#and i'm almost 200 pages in lmao
binch-i-might-be · 11 months
it's been forever since I read a massive hardcover book but damn does it feel good to be back
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genspiel · 11 months
the broken kingdoms is like the opposite of middle book syndrome. it was so good; a big step up from the hundred thousand kingdoms, tbh. i'd stopped mid-kingdom of gods bc it wasn't really holding my interest, read several other books in the interim, and have now come back to it, aaaand.... it's still not really holding my interest so much............ sigh. i do want to know how this all works out in the end, but unfortunately it looks getting there could still be a bit of a chore.
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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I gave them legs. Also no shading because why shade when you could simply not.
Uhh Chipspeech-related rambling under the cut because no one irl wants to listen to me talk about it but I feel the need to anyway
So I'm new to Chipspeech (finally read it after knowing about it for 2ish years).. and unfortunately most of the lore/plot seems to be on Twitter? I mean I still read through it but it was unpleasant because I do not like Twitter. Afaik there's no archive/way to read all of the tweets from all of the accounts in chronological order together anywhere else, so I'm making my own (on a Google doc lmao), which has been kind of time-consuming but I'm almost finished. Also it's around 200 pages long at size 6 font. And I still have all of the formatting to do. Someone please tell me if something like this already exists because this has been a lot, and I'm still missing the earlier stuff from Dandy/Bert/Dee that I'm assuming was deleted. I just want to read about the funni robots hhhhhhhh why is it like that
Anyways on the topic of deleted material, I know next to nothing about Daisy because her entire account was deleted. The Chipspeech wiki says she's been retconned, but I haven't found any other source that says that, just that the voice/character was retired? So like. Does that make the plot points she was involved in entirely non-canon? Because she continued to be occasionally referenced in passing way after 2016. What is going on there lmao. I am so many years late to this piece of media. At least the fandom here seems to be more active than the one on Reddit? Okay I'm going to shut up now bye
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LMAO I am currently in ACOTAR hell. As in, I read all the books and so on (halfway done with the last). I am weirdly invested, drawing fanart and ranting about it. I dragged like 2 more people down with me because I won't suffer this alone, like it's book covid or something.
I can't say it is good. I can't recommend it. And yes, the first (and 5th) are the only ones where I had some positive enjoyment.
The first....I mean you're right - the start is so slow and unless you super vibe with the Tamlin-Lucien-Feyre dynamic there is not much there at all. The last third was fun tho for sure. Iono, it was like a 3/5 for me. Nothing special, nothing terrible. It was....fine.
BUT OH BOI THE REST. Everyone claims the second book is the best of the series and since I didn't outright hate the first, I picked it up with cautious excitement. THE BETRAYAL. I was so mad. I never hate-read anything so HARD. I was pissed at the shit this book pulled lol. I felt like the author was gaslighting me. Or tried to - and it only made me angrier. But I couldn't stop either. And it went on with the third. I just felt so weird, like I was reading different books than anyone else? Yet I had to go on because it kind of felt like some weird office drama that was clearly not meant for me but I am invested now.
So yeah, uhm, I'm stuck in the corner with all the hated characters having a weird party idk. Help!!
I don't mind a slow start! I even love a slow start, but I feel that 200 pages of that book should not exist. The world-building didn't justify a book that long. I really feel like the love interest could've been compelling but he was so overshadowed by literally every other character, which was bad because most of those characters were just not my cup of tea.
I liked Lucien! I think he and Feyre had weird, red-hot tension and my friend made the joke that it was like "someone had told Maas that Lucien and Feyre got on too well, so she went 'fuck, fuck' and started writing him out."
I also thought Rhysand was incredibly creepy, and it was so obvious what they were setting him up for. I had a deep, fundamental problem with his seemingly 'morally grey' characterization when I think 'morally deficient' would've been more believable to commit to. Personally, I think the justifications he offered for certain actions were shoddy, which is disappointing because I don't think he's supposed to be a villain. But he'd make such an interesting one! I love villains and I think if the book had just committed and made him villainous then I could've really been down for some apologism. I'm almost angrier that they won't admit that he'd fucked up and instead went "well, it's justifiable and it was even KIND of him."
All that being said, I really appreciate your perspective. I think the end of the book was so much fun too, and I feel so sad that I just spent half the book wondering how the hell it was going down. I'll hit you back up once I've read the second.
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lenasai · 2 years
uhh top 5 fave blaseball players :]
i'm gonna do this and then i'm gonna check my ao3 page to see if what i end up saying lines up with how many times i've written about them
i don't think i could actually rank them past my top spot so in no particular order:
-my ultimate blorbos, max and ivy. they are my kids who i rotate in my brain all the time like rotisserie chicken. i cannot separate them, they are like pair bonded kittens. i am holding them up to the screen. i will never stop thinking about how their stories played out in the long run. there's just something about being marked for death but managing to avoid it. instead, they lived long enough to kill the god who tried to kill them, and i am so proud of them forever. also they did funny things with the sim >:)
-jaylen hotdogfingers. the first blaseball player who took up so much space in my brain. i love her so much. i remember staying up until like 2am because we had a feedback game against the mechs and jaylen was pitching for the mechs. it was a really emotional moment when she came back to seattle. i took so much emotional damage when she got alternated, but i love jaybot too. i miss both of them so much ;A;
-chorby soul, for many of the same reasons i love jaylen but also because there's a different kind of tragedy in their story. jaylen was resurrected because she was loved. chorby was resurrected because they were identified as someone who could break the game. and then they got bitten over 200 times by sharks and got trapped in a cycle of death and resurrection until getting forcibly pulled from the league. they deserved so much more and i would give them so many hugs if i could.
-parker macmillan, the poor little meow meow of all time. part of it is his tragic backstory and part of it is me patting tgb on the back for creating The Blorbo Of All Time™. he killed so many people and it literally wasn't even his fault. he's divorced and upset about it. he got hyped up as this guy who was going to bring about the end of the world in season 24......and then he didn't. he only killed one team and it was so funny. also he kept switching between the pies and the garages. that was also funny. i'm glad he gets to be just a regular guy who kind of sucks on the crabs. good for him!
-there are so many players who could take this fifth spot because there are so many players i just really like who also happen to not be plot characters, but i'm gonna give this spot to alaynabella hollywood because i just think she's neat. i like werewolves and werewolf-adjacent characters. also she started out as a pitcher who absolutely sucked ass, which was the reason i got attached to her in the first place. she pitched s15d37 (the cursed game where max and nan almost exploded) and won, but at what cost (one of her friends almost exploded and another one got bitten by sharks and observed.) we moved her to batting, where she was pretty decent. i think this might have been what ultimately inspired us to move mike townsend to batting, where he hit Two Grand Slams before getting redacted for being too good at grand slams. and the funniest part of layna's entire career was ending the expansion era as a pretty good pitcher! you love to see it, but also i miss the season 14 pitching dumpster fire 💜
oops almost all of those players were on the garages at some point (with the exception of ivy.) my biases are kind of obvious lmao
okay let's see those ao3 numbers....
...which mostly track! of the characters i named, alaynabella hollywood is the only one who doesn't show up enough times to be listed in the sidebar. in case you want the actual numbers, max shows up in five works, ivy shows up in four, chorby and parker both show up in three, and jaylen shows up in only two, but that number goes up to three if you include jaybot (who now has her own tag on ao3!)
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
Hi hi gorgeous 🤍
I’ve had a weeeeeeek lmao. Work was so busy. I spent two days writing a brief for the court of appeals (my first one, v scary), a reply to a 150 page motion on law I’m not a super familiar with annnnd a big ass motion to strike evidence. All in all, I wrote like, 200 pages of legal shit and I’m TIRED.
On the plus side, all of the attorneys I did these things for ended up submitting what I wrote almost verbatim, which, makes me feel really good because at least that means they think I did well?? Tbh I’m in law probably because I have a praise kink.
I hope your week was fabulous and low-stress, but if it wasn’t, I hope you’re resting and have lots of snacks and all of your favorite relaxing things!!!
Hihi Peach! ☺️ Forgive me in advance pls and ty, bc my answer isn't going to be nearly as long as your Ask. 😅
I hope this week has been less of a doozy for you, and that you've snuck in some rest here and there. 🥺
I'm sure you did do well, and there's nothing wrong w/ having a praise kink. 😌
My week wasn't too hectic, but still busy, and I'm sleeepyyy. 🤪 I'm currently (as I type this) enjoying a white chocolate mocha w/ soy milk while in Inorganic Chemistry rn. 😋🤓
Sending you fabulous Friyay vibes! 💝
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biblical-figures · 11 days
SELFY games haunting me once more. I need to go outside. Got four games (conpeito, cocoppa, dream stylist, a recreation of dreamselfy called emselfy (original thread with GT))
every few months I get like major into playing cocoppa but the new one that launched in june I've been playing daily for almost a month now lol. Wish I had started when it launched because I've missed a few gacha items, but honestly the gacha rates are really good and it's easy to get currency. Only time will tell if it ends up being as bad as cocoppa is. That game is so bloated and money hungry but I've managed to like never spend any money on it at all lmao. There was an nft blockchain vampire selfy game they made back in 2022 (clawkiss) which lasted like a year.. good riddance, crypto shit is so stupid. I've been playing selfy games for years at this point, like... since elementary school. That's a long time now.
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took this from the conpeito files, transparent image for this below
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annoyingly I learned that you can't archive twitter pages through wayback, so trying to archive the media tab for the selfy account did not work. I wanted it to.
back to cocoppa... as much as I love the game, it's so much. It's overwhelming how much they have going on at all times, and the load times are also pretty damn slow usually. The events they have include really pretty items, but those are pretty much impossible to get without spending money... I don't think I've ever got higher than 200-300 in ranking? and that was once after like, a LOT of grinding on the game. I didn't touch the app for months afterwards either lol. Once you get to a certain rank, unless you either pay money for shit or are online constantly, you'll either stagnant or lose rank. A new event started a few hours ago and I'm about rank 2000 something but that'll for sure change fast once more people begin the event as well. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to actually get every avatar item in the game without shelling out tons and tons of money (I'm poor as hell and wont spend the money either way). I like avatar dressup games too much to really quit though, so I'm stuck till they eventually die off (please don't)
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my super super cute show on the app...
the art is always so pretty I love it so much oh my god I had been writing some of this on my phone and going back to the still open draft tab on laptop deleted so much of what I wrote. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. fine. Don't multitask.
I'll write more later.
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That poll about fiction vs nonfiction was funny to me bc just last night I made a formal reading calendar for myself which I am going to share with you all here. I'm using August to try and finish up some loose ends with what I'm reading and then sticking to my curriculum. For reference I am typically reading up to 6 different books at once I need a ton of variety which is why I came up with this schedule lol.
September: Back to school. American Lit something short less than 200 pages. I'm thinking of reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck for this (107 pages)
October: Something I will admit to getting influenced to do is I started collecting Pulitzer Prize for Literature winners. I saw someone on tt who had theirs organized together and I was like I bet I have enough to put together a shelf. I had 7 at the time, a few months ago, now I've doubled that to about 14 (all thrifted!). But I've only read 1 lmao. Since the Pulitzer is awarded in October I'm gonna make that my month to read one.
Nonfiction: Historical Bio. For this category this fall I want to read a biography I have of Mary Wollstonecraft.
Fiction: Classic Literature. This can mean whatever I want but basically something pre 1945.
Non Fiction
Nov/Dec: Poverty Awareness in America. Got this idea from Google technically for January but I thought Nov/Dec makes a lot more sense for obvious reasons.
Jan/Feb: Black History
Spring, March - May
Fiction: Contemporary Literature
Nonfiction: Women's History, Gender and Women's Studies, Feminism, etc. This is really a year round category for me but I'll focus more on it in the spring.
Fiction: Shakespeare :) Really the idea to read on a yearly basis started with Shakespeare in Summer idea. The seasonal aspect really motivated me to follow thru with finishing. I can see myself expanding this category to include Shakespeare and also Greek/Roman Classics.
Nonfiction: June is Pride obviously, and then I couldn't really come up with a final category for July/August. Like I said at the top, I'm using the next 2 weeks before September to try and finish up some books, so I just wrote "Summer Reading :)" here lol. For nonfiction maybe I could do a sports book for the summer, I just read Moneyball which was one of my favorite reads ever so I'm still riding that high lol.
And this only represents 2 of my given reading slots, a fiction and a nonfiction. And the reason I did this was to balance my fiction and nonfiction lol! My other slots aren't seasonal but generally look something like this
Slot 3: Memoir/Personal Writing
Close friends of mine know that the single most influential important book of my entire life, the book that made me promise myself to never stop reading books, is the Autobiography of Malcolm X. I really really really believe in the power of autobiography and memoir, they are consistently my favorite books ever and I think we have so much valuable insight to gain from living inside the experiences of others. I am always reading something in this genre.
Slot 4: Elena Ferrante I know some of the tumblr girls respect this one. I am on the second of four in her Neapolitan Novels. I also have another novel of hers that I found at the thrift I couldn't believe my eyes. I predict it will take me another year to finish this out.
Slot 5: Something Fun and Light, either like sci-fi/fantasy or kid lit/YA or both. However Fun and Light are really misnomers bc I feel like I wade thru a lot of like shitty pulpy stuff trying to find something palatable. My friends on Goodreads know what a hater I can be lol. Or the flip side is I just read Charlotte's Web for the first time in forever and it almost made me cry like constantly lmao.
Slot 6 Miscellaneous but usually something will just call to me and make me drop everything else I'm reading so I gotta leave room for that.
And that's how you can figure out which 6 books I'm juggling in any given month!
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Thoughts on Nightfall after reading it again
Back on my bs.
Okay literally I read this book in 3 sittings, over 200 pages in each sitting. It's insanely fast paced, and well written. Once you start reading, it becomes really. Really. Really hard to set the book down.
Cognates! Are so emotionally unhealthy! It's horrifying! How is this something we're okay with! Especially for children! Quinlin kept an OPINION, not a secret, an OPINION from Alden, and they wrecked their cognate thing! This is not healthy! Anyone who thinks this is healthy! Get the Therapy you so desperately need! This is not good! Even married couples do not share every single thing with each other! Boundaries are necessary to being a functioning person in society!
Personally, I think Livvy and Quinlin could work it out.
Dang the Lost Cities' prejudice against humans really rubbed off on Sophie quickly. I don't blame her, but also. Yikes. That cannot be good for her.
Sophie's family is getting tortured and the Black Swan is like "we're doing all we can!!!" Despite how they do next to nothing and the kids(age 14-15) have to deal with it all.
Edaline calling Sophie perfect as a baby is going to be written on my heart as one of the most beautiful exchanges in this book. I'll post the quote later. It makes me want to break down in tears. Because stars above. Sophie deserves to be called a perfect baby by her mom.
Tam and Keefe are literally best friends and just too stubborn to stop taking cracks at each other. They started beat friendship and now they can't get off the ride. They're friends.
Keefe Sencen is WAY. TOO USED. TO BLOOD. He's just out there stabbing himself and getting hurt and being like eh blood. I feel like he's very not okay, or has seen so much blood that his own doesn't faze him anymore.
Forkle is the President Coin to Fintan's President Snow. No, I will not elaborate.
Dex and Biana are best friends. Don't ask how it just happened. It's good for both of them, I think.
Sophie. Does not want her and Fitz's relationship to change. It's so obvious. It hurts me. She does not want to tell him she likes him. She does not want to date him. She wants their relationship to stay the way it is. For as long as she can, she desperately wants to keep what sbe has with Fitz. And she is perfectly happy that he doesn't know she likes him. She wants for it to stay the way it is. And even when Fitz gives her every opportunity to change it. She actively avoids it. No thoughts. Just and observation.
Poor Marella.
Wraith's backstory would "Sidetrack everyone". Huh. I bet it would.
Linh loves Wylie's music. And I love Linh. So there we go. That's the whole point.
I forgot so much of what actually happened in canon lmao. I'm so sorry all my fics are so factually inaccurate in the little ways.
Keefe not registering for the match is peak Keefe and also heck yeah remove yourself from the Eugenics society dearest boy! Kick their butts! Metaphorically!
Sophie's so in love with Keefe it actually deeply pains me to watch her not notice it. Like uh. Honey. You love him. You love him you love him you love him you love him. Sophie, you love Keefe.
Keefe is so in love with Sophie. He's literally out there almost dying for her. Actively putting himself in harms way so that no one can hurt her. I just. Ow.
He's also so smart and so stupid all at once. Idiot. But a smart idiot.
I forgot how annoying Ro is in canon. Literally every moment after she's been introduced I've literally just wanted her to shut up. I love the Ro I've created in my head, but this Ro in canon makes me want to hit her in the face.
Marella really got targeted for her talent. It's kinda gross to see Sandor demanding that Marella not use a single spark without a go ahead even though he's never said anything like that to Linh, or even Sophie.
The Vacker Legacy. What is the Vacker Legacy. It can't be Alvar. It can't be. So what is it. Who is it.
Sophie does not get a break. She does not get a week to rest. Absolutely no breaks for the kid. This is the book where she starts getting exhausted. This is the book where it starts exhausting the reader, too. Because scenes stop getting time to breathe. Life only speeds up. Sophie does not get a single moment to rest. And neither does the reader.
Ah. A panic attack. Sophie has a full blown panic attack. Great. Love that.
This book is screwed up. This story is screwed up. Everything about this is screwed up.
Tam and Biana interact like a married couple. They have each other's backs and occasionally make comments that imply that they're fond of each other. I love that for them.
Ah. Sophie straight up disassociates for like 2 weeks. And then nothing changes. No one tries to fix it except her frienda who are, y'know, children. This is totally fine. Not at all a horrible sign of the state of the Lost Cities and adult elves as a whole. No. Definitely not.
*various gagging noises*
Vespera. Ew. She sucks.
Gisela. Ew. She sucks.
Everything is awful, actually.
Sophie Foster having to say goodbye to her human parents for good hurts me.
I just.... This book was a fast paced mess. I feel like nothing and everything happened, and I wish it didn't. I'm so tired, and I know Sophie is too.
We're so tired. And yet we keep reading. Because we've grown attached. And we've got to fix the hole that this series has hollowed in our chests.
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
oh wow, that's actually so many. this is seriously so cool. thanks for doing it. i hope they empty out his po box frequently so he gets it asap
it was over 200 letters and almost 300 pages so I'm glad I got it in a nice little booklet for him. I made the order at like 2 am lmao and got a call at 11 telling me they didn't have any book bindings big enough for them. So I asked if they could split it in half. That it should be easy to spot the start of a new letter and stuff. I really hope he gets them quickly too. I'll have to mail it out tomorrow but it will be sent off tomorrow morning and make the truck so hopefully he will get it very soon
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
I finished The Last Olympian and I'm now almost 200 pages into The Lost Hero and I have a Great Many Feelings.
I was worried about how much I'd forgotten, and I had forgotten a lot, but I'm surprised at how much I remembered. Not so much specific scenes or lines, but like— observations I'd made about the characters still hold. My voices are mostly consistent with how I'm reading.
And I remember the first time I read TLH, I had a hard time getting into the new trio, and I don't think that's super uncommon? But man, going back and reading it again and knowing how it ends, things stick out at me that I missed the first time around.
For instance, Jason seems a little generic at first— until you learn that that's by design. He actively tries to be unassuming, because he's afraid of his own strength and he desperately wants to be judged on his own merit as dutiful, dependable and hardworking rather than Jupiter's Son and Praetor. He actually kind of hates the spotlight, and he's constantly working not to intimidate people from the second he's introduced. He is so painfully aware of himself. 🥺
I don't think he'd be a fighter at all if he didn't think it was his duty.
(Someday I'll write a Foils Meta about how Jason means Healer and Perseus means Destroyer, and how Percy is a fighter and Jason is a lover, but that's gonna have to wait until I get to the part where they actually, you know, interact. 😂)
...I was also amused to notice that Jason seems to be canonically prone to searing headaches, which I had completely forgotten and was apparently subconsciously homaging the whole time— OH FUCK SOMETHING JUST HIT ME.
On that galaxy brain note, I am for bed, lmao. Mind = blown.
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lovelytarou · 4 years
love notes — midoriya izuku
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— izuku is known for many things, among them is his knack for scribbling notes about the quirks of others. you also witness it firsthand as he left little notes around your house to remind you of small tasks and messages of love.
pairing: midoriya izuku x reader
tags: established relationship, mention of reader's quirk, mention of slight friends to lovers??
genre: fluff
word count: 797
a/n: 2/7 of the 200 follower event! i intend for this to be a drabble so it's shorter than the last one. i'm sorry the ending sucked i'm kinda bad at ending a story lmao
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i went out earlier this morning to buy milk. i saw that we ran out of it today.♥
you read the note that izuku left on the fridge with a smile on your face. right, you forgot you were supposed to go out and buy groceries today, but it seems that your darling boyfriend took care of that already. 
memories flooded back to you to the time where the both of you were just friends and he used to do these kinds of things. you knew he loved writing in his little notebook about other people's quirks and even making points to help them improve their skills. that's actually how you two met. 
“quirk–photon blast? sort of like a dying star…” you heard him muttering to himself one day as you and your classmates trained. meanwhile, he was sitting on the floor as he scribbled his thoughts away. where did he even hide that thing?
you watched him for a moment, noticing the little doodle of yourself that he did and it brings a chuckle out of you. 
“maybe if they stored all the power into all parts of their body instead of focusing in one place…” 
“that's a great idea, actually.” 
he yelped when you spoke, almost jumping 40 feet into the air, his notebook and pen flying away. his face reddened upon seeing yours a few inches away, just hovering above his shoulder as you were watching him scribble a while ago.
“sorry, didn't mean to scare you. it's just that you're so immersed in your notes.” you laughed sheepishly, bringing a hand up to scratch your head.
“no! it's okay i uhm, i wasn't just expecting you is all…” there was an awkward silence after that and you noticed his forgotten notebook and pen on the floor, picking it up yourself as the page about your quirk was shown to you. 
“wow this great! i love how you got my hero costume right, and the colors too.” you complimented, a hand caressing the drawing softly, admiring it. 
“you really think so? it wasn't creepy or nerdy?” definitely nerdy...but in a cute way. not that you ever told him in his face. 
“not at all! in fact, i find it cool. the way you pay attention to certain details and how you figured out people's quirks is brilliant.” handing him his notebook, you gave him a warm smile. your skins touched and it made the two of you feel a slight tingle as you both pulled away. 
“so...would you like to go somewhere and talk about the notes you made about improving my quirk?” it was subtle, and pretty lame, to be honest. but you liked him for a while and you always find a reason to speak with him. every one of those chances getting cut off, or interrupted or simply wouldn't happen. a chance presented itself to you and naturally, you have to strike while the iron's still hot. 
“well, i was thinking about how you have this power, right? what if instead of focusing it into one part…” he told you all of his thoughts about your quirk as you two walked, and from then, came a date. and then another. until you're both getting to know each other and a few years later, here you are sharing a home with him.
you would usually find it annoying when other people would leave little reminders around the place. but not when it comes to izuku. there's something comforting about seeing his familiar handwriting, the cute notepads taped onto surfaces and the little doodles of hearts and smileys on them. 
don't forget your vitamins! it's important to stay healthy so you won't get sick! :)
it read on the pink note taped onto the container of your vitamins as you took one. 
it's weird but oddly soothing in a way. even if he isn't home, you know he still cared and his presence is all around the house everywhere you look. 
remember to take breaks! you got this, i believe in you! ( ˘ ³˘)♥
this one was taped on the bottom of the monitor of your computer. he had made that a long time ago and since then, you haven't removed it. you can call it a...motivation or inspiration for when you felt like you're procrastinating while working. one look at this note and you'll immediately feel like breathing fresh air, and that everything's going to be alright. 
you can say it's his way of caring for you. looking after you when he isn't there to do so while he's out there patrolling, or doing hero work. as something as simple as a note is enough for you to know that he's always there for you no matter what.
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Taglist: @chibishae34
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mdverse · 3 years
So! i'm basing my design on a passage from the Iliad! it's right at the end of book 18, when Hephaestus is forging armour for Achilles
I'm starting by just,,, typing out the entire passage that describes the shield lmao. it spans almost 200 lines of the text (aka a bit over 4 pages of the book i'm using) and there are a lot of different images described so I wanna have it all in one google doc. it's also just a good refresher so i can go through the entire chunk and remember what the shield is supposed to look like. obviously it's really detailed and is meant to describe all these different scenes from everyday life so i might not include all of that in the drawings (actually scratch that - i definitely won't include everything because it's supposed to all fit on a shield) but rereading it all is never a bad thing imo
it is typed so idk if i'll annotate the doc directly or just make lil notes for each section once i start on the actual sketches but either way u need the refresher
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oldtestleper · 8 years
Fox and the Fifth Brother (I'm really bad with repcomm names, otherwise I'd ask you one of those characters)
Don’t worry, these are great characters, these are perfect characters. I love these characters. I love at least one of these characters lmao :’)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
I would literally die for him. I’m getting emotional right now, in real life, just thinking about how much I love him. Don’t look at me.

hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 15/10 would bang
Look… I… yeah. I don’t have anything to say for myself.

hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
uh, brave as hell
never hesitates, even when he’s up against Jedi and ARC Troopers and bounty hunters
takes no shit from anybody
always does what he believes is right, even if it’s hard

best quality: Driven and dedicated and takes zero shit from anyone

worst quality: You wanna know something funny? Fox literally has zero negative character traits in canon. Everything he does makes complete sense considering his situation and the information he has. His only crime is not knowing what the audience does. I would say that his worst quality is his ability to compartmentalize the things he doesn and like… bottle up his emotions, I guess.

ship them with: No one really? I once briefly shipped him with my OC bounty hunter Moro (see here and here for exactly nothing explanatory, and my OC page for an extremely short bio), but I changed my mind and now they’re frenemies while she dates one of his captains.

brotp them with: General - I mean, Senator Amidala, plus Thorn, Stone - all the cool Coruscant Guard bros. Also I feel like… in another life…. he and Fives would have gotten along really well but that’s… just me

needs to stay away from: Palps. And Fives. I might love Fox to an unreasonable degree but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about the “Orders” arc, lmao

misc. thoughts:
I love him and want the fandom to love him also. Failing that, I’d like it if people maybe aggressively hated him less.
That theory that Fox somehow knew about the control chips and was, like, in league with Palpatine the whole time (beyond, you know, the standard levels of in-league-ness you can expect from a guy who not only is directly subordinate to ol’ Sheev but was literally created to defend the Republic, of which Palps is the head of state…) is fucking stupid.
Is NOT secretly a furry, goddammit
But is ??????literally Snoke?????????? god’s honest truth y’all
I’d just like to say one last time that I love Fox and I would die for him.
The Fifth Brother
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
I wouldn’t say that I have any particularly strong emotions about the character as is, aside from “my, what a large grey shark-man,” but the ball of joy that is his voice actor makes the Fifth Brother much more lovable.

hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Look I’m sure someone out there wants to bang him, but that person is not me.

hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
I know, I know, villain gets Slytherin, but look. He’s ambition, driven, and 200% willing to use whatever means necessary to achieve his goals, and I’d say that qualifies him.

best quality: Wicked lightsaber action, those broad, broad shoulders

worst quality: Murder

ship them with: I haven’t watched Rebels in so long that I literally do not remember any of his interactions with anyone but Seventh so I’m going to stick tentatively with her for now, for that snarky, snarky banter

brotp them with: Seventh. Let them be snarky and competitive and also friends, please. Even bad guys need friends sometimes maybe?

needs to stay away from: His evil boss, Darth Vader, and probably also the Grand Inquisitor. Maul, for obvious reasons. The Ghost Crew, for almost exactly the opposite reasons.

misc. thoughts:
Give him another appearance.
Give him a flashback scene to the Inquisitor Training Center or whatever.
Do it.
Do it for Philip Anthony-Rodriguez.
Philip deserves this much. Don’t let him down.
Send me a character!
6 notes · View notes
Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
biglawk: oh my god it's happening
Danimark: I expect great things
Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
$11.87: ok but i only have one hour
$11.87: one sec
Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
$11.87: i have a life my dude
biglawk: get your shit together 11
biglawk: jesus christ
$11.87: i have to go to UVA
Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
Waytfm hype-train: ^
Tormeson: :veryTru:
$11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
$11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
$11.87: since my gf is sleeping
$11.87: but if you want to follow along
Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
$11.87: yeah i'll do that
$11.87: but you can watch along
Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
$11.87: hmm what should my name be
$11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
$11.87: so thats my name
Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
$11.87: nah im a boat rn
Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
$11.87: fine
$11.87: yeesh
Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
$11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
$11.87: brb putting on pants irl
biglawk: i'm going to be sick
Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
Waytfm hype-train: haha
Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
$11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
$11.87: i feel insulted
Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10: 04 AM] $11.87: =\
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353085293527050/unknown.png?width=400&height=61
$11.87: fuck off main character
$11.87: you're so melodramatic
biglawk: MC is the worst
Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
Tormeson: Impressive
$11.87: who is MC
Tormeson: Main Character
biglawk: main character you dip
$11.87: oh ok
$11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
$11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
$11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
$11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
biglawk: uwu
Tormeson: :smilepls:
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
Tormeson: I think
biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
$11.87: Limerick II
Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
$11.87: why is everybody so coy
$11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
$11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
$11.87: one sec
$11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
$11.87: its working for me
$11.87: oh oops
$11.87: lemme fix that
Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
Waytfm hype-train: stream it
Tormeson: I have exams tho
Tormeson: After exams?
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
$11.87: time to seduce monica
Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10: 16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
$11.87: title screen
$11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
$11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
$11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
$11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
$11.87: me_irl
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
$11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
$11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
$11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
biglawk: lmao
Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
Waytfm hype-train: You shit
biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
$11.87: who tf is like this
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434357829168660480/unknown.png?width=361&height=300
biglawk: nic
$11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
$11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
Tormeson: No she's just perfect
Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
Waytfm hype-train: Mes
Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
biglawk: we're all her fans
Waytfm hype-train: Don't
$11.87: oh no
$11.87: i actually have to do something
Waytfm hype-train: You trash
$11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
$11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
Tormeson: You
Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
Tormeson: :ablobwink:
biglawk: :heart_eyes:
$11.87: monica obviously
$11.87: what the heck how does this work
$11.87: um
$11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
Waytfm hype-train: then click another
Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
$11.87: > suicide
Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
$11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
$11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
biglawk: delete tihs
Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
$11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
$11.87: hmm, i can probably record
$11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
$11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
biglawk: explain this word
$11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
$11.87: she's bad at flirting
Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
$11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
biglawk: big booby goth tho
$11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
$11.87: also brb im getting some water
$11.87: my recording software can probably do that
Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
$11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
$11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10: 34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361015996645376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
$11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
biglawk: but who is the real MC
$11.87: oh no
$11.87: stop bullying me
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
$11.87: :thinking:
Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
$11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
Tormeson: Hmmm
biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
$11.87: this some tasty smut
biglawk: lewd
Tormeson: Don't make me use this
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434362150668992512/Capture_2018-04-13-10-39-46.png?width=194&height=301
$11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
$11.87: you fucking idiot MC
$11.87: brb getting water
$11.87: back
$11.87: oh no its decision making time
$11.87: who should i show my poem to
Tormeson: Who's your fav?
Waytfm hype-train: Gross
biglawk: decision time
Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
$11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
$11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
biglawk: i hate you and your boat
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
$11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
$11.87: like, is that canon?
Waytfm hype-train: ?
$11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
Waytfm hype-train: lol
biglawk: yes
biglawk: what do you think of her poem
$11.87: :shrug:
Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
$11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
$11.87: so i know who her waifu is
Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
biglawk: based roni
Tormeson: Roni is right
Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
Tormeson: :(
Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
Waytfm hype-train: You will be
biglawk: oh no
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
$11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
$11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
$11.87: the fuck is this shit
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
$11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
Tormeson: :tharking:
Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
$11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
$11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
$11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
$11.87: its not 2deep4me
$11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
biglawk: way is going to ban you
Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
$11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
$11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
$11.87: anyway i need to head out
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
$11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
$11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
Tormeson: :ANGERY:
biglawk: just wait until you're back home
Tormeson: ^Way rn
$11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
$11.87: im not bringing my bed
$11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
(napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
Tormeson: Eleven's gf
(napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes
eleven-87 · 6 years
My DDLC playthrough, day 1
[9:39 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
[9:47 AM] Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
[10:17 AM] biglawk: oh my god it's happening
[1:45 PM] Danimark: I expect great things
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
[9:55 AM] $11.87: ok but i only have one hour
[9:55 AM] $11.87: one sec
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have a life my dude
[9:55 AM] biglawk: get your shit together 11
[9:55 AM] biglawk: jesus christ
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have to go to UVA
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
[9:55 AM] biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ^
[9:56 AM] Tormeson: :veryTru:
[9:56 AM] $11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
[9:56 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
[9:56 AM] $11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
[9:57 AM] $11.87: since my gf is sleeping
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but if you want to follow along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
[9:57 AM] $11.87: yeah i'll do that
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but you can watch along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
[9:57 AM] $11.87: hmm what should my name be
[9:58 AM] $11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
[9:58 AM] $11.87: so thats my name
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
[9:59 AM] $11.87: nah im a boat rn
[9:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
[9:59 AM] $11.87: fine
[9:59 AM] $11.87: yeesh
[10:00 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
[10:00 AM] $11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
[10:00 AM] $11.87: brb putting on pants irl
[10:00 AM] biglawk: i'm going to be sick
[10:01 AM] Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: haha
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
[10:01 AM] $11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
[10:02 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
[10:02 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
[10:02 AM] $11.87: i feel insulted
[10:03 AM] Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10:04 AM] $11.87: =\
10:04 AM] $11.87: fuck off main character
[10:04 AM] $11.87: you're so melodramatic
[10:04 AM] biglawk: MC is the worst
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
[10:04 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Impressive
[10:04 AM] $11.87: who is MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Main Character
[10:04 AM] biglawk: main character you dip
[10:05 AM] $11.87: oh ok
[10:05 AM] $11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
[10:05 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
[10:05 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
[10:05 AM] $11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
[10:05 AM] $11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
[10:05 AM] $11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
[10:06 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
[10:06 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
[10:07 AM] biglawk: uwu
[10:07 AM] Tormeson: :smilepls:
[10:07 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I think
[10:08 AM] biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
[10:08 AM] $11.87: Limerick II
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
[10:09 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
[10:11 AM] $11.87: why is everybody so coy
[10:11 AM] $11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
[10:11 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
[10:11 AM] $11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
[10:12 AM] $11.87: one sec
[10:13 AM] $11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
[10:13 AM] biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
[10:14 AM] Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
[10:14 AM] $11.87: its working for me
[10:14 AM] $11.87: oh oops
[10:14 AM] $11.87: lemme fix that
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: stream it
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: I have exams tho
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: After exams?
[10:15 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
[10:16 AM] $11.87: time to seduce monica
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
[10:16 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10:16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
[10:16 AM] Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
[10:17 AM] biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
[10:17 AM] Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
[10:17 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
[10:17 AM] $11.87: title screen
[10:18 AM] $11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
[10:18 AM] $11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
[10:18 AM] $11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
[10:19 AM] $11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
[10:19 AM] $11.87: me_irl
[10:19 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
10:19 AM] Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
[10:19 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
[10:20 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
[10:20 AM] $11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
[10:20 AM] $11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
[10:20 AM] $11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
[10:21 AM] biglawk: lmao
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You shit
[10:21 AM] biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
[10:22 AM] $11.87: who tf is like this
[10:22 AM] biglawk: nic
[10:23 AM] $11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
[10:23 AM] $11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: No she's just perfect
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
[10:23 AM] biglawk: we're all her fans
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Don't
[10:23 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i actually have to do something
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You trash
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
[10:24 AM] $11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
[10:24 AM] biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: You
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: :ablobwink:
[10:24 AM] biglawk: :heart_eyes:
[10:24 AM] $11.87: monica obviously
[10:25 AM] $11.87: what the heck how does this work
[10:25 AM] $11.87: um
[10:25 AM] $11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: then click another
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > suicide
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
[10:26 AM] $11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
[10:27 AM] biglawk: delete tihs
[10:27 AM] Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
[10:29 AM] $11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
[10:29 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
[10:30 AM] Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
[10:31 AM] $11.87: hmm, i can probably record
[10:31 AM] $11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
[10:31 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
[10:31 AM] $11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
[10:31 AM] biglawk: explain this word
[10:31 AM] $11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
[10:32 AM] $11.87: she's bad at flirting
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
[10:32 AM] $11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
[10:32 AM] biglawk: big booby goth tho
[10:32 AM] $11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
[10:32 AM] $11.87: also brb im getting some water
[10:32 AM] $11.87: my recording software can probably do that
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
[10:33 AM] $11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
[10:34 AM] $11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
[10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
[10:34 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
[10:35 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
[10:35 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
[10:35 AM] $11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
[10:36 AM] biglawk: but who is the real MC
[10:36 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:36 AM] $11.87: stop bullying me
[10:37 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
[10:37 AM] $11.87: :thinking:
[10:38 AM] Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
[10:38 AM] $11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
[10:39 AM] Tormeson: Hmmm
[10:39 AM] biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
[10:39 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
[10:39 AM] $11.87: this some tasty smut
[10:39 AM] biglawk: lewd
[10:40 AM] Tormeson: Don't make me use this
[10:40 AM] $11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
[10:40 AM] $11.87: you fucking idiot MC
[10:40 AM] $11.87: brb getting water
[10:43 AM] $11.87: back
[10:44 AM] $11.87: oh no its decision making time
[10:44 AM] $11.87: who should i show my poem to
[10:44 AM] Tormeson: Who's your fav?
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Gross
[10:44 AM] biglawk: decision time
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
[10:44 AM] $11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
[10:46 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
[10:46 AM] $11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] biglawk: i hate you and your boat
[10:47 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
10:47 AM] $11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
[10:47 AM] $11.87: like, is that canon?
[10:47 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ?
[10:48 AM] $11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
[10:48 AM] Waytfm hype-train: lol
[10:48 AM] biglawk: yes
[10:48 AM] biglawk: what do you think of her poem
[10:48 AM] $11.87: :shrug:
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
[10:49 AM] $11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
[10:49 AM] $11.87: so i know who her waifu is
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
[10:49 AM] biglawk: based roni
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Roni is right
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: :(
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
[10:50 AM] biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You will be
[10:50 AM] biglawk: oh no
[10:50 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
[10:50 AM] $11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
[10:50 AM] $11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
[10:51 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
[10:52 AM] $11.87: the fuck is this shit
[10:52 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
[10:52 AM] $11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
[10:53 AM] Tormeson: :tharking:
[10:53 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
[10:55 AM] $11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
[10:55 AM] $11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
[10:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
[10:56 AM] $11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
[10:56 AM] $11.87: its not 2deep4me
[10:57 AM] $11.87: HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA
[10:57 AM] $11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
[10:57 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
[10:57 AM] biglawk: way is going to ban you
[10:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
[10:58 AM] Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
[10:59 AM] $11.87: anyway i need to head out
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
[10:59 AM] $11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
[10:59 AM] $11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
[10:59 AM] Tormeson: :ANGERY:
[10:59 AM] biglawk: just wait until you're back home
[11:00 AM] Tormeson: ^Way rn
[11:02 AM] $11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
[11:02 AM] $11.87: im not bringing my bed
[11:02 AM] $11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
[11:03 AM] Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
[1:04 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
[1:05 AM] Tormeson: Eleven's gf
[1:07 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes