#and if they aren't there then the fic doesn't really fit the theme of this blog
fleetsonourgecentral · 3 months
Speaking of birthday... How did Fleetway Super Sonic's birthday go? You only write Sonic and scourge birthdays
It's 'cause I'm more used to writing their characters and because this blog is more focused on them due to being ship centric lmao. Also because I headcanon neither Sonic nor Scourge are crazy about the idea of being around Super for his birthday, so it's difficult to write him even in the periphery of their povs
Super's birthday was probably very nice!!! I imagine Ebony would want to spoil him a little, as he's never had his own birthday before. Any cheesy birthday decorations the freedom fighters end up in possession of get dumped on the doorstep of the Groovy Train, so those get hung up instantly. They make the cake from scratch, and they invite all of Super's friends around for the party, and regulars at the cafe wish him a happy birthday if they're there on the day, or wish him happy birthday in advance if they aren't going to be there! Super might groan and fuss and get embarrassed under all the attention - he came from Sonic, and he's still a teenager, so he's still got pride - but he does really appreciate it. I like to think they take a family photo, which promptly gets hung on the wall a few days later and makes Super smile every time he sees it
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝐎𝐟𝐟-𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 | Hitskip
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"Finding someone who can take care of what you love most when you're no longer able to is a final act of love- and not giving up."
Tags/Warnings: Police Officer!Jungkook, Dog Hybrid!Reader, Partners to lovers?, Alternate law-system/made up laws, crime, futuristic, sci-fi, body-modifications, Fluff, romance, Adult themes (sex, alcohol, mentions of drugs but no consumption), Comedy?, Angst, injury
Length: gonna be added later
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Despite basically living together, you and Jungkook aren't really all that close.
You've never went on vacation together or even on a day-trip, mainly due to insurance reasons considering you're owned by the police department, and not Jungkook himself. There's been too many accidents and problems in the past, forcing those rules onto handlers nowadays, and some might argue that it's for the better. The more professional you stay with your partner, the more professional you stay during work as well-
But Jungkook has worries.
Mostly because, while you'll probably be able to stay in service for another ten years maybe, he himself has to resign much sooner rather than later. He's got maybe a year left until his contract ends- and he's been told that to resign it, he will have to go through a rigorous process of evaluation again.
A process he most likely won't pass, due to his past injuries and resulting body mods to keep him mobile.
He's already looking for a potential new handler once he leaves- Taehyung being one of those he's got his eye on, though the new officer might not be the best fit for you, considering how he constantly seems caught off guard by your honestly very normal behavior as a police hybrid. You're not a pet down the line. You're not meant to be cuddly and cute and well behaved- you're meant to take down criminals, fight, and protect, most of all.
Seokjin is out of the question too, since he's got Yoongi- and he's still very much fit for work, despite his previously injured shoulder. He didn't need anything other than a regular operation- now he's back in service, more capable than ever.
Jimin doesn't want to do the handler training- he admits himself that he'd get too attached, and that would just harm his performance and put others in danger.
So who the hell is Jungkook supposed to choose? He doesn't want to just.. leave, and let you be alone until the department decides that you're unfit for anyone else, just for you to end up in a shelter where no one's gonna pick you up because who wants an aggressive former policedog hybrid?
"Jungkook?" You wonder, ripping him out of his thoughts as he looks at you, noticing your upper lip bleeding.
"What happened?" He instantly worries, hands carefully holding your face, thump inspecting your little cut that's bleeding. "Hm?" He asks after letting go to let you talk.
"I don' no'-" You fumble a little, trying not to move your lip too much. "I a'e an' use' a new s'oon" You stumble, and he gets up to grab a tissue for you to hold against it, before he walks towards the kitchen table to inspect the spoon you were talking about, running his finger over the edges-
finding a manufacturing error, tiny metal part not rounded properly, sticking out very sharply- so much so that it almost cuts him too.
"We'll wait a little, if it doesn't stop we'll see someone for it, okay?" He asks, moving the tissue a bit to inspect it- noticing that it's not that deep at all. The most challenging part will most likely rather be for you not to lick it constantly- that's gonna be a pain for him to control.
Well, maybe it was for the best that he didn't get the vacation with you.
He'll have to inspect all the cutlery now anyways, before he can let you eat again.
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Sometimes, Jungkook likes to dream.
What would a life be like if he just.. lived normally together with you? If he was just a regular part of this community, and not an officer feared for all the things people in the same uniform have done in the past?
Maybe you wouldn't be so scarred up from knifes and bullets having pierced your skin. Maybe he wouldn't have to wear his own bodymods- maybe you'd both just be normal, and unaware of the horrors human kind can make reality sometimes. But that's not your shared reality- yours is right now, as Jungkook keeps a hold on back straps of your bulletproof vest and harness you wear to hold you back, waiting for the signal to let you inside the house to search for drugs or other illegal substances. They're currently escorting multiple men out the pretty run-down place to make it safer- when he gets the command over his in-ear piece to let you in. "Alright, let's go." He tells you, letting you go so you can immediately run into the house, checking the living room first.
Your hands move the pillows on the couch, eyes frantically moving in concentration, ears moving and tail wagging. He knows it's actually not from excitement, but to 'move' scent around that might've settled somewhere so you can notice it better. Once you catch something, for example, your tail stills as to not disturb the trail, and not interrupt any traces by moving them around.
You're currently on your hands and knees looking beneath the coffee table, before you move again to walk into the next room- the connecting kitchen on the other side of the main entrance hall. It's cluttered, and Jungkook has to watch out as to not slip on any of the trash, gun still drawn in his hand as a safety precaution, just in case. You're tripping a little here and there, looking and sniffing around, tail going left to right at a rapid pace.
You leave the kitchen, make your way upstairs to the bedrooms, entering one of them on the left side. Jungkook follows, notices how your tail suddenly stops, a clear sign that you've picked up something specific. You're supposed to be searching for drugs right now- and so Jungkook watches now with his gun lowered as you look around more specifically, walking one step, evaluating, walking another step, repeat. You're reacting to something, and he wonders what it might be.
Unbeknownst to him, you found something entirely other than drugs.
You're suddenly sitting down in front of a closet, looking over your shoulder towards him, who walks closer to you now, running a hand over your head. "Good job. What's in here?" He asks, pointing before opening, and you reach out to prevent him from doing so.
"RDX." You tell him, and his eyes widen as he helps you up and instantly away from the closet.
"We found something." Jungkook tells into his ear piece, earning the response to clarify what exactly was found. "Highly possibly explosives. Hybrid indication in the upstairs guest bedroom, inside a blue wooden closet." He explains, receiving the response that a bomb squat has been notified to take care of the potential issue, and to get out of the house immediately. Jungkook does just that, taking your hand to rush out, coworkers outside already having evacuated the immediate area.
"Jungkook?" You wonder, and he instantly turns to check up on you, remembering that he did not give you appropriate positive reinforcement either due to the sudden tension of the situation. It's then that you hold out your hand, drop of blood running down from it. "…can I have a plaster maybe?" You ask meekly, and he instantly holds your hand to take a look at the injury.
"How'd that happen pup-.." He somewhat swallows the petname down, hissing a bit at the nasty wound. "Can you move your fingers?" He asks, and you nod, curling them each to show it to him.
"I didn't cut myself- I think my hand got caught on something maybe when I searched the kitchen.." You mumble, ears lowered and tail between your legs.
"Does it hurt?" He asks, well aware that it has to- skin already red and bruised around the cut skin. You shake your head, but once look at him makes your eyes tear up and bottom lip tremble.
Well, down the line, you're also just a living being with thoughts and feelings, and this is also a side that he's come to know about you. The more.. private one, the one that's usually only presented when you're not on duty.
"Alright come on, then, let's wrap something around that for now, okay?" He soothes, smiling softly as he leads you back to the car.
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Considering how fearless you are in the eye of danger, running after any criminal no matter what without any hesitation, Jungkook can't help but laugh a little as you sniffle into his chest, hiding in his sweater now while your wound is getting stitched in the emergency room. You're quietly whimpering while he runs a hand over your back, nurse smiling amused at the whole scene. "Almost done." He soothes, watching how the nurse finishes up the last few stitches before she cleans it again, and wraps it up.
"Alright, there we go!" The nurse says. "Looks like she's gonna get some time off." She smiles, unable to hide her motherly instincts as you look at her with tearful eyes now, pulling your hand towards you now as if to hide it. "It should be fine in a few days, but since it's in a spot that has a lot of movement, I'd say at least for the rest of the week she shouldn't move it too much." She tells Jungkook, who nods.
Back home, and with the knowledge that you'll truly have time off for an entire week, the actual challenges begin. You're not supposed to move your hand, and you know that- but that doesn't mean you won't try and still use it anyways. You're currently climbing on the kitchen counter, attempting to raid the upper cabinet where Jungkook keeps your favorite snacks- but he's quick in his reflexes, tugging you back and putting you down onto the floor again with your feet.
He can't even really be mad at you.
You're not used to being 'home' like this. You don't know the rules, or general manners- that's something you've not been taught, because as a police hybrid, it's not necessary. One of the main reasons why most hybrids in jobs like yours never get to live in a normal home after they get too old or injured to continue their service.
Most stay at special housings, group homes. Jungkook already dreads the day you'll surely have to live in one as well.
"You're not mute. You can ask if you want something." He chuckles, before he's caught off guard when you hug him. Wordlessly so.
You don't talk much, and if you do, mostly only with him. It's always been like that- unfamiliar people make you anxious and quiet you down.
But right now, you're quiet with him too. He can sense there's something you want to ask- but you don't. You just nod, and apologize quietly, before you leave the kitchen to go into your room- leaving the door ajar however. He slowly walks towards it, knocks on it to ask for entrance- and your ears turn towards him at that. "Can I come in?" He wonders, and you nod.
Jungkook isn't in your room very often. He wants to give you as much privacy as he can, treats you like a person and not just a pet or animal. He also wants to keep things professional and has to keep you at a distance at all times, too. It's a tough challenge.
"You seem to have something on your mind." He says, sitting down next to you on the bed, and you just shrug, pulling up your legs to hug them. "Wanna talk about it?" Jungkook asks, and you shake your head.
He respects that. Sometimes, there's just things you want to keep to yourself- just like himself.
"Jungkook?" You ask suddenly, quietly, and he instantly turns towards you to make sure you know you've got his attention. "Why.. didn't you tell me you'll leave soon?" You ask, and his heart drops.
"I don't even know that yet." He tries to justify, but it's clear that it doesn't help.
"But you're pretty sure." You scold him. "I overheard you talking to Taehyung.. you wanna get rid of me before you'll quit." You huff, and he shakes his head at that.
"That's not true." He denies. "I'm not getting rid of you. I just don't want you to end up alone." He sighs.
"..am I not alone already?" You mumble almost incoherently- but he hears it. "I wanna sleep now." You tell him before he can ask you what you mean-
And your statement is a clear way to tell him that you wouldn't even answer him if he asked anyway.
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It's just patrol. Nothing big.
And yet, the silence inside the car is suffocating him.
You're normally always pretty quiet- but you do chat around whenever there's nothing much going on, or if you're on simple patrol duty like today. However, ever since that moment a few days ago in your room, you've been distant- trying to detach yourself from him, it feels like.
He's never noticed just how close you've gotten until now that you've pulled yourselves apart from one another.
"Man, he's speeding." Jungkook mumbles from the driver's seat, while you perk up just to look up front to see what he's seeing.
The guy is in fact speeding, even if it's not too much. But what's more obvious is the swaying- he's missing a taillight already, and the car clearly has issues staying properly on the road. And when he runs over a stop-sign, Jungkook sighs, and turns on his lights to signal the driver to pull over- and the car does so, almost slamming into a street sign as it clumsily parks at the side of the road.
"I'll be right back." He says, before he steps out, leaving you in the trunk area that's cut off from the backseats by metal bars to keep you safe from people he potentially needs to transport. "Stay alert." Is the last thing he says, before he walks towards the car for a routine check.
Probably a drunk driver. Maybe drugs involved- you'll most likely be taken out for a search in a few minutes, and then you'll clock out an hour later.
But then you hear commotion- Jungkook shouting, and you instantly go into high alert, looking through the metal bars to see him arguing with a tall man who's clearly agitated about something. And then, everything happens so fast that you can't even process it quick enough.
A shot, clear as day, Jungkook running towards the car, opening the trunk where you're in, before he barks out for you to get him- the man running off into a field that you instantly follow after.
You can't really think much about what might've happened where the cars are still parked. You've got tunnel vision, legs keeping you running as fast as you can as you chase the man through the field, trying hard not to lose sight of him.
Unaware that the man is still armed.
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"Did she get him?" Jungkook asks in the hospital, as Seokjin arrives to pick him up. The shot had grazed his body mods and made him lose balance and feeling in his legs and hands- so it had to be fixed in a minor surgery, leaving him mostly unconscious for the past two days.
"Yeah- he was arrested, is awaiting trial. Was terribly wasted and on meth." He offers dryly, causing Jungkook to become suspicious.
"Did.. she sleep at the station while I was gone?" He asks, but he doesn't get an answer until he pulls his coworkers shoulder to make him face him. "Where is she?" He asks, and Seokjin sighs.
"Just focus on healing right now, kook-" He starts, but Jungkook shakes his head, face angry.
"I'm perfectly fine, now answer me." He demands. "Where is she?"
"She got hurt." Seokjin admits. "She's.. in hospital right now, but she'll be fine."
"What happened?" He urges once again. "Seokjin, what fucking happened?" He asks, but the officer refuses to answer, not until Jungkook speaks up again in the car later, on the way to his house. "How bad?" He lowly questions.
"They're not sure." Jin finally comes clean. "If you want, you can see her once she's allowed to have visitors. I can offer you to review the body cam footage too, just to.. prepare yourself." He sighs.
"I should've never let her out." Jungkook runs a hand over his face. "I should've waited for backup-"
"There's no use in that now." Jin offers. "Things happen. It was a stressful situation, you couldn't have known. Things quite literally happened in the span of minutes." He reassures him. "And she did the same. She thought about getting the job done, and she did." He says.
"..so she did catch him?" Jungkook asks.
"Absolutely. Held him down.. well, despite her situation." Jin nods almost proudly. "Jungkook." He takes a deep breath, sighs as he parks in front of the younger man's house. "She.. might not return into service. "
Jungkook doesn't move, eyes becoming distant. He's not sure how bad it must be- but he can assume it by this sentence alone. If you're not returning to service, that the damage done must've been severe.
"Keep your head up, robo-cop." Seokjin pats Jungkook's back- not too much, since he's still recovering. "She's a tough cookie. She'll make it." He tries to reassure.
And Jungkook nods-
hoping he's gonna be right about that.
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jermer10 · 1 month
If possible could I ask for yandere tf2 mercs (all or your favourites, whichever you choose!) with an enemy reader?
I imagine the mercs aren't too happy about this as most of their time is spent apart.
Keep up the fics!!
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TF2 yandere mercs with an enemy s/o
nsfw, gn reader | i love yandere mercs holy cow
tw: violence, yandere behaviour, sexual themes
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: - insanely delusional - just as he acts with pauling, he convinces himself that you are totally and utterly in love with him, that you're saving yourself for him and that you specifically target him during battles because you feel the exact same love-rage he does when he sees you!! - every shot to the head, every punch, kick, scratch leads him to becoming increasingly infatuated - he treats you as if you're already his partner, and i mean hey, why wouldn't you be? you're showing all of the signs! you're practically slobbering over him the same way he does to you! - goes into a fit of jealous rage when someone else kills you - he prides himself of having a domination streak over you, letting you know who the big guy in charge is - this likely only serves to piss you off, unfortunately you probably don't feel much of the same towards him - even if you do return his feelings, you'll often find yourself feeling far too overwhelmed with his infatuation
Soldier: - a clingy mess - for a man who prides himself on being 'the epitome of what independent, masculine america stands for' (whatever THAT means), it seems he has attached himself to your hip - is not afraid to harm or (in the majority of cases) straight up kill someone who tries to separate him from you and has done this both in front of you and behind your back - doesn't even register the fact that you are the enemy, he decides that it was a mistake and you were always meant to be on his team - your escape attempts barely cross his radar, he always finds you and when he does he always chalks your absence up to some sort of foul play - this usually results in another death of a random loved one because "OF COURSE THEY WERE TO BLAME! THEY STOLE YOU FROM ME!" - has no boundaries or limits, not outright violent or aggressive towards you but will do anything in order to keep you beside him - all in all not a huge threat to your safety despite the fact that he is supposed to be your combatant, he's just incredibly annoying
Pyro: - the epitome of a sadistic yandere - they come off as a sweetheart, out of battle they buy you things, shower you in praise, act as if you aren't even enemies - but pyro enjoys hurting you, and this especially works in their favour when you're on the opposite team - utterly ruthless whether they're physically harming you or taunting you from across the battlefield, you leave the match feeling miserable - they love seeing you cry, half-assedly comforting you, and in turn causing you to grow this needy codependency where they say that they "don't reeeeaaally mean it!" and you somehow continue to believe that bold faced lie - they will eventually kidnap you, and yes they will torture you whether you've been good or not - no one even knows it was them who did it, they're just that convincing in their unassuming facade - don't get me wrong! they do love you in some sick way! they just only know how to express it through violence </3 (and NO you cannot fix them)
Demoman: - another clingy merc, only this time you're best friends - yes, he is aware you're supposed to be enemies on and off the battlefield, but his feelings for you outweigh the not so gentle reminders from his teammates that he needs to shoot you when he encounters you, not flirt - extremely manipulative, he uses his alcoholism as a cover for how intelligent he really is - would charm you with words of affection and chaste touches, he ensures that you are 100% into him before asking you out - then he isolates you from everyone you love, preoccupying all of your time, supporting you in any interest that doesn't require you to communicate with other people - he is CONSTANTLY there, whether you're aware or not. you literally cannot get away from his, quite literal, watchful eye - if you realize what he's doing, you sure as hell haven't made any steps to try and remove him from your life, nor have you set boundaries - after all, where would you even run? who would you even tell?
Heavy: - controlling and protective - he refuses to harm you, nor let anyone on his team harm you, this leads him to completely incapacitating you during battle so you're essentially useless - your teammates hate the extra attention you receive, they hate even more that you can't help whatsoever, eventually they tell you to stay at base, no use for you to come with if you're not doing anything - eventually when you do go missing, they just assume you left - heavy corroborates this story, telling the Administrator that he heard rumours of you packing up during the night and fucking off - little do they know you're tied up, gagged, and blindfolded in an unused, heavily locked and guarded maintenance room - he will not let you leave, he's more likely to pack up and take you back to russia than to ever let you see the new mexico landscape again - you are going to rot in a maintenance closet, or die trying to escape
Engineer: - very chill and normal surprisingly? - or so you think. he doesn't come off as creepy or odd the way the other mercs do, he is totally and utterly normal to a fault - he fights you during battle, kills you, dies to you, thanks you for a good fight afterwards - and then your devices begin spasming, your anti viruses go off, your phone calls have a strange staticky sound and a beeping you've never heard before - against your better judgement, you go to engie for help. he "fixes" them for you, and in the process gains your friendship and trust - you start hanging out with him outside of battles, unbeknownst to you that he is observing your every move and thought through your phone and laptop - uses this information about you to become closer to you, buying you gifts you're unable to afford for yourself, performing the kinds of romantic gestures you read about - if he wasn't constantly watching you and obsessing over your whereabouts, he would barely even qualify as a yandere!
Medic: - this guy is creepy, off-putting, odd, and strange! - he doesn't bother hiding his obsession with you, he actually goes out of his way to push your boundaries to see how far he can go before he breaks you - depending on how you respond will decide your fate with him, either way he is not going to let you go so you might as well adapt! - if you show outright disgust or hatred he will kidnap you and store you in the medbay, experimenting on you for hours with no relief, punishing you for your insolence - if you reciprocate he will still kidnap you, only this time he treats you like a doll, treating your various cosmetic 'ailments' in order to make you the perfect creature - he is incredibly strict and commandeering, if you step out of line for even a second he does not hesitate to torture you - he only rewards you with sexual favours and new clothes, you are quite literally just a doll for his enjoyment - he tells you he loves you, but you're not so sure you believe it
Sniper: - likes to hunt you - he treats you like how one would hunt a deer, seeing you as the ultimate prize and reward for his patience - wants you to find out about him, wants you to find it endearing and sexy, wants you to make the first move - he is the most self aware, snapping out of his obsessive haze regularly and vowing that 'this time will be the last' as he aims his sniper at your head and blows it off - but it never is. he is totally and utterly addicted to you, and it only gets worse the longer he waits for you to offer yourself to him, so he takes action - he corners you in the middle of a battle and takes you then and there, you'd think it was sexy if he didn't kill you immediately after - then a strange, sadistic game of cat and mouse ensues, he stalks you day in and out and you know, you entice, and you keep this little thing you have going a very well kept secret - the only relationship between the mercs that becomes mutually beneficial
Spy: - by far the most manipulative and cunning merc - he can spend years leading you on, flirting, dropping subtle hints of his overwhelming, consuming obsession with you - he showers you will affection and gifts, with luxury holidays and designer brands without ever actually committing to you - he lies about sleeping with other people to keep you wrapped around his finger, he lies about having another family, kids, another life - he treats you as if you're his special side piece, that no one must know about you, that what you have is a secret - he constantly backstabs you (literally and figuratively), both teams know your deepest secrets, they know your favourite position, they know the names of all your stuffed animals - he treats you like shit and promises to be better, all whilst staying up every night concocting another way to keep you intrigued with him, to keep you by his side, it eats him alive - you have a love/hate relationship, the most toxic man alive istg
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: chapter 4 - I’m not entirely sure if this is any good. I need to go through and edit it but I’ll do that when I’m closer to knowing what’s actually gonna happen 🤣 we will wait and see! I’ve posted this on ao3 as well - same username and title. I love Wes Anderson, hence the Isle of Dogs theme. Feel that it fits the theme of this fic too. Anyhoo..
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I allow Gaz to lead me to a well lit room. It looks like some sort of living area. Comfortable sofas and carpeted floors. This was totally foreign to me after my time spent in the facility. I felt so out of place. I flit my gaze to Gaz who must notice my discomfort or awkwardness, and he beckons at me to sit down on the sofa. I am still zipped up inside his warm jacket, which smells of a warm vanilla scent mixed with some variation of citrus fruit.. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is comforting and calming. I try not to make it obvious that I am taking in his scent.
The others are already situated in their seats. I feel all of their eyes itching into my skin. I shrink back into myself again. The pack Alpha, their Captain, clears his gruff throat before speaking. "We have received information from Laswell. She has found your file and is going to send it over as soon as it is secured in the system.. she has told us you are not a direct threat to us. Is this correct, Laika? Can we trust you?"
I feel like scoffing at him. Me? Can they trust me? It's almost laughable that a pack of four huge Alpha's think that I, a drugged, undesignated girl, could threaten them. Not to mention that I am not in the best of shape due to lack of nutrition and poor sleeping habits. "Well..?" he prompts. I met his gaze for the first time since they'd found me. "I pose no threat to you or your pack members, Captain" - I decide to address him officially as pack Alpha. He stands a little straighter than he was before, obviously happy with my answer. I feel a sense of relief wash over me before dropping my gaze back to the floor.
A growl echoes through the silence, the others all looking between each other to find the source of the sound. Their eyes land on me. I can feel my face redden under their scrutiny - my stomach is the source of the growl. "S-sorry" I stutter anxiously. Gaz steps forward slowly and smiles down at me. "C'mon, let's go and get some food. I could eat too." He nods towards the left and I follow the motion with my eyes and see an open door to what looks like a kitchen. I stand up nervously and follow Gaz, taking the widest possible route around the masked man and Soap, still not trusting them.
I step into the kitchen area and Gaz opens the fridge and inspects the contents. "What d'ya like?" he asks. I shrug. "Not really eaten much since- since I've been their asset.. I-I used to like soup though.." - "Soup? Let me check the cupboards. Think we've got tomato.." He moves around the kitchen smoothly, opening and closing cupboards when he doesn't find what he is looking for. I stand in the corner quietly, trying to avoid getting in the way. "C'mere" he beckons me over - "tomato or chicken?" he nods to a stack of four tins -two of each flavour- stacked neatly in the overhead cupboard. "J-just whatever is spare will be nice. Th-thanks" I whisper. "C'mon, love, try to stop being so shy with me.. you can trust me, even if you aren't sure about my packmates yet, yeah? I promise you they're good men underneath their tough exteriors.." he tries to convince me. "S-sorry.. I'll try harder" I murmur. I decide to try and be bold - I step closer to him and look over his shoulder into the cupboard to inspect the tins of soup. "Tomato would be nice.." I utter quietly. Gaz's smile is instant. It lights up the entire room, my eyes drawn to it. Wow - he had beautiful teeth. Sharp canines, gleaming white.. It reminded me that my teeth had been neglected - only able to brush them a couple of times a week when they allowed me to shower. I suddenly find myself feeling self-conscious. I haven't even properly looked in a mirror for at least a year..
I step back again, feeling a little anxious after my inner thoughts had caught up with me. Damn him and his big, perfect smile. And his deep, kind eyes. "How buttery do you want your bread?" The question snaps me out of it. "Butter?.. uhm.. same as you?" I question my own answer. "I've not had butter for ages. Just stale or mouldy bread.." I admit. He sighs sadly, but immediately tries to cheer me up. "You should see how Soap takes his bread. I swear he would use an entire block of butter per slice if he could. It's gross" he says jokingly. I release the smallest giggle at that. He is smiling so brightly now that he knows that he successfully made me laugh. My defences drop for a split second thanks to the growing comfort I am feeling in Gaz's presence, and my mouth blurts out before I can catch it "they scare me..”
Gaz snaps his gaze back down to mine - "What? Who? Soap..? He is harmless" - "and the masked one" I add blushing, anxiously. "That's Ghost - the masked one. He can take a while to warm up to strangers.. he won't hurt you though. Promise" he reassures me. My eyes follow his hand closely as he gently places it on my shoulder, attempting to comfort me, I assume. I try not to tense up or flinch at the soft touch. I just stare at his hand until he slowly withdraws it. I jump slightly when the microwave dings. Gaz pours the soup into a bowl and hands it to me with a plate full of buttered bread. I stand there confused, just staring at the food that I am holding.
"C'mon, hope you don't mind eating on the sofa. We usually just eat off our laps.." he shrugs. "It smells nice.." I compliment, following him as he holds the kitchen door open for me seeing as I had my hands full. I, once again, take the widest route around Soap and Ghost.. I sit down at the very end of the sofa and wait for Gaz to sit in the place next to me, subconsciously using him as a barrier to the outside room.
"What did Gaz make you for tea, lass?" the rich Scottish voice chirped. I jump in my seat slightly. I quietly respond "Tomato soup" without looking at him, remaining hidden behind Gaz's body. Soap leans forward and looks right at me "Smells delicious. Any leftovers, Gaz?" he asks. "Make your own... tins are in the cupboard" - "Awkt, but you made her some.." - "I'm not microwaving soup for you, Soap, piss of mate" - "Fuck sake, ya prick, though we were supposed to be packmates.." The duo go back and forward like this in a light hearted tone for a couple of minutes. "I - I don't mind letting you have this.." I offer anxiously, shakily holding my plate out towards Gaz, feeling guilty that I'd taken their food.
Gaz gently guides the plate back into my lap. "Don't be silly, bug, you haven't even started it and you haven't eaten properly for ages. Get eating!" He instructs, I listen - ever obedient. I gently lift the spoon to my mouth and slurp the soup into my mouth. I swear it's the best thing I've ever tasted. I hum quietly to myself. Unbeknownst to me, Gaz and Soap are watching me with a fond smile on their faces. I eat about half of the bowl, and a slice of bread before feeling utterly stuffed. I slowly lift my gaze from the food and glance at Gaz. "I can't eat any more.." I whisper. "You sure? You've not eaten much.." - "I'm full.." I reassure him. Soap suddenly sits forward in his seat again, making me shrink back slightly again. "Ya done, Lass?" - "mmhmm" I murmer shyly - "Here, hand it over then!" he says keenly. Before I can even process his words, he has leant over Gaz and stolen the bowl and plate from me and was groaning in pleasure at the taste. I blush slightly, embarrassed, that he hasn't even replaced the spoon I had been using. "For fuck sake, Soap, you know she's jumpy. Tone it down a bit - yeah?" Gaz suggests to Soap. "Aye, sorry just starvin' - Sorry wee'yin" he gobbles around a mouthful of bread. I just stare at the scene in front of me, lost for words.
With warm food in my belly for the first time in forever, I start feeling sleepy. I slowly unzip Gaz's jacket, now that I'm warm again, and hand it back to him. "Thanks.." I whisper, placing it on his lap. Gaz tries not to show his disappointment that you are no longer wearing his jacket - his scent. "Are you wanting me to show you to the spare room? Think it's set up ready to use.." he offers. "If that's ok.. I - I don't want to be a hassle.." - "None of that, now.. C'mon, follow me."
I stand and follow obediently again. I enter the hallway after Gaz. The walls are wallpapered with a white floral pattern. It's light and airy. Gaz walks up a set of stairs to an upper level, I follow him closely. He stops on the upper landing and points to the left hallway. "It's the second door on the right. You'll have your own bathroom too." I nod and hesitate before walking independently down the hallway, feeling a little insecure, but deciding to be brave anyway. I get to the door and slowly twist the door handle. I glance back at Gaz who just nods and turns to go back down stairs to join the rest of his pack.
I step into the room and take stock of everything in it. The walls are covered in blue and white striped wallpaper. There is a window on the back wall of the room. I check out the bathroom which is to the right hand side of the room - it has a shower, sink and a toilet, with another smaller window behind it. I step back into the main room and look at the bed. I hesitate before slowly lowering myself down on it. It's soft. I should feel comfortable, but instead I feel exposed. Unsafe. I decide to look around the bathroom again, digging through the cupboards to see what I could use. I find a few toothbrushes, still in the packs, so I remove one and hurry to brush my teeth. It's funny how such a small bit of self care can make me feel cleaner. I decide to strip from my filthy clothes and step into the shower. I turn the water on, accidentally blasting myself with freezing water before it started to heat up. I don't even squeal, being all too accustomed to cold showers. I do, however, moan when the water starts to heat up. I check out all of the soaps and products on the rack in the shower. It all looks like male stuff but I don't care. I absolutely lather myself in it. I repeat it several times over. Lather. Rinse. Lather. Rinse. And so on...
I finally step from the shower when my skin starts to wrinkle. I haven't felt this clean since - well - probably ever! The wall of steam floods the bedroom when I leave the bathroom. I get myself dry and search the chest of drawers for something clean to sleep in. From the looks of the contents inside, it looks like standard military style clothing. I find some dark joggers and a khaki t-shirt. I quickly dress, finding myself having to seriously tighten the drawstring around my waist of the trousers and roll the sleeves up of the long sleeved t-shirt. I climb into bed and pull the covers tightly around me. I toss and turn before finally dozing off.
*Gaz's POV*
I show her the directions to the room she is to stay in, deciding to stay back and let her check it out for herself. Soap had stayed in that room a few nights ago when he pissed everyone off so badly, Ghost decided to punish him by throwing him out of the pack bed for the night. I just hope he had left it clean enough for her. I walk downstairs to the rest of my pack. I sit back down in my space next to Soap, who immediately chucks his legs over me, to rest them on my lap. I massage his legs for him, making him purr. I smile softly at my pack mate.
Price speaks up then. "Kyle - what's going on with the girl then..?" - "She's scared.. terrified. Fuck knows what they've done to her but none of it has been good. I think she is warming up to me though" I reply. He nods in agreement. "Kate sent over her file. It looks like she's been tortured and drugged to comply. Her designation is unknown - but she has been the asset behind all four of the most recent Makarov hits. And several before these too, before we were called up, so she certainly isn't as harmless as she makes out." I find myself nodding too, trying to piece together what all of this means. "Who is she, then?" Soap asks. "Her government name is Y/N Y/L/N - they called her Laika - apparently she was always co-operative, or obedient, I think is the word they used. I guess she was thrashed into submission. They say she is of a gentle, anxious, nature but the drugs helped 'level' her - whatever that means" Price explains.
"Turned her into a puppet, that means. A puppet to do all of their dirty work" I spit back, disgusted and angry. "So the drugs, are they still in her system? Is that why she isn't giving off any scent or signs of her designation?" I ask. "That's something we are going to have to ask her, Kyle. The file mentions that she gets 'topped up' every couple of months when she starts showing resistance" - "Poor girl was trying to fight it" I interrupt Price.
"Don't start getting attached, Garrick." Simon grumbles at me. "Piss off" I snap back.
"I'm tired, let's go to bed, yeah, talk about it in the morning?" I suggest. "Yep, Kyle's right, bed - all of you" Price orders. We all stand and make our way to our room. I glance toward the door of Laika - Y/N's - room and all seems quiet. Hopefully she is sleeping, I think inside my head.
*Back to Laika (Y/N's) POV*
I wake, startled - seeing visions of pools of blood I had been the cause of. Seeing lifeless eyes of those I had killed. I leap out of bed and start feeling my arm for my handkerchief. Shit shit shit. I'd left it somewhere. I slide down the wall panicking, trying to remember where the hell I had put it. All this time at the facility and I'd managed not to lose it. It comes to me all of a sudden. Gaz's jacket. My handkerchief is in the pocket of his jacket. I sneak out of the room and try to quietly tip toe downstairs. The stairs are a bit creaky but being quiet is my speciality. I finally find my way to the room we had been sitting in when I had returned the jacket to Gaz. It wasn't there. My stomach sinks. A single tear falls from my eye. I slump on to the couch and try not to weep. I can't go rooting about looking for it. I will just have to calm myself down and go back to my room. I try to gather myself.
Five, or so, minutes later, I stand and start to make my way back up the stairs. I avoid all of the creaky parts of each stair and successfully make it to the upper landing. I turn toward my room and gently close the door. I fail to notice the dark, masked Alpha, watching my every move. He slinks back into his pack's room, not waking them.
I try to settle back in the bed, failing miserably. I find myself crawling under the bed with a pillow and blanket, feeling safer in an enclosed space. I finally settle into a restless sleep.
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allovesthings · 4 months
Let's talk about the court of Owl and why I think the storyline has some problems in the long run.
So before I start, I do think that the characterisations of the story are pretty good, Dick is great especially with Bruce going good to bad (you know that time he hit Dick...because why ? Why did the writers decide to write that as a reintroduction to the characters and their relationship ? I have questions).
Another thing I really like is that despite being the first New 52 Batman story, it fit very well into the last Batman stories right before it with especially Gate of Gotham which deals with Gotham as an entity and the Wayne legacy/history in Gotham and what it means for Dick specifically (so him being a talon is within that Gotham legacy too).
If you read the DickBats right before that without knowing that it was supposed to be a reboot the characters are consistent (Black mirror is written by the same writer) and the only thing you'll have to catch up on is that Dick left the Batman costume and is back as Nightwing and Bruce is back in Gotham.
Also the labyrinth? Very twisty, creepy, horrifying and fun to read as a sequence. Love it.
That said, the idea that a secret society of rich people ran Gotham from the beginning just doesn't sit right with me. Suddenly they create a vacuum in all others stories where you ask: "shouldn't the Court of Owl be involved there ? Why aren't they ?" And the bigger they are the bigger the vacuum is. The problem with that is everytime I read a story where the court of Owl should have a say in Gotham and they don't appear, it will feel like a plothole
The second problem is Cobb and the talons and theirs link to Dick. I said it before, I do think it follows the theme set up in Gates of Gotham (and it makes even more sense when you realize this was supposed to be a DickBats story) and I did read the occasional Talon!Dick fics but I don't think it was necessary to make Dick tied to Gotham as a legacy.
I think the contrast between Bruce being a Gotham legacy and then tragedy struck leading him to try to save the city and Dick as someone who is from outside but got stuck by Gotham by his parents's death with no previous unknown link to it is so much more interesting, they have a completely different basis for how they view Gotham. Making Dick a son of Gotham kinda cheapen that. Especially if Haley circus was in on it. Because now it was always Gotham for Dick and it will always be Gotham.
Also why would Mr Haley, the guy who refuse to pay up and have the protection of criminals even under threat run a circus created to train assassins ?
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ihavethedreamies · 6 months
Strawberry | Juicy Fruit | Chenle
Zhong Chenle - NCT Dream
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~2.1k
Pairing: Chenle x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Established Relationship, Porn without Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Dom! Chenle, Sir Kink, Spanking, Fingering, Squirting, Unprotected Sex (Don’t!!)
Summary: Your boyfriend likes strawberries a bit too much...
Author's Note: This series was supposed to be of drabbles, didn't happen.
This is only vaguely based off of Smoothie…I say this because I got the idea for a fruit theme, but past that its unrelated.
PS. Chenle is my bias so this is just me living vicariously through my writing…
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🍉 Mark 🍉
🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍑 Jaemin 🍑
🍍 Jisung 🍍
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Oh, my god, stop!" You slapped Chenle's hand again so he would leave the berries alone. You were trying to make a strawberry cake from scratch, even the sponge would be flavored and pink. Your boyfriend kept eating your ingredients though!
"Just one more~?" He widened his eyes into his best version of a puppy stare, and you almost gave in.
"No!" You hardened your tone more for yourself than at him. He pouted, casting you a pitiful look and you clicked your tongue. If he was really desperate, he knew what to do, but it didn't seem he was that eager to get more strawberries.
"I just like fruit…" He drifted off and you huffed.
"I know, Lele." He watched as you mixed the batter for the cake, eyes glancing back to the fruits every so often.
"If I have some left over you can eat those." You told him, using a rubber spatula to fill the cake pans.
"I still don't understand how Jaemin doesn't like strawberries." He tilted his head, so it rested against his shoulder, elbows resting on the counter where he sat on a stool.
"No one will ever understand anything about Jaemin." You countered and your boyfriend laughed in agreement.
"At least he's not afraid of them." You tossed him a defeated look and he laughed harder. While the sponge baked you made the frosting, Chenle watching in defeat as more and more of the berries disappeared from the container. Finally, you were cutting the last of the ones you needed to decorate the cake, and you had only one left.
"Here." You held the berry up to the side of your head, Chenle had sidled up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder, arms loose around your middle. You felt his hum of delight from his chest pressed into your back as hip lips wrapped around the strawberry, his mouth brushing the skin of your fingers. Before you could pull your hand back down, his tongue flicked to lick the juice that had stuck there from your cutting.
"Hey! Now I gotta wash my hands again!" You clicked your tongue, bonking him softly on the head with a wooden spoon. He yelped much louder than was necessary and pouted at your side as you washed your hands once again. They were getting dry from the repeated cleansing. You put your boyfriend to dish duty as you got the cake sponges out and let it cool. You cleaned the rest of the kitchen up as much as you could, and you both got done by the time it was time to ice and decorate. He watched quietly (for once) while you finished the cake, eagerly taking the frosting bowl when you were done to eat the remnants. You had offered to get him a spoon, but he refused, just using his finger. Once the final decorative berry was placed on the top you sighed in relief, back a little sore from leaning over the counter like you did. It was simple, but that was the only way you could still make it look good. Chenle helped you rearrange stuff in the fridge to fit the cake in so it could fully set by the time you went to your friend's housewarming that evening. Untying your apron, Chenle came up to with the bowl, swiping the rest of the frosting onto his finger and holding it out for you. You gave him a fake glare, but still took his digit between your lips to lick the pink sweet off his finger. He smiled cockily, pressing down on your tongue and you had to make a choice. Do you bite him or play along? You recognized the look on his face, it had been there since you fed him the strawberry.
"Ow, you bit me!" He pulled his hand back rapidly, flapping it in the air and you giggled, taking the now empty bowl from him to put it in the sink. Trying not to giggle too much, you started to wash the rest of the dishes, feeling him come up behind you. You were expecting a hug and whining request, so you squeaked when one arm wrapped tight around your middle at your ribs. The other came over your chest, his hand pressing against your throat, thumb on your jaw. He held your head in place, mouth so close to your ear you could feel his breath fluttering your hair. He smirked at your instant stiffened posture, his hand at your jaw clenching a bit harder.
"You know that one strawberry really wasn't enough…" His tone was casual, but lower than his normal voice. Your mouth went dry, and you licked your lips, hands stilling. When he didn't do anything else, you shut the water off and dropped the dishes you were holding, then waited for his next move.
"Good girl~" Chenle chuckled, his normal cheerful giggle had lowered about two or three octaves.
"Chenle-!" His hand tightened again, pinky curling even tighter to press against your throat.
"Who?" He reiterated and you didn't reply, swallowing hard. Glancing at the clock you were worried if he did everything he normally did, you wouldn't have time to get ready.
"Please, sir. I need time to get ready-" His hum cut your sentence short, his lips vibrating from the noise as they pressed to the skin between your shoulder and neck. You instinctively, submissively, turned your head to the side to let him have better access.
"Maybe I shouldn't let you go? Then I can have you and the cake for myself…" You shivered as he kissed the skin lightly, his grip on your jaw contrasting with the gentle act. You would be really freaking pissed later if he did that, and you both knew that. Luckily for you, your phone started to ring, and he begrudgingly completely let you go, resting grumpily against the island as you grabbed your device.
"Come early?" You glanced at the clock on the oven again, then back to your boyfriend. He sneered but nodded, going pouty again.
"Yes. I will be there in thirty." You hung up and Chenle shuffled to the couch so he could angrily stare at the TV as if he was actually watching it. When you came out of your room in a cute little dress that looked like a big button up with a belt around the middle, he watched you dance around the kitchen getting the cake in a holder. It wasn't as cold as you would have liked, but it would do.
"Bye, Lele~" You gave him an air kiss as you left and he grumbled to himself, crossing his arms.
When you finally got back later that night, you smelled like booze, but you didn’t look like you had partaken.
"I need to change, this dress smells like chicken." You grumbled. Chenle was still on the couch, as if he hadn't moved at all in the last three hours. He had, but not much. The only difference you noticed was that he had a pillow in his lap he was hugging to his chest, but he was still pouting. When you reached the door to your room , you turned to face him, hand behind your back on the knob.
"I don't have to take this off by myself, right?" Your tone lilted playfully, and you giggled as he shut the TV off and got up so fast you were worried his socked feet would slip on the hard wood floor. He eagerly chased after you as you dashed into your room, squealing in delight when he easily lifted you up as he caught you.
"Ah, Le!" You gasped when he spun you as he lifted, slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When did he get that strong? He didn't do it very hard, but his hand smacked your butt after he flipped the skirt of your dress up. You squeaked and he huffed a laugh, practically throwing you onto the bed. His hand wraps around the belt of the middle of your dress, yanking you down to the end of the bed by it, the rapidly taking it off. He clatters on the floor as he throws it behind him, fingers undoing the buttons fast. He really wanted to just tear it open, hear the little pieces clack against the floor and wall as they fly off the garment. But he knew after you would not be too pleased with that. When it was all undone, he let the side flop open, revealing your nicest set of black lace lingerie.
"Fuck." Chenle groaned as you smirked yourself. You started to help him get the dress off, but once the first sleeve was off, he tugged on the fabric so hard it flipped you over onto your stomach.
"Chenle!" You tried to scold him as he rapidly removed the dress. To obedient to flip back over and watch, you heard him discard his own clothes, the garments thumping slightly as they hit the floor. You let out another yelp when his hands gripped your hips tight, hauling you back toward the end of the bed. You bring your legs down, so your feet touch the floor, already having an idea what he was doing. Your boyfriend was much more careful with your panties than your other garment, swiftly pulling them down and off. He chuckled when your body shivered as his fingers came to your soaking folds. His skin was cold, especially compared to your hot core. Your breath hitched when he immediately buried two fingers inside your cunt, all the way to the last knuckle. He loved the little mewls and whimpers you let you as he roughly wiggled his fingers, adding a third then pumping them hard against your back wall.
"Sir-" You tried to protest when his fingers left, but his hand came down hard on your ass. Your whine made his cock harden even further, the skin turning red in the shape of his hand.
"You left me hanging for hours, (Y/N)." He spoke derisively, "how many hours, hm?"
"Then how many do you get?" He asked and you tried to do math quick. He liked to do an even number of spanks on each cheek, but six wasn't enough.
"Hm…okay." His hand came down again on the opposite side and you squeaked.
"T-two." You had to think for a second, hoping your answer was right. Chenle didn't say anything in protest, laying another smack. Each time you let out a yipe, though the slick dripping from your cunt revealed how much you liked it.
"Twelve." You gasped out, legs twitching, the skin of your ass just as red as the strawberries you deprived him of. He wondered how red your cute pussy could get if he smacked it, but he wasn't going to just do it without asking you.
"S-sir, please~" Your request turned into a moan as his cock met your entrance and he slowly eased in. You couldn't see his smirk, but he licked his bottom lip and fucked the last inch of his cock in hard, his hips meeting your still stinging ass. You yelped, fingers digging into the bedding above your head, eyes nearly crossing at the delicious pain, not just from the stretch of his cock but your stinging butt. Chenle leaned forward over your back, chest pressed to your back, his mouth right by your ear. His fingers linked with yours and he nibbled the crest of your ear, letting you adjust some. He huffed, then rolled his hips hard, instantly pulling out nearly all the way then slamming home. Your walls fluttered and he chuckled as his next thrust threw your over the edge, your release coating not just his cock but the skin of his groin as well. He didn't let up as your orgasm rolled through you, continuing to relentlessly fuck his cock into you. He gripped your hands tighter, helping you get some leverage. It was good the bed was beneath you, holding you up, the pleasure wracking through you sapping all your strength. His right hand left yours, curling around and under your stomach, pulling your hips up. This forced you onto your tip toes but changed the angle and his cock got even deeper, the head battering your cervix as he picked up the pace. He loved the squeaks it eked out of you, and your cunt clenching his dick brought him closer to the edge as well. Chenle brought his finger to your clit, rubbing over it so you came again. You tried to milk him to completion as well, but he held back, and once yours had subsided, he pulled out and came all over your butt and lower back. You slumped down, shivering and he admired the sight. He would have that any day over even the most perfect strawberry.
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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ckret2 · 3 months
But to actually answer the "so what are the themes here" question @thedemonsurfer asked, which I like, totally skipped over answering: here's all the stuff I came up with the last time I talked about titles with friends, including titles that aren't quite good enough (and/or are jokes) and talking about the actual themes of the fic:
One title can't do EVERYTHING, there's probably no perfect title out there that'll go "okay so head's up this fic is about bill slowly making friends with everybody while fighting every step against becoming a better person and also a bunch of agonizing identity/dysphoria issues from being trapped in an ill-fitting body and also a major theme is that redemption can't come from Purification Via Punishment but from offering second chances even to people who don't deserve it so that they have a space to grow and also we're trying as hard as possible to keep to the tone & episodic style of the show and also 60% of the cast has issues from being Burnt-Out Former Gifted Kids. Even the ones that are still kids." But like. It'd be nice if a title at least did one or two of those
Fic title that's a song lyric but the lyric is from a song by Robbie so it's really stupid
I'm not against "lighthearted description of what's going on" since that IS a running gag in how i've been "titling" the chapters, and it WOULD both tell what's going on and do a better job of suggesting the tone what you're gonna get out of this fic
Bill Cipher Makes Friends. This Is A Warning The power of friendship, remorse, murder, and MABEL My Little Triangle: Friendship Is Magic Friendship Is Cosmic Horror Okay this is a joke title i won't go with because i don't want the title to be a mlp allusion but this does, unfortunately, unironically successfully capture several major features in the fic: friendship; cosmic horror; bill finding agony rooted in what should be positive relationships and attributing his self-professed "insanity" to the wrong sources; the collision between the friendly gentle earthly mundane and Bill's vast eon-spanning alien history; it sounds goofy; and it doesn't sound like many other fics
Not to give away too much; but in the broadest/vaguest possible sense, the portal is making a return. Which means... i realized recently... bill vs doors is, in fact, a theme with actual symbolic significance, and not just a running gag. I accidentally walked my way backwards into turning a plot convenience to keep him from escaping into something connected to a major plot point. so like. I could actually drop a door reference and it wouldn't be inappropriate.
Bill Cipher & Friends Vs. the Cosmic Horror of Doors It's not a good title but by god you'd know exactly what fic we're talking about "Haha the cosmic horror of doors because the goofy curse means he doesn't know how they work." / "oh no wait the portal is a door to cosmic horror"
"The door is open..." 30 years later, Bill, trapped in a dumb body with a dumb curse: "I literally cannot tell if the door is open"
He literally has been... Working for 1 trillion years,,, to GET A DOOR OPEN "Bill, I don't think it's the curse. I think you're just naturally bad at opening doors." "I'll kill you if you say that again."
So there's our themes.
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inukag-archive · 6 months
Hi, I’m looking for fics where Kagome and/or Inuyasha deal with depression/anxiety. I like longer stories but one-shots are totally fine too. I would prefer stories from before 2019 so there’s no Yashahime influence. Also please no sessrin in the recs. Thank you so much!
Hi anon, thank you for the ask! Most of the fics we could find that fit your criteria are one shots, but there are a few longer stories sprinkled throughout. In order to provide more reading material, we split the list into stories written in 2019 or earlier and stories that were written after 2019 but contain no references to Yashahime (characters, plot, or otherwise). There shouldn't be any SessRin references in any of the fics either.
This is a difficult subject to search for without having read a story in its entirety, so we strongly encourage anyone who knows of any others to leave more recs in the reblogs/replies!
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[2019 or Earlier]
He Just Wouldn't Stop by @artistefish (G)
Just because she's back doesn't mean there aren't scars. Some wounds take more than time to heal, and some never heal at all. A post-canon look at an unexpected repercussion of Kagome's three year absence.
Guilty Hero by Eggry (T)
The city is recovering after a crippling war against Naraku. But while time moves on, Inu-Yasha doesn't. Plagued with guilt over a terrible deed, alcohol is his only escape from the nightmare of reality. At their wit's end with him, Sango and Miroku are on the verge of giving up until Kagome Higurashi arrives to take him under her wing.
Sleep, My Dear by Stars_Sky_See (T)
Kagome was quickly adjusting to her new life with the help of her now husband. Life had all around been easier since her return and everyone was grateful. However, life wasn’t so merciful, with every two steps forward there was always one step back.
The Ghosts of Suicide Forest by @splendentgoddess (T)
Aokigahara, known by some as Suicide Forest. It is a place of mystery, beauty and death. Roughly 100 people go there annually to commit suicide, but why? The better question, though, is can Kagome find and rescue Yuka before it is too late?
Broken Glass by SleepWalkingChickens (M)
Growing up is hard, especially when things are changing. Kagome is plunged into a new world, complete with new problems. The past is hard to let go of and baggage builds up. Unravel it and you’re met with truth. Can love win over Inuyasha's sins?
It Goes Like This by @witchygirl99 (G)
It goes like this.
“Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while!” Kagome exclaims, smiling at him. Her eyes are dark brown and beautiful, captivating.
Five different answers pop into his head, all of them friendly and inviting for conversation. It’s not what comes out.
Inuyasha isn't the main character of anyone's story. With Kagome, that feeling starts to change.
[Post 2019 w/ No Yashahime References]
Pictures of Happiness by @memilylove (M)
The loss of his high school sweetheart changed more than Inuyasha realized. With the encouragement of friends, he finally gives himself another shot at getting help. The path is not easy, but he soon finds that perhaps there is a point to all this. Is it really possible to be happy again and to find that you love another?
Other Reasons to Stay Awake by @ajoy3fanfics (NR)
Kagome suffers from PTSD after she returns to her side of the well
Shattered by My-Crazy-Awesome-Sox (T)
Oneshot: Leading a double life has got to be stressful. What happens when it all starts falling apart for Kagome? Everything has been pent up for too long, and now it's all crashing down around her. For anyone who's ever had a breakdown...
A Horse With No Name by @roseheartwhitefox (T)
The story of what happened to Inuyasha after Kagome disappeared when the well closed for 3 years, heavily referencing the episode "The Old Sugarman Place" from "BoJack Horseman". I feel as if after everything that happened and Kagome disappeared, Inuyasha would need time to grieve the loss. This is that story. Deals with themes of depression, loneliness, and loss. 
Stay by @akitokihojo (G)
He nodded again, pulling away to gently press his forehead to hers for a moment. "I get it." Inuyasha breathed before leaning back to look her in the eyes. "But, one of these days you'll understand that no matter what happens, I won't take a damn thing back. You'll see that I don't want it back. I feel like my heart's safer with you, anyway."
Kagome's Unwitting Depression by @cstormsinukagblog (M)
Kagome sees something that she isn't meant to see, and it kind of breaks her. Can she and Inuyasha repair the damage before she gives up hope?
Breaking the Habit: Rewrite by @kstewdeux (M)
After being separated for six years, Inuyasha and Kagome are reunited on her side of the well. TW: SI, Mental Illness.
The Voice Inside My Head by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
When Kagome returns to the Feudal era a week after a particular nasty fight with Inuyasha, he realizes something’s not right. Is it too late for Inuyasha and Kagome—have the years of fighting broken them apart for good? Or will they be able to find a way forward, together?
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs! Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered.  After reviewing our submission guidelines, send us an ask (here).
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little-luna-llama · 4 months
When are we ever ready?
Custard (at least in my mind) is such a pitch perfect mix of pure vanilla and shadow milk, and a parallel to both of them.
It's analysis timeeee
Contains: my analysis of canon custard iii, a quick parallel between him and Dark Choco cookie, A quick analysis of what I think made shadow milk turn into a beast and why and finally the actual parallel between custard, Shadow and Vanilla. (Being ready to handle something)
Custard is a kind vanillian cookie kid with a persona that's basically his entire personality(being king). He speaks in a way that could be read as bratty, but comes off as performative and a little silly goofy.
He's trying to step into shoes that are wayyy to big for him right now that comes with decisions he's not ready to make or knowledge he's not ready to know. His fortune cookie says "Watch, listen, play! Your memories will shine brighter than a royal crown."
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It's literally saying stop trying to grow up and enjoy the now. Because let's be real: growing up sucks when it actually happens. Custard is yet to realise that because he's a kid still looking at adulthood through rose coloured glasses like any kid would.
In a sense this also makes him a parallel to dark choco cookie, who from what we've seen had a very hopeful and positive outlook when he was younger, trying to do what is best for the kingdom but seeming to lack understanding in some of the details, which deepens the rift with his father and fuels his need to prove himself. Which as we know didn't end well...
Custard I don't think is in it to prove himself as a leader. If you've read the bluebell fics I've actually stated that I see the kingly persona as a sort of trauma response. He misses his dad and we don't know what happened to him, and most likely custard doesn't know either. Custard is very young, arguably the youngest of the cast behind snapdragon who's a literal baby, I say about 7/8 years old and loosing your parents at that age definitely doesn't help you develop healthy states of mind or coping mechanisms because there's no supervision.
Custard knows he's of noble vanillian lineage, he heard stories of pure vanilla, this beloved King who was loved by all that grandpa was close to, he was powerful and navigated life's struggles with such ease and gentleness. A kid hears that and thinks "wow he had a lot of friends because he was King! If I'm King then everyone will want to be my friend and I won't be lonely anymore! And I can make the rules!" It's a very young mindset. It also puts him above the others so if they leave him, he can get the last word in and they aren't leaving him, he's banished them. He's in charge, he doesn't want to be friends with them and they should feel sorry about it.
I don't think it's intentionally toxic or anything, it's just the mind of a kid rationalising something to protect themselves from the trauma they've experienced. It's really common for childhood trauma to manifest a coping mechanism like this; finding a source of inspiration and power to project onto, to call on for emotional support. In certain cases it with even go as far as to manifest as d.i.d, but that's not relevant to custard. This also happens in adults as well.
This links to Shadow milk however: shadow has one of the starkest transformations in theme from ancient to beast from what we've seen. Eternal hardly changed, mystic seems to have simply hidden themselves behind a veil, burning spice hardly changed, and it seems silent salt simply put on their helmet.
Shadow milk however was clearly a scholar/Wizard archetype. Fits with his virtue being knowledge, much like how eternal hardly changing fits with their sloth, burning spices silhouette getting bigger fits with the overwhelming power of destruction, mystic hiding themselves away behind their veil to appear unfeeling/apathetic and like a god to their followers (its a literal separation) and silent hiding their face entirely so not even their expressions could communicate their feelings.
So why is did shadow go from a prim and proper scholar to a jester? I think it's all to do with knowledge.
All the beasts had to experience some great trauma, that one moment that solidified their descent into darkness(I have theories for all of them.) Something that, to them, justifies their actions (or lack thereof). Shadow Milks power is that of knowledge, and knowledge doesn't discriminate between the good and evil. Shadow would most likely be hyper aware of everything, to the point of near omniscience before creating dark moon magic. He would see the world and his friends suffering and want to stop it all, and he finds a way:
Using mind magic and trickery. It starts innocent but it builds and builds and it becomes addictive, then it becomes second nature.
Innocently making someone forget the horrors they've experienced, or filling someone's mind with fake positive memories to turn them away from committing atrocities. Perhaps he does it to his friends: maybe he sees them falling and every time he fills their heads with sweet lies to buy them a few more months.
He's overloaded by taking on everyone's troubles while he was still coming to grips with his power, he has no one to turn to because of his spiderweb of lies. He's alone and he doesn't know how to cope. Just like custard
And just like custard he adopts a front: instead of feeling remorse or trying to reverse what he's done and accept that he made a mistake he just leans into it harder, forging a new identity to pick up the pieces and figure something out, unchained by the lies of his past because he is the director the playwright, the producer, he gets to make the decisions and nobody can question him.
(Obviously the first thing he would do would be to lift the lies from his friends and have them fall too.)
Vanilla also sort of does this with healer cookie, but he has amnesia at that point in the story. Healer cookie is more like the truest reflection of pure vanilla cookie, unburdened by the horrors of his life. I bet shadow milk watched healer cookie and seethed inside. For Custard though, I think it was something he had to see even if it hasn't paid off yet. He got to know pure vanilla completely outside of his idealised version without bias because he didn't know.
In the crumbs of content we do have both from in game and twitter we have seen Custards attitude change a little. He's mellowed out a little in the dark cacao episodes and by the time stories by the campfire rolls around he's much more an excited child who happens to like his prince costume and playing prince than a 7 year omd trying to actually be in a position of power with no help or guidance.
Since pure vanilla and shadow are supposed to be opposites I think custard is actually supposed to help convey what makes them the same and what makes them different. They share the acting performative parts of their character with shadow milk, but with vani we see custard genuinely trying to impress him because he wants to be like the vanilla he heard about in his bedtime stories. However custard currently runs the risk of stumbling into something that he's not ready for, which is something I think vani and shadow share. Vanilla wasn't ready to receive the light of truth and its responsibility, and shadow wasn't really ready to weild all of that knowledge alone.
This is also partly why I made the bluebell au. Shadow definitely smelt a kindred spirit but also "hey the kids connected to vani this will make good angst." And also In the fic I have custard adopting a few variations of his prince persona partly to make more people like him.
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mistystarshine · 2 months
Do you plan on ever writing smut?
Depends on the fic and pairing!
Burning Feathers is planned to have a smut chapter, but I'm not raising the rating until it actually happens. Depending on how that goes, I might do more Chaggie smut, since I'm better at F/F than anything else.
I am being b u l l i e d into putting smut in Vile and Blasphemous and... Honestly might? I prefer not to put smut in longfics unless it improves the narrative, but that fic is already SO horny, and with the themes involved, it honestly might. @a-dose-of-comatose and @deadgirlwalking91 put up a good argument in favor of it, lol.
Beyond that, I'm wobbly on Guitarspear. I have ideas, but...
1. I'm worried that it would be bad, simply put. I've not done het smut before and, apart from one DERANGED f/f fic I wrote for Chainsaw Man on a burner account (you will not be getting the link), I'm unsure of my smut writing abilities.
2. Most of my friends prefer sub Lute, which I don't really read, let alone write, so my motivation is... Meh. (I can do bottom Lute under the right circumstances and definitely switch, but sub 100% does not vibe with me.) I keep being told that people will read, but The Anxieties that I will disappoint are real.
Going Nowhere Fast will probably eventually have smut if I continue it. (Drop comments and asks if you want more!) Honestly, Adamsapple goes hard enough that I have a good amount of ideas for it. The main thing holding me back is simply that I am gay enough that my m/m tends to be a little lacking. ( @phosmic Knows) I DO have an idea for a f/f Adamsapple enemies to lovers one-shot with smut, but that's like, the most indulgent thing I could possibly write.
My upcoming collab fic with @deadgirlwalking91 will probably have smut, and the ships for that one are Chaggie, Guitarspear, and Lucilith. (Alastor is also there, living his WORST life)
My other fics and AUs won't have smut simply because it doesn't contribute to the immaculate. Which is kind of a bummer, because Live Again would be SO sweet (and one of the few times I'd 100% write bottom Lute), but the vibes aren't right. And I have Ideas for Pissing Contest and IFYFM both... But again, it doesn't quite fit in with the stories. Plus, see my other reasons for being hesitant to write Guitarspear smut. Woe.
(Pls send more asks! I love them.)
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cartoonscientist · 1 year
this has probably been touched on before but so much of fionna and cake ties into the theme of self-value and self care by making references to (what is traditionally viewed as female-centered) fan culture and specifically the debate around whether fanfiction should have “some basic level of quality” or whether it should be considered an unbridled form of self expression closer to art therapy than writing a professional novel (it obviously comes down on the side of the latter)
the theme of Simon not wanting to discuss his “old stuff” that he finds embarrassing and painful because he wrote it in a very bad place mentally, what he sees as mediocre, emotionally masturbatory wish fulfillment that says way too much about his psyche, although it’s shown that other people get a lot out of the Fionna and Cake series, suggesting that it’s a versatile work of fiction which readers can interpret to fit their own emotional needs even if it’s not exactly “high art”
or Scarab’s ultimately self-destructive obsession with wiping out what he considers a “mediocre” “abomination”, even though everyone around him is telling him to chill and let it go and focus on more important things because it doesn't really matter. for years, and even today, fandom has been plagued with (usually cishet male these days, but women used to make up a far larger portion of the snark/anti-fan community) fans who don't only dislike shipping and original characters, they actively seek out creators who do enjoy these things to harass them. or, I'm sure you've seen those people on twitter who get really mad about the fact that leaving long critical notes on ao3 fics (when not prompted or specifically requested not to) is widely considered Pretty Fucking Mean
both Simon and Scarab are basically being told by the narrative to take it easy, to not care so hard about like, the ontological definitions of "art" and "quality". Simon learns to value Fionna and her world, realizing that they have a life beyond the circumstances he believed he created them under. (but when he again tries to assume control, to sacrifice his own well-being for people he feels are more deserving of love than him, his space god girlfriend basically slaps him and says "you are so special and amazing on your own simon, you don't need to hurt yourself, you don't need to try to handle everything by yourself, and actually sacrificing yourself when you don't need to is kind of a dick move, and yes I know from experience because I'm omniscient now" [which ties into what's kind of the thesis statement of the show, Simon and Fionna both feeling like they're not special and don't deserve to exist or receive care and affection because they aren't exceptional, ie don't have magical abilities/live in an adventurous fantasy world; basically, you don't NEED to be super talented and amazing and saintlike to deserve to be happy, you just need to BE, and do your best as a human])
FOOTNOTE: when Scarab told Fionna that what she did wrong was exist, it was painfully reminiscent of transphobic (and anti-ND) harassment (and ultimately added another layer of satisfaction and validation to his defeat) and tbh it's hard for me to believe the writers didn't intend that at least subconsciously
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julietasgf · 21 days
re: ask game
⭐ i would love your director's commentary on the strabo fic of all time (carcará.) :D
thanks for the ask backpacks!!! <33 specially regarding what's probably my all time favorite fic I wrote:
I've commented before, but carcará is deeply personal to me because it was a way for me to try to understand and put into words some things and feels about my own father. I tried to summarize in an only story the feeling of trying to understand the pain and the struggle your own parent went through, and that they wanted to do better, but at the same time it was not enough. and one of the core messages and feelings of it is that it doesn't matter if you want to break the cycle, because a lot of times, you simply can't. and there isn't much you can do about it. some incidents of strabo's bad parenting were based on real life events
it was heavily inspired by the movie aftersun!! a lot of the themes of loss and pain and fatherhood. besides the song carcará, a horse with no name was also a song I considered for the title because I simply felt like the vibes fit. in this fanfiction, D2's imagery and vibes in my head were very much inspired by brasil's northeast and its culture (where I'm from).
I really wanted to do some scenes longer for vesta and strabo, as I loved their dynamic in it, but unfortunately the fic was getting too long. I never planned for it to get to 18k words, it was supposed to be at best an 6k work, but then I got too excited I think. I got to the point of thinking of writing an extra work just for scenes of them dating but I thought it would maybe be pointless and no one would want to read that, so I never wrote it anyway.
the fanfic was not supposed to end in that talk on the office, it was supposed to end with strabo dying poisoned by coriolanus, but unfortunately I was getting too burnout writing and deciding to end like that because it wouldn't take much writing :')
I loveddddd writing strabo's dynamic with the twins. I was heartbroken when unfortunately the scenes with the twins finished, they were so fun to write!! also, paranoid and young strabo was the funniest to write, too. the style I chose to go for his narrative was close to coriolanus' narrative, but instead it was much angrier and frustrated and bitter, I think.
sorry if these aren't much!! it's been a long time since I wrote it, and I don''t have much fresh thoughts, but I can't thank you enough for the ask <33
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hillbilly---man · 10 months
A list of my works on AO3
(they're all Saiki K fics at the moment but I'll add fandom categories to this post if I ever get a new interest lol)
It doesn't fit my plans; it's something I don't understand
Published July 11, 2021
Summary: Saiki is fascinated by Satou Hiroshi, and the people around him start to see that this might be more than just a platonic curiosity.
What is this feeling called love?
[Notes: Bittersweet ending. Nobody gets together. My insistence on theming these early fics after songs is pretty embarrassing now. I'm not proud of my writing here but the story is ok. I might rewrite it someday. Not bad for my first fic since like 2003 though]
Something Changed
Published August 11, 2021
Summary: Aiura wrote a letter to her soulmate the night before they were supposed to meet.
She's predicted a lot of things... how could she have gotten this one wrong?
[Notes: Another sad ending. The format of this is almost entirely an excited letter about the future Aiura imagined that would never come to pass. Not really much of a story happening here tbh]
Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown?
Published August 28, 2021 (INCOMPLETE)
Summary: With graduation quickly approaching, the psychics of PK Academy (and Akechi) worry that they'll drift apart. Luckily, they come up with an idea.
"Let's all meet up in the year 2030!"
A lot can change in a decade.
[Notes: Kind of like a psychicker class reunion where they're all adults with jobs and everything catching up. Future chapters were going to have almost a Scooby Doo vibe (with a twist reveal at the end about Aiura's husband!) I abandoned it because I posted some art and someone called my art creepy and it made the whole fic feel bad to think about. Maybe I'll get back to it someday. It's cool to see how quickly my writing improved. I was also super proud of how well I wrote Akechi's dialogue here]
Hotel Valentine
Published September 24, 2021
Summary: Toritsuka Reita is a pretty lucky guy. He somehow managed to not get expelled from PK Academy, he graduated, and he's avoided creeping on any living girls for a few months. To celebrate, the PK Psychics paid for a one-night stay in the fanciest hotel in Tokyo so Reita can creep on the ghost girl of his dreams. Pretty lucky, right?
Too bad things aren't going his way. He's being ignored by the staff, he's bored out of his mind, and he can't find the ghost girl anywhere. Some vacation, huh?
[Notes: Spoiler: Toritsuka's a ghost stuck in a nice hotel. This is based on a concept album that most of you have never heard but hear me out! It really has nothing to do with the Cibo Matto album of the same title except that the chapters are named after the songs and there are fun Easter eggs for fans of the album. Another slightly sad ending but not too bad]
Coffee & TV
Published August 27th, 2022
Summary: The new silence in her house felt heavy on Kumi's shoulders. Everything reminded her of Kumagoro... especially her grandson Kusuo, who has been coming to visit more often than ever before.
[Notes: this is my least popular finished fic and I understand why. It's about grief and the loss of a grandparent. It's about the unique pain that a psychic would have after failing to prevent that death. There's a sad twist that TBH I think I was a little too subtle with. One of my favorites]
Friendly Fire
Published January 8, 2023
Summary: Being an adult is great until the Problems start. Good grief.
30-year-old Kusuo's psychic powers have been pretty well controlled for over a decade. Why are things starting to go haywire all of a sudden?
[Notes: Friendly Fire my fucking beloved!! In this fic, Saiki gets essentially psychic multiple sclerosis and has to deal with some complicated emotions. I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything but it was cathartic to write and I'm in love with the versions of these characters that I wrote here. So much so that I'm writing a sequel just so I can write more of them. Also, FINALLY a happy ending!!]
Ramen Ikouze?
Published April 28, 2023
Summary: After being dragged to get ramen with Nendou every week, Kusuo starts to realize that it's not so bad after all.
[Notes: I love Nendou, he's so good. This fic is very cute and about their friendship. A couple of fun twists]
Saiki has Plans?
Published May 2, 2023
Summary: Saiki mentions having plans after school, and the overactive imaginations at PK Academy work themselves into a fuss trying to imagine what he could be doing.
[Notes: This fic follows around a bunch of Saiki's classmates as they gossip and snoop to find out what he's up to. It's my most popular fic for some reason]
A Bright Flash
Published May 13, 2023
Summary: Saiki develops an annoying new ability, and through some comedy series logic is forced to tell Teruhashi about it. She tries to be a good ally to her "newly psychic" crush.
[Notes: Teruhashi accidentally finds out about Saiki's new power and he's like "fine. I'm a psychic. But it's just this one power and nothing else."]
Heat Wave
Published June 6, 2023
Summary: There's a historic heat wave in Hidariwakibara, and some of our favorite PK Academy students end up running into each other while taking refuge from the hot weather.
A series of four standalone (but connected) stories taking place at the same time:
Aiura has a vision of disaster, and she and Nendou try to stop it
Yumehara gives Toritsuka some advice to improve his game
Akechi meets Teruhashi's brother
Saiki really wants some shaved ice from the kakigori stand where Mera is working
[Notes: The summary explains it well but also I weaved so many connections between the chapters (that are all happening at roughly the same time). It was also a lot of fun writing interactions between characters that didn't get much in canon. Also you can tell it was hot as hell when I wrote it because I definitely gave Saiki some kind of psychic heat intolerance lol]
Published July 6, 2023
Summary: She didn't know why, but Kokomi was finally able to see the truth.
Why Saiki seemed to appear and disappear without explanation. Why it seemed like he always knew what she was planning. Why he wore those weird hairpins.
It was all so obvious now.
Saiki had psychic powers.
[Notes: The veil is lifted suddenly and all the truths that Saiki kept locked behind his mind control were revealed to Teruhashi. He and Aiura have a chat with her about it. Also this was the first fic of mine that an IRL friend read (to my knowledge) and his comment was something like "I don't know anything about your boy but he sounds autistic and gnc" and I took that as a fucking compliment! You know you've written Saiki right when people can see that shit from space]
The Disastrous Financial Situation of Saiki K
Published August 9, 2023 (IN PROGRESS)
Summary: Adjusting to his new limitations has been annoying, and now Kusuo (age 31) needs a car to get around.
Unfortunately, taking time off work has drained his savings.
How is he going to get the money for a car now?
[Notes: This is my sequel to Friendly Fire but it's a lot lighter in nature. 100-Yen-Man goes around doing stuff for Saiki's friends. There are mentions of his disability from Friendly Fire and it's plot relevant but I think you can catch on even if you didn't read the original. I haven't updated in a while but I am actively working on it!! A Yumehara and Makino chapter next and then a Toritsuka chapter after that. TBH this isn't my best work and it's pretty unpopular but I'm having fun and that's all that counts)
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lovelylotusf1 · 5 months
director's cut commentary / star on the carcar hatesmut fic plzzzz. feel free to yap about any element
Thanks for asking about my most precious fic "Open mouth, on my knees (for you)" ! This is actually the only fic where I actively went into it with themes in my head that I wanted to convey. So I will GLADLY yap about it🧡
The main theme I wanted to go with is contrast. Contrast between Carlos and Oscar as fire and ice because I think that really fits their personalities. I tried to refer to Oscar's feelings as a variety of cold things and I think this is my favourite line representing this:
Oscar stands his ground, glaring at the Spaniard as if he only needed to will the icicles inside his lungs into existence and they would pierce right through Carlos’ neck. If he truly is the prey, then Oscar will bring Carlos down with him.
Then there's the contrast between Oscar and Carlos, the present, and Oscar and Lando, the fantasy. I tried to play with the aspect of Oscar getting a little too into his head and Carlos constantly ripping him out of it. After the lovely comments I got, this also really says something about Carlos, doesn't it? Fragile ego. Needs to be the centre of attention at all times and doesn't like it when Oscar's focus drifts off. But still, Carlos uses Oscar's fantasy to his advantage to remind him of his place. Longer snippet I really like:
Carlos’ low voice directly next to him interrupts his thoughts. “We're going slow, yes? Remember, we need to train you for Lando.”
Oscar doesn't want slow. He wants to be able to take anything Carlos can throw at him. He wants this to end so he can go back to Lando, his warmth gently melting the ice around Oscar instead of Carlos brutally burning a hole through it. He wants to turn this situation around, show Carlos who's in control.
Again, fire and ice and how incompatible Oscar and Carlos truly are. It also leads to the second theme: control and the loss of it. I really like the structure I came up with, where we can see both Oscar and Carlos lose control over time. At first, Oscar fights back with everything he has, refuses to do what Carlos says, tries to wrangle back control by surprising Carlos. But he slowly comes to accept that he isn't really in control, they both aren't, and they fuck nasty.
And lastly, I don't know where to put this but this is my all-time favourite line I wrote:
Once Oscar is in front of the bed, he stops. Takes a deep breath, stares at the pictures on his wall. One frame is a bit crooked, he notices. A small thing out of place, destroying the harmony of the image.
Oscar turns around.
Carlos is standing in the doorframe.
I know the comparison is very on the nose. "Ohhh, Carlos is the thing out of place in Oscar's home!" Yeah, well. Duh. But it sets the mood, the tone, the rancid vibes! I giggle and kick my feet every time I remember that I came up with that :D
Yeah. This got really long. Apologies but I love this fic very much <3
If you want to ask about any of my fics, send me what you want to know, or a star for dealer's choice!
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Interlude 2 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
There were very few things, in Victoria Dallon’s estimation, that were cooler than flying.  The invisible forcefield that extended a few millimeters over her skin and clothes just made it better.  The field kept the worst of the chill from touching her, but still let her feel the wind on her skin and in her hair.  Bugs didn’t splat against her face like they did against car windshields, even when she was pushing eighty miles an hour.
I mean, there's a reason why people objected to Victoria being the MC of Ward way back when. Her first introduction really doesn't jive with the rest of Worm's general tone, sets the mood, etc. Collateral Damage Barbie and all.
Really, Ward may take place after Worm, and may be in the same verse, etc, but it's not a sequel in the conventional sense. it's not telling the same story, the theming and narrative is wildly different - plus, Worm is 1.6 Million words long. 1.6 Million is over 3 times longer than Lord of the Fucking Rings. That's not a Book, that's a series. Ward isn't a sequel to Worm, it's a new series in the same world, after the previous series. Which is definitely a thing.
Granted, this is nitpicking, but Ward sucks, so fuck Ward.
Anyway - this opener for Vicky here does set a tone for her. I know she 'gets better' even within Worm itself, etc, but at this point, all the reader really knows (bar spoilers) is that some heroes are apparently dicks, and some villains are apparently halfway nice people. I'm going to guess one of the main purposes of this interlude (since, if I have picked up things right, is an instance of Amy healing another one of Vicky's victims) is to further the case, to the reader, that the heroes aren't all bright and shiny.
(To be clear, based on my fic reading/wiki walking/reddit thread reading, I am actually a fan of Victoria Dallon overall)
She stayed in that kneeling position for just heartbeats, letting her platinum curls and the cape that was draped over one of her shoulders flutter in the wake of air that had followed her descent.  She met the eyes of her quarry with a steely glare. She’d practiced that landing for weeks to get it right.
We see her reveling in her power in a way Taylor never does, never wants to. We also see her being an overdramatic teenager, but then, If I'd had that sort of power when I was her age (17? 18?) I'd also be overdramatic as fuck, so I'm not blaming her.
“I didn’t do anything,” the man snarled. “Andrea Young!” Victoria raised her voice.  As she shouted, she exercised her power.  The man quailed as though she’d slapped him.  “A black college student was beaten so badly she needed medical attention!  Her teeth were knocked out!  You’re trying to tell me that you, a skinhead with swollen knuckles, someone who was in the crowd watching paramedics arrive with an expression bordering on glee, you didn’t do anything!?” “I didn’t do nothing worth caring about,” he sneered.  His bravado was tempered by a second look over his shoulder, as though he’d very much like to be elsewhere right that moment.
I mean, no one ever accused Neo-Nazis of being smart, but you do know who this is, you little shit, right? You may not care, but she does, so keep on denying it. It won't work, but you have to at least try.
God, his stupidity almost offends me more than his racism.
  For just a moment, she contemplated slamming him up against a wall.  It would have been fitting and satisfying to shove him hard enough against the brick to crack it, then drop him into the dumpster that sat at the wall’s base.
Intrusive thoughts, entirely understandable.
“I think it’s a safe bet to say you’re a member of Empire Eighty-Eight,” she told him, meeting his eyes with a hard stare, “or at least, you’ve got some friends who are.  So here’s what’s going to happen.  You’re going to either tell me everything the triple-E’s have been up to, or I’m going to break your arms and legs and then you’re going to tell me everything.”
Well. Not a great look, even as an empty threat, Victoria. Not a great look at all.
“Fuck you, you can’t touch me.  There’s laws against that shit,” he blustered, staring fixedly over one shoulder.
Okay, so I know police brutality still happens on Earth-Bet, so does this guy really think this will work?
(also, why is it in superhero fiction superheroes always seem to be better regulated and more likely to actually be punished than cops? Apart from author fiat, I mean? Probably Police Unions are a huge contributing factor, tbh)
Her body thrummed with current – waves of energy that anyone in her presence would experience as an emotional charge of awe and admiration.  For those with a reason to be afraid of her, it would be a feeling of raw intimidation instead.
Ah yes. The Aura. Nothing ethically dubious about this. Aura Theory may not be true, but really, wtf Vicky. Don't go running this thing like it's Candy Crush on a boring Thursday Night.
Was Candy Crush around in 2011? Does Earth Bet have Candy Crush?
He was utterly for still for long enough that Victoria had begun to worry that he’d somehow snapped his neck or broken his spine as he’d rolled.  She was relieved when he groaned and began to pull himself to his feet. “Ready to talk?” she asked him, her voice carrying down the alley.  She didn’t move  forward from where she hovered in the air, but she did let herself drop closer to the ground.
There is a reason Vicky's detractors (and even some of her fans) call her 'Cop' as a middle name.
Like, character doing torture in fiction happens, and in a story like Worm, might even still be an overall good person, but someone like Glory Girl really shouldn't fucking be doing this shit. Not with New Wave's whole schtick and her whole general... vibe as a superhero.
Then again, that she's doing this despite that is probably the whole goddamn point of the interlude.
What was this asshole thinking?  That she would just let him go?  That, what, she would just bend to his witless lack of self preservation?  That she was helpless to do any real harm to him?  To top it off, he was going to insult her and try to walk away?
Shards, Shards, my dudes. my guys - DON'T GIVE TEENAGERS THIS SORT OF POWER
This time, he didn’t get up. “Fuck,” she swore, “Fuckity fuck fuck.”  She flew to him and checked for a pulse.  She sighed, and then headed to the nearest street.  She found the street address, grabbed her cell from her belt and dialed. “Hey sis?  Yeah, I found him.  That’s, uh, sort of the problem.  Yeah.  Look, I’m sorr- ok, can we talk about this later?  Yeah.  I’m at Spayder and Rock, there’s this little road that runs behind the buildings.  Downtownish, yeah.  Yeah?  Thanks.” Victoria returned to the unconscious skinhead, checked his pulse, and listened intently for changes in his breathing.  It took a very long five minutes for her sister to arrive. “Again, Victoria?” the voice disturbed her from her contemplations.
One word. Conveys so much character and worldbuilding, doesn't it?
“Use my codename, please,” Victoria told the girl.  Her sister was as different from her as night was from day.  Where Victoria was beautiful, tall, gorgeous, blonde, Amy was mousy.  Victoria’s costume showed off her figure, with a white one-piece dress that came to mid-thigh (with shorts underneath) an over-the shoulder cape, high boots and a golden tiara with spikes radiating from it, vaguely reminiscent of the sun’s rays or the statue of liberty.  Amy’s costume, by contrast, was only a shade away from being a burka.  Amy wore a robe with a large hood and a scarf that covered the lower half of her face.  The robe was alabaster white and had a medic’s red cross on the chest and the back.
Like, I've seen people give Wildbow grief for describing Amy's outfit as like a burka, and it wasn't a great choice of words, but is evocative.
He really should have picked another term tho.
Also! AMY! AMY! My Poor Borbo Sopping Wet Babygirl Little Meow Meow Who Did Nothing* Wrong! Finally she appears! Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie!
*As a necessary clarification for people who are Wildbow or who otherwise don't understand Fandom and/or tumblr Humor, yes, Amy of course did so fucking much that is wrong. I really shouldn't have to clarify this, but this fucking fandom (and this fucking Author)
“Our identities are public,” Amy retorted, pushing the hood back and scarf down to reveal brown frizzy hair and a face with freckles spaced evenly across it. “It’s the principle of the thing,” Victoria replied. “You want to talk about principles, Glory Girl?” Amy asked, in the most sarcastic tone she could manage, “This is the sixth – sixth! – time you’ve nearly killed someone.  That I know about!” “I’m strong enough to lift a SUV over my head,” Victoria muttered, “It’s hard to hold back all the time.”
Yes, but that's also why you don't... like... do those things, Vicky? If you can't be sure you will hold back, then don't do a thing where if you don't hold back, you leave a guy like this. At least if it's not an actual life and death situation.
Amy's not wrong here. Six fucking times is a lot, for a girl who hasn't had her powers for more than a few years.
Carol? Carol?! Who said you could let your teenage wrecking ball patrol around like this unsupervised? Caaaarol!
(God, Carol is just... the worst fucking mother all around, isn't she?)
“Look, can you just fix him?” Victoria pleaded. “I’m thinking I shouldn’t,” Amy said, quietly. “What?” “There’s consequences, Vicky.  If I help you now, what’s going to stop you from doing it again?  I can call the paramedics.  I know some good people from the hospital.  They could probably fix him up alright.”
I mean, on the list of things that's weighing Amy down, all the people that she's healed for Victoria is probably a bit lower down, but it doesn't help.
Don't help her Amy. I know you will, and I love you anyway, but don't. Please don't. You're right. Vicky does need to learn.
“I know you’re not keen on the superhero thing, but you’d really go that far?  You’d do that to us?  To me?”
Look who took guilt redirection classes from Mommy!
(Not that this is like, some horrible sin revealing Vicky as a garbage person, teenagers learning moral lessons from their parents is inevitable, and Carol, again, suuuuucks. Bad mom, bad superhero, bad human. All my homies hate Carol.)
Amy pointed a finger at her sister, “That’s not me.  It’s not my fault we’re at this point.  It’s you.  You’re crossing the line, going too far.  Which is exactly what people who criticize New Wave are scared of.  We’re not government sponsored.  We’re not protected or organized or regulated in the same way.  Everyone knows who we are under our masks.  That means we have to be accountable.  The responsible thing for me to do, as a member of this team, is to let the paramedics take him, and let the law do as it sees fit.”
Again. She's really not fucking wrong. If Vicky makes a bad first showing for a work like this, Amy makes a really good first showing.
“My adoptive family,” Amy mumbled into Victoria’s shoulder, “And stop trying to use your frigging power to make me all squee over how amazing you are.  Doesn’t work.  I’ve been exposed so long I’m immune.” “It hurts,” the man moaned. “I’m not using my power, dumbass,” Victoria told Amy, letting her go, “I’m hugging my sister.  My awesome, caring and merciful sister.”
Being exposed to a mind altering power so much that you're 'immune' is still not the sort of thing a person should really be going through at all, you get that, right? Vicky? You do get that, right?
Are you really not? You sure? Because you just did lose control of your other power (super strength) a few minutes ago.
Aura Theory isn't true, but the Aura is still 17 kinds of bullshit, Vicky.
Amy frowned at Victoria, “I’ll heal him.  But this is the last time.”
Amy, I love you, I love you to pieces and to the moon and back, and I wish for nothing but happiness for you, but you and I both know this is not the last time.
Amy leaned over the man and touched her hand to his cheek, “Slingshot break to his ribs, fractured clavicle, broken mandible, broken scapula, fractured sternum, bruised lung, broken ulna, broken radius -“ “I get the point,” Victoria said. “Do you?” Amy asked.  Then she sighed, “I wasn’t even halfway down the list.  This is going to take a little while.  Sit?”
Vicky, you're really not sounding like someone who is getting it. You really should be hearing Amy's whole list.
Like, I get that Vicky's probably not supposed to be coming off great in this scene, and if so, task fucking successful.
“Better than ever, physically,” Amy replied, “I grew her new teeth, fixed everything from the bruising to the scrapes, and even gave her a head to toe tune-up.  Physically, she’ll feel on top of the world, like she had been to a spa and had the best nutritionist, best fitness expert and the best doctor all looking after her for a straight month.”
“Yeah, yeah.  Not can’t.  Won’t.  It’s complicated and I don’t trust myself not to screw something up when I’m tampering with someone’s head.  That’s it, that’s all.”
This isn't the (only) reason Amy has this rule, of course, but it's a damn fucking good one.
As far as she was concerned, Amy was doing herself a disservice by not practicing using her powers on the brain.  It was only a matter of time before her sister found herself in a situation where she needed to do some emergency brain surgery and found herself incapable.  Amy, for her part, refused to even discuss it.
...On the other hand.
Vicky's not wrong. Holy shit, is she not wrong. And not just for reasons stated, but for a bunch of other reasons Vicky doesn't know about.
The problem with rigid rules, and pinning your entire sense of morality to them is that if you break one, and you made it so rigid it's brittle, the whole moral edifice falls down.
Amy, babygirl, please. Someone needs to get this girl into at college level ethics course, STAT. She needs a moral worldview that she didn't inherit from Carol that isn't so black and white and rigid yet brittle.
“I… sue you, he gasped out, then managed an added, “Whore.” “Try it.  I’d just love to see a skinhead with a few broken bones go up against a superheroine whose mom just happens to be one of the best lawyers in Brockton Bay.  You know her, right?”
Aaand back to the Police Brutality analogues.
“And erectile dysfunction,” Amy said, just loud enough for the thug to hear her, “You fractured your ninth vertebra.  That’s going to affect all nerve function in extremities below your waist.  If I leave you like you are, your toes will always feel a little numb, and you’ll have a hell of a time getting it up, if you know what I mean.”
Always the best way to get to a guy poisoned on the kind of hypertoxic 'masculinity' that fascism and adjacent ideologies fill their supporters with: Go after what they love most.
“I have an honorary medical license,” Amy told him, her expression solemn, “I’m not allowed to fuck with you about stuff like that.  Hippocratic oath.”
Amy Dallon, Bullshittter Extraordinaire :rofl:
“This guy, Coil.  Don’t know what his powers are, but he’s got a private army.  Ex-military, all of ’em.  At least fifty, Kaiser said, and every one of ’em has top notch gear.  Their armor’s better than kevlar.  You shoot ’em, they’re back up in a few seconds.  ‘Least when you shoot a pig, you can be pretty sure you broke a few ribs.  But that’s not the fucked up thing.  These guys?  They’ve got these lasers hooked up to the machine guns they carry around.  If they don’t think bullets are doing it, or if they’re after people who are behind cover, they fire off these purple laser beams that can cut through steel.  Tear through any cover you’re standing behind and burn through you too.”
Aaaah Thomas Fuckface Calvert. First introduction of what is probably the closest thing Worm has to like a real 'main villain'. Jack Slash is a close second, but it takes too long for him to be relevant for that to count. Calvert looms over the entire narrative from midway through Arc 2 until he dies in what... I'm going to guess from what I know is somewhere in Arc 20? 21?
The skinhead laughed, then winced, “Are you dense, girl?  Everyone’s going to make a play.  It’s not just the major gangs and teams that are looking for a slice of the pie, there.  It’s everyone.  The Docks are ripe for the taking.  The location’s worth as much money as you’d get downtown.  It’s the go to place if you want to buy black market.  Sex, drugs, violence.  And the locals are already used to paying protection money.  It’s just a matter of changing who they pay to.  The Docks are rich territory, and we’re talking the potential for a full scale fucking war over it.”
Nature abhors a vacuum, and that's one reason you have to be careful about taking out whole gangs.
He continued, “You want to know my guess?  Empire Eighty Eight is going to take the biggest slice of the Docks, because we’re strong enough to.  Coil’s going to stick his thumb in just to spite us, ABB is going to hold on to some.  But you’re also going to have a bunch of the little guys trying to take something for themselves.  Über and Leet, Circus, the Undersiders, Squealer, Trainwreck, Stain, others you’ve never heard of?  They’re going to stake out their ground, and one of two things is going to happen.  Either there’s war, in which case civilians get hurt and things get bad for you, or there’s alliances between the various teams and solo villains and shit gets even worse for you.”
Chatty (and surprisingly insightful) little shithead, isn't he? Where were all these brains earlier when he was Mouthing Off to Alexandria Jr?
 “Try it.  My sister just healed you… most of you, with a touch.  Did you ever wonder what else she could do?  Ever think, maybe, she could break you just as easily?  Or change the color of your skin, you racist fuck?  I’ll tell you this, I’m not half as scary as my little sister is.”
Does Vicky realize how true this is? Like, really, truly, how easily her sister could become an S-class threat?
Also, just once, it would be funny as fuck if Amy did make a member of E88 black. Horrifying implications, but funny as fuck.
“I’ll be good.  I’ll be better,” Victoria promised as she dialed with one hand. 
If I'm Amy, I'm thinking 'You mean that now'.
But again. What 17 year old doesn't say "i'll do better" and, even when they mean it, sometimes fail?
“Amy!” Victoria laughed, hugging her sister with one arm, “Weren’t you just saying you weren’t going to mess with people’s heads?”
She said she wouldn't mess with their brains.
(Not that this shithead racist fucker seems to have many of those)
Overall, fucking love this Interlude, and even if I didn't have Amy Dallon Brainrot™ as a pre-existing condition, I think I would anyway.
But ooof. So many fucking oofs, given where I know the story is going.
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charkyzombicorn · 3 months
One piece shipping meme because i can only mentally consume the sillies :( blank template and justification below the cut
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lusopp - my favorite guys! I love the theme of devotion in ships between strawhats but I also love that effort they had to put into it. They don't always understand eachother but they are constantly trying to and I love them I could make a whole seperate post abt it
zolu - the devotion? There. The complete interdependence? There. The full faith in eathother? There. Literally the only problem with them is that any conflict with them has to be them vs the world instead of inter-relationship because they are so symbiotic
zosopp - I'm soooo normal about them. Usopp is everything Zoro is not, but all they see is the benefits of that. Usopp confuses Zoro in a good way
sanlu - the subtext between a captain and a cook got to me, man. Also the devotion still gets to me, and I think those two would make for very cute old people
frobin - genuinely forget this one isn't canon sometimes. Autism x Autism. They make eachother happy. I don't know what more to say
navi - listen. I know a lot of the ship is based on fanon because Yuri is hard to come by in a show that doesn't pass the bechdel test within the first 500 episodes. But I don't care. Let me enjoy my lesbian Aladin in peace. Nami being a cutpurse mad at the world for what it did to her and Vivi being a princess desperately trying to control the world just to keep it safe. I love them
roboa - yes I know it's a rarepair yes I know they haven't interacted but. The potential???? Firstly, Robin could fix her. Secondly, Boa could make her worse. Thirdly, they would be able to understand eachother on a very deep level. Fourthly, undercover assassin scenario ✨ yes I'm delusional leave me be
lawlu - lots of great fics, lots of potential, lots of Dressrosa arc. I like them
zolaw - jock x nerd type ship. Not a bad thing. All the content I see of them is gold
lunami - been obsessed since I read Arlong Park in grade 4 at my school library. I'm very specific about them, though, because a lot of the content is two-dimensional guy-girl tropes that don't fit them.
branky/brobin - strawhat old people polycule real. If Jimbe was in the circle he would be here too
usosan - I get it
acesan - they're funny to me
usonami - most normal couple i think
ronami - depends on the content & context
sannami - drum island ot3 real, but without Luffy it's kinda meh
lawsopp - I've seen some good content, but I don't think they would fit well
zosan - they kinda just act like my brother and I? They're kinda that sore spot between witty banter and actual enemies-to-lovers. Some of the content is good, though
luboa - pretty sure it's canonical boa is only Like That because she doesn't have a lot of good sources that men aren't all dogshit
sabolu/acelu/saboace - doesn't really do anything for any of their characters, kinda pointless unless they're ooc and seems more like a kink thing than anything
sanrobin - don't really see it
lushanks - don't really get it
Nothing is in black because saying something people enjoy that doesn't hurt anyone shouldn't exist seems mean to me, I don't really believe in that.
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