#and if they did work on something in the midnights era that isn't on the album...
thegirlwholied · 1 year
what if the unknown Matty Healy & Taylor Swift collab is the answer to the niceboy ed mystery though
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enlitment · 16 days
I don't want to sound like an apologist for anything but I feel like it should be acknowledged that the question of morality in different periods of history is complex and not easy to answer.
If you do say things like 'marrying an underaged person was totally okay back in the 1700s so what they did was totally fine actually' it definitely does ring alarm bells (as it should!)
That is not the exactly the same thing as saying 'considering the historical context of the era this person lived in, their behaviour would have likely not been considered too far out of the ordinary'. And I believe you can probably replace this with people's views of slavery or domestic violence and get to a pretty similar thing.
Is it dark and depressing? Sure. It's also, to the best of my knowledge, often fairly accurate.
I mean, I would have to do an actual research on this particular question to make any more definite statements. But just look at Ancient Greece's societal norms concerning relationships. That is definitely a challenge any historian needs to grapple with, but saying that every other man living at that time was a monster just isn't very useful, and doesn't feel like great academic work either.
Sometimes you would need to take a step back and try to look at these issues with more of a dispassionate curiosity to try and understand them. (As with Ancient Greece - what role did these relationships served? How did they influence the Greek culture? The structure of Greek society? etc.) That doesn't mean you renounce your own sense of right and wrong.
I feel like the best approach would be to acknowledge your modern perspective and clearly mark it in the text (something like 'by our modern standards, this would of course be seen as...' or even focus on writing articles from the perspective of the affected/opressed). But then also write about the way such behaviour would have been viewed in the time it took place. This does not, in my opinion, excuse the behaviour - it just helps to put it in the necessary context.
The bonus of this approach is that it allows the historian to highlight when someone's behaviour is genuinely considered morally reprehensible even by the standards of the time (something like 'even in a misogynistic society, his treatment of women was marked as particularly reprehensible' -> well better than that but it's also midnight, I'm tired and I'm sure you get my point).
There is also the possibility that some behaviour that is considered totally okay today will be seen as completely reprehensible by someone reporting on it hundreds of years from now. Something to keep in mind as a historian.
TL;DR definitely don't want to excuse any problematic behaviour but I think we should treat the question of moral norms in history as the complex and difficult issue it is, rather than jumping to conclusions
(also saying that someone's opinion is automatically unworthy because they haven't taken history classes at a university level just feels kind of elitist. Sure, an understanding of historiography and a critical approach are incredibly important, but it is not impossible to get at least the basic idea just from your own reading. And in any case, it is better to explain it rather than to dismiss the person's opinion altogether.)
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shimaen · 8 months
Sy shizun au
Sy transmitting as a random rogue cultivator many years before the protagonist is even born.
He starts looking for the protagonist but in the way he finds a homeless child that just looks like him, they are not the exact same, but they could easily pass as family. He ends up helping out this child, he felt strangely attached to him, bringing him to his lil cabin near a forest, one of his many hidden safe zones.
The child, Sj, comes in a package with his older brother? Yqy. The 3 of them don't start as teacher and students, much less a parental figure, Sy is not a child, but he must be just 5 or 6 years older than them, but Sy becomes a safe space, he provides them with basic necessities and more.
They grow up respecting him, and he teaches them what he knows, and could be useful. Thing is, the system determines that his work in that era is done, and needs to send Sy to fix the next problem, so one day, 4 years later after meeting his 2 lil gremlins, he goes into the forest, just a normal fauna and flora exploration for Sy, he goes alone with almost nothing, after all he is not going far, they all know this.
But Sy doesn't come back.
They wait until midnight
They are still searching by sunrise
They are losing hope after a week
They think that he must have abandoned them, it was too good to be true, but it still doesn't makes sense, Sy left most of his stuff in their little cabin, all his money, his sword, his trinkets, his fan. If he abandoned them, why did he leave all his stuff too?
They don't want to think that he may have died. It isn't fair. They would prefer that Sy just abandoned them, but they know (they hope) that Sy isn't like that. Years pass, and the plot somehow reconnects, Sj becomes a peak lord, and Yqy the sect leader, they gave up searching a long time ago and just accepted the most probable "truth" Lbh enters the story, and in one of his night hunts, he separates from the group.
He ends up in a section of the forest that looks a bit wilder, somehow more mystical. He reaches a big tree, ancient looking, it almost looks alive, and in the middle of it, there is this crystal, ancient amber filled and pumping with energy, maybe the beating heart of the forest? And there is something in the middle, a figure seemingly sleeping, it looks like his shizun, but not quite, maybe a bit younger, even Lbh doesn't realize until he has his hand pressed against the crystal, blood from his earlier wounds accidentally smeared against the amber, and the figure opens its eyes.
Haha funny au Lbh helps a really confused and out of it Sy out of his amber cocoon and brings Sy to the were they were staying just to discover that his teammates went back to the sect without him So imagine the shock of an Sj that was going to look for his student when he Sees this child carrying a full adult that seems to be unconscious, he was going to scold lbh when he actually sees the face of the man, and it feels like time stopped
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hoes4hoseok · 10 months
enhypen as midnights
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txt version ☆ folklore version ☆ masterlist
it feels like it's been ages (because it's been nearly NINE MONTHS) since i've done an enhypen x taylor post but here it is! i feel kind of nervous posting this but whatever, i just gotta hit the button at some point.
sunghoon as snow on the beach
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it's coming down, no sound, it's all around, like snow on the beach"
falling for sunghoon would feel so tragic at first because you'd think there's just no way he likes you back?? 😭
&& it'd consume a lot of your time just thinking about what it would be like if it did
so when you'd realize that he does when he finally tells you?? it'd feel magical
&&, not to be extremely literal, but a kiss on a snowy beach with sunghoon?? that WOULD be magical
initially, i considered having sunghoon being maroon instead of this song, so tell me what you think!
jay as midnight rain
"he was sunshine, i was midnight rain"
jay is ambitious. so for the record, i'm not saying that he isn't.
however, if you were dating him while he was already successful (aka now) & you weren't where you wanted to be, i think it'd naturally cause a rift like this song describes
&& sometimes, you'd look back & think about the life you would've had together
but ultimately, it may be for the best that you broke up because you wouldn't have been able to pursue your dreams together
(i do not wish this fate on any of you.)
ni-ki as question...?
"i don't remember who i was before you painted all my nights a color i've searched for since"
seeing ni-ki after you broke up would f with your head
not because he did anything on purpose, but because it would be really freaking hard to see him and think about him being with someone else
&& you'd hope that no one compares to what you & him had for him, because that's how you feel
but in reality, you'll never know
&& eventually, hopefully you'd move on. or run back to him? there's no moral of the story here.
sunoo as karma
"karma's a relaxing thought, aren't you envious that for you it's not?"
this song focuses on good things karma has brought to him rather than bad things it’s brought others
&& i think that’s a mindset sunoo would/does share
sunoo minds his business & good things come to him (in this case, you! you're the good thing that came to him!)
it’s been happening since i-land era we KNOW 👏(idc he was popular for a reason)
jungwon as sweet nothing
"outside, they're push & shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing"
is anyone surprised by my choices for jungwon anymore? because these are so predictable i swear LMFAO
so i chose this song because jungwon seems like the type to not hold you to the same high standards that everyone else does
&& you'd be able to do the same for him, especially since he probably feels a lot of responsibility as the leader of the group
he'd give you that feeling of it not mattering what everyone else thinks because you have each other 🤧
heeseung as paris
"romance is not dead if you keep it just yours"
having a private relationship with heeseung is probably in the top 10 most romantic things ever 🫶🏽
so romantic that it feels like everything else fades away when you’re together & you’re somewhere else 😭
&& you wouldn’t have to put a ton of work into keeping that up because yeah, sometimes the relationship doesn’t feel like paris
&& that’s okay. it’s worth it for the good times :)
jake as glitch
"a brief interruption, a slight malfunction, i'd go back to wanting dudes who give nothing"
falling for jake when you're used to people who treat you like trash would feel so unreal
because that man would be such a good boyfriend <3
&& when that happens you'd kind of second guess whether you deserve to be treated that well
&& it would feel like something that isn't supposed to happen & you'd suspect that you'll return to the pattern of trash guys "after him"
but you deserve him & you deserve to be happy,, & he'd make that very clear to you in his actions and words
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txt version ☆ folklore version ☆ masterlist
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
2024 is the year I have slowly lost my love and respect for Taylor Swift.
I love Taylor for her music and the person I thought she was and in a way I still love her, but in 2023-2024 it feels like the person who I thought I loved isn't the person who I thought she was. And I just began to lose my respect for her. Here are some examples of how I've lost my respect for Taylor as a person.
Not one word of support for Palestine. Not even wearing a Artists for Palestine pin. She went out of her way in speaking out against Trump and Blackburn, but she can't tweet or speak out ONE ounce of support for Palestine. Instead she entered her Football girlie for one of the most racist cultural appropriating football teams since the Washington Redskins during her Bread & Circus era.
And before anyone says "what about other artists" I direct you to this
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Yes more artists should speak up, not just Taylor. Billie Eilish should speak up. Olivia Rodrigo should speak up, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Halsey, Lorde and more should speak up for Palestine. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest names in the industry, if not the biggest and one word from her and her thousands to millions and billions of fans will show their support for Palestine and demand a ceasefire. Like I don't know how else to explain how vital it is to use your voice as an artist and a huge platform as Taylor has.
She stopped speaking up for the LGBTQA+ community in 2021. She had all Pride month to speak up and could've used the Eras tour to speak up for us, especially in states that were heavily anti-trans and anti drag queen. But she didn't. Instead she propped up her precious racist Matty fucking Healy. She can have Trans performers in her music video and drag queens, but she can't speak up for them?
Taylor the climate criminal, need I say more?
Taylor the Billionaire. No one person should have this amount of money and it needs to be talked about more and honestly Taylor in 2024 is starting to feel like the female Elon Musk.
Questionable associations. David O'Russell. You can't tell me with a straight face that Taylor's team do not run background checks. Either they didn't do said checks or they did and Taylor did not care and would tarnish her image to work with a predator just for an Oscar. The Matty Healy fling. A brief fling and it was brief because everyone showed their complete disgust and contempt for it. Brittany and Jackson Mahomes friendship. Jackson is on video assaulting a woman. Taylor is a SA survivor. Brittany told the victim to "get over it" Taylor is shown high fiving Jackson, Taylor is shown for months with Brittany despite being a SA apologist and even having dinner with Brittany after the charges are dropped. Revolting. Taylor doesn't care about SA unless it's about her or how it can benefit her.
Continued silence on important issues when she said she would use her platform and voice. BLM? Nothing. Abortion/women's rights? Nothing. LGBTQA+ rights? Nothing. Palestine, absolutely nothing not even the bare minimum. The closest she'll get to using her platform is telling her fans to vote. Nothing but the bare minimum white feminist centrist rhetoric.
Ever since the countdown to Midnights and Midnights' release, the vibes I got from Taylor were not good. And something just felt off. 2023 and 2024 was just a mask off for Taylor and showing us who she really is and that she isn't who we thought she was.
And before anyone comes at me and says "Taylor is not an activist" yes, but she specifically made Miss Americana to tell her fans she would use her platform and voice to speak out more on important issues. She has done nothing. At this point I wish Miss Americana was never made, and I'm pretty sure Taylor wishes she never made it as many of her fans are disappointed in her silence throughout the years.
At best, Taylor is a coward. At worse, Taylor doesn't care beyond the glass house she has built her career on.
At this point all it feels like is she cares about the fame of her success and from her relationship with Travis and the profit of her brand and nothing else. Nothing about her is authentic, everything is performative. It's all about control and profit to Taylor Swift. It feels as though she's ostracized everyone in her audience who isn't white or heterosexual and made it clear we need to find a new guiding light and I think we should.
And in her own words she is telling us who she is
“i just think it’s so frilly and spineless of me to stand up here and say ‘happy pride month!!’ while people are coming for their necks.”
"My entire moral code is a need to be thought of as good"
" Spineless in my tomb of silence "
'I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger was near.'
"I've never heard silence quite this loud"" You should find another guiding light "
"You're on your own kid"
"Do something, babe, say something" (Say something)
"Lose something, babe, risk something" (You're losing me)
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing" (I got nothing)
Despite all this, I still love her and will continue reblogging gifsets, but I am done defending everything she does and intend to hold her accountable because when you love someone you just have to point out when they are wrong and just have to hold out hope they will be a better person, even if that hope is so very low.
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chaoticmvse · 2 months
I'm so sorry that it's taken me what feels like years to catch up with all the games, but this beautiful Tuesday practically invites me to do it now. So get ready for a hail of musegames (below the cut). :-) + i'm tagging everyone else below all games, so if you already did them, i am sorry, just too lazy to look everything up.
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choose a song for each letter of your url: tagged by @never-be-tamed
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol ; How you reming me - Nickelback ; A little too much - Shawn Mendes ; Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish ; Too much to ask - Niall Horan ; It ain't me - Kygo, Selena Gomez ; Complicated - Olivia O'Brien ; Messier - Tate McRae ; Vermissen - Juju, Henning May ; Sorry - Halsey ; End of an era - Dua Lipa
what negative emotion are you? tagged by @never-be-tamed the feeling is overwhelmed
babe :((,, it's gonna be okay, i know you try really hard to please people and live up to your own expectations, but please take a break. i know what it's like to work non stop and burnout is not pretty. sometimes it's okay to admit that you still have work, and take a break anyway. you're human and you can't keep running on energy drinks and self deprecating humor. believe me, i have been there. maybe stop staring at your phone screen and take a nap. trust me on this one. put on some noise canceling headphones, grab a glass of water with a couple of ice cubes, and take a nap or something. watch your favorite tv show. i love you and i know you can get through this, okay?
what are your hands covered in? tagged by @shevampyre & @zeitrcisender my hands are covered in stars
They burn, don’t they? And yet you still hold on. The flesh on your palms peels back, your fingers burning down to bone. Your tissues char and break away, your blood boiling inside your hands. The heat rushes up to kiss your face and chest, a sunburn in the dark and yet–yet you hold on, because they are beautiful. It hurts, but you see only the beauty of the moment, none of the pain. All of that suffering is worth a few moments of brilliance, isn’t it?
what time of the day are you? tagged by @never-be-tamed & @zeitrcisender and, what a surprise, i am midnight
you shouldn't be here, yet here you are. lost in an inked landscape. yet knowing exactly where you belong, where you should be. the sounds of god knows what lurking beyond the veil of the tree lines, they beckoning you, welcoming you.
it's the end of the world; what have you done? tagged by @never-be-tamed answer: the reluctant/accidental harbinger
You never wanted this to happen. You were scared, and you just wanted it all to stop hurting. Now... everything's stopped. (Stop, stop, STOP, isn't that what they screamed at you?) You're never going to see them again. You killed them all. Oh God, you killed them all. (Monster.)
find your totem animal tagged by @never-be-tamed my totem is the doplhin
balanced in harmony, the dolphin is your totem. you are a kind and gentle soul, but don’t let that fool those who mean to harm you. you have deep inner strength that can be harnessed when needed. you likely lead with your intuition rather than over thinking things, and the dolphin can serve as a reminder to trust your gut intelligence. most of all, the dolphin reminds you to bring playfulness into your life and live peacefully with all of those around you.
answer worst quiz questions and get a psychoanalysis but you dont know what the psychoanalysis is based off tagged by @never-be-tamed the answer (i honestly feel pointed out): heavy weight yarn that breaks when you try to pull it
you are beautiful. everything about you looks it. soft, colorful, with the potential of making so many things. but inside? you crack. easily, these days too. take a break. soon, it may be too late.
what greek god/goddess are you? tagged by @never-be-tamed the answer is artemis
artemis, the goddess of hunting, is another favourite, especially among young women. you love animals (perhaps more than people), and probably want to be left alone most of the time, though you do have a small group you go everywhere with. everyone likes you, though they don't know much about you.
That was incredibly time-consuming, but thanks for the links (mainly to alex) and now you can see what you've already done and what you haven't (have fun): @gvilty-c0nscience ; @divine-felonies ; @vcnenum ; @mvdness ; @shevampyre ; @lartist-e ; @betterstay-dead ; @crownedembers ; @modacriminal ; @hanyoyue ; @trauma-report ; @crimelrd & anyone who wants to get their muse a little bit better :)
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tartrat · 1 month
Random in progress pics from previous pieces that i think look very funny. Doing just dance fanart has given me a sort of creative burst for some reason. Also i sort off got worried that people will think that i used ai when I haven’t. I’d show my reference images but they are photos of myself, because its easier to make a pose myself and then i can draw and change things to suit who i'm drawing, its good so i can get the head to look proportionate. This is all just just dance fanart so far that i've already posted so i'll link the original posts.
Also the coaches are just really fun to draw and we have concept art and avatars for most of them, so its easier to see the details on the outfits.
So working backwards, Mothigan without her eyes. She would do this though so it’s not that cursed. I wanted to try and hide an among us in it somewhere before i posted it but it was too noticeable. I sort of knew that i wanted most of her face to be covered in a shadow so i didn't really doing finer details. Her nose was a nightmare, specifically her nostrils, no matter what i did it didn't look right.
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A Faceless and unblended Talia which i put in that post. I like doing hair this way, probably isn't the most efficient way though. Still annoyed at the jacket.
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Now onto a bunch of cursed Kapyy’s from that other piece. You can tell when i started to slowly lose it. Like at parts he looks really cursed. At what point do i try to redeem myself with Talia in The lover bodysuit or the reputation black and red suit. Still recovering from the rhinestones and tassels. I could've just done the bodysuit that the one male dancer from this performance was wearing but i chose the hard way. I obviously knew about the vigilante shit part of the midnights era before going to the concert, so just imagine my mum's surprise when she saw it.
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And what I’m currently working on. Talia’s face is a bit off. Just drawing my weird sibling head canon. This is just going to be a quick one so it'll probably be up later. Also i'm changing Talia's jacket to like a light fleece with no camo on it. Why? Because I hate drawing camo.
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I mainly use procreate, as seen in the screen shots. I am definitely getting increasingly comfortable with using digital art. I am more used to doing traditional art, but if i can make these drawings that can show my weird headcanons then i must be doing something right.
I think that i'm posting this because in school we did pages that showed our process, as one does in art class, so this just feels more natural. This is something i'd probably keep doing once i gather pics i take whilst making these. Helps to type out your thoughts
There are other coaches that i want to draw and other characters form other games that i want to draw. Coaches in mind specifically are Moxie and Ari butting heads, La Respuesta coaches at their divorce hearing (Or whatever they have going on), and Giddy on up and Blinding lights extreme conversing.
Lastly i got the grades i needed from my a levels to go to university next month so yay.
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So my absolute favourite Crowley episodes are in order from earliest to latest are ...
Wait before I get there the problem is all of them except the episodes were Crowley gets bullied or worse are my favourites. That's a lot of episodes because the bullying of Crowley, rather than just general rivalry and enemy stuff didn't happen until season 10. So I decided to change it to only the favourites where I can actually explain why beyond "I just love it just because uh yeah it's amazing"
Abandon All Hope
Okay so this is the episode where we see a demon trolling a homophobe and as one of those woke millenials it felt like Crowley was the kind of person that would have a blog on Tumblr and give entertaining rants about the unfair state of LGBTQphobias and racism in the world
The Devil You Know
Okay so this is central to understanding pre human blood Crowley's character. You cannot write accurate and informed metas of prehuman Crowley without having knowledge of this episode in your subconscious influencing you
It is basically a character study. It tells you that he is brilliant as he persuaded someone who didn't fear Crowley or the Winchesters torture or death into telling them where Pestilence is. He got Bobby who is clearly intelligent into giving up his soul
He is dramatic and funny. "They ate my tailor!"
He is quick to anger and doesn't have much patience. "Shut up the both of you!"
He is willing for his allies to get hurt to achieve his their goals. "That's what you get working with a demon."
He is flirty. "Lovers in league against Satan."
He shows more emotional range than most demons we've seen. "So come with me. Please." However his ability to feel the full range of emotions from anger to fear even before the human blood is unfortunately a big weakness of his, because he doesn't think of all the ways things can go wrong when he is feeling strong emotions as he acts impulsively, and therefore doesn't think of contigency plans for them. When he's calm he's brilliant
See most people think Crowley is smug and arrogant and he can be those things. But often he isn't and it's just a cover up for his worry
He is badass. He fought and won against an entire hive of demons single handedly before he became the ruler of fallen humanity
It is also his character centric episode
He also shrugs off being shot with a salt bullet
Two Minutes to Midnight
Telling the boys that Bobby used tongue is a well known, hilarious and iconic moment. To be fair to Bobby he might have thought he needed to use tongue for the deal to work
This is the episode where Cas' first line to him wasn't something something abomination but a surprised "how did you get that?" the first active impression that Cas has of Crowley is curiosity on his ability to gain things that should be difficult to get. That meant Cas never underestimated Crowley even in later seasons when the boys stopped being scared of him because Cas' first impression is that Crowley is very able to achieve what should be very difficult or near impossible
Weekend at Bobby's
Crowstiel is my favourite ship but the chemistry rivalry between Crowley and Bobby Singer is undeniable. It was also kind of hot. "You come to daddy." Them both mocking each other's accents was hilarious
The Man Who Would Be King
His support for Cas and the fact that he made Hell unique from the other Hells we've seen. This is also the episode where we see just how much respect that Crowley has for Cas. He genuinely believes that Cas is able to lead an army and win the war. He respects Cas in every way and even when Cas was in his honey era stage he believed in Cas to help beat Dick. How do we know he wasn't just saying that? 1. Why would Crowley team up with someone incapable? 2. We see evidence both before and after that episode of Cas' intelligence and badassery 3. Iirc and maybe I'm wrong Crowley has never called Cas a moron. Something he has no qualms using on even people he thinks of as friends post human blood like Dean for example
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
This is Crowley at his most fearsome and respected. Dean fears him "oh, crap". His demons fear him "oh, crap" and his unexpected speech about wall street and integrity from a demon was ironically funny
There Will Be Blood
This is the episode where Crowley is one of the most crucial characters of the season. They need HIS blood [ along with Cas and the alpha vamps ] to save the world
Crowley and Cas deserve to be important
Survival of the Fittest
He wins that episode. He gets Kevin. Cas and Dean get trapped in Purgatory and if Dean was a random side character rather than necessary to the plot there wouldn't have been a way out for him
He also doesn't get bitchy when Cas said not in so many words "no thank you" to helping with Dick Roman
The Great Escapist
Crowley sees Cas and his eyes light up. That is good acting to make even your irisises gleam. The look was very affectionate. It wasn't a smug yes I have Cas now! Angel tablet let's go! It was a soft adoring look
It was also nice for Crowley to have a win. It also shows just how good his logical thinking is and how he can draw the right conclusions from the information available to him. Plus his devil bullet idea was a creative solution to not having to get within an angel's smiting range
Clip Show
He called the Winchesters out for their collateral damage and they needed to be called out tbh. That was so satisfying. This episode is also a reminder to us that he isn't just funny dramatic Crowley as he is also "the ruler of fallen humanity" and Crowley shows that dark side of himself
Devil May Care
He had been tortured with a sledgehammer and he behaved like his nails had been painted. Badass. What a king 💅
Road Trip
There is evidence suggesting Crowley wasn't trying his best to hack Gadreel in order to force Dean into a deal where he gets to possess Sam and therefore go free
The evidence is that he doesn't do as much twisting with Gadreel as he does with Alfie. The evidence is that the pins Crowley is using to hack Gadreel vs Alphie are on opposite temples
Absolutely magnificent bastard
King of the Damned
Watching Crowley be soft hearted for Gavin was so rewarding from Weekend at Bobby's
The Foundry
The episode you point people to when they ask why do you ship Crowstiel as a friendship or a romanceship?
They play off each other well humour wise. And rather than rolling his eyes or looking disappointed in Cas for the Beyonce name like Dean would Crowley decides to join in on the joke
Crowley finds Cas fun whereas Dean can find Cas annoying
"I agree with agent Zappa." This is where Cas engages with Crowley like they really are partners and was the beginning potential of a friendship
I also believe Cas would prefer being Crowley's FBI partner and I know what you're thinking "but Cas loves Dean" and look I love my partner and I would choose him over my online gaming friends but some of my online gaming friends are more enjoyable to game with than my partner is. It doesn't mean I love them more but in this particular circumstance i.e gaming I would rather game with them than my partner f
For example my partner doesn't really do activities with me in the game he just goes off and does his own thing
Dean rolls his eyes and insults Cas where as Crowley joins in like it's perfectly normal to refer to yourself as Agent Beyonce. He never goes out of his way to make Cas feel embarassed and I just feel like if it wasn't for Dean Cas would really enjoy being FBI partners with Crowley after Lucifer gets defeated as well
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
ok yeah re: your tags this is what i figured and i wonder if people keep phrasing it like that On Purpose to pretend midnights isn't a flop or just cause swifties think very strictly in terms of Album Eras (ha). but at the same time i kind of wasn't sure cause i still can't seem to grasp exactly How hard tickets were to get and How expensive they are cause like my brain kind of finds it hard to believe that THAT many people payed THAT much when they weren't fans ? but a good concert is a good concert haha i guess i just don't have the Concert Goer mindset
lmaoooooo i can't imagine midnights has that many diehard fans that they would bother with that kind of retconning. i'd venture to say that that person just didn't really understand how we got here. i just made a little sub-post with this article that details a lot of it really well if you want to be certain that i'm not just talking out my ass lol.
i know it sounds crazy when you look at before and afters like that, but I think you're forgetting that in the lead up to the tour, she had been feeding the content beast for YEARS while subsequently withholding a tour. for good reasons i mean we had a pandemic, but she kept the content faucet going. not just any old content though, content that did several crucial things.
1. folklore/evermore DRASTICALLY broadened her fanbase. everyone on here i'm sure can tell you how they had friends or family who had never cared much for taylor before, but folklore/evermore was a HUGE success, ESPECIALLY among the 30+ crowd at the time. it was incredibly mature, both in it's subject matter but also in it's soundscape and genre, and so she collected that new group of new fans whom she had never been able to reach before. (there are also many twitter threads of these new fans exploring her back catalog for the first time and so i mean there's a spike right there to her old work)
2. the re-releases of both fearless and red reignited the fervor for those albums in fans that might not have been into her more recent stuff. maybe they aged out or they just didn't care for the newer pop-oriented fare, who knows. either way, it turned her into something extremely powerful which is a NOSTALGIA artist, at least in the eyes of these fans turned casual listeners. nostalgia is a powerful drug, so she collected these reanimated fans as well, and then created an ENTIRE tour around that nostalgia.
3. in general, i'm sure you've seen articles and news stories about how concerts are difficult to get tickets to in general post-pandemic, which is not exclusive to her. she has several outside factors but that general fact is true across all the tours we've seen post 2021. people were cooped up in their houses, separated from all the communal aspects of life, even if they didn't like those aspects. going to big public events have become commodities in and of themselves because of the hunger we had for it that we had to bottle for so long, fizzing and building until finally it pops when we enter a stadium again. it's seeing your favorite artist in person, sure, that's part of it, but what's become MORE important post-pandemic is the pilgrimage aspect of assembling with your fellow acolytes and experiencing the euphoria of that communal release. you can take the friendship bracelet phenomenon which is a complete fan invention, born out of this hunger for human connection and interaction among like minded people in a shared space. swifties couldn't WAIT to see other swifties and feel that human community in person for the first time in years. so we can add this factor as well, how by penning us all until we grew ravenous with hunger for human interaction, the pandemic made concert going one of the most gourmet michelin star meals currently available to the human population.
Add this all together, and throw in a new album yes which is in comparison to the other factors a mere bundle of twigs on the now soaring flame. but it counts! it all counts. it's this collective intersection of priming an audience both unintentionally/unwillingly and also verrrry intentionally that caused her ticket demands to be as gargantuan as they were, and still are. it was a genius marketing move, making this tour appealing to every single person who ever liked taylor ever, in combination with her on the upswing in public favor (which we know will have a down swing but we're on the up right now). and it's also subsequently CRAZY to point to midnights as the all encompassing reason for this ladkjakldfjlksdfj. i know the mold is usually to chapterize her life in albums, that's true, but this breaks the mould. even calling this the midnights era is ludicrous. It's the Eras Tour Era if anything, and we will be in it for another YEAR at least. insane to think about.
and as far as having a concert goers mindset, i don't know if i have that either, it takes a lot for me to go to a concert. but on top of ALL of this lead up, she delivers one hell of a show. worth going again if you can, imo.
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fairytale-poll · 9 months
i am here to show a few reasons why cinders ouatis does, in fact, qualify as a cinerella.
(btw htis is not to pcik a fight or to be rude to that anon, i would sjut like to show that there are several thigns the propaganda did not speak of that qualified her for the position, if she's meant to follow all the cinerellea tropes.)
first, her story, then how it falls into line with what makes a cinderella.
so, her mom died. that's. that's kidna a big stapple in msot cinderallas. her dad (the king btw, i promise it's kinda important) remarried to her "wicked stepmother" and then had new stepsisters as well (wicked in quotes. they're- ok. there's a lot)
in the era of a war against king Cole, cole ended up taking over her kingdom/planet, with the help of her stepsisters and step mother, and they kinda turned her in ("wicked" part). she was then thrown into jail.
(also her love interest was, at least in popular theories since it wasn't explicetly stated, one of the commanding officers in the raid.)
rose, her love interest ("Prince Charming" but yk princess bc lesbians yippee!), got to know her a bit while she was still in prison, and there was like a lot of unresolved everything.
then a "godmother in white" (snow, rose's sister, or at least that's how i interpreted it, however it could very well be general white or whatever her title was that snow ended up adopting) broke her out the day that rose was resasigned and leaving planet. the godmother told her that if she and rose were married by midnight, then they woul be able to be together bc idk laws ig? (i mean, i've nevre heard of laws that allow that but yk ok why not)
then at the wedding cole ended up kidnapping rose and cinders fled (she also feels really guilty about this, but if you read the fiction for it, im pretty sure it said that rose had told her to run) and was one fo the few survivers of the everything that happened there.
then she spends the rest of her years hunting down rose wiht this like... mood ring? at least it kinda works like one i think.
then when she finally finds rose agin.... um.
well, i'll let you listen to the album.
(it's sad.)
again, the remarriage of her father.
then the way her stepmother and sisters treated her. now, again. never explicitly stated how they treated her before cole came and stuff, but after that, she was in the position of being in rags when she deserved so mcuh more than that, but her stepfamily took it from her (in a few other ersion it's the stepmother making her the family servant/slave, in other version it's... something else idk i don''t read a lot of cinderella stuff tbh i preffer other fairy tales).
then we have the godmother saving her. that part speaks for itself. i think.
then for the ball (or in this case, a wedding to her "true love"), it IS explicitly stated that the rings, that turn red when its other is with it, are made of glass. in the fiction, it said that as cinders was putting the ring on rose's finger, the bmombs went off, and she dropped it. rose caught it, stuffed it in her wedding dress pocket (fuck yeah, i would love to have that on my wedding dress), told cinders to run. leaving the glass slipper (ring, ig, but yk it slipped so) behind, right around midnight.
also, her name isn't even cinders officially! i don't know what it was before, but durring the whole revolution and such and her looking for rose, she edned up taking a new name/persona, much like snow, and was dubbed cinders, "after the her ashen world" (or whatevr it was, idk, i haven't listened to the album in a bit). again, this plays into the whole thing with the name that many other version and adaptations liek to play off of.
tbh this is all i can think of rn bc im kinda tired, so feel free to expand on this. wanted to give as mcuh details as i could abotu her story and how it is fairly similar to every other cinderella story.
however to me, a lot of these cinderellas also jsut. aren't too close to a certain story of cinderella. there's a lot of creative liberaty taken in every version. now, the album in it of itself, (once upon a time (in space)) takes a bucnh of stories, this and many other fary tales, and twists them and makes it their own. it's an adaptation. and when it comes to things like folk lore, ledgends, myths, and fairy tales (especially those), there's always gonna be some inconsistancies than with other version derived of the same media. hell, even jsut the stories themselves almsot never stay consistent.
a cinderella is a cinderella if they are said to be based off of the story of cinderella. (im looking at you carrie, and how no one said she was any less of a cinderella than any other competitor)
If this propaganda has convinced you, click here to vote for Cinders (Once Upon a Time in Space)!
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Drop everything now - Do I think that Taylor would drop all remaining rerecordings at once. This theory is rather popular on Tiktok at the moment. At least I see it there the most.
First of all I don't even want her to do this. I would rather much prefer if one album got its own time to shine.
Now do I think she would do this? No I don't. Especially not during the Eras tour.
Promotion: If you are gonna release four albums how do you promote it. Do you have favourites? Are trying to promote everything all at once? It would be really heard for her to do all that without it being a huge mess. And she did a music video and a short film for Red TV. Is she planing on something similair for other rerecordings? How would that work: Here have a vault song music video from reputation and a Speak Now shortfilm? Would only one album get that? You cannot tell me that isn't messy during a promotion phase.
Production of physical items: Even if we assume that all four albums are already rerecorded it would be such a workload. Look at vinyls: On october 26th 2022 Billboard reported that midnights sold 515 thousand vinyls (US). This could go many different ways. One way it could go that they would need to produce more vinyls. Midnights were five different editions of one album so one might assume that the numbers for four different albums would be higher because more people would be willing to buy different albums than new editions of (nearly) the same one. Or it could stay that way or even be lower. Just like not everyone bought all five editions of midnights because they couldn't afford it not everyone would be able to buy vinyls for four albums at once so one might choose one or even two albums for that time and buy the others later. This could severly harm the succes of the less popular albums. That is only for regular vinyls now think about limited editions, CDs and merch (I doubt she wouldn't do merch). Especially if you think that this is gonna happen while she's still on tour. There would be either too much or not enough. Look at the tour merch. Many people noticed how it washed out which apparently was caused by the print not curing long enough. They cannot even manage to make one proper line of merchandise now try four more. Yea I don't think so.
Streaming: Just how people might choose one or two albums to buy at once people are gonna have favourites when streaming them. Instead of all Swifties focusing on one album we've got them scattered over four. This would again harm the succes of less popular albums. And I saw some people on Tiktok say "I have two ears I can listen to two at once". I feel like most of us wouldn't be able to properly listen to two albums at once and rather listen to one album at the time and enjoy it.
Taylor Swift is way smarter than risking this whole mess that this would cause. Did I miss anything?
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Helloooo 👻
It's so good to know that!!! OMG that's so exciting!!! I love making bracelets. I've been reusing some beads from old necklaces that I don't use anymore and some others that I got recently and it's so fun! I'm also going to maybe try making a mix of crochet and bead bracelets for my eras show next year. Sadly, my town won't get the eras movie, but I don't think I want to see it before the actual concert. But, I'm so excited for you all going and sharing these moments again!!!! 🤍🤍🤍
It's definitely the key to a successful future!!! Open communication and willingness to have empathy and walk a mile in someone else's shoes. I think we'll achieve great things when we care about eachother truly more.
Yes, it was a cool experience! I just felt like I could trust her and this time I wasn't wrong. 😂 I might sell some stuff I don't really use anymore. And give some others to my friends that I think fit the aesthetic perfectly. Definitely!!! I'm not exactly from a rural area, but it pretty much as gigantic in the middle of nowhere vibes. Hehehe
I kinda did back then!!!! It was a great time!!! And then speak now was out and that made everything even worse. I was so in love with it!!! I was drawing a 13 on my hand everyday in my senior year in highschool, during my study time for the final exams. Like a good luck charm. 🥰🤍 you're so right about that!!!! Her music is definitely different from eachother, but there's like this thread throughout that just makes it so Taylor! I'm glad you're also having the best time with the rerecordings, because I definitely am!!! I think it's something so incredible! Awww that's so sweet!!! How is it having brothers? I only have two younger sisters.
Hahaha what's your dog's name? I also had a dog and a cat before and it was amazing! They got along so well. 🤍🤍🤍
I haven't watched any of those do I'll add them to my list! Thank you 🤍
Oh, that's understandable! I used to listen to them too! We have a lot of similar favs!!!! ☺️🥰 what's your favourite non Taylor song atm?
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I hope that you've had a lovely week so far <3
oh 100%, I am a bracelet making fiend! I do pretty basic ones to be fair, but I also work full-time so it's not as easy for me to do more intricate ones; although I LOVE seeing how creative people are with their bracelets (shoutout to my favs @hollyfhumberstone and @dancingwiththecoven bc they make GORGEOUS bracelets and I am forever in awe of coco's and jens talent!!!). OMG PLEASE MAKE CROCHET AND BEAD BRACELETS THAT'S SO CUTE!! I'm sorry that the movie isn't coming to your town, that's no fun, but I'm glad you get to go to the actual show next year (that's so exciting!)! I'm super excited especially because I'm taking the day off tomorrow to go spend it with my friends before the showing we're going to and we're all huge swifties so it's always a party with us!
EXACTLY! You hit the nail on the head!!! <333
Omg yessssssss, I love getting to support small businesses and especially small swiftie businesses, it's always my fav thing to do! Oh I feel that! I live in a big-ish city, but it's in the middle of nowhere and it takes almost 2 hours to get to the closest big city with things like target or even most chain restaurants like Panda Express or sit down ones like Olive Garden.
The OG Speak Now era was something else! I remember when it came out and being absolutely obsessed with haunted bc I was in a twilight phase and I firmly believed that haunted should've been on the soundtrack somewhere! Long Live is my fav from Speak Now (og and tv) but a lot of that has to do with the memories I have associated with it! Okay but I love that you drew the 13 on your hand for good luck, that's so precious!!
It's 100% Taylor's songwriting that makes it so clearly Taylor. Really and truly, it's amazing to see how she's consistent with her writing from debut to midnights considering how much she's grown as a songwriter and musician over the years. I firmly believe that her music holds up throughout the years and will continue to do so, especially with the re-recordings! Oh I am, I love getting to relive those eras again, especially because they were so important to me during the OG eras. I'm very lucky to have my brothers! We're all very close and I wouldn't trade them for the world (I'm the middle child lol)!!
Her name is Kayla! She's an 11 year old Labrador Retriver mix that I adopted last year and I love her so so much! Winnie is my baby but Kayla is my sweet old lady. They get along for the most part except Kayla is a garbage disposal and will eat anything, including Winnie's food (which makes Winnie angry because she's particular about her food lol).
I recommend them a lot! I'm always looking for new things to watch or listen to, I love broadening my tastes!
I love that!!! I think my favorite non-Taylor song atm is He Gets Me So High by beabadoobee or get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo. They're both songs I have constantly going in my head.
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cowboyslikeme · 1 year
Top 3 songs from each of Taylor's albums, and thoughts on them?
ohhh anon great question to put me out of my boredom thank u so much! i'll try writing some of my thoughts without being tiring.
ask me anything pals!
debut: cold as you, tim mcgraw and shouldve said no. i think all 3 of them are incredible songs. cold as you for me in top 5 in her discography overall because its so relatable, painfully cynical it's healing. a masterpiece.
fearless: fearless, you're not sorry and forever and always as of now, i think my fearless top 3 variates but there isn't a best song to sing in the car to than fearless. fearless is a state of mind tbh, an iconic song.
speak now: sparks fly, last kiss, haunted. idk man, those songs aren't songs they are feelings. especially sparks fly, i love this song with my whole heart definitely top 5 in taylor's discography as well.
red: treacherous, ikywt, all too well/red. it's hard to narrow down my favorite songs off of my favorite album, a top 5 would be easier. but one thing i know is that treacherous is the most beautiful, breathtaking song i've ever listened to. the after chorus production deserves a grammy itself. also ikywt is a 10/10 pop song which introduced me to taylor and it doesnt get the respect it deserves! red is just more of an emotion rather than a song as well, it gave its name to the record, it resperents a blessed era, i love it with all my heart
1989: wonderland, i know places, style. the whole album is just a masterpiece but wonderland is just beyond that. song that sweeps me off my feet in every sense, it's amazing. painfully underrated, i was shocked she remembered it at the eras tour tbh.
rep: dont blame me, i did something bad, delicate. dont blame me song of all time. she had probably met jesus before writing it bc i dont know where she found this inspiration to create such a masterpiece.
lover: false god, cruel summer, afterglow. false god is just that good!!!! the saxophone is the end of me, everything about this song is just so good! up there with the best on her discography for sure.
folklore: exile, seven, illicit affairs. its hard for me to rank folklore too but exile is insanely good. the lyrics??? hello??? you were my town now im on exile seeing you out? 10/10 im a bitch for that song
evermore: tis the damn season, cowboy like me, right where you left me. life changing songs. just that. i cant say anything else, they all altered my brain chemistry. evermore is her best storytelling work and those songs are not just songs they are books, movies, music videos, poems all at the same time.
midnights: maroon, the great war, high infidelity. midnights is a great album ok. maroon is the album's queen and then there are some songs that exist to remind you how good of an album midnights is.
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tenelkadjowrites · 2 years
(my signal is acting up, so i'm not sure if you recieved my message, if you got it twice ignore one of them 😅)
thanks for your long answer!
first of all, i got into atz thanks to hongjoong, then had a brief san moment, but hwa was the one who truly captured my heart eventually and he won't let me go lolol, so i relate! i saw atz on their first tour and didn't pay much attention to seonghwa (even tho he was killing it so wtf what was on 🤡), but then wonderland happened and i was gooooooone. he's a fascinating specimen and very very inspiring too
second of all, despite everything i really liked we ransacked the city and re-read it a few times, so you clearly did something right! i do understand you may feel unsatisfied it didn't turn out the way you wanted. for me it's a good one tho!
relatable on the attraction part, i'm ace and probably aro as well, i generally find people visually pleasing, but it's mostly non-men 😅 there are many attractive male idols, but no one hits as hard as hwa, he's really my ideal gender presentation too 😭 a real chameleon and it's insanely appealing to me
i hope people aren't too rude to you or send stupid shit, cause i know it happened to one person who was strictly writing for one svt member. people complained because they wanted her to write about their biases as well, called her a solo stan and whatnot - just overall bullshit.
i agree, i also enjoy your seonghwas a lot! there's something special about the way you write him
hi hi! it isn't your signal, i got the message - i was just traveling all day yesterday and didn't get home until close to midnight so i didn't have any time to sit down and answer anything especially in the manner i prefer to!
atz is the only group where i switched my bias...and i've switched three times. i got into the group the week of debut cuz i saw a gifset of wooyoung, then hongjoong became my bias from say my name era and onward (idk if newer atiny are aware of how much hate and negativity hj originally got for his mullet but it was nonstop almost the entire time he had it on instagram comments etc. i loved how he stuck with the hairstyle for so long because he loved having it and that really leapt out at me and made me appreciate him more.) and then i switched to hwa during fireworks...but hwa has really hit me HARD on a way the only other idol i feel so unhinged over is probably taemin. (most likely because he plays with gender like a toy and i love that so much, both hwa and taemin are probably the most "ideal type" of idol to me. as you said, so many idols are gorgeous and i can appreciate how stunning they are but hwa and taemin are...just beyond for me.)
it's so cool that you got to see them at their first tour. i was unable to because 1. money to travel since they didn't visit my state and 2. personal reasons involving my dipshit now ex boyfriend. i'm always envious of anyone who got to see them so early lol.
i'm glad that you enjoyed we ransacked the city, another person said it was their favourite story of mine. i know a lot of ppl who love it. as the writer, of course you notice things about your own work that no one else will, and i just didn't think i nailed the gossip girl vibe i was trying to obtain there. i also wanted the city to feel like its own character which i believe i failed at. (and i attempted this again with arrow in the dark which i think i achieved more successfully this time around.) but i can look at any of my stories and note things i believe i "failed" at.
i do feel a mild pressure at times to write for other members of ateez but i like to believe that anyone who has messaged me, or read my asks, or even ppl i've befriended thru running this blog knows what ateez means to me. when it comes to groups, they are my ults. i am into a lot of kpop groups but they are my main loves.
i've never gotten any outright hate messages about it. i love every single member of ateez and believe every single one of the members are crucial to the dynamic of the group that makes it so successful. when mingi was on hiatus it was like smiling with a missing front tooth - you could feel the absence without him there. i love each member for different reasons, i just write about hwa 99 percent of the time because he's like...my writing muse and i'm as smitten with him as one can be when it comes to an idol. but nothing gives me greater joy than the group as a whole and i like to believe? hope? that anyone who follows this blog and reads my stuff knows that.
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bisluthq · 3 months
Hey what is your thoughts on Red TV and why Taylor seemed to give it such extraordinary treatment as compared to her other work. Like we all know Taylor loves loves LOVES her critical and commercial successes, and Fearless and 1989 were far better recieved than Red when it comes to those areas.
Yet 1989 got paid dust and Fearless was her first re-recording so she hyped it up minimally in comparison. But she seems to be super obsessed with Red as an album in general, it got the mv, the interviews, the whole era was revisited which got our hopes up for the rest of the TVs...etc etc.
Like she REALLY wanted Red/ATW to get that Grammy, you could see it in her eyes. Maybe she herself thinks that's her magnum opus, maybe it has sumn to do with Jake being her first major heartbreak, maybe she's just really proud of All Too Well.
Red TV also seemed to be a major turning point in her own life in the present, maybe the album was a catalyst to her realising that her current life isn't going the way she wanted. Maybe she uses that experience as a guidebook for how to work her way through adult life. We all know she loves revisiting the past and using it to predict the future.
I also believe she came up with the idea for Midnights as an album during Red TV era, as she wanted to return to those 13 sleepless nights of her life. I think certain events in her life are very interesting for she seems to hold them very dear to herself.
One such instance is the April 29th infidelity situation...she seems to keep revisiting that night again and again in her songs. In retrospect I think maybe she was starting to have sticky feelings about Matty for a while and wanted to explore the last time she was in the same spot.
But Red TV is strange, mostly remembering that she wrote YOU'RE LOSING ME the same week that the re record released? Idk if it has something to do with that, but the whole timeline of late 2021 always intrigues me for some reason. Surely there's some gossip over there that we'll never get
she didn’t write YLM that same week? She wrote it when she was back in NYC after the Panama trip and I think Joe canceling his plans to be there with her for the release week (and his mum’s visit) and for her birthday party (which she’d obviously been planning a while like she’d missed 30 and 31 and was clearly excited about having a party) was kinda what prompted her to feel like he’s losing her. I also don’t know how well that trip went in general tbh but I think it was doomed to fail because she didn’t want to be going to Panama after a year of following him around like it was meant to be Her Time™️ and he chose himself over that/their relationship. I don’t think it makes him an evil guy but eh I do think it hurt.
as for red tv yea I think she considers it her magnum opus in a lot of ways and also imo she feels it didn’t get the critical success it deserved so I think she wanted to see if she could do it better on the second go. It’s a fucking great album too - I love it much more than 1989, which I actively dislike, and Fearless, which is just not really my jam. So I liked how much she had for it. I think the well for 1989 and Fearless kinda ran dry like she liked how she’d done those the first time around and with Red I think she wished she’d done it better so then she… did.
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magicinmyhand · 7 months
Hey regarding your poll which I voted on I wanted to say somethings if that's alright. The only reason I'm sending an ask vs saying this in my tags is bc I have ALOT of mutuals that don't feel the same.
Anyway, yeah I totally feel myself pulling away. I feel like lately she's been consistently cash grabbing and there's really no need. Release a normal version and a deluxe and be done. The whole eras tour movie being rented was kinda in distaste when she has to know that we wanted to own it. Girl you are a billionaire???
I get that she was excited at the Grammys but idk being in the music industry as long as she has been it was in very bad taste to announce TTPD. It took away from the night. She won at the VMAs and didn't get overly excited to announce til Midnight (which I get cause the promo and title but still). It's in poor taste to announce an album at a prestigious award show like the Grammys.
And I get this isn't fully her but I'm so tired of seeing her relationship all over the place. I don't care about her relationship, tbh I have thoughts on Travis and they're not good lol. Even if it was someone else I wouldn't care. If she's happy cool happy for her but I don't need every social platform oversaturated with Taylor and Travis and what's going on between them.
My last thing is this: We all had bad relationships, we all have relationships that we wanted to work so bad and then it doesn't. We heal and grieve. None of us will ever know the full story of what happened between her and Joe but they way she's acting it seems very much "HEY DO YOU SEE? DO YOU SEE ME JOE? IM GREAT!" He doesn't care.
This is all a winded way of saying that I am drifting away from her. I am excited for ttpd though
I agree with with you on pretty much everything. Except for the last part. I highly doubt she cares about what Joe thinks lol.
She is now a capitalist queen. The tour movie ticket prices, renting it, different versions of the tour movie, having each album version have a different song instead of having a deluxe option with all extra songs
Very poor taste to announce TTPD at the Grammys. Like why did she have to flaunt this in front of her peers? They all looked so confused and it felt awkward with the forced clapping. She wasn't at an event where her fans could clap and actually care.
I do not care for the Taylor and Travis relationship. I find that man to be so unattractive and he has an ugly, volatile personality. It is annoying that social media plastered them everywhere, but that is not entirely her fault. The media know she sells and that people will click on articles with her name on it.
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