#and if the show could allow them a slight amount of angst
alicepao13 · 7 months
Charlie: I'm going undercover as a prison inmate.
Joe: Have I told you today that this is the most harebrained thing you've ever thought of?
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prettyfastcars · 7 months
Darkest little paradise | Mob!Lewis
Summary: You and Lewis are childhood best friends. You know him better than anyone, and you’re one of the few people he actually trusts fully. But Lewis has been keeping secrets from you. And when you find out exactly what he's been hiding, nothing is ever the same again. 
Themes: mob!lewis, angst, smut, possessive!lewis, virgin!reader, fluff, slight degrading kink, explicit language, slightly dark!mob!lewis, friends to enemies to lovers ish
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Out of all places, he didn’t expect to find you out on your balcony drinking by yourself. 
Lewis had received a phone call from your very worried father earlier, the latter told him that you weren’t picking up any calls, and asked him to check on you to see what was wrong. Your parents were travelling and they were worried about you being alone when they suspected that you were upset. 
Lewis was confused as to why you didn’t reach out to him if you were really upset. Usually you texted him regarding every minor happening throughout the day. 
“Hey, princess,” He called out gently, stepping out onto the penthouse balcony to join you. “Your dad called me, he wanted me to see how you were doing. Everything… alright?”  
Dumb question, he knew. Of course nothing was alright if you were out here drinking alone. You looked like you had been crying too. Puffy red eyes, dried tears on your cheek. It was night time, and the city sparkled below like a shimmery tapestry. Yet you looked devastated, like you couldn’t even bring yourself to admire the citylights. 
The moment you looked up and met Lewis’ eyes, you felt like running into his arms and crying again. Lewis had always been your safe place. You two grew up together. Your families had been friends for decades. Your father and Lewis did business together, both of them powerful, feared, and respected in this city. But to you he was just your best friend. He was there right beside you for everything; school, high school, uni, graduation, vacations, all your good days and bad days, everything. 
But you knew you would feel dizzy if you got up so you remained seated on the lounge chair, sipping on more wine. You were one and a half bottles down. 
When you remained quiet, Lewis walked up to you and stood by the chair just watching you. He could tell you were a bit drunk, but the bottles of wine weren’t his main concern. 
He was more bothered by what you were wearing. 
Your families had been on enough vacations around the world for Lewis to have seen you in all sorts of swimwear. But right now, as you were dressed in nothing but dark red, lacy, see-through lingerie, it felt risqué and intimate. Thankfully you had a satin robe on, though it didn’t leave much to the imagination. It was driving Lewis insane. He had to clench his fists and take a deep breath in order to get his brain to function properly, and not be distracted by the amount of skin that you were showing. 
Did someone, other than him, see you like this? 
“Why are you dressed like that?” He tried his best to keep his displeasure hidden, but if you had been sober enough you would’ve surely caught the bitterness and jealousy in his voice. 
You looked up at him, and sighed. Everything seemed blurry in your drunken state. 
“You look so handsome,” You murmured, then chuckled humorlessly. “Were you out doing scary things while looking insanely good again?” You teased, and sipped on your wine again. He did look good, then again he always did. But right now, dressed in an all black suit, his braids tied into a low ponytail, his chains and rings… “Your nose stud looks extra sparkly tonight.” You commented, hiccuping after. 
Lewis let out a sigh, then shoved his hands in his pockets. “Why are you dressed like that? And why are you drinking alone? Did something happen?” He asked. 
That made you tear up again as his questions allowed the hurt to come flooding back in again. After a few seconds of silence, you answered, “I had a date tonight.” 
“What?” Lewis’ blood pumped faster than ever. 
You repeated, sounding more upset than earlier and on the verge of crying. “I had a date tonight.” 
He waited for you to give him more details, unsure of what to say. 
You continued, beginning to slur a little. “We were gonna have a cute date night. I made dinner, I got all dressed up,” You went to take another sip of wine but Lewis snatched your glass from you, and the look in his eyes told you that you weren’t getting that glass back. You sighed and resumed talking, “But he didn’t show up. I texted him, I called, I waited for an hour. Then his text came and he said he doesn’t feel like he’s ready for a relationship and what not.” 
“Well, at least he didn’t waste your time.” He said, trying to sound supportive. “If he didn’t like you, then–,” 
You cut him off, “I don’t care about being liked. I wanted him to fuck me.” 
Lewis froze again. His hand around the wine glass tightened to a point where he thought it might shatter but it didn’t. “Is that why you’re wearing that?” 
You rolled your eyes at him dramatically, “What do you think, Lew?” 
His hands were shaking. He didn’t know how to react to that. The two of you had been close all these years, but this was new territory. “Let’s get inside.” He said, already walking away expecting you to follow him. 
But you didn’t move. 
“What’s wrong with me?” You asked, making Lewis stop and turn around to face you again. Once you met his eyes again, you asked, “Why does this always happen to me?” You sniffled, wiping the tears that fell down your cheeks. “Am I not pretty enough?” 
Lewis sighed and walked over to where you sat. He placed the wine glass down and grabbed you by the arms, pulling you up. He kept an arm around you because he knew you’d be dizzy. “Who said you’re not pretty, princess?” 
You looked at him with teary eyes. “Then why doesn’t anyone want me?” 
He pulled you closer, looking at you with soft eyes. “Maybe he’s an idiot. Maybe he’s–,”
“But it’s not just him.” You sniffled, followed by a sob. “Everyone I’ve ever dated, they…” You hiccuped, “No one ever wants me. Everything feels great on the first dates, but then something always happens and they just… leave. Most of them never even tell me why, they just ghost me.” 
Lewis kept his poker face on as you wrapped your arms around him, finally feeling safe enough in his arms to cry your heart out. You sobbed, not worried about how your nearly naked body pressed up against him. You didn’t know you were driving him mad. 
“I just wanna feel wanted. And desired.” You cried on his shoulder, and he hugged you until your sobs fading into soft sniffles. “I want to experience things too, I deserve it, don’t I?” Lewis’ arms were warm around you, and that was all you needed. “I just wanna feel pretty.” 
“But you are pretty.” Lewis said, his voice soft and quiet. “You’re the prettiest girl I know.” 
You were quiet for a few moments, then said, “But even you don’t want me.” 
Lewis froze for a moment, then pulled away quickly, cupping your face so you’d look at him. “What’s gotten into you?” 
More tears fell down your face silently, Lewis wiped them away. This was way different than all the times he comforted you. There was a line you were both crossing here and you both knew that. 
“If we weren’t best friends, and if I’d let you–” 
“You’re drunk.” Lewis cut you off. 
But you continued, sniffling. “Would you? Would you want me, Lew? Am I pretty enough for you?” Before Lewis could answer, you grabbed his hand and guided it over to your chest. Another fell down your cheek. 
“Stop.” Lewis warned. 
“Please…” You whispered, placing his hand over the lacy material covering your breast. The warmth of his hand made you shiver. “I’d let you do anything.” Your voice dropped to a whisper. 
Lewis fought himself to remain in control. He could feel your racing heartbeats, your warmth and the softness of your skin. You were upset and hurting, and if he did anything, it would be wrong because clearly you weren’t thinking straight. 
One moment he was looking at you like he was in pain, and the next he pulled his hand away from your chest and wrapped it around your throat instead, making your eyes widen at the sudden rough movement. 
“Stop saying shit like that.” He hissed, in a lowered voice he had never used on you before. He tightened his grip around your neck just enough to have your full attention. “Now get inside, take this fucking outfit off of you and get some sleep.” His dark brown eyes stared into yours. “Stop acting like a needy brat, and do as I say.” 
With that he let go of you, pushing you away carefully. You wiped your tears and basically ran inside your penthouse. 
Lewis stayed out on the spacious balcony for a while longer, mainly to calm himself down but also waiting for his throbbing erection to calm down as well. Fuck. He wasn’t expecting that. 
After a while, Lewis walked back into your penthouse. He went straight into your bedroom and found you sulking in bed. Thank fuck you were not wearing that flimsy lacy thing anymore. It looked like you had had a shower as well. 
He grabbed a cold water bottle from your mini fridge and brought it over to you, sitting down on the edge of your bed as he handed it to you after taking the cap off. You accepted it quietly and took a few sips. 
He noticed you were avoiding his eyes. “Talk to me.” He said. He hated it whenever you two fought or argued, which you very rarely did. 
“I’m sorry.” You finally whispered, “I wasn’t thinking.” 
“I know. You don’t have to apologise.” He stood up, and said, “Look, I have to fly somewhere for work. I’ll see you back at your father’s house in a few days, okay?” 
Every fortnight Lewis and your dad got together to discuss business, and your families used that as an excuse for a get together each time. You nodded, still avoiding his eyes. 
“Hey,” Lewis bent down and tapped you on the nose playfully. “Don’t worry too much. Get some sleep, you need it.” 
He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead, and didn’t leave until you gave him a faint smile back. 
Lewis couldn’t get that night out of his head. He was being plagued with what ifs. What if he had taken your offer? What if you two had slept together? Would you have woken up and regretted it? What would have happened if you found out that he was responsible for scaring away every man who ever tried to date you? Would you hate him? Would he lose you? 
No. He couldn’t lose you. You were his best friend. All he ever wanted was to keep you away from assholes who could never treat you right. One of those assholes being that guy who turned you down that night he found you drinking on the balcony. Lewis was the reason behind that text the guy sent you. 
He hated it, indirectly being the reason behind why you were upset after each failed relationship. 
Which is why he swore to never let you know what he did behind your back each time a man showed even the slightest bit of interest in you. He would never let you know how he stalked them. How he found every dirty secret about them and held it over their heads. How he often had to get physical and anonymously beat them up. How he followed and kept an eye on you from a distance each time you went on a date. 
But he couldn’t tell you the truth, could he? He couldn’t tell you that he was the one who threatened every boyfriend you’d ever had. He could tell you that he told them if they touched you, he would kill them. He couldn’t tell you that he had been doing that since you had your first boyfriend in high school. 
He had lost count of how many times he’d followed the men home and held his gun to their heads until they deleted your number and promised to leave the city. He hated that you got hurt in the process, each time. But this was necessary, wasn’t it? 
After all, you were his. Why should anyone else have you? 
He had waited his entire life for you to see him in that way. For you to realise that he was right there, and that he could treat you right. What sucked the most was that the first time you ever showed interest in him in that way, that night on the balcony, you were not sober at all. Lewis felt like an afterthought. And he hated it. 
But he was a patient man. He had waited years, and he would wait some more if that’s what it took for you to see him in that light. 
Your families, as per usual, got together at your father’s mansion for your biweekly lunch. Lunch and business talk were just excuses anyway. All of you just used the time to catch up, cook together, lounge by the pool, play games. And it always, always ended up becoming like a weekend getaway for everyone. 
Lewis looked forward to it, as he always did. Not to discuss business with your father but just to see you. When you were kids you two used to never sleep during these weekends. You’d build forts, and get lost in the hedge maze and play by the pool for hours. As you got older, playtime turned into movie nights. 
But this weekend, something was different. 
“Hi dad, hey Lewis!” You called out, looking happier than usual. Which Lewis found weird because less than a week ago you were drinking alone on your balcony, nursing a broken heart. 
Both men looked up at you, replying to your greeting from where they were sitting in your father’s office. But you breezed past them, disappearing down the hallway faster than Lewis could ask what had you in such a good mood. You were almost skipping. 
He made a mental note to ask you about it over lunch later. 
But he never got to do that since you were completely engrossed in your phone at the lunch table. And everyone kept talking to him and he had to reply to them mindlessly all while his entire attention was on you. Especially since you kept smiling down at your phone. 
A multitude of possibilities crossed his mind. And he hated every single one that had to do with you being involved with another man. He decided he’d confront you about it later. 
By the time Lewis managed to get to alone to talk to you, it was already night time. He’d missed dinner because he had important phone calls to take. And by the time he returned back to the dining room, everyone was drunk and you had already left. 
So here he was now, waiting for you in your bedroom. When you were younger, Lewis used to make fun of you for having an all pink room. After all, your father’s mansion was a behemoth, Georgian style mansion, complete with luxurious dark interior, all except your girly pink room. 
So then one day you got tired of his teasing and demanded an all black and gold room. You were fifteen then, and now many years later, the room hadn’t changed one bit. 
Lewis was looking around, noticing everything that hadn’t changed in many years, when you walked in. Still with that big smile on your face. 
“Oh hey Lew, ready for movie night?” You closed the door behind you and began dimming the lights, already searching for the TV remote. “Should we watch a musical?”
Meanwhile Lewis was standing there, in the middle of your room, looking all confused. Finally he asked, “What is going on with you?”
You kept lifting the cushions on the sofas, looking under them to find the remote as you mindlessly asked, “What do you mean?” 
“Stop.” He called out, wanting your attention. “Look at me!” 
That tone of his made you stop. This was the second time he’d used that voice on you now. The first time was that night he found you drinking alone. 
You turned to face him. You were used to this, him standing in your childhood bedroom, wearing nothing but his usual sweatpants, braids untied. Lewis had always been handsome, yet right now as he looked at you with a strange anger in his eyes, you couldn’t focus on anything else. 
“What is it?” You asked, leaning against the sofa for support as Lewis’ eyes stared deep into your soul. He was your best friend, but you had seen the way he worked. You knew why he was so feared and respected. Lewis could be intense sometimes. 
“You just seem…,” He crossed his arms over his chest, “Happy. All of a sudden. I mean, I found you heartbroken on your balcony just a few days ago and now you’re basically skipping with joy all over the place.” He said it like it was the most odd thing he’d ever seen. 
“Oh Lewis,” You chuckled. “Maybe I am happy.” You said, moving away from the sofa and stepping closer to him. “I wasn’t gonna sit and let a man decide if he wanted me or not. I thought maybe I should take matters into my own hands and, you know, get out and find what I want on my own.” 
Lewis frowned. “What does that mean?” His heart began racing again. He’d been away these last few days, and he was just now realising that you had barely texted him at all. 
You avoided his eyes with a coy smile and said, “My girlfriends and I went clubbing the other night,” You looked up at him with a mischievous smirk, “And there was this guy, and he seemed really nice, and…” You trailed off, smirking some more, “Well, you know, we kind of hooked up in his car and–,” 
One moment you were talking, and the next Lewis had you pinned to the nearest wall. His tattooed hand wrapped around your throat, keeping you in place as he leaned in with a murderous look in his eyes. 
“Who the fuck touched you?” He whispered, looking like he was trying really hard to keep his anger contained. “Just give me a name, and I swear I will–,” 
“So it was you.” You cut him off this time, your voice shaky and your eyes beginning to tear up. 
Lewis frowned. 
“This whole time, you’re the one making decisions about my life.” You watched how his face fell when he realised that you figured it out. “You had no right, Lewis.” 
“Yes I did.” He argued, leaning closer. “Now tell me who the fuck touched you?” 
You hated him at that moment. But his scent was familiar, his touch was warm as always. He was still that person who held you each time you crumbled down. He was still your best friend, but you were angry. 
“No one did. I had a theory, I wanted to see if it was true so I lied.” You sighed. “I never went clubbing, I didn’t hook up with anyone.” You explain. “ You know, I always wondered why you never seemed bothered like a true friend would each time I came crying to you about how I got stood up, ignored, or ghosted.” You scoffed, “Turns out it was you who hurt me each time.” You accused. “Why couldn’t you let me be with who I wanted?” 
“No one was ever good enough for you.” He whispered, his face just inches away from yours. 
“That’s not for you to decide, Lewis!” You sniffled, then raised your voice. “I’m an adult, I can be with whoever I want to be. I can sleep with whoever I want to–,” 
“No.” He said calmly, like he was stating facts. “You’re mine. They don’t get to touch you.” 
You struggled against him, and he loosened his grip around your neck a little but pressed his body against yours, keeping you trapped between himself and your bedroom wall. “I thought you cared.” You whispered. “Thought you wanted me to be happy.” 
Lewis pressed his forehead against yours, his other hand holding you at your waist. “You will be happy. You’ll be the happiest girl in this world.” He added, gently. “With me.” 
The audacity in his voice pissed you off. You shoved at his chest, managing to only push him an inch or two away. You forgot just how physically strong he was, but you were too angry to care. 
“I decide who I want to be happy with!” You yelled at his face. The mansion was big enough that no one else would hear you two arguing. “You don’t own me like you think you do!” 
Lewis chuckled, in that arrogant way of his, with his nose in the air. “You are mine.” 
“Why? Because you think so?” You scoffed, shaking your head at him. “What did you do to them anyway? Scare them off? Use them as punching bags? Throw them in your torture dungeons that I pretend don’t exist?” You never thought you’d ever say these words to him, but you didn’t care. He crossed a line. 
“Maybe.” He shrugged. “Maybe I did worse things, I had to get rid of so many boys I had to get creative.” Lewis gave you a dangerous smile, “You know I would do anything for you.” 
Those words, that voice, it sent shivers down your spine. “Lewis.” You warned, your brain seemed to just realise that this man was more than just your best friend. He was, after all, known for his ruthless ways. 
He smirked, stepping closer to you again. One hand on your waist, the other grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. His bare chest pressing against yours, only separated by the thin material of your PJ top. Your breathing got shaky, your brain got foggy. There was an unfamiliar tension in the air this time. It felt tangible the moment he easily shoved his thigh in between your legs. 
“What is it, princess? Now you’re scared of me?” He sounded cocky, and powerful. 
You stared into his big brown eyes. “I hate you.” You said, lying to his face. His handsome face. Flawless, like the rest of him. 
“Why?” Lewis smirked, “Because I kept assholes who would waste your time away from you? I’d say I did my duty as your friend. Isn’t that what friends do? Protect each other? Hmm?” 
You hated how he talked to you in that condescending tone. Mostly you hated how that tone made your body tingle. “I’ll tell my dad what you did.” You realised that only made you sound naïve. 
Lewis chuckled, “He’ll just think you’re throwing one of your bratty fits.” 
“I hate you, Lewis.” You repeated. 
“Oh you do?” He raised an eyebrow at you, mocking you. “I’ll believe you when you stop humping my thigh like that.” 
Your face burned when you realised that you’d been grinding on his thigh without thinking ever since he shoved it in between your legs. You froze and tried to push him away again but he wouldn’t let you. 
“Where are you going?” He said as you struggled against him. “What about this?” He pointed at the damp patch you left behind on his thigh. Your face burned even more as you looked at it. “Won’t you let me take care of that for you? Clearly your pussy is crying for attention.” 
“I don’t want you to touch me.” You didn’t sound convincing at all when you said it. 
That look in his eyes, his soft lips, the familiar scent of his, all that golden skin on display, the tattooed, rough hand holding your face… he was making it hard for you to think straight. And he knew. Judging by that smug look on his face, you could tell he knew. 
“Oh?” He taunted. “I remember perfectly well how just a couple of nights ago you almost begged me to fuck you.” He teased, “You even said you’d let me do anything to you.” He chuckled dangerously, like a villain. “Bet you would’ve even gotten on your knees and begged for me properly if I asked you to. You were that desperate for some cock in you. Do you remember that, princess?” 
His words made you breathless. On one hand he had crossed some boundaries, on the other he was giving you exactly what you craved, making you feel wanted and desired in his own dark, twisted ways. 
When he pressed his body against yours even more, you could feel something hard pressing against your abdomen. You gasped, looking into his eyes which were filled with a kind of hunger you had never seen before. It made you want to clench your thighs together, but with his legs in between yours, you couldn’t. 
“You feel that?” He rolled his hips in a way that made you very aware of his erection. “This is what I had to deal with for years whenever I was around you, always hoping and waiting you’d see that we belong together.” He confessed. 
“Lewis…” You couldn’t recognise your voice, it was so full of desire and need. But then you remembered what he did, and it felt like you sobered up and broke out of whatever trance he had you under. “You hurt me. For years.” 
“I did it for your own good,” He stated. “For us, can’t you see that?” 
“What you did was selfish.” You hissed, you placed your hands on his chest to push him away but the warmth of his skin made you pause. You could feel his heartbeats under your palms and just for a moment, you let your hands wander. Trailing up and down his toned abs, fingers tracing his tattoos. “It was mean,” You whispered bitterly, “Friends don’t treat each other like that.” Your actions didn’t match the way you reprimanded him. 
“I don’t want to be your friend.” He spat. 
“Neither do I.” You retorted. “Not after this bullshit of yours.” 
“You don’t get to push me away like that.” He grabbed you by the hips and pressed you even harder against him. 
You snapped, “You don’t get to make decisions about my life.” 
You opened your mouth to berate him some more, but he shut you up by pressing his mouth to yours, kissing you rough and hard like he hated you. 
You couldn’t control your hands anymore, you wanted to touch him and feel his warm, muscular body under your fingertips. You moaned into the kiss as his tongue slipped past your lips, stroking the top of your mouth while his hands slipped under your shirt, sliding up till he cupped your breasts, squeezing them in his large hands until you moaned even louder. 
His touch made you wild, enough for you to bite on his full lower lip until he hissed. Your hands sliding up and down his muscular chest, feeling every hard muscle. Fuck. He felt good. 
Flashes of that night filled your brain again, how you begged him to fuck you. And how he didn’t. A rush of anger took over you. 
“Why do you have to be so fucking moody?” You whispered against his mouth, as you pulled away to catch your breath. “If this is all you wanted then why didn’t you fuck me when I asked you to?” 
He smirked at the sudden dominance in your voice. “You mean when you begged me to?” 
“Shut the fuck up.” You snarled. 
Your words made him smirk as he looked down at you with lust in his pretty, warm brown eyes. How had you missed the way he looked at you all these years? 
“Oh? You’re using your big girl words now.” He taunted, mocking you with that smug smirk of his. “Admit it, you’re angry and you still want me to fuck you.”  
You were about to sass back at him but he grabbed your hand, moving it down his body, mimicking how you made him touch you that night. Lewis made you slide your hand past the waistband of his sweatpants, slowly, holding your stare as he had you wrap your hand around his erected cock. 
You breathed heavily now, lips parted as you looked up at him while instinctively giving him a gentle squeeze. He frowned and groaned like he hadn’t been touched in forever, “Fuck, princess…” 
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t almost forgive all his wrongs right there and then. Lewis let out some more strained moans when you slowly slid your closed fist up and down his cock, feeling it throb and twitch in your hand. You watched his face carefully. How he clenched his jaw, and closed his eyes, how his frown deepened when you explored and teased him with your hand. 
“Lewis…” You didn’t realise you were panting in need as you touched him. 
He opened his eyes and stared into yours. His hand wrapped around your neck again, hard enough to make you gasp in pleasure and pain. “Tell me you want me,” He leaned in to whisper in your ear, kissing along your jaw occasionally. “Beg me to fuck you like you did that night.” 
“I begged.” You chuckled this time, squeezing your hand around his cock again, enjoying the sounds he made. “You had the chance, and you didn’t fucking take it. Now, what if I don’t want you anymore?” 
Lewis scoffed and placed his mouth back on yours. Kissing you like he was hungry for it, biting your already swollen mouth. “Is that so? Shall we check, then?” 
He barely gave you time to think before he dipped his hands down your shorts, into your underwear until he felt the wetness gathering in between your legs. You shivered, moaning into the messy kiss as he moved his fingers around. 
He smirked, pulling away to look at you, holding your stare while his fingers gently inspected your wetness, teasing you, bringing you on the verge of begging for more. “That doesn’t feel like you don’t want me, princess.” 
You hated that mocking tone of his. It made you want to scratch at him like a feral cat. “Fuck you.” You hissed, unable to do much now that his finger threatened to slide deep inside you with how he kept toying with you. 
“Alright,” He pulled his hand away, “Come here then.” 
Lewis pulled you away from the wall and easily pushed you down on your bed, standing at the end of the bed to watch you for a moment. You watched him too. He looked like a fucking god. A muscular, heavily tattooed, handsome god. 
You almost gulped when you noticed he was eyeing you like you were the sacrifice left on his altar. Like he was ready to satiate his hunger. 
“You’re just gonna stare?” You couldn’t help the bratty words from leaving your mouth. Mainly because you knew that would get him moving. Having him just standing there watching you like that was painful because you wanted him so bad. 
Lewis crawled on top of you, grabbed you by the neck and said, “If you want my cock, you’re gonna ask nicely. Understood?” 
You glared at him, “I fucking hate how bossy you are.” You spat at him, already squirming under him. 
“And I hate how bratty you are.” He said, straddling your waist as he tore your shirt off your body, throwing it behind him. 
With no bra on, you instinctively went to hide your body from him. But Lewis grabbed your hands and pinned it above your head, securing your wrists in his one hand while the other cupped your breast. 
“You don’t have to hide from me, princess.” He whispered, kissing along your exposed neck. “It’s just me.” He playfully nipped at your neck and you moaned and squirmed under him, your brain already malfunctioning at his brief touch. 
“Don’t think that I’ve…” You gasped when he kissed around your ear, “forgiven you.” You whispered, breathless already, with shivers dancing down your spine. 
“Really?” He whispered, kissing his way down your body until he took one of your breasts into his mouth, kneading the other with his hand. He bit, and sucked on your skin, making your back arch off the bed as you whined in pleasure. “Haven’t you?” 
Your hips moved on their own, in a way they never had before. You were desperate for more, but were too proud to ask for it. Lewis lightly grazed your nipple with his teeth, and you let out a loud moan. One which made you want to hide your face in embarrassment after it escaped your mouth. 
“No, and I never will…” You muttered under your breath, still whining in pleasure as he played with your body. 
Lewis smirked as his hand reached down in between your legs. He lowered your shorts and underwear until you could easily slide your legs out of them. Your desperation was showing and he couldn’t stop smirking. 
You wanted to slap it off his pretty face. But you didn’t. You watched how he spread your trembling legs apart and settled in between them. You gasped in surprise when he lowered his face down until his mouth was inches away from your clit. 
This was new to you, and it made you a little nervous. 
He could tell. 
“Keep your legs right there for me.” He grabbed your thighs and parted your legs even more. “Now stay still, don’t move.” He whispered against your skin as he kissed your inner thighs. His warm breath caused goosebumps to erupt all over your skin. He looked up at you and smirked when he noticed it. 
You held yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him in anticipation. 
“No one else is gonna touch you like this, you hear me?” He leaned down, kissing your wet folds, his tongue slowly circling around your throbbing clit and licking down, parting your wet folds with ease. 
You shivered as you felt his tongue stroking your most sensitive parts. No one had ever even gotten close to touching you there. Lewis made damned sure of that after all. All so he could have all of you. 
“You taste better than I imagined…” Lewis chuckled as he looked up at you and found you with your eyes shut, head thrown back in pleasure. “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamt of this.” 
He wrapped his big arms around your thighs, keeping you in place and close to him. He placed his mouth back on you again, and licked in between your legs, making you whine as he tasted you. 
“Oh fuck, please…” You cried out, whimpering and begging. 
“Beg for it.” He whispered against your wet skin, making you hiss in pleasure. “Beg me to make you come.” 
You could feel your wetness trickling out of you, one drop at a time. Of course you had masturbated before but it never felt this good. No toy ever came close to how good his tongue felt slowly fucking in and out of you. 
You tried to grind on his face to make yourself come. But Lewis pulled away smirking each time. 
“Please,” You whined, giving in finally and unable to take his sweet torture anymore. “Lewis…” You pleaded, “Please make me come.” You could feel your legs shaking under his touch. “Please…” 
He almost wanted to tease you for a bit longer, but even he was getting impatient and wanted to fuck you as soon as he could. So he wrapped his arms around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you, fucking you with his soft, warm tongue until you were crying out loud, coming all over his mouth. 
You were gasping for air, your body squirming under him as you came. 
“You did so good, princess.” Lewis kissed his way up your body again until he pressed his mouth back on yours, kissing you just as hungrily as before. His braids tickled your face but nothing else had your attention in that moment. Not when his hands rubbed up and down your sides. Not when he lowered down just enough for you to feel his body weight, and feel his clothed erection right in between your legs. 
You had never been this intimate with anyone before, and just feeling his warm skin rubbing against yours had your mind going crazy. You moaned into his mouth, breathless from his kiss as his hand lowered his sweatpants just enough to free his erected cock again. 
You couldn’t help but whine as he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down your wet slit. You squirmed under him, seeking more of that feeling. 
Lewis pulled away from the messy kiss and looked down at you, supporting himself above you on one elbow. You had never seen him from this angle before. You couldn’t help but reach out to touch his face, because as angry as you were deep down, he was still your best friend. Still your favourite person in the whole world. 
And yet, he had been secretly hurting you thinking he was doing you good all these years. You couldn’t help the tears that fell down on either side of your face as you gently ran a finger across his perfect eyebrow. Damn him. Everything about him was perfect. 
“I hate you.” Was all you could whisper, feeling too much all at once. Anger. Betrayal. Desire. Need. Satisfaction.��
He smirked, pressing the tip of his cock against your hole and applied just enough pressure to make you moan without pushing inside you yet. “You can hate me while you’re being fucked by me, I don’t care.” 
Neither did you. Not when he slowly pushed inside of, stretching you open as he went. Filling you up until you couldn’t think once he was snug inside you. Fuck. It was too much. Too good. You couldn’t look away from him, more tears spilling down your face once he was fully in. 
Out of all the emotion you were feeling, the stab of betrayal hurt the most. After all, your best friend had been lying to you. Comforting you all these years while you felt insecure when he was the reason behind it. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You asked. 
He knew what you were referring to. “I didn’t want to lose you.” He sounded just as breathless as you were. It was hard to hold back from wanting to fuck you like he dreamt of doing all these years. But he didn’t want it to hurt. So he was waiting, waiting for you to adjust to his size. “I couldn’t risk it.”
You moaned as he removed himself entirely, slowly, before pushing back into you. He was trembling with how much he had to hold back. You could tell. For a man of his magnitude, it was a given that being gentle wasn’t necessarily his forte. But he was still trying. 
“You’re so selfish.” You stated, even when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding onto him as he fucked you slowly, as slow as possible. Letting you feel every inch of him moving in and out of you. It was so good it was agonising. 
“No,” He argued, still moving gently. “You know what would be selfish? If I asked your father for your hand in marriage behind your back. He would’ve approved of it, he loves me like a son and everyone knows that.” He kissed the side of your face. “But I gave you a choice, I was waiting for you to choose me. Getting rid of the competition all along was just… fun.” 
“Oh fuck you, Lewis.” You almost bit down on his shoulder when he tried to speed up a little. 
“You’re too tight, baby.” He whispered, kissing your face again. “Open for me. Let me fuck you, come on…” You heard him swear under his breath again, the warmth of his body on top of yours felt so good you never wanted this to end. 
Your heart raced even as you relaxed your body to let him in, to let him fuck you harder until fresh tears fell down your face. 
Lewis kissed your open mouth as you moaned for him, crying out loud each time his cock brushed against all the right spots inside you. “You’re all fucking mine,” He whispered, wrapping his hand around your throat again, “Is this what you wanted? Hmm? To be fucked like this?” He taunted. “Is this what you were begging for? You feel pretty now, princess?” 
His cocky words made you want to slap him but he felt too good for you to actually do it and risk him stopping. Instead, you carefully lifted your legs up and wrapped them around his waist, allowing him to thrust deeper into you. 
Lewis leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours while fucking deeper into you. The simple gesture felt too intimate. You were in sync, bodies moving as one, sharing the same breath, hearts racing, you felt connected. 
The more you moaned and whimpered, the more you felt him losing his ability to be gentle. At some point, he gave up completely and just fucked you relentlessly. 
You felt a familiar pressure forming in between your hips, your body begging for release. He could feel it too given how you clenched around him. 
“Already about to come for me, princess?” He chuckled, “That was quick.” You didn’t miss the arrogant tone in his voice. 
“Lewis… please.” You moaned, begging. 
His one word felt like it made your world come crumbling down. You cried out when he pulled out, right when you were mere seconds away from coming. 
Even he was surprised at how he was able to hold back from just fucking into you until you were both completely spent from coming too much. 
Lewis leaned in to kiss your swollen mouth. “You tortured me for years, princess.” He whispered against your mouth. “You don’t get to come that easily.” He pulled away and said, “Turn around for me.” 
You moved too slowly for his liking so he had to intervene. He pulled you onto your knees by your hips, shoving your face down into your soft pillow as he shoved his cock inside you again. 
His hand found its way to your front and he pressed the palm against your lower abdomen while he fucked into you. He liked how he could feel himself deep inside you with each thrust. And he liked how you clenched around his cock. 
“You feel me in here, princess?” He whispered, “You’re mine now, no one else is gonna touch you. Ever.” 
You moaned as he sped up when you least expected it. There was nothing to do but take it, take him deep inside you each time he filled you up. 
His hand travelled all the way to your throat and he choked you gently. It felt dirtier now that you couldn’t see him. He squeezed enough to make you lose your mind.
“Fuck! Please, Lewis….” You cried, your body moving forward and back with each thrust of his. You clenched the blanket under you in your fists tightly, biting down onto the pillow as he quickened his pace. 
“Are you going to come for me, baby?” He asked, his voice deeper now. “Are you going to be mine forever?” 
“Yes…” Your voice sounded muffled. “Yes, please…” 
“Oh damn you! Yes!” 
He chuckled, leaning down to press his chest to your back as he fucked into your harder than earlier. “Come for me, princess. Come all over my cock.” 
You came undone, hard and fast, moaning as you did. You had never imagined pleasure could be so blinding. Your brain was a foggy mess. You felt like you were floating. 
Lewis came right after you, groaning as he did. 
Both of you collapsed onto your bed, both catching your breaths and trying to calm your racing hearts. You could feel Lewis’s body heat right on top of you. 
Everything was blurry for a while after that. You briefly remember Lewis cleaning you up and placing the covers over you. 
When you came to again, you were laying almost entirely on top of his chest. Your ear right over his heart, which beat steadily now. His warm hand rubbed up and down your back. The room was dark now, all the lights were off. 
You wouldn’t see him but you still moved to look up at him. Or at least you tried to but the soreness in between your legs made you hiss in discomfort. 
“Sorry about that.” Lewis said quietly. You could hear the smug smile he was probably hiding. 
“I still hate you, Lewis. You piece of shit.” You muttered under your breath, placing your head back on his comfy chest. Your fingers traced over his skin, you knew exactly where all his tattoos were so you traced them even in the dark. 
“Sure.” He chuckled this time. “Didn’t sound like you hated me earlier. You screamed so loud I was worried we might have woken up the whole house.” 
Your face burned. You still couldn’t believe you actually did it. You slept with your best friend. It felt unreal. You tried to find that anger again, but it wasn’t there anymore. 
You still had one question. “Did you truly ever consider doing it? What you said earlier?” Your heart skipped a beat or two while you waited for an answer. 
Lewis was quiet for a moment then asked, “What exactly? I said a lot of things.” 
“Ask dad for my hand in marriage. Behind my back.” 
His silence said it all. 
“Asshole.” You muttered under your breath again. 
He laughed, tightening his arms around you protectively. “You love me, princess. You would’ve pretended to hate the thought of it. You would’ve thrown a bratty fit. But in the end, you would’ve said yes.” Then he paused and added, “You will say yes when time comes.” 
You hide your face into his chest even in the dark. Your silence said it all too.
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
miguel o'hara x reader
summary: when miguel sees how wrong your mission went, he only wishes for you to let him take care of you.
warnings: description of injuries, blood is mentioned once and there's not a lot of it
tags: gn!reader, slight angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, fucking oblivious idiots in love
word count: 1.8k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
I love him
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You pressed the button of the strap around your wrist with difficulty, opening a portal to the spider society. 
It took a good amount of your strength just to get back onto your feet after having collapsed into an empty alley after finally escaping the people chasing you, and you were thankful that your webs had helped you transport yourself earlier, because your legs couldn’t have done the job. 
It was the first time you had fled a scene without stopping the bad guys, but if you hadn’t fled it, they would have stopped you, and worse could have happened.
When you arrived at the spider society, almost everyone stopped in their task or conversation to stare at you, watching you limp through the crowd. A few of them gathered around you and offered you help, but you gave them a small smile and a lame excuse and that seemed to be enough for you to be able to move on. 
That was until Miguel turned his head at the hubbub you had caused and saw the state you were in.
He pushed every other spider person away, making his way to you hurriedly, his eyes gradually widening and lips parting in disbelief as he made his way to you.
"What on earth happened to you" he asked from a distance, his path now clear as everyone had made way for him to join you. 
He stood right in front of you, and though he couldn't see your face, he could imagine it through your mask, and he knew you wouldn’t tell him what happened. 
He looked at his side and realized everyone was staring. He sighed and turned so his back was turned to you, now facing the crowd that had circled the both of you. "Nothing to see here, we're fine, you can go back to your occupations" he ordered, and people awkwardly moved on from the situation, trying to act like nothing happened.
Miguel turned back to you once the movement had dissipated, and his face dropped in worry again. He had seen the way you were limping, and he was now seeing how you were holding onto your left shoulder, thoroughly trying to cover it with your hand. And hell, you hadn't even dropped your mask, but from the cut in it on your forehead, it was already bad enough.
"What happened" he asked again, more calmly and composedly this time.
"It's okay, I'm fine" you discarded the question, starting to walk until he put a hand over your other shoulder to stop you.
"If you don't wanna tell me what happened, let me at least help you now" he almost whispered, his gaze falling to meet your eyes to let you know that he was serious about this.
With that you left him behind and continued walking, difficultly, and Miguel sighed one last time.
A startled yelp left you when he shot a web at you and pulled you to him, making you land over his shoulder. It was so easy for him, his superstrength allowing him to handle you like you were just a rag doll to him.
You hit his muscled back with the bit of strength left in you, your desperate ministrations barely affecting him. "Let go of m–"
"Look at the things I have to do for you to let me take care of you" he cut you off in a monotone and low voice, trying to ignore all the pairs of eyes glued to the both of you again as he carried you over his shoulder. 
You gave up on trying to fight him, you knew you couldn't even if you really wanted to, you didn't have enough energy and he wouldn't want to let go of you anyway.
He brought you to a secluded quarter with medical supplies, and you were finally alone and not putting on a show anymore. He pulled a chair thanks to a web, and made you sit down on it before getting another chair in front of you and gathering the stuff he would need to clean up your wounds.
"Sorry if I hurt you when I shot the web and pulled you to me, but if you weren't so stubborn–"
"That's okay, I appreciate your concern" you cut him off huffing a laugh until another jolt of pain from your shoulder coursed through your body, making you suck in air through your teeth.
He looked over at you and hurried to get everything ready to take care of your wounds, putting the stuff on the table next to the chairs once ready.
"Let me see your shoulder" he asked throwing his chin at it, noticing that your hand hadn't left the spot since you came back to the spider society.
You released your tight grip from the wound slowly and carefully, your covered hand stained with a bit of blood. The wound wasn't so bad, it wasn't too deep, but it was long scratches that hurt every time you moved your arm even just a bit.
The worst part of it for you was that you were going to have to change your suit now that it was ripped to shreds in that area.
"Okay" Miguel muttered, inspecting the injury. "I think you're gonna heal pretty fast, but the first days are gonna be tough. The placement isn't the easiest to live with" he said while sitting down in front of you.
"You wanna talk about good placement? I probably have a cut right over my face" you declared, sliding your fingers under the hem of your mask. "I haven't seen it yet but I felt it for sure." you grunted, taking the piece off with a sigh of relief, happy to finally feel some fresh air.
He stared at the slash going from the side of your eyebrow to your forehead, his gaze quickly diverting to his lap where he was getting his stuff ready when your eyes met.
"There's no good spot to get hurt. I just meant that there are spots where it won't disturb you while it's healing" he declared as he prepared the gauze pad and soaked it with disinfectant. "Your forehead, it won't get in your way. It's inconvenient because it's visible and in the middle of your face but it won't disturb you. Your shoulder, it gets annoying when you shower, when you sleep, when you want to reach and grab something"
He pinched his lips in a skeptic smile. "You ready? It's gonna sting a bit" he declared looking at you seriously, and you responded with a small nod.
He took care of your shoulder first, helping you rip off your suit a bit more so he could have full access to the wound. Your heart ached at the sight of your beloved suit getting torn apart, but Miguel telling you that he would get you a new one, even better than this one, made you feel a bit better.
If you thought your shoulder was hurting before, it was nothing compared to that feeling when the disinfectant met your flesh. The sudden burning feeling made you let out a scream of pain, accompanied by a few swear words including a 'motherfucker' you hoped Miguel wouldn't take personally. 
He was trying to be gentle, he really was, the last thing he wanted to do was to hurt you, but no matter how soft he could be you both knew it would hurt anyways. You appreciated the way he tried to soothe you with kind words, telling you how good you were doing, telling you he was almost done cleaning it up and it was almost over.
You hoped he didn’t mind the way your nails were digging onto his bicep as you hissed in pain, and you knew he didn’t when his kind eyes met yours once he was done.
"Let me bandage you then it's over, okay?" he softly asked before shooting you a small smile. "It won't be as painful for your forehead."
You took the time to drink some well deserved and needed water before Miguel took care of your forehead. 
The proximity was another new feeling from this whole experience, and it almost made you forget about the slight pain located at the side of your face.
Miguel had your chin trapped between his thumb and forefinger to hold your face, causing your lips to slightly part. It was endearing to see him being so focused on trying not to hurt you, being so careful for each of his even smallest movements.
You hadn't even noticed he was done until he waved a hand in front of your face, making you apologize for being so disconnected from reality. You wished that moment could have lasted longer.
"Thank you" you absent-mindedly mumbled. "Sorry I was being a pain in the ass, I'm actually thankful you could take care of me" you softly smiled, and he mirrored your action.
"See, you should listen to me more often" he replied smugly, his soft smile changing to a toothy grin exposing his sharp fangs.
You huffed out a laugh and playfully hit his arm before shaking your head and standing up with a grunt.
"Hey" he called, a serious tone in his voice as he stood up in front of you. "I know you don't wanna tell me what happened but just know that I'll have Lyla get your previous location, I'll track them from here and I'll take care of them"
You paused for a second.
"You don't have to do this for me"
"I know" he declared, pinching his lips. "I want to."
"I'd need to properly thank you for that." you declared, raising your eyebrows until a sting reminded you of your cut there.
"You don't have to do that"
"I want to." you repeated his previous words with a smirk. You paused, then an idea came to your mind. "What about… What about you go to another universe with me so we can grab dinner?" you proposed, walking around your chair – still slightly limping – so you could slide it back under the table.
"So, a date"
"N– Yes." you bit down on your bottom lip as you looked back at him, trying to figure out what was going on in his head at that moment and studying his face, trying to guess if he would accept your offer. "If you want it to be"
"I think I'm fine with that." he smiled, crossing his arms.
"Good" you smiled back at him, your heart ready to burst out of your ribcage at any moment. "Shall we?" you asked, pressing the button to open a portal where the door of the room originally was.
"After you" he offered with a teasing smile, waving his hand at the halo. You grinned and started walking, until Miguel huffed out a laugh behind you. 
"God you need to do something about that limping. I guess I'll just have to keep carrying you around"
feedback is always extremely appreciated plsplspls!!
masterlist | taglist | ao3
spiderman 2099 taglist: @bubuslutty @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mintgreen24 @dameronshandholder @spider-starry @jakecockley @midnight-the-shadow-wolf @cocodiem @pedropascalsidechick @spxctorsslxt @roxannarichie @vicolangelo @amb3rrz @inluvvwithme @friedwings @chaotic-neon-sign @foxglove-grove
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kyracooneyx23 · 1 month
Leah Williamson
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summary: Leah still isn't over the fact that you're gone and can't help but looking for you in the crowd every game, even though she knows you'll never be there.
warnings: mentions of death, slight angst, depression, just lots of yapping at the end, not a happy ending. (cringe warning)
waldosia: /wawl-doh-zhuh/ n.  a condition in which you keep scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there, as if your brain is checking to see whether they're still in your life, subconsciously patting its emotional pockets before it leaves for the day.
You'd had Leah Williamson hooked from the very first time the two of you had met. You'd caught her attention with you're bright smile and warm laugh. She couldn't get enough of you, you were like a drug.
Leah Williamson had brightened up your world during some of the darkest moments in your life. You'd lost your mum to cancer and your sister had stopped speaking to you. When all seemed lost, she gave you a reason to keep pushing even when you didn't think you could.
You were a wreck but that hadn't stopped her from loving you.
The two of you shared a love so special, you were the first person she'd run to when celebrating a win, but also the first persons arms she'd fall into after a tough loss.
She was there to hold you when you missed your mum, and bring back your smile when your sister consistently ignored your calls.
You and Leah had found each other when you were both most in need of love the most.
But it was all a secret.
A love too good for the rest of the world to know.
You feared what would happen if the fans found out. Scared that Leah would be ashamed of a girlfriend like you.
You're insecurities screamed at you, that small voice in your mind a constant reminder that you'd never be good enough for the one and only Leah Williamson
But Leah thought you were perfect, you were real and that's what she needed.
She needed someone who wasn't afraid to talk about their emotions, someone who was there when Leah needed a shoulder to cry on. Someone to keep her head on straight.
And eventually the two of you started to break out of your little shell, finally brave enough to show a little PDA, even if it was only holding hands when the two of you went out together.
You'd even started allowing Leah to kiss you after her games, no longer restricting her to just a short hug.
But of course just as you started to think that everything was going to be good, it began to go downhill.
Down a hill so steep that not even the most powerful breaks could stop the fall.
Fans were too nosy for their own good, trying to get involved in people's business that didn't concern them.
They'd call you ugly, saying that Leah should break up with you and find someone better.
Leah said it was fine, she promised to never stop loving you, no matter what anyone said. You were her world and she swore it would always stay that way. She wasn't going to let this affect her.
But you could tell it wasn't true, you noticed. And so did everyone else. Her performances on the pitch were lacking the quality they used to have. It was clear to everyone that her mind was elsewhere.
And it was. You were all she could think about. Your broken face when you'd look online and see another post dissing you. The tears you'd quickly rub out of your eyes whenever she'd walk in the room, trying to pretend you hadn't been crying.
The guilt was eating you up, and as much as you despised the thought of it, you knew that the only way to fix things was to leave.
And while it would obviously hurt for a while, you'd both get over it. Maybe Leah would find someone new. Someone better. That could give her the love and life she deserved.
You're bags were packed a note left on the side.
That was the last time Leah had ever heard from the love of her life.
She'd tried hard, so hard, to get you back. She'd called you so many times that she'd had to pay unreasonable amounts just to get more data, praying that you'd pick up.
But you never did. Every single time it would ring to voice mail, and she'd leave the same message, begging you to come home.
but her speech would always be cut off by that annoying beeping noise, signaling that she'd run out of time and she'd once again be left alone. No clues to tell her if you'd listened to her and all she could do was cry.
A year later she was still not fixed. It seemed that when you had left, you'd taken part of her with you. She no longer had her favourite person to celebrate with, and suddenly winning the conti cup was no longer as special.
Her jokes were lacking, her eyes not shining as bright as they used to. And everyone noticed, they noticed the change in Leah's demeanor and how talks about you were no longer a usual part of Leah's chats. All that was left was a crack in her voice and tears welling in her eyes from the mere thought of you.
Currently, she was walking around the emirates stadium. Waving to fans who were wildly celebrating the win. But she wasn't paying attention any of them.
She had made a habit of unintentionally looking for you in every crowd, a small part in the back of her mind hoping that one day you'd be there smiling back at her just like you used to. But you never were, and every time Leah would be left alone, but sleep would not come without your arms holding her until she dozed off.
The English captain was doing a pretty good job of keeping everything to herself as she did a lap, until she saw a familiar flash of brown hair in the stands. And that's when her mind went into shambles. She momentarily stopped walking in her tracks and stared at the girl, for a second being convinced that it was you. And then another girl came into view this time with darker brown hair, but she once again was convinced this was you. It was like her mind was playing tricks on her. You're not fucking here...
She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes harshly, hoping that by doing so she'd slap some common sense into herself. But when she lifted her head, she couldn't stop herself from looking around again, from looking for you. It was as if her brain had set its mind onto something, and decided on finding you in the crowd of 60,000 people. But seeing as it was impossible to actually find you, she just felt as if she was going mental.
Lia, who noticed Leah's fidgeting, looked up at her and grabbed her hand, shooting a warm smile at her friend who was clearly distressed. It wasn't the first time the English had acted this way after a game and it was clear to all the girls the reason why.
'There's someone here to see you.' Lia Walti whispered, causing Leah's stomach to flip.
Was it you? Had you finally come out of hiding?
Lia began leading her towards the crowd of excited people.
At this point, Leah's hands were shaking and her free hand was fumbling with the untucked hem of her jersey. Her heart was racing faster than it ever had before and her breaths were becoming shorter, feeling as if she were starting to lose herself.
What if it actually was you? What would she do if you were here in the stands right now?
Lia lead her towards where Beth Mead and Alessia Russo was already standing, but before they could even reach it Leah abruptly stopped walking. Her eyes snapped up to the girl who Beth was chatting with, eyes narrowing as she couldn't believe the sight before her. It was you, it really was you this time. The long brown hair, which looked a lot darker now (but Leah just assumed that you'd dyed it in the time you were gone) the laugh that made her eyes light up, the jersey with the number 6 on the back that you always wore to her games. And although she couldn't see your face she was sure it was you.
'Y/n?' Leah whispered so quietly, still at least ten meters away, thinking no one could hear her, but of course Lia did.
'It's not her.' She said sadly looking over to Leah who's face fell, her hopeful expression now replaced with a broken one. 'It's just Alex.'
Her eyes filled up with tears and she quickly dropped her hand from Lia's, suddenly feeling a wave of nausea run through her as she responded, 'Fuck, I-I'm... I...,'
Her sentence trailed off as she looked up at the concerned face looking at her, but she couldn't finish her sentence. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt like her throat was closing up, quickly inhaling and exhaling in short breaths. She was scared, terrified, of the way she was feeling. The tricks that her mind kept playing on her, giving her hope only to crush it ten seconds later.
'I can't be here anymore, tell Alex I said hi.' Leah tells the Swiss girl before sharply turning around and leaving the stadium, not caring what the fans or players would say.
It was only once she finally got into the car that she let her emotions fully take over, tears streaming down her face as she slammed her face against the steering wheel.
Why would you do this to her? Why would you leave in attempts to make things better when in reality it was just making Leah spiral. A sudden surge of anger coursed through her veins, she was mad at you for causing so much pain when all she did was give you all her love.
She was mad at the fans, and all the other people that had made you feel like you weren't good enough, when you were more than that. You were the best human being she knew, you had a heart too big for this cruel would and nobody had the right to take that away.
Nothing could hurt Leah anymore, so for what felt like the millionth time since you'd left she picked up her phone and pressed on your numbers in her contacts. She couldn't care less if you didn't pick up, no amount of pain could ever hurt someone as numb as she was.
The phone rang for a solid thirty seconds, and Leah was about to give up and just go home when she heard a soft voice coming from her car speakers.
'Hello, who is this?' Your voice rung out and Leah could almost cry from happiness and relief. You were actually talking to her, you were still there and you sounded almost happy.
'Y/n... Is that you?' Leah asks softly, not hearing the gasp coming from your lips. She was shocked that you picked up for once, not knowing that the only reason was because she'd had her caller id off from earlier in the day.
You wouldn't have picked up if you had known.
'Leah?' You're voice was full of shock, the buzz from before gone. 'What are you doing?'
'What do you think I'm doing.' The defender exclaims, 'I've been worried sick about you for a whole year. I have no clue where you are or why you left. was it me? Did I do something wrong?' Her voice trails off as she leans back into her seat running her hand through her bleach blonde hair whilst anxiously biting the nails off her fingers on the other.
'Leah, you shouldn't have called.' She can hear the nerves in your voice but it doesn't stop her from getting angry. 'I've really got to go.'
'No.' She snaps into the phone 'You're staying on this call until you tell me why you left.'
'You know perfectly well why I left Leah.' But she didn't, ever since you'd been gone that was the one thing the Lioness wanted to know the answer to.
'I don't, I wish I did but I don't.' A sigh is heard over the phone line and Leah can hear papers rustling about before you speak again.
'I don't know why you care Leah. You've seemed to move on perfectly, you have Lia now and I'm not there to bring you and your career down with my mess of a life.' At first Leah was mad, mad that you'd ever think you were bringing her down, then confused what were you talking about when you said that she 'had Lia now'.
'Lia?' She says softly voicing her confusement.
'You don't have to act innocent Leah. I'm happy for you and Lia, you're great for each other and as long as you're happy so am I.' It's funny how well Leah knows you, even though you were only together for a short time, she could sense the small smile that you were obviously faking as you said this.
'I'm not with Lia.' Leah says, louder this time to make her point clear, 'how could I ever get with someone when you still have my heart. You had it from the very first time I laid eyes on you, and I'd like it back. Almost as much as I want my girlfriend to come back home.' She laughs lightly, although there is nothing humorous about the conversation the two of you were having. 'You can't expect me to love someone when I've already given you all the love I had.'
'Leah, you need to move on. It's better that way. It's better for you and your career, like I said before I'm not letting myself bring you down anymore.' You say firmly, trying to ignore the ache in your heart knowing after this conversation you might lose the best thing you've ever had, and never get her back. 'You know how much I hate goodbyes, and I would much rather this be hello, but it really is time you move on.' Tears were spilling down your cheeks now and you couldn't stop them.
'I can't move on, you know that.'
Silence filled the car Leah was in and the small office where you were sitting matched that silence. No one daring to speak not knowing the right words to say any more, there was no clear way that this conversation was going to end. You wanted to give Leah the life she deserved whereas the Brit was adamant that you were the one she wanted.
'You messed me up y/n/n, you really did. You left when things got hard, because it was easier for you to walk out than fight for us and I thought you were stronger than that. I lay awake at night, every night, wondering why god brought you into my life, only to take you away from me and leave me a broken mess. I make mistakes, we all do, and if you're a mistake then you're the best mistake I've ever made. But it's still left me broken and I guess that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for caring too much, sorry for feeling joy when I'm around, sorry for feeling safe in your arms, sorry for getting so addicted to you that it feels like I can't think right when your not around, sorry for all the calls and thinking they were a good idea. But most of all I'm sorry that I'm never going to stop loving you and I'm never going to stop trying until I get you back.'
A sob escaped from you, you couldn't hold it back. It was the most heartfelt thing you'd ever heard anyone say, Leah was never going to stop loving you and you would never stop loving her. And maybe in another life where you weren't as depressed and could keep your shit together without pulling down other people with you, you and Leah could've had the happily ever after that are always written in children's fairytales.
Because maybe all along your love story really was just a case of right person, wrong time.
And that was the most fucked up joke the universe could ever play on you.
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onlygarden · 3 months
[spring is beautiful, and it must end] - nishimura riki
genre: angst (im sorry)
description: a month after your breakup with ni-ki, he returns with the desire to revive your love.
a/n: i think this might be my favorite fic i’ve written so far. even the draft made me want to cry hehehhe
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the soft, hesitant sound of a knock echoes through your house, gently luring you towards your front door. you comply with the request, twisting your door knob, and pulling the front door open in no hurry at all.
a slight breeze caresses your body, the tranquility of the warm wind nearly soothing you enough to distract you from the crisp chill that nipped your senses. ni-ki stood in front of you, the frigid air which surrounded him tangling with the comforting heat of the summer.
it had been a month since you’d seen him. one month since you’d decided you could no longer grow harmoniously with him.
the summer air drifts along ni-ki’s features, his hair dancing gracefully against his skin. you imagine it must tickle a bit.
he inhales sharply as his eyes float along your features, immersing himself in every crevice of every characteristic that made you. it felt like an eternity since he last laid his eyes on you.
“hey,” ni-ki says, his deep voice littered with gloom, “i’ve really missed you.”
the sound of ni-ki’s voice still sounded so familiar to you, and it would be dishonest for you to say that you didn’t miss him, too.
you sigh, tears already igniting beneath your eyes. your composure would give out quickly, it seemed. it hadn’t been very long since the love between the two of you had withered to an unsightly brown, after all.
“ni-ki,” you start, the hope for more words to leave your mouth dying as soon as ni-ki’s name tumbled across your lips. ‘i miss you, too’ and ‘i love you’ failing to reach his ears.
“noona, i just want you to know that i’m sorry. with every part of myself, i regret how i treated you,” he tells you. his eyes filled themselves with yours, swelling painfully with the desperation planted behind them.
you don’t recall ever seeing ni-ki wear such dejection. his posture was notably feeble, his usual confidence absent from his body.
he stares into the eyes he learned so well, gathering the conflicted sadness his words placed within them.
“i know we haven’t spent very much time apart, and i know how selfish i was, but i want to make things right,” ni-ki places both of his large hands around one of yours. you trembled underneath his touch, much like a flower.
“i couldn’t get used to my life without you. it made me realize, that, everything i need is you.” ni-ki squeezes your hand with just enough intensity to convey his ferocious yearning. his voice began to quiver, and his eyes ached from the tears which sat anxiously above his eyelids, begging not to fall.
“i want to show you how much i’ve grown, i want to keep growing with you,” he confessed, his hands which clung to yours beginning to tremble, too.
as beautiful as ni-ki’s apology was, you knew that your time with him was like spring; it bloomed enough to warm the two of you, and graciously surrounded you both with an array of such breathtaking scenery. but you realize now, that it only started so beautifully because it would eventually end. the cold and icy shift of ni-ki’s behavior created an environment that was unfit for the lovely flowers you two once nourished. his selfishness and immaturity steadily enveloped the precious flowers you shared, draining them of their colorful beauty until they wilted pathetically. the hail of ice was so damaging, that, no amount of nurturing could ever make them bloom as beautifully as they once did.
you and ni-ki were only beautiful within spring.
you didn’t fight it, knowing it would be in vain, and you allowed the tears to spill past your unconvincing cloak of composure.
“ni-ki, i know you’re sorry, and i do believe you,” you cry, and ni-ki’s eyes don’t leave you once.
“but,” your eyes leave ni-ki’s for a moment as you muster the courage to utter your next sentence. ni-ki is certain he already knows the words that will leave your mouth.
“we need to let this go,” you tell him.
ni-ki’s hands loosen brutally around yours. every movement from ni-ki causes a pang in your chest as you witness the manner in which your words hit him.
your pain was unimaginable, too.
you rush forward and hug ni-ki, feeling as his arms fervently latch onto your form, his grip pleading with you to let him stay forever.
“i love you,” he tells you. you love him too, and that’s what you tell him.
“i’ll still think about you, even tomorrow,” ni-ki continued to cry, realizing that once he let go of you, everything would become real. he needed to soak up as much of you as he could.
for you and ni-ki, love only existed temporarily.
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etherealising · 6 months
idk how request, I hope you understand ^^
could you do one about michael and baby having their cute moments but carmy misunderstanding everything?
english is not my first language, sorry 😭😭
in the arms of another
a/n: bestie i promise your english is just fine please don’t apologize. also i’m sending you all the internet kisses for this request because i’ve missed writing baby x mikey content so much!!! maybe not as cute as you may have wanted but i still hope you enjoy! 🫶🏽
warning(s): substance use | mention of drugs and alcohol | drunk/high reader | angst | undertone of sa (nothing too outta pocket, a non consensual kiss) | minimal editing |
wc: 4.3k (what can i say, i missed them)
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You lost Carmy in the crowd mere moments after collecting your diploma, part of you couldn’t seem to care considering how rocky things became between the two of you but you were also a bit overwhelmed with the amount of your classmates who kept stopping to share in the success that was graduating high school.
Most of the people you stopped to take pictures with had rarely ever spoken to you during the 4 years you shared, considering the occasion you hadn’t minded the first couple of pictures you stopped for, but now you were ready to find your mom and the Berzattos and leave.
It was a few moments more before you heard the familiar drawl of Richie’s voice, he was always loud and you never appreciated that more than in this moment. You spun around a few times to try and spot him, finding the whole group of people standing a few ways off, Carmy had better luck than you did seeing as he was already standing there getting congratulations from every which way.
Smiling you began making your way through the other families apologizing along the way as accidentally bumped into people. Mikey was the first person to spot your approach, his eyes finding yours over Carmy’s head as he spoke to him. The wide smile took over your face instantaneously his own seeming to match yours, you picked up the pace trying to reach him as soon as possible.
Your hand raised in an excited wave, Mikey’s returning wave caused Carmy to turn as well a small smile growing on his face the closer you got to them, his hand raising in a shy wave as you approached. You hadn’t given Carmy a second glance as you brushed past him to leap into Mikey’s awaiting arms.
Carmy tried not to let the hurt show on his face as you ignored his presence, Mikey spun you around in his arms the sounds of your melodic laugh mixed with Mikey’s rough one felt like the only thing he could hear. He did his best to keep the smile on his face, ignoring the apologetic look Nat sent his way by bending down to pick up your cap that fell to the ground from all the excitement.
He hated to admit it but he understood the cold shoulder you were adamant on giving him. After that day at The Beef things were never the same, upon returning to Claire he’d tried his best to shut down whatever was transpiring between them but couldn’t allow himself to break two hearts in one day. And while he was doing his best to spare Claire’s feelings all it did was push you into the arms of his brother.
The more you distanced yourself from Carmy, the more time you spent with Mikey. Carmy tried to convince himself there was nothing untoward going on between the two of you but between the quiet laughter and the shared jokes he was beginning to feel paranoid. And now he stood there like a loser watching his best friend, the only person he ever wanted to share his joy with again, cling to his older brother like a lifeline.
You squealed as Mikey roughly set you back on the ground, hands falling to his biceps as you smiled at him. “Don’t tell me you shaved for a little graduation ceremony.” One of your hands settling against the slight stubble on his cheek.
Mikey’s response was mute to your ears as rough hands gripped your head, the smell of Richie’s cologne invaded your senses as he began plastering chaste kisses all over your face, one hand removing its grip as he raised a disposable camera to snap a picture of the two of you,
The sound of Nat’s annoyed sigh reached your ears as she shoved her way between you and Richie a look of disgust on her face at Richie’s overdramatic display of affection. “You grew up so fast Baby,” Her arms pulled you into a gentle hug against her chest the two of you rocking back and forth in each other’s arms before she pulled back the proud smile on her face telling you all you needed to know. “We need pictures though.” She gave a soft pat to your backside as you walked away to find your mom and aunt.
You gathered with your small family for pictures, wiping your mom's tears of joy as the three of you posed together. You did your best to hold your tears at bay, thankful your mom was still around to enjoy this moment with you. You felt a bit resigned as your aunt stepped out of frame after a few shots, watching silently as she motioned good-naturedly for Carmen to take her place.
Things between the two of you were the weirdest they’d ever been, with the whole prom debacle a few weeks ago you made it your mission to be alone with him as little as possible. He stepped towards you eyes everywhere but your face, the tension between the two of you was obvious but thankfully everyone ignored it in the same way you did.
It was hard to feel any resentment towards him as he tentatively reached up, his hands delicately fixing your dropped cap atop your head. You sent him a small smile before turning to face the camera, a genuine smile coming to your face.
Rounds of photos later, each with a different participant and you were almost begging to leave, but the sound of Donna’s voice rang through your ears. “Just Bear and Baby now! Our two high-school graduates where’d the fucking time go.”
You couldn’t say no to Donna, and even if you did it's not like you had a believable reason as to why you didn’t want to be pictured alone with Carmy. The two of you got in position next to each other, neither of you moving to bridge the space between the two of you, both deciding to don awkward poses holding up your diplomas.
“Oh c’mon act like you love each other!” The words were mumbled through a cigarette but you knew Donna expected more from the two of you.
A reluctant sigh left you as you stepped closer to Carmy arm brushing his. You looked in his direction for a moment rolling your eyes at the blush on his cheeks. You reached out forcefully handing him your diploma as you fixed his uneven stole. You locked eyes, your heart speeding up just by staring at him, of course, you were still hurt by his actions but you couldn’t deny the soft spot you’d always have for him.
The urge to caress his cheek surged through you, but instead, you carefully took your diploma from his grip. Your hand fell to wrap around his as a small sincere smile rose to your lips, “I’m proud of you Carm.” The words were softly spoken between the two of you, you sent him one last smile before turning back for the last few pictures.
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The backyard of the Berzatto family household was overrun with disposable cups and plates scattered around the various folding tables. A surprise graduation party for you and Carmy took place there after the ceremony, though most everybody had cleared out by now the backyard relatively empty.
You stumbled your way to the backyard after seeing Hayden off, soft giggles escaping you every few minutes or so. You’d spent the party socializing mostly with The Beef family and friends, a few of Carmy’s family members, and neighbors who’d joined the celebration, Claire and Hayden joined the party after some time with their own families. The night was mostly spent explaining your plans for college a hundred times over to all the curious adults who’d offered various forms of unsolicited advice.
Richie had been your saving grace though as he’d offered you drinks sporadically throughout the night he reasons that you deserved to celebrate. He’d cut you off before things got too far lecturing you about how Mikey and your mom would kill him if he got you drunk. So you spent the remainder of your night slightly tipsy enjoying yourself more than you probably would have.
The poisonous liquid even opened you up to spending time around Carmy. You knew he’d had a drink of his own but you weren’t sure if he continued like you had. But what sent you over the edge was the joint Hayden brought that the two of you snuck away to smoke. You’d had your fair share of drinks but you’d never been high before, and while all it seemed to do at first was make you a giggly mess, you found that you now had trouble getting your limbs to work properly.
You made your way safely to the backyard by placing your hand on the gate and following its path, eyes glued to the dirt beneath your sandals incessant giggles leaving you. The path illuminated as you stepped through the garden gate. You spotted Mikey and Richie moving around the backyard trash bags in hand as they cleaned up.
“You guysss.” Even to your ears, your voice didn’t sound like your own, your words drawn out the tone more high pitched.
More giggles escaped you as you began trying to skip over to the older men, whatever control over your equilibrium completely gone as your legs gave out knees connecting with the dirt, hands doing little to stop your fall as your body met the ground.
You didn’t even bother lifting yourself, instead rolling over as full belly laughs wracked your body, the lack of oxygen to your brain extending your high. You could feel someone tugging at your arms trying to pull you off the ground, laughs worsening tenfold as you felt like a rag doll gravity keeping your dead weight on the ground as hands fought to pull you up.
“Hey c’mon get up.” At the sound of Mikey’s voice, you let out an excited squeal finally helping him.
Mikey stumbled as you energetically rose arms tightly wrapping around his neck, head leaning into his chest as you divulged into another spell of giggles. You allowed him to gently remove your arms from around his neck taking a step back to check you a whispered curse leaving him as he motioned for Richie.
You tuned their voices out hands moving to try and play with Mikey’s hair, the inky tendrils were mesmerizing under the fairy lights, and you pouted as Mikey kept dodging your assault.
“Why the fuck do you smell like weed?” Mikey’s question stole your attention, your eyes darting between him and Richie a sly smile gracing your face as you raised your index finger to your lips in a shushing motion before you began to lose your balance once more but the firm almost harsh grip on your bicep steadied you. “Are you fucking high right now? Was it that fuckin’ loser who’s always on your ass?”
You scoffed at Mikey a sneer taking over your features, “Are you?” The backyard was silent, Richie stood watching the scene play out uncomfortably before your laughter started up once again. You weren’t privy to the hurt that flashed across Mikey’s face before he led you to sit down, kneeling in front of you to check out your scrapped-up knees. You watched on in silence gently swaying back and forth as you hummed.
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Carmy walked into the kitchen to find Richie rummaging around as he quietly cursed to himself, the sound of Carmy’s footsteps alerted him to his presence, “Yo where the fuck is the first aid kit?” The anger in Richie’s voice confused Carmy as he shrugged deciding to help him look.
“Dunno, what’d ya need it for?” Carmy couldn’t pretend to know how Donna organized everything in the house, the only thing he had free reign over was his bedroom.
Richie slammed a cabinet in frustration, “Baby’s fucking high, probably drunk too. I don’t know why she hangs around that stupid fucking kid he’s bad news.”
Carmy frowned, he remembered watching you wander off somewhere with Hayden but he couldn’t remember you coming back and maybe he got you high, but Richie was the one who allowed you to drink in the first place so the blame was equally his. “Is she okay, why do we need the first-aid kit? And why the fuck did you even let her drink in the first place.” Carmy’s head swam with negative thoughts.
Richie stopped his search hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose the last thing he needed was Carmy and his fucking teenage angst being misguided towards him. Richie knew he shouldn’t have allowed you to drink as much as you did, but he didn’t see a problem with it considering it was supervised, how the fuck was he supposed to know you’d run off and get high. Before Richie could give the youngest Berzatto a piece of his mind his phone began to ring, the chime he designated for Tiff rang through his ears. He let out a quiet sigh as he dug his phone out of his pocket.
“Find the fuckin’ first aid kit and take it outside to Mikey.” Carmy’s eyes followed the direction Richie pointed his hand in before walking off. Eyes landing on you and Mikey, the older man settled in front of you on bended knee hand carefully massaging into your calf as he looked over your knee, your head raised to the night sky a smile of bliss on your lips.
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You gazed up at the sky wondering what it must feel like to be a star, a feeling of contentment washing over you the longer you stared up at them. After a while, your head lulled to the side before your eyes found Mikey body still kneeling in the dirt before you.
“Mikey,” you waited as he let out a soft hum, his fingers carefully digging the pebble out of the skin of your knee. “Will you dance with me?”
Mikey let out a sigh, his earlier annoyance washed away the longer he realized you were safe, that even though you were crossfaded you still had the mind to return to him. He rose, knees thankful to be out of the kneeling position as he held his hand out to you to indulge your desire.
You stood on shaky legs allowing the older man to guide you to the center of the backyard, the only thing you could do in your inebriated state was sway back and forth, the weightlessness of your body forcing Mikey to guide the both of you. All was quiet, your cheek found purchase on Mikey’s chest at some point, and the sound of his heartbeat lulled you into a sense of calmness.
The night air was warm as the two of you swayed for what felt like an eternity, your hands moved from their place around Mikey’s waist to tightly wrap around his neck, eyes finding his. “Why doesn’t Carmy love me the way I love him?”
Mikey frowned unsure of what to say, you still looked gone out of your mind. A smile still playing on your lips, but the question you asked him was the direct opposite of every feeling present on your face. “Baby,” a tired sigh left him. “You’re kids, you’ve got your whole life to figure this shit out.”
You laughed, nothing Mikey said was funny you just couldn’t stop the urge to laugh at every little thing. Your fingers began unconsciously playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, for as long as you’d known Mikey you hadn’t realized just how handsome he was. You knew he attracted plenty of people but you’d never given much thought to it until now, seeing his face glow under the fairy lights.
Mikey’s side profile lit up showing off his chiseled jaw, his eyes roaming the back door trying to figure out what the fuck was taking Richie so long to find the first-aid kit.
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After minutes of searching, Carmy finally decided to grab the first-aid kit from the guest bathroom before returning to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks just as he made it to the back door fingers tightly gripping the plastic in his hand as he watched you and Mikey in the center of the backyard, eyes wide heart beating rapidly in his chest.
Carmy’s eyes moved from Mikey’s hands on your waist, to your hands wrapped around his neck fingers in his freshly trimmed hair before his eyes landed on the way your lips seemed to find solace against the oldest Berzatto’s.
He couldn’t stand to look at the two of you any longer, his feet leading him back into the kitchen carelessly dropping the first-aid kit to the counter as his hands gripped the marble. His mind raced with all the ways he might have imagined what he had just seen. He did his best to ignore the sound of Richie’s voice as he finally returned, his grating Chicago accent asking about the stupid fucking first-aid kit before snatching it off the counter himself and moving to exit the house.
“Oh…shit.” Carmy had never thought in all his years of knowing Richie that the man was capable of whispering, but as he stood there trying to convince himself he’d made the whole scene up he knew it was null and void from Richie’s reaction alone.
Carmy moved back into the shadow of the kitchen as the back door opened, your quiet giggles filtering through his ears as you entered the house, a soft ‘goodnight Richie’ followed as you walked past him to head wherever you were going. Carmy watched you make your way to the stairs, his hands shaking as he tried to get a hold of his anger, the sight of you tripping up the stairs a catalyst for the damn that held his emotions back.
Without a second thought, he pushed past Richie making his way outside to find Mikey sitting down, head in his hands. “You robbing the fucking cradle now huh?” He ignored Richie’s plea to calm down not even wanting to be around either of these two fucking losers.
Mikey raised his head exhaustion clear on his face, “Go to bed Carmy.” His tone was dismissive as he stood from his position to continue his cleaning.
The casual way Mikey ignored him pissed Carmy off even more, “Why the fuck would you kiss her Mikey? What the fuck is your problem man!”
Carmy did his best to shrug off Richie’s touch as the man tried and failed to lead the riled-up teenager back inside, sure this was all some big misunderstanding. “I don’t have time for this, just get the fuck outta here.” Carmy could hear the growing frustration in his brother’s voice but the anger surging through him was fighting any logic his brain was pushing forth.
“You’re a piece of fucking shit Mikey, what the fuck you say to her huh? Sh-she wouldn’t just fucking kiss you, Mikey. Don’t pretend you fucking deserve her…I-I see the way you look at her don’t fucking lie to me.”
Carmy’s words had their intended effect whichever ones he wasn’t sure but he’d struck a cord in Mikey, that much was evident in the way he threw an empty beer bottle to the ground the loud shattering echoing through the quiet neighborhood. “And you do Carm?” A sardonic laugh left the vicious sneer on Mikey’s lips, “Give her a couple years Carm, who knows maybe she’ll decide I’m the better brother.”
Mikey knew the words were wrong the second they left his mouth and he didn’t need to hear Richie’s admonishing call of his name to realize it. Mikey didn’t see you as anything more than a little sister and he made sure you knew that as he gently pushed you away from him, breaking the kiss you initiated as soon as it started, he couldn’t be sure your inebriated mind understood at the moment, but he needed to make the boundaries between the two of you clear. Talking about you in the way he just did made him feel like the piece of shit Carmy was making him out to be, he was old enough to know not to disrespect you in the way he just did, but his younger brother's misdirected anger was the last thing he needed to hear, so Mikey hit him where it hurt a low moment of his he was sure to regret.
It all happened so fast the way Carmy took several quick steps forward, fist swinging out just as Richie wrapped his arms around him stopping his momentum before his fist could connect with Mikey’s face. Carmy struggled against Richie for a few moments before slumping against him defeat clear on his face. He shoved Richie away from him as he let him go, angry eyes blazing through Mikey’s figure.
“Fuck you, Mikey,” The quiet angry quip was punctuated by the glob of spit flying out of Carmy’s mouth and landing by Mikey’s shoe.
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The last thing Carmy wanted to see as he stormed into his room was your figure in the middle of his floor, sundress pushed far too high up your legs displaying your panties as you sorted through the first-aid supplies scattered around you that you’d most likely found in his bathroom.
You looked like a fucking idiot sitting there focusing way too hard trying to read the ointment you’d picked up. Carmy’s irritated huff reached your ears a wide grin gracing your lips as you looked up to see him standing in the doorway. He rolled his eyes slamming the door behind him as he made his way fully into the room.
The loud noise had you stifling your giggles, “Someone’s mad.” The words were drawn out in a sing-song voice.
Carmy was doing his damndest to not blow up on you as he made his way to his dresser before pulling out a pair of your sweats you kept over for emergencies. He pulled the sweats out balling them up in his hand before harshly slamming the drawer and turning around and tossing them at your head, the bundle of cotton hitting you in the face and sending you into a fit of hysterics.
“Fucking cover yourself up.” The harsh tone of his voice caused you to roll your eyes quiet giggles still slipping past your lips as you reached for the sweats before putting on a deep voice and mocking him.
You stood up struggling to step into your sweats without losing your balance. You’d thought you had it this time but you were mistaken as the feeling of being on one leg sent you toppling over onto Carmy’s bed.
Carmy’s anger ebbed away into annoyance at the state you were in as he moved to help you stand before leading you to sit on his bed eyes dropping to your scraped-up knees only to realize that you’d done fuck all to clean them.
He ignored you as he gathered the necessary supplies and began to work on the scrapes on your right knee, doing his best to finish quickly so the both of you could get some sleep and pretend this night never happened.
“Carmy, you’re still my best friend…right?” You still sounded out of it as you asked the question, Carmy was resigned to ignoring you but then your soft voice began whispering his name incessantly.
“Sure Baby.” The irritation was obvious in his voice, and even more obvious in the way he harshly rubbed the alcohol pad against your wound, the movement causing you to wince. “Sorry.”
You sat still for a moment before your hands made their way to his grown-out hair, fingers wrapping around the curls that began to form at the ends. “I have a secret to tell you but you have to promise you won’t get mad.”
He gave a noncommittal hum hoping to finish patching you up before you spoke another word. The silence in the room gave Carmy hope that you’d fallen asleep but he was sorely mistaken as your quiet voice reached his ears. “I kissed Mikey. But…he didn’t like it.”
Carmy was surprised to hear the words leave your mouth, sure that the drugs and alcohol in your system would lead you to crack some stupid joke. He let go of your leg before leaning back on his haunches his eyebrows furrowed at your admission. “Why?” If this was true, if you kissed Mikey of your own volition he needed to understand why. And it also meant he probably owed his older brother some form of an apology.
He watched as your shoulders moved up and down in a lazy shrug that goofy smile still pulling at your lips, but the sheen in your eyes contradicted it, “I wanted to forget about you.” Your voice was hoarse with emotion as you answered hands moving from the curls of Carmy’s hair to gently grip his face in your scratched-up hands.
The two of you stared at each other, minutes ticking by as you drank each other in, Carmy’s confusion only growing as you began to giggle again, the noise juxtaposed by the new tears streaming down your cheeks.
“But I think I’ll remember you forever.”
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a/n: please don’t take this as your sign to get experimental with drugs and alcohol, in no way am i endorsing that any of you go out and do this. please remember you are responsible for your own media consumption!!!
my first edible made me think i was the yellow power ranger, so please if you do, use recreational drugs safely and correctly!!!
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slut4sohee · 2 months
two friends separated by unfortunate circumstances long for nothing more but to hold each other in their arms until one day their wish is granted
genre. fluff (kinda), angst
words. 1k
warnings. implied death
part two
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🎧 the ghost of you ♫
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you stood by the small creek, accompanied by birdsong, the falling of the water, and the occasional rustle of the trees and bushes when the wind danced through their leaves. 
you were waiting for your best friend, sohee, to arrive but it started to seem like he might not show up. it was getting late and the allotted time you had together was running out. 
then you heard the crunching of twigs that can only be produced by something stepping on them. soon enough sohee emerged from the trees. 
“hi,” he smiled when he saw you.
you mirrored his smile before pouting, “i thought you weren't gonna come.”
sheepishly he said, “sorry i got distracted.” he brought his arm from behind him, revealing his hand which held flowers, “hope you're not upset.”
you broke into a smile again. he was just too lovable to even pretend to be mad at. “you could never make me upset.”
the two of you walked further into the woods to your spot; a small clearing that allowed for the sun to shine. when you both finally settled down, sohee began making a crown out of the flowers. 
it had been about a month since you last saw each other so he had quite a bit to tell you about.
he told you about little positives and big accomplishments in his life. like how he overcame his creative block and was progressing on the drums (he tried to play what he had memorized so far with two sticks and a rock but gave up because “it doesn't sound the same”). he told you about how he was finally able to go eat at your favorite restaurant again without bawling his eyes out. 
he also told you about some negatives, but he avoided going too deep. like how he still can't speak to your mother without feeling an insane amount of guilt (though you told him it wasn't his fault). how he stopped going to the trial and he now only gets secondhand information from friends and family who still attend. he told you and you listened.
he had finished making the flower crown and presented it to you.
“it's pretty,” you said, smiling.
“...it's for you, take it.”
your smile faded, an aching feeling appearing in your chest. “you know i can't.”
“please, just take it,” he pushed it towards you. you sighed and held out your hands. 
unsurprisingly, it fell right through your hands to the ground. 
every now and then, he would want you to hold something or try to touch you. almost like one lucky day you would - by some miracle - become tangible and come back to him. every time this happened, he become despondent, and you couldn't help but blame yourself for it.
the silence between you two was deafening. your being intangible was a harsh reminder that you were no longer there and definitely not coming back. 
he reached for your open hand with a slight tremor. his hand passed right through yours.
“i...” he clenched his fist, “miss you so much.” 
"sohee..." it was painful to see him like this. your usually high-spirited friend now dejected... because of you. "i miss you too."
"nothing i do feels the same anymore because you're not there.” he sniffled, tears now streaming down his face. 
you strongly wished to be able to wipe away his tears and hold him in your arms until he felt better.
your relationship had been a physical one. there was hugging, hand holding and secret handshakes. there were many instances of you having him in your arms, and you being in his arms. all never to be felt again. 
“i shouldn't have let you go that night,” he said, his hands moving to tug at the roots of his hair.
you shake your head, “please don't blame yourself-”
“it could have been easily prevented. i should've made you stay the night or-or walked you to the station or-or-or i should've- i should've-” he sobbed, “oh god, please come back to me!”
you reached out and tried to caress his hair but obviously you couldn't. it was frustrating, to say the least, especially at a time like this. 
seeing him in distress and not being able to do anything about it was agonizing. it tore at you. you couldn't offer him any but words.
“my soul is forever; i’ll be with you always.”
upon hearing you say that, like a switch, sohee calmed down. his breathing steadied, he stopped crying, wiped his tears, and gathered himself. “you're right. the soul is forever.”
the switch was kind of jarring. he went from sobbing to calm in a few seconds. he had calmed down though, so you were willing to let it go unquestioned.
he stood up, “the sun is setting; i have to go.”
“right. i'll see you soon sohee.”
he waved, leaving behind the flower crown that you couldn't even pick up.
you say by the small creek, listening to the light rush and trickle of water. 
you watched a duck and her ducklings waddle near the stream while you were waiting for your best friend, sohee, to arrive. 
then you heard your name called. you turned to meet your friend, a small smile on his face.
you stood and mirrored his smile, “i didn't hear you coming.”
“i really missed you.” he said.
you frowned as he walked closer, “what's wrong? you feel different.”
he let out a chuckle, “nothing's wrong. but everything is different.” he now stood in front of you.
suddenly he hugged you, taking you by surprise. tears prickled your eyes; he was hugging you; it was something you hadn't felt in almost a year.
you pulled away from the embrace. “wait but that means-“
he nodded with a rueful smile.
you pulled him back into an embrace, a tight and long hug in case it would be the last.
you would ask him what happened later but for now you enjoyed being in his arms and internally thanked whoever or whatever made your wish come true.
a/n: hope you enjoyed!! :)
divider by @saradika
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azrielsdove · 7 months
Money, Power, Glory: Rhysand x Evil!Reader
Warnings: Violence, Angst
“No, no, please,” he begged, tears streaming down his face. “Why are you doing this?” His violet eyes looked up at you, pain and confusion swimming in them. You bent down to the kneeling male in front of you, holding his chin tight in your hand. You noticed the slight shaking of his body, the fear radiating from him. And you smiled.
“Oh, darling Rhysand. How naïve you have been.”
You laughed, wine glass delicately lifted to your lips. The male in front of you smirked, pleased at your reaction to his joke. He had taken to courting you after stumbling into your little shop on the edge of Velaris. He was instantly captivated by your beauty and charm, as males so typically are. You were used to polite smiles at their advances before brushing them off, ever the perfect lady while you did so.
But most males aren’t the High Lord of the Night Court.
Rhysands eyes glittered as he looked over you, the desire in them palpable. You knew he wanted you, but you weren’t going to make it too easy for him. No, where would the fun be in that?
“How have I never seen you before?” He asked, genuine curiosity lining his voice.
You gave a small laugh. “Oh, i’ve been around. Never dreamed of catching the eye of such an…important male.” You included the right amount of lust in your words, delighting in the way fire burned in his eyes. Oh, he was yours for the taking.
That was the night Rhysand knew you would be his.
“I loved you,” he pleaded, the hurt in his voice delicious. “I gave you everything.” You shook your head.
“No, Rhysand.” You ran your thumb over his lips, still holding his face still. “You took everything from me.” A cold, humorless laugh came from you as his eyes widened.
“Who are you?” He asked, looking at you like he was seeing you clearly for the first time. You cocked your head to the side, a smile playing on your lips.
“All that power, and no brains.”
“Are you enjoying yourself?” You looked up the High Lord, hand wrapped tightly around his arm. You glanced down at the glittering bracelets adorning your wrists, yet another one of his extravagant gifts. The first time he presented you with a decedent necklace, you made a big show of how it was too much and you could never accept. You learned at a young age how important it was to make a powerful male feel powerful, how to become a simple lady in front of them. You knew he would take it to heart, how sweet and innocent you were.
And he did.
He had showered you in expensive jewels, handmade gowns, the newest shoes. Everything to make you the perfect female to accompany the High Lord. He wanted you to feel special, his chosen prize.
You squeezed your hand against his arm, a sweet smile on your lips. “I am, my lord.” He laughed, shaking his head.
“I’ve told you, just call me Rhys.” He stopped, turning to you. “What else can I do to make you happy?” He asked, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You ducked your gaze down, allowing the right amount of color to show on your cheeks.
“Well,” you said softly, looking up at him under your eyelashes. “I’ve been rather hoping for a ring to add to my collection.”
“Was it all a lie?” You almost pitied him.
“Not everything.” You released your hold on his face, dropping him like he was a disgusting creature. More tears slid down his face as he slumped back on his knees.
“You were my wife, the love of my life. Why are you doing this?” You looked over him, twirling your dagger between your fingers. You tapped the blade thoughtfully against your cheek, pretending to ponder his question.
“You’ll find out soon. All of this,” you gestured to the room you had trapped him in, “was your own doing, Rhysand.”
“Good evening, wife,” Rhys purred, fingers running lovingly over your cheek. You grabbed his hand in yours, bringing those fingers over to press a kiss to them.
“Good evening, husband.” You smiled up at him, your wedding attire still on. The ceremony had been extravagant, a true celebration worthy of the High Lord. Drinking and dancing lasted until late in the night, before Rhysand had enough of sharing you and dragged you away to the new home he had built.
He pulled you through the halls, briefly telling you which rooms were which. “This,” he said softly, stopping in front of a large room with a window overlooking the Sidra, “I thought could be a nursery.” You widened your eyes and looked up at him, the love in his face shining.
“You plan for children with me?” He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“I plan for everything with you.”
“I’ve never done wrong by you. Why are you so upset with me?” You were growing tired of his heartbroken cries. “Surely you could have told me about anything that was bothering you. I would have gone to the ends of the world to fix it.” You rolled your eyes and walked back over to stand in front of him.
“You haven’t realized it yet? My issue with you stems from long before we ever met.” You dragged the tip of the blade along his jawline, tracing the deadly handsome face of your husband. “Everything I did was planned. It all lead up to this moment.” You sliced the knife cleanly along his cheek, enjoying the way blood began to drip off his skin.
He deserved all of this.
“High Lady?” You repeated the title again, tasting it on your lips. Rhysand beamed at you, an elegant crown of stars in his hands. Made for you.
“I want you to not only be my wife, but my partner in everything. I want you by my side always.” He stepped closer, raising the crown to place it upon your head. “Do you wish it so? Do you agree to be the High Lady of the Night Court?” He spun you to look at yourself in the mirror, at the crown atop your hair. You couldn’t deny the power you felt standing next to him, his hands resting on your waist, a matching crown on his head.
The two of you were truly a force to be reckoned with.
A small smile played on your face as you took it in. The power he was giving you. “I’m honored to lead by your side, Rhys.” He pulled you back tight against him at your confirmation of the title, head dipping to press kisses onto your neck. You leaned your head against his shoulder, sighing softly as he bit and sucked on your skin. His hand began slowly pulling the skirt of your gown up, heat radiating from his body.
“Keep the crown on while I please you.”
You grabbed that same crown now, placing it on your head delicately. You smoothed the skirts of your dress down, taking one last look in the mirror before you finished your plan. You turned back to Rhysand, allowing him to look you over. You walked back to him, bending down to be eye level.
“You were there when my parents were murdered. When my lovely mother was ripped from this world.” His eyes widened in shock, but still not realizing exactly who you were. You straightened up, walking circles around the bound male in front of you. “Perhaps my father and brothers deserved it, I will give you that.” You inspected the golden dagger in your hand, the detailed carvings on the hilt. “But my mother was the best of the best.” You stopped in front of him, dropping to his level and pushing the dagger against his throat. “And you let her be taken away from me.”
He blinked, swallowing thickly. “There was never talk of a sister.” His voice was quiet, the realization washing over him.
“There wasn’t. My father believed it best to raise me in the shadows of our home, thinking it would keep me a pure female until marriage.” You laughed. “He was as big a fool as you.”
Rhysands eyes blazed with fire. “He was an evil man. A terrible High Lord.” You nodded, humming with his words.
“We can agree on that.” You pressed the blade harder against his skin. “My mother, however, was innocent. You left me and my brother alone, to deal with the mess of our court after the slaughter of our family. And then,” you pushed harder, blood beading around the dagger, “you come to our home and you treat my brother as though he is nothing. You tear apart our court from the inside out, as it were a mere game.” Anger flooded through you at the memory of your broken home, the mess Rhysand made of it.
“Your brother is a pathetic coward,” he spat, fury in his gaze. “And you will never get away with this.”
You removed the dagger from his neck, tracing his face with it again. “Oh, Rhysand,” you cooed, as if speaking to an infant. “You gave me your life, did you not? Your money, your power, your glory. Am I not High Lady of the Night Court? Your most trusted confidant?” You moved the blade back against his neck. “You die, and I become the sole heir of this court. My brother has spent these years i’ve distracted you fixing our home, and together we will be more powerful than ever before.” He glared at you, betrayal written on every inch of his face.
“I hate you,” he growled, as if that would hurt you. You laughed again before slicing your blade cleanly through his neck, standing as the blood sprayed onto your gown.
“The feelings mutual.”
You watched him bleed out in front of you, the tonic you had slipped in his drink that stripped him of his fae abilities working beautifully. You took the same dagger and cut a large gash down your arm, evidence of a fight. You allowed his blood to soak over you, calling tears to your eyes. No one would ever know it was you who killed Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. You would play the distraught wife, the vengeful High Lady.
You pulled out a separate dagger, wiping yours off and hiding it in your skirts. You made sure an adequate amount of blood covered it, before falling to your knees in front of your husband’s dead body and screaming.
The world shook at the death of Rhsyand, and in the Spring Court your brother smiled.
Totally didn’t mean to post this on Valentine’s Day but I have a happier fic to get out today too!! This idea hit me and I HAD to write it. I hope you guys like it <3
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crow-raven-crow · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐌𝐲 𝐈𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞
Larissa Weems x Avian f!reader next chapter | series page | masterlist words: ~3.4k 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: some fluff, slight nsfw, ANGST, arguments, acting on anger/emotion, betrayal, hurt/no comfort, description of crying, anxiety, snapping, dread
AO3 link in titles above
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭: There was always much love to go around when it came to you and your favorite principal - you were always found not far from one another when your relationship started to bloom just months prior. The fondness you had for each other was thrown into the depths only to be built back up time and time again, but maybe there was a fall that you wouldn't be able to come back from. With a new monster on the loose and higher stress levels coming into play, is the bond you have with the woman strong enough to make it out alive? Will you continue to move with the forces or will you say hello to death in the process?
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After a late night call interrupting your routine with Larissa, wild theories and backstabbing thoughts started to rise, filling one of you with sickening worry while the other carried on to protect her reputation. In the months you had been together, things never got too bad.. but sometimes there is a thought that can echo in ones head that goes too far to come back from, carving itself into every waking moment of ones life, until it finally bursts and makes itself known.
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You cozied yourself under the thick blankets that littered the couch as you closed your eyes and took in the warmth the roaring flames provided you. The lights danced with each other, casting the office in a celebration of golds and oranges while the wood crackled and popped at the heat it was being kissed with.
You took a few moments to expose and stretch out your dark wings, loving the pull of each tendon as the golden light met the large wingspan of each and every feather. You enjoyed these kind of moments you spent in your lovers office, all your walls crumbling and every part of your being allowed to be out in the open, though your other form had yet to come out. You adored that this was a home in which others could learn and welcome themselves in a good light just as you could.
Nevermore Academy was your home for quite some time now, years of being the potions teacher had its perks. Being able to see young ones turn into older teens and getting to know the other professors around the school made it so you could create a family of your own - a family in which turned into a main two a few months ago.
Your love, Larissa Weems, was nothing less than regal. Her stature ran tall, but it didn't stop her from wearing heels which you oh so adored, her hair always was pulled up into an intricate up-do, her signature red lip turning into a smirk whenever you came into view, and her soul was one of the kindest, most passionate ones you'd ever seen. She never failed to put her entire being into her work, something you admired and tried to do yourself, and it always came out to perfection, even if there were some events that had a few mishaps.
The qualifications you had on your application made you an easy hire - your expertise and references coming from several areas around the world that you had stopped at during your travels. The knowledge you had was vast because of this - being able to fly in every which direction and pick up shop whenever you felt like it was freeing as a young adult, though as time began to show its mark, the urge to settle down grew more and more. So you found yourself applying to the outcast school, loving both the scenery and the promises it had to offer, and moved in soon after, giving your students a story from your travels along with every potion you brewed for them.
The amount of knowledge you had caught the tall blondes eye from the start, your interview running into comfortable conversation about the things you knew and how you came to know them. It was easy to talk to the woman, and, as each meeting or run in you had with her grew longer, you couldn't help but find yourself falling for the sapphire goddess that was your boss. Thankfully, after and all too late night where emotions came into play, you found your feelings were returned, and a beautiful romance took its first steps into forever.
Both of you had since made it routine to retire in her office at the end of the week, you waiting patiently for her to get ahead on her work so she could spend all weekend with you without a worry. The thought warmed your heart as you heard her faint typing come to a stop, the sound of her laptop shutting following right behind it. The droplets of rain pattering on the window filled the room as the cold tried it's best to seep in through the glass, though failing after you had compiled garments of warmth that you two would use as armor.
Quiet steps stopped right behind you on the other side of the sofa, before gentle hands ran a featherlight touch over the marginal coverts of the wings that protruded from your shoulder blades, causing a shiver to course through your body and a blissful hum to leave your lips. Arms wrapped around your neck as soft lips met one of your shoulders, your head moving to the side to give your love more access as the kisses continued.
"I've finished, my darling," she whispered, the beautiful accent penetrating your ears as your lips turned into a smile. "I'm all yours for the rest of the weekend."
"I quite like the sound of that.." You replied as you watched her round the couch, kicking her heels off before cuddling into your embrace. You wrapped the thick blanket around her as she nuzzled into your chest, littering small kisses along your neck, before you enclosed her with your wings, wrapping the beauty in a warm, protective hold.
The woman before you had been through a lot, to say the least, so one of the main things you tried to provide her during the course of your relationship was the feeling of safety. After her admission of being fascinated by your wings, you decided to never hide them around her, instead allowing her to use them as a blanket of safety from the outside world as she settled and let every muscle slowly contract and relax into your embrace.
Her small kisses traced up your neck and along your jaw, her hands making themselves known at your waist after squeezing there gently. She moved her face closer to yours causing your hands to land on her shoulders, before her lips met yours.
The kiss was slow and just as electrifying as all the ones that came before this one. Her lips moved in tandem with yours as her warm tongue swiped over your bottom lip, asking for entrance. She took her time exploring your mouth as though it was the first time she had done so. If there was something you adored about your relationship, it's that the flame that was there from the beginning never died out, only growing and evolving to fit the world it belonged in.
You wrapped a hand to the back of her neck, deepening the kiss and making your lover whimper at the contact. Her cold fingertips met the warm expanse of your stomach as she moved her touch under your sweater. You whimpered slightly, the icy touch contrasting the heat of the refuge you built for the two of you and creating goosebumps in their wake.
She broke the kiss, plump lips pressing down your neck and meeting your pulse point. The sound of your heavy breaths ran soft around you as she left a deep, purple mark on your skin, swiping her tongue over it in a sense of pride.
"Riss.. please.." you whispered, pure want dripping from your voice as your eyes met pools of blue. Just as things started to escalate, her office phone rang, blaring the ringtone in the room that was near quiet just moments before.
With a frustrated growl against your neck, she slowly began to detach herself from your grasp. Your wings uncovered her slowly, being sure not to knock anything over in the process of spreading them out as a weak smile appeared on your lips. You sat up, following her movements, and kissed her lips once more, though quick.
"It's okay, my love.." you said softly, watching her move to her desk. "I'll be right here when you finish."
She nodded softly before picking up the phone, raising it to her ear while shooting you an apologetic smile. You'd been looking forward to this for the past few days, but you understood the importance of her job and knew the effort she had to put in to keep this school running. Her emotions soon faded away as her mask of professionalism took over her being, displaying the Principal Weems that ran the entirety of the school.
"Weems.. yes.. oh-" You were only able to hear her end of the conversation, but whatever was told to her on the other line made her gasp and her expression fill with horror. She looked at you for a moment, regret polling in her iris'. There was a trace of something else found there, something you couldn't quite read as it was steeled over quickly. You watched her look around the room, mentally gathering all of her things before preparing to leave. She muttered a few words before placing the phone back down.
"A students been attacked.." Your body filled with adrenaline with her statement as you shot up to your feet. "They found her in the woods and said she'd been there no longer than 40 minutes.. She's recovering, and she's giving her statement and description of what attacked her as we speak.. I'm sorry, darling, but I have to go.."
You watched as she paced around the room, hurriedly putting on her coat and grabbing a student file from the filing cabinet before running back towards you to put on her heels.
"Please stay here and alert the other teachers - they have to know what's going on, and I'll update you with any information I receive.. As of right now, the entirety of Nevermore Academy is on lockdown.."
She gave you a quick kiss, looking over you one last time, before leaving her office and rushing to the hospital to meet the recovering student. You followed after her, though splitting ways to go towards the teachers hall to alert the staff and help gather any student that was found outside the building.
Over the span of two weeks, Weems had successfully thrown herself at anything calling for her attention - meetings, emails, projects, phone calls.. they were all back to back for the woman as she buried herself into her work. The attacks kept happening, the descriptions all pointing to the same entity.
It ran large and had the sharpest claws that anyone had ever seen - so sharp that the pain didn't make itself known until moments after, easily slicing through the flesh of any. It moved in the shadows, barely making a sound as it caught each victim off guard. The smell was compared to something burnt, making anyones eyes tear up at its mere presence alone. Each incident was growing worse as the monster was still on the loose. The more incidents that happened, the less likely it was for you to see Larissa..
It took yourself a lot of convincing to blind yourself into thinking she was okay, leaving her meals and reminding her of breaks so she wouldn't over work herself - a feat that was growing impossible as the days passed. At first, everything was taken in good thanks, but, after a while, it had become radio silent on the blondes end. You wouldn't give up.. though, a part of you didn't want to become a bother to the tall blonde..
These were all signs of.. something, surely. Of which, though, you didn't quite know and couldn't bring yourself to look into for too long. In your time spent at Nevermore, you noticed she only really did this around events - trying to make sure that everything was perfect for all students and staff - but there wasn't anything coming up on the calendar, and you only assumed it was to uphold the safety and reputation the academy had.
You had your good moments still, yes, but it was as though those were starting to fizzle away.. You loved the woman but had yet to tell her - your plans to do so being interrupted by the phone call that started this downhill spiral. You fiddled with the promise rings you planned to give her in your pocket, the matching set being custom made to fit the personality of the both of you. Maybe this would be a step in the right direction, another step towards letting her know that not all of this had to be on her shoulders alone..
or.. at least, that's how you hoped it would've gone…
"Not everything can be fixed so quickly with a small act, okay? It's not getting easier around here, especially with you around." Her voice ran strong and tired, the hours upon hours she had spent at her desk working making themselves known. You could see it in her eyes, behind the flame that burned with anger and.. hatred..
"What's that supposed to mean..?" You asked weakly, her words digging into all the right spots. You were going to talk about how you were feeling after checking in on the blonde, only to be met with nothing in return when your presence filled the room.
"It means that you've done nothing but distract me of everything that calls for my attention, it means that I have let myself become weak and blind to what is right in front of me, it means that you…" She stood from her seat, looming over you as pure disgust radiated from her being. ".. are an issue. An issue that I plan to get rid of.."
The anger was apparent in her features, in her eyes, seeing this side of her was something you never dreamed of.. so being on the receiving end? It hurt more than you were even able to begin to describe.. Her words being thrown at you with that specific look in her eyes were worse than any punishment hell could've thrown your way, you were sure of that now..
"You're a monster that has been causing more issues than I can handle."
You never knew words could hurt so much, the pain that emitted from your heart was enough to destroy your life and every atom your being contained, running through your veins like sharp metal, cutting your body up from the inside out, causing your functions to fail and rendering you unable to move from your spot as you looked up at her from the other side of her desk..
"Y-You.. you don't mean that-" you mustered out before being overpowered by the voice before you.
"You thought I wouldn't notice?" Larissa's voice boomed throughout the room, leaving no entry for her heart to come into play. "You keep running off in every which direction - you're good at that, you know.. running. Only to come back to me as a distraction form it all.. I can see through you now, Professor.. and I do not like what I see. We're done. Now, get out of my sight."
Her words hit you like a poison, grabbing onto and pulling out everything you had told her about yourself and turning it into items that carved a deep hole in your chest.
Somewhere along the beginning of her rant, your throat felt as thought it was closing in on itself, the familiar burn of raw emotion and dread clawing its way up from your heart to settle there. Your eyes, with tears threatening to fall, burned, just as your veins did, a tired, yet deadly flame coursing through them.
"You know what?" You finally snapped, tears spilling from your eyes out of anger, as you tried to give the blonde at lease a glimpse of your emotions, your sorrow, your heartbreak, your longing, your care..
your love..
"I don't care that you are the principal of this school, but I'd like to consider myself a big part of it as well. And, whether you like it or not, that means interacting with and protecting YOU - even when you let your emotions get the better of you, even when you let these crazy theories run your actions. You have denied yourself of everything good in your life and I thought that maybe, just maybe, that I could be something to change that, to be someone that could be let behind those sturdy walls you keep up…"
Things were going well until that phone call.. that dreaded phone call that sent everything in your reach on a downwards spiral. You loved her, so much so that the emotion rippled throughout your entire being at just the mere thought of it alone.. It pained you to see how quickly things had changed..
"Good to know I've waisted my time, Principal Weems." You say her name as though it's venom on your tongue, the blunt force of her words digging their claws into your skin deep enough that your words flooded out in pain, heartbreak, betrayal..
"But that doesn't matter. Just as you've said that you're trying to protect your Nevermore family, I was trying to do the same.. But I'm done being played with.. I really like you, ya know… I came here to give you an evening you could savor again, to tell you just how much I love you, Larissa. …But it seems as though your can't get it through your head to see that."
You took a moment to let your words sink in, to let them settle in the blondes mind like an image she would never forget.
For a moment, the feeling of dread washed over the older woman. Had she made a mistake? No, surely, she was right.. Everything had lined up to this, and this moment was something that was unavoidable.. but the feeling wouldn't go away.. Her eyes steadied themselves on your figure, taking you in one more time. It stung her heart that even after she had said those things to you, seeing you with tears falling from your eyes, your shoulders tense, your wings hidden, that she still loved you.. that there was still an ounce of love reflected back at her as she looked into your eyes..
You reached into your pocket, pulling the rings into the palm of your hand, giving them one last glance over. The rings were perfect for the two of you.. Dark feathers and sapphire blue crystals concealed in resin as they embraced each other in a piece stuck in time.. One aspect from each of you that fit together so perfectly as they swirled in the next step you were going to take towards forever..
You threw the rings at her, your heart leaving your chest and breaking as they clattered on her desk and rolled to the floor. You gave her no time to think, watching her wide eyed stare as the rings fell to her feet, your next words springing her back into the reality of the situation.
"Don't expect to see me anytime soon." The pain that was etched into the words you spoke was hard to miss. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at the woman as you made your way to the door, pure shock running through you still at the fact that the word 'monster' even left her mouth, that it was directed towards you..
Whether this killed you or not, it seemed as though you meant nothing to the woman.. Your heart ached in what ifs.. For what was supposed to be a lovely, though also anxious, reason to see Larissa.. had only turned sour, leaving a cavernous hole in your chest and a stream of hot tears pouring from your eyes..
You paused for a moment when your hand touched the door handle, still drawn to the woman who had crushed you, still hoping for the one that had captured your heart to say anything to make you stay, to turn around and run to her..
but nothing came..
Your body moved without thought as you walked through the doorway, the only need being to get as far from the woman as possible, to save yourself from your heart breaking anymore than it already had, to save yourself from turning around and giving her every piece of your mind, to save yourself from explaining how you weren't a monster…
As the door clicked behind you, an emptiness filled your heart, locking it up behind the cage you had kept on it for years before this, building up the walls stronger than they ever were before..
When you finally moved, your being a husk of what it once was, you went off to do what you did best:
You ran..
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
𝐚/𝐧: Evey… if/when you read this.. i am so sorry HAAHAH. This hurt SO MUCH to write but i neeeedddeeedd itttttt
welcome to my new series ! It's called Monster due to this chapter alone but there are other forms of inner monsters coming ahead. This series is angst heavy, so i understand if there are some of you that don't want to read it LMAO. there are good things, including the ending, but that's far ahead.
i use the term Avian at the top - it refers to a being that has the characteristics of and/or the ability to change into a bird. I have a post going up soon after this that explains some anatomy and what i think the readers features are like. ill link to it HERE a bit after this gets posted
this series seems like its going to be around 4 chapters, more of less.. let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters either in the comments or my DMs - same goes for being added to my "all works" taglist :)
i hope you enjoyed this chapter and are excited for whats to come eheh
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
tags: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@eveymay @finnja555 @barbarasstar
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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whiteteadreams · 1 year
Lavender Sunflower
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Pairing: Yang Jeongin x Female Reader
Preview: Normally, your body and mind refused to ever let you be in this stage, your guard was down, you were too relaxed. So happy, too happy, but Jeongin was able to do that, he was the only person to ever get you that relaxed. He was the only person you allowed yourself to not have your guard up around. He was Jeongin, and you loved Jeongin, a dangerous amount. Although dangerous, it was the only thing that kept you going.
Word Count: 7.1k
Genre: Mafia AU, angst, fluff, smut, established relationship
Warnings: Violence, murder, blood, knife use (not sexual...sorry guys), mature language/cursing, smut, possessiveness...JYP...doesn't make it out alive...he's also like a drug lord!
Smut Warnings: both are switches ig (not rlly dom/sub dynamic), tit/nipple play, slight body worship, riding, unprotected sex (pretend ur on birth control ig), it's pretty tame tbh, they dance sexually in a club!, mentioned breeding kink
a/n- i watched the show tulsa king with my parents, and it's a mob/gangster/mafia show, so that's why i wrote this, and jeongin has been bias wrecking me so... several months later: IM SO SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER OMG also...ik adding twice was a little odd, but i just wanted to imagine them holding guns! also...the fight scene is silly...I may rewrite it...I may not!
“How about I get you another drink, something stronger?” The voice coming from your side caused you to lose the staring contest you were having with the man across the club. When you looked over at him, you had to stop yourself from wrinkling your nose and frowning. He was gross, to say the least. He was much older, dressed like a pimp, unkempt facial hair with food stuck in his beard, obviously prowling on young women. The human form of a pig.
Faking a smile, you politely declined his offer, knowing that he’d appreciate you playing hard to get. “I’m okay, thank you though.” Attempting to go back to staring at the man across the club, the man next to you decided that your rejection didn’t actually mean ‘no’. You felt him pull you closer to him by the arm that was now draped across your shoulders, his hand venturing near the swell of your breast. “Come on baby, I can show you a good time, l rented us a private room in the back. Your little friend over there can come watch me play with you too.” Glancing at the man mentioned, his jaw clenched and slightly nodded, just enough for you to notice it but discreet as well, so no one else did.
Giggling to cover up your discomfort when his hand squeezed your whole breast, you nodded eagerly, letting him take your hand, and leading you to the room. Trailing a bit behind him, as much as you could with his tight grip on your wrist. With the ability to see the back of his neck, you saw what you needed. The tip of a flame, a tattoo that symbolizes what he’s a part of, who he is. A skull on fire, in a circle of barbed wire.
Since the pig-man couldn’t see your face, your smile dropped, preparing for what was about to happen. The man from across the bar followed you once he was passed, your nerves were settled when you felt his hand on your lower back, standing guard behind you, not letting the pig-man out of his sight.
Your hand that wasn’t being held tightly traveled behind you, seeking the man across the bar’s. He returned your request to hold hands, immediately engulfing yours into his. The club was loud enough for him to whisper into your ear without the pig-man hearing, but with how much hair is growing in his ears, you doubt he had the best hearing anyways.
“It’ll be okay, just remember the plan, I’ll be right here if he pulls anything.” Although he broke character for the moment, you greatly appreciated the reassurance, thanking him with a nod of your head in his direction.
The pig-man stopped walking when he got to one of the many doors in the back of the club. You heard other women behind the series of the doors, some making sounds of pleasure, others of pain. He turned around and flashed you a smile of stained, yellow teeth. Remembering your role, you batted your eyelashes and bit your bottom lip seductively.
“Ladies first.” He stayed in the doorway, beer belly sticking out, forcing you to rub against him to get through the doorway. Pig-man moved for the man from across the club, but still let him go first, trying to assert his dominance.
Pig-man pointed at you and then the bed, he did the same to the man but to the chair in the corner. The cuck chair.
“Take off your clothes baby.” You looked at the man and then back to the pig-man. Throwing him your cheekiest smile you responded with, “Mmm, no. You first, wanna see you.” Both men smiled, for very different reasons.
“Now, now, darlin’ that isn’t what I told you to do, you’re going to listen to me. I don’t give a shit if I end up having to force you or not, but I will get what I want from you.” You felt disgusted when his smoky breath fanned across your face, and it was even worse when he kissed you, shoving his tongue in your mouth and wrapping his hand around your neck.
You looked at the other man and he nodded at you, telling you he was ready. Just as the pig-man shoved his hand up your dress to cup your sex, the other man grabbed his hair from his scalp, pulling him off of you. As he was about to yell, you saw him place a cloth over his mouth and nose, making him breath in the chemicals and then collapsing.
The pig-man’s dead weight crushed your body until he was rolled off of you. You looked up in the dimly lit room and smiled at the other man. “Jeongin”. He helped you off the velvet bed, kicked the pig-man just for good measure and walked to the bag he had set by the chair, managing to keep it out of the pig-man’s sight.
“That was fucking awful to witness and I’m sorry you had to go through that, but we got him.” Jeongin pulled you into his arms after taking out what he needed from the bag. The feeling of his hands on you now was much better than the pair that was on you. “As long as we get what we need, then it’ll be okay.” You breathed in the scent that was purely Jeongin and let him go to allow him to get back to work.
You sat in the chair that Jeongin was occupying and watched him tie the pig-man up, securing him to one of the legs of the bed. You watched him make sure that there was no way he could get out without any assistance. “Now, we wait for him to wake up. I didn’t use too much chloroform just so we wouldn’t be sitting here for hours. But in case we are, it’s a good thing this fucker rented the room for the rest of the night.” As Jeongin walked back to you, you heard him whisper the word ‘perv’ towards the now tied up man. You got up just enough for Jeongin to slide in the seat and he pulled you down to sit on his lap.
For the next 40 minutes, you sat in Jeongin’s lap, playing with his hair and fingers while discussing and double checking the rest of the plan. You were interrupted by the groggily noises of the pig-man, everything muffled by the rag in his mouth. When his eyes finally opened completely, he looked around, stopping once he saw you and Jeongin. The man below you picked you up just to softly place you down again but not on him. He sat you back in the chair, kissed your hair and approached the pig-man.
“Wha-” He was stopped by Jeongin, slapping him in the face. “This is how this is gonna go, you’re going to shut the fuck up until I ask you something, and once that happens, you’re going to answer me, honestly. Understand?” The pig-man just nodded.
Jeongin removed the rag from his mouth and pulled out the small notebook he kept in his back pocket. “So I’ve been told that your name is Paul Bianco, also known as “The Tiger”, you’re obviously a part of the Flaming Skulls, stupid name but whatever, is this all correct?” Formerly known as the pig-man to you, Paul nodded.
“Who sent you?” His voice was shaky, scared of Jeongin, who just sighed and rolled his eyes. “The fuck did I tell you before this started?” Without receiving an answer, you watched Jeongin pull out his switchblade and step forward, bringing himself closer to Paul. He crouched down to his level and brought the knife up to Paul’s cheek.
Digging the tip of the knife through the flesh of Paul’s cheek, Jeongin started talking again, louder than Paul’s cries and pleas. “I’m gonna hurt you no matter what you do, but I’ll go easy on you if you just follow my directions. Now, I need to know one fucking thing. Who killed Hwang Hyunjin? Just give me the name and we’ll be on our way.”
Paul started shaking his head, not wanting to give away the answer. “Come on man, I have a family, a wife, kids, please let me go.” Jeongin looked behind him, at you, shaking his head, “If you’re such a family man then why were you trying to pull something on my girlfriend?”
“Well you know, the wife’s gotten older, can’t please me in the way a man wants.” He laughed sleazily, Jeongin started laughing back, mocking the man. “And your girlfriend over there, she’s just so pretty and she was there, and I-I-I thought maybe she could-” he lost his voice when the tip of Jeongin’s knife returned to Paul’s neck.
Jeongin’s fake laugh continued, louder, “Yeah, I know she’s pretty,” his laughter stopped, his voice now serious, dripping with venom, “but just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean she’s there for free use.” Jeongin’s fist made contact with Paul’s nose, snapping something in it. He stepped back and watched Paul’s cheeks wet with tears and blood. Blood pouring out of both nostrils, dripping into his mouth, he started sputtering, trying to speak without swallowing the thick, red liquid that was starting to spill onto the already stained carpet.
“Paul, Paul, Paul, all I asked was a question, and then you insulted me, acting like you own the love of my life. So I’ll ask you again. Who the fuck, killed Hwang Hyunjin?” Jeongin’s sentence ended with the sound of his gun cocking, pointing it right between Paul’s eyes.
The man started squirming, “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you, please just don’t kill me, I’ll answer anything and everything you want! I’ll apologize to your girlfriend!” Paul looked over at you and started begging for forgiveness, apologizing profusely.
Jeongin approved of the man’s begs but didn’t put down the gun. “So, since you seem to struggle with my main question, I’ll ask some other things that I need to know. First, in 2018, who was the rat that snuck into my company?” Paul answered immediately, and he didn’t hesitate with the next several questions either, giving away information as he was trembling, terrified for his life.
You sat back in the chair, taking notes after Jeongin tossed you his little notebook. Refusing to miss a single thing, you jotted down everything, in case the information was needed later on.
But Jeongin’s patience had worn thin, now only wanting the answer that got the both of you here. “Now. I’m not going to ask again, who killed Hwang Hyunjin?” It was technically a question, but Jeongin made it sound like a demand. Paul Bianco didn’t have any time left. And he knew that, so he gave in.
“Park Jinyoung killed your friend.” And there he had it. Jeongin finally had the name of the man that killed Hyunjin. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” But Paul was still a nervous wreck.
“Don’t tell him I ratted him out, please, he’ll kill me!” You had picked up Jeongin’s bag and walked over to him. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him killing you.” Paul’s blood ran cold, “But, I answered all your questions! I complied! Please don’t kill me, why would you kill me?”
Jeongin walked over to the door, his hand on the handle, he turned half of his body so he could keep the gun lined up with Paul’s head.
“Because you touched my girlfriend.” And with that, Jeongin pulled the trigger, and the pig-man’s body went limp, blood puddling around him, coming out of the hole that was now in his head.
Jeongin turned the doorknob and walked out, pulling you with him. “Jisung already has control of the security cameras, so we won’t be seen on those. And with him renting the room, it’s under his name, not ours.” You continued down the hallway, not going back through the crowd of people dancing. The side door was deserted, no one near, not even bouncers for the club.
There was one person though, waiting in a car, for the two of you. Jeongin opened the door and helped you in, getting settled in the car and finally taking a deep breath for the first time in hours. Exhaustion was taking over his body now that the adrenalin was no longer running through his veins.
“Hey Jeongin, Miss. Y/n. Are you guys, okay?” The car was now moving and the accent that belonged to Bang Chan filled the car. The both of you just nodded, but Jeongin spoke up, not to answer his question though. “Park Jinyoung. That bastard killed Hyunjin.” Chan let out an exhale that sounded like a whistle, continuing to drive.
You laid your head on Jeongin’s shoulder and looked at what he was doing on his phone, you saw his messages with Minho, Jeongin telling him to track Jinyoung down. Minho responded by telling the younger man to take the weekend off, as he’s been under a lot of pressure and stress recently.
“It would be good for you, to take a bit of time for yourself. We could go somewhere secluded, just for a few days. It would be nice, Jeongin.” Chan overheard the conversation and spoke up, “Minho already told me to take you to one of the houses, I thought you knew…” Jeongin groaned, not wanting to stop working, and you just giggled, excited to truly be alone with him.
Jeongin was about to argue but he could see your excitement, so he didn’t say anything, he texted Minho back to say thank you and allowed Chan to take them wherever Minho had sent them. With his trust in Chan mixed with the warmth of your soft body next to him, he allowed himself to lay his head on yours and close his eyes.
You hadn’t realized that you fell asleep until Jeongin was whispering you awake, stating that you’ve arrived at the house. Taking off your seatbelt, Jeongin helped your tired self out of the car, making sure you didn’t hit your head on the roof of the vehicle.
When you were fully out of the vehicle and got a view of the house Minho had sent you to, your eagerness took over the drowsiness. It was one of the beach houses, along the coast. You could hear the waves crashing into the dock and you could smell the water. Barely letting Jeongin say goodbye to Chan, you grabbed his hand and ran to the door of the house.
“We’re alone, we’re alone together for once.” You whispered into the air, Chan had driven off so only Jeongin and the wind heard you. You leaned over the railing on the balcony, the door to get inside was behind you but you paid no attention to that. Your attention was set on how the moonlight was reflecting onto the water.
Having no intentions of moving inside, you involuntarily shivered and Jeongin was wrapping his arms around you, suggesting that the two of you settle down. You let him gently pull you inside, the heat engulfing you immediately, the goosebumps that had risen on your skin were no longer there.
“I’m going to unpack our bags, you get comfortable.” You looked over at said bags that Minho had had his assistants pack for the two of you and honestly didn’t care about those. You just wanted him to stay close to you. Jeongin was behind you, leaning on you while you leaned on the kitchen island. He spoke into your hair and whispered his love for you while walking away. He kept a hand on you until he was too far, letting it trail behind him, trying to keep you close for as long as possible.
While he was piddling around upstairs, getting everything set up, you hooked up your phone to the TV. Playing music through the surround sound speakers, it was quiet, but everywhere. You looked outside the window, watching the waves, swaying your body to the music. All the lights were off except for the small ones underneath the cabinets. To enhance the calming mood even more, you lit a candle, a clean scent.
So caught up in your own world, you didn’t notice that Jeongin had returned until his knuckles lightly knocked on the wall, the one with his side pressed against. Jeongin would be happy if he never did anything but watch you for the rest of his life.
Your voice was slow and quiet, tiredness evident on your face but even though Jeongin wanted you to get some rest, he couldn’t help but allow you to subconsciously pull him to you. “Dance with me, please?”
How could he say no to you?
The slow and calm yet sultry music being played on the TV in the next room, casted from your phone mixed well with the candle burning a clean scent on the kitchen island, the mood finished with moonlight flooding the otherwise dark room. It was perfect.
When Jeongin reached you the first thing he felt was the thin satin dress that covered your otherwise bare body. “Are you not cold?” Always putting your comfort first, Jeongin asked you as soon as he felt just how thin your dress was. “Yes, but I’m okay, you know I’d rather be cold than hot.” He accepted your excuse but still pulled you as close as humanly possible, you wanted to dance so he was going to dance with you and warm you up.
‘What are you waiting for? (Ooh, yeah) You got me lost in the clutch of you (lost in you)’
You and Jeongin swayed back and forth, feeling the salty breeze come through the open door, chilling your skin, but neither of you cared. When you were with each other neither of you could bring yourself to care about what was happening around you. Too caught up in the feeling of each other. You wondered if you would love each other as much as you do now if you hadn’t gone through everything together. Ever since you were kids, the training, the missions, your parents’ disappointment for their respective child. Always having the weight of the world on your back, but with the other walking next to you, it was more bearable. You and Jeongin danced together a lot, it was your guys’ way of winding down from the work heavy day.
The world could be on fire, and you believed that you and Jeongin would dance through it, until you couldn’t dance anymore, until your last breath.
You kept swaying, the playlist continuing to provide you with rhythms. Your eyes burned, too tired, needing to close them. So you did, you didn’t intend on actually falling asleep, especially standing up in Jeongin’s arms, but you couldn’t help it.
Jeongin noticed your limp body and smiled. “Let’s go to bed.” You were now in the hypnagogic stage, half awake, half asleep. Stirring when Jeongin stopped swaying but still calm enough to be relaxed.
Normally, your body and mind refused to ever let you be in this stage, your guard was down, you were too relaxed. So happy, too happy, but Jeongin was able to do that, he was the only person to ever get you that relaxed. He was the only person you allowed yourself to not have your guard up around. He was Jeongin, and you loved Jeongin, a dangerous amount. Although dangerous, it was the only thing that kept you going.
You grumbled when you smelled the smoke from the candle Jeongin blew out, but you still didn’t wake up fully, you heard the music stop, and then ascend up the stairs when he carried you in his arms. He stood you upright on your feet once you entered the room. He helped you get dressed into pajamas, so you’d be much more comfortable. He made sure you were okay before helping you lay into bed. Feeling the smooth, cold sheets under you, you sighed, finally calm enough to let your muscles relax. Always on the run, always stressed, always feeling something other than happiness. Jeongin was what kept you alive, and he made sure you knew that you were his world.
“Jeongin?” Your tired eyes opened a bit more, enough to watch him remove his shirt and slip on some sweats, revealing the hard muscles covered in tattoos and scars, too much pain imprinted on his body for his age, but you couldn’t say anything different about your own. Minus all the tattoos, you had a few, but not nearly as many as Jeongin had.
He looked over his shoulder at you and hummed, urging you to continue. “Can you leave the door open a bit please? I want to feel the breeze.” Without denying you or letting you know he was going to open the door; he just did. The door had a screen behind it, making sure no rodents or big bugs made their way in. He left the screen door fully shut but cracked the actual door a bit. You watched him bend down to grab the thick wooden rod, which he placed in the door’s track, so no one could open the door enough to enter the room from the outside.
Making sure the door was as secure as it could be with following your request of leaving it open, he turned around to face you in the bed. He slid in, laying in the middle of the bed so he could reach you. Your body was slack so when Jeongin pulled you to him, there was no resistance. This was how you always slept, your body curled up, and Jeongin’s curled up behind you, an act of protection, even in his sleep. His hands were wrapped around your stomach, always ready to pull you back if someone tried to take you from him.
Listening to the wind whistle and feeling the breeze on your skin along with Jeongin’s steady breath on your neck, you returned to sleep, wishing to stay in this state of mind with Jeongin forever.
However, all good things must come to an end. The alarm clock of habit in your head made sure you didn’t sleep past seven in the morning, but given you had an extremely late night, it cut you some slack. When you finally blinked your eyes open, in the fuzzy, morning sight, you saw that the actual alarm clock on the bed side table read ‘9:32’.
Jeongin’s arm was still wrapped around you, in the same position he was in when he fell asleep, ever the snoozer. But when he felt you rustle, he finally moved, but his movements were fluid, not being held back with the stiffness of sleep.
“Did you just wake up?” Your voice was hoarse, complimenting your dry throat perfectly.
“No, I’ve been up since seven, just decided to stay in bed.” He kissed the back of your head, breathing in the smell of your hair.
You rolled over, causing Jeongin to do the same. “I’m glad you were able to sleep in.” He looked over at you, smiling at your hair covering your face.
“I’m sorry you weren’t.” He shrugged the best he could while lying down but you still didn’t like how he brushed it off, he needed the sleep, just as much as you if not more.
“Well this was what we signed up for.” Both of you stared up at the ceiling, tired of everything. So young but already cursed with the evils of the world. “We didn’t sign up for shit Jeongin, we were born into this mess. My parents and your parents had us just to be the next heirs of their stupid ass gangster mob.” You rolled your eyes and rolled over to face him. The slight breeze entered the room through the opening, only protected by the screen door.
You wholeheartedly believed that if you hadn’t fallen in love with Jeongin you would’ve ended everything by now, blinded by the bad and unable to see what good was still left in the world. Jeongin was the only good still left in the world, or at least the only thing you cared enough about at this point.
Even though the both of you should probably talk about your problems more, whenever you do, you’d get tired of it, quickly.
“I love you Jeongin.” You rolled over on your side and looked at him. He smiled and did the same, now facing you as well. Jeongin reached for you, “I love you too, thanks for putting up with me and my shit.” You just laughed and sat up a bit, just enough to lean over to him, placing your lips on his.
Jeongin tightened his arms around you, moving them down to your hips, you giggled against his mouth, causing him to smile. Pulling back slightly, taking in his features, he was smiling with his eyes, something he rarely ever did. You kissed his smile and shivered, the wind picking up, reminding you that you forgot to close the door. What was going to be just a small peck deepened, like always.
You decided to go with the flow and take it a step further.
Hoisting yourself up on your left knee, you swung your right one over Jeongin’s hips. With a lazy smile, his hands drug up your legs, caressing the skin until they lightly grasp your hips.
Leaning down to connect your lips, the both of you smiled into the kiss, your teeth lightly touched, and you pulled back to giggle. “Jeongin~” He rolled your hips into his. The clothed friction was nice, but not enough.
Jeongin could feel your need, the urgency evident in your shallow thrusts. “Lift up a bit” you listened to his soft voice, lifting your hips so he could hook his thumbs in your shorts and panties waistband and pull them down all at once. After they were over your ass, you finished removing them yourself. And while you were off of Jeongin, you took the opportunity to pull down his own sweats and briefs.
You had to hold yourself from physically jumping on him, but it seemed like he was having the same debate. The room was quiet except for your breathing and the sound of the rain pitter pattering outside. The cold drops falling from the sky just intensified the chilled draft in the room, but with your bare skin against Jeongin’s, it was tolerable.
Sitting back on Jeongin’s pelvis, you leaned down, slotting your lips against his. Your breasts were pressed against his chest, your pebbled nipples taunt against his own. The feeling of the nubs flicking against each other caused your back to dip in an arch. With your back arching your pussy rubbed against Jeongin’s cock. The wet lips of your cunt spread slightly at the intrusion of his dick, your arousal lubing him up enough that once you lifted your hips just enough to take his cock in your hand and slip it in your wanton hole.
Jeongin groaned against your mouth, taking the back of your neck in his hand and using it as leverage to push your mouth to his even more.
Moving your hips while laying down proved to be more challenging than you had originally thought. Placing a longing kiss against his lips once more, you pushed off Jeongin’s chest and held your back straight, allowing your hips to move freely.
Feeling his cock move so deeply within you, you could feel him in your stomach, just below your belly button. Needing more, you lifted off him for a second before slamming back down and speeding up your moments.
Jeongin placed his hands on the curve of your hips and dug his nails in slightly. Biting his lip and matching your thrusts, he was entranced by the sight above him.
Your eyes were glossed over, so overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through your veins, your hair was a mess, not only from being asleep but also the movement, baby hairs sticking to your face from the sweat that was starting to form. But although these were all gorgeous sights to Jeongin, what took first place was your bouncing tits. With every thrust they would cause a slapping sound from them bouncing back and hitting your skin.
Moving his hands from your hips and trailing his fingertips along your soft skin, Jeongin grabbed your chest. Playing with the mounds of flesh sitting heavy in his hands, he squished them, pushed them together, and pinched your nipples.
Pinching them particularly tightly, you squealed and clenched your pussy around his cock. Jeongin groaned, feeling the constriction that had surrounded him.
You shivered again, but this time wasn’t because of Jeongin. The breeze coming from outside began to pick up. Nipples pulled taunt from the cold air wrapping around your body, the feeling was contrasted by Jeongin’s warm fingers going back to playing with them.
Everything soon became almost too much. Each roll of your hips caused his tip to brush against the gummy spot inside of you, plus your clit would meet with the bone of his pelvis, causing two sources of stimulation, or course without mentioning the attention and torture your breasts were receiving.
Each pinch and thrust caused little shocks of electricity to shoot throughout your body and those little bursts of pleasure fueled you to move faster. Jeongin picked up on your impatience and decided to take things into his own hands.
Flipping over, your back hit the soft, plush bedding. Jeongin took a hold under your knee, and hoisted your leg above his shoulder, resting it on the broad muscle. Jackhammering his hips into yours, the sound of the rain was no longer heard and the wind hitting your body was ignored. All you could hear was the sound of you and your lover’s skin meeting and all you could feel was the knot in your lower stomach hanging on by a threat.
Your edge was so close but still out of reach, crying out, you gripped Jeongin’s arms, feeling the muscles hidden underneath the skin flex from the feeling of your nails digging in.
Soon his thrusts turned sloppy, unable to hold a consistent rhythm. Dropping to his left elbow, he hid his face in your neck, ruthlessly sucking and biting at your sweet spot. But that wasn’t enough for either of you, with his free hand, he traveled it down your body to the apex of your thighs. Taking his middle and ring finger, he relentlessly played with the nub of nerves.
All of a sudden, you broke. Yelling out into the air, you closed your eyes and clamped your legs against Jeongin’s torso. His hips chased his own high, barely letting you ride out yours, he kept you in that moment of white heat until his own high hit him.
Groaning into your hair, his hips snapped slower, finally allowing you to ride out your high, his thrusts turned into shallow rolls. Your hips no longer met and soon your muscles didn’t jolt periodically as you were finally coming back to the ground, no longer up in the clouds.
Jeongin stayed hidden in your hair for a few minutes, just holding you close to his body, protecting you from anything and everything.
“I love you, so fucking much. And, I’m gonna get us out of this life, I promise. We finish this last mission, and we can move away. Move away to the middle of nowhere, fill it with our kids.”
You bit your lip, trying to stop yourself from smiling too hard. “Can we have a wrap-around porch?”
“Yeah, a wrap-around porch and whatever else you want. I’ll give you the fucking world.”
Scratching Jeongin’s scalp, your smile couldn’t be contained once he let out a purr like sound. You giggled and kissed the side of his head.
“Jeongin, let’s go clean up.” Shaking his head, Jeongin just tightened his grip on you.
The sweet and comfortable moment that was once filled with playing with Jeongin’s hair and listening to the rain was ruined by the blaring noise of Jeongin’s phone ringing.
He groaned in your hair again, this time from annoyance but nonetheless rolled off of you and onto his back. Blindly reaching for his phone, Jeongin mumbled a couple of curses.
Once his fingertips were able to grasp the phone, he brought it to his vision and groaned at the caller ID.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were the one who told me to take this break.”
You couldn’t hear the other person but you followed in Jeongin’s path and laid on his chest, drawing circles on the span of his chest.
“Are you serious? I finally get a fucking moment to just breathe with my girlfriend and you take it away! There are 15 other people a part of our team. Literally pair up Seungmin and Momo, boom I just fixed it for you!”
Jeongin rubbed your arm, kissed your head, and rolled out from under you. He stood up straight, with his back to you, and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. You smiled at the sight of his bare ass and you couldn’t help but reach out and pinch the temptingly soft skin.
The man on the phone jumped a bit, startled by your joke. Rolling back over to your original position, you just smiled at him, it wasn’t innocent, but playful.
Jeongin turned to face you and looked at you. How your hair was a mess from him running his fingers through it, how your skin had that after sex glow to it, and how your eyes were set on him. It was evident that you loved him and he knew that you would never know the extent of his love for you. He couldn’t even fathom it.
Without his smile faltering, he ended the phone call with a, “Okay jackass, thanks for ruining my day.” But even if his smile stood its ground, yours didn’t. Molding your lips into frown, you brought up the sheet, intending for him to slide back into bed. Your intentions were innocent, but of course, Jeongin was given the view of your body, freshly marked with kisses and bruises from him. Raising his eyebrows and smiling growing sinister, he climbed back into bed, accepting your invitation.
“Get whatever is in your head out. I’m tired again.” You poked at his chest accusingly, but the both of you knew that there wasn’t a single complaint behind each jab at his pec.
“So, what was that all about?” You were worried from the little snippet of the conversation that we were able to hear. “We have another mission tonight.” Jeongin rolled his eyes, annoyed that someone is trying to steal your alone time away.
“What is it?” You didn’t move from your spot, even though you probably should sooner rather than later. “Park Jinyoung has some giant drug trade at a club tonight, one of the guys who snuck into his team told us. You and I are supposed to play the unsuspicious horny couple on the dance floor. When we see him move to the basement of the club, we’re supposed to pretend to head to the bathroom to “bang” but follow them when they aren't looking.”
"Why are all the guys we have to hunt down hiding in clubs?" Your back was still pressed flushed to Jeongin's chest as you swayed to the music sensually, but still aware of your surroundings. His head was on your shoulder, his mouth next to your ear, "Because men are disgusting." He kissed your neck when you giggled.
"You're a man, what does that say about you?" Smirking and side eyeing him, waiting for his answer. "I have my own disgusting thoughts about you, but I keep them to myself." You felt his tongue trace the shell of your ear.
Jeongin always managed to set a fire deep within your core. His hands were sliding down your sides and landed on your hips. He was wearing a black button down with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his tattoos. The veins that ran up and down the length of his exposed skin distracted you, you wanted the muscles to flex, causing his veins to become more prominent.
“I know you like my arms and hands baby, but you gotta stay on task.” You could feel his smile against your neck and his hardening dick on your ass. Tearing your eyes from their desired view, you moved your head to the side, towards Jeongin’s ear. “You’re the one that’s off task, you’re getting hard just from dancing.”
“With grinding against an ass like yours, no one can really blame me.”
Letting out a soft moan at the feeling of his lips sucking a bruise into your neck, you rolled your hips back against his crotch. “Jeongin, we can’t right now.” You wanted to, but you simply couldn’t.
“You’re right, it’s just so hard, you make me so hard.” Jeongin tightened his grip on your hips and turned you around. He planted a harsh yet passionate on your lips and forced his tongue through your lips. Your hands took purchase in his hair and pulled the strands taunt. His hands did the same but with the skin on your ass. He squeezed the muscle so tightly; you were sure that he’d leave handprints.
Moaning and gasping into the other’s mouth, you ignored your surroundings, which was not something the two of you did often. Jeongin kicked your legs apart and bent his knee a bit, allowing you to use his thigh. “Jeongin” you moaned, the music drowning out your noises.
Hearing Jeongin’s name through the earpieces broke the two of you out of whatever spell you were under.
~We can see both of you. Please stick to the plan. The target is on the move.” ~
You rolled your eyes and looked around, continuing to dance with Jeongin. He’s just as irritated as soon as he is lost in the vision of you. He’s taken right back out of it. Grumbling, Jeongin gripped your hips and continued to sway to the music.
“Alright, I see him. It's time baby.” You smiled, happy that this was going to be your last mission.
You watched as Park Jinyoung and his men headed to the basement, leaving their spots at the bar vacant. You nodded at Momo, who played bartender for the night. She winked at you, letting you know that she was able to spike their drinks. Following their path, you and Jeongin stopped at the bathroom line, he pushed you against the wall so you could peek over his shoulder, keeping your eyes on the man of the hour.
“Okay, they’re all inside, they didn’t leave anyone as a lookout.” You whispered into Jeongin’s neck, but before pulling away, you left a teasing kiss. He looked down at you with a glare, but you knew there was no malicious intent behind it.
Jeongin nodded at the security camera, knowing that Jisung was watching the two of you.
~Alright everyone, let’s go~
Changbin walked past Jeongin, tapping his back to give him the signal. The two of you followed him down the stairs into the basement. Ducking below all the windows that separated you to them, you headed to the door.
Chan, Naeyeon, Sana, and Felix were ready to attack them from the other side of the room. Then, Minho and Seungmin were placed as bouncers, guarding the two main doors into the club. The back door was being watched by Tyuzu and Jeongyeon. Lastly, Chaeyoung and Jihyo were ready to attack if they got past everyone else.
Mina and Dahyun, as the getaway drivers, were waiting for the 15 of you to get out of there before the police showed up once they were called. It was a large team, but Park Jinyoung had a sea of men behind him, and just tonight, there were probably 30 littered around the club. But you guys had rage feuling you. The death of your team member and friend was enough to make you kill anyone that stood in your way.
Changbin, Jeongin, and you all looked at each other. Changbin had handed you weapons during the descent of the stairs, they were now loaded and cocked back.
The three of you took a collective breath.
Fixing your footing, you and Jeongin smiled at each other.
Changbin kicked down the door, Chan did the same on the other side, and you, Jeongin, Sana, and Felix all took cover behind various objects around the room. Open fire rained down. Park Jinyoung made a run for it, leaving his men to fight his battles for him. No one was able to get a direct shot at him, Sana was only able to skim his shoulder as he ran upstairs.
You could hear people yelling upstairs, but with Seungmin, Minho, and Momo as the next line of defense, you weren’t worried.
~I got him guys~
Of course, it was Seungmin.
~We’re gonna head out to the cars and pull around back~
The showdown didn’t last as long as you thought it would. Obviously, they weren’t expecting to be raided as they quickly ran out of ammo.
“Alright, I think we got them all, let’s get out of here guys.” Chan spoke the first words since the raid began and you were relieved that it was over. Or at least, Jeongin and you were going to ask for it to be the end.
“We can’t promise that the two of you will never be called but I can promise that you will be called significantly less.” Jeongin and you had asked Minho if you could have a talk with him. He understood as the two of you are getting older and this isn’t the life you wanted nor the life you signed up for.
“Thank you sir.” Nodding your heads in thanks, you turned your backs to him, ready to leave.
“One thing!” Minho called once your hand grasped the door handle. Turning around, Jeongin was able to grab whatever Minho had thrown your way in mid air. Once the object hit his hand, a jingle was heard.
“Enjoy that wrap around porch. The team and I will be sure to visit once you get settled”.
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nkirukaj · 3 months
Our Renaissance (3)
Pairing: Human!Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing, Implied Racism (Threats of Lynching), Threats of Sexual Assault, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 1920s Slang
Genre: Slight Angst (& Humor!)
Word Count: 5.8K
A pale fist connects with Alastor’s chin, while another hits his gut, and the last hits him right in the crotch. He’s not holding back, however, he lands a few on the other three guys, but nowhere near causing the same amount of damage as they did to him. One came from behind him, wrapping their arms around his throat, he searched for air for a few, until landing a kick in the assailant’s crotch. Alastor reaches out to land another punch, getting his skin slit by one of the men’s knives, he cries out in pain as the punches continue on. He was completely unaware of his surroundings until he heard a voice calling.
“Alastor? What are you doing? Alastor? Alastor!”
The moment he saw her, all of it came rushing back. He wanted so badly to be angry with her, but looking at her beautiful face, he just couldn’t. 
“What’s going on here? Leave him alone!”
“Stay out of it broad,”
That fired Alastor up and he landed his bloody fist on the guy’s face
“Alastor, come on. Please?” she stares into his eyes and he spits the blood out of his mouth, choosing to walk away after the guys got one last hit to the shin
“That’s what I thought! And you!” The leader points at Vera “Watch yourself, Jane, next time to stop us from taking our cut, we might end up taking the cut outta you, dollface!” He winks at her, thrusting towards her as she grimaces at their lewd gestures. Alastor’s expression darkens.
“Hear that boy?!” they call after them “We all gon’ take a piece of her!” He points to himself and his friends “1,2,3! Take her from the back. Though I might wanna see that pretty face!” Their voices get quieter as Vera and Alastor increase the distance between the two groups. Vera turns to him
“Why were you fighting?”
He scowls, not responding at first “They said Maman would make a pretty tree ornament,”
Vera doesn’t understand immediately, but gets it within a few moments “Oh,” she says with a blank face
She looks at his bleeding hand “We ought to go to your mama-“
“No!” She stops to look at him “I can’t let her know I’ve been fighting again.” He mumbles 
“All right then, I suppose that I could fix you up, but I don’t have much experience with boys.” 
“Where have you been anyway? Feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” he asks once they get to her room. She pulls out her first aid and sewing supplies.
She rolls her eyes, while she bandages his knuckles “It’s only been 2 years. And my daddy said that I wasn’t allowed to come the past two because I needed to focus on my schoolwork.”
He furrows his brow “I thought you were grown,” he smirks
“College,” she says like it’s obvious
“Oooh you a college girl,” he wiggles his eyebrows
She blushes “Well, I did just graduate. And now, my daddy says after Mardi Gras I can head off to LA!”
“Ah, that’s right. You wanna be an ‘actress’” he speaks teasingly
She stares at him, offense taken “And you wanna be on the radio.” she spits back, her voice full of venom “I don’t see why you think your dream is more reachable than mine.”
He stares down at his bloody hand as she cleans it “I don’t.”
“Then why do you keep mocking me?”
“Oh, darlin’ I’m not mocking you. I just think that radio is a superior medium.”
“And why is that?”
“Because all that matters is the voice. If you’ve got the voice, people will listen. You can be successful, no matter what you look like.” He watches her place the hydrogen peroxide on his wound and he hisses with pain.
“Sorry,” she looks a bit sheepish
“Anyway, with movies and plays, you gotta look exactly how they want. That’s unrealistic. Well, I mean not for you, since you’re a regular Sheba. But for folks like me, we wouldn’t exactly fit on the movie screens.”
She’s taken back a bit by his compliment, but she doesn’t show it “You think you’re ugly?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“You said I’m a regular Sheba when you’re a Sheik!” she prepares the needle for the amateur stitches she was about to give him.
Alastor wiggles his eyebrows “You think I’m sexy?” he leans in toward her
She giggles and pushes him back, “You have to stay still. Here, gimme your hand.” He places it in her hand and she starts to sew up the gash. Alastor tried to hide the pain, but each wince made it clear how he was feeling when the needle pierced his flesh. “Sorry,” she said again
“It’s alright darlin’ it’s not your fault I busted my hand.”
“No, I mean…I’m sorry for not writing to you, and not coming since 2 years ago. I bet you thought I forgot about you.” He had thought that, but he chose to stay silent instead of responding. When she finished sewing up the wound and knotting it, she held his hand in both of hers “I’d never forget you.” she said
There’s a beat of silence, where he stares at her and she stares at his hand that she continues to hold, before she clears her throat and drops it, causing him to wince once more. She looks apologetic and reaches for him, but pulls back at the last second. Alastor clears his throat and breaks the silence.
“Ugh, I would hate for Maman to see me like this,” he turns his hands over, looking at the crudely stitched-up gash on his otherwise smooth skin
“Maybe wear some gloves then,” she chides him. Vera reaches into a drawer on her nightstand, pulling out a pair of black gloves and handing them to him. He looks skeptical “They’re made of the best material. They stretch! Try them!”
Alastor takes them cautiously and looks them over. He looks up at Vera and back down at the gloves, thinking about whether this was a good idea, but considering he had no other options and nothing else to lose, he slid the gloves onto his hands. Surprisingly they did fit. Either these gloves were as stretchy as Vera claimed, or he had some seriously small hands.
“Thank you,” he said
“See? Perfect fit.”
He reaches for her hand and intertwines his fingers with hers “So is this,”
He leans toward her large pink lips and she lightly pushes his chest with her gloved hand “Um, bank’s closed, Alastor” she chuckles
Alastor moves back only a few inches, staring at her with relaxed, lidded eyes “Cash or check?”
Vera blushes furiously “Excuse me?” She giggles “How do you know there will be another chance?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t think about me.”
She glances around the room “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” blushing harder 
Alastor raises an eyebrow, his mouth harboring a giant smirk “Don’t tell me you forgot. Last time you came, I took you in the woods…”
She waves her hands in front of her face, trying not to smile “Don’t remind me.”
He scooches closer “Why not? It’s such a…pleasant…memory” he leans in again and finally his lips catch hers in a small kiss, then back in for a longer one. She rests her hands on his chest, sliding them up to his shoulders and neck. As they’re necking, his hand slides up to her breasts and he takes one, squeezing it. Vera moans quietly as he massages it, occasionally feeling her nipple through the fabric.
The sound of footsteps is heard coming up the staircase and Vera gently pushes Alastor, whispering “Someone’s coming,”
“So?” he pulls her closer to him by her waist, making her giggle while he kisses her cheek and jaw
She pushes him “I’m serious,” she says between giggles
“You don’t sound like you’re serious Miss Giggles,” he tickles her further
“Alastor stop!”
“I hope it’s not your father!” he whispers
The doorknob turns “Young lady we do not lock doors,” Cassius says on the other side
“Now you have to hide,” she whispers
“I do?” he asks, like a jerk
“Stop! This is serious!” she playfully slaps his chest while whispering
Cassius turns the knob further “Vera, what are you doing in there? Open the door! Vera!”
“I can’t have boys in my room. Hide in the closet,”
“Alright…” he allows himself to be pushed into the closet
He watches through the crack as Vera undoes her clothing slightly, pulling it off her arms. Alastor feels a throbbing in his crotch as he watches her peel away the layers.
She opens the door a crack “Yes Daddy?”
“What’s going on in here?” he asks with a scowl 
“I was trying to get dressed, I got dirty on my walk so I had to change clothes. Did you need something?”
He looks past her in the room “I heard some…noises in here, I thought you might be up to something…inappropriate,”
“No, it’s just me,”
Her father purses, his lips “Remind me to check you out. That whole ‘talking to yourself’ thing makes you sound screwy,” and he walks away
“Oh my,” Alastor speaks from the closet when she goes to open it, “I thought he’d never leave,”
“You almost got us caught!” She slaps his chest
“Aww,” he purrs “Scared Daddy would think I was defiling his daughter?” he gives her an evil grin “Already did that,”
She blushes “Enough games! You need to leave,”
“Do you really want me to leave?” He leans down toward her, his grin stretching the ends of his face
“You need to leave,” she says, not looking directly at him
“Alright, alright,” he puts his hands up “I will just be out in your backyard..working, as always,”
“Go! Shoo!” she whisked him out before anyone else could catch them.
Alastor was crouched down, examining each individual flower, their stems and petals when Vera snuck up to him and spoke.
“You ever been to a party?”
He is caught off-guard by her voice to the point where he falls over, she giggles at the sight and he is mixed with a sense of humiliation and adoration, quite confusing for him. He stands and dusts himself off, replying “I’ve been to my mother’s birthday party. Is that what you’re getting at?” with his brow furrowed
She shakes her head “No, I meant a cocktail party. Like the ones you see in films? Where they dress all ritzy and dolled up, and drink margaritas and of course, cocktails?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,”
“You’ve never seen a film?”
“Once. After Maman saved up,”
Vera purses her lips “Hmm,” she leans her weight on one leg “Would you like to attend one?”
“A film?” he raised his brow “I don’t know, I have much work to be done-“
“No! A party!” Vera smirks
“A party?” Alastor almost laughs in her face “Oh, definitely not,”
Vera looks perplexed “And why not?”
“I am not going to a party surrounded by a bunch of fat cats in suits, looking down on me,” 
She rolls her eyes “My father is bringing me as a networking opportunity, you should come too!”
Alastor’s complexion is touched with a hint of pink “I don’t think I would fit in very well there,” he replied simmering with anger at his situation
Vera’s eyes are filled with confusion “Do you not still want to work in radio? To be a radio star?” She asked her tone dripping with wonder
“Yes,” he mumbles 
“Then come with me. I will not take no for an answer.” She stands her ground, with her arms crossed
“I’m not sure doll, am I even allowed?”
“Oh I’ll take care of that, don’t you worry about it.” She winks at him 
He stares at her apprehensively “I suppose,”
She startles him again while he is cutting grass by hand, almost chopping off his own finger.
“Guess what?” 
He jumps back “You must stop doing that!” he sounds deeply irritated when saying this 
She leans back and crosses her arms “Would you like to hear it or not?
He stands and sighs “Go ahead,”
Vera giggles and jumps up and down “Your attendance was approved!” she grins at him
“Hmm? Oh, the party, wonderful,” he offers a false grin “However, I did just realize that I do not have the proper attire to attend. I do not own a suit,” he offers
“Okay! I’ll get you one!”
His grin falls slightly “I could not ask you to do that,”
“You’re not,” she asserts “We will pay your mother to make you one,” she claps once
His smile falls completely “Do not make her do that, she has more important things to do,”
Vera raises her brow “Like her job? Which is to make what she’s paid to?”
“For her clients,”
“That’s us!” she tilts her head
He squints at her, his expression darkening, but she seems not to notice “You’re doing it for me,”
“I’m doing it for me,” she gives him a sly smirk
“Yes because a woman needs a suit,” he spits sarcastically
She rolls her eyes again “You are my plus one, this is for me,”
“I suppose,” the confidence in his voice dropped. This would be an amazing opportunity, but to wear his mother’s labor? He would be no better than Vera’s father, or any of the other customers who requested work from them. Would he become the fat cat?
“Have we reached an understanding?”
“We have,” he states plainly
The door to the backyard was open so that all- of Vera’s kin - could see out.
“Son!” Mr. Bates called from inside “I’m sure you’ve got more work to do, don’t you little Fontenot?”
Alastor’s eyes set in his head darkly, as he stares at him through his dark lashes, as Mr. Bates stares him down.
“Vera, I have something for you sweetheart!” she brightens up at the thought of a gift “But you must come inside to receive it!”
“Is it my gown?!”
“I’m not sure, you’ll have to come inside and see,” he sings 
She runs towards her father with glee “Oh!” she turns back to Alastor “It’s tomorrow night!” and runs inside the house, her father slamming the door behind her, as the rain starts pouring down, Cassius stares as Vera opens the parcel, fully expecting the work to be finished. 
“It was so nice of Miss Vera to invite you, don’t you think baby?” May asks as she threads the final part of his suit together. She looks up at him “Alastor? What’s eating you?”
A deep scowl is present on his face, the storm in his mind evident. “It doesn’t feel right,”
“What doesn’t feel right?” she stands up
“Them having you make this for me, so I can stand around begging for some from these narcissistic high-brow men and women. It’s like we’re objects to them!” he crosses his arms,
May waves him off “Oh don’t be silly Alastor! This is an amazing opportunity for you! Miss Vera is so thoughtful to think of your dreams when attending this party, and Mr. Bates is so considerate to allow you to attend. They didn’t have to pick you,” she fixes his collar and tilts her head “This could do wonders for you Alastor. You could end up a big-shot radio host because of this night. I know you’ve got what it takes,” she pinches his cheek
“Maman,” he laughs and swats her hand away “I’m a man now,”
“You wouldn’t know it living here with me,” she laughs “When you get big you can move out and live on your own. And you can stop picking and pruning flowers for your Mama. Besides, you’ll always be my baby,” she smiles warmly
“I told you, I don’t like leaving you alone,”
“Sure, that’s why,”
“Besides we don’t have the money for that kind of transition at the moment,”
“But you will, after tonight” May hands him a box
He looks it over “What’s this?”
“I think, that since Miss Vera was so kind as to invite you to this party, you should bring her a gift,”
He opens the box and smiles, looking up at his mother “Of course Maman,”
Alastor fiddled with his tie during his trek to the Bates’ vacation home. The bow tie fit him well, but his neck was not used to the sudden constriction. His hands trembled, almost dropping the box twice. He thought about this chance and all the ways he could mess it up. The chances that he would regret it were astronomical. He walked up to the front of the house and saw Mr. Bates and Vera standing in front of a car. Mr. Bates in a navy blue upper-class suit and Vera in a gorgeous extravagant cocktail gown in light pink. When he approached, Vera’s lips pulled back into a large grin, while Mr. Bates’s remained a tight line. 
Alastor opened his mouth, but his words were stolen by Vera and her beauty.
“Hi,” she says in a low velvety voice
“Salutations,” he spoke breathlessly, staring at her in awe
Mr. Bates clears his throat “The car has been waiting,” he turns to his daughter “Shall we?”
“Of course, Daddy,” she turns to Alastor “Come then,” she enters the car and he follows her
The ride is quiet and tension-filled before Vera speaks again “Your mother made you a very nice suit. You clean up very well,” she glances at him
“Hmm, I suppose I look quite well in it,” he looks down at himself giving her a small smile
“I guess May hasn’t quite learned how to make hats,” Mr. Bates commented from the front seat
“Daddy hats are for older men,”
“Ugh, you think I’m old?” he asks playfully
“Yes,” she answers laughing
Alasstor sits, fiddling with the box not knowing what to say
“Hello Alastor?” she calls for his attention “Bonjour,” she glances at him with lidded eyes
“Bonjou cher” he responds, deep and silky
She giggles “What is ‘cher’?”
“It’s just a Creole term of endearment. Would you prefer I call you, ‘my dear’?”
“No, I like it. ‘Cher’,” she smiles
He grins widely “This is for you,” he hands her the box he’d been holding, and his smile brightens seeing her face as she opens it.
“Oh my goodness! Is this a corsage?”
He nods “Indeed it is,”
She tries to fasten onto herself but fails miserably.
“If I may?” he reaches over to help her fasten the flower to her dress
“Doesn’t really match the dress now does it?” Mr. Bates called again
“Daddy, I love it! It’s so gorgeous!”
“Alright alright,”
Alastor leans back in his seat, unsure of how the rest of the evening would go. Walking into the venue was just as nerve-wracking as he thought that it would be. All the rich people stared at him as if he were an animal, something to tame or even worse, something meant to entertain them. He was silent as the Bates’s were greeted, he was no longer Alastor, he was simply ‘+1’.
“Cassius! My dear friend, so good to see you!” one of the men embraced him with a handshake
“Stanley, my good man, how have you been?”
“Not too shabby, I invested in some promising stock these past few months. But you know all the hub of the women and the coloreds asking ‘rights this’ and ‘rights that”, you must know how it is Cassius,”
Mr. Bates nods “I do indeed, which I raise my daughters up the right way. By you remember, my eldest daughter Vera?”
The man turns to Vera “Vera? This is Vera?”
“Last time I saw you you were about 10?”
“Oh, 10 and a half, as she always said,” he chuckles
“My my, you’ve grown into such a lovely young woman, do you have an intended?”
“She does not,”
“Is she looking?” They cackled
Vera looks around in confusion. She whispers to her father “I do not understand,”
Mr. Bates grabs her arm “Shh,”
“Cassius come and see the other fellows,”
He turns back to his daughter “Go around and introduce yourself, and mind your manners, young lady,” and like that, he is whisked away
Vera turns around and is startled to see Alastor behind her “You were so quiet, I forgot you were there,”
“Oh no, just observing,” he offered
Observing indeed. Observing how these fat cats felt about and treated ladies and colored folk like himself. How they treated the help. If he was meant to fit in and network with these people, then this was a lost cause.
“May I have a drink?” she asks one of the men carrying glasses on plates. He hands her one, “Two actually, one for my friend here?” Alastor reaches for the glass cautiously as the server gives him an unwelcoming look. “Thank you,”
They can feel it, they can see it, they can smell it. They know I don’t belong here, I don’t know how they know it or how they can tell, but they know it, everyone knows it and I’m the fool staying here knowing that I don’t belong.
“Are you okay?” she asks him, noticing his wandering eyes and his shaking hands
“I’m just fine my dear,” he lies “The party is lovely,”
“Drink,” she tells him “One glass will calm your nerves,”
“I shouldn’t,”
“But you should,” she presses onto his arm, pushing it up towards his mouth
“You are trying to get me in trouble, Miss Bates,”
“I am trying to get you to let your walls down,”
“You’re trying to get me to break the law,”
She flutters her lashes “No one here is going to tell,”
“Well if they did I’d have to kill them,”
She laughs and he similarly smiles “Watch,” she takes her drink and downs it in one go, placing the empty glass on a counter “See?”
He sighs “Fine,”  and swallows it down, the warmth rushing all over him 
Vera leans into him “Now how do you feel?”
“The same,” he chuckles
“Just wait,”
Within the hour the drink had taken its toll on Alastor, his grin took up his entire face as he listened and watched people move to the gorgeous tones of the jazz music being played by the band.
“Someone looks happy,” Vera glides around to the front of him
He shrugs “I suppose I am…enjoying myself,”
“Enough to dance with me?”
He blinks behind his lenses and stares into hers “Sure, why not?” he takes her hand, leading her to the middle of the dance floor, grasping her tightly as he leads her, moving to the music. He is quite light on his feet, in a way that she could not imagine, she is stunned by his dancing ability and finds herself charmed further by the garden boy.
“And you said you’ve never been to a party,”
“Not these kind, my dear,”
“You’ve been dancing with older ladies? Hmm, you might make me jealous,” she smirks
His eyebrows raise with intrigue “You jealous? Why is that?”
“I suppose because this is how I have to find out that I’m not your only dance partner,”
“You know you can dance with me anytime you want,” his grin is bright and charming, a wide white grin that had her heart doing flips inside of her chest. His eyes were unmoving and bore directly into her, causing her cheeks to redden and her eyes to avert from him. As his fingers were about to turn her chin back to his face she heard a masculine voice calling her name.
“Vera!” She turns towards it seeing a face familiar to her “Oh Vera is that you?”
She pulls away from Alastor, eager to stop feeling exposed and vulnerable, but his hand remains on her waist. Vera pushes a piece of her hair behind her ear.
“Sonny?” she asked stunned 
“Vera!” he approaches her with his arms open and she embraces him, fully removing herself from Alastor’s grip.
“Oh my goodness, I didn’t see you when you first came in, so I thought you hadn’t come!”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily!”
They laugh like old friends as Alastor looks the man up and down, he’s tall and thin. Pale, with short blonde hair and a large nose. Alastor wasn’t exactly sure how to feel, all he knew was that he wanted this man to disappear immediately
“So Vera who’s this youngster I saw you getting cozy with on the dance floor?”
“Well, do you remember the promising young man that I wrote to you about?”
“Oh, right Alastar? Alastore? Where is he?” he looks around
Vera sarcastically gestures toward Alastor “Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure,” Alastor sticks his hand out to the man to shake. Sonny takes it and shakes it with wide eyes.
“Oh! Alastor, what an…interesting suit you have on,” Sonny looks him up and down
Before Alastor can scowl, Vera interjects “Alastor is very passionate about radio,” 
“Oh? Listen to the radio quite a lot? Interested in my work, huh?”
Alastor’s eyes popped, he finally understood what Vera was doing by introducing him to this man, she was networking for him. “Yes indeed sir. I believe radio is the future!”
“Well, you are very right about that. I want to bring radio to future generations, making sure that it lasts,”
“Genius idea sir,” Alastor replies humbly
“I was pretty much the brains behind the beginning of radio,”
“Now don’t con him, Sonny,”
Sonny waves her off “Oh I’m just teasing. Well, you two have a great night. Vera, tell your father I said hello,” he turns to leave
“Wait, Sonny!”
“Hmm?” he turns back around
“Remember how I told you that he has a really dynamic personality?”
“Uh huh?” Sonny raises an eyebrow
“Perfect for a…radio show host…?”
Sonny sighs into his hands “Vera, may I speak with you for a moment?” he places a hand on her waist and pulls her off to the side.
Alastor fiddles with his fingers as he watches the two of them converse across the bar. Conversing, about him. His heart begins palpitating and he can’t control his own thoughts. They would never want me. What am I doing here? Why did I let her convince me to come here? What a ridiculous dream.
Sonny sighs once more “I understand that you’d like to help your little ‘friend’…but I will explain something that you as a lady would not know. You cannot have nobodies coming from nowhere as part of your business. It’s just bad press, what would the papers say?”
“That you’re revolutionary for turning this ‘nobody’ into a ‘somebody’? Besides, every somebody was a nobody at one point,”
“Ah, but the difference is…those nobodies were able to pay to get themselves where they are. I cannot just have anyone on the radio, especially someone who looks like their mother still dresses them,”
They both glance over at Alastor, who fiddles with his fingers, looking down.
“I thought radio wasn’t about looks,”
“You have to see the bigger picture, it’s not just about radio. It’s about being around the right people to get the radio where I want it to be. I want to move forward, not backward,”
“Is it not progressive for you to have the first local station to have a colored man on your broadcast? Let alone have his own show?” she stares him down
He ponders Vera’s words, looking back and forth between her and Alastor “Fine.” he saunters back over to the young man “You young man, will report to WWL at 8 pm sharp. You will have six seconds, you will wow me with those six seconds or it’s not happening. And you,” he gestures for Vera to come to him “If he does not wow me in those 6 seconds, it will cost you your acting career, you won’t even have a chance to have a career, and your father will be done. Do we have an understanding?”
Vera’s wide grin falls “Yes,” she says solemnly
“Great, have a good evening” he tilts his hat to the young lady and exits the party, pushing past Cassius who looks over and scowls in Alastor’s direction.
Alastor has no control over his thoughts or body once again but is on the opposite side of the spectrum. He doesn’t move when Cassius sees him, when Vera approaches him, or when she starts speaking.
“So…I believe thanks are in order?” She leans on the table near him
He snaps back at attention, rolling his eyes “Thank you,”
“You’re welcome, I just put a lot on the line for you,” she speaks as though this was not a big deal
“Well, thank you. I appreciate it,”
“Seriously, everything we’ve worked for depends on you,” 
He lids his eyes “That is a lot of pressure,”
“Indeed,” she stares up at him, eyes boring into his now. At this moment he was the one who wanted to shirk away from the gaze, but there he stayed captivated by her gaze, at least until feeling a large and heavy hand fall on his shoulder.
“Vera, how is your night going, sweetheart? Drawing a lot of attention to yourself huh, son?” He turns to Alastor, who pulls away from his touch
“Cassius, I didn’t know you dabbled in charity work,” A woman passed by, placing her hand on the man’s arm. 
“Vera, did you have enough fun tonight?”
“I was meant to speak to Shannon tonight, but I cannot find her,”
“Yes, you know she’s busy with her baby,”
“That’s right, she did have a baby,” she remembers
“I think It is time for us to turn in, do you not agree?”
Vera pouts “Oh father,” she whines
“Now now, do not pout. It is unbecoming of a lady,”
Alastor feels as though he’s floating on air when he speaks “I believe that Vera handled herself with the utmost amount of poise and grace tonight. She is a young adult, and she can stay out for a few more hours in my opinion,” 
Vera turns to her father with hopeful eyes and a grin, silently pleading.
“Return to the car Vera,”
Her grin drops and she turns her nose up “I will pout all I please,” she walks out, pushing past her father
Alastor begins to follow her toward the car when he is stopped by Cassius’s hand on his chest “You, come with me,”
Cassius leads Alastor out the door, but far away from the car that Vera waits in.
“Is there something you need sir?” Alastor falsifies humility, smirking all the while
“Cut the shit,”
Alastor’s grin gets wider, though he pretends to try to hide it “I’m sorry?”
“You should be. You should be very sorry. I don’t know who you think you are, but you and your mother are this close to being unemployed. Then you can go from living in a shack to living on the street. Wouldn’t that be fun? Don’t you love the music?” he asks passive-aggressively
Alastor’s grin falls at the threatening of his mother “How dare you threaten my mother?” he scowls, his expression turning dark
“Aww, I didn’t know the poor had feelings,” Cassius looks smug “Listen to me, boy. You can be as much of a smartass as you like, but you and your other will always live in that shack. You are here because of me. I could tell them all about you, truth or lies, you are here because I am respected, with my word, you and your mother could end up hanging from trees like ornaments. So watch who you’re speaking to, and who you contradict,” The flames in Alastor’s chest burned brightly and angrily, his fingers making a fist “And one last thing, stay away from my daughter,” he walks toward the car where Vera waits, “Enjoy the walk home,” he says before entering the car
“Where’s Alastor?”
“He wanted to take a walk to clear his mind,”
The engine revs up and pulls away, leaving Alastor standing as it begins to rain again.
“Lovely,” he spits
With his hair and his clothes stuck to his body, Alastor trudges on his way back home, hearing the familiar voices of some idiots he’d met before.
“Hey boy!” they called out following him, whistling and taunting him “Hey! Where’s your little Jane? Huh?”
Alastor trudges forward, it was all he could do to not react. He was almost home, and then he could peel off these shoes and this suit and wallow in his own misery.
“Hey, boy! Hey!” they whistle “Hey negro! See that’s what happens when they get right, they forget how to show respect,” he spits and throws a beer can at Alastor, who stops and readjusts his jaw, allowing them to catch up
“Hey boy,” he hears the man flip open his knife “thick you too good to speak?”
“We gon’ have to teach you a lesson?”
The knife guy chuckles “I could take it out of that pretty little doll you was with last time? Where she at? Huh? She not gon’ save you?”
“Or we could take outta his motha’”
The guys start laughing as the rage builds up inside Alastor, and he loses control of his body and thoughts for the third time that night, grabbing the man’s knife and stabbing him repeatedly, splattering his blood all over his suit and skin as the man falls to the ground, bleeding out. The others stand and watch as both twitch, the man in pain and Alastor in anger. 
“Why you fucking-“ another guy runs up toward him, but Alastor counters by slitting his throat, the third man jumps, tackling Alastor from behind and taking him to the ground. 
They roll around on the grass, Alastor struggling, as the man tries to choke him, punching and hitting him in the gut and wrapping his hands around his neck and squeezing, Alastor kicks backward, in the third man’s shin and he falls back to the ground as Alastor falls to his knees, searching the grass for the knife, finding it right as the last man goes to pounce on him. He rolls from under his spot, getting onto his feet and plunging the knife into his back over and over and over again. Hearing his spine crunch and his organs splatter, he digs the knife in and twists, taking pleasure in the eradication of scum life, the power coursing through his veins. He kept going long after the man had stopped moving, and when he finished, Alastor took a deep breath, finally feeling in control once again. 
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honeybugroast · 2 years
Sigma x reader -relationship prompts- slight backstory
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This is just some character pickups on how I think they woud treat a s/o if sigma had one ;;)) he's such a sweet man (some prompts may be a little sad? Also small story)
Before the experiment accident
His love is older soul. He writes you small letters whenever he's in space, or out of town due to work. He would find small nicnacks that reminded him of you and show you them. Whenever he came back you where his priority.
He loves hearing you talk. It gives him something else to think about when he starts overthinking.
if you where to point out something in a store or show him something you like he bought it without second thought. He offers everything and anything for you for, "your happiness is his happiness".
He's a sweetheart. He always makes sure you have eaten and drank enough water and if you where tired he would definitely carry you to bed.
You would amuse him with his silly questions. You found his curiosity of things mind boggling at times, but they where humorous.
He expresses his love through how he would want to be loved. If that would be hugs, kisses, or just simply being in your presence.
He found you exciting. Not many people where interested in sigma due to his introverted nature and he adored you ever sense
Whenever you where allowed in his lab, you would make sure he was okay. Occasionally Siebren would become tunnel visioned into his work and he might not come home and stay cooped up in his lab.
You would help him clean his workspace when you could. You weren't allowed to know much about Siebren's works so you tried not to snoop so much.
He keeps a picture of you and him on his whiteboard <3
Siebren and you both have separate rooms, but often would have sleepovers in each other's rooms. Mostly in Siebren's due to his large bed.
After the experiment accident !slight angst but gets better!
You had no idea it happened.
You where worried. You haven't heard from Siebren in 2 days. You would contact his space station, no response.
Weeks passed by. Weeks turned into 2 months. You still didn't loose hope in Siebren. You knew it had to have been something besides you. You went through his office at home to find any amount of clues as to what happened. Nothing.
~~time skip~~
Siebren's actions have changed.
He still tries to show his love for you but it's been so long. His hands trembled when he saw you again the first time, very fearful on what you might say or do. All you did was hug him and kiss all over his face, relieved. What he saw haunts him to the point he drifts off almost day dreaming. His distortion of gravity also changed which he explains what happened to him of course due to your many questions.
He doesn't show up around you as much anymore. His presence is spotty and comes home either extremely early mornings or middle of the night.
You still try to comfort him as best as possible. He seems scared to be around you. He said he fears for your safety around him.
You prove your best to him that your love hasn't changed. You are there to help him just like you have before and you will work around this together.
He doesn't sleep as much anymore. He's always up every other hour and you would also wake up to calm him down. He experiences night terrors hears things now. He thinks you would be talking to him when you haven't said a word.
You are helping him heal slowly but he sees your efforts. He realizes that you still love him as much as before. Slow and steady it'll get better.
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signalpocalypse · 7 months
May I request Yuzuha Shiba x m!reader fluff? Perhaps, if you would want, add how her brothers would feel about it?
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⋆゚⊹ ꒰ა𖤍໒꒱ [AMAB!Reader ♡ Yuzuha Shiba ノ sweet-fluff ノ Slight violence ノ Swearing ノ mentions of abuse ノ light angst ノ Taiju ]
Featured: Hinata, Takemichi & Mitsuya. Enjoy your read
Not proof read
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𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗘 Yazuha and (Name) had started their relationship she had been rather cautions on where they went, especially if it had been anywhere near Black Dragon or any places she saw her brothers. She never allowed you over after stating: ❝Her brothers were insufferable❞ which was understandable. Although you weren't allowed to her residence you always brought her to yours.
You knew everything about Yazuha from her family history to her everyday schedule, well you only knew the lies she told you. Yazuha grew a negative habit of telling you lies about her family. Ever since she started dating before and warned her past significant others about her brothers they'd run away and wouldn't return, thus she never informed you of the truth.
The two of you met through Takemichi during bowling, you were beating this ass without hesitation and Yazuha and Hinata just happened to show up. You noticed that Yazuha had a one-sided crush on Takemichi which was bad since he was dating Hinata but hey! No one has to know right? But in the end it upset you since you grew to like Yazuha.
Takemichi eventually tried helping you get the woman of your dreams with and without Hinata. You two of you thought if Hina knew about this crush it would end badly so you two would take Hinata on specific times and give her specific missions. After countless amounts of failures and even slight successes Yazuha finally noticed you and decided to put her crush aside and give you a chance.
Currently you and Yazuha were having Ice cream together, Yazuha wanted to share but she knew you'd eat it all so she just ordered for herself and you two desired different flavors anyway. The two joked and laughed like school girls enjoying their dates together. It was always like this, Yazuha would always give ways to make you smile and never have you regret falling for her.
You always tried doing the same without a doubt yet she beat you too it every time. You played with Yazuha's right after you finished your Ice cream and put her hair in a bun in which you got a kiss in return. You'd be lying if you said Yazuha wasn't placed in the center of your heart. Caring endlessly for her and her abilities to protect herself. Yes, you were aware of Yazuha's skills but being a worry, supportive boyfriend was one of her favorite things about her significant other.
But all good times have a price. Yazuha knew that Taiju was out with Black Dragon and Hakkai was home with Mitsuya. Giving you a look you knew a little too well as she sighed. ❝I'm allowing you to meet one, one of my brothers and that's it. Got it?❞ Though you were equally surprised, excited and disappointed you nodded in which Yazuha prayed Taiju would come home late. Once you two arrived at the Shiba residence you couldn't home but wonder what this Hakkai looked like. You practically begged Yazuha to show you pictures which she declined to saying ❝It's a surprise.❞ You mentally prepared yourself which Yazuha brought you inside. Her home looked normal, like a normal family residence.
Entering a specific room too see two men, one with lavender hair and the other blue hair. You didn't understand who was the two which none of them had Yazuha's hair to which she explained the lavender boy was Mitsuya and the other was her actually brother Hakkai. Yazuha wasn't surprised too see that you three got along well, Hakkai didn't necessarily trust you first meeting, but he could see how much you loved Yazuha so he warmed up too you which made you question why she wouldn't let you meet Hakkai. You were surprised at how tall he was and that Hakkai was actually Yazuha's younger brother.. Yazuha being 16 and Hakkai 14 which came as a surprise but out over it.
Soon enough Mitsuya took his leave and wishes you all the best of luck, in which Yazuha gave him a certain look while Hakkai looked nervous. It honestly didn't bother you but also had you curious on Yazuha's older brother, was he THAT bad? (yes)
Well you were about to find out, it came as a surprise when Taiju unexpected showed up. Since Yazuha and Hakkai panicked they instantly shoved you somewhere and told you to stay there, questions asked later, patted your cheek and kept you there. You were concerned when you heard arguing but you knew better than to come out. Only god knew how scared you were when you heard footsteps that weren't Yazuha's nor Hakkai's coming towards you. Since she shoved you in the closet you grabbed some clothes and hid in the darkest space in the closet curling into a tight ball while keeping yourself calm.
The closet door burst open but nothing happened, you just kept yourself calm and didn't move a muscle. That was 'till you were suddenly grabbed and thrown through basically the whole room. A strong man who looked quite unstable looked at you in dissatisfaction and disgust. Now you completely understood why you were hidden and forbidden from coming here. Before that man could get any closer to you Hakkai blocked you while Yazuha checked if you were okay. You were in good shape with just a headache and back pain. You didn't even question Yazuha, although it was clear that she was perfectly fine you checked her as well.
After you two checked one another and Yazuha got both her brothers out you were finally told the truth. Really the whole thing had you in disbelief and anger, what brother abuses his own siblings? Especially if they're younger! It wasn't fair how you couldn't really do much but you most definitely weren't going to allow Yazuha to be in the face of danger. You fell in love with Yazuha for a reason. Her strong and interesting older brother who didn't even look like a sixteen old wasn't going to stop you.
Since everything had seemed to calm down Yazuha with no hesitation decided you aren't meeting Taiju unless death was your way in life. Letting you out through her window which she thought was a bad idea which you were already slightly wounded she didn't have much a choice. Yazuha promised that you were never meeting Taiju no matter if he changed or not, Yazuha would hate to see you hurt therefore.. You. Are. Never. Meeting. Him.
But hey, at least who of her brothers won't throw you across her room and you can meet him whenever you so please.. as long as nor Taiju or Black Dragon are around.
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I rushed this ngl, but I had to get something out. Honestly I don't really feel good (sick? 🤨) but like I'll try to push through (probably not) and get these requests and that fanfiction done.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 2 years
I love the Baiken one🥺 can we do a scenario or headcanons with how Baiken would react to their s/o telling them they’ve grown with and have a family that treats them badly? (If it’s something you wouldn’t want to write for please feel free to pass or ignore!)
Its fine, Anon. If, anything I welcome the chance to write something little different.
This has mentions of family abuse, slight angst, Baiken considering to murder.
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-It was a day, like any other. You and Baiken were just chilling, but then you got a notification on your phone. You checked the message, which made you sigh deeply.
-Baiken perked her head up to you.
"What is it?” She tried to peek at your phone, which made you cover the screen. That’s odd. She thought, they never did that. What was it that they tried to cover up? 
“It’s nothing.” You replied, turning yourself to the other direction facing away from her. Okay, she isn’t having any of this. She grabbed your shoulder and pulled you on the ground. You still had the phone on your grips, but Baiken snatched it before you could even protest that you were now on the floor.
Her eye widened when she saw the text. It was your parents asking for a ridiculous amount of money. And, right after it was a message calling you worthless. She held you down with her foot, as she quickly skimmed through the message history. None of the messages changed in tone. Always either demanding for money or insulting you. The phone almost cracked under her grip as it kept on tightening. Finally, she turned her attention to you. You felt like it would’ve been better just to disappear, enraged Baiken is a scary thing to witness.
“What is the meaning of this? And, don’t try to be funny.” She was dead serious about this. You got sitting, as you sighed deeply before starting your explanation. You kept your gaze downwards so as not to face her furious sight.
“My family isn’t exactly the best.” Her stern gaze didn’t change. “Fine, they are the worst. They’ve neglected me for most of life, abused me verbally. I just..” At this point, you were close to tears. Baiken sighed before, moving closer to you, wrapping her arm around you. She allowed them to cry on her shoulder soothing them.
“It’s alright, you’re safe. You don’t owe anything to them, your life, your decisions.” Soon enough you calmed down, Baiken allowed you to stand up.
“Go wash up, I’ll be there in a moment.” You stood up, leaving Baiken alone. She again gazed at the open phone. Her tender smile turned into a vicious one. She grabbed the phone, and started furiously typing on it, just before she hit send she read it over. 
“This is (Y/N)’s girlfriend. Neither I nor they want anything to do with you. Piss off and die. If, you do this again, I will cut you up.” She started to wonder if this really was the best decision. She could’ve just found out where they lived, and cut them open. But, she wasn’t sure this was what you would’ve wanted. But, then again, it seemed like you wanted nothing to do with them.
“Baiken?” She turned hastily towards you, as you stood on the door frame. She had been thinking about this longer than she thought, if you had returned to the room. She didn’t want to lie to you, so she just showed you what she had written. You sat down with her, after reading the text, you nodded to her.
“Send it. You’re right, there’s to keep those people in my life. No matter how much it hurts.” She nodded to you, and with a press of the screen it was sent. She placed it away from you, as she hugged you. 
“It’s alright. Don’t worry.” You could hear the phone going off but Baiken simply muted it. As you lied there in her lap, you had to wonder if you made the right choice. But, seeing Baiken’s face cleared all the doubts in your mind. With her, you could find something better. If you already hadn’t found it.
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pinguinwrites · 1 year
Musings in a tight spot
[first thread in 10 years - I am still figuring this out]
Re-posted thread from Twitter
GhostSoap musings
tw: slight angst, romance
Ghost watches Soap prepare explosives, observes how nimble fingers open jars and packages. Eyes trailing over materials and liquids, face pulled into a concentrated frown, focused single mindedly onto his task.
He does not know how intently Ghost stares. Maybe feels his eyes on him but he does not see. Soap starts murmuring things, rows of numbers as he calculates between his breathes like he counts the distance before pulling the trigger of his sniper rifle. Evaluates the amount of compartments he needs to set up a veritable bomb. Works with what he has at hand, which is not much given their situation. But Johnny is nothing short of creative – especially when he as a mission.
Which right now is survival.
His own and Ghosts.
They are stuck. Locked. No chance to open the reinforced steel door which is their only way out.
Still, Ghost doesn’t feel trapped. Or desperate.
Because Soap is there and as long as he believes in a solution, things will turn out fine. And even if not… well, then he will die here. His life only on borrowed time anyway. And he had made the most out of it – especially since Soap had barged into his life.
“One more glowstick, L.t.” Soaps voice is distant, clearly focused on his work of a makeshift demolition charge.
Ghost watches with something like adoration how these nimble fingers do a work so delicate – fingers that could snap a grown man’s neck with brutal force.
As ordered, he snaps a new light for his Sergeant to help him see what he is doing – one of their last. Time is running out… slowly.
Some more minutes of silence before Soap leans back and exhales long and slow.
“Should work.” He says and looks to Ghost, face suddenly a tag apprehensive. “I hope. Sorry for the mess we are in… if we don’t get out…”
Ghost shakes his head. Fierce. Grips Soaps shoulder.
“O don’t care about any ‘ifs’. I trust you. It will work.”
‘And If not, I am allowed to die with you here’, but of course he does not speak those words aloud. He would never.
Soaps eyes lock on his for an indifferent amount of time. Watches. Thinks. Smiles finally.
“Hm.” He humms, the smile slowly tugging at his lips until his teeth show in the eerie light of their glowstick. “As long as you are around, everything will work. Make me hot enough to light every fuse.”
This was not what Ghost had meant he felt warmth creeping up his face. Nothing could be seen due to his mask but still, he felt like…
“If you light me up, I will gladly burn to ashes in your hands.”
He sees Soaps eyes turning big. Mouth open. And realizes that he had spoken this out loud.
He wants to say something, a bad joke. Something snarky. Something threatening. Even a simple sorry. But his ability to speak seems to have left him. So he just stares. And Soap stares as well before he snaps his mouth shut and takes the makeshift bomb into his hands. Turns around and starts the process to mine the door.
Comes back, takes Ghosts hand into his own and pulls him away from the metal, back into the room and into the darkness. Shoves him behind a desk and squats down next to him.
They cannot see their expressions here.
“If you meant what you said, we will get out of here alive. And you will take me on a fucking date… and then we can… burn together…”
Soaps voice is awfully quiet. So loaded. Ghost still feels their linked hands. Presses his thumb into the palm of Soaps hand.
“Sounds like a good idea, Johnny.” He doesn’t trust his voice with more than that and feels Soap slowly pressing back.
“Door breach in 3… 2… 1… cover.”
The explosion is loud. Something is either very wrong or very right – the heat rolls over them and on instinct, Ghost pulls the Sergeant into his arms, cradles him against his chest as he uses his whole body mass as a shield from the fire and debris. To keep him safe. At least enough to survive.
And they do survive, somehow getting out of this mess. Clothes burned and charred but very much…. Alive. And Simon takes Johnny on a date afterwards. In between all their awkwardness they find their fire. All consuming but making them feel alive instead of burning away and into ash.
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
New Arrivals
Elden ring dabbles
Warnings: strong language, mentions of trauma, angst, slight mentions of bruising/ wounds, child hunger
Summary: Barnabas thinks back to the first ever batch of orphans that is brought to the healing Haligtree…
Feedback appreciated, 18+. Couldn’t stop thinking about this after that doodle I did of him with the kiddos.
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He remembers the first wagon, rickety and wheels hardly carrying it through the gates despite its delicate cargo. The covered bed was full to the brim with misbegotten children, mostly orphans displaced from pretentious human towns; poor little scraps with hardly enough clothing to cover their backs.
The path to the Haligtree was not an easy one either, the snowfields treacherous for even the most seasoned adventure. By the time the wagon stopped in Elphael even the guards were weary from hunger and cold, eager to be rid of the many mouths that needed feeding.
Barnabas waited for the wagon to come to a stop, the guards dropping to the ground heavily. One held out a thick scroll, wrapped in thick twine. He took it, snapping the wrapping with a claw to unroll it; golden eyes scanned it over.
There were thirty-six children: thirty-two misbegotten and four omen, all from the same city. The reigning lord of the area has sent them off to a ‘better place’.
Barnabas’s frown deepened.
Pretty words for sweeping the undesirables under the rug, while looking generous all the while.
No matter…
Barnabas thought as he rolled up the scroll.
They will be safe now.
“I’ll introduce myself.” Barnabas finally spoke, slipping the scroll into his robes.
“Be quick about it.” The guard gritted his teeth, weariness wearing away his respect, “We have a schedule to keep.”
Before Barnabas could respond the second guard tapped the first, whispering something. The guard gave a wiry smile, holding out his hand expectantly, “And there the matter of-“
“The payment.” Barnabas cut him off, pulling out the agreed upon amount of runes. Before he dropped it into the others hand, he added tightly, “Be sure to thank your Lord for his great kindness.”
The guards held back any other remarks, allowing him to break away and circle to the back of the wagon. He gingerly undid the claps, lowing the door to peek inside.
Six dozen eyes greeted him, glowing in the dim light. The children didn’t move, save for the shivering as they huddled together.
“Hello.” He spoke gently, kneeling down by the wagon’s lowered door. He swallowed, “I am called Barnabas.”
The children gawked at him like baby birds, still frozen. The youngest looked to be only three, the smallest omen Barnabas had ever seen. “Would you like some food?” He offered the group, “Or maybe some warm beds?” When they didn’t respond he told them, “No matter what you must come out of the wagon…it’s owner wished to get it back.”
Finally one child spoke up, chirping, “I’m hungry.” A few others nodded in agreement, emboldened a bit by the first’s honesty.
“Then come.” Barnabas stood back a bit, “I’ll show you all the kitchens. Just yesterday we made so much bread.”
The children began to shuffle out, Barnabas realizing many were bruised from the long journey in the hard wagon bed; some even had whole patches of fur worn away from the bare wood. He frowned, counting the heads as they exited, realizing one was missing. Glancing back in the wagon he found the straggler: the smallest, smooshed back in the corner fearfully.
He sighed, the guards giving him a pressing look. He carefully crawled into the mouth of the bed, stilling when the child tightened up further in an effort to get as far away as the small space would allow.
Making his voice as soft as he could manage, Barnabas tried to coax, “It’s alright…no need to be afraid anymore.”
The child cracked open an eye, scanning him over cautiously.
“Come now.” Barnabas reached out a hand. The child didn’t move, not even when he got a bit closer. Barnabas carefully scooped up the little scrap, chest aching as they shook with fear.
“Shhh.” He soothed as he moved out of the wagon, “It’s alright, you’re home now.”
The child blinked up at him with large eyes.
Down in the kitchens a misbegotten woman by the name of Beryl, brought in a cauldron. Barnabas followed with a tray of bread. They got busy preparing a meal.
“Only broth and bread?” Barnabas questioned, watching her spoon each serving into a respected bowl.
“For now.” She soothed, “They’ve hardly had a good mouthful on their journey here, must l…let their stomachs get used to the idea of food again.”
“…aye.” Barnabas nodded, glancing up to see the group sitting quietly around the table. They looked so worn out, both emotionally and physically.
No longer shivering though…
Barnabas thought.
They passed out a bowel and hunk of bread to each child, Beryl standing back with a smile once everyone was served.
As the children started to eat, she turned towards Barnabas, “It will be good to have some li-little ones about.”
“They won’t be the last either…” he murmured.
Beryl clasp her hands together excitedly, “My Lord expecting his own li-little kits?!”
“No!” Barnabas exclaimed quickly, a blush darkening his cheek, “No…not me.”
Her face fell.
“If one city figured out they can just ship off their…‘undesirables’…then others will follow suit.” He explained.
“…ah.” She nodded sadly.
He made his way over to the table, sitting down in a free space. The children watched his every move.
The closest child, a young misbegotten sporting a larger pair of wings, had already drank down his broth and was now focusing on his bread happily.
Barnabas turned to him, wanting to attempt some conversation of some kind. “Can you fly?” He asked.
The boy shook his head as he took a bite from the bread.
“Have you tried?” Barnabas pressed, voice gentle.
Chewing slowly the boy shook his head again.
“I have some friends that could teach you.” Barnabas offered, “If you’d like. They have wings just like yours.”
“Like mine?” He asked around a mouthful.
“Oh yes.” He gave a soft smile, “A few have homes at the top of the tree. I can introduce you.”
The boy swallowed, nodding with a smile.
Barnabas’s smiled deepened, nodding to the boy as he stood. He made his way around the table, offering a bit of small talk here or there to any of the children that would humor him.
Once they were all full and warm their eyelids became quite heavy, some leaning on one another a bit. Beryl gathered them up, carrying one that was fully out, leading them to the prepared rooms.
The beds weren’t the best, straw mattresses thin, but each had a nice wool blanket. Every child had their own as well, none complaining as they crawled in. Barnabas watched as they cuddled down, catching a few doubling up to snuggle with one another.
A sound caught his sensitive ear, scanning over the room. The glint of still open eyes glittered from a corner, Barnabas quietly walking through the maze of beds to the culprit.
The smallest little omen was wide awake, staring up at him with large eyes. Barnabas sighed, kneeling down to make himself smaller.
She watched him, chewing softly on her thumb to self sooth. Her eyes flicked up to his horns, confusion pooling around her gaze.
“They’re real.” He assured, tapping hollowly against one with a claw.
The girl watched him with big eyes, reaching up with her free hand.
Barnabas’s lips cracked into a smile, bending forward within her grasp.
She mimicked the action, tapping on the horn. The sound it produced caused the first little shadow of a smile grace over her small face.
“See.” He hummed, “Omen, just like you.”
Chewing on her thumb a bit more, she regarded him silently. Barnabas began to stand, but a little tug stopped him in his tracks. The girl clutched as his robes, pulling him back.
“Alright…alight…” Barnabas sank down to the floor beside the bed, making himself comfortable. He watched as her eyes grew heavy, mercifully drifting to sleep. For the first time, the girl looked peaceful. Barnabas felt an ache in his chest, gently brushing hair from her face.
They were home now…
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