#and i’m tired of it directed at myself as well my grandmother made a comment once about how i was just such an angry abrasive person and she
phoxxes · 4 months
i think you people need to lose the idea that being an aggressive/angry person = being miserable and unhappy because i’m sick of it. there are more ways to exist in this world than constantly being happy and upbeat and doormats to other people
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grapejuicestyless · 4 months
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: Y/n is not happy, despite the smile etched into her face, and nobody can see that, nobody but Harry, who can’t seem to express his concern in a gentle way.
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“You look happier.”
What am I supposed to say to that? Thank you? I don’t mean to be mean when nobody meant any harm, but it feels so casually cruel for someone to pick up on the way I’ve changed and mistake my spiraling for happiness.
I don’t know the true shape of my face. My cheeks were round most of my life, meant to be kneaded between the fingers of my working class grandmother while she baked in the kitchen, but more recently the skin has fallen from the bone and what was once rolled between wrinkled fingers is tighter to my face as it strangles me from the inside out.
I don’t recognize myself either. Maybe I never did, because even when I search for the girl I once was, I can never seem to find her. I remember running around as a child with my best friend, the grass stains on my jeans and the holes in my sweater from tug of war’s in his backyard. She was happy, even if she looked tired. She was the happiest I’d ever been, but she was so young. She hadn’t found herself yet and maybe that’s what made life so good, the ignorance of the real world and how it would shape her.
Maybe the real me is the person who reaches out to her friends when she misses them, or maybe its the girl who counted down the days to her seventeenth birthday so she could finally relate to the lyrics of Dancing Queen and mean it finally. But maybe it’s the girl who sits in bed staring at the ceiling wondering why she never made it where everyone else was going. Maybe it’s the girl who wished her mother cared just a little bit more to stop comparing her to her “smarter” friends when she was twelve.
So maybe I do look happy, maybe I am happy. Maybe I have never felt happy before and maybe that’s why I feel so conflicted about if I truly am or if I am just projecting it out to seem that way.
I call into the darkness, wandering the house party in a sweaty costume sticky with splashes of beer on the fabric, only half of the costume I came with.
The hallway is long and winding, but it always feels that way when I’m not exactly sure if I’m going in the right direction.
“Harry?” I call out again, spotting the other half of my costume.
“Y/n.” He smiles with a sigh, like even though the smoke between his fingers is taking off the edge, I’ve just calmed the entire air surrounding him. For me, it’s the same feeling. When he’s near, everything seems to slow down for a moment. After about the thousandth comment on how much better I looked from some friends of friends, he disappeared, and maybe that’s why their integrating looks bother me so much, because theres no hand to hold onto to distract me from myself.
I slide against the wall to sit with him, my eyes finding purchase on the same cracks across the thin hallway as he did, and the warm blunt being lazily passed from his fingers to mine.
“I think you’re rubbing all your glitter onto my pants.” he breathes out casually into the comfortable silence. I feel the tension in my shoulders expand before fading.
“I think it’s in my eyes too.”
“Just when I thought they couldn’t shine any brighter.” Harry lifts his hand to hook his index finger around my chin, smiling like an idiot when he sees my lips curl comfortably around the joint.
“Well, maybe I feel better than usual. It’s finally reflecting back to you.”
I joke, feeling sick as I recall the conversation from before. I look happier, as if to suggest that before I was miserable, and even if they weren’t wrong about that, the fact that anyone could read that without a second glance scared me. How a stranger could read me before I could.
“Well, you look like shit if you do.”
“Ouch, that obvious?”
“If I counted each time you rolled your eyes when someone told you that whole speech about how good you look, I’d run out of fingers.”
Harry laughs as he takes back the weed to finish it off. I’ve already drank more than him, so the sway in my body becomes more noticeable as the burn sears down my throat.
“It’s just so…wrong. I mean, I guess I feel okay, but do I really look good enough for all this praise?” I ask quietly into the night, my knees pressing against my chest as I hug my calves tightly between my sweaty palms.
“I think you’re very pretty, Y/n. You are pretty. But your face is changing and no amount of glitter can cover that up.” He tells me honestly, rubbing out the dying end onto his knee and sighing at the burn.
“If you still believe that then I haven’t used enough glitter.” I try to joke, to brush away the rising bile in my throat and tension in the air.
“You can fool anyone else, but I know you. Even if you’re not who you once were, I still know you because I love you.”
“Well you shouldn’t. I’m a leech. I’ll fucking suck up all the joy from your life until you’re too exhausted to leave.” I smiled at the ground drunkenly, head hung low and my eyes heavy.
“But I do. You’re my best friend and it’s pathetic how you let yourself fall so low.” Harry flicks out the end of the blunt, watching the ashes fall the floor and stain the carpet lining the thin hallway.
“I came to you for comfort, you know. Not to get drilled in a bunny costume.” I roll my eyes, the haze clearing at his bitter remarks.
“Well tough luck, I guess. You look like shit for a girl who everyone here thinks is so happy.” Harry looks at me, his hand moving to wipe away the glitter by my eye.
“I need air.” I stand up, almost stumbling against the faint curling of the carpet at the edges. It’s new and that’s how you can tell, it hasn’t fully sunken into the floor, and it’s such a shame that it’s forever stuck with the glitter from my costume and the ashes of Harry’s joint.
“You need help.”
I stop, and there’s a beat that passes.
“You’re a real asshole when you’re high, you know. I have my own shit, I don’t need to be taking yours too.” I smile at him, but only because he was smiling at me.
“Maybe I am.” He responds plainly, and when he looks the other way, I feel heavier than before, more picked apart than before, more vulnerable than before.
Theres a thousand eyes on my back just waiting for me to crack, like the chip in my tooth from how hard I’m smiling while talking to strangers about my hopeless life. And they all say I look happier.
“But y/n,” Harry calls out for me, and for a moment I believe he might apologize.
“You look happy.”
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thronesofshadows · 3 years
We Are All Right Here || Deirdre & Evelyn
TIMING: Before Evelyn’s Birthday (early April) LOCATION: Deirdre and Morgan’s home PARTIES: @deathduty and @thronesofshadows SUMMARY: Deirdre and Evelyn have a complicated discussion of love and loss. CONTENT: Discussions of grief
Deirdre sat still, swirling blood-red wine as peered over at Evelyn through the glass. Symmetrical features, a face that would’ve made millions just by looking pretty as easily as it did upwelling wine, skewed and tiny in the reflection of glass. She looked like a leprechaun, all of her stunning height gone away in tiny glass. Deirdre laughed. “This wine tastes like shit.” Deirdre threw her hands up, meaning no offense. She had invited Evelyn over, after all. And she had asked Evelyn to bring wine—good wine, as she put it over the phone. It wasn’t very hostly of her to complain, but the wine was weird. She set the glass down and uncrossed her legs. “I know you’re the expert, but are you sure this is the good wine? It tastes like something died in it….which normally I would be into but…” She looked up and grinned at her friend. “Well, you’re probably tired of talking about wine and it’s been so long since we’ve gotten together like this...why don’t you tell me what’s going on in your life?” 
Given how fond she was of Deirdre, Evelyn was ashamed that she hadn’t spent more time with the other woman recently. She didn’t even have a truly good excuse - which made her feel bad. Not a feeling that she had found herself at all familiar with until more recently. “Some wine is more of an acquired taste.” Evelyn shrugged, raising an eyebrow. “I shall endeavor to find something better next time.”  She matched Deirdre’s grin. Relaxed just slightly in her chair, though the urge to hold herself in perfect posture managed to come through even around those that she genuinely found herself most relaxed around. “It has been too long, and I offer my apologies for that. We need to do this more often, I think.” At Deirdre’s question, her mind flashed to Miriam for a moment, but that still felt like too much to share. Avoiding talking about personal details of her life was certainly something that had proven to let her down before, but there were still far too many times when the words got caught in her throat. “I had to get my windows replaced some months back, and so I did some other redesigning within my home. A good friend got me a piano for the holidays and so I have begun to think I might need to properly take up piano again. How about yourself?” Evelyn pushed the glass of wine to the side, letting her gaze rest on her friend.
Deirdre ran her tongue along her lips, tasting the last drops of a bitter red wine, with notes of…well, Deirdre wasn’t the one with the discerning tastes, as much as she liked to think she could tell the difference between twelve dollar wine and thousand dollar wine. “Maybe I’m just not cut out to be a sommelier. There goes that dream.” She sighed and placed her glass down, crossing her legs. As Evelyn spoke though, Deirdre’s lips twitched, and an eyebrow raised in question. A town like White Crest, a woman like Evelyn, she had to be up to better things than replacing windows (no doubt Regan’s fault) and practicing her piano. Not that Deirdre wasn’t happy to hear these things—it truly had been such a long time—but her standards for news were a little high. “That’s it?” She uncrossed her legs, leaning in. “You mean to tell me, in all this time, all you’ve done is some redecorating and piano practice? Really?” Deirdre leaned back, casually gesturing a hand in the air. “You must be hiding the juicy secrets from me. But what’s said during wine night, stays in wine night.” The banshee reached for her glass again, taking a sip. “For example, I’ve been up to—“ Deirdre grimaced; she wasn’t about to tell anyone she was going to therapy, and couples therapy at that. But if she expected to hear the juicy bits of Evelyn’s life, perhaps she ought to offer her own. “—Morgan and I are going to couples therapy.” She raised her glass and downed the rest of the contents. “Now you.” 
“You do just fine, Deirdre,” Evelyn raised an eyebrow. “If you wish, I can always teach you more about discerning different types of wine from one another.” She set her glass on the table, watching the redness of the wine settle against the crystal clear glass. “Besides, I never set out to do what I now do, so perhaps you could be an expert someday. If you wish. If not, you do have me around for as long as you wish, and I am happy to find wines that best suit you.” She was more than alright to move beyond discussing wine - she had no specific qualms with the discussion at hand, but she liked to think that her and Deirdre’s friendship extended beyond that. On a good day, when she cared to think of herself as someone who could have friends, she liked to think that it extended far beyond that. “Well, both of those are rather important. I have not played the piano in a number of years, and it feels rejuvenating to return to it.” She held her tongue lightly between her teeth. “I respect that, but besides being not human, I do not think I have had many juicy secrets, not truly.” Her mind flashed to Miriam, and she fiddled with the necklace, running her thumb carefully against the stones. She blinked a few times - almost, bizarrely, reflexively - at Deirdre’s next comment. “I hope it is helpful.” Her father hadn’t thought that was a good thing, and she’d come to realize that maybe as a child it wouldn’t have been, in her case. It wasn’t like a human therapist would understand. “I…” she dropped her hand from the necklace. “Seem to have found someone who I care for rather beyond what I imagined I could. This is the second time this has happened in a year, and though it is beautiful, I am unsure of exactly how to …” she trailed off, “well, how to come to terms with that, given how I have seen myself for so long.”
Deirdre played with the idea in her head, but thought it was just a little too late. She had no one left to impress with wine knowledge—Evelyn seemed to like her just fine and… Deirdre reached to fill her glass again, taking long, big sips. “I think it’s been a good thing,” she responded, finding her reflection in dark, maroon depths more interesting to stare at. Morgan was happier, and the two of them, happier together, and for that alone she would call the venture into therapy a victory. Yet, something about it still left a bitter taste in her mouth. A relic of old prejudices, perhaps. Or the wine. She was delighted, then, that Evelyn found something happier to confess. “Really?” Deirdre lifted her head up, a wide smile offered. “Like….like you did Melanie?” Deirdre delight at the news betrayed her. After all, she was a romantic, and forever optimistic to notions of love ever since Morgan, who was infinitely better than any fantasy, because she wasn’t one and yet, still was. “Evelyn…” she paused, setting her glass aside again. “....how is it that you see yourself? You’ve found two relationships in one year, granted one ended poorly but...if anything, wouldn’t that mean you’re a woman with a loving heart? And Melanie…” Deirdre trailed off, unsure how to approach the dead girlfriend topic. “....well, how is it you see yourself? Caring for someone is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?” 
“I think it can be, though I know that - well, that therapy of any sort would not have been something my father would have wanted for me.” She admitted, for something of a first time. It was something that she’d not even thought about much, simply because it just was. That was not what her family did. Lord Robert did not believe in it, much like he did not believe in education surrounded by other children. Revealing too much of oneself, especially emotionally, was not something that would do any of them any good. So Evelyn believed it herself, well enough. She wasn’t supposed to cry too much if she got hurt, and she wasn’t supposed to be overly excited, unless it was at an event and the situation demanded it. Even then, pleasant smiles and a grin flashed here and there were far more preferable. “I -” she ran her tongue over her teeth, switching it to press against the roof of her mouth. “Perhaps. It may well be something in that direction…” she let her voice trail off. “I see myself as someone for whom relationships and romance do not necessarily mix with. I have been shut away for much of my life, and strong emotions do not go well with me, always. Relationships beget such things, and I find that all to be overwhelming. I think I can love - I think I have not really been able to, much before.” She glanced down at her wine as Deirdre brought up Melanie again. “I want to care, but what if I do it all wrong? I locked my dolls away when I became angered with them, even though I was supposed to care for them and treat them well - and you cannot do that with a person - not literally, at least. Furthermore - what if they do not care back? My father - well, parents are supposed to love you and he does, but he does not care for me. Do I make any sense?”
“Your father is a prick.” Deirdre said plainly, leaning back into her seat. She gestured, lips parted, as if to follow up with ‘what? He is’. Something more unspoken about the way humans can be, the things they don’t understand. And parents, more concerned with rules and proprietary than the people their children are. As Evelyn continued, Deirdre sat up, shifting to the edge of her couch, then down its length to Evelyn’s side. She had been locked away once, instead of a sprawling mansion she was given an old countryside, with greenery for days. She had thought emotions below her, beyond her, made for other, weaker people. Until she cried, when her great-great-grandmother died. When she moved here and fell in love, with a human, and the way they can be, and the things they don’t understand. And it flickered through her mind, about a dozen times, if all she was capable of was care in the image of her mother; cruelty dressed like love. She and Evelyn had led different lives, but some pains were shared, it seemed. “You make perfect sense,” she whispered, hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Will you let me tell you how I see you?” 
Deirdre drew in breath, pulling her hand off Evelyn to reach down and pick a cat hair off her immaculate friend. She held it up between them, one of Niamh’s hairs, and thought it was funny; as much as she cleaned, one still managed to find its way on to Evelyn. “You have several relationships already.” She flicked the hair to the floor. “Friends, colleagues, the sexual tension you share with an exclamation mark….and you care for them too. You have offered my more kindness as a friend than I know how to thank. And it’s strange to hear you say you’re worried that you might do it all wrong, when you’ve been doing it so well for so long.” Of course Deirdre knew romantic relationships were a little different. Of course she understood that fear, specifically. And so, she drew in another breath and continued. “I see you as a woman of considerable strength; it takes some to be someone who accepts the tide of the world as you do. I could spill wine over your clothes, to no anger, and that has never struck me as coldness, but care. You know what there is to value and what there isn’t; what might you feel if you spilt wine over my attire? Wouldn’t you offer to buy me new clothes? Emotions don’t need to be loud, nor care as garish. Emotions are always strong, even when they’re quiet. To me, Evelyn, you have always been a woman of considerable intelligence, for yourself and the world around you. An ambitious woman, and a prudent one. Most of all, a friend who has cared for me, and Morgan, better than you think you have, I feel.” 
She paused, finding Evelyn’s hand to clasp in hers. Her fingers were cold, and Evelyn’s warm, but she knew the blonde wouldn’t mind—and never, for a lack of care. “Okay, so maybe I think you’re too prudent, sometimes,” Deirdre laughed. “But I think being worried about all this is a good sign, to start. You do care, and you do care well, and I know the last few times you’ve cared for someone went...well there was that failed relationship, and Melanie….” Deirdre trailed off, looking at Evelyn. “Do those feel like failures, to you? Are you worried they might happen again?” 
Evelyn only bit her lip at Deirdre’s remark. He does love me, she wanted to emphasize again, but she could hear what Melanie had said to that, and what she very well imagined Deirdre might also say. Yes, but he is still a jerk. So she just gave Deirdre a small shrug. There was no use arguing with her on several fronts - for one, Deirdre was steadfast in her beliefs (and they were beliefs that Evelyn did, at least in this case, believe as well, even if she didn’t always choose to vocalize them quite as bluntly or as often as her friend did) - and for two, she did not see much point in arguing, especially if it were about something like this. They’d both been shut away - even if she didn’t know as much about Deirdre as she found herself wanting to know. She did know that they’d both lived somewhat secret lives for their childhoods, though, even if Deirdre’s was surrounded by others who understood her far more than Evelyn’s father or nannies ever had. Which meant something, and Evelyn knew Deirdre knew that - that even though she had been surrounded by so much, her childhood had also been greatly lacking in other ways.
She nodded at Deirdre’s request, watching as her friend picked a cat hair off of her. Ironic, given the actual animal’s distaste for her, but something oddly, wonderfully normal. Evelyn watched Deirdre carefully as she spoke. At the exclamation mark comment she raised an eyebrow, though her expression showed nothing but one of quiet amusement. “You are under no obligation to thank me - I - well, I just have behaved as though I ought to.” Which was, quite possibly, in a properly kind way, no matter how odd that was to process. She’d never thought of herself as a rude child, but she also knew that rumors about her being icy had to have come from somewhere, and so she’d not especially thought of herself as kind, unless a situation called for it. Unless it won her some particular favor or granted her access to either knowledge or material items that she craved. Yet she took in Deirdre’s words. Maybe I can be, she mused, silently. “Of course I would. I would purchase something new for you, but in the interim I would loan you anything in my closet so that you did not have to wear stained clothing.” She sucked in her lower lip for a moment, unsure of what exactly to say to Deirdre’s words - incredibly kind, and yet still startling - to have someone in her life as valuable as Deirdre was. Who didn’t disregard her because of how she saw the world, or how she didn’t prefer to make a big show of things. Who didn’t judge her for her upbringing. “You deserve everything I have been able to offer you - I think that in certain circumstances, I only wish that I could have offered you more.”
She let Deirdre take her hand, and Evelyn found that the coldness of Deirdre’s hand was almost comforting, in a way. Miriam was cold too, and Evelyn found far too often that she preferred that, that it had practically become normal for her. “Yes, well, I shall not disagree with you on that. I am well-aware I can be.” She gave Deirdre’s hand a small, light squeeze. “I feel as though something must be wrong with me, perhaps, to have such things happen. I am worried, too. Not afraid, I do not think - though I am unsure of how I would feel fear myself, given what I am, but I am worried that in caring for someone deeply, I will only bring about sorrow to the both of us and this person - she does not deserve that. I do not want to hurt her, ever.”
The thought that Evelyn could be anything other than kind was laughable to Deirdre. It must have felt like propriety in Evelyn’s mind, but Deirdre knew enough of the world to know how to tell kindness apart. “You are kind, my friend,” she emphasized, wishing she could grab Evelyn’s words out of the air and point to them. “And you have nothing more you should offer me. Except doing this with me more often. I miss wine nights.” She laughed gently, wondering if she could transfer some of her ease to Evelyn. Wondering just how much pain was hidden away, how much she had been taught to hide. And could it fix everything now that there were people who cared? Who would listen? Pay attention? Care? Deirdre played with the thoughts in her head, finding the answers blank. After all, she couldn’t answer them even for herself. “A mara can’t be afraid?” Deirdre smiled, “well I guess I don’t expect you to be afraid of giant spiders or showing up to school with no pants on, but I’ll agree to call it worried. You’re worried.” Semantics didn’t matter in the end, anyway. “You’re right, she doesn’t deserve that hurt,” Deirdre leaned back, “and neither do you. You don’t deserve to lose anyone, not ever. Not now, not then, not tomorrow. But you don’t cause the sorrow around you, Evelyn. And most of all–“ Deirdre looked around; the wine glasses, the little bones on displays, the table Ariana carved, Lydia’s vase. “–it’s inevitable. Hurting people around you, being hurt. People are clumsy, rash, insensitive, emotional and distant. You hurt people without meaning to, you are kind to people without meaning to. Perhaps it is no comfort to know that it just happens but….it does just happen.” Her and Morgan were in therapy, for one thing. For all she didn’t mean to hurt her, she had. And for all Morgan didn’t mean to hurt her, she had too. Deirdre figured it was the way intertwining lives worked; some love, some pain, some adjustment. 
Deirdre turned back to Evelyn, offering out her arms. “How do you feel about hugs, friend?” She stayed that way, grinning, until she was met with her answer. “What I’ve learned is, the best you can do is….just that. The best you can do. When you love, you love as you know best, and you learn better, and then you do better. But you learn. And you might just do something one day that hurts her, she might do something like that to you, maybe some sorrow out of your control happens...and at the end, all you can do is decide to move forward. If a relationship is what you want, then some pain is inevitable as you grow and learn and fit your lives together. But it’s worth it, I think. And it’s not your fault. You’ve cared for me, and have only brought me joy. And no matter what happens with this mystery woman, I will be your friend, Evelyn. I will be here. And I will care for you too, just like you have for me. And perhaps that isn’t comfort, and it certainly isn’t advice, but I do care for you, and I suspect I always might.” 
“I can be. If I wish.” Evelyn shifted her body again, unsure of how to completely respond to Deirdre’s words. Because she wasn’t - she hadn’t always been kind but perhaps there was something to be said about how kindness could be intrinsic, or that she could still be kind even if she suffered through moments of unkindness. Though that sounded too philosophical - or, if she were to admit it, very much like something Arthur might have said to her at one point or another at Cambridge. Her stomach turned at the thought - though she knew he was happy, it was someone else who had left. Left her. Someone else who she could go to for anything in the world. She took another sip of her wine, holding it in her mouth for a few moments before swallowing. “Yes. Of course we can. I would love to spend more time with you.” She kept her posture still mostly stiff, though relaxed just slightly. Despite knowing that Deirdre understood (perhaps better than most, save for Miriam) about how she’d been raised. Emotions were useless, and when you were told that enough times, it became easier to shutter that away. Easier than admitting to it, because she’d learned long ago that when she cried after tripping, her father found it more annoying than anything else. All it earned her was a quick, cold kiss on her forehead. He loved her, but he’d never been good at showing that, and she knew that his love for her was conditional to a degree, and that perhaps she would have earned greater favor had she been human. “I do not think that I have the normal capacity for fear? I have never felt properly scared in my life, I do not think. From all I have read about, and experienced through my feeds, I think I understand, but I do not think I feel that way.” She scrunched her nose. “I - yes, perhaps I am.” She listened, wide-eyed to Deirdre’s words. You don’t cause the sorrow around you. “It feels as though I do, sometimes. That something in me causes this, because I do not think that this would happen were I…” human, better than I am, “different.” She blinked a few times at Deirdre’s words. It was still strange, having a friend who cared for her as much as Deirdre did. “It does, I suppose - and I do have such gratitude for all the kind words you offer me. You can be quite kind yourself, you know.”
She didn’t know how she felt about hugs. As a child, she’d only been hugged a few times by her father and though she’d been hugged by her nannies, being touched by people had always been odd to her, though in a quick moment she let herself be welcomed into Deirdre’s embrace. Evelyn shut her eyes for a moment, just staying there. It felt nice - to be embraced by someone she considered one of her closest friends. “You know, you truly are quite wise.” She grinned. “I - I just do not want to hurt her. I doubt she could ever hurt me, but - well, I just do not wish to ever cause her discomfort.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “Relationships are complicated. I - I just want to love her for as long as I can, I think.” She broke apart from Deirdre’s embrace for a moment. “I will be here for you, for as long as I am able. No matter what.” Her hand found Deirdre’s - chillier than her own, but once again comforting - she had, after all, found that she preferred that - so much so that she’d taken to running her hands under cold water at work when she missed Miriam enough - even when they were only apart for a few hours. “I suspect I might always care for you too, you know. Or, you know, my far shorter lifespan’s version of always.” She glanced down at her hands again. “I just do not know what I would do if I lost someone again the way I did Melanie.”
“Different…” Deirdre repeated with a frown. What did Evelyn mean? If she were human? If she weren’t part human? If she was a brunette? Deirdre shook her head. No, she knew what Evelyn meant. “I think that about myself all the time…” If she were better, someone else, more fae, less fae, blonde. “If only I were some better woman…” Her eyes drifted; her house was silent. The cats gave Evelyn a wide distance, and Morgan was not home. “I don’t really have the answer to that question, but I do know I like you just as you are.” She turned back to her friend, “and who’s to say if being someone else would change anything? All I really know is I would hate it if you were someone else, I promise that. I like you this way. I like Evelyn, half-Mara, blonde, daughter of a viscount and a ballet dancer. Sitting on my couch drinking my wine. My friend, Evelyn.” Deirdre grinned, straightening up. Compliments to her kindness were often poorly received but it felt special from Evelyn, it felt true. And if anyone knew how strange it was to be called kind, it would be her. “Only to the people who matter,” she leaned in and took her hug, “only to the good ones, anyway.” 
It was true that Deirdre didn’t have many close friends. One sat in an urn and one was her girlfriend. But her friendship with Evelyn was not precious because of its scarcity in her life. “You really love her, huh? I think that’s all that matters in the end.” She squeezed Evelyn’s hand back. “No one knows what they would do. Grief is never something you desire, and can only prepare for so much. And as much as I wish I could promise nothing will happen to your mystery lover, I can promise to be your friend, regardless. I won’t promise it because that would be bad for me but I could, and I would.” She laughed, clasping her other hand over Evelyn’s. “You could live every day worrying about losing people like you did Melanie. The truth is, Death will always take. But she’s not gone now, and neither are you. And these things are precious. More important than any worry ever will be. You are here, she is alive, you care for her just as she cares for you, and that bottle of wine is not going to drink itself.” 
Her friendship was precious because it was Evelyn. And as was the case with all things that mattered, it was precious because she loved her. 
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oboevallis · 3 years
sorry this is so long, i don’t know if it really makes sense but i was talking with him grandmother and she told me this story about how we went to the beach with the family and we went walking and it was late and high tide and we got absolutely completely lost and she didn’t speak great english and had no phone and we were just walking trying to find the hotel which all look the same while everyone was looking for us and that kinda inspired this story (lol sorry i feel like i do a lot of stories based on events that have happened to me so idk if that’s boring or not ill stop talking now tho)
Amelia quietly slipped out of bed once she realized her son was awake and babbling to himself, and she knew if she didn’t quickly attend to him, he’d start wailing causing the rest of the house to wake up. As much as she savored her sleep she enjoyed the early morning feeds, no one else was up, allowing her to be solely focused on her son. She quietly slipped out the back door to get settled on the lawn chair, and was startled when she saw Maureen, almost forgetting the two had come to visit.
“Good morning.” Maureen smiled, nursing her thermos of coffee.
“Morning.” Amelia reciprocated settling in the chair next to her.
“Hope you don’t mind I came back here. Eric is in a work call and I tend to distract him, and I just found myself out here.”
“No not at all.” The neurosurgeon responded truthfully as she guided her son to her breast, which he eagerly latched onto. “Thanks again for taking the kids for the day, it was much appreciated.”
“Of course. We had a great time with them.” The older woman smiled kindly, putting Amelia at ease. She tried so hard to make a good impression on her boyfriends parents and now felt at ease knowing they thought she was good enough for their son. “I don’t know how you and Link do it, especially in a pandemic. I mean you can’t take em to the park, museum, or anything.”
“Me either.” The woman absentmindedly chuckled, she was just taking it a day at a time. The women turned around once hearing the door open to reveal the oldest child.
“Auntie Amelia, I have a proposition for you.” Zola smiled as she walked further into the backyard still in her pajamas.
“A proposition huh?” The woman chuckled, it always impressed her when her niece would use a vocabulary word out of reach for a girl her age in the proper manner.
“Yep, I think we should not do school today, stay in our pjs, build a fort in the living room, and have a movie marathon.” The girl announced jumping on the balls of her feet, as much as Amelia wanted to oblige she knew she couldn’t.
“We can this weekend, but I’m sorry we can’t just not do school.”
“Ugh, but mom would let us.” This caused Amelia to laugh.
“We both know your mom would not in any capacity let you miss school if you weren’t sick.”
“It was worth a shot.” Zola shrugged.
“It was, but I’ll let you pick what we have for dinner tonight.”
“You’ve got it.”
“Do you think Link will still help me with my report.”
“I’m sure he’d love to, just let him sleep a bit more and once he wakes up ask him.” Zola nodded and ran back into the house, Amelia sighed in relief there wasn’t a tantrum.
“You’re good with kids, especially remediating a situation.” Maureen commented, admiring the younger woman more.
“I try.” Amelia chuckles, Maureen has only seen the kids well behaved and not in their tantrum state.
“So, I hate to be blunt, but my son doesn’t tell me a thing, are the two of you planning on getting married?”
“Oh, umm.” Amelia blushed awkwardly shifting her son. “Not at the moment, we’re going to wait until things calm down a bit.”
“As long as it’s in the cards.”
“I think it will be.” The neurosurgeon smiled, thinking about Links plans to get married in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
Bailey had an hour break before his next Zoom started up, so Link took the opportunity to take him out on their daily walk and get his energy out around the block while he tried to lull his son. This time though his father tagged along, he still had a lot of resentment towards his parents but was trying his best to be civil.
“That kid almost has as much energy as you did before..” Eric trailed off, but Link knew what he meant. Before his cancer tore his family apart, and made him a shell of the kid he was,but he was determined to only talk about the good things.
“Yeah he keeps Amelia and I on our toes.” Link quickly said, so no talk of his cancer came up.
“I know your upset with your mother and I, but we just want to help. And rebuild our family.” The ortho surgeon did his best to not roll his eyes at the statement, he couldn’t understand why they couldn’t have worked it out in the first place, why they decided to track along across multiple states during a global pandemic, and why they had to keep freaking his girlfriend out with the concept of marriage.
“I really don’t have the energy to talk about this right now, why don’t we just change the subject.” Before Eric could agree his sons phone started to ring. “Crap this is the hospital, I’ve gotta go in. Bailey! We gotta get home” He called up ahead to the boy who was scootering.
“It’s alright I’ll keep walking with them.”
“You sure?” The man asked wearily.
“Of course you know me I love a good walk.” He took the baby out of his sons arms and Link wrapped the baby snug across the older mans chest.
“Thanks dad!” He smiled as he jogged back to the house to grab his car and head to the hospital, while Eric caught up along side of Bailey as he turned another corner.
After Amelia finished helping Ellis with her math homework she realized it had been well over an hour since the boys had gone for their walk it typically lasted 40 minutes and the house was wearily quiet. She made her way downstairs to be met with Maureen folding the pile of laundry.
“Oh I’m sorry, you don’t have to do that.”
“Please, I don’t mind.”
“Do you know where the boys are?” Amelia asked feeling her anxiety start to rise as there was no indication of them being home.
“I assume they’re still walking, they haven’t walked in yet.” The neurosurgeon pulled out her phone and tapped on her boyfriends contact to be met with a scrub nurse who informed her, he was in fact scrubbing in on an emergency surgery.
“Link is at work.” Amelia informed Maureen rather confused, Link always told her before he left the house, but assumed he was so excited by the notion of a surgery and left the boys with his father.
“I’ll try Eric.” Once the older woman dialed the number they heard ringing coming from the coffee table where he left his phone. “I’m always telling him he needs to carry his phone around, he’s terrible with remembering it.” The woman huffed obviously starting to get a little startled.
“Okay.” Amelia took a deep breath. “I’m going to go look for them, would you mind staying with the girls?”
“Not at all.”
“Thanks.” Amelia quickly made her way towards the door and grabbed her keys from the hook, noting her boyfriend failed to bring the diaper bag as it was next to the door. Nonetheless she got into her car and tried the best to calm herself down, though all she could think about were worst case scenarios.
“Do you have any idea where we are?” Eric asked Bailey as he walked beside him, the boy had gotten tired and now just tracked the scooter along side them.
“No we usually don’t go this far.” Baileys fearless persona faltering, he assumed by this point he was late for class and was going to be in big trouble with his aunt and teacher.
“Everything kinda looks the same huh?”
“Yeah.” Bailey nodded nervously biting his nail, a habit he’d recently picked up from his aunt.
“Hey bud, it’s going to be fine we’ll find our way home.” Internally he was cursing himself for not bringing his phone along with him. After some more walking they found themselves on a street with convenience stores, Merediths house wasn’t far from the heart of Seattle but they were definitely far from where they were supposed to be. He was tempted to walk into a store and ask someone for directions but he didn’t have a mask and had two small children so that wasn’t an option. “Alright, let’s go back to that last street and make a left, maybe that right was a bad idea.”
“We’ll never get home.” Bailey said hopelessly.
“We will don’t worry about it.” And if things couldn’t get any worse the baby had started to fuss which in no time would turn into fill on crying.
Amelia slowly drove through the neighborhood looking for the three, not knowing she was on the opposite part of the neighborhood from them. Meanwhile after aimlessly walking and multiple turns Bailey started to recognize where they were and lead the way home.
“Where the hell have you been?” Maureen immediately asked as they walked through the door taking the now crying baby from her fiancé. “You need to have your phone on you!”
“Just strolling.” Eric responded nonchalantly.
“No we were lost. Really lost.” Bailey corrected as he ran into the kitchen to find something to eat since he missed lunch. Maureen followed taking out a bottle for Scout and calling her daughter in law informing her they were home, she heard a large sigh of relief through the other line.
Amelia happened to pull into the driveway the same time as Link, she wiped her stray tears as she had gotten herself into such a state and slammed her car door.
“Hey, where were you?” The ortho surgeon smiled brightly, he had just completed a rather simple surgery but just being in the OR at any capacity was heaven.
“Where was I? I don’t know, where was I?” Amelia chuckled on disbelief. “Where the hell were you? I spent two hours driving around trying to find your father and the boys.”
“What they never came home?” Link asked in a panic.
“They just did. They were lost and struggled to find their way home so they were aimlessly walking around while I aimlessly drove around in the wrong direction.”
“Damn it, how could my dad do this?” The man ran a stressed hand through his hair.
“This isn’t your dads fault it’s yours!”
“Oh don’t act stupid. First you don’t even take the diaper bag in the walk with all the essentials and a first aid kit and then you up and leave for a surgery without even texting me.” The man was about to interject but Amelia held up her hand. “And you let your father continue the walk, even though the man has been to Seattle like two times and doesn’t know his way around.”
“I thought they were just gonna go the rest of the way up the block and back, and that he’d tell you where I went. That’s what Bailey and I do everyday.”
“Have you been living with Bailey for the past four months? Or has it just been me? Bailey will just keep riding that scooter no matter what and go any which way paying no attention to his surroundings, of course Eric is just gonna follow him around since it probably seemed he knew where he was going. You know what I can’t even look at you, I don’t want to say something I’m going to regret.” Amelia walked past him and quickly made her way into the house, to be met with her sons cries and quickly took the baby from Maureen cradling him closely, the baby immediately calming.
“I am so so sorry Amelia.” Eric apologized obviously upset.
“It’s not your fault.” Amelia forcefully smiled, she wasn’t entirely mad at him mostly at her boyfriend. Link then walked through the front door to be met with his mother scolding him.
“And what the hell were you thinking? Not telling anyone you were going to the hospital, and leaving your father with two kids in a place that’s foreign to him. Is surgery really all you can think about?” For the past couple of months he’d been complaining to his mother how much he hated not being able to operate.
“She would’ve done the same thing.” Link quickly pointed to his girlfriend who was cradling their son in the couch.
“What are we five?” Amelia asked when her boyfriend accused her in such a manner. “And I would’ve had the decency to tell you I was leaving and made sure you had the kids handled before I left.” Link backtracked and took a deep breath.
“Alright how about we just take a moment, they’ve been found so it’s fine.” The tired mother rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs with her baby, not in the mood for her boyfriends best case scenario talk.
“This could have been prevented by the both of you.” Maureen pointed to the two men who’s heads hung in shame.
“You should’ve made it clear to your father it was just up the block and back, and you should’ve texted the mother of your child.” She then directed her attention towards her husband. “And you need to pay more attention and keep your phone on you.”
“Sorry.” The two men answered in unison, ashamed to have messed up so greatly.
The rest of the night was foreignly quiet, Bailey was exhausted and the couple was avoiding one another. After everyone had dinner together Maureen and Eric retreated back to the RV and the kids were all tucked in their beds. Once Link walked into the bedroom after his shower he sighed realizing Amelia wasn’t there. He quietly trekked into the nursery to be met with Amelia asleep in the rocking chair and her hand inside the crib, their sons hand was loosely holding her index finger. He would’ve smiled at the sight of he didn’t know what she was doing, her plan was to sleep in here tonight to avoid having to be in the same bed as him. He carefully removed her hand and picked her up out of the chair.
“Nooo.” Amelia sleepily groaned. “I’m sleeping in here.”
“No you’re not, your going to sleep in our bed.” He softly affirmed as he laid her down on her side of the bed. Once he moved to the other side of the bed and got settled his girlfriend was now wide awake and turned to face him.
“What happened today can never ever happen again.”
“It won’t I promise.”
“You know we’re so good at communicating within our relationship but not so great outside of it.” Link chuckled nodding in agreement. “You need to tell me when you get called in, and you need to let others know what the plan is, so they’re not getting lost in Seattle woth two small children.”
“I promise.” Link grabbed her hand in a reassuring manner. “I am so so sorry for what happened today, I was just so excited to be operating and I just lost my mind and didn’t think about anything outside of that operation.”
“I know this is hard for you, your not used to kids in the capacity that I am. You didn’t grow up in a loud house and you don’t have a large quantity of nieces and nephews. Your used to dealing with the occasional peds patient for like twenty minutes. I’m not saying your bad with kids I mean the peds floor loves you, it’s just this is a lot really quickly and non stop.”
“Wow you just articulated how I feel perfectly and I haven’t been able to even form a cohesive thought of what Im feeling.”
“Hmm, maybe that’s because you just sleep so you don’t have to think about feelings.” Link chuckled, sliding over to kiss her sweetly.
“I love you.” Link affirmed. “And I’m so sorry about today.”
“Tomorrow will be better.” Amelia agreed. “And I love you even more.”
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staceysonier · 4 years
Little Red (MxF) Part 2 *NSFW*
*Gnoll Boyfriend!*
I saw Tazz the next day, or his hulking figure, at the edge of the woods.
It still blew me away how dark the woods were, even with the morning sun shining down on my grandma's small clearing.
"You can come out, Tazz," I called as I sat in a rocking chair on the wooden porch with a steaming cup of coffee.
"I don't think you'd like what you saw," he called back but moved closer within the treeline, still covered in darkness.
"I wouldn't like what I saw if I didn't already know you, maybe, but I've never been shallow, and you of all...creatures...should know that," I rolled my eyes.
I listened to him growl and something about it deep and gravel-like down in his big chest had a jolt of energy rocketing straight south within my body.
And then I had to mentally chastise myself because it was much too early to be feeling those kinds of feelings...there, anyway.
But when I looked down at my cup and saw that my nipples had peaked as well, I crossed my arms over my chest and blushed and wondered if he could tell what I was thinking or if he had been able to sense things as well as he had when we were younger.
He seemed to know all of my moods, being more clingy and touchy when I was upset, making me laugh until I had tears rolling down my cheeks when I was sad, and usually kept his distance when I was angry.
Leaves crunching caught my attention and I turned to see him moving closer, his silhouetted head tilted up and his snout-like nose sniffing.
And then those eyes that I had seen yesterday pointed my direction and he made a noise at the back of his throat before he backed away.
"Chette, you need to go inside. I'm sure Rosa has your breakfast ready," he said in a short tone and when I stood up and a sudden gust of wind blew past me that had my nightgown billowing around me and into the trees, I watched him stiffen before he disappeared.
"The fuck," I whispered but made my way inside and had breakfast with my grandmother before getting dressed to help her around her place.
I didn't see Tazz for the rest of the weekend. I called for him Saturday evening but I got no response. I called for him Sunday morning--no response.
And when I had to leave, I kept my eyes on the treeline on the way down the path to my car, hoping to catch a glimpse of him...
But nothing.
I thought I saw something huge running in the treeline as I drove down the gravel road that led to my grandmother's road but it stopped at the edge of the woods.
I hated that I wasn't able to stay longer but I was grateful that I got to see my grandmother again... And I was grateful to remember and talk to Tazz again.
Hoping, praying, and wishing was I, that summer break would hurry up and come soon.
"You have to, Blanchette," My mother said with her brow raised.
"Again, mom? Seriously? I was just out there! Grandmas fine! I saw her with my own two eyes, for Christ's sake," I cried out in frustration as I sat at the island while she made dinner.
My mom huffed but continued to chop the carrots.
"I don't understand what happened since then but you said you had a great time with her during winter break," she insisted and brought the carrots to the pot behind her.
"Yeah," I said as I put my phone down, "I don't even really remember all that happened but I definitely don't want to waste my whole summer break at her tiny shack, mom! I have a life, friends, and I wanted to look for a job!"
She glared at me in that 'no-nonsense' kind of way, "I said you're going and that's final. Do you hear me? Your grandmother says she needs help and since your father is away at work and I have to be here for your little sister, it's up to you to go and help her."
It was my turn to huff and drag my hand through my hair.
"Seriously mom, be cool, please? I mean, why don't you just pack up Megan and bring her! I'm sure she'd love the outdoors!"
Her face turned red and then she exploded.
"I am not going out there! You are and that's final! Not another word, Blanchette, and I mean it! Go and pack enough for at least a few weeks and I don't even want to hear a sigh! Now go!"
My eyes widened because she had never really gone off like that so I was sure she meant business. But I stepped down from my stool and headed up the stairs without even a sigh.
But once I got to my room, I was, quietly, cussing up a storm.
The closer I got, the more I remembered.
The huge dark figure in the treeline, and the feeling of comfort but also...
That growl.
My heart started to race as I parked my car where I parked it the last time.
I didn't need the cloak this time as it was summer and hot as hell so all I had on was a pair of shorts, tennis shoes for the trip through the overgrown path, and a sleeveless shirt.
And sunglasses, of course.
I grabbed my duffle bag out of the back and knew I would hate the walk this time because the bag was packed to the brim with all the things I thought I would need but now regretted.
"Fuck me," I growled under my breath and kicked the back door closed with my foot before locking the car and placing the keys in my pockets.
I began my trek up the path and then had to switch shoulders when one got tired.
"′Go and visit your grandmother again, Blanchette', 'It'll be fun, Blanchette', ′Just you and her and the peace of the woods, Blanchette'. Yeah, and this mile-long trek to her house with this hundred-pound duffle bag, mom!"
My thoughts were taken from how angry I was when I heard leaves crunching and sticks breaking past the treeline.
And my heart was racing again and that anxiety I remember feeling when I was leaving the last time I was here, was back again.
"Tazz," I breathed out hopefully as I saw a familiar hulking figure of darkness--but now it looked...slimmer.
"Chette," he softly greeted, "And with fewer clothes than the last time, I see," he teased.
I blushed and looked down at how tight my sleeveless shirt was, and how this was probably the wrong shirt to wear on this day because while also trying to carry my heavy bag, I also had to keep pulling up the shirt so it wouldn't expose my braless breasts.
My midriff was showing, as well, and the shorts could've been deemed too inappropriate but it was summer and it was hot and there was no way I was going to go by social regulations while out in the woods.
But something about having Tazz comment on my outfit...
It had my body feeling...things.
"It's summer," Is all I said, though.
"Indeed, it is. I caught on that you needed help with that," he asked and stretched his arm out and I gasped as I caught sight of his hands and claws.
He pulled his hand back as quickly as the sound escaped my mouth and I instantly felt regret.
"I'm sorry, it's just been so long since I've seen you," I moved closer, "Your nails weren't nearly as...deadly when we were kids," I tried but then I watched him disappear again.
"Fuck," I whispered as all around me was quiet again.
"Oh, Chettie-spaghetti, I'm so glad you came again," My grandma met me on the porch but then she frowned.
"Tazz didn't help you with your bag," she asked accusingly and then turned her attention to the treeline.
"Oh, he tried, but I scared him off," I huffed as I walked up the stairs and onto the porch.
She laughed as she pulled me into a hug, "You scared him off? What'd you do?"
I grumbled and slumped my bag down on the porch with another huff, "I gasped when I saw his claws. I hadn't meant to and it wasn't because I was scared or anything..."
"Quite the opposite actually," Grandma asked with a knowing look and I blushed under her gaze.
She then chuckled and patted the back of my hand, "Leave your bag here and go take a walk. You need to talk to him. He's missed you."
I rolled my eyes and lifted a brow, "He didn't even see me off when I left in January. If he missed me so much then why did he avoid me?"
Grandma shrugged and smirked, "You'll have to talk to him about that, sweetheart."
I watched as she walked around me and my bag and then into the house before she turned around before the door shut, "Don't stay out too long, I'm making dinner. But then again...Tazz most likely won't let you."
"Grandma, how am I supposed to find him," I asked quietly before she turned back around.
Jutting out her chin, she looked out at the treeline, "Go get lost. He'll find you."
If that's what it would take...then I guessed that's what I would do.
She shut the door behind her and I walked down the steps and out into the clearing but stopped at the treeline.
"Tazz," I said, knowing that he was probably watching and could most likely hear me, "Are you really going to make me come in there after you? You want me to get lost in there?"
No response.
"Fine," I shrugged and stepped a foot past the treeline before I heard branches snapping.
"Uh-huh," I smirked and followed the sound that was just in front but a bit to the right of me.
I lifted branches and stepped over various spiked vines and tree roots as I followed the sounds of breaking sticks through the forest.
"You will help me get back out of here, right," I asked in a chuckle and was then pushed up against the base of a tree, my front to the bark.
"What the he--"
"--You were following a Dryad," he whispered into my ear.
A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his fur all over my half-naked back, his warm breath on my naked shoulder and neck.
"What would she have done," I asked in a whisper.
I felt his cold nose drag up my neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
"She would've charmed your panties off," And I heard the smirk in his words.
I let out a breathless chuckle before I sucked in a deep breath, "Is she at least pretty?"
He scoffed lightly, "All nymphs are beautiful. That's why I find you so charming."
"Beautiful and charming, huh? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting, Tazzimo," I tried to say with confidence but it definitely came out as a whimper.
"Your pounding heart...and the scent of your arousal...they are both flirting with me," he said and I imaged he had a brow raised as he looked me over with a hunger in his eyes. I know I would be.
I then felt one of his hands with all of those sharp claws touch my hip and I gasped but he didn't back away. No, he moved that hand around to my front and planted it on my stomach and moved closer.
"You smell divine, Chette," he whispered and I felt his tongue run along my neck.
I swallowed audibly and was focused on those claws sitting against the skin of my lower stomach.
"You could rip me open with just the swipe of your hand," I whimpered quietly.
He growled, "Does the thought frighten you?"
"No," I breathed out and when his other hand wrapped around my throat, I laid my head back against his chest.
"You really aren't scared, are you? You're...you're turned on...by me," he asked and chuckled darkly before his fingers squeezed lightly around the sides of my neck.
"Um," I tried to play it down but I felt the fingers wrapped around my throat let go and then I felt those sharp claws touch the sensitive skin of my neck.
I then felt as he ran them, gently, down to the top of my chest, "Don't lie to me, Chette. You've never been good at lying."
"You always could smell a lie when I told one," I whispered and my chest was heaving with my heavy breathing as his claws played at the top of my shirt.
"Mmh, let's play a game," he suggested and I felt the claws on my naked lower stomach tap there.
"A game," I asked, unsure.
"Yeah. Two truths, one lie. You tell me two truths and one lie and I'll try to guess which one is a lie," he whispered and ran his tongue along my neck again.
"Okay... Um," I thought for a moment.
"I didn't want to come out here again when my mom asked me to. Um, I love my grandma... And... I don't...want to...kiss you."
I was spun around then, my back to the tree, and came face to face with his massive chest until I felt his claws lift my chin. My eyes then met his and he smirked down at me.
"Lie," he growled, "I'll have to punish you now."
I whimpered but my panties were damp, "You wanted it!"
"And so do you," he whispered and picked me up so that I wrapped my legs around his waist and I was face to face with him with my arms around his furry spotted neck.
He looked like Tazz, like he always had but older, more masculine. He had an edge now that he never had when we were growing up but maybe that came with age.
His brown eyes looked black in the darkness with barely any light reaching through the trees and his teeth were sharp in his mouth...
But I wanted nothing more than to feel them on my skin.
I looked up into his eyes again, "I don't want to kiss you," I lied again.
"I'll punish you, for sure, now," he whispered and looked down at my lips.
"Please don't."
He smashed his lips to mine and then we were frenzied as he yanked my top down to sit at my hips and pushed my back against the tree before bringing his claws between us and shredding the small bit of denim that was my shorts before obliterating my panties with just a yank.
And I had to pull back just a bit to moan as I felt one of his claws graze my clitoris a few times.
"Please," I breathed into his open mouth before letting my tongue find his.
I then heard the sound of a zipper and the ruffle of cloth before I felt something hard and hot against my slit.
"So warm, Chette, and so wet," he said and was all but panting with his tongue hanging out.
I pushed my lips back to his and brought my hands down to rub his cock.
It was so big that I had to use both hands to fit around him as one wouldn't close. And once I got down to the base of him, I felt his knot and gasped at the size. There was no way.
"Impossible," I whimpered but he made me look into his eyes with his hand around my neck again.
"All of me will fit inside of you," he growled and brought the tip of his cock to my entrance before he pushed in.
"Oh, fuck," I breathed out and chuckled breathlessly, "Big boy."
"Tight," he grunted and growled when his knot hit against my opening but couldn't fit.
"Go, please, hurry," I whispered and kissed him as I felt him begin to rock in and out of me, each time, his knot hitting against me and each time, I gasped for what was to come.
And as he rutted up into me, he brought both of my wrists up above my head and held them there with one of his large hands as we kissed.
As he sped up his thrusting, we both began moaning into the other's mouth.
"You like that," he grunted before nudging my head to the side so he could have access to my neck.
"Yes! Just like that, please!"
I then felt his teeth drag along my throat, sending jolts of electricity to my clitoris.
"I'm close," I cried out and loved feeling how big he was inside of me, how much he stretched me, "Bite me, Tazz."
"Yeah? You like my teeth on your delicate human skin, Chette? One wrong move and I could seriously hurt you," he whispered but his words were what sent me over the edge.
I tightened my legs around his waist as my walls tightened around his cock. I squeezed the hand that was holding my hands above my head as I wailed out my climax.
He growled and began to thrust harder into me, his knot hitting against my sensitive entrance but I was ready for it--ready for all of him.
"Helpless," he growled and his dark eyes were on mine, "Even if you wanted me to let you go, there'd be nothing you could do to make me. You're helpless, Chette, and you love it, don't you? You're at my mercy and I say when I'm finished with you."
"You're gonna make me come again," I cried and could already feel the build-up again, that familiar feeling of heat rushing through my body.
"Not until I say you can," he enunciated every word with a hard and punishing thrust.
"Please say I can, please say I can," I pleaded as I tried to hold back the flood gates but I was almost there.
It wouldn't be long before I overflowed again.
And then he thrust hard into me, and I had to stretch to take his knot. At the same time, he latched his teeth onto the skin between my neck and shoulder with a growl and I exploded--seeing stars behind my eyelids as I came for a second time.
As I came back down from the heavens, he was licking where he bit me and his fingers were rubbing the tops of my hands.
"Are you okay," he asked gently and widened his stance as his come began to glob out of me and onto the forest floor with how much there was. And because of this, it caused him to shift inside of me.
I gasped and clenched my walls around him and listened to him growl as he pushed as far as he could into me.
"Sensitive," he groaned as he buried his face in my neck and licked the mark he left again.
"Stop moving so much then," I teased and nuzzled my cheek to his.
"I don't want come on my feet," he whined and chuckled as he pulled back to look down at me.
"Then don't come so much," I whispered and grinned.
"That is not something I can help," he admitted and brought my hands up and licked the backs of them.
It was only then that I saw I was bleeding slightly.
There were small dots exactly where his claws had been as he held my hand but it warmed my heart to see him taking care of me as he used to when we were growing up.
"I'm okay," I answered his question with a genuine smile, "Better than, actually."
As his knot reduced, he slipped out of me and then set me down.  
I pulled my top back up to cover my breasts but there was absolutely no salvaging my shorts.
Tazz smiled sheepishly and kneeled down to grab his jean shorts before holding them out to me.
"Sorry about your shorts...and your panties," he chuckled.
I pulled up the shorts but they were several sizes too big so I had to hold them up, and we both laughed at the sight.
"I should be getting you back. Rosa's probably worried and dinner is definitely ready. I can smell it," he said quietly as he looked down at me.
"She's not worried. She's the one who told me to come into the forest and get lost. She said you'd find me," I blushed and began walking in the direction of my grandmothers house.
"I'll always find you, Chette. If you want to be found," he said quietly again and walked with me.
We were quiet for most of the walk back but once I could see the clearing through the trees, my stomach started to knot knowing that we would have to part soon.
"How long will you be here this time," Tazz asked and I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
"I'll be here most of the summer," I replied and watched the forest floor as we walked.
But then I was pushed against a tree again and his lips were on mine and I was ready to go for round two but he pulled back.
"Then we'll just have to make the most of the summer, won't we," he growled and licked over the mark he left on my skin again.
And before I knew it, I was pushed into the clearing and when I turned around, Tazz was gone.
"Thanks for making me face her along, you asshole," I hissed at the treeline, hoping he was watching before I turned around and started walking up to the porch.
I knew grandma would ask a million and two questions with the way I looked but I had to face her at some point.
It did help that I was more relaxed now...but I was in definite need of a shower.
There was no way I could keep Tazz's shorts up and carry my bag inside so I just kneeled down and grabbed some clothes before going inside.
Grandma had her back to me as she was busy in the kitchen and I tried my hardest to sneak past her but damn her squeaky floorboards!
"Chettie? You're back," she asked and turned around and then let out one loud laugh when her eyes met me.
"And it seems you had fun...but...you lost your shorts, dear," she smirked," And you've got a bite mark on your neck. Oh dear, you were attacked, weren't you? Did you fight terribly?"
I chuckled but rolled my eyes, "For my life, grandma. If you don't mine, I'll be taking a shower now."
"Yeah," she asked as I set off down the hallway, "You need help getting the tree bark out of your hair, dear?"
"Grandma," I cried but could here her hyena laughing in the kitchen as I slammed the bathroom door.
I was never going to be able to live this down.
And I knew I didn't want to.  
Tonight was one of the best nights of my life and I couldn't wait for many, many, many more.
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pinkja · 4 years
Sports, Crushes, College and All Other Things Stressful (Nora x Black Female Reader)
AU where Nora is a stressed out college student and you are a simple black girl who has no time management.
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Nora felt like she was a simple person.
She grew up in a small town near Salt Lake City, made it through the akward teenage phase, and graduated high school with honors.
Does it matter that she was always so close to pulling her own hair out in frustration? She doesn’t think so.
She liked to think that her high school years went swell.
She was captain of the swim team, played in both tennis, chess, soccer, and volleyball. She was also co captain of the debate team, won the Reading Bowl in TOME for three years in a row (she didn’t join freshman year) and did a bunch of community service at the homeless shelter every other Saturday from 9am to 3pm.
Yeah, Nora was a simple person, she thinks.
Does it matter that she barely had time to sleep? She doesn’t think so.
She got into college with a full ride scholarship (which her family celebrated for two days straight. It practically turned into a block party.) She was on the Pre-Med track, wanting to become a pediatrician like her grandmother had been, and like her mother had been, and like her older sister had been as well.
Wait…who exactly was she doing this fo–
Doesn’t matter!
She got to get an apartment on the campus housing first year with her best friend, Abby, who’s a biology major of all things, when Nora was pretty sure she was gonna be an English major. Her room was pretty average, but Abby often made comments about how it really needed some personality.
“You don’t even have a poster!” Abby remarked one day while she was laying on Nora’s bed. She had an old copy of Lord of the Flies in her hands, read and re-read about eight times.
“Not everyone needs a poster, Abby.”
“Yeah, they do. Especially when you don’t have a book or a video game, or even something to play music on-”
“Isn’t it enough that I have a phone?” Nora placed her head on Abby’s lap. Abby rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed so Nora would be more comfortable.
“And you had to beg your mother for it. Now hush and let me finish this chapter.” She leaned against the headboard and made a comment about how she was going to buy her a poster for Dirty Dancing or something.
Now that freshman year was almost over, and tennis season for the school had started up again a month prior, Nora, being captain of that and many other teams, was starting to feel even more stressed. She has to aid the coach in training the less athletic recruits, plan their next meeting, and prepare for their next game which was in two weeks, which was a few days before a big biochemistry test.
She was out by the track, the slightly warm early April air hitting the side of her sweaty face after almost an hour of staying out in the sun. There was another hour of practice left, and with a clipboard, a pen, and a timer in her hand, she watched the baby-faced girls run laps around the field.
“Ok, the game is on a Saturday, it takes around 30 minutes to get there by bus, so 30 minutes to get back… but the game ends at 6:30 so I have to give at least another 30 minutes to an hour for traffic, not including the time it takes to shower and pack our stuff up so the latest I’d get home is around…” She looked up from her clipboard, tapping her feet on the floor. “Jackson! If you want to play in the next game you gotta beat your record! Pick up the speed!” She called out to a red haired girl.
God, I really hope I’m not sweating out my hair, she thought, brushing a few stray hairs back in her ponytail. Nora went back to muttering.
“Ok so that means I’ll be home by 8 at the latest, and if I lock myself in my room and pull an all nighter, I could probably get all my studying done by 6-ish? Maybe… I would have to stock up on coffee. I’ll stop by the store on the way ho–”
Nora’s quiet rambling was interrupted by a voice.
“Hey, Captain!” Nora didn’t turn around, already knowing who it was by the voice alone.
(Y/n) (L/n).
Ah, Nora’s feelings for you were…complicated, to say the least. But we’ll get to that later.
“Sorry I’m so late.” You rubbed the back of your neck with a sheepish smile.
“Fourth time this month, (Y/n).” Nora’s voice was stern, exasperated and a bit annoyed.
“I know. I know, but–”
“You know the drill. 10 extra laps and you have to beat your record or else you don’t play in the next game. Go.” Nora didn’t look up from her clipboard, but knew you were pouting anyways.
Your footsteps echoed in Nora’s ears as you ran to the field, smiling at your teammates as they passed you. She marked off your name on her clipboard and wrote “Late” next to it, again, with furrowed eyebrows and annoyance tickling the back of her brain.
When 4 o’clock came, the girls all filed out of the field and towards the locker room, feet tired and sore. You were still running, of course, doing the 10 (plus 10 extra) laps you were assigned. Although you weren’t, Nora felt like you were taking your time, acting as if you hadn’t a care in the world.
“God, I have to get home and study…” Nora whispered and rolled her eyes, even though only 5 minutes had passed. By 4:15, you were done, walking back to her while rubbing your left thigh.
“How’d I do, Captain?” You asked while wiping the sweat off of your forehead. You balanced yourself on the balls of your feet. Nora clicked the button on her timer once again and finally looked at you.
You had sweat stains on your blue shirt, and you picked at the edge of your shorts that rode up your thigh just a little bit.
“Two minutes under your last time. I guess you get to stay in this time around.” Nora said curtly, pursing her lips while doing so.
You smiled as if you already knew the answer. “Aw come on, Captain. Have a little faith in me, yeah? I’m not all bad.” Your nose scrunched you as you pouted.
God your lips were so cu–
“But I do stink though. Imma hit the showers real quick. You coming?” Nora gulped, mind going a little to the left as she snapped out of her thoughts.
“Yeah.” Was all Nora could say in response.
They walked into the locker rooms, all of the girls clean and gone. Nora placed her things on one of the benches, opening and looking into her locker for clean clothes. You did the same.
“Jeez, all that time I put into doing my hair only to sweat it out in less than 10 minutes. I don’t know how you do it, Captain.” You remarked, looking in the mirror of your locker. Nora hummed, but didn’t respond. She grabbed some fresh clothes from her gym bag and started stripping.
Nora peeked into the mirror in her locker at you. Yours was diagonal from hers. You were still looking at yourself, not at her. Part of her wanted you to be.
Once she was done, she wrapped a towel around herself and grabbed some soap and a rag. She showered in silence, only being interrupted by the pat pat of your footsteps on the floor as you hopped in the showers next to her. You tied your hair up and put a bandana around your head before starting the shower, and Nora looked away before she could see anything else.
She thanked whatever god there was that there was a wall between you two.
But what if there wasn’t?
Nora started to feel very self-conscious all of a sudden. She started to take note of the stretch marks and too thick hairs on her stomach and arms and legs.
Oh my god, is my hair presentable?
She went to smooth out her hair with a (thankfully) not soapy hand, but stopped herself. She wouldn’t want to ruin her hair now. She spent all morning getting it together.
Wait? Why am I worrying about my appearance? My body is fine.
After her little realization, Nora started scrubbing really hard at her arms and legs, preoccupying her mind with the upcoming test.
Nora finished before you did, wrapping a towel around herself and waiting until she was out of your sight to start drying herself. She put on some lotion and deodorant, got dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a green shirt and sneakers before grabbing her stuff and going to leave.
“Captain!” Your voice stopped her.
Dammit! She was almost free!
“Yeah?” Nora took a few steps back but didn’t look in your direction.
“Can you…um…stay?” Nora’s spit got caught in her throat. “I mean, until I’m done. I really don’t like being in the locker room by myself. My mom always told me don’t let myself be in a room alone.” You let out a laugh, albeit a bit nervous.
Nora nodded, spitting out a stuttered, “Sure.” She hopes she didn’t sound too excited. She leaned against the outside wall of the showers, facing away from you once more. Nora waited (im)patiently, suddenly remembering how she forgot her glasses at home and that’s why she hasn’t been able to see well all day. She also remembered the stain on the coffee table that she was too busy to clean up because she was rushing out of the house because she had slept through her–
The squeak of the shower faucet snapped Nora out of her thoughts as the rush of water stopped. Nora kept her eyes on her shoes as you passed her, suddenly very interested in the speck of dirt on the toe of her left shoe.
I should clean it later, Nora thought.
“Captain?” Nora’s head snapped up, looking towards you with large brown eyes. You brought a plump lip into your mouth before giving Nora a smile. You were done getting dressed, snatching the now-wet bandana off of your head.
God, is it hot in here? Nora feels like she’s been sweating oceans.
“Thank you for staying. I’m sorry if I bothered you.”
“No problem.” It’s not like she doesn’t have a test she has to study for or a meeting at 6 for a club that she really couldn’t remember the name of now which was really concerning, but Nora couldn’t bring herself to care because you were smiling at her and Nora’s heart was not working anymore.
Although part of her wanted to be mad at such a carefree attitude and your seemingly lack of schedule, she settled on scolding you instead.
“Practice is next Monday at 3. Try not to be late next time.” You nodded before grabbing your stuff from the bench behind you and walking out of the locker room in silence. Nora followed before you both split off in different directions.
Nora’s weekend was filled with nothing but meetings and studying and homework, with the constant repetition of “Game on a Saturday, test on a Monday” leaving her mouth. She started her mornings at 4 am, going for a 2 hour run around campus. At 6 she went back home and took a shower, answered a bunch of emails about things that Nora couldn’t bring herself to care about anymore, and then she spent a good 3 hours studying old material from her classes, read a book she was assigned for Lit, then she was back studying again.
Wait, did she eat anything?
She wouldn’t have if Abby hadn’t practically shoved a piece of turkey bacon down her throat because, “You literally haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon” which she should be grateful for her friend’s willingness to remember the important things for her when she forgot them. She had meetings for Spanish and French Honor Society, Creative Writing, the school’s green club, and she also had to tutor a bunch of kids who were failing their math classes.
And to top it all off, you were late to practice, again! God, Nora wanted to be mad at you. You were being selfish at this point. Didn’t you know that if you were late she had to stay with you until practice was over?
Well, technically, she didn’t. She could leave practice whenever she wants to but honestly she didn’t want to leave you to practice alone. Plus, you might slack off!
Nora’s eyebrows twitched at the thought. It’s like you didn’t have a care in the world! You just walked around wasting her time, your time even!
You arrived 15 minutes late, better than last time, but still late.
You were already preparing your excuses, but Nora shushed you, telling you to go and practice on your serves. You did just that. Nora had already completed her drills, now just waiting for you to show up. She wrote your name down and the word “late” next to it once again before she went back to observing her team.
Once 4 o’clock rolled around, the girls rolled out and into the locker rooms, while you stayed behind. Your serve was good, Nora thought, you were just a heavy hitter and would forget to try and get the ball into the court first.
After watching the ball fly past the court for the 3rd time, Nora sighed and made her way over to you. You spotted her and gave her a smile.
“Hey, Captain! You need something?” You asked as you threw the ball in the air. You hit it across the net and watched as it flew straight into the wall. You grabbed another ball from the basket next to you and went to do it again until Nora gently grabbed your wrist and pulled it back down.
“You hit too hard, (Y/n). Try it again, but with a little less force.” Nora stated, backing out of the court to watch you once more.
You tried again, only for the ball to land just outside of the court.
“That’s ok, (Y/n), just try again.” Nora encouraged you. You tried again and again, only for you to keep hitting it out of the court.
You let out a huff, frustrated. “Captain…” You whined, turning to her with dragged feet. “This seems pointless. I just keep hitting out of bounds.” Nora raised a brow, not taking you for the type to give up so easily.
“You know we can’t leave until you get it right.” You pouted at her answer before going to try again. Nora stopped you, walking up to you and grabbing the hand you were holding your racket in. “Here. Make your hand face the net. That always helped me serve better.” Nora turned your wrist. “Now plant your feet so they’re in line with your shoulders.” You listened. “Now breathe in, slowly, and as you breathe in, toss the ball into the air and as soon as you exhale, swing. Don’t focus on the force. Focus on how your hand moves to hit the ball.” Nora realized how close she was to you, how weird this must’ve looked to others and what they might think.
She was starting to get self-conscious again.
Nora cleared her throat and backed out of the court again. Once she was far enough, you served again, the ball just making it into the court. You jumped up in excitement, coily hair bouncing with you. Your eyes darted towards her, a wide smile on your brown face.
“Captain! Captain I did it! Did you see?” You spoke with the giddiness of a child with a new toy, and, suddenly, Nora’s anger at you disappeared. Nora nodded with a smile.
“I saw. Good job, (Y/n).” You smiled wider at her praise, going to pick up all of the balls you managed to drop. Nora helped.
After cleaning up the mess you made, you both walked to the locker rooms. You repeated your routine from Friday, with Nora finishing earlier than you once again. Nora remembered how you had asked her to stay, and decided not to leave you behind. She walked to her locker in silence, getting dressed in some jeans, a graphic tee, and her same pair of sneakers she always wore before leaning against the walls of the showers like she did once before.
She was still facing away from you.
“(Y/n)?” Nora called, despite the lump in her throat about having to talk to you while you were naked.
“Yeah, Captain?” You answered, stopping the humming you were previously doing.
“May I ask, um, why are you always so…late?” Nora tapped her fingers on the wall and hoped she didn’t offend you with the question.
You were silent for a moment before answering. “I just lose track of time, y’know?” Nora’s eyebrow twitched again. You spoke as if you knew what she was thinking. “Yeah, yeah. I know that’s not a good excuse. However, I get so caught up in the little things that I just forget to remember the big things.” Another twitch of the eyebrow.
God, was it gonna get stuck like that?
You turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself as Nora moved to sit on the bench. She preoccupied herself with her shoes again and waited for you to get dressed. The buzz of your phone interrupted the silence between you two. You grabbed it from out of your locker and looked at the bright screen before scowling and placing it back in your bag.
“I wanna know, Captain.” You started, as you put underwear on. Nora cursed the human evolutionary habit of looking at anyone and anything that made noise, as she had turned her gaze towards you as you were putting on a dress and oh my goodness you weren’t wearing a bra. Nora’s face burned as she quickly turned back around to look at her shoes. “Have you ever had Mr. Lance before?” It took a few seconds for Nora to register your question, and once she did, she shook her head no.
“U-Um… no. No I haven’t, um… Why do you ask?” Preoccupy yourself with the test, Nora. Focus on the test.
Game on a Saturday. Test on a Monday.
“I wanted to thank you for once again putting up with me and helping me in practice. Other captains would’ve just left me there.” Now she felt bad for thinking about leaving. “You wanna go?” You turned to her with another smile, not caring that Nora wasn’t even facing you.
“You don’t have to. It’s really no problem.”
Game on a Saturday. Test on a Monday.
“Come on, Captain. Please. I promise you it’ll be worth your time!” Nora finally gained the courage to look at you, and you were pouting. Good god you were pouting and it was so adorable and Nora really has to learn how to focus again.
Game on Saturday. Test on Monday.
Nora was in a trance. Your eyes had caught her in a trance and she couldn’t get out but she had to. So she agreed to your little adventure. You jumped up again in excitement and Nora was once again reminded of the fact that you don’t have on a bra. You both walked out of the locker room and you led Nora down the street to one of the coffee shops about 7 minutes away.
“Mr. Lance is just a few minutes from here.” You started as you put your phone in your bag after checking it again. “And I know the name seems kinda boring, however, they serve the best ice cream there is.” You gave Nora another beaming smile to reassure her, even though Nora didn’t need any reassurance.
Once you both arrived at the little parlor, you opened the door for Nora and she was immediately hit by the cool air and the smell of mint. Nora scrunched up her nose a little bit and sat at one of the red chaired booths. You sat opposite of her and folded your hands on top of each other.
“What do you usually get here?” Nora asked you, pushing her glasses up to her face.
“I either get the triple chocolate milkshake or the extra cookies and cream ice blizzard. But that’s my personal preference. Get whatever you want.” You said nonchalantly, not even looking at the menu.
Would it be too embarrassing for Nora to admit that she didn’t know how to choose? Nora thought that yes, it would be. However she couldn’t just not order something after you had brought her all the way here. That would be rude! But it would also be rude to sit there and order something she wouldn’t want and then sit there and pick at it because she had never really had time to–
“And what about you, miss?” Nora jumped at the voice. She looked up from her death match with the colorful menu and at the waiter who was standing there with a notepad in her pale hands.
“Uh…oh! Oh! I would like a…” What the hell was that first thing you said? “A triple chocolate milkshake, please.” Nora’s face burned at her awkwardness. Maybe she didn’t leave that weird teenage phase at all.
“Coming right up! I’ll just take these off your hands.” The waiter grabbed the menus and walked off to the kitchen.
Nora tried to act like she didn’t feel your gaze on her while you waited, and felt grateful when your phone buzzed for the third time that afternoon.
“Guess I’m popular today, huh Captain?” You let out a chuckle as you turned your phone off.
Nora smiled back and she hoped it wasn’t crooked.
You pulled at a curl on your head and frowned. “I’m so glad tomorrow is wash day. My hair’s been so uncooperative lately.” You pulled at the same curl again and watched as it bounced back into place. “Captain.” You called her. Nora answered. “What do you think I should do with my hair? Twists or plaits? Ooh maybe I can do box braids instead.” You shot out ideas to her, hoping she would choose and make your life a bit easier.
“Um… I think you’d look good in–in twists.” Frankly you would look good in anything.
Wait, what?
“Don’t you have to set out the whole day for that? You have classes tomorrow, don’t you?”
“I have one class in the afternoon but it shouldn’t be a problem. I can catch up easily.” You said nonchalantly.
She looked at the clock on the wall to check the time. 5:45 p.m. She cursed how fast this day was going.
Their treats came a few minutes later and you popped open your straw and dug in. Nora did the same, eyebrows raising at the onslaught of very, very sweet chocolate attacking her taste buds.
“See. I told you it was good!” You said, licking a little bit of chocolate off of your lips. You swirled your straw around your glass. “I’m glad you decided to come with me, though.” You said offhandedly.
“Why did you decide to bring me here?” Nora didn’t mean for her voice to sound all nervous. She would roll with the punches.
“Hmm. I already told you earlier that I wanted to thank you for putting up with me.” You took another sip and stuck your tongue out a bit. “But also, and forgive me if I seem rude but, I thought this would relax you.” Nora raised an eyebrow. “You always seem so…pent up. Like a stiff. I just noticed that you might need some sort of release or something, Captain. That’s all.” Nora realized that you were the only one to address her as Captain after practice, and in that moment she started to feel very…different.
Was she uncomfortable?
No, Nora wouldn’t exactly describe it as that.
It was just that the heat creeping up her neck and the sudden realization that you were right and the idea of getting some sort of release, as you put it, was making her feel very, very weird.
It didn’t help that Nora’s gaze went back to your lips and eyes and hands and chest and the realization that you weren’t wearing a bra hit her again and–
Why the hell was she so focused on that? Of all the damn things to focus on? It’s not like the concept of not wearing a bra was foreign to her, she did it from time to time herself but what the fuck was so different when you did it?
Focus on something else, Nora. Focus on something else.
Like the test!
She had a game on a Saturday, and a test on a Monday.
Game on a Saturday, and a test on a Monday.
Game on Saturday, and boy were your eyes cute.
Game on Saturday, test on a Monday.
It’s not like she had a problem with it.
Game on Saturday, test on Monday.
She was fine. Nora was so fine. Nothing to worry about here.
Maybe she did need a release. A time for herself to relax.
Game Saturday, test Monday.
Oh god was she staring at you?
Game, test. Saturday, Monday.
Were you smiling at her? You look so sweet.
Monday. Saturday. Monday. Game. Test. Relax. Release. Relax. Relax. Game. Test. Saturday. Monday. Relax. Release.
Her glass was empty and you were smiling at her and UGH.
Nora stood up, her knees knocking into the booth as she did so.
“Is everything alright, Captain?” You expressed concern over her. Your eyebrows furrowed as your smile went away.
“I gotta go.” Nora managed to choke out. She reached into her back pocket for her wallet as you stared at her with confusion.
“What? Are you sure?” Nora threw $20 on the table and grabbed her bag from the floor.
“Yeah. I gotta… I gotta go…” Nora turned and sped out of the shop, leaving you alone.
She made it back to her apartment and unlocked the door with shaky hands. Abby greeted her from the couch, hair in a low ponytail instead of its usual braid.
“Hey, Nora you–“ Abby stopped herself when she finally looked at her roommate. “What’s wrong?” She turned to her and grabbed her before Nora could sped past the couch. “Come on. Around the couch you go.” Abby pulled Nora by her belt loop around the couch and made her sit down. “What’s up with you. And don’t say you have another test to study for because you’ve already studied enough.” Nora scrunched up her nose and looked away from Abby.
“There’s no such thing as too much studying.”
“Nora…” Abby’s voice was stern.
“Fine, fine… There’s this… this girl and she… she said I was a stiff and treated me to ice cream today and I can’t focus around her and also I can’t stop thinking about her and also–” Nora plopped herself face first into Abby’s lap, groaning loud enough for her roommate to hear.
“Does my Nora have a crush?” Abby teased at her, poking the back of her head. Nora sprung up.
“What! No! Of course not!” Abby didn’t believe her. “I just can’t focus around her, that’s all. And it’s frustrating me.” Nora defended herself, slumping against the couch.
“Hmm. Sounds like a crush to me.” Abby retorted, leaning her head on her hand.
Nora couldn’t have a crush! I mean, when has Nora ever had time to think about crushes? Or dating? Hell, with boys or girls!
“I don’t have time for crushes, Abby.” Nora slumped some more until she sat on the floor.
“You don’t have time for anything, Nora! All you do is work, work, work. And I know we’re in college but that doesn’t mean you have to give yourself to the seeds of capitalism just yet.” Abby kicked Nora in the thigh as a way of telling her to get off the floor.
Nora got up with a pout.
“All I’m saying, Nora,” She started, propping her feet on the coffee table, “is that maybe this could do you some good. You got to enjoy life, and you can’t enjoy it if you’re stuck hunched over a book all day.” Nora rolled her eyes before retreating to her room to take a cold shower.
The next morning, after her 4am run and a long shower, Nora got dressed for the day and sat down at her desk to study. She didn’t have any classes today, her professor for the day sending out an email to cancel class the night before. She opened the giant biology textbook that never left her desk and tried to remember where she had left off last.
I was writing notecards, she remembered as she searched her desk to find them.
Her search was interrupted by the loud ping of her cellphone. Nora chose to ignore it, thinking that it was probably just Abby trying to remind her to eat something. Her phone vibrated again and Nora rolled her eyes with a loud sigh and got up to check it out.
She walked over to her bed and picked the phone off the pillow, squinting her eyes at the sudden light hitting her face as another notification came.
“Hi, Captain!” It was you. You texted her.
Oh my god you texted her!
“I know you said only to use your number in case of emergencies but I guess this would qualify as an emergency because you kinda left in a hurry so!!!”
“Are you ok, Captain? I wanted to check up on you afterwards but I didn’t know whether you’d want me to use this number or not so I didn’t text you but I didn’t know what happened and I was getting nervous so I texted you.” God did you ramble.
“Sorry for rambling.” You sent a few seconds later. You added a crying emoji for effect.
It was then, in that moment, that Nora realized she didn’t know how to respond to you.
Why weren’t her fingers moving?
Why was she just staring at her phone with a stupid face?
Move, dammit! Move!
With a deep breath, Nora let out a big, long groan of, “ABBY!” Said friend was at her door within seconds, hair in a frenzy and protein bottle in her hands, ready to attack someone.
“Nora! Nora what is it? Is someone dying?” With wide eyes, Nora handed Abby her phone, to which Abby lowered her guard and grabbed it out of Nora’s hands. “Nora are you fucking kidding me?” Abby deadpanned after reading the messages, seeing it was only someone expressing concern over her friend and not like…cyberstalking her or some shit.
“I don’t know what to do please help me.” If Abby wasn’t so mad at her she'd tease her for her inexperience and compare her to a lamb. Abby flopped on the bed with a groan and started typing away.
“Wait, wait, wait! What are you doing?” Nora asked frantically as she tried to snatch the phone out of her hands.
“I’m replying. Duh!” She said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“No, but Abby! What are you saying to her?” Nora whined, attempting to grab it again only to fall on Abby’s lap.
“You know, for someone who denies that this is a crush you aren’t really helping your case all that much.” She continued typing, and Nora thought that whatever she was typing would be long and embarrassing and stressful.
“Abby!” Nora dragged out her name as she tried to reach for the phone again. “Come on! I know you’re gonna put something embarrassing!” Nora gave Abby a pout and made no move to move off of her friend.
“I’m not! I swear!”
“Then read it to me!”
“Read what you wrote to her!”
“Ugh, you’re so childish.” She said as if she wasn’t the one typing something to Nora’s…Nora’s…well…Nora’s whatever. “Hey, (y/n).” Abby paused. “Such a cute name by the way. Good choice.” She continued. “I’m fine. Thanks for checking up on me. I was wondering if we could meet up later and–” Nora started to protest, reaching up for the phone. Abby held it away from her. “And I could, hey quit that–” Abby smacked her hand away. “I could explain why I’ve been acting so weird lately, if that’s alright with you–Nooooooo.” Abby whined like a child when Nora snatched the phone away and deleted the text message. “All my hard work! Wasted! Oh the inhumanity!” Abby fell on the bed, fake fainting.
“I don’t wanna meet her.” Nora muttered as she stared at the phone with a glare.
“And why not? I told you, this is good!” Nora looked at her in disbelief. “This is good! You need a break, Nora. If you don’t slow down now next time you have time for yourself you’ll be a bag of bones!”
“Not a bag of bones…”
“Yes, a bag of bones! So you are going to take this phone, text this girl back, and you are going to talk to her or by god I will throw your planners away. And I know where you keep them. All of them.” Abby pushed the phone up to Nora’s face.
“Even the Scooby Doo one?”
“Especially the Scooby Doo one. That goes first. Now type.” With a cry and a wail about how hard Abby was making her life, Nora started texting you back, giving the phone to Abby for approval.
“Hey, (y/n).” She started typing. “Abby please don’t make me do this.” Abby didn’t budge. “I’m fine. Thank you for checking up on me. I promise I’m ok and you don’t need to worry about me–”
“Don’t put that. You're invalidating her feelings.” Abby interjected.
“…I’m happy you checked up on me. If you want I’d like to meet–”
“Abby I’m nervous! Please can’t I just go back to studying?” Abby told her no.
“…up with you again. Maybe sometime this afternoon. Or whenever you want to it doesn’t have to be today it could be tomorrow or next week or–”
“You’re stalling.” Abby warned her, already reaching for her Scooby Doo planner hidden under her mattress.
“…Is this afternoon good?” Nora closed her eyes and hit send.
You replied within a minute.
“Sure! How about around 5. I should be done with my hair around then.” You sent a bunch of emojis afterwards and Nora plopped down in the bed with a groan after she agreed.
“See? You see how good things go when you listen to me?” Abby put the almost destroyed planner back in its place and patted Nora on the head. Nora groaned even louder. “Now. I want to know what time you’re going so you can have time to look nice.” Abby added emphasis on that last part. “And I mean it. No sweatpants or oversized jackets. I want you looking nice.” Nora’s face dropped at Abby’s constrictions.
“You’re already making me suffer by going outside but now you’re making me dress nice? You’re killing me, Abby!”
“No, I’m helping you. Now hold on for a second. I need to text the group chat about this historical moment.” Nora's eyes widened as she watched Abby get up and run back to her room before she could stop her.
When 4:30 rolled around, Nora patted herself down nervously and stared at Abby with a confused face.
“Come on, Nora. You look fine.” Nora stared at herself once more, her black jeans, light blue t-shirt and black shoes seeming too…boring for this.
“I-I don’t know, Abby. Maybe I should just cancel and say I got sick. Is it too late to hit myself with something?” Nora held her purse in shaky hands.
“No! You’re doing this. Now come on.” Abby dragged her from out her room and to the living room, where their friends, Manny, Owen, and Mel were hanging out and watching tv.
“You guys! Abby’s forcing me to go outside! Help me!” Nora tried to plead as she dragged her feet on the floor.
“Hmm… I don’t see a problem with that.” Manny spoked, looking at her with amusement clear on his features.
“Yeah, Nora. Owen and I for sure thought you were going to turn into a vampire or something if you stayed inside any longer.” Mel agreed while Owen nodded his head.
“That’s not how vampirism works and you know it!” Nora planted her feet into the ground and groaned. “Owen! Hide me! Help me! Save me!” Nora pleaded as Abby pushed her along to the door.
“Sorry, Nora. My expertise is animals not humans.” He said with a shrug and put his head on Mel’s shoulder.
“Traitors! Traitors! All of you!” Abby finally got her to the door and pushed her out with a huff.
“You be back no earlier than 6. Got it?” Abby ordered. Before Nora, could protest, Abby interrupted her. “If you wanna save the Scooby Doo planner you better start walking.” Nora closed her mouth and glared at her before calling her a muscle head and walking away. She heard the chorus of bye’s and have fun’s as she walked down the hall. You both had agreed to meet up at the campus park, and as Nora walked up, she saw you sitting on the bench with a book in your hands. Nora recognized it as Pride and Prejudice, something Abby had read a thousand times.
You looked up and spotted her. With a smile, you said, “Hi, Captain!” You placed the book beside you and waved at her. You had twists in your hair, and it went down to just below your shoulders.
“Hey, (Y/n).” Nora sat down next to you and placed her hands in her lap.
“I’m glad you decided to meet up! I was really worried about you yesterday.” You tried to keep the smile on your face despite the concern present.
Nora’s face burned as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“Yeah, um, sorry about that I…um…” Nora couldn’t really explain herself in that moment.
“No need to explain yourself, Captain. I’m just glad you’re ok.” Your smile never faltered and Nora decided to smile back.
“But-But thank you! For, um, taking me to the ice cream place yesterday. I really appreciate it.” Nora didn’t know why she was stuttering so much. If the group were here they’d be laughing at her.
“No problem. I like going there a lot. Not just for the treats but…it’s calming. Gives me time to get away.” Your phone buzzed and you checked it with a frown.
“Is everything alright?” Nora felt kinda sad when your attention wasn’t on her.
“Yeah. It’s just my stupid ex.” EX? Ex as in ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend? Ex-partner? Oh my god what was Nora thinking? She didn’t have time for crushes! Let alone any time for exes or dating of feelings or–
“Hey, Captain.” Nora perked up.
“Y-Yeah?” She could run. Nora could run and hide and go back to the apartment Scooby Doo planner be DAMNED.
“You remember when I told you about getting caught up in the little things?” Nora remembered, yes. “This is one of those little things. Just relaxing in the park, or going to the ice cream parlor, or staying after practice with you.”
Wait, what? Nora must’ve misheard.
“I could never share those little things with anybody else. Not even a person I had thought I liked. But I can with you.” You turned to her with a smile, moving a stray twist from out of your face. “I’m glad I was able to show you the things that relax me. Hopefully, Captain, they can relax you too.”
“Nora.” She blurted out.
“Hmm?” You titled you head to the side.
“You can call me Nora. I-I don’t mind.” You smiled at her, and Nora started to feel her heart burst in her chest.
“Ok…Nora.” Oh.
Nora liked you.
Holy shit. She liked you.
“I-I’m glad you thought about me so much.” Nora played with her fingers as she spoke.
“Well, Nora. How about we go see a movie? I hear there’s this new mystery movie that’s so intense that people lost their senses when they left the theater!”
Nora laughed at your giddiness.
“Sure. I’d like that.” You stood up and grabbed your book to place it in your bag. You held out your hand to Nora and she took it, although a bit hesitantly.
“Cool. Let’s go, then.”
Maybe, just maybe, Nora could learn how to handle a crush this time around.
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cecilspeaks · 4 years
174 - Radio Jupiter
This is Radio Jupiter calling out to all who hear. Please respond. Awaiting your reply.
[different theme song]
This is Radio Jupiter. I’m not sure who is listening. I’m not sure if there’s anyone to listen. I can only verify my own existence. I can only verify the void around me, the apparent fact of stars, the swirling atmosphere of the planet below me. I cannot verify much. I don’t know who I am or where I came from. I woke up here, and all I have to go on is my call sign. So this is Radio Jupiter, reaching out to whoever there is to be reached out to.
It is so beautiful here on my perch, here in my place, in the cosmos and the universe about which I know nothing but feel everything. I don’t know if everywhere is as beautiful, or even most places. Did I happen onto the one beautiful place in the all of it? Without perspective, there is only what is nearby. Without the burden of comparison, everything is beautiful.
If a person is the sum total of every experience they’ve ever had, is a person without memories still a person? Or are they a different creature altogether, made either limited or limitless by the possibilities of a clean slate? I am either trapped or I am more free than anyone who can hear this. If anyone can hear this.
There is a framed photo in this room. It is an elderly woman. Maybe my mother or my grandmother or an aunt. Perhaps merely a photo I saw in a magazine once and liked for whatever reason. I have no way of knowing what kind of person I am, what kind of photo I would keep. Perhaps it is a photo of you. Do you present as an elderly woman? Would you like to? I think perhaps I would like to, even for just a little while. But I only am what I only am, I ever am, whatever I am.
[distortion] This is Radio Jupiter calling all cars, all (species), all… [fades out]
Cecil: Is that any better? Is that better? Can you hear me? [clears throat] OK, my producer is giving me the signal that we are now back on the air. Sorry about that, not sure what that other signal was, but it completely took over ours, which is rude. We’re currently looking for the source of the signal. We’ve narrowed it down to up. Just right up there somewhere, beaming on down to us. But we’re back in control and we do not expect any more interruptions. Of course, we didn’t expect that interruption either. I don’t expect almost anything that happens to me, my life is full of mystery and surprise, as is yours I’m sure, but still, we seem to have this one technical issue addressed. With that settled, I think we can get to the news.  
Our top story concerns… [reluctantly] Susan Willman. OK. Sure. There has been a lot of talk in town since the whole incident with the Obelisk, in which Susan Willman learned the name of an immortal all knowing being. This name now exist in her head, an object of great power reverberating through her thoughts. She has withdrawn from her duties as director of the Night Vale Community Theater and the Night Vale PTA. Oh darn, we’ll miss her and her prosaic, muddled staging and grandstanding about home-work life balance.
Susan has instead taken residence in a booth at the Moonlite All-Nite Diner. There at all hours, toying with a half drunk coffee and playing with the reflection of the sun in the back of a spoon. At night, the mint light of the sign outside sends strange shadows across her face, and her friends say they sometimes don’t recognize her at all. Steve Carlsberg, who is taking over her role at the Night Vale Community Theater, went to talk to her about some finer details of the casting process, and said that she was less than helpful. She was weeping, and the only thing she said the entire time he was there was that she was afraid to speak, lest the awful name slip past her lips. “No one was meant to carry such death inside of them,” she whispered, and then said no more. “Oh sure, yeah yeah, makes total sense,” said Steve, as he (-) [06:51] down some invisible pie. Well, I think we’ve given Susan enough attention for now, moving on.
In other news, the new beer cave at the Ralphs has been closed for repairs due to occasional time loop issues reported by certain customers. Manager at the Ralphs, Dave Ball, issued a statement by spelling out words with cantaloupes in the parking lot, saying “everything is fine with the beer cave, it’s a great and refreshing addition to Night Vale. Please don’t go inside or even look at it, as we don’t know why it’s doing what it’s doing. Everything is fine, please stay safe and stay away.” Dave then rearranged the cantaloupes to create complex fractal designs that made me dizzy to gaze upon, but were beautiful nonetheless. When reached out for a comment, Ralphs corporate said they had no records of any branch in a town called Night Vale, and were tired of receiving prank calls with bizarre tales about a made up store. When provided with pictoral evidence of Night Vale, a representative at Ralphs corporate began to bleed form the eyes while shouting: “This can’t be real! My god, this can’t be real!” More on the story of the beer cave if anything happens [distortion, fades out]…
Agent N-223: [--] out there, out there? Not sure if any of this is getting thru, but continuing to narrate on the off chance anyone will hear this and come, you know, to collect me. I’ve been doing some digging through the spaceship, and I’m disturbed by what I’ve found. Weapons. Many, many weapons. Racks of guns, cases of grenades and explosives, radar that I instinctively know is for tracking combatant space crafts, even though I have no memory of receiving that training. I am armed to the teeth and ready to wage war. But on what? There are no living beings in sight, and for all I know, there are no other living beings anywhere. Perhaps I’m here to wage war upon the planet below me, that swirling gaseous titan. Maybe someone had enough of it and sent me up here to put Jupiter back in its place. If so, I think the weapons they gave me were insufficient. I experimented by shooting off a round or two out the airlock, but the bullets soared into the upper atmosphere of the planet without slowing at all. My attack had no appreciable effect on my victim. So maybe the planet is not my target. Could it be the stars themselves? I am sent here, a pinprick in the side of God to cast myself as the stars, shouting threats and tossing grenades until the entire (-) [09:42] of the universe cowers and surrenders. Perhaps that.
Or perhaps I am at war with you, whoever is hearing this. Maybe I was given this radio in order to threaten and terrorize before I attack. So be afraid, I am coming. O-once I figure out where you are. I have no idea which direction to start moving and I don’t even know if this space ship has any way of controlling movement or if I’m just stuck in this orbit. Either way, this is Radio Jupiter apparently declaring war. [distortion] Consider it declared and [fades out].
Cecil: Can you hear, they can hear me? OK, I apologize, we’ve been doing all kinds of troubleshooting, including shifting the angle of our broadcasting tower, updating all of our software, and yes before you ask, we did try unplugging it, doing a ritual spilling of blood and plugging it back in. The issue we’re having is that these broadcasts are being sent out on military frequencies, which unfortunately automatically override ours. I’m unclear why the military would be getting into broadcasting, that’s more of a community radio thing, so let’s all stick to what we’re good at. I’ll keep doing radio shows that inform and delight, and the military can spend three trillion dollars on a plane that instantly explodes if anyone tries to fly it.
We have reached out to Rudy DeJardin, the local representative of the military industrial complex. He has a little table set up outside of the hardware shop, and anyone who has any questions for the military can just ask him, and he’ll do his best to answer. Most of the stuff can’t answer because it’s classified or embarrassing, but sometimes he’ll say a few cryptic words. In this case, his only answer was to make “mm-hm” sounds and shake his head frantically, while rolling his eyes toward the heavens. Not clear what to make of that, but I sure love whatever this broadcast is off my frequency, Rudy. Any time you want to get on that.
And now a word from our sponsors. Today’s show is brought to you by Nature’s Caress Fountain of Youth gentle flushable wipes. Did you know in most of the world, they just wash after using the toilet? They have a whole thing specifically for doing that. It takes a couple of seconds, cleans thoroughly, and doesn’t create mountains of paper waste. If you dirty your hands, do you wipe at them frantically with an even less robust version of tissues, or do you use water and soap? Why would it be different for anything else? Because it just is, that’s why. It’s the American way, love it or leave it. Nature’s Caress Fountain of Youth gentle flushable wipes: clog the world with your debris. This has been a word from our sponsors.
And now, as a special treat, Mr. Lee Marvin himself will perform act 3 scene 5 of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. This is the scene that contains the immortal line “I never knew the meaning of fear until I kissed Becky.” [distortion] OK, Mr. Marvin, take it away!
Agent N-223: This is Radio Jupiter speaking to you from a time of peace. Yes, there was that brief episode of war, and it was regrettable. I fired upon an innocent planet, although that planet seems none the worse for my crimes. In any case, that war is now over, as far as I’m concerned. I have no interest in battles and conflict, especially when I have no memory of what that conflict could involve. I have no interest in killing anyone, and I have no interest in dying quite yet.
So, peace in our time. I’m jettisoning all the guns and other weapons. Let them scatter out harmlessly into the universe, most of them swirling down the gravity well of Jupiter, where the immense pressure of the inner atmosphere will compress them into diamonds. I don’t know if that idea is scientifically sound, but I like the thought of it. All these worthless guns made glittering jewels, swirling in the endless storm of a planet that doesn’t even know they’re there.
As for me, now that I’ve declared peace upon the galaxy, I would like to know what is out there. I have found the controls for the ship and it seems I must have been trained in their use, because whatever I do appears to work as I want it to. I am turning away from the only star I’ve ever known. Because my memory is short and it’s the only star that has been there for the last two hours. I’m turning out to the dark unknown, and I’m casting myself into it. I hope there is a grander universe out there, I’d love to see it. This is Radio Jupiter, letting the cosmos know that I am on my way. I’ll see you soon. Or, given the size of space, most likely I won’t see you. But we’ll both exist, and [distortion] won’t that be nice?
Cecil: [clapping] Wow, wow wow wow. Thank you, Mr. Marvin, truly a performance for the ages, and what a treat… What? What happened? When? Oh not again!
This is Cecil Palmer of the Night Vale community radio station. I don’t know if you can hear these words, but if you can, we have identified the source of these intrusive broadcasts. She is agent N-223, sent during the early years of the space program on a secret mission. She was put into hibernation so that she could wake up and serve as reinforcement in the Blood Space War at some point in the future. But it appears that the hibernation damaged her memory, and anyway the Blood Space War doesn’t happen for another thousands years, so eh, she won’t be much use in that battle yet. Ah, thanks to the anonymous tipster who snuck us this top secret info. We owe you, Rudy.
Oh, uh it looks like we might be having more interference due to some Rough weather.
[“The Faded Red and Blue” by David Berkeley http://davidberkeley.com/]
Agent N-223: This is Radio Jupiter on the tail end of the tail end. If there was anyone listening back near that star, I think I’m getting out of range. I feel you getting out of range. Whatever presence I felt that I was speaking to, that feeling is getting hushed and fuzzy. The way I’m sure my voice is for you now.
You’re gonna have to go on without me, I suppose. Be brave about it. Or be scared. Your feelings are not my problem anymore, if they ever were. I have new problems now, problems of void and cosmos, problems of dark matter and lost memories. I am adrift in a universe that does not know I exist, but then you are too. I don’t know what is out there, but I hope I live to see it. Won’t that be something, if I get to see whatever happens next? I hope I do.
Well, this is Radio Jupiter signing off for the last time. [echoing] Stay safe out there, I’ll try to stay safe out here. Goodbye.
Cecil: The signal has faded out. It seems she has finally left our world and also left my radio frequency. I’m not trying to speak badly of a strange remnant of a war that has not yet happened, floating out into the nothing beyond the nothing, but come on, please, use a different frequency. It’s just rude. The military, through Rudy DeJardin has disavowed any knowledge of Agent N-223 or her mission. “Nope,” Rudy said through clenched teeth, “Never heard of her. Iiii certainly wouldn’t just say her name on the radio, after being asked not to. That’s not something I would do Cecil,” he said. So I dunno. Maybe we got the story wrong.
It is something, isn’t it? We are bits of life floating in a whole lot of non-life. The fact is true for us in both space and time, we are brief on any measure. And yet we can reach out our voice and be heard, even if only for a moment. And that has to mean something, doesn’t it? Doesn’t… it?
Stay tuned next for an angry buzzing from inside your cutlery drawer, but you’ll be too afraid to open it and find out its source.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Agate is a girl’s worst enemy. Emerald is a work acquaintance who a girl hung out with once and then it just – never turned into anything more.
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Eden [M] ︳Prologue
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Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Genre: Smut with plot; romance, angst and some fluff to unfold.
Rating: NSFW-ish
Warning: Mild dirty talking, mild dry humping, mild degradation, and inappropriate touching.
Words: 5300+
Notes: Happy valentine’s everyone~! I hope you had a fantastic day/evening, and here is a lil’ present for you all. It’s the prologue of ‘Eden’, and hopefully you guys get a taste of this new, upcoming, series.
Please note, updates are going to be slow. At the moment, ‘Limerence’ is my main series (Greek Mythology is my side project). But once Limerence is done, Eden will be my main focus! Tags aren’t working (why am I not surprised) - but hopefully that fixes itself soon and appears in people’s feed.
Thank you for reading, and please don’t be shy to leave a like or comment, take care~!
Masterlist ︳01
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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It seems he managed to wander into a garden, and he was starving for a taste of that forbidden fruit. And now that he got a taste, he was not going to let go. His fingertips were engraved with sin, burning her skin with every touch, chin dripping of her sweet juices. “Fuck.” He grunted under his breath because he knew – this was more than just a quick taste.
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(flower); spice, interested.
           “Ah, you’re a lifesaver!” Izuku Midoriya declared, face flushed as his head bounced up and down. His dark green hair flew everywhere, a pretty contrast from his pink freckled cheeks. He was the living definition of ‘rookie’ – filled with an unreasonable amount of energy and enthusiasm. You’re surprised you didn’t see his face plastered beside the word in every dictionary around the world.
           But it was that same energy, desire to be a hero, that had your lips curving upwards, a kittenish smile painting your rose-coloured lips. How could you not shoot him one of your infamous smiles, brushing back your hair as you mused. He’s a ball of motivation and joy – a real hero in the works.
           “If Recovery Girl finds out I healed you despite her orders, she’ll have my head,” you advised with a click of your tongue, truth lingering in your statement. After showing up to work slightly hungover – courtesy of Midnight’s refusal to accept ‘no’ for an answer for bar-hopping – the last thing you wanted was to be caught healing Midoriya.
           As if he could read your mind, the green-haired boy moaned under his breath.
           You wiped the last bit of ointment onto his skin, wrapping his wounds, spotting the way his shoulders slumped for a moment – remorse painting his face. But just like that, he puffed out his chest, a sudden resolve overcoming him.
           “I’m sorry. But I can’t let All Might down – I need to push myself-”
           “Keep pushing yourself, and you won’t have any of ‘yourself’ left to be a hero.” You interjected, causing Midoriya’s mouth to shut close, taking in the weight of your words. He stared at you with those large eyes of his, watching your fingers ease their way off his bruised limbs, the bandages new and tightly wrapped.
           “Recovery Girl is going to whip All Might’s ass if she finds out you were hurt - again.” You spoke honestly, causing the pink tint of his cheeks to turn into a darker hue. His freckles almost blended in with the flush, nodding his head furiously at your in-direct warning.
           It was at times hard to believe that this naïve, well-natured boy was Katsuki Bakugo`s supposed ‘rival.’ It was like comparing apples and oranges – this year’s students were something else. Your hands fell over your lap, leaning into Midoriya, you gaze meeting his.
           One for all…
           “Come on, let’s get going before we get caught. I’ll wrap up a few herbs for your mom to smash up. Make sure you rub it into your skin after your bath. It should numb the pain and stop the bruising and swelling.” You spoke, shooting him another cheeky smile, a weak attempt to wipe that look off his face.
           With a tired sigh, you pushed yourself off your seat, the sound of your black heels clicking against the white tiles of your office, filling the quietness. It was as you strolled around, eyes scanning the dozens of tiny planters that hung along the walls, you realized how late it has gotten.
           The sun was setting; the campus eerily quiet as most of the students were already home. Shit – and you still have to make dinner. Your index finger fell over your pouting lips; eyes eagerly searching for that one particular pot-
           “Ah- there it is.” You hummed pleasantly, reaching forward. The tan planter fell over your desk with a soft thud, your fingers dancing over the dirt until you felt it.
           The roots were starting to stretch, the shoot wiggling its way from the soil, pushing and shoving the dirt painfully slow before breaking the surface. “Come on, baby.” You muttered softly, focusing on the energy of the plant. And you swore, because you could feel the annoyance of the plant, undoubtedly grumbling a faint ‘fuck you, you forgot to water me last night,’ before spouting into a perfectly formed leaf.
           “Hero alias; Eden. Real name; Y/N. Quirk; Bioterra – can take any seed or spore and manipulate them in movement or growth…” Midoriya muffled under his breath. You let out an airy laugh hearing Midoryia mumbling to himself, clipping the newly formed seed leaves carefully, before thanking the plant.
           You prefer not to piss off the seedling. Afterall – this little babe has saved your ass far too many times to count.
           Looking over your shoulder to Midoriya, you tossed the last of the herbs into a cute little baggy. “If you keep mumbling under your breath like that, you’ll end up just scaring all the villains away.” you teased, and Midoriya scratched his head.
           “I never saw your quirk before – it’s really pretty!” He gushed, and it was then you realized that the boy was no longer patiently sitting on the examination table, but eagerly hovering over your study with a pen and book in hand. Where and when did he even-
           “Word of caution, Midoriya, while I may be the sidekick of Recovery Girl – don’t think for a second that all I can do is heal. I can grow some pretty toxic things. Get too close, and you might cease to exist.” You warned wickedly, wiggling your brows at him. But rather than deterring the curious boy, it seemed to have done the opposite.
           His mouth widened, lips racing, “If that’s the case, does that mean you’re immune to all poisons or toxins created by plants? Does that mean no plants can cause an effect on you, whether its good or bad? Does that mean you can’t heal yourself with your medicine-”
           “Midoriya. Just because you’re my favourite doesn’t mean I won’t force-feed you some valerian root for some quiet.” Midoriya’s face stoned at your threat, instantly bowing up and down. “S-sorry-” Midoriya began to stutter before a sultry singing cut him off.
           “You sure you aren’t a sadist, a villain?”
           Both of you shifted your attention to the entrance, eager to find the owner of that vibrating tone.
           “Good evening, Midnight.” You spoke, smiling radiantly to your best friend, as your arms fell over the shy Midoriya. His green eyes widened, studying the pro-hero up and down in interest – no doubt he was thinking about the rated 18+ hero’s quirk. And given a chance, he would ask her thousands of questions like he has done to you since the start of the school year.
           The stunning deep hue of purple against her red mask brought out the teasing glimmer in her eyes. Midnight cocked her head to the side, arms crossing over her chest, emphasizing her ample bust as she stepped into the room.
           “You’re not doing some unauthorized healing, are you?” Midnight pestered, cocking an eyebrow as she eyed the fresh bandages decorating Midoriya’s fingers. In a flash, your hands squeezed Midoriya’s shoulders, shaking your head with a falsely sweet smile on your lips.
           “Of course, not – I’m just showing Midoriya here, my quirk! It’s getting late; we can talk more tomorrow.” Your grip loosened, shoving the boy forward. While Midoriya was undoubtedly naïve, he wasn’t dumb. He quickly got the hint, stepping forward before waving at the both of you, “Thank you for demonstrating your quirk, see you tomorrow!”
           He dashed away from the voluptuous dominatrix, the sound of his heavy feet running down the empty hallways of UA slowly fading the further he ran. The moment he was out of earshot, Midnight twirled her whip, purring.
           “Lying to a teacher, how naughty of you.” Midnight snickered, tapping her chin as she inched her way forward. Her skin-tight costume only seemed to accentuate her sex appeal, and you rolled your eyes.
           “What are you going to do, spank me?” you challenged with your tongue sticking out. Your hands made haste with sweeping up the dirt that littered your counter, giving your seedling a lil’ treat for working so hard today.
           Midnight laughed obnoxiously loud, “You’ll enjoy that too much, you kinky bitch.”
           “And that, I won’t deny.” You giggled back, already knowing Midnight was snooping around your office, sniffing all the flowers that were blooming. She, in particular, loved the darker hued flowers, saying it matched her aesthetic.
           Placing the planter back into its spot, you turned on your heel, reaching for your purse that you left on the floor. “What are you doing here so late, anywho?” You pondered, swinging the strap over your shoulder, checking for your house keys and wallet.
           Midnight sighed dramatically, taking another whiff of the roses, “Meetings. I could use a drink, girl.”
           “Well, count me out, I’m starving, and it’s late.” You stated, shutting the window of your office, and locking it. It was officially dark outside, the streetlights looking like twinkling stars. Time moves faster when you’re having fun.
           “Oh, come on! You’re young and sexy, go out. Get drunk – better yet, find yourself a hot daddy.” Midnight argued, waltzing over to your side in a flash, tone rising with passion. “Just because you work for UA doesn’t mean you can’t live a little. You’re starting to turn into your grandmother – work, work, work.”
           You pouted, “Please don’t compare me to my grandmother.”
           Don’t get it wrong; you loved and respected your grandmother – Recovery Girl.
           She was the first hero of the family, the family pride. Hell – she was the reason why you even wanted to become a hero. She used to take you to her workplace when you a mere toddler, showing you off to all her co-workers, bragging how you’re going to be the next big thing. She was the definition of a proud grandmother.
           That’s why you worked your ass off, becoming the second hero in the family – and next-in-line to become UA’s healer once the old lady decides to retire.
           “Come on, one drink? Maybe I can hook you up with some of my friends. They know how to treat a woman. Want a submissive, a dom, ou- maybe a switch?” Midnight insisted and at that point, you huffed loudly. You saw the stars in her eyes the more she talked about the possibility of hooking you up with one of her friends. This woman-
           Linking arms with the sex addict of a friend you had, you shut your office door behind the both of you, walking through the deserted hallways. The hallways of UA was dead, all the classroom doors locked, blinds lowered so only the poorly functioning lights of the school could guide you out of this prison.
           “Don’t ignore me! I have yet to see you with someone. What do you want? What are you looking for, girl?” Midnight groused under her breath.
           What do you want…?
           Your mouth opened, a sly smirk on your face. “You know what I want? I want a fuck buddy, no feelings. Just good, hot, rough sex.”
           “And I know a friend who can do just that!” Midnight blurted, but you merely shook your head.
           “I already have someone.”
           Midnight’s eyes widen, stopping abruptly in the dimly light hallway. “You have someone? Excuse me, who is this person and since when? You haven’t gotten laid in god knows how long, and it shows.”
           You grinned mischievously, leaning into her. Midnight was on her tippy-toes, eyes and ears eagerly waiting for the spicy gossip. Her hands clasped together, leather whip firmly caught in between her tight grasp. If only she knew.
           “They’re the best. Their name is ‘dildo,’ and they’re always ready to get down whenever I need them.” You whispered.
           The moment Midnight realized what you were saying, the look of utter annoyance was clear as day.
           “You’re fucking ridiculous, Eden.” Midnight fumed, throwing her arms up in defeat as she stormed forward. You laughed from behind her, watching the way she cursed under her breath, her whip swinging back and forth. To be fair, you’re surprised she didn’t use it on you.
           “You love me, Midnight!” You screamed from behind her, and she merely shot you a glare over her shoulder, lips pressed together, trying to hold back a grin. “If you were my toy, I would’ve beaten your ass till it’s purple and blue.”
           You shoot her a kiss, playfully slapping your own ass as she raged. “I can’t wait till you find someone. And I hope they put you in your damn place. Fuck you till you can’t walk.”
           “That’s the goal!” You chirped, earning another hiss from the queen of lust, herself.
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           The cold breeze that funnelled its way through the mutedly lit alleyway in which you walked was borderline painful. Your dress suddenly seemed far too short for the summer weather, your arms wrapping around yourself as you grumbled. The temperature seemed to drop in a matter of minutes – the twenty-minute walk from the school to home seemed like a journey.
           It was unreasonably dark, and the brisk air added an uncomfortable feeling in your gut. Not even the flicking neon signs that littered the city seemed to lift the mood – the atmosphere dark and grungy. The faster you get home, the better.
           Your fingers dug into your purse strap, tugging it closer to your body as your UA lanyard bounced off your chest. The bobbing of your identification card matched your heartbeat at this point, your stomach screaming to get some food inside of it.
           Pace hast, you turned the corner abruptly -“You gotta be fucking kidding me.”
           Four men, of medium build, laughing obnoxiously loud and recking of alcohol crowded the already narrow alleyway. Their words were heavily slurred, arms wrapped around each other as they struggled to walk forward. Their clothing was old and dirty, and your nose scrunched up – god even the smell of shitty alcohol smelt better than whatever odour they were emitting.
           Your footsteps eased, cautiously walking behind them.
           They were moving forward, slowly, but they were moving. The smart thing to do would be to walk back and take a long way home  - but that means it’ll take longer for you to cook dinner, take a hot bath, and have a steamy session with your lovely date called ‘dildo.’
           You have the patience for neither.
           With a frustrated huff, you brushed your hair back, letting your gaze fall back onto the ground. Come on, it was a Monday night, and you just wanted to get home. Was that too much to ask?
           Trying to lessen the sound of your heels against the broken concrete, your steps were sluggish. If someone were to be watching behind you, they would’ve thought you didn’t know how to walk in heels. So fucking stupid, these dumb, drunk, idiots-
           “Heeeey maaaan, come over hereeee. We just wanna taaaalk.” A man shouted, and you felt your blood freeze. Your head snapped upwards, hearing the men starting to speak brasher, the slurring of their speech clear.
           Was he talking to you?
           No, they couldn’t be.
           Their backs were still facing you, staggering back and forth as the men seemed to puff in demeanour. Your eyes narrowed, observing one of the men walking hastily, his hands reaching for his back pocket. If he wasn’t talking to you, then that can only mean – he was trying to catch up to someone.
           “Don’t ignore meee, you skinny shit. Come hereee before I add more scaars.”
           Not caring anymore if you made noise, your pace quicken, swaying side to side to catch a glimpse of who this man could be chasing. They can’t honestly be planning on mugging someone; they can barely walk, let alone mug someone. A tired sigh escaped your lips – time to play the hero.
           Your fingers trailed into your purse, grabbing rose seeds, feeling the vines starting to rise over your fingers-
           The sound of your plants whimpering, retreating into your purse as blue flames flooded your vision had your eyes widening, a hostile shiver running up your spine.
           Ashes floated into the clear night sky, the smell of burnt flesh taking over the stench of alcohol as you instinctively pressed your body against the brick walls, seeking any form of coolness. You could feel the hot air rush past your ears, hair flipping for a split moment. Sweat beaded down your forehead – these flames…
           They were explosive.
           Pure rage.
           But most importantly - absolutely stunning.
           Your long nails dug into the brick wall, shamelessly staring at the light show in front of you rather than saving the other three men. The diverse hues of blue, clashing and mixing like a wild dance. Did that dirty, drunk man unleash this power, such a beauty?
           You quickly realized how wrong you were.
           The ash that was floating in the sky, the smell of rotting flesh – that was him.
           “You’re fucking nuts, man! You killed him – you burnt him alive!” The men screamed, their speech no longer slurred, bringing you back to the reality of the situation. And as the realization of the sight in front of you unfolded, you found yourself swallowing.
           The low-slung chuckle that caught your attention, a snicker that carried in the cold breeze, had your skin rising and lips parting.
           “Well, aren’t you an observant one. It seems I did…wanna be next?” a man spoke, voice raspy, contemptuous in tone.
           You pressed yourself off the brick wall, desperate to seek the man who caused the flips in your stomach. His voice alone was eargasmic, and when you stumbled back, heels clicking loudly, you realized you not only caught the attention of the three drunk men but the man with blue flames, as well.
           The azure embers that lingered in the cold air reflected the streetlights, highlighting a tall, lean man at the end of the shady alleyway. The way his thin lips curved upwards, a sinister smirk emerging as he licked his lips in delight.
           His light skin contrasted against the seared scars that littered his face and neck, staples piercing his flesh in a sadistic fashion. But yet, in some messed up way – the look suited him. The darkness of night adding an air of mystic and dangerous enchantment around him.
           “Well…hello there, doll.” He mused, tilting his head to the side, black hair falling over his eyes. You could feel it, the way his gaze trailed up and down your body, a wild look flashing – appreciating what his eyes were settling upon. You swallowed, a needy flush overcoming your skin, because fuck.
           He was sexy – the type of man, your parents, warned you about. The type of guy, your friends, told you not to associate with because all he was going to do was fuck and dip. You couldn’t strip your gaze away from the man, and he seemed to notice. He let out a small snicker, raising a brow as you gawked shamelessly.
           “Y-you’re a hero from UA! Save us, stop him, arrest him. He killed our friend-” The three men shouted, running towards you with desperation in their eyes. It was their loud and unwanted voices that snapped you out of it.
           What were you doing?
           Here you are, blatantly checking out some stranger – a stranger with an overpowered quirk who just murdered a man. But the enigmatic stranger continued to stare with a look of amusement, even daring to take a step closer.
           “A hero? Oh, this is becoming a lot more work than I wanted.” he snuffled under his breath, eyes half-lidded. The men ignored the man’s commentary, staring at you with annoyance.
           “Do something, you useless women! We don’t pay our taxes for you to look pretty.” One of them shouted, their spit striking your face. Oh - hell no.
           “As if you guys even pay your fucking taxes. Maybe if you didn’t get piss drunk and try to mug the man, your friend would be alive.” You shouted heatedly, stepping forward and shoving the man back. He was getting far too close for comfort – he needs to learn something about personal space.
           The man’s eyes widen, stumbling back a few steps before narrowing his gaze. “This damn psycho killed someone!”
           “He was defending himself against you morons.” You fumed, hands balling into fists. You may be a hero, but you weren’t forgiving. That was the problem nowadays; people could not take responsibility for their damn actions. Starting fights, getting their asses kicked, and then crying wolf. And of course, you had all these ‘heroes,’ eagerly picking up the pieces of their messes to fuel their damn ego.
           “If you’re smart, you’ll leave before I report this whole incident. And I can guarantee it’ll be you three going to jail.”
           “You can’t report shit if you’re dead.” The man sneered before raising his hand. There in his grasp was a small dagger, the moonlight bouncing off the thin blade. So enraged by this man’s ignorance, you failed to notice the way his hand lingered into his jacket pocket.
           You could feel the blood drain from your face, impulsively cowering away from the blade. He caught you out, and you were surely going to pay now, shit-
           That was when you spotted it, the dash of black, a pretty hand reaching for the idiotic drunk. The manic smile that painted the blue flamed stranger’s face, a lust-filled look as his hand outstretched over the man.
           His long boney fingers wrapped around the side of his head, clawing into the skin of his face. You saw the terror etched into the drunken man – eyes shifting to look at your unexpected hero — the last thing he would ever see.
           “Burn.” The stranger whistled, and that was when you felt the overwhelming heat once again.
           An explosion of blue fumes flared before you, and the man who held the knife didn’t get a chance even to scream – incinerated in seconds. There wasn’t an ounce of control or restraint in this man’s flames, just pure and utter chaos. Smoke fluttered from the man’s skin, eyes crazed as he grinned, the flames ceased in intensity.
           Ashes and embers erupted into the air, the sound of the blade hitting the ground echoing between the brick walls. The stranger let his hand drop to his side, before tilting his head to your direction. That was when you spotted it — one of the untouched men was reaching for the burnt knife that laid on the ground.
           “Oh no, you don’t-” You hissed, the tipsy man staring up at you in surprise. But his resolve was set in stone, eager to get revenge for his now two dead buddies. The hot blade twisted in his hand, holding it tight as he swung down.
           He wasn’t aiming for you at all – he was trying to injury your anti-hero.
           You lunged forward, chest clashing with your newly developed crush, arms reaching around his neck. The inebriated man swung, and right before the blade could come in contact with your dark hero, your hands tightly gripped the man’s wrist, nails digging into his skin.
           “Let. Go.” You threatened, teeth clenching as you tried to hold him back.
           “Dude, the fuck are you doing? They’re heroes – they’ll kill us with their damn quirks. Run.” The only reasonable man of the two shouted, and that was all it took. The weapon slipped from his fingers, hitting the floor, and your grasp loosened.
           He whipped his hands from your touch, spitting on the ground where you stood as he ran down the alleyway with his only remaining friend. “Let’s get out of here.” They slurred, the sound of their shoes drumming against the concrete – turning the corner and out of sight.
           A drained gasp escaped you, arms going limp as your forehead rested against the man who saved your ass. Holy fuck – talk about a giant cluster fuck. The air around you smelt like death and fire, sparks spreading across the block, courtesy of the night breeze.
           How are you going to explain this? All the paperwork and details – you really outdid yourself tonight, didn’t you?
           “Hmm…he wasn’t lying; you’re a ‘hero’ from UA.” A dark voice droned into your ear. His hot breath tickled your neck, skin tingling in bliss, and your head shot upwards. That’s when you took in how utterly striking the man; you currently had your arms wrapped around, was.
           His eyes were magnetic, a turquoise so damn vibrant and clear your mouth dropped.
           Being as up close as you were, you could appreciate the silver piercings that decorated his nose and ears — an unpredicted attractive mix with his purple and red coloured scars. Overall, his features were soft, despite his attitude and whisky-like voice, although his jaw could probably cut diamonds with how damn sharp it was.
           Damn, he was attractive, and you couldn’t help but feel your breath getting heavy the further you gawked. Midnight was right – you were sex-starved, and the way you studied this man up and down like a damn snack, was the proof.
           His lips curved upwards to a smile that even the devil himself would swoon, noticing how your eyes scanned him with longing. Your fingers brushed his long black locks by accident, and you could feel your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
           “Do all UA heroes dress like this? Short dresses, low necklines?” The man chuckled, his fingers playing with the lanyard that was perfectly nestled between your breasts. Your cheeks flared, feeling his calloused fingers against your cleavage. His touch was far from tender, purposely letting the ID roll between his fingers, conveniently pulling your neckline further down your torso.
           And the worst part was you weren’t mad at his erotic touch as much as the comment, nipples hardening at the thought of this going further.
           “I beg your pardon?” You retorted, and the stranger merely laughed, licking his lips as he leaned closer to your face.
           “Oh, you can beg all you want, doll.”
           Fuck, this man knows what he’s doing. You snickered under your breath, untangling your arms away from his shoulders, pulling the lanyard that he played with away. “Thank you for saving my ass back there.”
           He smirked, running his hands messily through his hair before stepping forward. Your bottom lip rolled between your teeth, eyes fluttering as you watched the way the man before you dominated. He was rolling his shoulders back, each step of his lazy in demeanour, eyeing you like how a predator stalks its prey.
           “You come here often? Walk down these sketchy alleyways for fun.”
           “I’m kind of a hero, and unfortunately, walking in creepy alleyways is in the job description.”
           “Is eye-fucking people also included in that job description?”
           “Nope, that’s something I do on my own time.” You grinned, earning a handsome one back. He licked his lips, hands falling into his pants pockets as he stepped closer. You didn’t even realize the little dance that was happening.
           Both of you, stepping closer and father between words, walking in circles as you bantered pointlessly. The fact that this man killed two people was lost to the wind (literally) – you were a hero, sure, but you never said that you were good at it.
           “Personal time…that means you’re on your way home. Good to know.”
           “Plan on stalking?”
           He merely shrugged his shoulders, eyes falling back to your breasts without a care in the world. “Mm…maybe. Y/N – pro hero, Eden.” He muttered under his breath. This time you didn’t bother stopping him, the way he outstretched his hand, jerking on the ID card and drawing you closer to his body.
           Both of your eyes were glossed over, a heat building between your damn legs as he studied every curve in the dress you wore. It wasn’t even skimpy or short, but the way his eyes lingered – you would’ve thought you were wearing nothing but lingerie if you didn’t know better.
           “Next time, wear something shorter.”
           “Excuse me?” you blurted, and he merely laughed, letting go of the makeshift leash. But now that you were close, he seemed to take advantage. His hands fell over your hips, drawing you up against his body, his scared skin brushing against your jaw.
           “You see, doll, boobs are great and all, but that ass you got? I much rather have my hands on that.” He growled into your ear, and you couldn’t stop your small moan. Your hands fell over his shoulders, and you couldn’t even wrap your head around the fact that his hands were running up and down your thighs, shoving you backwards.
           Your back hit the wall roughly, him growling into your ear as he licked down your neck with a low grunt. “F-Fuck, what’s your name?” You blurted, and you could hear him chuckle breathlessly, listening to your gasping sighs.
           “Dabi – that’s the name that you’re going to be screaming.” He grunted, his hips thrusting into yours. You could feel his arousal, hard and heavy, rubbing perfectly against your parted legs. Your head tossed back, another mewl escaping your lips as his fingers dug into your thighs, rubbing his hardening cock against your wet heat.
           “Fuck, you’re nasty, a perfect lil’ slut for me, right doll?”
           His words had you purring.
           “Dabi-” you gasped, and the flashing lights of blue and red caught your attention. The sounds of sirens were clear in the dead of night, and they were rapidly approaching. A pout formed on your lips, eyes shutting close for a moment as you swore because the wet mess between your legs was far more concerning.
           You blew frustratingly; you’ve got to be fucking kidding-
           “Told you I’d have you begging.” Dabi chuckled, thrusting his dick perfectly against your sopping panties one last time, before pulling back. He licked his lips, and you couldn’t help but whine under your breath, seeing that bulge in between his legs – something you so desperately wanted your mouth over.
           “See you soon, Y/N, my delicious lil’ fruit.” He teased, before stuffing his hands back into his pants and running off.
           Your face was flushed, your breasts practically falling out of your dress, your thighs and ass on full display. You watched as Dabi managed to mix into the darkness as if he wasn’t even here a minute ago, dry humping you against the wall.
           “Over here- that’s where people reported the noise.” A few voices bellowed, and in a flash, you pulled down your dress, running back down the same alleyway you came from. Here you were, speedily walking down the very route you should’ve taken to begin with.
           If you had taken this path from the start, you would’ve been already home, dinner cooked, and probably in bed.
           But you couldn’t stop the cheeky smirk on your face, your hands falling over your neck, where his lips practically ravished. You were sure there were going to be some marks, although faint, and that thought made you wetter.
           It seems like Mr. Dildo found himself a new name for tonight – Dabi.
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Copyright © 2020 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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suntory-toki-senpai · 4 years
Eyes on Fire | Chapter 5
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Excerpt: “You’re plotting treason by trying to get me to take a nap, you know,” he said with a smirk.
           “All for the greater good of the Fire Nation, my Lord,” I responded.
Chapter 5 – Duality
           The next day, I couldn’t focus on anything at the Tavern. My mind kept wandering as I  replayed the date over and over again in my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about the Fire Lord, my Fire Lord.
           “Hey!” a customer shouted in my face.
           “Oh, I’m sorry, sir. How can I help you?”
           “I need a refill for the table! I’ve been waving and calling for five minutes! But you’ve been sitting there staring out the window!” he ranted.
           “Sure. Sorry about your wait,” I responded. I turned around to the counter and made more tea for the table. After I served the table, I returned to the bar to see my grandfather waiting for me.          
 “Sayuri, your head is in the clouds. When are you coming to join us down here?” he asked.
           “Sorry, Pop. I’m just a little bit distracted,” I responded.
           “Ah, love. The greatest of distractions,” he chuckled.
           “Yeah…I guess.”
           “It’s obvious you are conflicted about your feelings for the Fire Lord.”
           “I really like him, Pop. But I’m just unsure. I’m very out of my element.”
            Pop smiled at me.
           “You have a duality in you, Sayuri. When you were born, your grandmother and I knew you were special. When you started taking to fire and water bending, we knew you had a very special purpose in life. You have a very powerful destiny. You must learn to let the power of both your elements flow through you rather than trying to control them. Then you will find peace within yourself.”
           “I thought I had to control my bending and not let it control me?” I asked, confused.
           “My sweet girl, you’ve always wanted to be in control of everything! And it hasn’t served you well at all. You control the elements you bend, yes, but you also need to let them work within you. The push and pull, the yin and yang are about the balance between the two natures, not control of both.”
           “Maybe I have been a little bit of a control freak about this whole...thing. Having feelings for the Fire Lord feels weird.”
           “I know it is not easy for you to be vulnerable, Sayuri. Especially when it comes to something bigger than you. In this case, the Fire Lord has taken a special interest in you. Let yourself love him. Love isn’t a weakness.”
           “I know, Pop,” I said, hesitantly.
           “It isn’t easy, especially after what happened to your father…” my grandfather trailed off.
           “Yes, I know,” I said quickly.
           The slam of a ceramic mug crashing against the wall interrupted the conversation and my grandfather and I both looked out over the bar.
           “This stuff is HORRIBLE,” someone shouted angrily.
           I hopped off my chair from behind the bar and went to confront the aggressor. He was a bald, gruff looking man covered in soot markings, a dead give away for a refinery worker.
           “Hey, this isn’t some backwater Tavern. Show some respect to my grandfather’s establishment. Pay for the drink and the cup and then get out of here,” I ordered.
           “Oh, yeah?” he said, standing up to his full height, “Who’s going to make me?”
           “I am,” I said, holding up my hands.
           “Tatsuo!” my grandfather shouted towards the room behind the bar. “Get out here!”
           “I got this one, Pop.”
           The aggressor shot a fire jab past my shoulder. I flew to the ground to swing my leg wide in an attempt to knock him off his feet. He dodged my swoop and attempted to return to a strong stance. I jumped back to my feet and threw two fire jabs back at him, chasing him into a corner.
           “Sayuri!” my grandfather shouted.
           “Not now, Pop!”
           “Fire Lord Zuko!” he shouted, and then, “Young man! I demand you stop at once!”
           “What?” I said, distracted.
           The aggressor used the minor distraction as an opportunity to hit me in the face and twist my arm behind me. As I struggled to break free, the aggressor lit a flame in front of my face and slowly inched it closer and closer.  
           “Enough!” a familiar voice echoed through the Tavern.
           I looked up and there stood Fire Lord Zuko at the entrance of the Tavern. The Aggressor immediately released me and knelt on the ground. I fell down on the floor.
           “Fire Lord Zuko, please accept my humble apologies,” the aggressor said.
           “Get up,” he ordered. The aggressor obeyed.
           “You have wronged someone close to me,” the Fire Lord growled. “Pay your tab and leave before I get any angrier.”
           The Aggressor dropped a handful of coins on the ground and ran out of the Tavern. Zuko knelt on the ground next to me and took my face in his hands.
           “Are you okay?” he asked.
           “I’m fine,” I said. Tatsuo and Pop ran over to check on me. “I’m fine!” I said again, throwing up my hands.
           “You should really let Tatsuo deal with the unruly guests, Sayuri. I don’t want you getting hurt. Remember what happened last time…” Pop said.
           “I know!” I shouted. “I can hold my own!”
           “Sure, you can,” Tatsuo said, rolling his eyes. I noticed a puddle of liquid from the spilled drink. I bent it into a whip and struck Tatsuo on the head.
           “Ow!” he shouted. Our grandfather laughed out loud.
           Zuko helped me to my feet and turned to my grandfather.
           “It occurs to me that I haven’t formally introduced myself. My name is Zuko, Fire Lord of the Fire Nation,” he said, bowing to my grandfather.
           “It’s a pleasure to formally make your acquaintance, Your Highness. My name is Hiro Mori,” Pop replied with a bow.
           “My name is Tatsuo. I’m Sayuri’s older brother,” Tatsuo introduced himself, also bowing.
           “It’s nice to formally meet both of you. Is it alright if I take Sayuri on a walk?” Zuko asked.
           “Of course! Provided it’s alright with her!” my grandfather said.
           “I will allow it,” I said, coyly.
           I walked in front of Zuko out of the Tavern and began down the street to my favorite walking path. He came alongside me and gently bumped my hand until I interlocked my fingers with his.
           “You were really fired up in there,” I commented.
           “Yeah,” he said quietly. “I guess I can be a bit overprotective.”
           “It isn’t a bad thing, but I can handle myself.”
           “You were totally getting bested by that thug.”
           “You’re right,” I sighed loudly. “I was getting my ass kicked.”
           “Such unladylike language. In front of the Fire Lord, no less,” he teased. I shot him an annoyed look back. The dim street lights captured his truly tired face.
           “You look tired, my Lord,” I said.
           “I haven’t been sleeping well,” he replied.
           “Why?” I asked, stopping our walk. I turned to face him and brushed my hand against his cheek.
           “It’s complicated…lots of political stuff.”
           “Ah, yes. The Tavern girl wouldn’t understand politics,” I said, annoyed.
           “It isn’t like that,” he said quickly, “I just want to have some space away from that right now. And I don’t want to drag you into anything. Especially since we just started to get to know each other.”
           “I’m sorry. I’m just used to having to fight to be heard in the Tavern.”
           “It’s okay. I’m used to girls fighting me back,” he said.
           We continued to walk and found a bench near a fountain in one of the main plazas of the city. It was the perfect quiet spot. It was then that I took notice of the guardsmen surrounding all the exits of the plaza, despite Zuko and I being the only people there.
           “We aren’t ever truly going to be alone, are we?” I said.
           “Guards, turn around,” Zuko ordered. The guards swiftly turned in the other direction. “Better?”
           I laughed. “Yes, thank you.”
           I leaned over on the bench and planted a kiss on his cheek. He gave a small smile in return. His eyes looked heavy.
           “What’s wrong? How can I help?” I asked.
           “There isn’t much you can do to help me run the entire country,” he said.
           “But you can keep me grounded. I need that. I need to be reminded of the people I govern every day.”
           “Is that all you want from this? Just a tether to the people? A simple, commoner tavern girl to keep your feet on the ground?”
           “It isn’t like that, Sayuri.”
           “Tell me what it’s like then.”
           “Don’t you get it?” He threw his hands up, exasperated. “I like you! I’ve been watching you in the Tavern! The way you handle yourself so swiftly and confidently! Watching you interact with your brother and grandfather makes me realize what’s actually important here in the Fire Nation! The families. The people.”
          He stopped, a little out of breath. He looked away from me. I moved closer to him.
            “Zuko, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I guess I’m not as confident in myself as you think I am. Thinking about your liking me... makes me all twisted up inside.”
           “I do like you,” he said quietly, resting his hand on my knee.
           “You will be a good Fire Lord because you want to be. You have to keep yourself focused on being a strong leader.”
           “I don’t want to be like my father,” he said, looking away again. I touched his cheek, turning his face back towards me.
           “I don’t want you to be, either. But being the first peace-maker in a long line of war machines isn’t easy. There’s no manual for this, Zuko.”
           “You’re right,” he said.
           “And you’re what, how old? 18? Isn’t there a trial run?”
           He laughed. We paused for a moment. His eyes met mine and he moved his hand from my knee and rested it on my thigh.
           “Yes, I am. Hopefully, this isn’t a trial run relationship.”
           “Whew,” I said loudly. He moved in for a kiss. He moved his hands toward the small of my back to pull me closer to him while I clasped my hands behind his neck.
           “Your Highness?” a voice interrupted. Zuko broke off the kiss quickly.
           “Yes?” he responded, annoyed.
           “The attendants are suggesting we go back to the palace because of the late hour. They believe it is unbecoming of a Fire Lord to be out this late,” the guard said.
           “Tell them their suggestion is noted but will be ignored. I am attending to very important business here.”
           I smiled and buried my face in his neck. I didn’t want him to go. I could’ve sat there in his arms for hours. It wasn’t even that late.
           “Maybe you should go home. You need to try to sleep,” I said.
           “It’s funny you say that, because the last few nights I’ve been trying hard to sleep, but now that I’m here with you I don’t want to sleep at all.”
           “That’s sweet, but also very silly.”
           “I know.”
           The royal carriage pulled up in one of the alleyways of the plaza. An attendant opened the door, signaling us to get inside. We obliged. Once we were both seated on the inside of the carriage and the door was closed Zuko gave the order to take me home. As the carriage began to move, he placed his hand on my leg and pulled me in for another kiss. We didn’t stop until we arrived at my house. I climbed out of the carriage to see a light was on in my house. I walked in the door to see my grandfather reading by a few lit candles.
           “How was your walk?” he asked.
           “Great,” I replied.
           “Since when have you been wearing your hair down?” he questioned. I reached up and felt around the top of my head to find my hair band was gone.
           “Guess my hair band must have broken and fallen out,” I said.
           “Uh-huh, I see,” my grandfather said doubtfully.
           “Goodnight, Pop!” I said as I quickly made my way to my room.
           “Goodnight, love bird,” he said.
           The next morning, I went straight to Kira’s house to fill her in on the new developments with “The Hunk Lord”, as she called him. I knocked on her front door and was greeted by her mother.
           “Ah, Sayuri, it’s good to see you again,” she said.
           “Good morning, Mrs. Yamamoto. It’s good to see you, too,” I replied while bowing. I walked in the house to see Kira sitting at the table with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other.
           “Sayuri!” she said, jumping up out of her chair to give me a hug.
           “Hi, Kira.”
           “You have to tell me everything! Every last detail about what the date was like!”
           “Sayuri, you had a date?” Kira’s mom asked. “That’s wonderful! Who is the lucky boy? Do we know him?”
           “Uh, yes…” I said panicked.
           “Mom, you’re embarrassing her!” Kira said.
           “You girls are so silly,” Kira’s mom said walking out of the room.
           Kira and I sat down at the table and she poured me a cup of tea. I recounted the details of the date and the walk and she hung on to every word, especially the kissing in the carriage.
           “Sayuri, that’s so romantic,” she cooed.
           “Yeah, he really is something. I’m almost embarrassed to say but, I really, really like him,” I said.
           “Why would you be embarrassed? Sayuri, you’re a catch! You’re a great bender of not one but two elements, you’re a business owner, and a beauty queen!”
           “I know, I know. I guess I still feel like I’m not enough. At least you’re the daughter of a politician that works in the palace. I’m just a soldier’s daughter.”
           “Yeah, but who did the Fire Lord ask out on a date? Not me,” she said.
           “You went on a date with the Fire Lord?” Kira’s mom’s voice appeared behind me.
           Kira and I both looked at her with blank faces.
           “Sayuri, you went on a date with Fire Lord Zuko?” she asked again.
           “Yes, I did,” I replied.
           “Oh my,” she said holding her hand to her mouth. “How you could ever go on a date with such a weak man is beyond me, Sayuri.”
           My mouth fell open.
           “Mom!” Kira shouted.
           “I’m only saying, he’s nothing like his father, Fire Lord Ozai. He was a strong man and leader. We had much prosperity and strength as a nation under Ozai. I feel that this apple falls far from the tree. We were so close to winning the war,” Kira’s mom explained.
           “Mom, seriously? The war?” Kira said.
           “Oh, Sayuri, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to.”
           “It’s fine. I think I should be going now,” I said as I made my way to the door. “Thank you for the tea and conversation.”
           “Sayuri, wait!” Kira shouted after me. I sprinted out the door just as hot tears started streaming down my face. I ran towards my house but my vision was completely clouded with tears. I turned and ran in the opposite direction towards my “peaceful place”. It was a small hilly area with grass and trees overlooking the ocean. My dad used to take me there when I was little. I made my way toward the spot and collapsed on the ground.
           “When will it make sense?” I pleaded with the sky. “When will it stop hurting?” It had been three long years since my dad’s passing. He died in the midst of a long siege in the Earth Kingdom. The Fire Nation troops were falling back, and my dad had stayed behind to help carry a fellow soldier who was injured. They were ambushed by Earth Kingdom soldiers. My mother had never let me or Tatsuo read the letter recounting what had actually happened. I’ve only ever heard bits and pieces from my grandfather, who seldom speaks of it.
           I sat alone and cried for a while when suddenly I heard footsteps coming behind me. I jumped to my feet and drew fire daggers out of both hands.
           “Show yourself!” I shouted.
           “Miss Fujiwara,” a man appeared from behind a tree. “I’m one of Fire Lord Zuko’s attendants. He wanted me to give you an invitation to the Palace today for lunch. I was waiting for you outside the Yamamoto household, but you ran off.”
           “How did you know I was there?” I asked.
           “There are a few guards that are assigned to follow you now, ma’am.”
           “Overprotective,” I huffed.
           “I have instructions to collect you and to give you these,” he gestured to a box of nicer clothes.
            Even with all the changes at the Royal Capital, proper dress for an audience with the Fire Lord did not change. The ride to the Royal Caldera consists of taking one long road up the dormant volcano with several switchbacks. I didn’t dare  look out the window because seeing the terrifying cliffs would definitely ensure my vomiting all over the carriage. I had never been to the Royal Caldera before today. All I knew about the Caldera was through Kira. She had been on a few occasions with her father to attend meetings with the Fire Lord’s advisory board. After the switchbacks, I changed into the clothes the attendant gave me; I figured it would be better if the nicer clothes weren’t covered in sweat by the time I got to the Palace. After stopping and going through levels of security, the door opened. I stepped out and saw the Royal Palace in all its glory for the first time.
          It was a massive red and gold building with a tall center, centered in a barren dirt-filled plot, rumored to be lacking in vegetation so as to prevent intruders and would-be assassins from hiding. I walked up a set of stairs and was greeted by an attendant and a woman wearing white and red makeup and a green dress complete with warrior’s armor.  
         “Good afternoon, Sayuri Fujiwara. It’s a pleasure to have you here at the Royal Palace. The Fire Lord eagerly awaits your date—I mean, lunch,” the attendant said greeting me with a bow.
         “Good afternoon, sir,” I said, bowing back. “It’s a pleasure to be here.”
         “My name is Suki,” the white-faced woman greeted. “Leader of the Kyoshi Warriors and guardswomen to Fire Lord Zuko, at least for the time being.”
        “It’s nice to meet you, Suki. I’ve heard of the Kyoshi Warriors, but this is the first time I’ve had the honor to make your acquaintance. It’s good to see the Fire Lord has such devoted guards,” I replied.
       “It’s truly been a pleasure to guard your boyfri—I mean, the Fire Lord,” she said nervously.
       I narrowed my eyes in confusion. It appeared they knew something I didn’t.
       “Shall we go inside?” the attendant said.
       I walked inside the massive gold doors to see a great hall lined with columns, the floor covered in lush red carpet. As I began to walk down the hallway with my two guides, a winged creature flew swiftly right over us and landed on my head. I froze in the middle of the hallway, unsure of what this small creature wanted.
       “Momo!” Suki exclaimed. “You silly, get off her head!” The winged creature obeyed her command and hopped off my head onto Suki’s shoulder. The attendant led us to a sitting room where two other people were already waiting.
      “Hey!” a voice shouted. I turned to see a young boy leaping out of his seat. He glided across the floor to greet me. “You must be Sayuri! I’m Aang. Avatar and close personal friend of Fire Lord Zuko.”
      A young girl stood up and also walked over to introduce herself. “I’m Katara. We’ve been hearing so many great things about you from Zuko. It’s nice to finally meet you, Sayuri.”
     “It’s nice to meet both of you. I never thought I would meet the Avatar, or a water bender,” I said.
     “It’s time for midmorning tea!” another attendant entered, wheeling in a cart with tea. “I hope you don’t mind waiting a bit longer. The Fire Lord’s meeting with his advisors is taking a bit longer than expected.”
      “I should go check in with the other Kyoshi Warriors. It was nice meeting you, Sayuri. I hope to see more of you around here,” said Suki with a smile. She turned to walk out the door and the winged creature called Momo hopped off her shoulder onto Aang’s.
     “Bye, Suki!” Aang shouted. “Momo, have you met Sayuri yet? She’s the Fire Lord’s girlfriend!”
      “The Fire Lord’s what?” I asked, confused.
      “Aang!” Katara shouted and gestured to me.
      “What? Doesn’t she know he likes her? She’s all he’s been talking about! The Tavern girl who makes great tea!”
      I started to back away from the two squabbling in front of me and bumped into the tea cart. I scanned the room for an exit as I felt the pang of nerves radiate from my stomach to my outer limbs.
     “Sorry, Sayuri. Aang just doesn’t know when to stop talking sometimes. Especially when he’s excited,” Katara said. She rested her hand gently on my shoulder.
       “Let’s have some tea,” the attendant said.
     We sat down on one of the long ornate couches and enjoyed tea for a while. Aang went on a tirade about how Zuko spent the better part of two years trying to find him and then nearly a whole year trying to capture him. I thought back to the time when the Fire Lord was merely the Banished Prince, cursed to travel the world in search of the Avatar to regain his birthright. I remember working in the Tavern late in the evenings and hearing stories from soldiers telling of the Banished Prince finding and losing the Avatar. They laughed and mocked him, and Tatsuo often joined in their taunts. I never did. Then posters of the Prince started popping up all over town after he was declared a traitor. I asked Kira’s father one day what had happened to the Prince that gave him such a horrible scar over his eye. He simply shook his head and said  it would be better for me not to know.
       “Lunch will be served now, please follow me to the dining room,” an attendant said.
       We walked down another corridor to a large dining room, its walls adorned with golden pictures of dragons dancing, wreaths of fire weaving in and out. The attendant directed us towards a  long table with ornate wooden chairs.  
         “Sayuri, the Fire Lord has requested you sit here,” the attendant motioned for me to sit near the head of the table. “Aang and Katara are welcome to pick their seats.”
          Katara and Aang sat next to each other opposite me.. Servers emerged from  a door and brought food out to us. The first dish was dumplings with noodle soup.  
           “Should we wait for the Fire Lord?” I asked.
           “Clearly the Avatar has already started,” a familiar voice called. I glanced over at Aang, who was spooning a chopstick full of noodles into his mouth. Zuko appeared at the table.
           “Oh, Your Highness. It’s good to see you,” I stood up to greet him with a bow.
           “Please sit and enjoy, Sayuri. I apologize for keeping you waiting,” Zuko said.
           “You make your girlfriend call you, Your Highness?” Aang questioned.
           Zuko smacked his head with his hand. “She’s not my girlfriend!”
           I sat down and smirked into my noodles, mumbling, “Apparently, not yet.”
           “What was that, Sayuri?” Zuko asked.
           “Nothing, Your Grace,” I said coyly.
           Zuko narrowed his eyes at me and sat down to eat. I heard more stories from Aang about his time living in the Southern Air Temple and Katara talked about what it was like finding him in the ice and falling in love. After we finished our main meal of komodo chicken, Katara and Aang excused themselves, stating they needed to get back to other meetings. They’ve been working as liaisons to ensure the Harmony Restoration Movement continues to go more smoothly than it has so far. I glanced over at Zuko, who looked ready for a nap.
          “Are you still not sleeping?” I asked.
          “I get broken sleep, a few hours here and there,” he replied.
          “Does your busy schedule allow for nap time?” I joked.
          “I haven’t taken a nap since I was little.”
          “My grandfather takes naps all the time. He says it’s what keeps him from getting old.”
           Zuko laughed. He reached over for my hand and held it.
          “What do you have planned for the rest of the day, Your Grace?” I asked, teasing.
          “I want to show you something,” he said.
          “What is it?” I asked. He got up from the table and grabbed my hand. He guided me down the main hallway and various corridors until we got to a door. He pushed it open to reveal a gorgeous garden courtyard, complete with a massive lake, fountain, and gazebo. I walked down  the steps and bent to feel the grass with my hand, relishing  its softness. As I stood back up, I noticed a tree by the lake casting an enormous amount of shade. I grabbed Zuko’s hand and pulled him along towards the tree.
       “Sit with me by the lake!” I shouted. I sat down under the tree and leaned against it. I motioned for Zuko to join me by patting the ground next to me. He obliged. I leaned next to him.
      “Thank you for coming on such short notice,” he said. “I really wanted to see you again.”
        “You just saw me last night,” I teased.
        “I know, that kind of makes me sound stupid.”
        “It doesn’t. You’re not weak for having feelings, Zuko.”
        “I know, I know,” he said. He put his hand up to his eyes to rub it. He looked exhausted. I glanced at the ground and brushed away some stray debris and laid down. I patted my chest to signal for him to use me as a pillow.
        “You’re plotting treason by trying to get me to take a nap, you know,” he said with a smirk.
           “All for the greater good of the Fire Nation, my Lord,” I responded. Zuko laid down next to me and buried his face in my neck. I propped my head up on the tree root behind me and watched the turtle ducks float around the lake. Zuko’s soft steady breath next to mine lulled me to sleep.
taglist: @imcravingyou @panini-the-bird-killer @eury-dice3 @nats-the-geek @mixedfeeelings @abuskinswarrior @cciinnaa 
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anchanted-library · 4 years
FFXIV Prompt. 06. Pathetic
Olivier eventually spoke up. "I've got one," he announced, pushing his blue-black hair out of his eyes. "But it's a sad one."
"Then why bring it up?" Alisaie objected, sour from having her spicy story silenced. 
"As a reminder that tragedies are just as important, for they have showed that we lived."
"Go on, then!" Thancred said, forestalling Alisaie's outburst, to which she glowered daggers at him. 
But he ignored her, his eyes instead meeting Y'Shtola, Urianger, Alphinaud, E'Nisse, and Erika's one by one. Since it was Olivier speaking, they had a fairly good idea of which story he would tell. But it was like he said, it was wrong to discount tragedies. And perhaps the little girl might better grasp Ryosen's present state of mind, and why some were reluctant to bring him into this.
"This exchange I witnessed not myself," Olivier said. "But heard from Papashan, once a Chief Paladin in service to the Sultana of Ul'dah."
Thancred saw Erika bite her tongue and understood why. That was not even close to the kindly Lalafell’s official title, but there was no need to bring that up right now
Yuyuhase Luluhase sat at a table belonging to one of the ale stalls lining the poorer markets in Ul'Dah. He was going through his third mug of cheap ale right now, and in the mood for a hundred more today, to celebrate how he had escaped Halatali by the skin of his teeth.
"Oi, Stocari!" he called the proprietor. "One more!"
"But sir, you're going through too many drinks at once!"
Yuyuhase stuffed a fistful of coins in his direction and screamed. "MORE! NOW!"
Someone approached him from the nearby gate and placed a bottle of brandy before him. "Here," the tall man said. "It's on me."
"Ahhhh, thank you!" Yuyuhase grinned at the bottle, not even looking at his newest, bestest drinking buddy. "You, sir, know how to make a Brave feel special!"
"Think nothing of it, sir."
"Oh but I cannot!" Yuyuhase cried, wasting no time pouring one for himself. He barked for another glass and filled that too, roughly pushing it towards the other. "You see, I cannot be paid enough to risk my life like I do. And I am barely getting paid at all these days!"
The other man made a sympathetic noise. "That's such a shame!"
"Oh, but you have no idea, good sir!"
"What did you fight this time?"
"The traitors, the Scions! They were illegally attempting to save an accomplice and fellow traitor, former Flame General Raubahn, from his execution!"
"Indeed!" Yuyuhase agreed heartily. "They are devils, the lot of them! They fight like men and women possessed! I don't often find myself fighting so desperately, but this time, oh boy!" He downed the glass in one. "MMMMMH that's good!" he cried. "Thank you for the drink, my good fellow!" he looked at his companion almost for the first time and his heart stopped. "You!" he hissed. He reached for his sword. "YOU!"
A blur of motion, a moment of pain and confusion, and Yuyuhase was looking up at the man from the floor. His own sword stuck out of his chest.
"Me," the Samurai said as he walked away as screams broke out throughout the plaza.
Ilberd Feare, Captain of the Crystal Braves following their betrayal of the Scions, stood before the Monetarist Council and raved. He incoherently ranted about Scions, traitors, Monetarists, money, and Scions again. He occasionally threw in the Garleans and Ala Mihgo in his tirade, because why not?
Lolorito was growing tired. He held up his hand. "Stop, stop!" he sneered. "You are making even less sense than usual. Why is it you are even here? Weren't you kicking your heels in Halatali? Didn't you kidnap ex-Flame General Raubahn—against orders—and take him for summary execution? Was killing a starved, one-armed prisoner beyond your meager abilities?"
"Hold your tongue, Lord Lolorito! After all I have done for you!"
"You botched everything!" Lolorito informed him coldly. "The whole episode was messed up so royally it's no wonder we didn't crown you 'King Botch'! The Scions were supposed to be contained, but you allowed every one of them to escape your clutches! How many of our men—yours and mine—died to stop a handful of escapees? The damage they caused cost several fortunes to repair! If I had been willing to part with so much money, I'd have just bought a fleet of yachts or the Sultana's personal chambers, or something of that sort! The only thing you succeeded in was capturing Raubahn, and even that was because I offered to let him see his beloved Sultana's body if he stood down!"
Ilberd growled. He foamed at the mouth. "So what? Didn't you get what you wanted? You rule Ul'dah unopposed! In exchange for my support, you promised to march on Ala Mihgo. Quit stalling! I demand you deliver on your promise!"
"You make no demands of me, backstabber!" Lolorito barked. "You were willing to sell your own grandmother for a vague promise to free Ala Mihgo! You are lucky the one whose promise you ultimately believed was mine and not Teledji! I will keep my promises. When resources allow it. That is a guarantee."
"It's not like I can ask for my money back!" Ilberd screamed, face going red. Heavens he was about to start off on another rant! "The day I turned my blade on the Scions I made an incalculably strong statement, one I can never take back even if I wished. All I've gotten in return are words."
"Well too bad, because my guarantee is all you will get for now," Lolorito said, studying his fingernails disdainfully. "Remember that had I been false, I would have eliminated you and your treacherous brethren a few Braves at a time but you first. For you are all massively loose ends. Yet you live. I have openly kept you in my service. I have protected you from Admiral Merlwyb and Elderseer Kan-E Senna. I have allowed you and your men to resupply for free from our armories and our food stores. I have authorized buildup of stockpiles near Baelsar's Wall. I will not have you question my commitment to our bargain again."
"Then why didn't you allow us to kill Raubahn?"
"Because he is useful to me!" Lolorito hissed so acidly that the Ala Mhigan revolutionary bared his teeth at him. 
"I have had enough of your shite!" he grated. "When you wake up tomorrow, there will be no Braves to watch your back."
"The Braves will be where I pay them to be. You, on the other hand, are free to go. A free man. And bearing the equipment I paid for. In fact—" Lolorito hurled a bag of coins in his direction, the one he carried for his daily petty expenses. It was worth at least five year's pay for the average high ranking Officer in any army. "For your services. Don't spend it all in one place."
The man's features clouded with disbelief. He stood rooted to the spot for the next minute, but what he ultimately would have done, even he never found out.
What happened next would go down in legends.
The door exploded inwards with such force it knocked over the heavy council table. Several of the Monetarists screamed pitifully, and ducked, and fled to the far corners of the room.
"Isn't the room round?" Erika wondered, not able to take another wild inaccuracy.
"Shhh," Olivier shushed her. "I'm trying to tell a story here!"
"He is good at telling stories," E'nisse commented. "I can see why Lucia likes him."
"Of course."
"What is the meaning of this?" Lolorito demanded, having been the only one to hold his seat. 
"Ryosen, the Samurai," Ilberd spat. "The one called the'Sword Saint'."
"And you," the Sword Saint whispered, his eyes burning, "are the one called the 'Rabid turncoat'."
"Mister Ryosen," Lolorito challenged him. "How dare you brandish weapons in here? This is a hallowed hall!"
"Not so hallowed that you don't lie and cheat!" the Samurai grated. "Or betray the ones who have saved you and yours time and again! I think the Twelve will agree that a trouncing is long overdue. The Kami of my people certainly would." He raised his weapon, and everyone was startled to see it was a baton—no, a thick flute—not a sword. "Tell me where the Scions are, or no one leaves today alive!"
Some of the cowering merchant elites moaned and whimpered. Some prayed to a god they would have tried to cheat only hours before.
Ilberd stepped forward, a nasty smile splitting his face. "They are dead, all of them! I killed them with this very sword!" He unsheathed his magnificent scimitar, Lionshead and kissed it. "You have some guts coming at me with that flute! You don't even have a real sword, and you dare think to 'avenge' those traitors as you are?" He leered at the wooden Bokken at the Samurai's waist.
"On your guard, turncoat!"
The two men stood regarding each other for several long moments. It occured to Lolorito to look outside the hall. Hundreds of guards stood outside, looking on pathetically. Brass Blades, Immortal Flames, Crystal Braves, and even some of the elite, white-clad Sultansworn. Not a one of them had opposed the Samurai's explosive entry into the very heart of the city. What had happened? How had he managed to so utterly cow several armies?
Then the tense standoff ended. The Samurai became a blur, disappearing and reappearing behind his opponent, with several loud thwacks of wood on skin echoed through the room. 
Ilberd roared with pain and his sword clanged to the floor from nerveless fingers. A heartbeat after, he fell to one knee, gasping for breath. One hand, the left one, clutched at his chest, where the flute—the damned flute!—had evidently struck at his solar plexus.
For the first time, real fear entered Lolorito's chest. He wondered if moving against the Scions hadn't been the worst decision of his life.
"Let's try that again," Ryosen said, his soft voice oozing with the menace of a dozen Garlean superweapons. "Where are the Scions?"
Cursing and glaring, Ilberd did not respond. After some time, he reached for his sword again, then got back to his feet. The Samurai made no move to stop him. Nor did his dangerous expression shift.
The Captain of the Braves issued a battle cry that resonated in the tall Council Chamber and assaulted his opponent with such reckless abandon that one would have sworn that the Samurai was his most hated enemy.
Ilberd was a skilled swordsman, that had been proven several times over. It had been proven when he disarmed the legendary Raubahn—distracted though he might have been. It had been proven—though to a much smaller audience, when he had been single-handedly responsible for his inner circle's escape from Halatali, where he had fought the Leader of the Merry Suns Legion, the mighty Eikon slayer. It had been proven in the dozens of battles he had fought in the thickest parts of the actions, and survived.
But it was clear to all how badly outmatched he was.
For one thing, the Samurai was using a flute to ward off attacks from live darksteel.
For another, that Samurai was barely moving. Only his left hand appeared to be in motion, knocking aside blow after blow after blow with such bored ease that it appeared comical. He did not even take a single step in any direction, absorbing the momentum of Ilberd's charge like it was nothing.
But Ilberd fought ferociously. He tried to flank the Eastern swordsman, to attack from below or above or behind, only to be thwarted without Ryosen even keeping his eye on him. 
The divide between them only infuriated Ilberd further, and he took to ever more reckless tactics. He leapt into the air and slammed his blade down, only for the Samurai to actually catch the blade with his empty right hand. He clenched his fist, infusing his grip with the same demonic strength that kept his flute from breaking against a sword's cruel edge, crumpling the steel like it was wet plaster. He punched Ilberd in the jaw and sent him sprawling into the splintered table. But Ilberd wasn't done. With swords working to no avail, he took to words. "So you want the Scions? I'll tell you where they are!" He grinned again, broader and more evilly than ever before. "Dead. Buried under a hundred tons of rubble. Their bones are probably flatter than pancakes right now."
He tried to charge forward again, only to trip and fall on his face.
"Yda and Papalymo were cornered in the Royal Promenade. They fought well, of course, but it was only a matter of time. They collapsed the stairs. Quite messy!"
He suddenly stood again and closed in on Ryosen, swinging his broad blade faster than the eye could see. A sound of wood hitting metal, and another of wood striking flesh, and Ilberd was sprawled on the table again, one foot in an awkward angle.
"Y'Shtola and Thancred put up a fierce last stand in the tunnels underneath the city, but they too set off an explosion that caused a heavy avalanche. So heavy was the rockfall that it sunk sections of the wall. Nasty business!"
He stood again to his full height. This time, he advanced at a painfully slow pace.
"Some of the others escaped, of course—" and here his smile grew even more twisted. Before his next words were out of his mouth, Lolorito already knew that he was about to overstep.
"But Minfilia, precious Minfilia Warde, is missing! No one knows what could possibly have happened to her! Me? I think her bones rest in the sewers somewhere..."
What happened next, no one could tell. The flute had fallen from the Samurai's hand; he had unsheathed instead the wooden sword at his waist. He had, once again, gotten behind Ilberd in the blink of an eye, with only the cacophony of wood striking flesh, cloth, leather, and iron mail to hint at his ferocious attack.
"Eh?" Ilberd uttered before he fell onto the grounds as a dozen disconnected body parts. His expression was pure, soul crushing shock. Evidently the Samurai had sliced him up as easily with an edgeless, wooden blade as he would have with a sword. Why would the man even need one if he was so deadly?
Belatedly, the warning of the east-obsessed merchant Garumi Borofumi; "This man was introduced as ‘ Kensei ’—which roughly translates to ‘Sword-Saint’! It is a title far more illustrious and prestigious than all of us combined could ever accomplish! It is only given to the most gifted of swordsmen, with its bearers being considered to be of such skill far surpassing human ability! I don’t think there have been more than three bearing that title in the last six hundred years!" Time seemed to have stopped, but then it began to move again, and it came with the most curious sensations.
For a second, Lolorito fancied that he smelled some sweet flower—A cherry blossom?—But then the only smell filling his nostrils was Ilberd's blood and guts.
He thought he felt ice coating his skin, and the hairs on his moustache and beard; but it was just the cold grip of terror.
He imagined the sensation of moonlight falling on his outstretched limbs, but then he felt as if he had been tossed into the darkest hole on the face of the source, and far away from even the memory of light.
The Samurai now turned his attention fully to him. "Where... are... the Scions?"
Ryosen walked dejectedly out of the city of Ul'dah. No one tried to stop him. For better or worse, he had made his point. He walked up to the exit from the underground tunnels, the ones the surviving Scions had fled out from. His composure hung by a thread. 
He had been helping the Kobolds at dig 789 for over three months. They needed help toughening up, and he was glad of the task. Teaching was one of the expected pastimes of his title, and though he had no longer any claims to it, he appreciated the brief return to his oaths. 
He had found the Kobolds good students, eager to learn how to defend themselves. And he had a small something to look forward to upon his return to Mor Dhona—his official engagement to Minfilia. 
Every moment had been fun, but also agony. He wanted to be with her again, to share their dinners. He had often wondered if she remembered to sleep. And then one day, Admiral Merlwyb had issued forth from Limsa Lominsa herself to bring him the news. She had been appalled that he hadn't heard what had befallen his treasured comrades. Her words, spoken in a gentler tone than he'd ever suspected possible from her, had shattered his world.
He had fallen unconscious from the ensuing panic attack, with tremors racking his body and his nerves on edge for days afterwards.
Merlwyb had told him there were survivors, but his memory of that conversation had grown hazy. So, he decided to get his answers from Ul'dah instead, after which he would teach them what the wrath of a Kensei felt like. 
After that...
He hadn't planned that far ahead. Could not. His steps were faltering and pained. Pathetic. Too much so for one called the sword saint. 
Truly, he had mocked that hallowed title enough with each blasphemous breath he took. 
But what did that matter any more? Unlike most of the other Scions, there wasn't even a rumor of her survival. And in his heart, he already knew that he would not see her on this world again. 
He would walk into the caverns, he decided. And he would die there. He would find a spot that felt like Minfilia might have spent her last moments. And he would wait there for thirst and dust to end his own miserable life.
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saelwen · 5 years
The Last Dragon
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Daenys Targaryen x Thranduil
Crossover: Game of Thrones and LOTR/Hobbit
Summary:After Daenerys death, her daughter Daenys, flew away with Drogon. Feeling lost with out her mother beside her, but what will happen when Daenys find a portal that will lead her to a certain world, where dwell elves, dwarves, humans and other races.
Warnings: None
Five years have pass since I had arrived on this strange land. The old man who call himself of Gandalf The Grey have teach me everything about the story of Middle-Earth, all the tales and race that exist in this world. In exchange of this knowledge, I told all my life to him, how my mother had set free all the slaves and had broken the wheel that roll over rich and poor but after all the wars and years of caring for her people, she was betrayed by her beloved.
Gandalf have given me permission to live in his little cabin in the woods, saying that he barely lived there and was always traveling. The cabin was small but it was perfect for me and Drogon, there was a large cave beside the house that was perfect for him to hide and sleep. There aren’t any houses or people around us and the nearest village, that was called The Shire, was an hour on horse from the cabin.  
Finishing harvesting all the apples from the tree, I grab the basket and walk back inside the house, to prepare an apple pie. In all my life, I've never been so in peace. Since I start living here, I could have time for myself, do stuff that I couldn’t do because it wasn’t noble for a Princess. Gandalf teach me how to bake, to how to care of a garden, speak other languages of other races. He was like a father to me, always kind and patient with me. A chuckle left from my lips as I remember the first time that I took Gandalf flying on Drogon, saying that it was very different from the giant eagles.
I start cutting the apples, humming some song that mother always sang to me. All the sudden the front door open, making me jump a little. I look back and saw Gandalf enter the room with a tired face, he took his hat off, putting on the table “Gandalf! I thought that you weren’t coming home for a while.” I said a while a preparing some tea for him “Well...that was the plan but I have received a message from a very important person. I have to help the line of Durin reclaim they home land.” as he said that, my eyes shot to him. Gandalf have told me about the fall of Erebor, as the Smaug The Terrible had taken over the lonely mountain. He told me that Drogon was a bit bigger than Smaug, making Drogon the largest dragon in all Middle-Earth.  
I pour some tea on a cup and take to the table, putting in front of him “You want me to come with you, am I right?” I said with a sigh. He took a sip of tea “Yes...i know that you are tired of wars and death but with your and Drogon help, you can face Smaug.” he said quickly, giving me a pleading look “Look, Gandalf. You are right about me being tired but I would help the dwarfs reclaim they home because I know what feels like begin take away from your home....but you are asking me something that I never could do, putting Drogon in dangerous! He isn’t like Smaug....he is the only family I've got left...” I walk to the window, watching Drogon basking on rock in the middle of the garden. I feel Gandalf put his hand on my shoulder “I know Daenys...but sometimes you have to take chance.” I nod but said nothing. He sighs and walk to the table, grabbing his hat “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” with that he leaves the house.
I groan and rub the tip of my fingers on my eyes. I know he’s right but for everything I've been through, it’s hard to put in dangerous the only thing that reminds me of my home...of my mother. I went to the table, grabbing his cup but as I pick it up, a small paper grabs my attention. I pick it up and read what was in it ‘Go to the Shire. There you will find a house with this symbol. We will be waiting for you.’ I shake my head and threw the paper to the table.
The rest of the day I spend on baking apple pie, reading but the thought of going to the Shire never left my mind. Maybe I should go, help them reclaim they home land but if they know about Drogon they will kill me or something else. I know Thorin will not be happy.Ahhh....What Gandalf was thinking? I walk outside, a smile form on my face when I see Drogon purring when he saw me walking towards him “Hey big guy! How you doing?” I pet his snout. I look to the sky, seeing the sun start hiding on the horizon “Gandalf wish that me and you go help the dwarfs reclaim Erebor...” I said to him. Drogon pushes his snout into my middle, like he was accepting to what Gandalf said, I giggle a little rubbing my hand on his warm scales “Yeah...Maybe it’s better we go help them...It was mother would do...but before that, let’s go for a ride!” I climb to his back, sitting comfortably. I lean down and grab his spikes “Valand” with that word, he jumps in the air, flapping his huge wings, making the trees shake with the strong wind that he made.  
We been flying around for an hour, in the skies I feel free. Feeling the cold wind hitting my face, my silver hair flowing behind me. A memory comes to me, the time that me and mother went fly around Dragonstone, she was riding Drogon and I was on Rhaegal. A wave of rage runs through me when I remember his death, I was on the ship because he was injured on his wing, so I let him fly alone. Worst decision I ever made, if I was with him, he wasn’t killed on the air, slaughtered by Euron Greyjoy.
I shake my head, trying to think about other thing. I led Drogon back to the cabin, landing behind the house. I climb down from him and walk inside the house, to pack my thing for the journey.  
After everything was pack, I went to my wardrobe and took out my outfit for the trip. It was like one of my mother riding clothes, it was like a dress but open in the middle that let me have more movement a while riding or fighting, it was all in black leather and the shoulders was shaped like it was like dragon scales, with a black cape that fall behind me. I style my hair with some Dothraki braids, looking to the mirror in front of me, I feel a tear escape from my eye. I look just like her, my hand moves to the necklace around my neck. It was a dragon tooth with a golden chain around to secure it, she gave it to me on my ninth birthday, saying that it was from my grandmother.
Taking a deep breath, I walk to a small table that was in my room. I grab my daggers, putting them behind my back. Next, I grab my sword, who name was Hellfire, and secure her on my waist. Grabbing my bag, I walk outside where my horse was waiting for me. He was a huge black mare, made for battle. His name was Onyx. I put my bag on his saddle and mount him, looking to Drogon “Fly quietly. Stay always near me but don’t let anyone see you, okay?” he nods and fly away, high in the sky. I look forward and order Onyx to start trotting, in the direction of the Shire.
Stopping Onyx in front of a little cute Hobbit house, I dismount him and walk to the door. Looking down, I notice the symbol that was in the paper that Gandalf gave me. Voices sounded inside, cheers and singing come out from the house. I see that the dwarfs have arrive already, knocking loudly at the door, I stay there for a while. Suddenly the door open and a small Hobbit, who grumbles something under his breath about how dwarfs are barbarians “Hello! How may I help you?” he asks politely, I smile “I am here to see Gandalf. Is he here?” he low his head and sighs “Yes...come on in.” I thank him and walk inside. The first thing I notice is how the house was full of dwarfs, all gathered around the fireplace. They look at me with wide eyes “Daenys! I’m glad you could made it.” Gandalf says a while giving me a warm hug “Of course I would.” I smile to him. Suddenly a dwarf walks to us, I look down and saw that it was Thorin Oakenshield “Who is this, Gandalf? An Elf?!” he asks with a stern voice, Gandalf sighs “This a friend of mine, Daenys Targaryen. She will help you with your mission. And no, she is not an elf.” I smile and bow to him “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Thorin Oakenshield.” I say politely, he nods but stay with a frown on is face “Is she trusty?” he asks to Gandalf, who nods to him “Good! We will part at dawn.” with that he goes back to his seat. Gandalf leans down to my ear “Is he near?” he whispers to me, I nod “Yes. Why do you need a Hobbit?” I ask confused, he chuckles “Well...i need a burglar.” I smile and shake my head.  
Well, this is going to be a long Journey. I hope that everyone is going to be ok.
Hey Guys!! Here Chapter 2 of The Last Dragon. I’m so happy about this series and hope you like it as much I do. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!!
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magnoliasinbloom · 5 years
The Midwife - II
AO3 :: Previously
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“Claire? Not Julia?” Mrs. Fitz was very confused. I was helping her make the bed in Jamie’s and my new room—our room as newlyweds.
“I do apologize, Mrs. Fitz. I did not know how the laird would receive me if he knew I was Jamie’s wife. His presumably dead wife, you recall.”
“Och, I do mind. The lad was beside himself wi’ grief.” Her eyes misted over. “He refused to eat, all he did was wander about the castle and help with the horses.” My heart tightened to hear it.
“I am terribly sorry about your granddaughter’s betrothal,” I mentioned cautiously.
Mrs. Fitz shrugged thoughtfully, arranging the pillows. “God kens I love Laoghaire, but… Dougal’s idea in making that match—nay, he needs a woman, not a girl. And Laoghaire will be a girl when she's fifty.”
I could understand what she meant. I hoped the girl would not be disappointed for long. I recounted my story for Mrs. Fitz: how my mother and I used to travel as healers, about my midwifing apprenticeship at l’Hôpital des Anges, Mother Hildegarde, and how Jamie and I met. She thought it terribly romantic that we were handfast, and that I had stayed behind to help the sisters through the epidemic.
As she left me to settle in, Mrs. Fitz turned at the door. “I do love the lad. I am glad he found you, dearie, in the end. Take care of each other.”
* * *
When Jamie and I stepped into the great hall for dinner the following night, we were the target of whispers and comments directed at us from all sides. News traveled fast in the castle; I could only imagine what was being said about me, Jamie’s wife, come back from the dead. I gripped Jamie’s arm tightly as he escorted us to our seats. He kept his head up high, meeting people’s stares with a frank gaze. We ate in companionable silence, and as soon as Jamie was done eating, I gestured for us to leave the hall.
We were near the side door when there was a commotion behind us. I turned to spot a head of blonde hair racing amongst the tables. Laoghaire—Mrs. Fitz tried to pull her back, but the girl was too fast. She approached us, me in particular. She came up to me and shoved me, palms outstretched. I stumbled, caught unawares, but Jamie held me upright.
“Seas!” Jamie exclaimed, placing himself between Laoghaire and myself. “Lass, get ye under control—this is no way to behave towards my wife!”
“Your wife?!” Laoghaire’s eyes were wild with anger. Mrs. Fitz had appeared behind her, and was doing her best to pull her away from us with quiet noises meant to soothe the girl. “I was to be yer wife! Ye broke yer promise, James Fraser! I canna forgive that!”
“There was no promise from me, and ye ken it well, Laoghaire,” Jamie said between clenched teeth. “I never agreed to it, and my uncle has accepted our union.” Everyone in the hall had fallen silent, the better to hear the confrontation.
“Jamie, let’s just go,” I pleaded, tugging on his arm. Laoghaire turned her attentions back to me.
“He’s mine! Get ye back to the hell ye came from, and leave him to me! Go I say!” Laoghaire stamped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. My own temper got the best of me and I stepped around Jamie, bent on pulling her hair or clawing her eyes out, whichever I could reach first. He caught me around the waist first, though, and pulled me back into his chest.
“I shan’t be going anywhere, least of all without my husband,” I hissed. “You must cease to call him yours, girl, now that the law say otherwise.” I watched with a satisfied smirk as Laoghaire’s face fell, and she finally allowed herself to be towed away by her grandmother.
“Let’s go, Sassenach,” Jamie said quietly in my ear, as everyone watched Laoghaire leave the great hall towards the kitchens, and conversation started up again slowly in their wake. I broke free of Jamie’s grasp and left through the side door. Once out of the hall, I picked up my skirts and ran as fast as I could towards our room. I heard Jamie behind me, the heavy tread of his boots catching up.
“Sassenach—Claire!” He sounded out of breath as he neared my side. “I would prefer not to follow behind my own wife.”
I did not bother to turn around. “So walk faster.”
We reached our room and Jamie closed the door behind us. “Sassenach, ye must no’ mind Laoghaire—”
“Not mind! Jamie, she shamed us in front of the entire castle!” I cried, flopping down on a chair by the hearth. “She’s made me out as some sort of devious red woman who would steal you away on a whim…”
“Ye are not a red woman,” he replied, stifling a smile. “They ken now that ye are Claire Fraser, from Paris, my true and only wife.” He pressed a kiss to the knot of hair on my head.
“No one approves Jamie… I was not expecting cheers and applause, but all this speculation and gossip is unbearable. Please, when can we leave for Lallybroch?”
“As soon as the MacKenzie allows it.” He came over to crouch next to me and took my hand in his. “I never thought to ask, Sassenach… can ye ride a horse?”
I laughed at this change of subject. “Not terribly well. I mostly rode in a wagon on my way here. Maman and I walked most everywhere.”
“I think ye should practice. We’ll ride to Lallybroch. Although I do mind something Jenny wrote me awhile back, when I let her ken we’d been handfast… married women shouldna ride horses.” Jamie laid his warm hand on my flat stomach. I sat up abruptly straighter, and laid my own hand over his.
“”Tis no danger to me at the moment,” I said gently. He nodded, accepting my reply. “Should that change, trust you will be the first to know.”
* * *
Rabbits were nibbling at the carrots. I would ask some of the castle lads to set snares near the vegetable garden. My medicinal herbs were also at risk. I knelt, pulling up weeds tirelessly. I noticed the edge of my cloak was rent as well, a piece torn clean out. It was a castle hand-me-down, given me by Mrs. Fitz. I would have to mend it, but first, I needed to take care of my crop. I was so absorbed in my task that I barely noticed the shadow that fell over me. I looked up when it cleared its throat to find Geillis Duncan smiling down at me.
“Oh, Mistress Duncan! How are you feeling?” I wiped my hands on my apron and covered the glare of sunlight with my hand.
“That is precisely why I’m here, Mistress Beauchamp. Or should I say Fraser?” She still smiled gently, cradling her enormous pregnant belly.
“Fraser, I suppose,” I said, returning her smile. “But Claire will do just fine. Did you walk here?”
“I took my husband’s carriage. ‘Tis a little far to walk from Cranesmuir to Leoch now; I tire so easily.”
“I think perhaps even the carriage ride might be too much, all that jostling about,” I said, gauging the heft of her belly. “It could cause you to go into labor.”
Geillis looked surprised. “I didna ken that. Should I go into confinement?”
I shook my head. “Fresh air does you good. Just avoid the carriage rides from now on. Is there anything I can do for you, mistress?”
“I did mean to ask ye for a tonic. Ye see, after every meal I have this burning sensation in my throat. I feel as though I might vomit, and my stomach hurts as well.” She seemed embarrassed. “Do ye ken what is happening?”
I smiled to put her at ease. “’Tis common enough—heartburn. Do you eat heavily seasoned foods or garlic?”
“Both,” she replied. I nodded and rummaged through the herbs in my garden. I plucked a bunch of peppermint leaves and tied them with a piece of twine from my ever-present basket.
“These should help. Brew a cup of tea with the leaves after every meal.” I handed the sheaf of leaves to her, and she held them tightly. She gave me an appraising glance, and I knew what she would ask. What many of the castle inhabitants were wondering themselves.
“Are ye with child, Claire?” she inquired curiously.
“No, at least not yet,” I replied cautiously.
“Arthur—my husband—and I had trouble conceiving. We had tried for years, and nothing. And now, a miracle.” Geillis smiled beatifically, a glow about her.
“We’ve only been married a few months, and apart for most of them. When we are ready, I hope it will happen.”
She stepped closer and lowered her voice. “There is a wise woman in the forest, ken. Some say witch, of course. She has herbs and tonics like ye do. She can make a barren woman conceive. And she also helps the lasses who get in trouble.”
“Ye ken, trouble.” She gestured towards her belly.
“Oh.” I understood. “We called them angel makers in Paris. They were not as busy as the maîtresses sage femme, for all that. Do you know…” I hesitated to ask. “Does the wise woman use herbs to make angels, or… other methods?”
“I dinna ken… though those that survive the cure, shall we say, are often sick for days afterward. It minds me of witchcraft,” Geillis whispered.
“Do you believe in witches, Mistress Duncan?” I asked carefully.
“There are many things in this world for which we have no explanation. But to hold a bairn in yer arms, fruit of the union with yer husband… ‘tis a kind of magic some women would consider worthwhile to have, regardless of the cost.”
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icecoldflames · 5 years
The Pinnae Flower Chapter 2, Part 2
“Hufflepuff. Favourite character?”
“They’re all so good, I don’t think I could ever choose. You?” Roman asked.
“Luna Lovegood.”
Roman assumed this was what Logan and Jo felt like earlier, bouncing off each other and speaking so quick there was barely a breath of silence between their conversation. “I love Luna Lovegood. She’s amazing.” He commented.
“She’s so cool and I just kind of relate to her in a weird way.” Penny gushed, lifting up the banker’s box and shoving it back under her desk with her foot.
“I think every person on the planet can relate to at least one of the characters in Harry Potter. And not just because there’s so many.” Roman explained.
Then, noticing Logan looking eager to leave, he decided to quickly say goodbye to Penny before Logan made it awkward.
“Well, I guess Logan and I should be heading out,” Roman smiled brightly. “It’s been really nice talking to you!”
Penny nodded enthusiastically, leaning against the table. “Of course! Come back if you need anything! I can’t say I’ll have a lot of free time though. This is one of the rare days when I get some time off.”
“Okay. Thank you again!” Roman exclaimed waving at Penny before walking out of the door with Logan a couple steps ahead.
As soon as they were out of earshot Logan began talking. “So it’s not Penny. Our next suspect is Cherry.”
“Why does everyone seem to be regulars at Patton-ly Perfect?” Roman muttered to himself as they made their way out of the hospital.
The next morning, they exited their hotel room and immediately went to Patton-ly Perfect. It was early in the morning and Virgil was at his regular table, nursing a cup of coffee while staring intently at the fake flower in the pot in front of him. He seemed unblinking and unmoving.
Other than Patton and Virgil, the cafe was empty. No Cherry with her Harry Potter glasses.
As soon as they walked in, Patton’s eyes brightened. “Ah! Roman and Logan! Welcome back!”
“Hello Patton!” Roman smiled, just as brightly.
Logan just nodded his head. He was feeling slightly tired this morning and under the weather. While he was definitely not a superstitious man, he wondered if it was karma for trying to find Raz Keeran.
Roman then turned to Virgil. “Good morning Virgil!”
Virgil didn’t respond at first. Logan guessed a full five seconds passed before he seemed to come back to the present with a shudder. He blinked rapidly and his body seemed to vibrate. His head snapped in Roman’s direction, his face slightly pink from embarrassment. “Uh, sorry. Did you say something...I was...just thinking…” Virgil muttered, getting quieter and quieter as he continued. “Sorry,” he said again.
Roman just smiled even brighter and repeated himself. “All I said was good morning!”
Virgil seemed to look slightly surprised at Roman’s words. “Oh! Uh, thanks! I definitely hope I do. Good morning to you too.”
Roman just kept on smiling and made his way up to the counter, Logan following like a lost dog behind him. “Hmmm, what should I have for breakfast? What would you suggest?” He asked Patton.
“Well, I’m about to cook some chocolate chip pancakes in the back just for myself and Virgil. But it wouldn’t be any trouble to make more for the two of you.” Patton said, his voice low and quiet as if he’s shared a massive secret.
Logan began to shake his head. “Oh no. That’s not necessary—”
But Roman cut him off eagerly. “—That sounds great. Actually,” he grinned mischievously and Logan was slightly afraid of what he would say, “Logan here makes incredible blueberry pancakes!”
Logan felt his brain shut down and his arms unconsciously crossing themselves. What was Roman planning? He only ever made pancakes in the comfort of his own home. Cooking was not his strong point. Patton owned a cafe for goodness sakes. He probably made pancakes with his eyes closed!
Patton didn’t seem to notice or feel Logan radiating distress. “Well! You’re in luck, Logan! I have some fresh blueberries sitting in my fridge just waiting for someone to cook with them!”
“Uh, Pat?” Virgil’s voice seemed miles away. “How about all four of us make some pancakes? I can make some raspberry pancakes. I’ve got some in my fridge at home.”
Logan instantly felt himself relax. “Yes. That sounds like a great idea.”
“What other berries do you have Patton?” Roman asked, leaning against the counter. Logan didn’t miss his glance over to Virgil.
“I don’t think I have any more berries but I do have some bananas.” Patton said, fixing his glasses just slightly.
Which is how, fifteen minutes later, all four of them were crowded in the medium sized kitchen with two stoves.
“Virgil and Roman can go to that stove over there,” Patton said, pointing to the stove furthest from the door. “And Logan and I can use this one here.”
Patton already had some chocolate chip mix in a bowl, the flour and all the ingredients already scattering the rectangular island.
“Okay!” Patton exclaimed excitedly, walking over to the fridge and pulling out some fresh blueberries and sliding them over to Logan. From a bowl in a corner he lifted a bunch of bananas and passed them over to Roman.
Virgil, who had quickly made a trip home, already had a package of raspberries in his hands.
Roman grabbed a frying pan and lifted both of his hands above his head like a champion with a trophy. “Let’s do this!”
“I’m going to be having pancakes for days,” Patton murmured as they all leaned on the island, a massive plate of pancakes in the middle.
“I can take some home with me.” Virgil said, opening up a cupboard and a drawer and pulled out four plates, forks and knives.
Patton grabbed the maple syrup. “It smells great in here.” He commented. “We should do this more often.”
“Perhaps after all the other pancakes are gone. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Virgil said, a small smile playing at his lips as he passed out the plates.
Then, they were all digging in. It was complete silence as the four of them bit into their first pancake.
“Ughmuf,” Roman said, seemingly melting and having to pull himself back up to a standing position. “These raspberry ones are delicious. Like...like it’s so sweet yet tart and—“ he made another sound of delight.
Logan saw as the tips of Virgil’s ears turned red and his eyes flashed downwards. “Uh, thanks. It was my grandmother’s secret recipe.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
Logan stabbed a piece of the raspberry pancake and popped it in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
An explosion of taste met his taste buds and for a split second it was like his brain short circuited.
He didn’t have the words to describe such a feeling. Roman probably had the words but not him.
“Wow,” was all Logan could say as his brain turned on again. “It is delicious.”
“I remember when she made that pancake-cake for your birthday!” Patton exclaimed. “It had, like, 25 pancakes on top of each other with cream in between each layer.”
Logan swore he saw a little bit of drool coming out of the side of Roman’s mouth.
Virgil smiled and stared down at the table. “Yeah, it was delicious.”
Of course, Roman was the first to ask the question. It had been on the tip of Logan’s tongue but he had enough common sense to bite it. “What happened to your grandmother?”
“She died three years ago.” Virgil mumbled quietly.
Roman went pink. “Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
The room was thrown into a thick blanket of silence. Whereas earlier it was light-hearted and filled with mouth-watering smells now it felt as though the smells were too sweet and suffocated them.
They were all brought out of their stupor as a phone went off.
Virgil jumped out of his chair in surprise and Logan’s hand twitched at the sudden sound.
Virgil pulled out his purple cased phone out of his pocket and flicked it on, his eyes scanning the text quickly. He instantly pulled away from the table and stood up. “Um, I gotta go guys.” He looked apologetic, his eyes flashing over Patton, Roman, and Logan. “My sister calls.” Virgil chuckled awkwardly before making his way out of the kitchen. However, halfway through the doorway he turned back around and glanced at Patton. “I’ll be back to get some of the leftover pancakes.” He waved and then he was gone.
Logan had to admit, Virgil was a mysterious guy. But he seemed nice enough. A little weird but, weren’t they all?
“Did I do something wrong?” Roman blurted as soon as Patton began cleaning up their dishes. “Should I not have asked about his grandmother?”
“Probably not.” Logan said, putting the last bit of blueberry pancake in his mouth and beginning to clear away the island.
“Well,” Patton pursed his lips, “it is a touchy subject for him. I don’t want to say too much because it isn’t my story to tell but Virgil and his grandmother were super close. Like Harry Potter-Sirius Black close. Tony Stark-Peter Parker close. And when she died...well…” he shrugged. “It was a pretty big hit.”
A part of Logan wanted to know how she died. Maybe it was the Sherlock Holmes inside of him or purely his own curiosity. But even he knew boundaries.
“Is there anything I can do to make it up to him?” Roman asked, putting Saran Wrap over the uneaten pancakes. “I feel kind of bad…”
Patton thought for a moment. “Well, Virgil collects—“ he paused. “Do you guys read the Pinnae series?”
Logan groaned and rolled his eyes. “Oh no.”
Roman’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree in the dead of night. “Oh my gosh, yes! It’s my absolute favourite book series ever! I’ve read them like eight times over!” The words bubbled out of him like a little kid.
Patton grinned. “Well, at the bookstore here they sell these cheap collectable rocks with engravings on them? You know the ones? In the mystery packs?”
Roman nodded. Logan nodded too. They came out a couple days before they left and he knew Roman was intent on getting all 50 of them. Yep, that’s right. 50. Five zero.
“Yeah.” Roman said, his eyes wide and giving Patton his utmost attention. “When I get back home I’m planning to get them all.”
“Well, Virgil has 40 of them already.” Patton said. He pulled out a folded slip of paper out of his jeans pocket and passed it over to Roman. “Here’s a checklist of all of them and all the ones Virgil has and doesn’t.”
“How does he already have 40?” Roman exclaimed, unfolding the checklist. His eyes scanned the list. “They literally came out three days before we got here!”
Patton shrugged. “He’s a big fan.”
“Where’s the bookstore?” Roman asked.
“Just down the road from here, across the gas station.” Patton said.
Roman quickly took a picture of list and gave it back to Patton. “Thanks. I’ll see if I can get one of them.”
Fifteen minutes later, once all the pancakes and ingredients were put away, Roman and Logan were off to the bookstore.
Logan looked over at Roman, the sun’s rays making the rocks glitter below his feet. He repeated Roman’s words from yesterday. “What was that? I thought we were trying to find Raz’s identity! Not chat up some guy we meet!”
Roman scowled. “Listen, it’s summer vacation too. Besides, I like Virgil. And I feel bad.”
Logan pursed his lips. “You like Virgil? Or you have romantic feelings for Virgil?”
“I...I don’t know yet.”
“If you don’t know then you probably do.” Logan stated.
Roman huffed. “Why do you have to be so blunt about it?”
“There’s no point in trying to hide or hold back feelings. That normally doesn’t end well. Unless they’re rude and ignorant. Then you shouldn’t say anything at all.” Logan pushed up his glasses.
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ppaltagon · 5 years
September - Yanan (pt. 3)
Part 3 out of 3; ~ 4.6k words
[Part 1]; [Part 2]
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The days after spontaneously moving in with Yanan went by surprisingly fast, despite me burying myself in my studies. I was determined not to fail this class again – not because of my parents or because I was hoping they would take me in again, but because I didn’t want to look like a failure in front of Yanan. Though he assured me he didn’t see me as one, no matter what, I felt better about myself when I was studying instead of lazing around in my free time. He even offered to help me with it, though he had said previously that he was bad at business maths, but somehow he was able to explain to me the bits that I did not understand by myself. As for my living situation my grandma had contacted me a few days after getting kicked out. She had sounded super worried on the phone, more than I had ever experienced her worry before, and she had offered to take me in, because she couldn’t just let her granddaughter sleep on the streets. I hadn’t dared telling her that I was actually living with a young man, or she would have gotten a heart attack – and above all, a completely wrong idea. I remembered the story of when my mother suddenly didn’t come home anymore in her early twenties because she had moved in with her boyfriend at that time, who had turned out to be emotionally very unhealthy for her. She had never explicitly told me about that last part, but from the many stories I had heard about him from mostly my grandparents, it wasn’t hard to put the puzzle pieces together.
Understandably, my grandmother was traumatized after that, so I had spared her the unnecessary details that would’ve only lead her to believe the same was happening to me. I remembered her words after the phone call and arriving back from school that day, Yanan was waiting for me with a gentle smile on his face and two cups of coffee in hand. As I took the soothingly warm cup from him, I spent a while peering up at his beautiful face, probably a little longer than I should have as he cocked his head and raised his eyebrows as if asking me what I was staring at him for. I shook my head.
“Let’s go,” I said and started walking into the direction of his flat, with him following a few steps behind. I knew that he wouldn’t treat me badly, no matter what. I trusted him.
We took a little detour to go shopping for some groceries. I wanted to make proper dinner tonight, as a thank you for letting me stay with him. As we were walking home from shopping, bags in hand, I noticed he started humming a familiar melody, and it didn’t take me long to recognize the song. It was the same song we had already talked about briefly when dancing together and I decided to sing along a little. “...fighting against all odds, I know we’ll be alright this time…” Upon hearing my voice, Yanan looked over to smile at me, then started singing the lyrics as well. We walked like this the rest of the way, quietly singing together, and I couldn’t keep the broad smile from appearing on my face when I felt a sense of unity because of it.
Arriving home, after we put the food where it belonged in his kitchen, I cleared my throat to tell him that I had an announcement to make.
“Um… I talked to my grandmother today,” I started explaining and found a hint of an emotion in his expression that I could not interpret. “She said she would take me in. So I thought living with her might be smarter than continuing to freeload here…” I saw his face drop, but when answering he made sure to keep his voice stable.
“That means… you’re leaving…?” he quietly asked. I could swear he was disappointed, even though he did his best to hide that. I glanced over at the bundle flowers on the table, one or two of them starting to wilt slowly, and bit my lip.
“It’s better if I live with family,” I reasoned. Silence followed. Then he took one step towards me, then another one, until he stood right in front of me. Slowly, his big hands wrapped around mine and brought them up between us, his soft fingertips sending warmth and an almost electric feeling through my skin. Not daring to look me in the face he took a deep breath and called out my name.
“Stay with me for a while longer,” he asked and added after a short pause, “Please.” I watched as the features on his face changed slightly. Barely noticeable they went through all kinds of complicated emotions one by one, but I saw all of them, until his eyes finally met mine and for a moment those warm brown pupils loaded with all the emotions his face wouldn’t let show properly wiped all my thoughts clean and for a while I thought I could feel what he was feeling. And it almost ripped out my heart, clenching it and wringing it out, trying to drain it of all good emotions so that only pain was left. I didn’t quite understand that the thought of me moving back out brought him so much agony, but I understood that it did, and tears of sympathy started welling up in my eyes. I got a little closer and carefully wrapped my arms around his tall body, embracing him while leaning my head into his chest so I could feel his heart slowly beating against my ear. He too put his arms around me, holding me while leaning down so he could bury his face in my hair.
“Then I’ll stay… maybe it’s better if I avoid running into my mother for a while longer anyway,” I mumbled and felt him softly nod. My curiosity as to why he didn’t want me to go so badly grew, but I figured it would be better not to ask. So I made dinner as planned and managed to put a huge smile on his face with it, which made me feel relieved in return, and while he did the dishes as he insisted, I buried myself in studying once again. It didn’t take long until he sat down next to me on the ground, helping me solve the more difficult problems and praising me when I was able to get the answer right by myself.
“You’re really getting better and better!” he exclaimed, his chin resting on my shoulder. “Keep it up, you’re doing well like this!”
“You think I can ace the class next semester?” I laughed, thinking that would never happen anyway. However, he took a hold of my shoulders and answered in a completely serious tone.
“Yes. I think you can if you keep working hard like this.”
The following week I had my day off on Tuesday as usual and sat down to begin studying right after breakfast, but just as I was about to open my textbook, Yanan put his big hand down on it to prevent me from doing so. A questioning expression in my eyes, I looked up at him.
“You’ve been studying so hard non-stop. How about we use today to take a little break?” he offered.
“Like what?” I asked him, curious as to what he had planned.
“Well, we could go into town, do some window shopping if you like, get us some sweets,…”
“So like… a date?” I asked and noticed his cheeks lighting up immediately.
“Y-yes,” he stuttered, turning away shyly. “If you want to call it that then it’s a date.” I chuckled and jumped up to take his hand.
“If you want to go on a date with me, then just ask!” I laughed at him, but added on a more serious note and in a way he couldn’t have possibly made out the words exactly, “I couldn’t say no to your handsome face.” As I went on to change into more suitable clothes in the bathroom, he remained standing there as if he was in shock, then silently muttering,
“Only my face…?”
As planned, we took the fastest way into the shopping district of my hometown and we went down the same street where my mother bought the dress for his aunt’s party for me. I sighed at the thought of my home and my family, and realized that after all, I missed them a little. Walking closely next to Yanan, the backs of our hands were bound to touch every now and then, until somehow we ended up holding hands and I couldn’t hold back a smile while passing by the big shopping windows and the colorfully flashing and blinking signs overhead.
“Found anything you want?” he asked me after a while.
“No, I’m just looking. I can’t afford anything here,” I chuckled back.
“I’ll buy you something,” he offered and I looked at him in disbelief.
“You can’t…!” I protested. He was already doing so much for me, I couldn’t let him buy presents for me as well.
“My relatives are rich, remember? And sometimes they spare me some of their… leftovers.”
“You saying it like that doesn’t make it sound shady at all, you know…” I remarked, causing him to laugh a little.
“Maybe it is shady. Who knows?” I raised my eyebrows at the answer, but he immediately denied it himself. “It isn’t, don’t worry. Me and my cousins just get a lot of financial support from them.”
“…then why does your cousin’s flat look so plain?” I wondered out loud. “If he has the money, shouldn’t he at least decorate his home accordingly?” Yanan let out a sigh.
“I’m not sure. I suppose he just doesn’t like all that colorful stuff around him all the time. His parents’ house is filled with decorations. Maybe he got tired of them. But that aside, my offer still stands. Let me buy you something.”
“Then…” I looked around carefully and found a street vendor selling candied fruit and pointed at his stand. “I want strawberries!”
“Huh?” Slightly confused, Yanan followed where my hand pointed, then let out a sound as he understood what I meant. “That’s not a lot though…” he commented.
“I don’t need much,” I stated. “But what I do need is my regular dose of sugar!” I laughed and we walked over there. Yanan bought two servings of the candied strawberries, all lined up on a stick and the smooth surface reflecting the sunlight coming from above. We decided to sit down on a bench nearby and after enjoying my first strawberry, I stared off into the distance for a while, getting ready to talk.
“Say, Yanan…” I started and had his attention immediately. “What do you do if there’s something you’re just not good at… or that just doesn’t work out for you, and you keep failing at it? Like, what would you do if you were in a situation like I am with that maths class?”
“Hmmm,” his voice resounded next to me while he was visibly thinking about how to answer, obviously aiming to pick the right words carefully. “I guess I just try over and over again, until it works out someday. I can’t keep failing forever.”
“You keep trying? Even if it takes years?” I asked, amazed by his answer.
“Even if it takes years,” he said, his facial expression determined.
“That’s a lot of dedication,” I remarked and took the next strawberry into my mouth. “Isn’t that draining?”
“It is,” he admitted. “Of course it can be draining.”
“Then why hang on? It has to be enough at some point…” But he shook his head, maybe with a little too much force.
“No. Not with everything. There are certain things I would never… I could never give up,” he stated, looking at something far off in the street, but I couldn’t make out what it was that he was staring at.
“Wow… what is that thing you would never give up, even if it takes years to achieve it? Is it okay if I ask you that?”
“It’s…” Yanan slowly let his eyes sink to the ground. “Nothing.” I couldn’t bring myself to believe that. But I hesitated to pose any further questions. He must’ve had a reason why he didn’t want to speak about it.
We both finished our snacks and I held out my hand for him to give me his wooden stick the strawberries had been carefully lined up on, so I could go and throw them away. Just when I was standing right in front of him and he passed it to me, I caught a glimpse of his tongue licking the remaining sweetness off his lips. Unconsciously mimicking his movement, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would taste like to kiss him with the flavor of the sugar and the strawberries still lingering. He slightly raised his eyebrows as he must’ve caught on to what I was thinking and he leaned back a little, holding out his hand to gesture I should come closer. Blushing and my heart rate speeding up, I leaned down to him and closed my eyes, waiting for him to make our lips meet. I heard him let out a soft laugh right in front of my face and a kissing sound, followed by the feeling of his fingers across my lips. I opened my eyes in disappointment and looked at him angrily.
“That’s not what I was hoping for…” I uttered, trying to hide my disappointment.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. Let me do it properly,” he gave me a mischievous smile, but I wasn’t having any of that. Just when I was about to shake my head and straighten up, I felt his hand behind my neck. He pulled me closer so my lips landed on his, and as soon as I sensed the softness of the kiss combined with the sweet taste of the treat we just had, all my anger washed away immediately. When he released me, I remembered he was toying with me just a few seconds ago, so I awkwardly walked over to the nearby trash bin, not sure if I should still be angry or just let it slide. He too got up and approached me from behind.
“Let me carry your bag as an apology,” he said, but I refused.
“Leave it, it’s not heavy anyway. Also, I don’t want to seem like the evil girlfriend that makes her boyfriend do everything for her like a slave,” I answered and turned to look at his bright face.
“Oh, so we’re a couple now?” he asked, and upon realizing we hadn’t officially talked about our relationship status yet, I blushed madly.
“W-well…!” I stumbled over my words. “O-only my boyfriend is allowed to kiss me like that, y-you know-“ Before I could do anything else, he shut me up by leaning in and placing another lingering kiss on my lips.
“Like this?” he asked, whispering while the distance between our faces was still small enough that I could feel his breath on my skin while he spoke. As soon as he had taken a step back and I had time to breathe properly, I yelled at him.
“Since when are you so overconfident?!” He only answered with a sweet smile, looking to the side in his usual shy manner, confusing me even more. While reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers, I could hear him mumble into a different direction,
“It’s all because of you.”
We got back from our little date in the afternoon after having lunch outside, which I couldn’t keep him from paying for me. I immediately went back to studying, and even though he tried to convince me to take it easy for the rest of the day as well, he understood that I would feel guilty if I didn’t at least revise the stuff I learned the day before. He sat down with me to see if I needed help with anything and come evening, we prepared dinner together and let the day come to an end naturally, both going to sleep in our separate spaces, feeling content with the successful day.
That night I woke up from one of my usual nightmares. I opened my eyes, the petrifying fear slowly letting go of me as I scanned the apartment shrouded in the dim light of the moon and stars entering through the thin curtains. When my pulse was back to a rather normal pace, I tried falling back asleep with the sheets pulled over my head, but somehow the unsettling feelings which the nightmare brought with it came back every time I closed my eyes and had nothing but darkness in my vision. Sighing, I eventually gave up and got my tired body out of bed, walking over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. But even then I couldn’t quite calm down, and on the way back to the couch, my eyes landed on the door to Yanan’s room. With silent steps I tiptoed over there and put my hand on the handle, before carefully opening it, trying to make as little sound as possible. His room as well was partly veiled in the moonlight and I could make out his figure lying on his side in the bed, peacefully sleeping. As I set one foot in front of the other, I noticed a book and loose sheets of paper lying next to him on the bed. Huh? Was he reading something? Getting a little closer, I recognized the cover, and letting my eyes scan the notes on the sheets and the highlighted parts, the realization hit me. I took all of it into my hands and recalled doing the first few calculations with him just a few hours ago, leading me to believe that the rest of the notes would be what I would study later on today. I looked up at him and his slightly messy hair and my chest filled up with warmth and thankfulness. He’s studying all that so he could help me with it… I carefully placed the study materials onto the floor next to the bed and crawled in, resting my body right next to his and placing one hand on his upper arm, that slid to his chest when he suddenly rolled over and opened his eyes a little. He gave me a confused look before he understood what was going on.
“I-is it okay if I stay here…?” I whispered. A sleepy smile curled up the corners of his mouth and he nodded barely noticeable. The next second, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer, so I was lying half on top of him. I lifted my head to look at his face and let him brush his fingers through my hair. The feeling in my chest from earlier appeared again, and this time it spread all throughout my body, and I smiled to myself when I finally realized what that really was. I brought my lips up to his and placed a gentle kiss on them, and again we locked eyes when we parted.
“I love you.”
His eyes grew wide upon hearing me say those words and I repeated them.
“I really love you.” With one hand behind my neck, he led me into another kiss, slightly tracing his thumb over my cheek while moving his lips against mine and our mouths opened slightly to deepen the kiss further.
For a while that felt like an eternity, but still far too short, just like back then in the pouring rain, I felt him close to me, closer than I ever thought I would. His gentle touches gave me nothing but reassurance, his soft lips exploring my body never failed to send shivers down my spine. With every little movement of his he poured in so much care, and I felt overwhelmed with love, that I did not want to let go of him ever again. And after that night shared in the dim moonlight, weakened by the swaying curtains, I wouldn’t see him the way I saw him before ever again. We both knew we’d cross a border we couldn’t just return from, and neither of us thought twice about the kiss that carried us somewhere different, and the connection that would bind our hearts together unlike anything else. And when I woke up in the morning, lying in his arms skin on skin, I knew I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
The days living with Yanan passed by faster than ever. Sometimes I felt like they were flying away too fast, as if there was something we could lose, something that was waiting for us at the end. What end? As October progressed, the days got colder and the coffee he always bought for me while he was waiting for me to return from college was more appreciated than ever. I wanted to repay him somehow, but he just brushed it off, telling me in sincerity that he was content just having me with him. In the meanwhile, my grandparents tried convincing me to come back once more, but I wasn’t even thinking about returning to them. For now I was happy living together with Yanan and sharing my days with someone who I felt cared about me more than anyone in my life ever had. We started sleeping in the same bed regularly, and ever since then my nightmares had gotten fewer. And even if I woke up from one, having him right there next to me filled me with a feeling of safety and washed all other negative emotions away.
There was only one thing I noticed. I was probably interpreting too much since I was used to worrying more than I should. But still it made me think. As it got colder he would hug me more often, holding me longer than he had, and for some reason it had a hint of a sad feeling to it. When I asked him about it he insisted it was nothing, but still that lingering unsettlement didn’t go away, no matter how much I tried to make it disappear with reason. Until I came back from college late in the evening on the last of October. As per usual, he picked me up at the station, patiently waiting for me in the cold night. We held hands and walked home in silence, and from the way the air around him felt strange that day I vowed myself I would ask what was up with him these last days as soon as we got home. However, after we both took off our shoes and had put aside our coats, I looked at him standing there in the dark living room and a bad premonition came with the way he looked at me from a distance that felt bigger than it was.
“Don’t you wanna turn on the lights?” I asked, but he cut me off.
“Y/N, come here for a moment,” he said while doing a hand movement to underline his words. Surprised, I left the light off and approached him with unsure steps. He cupped my face with his big hands, movements careful as ever.
“I just…” he started a sentence and his voice broke off. He took a deep breath to collect himself while I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Yanan, what’s wrong with-“
“Shhh.” He put his index finger in front of my lips. “It’s okay.” He looked at me fondly while his voice carried a deep sadness, but in his brown eyes looking directly into mine I found nothing but warmth and love. “Remember what I told you back when we first got to know each other?”
“What do you mean?” I whispered back.
“I said I was from both the past and the future.”
“What about it? Wasn’t that just a story you came up with?” The confusion started tying knots in my brain and thinking about it became painful. He shot me an apologetic smile but didn’t further answer my question.
“I just want you to know that I am thankful I got to know you,” he said.
“Stop it, Yanan! This feels like you’re breaking up with me!” I shouted, and he took a strong hold of my shoulders.
“That’s not what this is. It really isn’t, please believe me,” he explained as if pleading that I would understand. Then he added more silently, “I would never want to leave you.”
“Then what is it…?” I dared to ask, preparing myself for all kinds of wild reasons, but getting none of them in return.
“It’s the same thing that always happens on this day when the clock hits midnight…” he said, giving the one hanging in the kitchen a look. I knew it wasn’t long until then, but I didn’t want to know how long exactly. “I’m so sorry I’m doing this to you over and over again…” he then muttered.
“What do you mean by ‘this’? Please tell me! What is going on?” I begged him, taking a hold of his shirt and clutching the fabric in my hands.
“I can’t explain it well either, but… let’s just say I need to move on.”
“Move on? From what…?” Was this about… the dimension thing he mentioned when we first sat down and talked? Was that all… real? He shushed me again while slightly shaking his head. His hands wandered to behind my back and I let him pull me close. I felt like crying but the confusion wouldn’t let any tears come out. Instead I felt his hand starting to slowly pet my head, and focusing on just his touch as I closed my eyes, I calmed down a little. Holding each other tightly, some time passed until he whispered right next to my ear with a clear voice and unmistakable words.
“Please… continue to do well, as you’ve been doing up until now. I know you have the strength within you. And thank you. Thank you for lighting up my life. When I first came to this town I really didn’t like it. I felt like a stranger among all those people I’ve never seen before. But then there was you. You made my days a little brighter. You brought me joy and a reason to look forward to the next morning. So thank you. Thank you for letting me love you.”
Having said those words he could never say enough, he couldn’t hold back the tears that had welled up in his eyes any longer. As if she wanted to comfort him, she wrapped her arms around him more tightly. Even just that little gesture of kindness made his heart overflow with warmth. As he was embracing her tiny body and a bitter but thankful smile formed on his lips, his eyelids fell shut and the clock hit midnight.
It was the 30th of September. He set foot into the cursed town in the early morning hours and made his way to the station where he would get a bite to eat and then wait to bump into her by the staircase to platform B, just as he had done so many times before in the past, and would continue to do for who knows how long in the future. But for now, he still had some time, so with his take-out coffee in hand, he leaned against the brick wall of the station building and sighed, unbuttoning his long brown coat with his free hand. It was unusually warm that day.
~Admin Salty
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flvshlights · 5 years
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courtney eaton. 24. genderfluid. they & them. the front bottoms. | i can’t believe i just saw LUCINDA “LUKE” ARCHULETTA walking out of cadence records. they’re the GUITAR & LEAD VOCAL from the INDIE ROCK group WE TRIED USING A BAND NAME GENERATOR who have been in the industry for SIX YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their ALOOF nature , but they’re also pretty HONEST and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of TYING FLANNELS AROUND YOUR WAIST, NEVER BEING WARM ENOUGH, PLAYING AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR IN A SHARP TUXEDO, CLAIMING YOU DON’T SMOKE MARIJUANA WHEN YOU DO, THE COMFORT AT THE BOTTOM OF A SWIMMING POOL. 
                                     she started talking backwards , but nothing                                      good it brings her. so the next time that she                                      sees him, it’ll be peace sign + middle finger.                                      to listen as you read.
listen i always say i’ll stick with one muse and that never happens so i’ll just skip the part here where i berate myself for being weAK and instead introduce u to lukey-pookie here !! they’re a very new muse ( while also combining some essences of other muses of mine ) since normally i pick from a premade roster of my own ocs and normally use courtney for a... very different character but 1.) i’m gay and 2.) i love the front bottoms so HERE WE GO !
tws : depression, divorce, arrest, drug usage / overdose
So Luke was born to a regular working class family in Wilmington, Delaware - they have some relation with the famous DuPont family that built their name there, but don’t have anything to show for it since a few generations ago Luke’s great grandmother cut off the rest of her family and now they don’t speak. So Archuletta it is.
Their mom worked a typical 9-5 job and their dad was an aspiring painter - but he was always... sick. Not sick in the physical sense, no - sick in the fact he never was himself. Sick in way that Luke always thought he was so tired and sad and nothing could ever cheer him up, and they rarely spent much time with him due to his tendencies to keep to himself. So that led to an early divorce between him and Luke’s mother when they were about six years old.
So Luke’s life was relatively normal. Maybe even too normal for them. And they’d try and put themselves out there - even joining musical theatre in attempts to try and find “their group.” Musical theatre was where they’d meet Krista.
A beautiful girl who had a passion for Broadway, booze, and marijuana - she’d become Luke’s greatest friend, and even taking Luke to meet their friends she hung out with regularly after class. But they weren’t the kids you’d want to bring home to hang out with in your parents’ house. No, in fact - they were the opposite.
Bad things, those friends did - well - bad ( or rather, illegal ) things, and Luke followed along. Such as smoking pot and getting caught for it, spraypainting and defiling public areas, maybe getting into a fight or two. In an effort to fit in, Luke would do the same - but they faced the consequences they’d never thought - considering those kids seemed invincible. Untouchable. 
Setting off fireworks from the roof of an abandoned building it a bad idea. Getting arrested the cops is an even worse idea. Your friends running off before they can get caught, leaving you alone to wait for your mom to pick you up... The worst idea.
Nobody came to check on them after that.
Not even Krista.
But the next day, Luke hung out with them like nothing was wrong, following that crowd still - and it’d only reach a breaking point when they were sixteen and had to call the ambulance since Luke found Krista in the bathroom of a party unconscious due to overdose. And thank god she survived - 
And there they were again, without many friends since Krista was seemingly the only person who even came close to genuinely liking them and everyone else, they barely knew anything about. And Luke would grow, finishing high school and clinging to the only other friend they had since childhood - being convinced to write out their issues since by NOW, Luke maybe turned out a bit more cynical than they used to be.
Writings of prose and poetry turned to translating that to music - and that would be the beginning of their new life: We Tried Using A Band Name Generator.
‘We Tried Using A Band Name Generator’ - or more conveniently just referred to as ‘We Tried’ is probably Luke’s pride and joy. It was their friend’s idea for them to originally write out how they felt - and they mutually came up with the decision to try and write songs out of that.
A small band from Wilmington didn’t seem like it was going to get notice, and it took a little while, sure - it started with an EP titled Slow Dance to Soft Rock ( 2013 ) that made Cadence turn their way. Since the indie community definitely liked the acoustic sounds paired with raw, blunt, honest emotions pushed out in songs like The Beers and Swimming Pool. And that was when they got signed.
The first album they’d release would be six months later - self-tilted, We Tried Using A Band Name Generator. They didn’t have too much of a following at the time, but they were making good momentum enough to convince them to keep going.
Things were going so well, in fact, that during touring, Luke & their best friend / drummer actually attempted dating since - there had to be a reason they worked so well together. There had to be SOME feelings. But a million arguments later and stressful tours, overall mentally testing experiences, pushing out an EP called Rose which was as amazing as it was tacing to complete... they couldn’t do it. It was thought that when their best friend left the group in early 2016, it was thought that everyone’s new favorite indie rock group was done for.
And... Luke couldn’t let that happen. It was selfish, too, in the sense that We Tried was their biggest method of release and comfort. So instead of just giving up, they got off from tour and IMMEDIATELY hit the studio for recording and song-writing.
The product of a few months of straight work would result in their 2016 album , Talon of the Hawk - all songs pulling experiences from the split between them and their drummer to their experiences with Krista in high school. 
Au Revoir/Adios was 100% written the day after their ex-drummer left. 
Another year of touring and thankfully, four more members joined the group - producing the EP Needy When I’m Needy as a sneak peak of what was new to come. A few months later , a surprise album called Back on Top would come out. 
The next three years would work well - with the band releasing another EP titled Ann and the inklings sprinkled of the next album - Going Grey.  
SO IN CASE THAT WAS TOO COMPLEX BC I RAMBLE... again, general timeline:
February 2013: Release of Slow Dance to Soft Rock
March 2013: We Tried is signed to Cadence
August 2014: Release of Self-Titled.
September 2014: Both members of We Tried start dating.
July 2015: Release of Rose.
December 2015: Nearing the end of touring, We Tried’s drummer quits and the pair breaks up. Touring officially ends later that month.
January 2016: Luke Archuletta announces they’ll be taking time to focus on a brand new album.
August 2016: Release of the rushed but extremely well-received Talon of the Hawk.
July 2017: We Tried introduces four new members.
October 2017: Release of Needy When I’m Needy.
March 2018: Release of the surprise album Back on Top.
January 2019: Release of the EP Ann, paired with the announcement production of the next album will begin soon.
March: Two songs - Peace Sign & You Used to Say (Holy Fuck) are released to tease Going Grey.
July 2018: Release of Going Grey. 
SO YOU CAN SORT OF TELL THE TIMELINE IS SPEEDY - because that’s a big part of how Luke sort of... overworks themselves and hyperfocuses on their music. Especially since ever since their first drummer left, they haven’t let go of the idea they can only rely on themselves. 
BUT MORE ABOUT THE BAND - We Tried’s aesthetic is sort of The Front Bottoms mixed with the Young Veins - Luke’s especially fond of showing up in suits, vests, etc. despite the normally blunt & uncouth content of the songs. 
There is literally always something being made. Luke can’t sleep without having something in the works. 
And... yeah that’s it honestly it’s rly just TFB but with a TWIST! 
5′10, genderfluid bisexual bby who honestly just wants a nap
SOOOO yes, Luke’s a very chill individual but chill in the sense that... they just. Don’t care. Except when it comes to their work - then they work the hardest they can on that shit and have to pay attention to every little detail.
They’re still not actually sure if they have any talent - musical theater never seemed to work out, so why is a band doing that??
But they do have one thing down pat - directing. All of We Tried’s videos have so far been directed by Luke, save for a few. 
This comes from Luke’s longtime adoration of film and cinema, from the perspective of an observer and a director.
They DO have a tendency to be a little... clingy and aloof at the same time. They’re always worried about being in the position of trying to keep a band of only one person alive again but also they don’t really notice they can other people to do things for them now.
They’re independent to a fault, in that case.
And also now finally getting a hang of not falling into peer pressure since it’s just made them cynical and aloof from people now.
They’re v grateful for their bandmates tho!! Don’t get me wrong, they love them!
Luke’s more of someone who communicates their appreciation through gestures and actions than words - setting a blanket on you while you sleep, getting new drumsticks if you broke yours, making coffee in the morning when you’ve forgotten. That kind of stuff.
They don’t get a lot of sleep for the sole reason they sort of have tendencies to keep themselves awake just... thinking. Luke thinks a lot. Luke’s actually wack-levels of intelligent, and it does show in their music save for when they’re making odd comments and obscure references.
Luke talks about tattoos a lot, but they’re actually barren since they’re afraid of needles. 
They also don’t drink, but they do smoke marijuana. But they’ll never admit to it - ...like TFB even though they have a MILLION songs that mention recreational use of the drug.
They sort of don’t really know where their purpose is, still - and that does lead them into a depression of their own, much like their father. They don’t talk to him and their mother that much nowadays - considering, the dream was always that Luke be a lawyer or a doctor and not the crass musician that they are.
They’re lowkey a fucking comedian but in the dry, deadpan humor sense. Most of their interviews consist of them making some joke that either takes a little while for the interviewer to get or one that makes the room silent for a quick minute. Or, even worse, they’re taken seriously.
Despite this aloofness, though, they actually thrive on being around other people. They’re sort of relearning how to accept that, though, since again, they’ve been shelling themselves up in their own work for quite some time. 
Also lowkey a bit of a flirt bt u didn’t hear that from me
Rides a motorcycle partially to look cool and also... bc they have the song ‘Motorcycle’ which was about them. Trying to learn how to ride a motorcycle so it just kind of stuck.
They’ve got another talent in dancing, since they took ballet classes throughout middle school to high school - but had to quit after they got arrested. Shame.
Their one dream was to be Ariel in the Broadway production of The Little Mermaid when they were younger since... they also love the sea and Disney Princesses so much secretly, but they’ve sort of given up on that.
Their love for the sea’s also because of where they’re from - Delaware beaches are beautiful and were Luke’s happy place back then. 
Most of their loves and interests are sprinkled in their songs, in that case - Delaware scenery, references of Disney films, etc.
They’re a very... complex individual. But god I lOVE them.
also the current bandmates. that would b. cool.
if ppl from luke’s old squad can show up now w/ their own careers... that would b. cool.
kids who they went to high school with that r surprised where they are now.
enemies in the music scene who don’t like luke or we tried for a multitude of reasons
maybe they think luke’s secretly a conceited dick underneath the ‘distant mysterious songwriter’ schtick
mayBBEEEE they think the nature of we tried’s songs are some sort of keep gimmick to try and cash in on being ‘casual’ and ‘relatable’
maybe they just don’t like the damn band i mean. yeah.
any reason. pls.
hook-ups bc i’ll b honest they are... a bit of a flirt. let luke serenade u w/ shit like “historic cemetery” cowards,
a rebound sort of?? probably very short-lived, but i can see luke wanting to get their mind off from their ex/drummer leaving and falling fast into another relationship - and that wouldn’t work out bc of it.
i’d also lov a plot where maybe sb discovers luke’s talent for dancing bc they do it for recreational purposes semi-often now?? 
maybe they can attend a class together or smth
or they just do it for fun at luke’s place
idk this cld go anywhere n it’s honestly adorable
ppl that they befriend who they can just. take back to delaware one day.
or even ppl they just hang out with to relive the ‘good ol days’
trips to the beach
buying store bought fireworks n setting them off
going on camping trips n shit
i’d lov a plot where there’s one person who just thinks luke is like... a MYSTERY and they just get closer and closer in attempts to try and figure that mystery out
also 100% open to brainstorming! i’ll actually get 2 interacting tmr bc it’s 2:30 AM nearly here n i want to sleep so yeah! chances are tho if u like this i’ll message u for plotting!! again if u want my discord - hmu @ rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329. :^)
i love the front bottoms so much
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endless-vall · 6 years
The universe works in funny ways - Sinclaire x MC fanfic
Summary: After learning about Henrietta’s meddling, Mey storms off. But a night stroll isn’t the smartest idea for a young lady like her, she realizes. Thankfully, the only person that approaches her, is the one she wants.
Author’s note: I’ve been writing in the notes in my phone while at work, and have a few unfinished drafts due to that. I’m trying to finish them, hope you’ll like it!
It’s a bit hard to write D&D fanfics, since I don’t feel like I know enough about the era and how exactly courting/flirting went there. Would 100% appreciate if someone messaged me/brainstormed with me about it 🤔😂
Anyway, Sinclaire didn’t appear in the chapter this week, but from the description of the next one we can be sure he’ll appear. Can’t wait!
Tagging: @meeraaverywalker @writtenbycandy @asprankle @liam-rhys @hellomynameisdeviblaire @blackcatkita @dandeservestheworld. Comment on this post to let me know if you wanna be tagged as well.
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Mey's first day in London was a long, tiring day.
And she'd be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed she didn't get to see a certain someone.
She knew the first event of the social season was a dinner party held by Mr. Sinclaire, and she’s ought to see him there, but it would’ve made her feel much more comfortable and secure had she hang out with him today, after they arrived in London.
Funny enough he'd probably just scoff at her for letting things like these to get under her skin, but her stepmother Lady Henrietta was intolerable.
She managed to politely, respectfully excuse herself after successfully arriving to their quarters, despite Lady Henrietta's and her son Mr. Marlcaster's meddling.
But then took off into the busy streets of unfamiliar London, in a late time of night.
Admittedly, it wasn't the smartest idea. Not in the slightest.
Mis Parsons and Mis Daly tried stopping her, but to no avail. Then Mr. Harper tried suggesting he'd at least walk with her, but Mey refused and just ran off.
The cool night air felt suddenly alienating, and Mey wrapped her hands around herself, trying to save as much body heat as she could.
She reached a bridge overlooking the bustling street, and leaned against the railing to admire the view.
Dispite being so far away from home, and in such different environment, something about that bridge felt like home. Comforting.
She thought back to the day she had, trying to reason with herself. Maybe she was overreacting.
She was quite taken aback by Henrietta’s actions but she shouldn't be too surprised.
The carriage ride was pleasant, and prince Hamid was kind enough, too.
Kind... but he wasn't what she was looking for.
For her to think of such things as suitors and marriage was a bit silly and absurd in a time like this,
And admittedly a prince would be a better match in her Grandmother's eyes, but...
She bited down at her lip, her thoughts wandering back to Sinclaire.
Was she that hopeless? Had she truly already fallen for him?
She scolded herself inside her head.
He probably haven't even thought of her today, yet thoughts of him occupied her mind all day long.
"And what might a fine lady like yourself be doing here in this time of night?"
She heard a voice beside her, stratling her.
She almost jumped in her place, when she finally caught up on who this voice belonged to.
Was her mind playing tricks on her? How could he be standing right next to her right now? What are the odds for that to happen?
She shook her head, smirking.
She guessed the universe worked in funny ways.
Sinclaire looked as if he was about to question her what was so funny, but Mey spoke up first.
"So I'm a fine lady now? I thought I was only 'agreeable', as of last time." She couldn't help but tease him, it was too much fun and he never seemed truly offended.
Sinclaire's mouth fell open, and his cheeks gave a hint of pink blush, but it was hard to tell in the dark.
Then, after recomposing himself, he smiled at her.
Not a full-on wide grin, but a heartwarming smile nonetheless.
Speaking of warmth... She suddenly was very aware of how cold it was around them, and how her dress wasn't nearly warm enough.
A shiver ran through her spine, and Sinclaire looked in thought for a long second before he took off his jacket, and held it to her.
She blinked at the offering, feeling how her cheeks suddenly feel A LOT warmer.
"Oh- of course!" She caught up, and accepted it.
He helped wrap it around her, and then leaned against the railing beside her.
"If you're going for night-walks now, the least you could do is make sure you’re dressed for it." He said, almost in a frown. As if he was annoyed with her.
But the look in his eyes gave her nothing but concern. She knew it sounded as if he was scolding her, but it didn’t feel that way - Really.
She pulled his jacket tighter around her, trying to hide her amusement.
She watched Sinclaire standing next to her in his undershirt. It was a white-cream dress shirt, buttoned up until the very way up, and, well,
She was never one to judge a man by the way he dressed, and she doubted Sinclaire cared about fashion, but she’d be lying if she said he didn’t look good. Like, really good. 
She leaned against the railing next to him, watching him intently. They stood in silence for a while, but it didn’t feel like a depressive, awkward silence.
It was pleasant.
"I didn't really plan of taking this night walk." She finally admitted, breaking the silence.
"So how did you end up here?" He questioned, out of curiosity. He didn’t seem to mind her ruining the moment. Maybe she didn’t ruin it, at all.
Mey shrugged. "Let's just say my stepmother gives me a hard time." She didn't want to give away too much.
"Ah, obviously." Mr Sinclaire nodded. "Lady Henrietta was never a pleasant woman to be around." He continued, not as cautious as her.
Mey smiled at him, leaning closer and nudging at his shoulder. "But then again..." she teased, not bothering to finish her sentence.
By the smug look on his face, she was certain he got what she was saying.
"I already told you. I give away certain things, only when they're deserving." He noted, then eyed her with a meaningful look, his expression serious and intent.
"And tell me, now, Mr. Sinclaire." She stepped closer to him, lowering her voice and looking at him tentatively. "Should I consider myself deserving?"
He leaned in as well, lowering his voice to match hers. "Most definitely."
She was surprised by his directness, but flattered tremendously.
"So," She fought the urge to bite her lip, or worse - to bite his lip, and forced herself to change the subject. "How are you liking London?” She changed the subject completely.
They were standing merely a few inches away from each other.
It’s not that she didn’t like this kind of intimacy with him, but she wanted him to be the one to make the first move.
Even if she fit in pretty well, it was still a new territory for her. Nobles and all of their rules and customs. She wanted Sinclaire to court her. Not just to sneak around with him and have stolen moments.
“London is...” He started out, breathing out. Something wasn’t quite right. 
Was that disappointment she heard in his voice? She was a little amused at the thought, but then again there were many things that could disappoint Sinclaire, and she shouldn’t be too ambitious and guess it was because of her.
“Tolerable.” He finished his sentence, looking back at her for her reaction.
“Just tolerable?” She sounded almost offended for the city she herself met a few hours ago.
“Don’t get me wrong,” He countered. “London is surely beautiful,” He looked around them. “But the social season makes my memories of it less fond,” He sighed.
“Oh,” It made sense.
Her own memories of London weren’t really happy ones, considering she almost got lost (on purpose, by Lady Henrietta).
But she didn’t let it ruin the whole experience for her.
“Maybe this season your luck would change,” She said, wondering if she was pushing it.
The corners of Sinclaire’s lips curled into a smile, even before her looked back at her.
“Maybe it would.” He nodded, once.
He was watching her for a long moment, and she felt as if he was about to lean in when he cut her line of thought and broke the silence again.
“And how do you like London?” He asked. He was teasing her, wasn’t her?
Paying her back with the same coin she gave him a few minutes ago.
“London is wonderful.” Mey composed herself and answered. If they were going to play, she might as well give her best performance.
She went closer to the edge of the bridge, placing her hands on the railing and leaning against it.
“I suppose.” He went back to old habbit and gave her half an answer.
She didn’t get worked up about it though.
“But I think…” she looked at him from the corner of her, through her eyelashes.
“That sharing it with someone… is what makes it truly special.” She bites at the inside of her cheek so she wouldn’t smile and completely sell herself off.
She did, however, raised her hand and brushed her fingertips alongside his arm.
Sinclaire eyes her intently, eyes widening, following the movement of her hand.
He... didn’t flinch away from her touch, not even the slightest. On the contrary, actually. Mey could swear he leaned into her touch.
“I…” His voice got caught out in his throat, his eyes still not wavering from her hand.
“Don’t disagree.” He ended his sentence, gulping.
Mey chuckled, and it seemed to wake him up from his trance. He composed himself and looked up, meeting her gaze.
Her hand still lingered over his elbow, but he didn’t pull away.
“You should probably head back,” He reminded her.
“I wouldn’t want you to be late for tomorrow’s dinner party. And you should get a good night’s sleep before that.” He said, and Mey suddenly felt herself blush.
He gave it thought. Of course he did.
Why did she doubt him, in the first place?
He never ceased to surprise her, to amaze her.
“You’re probably right.” She nodded. She was reluctant about ending this moment but happy knowing she’d be sharing many more with him, in the upcoming season.
Though he didn’t show it, she could guess he was excited about it, too. For a change, he didn’t seem to hate the social season this year.
She took off his jacket, handing it back to him. Sinclare put it on before offering her his elbow.
“Walk you home?”
Mey nodded, slipping her hand intertwined with his and nodding.
The way back felt much shorter than she thought. But maybe it was because she enjoyed the company.
Before long, the arrived in her quarters and it was time to say goodbye, for now.
Sinclaire’s expression was unreadable, like it was many times.
But Mey started becoming better and better at studying it, and guessing what he was thinking about.
He hesitated, before taking her hand in his and brushing his thumb against her palm. “I’m... Glad you came to the social season after all.” 
It was a moment of clarity, a moment of sheer honesty and something she didn’t think she’d get to see from Sinclaire so soon.
It made butterflies flutter in her chest and her stomach and she was unable to hide the grin that smeared over her face.
“Me too.” She confessed.
Reluctantly, but quickly, he let go of her hand, and nodded at her. “Good night, Lady Mey.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” He bowed slightly.
Mey curtsied and gave him a knowing smile. “Good night, Mr. Sinclaire.” Before entering the estate.
She could see him waiting until she had closed the door behind her, and only after he was sure she was safe he started walking in the opposite direction, probably back to his own estate.
It made her feel warm in her chest. 
Sinclare made it seem like he didn’t care about anything at all, but that was a lie,
and anyone with two good eyes could see it.
And she was certain... He cared about her.
Squealing almost silently to herself, she made her way up the stairs to her assigned room.
Tomorrow would be a better day in London, she was sure of it.
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