have skipped it altogether, but he needed to wake up fast.
Fifteen minutes later, not so fresh faced, but wide eyed and on alert, Sam sprinted towards the main lobby and waited impatiently as Roger finished up a phone call. When the receiver hit the base, Sam set his arms casually against the top of the high desk and looked down at the awkward man.    
“Good Morning, Agent Tyler,” Roger greeted him with a smile that didn’t move his gray eyes.
“Morning,” Sam returned with an equally unconvincing smile.
“What can I do for you today?” Roger asked, but did not keep eye contact, dropping his gaze to his computer and typing something quickly on the keyboard.
Sam’s nostrils flared a bit at the rude action, but pressed on. “I was just wondering about all the construction around here. Been going on long?” He raised his brows and feigned a kind, interested smile.
Roger shrugged noncommittally and lifted his chin. “I suppose. About four years.”
“Wow,” Sam commented, shaking his head and tossing his hair back. “Long time. That’s a lot of work.”
“There’s a lot of rooms,” Roger offered and chewed anxiously at the inside of his cheek.
“I bet.” Sam nodded, and turned away as if his line of questioning was complete. Roger seemed to settle back into his chair, but Sam spun back around with one finger held high. “Just one more thing, if you don’t mind.”
Roger stiffened and sat up straight. “Yes?”
“Saw a big guy last night, about, yea high…” Sam raised his hand level with his nose and went on, “…disappeared behind the caution tape. You know him?”
Roger stroked his chin in contemplation and then tapped his index finger against his lip. “That may have been Kevin, our maintenance man. He keeps odd hours.”
Sam nodded in understanding. “That’s Kevin,” he said rhetorically and turned back towards the door. “Huh.” Something was off. His gut was burning, twisting around inside trying to tell him something, but he couldn’t reach it. It was right there on the tip of his nose, but Sam couldn’t see passed the years of monsters and demons to put the clues together.
“Have a nice day,” Roger said with a smile as Sam reached for the door.
He turned to reply, to wave, to return the wish, and as he did, a ray of sun struck Roger’s giant glasses at the perfect angle, illuminating the reflection from his laptop screen. He wasn’t playing a video game. At least, not one in a virtual world.
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A genuine smile spread across Dean’s face for the first time since their hug on the street; that drunken night seemed like weeks ago now.
Y/N scrunched up her face as she saw the happiness leak onto his features. “What’s… what?”
“Y/N/N…” He pointed behind her at the door as a relieved laugh shook his shoulders. “We made it.”
“What?” She twisted around, flipping over onto her side, and gasped at the exit sign that greeted her. “Holy… fuck… Dean!” Her heart skipped too many beats to count and her eyes welled with grateful tears. She turned back and reached for Dean, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him into a hug that had never felt as sweet. They had done the impossible, made it through Hell together, and they were finally free.
“I-I can’t… that’s… that’s it?” Y/N clutched his shirt and stared up at him with hopeful and innocent eyes.
His cheeks twitched with a smile and he nodded gently, covering her hand with his, so thankful to be alive, thankful that they had both made it out. “I think so,” he whispered.
They held each other’s gaze for a long moment, just breathing and letting hope wash over them.
“Y/N/N?” Dean said softly, patting her hand and pushing himself up. “Let’s get outta here.” He bent down and held out his hand, gripping her tightly when she slipped her palm against his.
“I thought you’d never ask.”  
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myinnerletters · 3 years
Today was a big day.
Today is technically my Melbourneversary. I have lived in Melbourne for 7 years. How fun to be similarly living alone like when i started my Melbourne journey! Today i woke up at 6 for the seminar and was beyond exhausted the entire day because i struggled to fall asleep last night. I was still amped from my class, hadnt eaten enough before bed and i think i was dreading my day today. I dont even know what i observed in the seminar. I spend the time sorting my emails. But at least don’t have to do it for another like 2 weeks which is perfect.
Academy is a lot on the body. My body is so fatigued and exhausted. I think i feel a bit stronger or maybe my perception of my strength is there but nonetheless i feel like it triggers a whole lot of physical niggles. My knees are pretty clicky. Between the lack of sleep, walking through the rain and having waterlogged socks, shoes and jumpers I was really feeling pretty eh. I was chill and wanted to wear my jumper but it was soaking wet. I think my teachng went ok, i know that when im in doubt i can always rely on my own personality. I really thought i could cry during the last part of the course today, just from sheer exhaustion and from the creeping up of anxiety.
When i finished i felt pretty sad and was sooking. Picked up my delivery of what a time to be alone and then cried. I was again being weird about noam and romi and wanting to be aloof but i eventually calmed down which was good. It’s really hard because i dont want to feel like i burden them, I just want them to continue to love me. ANd not feel like im a sad sap all the time. I watered my plants which made me feel good and mel wants to give me two more shifts. Im umming and ahhing because they are 5:45 and 7. BUT id be making 250 a week which could be nice and if i have days off on Mondays and Fridays then at least i can set myself up for bed properly on the Monday night. I also wont be so stressed abuot sleeping. I am curious to see how ill be from next week onwards. When its shadowing. The teaching im not so stressed about overall. At this point ive taught about 18 classes and i feel like im getting in the swing of things a bit more. Trying lots of different things and used to working with injuries, different levels and pregnancies so i dont feel as daunted. 
I do feel more vulnerable when i havent slept. I feel like it makes my heart racier and the stress just makes me feel like i am not coping because i feel overwhelmed. BUt the next couple of weeks i can control a bit more. I dont think im working the tennis which means ill actually hae quite a bit of free time during the day which will be good to find time to do things again. See people, read, watch things, work on finding things that make me feel better. 
Its a bit of a wild journey but i do want to be better. I do want to sleep. i dont want to feel so fixated on things like i currently am. LIke id love to give things some space and time and give myself enough time to just be. And to breathe. And not feel like im looking over this daunting cliff constantly screaming into an absys where it feels like its never ending. I want to feel like im managing and not just merely chugging along.
I am deserving of rest. I am deserving of love. I am deserving of joy. I am deserving of good things in my life. I welcome every opportunity with open arms. I commit myself to constantly improving. I deserve peace.
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avenging-fics · 7 years
Blossom ~ An Avenger’s Story (1/15)
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AU Summary: After the events on Bosnia-Herzegovina, Y/N escapes the explosion and meets an unlikely ally and hides away with him. But it’s only a matter of time before the child with her grows up. Will she go back to being an Avenger?
Notes: I’m really excited for this okay. and im sorry if i suck at book summaries lmao. anyway, here’s the next series. i hope you guys like it. 
Previous book | Part 1 | Part 2
An old couple found them in the woods. She was passed out, almost dead with the child still clutched tightly to her chest. Her bloody skin almost purple from the cold. Had it not been for the baby’s cries, they would have died in the middle of a forest in Serbia. When she woke up, Y/N was wrapped in a thick wool blanket, all her wounds cleaned and dressed, with the old lady holding onto the child, humming it to sleep with a foreign lullabye. The old couple didn’t speak any English but they seem like they understand Y/N’s situation. They fed them, cared for them and let them stay in their small house near the woods until Y/N was strong enough to travel again. The old hunter who found them in the woods took the both of them into town where Y/N continued on her journey. She thanked the old couple for their help and went on her way again. She made sure not to use any of her abilities in fear that it might draw attention to her and the child.
Y/N and the child reached Belgrade, capital of Serbia, carrying a small amount of money, clothes and supplies given to them by the old couple. There, Y/N found a job on a small pub ran by Englishmen, which also offered her lodging. Throughout their stay in Belgrade, Y/N introduced the child as her own. And when the child is reaching it’s first year, Y/N packed their things and traveled east to Romania.
When they reached Craiova, Y/N struggled with hiding their true identities. They lacked papers and documents. There was no way they could identify themselves. So she kept going east. Hopefully, she’ll find something in the capital.
She was wrong.
No one would take them. There were no jobs for her. At least from the places that wouldn’t attract too much attention. No place to live. No place to sleep. Y/N knows they wouldn’t last long in the streets especially with a baby. How will she feed him? He’s not safe anywhere.
But she had no choice. Her limbs were sore from walking everywhere and carrying the baby. The little money that they have is almost gone. The night is approaching again. Y/N was tired.
Turning to an empty alley, Y/N looked around them. The cafes were closed and there was barely any people on sight. She carefully placed her scarf on the ground of a spot in the deepest part of the alleyway. Carefully putting down the child, Y/N sat next to him and took out a few things from her bag and cleaned the baby up. She was both thankful and sorry that the baby already got used to moving around in her arms so much that a lot of movement and walking doesn’t bother him all that much. The child barely cries as if understanding that it’s harder for Y/N if he did.
Finishing up on him, Y/N stared at the child, watching him as he brought his tiny hands to his mouth, babbling nonsense and seemingly having a conversation with her. He was precious. Looking up at Y/N with his bright eyes, one brown and one blue, Y/N was enamored with this child. It might not be hers biologically but she’s his mother now. Y/N would protect this baby from whatever harm may come.
Using her fingers, she stroke the baby’s cheeks with the softest of touch and sobbed silently.
“I’m so sorry.” she whispered, her voice breaking. “You don’t even have a name.”
“Abababuh” his tiny voice gurgled, as if answering her back. Y/N smiled softly, wiping away her tears.
“You look like a Peter. Or a Jackson.” Y/N told him. And as if he agreed, the child grinned and held onto her finger tight. Opening her bag once more, Y/N saw that there’s only one bottle left of formula for the baby. Where is she going to get more for tomorrow and the next days?
But she didn’t have time to worry about that. A small group of 4 men walked towards them both. One of them had a sneer on his face. Y/N felt uneasy. They brought trouble.
"Papușo,ai nevoie de ajutor?" one of the men said, glancing over Y/N’s body as if it were meat.
(hey pretty lady do you need any help?)
Y/N ignored them and focused on getting the baby out of their way just in case. She can handle them without using her abilities but Y/N had to put the child first. She cannot turn her eyes away from him, not even for just a second.
“Te-ai pierdut?Poți sta la noi.” another one said, chuckling. “O să te facem să te simți bine.”
(are you lost? You can stay at our place. We’ll make you feel good)
Whatever they were saying, even if Y/N understood none of their words, she knew it wasn’t out of the goodness of their hearts. Their tone was dangerous.
“Hei vorbim cu tine,târfo!” the man shouted, grabbing Y/N’s arm and pulling her back.
(Hey we’re talking to you, bitch)
She shrugged off the man’s grip and stood up in between the men and the baby. Y/N glared at the men and saw them walk forward, slightly amused that she was about to fight. They were underestimating her.
The man closest to her went first, swinging his arm for a punch but Y/N blocked it as she ducked down for another blow from his friend. Bringing her legs up, she kicked another one of them hard in the abdomen and then used her knee to knock out one of them as it hit their face. Another man tried to get a hit to Y/N but she was faster and dodged it, bringing her fist to hit him instead. And it was dance to her. Knowing when to block and hit and dodge all hits from three men at the same time. Y/N wasn’t even using her powers.
“Oprește-te.Sau omor copilul. ” the fourth one said after his friends were on the ground. Y/N glared at him as he held the crying baby with a knife pressed to it’s cheeks.
(stop moving. or i will kill the kid.)
“No.” she muttered, focusing her gaze on the child. He cannot just die here.
Suddenly, Y/N felt a sharp pain on her lower back. One of the men on the ground, got up and stabbed her. She was bleeding again and it didn’t stop. It seeped through her clothes as she felt warm blood dripping down. Y/N tried to ignore the pain and step forward to try and save the baby but each step she took sent throbbing pain from her injury, causing her legs to give out. She fell to the ground but Y/N was not letting them hurt the child.
The man holding the baby laughed out loud, watching Y/N as she struggled. But he stopped and suddenly started choking. Y/N looked up and saw a tiny glint of silver from the hand that was currently gripping the man’s neck. Another stranger.
“Pleacă.Sau te voi omorî.” the stranger growled towards the man.
(leave. or i will kill you)
Y/N recognized the the fear in the men’s eyes as it stared at the stranger. And that was the last thing she saw before the stranger with the glinting arm took the crying child away from the thug. Y/N struggled to keep awake but to no avail. There was darkness once again.
SHOUTOUT TO @tvseriesobssesed for the Romaniantranslation! Thank you so much!
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