#and i wrote of klaus imagining ben sucking off other people
How possessive do you guys think Klaus is of Ben bedroom wise?
Like, we all know Klaus is very sexually active and has been known to participate in orgies often. But, if it involved Ben would he allow people to touch and please Ben? Would he be alright with seeing Ben sucking and fucking other people?
Like come on, this is the guy who's so possessive of Ben he couldn't even bear letting his siblings see Ben even when that was all that Ben wanted. When asked, he would repeatedly deny Ben's existance because he doesn't want to share his Ben with them.
Now that Ben's alive again, all flesh and bones with a mind of his own that isn't bound to Klaus, how jealous and possessive do you guys think Klaus would get? Will he intentionally sabotage people who get too close to Ben or will he make sure to make an invisible leash on his brother so that he can still remain his owner?
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Umbrella Patrol: Part 1
Still in a TUA headspace, and really enjoying Doom Patrol! I feel like there is a lot of potential for fun crossovers between these shows, and some neat parallels between them. Here are some very disorganized ideas because I’m too busy to write out an actual fic: 
note: these are primarily based on s1 of Doom Patrol and s1&2 of tua because I am still in the middle of watching Doom Patrol s2. I would love (love! love! love!) to chat with other people who like both of these shows, but know i am still in the “avoiding s2 spoilers” stage. I might do more of these after I finish s2, hence “part 1″
- they would not get along well in the beginning because, let’s face it, neither group has a very good track record for getting along well with anyone ever. (love them all to death) would a fight break out? probably. would all of the team members and powers and general chaos get so confusing for everyone involved that they would have to stop fighting to try and figure out what was going on? most likely. 
- Five definitely knows about the Doom Patrol from when he worked at the commission and was probably very relieved to not have been the person assigned to deal with the whole De-Creator/Re-Creator debacle. 
- Vic is probably at least aware of the Umbrella Academy because they were pretty famous as kids, but has no idea what really happened to them after except there was this huge scandal a few years ago when one of them wrote a book about how they were all secretly assholes? Something like that.
- Allison is a fan of Rita’s work (I’m thinking she played one of her characters in a remake), but remembers hearing that she was kind of a terrible person? She isn’t sure. I feel like it’d be awkward initially but they’d end up vibing and talking about acting and Hollywood and having the team braincell. 
- Diego: So... you’re a robot. Cliff: Yeah. Klaus: Not that there’s anything wrong with that!! Diego: Our Mom’s a robot. 
- Cliff is like “well, I nearly died and then the guy who I thought was my mentor did an experimental procedure on me that left me in a body that I’m uncomfortable with and feeling like a monster and a freak and I’m unable to interact with people and be seen as normal because of it and am also incredibly strong and worry about accidentally hurting the people I care about and oh, turns out the guy who I trusted and thought was my mentor turned out to be the worst person ever who was only using me as a means to an end” and Luther’s just “same hat!”
- There is definitely confusion around the whole “we travelled back in time to the 60s were not actually from then - can you imagine we’d be so old now?” and “we are actually from the 50s/60s we’re just long lived due to a series of horrifying experiments that were done to us wtf you’re all literally children”
- Dorothy sees Five and is like friend! My own age! And Vanya tries to gently explain that Five is mentally 58, he only looks 13 and that’s how they figure out that Dorothy’s actually over 100 years old. Somewhere in the confusion Five ends up agreeing to attend a tea party. 
- Klaus meets Danny. Enough said.
- But also,,, let’s say more because it makes me very happy to think about. Klaus meets Danny and just feels so at home and gets to talk about fashion with Maura and drag his siblings into singing karaoke and the Hargreeves get to show off their A+ dancing skills 
- TBH, they all try to explain what’s been happening with them and the Hargreeves all thought “well out lives couldn’t be any weirder” and then they hear about the puppet show and are just like “...okay, nevermind. we were mistaken. please continue” while for the most part the Doom Patrol are like “okay, butler’s a chimp, that guy’s in love with a mannequin, all checks out” 
- Larry and Klaus talking about their time in the military and dealing with homophobia. Larry and Luther talking about isolation and taking care of plants. 
- Vanya playing the violin while the Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter paints.
- They at one point get drunk and have a “who’s father figure was worse” competition but somehow halfway through it devolves into Jane and Diego each being that one John Mulaney bit (do you want me to kill that guy for you?? because it sounds like he sucks, and I’d totally kill that guy for you)
- Cliff definitely has some Robot-envy around Grace like, wow she looks and moves like an entire regular human wtf Niles? she shows him how to make smiley-face pancakes. 
- I have no idea how this would work logistically but Ben and Larry would vibe you can’t change my mind. 
- There was definitely some crossover between members of the Cult of the Re-Creator and Destiny’s Children (I’m not sure which one was first chronologically, but I was thinking about the one guy who was like “this is way better than last cult I was in” and how funny it would be if he was talking about Klaus’ cult) . I feel like Klaus and Dr. Harrison have a very weird kind of bond over it.
- Vic “I am literally asking for the bare minimum here in terms of heroics please could you all just follow simple instructions for twenty minutes so the world doesn’t literally explode” and Five just *acknowledging nod of mutual frustration*
- Mr. Nobody keeps talking about crossovers and some guy from My Chemical Romance. no one quite gets it.  
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
What are your thoughts on Vanya’s book? I’m torn between knowing it was an empowering thing for her and being like damn girl, you were all abused, not cool putting that out there without their consent. The lines I’ve seen from it were about how Vanya’s siblings treated her but I don’t see how she can talk about their childhood without the abuse coming up. Do you think Vanya would have to apologize for the book as part of improving the siblings relationships?
I think that Vanya’s book was very important for her to write - for herself. I don’t think she should have published it without the consent of her siblings, because Vanya does not exist in a vacuum. If you think Allison was not absolutely grilled over the contents of that book in interviews and it didn’t continuously pop up in her world you’re wrong. And anyone who both knew the other siblings and read the book might make comments or ask questions or make assumptions. Vanya wrote an entire book about how terribly she was treated and then pointed the finger at her siblings.
Because the issue is this: Vanya was abused. Horrifically and terribly abused and neglected. She was drugged for the majority of her life against her consent, frequently emotionally abused and belittled, and isolated from the rest of her siblings. She has a right to be angry. BUT. That does not erase the fact that her siblings were all also abused and victims. And Vanya was so wrapped up in her own pain she couldn’t really see that. 
Of course, the reverse is also true. The others were all wrapped up in their own trauma to the extent that they never considered Vanya’s point of view or the ways that Vanya was being abused.
But imagine for a moment that you father raises you as a child soldier. You and all your siblings except one. While you’re running drills and learning to fight and gathering bruises and the only time you’re allowed to yourself is half an hour during the weekend - the life of the one sibling who is allowed to pursue her own passions (violin) and is generally ignored by your drill sergeant father seems to have it pretty darn good wouldn’t you think? You’d give your left leg to be invisible or not be forced to do the training. You’d give your left leg to have her freedom.
And then she publishes an entire book painting you the bad guy because, what, you didn’t include her in your half an hour of freetime? You had better things to do trying to survive your father’s regime than take a few to play happy family with her? You look at this book and ignore all the emotional abuse and gaslighting that she’s highlighting because you think she had it easy, and she’s saying in here that she was jealous of the attention your father gave you. Jealous. As if gaining your dad’s attention was ever a good thing. 
She spills a whole bunch of family secrets. Discusses your brother’s death, something you find very private (maybe you even witnessed it and she didn’t), with the entire world. She drags up all the shitty things you did as a child. A child raised in an emotionally and honestly probably physically abusive household from which your only adult human role model was your asshole father. He built you a robotic mother who obeys his orders and parrots his words. The only other person is a chimpanzee who also only ever seems to regurgitate Reginald’s ideas and always defended him even though he was hurting you. Abusing you.
Vanya deserved to write down those thoughts and discuss them. With a therapist. Or friends. Or anonymously!  Maybe a blog and give everyone pseudonyms and work through it that way. Because like it or not, her siblings did hurt her. They probably gaslit her about how bad things were, blowing her off because clearly her life wasn’t that bad. And they’d probably roll their eyes and call her lucky that she wasn’t included in training anyway. And Vanya would have to grit her teeth and smile and agree because it’s six against one.
Vanya was abused. But that doesn’t mean her siblings weren’t equally abused. Honestly I bet if Vanya had called up Diego and was like “hey I’m writing a whole book about how much growing up with old Reggie fucking sucked, thinking about publishing, wanna help?” Diego would be the first one on board like “HELL YEAH let’s ruin dad’s whole career I have like, seven stories about child endangerment off the top of my head let’s go”
the book we deserved to have was a collab by the whole family offering different points of views and discussing the trauma their siblings didn’t get to see - like private training. 
So what I’m saying is that Vanya does write a sequel to her book. Except this time it’s with everyone sharing. That’s the apology. The opportunity to set the record straight with what they’re comfortable sharing with the world. 
Luther can talk about never feeling good enough, can talk about his isolation at the top of the pyramid and his relationship with Allison who was also there. He can talk about impossible standards and his father never using his name. Strained muscles and terrible testing. The nonconsensual body modification and the isolation on the moon. The realization that four years of his life had been wasted because his dad never even bothered to read the reports - he didn’t even care enough to try. He can talk about the fact that he was so raised up as a child that he feels like a failure at everything he does now. 
Allison can talk about her father forcing her to rumor her sister when they were both four years old. She can talk about the training, having to rumor her siblings and then later the random people Reginald would bring to her. Delivery men and door to door salesmen and girlscouts who were always rumored to forget after. (And then the homeless people, the people no one would miss. The ones who weren’t rumored to forget after because they didn’t go home. She doesn’t write about them though). She can talk about rumoring her way through life and never learning how to get anything without forcing people to give it to her. Constantly on the offensive. The way that’s impacted her career, her relationships.
Diego can talk about never being good enough. His stutter that Reginald had no patience with. The training, being forced to throw knives at the one person in the world he really truly cares about as she smiles at him with her plastic smile. Trying desperately to keep Klaus from drowning under the weight of Reginald’s expectations when he was barely treading water himself after Ben’s death. Leaving the first chance he did and never looking back. The way he still tried to prove himself by joining the police academy, and when he failed at that by becoming a vigilante. 
Klaus can talk about his father throwing him in a fucking mausoleum. Being scared of the dark and claustrophobic. The ghosts he sees screaming behind his eyelids and sometimes even when his eyes are open. The one escape that he found being looked down on by everyone around him when he was only doing his very best to survive because the sad truth is that he could not live that way. Not how it was. He can talk about Ben showing up after his death, and nobody believing him. Being homeless. Living on the streets with no one but a ghostly follower for company. Every moment of sobriety in that house was one of fear - and Klaus is just so very tired of being afraid. (Maybe he can bring himself to talk about Dave, the one person that made him feel safe and protected and loved and how he lost him. Maybe he can’t.)
Ben can talk through Klaus about his own life. He was forced to kill people against his will with a power he couldn’t really control and that he was afraid of. He ended missions covered in blood that he never wanted to shed. Then his death which was reportedly very bad. Then showing up again and only being able to talk to Klaus. Not being able to hug him or stop him or intervene - forced to become a spectator to his brother overdosing over and over again. Loving him but being so angry that he’s squandering the chances Ben wishes he could once again have. 
Five can talk about growing up pushing the boundaries and the way the others only seemed to notice when Reginald praised him and never when he was punished. And he was punished. Reginald tried over and over again to get Number Five to come to heel and never quite succeeded. Every point Five gained in his own personal score was gained through blood and bruises and willpower. There’s all that to talk about, and then there’s the time travel and forty years of isolation and Dolores and becoming an assassin and his plethora of issues regarding that he doesn’t even need to get into to make a whole book of his own. Coming back and seeing that cold portrait sitting on the mantle and knowing that Reginald used his presumed death in order to further control his siblings. 
And they write it together, sitting in the living room and contradicting each other’s memories of events (”No, Dad caught us because you tripped on the table!” “Nuh uh! It was because Klaus was whispering too loudly!” “Actually guys looking back I’m pretty sure Dad just checked the cameras and noticed us leaving.”) and maybe they don’t publish it! They don’t have to! Or maybe they do, taking out all the bits about, you know, murder and all of that sorry Ben they could probably just downgrade the language to ‘hurting a lot of people’ though I mean. He’s dead it’s not like they can charge him with excessive use of force at this point. 
And it’s a bonding experience. And they all come out of it better understanding that they were all traumatized and abused and groomed and gaslighted and neglected and just overall their childhoods were shit. Five will defend Vanya’s book with his fucking life and probably is instrumental in making the others see that just because her abuse looked different doesn’t make it less valid. And he’s also instrumental in making Vanya see that just because the others abuse looked different doesn’t make it any less valid, either. 
Do yeah, have enough material for a sequel? There’s enough material for a fucking series. 
Honestly though genuinely do you know what I think would have been a way better and more empowering move on Vanya’s part? Writing a fiction novel about an ordinary child in a world of magic and superpowers who saves the world. Writing about her own life through the lens of fiction. Basing her characters on real people, yeah, but not writing a tell all book about people whose lives it would very much still affect. Plus, I bet the others would actually read the book at least and recognize it. 
I mean, if they read an entire book about a character who was excluded and belittled and ignored and told she wasn’t worth anything because she wasn’t special in the context of this fictional world, I think they would sympathize. And then if Vanya told them hey, actually this is me projecting and I really did feel this way a lot then it might go over a sight better than hey I’m writing about our childhoods and all your friends are going to read about it
and honestly?? I think that’s a story that needs to be told to other little girls as well. Maybe they aren’t literally being told they’re ordinary because they don’t have superpowers, but there’s a lot of girls who are told they aren’t special and can’t do things and having an ordinary character save the world is an important and inspiring narrative. And it might help Vanya get some closure, because she gets to come up with an end to the story. Wish fulfillment. She gets to write about an ordinary little girl who saved the world. Or maybe she didn’t save the world. Maybe she saved her piece of the world and left the rest up to the people with powers. Small acts of kindness that change everything, for some people.
(and it would reach more people than whoever reads autobiographies and memoirs)
I have a lot of feelings about the book as you can probably tell lmao
I just think the book could have been handled better on Vanya’s part. But I also think she had a right to write it because she had a LOT of stuff to work through. Honestly I think the book originally began from an exercise her therapist gave her and took on a life of its own until it reached the publisher. But like I said, she doesn’t exist in a vacuum and her actions have effects on other people - specifically her family. 
Granted, it’s not like I’ve read the book in its entirety and can’t judge it because of that. But the others had a right to their privacy and I don’t blame them for feeling angry and betrayed because of that invasion of privacy I mean damn. And I doubt Vanya put any of the good stuff in there really, mostly bad. Because that’s how she was feeling.
(If I wrote a book about my childhood with my brother - I could talk about how he sold our joint runescape account without consultation despite all the hours I put in. I could talk about him chasing me through the house or eating my chocolate that I was saving. I could talk about some of his shitty views and his self-isolation, how he would call me stupid and never let me play with him. When he purposefully ditched me in Mini-Amsterdam when I was six and I had to find someone to call my mum for me. Maybe the time he left me on the school bus when I fell asleep next to him. When he pushed me into a bank of nettles, ouch. Or I could talk about how when my balloon popped when I was seven, he gave me his balloon. Or the time he won me a toy starfish on a crane machine. Or when he took me to school after my surgery so I could pick up my homework and when I went back before I was ready he was the one to pick me up again. Or the time when my sister and her friend were being horrible and he let me hang out with him and his friend in their secret base even though he usually didn’t give me the time of day.)
At the end of the day, you can frame people any way you want, and Vanya was going for the bad stuff. Because she was hurting. And she hurt them. And she needs to acknowledge that, so yeah I do think she needs to apologize for writing the book without asking or consulting in order to improve their relationship. I think the others need to apologize to her as well for what little shits they were as kids, because their own abuse is a reason but it doesn’t excuse what they did, either. Vanya was abused and they hurt her and they need to apologize for that. But that didn’t give Vanya the right to hurt them back, so she has to apologize as well if that makes sense??
I dunno this ended up longer than I thought it would oof but I hope it answers your question!!
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Happy Together | Klaus Hargreeves and Reader (Oneshot)
Word Prompt: Death
Words: 2115
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Warning: Minor character death, mentions of drug use
Summary: You haven’t seen your friend, Klaus, since rehab and sought him out after your brother was killed from a drug deal gone wrong. Your visit to the Umbrella Academy gave you only a taste of the type of shenanigans they’re up to.
It all happened so fast. What was supposed to be a civil discussion became a shouting match and then guns were drawn. You were on your way home when you heard gunshots coming from inside the apartment. With your heart hammering wildly in your chest, you dropped your groceries and rushed in, seeing your brother lying on the floor in a growing pull of blood while his drug dealer crawled out the window.
You were a weeping pile of mess by the time the neighbors called the cops. You refused to be separated from your brother, trying to wake him up, but they gently pried you away, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders.
When, who assumed were, the cops came, the tears subsided, leaving only shaky hiccups and sinking numbness that you were all too familiar with. Except this time, it was like this void sucking you into the darkness from the inside. You could get a hit, but you’ve been sober for almost a year already. You didn’t want to spiral again.
“Hey, can you talk?” a soft voice asked.
You raised your head and was met with a familiar face, clad in vigilante black. You never officially met him, but your friend from rehab had told you about him before and gave you the book his sister wrote on the family. They were a pretty dysfunctional family but with superpowers, which you guessed made it worse.
You nodded slowly, pulling the blanket tighter around you, ignoring the blood on your hands.
“Do you mind telling me what happened here?” he asked.
You took in a shaky breath and exhaled, refusing to look at the body in the other room. “My, uh, my brother, he…,” you paused to clear your throat, “I don’t know. I was out buying groceries when I heard a gunshot. By the time I got here, my brother was… and his… drug dealer was climbing out the window.”
“Drug dealer? You sure?” 
You nodded.
“Do you know his face? Name?”
You nodded again and told him the name of the dealer and what he looked like as best as you could.
“Okay, thank you. My backup will be coming in a few minutes. They might ask you the same questions and you just have to answer them, okay?” he said calmly.
You nodded. “You mean the police? I know you’re not police,” you said.
His expression changed for a split second. “I work with them,” he said before standing up.
You stood up and followed him, the blanket dragging behind you. “Wait, you’re Diego, right? Diego Hargreeves?”
He closed his eyes and sighed. “Don’t tell me you’ve read Vanya’s Extra Ordinary book.”
“No, I mean yes, but I know your brother Klaus. We were in rehab together,” you explained quickly. “Is he doing okay?”
Diego grimaced, scratching the back of his head. “Look, I gotta go-”
“I haven’t spoken to him in a while and I was worried for him when I left rehab. He used to relapse as soon as he stepped out of the building and I’m just hoping that he’s doing better.”
He glances out the window, then at the door, before turning back to you. “Look, all I can say that he’s… Klaus is Klaus but he’s trying to go cold turkey, alright?” You nodded, waiting expectantly for more. He sighed. “Look, once you’re feeling better you can come by and see him. I assume you know where I’m talking about.”
“Thanks, Diego.”
“Just don’t mention that I was here, alright?”
“Of course.”
 You nervously walked up to the imposing front gates of the Umbrella Academy building, the logo of an umbrella shown clearly on the doors. The gate creaked as you gently pulled it open and you walked up the steps and knocked, clutching your basket with your other hand.
You waited patiently until a cheerful blonde woman in an apron and blue dress answered the door. She smiled at you with a tilt of her head.
“What can I do for you?” she asked.
“Um, is Klaus Hargreeves home? I’m (Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
She hummed thoughtfully. “He is. Would you like to see him?”
“Uh, yes, please.”
She nodded, spinning around and led you in the surprisingly large house. Honestly, you weren’t sure what you were expecting. It made sense now that you thought about it, having the buildings combined as one mansion on the inside.
The woman’s heels clacked against the perfectly polished floor. “Klaus, your friend is here,” she called out next to the wide staircase.
“What?” came the voice that was undoubtedly Klaus, followed by glass shattering and a loud thud.
She turned back to you and grinned. “Boys,” she said with a shake of her head before going back to her dusting.
“Mom, I don’t have any friends - (Y/n)! Hey, buddy o’ pal!” Klaus shouted, rushing down the stairs and jumping the last two steps. He swung his arm around your neck and practically leaned his whole body weight on you. “How’ve you been, buddy?”
“I’ve been… better. There’s something I want to talk to you about,” you said, then lifted the basket, “First, I’ve baked cookies!”
Klaus moaned, throwing the cloth off the basket and grabbed a cookie, sniffing it like it was cocaine before shuttering. “I do love it when you stress bake. That means more desserts for me, though there’s no weed in here. Oh, and Ben says hi.”
“Hi, Ben,” you said, silently asking where he was standing. Klaus pointed at his right and you waved at the air, trusting that Ben was actually there.
“I’m right here, Klaus,” Ben muttered, but you couldn’t hear, standing on his left side.
He waved him off, shoving the entire cookie into his mouth. He waved at his mom then led you down to the kitchen, an old converted cafe or diner with a long wooden table next to a tiled stove and counter. A boy that looked to be about thirteen or fourteen was rummaging around the cupboards, holding a coffee pot.
“Still no coffee is this god forsaken house,” he muttered to himself.
“Hey, little bro, what’cha up to?” Klaus said, grabbing the basket from you, “Do you want a cookie?”
“No, Klaus, I don’t want a cookie. What I want is a decent cup of coffee,” he snapped, turning around to glare at him.
Klaus, unfazed, waved a cookie in his face. He frowned, taking the cookie while glowering. Klaus waited expectantly, folding his hands under his chin. You stood awkwardly at the back, watching the two siblings interact. The boy finally took a bite and chewed with a contemplative look. He nodded and hummed approvingly.
“It’s good,” he admitted, then finally addressed you, “You made this?”
“Yeah,” you said, creeping towards the table to join them.
“This little man is Five,” Klaus said, “the one I told you went missing but he actually jumped forward in time and got stuck in an apocalyptic future until he was almost sixty with a mannequin girlfriend, then he became an assassin and almost shot JFK.”
“Klaus!” Five scolded.
“Um,” you sat down slowly and tried to process the information. Klaus had told you many stories from his childhood and, of course, you read Vanya’s book, but actually meeting the people from those stories made it more real. “Okay.”
Five turned and blinked away. “No people skills,” Klaus said, shaking his head. “So what did you want to talk to me about?”
“Alright, so,” you started, scooting your chair to face Klaus. He sat down next to you and rested his head in his hand. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but… my brother, he, uh, he passed away recently-”
Klaus raised a hand up with Hello tattooed on it. “Hold on a tic. Let me stop you right there. Look, you know I’m trying to stay sober, but I still can’t control it. I can’t just simply conjure up your dead brother. I don’t know if it’ll work,” he said.
“But, you get to see Ben all the time,” you said, frowning, “This is only one time, okay? I just want to speak to him one last time and I won’t bother you again.”
“No, please do come over with more desserts, please,” he joked. When you gave him a pleading look, he sighed. “One time. I could try to… manifest or whatever it’s called so you can see him, but I was only successful once and it was an accident.”
Your widened. “Okay. Thank you so much!” You hugged him tightly.
He hugged back until you pulled away. “Okay, so… I’ve never done this for someone else before, it just happens, so… think of your brother, I guess? Imagine that he’s here in the room with us.”
You nodded, closing your eyes to concentrate. You try to picture your brother and how he would never brush his hair but would take hours in the shower, how he managed to burn toast on a frying pan, but despite you have to clean up after him, he was always grateful for you. After the police caught the drug dealer, you tried to attend therapy sessions to get over your grief. The sadness was still there, but not to the point where it was weighing you down. It was just that there was something that you’ve been meaning to ask him.
You heard Klaus huffed in frustration. “Come on!” he suddenly shouted, making you jump. “Sorry. He’s… I can’t see him. I’m sorry, (Y/n/n).”
You slowly opened your eyes and gave him a small smile. “It’s okay. It was worth a try,” you said.
“But, hey, it was nice seeing my sober buddy again! You really should come by more often,” he said, standing up and leading you back to the atrium.
“It must be hard, though,” you said, thinking back all those times Klaus wanted to get high when he had a nightmare, “Does your siblings know the kind of stuff you have to deal with? Hearing and seeing the dead all the time?”
Klaus shrugged. “I’m the druggie brother, remember? I’m not important. Besides, we’re all messed up thanks to our dear old father, Reginald,” he said sarcastically.
You went to reply when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Diego, followed by the rest of his siblings, walked over and looked at you curiously. You suddenly became self-conscious and started to excuse yourself.
Diego was the first to greet you. “Hey, you doin’ alright?” he asked, laying a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, thanks for catching the dealer,” you said, your cheeks heating up under his sincere gaze as you stepped closer, “I-”
“Klaus, you can’t just invite people to the house,” Luther scolded, talking over you.
Diego rolled his eyes, irritated that your conversation was ruined by him. He turned around to argue with him. Allison smiled at you offering her hand. “Hi, I’m Allison.”
You shook her hand, your mouth gaping. “I… Hi, I’m (Y/n). I really liked you in the movie Schuyler Sisters. Wow. Hi,” you stumbled nervously, realizing that you’re shaking her hand too long. “I’m sorry.”
Allison gestured for her sister to come forward. “This is my sister Vanya,” she said, “She’s amazing on the violin.”
Vanya ducked her head shyly. “I’m… okay at it.”
“Wow, I saw you in concert. Your rendition of the Phantom of the Opera was amazing,” you continued to muse. “Can you teach me how to play?”
Vanya blinked, surprised. “Oh, uh, sure. Just let me know when you want to start.”
Luther and Diego started to get louder, their arguing becoming physical as Diego went in his face, provoking Luther to push him. Allison sighed, guiding you, Vanya, and Klaus over to the other room. Five reappeared at the bar with your basket of cookies in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
“Have you tried her cookies yet? They’re good with coffee,” he said, holding the basket out.
Allison and Vanya each took one and hummed in approval. “You should live with us so we can have more of these,” Allison said.
“That’s a great idea! I’ll go clean up a room!” Klaus said excitedly, running passed the fighting brothers up the stairs.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Klaus clean his room before,” Vanya said, watching him go.
Luther pushed Diego into a vase, causing it to shatter.
“Boys!” Their mom shouted from the other room.
“Sorry, mom,” they said in unison, straightening up.
“I swear, this family is literally the death of me,” Five muttered, chugging his coffee before taking another bite of his cookie.
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