Hidden-Galaxy Legacy
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Small SWTOR side blog.
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nights-cover · 1 year ago
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nights-cover · 1 year ago
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Designing some Star Wars stuff.
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nights-cover · 2 years ago
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nights-cover · 2 years ago
Sonkar grumbling to himself: there's another great disturbance that I didn't need to be notified about Force...  Skagde: What is he going on about now?  Torian: Sorcerer business  Gault: Finally lost his last marble Mako: Don't ask what you don't want to know (slight felt the disturbance too)  Blizz: Boss man need a hug?
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
Drinks on the house
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
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OBI-WAN KENOBI | 1.02 “Part II”
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
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If he’s going to be in the public eye, might as well go all in. An ex-spy would know all about appearances huh.
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
Sonkar: Literally works alone. Often takes over the entire project and forges the others hand-writing. He doesn't care. Gives him an excuse to hole-up in his room for hours on end.
Amer: You better do your assigned part or I will make you pay for my grade. Now meet me at the library at 3 and don't be late. If you skip, I will find you and drag to the location, got it? Good.
Zotan: Okay... So who turn is it to do all the work this time?
Zras: I have informed the teacher of who is doing what part. If you fail to do it, well that's on you but just know that while I am forgiving; others aren't.
horrible, horrible realization: are there Sith group projects at the Sith Academy…?
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
Person: Bounty Hunters are just serial killers that take requests
Bounty Hunter: Excuse you, we take commissions
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
Companion Cooking
Haven’t done one of these in a while so let’s goooo
Jedi Knight
T7-01: … he’s a droid, leave him alone!
Kira: She can make a mean cup noodle.
Doc: He can’t cook much, but he has the basics down fairly well.
Rusk: Exists on rations. Can maybe brew a hot drink but that’s about it.
Scourge: He can… but it’ll be super basic with no flavour and not appealing at all.
Jedi Consular
Qyzen: You probably wouldn’t want to eat it if you’re not one of the lizard people.
Tharan: Dude could burn water. Great with a chemistry set, terrible in the kitchen.
Zenith: Nothing fancy, but he can also make (almost) anything edible.
Iresso: A real roast-and-potatoes kind of guy. Simple but delicious.
Nadia: She can’t cook worth a damn at the start, but she does her research and is making the tasty meals of her homeland.
Republic Trooper
Aric: Also exists on rations, but can cook a mean steak.
Elara: She’s not experimental so there’s nothing special about what she makes, but it’s tasty enough.
M1-4X: He’s a droid, and also he would probably set the entire ship ablaze somehow anyways.
Vik: It’s edible, but only to him.
Yuun: He’s a great cook. For his people. You’d probably rather not touch it.
Corso: Very down-home, simple fare that’s hearty and giving you the caloric intake you need for working the farms or shooting separatists all day.
Bowdaar: If you give him the chance to hunt down some wild game, he will make you an excellent dinner.
Risha: Very good at finding other people to make food for her.
Akaavi: She can make anything out of anything, and it’ll be extremely flavourful with all manner of natural herbs and spices.
Gus: Do NOT let this walking disaster in the kitchen unless you want to no longer have a kitchen. Or a ship.
Sith Warrior
Vette: Knows how to cook all the Twi’lek specialties as part of connecting herself to her culture. Tastes delicious.
Quinn: The best cook. Knows how to do everything. Grinds his own spices, the weirdo.
Jaesa: As part of her various trainings, she can make a variety of simple but filling meals. If LS, will probably continue learning from Quinn. DS doesn’t give a crap.
Pierce: Guy knows how to make the weirdest shit in the weirdest of ways (radiator Mac and Cheese, anyone?).
Broonmark: He eats raw meat with no seasonings.
Sith Inquisitor
Khem: I don’t think you’re getting anything edible out of this guy.
Andronikos: He’s very good at putting a ready meal in the microwave and knowing exactly how long to cook it for to be perfect.
Ashara: Her lack of patience means everything she can make is doable in under five minutes.
Talos: Makes the absolute best tea out of anyone. Has a family roast recipe that has been passed down five generations, but it always comes out really dry when he makes it.
Xalek: Of course he can cook, what sort of warrior would he be if he couldn’t make his own meals?
Imperial Agent
Kaliyo: Burns almost everything but insists it “adds flavour” and eats a few bites while you’re looking then tosses it out and orders out.
Vector: Was a fairly decent cook before the joining, but bugs don’t really have an appreciation for fine cuisine so it’s atrophied a bit.
Lokin: Eats the weirdest shit even before infecting himself with the rakghoul plague, but it someone comes out alright. Don’t trust him about the ingredients, though.
Raina: Can somehow make the field rations taste good decent. Probably the best cook on the Agent’s ship.
Scorpio: If she cared to she could be a master chef. But she doesn’t.
Bounty Hunter
Mako: Too busy with her HoloNet research and running around, just makes herself a cup noodle and calls it a day.
Gault: He likes the finer things in life, and has become the master of either getting someone else to pay for it… or the ol’ dine-and-dash.
Torian: An amazing cook. Knows the best seasons for hunting game, seasonal vegetables, and herbs.
Blizz: Is very good… and disassembling some poor shmuck’s oven.
Skadge: He’s as likely to throw you into the fire as to cook anything in it.
Lana: She’s decent enough, but she has bigger concerns.
Theron: He learned many things being raised by a Jedi. Cooking was not one of them.
Koth: The master of throwing stuff in a pot and hoping it all works together. It usually does.
Senya: Her focus has been on other things. Could probably make scrambled eggs.
Arcaan: You know this man has never cooked a day in his life.
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
“chancellor palpatine, sith lords are our speciality.” funniest fucking line in star wars history. obi-wan, who has never killed a sith and knows he has never killed a sith, talking about himself and a guy who is going to become a sith lord within half a week, and speaking directly to the sith lord who is going to make that guy a sith lord, with FULL fucking confidence: “sith lords are our speciality.” he says this to palpatine’s face. to his face. to darth sidious’ face. in the most condescending fucking voice. completely unaware that he is speaking directly to the sith lord, to THE sith lord, who before the week is out is going to directly fuck over his entire life’s work and everything he loves and believes in: “sith lords are our speciality.” could you be any more cringefail. actually palpatine deserved his whole victory for not bursting into laughter then and there
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
Vitiate & Malgus : The Duty of a Sith to his Emperor
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So I know some of you don’t like the novel Deceived, and even more of you don’t like the novel Revan, but i’ve picked up on some points I thought were interesting.
300 or so years before the class stories, Vitiate took Revan prisoner, keeping him in stasis and relying on him for visions of the future. (That’s another can of worms, but whatever.)
Now Vitiate went to extreme lengths to imprison Revan in a place where - in theory - no one could get to him. He is the sole prisoner on a massive space station in the Maelstrom nebula, a place that could only be reached with the help of a Gree computer. So literally the sole purpose of this space station was keeping Revan.
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(We literally have to do TWO Flashpoints to get to rescue him in story mode.)
So who does Vitiate select to oversee this super-secure space station that is so important to him?
The Children of the Emperor? Nope.
The Emperor’s Hand? Nah.
The Wrath? Nay.
One of the Dark Council, the Sith who Vitiate had hand-picked to oversee his empire? Uh-uh.
Instead he picks THIS mother-fucker.
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Ah, yes. Darth Malgus. The icon of the game since well before it even debuted. The Empire’s champion during the last war. A cautionary tale to women everywhere about the consequences of marrying someone who might one day kill you if they think you make them ‘weak’.
(Malgus, of course, effectively delegates the task to Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, but more on that another time.)
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Now Deceived is largely told from Malgus’ perspective, and at no point does he imply that he has any special relationship with the Emperor. On the contrary, he’s frustrated by the levels of separation between himself and Vitiate.
We do know that Malgus spent much of the Cold War in the unexplored regions, expanding the Empire’s influence. (Not terribly unlike what Palpatine had Thrawn do, but never mind.)
But it is unexplained why, out of all Sith in the Empire, Vitiate entrusts Malgus with such an important task as Revan’s jailer.
(The simple explanation is that this is bad writing, and Malgus keeps showing up because he’s iconic. This is probably the case. But heck with that. I’m head-canoning here.)
All of this shows an incredible amount of trust by Vitiate.
And yet - when the Voice is destroyed on Dromund Kaas, its Malgus who attempts to usurp Vitiate.
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It doesn’t work out for him, but still.
Years later, of course, we meet him again in Onslaught. Republic Outlanders get the following dialogue:
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He doesn’t say who he’s referring to. He doesn’t have to.
My thinking is that sometime between Deceived and the class stories, something happened where Vitiate entrusted Malgus with far more than he did with most of his servants. I honestly wonder if Malgus’ coup wasn’t done on Vitiate’s orders.
I doubt they’ll ever follow up on this, but it would have been cool if they had. @swtoraddict-blog​ @swtorhub​
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
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I love Teff'ith. xD
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
gault: hey, cool skull, too bad there's a hole in it. where did you get this? who makes fake duros skulls?
bounty hunter: hm? oh, that's a real skull. and that's a hole from my blaster
gault: (removes his finger from the hole and gently puts the skull back down) oh.
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nights-cover · 3 years ago
Almost ever jedi master ever. “Do as I say. Not as I do”
Remember that episode Arc where Aayla teaches Ahsoka not to be too attached, but then every opportunity she gets, her and Bly are practicing standing on each other’s toes:
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Like, the space between Ahsoka and Aayla is “respectful talking distanc lol e” Bly is like one and a half steps closer than that in ever shot.
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Real subtle guys....real...subtle
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