#and i'm going for lunch so they will be even more delayed but i will respond to all bc i REALLY CANNOT put into words how fluffy they all
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grapecaseschoices · 7 days ago
Happy birthday 🎂 may good things come your way!
hey you!! ty so much <3
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snapbackslide · 2 months ago
you know, it kind of bothers me that this is what it took for everyone to start talking about how well his line has been doing.
i've been talking about the 51-71-40 line all year, and i'm glad people are finally starting to realize just how good they are, but gosh. this sucks.
and i understand why people are bringing up johnny, obviously we all flashed back to that, but according to the details they released it definitely was not as serious, so i wish it would stop being compared. if only for my own sanity...
the fact emil walked away from the incident, and apparently didn't feel the effects until today, makes me think it really isn't worth worrying about. which is so, so relieving, for me.
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vacantwatchers · 1 year ago
Platonic Stobin discuss Steve's relationship with Nancy. It's kind of critical on Nancy bc I'm biased (and a hater). Read it on Ao3 here.
“Explain to me why Henderson thinks you’re into Nancy again.”
“Fuck knows, Rob. I haven’t seen her around, let alone spoken to her since all that shit at the mall.” He didn’t really like the way she’d frowned at Robin when they’d met up, definitely hadn’t liked the antagonistic tone she used when she’d asked who Robin was.
Steve felt Robin sigh before the gentle weight of her head rested atop his. “The little gremlin cornered me at lunch and demanded to know why we weren’t dating–”
“I’m out of your league,” Steve muttered to her right hand as he slowly coated her index in the dark red polish.
“Keep believing that, Popeye. He asked me if I thought you were repugnant or something and that's why I wouldn't give you the time of day.”
Steve paused to swipe away polish with his nail. “What does repugnant mean?”
Robin hummed, a little delay as she tried to find a definition for him. Steve can imagine her flicking through a little rolodex that’s full of what Robin considers Steve approved explanations.
In the space of his waiting, he’d managed to finish the first coat on her right hand and gently lifted her hand up, smiling to himself at the way Robin moved from his hand to his shoulder.
(It took three weeks of working in Family Video, working back to back shifts so dead they made the burnt shell of Starcourt look lively for Robin to come in one day with a bulging pencil case and the demand that “if you’re just going to sit there, at least paint my nails, dingus.” It took three attempts with Robin smudging her nails with her flailing before they established that when he finished a hand, he would lift it, and she would rest it on his shoulder.)
“Repugnant is like when something is really distasteful, unacceptable.”
“Tammy Thompson’s muppet singing is repugnant.”
Robin snorted into his hair. “Perfect use of repugnant, Steve. It’s also a word you can use similar to revolting, repulsive, disgusting and offensive.”
Pulling her left hand closer to his right side so he could see what he was doing, Steve hummed. “Okay. So Dustin thinks you think I’m revolting, repulsive, disgusting, and offensive?”
“Yeah, Steve, I told him I just couldn’t date such a disgusting man who spends twenty minutes on his hair after a shower and ignores me every time I tell him he needs to go to an optometrist because the way he can’t see makes me sad. No. I said that while I am happy to spend my life with you as my soulmate, we are strictly platonic.”
Sliding the brush back into the bottle, Steve gently swiped his nail down the side of Robin’s thumb. “That absolutely didn’t shut him up. Give them a minute before I do the next coat.”
Robin nodded her understanding, which made him nod. “No, me saying that didn’t stop him. Me asking if the reason he was so interested in your love life was because he was the one with the crush on you, however, did.”
“Ew, Robin, he’s like my brother.”
“That is exactly what he said, just with a lot more volume and yelling.”
Steve leaned further into the weight of Robin at his back, taking a moment to absorb the fact that she lets him take whatever touch he needs without freaking out the same way she does whenever someone else tries to touch her in the slightest. Uses the pause to organise his thoughts out of the jumbled train they come at him in. “I’m not sure when, uh. When we dated, I’m not sure it was love.”
“Okay.” Robin’s hum tingled through his diaphragm. “Talk it through, you were convinced last year you’d loved her. Don’t even try to think it out for me like you do, just say it all.”
“The ol’ Robin treatment, huh?”
“I hate that that is what you call it, but yes. Please proceed.”
“We dated, and I tried to be there for her, right? Like I had to go to these absolutely depressing dinners with Barb’s family every fucking week, because Nancy thought it was the right thing to do and I had to pretend to eat the food, and I tried to give her space when it felt like she was pulling away. I’d take her out to get her away from thinking about it all because I could see that she was struggling and thought maybe doing normal shit teenagers did would help. Would sit with her and listen when she needed me to, or just be with her when she needed silence. I’d ask about how she slept, and if she was still having nightmares, I would reach out and just try and hold her hand or hug her.
“But, I don't know. I’ve been thinking back on it, and Nancy never really did the same shit back, y’know. She would have these moods where she’d just be so angry. Angry at herself, the situation. Me. And I get it, it was fucked up and we couldn’t tell anyone without the threat of being taken away. But she’d go on and on about how we killed Barb and it was our fault and then it would turn into how it was my fault she was dead. And then so often she would say this line and at first I was like, she’s saying it in this fond way so she doesn’t mean it, but she said it so oft–”
“What would she say?”
Steve tilted his head back so he could look up at Robin. “What?”
“Nancy. What would she say?”
“Oh.” Steve looked back down, fiddling with the nail polish bottle. “She’d say ‘you’re an idiot, Steve Harrington’ and she’d make these comments, and I don’t even know if she was aware of it. Like she’d call me dumb and say don’t be stupid, or imply that I wouldn’t be able to do something or understand because I wouldn't get it.
“And when she went over my work she’d say it never made sense, and like, her tone, her tone always said it because I wasn’t smart enough. Like, she’d read over things and point and make comments, and honestly, it was more confusing than anything because the points made sense to me, but apparently not to her–”
Robin made her little grunting sound. She did it every time she needed to interject something. “Yeah but that's like, your mind's process. You do it when you talk too, that structuring thing you do where you make these links to things, and it all somehow flows. My mom said you might have something called dyslexia or dysgraphia. One of those two.”
Steve looked up at Robin, eyebrows scrunching up. “You talk to your mom about me? When did she even have time to figure that out?”
“I talk about you to her all the time because we both love you. And she noticed when you were helping me with my English homework.”
Huh. “Okay then.”
“Keep going with what you were saying, sailorman.”
Seven months, and she still hasn't given up on the nautical nicknames. Jesus.
“After early admissions for colleges had closed, Henderson actually found the essay I wrote, and he said it was good. That the parallels were there and with only a little tweaking it would have been great, and when I mentioned what Nancy said he kind of paused before reading it again and said he didn’t see what she was talking about. He even had his mom read it because for a while, she was admin for a college, and she said it would have gotten me in. After Christmas, I asked Nancy if she wanted to go with me to tour some colleges once and she looked at me when I dropped some of the names and said, ‘Do you think they’ll believe you’d fit in there?'"
“Jesus Christ,” Robin muttered.
“It just, it built up and I think at the time I was blind to it because I was trying to lose myself in the relationship, in being there for her.”
“What about you?” Robin’s hand slid down from its perch on his shoulder to his chest so she could pull him closer. “Was she there for you? Like, you told me that since ‘83 you can’t eat meat because of the smell of burning demogorgon put you off, and that having to lure the demodogs with meat was really triggering. And I know you have trouble sleeping and you have those awful nightmares that make it so that sometimes you can’t eat.
“Which, can I just say, is really concerning because you already have this habit of forgetting to eat even when you’ve brought lunch. And I know it’s probably something to do with the way you get stuck into stock or shelving, but I hate it when you get into that groove. But I’ve also figured out that you will eat anything I hand to you, as long as I’ve taken a bite first, so it’s not that bad.”
Needing to move a little, Steve tightened the nail polish and started shaking the bottle.
“Oh, uh. Those dinners with Barb’s family, it was always KFC, that’s why I never ate anything there. She’d actually get annoyed because she thought it was disrespectful? That I only ate the bread and chips? And after that first night where Barb died, Nancy never came over to my house again because she said it had too many bad memories and it made her uncomfortable to be there. So she never really saw the nightmares. When she wanted to see me, she would have me come over and she’d push me on the bed and then when she was done she’d tell me it was getting late, and kind of push me towards her window to go.”
“Steve– that doesn't sound healthy at all.”
Lifting the nail polish bottle, Robin took it as the signal it was and dropped her hand in his again.
“I think, even when I was dating her, she talked more to Jonathan than me.”
“That’s fucked up, Steve.”
“I think that’s just trauma, Bobby. We weren’t good together. I don’t know. Whatever Dustin is seeing between us is completely in his head. Especially considering the money moves I'm making with Operation Metalhead.”
“You need to stop saying money moves. All you've done is wave at him and blush when he loaned you a Megadeth tape.”
Gently guiding her hand back into his best field of vision, Steve started in on the second coat. “I don't know, sounds pretty money to me.”
Steve felt Robin inhale for a deep sigh, her warmth increasing against his back for a moment before she exhaled. "I think Eddie might have actually graduated before Operation Metalhead gets anywhere close to being a success."
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justwinginglife · 7 months ago
Hello?! I hope I'm not late to make a request😅
May I request for Hoshina's reaction to making the reader accidentally cry?Reader is sensitive to loud noise like loud voice,thunders etc...and Hoshina has always been careful in raising his voice at her or attentive but he accidentally raised his voice at her because he mistook her as someone else?
Omg hello! Welcome to my page. You are not too late- I would be honored to write this for you.
The Sound Of His Love
Soshiro Hoshina was sweet, he was funny, he was protective, he was charming- but the thing that stood out the most to you was that he was incredibly considerate.
Your entire life people had teased you for scaring easy- whether it was thunderstorms, construction, fireworks, it didn't matter. Someone could close a door a little too loudly and you'd jump. You couldn't help it. Something about volume was overwhelming to you and you found yourself constantly shrinking at how loud the world was.
But not Soshiro Hoshina. He was gentle, he was soothing. And when he learned about your sensitivity to noise, he made every effort to be a safe haven for you. He didn't see you as lesser, he just saw you as someone who needed a little more love and he always had an abundance to give.
He even let you move into his place after your neighbor got a particularly noisy, particularly rowdy new dog. The man was a dream come true.
So now you wanted to do something to surprise him. You'd never been able to visit him at work because of all the shooting drills that were going on and the possibility of the alarm going off any second to signal a kaiju attack, but today you wanted to try. He was always cooking for you and cleaning up after you (even going so far as throwing out his old vacuum and just sweeping the carpet so as to avoid any noise), so this time you decided to make him a lunch to thank him.
You plated it all pretty in your little bento box and even put a sticky note on top with a little love letter on it.
You had already called up Mina the day before, Hoshina- being the thoughtful person that he was- had introduced the two of you in case you couldn't reach him (and he also just wanted to show you off to someone), and she had approved your little surprise visit, saying she'd help anyway she could.
So today you put on your noise cancelling headphones and make the walk over to the base, your lunchbox in tow. You're greeted at the door by Mina and she leads you to his office to sit and wait for him. Then she gets the idea that she should dress you in one of her uniforms so you look like a soldier, "I bet it'll really do something to that boyish brain of his to see you like this", she winks. You blush and let her do what she wants.
Then you just sit in his office chair and wait.
Little do you know, Hoshina is having the worst day. He had to make the long journey out to the First Division today on almost no sleep for a joint mission, he usually gets a kick out of pushing Narumi's buttons but today the Captain was being extra irritating towards him for no apparent reason, and to make matters worse, Narumi got most of the kills causing Hoshina to sulk about why he was even there in the first place. And then, just to add to his already miserable day, his train ride back got delayed, he got soaked waiting in the rain for it to come, and he was starving. By the time he dragged his dripping, aching body back to his office, he just wanted some piece and quiet and of course he opens the door to find some soldier twiddling their thumbs in his chair.
"Soldier!" He booms. "Who told you that you could let yourself into my office?? I want answers, then I want push-up's, then I want your sorry ass out of my damn office!"
With every word he thunders, you flinch, sinking deeper and deeper into his chair until you feel the tears starting to well up. You know he doesn't know that it's you and that he's probably just had a bad day, but you're still shocked to find that your gentle boyfriend can be not so gentle when he's not around you. You slowly swivel the chair in his direction, your shaking hands lifting the hat away from your face, revealing your tear-stained cheeks to him.
He drops to his knees in an instant.
"Baby..." He gasps. "Oh my god baby, you're here."
You give him a small, weak smile, trying to wipe the tears away, embarrassed that they just keep coming. "S-surprise?"
He slaps his forehead- hard. "I-I'm... I'm so so sorry for yelling at you baby. Please don't... please don't cry, I'm sorry." He pulls himself to his feet and envelops you in a warm hug, repeating his apology over and over again in whispers until you've stopped shaking.
"I-it's okay." You say finally.
He shakes his head vehemently. "It's not okay. I never should've raised my voice at you even if I thought you were an officer, I was just having a bad day baby I'm so sorry. It's really not who I am."
You smile again, this time more confidently. "I know that's not who you are baby. I'm sorry you've had a bad day. I made you lunch."
You gesture to the bento box that's been waiting on his desk.
His eyes widen and he starts to look even more ashamed. He falls to his knees again, curling up and laying his head in your lap. "I don't deserve you." He murmurs, stroking the length of your legs.
You start to blush and you're glad he's nuzzled himself against you and can't see your rosy cheeks.
"I can't believe I made you cry. I swore I'd never make you cry." He mumbles against your legs.
You rub a hand over his shoulder. "It's okay baby, really. I know you didn't mean to."
He shakes his head again. "It's not okay and I will never make you cry ever again, please forgive me."
You kiss the top of his head. "Already done baby. Now eat your lunch so this trip was worth it."
He pulls away from you, finally able to smile. "I'll clean the whole box out if it'll make you happy."
He finishes scarfing down the food and you both walk home together, hand in hand.
This relationship of yours may at times be difficult to navigate, but you know he always tries his best and that's enough for you.
Decades down the road, when you're both old and gray, you smile to yourself as you realize he's kept his promise, he never made you cry ever again.
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delulujuls · 1 year ago
papaya nails and everything nice | op81
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hi! i dont really know how to comment on that one, i just get this idea from few videos where oscar actually admitted that he has very interesting relationship with his nails
anyway, is this original? i think it is. is this wholesome? hell yes, we do be supportin in this household. enjoy!
summary: oscar is having an unusual problem but it's nothing a manicure cant fix
warnings: none, i hope that painted nails on a boy arent a trigger
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!mclarendriver (ft. lando)
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Oscar had been struggling to get himself together for some time now. As far back as he could remember, he considered himself as organized and put-together person who kept everything in check. However, for the past few weeks he had been the complete opposite—nothing seemed to go his way, he was incredibly scattered, sleeping poorly and was always last-minute everywhere.
This day was no exception to the rule that had persistently dominated Piastri's life for the past few weeks. Hurrying, he entered the garage running late and quickly started changing, not wanting to delay the start of training. His hair was messy, clearly having just detached from the pillow a few moments ago. Y/N observed her friend from the corner of her eye, seeing him struggle with unzipping his jumpsuit. Without hesitation, she approached him and eased his suffering, helping him with the zipper.
"Thanks," he mumbled, throwing a fleeting glance at his friend. Only then did Y/N noticed that Oscar's face was marked by several red streaks.
"Something happened?" she asked, clearly concerned. The recent strange behavior of Oscar had not escaped anyone on the team and she was no exception.
"I overslept, nothing new lately," Piastri casually replied, putting on the jumpsuit and fastening it around his neck. He brushed his hair off his face and only now did Y/N have a full view of his face, where red stripes were visible on his even paler-than-usual skin.
"Yes, that too, but that's not what I meant," she said.
Y/N took her phone and showed him his reflection. He furrowed his brows in surprise but took the phone from her and looked at his face. It was a fact, there were strange red marks on it. After a moment, he figured out why he looked like so this morning.
"They're probably scratches; I must have done them in my sleep."
"Scratches?" she scrunched her eyebrows and involuntarily glanced at his nails when he handed her the phone. Indeed, Oscar's nails could make many girls envious.
Y/N still had something to ask, but she was called to take her place in the car. She didn't have the chance to exchange a single word with Oscar until lunchtime. The couple sat in the cafeteria and as Y/N was familiar with both the old Oscar, whom she had known for several years and the slowly emerging new Oscar, she had never paid much attention to his hands or, more importantly, his nails.
"Has this happened to you before?" Y/N asked when they were both eating lunch and Oscar focused all his attention on what she assumed was his first eagerly awaited meal of the day.
"That I took two portions of rice with vegetables for lunch?" he asked with his mouth full, glancing at her in the meantime "No, honestly, this is my debut."
She rolled her eyes. "No, I'm not asking about that. I mean, have you ever looked like you've just met Wolverine?"
"Still have those marks?"
Y/N nodded in response as she continued eating.
Oscar sighed, swallowing what was in his mouth and wondering whether to tell her about the embarrassing nonsense that had haunted him for as long as he could remember. Seeing her curious gaze he decided to confess to her an unusual fact about himself.
"I can't cut my nails."
Oscar threw this statement into the air without much ado. Honestly, at this point in his life where he was and with all the things happening, most of which didn't go the way they should, thinking about things like his unfortunate nails would be total foolishness.
"Oh, really?" she was surprised, but it was the kind of surprise when you hear some fun fact you didn't know before.
"You reacted like I just told you that there are twice as many kangaroos as people in Australia."
"It's quite an unusual thing, you're probably the first person I know who can't do it."
"I don't know if it's something to feel special about, although probably yes since for the rest of the day, I look like I do."
Oscar replied, pointing to his scratched face.
"What's worse," he continued, not interrupting his eating, "Even when I manage to deal with them, it takes a moment and they look the same again. They grow terribly fast."
"If you want, I can help you with them," she offered, glancing at him.
Oscar hesitated for a moment and after that he looked at her uncertainly.
"Could you?"
"Of course!"
Shortly afterward, Y/N's hotel room turned into improvised nail salon. She took her task very seriously, pleased that Oscar allowed her to do anything extra such as cutting his cuticles or giving his hands a massage with a cookie-scented cream.
"You have nice nails," he said when she massaged his hands. Her nails had short square shapes with a matte finish. The color was no surprise; it was papaya orange. "Do PR people dip their fingers in this too?"
Y/N laughed and shook her head.
"No, I just noticed this nail polish in the drugstore and I thought I'd take it. It amused me that this color haunts me everywhere."
"Do you do your nails yourself?" Oscar looked at her with a slight shock. "It must be terribly hard and time-consuming."
"I've been doing them for a few years now and as you can see they are pretty simple, so with each time I get better at it."
She replied, taking a bit more cream. She noticed that he was silently looking at her hands; it seemed that he was particularly paying attention to her nails.
"I can paint yours too if you want."
Y/N nodded and Oscar looked at her, shocked by how effortlessly she seemed to read his thoughts.
"Painted nails aren't for boys. "
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Anyone can have painted nails, Oscar."
"Zac would be pissed at me. PR people probably too."
"Fuck Zac, fuck PR people," she looked him in the eyes. "Everyone has the right to look how they want, so if Lewis can have earrings and tattoos, Alex could have red hair, then you or any other guy can have painted nails."
Oscar hesitated for a while, looking at her uncertainly. He was silent for a moment, thinking hard. However, he decided that it was time to finally do something contrary to the norm. He has stuck to the rules and regulations all his life, so it's time to make a small concession that won't harm anyone.
"Can you make them for me with a shiny finish?"
Y/N smiled and nodded, hurriedly getting off the bed and grabbing her bag with all the supplies. The smile on Oscar's face appeared with each painted nail, pushing away his fears and insecurities.
When the girl started finishing his other hand after more than an hour, Lando came into the bedroom without any warning, complaining about his friends and the fact that none of them had replied to any of his messages for over forty minutes.
When Norris noticed what he was witnessing, he opened his mouth in shock and his eyes almost fell out of his sockets. Both Oscar and Y/N knew their friend's unfiltered chatter, so they mentally prepared themselves for some comment from him. But beside that, he hurriedly took off his shoes and all excited sat on the bed, rolling up his sleeves.
"Oh my God! Will you do mine too?"
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ryder-writes · 5 months ago
Baking Soda- Aizawa x GN!Reader
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CW: Nothing, just fluff (maybe some reverse comfort?). Also y'all are married and have 2 cats named Mocha and Pancake.
A/n: It's done! This was fun to write, thank you to everyone who voted in the poll!
WC: 725
Shouta walked home, his footsteps echoing off of the silence of the night. If it was even still night- it was more likely 2am. These night patrols were so annoying. And, worst of all, he wasn't at home asleep with you. Which was his favorite place to be. You were probably holding onto his pillow, trapping it in the fetal position. He chuckled under his breath at the thought; you were too cute for him. He reached up to brush his fingers through his hair and paused as his fingers felt a sticky substance. Oh, right. His hair was covered in bubblegum. Thanks to that annoying new villain. Their quirk was called bubblegum, as they could blow bubblegum bubbles which they could trap things inside. Shouta had stopped them from robbing a store, but not before getting his hair covered in gum. He sighed. There's another thing keeping him from going to bed.
As he unlocked your front door, he walked inside to see a container on the table. Closing the door behind him and walking toward it, he noticed a note:
Hi baby <3
I packed some leftovers for
your lunch
make sure you eat it >:(
Shouta felt a warmth in his chest. You always made sure he took care of himself. Even if he didn't want to. Oh, that reminded him. His hair. His phone screen lit up his face as he googled 'How to get bubblegum out of hair'. After reading for a minute (he was so tired he couldn’t read any longer if he wanted to), he decided that baking soda was the best option. The phone was put down as he opened a random drawer. And then another. And another. He was half-furiously looking and rummaging around trying to find this stupid baking soda so he could go to bed. His head was deep under the sink, trying to make out bottles and boxes of cleaning products in the dark.
The voice spooked him so bad he rammed his head into the top of the cabinet.
You gasped: "Oh no! You okay Sho?"
"Yeah, 'm fine." He grumbled while exiting the cabinet.
"Wait why are you under the sink anyw-" You suddenly notice his hair.
"Don't laugh."
"I'm too confused to laugh. What happened?"
Shouta sighed. "Some villain with a bubblegum quirk. Google said baking soda gets it out."
"And you can't find the baking soda?"
"Yeah. I thought it was in this cabinet."
You walk over to the cabinet next to the one he was in. "It was, but Mocha and Pancake found out how to get in there so I moved it." You reach into it and grab the box.
"Oh. That makes sense."
You stand back up and grab a cup off of the counter. "C'mon, let's go to the bathroom."
Shouta stood there staring at you. "No, you go back to bed. I'll wash my hair." You stared back at him.
"Let me help you. Get in the bathroom."
He sighed."Fine." He knew that arguing with you would only delay both of your bedtimes. You directed him to your bedroom and into the master bathroom.
"Take off your shirt." You ordered. He started slowly removing his capture weapon before taking off his shirt. Meanwhile, you grabbed a couple towels, laying one on the edge of the tub and one on the floor. "Okay, get on your knees." Shouta smirked. You rolled your eyes playfully. "Not like that!" He listened to you this time, getting on his knees, resting his neck on the towel and leaning his head over the tub.
You grabbed the baking soda and mixed it with water from the sink in the cup, making a paste. You walked over, leaning over Shouta. You spread the paste into his hair, making sure it covered the bubblegum.
"It's so grainy."
"Yeah, cause it's baking soda and water." You chuckle. "Okay, anddddd done." You walked over to the sink to wash your hands. "Now we just have to wait a couple minutes." He groaned.
"I just wanna sleep."
"Then go to sleep, baby." You walked back over next to him and sit on the edge of the tub to his right. You reach down and gently scratch the back of his neck. He let out a soft groan.
"I love you."
"Love you too, Sho. Get some rest."
A/n Pt. 2: Hope you enjoyed! If you want to read some more mha stuff feel free to check out my Masterlist :]
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roosterforme · 1 year ago
Meet the (Other) Parents (Rooster x Reader)
Part of The What If Collection of blurbs for Roo and Baby Girl. Written for an ask. My masterlist. Banner by @mak-32
Warnings: just fluff
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You were laying on Bradley's bed in Bradley's bedroom in Bradley's house. And you felt warm and flushed. Not only because of what you and he just finished doing, but also because you knew deep down inside that he bought the craftsman for you.
"Mmm," he hummed, kissing your neck as you felt the bed dip. "I'm going to finish cleaning up from lunch, and then we can head to the airport.
"Okay," you whispered. You were so nervous. His parents were on their connecting flight out of St. Louis right now. Sure, they were coming out to appraise the house that Bradley closed on three days ago, but they were really coming out to do the same to you. This would be your first time meeting them. 
When you eventually made your way into the beautiful kitchen, your boyfriend pulled you in for a hug. "They are going to love you, Baby Girl. My mom asks about you every day, plus you've already talked to them on the phone."
"I hope so." Your own parents were pretty crazy about Bradley after meeting him less than two weeks ago, and you wanted to be just as impressive for Carole and Goose. 
But there were little signs of your presence everywhere here, even after just a few days. You'd spent nearly every moment in the house with Bradley since he got the keys. Your toothbrush was in the bathroom, your overnight bag full of clothing was sitting inside his closet. Your uniform was hanging in the laundry room. 
"Should I clean my stuff up and like put it in the garage or something?" you asked cautiously. 
Bradley looked at you like you'd lost your mind. "Why?"
"So your parents don't see my stuff here?"
Bradley snorted as he started to put his shoes on. "Trust me, Sweetheart. Carole and Goose know I have every intention of trying to get you to move in here with me as soon as possible. Short of leaving your sexiest underwear on the bed, they are not going to care."
"Alright," you whispered, following him out to the Bronco. He opened the door and then buckled you in, and you couldn't help but grin at what had become a little symbol of his love. And with a quick kiss to your shoulder, he had the door closed and was walking around to the other side.
There was no traffic. There was nothing to delay you. And it was all too soon before you were standing in baggage claim in your favorite sundress with Bradley's arm draped casually around your shoulders. Your heart was pounding. And then Bradley squeezed your bicep gently. 
"There they are," he said with a bright smile, and you saw the Bradshaws hustling toward you. The tropical print shirt nearly identical to the one Bradley was wearing would have been a dead giveaway, if you hadn't already seen photos of them. And Carole was waving and calling her son's name, even though he clearly saw her, which had you smiling at her.
"Bradley!" she gushed when she was close, and she still looked beautiful, even with silver threaded through her blonde hair. Bradley leaned down to hug her, and then the petite woman was practically shoving him out of the way to get a better look at you. She gasped and took your hand in hers. "Aren't you just even more gorgeous in person? Oh, I can't tell you how happy this makes me."
And then you were being squeezed so tight by someone so small, you were left muttering, "It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Bradshaw."
She kissed your cheek as she released you and said, "Call me Carole! And this is Nick. Or Goose. Either one."
You reached out to shake his hand, but he also pulled you into a much less life threatening hug and said, "Just call me Goose. Everyone else does." And when he released you a second later, his chocolate brown eyes which were identical to his son's darted between you and Bradley. Then he just nodded before he hugged his son as well. 
You insisted that Goose sit in the front of the Bronco on the ride back to the craftsman, and that left you in the back with Carole. She asked about the naval academy and what part of Maryland you were from. She asked about your parents and your roommate and your job and everything else under the sun. You were about to ask her to tell you more about what Bradley was like when he was younger, but then she leaned across the seat and sighed softly, her blue eyes glittering. 
"Sorry. I just want to know everything about you. You're one of a kind."
"I am?" you asked with a soft laugh.
She nodded vigorously and said, "Oh, yes." She was looking at you like you were unbelievable. Just too much to take in all at once, and you started to squirm. "We've never met a girlfriend before."
"Oh," you replied softly. You knew Bradley hadn't been in many relationships, but this made you feel warm inside. 
"And he so obviously loves you," she added. "Goose and I just can't wait to spend the whole weekend with the two of you."
Her words still had you feeling flushed as Bradley pulled up to the house and unlocked the front door. 
"It's beautiful!" Carole said as Bradley led his parents around to see every room. You trailed at a bit of a distance until they beckoned you forward. And they didn't say anything about your toothbrush or your glasses case or your uniform. 
But you did hear Goose quietly tell Bradley, "This looks like a house you could raise a family in. Don't drag your feet."
And you did hear Carole whisper to Bradley. "I just love her. She's so charming. Oh my god, Bradley, I don't know how you managed to pull this one off, but please please please don't mess it up."
You were far less nervous as the four of you had pizza and beers on the back patio on the rickety old table and chairs the previous owner left. And you were even less nervous later that night when Bradley suggested his parents sleep on the queen bed. Carol responded with, "Nonsense. The two of you can stay in your room. We'll be fine on the double bed that you bought."
So you got changed and curled up next to Bradley in bed and whispered, "Your parents are awesome."
"They think you're awesome, too."
And you fell asleep wrapped up with his long limbs.
When you were about to leave to take Bradley's parents back to the airport a few days later, you climbed into the backseat with Carole once again. She told you about all of the cousins she couldn't wait to introduce you to in Virginia. "If you can come for Thanksgiving, of course."
"Wouldn't miss it," you promised, and her smile filled you with happiness. 
After a beat, she leaned a little closer to you and said, "You know he bought that house for you, right?"
You opened your mouth, but you weren't quite sure what to say. You thought you'd made a good impression on them. You didn't want them to feel like you were taking advantage of their son. You really liked them. You were starting to panic.
But she could read your face in that way only a mom could, and she reached across the seat to squeeze your hand. "Oh, I mean that in a good way, darling. A very good way. Means he wants you to stick around."
You were surprised to find that you had tears in your eyes as you said goodbye to them, and as you watched them walk through the security screen area, Bradley said, "I'm pretty sure we have to go there for Thanksgiving."
"That's okay," you replied right away. "I want to." But when you turned to head back to the Bronco, something had you glancing back toward his parents. They were too far away for you to be certain, but you were nearly positive that Carole was leaving San Diego without her engagement ring. 
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minxmut-cafe · 3 months ago
Withered Love
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Pairing : YANDERE!! Jimin x reader (referred to as princess)
Genre : modern Au, YANDERE.
Warning : tooth rotting fluff, smut, spanking, vaginal sex, cunnilingus, spanking, oral sex (f. Receiving). Breeding kink, dirty talk (fairly tame ngl)
Word count : 3.5k
Authors note : I hope you guys enjoy this smut. Istg there something about Jimin as a YANDERE that just gets me going. If you want more stuff like this you can request it on my page and if you'd like to support me you can go on my KOFI page. I'm also currently writing a Fantasy au fanfic about jimin so be sure to check that out as well. Enjoy!!!
Jimin pulled on his jacket, preparing to leave for work. His princess, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, lay on the bed, her eyes wide and pleading as she gazed at him. "Jimin," she whined, her voice laced with sweetness and desperation. "You can’t leave me today. We were supposed to spend the whole day together."
He paused, glancing over at her with a small sigh. "I know, princess. But I have a really important meeting today. It won’t take long. I’ll be back before you know it."
Her lower lip jutted out, and she buried her face back into the blankets with exaggerated sorrow. "I don’t feel good... maybe I should stay in bed all day," she muttered, feigning illness in her most dramatic fashion.
Jimin, who knew her better than anyone, smirked knowingly. "You're pretending to be sick again, aren’t you?" he teased, his tone both affectionate and amused.
She whined louder, her voice thick with mock resignation. "Fine. Go, then. But when you come back, you’ll find my cold, withered corpse. You didn’t water me with enough love," she sighed dramatically. "I’ll be shriveled up, forgotten."
Jimin chuckled softly, unable to resist the warmth in his heart. "Princess, you’re not going anywhere. I’ll make sure to give you all the love when I get back. I promise." But as he continued preparing to leave, she started sighing even louder, fueling the playful yet furious tantrum brewing inside her.
He stopped, watching her for a moment, his resolve faltering as he saw how upset she was. But he couldn’t delay his meeting.
He walked over to her, scooping her up into his arms and sitting her on his lap. "Come on, don’t pout," he said gently, pressing a series of tender kisses to her forehead, her cheeks, and finally, her lips. "I’ll be back early, I promise. Just a few hours. You’ll have my love and attention when I return."
She stiffened for a moment, then playfully slapped his chest with her palm. "You better, Jimin," she muttered under her breath, a sly smile curling on her lips. "Or I’ll have to punish you when you get back." Her eyes narrowed mischievously. "I’ll make sure to leave you a little reminder of what happens when you make me wait."
Jimin smirked, his gaze sharpening. "That’s my job, brat," he replied in a low, teasing tone, the underlying possessiveness lacing his words. "You leave the punishing to me."
Her face flushed with the familiar rush of both excitement and challenge. "You better come back on time, or else," she warned, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Deal," he said with a wink, standing to leave. But as he reached the door, he turned back one last time. "And princess, don't go withering away on me. I want that lunch waiting when I return."
Her eyes softened, and she let out a heavy sigh, flopping back into the blankets. "You better hurry, Jimin," she mumbled. "Or I’ll have no choice but to make sure you're sorry."
Jimin smiled at the playful threat and stepped out, knowing the hours ahead would be filled with her anticipation and her playful, possessive heart waiting for his return. He was already counting down the moments until he could come back, ready to deliver on his promise—and maybe indulge in a little punishment of his own.
The moment Jimin arrived at his office, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out to find a series of playful and silly pictures from his princess. The first was of her pouting dramatically with an empty plate beside her, clearly pretending to be starving. The next was a close-up of her face with exaggerated eyes, followed by a shot of her tucked under the blanket, looking like she was fighting off an invisible army. Each photo was more ridiculous than the last, and Jimin couldn’t help but smile at her antics.
Despite the brief moments of amusement, his focus remained on his work, but in the back of his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He had promised to return early, and he fully intended to keep his word.
When he finally stepped through the door later that day, he was met with a sight that made his heart skip. His princess was sitting on the sofa, glaring at the clock with a scowl so intense it almost looked comical. The moment she heard him, her expression softened, and she practically jumped off the couch, squealing as she rushed toward him.
Jimin barely had time to react before she jumped into his arms, her small frame practically tackling him. "You're back! You're back!" she squealed, her face lighting up with a mixture of relief and overwhelming joy. She sniffed him, as if making sure it was truly him, and peppered his face with aggressive, hurried kisses.
He laughed at her overzealous greeting, slightly overwhelmed by her energy. "I kept my end of the deal, princess," he said, once he managed to catch his breath. "So, where’s my lunch?"
She giggled, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she pulled a plate from the nearby table. With a dramatic flourish, she set it in front of him... then promptly sat on it. "Here’s your lunch," she said proudly, handing him a jar of jam. "I’m your lunch. I’m your favorite, right?"
Jimin raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her little game. "Is that so?" he smirked. "Then I’ll need a knife to properly... disassemble my food."
Her eyes widened in concern, her hands hovering over the plate protectively. "A... a knife?" she asked, frowning. "Jimin, don’t you dare..."
Before she could protest further, he burst into a fit of giggles, his laughter filling the room. She pouted at him, crossing her arms in mock annoyance. "You’re such a meanie," she muttered, but her lips betrayed her with a small smile.
The moment she was distracted, Jimin didn’t waste any time. He scooped her up effortlessly, holding her close to his chest. "Guess we’ll skip the lunch and go straight to dessert," he teased, his voice low and playful.
She gasped, her face flushing with a mix of surprise and excitement as he carried her toward the bedroom. "Jimin, what are you—!" she gasped, her voice cutting off as he continued to walk, the playful tension thick between them.
He grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief. "You’re my favorite dish, princess. And I’m starving."
As he carried her, she let out a little squeal, her hands nervously clutching at his shirt. "I was joking! Jimin! I’m not really food!"
He winked at her, his smirk only growing. "Oh, I know. But you’re exactly what I need right now."
With a playful laugh, he kicked the bedroom door shut behind them. The game had only just begun, and his princess was in for a whole new level of attention.
Jimin threw his princess on the bed, the shorts of her camisole set riding up. She looked perfect in it. He leaned over her, giving her butt a harsh slap, making her moan. He giggled as she moaned knowing she loved when he spanked her.
“I hope you don't mind me taking a bite off my sweet lunch” he murmured against her necks, leaving open mouthed kisses all over her jaw, neck and collar bones. The princess blushes “I hope you know I won't taste as good since I don't have any meat on my bones” gasping as he licked her sweet spot,
Jimin giggled at her response “oh princess who said anything about eating meat off your bones…I want another taste of your sweet cunt” her face burst into red when he said that. Scandalized by his dirty words she looks away. He moves down sliding the strings of her camisole off her shoulder. Leaving hickeys as he goes. “You've been a good girl and kept my cum in your cunt right?”, the princess nods. Jimin sighs and lands another sharp spank on her ass.
“Words princess. If you don't say it out loud I'm gonna have to punish you by making you scream yeah?” he ordered.
The princess whimpered upon the harsh slap spitting out a pathetic yes. He spanks her again. “Louder” he said. “yes…I was a good girl i promise. I kept it in”. Jimin lets out a satisfied hum as he rips off her cami making her gasp and look at him in betrayal.
“JIMIN! You promised you wouldn't rip another one of my favourites” she pouted but soon forgot when he started sucking on her nipples, while twisting the other one between his index and middle finger, pinching it ever so slightly.
She lets out soft whimpers of his name as she sucks on her nipples teasingly. “Mini…more please” she pleaded. Jimin, wanting to reward her for being a good girl, rewards her by wedging a knee between her legs. Grinding slowly. Her pleased moans filled the air. Jimin moved down from her boobs kissing his way down to her waist band.
He bites the skin right above her belly making her whine. Not wanting to wait longer he pulls off her shorts with her panties and sees the remnants of this morning. He clicks his tongue “awh princess it seems like you lied about being a good girl hmm?” He tuts. She looks up at him with bleary eyes “I was good! I promise. You— you came so much in me it just– some of it leaked out—” she pleads.
“Some of it?” he asks, dipping a finger in her hole. Slowly pushing the finger in and out as he hummed disappointed. “See? it all leaked out my precious.” He sighed “I told you to be good and keep your cunt nice and clenched so you can keep my cum inside, didn't I?”
She nodded, her face flushed as she conjured up some words “I tried I really did I promise..” she said, her voice shaky as her head hung low.
Just as she was about to say something more a harsh spank landed on her clit making her throw her head back moaning his name.
“Tch— seems like I'm gonna have to punish my sweet girl,” he said. His voice strained. The sight of her splayed out like this. Her cunt covered in his cum ignited a fierce possessiveness inside him.
“Nooo minie I promise I'll be good and keep it all in— I swear’’ she pleads. Jimin sighs, flipping her over.
“That's not how it works. My pretty girl.”
He frowns, looking down at her. She was looking at him through Glossy eyes. “Can't you make an exception please?”
She asks, hoping to tug at his heart strings.
Jimin looks down at her thinking. “I can't make any exception princess. Can't have you thinking you got a wiggle room right?” He replied, “— But since you were a patient princess for me I'll try and go easy on you okay?— I'll try not to spank your ass anymore. It seems it's still a bit red from the detour from yesterday afternoon” be said examining her ass cheeks, spreading them apart
Princess blushes letting out a small but firm yes. He plunged two fingers deep inside her. Pushing them in and out— and in and out. She lets out small moans of his name, grabbing the bed sheet as he speeds up.
Jimin leans down licking her clit covered in his cum. “Fuck you taste so good covered in my cum like the dirty little girl you are.” Jimin reaches his spare hand down, palming himself. Moaning against her clit. He continues his assault on her clit adding an additional third finger.
“Ahn–! Jimin, it's too much,” she moaned. “Awh princess but my cocks thicker, If you can't take three fingers how am I supposed to fuck you brainless just how you like it hm?” the princess blushes at his words moaning his name. Jimin curls his fingers up hitting her g-spot making her legs quiver.
“Jiminie faster please” she pleaded. “Tch tch this is a punishment remember?” He teases.
Jimin loved seeing her like this so needy and desperate for release. It was in moments like these when he felt the most desired.
Jimin slowed his movements making her whine and push back “hmm? don't make me spank your bratty ass” he warned. “Can you please just fuck me? Please I've been needy the whole time I was alone” she pleaded, the heat of the moment getting to her head. In this moment all she wanted was for him to fuck her
Jimin hummed for a moment and then unbuckled his belt, zipping down his pants. He pulled out his cock slowly stroking it. The princess lifted up her head wanting to look at his cock. She loved it and he knew it. It wasn't necessarily the biggest cock in the world but his girth sure made it feel like it. He's thick.
In the earlier days of her captivity the princess used to struggle a lot with sucking him off or taking him nice and deep. Jimin started rubbing his tip against her clit moving it up and down teasing her hole. Jimin pushes just his tip in and out teasing her. “Jiminie please wanna be full of you” she mutters, shimmying her butt for him.
“Hmm my sweet sweet girl. Always wanting to be full of cock. Tell me princess, is that all you ever think about?” He asks “my cock pumping in and out of your desperate little hole filling you up to the brim with my cum?” He teases her by pushing his cock in slowly. Painstakingly slow. Princess blushes at his words. She loved it when he fucked her hard. Sometimes that's all she could think about. Him pounding inside her over and over again
Filling her up.
Breeding her. She loved it all.
“Jiminie! More please I promise I'll be good for you and keep it all in” she requests her voice heavy with need as high pitched moans spilled from her lips. He was stretching her out so good with his cock she felt like she was high on ecstasy.
“Hmm my pretty girl wants more?” He asks, his voice was low with a hint of mockery in his tone. “You think you can handle more princess?” He questioned her. As he reached down, pulling her up by her hair as she whimpered. His cock now deep inside her.
“Yes please Minnie” she sobbed.
Oh how he loved it when she sobbed. Jimin starts by slowly grinding against her. Thrusting a couple of inches in and out. Soon he switched to pulling all the way out to his tip and pushing in slowly as she squirmed underneath him.
Jimin pulls her against him, kissing and biting her neck. “Mimi…can you please move faster?” Jimin groans “if I give everything you want it won't be punishment right? We are teaching you how to be patient and do exactly what you're told to hmm?”
The princess whines against him letting out small pleas, promising him she'll behave to which he replied “the next time I tell you to keep my cum inside your—Ahn cunt I'm gonna plug it up nice and tight with the replica of my cock you like so much”. Her breath hitches at that. The thought of her being filled and plugged by him for hours made her salivate.
Jimin speeds up “you want more princess? Beg for it. Tell me how much you want me to pound into you.” he chastised.
“Please, I want it so sooo bad—ahn fu-uhk been so needy since you left. Kept thinking about how i wanted hnnghh to suck you or–or feel you so deep in me the whole ti-IMe” she moans trying her best to formulate proper words. Jimin moans at her words, increasing his pace as he encourages her to keep going.
“ahn—I thought when–ahn fuck Minnie” she whines arching her back as he hit her sweet spot. “Thought when you'd get back you-oh you could eat lunch and then I'd make sure to keep your cock wa—Ahnnn warm~ until you decide to fu–uk me again and again so please please please please please please please please please fuck me please”
Jimins breath hitched. He pulls out, flips her over and swiftly enters her again with a needy moan ripping off his shirt as he starts pounding in her. Jimin, when going fast abandoned all sense of rhythm so his sweet girl had to lay there, hands clawing at his back, back arched against him as he pulled her closer and put her legs on his shoulder.
She laid there taking it all in moaning loudly as he whispered her ears “ahn fuck fuckfuck you like this princess?” He groaned. “You love it when I fuck your cunt like this don't ya?” He whispered, moaning as she clenched around him.
“Fuck you do. You love it when I fuck your needy cunt and whisper dirty little things in your ears hmm,” the princess lets out moans of his name, one hand scratching his back while the other pulled on his hair.
Jimin continued pounding into her but just as he felt she was close he slowed down making her whine.
“Minnie please” she pleaded. “Tch tch tch dirty girl thought I'd let her cum just like that” he scoffs, giving her shallow thrusts
He continues this way for a while making her whine in return. “Who do you belong to princess” he asks.
“Jiminie” she moaned.
Jimin reaches down rubbing her clit. Her legs start shaking. She had always been such a sensitive little thing for him. So sweet. So responsive to his touch.
Jimin starts moving again. Harder and harder until he was pounding in her again. “Minnie please…don't Stop AHN— DON'T Stop pleaaase” she sobs, her body overcome with pleasure as he continues
“Are you ahn~close princess?” He asks, the princess lets out a guttural moan too fucked out to even hear him.
Jimin takes that as a yes and continues till he feels his cock throb. He felt her clenching around him as well. Jimin speeds up going harder and faster
Princess starts moaning his name with each thrust. Jimin too lets out a loud moan before they both cum together. Their orgasms crashing down on them. Jimin came deep inside her. "Fuck..there you go" he exclaimed.
Jimin lay beside her, breathing heavy. After a while his arms wrapped securely around his princess. He peppered soft, lazy kisses across her face, his warm breath fanning her flushed cheeks as he murmured sweet nothings. She let out a contented sigh, nuzzling into his chest like a satisfied kitten.
After a moment of silence, she tilted her head up to look at him, her lips curling into a pout. "I did prepare your favorite lunch, you know," she said, poking his chest lightly. "And I even made some strawberry lemonade to go with it. But now, thanks to you, I can barely sit upright." Her pout deepened as she poked his abs in retaliation, eliciting a soft giggle from him.
"Oh, really?" he teased, grabbing her hand and holding it hostage as he started tickling her sides. She squirmed under his touch, laughing uncontrollably as he grinned down at her.
"Jimin!" she squealed, gasping for breath as she tried to wiggle away. "Stop! You’re gonna make it worse!"
He finally relented, his laughter mingling with hers as he leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. "You’re too cute," he said, getting up and stretching lazily. His shirt rode up slightly, giving her a glimpse of his toned stomach before he tugged it off and tossed it aside. She watched him swap his formal trousers for a pair of comfortable shorts, her brows furrowing.
"Why am I the only one nakey here?" she asked, frowning in mock indignation. "This feels unfair. You’re completely clothed, and I’m... exposed!"
Jimin turned to her with a smug grin, running a hand through his slightly tousled hair. "Because you love it when I wear formal clothes," he said, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to her forehead. "Admit it—you were practically drooling when I walked in earlier."
Her cheeks turned crimson as she slapped his arm lightly. "You’re impossible," she mumbled, crossing her arms. But she couldn’t deny that he was right; she always had a soft spot for the way he looked in a suit.
"Stay here," he said, ruffling her hair before heading to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned with a tray holding her carefully prepared lunch and two glasses of chilled strawberry lemonade. Setting the tray on the bedside table, he handed her a glass before settling back beside her with his own.
"See?" he said, taking a sip of the lemonade. "You didn’t even have to get out of bed. I’m spoiling you now."
She took a sip as well, her pout easing into a soft smile. "You better be," she said, nudging his arm. "After all, you were gone for so long. And you completely wore me out."
Jimin smirked, leaning down to brush his lips against hers. "I guess I’ll have to keep spoiling you then," he murmured, his voice full of warmth. "After all, you’re my favorite princess."
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keen-li · 10 months ago
What you need | 02
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synopsis: everybody needs, but how do you define need? do you even know what you need.
Genre: best friends au, angst, fluff, smut, slow burn.
jungkook x reader.
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'’I’ve been in Seoul for a week now’’ he says hand in pocket, and tall figure towering over you as you just stand there.
‘’oh,’’ you say not knowing what else you could add. Namjoon’s aura is quite intimidating for you.
‘’I’m sorry I delayed your flight though.’’
The awkward smile you’ve got on your face makes him chuckle.
You take the time during his smile to admire the little dents on both his cheeks. You’ve never seen a man with dimples. Or maybe you're just paying too much attention to namjoon's face.
‘’That's alright yn’’ The way he says your name has a little more essence than the way others say it. ‘’I hope you enjoyed your lunch at least’’
You smile at the thought of lunchtime with jungkook. You enjoyed yourself and had your first full meal. Which you’re glad about.
You don't know if it will happen again it jungkook isn't around to force feed you.
‘’yeah I did’’ you smile and Namjoon can tell you’re not smiling at him.
‘’is it a boyfriend?’’ he asks walking on eggshells.
You internally scoff.
‘’that’s personal, don’t you think’’ you say knowing jungkook is far from your boyfriend. But it is personal for him to stick his nose in.
‘’you’re right, I apologize’’ he says, ‘’ I'm overstepping’’ You don't reply instead just let the silence sink in. You think you've indulged in personal conversation for too long. You never go past hi's and hellos when with make customers and neither do you spend so much time admiring their faces, but here you.
‘’what car do you have in mind’’ you change the topic and get to working. You’re not going to get yourself into personal conversations with a client. Last thing you need is more men on your plate.
‘’honestly, all of them’’
You know people like Namjoon, have too much cash and don’t know where to spend it and want to show it off (softly of course)
‘’wow, that’s a lot. Giving me a run for my money’’ you scoff
Namjoon shows you his dimples once more. You walk forward to the first car and Namjoon’s eyes follow your figure.
‘’I think you can handle it’’
‘’sorry I'm late’’ You walk to the booth jimin, willoe, and jungkook are sat at. All eyes are on you as you try and calm your breathing.
‘’what happened to you? ’’ willoe spits out eyeing you in concern as you breathe like you’ve got asthma.
‘’got off at the wrong stop and had to power walk here’’ you puff out. Jungkook moves out of the way so you can sit by the window and opposite facing willoe.
‘’you walked? What happened to your car’’ jimin asks staring at you even more concerned. You can see from the look on his face that he’s worried about you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him since your phone call. So he takes the time to analyze you.
‘’My car’s in the shop’’ Immediately you say it Jungkook’s eyebrows go up and he turns to face you. You bite your lip and avoid his eyes knowing what’s on his mind after your words.
You fight the urge to laugh nervously.
‘’That’s what happens when you don’t drive it.” Willoe spits out munching on some cheese sticks.
‘’I did drive it’’ for like a week, you honestly don’t even know why you bought the car if you weren’t willing to start driving it. You kinda place the blame on the fact that you recently got your license and are still shit scared of the road. Jungkook offers to help you get comfortable but you always procrastinate.
‘’what shop’s your car in?’’ jungkook eyes you warningly as his tongue grazes his inner cheek. He’s asking to provoke an answer.
‘’just some shop near work’’ You avoid long eye contact cause you know he’s probably feeling some way about it and you don’t want to face it.
‘’you didn’t tell me about it?’’ his words come out like a silent fire and everybody else at the table can feel the heat. So, willoe and Jimin ignore as they look at each other and speak with they’re eyes.
‘’yeah. I saw you were busy and I didn’t want to bother you’’ you spit out a little harsh. You understand what’s got his mood changed but you don't think it’s that big of a deal. You took your car to another auto repair shop, so what? ‘’it’s not that big of a deal kook’’ your words leave you mouth too quick for your liking.
‘’yeah you're right it’s not’’ his tone says otherwise. You roll your eyes at how childish he’s being. He can get childish sometimes over nothing and it bugs you.
‘’okay how has everyone been’’ willoe chimes in to change the air and you couldn’t be happier. But you were gonna have to talk about it later anyways.
‘’Now that the house is sold I have less work on my plate. Cause that house was impossible to sell’’ She exaggerates her tone and emphasizes how hard it was.
‘’That's great babe, I'm happy for you’’ Jimin rubs his hand on her thigh.
‘’thanks’’ she replies blush on her cheeks.
‘’how about you yn, how’s work?’’ she turns to you, who's mind is so far away.
‘’as horrible as ever but at least I just got a really big client’’ you adjust in your seat.
‘’ou, who?’’ willoe puts her elbows on the table.
‘’just some entrepreneur. I think he lives in France or something’’ you state like it’s nothing.
‘’he?’’ you can see the tease in Jimin’s eyes.
‘’please shut up jimin’’ You roll your eyes and scoff.
‘’what did i do?’’ he shrugs his shoulders amusingly.
‘’I thought you only worked with women?’’ jungkook decides to finally speak to you and it’s nothing more than a shallow inquiry.
‘’It’s not that I only work with women, it’s just that I prefer them over men.” You the words come out a little sharp and bored. You bite awkwardly into your cheese stick.
Jungkook hums.
‘’I know you want to say something’’ you turn back you Jimin as jungkook goes back to being silent after having his query's answered
‘’nope,’’ he shakes his head childishly.
‘’say it’’ you narrow your eyes.
‘’Nothing. Just be careful with these entrepreneurs from Europe’’
‘’why? He’s Korean though’’ you defend.
‘’doesn’t change a thing’’ willoe adds, she’s always on Jimin’s side. That’s what happens when in a debate with a couple.
‘’Their favourite thing is to prey on girls from here and promise them a fantasy’’ jungkook spits out. You can’t believe he’s still sulking.
You look at them as they seem to agree with each other. Why do they always act like they know better than you?
‘’you guys are being so dramatic. I'm not even interested in him like that’’ you insist ‘’plus I promised myself to never date again’’ you say like a vow and jungkook’s heart throbs in his throat.
‘’Whatever, I hope you just stick to your word’’ Jimin mutters with a cheeky smirk pasted on his face.
‘’yeah I will’’ your mood goes down a bit. You will prove them wrong.
You watch the waiter put the food down on your table and willoe is almost drooling.
‘’you’re gonna droll all over the table, babe’’ you hear jimin mock her before she lands a gentle smack on his shoulder and a soft mumble of words leave her mouth.
You turn to stare at jungkook to see if he’s still sulking. He is. You frown at how distant you feel from him when he’s like this.
You’re busy talking about your week and just some funny moments.
You watch willoe and Jimin bicker and it makes you smile at how cute they are.
You’re smiling when you turn to look at jungkook again. Your smile drops when you watch how silent he is and how he hasn’t touched his food.
‘’you okay?’’ he doesn’t seem to catch what you say immediately but when he does his smile and reassurance are unconvincing.
You don't poke more at it. He can’t be seriously this moody over you taking your car else where.
You're forced to stare out the window cause of the awkward silence in Jungkook’s car. The whisper of the wind the only conversation going on.
You haven’t spoken since you left the restaurant. You don’t want to nag him but you’re just worried he’s upset about the car thing when you didn’t mean to make him feel bad.
‘’kook’’ you speak so softly and unsurely you almost think he doesn’t hear. But the hard hum he releases lets you know he’s heard you. Now that you have the floor you wonder if you should even ask, you don't want to irritate him.
‘’Are you mad?’’ he raises his brow at you but still stares at the road. ‘’about the car thing’’
‘’I'm not mad’’ his tone says otherwise.
He takes a turn.
‘’it doesn’t seem that way’’ you ease in more.
‘’well I'm not’’ It comes out sharp and angry causing you to raise your brows ‘’Sorry’’ he murmurs out.
‘’I never meant to hurt your feelings, I just didn’t want to bother you with my junkie car’’ Your car was far from junkie but you’re just spitting out rubbish to ease the tension.
‘’it wouldn’t be a bother’’ he takes another turn. He doesn’t even know why he feels the way he does cause he’s not really mad, he just has this dull achy feeling in his chest and he doesn’t know why it’s there. But it’s there and making its existence known.
‘’I know, but I’ve seen you. You’ve got so much on your plate’’
You are right.
‘’I know but I just wished you’d told me, I could’ve recommended somebody I know’’
Why jungkook prefers you go to him about car issues is because he knows how some other auto repair shops work. They see women and find an opportunity to swindle. He believes he’s told you enough about it. But he still worries and prefers you tell him and he deals with it.
He pulls over at a red light.
‘’I’m sorry’’ you say taking a risk and bringing your hand into his free one, while the other stays on the wheel. Your body shivers at his warm hold which is contrary to your freezing ones.
You bring his hand to your lips to place a peck on it, just for fun and to catch his reaction. Jungkook crunches his face at the action, not that he minds but it just feels weird.
‘’don’t kiss my hand’’ he chuckles out. Then he interlocks your fingers together.
In your friendship you’ve become comfortable with this little holds and touches, so nothing feels weird about this. Just comforting.
‘’why?’’ you question with a huge teasing smile on your face.
‘’cause I'm the one who should be kissing yours’’
You watch him pull your hand to his lips. With his eyes locked on yours, he places a tender kiss on the skin.
The action soothes the ache in Jungkook’s heart, slightly. It brings some form of comfort to him.
You smile when he pulls his lips away, you can feel his lips still tingle on your skin.
You don’t know what to do but smile. At least he doesn’t seem to be mad.
The green light causes him to pull his eyes back to the road.
You try to pull your hand away from his so that it’s easier for him to drive. But his grip tightens around your hand, you raise a brow at him confused.
‘’ your hands are cold, I’m just warming them’’ he smirks and his thump caresses your skin.
‘’you don't wanna come up?’’ you lean against the window and wait for his response. ‘’I have banana milk?’’ you bribe.
He sucks air between his teeth ‘’it’s tempting, but I can't’’
‘’Maybe next time?’’ he bargains and you nod.
‘’yeah sure’’ you back away from his car.
‘’I’ll call you though’’ he says before he drives away, almost reluctantly. He watches you figure through the side mirror and watch his car disappear. The sad look on your face makes jungkook want to turn around.
But its not a sad look, more of a ‘I’m grateful to have you as a friend’ look.
When you’re back in your apartment and into your warm comfy bed. You throw your coat somewhere on the floor and make a mental note to pick it up soon, it was too expensive to throwing on the floor. But you’re exhausted.
Your mind slowly and unintentionally slips to the moment and feeling of jungkook holding your hand. You’ve held hands before but in the car, it felt...
In that moment for the first time, you never thought of yunho.
Ring, ring.
You groan when you hear your phone ring. It could be willoe cause she promised to call when she got home, but knowing willoe she’d never call cause she would forget to. Or it could even be jungkook. Your heart jumps at the thought.
Your smile drops and you let the phone ring to voicemail when you see the name that’s there. Unchanged still saved with the red heart and teddy bear emoji. You wonder why you never deleted it.
That sick and horrible feeling returns when you see the text that follows up on your screen.
Yunnie: I know you probably don't wanna talk to me, but I really wanted to hear your voice.
Yunnie: I've missed you.
Yunnie: are you free this weekend, I wanna talk things out.
You have a mix of emotions going through you and you can’t think. You could honestly throw up. Why the fuck is he texting you and why the fuck do you feel your heart pound.
The feeling gets even worse when a message from jungkook pops up and you open his chat.
Kook: goodnight bunny, <3
The picture of him on his couch with his black t-shirt and pajamas on and bunny smile in view causes you to smile. It almost makes you forget your dilemma for a second.
You: goodnight kook <3
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vamp1reheart · 2 months ago
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Synopsis: Your life has never been easy. Your everyday problems and constant anxiety have always made you someone people don't want to be around. But everything changes when you save a cute boy from a bully, And now he and his brothers are devoted to you. And now he and his brothers swear extreme loyalty to you, And only to you.
Notices: Violent and sexual content! Reverse harem! Bullying, depression and anxiety! Ot7 x reader! Supernatural au. I do not own BTS! This fanfic is my own! English is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes! Yandere Themes! :)
Chapter 01, 02, 03
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To say these Guys are weird is an understatement. They talk to me like they've known me forever, and they're impressed by the simplest of things.
They didn't leave my side, not even when we entered the school. They stayed behind me like three lost puppies.
"Shouldn't you guys go to your rooms?"
When I say this they seem to finally realize what they are doing.
"That's right, but... we don't know our room"
Taehyung says in a somewhat embarrassed tone.
"What? What do you mean you don't know?"
"We recently changed schools, this is our first day here."
Jimin quickly defends his brother, but when my eyes meet his he lowers his head.
Oh no, I must have been too hard on them.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. Look, I can show you to the room."
They quickly raise their heads, their eyes shining in a strange but cute way.
"Yes please!"
They hand me the paper with their room numbers and I quickly guide them through the hallways.
"Here, Taehyung's room is this one and Jimin's is right next door. Now Jungkook and I need to go to our room, we're late!"
I say, already getting nervous about the delay, already thinking of good excuses for my teacher.
It's Taehyung, before I can leave he grabbed my hand. I must have looked at him really rudely, because he lowers his head again, but doesn't let go of my hand.
"Can we meet you at lunch?"
I hate feeling guilty, but it's inevitable. They're so cute, but so weird.
"It is clear."
That was enough for him to let go of my hand and give me a big, square smile. I don't have much more time to admire, I just know I need to get to class now.
Now Jungkook and I were on our way to our classroom, which unfortunately, is quite far away.
Jungkook was walking right next to me, he didn't say a word. The first time I saw him he didn't seem so shy. I'll never be able to get that bunny smile out of my head.
"Can I hold your hand?"
"It's just that Taehyung hyung held your hand, and I wanted to hold it too."
He looks nervous, but he's very cute.
"It is clear"
He smiles that cute bunny smile again and takes my hand.
I admit that I hadn't thought that arriving in the classroom, late and holding a boy's hand could generate stares.
"You're late Miss ___!"
I didn't even have time to breathe properly and my teacher was already preparing his breath to finish me off.
"Sorry sir, I had some setbacks today."
"You arrive late, holding hands with that boy and I guarantee you didn't do the activities I sent you yesterday. This is unacceptable, you have to stop wasting your time with sex and be useful for once!"
I expected him to yell at me, but I didn't expect it to hurt so much.
I feel Jungkook squeeze my hand.
"Have a seat. And Jungkook, welcome to the class, you can choose your seat."
Even though I knew he didn't know anyone in the class, I didn't expect him to sit next to me, not when so many people were looking at him like he was a rare jewel.
But he sits down next to me, and stares at me. It's the same look he had in the alley.God, I don't know what's going on.
___ third person pov
Jimin was sitting in his class at the back of the room. He was aware of the stares he had received when he entered, he was aware that he was a handsome man, but still he couldn't look at him. But still he doesn't look into her eyes.
It's not that he's shy. No, Jimin is anything but shy.But just one look from her made his whole body shiver.
It was delicious.
The feeling of being close to you. Of finally having the chance to feel your warmth.
But he made you feel guilty. And he loved it.
You had such a good heart, And he would love to corrupt it.
Jimin felt the chills running through his body again. All of this because he remembered you.
He was sure Taehyung felt that way too. Taehyung was a serious man, who didn't let his guard down, but next to you Taehyung seemed like a puppy ready to satisfy your greatest desires.
He would find it hilarious if he didn't feel the same way.
He was very eager to get you to his hyungs.
Your destiny is already written, all that remains is to accept it.
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munsonsmixtapes · 5 months ago
Hello!! I hope you are doing well! I really love your writing, your ST fics are some of my favorites!
I have a request!
Could you write a fic or blurb of Steve being a savior of sorts to fem! reader at a party? Like maybe someone (say Billy) is hitting too aggressively on her and Steve steps in protectively and offers to take her home after. She thanks him at her door and he says like “If you ever need me, call me. Or if you ever just wanna talk or hang out” something like that!
Bonus points if reader is girly and/or plus sized/chubby!
Thank you!!
First of all, thank you much, I’m blushing! And of course, this is one of my favorite tropes!
Steve Harrington x fem!plus size!reader
I'm imagining this taking place during season three!
cw: Billy being a creep, angst, hurt/comfort
The party was in full swing when you showed up. You honestly didn’t want to be there, but your friends had dragged you only to have left you not long after you got there. So you found yourself on the couch with a solo cup filled with beer that you had only sipped on, debating on whether or not you wanted to get another drink.
You reluctantly got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen where all of the drinks were, fully intending on getting another drink until you saw him. Billy Hargrove had been hitting on you for months and you had been delaying turning him down as you didn't want to upset him.
He wasn't your type and from the things you had heard about him, you really didn't want to get involved with him. You had heard all the girls crying over him in the gym locker room at school and that told you to steer clear of him.
And clearly he hadn't gotten the hint when you avoided him like the plague any chance you got. Billy was too far up his own ass to even think that anyone could possibly dislike him. And he didn't like when people said no to him. So the fact that you had been ignoring him was beginning to really upset him.
Why didn't you like him? Everyone liked him. Well, everyone who was female. Men didn't really like him and he didn't know why. Okay, maybe he knew why, but he was going to pretend that he didn't just to make himself feel better.
"Hey, l/n," he spoke up as he headed towards you as you poured your beer into the sink, delaying turning around just so you had time to come up with an excuse to leave.
"Billy," you responded with as much disdain as you could muster, feeling bile rising in your throat as he got closer to you, his strong cologne wafting into your nose, making you feel even more sick.
"Why haven't you called me, baby? I've missed you." His hands moved to rest on your hips and you tried your best to wriggle out of his grasp, but his grip on you was too strong.
"Let me go," you demanded, but Billy just laughed in response.
"Not so fast. Gotta give me a kiss first." You could smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke on his breath and had to turn away from him so you wouldn't breathe it in.
"As if," you grimaced. "I wouldn't kiss you if you were the last man on earth." You were suddenly so hellbent on telling him how you really felt that you didn't care how he responded. You just wanted to put his fantasy of ever sleeping with you to bed.
"You fucking bitch, I swear to god I'm going to-" Billy was now holding onto your arms, squeezing them so hard that you felt tears pricking your eyes.
"You're going to what, Hargrove?" You heard a voice ask from behind Billy and you leaned to the side to see that it was Steve Harrington. The boy you had been crushing on since you could remember.
Steve had always been nice to you, even in his King Steve days. Whether it was a smile or wave in the school hallway, he always seemed to go out of his way to treat you with kindness even when he hadn't been the nicest.
And when he stopped hanging out with his old friends, he even invited you to sit with him at lunch sometimes. Because the truth was that Steve had thought you were pretty and sweet, but couldn't get himself to ask you out. So, he just settled for the small talk in the hallway or at the lunch table.
He never would have admitted it, but he was devastated when you told him that you were going to a college that was out of state. It seemed, though, that you were back for the summer and he was going to be sure to try to get your number so that he wouldn't lose you again.
"Oh, look, it seems that Scoops Ahoy Steve has come to rescue you," Billy laughed, turning to face the man. "Maybe if you're lucky, y/n, he'll take you on a ride of the ocean of flavor."
"Leave her alone, Billy," Steve commanded, ignoring the comment that came from his mouth.
"Or what?" Billy asked, stepping closer to Steve, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I've kicked your ass once and I'm not afraid to do it again," Steve jabbed his finger into Billy's chest. "Now leave y/n alone or it won't end well for you."
"Fine, you can have my sloppy seconds. It's not like she puts out anyway," Billy rolled his eyes then made sure to push past Steve before fleeing the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and muttered a thanks to Steve before hurrying out of the kitchen and he was quick to follow you. There was no way he was letting you get away again. He had let you slip through his fingers one too many times.
"Hey, wait up!" Steve called from behind you and you turned around, trying your best to hide the tears that were streaming down your face, quick to wipe them away with the sleeve of your shirt.
You were now at the front door and Steve made sure to give you some space so you could leave if you wanted to. But you just stayed there, looking up at him with your teary eyes. Without another thought, he reached up and wiped a tear away from your other cheek.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice so soft that you almost couldn't hear him.
"I'm fine," you responded, turning your head to the side, causing his hand to move and he eventually just let it drop to the side.
"I-I can take you home if you'd like," he suggested and you swore that you could have kissed him in that moment. You stared at him, as you nodded, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. You didn't know Steve very well, but knew that he was just offering you a ride home and nothing else.
"I'd really like that," you nodded again and turned to open the front door, Steve following behind. He rested his hand on the small of your back as the two of you descended the steps to the front porch just to make sure that you were okay as he led you to his car that you had always so desperately wanted to be in the passenger seat of.
He was quick to open the door for you and you were caught off guard by how much of a gentleman he was, but you supposed you shouldn't have been surprised considering that it fit his personality.
Once the door was closed, you took the time to smooth out your dress and wipe away your tears before touching up your lipgloss as quickly as possible before he could get in on his side of the car. You didn’t care that he was just giving you a ride home nor that he wouldn’t have been able to see you in the darkness of the car. You still wanted to look good.
You were so focused on your appearance that you hadn’t even seen Steve fixing his hair in the side mirror on his side of the car, wanting to go for the effortlessly messy look he always did.
Once he was done, he got into driver’s seat then started up the car before pulling out of the driveway. You watched him fiddle with the dials and couldn’t help but stare at his hand, his fingers specifically. How many times had you fantasized about them being slotted between yours? How many times had you wanted him to take your hand press kisses to it with his soft-looking, pretty, pink lips?
But he never would, thought. Guys like Steve never went for girls like you. You weren’t exactly skinny and you hadn’t even seen him hanging out with anyone who was plus size. Especially not women. It was all a pipe dream, all something that would stay in your head because there was absolutely no way that Steve would ever like you, at least not romantically.
“You good?” He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. “How’s the temperature? Is the music okay?”No one had ever taken the time to make sure that you comfortable like that so you were caught off guard to say the least.
“I’m good, thank you. Maybe a little cold.” You brought your hands up to your bare arms to bring some warmth to them and Steve was quick to turn the temperature up before reaching into his backseat and retrieving his denim jacket.
He handed it you and draped it over your shoulders since you knew that your arms wouldn’t fit through the sleeves. The gesture almost made you want to cry all over again. 
Sure, you had friends, but it seemed like no one was ever romantically interested in you. No one had ever loaned you their jacket because you were cold or ever at all period. And here wad the beautiful man doing it just because he wanted to and because he wanted to make sure that you were warm.
You hated that this was going to live in your head forever and to Steve, it was just a Friday night. You were sure he did that for a lot of girls and that you were nothing special to him. Well, not in the way you wanted to be. You want to be his girlfriend, not whatever else you were. Acquaintances, maybe?
But what you didn't know was that he was in fact also going to think about this exact situation for the rest of his life because of how much he had liked you. And he honestly couldn't believe that he had never offered you a ride in his car until right then.
He turned to you and smile to himself, wondering how you hadn't seen it. Who else had he invited to sit with him at lunch that wasn't already in his group? Maybe it was because he had never taken the time to see you outside of school or even to get your number.
You were giving Steve turn by turn directions and he realized that he was turning onto what he assumed was your street which he was upset by since that meant that your time together was coming to a close.
Your house was at the end of the street and you turned to him, trying to hide the disappointment on your face that you were going to have to leave him. And as soon as he put the car in park in your driveway, he hurried to your side of the car and opened the door for you, hold his hand out for you to take.
You took it and he helped you out of the car before leading you to your front door, not letting go of it as he got there. It was soft and warm and he wanted to hold it for the rest of his life, giving it kisses whenever he had the chance.
"Thank you for the ride," you told him as you removed your hand from his to rifle through your purse to find your keys to unlock your door. Maybe if things had happened differently that night, he would have kissed you. Correction, he would have definitely kissed you.
"And thank you for defending me. I don't know what I would have done if-" you cut yourself off, not wanting to think about it anymore. "Just-thank you."
"Of course," Steve nodded, wanting to tack the words "anything for you" onto the end of it but deciding against it since he hadn't wanted to overwhelm you. "If you ever need me, call me. Or if you ever just wanna talk or hang out."
You pulled a notepad and a pen out of your purse and handed it to him, suddenly grateful that you had carried it around all the time even though people had made fun of you. You just liked to doodle, was that so wrong?
"Here, write down your number," you told him and he took both things from you before scribbling down his name and number and gave it back to you. "I'll definitely give you a call," you said once you threw the things back into your purse before doing something that was crazy...well, for you.
"Have a good night, Steve. Thanks for being my hero tonight," you said before resting a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to press your lips to his cheek in a quick kiss.
And with that, you turned to face the door and unlocked it with your key before heading inside, leaving Steve on your porch. He just stood there, his hand pressed to his cheek as he smiled to himself with a dopey grin, hoping, praying that you'd do that again soon.
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pleasantglitterflower · 7 months ago
Heart Podium (Joe Burrow x OC x Max Verstappen)
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Many times our childhood dreams cannot be realized, due to our overly fertile imagination, many times our professional childhood dreams cannot be realized either, either due to the delay in getting a place at the university we dreamed of or the lack of opportunities when it comes to working in the arts or sports. 
There's always plan b.
Kayleigh was one of those kids, it's true that dreaming of being a Backyardigan was difficult, but she was left with plan b, a plan that was broadcast every Sunday before the NFL, her father would have lunch, afternoon snack and dinner on the same channel, watching the drivers and then the Cleveland Browns, his favorite team in the state. 
That was the most exciting thing Kayleigh had in her childhood, watching Formula One followed by a good Browns game, arriving at school and eagerly wanting to talk to someone, but the girls didn't like the subject and asked to talk about something else and the boys laughed at her.
Leaving her and her mom's cookies in the stands.
Until one day she plucked up the courage and asked her father to play go-kart, finding a track in the state of Ohio in 2004, it wasn't the easiest task in the world, but he managed it and little by little, it went from being a joke to a serious thing.
Until high school came and she discovered that there were two ways to get into college: she had to be very smart or know how to play some sport, in 2011 in the United States, go-kart doesn't really mean a sport, far from it.
Not knowing what to do, she decided to confront her parents in her first year.
Not wanting to do anything, since it wouldn't help her with her possible future career was a very risky step.
For her parents, it's not even worth mentioning, they wanted to freak out, exchanging the stability of a degree for a go-kart race, for them it's crazy, especially when they've always prepared themselves financially for it, when they always prepared for her to enter university, which is not the cheapest thing,and it was in these uncertainties and in the midst of this conflict of whether or not to go to college that she tried to get interested in more conventional sports.
But when she tried out, she was terrible at soccer, average at lacrosse, slow at basketball, tough at gymnastics, shy at cheerleading, short at volleyball, afraid of water when swimming and she's a girl, she couldn't play American football.
It was during one of these that she found herself making a fuss.
-You're going to regret it, you know, you're losing the best wide receiver the world has ever seen -  She yelled.
One of the guys looked at her in fright, while others wondered who she was.
-You know you were running for the cornerback spot, right? A blond guy tells her.
-Yeah, I know, that's exactly why - She sighs tiredly.
-Because you came to try for the spot right here, you know they don't choose girls easily.
-I’ve tried everywhere, I came here just to cause trouble, I had nothing to do” She confesses, leaving him confused.
-Yes-They end up laughing.
-You don’t like a specific sport, maybe if you try there you’ll do better, maybe explain to the coach that you like it and want to learn and she’ll let you stay-He suggests.
-I like watching, but not putting it into practice, I’m doing this more so my parents can see that I’m not good, I already know I’m not good-She sighs.
-I’m sorry-He gives her a half smile, until she feels a crack.
-Geez, I haven’t tried baseball yet-she remembers and gets up, leaving the equipment there.
-They don’t accept girls either-He reminds her.
-That’s exactly why-Kayleigh laughs.
-By the way, what's your name?-She stops, holding the door.
-I'm Joseph-he says shyly.
-I'm Kayleigh, see you soon, Joseph.
And yes, she tried baseball, but the first time she held the bat, it ended up between the legs of the boy next to her, who fell to the ground groaning in pain.
Kayleigh was thrown out.
Fate was cruel to her when it came to sports, but it only reinforced the idea that she had to continue in karting.
After meeting Joseph, she would see him someday, as she thought, but she would see him every day, until the prom, when after two years together, she finally realized that they would have to separate by force,and how that hurt, not only for her but for him too.
-I can’t believe you’re going to Europe, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m going to tell Ohio State to go fuck itself, I’ll go with you wherever you have to go, but I don’t want to be away from you.-His cheeks already reddened from the cold, he said.
-Stop saying that, you’ve been given an incredible opportunity, you have to take advantage of it.-She tried to convince him.
-But I can’t imagine being away from you.-Hearing that, she lay down on his lap.
-We’ll get through this, you’ll see, and we’ll be strong.
The first year away was the hardest, not only for Joseph, but for her parents too, because seeing their daughter try to make a living racing karts, traveling all over Europe, was something that made them so proud, but at the same time so apprehensive.The second year seemed to be easier. They were already well accustomed to the routine of video calls, social media, messages, letters. They sent polaroids to hang up. Once, Joseph even caught himself putting his perfume on the paper to make sure she could smell him. They exchanged gifts, everything.
Until the careers arrived on television, Joseph could sit down and look for the channel to watch her and she could pick up the phone and watch the college divisionals.The fifth year passed, the sixth too, and then the seventh, when Joe finally took off in his career in American football, being drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals.
And the following year, Kayleigh did what she never imagined she would be able to do: she reached Formula One, after almost dying waiting for this event. Of course the party was huge, she returned to her country with all possible honor, suddenly a little girl from Ohio was going to compete for a title for a team and everyone wanted to know what this little girl does and better, where are the American boys who are not having the same prominence?But she could never say that it had any real effect on the American public. Formula One is still a playboy thing for them, to the point where they even consider golf a more accessible sport.
Just as she was there for Joe's big debut, he was there for his big debut, of course,but their contracts ended up preventing more contact. They had to train, they had to focus, they couldn't travel long distances or do physical work before their work, and they also couldn't be too far away from their work.
It allowed them to spend a few moments together. She would catch his last games if he made the playoffs and he would catch her first races,so much time apart didn't make their love diminish. On the contrary, seeing each other's achievements seemed to only strengthen their love for each other.And even without knowing, there was someone who was not at all happy with this growing love.
-Joe said he'll call me soon.-She jumps around the room excitedly, waiting for someone to call her to give her the prize.
-Hmm- Max makes an annoyed face, leaving his helmet on the stand.
-That's cute, it's the middle of the night in the United States, isn't it?-Carlos asks her, all smiles.
-Yes, it's the middle of the night and he stayed up.-She doesn't hide her smile.
-Really the last of the romantics.-Max rolls his eyes.
-Stop being annoying, she's so happy.-Carlos watches her like a doting father.
Max glares at him, enough for the Spaniard to avoid him and stay quiet.
And of course, the next day, as always happens after every race, Joe sends her a huge bouquet, with a dedication and, when he is present, romantic letters.For most people around him, it is just his European or rather, Dutch humor.
But for those who actually live with him and see the mistakes he makes and notices, the way he treats her when she talks about other things and when she talks about Joe, they understand very well.
Max messed up her hair, trying to free her mind from those thoughts, from that feeling, but realized it was difficult.After another podium with her, another trip to a random bar with everyone involved, the country's biggest celebrities and everything else, he could no longer stand two things.
The first, Charles flirting even with the walls of the place.
The second, the fact that she trusted George more than him, to tell him the reason for her 37th breakup with Joe.
-I honestly don't understand you guys, one moment you say that distance is good, the next you break up because of distance, make up your mind damn it-George, tired of the situation, slammed his hand on the table.He fixed his hair, looked around and composed himself.
-Sorry man, I got carried away-He spoke like most people do sometimes, treating her like a man.
-I know it's not the most normal thing to do, but it tires me out-She said finally, she didn't want to waste her friend's night with this, much less make him occupy his mind with his problems.
She went to the bar to order another drink, without realizing who was next to her.
-Did you bump into something?-She heard someone ask and then looked to the side to see Max.
-What do you mean?-She immediately became confused.
-Your leg is kind of purple,-he says.
-Oh, let's just say I might have fallen on my suitcase- She rolls her eyes.
-It's the third time this season.-He holds back his laughter.
-She goes everywhere and sometimes it happens.-She shrugs.
-Your suitcase can make you more purple than your boyfriend, I think it's time to trade him for her.-Max takes a sip of his drink, savoring every note of it, satisfied with yet another mean comment about Joe. He knows how distance affects him and that's nothing more than a psychological game, sending indirect messages that hurt.
As always, she remained silent, discreetly observing her leg and trying to cover the bruise, with her face reddened.
-I can't blame him, he's going after his dream." She answers for the first time, even if a while later and too quietly, as if she wasn't even there anymore.
Until the girl asks herself, why is Max worried about this?
For a second, Max almost misses the destination of the glass, looking at her.
-Really, there are men whose only dream is to chase a ball, not to have trophies and a woman who loves him.-He takes the opportunity to retort.
-Thanks for ruining the rest of my night, Max, you're always so sensitive.-She answers, choked, finishes her drink and walks towards the exit with long strides.
Max remains there at the bar, staring at the various bottles, some full, others half full, thinking that once again she leaves angry with him, because he doesn't defend her dear Joe.
-You don't have to be so rude all the time, I know you're used to guys around here, but you have to realize that there are girls around here now and they deserve to be treated with kindness and affection, did you know that women are people too?Lewis appears at her side, irritated by the situation.
-Have you stopped talking, Lewis Senna Hamilton?He scoffed.
Max was already drunk enough to almost drag himself back to the hotel.
And even after spending the next few hours thinking about whether or not to knock on her door, as he always does when he’s drunk, he decided it wasn’t the right time.
When he woke up with the sun and that strange feeling, since that’s usually when he goes to sleep, thanks to the jet lag, he allowed himself the luxury of staying a few more minutes in that comfortable bed, under all those sheets, grabbing the fluffiest of his pillows to hug, trying to get it into his head that he was hugging her, trying to get it into his mind that he woke up next to her that morning, it seems he was so used to doing this every morning that with each passing day, the images became clearer in his mind and the sensations stronger.
And for the next race he had a surprise, he jumped out and took off his helmet and head protector, looking in disbelief at the smiling couple on the sidelines watching the track.
-Joe, should I congratulate you or say my condolences? Max gives his best sarcastic smile.
-I don't understand- Joe's radiant smile fades.
-What do you expect from a player? Max grumbles, he had meters around to pass and reach his destination, a screen to review his training, but he made sure to pass between the two, bumping into Joe.
He placed his helmet on the table next to him, silently completing the malicious thought, about his possible dubious qi, when he saw Joe approaching through the shadow on the ground, his smile only grew wider.
Kayleigh decided to leave, aware that they would have some kind of argument.
-I don't understand your stubbornness, Max- Joe confessed, watching Max from a few inches away.
-I say it over and over again, what can you expect from a player? Max rolls his eyes.
-And what are you, don’t you play in this?Joe retorts.
-I’m a pilot, it’s different-he says, convinced.
On the side of the track, tired and just waiting for time to pass, the topic, as always, was just one.
-Max is PMSing- Lando comments while sitting on the floor.
-We should take up a collection and pay a gynecologist, so she can prescribe some medicine, I don’t know- Hulkenberg adds.
-I think what he needs is a psychiatrist, one minute he’s calm, the next he wants to kill you, he’s crazy- Lewis concludes.
-He just needs some time to calm down, recharge his batteries and rest- George defends him.
But he ends up getting angry looks from everyone.
-For this and other reasons, I stay away from that snake pit they call Red Bull, God forbid I have to deal with that creature - Charles says, looking disdainfully at their reserved space.
-No offense, Kay- He makes his observation.
-No offense, I can't stand it anymore- She confesses.
-Not even Kayleigh throws this tantrum when she's on her period, honestly we don't even know when that happens, thanks for sparing us- Lando thanks her, making her laugh.
-I think there are certain details that aren't necessary- She comments.
Max walks past the group with firm steps.
-No one moves their ass in this place, then they complain about the podium- He sends the indirect message with his angry eyes.
Everyone there exchanges glances.
-Hold the Japanese- Ricciardo warns.
-Why? Charles finds the request strange.
-I’m warning you, hold the Japanese guy-he repeats.
And indeed, poor Tsunoda is at breaking point with Max.
Joe left, but Max’s sourness didn’t.
During breakfast at the hotel, Pierre’s strawberries were more sour than expected.
-Her boyfriend leaves and doesn’t get a bruise on his neck, he’s a real wimp- Max grumbles, savoring his waffles.
George’s eyes widen, he wipes his mouth with the napkin next to him.
-Max, how rude. He glances at Max out of the corner of his eye.
But Pierre has the most priceless face, he looks like he’s eaten something spoiled.
-Jesus, you weirdo, who says that, keeps an eye on others, has he become a tax inspector now? He left his comment.
-Watch out guys, there are people watching our necks- Lando dramatically covers his with his sweatshirt.
-I think you should start thinking about where and when you say certain things, Max- Carlos warns him, earning his laugh.
-Why? Do you know anything?” The Dutchman stared at him.
-Common sense Max, just common sense- he retorted.
-That was ridiculously sexist, Max, if that’s what you say, imagine what you think- Lewis gives him his best disapproving look.
-Have you finished your testimony Lewis?Max provokes him.
Max’s life became increasingly complicated there, with the boys and his provocations, little by little choosing to be alone, but not as much as Kayleigh's, who, in addition to having to put up with his mood swings, also has to put up with Joe's suspicions.
His jealousy used to have no name, but now it has a first and last name. Kayleigh only sees one reason for it, the fact that they work together, nothing else could make sense, andexplaining it doesn't seem to help, Joe found himself wondering why they exchanged smiling handshakes live, if she hates him so much.
-Do you really think that after the race, I'll remember how much I hate him? Of course not, Joe. I just think that I won or that I need to improve, hug everyone involved and leave. - She explains, pacing back and forth across the room.
-I don't want to be the annoying guy, but he doesn't look like he hates you, he seems to take advantage of your innocence. - Joe says almost desperately.
-What innocence, Joe? - She asks him.
-Kay, I don't want to fight over this guy. I'm just saying that this isn't something that makes me comfortable. You're walking around half the world with them in a place full of men working, next to several men, and that bothers me. Not only because of jealousy, I don't know, maybe they'll try to do something to you. -
-Jesus, Joe, don't say something like that. I understand your side, okay. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you need to trust me. I won't betray your trust. I haven't done that in all these years. Why would I do it now? - She tries to calm him down.
-Sorry for stressing you out. - He sighs heavily.
And it's been like this for a while.
Even when they're not at work, free to visit somewhere, Max seems to show up in the same place as her or simply in a place nearby, which makes Joe even more suspicious.
But Max couldn't stop there. When he saw her calmly standing there taking some notes, Max approached her with the excuse of seeing what she was writing down and it was then that he took the opportunity to bring his face too close to hers, which left her somewhat speechless. He placed his hand on her hip, giving her a discreet caress.
-Studying for the race, kitten?- He smiled at her reaction, a mix of confusion and embarrassment.
-Sorry Kay, I forget that you're sensitive to male touches. He laughed, leaving her blushing and finally going where he wanted.
She closed her eyes, not liking it at all. His provocations were getting more and more personal with Joe.
Whenever Max managed to get the slightest hint, he would walk away smiling.
But this time, George decided to confront him.
-You should be ashamed of touching women who are in a committed relationship inappropriately- he says, somewhat indignantly.
-Have you had your tea yet, dear English nobleman?" George rolls his eyes.
-Max, I'm serious, that's not cool, it could cause unnecessary confusion- he insists.
-You look so cute saying 'unnecessary'.Max laughs at the guy, who decides to get more serious.
-When Joe gets pissed off and comes to punch you in the face, don't tell me I never warned you.
-Before he punches me in the face, he'll punch you in the face, because you're the little friend who's always around, hugging and advising when they break up. Do you really think he's going to come after me, George?
-I'm in a committed relationship, I've never done this with bad intentions. He doesn't like the accusation.
-Wow, now I'm confused, is this a swing or a threesome? Max laughs to himself.
George stopped walking at the same moment, offended and even more shocked by another accusation.
When he realized it, Max took a few steps back and ruffled his hair.
-Just kidding, George, you're so cute.
But even his happiest days get bad when he sees the two of them together on social media, kisses, dates, more kisses. Max is sure that if Joe knew how jealous he is of him, for being able to love the woman he loves, he would definitely dig a hole to the center of the earth and stay there, far from Max's eyes.
He has thought countless times about using Joe's number saved on his phone, to send some manipulated photo or one that would have a double meaning, but knowing the two of them, he believes that even that would be reason to break up and get back together after a few days.
But it's these photos, the flowers, the letters, her giggles in the corners of the hotel, that make him freak out when he shouldn't. After being next to her in one of the endless meetings and noticing his new gift, a ring on her finger, that was enough for Max to find any reason to start stomping his feet and shouting. And sometimes he even measures her before the race, in the best possible way, as if he were casting a curse on her. -Damn, did you two fight? The boy asks her. -Honestly, I don't know, he left the meeting shouting, now he just looks at me like that. She sighs tiredly. At one of the parties, thanks to Charlie, he can talk to her a little. -You know, girls, sometimes we reach 200 kilometers per hour.He boasts, the trio of friends start drooling in French. -You could say that I am speed. He gives her his most seductive smile.
Max denied it and snorted.
-If I say something like that, I'll get a restraining order.- He takes a good sip of his drink.
-Also, with a sensitive mood like that, you can be sure that many would be afraid. She teased.
-So I don't have a chance? He used his playful tone.
-You're quite cheeky, you know. She lightly took his hand as a quick friendly caress, more for his level of need, that wasn't just a caress.
Max took her hand, lifting it and bringing it to his lips, finally leaving a caress there.
She was embarrassed, but she couldn't see any harm in anything Max did; for her, that was just an apology for the previous treatment.
But from that day on, it could be said that Max started to look at her more, in increasingly shameless ways.
Once again, with a podium in his hands, he waited for her, making sure to catch her eyes, just so she could see him measuring her completely, and she could see that it really affected her.
Or another time, when she was already embarrassed by him staring at her, while she watched the screen with the replay of some moments of the race, he caressed her face, giving her a wink.
She certainly doesn't know what to do with that.
Joe can't dream of that, while Max seems to love it.
But what she didn't expect was for someone to tell Joe about the flirting and say that she is increasingly cornered by the situation.
Unfortunately for Joe, in the middle of his season and fortunately for Max, in the middle of Joe's season.
One day after getting out of the car, Max was waiting for her, not giving her much space to walk away, the girl took off her helmet without knowing what that was, does he want to solve something? Are they going to slap each other or something like that? She wondered.
-How are you, Max? She looked at him.
-You were amazing, you know that? He spoke softly, raising his hands again to her hips and patting them a few times.
-Thanks, I have to go - she said, without giving Max any space. He wanted to know how she was when her only option was to be ridiculously close to him.
The group was confused, to say the least, they didn't know what the hell was going on and what the atmosphere was like.
As Max walked away with firm steps, when he saw that she was far away, he decided to try to get along with the Red Bull team.
-Sometimes I forget that she's not a guy - he laughed for no reason, but he's not like the other boys, who really do forget that she's the woman there. Max remembers who she is every second.
But Joe's situation is nothing that a phone call can't solve.
-Joe, I don't understand who told you that? He asked.
-Someone I trust- Joe justifies himself.
-Joe, I'm going to be honest, if I had the chance to sleep with her, you can be sure I would have done it already, as many times as I could and you can be sure that every time I lie down in my bed, I wonder why it hasn't happened yet and guess what, it's your fault- Max decides to be honest just to hear what Joe has to say.
-You're really brave to say something like that, you know? You know what, I'm going to kill you- Joe gets upset enough for Max to have some difficulty understanding what he's saying, the Dutchman gave his best laugh.
-You know, just a simple touch on her hip makes her all embarrassed, it makes me wonder how long it's been since she's been with a real man, but apparently I don't think that's ever happened, especially since she's only been with you- He continued his provocations.
-Joe, it's really cool that you're the cute guy who gives flowers after every race, gives gifts, writes letters, but if I were you I'd start to worry, because there are a lot of people watching her and I'm one of those people- Joe snorted from the other side.
-Because you can be sure that if I were her boyfriend, her legs wouldn't need a stupid touch to go weak, a simple look would be enough to make her remember a lot of things, things like that my friend, let's be honest, we're among friends here, you don't- Max stabbed the last time, hearing a sound of something breaking and he was sure it wasn't a glass but the phone.
Kayleigh almost didn't find out anything, they both avoided the subject just waiting for the other to tell.
But as the races went by, the atmosphere between Max and her seemed increasingly confused.
With the end of another race, Max lifted her up in a hug that at the moment, out of joy, she didn't stop to think about everything that was happening, but Joe did.
-The thing is, if it were me, it wouldn't be just fucking work- Joe shouted loud enough for her to have to pull the phone away from her ear.
-It was just a hug Joe, we've been together for I don't know three, four years, we work side by side, I understand your jealousy, don't think I don't understand, I do understand and in your place I would be like that too, I'll talk to him okay, I promise I'll talk to him and we'll work this out- She tries to calm him down having this idea.
-Kayleigh Hawkins I trust you, please don't make me lose that trust in you, I love you regardless of whether we can't spend a month together without breaking up, I don't know what I would do without you- He asks sighing heavily on the other side.
-I never did anything to make you doubt me, you know that Joe, if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be with you until today, swallowing all these breakups, just promise me that you'll calm down, okay? I love you - She says finally.
She went to sleep and tried to calm her mind, she needed to be calm and talk to Max the right way, she knows how he is, even if she's a little uncomfortable with all this extra contact they're having, there's no reason to do this to Joe, to let him suffer with a situation that's already driving him crazy, he's far away and the only thing she can do is trust that they're telling him the truth.
She got ready, took pictures with everyone who asked and went into the nightclub, this time looking for Max, the first thing she thought would be that he'd be at the bar, as he always does, but nothing.
She spotted George and it doesn't hurt to try.
She nudged him lightly so that he would lean in without leaving the circle of conversation.
-Have you seen Max? She asks him.
-Thank God I haven't seen Satan today. I heard he came to Earth in the body of this Max guy, but honestly I think Max is the one possessing the devil. George turns back to the group of friends. Okay, that's not the information she wanted to hear today.
She asked Lando the question, indiscreetly interrupting him and a girl she doesn't know, earning a free kick.
-Man, I haven't seen him - Pierre says, already out of habit in the male environment.
She sighs, imagining two hypotheses: either he's hiding out with some girls or he's gone back to the hotel.
She quickly makes sure to send a message to Joe, saying that he's definitely with some woman and that she's going to wait a little longer to look for him again. She rolls her eyes at having to do that, still feeling like she's going to be really embarrassed.
She picked up her drink and decided to walk around again until she saw him walking outside with his glass and sitting alone at a table.
She hurried, she needed to be quick, she didn't want anyone to arrive in the middle of the process.
When she walked through the door, it was clear that he found it strange that she went there, he gave her a small smile that was returned.
-Can I sit here? She politely asked for one of the empty seats.
He put his hands under the armrest of his chair with a big smile.
-You can sit wherever you want.
-Okay - she mumbled tensely.
-What do you need? He asked her, making her a little embarrassed.
If he was having a bad day, it could get even worse, so she decided to be as cautious as possible.
-Joe talked to me yesterday, he was a little upset about our hug, he got jealous of you and you know, I don't want that to get in the way of anything, not you, me or him, so if you could reduce the physical contact it would be a big help. She smiles nervously.
Joe said he's jealous? he asks with the same apathetic expression.
It was then that his laughter startled her.
-Yeah, I know, it's irrational. She quickly agrees, starting to lose her voice and blush with embarrassment, she didn't need to be making such a fool of herself, she thought.
Max froze when he heard that and with his best ironic tone, asked her to continue.
-We've known each other for years, we work together on the same team, it's crazy to say this, I'm really sorry for this boring conversation, but I promised him I'd talk to you, you know- she's already preparing for the next kick, he'd probably say it's a favor not to have to hug her and that would be the kindest thing she could imagine that could come out of his mouth.
-First of all, I'm an educated man, so I wouldn't be talking nonsense, smiling, complimenting, or any of that crap to someone I'm not interested in. We both know you're smart, you don't need to force it so much. She's in a mix of understanding and not understanding.
He looks at her and realizes he's only confused her even more.
-Tell your boyfriend, if he's jealous, he'll have to have the balls to come here to solve it - Max says, enjoying the situation.
-This will create an unnecessary situation, you know, you don't need all this for a misunderstanding- she explains again.
-Let me explain something to you, since you didn't have the tact to notice, from the damn moment I met you, well before I knew that this idiot was your boyfriend, I was already in love with you and something stopped me from talking to you, my girlfriend. Now I'm single and nothing stops me from talking to you. Are you going to say you never noticed? Her feet fell, as she tried to reason, she felt a cold hand go up her thigh. She froze there, not knowing what to do, looking at Max who had the most peaceful expression in the world.
She looked down, seeing the hem of her loose black dress rising higher and higher, exposing the area. She couldn't understand how Max, who distributes rudeness, now had a hand on her thigh. She delicately brought her hand to meet his, making eye contact with him again, but when she thought she would stop her hand, she only made him squeeze the spot and get even closer to where he shouldn't.
-Max I think you- She prepares to get up, but he is faster.
-Sit down, we're not done talking - he uses his most gentle tone, but even so it's hard to say anything.
-That idiot Joe has even threatened to kill me, you know, because he knows that I like you and I made one thing clear to him and now it's going to be clear to you, the only thing I need is for you to say yes, you know where my room is, it's always next to yours, it's not hard to find, when you get tired of this idiot you can knock on my door. - He walks away.
-That's not how it works, it's not about getting tired of my boyfriend -She is cut off.
-I don't know how and what you like about him, so yes, it's a matter of getting tired of him
Even with the shock, she stayed quiet and didn't say anything to anyone, she thought that would make things easier, but everything got worse with Max.
Now besides being a sweetheart, he's simply everywhere.
This includes grabbing her hand when she is focused on the training screens, indiscreetly measuring her and, what has caught the team's attention the most, the number of times he touches her hair.
On another day, finishing some notes about the current track, she doesn't know when he appeared, but he started massaging her shoulders, slowly moving up to her neck. The first thing she did was cough to discreetly send him away, which didn't help.
-You need to relax, Kay, you're too tense - he says quietly.
One of the guys on the team walked by them.
-I'm enjoying seeing you helping each other, Red Bull spirit - the guy leaves smiling.
-Max, that's enough, you're going too far -she says through clenched teeth.
-That's my specialty. He laughed, one of his arms serving as support so he could slide his hand down her spine as far as he could reach, slowly moving up, noticing her held breath.
-You need to relax, why don't you take a deep breath and let my hands help you?He suggested.
-I need you to stop with the double-meaning jokes - She asked.
He didn't answer, he just brought his fingers to the back of her neck, massaging the tips of them and moving down a little, he got as close as the backless bench would allow, pressing her head against his torso, and finally sliding his fingers from her jaw until they almost reached her lap.
-And what kind of massage is this? Can you explain it to me? She asked reluctantly.
-A casual massage, like any other, I think that massage is more about touching someone's skin until you see relaxation appear, and that angle of you is wonderful - He teased, aware that with the force used there it would be difficult for her to move.
-Max, I didn't know you could give a massage - Lando shouts from outside.
-That's great for those who wear a helmet.
-I'll have one - Lando says, and Charles agrees next to him.
-Me too.
-Sure, boys. I'll be right there when I'm done. He smiles at the two of them, who continue on their way.
-Why aren't you writing it down? Did you forget what you wanted? He gives his most fake tone of concern.
But by giving her the massage right there, he makes it difficult for her to say anything.
He then gently lowers his fingers and finishes, bending down a little so that he's at the height of her neck.
-Stop pretending you didn't like it. Considering that you're dating Joe and how much your skin is crawling, I think you should go to the bathroom and get yourself together - he pats her shoulder.
-It's great to see how satisfying these hands are, not just on the steering wheel. He laughs, walking away and giving her another wink. Kayleigh closed the notebook, wanting to bury her face in the ground. This can't be happening. Max can't be serious. But he is very serious and to make the test complete, he decided to tease her with a little more than words. The situation has already escalated to a point where she doesn't know if she can keep denying it and, worse, what to say to Joe when he calls at the end of the day and she has the same scared expression. Suddenly, the guy who was a jerk to everyone has become an angel with her and, on top of that, says he's in love with her, to the point of making a scene. The point is, she doesn't know how far he's going with the description, but Max knows well.
Tsunoda, who is next to the two, was a bit embarrassed by his face towards her and hers towards the floor. He doesn't know if coughing would help to start a conversation or if anything else, the atmosphere around them became unpleasant and even tense. 
She was grateful when she saw Carlo approaching, smiling as always, and greeted everyone, but before they could say anything. 
-We would make a beautiful couple, wouldn't we? He points at her, who freezes in disbelief. 
-Isn't she with Joe? Carlos asks. 
-I didn't ask about him, I'm talking about us. Tsunoda and Sainz stare at each other, not knowing what to say, along with her, who has wide eyes. 
-Of course, they would be great, she's very pretty and you - Carlos is cut off. 
-Really, she's beautiful. Max gives his best smile to Kay, who pretends not to have heard anything.
-I heard Lando calling me, bye guys. He left in a hurry without looking back. It didn't matter that they must have been there for an event or something, he would arrive at the last minute and that was it.
But her destination ended up being the same as his.
Max took advantage of the hotel corridor being empty, to reach her and hug her body from behind, holding her. Kay moved, trying to get out of the tight spot, and then Max decided to play it low, going up to her neck and nibbling it.
-Can't you see that it's crowded here, can't you see that this is going to hurt me? She asked him irritably, trying to stop him from continuing to caress her.
-You said that I always mistreated you, I'm just treating you the way I should, making my interests obvious to everyone. He replied.
And then only two breaths were heard in the hallway, Max continued the attack on her neck, sliding his hand until he reached the hem of the woman's pants where she quickly grabbed him.
-Are you going to run away again? You know that the more you run the better it is for me, because then I'll feel like I've won you over. He then released her, turning her to face him.
When he realized, he was against a wall in one of the many empty hallways, Max brought his hand to her face, squeezing her cheeks.
-Do you know how much it hurt me to spend four years of my life, seeing you with that clown, while you were always by my side? Do you know what it's like to see him deliver flowers, letters and then suddenly it all ends, you feel hope, then you come back and all this repeats itself over and over again, meanwhile, I'm the guy who's always here, do you know how horrible that is? He asked her somewhat irritated, not with her anymore, but with the situation.
-Not even when you were hospitalized after a crash, he showed up, like a good teammate I went there, do you understand now how much I need you to dump him and let me make you truly happy? he asked, letting his hand slip.
He steps away slightly, Kay runs her hands through her hair, messing it up, looking to one side nothing but an empty hallway, looking to the other the same and Max in front of her waiting for the answer.
-You guys break up all the damn time, break up with him, spend some time with me and then if you regret it, which I highly doubt, you go back to him. Max waits for her decision, staring at her.
-I can't... he quickly cuts her off.
-You can't throw away your childhood love, a beautiful childhood love that you see for three months and then only next year."
She swallows that.
-I may not be the nicest guy, nor as loved by everyone as he is, but I will be here and I know very well how much you want someone who is here. He gently takes her hand.
-You want someone who will hold your hand, praise you, watch you run, can do something stupid together, someone who understands you, someone who is not so fickle, someone who is here to wake up next to you, who will hug you at night, who can touch you and he can't do any of that but I can and I want to. The distance between the two became short again until the wall appeared.
Kayleigh took a deep breath and nodded slightly, she was afraid that she was under the effect of his power of persuasion and even more so of those eyes, but she couldn't deny it. She did miss Joe's presence, she loved him, not having him around was always the biggest obstacle.
And this obstacle would only have one solution, one of the two of them giving up their careers.
The fact is that once again they have been separated for a week, but as always she cries on the day and then pretends that nothing happened and they are together.
-We broke up last week - she begins, still thoughtful. -We can try, but I don't want anyone to know, because if nothing works out, I don't want it to become a mess, or for anyone to talk about it - she asks. -They'll start seeing me smile, it'll be kind of obvious - he approaches. -Are you sure?" He asks cautiously first. -Yes - he agrees. Max presses the elevator button, leaves a hand caressing her ear, preparing to finally kiss her for the first time. Max never hides his desire, much less his rush, but even so, he takes Kayleigh by surprise when he lets his hands roam guiltlessly over her body in that hallway.
He finally felt the weight, anger and hurt of all those years being thrown aside, being extracted from her body, he wouldn't say she wanted to wait so long, but being able to drive Joe crazy, just like he had been all this time was wonderful, now he finally has what he wants, her.
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maximoffcarter · 9 months ago
Moving on.
Pairings: Casey Novak x Alex Cabot (Past), Casey Novak x reader.
Summary: Casey Novak thought she could never open her heart to anyone else after what she had gone through in the past, but the moment she met Alex, she changed her mind. But sometimes things don't go the way we want them to.
A/n: Sorry for the delay, shit happened but I figured that posting could distract me at least a bit, so here it is guys😌 This was requested by anon, this anon has requested amazing things and I am so thankful for this sweet anon (hope it is the same if not, I still think you amazing). It was hard, ngl, I had to take a hard decision but here is the final result. More to come guys, I'm working on everyone's requests. Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
Alternative ending.
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*not my gif*
The moment Casey met Alex when she started working in White Collar, she believed that she had gone to heaven and back. She had heard so many things about A.D.A. Alexandra Cabot, she had seen her before in court, and the little crush she had developed in her had only grown the moment they had run into each other when they were both getting lunch in the same place. People would call it a coincidence, but for Casey, this had definitely been fate putting them together; it was silly, yes, but she couldn’t help the thought of it. After that day, it became a routine to set a time for lunch and go out, or Alex calling Casey to come to her office and have lunch there. It took about a month or so for Alex to finally ask Casey out on an official date, she had wanted to do it for so long, but never got the guts because Casey was just so perfect in her eyes that she’d never want someone like Alex.
They had even spent nights together in each other’s apartments, late nights were they were entangled in each other’s bodies, laughs, long conversations, etc. And it had taken them another month to finally make things official; Alex had been the one to pop the silly but cute question one time that they were in her office late at night. Casey had almost begged Alex to let her stay with her because she didn’t want to leave Alex alone, but in reality she just wanted to spend more time her, it was her favorite part of the day, and she was not about to miss it that day. And after an hour or so, Alex couldn’t help but stare at Casey the whole time, a smile painted on her face. Every day that she had spent with Casey, she had not been able to take Casey off her mind, she was the happiest she had ever been, and there was no denial that Casey felt the same way, not when Casey showed her every single day that she loved having Alex around.
“Alex?” Casey asked softly.
Alex snapped out of her trance and smiled. “Yes?”
Casey chuckled softly. “I lost you there for a moment. What were you thinking about?” She grinned softly.
“Nothing.” Alex grinned back.
“Oh, you were thinking about something. I know that look.” Casey chuckled as she closed her file and put her hands together as she waited for Alex to talk.
Alex smiled and shook her head, looking away. “It’s stupid.”
“Nothing is ever stupid when it comes to you, Alex. You should know that by now.” Casey said softly as she smiled.
“Want to be my girlfriend?” Alex suddenly said as she looked back up at Casey, nervously nobbling on her lip.
Casey stared at her and grinned, trying to hold back the chuckle that wanted to come out. “Alex…I thought we were already dating.”
“We…were?” Alex furrowed her brows. “I just…I didn’t…”
Casey chuckled softly as she put the file on Alex’s desk and stood up to walk to Alex, pushing her chair back and sitting on her lap, wrapping her arms around her neck. “You’re right, we never actually talked about it.” She smiled softly.
“You thought the nights you spent with me were enough?” Alex teased as she looked into those beautiful green eyes that she loved.
Casey tilted her head as she wetted her lips teasingly. “Maybe so.” She grinned. “And yes.”
Alex raised her brows as she smiled. “Yes?”
Casey chuckled as she nodded. “I’d love to be your girlfriend.” She smiled as she leaned down and kissed Alex’s lips softly.
Alex smiled against her lips as she wrapped her arms tightly around Casey, kissing her back softly. “I’m sorry if that was cheesy.” She chuckled.
“Oh, I love when the Ice Queen is all cute and cheesy.” Casey chuckled as she kissed her forehead. “Only I get to see this side of you, and I love it.” She looked into blue eyes as she smiled.
Alex blushed slightly as she nodded. “Only you get this side.” She smiled. “And I get the cheeky, smiley Casey.” She grinned softly as she kissed her cheeks, right where her dimples were showing.
It was Casey’s turn to blush, giggling as she nudged Alex. “Stop that!”
“What? I love when your dimples show.” Alex grinned. “You look so cute.”
“Okay, now you are being really cheesy.” Casey teased as she brought their lips back together.
Casey couldn’t have asked for anything better than this moment right here. Even after always having the idea that she didn’t want to get involved in any relationships, she was happy that she could be in one with Alex. She was willing to do anything to make things work, just like she knew that Alex would do anything for them too.
A year or so had passed since Alex and Casey had made their relationship official, at some point, it was decided that Casey would be working some cases with Alex since she had a load of work, but she was not officially part of Sex Crimes, still sticking with White Collar. Their relationship have been so easy, it felt so unreal how well they both worked together. They both understood each other for the jobs they did, and even if their personalities were different, that’s what completed them so perfectly. They both had fallen for each other deeply, even the squad teased Alex on how she had changed once Casey entered her life, and she loved it, she couldn’t deny it. It was everything she had always wanted, and it was everything she needed in her life.
“So, when is Alexandra Cabot gonna propose?” Elliot raised his brow as he looked at Alex, who was sitting with them in the squad room.
Alex looked at Elliot with wide eyes. “W-What? I’m…that’s not happening. I mean…not yet.”
Olivia laughed softly. “Oh, c’mon! You both are so in love, we want to attend a wedding. We need some happiness after the horrible things we see here.”
Alex rolled her eyes playfully as she huffed a chuckle. “We…have not talked about it, okay? C’mon, guys. We just moved in together like two months ago, give us a little break.” She chuckled nervously.
“Fair enough.” Olivia nodded as she raised her brow. “But I’m pretty sure that if you asked Casey…she’d say yes pretty quickly.” She grinned.
Alex stared at Olivia for longer than she expected as she nodded. Of course, this had been stuck in her mind for the whole day, thinking back to her relationship with Casey and how happy she was, the happiest she had ever been and the happiest she could ever be. They were already living together, they were already doing everything that any other married couple did, right? So…marriage didn’t sound bad. She did want to spend her whole life with Casey. And as in for Casey…she wanted that too, but she had barely said anything about it because maybe it was too soon, she had already been engaged once and it had not ended the way she wanted to, so she was a bit afraid that maybe this thing would go the same way, but it was Alex…Alex would never do that.
Casey sighed as she closed the door behind her and smiled softly as she saw Alex walking towards her. “Did you just get home too?”
Alex nodded. “I did.” She chuckled softly as she took Casey’s briefcase and placed it on the rack. She wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close to her body to kiss her. “Hi.” She whispered against her lips.
“Hi back.” Casey smiled against her lips and then kissed her softly. “You had dinner?”
Alex tilted her head as she smiled. “I was thinking that maybe we could go out.”
Casey raised her brows as she grinned. “Oh, Alexandra Cabot is inviting me on a spontaneous date?”
Alex nodded. “Maybe I am.” She smiled. “What do you say?”
Casey smiles softly and nodded. “Let me get out of these clothes first.” She leaned in to peck her lips and then walked to their room.
After dinner, both women decided to take a scroll through the city, it was still somehow early, not too late to be out in the streets of New York. They kept talking about everything and nothing at the same time, just enjoying each other’s company. Moments like these were the ones that they both enjoyed to the fullest, it wasn’t every day that they had a chance to go out and enjoy a nice dinner and walk, they’d normally go back home, have some dinner, and go straight to bed because work would be waiting the next day. This is exactly what Casey wanted her life to be like. She wanted this life with Alex. They both understood each other’s jobs, they understood each other’s lives, and they couldn’t be happier. For a moment, it crossed Casey’s mind that maybe, just maybe…Alex was the one.
Casey ran through the hallways of the hospital as she panted, her phone and bag in hand as she looked around. Earlier that day, Casey had talked to Alex about dropping a case she had, they knew their address, they knew Casey was Alex’s girlfriend, they knew every little detail about Alex’s life, they were both at risk, but Casey cared more about what could happen to Alex if she continued this case. She had almost begged Alex to drop it, and finally, she had decided to listen to Casey.
“Promise me, Alex.” Casey said softly as she placed her hands on Alex’s neck, green eyes looking into blue ones.
Alex smiled softly as she nodded. “I will.” She pulled Casey close to her body and rubbed her back. “I don’t want to put you at risk.”
“I don’t care about me, Alex. It’s you who’s prosecuting. I just want you to be safe.” Casey said almost in a whisper, as if talking louder would hurt them both.
Alex leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “I’ll be okay.” She whispered against her lips, kidding Casey’s chin, forehead, nose, and cheeks, smiling softly as Casey giggled.
Casey rolled her eyes playfully. “Good.” She smiled softly and kissed Alex’s lips softly.
“You’re adorable, you know that?” Alex smiled.
“And you’re stubborn.” Casey raised her brow playfully.
“And you love me for it.” Alex chuckled as she leaned in and kissed her lips again.
Casey had court all day, so she only got a text from Alex saying that she had dropped the case and now it was the feds turn, and Casey had texted her back that she’d be seeing her that night, she’d treat Alex to dinner. And then, later that night, just when she was about to call Alex to let her know she was on her way, she got a call from Olivia; Alex had been shot. She had never ran as fast as she did, not even for her games. Her feet hurt because of the annoying heels, but she didn’t care, she needed to get to the hospital.
Casey spotted Olivia and Elliot and walked to them, panting heavily. “Where is she?” She looked between the two of them as she tried to catch her breath.
“Case…” Elliot whispered softly as he looked down at the floor.
Casey frowned as she looked at him and then back at Olivia. “Liv? Where is Alex?”
Olivia took a deep, shaky breath as she placed her hand on Casey’s shoulder. “Casey…she lost a lot of blood. She never made it off the table.” She said softly as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Casey shook her head as she took a step back. “No…no. You’re…you…” she felt a pressure in her chest and suddenly the whole room was spinning. “…no…you’re…I need…Alex. She…she needs me. I…” she sobbed uncontrollably as she fell on her knees.
Casey didn’t know when or how Elliot and Olivia had gotten her on her feet and out of the hospital. Casey could only listen to their voices saying that everything would be okay and that she was not alone, but Casey get off her mind that her lover was gone. She was gone. Forever. Why did this happen? This had to be involved to the case. But she dropped it, she had just dropped it that day, it wasn’t her fault that the feds had caught him. This was not happening, this was not real. The whole ride to their apartment, Casey had been numb, no words had been able to leave her mouth, she felt like her voice was gone. Olivia said something about her needing to stay somewhere else, they had to keep an eye on her too since they knew about Casey. But did it matter? She didn’t care. They had killed her lover.
Casey walked inside their apartment and stood there for a moment, not being able to move at all. Part of her waiting for Alex to walk out of their room and come greet Casey, hug her, and kiss her, tell her that Casey had just been all day at court that she was now hallucinating. But she had stood there for fifteen minutes, and nothing had happened, silence surrounded her, and that’s when Casey’s mind focused back to reality. She closed her eyes as she sobbed, letting herself fall on her knees again. She sobbed quietly, as if she was afraid to be heard, but there was no one there, no one would hear her. She was alone. Casey jumped slightly as she felt arms wrapping around her tightly, she freaked out for a moment but then she heard Olivia’s soothing voice.
“I’m here.” Olivia whispered softly, resting her head against Casey’s.
“She’s gone.” Casey cried out.
Olivia nodded as she sighed. “Yes, sweetheart.”
Casey shook her head. “Why her?”
Olivia tried to swallow back her tears for Casey, she needed to be the strong person at the moment. “I’m not sure, Case. I wish I had the answer.”
“Are you guys going to look for the person who…” Casey took a shaky breath. “…who did this?”
“We don’t know.” Olivia said softly as she rubbed Casey’s arms. Casey nodded softly as she rested her head against Olivia’s chest. “Wanna stay with me tonight? So you don’t go to a hotel.”
Casey thought for a moment and then nodded. “Thanks.”
Casey made a mental note that she’d start looking for a new place. She couldn’t possibly stay here. She couldn’t live in this apartment without Alex. She didn’t know how she was going to continue without Alex.
Casey had almost quit the moment Branch and Elizabeth talked to her and offered her Alex’s spot. She was furious that they thought about her for the spot, but as Elliot and Olivia had told her, there was no one else that Alex would want in her place. Alex trusted Casey in every way, including their job. It took her almost two weeks to finally accept the spot, and another week to finally be able to show up in the precinct, and finally be able to get back to work. The first day, she had gone back to her apartment and cried most of the night, not only for how pressured she felt about the case, but also because normally when they had a stressful day, Alex had always been there.
Now almost a whole year since Alex had died, and even if Casey had been going to a therapist, she still couldn’t help but miss her. It took her some time to adjust to her new routine, new job, new office, new environment, new apartment…new life. She had been thankful that Olivia and Elliot had been there through it all, even if Alex had been closer because they worked together, ever since they started dating, Casey also became their friend, and she was thankful that at least at this moment of her life, she had never been alone. She walked into the precinct looking for Olivia and Elliot, but no one was around. She looked at her watch and sighed softly as she realized that maybe they were still at the scene.
“Can I help you?”
Casey turned to find a girl standing just a few feet away from her. “Uh…who are you?”
The girl huffed a chuckle. “I’m…y/n. Y/n y/l/n. I’m the new detective.” She smiled softly. “And you are?”
“Casey Novak. The A.D.A.” Casey said firmly.
Y/n nodded. “Oh! Hi! Well, guess you don’t need my help then.” She chuckled softly.
Casey couldn’t help but smile a little. She found it cute how she was nervous. “First days are not as expected, huh?”
Y/n smiled as she nodded. “Definitely not. I was…left here to find some records, and I’m still waiting for them. I was supposed to go with Olivia and Elliot, but they left in a rush.”
“They’ll warm up. You just need to listen to them.” Casey offered a small smile.
“You’re also new?”
Casey huffed a chuckle as she shook her head. “Ah, no. Actually, I’ve been working with them for a while now. But I was new too. And I know how it feels. But all I can tell you is that they’re a great team. You’ll learn a lot from them.”
Y/n smiled. “And from you?”
Casey stared at her for a moment, not sure what to answer to that. “Sure.” She nodded. “Uh…I don’t…see why not.”
“Good.” Y/n noticed that the squad was walking into the squad room, and she returned her stare to Casey. “Duty calls, Casey Novak.” She grinned as she walked to Olivia and Elliot.
Casey stood there for another minute before she turned to the squad and focused on what they had for the case. Every now and then, she could feel y/n’s eyes on her, and she wanted to be mad about it, she wanted to snap at her for it, but in reality…she felt flattered. She wanted to look at her and let her know that she noticed and give her a grin or a smirk. But why did she want to do that? Was it wrong? Wait…what was wrong? Why am I thinking if it’s wrong? Casey tried to focus back on the detectives and focus on the case, trying to push away any annoying thought.
A few weeks passed since the day she met y/n, and she had tried everything in her power to avoid y/n at all costs, mostly because she had no reason to talk to her when Olivia and Elliot were leading the case, but also because she wanted to avoid her intrusive thoughts about the girl. But then, in y/n’s fourth case, around a month and a half later that she joined, she had made most of the case and the squad had wanted to celebrate the victory of it, not only because of y/n’s terrific work, but because Casey had also won the case, so it was to celebrate both of them. For most of it, Casey tried to stay in the middle of Elliot and Olivia, only listening to them and every now and then joining in the conversation, but that was until Olivia moved and she was beside y/n, and not long after, they had engaged in a conversation full of laughs.
“I’m going for another drink, anyone wants one?” Y/n asked around and then looked at Casey.
Casey smiled as she nodded. “Please.”
Y/n nodded as she grinned. “Coming right up.” She grabbed the empty glasses and headed to the bar.
Olivia moved back beside Casey and raised her brow. “So.”
Casey looked at her and shrugged. “So?”
“You and y/n.” Olivia grinned.
Casey scoffed and shook her head. “We’re not doing this, Liv.”
Olivia tilted her head. “C’mon, Case. You’re gonna tell me that you two didn’t connect since the moment you met? I can see you’re avoiding her.”
Casey furrowed her brows. “Are you…are you keeping an eye on me or something?”
Olivia offered a small smile. “It’s been tough, Casey. But…you’re allowed to.”
“Allowed to what?” Casey raised her brow.
“Allowed to move on, Casey.” Olivia said softly as she smiled.
Casey stared at her for a while, trying to process the words that Olivia had just said, but before she could answer anything else, y/n had returned with their drinks and had gotten in the middle of Olivia and Casey. Soon after, the three of them had engaged in a new conversation, but Casey was still processing what Olivia had said. She was allowed to move on. She was…allowed to continue with her life like she had done it lately. She moved into a new apartment, she accepted Alex’s spot, she had created a new routine, had found a new place to practice batting, she had even changed her hair color…there were a lot of things that she had changed and new things that she had started to do, so…why not give herself that chance?
“Oh, c’mon, Case! You gotta admit that I’m slowly becoming better.” Y/n grinned as she looked at Casey, taking a sip of her water as they walked through the streets of New York.
Casey rolled her eyes playfully as she grinned. “I admit…you’re a bit better but…I know you still have more in you.”
“I’m learning from the best, next thing you know, I’ll be joining the softball team and I’ll go against the great Casey Novak.” Y/n smirked as she looked at Casey.
“Oh, I’d like to see you try.” Casey chuckled softly as she looked back at y/n.
Y/n smiled softly as they came to a stop. She sighed softly and then looked away. “I’m glad you finally loosen up with me.”
Casey furrowed her brows as she stared at y/n. “What?”
Y/n shrugged. “Well…for the first month or so…you were kind of off with me. And then we started hanging out more and I got to meet a whole new side of Casey Novak.” She looked back at Casey and smiled. “I like it.”
Casey smiled softly as she looked down at the floor, nodding. “I’m sorry I uh…” she cleared her throat. “I normally don’t open up so easily and I…I was still going through some things.”
“And now 5 months later…we’re friends.” Y/n smiled playfully as she raised her brow.
Casey looked at her and laughed softly. “Yes, y/n. We are.” She smiled.
Y/n nodded as she looked down at her tumbler. “So…it’d be a wrong move to ruin it, right?”
Casey furrowed her brows. “What?”
Y/n sighed as she cleared her throat. “You know what? Don’t mind me. I’m gonna take the other way cause I need to go buy some stuff but I-“
Y/n furrowed her brows as she looked at Casey. “What?”
Casey stared at her and shrugged. “It wouldn’t be a wrong move.”
Y/n grinned, trying to hide the fact that she was nervous. “You…know what I meant with that.”
Casey shrugged as she grinned. “One of my many talents, not only because I’m an attorney.”
Y/n chuckled softly as she nodded, looking down at the floor for a moment. “Well…” she cleared her throat again as she looked back up at Casey. “Would you maybe…like to go out for dinner? Maybe Friday?”
Casey smiled softly as nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.”
“Good. I’ll pick you up…7:30?”
“7:30 pm. Noted.” Casey smiled.
Y/n chuckled softly. “Noted.”
Casey raised her brow. “So…were you really going the other way, or did I make you nervous and you were trying to escape from me?”
Y/n blushed slightly and scrunched her nose. “Second one?”
Casey rolled her eyes as she grabbed y/n’s arm. “C’mon.” She chuckled as they crossed the street.
“What?” Olivia said as she stared at Cragen.
“What didn’t you tell us?” Elliot asked almost in a whisper as he stared at Cragen.
Cragen sighed. “It was to protect her. I found out after her funeral.”
Olivia raised her brows as she felt her eyes getting teary. “Almost two years…and she’s…alive.”
“She’s in Wisconsin.”
“Casey.” Olivia whispered as she furrowed her brows. “How are we supposed to tell Casey? She charged him with the murder of Alex. And we supported her because we…”
“We need to tell her. Because…” Cragen sighed as he looked at both of them. “I might have convinced her to come back to help us with the case.”
Elliot scoffed as he crossed his arms. “And you believe Casey is not gonna kill us for this?”
“I’ll take full responsibility. But we need to win this case. For Alex. And for Antonio.”
Olivia nodded as she scoffed, walking out of his office. Olivia thought it was best to not call Casey yet and let the rest of the squad know that Alex was alive. Almost two years of thinking she was gone, but now she was about to return. Olivia pulled y/n aside and explained to her the whole situation, opting to tell her about Casey and Alex before anything else happened. Casey and y/n had started dating after a few dates, it had been a few months of it, and both seemed very happy; Casey seemed very happy. How could they tell her now that her ex-girlfriend, the woman she thought was the one and had died, was returning to help her case.
Casey was getting some files from her desk when the door opened and Elliot, Olivia and y/n walked into her office. Casey looked up at them and smiled. “Hey. Something wrong? Found something else on Connors?”
Elliot cleared his throat as he looked at Olivia and y/n. “Casey…we need to talk.”
Casey furrowed her brows. “What about?”
“You need to drop the charges on Alex’s murder.” Elliot simply said, not able to find any other way to say it.
Casey tilted her head confused. “Uh…and why would I do that? That helps our case, we have a chance to get him behind bars, get justice. Why would I do that?”
Y/n sighed as she looked at Olivia and then at Casey. “Case…there’s something you need to know.” She walked to her and grabbed her hand. “I just learned about this…about Alex. But uh-“
Alex.” Casey whispered softly, her eyes glued to the door.
Everyone turned around and her eyes widened as Alexandra Cabot stood by the door, smiling at them. They all stood there, just staring at Alex, and that’s when Alex realized that maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to just show up like that. Y/n felt Casey squeezing her hand, making her turn to look at Casey, and that’s when she noticed the tears in those green eyes that she loved so much. For what Olivia had told her, Alex had meant more than anything else to Casey, and her death had caused Casey a great pain, and now she was back, she had to lie to protect herself and that included lying to the people she cared about.
“Get her out of here.” Casey snapped, breaking the silence.
“Casey…” Alex whispered softly.
“Out. Now.” Casey walked to the other part of her office without looking at her anymore.
Y/n turned to look at Olivia and Elliot and nodded, her eyes landing on Alex for a second before she followed Casey and closed the doors. Y/n stood there for a second, not sure if she was supposed to walk to Casey or not if she was even supposed to be in the room. But she believed that it was the right thing to do since they were dating, and she wanted to be there for Casey no matter what. Almost as in cue, y/n opened her mouth to say something and suddenly Casey was walking to her and wrapping her arms around her, tightly. Y/n only wrapped her arms around her, holding her as she cried and sobbed, y/n pressed soft kisses on her head and let Casey cry as much as she wanted.
“She lied.” Casey finally whispered after a few minutes, her arms still wrapped around y/n.
Y/n sighed softly. “She was in Witness Protection, Case…she couldn’t just come back.”
Casey pulled away and looked at y/n, furrowing her brow. “Who knew? Olivia and Elliot knew?”
Y/n shook her head. “No. Cragen did, though. He told Elliot and Olivia this morning, and…Olivia told me before we came here.”
Casey nodded. “So you know.” Y/n nodded. “Baby…I-“
“It’s not like I wasn’t conscious that we dated other people before, Case.” Y/n chuckled softly as she stroked her cheek softly, wiping away her tears. “You were not ready to talk about her, and I get that. I told you when you told me about…” she smiled softly and stared into Casey’s eyes. “…I told you that I’d be here, no matter what, and whenever you wanted to talk, about anything, I’d be here to listen. And here I am.”
Casey smiled softly, placing her hands on y/n’s neck, and pulling her closer to her, leaning in to kiss her lips softly. “Thank you.” She whispered softly against her lips.
Y/n smiled and kissed her lips softly. “You got nothing to thank me for.”
“I do…because you’re still here.” Casey smiled.
“And I am not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, Casey Novak.” Y/n smiled as she peppered her face with kisses.
Casey chuckled softly as she wrapped her arms around y/n’s shoulders to hug her, feeling somehow relieved as y/n wrapped her arms around her waist to hold her closer.
“Alright, y/n and Olivia will be here any minute. I believe we’re done with my questions.” Casey said as she closed the door and walked to her desk.
Alex sighed softly as she turned to look at Casey. “Are we not going to talk other than about the case?”
Casey turned to look at Alex, a serious look on her face. “What about? The fact that I got a call from Liv telling me that you had been shot and you were in an ambulance, in critical condition, I dropped everything to get to you in time, but I got there, and you were gone? That I sobbed uncontrollably at your funeral, your mother and I held each other. Or…the fact that you thought it would be better to leave and never tell us that you were alive.” She felt tears in her eyes as she spoke. “What do you want to talk about, Alex?”
Alex closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she stood up to walk to Casey, raising her head to look at her. “I wanted to call. I tried to convince them so I could at least call you, and let you know that I was okay, and that…at some point I was going to come back.”
“Oh.” Casey scoffed. “That’s rich. You wanted to let me know that you were coming back at some point?” She shook her head. “You left me without a word, without a text, without a phone call. Did you just expect me not to move on?”
Alex felt her heart dropping as she stared at her. “You…you moved on?”
Casey tilted her head. “You wanted me to wait for you? You were dead to me, Alex! For two years I thought you were gone! I mourn you, I cried every night for you for so long, and you wanted me to not move on?!”
Alex was taken aback by Casey’s reaction, expecting her to be upset but not this upset. “No, I…I don’t know, Casey, I just…”
“I moved on, Alex. And it was the best decision that I could’ve made, because if I hadn’t listened to anyone, if I had…” she took a deep, shaky breath. “…if I had let myself get lost…I don’t know what would’ve happened.”
Alex let the tears roll down her face as she stared at Casey. “I’m so sorry.”
Casey nodded. “It’s a bit too late for that.”
Alex tilted her head as she sighed. “Casey.”
“I’m already in love with someone.” Casey smiled sadly. “And you know…before I dated you…I always thought that I would never want to fall again. For anyone. And you showed up and changed that. And then you…you were gone.” She shrugged as she nibbled on her lip. “I closed myself to that possibility, and then I met y/n.”
Alex nodded. “You’re dating y/n.”
Casey nodded. “I am. And I’m happy.” She smiled sadly. “I cannot hurt her. I don’t want to hurt her.”
“I should’ve called, no matter what they said.” Alex said softly as she looked down at her hands. “Maybe I wouldn’t have lost you.”
“We’ll never know.” Casey tried to put on a serious face as she crossed her arms.
Alex nodded as she sighed, wiping away her tears as she stared at Casey. “Okay.” She cleared her throat. “I am sorry, Casey. That I didn’t tell you that I was alive. It was not my decision, and I was…furious…about that decision. I understand you’re upset, and I am happy you moved. I’m sorry for the pain I caused.” She licked her lips. “After the case, I won’t bother you again.”
Casey nodded. “I’ll win this case. For Antonio…and for you.” She sniffled. “Just because I’m mad doesn’t mean that I don’t wanna get justice for you.”
Olivia opened the door and stared at both women, y/n behind her. “Is…everything okay here?”
Casey turned to look at Olivia as she wiped her tears. “Yes. Alex is ready to go.”
Alex looked down at her hands and nodded. “Yeah.” She grabbed her bag and walked to Olivia. She then turned to look at y/n and smiled sadly. “Thank you.” She said softly before she walked out of Casey’s office.
Olivia looked at y/n confused but followed Alex, leaving y/n and Casey alone. Y/n turned to look at Casey. “Baby, you’re okay?”
Casey took a deep breath and then exhaled. “We…sort of talked.”
“Oh.” Y/n nodded. “Right.”
Casey tilted her head as she walked to y/n, taking her hand and the other went to y/n’s cheek, stroking it softly. “You know I love you, right?”
Y/n smiled. “And you loved her, Case. I don’t blame you.”
Casey sighed as she nodded. “She’s my past now.”
Y/n nodded as she stared into Casey’s eyes, smiling softly. “Ready to go?”
Casey smiled. “You’re still staying tonight?”
“Are you kidding? I was promised pizza, of course I’m staying.” Y/n grinned.
Casey rolled her eyes playfully as she turned to grab her briefcase and blazer, and then walked to y/n, grabbing her hand, and kissing the back of it. “Let’s go.”
“On count two, the attempted murder in the first degree of Alexandra Cabot, what is your verdict?”
Casey closed her eyes and sighed in relief, looking down at her hands. She looked up at the judge and then stood up once they said they could leave. She stood up and put all of her stuff inside her briefcase before turning to look at everyone. Her eyes first landed on y/n who was already smiling at her, mouthing a ‘congrats’, which made Casey smile. And then her eyes went to Alex, who was saying something to Olivia before she looked at Casey, offering a smile. Casey sighed softly as she turned around to grab her briefcase and walk out of the courtroom. Casey walked to y/n and kissed her cheek softly.
“Congrats, Ms. Novak. I knew you’d win this case.” Y/n grinned softly.
“Thanks, detective. Wouldn’t have done it without your help.” Casey grinned and then looked back for a moment. “Would you uh…give me a moment?” She looked back at y/n as she smiled.
Y/n looked to where Casey had looked, and then smiled, looking back at Casey and nodding. “Sure. I’ll be by the elevator.”
Casey nodded. “Okay.” She smiled when y/n kissed her cheek and then walked away. She took a deep breath and walked to where Alex was standing with Hammond. “Give us a moment?” She looked at him.
“Go ahead.” Hammond said before he walked away.
Alex looked at Casey and smiled softly. “Thank you, Casey.”
“You’ll always have a special place in my heart, Alex.” Casey nibbled on her lip as she looked down at her hands. “Yes, I am hurt. But I also understand why you did this.” She looked back up at Alex as she sighed. “But…I moved on.”
Alex nodded. “I know.”
Casey nodded and offered a small smile. “You’re going back, aren’t you?”
Alex sighed and offered a small smile. “Yeah. They’re also giving Antonio a new identity.”
“That’s good.” Casey smiled.
“Thank you for giving us justice.” Alex smiled. “I knew you could do it.”
Casey smiled softly. “I always wanted to do this. And I’m happy I had the chance.”
“Take care, Case. It was…” Alex huffed a chuckle, holding back tears. “…it was so nice to see you again.”
Casey smiled sadly as she nodded. “It was nice seeing you too, Alexandra Cabot.” She offered a small smile before she turned around to leave.
Y/n sighed softly as she looked at the floor. She heard a pair of heels approaching her and she turned to find Casey walking to her. She smiled softly. “Done?”
Casey smiled and nodded, placing her hand on her cheek, and leaning in to kiss her lips softly. “Yeah. Mexican today?”
Y/n chuckled softly. “Sounds good to me.” She grabbed her hand and they walked to the elevator.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years ago
how about v with a very chill and sleepyhead reader? like they come back from work tired and just cuddle with v, they don't care how weird and scary v is, he doesn’t even have to threaten them about leaving the house because the first second they put their head on his chest they’re already asleep- And when they wake up they just want to keep their hands around him (like imagining a panda riding on your back and never wants to get down, they’re just like that)
I miss him and want something sweet with him 👉👈
(Feel these too could work together - ngl I'd love to see reader trying to wrangle v into having a somewhat regular sleeping schedule. dude needs it tbh.)
Four minutes later than estimated, but given traffic delays he's willing to let it slide - this time. V shuts off the tracker, and tosses his phone towards the bed as he stands. Your keys hit the coffee table and your shoes fly with a soft thud as you kick them off. He crawls into bed and under the blankets as you enter the room - snapping the bands that keep his pigtails in place and ruffling his hair as the light turns on. He hides his face in the pillow.
"I'm back..... oh, crap - were you sleeping?"
V rubs his fist against his eye. "Just resting my eyes... How was your day?"
"Really? Hope you don't mind if I join you then."
As if he'd ever. You climb over V to your side of the bed. He liked it when you slept in the corner as his body in the way made it more difficult for you to get away. You shrug your jacket off your shoulders, aided by V who throws it on the floor behind him as he yanks you down with him. His arms wrap defensively around your torso which you respond to by placing your head on his chest. He stills - heartbeat ten miles a minute on your ear. So demanding - but so sensitive to affection at the same time.
"To answer your question - my day was alright - the usual. Thanks you sending me lunch by the way. I know you mostly did it so I wouldn't go with Dave again, but it was sweet."
"First it's getting lunch, then it's the deep, "friendly" conversation while you're getting your meals, then he's bragging about how you have "so much in common" and next thing you know he's trying to get in your pants.... Is that manager of yours still messing with you?"
You stifle a laugh at his mocking pitch in voice. "Nah, they backed off after I said I was seeing someone - and got fired the next day, strangely. Honestly, V you worry too much. I come back home to you everyday, don't I? Besides if I bailed on you - I'd lose your comfy bed too."
Gaze soft - V squeezes your side at the implications you're only with him for his bed. You bark out a laugh. "It was a joke! Only reason I like it so much is cause you're here with me too. Promise you won't leave when I fall asleep to get back on the computer?"
"....no." He lies through his teeth, but his eyes grow as heavy as yours as you lazily trace your fingers along his collar. Like you, V couldn't fight the element of serenity when cuddle with you, and fell asleep almost as soon as you - kept awake by your body laying next to his. Comforted and secure around someone like him - he never understood why he was deserving of such an honor, but it was the one unfair treatment in his life he wouldn't complain about.
He was the whole reason you switched to the night shift in the first place. V stayed up for hours between gaming and watching you get ready for work at the crack of dawn - and later monitoring your whereabouts when the sleep deprivation and anxiety about letting you out in the world got the better of him. This way, you both got a sustainable amount of needed sleep and a partner to hold in that time. Your plan was already showing spectacular results as V found himself yawning at seven in the eve and resisting the urge to dive in bed until you came home.
"Hm, well as long as you're here now, I guess I'll let it slide." You lift your head, scooting up to kiss his jaw. "Goodnight, V."
His lips rest against your forehead, fingers raked through your hair as he pulls you closer - slinging a leg over yours. Staring at the wall behind you, V laments the loss of precious hours in his games - but relishes everything he gains by remaining at your side. The scent of your body wash, your soft breath fanning his neck. It feels so stupid to depend on the little things, but he couldn't rest or even think without you anymore. It's ridiculous to think.... how lucky he is to have you.
"Night, Y/n.....i love you."
"Hear that. Love you too, V"
"Damn it."
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mikerickson · 4 months ago
I worked as a poll worker for the first time yesterday
After the primaries in the summer, our County recognized that they had a poll worker shortage leading into the election this year and started putting out advertisements to bring new people in. I realized that I didn't know literally a single person in my life that had been a poll worker before and that it was something I had always taken for granted. With this looming shortage however, I decided to step up and do my civic duty because why not? After a three hour in-person training session and a two hour online training session, I was ready to go.
More under the cut because honestly some of these interactions with voters are kinda depressing:
I had only signed up to do a half-day shift from 5:15 AM to 1:00 PM because I figured I'd be wiped out and exhausted if I did a whole day. Well turns out that my replacement who was supposed to take up the evening shift never showed up, so I ended up staying. I got to the polling location (a local high school) at 5:00 AM and left at 9:30 PM, effectively working a 16.5 hour day with only a 1 hour lunch break. I'll get a $300 check in two weeks, which, hey, beats jury duty!
By law our polling center was supposed to open to the public at 6:00 AM sharp, but we were scrambling and not ready yet when the vote-before-work crowd started banging on the door. Very stressful start to the morning and we immediately had a big line that didn't dwindle down until about 7:30 AM. I unironically wish I had gotten there even earlier.
Our polling location had four districts, and each district had four workers (two to man the check-in table, one to operate the voting booths and ballot scanners, and one to float/rotate out every so often). I was paired with a man and a woman both in their seventies and a woman maybe in her mid forties, but they were all clearly uncomfortable with technology. Two of the other districts were also staffed by old people who just gave up at the first sign of a problem with a touch screen or a printer jam. I'm talking just a complete lack of problem-solving capabilities. I ended up running triple duty checking people in, making sure voters were set up in their booths properly, and doing on-the-fly tech support and troubleshooting. It felt rewarding multitasking and hearing, "get Mike over here, he'll fix it" over and over, but I kinda wish I didn't have to?
We only had two voters make a scene over the course of the entire day. During the morning rush right after opening a woman raised her voice asking why there was a line and stressing out that she had to leave to go to work soon (she stuck it out in line and then bolted out of there). Later around lunch time a guy at one of the other districts' tables shouted something like, "oh, so my dad can vote here but I can't?" He stormed out in a pissy mood shortly after, but I never got the full story of what was going on there.
I had one man who had recently moved and hadn't updated his registration with the board of elections, so his address didn't match what was on file. I explained that he could still vote if he did a provisional ballot, which is basically like a mail-in ballot that you put in a special envelope and leave at the polling station instead of taking it to a drop-off box. Apparently that was a step too far and he just said, "forget it..." and left. Seemed odd to me that he 1) physically drove to a voting location to vote and 2) waited in line to sign in, but that filling out a single sheet of paper was no longer worth it.
Once we were fully set up and getting into the flow of things most of the delays and reasons for lines were the voters taking too long inside the booths. It was basically a giant touchscreen monitor to select your choices, then you review everything one last time before printing a physical ballot. I had multiple people enter the booth and then wait about five minutes before calling for help saying they didn't know what to do. Also the second page/backside of the ballot was for the local Board of Education candidates, and this was really tripping up a lot of people. Also a staggering amount of people just did not see the giant "NEXT" arrow at the bottom right hand side of the screen. Poll workers are not allowed to enter the booth with them, so I had to do a lot of blind troubleshooting from the other side of the curtain.
Lots of men coming in with their wives and girlfriends and just waiting by the wall while the women voted but they didn't.
There was a smattering of young people, but not many. I did have to turn one girl away who recently turned 18 because New Jersey is not a same-day voter registration state. She was visibly bummed out and I felt bad about that.
Our oldest voter of the day was this ancient Polish woman who didn't speak a lick of English. Her daughter, who must've been in her eighties herself, had to sign a special permission slip to enter the booth with her mother to help. They were in there for a good 15 minutes, but luckily this was during a calm period of the day.
In terms of voter attire, we only had two Harris shirts and one Harris/Walz hat we had to ask people to cover up because that's not allowed within 100 feet of the polling station. Lots of Puerto Rico flags, and one guy had this obnoxious shirt of a coquí painted like the flag that I loved. Also had one man come in wearing a very sharp suit with the loudest red tie I've ever seen in my life who proudly shouted, "Let's make voting great again!" as he left after he finished.
One older Hispanic lady (I think she was Puerto Rican) had very broken English and had to do a provisional ballot for some reason. She was so worried she was going to do it wrong, but I walked her through it with my very broken Spanish and after about 20 minutes she was good to go. She was extremely thankful and gave me a hug.
I had one woman, maybe in her mid-forties, call me over to help when she was inside the booth. She asked, "why are there so many names?" I asked what she meant, and she started listing the down-ballot candidates in the other rows below President and Vice President. She said, "what is 'Senate'? What does that mean?" I explained to her that there were other contests to vote for, and after a telling pause she responded, "...okay..." Not entirely sure I got through to her.
One woman took her very young daughter into the booth with her and a few minutes later called me over. Her screen displayed a "USB device disconnected" error. I looked down and saw that the printer had been turned off. I asked how that happened and the little girl started laughing. Her mother was mortified, but I got them sorted out.
We had one teenager who we had to help insert her ballot into the scanner because her hands were shaking so violently. It was her first time voting and she was extremely nervous. I hope she's doing okay today.
Towards the end of the night this contractor with filthy hands comes in and he's clearly exhausted but wanted to vote anyway. We were shooting the breeze while he signed his voting authority and I said, "I bet I got you beat though, I woke up at 4:30 this morning." He looks up at me and deadpans, "I've been up since 3:30." I yielded and he laughed with me.
Our second-to-last voter of the day was some early-twenties guy who moseyed on in at 7:55 PM (polls legally close at 8:00 PM sharp) and said, "I heard this was going on today." Somehow he was registered and was able to get in and out in no time, but that was just such a casual remark to make that it floored me.
Our absolute last voter of the day was a woman who was on her cellphone the entire time trying to coax her husband - who was in his own car about two blocks away from the sounds of it - to hurry on over before we closed. I could hear him hemming and hawing over it, making some excuse. He didn't make it.
Closing the polls was equally as confusing and stressful as opening them was because there are a lot of very detailed ballot reports to print and specific zip ties with specific barcodes and serial numbers to close up the machines. We were missing a certain lock for the ballot bag that we was preventing all sixteen of us from leaving (no one can leave until all districts at the polling location are ready). Eventually I (because of course it was me) found it in a trash can; someone had thrown it out for some reason but no one owned up to doing it.
As we were leaving and all saying goodbye, some of the other poll workers joked, "see you guys in four years!" I pointed out that there are elections every year, and that in fact New Jersey has a gubernatorial election next year, and some of them basically said, "I didn't know that."
Overall a stressful but memorable day. Today I was talking to some co-workers that voted at different locations within my County (so using the same equipment I was trained on), and they were telling me stories of waiting between 45 minutes to two and a half hours at most. My location never got a line that bad, which maybe had to do with the location I got assigned, but it's also just as possible that me and one other guy around my age (shout out to Giovanni working District 27!) held our shit down and prevented that from happening.
It was a very long day that wiped me out. In a vacuum I don't know that I would want to do it again, but after seeing the incompetence of the standard ilk of poll workers and learning what was happening at other locations, I really feel like I need to. I'd rather these things be run by people like me than not.
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babyhatesreality · 9 months ago
hello hello! i hope you’re well!💕 imagine the following:
baby being a hot chip fiend.
the thought has not left me. i’m plagued with thoughts of it on the daily.😭
since katie cat is a modern little, the thought of her enjoying and munching away on takis or hot cheetos while steve and/or bucky just recoil at the spiciness of it just makes me laugh.
especially since steve and bucky were just raised in a completely different time, a stomachache waiting to happen for them, is literally just a casual little snack for her.😭💀
however, there’s also the possibility that at least one of them…bucky would like the spice.
OMG @spoopynortherndownwhore!! So this is hilarious for a multitude of reasons. The first being- I adore this idea and it makes me laugh so hard- you are a genius. Also I'm so sorry for the delay. The second- I am the absolute opposite of a hot chip fiend. Like some of the Taco Bell mild stuff is too much for me. So I have absolutely no idea how to write it because I am literally that person that get a whiff of a spicy scent and starts making faces like a two year old confronted with broccoli.
So all that being said....Imma make some stuff up because it makes me laugh and because you are amazing and I hope it makes you laugh!
This one time you were grocery shopping with Bucky, and a package of Flaming Cheetos caught your eye. You thought the cheetah with the fire behind him was pretty, so you asked if you could get it.
Bucky wasn't sure about this. "Baby, these are hot and spicy. I don't think you're gonna like 'em." But when your face crumpled with disappointment, of course he couldn't handle that. He tossed them right into the basket. "What the heck. Let's live a little."
Your cheering and giggles was all he needed to know it was the right move.
Once you got home, you were desperate to try them, but Bucky insisted on you eating a normal lunch first. Once you finished your pb&j and carrot sticks, you both decided to try them together.
At the first taste, your eyes widened from the burn, your nose wrinkled as it ran, and your tongue felt like it was on fire. And you liked it a lot. You didn't care for the burn, but once you got past that the taste was really good! You reached for another one, but your hand was intercepted.
Because Bucky, who had popped one in at the same time as you, was nearly gagging. He felt like his face was exploding, his guts were on fire, and he didn't even want to think about what was happening in his colon.
"Absolutely not," he wheezed at you, keeping a hold of your hand while snatching the bag. He put the offending fire chips from hell in the top cabinet above the fridge where you couldn't reach even with your step stool before grabbing the gallon of milk. He sloshed some into your glass quickly, before drinking straight from the jug himself.
Once he tamed the burn, he became aware that you were just watching him curiously, having not touched your milk at all.
"Didn't that burn?" Bucky asked, his voice still hoarse from the spice. You nodded.
"Yeah but it was fun!"
"Yup! Can I have another?"
"No, baby, I don't want it to hurt your tummy."
"Doesn't hurt!"
"It might not hurt now, but it'll hurt later. No more flaming hot cheetos."
"Dat's no fun."
"You'll thank me later."
"You didn't like dem, Daddy?"
"They're not gonna like ME, munchkin. Drink your milk please."
After you had obeyed and had a milk mustache, you tried again. "Dey didn't taste good to you?"
"They tasted fine, but that burn....yikes," Bucky mumbled as he wiped your face.
"I like da taste too!"
"The taste WAS good, but it's not worth it."
"Please, Daddy? Just one more?"
"Sorry Trouble, it's not happening again."
"But what if Papa like da taste? Can he has them?"
"Okay, now THAT'S a fun idea."
Later that night, Bucky had convinced Steve to try one, and relented on letting you have another- mostly so he could watch Steve's reaction to you having no reaction.
It went exactly how you think it would go.
Steve banned them from the house after watching you down three cheetos in a row in absolute horror.
When you asked what was going to happen to the rest of the cheetos since they weren't allowed in the house anymore, Bucky brushed it off, saying they'd take care of it.
What you didn't know, was after Steve had tucked you into your bed that night, he caught Bucky sneaking a handful of them in the kitchen pantry with a tub of ice cream next to him.
Bucky just blinked at him innocent. "Don't you judge me, Rogers."
"Fine, Barnes. But you either point your ass the other way in bed tonight, or you're sleeping on the couch."
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