#and i was standing on a damn ladder as he held it steady
So if Joel doesn't find out that Ellie's gay until she's like 18 years old, I assume that means he wouldn't find out until she starts dating Cat or Dina…and that got me thinking.
We know Joel is a certified girldad and he would absolutely make himself president of the Jackson chapter of PFLAG within a week of finding out Ellie was a lesbian. But for all his dad energy, Joel doesn't actually have any experience parenting an older teen/young adult. Not only that, but it probably hasn't occurred to Joel yet just how different dealing with 17 and 18-year-olds are compared to 13 and 14-year-olds. We already saw that in Shots Fired when he thought a 17-year-old Ellie would react to drinking alcohol (and the rules he gave her about it) the same way a 14-year-old Ellie would. So how do you think Joel would handle the other challenges of parenting an older teen like Ellie dating, getting her tattoo, etc.?
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Tess Miller has entered the chat.
“If you force rules down her throat she’s just going to break them.”
Joel pointed the hammer at Tess.  “You’re actually not qualified.”
He started climbing the ladder.  Tess held it steady, one foot on the lowest rung.  The board right up the top right side of Ellie’s studio had rotted and needed replacing:  water was getting in with every rain.  At least he thought that was where the water was getting through.  It would be a process of elimination but these seemed a sensible place to start.
“What, because I don’t have kids?”
“No, because you grew up without any damn rules, so you don’t know why they’re important.”
Tess straight up laughed at him.  “I had rules!  I just flouted them.”
“And there were zero consequences for that.”
“I turned out okay.”
“You were lucky.”  Joel started pulling out the old nails with the hammer claw. “Some of the shit you’ve told me, Tess.  That you got away with half of that or even fucking survived…”
“Okay,” she conceded, “I was reckless but I was smart, and so’s Ellie.  She’s not stupid, Joel.  She’s not gonna do stupid things.”
“Nothing seems stupid when you’re that age.  It’s only when you get older you realise how stupid it all is.”
“Okay, so let her do the stupid things!”
“Let her do stupid things?”
“Just stand by and let her fuck shit up?”
“Yes!”  Tess laughed again. 
She thought she was so damn clever.  Joel coaxed out a stubborn nail and started on the next, wiggling the claw back and forth.
“Joel, she lives in a gated community in the middle of fucking Wyoming at the end of the world.  How much trouble do you think she can really get herself in?”
“Don’t know.  Don’t want to find out.”
“Well, it’s not much,” Tess said, flexing her fingers on the ladder. “I suppose you can’t help yourself.”
“Hey, be nice.”
“You were just born in dad mode.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?  Hey, take these.”  Joel bent down and passed her two rusted, bent nails.  “Careful.”
“Six years on Tommy, right?  It’s six?”
“Yeah.  You got them?”
“Yes, got them.  You basically raised Tommy.  Then you had all that shit with Emma.  Had Sarah so young.  Raised Sarah.  Outbreak happens.  You look after Tommy, you look after me, you look after Ellie.  Your whole life has been looking after someone else.  I can’t blame you for not…”
“Not what?”  Joel looked down.
“Knowing when to stop.”  Tess squinted up at him, moving one hand to shade her eyes.  “… but we love you for it?”
Joel scoffed and gave up trying to work out the last two nails, which were deeply embedded in the soft wood.  He started breaking it up with the hammer instead. 
“Watch your head.”
“I’m not saying no rules,” Tess continued.  “I’m saying be smart about it.  You make the rules in a framework that seems fair to her but at the end of the day, operates the way you want.  She’s a teenage girl, Joel.  Throw everything you think you know out the window.”
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beaversatemygrandma · 3 years
I was randomly thinking about how my name rubs me the wrong way, always has, always will. Like yes, i love how it's unique (met like two people who shared it with me at most but now that the namesake's dead.... well there's more), and I've always gotten complimented on it and how its pronounced and whatever. But holy hell, could it be any more ragingly feminine.
I also remembered this weird conversation i had with this coworker (straight dude who was like 35 and always flirting with me, tbh i usually play along because it made him Very Helpful). Anyhoo, him and somebody else were talking about 90s music artists. He was like "Ya know who was a really good singer? Aaliyah." The other coworker just agreed. Then i noticed him giving me this Look as i held this dumbfounded face trying to figure out why the fuck this had to do with me. It took me like a solid thirty seconds to just say "Ohh yeah, she was pretty good." and just walk the fuck away. Just another small thing that made me internally start screeching about how i hate having this name. Also how else was i supposed to react to that and the damn Look??
Thinking more and more about possible name changes, but i can't even name things, let alone myself. (Have yall seen my flight rising lair??? Half of the dragons are unnamed rn.) Like the only other thing I've gone by was Taksony and that's online on a few sites and sometimes here. It's a medieval hungarian name (i should look up that monarch who had the name and make sure he wasn't problematic. He was a monarch so that might be hard) and i doubt the world is ready for me to bring it back. Plus the short form is Taks and that just sounds like tax. So. Yeah. Taxes. And a name from an OC from the ancient dA days. I just stole his name once i got comfy being called that on FR and lioden and whatever. But yeah. Super feminine name from an old hip hop artist isn't exactly what I'm liking tbh. I've never liked it much and now I'm aware of why i don't so here we are. I'm an adult who's very likely not cis, and renaming yourself is possible. So yeah. Here we are.
#there was also this other time when the guy tried to get my number#and i was standing on a damn ladder as he held it steady#and i literally tossed down what i was holding and just said 'bruh im gay'#and then proceeded to go over to the guy that i had been actively talking to/messing around with#yes the guy was jealous#id be real flirty around the guy i actually liked while he was in earshot and honestly i lived for that shit daily#i mean not to mention the dude is 16 years older than me like fuck no#i didnt realize i was flirting out of spite but i find this hilarious two years later#and yes i would still use his help and kindness to my advantage#i think it as payment for literal harassment#like yes you creepy old dude who asked me out please carry this heavy shit for me that im fully capable of carrying because i dont feel lik#before i get called out for this i want to reiterate that i was 18/19 at this time and the guy was literally 35 sooo#back to the name thing#no i have no ideas and no im likely not doing it anytime soon bc im not even out yet#the bf went on this harmless rant the other day about how he doesnt understand they/them pronouns and ive been reeling#like ik he didnt mean harm and was just asking about it but ugh and i thought i was about to come out to you#might as well just skip to he/him for him...#though id highly prefer he/they#but still#i also remember back in the day when i was really little and scooby doo was the special interest#how i would always say that i wanted to be shaggy but my mom was like no youre more like velma#and i was like No I'm Shaggy.#shaggy gives me gender envy#beavers speaks#some gender shit#back to the scooby doo thing i wonder if that was why i was really into stoner guys for a while#i think it was tbh#not anymore but holy hell do i want to give off those super chill masc vibes#i wonder just how long it took me to realize that i didnt have a crush on those dudes but wanted to be them
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Etho hurt/comfort fic pretty please? 👉👈👀💚
some etho hurt/comfort coming right up!
featuring: etho has made smarter decisions than this, set in s7 during the end of season stat poker, sometimes your friends just have to tell you you're an idiot
warnings: injury caused by falling, broken rib, pushing self too far/ignoring injuries, some light drinking
It's a stupid misstep.
Etho's foot lands on empty air and the next thing he knows, he's falling. His hands struggle for his water bucket, the one he knows should be just there, but isn't. There's not enough time to twist, or to soften his landing. He barely gets his arms up to protect his head before he's slamming into the ground. The air is forced out of him with a crack that reverberates through his very bones. His next breath comes out as a low hiss, a few ticks passing as his brain tries to catch up with what just happened.
That's when the pain kicks in.
If Etho weren't already lying facedown in the dirt, he would be now.
Air feels forced into his body, stabbing through his chest and back. It's all he can do to groan, and that hurts too. His face pressed into his arms, fingers unconsciously pulling at his hair. His grip tightens with another gasp for air, struggling to take a full breath. He must've dealt with worse than this in the past, he's an experienced player! Being on Hermitcraft with all of its luxuries is making him soft.
Speaking of Hermitcraft.
He wants to groan when he realises he's supposed to meet the others for Stat Poker soon. Thankfully, he convinces himself not to, because as he's learnt: groaning hurts. Not that there's much that doesn't hurt right now. He should back out of the meet up. He doesn't even want to try standing right now, for crying out loud. But it was Tango, and Etho knows the guy needs the break. He can't just bail on him now. With a deep breath, Etho manages to haul onto his side. Every breath comes out as a quick and shallow puff, sending shooting pains through him. Trying to breathe in any deeper than a gasp gives him the urge to curl into a small ball and become one with the dirt.
But, he can't let Tango down. It'll be a good time hanging out together. He just needs to grab a health potion, and maybe tomorrow he can take it easy. Easy enough, anyway.
With a hissed breath, he finally gets his hands flat on the ground and pushes up. His nails dig into the dirt and he already knows it'll be a nightmare to clean out later. When he forces his eyes open, he finds he's managed to sit upright. Great. That's progress. He tries to sigh, but the breath cuts off into a hiss of pain he bites his tongue to bury. Alright, no groaning or sighing then. He can work with that.
Finding a stair block in his inventory, he throws it down to use as a support. His chest feels like it's trying to suffocate him, but he's able to push to his feet. He leans on the block to catch his breath. Health potion, then stat poker.
Pain flares through his chest as he stands upright, his eyes squeezing shut. He thinks he'll walk to the shopping district.
"Etho, sweet face!" Keralis's call greets him as Etho pushes the gate open. Etho smiles, trying to catch his breath from the walk over. It's hard when anything deeper than a shallow breath feels a bit like knives prickling into his lungs. The potion hasn't helped as much as he wanted it to, but he can make it through this. It's just hanging out with friends, what could go wrong?
"Hey, K." He nods his head in greeting. Tango and Bdubs turn at the sound of his voice. Tango is the first to bounce away from the bar, holding a glass out for him.
"Glad you could make it, dude! Take a seat, get comfortable. We're just getting snacks." Etho looks into the glass, swirling the deep red liquid. "It's just berry juice," Tango is quick to tell him. "Made specially for you. The rest of us, however-" He clinks his glass against Keralis's on the way back to the bar, throwing a wink Etho's way. Etho rolls his eyes, not wanting to risk the affectionate laugh in his throat. It looks like Bdubs and Keralis have already claimed the seats closest to the button. He lowers himself into a chair across the table carefully, not wanting to make a sudden drop. Once he's down safely, with only a minimal jolt of pain, he relaxes. He sinks back against the chair, tugging his mask down to take a sip of juice. It's fresh, fruity on his tongue. He smiles, forcing the pain out of his mind.
Bdubs strides over, a bowl held in his palm as he bows.
"Your snacks, wonderful patrons." Keralis near dives onto his seat so he can pick some of the honey-glazed nuts from the top. It's a close thing, but somehow Bdubs keeps the bowl steady.
"Keralis! Those are for all of us!" Tango calls, sitting beside Etho with a refilled glass and another bowl.
"I've only taken some!" Keralis protests. "Besides, I've gotta have lots now before Bubbles eats them all!"
"Will not!" Bdubs cries, hands on his hips. Etho snorts, regretting it immediately. At least his mask hides most of his grimace. They're too busy squabbling over the bowl to notice.
"Now, now, children. Let's save the fights for the actual game." Tango smirks as he unpockets his diamonds, holding them in the air. Etho can't help but smile at the dramatics, the way the evening sun glints through the blue. "Are we all ready?"
"Oh no, we're just sitting around this table for no reason," Bdubs says, before throwing his hands up. "Yes, of course we're ready!"
"Might wanna keep that anger in check 'til after you've lost all your diamonds, Bdubs." The words are difficult to get out, but Etho works his way through them. Keeping his voice around its usual talking volume doesn't hurt too bad.
"Oh, I hope you get none of them." Bdubs leans across the table, dark eyes meeting Etho's. Etho smirks.
"So you admit you'll lose them, then?" He teases. Bdubs huffs, sitting back with crossed arms.
"This is unfair. You're ganging up on me already."
Keralis laughs, "Well, you can press the button first. Does that make it fair?"
"Oh, more than fair! I like pressing buttons."
"You sure do," Tango mutters, disguising it with a sip of wine. Etho puffs out a breath, more punched than he intended. Ugh, why do they have to be so damn funny? This is making his job ten times harder. "Etho?" Tango calls, "You okay? Don't often see you making that face."
Etho tries an encouraging smile, crinkling his eyes above the mask, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a bit of a slip earlier." It's technically not a lie.
"You sure you're going to be okay?" Bdubs asks.
"Yeah, sure. A hang out with friends has never hurt anyone, right?"
"On this server..." Keralis points out, looking between Bdubs and Tango.
"Hey, we're plenty safe!" Tango argues.
"No, no, I think Keralis has a point with this one," Etho shoots back. Bdubs huffs, slapping the first card face down on the table.
"Gentlemen!" He calls their attention. "Let's begin."
So far, Etho's lost a lot of diamonds. Adding in the light system was a stroke of genius that is ruining him. He leans on the table, watching Bdubs finish his second glass. Meanwhile, Etho's barely finished his first glass of juice. Tango holds the next card between his fingers before flipping it dramatically.
"Distance climbed," Etho reads, Tango repeating it soon after. As the discussion breaks out about what exactly that entails, Etho tries to consider his options. He knows his statistics aren't the highest on the server. He splits his time between worlds and that's to his detriment here. Though if he could use his stats from his single-player world... Oh, that would be great.
"Etho, you in?" Bdubs asks, focusing his attention back on the match. Etho looks at the pot. Ten diamonds. That's not too bad.
"I know I'm going to lose this one, but I am nicknamed 'Ladders', so I feel like I have to do it just to see..." His voice trails off as the breathlessness sets in, lungs aching with the strain of his small breaths. He might have to call it soon if this gets much worse, but he can keep going.
"Etho," Bdubs says, leaning across the table. "Out of all these years who has ever called you 'ladders'?"
Tango laughs, and Etho's about to reply when Tango hits his back. Etho doesn't hear Tango's words, too occupied by the feeling of every nerve in his chest setting aflame. He falls forward, with chesty coughs that only hurt more but he can't seem to stop. This is going to kill him. Every gasp feels like a desperate attempt to get oxygen, shivering in agony.
When he manages to blink his eyes open, he can make out blurry shapes moving around him. Something cool slides down his face, hitting his mask until it's pulled down. He makes a weak noise of protest. He doesn't think it's any different from his noises of pain. A hand cards through his hair, something pressed to his lips. He can taste the zing of a health potion and drinks as eagerly as he can.
With the help of the potion, he forces himself to take small breaths. It still hurts. It still hurts a lot. But at least now he can focus on the mortifying situation he's put himself in instead.
"Etho?" Bdubs' voice rings clear now. Etho holds up a shaky hand.
"Gimme- give a minute." He leans on the edge of the table, focusing on taking small breaths. He's not sure how long he's in that position for, until the pain subsides enough for him to dare move again.
"Etho? How are you feeling, sweetface?" Etho looks up to give Keralis a smile, realising his eyes are still filled with tears. He goes to dry his eyes, and Bdubs is quick to press a tissue into his hand.
"Thanks," he mutters. He can see Keralis properly now. Nice. "I'm- yeah. I'm okay now. Didn't think that would happen."
"Yeah," Etho doesn't need to turn to see Tango's disapproving look. "What was that, dude? You nearly keeled over in front of us!" Ugh, he nearly did, didn't he?
"Fell earlier," he murmurs, sticking to half-truths. "Must've landed harder than I thought."
"What hurts?" Bdubs asks. He's standing on his toes, ready to jump back into action. It gives Etho a little smile.
"My chest, mostly. Breathing's pretty hard."
Bdubs hums thoughtfully, "Think you can get back to your own base?" Etho blinks, looking at the half-finished game around them.
"But- the- We're not finished!"
"You're hurt, sweetface! We're not going to continue without you."
"Yeah, it's no fun playing if somebody is gonna cough their guts out." Tango moves his hand towards him before hesitating and thinking better of it. Etho is both thankful and longing for the touch.
"I made it over here," Etho concedes, "I should be fine to get back."
"Good!" Bdubs claps his hands. "Because I don't want to call Doc or Xisuma." Etho cringes at the thought.
"Oh, don't do that to me. I'd never live it down."
"X wouldn't let you leave your base," Tango replies, snickering.
"That's my nickname!"
"Have you seen Doc when he goes all mother hen?" Etho protests, quickly remembering to lower his voice. "And then he just bullies you afterwards!" Bdubs snorts
"I'm not calling him! You're fine, princess."
Bdubs pats Keralis's back, "We can both call Etho a princess, it's okay."
The trio insist on walking him home. He doesn't engage much in the conversation, too occupied with breathing and walking at the same time. At one point he ends up leaning on Keralis, because Bdubs is too short, and Tango too skinny. He smirks during the subsequent argument that plays out, closing his eyes and letting Keralis guide his movements. Before he knows it, they're approaching his base. Keralis doesn't let go of him until they've found his bedroom.
"There you go. One comfortable bed," Tango says, patting the covers. Keralis helps Etho sit down, Etho gritting his teeth whilst he gets situated.
"And no leaving it, sir!" Keralis says, back to his dramatic movements now Etho isn't attached to his side. "Bedrest for you."
"Ugh," Etho leans his head against the wall behind him. "That's no fun."
"I think you've had enough fun for today!" Tango decides. "I'm going to grab some potions, make sure you don't need to go anywhere." Etho nods, too tired to thank him. Keralis pets through Etho's hair, Bdubs lightly patting Etho's thigh.
"There you go, you big baby," Bdubs teases, his voice soft with affection. "Get some sleep. It'll be good for you." Etho forces an eye open.
"Isn't sleeping your job?" He whispers. Bdubs scoffs, shaking out Etho's pillows. Keralis, however, laughs loudly. His fingers move to scratching Etho's scalp. That is definitely pulling him to sleep. He has to fight back a yawn.
"Come on, down, down," Keralis encourages. With a bit of help, they settle him against the pillows. His jacket is eased off, head sinking into softness.
"He looks cosy," Tango comments as he returns. Etho hears glass clink as potion bottles are set down near his head.
"Shush, we're trying to make him go to sleep," Bdubs whispers. Etho smiles.
"I'm not sleepin' yet," he mumbles.
"You should be." Is Bdubs' reply. Etho shakes his head, pleased when Keralis's hand returns to petting it.
"We'll be here when you wake up," Keralis tells him.
"Yeah," Tango agrees. "We've just moved our hang out to your base now." Etho opens his eyes, watching as Tango pulls chairs over. Keralis is sitting on his bedside table, and smiles at him when he notices Etho looking.
"You heal up good now, okay? We want a nice and healthy Etho." Etho nods, closing his eyes again.
"Yeah, I'll give it a shot." He gets another scritch as a reward. It's not long until there's laughter as the three strike up a conversation about something inane. His chest still feels like he was kicked by a horse, but at least he's in good company.
Maybe getting injured was worth it, after all.
... Nah.
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Powerful Ch. 1
Yakuza! Shouta Aizawa x Fem! Reader
*Mafia AU* Quirkless as well
Warnings: Arranged (sort of) marriage, brief mention of champagne, mentions of violence (nothing too specific). In later chapters: Probably smut
Word Count: 3.4 k
Author’s Note: ALRIGHTY here we go. I just had a fixation on Mafia AUs and, of course, it’s Shouta. What else did you expect? I’m a sucker for arranged relationships. Also he’s a little ooc in here, more confident, more ‘I want it I got it’. Hey, he’s the most powerful man in Japan, might as well have him act like it right? Anywho, I have no clue how many chapters this’ll end up being. Let’s just say this is ongoing for now.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
25 years old and you haven’t been married off yet. This was strategic on your father’s part. As a rather low-ranking clan he’d purposely saved you, his eldest daughter, for marrying into a higher ranked clan. You’d bring immense honor to the family name. If only you’d known what you were getting into, maybe you could have been better prepared for your world to flip on its head.
The black velvet gown you wear is tailored perfectly to your form, accentuating every curve and dip on your body. The skirt fanned out around you gracefully and a short train trailed behind you as you stepped through the grand doors of the massive mansion. Tonight is the annual celebratory ball, held to celebrate successful unions and achievements. This one was particularly special, you just didn’t quite know it yet.
Since the event wasn’t mandatory, you were told to go in alone as a representative of your clan, while Mother and Father attended to more important matters. Before you even stepped in you fixed your posture and schooled your expression, keeping your form humbled. Heavens know what could happen should you irk the wrong clan.
Inside you were met with an onslaught of mixed everything, mixed drinks and colors and styles. Some wore traditional Japanese kimono, others more modern versions of the garment and others, like you, wearing more extravagant european or western style clothing. Though a rather interesting mix, nothing quite clashed which you were slightly grateful for, since there was no possible way you could make it through the night without a headache if there was an unpleasant mix of visuals.
You strode through and instantly met several lower clan heads that you respectfully bowed to and engaged in pleasant small talk with, moving from person to person, couple to couple and paying respects to all of them. You kept a small smile, a pleasant facade as you waltzed over the hardwood flooring. It took almost two hours of endless conversation before you managed to catch a break in the madness, snatching a small flute of champagne from a waiter and leaning up against a wall for a breath. 
You still hadn’t noticed the pair of dark eyes that studied you from the moment you arrived.
You struck him as intriguing at first. From the moment you walked over the threshold his eyes drank you in, studying you, observing and judging just as he had with many other women before you. No one here knows it, but the man is looking for a bride. Someone who could stand by his side,improve and uphold his image, help him wield the power that is the Yakuza. Yes, rank is important, but Shouta is too picky to care about rank. He is looking for a specific type of woman, one that can hold untold depths of power without crumbling under the pressure or getting swept up in the rush of it all.
A woman, he decides, like you.
You held yourself with grace, pride and humility. You seemed to understand your position, your probable low rank, while also not undermining your importance nor worth. A woman like you is hard to come by in this world, most just as power hungry and ruthless and greedy as their husbands, all while putting up a cotton candy sweet mask and using it to disguise their conniving ways. 
But in truth, that’s what it took to live this kind of life, isn’t it?
It was clear you knew that, while still managing to feel genuine in everything you did, even with an action as simple as sipping champagne. At the same time he can’t deny you are quite beautiful, soft lips and softer eyes, fingers gently grasping your glass with unmatched elegance and an unwavering strength in your posture. You’d bowed before many this evening, and yet you stood taller than even the highest ranking clan heads without challenging a single one of them. Bamboo in this forest of tall, unyielding trees. Capable of wielding so much power.
For a split second his mind wandered to other things, filthy moments shared in the privacy of his chambers, shared breaths and shimmering sweaty skin. He wondered what you would be like underneath him, if you would be a brat or willingly submit yourself to him. He hopes it to be the latter, but wouldn’t completely deny the chance to tame someone difficult. How would you look pinned under his weight, completely helpless to his hands that have killed and tortured? Would you claw at his shoulders or grip the sheets instead? What would you sound like? Your image plagued his mind even if only for a moment.
He’d studied many women over the few hours since the event started, none of them giving him a good enough first impression for him to continue watching further than a minute. There was no question in his mind now. You’d be returning home with him tonight.
You had just finished your drink and set the empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray when suddenly the ballroom fell extremely silent. All heads turned, eyes focused on the man that began his descent from the balcony overlooking the floor. He’s gorgeous, long black hair pulled into a low bun and exposing the light scruff on his chin and impossibly sharp jaw, a deep scar curved under his right eye. The full black satin suit is fitted to his form, strong shoulders and rolling muscle evident even under the thick materials. Ink peeked over the collar, a hint at what was definitely intricate sleeves and detailed artwork. His steps were measured, calculated and purposeful as he made his way down and across the floor, the entire room bowing down at his presence. 
You know who he is, as does every person here. Top rung of the ladder, Oyabun of the most powerful clan in Japan, his name widely known through the entire organization and yet almost never spoken. Shouta Aizawa, a name both respected and feared, holding unknown power and strength. His reputation is enough to make anyone feel small in his presence, known for his cold demeanor and the violence he’d committed, many losing their fingers, loved ones, and their own lives for misdeeds against him. He’d done most of that himself, marking him as a very dangerous man to be involved with, and an ally everyone wanted backing them.
You bowed down respectfully just as everyone else did, waiting patiently for a release, whether it was from the man himself or a collective understanding that it was alright to rise once again. The former was the first to come to fruition, though you didn’t expect him to be so close to you as he said it. Your eyes met with sharp onyx as you fixed yourself upright. It made you freeze in place, not quite tense, not quite relaxed, your expression hopefully not showing the utter shock you were feeling.
“What is your name?” You blinked only once before your mind caught up, and you willed your voice steady as you responded. What had you done to piss him off? What punishment awaited you for what you didn’t know you’d done? Despite fearing what may come, you don’t dare speak out of turn, even to beg for your life. His next words were addressed to the entire ballroom, you included, his smooth, deep voice booming out and yet somehow not loud at all.
“Any transgression against this woman is a transgression against me. As my future wife she is untouchable, and will remain that way until I explicitly state otherwise.” A collective hushed gasp sounded through the massive hall, your own eyes growing wide and your heart damn near stopping as your brain dissected the information. He just made you his fiance, with no warning, no hesitation, and full confidence. You are now engaged to the most powerful man in Japan, and you have exactly zero say in the matter. Really though, you never expected to be able to voice any opinions considering the patriarchy of the organization, so that bit of shock was quickly overlooked.
“It’s time to retire, little one.” His hand was held out to you, waiting for your own. You blinked, deciding it was best that you saved your shock for later you focused on the here and now and what to do in this moment. Taking a breath, you schooled your face into a pleasant smile and placed your hand in his waiting palm, allowing him to tuck you into his side as you both walked out the front doors and climbed into a black limouzine.
You didn’t allow yourself to relax, sitting silently next to the man as trees and telephone poles whizzed by the vehicle. It was tense, to say the least, his hand possessively sat on your knee as his eyes remained fixed in front of him and yours did the same. Neither of you talked, you slightly out of fear, of respect, and slightly out of sheer shock, your mind just barely able to keep itself together. He remained silent for a purpose. He would talk when you were alone, or when he felt like talking. Which isn’t right now.
You let your mind whirl a bit, worrying about what this meant for you. Worrying about how this powerful man would treat you, how he acted behind closed doors and if he even cared about you or what you might have to say. It’s nerve-wracking, suddenly bound to a power such as him, not knowing what could happen next, not knowing what to do next. There was nothing that could have prepared you for this.
The car slowed as it pulled up to the gate of the enormous estate, shaking you out of your thoughts, and once it opened the drive to the main house took nearly five minutes on its own. It’s a modern home, several stories tall with the top clearly penthouse-style with a full glass wall that overlooks the landscape, the rest of the huge inner home hidden behind crisp walls.
At a full stop, a man opens the door for you, the Oyabun having already exited and held a hand out for you to grab once again, strong muscles pulling you up with ease and leading you through the building and into an elevator. The silence is stifling as you wait for the machine to come to a stop, the soft chime indicating you’ve landed. 
Now you’re completely alone with him.
He leads you in and stops in the center of the large main room, stepping away and turning his scrutinizing gaze onto you. You do your best not to tense in front of him, not to show fear, partially for his comfort though you’re sure he’s used to it. His shoes clack softly, rhythmically on the polished wood floor as he begins to circle you, like a predator eyeing its prey, eyes burning paths up and down your form. You barely keep from squirming under his intense gaze, managing to keep still from sheer willpower. He stops suddenly behind you and you feel his warmth as he leans in close before a hand presses into your mid back and another gently grasps your shoulder, gently making you straighten even more, stand even taller.
Once he’s satisfied with your posture he rounds you and tilts your chin just a tad higher with a hooked finger. He’s silent as he shapes you, adjusting your body to his liking. You let him tenderly push and tug, grab and knead and trail those deadly fingers over you until he stops before you, studying you once again. 
“You’re my fiance now. You will hold yourself as such, radiate power as I do and command the attention of a room with only a glance.” The reminder of just what was happening made your breath stutter a little, and his hand came up to grasp your chin, making you look up into his dark eyes.
“You will learn, little one, to be the powerful woman I see.” He was so close, the heat from his body rolling over your skin and his breaths fanning over your face. Then he was walking away, motioning for you to follow as he led you to his chambers and bathroom to get cleaned up. You’d be sleeping with him from now on, he said, handing you a robe to change into after you’ve bathed and guiding you into the bathroom before closing the door and leaving you alone with your thoughts as you set to cleaning yourself.
Given you don’t screw things up, you are going to be the most powerful woman in Japan, solely because of a sudden arranged marriage dropped seemingly from out of nowhere. But the longer you think about it, it isn’t really out of nowhere is it? The Oyabun is 30 now, and until tonight hadn’t named a wife, nor any love interests, and therefore no possible heirs. If the man were to die for any reason, those chances only increasing the older he gets, the power vacuum his absence would create would be absolute madness. You’re part of a strategy, just as before. Just as always.
Yet there was no denying he’d struck something inside you. Of all the women in that hall he approached you, a woman he didn’t know from a low ranked clan, for reasons you could only barely begin to guess. He’d called you powerful earlier, the sincerity in his voice making your mind spin. Did he really see you as powerful? And the name he’d used for you felt far too tender on the tongue of such a dangerous man, though you understood the nod toward your previous rank. 
Father and Mother must be either confused, shocked, or overflowing with joy right about now. Confused as to why you haven’t returned, shocked, happy, or both at the news had they learned it. With your mind processing everything, your body finally begins to feel fatigued. 
You shut off the water before drying yourself, patting your hair in the towel before pulling on the fluffy robe. It was clearly meant for him, the fuzzy black garment large around the shoulders and sleeves engulfing your hands, the garment nearly touching the floor where it’s meant to hang several inches from it on his frame. Despite swimming in the robe, you couldn’t help but feel a bit vulnerable. You’re bare beneath it, not having planned to not return home. Still, it’s late, and the Oyabun needs to shower as well. With a steadying breath, you step out into the room.
He’s standing near the bed, the top half of his clothing discarded and bare skin exposed, along with the heavy tattooing and scars along his body. Dragon scales decorated his skin, along with delicate swirls heavily resembling smoke and clouds that followed the curves of his corded muscles. He is undoubtedly a beautiful man. You don’t realize you’re staring until a miniscule smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth.
“Enjoying the view, little one?” You blink away your daze and shift your eyes to the side, feeling the slight burn in your face at being caught. Instead of answering the cheeky question you choose to change the subject.
“I’m finished with my shower, Oyabun.” He hums, a low sound you can feel in your chest.
“I can see that, little one. And you call me Shouta.” You take a quiet, sharp inhale and nod.
“Yes, of course...Shouta.” His name feels heavy on your tongue, a name that people didn’t normally dare speak. He’s silent as he gathers his things and moves toward the bathroom, stopping momentarily by your side. You’re confused a moment before his calloused fingers gently grip your jaw and turn your head, his lips pressing softly against your temple for a split second before he’s disappearing into the bathroom. 
You stand in shock, the tender touch unexpected. Shaking your head, you decide it’s best to lay down. Hopefully you’d fall asleep by the time he finishes bathing, but you doubted it. You’re proven right when, in the midst of mulling over your own thoughts, he emerges in nothing but sweatpants, dark hair still damp as it fell around his shoulders. You managed to avert your eyes before he could catch you staring for a second time tonight, and it wasn’t long before he slipped under the blankets next to you.
There wasn’t a single word shared between you as he flicked off the lights with a remote and settled into the plush mattress. There was no movement from the man as you lay with your back to him. You aren’t entirely sure if the lack of movement unsettles you more than if he were to be shuffling around. It felt like hours had passed in the darkness, your eyes had adjusted and you couldn’t sleep despite how exhausted you felt. 
Your mind raced with questions. What happens now? What happens with your clan and parents? Would you have clothes soon? How would he treat you? How were you supposed to act around him? When is the wedding? Is the engagement already official? What if you disappoint him and fuck everything over? The entire situation makes you anxious, for more than something as trivial as your own safety. You shift onto your back and listen to Shouta’s soft snores, signaling his sleep. As silently and gently as you can, you slip out of bed.
You have no clue what you were going to do or where you were going to do it, but you had to get away from him if only for a moment, to let yourself breathe and think. Almost mindlessly, you find yourself staring out of the glass wall and out into the night. This far out, you can see the stars in the night sky clear and bright, and it was a sight you missed having lived in the city most of your life. Right here you have room to think, space to spread your thoughts and calm your mind to keep from jumbling everything in your brain and stressing over it more. 
From what you can tell there is a very small chance Shouta would treat you maliciously, so for now you don’t have to worry about that. Considering his power and status, you won’t be without clothing for long. The thought was silly in the first place, but stress tended to make you question even the most ridiculous. As for how you’re meant to act, well that would have to be tested. He’d already told you how to appear to the public, so that shouldn’t be too hard, but being alone with the man was driving you insane.
Soft footsteps broke you from your thoughts. You spin around, suddenly very much on guard, before Shouta’s voice broke through the darkness, his figure slowly approaching. 
“What are you doing up, little one?” You bite your lip and turn to gaze outside again, hugging your arms tight.
“Just thinking. I apologize for waking you, Oya-… Shouta.” His warmth hit you before his skin did, chest pressed into your back and large rough hands gripping your shoulders firm but gentle. His breath is hot on your ear and neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Such an intimate action from him only hours after he’d made you his fiance was quite the shock in and of itself, only enhanced by the fact that this man is known for his cold nature.
“Thinking about what?” His hands smoothed down your arms, following them around your waist and encompassing your hands in his, tugging you into him further. Unnatural as it may seem, it feels good, his warmth. In the arms of such a dangerous and powerful man you should feel small and scared, but you don’t. You aren’t entirely sure what it is you feel. Truthfully, you don’t have the energy to answer his question properly.
“About a lot of things. Too many things.” Right now, the only thing you want to do is melt into the man’s arms. His presence is suddenly comforting, instead of worrying, and you feel safe in his embrace. You sigh and lean into him, fatigue finally beginning to tug at your body and mind. Strong arms scoop you up like nothing, and suddenly you’re being placed down on the bed before he climbs in and pulls you onto him. An arm circles your waist while the other cradles your head, a tender kiss placed at your hairline.
“Sleep, little one.” His fingers thread through your hair, massaging your scalp lightly. It’s a soothing action, especially after nearly giving yourself a headache from stress. It isn’t long before you’re nodding off, relaxing into his body and letting his steady heartbeat lull you to sleep.
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circethesinner · 2 years
the puppeteer ✿ drives them nuts - chapter 24 ✿
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pairing: steve harrington x original female character (can be read as x reader)
warning(s): strong language, descriptions of violence, mature themes 
previous chapter ━ ✿ ━ next chapter
“Stop flicking that damn thing before you set us all on fire,” Bambi scolded, swatting the arm Steve was holding his lighter in.
“You can be so dramatic sometimes. I’m not going to set us all on fire,” He groaned but stuck the lighter back in his pocket anyway. It was easier to follow Bambi’s instructions than to spend the next twenty minutes in an argument that would inevitably end in her winning as she always did. “You should have more faith in me. I saved your life, remember?”
“No, I don’t remember my near-death experience at all,” She rolled her eyes as she spoke. “Totally not something that would be forever ingrained into my brain.”
“Okay, okay, message received,” He grinned, nudging her in the side with his elbow. “You have to admit I was pretty cool that day.”
“If I do, will you stop talking?” Bambi nudged him back in retaliation.
“Can you two stop flirting for two fucking seconds?” Dustin glared at the pair as he paced back and forth. “We’re not flirting,” Bambi huffed, giving Steve one of those overdramatic ‘get a load of this guy’ looks. Steve didn’t reciprocate the way he usually did. Normally she could read his facial expressions like they were a book, but she was having trouble pinning down his emotions as he stared straight ahead.
“So you really fought one of these things before?” Max asked, cutting through the quiet, something Bambi was grateful for as the silence had become quite stifling. “And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?”
“Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear,” Dustin snapped back. “Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home.”
“Dustin Henderson!” Bambi scolded, standing up so she could exert authority with what little height she still had on him. He and the other kids were quickly gaining on her in the height department while her own height stayed annoyingly stationary. “You apologise right now!”
“No!” He wasn’t bothered by her attempt at scolding him. “I have nothing to apologise for. She’s the one who doesn’t believe us and shouldn’t be here!”
“Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?” Max sighed before getting up and making her way up the ladder to join Lucas on top of the bus. Bambi instinctually held a hand out to steady the ladder as she made her way up. It didn’t look like it was going to fall, but it never hurt to be extra careful.
“What the hell was that about?” Bambi asked, turning her head back to look at Dustin when she was certain Max was safely up the ladder.
“That's good,” Steve told Dustin, completely usurping Bambi. “Just show her you don't care.”
“I don't,” Dustin mumbled. Steve just winked at him as Bambi shook her head in disappointment. “Why are you winking, Steve? Stop.” He stomped off to the other end of the bus, and Bambi crossed her arms, standing over Steve.
“Hey babe, care to explain what was that about?” She questioned, glaring down at him and talking in a voice that was all too calm for the situation. When Bambi was so angry that she shouted, she was scary. But when she was at that stage of anger where she appeared to be calm, she was terrifying. It was like standing in the eye of a hurricane where you know everything is being destroyed around you, and you can’t do anything about it.
“Uh… well, you were there when I uh….” Steve looked incredibly sheepish as Bambi looked down at him. “When I told him that it drives girls nuts when you pretend you don’t care.”
“You’re so right, Steve. It does drive girls nuts,” She nodded, pretending to enthusiastically agree. “You know, like in the same way it drives you nuts when someone cuts you off when you’re driving. Or the same way it drives you nuts when telemarketers come to your door to sell you shit and won’t take no for an answer. Or the same way it drives you nuts when your friend eats the leftovers you had in your fridge that you’d been looking forward to all day!”
“Okay, that was one time, and I don’t see how-” She didn’t bother sticking around to listen to the rest of whatever Steve was saying in response, just tuned him out as she climbed up the ladder to join Max and Lucas on top of the bus.
“Hey Max, do me a favour and never listen to a single word a man tells you,” Bambi sighed, pulling herself up. “You know what? The same goes for you, Lucas. And especially don’t listen if that man is one Steve Harrington because his ‘advice’ isn’t even worth wiping your ass with.” She shouted the last words down the ladder, knowing he’d be able to hear her.
Before anyone could say anything in return, an otherworldly screech rang out through the junkyard.
“I've got eyes!” Lucas called out after scanning the area with his binoculars. “Ten o'clock! Ten o'clock!” Bambi instinctually moved to put herself between the kids and Dart, though they both leant over her shoulders to see what was happening.
“You sure that's not a dog?” Max asked.
“I wish it was,” Bambi groaned, setting eyes on it herself. As much as she’d like to believe that this whole thing had been blown out of proportion, that Dustin had just adopted a weird hairless dog with a strange deformity, there was no denying that it wasn’t something from their world. “Why isn’t it going for the bait? What do we do if it doesn’t go for the bait? That’s like our whole plan!”
Below them, the door to the bus creaked open, and Bambi watched in horror as Steve emerged, twirling his bat.
“What is he doing?” Max whispered. Bambi couldn’t even form words. Her anger from Steve’s advice to Dustin, crossed with her anger that he was doing something so stupid, crossed with the paralysing fear that he was in danger, rendered her speechless. Behind her, Max rushed down the ladder. Bambi tried to get Lucas to go down too, but he was too engrossed in keeping watch to pay attention to her.
“Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. Come on. Dinner time,” Steve taunted, inching closer to the creature. “Human tastes better than cat, I promise.”
“Steve, watch out!” Lucas yelled.
“A little busy here!” Steve called back.
“Three o'clock! Three o'clock!” Bambi turned her head to three o’clock as Lucas instructed, and fear completely overtook any lingering anger inside her as she realised that Dart wasn’t the only one. There were more. Steve was very outnumbered.
Finally able to move her body, she slid down the ladder, not even bothering to use the steps in her haste. She grabbed a rusty metal pipe she’d snagged from the scraps while they’d been fortifying the bus and barged past Dustin, who had opened the door to yell at Steve to abort the mission.
She was able to slam the pipe at one of the creatures as it lunged towards the open door at the kids, which bought enough time for Steve to hit the ones advancing on him with his bat and run back to the door. Bambi was frantically dragged back into the bus by Steve as he ran past, and they managed to close the door closed behind them just in time. She pulled herself out of Steve’s protective hold on her to place a sheet of metal over the door to try and fortify it as it was one of their weakest points, and if the creatures had any logic, they’d now know that it was an entry point.
“Are they rabid or something?” Max shouted in panic.
“Away from the walls!” Bambi yelled at the kids. They didn’t know how strong these things were. There was no way of knowing if they could get through the metal until it was already too late.
This was such a stupid idea. She should have pushed Dustin and Steve harder to agree to get bear traps like she had last time with Nancy and Jonathan.
“They can't get in!” Lucas screamed. It seemed like he was trying to assure himself more than anyone else. “They can't!”
As if on queue, one of the monsters managed to claw through the door, despite the extra metal sheet that had been placed there. The kids backed away as Steve repeatedly hit it with the bat to stop it from getting any further inside. Bambi screamed as another tried to break in next to it. She hit it using the metal pipe, but she could feel it was starting to deteriorate in her hands due to the years of rust and being exposed to the elements, so it wasn’t going to do much if she had to ward many more off.
The one she was dealing with was either dead or gave up after a few hits, so she pulled away to stand near the kids as another tried to break in through the back, praying to whatever deity could hear her that it wouldn’t just snap after a single hit.
“Away from the ladder!” She yelled at Max, pushing her away as thumping footsteps drew closer on the roof. Before she knew it, she was face to face with a Demogorgon-like creature. It had the same horrifying opening face as the one they’d fought a year prior had, but something about its body was different. She raised her pipe to do her best to ward it off.
“Out of the way! Out of the way!” Steve shouted, pushing past to stand between her and the monster. He held his bat up in defence, and Bambi clung onto the back of his jacket, hoping to pull him away when it attacked and take the brunt of it. She couldn’t let him get hurt. “You want some? Come get this!” Bambi’s grip on Steve’s jacket changed to her wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. It was a selfish act when he was saving their lives, but she couldn’t lose him. If she had to use all of her strength to throw him out of the way and dive directly into the monster’s mouth, she’d do it in a heartbeat. She’d move heaven and earth if that would be what it took just to ensure his safety.
Instead of attacking as expected, the monster screamed and turned its head. Then, it shocked them all by just jumping off of the bus. Steve continued to hold the bat up, just in case, but it appeared to have run off. So had the others, as they were no longer fighting their way through the metal of the bus. Everyone held their breaths as the noise of the monsters quietened down significantly, wondering what had just happened.
Bambi let go of Steve’s jacket and turned around to make sure the kids were all okay. She was about to ask them all, but before she opened her mouth, she heard the door to the bus start to open behind her. Bambi spun her head around to see Steve about to leave the bus to examine their surroundings.
“Shit!” She gasped, running down the bus after him. The monsters had stopped attacking the bus, but that didn’t mean they weren’t just sitting out there, waiting for them. “Steve, get back here!” She pleaded, jumping out to grab him by the back of his jacket again.
“Bee, it’s fine, I’m fine,” He assured her, though his trembling hands said otherwise. “Get back in the bus while I check things out.”
“I’m not letting you throw yourself into the face of danger!” She tried to whisper it so the kids wouldn’t hear them.
“Oh, but it’s fine if you do it?” Steve asked sarcastically. He sighed when he saw the distressed look on Bambi’s face. The annoyed expression he wore softened in an instant. “We’ll go together.” Slowly, they inched out of the bus together, Steve insisting on standing slightly in front of Bambi. The kids had joined them by that point, and Bambi was doing her best to keep them in the bus while making sure Steve didn’t slip away to be a hero.
“What happened?” Lucas asked.
“I don't know,” Max mumbled. Bambi could still hear the weird sound the monsters made all around them, though it was getting progressively quieter. The sound was like someone was trying to make a clicking noise with their mouth while their head was underwater, and it sent chills down her spine.
“Steve scared 'em off?” Dustin suggested. Bambi almost smiled at it. Almost.
“No…” Steve slowly turned around to look at everyone, his bat resting on his shoulder as he assessed that the immediate threat was gone. He snaked his free arm around the small of Bambi’s back and placed his hand on her waist, almost like he was the one trying to stop her from slipping away and being the hero. “No way. They're going somewhere.”
steve and bambi fighting over their singular shared braincell that has a hero complex
y'all remember the dress? the one everyone in bambi's life hates? well I finally drew it - please note that I have no history designing clothes so these are ROUGH sketches of the dress by itself and then with the belt and matching hat that bambs insists makes it look better
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likes are very much appreciated and I will give each and every one of you little kisses on the forehead for each comment you write :)
taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
@missyviolet123 @littlet-holmes @buzzybee111 @preciousbabypeter @youmakemyhearthowl
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Hi!! I love your writing and I hope you are having a wonderful day! So this is my first time asking or would you say requesting? Anyway I was wondering if you could do a short s/o for any character. Please and have a good day~ <3
Short S/O!
I am! Thank you for being my first headcannon! I’ve been dying to make one but I had way too many ideas! So, You said any character and I did..Uhh five. I hope you like this, my wonderful Peep!
Disclaimer: Cursing
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Izuku Midoriya
* We all know Deku’s short, I even predict as a Pro-Hero. He’ll still somehow still be on the short side, shorter than Bakugo.
* He’ll love every second of being around your short-self. He’s the type to constantly kiss your head just because it’s right there. (Even though he’ll turn into a strawberry afterwards.)
* He’ll never talk about about you and he will get defensive if he has to about you. Even against Bakugo.
* When you climb on the counter to get something, or can’t reach something, he’ll be your hero and grab anything you please.
* I see him holding the ladder in place while helping you gather things from where you needed to grab them from. He’ll softly place the item down and keep the ladder steady until you get down.
* If you hug him, he’ll be flabbergasted. He’ll get to smell your scent up close, how soft your skin is, how warm your body feels...he’ll just melt.
* He loves it when you look up at him, your eyes sparking. He makes that face above ^, because his heart just can’t take you.
* Your height adds to your awesome personality and charisma. He loves every bit of you to a T.
* If you wear his clothes, He. Will. Melt. Just seeing how his shirt is basically an adorable dress or his all might hoodie is now your pajamas.
* He loves you for who you are regardless.
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Katsuki Bakugo
* This bastard lives for your short feisty ass.
* He always comments on how short you are but will be the first to kick someone’s ass if they do. He’ll shut it down ASAP.
* If you hug him and he feels your nose to his chest, he’ll blank out a bit. (Yep, Fight me on this) He may just stand there for a second, broken from your hug.
* Did I mention he’s also quick to reach for things for you? Even though he may grumble and tell you should buy a ladder.
* For the love of god, Don’t. Buy. A. Step. Ladder.
* As soon as he sees that damn thing, it’ll be missing the minute you leave the room.
* You’ll walk back like “Babe, You seen my ladder?”
* “Tch, What makes you think I’d know?”
* (Lying bastard.)
* One thing I honestly see him loving is when he’s sitting between your legs, your hand in his hair and he just leans back and adores you from above. (Double chin and all.)
* He loves watching you stand on your tippy toes to kiss him, it’s a dominance thing hon. If you can’t reach him, he’ll lean down and kiss you.
* He lives for it, when I tell you.
* He loves seeing his clothes hang off your shoulder, he loves seeing you in his hoodies. While everyone is shocked to know he’s actually letting you wear them, he’s slowly leaving more at your place on purpose. ——————————————————————————
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Shoto Todoroki
* Shoto honestly loves your height. He loves looking down at you, gazing sometimes at you.
* It enhances your outstanding features you have that he’s come to admire.
* He’ll never make fun of you and if someone does, expect a Burn-Giving Shoto..(in verbal form.)
* I see his strange habit of him wanting to walk in the rain with you, while he held the umbrella over your heads. Since you’re so short, his arm would be sort of behind your head. Just the mere feeling of you close beside him as you talked about personal things, it was something you two enjoyed.
* If you can’t reach something, he’ll either get it or use his quirk to make a small ice hill for you. (Don’t worry, he’ll melt it afterwards.)
* He knows how independent you are and never likes to interfere with that.
* If you hug him and he feels your head on his chest, he may...or may not lose control of his quirk. One side will be ablaze while the other is a winter wonderland all because you hugged him.
* He develops a habit of kissing your hand, all the time even though sometimes he may kiss your hair. This habit came about since he’s such a gentleman, he’s always standing behind or beside you. When he’s behind, it’s your hair. When it’s beside, it’s your hand. A small reminder of his love for you.(mostly because he’s touch starved too.)
* If you’re wearing his jacket, shirt or hoodie of his, he’s going to stare at you all day. He might take a few pictures without your knowledge but trust me, it’s only for his Lock Screen and wallpaper. ——————————————————————————
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Eijiro Kirishima
* This man LOVES your height but he doesn’t make fun of you for it as his friend would.
* The worst he’d do is just talk about how cute you are and place his hands on your cheeks when you look into his eyes as he squishes them. He can’t help it! It’s a sudden reaction!
* No one can talk about his Beauty Cool! He won’t get crazy but he will defend your honor because that the manliest thing to do!
* I see him as the type to instead of grabbing the item for you, he’d just pick you up and let you grab it yourself.
* If you decide to buy a ladder, he’s on stand-by for his manly reasons. He’d hate for you to fall and hurt yourself so, he’s watching you.
* When you hug him and he feels your nose to his chest, he turns as red as his hair and gives you the biggest hug back as if it was his last.
* One thing he loves to do with you (besides working out), is holding you in his arms. Just give him a reason to give you a piggy back ride. Complain about your feet hurting once and you’re up on his back in a flash. He just loves picking you up.
* Wear his favorite color, his clothes or even his gear, THAT SHARKY SMILE WILL BE ON FULL DISPLAY. He’ll admire you and continued call you cute or beauty cool because that’s what you are. ——————————————————————————
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Denki Kaminari
* Denki’s also a simp type like Deku, but he may crack a few jokes about you being short too.
* He doesn’t like anyone making fun of you..but if it’s a joke that’s too funny to pass, expect him to laugh too. (He’ll apologize afterwards...he might give them a little shock especially if it’s Mineta.)
* I see Denki as the type to always put his hand or his head on your head during events, such as the sports festival and your sitting in front of him. His arms will be wrapped around you and his head will be on yours, watching in boredom.
* There’s a few things that Denki loves to see you doing but the ultimate thing he loves. High chairs, like ones you see at bars and counters, he loves seeing you swing your legs a bit while waiting on you two’s meal if you’re at a restaurant or at a diner.
* I also see him as the type to help you with things but gets a bit annoyed after a while and most likely buy you a step ladder.
* When you hug him and your face is in his chest, PRAY THAT YOU DONT GET ELECTROCUTED! He may short circuit a few times before he’s used to it.
* If he discovers you wearing his hoodies or shirts, Expect a cocky Denki, because he’s going to gloat a bit. Remember, You are his Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget. (Am I the only one who loves how unique that is?). This is how it’ll be like:
* “You see them over there, Aren’t they just adorable in my clothes?”
* “They’re just wearing your headband, Kaminari.” Shoto responded.
* “IT STILL COUNTS!”——————————————————————————
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charming-charlie · 4 years
Washed Away pt. 3
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Title // Washed Away pt. 3
Pairing // Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings // Teeny tiny swears, fear of dying/drowning/losing loved ones. Dead bodies unfortunately.
Summary // Who knew hanging out with Buck and Christopher for a day would lead to a life or death situation?
Word Count // 2.1k
Prompt // Hi! Can i request a fic where you were with Buck & Christopher when the tsunami hit? They could be dating or crushing on each other. If nothing comes to mind, then it’s completely fine to ignore this request! Have a nice day!’
Author’s Note // This is Part 3 of the Washed Away series. || Part 1 || Part 2
Tagged List // @aprildecker-blog​ @coffeewithoutcaffeine​ @daddysfavoritesexkitten​ @chenfordlove​ @comeasyoudar​ @carnationworld​ // If you want to be added or removed from the tagged list, please drop a note.
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“I guess we are going to hang out here a little bit longer,” Buck said gently. He kept his voice smooth and low, and you knew it was to keep both you and Christopher calm.
The water was slowing down. The waves, while present, were no longer rapid and threatening. Still, you didn’t feel comfortable moving, and neither did Buck. He held onto Christopher with one arm and keeping the other next to you. It was extremely comforting having him there, despite everything that was going on.
Too bad it was suddenly short-lived.
“HELP!” a woman suddenly screamed, somewhere away from the firetruck.
Buck immediately sat up at attention and looked around. His arm slipped out of your grip and you instantly felt a sense of dread as you followed his eyesight. Just once you wanted a moment with him, just once.
Buck slowly started to stand up, staring eagle-eyed at the damage before him. He was scanning the area, sweeping his eyes left and right in search of a body to go with the voice. What was once a road full of cars and people was now a river, and there didn’t appear to be any end in sight.
“Help me!” the voice screamed again, and you knew you weren’t going crazy.
Buck was at attention, his ears trained for all sorts of desperate cries for help. There was a woman waving for aid in the water, screaming for help. You stared in horror, knowing exactly what she was feeling in that moment. The fear that this could be the end…
No, Y/N. Let’s not think about that right now. You’re fine.
“Chris, um… I need you to sit right here for me with Y/N. You promise me?” Buck crouched down to reach Christopher’s line of sight; his tone was serious.
“Yes,” Christopher said.
You wanted to shake your head and forbid Buck from leaving the firetruck. Forbid? Really?
He seemed to sense your fear and apprehension and he turned to face you. If it weren’t for the immediate danger that you were facing, you knew you would be leaping into his arms like a knockoff Disney princess, but it wasn’t that easy. It was very, very difficult to even think about letting him out of your sight, and here he was, being a damn prince and diving into the face of danger.
“I’ll be right back,” he said as he looked at you, frowning slightly, like he almost didn’t believe his own words, “watch Christopher for me. Please.”
The woman was still screaming for help and Buck couldn’t wait another second. He reached for your hand and you held it tightly, but it slipped out of your grip before you even had a chance to hold on.
The ex-firefighter did what he did best. He grabbed the ladder and catapulted it off the truck so that it formed a bridge between the truck and a pile of what appeared to be a random island of cars and vehicles. Was that stable? It didn’t look very stable.
He had the firehose piled on his shoulder to use as a rope and he began walking across the very unsafe ladder bridge. You were watching him, entranced by his knowledge of survival skills, but your breath was caught in the back of your throat with each step he took. There were more than a few times where the ladder shook unevenly below his feet and he had to steady himself by putting his arms out to the side like a tightrope walker. Watching this scene was painful and yet you couldn’t look away.
He had to jump into the water to reach the woman and you lost sight of him after that. Your heart was pounding erratically in your chest and for a second you thought you wouldn’t know what to do without Evan Buckley in your life. Damn, Y/N, is this really where your mind is going?
She was still screaming for help and you saw a flash of Buck’s orange shirt climbing over one of the cars to reach her. You would’ve let out a sigh of relief but nothing about this situation was relieving.
Christopher grabbed you by the pant leg and tugged on it. Immediately you turned your attention to the little boy, feeling the beginnings of a heart attack. Was he okay?
He seemed to be. He was smiling a little, probably having no idea just how dangerous the situation was. Oh, what it must be like to be a kid, naïve and unaware of things.
“Is Buck okay?” Christopher asked. There was a slight uncertainty to his voice, and you were surprised from catching it. Maybe Christopher knew exactly what was happening all along.
You turned your head to find Buck, but you lost him again. And… there was that panic building up once more.
“Hey, I need you to let go! Let go! You’re doing great!”
You heard his voice shouting over the waves and it took a few minutes to find him in the water. Apparently, he used the hose like a rope, just as you predicted, by tying the other end to a tree and letting a woman swim towards it and grab on. It was such an impressive maneuver, something you would never have thought of in a million years.
He grabbed the flailing woman and used the rope sort of like a zip line back to the truck. You jumped to action, reaching over the edge of the truck and helping her up. She landed on the roof with a bit of a thud and your hand reached for Buck’s to help him up next.
The moment he touched your hand, the two of you froze in fear, staring at each other with bated breath.
There were more cries for help. A lot more.
He turned to look behind him and you looked straight ahead, past him. Many people were swimming to the truck, calling for help, waving their arms for attention.
Buck’s hand slipped out of yours and you tried not to notice. When were you finally going to have your moment with him? It was scaring you inside, how dependent you suddenly became on him. It wasn’t the fact that he saved you, no. It was before that. And now, there was a possibility that you two might not live through this. You hoped it was a small possibility, but it was still there. And you needed that moment with him, a moment to show him, thank him, and appreciate him for everything he has done to enrich the quality of your life. You need that moment before it is too late.
“Watch him,” Buck said as he looked at you, pointing to Christopher.
You nodded, letting him know he could count on you. You couldn’t say anything. Your voice was frozen in your throat and you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
Buck clung to the hose bridge he made, and the other tsunami victims grabbed on. They half shimmied, half swam, down the hose to the truck and you were helping every single person on board. Occasionally, you would glance at Christopher, who was fine. The woman, the first one Buck saved, was next to the little boy and keeping a firm eye on him, allowing you to focus on helping the others onto the roof of the emergency vehicle.
Within minutes, the roof filled up and people were saved. Buck was the last one on board, and he flopped down, gasping for breath. You had no idea the amount of adrenaline it must’ve taken him, but yours was also wearing off. You felt exhausted, numb, and just downright over this whole thing.
He sat next to Christopher and you sat next to him, just like before everyone had to go play hero. It felt normal, and you thought that was weird. This shouldn’t be normal, none of it should, but it was. At least for now.
“You amaze me, buddy,” Buck said to Christopher. His hand reached for yours and you grabbed it instinctively as Buck turned to face you. “And you amaze me too.”
If it weren’t for the insane flooding and sitting on a firetruck boat, you knew your heart would be skipping beats left and right. Was this the moment?
“Oh, no. Do you see that?”
“Look over there.”
The other people in the truck started speaking up, softly at first, but enough to grab your attention along with Buck. Cool, this was not the moment.
You weren’t prepared for what you saw. Dead bodies started floating down and Buck immediately turned to Christopher and tried to distract the boy from seeing them. He picked Christopher up and sat him on the edge of the truck so that his back was facing the bodies as they floated down the watery road.
Your hand was on Buck’s shoulder to steady yourself as you tried to look away. You dealt with dead people often, it was part of your job as a nurse. But this… this was different. The people in the water shouldn’t be dead, and that’s what made the whole situation sick.
Buck’s smile turned into a frown as he watched the victims float on by, and he turned back to look at you. There was something unreadable in his eyes.
The horrible moment passed, and people took their spots back on the roof. Christopher, Buck, and you sat in your usual section toward the front of the truck and for now, you just waited.
“I don’t know what I’m going to tell your father,” Buck spoke up, speaking to Christopher, “I take you out one time and uh… look what happens.”
“You saved me,” Christopher said in reply, like he didn’t have to think about it, “you saved Nurse Y/N, and you saved them.”
The crowd of people on the roof of the truck were waiting, looking around, being quiet, but the gesture was clear enough. Buck definitely did something remarkable today and you were hoping he saw it. You hoped he saw just how amazing he was and how brave, heroic, and daring his decisions were to save everybody on the truck. Hell, he saved you, and that’s not something you plan to let slip from his memory. You owed him your life at this point.
“No,” Buck said, and he turned to look at you, talking to both you and Christopher at the same time, “we did that together. Me and you make a great team.”
Christopher moved in and hugged Buck, and the ex-firefighter wasted no time hugging the little boy back. Using his other arm, he pulled you into the hug as well, and it was nice. A small group hug with the three of you.
And then…
All the sudden, the water was rising and splashing around the truck. Harsh waves crashed against the truck, pushing against it. The vehicle lopped and shook within the water, feeling unstable for the first time. Trash and various items were scratching against the sides, sending piercing screeches to your sensitive ears.
Buck was on his feet quickly. He watched what was going on with eagle eyes, staring hard. It was like his brain was calculating the best course of action, but too much was happening too soon, and he couldn’t land on a solution quick enough.
People started falling off the truck and into the water.
Buck, gripping Christopher with one arm and you with the other, yelled at people to get down. Seeking shelter was the best course of action but it was hard to hear him over the waves.
It felt like another tsunami, another surge.
A man screamed for help, someone who had fallen overboard. You quickly rushed to the side, and Buck was right behind you. You held out your hand to reach for the man, Buck was holding onto you so that you wouldn’t fall in. You don’t know what propelled you to act this way, but you did. Instinct took over. You grabbed him, pulled him out of the water, and Buck moved next to you to help you. Together, the two of you heaved the man onto the hood of the firetruck.
But something happened.
Something crashed into the truck, so quick and powerful, that your grip on the man was broken and he fell back into the harsh rapids. Buck’s first response was to grab you firmly so that you wouldn’t fall in after him. Thankfully you didn’t but a certain realization hit you soon enough.
Both of you scrambled off the hood of the truck and looked at the people remaining.
Christopher wasn’t there. The little boy was nowhere in sight.
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galaxyedging · 4 years
A little fluff about the times Mando and the reader touch.
Worth the Risk.
"First rule of going on the run, don't run, walk." This advice had worked pretty well over the years. It did not take into account that one day your running companion would be a large man covered in a ridiculous shiny material. Luckily for you, your pursuers didn't actually know what either of you look like. Only that something that belonged to them had gone missing. Unluckily for you, in big crowds like this, Mandalorians drew attention. In smaller crowds people's instincts were to turn away, to not catch his attention. Hidden amongst a bigger crowd, people became bold, they stared and whispered.
"We need to get out of this crowd." Mando's voice was tense.
"The crowd will be the only thing slowing them down and hiding us from suspicion. We stay in it then make a break for the Crest when we see an opening." you replied calmly.
You had been able to move at a steady pace through the crowd, you in the lead, Mando behind. The people around you walked slowly, browsing the market stalls. Up ahead the movement of the crowd change. Drums, bells and whistles sounded in an upbeat rhythm. As soon as you passed the last stall you were swept to the side in the dancing crowd. Caught up in the movement you lost your bearings for a moment. Struggling to turn as the dancing bodies pressed into you from every direction, you managed to looked over your left shoulder. No sign of the familiar glint of Baskar in the sun. Colour swamped your vision as people dance with scarves and flags. Colourful powder burst into the air, sending out vivid rainbow clouds than misted everything they touched. The effect was beautiful but disorienting. You started to push back towards where you thought Mando had been. You ducked under flags and weaved through the crowd. Still no sign. Suddenly you were aware of someone at your side. It was strange since you were literally walled in by bodies but this felt different. As you turned, relived to see Mando, you felt him grip your hand. His grip was strong and firm. Warmth seemed to radiate through his gloves. Your hand slotted into his perfectly. Before you could think about if for too much longer he pulled you through the crowd. Making a steady progression, you periodically checked behind you. Only when you finally reached the Crest you realized that not only were you still holding hands but your fingers were now intertwined. Letting go, he went off to prepare the ship, leaving you to look down at you hand. The symbolism of space where his hand had once was being highlighted by absent of the coloured powder that had settled on your skin, wasn't lost on you.
Damn it, you cursed your own stupidity. As you lay there, shaking with fever, you listed all the things that were as beautiful as they were deadly. All the pretty flowers of various shaped blooms, their rich colours and wonderful scents. Animals that had incredibly beautiful patterns and cute features that could kill you where you stood. Mando, who's walked alone had you completely enthralled when you first saw him, could kill you in a number of ways. He might actually, if this fever was affecting you so badly that you could no longer distinguish between your internal monologue and your actual voice. He was still turned away from you mixing up a remedy so you figured you were safe. He returned to your side with a small bowl. "Here." he said placing his hand under your head, gently lifting it so you could drink. "That will counteract any poison. You're still in for a rough 24 hours but you'll live. Stay on the path and away from the tree blossoms in the future." As he lowered your head his hand grazed your cheek. It was cool compared to your heated skin. Instinctively you grabbed it, holding it still, leaning in, enjoying the relief it provided. You were too wrapped up in your own bliss to notice the sigh that came from the Mandalorian. He removed his hand and went off to fetch a cool wash cloth. He laid it over you forehead before going to sit on crate across the cargo hold from you. "Get some rest, I'll watch over you." he informed you folding his arms across his chest and relaxing back slightly.
"Can you...can you watch over me from over here?" your voice was little more that a whisper. You weren't sure if was pity or kindness that motivated him to move. He dragged the crate over next to you, getting comfortable once more. "Sleep." He uttered. Feeling safer to do so you closed your eyes.
In the morning, as your eyes blinked open, you took inventory of all the discomfort in your body. Your head pounded, your mouth was dry, your back ached, your stomach churned, you hand felt strangely heavy. It took you a second to realise why. Mando's ungloved hand was in yours. Fingers interlaced just next to where his head lay on the end of your cot. Soft, steady breathing indicated he was still asleep. Shifting slightly for a better look you gave his hand a once over. His skin was tanned, less damaged than you would have thought. You thought you could see a faint scar by his thumb. To confirm you suspicions you ran your thumb across his skin. The skin itself was soft and smooth, there was a slight raise where the scar was. Even in his sleeping state there was still strength in the way his fingers held yours. The smile that had spread across your face suddenly dropped when his helmet moved and his visor met your gaze. "How are feeling?" he asked voice rough with sleep before clearing his throat.
"Better." you nodded wearily.
"Good. I'll go check on the kid." There wasn't much in his tone to read but you felt how slowly he slide his hand from yours before climbing the ladder to the cockpit.
Dust and debries rained down on you as the blaster shots hit the top of the wall you were hiding behind. "Mando!" you yelled through your comm.
"Here." he appeared over the wall blaster shots pinging off his Baskar. "Come on." he grunted dragging you to your feet.
"Where?!" you shouted taking cover in front of his armoured frame as shots ricocheted off of him.
He answered by wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you to him "Hold on."
Panic flared in you as you realised his plan. "Oh no. Mando! No. Wait!"
His hands held your face. "Trust me. Hold on."
Hell, you did trust him. Throwing your arms around his neck, you held on for dear life, literally. His jetpack roared to life and as your feet left the ground you hooked them on his calves. Once you had risen a few feet to clear the roof Mando had to tilt you back so he could control the direction you were flying in. In fear you wrapped your legs fully around him, clinging to him even tighter. He had to adjust to your new position by placing one had on your lower back on one hand behind your knee. Moments later you shrieked as something wrapped around your head. It was only when you were out from under it you realised Mando had flown you through a flag. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." he rushed out before adding loudly "There's the Crest." Coming to land inside the ship Mando gently released your leg allowing you to stand. His hand remained on your lower back until you unwrapped your arms from his neck. "Thank you." you panted. Before he could respond you added "But if you ever do that again I will steal that thing and push you out the ship mid flight."
"Shit!" you curse as the panel in front of you sparked. Thanks to a massive storm you had crashed landed on a frozen wasteland. The nearest town was too far to get to without the Crest. Mando wouldn't have been safe flying there in this weather. Hoping to patch things up so you could limp over there, you had both set to work. Hours later there was still no joy and things were only getting worse. Night was falling, the temperature was dropping. Your hands were too cold to work any more. Mando returned from outside. His visor was frosted, even with his armour he was shivering. "That's it! It's freezing. We have no power, no heat. Am sleeping until morning." you finally snapped, picking up your glow rod before stomping around the ship to gather anything that could be used as a blanket. Over the heavy sound of your feet you could hear the sounds of the ships manual locks being engaged. "The ship is secure." Mando informed you.
"Good, so you can take your armour off." you told him as you shoved all the material you had found into the small compartment where he slept.
"Why?" he asked coming to a stop next to you.
"We have to conserve body heat. The helmet can stay on. Your bunk is the best place for us to sleep." you stated
He stood for a moment, head cocked to the side in thought before beginning to remove his armour. Once he was ready you allowed Mando to climb into the small space first before crawling in beside him.
Carefully you pressed yourself into him as close as you could without letting your position become too 'intimate'. He angled his hips away from you as you slotted into his side. You folded your arms underneath you to provide another barrier. Mando lifted up a little to carefully covered you both with the blankets. He lay back down his arms fell awkwardly, one behind your back, one at his side. He shuffled slightly then seemed satisfied with his position. You were about as comfortable as you were going to get. The only problem was the cold, hard metal pressed against your face. Mando picked up on your discomfort. "Are you ok? Do you need me to move?"
"It's just..your helmet is cold. Could you maybe lift it a little? Just off your neck? I won't look." you asked wondering if you'd ask too much of him. After what felt like forever, he slowly moved the helmet up. Just enough to give you room to settle your head into his neck. The rim of his helmet rested on your head. It wasn't ideal but it was an improvement.
"Thank you." you sighed enjoying the comfort and warm he was providing you.
"You're welcome." he said quietly. Reached up above his head he pressed a button to shut the compartment door. Before he lay back down he removed the flashlight from the side of his helmet and attached it to the wall. As he settled back down he spoke "If you wake up first or need to use the fresher wake me before you touch the light or open the door. My helmet's not fully on it may slip off."
He was so matter of fact about it you almost didn't register the level of responsibility that put on you. If you awoke and forgot, his Creed could be broken. You both trusted each other to have each others backs in a fight. It was a necessity between you. This level of trust was something else. It was a little emotionally overwhelming, so you did what you always did in situations like that...joked. "Wow. I gotta say I could get pretty tempted to peek. I mean there's a flashlight right there."
"And there's a blaster right there." Mando retorted.
As you laughed into his neck, you felt his own chuckle rumble in his chest. As you drifted off to sleep you realise that his arm was now around your back, pulling you in just a little.
Surprisingly, you slept pretty well. It took you a second to become fully conscious of your surroundings and make sense of them. Thankfully, the first thing you remembered was why it was pitch black. The second thing you became aware off was that, at some point in the night, you and Mando had almost switched positions. Now you were laying on your back with him on top of you. The difference was, in your unconscious state, their was no compulsion to be polite or reserved in your touching.
Mando was almost fully on top of you. His left leg was in between your legs with you right leg over it. His arms were around your waist, holding you close and his helmet was buried in you neck. No, not his helmet, his face. At least the lower half of it was. His warm breath skimmed your skin. His cheek and the barest edge of his lips rested on you. His words from the night before ran through your head. Racking your brains, you thought of everything he had ever said about his Creed. He can't be SEEN by another living thing without his helmet, he didn't seem bothered by the possibility that his helmet could come off, just with you SEEING him with it off. So you were ok, you should just wake him, have him put it back on? Despite your own reassurances, you felt guilty. If you could slip it back on, without waking him, then there was no problem. You would take the knowledge, of the brief moment you were aware of his face against your neck, to your grave. Gently lifting your hand that had been wrapped around his back, you reached up to steady the back of his helmet. Misjudging where it was your finger tips were met with thick, soft hair. Resisting the urge to sink your fingers into it, you tried for his helmet again. This time you poured all you attention into finding and gently grasping the edge of the helmet. You concentrated, keeping your movement small, as not to wake him. You even focused on keeping your breathing steady and quiet. All your effort was going into being as silent and as stealthy as possible, which is why you almost died when Mando spoke. "Do I have to get that blaster?"
"Fuck! Don't do that!" you weren't exactly sure what you were telling him off for. For suddenly speaking and scaring you? For letting you hear his unfiltered voice and the feelings it roused in you?
His head rose for a moment as he slipped the helmet on before lowering it back to you shoulder. "Do you need to get up?"
"No." Good job you were a good liar. You could do with peeing but there was no way you were willing extract yourself from under him.
"Then sleep. The storm is still raging. We might as well rest while we can." He made no move to adjust his position or move from you before relaxing back down. Since he seemed comfortable with how your were positioned you returned your arm to his back. Sleep was now eluding you so you listened to the storm. Unconsciously, you began to rub your hand your and down Mando's lower back. The gentle movement eventually caused his tunic to ride up, exposing his skin. Only when he let out a deep sigh at your hand meeting his bare skin did you realise what you were doing and that he was awake.
"Mando..." you began, the cover of darkness suddenly making you feel bold "...when was the last time you held someone like this?"
"Like this...?" he paused "Never."
"Never?" you echoed.
"It's not a good idea for a Mandalorian to be this vulnerable. It's risky." he informed you.
"So why now?" you asked resuming your movements. "Easier to dispose of my body in the frozen wasteland if you have to use that blaster?"
"No." he sighed as his own hand dipped under the clothing at your lower back and spread out across the bare skin there. "You're worth the risk."
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sw124 · 3 years
[Reader is Female, for the record there is a rare phenomenon known as Golden Blood where a individual is RHnull having no RH factor which means they have no - or + in their blood. For more information please research it further on your preferred method. This is an Undertale original Vampire AU done by @taytay2656 ]
Here you were, standing in the lions den. The lion in question was staring you down, sizing you up. Lord Xyrus, owner of this lovely castle and noble of the area. You came here looking for work, knowing full-well that this was not the place for you...but you didn’t have much choice.
It was either this or return to your home and be forced into a political marriage to a man who would turn you into another trinket in his growing harem of ‘brides’ so to speak. You did everything in your power to look like a peasant girl, giving away your clothes, bartering for any scraps of clothing and even rolling in dirt. Well it worked, by the time you go there you looked like some vagabond tossed out of their home.
Now here you were asking for help... before a person you knew would be dangerous...especially if he found out your secret. You flinched as he stood up and walked around you, you held your breath as he took his seat again.
“Well you seem to be in good health, you’ll be put to work outside on the grounds. Do well and you may work your way up to being a maid in the house...or be apart of my...nobles.”
He smirked at you, you cursed your face...your mother always told you that you were born with a ‘youthful’ face. Round and cute, you shook your head and bowed to him.
“I will do my best out on the grounds my lord, I promise not to be a disappointment to you.”
He gave you a stern nod and lead you outside, he introduced you to a senior member of the groundskeepers. He was a tall, older man but had such a welcoming smile, his name was Arthur and he took you under his wing. You didn’t have much trouble adapting really, true you were born into nobility you snuck away to help the maids and servants with chores as a way to pass the time. Your favorite thing to do was go outside in the garden an help tend to the flower beds and vegetable patches.
You felt truly at ease here, yes it was dangerous to be in the presents of Lord Xyrus but you’d take this over being a harem girl any day.
.....But this ease would not last long...
[six months later]
It was one particularly nice day that you were outside, one of the workers...a young girl came running up and telling you the lord wished to see you. You waisted no time stepping down off the ladder with your basket of apples, handing them to the girl you made your way to the castle where Lord Xyrus was waiting.
“Ah, there you are. I need you to do me a special chore, my brother who lives up the way needs his home cleaned and since I can’t spare any of my indoor servants at the moment an you seem to be the most...studious you seem to be the most qualified for this.”
You tilted your head, he had plenty enough servants to spare...but then again it was best not to argue. You nodded and listened closely to his instructions on where to find his home. You listened carefully and headed off into the woods.
Odd that the two don’t live together given their family but then again sometimes family are better living their own lives. The path towards the home spiraled through the woods, you didn’t mind really. It was so nice to see the beauty of the woods here, for a moment you stopped, extend your arms and breathed in the luscious air of the woods.....
That was a mistake...
The wind was knocked out of you when arms wrapped around your midsection, next thing was the sharp prick of teeth sinking into your skin. You got a look at your attacker, his burnt umber kimono slowly staining with your blood. You noted he was rather large frame...that and you were practically lifted off the ground into his hold. You could feel his tongue dig into the muscles, ripping them to produce more blood, he took flesh that was for sure. Yes he got a taste of your blood...and he wasn’t letting go any time soon.
“.......Are you done yet?” You groaned, folding your arms across your chest.
You felt him jump a little as he let you go, you fell flat on your butt. You turned and glared at him but it faded when you saw his...scared expression. Slowly you stood up, slightly dizzy from the loss of blood but it was slowly coming back. Along with your wound closing up.
“Next time don’t drop me, you must be the masters brother. He didn’t give me your name so mind telling it to me?”
He didn’t answer...he just stared....you stared back and sighed. You looked around and just barely through the tree’s you spotted a small cottage, probably his home. You turned to him, took his hand and started pulling him towards the cottage in question. He needed to clean up and so did you...funny he didn’t resist.
“Well I suppose we can get you cleaned up and we can do introductions then hm?”
You weren’t sure what to say, poor thing looked lost...alright sure he just tried to kill you but you just survived his attack. That probably not only surprised him but scared him, the cottage inside was small but it felt like you stepped into the story book.
The floors inside were lined with tatami mats, there was a cute little square filled with sand and a fire going in it. There was a line from the top of the ceiling holding a pot, a nice place to cook a stew. There was a smaller room where a futon mat was laid out for sleep, you doubted he slept much but it was still nice. There were scrolls and books on shelves about.
This place was truly a little slice of heaven, if things were different you would have loved to live here...even if you had to live with someone who just tried to take half of your neck off. You walked to the little washbasin in the corner of the room, it was half filled with water. Taking up a rag you dipped it in the water and walked over to him, he backed away when you came close.
“Now don’t be difficult, your brother Xyrus sent me to take care of things around here an my guess is also take care of you. So be still please, if you leave blood sitting on your face it’ll get sticky.” You managed to get pull him close and dabbed his stained mouth clean.
Once he was clean you washed off around your neck, you poured some water into the washbasin and let the rag soak. You went to the smaller room and proceeded to look for a clean kimono to change your....right you didn’t know his name.
“Whats your name please, I need to call you something.”
“C-Cayden!” He practically hiccuped his name, you almost giggled at it but kept your composure.
“Very good then, come here master Cayden I got a clean kimono for you. Please change an I’ll go wash that one, don’t want it staining.”
In a daze he took the kimono, walked into the smaller room and proceeded to change, you waited till he came out. Seems all his kimonos had the same color, orange. You took his sullied kimono and headed outside, just a few steps away was a stream. Kneeling you began washing and scrubbing the kimono clean of your blood. You heard him come up behind you, he knelt down beside you.
“Y-you shouldn’t be at my home, does my brother know about you?!” You couldn’t miss the waver in his tone.
“No your brother doesn’t know, doubt if he did he’d send me to you. An if your referring to my blood...I took great measures to make sure no one found out about my blood, golden blood isn’t exactly something you want others to know about.” You smiled at him and patted his head, he was so sweet.
“Well...when your finished with that we must head back to his castle, my brother would be very cross with me if I kept you.”
That made you sad, you kinda hoped you’d stay and be ‘his’ servant but its not like you had a choice, you were obligated to obey.
“Alright master Cayden, as you wish...if its not too much trouble do you have a cloak or anything I could wear. Don’t wanna walk into his home covered in blood, might scare the others.”
He nodded and ran back to his cottage, by the time he got back you were just hanging his kimono on tree branch to dry in the sun. It was adorable how he put it over you and fastened the clasped around the front. He took you by your hand and swiftly lead you down a carved path towards the castle, if you knew this was here it would have made the trek to the cottage easier...but you digressed. The sun was starting to set by the time you reached the castle, you barely stepped foot into the castle grounds when you saw master Xyrus.
He was damn near running towards the both of you, you were tempted to hide but then why? You didn’t do anything wrong, in a blink he was before you tearing the cloak from you. He gripped the part of your clothes that were still stained with blood, he inhaled and turned to you. Eyes widening, you could have sword you saw a glint of saliva forming in the corner of his mouth...
“Inside...please.” He whispered to you as he fixed the cloak back on you.
Doing as you were told you walked back in, looking back to be sure Cayden wasn’t getting yelled at. But instead Xyrus was simply patting his brother’s arm and sending him on his way, thats good at least there wasn’t bad feelings between the two. You were careful to avoid the maids and servants around, just because your clothes were covered didn’t mean they couldn’t smell your blood. Finally you reached master Xyrus’ quarters, you closed the door and were about to sit down before it opened again, the master stepping inside.
He closed and locked the door, again the cloak torn from you. His arm swiftly wrapped around you and pulled you into an embrace, his fangs the color of ocean pearls gingerly pierced your flesh. Compared to Cayden it was a change, to steady yourself you held on to him. This did feel a lot less painful, after a moment he pulled his head away. Kissing the mark he left, already starting to heal.
“Hmm yes...to think I had you in my possession and never knew.” He purred, he cradled the back of your head as he tilted it forward.
“You’ll live among my nobles from now on, on top of that I think I’ll give you a name.”
You blinked at him. “An..what name is that?”
You watched as a Cheshire grin formed on his face as he leaned in to your neck.
“Ambrosia...” he hissly moaned as he again pressed his fangs into you..for another drink.
End, more to come if you wish to have more.
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secretlysheikah · 4 years
Watching Water
Look at me Gooooo! The next chapter ready to go! I’m chuffed, this was actually easy to write! I hope you all enjoy! As always I took inspiration from @jojo56830 and their lovely Linked Universe premise. Very cool I suggest you check them out. 
Start here:
Twilight peeled his eyes open to the soft rays of the midmorning sunlight filtering through the window above his bed and groaned. He felt awful. His head throbbed a slow and steady beat against the back of his eyes and his body felt like lead. He pulled his blankets snug around his chin, as he felt a shiver run through him. A cough quickly followed and he grimaced as he felt it rumble through his frame. As far as mornings go it wasn’t the best way to start the day. He shut his eyes tightly and talked himself through the process of sitting up. It took a monumental effort to lift himself to a seated position and his whole body protested loudly at the motion. The room swam around him and he had to take a minute to steady himself, ignoring the temptation to lay back down. 
This was fine, he was fine, he had to be. There were things that needed to be done and laying in bed simply wasn’t an option given the events of the previous day. Before he could submit to the call of his bed he swung his legs over the side with wobbly determination. A chill shot up his legs when his feet touched the cool floorboards and he wondered if the fire had gone out in the night. He could hear the light chatter of voices filtering up from the floor below followed by the soft clinks of plates and cutlery. 
He couldn’t smell anything but it was possible that no one felt the will to cook anything. He couldn't blame the others, not with Wild being… He shook his head, pushing the thought away for now and marveled at how the world continued to bob and weave long after he stopped. That probably wasn’t a good sign. The whole atmosphere of the house felt wrong, even as full as his house was right now, it still felt empty and he knew who to blame. He stoked the anger in his soul, using it as fuel to spur himself up and out of bed.  
Twilight felt another cough rumble out from his chest and he winced. He wasn’t sick, no, he was just waking up, that was all. He rubbed at his sore eyes and gave a stretch, pointedly ignoring the way his body threw up fresh protests to the movement. He ignored the cold that seeped into his bones and finally stood. The room swung dangerously and he steadied himself on the railing next to his bed and looked down. He could see Time, Legend and Hyrule sitting at the small table below. They were talking quietly as they picked at some dried fruit and cheese they had found in his pantry. He couldn’t see the others but he was sure they were somewhere. 
He carefully shuffled to the ladder and made his slow way down to the bottom floor. His hands felt clumsy, and he worried he might lose his grip a few times but he managed with little incident. His feet made little noise as they touched the floorboards below and he held on to the rungs until he was sure he was steady enough to move again.
“Good morning pup, I hope you…” Time started and stopped when he got a look at him. Twilight blinked a few times and offered a slow wave as he made his careful way over to the fire to stoke up the flames. He was freezing and he was surprised that the others were handling the chill of the room so well. 
“Uh, hey Twi, how are you feeling?” Hyrule called out tentatively and Twilight spared him a glance. He could see worry on his face and Twilight noticed how his fingers drummed on the table top. He raised an eyebrow and offered him a small smile. 
“I’m alright, Rule, just a little cold.” He said simply masking another cough behind the dull thump of the log that he tossed onto the fire. Heat flared up from the fireplace and he sighed happily as he felt some of the chill recede from his fingertips. 
“Are you sure? Because you look a little…” Hyrule said as his hands waved through the air aimlessly. 
“You look like a ghost,” Legend said tactlessly as he stood and made his way from around the table towards him. Twilight eyed him warily but didn’t move away as Legend grabbed at his sleeve to steady him. 
“I’m fine, just a little tired is all,” Twilight protested as Legend put the back of his hand against his forehead. He hissed and pulled away. 
“Stop that, your hands are cold,” Twilight groused as he slapped Legend’s hand away. He couldn’t read the other man’s expression and he wasn’t about to try. 
 “You have a fever, go lay down,” Legend said sternly and Twilight rolled his eyes. He was sure the vet was overreacting, he was standing next to the fire, of course he would feel warm. 
“I’m fine, you guys worry too much,” Twilight said as he slowly made his way over to the small bucket of water sitting on the counter. His throat did feel a little sore, but that surely was nothing, a little water would solve that. He felt himself sway and caught himself on the edge of the counter before he reached for a small cup that sat next to the bucket. He cleared his throat as he dipped it into the water and watched as ripples marred the still surface. A hazy memory from the night before, of crystal blue eyes looking out from a puddle floated to the forefront of his mind. It nagged at him, and he found he couldn’t look away from the rippling water.    
“Pup, you need to go lay down,” Time said and Twilight could hear the legs of the chair scrape across the floor as Time began to stand. 
“I told you I’m fine, we have… To plan...” Twilight said as he felt his breath leave him. His legs felt shaky all of a sudden, his hand quickly joined his legs and he had to sit his cup down for fear of dropping it. Had he imagined seeing Wild the other night in the water? Somehow he didn’t think so.  
“That can wait, you are clearly unwell,” Time continued but his voice seemed far away. The room was too small, like he had grown to the size of a giant while also feeling absurdly small all at the same time. The juxtaposition of the two opposing sensations felt overwhelming and it was getting harder to breathe and his hands began to grow numb. He could sense the others getting to their feet but things felt slowed down and too fast. He blinked, then he was staring at the ceiling. The room was silent around him but he suspected that that wasn’t actually the case. He could feel the rumble of floorboards under his back, his back? He looked around and to his surprise he found that he could see the underside of the table and the now abandoned chairs. How did he get on the floor? Nothing was making any sense and his racing heart only added to his distress. He blinked some more and the sound finally came back to the room. 
“I fucking told you!” Legend shouted (was he shouting?) as he knelt down next to him, as his cold hand came to rest against his forehead. Twilight tried to shake it off but the room spun wildly when he did and so he stopped. Why did it feel like he just got done running? He was pretty sure he was just standing not a moment ago but his heart was pounding against his ribcage and he was struggling to draw in breath.  
“Are you alright pup?” Time asked from his other side and Twilight felt distinctly confused. He was still having a hard time making sense of everything that was happening. 
“Why am I on the floor?” He asked stupidly, and even to his own ears it sounded slurred and slow. 
“You just passed out you moron,” Legend said tersely as he stood and stepped over him. Passed out? But he was fine? Right? Twilight groaned and tried to sit up but a new pair of hands pressed him gently to the floor again. A low whine escaped him but he relented, instead opting to rest his hands against his aching head, covering his eyes. His palms blocked out the light stabbing into his eyes and he felt this heart beginning to slow once more.  
“Hey, move your hands, I want to check the back of your head. You hit the floor pretty hard just now,” The soft voice of Hyrule commanded him and Twilight relented allowing him to turn his head to the side. Gentle fingers prodded at the back of his head and he sucked in a breath as Hyrule found a particularly tender spot. Maybe that’s why his head hurt so badly? 
“Okay, it’s not too bad, let me just,” Hyrule said slowly and Twilight could feel a warm tingling flutter across the back of his skull making the world blur at the corners. It helped somewhat with the pain but he could still feel the dull ache behind his eyes.  
“Alright, that should be better,” Hyrule announced and Twilight gave him a noncommittal grunt. 
“Can we move him?” He heard Time’s concerned voice rumble out above him as his hand came to rest against his head.
“Well we can’t leave him on the damn floor. Where the fuck are your rags Twi?” Legend snapped out from somewhere towards his feet, followed by the clunk of a cabinet shutting. He felt Time gently run his fingers through his hair and he leaned into subconsciously. 
“They’re u-uh, w-wait, I can get them,” Twilight stammered, as his sluggish brain had trouble recalling where exactly they could be without actually going to get them himself. 
“Forget it, I’ll get some from my pack, get him to bed,” Legend said dismissively as another cabinet door clicked shut and the sound of his footsteps stalked away from the small kitchen. Twilight huffed in annoyance. Great now Legend was mad at him. 
“Alright pup, slow and steady,” Time said calmly as he and Hyrule grabbed at his arms and began to lift him to his feet. Twilight felt the room spin with the movement and he felt Time and Hyrule support his back. Seeing as his bed was up a set of ladders, they slowly made their way to the couch against the underside of the loft instead and sat him down gently. Twilight felt himself sag into the soft cushions and before he realized it he was laying down with several blankets on top of him. He still felt the chill of the room in his bones and he pulled the blankets tighter around his shoulders. 
“Are you comfortable?” Hyrule asked and Twilight managed a small nod. He was so tired, and sore and even the act of keeping his eyes open was a challenge. He fought sleep, though, it didn’t feel right to rest just yet, they had to work on getting the others back. The memory of the puddle still hung in the forefront of his mind and he felt the urge to tell the others building in his chest. 
“I’m fine, just need to rest a bit then we can figure out our plan to get Sky and Wild back,” Twilight said through slightly chattering teeth. 
“I think the water is the key,” Twilight forced out between coughs and Hyrule shot a worried glance towards Time. Twilight hated that look, like they thought he was a invalid even though he was fine. They had things to do, plans to make, they didn’t have time for this. The water, he had to tell them. 
“Pup, you need to rest, we will figure out a plan, but for now you need to rest,” Time said softly taking up the spot next to Hyrule. Twilight snorted and felt a cough force itself out between his teeth. Hyrule gave him a sad smile and reached out towards Twilight’s forehead, humming as he judged his fever. 
“Please Time, they don’t time for us to wait around, the water...” Twilight pleaded weakly but he could tell he wasn’t getting anywhere. Time had a hard look in his eye that brooked no argument but he still tried anyway. They needed to know, they had to listen to him. He opened his mouth to continue but was cut off by his mentor. 
“Hyrule, can you give us a moment please?” Time said softly and Hyrule nodded before stepping away. 
“I’ll help Legend find some rags, your fever is high Twilight, get some rest, please.” Hyrule said over his shoulder before he walked away. Twilight ignored the comment and turned his attention to Time once again. 
“Please,” Twilight began again but was stopped when Time shushed him. 
“Twilight, listen to me, you are in no condition to worry about this. You nearly drowned yesterday and you are clearly ill and not making sense,” Twilight opened his mouth to protest but was stopped by a stern glare. 
“Stop, I can see it in your eyes, this is not your burden to bear alone and I will not allow you to run yourself into the ground yet again,” Time said and Twilight could hear a thread of anger lacing his words. He looked away from his mentor, a flash of shame making his cheeks heat up.
“You can’t make me do anything,” Twilight said stubbornly as he squinted back at Time who offered his own stern stare back. 
“Pup, that’s enough. You’re hurting yourself. Think of Sky and Wild. You are no good to them if you can’t even think straight,” Time pressed and this time he rested a heavy hand against the blankets. Twilight felt his heart give a painful throb at his words. How could he rest knowing the others were in danger? What if Wild was being tortured? What if Sky was doing… He swallowed hard, he couldn’t think that way.  
“You are ill, if you won't do it for yourself, then think of the others. You need to get your rest so you can help.” Time said, his voice lowering to a whisper as he leaned his forehead against Twilight’s. Twilight felt his eyes close and he choked back a harsh frustrated sob. Why wouldn’t Time just listen to him? Why did he feel so damn weak? He was supposed to be a hero for Goddess’s sake but here he was laying down when others were in danger. 
They stayed like that for a while, Twilight forcing back frustrated tears that burned his throat, and Time just resting his forehead against his while occasionally running a hand through Twilight’s hair. Despite his frustration he found it soothing and before he knew it his body felt relaxed and his eyes were staying closed for longer periods of time. His thoughts became well and truly muddled and after a while he couldn’t piece together anything even resembling coherent. He wasn’t sure when Time had left his side, or when a cool cloth had been laid across his forehead, but he was too tired to care anymore. He let his eyes fall closed as he felt the room continue the sway around him, and he let the soft motion rock him to sleep.        
Everything was a shade of gray, washed out and dull. Twilight sat on the same log as he did the night before and watched the puddle at his feet. Faint music cut in and out around him but his eyes never left the water. It was important that he watch, and wait. So wait he did. The wind tousled his hair and leaves landed in the water making the mirror smooth surface ripple. 
He leaned down and plucked the leaves from the pool, determined to keep the water clear. More leaves continued to fall and obscure the surface and he quickly became frantic as he tried to keep the leaves from blocking his view. He had to see, he had to wait. More leaves fell. 
He knelt next to the water, no longer a puddle but a lake covered with leaves. He scooped them out by the hand full heedless of the constant ripples that were quickly turning to waves. A brilliant flash of blue eyes appeared in the depths of the sea and he shot a hand down into the water, reaching, questing. His hands felt nothing but the soft shifting sand below and he burrowed his hands deep into the sediment. 
Soon he was up to his armpits into the water, face inches away from the  dark liquid. The blue eyes continued to stare at him. Wild’s face came into focus and Twilight watched as he mouthed words to him that he couldn’t understand. 
“Hold on, cub!” He cried out as he dug his hands deeper feeling his fingertips grow cold as they scraped their way deeper into the waterlogged soil. Water tickled at the tip of his nose, Wild’s eyes looked desperate. Just a little more, he had to dig a little deeper. 
“Who are you looking for?” A voice called out from behind him but he didn’t stop his single minded determination to pull Wild from the water. 
“He’s in the water! I just need to get to him!” Twilight said desperately, hands still fumbling in the cold sand. 
“Who is in the water?” The voice asked quietly and Twilight spared a glance from his task, seeing a dark silhouette standing on the far off shore. Waves lapped at their feet, a sparkle of green eyes broke the shades of gray. The green eyes met his own and he stopped his endless digging. 
“Wild, I can see his eyes, he’s in the water, we have to get him out!” He shouted to the figure. They tilted their head but said nothing more before they faded away into the misty gray. He turned his attention back to the water and saw blue. He kept digging. The water rose around him and soon his face was under the water, bubbles billowing out from his nose as he dug. 
Blue eyes with gold hair, just below him. His heart raced and he needed air. He went to kick off from the watery bed below but felt a hand grab at his wrist. He looked down but instead of blue he saw red. More bubbles exploded out from his mouth and he tried to wrench away. 
“You want to see them so badly, then why won’t you join them?” Dark’s voice rang out from below him and his heart raced in fear. He struggled as his arm was pulled into the sand. He threw a desperate hand towards the distant surface of the sea and longed for air. He sank further into the sand and he drew in a breath of water no longer able to hold his breath. 
Twilight’s eyes shot open as he coughed and gasped for air. His chest burned as he coughed harder and gagged feeling weighed down. He worked a hand free from the weight and clawed at his collar trying to get the pressure away from his throat. Hands grabbed at his own and he fought weakly against them. 
“Calm down, let me help,” Someone said quickly as nimble fingers undid the buttons around his collar. Twilight let himself fall back against the pillows at his back as he worked through his coughing fit. His head throbbed painfully and he weakly pulled against the fabric at his throat even as the pressure receded. He drew in deep greedy breaths and shut his eyes against the faint light. He was shaking but he wasn’t sure if that was due to his fit or the nightmare. 
“That’s right, just breathe,” 
Twilight nodded slightly and just focused on drawing in more air. It was hard, his lungs felt weighed down and sluggish. His throat felt hot and raw and he swallowed against the burn with a grimace. 
“Do you need some water? You were muttering about it for the past few hours,” 
Twilight cracked an eye open and looked at Hyrule hovering at the side of the couch. His green eyes shone with worry and he held a cup in his hands. Twilight felt his stomach churn at the mention of water and he shook his head. 
“Please? You need to drink something,” He pleaded and Twilight squinted his eyes shut and continued to shake his head. 
“No water, I don’t want it,” He rasped even as his throat burned with a vengeance. 
“Don’t be dafted, you’re getting dehydrated,” Hyrule said and he felt the cup being pressed to his lips. He turned his head to the side and flung out a hand knocking the cup away. He heard it clatter to the ground. There was a curse as someone stood quickly from the side of the couch followed by a larger splash of water. 
“Damn it! Really?” Twilight opened his eyes and looked over to Legend as he stood next to the couch a wet splotch on his pants and a sour look on his face. He held a steaming cup in his hands and a tipped over bucket was at his feet. The floorboards looked dark with the water that had been tipped onto the floor, the cup he had knocked away a few inches away. Hyrule stood in the water head down and fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
“It’s alright, we can go get more when Time comes back.” He said calmly and Twilight felt a pang of guilt. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… I can,” Twilight said as he struggled to sit up more. 
“No don’t get up, just…” Hyrule said as he made his way back over to Twilight, his boots leaving wet footprints on the dry sections of floor before he bent down and scooped up the discarded cup. 
“Hyrule is right, just lay down Twi, we’ll clean this up in a minute. But you need to drink something,” Legend said as he sat back down on the edge of the couch and held out the steaming cup to him. Twilight eyed it blearily, the pale green liquid steamed innocently below his nose. 
“What is it?” He asked after a beat, noticing the slight tremor in the vet’s hand. 
“It’s tea,” Legend said slowly, the cup still held out to him. Twilight leveled a glare at him.
“What kind of tea? Who made it?” He asked, still not making a move to take it from Legend’s hand. The vet pursed his lips but didn’t pull his offering away. 
“What is this? Twenty questions?” Legend deflected and Twilight said nothing as he continued to stare into Legend’s reddish brown eyes. Legend shuffled uncomfortably but still stubbornly held out the cup. 
“It’s an herbal tea with some honey to help with your throat,” He said quietly, ignoring the second question entirely. Legend’s eyes darted to Hyrule for a moment, nervousness evident in the glance. 
“Honey huh? Is that what you added to Wild’s tea?” Twilight asked casually and watched as Legend’s posture stiffened slightly and he visibly swallowed. 
“Please, not here Twi,” Legend whispered as he motioned for him to take the cup. Twilight shot his own look to Hyrule who looked confused as he looked between the two. He still didn’t take the cup from Legend’s hand. 
“What will it do?” He asked after another tense moment and Legend sighed and finally pulled the cup away. 
“It will help with your throat for one, and seeing as you were having some sort of nightmare it should also help keep the dreams away for a while, at least,” he said slowly as he tapped the side of the cup and stared into the swirling liquid. 
“I take it when I don’t want to dream and it helps,” Legend said quietly, like he was admitting a terrible secret. Twilight considered the cup thoughtfully. But the memory of that night so long ago (had it really been just a week?) still simmered away in his mind. 
“No sleeping potion?” He asked in the barest of whispers and this time he saw Legend flinch slightly. 
“No,” He muttered between his teeth “I didn’t think you needed it.” Twilight forced the small flame of anger down and hummed softly as he considered, Legend was clearly trying to help, and he clearly meant no harm. The promise of a dreamless sleep was tantalizing and his tired mind craved peace even as another part of him felt awful for even considering going back to sleep. His hand reached out and plucked the cup out of Legend’s hands before he realized what he was doing. 
“No dreams?” He asked as he lifted the cup to his nose and sniffed. It smelled pleasantly earthy and slightly sweet. His heart twisted at the thought, like he was somehow betraying Wild by even accepting the cup. 
“None,” Legend confirmed as he stood and grabbed the bucket off the ground, keeping his eyes averted from Twilight’s. He nodded and before he even realized he had done it, he drank the lukewarm tea down before he could talk himself out of the promise of peace the tea offered. He was weak. It warmed and soothed his aching throat and tingled as it hit his empty stomach.
When it was finally gone Twilight let himself fall back onto the pillows enjoying the feeling of warmth that creeped into his cold bones. He held the cup out and someone, Hyrule maybe, took it from him. He was tired and sore and all he wanted was to be left alone with his growing feeling of guilt. He turned over so his back faced the room and pulled the blankets around his chin. He could hear the faint sounds of shuffling and fabric shifting but didn’t make a move to look round.
“Time will be back soon and then we will go and fetch more water,” Hyrule said softly as his hands rubbed soothing circles onto his back for a moment. Twilight couldn’t bring himself to answer. His silence seemed to be enough and he heard the pair move away. He stared at the back of the couch as his eyelids slid closed and the room continued to tilt and shift around him. Somehow drinking the tea, choosing dreamless nothing, felt like he was turning his back on trying to find a way to get Sky and Wild back them. Hot tears worked themselves out of his eyes and with a watery sigh, he let himself fall into pleasant nothing.
Hyrule stared at Legend’s back as he placed the empty bucket on the counter top and moved to grab some of the rags that they had found. He wasn’t sure what Twilight was talking about when he was asking about the tea Legend had made but it was clear that it meant something to him. The room felt stuffy and close, and tension made his heart flutter. 
Legend moved wordlessly to the puddle of water on the floor and began to mop it up, studiously ignoring Hyrule’s questioning glances. He chose to let the conversation die for now and looked back over to Twilight as he slept peacefully. He could tell by the rise and fall of the blankets that he was still shivering despite the closeness of the room. 
Legend stood as the last of the water was dried from the ground, and walked over to the dying fire to hang the rags up to dry before stoking the flagging flames. Hyrule really wished he wouldn’t, it was already too hot in the room. But he did nothing to stop Legend as he threw another log on the fire. The silence was quickly becoming uncomfortable and he could feel his fingers twitch in agitation. He let out a small cough, drawing Legend’s eyes to him. 
“Your pants are wet,” He commented lamely, not knowing what to say to try to dispel the tension. Legend glanced down at his pant leg where the cup of water had splashed him when Twilight knocked the cup out of his hand. Legend continued to stare at his soaked pant leg and shrugged. 
“It’s not too bad, I’m sorry I knocked over the bucket,” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He seemed to be struggling for just what to say as well.
“It’s okay, we just need to go get more water that’s all,” The pair stood in silence once more, both fidgeting and not knowing what to say next. Hyrule coughed again and shuffled his feet and Legend hummed tunelessly. The silence grew oppressive again. 
“How much did you hear?” Legend asked after an age of awkward shuffling. Hyrule wasn’t sure how to respond. He had heard just about all of it even though he had tried his best not to. 
“I heard enough of it to have questions,” He said quietly and Legend let out a loud groan and tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling. 
“Fucking brilliant,” He groaned and suddenly Hyrule couldn’t catch his gaze no matter how hard he tried. He had gathered that Legend had made tea for Wild at some point, and apparently had done something to it but he couldn’t recall when that would have been. There were gaps in his memory and he didn’t remember Legend ever giving Wild anything. He was about to start asking questions when Time quietly opened the front door and made his way inside. Legend seemed grateful for the distraction and quickly turned his attention to the older man. 
“How is he doing?” Time asked as he made his way over to the couch and sat down making sure not to disturb Twilight’s rest. 
“He’s still got a fever, but he woke up for a little bit,” Legend said as he too walked over to the couch and leaned against the wall. Hyrule marveled at how quickly he changed gears, smoothly hiding the tension from not moments before and shifting into an air of calm nonchalance. Time nodded and rested a hand on Twilight’s back a small worried smile on his face before looking at the damp floorboards with a raised eyebrow. 
“I knocked over the bucket by accident,” Legend said with a shrug, “Rule and I were waiting for you to get back so we could go fetch some more.” Time nodded tiredly but didn’t comment on it. 
“The others found a small village, they went to grab some supplies so they might be a little while,” he said as he gently smoothed Twilight’s hair. 
“Has he had anything to drink?” Time asked without looking up. At that Legend shuffled slightly and Hyrule quickly jumped in to answer. 
“Yes, it was a bit of a hassle but we got him to drink a little something,” He said as he shot a glance at Legend. He was looking at the floor, still refusing to meet his gaze. Time hummed in acknowledgement and pulled out an old, worn looking ocarina from his side pouch. It was rare to see him play anything. He only ever seemed to play when one of them was hurt or injured and even then it was usually the same song each time. Hyrule wasn’t sure what it was, but it was lovely and soothing and always made him feel better when he heard it. It proved just how worried he must be about Twilight if he was going to play the little instrument again after he had spent the entire morning playing.  
Twilight was rarely ill and even then he never complained, never took the time to rest only claiming that he had ‘things that needed doing’. Everyone would always make sure to take things easy for a couple days of course, and sometimes they would make him go to bed early but that was always a struggle. So Hyrule could understand Time’s worry seeing how frail and small Twilight looked under all the blankets. This was his way of soothing Twilight as well as himself. Doing something even though there wasn’t much he could actually do.   
“Will you be alright if we went to go get some water?” Hyrule asked, suddenly wanting nothing more than to be out of the house. He couldn’t bear to look at Twilight’s shivering form anymore. 
“Of course, just be careful. I didn’t see any monsters on the way back from the spring but that doesn’t mean much,” He said softly as he brought the ocarina to his lips and began to play softly. Hyrule nodded quickly and practically ran over to the bucket and scooped it up. Legend pulled himself away from the wall almost reluctantly and joined him as he hurried out the door and down the ladder. 
The fresh air filled his lungs and replaced the stifling heat that had been swirling in his lungs. Legend lagged behind and Hyrule had to force his steps to slow so he wouldn’t lose his mentor. They continued to walk in silence for a little. Legend a dark and glowering presence to his energetic nervous one.      
“Go on, ask your questions. I can tell you’re dying to know,” He said, breaking the silence with a defeated finality. Hyrule hugged the bucket closer to himself as he thought about which question he wanted to start with first. 
“When did you make tea for Wild? I can’t remember you ever giving him any recently,” Hyrule started after a moment of thought. 
“You wouldn’t remember, it was after the incident at the tower. You were out cold at the time,” Legend said mechanically, eyes firmly on the road ahead. Hyrule was about to ask another question but was cut off when Legend continued.
“Twilight and I had brought Wild back to the camp and... Goddess I didn’t want you to find out this way. In fact I was planning on not telling you or anyone about it at all,“ Legend said suddenly twitchy and now actively looking anywhere else but Hyrule. 
“Legend, what happened?” He asked quietly. Legend took in a shaky breath, stumbling slightly as they rounded the corner into the spring proper. They paused halfway to the water’s edge, Hyrule still held onto the bucket like a life line as he waited for Legend to continue. 
“Wild was dead set on getting out of there. He was convinced of another attack. He looked at us like we were about to kill him.” Legend forced out between his teeth and he didn’t like how his eyes seemed dull and lifeless. His hands clenched his tunic as he worked through his emotions. 
“I was terrified Rule, I had promised something I shouldn’t have. I told him that we would leave even though I knew we wouldn’t,” Hryule could see tears in the corners of his eyes but he felt suddenly mute. 
“I lied to him, Rule. I thought maybe when he was given some time to rest and know he was safe he would sleep and rest. Then I saw his eyes, I saw how he watched all of us and how he flinched when Sky, Sky of all people was sitting next to him and I just knew.” Legend was breathing heavily, tears beginning to streak down his face. Hyrule felt frozen unable to move and not knowing what to do. This had been clearly eating away at him for some time and the thought that he was planning on never telling another soul pained him. Hyrule wondered if keeping this to himself was his form of atonement. 
“So I made a choice,” He gasped.
“I did something that I knew would earn me his distrust, I mean how much worse could it be? Wild already seemed to distrust us as it was,” Legend said as he swallowed hard and forced himself to breathe.   
“Oh Legend, what did you do?” Hyrule asked so quietly he wasn’t even sure if he had spoken. Things were starting to click together and it made his heart hurt. 
“I made him some tea, the same kind I normally make for myself when I know I can’t sleep for fear of nightmares and dreams. Except I added an extra ingredient.” He whispered eyes staring at the sand below them. Hyrule felt his heart stutter. 
“I put just a splash of a sleeping potion in. Not a lot, just enough to tip him over into sleep. He was hurt and clearly exhausted so I knew it wouldn’t take much.”  He hiccupped and wiped at his eyes. 
“I knew it was wrong, I knew but I did it anyway. I felt dead inside after he drank it and the look he gave me. Goddesses above the betrayal, Hyrule. I knew, I just knew. I convinced myself that it had to be done. Then Twilight, he found out and confirmed it and I don’t know how I had enough strength to help put Wild to bed after that.” Legend threw his head back suddenly and let out a pained yell into the air before he squatted down and buried his head into his hands. 
“Tell me I'm a terrible person Rule! I earned it! I am worse than scum just say it! I’m no hero, I’m a fucking coward! Just say it, please, just get it over with,” Legend begged, head still in his hands as he shuddered. 
Hyrule wasn’t sure when he had dropped the bucket. He didn’t know when he had wrapped up Legend in the tightest hug he could. Legend was shaking and Hyrule wasn’t sure if it was from crying or just the aftermath of telling him his secret. Hyrule shushed him and rubbed his back gently as the older hero quietly raged against him. 
It all made sense now, Legend’s guilty almost manic behavior, Wild’s angry glances that he gave Legend for days, Twilight’s questions and suspicious glares when he was offered the tea. Hyrule squeezed him tighter and Legend squirmed slightly like he was trying to push him away. 
“You’re not scum Legend. You made a mistake sure but it doesn’t make you scum, and it doesn’t make you a terrible person,” He felt Legend freeze in his arms. 
“How can you say that? Did you even listen to what I said?” He asked shakily and Hyrule closed his eyes as he buried his head in Legend’s shoulder. 
“I heard you, and I know how you feel. But I’m here to say that you are not a terrible person. You were scared, and worried and you didn’t see another way. I won’t hold that against you, it was just a mistake,” Hyrule said firmly. 
“I don’t think I even said sorry, only that I would make it up to him. Now he’s gone Rule, he’s gone and I did nothing. I couldn’t do anything except watch.” He said softly as his arms finally came around and returned the hug. Hyrule felt tears sting at his own eyes as he remembered the previous day. He took in a breath and steeled himself. 
“We will get them back,”
“I know,”
“Do you?” Hyrule asked and Legend paused before he answered. 
“I don’t know,” He said after a moment. “I don’t have a lot of hope...” Legend admitted quietly and that had a tear run down his cheek at the words Legend hadn’t said. He didn’t have hope that they would ever see Wild alive again. Hyrule swallowed hard against the sudden lump in his throat.      
“Well then I’ll just have to have hope for the both of us,” Hyrule said gently as he pulled away from the hug and looked into Legend’s red puffy eyes. Hyrule offered him a smile which to his surprise was returned, even if it was a bit wonky. 
“Thank you Rule, I don’t deserve you,” He said and Hyrule let out a small laugh. 
“You deserve love and understanding Legend, more than you let yourself have,” He said softly and Legend nodded slowly. He wasn’t sure if Legend was accepting that fact, or if he was just nodding to appease him but he let it go for now. 
“Now, I think it’s time we get that water and go back to the house,” He said as he stood and grabbed the bucket. Legend stood as well and followed him to the shallow water. As carefully as he could Hyrule dipped the bucket in, trying to keep the sand and sediment out of the bucket as he did so. 
“Wild!?!” Legend shouted suddenly causing Hyrule to finch and drop the bucket. His head snapped to Legend and followed his eye line to the small waterfalls at the other side of the spring. He felt his mouth drop open as he saw someone silhouetted against the water. Legend rushed into the spring Hyrule following hot on his heels. Water splashed out from their running feet as they moved through the water and over the slippery rocks. 
Getting closer he could see Wild looking back at them but something was off. It was like he was rippling, his form wavering in the water. When they got close enough they stopped and stared. Wild stared back at them, his mouth hanging open, eyes wide before he lifted his arms and waved at them. Hyrule’s mind couldn’t wrap itself around what he was seeing, it was Wild yes, but just a reflection like the water was some sort of odd window. Before they could ask a question or even get closer, they saw Wild look behind himself and disappear. 
“By the Goddess, did you just?” Hyrule started to ask.
“You saw him too right?” Legend asked at the same time and they both looked over at each other. A quiet communication passing between them as they confirmed that they both had seen the same thing. Without another word Legend turned on his heel and began to slosh back towards shore, stumbling slightly on the rocks as he went and Hyrule made to follow. 
“No! Stay here in case he comes back! I’ll get the others! Just stay here!” He yelled over his shoulder as he hit the shore and ran off towards the tree house. Hyrule watched him go, as he left him and the bucket behind.  
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, anxiety, hitch…, gross couple stuff, fluffy in the beginning, angst toward the end
listen to the music masterlist
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Between band rehearsals and time at home, you were happier than you'd ever been. You and Mikasa were officially an item. Honestly, it was hard for you to believe.
Three full days and nothing had gone wrong. Maybe Hitch's threats were empty after all. Admittedly, you were a little worried she'd be right on your tail after you and Mikasa became official.
But there was no way she'd know, anyway. Only the rest of the band and your friend group knew about your new relationship.
Mikasa was never one to care about social media so the public not knowing for a little while wouldn't be a big deal.
You wanted the fans to be aware but you had to be sure you were clear of Hitch before you announced it. You wanted to be sure you'd completely shaken her off before taking to the socials.
Perhaps the scene at the restaurant really was her last stand. You hadn't heard from her since and you were too caught up in your own fear of her to reach out.
Her outburst was something you thought about in times when you weren't focused on your girlfriend.
You were actually a little worried about Hitch. What she said stunned you for sure but so many other things happened that night that you had barely even dwelled on it before you and Mikasa started dating.
It was easy to tell that every word she spoke came from a place rooted deeply within her. You never expected something like that from as calm a person as Hitch. Based on the way she escaped that night, neither did she.
After the kiss with Mikasa, you were too wrapped up in your own doubtful mind to even give Hitch a second thought.
Yet there you were, your thoughts consumed by her while you helped set up for Eren's party.
"Y/n!" Armin called from the floor. His voice was startling and you almost fell off the ladder he was holding.
"What, Armin?" You put a hand to your heart and steadied yourself by pressing your palm to the wall.
"Why are you taking ten years to tape streamers up? They don't even look good because you've got your head in the clouds! Just let me do it." They let out an annoyed huff and motioned for you to come down the ladder.
You obliged and held the ladder steady for Armin to climb up. They started fixing the streamers while mumbling an insult or two about how they were placed.
Eren was on the back porch attempting to put up string lights, which was usually Jean's job. Instead, he was on the phone with Niccolo, who so graciously offered to cater, at the kitchen counter. Mikasa was going around all the rooms and hiding expensive or prized possessions so nothing important got destroyed.
She then walked into the kitchen and sent you an affectionate smile while stacking away plates that used to belong to your grandparents.
You smiled back and took one hand off the ladder to grab hold of her arm before letting her walk to the fridge. Armin swatted your head. "Will you stop dilly-dallying? Hold the ladder steady!"
Jean made a silent gagging motion at you and Mikasa before turning back to the phone.
Although she was hiding her face in the fridge, you still noticed the hint of a smile on her face.
Armin smacked your head again. "I'm gonna get another head injury if you don't hold the ladder steady!"
"Christ, Armin. I got it, okay?" You gripped the ladder with both hands but fought the urge to tip it over. He really took decorating seriously.
Mikasa left the room after putting everything valuable into a closet and getting a drink.
Jean got off the phone after fifteen or so minutes and Eren came back inside to ask for help with the lights. Armin gladly halted his work with the streamers to go help him.
So you were back on decorating duty. You moved the ladder to another part of the kitchen to finish up with the streamers.
After everything was set up, the sun was beginning to set. It was around seven p.m.  People would be arriving soon so you all got dressed and ready for the party.
Sasha and Niccolo were the first people to arrive since they were the ones bringing all the food. Once they got done with putting the food out more people began to show.
First, it was the rest of your friend group. Then, it was people Eren knew but you didn't. Finally, it was so many random people that you lost track of them all.
It was now dark outside and your house was filled with people. Jean and Marco were at the front door as light security to make sure douchebags such as Floch didn't get in.  
The one time he did he broke a bunch of expensive vases. That's where the ritual of hiding valuable stuff came from. You could never be too careful at big parties like these.
Music was blaring through your house, making it impossible to hold a steady conversation with your girlfriend, who stood in front of you. 
Instead of talking, you both decided that dancing would be the better option.
What surprised you was when she started getting handsier with you as the songs progressed. She was never one for physical affection in places with lots of people so you were a little confused, but you didn't mind. 
"Guys! Reiner said he's gonna jump in the lake!" Eren shouted at you and Mikasa. He looked like he was out of breath.
"What?" you yelled back.
"The lake is fucking freezing! You can't swim in it this time of year or you'll straight up die! Holy shit- let me catch my breath. I just ran up the lawn and a flight of stairs. Fuck, I'm so out of shape!" He was still yelling since the music hadn't gotten any quieter. The stupid birthday cake hat on his head was slipping off. 
"Should we stop him?" Mikasa shouted. 
"Yes, we should fucking stop him! Everyone out there is cheering him on! The only reason he's held back is because Armin is stalling him! He's the only one down there with a little responsibility! God, Reiner is like a completely different person when he's drunk." Eren adjusted his hat and motioned for the two of you to follow him back downstairs.
You were about to follow him and Mikasa but you noticed a certain figure standing in the hallway, glaring at you. 
You thought this might've been over. You thought wrong. You'd recognize that glare anywhere.
Hitch had the nerve to show up at your best friend's birthday party knowing you'd be around. You guessed she hadn't known about you and Mikasa until a few minutes ago.
When she noticed your gaze, she abruptly turned to the left and walked into the kitchen.
"You guys go stop him, I'll stay back and monitor things while you're gone." You told your bandmates.
"You sure, Y/n?" Eren yelled again, already getting lost in the crowd.
"Yeah, go without me!"
He nodded and walked off with Mikasa trailing behind.
You felt like you were gonna be sick. You should've been more careful. You should've expected this.
You knew you were upset. You knew you were scared. But you knew you had to talk to Hitch before she talked to anyone else.
She looked angry when you approached her in a secluded hallway off of the kitchen that was luckily out of view from the rest of the party.
"I want to talk about Friday." Your voice came out surprisingly steady and for the first time that night, you could actually hear yourself speak.
She scoffed. "You wanna talk about Friday? I wanna talk about your new relationship. Do you seriously think I'm someone to mess with? Do you take me as a joke?"
"Hitch, I'm worried about you. What you said then, it was pretty heavy." You spoke calmly, trying not to provoke her.
Her glare faltered for a second but she quickly looked down and pretended to fix the wrinkles in her dress. "I lost my composure then. Don't worry about me. It won't happen again so don't ask about it." She looked at you again. "Y/n, why don't you tell me exactly what's going on with you and Mikasa?"
If Hitch wasn't going to crack, neither were you. "Nothing at all. We're only friends."
She quirked an eyebrow. "Really? Because last I checked, friends don't dance like that."
"They can if they want."
She ignored your answer, not buying it, and changed the topic. "I bet you wonder where and how I get my answers to things. I have eyes everywhere. As long as I'm around here there's no escaping the truth."
You were trying very hard to keep up a wall of confidence but you knew it was falling fast. "I do wonder, actually. How did you even know she was coming back? Only two of my friends besides the band knew and they don't talk with you."
Then, she smiled. "Marlo's job has him working internationally. He was on a train before she came back. She was on it too. He overheard her on the phone with your friend Jean. I guess you could say he was in the right place at the right time."
You stumbled back in surprise. Of course something like that happened to her. What else could have?
She laughed at your reaction. "It's all too convenient! Just think about that, Y/n. You can never get rid of me, no matter how hard you try. I know what's going on with you two and everyone is going to know what happened with us."
She laughed again and any ounce of courage you had disappeared. Tears filled your eyes as you hurried away from her.
You hastily made your way through the sea of people and up the stairs. Jean and Marco looked up from the front door at the sudden noise of you running up the stairs. They called your name twice but didn't follow.
 You rushed down the hallway and into the bathroom. The door shut behind you. You dropped to the floor and let the welling tears fall.
You were overwhelmed and cried easily. Soon enough, everyone would know. How could you face them after what you did to Hitch? After they knew? 
A knocked sounded at the door after a few minutes of sitting and crying.
"Occupied," you said hoarsely.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Open the door. It's me. It’s Eren."
Damn, you were hoping no one else noticed. You figured Eren and the others would still be persuading Reiner out of stupidity. 
After a moment of hesitation, you opened the door and he came in. He sat on the floor in front of you as you leaned against the cabinets. 
"I saw you through that crowd. Jean said you came up here. Can you tell me what happened and if you're okay?" He rubbed your arm and pulled you in to hug him as he tried to help you calm down.
You hiccuped and sniffled into his shoulder, dampening the cloth of his shirt, but he didn't seem to care. "Take your time," he whispered.
You wiped at your eyes and pulled away from his embrace. "Eren, I did something so shitty in college."
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posted: 9/29/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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bad-bitch-beauchamp · 4 years
Songs About Me: Chapter Four
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How Claire found herself inside Jamie's bookshop, and what happens when Jamie finally gets inside to watch her perform.
The Alleys of Beacon Hill, Boston; Early October, Mid-Morning.
Following a very intense conversation with Joe and Geillis in which Claire repeatedly tried to express that there was absolutely nothing going on with that guy from the night before, peppered with lines like, “Oh bullshit, Claire! Jamie couldn’t take his eyes off ye!” from Geillis and “Seriously. It was disgusting. And romantic. Something’s there!” from Joe, Claire eventually succeeded in getting them to let the topic lie… for now.
Outside in the daylight, Claire felt refreshed. She would find a place to sit and write, and decompress. Strolling down her tree-lined street, breathing in and out slowly, she savored the way autumn here made her feel. The brick townhomes was trimmed in white with shiny red and  black doors, covered in wild ivy and window boxes with trailing flowers. Mums in classic pots lined the front porches, and stone walls raised courtyards and gardens above the worn-brick sidewalks. Tall trees, oak and maple and elm, towered as tall as the buildings and brought a soft green and yellow glow to everything below their canopies. Everything felt old, here. There was a history, here. Under normal circumstances, Claire could’ve never dreamed of living here in Beacon Hill, but because of Lamb’s will, his love, his generosity, she was now able to call her favorite place, home. She was a woman who placed very little weight on material goods, but if the townhouse and her greenhouse were the only things she claimed, she would die happy. Boston was the first place that Claire felt she could create her own history. She wandered through the winding alleys of Beacon Hill, admiring how green changes to gold on every leaf and living surface. She stopped at the coffee house that knew her name, left with an earl grey latte a few minutes later, and was back outside at a wrought-iron table and chair on the sidewalk, her black leather notebook and cheap pen drawn from her purse. She admired this little courtyard, tucked just off an alley. Across the close was her favorite bookstore. She often wished to had more time to visit the physical shop, but with running a business of her own, she didn’t have as much time to peruse all the fellow small businesses around her. When she moved to Boston in 2015, she stopped in the little bookshop, and left with nearly more books than she could carry. The man behind the desk told her she could place orders online as well if that would be easier for her, smirking as the top book of the stack Claire was balancing slid off the top. The bookshop took residence in a historic three-story brick building, with the shop taking up the bottom two floors. An open staircase in the middle of the shop gave way to an open loft filled with shelves and leather chairs. The downstairs was completely open, making it easy to work your way around the shop in a u-shape. For any other type of store, it might seem like a bit much. For the bookshop, however, it was the perfect mix of historical and charming and quaint and magnificent and absolutely beautiful. It had been awhile since she had been able to physically make it in the store, and she missed it and it’s comfortable grandeur greatly.
Today was different though, as Claire had given herself the day off while Geillis worked, and she would spend it adding new books to her collection. She savored the last time of her latte and stood when she glimpsed a man inside the shop putting up a poster in the window.
Local Musician Wanted. Claire approached the sign after the man finished taping it to the window. In smaller letters, it read: Come share your talent, play for the community, and grab a good book when you’re done. Call or inquire within.
She had promised herself to have more fun, and karaoke had turned out to be a blast in the years she and her friends had been going. Music and gardening are what made her feel alive, made her heart bloom… Why not give this a chance when she wasn’t working? Claire’s heart rate sped up and she started to sweat when she thought of going inside and introducing herself as a musician. Deciding she’d call and arrange a time to come in with her keyboard, she started to turn away. The morning sunlight caught the lettering on the window, glittering just at the edge of her vision. She’d never paid much attention to the store’s exterior before -- or really even the name, since she’d long been calling it just “the bookshop” for years now -- but today, the gold paint drew her attention. Fraser Literature. Her breath hitched, her pulse raced, her head lightened. She couldn’t look away from the sparkling name on the glass. It couldn’t be… could it? Her pulse raced, her head felt light, the brick and cobblestone around her began to swirl.
With one shaky step and an attempt at a steadying breath, she pulled open the heavy wooden door.
Fraser’s Literature, Beacon Hill, Boston. Mid-Afternoon.
Jamie stepped through the doorway and tried not to jostle the small crowd that had assembled at the front of the shop. He just wanted to glimpse her, convince himself that she was real, that this, was real. That she was here in his shop, playing her music, just for him. He slowly, carefully, made his way to back of the crowd and found a small bit of standing room directly in her line of vision. She’d play a song with no lyrics, only instrumental melodies followed by quiet chords braided with thoughtful verse and chorus. The sunlight was streaming in the shop’s window now, lighting the crown of her head with rivers of auburn and gold. God, she’s ethereal. After each song, the small crowd would quietly clap and she would politely nod, cheeks turning rosey with shyness when her eyes fell back to the keys -- like she hadn’t even noticed they’d been there. She’d occasionally look up and look around the crowd, but only for a moment. Come on, lass. Look up. Find me. See me. As if she heard his plea, she held a long chord with both hands on the keys and looked up, straight into his eyes. Jamie gulped. She was singing, in French. She was singing, to him. He hadn’t expected it to work, the calling for her. He didn’t expect to be shocked into stillness by the whisky of her eyes and the dark shimmering curls around her head. He didn’t expect to feel this way after one night with a lass he barely knew… But here he was, enthralled by her. A gentle hand cupped his shoulder then and he jumped.
“Ye look completely enamored for a man who just met the lass a single night ago. Like a lovesick puppy,” said Rupert. Claire had gone back to her songs, but both men continued to watch her.
Angus had joined them now. “Ye never want to seem too eager tae please a woman, ye ken? It gives them too much power.”
Jamie watched as Claire finished another piece. He had to physically keep his feet rooted in place when she glanced his way, quirked a corner of her mouth up in a smile, and quickly looked down, tugging her cardigan tighter around her chest to hide the pink bloom erupting there and moving up her neck. “Aye, I’m completely under her power,” he smiled softly at her, “and happy tae be there.”
For the rest of the afternoon, Jamie tried to work, he really did. He refused to work in his office, since it was the furthest place from the front windows, and the furthest place from Claire. He went around with a polishing rag, trying to be inconspicuous with his meanderings until Rupert whispered, “I can practically see ma reflection in that shelf. Maybe move yerself along?” He tried to water the plants, only to remember he’d already done that when the pots started to overflow. He would run his hands through his hair just for something to occupy his time. Eventually, Angus suggested he bide his time making sure the rare and first-edition copies that sat on the highest shelves were dust-free.
“Aye, that’s a good idea! I’ll just be up on the ladder then if ye need me.” Angus laughed and shook his head as Jamie ascended the first rung. “Come get me, will ye,” Angus turned to look at him with a smirk and raised brow, “if she… uh, if anything happens.”
“Yeah yeah, get tae work. I doubt she’ll be leaving without saying hello if her looks meant anything at all -- and they definitely did.”
Jamie placed the last book at the end of the row back into its place and started his way back down the ladder to slide it to the next tall shelf when electricity pulsed up his calf. He lost his footing and came to a crashing halt on his back on the floor.
“Fuck fuck fuck… Fuck! are you okay? I shouldn’t’ve spooked you!” He tried to shift himself up, but couldn’t. “Don’t try to move; here, I’ll try to keep you still. Is your head okay?” It took Jamie a moment to get his bearings. His head smacked the hardwood floor when he landed, and his wrist tried to take the fall. Neither of those things were of much concern to him now though, since Claire was kneeling over him. Not just kneeling over him, he noticed. She was on top of him, a knee on either side of his torso. His brain was short-circuiting. She was in light-wash high-waist skinny jeans, a goldenrod cardigan, and a white tank top and she was on top of him . He couldn’t stop tracing her with his eyes. “Jamie?? I’m going to need you to respond or I’ll have to call the squad. Can you hear me? Can you say something, please? What hurts??” Dear God in heaven, nothing hurts. Nothing a damn thing. Her face came closer to his and he noticed the way her curls fell forward, how the sun was still lighting her from behind, how she was absolutely incredible. He blinked. Her brows knitted and her hands came to his face. Her touch revived him and he remembered how to speak.
“Claire,” he watched her, reverently. She smiled as her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“Oh, thank god. You scared the shit out of me with that little stunt, you know,” she said as she began touching near and watching his eyes. Touch me again, never stop, he thought to himself. “How do you feel? Any ringing in the ears, nausea, blurry vision, dizziness, light sensitivity? Wait, you’re not bleeding, are you?”
Jamie smirked. “Actually, there’s some pressure on my abdominal region.”
“Your stomach? I don’t understand how that could have…” She blushed when she realized she was still straddling him, right on the storeroom floor. “You mean me.” She climbed off of him as quickly as she could manage and turned a shade of red Jamie hadn’t known was possible. “I am SO sorry about that, I didn’t know if you’d be injured and you wouldn’t stay still so I--”
“It’s quite alright, lass. Thank ye for looking after me. Truly.” His hand came out to hold hers. His thumb brushed her knuckles.
“Are you sure you’re alright? Honestly? I feel terrible.”
“I’m jes’ fine, Sassenach.” He made to stand up then, using his arm to prop himself when he stood. He came crashing back down with a grunt.
“It sure wouldn’t seem like you’re “jes’ fine”,” she replied in her best mocking tone. He smiled, sheepishly. “Is there somewhere we can go where I can have a better look at it?”
“Does up in the loft work for ye? It’s usually quieter, and better light than in the office.”
“Sounds perfect.” She extended a hand to him. “On your feet, soldier.” He looked at her then. How could one woman go from tugging on his heartstrings with soft melodies and French words to making him fall for her with demanding medical questions and authoritative requests. He watched her outstretched hand, her long fingers, her gentle bones. He watched her eyes, watch him. He grasped her hand, and she led up him up the stairs to the loft. She led him. In his shop. Seeing her lead him, he decided he’d let her lead up anywhere for the rest of his days.
She motioned for him to sit in a velvet wingback chair and took his wrist in her hands. He tried to breathe normally as her fingers probed the dips in his palm and traced down the veins in his forearm. Surely, she would feel his pulse. Surely, she would know she was the one that made it race. In the distance, Jamie heard her ask him some questions about pain and discomfort, and he’d nod or not depending on his response. He couldn’t form words. He was still in disbelief she was even there, in front of him, kneeling at his side.
Claire sat back on her heels. “Will you tell me if it starts to hurt? You could have a sprain, you know. That was a pretty nasty fall.”
His mind was working overtime but he finally found words to use. “If ye didna find anything wrong, I’m sure I’m jes’ fine.” He dipped his head to meet her eyes. “Yer a verra competent doctor, Claire.” He grinned. A tear fell from Claire’s face. “Och lass, what is it? Did I do something wrong?” She sniffed. She wouldn’t look at him. “Please, Claire. Please talk to me.”
“You’ve done nothing wrong. I’m not a doctor, is all.” She wiped away a tear with the sleeve of her sweater. “I actually… I quit medical school, a few years back.”
“I’m sorry, I didna know…”
“It’s honestly fine,” she replied hastily. “I’m really happy with the decisions I’ve made in my life, and I don’t have any regrets. Honestly. It’s just… sometimes it hits me that the plans I made my whole life didn’t work out. It gets me sometimes.” Jamie watched her, listening. “Oh my god, I just keep rambling!” She sat back on her hands, legs out in front of her, ankles crossed. “I’m so sorry about that, I really am fine.” She smiled at Jamie, and reached down to hold her hand.
“I understand the feeling of missing things that didna come to pass. I feel it myself sometimes.” Claire watched their hands intertwine. “Ye can always talk to me, Claire. I’m always here.” I’ll always be here.
She laughed then, and looked up at him still sitting in the chair. “Next time, I’d like to see you when one of us hasn’t nearly killed ourselves with a fall.” She giggled, and Jamie followed suit.
“Ideally, that’d lovely,” he replied with a laugh of his own. “What brings ye to the shop by the way, if ye don’t mind me asking? I never expected to see ye here today.”
“Oh, I came here for the first time after I moved, and I try to make my way in again whenever I can but work makes that a little difficult. It’s one of my favorite places in Boston though. It’s so quaint and quiet, but somehow still enchanting, and then today I saw a poster in the window asking for musicians and…” Jamie was absolutely beaming. “Wot?”
He laughed then at her absolute Englishness, and brought his free hand up to join their combined ones. “I’m jes’ glad ye like it here so much is all.”
She looked down at their hands. “To be honest, I was going to come today anyways, but then I saw the poster, and I remembered what the name of this place is, and well, I took a chance.”
Jamie was watching her intensely. “And ye took a chance.” He, too, looked down at their hands. “I’m glad ye did.”
The conversation was heavier than Claire thought it would be. She didn’t expect this. She cleared her throat and asked, “So, how long have you been here?”
“Me, or the shop?”
“Both, I suppose. The shop has been here as long as I have.”
“I moved here from Scotland--”
“Shocking, the accent didn’t give anything away,” she joked, and he pinched her forearm before continuing.
“--back in 2015--”
“Hey, that’s when I got here, too!”
“--and I’ve been here ever since. When I graduated my undergraduate studies, I went back home to the highlands and spent some time with family. Wandering the cobbled streets, the little shops, reading about the history… it was the only thing I wanted to do with my life. Some things happened back in Scotland -- some family things and some ex-girlfriend things -- and Boston seemed as good a place as any with history to start over. So, here I am. I started the shop, hired the lads when they came over a bit after me, and that’s the story.”
“I feel like there’s more to the story you’re leaving out,” she said with a grin, “and I do love a good story, Mr. Fraser.”
“Ye got the Cliffnotes version. Tell me yours,” he nodded at her.
“Well, I nearly didn’t survive medical school. I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t coping, and my mental health was kind of in the gutter,” she looked at him, and he gave her a sympathetic smile. Maybe he understood the feeling better than he let on. “I decided to drop out during my junior year and leave it behind. My uncle used to live here and left me some property, so I moved, and started over. Geillis and Joe came over after they graduated. Joe continued with medicine, and Geillis joined me, and as you said, that’s the story.”
“And where is it you started over at? What is it ye do?”
“Oh, I opened a plant shop here in Beacon Hill. It’s exotic houseplants, non-traditional bouquets, that kind of thing. It’s small, and eventually I’d like to run a greenhouse and garden, but right now, the shop is perfect. Besides, Boston isn’t exactly conducive for having that, is it?” She laughed, and tried to hold her pipe dreams at bay. “Geillis offers zero-waste products, and makes some of the macrame hangers and planters in the shop. It really is the most lovely place. If you ever want to visit and make sure I’m not the one to fall off a ladder, it’s just over on---”
“Garden Street. Aye, I know the place,” said Jamie, smiling to himself. His eyes were positively twinkling.
“You know the shop?”
“Where d’ye think all the plants in this place came from? Aye, I know yer wee shop and believe me, Claire. It’s a dream. I had no idea it was you behind it all.” He paused, watching her. Drinking her in. “We’ve just missed each other for years now, it would seem.”
All she could do was nod. Her mind was racing. How had they been so close so many times, but had never met? How had only two days with the man made her feel like her heart was beating outside her chest? He moved to the floor to sit next to her, his hand on her thigh. Suddenly, he turned to her. “I think yer verra brave, Claire. For starting over like that. For following your dreams.” Her pulse slowed with his comforting words, and her hand rested on top of his. “I could say the same about you, you know.”
They stayed that way for a while, watching the people down below, touching hands, touching legs, moving closer into shoulders and sides. Jamie leaned back into the shelves. Claire sighed.
“Since you own the place, I guess I should let you get back to work.” She stood, smiled, and started down the stairs. Jamie launched to his feet, unwilling to let what happened the previous night repeat itself.
��Claire! Lass!” He reached for her hand and she stopped a few stairs below him, turning to face him. His mouth was dry.
“I dinna think I can’t wait a week to see ye again. I didna think I could stand it this morning and then ye dropped out of the clear blue sky into my shop and ye sang yer songs -- oh, and I didna know ye knew French! I do as well,” Claire blushed at that but Jamie continued on, “and ye showed up and mended my wounds and ye told me of our shared histories, and… and I willna wait to see ye again.” He descended a step. “That is, if ye want to see me, too.”
Claire was overcome not just with Jamie’s declaration, but also with everything that had happened today and the last five years that led them here today. She could only smile at his nervousness, and admire him. You’re beautiful, James. His simple navy t-shirt was pulled taught across strong muscles, the red curls she daydreamed of were just combed straight back with the exception of a single lock that escaped with his chase of her down the stairs. His ocean eyes bore into hers with a plea, with an guarded passion Claire was increasingly desperate to unlock. She reached in her crossbody bag to retrieve a pen and finding no paper, offered up a Dunkin’ Donuts receipt. She brought the receipt up to his chest, just above his heart, and wrote her name and number.
“I’ll be waiting for your call,” she said, and turned back down the stairs, not waiting for a reply.
She reached was reaching for the door when a voice echoed down the stairs, “I promise ye’ll hardly be waiting at all, Sassenach.”
His phone rang then, and a woman’s smiling face shone up at him from the screen. As soon as he could, he would call Claire. He sighed, and hit accept on the call. 
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alittleimagine · 4 years
sam wilson x reader
note- i can’t think of a good title for this. if you think of one hit me up and i will change it.
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The little bell over the door signaled as Sam entered the shop. A young cashier to his left greeted him absently while she packed books into a shopping bag and he gave a perfunctory nod while he scanned the store. 
He was looking for books. Just books. Books were his only reason for having come to the store and he was not being a creep who kept coming to gawk at the pretty bookstore employee who’d helped him two months ago. That was absolutely not the case. 
He was pretty good at convincing himself that was the case until her head popped up over a shelf a few rows back. Her back was turned to him and she was busy adjusting a decorative holiday sign, but he would have recognized her anywhere. 
Sam smiled to himself before turning to the right and heading for the coffee shop instead. He was here for books, after all, and coffee.
Coffee was exactly what he needed after being out in the bitter cold of New York in December. It never got this cold in DC, he thought. He took another sip while he watched the back of her head bob over the shelf and smiled.
She was humming along to the Christmas song playing quietly over the store radio, standing on the top step of a little step ladder so she could reach all the way over to the screws keeping the sign in place, and she didn’t notice him as he approached. 
“I would have thought you’d be sick of this music by now.”
She gave a little start on the stool and on instinct he held an arm out to steady her if she needed it, but she never wavered. Her smile nearly knocked him right out.
“Sam!” She said, looking genuinely pleased to see him. “Did you finish the book already?”
To be honest, Sam had come to the store two months ago to get a book specifically to annoy Bucky. He hadn’t expected that the prettiest girl he’d ever seen would ask him if he needed any help and then make pleasant conversation while they looked for the specific book. He hadn’t fully planned on coming back two days later either- he’d just been in the neighborhood.
He had gone out of his way to come back eight more times after that. 
Sam hadn’t done a lot of recreational reading in the past few years, but he took her every suggestion and devoured it, eager to come back and tell her about it. 
His last visit had only been two days ago and he’d spent the majority of those days in Italy. 
“Um, no. Not yet.” He smiled up at her. “I just stopped in to see if I could knock a few Christmas gifts off my list.”
If not for her he probably wouldn’t have thought to get books for anyone. 
Her smile grew somehow. “Do you have any in mind?” The sign forgotten, she climbed the two steps back onto ground level and he was once again looking down at her instead of the other way around. The smile didn’t waver when he shook his head. 
“Okay. So we’ll go person by person? You said your friend liked art.” 
She’d remembered what he’d said about Steve. Of course she had. She always remembered everything they talked about. 
As they walked to the far corner of the store she asked him additional questions, like she always did, so she could narrow down his search. If only she’d known that she could have picked the first book she found and he still would have bought it. Sam was going to be personally responsible for keeping brick and mortar bookstores in business. 
The whole while they talked an annoying little voice kept telling him to just ask her out. Invite her out for coffee, or dinner, or the rest of his life. He pushed the urge down. He would not be the guy who asked a girl out at her work- he was not going to be a creep.
By the time he’d left the store, Sam had bought at least one book for everyone on his list.
Sam groaned. It had snowed every day for the past week and the forecast had said today was going to be their one reprieve. So much for that. 
He tightened his scarf around his neck and pulled his knit cap lower over his ears. It got cold in DC, it snowed too, but he would swear up and down that it was a different kind of cold and so much harsher. 
It only took a moment- a brief glance at the sky to see how long the snow would keep up- for  him to step on a slick patch of ice and go down taking someone with him. 
He recognized the voice from just the exclamation, but he still felt surprised when he pushed up on his elbows and looked down at her shocked expression under him. 
Her hands were pressed against his chest to keep him supported, her bright red coat half knocked off her shoulder, and she blinked up at him in surprise (or maybe a concussion because he’d barrelled into her like a damn rhino). He stayed sprawled over her on that street corner for half a minute before he came to his senses. 
He cursed. “I’m so sorry. Here, I’ve got you.” He scrambled to his feet, careful to keep away from the same icy patch that felled him last time. With just one tug on her outstretched arm he pulled her to her feet. 
Sam wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her when her own foot slipped on the ice and she gave a little jerk. “You alright?”
When she nodded Sam pulled back, hoping his hesitation wasn’t as obvious as it felt.
After pulling her coat back up over her shoulder and adjusting her purse strap she reached up to touch the back of her head. 
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention- didn’t mean to tackle you.” He leaned to look at the spot she was tending to. 
“Well, I certainly hope not. I can’t imagine what I’ve recommended to earn a tackle.” Even as she rubbed the spot back and forth she smiled at him. 
“How bad is it?” He asked when he could see nothing more than her gloved hand in her hair. 
She shrugged. “I think I’ll live. But, if I do die, then I guess I can say I was taken out by an Avenger.” Her smile was impish.
He was a little surprised. She had never mentioned or done anything to imply that she knew who he was, but then he guessed that might have been because she was trying to do her job and keep things about books. 
She dusted the snow off the back of her coat and pants, then reached over to his shoulder to do the same. Her hair was flecked with bits of snow and she had a little amused smile while she joked about the ice. 
“Go out with me!” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself and he grimaced when she gave a little jump at his volume. “I mean-” he ran a gloved hand down his face, “I mean, would you like to go out with me? Get a coffee or lunch or-”
Sam stared. He hadn’t actually expected her to say yes. “What?”
“Yes. We should have lunch, do something.” She faltered. “You did just ask me out, right?”
“Yes. Yes.” He nodded, enthusiastically. 
The smile was back, brilliant and blinding and hitting him like a punch to the gut. “Would you want to go now? Get out of the snow?”
The snow had, in fact, started falling harder, quickly blanketing the ground around them and settling back on their shoulders. Sam hadn’t even felt it. 
“Yeah. Let’s go get lunch.” He said. He straightened his shoulders and gathered himself properly. He’d been waiting for this chance, he wasn’t going to blow it. He held out his arm and she linked hers through it before stepping close to his side. 
It might as well have been July for as much as he felt the cold. 
“You know,” she said as they started down the street, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me out for like a month.”
He squawked. “I was trying not to be a creep!”
She laughed at him.
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felidaefighter · 3 years
Fears To Ease And Flesh To Mend
Ranboo and Tubbo find out that unzombifying a piglin is a bit different from unzombifying a villager, and they start off parenthood with quite a few complications and in a little over their heads. For the sake of their child, they may need to put awkwardness aside and ask for help.
[Sick fic, canon divergence, Phil and Techno meet Michael, lots and lots of piglin lore headcanons] ~20,000 words per chapter
Chapter Three of Four
     Ranboo knocked lightly on the door, and Tubbo opened it almost immediately, greeting him with a giant yawn. “Hi, Tubbo,” Ranboo said fondly. “Hi, Ranboo,” Tubbo replied through his yawn. Phil cleared his throat awkwardly from behind him. “Uh, hello, Tubbo. We haven’t… spoken in a while. Techno is here too.” Tubbo stared dead-eyed exhausted at him from inside, still holding the door open. “Yeah, been a while. Don’t think we’ve talked since you blew up L’Manberg.” Phil and Techno both made awkward grimacing noises, as Ranboo did the same. Tubbo rolled his eyes. “I’m letting all the cold air in. Might as well come inside. Michael’s room is upstairs.”
    As the three of them stepped in from the chill and shook off the frost from their coats and the snow from their boots, Ranboo looked at Tubbo, concerned. “You don’t look like you slept.” Tubbo shook his head. “Not really. I dozed off a few times in the armchair upstairs but I was too worried.” Ranboo nodded empathetically. He would’ve done the same. “Up the ladder,” Tubbo said, gesturing, clearly too tired for proper emphasis. Ooh boy. Looks like Ranboo was going to have to do most of the talking. Which was an issue, as Ranboo wasn’t too good at that.
    Ranboo was the second up the ladder, and could feel himself grow soft as soon as he laid eyes on his son. He greeted the little piglin, who, although still clearly not feeling great, acknowledged him in return. Phil, then Techno, stepped into the room, Phil treading ever-so-lightly with both his feet and his demeanor. Phil let out a sharp inhale and a wince when he saw Michael. “Ooohh. That’s a lot of bandages.” He inspected the situation as well as he could from across the room. “You did a good job of wrapping it. We’re gonna have to unwrap them all to make sure it’s been properly cleaned though unfortunately.” Tubbo swore under his breath at that, but he didn’t mean it harshly. It’d just taken them a long time to wrap.
    “Quite a lot of battle scars,” Techno remarked. If Ranboo was honest, their cautiousness wasn’t easing his worries as well as he’d have hoped it would. He moved subconsciously to Tubbo’s side; they were both feeling a little under scrutiny when faced with Phil and Techno, experts at this, and the worry they’d done something wrong. “May I?” Phil gestured to Michael as Techno leaned against a wall, and Tubbo nodded, Ranboo humming his approval. He stepped closer to the little piglin and crouched down beside the bed. Michael snorted at him. “Heyyy Michael,” Phil said softly, “I’m Philza. I’m gonna take off your bandages to look at your wounds now, okay?” 
    “I dunno why you’re tellin’ him in english. He probably only knows piglin right now,” Techno said, grinning when that earned him a harsh shush from Phil. “No comments from the peanut gallery unless you’re gonna help!” Phil very, very carefully unwrapped the bandage on Michael’s head, who was either too tired or too polite to try and stop him. He held a steadying hand on the other side of Michael’s head while he looked at the eyesocket, the edges of his flesh, and the place his ear used to be. Phil turned to Tubbo and Ranboo, who immediately squeezed eachother’s hands a bit nervously. Huh. Ranboo supposed they must’ve done that subconsciously. Definitely blaming the nerves for that one. 
    “You two did a pretty good job. He’s responsive and seems to have a general idea of where he is. I can’t say yet if there’s any internal damage, but he’s definitely been properly cured. I doubt there’s much you could’ve done to change the extent of his sores, too.” Ranboo and Tubo both exhaled in very obvious relief. Phil stood up with a bit of a stretching noise, and shot a pointed look at Techno. “You wanna make sure everything’s alright, mate?” Techno, very alarmed at having been put in the spotlight despite the audience in question being two socially awkward and exhausted teens, his best friend, and a half-dead toddler, immediately started to protest. 
    “You can’t test his cognitive skills without knowing where his language is at,” Phil prodded, teasing, “And you know my piglish sucks.” Techno hummed in thought, a little persuaded by the chance to brag/show off. “That is true.” Still, he seemed hesitant. “It’s ah-- it’s gonna be a little awkward since I’m not too great with kids and it’s been a while since I spoke piglish. Does this have to have an audience?” 
    “Yes.” Tubbo answered flatly. “Tubbo!” Chided Phil, but Ranboo didn’t exactly blame his husband. “I mean… you wouldn’t do anything to Michael, right?” Ranboo asked Techno, who looked rather offended at the question. “Of course not! Who do you take me for? I mean, Michael clearly isn’t an orphan anymore,” Techno joked to try to ease the tension, but while Ranboo nodded in acknowledgement and in an attempt at reassurance towards Tubbo, Tubbo narrowed his eyes. “Fine. But I’ve got my eye on you. You so much as move the wrong way and you’re going down.” 
    Phil muttered reassurances about Techno’s intentions at Tubbo while he gently placed his hands on Tubbo’s shoulders, leading him away and down the ladder. Ranboo sent one last, concerned glance towards Techno. “I won’t do anything,” Techno promised, “Except maybe ask him how he feels about government. But I doubt he’s gonna know what that is yet.” Ranboo nodded again and went down the ladder after Phil and Tubbo.
    Tubbo, as exhausted as he was, leaned on the wall by the ladder looking prepared to gain a second wind and scramble upstairs in a hurry if necessary. Ranboo was almost certain it wouldn’t be, but he felt a surge of love on seeing how dedicated and protective his husband could be. Phil hovered in the main area, not quite finding a seat, and spoke to the two more in-depth about Michael’s recovery.
    “Unfortunately, this isn’t the kind of thing that’s gonna heal overnight. Like I said before, he’s already been kinda oversaturated with magic just from his origin, so potions aren’t gonna seal up everything all nice and tidy.” Phil paced lightly while he spoke out of lack of something to fiddle with. Tubbo’s eyes watched him like a hawk, but his ears were most certainly more centered on making sure there was no commotion upstairs. 
    “The biggest concern is gonna be the parts of his skull that’re currently exposed,” Phil continued. “Keepin’ ‘em bandaged should be mostly fine, but you should disinfect it about three times daily with room temperature cloth. Not washed or anything, just pat him down. You’ll want to put a salve on there and the skin around the edge, too, so that when it heals the skin can grow back over. It’ll be scar tissue but it’ll keep him from coming down with anything. That’ll be best for the long run.” Ranboo scrambled to write all of what Phil was saying down, eager for the information.
    “Question, okay, uh, is there a certain type of each thing that we’ll need? And if so, where do I get it, or can I borrow it from you?” Phil chuckled lightly, and combined with the non-judgemental onslaught of information, both Ranboo and Tubbo both were starting to relax. “Of course you can mate,” Phil replied fondly, “You need it more than I do right now. I can go on an errand run for you both after Techno’s done here.” He turned sympathetically to Tubbo at that. “You look like you could use some rest.”
    Tubbo sighed, finally letting his guard down a little. “Honestly, I probably would’ve been asleep ages ago if I weren’t so damn worried about Michael. I reckon I could’ve fell asleep standing up a few times and wouldn’t’ve known.” Ranboo nodded in understanding. The only reason he hadn’t been stopped from sleeping is because he tended to run on anxiety almost all of the time anyways. It looked like he was going to be spending most of his time in the coming weeks running back and forth between his own house and Snowchester; he didn’t mind, though. 
    “Thank you, Phil. Honestly, thank you.” Ranboo paused before asking the one thing that had mainly been on his mind. “I’m just surprised that you and Techno aren’t--” Phil interrupted abruptly. “The health and safety of a child will always come first.” After realizing his tone was a little harsh, he sighed and continued more carefully. “Techno and I feel how we feel. We haven’t really had a chance to process anything yet. Give us a bit to do that first yeah?” 
    Ranboo nodded. “Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense, actually. Of course.” Tubbo, having figured out what that was all about, spoke up. “I was wondering about that!” A second wave of realization hit him and he turned to Ranboo. “Wait, you told them???” He hissed in a lowered voice. “My son lives at your house! I think they woulda figured it out!” Ranboo replied in the same tone. “Our son!” Tubbo corrected, half-offended. In the background, Phil was covering his mouth, stifling a chuckle at the bickering couple. 
    They were interrupted when heavy footsteps came down the ladder, and instantly parted to make way for the large piglin. Techno turned to Ranboo. “He’s a toddler, so like, his words? Ain’t really that great to begin with. But uh cognitively I think he’s doin’ fine. He can understand and respond to most questions at least, even if his responses tend to be ninety percent gibberish. At any rate it probably won’t be tough to teach him english. Toddlers man. They’re fast learners.” It was very obvious the only thing stopping him from making a joke about drop-kicking toddlers was Tubbo’s death glare and how awkward he already felt about the whole business.
    Phil clapped his hands together. “Right! Well, Techno and I are gonna head back home, and I’ll run that delivery for you. Remember what I said about re-wrapping and applying the ointments and salve and stuff. Don’t worry too much about his ear canal yet, I’ll get some drops, and make sure he’s eating slowly and steadily throughout the day as opposed to regular mealtimes. I’ll be back later. You two have got this for now, yeah?” 
    Ranboo and Tubbo, rather startled at the abruptness of it all, hummed and muttered agreements and nodded while Ranboo double-checked he’d written that all down. “Goodbye Tubbo. Ranboo,” Techno said, following Phil out the door. As it shut behind them, Ranboo turned to the smaller man. “Should we follow them out?” Tubbo had almost immediately closed his eyes and went back to resting against the ladder. “I want to,” he said, and Ranboo understood. Knowing Tubbo’s house as well as his own, he retrieved a bedroll, blanket, and pillow from a chest, hauling them up to Michael’s room, and then went downstairs and retrieved his husband. 
    He kind of just dropped Tubbo on the pile, who stayed exactly where he’d landed. “Sleep,” Ranboo intoned, and Tubbo groaned in response. He was asleep almost moments later. Ranboo sighed fondly, and glanced at Michael. The little piglin was asleep as well. He paused. There was a serenity in the moment, his own little family all worn out from a day of healing. As silently as possible, he pulled the blankets over them both, then settled into the armchair to watch over them.
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To The End And Back: Chapter 4
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Characters: Philza, Technoblade, Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Quackity, Fundy, Eret, Captain Puffy, Sam
Warning: Character Death
By the time Technoblade woke up the next morning, he found that Philza was already reading again. He glanced up at the piglin as he climbed down the ladder, and with a sigh slammed the book he’d been reading shut. 
“I honestly think we should just go,” he said. “We already prepared for the worst, there’s no point in prolonging it.”
“I see you’re optimistic,” Techno observed with a yawn. 
“Every book I open...There’s nothing new, it’s just the same vague prophecies of doom and destruction every time, I doubt they knew much more than we did about that fucking portal. So…” He slid the book away and stood up, turning to Techno. “Let’s go.”
The piglin considered his words for a moment, then shrugged and reached for his satchel. 
“I’ll trust you,” he said. “If you think we should go, I’ll come with you.”
And if we die, we die. 
Either way, they’d started something when that portal opened that they couldn’t turn away from. Now they had to end it, one way or another, or die trying. There was no way to undo what had been done.
Techno and Phil once again gathered everything they could think of - all the weapons and potions they could find, and their best armor. Though when they set out this time, only two sets of footprints stretched out behind them as they walked. It was snowing again, much more heavily than it had been a few days ago - distantly, Phil wondered if there would be a storm. 
They arrived at the cave’s entrance, and the two exchanged one last look in the light of day before turning to descend into the darkness once more. Techno had marked the way out from the library, so the path down was easier to follow than it had been last time. 
But...something was different. The cave wasn’t deathly quiet like Phil remembered it, rather...he swore it murmured to them in the dark. And it wasn’t the harsh, almost malicious sound of the portal - it sounded more like some kind of distant chatter, echoing upwards from further on down the tunnels. 
What the hell was going on? 
Phil started running, and Technoblade followed him without question. Sprinting down damp hallways, past walls slick with moss and rot, his footsteps thundered in his ears louder than even his many anxious thoughts. 
Gods, were they already too late?
He spun around a corner, and the chatter was a lot louder - it sounded like voices. Many voices. 
“What the fuck is this?” Philza burst into the portal room with his sword drawn, and Technoblade followed with the Axe of Peace. 
“He’s here!” Tommy pumped his fist into the air, and several shouts and cheers echoed after him as he ran forward to greet the two. Philza blinked and lowered his sword in shock - the portal room was full of people from all over the server - friends, people he’d never met...even enemies, all with their best armor and weapons strapped by their sides.
“We got everybody we could to help.” Tubbo appeared by Tommy’s side, an almost-triumphant grin on his face. “You didn’t think we’d let you face whatever’s on the other side of this alone, did you?”
“I…” Yeah, basically. Philza didn’t say that though. But he smiled, tiredly. “You got everybody,” he said instead. Quackity stepped forward, Fundy by his side. 
“Look, Ranboo may have fucked us over, but if Tubbo’s going in there, then I’m coming too. He’s my friend.” He held up his diamond axe, a maniacal grin on his face. “I hate your guts, Techno, but if it’s for Ranboo - for Tubbo, then I’ll work with you.”
“Hear hear!” Puffy shouted, and a chorus of agreements reverberated across the room. 
Everyone turned, and many eyes narrowed as a familiar mask revealed itself in the light of their torches. Dream stood at the entrance to the portal room, his armor glowing purple - in one hand he held an enchanted netherite sword, and in the other an axe of the same material. He held it out, and the blade stopped inches away from Tommy’s neck. 
“Step away from the portal,” he ordered. “Nobody is going into the End.”
“Oh yes we are.” Surprisingly, the voice wasn’t Tommy’s. It was Philza’s. He stepped in between Dream and Tommy, knocking the blade away with his own. His eyes narrowed. 
“You aren’t going to touch that fucking portal, do you understand?” he said lowly. “We are going in there to save Ranboo, and we’re going whether you like it or not; whether you’re coming or not. Back off.”
Dream began to move his sword, but in a flash Techno lunged forward and parried the blow. The piglin towered over him, axe held menacingly in his hands. 
“I think Philza was clear,” he said, in a voice that was dangerously calm. “I suggest you listen to him, Dream.” 
“But you can’t go in there!” Dream’s voice was almost desperate. He looked behind Techno, at everybody who stood in the room behind him, but nobody moved. “You can’t!”
“Why not?” Quackity demanded. “What’re you gonna do if we go in there, Dream?”
Dream didn’t answer. 
“You’re not going to do a damn thing,” he continued. “You won’t do a damn thing, because none of us are going to fucking let you. Ranboo might have fucked us over, but at least he treated us like his friends; at least he’s not out here trying to play God.” He pointed his axe at Dream, eyes dark with rage. “Get the fuck out of here you homeless bitch. Or we’ll kill you.”
For a long time, nobody moved. Then Dream suddenly turned on his heel and left, sharp footsteps echoing through the corridor as the darkness swallowed his glowing armor. The room remained silent for what felt like an eternity, before Tubbo turned to Philza. 
“Would you like to lead the way?” he asked, gesturing to the portal with his sword. Phil slowly turned from where Dream had been standing, eyes narrowed, and he nodded. 
“Let’s go.” Philza drew his sword and stepped up to the dark swirling void; without looking back, he stepped in. 
A whirl of shadows encompassed him, followed by a flash of light, and Phil found himself standing on sand. The sand didn’t go very far; beyond it yawned a dark void, empty of stars and color. He stood up and turned around, finding what looked to be a massive island a short distance from the one he stood on. It was made of sand too, bordered by pillars that stretched up into the dark sky around its edges. Endermen wandered around the pale sand below them, their glowing purple eyes barely visible from where Phil stood. Something enormous and dark stood in the center of the island, like a piece of the void given form. It didn’t move. 
“This is...not what I expected,” Phil said aloud. 
“That’s a lot of void,” another voice agreed. Phil whipped around to find Techno standing next to him, his steady voice betraying the confusion in his eyes as he slowly took in the strange dimension around them. His presence was followed by many more, as Tommy, then Tubbo, then Quackity, Fundy, Puffy, Eret, and others he didn’t recognize appeared on the sand beside him. 
Techno and Phil started bridging towards the island. 
“Make sure you don’t look into their eyes!” Puffy called after them, catching sight of the many Enderman wandering around near the pillars. The captain followed close behind, keeping a close eye on Tommy and Tubbo as they traversed the thin bridge to the island. 
“That is...a lot of obsidian,” Fundy went to one of the pillars, his eyes wide as he reached out and touched it. 
“Don’t let your guard down!” Techno warned in a low voice, his tone sharper than usual. “There’s supposed to be some kind of- “ He was cut off as a screeching roar rose up from the center of the island, followed by a blast of purple fire. A clamor of panicked shouting answered it; the others scrambled across the bridge as fast as they dared, ducking behind the pillar as Techno finished what he’d been saying. 
Philza peered around the edge of the pillar, and he froze when he saw what had made the sound - a massive black dragon hovered over the center of the island and its purple eyes were now staring directly at him. 
“RUN!” he shouted, as a blast of fire shot across the island towards him and the others. He jumped back behind the pillar, and the group erupted in panicked confusion as they saw the fire and heard the beating of wings that followed. Techno was the first to regain his composure, grabbing his axe and holding it up so the others could see. 
“We’ll distract the dragon!” he shouted. “Phil, you and Tubbo go find Ranboo!” 
“You got it!”
The piglin ran out into the open and Sam followed, nocking an arrow onto his bow and firing at the dragon while Phil and Tubbo took off around the other side. A firework exploded against the dragon’s back and it let out a roar - Techno’s handiwork, no doubt. Phil found himself grinning at the sight in spite of himself. 
“Stick close to me,” he ordered Tubbo, drawing his sword and spreading his wings to help boost his speed as he ran. Techno had faced terrifying beasts before and lived - with an entire army by his side, he didn’t worry for his old friend’s safety at all. Tubbo struggled to keep up with him, his axe shaking in his hands, but his expression was determined. 
“Wait, there he is! Ranboo!” Philza flared out his wings and slid to a stop in the sand, turning to where Tubbo pointed. 
And there he was. 
Ranboo stood before the short pillar at the center of the End, his eyes pale and unfocused like a candle held behind stained glass. He was surrounded by several endermen, all of which stood perfectly still and stared into the sands around them. 
“That damn thing really does have slaves,” Philza breathed. 
“The dragon’s eyes were purple too,” Tubbo noted. “It’s...the dragon’s possessed Ranboo, just like all these endermen.”
“We need to keep him safe,” Philza said, glancing back at where the others were keeping the beast busy with their arrows and swords. “I think...I think they’re going to have to kill the dragon if we want to save Ranboo.”
“The dragon might try and hurt him if it knows we’ve come for him,” Tubbo said. Phil nodded.
“We need to get him out of the way as much as possible.” The two looked at each other, then started running. They kept their heads low, slipping through the circle of endermen to stand before Ranboo. 
“Ranboo? Minutes-man?” Tubbo spoke quietly, his eyebrows knitted together in concern. The hybrid didn’t move - he continued to stare straight ahead, eyes purple and emotionless. Tubbo jumped up and waved his arms in front of Ranboo’s face, and at last his gaze snapped down to look at him. The boy froze. 
“Uh...Philza?” he squeaked. 
“I can’t...move.” Philza blinked; Tubbo was staring directly into Ranboo’s eyes, and Ranboo stared back, though he said nothing and his expression hadn’t changed. 
“That’s a problem,” Phil said. A shriek erupted in the distance and he whirled around; Techno and the others were fighting valiantly, but the dragon, despite all the damage it must’ve taken looked perfectly healthy. Then it soared up towards one of the pillars, where it landed near something that glowed faintly in the dark sky. 
“It’s drawing power from them,” Phil murmured, as Sam took aim at the glowing crystal and fired. The dragon screamed as an explosion rocked through the air, and Tubbo flinched. 
“Are...are they okay?” he asked. “I-I can’t see what’s happening.”
“I think they’re figuring it out,” Philza said with a sigh of relief. 
“That’s great, uh...can you help me now?” Phil turned back to Tubbo, frowned, and held up a wing between him and Ranboo. Nothing happened. 
“Um, what should I do?”
“Could you pull Ranboo away? He’s done this before I think, Puffy told me about it...he eventually just left her alone though. Maybe if you can get his attention away from me, I’ll be able to move again.”
“I can do that...” Phil stepped forward hesitantly, wings shifting back against his shoulders. “Should I just push him aside, then?”
“I guess? Puffy’s problem was a bit different, I’ll admit.” Phil looked at Ranboo again and let out a sigh, then stepped forward and shoved him away from Tubbo as hard as he could. The ender boy’s gaze snapped around toward him, and he ducked his head as Ranboo let out a high-pitched shriek that echoed across the sand. It sounded eerily like the dragon, and the endermen who’d been standing around Ranboo slowly turned around as they heard it. 
Tubbo’s eyes widened at the sight and he lunged forward, tackling Ranboo to the ground while Philza drew his sword and prepared to face his bodyguards. He spread his wings wide to keep himself between the endermen and Tubbo, who he could hear frantically trying to keep Ranboo from killing him and also from getting up at the same time. His eyes darted back and forth - there were too many, there was no way he’d be able to-
“Duck!” shouted a voice behind him, and instinctively Phil dropped to the ground as a bucketfull of water flew over his head, directly into the lineup of endermen that had been surrounding him. The creatures erupted in panicked shrieks, scrambling to get out of the way and disappearing one by one as the water touched them. Seconds later, Philza was alone. He turned around, and found Quackity helping Tubbo pull Ranboo to his feet. 
“Good shot there mate,” he said, and ran over to help them. 
“I think they’ve gotten almost all the crystals,” Quackity said. He sounded out of breath, but the expression on his face was no less determined than before. “We hope that once they’re all broken, the dragon won’t be able to heal.”
“IT’S GOING DOWN!” a shout rose up from the other side of the island, and Philza saw Tubbo’s eyes widen as he looked up into the dark sky above them. 
“Run!” he shouted. 
“We have to get Ranboo away!” Philza’s wings flared outward, boosting him forward as they all started running. 
“Tubbo and I will shield you. Take Ranboo and get the fuck out of here,” Quakcity let go of Ranboo’s arm and Philza grabbed him, wings spreading to their greatest extent. 
“Come get me you son of a bitch!” Quackity’s unholy screeching reverberated against the dark pillars as Phil sprinted across the sand, and Tubbo’s shouting quickly joined him. He may not have been able to fly like he used to, but his wings made him damn quick. The dragon roared and Ranboo struggled to pry himself out of his grip, but Phil held on firmly. 
“I’m not letting go of you, dammit,” he hissed under his breath, dragging Ranboo behind one of the pillars followed by a bright blast of flames. He glanced back at it, eyes widening slightly. “That was...uncomfortably close.” 
“GO GO GO, IT’S LANDED!” Tommy’s voice echoed across the End, followed by the shouts of the others as they closed in around the beast. Philza pulled Ranboo as far behind the pillar as he could - which, with the half-enderman flailing in his arms, wasn’t very far at all. Then the sand caught on his boots and he tripped, sending the two sprawling across the ground. Philza yelped as Ranboo’s claws immediately dug into his wing, tearing out dark feathers in chunks and scattering them on the ground. He pulled his leg back and kicked at the hybrid’s chest, sending him tumbling away. 
Ranboo slid to a stop, then scrambled to his feet. 
“Ranboo, no!” Philza shouted. He jumped up, sprinting after the boy as he started running back towards the dragon. As he got close he lunged and tackled Ranboo to the ground again, and distantly he heard the dragon scream as it rose back into the air. 
“KEEP IT OFF PHIL!” Eret shouted. 
“OVER HERE, YOU BASTARD!” Tommy and Tubbo both started up a racket, banging their weapons against their shields to make the loudest distraction they could - when they saw that it was working, the others quickly joined in as well. The dragon shook its head and let out a roar, and Philza’s heart pounded in his throat as he tried to pull the struggling Ranboo back behind cover. 
Goddammit, it wasn’t working. Ranboo was struggling even more violently than before, and even with his wings Philza wasn’t gaining any ground. The ender boy was going to break free at this rate, and if that happened he’d be dead for sure once that damned dragon got its claws on him. 
Well...there was still one option, one that was guaranteed to work. 
“Fuck...I didn’t want it to come to this, but-” Philza sighed and looked up, locking his eyes on Ranboo’s. 
Ranboo froze. He froze. Phil automatically tried to pull his gaze away; to move his wings, his hands...nothing worked, just like Tubbo had said. He was stuck in place, but on the bright side so was Ranboo. The boy’s eyes shimmered a pale purple, and his expression...was it sad? Phil wasn’t sure. He just knew he couldn’t look away.
They hadn’t made it to the pillar, but hopefully this would be enough to protect him.
Finally, the dragon seemed to be wearing down. Dark blood dripped onto the sand from its sides, and its cries rasped against the dark sky as it slowly circled the End. Despite all their efforts the beast was hunting - Tubbo knew exactly what for, but there was no way in hell he’d let that damned thing find it. 
“Do we know where Ranboo and Philza are?” he asked aloud. Eret appeared from the other side of the pillar they were crouched behind, gesturing to the other side of the island with his axe. 
“They’re over there, but...they’re not moving,” they said almost hesitantly. 
“Wait.” Tubbo’s eyes widened, and he grabbed Eret’s arm. “Can you show me?”
She nodded and led him around the other side, careful not to attract the dragon’s attention while Puffy and Sam fired arrow after arrow into it. 
“There,” Eret said, and pointed. 
“Oh fuck,” Tubbo said softly. 
“What is it? What happened to them?”
“Philza looked into his eyes. Ranboo’s...frozen him in place.” Tubbo looked back at Eret. “We gotta go help him.” The king nodded, readying his axe. 
“I’ll come with you,” they said. Tubbo nodded, and together they started running. The sand slid awkwardly under their feet, and the two kept their eyes downcast to avoid angering the endermen as they ran. Tommy saw Tubbo and started to call out to him, but Tubbo halted and waved his arms at him, shaking his head wildly from side to side. The other boy stopped, and his eyes widened as he looked over at where they were running. He turned back to the dragon, shouting something to the others and redoubling his efforts to keep it occupied. Eret nodded to Tubbo, and they started running again. 
His heart thundered in his chest, but the urgency of the situation drove him to run faster than he ever had before. 
Phil’s wings trembled; his expression looked panicked, but he couldn’t move. 
They were almost there-
A roar rose up through the void, crackling across the sky like lightning. 
“LOOK BEHIND YOU!” Philza shouted, followed by the desperate screams of the others from across the End. Tubbo and Eret turned, their eyes widening in horror - the dragon was flying directly towards them, its purple eyes narrowed in rage. It opened its mouth, and Tubbo froze as Eret flung herself in front of him; between the fireball and Philza and Ranboo, their shield held high over their head. 
A bright purple explosion sent him flying into the sand; Tubbo heard shouting - a lot of shouting, and there was sand in his mouth and his eyes and he couldn’t see. His blood pounded in his ears and he struggled to right himself, hands shaking as he lurched to his knees in the sand. The first thing he saw was Phil standing in front of him, battered wings spread to their widest extent. His crossbow was aimed at the dragon, though before he could fire it the creature let out one last scream, and a purple explosion erupted from its body. Tubbo froze at the sight of the horrible fireworks display, and the crossbow Philza had been holding landed in the sand with a dull thud.
“Oh...oh God.” 
“Ranboo!” Tubbo tore his gaze away from the glowing sky, but the happy greeting died in his throat as he turned. 
Oh God. 
Ranboo was on his knees in the sand, cradling Eret’s head in his claws. The king was barely breathing, and their eyes were closed. The ender boy looked dazed and scared, and his eyes were wide as he stared at Eret’s burnt face. Tubbo scrambled over to his side, though he knew there wasn’t anything he could do. 
Eret coughed, winced, and opened her eyes. “Hey Ranboo,” he rasped, and smiled. Their eyes were glassy with pain. “Glad you’re here again.”
“Did I...did I do this?” Ranboo whispered, looking frantically to Tubbo. He didn’t move, still frozen by what had just happened. Eret shook their head, then winced again. 
“Not your fault,” she said quietly. “It was worth it anyways.”
The End was horribly quiet. The endermen had all disappeared in the explosion, the dragon was gone, and nobody spoke. Tubbo looked up and found the others standing around him; Tommy pushed through the group to kneel beside him, putting an arm on Ranboo’s shoulder. 
“He saved you and Philza,” he said. For once, his voice was gentle. Ranboo looked at them, and there were tears in his eyes. 
“I...I don’t know what happened,” he said hoarsely. 
Then Eret was gone. Ranboo let out a shout as their body dissolved into smoke, and Tubbo put a hand on his other shoulder. 
“She has two lives left,” he said gently. “It’s...it’ll be alright, minutes man.”
“He just...he just died...” Ranboo stared at his shaking hands for a long time, before he finally looked up at Tubbo. “Can...can we go home?” he asked in a small voice. Tubbo nodded; the ender boy looked up and found Philza standing above him, one hand reaching forward to help him up. 
“Let’s go home,” he said. Ranboo took his hand, and Tommy and Tubbo stood with him to face those who had come to help. Tubbo nodded to Quackity. 
“Thank you,” he said. “For setting your quarrels aside to help.”
“You’re my friend,” Quackity said. “Like I said before - Ranboo may not be my friend, but if he matters to you, that’s enough for me.” Tubbo nodded. 
“I appreciate it,” he said. “And all the rest of you too,” he added, raising his voice so the others could hear. “Thank you - all of you, for helping us.”
“I think we can get back here,” Puffy called to the group from the central pillar of the island. A dark swirling portal had appeared there, and it looked exactly the same as the one they’d used to come in. Phil and Techno exchanged glances across the small crowd, then nodded. 
“I’ll go first,” Tommy volunteered. “I ain’t no pussy.” That earned a few laughs out of the others, and even a shaky smile from Ranboo. He stepped up to the edge, turned around to salute to Phil, and jumped in. Tubbo followed, stepping in after as the others lined up in front of it. Phil wrapped a wing around Ranboo, and the boy leaned against him as they waited their turn to go in. Sam motioned for them to go ahead of him when he got to the front, and Phil gave him a grateful look as he and Ranboo went through.
The sound of bats had never been more welcome to him in his life. 
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fanfalc-616 · 4 years
(Master of Emotion) Can you write the ninja, Garmadon and other EMs meet Chen on his island {Garm is mad that his son has been kidnapped} (You don't need to go detail in season 4 , you can add or change as you like} and Kai's first match with his powers
Ok so I worked on this and failed and eventually gave up on it but I think I can write at least the last part now- even though this ask is from November-
Also oh my god I wrote something with writer’s block something that wasn’t even RoaN I should not be this impressed with myself but I am anyway-
Jay and Cole are still fighting. The annoying emotions coming off of them is damn near giving Kai a headache, but he ignores them in favor of starting to eat.
Thankfully, Chen speaks up over the speakers, giving him a break from the bickering.
“The tournament of Elements continues. Fun time!” He begins, and Kai almost scoffs at it. Fun? Yeah, okay. They’re here to rescue Lloyd, not play in fighting rings.
“Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Smoke, Nature, Mind, oh, and last and hopefully not least…”
He pauses a moment, and Jay takes the chance to speak up.
“Huh, maybe we all got the day off!”
“Emotion!” Chen finishes cheerfully, before the intercom abruptly shuts off.
Kai flashes Jay a glare. “Way to jinx it.” He grumbles.
The other winces, and as Cole seems to be about to insult him about it, Kai can hear opponent- Ash, his name was?- scoff as he looks over him.
“The Master of Emotion? Really? That’s a thing?” He shakes his head. “That much easier for me, I guess.”
A mix of anger and frustration builds up inside of him. This again? Sure, he knows that it’s not a classic element, but he had assumed that at least other elemental masters would understand it!
His clothes shift to a dark, orangey-red as he speaks. “That much more embarrassing when I kick your ass without even touching my fire!” He shoots back, crossing his arms.
Zane tenses up beside him, and so do the others. He knows that he’ll probably get a lecture over this later, but at the moment, he couldn’t care less.
The other elementals have started to watch around, seeming interested in the argument.
“Fire?” Ash frowns. “Now you’re claiming to have two elements? Everyone knows that’s not a…”
Kai takes in some smug satisfaction at the way his eyes widen when he stares at the flame that he lit in his hand.
The emotion bleeds over into his clothes, the red fading as the orange turns slightly yellow. “You were saying?” He mocks, staring the other down.
Ash seems startled, and there’s murmurs breaking out among the other masters- probably because they’re not sure what to do with him now.
The Master of Smoke opens his mouth to speak, but Zane steps between them, a tired expression on his face.
“Perhaps the two of you should save this for your battle.” He recommends, giving Kai a disapproving look.
Alright, alright, he’ll stop. Not because Zane wants him to, though. It’s because he wants to. Yeah. That’s totally it.
He shakes his head. “Whatever you say, Frosty.” He adds a casual shrug to his words, noticing the orange fade completely into a mirage of red and yellow- a difference in color that only people who actually know him can really see.
Turning around, Kai goes back to his food, ignoring the harsh whispers echoing around them.
“You need to be careful, Kai.” Sensei Garmadon warns. “Your elements are powerful, and the combination of them even more. But letting your anger get the better of you will-“
Kai takes a deep breath, tuning out the rest of what he’s saying. Lloyd is captured, Jay and Cole won’t stop bickering over his sister, Zane’s already exhausted, and he’s gonna be all cryptic? Yeah, sorry, Kai’s got enough on his plate.
As they finish eating, he takes a deep breath. Impulsive words or not, he’s gonna stick to them.
No fire. Just feelings.
How hard can it be?
Kai stands on his end of the wooden bridge, glaring at Ash on the opposite side. The Jade Blade is in the middle of it, and oh, yeah, they’re on top of a volcano, so there’s kinda lava everywhere.
Even with his resistance to heat, Kai would really rather not test if he could survive molten rock.
“Kai, Master of Emotion…” Chen begins, and Kai takes that as his chance to pull his mask up over his nose. It’s about to get serious.
“Versus Ash, Master of Smoke!” As he speaks, Kai once again braces his feet, preparing to move the moment he’s given his cue.
With the word, Kai takes off running, hand reaching out for the green weapon.
But before he even gets close, Ash throws himself at the rope on one side and flips the entire bridge upside down, dropping the blade onto a rock below and making Kai desperately grasp for purchase as the bridge rights itself while he’s still beneath it.
He manages to grab onto the bottom, but a quiet curse escapes him as he realizes that the fight is definitely not in his favor here. Ash has the high ground, and-
Except Kai’s beneath the bridge! He could use the wood panels as a horizontal ladder and get in close!
And that’s exactly what he does, and once he’s close enough, he bursts through the bottom of the bridge, throwing a kick midair.
But much to his dismay, Ash turns into smoke, making Kai stumble as he lands.
He quickly regains his footing and makes another attack, and another, and another, and another, but annoyingly enough, Ash just keeps turning into smoke whenever he tries to land a hit!
Another brief stumble gives the Master of Smoke the chance to fully solidify and kick Kai in the stomach, hard enough to send him flying backwards and even breaking part of the bridge.
A quiet curse escapes him as he finds himself once again hanging above the lava, this time suspended only by one hand holding onto a broken piece of wood.
A spark of fear hits him, only for a moment, but it’s enough for him to create a force field below him, and use that as a springboard to push himself back up onto the bridge.
The fear fades, replaced by anger. Clothes a bright orange, he dives into spinjitzu- but even then, he can’t land a single hit!
As he steadies himself again, Kai taps into his rage, letting the emotion support him.
Super strength isn’t really the best power to have here, but hey, he’ll take what he can get.
Fists clenched tight, Kai runs back to where he started on the bridge, a smirk crossing his face. “Let’s see you phase through this!”
He uproots the bridge from where it’s held, yanking it upwards. The unsteadiness makes Ash stumble, and as he stares in what looks like shock, Kai pulls up the other side.
The bridge starts to fall to the side where it’s still held down, and Kai uses the momentum it gives him to swing forwards and land on a rock near the Jade Blade.
Much to his annoyance, Ash manages to land on one too.
Well. That’s actually a good thing. If he landed in the lava he probably would’ve died, and as annoying as the guy is, Kai doesn’t want to murder him- or anyone, actually.
He shakes his head, trying to redirect his focus. No, annoyance isn’t helpful, he said he wouldn’t use his fire powers, so having them enhanced isn’t gonna help.
They both jump for the blade at the same time, causing them to collide midair. They grapple at each other, landing on another rock. Kai throws a punch, and seeing as the little space they have and midair combat, he actually manages to land a few hits!
But Ash manages to wrestle free from his grasp, and Kai feels his eyes widen as he jumps for the blade.
Kai jumps after him, but he knows then and there that the second it took for him to process it will be the second it takes for him to lose.
Fear takes a hold in his gut as everything seems to move in slow motion. Midair, he watches as Ash starts to grab the Jade Blade-
But then a purple bubble forms around it, throwing him off.
His hand smacks on the force field, and the sudden loss of grip makes his jump go wonky.
Kai lands on the rock and snags the blade, a triumphant grin starting to form, his clothes a bright yellow. He did it! He won! He-
Then he looks down, and he sees that Ash’s jump being thrown off sent him falling not onto another rock-
But towards the lava below.
Fear grips him once again, but this time, the force field isn’t formed subconsciously.
Still with the Jade Blade in his grasp, he uses his power to create a plate large enough for Ash to land on, the field almost touching the lava below.
Thankfully, Ash takes his chance to jump off it and onto another rock. He stares at Kai for a moment as the field vanishes, his fear fading and replaced with confidence.
The Master of Smoke opens his mouth to speak, seeming stunned by Kai’s actions- but before he gets the chance, Chen’s voice rings out from above.
“Winner!” He proclaims, and Kai can feel his grin widen and clothes turn a bright yellow as he sees his teammates and even the others in the crowd cheering.
“Loser!” Chen continues, seeming pretty happy with himself. “Master of Emotion moves on.”
Holding the Jade Blade up, Kai almost doesn’t feel bad about the way his opponent is dropped into a trapdoor below.
Kai just needs to stay in this tournament long enough to find and rescue Lloyd- not to mention stop whatever plans Chen has with their powers.
But for now, he’s going to feel good about himself. He worked hard for this victory, damn it, so he’s going to have good emotions for a little bit.
Probably not.
… ugh. Why did he get stuck with the magical mood swings?
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