#and idk how long it’ll take me to finish this chapter lmao this game is kind of insufferable
zorostitties · 6 months
so i finally got to FS chapter 5 and to say i’m surprised is an understatement.
that’s just… not how i expected sephiroth to act at all. i figured glenn didn’t like sephiroth at first because he’d be cocky about being the leader/being stronger than them, and then they’d understand each other better and become friends.
but then - sephiroth is just quiet and sad when glenn calls him a cyborg. he doesn’t snap back at him, doesn’t get angry. his head just drops. and then i remembered that he’s, like, 14 years old here and i just felt worse.
it’s kind of obvious that sephiroth would be obedient like that - after all, that’s a guy that from birth knew he was stronger than everyone else; he could’ve just nibelheim’d his way out of shinra and hojo with ease whenever he wanted, but he didn’t. it just made me realize the level of mental abuse sephiroth went through on his formative years. he was taught to obey, to serve; he was probably discouraged from developing any personality trait, to having any voice or choice. it’s just painful to know that when sephiroth found himself, it went the worst possible way it could’ve gone.
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Hey guys! Gonna give a lil update (both a mini life update and a update for the au stuff):
Tumblr is still messed up for me (currently posting this from pc) so I’m guessing it has to do with the bells they added to the dash considering that’s when it happened, so I’m assuming it’ll be back once they take them away, but if not I might have to go to staff or something we’ll see 
Anyway I got hat game on my pc for Christmas! but it sets my laptop on fire and runs very badly lmao so I’m probably gonna see if I can get a gaming computer for my birthday so I can play it properly 
Also sorry for not being very active lately, we went on vacation but I got sick afterwards and then a big snow storm hit, so just got a bit overwhelmed from all that happening one after another lol, I’m not sick anymore thankfully but the snow is still around 
In au related news as y’all know I’ve hit some art/writing block lately, so I’ve not started on the next prologue chapter just yet but thankfully I did get the plot of it figured out in a discord call, as I had been struggling to think of how it would play out bc it’s gonna be a A B plot situation, but I finally got a way for it to work out nicely ^^ so I got a little outline of the events jotted down, just haven’t started on the actual thing yet 
So after that chapter the prologue will be finished and so things can flow into the main fic, speaking of the main fic you’d assume I’d start working on chapter 2 after finishing the prologue and you WOULD be right, but I recently decided I want to go back and edit/rewrite chapter 1 just bc my writing improved so I wanna add extra scenes or better descriptions etc etc so it’s getting a revamp but not an outright rewrite just bc that thing is way too long to redo it entirely 💀
Also on the topic of writing i kept having the issue of thinking all the chapters outside of snatchers prologue chapter (heartburn) where all not the best writing, especially compared to aforementioned snatcher chapter that had way higher writing quality, I originally just chalked it up to being in the zone™️ when writing that one, but I realized I think it MIGHT be because it’s the only one not being adapted from a comic, all the others had comic or tumblr related things tied to them, but the snatcher fic was all it had going for itself, thus it had more descriptive words or spent longer on events etc because it didn’t have anything to go off of, where as the other fics ended up accidentally feeling more akin to scripts to me in how they did descriptions, ESPECIALLY forget me not because it’s literally just word for word event for event the same as it’s comic form, not sure if I’m making sense but what I’m getting at is that I’m glad that after this next chapter we are in completely new territory! No comics or ask blog stuff is tied to any of the chapters to come, so perhaps this will mean their writing will improve because they’ll only have the words to rely on, like I said idk if this little rant was necessary I just enjoy talking about my writing process is all 
But uh yeah tldr: next fic chapter will happen eventually, after that I’m going back to redo the first main fic chapter, and sorry I didn’t get to do any holiday art but maybe I will last minute do some doodles I dunno lol, OH, and I still gotta figure out a follower milestone event bc I’m super excited about it!^^ like I said of anyone has suggestions I’d love any ideas! 
Happy holidays! :3
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I enjoy reading character analysis to understand them more and I've also noticed that some insert fics are like too exagerated and their personalities are far from the canon twst. I think some writers are just basing their fics to others and and makes conclusion about it and ignore important details or text on their cards?* And as a reader, I do sometimes think that "this" character are like that. Like Vil, being portrayed as narcisstic and beauty obssessed charac, I think he isnt like that and theres more to him than we think. Sorry for the long ask✌️
You're totally valid anon and I see your point, you know while I agree that each idea and interpretation on characters is worthy on its own and no one is bound to having a specific opinion or belief, getting too wild with personal fantasies and ignoring the originals can totally ruin the writing. Characters are often mischaracterized especially in reader insert fics and the most annoying part is that almost everyone is making the same mistakes about him-! Like some of the noticable mistakes would be:
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(1) Femininely has nothing to do with Vil's terms of beauty
Oh lord what can I say- It's even against what Vil himself directly said through chapter five and how he cleared his point on male and female equal, and you can tell he is pretty strict about it.
Like did you just forget what he told Epel when he complained that he doesn't want to act like a girl: “a boy getting embarrassed about ‘acting like a girl,’ -- what year is your head stuck in??? did you take a time machine from 100 years ago??”
He doesn't seem to be one to appreciate the concept of labeling beauty as a female-only thing and on the other hand, he doesn't really seem to like the way women can be looked down on while being compared to men either. He seeks equality, and beauty wasn't ever defined as a feminine act in his dictionary; while there are tons of requests asking for: Vil forcing their trans s/o to wear more feminine clothes/ Vil asking their fem! s/o to wear more feminine stuff an look cuter/Vil complimenting s/o's appearance for not being feminine enough/... And literally TONS of requests like this. Please, you're forgetting one the most important parts of his personality, he considers male and female to be equal and it's so hecking important to show that he holds respect for all genders nonetheless.
(2) Vil's maturity is often ignored
Honestly, within all twst characters Vil's maturity on its own really impresses me. From the way he speaks to how serious and sincere he is all I gotta say is this man is waaay different from the way he's charactetized in most of the fics. Idk why but, he's sometimes charactetized as a guy who's ready to boil you alive if you dare touch any of his expensive make up pallettes or eyeshadows. Oh please, Vil isn't an angry child.
Also he often decides to keep his anger in, though you can tell when he's mad by just looking at his face. Clinching fists, trying not to talk and most likely, walking off or asking people to leave him alone until he calms down a bit is most likely his usual way of expressing his anger, but I've seen him being described as a loud, feral figure like Riddle is! Oh god no- Are you just ignoring how calm and collected Vil often tends to be?
(3) What's with the potato fetish?
While it's canon that Vil can sometimes call people around him potato. You may like to know that in some languages, potato is translated as "Apple of the ground", which can be an interesting reason of him using this nickname for people.
Watching Vil call students potatoes can be as entertaining as watching Malleus play with his tamagotchi, but again, it's important to realize that you don't have to only use potato when you're thinking of what Vil might say in a reader insert/situation!
Come on there are hundreds of different statements and sentences you can use other than just 'potatoes' and it'll get boring to read him saying the same nick name over and over in a fic. Good lord of course this isn't the only word he uses in communication so please try to avoid using it too much. This, is NOT the only word that he knows to use! (Seriously though I've seen being used like 6 times in a 500-word drabble)
(4) Please avoid spreading false information about him and his personality
Funny how I'm saying it here, but don't forget that you do not own him! Vil Schoenheit is a property of Disney/ Aniplex and all, which means that no one can certainly decide on his sexuality/ background/ unexplained character details unless it's officially announced.
Why am I saying this? Because some people are seriously going to far! I've seen people attacking others saying that Vil's pronouns are She/Her and not He/ Him like: EXCUSE ME...???
I don't want to get into details explaining how this drama is going but I've got to say something anyway, YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE ON HIS PRONOUNS! None of us do!
It's totally okay to have your personal preferences on his pronouns or anything else, but you must avoid spreading such information and forcing them on others as long as they aren't confirmed! Please keep your headcanons for yourself and don't confuse the fandom with them. Everyone's free to have their own headcanons but it's never okay to force them on others!
(5) Vil has a LOT to talk about other than just beauty!
Man... sometimes I feel like the fandom is just doing him dirty. Most of the reader inserts, fics , and even Vil memes have something to do with beauty while it's important to try and look through his personality as well instead of just sticking with the beauty aspect.
For example, through the Halloween event, I couldn't be any more surprised when Vil found the crying child who had lost their parents through the crowd and instead of just leaving them to headmaster or asking someone to take care of them he actually started to play with the child and entertrain and confront them on his own! That was probably one of his sweetest moments through the whole game and it really changed my mind about him! It was great to know that Vil as well can have a softer side when it comes to children, just imagine how good this can be used while writing a father AU for him!
His talents on the other hand need to be recognized, for example: his acting skills back in the ghost marriage proved how much of a great actor he can be and this can also give us lots of ideas to use in writings. On the other hand he's much of a celebrity on his own ( Woop- he's also got 2m followers on magicam) which gives us another great plot to write for him.
The way he is around close friends, how he compliments them and gets complimented by them in return, the way he manages Pomefiore and tries to put the students into doing their best in using their skills and lots of more interesting details that can be found through his stories are there to tell you that he's a lot more than just a beautiful Queen. A considerable part of his background as well is going to be released at he end of chapter 5 (Yes baby after the overblot Vil) and I hope that gives us all the opportunity to come up with stronger personalities and plots next time that we're describing or even, characterizing Vil!
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Lmao I kind of rushed to finish this so I didn't get to talk about him as much as I wanted to, but hope that this is useful anyway.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Fic Writer Meme
tagged by @swtorpadawan
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
247 from fourteen different fandoms. I could bump the number a little if I remembered to crosspost my 7kpp fics xD
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
860,613 holy f*CK man
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
I’m gonna do by hits, bc I know two of the top five by kudos got hit with the stupid kudos bot and aren’t accurate :|
Third Time’s the Charm(PoE), Of Wardens and Pariahs(Dragon Age), Everything(SWtOR), Redux(SWtOR), The Basics(PoE) (you have no idea how much it pleases me that both the SWtOR ones are Tragen/Jaesa :3 my babies deserve it)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
Oh, yes! I appreciate people taking time to let me know what they think and want to thank them for that. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to replying, but I try to reply to everything.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
Ooof. Few contenders... There’s the Tragen/Jaesa one when she thinks he died on the Wild Space Expedition. Or one of the SebHawke ones for Dragon Age focused on when Astrid actually dies bc I left her in the Fade for HLtA :))) OR Following After, which is Greedfall fic, De Sardet & Constantin, so the angst is baked right there.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 
Even more contenders here, since fluff is my jam. xD I’m gonna go with a tie between The Honest Truth and Certain as the Sun, both Edér/Charity(OC) fics for Pillars of Eternity, bc one ends with a proposal and cuddling after a long run of Fake Dating/Mutual Pining(YES that was torture for me to write JUST KISS), and the other ends with their wedding, so. :D
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not really. I’ve done a couple with fictional characters coming to the real world or modern AUs, but the closest I usually come is two protags from the same game sharing a universe (AJ and Kira being Wayhaven flatmates and bffs, Harvey and Trinne both getting recruited in OWaP)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Not for my writing. I get a few of the backhand “I usually hate Sebastian but he’s cute when you write him :D’ comments on my Sebhawke fics, and and someone once spent half their comment on an OWaP chapter mentioning how they hate Carver bc I gave him a cameo. xD
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Noooo. I’ll do the lead up(Keme/Jorgan are especially fond of that), but I always ftb for the sex and then cut back.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not as far as I know
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Nope. (Anyone ever wants to, they’re welcome to, and I’m honored)
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Of Wardens and Pariahs 
13. What’s your all time favourite ship? 
Harvey/Trinne, no contest (I love my other ships an awful lot, but those two are just /clenches fist AAAAAHHHHHHHHH)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? 
The Brykar longfic, lmao. I keep saying THIS YEAR I’LL DO IT and then other things come up and I don’t. I still want to write it bc it’s a COOL IDEA but idk if it’ll ever happen
15. What are your writing strengths?
Banter and combat scenes, my beloveds.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Arguments and anything that would give me secondhand embarrassment to write xD
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 
I used to do it a lot in my Dragon Age stuff, but now I tend more on the side of just doing a word or two that can easily be picked up from context.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Knights of the Old Republic
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet, but want to? 
mmmm, I think I’ve written for all fandoms ones I want to. Ships... I’m always adding new ones, lmao 
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
All of them. xD I kid, but I really can’t pick a favorite bc I just love so many of them. I will say Unmerited and Taking Initiative were the first things to pop in my head when I saw the question, and The Honest Truth wasn’t far behind. (I’m also really, really proud of With Undue Malice, since it’s a character study of an OC who is not 100% a Nice Person. Which is what you get with a Ruthless/Colonist Shepard in Mass Effect, I guess)
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
fav fic titles
[Rules: List your 20 favorite fic titles, whether they're story titles or chapter titles!  They can be funny, creative, eye-catching, whatever makes them your best.  :)  If you don't have 20 favorites, or don't have 20 stories, just do however many you want!]
tagged by @impossiblepluto and believe or not, 237 fics and I really don’t have many.
1) Half Past Midnight - my first re-emergence into writing and publishing CSI fic after many, many years (though honestly I don’t count a lot of my teenage stuff cause it was hot garbage anyway) and I didn’t actually even notice until I think I posted the first or second chapter that technically, when the team is watching the feed for the first time, it is a little half past midnight so. that was just cool to sort of subconsciously gather lmao
2) The All In series: Atrophy, Agony, Augury - Alliteration, pure and simple lmao very satisfying and esp in my most recent graphic series for it. It’s all about that Suffering
3) Agony Ch. 26: Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve - The longest I’ve written for any of my multi-chaps to date, this chapter means a lot to me on so many levels and I feel like it’s title is due in part to my own bout of agony going on with some pretty severe depression so. Yay self projection
4) Specimen Stokes & its chapter titles - Even before the shrinking twist I was giddy about dubbing Nick a “specimen” just for the like. idk, human experimentation aspect and because he’s super hot. The chapter titles are all composed of things you’d find in a lab which has actually started to become a little tricky for me (and I super want to name this one chapter “Feed My Frankenstein” but it’ll break the trend lol) but I had a dream recently about a chapter called “scissors” and I know exactly what would happen in it. Whether that’ll be this story or the sequel, I’m stoked.
5) First Flight - It originally had a double meaning but I scrapped half of the fic’s plot for reasons but recently I figured out how to restore that double meaning with a brand new twist that wasn’t necessarily gonna happen. I also have a tentative chapter called “no cake in the breakroom” that’s gonna be the most angsty, gut wrenching thing I ever write and I’m weirdly excited for it
6) Finder’s Fee - Out of all of my episode-related titles I actually think I like this one the most? and by that I mean where I either twist the name of the episode (i.e, Assume Nothing > Everything Assumed) or take a line from the episode as the title. This was another “means a lot to me” fic too (coughSelfProjectioncough)
7) For Your Viewing Pleasure - Okay this was another episode related one and I just like it cause it was a super underrated creepy ass line in Grave Danger and I wrote an entire fic about it in a week. out of nowhere.
8) Last Breath & its chapter titles - Mostly composed of song titles, I tried to choose things that would kinda give a clue/set the tone for the chapter. I’m a sucker for Evanescence’s knack for angst in their lyrics lmao
9) Hollow Heart & its chapter titles (specifically “The Rescue”) - My first lemon fic! Angsty lemon!!!! Really kinda harder on the angst than the lemon aspect esp since I’m (still) not that good at writing smut but! I thought it turned out pretty good.
10) Stone Heart - Grave Danger AU, so naturally love it because of that, but it’s a reference to the lyrics of Outside Chance and something I actually want to get tattoo’d some day (I’m thinking a tattoo of the tape recorder, a pair of glow sticks, and a ribbon that reads “stone heart” on it)
I swear I do actually love more of my fic titles but these were the ones that resonate with me right now.
Also bonus, some titles of unreleased fics (subject to change) mainly just an excuse to gush over my WIPs that I actually have a name for cause otherwise I legit have documents titled “shock waves word vomit” or “attempt at writing word vomit hospital meat jekyll shit::
Bonus #1 The Violence in the Pouring Rain - Nick/Naomi (OC), one of my favorite uses of lyrics from Halsey’s “Hurricane” cause yeah. They’re trapped in a hurricane. Also a dream fic.
Bonus #2 Augury Ch. 1, I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight - I’m gonna be taking a real dangerous leap with this chapter into a territory I’ve never written before and feel a little idk not uncomfortable but just. worried about doing BUT...I feel like it’s gonna be one of my best in terms of build up and action and how the chapter ends. (and if you’ll notice, I used that song for the “trailer” I made even though I gotta finish Agony first LMAO)
Bonus #3 The Pancho Problem/The Sanders Solution - The Pancho Problem was one of the earlier CSI fics I posted when I started publishing in 2018/2019 but unfortunately I had a moment of weakness and deleted what I had going for it. I do want to revisit it one day and re-work what I thought was wrong and one of my chapter titles for the Pancho Problem was “The Girl with the Flower Tattoo” which at the time, I thought was fucking amazing.
Bonus #4 The Beast You Made of Me: More Nick in captivity, but think of The Most Dangerous Game for the human hunting aspect, and idk other creepy shit like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for torture. Basically I’m gonna make Nick into a feral human beast by the end of it. With long hair and a scraggly beard. And literal shit thrown at him. Eventually finds his way home after a full on YEAR to find out...he doesn’t have one anymore.
Bonus #5 The Day the World Went Away: The assclowns haunted mansion fic I promised for years lmao. Combining inspiration from Twin Peaks, Silent Hill and my own dreams, I hope it ends up being done in time for this year’s Halloween lmao (or earlier)
Bonus #6 Nick + Jack + Nick: DaltonStokes + Nick Corelli. Cause we need to give Nick Corelli some love dammit.
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1! pls!
Hi!! I’m sorry I talk way too much!! (its really easy to see why I can write so much, hey)
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
okay, so I’ve got 3 current projects posted on ao3:
everything you hoped for - okay so there’s like two times in the first game when Joel asks Ellie “is this everything you hoped for?” (downtown area before they lose Tess, and near the giraffe bit before the Fireflies). This fic is like........ everything Ellie didn’t know she could hope for? The cure working, a good relationship with Joel, room to be a kid, having fun, growing, hanging out, smoking some pot, making friends, being in a loving relationship. 
what’s it about: the Fireflies didn’t immediately suck, the cure is a thing and Ellie spends four years in Salt Lake. Ellie and Abby move to Jackson at the start of the fic, it’s from Dina’s perspective as she (openly) pines, and it’s about Dina and Ellie and their wider group of friends
how’s progress: well they’ve kissed so I can officially say I’m 2/5 of the way into the plot. I actively enjoy writing it and we’ll about to get to some scenes that I wrote literally in August cause I was so excited about this part of the fic
what do you love most about it: lmao the first 2000 words of chapter 10. highlight. that’s the fic’s energy right there. and it should hopefully hopefully not take me that long to finish the chapter and get it to you for you to understand. although to be clear, highlight of the fic are the dynamics between the main four women (especially Dina & Abby, and Cat & Ellie, don’t @ me)
mocha for ellie - relatively standard and short Ellie/Dina coffeeshop au, I need to go and re-work the final chapter a bit, I think my problem is that this fic literally started at the end. Like my entirely idea was focused on the end bit and I’ve been doing my best to stress how fixated Dina is on Ellie’s tattoo but my actual idea was silly and idk how to show it properly? Anyway, it’ll be right. Can’t really fuck up a coffee shop au, right? the thing I love most about it is literally the thing I’m having the problem with lol 
left with rust - Ellie-centric fic that follows Ellie’s journey to and through Seattle with Tommy. It’s a half-AU where Dina’s pregnancy was further along and both she and Jesse never leave Jackson. ok ok the best thing about this fic is its sequel lmao. I’m not joking. My original idea was the sequel - i.e. an Ellie returns to Jackson fic but Seattle went wildly differently. And Ellie returns (without all the travelling time and build up of her relationship with Dina) and her and Dina are still like early days. Like Ellie isn’t actually certain where she stands, kinda doesn’t take Dina at her word and assumes she’ll be back with Jesse (and she obviously isn’t). So it’s about Ellie and Dina getting together post-Seattle when Ellie is a bit different and Dina is like 6 months pregnant. But then I made so many changes in Seattle which fundamentally change Ellie and was like.... oh no..... this is a sequel and I should probably show Seattle now. (this is my original third story idea if you’ve been hovering around for a bit, got majorly sidetracked after waiting for dawn)
fic asks - fun meta asks for writers
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stevethehairington · 4 years
Tagged by: the lovely @scimitar-and-longsword  💕💕
Name(s): my name is Mack, and if this also includes like usernames too then my ao3 is macksdramaticshenanigans and obviously yall can see my tumblr url lol. i have a fandom twitter but i hate twitter so i barely go on it lmao.
Fandom(s): oh boy haha this is a loooong list. as of right now, the main fandoms i’m involved in are The Old Guard and Trust FX, but in the past i’ve written for Skam, Marvel, Good Omens, Love Simon/Simon vs., Shameless, and IT. and ofc there are some fandoms i have not written for that i casually enjoy as well.
Where you post: all my fics are posted on ao3! or are sitting in my wips folder lol. i’ve ocsasionally posted some snippets of writing here to tumblr, but none of those are like full on, proper fics, mostly just me rambling off some thoughts i had about whatever characters in whatever scenarios
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Imagine Being Loved By Me (918 kudos) ((so close to 1k holy shit!!!! if it got to 1k i think i’d actually die of happiness omg)) this is my Good Omens smut fic lmfao, crowley is fantasizing and aziraphale makes it a reality skgjsd. i’m actually pretty damn pleased with how this one turned out, and i never expected it to get that many kudos so that makes me ridiculously happy sfjgfg. (and also podfixx made a podfic of this fic which made me INSANELY happy like that is the coolest thing ever)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): I Have Hella Feelings For You (697 kudos) ahhh this one!! this one is actually my very first ever chaptered fic!! it’s a skam fic, and i have the most distinctive memory of me sititng in my dorm bed freshman year of college, furiously typing away at my laptop everyday for a week because i somehow managed to post a chapter every day until it was finished, which meant i was writing a new chapter everyday. like damn, i really peaked with that huh? lmao
Favorite story you’ve written so far: ahh okay not to like. toot my own horn kgfldg but this question is HARD bc i have a lot of favorites. i’m going to pick a favorite from each of my main fandoms i’ve written for because i’m an Indecisive Hoe okay fdjdf.
- From Marvel: Just Called To Say I Love You this one is my wrong number stucky fic and i actually adore this one so much, and also it actually ended up being WAY more popular than i expected it to? like i was lowkey shook by how many people liked it 
- From Skam: If You Love Me, If You Hate Me so. about this one. it’s probably my favorite skam fic that i’ve written. but. it also is the utter bane of my existence bc this is the one and only fic i have ever written and posted that i haven’t fnished gskgjfdlfs. it’s going on soon to be a little over 2 years of sitting on my account as an unfinished wip, but i REFUSE to mark it as abandoned bc i really genuienly DO want to finish it, i just havent written for this fandom in a while and inspiration/motivation is tricky yknow? but anyways. this fic is my soccer au!! it was a gift for a secret santa exchange i believe to a dear friend of mine and i still feel awful that i never finished it but. one day!!
- From Love Simon/Simon vs.: Where I Like You Best i am actually obsessed with this one. is that weird to say about your own fic? i enjoy reading a good soulmate au, but writing them has always been SO daunting to me bc i never feel like my ideas are original enough or like things that havent been done a lot for that trope. but for this one!!! omg i found the BEST prompt for it and it fit these characters SO well and i wrote it and i ended up absolutely loving how it turned out, and i was so proud of myself for writing a pretty successful soulmate au.
- From Shameless: Wooden Floors, Walls, and Window Sills so this one was my second ever gallavich fic, and it’s probably my favorite because i think it’s the best characterization i got of them in all of my fics, and good characterization is one of the most important things to me when i write fic. 
- From IT: To What We Might Do is my favorite reddie fic i’ve written! i definitely projected onto richie a teeny tiny bit in it for some parts lmfao, but yeah idk i just love how this one turned out a whole lot, and i enjoyed how i ended it too (esp since endings can be very difficult for me lol). ((BUT also a special shoutout to my fic Imagine Me and You, I Do bc that one is just pure fluff and i adore the concept of someone being just so absolutely in love with someone doing something so incredibly simple and it just rocks their world)
- From Good Omens: I Want To Know What Love Is (did i use the most cheesy title ever? absolutely. do i love it? absolutely.) anyways this fic is one where crowley the demon experiences love and promptly thinks he’s dying. 
Fic you were nervous to post: ooh, i mean i’m always pretty anxious about any fic i post because i never know if it’s going to be recepted well or if people are going to like it or hate it or if anyone is even going to read it or repsond to it. especially if the fic is a gift for someone, because i just really want that person to like it yknow? but yeah idk if theres one in particular i was more nervous to post than any others... i guess maybe any smut fic? just bc i never know if the smut is even any good lol
How do you choose your titles?: eaaaaasy, i usually pick song lyrics lol, ocassionally i’ve used lines from a poem, and a few times i’ve gone with a pun, but mostly it’s song lyrics. i usually find a song with lyrics that i think will fit, or if there’s a particular song that vibes well with the fic or that i listened to repeatedly while writing the fic i’ll try to pick the best lyric from that one.
Do you outline?: yes and no lol. it honestly depends. sometimes i outline extensively, but other times i just sit in front of a doc and let whatever happens happen.
Complete: on my ao3 account i have 80 works completed (will be 81 once i finally finish that one single unfinished wip i have posted gahhh). but i know in my wips folder i have a at least one finished fic that i have not and probably will not post. there are also some other things in my wips folder that like technically could be conisdered finished too, but it’s not up to my posting standards so until i fix it so it is it’ll just sit there lol.
In-Progress: honestly there are too many to count lol. i have a shiiiiiit ton of wips (as yall will know if you saw that one ‘tell us about ALL your wips’ tag game post that was going around that i did lol). 
Coming soon/not yet started: tbh see above answer bc it’s pretty much the same lol. 
Prompts?: so the thing about prompts is that i would LOVE to take them, but it’s very very tricky bc i’m a super specific kind of gal and if i don’t vibe with the prompt it’s very difficult for me to write anything for it. but then there’s also the fact that inspiration/motivation are fickle bitches and they come and go as they please and so taking prompts is hard bc i never know if the stars will align and all that jazz for me to be in the ~ right mood ~ to work on a prompt. this is the exact reason why i have SO MANY sitting in my inbox right now, and i feel so bad for just letting them sit there but ughhh brain function?? how?? lol
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: sooooo i don’t necessarily have any specific works in progress right now (i’ve been so busy lately that writing has been the last thing on my mind and so i haven’t touched anything in weeks) but. i guess if i can ever get my shit together and finish the primo fic i’m close to finishing i’m pretty excited to post that! or honestly if i can actually get myself to finish any of the tog wips i have i’d be suuuper excited to post any of those bc i have not yet posted any tog fics!!
anways!! if you made it to this point thanks for sticking w me and reading through my long winded rambly answers lmao
Tagging: @peachykoya @wandering-scholar-lad @raynertodd @cluelessheroes @pinesboi @thewolvesrunwild @1derspark 
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riskeith · 4 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don���t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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aroworlds · 6 years
Aro-Spec Artist Profile: Alex
Today I have the delight of introducing Alex, better known to aro-spec Tumblr as @arotaro and @mutant-jojos!
Alex is a bisexual, half-Puerto Rican multi-disciplinary aromantic artist and creative with severe ADHD. You’ll find her prolific fanworks on AO3 as EmeraldTrash666, writing primarily for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fandom. Her bold, colourful art for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hetalia, Pokemon and Vocaloid fandoms is also available on Redbubble under the name StellaHagane.
She writes, she creates digital art and she dabbles in music, sewing and fashion design, single-handedly proving that there’s no such thing as too much creative awesome for any one aromantic!
With us Alex talks about finding the word aro, the power of fandom and creative fanworks, her love of aro Jotaro, the challenges of creating with ADHD, the struggles of being an aro gen writer in fandom and the importance of expressing our aro headcanons. Everything she says is absolutely on point, so please let’s give her all our love, encouragement, gratitude, kudos and follows for taking the time to explore what it is to be aromantic and creative.
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Can you share with us your story in being aro-spec?
I guess in some ways my “story” starts out pretty typical. Got older, kept waiting for my First Crush™, never got it, started worrying and trying to force myself to develop crushes. I actually was in a relationship with another girl on a forum I was part of as a teenager, but eventually I realized that I didn’t really like her romantically, and the relationship started to become really unpleasant for me. I eventually felt so miserable that I didn’t even want to talk at her at all, even though we were close friends, but I didn’t want to break up with her - partly because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, partly because we were everyone’s “OTP” and I didn’t want my friends to hate me for ruining that. But eventually I did break up with her, and I’m happy to say she took it with grace and we’re still close friends today! (She’s ace and a great writer/artist herself, too!)
I was part of a very nice LGBTQ+ group as a teenager, but I could never figure out my identity. I felt really ashamed and alone. Whenever I brought up how messed up I felt because I’d never had a crush on anyone, everyone was like, “Oh, sounds like you must be asexual!”, but I knew I wasn’t, and that was the worst part. Even though I knew aromanticism was a thing, nobody ever talked about it. It was only ever in the context of aroaces, so I didn’t know I was aro. I thought I must have had some sort of mental illness or something, but certainly not a legitimate orientation, nothing to be proud of like everyone else.
During that time, I found myself connecting on a deep emotional level to characters like Alphonse Elric, Fujiwara no Sai, the X-Men in general (although I’ve been an X-Men fan since I was literally a baby), basically anyone who was somehow “different” from the rest of humanity, even though I never understood why, since I was a fairly privileged kid who had never experienced much bullying or anything. Weirdly enough, it was Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure that helped me realize I was aro and come to terms with it; I saw an interview with Hirohiko Araki, the author of JJBA, where he was asked what type of girls Jotaro Kujo likes, and replied that he didn’t think Jotaro liked girls. The obvious interpretation would be that Jotaro’s gay, but somehow, one way or another, I decided to go with the idea that Jotaro’s aromantic. Jotaro also happened to be a character I really related to for reasons I couldn’t quite articulate, so around the time I was 18 I put two and two together and was like ... oh shit…
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Please click keep reading to continue Alex’s story!
Can you share with us the story behind your creativity?
I’ve always been weird in the way I’m very creative, but tend to kinda bounce around from hobby to hobby. Other people draw, or write, or sing, while I draw for a month, and then write for a month and sew for a week and play video games for a week, and then I draw some more, and then I try out something completely new, and then I write again. I think it must be an ADHD thing, idk. In any case, I’ve just always been really passionate about making stuff, whatever that stuff happens to be.
I’ve also always been very much fandom-oriented. Ever since I was a toddler, I used to dictate fanfiction to my mom (back then it usually involved Winnie the Pooh, the Powerpuff Girls, Godzilla, and my dog). I mostly draw fanart. I find that I’m not really capable of writing original stories, but I’m great at getting fanfics in character, and I love writing them. I love taking stories I already love and reinterpreting them, seeing what it would be like if the characters were put into different situations, etc.
Because of my ADHD, I really struggle with actually finishing things. I try really really hard, I really do, and I’ve been trying to push myself even harder these past few years. I’ve made progress, but it’s still extremely difficult, so I’m very sorry for all the projects I’ve abandoned over the years. Sorry I still haven’t finished the fic that was supposed to be done in early March. I’m trying, really. I promise I’m working on the next chapter of BLaD, too.
Are there any particular ways your aro-spec experience is expressed in your art?
Of course, pretty much everything I write is gen. Even if I include romantic relationships in my fics, I never write about romance, just stories which also happen to include some characters who might be dating someone. And obviously I always write Jotaro as aro! That’s really important to me. No matter which AU I’m writing, he’s always aro. (And autistic, but that’s off topic.)
I’m also not really into shipping because of my romance repulsion, but I ship Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli. The thing is … I’ve always viewed it as a unique relationship, sort of difficult to define as being strictly romantic or platonic or sexual, just kind of their own thing that defies words. That’s how I’ve always written it. I had the sudden realization recently that this strange view on the only ship I really actually like (at the moment, anyway) is probably due to my being aro, lmao.
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What challenges do you face as an aro-spec artist?
People don’t read gen fics, and people aren’t interested in aro stories. That’s just the way it is. I do have some dedicated readers, whom I love deeply, but in general… I could post something with a deep plot, something funny and dramatic and witty and touching, something I poured my heart and soul into for months, and it’ll get very few hits/comments/kudos, while someone else could post the same generic 2,000-word romance fic everyone’s seen a dozen times over, with no editing or anything, and get twice the amount of traffic my fics do in half the time. It’s really crushing.
How do you connect to the aro-spec and a-spec communities as an aro-spec person?
I dunno… The aro community feels so small. Online, I have a small circle of aro mutuals who all kind of vent collectively, and I’m part of Arocalypse and a few aro/aspec Discord servers, but I still feel like there isn’t really much of a larger community to be part of in the same way that there is for other orientations. Offline, I’ve never met another aro, or even anyone who actually knows what aromanticism is prior to me explaining it to them.
I also don’t feel like there’s a very unified “aspec community”. As an allo aro, I feel very rejected by the ace community - not to say that I feel like I should be part of the ace community, since I’m not ace, but I feel like they throw aros under the bus a lot. I mean, we’ve all seen the “asexuals can feel love, just like anybody else! … oh, except for aroaces, I guess. But the rest of us are normal, so you should accept us!” rhetoric. Both within and outside the aspec communities, aros are rarely treated with the same priority as aces, even though we’re arguably in a much more difficult position than your average allo ace.
That being said, I’m glad there is an aro community at all. I don’t know where I’d be now if I were still questioning. Probably not in a very good place.
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How do you connect to your creative community as an aro-spec person?
As I mentioned, there’s a general lack of interest in gen fics or sympathy for romance-repulsed people in general. It’s really difficult being romance repulsed in fandom spaces, because nobody cares about anything other than ships. There are very few gen fics, and even less that are a decent length, not abandoned, or cater to my specific interests, so I have to write my own. I don’t often have anything good to read; most of the big fics, the ones with cool plots and long word counts and ongoing updates, are ship fics. If I’m lucky, maybe two gen fics will be posted in one week, and maybe one of them will be longer than a few thousand words. Maybe one might even have my favorite characters. But usually genfics are few and far between, and kind of random in terms of what you’ll get. Sometimes I get so bored that I read ship fics anyway, and then I always wind up feeling really awful afterwards.
I’ve written, over the course of the past two years alone, over 20 gen fics. But whenever I vent that sometimes I’d like to actually get to read something, I always get someone telling me, “Well if you want gen fics, write some yourself! You have to make the change! You can’t demand people write stuff for you!” And of course, at the same time it’s totally acceptable to request ship fics from your favorite author, and if you complain that there aren’t enough fics for your rarepair, it’s seen as relatable and totally valid.
Fandom is just … really, really amatonormative, tbh. I hate it. I’m trying to make a difference (I did organize Gen Jojo Week along with my friend Rachel last year, and hopefully will again this year), but there’s only so much I can do.
How can the aro-spec community best help you as a creative?
Aside from reblogging my art and promoting my fics? Talk about stuff. Talk about aro stuff in fandom. Seriously! I know it seems obvious that aro people would like aro headcanons and gen fics and all that, but we need to talk about them more. Nobody outside the community gives enough of a shit about us to have aro headcanons, so let’s get them popular. Talk about your favorite aro headcanons. Talk about your favorite gen fics. Talk about how such-and-such character is totally aro; talk about how excited you are to see aro characters in fics. My dream is for aro headcanons to become just as common and popular as any other type of headcanon.
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Can you share with us something about your current project?
This is old news to most of the people who already know me, but my current big project that I’ve been working on for several years now is Between Life and Death, a drama/horror/supernatural JJBA fic.
The plot of the fic is that Dio wins at the end of Stardust Crusaders, and after realizing that he has no hobbies other than harassing the Joestars, he decides to bring Jonathan back by sticking his head (which… we’ll just assume Dio preserved for plot purposes) onto Jotaro’s body. Obviously, Jonathan is NOT happy with this arrangement, but it also turns out that Jotaro’s still alive, just not in control of his body. He can still use his stand, so he essentially uses Star Platinum as a sort of proxy for interacting with the environment around him, even though he only comes out when Jonathan’s alone since he doesn’t want Dio to know he’s alive.
Basically, it’s the story of a depressed vampire and a traumatized ghost. It’s a very introspective fic; most of the story consists of conflicts between Dio and Jonathan, and Jonathan and Jotaro struggling to come to terms with their new existences - Jonathan being unable to reconcile vampirism with his personal morals, and Jotaro having one hell of an identity crisis while also mourning the deaths of his friends and family. The plot is picking up, though, and there is an end goal in mind, as well as an eventual sequel!
As for where the story-in-progress is at right now … well, the next “stage” of the plot is hamon training for Kakyoin and Avdol, which will be fun. This chapter also includes several dream sequences, including an extended appearance by Mary Joestar (Jonathan’s mom), and a very serious and dark scene which I almost ruined by having dream!Will Zeppeli refer to Jonathan as his padawan. Yeah.
Have you any forthcoming works we should look forward to?
As mentioned, I’m working on chapter 9 of Between Life and Death! And working on and off on some stuff for the mutants AU. Most recently, on a whim I rewrote the lyrics to Handbeat Clocktower by MOTHY to be about Jonathan Joestar. Somehow this went far enough that I’m making an actual UTAU rendition of this “parody”, and hopefully it’ll be done sometime in the next few weeks. I’m really having fun with it and I hope people like it!
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fyodorscenarios · 7 years
Tagged by @yokohamastraydogs . Thank you!
Tag game under the cut cause it’s kinda long:
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
No one had this url yet so it was kinda the obvious choice based on what I was planning on posting. It doesn’t get more straightforward than this kids. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
I didn’t take Wattpad into account because I’m lazy. The most I have on Tumblr is 42 notes on this one. Kinda surprising since I usually get 10-20 something notes on most stuff here. This scenario is an outlier lol. 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
I don’t use AO3 much and I don’t even think my account had an icon. 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I appreciate all the comments I get, so I don’t think I really have any favourite people who do so. 
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I mostly just go back and read Fyodor related scenarios that are actually decent. They’re in short supply. 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
None lol, even when I used AO3 regularly I never did anything like that.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
I mostly like writing AUs based on other fictional media I really like. Usually films, but I also have that Crime & Punishment AU. 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
I have 451 followers right now. 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I can’t really think of anything off the top of my head. I mean I do have some fucked up smut ideas but I can’t write smut for shit even if it’s vanilla. 
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I’d like to get better at writing smut, and just in general writing actions because I think that’s a major problem of mine. I also need to get better at replying to comments because I never know what to say to people. Of course it would also be nice if I was able to update more frequently. 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I don’t write ships...
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
15. Seems like a lot but I only write scenarios. I’ve never written a full story with chapters because I have commitment issues. At the most I’ve only done a sequel type thing. 
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I have a list of a bunch of ideas. If an idea gets big enough and I feel the need to write it, I’ll write down all the stuff I can think of for it in a document. 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
16. How did you discover AO3?
Probably when I was looking for fanfiction in 2013. I won’t mention the fandom because I kinda regret being into it now. I read a lot of things I shouldn’t have read at 14.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
No lmao. Fyodor’s not a super popular character as it is. I feel like I’m probably well known enough for my liking though. 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
No. I’m not that corny lol
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Ummm, idk? I do like novels but idk if any of them ever inspired me to write all that much. I’ve never really written a decent original story because in all honesty I don’t care much about that. I write this stupid fanfiction as wish fulfillment for myself because nobody would do it for me at the time. 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Practice a lot, read a lot. I say read because it’ll help broaden your horizons, vocabulary, and give you ideas on styles to experiment with. You’ll likely also get a lot of inspiration from a good book, so don’t only read fanfiction. 
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Sometimes I just have a rough idea and start from there. In other cases I have most of what I want to happen written out and I just have to connect all of the pieces. Usually when it’s the latter though a lot ends up changing as I write. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
I don’t think I’ve had a bad comment before. The worst I’ve gotten is someone asking about the logic I used once, and I replied with what I actually meant. They were nice about it though originally and understood where I was coming from after I informed them. I’ve also had people point out a pun I accidentally made once, it kinda detracted from the seriousness of the story so looking back on it I feel like a dumbass. 
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Anything involving describing movement in all honesty. It’s at the point where I’d rather just only write dialogue, I love dialogue. 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Just working on requests. I also have some ongoing one shots I thought of myself that I might finish eventually. 
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Yeah. I just write what I’m in the mood for sometimes, so there’s a few things that only have a page written or haven’t been touched in ages. 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
No. I’m really busy so I usually just write whenever I have free time and feel like it. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Yeah, for sure. I’m not sure if it’s by much but I do see it. 
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Hmm, not sure. Though I like my angst more than anything else usually.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
I’m not really a big fan of the first one I wrote, since it’s mediocre. I’m also not super into the high school AU I did a little bit after that. 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I don’t plan on writing for my career and I don’t see myself continuing to write fanfic for that long. By then at most I’d probably be writing papers for grad school or writing a report for my job.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Dialogue -- for me at least. 
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Describing movement and actions.
33. Why do you write?
It’s something to do with my free time. It’s also partially for wish fulfillment. 
Most people have probably be tagged already and I need to get back to studying now... 
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elizabethschoices · 7 years
The Freshman, Book 4, Chapter Four: My Thoughts
So like, why bring luggage in the place if you were just gonna leave the next day? Seriously, save the arm work and just grab a few clothes to wear to bed and then to get dressed in the next morning. I’m either efficient or lazy.
So we’re going to go to a club, and apparently we gotta get there early because it fills up fast. Chris says we just had lunch, but then James explains that it’s in Manhattan, which is two hours away, more with traffic. Which means we gotta go now.
Someone texted James, and he got all frowny-faced. Who is it? Is it Yasmin? Some other chick? MOFO WE JUST BROKE UP LIKE?!?!
It’s his friend Teddy (Let’s have a game on the Teddy Picker) and apparently ol’ boy is trying to make it big in comedy. He invited James to open mic night. Apparently James has to rain check for poor timing. And I’m sitting here like bruh, fuck the club let’s go have a laugh.
I’m up for some comedy. Aww, Chris mentioned Tyler. I miss him! He’s always been a sweetie and a good friend. I wonder how he and Abbie are? Hopefully the exact opposite of Zack and Brandon.
Yay, we’re gonna go see a show! I’d much rather go to stand-up than some stupid club that’ll be jam-packed with too many people.
By the time we get to Soho, it’s late afternoon and walking through the streets. Judging by how Zig and Zack (lmao alliteration buddies) are talking about how casually everyone is dressed, I sense a premium clothing option coming up. Yaaay.
So we get to the club and apparently it’s some kind of secret shit because James knocked and then a god damn eye slit opens up. They want a password.
Hello, The Freshman, allow me to introduce you to some bullshit trope we used in Rules of Engagement.
Whatever. Now we’re in the club and Teddy is on stage now. He was kinda hot until I lifted my iPad up a bit and actually looked at him.
Also, I don’t care what your joke is. If it ends with the punchline being ‘floundered’ then your joke isn’t fucking funny. Oh god is this guy gonna flop? Are we gonna have to act like we think he’s hilarious?
Apparently Teddy is actually pretty funny. I’ll believe it when I see it.
This game stresses me out sometimes. So we ditched a club for a comedy show and missed his show? Or did he finish it out and we got to see the rest? I’m lost and a detail-oriented person, Pixelberry.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of yours, Theodore.
So if we’re good friends of James, what is Teddy? Absolutely none of these options, that’s what. Whatever, I’m single so I’ll flirt. He’s *shudders* easy on the eyes.
Yeah, no, I take it back. He’s not hot and he’s damn sure not funny. His jokes are old and stale, and I can’t actually hear his delivery so it’s technically not applicable, but in my head that sucks too. He’s a god damned Amy Schumer.
I like him more when he’s not trying to be funny. We shake hands and then he squeezes into the booth. Together we all watch other stand-up artists perform, and then the emcee asks if anyone else wants to perform.
MC volunteers Zack (heh puns sort of whatever Tyler would appreciate it) who says he’s not that funny. I think he’s pretty humorous. Zig is probably funnier though, tbh. But Vasquez gets top marks.
(“Top marks for not tryin’!”)
Chris is such a Mary Sue, omg. Knock everyone’s socks off? Who says that? Ngl, probably me at some point.
God dammit MC I can’t be funny on command. I’m just a salty bitch. Oh fuck I brought the joke book no. This dumbass thinks a fucking joke book will woo the crowd who came for funny shit, not stupid, unoriginal stuff THAT SOMEBODY ELSE CAME UP WITH AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS. I hate my MC.
Ohh, roasting. My area.
I. Love. Zig.
The group is okay with it so we head onto the stage. Thank fuck she’s not gonna read out jokes from the book. I’d have deleted the app, s2g.
Yet implies we’ll be roasting ourselves. Well that’s no fun, having self-awareness. Breaks up her narrative without actually developing the character!
They say intelligent people have a hard time finding love. They say the same thing about assholes.
We’re gonna roast Zig because I’m sure there won’t be any ties to my failed relationship with James because that’d just be too hard.
Someone should pull MC off the stage because this is not funny at all. Ever noticed that when you try to do humor, you aren’t funny? But when you’re not, you can be hilarious?
Jfc so what you’re the Deborah of the group also what happens if you’ve named your MC Deborah? #NotAllDeborahs
I wear low-riding jeans, thank you very much.
Not funny, 0/10, thumbs down, DO. NOT. RECOMMEND.
Zack decides he’ll get on stage and I hope he’s actually funny. I don’t have high hopes. It’ll probably turn into a meltdown about Brandon and the single life.
Sad music and talk about being single already. Fucking A, man. Hopefully it perks up.
No audience would say 'tell me about it’ about this shit, you cannot fucking play me Pixelberry.
I gotta lay off Louis C.K.
Zack has probably from the minute we met him been all about Brandon. What does he actually like? Idfk. Outside of Brandon, who is he? His entire story arc seems to revolve around crushing on Brandon, being in a relationship with him, struggling with long-distance with him, and then finally missing him post-breakup. I’m ready for a change, Zack.
Also, I came for comedy, not for Slam Poetry.
I hate this book.
Can it end? Please?
Do I want to go to Club Fuse? No, I want the chapter to end.
Is Teddy seriously trying to give us tips? Or wanting to collaborate? Or an experienced guy wanting to get some tips from two people who don’t know the field? Idk anymore, man. This has turned into some Full House type shit.
MC spots a red pantsuit and lmao Hillary Clinton, 2k16. Kaitlyn is calling us now. Honestly, despite previously not liking her all that much because of Book 3, I’ve cooled off a bit. She’s pretty cool for the most part. And I think this book would be ten times better with her in it full-time. We’ll see what happens when we get to her.
Again, wtf was the point? We got her approval on the outfit that I’m not going to buy, big fucking whoop. No new information was presented. No drama bombs. Absolutely nothing to forward the story in any way. This is all just filler content. This is just a bullshit story for money and not for the sake of telling a god damned story. I’m legit considering not reading this book any longer. But I need diamonds, so I’ll do it anyway. Doesn’t mean I’ll waste my time reviewing it.
We’re sticking to our old clothes.
I’m ready for this chapter to be over. I’m not even trying anymore. Ugh.
We get to the club and flirt with Teddy a bit, he bullshits with Zack. Asks for roasting tips. Hm. I am pretty fucking good at it.
He leaves. Another pointless conversation. MC says he’s into Zack? Good god shoot me. Teddy was screaming 'fuck me MC’ but nooo, we’re gonna turn it on Zack because why the fuck not, not like my MC is single, right?
I hate, hate, hate this book.
It’s great 'cause he’s fucking friendly, idk.
Also, MC, fuck off. He’s heartbroken still about Brandon so stop pushing him to someone else. He needs to fucking heal and he can’t do that by just “moving on” all of a sudden.
Zack says Teddy is into us. Fucking obviously. And of course this moron is gonna say he’s into both. I truly hate my MC. The boys come back with drinks. Fucking give me twenty, I wanna die.
And now we get the 'Zig is bi’ drop which would be fine if we weren’t talking about Teddy who is not fucking hot.
MC wants to go dance. Fall down and get trampled then, bitch. Ugh. I am so salty right now. Sorrynotsorry.
I am not wasting diamonds on Teddy. Let someone else grab him, idgaf. And great, throw Zig at some one-off character instead of me, someone who is single and also the main character.
Zack starts panicking because there are too many people and didn’t he happily go mosh last book? Whatever. I’m happy we’re out because the club wasn’t our scene.
We eat hot dogs for dinner and chill out. We start singing. Someone throw us a dollar or something. Or shoot us. I’m open to all kinds of things.
End chapter. I’ll consider reviewing the next one tomorrow, since I’m a week behind it but also very much hate this book right now.
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the-madame21 · 7 years
wip tag game
I was tagged by @trashytacosan and I am supposed to talk about my WIP projects. I had a lot more than I thought lmao.
Champagne and Chicanery- Written for the Diabolik Lovers fandom but it takes place within my Masks AU. It’s the third and final piece of my little trilogy I had going, which consisted of Masks of Glass and The Pyres of Arcadia. What is does it really tie together all the other pieces and we get to see things like why Reina’s mother was the way she was, what the hell happened to her father, and what in the actual fuck was Shin’s problem with Sampson in the first place lol. The main purpose was supposed to be Karlheinz’s backstory, but as I kept planning it out it just fit in really well into my Masks AU so I decided to go with that. Currently on chapter 4 out of probably 25 or around there. Each chapter has a title, which is pretty rare for me, but it fit so I did it. Not that anyone comments on it though because no one seems to pick up anything XD But flowers have a shitton of meanings to them you know~ Might even give away an entire chapter before you even start reading. But yeah. Karlheinz. Cuz he doesn’t have enough love. And he’s actually not such a bad guy. 
Something Like Us- Written for the Haikyuu!! fandom, where the main/probably only pairing is IwaOi. It’s an omegaverse because let’s face it, I’m in deep with the whole alpha/omega dynamics and goddamn it just works out so well with a pairing like Iwa and Oikawa XD Currently on chapter 2 out of probably 5 I don’t intend on making this one too long since I was hoping to have a relatively chill summer lol. And honestly like while I like angst I kinda just need them to love each other. So the pain won’t be very much or very intense. Sorry to anyone who wanted their hearts ripped out Xp
Just for the Week- Written for the Haikyuu!! fandom, main pairings include Iwaoi, BokuAka, and KuroTsukki. Honestly it’s the chapter everyone’s been waiting for lol. Part of my Control! Omegaverse Series, it’s the absolute end, the actual end this time I swear, and it deals with the couple’s children (or lack thereof) and just pure self indulgent crap I didn’t get to do the rest of the series lol. Only the first chapter is up right now, but it’ll include Iwa’s rut, Bokuto’s heat, and Tetsu and Tsukki trying to deal with 4 children in their apartment for a week, one of which is a baby lmao. So yeah. Fun for everyone XD
Her Undertaker, Beautiful- Written for the Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji fandom, this features a pairing between Undertaker and my OC Astrid. Astrid works as the Phantomhive Head Maid and meets Undertaker under rather exciting conditions lol. This is the story everyone forgets about because I only update like once every three months. As a result, the only reviews I get are ‘wish you’d update sooner’ but ya know, whatever lol. It’s sort of weird because inspiration for this story is so spazzy but Undertaker is one of my favorite characters. So idk. Lol if I knew how to speed up updates I would’ve done it a long time ago. Anyway, all that said this is probably one of my favorite WIP with the exception of Champagne and Chicanery. Currently on chapter 13 out of a shitton more. Honestly I have the story outlined in my head and I feel like a lot more has to happen. And I haven’t given up yet, so please look forward to it ^^
The Trancy Mistress- Written for the Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji fandom,  this features Alois Trancy and my OC Iris. Iris is a former prostitute bought by Alois and brought to serve as his personal sex slave. Currently on chapter 3 out of probably 5 or something which is super depressing because I haven’t updated since over a year ago. I really do wanna finish this it’s just every time I try for an ending it doesn’t feel right. So what can ya do. 
And a Splash of Crazy- Written for the Harry Potter fandom, this features Dramione as the main pairing, and is a Sequel to “A Sip of Tea.” It basically deals with how Hermione and Draco are handling becoming a couple and dealing with the backlash they receive from everyone. It’ll soon be a year since I last updated but I haven’t abandoned it, I promise, as much as it might seem like that. As my name might suggest, Draco will always remain one of my most favorite characters to write for, even if the inspiration happened to drift away from me. Currently on chapter 9 out of about 15 or so. So there really isn’t much more to go to wrap it all up. Maybe one of these days. 
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
Are there any sdr2 characters that you don’t like or just aren’t very interested in?
It's actually neat getting this question because I can see where some characters I used to dislike/find annoying in the beginning have worked their way up. For example, I initially despised Te/ruTeru, but after his backstory reveal I ended up feeling some sympathy for him and realized despite some traits, he wasn't entirely a bad guy (and I'm assuming his social link will endear him to me a little once I get around to it in island mode).
In fact, I can only really think of two I actively dislike/hate now: Nag/ito and Hiy/oko.
Real quick: Obviously these are all solely my opinions! I have no problem with my followers viewing characters differently, so even if you're the biggest fan of these chars I hope y'all know you're always welcome on my blog! 💛 Feel free to ramble in my inbox about them or chatter about omo, I genuinely enjoy discussing things or seeing different hcs even if I don't share them and I love seeing people be passionate about whatever makes them happy! Heck, sometimes fan ideas even end up changing my mind or at least make fun aus!
Now back to the question:
Hiy/oko's behavior in many instances was just appalling, and the way she cared about Mah/iru, while sad/sweet, still couldn't make up for all of her other bullshit. I can't stand little snots and I don't like 'loli' characters, so she's basically a 2-for-1 special on tropes I find irritating. Also high pitched voices are grating on my ears. After finishing the game I still stand by my original sentiment: Good Riddance Bitch. She will not be missed. As a note, I haven't done her FTEs yet so maybe it'll change, but I think it's pretty unlikely.
Na/gito is just. Idk where to start with him tbh. He definitely serves his role in the plot well, has great interactions with the rest of the cast, and really made me feel like I was struggling and he was so smugly one step ahead. I appreciate him as part of the story and it wouldn't be the same without him (Some of the memes about him are also really funny lmao). That being said, as far as his character and my personal tastes go, I fucking hate him lmao. Not 'villain I love to hate'. I just can't stand him and am lowkey annoyed at how popular/'woobified' he is in some parts of the fandom. My feelings on him are pretty similar to Ak/echi from p/5, except at least Ake/chi was understandable, whereas every time Nag/ito goes on a long spiel I'm just braindead and confused lmao. That or annoyed because he repeats himself like 30 times. I really thought doing his FTE's would endear him to me a little but it actually just made me dislike him more. He's just... he goes 120% ALL THE TIME and he's all over the place, it was overwhelming and gave me whiplash. Also while I do feel bad for him and the clear issues he had, the CONSTANT 'I'm worthless trash please kill me haha I don't deserve your kindness' talk really got on my nerves. Maybe it wouldn't have bothered me so much if I played the game back in the year it came out? But in this day and age all it reminded me of was certain 'Crabs in a Bucket' people I've known or witnessed who formed their entire identity around self-hatred and desperately tried to drag others down with them. (Note: I'm not talking about the general struggles with depression, etc. here. But I don't want to go into a lecture on exactly what I mean so I'll just leave it at that.) Nag/ito's not entirely the same thing and I get that, but it just rubbed me the wrong way because of that association.
Overall I just find him obnoxious and tend to avoid stuff that focuses on him. I might try writing a short omo thing about him being tied up because, like, how could I not? But besides that don't expect much from me. All of that said, I don't mind other people talking about him and y'all are free to send me asks with your own opinions or hcs, I might give my own occasionally. And I do like seeing art sometimes.
Also though, I ship him hard with Ju/nko (and in a poly with her and Mik/an). I'm also interested in him x Chi/aki since they're yin/yang parallels and have some similarities in design and the art of them together is neat. Not sure how much I ship them as far as actual canon or writing goes, but aesthetically it's pretty neat.
I think it's also worth mentioning that Ka/zuichi So/da toes a real weird line for me. Not in the sense that I actually hate him (his design is neat and he can be likeable at times), but that I hate what the game did with him. Which was not doing ANYTHING with him. His character had a lot of potential to be interesting, but they never let him break past the two running gags: Being confused about EVERYTHING, and obsessing over So/nia (to the point about making multiple sex jokes/getting flustered over her during the middle of the most serious trial in the game (Na/gito's death), which makes no sense even for him and completely ruined the mood). Every other survivor had important spotlight moments in the plot, developed their character as they went, and formed meaningful relationships with at least one other character to drive them forwards/give them angst. Kaz/uichi had none of that and I can't think of a single instance where he ACTUALLY had bearing on the plot, positively or negatively. He's basically the Fortune Teller Guy of this game: completely useless and ignored unless he needs to question something for exposition or drag the protag somewhere, scraping by only because he isn't hated or liked enough by anyone to get murdered and is too scared to kill. He didn't survive because he was genuinely fighting/had the ability to, but because everyone just forgot about him and left him alone.
A lot of his issues could have been fixed by just having a point in the game where he learns to treat So/nia as a person instead of being so obnoxious about following her around (he dislikes Ter/uTeru but then pretty much is just as annoying, only difference is he's a little less immoral and more just unable to take hints). Haj/ime even pointed this out in the last chapter with his thoughts of 'Dude just take a hint already'. If the game put them on more equal footing and he like, actually got to know her, it would've been way easier to believe he was fighting FOR So/nia in the same way all the others were fighting for someone they loved, and he might have actually done more throughout the game. He might have had some actual development and maturity, but instead he's pretty much the exact same person he was at the start of the game (I don't remember them even really touching on how he felt about the final chapter's Big Reveal). Because his obsession and cluelessness was one of his defining traits, they never let him do anything besides that. I spent most of the game convinced he was going to get a case in a trial or big moment eventually since they kept giving him so much screentime and let him make it so far, but there was just nothing. He's just a giant mass of wasted potential and for that reason I struggle to enjoy him without getting irritated.
Quick note to clarify: I'm not hating on him because of the ship with So/nia or because he 'gets in the way' of Gun/dham. I honestly don't mind that, the problem is just the lack of development I mentioned above. I could def enjoy the ship or a love triangle if they gave him smth. (And I realize part of that was the point, that G/undham 'gets the girl' bc he actually respected and talked to her, but still. The chapters after that point would have been the perfect time to let So/da have some viewpoint shifts and make efforts to change but they didn't).
Actually tbh even if they wanted to keep his obsession, I would've been fine with that, IF they had given him some other plot/character besides that. Like if he had some important tasks to do and was pretty good at them, but they also turned it into a flaw where he would prioritize helping/following her sometimes over what he was supposed to do and caused problems as a result, that could have been interesting. Creating tension within the surviving group or having her get mad at him over it, just SOMETHING.
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azulaahai · 7 years
Book tag game
tagged by lovely @blueagia, thanks a lot!
1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest? oh, god, I don’t know - my mom has always bought me books so probably something I got from her ages ago, couldn’t exactly tell you what
2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next? Currently I’m reading “The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson since we’re now reading it in my book club haha, it’s great actually, I recommend it to fantasy readers. Last read was, eh, “A Cottage By The Sea” by Carole Matthews (no comment) and next one will probably be either “Tower of Dawn” or “And then there were none”, both of which I got for christmas.
3. Which book does everyone like and you hated?  Does the Legend trilogy count? Not sure ‘everyone likes’ it, but I disliked it more than most people I’ve spoken to hah so that’ll have to do
4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t? Read first quarter of “Wolf Hall” last year for a school assignment and I keep telling myself I’m going to finish it, but it’s been so long that it looks like I won’t, heh. I actually liked it, but it was a heavy read, and I just haven’t been in the right mindset lately
5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?” all the intellectual classics I mean to read but never find the time/patience/courage for
6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end? confession: when I was young and dumb I occassionally used to read the last page if I wanted to find out if a certain character lived or something like that ... older and wiser me of course reads it last (unless it’s for a book I really, really don’t care about)
7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside? depends on how they’re written - I love the more personalised ones, aspecially if it’s a book I really liked, when you get a glimpse of the author behind the text. Grrm thanking his wife with “I could not sing this song without her” still makes me want to cry
8. Which book character would you switch places with? asksjsf I never have a fun, creative answer for this type of question but ... uhm ... Ginny Weasley? I don’t have any brothers so it’d be fun to try that, and I’d obviously get to attend Hogwarts (and get possessed oops) plus great hair... and Harry’s kind of cute
9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)? Read “Desirée” when I was very young (11?) and it made a huge impression so when I went back and reread it this summer it took me back in an unexpected way. (11-year-old-me had good taste - I still loved it, but obviously read it in a different way now.)
10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way. eh my old school library used to let you replace a book you had lost with a different book from home instead of giving you a fine, so like once or twice I said I “lost” a book I really wanted to keep and replaced it with something boring I had lying around. Can’t remember what books it were, though, and I’m not sure that’s very interesting haha but yes, I was a lowkey book thief as a child and am definitely going to hell
11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person? gave my mom, Jane Austen’s no 1 fan, a beautiful copy of “Pride and Prejudice” since her old one was so worn down, is that special? lmao
12. Which book has been with you to the most places? probably something embarrassing, I have a solid stash of light-weight feel good-type books, so when going somewhere I usually take an equal number of “new”/unread books and old ones that I know will keep me entertained haha
13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later? nah
14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book? Old, unusable money
15. Used or brand new? used, brand new makes me nervous eh
16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses? awkward, but I literally haven’t read a single King book, so I couldn’t tell you. Not a fan of the genre heh so the odds are stacked against him I’m afraid
17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book? when I was going to see the first Maze Runner movie with a friend I hastily tried to read the book the day before ... had to stop a few chapters in because I genuinely hated it, which is unusual for me. To be fair, it had been translated to swedish so not sure if that was to blame, but anyway - I enjoyed the movie a lot more. 
18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid? The first "Chaos Walking” movie (the books are m a s t e r p i e c e s) isn’t out for another year but already I’m scared to death ... There are just so many story elements and moments that I feel will be untranslatable and I am so frightened it’ll be messed up. I wish they’d just have let it be one of the few ya triologies untouched by hollywood greed (bitter? me? never)
19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question? like @blueagia said: the first Harry Potter books ... Hogwarts feasts ... yep. Starving.
20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take? I trust no one completely lmao but my sisters and mom usually know what I’ll like - and my book club, of course.
idk who wants to do this, only tagging @mymore-colorful-moniker (I feel like this is right up your alley!) anyone else who wants to do it can just say I tagged them heh
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