#and i'm trying to share the love and maybe inspiration if anyone else has been feeling the urges
luna0713hunter · 1 year
hii young!luffy x young!reader fluff inspired by the kiss scene in my girl? honestly u don't don't have to know the film you can just search up the scene! also it doesn't even have to be fully accurate all I'm really asking for is their first kiss
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Author's note : hello there!so abt this request;i havent watched my girl ,but I've searched abt it and gosh they're so adorable?!?!maybe I'll watch it this week!
My Girl
Monkey d. Luffy x reader
Warnings : lots of fluff,young!Luffy x young!reader, you're both 10 btw
Your mother always used to tell you that you'll find your true love when you grew up.
But you found love a little bit too early.
It was a sunny summer day. Those days where the weather is both too hot to go outside but staying inside is not an option either. So with small hands interlocked,you and your long time best friend,Luffy,go to your usual hanging spot : Shanks' ship.
The crew were all outside, perhaps that was the reason why the two of you had entered without anyone telling you that you're too young for being on a pirate ship. But when you sit down on the wooden surface and spread your small picnic basket that Makino had packed,you give Luffy a blinding smile and offer him a small sandwich.
And true to his fashion ,Luffy swallows whole the entire piece in one go.
You huff and smack his hand away from your share,and glare at him, "dont eat so fast or you'll get an stomachache!"
"nuh uh!i can eat the whole basket and still be hungry!"
"well too bad!!Makino packed this lunch for both of us!so you have to share!"
Luffy pouts but complies, choosing to grab an apple instead and munch on it slower this time.
There's a moment of silence before Luffy opens his mouth and the world stops.
"have you ever kissed anyone?"
You loudly choke on your food.
Luffy jumps up and gives you a bottle of water,and with concerned eyes,rubs your back.
"you alright?!"
You cough and try to wipe your eyes from the tears that had formed.
"w-why would you ask that?"
Luffy sits across you crossed leg and shrugs.
"i saw some couple kissing in the bar last night,and it got me thinking," he then looks at you and grins, "so?have you?"
You shake your head furiously as you feel your cheeks heating up with each passing second, "of course not! I'm only ten!"
"but Makino says love has no age."
Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open, "L-love?" You swallow and your voice suddenly drops;like you're scared somebody will hear you, "who do you love,Luffy?"
And he answers without missing a bit that it gives you whiplash.
"you of course!who else!?"
His answer makes you shut your mouth so fast,that you cringe upon the sound of your teeth clattering. You cant speak;what can you say to his confession? But when you see him staring at you expectedly,you swallow and gather your courage to speak again.
"Luffy," you wet your lips before continuing, "i think loving someone romantically is different than... loving your parents or..Shanks and Makino."
Luffy tilts his head,and you smile upon seeing his adorable puppy like eyes.
"but y/n,i know i love you. Why would i mistake it?"
"how do you know it's different?"
Luffy folds his arms against his chest and takes a moment to consider your question.
"its like," he wonders aloud, "when i see you its different from when i see Shanks or Makino. My heart gets all..mushy mushy,"
"mushy mushy?!"
"Yeah!" He grins and nods rapidly, " it beats really hard,and i want to share my foods with you!!i never want to do that with Shanks or others!!"
And to Luffy, sharing food is a big deal.
You shyly glance away and start fidgeting with your fingers, "so... you've been thinking about kissing..." You swallow, "me?"
Luffy nods again and skootched toward your until your knees are pressing together.
"do you...want to try it?"
You give him a shy smile and with a final nod,Luffy leans forward with his eyes squeezed shut,and presses his lips clumsily against yours.
The kiss is sweet and short;the taste of the apple that he had earlier lingering on your lips even when he pulls away.
You wish you could taste it once again.
"so," Luffy nervously bounces his knee, "how was it?"
You giggle and leave a small peck on his nose,making him scrunch it up.
"it was...sweet."
"yeah. I liked it."
The words seemed to make Luffy beam,as his grin becomes impossibly wider.
"I'm glad!!!"
Before either of you can say another word, there's the sound of another pair of footsteps and soon, Shanks' playful voice calls out for the two of you.
"you kids better not be here again!!"
And when Luffy takes your hand and with giggles ,runaway from the ship,you cant help but to feel your heart beating loud,and being warm just like the summer sun.
"hey," a snap of finger in front of your face brings you back from your daydreaming, "whatcha thinking about?"
You smile at the boy in front of you;his taller form and muscular arms and shake your head.
"just remembering some good memories."
"oh?am i in any of them?"
You glance at him and when you see his warm chocolate brown eyes,you close your own and sigh contently.
"yeah. You're the main character in all of my dreams and memories."
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eliotbaum · 2 months
Hi Eliot! First of all, I wanted to tell you I love your art so so much!! You inspire me so much as an artist and you and Viv are one of the main reasons I'm backing The Book of Devotion Kickstarter!
I am also a DnD player and I wanted to ask you, do you ever feel disconnected from your characters? I am currently playing a campaign set in Ravnica from Magic the Gathering and I absolutely love it (100% recommend as a setting as well) and I love my character Daphne, but for some reason the past few sessions I've been feeling very withdrawn and unhappy with my RP choices, I feel Daphne very far away from me If that makes sense? Have you ever experienced something similar? Would love to hear your thoughts on this!!
Thank you!!
Wah thank you so much!!! 🥺 it's SUCH a fun concept I hope you'll enjoy it! Oh man, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling disconnected. It's such a bummer when something that got us so immersed and invested feels more distant. I've only played one campaign with the same character, so I'm not sure if I can give the best advice here. But yes, I do know the unfortunate phenomena! I'm actually struggling with the same thing right now so maybe we can figure it out togethaa. I'll answer more in-depth under the cut but if anyone else has tips, do feel free to drop them.
So yes, this all sounds familiar. Recently I'm just "going through the motions" of playing a character, without being immersed in them. Even if we still very much enjoy everything about the character or the game. Personally, I tried to pinpoint where this could come from. Is it an ingame thing, or is it something outside? (stress kills my creative drive) Has this campaign been going on for a while, have there been any exciting things happening with Daphne? Have you had fun opportunities for her to shine, was there anything that moved you? Just throwing some questions out there to help the wheels turning. I think bringing this up with your group and DM is also worth considering. Being invested in roleplay and your character is such a major part of the game (to me!) and maybe there's something where everyone can help. Be that giving you opportunities for dramatic or heartfelt moments, or simply hyping each other and their characters up around the game, not even just during sessions. But, onto the actual things that have helped me: I found a song that feels very Kasper to me, and I always try and listen to it before a session to get back into my PC's mindset and get that special spark and feeling back. Deep immersion mode... I also find creating art or writing around the character also very rewarding and exciting. I often see folks write a diary in character, or simply write up how their character felt after a session. I did that for a while after work -- and rereading diary entries with some very dramatic sombre music in the background brought a bit of that connection back, haha. Rereading notes for next sessions, or old ones is also worth a shot. What's your character all about and what's important to them? In the same vein I like to indulge in some Imagining, Daydreaming of past and future RP moments that excite me. Of course, all while listening to dramatic music...
Anyway I hope either you did figure it out in the meantime, or this helps just a little. Wishing us all to have fun, be crazy for our little OCs and sharing exciting moments and stories with each other.
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When You Cry
Synopsis: What they do when they see you cry. Notes: Headcanon format; gender neutral reader; refers to reader as "Summoner"; prompt inspired by @/tiredtealuvr; this has been in my drafts for a really long time, Arcana Twilight Tumblr I'm sorry I didn't get this out to you sooner. It's also been a while since I played, so I hope they weren't too out of character.
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He wants nothing more than to see you smile bright and be happy, especially when he's with you. So when he sees your face stained with tears, he can't help but feel like crying himself. Just what's gotten you so upset that you started crying?
He doesn't ask questions first, he'd rather comfort you instead. He wants you to be comfortable and would love nothing more than to see you smiling again. Your smile was always one of his favourite things in Bound Arlyn.
Whatever you need, you can count on Arcturus to get it for you! At least, he'll try to get them to the best of his ability. He can only do so much, but if it's a hug you need, or your favourite food, or even just a moment to relax, he'll do his best to grant all your wishes.
If you ever feel comfortable to talk to him about what made you so upset after you've calmed down, he'll be happy to lend an ear. He'll be your number one cheerleader and tell you that everything's going to be okay; things are just bound to get better, and Arcturus is sure of it.
"Please don't cry, Summoner! Don't worry, everything's going to be okay. You'll feel better in no time, I guarantee it!"
The moment he sees you crying is when he drops all the plans he had and rushes over to you. Any classes he was going to attend? He can skip them. An event with Queen Tet that he's helping out with? That can wait. He pushes everything aside to be with you, and he hopes that the reason you aren't crying isn't somehow his fault.
He asks you wants wrong and if you're okay. Are you hurt anywhere? Is there someone he needs to pick a fight with? Well, maybe he won't pick a fight, but he'll definitely be mad at the person who made you cry—if it, in fact, was a person that made you cry.
If you don't want to talk, that's totally fine by him. He knows just as well as anyone that sometimes you just don't feel like telling people what you're upset about. He absolutely doesn't push either, he wouldn't wanna make you cry more and make things worse.
There's a chance he'll have candy or some sweets on him—perfect for snacking on throughout the day—and share some with you if you want! Doesn't matter which one you take, honestly. Even if it's his favourite one, he'll keep quiet because he knows you probably need it more than he does. Whatever you want, he's going to make you happy again if it's the last thing he does! Or at least until you've calmed down.
"Summoner, Summoner! Are you okay?! No one hurt you or anything, right? If you need anything just say the word!"
He might actually be sleeping when he wakes up and gets a weird feeling; he can't help but feel like something is off. When he sees you and notices the tears falling from your eyes, his heart feels like it's being toyed with.
Alpheratz asks you what happened first, but quickly follows up to ask if you're okay too. He sort of stands there awkwardly and hopes that you're okay with explaining why you're in such a state, or else he isn't sure what he's supposed to do. He isn't the best at comforting people, but he'll try.
If you don't want to talk about it, he's 100% okay with that. He gets it, sometimes you're just not ready or don't feel like it. If you want a distraction, he'll probably try to think up something. Maybe going out for a walk, or maybe it's sleeping it off.
If someone else is making you sad and you tell him, chances are that person won't be making you sad in the future anymore. He might not say it gently, but seeing you down leaves his sleep schedule a little messed up; and of course he's only doing this so you don't get bothered and neither does he. Yeah, that's definitely the only reason.
"I'm no good at cheering people up, but I guess if it's bothering you so much, might as well tell someone, right? No pressure."
Spica's attention is on you as soon as he sees tears on your face. It's almost as if an alarm has set off in him; something is wrong because you are upset. He tells you to calm yourself and reminds you to breathe if you're crying too hard. He makes sure you're alright physically while he asks why you're crying.
Did someone make you cry? Did something happen? Are you homesick? Despite wanting to ask, he refrains from questioning further in case it makes you overwhelmed. He may sit you down if you're somewhere where that's possible and speak to you in a calm manner, if not a little softer.
Whatever you need, he will try his best to help you feel better. If a distraction is what you want, Spica will gladly help with that, though his approach is more on the productive side of things. He may suggest accompanying him to finish some errands or get some work done quietly together in the committee room or a library.
He lets you know that you're safe and secure, that he'll make sure nothing makes you upset while he's with you. Even if he's not with you, he takes care in paying more attention to your needs. At the end of the day, Spica will offer you his time, because that's one of the only ways he knows for sure that he can do to help you. He can be very busy, but he'll push all other priorities to the side if it means making you feel better.
"If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to tell me, Summoner. Your emotional well-being is just as important as your physical
Even if you hide away somewhere, Sirius might have an idea of where to find you. Something's wrong and he can almost feel it like uncomfortably warm air. It almost pains him to see you like that, and a part of him wonders if he might be the one to blame. Did he do something you didn't like?
Whatever the case, he strides up to you casually, if not with a brisk hint of surprise. He asks you why you're crying, his brows mildly raised. You can tell him, or not. He doesn't care too much... Or maybe he does and he's just downplaying how much he cares. He's a good listener and will lend an ear even if you think it's not a big deal.
Want a distraction? Sirius is great at that. If you want someone to console you, he can do that too... though it might be a little back-handed from Sirius. He'll try to be nice but he also can't resist a quick comment. Nothing too mean though, don't fret. He knows when to not push it too far.
If, in the end, all you want to do is do nothing, Sirius will gladly do nothing with you, too. Stars, he might even encourage it, and tease you about how your tears might be a ploy to get him to spend time with you. It's not, though, he knows. But he doesn't mind getting jabbed or lightly pushed by you if it means you stop crying.
"No need to tell me what's wrong, Summoner, though I'm all ears if you want to tell me~ Shall I accompany you for a while?"
Once Vega sees your face, it's all he needs to come rushing towards you. Similarly to Spica, he checks if you're well physically. If anyone hurt you, they won't be getting off scot-free. He almost doesn't hold back with the questions though. He wants to know who or what made you cry like this right away.
No matter how big or small it is, it still matters to Vega. It clearly matters to you if it made you cry, so he'll take whatever you have to say seriously. He'll insist that whatever you're crying about, it's not silly, it's not ridiculous, it's not stupid. Even if it is small and he can't relate, he'll still sympathize with you to the best of his ability.
He's a wonderful listener, and especially patient if it's you. He'll likely do almost anything you want, if that's what you wish. If you want, he can get you your favourite snack or perhaps there's a book in the library you like. Do you want to take a walk outside in the courtyard? See flowers in the greenhouse? Whatever you want, Vega may just do it. He does have his limits though, don't tease him too much... but chances are, he'll let it slide.
He'll remember whatever it is that made you cry if you tell him, or if he finds out by some other means. And he'll do whatever it takes to prevent it as well. Seeing you cry is like a punch in the gut; a smile suits you much better than a tear streaked face.
"Summoner, what happened? Are you hurt? If so, I... Here, use this handkerchief. No, it's okay, I don't mind. May I stay by your side for now?"
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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a-halo-for-you · 10 months
Grishaverse Tribute
I'm pissed. I'm vengeful. I'm going to march on Netflix.
The cancellation is uncalled for, now all we will see in return for the snubbing of one of the best series on Netflix, with one of the best fandoms, cast and creators another stupid documentary glorifying a serial killer, another shitty teen show with no plot but plenty of sex (because sexualizing children will be something they always get away with), and another over-marketed pointless action film with some former boxer or wrestler leading it who can't really act more than one type of nice-buff guy.
In my mournful and restless vengeful spirit, I have come up with another playlist dedicated to the Grishaverse, the fans, the cast and Leigh Bardugo. This breaks their hearts so much because we know how excited and passionate they were about telling this story, and to think now so many won't be able to go on and live their beloved characters through to the end. I can't stand it.
"None of this had been fated; none of it foretold. There had been no prophecies of a demon king or a dragon queen, a one-eyed Tailor, Heartrender twins. They were just the people who had shown up and managed to survive. But maybe that was the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope had run out. For the survivors then, Zoya whispered to herself as the people before her knelt and chanted her name. And for the lost." - Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves
I got to dream through them, Shadow and Bone saved my Covid years, when I was alone in a dorm learning online, unable to be with anyone else, with no friends and no family. I had little to no confidence and was stuck in a place that scared me. But then I had Shadow and Bone, I had these amazing characters and when I dove into the books, I found so much more. (A found family is my favourite literary trope for a reason.)
“Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" asked Inej. "Gun to the back?" said Jesper. "Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina. "You're all horrible," said Matthias." - Leigh Barugo, Six of Crows
This is a playlist for all of us who are mourning and for all of us willing to fight on. I've seen petitions already posted on change.org, lets sign them all, share them all and try our best to change this while we can. Warrior Nun got their season 3. Who says we can't? Who says we shouldn't? Brick by Brick we will build our season 3, or we'll go down trying.
“Have any of you wondered what I did with all the cash Pekka Rollins gave us?" "Guns?" asked Jesper. "Ships?" queried Inej. "Bombs?" suggested Wylan. "Political bribes?" offered Nina. They all looked at Matthias. "This is where you tell us how awful we are," she whispered.” - Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
Pardon the ecclectic taste of this long playlist, but there are so many types of song that I feel fit the plot, the charcaters and themes as well as their relationships to each other. This has sparked inspiration in me to create more playlists catering to the Grishaverse and I'll do that alongside my usual playlist posts.
I would also like to say that this playlist isn't just mine, it's for everyone and I would love for any fans of the show or books to let me know if they have any songs that they love to be added to the playlist and I will do so.
There are over 60 songs on this playlist, so I'm not going to write them all here for obvious reasons, I hope none of you mind that.
For our founding mother Leigh Bardugo. For the Six of Crows; Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar. For our S+B crew; Alina Starkov, Malyen Oretsev, The Darkling, Baghra Morotzova, Nikolai Lantsov, Zoya Nazyalensky, Genya Safin, David Kostyk, Tolya Yul-Bataar, Tamar Kir- Bataar, Nadia and Adrik Zhabin.
Let the revival of Season 3 be our final grand mission.
Lets stream the show, post more art, more fanfics, more posts, more petitions. Let's fight for what we can.
No Mourners, No Funerals.
'Yuyey sesh'
'Ni weh sesh'
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I’m in Australia right now, it’s cold and rainy and miserable, I have no idea how I’m meant to solarpunk it up, do you have any tips? 😭
Ooh, hello!
I can definitely see how coming up with ways to solarpunk in the cold and rain would be hard. It definitely feels like there's not much to do, but hopefully I've got some ideas that can help inspire you!
First, maybe you can try to bring warmth and light to your indoor spaces! Cozy up the place with some solarpunk-inspired decor, see if you can brighten things up. Maybe have a get together! Community is totally solarpunk!
I'm not sure how easy all of this is to obtain, but I've seen people paint streets with a type of paint that reveals itself when it comes into contact with water? I think it might be hydrochromic paint? I'm honestly not sure how easy that stuff is to obtain, but it could be fun to get some and paint a fun design on a driveway or the likes to add color to rainy days!
If it's a wet season, it's probably a good time to plan a garden! You did mention it's cold there right now (I think it's fall or winter in Australia right now? maybe?) so it might not be the best time for getting plants in the ground, but drawing up a garden plan is 110% a fun way to solarpunk during the winter! Plus, having a plan can help make things a lot easier in spring. Reading up/watching videos on native plants and other cool ways to support wildlife (building fountains, bird/bathouses, mini ponds, etc are what I've been up to in the states) and sharing that information with others can also be fun!
Speaking of! You could make a cool rain barrel to harvest some of that funky fresh rain water! I've seen some with aquatic plants planted into the top, which could make it an even more fun project! (I know it's not legal in some of the states but I'm not sure how the rain barrel vibe is in Australia so definitely do some research).
While you're inside avoiding the cold and rain, it could also be an excellent time to pick up a craft or learn a new skill! Drawing, painting, and writing are all pretty chill things you can do indoors, and if you decide to do some solarpunk-themed works you can share them during the week! It could also be a wonderful time to pick up a fiber craft like sewing, knitting, or crochet! I picked up crocheting during a time when there wasn't much to do in the garden, and it kept me pretty entertained! There's lots of resources on learning how to do these things on YouTube and various other websites, you've just gotta find what interests you and start there!
Last but not least, you could find some solarpunky books to read, or watch solarpunky shows or movies or even just some YouTube videos! Maybe you'll find some other form of inspiration for something to do while it's raining, or when things brighten up, and you can definitely post reviews on what you read/watched and let us know what you think!
If anyone reading has any recommendations (for activities or for stuff to read/watch) feel free to chime in! Either way, I hope you find something you'd like to do, Salad! If all else fails, you can even participate by just scrolling the #solarpunkaestheticweek tag and sharing your thoughts and love on people's posts!
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pricemarshfield · 25 days
Writer Interview Game
thank you for the tag @wetcatspellcaster! honestly just this morning was talking about writing and inspiration and motivation so it was super cool to get to dive in-depth with this :) under the cut because uhhh i am chatty as all hell <3
tagging @reallyhatethiswebsite @goldfyshie927 @prettyaveragewhiteshark @pouralaura @atrueneutral @bravestworriers AND anyone else who'd like to! as always, no pressure :)
When did you start writing?
i genuinely have been writing so long that i don't remember when i started. i have distinct memories of being 6 and writing about my oc who was a babylonian priestess raised by alligators and living in antarctica in a compound full of animals, and despite being babylonian she was named athena. honestly a baller concept for me at 6 years old, i kinda still fuck with it (though i'd tweak some things. world-build a little more. probably rename her. read more than one encyclopedia page about mesopotamia)
i wrote a LOT of original stuff (read: knockoffs of whatever novels i'd read at the time) and a bit of fanfiction as a tween, got into a phase where i hated and deleted all of it and wrote WAY less as a teen, and then jumped back into fanfic with requests from my high school friend group and haven't stopped since. even when my posting has slowed, my writing hasn't; i just waffle between "post a chapter as soon as it's done" and "wait until the fic is finished and fully edited before i post a word of it". the former approach definitely works better for me because otherwise it languishes in my drafts forever (i'm sorry pricemarsh longfic. one day i will muster up the motivation to finish you).
i write Some original stuff, but more short stories than longform things. actually someone yell at me to post my molly drew backstory thing because it's one of the best things i've written in years AND fully original! (well. project zomboid. fanfic gray area but it's basically a stand-alone zombie thing, it doesn't pull from the game's lore because i don't know it lmao)
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
hm...i think i read a long more long genfics than i've written or attempted to write, which is funny because longer genfics are definitely some of the best things i've written and that have resulted in the Nicest comments and response i've ever gotten. (the only fic i've ever joined a server and had someone go "i've read this and i loved it" is a 30k genfic, and also is my magnus opus). also, i read MUCH more original fiction stuff than i write these days, even if i DO have a lot of oc ideas these days.
i'm not sure why! i don't think it's coming from a concern of lack of interest...compelled as i am by platonic dynamics, i think i just have more fun writing shippy stuff. also i write a lot of smut, so there's that. thinking about it, there mayyy be a level of spite in my not writing more original stuff, or at least not sharing it? my family is very annoying about the fact i write fic instead of original stuff, and that i am Not interested in being an author as my career. but that's a silly reason so maybe i'll hype myself up about my original stuff more lol
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
not that i can think of? not unless i'm writing something in a very specific genre, anyway. when i wrote my noir au martian thing i was very specifically trying to emulate works from that genre but even then not Authors so much as Works and even then more movies than books...i think there are some fantastic authors (both published and fandom!) that i'm very inspired by and learn from but none that i'd point to as a Style To Emulate. but in terms of writers, both the person who tagged me and everyone i'm tagging have writing i love enough that it makes me want to work on my own stuff. all of y'all use words SO well.
again, not a style i'm trying to emulate BUT in terms of books that got me thinking about words and world-building and writing in such a way that i was inspired to Create (a VASTLY incomplete list): mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia, exercises in style by raymond queneau, 253 by geoff ryman, the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson, this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone, the martian by andy weir, and in the dream house by carmen maria machado. ALSO READ MORE CLASSICS AND NONFICTION AND POETRY...get thinking about words in different ways even if it's not the genre you want to write because it WILL help your writing grow...this is getting so far away from the question oops
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
...the amount of fic i've written on my dinky old laptop, in bed at 2am, directly in the ao3 textbox is FAR more than the fic i've written in any other space. (no one should do this btw.) unfortunately i write most when i compelled by ideas at at a time i shouldn't be, and my laptop is convenient
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
stepping away. forcing writing puts me back in a mindset that'll burn me out Longterm, and i won't even be happy with the end result. writing and also any other creative endeavor isn't something to do on its own forever; if you're not inspired, go read something! play something! draw something if you write/write something if you draw! go on a hike! try and fail to learn to crochet!
on top of helping yourself decompress from writer's block and burnout (if you're dealing with either), i feel like the muse always comes easier when i give her space. sometimes she comes back with a vengeance and that's when i write at 2am (that's when most of talk was written, and it haunted me for MONTHS. MONTHSSS. so i guess also you can muster up the muse by being down bad for the devil)
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
all my ocs are autistic women who mask (either well or poorly) and feel fundamentally not in line with the worlds in which they're living. which could mean nothing
but also i don't really think so! i try to very consciously write different genres and themes and ideas; i think i revisit the idea of two characters who are in some way opposed realizing they're more similar than they thought, or else finding compatibility In their differences maybe?? which isn't surprising but also i think indicates more a desire to build up a relationship as part of a plot rather than saying something about Me, Specifically
wait no i lied. in dnd and dnd-related fandoms specifically i write a LOT of stuff vis a vis divinity and expectations and the dichotomy of good/evil in the setting not necessarily matching with any sort of real-world morality/philosophy and the horror inherent to godhood (on both the side of the god and the follower.) i'm not a particularly religious person nor was i raised as such, so not sure Why, but it's very interesting to me!!
What is your reason for writing?
i want to read it and no one's gonna write it exactly like i will!! but also...it's fun. i like getting into a character's head. i like figuring out how to get from scene a to scene b in a way that doesn't take away from the narrative. i LOVE getting to see the ways a story can shift outside its outline (my outlines are very bare-bones, so this happens a lot). it's something that i enjoy and that i can share with people.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
any comment that shares something about my writing that either i was actively trying to do or that i didn't notice at all. the first is a delight because it means someone gets what i'm going for!! hell yes! and then the latter is a look at my writing through someone else's eyes which is just so so nice. either one feels like Connecting with people over my writing which is! the goal! so hell yes!
really though any comment that isn't "write more" is motivating to me. someone once left a keysmash and nothing else in the comment box and it motivated me to pick up another wip for the same pairing and write another chapter
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
i am a human being and not a content machine <3 this doesn't come up a lot anymore but i used to have to deal with a lot of asks and requests that would demand more fic even as all my posts were about the immense grief i was dealing with at the time lol.
but also i want to be seen as a person who can be approached! send me asks about what i've written, dm me, tell me about zines and fanweeks and things like that! i literally live with someone i met in a fandom space, fandom works best when it's a thing you share with people rather than a thing you Consume and expect Recognition for. (not that recognition is BAD, but like...see it as connection first and content second, ykwim? i also say this knowing i'm bad about reaching out first but. yeah. i'm working on it!)
slight tangent but you've already read this far so <3 i also feel like fandom these days has moved to more private spaces rather than public appreciation...like, how many fandom events get shared primarily in discord servers that a new fan might not know to join? how many people only get hyped up by people they've already talked with? how many people gush over a fic in a server and then never mention it to the author? i want to be approachable because i want to actually Engage with people without having to join 80 discord servers for different niche things and hope i find a place i vibe with. (nothing against discord specifically--anyone can ask for mine, and i met some dear friends that i'm tagging through a fan discord server, but i hate social connection in fandom being Limited to that.) okay tangent over
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
this is so specific lol but i think i'm really good at flow and sentence structure. like...i feel like i space out my sentences and paragraphs well to keep things from getting too jarring even while being wordy as all hell in a smut oneshot. (there's a reason my first tav is a bard multiclass with the sage background, and it's because neither of us can or will shut up <3)
How do you feel about your own writing?
honestly? pretty damn good. i'll still go through what every writer does where i reread my own stuff and think it sucks sometimes, but i think i've gotten to a place in my writing where i can enjoy it as it stands even if i notice something i'd edit differently. it helps that i've started writing a lot more SELF-indulgently rather than request-indulgently (though please do still send requests if you want! <3 i just mean that i'm not ONLY writing things for other people)
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @theink-stainedfolk!
WIP Questionaire
I'll answer for MG3 (my on-going wip)
What's The First part of the WIP that you created ?
The ending. I haven't written it yet, but the first thing I knew when I started was how I wanted it to end. Just imagine me laughing evily now for the full effect.
If Your Story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
The Darkest of Days by Piotr Musiał. It's the darkest of the three books and this song is from Avymere's playlist, who is one of the two new POVs I added in for book 3.
What are your favourite characters that you made and why?
Ah, I can't choose! I love them all <3
What other pieces of media your fanbase would share?
Dnd definitely. I was inspired heavily by the Foundryside Trilogy (great read, but Watch Out), so if anyone liked that, they'll probably like Mortal God.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
The two new POVs. I've been writing from Astra and Mashal's viewpoints for a while now, so I'm very used to them. Avymere and Elsind are newer though, so I'm still getting used to those two.
Are there animals in your story? Talk about them.
No, sorry. Astra's cat is staying with her parents for book 3 because I'd be sad if Mercher ever got hurt.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Mostly walking. If they're lucky, they can hook up with a caravan. Telephone is also an option, but not one that's very conducive for Astra's mental health right now.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
The dreaded middle. Honestly, it's not so bad. The beginning was more rough with this one for some reason. But I'm just really excited to get to the end, so everything feels slow.
What aspects (tropes, maybe) will you think will draw your audience in?
Slow burn romance, revenge quests, characters put on a pedestal learning to be human again, weird magic, and robots are a few draws, I'd say. I fucking love robots.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I really want to get traditionally published! Maybe that's ambitious, and I definitely have to save up some cash before I can afford editors and things, but I'll never know if I can do it until I try right?
So yeah, that's The Machinations of Machine and Man! I'll tag @kaylinalexanderbooks @sleepyowlwrites @princeofhags @wyked-ao3 and anyone else who wants in :)
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sweetstench · 2 years
i let a ton of asks pile up in my inbox so i'm just gonna respond to em in one big post
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i love to make stuff, it always feels like something i gotta do. stories are just a way for me to have fun and explore my thoughts in a way that might make sense to anyone else. i come up with a lot of my little jokes while trying to make my gf laugh.
big inspirations for me : david lynch, achewood, jim jarmusch, courage the cowardly dog, this video where an elephant eats another elephant's poop, zadie smith, homestar runner, this crazy ass billy goat, vonnegut, aphex twin, alex g, skee mask, grouper, citrus, this video where a hoarder shows you how to cook a hot dog, and of course my friends.
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thanks! i kinda view my art as occupying a bunch of different worlds. i sorta signal that with my different aesthetics
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sadly, i made the first two forum boy volumes in 2019 and 2020, and my voice (figurative and literal) has changed a lot since then. and making the second one already felt like a bit of a retread to me; i feel like i couldn't quite capture the joyful glow of the first. i generally have trouble making sequels to videos i intended as one-offs. i try to make my stories express a complete thought, so there's not much left over to explore in subsequent installments.
all that being said, i'm glad the forum boy means something to you. those videos are based on happy memories that i hold dear. maybe i'll make another one a long time from now :-)
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i think i remember that post! i love to fart out glitch art, it feels almost therapeutic to me. it's really cool to hear that it inspired you
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general nice messages response:
i'm really happy to hear that you are liking the stuff. people have been very nice to me on here and i really appreciate it. makes me inspired to make more stuff! i'm excited to share more of my works, such as the bowel movement pic.
thanx for reading. let me know if this was fun to read or boring
- carter
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defodisturbed · 5 months
tolerate it - Zdinarsk x reader
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(A/N: hey y'all, tolerate it is one of, if not my favorite evermore song. also one of my top taylor swift songs in general. i felt inspired listening to it recently, so i decided to work some of my magik :3 hope y'all enjoy!! mwah)
I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it
Zdinarsk was never an... affectionate person. Especially after joining the army. But with you, she showed love. Kindess, even. But something's changed recently. She's not talking to you as enthusiastically as much, not engaging in PDA like you are, and its become too much. You feel like she doesn't love you anymore. Maybe she caught feelings for someone else. No, that can't be true. She's always told you that she would never love anyone else but you. Or maybe that was just a lie.
The code to your room was punched in, you could hear it. The door opened and in walked your lover. Your wife. The RDA didn't allow marriages, especially between soldiers. But, Quaritch did some convincing (by that I mean he made a powerpoint presentation and showed it to Ardmore) and had some strings pulled. Ardmore then talked to Parker and (forcefully) had him make an exception.
(reader's pov)
"Hey, baby! How was work? Did you get assigned to any cool missions?" I said enthusiastically. Zdinarsk ignored me. "Babe?" I asked, seeing if she could hear me. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh? Oh, no, nothing really happened today." Nonchalant words flowed from her mouth, uninterested in my curiosity.
"What happened? You sound very tired." I pressed, frustrating her. "Y/N, just.. leave it be. Nothing happened to me, I promise. Just leave me alone, I have to wind down."
[Time skips a few days later, Z has gotten home from work and Y/N is complaining about her treatment of her lately.]
"Y/N, what the fuck is your problem? I don't know what I did!" Z yelled at me. "You've been so dry lately! You don't express any emotion when it comes to me or our relationship! You don't even like talking about your day after I so happily welcome you home! I'm always taking up too much space or time now, when a few months ago you'd hug me like it was the last time you'd ever hug anyone! I would die for you without a second thought! I made you my entire purpose. I've written about you in my journal over a million times. You have taken up all of my thoughts, thinking of how much I love you. Thinking of how much you make me happy. But it seems I'm an afterthought in your head, taking up no more than a grain of sand!" I started shouting.
"Well I'm sorry if I'm not leaping with joy whenever you're around! I have a very tough job where I have no clue if I'm going to see the morning, and you expect me to be so happy all the time?" Z thundered. I groaned in anger and annoyance, before responding. "I just want to feel loved! I want to feel like you appreciate me, even when you're upset! Is that so much to ask for?"
"You know I love you, it goes without saying!" She hissed back. "No, it doesn't. You have to say it, Z. You have to say it." I tried to reason with her, lowering my voice and trying to softly speak. Anger and sadness was coursing through my veins, but if I shouted any more I would lose my voice.
"I don't care, you're overreacting. It shouldn't matter if I say it or not, you should know it." Z replied, almost carefree. "If you gave me a history test without telling me anything about the subject, how would I know what answers to pick? Your argument doesn't add up. Please, let's sit and talk about this."
Z sighed and huffed before sitting on our shared bed. I sat next to her and began to explain how I felt about it. "I feel like this situation is unfair because I don't understand the sudden switch. Before, you were so happy to see me, and all of a sudden you were so annoyed with my presence no matter if I said a word or not. If I did something, I want to know so that we can resolve it."
She paused to think. "You didn't do anything, hon. I don't know why I'm acting like this, I've just been really stressed lately. I know that's no excuse, and I'm really sorry I've made you feel this way. I really didn't mean to, and I love you more than you could ever imagine. I hope you can forgive me for how I've treated you." She looked down, twiddling with her fingers anticipating my response.
I brought her in for a hug and assured her it was okay. We forgave each other, and we had Mansk make us some nice food to eat together.
MWAH hope y'all loved it teehee :33
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flower1622 · 5 months
Hi 😊 i just wanted to say im sorry for all the bad messages you've been getting, on behalf of people who like annabeth. Shes been such an important character to me since i was a kid because we had kinda similar home lives and i was inspired by how strong she was and how brave she was to still keep putting her heart out there. It really breaks my heart to see people using her to justify sending you hate that you don't deserve. Annabeth gave me a lot of hope as a child but at the end of the day she isnt real and your opinions cant hurt her. Please dont feel like you have to change your views just because people are being nasty. I like you and i think you seem like a good person and no fictional character should ever get in the way of the respect we have for each other ❤ anyway have a wonderful day
Wow! I really liked this message! I didn't know how important Annabeth was to some people. I like that someone shared this with me. Sometimes, I feel really bad for all the things I may have said about her, but I still wish she and Percy could go to a therapy or something and make their communication better because I can't see her undersestimating him sometimes. I'm almost crying right now. But it's the truth. Many people think my page makes no sense or is such a hypocrite. They are right and wrong. As much as I hated Annabeth, I'm trying pretty hard to understand the character even though I end up showing my little dislike for her by the polls as someone commented...I still put her in the option of "another one". What is really funny is that these people don't like me but they don't block me or some even stalk my posts. That's kinda funny.
So, as an Annabeth anti or kinda anti, I'm sorry for all the bad things I said about her. I don't promise I won't say something bad later. I'm still human and make many mistakes. I used to ship her a lot with Percy. I always searched for Percabeth stories. Then I realized that sometimes she could give me a vibe that I didn't like...that person that knows it all and is superior to anyone else (I don't even like Hermione and many other characters because of this too). So, yeah! I'm trying not to mention her that much here on my page (trying... not that I will stop) and sorry for all the people that I hurt with my opinions and comments. That was never my intention. Now, I pratically became one of the most hated pages here. I will try not go by what other people are saying because I know that everyone has your point of view and we need to respect each other. So, if anyone wants to tell me about Annabeth's qualities, I'll be glad to read. I still have a heart, you know? 🤣. Maybe this will make me have more compassion towards her, like the one from the series did.
I'm sorry for my vent. I just needed to let it out a little bit too! Peace and Love! Thanks for the message. Few people like you and the others (who also respected and supported me) can make my day so much better.
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rosalind-hawkins · 7 months
Otogi with 1, 7 and 12?
Thank you for asking! Answers are for this post and I'm still taking asks if anyone else is interested! I've already answered one for Kaiba and would be happy to talk about my other faves. :)
I am going to call him Duke in this post if you don't mind. I'm dub trash and that's his name to me.
1. What Pokemon would you compare this character to? (may be replaced with "what Digimon" or other such monsters / critters if needed)
Ooof, this one was actually really hard! Duke is a pretty complex dude to me, and since there are no dice pokemon, there's no easy answer. The best source of inspiration would be his manga arc to see his core development, where his father was training him up to replace someone else and steal his destiny. As far as symbolism/themes surrounding him, we've got clowns, dice, ninjas, and revenge. I cannot for the life of me think of a single pokemon that really embodies who he is, either in terms of absolute pure canon OR the fleshed-out personality I've interpreted him into.
But what I can do is give you a pokemon team for him that captures some of the story and visual themes surrounding him: Greninja, Porygon, Mime Jr., Gimighoul, Yamask, Pawniard.
Greninja, Gimighoul, and Pawniard are included for the monsters he uses in DM and DDM. Mime Jr because he's literally the son of a clown and embraces a tiny bit of that aesthetic for himself. Porygon because he's a bit dicey-looking and his origins are pretty technical and scientific, something that I associate with Duke based on all the work that went into him creating DDM. Yamask because when he did approach Yugi and the gang at first (they approached him actually, but I digress), it was under false pretenses. Charm and deception are two sides of the same mask and this boy wears them both way too comfortably.
7. What might they appreciate as a gift from someone?
My answer for Kaiba on this one was long, so buckle in! With Kaiba's, I basically went through the different kinds of gifts that would be good for him and who would give them, so I'll do the same here, based off of the different ships/friendships I imagine for him.
Generally though, I think what Duke values in gifts is either the thought and effort that were put in (handmade stuff, or something basic but deeply meaningful) or the kind of gift that is activity-oriented (bro loves hanging out with his friends).
Ryou has a good few options. He's an artist and Duke has always been really supportive of that. He might make Duke some custom resin dice based on his Monster World characters, or custom resin dice earrings based on his Monster World characters. I think the best gift he would give Duke is a piece of art starring all their Monster World characters from the campaigns that Ryou runs, and the whole thing is set up like a fun movie posted. Duke would be so thrilled with it. He'd get that framed and insured and hang it where he'd get to show it off. In the end, it would be some work of art that integrates their shared interests/activities, which makes it especially personal.
Ishizu would, I think, give Duke a modern copy of the Ancient Egyptian game sennet, or maybe a different game that she might have grown up with. He enjoys a challenge and trying new things, and he would also appreciate that it's something personal from her life that she's trying to share with him. Plus, more games are more things to do with friends.
I think all of that could apply to Marik as well. I also think that Marik, as stylish as he is, might have a pretty good grasp on Duke's style and get him some accessories and new nail polish or makeup, stuff like that. (You can't tell me Duke doesn't wear makeup, just look at that eyeliner!)
Kaiba probably fumbles the first time he tries to give Duke a gift. Either it comes across as patronizing or too aggressive, or just somewhat off. Duke decides to take the time to explain that what he wants most from Kaiba is dedicated time with him, so planned vacation it is. Seto says he can take him anywhere in the world, and Duke doesn't care where they go, as long as he is the center of Kaiba's attention.
Hm, time for Joey. Now, here's the thing, I've got a few pretty different Joey's running around in my head, all at different levels of maturity, so bear with me. He might want to take him out to do something special or have dinner at a really nice restaurant—an experience instead of an object, and it's time spent together. When in doubt, or just as a backup, Joey will have some special intimacy planned as well, and that's consistent for whoever Joey is with.
12. What's a moment in canon regarding them that you feel is underappreciated?
Hnnnnnngg I just made a big long post recently with all my Duke Devlin propaganda, because honestly, I think most people do just see him as a pretty face, that guy who flirts with Serenity to piss off Tristan, and the guy who put Joey in a dog suit, and that's it, but he's so much more than that to me. I'll cover some little scenes here that I either think about a lot or that I think are generally forgotten until you go back and rewatch the show.
One moment I think about a lot is that two frames of him making stirfry in Season Four.
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I don't think you'd believe how much of my understanding of Duke derives from that moment? I think about it way too much. He stepped up to cook for his friends, he handles that frying pan with confidence, and from that I think I extrapolated a lot of my more domestic/mundane headcanons for him (like how he always makes sure his partner/s are well-fed and looking after themselves, and that he's generally a pretty responsible guy, keeps his affairs in order, all that jazz).
Another great moment is in the KC Grand Prix Arc when Joey and Tristan step in front of a TV camera and are making fools of themselves and Duke just steps between them and the camera, showing his good side and smirking. I don't think he even says anything, and it's great. It's just a casual "the camera loves me, and you idiots need to stop making yourselves look ridiculous." (Couldn't find a screenshot or gif of this moment, sadly.)
I think the first time we see him in the anime is this scene where he's in an office or apartment above his game store and is just watching Yugi pass by (with unnamed sycophant next to him). It's an almost creepy moment, honestly, and it's the kind of thing that makes me toy with the idea of a full-villain version of Duke.
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As far as the manga goes, I haven't read most of it (I got the first few volumes shortly before my recent move, and they're packed up somewhere still), but I know the gist of his manga arc. Yugioh is full of bad dads, and I think because his dad got cut out of the anime it's easy to forget that Duke's a member of the Domino Bad Dad Support Group as well.
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Anyways, I hope that's a satisfactory answer. I feel like that was pretty long-winded heh. 😅 Thanks again for asking! I do love talking about my boy Duke.
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dominimoonbeam · 9 months
The Fanfic Writer Questionnaire!
I was tagged by @ejunkiet to do this Fanfic Writer Questionnaire and now that I'm FINALLY getting back to my "normal" life and writing and talking to people again after the move, this seemed like a really fun way to start! I think I got waaaaaaaaaay to in-depth and confessional.
Tagging some people who I'd love to see play but also just anyone feeling like it! @glassbearclock @taelonsamada @romirola @zozo-01 @colloquialcolival
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
130. I had to look up my stats and I had no idea! 92 of those are Redacted…
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
Holy shit… 907,249
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Redacted, TOG, and 19 Days but I’ve dabbled in a handful of others over the years.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Finally Alive (TOG), Waiting (TOG), Pieces of the Moon (TOG), Open (19 Days), and Kicking and Screaming (TOG). Look at The Old Guard dominating that particular stat!
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! There have been times where I miss one or too much time has gone, but otherwise yes. I love comments. For a long time I got in my own head about comments or even liking things because I thought I was bothering people, and that sometimes carries over to replying to comments when I’ve been busy and a week or two has passed, but then I just do it because nice things are always okay to toss out into the world!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think I do ansty endings… I do a shit ton of trauma and hurt, but there’s always comfort payoff. Lemme see… OH! Oh fuck, it’s Stop it. I love that tiny ficlet. Warden blows themself up to take Vega with them out of Elegy.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of my fics have a happy ending… or at least the promise of happiness to come. I need a happy ending. I absolutely run from anything (fics, books, movies, shows) if I see any hint that they’re aiming to hurt/no comfort me.
Lemme see… who had the happiest ending… I’m going to say Come Home. It’s a Nightwing/Cassandra Cain fic I did ages back and something about that ending and them is just particularly satisfying to me. And Scars That Remind. I think the hard road and possibility of not getting that happy ending makes it happier... if that makes sense to anyone else?
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually but it has happened. Both the stuff that’s just someone taking a topic or character personally, or trying to make a statement, and actual vomit emojis.... hehe it was a particularly lewd fic and I think they were inspired to hate because I actually said I was proud of the work and I don't usually share those feelings/thoughts.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh my, yes. Where's the stat for that? I'm a sucker for deep emotional connections and trust. Even when I set out to write porn, it ends up being emotional.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
Maybe? I had someone ask if they could translate one of my 19 Days fics for another site and I said they could as long as they weren't pretending they wrote it.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I'm not really comfortable co-writing like that. But I used to write on rp sites long ago (it's where I met my person) and even before that I used to write stories with a friend. We would actually trade notebooks back and forth between classes to read what the other had done and add to it.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
Oh shit... It's been a lot of ships.
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I really hate the pressure to finish long fics. I used to only do long fics because I want to keep the world and keep adding but then there's the pressure where people ask if you've abandoned it. And I always feel like "no? it's not a couch I left by the street. it's a fic. i wrote it. it's mine even if it's unended forever." And I just really want the option to go back into that world and keep going even if it's years later (which I have definitely done). ...This is absolutely my way of not answering this question.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I'm usually pretty fast when I'm in it? And dialogue? I think I'm okay at dialogue
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Remembering my own descriptive choices? Weather, dates, settings, side-character names... Fluff. I'm not good at writing wholesome everyday things. Some people are so incredible at that and I'm just not. I just straight to the meat of everything every time. I worry it harms the flow and build of a lot of things.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I will usually dance around it if it's not a language I know, like just saying in narrative that the character said it in another language, assuming both parties understand or making a point of them not. I looooved this with Nicky and Joe in TOG and the idea of them using each others languages in the early decades to try to communicate better when what they were saying became important OR going back to their own when they're too upset to use a second language.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Technically... The Black Jewels Trilogy when I was a baby. Like I said, I was so shy and just, afraid of being in the way in the world. I had been reading fics for years but didn't even have an account. I start writing some for Black Jewels and made and account and posted... Someone rolled into the comments and picked it apart. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as I remember. I guess I'd used a lot of the terms in the books wrong? I was so horrified I deleted the fic and the account and didn't fic for a few more years. I even deleted the fic from my computer. I've dug around looking for it again since but it's absolutely gone. SO, the actual answer, is The Covenant over on ffnet. I couldn't find much of what I wanted so I started writing it.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
Favorite of my own!!? I am surprised how uncomfortable I am answering that... Okay, the thing is, I love my fics. I am so scared to admit that because it feels conceded as fuck but I honestly write what I want to read for the most part. I do go back and reread my own shit. Soooo I'm going to say Pieces of the Moon. It short and sweet and feels like a fairy tale. But the answer would change week to week.
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ofthedarkwoods · 7 months
I apologize for the traumatic content I've shared.
I wanna say that this apology is only to the people of Palestine (or to those who are personally tied to Palestine)
I don't want many of you to be remembered in this image. Your culture is truly breathtaking and should definitely be shared. Each Palestinian has beauty and kindness that we truly do not deserve.
Otherwise, I'm not sorry to anyone else.
Before I started sharing consantly and becoming more self-aware of the genocide happening across the seas, I was doubtful at first..
I did look away, and I didn't realize at the time of how wrong I was to do so.
It wasn't until I discovered a post of childern in pieces and finally realized how corrupt and real this is.
I can't find that specific post, but I remember being in so disbelief and so traumatized.
I couldn't take back the moment I saw before seeing what I had seen.
I have certain trauma of my own before seeing those pictures but nothing in my right mind could stay silent about what I saw.
I truely couldn't imagine everyone else in that moment of time was feeling.
I discovered more and more posts every day since then and have been trying my hardest to tell others that this is not normal.
None of this is normal.
Any person with morals clearly sees that this needs to stop.
These people..these children, these women, these men and so many others were filled with so much joy, hope, compassion, culture, are now being slaughtered and labeled as if they are not humans with souls worthy of anything.
I want to apologize again to them it took me so fucking long to realize that I shouldn't be looking away from this, that this is real.
I.. we should be yelling and screaming louder that this isn't the way it's supposed to be.
Your voice can be so loud and so fucking powerful.
They might tell you "what's one voice gonna do" when really protests and million if not billions of post have stated they've been telling millions of people that...
"What's one voice gonna do?"
They know just how powerful words can be, and yes, it might seem like these are all just words on a screen... but if I know anything is that words will turn into inspiration, and inspiration turns to action.
It's still not too late to stop this.
Every one of us has the ability to stop this together.
The boycotting has been working, and I'm so proud of everybody doing their best of their abilities.
Even if it feels like nothing, it still means something because knowing that if we all come together than more and more change will come.
I will keep posting about Palestine and other important topics to focus on because if it has the ability to inspire and change to maybe make the word brighter and better for the people around, then why stop.
So what begs the question now is to those who are "not into politics" or "on neutral sides" not see someone close to you when you look at them?
Do you not feel like you want to embrace them and tell them that they are loved.
To maybe comfort that child who lost their sister, to hold that mother that saw her son being targeted and gunned, to not hold that father's hand as it shakes with grief as his family is left under the home he bought promising them that nothing bad will come to them.
Do you really not see their pain, or do you only see what you want to see.
Seeing and experiencing other beliefs can be so beneficial, but if your one to just lie there and not question anything on the only system you were ever taught I want you to ask yourself this "are you really safe?"
To which "will I also fall victim to their game, they are so desperate to win?"
Because if they can get away with this then it is only a matter of time when you will be the one grieving for the last of your comfort fades away.
This is a warning to all that this is not normal, this is real, and it's only a matter of time before it affects each and every last of us until they get what they so desperately crave.
Fight back now or at least be prepared to say goodbye.
Many of you might agree or pick a fight with me whatever but yes, opinions change, however it's hard to change the way these past months have made me feel.
Stand for Gaza or stand for nothing.
From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free.
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d1stalker · 16 days
hii 🫶🏻
this may be a weird question but, as someone who’s been inspired by your writing and now really wants to get back into writing again even though it’s been years, do you have any advice on how you come up with such creative ideas for your fics?
like not only do you come up with unique ideas that are so interesting and exactly what your readers yearn to read, but you’re also able to make them deliciously lengthy which is such an impressive goal that many writers would love to achieve! so i would really appreciate any tips you may have on how you do that (and maybe also any tips on writing dialogue because your dialogue is so incredibly realistic, meanwhile mine has always been disastrous because of how much i struggle with it… lol) 🥲
but yeah, feel free to just ignore this ask! i don’t mean to dump my struggles onto you. i’m just such a fan of your writing and never fail to be impressed by you, so i thought i’d ask <3
anyway i hope you have a great day / night! thank you for writing and sharing your fics with us!
Another amazing message yawl are gonna make me cry 🥺❤️
I'm so happy I had a role in reigniting your interest in writing! I've always had a really active imagination, ever since I was really young I'd just think you know? I know that isn't helpful at all so here is some stuff i do that gets me thinking:
listen to music (specifically film scores - so I can imagine scenes that go with them)
sit down and write a list of what ifs - these can serve as possible au ideas!
read other stories! the more you read, the more ideas can merge into eachother, creating something completely unique
I primarily do the first and last. I also listen to music as I write to really get into the mood, and I find the ideas just come to me that way. Also, this is no shade to anyone because everyone loves a good trope, but I feel like there are a lot of stories with similar plot points, so I try to actively choose something else to write about.
Length wise, it's all actually a bit accidental. I mean, there are some stories that I know will be long based on how much detail in the plot I include, but for the most part, I think it's just because I cannot stop writing. This goes back to what I do to get ideas, and when I have a good idea, I am able to flesh it out and write a lot!
For dialogue, I say what I write out loud! If I cringe, or like physically cannot bring myself to say it, then it's getting scrapped. I kind of just write what I would say, and go from there! (this is terrible advice I'm sorry)
You didn't dump any struggles on me! I'm so glad you messaged and I hope you post something soon - I'd love to read it :)
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For the fic meme 😘
Ahhhh, you're so cute, I love you 😍😍😍😍 Thanks babe, excellent letter choices 😉
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Ohhh, so many. Too many. I tend to get a bolt of inspiration, start writing, and then get waylaid by another idea. But one I am making some inroads in at the moment is a weird little ✨time✨ fic, but I don't want to give anything away for that. We'll see if it works out LOL
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
*joints start creaking* back in my LJ days I wrote for Supernatural mostly, but d(r)abbled in a few others like True Blood. But yeah, three mostly – SPN early seasons, Gilmore Girls and Hellcheer, the latter two being the only ones on AO3. I got into writing later than most and also took a massive break. Hellcheer is my absolute 100% most favourite ever, in case no-one realised 🙃
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I'm gonna just pick one, lemme see. "Those were days of roses" is a line from the Tom Waits song Martha, which I just adore – in it an elderly man contacts an old flame to see if she remembers him. The short little fic is just a chance meeting when Eddie and Chrissy are middle-aged and haven't seen each other in 20 years. I tried to imbue the sense of melancholy from the song into the fic, but gave them a little more hope, I think.
O: What are your thoughts on people writing fanfic of your fanfic?
Uhm, sure, go for it! I don't think anyone would, I don't think any of it would particularly lend itself to it, but inspiration strikes from anywhere!
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Most of my Hellcheer stuff is a bit of fun and not really emotionally taxing, I think. But my GG fic Not Time's Fool, maybe? I wrote the spaces between canon, so trying to see how Rory and Jess could move forward with those events took a bit of meditation on my part on why they would and how they could.
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
I don't know about identify, but there are some qualities in Eddie that feel like me. Or maybe that's just the Eddie I write – I probably write him lighter than canon tbh 😆 While I didn't stand on tables and act out so dramatically, I have always been someone who is a bit of a clown, who has a sarcastic comment or dumbass quip. Which fic shows that best? Fucked if I know. Maybe my New Girl fic, or Mary Jane?
(Also the sense of bottled up rage, or rage that simmers under the surface that Eddie has in some canon scenes. That's me too LMFAO)
Thanks for the ask, my love! If anyone else wants to read more waffle like this, check out the ask meme!
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