#and i wasn't even that much of a fan of dazai
welivetodream · 1 day
✨ My BSD hot takes/unpopular opinions ✨:
1. Identifying BSD characters as Queer, is not problematic. STOP being so Heteronormative. Gay characters are not gonna kill you.
If I see another "BuT tHe ChArAcTeRs nEvEr SaId tHeY aRe GaY" I would bomb you 💣/j
2. Skk/SSKK/Fyolai/other popular ships, exist because people like it. If you don't ship them, don't engage with their content. Not all shippers act crazy and toxic. Stop blaming everything on shippers.
3. Atsushi/Kyouka is problematic, stop justifying it with "only 4 year age gap". Kyouka is a CHILD, ship her with Kenji if you want. Atsushi, like a normal 18 year old would never look at a highschool freshman and date her. Even if they date in the future, he knew her when she was younger and they had a sibling like dynamic. Lucy is a way better love interest to Atsushi (Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion tho, but I saw some people justifying it 😐😐😐)
4. DAZAI IS NOT EVIL. HE IS FAR FROM EVIL. He is, despite being super popular and the face of BSD, the most mischaracterized and villified character. Morally grey characters exist??!!!
5. Mori is a way worse person than Dazai ever was.
6. PM members get a free pass for any heinous crime they commit by being hot or babygirl-ified (still love them tho, we do not often discuss how bad their actions have been, you can like criminals and acknowledge they are criminals in fiction. I would add DoA to this too, but it's worse with the PM)
7. Akutagawa's abuse of Kyouka shouldn't be forgotten just because Dazai abused Akutagawa.
8. Mori emotionally manipulated and abused Dazai when he was a teen. Just because it wasn't physical, doesn't mean it was nothing.
9. Atsushi is NOT a soft boy, he is way bitter, salty and sarcastic than we give him credit
10. Poe is important to Ranpo and their friendship/relationship is wholesome as hell
11. Ranpo and Yosano's friendship is way better than them being in a relationship in the future
12. FukuFuku is better than Fukumori (imo!!!!)
13. Buying real authors work after watching BSD is actually a really good thing, since more Gen z kids (or other people) will read classics
14. There are layers to Atsushi and Akutagawa relationship/rivalry, and they have the MOST important relationship (not meaning romantic, just in general) in the entire canon.
15. Kunikida and Yosano could be a power couple
16. Fyodor is not a great villain (yet)
17. Nikolai CARRIES the DoA
18. Sigma shouldn't be in the ADA, he needs a happy home, family and some time to adjust to normal life
19. Q and Elise are both underused characters and could become a great dynamic
20. Ango deserves more love, the amount of pressure and stress he deals with is INSANE
21. It's OKAY if everyone joins the fandom for Dazai or skk (I did at first too!!)
22. Higuchi is annoying as hell. I do not get her hype, I like her but not as much as most people (just personal opinion, do not flame me 😭)
23. Everyone in The Guild is forgettable or boring (except Fitzgerald, Poe and Lucy. I like Louisa, but I forget her all the time)
24. Hetero ships are just not that great/interesting in BSD to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ (except maybe AtsuLucy or rare pairs) and female characters are not best utilised, I wish they play more major roles (can't wait for Agatha to arrive!!)
25. Some fan theories/arts get the story better than "canon" stuff at times. Fanon is NOT always the worst (sometimes enjoyable when the canon gets too dark or sad)
26. Toxic ships are okay in fiction as long as they are legal. Humans like toxic things, we consume it like junk food 💅🏻
(These are all personal opinions of mine and do not matter. Feel free to disagree. But, do not hate or be toxic!!!! 😇😇😇😇)
(PS: I compiled all these because of posts I have seen in, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter and sometimes Tiktok. These aren't really abt you Tumblr folks. I meant to post this on reddit but did not have the courage or mental strength lol)
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When I try to search on Tumblr angst about Chuuya from stormbringer I only get soukoku, and then when I search for Dazai things, only Dazai things appear 😭 Please stop reducing chuuya to just being part of soukoku. With Dazai people don't do that, and it's a shame bc Chuuya is such an amazing character (chuuya stan here)
Before I didn't care that much (I mean, it bothered me, but not THAT much), but after chapter 101 I get sad every time I see soukoku, I just want chuuya stuff and fuck you dazai, ok?
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makochi-furin · 2 months
Hii hii! I hope your doing okay today or tonight, I was wondering if you could write something for dazai (idm if it’s scenario, hc or mix of it and if you add another character you really want to write about).
The request basically is; a reader who finally told Dazai about their past abuser, how they got away with no consequences (who reader mentioned seeing sometimes in the city) and later said abuser goes to the agency on behalf their company to investigate missing items.
Stuff like this is really comforting for me so thank you if you do it :D I hope I put in enough detail for you to work with.
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A/N: baby, I’m so sorry, but this is long asf and I got a lil carried away💀 I’m also sorry it took a bit to get out. I work in a nursery, so I work 12 hours shifts, and this got to me slam in the middle of my first one (out of three in a row). If this isn’t what you wanted, you can send me in another ask :) But I hope you like it
WARNING(s): reader was in a physically abusive relationship in the past, mentions of PTSD, canon-typical violence, mentions of panic attacks, pissed off dazai, reader is a girl
—I'm gonna assume this is like a pt. 2 of this writing, but it can stand alone, too :)
—We all know Dazai is megamind over here. He sees EVERYTHING. Nothing goes unnoticed by him (which you probably find a little annoying, tbh, but oh, well). It's especially annoying when he knows things about you that you don't necessarily want him to know
—HOWEVER, if it's something that you physically and emotionally feel like you cannot talk about, like it brings you distress and discomfort, he's very unlikely to push you about it. Let's be honest, this man's probably never even told you the name of his parents. You don't even know if Dazai Osamu IS his real name, so he knows he hasn't got room to talk
—I feel like if Dazai noticed something about your mannerisms, or the way you act that very obviously speaks to past trauma, he'd ask you about it, like in my previous writing. If you're unable or unwilling to talk about it, he drops it. He SO desperately wants to know, but he cares for you too much to put you in any sort of emotional distress by pushing it
—When you do decide to open up to him, he's all ears. He knows how hard it is to speak about the shadows of your past, and he honestly is just so flattered that you trust him (he can't believe it, lmao. Like, three people in his life truly trust him) enough to tell him about it
—You were sitting on the edge of the bathtub in Osamu's apartment, absently watching him comb through his wet hair. The two of you had showered together, and you couldn't help but notice over the months of your relationship how much he had changed.
Osamu was flighty at first, and very distrustful. He wasn't a fan of placing himself in vulnerable positions. Not just to you, but to anyone. Yet, when you'd gently brought up his lack of self care, and how it made you sad to see the person you loved think so little of themselves, a change happened.
You helped, of course. At first, you reminded him to brush his teeth when he forgot, and then you began combing his hair. You'd point out when it was time to change his bandages, and call him to bed at an acceptable time because you knew he'd just stay up until the early hours of the morning (if he slept at all). Together, you two had even begun cooking meals, and he'd started to fill out a little bit.
Now, he made sure to do all of those things, even if you didn't remind him/cook with him, because he felt better, yes, but also because he could see how happy it made you.
He was still suffering from chronic depression, of course. You knew you couldn't fix that, and were thinking about gently bringing up a therapist to him, but he had gotten so much better. Even his coworkers noticed it.
Osamu dragged a comb through his brown waves, eyes narrowed as he focused intently on it. It meant so much to you. How could he not focus on it?
You knew it, too. He would've never made these changes for himself, but he had begun to trust that you had his best interest at heart. A few weeks ago, he'd even opened up about some of his own traumas surrounding Mori and the Port Mafia, about his best friend, Oda Sakunosuke.
Osamu trusted you.
That was why it felt so wrong to keep your own past from him, because he was finally starting to open up. You feared if you didn't return the favor, he'd wilt again. More so, you'd recently been catching yourself let parts of the story slip. Subconsciously, you wanted so badly to tell him.
"What are you thinking so hard about?" He asked lightly, brown eyes sparkling with so much affection that it had your breath catching. Osamu was watching you from the mirror.
You blinked, realizing you'd been out of it for a moment, lost in thought. In your lap, you fiddled with your fingers. Part of you wanted to shut down as your heart plummeted at the thought of reliving the worst of it...
But the way he looked at you, like you hung the sun and the stars, like he felt such fondness for you that 'I love you' simply didn't cut it...
It was time to tell him.
"Can... Can we talk?" you asked, surprised by the softness of your voice. It was almost ashamed, but you knew you shouldn't feel shame for what had happened to you.
Only, you were so scared he'd feel ashamed of you.
Osamu was a great aim, and he was smart as a whip, and he was oddly strong for his thin figure. He'd never let himself stay in the sort of situation you did. He'd fight back.
You felt so small.
He turned to look at you, leaning back on the bathroom counter. His eyes were gentle and knowing, and you couldn't tell if you were upset that he already knew what this was about, or relieved. "Of course," he said with a little smile, squatting down in front of you and taking your hands in his. "What about?"
You gulped, knowing there was no turning back now. If you told him this, you'd be trusting him with probably the worst part of your life. Even imagining it, the past with him, made you sick to your stomach.
You knew you'd backtrack if you didn't just rip it off like a bandaid.
"I overreact to things sometimes," you whispered, and he squeezed your hands. "I'm sure you've noticed it."
"I wouldn't use the word 'overreact.'"
You chewed on your lips nervously, staring into his eyes. Thankfully, all you saw there was understanding, but it was still so hard. "My ex beat me. For years... Anytime I did... anything, pretty much. It was bad." Your voice cracked as you continued, tears welling in your eyes. "I couldn't see my family... I ended up in the ER a few times. He broke me, Osamu. He had me convinced I'd never trust another man."
You waited with baited breath for his reaction, trying to hold in the tears. Your eyes stung and your breathing was speeding up into gasps, because you hadn't even told your family or closest friends the full extent of it.
Osamu looked oddly calm, but at the sight of your fallen tears, he got up to sit beside you. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, he pulled you in close, flush against him, and kissed your temple. "Breathe, baby. It's all right now," he whispered, squeezing you close.
You couldn't stop it now, though. What had been building up since you left your ex was being released right here, right now. There was no turning back. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and clouded your eyesight. Subconsciously, you grabbed his shirt in a tight grip and squeezed until your hand ached.
"He beat the shit out of me, and nothing ever happened," you continued, the anguish in your voice now laced by anger. "He broke my collarbone... my jaw—my ribs and my wrist. He made me feel like an ant, like I was so small, and I still feel that way now, and even after I left him... I'm still suffering, but he gets to go about his life like it was nothing. I couldn't even go to the police—he said he'd kill me," you got out through gasps, squeezing your eyes closed as your vision had started to darken at the edges, anyways.
Osamu's eyes flashed with something you didn't recognize, but all he knew to do was pull you in tighter. He placed a hand on your head and pulled you into his chest, and you certainly weren't trying to resist.
"It's not fair," you added, knowing how childish you sounded. Nothing was ever fair. Here you were, saying all this to a man who had probably done much worse than just break people's bones, complaining about fairness.
You weren't a child. You knew life wasn't fair, but that didn't mean it didn't fucking suck that it wasn't.
"Sometimes, I still see him, you know... In town, I—" You had to stop, otherwise you'd make it worse for yourself.
He held you close, rubbing your back and gently scratching your scalp as he whispered for you to breathe. Osamu knew you were about to land neck deep into a panic attack.
Eventually, he did get you calmed down. He got you to bed, made you a mug of hot chocolate, and read to you for about thirty minutes before you were able to catch your breath, his smooth voice calming you better than any benzo could.
In the end, you two lied down together, your back pressed to his front. The bandaged arm that was wrapped around your waist felt like a safety blanket. You were sure you'd be embarrassed about your outburst tomorrow, but for right now, you simply soaked up the feeling of him wrapped around you so snugly.
"You're not small," he whispered to you, and that was the last thing you remembered before passing out.
—Dazai doesn't seem different to you afterwards, in that he doesn't act differently towards you. You were worried at first that he'd see you differently, that he'd see you as being as weak as you saw yourself, but it was the furthest thing from. He respects the hell out of people who can go through such terrible things, and yet come out so kind, so good
—While he doesn't seem different, inwardly you can bet he's raging. Dazai is PISSED OFF, more than he's been in years. He's made great progress, but let's not forget that Dazai can be a cruel mf. He's got a darkness in him that he doesn't want you to see, but it is definitely there
—He doesn't press you for anymore details, but he can't help himself. He digs. He uses his brilliance to find out who the guy is, who his name is, and any time he feels even a slight bit of guilt at digging into your past life without your knowledge, he reminds himself of the injuries you listed.
—You thought he'd forget the things you admitted during your confession? PLEASE. He needs to know everything about this fucking piece of work. If he has a photo, he might even text it to Chuuya, along with a message "wanted alive," and you best bet Chuuya takes it seriously (even if he hates Dazai, lmao) because just by LOOKING at the photo of this guy, everyone can tell he's an asshole. And you still see this mf sometimes? Man is RAGING
—Dazai stands on business, because seeing you so torn up about it physically hurts him. It makes his heart ache every time he remembers you in that state. He can't fucking stand it, and he has to do something about it
—Your words about it being unfair haunt him in his nightmares. You're right to a degree: the world isn't fair. However, Dazai knows that if it takes him a million years, he's gonna make this shit fair
—Then, what do you know, one day he's at the office and Atsushi comes strolling in with a Manila folder and the piece of shit, himself. There he is, practically served to Dazai on a silver platter
—"This is Tanaka Jiro," Atsushi chirped, missing the way Dazai's eyes widened when he saw the new client. "He's here on behalf of the engineering company that got broken into last night."
Dazai sat up in his chair, staring right at the man who had the gall to make you feel small and weak. His eyes darkened, and then he slowly smiled. It wasn't happy or gentle, or even playful and teasing.
He smiled like Mori smiled.
In that moment, if his coat was black instead of tan, he'd look the picture of his younger, crueler self. He supposed that part of him never went away, always there just at the edge of his subconscious.
He promised Odasaku that he'd push it away, that he'd do good. However, he felt that even Odasaku, his kind friend, would understand the necessity of it now.
Immediately, he jumped out of his chair and made his way over. His hand landed on Atsushi's hair, giving it a playful ruffle. As he looked at him, his eyes softened. "Maa, Atsushi-kun. You work too hard, you know. I'll take this case for you."
Atsushi stared at him with obvious shock, eyes wide and jaw on the floor, because Dazai never, ever volunteered to work. If anything, he complained about it like a child.
"D-Dazai-san?" he breathed, in disbelief. It looked like he thought someone had killed the real Dazai, and was now acting in his place.
"Ah, ah," Dazai chirped, shoving Atsushi away. "Go do normal teenager things. Flirt, make friends," his voice trailed off as his gaze slid to Tanaka, your ex, and the smirk lifted his lips once more, eyes flashing dangerously, "all of that."
"O-Okay," Atsushi mumbled, still in shock. He recovered quickly, smiling brightly at Tanaka. "Dazai-san is a very good detective, Tanaka-san. You're in good hands!" he promised.
Tanaka smiled back, and seeing the bastard have the audacity to smile had Dazai seething internally.
Maybe, he'd take all his teeth, so that he could never smile again.
"Thank you for your help, Nakajima-kun," Tanaka said, nodding.
As Atsushi walked off, Dazai tilted his head to the side, his plan already formed. "Follow me to answer some questions, and then I'll begin investigating right away."
—For Dazai's plan to pay off, he needs to figure out who broke into the company. It wasn't a planned event, and he quickly figured out the guy who did it probably had no connection to the company (probably just a low down thief looking for some quick cash), which made it more difficult. It was the sort of not-really-a-big-deal crime that the agency would usually put on the back burner (the only reason it even came to them was because the thief was figured to be gifted), but Dazai worked tirelessly at it
—He interviewed people, looked over documents from dusk to dawn, and just generally put in a hell of a lot more effort for this than he usually would for some petty theft
—You probably even notice how hard he's working. There are bags under his eyes and he's back to not taking very good care of himself, but when you ask about it (obviously worried), he just smiles gently, kisses you, and assures you that he'll have this case figured out in no time. He doesn't want you anywhere near this
—When he does find the criminal, their interaction goes something like this:
"I know you did it. Give me the shit you stole, and I'll let you off."
—He has this part meticulously planned out. While your ex is in work one day, Dazai plants the stolen items in his car, and then calls the company security
—He watches with glee as he's dragged from the building, kicking and screaming like an enraged toddler, and fired on the spot. Your ex's livelihood? Gone. Phase one? Completed
—Dazai sat at his desk with a satisfied smile, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he counted down in his head. Everyone else is entrenched in their own workloads, barely even noticing the malicious sparkle in Dazai's eyes.
Soon enough, the door bursted open, and your ex came running in. His eyes were rimmed red, like he'd been crying, and he was flushed all over from rage. "What the fuck did you do?!" he demanded, pointing at Dazai.
"What do you mean?" he asked innocently, standing and walking over with the same smile.
Everyone else stopped what they were doing, watching the scene with widened, or curious eyes. This sort of thing didn't happen much at the ADA.
"You know what the fuck I mean, you piece of shit!" Tanaka screamed in his face, and it only made Dazai's smile widen. When he saw this, he hissed, "I think we should take this outside."
"Hold on," demanded Atsushi, immediately standing from his desk, along with Kyouka and Kenji.
Dazai didn't even look at them, staring into Tanaka's eyes, as he held up his hand to stop them in their tracks. The smile melted off his face, replaced by a cold glare and lips pressed into a line. "I'm fine," he assured them, light tone not at all matching his expression.
"But—Dazai-san," Atsushi mumbled, eyes flickering between Dazai and Tanaka.
"You guys are so dramatic," Ranpo said with a roll of his eyes, absently watching the scene from his desk, which his feet were propped up on. "Dazai-kun said it's fine."
Dazai tilted his head mockingly at Tanaka. "Are we going outside?"
That, they did. Tanaka stomped down the stairs and through the cafe, out onto the crowded streets of Yokohama.
Dazai followed, of course, even as Tanaka led him towards a darkened alleyway, obstructed from the view of the general public. Inwardly, he thought that this guy was making it way too easy. He was an idiot.
Tanaka stared at the dead end wall for a minute, and then let out a cry of rage, turned on his heel, and began running at Dazai with his arm pulled back and his hand clenched into a fist.
Nonplussed, Dazai side stepped it, loving every minute of the surprise on Tanaka's face. "What? Did you think fighting someone your own size would be as easy as beating on a girl?"
That had Tanaka freezing immediately. "What the fuck are you talking about?" he growled out, and Dazai almost laughed at his attempt to be menacing and scary.
Right on time, a black SUV pulled up. He might not be in the mafia anymore, but Dazai had plenty of contacts from it. When masked men jumped out of the vehicle, surrounding Tanaka, Dazai smirked at the look of pure terror on his face.
"Don't play dumb. You aren't handsome enough to pull it off," he said lightly, and then laughed as Tanaka tried to call for help.
He was knocked out before he could.
When he awoke, eyes all bleary and with a searing headache, he was in a big, dark warehouse. It was old and beaten, with leaking pipes and creaky doors. He was sitting in a chair, hands cuffed together behind him.
Tanaka screamed.
Dazai walked in front of him casually, hands tucked into his pockets. "Scream all you like. No one will hear you," he said.
"Why are you doing this?! Who even are you, man?!" Tanaka cried, the tears falling down his cheeks. He looked so pathetic.
Dazai loved every second of it.
He hummed, walking forward until he was right in front of the bastard, footsteps echoing around the wide open space. Grabbing a fist full of Tanaka's hair, Dazai yanked his head back, so he'd be looking up at him, so he could see the icy glare, the hate.
"You hurt someone I'm very fond," Dazai said softly, tilting his head. "You hurt someone I love... And ever since she told me, I've been thinking of ways to make it fair for her. It's all I've thought about.
"She's not like you and me, you know. She's kind. She's sweet. She's good. You," Dazai scoffed, "you're pathetic. A man who has to beat defenseless women to feel good about himself is no man." When he leaned in close, so his lips were inching his ear, Tanaka whimpered. "And me? I'm the worst of the worst."
Now, all Tanaka could do was cry and plead, but Dazai wasn't having any of it. He let go of Tanaka's hair, letting his head fall limply, enjoying the sounds of his uttered prayer. "No god can save you from me," he told him in a pleasant voice, taking a few steps back.
Dazai crossed his arms and hummed thoughtfully, making a show of it. "I thought I could just kill you, but that's not really fair, is it? She has to live with what you did to her, and I think the fairest thing would be if you have to live with what I do to you."
"You're fucking psychotic," Tanaka whispered.
"Ah," Dazai agreed easily. "I've always been more of a proponent of revenge, rather than justice. See, she probably just wishes you'd have gone to jail." His casual tone melted into something deeper and smoother, deadlier. "Whereas I'm more of an eye-for-an-eye kind of guy, so..." He pursed his lips in faux thought, looking up at the ceiling. "What was it she said?"
Tanaka stared at him in horror, especially when Dazai stared him straight in the eye and smiled.
"Right. Broken jaw, collarbone, ribs, and wrist!" He said, snapping as if he'd just remembered it, as if your broken confession hadn't been causing him physical pain this whole time. "I have plenty of history with breaking jaws, so I guess we'll start there. What do you say?" he asked brightly.
Tanaka screamed again, the sound becoming a cry of raw terror as Dazai began walking towards him.
An hour later, Tanaka still sat in his chair, still handcuffed, but he was bloody and bruised. Every injury he inflicted on you, Dazai returned tenfold. He was delirious with pain, and in and out of consciousness.
Dazai grunted when he looked down at his hands, seeing the blood that absolutely coated his knuckles and bandages. He'd have to clean that up before coming home to you.
"You up?" he asked, walking closer.
When Tanaka immediately flinched back, Dazai hummed with satisfaction.
"I won't kill you," he said, as if he was doing Tanaka some great favor. "You're going to go about your pathetic, little life with no job, and every time you look at yourself, you'll remember this pain. You'll finally feel at least a fraction of what she did."
Tanaka just whimpered. It was hard to speak with a shattered jaw.
Dazai smiled at the sound, crouching down in front of him to force Tanaka to look him in the face, in the eyes. "The men who kidnapped you are going to drop you off at a hospital. They'll ask what happened, and you'll be tempted to tell them. So," his tone lowered into a hiss, breaking the somewhat casual facade now that Tanaka had physically felt his anger. There was no point hiding it now. "I'll tell you the same thing you told her at her lowest point, that defenseless girl who didn't stand a chance against a piece of shit like you: tell the cops, and I'll kill you."
Dazai stood, jaw clenched. "And I'll be watching you from now. Step a toe out of line, hurt anyone else, and I'll bring you right back here. Only, that time, I'll probably just go ahead and do the whole world a favor, and shoot you in the head.
"I bet no one would miss you at all, because that's how small you are."
With that, he walked away.
—I know that was pretty brutal, but to be honest, y'all, Dazai was a whole ass executive in the PM (the 'demon prodigy'). He tries to hold it back in the ADA (per his promise to Oda and his care for the others), but let's not kid ourselves. The guy does have the capacity to do some really evil shit, and I think if he'd do it for anyone, it'd be you
—It just pisses him off so much to feel helpless, especially when it comes to you. He couldn't save you, then, but he can damn well set the record straight. In his head, he had to do something. At the very least, he had to stop this guy from doing it again
—You were eating dinner with him that night, and hadn't really noticed anything out of the ordinary. Both of you were just sitting at the counter, digging into some instant ramen, and you probably wouldn't have noticed if you didn't pay such close attention to him.
There was a speck of blood on the collar of his coat.
"Hey, what happened?" you asked, concern pinching together your brows. Worried eyes scanned him over, looking for any sign of injury. You found none, though.
"It's not mine," Osamu answered, and then took a bite of his food, looking pointedly away from you.
You pursed your lips, tapping his wrist. "We don't lie to each other, O-sa-mu."
He couldn't help but smile a little at your tone. His eyes finally met your's, and he tapped your wrist back. "It's not a lie. It's-not-mine."
"It's a lie by omission if you don't tell me what happened."
You were terribly confused when his eyes softened, and then he gently pressed his hand to the back of your head, bringing you closer until your foreheads were touching. "What's wrong?" you mumbled.
"I can't tell you everything," he admitted slowly, eyes shut. He looked so peaceful, like he was where he was meant to me. Honestly, when Osamu was all soft like this, it took your breath away.
"Then tell me part of it," you breathed, reaching up to cup your hand around his neck. "Did something happen?"
He stayed quiet for a long time, though you didn't know how long. It was like he was contemplating something serious, and that both confused and worried you.
When he finally did speak, it felt like time froze. Everything froze.
"I made it fair. He won't ever hurt anyone else again. I made sure of it."
The words were a whispered promise, and you automatically knew what he was talking about, of course. He was mysterious, and he had been distrustful at first, and you knew he had once been in the mafia, but he was also the person you trusted the most in the world.
Osamu always went above and beyond for you, and you didn't feel as safe anywhere as you did with him.
You believed him wholeheartedly, and found that this admission was enough. You didn't need to know the details, and probably wouldn't want to.
The relief you felt was enough.
"Thank you, Osamu."
—Look, he's so bby girl with you, but he don't play when it comes to your abusive ex💀
—Just... just honestly don't fuck with the people this guy loves, okay? He's gd diabolical, and he can be so cruel to those that hurt who he cares about, so... Just watch it if you're tryna show out to his girl, okay, lmao
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
Idk if request are opened but if they are can I request headcanons with dazai, chuuya and atsushi with a best friend who gets hit on a LOT. They also have random people coming up and complement them/ their outfit everyday without fail. Maybe even a time their friend lied and said they were a couple to get some guy to stop hitting on them. Thank you.
๋࣭ ⭑ other men hitting on you. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
characters: dazai, chuuya, and atsushi
warnings: lowercase writing, creepy men, mention of drinking, all characters are over 18!
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๋࣭ ⭑ osamu dazai 🩹
doesn't blame others for hitting on you. he compliments you all the damn time.
your used to walking into work and run into dazai, who is always complimenting your looks<\3
even on the way to work you've had many compliment you. you can never go one day without having someone saying something about your outfit.
it was cute and kind at first, but overtime you've started to feel uncomfortable...all these eyes on you, this compliments left and right?
it was overwhelming for you, and dazai popped the bubble when he once again complimented you.
"dazai- stop! okay, i get it! you don't need to keep telling me!"
cue the eyebrow raise.
"i'm only speaking the truth!"
"yeah, too much if it!"
thats the day he found out you weren't the biggest fan of compliments. once or twice, okay thank you, repeating it five times over, okay bye.
one evening, you and dazai were in the bar located under the agency, having a few drinks before you part ways and you head home while dazai...wandered somewhere else where.
however, plans were cut short when a man who looked around to be in his late 20's stumbled in, reaking already of alcohal.
he took a stool from beside you and sat on it, watching you. dazai was gone, he was in the bathroom when this man walked in, so you were left with him.
"hey there, cutie~" the man leaned more toward you.
you didn't look at him, and played with the rim of your glass.
"nice outfit you have there~ love the view of the legs~ how about you show more of it~"
you shivered, feeling his fingers trace up and down your thigh. you tried to pull away from him, but he followed you.
suddenly, dazai walked back out and you instantly felt relieved.
"sorry, sir~ but i already have someone taking me home.." you stood up, the creep watching yoi walk toward dazai and wrap an arm around his own...which caused him to freeze.
you eyed the man.
dazai made an "o" shape, before clearing his throat.
"is-is something wrong, dear?"
you shook your head, smiling to yourself.
"no babe, now come on! i'm tried, take me home!"
dazai knew you were faking, but his soft pink blush was indeed real.
as you both walked past the man, you kicked his chair leg, causing him to fall to the floor.
as you and dazai walked out the door and took a turn, you pulled away from him and sighed dramatically, "ugh, i hate drunk people..well, drunk people who are creeps.." you shiver.
dazai chuckled, "that trick you pulled? smart way to get away from creeps like that man...however, your lucky i'm your friend, otherwise i would have said i wasn't your partner~"
you roll your eyes, "whatever...i'm going home. call me if ya' need something.."
and dazai watched you walk off, turning on his heels to walk the opposite way. his arms over his hand and a smirk decorated his face.
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๋࣭ ⭑ chuuya nakahara 🍷
both of you get compliments for your outfits.
chuuya gives a soft nod while you speak verbally, "thank you!"
he's used to random people complimenting him, but you were different.
sure, it was nice and stuff, but over and over again, regarding your looks and body? eh, you don't know how to feel.
chuuya would also compliment you, but since he's your best friend, you felt more comfortable.
you explained to him, when this feeling starting to form, that when other people compliment you, it makes you feel awkward.
he understood and also took the compliments down a peg.
"i just..don't like all the attention!"
he nods, "that's okay. the spotlight isn't for all to enjoy.."
timesmkip to a couple of weeks later.
work was okay.
the compliments from people died down when yoh started to not care so much about what you wore, much to chuuya's demise.
he told you don't need to hide your entire body, but also understood why you do it, and doesn't push it.
that was, until one night was anncouned a party night, for some sort of port mafia achivement?
or maybe it was all for kicks..
you and chuuya left the group, not honestly caring what they're missing out.
half of it was probably postponed because elise wouldn't wear the dress moir bought for her for over 1000$.
so, you both decided to have a few drinks together by the bar closest to where you live.
you ordered yours, and he ordered his drink and couple hours went by.
laugher, talking, and jokes fell upon those hours.
however, the hour you planned to leave a guy around your age stumbled into the bar.
you instantly felt his eyes on you, and you felt your stomach drop. he sat right beside you while chuuya was on the other side.
they guy didn't see him, and instantly spoke to you.
"hey there, cutie~ whats a attractive sweetie doing here all alone late at night~?"
he spoke, his breath stinks, but you couldn't say anything when you felt him lean in closer to you.
chuuya watched, his hand clutching his glass, but he didn't want to cause a scene..yet.
he glared daggers at the man, but he didn't notice.
"what's a sad, single loser doing in a bar all alone? are you that sad you need alcohal to find another purposein life,l-?" you rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your drink.
suddenly, you felt the man grab your wrist and pull the drink down, leaning close to your ear-
he licks his lips, "mm you're a fiesty one? that's okay~ it just makes you more hotter~ how about you come back home with me, i'll be able to make you feel real ho-"
before chuuya could step in and knock gravity out of his existance, his scream of pain caused him to stop.
you grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back and slammed his head to the table, standing up from your seat and gripped his hair.
"not to burst your bubble, but i'm already taken~" you eyed chuuya, who blinked once..twice..
he stood from his seat, grabbed the man by the collor and pushed him to the floor, stepping on his back, keeping him down with his gravity.
"treat another person like you just did to my partner, and you'll be buried six-feet-under, ya'hear me?"
the man stuttered out an apology, chuuya letting him up and you both watched him run out the door.
you thanked chuuya for going on with the plan, saying your goodbyes.
if he had to, he would do it again
chuuya stayed to finish his drink, cursing your name when he realized he had to pay for your drink.
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi nakajima 🐯
how could he be friends with someone has amazing as you?
he loves your aesthetic.
even he compliments you because he's just trying to be nice.
you would thank him, smiling sotftly at him and going on with yiur day.
however until one day, when he complimented you, your sighed heavily, hiding your face in your hands.
he tilts his head in confusion, rubbing your shoulder, asking what's wrong.
"y/n? are you okay?"
you sighed, "yeah! i'm fine- just...all these compliments i'm getting from strangers! it's awkward! i don't know what to say all the time and there are some people...who try to...touch me."
you mumbled the last part, atsushi nodding slowly.
he listened to you rambled and asked his he could hug you.
of course, you agreed and engulfed him in a hug.
overtime, he's died down on the compliments, wanting to respect your bounderies and not upset you.
until one night, atsushi and you finished work later then usual and the weretiger offered to walk you home.
you and him were chatting for a little bit, until you wandered past a bakery.
atsushi asked if you wanted anything, but you shaked your head and said you can wait out here for him.
there were seats in front of the door, so you sat down and waited for him.
couple minutes passed...and suddenly there was a teenager, probably the same age as atsushi and he looked...drunk.
you took out your phone and earbuds, trying your best to distract yourself.
it was working...to some extent.
the teenager noticed you, and you could smell the alcohal on him when he came close to you.
"hey baby~" he cooed at you, sitting down on the chair beside you.
you took a unnoticed deep breath and looked up at him, to frightened to move.
"look at this hot outfit your wearing~ hm, they look sooo good on you~" he giggled, rubbing his hand up and down your thigh.
you tried to kick him away, but he gripped your leg tighter.
"i think it would look better~ if it showed more of these smooth legs of yours-"
suddenly, atsushi walked out of the bakery.
"ugh, sorry y/n! the bakery was short-staffed so it took longer to gte my-"
"finally babe, your back!" you stood up, legs shaking softly and you hugged atsushi, whispering in his ear.
"we need to leave, now.."
atsushi looked at boy he didn't see at first, and glared at his drunk body.
his head was hung low and he kept giggling, "awh~ don't think about leaving so soon~"
atsushi grabbed the boy by the collor and pulled him off the ground.
"touch another stranger like that again, and you'll wish you never did." he dropped the man who was gaspong for air and scurried away, running into walls and poles.
he's on his own now...
atsushi looked abck at you, "are you okay?"
you laughed, "yeah..hey, i told you i didn't want anything.."
you pout, grabbing a bag of smal muffins.
"i know, but i thought you were hungry after today."
you smiled, thanking him.
as you both continued your walk, atsushi suddenly stops when he realized something.
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osachiyo · 7 months
haiiii chiyoooo :3
which of the bsd men do u think is the best at dirty talk - my mind leans towards fyozai but that’s only because im biased and i need them to whisper filth into my ear until im a puddle (simultaneously or not i’d die either way)
𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑 — heya nonnie ! this kinda turned into "which bsd characters are into dirty talk" instead of who's the best lol hope it's still to your liking !
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i also think fyodor and dazai would be amazing at dirty talk — these two smartasses don't know how to shut up. though fyodor is a bit more on the quieter side — his words are harsh, mean and more degrading towards you in contrast to dazai. he likes to see the fat drops of tears running down your pretty face and ruining your makeup — it gives him a sense of power, in a sick and twisted way. he enjoys the thrill of thoroughly picking you apart before piecing you back together — it's a twisted game of his.
dazai, on the other hand, likes to whisper words of filth into your ear to watch you squirm. he loves watching you fiddle with your fingers as your face heats up at his crude words — the sight makes his cock twitch in his pants. gets him even harder if you talk even dirtier to him, how cute. either way, it ends up with you either on your knees, getting face-fucked by him, or his face between your thighs — eagerness dripping off of the pink muscle that swirls around your clit.
nikolai is another dirty talker — and he's filthy. if you thought dazai had no filter, he's somehow worse. nasty words effortlessly rolling off his tongue — words about how he couldn't wait to fuck you, take all of your holes until you're all but dripping with his cum before he cleans you up with his tongue — it's so dirty.
another one is chuuya — he's really into dirty talk. he's a fan of whispering lewd stuff into your ear to gauge out your reaction — especially if it's in front of other people. he almost groans when he sees you rubbing your thighs together, trying to relieve yourself of the arousal he's borderline torturing you with. your words come out stuttered and breathy, making the other person's (higuchi or tachihara) eyebrows furrow in concern and ask if you're okay — to which you can only let out an embarrassed nod, catching the way chuuya smirks from the corner of your eye. bastard.
of course, what kind of post would this be if jouno wasn't here? he's another one who enjoys spewing dirty words only you can hear in public. he especially does this when you've been talking too much to tetchou or tachihara for his liking. the most infuriating thing is that he says all that filth with a smile on his face — no one (especially someone as dense as tetchou) would even guess that he was whispering about how he wants to spread you on the table of the meeting room and fuck you silly in front of his boss and coworkers to see.
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— sooo these are all the characters i could think of ! if you think i forgot about someone (which is most likely to happen) then don't hesitate to comment about it, id love to know <3
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akutasoda · 9 months
i can stay, if you want? part 2
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synopsis - after particular warm nights, you decide to shed some clothing - how do they react?
includes - dazai, nikolai
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight crack, reader is mentioned to be shirtless, wc - 761
a/n: this was requested by @lazarokimaar
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osamu dazai ★↷
the agency accomodations were pretty basic but they still did their job and, if the owner bothered, were rather clean. but unfortunately dazai wasn't really in a rush to take care of himself properly let alone his residence. so it was no surprise that the already bad ventilation was made worse.
but that did little to bother dazai. he rarely slept a whole night anyway. but ever since you proposed living together, he actually bothered to tidy up - to some extent. to the extent of hiding bottles of sake and tins of crab and bothering to clean.
but no amount of cleaning could change how much more humid and warm it would become during warmer weather. and it wasn't really helped that dazai became rather clingy when you were directly next to him.
you had woken up due to being too warm and even though you were desperate too cool down but dazai had finally managed to fall asleep and was practically glued to you back. you didn't really have a solution at that point to cooling down seeing as dazai had already hogged the blankets.
however when you came up with the solution of shedding some clothes and shuffled around to be able to take your top off, dazai woke up. and now seeing as he was awake you saw no problem in tearing him off you. he looked at you with some confusion.
he was going to ask what you were doing but his question was quickly answered as you shrugged your top off and over your head. and you'd spent long enough with dazai to know what he was going to day affter you took your top off but you quickly silenced him by explaining it was too warm.
and as you laid back down you were confused as to why a pair of bandaged arms didn't immediately wrap themselves around your mid section. so you turned you head to face him and ask if there was an issue.
normally you would expect dazai to care little of your state of undress and act as normal but he faced a lottle bit of inner conflict. he didn't want to cross any boundaries with you, fearing that if he did so he'd push you away and lose you.
but from your question he nodded and just said he was 'admiring the view' before he placed his arms around ypur mid section and placed his head in the crook of your neck. and now if anything he was a little dumbfounded. how could someone as great as you trust him this much. but he didn't want to dally on that as for the moment he wanted just to hold you in his embrace.
nikolai gogol ★↷
seeing as nikolai hadn't been in yokohama that long, he didn't really have much of a place to actually stay. normally just cramping in on his colleagues. and when he met you after a while he started thinking - what would be even better than moving in with the person he loved most.
he adored your space no matter how big or small it was. but unfortunately it also became the victim to an unfortunate increase in warm weather. warm enough that any ventilation or fans because rendered rather useless.
even if you stripped away all your bedding, sheets and whatever else you would normally have it didn't seem to work.
mainly because nikolai was rather clingy sometimes, that or he had absolutely no personal space awareness. either way he only added to the rather intense heat. and if you were going to fix this you would have to start by prying yourself out of his grip.
and once you did, you took of the layers necessary to cool down before slipping back into bed. and almost immediately nikolai gripped back on to you proving your efforts to cool down to be rather useless but atleast it was a start.
after a while, nikolai had woken up while you were just trying to get back to sleep. he noticed your wardrobe change rather immediately and began teasing you. and in your half asleep state you still managed to elbow him. to which he stopped.
but then he became very acutely aware of the situation and hesitated for a moment until you gave him a rather sleepy nod of reassurance that you were still fine with him cuddling you. to which he took and happily retook his place beside you. and yet he still teased you in the morning about it.
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 9 months
I just come up with a great idea and I like it so much smh 😭
Can you do a yandere Atsushi and yandere Dazai (separately) with a reader who really have low self-esteem? It's so low to the point that even if you call them a b-word, degrading them and they would go "Oh thank you so much for wasting your time on taking care of sth like me!" with a happy face.
Surprisingly, the reader also know about that and used it to their advantage, would even victimized themselves just to get what they want.
They would be very caring towards Atsushi and manipulate (bribe, promise, not breaking his mind even more) him into doing what they want without question asked (not like he would anyway) but with Dazai, they would like to see how pathetic he is for wanting their affection, knowing they are the only one could make him gets on his knees and begs that he would be a good pet for them.
Yea, the reader can be a low self-esteem person but also can be a meanie if they want to, but only to their yanderes tho (especially those who that are hard to break like Dazai, Mori, Ranpo,... With those who are easy to break, they would just manipulate them and giving loves)
I want to see this type of reader sometimes but there aren't many, you're my last hope for my fantasy! 😭
This is my first time requesting this so I'm so nervous omg 💀
Oh and, you can call me Ry.
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜.
𝙴𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝.
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎: 𝚍𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚒, 𝙰𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚔𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚊.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚐𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚈/𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚖.
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𝘋𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘪 𝘖𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶.
The only reason how even does Dazai find you appealing is a question itself. Don't get him wrong he love you a lot but.
Your low self esteems and often shyness and couldn't even take a single insult make him wonder why he choose to be with you.
You are indeed a kind women who listen to him and indeed you were there with him when he quit Port Mafia.
He met you during his stay in underground.
Perhaps fate.
But he is still cautious of his words approaching you was an attempt.
A very hard attempt.
As you often be surrounded by people.
But one time he realise his mistake when he got angry at you.
As you mistakenly tied his bandages in wrong shape.
He won't be mad at you for silly reason but he was as his mood was already ruin by the people.
Your eyes were watery as you gaze to the ground avoiding to stare at him.
"I guess you are... Right I am a failure.. A b*tch" you muttered walking away with drag feet.
As much as he was angry he doesn't want you to leave him.
Your the only company he tolerates and somehow you care for him. Maybe you care for the others too.
He was the one who used two years of his and yours to lurred you to follow him.
Yes you are indeed a professional at finding and erasing people records. And no it wasn't your ability but purely skill.
I guess that's also a reason he feel connected to you.
He pampered you with hugs which you never ask but you comply so that you can get what you want.
He buy things for you... Well Kunikida money was at stake too.
He buy the new bag you often shyly mentions.
He knew somehow you want him to comply on your wishes which is why he call you.
"A cheeky chipmunk with greed like an elephant"
You negatively took it.
Yet he didn't bother to console you and only said it was the truth.
Somehow with his sarcasm you eventually somehow got used to it somehow.
But... He is seriously protective of you. Especially as you do not have an ability he prefer you to be on sideline.
He does get jealous when Ranpo and you talk to each other more.
Both of you were a sweet fan
And Ranpo fondness towards you for having no ability but pure skill make him praise you.
Dazai is the one drag you away from Ranpo who often get confused of why yet Yosano mention jealousy which Ranpo was more confused.
Dazai will make sure you spend less time with the others and only focus on him in exchange of your sly demands on things.
He cannot make you leave him right? Of course if you does so... He will make sure the same imply to you that... You only rely on him and only him.
𝘕𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘮�� 𝘈𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪.
At first he really admired you from afar.
You the lady who eventually gave him a bread when he was starving on the outside world.
Your gently smile and kindness make him fall for you as he met you again during the Agency time.
You recognise him, oh how happy he was.
He blindly ignore you trying to get information from him about the agency.
He smile at you making you annoyed but you were patient to fulfil your mission and the thought to end him often linger onto you.
As money problem is the reason why you even work for the other group.
But when they insulted you for been weakass and couldn't take out a single useful info about agency. Unaware Atsushi stalk you so that you will be safe that day.
But his anger boil when he saw you cry.
"Repeat it! You are a whore who cannot do anything! Right"
"...I am a who-" before you uttered that word right in your eyes in split seconds the senior of yours was cut to half.
There stay a full transformed tiger as you fall on your kness afraid.
Yet the tiger ate those people as the whole group was eaten only some blood splattered on the floor most were droplets of blood.
"D-dont kill me, I-I am just a-"
"Y/n" said the tiger as your eyes widen when it detransformed back to a human.
You feel yourself vomiting out as you realise Atsushi ate away your colleagues those who pay you.
The blood beside his lips make you back away in fear.
Before you beg for his mercy he hugged you dearly.
Then it click to your mind and you happily agreed to be with him as you would rather prefer a home then leave in streets pretending to be a noble women who is kind and give bread to others but eventually you are starving more then them
A grave mistake on your part even if he gave it all to you as much as he could.
You never able to leave his sight ever again.
𝘒𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘢 𝘋𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰.
He couldn't even uttered a word to you. You often lose your cool.
You were a teacher like him, a substitute teacher whereas he teaches math you teaches English.
Your self esteem was so low that you came crying when the kids eventually throw papers at you and make fun of you.
He was the one who scared them all for you.
Now that he thinks about he misses you a lot.
But that thought vanish when he saw you out in a park.
People were shock as the guy slapped you across your face.
As tears fall from your eyes as you gripped your bag tightly.
"What a moron can't even bear a single slap" said the other women as the guy cooed at his women while you were a victim of embarrassment.
"What's going on?" Asked Kunikida who approach the scene as The other women point a finger on you.
"She was begging my boyfriend to be hers! Even if she knew I was his girlfriend"
As people muttered how disgusting you were to eyed another man as Kunikida let out a sighed and slapped the women like how the man slapped you.
Your eyes widen as you finally look up to see Kunikida and the man anger.
"How dare you hurt my girlfriend!?"
"These lady here is the side women who stole y/n the victim here boyfriend more likely they both used her. She was a good friend of this women who seduced the boyfriend a vile women"
"I'm not! What proofed-"
Kunikida simply played a voice recorder where they mention about the money you gave to your boyfriend for his business.
Kind you were only to help your boyfriend.
He eventually arrest them both for manipulating you and taking your money.
People gasped in shock as they eventually start pointing the other two for such audacity to victimised a victim as the fault.
Kunikida approach you with the money.
"Here... You alright y/n?"
"Y-yeah thank you..." You said as you gently smile a bit.
He was worried as you were in questioning term how he knows about you and the whole affair thing.
And when did he record it. (Thanks to Katai).
He have been looking out for you some weeks now.
"Thanks again... Umm..."
He was disappointed by your confused face.
"Kunikida Doppo"
"Ah! The colleague!"
"Y-yeah" he muttered as he blush away by your happy smiled.
He couldn't help but feel happy to meet you again.
All this time he realise you were indeed an ideal match for him.
But sometimes he is concern of your low self-esteem as you often kick out of job because of that.
"Live in with me then"
"I know it is not idealistic but... I want you to live with me I will take care of money as you can work at my apartment that way no worries for money and rent as you can repay-"
You hugged him happily in joy. Oh how glad you were to bring it up.
Kunikida couldn't help but be flustered.
But you knew you couldn't get what you want on things of sort after all... Kunikida will and make you an ideal women of his.
Despite you trying to refuse but somehow you knew... Instead of you manipulating him he is the one gaslight you intot submission.
People assume you both as green flag perhaps you were but... The saying goes two red flags make it green.
A:n- that is all good day/night to all!
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chocsra · 10 months
"Playing with Balls are Not For The Weak (Pause on that.)"
15! basketball plyr! chuuya x gn! reader - HIGHSCHOOL AU, HEADCANONS + DRABBLES
a/n: as per request, thank you @sstarshroom my pookie ☺️, sincere apologies for the title its my toilet humor. next week will be dazai content im sorry my dear dazai fans
content: headcanons, drabbles, fluff, slowburn, pre-relationship,"in a world of boys, hes a gentleman", chuuya as them short hoopers, relationship of these two actually sucking at life, cheeky and smug chuuya, idiots in love, dumbass behaviour
as a classmate, chuuya would have a pretty big friendgroup but only really hang out with a few select people;
in class, he's quiet and focuses on school;
he's also naturally smart, a good 80s-90s student without much effort;
chuuya takes academics seriously but since he doesn't really have to work his ass off to study, he wouldn't be competitive in school, so sorry to all the academic rivals to lovers girlys
you know what he would take seriously though, sports.
and it's not even the serious shit, you could play dodgeball and he's sweating his ass off;
so certified hotshot of the school, short king energy, okay.
Your teacher tediously writes away on a few documents of paper, adjusting his glasses with the flick of his hand. "We have a few boxes from the food drive," he announces, catching the attention of your working classroom. "I need a strong person to carry them to the office, pleas-" a loud smack of a laptop closing can be heard, "MEMEME!!" the class goes silent, staring as your classmate, Chuuya Nakahara, happily voluneer to deliver a few boxes.
okay, okay, so as a classmate, people either think he's slightly irritating or alright, it's another story in gym class though, nobody likes him.
"Pass the ball- PASS THE BALL!" Chuuya yells, you couldn't lie; him wrapping a piece of red cloth around his head like some kind of warrior was sorta concerning? No, really concerning. The small boy leeches his arms out as defense, concentration written all over his face. You dribble the basketball a few times, about to pass it to him. "I said pass it!!" he shouts, rude. You furrow your brows in offense before harshly throwing the ball in his direction, aiming for his head.
Unfortunately, throwing basketballs at your own team player's forehead didn't result in an instant win. As you two sat on the bench, watching the current game along sidelines as Chuuya rubs his temple with an icepack, his red headband cloth resting atop of his knee, focussing intentively. When your team has been declared lost, he clenched the icepack in his hand and starts profusely running around the gym, mourning a gym class basketball game.
I mean, it's not like he's a terrible person though, you've seen the guy, he can be nice, he's got it in his system. Like one time in gym class, dodgeball specifcally.
"Ow! The fuck?" yet another dread of gym class was at your service, the heated air of dodgeballs flying left and right through the air overwhelmed you to say the least. And one of those balls just hit you right on the head, you pensively rub your temple, hearing a loud "You're out!!" from the opposing team.
Curse words roll off your tongue in embarrassment, about to do the walk of shame to the bench until a hand rests on your shoulder. "Hey," you twist your head around, seeing Chuuya approach you, as everyone else fights like their damn lives depended on it. "Did the ball hit your head?" he asks, the boy had short copper locks that framed his face pretty nicely, this time there wasn't a red cloth tied around his head.
"Yea," you quip, turning away from him, the hand on your shoulder lifts as you feel soft fingers brush away some of your hair from the side of your face. "Yeah, that's not allowed, you're still in the game, okay?" the redhead assures you as he casually takes a quick look at your temple. You nod releuctantly, as he pats your shoulder again a few times before smugly continuing the game. Since when did Chuuya Nakahara abide the rules?
You know, there seems to be a reaccuring pattern between you two. Everytime you're near each other, someone always get hit in the face with a ball.
But, there seemed to be more casual conversations, ones that didn't include violence with sports equipment.
As a friend, Chuuya was teasing, he always said no to what you asked him to do, but ends up doing it anyway.
"Can you hold my bag?" you ask, "No." the redhead says as he grabs your bag anyway
but as a friend, he came with more benefits. a trustable walking partner.
It's that time of the season, December, where snow engulfed every pathway you walked on. It was one of those days after school, walking home in the freezing cold; but today was unlucky, you were caught in a snow storm. And apparently, your friendgroup is nowhere to be found.
To be honest, walking alone is kind of scary, intimidating, terrifiying. You would run, but ice was everywhere, tripping in public wouldn't be any better than fear.
You saw a black jacket, red scarf, and a backpack with soccer keychains and a massive waterbottle. Most obvious feature, was the black gloves the figure wore. "Chuuya!" you call out, the boy almost immediately spins around, nodding to you as a greeting. "What's up?!" he flashes a cheeky smile, the redhead was pretty far away from you, and you weren't just interested in a simple 'hello'.
"Can you walk with me?" you ask, shoving your hands in your pockets from the cold. The redhead doesn't falter his smile, not hearing you as he had earphones on. "What?" he asks, communicating with you whilst walking backwards; some assholes just don't care about splitting your head open on ice.
"Can you walk with me?!" you repeat, the ginger stops in his tracks, muttering an "ohhh" as he speeds towards you. Again, some assholes just don't care about their life. And so, Chuuya doing a quick slip and drop onto the sidewalk, in a snowstorm, whilst running to you would be the outcome of this story.
You immediately start laughing your ass off, watching as any smugness on his face completely disapates. Accepting defeat in every form. "Fuck!" you cackle, slapping your knee. You attempt to skedaddle to him, still laughing before.. Slip. You fall onto him, your elbow piercing his ribs, the boy chokes out a cry of pain before you laid together on the ground in pure defeat. You know what passing by cars thought of when they saw you two? Two teenagers laying on the ground, 'X' style, in the middle of a fucking snowstorm.
You made it home safely, having to make your friend and classmate, Chuuya Nakahara, hot chocolate as an apology.
yeah, having chuuya as your friend can get pretty hefty, and violence is all that seems to be thrown at your friendship;
as a friend, you and chuuya didn't feel like friends sometimes, it was weird;
he constantly asked you to come to his games, in all honesty - you were too busy or just felt like staying home;
there was one day though, you did come to his game, out of pure curiousity
and when he saw your face, accompanied with a wave, the teenager knew; he was inlove.
he was really bad at showing it though
After enough convincing, you finally showed up to another one of Chuuya's games, you've already once; but apparently this one was really important.
You were actually concentrating, it was getting really heated, time was getting thiner, and the scores were relatively even.
The crowd roared as Chuuya took the ball, running through the court with a focussed but cheeky look on his face.
Just as he reached the net, he yelled out the loudest, unexpected sentence.
"[Y/N]! This one's for you!!"
The crowd's jaw drops in shock and anticipation, whoosh, he missed miserably.
damn, you guys really suck.
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smuttysunny · 11 months
[ADA]AFAB!Reader x Osamu Dazai
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: Dazai was made to stay behind after work to complete paperwork! Which was boring! Luckily for him you forgott your wallet so now he's getting to have a bit of fun during (and after) he finishes his paperwork <3
Contains: GN reader despite having fem anatomy(2nd person pronouns used), unprotected sex, cockwarming, praise kink, p in v, workplace/office sex(implied semi-public sex?), pet names, off-hand mention of Kunikida, no pre established relationship! Just Dazai being a whore with his colleague <3
Warnings: Absolutely not proofread‼️ may be a little ooc? Tbh the cockwarming bit was short lmfao, this fic seems a little short to me in general 💀 also English is NOT my first language so I'm sorry for any grammar errors and anything of the such! I may speak fluently but I still make mistakes often soo whoops
Thank you to my irl friend for giving me the scenerio/prompt to work with btw! Absolute life-saver 🙏
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It was dark outside, so fucking dark, and DEFINITELY after work hours but you were rushing back to the Agency because you realized you left your wallet back in the office.
As you reached the agency you rushed up to the office and turned on the light just to be met with the sight of a miserable Osamu sat at his desk doing.... Paperwork? Well that's a first, but...wait. Why the fuck was he doing paperwork in the dark? Why was he doing paperwork at all?!
Osamu groans at the sudden light and shuts his eyes tightly, rubbing them before getting adjusted to the bright lights
"What the fuck... Oh, and what are *you* doing back here at this hour?" He says as he looks in your direction, with that irresistible charm of his
You told him you forgot your wallet and you're here to get it back, he just lets out an "ohhh" before pointing at your desk. "By the way... Why are you still here so late at night, anyways? Doing paperwork in the dark, no less" you ask as you pick up your wallet and put it back in the pocket of your trousers. Osamu stretches a little before leaning on his desk with his arms and responding with a huge sigh, "Kunikida is holding me back until I finish at least a folder's worth of papers." You just chuckle a bit before making your way to the door, that is before Osamu stops you.
"By the way... Now that you're here, well... I've been a little bored while scribbling on all these papers, mind helping me out?" And little did you not know it was a request you should not have accepted.
So how the hell did you manage to get from getting your wallet back to your trousers down to your knees, panties pushed aside and his cock buried deep in your cunt? Only the devil may know. But luckily for you what you did know is you were near tears as you waited for him to finish his paperwork! When you agreed to helping him out you thought he meant his papers but oh...how wrong you were... At least he wasn't bored anymore! Far from it actually! He was getting a kick out of you squirming and whinning as you sat all pretty on his hardening dick! Which is why he put an arm on your hip, to stop your squirming.
Your pathetic whines were truly music to his ears as you started begging him to let you move, raising a chuckle out of him. "Just a bit more, belladonna~ only got a bit left~" You let out a shaky sigh, leaning back and resting your head against his shoulder, wondering how long "only a bit" really is.
To be fair it wasn't even that much time, but those 10 minutes felt like 10 hours instead. His dick throbbing inside your tight, warm hole was really getting to you and honestly it felt like he slowed down writing just to drag it out a bit more just to tease you. As he finished writing, you let out a sigh of relief. He put all of his papers back in the folder with a satisfied hum before turning his attention on you, a smirk played up on his lips as he looked at you with those mesmerizing brown eyes of his, intent and desire behind them. He put his lips closely to your ear, his breath fanning over it as he spoke, causing you to shiver.
"You did well, bella. Why don't I give you a reward, hmm?~"
And before you could process anything, you were bent over his desk, his cock now drilled even deeper into your pussy. You let out a soft moan and he chuckles, one hand pressing on your back and the other tightly holding your waist; a bruise or two were definitely going to be left behind.
He slowly starts thrusting into you, whimpers and moans escaping your precious lips as he leaned in close to your ear and moaned, all while wearing that smile on his face that made you fold oh so much.
"Ah~ oh bella~ never thought you'd be this tight... Ngh~ feels so good, baby. This was definitely worth the wait, yes?~" he asks you, not really expecting an answer as he picks up his pace, getting slightly rougher with you aswell, his grip tightening and his thrusts growing more harsh.
"Yeah? Oh yeah?~ yeeeaaaahh~ knew you'd agree"
As much as you'd want not to, you can't help but let out a loud moan as he hits that specific spot that your back arching and your eyesight full of stars. "Osamu..." Is all you can manage to babble out, causing him to let out a loud grunt as his pace becomes feral
"Ah fuck, the way you call my name like that~ mmm~ keep doing it, love~ I love it~" His voice drops with that last part, making you unable to keep holding on as you end up squirting all over his dick. Osamu's eyes widen slightly as he feels your walls suddenly clamp down on him as you pant and try to recover from your orgasm before you, out of nowhere, feel a pair of warm lips licking and suckling on your neck, leaving behind various hickeys.
"Hmm?~ sweet thing couldn't hold on just a bit more till I came?~ My... How needy~" he groans in your ear. He grunts as he feels your slick drip down his dick, getting closer to his own climax.
"Fuck...you're gonna take everything I give you like the good thing you are, right?~ Alright~..."
He doesn't even spare you a moment before a few final thrust is all it takes for him to dump his warm load into your aching cunt, soft whimpers and whines escaping your lips as you feel him filling you up as if you're a custard donut.
Both you and him take a couple of minutes to recover, panting heavily as you feel his cum drip out of your pussy before he leans back and looks down at you with a smile
"So how about round two, yeah? Wonder if we'll manage to see the sun rise!"
Maybe you should've just forgotten about your wallet...
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glitch-karma · 1 year
Hi! im a rlly big fan of ur works and was just wondering if i could req a scenario w forgetful! reader? :D characters are: dazai, kunikida, akutagawa, and poe reader recieves a gift from them and accidentally missplaces it which stresses out reader and they tell it to them and they decide to buy a new one :D (also "they" is referred to the chars i mentioned) sorry if this is too much! dont forget to rest, drink water and stay hydrated! hope ur having a great rest of your day/night/afternoon :)
AHHHHHAA This speaks to me as a forgetful person so I will happily do this 💟💟
Dazai always teases you about not turning work in on time, which annoys you a lot
Has a tally chart of every time you've forgotten something
He really gets on your nerves sometimes, but you try to joke around as much as you can
For your anniversary, he got you a beautiful pendant that matched his own
It was gleaming with a silver lining, a black ribbon to attach it, and your favorite stone in the center
You loved it so much and wore it every day
But, one day you were getting ready for work, and the pendant wasn't on your dresser
You had a little bit of a breakdown and tore your house apart looking for it
You gave up and sat in despair
Kunikida called a million times considering you're almost never late for work
when you heard a knock on the door, you assumed it was Kunikida until you got up close to it
"Oh Y/nnnn~ You're never late wassuppppp"
You ran and hid back in the living room
"I'M DEADLY SICK GO AWAY DAZAI!" "wait wahhhh?"
As you hid under a mountain of blankets, waiting for him to hopefully leave, you heard your front door swing open
"You forgot I had a key to your place Belladonnaaaa!"
Suddenly the blanket was ripped off you and you were exposed
You looked up at Dazai as he blinked at you, waiting for you to speak
Tears immediately formed in your eyes as you stared at him in embarrassment
He got even more confused when you started profusely apologizeing
You expected Dazai to tease you, or be upset, but instead he laughed
When you looked up, he was smiling down at you
"I figured this would happen."
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the exact same pendant from before
You looked up in amazement as he handed it to you
"I even took the liberty of getting a second one made, hehe."
You guys skipped work together after, and went on a cute little cafe date
He sometimes gets a little aggravated with your forgetfulness sometimes, but he tries to be as understanding as possible
He tries to help you remember stuff in a logical way, like helping you take notes or texting you things you need to remember
He does snap a few times, but does apologize immediately after each time
Kunikida got you a custom-made notebook to keep notes in, it was a darker shade of your favorite color, had lightly tea-stained pages, and had "Never fall" Written on the front
You would take notes in it and it honestly really helped your memory
You got to work early one morning to finish some work, you went to write something down and... Your notebook wasn't there
You freaked out, it was just you in the office, but in only a mere twenty minutes Kida would be there to start the day
You basically tore apart your desk looking for it (neatly putting it back together afterward)
You went through your office locker and your work bag. Even checking Dazai and Ranpo's desks to see if either of them had hidden it from you
In the middle of researching through your own bag, Kunikida came in for work
He noticed you over at Ranpo's desk and was a bit confused
"What are you doing in Ranpo's desk?"
His voice caught you off guard, making you slam your head into the metal desk
You laid on the ground in defeat as Kunikida came over to check if you were okay
"Please don't be mad..."
You explained what happened and how you really didn't mean to lose it
Kuni sighed as he picked you up off the floor
"I'm not mad, maybe a little irritated, but definitely not mad."
You went to the cafe while he looked for it, luckily Kunikida's ideals for the day included 10 minutes of free time for you
When you came up with Kunikida's coffee, the notebook was sitting on his desk with his own, he'd managed to find it
He doesn't really care how forgetful you are unless it interrupts him
He does get irritated when you forget missions or to turn in paperwork, he has snapped a little more than Kunikida
He got you a beautiful feather pen for your birthday, it was the first really meaningful gift he ever got you
You wrote with it in journals and such to try to help you memorize certain things
But one evening, you forgot where you had put it.
You freaked out, worrying Akutagawa would be upset you lost such an expansive gift
You looked for almost an hour and a half before you realized it was gone.
At that time, Akutagawa came by your apartment to see what was taking you so long
When he opened the door he was met with you lying on the floor in defeat
"What's the problem here?"
You looked up at him as he was walking over, and just hid behind your hands
"..I lost your present."
Akutagawa stared down at you for a minute, whether trying to calm his anger; Or thinking about what to say you don't know.
He sighed as he started searching himself
"Although it was wildly expensive, I'm not mad. Let's just keep looking."
You stood up confused as he kept flipping over things
You walked up and hugged him from behind
"Thank you..." "Mhm, not a problem."
You both kept looking, but in reality, it wasn't even in your apartment. It was in your desk drawer at the office
Poe is very patient with you, he's also a slightly forgetful person so he understands that you're really trying
Poe tries to write you little notes and hide them throughout your desk to help remember importance things
He also checks frequently on you to see if you're doing what you're supposed to be
Poe wrote you a book of poems about yourself, it was a full book to the very last page
It was very indearing, and you read it to help you fall asleep
You had always kept it in your work bag, but when you when you went to take it out one day it was missing
You freaked out, starting to look through the whole office
You'd remembered putting it in your bag this morning so it has to be there somewhere
After about 30 minutes of intense searching, Poe came in to check up on you
"What are you doing my dear Y/n?"
You just couldn't lie to him, you sighed as he walked over
"Poe.. I'm really sorry. I lost the book you wrote for me. I know the cover was expensive, plus all your work is gone.. please forgive me."
Poe smiled as he grabbed your face into his hands
"My dear I have every one of those poems memorized by heat. And don't worry about expenses, it was only a meer 65,000 Yen. I'll forget that in seconds."
You chuckled as he hugged you tightly
Karl ended up having the book, and Poe read it to the both of you that night
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Hello! How about Chuuya, Dazai and Ranpo taking a bath with the reader?
Ugh taking baths- I fucking love it. I didn't know if you wanted hdc or what so I hope this works. :))
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A full experience, ok?
Babe, you're gonna be so spoiled.
I'm talking candles, rose petals, champagne- the whole deal. I can see Chuuya making it a weekly ritual for the two of you.
The dude works for the damn mafia for gods sake; if he loves you, you're getting the best he can offer and then some.
If you'd like, I feel like Chuuya would enjoy washing your hair. I can see the act soothing him; and it does the same for you.
The air was warm, the lights had been replaced by candles and their lavender scented fire. The cool stone of your bathtub was slippery on your skin, but as water cascaded down your back, you never felt more peaceful. Chuuya's work was meticulous and flawless; like everything else he did, he did it as if to perfect. You sighed as his hands began rubbing circles into your shoulders, releasing a week's worth of stress and exhastion.
"You work too hard, love," he murmured. He pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder making your lips curve into a smile he could only sense.
"I could say the same to you," you chuckled. "But I'm enjoying this too much to argue with you."
"Then my job is done."
"Yes, it is," you smiled. Holding one hand in place where it sat on your shoulder, you lightly pressed your lips against it. "Just enjoy this with me."
"Oh, doll, haven't I told you," he grinned mischievously. "You flash that smile once and I die a happy man."
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Baths with him go one of two ways. Either it's very soft and romantic, or it's very soft and romantic which leads to other things.
Either way, bet on him wanting to touch you at all times.
I can see him being a fan of you sitting against his chest so he can hold you. Or just enjoying the weight of your body on him.
Will use lotion as an excuse to touch you. (Doesn't really get why there are so many, but loves smelling them all.)
Best part is holding you after though. Likes burying his nose into your hair and holding you so close or leaving little kisses on the top of your head as you fall asleep.
He could feel the rhythms of your heart beat under his fingers, and smiled against your neck when he felt it quicken. He relished how it began to pound, betraying you when he slid your hair over one shoulder, exposing your dew-studded skin to the air.
"Even now," he whispered, "you still fall apart at my touch?"
You sighed, the sound airy, breathy and so melodic. "You sound shocked, my love." Looking up through your lashes at him, you stole his breath when he turned your face to his. You leaned in close, closer, until the only sound was the gentle ripples of the rose scented water and your shallow, ready breathing. "You shouldn't be so surprised," you whispered, eyes on his lips. "you've done a terrible thing to me, you know."
"Yeah? And what would that be darling?"
You smirked, pulling away. "Oh come now; where's the fun in me just telling you?"
He knew you saw the way his breath hitched. You knew he saw the way your eyes gleamed as you moved to kiss him again. And you both knew that the heat you felt when your lips met wasn't just the water.
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There are sweets involved
Come on, it's Ranpo for Christ sake- and any relaxation time must come with his special touch.
I can see him very intently studying all the products you have just for this type of situation and then grilling you about what they're for.
Yeah, he's a genius, but he's also a little shit (look at that smirk and tell me he isn't,) but he also just likes hearing you talk.
Ranpo's nose wrinkled as he held up a bottle. "Lavender epsom salt?"
"Relaxes your muscles and the scent is a natural sleep aid."
"Body milk?"
"Softening and moisturizing."
"Who puts milk on themselves anyway," he muttered. "Rose oil?"
"Oh, that one just smells nice," you giggled.
"So this is where your paycheck is going huh?" Even through the steam his smirk was clear as day.
"Oh shut up, you spend all your money on sweets anyway. It's a miracle we can afford rent."
"Speaking of," he sang, "close your eyes!"
You sighed, but obliged him. "You're gonna make me do this every time aren't you?"
"Yup, that's the game," he chirped. "Closed!!"
"Yeah yeah you big baby, they're closed," you laughed. "Now give me the chocolate before I lose the rest of my patience with you."
Suddenly the air on your bare shoulders felt much colder as you felt him leaning in.
"So impatient, my dear y/n...someone should teach you some manners."
The chocolate was sweet - even you couldn't fault his taste- but that didn't stop you from rolling your eyes into the back of your head once they opened.
"You," you murmured, placing a hand fondly against his cheek, "are so lucky I love you." You were joking really, a teasing smile on your mouth, but you could have sworn you heard his voice just louder than the soft lapping of the scented water.
"You've got yourself a lucky bastard then."
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etrevil · 1 year
I need to talk about how well Bones did the skk apology/confession scene.
Like, oh my gosh, the lightning. Red and blue contrast? Yes. The focus solely being skk, and no unnecessary still frame of other characters (mourning the Fyolai scene rn)? YES, AMAZING, PERFECT.
They captured Dazai's expression so well. He looked miserable, he looked so deep in thought, like he was saying goodbye to that one, good, beautiful aspect of his life (Chuuyaaaa 😭).
His eyes were closed, he was taking a walk down memory lane, he was thinking back to when they were fifteen, he remembered when they held hands to defeat Rimbaud, when No Longer Human took affect and-
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The cut using Dazai's ability made me need a moment. And then we have the close-up to his face, followed by Dazai finally opening his eyes after about half a minute of flashbacks. Of memories where he and Chuuya connected.
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And then we have his close-eyed smile, so we don't see what he's actually feeling, where he's practically baring his teeth. He's back to his cheerful, devil-may-care persona while leaving his partner, a person others have described he shares a soul with and mimics perfection together (cough, Adam, cough), to drown.
I was offended on Chuuya's behalf, and I felt like tearing out the smiling menace's hair follicle by follicle when ONLY Chuuya's hat came into frame.
It was like I was experiencing chapter 101 all over again when it came out. And that, I think, is when I realized Bones did well on this. Amazing, even.
Because one thing I genuinely feared was the anime-only fans missing out on the emotions the manga brought out. What if the anime leaves out important bits about their relationship?
But this episode made me relive the night Dazai drowned Chuuya and there wasn't a next chapter to settle to fears. It made me feel so much injustice that I couldn't even cry.
I was absolutely scandalized by Dazai's "See you later, alligator!" (in one translation, cause the official uses the same, simple "goodbye!" as in the manga) and that makes me love it even more- because of course that little shit would bid Chuuya farewell like that.
Because of course, it's soukoku, and this is what they do best: secret codes, phrases only they can understand, soulmatism… And I like to think that see you later can either pertain to Chuuya coming back, or Dazai joining him, if you will.
tl;dr is that Bones did what we wanted and served the same emotional damage to the anime-only fans.
Alright so maybe this was all over the place but I think I finally got my thoughts down. I'm still not fine after this episode lol, and I probably never will be considering we might get chapter 109 animated at this rate and pace.
If that happens, I'm gone. Just, disintegrated. Nothing more.
What a year to be alive 😭
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zukkaoru · 8 months
could you tell me more about why you dislike femskk?
okay disclaimer before i begin: this is not meant to be a dig on every person who enjoys femskk. the biggest reason i don't like it is honestly because it's just not my cup of tea and honestly it really makes no difference to me if other people like it. but beyond that my biggest issues with it are
1. the phenomenon of fans "yuri-ifying" the most popular m/m ship and then using that to prove they like female characters and f/f ships. this is not a bsd-exclusive thing; it happens with stsg too and i don't like femstsg for the same reason. but there's a big difference between actually liking female characters and just genderbending (or even making transfem) the big m/m ship. i literally went to the f/f category in bsd on ao3 the other day looking for fics and about half of them are skk fics instead of fics about like. the actual female characters in bsd. who i was looking for fics of. similarly, there have been some redraw trends going around twitter - specifically the i prefer girls cover redraw - and i have seen. i don't even know how many femskk redraws of that (along with a couple femfyolais and a femrimlaine) but only one redraw with actual female characters from bsd. same with the scene 14 redraw that was going around, and while that one wasn't originally two female characters, i have still seen significantly more femskk (and femsigzai, femsigchuu, femfyolai, etc) than i have ships with even one character who is female in the source material.
and imo this phenomenon is made even worse in the bsd fandom bc so many fans just see bsd as the skk show. so of course they're writing off the actual female characters; they literally don't care about anything besides skk. and obviously i can't do anything to force anyone to care about other characters but like.... bsd has so many other wonderful characters and dynamics (both romantic and platonic) that a good half of the fanbase won't even glance at because they're not skk. i do like skk, but bsd is about so much more than just them. they are, objectively, only one small part of it. like if you only care about skk, then just be outright about it and don't pretend you're "proving" you like female characters and sapphic ships bc you like femskk too
2. of the fans who only like skk and nothing else about bsd, most of them. don't even characterize dazai and chuuya correctly? i think the some of the best skk characterizations i've seen have been from people who actually like other characters and ships too, and some of the worst skk characterization i've seen has come from people who literally don't care about any other ships or characters. this isn't a hard and fast rule obviously but even with 30k skk fics on ao3, i have struggled to find ones that actually feel true to their characters. and the characterization seems to only get worse when it's femskk. if you're just going to turn femdazai and femchuuya into two completely different people, what's the point in it even being skk? why not write k.ousano or h.igugin or even a ship with one canonically female character? if you have to change the core characteristics of both dazai and chuuya... do you even really like them?
3. about femdazai: i actually don't mind the transfem dazai headcanon in general but most fans get her wrong. i made a post about it here but basically so many times i see femdazais that are just. completely unrecognizable as dazai. you can't strip away core aspects of dazai like idk the fact that dazai doesn't show any skin from neck to toe just because you made her a girl. i have seen some femdazai that's good! but i have seen so much that is just fundamentally wrong for dazai's character as a whole. mostly on twitter.
4. about femchuuya: i really truly just don't get femchuuya. i THINK the hype here is probably bc lesbians seem to get attached to chuuya (which. valid. i am also a lesbian chuuya fan.) and so they want to draw a chuuya they can be attracted to (i.e. femchuuya) which like. cool whatever i'm not here to judge. but looking at it from a "would this character actually identify as female" perspective, i don't actually think i can picture that for chuuya. maybe it's just because i so strongly hc them as nonbinary? idk. this one is honestly just a neutral "i don't see that but you do you"
tl;dr: from what i've seen, femskk is often mischaracterized, and genderbending the big m/m ships in a fandom is often a way fans "prove" they like the female characters and f/f ships while not actually caring about anything other than their main m/m ship
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Modern!BSD but...
Atsushi is idol Akutagawa's "pseudo" manager and boyfriend (unbeknownst to the public and everyone that aren't part of their inner circle.) In his words, "Jinko keeps me on top of things. I don't see why I would need an official manager if he's already doing a good job at it."
At first, the fans didn't know who this person was when they caught a glimpse of him in the few chances they have a bit of insight of Akutagawa's crew and routine. Always covering themself with baggy hoodies and cargo pants with tights underneath, white mask with black imprinted tiger stripes and nose, sunglasses, and either a beanie or bucket hat. But after some thought and revelation, they realized that they were Akutagawa's manager! They didn't even know he had one to begin with. And after knowing what Akutagawa calls him, the fans picked up on calling the manager "Jinko-chan" and were completely hooked.
In reality, their history takes it back when they were in high school and Akutagawa was scouted due to recommendations by Chuuya and Dazai. He needed a manager, and while Higuchi offered, Akutagawa didn't want her to deal with his bulls--t. So, wanting to be a good senpai, Dazai dragged Atsushi to intern as Akutagawa's temporary manager! "Seriously, Mackerel?" "Come on, Chibi! Atsushi-kun is actually learning under our dear manager Kunikida-kun! Who else would be a better manager than the one learning under our own?" "( . . . ) S--tty Dazai, Kunikida is his math tutor-!" Which led to quite the conflict between Akutagawa and Atsushi. Akutagawa, struggling with the prospect of the entertainment industry and fame and people with the perpetual fear of his privacy being compromised. Meanwhile Atsushi, a Chinese-literature student and track runner, having panic attacks over dealing with statistics and handling schedules and deadlines all while dealing with not-so good people in his lives, growing anger and spite to his foster father and the busted foster system that split him and his sister apart he was damned to specifically.
But somewhere and somehow, they found themselves understanding the other more better than most. To let Akutagawa sleep better at night, Atsushi deals with issues amongst the fans, taking it to another level when there was even a hint of any privacy leaked and, for some reason, hateful comments. (It shocked Kunikida mostly, he hasn't taught Atsushi this in particular yet when it comes to being the idol's manager). Because even then, Akutagawa just has himself and Gin. And he wants to protect what he has. "I might as well help," he always said to Dazai. But really, he wants to protect them too. And in turn, Akutagawa "begrudgingly" became less harsh on the younger. He couldn't really fire him, and Dazai wouldn't want Atsushi to quit. But more of the fact that he was more exposed to Atsushi's more hidden side, his angrier and spiteful person. And after becoming aware of Atsushi's situation outside of school and being his manager, he offered Atsushi a place to stay in his house with Gin. Because despite himself, he wants to know more about Atsushi, not just as the nice guy from school or his begrudging manager. He wants to know Atsushi as Atsushi.
When Akutagawa's career as an idol fully takes off and he's graduating from school does all those feelings come crashing down. Because that also means that Atsushi is no longer his temporary manager. (They forgot it was all temporary. They have gotten so used to working in tandem that all they worked for, all they built, was temporary.) On the same day of Akutagawa's graduation, he admits that he's afraid what Atsushi has built to protect him and Gin, and that he feels there's much more he wants to know and learn about him. Mutually, Atsushi is scared on what would happen to them both if he wasn't there to protect them, but not so equally scared as to spend the majority of his afterschool time in a place that wasn't his home anymore. Not with that white haired, red-eyed man that all but claims to be his foster father. So they come to a compromise. Not much of a compromise, really. They just continue what they have always been doing, the only change coming to when Atsushi graduates and turns 18. He foresaw that he would be dropped from the foster system like some rubbish and he'd rather not be with his foster-father in the same instance, so he moves into Akutagawa's house early, not that either party minded.
In the present, Akutagawa has a better handling on his idol position, Atsushi is still his manager (and more beyond that) and is living safely with the siblings along with his sister he finally reunited with. They all still live in the same big house since high school, but they're thriving.
Yeah. Things are going well.
(A/N: I wasn't expecting how deep I would go into this wwww ahhh my brain is still fried. I only made this outline entirely of the bit when idols ran and dragged their managers out when the mission was who is the most handsome manager.)
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Helloww~ Sorry to bother you, i don't know if i can request,but i love how you writing so much!! and can i request:
Y/n is famous KPop idol in the world,especially in Japan (Because She was born in Japan) , and she is Mori daughter,but no one know about it,until one day she come back to japan from Korean to hold a concert in Japan and her fans already waiting for her in the airport. in the other place Mori already knew about it and he wants to pick up and protect Y/n when she comes from fans ,bcs he know her fans very many and crazy for her,and he asked his trusted executives and Mafioso (Like Dazai Chuuya, akutagawa,black lizard or more if you want) to protect her. at first he did not tell his subordinates who is the person they want to pick up thats make them anoyed and curious why so many people at the airport, until Y/n comes and greet Mori to make them shock ( you can make the conversation until they get in the car when they protect y/n from her fans hehe). at the end Mori tell his subordinates to protect Y/n too while at the concert because he dont trust Y/n bodyguard. and the rest story you can add if you want.
(I don't know if this make sense, good or not, bcs this idea keep come from my mind so long ago But I still don't have the guts to tell , so if you don't like it you can skip it) Thank you and sorry for that very long sentence🙏❤️
✫Evenings, family & roses✫
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Summary: Even if you were big and famous, you would still be a kid for them. Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting. Hii tysm for the request, it was fun brainstorming your idea. It might as well as get a part two cause the story is fun to write!
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“LN Y/N, the famous Kpop star, seemed to return back to her hometown as the industry seemed to shift more eastwards ... .what are your thoughts on this Mr Otogawa?”
You switched off the tv as you looked at the stuff that was supposed to aid you tomorrow for your stay back in Japan, the place you originated from.
The sun slowly settled at the beautiful city of Seoul, Korea where you resisted. Tomorrow you will be back home, in the same room where you were raised from and at the same place where your first music career started.
The house here you resisted was nice but it wasn't as comfortable as your own home. You missed your home, and for once you decided it was time to return home to meet back people you left.
It wasn't like you were very bonded with your father, rather were disappointed to be adopted by the likes of him, but it was better to be surrounded by people who didn't judge you on your position as they did back her, each person trying to sabotage each other’s way on top. You didn't mind it though, nothing was a fair play and you intended to rise on the top.
Singing was your passion, and you intended it was kept that way.
“Flight SE-234 landed at Yokohama. This is your captain K-”
Standing from the seat, you look around to see the cabinet on board rushing towards the door as the passengers in the economy seat frustratedly pick up their luggage overhead, some yelling and cursing on the way.
'Illiterates' You thought as your manager behind you, Mr Rei picked up your luggage, assisting you on the way to go outside the plane.
Pulling your cap over your head, while you stood dressed  minimalist, you hoped you wouldn't encounter any crazy fans outdoors, despite the fact your bodyguards surrounded you thoroughly, bringing attention more than needed.
“Ms L/N it seems that the hotel you were ought to resist by the company has ran into an issue thus I would be assigning you further-”
“No need to run errands Mr Rei, this is my hometown I have got it-”
Sighting, you half  smiled at the fans that encircled your bodyguards around, as you desperately tried to move from the crowd, covering your face more as the paparazzi seemed to hounder you more.
You finally were able to reach outside the departure gate of the airport, when almost everyone screamed your name, madness over them as they wore the merchandise with your face.
You started to despite your face. Everywhere you see, you could see yourself staring at you smiling through the fake curtains to hold onto the happiness you persuade.
“HERE” A man with Aubergine eyes shouted, as he desperately held a little girl in his arms, while the men around him looked at you in half in annoyance, and half in glee.
‘It isn't even an hour yet and he dropped up here’ you thought, as you took your luggage from your bodyguard, and headed towards the man, grumbling in annoyance. You didnt care what the paparazzi thought, afterall he was only known to be a physician by the common man, unaware of his true crime he worked for.
“Why the hell are there so many people here, what is the meaning of this?” A gingerhead asked his boss, who was currently gleaming on seeing you return back home.
“I think it's fascinating to see people being crazy over some other human” 
“Shut up, says the one who doesn't even value his own live”
“Boys, behave” The aubergine eyed man said, staring at their soul before he nodded at the black haired boy behind him not before noticing your stare at their side.
Suddenly, a black shadow-like black, thread-like substance gripped the sides of your shirt, lifting you up almost faster than the speed of light, and in the blink of an eye you were inside a car surrounded by people you just saw.
“WHAT THE FU- oh, its you” You spoke as you saw the man in the passenger seat glaring at the rear mirror, before saying “Welcome back Y/N”
So much for a warm welcome. 
Suddenly your phone started to ring, to which the young adult sitting beside you picked it up, his face half covered with bandages, as he seemed so bright it could have broken the studio lights itself.
 “Moshi Moshi, Just picking up to inform you that Y/N is safe and sound, isn't it right Y/N?”
Looking at the call id, not before glaring at the boy, you answered, “yEAH, Mr Rei, it's just a warm family way, Don't worry I would be their at 8 to start the show, please repress the paparazzi whoever recorded the scene, THANK YOU BYE”
You ended the call, as you suddenly realised that your luggage seemed to be missing. 
“Don't worry Y/N-san, We got your suitcase with us”
“Who brought it?”
“Oh it's just my subordinate doing his duty, still reckless and I am sorry he created such a scene at the airport.” he said  pointing at the boy at the back of the car, who looked like he was shoved at the back along with the luggage.
Guess, it was going to be a long journey.
“The heck- who the hell even are you?” A gingerhead beside you questioned, as he used his ability to make people float away from the car they were sitting in. 
“Figure it out yourself” you answered, as you held your face between your arms sighing yet again in disappointment, as your fans desperately covered the car up. 
“Home sweet home” you whispered to yourself, as your stuff laid in front of you on the bed you once slept on.
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A knock at your door stopped your train of thoughts.
“Come in” You shouted, half throwing your stuff to make sure your room looked half decent. 
“So you really did came back darling” 
“Kōuyōu! It's you!” you half screamed as you ran towards her to hug her. She was like the mother you never had, her voice always coated with sweetness and supportiveness, her hugs giving the best comforts and her scent so sweet and pure like roses.
“Oh my, look how much you have bloomed darling,” Kouyou said, as she patted your head smiling, “Your presence is very much needed at the office darling, better not waste more time now?”
 You nodded your head as you followed her behind, before closing the door behind you.
“Y/N welcome home sweetheart” 
That the first thing you hear from your so-called father like figure
“Hello, Mori”
“Uh ugh, my little girl really got ruined by going outside the bounds of this building” Mori said, as he shook his head in disapproval, smiling a little.
“WHAT!?” Chuuya shouted, as he received a slap from Dazai who complained how loud he shouted, making him almost dead, to which their quarrel begin to play on an endless casket loop.
“Uh guys?” You said, "Its me!”, waving your arms to get attention
“Why am I here?” you asked, raising your eyebrow.
“Ah Y/N Darling it's glad you asked,” Mori said, as he walked towards the boys who seemed to quiet down. Placing his hands on their shoulder, “These boys here will be aiding you to your so called dream concert till further due”
“What? I told you I don't need any aid from you, besides I already have well trained guards from the company itself. I already broke rules by staying here” you spoke, each time your voice raising.
“But dear-”
“You and I both know this, don't we?” Mori said, his eyes boring into yours, staring at your soul, “I don't think so I need to explain myself anymore. These are going to be your bodyguard replacement if you like it or not.”
You could do nothing but nod your head in disapproval. Fighting your own father figure was a difficult task. It gets intense if he is a mafian boss.
Suddenly, you hear someone shouting ‘Rintarou’ Mori nervously chucked, “Now why don't you boys go and show Y/N the new Port Mafia upgrades!” Mori spoke up, pushing all three out the door now. 
“Y/N remember, your father is port mafia boss, and you would get involved in a game you don't want”
That was the last words of your father before he shuts the door at your face along with the other boys, whose name was yet to be discovered.
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So you might have seen, I kind of twisted the story idea, because i personally feel some scenarios may be to much ooc for me to write. Sorry to disappoint you though if the ff didn't turn out as expected! Idm mind long para req, lmao it makes me feel loved. Plus, if you have more ideas, my asks and submissions are always open for discussion
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akutasoda · 1 year
This request is being sent very fast after the last one so don’t worry about getting it done right away or anything it’s just so i don’t end up forgetting what i wanted to request 😭
So how about ranpo (so sorry) dazai and sigma with a crush or s/o who is hot all the time even in winter and radiates so much heat it’s like a living furnace and is the type to wear a tanktop or shorts in winter with no coat and has issues cuddling because they just overheat (doesn’t mean they’ll stop but still) 💀(my reasoning for me especially in like the bsd universe would be like a more fire or heat based ability like nezuko from demon slayers exploding blood and fire ability also you do not have to add this i just felt like sharing)
At this point i think I’ll be known more as the ranpo lover anon then the vampire emoji anon.
fire in my heart
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synopsis - your love for them burns bright! or maybe your just unnaturally warm
includes - dazai, ranpo, sigma
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, potential slight crack, reader is hinted to wear shorts and tank tops, wc - 685
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osamu dazai ★↷
↪ the first time he had noticed truly how warm you were to the touch was before you started dating.
↪he had simply passed him some paperwork and as he went to grab it brushed your hand with his own by accident and was slightly taken aback by how warm you were. he totally went overdramatic and pretend like you burnt him alive.
↪he wasn't that surprised, just overdramatic as everyone in the agency was aware of your ability and its effect on your body. your desk actually had to be moved next to the window to try and help cool you down.
↪but the issue allinged with the fact that yes, dazai could nullify your ability but your overly warm body temperature was natural and your ability only made it worse and therefore couldn't be nullified
↪but when you started dating, during the winter dazai would cling to you like a koala. you were just so warm it was perfect for the cold weather! he still thought it was a bit extreme that you still wore short sleeved tops/ tank tops with shorts.
↪again in the winter cuddling with you was the perfect thing. but summer however was a different story.
↪in summer it was harder for you two to show affection seeing as you were constantly overheated. but that wouldn't stop you from pressing yourself against your boyfriend and him feigning that he was going to die of heat exhaustion.
↪lets just say if you sleep on the same futon during summer blankets are discarded as dazai also wants to just hug you without overheating himself or you.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
↪i think ranpo would find out in a similar way to dazai or he would just know about it. either way he wouldn't care about it that much until you two strated dating. but just because he findd it slightly inconvenient, it's a part of you so he loves it regardless.
↪for ranpo these effects of your ability were absolute hell for him. ranpo loved to cuddle you and especially cling to you but how could he do that comfortably when you were so warm all the time.
↪it was fine during winter, if anything it only meant he clung to you more for warmth, nothing else totally not because he loved you dearly. you were his personal heater and it's great! he also never got why you had to wear summer clothes, in the middle of winter. was it that bad for you?
↪but during summer was a different story. you both wanted to cuddle or just be near but while it was worth it in the moment, ranpo would have to cool down after which only made you laugh.
↪he tried to combat this by buying you fans in summer but that didn't really help at all.
↪but to him he doesn't really care that much because hes not going to let your stupid ability get in the way of his cuddles and neither are you.
sigma ★↷
↪sigma didn't realky understand much outside of what he had to. but when he met you he was extremely confused. like why were you just radiating heat constantly? was that normal?
↪you did eventually have to explain that it was an extension of your ability and it was normal... for you. but when you two actually got together, ge realised it might be a bit more inconvenient.
↪in summer you had gotten used to getting overly warm when cuddling, but sigma however was surprised at how warm you actually were. he insisted you two didn't have to if you didn't want to but you just shrugged him off and said you loved him too much to leabe him alone.
↪but in winter you hugging him was a more pleasant experience. but he was originally concerned when you showed up in a tank top and a pair of shorts but you assured him it was fine. it was like having a personal heater.
↪but again your ability was apart of you and he loved you dearly, so he loved your ability for what it was.
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