#and idk what Earl Grey is wearing too
rubytheyubi · 2 months
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It’s super messy but I think her face is rlly cute so I thought I’d show it, when I draw her for reals I’ll do her details because HER DESIGN IS SO PRETTY AND CREATIVE
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Omg!! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us <3 I would like to request Levihan, prompt 05 <3 thank you beautiful human
Hi anon! Sorry for the wait but it is here! First, let me apologize that it has been a year since I wrote Levihan, so the characters may be oc. I tried to capture how they were when I was into Levihan tho. I hope you like it!
Prompt 05.  I’m a pro-athlete at a press conference and I make a comment to my buddy about you because I forgot my mic was on
Note: Modern au (Winter Olympics), fluff, potential for something more, fem Hange
Word count: 1k
Warning: not beta read, possible OC characters, and idk much about the Olympics besides what is on TV/TikTok
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The infamous Ackerman siblings. Levi and Mikasa Ackerman, also known as the Monster Siblings, due to their "awakened" abilities the moment their blades touch the ice. 
Two of the greatest Olympic skaters in this generation with a gold medal in ice dancing during their debut year. They even had more medals under their belt from other events.  
Levi Ackerman was used to the attention. The lights and cameras took some getting used to at first. Now, seven years later, Levi could care less about them before their third Winter Olympics. 
The same applied to his little sister, Mikasa, who typically kept a stoic face on camera except when she won. Of course, this meant the world had nothing better to do than get into the sibling's business. Especially now, after their recent win and the gold medals to prove it is shining around their necks. 
"Question for Levi, when are you thinking about retiring?"
Levi's face remained stoic, but he wanted to groan in annoyance. Luckily, for Mikasa's sake, he refrained from it. "Not thinking about it. Next question."
The reporter looked away and turned to Mikasa to address it. Mikasa smiled before rambling on about whatever her answer was. Levi leaned back and internally thanked his sister before letting his eyes wander through the crowd.
There was a tall guy with a horse-like face, another guy with the ugliest bowl cut Levi had ever seen, and a woman eating a plain potato.
Seriously, who let her in her? Levi grimaced as the crumbs fell on the floor. He mentally made a note to increase security for the next press conference and clean that up later. Levi's eyes wandered some more as Mikasa continued about today's performance.
There was a very tall guy with blond hair covering his eyes, a woman with short banana-blonde hair, and another woman. who had-
"The most shittiest glasses I have ever seen."
Many eyes turned to face Levi, including the woman who had the supposed "shitty glasses." His eyes widened slightly as the woman's eyes met his. The woman was not the only person wearing glasses, but her oval-shaped glasses stood out to him for some reason. They were due for a cleaning, too, and Levi had to stop himself from wiping it with his handkerchief. Instead, Levi mentally prepared herself to face the stranger's wrath but was met by the woman grinning wildly. Meanwhile, Mikasa turned to see who her brother was looking at and the woman, connecting two and two together. She cleared her throat and spoke into the mic.
"What my brother means is that everyone here has nice glasses. He has a shitty way of expressing it." She said with a closed-eyed smile. Despite his sister not looking angry, Levi could sense it from where he sat. 
Levi sighed and took a sip of his earl grey tea nearby. 
This was going to be a long day.
Hange scribbled down her notes gleefully as she reflected on her day. First, her puppies, Sawney and Bean, were the most absolute angels she had ever met. Then she met up with her co-workers to head to the Olympics. Finally, she was noticed by Levi Ackerman. The most famous ice skater of the century! Sure, she was noticed in an abnormal way, but Hange did not mind. Her favorite celebrity acknowledged her, and it could not get any better than that.
"We are going to head out, Hange," Erwin said, and Hange smiled.
"I'm just finishing up, so you can go ahead. See you tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!" Nanaba replied, and Mike nodded before leaving. 
The center hall was silent, minus a few voices around here and there. Hange was on her last note when she heard footsteps heading closer in her direction.
"Oi, Shitty Glasses."
Hange could not hide her smile, practically ignoring his insult. "Levi! Nice to meet you! My name is Hange. Do you need something?" 
Levi shuffled around awkwardly like he was contemplating what to say. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I should not have said that for the cameras to hear."
Hange laughed loudly. "It's alright. I was not offended. I was happy that you acknowledged me, though. You are one of my favorite athletes in the Games."
Levi's mouth curled up slightly. "Thanks. I appreciate that. Just don't let my sister know, or else she might do something about it."
Hange moved her fingers along her mouth and threw the imaginary zipper to the ground. "Don't worry, that will be safe with me."
"Thanks. There is something I want to do before I head back to the Village."
"What's that?"
Levi held his hand out. "Hand me your glasses."
"Okay…" Hange replied in confusion as she fulfilled Levi's request. She watched Levi pull a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wipe it along her lenses. Hange heard rumors of Levi being a clean freak, but seeing it in person amazed her. Levi meticulously cleaned and often held it to the light to ensure no dust remained. He returned the glasses back to her once he was satisfied. 
"Here. Make sure you maintain it, or else you won't be able to see."
"Thanks, Levi." Hange placed the glasses back on her, and her eyes widened in amazement. "Woah! Everything looks so much clearer now! It's like those commercials!"
Levi's smile grew a millimeter bigger. "Don't sing the song. But I have a question to ask before I go."
"I have a free skate coming up. You can watch it if you want as an apology for earlier. I can even set you up with seats that are close by. You will just be sitting with my sister."
Hange grinned from ear to ear. "YES, YES, I WILL DO THAT!"
"Good." Levi dug inside his pocket again and handed Hange a slip of paper. "Here is my number. Just text me later, and I can send you the details."
Hange grabbed the paper and stuffed it in her purse. "Thanks, Levi." She glanced at her watch and shot Levi an apologetic look. "I need to get home to check on my pups. See you later, Levi!" Hange yelled as she ran off and waved goodbye.
Levi only waved back as he watched her move farther away, his heart beating a mile a minute for some reason. "See you later, Hange."
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Disclaimer:Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha.
©: These stories belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
Aesthetic asks
Raindrops, scented candles, fairy lights, summer nights, winged eyebrow, bath bombs, fire crackles, spring flower, warm tea, cold morning, messy bun
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
Also, dropping by to tell you:
🍄 🌿 🧚‍♀️ ☕️ ⭐️ ☀️
Also, if you remember, I used to tell you that your energy feels like a mix between Aqua and Scorpio. Now, it is shifted to Libra + Neptune. Your energy seems magical these days. Like a healer. Anyways, here's a picture for you. Not mine
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Hi Nari! It's so good to hear from you. Hope you're doing well!
Thank you so much for taking time to get to the ask games I posted and to send something, I really appreciate it! I will answer you more accurately in the following paragraph. I first want to thank you for updating me about my energy: it's true that I'm working on myself and on some things these days, and I am aware something is heavily changing but... getting this feedback from the outside has a totally different meaning and importance. Thank you loads for letting me know! Also, lovely pic. It feels so peaceful... I really resonate with it, despite on occasions I am still fighting with myself hehe, but I'll get out of there. There's stuff I need to do :)
Now, the answers. Aesthetic asks:
raindrops: what’s your favourite song to unwind? It depends, I may go to something pretty rock or generally hyping or old disco like 70s-80s-90s that maybe I can dance to or shout. To mention a song uhm... well "With this ring let me go" by Molella, Phil Jay, Fast Eddie and Heaven 17 has started so I'm mentioning it. :)
scented candles: do you enjoy reading? if so what’s your favourite book? I used to read a lot, but it's been a while since I have read a book and finished it. I guess it's either adhd or ocd or... maybe something else Idk. Anyway among the latest I really enjoyed, I loved The impossible lives of Greta Wells by A.S. Greer (it's also one of the few books' titles I can rememebr lol). I got this suggestion by a very nice girl and she was totally right about it.
fairy lights: do you sleep with the lights on or off? I generally rather stay in the dark, but I don't mind napping or even sleeping with natural light filtering from the windows (in any amount).
summer nights: summer or winter? or perhaps something else? Winter<3
winged eyeliner: do you wear makeup? I'm not good at putting it on so nope, I generally don't wear any make up (I'm also too lazy to put it on lol). Especially not in summer as my skin barely affords it.
bath bombs: what’s your favourite lush product? I had to check what that is lol. Idk, I haven't tried anything by lush.
fire crackles: describe your ideal winters evening Either home watching a movie under a blanket or... no, not or. I enjoy cozy winter nights the most lol but yeah if it's not too cold I can afford going somewhere cool with someone else.
spring flower: what’s your favourite flower/plant? I like tulips and roses (especially white), and I generally like red kalanchoes but I've never really succeeded at keeping them :')
warm tea: what’s your favourite tea? if you don’t like tea, what’s your favourite drink? I like earl grey and matcha teas the most.
cold morning: what time do you wake up? are you an early bird or a night owl? If I can, I wake up at around 9am. I'm a night owl and mornings are tough (I really struggle feeling awake on most days before lunch).
messy bun: if you could dye your hair any colour what would it be? I already dye my hair and it's usually a more or less dark chocolate color. I'd like to try something more reddish. One side of me would like to try blonde as well but I don't think it'd go well with my complexion (I am a very dark kind of blonde/ash naturally but I really don't like it).
As for the emojis, thank you so much too. I'd love to drink a tea with you as well one day. Maybe we will :) 💝~ btw.
Take care!
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 years
I know this is weird but i need to know a very important question:
How do you think the boys would smell like?
what the boys would smell like
fun fact: i almost got a job at bath and body works. another fun fact: i kinda have a synesthesia where i can look at a photo or think about something and just,, be able to smell it?? usually it happens randomly and i can't control it :/
genre: other
cw: just my usual bs
❧ cinnamon and apples,, maybe it's just the hair color but that's the vibe; definitely uses a crisp apple body wash or shampoo
❧ fresh linen; rich boy always has nice clean clothes, although he does the smell test sometimes to see if he can get away with wearing that same shirt for just one more day
❧ related to his clothes, his fancy coat thingy smells faintly of real leather, as do some of his accessories and his scabbard if he's wearing it
❧ again with the clothing but he smells like tide laundry detergent, the one all the college kids use; my first ex used it and he always smelled soooo good lmao
❧ old books,, you already know this, he spends so much time in the library he probably soaked up the scent lol
❧ saltwater; you know when you go to a coastal shore and there's that nice sea breeze that's so refreshing but also kinda musky?
❧ he's definitely got a lighter scent to him too, something that offsets his rough demeanor, like a light green apple or powder scent, probably from his shampoo or body wash
❧ horse stables, but not too strongly; i work around horses and yeah they can smell terrible, but when the arena is empty and clean and there's just the smell of sand and horses and hay, it doesn't smell too bad. i say this cuz he likes to ride his horse so i'd imagine the smell would linger a bit on his clothes
❧ yankee candle's "midsummer's night"; i remember this smelling so good, like the vibes on a warm summer night, it also reminded me a lot of a cologne
❧ evergreen or pine trees, idk which is which but it's the one the always make candles for around the holidays
❧ candle smoke; do you see the candle theme here lmao, he gives witchy vibes and candle smoke would for sure be involved
❧ he definitely wears some kind of rich cologne, something along the lines of bath and body works' bourbon, something very "manly" and yummy smelling, but he only wears very little of it, enough so that when he walks past you're like "ooo yum" but it's not overpowering
❧ soil and cut grass; mans works in a garden, you know he's got that earthy smell to him
❧ flowers; he always has a fresh bouquet of flowers in his cabin and he keeps the petals he plucks or the ones that fall of to make potpourri
❧ sweat obviously, he does manual labor for a living, he's gonna get sweaty; he also has a very faint metallic smell, it's probably his jewelry, but it could be something else too iykyk
❧ ofc he's gonna wash up to get any unpleasant smells off, and i feel like he'd use goat's milk soap, something natural and fragrance free
❧ tea obviously, he drinks so much of it and makes it all the time; he prefers the more classic teas, like earl grey and black, over the more fruity ones, but he always ends up smelling like some kind of tea
❧ linen and wool; he keeps his clothes fresh and clean but he doesn't use any fancy detergents so they just smell like the materials they were made from
❧ wood and metal polish; he does a lot of cleaning and polishing things, ofc he's gonna carry the scent of his cleaning products
❧ he's not much of a sweet tooth, but he'll often pop a spearmint into his mouth, whether it's to freshen his breath, boost his blood sugar, or have something to moisten his throat, he'll go through at least five mints per day
❧ merlot; it's a red wine i serve a lot at work and it smells very good, very grapey and classy. it's risky business drinking wine while wearing all white, but i could see mikael sipping this drink while lounging around
❧ he probably uses a body wash that's advertised as smelling like the ocean but it's not a saltwater smell but rather something kinda sweet smelling?
❧ menthol or mint tea; very soothing and healing scents but also very fresh and keeps you alert. it's most likely from him drinking mint tea or having some kind of essential oil noel made
❧ warm cotton textiles; ya know when you get your bed sheets out of the dryer or you've had a towel lying in the sun all day and it smells very warm and comfy, perfect for curling up in and relaxing for a nap? he's got that smell to him, which contrasts interestingly with the mint
❧ axe body spray a men's cologne that's very spice oriented, or just straight up spices. it's generally a very strong smell but on him it just works well??
❧ gunpowder, obviously, mans fires guns for fun, so the smell will definitely linger in his hair, hands, and clothes
❧ i don't see him as much of a tea drinker, but coffee on the other hand, i could totally see him drinking. it lingers on his breath in the mornings but in a not gross way ya feel?
❧ leather from his clothing and accessories, he doesn't use a fragrant laundry detergent so the leather smell is much more apparent
❧ an extra cuz i feel like these examples are too little, but he probably also smells like wood from an older bar, as well as whiskey or brandy, some alcohol with a bit of spice to it
❧ this one's gonna be super specific but ashland's "freshwater pearl" candle, it's a very sweet smelling candle, kinda like if you were on a beach and there was a candy factory right next to you with its windows open; it'd probably be his shampoo or something that smells like this
❧ a plain white candle, or beeswax, something non-fragrant but clean smelling? almost like goat's milk products; he'd need something not super strong smelling so he'd be able to be stealthy n stuff
❧ his clothes smell like he got them from a thrift store, you know how everything has its own scent and it all just blends together? like you got some stuff with strong detergent, you got some stuff that smells like a grandma's basement. it all smells very worn-in and a lil musty but that's part of the charm
❧ essential oils; he uses what he grows in his garden to make medicines and oils to be used in first aid or just as a daily thing. some days he'll have lavender, the next he'll have eucalyptus, and then maybe some citrus
❧ honey. he just looks like he uses honey scented everything, or at least uses honey in his skin and hair care, and it's not an overly sugary smelling honey, just something natural and the slightest bit bitter
❧ bold rock cider, another drink i serve regularly. it just smells like apples, but not as sugary as apple juice. it's very crisp and fresh and makes me feel like i'm in an orchard in a flowy outfit having the time of my life
❧ he strikes me as someone who'd like to bake, and he'd have a bit of a sweet tooth, so he'd smell like sugar cookies and snickerdoodles, he smells like he's been working in a bakery all day but in reality he just got done making a batch of his famous soft sugar cookies yumyumyum
❧ this one's a bit abstract, but a meadow in the middle of nowhere. there's no air pollution, all you can smell is the grass and the trees and the pure, unobstructed nature around you
❧ citrus oil; a lot of the birdseed i've used includes oils from oranges and lemons and since he likes birds i imagine he'd have that lingering smell to him
❧ butter cookies, or just baked sweets in general. he'd the kind of kid who cannot have his tea without some baked treat to go with it, in particular some cookies to dip in his tea
❧ dust and cleaning supplies; he does a lot of cleaning a tidying up, and although he's been doing this for a while, he's still a kid and is bound to get stuff all over him and his clothes. he's tried to clean a duster in the wrong direction and ended up with dust all over himself, he's held a bottle of cleaner the wrong way and ended up with half the contents all over his hands and sleeves
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obaewankenope · 2 years
5, 18, and 27!
[weirdly specific asks post] + [askbox]
5. Favorite form of potato?
I prefer the maris piper evolution of my potato, ngl. Think it evolves into a really versatile fighter in the potato ring-
In all seriousness however, I have a love of roast potatoes and jacket potatoes (hot pockets, I think, is what Americans call them idk for sure). Always love me a jacket spud ngl.
Sprinkle bit of mature white cheese and some butter and some chopped spring onion... Perfect.
18. Your boba/tea order?
I kinda keep it simple with my tea orders, I won't lie. Earl Grey with two sugars and some milk. Or Lady Grey if I can get it since I love the citrus taste.
27. What’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
Jeans or jeggings, depending on what I'm doing, t-shirt because easier to deal with, and a cardigan or hoodie. I have three long length cardigan kind of things, one of them is nice and thin and good for late spring, which I enjoy wearing. I tend to stick to trainers/sneakers with an arch in them for my own sake. Boots or heels aren't as common but I definitely will wear them if I feel up to it. I mainly wear what feels comfortable for me but doesn't look too shabby.
Although, you will catch me wearing paint covered tracksuit bottoms and ripped, old t-shirts in the house because I don't care if they get damaged lol. When I'm dealing with decorating, cleaning, pets, and general exhaustion from pain... Yeah, I'm definitely choosing comfy over fashionable.
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
First of all, bro, you have Sims! You won a life! My laptop is too old and broken for such luxuries! Please make my sim and my harem too lol. Give me all the men I deserve.😂
I may or may not be thinking about buying a new one tho. And it may or may not be just because of the latest expanded pack to the game and possibility of having my own cow.🐮 But on the other hand, I would love to go somewhere for a few days in nearest gutter if covid lets me.. So having savings would be nice.
Speaking of travelling. Stories. I am not a storyteller buuut… you mentioned you travelled by metro in Prague and that in your country there is just one line in the capital. Seoul has so many lines! It’s so easy to get lost.. Korean metro is one of my clearest memories of my stay in Seoul. On the very first day of my stay I and my 3 friends had a “houston we have smol problem” situation, just because 2 of my companions hadnt bought a korean sim card (our cards didnt work at all) and we got separated in the metro train. I mean.. I and my good friend didnt get inside on time while other two friends made it. In our group just one person knew where our hostel was and how we could get there. And she was gone. There wasn’t any plan b, no one even thought about the possibility of getting separated. No one amongst us spoke korean, Koreans had problems with communicating in english.. WELL, SH*T. We didn’t know if we should take the next train and others would wait at the next station or if we should stay where we were. Luckily I and one of my friends that got into the train on time had our mobiles working so we were able to communicate, but we were this close to having HOME ALONE IN SEOUL.
The second one memory and one of things I miss the most are metro jingles! God, I loved them so much! If you see Seoul Metro Jingles on Xander Tiberius channel on youtube you will be able to hear my favourite one! It’s the first one in this short video! I am pretty sure you will love it.
We came right on korean thanksgiving festival called Chuseok and it was the best decision ever. People were wearing their traditional costumes, hanboks, all the time! They were so freaking beautiful! 💕 We went to Gyeonbokgung Palace and Changdeogung Palace and when I saw them covered in paintings with obangsaek scheme with my own eyes I almost cried. I love art, so Seoul was the perfect place for me. I love korean folk paintings (please, check them with my favorite tigers and magpie theme - tigers on them are so funny and wonderful - I bought like a million postcards with its images), but their modern art is great too. Especially all those murals - you can check Ihwa Mural Village. It was ASDFGHJKLLOVE.
Street food? Excellent, however I don’t like spicy food. I wanted to try silkworm stew but at the last moment I gave up on this. Too extreme for me. But I have eaten the best ice cream in my whole life and they tasted like earl grey tea.
But what was definitely the best part of my trip? Cafes! Dog cafe, raccoon cafe, Moomin cafe, sheep cafe, Hello Kitty cafe! I love dogs with all my heart so that one was definitely my favourite one and I would love to stay there forever! Raccoon one was also freakin good! For the very first time I had encountered a raccoon. Their paws are so delicate!
Travelling is such a magical experience.There are so many things to see and to try! What was your favourite place you travelled to and why? Do you have a place you would like to visit again? Where would you like to go the most? You said you were travelling with your family. Do you have some stories to share?
I am sorry for such long messages! But I can talk for hours about such things. And I like to chat with you. I am impressed with my ability to produce so many words at once. Usually I am the quiet one and very awkward too.
I have no idea how I missed this message. Like really, I was wondering if you will tell me your travel story and look! It's been here for who knows how long! I'm m so sorry ;;
So yeah, lemme show you my Sims because idk. I think I'm kind of proud of this Altair.
So first is the randomly generated Sims
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And here is Altair I made:
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I wonder what do you think about him. Don't mind hie clothes tho 😂
Back to you baby! I love your story and I envy you so much! Raccoon cafe? Good food? You won me, really. I always wanted to see/touch a raccoon but since they aren't here I simply can't. But those grabby lil pawsies! U realu envy you and I'm also so happy you had fun and now you have so much fun memories you can share. Thank you so much!
As for spicy food. I love it.
And really I really enjoy talking with you, you are so nice and passionate and never be sorry for writing a lot! I love having your messages and responding to every single one of them! Even if sometimes I'm a bit late (sorrtyyyyyyy)
As for my stories... I was attacked by a bear in Albania! 😂 I'm still terrified of them. A lady was walking a bear on a chain leash and I was passing by with peanuts. And the bear attacked me, trying to take them from me. It was so scary but I win the battle over peanuts. I was like 13. But really I don't like bears now.
I want to see literally all the world. I want to go to Greece again and Bulgaria. Bulgaria is my favourite country! Also I want to see Turkey and Egypt and Japan and China!
Hbu? Do you have more travel plans?
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Reader x Le Comte de Saint Germain {IkeVam} - Letters to You
Title: Letters to You
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Character: Le Comte de Saint Germain
Genre: hOHOHOHOHOho smut
Warnings: sexy sex
Kinks: 18th century sexting: the telegraph, masturbating, biting (vampire biting), slight (very slight) choking, sensual ??? idk , internal cumshot, prob some other things idk
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience 
Word Count: 2290 words
POV: second person
Request: “I see youve started without me”  by non
Written by: @mythiica​
Other comments: HAH that was entertaining to write, sorry im late! 
Before he left, Comte told you that he would only be traveling for a few days at most. He flashed you one of his irresistible smiles and his canines even sparkled in the lights. Like a gentleman, Comte embraced you tightly before stepping into the carriage and waving goodbye. 
          That was a week ago, and you are starting to get anxious now. 
         The moment you make it down the stairs, you call out for Sebastian and ask if any news about Comte has come. You know that he is getting tired of your antics – constantly inquiring about any mail or telegraphs from him – but instead of scowling at you, Sebastian extends a gloved hand and presents you with a slip of yellow paper. 
         Finally, news from Comte! 
         “Thank you, Sebastian!” you call over your shoulder as you run back upstairs. As you clutch the paper to your chest, you can even smell his scent embedded in the parchment. It is hard to mistake the beautiful combination of sharp earl grey tea mixed with the sublte sweetness of pastries and pen ink. It comforts you to have it in your hands, and you know that whatever message he has sent you is very important. 
         Back inside your room, you throw yourself across the bed, undoing Sebastian’s hard work to make it, an you tear open the envelop to pull out the letter. Your name is written in fine penmenshap across the length of the paper, making your heart ache for Comte. Upon beginning to read, it is almost as if you can hear your lover’s voice in your ear. 
We have just passed through Romania from the east, and are headed back to the mansion. I warn you that my excursion might take longer than anticipated, mainly because of a storm that hit us in Moldova. Do not worry though, I will be back before you know it. 
         You had heard about the strange and powerful thunderstorm that blew through eastern Europe, but you are happy to know that Comte is well and safe. Brushing your finger over the cursive, you realize that the telegraph is dated three days ago. Perhaps it got lost and was not delivered in time? You hang on to the notion that, perhaps, Comte has sent you another message and that it will arrive later today. 
         As you go to set down the paper, another sheet comes loose from the back. The handwriting is less neat than his normal script, but you can still make it out. 
         I have to admit that I absolutely long for you. Although it has only been a few days since we last saw each other, my heart grows weary with every passing moment. Sometimes, there is a rush of warm air that sweeps through my chambers, and I imagine it to be your aura watching over me. But the other, less innocent notion, also crosses my mind, and I have indulged myself this evening. 
         This is for your eyes only, ma cherie, and I know it will bring you joy to read this from me: not only do I miss your beautiful smile and the sound of your laughter in the morning, but I desire the desperation that sparkls when our limbs entwine in front of the fireplace. How long has it been since I had the chance to see you unravel?
         Your breath catches in your throat, and you have to stop reading for a moment to shift your legs and squeeze them together. This second letter, obviously more personal and… dirty… was Comte sexting you? Late eighteenth century style sexting, albeit, but the heat of arousal is already tempting you to satisfy yourself like Comte has. 
         It does not feel the same if it is not you giving me this carnal pleasure… your hands are much softer than my own and, by some kind of magic, you seem to know exactly what I need in the moment. It is beyond shameful to admit that I am consumed by this passion, and that it has lead me to do unspeakable things to the pillow… ah, and now the rush of embarassment. I wish that I could have brought you with me on this trip, for not only would you have the chance to witness the countryside in its winter glory, but I would also ensure to keep you warm during the night. 
         Without realizing, you have slipped your hand down past the elastic of your skirt to press against your underwear. There is already an obvious wet spot, and to think that Comte can do this to you from just a written message… you begin to share his fantasy and give in to desire. There is no harm in doing so, after all, he still has to return home. It feels heavenly to grind against anything, even if it is not your Comte. 
         I sometimes what is hotter: the crackling fire or inside of you. Surely, when I dip my fingers into your heat, it boils my blood and goes up my arm until I feel your burning warmth everywhere. It is not enough just to imagine it because there is nothing on this earth that compares to you as your walls clench around me. The lit in your voice teases me, but it soon melts into moans when I coax your release faster and faster. What a beautiful sound and what a heavenly sight: you, beneath me, unraveled and marked with the white stains of my love. 
         His words flow like poetry and seemingly guide your hand to follow the motions he describes. Your wetness welcomes your fingers with ease, and you contort your body in every direction, searching for the position that allows you to touch yourself more. Spreading your legs seems to be the best option as you delve your digits deeper into your core. 
         You very well know that I was against biting you at first, but upon doing it for the first time, it was like we were merging together in more ways than just physically. The blood – your blood – ignited me, and I knew that we were meant to be together. Not only our bodies, but our hearts and souls together. Can you feel my emotions as I write this? I sincerely hope you can, because I miss you so very much. We will see each other soon, ma cherie. 
         Now, you give in to the pleasure of the flesh, and every other sound is drowned out by your gasps for air and your drawn out moans. The room already smells like sex, but you wish it would smell like his cologne. Turning your head to his pillow, you bury your nose against it as your fingers rub your most sensitive spot. Bliss envelops you just like it does when he is the one giving it to you. It is wonderful – your release – and it sends you higher than you have gone on your own before. 
         As you remove your fingers from inside of you, you feel the slick dribbling down your inner thighs until they drip onto the bedsheets. Giggling at the mess you’ve made, you turn back to reach for the letter to read it again, but it is not there. 
         You turn over, looking for it, and think that maybe in the excitment of everything, it fell off the bed. From the corner of your eye, you see a whisp of a shadow and a flash of yellow. 
         “I see you’ve started without me, ma cherie–”
         At first, you cannot believe that he’s standing in front of you. When you go to sit up and get out of bed, Comte holds out a hand, signalling to stop. The next moment, he is by your side. Comte brushes your hair back with one hand and starts removing his jacket with the other one. “I thought you would read that before I arrived home, but this is even better than I anticipated.” 
         You are compelled to look directly into his beautiful eyes – it is not that you would want to look at anything else, but you do not realize that his shirt is off until he presses his chest flush against yours. The next second, Comte is whispering how much he missed you as his belt clinks off. Snapping back into reality, you fumble with his trousers until they too land on the floor in an abandoned pile. 
         “Ah, yes, this is what I have been missing...” Comte’s voice is hot and heavy, and now that his own clothes are gone, he works at your bodice to remove it completely. You had gotten off while still wearing everything, and when his gaze falls to the wet spot that had soaked through the fabric of your skirt, Comte laughs heartidly. “How interesting. To think my words made you this wet. I do not know to be impressed with my own skill or yours~” 
         His fingers lace across your throat as he leans over you, raw emotions seeping through his teeth as he nips your jaw. “Yes, do call my name like that. I think I longed for your voice the most of anything…” Comte drags his tongue across your neck, searching for your pulse like he forgot where it is in the time that he was away. Upon finding it, your lover suckles on it. His hand slips between your legs simultaneously to pull your thigh back, giving him space to grind against you. 
         “P-Please, I’ve been waiting so long for you!” you hiccup as you drag your nails acorss his back. A groan rumbles in the back of his throat – a sign of his own pleasure. You do it again to entice him and coax out another moan. 
         “Tell me, did you like my letters?” 
         Applying the slightest big more pressure, Comte smiles, his fangs winking in the lamplight. They enter your flesh the same time his cock enters your wetness. It is a glorious sensation: the fluid motions of his tongue as it rolls over the puncture marks and the powerful thrusts that send your toes curling. A hand flies into Comte’s hair, and you tangle your fingers in his caramel locks to hold on to him, to ensure that this is not a dream. 
         He grips your thigh in such a way that you know there will be spots of beautiful purple left on your skin. You can already feel the knot building up in the pit of your stomach, but Comte is far from done with you. 
         Cuping your face gently, Comte runs his fingers over your cheek to brush your hair out of the way. His gaze is so loving and deep, you feel like you could get lost in the amber alone. Your hand falls to his jaw and you do the same to him before sitting up slightly. Your breasts are flush with his as you nuzzle against Comte. 
         He continues to thrust into you mercilessly, but the two of you are suspended in a loving moment. Having been reunited now, you cling to him and teeth on his earlobe. “Bite me again, Comte… I trust you, and I’ve missed you so so much.” 
         Obeying your command, Comte dips his head to the marks already at your pulse so he can run his tongue over it again. He presses dainty kisses down your neck, all the way to your collarbone where he bites you once more. This time, he is more gentle, but you are still hit with a wave of pleasure that makes you moan joyfully. 
         You squirm under his firm grip, making some of the blood run down to the bed. Comte catches it with a swift lick before the crimson has a chance to stain the pillowcase. “Careful..” he whispers as his lips fixate against the new puncture marks to suck on you. 
         Mewling, you shift your hips in such a way that allows Comte to bury himself deeply into you. His tip rubs against the spot that makes you unravel instantly – as he repeatedly thrusts against it, you entwine your fingers with his. “Comte, I’ve–” 
         “Sh, ma cherie, I know. And you are so beautiful.” 
         You remember his letter in the moment and clench harder around his length because you want him to climax with you. Comte moans and leans back slightly, giving you a full view of his muscular chest. He rakes his fingers through his hair and continues to thrust into you, dragging your orgasm out longer. A line of blood trickles down his lower lip, so you reach up to catch it with your thumb. 
         Comte grasps your hand and laps at your digit. You moan again, and Comte smirks before coming down to kiss you once more. He tenses a final time and releases inside of you. Crying out, Comte shushes you gently and nuzzles against your cheek. “Ma cherie, how wonderful it is to be home..”
         There is a moment where everything is still and Comte still covers you with his body. But he shifts and takes his place next to you. His seed trickles out of you, making you feel incredibly dirty, but Comte pulls your leg over his hip to hold you close. 
         “You were supposed to receive those earlier than today, but I must say, I am not dismayed in the slightest.” 
         Pressing a hand against his chest, you nuzzle close to Comte and pull the blankets up over your shoulder. Comte gives you a quick kiss across the bite marks before holding you close. “Next time I leave, shall I send you more messages like that?” 
         “No, take me with you. I’ll keep you warm,” you reply with a grin. 
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kchuarts · 4 years
Flowers in Blood
A/N: PLOT TRAIN ROLLS ON CHOO CHOOOOO. This one took a bruiser on my wrist so Idk if i’ll write tomorrow. Also, the greek is “little mouse” 
Summary: The Gala takes place but alas, things go awry. 
Warnings: Slight non-con
Taglist: @lucywrites02​ *(Let me know if you want to be tagged!!)* 
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Chapter 4: Red Rose 
The sun's morning light seeped through the tiny slit between the curtains. In the light's path lay two peacefully sleeping spies. Jonathan had his back facing the window and one arm wrapped around Katie’s resting form while the other was under his pillow. It was inevitable that this sort of thing would happen and although Pine did promise he wouldn’t end up in this position, the odds were against him. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open as his body had told him it was time to wake up and he inhaled sharply. He panicked a little as he realized what position he was in and carefully removed his arm from over her. Much to his sheer luck, Katie woke up with a gasp as he did so and felt an odd poking at her backside. “I-I’m so sorry.” He blushed, looking away from her and getting up from the once comfortable state he was in. “Biology. I can’t help it.” He tried to explain further, stumbling over his own words and exhaling loudly. This was humiliating. She probably thought he was a damn pervert after all that work they’d done to get her comfortable with his touch… 
“It’s ok. I uh… Actually woke up a bit before you and I forgot what it felt like to be held.” Katie’s cheeks matched Pines as she looked down at her own hands. “It was nice.” She added quietly and coyly flicked her gaze up at the dark blonde man. 
Jonathan’s blue eyes widened slightly at her confession and felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest. “Really? I mean, that’s great.” He laughed dryly, pressing his lips together and nodded his head. He continued to chastise himself internally at his sudden dumb school boy antics. This woman had him feeling all giddy and tingly inside for some reason. She was much too young of course, wasn’t she? No, she was definitely in the appropriate category of a possible hook-up. Pine mentally smacked himself for letting his hormones think for him and sighed through his nose. “How long do we have until the gala? I was kind of wanting to maybe look around for a cafe and grab a coffee.” Katie’s question brought Pine out of his internal struggle and he looked up at her. “It starts at 5 PM sharp and it’s 9 AM right now. I suppose we’ve got a bit of time for leisure, I’m going to stay up here and give Angela a call for the plan of action. If anything bothers you or you sense something suspicious, come back right away and keep your phone on you.” He watched the girl rummage through her suitcase before pulling out a nicer set of clothing. “Ok! I won’t be gone for very long as I do want to doll up… I haven’t worn makeup in a long time.” She smiled bashfully, pushing her bangs from her eyes. “Oh! Do you uh, want anything maybe?” She shook her head and raised her brows at Jonathan. “Earl Grey tea if they have it, otherwise no thanks.” 
Nodding, the young woman shut the bathroom door and changed into something more appealing. Katie figured a cute pink cardigan over a tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans was acceptable. Her sneakers were out of the question and she opted for a pair of flats. As she brushed her teeth, she couldn’t help but wonder what sort of dress Angela had picked out and prayed it would fit or at least be somewhat nice. Giving her messy hair a brush through and putting deodorant on, Katie came out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone, wallet and room card. “I shouldn’t be longer than like ten minutes. If I am, I’ll let you know.” She gave a wave to Pine as he stared at her before waving at him again. He blinked and shook his head, “Sorry, er yeah. See you then and be careful.” He cleared his throat as the door to their suite shut. Despite their short time together, Pine never took Katie for the pink type. He found that he rather liked her in that color and how her ass looked in her skinny jeans- Jonathan groaned, smacking his forehead as his morning wood thought for him just as he hoped it went away to save him some embarrassment. 
The lobby was massive to say the least, and Katie was just now taking in how grand the place truly was as she hadn’t last night. “Stunning, is it not?” A woman’s thick accented voice caught the brunette off guard. Her green eyes locked with sharp amber orbs with bright red lips to match her pale complexion. “Y-Yeah.” Katie stuttered out, blushing a little as this woman was gorgeous. “Sorry, this is my first time out of the United States.” She rubbed the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly. The woman raised her eyebrows, yet gave her a charming smile “I can see that. No offense, dear but you do look a little lost. Were you by chance looking for somewhere or someone in particular?” She inquired. Katie nodded, “I was hoping there was a cafe around here so I could grab a coffee and a tea for my f-fiance.” She blushed hard thinking about Pine and fiddled with the fake engagement ring on her finger. “Ohh how sweet!!” The woman swooped over, placing her arm gently around Katie’s shoulders. “Come, come dear. I’ve been here thousands of times and I will show you the best spot for coffee. Oh how rude of me, my name is Abbey.” She gave the brunette’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. Katie was about to reply but her brain suddenly clicked at the name and her appearance. Dark curled hair, piercing eyes and slender form. She had to assume that Abbey was short for Abbadon. 
“Oh jeeze, I’m sorry. I really need that coffee, I’m Natasha Romans.” she smiled, holding her hand out and shaking Abbeys. “You’re a funny one aren’t you.” The auburn haired woman chuckled, leading her new friend over to the cafe. She ushered Katie to sit with her and gave a genuine smile. While she did deal in the underground business and committed unsavory crimes, it was nice to have a casual and harmless conversation with the public from time to time. It reminded her of the life she had wanted over the life she lived. “So since you said you are from America, I am from Greece. I come from a large wealthy family but the status of my wealth does not compensate for who I am as a person. In fact, I prefer the little pleasures in life over the vast amount of wealth.” Abbadon picked up her menu and skimmed over the options. Katie couldn’t tell or not if this woman truly meant what she said as her appearance was saying otherwise. However, just because one is in a world of crime does not mean that they would like to continue to be in that lifestyle. “That’s really admirable of you. I like that a lot actually. Uh…” she gulped a little as she had mistakenly picked up a menu that was strictly in Russian. Her sudden panic brought Abbadon’s attention back, “Oh I apologize. Here, allow me to read the options for you as I’m fluent in speech and writing… And thank you, it humbles me so that you think alike.” She flashed the young woman a smile before translating for her. “You see, the finest gems are often the little places that no one goes to often. Unfortunately, 90% of the time these places do not have any English as it is universal, but that is exactly what I like about these corner delights.” She nodded, placing the menu down. 
For a crime lord, Abbadon was extremely smooth and charismatic with her way of words. Her accent did not pose any hindrance to her English, which made Katie feel a bit better knowing she could understand her properly. “You’ve got a point! There is a little cafe where I’m from except further up north. I come from Michigan, I can point the place out really easily seeing as I can use my hand as the map.” She chuckled, seeing no harm in a little mindless conversation. Abbadon laughed softly at her gesture and nodded, “That is extremely useful!! Mm, yes I was right. You are a funny one indeed.” She smiled and listened to Katie give details on the cafe she had mentioned. Abbadon had a rather wistful look in her eyes as she listened further. She would be lying to herself if she said she had zero envy for such a mundane life. The drinks finally arrived with Abbadon ordering something fancy while Katie stuck to a regular Caramel Macchiato. “Ah, hold on one moment, I need to text my fiance and tell him I’ll be occupied for a little longer with a new friend.” The brunette woman beamed, shooting a quick text to Pine. 
O’Connor - Soooo I think I just may or may not have made buddies with our main lady. 
Pine’s eyes widened upon seeing this and he furiously tapped away. 
Me - What do you mean by that? You’re not in trouble are you? 
O’Connor - No! I accidentally made friends with her. Don’t worry, I’m not spilling anything. She seems really genuine though. Makes me feel bad she’s on the wrong side of the law. Anyways, I’ll let you in on more later. 
“Fuck.” Jonathan bit his lip and ran a hand over his face. At first, he was going to call her on one of the worst rookie offenses she made, but this gave him an idea. He had to get on Roper's good side, and that was a rookie move he did so why not let her get on their target's good side. Perhaps, Abbadon would even slip up about her true work. 
“Sorry about that, Fiance’s worried and all. He thinks we aren’t going to make it to the gala on time tonight if I keep chatting.” She saw Abbadon smile widely and clasp her hands together. “Why my dear! I hadn’t the faintest idea you were attending, oh how exciting!! Today just got better.” she spoke truthfully, taking a sip of her coffee. “I am ever so curious as to what you will be wearing. I can see the vixen in you.” She winked and took another sip. This caused Katie to blush hard and chuckle, “Thank you! You’re stunning as well, Abbey. Honestly, you’d make anything look good.” Both women chortled at the image and carried on about the Gala. “I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Abbadon lowered her voice, “Some of the artwork that is being shown tonight is fraudulent. Now, being in the business I am something like that shouldn’t bother me. Oh but it does.” She rolled her eyes, giving a huff. “You see, I have an eye for the arts and I do not care how much the fake may resemble the actual piece! I could never steal art. Not for money or for false identity. Art is meant to be admired and inspire great minds. I am a painter myself in my downtime.” She pulled her phone out and showed Katie a few pieces of hers. Either she was the best bullshitter Katie had ever met, or she was truly talented. All her doubts were proven wrong as there was a picture of Abbadon posing by a work of hers with a little boy. She smiled fondly at the picture, sighing. “My little Nikolai. He is my greatest work of art and my business trips have me missing him so. His birthday is coming up soon and it breaks my heart that I cannot be there for him.” her voice saddened. This was something Katie was sure of that Abbadon wasn’t lying about. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She placed a comforting hand on the other woman’s and smiled. “How old will he be turning?” At this question, Abbadon perked up again and smiled softly, “He will be ten! He is turning the double digits. Ohhh I remember when he was but a tiny peanut.” She wistfully reminisced fondly over her baby boy. “He was the fattest little chunk, so many rolls! But he was so precious. He will always be precious to me. I call him each night to tell him he means the world to me and we recite a tale my grandmother told me growing up. It is of love and that no matter what, the stars will shine for us.” She gave Katie’s hand a squeeze back. 
“That’s beautiful, Abbey. Truly. It makes me think if I want kids one day or not.” She bit her lip, looking to the side. What would her life be if she ever had children? Katie hadn’t ever really thought about it as Travis had ruined any sort of blossoming question leading to that reality. However, now it was a different story with Pine helping her overcome her fears and finally break the shell she had hidden behind for so long. “I keep all of his drawings too and make sure each time he draws, he sends me a picture if I am away.” She showed Katie a file of the drawings. “Well he certainly takes after his mother in regards to talent! This is incredible. I could never draw anything like this.” She saw Abbadon give a sad expression. “Why Natasha, of course you could. We all start from some place, do we not? All you have to do is just pick up a brush and let your imagination go wild. My grandfather always told me that when I was down. I tell my son the same thing and the more he draws or paints, the more his talent blooms. Do not be so hard on yourself, you are young and have plenty of time!” She gave Katie’s hand a firm pat and then released it. “Oh! I’ve had so much fun I’ve forgotten to check the time. It’s nearly noon. You simply must let me have a look at you when you arrive! Thank you so much for this, Natasha. Your heart is true.” She smiled sadly at Katie before getting up and bidding her farewell. The sad expression remained on Abbadon’s face as she made her way back to her room. How she wished she had a life like Katie’s, so mundane and relaxed. She would spend every waking moment with Nikolai painting all that they would ever dream of in the remote hills of France. There, she wouldn’t be a part of this wretched family and would start life new. No more controlling brother, abusive husband who never loved her, and cursed family lineage. 
A feeling in Katie’s gut told her that Abbadon wasn’t as evil as the papers led her out to be. She was true to her word in loving life and the artistic side of it. “I hope you get to see your son soon, Abbey.” She said under her breath before getting up and making her way back to the suite. 
There wasn’t much to tell Jonathan about Abbadon, except for the fact that she didn’t seem like she even wanted to be a part of whatever organization she was in. While slightly disappointed, Jonathan went with her information and hoped they would snag a lead at the gala. 
Checking his watch, Pine tapped his foot as it was almost 4:15. He knew the building holding the event was only a ten minute drive, but it didn’t help his nerves. For his attire, Jonathan donned a simple black suit without a tie and his button down popped open, exposing a bit of his chest hair. His hair was slicked back and face freshly shaved, leaving no stubble. “Sorry! I know I’m not the best, but I had to remember how to put on makeup!!” Katie called from behind the bathroom door, feeling her cheeks heat up once she got a good look at herself in the mirror. The red mermaid shaped dress was close fit and complimented her curves in all the right ways. Her face was made up perfectly as she carefully contoured and shaped her face. She gave herself a vixen-like look as Abbadon had mentioned earlier, and didn’t turn out hooker like at all. Her brows were plucked and shaped accordingly and lashes full and long. A highlighter made her cheekbones shine and she even placed some on her collarbone. To top it off, she adorned a seductive red shade to her pouty, kissable lips. Her short hair had been straightened to a pin with some of her bangs dusting over her brow. Thankfully, she had brought a pair of gold dangling earrings that were delicate enough just to add to her look. The only thing she hated was the ampleness of her bust and how the dress seemed to make her breasts show off. 
She cracked the door open, seeing that Jonathan had his back facing her. Quietly, she slipped out of the bathroom and turned the light off. “‘Kay.” She muttered and saw Jonathan’s body turn around and come to a complete stop. Any breath that Pine had left in his lungs subsequently left upon seeing her. His lips parted and he struggled to find the words to say as he was floored by how elegant the brunette appeared. Her hair sort of reminded him a little of his past lover Jed Marshall’s, which warmed his heart. “What? Do I look bad?” Her face dropped and she grimaced, panic settling in. “No! N-No. You-” Jonathan covered his mouth, still taking her in and basking in her beautiful form. “You look amazing. Sorry- It’s just… Wow.” He nodded, shyly glancing away and chuckling to himself. “You’re not too bad yourself.” She retorted, her cheeks sporting a similar shade. After a few more awkward moments, Pine cleared his throat and could not stop himself stealing glances. She was truly more beautiful than she had initially led on when they first met. What a steal she was, such a vixen hiding underneath the cutesy shy young woman. “I don’t suggest taking phones, so we will have to find a common meeting ground should either of us get lost.” Jonathan spoke, setting his phone in his suitcase, only taking with him his wallet and fake ID. “G-Good idea.” Katie replied quietly, taking her phone out of the small clutch that came along with the dress. 
“Katie.” Jonathan’s voice was quiet speaking her real name. 
Her green eyes, now standing out more than ever from her makeup, flitted up to his blue gaze. 
“I mean it. You’re stunning.” 
His continued compliment made the brunette feel special, wanted… Something she never thought she would ever feel again. 
She gave him a smile and took his hand as he held it out to her. “I’m glad I have such a beautiful woman on my arm… And hey, those heels made you a bit taller!” He jeered, earning an elbow to the ribs and a snort. “Jerk.” She laughed, making her way out of the suite with Pine hand in hand. 
Just as Angela had promised, the ride was relatively short and the two were at the gala in no time. Jonathan felt Katie tense up at the sight of all the people inside and cautiously wrapped an arm around her waist. Her response to his gesture was to actually grab onto him and get closer. “It’ll be ok, I won’t let anyone touch you in ways you don’t want them to.” He whispered into her ear, giving her side a squeeze. Katie didn’t want to let go of Pine as she felt safe with him and he smelled incredibly good, even with the hint of smoke. “S-Steven?” She stuttered a bit as she was thinking of saying his actual name. Pine turned to her, raising a brow as he handed the guard their ticket and guided Katie over to their designated table. “I would like to dance with you at some point. If you’re ok with that.” Her lips were graced with a soft smile. “I’d love nothing more.” He admitted truthfully, placing a kiss to her hand. The young woman’s heart raced from his action and she wondered what his lips would feel like against her own… 
“Natasha!!” A familiar voice called. 
The two looked up to see Abbadon scuttle over while in a gorgeous black and gold gown, a man with similar features to the woman following in short. 
“Abbey!” Katie got up, going over to Abbadon and giving her a hug. 
“I was right!! I was absolutely right!! You are a catch! Just look at you! Red is your color, my dear!! Oh you look like the most beautiful rose.” Abbadon clasped her gloved hands together in delight. Her smile faded as she snapped her fingers, “How rude of me! Danny, this is my new friend Natasha. I met her in the lobby today and we had the most wonderful time over coffee. Natasha, this is my older brother Daniel.” She nodded at her with a smile, noticing Jonathan lingering close behind. Her eyes narrowed slightly as this man was handsome yet oddly familiar. Katie held out her hand to Daniel only to have him snatch it and swiftly place a kiss to the back, “The pleasure is mine. My sister has such a wonderful taste in finding the most beautiful of friends.” His amber eyes gleamed with hidden intentions. Katie swallowed hard and her nerves began to act up from the sudden gesture. “It’s an h-honor, Daniel.” She froze up as the strange man continued to hold her hand. “Please, call me Dan-” 
Jonathan cleared his throat, placing a comforting hand around Katie’s waist and smiled at Daniel. “This must be your fiance you told me about!! My, my…” Abbadon winked at Katie and batted her eyelashes at Pine. “Y-Yes! Yes this is my fiance. He proposed last m-month in my hometown.” She lied through her teeth and placed her own hand over Pine’s lacing her fingers with his out of a need of comfort. Daniel did not look the least bit amused at this and huffed, adjusting his tie when he stopped, noticing what his sister saw earlier and scratched his beard. “Sorry to cut things short, but I need to discuss something with my sister. I do hope we cross paths again, Ms. Natasha.” He gave the brunette one last wicked smirk before grabbing Abbadon’s arm and muttering angrily in their native tongue to her. Katie watched as Abbadon was yanked away rather brashly from them. “Are you alright?” Pine gently turned Katie and looked at her in worry. She nodded and gave Pine’s hand a pat, taking a deep breath and calming down. “I-I doubt we’re gonna get anything right now, so we can just enjoy ourselves yeah?” She looked hopeful and much to his dismay, Pine agreed. “Yeah. I’m a bit famished anyways so we might as well get something to eat while we’re ahead.” He relaxed a bit more and sat down at their table. Once they had placed their order, Jonathan looked at the brochure of items that were being auctioned. “She did tell me one thing.” Katie took a drink of water before continuing. “She said half of the paintings are fakes and was very adamant about how even she wouldn’t be so low as to steal a painting. She likes art a lot.” She took another drink. Pine nodded and continued to skim the items, looking for anything that could possibly stand out as suspicious. 
One thing that did stand out however, was the name of the family hosting the gala printed on the back. Pine had seen them before during his time under Roper and just passed them to be another crime involved family. Whatever the case was, they had seen Jonathan as well and now the game would be a bit more tricky. If he was spotted, he would be accused as the man that framed Roper and ruined any chance at bringing Abbadon down. His eyes scanned the crowd, searching for the faces of the family when he soon spotted them in the very back where Daniel and Abbadon were. The latter of the two actually did not seem to be having a good time and looked rather miserable. Perhaps Katie’s intuition was plausible, but he couldn’t afford to be relying on her heartfelt feelings when the supposed leader of the crimes was right within eyeshot. Making a mental note, Jonathan turned back to face a curious Katie who looked around at the surroundings, awed by some of the structure. Their food was shortly brought to their table and was obviously exquisite but also too small in proportion. This wasn’t some sort of fancy dinner party anyhow. Jonathan took a swig of his whiskey and smacked his lips before turning his attention to Katie, “Do you still want to dance?” He gave her a soft smile. The brunette gleefully nodded and took his hand as he led them both to the dancefloor. 
Naturally, the song choices were classical and slow paced for those like Katie with more restricted dresses. One of Pine’s large hands rested upon the small of the young woman’s back but looking at her to make certain she was ok with it. She gave him the go ahead and blushed as she placed her hand in his free one. Within minutes, the two became lost in each other's eyes as they danced. They moved gracefully on the floor and seemed to have a fire ignite within them both. Others looked at the pair with a certain degree of envy or admiration at how unified they seemed. Jonathan spun Katie around, pulling her close to his chest just as the song ended and gave a boyish smile. “Not bad. Of course, I assume Cameron forced you to go to military balls.” He winked and caused Katie to giggle and blush. “Yeah, he might have done that a time or two.” She bit her bottom lip, noticing that her hands were still resting upon his chest and his arm wrapped around her frame. Something inside of Pine told him to lean in and kiss the girl as he was ever so curious to how her lips felt. His blue eyes glanced down at her lips then back to her face with her eyes half lidded. Katie’s heart began to beat fast, her breaths shaky with anticipation as she wanted him to do what he was thinking. She wanted him to do it more than anything and only him. What the hell was wrong with her? One minute she hates his guts and now… Now she’s smitten. 
Before Pine can go through with his plan, the music starts up again and his face falls. This song is well known for partner exchanges and apparently Katie knows of it too. “Stay calm and breathe-” He quickly tells her before they are separated and onto the new dance. Much to his luck, Pine’s partner happens to be Abbadon who is not looking very amused. “Hm. I wonder what one of Roper’s men is doing here? It would not possibly be to rat my family out would it?” She spoke lowly, her gaze full of venom. Jonathan grit his teeth and tightened his grip on her waist, “That easy? Tsk, some agent you are.” Her words caused his grip to loosen and suddenly be pulled down so she could whisper in his ear. “It is not me you want, Birch… Or should I say, Pine? Do not play stupid with me, I know exactly who you are and what you’re here for.” She suddenly shoved something into Pine’s blazer. “It is my brother that you want. I never wanted any part of this family business! The only reason I am telling you is because he is keeping my son hostage.” Jonathan’s heartbroken to hear her words and his mind immediately thought of Jed. “He knows that I am faking my fidelity and it is only a matter of time before he kills me. Remember these names, quickly! Belladonna, Poppy, Bloodroot, Daphne and Wisteria. You already know my branch, Wolfsbane. Keep your friend close, Pine. Her heart is true.” Her grip released and tears shimmered in her eyes. “Please. Save my boy.” She whispered before moving onto the next person. 
Abbadon’s words shook him to the core and he had no idea that there were four other branches within the organization. As it turned out, he didn’t need to look for a head start at all as Abbadon was a double agent and just wanted to live a life free of crime and be with her son. Katie was right and it made him feel bad for initially judging her. 
“Mmm, we meet again, little rose.” Daniel’s accented voice sent a chill down Katie’s spine as she felt his fingers dig into her hip. She yelped softly at his touch as she was pulled to his body tightly. Her green eyes were wide with fear as she was forced to dance with Abbadon’s creep of a brother. Alarms were blaring in her mind but her past trauma would not allow her to do anything further but comply with Daniel’s touch. “What happened to the vixen my sister told me about earlier?” He whispered into her ear, his scratchy beard tickling her skin. “It seems that we have a shy little mouse instead. Mm, no matter. You are still very beautiful μικρό ποντίκι.” 
Daniel selfishly shoved the next person in line to dance with Katie. “Please.” She felt her voice fail her as tears burned her eyes, fear taking it’s hold. Daniel mock cooed to the young woman, wiping a tear from her face. “Tears do not suit you, μικρό ποντίκι. At least, not right now they do not. Perhaps they are better suited when I have you screaming, begging for your lover's life as I hold it in the palm of my hand.” He flipped her around, his hand travelling up her body and coping an unconsented feel of her breast. Katie felt lightheaded, her breathing choppy and anxiety clouding her mind. “Mmm yes. Such a beautiful rose you are, my dear Natasha~ If that is your real name of course. I wonder if you are aware of Steven’s true identity? We know why you are here.” His fingers came around her throat and his lips placed a kiss upon her bare shoulder. The young woman let out a silent sob, her body trembling hard and breathing hard. “Shh, shh, shh… Fear not. You are too pretty to waste, μικρό ποντίκι. Oh no, I will not have you be a prostitute. I’ll make you one of my wives.” He nipped at her ear, his hand grabbing a handful of her breast again. 
All Katie could think about was Jonathan and how badly she wanted him to come to her rescue. She was rendered useless by her crippling despair from this man running his hands along her body. She knew how to fight back, but not in a situation like this where old memories surfaced. Katie shut her eyes tightly and whimpered as she felt Daniel press his groin and obvious erection into her backside. “I thought you would have squealed by now. What an obedient mouse. Maybe I don’t have to kill Pine tonight but I will leave you with something to remind you of what happens if you continue your pursuit. He suddenly whipped out a pocket knife and sliced down Katie’s inner forearm, causing her to yelp. Jonathan’s head whipped around at the sound of her yelp over the loud music and he stopped dancing with his now rather upset partner. “Bastard.” He growled as he saw Daniel firmly holding Katie against his body and began to shove through the dancing crowd. 
“Aww looks like our fun here is over for the night.” He put the stem of Belladonna berries he had into his pocket before he could squeeze the juice into the wound he gave Katie. “Rest assured, I am most positive we will meet again my rose.” He chuckled darkly and slithered away into the darkness, leaving Katie stunned and having the absolute worst panic attack she has had in a long time. Everything was spinning and she couldn’t tell what the hell was happening as hands grabbed her. Just as she was about to scream, Jonathan’s familiar scent entered her nostrils and she leaned forward, hugging him tightly and sobbing on his chest. Pine stared down at the hysterical girl that clung to him tightly. He had enough evidence to present to Angela tonight, right now he needed to get Katie the hell out of here. “Hang onto me, sweetheart.” He whispered, hoisting her bridal style into his arms and rushed through the massive ballroom to get out. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” Daniel pulled out a remote, pressing the button on it and setting off fire alarms. The family that had confirmed Daniel’s suspicion earlier were suddenly ambushed with the women and children’s vision being cut off with bags. Denizens of the party began to scream in terror as gunfire went off and finally, an explosion that left the men of the family dead. Abbadon glared hatefully at her brother, makeup running down her face from tears and water from the emergency sprinklers. 
Outside, Jonathan turned on his heel as he heard the awful sound of the explosion followed by horrified and gut wrenching screams. There was nothing more he could do at that point but get back to the hotel, check them out and find somewhere else to stay. It was too dangerous to be in the same vicinity as Daniel. “Fuck this-” Pine muttered and set Katie down gently, flagging a car down before pulling his gun out and threatening the driver to get out. He did not have time to continue risking his and Katie’s lives and hijacked the car. With the young woman resting in the back as she had passed out, Jonathan sped back to the Metropol as fast as the car would let him. In sheer dumb luck, he had not caught any officers attention and parked the car sloppily in the parking lot. “Shh, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” He whispered to a stirring Katie who made panicked noises. Once she realized who it was, her arms wrapped around his neck and she buried her face into his blazer. “We’re leaving here tonight.” He muttered as he entered the lobby, rushing to get to the elevator. A few people looked up from their activities and began to murmur at what could be going on. A sense of unease laced into Pine’s gut as he finally got into the elevator and anxiously waited for their floor. It felt like forever until he finally reached the room. “Jonathan-” Katie whimpered as he set her down, tears coming back and broken sobs wracking her body. The dark blonde haired man furiously packed their belongings as best as he could and turned back to the sobbing woman. His heart sank at how scared she was and how defenseless she appeared. “Kate..” He spoke her other nickname softly and walked over to her, hugging her tightly, tears of his own burning beneath his eyelids. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, I promise. We’re getting out of here right now but I need you to stand up and walk, can you do that?” He released her but kept his hands on her cold arms, gently rubbing them up and down. Pine removed his blazer and noticed the cut on her arm that Daniel had given her. He would have to deal with that later as he helped Katie put his blazer on her to give her some warmth. He took her heels off, shoving them into her bag and helped her stand. “I promise you, I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Without thinking, Jonathan pulled her forward and kissed the top of her head before giving a once over to make sure he grabbed everything. 
The pair tried to look inconspicuous while rushing out of their suite and making a detour out of the back. Too many people would be witness to seeing them rush out like that and it would only add to their woes. Finally, they reached the car Jonathan had stolen and hastily packed their belongings. With a quick hot wiring, Jonathan stepped on the gas and peeled out of the parking lot with the tires squealing. A sense of relative safeness came over them as they sped off into the night in search of a place to rest. Unfortunately, it seemed their luck ran short and would have to spend the night in the car. Jonathan’s eyes peeled out for a hidden area he could park and eventually spotted a patch of thick woods as their temporary haven for the night. “We’ll give Angela a call tomorrow and ask what to do next as I frankly don’t have a fucking clue. What matters to me right now is your safety.” Jonathan pushed Katie’s bangs out of her eyes and gave her a sympathetic expression. She nodded and proceeded to climb into the back with some difficulty due to her dress but managed. “J-Jonathan?” She spoke quietly. Pine turned his gaze to her, nodding up as a signal he heard. “Can you hold me? Like you did this morning?” her voice was shaky again as she sought comfort. Jonathan nodded and turned the car off before climbing into the back. They both knew it was a tight squeeze, but didn’t care at the moment. Katie found herself laying on Jonathan’s chest instead and she closed her eyes, nuzzling against him. “I swear to you, I will never let anything like that happen to you again. We’re in this together now and I’m not about to break my promise.” Jonathan said before wrapping his arms around the young woman and letting sleep take him.
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tea-earl-grey-thot · 4 years
tagged by @enby-moss-bby and @tashayarlovebot! thanks babes 😘
Name/nickname: Emma
Gender: Female
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 5’ 4” (technically a little bit under 5’4” but it’s close enough)
Time: 11:19 pm
Birthday: May 19
Favorite bands: cool ones idk 
Favorite solo artists: Joji, Adele, and Britney Spears 
Song stuck in my head: Skyfall by Adele
Last movie I watched: Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Last show: FBI: Most Wanted (my dad was watching it and I was in the room with him)
When did I create this blog: April 3, 2020
What I post: lol a whole lot of stuff. lots of star trek, memes, life updates
Last thing I googled: “how many moles are contained in 5.33 l of o2 at standard temperature and pressure”
Other blogs: nope
Do I get asks: sometimes! mostly when I do ask games but sometimes randomly
Why I chose my url: picard and I are both thots and we both like earl grey tea 
Following: 1,970
Followers: 331
Average hours of sleep: fuck if I know? not enough?
Lucky number: 5 
Instruments: violin and voice
What I am wearing: sleep bra, underwear, and heating pad
Dream trip: Europe! Specifically Prague, Vienna, Rome, Paris, Normandy, and London
Favorite food: chicken poofs
Nationality: American
Favorite song: Right now it is Second Chance by Shinedown but that is subject to change at any time
Last book read: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: Star Trek (duh), X-Files, and ✨ the dream world I’ve created in my head ✨
Favorite color: Lavender!
Tagging: too tired to tag 20 people so I will tag a few and as always there is an open tag for ANYBODY @jo-mccoy @herenya-writes @sophiaforevs
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typinggently · 4 years
So what do you think Feral™ Bruce’s relationship with his kids would be like? Somewhere in my bones I feel that he’d have a better relationship with all of them than in canon, but I wonder what you think! Love your blog, btw!!!
Hello Love!!! Thank you so much for your message! 🥰🧡🧡
I took some time to reflect on this and really think it through, since there are two problems: 1) I only really know about the “fandom favourites”, as in Dick (who I know most about since I used to read the 50s comics as a kid), Jason, Tim, Damian. And thus I felt a little unqualified since I know so little about the girls etc. 
2) Rob is 33, which means the Robins would all have to be VERY young. Realistically, I guess, we could assume timeline-wise Jason would’ve died not too long ago? But I’m just going to ignore realism. So, without further ado
Feral Bruce and his Robins
Dick: Bruce adopting Dick makes sense to me, since the grief over his own lost family is so fresh in his mind. He’d lay eyes on this heartbroken child and immediately jump into action. However, due to his age and personality, this wouldn’t have a TRACE of a father/son relationship. Not even close. They’re chaos siblings, with Bruce as the messy rat and Dick as the adoring golden boy. He’s super proud of his older bro and tells others about how cool he is, which everyone 100% buys because it’s Bruce Wayne, of course he’s super cool. They don’t know that Dick’s definition of cool is “he slipped on his own 3 hour old puddle of sprite and did a funny backflip”. Now - as they grow older: I say they’re rather close due to their shared history(&shared grief), and they’re in a way rather similar. Similar fighting styles (both acrobats and very graceful, while Dick is more of a show-off while Bruce is more erratic), similar sense of humour and taste in films etc. I also think they don’t have a dramatic falling out, Dick just fucks off. Bruce is definitely sad about it, but I think he respects Dick’s need for personal growth since he himself isn’t exactly an overbearing cuddly person and most likely shut himself away for a few days at a time in the past. Idk. I think they get each other really well. So yeah, their relationship is def better!!
Jason: Bruce sees a kid trying to hotwire the batmobile and recognises a kindred spirit. Jason pros - he has a lot of that chaotic energy Bruce has. Jason cons - he lacks the grace and self-control. In general, I feel like pre-Joker Jason and Bruce had a rather good relationship as well. Once again not really that father figure thing, though. But Bruce moved up from”chaotic older brother” to “cool older brother” - since he now has a bit of a grip on how to treat teenagers, even though Jason doesn’t take to his rules as well as Dick did (I see many a person interpret Bruce as kind of lenient and clueless, letting the kids run wild and free, and while I agree with the base levels of that, I’m p sure that Bruce in any version is so built on self-control, that he’d impose that on others as well. Strict meal plans, exercises, etc). Jason’s death is a thing I really don’t know how to handle, because Bruce has such a thin skin. Frankly, I don’t know how he’d survive something like that. Grief is terrible and heart-breaking, and I’m not sure how well-equipped Bruce would be. It’s a very, very dark time. Red Hood is another thing. Bruce can barely fight Harvey, so I don’t see how he’d manage to interact with Jason. I honestly think he’d completely pull back from him. I don’t know how they’d heal from that and I’m not sure how Bruce would deal with the core of Jason’s anger. Fighting him is one thing (which he absolutely cannot do), but understanding him and trying to mend what’s broken is another. Very difficult. Very heartbreaking.
Tim: that would just be a mess. There aren’t any real descriptions of Batman, because his contact with civilians/the GPD is minimal and can you trust villains? They say his fighting style is erratic, but can you trust them? Can you believe Riddler, madly gnawing on his hat, when he tells you Batman threw a comically large plush bat at him and then bonked him over the head with a “bat-knocker”?! What I’m saying: Tim figures the “I love the Ritz. I just wish they had soda-fountains. They have the room and people would love it. A fountain of sparkling-cool orange soda in the hall, catching the light and making those nice ambient sounds. That would be glam. What was the question?” - act is an act, but he’s not at all prepared for the actual Feral Bruce Experience™️. He drops himself off on Bruce’s doorstep and holds his whole “I know who you are” speech until Bruce opens the door and the guy is wearing a kilt and a “world’s #1 Bat” shirt, drinking hot beetroot juice and greets him by saying “how the fuck did you get past the sprinklers?” In short - Tim didn’t expect to be the responsible one here. In general, I feel like they’d get along well, still, considering Bruce is so enthusiastic about learning and bettering himself. However, I do feel like his erratic rat-nature would clash with Tim now and then.
Damian: Bruce’s first instinct after hearing he’s a father is to learn how to raise a baby, so he panically throws together a huge pile of Infant Care books from the library, Damian (10+) standing right next to him. That said, he’s very concerned about being a good father figure and raising Damian right. He loves the other boys, of course, but he never really saw himself as their father. This is a new situation for him and he doesn’t feel like he’s up for it. So now he tries to be a good influence, which results in him knocking on their doors at 1:30am all “remember not to drink coffee past midnight!” while holding a pitcher with Earl Grey.
Which brings me to the end note: Bruce is actually a great influence, he’s just not aware of it. He enforces healthy eating habits and a strict exercise routine. He’s got great posture and reminds his boys to sit/walk straight and stretch. He’s very cultured and studious in a very un-pretentious way, setting a great example for the boys. 
But most importantly - he’s so true to himself in such an unapologetic way that everyone else feels free and encouraged to be themselves, too. While his eccentric behaviour could be interpreted as self-centred narcissism, he makes it extremely clear that he cares greatly about each and every one of them. He’s incredibly compassionate and they all know that he loves them dearly.
They all learn a lot from him when he’s not looking, and whenever he notices some little piece of evidence for just how much he’s influencing them, he turns into a mess, eating carrot sticks in the kitchen at 2am with big teary eyes while Alfred makes him tea. (Alfred is the real father figure, of course, but he’s insanely proud of Bruce for handling his responsibilities so well and doing so good with his flock of Robins)
I’m very, very soft. Bruce deserves the world. He loves his family a lot, even though he seems to take them for granted or forget about them at times. And they love him, too, although he’s a bit strange.
(So, to make it short: they DO have a great relationship. Just a tiny bit rocky at times, but I feel like this Bruce is less emotionally repressed and thus a lot of issues would fall flat? They know he cares)
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tag game 50 q’s
tagged by @crowreys-wormstache (sorry this took me over a month)
what is the color of your hairbrush? black
name a food you never eat: mushrooms. ew.
are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold because I’m a dumbass and always grab clothes that aren’t warm enough
what were you doing 45 mins ago? making breakfast.
what’s your favorite candy bar? chocolate deli is really nice
have you ever been to a professional sports game? nah not really
what is the last thing you said out loud? explained some computer stuff to my mum
what is your favorite ice cream? salted caramel
what was the last thing you had to drink? earl grey tea
do you like your wallet? yes I do
what is the last thing you ate? pepperoni and cheese sandwich
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? lol nope
what’s the last sporting event you watched? something on tv? idk I don’t care for sports much
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? sweet & salty
who is the last person you sent a text message to? a male friend
ever been camping? yes!
do you take vitamins? yes, I am frail
do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
do you have a tan? ahaha I am Pale™
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? pizza
do you drink your soda through a straw? not always, but I prefer it
what color socks do you usually wear? usually black
do you ever drive above the speed limit? when I forget to watch my speed
what terrifies you? being a disappointment. failing. being a bad person. abandonement. also deep water.
look to your left, what do you see? my cute spider-man figurine
what chore do you hate most? dusting off shelves.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? funny!
what’s your favorite soda? cherry cola
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I have never been to a drive thru
what’s your favorite number? 21
who’s the last person you talked to? in person? my mum
favorite cut of beef? I know nothing about cuts
last song you listened to? something from the Orion Experience
last book you read? finished? one of the witcher books? I think?
favorite day of the week? Saturday
can you say the alphabet backwards? Do I have to? :((
how do you like your coffee? heavy on the milk AND sugar. I don’t like coffee very much.
favorite pair of shoes? pink platform sneakers.
time you normally get up? around 10 am
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? I don’t usually see either but I do love sunsets
how many blankets on your bed? two
describe your kitchen plates. a handful of different plates. no we do not have a set.
describe your kitchen at the moment. very small, chaotic (christmas baking)
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? gin & tonic
do you play cards? I love card games!
what color is your car? lmao my car?? in this economy??
can you change a tire? Nope
your favorite state? oh the US-centrism really jumps out doesn’t it. Maine, because my lovely friend is from there <3
favorite job you’ve had? my current food service job, I love it.
tagging: @intricatecakes @dungeons-and-dragonborns @nothisacrayon + anyone who wants to do this pls feel free to!
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mischiefandi · 4 years
50 questions tag
thank u for the tag @stilinskiparker 🌸❤️
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? black
2. name a food you never eat? i hate mushrooms so bad and i HATE seafood, only fish i like are salmon and tuna lmao
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? making myself some tea
5. what’s you’re favorite candy bar? either Milky Ways or Kinder Buenooo
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? i’ve seen the Red Devils (belgium national football team) play at Heysel Stadium, and ive seen two baseball games in LA (Dodgers against idk hahaha)
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? i called out my sister’s name cus my cat kept meowing and i wasnt sure if she had food in her bowl haha
8. what is your favorite ice cream? pistachio is fucking incredible, straciatella, vanilla, and i once had crème brûlée ice cream and it was SO GOOD
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? earl grey tea with milk and sugar
10. do you like your wallet? yess it’s dark green and it’s from Monki, my sis got it for me
11. what is the last thing you ate? chili con carne with guacamole and tortillas :)
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i got myself two new rings
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? the dodgers baseball game haha, it was summer of last year on my birthdayy
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? both salty and sugar but in the same bowl so u get a mix and every bite is a surprise :))
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? @duskholland hehehe
16. ever go camping? every year, my dad, sis and i went camping for a week either in france or belgium, we even went to england twice, it was lovely every time, i also camped for three weeks every year for 5 years cus i had summer camp :)
17. do you take vitamins? a bunch
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? i used to go once a month for protestant school as a kid cus my parents felt it was important to educate myself but once it was time to get confirmed, i said i didnt want to do it so now i dont go anymore and i dont regret any of it
19. do you have a tan? i dont tan lol i burn
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? pizzaa
21. do you drink soda through a straw? only when it’s a metal straw
22. what color socks do you usually wear? sometimes i wear colourful ones but mostly just white, grey, or black
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? i dont drive so no eheheh
24. what terrifies you? being disliked, failing to exceed my expectations, being imperfect, creepy clowns and ventriloquist dolls lmao
25. look to your left, what do you see? my blue velvet armchair and a black grid to hang up on my wall for my pictures, my windows and white curtains, and a pair of shoes on my cream carpet hehe
26. what chore do you hate most? none tbh haha, i guess it’d have to be hand washing the dishes but we have a dishwasher so that’s cool :)
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? the adventurous dude from Monte Carlo who dates Blair Waldorf lmao
28. what’s your favorite soda? coke zero and ice tea (sparklingg)
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? i eat inside
30. what’s your favorite number? 13, it’s satisfying to say in french and i love how people are scared of it lmao
31. last person you talked to? my sis
32. favorite cut of beef? idkk but i love beef
33. last song you listend to? Non-Stop from Hamilton - i have a problem
34. last book you read? uhhhhh, what is a book?
35. favorite day of the week? fridayyy
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? frick no im dumb
37. how do you like your coffe? iced coffee with milk no sugar OR a macchiato yummm
38. favorite pair of shoes? my black vans or my stan smiths (they’ve got red in the back and there’s a pretty red and green flower pattern on the side)
39. time you normally get up? depends on the day, between 6:45 and 9 am during the week haah oops
40. what do you prefer sunrise or sunset? sunsets are the most beautiful thing ever, i acc have an entire board of pictures of sunsets in my room (that i took)
41. how many blankets on your bed? my elephant and monkey comforter and a matching throw blanket
42. describe your kitchen plates? plain white
43. describe your kitchen at the moment? clean and everything is tucked away haha
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? omg um mojitos, cosmopolitans, vodka with sprite and cranberry flavouring added to it, champagne cus im fancyy
45. do you play cards? a couple of games but not very often
46. what color is your car? dont got none but it’ll be black probs
47. can you change a tire? i know the books part of it lol but ive never done it
48. your favorite state? well im not american but i’d say california
49. favorite job you’ve had? i babysit and that’s about it lmao so uh, i’d say that haha
50. tagging: @apatheticanvas67482 @duskholland @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @bxileyclxne @stiles-o-dylan24 @fallinfortom (u dont have to ofc! and anyone who wants to do it, go ahead!!)
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leoalcrights · 4 years
Tumblr media
Full Name: Eleanor Amara Albright
Meaning of Name: “bright, shining one” and “everlasting”
Nickname: Leo
Birth Date: September 3rd, 1999
Astrological Sign and Details: Virgo…. It tracks j look at her
Birth Place: Taxi in The Bronx, NY
Age: 20…...or 21 (idk the timeline bye)
Nationality: American
Race: Biracial (half-black, half-white)
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style: Curly
Distinct Features of Face: Sharp jaw, tiny freckles across nose and cheeks, thick eyebrows
Glasses or Contacts: Tortoiseshell eyeglasses, but she usually just wears contacts 
Eye Color: Dark brown
Scars or Distinguishing Marks: Scar on her calf from high school from a championship soccer game
Build or Body Type: Tall and slim
Height: 5’10
Weight: 130lbs
Speech Patterns: Very clear speech, articulate 
Gestures: Tends to rub her eyes when she’s tired or stressed, talks with her hands when very excited or enthusiastic
Weakness: Prone to falling cold/appearing apathetic and shutting down
Mother: Harriet Albright (adoptive)
Father: Lucas Albright (adoptive)
Mother’s Occupation: Manhattan socialite
Father’s Occupation: Senator for the state of New York
Family Finances: Very well off, hailing much from old money
Birth Order: Youngest
Brothers: James Albright (deceased)
Sisters: Darby Albright
Other Close Family: Seraphina ‘Saffie’ Albright, Georgina Albright
Best Friend: Henry Marin Peters, Lydia Radcliffe, Felix Lesser
Other Friends: Anita de Jesus, Orpheus Rivera, Greyson Byrne, Carmen Peck, Florian Henneberg, Syre Salinger, Parker Hassan, Ellie Aldenkamp, Tanner Isaacs, Thalia Winter
Enemies: Fitz Montgomery (rip) 
Pets: None
Home Life During Childhood: Very bad <3 spent much of her life equating attention to love, being toted around New York social events like a new handbag only for her parents to pretend she didn’t exist when they arrived back home at their penthouse that looked more like a museum than a home. Darby and Leo were close as children but were quickly pitted against each other when James died. Not only was James no longer around to mediate their squabbles, but the girls were also instantly always competing for their parents’ attention and approval until Leo ultimately won the fight and dipped at 14 to go to boarding school in Connecticut
Town or City Name(s) Where They’ve Live: Manhattan, NY, The Bronx, NY, Fairfield, CT, Preaker, VT
What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: Something straight of Ralph Lauren catalog, all designed by New York interior designers. There were few personal touches due to Leo mainly living in Connecticut all throughout her years in high school except when she would be home on holiday breaks
Any Sports or Clubs: Soccer & Newspaper (EIC) in high school, Newspaper & a small book club at Yates
Favorite Toy or Game: Rummy 500 or UNO
Schooling: Knollwood Prep (graduated, valedictorian), Yates University (current)
Favorite Subject: English, but has a penchant for math as well
Popular or Loner: Popular
Important Experiences or Events: After a New York event with her parents around Christmastime, her parents went from laughing and bragging about her to essentially becoming robots once in the car; this was the first time she realized their love was conditional. James’ death. That night at her friend’s lake house after she graduated high school. Watching her father smear concealer under her mother’s eyes before the Met Gala after he insisted that the makeup artist wasn’t doing enough to “hide it”. Leaving Darby.
Religion and beliefs: Raised Christian, independently agnostic
Bad Habits: Overworking herself, cracking her knuckles, not sleeping enough or sleeping too much
Good Habits: On top of things (typically), exercising
Best Characteristic: Independence & loyalty
Worst Characteristic: Tendency to be aloof & self-absorbed
Worst Memory: The day James died
Best Memory: Staying up late watching movies at Christmas with Darby and James
Proud of: All she’s done for herself, maintaining a perfect image
Embarrassed by: Her fear of standing up to her father, her mother, previously her sister
Attitude: Realist, hesitant existentialist
Fears: Ending up like her father
Secrets: She forged a suicide note for her friend who drowned after he fell into a lake after ODing and she didn’t save him out of fear of the bad press and her father
Regrets: Leaving her sister
Feels Vulnerable When: Anyone brings up her brother, tests her stone-cold facade
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Make as good a life for herself right now as she can, succeed in school + wherever else she puts her efforts
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Live independently and successfully in a profession she 
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Exercise Routine: No specific routine, but tends to go on runs at least 4 days of the week
Day or Night Person: Prefers the night, but likes to wake up early
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert but forced extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist: Realist, but closer to pessimist than an optimist
Music: Frank Ocean, The Cure, The Smiths, Taylor Swift’s folklore (i said what i said), Bon Iver
Foods: Dried seaweed, spaghetti & meatballs, blueberry muffins
Drinks: Rum & Coke, other than that water and earl grey tea
Animals: Fox
Color: Midnight blue
Clothing: Very simple and classic casual or country-club chic (not like vineyard vines tho like old ralph lauren)
Jewelry: very minimal, diamond earrings, a silver ring on her left ring finger 
TV Shows: Criminal Minds (leo 100% is in love w/ mgg), SNL, Twin Peaks
Movies: The Social Network, The Imitation Game, Up
Greatest Want: Her parents’ unconditional love tbh
Greatest Need: To realize she’s never gonna get it and she’s gotta find it within herself x
Most Cherished Possession: Anything that was her brother’s
Married Before: no
Significant Other Before: dated Felix Lesser for 6 months 
Children: none
Relationship with Family: strained but improving w/ her sister 
Dream Career: Journalist (preferably investigative), but she’s planning on working for some Fortune 500 company
Dream Life: Travel the world w/ a companion (romantic or platonic) and go on as many ~adventures~ as she can
Love Life: a mess <3
Hobbies: writing stupid little short stories, running, used to play piano and if there’s one around, she’ll go play like one of the three songs she remembers
Guilty Pleasure: chocolate (particularly chocolate cupcakes)
Talents or Skills: basic piano skill, she’s really fast, weirdly good at solving equations, honestly a decent cook
Intelligence Level: high
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arsonandhockey · 4 years
I was tagged by @ahoswhiskers thanks dude 💞
50 questions
1) what is the color of your hairbrush? I don’t use a hair brush since my hair is really short but I do use a black I think bone comb I got at a muster.
2) name a food you never eat? I refuse to eat liver and other internal organs, also corn on the cob. 
3) are you typically too warm or too cold? I really don't get cold easily but I do over heat
4) what were you doing 45 mins ago? I was in the car on the way back from Maine 
5) what's your favorite candy bar? I don't really like candy that much but chocolate 
6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes, I went to a boston Red Sox game a few years back
7) what was the last thing you said out loud? ‘oh god I can't remember’ me talking to myself about this
8) what is your favorite ice cream? Chocolate earl grey, it is amazing 
9) what was the last thing you had to drink? some water with lemon in it
10) do you like your wallet? no I do not, I really don't like how it looks. I want like a cool leather one
11) what was the last thing you ate? I ate some popcorn 
12) did you buy any new clothing last weekend? I didn’t
13) what’s the last sporing event you watched? hockey, both on line and in person
14) what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Cheddar cheese 
15) who was the last person you sent a text to? one of my friends, i was complaining 
16) ever go camping? yes I hate it 
17) do you take your vitamins? I do 
18) do you regularly attend a place of worship? before corona I did, I go to a uu church, but now I sometimes go to it on line
19) do you have a tan? ha ha ha no
20) do you prefer Chinese or pizza? pizza, there is almost always a gluten free option 
21) do you drink soda through straws? sometimes. 
22) what color socks do you usually wear? pink and grey, blue and grey or black and grey 
23) do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don't drive but im from new England so yes 
24) what terrifies you? not much 
25) look to you left, what do you see? I see my water bottle and a calculator 
26) what chore do you hate the most? cleaning the cat box 
27) what do you think when you her an Australian accent? Tikka wattie I know he's from new Zealand but that's I think of
28) what's your favorite soda? fanta 
29) do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I really don't go to fast food places 
30) what's your favorite number? 42
31) who's the last person you talked to? my mom 
32) favorite cut of beef? uhh idk 
33) last song you listened to? hey there Delilah 
34) last book you read? the martian 
35) favorite day of the week? Monday or Friday 
36) can you say the alphabet backwards? not yet 
37) how do you like your coffee? no thanks 
38) favorite pare of shoes? most comfortable are my drill shoes but my favorite ones are my dark red doc Martens 
39) time you normally get up? 7 or 7:30
40) do you prefer sunrise or sunset? sunrise 
41) describe your kitchen plates? white 
42) how many blankets on your bed? rn one
43) describe your kitchen at the moment? with lots of fruit on the counter 
44) do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? no, I am under 21
45) do you play cards? I don't often 
46) what color is your car? I don't drive
47) can you change a tire? no, I need to learn how to
48) favorite state? Massachusetts obviously 
49) favorite job you’ve had? I haven't had one yet 
50) I tag: @goalies @chaospitals @cahtahhaht but y'all don't have to do this at all 
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tiffdawg · 4 years
50 Questions Tag
thank you for the tag @leo-moon !! this was really fun ☺️
1.) What color is your hairbrush?
teal but it’s basically defunct since quarantine.
2.) Name a food you never eat
i’m a big foodie but i’m also vegan so no animal products for me.
3.) Are you usually too warm or too cold?
I’m basically cold blooded so too cold.
4.) What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
taking a shower.
5.) What’s your favorite candy bar?
unreal pb cups (aka vegan resee’s).
6.) Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
all kinds. but the only sport i really enjoy watching is baseball.
7.) What’s the last thing you said out loud?
just me cooing nonsense at my dog about how cute she is. typical.
8.) What’s your favorite ice cream?
@ home: so delicious chocolate cookies n cream or the coconut milk chocolate ice cream from trader joe’s!
@ an ice cream shop in the real world: van leeuwen’s chocolate cookie dough crunch.
9.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
$5 chardonnay.
10.) Do you like your wallet?
yessss it’s a really cute bifold with black and white galaxies on it bc i am a space nerd. i’ve had it for at least 7 years now.
11.) What’s the last thing you ate?
lentil soup.
12.) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
i haven’t been shopping for clothes in... months. i’m not leaving the house anytime soon so don’t need to lol.
13.) What’s the last sporting event you watched?
there are reruns of old baseball games on constant loop in my house.
14.) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
movie theater butter — fun fact: the butter at theaters like regal and amc is actually vegan! which makes me so happy bc popcorn is my favorite snack.
15.) Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
my bff.
16.) Ever go camping?
no. end of discussion.
17.) Do you take vitamins?
no like multivitamins but i take iron bc i’ve been anemic basically sense birth.
18.) Do you go to church every Sunday?
no. never.
19.) Do you have a tan?
no. i don’t spend enough time outside. yikes.
20.) Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
hmmm damn, idk... pizza?
21.) Do you drink soda through a straw?
i very rarely drink soda but i don’t think i usually use a straw.
22.) What color socks do you usually wear?
white, black, grey.
23.) Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
i’m from socal... it’s generally expected that if there’s no traffic ya gotta enjoy it. 😅 65 means 78 baby!
24.) What terrifies you?
besides the world ending? a general and persistent fear of not being good enough for others.
25.) Look to your left, what to you see?
a pile of laundry that’s been sitting there for a week. double yikes.
26.) What chore do you hate the most?
d u s t i n g. 🤬
27.) What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
le hemsworth bros.
28.) What’s your favorite soda?
diet ginger ale.
29.) Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
tbh i don’t eat a lot of fast food. if it’s something like that quick service then go in.
30.) What’s your favorite number?
31.) Who’s the last person you talked to?
my dog. and before that my mom.
32.) Favorite cut of beef?
umm? none.
33.) Last song you listened to?
nina cried power by hozier ft. mavis staples.
34.) Last book you read?
dreaming in cuban by cristina garcía.
35.) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
why would i want to? next question.
36.) Favorite day of the week?
37.) How do you like your coffee?
if i drink a cup of coffee i won’t sleep and i’ll have anxiety for three days. 😂 catch me with a nice cup of earl grey or green tea only.
38.) Favorite pair of shoes?
i always have three shoes in rotation despite owning many more than that — black boots, black nikes, black sandals. and i’m good.
39.) Time you normally wake up?
usually around 9 if i’m lucky.
40.) Sunrise or sunsets?
41.) How many blankets on your bed?
none. just a bedsheet and a light comforter so i don’t get heatstroke in my sleep.
42.) Describe your kitchen plates?
white... round... that’s it?
43.) Describe your kitchen at the moment?
well it’s my mom’s kitchen atm so it’s very clean and looks like a mom kitchen.
44.) Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
wine: something dry like chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, or merlot.
beer: something like an ipa.
liquor: whiskey and ginger ale.
45.) Do you play cards?
no. no. no.
46.) What color is your car?
a very bright, shiny blue.
47.) Can you change a tire?
nope. and let’s hope i don’t have to.
48.) Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
well, i’ve been fortunate enough to visit a lot of beautiful places in the world. i love california with whole heart and nothing will ever change that. i also adore england, northern ireland, and ireland — hence my geographical research focus as a little historian in training! not only do i love to study those places but i’m always ridiculously happy when i’m there.
49.) Favorite job you’ve had?
i worked as a researcher in a national archive for a bit. i basically got to dig through boxes and boxes of documents for months and then write whatever i felt like based on what i found with very little supervision. ideal work environment for me!
50.) How did you get your biggest scar?
you can’t see it bc it’s on my head but when I was in second grade my brother threw a palm-sized, plastic hit clips boombox (if you remember those you’re a real 90s kid jfc) and i had to get a couple of stitches. I can still feel it tho. tbh we should’ve known my brother was going to become a pitcher then...
no pressure tags! @b0n-chann @auty-ren @unstoppableforcce @poesdxmerons @cryptkeepersoul @damndamer0n 💕
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