#and i was like well. actually lots of people keep and treasure personal mementos like this
naivety · 3 months
sorry but i hate that claudia's dress is hung up like it's in a museum. i know why it is, and it's sweet and tragic and i don't blame louis for trying to both honor and grieve her in this way, but i hate it <3 that her clothes fitted perfectly just for her by her immortal companion, just like her diaries, her own private thoughts penned down throughout her life, have been preserved and made perfect in bright open spotlight for gloved hands and watching eyes to feast on even in death. kinda hate it here
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teatimeweirdo · 2 years
May I please request headcanons for Joker, Ann, and Akechi finding out that their S/O has a palace due to a traumatic event happening to them in their childhood that still haunts them?
Note: Ahhh sorry for the very late reply, your request totally fell behind due to my school work Akechi gif cuz pretty
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Akira Kurusu
the poor boy is lowkey heart broken, because you had to go through that, but he is also more determined than ever before to give you a change of heart
if this takes place before Futaba's palace, is a little confused because he previously thought only evil people have palaces. he won't judge you for having a palace and he keeps you company while also hurrying to scout out your palace to give you that well deserved change of heart
When he finds out the reason you have a palace in the first place he is incredibly upset, he would try to find (if the reason of your trauma is another person) the agressor in mementos and give them a change of heart
Once the Phantomthieves take your treasure, without much of a problem because your heart may have recognized Akira, he would spend the duration of your recovery with you
If you didn't know the Phantomthieves before, he would introduce you to them, very carefully to not freak you out to much, and you would become an honoray member (your job is to cuddle morgana)
Ann Takamaki
Ann in very understanding, if it wasn't for Akira and Ryuji she herself would probably have developed a palace, so she is determined to help you
She would spend a lot of time with you to make sure you are alrightand to keep you from isolating yourself, making her job of changing your heart a little easier for her
She is M A D when she finds out the reason you developed a palace, while she wants to cause a mental shutdown to the people responsible, she stays true to the views of the phantomthieves and just scares them a little (a lot)
after the phantomthieves take your treasure she makes sure you are alright, she visits you everyday and makes sure you can keep up with school work as well as you health
she introduces you to Morgana, as a normal cat, and she lets you cuddle with him
Goro Akechi
He is the one actually causing a mental shutdown, not giving you a mental shut down but the people responsible for your trauma, you are the only one who ever cared for him so he can't forgive those people who hurt you like that
Now he doesn't know how to proceed with the palace like the phantomthievs, he only knows how to cause a mental shutdown, as much as he hates it he annonymously posts a request to the phansite in hopes that the phantomthieves take care of his 'problem'
meanwhile he isolates himself a little from you, he is upset with mostly himself that he can't help you, he throwfs himself in his work occasionally checking if your palace is still there in hopes of it being gone
once he learns your palace is gone, he makes sure you are recovering alright, he appologizes for being distant and makes up for lost time, he also hopes that Shido doesn't become aware of your existance...but due to you having a palace he has his doubts because all the other palaces also had a connection to Shido
Akechi does his best to protect you from any harm that from now on is coming your way
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loosesodamarble · 11 months
Hiya Erika! i love this ask game so much, and these will all be for Kai’ichi since…Kaizio is rotating in my head like a frozen burito in a microwave 🤣! Also I apologize that its a lot so just take your time with it 🥰!
Eros 1, Philia 2, Storge 3, Ludus 5, and Pragma 2
I wanted to ask a couple of more but I didn’t want to overwhelm you so I’ll ask next time 👀😌!
The answers to your many questions are finally here, Lyra! Thanks for waiting for them~!
Eros 1: Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
Unfortunately for Kai'ichi, he isn't much for traditionally romantic gestures. They're boring because they're the standard. If his partner wants flowers or chocolates, he would do his best to give them. And he'd go above and beyond giving the "best" versions of those gifts. But Kai'ichi would find little satisfaction in such things.
He'd much rather give his romantic partner experiences to treasure. There could be physical mementos of the activities and adventures they've gone on, but rarely does Kai'ichi think to actively give some kind of souvenir. It's being with the one he loves that he finds more romantic.
Philia 2: Does your OC find it easy to make friends? Or are there barriers to them doing so? If so then are these due to issues of inclination, communication, or something else entirely?
Kai'ichi can actually make friends pretty well, despite being a bit on the socially inept side. His enthusiasm is what draws people in. He can be a little pushy but most will agree that he's pretty encouraging. And having a friend who always encourages and supports you is what Kai'ichi is there for.
His more aggressive tendencies - fight first, ask questions later attitude - will scare away the faint of heart though. Not that Kai'ichi minds. He'd rather not befriend people that he'd have to hold back around.
Storge 3: How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Ichika is a hard to please person in general, but I think she'd be a little lenient on her future children. Saying that, Ichika still holds some standards as she wants her sons to be upstanding individuals.
In general, Kai has high self-esteem. He's a natural talent, which not only gives him a good dose of confidence but compels him to work hard to keep up the reputation he has. However, Kai would take it pretty hard if he disappointed Ichika. Because he believes her to be the most amazing person in the world, he does his best to adhere to her example and advice. Being unable to do that would hit him hard and make him pause to question himself as her son.
If Kai'ichi was really truly desperate to gain Ichika's approval if he felt like he needed to, he'd actually try to restrain himself. He's over the top and less in control of his impulses than his mother and that would be one of the things she criticizes him for. Thus, Kai'ichi's fire would be smothered as he tries to be more reserved like Ichika. It would be sad to see since he's the liveliest person in the Yami household and their lives become duller without his chaos.
Ludus 5: What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
Assertiveness. That shit will always make Kai weak at the knees when it comes to romance. When he's in the right headspace, he's very forward himself so it's a matter of matching energy.
Approach him from across a ballroom with a smile. Be the one to ask him for a dance. Just straight up compliment him while he's trying to decide what to say. As long as a prospective partner can essentially get a head start on putting the moves on Kai'ichi, then he's going to be giving them his attention.
Oh, also the lamest, cringiest pick up lines. He's sick and tired of the roundabout and flowery romance language he hears from Shigehiro's literature so "lowbrow" romantic flirtations will make him smile.
Pragma 2: What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
When it comes to all of his relationships (platonic or romantic), the biggest hurdle Kai'ichi faces is his inability to slow down. He's always trying to challenge himself and find interesting things to do. So friendships have ended due to the other parties being unable to take Kai's constant energy or talk him into relaxing. Because I think Kai'ichi could learn to appreciate quieter moments, but it's going to take someone strong mentally (and maybe physically) to get Kai to sit his butt down.
For his relationships specific to characters in Clover Kingdom, the distance between Clover and Hino is a huge challenge. I believe the two countries would be able to establish contact after the final arc, but it's not like Kai'ichi can drop by whenever he feels like it. It'd either take a long journey or powerful magic to get him there in a shorter time span. Kai'ichi would do his best to believe that his connections in Clover wouldn't forget him but he would have a little anxiety about missing out on things in their lives. I'm not sure what sort of solution there'd be for this issue except finding really loyal people to call his friends in Clover.
And when Kai'ichi develops feelings for Ezio, oh man will he be conflicted. Because it was always Kai's dream to become a member of the Ryuzen Seven like his mother. But he wants to live in Clover with Ezio. His childhood dream or his new dream? Which is he going to choose?
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gettatranslations · 1 year
I'm Back…& What's in my Pencil Case Yumigeta Ako (23.10.13)
Good evening🌛
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments the other day!
I'm glad you all like Aoyama-san's suits✨
Yumigeta's health declined again but now I'm fully recovered!
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Lookー!A photo our Manager-san took for me at our 「 Suggoi FEVER!」 MV shoot✨
Isn't it like the Energy Ball from Dragon Ball?!
This star🌟 was actually light and squishy❗️
The first time I saw it up close I was surprised by how big it was…
I also took a Sazae-san version!
I want to post it someday…
Also have you watched Suggoi FEVER!'s s dance?!
I want to dance it with you allー I bet it'd be funny〜
I bet you all already heard it in the MV、the man's voice going 「Sugoーi」…
It's kinda weird right🤣
During LIVE performances and such you all shout 「Sugoーi」、like at our Iwate performance the other day your 「Sugoーi」 was so clear tat it surprised me👀
What would 「Sugoーi」 be in Kansai dialect?
Would it be「Gottsui」?
Maybe just the intonation would be different?
Ahh〜 I'm so excited to go to Kansai❗️
The takoyaki I ate at our First Event was delicious so I want to eat takoyaki again🐙
Please let me know if you have any takoyaki shop recommendations❣️
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
I spent the whole day at home today、so I did some writing!
I thought the contents of my pencil case were pretty interesting so I want to show you all♡
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Sorry that a totally unaesthetic photo 😂
First up is my actual pencil case!
It's cute right‼️
My friends often tell me
「Ako's pencil case so distinctive that it'll never get lost」
Which is pretty funny、right
Then there's the papers in front!
First is the piece of paper laid flat that has 「Joule」 written on it…
It was like a mini test before my physics class at school、and there's always 5 review questions。The teacher gives us a small piece of paper and we do all of the questions starting from ① and then we swap with the person next to us to mark…
But、I'd totally forgotten about this mini test on this day so I was totally unprepared。
So as you can see I could only answer ① so the person next to be gave me loads of corrections in red pen、hence this paper❗️
I never do quite this bad on tests so I kept it as a memento✨
Next is the piece of paper that's been folded lots of times…
This piece of paper、is really quite precious to me!
So you know how you write thank you notes after sports day to people in other year groups who were on the same team as you!
8th grade Yumigeta Ako found some paper (A4)during club after our school sports day
I heard that 「If you can fold a piece of paper 10 times it'll reach the moon」
I was immediately intrigued so I challenged my self to fold a piece of paper 10 times❗️
So even though I was the club president I ignored alーl my responsibilities to just fold、and I kept going during morning registration alーl week、and I kept folding the whoーle lunch break while talking to my friends‼️
And、I managed to succeed at folding it 8 times so when I went to tell my friend she replied
「You know it wouldn't reach the moon even if you did fold it 10 times」
She was totally deadpan as she said it。
Apparently I was wrong。
It's actually
❌「It'll reach the moon if you fold it 10 times」
⭕️「It'll reach the moon if you fold it 42 times」
Ahh I was totally wrong。So I gave up on my 「Folding a piece of paper 10 times」 challenge。
But I worked really hard so I wanted to keep my piece of paper that I managed to fold 8 times so I've kept it in my pencil case for about a year now♡
Sometimes I use it as note paper… It's surprisingly useful。
I bet I'll never throw it out♡
Maybe someday I'll reach the moon!
I Getted 「A far off dream」✨
Everyone what has lived in your pencil case forever that you really treasure?
Please let me know in the comments♪
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
I'm having stew for dinner tonight so I was going to try 「stew with rice」 like you all recommended!But apparently we have seasoned rice🌸
I don't think the flavours would mix well so I'm too scared to try😂
Next time♡
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🦉🦉🦉
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octocrime · 2 years
alright. (humanized) Octonauts headcanons for day 2. My hands hurt :(
Captain Barnacles 🐻‍❄️ -
- I actually don't have many for him, but he goes by he/him
- him and tweak are very good friends but tweak scares him sometimes and he wont even lie to you about that
-he's autistic and very routine oriented, he's the autistic people go "but you aren't autistic" about unless you yourself are autistic
-he has all his badges displayed in his room and it's one of his comfort items
Tweak 🐰 -
- I will not get over the fact that she's Floridian, transgender she/her
- lesbian, her and dashi talk about girls
- actually on barnacles age level, she has crows feet by her eyes and grey in the sides of her hair
- did y'all know she glows in the dark it's the funniest thing to me???? like why??? why does she glow in the dark???? this is book canon this isn't even a headcanon.
- is certified in welding and has a degree in engineering. She found the classes easier than most should
- Ranger Marsh knows she's lesbian and will often attempt to relate by just,, "hey that girls pretty, you could date that one" which almost always turns into tweak going into a laughing fit
- she still has very keen hearing from her searching for animals with dad days
Peso 🐧 -
- he/they, prefers they most days
- they read manga and NO I won't elaborate, its nestled right in on his book shelf besides they're lengthy medical books.
-medical bag comfort item, often plays with the latches
- flappy hands stim, saying this solely because the flappity flippers exclamation and I'm right
- the noises they make when they bandage are neccesary for focus, no one knows why, it's like a stim for them
- hangs out with kwazii a lot and enjoys his stories, actually very convienent considering they're almost always around when kwazii is injured, which happens frequently
- medical special interest, will go into gross details if you don't stop him
- surprisingly unaffected by gore! It will make him shiver a bit if it's really bad but due to being a medic he can remain pretty unaffected by it
- asian-hispanic, which sounds like a generational trauma nightmare but they're actually doing quite well
- horrible anxiety but actually pretty okay with social anxiety, mostly afraid of getting hurt not talking to people, can actually be very social in the right groups
Dashi 🐶 -
- she/they, bisexual, has a horrible problem with anorexia
- has a bunch of mystery books in a box under her bed that branch out from a bunch from one author to a bunch of random ones
- keeps one of those diaries with a lock on it and is the only person on planet earth who can keep track of the keys for it
- a bit of a clean freak around her bedroom, sprays surfaces every few days and cleans up often
- Tweak has experience with EDs and will often help her through rough spots
- They dress pretty femine but will sometimes wear sweatpants and a T-shirt with no makeup instead
- pretty close friends with shellington, has listened to so many of his marine biology infodumps that they might as well have a marine biology degree.
Kwazii 🐱-
- transgender he/him, MLM
- has horrendous ADHD and can still drive a gup better than shellington
- pirate special interest, he has been a pirate but it's also his interest
- spyglass comfort item, won't leave his room without it on him but still insists it's not a comfort item
- takes the Gup B on rides every few days if it hasn't been used, he doesn't want it to get rusty supposedly
- a menace to tweaks work schedule along with shellington
- plays with yarn, he's like half cat what did you expect
- has a bunch of kids pirate storybooks hidden in his treasure chest
- I don't know if everyone has this, but his treasure chest doubles as a "hope" chest, it's mementos and old memorable things to keep you going, had it since he was a kid and hid a broken glass in it once to not get in trouble, regretted it as an adult.
- said he was tough enough for testosterone shots but had to switch to gel after a month
-tail is permanently bent at the end due to how much it gets messed with
Inkling 🦑 -
- uses a wheelchair while on land or inside but not in the water
- he/him and MLM
- has many degrees, was a professor at a school for awhile
- also has a marine biology special interest but masks it a lot more than shellington
- collected most the books in the library himself, even wrote a few, has some of shellingtons old journals stored in there
- spends most his days living his life as a peaceful old man but will beat the crap out of anyone on sight
- had a chaos streak in high school
- knits and crochets VERY efficiently, made matching sweaters for the vegimals and shellington. Shellington cried.
- basically the vegimals grandpa figure, he reads them stories when shellingtons out
Shellington 🦦 -
- I love him, uses all pronouns besides she but I'll be referring to him as he for convienence
- MLM but uses the achillean flag specifically
- can't drive because he's gay /hj
- has crashed the Gups so often that they have a "days since shellington has crashed a gup" board, his record is 32
- very heavy marine biology special interest, he doesn't masks it and everyone on the octopod listens to him as intently as they can
- infodumps so fast he runs out of breath and foams at the mouth a bit, (I also do this, the spit is not nice)
- will hurt you if you touch the vegimals in a negative way
- vegimals pretty much consider him their birth father! first person they saw out of the egg, quite literally consider him their dad
- he's very good at gardening due to being said father, I mean seriously he can make a mean garden
- has a bunch of science equipment, does leave it laying around the octopod sometimes
- just,, weird tastes, hot sauce on kelp cakes, he has also got fed caramel covered broccoli as a joke and liked it.
- doesn't actually hate touch that much but instinctively flinches away from you when you reach out for him
- likes to test and push his own limits, he has purposely kept himself awake for two weeks for an experiment, he's, a bit odd
- has a diary hidden away in his journal stash
- has a lot of journals! they document a Lot of things
- has a journal on the behavior of people on the gup, he has never shown anyone, he thinks it would be creepy if people knew he watched anyone that close
- great gift giver as a result though
alright that's it! octonauts week day 2, I am so tired, send help or give me the good old old yelled treatment
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Word of Honor x Koitake / Tofu (Official) Set 1
I very clearly recall when the first Word of Honor figure sets were announced in 2021, because I distinctly remember thinking, those are cute, but they will just sit around collecting dust. I don't need them. I won't buy them.
And then I watched the concert, and saw more pics of the figures, and thought, you know, they're really cute, and maybe, if I just bought one set as a memento, that would be ok. It would be a happy memory.
So I intently examined the pre-order pictures, and after a lot of back and forth, finally decided that I would buy the Tavern set, because like Gong Jun, the basking in the sun scene is my favorite. I recall feeling very self-satisfied with myself. What fiscal prudence! What rational judgement! What a thoughtful, responsible adult!
Right. So...
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At this point, I feel like a lot of people have already seen these figures, but for the sake of completeness, I feel like I should post about them anyway. So I'm going to do the entire first set all in one mega-post.
And I have to say, I feel a lot of affection for these little figures - they are so wrapped up in my memory of the watching the show and going right into the concert, and all the joy of that time. So I can't help but treasure them.
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While Tofu did have some major system glitches (manufacturing, distribution and delivery logistics issues!) on these figures, I have to say the overall quality is quite high. The details are both well thought out and well executed, and the poses and expressions are true to the show and have personality. They even detailed the shoes and pants on the underside for Lao Wen, despite the fact that it doesn't even show.
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The figures come with two magnetized square tiles to place the figures on, but I didn't get a shot of it here because I instead place the figs on the one and only diorama from this series - Tianya Inn from episodes 3 and 4. Tianya is of course related to Tianya Ke (Faraway Wanderers), the name of Priest's novel that the show is based off of.
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It's more like a standee, really, with the eponymous mountains from the series' Chinese name of Shanhe Ling, Mountain River Order. What those mountains are doing hanging out right in front of the inn, I am not totally sure, but that's ok!
Here's a few screenshots of Tianya Inn from the show for comparison purposes:
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Beautiful! I admit when I first saw the standee, I didn't immediately recognize it as belonging to the show, since they took a few creative liberties with it. But that's ok, I'm still prepared to love it.
Taolin (Peach Forest)
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Just because I didn't initially pick this pair as my One and Only Figure Set doesn't mean I don't love it. It was a hard choice, ok!
This is actually my favorite costume on A-Xu, and the details/motion on Lao Wen's iconic pink yuanlingpao here are just lovely. His fan is removable, and I adore the pink peach blossoms twigs that you can pick up and move around the tile bases.
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They both look so happy and content strolling up the road to Siji Manor. Lao Wen, in fact, looks extra jaunty with the laid-back lean to his pose here - this was the only fig of the set that wasn't quite stable. After a few times of him falling over backwards and making my heart skip a beat (turns out PVC figs are quite sturdy, but STILL, hasn't Lao Wen been through enough?!?!), I ended up putting a fig sticker on his foot to keep him on the upright path.
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You can see the bases here - the magnets are those thin rectangles in the middle keeping them together.
Snowy Mountain
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Simple figs but I like the pose and the expressions, and the robes and the hair are well done. More detail on the pants underneath as well, although technically (yes, I'm going to be that person), Lao Wen's pants should have been black.
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I wish they had done a diorama of the mountain - that could have been spectacular! As it is, these figs make me remember the large version of these two figs from the concert, and I smile every time.
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Alright! You're hanging in there like a champ, here's the last set:
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This of course is the nakama pose from the manga One Piece. From what I understand, this is generally considered to mean something like "closer than family" and is very meaningful to that fandom. This pose was Zhehan's suggestion for the final moments of Day 2 of the concert.
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The lantern stage here had to be assembled - the lanterns are all separate, including the ones in the hands there, and you have to gently push them into a slot. They've actually stayed solidly in place.
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I'm categorically incapable of NOT loving anything to do with the concert, so I'll just leave this picture here:
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And here we are at the end! These sets all had box cards with them as well:
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Material: PVC
Fig Count: 24
Diorama Count: 3
Rating: The OG
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
Can I please get Headcanons for Fling Posse with an Idol girlfriend? Like she has her own idol group and everything, thank you!
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Ramuda Amemura x fem!reader; Gentaro Yumeno x fem!reader; Dice Arisugawa x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N:  This one was cute! Hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Ramuda Amemura:
Even before you met, Ramuda thought you were one of the coolest idols
I headcanon that he’s made a lot of clothes for different idol groups, and he actually met you when he was doing the dresses for an upcoming photo shoot that you and your group were a part of
even after the two of you get together, he’s always making sure your outfits look good and that your stylist does a good job
throughout the relationship, Ramuda is going to go out of his way to make sure everyone knows that the two of you are together 
since you have so many fans, some of them can be intense, so Ramuda has no problems with declaring you as his girlfriend and making sure nobody tries to infringe on your personal space
he will use force if necessary...seriously, don’t tempt him
he’s always in the front row of every one of your concerts and if he can’t make it, he likes to watch you perform on TV
Ramuda tells you, and anyone who’ll listen, that you look like an angel on stage and that you’re the most talented girl in the world 
he would never tell you this, but he secretly dislikes your group members - especially when they have more lines than you, don’t let you talk during a talk show, or try to one up you in any way
but he knows you love them though, so he never talks about it
one time he tried to convince you to sing into his hypnosis microphone because he wanted to know if it would work, but you refused because you didn’t know what would happen
he has A TON of your merch and one of his favorite things is a little plushie of you because he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
Ramuda also makes it a point to buy all of your albums and play them on repeat until Dice and Gentaro threaten to break his speakers
if you ever have a world tour, he would tag along if you asked him to and he would make the whole thing like a mini-vacation
also the type to have 100 different twitter accounts to like and retweet and spread all the good information about your group
and sometimes to drag the antis as well
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Gentaro Yumeno:
Gentaro finds your idol persona to be very interesting
he supports you, of course, and he’s always cheering you on, getting excited with you about comebacks and new tour dates
he likes it when you tell him about crazy stories that happened with your group because he feels like he’s being told secret information
but he’s not as loud or showy as Ramuda and Dice, so it’s not that big of a deal for him if you have a dating ban or not 
Gentaro has mastered the art of stay-at-home dates anyways
he loves listening to your music and he thinks your vocals and dance abilities are extremely impressive
he also loves seeing the outfits you group wears, especially if you ever wear traditional japanese garb for a concept album/track
if you ever ask him to help you write a song, he’s going to be the happiest man alive
he’ll immediately give you all of his ideas for poems that he’s been working on and will help you figure out how to turn them into lyrics
whenever rumors or misinformation comes out about you, Gentaro feels frustrated because he wants to tell everyone the truth, but he also doesn’t want you to get backlash for either having a boyfriend or for not being able to stand up for yourself
ultimately, he’ll do what he does best - talk with you about it and give you the comfort you need to get away from the tabloids for a while
Gentaro owns all of your albums, but he doesn’t have too much of your other merchandise
he’s the type to listen to your album when it first drops, alone in his room so he can really hear and understand the music
he does have a few pencils with your group’s name and logo on it, though and he treasures them
he also has a few erasers but he refuses to use them and ruin the design
he’s been to some of your concerts, and he’s always enjoyed them whenever he’s gone, but going to concerts isn’t his favorite pastime so he’ll find many other ways to support you as well
overall, he’s going to love that you’re an idol, but he’s going to be the most low-key about it and still treat you like you
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Dice Arisugawa:
Dice thinks it’s absolutely amazing that you’re an idol
whenever you tell him about your group and the next comeback, he just watches you excitedly
he loves it whenever you have to learn choreography for a song and sometimes he just sits on the couch laughing at you when you mess it up
until you tell him to join in if he thinks it’s so easy - at which point he’ll promptly shut up with a sheepish look
likewise, if you get to keep some clothes or mementos from a photo shoot or a MV shoot, he might steal them 
one time you let him sell one of the jackets on the internet and you were both able to go to a 5 star restaurant with the money you got for it 
he’s also definitely the type to sell your signed receipts, used napkins, and literally anything else he can find
he always wants to keep up with the group’s schedule and whenever you guys have a show, he’ll be there to cheer for you
as long as you either pay for the tickets or get him free backstage passes
since Dice is a gambling man, I can 100% imagine him betting on your group winning during every awards season
you try to tell him that it’s impossible for your group to win every award in every category that they’re put into, but Dice doesn’t care
he has a lot of faith in you so he’s putting his money where his mouth is
and he actually tends to make quite a profit on those days since your group is fairly good
he’s too broke to buy your merch or any of your official things, but he’ll find other ways to support you
he’s going to get a bit annoyed with all of the fans that hound you, especially if you get seen in public
if your company has a dating ban and the two of you are dating in secret, Dice will get even more frustrated because he can’t just throw his arms around you and pull you away
however, if you two are openly dating, he’s going to have no problem telling people to move out of the way and that they’re bothering you
because he wants everyone to know that he’s your biggest fan and that you’re his girlfriend 
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord - The thought that counts
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Calypso is a bizarre, very weird man who's concept of a "gift" can be some hot drink Ven brought for him to a late night meeting, the time JK handed him a slightly rusted 1/4 socket wrench they'd spotted on a scrap pile while patrolling the slums and recalled him saying he'd have to ask Sei for the day before, or a photo of a flower Eli saw and sent on an incognito chat line.
What he considers gifts aren't usually that tangible so aren't things he can show to others, but there are some actual gifts he's held onto for far too long and people are fucking sick of being shown.
You ever see a coffee cup that hasn't been washed in eight years??
Well his friends have. Weekly.
Ty had "made it" for him in their first year planet-side, a shitty white .50c mug she'd crudely painted "Best Bro, lol" on in now peeling enamel. He knows it was a joke, but it doesn't change how that stupid gross mug has made him feel when things have been so bad that he's spent nights rolling it gently between a flesh and metal hand, reassuring himself with memories of the good times.
I mean he.. he cleans it, he rinses it out, but if he washed it properly the paint would just come straight off and that ain't happening. He drinks so much coffee. The poor thing gets refilled 4, 5 times a night sometimes, it's VILE looking. Brown and black stains, more rings than a felled steelwood tree running down the inside..
Ven hates it. Sei hates it. Eli smiles and tries not to die when he sees it. JK FUCKING LOVES IT. That mug is more Troy to them then his cruel prosthetic is, that mug is the most Troy thing on his damn ship.
Seifa has "politely" insisted on sealing it for him so he CAN wash it, but she's been told with frightening clarity that she’s not allowed near it. Leave it alone, it's fine.
Ven joke gifted him a pair of cursed-text booty shorts after two years of seeing The Holy Father’s ass crack daily and feeling his soul leave his body every time.
Troy took it as part insult / part challenge and made sure to actually wear them around Ven and make sure the other man was aware.
It went from hitching his pants just low enough in public to show their hem and smirking as they were recognised, to just straight up wearing them instead of his usual baggy harem pants some nights when he knew Ven would be spending a few hours in Sanctum.
Sei was completely in on this and acted nonchalant as her friend would desperately try to look around the room for support as his life-force withered while having to sit next to his boss in cursed hotpants and everyone else treating it like it was completely normal.
That stopped when Sei wasn't around, that kind of bullshit just didn't feel right.
He still has them though. They'll.. make a return one day, and Ven won't be ready.
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On the gift front, she's got 2 modes
1 - Extremely expensive item of value:
Munny. Nice. Highly appreciates it but won't from a personal level ( unless it's also exceptionally catered to her like very carefully chosen jewelry ). She'll secure it somewhere behind lock and key in her ship, and take it out to fondle on her floor like a goblin if she's feeling down.
Sei won't use any expensive gifts for fear of somehow "wasting" then, a weird after effect of poverty and a knife edge upbringing, but she'll cover herself in platinum and diamonds AT HOME while watching bullshit on the E-Net and drinking wine. Think Jenna Marbles leeeshuring. Only does this in private, it's some odd way of enjoying the things she's been given without fear of somehow devaluing them. She's fuckin weird. She is a weird person, she's just very close to even weirder monster twins and they distract a lot of attention from her strangeness.
2 - Piece of shit someone found in a flea market and thought of her or made for her poorly:
What the fuck. What the fuck. Treasure. Will go all red eyed and mouth wobbly when given it, won't know what the hell to say. Will use / wear / show it off daily. Will proudly point out gifts like this in her ship to visitors, go over who gave it to her, where it's from, what that person means to her, everything.
If it's wearable it will be patched into or worn with her best outfits bar ceremonial garb. She's covered in little mementos of friends and colleagues she takes massive comfort from by having close to her at all times, 'specially as some are too far away to see that often, or aren't around at all anymore.
The pendant Ven surprised her with has found its way into almost every ensemble she wears, it's on next to scrap chains and fool’s gold when she's elbow deep in a Mechanicum's process machine's axle oil, and it's on when she's dripping in platinum and faux giggling at a gala. This is... noticed by Troy, who is silently aware of how the shockingly expensive jewelry he's been gifting her for years remains stashed in lockboxes around her ship while Ven's bit of glass rarely leaves her skin. He finds it harder to ignore the blue-green glint of it far more than he'd want anyone to know.
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He sent her a droid, years ago. She picked it up from a holding dock in a grimy but carefully packaged parcel and loved it at first sight. Tiny little hive-drone, smaller than her fist and mashed together from what looked like scrap - ancient LED screen able to just about render a simple smiley face with oversized pixels. A chicken scratch note about how they were doing well, things had been going great and they'd really started to find their footing now. 
Lines about Tyreen being a pain in the ass, how he'd been having fun with this stuff - droids, that she'd been right that he should try messing around with the amount of scrap bots you could find in any junkpile across Pandora. Said he'd made this for her because he remembered her ship had no V.I. network and how half the rec-room was covered in notes she'd end up having to take to keep on top of deals and interesting tips. This little floating ball could link with her E-Dev and convert audio into notes, calender bookings, maybe make her life a bit easier? Cause she had made theirs easier, him and Ty's, hadn't she. He wanted to give her something back. When would she be touching down again anyway? Been nearly a year since they’d left her ship to make a name for themselves.. and he had a lot to show her...
She still uses that little droid daily, chats idly to it as it sits on her office desk in the Mechanicum, blinking crude emojis at her as it happily translates Sei’s cranky mutters into a schedule that makes her life just a bit easier.
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JK's silent hand over of something heavy and palm sized wrapped so beautifully in patterned cloth had keyed her in on not opening it till she was alone, but that prescription lens...
Fitted so carefully onto a hinged frame she knew at a glance would socket over her favored welding goggles? The crude but confident metal work, the tiny flicks of coloured paint she recognised and warmed her heart immediately? That asshole.. that beautiful, clever bastard.
Said nothing, knew she didn't need to, but it's been YEARS and she still notices the slight puff to their chest and way they straighten a little taller when they spot it perched over her right eye.
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Asks are open!
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vgckwb · 3 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 61: 4 Targets
The next day, as Ren and Morgana were heading to school, Morgana popped his head out. “So, what are we doing today?”
“Well, I was thinking of going into Mementos,” Ren answered.”Take care of a few requests , as well as getting Makoto more acquainted with the Metaverse.” Morgana smiled, and nodded, and the two of them went to school.
During class, Ren took out her phone and messaged the group.
Ren: We’re meeting up today.
Makoto: Do you always text in class?
Ryuji: Woah! He really didn’t say anything.
Makoto: Who?
Ryuji: Nothing…
Makoto: I’ll ignore that for now.
Ann: So, are we going after Kaneshiro?
Ren: Not quite.
Ren: We have a few Mementos missions to take care of, and I feel like we should do those first.
Makoto: Mementos?
Sumire: Right. She wouldn’t know.
Ryuji: Mementos is everyone’s palace, I think.
Makoto: Could we attack Kaneshiro through there?
Jose: Nope.
Sumire: Palaces are formed when desires are so warped that they don’t fit in in Mementos.
Sumire: While Mementos itself is more of a collective of everyone else’s minds.
Yusuke: Mementos is quite fascinating actually. I’m interested to see what you think.
Makoto: Well, it sounds intriguing.
Ann: OK. Sounds like a plan.
Ren: See you after school at the hideout.
They put their phones away.
After school, they all arrived at the hideout. “So, how does this work?” Makoto asked.
Ren took out her phone and the sheet of paper Mishima gave her. “Well, it’s fairly simple. We make the target aware that we’re going to steal their treasure, then we go in and steal it.”
“That’s also how it works for palace rulers,” Morgana explained, “but unlike the palace rulers, we don’t have to do as much to get to them.”
“I see,” Makoto said.
“We do usually end up having to fight them” Ann lamented.
“But it’s fine,” Ryuji added. “We don’t hurt them in real life this way.”
“But we can get hurt ourselves” Yusuke finished.
“Well...yeah…” Ryuji admitted.
Sumire smiled. “But that’s why we come prepared!”
Jose nodded. “And we also work together to overcome the odds.”
“Hm” Makoto grinned. “Sounds like you have this all down pat.”
“Well, as much as we can,” Ann said. “I mean, none of us even KNEW about this strange parallel world until Ren showed up.”
Ren shoved Ann. “Don’t make it sound like I brought it with me.”
Ann shoved back. “Why not? You were the chosen one in all of this.” The two girls shared a giggle as they continued to playfully fight each other.
“Well then,” Makoto said, causing them to stop, “let’s get crackin’.”
Ren nodded. She looked over Mishima’s paper. “Let’s see. First, we have our follow up. The person pressuring Daisuke into bullying: Yoshimori Sakoda.”
“Wait, someone was bullying Daisuke?” Makoto asked.
Sumire nodded. “Apparently, this guy had some blackmail on Daisuke, and he was using that to manipulate him.” Makoto looked disconcerted. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh!” Makoto exclaimed. “Well, when we confronted him, he brushed us off saying ‘there’s more going on than you know’. At the time, I thought it was just bluster. I did notice a change in his behavior recently too. Was that you?” They all nodded. “I see.” She grew a little frustrated.
“OK, next on Mishima’s list, we have a girl named Hikari Shimuzu,” Ren continued. “She’s been torturing this one guy, basically making him her slave. He’s been coming to school with bruises all over.”
“Sounds horrible!” Ann said. “We MUST put a stop to this!”
“Did he put the request in?” Jose asked.
“It doesn’t say,” Ren answered.
“Hm” Jose thought.
“What’s wrong Jose?” Sumire asked.
“Well, in my studies on humanity, I’ve heard of people who derive pleasure from pain,” Jose explained. Everyone else was stunned. “What’s it called again?”
“Even if that was the case, this sounds like it’s going too far!” Ryuji interjected.
“Oh?” Jose wondered. “And how do you know?”
“Uhhhhhhhhh” Ryuji stammered.
Yusuke jumped in. “Well, if someone thinks it’s enough of a problem to raise awareness of it on the Phan-site, it’s at least worth checking out.”
“Well put, Yusuke-senpai,” Sumire chimed in.
Ren nodded. “And last on the list is a restaurant manager named Nozumi Ono, who, according to the request, does little to no work, berates their employees for even the slightest mistakes, and takes all the credit and money for himself.”
“Disgusting” Makoto reacted.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Morgana added.
“Sounds like a total jerk” Ryuji piled on.
“So, we’re all in favor?” Ren asked. Yusuke raised his hand. “Yusuke?”
“If I may,” he began, “I found something I think we should investigate as well. A string of burglaries being tied to us.”
“WHAT?!” Ryuji shouted.
“Oh, those,” Jose said. “Well, from what I’ve heard, the perpetrator has been using calling cards that resemble ours, but apparently, not even the police believe them.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Morgana said sardonically.
“But they still don’t know who did it,” Jose said.
“If I may, I wasn’t finished” Yusuke said
“Sorry” Jose apologized.
“You are forgiven,” Yusuke assured him. “Ahem. I did overhear a student planning said burglaries.”
“Really?” Ann asked. “How’d you manage to swing that?”
“I’m not sure myself,” Yusuke replied. “I was just passing by, and he was talking to himself as if no one else was there.”
“Did he just not hear you coming?” Sumire said.
“I suppose so,” Yusuke answered. “Although, I am curious as to how he didn’t see me. I was walking toward him.” The rest of the group looked on blankly. “Well, whatever the case may be, I know who it is.”
“Great job, Yusuke” Makoto cheered him on in an embarrassed tone.
“Why thank you” Yusuke said, not picking it up at all. “His name is Kazyua Makigami.”
“I’ll ask Mishima to add him,” Ren said, texting Mishima.
“Oh, right,” Makoto said, realizing something. “Mishima-kun’s involved in this?”
“Yeah” Ren answered. “He’s in charge of the Phan-site.”
“Oh. I thought that was you guys” Makoto said.
“Well, he knows who we are,” Ryuji explained.
“But he’s on our side” Ann continued.
“Besides,” Ren said, “having him manage the site leaves more time to plan and do things like this.”
“I see,” Makoto said. “Well, as long as you trust him.”
Ren smiled and nodded. “I just sent the word to him. Are we ready?” Everyone else nodded. “Then let’s go.” They all headed into Mementos.
Upon entry, Makoto looked around. “Woah! This isn’t exactly what I expected. But it is interesting nonetheless.”
Ren smied. “Welcome, to the garden of madness.”
“Well, no time like the present,” Makoto said. She started to walk off the platform, but Ren and Sumire caught her.
“Woah, Queen-senpai,” Sumire said.
“What is it?” Makoto asked.
Ren and Sumire helped her back up. Ren then explained. “Memento is huge. It’s too big to walk through.”
Makoto was confused. “Then how do you get around?”
“Myeh heh heh” Morgana chuckled. “My time to shine! Transform!” He transformed into the car.
“Woah!” Makoto said.
“Heh heh” Morgana laughed.
Makoto thought about it. “So, this world is based around people’s perceptions…”
“Correct” Ann answered.
“And I’m guessing that this is because a lot of people have the image of cats turning into vehicles” Makoto went on.
“Also correct,” Ren added.
“But according to Mona himself, he’s not a cat,” Makoto finished. Everyone stood in silence for a few moments before Ren broke down laughing.
“Well…” Morgana began uncomfortably, “...I guess it’s because most people see me as a cat…”
“Oh. That makes sense” Makoto responded.
Ren finished her laughing fit. “Alright. We should get going. Hop in.” Everyone got in and they started driving off.
Once they reached the end of the first floor, Makoto was stunned. “That’s it?”
“No,” Ann answered.
“Then how big is it?” Makoto asked.
“No idea,” Ryuji responded.
“Huh,” Makoto remarked.
“We believe Eris is hold up at the bottom,” Ren explained.
“Oh!” Makoto said, excited. “So, we need to break through to the bottom?”
“Basically” retorted Ren. “Although to gain the ability to do so, we need to make a bigger name for ourselves as the Phantom Thieves.”
“I see,” Makoto pondered. “Well then, let’s give it all we got then!”
Sumire chuckled. “I love your attitude, Queen-senpai!”
“Although it seems easier said than done,” Yusuke explained.
“It seems like we have to play Eris’s game to be able to get to the bottom,” Jose iterated.
“I don’t care,” Makoto said. “If this Eris can turn someone like Naoko into someone willing to murder, I’ll do anything to put them in their place.”
“Woah! Scary” Ryuji remarked.
“No, I get it,” Yusuke said. “Eris really messed with someone she cared about. I have a similar feeling towards her about Kosuke.”
“I’m not saying I don’t get it,” Ryuji explained. “I’m just saying that she’s scary.”
“You want me to be sunshine and roses about this?” Makoto asked.
“That’s not what I meant either,” Ryuji continued.
“Just stop,” Ann said. “You’re going to keep digging a hole for yourself.”
“...Yeah” Ryuji relented.
Ren giggled. “I think what Skull’s trying to say is that if he is afraid of you, whoever we’re fighting better be incredibly worried.”
“Yeah. Something like that” Ryuji agreed.
Makoto nodded. “Very well.” They continued onward.
They came upon a portal and hopped in. “I think that guy is Yoshimori’s shadow,” Ryuji exclaimed. “The guy that’s been bullying Daisuke.”
“Well then, let’s put a stop to his reign of terror once and for all,'' Sumire said aggressively.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Makoto said, cracking her knuckles.
They walked up to him. “Tch. Looks like someone ratted me out.”
“Sure did,” Ren said. “And we’re going to put a stop to you and your fledgling school empire.”
“PAH!” Yoshimori spit. “I’d like to see you try!”
“He’s not trying to convince us to join him,” Yusuke remarked.
“We aren’t meeting on my terms,” Yoshimori explained. “I would have liked to ally with you, but apparently that Akechi boy was wrong. If I had your power, I’d make all bow before me.”
“Well that’s why we have it and not you!” Ann shouted.
“C’mon!” Yoshimori shouted. “Do you really think the people in the school care about scum like us? I’m just evening the odds.”
“By forcefully recruiting people!” Sumire snapped.
“Well, how else are you going to get people on your side?” Yoshimori asked. “Deep down inside, all people are nothing but selfish jerks.”
“Enough!” Makoto screamed. “You go on and on about how it’s you vs them, and you don’t even try to differentiate yourself. You’re no better than Principal Kobayakawa.”
“No better?” a shocked Yoshimori retorted. “No BETTER?!” He transformed into Black Frost. “WE’LL SEE ABOUT THAT!”
“BRING IT ON!” Makoto shouted back. After a well-fought battle, the Phantom Thieves won.
“Gah!” Yoshimori grunted. “Why does no one like me?”
“Um, probably because you blackmail them?” Ryuji took a stab at answering.
“Even before that,” Yoshimori added. “I always have to make people try and like me. But it all just falls apart.”
Makoto glared at him. “It’s because you’re not honest with yourself.” Yoshimori gasped. “You don’t like doing this either, do you?”
Yoshimori looked at her. “N...No…”
“And yet you do it,” Makoto said.
“How do you know how I feel?!” Yoshimori yelled.
“Because I was there once too,” Makoto answered sternly. Yoshimori gasped again. “The problem isn’t everyone else. It’s you. Once you find a you that you can be comfortable with, then you can start reaching out to others earnestly.”
Yoshimori smirked. “Thank you. I needed that. It might take some time to find myself, but I’ll dissolve my network based on blackmail.”
“That’s a good start,” Makoto said.
“If I reached out to you when I find myself, could we be friends?” Yoshimori asked.
“Of course,” Makoto answered. Yoshimori smiled and faded away. Ren took the treasure.
“Wow,” Morgana commented. “People are complicated.”
“True” Makoto agreed. “But we are meant to be social creatures. We ought to help each other in need.”
“I see,” Jose noted. “Fascinating.”
“I guess you’re right,” Morgana responded. “I feel that way too sometimes. I guess that’s part of the reason I feel split.”
“Well, hopefully staying at my place is helping,” Ren added.
Morgana smiled. “Yeah.” Ren smiled back.
Makoto smiled too. “Well, we should get going. We’ve got other people to help, you know.” Everyone nodded, and they left.
They continued onward until they got to the next door. Standing between them and said door was another shadow. “That’s Hikari Shimizu’s shadow!” Ann remarked. “The girl that’s been abusing someone.”
“I feel bad for him,” Ryuji said.
“Well, we’re here to help,” Jose reminded him.
“You said this boy is covered in bruises in real life?” Yusuke asked. “If that’s the case, she might be a dangerous opponent.”
“True. We should be on guard” Makoto reminded them. They walked forward.
“Ugh. So you’re the Phantom Thieves?” Hikari bemoaned. “Why are you bothering me?”
Ren dramatically pointed. “We;re here to stop your abuse.”
“Yeah, you’ve been treating this boy like he’s your slave!” Ryuji added.
“Please. He wants it” Hikari explained. “I just give it to him.”
“He wants bruises?” Yusuke remarked. “I don’t quite think that’s true.”
“I am his queen!” Hikari snapped. “He takes whatever I give him!”
“Yeah?! Well, you shouldn’t treat him like dirt!” Ann snapped back. “If you’re his queen, make yourself a respectable queen! Not just some annoying monarch that holds absolute power over him!”
“Grrr” Hikari growled. “I’m smart, I’m pretty, and he worships me. I’m allowed to do what I want with him!”
“No you’re not!” Ann yelled. “He’s a person too!”
“Grrrrrrah!” Hikari yelled, transforming into Yaksini, “I’ll just do whatever I want with you!” The thieves fought Hikari’s shadow. While it was a tad bit tricky, the thieves won. “NO!” Hikari yelled after defeat. “I don’t want to lose him…”
“Lose him?” Ann asked.
“Yeah. If I apologize, and say what I’m doing is wrong, he’ll run away…” Hikari explained. “And I don’t want that.”
“How did this all start?” Jose asked.
“He came up to me one day… Hikari began. “He asked me if I needed anything. I told him ‘a foot massage’ as a joke, but he really did it.”
“And you didn’t stop him?” Jose inquired.
“Well...I liked it…” Hikari continued. “...And him…”
“Oh” Jose said, surprised.
“You mean like like like?” Ann asked.
Hikari nodded. “Day in and day out, I’d ask him to do more and more ridiculous things, and it just spiraled out of control. Now I feel like this is the only way I can hang onto him.”
“Listen,” Ann said, beginning to offer advice, “being in a relationship requires the two people to be on the same page. If neither of you are happy, you need to feel confident enough to say so.”
“Yeah,” Ryuji added. “I mean, it sounds like this guy also kind of likes you too. And even if he’s willing to do some things for you, if you push him too far, you’ll just push him away.”
“But…” Hikari groaned.
“I know,” Ann said. “It’s hard. But you have to try. If you want this to work, you both have to be happy.”
Hikari started crying. “You’re right. Thank you.” She faded and Ren stole the treasure.
“Well, I think that went well,” Ann said. Jose was looking at her, puzzled. “What is it Sunshine?”
Jose tilted his head. “I know you told Fox, but are you sure you and Skull aren’t a couple?” Both of them started to blush. “Because you sounded like a couple just now.”
“Ha ha” Ann laughed nervously. “Of course we aren’t a couple.”
“Yeah” Ryuji said, equally as nervous. “Our advice applies to all kinds of relationships.”
“I see,” Jose said.
Ren stifled a laugh. “Well, if we’re done here, let's see what the next bit of Mementos looks like, shall we?” Ren walked over and placed her hand on the door. It opened up. Once it finished, she turned around. “What are we waiting for?” The thieves all walked over and headed deeper into Mementos.
Soon after, they found another portal and jumped in. “I think this is Nozomi Odo,” Morgana said. “The slave-driving restaurant manager.”
“Ugh, people like him make me sick!” Ryuji remarked. “Let’s do this fast. The sooner we do this, the sooner he’ll be a better manager.”
They nodded in agreement and approached Nozomi’s shadow. “What do you want?” he asked indignantly.
“What we WANT is for you to treat your employees with kindness!” Sumire said, stomping her foot on the ground.
“Tch” Nozomi reacted, brushing it off like it was nothing. “Have you ever worked in a restaurant?”
“Well, no…” Sumire admitted.
“If you did, you’d know that that’s the law of the land,” Nozomi explained. “You get treated like shit, until you work up to a place where you treat others like shit.”
“What garbage!” Makoto said, stepping forward. “You’re a leader! You need to step up and act as such.”
“I am,” Nozumi said.
“No” Makoto seethed. “You’re a coward. A REAL leader looks out of their team. Not just themselves.”
“Tch. I don’t have time for this” Nozomi said. He transformed into Setanta. “Starting now, I’m YOUR boss!”
“You should know, we don’t take kindly to those in authority,” Yusuke quipped.
“GAH!” Nozomi yelled. The thieves charged into battle, and won. “It’s not fair,” Nozomi said after losing. “I went through all of this before. Why should they be treated differently?”
“Look,” Makoto said forcefully. “What your employees are going through sucks, and what you went through was also probably terrible. But you don’t need to continue the cycle of abuse. You can end it here.
Being a leader is hard work. I should know. But you need to make sure all that hard work is worth it in the end. Otherwise you’re going to wake up one day and realize you hate the person staring back at you in the mirror.”
“Heh. You’re right” Nozomi said. “Man, getting lectured by some kids really puts things into perspective. Thanks.” He faded away, and Ren took the treasure.
They continued onwards and found another portal. Again, they hopped into it. “By process of elimination, this would be Kazuya Makigami’s shadow,” Yusuke said.
“The jerk thief who’s using our name to steal things,” Morgana added.
“But didn’t Sunshine say that not even the police believe that we’re associated with him?” Sumire inquired.
“I did say that, yes,” Jose said.
“Well...it’s the principle of the matter,” Morgana said.
“Whatever the reason, we need to put a stop to it,” Yusuke said.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Ren nodded. They walked over to him.
“Ah, the glorious Phantom Thieves,” Kazuya said. “Have you come to join forces?”
“No. Of course not!” Makoto refuted.
“Then why?” Kazuya wondered.
“Put simply, we’re here to stop you,” Yusuke explained.
“WHAT?” Kazuya shouted. “But we have the same goals. We’re on the same side. There’s no need for fighting.”
“Then will you just stop burglarizing people?” Sumire asked.
“And using our name?” Morgana added.
“WHAT? You don’t like that?” Kazuya asked.
“Of course not!” Ann said.
“Grrr. I thought you were cool” Kazuya grumbled. “Fighting for the underdogs. I thought the world needed people like you. But I guess power just corrupts, as the saying goes. SO…” he transformed into Mithras, “...I guess I’ll just use my power to stop you!”
“...You literally just said power corrupts,” Ryuji said, picking up on the irony.
“SHUT UP!” Kazuya shouted. The thieves charged into combat, and while it was a bit tough, since they’ve been going for a bit, it was nothing they couldn’t handle. Once Kazuya was defeated, he was breathing heavily.
“Pardon me,” Yusuke wondered, “but why do this at all?”
Kazuya looked at them. “Fine. I guess I owe you that at least. Ever since I was a kid, my parents were always more impressed with my little brother. He was more successful at everything, and because of that, he was their favorite. It almost felt like I wasn't even there sometimes.
Yeah, I was jealous, but I didn’t do anything. I felt like that was just how things were. And then you came along, and taught me that maybe things can change. So I began abusing my brother. And when that wasn’t enough, I took out my anger on every bigshot I could find. I started gathering some like-minded people, and I assume you know the rest.”
“How terrible,” Sumire remarked.
“Yeah,” Kazuya agreed. He sighed. “I probably should have said something earlier.”
“It’s not too late…” Sumire pointed out.
“I guess you’re right,” Kazuya replied.
“Well, as long as you’re making it up with him,” Yusuke said.
Kazuya smirked. He took his own treasure out of him. “If you can find my brother, tell him to use this key to open my nightstand drawer and burn what’s inside.”
“Are you sure?” Yusuke asked. Kazuya nodded. “Very well.” He grabbed it.
“Just promise me you’ll keep going after people who deserve it,” Kazuya said.
“You have our word,” Yusuke said. Kazuya smiled and faded away.
“How are we supposed to find his brother?” Ryuji asked.
“He also goes to Kosei,” Yusuke said. “I can give it to him…”
“That might be a bit conspicuous,” Morgana pointed out. “I’ll just drop it off in the cover of night.”
“Very well then,” Yusuke said. They left.
Ren asked “Do you want to keep going, or is that fine enough for now?”
“We did get all of our targets” Ann pointed out.
“Eh, I at least want to get to the next door,” Ryuji said. “It probably won’t open, but it’s a good marker of progress.”
“I agree,” Jose said.
“Anyone have any objections?” Ren asked. No response. “Very well.” They kept rolling. Eventually, they made it to the next door. “Well, we’re one step closer.”
“If I’m assuming correctly, this will open once we defeat Kaneshiro?” Makoto asked.
“Sees that way” Ryuji answered.
“Do we want to do that right away then?” Makoto wondered.
“No,” Ren answered. Makoto looked at her. “We shouldn’t keep blitzing through things. We are tough, but going through the metaverse is exhausting. We need our rest.”
“I see,” Makoto said. “What smart and thoughtful advice. Truly, you’ve adapted to the role of leader quite well.”
Ren was embarrassed. “Thanks.”
“Well, then, I guess that’s all we’re going to get now,” Makoto said. “Should we head out?” Everyone nodded, and they all headed up to leave Mementos. On their way back, Makoto noticed Sumire seeming awfully distant. “Something on your mind Violet?”
“Huh?” Sumire gasped. “Oh yeah. My meet is coming up, and being down here, and seeing everyone’s different problems has got me thinking.”
“You know we’re here for you” Ren reminded her.
Sumire smiled. “Thanks senpai” Sumire said, smiling and blushing. She looked down. “I guess seeing all those people suffering just has me in a tizzy. I mean, I was fraught with so many problems that I didn’t know what to do. So, in a way, this was kind of cathartic. It really helped me put things into perspective. If they can improve, then I know I can!”
“Way to go Violet!” Ann cheered.
“Yeah! You show them!” Ryuji followed.
Jose looked at them. “Are you really sure you’re not a couple?”
“YES!” they both answered, slightly embarrassed.
Sumire giggled. She then covered her mouth. “Oh. Sorry.” Ren then started snickering. One by one, people started laughing along. Pretty soon, the entire PT crew was in stitches. Between the laughter and the exploration, they felt exhausted and remained silent until they left Mementos.
As Ren and Mogana were heading home, Ren bumped into someone. “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s OK,” the woman Ren bumped into said. Ren looked up, as did Morgana. They recognized her as Ryoko Aino, the person who kidnapped cats and almost kidnapped Morgana. She took notice of Morgana. “Oooo. What a cute kitty. Mind if I pet him?”
Morgana hissed. Ren put her hands on him to stop him. “I’m sorry. He’s usually really kind.”
“Oh no,” Ryoko said. “I think it’s my fault.” She fished through her purse. She handed a can to Ren. “Um, for a little while, I was, um, kidnapping cats. And I almost got this little one.”
“Oh?” Ren inquired.
“I was saddened by the loss of my own cat, Snowball” Ryoko informed her. “I panicked, and I got it in my head that I needed to protect all of the cats in the area. But I came to my senses after the Phantom Thieves saved me. So, I’m sorry.”
“I see,” Ren said. She looked at Morgana. “Well, what do you think?”
Morgana was pouting, but knew the answer. “I guess it’s OK.”
Ren smiled. She turned back. “He says he’ll let you pet him.”
“Really?” Ryoko said, beaming. She started petting Morgana, and Morgana started purring. After she was done, she bowed and said “Take care.”
“We will,” Ren said. “And thanks.” The two nodded and went their separate ways. Ren looked at the can. “Wow.”
“What is it?” Morgana asked.
“It’s some fairly expensive tuna,” Ren said. “I guess this is part of her apology.”
“WOW,” Morgana said, drooling. “I know what I want tonight.”
As they were entering Leblanc, they passed by two young adults and an old man, who they recognized as Heiji Ono, the former belligerent old man in Kijijoji. As she came in, she looked at Sojiro and said “I haven’t seen them before.”
Sojiro grinned. “Maybe they’ll start a trend. It’s always nice to get new customers. You know, they only came by to spend some nice quiet time with their grandpa, but I hope they tell others how good the food was.” Ren smiled. Sojiro went on. “The old guy sure was somethin’ else. When he got his drink, he quietly toasted the Phantom Thieves. His grandkids didn’t hear it, but I caught it.”
Ren sat down at the counter. “What do you think of these Phantom Thieves?”
“Well, if that guy is toasting them, they can’t be all bad,” Sojiro said. “But I’m not one to accept things like that so easily. Maybe if they came in and had some curry, and we got to chatting, I might soften up to them more.”
Ren smiled. “You want me to start an ad campaign?”
“Huh?” Sojiro said, taken aback. “Of course not. That prosecutor’s been on my ass enough. I don’t need her breathing down my neck thinking I have a link with the Phantom Thieves.”
“I getcha,” Ren said. “It can be hard to trust people sometimes.”
Sojiro looked at her. “Well, I know I can trust you. I hope you can trust me too.”
“Of course,” Ren said.
Sojiro smiled. “Here. Let me make you some curry. But then I gotta head out.” Sojiro prepared some curry and handed it to Ren. She took one bite and was delighted. “Heh heh. Well, seeya.” Ren waved as Sojiro left.
Morgana was pouting. “Don’t think I forgot.” Ren said. She got up, fetched a can opener, and opened up the tuna for Morgana.
“MEOW!” he frenzied. He plopped his face in the can and went to town.
Ren smiled. “Hm.” She took another bite of her curry. After she swallowed it, she said “Today was a good day.” She continued eating, then went to bed soon after.
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talesmaniac89 · 4 years
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean looks back on all the treasured memories he’s shared through a life lived by your side; lived loving you.
Triggers: Angst, loss, death, hurt, heartbreak
Y/H/C = Your Hair Colour | Y/E/C = Your Eye Colour
A/N: Italic dialogue is sentences Dean remembers the reader saying.
“The many little reminders of why this is all worth it,”
That’s what you’d called your little tin box treasure chest when you first showed it to Dean. The thought of that first little look into your world brought a small smile to his lips as he reached for the container on your bedside table. Slightly scratched and worn from many years on the road; the faded vintage lunch box was to you what a photo album was to others. A collection of moments, of the good things in your life.
Following the print on the side, Dean easily found the little dented latches holding the lid in place and pushed them open. They opened surprisingly easily, considering the age of the box. Though he knew it shouldn’t have surprised him. After all, you’d visit your memories hidden below the tin lid often enough that the lock didn’t have time to stick. 
The small smile still on his lips, Dean upended all your little treasures onto the bed he shared with you. Green eyes brushing over the random assortment of things as he let himself a moment to linger on the many memories. 
Your life with him was there; resting on satin sheets. 
You always loved collecting little trinkets, your fortune you called them. Pictures, mementos, even things that to others would hold no value, they were your legacy. The most valuable things you owned.
When you’d first joined his brother and him, there was still no Men of Letters bunker. You’d had no home, and no place for a lot of personal belongings. But even then you’d had the vintage Wonder Woman lunch box that he carefully set down on the bed to lift the scrap of white among the many trinkets. 
Looking down on the printed name on the business card, Dean allowed himself a small chuckle at the memory. The printed ink and the title ‘Agent Young - CDC’ easily painted a picture of the day he first met you in front of green eyes.
He’d been hot on the trail of a witch with a penchant for the biblical; causing her victims boils and other nasty plague-like symptoms with her creative little hex bags. Sammy had headed to the latest victim’s family while Dean checked out the coroner’s office to see the latest case with his own eyes. 
And there you were, (Y/H/C) hair in a loose bun and bright (Y/E/C) eyes looking curiously up at him the moment he stepped into the room. 
At first he’d just thought you were the coroner. Well, if he was completely honest with himself, his first thought had been 100% dedicated to how beautiful he thought you were. But once he worked through his mental tongue-tie and found the breath he’d lost somewhere along the curve of your neck; he’d easily slipped back into his CDC persona. 
Handing you his card, he’d introduced himself as Agent Young with the Center of Disease Control. Before quickly spouting some nonsense about how he believed the whole thing was some bio-attack. Fearing that if he let himself get lost in your eyes he’d forget his whole background story and let the truth slip.
You’d smiled at him, (Y/E/C) eyes shining and a teasing eyebrow raised as you lifted his card between two fingers and barely glanced at the name. Then you’d laughed and… Hell, he’d been a goner from that first beautiful sound. 
“And why is Bobby Singer’s number on your card Agent Young?” 
After calling his bluff, and introducing yourself as a hunter on the case, Dean had surprised himself. Normally he would’ve suggested you step back and let his brother and him handle it. But there was something about the determination in that slightly crooked smile and the challenge shining in your eyes that had stopped him in his tracks. And before he’d even realised what he was doing, he’d invited you to join him on the hunt. 
You’d seemed wary at first, but after a proper introduction, you’d readily joined him to take down the witch. The Winchester legacy working in his favour for once as your eyes had lit up in recognition once he dropped the fake name and reached out a slightly trembling hand to shake yours. Feeling like a goddamn teenager again. 
And from that first hunt, seeing you move in on the witch and the near perfect synchronised way you’d worked together with him, Dean had been unwilling to let you go. His hunting invitation evolved into an offer to stick around, just for a little while longer, with the Winchester brothers. So, you’d joined Sammy and him on the road. After maybe just a tiny bit of convincing from his side.
Smiling to himself, Dean let the card drop from his fingers letting it fall gently down on the sheets again as he reached for a very familiar coaster. It was torn at the edges and stained from the humid drink that had been resting on top of it that night at the bar. The night he finally worked up the courage to kiss you. 
It was, what… Six, maybe seven months, after you joined them. He’d made up some stupid reason to bring you to the bar. Hell, he couldn’t even fully remember what it was anymore. Just that Sammy had rolled his eyes at him behind your back as you watched him, all curious eyes and careful smiles, while he fumbled his way through his made-up reasoning. 
He’d brought you out, put on your favourite song on the jukebox, and he’d tried so hard to be charming. Even though you’d laughed off his cringey attempts with sparkling eyes looking up at him over the tumbler glass against your lips. 
Flipping over the cardboard coaster in his hands, he remembered how he’d torn his own to shreds, just to keep his nervous fidgeting fingers occupied. Then you’d looked at him, challenging him with that same raised eyebrow and same beautiful laugh. Placing your glass down on the coaster, ice cubes shifting in the glass as you let your teeth graze that plump bottom lip that he’d come to crave. 
“What are you waiting for, Winchester? Are you going to kiss me or not?”
He’d kissed you then. Shitty 80s pop had replaced your favourite song on the jukebox and his nose had bumped against yours in a way that wasn’t exactly suave. But it had still been perfect. The faint taste of whiskey and peppermint on his tongue as he smiled against your lips and shut you up with a hand in your hair and a greedy mouth stealing your laughter. Everything else falling away once he deepened the kiss. 
Letting his teeth graze his bottom lip, chasing that taste of you, Dean spun the coaster in his hands again. Careful not to rip it further as he gently placed it down next to a movie ticket stub. From your trip to the cinema on your first date. 
God. He’d hated that movie. And you’d known it. 
Which was exactly why you’d made him go. Just so you could watch him squirm uncomfortably in his seat as the people on the screen spouted overly sappy romantic lines at each other. You’d had the whole cinema to yourselves. The movie was just that bad. You’d kept up the charade for a full five agonising minutes before you’d finally turned to him with a teasing grin, not even bothering to whisper as you leaned over the armrest of your seat, just an inch away from him. 
“I didn’t pick the worst movie available to actually watch it Dean. Now stop your whining and kiss me you stubborn idiot,”
You hadn’t had to ask him twice. The moment you’d leaned in close enough for him to smell the sweet scent of your shampoo, the rest of the world had fallen away again. So, he’d given up on even pretending to watch the movie, and drowned in the taste of you instead. 
He’d probably seen fifteen minutes of that movie all in all. Yet it’d become his favourite. All because of the peppermint sugar breaths and deep tastes of your lips shared on the back row of the empty cinema. 
Letting his hand hover over the ticket stub, he gently pushed it aside to lift out the photograph hiding under it. It was your favourite picture, and his too. The two of you, together. You’d been going out for nearly a year when it was taken. 
His arms around your waist, your head flung back in unrestrained laughter and the open road behind you. It was just an ordinary day, on the way home from another ordinary hunt. But you looked so happy, and Dean… With his eyes on you shining in pure unadulterated adoration, was so madly in love. 
Turning the picture over, he saw his own chicken scratch handwriting staring back at him. The same words that littered the bed on endless little notes he’d left you. A hundred little ‘I love yous’ written on motel room notepad paper, the back of pictures, receipts and scraps of paper from around the bunker. 
He’d made a habit out of leaving you a little note, a tiny scribbled love letter, whenever he went out after a close call with a werewolf. Just something for you to add to your treasure box. A reminder that you held his heart, even if it one day stopped beating. Dean had a similar collection of notebook paper love notes in the bedside table drawer on his side of your shared bed. 
Reminders of a love that no words, no ink on paper, could ever fully explain. 
He let his fingers follow the sharp cut of the letters on the back of the image. Yeah… That was it. That was why this picture was his favourite. It was the day he first told you he loved you. When he finally found the courage to speak the words after nearly a year of loving you through gestures, stolen breaths and nights lost in your heated skin. 
“Took you long enough Dean, I’ve loved you for a long, long time already,”
God, how he loved that picture. God, how he loved you. 
Raising the photograph to his lips, he let them ghost over it in the faintest trace of a kiss before placing the picture back down and picking up the envelope with his name on it. He didn’t need to open the envelope to know what was hidden there. Tear-stained paper and pleading words. 
You’d written that letter when you thought he was lost to you during a bad hunt. He’d been out of it. He barely even remembered anything from that hellish week past your whispered sobs and desperate prayers. But it was you, your hand on his on the hospital bed and your constant voice in his ear, that had made him fight his way through the darkness to make it back to you. 
The letter was your response when he’d asked you to speak to him again. After you’d been stubbornly ignoring him for nearly a week. Three pages filled to the brim with worried anger and anguish over the many possible futures he’d narrowly avoided. You’d been unable to speak the words out loud without crying, so you’d written them down instead. Only to still stain the paper with your tears. 
‘I can’t do this without you Dean Winchester. So don’t you ever scare me like that again.’
He’d always been extra careful on hunts after that letter. No more living like he was invincible. Not when he knew how it would hurt you if he got injured. Not when every tear hit him like a bullet; shredding his heart and leaving him gasping for breath.
Gently putting the letter down, a small furrow in his brow at the thought of ever hurting you, he let his eyes glide over a few other items, taking it all in. The wrapping paper from the charm bracelet he gave you for your birthday, a dart you’d stolen from the Roadhouse after you finally beat him in darts one night, a mix-tape that you’d made for him for the road, then created a second copy of for your box of treasures… 
So much of his story with you was there, right in front of him. 
Smiling, Dean reached out for the small blue velvet box that was nearly blending in with the blue satin of the bedsheet. The small box had weighed heavy in his pocket for a good few months before he finally worked up the nerve to ask you to marry him.
He’d stumbled over the words, nearly shut the box on your fingers and the ring had been a little too small… But even with all that you’d still said yes. And made him the happiest man in the whole world as he slid the small diamond ring halfway down your ring finger and promised to get it fixed. 
“I don’t need a ring Dean, I just need this… Us,”
Wetting dry lips, Dean slipped the empty box into his pocket. Just needing to feel the weight of it there for a little while as he let his fingers touch against one of the wedding invites you’d painstakingly created by hand. It had been a small enough wedding, but you’d been so beautiful that day. 
Dean could feel his vision blurring as he found the picture from your wedding day carefully hidden in between the pages of the invite. Just like they’d grown warm and wet from watching you walk down the hallway of the bunker. Filled with candles and flowers for the occasion; the soft light framing you in your wedding dress. You’d been the most beautiful thing Dean had ever seen.
You were always the most beautiful part of his life, his day. 
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Dean let his thumb trace your smiling face in the picture, your eyes looking up at him from where you were wrapped up in his arms. The look of pure awe on his face in the picture mirrored in every other picture he’d taken with you since. An awed reverence at finally finding heaven in your smile; of finally being allowed a slice of that apple pie happiness.
There were just so many memories. A lifetime of love through little trinkets, scribbled notes and smiling pictures. All nestled among the satin sheets. Tangible reminders of how much he loved you. Of how much you loved him back. 
Pushing his hand back into his pocket, Dean let his fingers play with the empty ring box there again, feeling the velvet against calloused fingertips. His other hand gently dropped the picture of your wedding day to reach for the chain around his neck, where the ring that had once been nestled in the blue velvet was now hanging. Right next to your wedding band. 
Taking a shaky breath, he forced himself to look away from your treasures and back to the Wonder Woman lunchbox that had been your treasure chest. You’d kept that vintage piece of comic book history safe for so long, and all your little treasures too. But he needed the box now. 
The trinkets, the memories, they didn’t matter if you were gone. You were the real treasure, not these little reminders of moments. After all, the best part of any memory was that he got to make it with you. 
Pushing the pile of moments to one side; he opened the tin box and picked up the bag he’d dropped next to the bed he’d shared with you for the last many years. His jaw strained as he forced himself to keep back the tears. He was breaking the many promises littering your bedsheets, but Dean Winchester needed you. 
Even if that meant replacing the fortunes in your treasure chest with graveyard dirt, the bones of a black cat and a picture of himself. One of the few he had without you. Even if that meant finding a crossroad smelling sickly sweet of yarrow flowers and giving up his own future, just to make sure you got one. 
Because you were the only thing that was genuinely good in Dean Winchester’s life. And if you stayed gone, then there were no more reasons left to fight. No more memories to make.
Dean Winchester Stories: @ria132love​ @woodworthti666​ @defenderrosetyler​  @akshi8278​
Forever tags: @deanwanddamons​ @winchest09​ @hobby27​  @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @sea040561​ @donnaintx​
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thepancakeboi · 4 years
60. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong, and don’t try lying to me.”
Divergence AU Part III
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Fanfic under cut
“Hey, you okay?”
I glance up from the drink I’ve been staring at for the past five minutes, meeting Ren’s inquisitive gray eyes. “I’m fine. I was simply listening to the song.”
Ren doesn’t look convinced. “Akeppi-”
“I told you not to call me that in public,” I interrupt in a hushed whisper. Granted, we’re the only patrons currently in the jazz club, but still. I don’t even know why he calls me that. He just randomly said it after our fight in Mementos a couple of weeks ago and has continued to use it since.
“You’ve barely said anything since we left Penguin Sniper. Are you sure you’re fine?”
“I...have nothing to say.”
That’s a lie, of course, and Ren knows it. So much has been on my mind the past month. During our first foray into Sae’s Palace, I had hesitantly told them about the plan to kill Ren. I also told them about my identity as “the man in the black mask”, but only because Makoto and Morgana had figured it out and confronted me about it. I still can’t believe that I’m working with them like this. They...accept me, to some degree. I hadn’t expected them to completely trust me, but they’re all naive enough to not condemn me for what I’ve done. Even Haru and Futaba, the two people who should hate my guts, aren’t hostile to me. They should be, though.
I have so many things I want to say, but...
“Goro?” Ren sounds worried. “Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” I say, dismissing his concerns with a wave of my hand.
“It isn’t ‘nothing’. You can tell me.”
“It is,” I snap, my friendly facade breaking for a brief moment. It’s become harder than ever to keep the mask on, to hide what lurks beneath the superficial nature I present to the world. “You needn’t concern yourself over the bastard son of a rotten father.”
“Who’s your father?” Ren immediately asks.
“What’s your father’s name?”
A strangled laugh escapes my lips. He doesn’t even realize it yet. How would he, though? My father and the man we’re currently after are one and the same. “Why would you care? He’s not important to our current mission.”
“I want you to be happy. Isn’t that enough of a reason?”
“It’s a foolish reason.” I go back to staring intently at my drink as if it’ll give me all the answers I need. It won’t, but at least I won’t have to look Ren in the eye as he tries to get me to open up to him. I don’t need his help.
He hums as he continues to look for a clue to solve his own questions. “That’s not what’s bothering you, is it?”
“Of course not.”
“So there is something wrong.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you didn’t say nothing’s wrong.”
He’s right. I should have denied it. With a huff, I chug down the remainder of my drink and stand up, stalking out of the jazz club without a word. This was a waste of time. My thoughts are still there, like a tumultuous storm clouding my judgment. Maybe what I need is a solid blow to the head to knock me out for the next several days. Then I wouldn’t have to...
I stop, turning around. Ren stands a few feet away from me. He must have followed me out. “What are you doing?”
“We weren’t done talking.”
“Well, I am.” Of course, when I go to leave him behind yet again, Ren doesn’t seem to get the hint. I whirl around, nearly about to smack some sense into him as he grabs ahold of my wrist. “What the hell do you want?”
“I want you to tell me what’s the matter.”
He doesn’t even seem fazed by my reaction, a reaction so out of character for detective prince Goro Akechi. He still has that damn concerned look on his face. I try to pull the pieces of that fake personality back together, but my words ring hollow as I respond, “Look, all I need is some time to myself. Just leave me be.”
“That hasn’t been working for you, has it?” No, it hasn’t been. “I told you I’d always be there for you. I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong, and don’t try lying to me.”
“Ren, I’m fi-”
“Do you trust me?”
The question is completely unexpected. “I...I want to.” But I don’t know how...when I barely even trust myself.
“Then let’s go to Leblanc and we can talk this over.”
I shake my head. “That would take too long.”
“It doesn’t have to be Leblanc. Wherever you need to go to feel comfortable talking to me.”
I can only think of one place other than Leblanc, but...would it be weird to...? “Would you be okay with coming with me to my apartment? It’s not too far from here.”
“Sure.” He nods, though why he’s smiling I have no idea. Maybe it’s because I’m confiding in him after all.
We walk to my apartment in comfortable silence. As we weave our way through the streets, Ren slowly slips his hand from my wrist into my hand. I side-eye him curiously. Why is he doing this? It’s not like I’m trying to actively lose him in a crowd. I don’t object to it, though. For some reason, I almost...welcome his hand in mine. Even when we arrive at my apartment and find ourselves sitting side by side on the futon, he’s still holding my hand.
And I...don’t want him to let go?
Damnit, I must be more emotionally compromised than I thought.
I don’t even know when I started giving a shit about Ren. I’ve been spending more and more time with him than I ever had during the summer. He never refuses me. He’s spent all of today with me after school ended for him. It doesn’t make any sense. Why would he ever want to spend any length of time with his future murderer?
That’s the root of my problems, isn’t it? The counterplan the Phantom Thieves have come up with is daring, reckless, and honestly is one huge gamble. I don’t normally doubt myself, but it’s going to take a lot of luck for Ren to get out of this alive...
The way he says my name, gently prying to find out what’s been occupying my thoughts, nearly breaks my composure.
But I can’t let him know my doubts...my fears.
Yes, I’m afraid. I’m afraid I’m going to shoot him in the head, for real. That Ren Amamiya, the second year at Shujin who so quickly enthralled me and became my antithesis, will die in an interrogation cell all because he got caught up in a plot where he can’t even begin to see the full picture.
“I don’t...want you to die.”
“I won’t die.”
“How can you be sure about that!? You’ll be completely defenseless, and I-” My words catch in my throat, but I force myself to say them regardless. “I have to pull the trigger. I won’t be able to prevent that. There won’t be a second chance if we fail.”
“We won’t fail.” He sticks his free hand in one of his pockets. When he pulls it out, he has my glove in his hand. “We still have a promise to keep.”
“I can’t believe you have that stupid thing.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
I have no response to that. Instead, I respond with, “And you just so happen to have it with you.”
“I’ve had it with me since you gave it to me. And do you wanna know why? Because it’s from you.” He gently squeezes my hand, a lopsided grin spreading unbidden on his face. I had forgotten that he’s still holding my hand. “You’re my treasure.”
My eyes widen. “I’m your...what?”
“I mean it. I may be a Phantom Thief, but you’re the one who stole my heart.”
My stomach clenches. I try to ignore this feeling, for now. “Was that supposed to be a pickup line? If so, that’s the cheesiest one I’ve ever heard. And trust me, I’ve heard some extremely stupid ones.”
“What if it was?”
“I’d chastise you for your timing since you could be dead in four days.”
“I’m not going to die. I still have stuff I need to do.”
“Like what, fight a god?” I ask with just a touch of sarcasm.
He laughs at that. “No. But maybe I will just to prove to you that I can.”
I laugh as well, although mine is forced and devoid of any mirth. This time, I make sure he can hear my sarcasm as I reply, “Oh, that’s just brilliant. You’re going to fight god because you can.”
“And win, just for you,” he says with a wink, grinning at the prospect. My first thought is “what the hell is wrong with this boy”, followed immediately by “I think I love him”.
So, that’s what this feeling is. How did I not realize sooner? It’s painfully obvious in hindsight. He’s the one person I’ve taken an actual interest in for a long time. Life always feels better when he’s around. But does he feel the same? No, he couldn’t. He can’t love someone as rotten as me. My heart refuses to listen to logic, though. Tentatively, I ask, “You’d really fight a god for me?”
“Yup!” Ren answers almost immediately. Yawning a little, he leans back against the futon and arcs his back for a moment. The motion almost reminds me of a cat. “Hey, Akeppi?”
There’s that dumb nickname again, though I can’t say we’re in public this time. “What?”
“It was a pickup line.”
I try to laugh it off as a joke. He cannot be serious. I don’t care if I hope that he means it; it’s not possible. “Surely you jest. I’m sure you have girls falling head-over-heels for you.”
“I may be Joker, but I’m not joking about my feelings towards you.”
“I lied. That is the cheesiest pickup line I’ve ever heard.”
“Is it working?”
I’m silent for a while, unsure of how to respond. I can’t deny that I feel something for the raven-haired boy sitting next to me. It’s complicated. Everything about him, from the way he looks at me with those beautiful gray eyes to the way he plays with his bangs when he’s lost in his thoughts to even the hum he makes when he’s thinking, it’s all so...perfect. I don’t deserve someone as special as him. I don’t. Yet here he is, willing to give me a chance. But, there’s no time for this silly romance cliche between us, not until Ren is decidedly not going to die at my hands. “Let’s just focus on surviving the rest of this week first.”
“Okay,” he replies. He doesn’t seem upset, which is a good sign. “Are you going to be okay tonight? If you want, I could stay the night.”
I shouldn’t even be surprised that he’s the one who suggests that first. “I...I suppose...but don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but I’m sure Kawakami’ll cover for me.”
“I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you-”
“Don’t worry, you aren’t,” he immediately interjects, taking the opportunity to lean against me.
We must have managed to fall asleep there, because the next thing I know, it’s morning. Ren is still resting comfortably against me. People say that seeing someone sleeping makes them look more adorable, and now I can see why. His hair gently falls into his eyes, his lips parted ever so slightly as he dreams. Hoping not to disturb him, I place a soft, little kiss on his forehead. He continues to blissfully sleep. I don’t know if I’m imagining it or not, but I swear his lips twitched into a smile for a brief moment. I can’t help but smile wistfully back, even if he doesn’t see it. My voice is barely a whisper as I give words to the thoughts in my head.
“I love you, Ren. Please...don’t die.”
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lemonerix · 4 years
Immortality and 4 eons of misery
Day 6: Immortality or Passage of time/ History Au Word count: 3,775
Arthur doesn't know what deity he angered, but he was cursed with immortality. It wasn't all that bad, it had a lot of benefits. He can't die and he can't age. He only has to deal with the fact that he would have to watch everyone he knew and love grow old and die. He was sick of being immortal, he didn't know why so many wanted immortality, it's boring as fuck. You watch every mistake in history repeat over and over, you watch as everything changes around you while you stay the same, you watch everything move onto something new while you're stuck in time. It. Sucks.
However, he had a change of pace when he met a man in the Roman Empire. He wasn't really someone that stood out, but he was quite a charmer. The man, who introduced himself as 'Alfred', was cursed like him too, but his situation was slightly different. Instead of being immortal, his original consciousness is preserved whenever he dies and gets reincarnated.
Now, let us follow the duo's misadventures throughout history.
9th Century Somewhere in the Kingdom of Northumbria
"Wanna bet how long I last out here?"
"Hmm, three minutes. Four tops."
Alfred rolled his eyes, "What? You really think lowly of me, Arthur." The other man just nodded and pulled the younger man to the ground just as a volley of arrows soared above them. "Maybe even sooner if you continue to be an airhead in the battlefield." Arthur drew an arrow and shot another invader, "Why don't you go out there then? Show them the skills you learned in the Roman Empire, and actually be of some help to our forces." he told Alfred, who only rolled his eyes as he twirled his sword on the ground. "Eh, I'm not really in the mood to fight right now. Do you think they still have some food back in camp?"
"How am I supposed to know that? I would really appreciate being left alone right now." Arthur swore when an arrow planted itself on his thigh, "Damn, this is the fifth time today!" Alfred laughed, the archer only glared at him as he broke the shaft and pulled out the head from his thigh like he was picking a berry from a bush. His companion grimaced as he saw the bloody arrow head on Arthur's palm, "I should keep this as a memento." the archer shoved it into his shirt. 
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Alfred gagged at the disturbing sight.
"What's it to you? If you get to slack off, then I get to keep arrowheads."
"Sure, now I think you're some kind of loony who likes to keep weird things."
"Oh shut it, and get down!" Alfred ducked just as an ax zipped past their heads. Arthur rolled his eyes, "Just get out there and be the hero you think you are, and stop bothering me." he then shot down a man running towards them. Alfred tapped his chin, "Well, if I get to be the hero..." he grinned and shrugged his shoulders, "Ah, what the hell. Just remember the bet, Arthur. Seven pieces of silver and a free drink after all of this mayhem."
"Whatever, now leave me alone.”
Alfred laughed and picked up his sword, "Alright, you Danish bastards! Tremble before the mighty he—ACK!" an arrow lodged itself into his neck; he fell to the ground next to Arthur as he bled to death. The archer only raised an eyebrow, "Well, isn't that just a shame, you didn't even last one minute." he yanked the bloody arrow from the warrior's neck and used it to shoot down another enemy soldier, "Better luck next time, then." Arthur shrugged his shoulders as he took Alfred's sword and dove into the raging battle.
September 4, 1666 London, England
"I assume that you had nothing to do with this?"
"Arthur, don't tell me you actually caused this inferno."
Arthur's face was red from embarrassment, he was just borrowing a kitchen because he wanted to try baking. He accidentally left his baking unattended and fell asleep in the kitchen, the next thing he knew, he was inside of a burning kitchen. He got out—unharmed, but his clothes were burned— and ran into Alfred a few streets away. 
Alfred laughed, "Arthur, you can't be serious!"
The other man glared at him, "Shut up old man. At least I didn't die drowning in a barrel of booze six decades ago."
"Oh, don't you dare bring that up. Also, you're way older than me."
"Oh, am I? I don't look a day over twenty."
"...Yeah, alright. Now shut up."
Arthur gave him a mischievous smirk, the older man only rolled his eyes. It was true, Alfred was already in his late 50's during that time. He could already feel his old bones creaking in protest whenever he would stand, walk or do anything. The two watched as the people of London tried to kill the flames of hell that ravaged through the city.
The fact that it had been a dry summer that year made the fire stronger, the little water the people had were thrown to pacify the flames. It was a useless feat, half of the city burned for almost a week before the flames ran out of fuel. There were casualties and a lot of property damage, and there was a shortage of water, all because Arthur fell asleep while baking bread.
Alfred invited Arthur to stay at his place for the meantime, little did he know of what was waiting for him when he got home.
"I hate you, Arthur. I hope you know that."
"Don't worry, the feelings are mutual."
The two of them stared up at the charred skeleton of Alfred's home; the fire did reach a few houses on the other side of the city.
Summer of 1701 Somewhere off the coast of Cuba, in the Atlantic ocean
"Alright! A bountiful haul, lads. " The captain of the crew cheered, his mates yelled with vigor alongside him. "Cap'n, all the ship's crew has been accounted for. Now all we 'ave to do is segregate 'em, which are goin' to be sold, and...'snuffed out'." Buck, the captain's first mate, reported. "Brilliant," his green eyes shone with malice and excitement. "Now, why don't you help out the lads over there with our reward?" he told the sailor, who immediately joined the crowd that surrounded the treasures and spices they acquired from the merchant ship they raided.
Arthur grinned as he approached the men who stood in line with their hands tied behind their back. "You lot are at the mercy of our hands, you either join my crew, get sold as slaves, or be loyal to the crown and die." He pointed his sword at the men, who whimpered under his steel gaze. However, one did not break. He had a disinterested look on his face, his blue eyes looked at Arthur with disappointment and shame. He didn't even look older than fifteen, but his eyes regarded the pirate like he had known him for years. A sudden realization hit him, "You have got to be kidding me." he muttered under his breath, the boy smiled when the pirate turned around, "It's been a while, Arthur." he greeted.
"Yes, it has been a while, Alfred." Arthur face palmed, he just had to meet him under these circumstances. "What was this boy doing on your boat?" he asked one of the men. "He's a stowaway! He isn't part of the crew, we caught him hiding with the cargo before you ransacked the ship." the man answered, fearing for his life. 
"I didn't think that you'd become a pirate, Artie. You never struck me as the rebel type."
"Please, I know you have seen me doing dirty jobs back in Europe. Becoming a pirate wasn't that far off for me to do."
"Ah well, I'd really appreciate it if you can send me back home now. Mother's making my favorite dish for supper later."
Arthur sighed deeply, he did not want to deal with Alfred today. He dragged the boy by his arms, earning a yelp of protest as he was pulled away. "Consider yourselves lucky today." the pirate hissed at the captured crew, then he glared at Alfred, "Just so you know, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this because I am not in the mood to deal with your shenanigans."
"Whatever you say, buddy."
"Shut your trap, boy."
Arthur talked a bit with his crew, many were disappointed that they were going to lose the ship they captured, but were alright when they got to keep the stuff they stole. The captured crew and Alfred were sent back to a port in the Caribbean, and Arthur refused to answer his mates' questions about why they let the boat and crew get away.
It's nothing personal, really. He's just an old friend, after all.
Early 1780 Somewhere in South Carolina
"What? What got into you that made you side with those heathen rebels?"
"I beg your pardon, what made you side with the Crown? Just a couple of years ago, you were raiding ships for goods and treasure."
"Don't. Bring. That. Up. I dare you, if you speak of those days one more time, you'll have a bayonet shoved up your—!"
"Haha, don't test me, limey!"
Arthur and Alfred bickered back and forth, in a middle of a battle field. A small number of Revolutionary soldiers and British soldiers got lost from the main fight and ended up finding each other in an open field, where they began to shoot at each other. By some amazing coincidence, Alfred was leading the Revolutionary soldiers, while on the other side, Arthur was the captain of the British platoon.
They've been shouting back and forth for half an hour, their soldiers watching in confusion behind them. Another hour passed and the soldiers were already sick of watching their captains scream each other's heads off. They pulled their captains back into their respective ranks and left the field, silently vowing to never speak of this encounter to anyone, lest they embarrass their captains.
No blood was spilled on that field that day.
August 1880 Somewhere in the American Southwest
Arthur thought that it might be a great time to visit North America, the industrial revolution was also booming in the New World so he thought that maybe checking it out won't do any harm. The last time he was there wasn't really the best time to be an Englishman in America, so he hoped that things were better this time.
He was riding a train to California at the moment, the trains here in America are a bit different to the ones he rode back in Europe. The car he was in was fairly empty, he only heard the giggling of children a few seats away and the train's engine, not too much of a distraction from his reading. He was so focused in the novel he was reading that he did not notice an old man sit in front of him. 
Arthur did not budge.
"Hey, psst!"
No response.
The man snapped out of his fantasy, he looked in front of him. A man in his early 70's grinned at him, he wore a top hat that matched with the crisp suit he had on, a walking cane in his hands, a thick mustache hid his lips and spectacles sat atop the bridge of his nose. Arthur would say that he didn't know the man, but when he noticed the familiar blue eyes, he knew who the man was.
The old man chuckled, "Yep, where've you been, Artie? I haven't seen you since the Revolution." Arthur blinked, "Well," he closed the book in his hands," just here and there. I've been travelling a lot these days." Alfred nodded. "What about you?" the Englishman asked," What have you been doing here in the Colonies—er, I meant America?"
"Well," Alfred thought for a bit,"I got shot in the Revolution, but was reborn shortly after. When I turned...I guess I was thirty, probably older. Anyway, I fought in the Civil War," he raised the left leg of his trouser, revealing a wooden prosthetic leg," lost a leg, but it was worth it. And now, I'm a humble business man, selling goods and stuff."
The two of them ended up talking the whole train ride. It was pleasant to catch up with an old friend, especially if they've practically known you for about a thousand years.
Fall 1944 Western Europe
"Shot down in the middle of a dog fight, dragged yourself to the nearest Allied base, and refused medical assistance, claiming that "I'm the Hero, nothing can stop me." before you promptly collapsed to the ground." Arthur read the report on his clipboard without emotion, "You know, I'd be surprised if this was someone other than you, Alfred." he told the man lying on the bed, the pilot only stayed silent as he pouted. He really wished that some other field doctor was attending to him at the moment, preferably the nurse with a pretty face a few beds away. Arthur let out a soft laugh, "I sometimes wonder if you have some sort of death wish." he began to clean the wounds on the pilot's arm. Alfred winced, but refused to talk.
"Oh come on, this isn't anything compared to the days back in the trenches. You were wilder back then."
"You're awfully quiet today, Alfred. Don't tell me your tongue got shot off."
"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine."
Arthur fell silent as he continued to clean Alfred's wounds. He heard the pilot mumble something, "What? Can you say that again, I'm afraid I didn't hear you." he said. Alfred was a little flustered, he felt a little embarrassed asking Arthur out for drinks, especially in the situation they were in. 
"Can you...maybe,um...dammit..."
"Speak up lad, all I hear is gibberish."
"Remember that one viking raid, like several centuries ago?"
"...Oh, that one where you died just as you stepped into the battlefield?"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Anyway, since...since I lost that bet. Maybe...I don't know...do you wanna go out with me...I meant, do you wanna go drink with me, once all of this is over? My treat." 
Arthur blinked, he had forgotten that wager between the two of them until Alfred brought it up. In all the years they have encountered each other, he couldn't remember on time where they actually just hung out like old friends, drinking their heads off, or talking casually about random topics. He did remember one time during the Great War, where Alfred shared his rations and talked with him when they were not being bombarded by the enemy. The American also saved his butt several more times that time, before ultimately sacrificing himself so that Arthur could escape from the enemy. He had been so caught up with everything that was happening at the moment, that he didn't even bother to recall the little things Alfred did for him in his past lives. 
Alfred waited for the other's response, hoping that he didn't sound weird or anything. "Well, I suppose..." Arthur replied quietly, he stopped tending the pilot's wound for a moment. "Once all of this ends, we'll see."
"So, is that a yes?"
"I guess it is."
A couple of weeks later, Alfred died of blood poisoning. Arthur felt a bit bummed out because Alfred didn't get to treat him to a pub.
Spring 1970 A small town in the English Countryside
After the war, Arthur decided that he'll spend a few decades laying low. A small town in the southern part of England sounded like an excellent place to stay for a while. After settling down, he thought of ways to spend his time alone.  The house he bought was isolated from the other homes, surrounded by wide field of wildflowers, a forest stretched from his backyard, and the little dirt road that passed by his home was rarely used by his neighbors. It was a perfect little paradise.
It did get a little bit lonely sometimes, he had no one to talk to. He didn't really know his neighbors that much, and the only person he could actually talk to was Alfred. He hadn't seen him since he died in the war, and—even though he might not admit it out loud—he missed him. He at least wished that they got to talk a bit longer, maybe even share a drink or two before he passed on. He didn't like thinking about Alfred, there was just something so wrong and right that Arthur felt whenever the man passed by his mind, something overwhelming blossomed in his chest. He was never really the smartest one out there, nor was he the best in identifying and expressing his emotions, so he was a little afraid of the new feeling he felt. He wanted to see Alfred, but at the same time, he didn't. It's quite confusing, but then he could fully understand it.
He was tending to his garden that afternoon, the spring had brought the best out of his roses and carnations. The sun was beating down on him, but it did not bother the Englishman. He knew how it felt to be burned alive, so a little sunshine was nothing.
Arthur momentarily raised his head, he looked around and wondered if he had imagined someone calling out to him. He crouched down and continued to prune a rose bush.
"Artie! Hey!"
This time, Arthur looked at his garden fence. There, trying her best to hang on, was a girl about twenty years old. Her golden locks framed her flushed face, she wore a wide-brimmed sunhat and a pastel blue dress, and her ocean blue eyes shone with innocent happiness. The English man's face flushed, his mouth opened and closed before he could finally say out loud, "A...Alfred?"
"Yep. It's me, but I think you should call me Amelia."
He dropped his tools on the ground and stood up, he walked towards the girl behind the fence. "What...What are you doing here?" he asked, still trying to process everything around him. 
"Well, I was just visiting the English Countryside when I ran into you. Isn't that an amazing coincidence?" she laughed, "I didn't know you lived here. Your last address was in London, back in the 1900's."
"I just...I just thought that settling down here was a great idea, after the war and all."
"Huh, not bad." Amelia soaked in the calming sunshine and environment, "It's kinda hot out here. Can I get a glass of water, and some shade? Can ya do that for an old friend, Artie?"
"Uh...yeah. Come on in." Arthur opened his garden gate and invited Amelia into his home. That day, the Englishman felt afraid for the very first time since he was cursed.
Present day Manhattan
"Are you gonna stay a bit longer?"
"Yeah, I don't think I'll catch my flight because of this bloody headache."
"Pfft, that's on you, dude. You shouldn't have drunk that much last night."
"I know, don't rub it into my face."
"It wasn't even as strong as the ones they made back in the Dark Ages." Alfred laughed. Arthur only groaned and threw a pillow at the American, "Shut up! You're making it worse." The other man only rolled his eyes, he retrieved a glass of water and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed Arthur was in. "You should drink that. I can't believe you still drink yourself silly, despite drinking the strongest mead and wine in the past." he shook his head. Nothing much happened that day, Arthur stayed in bed while Alfred spent his time in the living room, occasionally checking up on Arthur.
He watched the Englishman's sleeping form, wishing that he was brave enough to say what he had in his mind. He found himself slowly falling in love every time the two of them would meet. It all started back in the glory days of Rome, where he met Arthur in a bath house. Something about the man charmed Alfred, and he found out why later on that Arthur can't die. His situation was somewhat similar, so he was glad that he met someone who knows how boring it is being 'immortal'. Since then, he followed Arthur wherever he went. He would always find himself searching for the man, or sometimes, the world would bring him to Arthur. Then he found himself wishing to spend every life he has with the immortal man, he didn't care if what he felt was wrong, all he knew that he loved Arthur because he was him. He wished that the other man felt the same, but he was sure that Arthur only saw him as a friend.
Arthur woke up just as the sun set on the horizon, he blinked and remembered where he was. He was in Alfred's apartment in New York. The American's fragrance filled his nostrils as he breathed in the scent of his covers, his face reddened when he realized that he was in Alfred's bed. He drank the glass of water by the nightstand and popped a painkiller before heading out of the bedroom. He headed into the kitchen where he found Alfred making dinner. "Arthur, you're up. Just wait a little bit, dinner's almost ready." The American told Arthur. He felt his face warming up, he didn't know why Arthur just had to come into the kitchen half-awake with only his boxers and a half-buttoned up dress shirt. He wanted to kiss him right there and then for being too cute. The two of them ate dinner together, having small talk, and retiring for the night.
"I...it's your bed, I can just sleep on your couch. Besides, I'm not that tired yet."
"N...no, I insist. You're a guest, I can always sleep on the couch."
The two of them went back and forth, until Alfred suggested, "If...if you wanna,uh...share the bed...I...I wouldn't mind, really." he rubbed his neck nervously, he waited for Arthur to laugh and just sleep on the couch, but he received a very unexpected response.
"W...well, I...I'd love to. Just...just don't get close to me...or anything. It's...it's not really gentlemanly to refuse an offer after all." Arthur stuttered out.
In the end, they ended up sleeping on the same bed that night. The things that happened that night is a story for another time, however.
That one episode of Good Omens really drove me to write this fanfic. I've also spent some time in r/trippingthroughtime before writing this, so I guess that's why everything is so chaotic, and there are probably a couple of inaccuracies here and there. Also, is this late or something? I can't really identify what day it is anymore. Anyway, hope ya'll enjoyed the story.
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akechicrimes · 5 years
Oh oh oh, has anyone asked you 170 for the prompt thing?
 170. “Go ahead. Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
summary: ann starts modeling more frequently after the events of the game and nearly breaks the hand of a sexual harrasser at a photoshoot
cw sexual harassment 
Ann Takamaki might be a normal girl, but Panther can do anything. She can burn her enemies from the inside out, carry her team, do literal backflips, scale buildings, shoot an enemy through eye at a hundred paces, steal treasure, steal the hearts of wicked old men, and change the world. 
The summer after Mementos collapses and Panther disappears with it, Ann’s modeling partner tries to put his hand up her skirt in the middle of a shoot, and for one whole, entire second, Ann actually considers just trying to grin and bear it.
Then she grabs his hand and twists it until he screams.
“That hurts!” he yelps, when she lets up. “What the fuck did you do that for?!”
“What did I--you know what for, asshole!” she yells right back. Their agents are fluttering around the sidelines of the shoot, trying to calm them both down; the male model’s holding his hand like she tore it off, because he’s a wuss and a coward. “You know what you did! You saw it, too, didn’t you?” she says, rounding on the onlookers, the assorted agents, photographers, magazine coordinators, so on and so forth.
There’s a collective shuffling. They all totally saw, but nobody says anything, because their jobs is to make sure that photos of pretty people get taken and currently one of their pretty people is hopping mad and completely unphotogenic. The other pretty person might be crying because a girl almost ripped his hand off. The photographer heaves a great big sigh and looks pointedly at his watch.
“Takamaki-chan,” says Ann’s agent, Takaeshi. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
So she lets him pull her aside but does not let him start on the bullshit that she knows he’s about to say: “You try and sweep this under the rug, I’ll tell everyone who’ll listen and come back here with a lawyer,” Ann hisses. 
“You wouldn’t,” says Takaeshi.
“You want to bet?” says Ann. “Go ahead. Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
Takaeshi looks like he feels like he isn’t paid enough to put up with dealing with the fallout of some creep sexually harassing his model, as if Ann is in any way paid enough to deal with the actual sexual harassment. 
“Fine, then. We’ll have to cancel the shoot,” says Takaeshi sourly. “And we won’t be able to book a shoot with any model from that agency for at least a year because of you. Are you happy?”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be doing business with any agency that hires skeeves like that in the first place,” says Ann hotly.
“They’re all like that. It runs in the industry, Takamaki-chan. And now the chances are that the photographer won’t want to work with you, either. You see? You keep up like this, and you’re going to burn all your bridges in this industry, and soon enough nobody will hire you.”
“I know that,” says Ann. She doesn’t like the way he talks to her like she’s a stupid child. “Sorry, but I won’t back down.”
“Then maybe modeling isn’t for you,” says Takaeshi. “Because this is how modeling is, and either you’ve got to change your smart-ass attitude, or you’re never going to have a moment’s peace until you’ve changed the entire industry.”
Ann chews at her lip. Takaeshi flips to another page of his clipboard, and then says, “You can apologize to your modeling partner when you’re ready,” and heads over to make amends with the photographer.
Sometimes, Ann thinks a lot about those old TV shows she used to love, with the strong female villains who ground men beneath their heels. There was always a moment where the hero of those shows had to say: Well, it’s time to grow up now, and be like the rest of the adults, and stop being such a squeaky wheel, and accept that this is the way things are. Maybe that’s what they were supposed to do when Mementos collapsed: Hang up their masks, play a little nicer, go to school, get a day job. Panther could’ve obliterated that modeling creep, maybe had a few stern words with him in Mementos, but Panther’s gone. It’s just Ann, and the fact that she totally won’t get paid if she walks out, and also her agency is going to hate her if she keeps blowing their photoshoots even if she’s totally, completely right.
And she’ll have to explain what happened to Shiho. Or lie about it, if she shuts her mouth and puts her head down. Because there’s no way she could tell Shiho that she let this sort of harassment happen all over again.
That’s it: Ann shoves her minimal modeling supplies into her purse and snaps it shut. “Takamaki-chan?” Takaeshi calls, when he realizes that she’s walking away from the shoot, rather than back to it. “Hey! Takamaki-chan!” But she doesn’t turn around.
Panther might be gone, but Ann is still here, and so is Shiho. And Ryuji, and Akira, and all the rest of the Thieves, and by god they’re going to have some things to say about this whole event. She can’t wait for the look of fury on Makoto’s and Haru’s faces when she tells them what happened. Not to mention Sae--Ann wasn’t joking about getting a lawyer to, at the least, have some strong words with her agency. 
Yeah, Panther might be gone, but Ann is still here, and she’s not wrong, and she’s not some average girl. She’s done underestimating herself. If she’ll have to change the whole industry to make sure this never happens again, then she won’t let anyone stand in her way.
(i love procrastinating. send a prompt)
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tlbodine · 5 years
Twisty Turns and Horror
“Every story ever told can be broken down into three parts. The beginning. The middle. And the twist.”  — Jack Black as RL Stine in Goosebumps
I want to talk about twists. 
Specifically, I want to talk about two primary types of twists in the horror genre, and how and when each can be employed -- and the pitfalls of both. 
But first, a caveat: What do I mean when I say “twist”? 
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A plot twist occurs when the audience’s expectations are subverted. 
Based on the existing information in a storyline, a reader or viewer expects a certain outcome. A twist occurs when something unexpected happens instead. But a twist is not a mystery. A mystery presents a question -- who did it? how? what happened? -- and then challenges the audience to figure it out before the characters involved. A good mystery requires you to lay down foreshadowing and set up all of the clues, providing red herrings as necessary to distract the audience, before tying it all up at the end with a neat bow. 
A twist, on the other hand, does not necessarily require such setup and foreshadowing. And, indeed, some of the very best twists in the genre do away with such things entirely. 
So with that out of the way, let’s talk about the two types of horror twists -- what I’ll refer to as The Hitchcock Twist and The Shyamalan Twist. 
By nature of the subject matter, this will be spoiler-heavy, so follow under the cut!
Alfred Hitchcock and M. Night Shyamlan are two directors who made their careers from creating movies with a twist. Although plenty of other horror directors employ the same techniques, the careers of Hitchcock and Shyamalan are defined by twists in a way others are not. 
But -- however much he may try to emulate him with his signature on-screen cameos -- Shyamalan trades in a very different type of twist than Hitchcock. Taken at a plot level, the two approaches to storytelling are actually completely opposite. 
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A Shyamalan Twist Occurs at the End, Reinterpreting Everything That Came Before 
Let’s briefly review Shyamalan’s twists to see what they have in common, shall we? 
The most famous -- in The Sixth Sense, we discover at the end that the character played by Bruce Willis has actually been dead the entire time, and that he is just another of the ghosts the little boy can see. 
In The Village, we learn that what appears to be a rural pioneer settlement is in fact a modern commune that’s been lost to history for a couple generations, and the monsters are manufactured as a way to keep the inhabitants in line (and from escaping). 
In Unbreakable, we discover that the story isn’t just the hero origin story for Bruce Willis’s character, but the origin story for the villain Mr. Glass -- who was responsible for the accident that set the hero on his journey in the first place. 
In The Visit, we find out that the kids haven’t been staying with their grandparents at all, but rather with a pair of escaped and murderous mental patients. 
What do all of these have in common? The twist is revealed at the climax of the film, and it acts to completely reinterpret the events that came before it. You’re left leaving the theater to think about everything that came before the twist, and try to find a way to piece it all together. All of your expectations up to the climax have been subverted, and you’re left to do the work of figuring out how to make sense of what you’ve seen (or not, of course - perhaps you leave the theater without ever thinking about it again). 
Done well, this twist can be incredibly powerful because it invites interaction from the audience even after the story is finished. The twist introduces new questions that it doesn’t answer, and conversation can spring up around finding solutions for it -- either within the text itself, or contemplating it in a larger context. Done well, a Shyamalan twist can lead the audience toward introspection and create a haunting effect. 
Done poorly, of course, it can feel cheap, cheesy, unearned, or just downright stupid. That’s the greatest risk of the Shyamalan twist -- it can leave the audience thinking, “Who cares?” 
Of course, Shyamalan didn’t invent this sort of twist -- it’s just what he’s best known for -- and there are tons of other examples out in the wild. Here are a few to consider: 
The Twilight Zone -- When I’ve delivered this talk before (if you can call “rambling about movies to my coworker” a talk), it’s been pointed out that this twist was really codified first by The Twilight Zone, and I should really call it a Serling twist. Well, I’m not doing that for two reasons. One, because Serling never tried to draw a direct parallel between himself and Hitchcock, so Shyamalan is really inviting himself to this discussion. Two, because The Twilight Zone uses the formula a little bit differently. 
First, not every Twilight Zone episode had a twist ending (although the most famous ones did, probably for the reason I mention above -- people like to talk about surprise endings, and they stick in the memory). But more importantly, the twists were the story. The sci-fi/horror shorts were structured like jokes where the twist was the punchline, often crafted to deliver a particular message or parable. Most of the episode existed to set up the twist, with little time spent on extraneous plot and character development. Thus, Twilight Zone stories are more clever than shocking. Still, they are a treasure trove of storytelling to study, and they make for a wonderful compare/contrast with Shyamalan’s films. 
Other notable Shyamalan-style twists: 
Fight Club, where we learn that Tyler Durden is not real, but rather the alter-ego of the seemingly meek and unnamed narrator. 
Memento, where we learn that the film’s core mystery has been solved numerous times, only to be forgotten -- and that the main character is being manipulated every step of the way. 
Orphan, where we learn that the titular orphan with homicidal tendencies is in fact a grown woman with a peculiar form of dwarfism who is manipulating the families who adopt her. (the movie is better than that plot synopsis makes it sound, I promise)
In Hide and Seek, we learn that the little girl’s evil imaginary friend (at times implied to be a ghost) is in fact her father’s alternate personality. 
There are, of course, lots more. There are also some near-misses. For example, despite its bleak “gotcha”, the ending of The Mist -- where the main character mercifully kills his fellow survivors before running out of bullets to use on himself, only to find that help was just around the corner -- doesn’t quite count. It’s a shocking and heart-wrenching twist, but it doesn’t fully redefine the film that came before it. 
Pros to the Shyamalan Twist: 
Gives your audience something to think about long after they walk away, generating discussion and hopefully that haunted “I need a minute” feeling to process the story.
Invites a second watch/read in order to pick up the clues and pieces and see how the story unfolds differently after you know the ending.
Cons to the Shyamalan Twist: 
Can feel cheap or un-earned if the twist makes the events of the film no longer seem to matter (eg, “it was all a dream!”) 
Often ends up relying on ableist mental health tropes (split personality, escaped lunatic, etc etc.), so please do something new with it 
Can completely fall apart if the ending is spoiled ahead of time, making it difficult to succeed in a post-internet environment. 
All in all, the Shyamalan Twist can be a powerful storytelling tool, but it can also fall flat on its face. The thing that will make it succeed is if the other elements of the story, especially the characters, are compelling enough on their own to make the reader want to know more. 
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A Hitchcock Twist occurs early in the film and changes the rules of what you’re watching
A primary characteristic of the Hitchcock twist is that it happens early in the story -- about 1/3rd to 1/2 of the of the way through. It sets up a premise, invites you to get invested in the characters and their situation, and then pulls the rug out from under you by dramatically changing the movie into a different type of story altogether. 
For example: 
In Psycho, the first 47 minutes of the 109-minute movie are all about Marion Crane, a woman who steals money from her job and skips town before ending up at a seedy roadside motel. These 47 minutes spend a lot of time building Marion’s character and setting up what could be a crime thriller...until she is abruptly and violently murdered, and the narrative shifts over to the killer. 
In The Birds, a socialite and a lawyer spend almost half the movie developing a relationship, from their meet-cute to the ensuing quasi-romantic stalking, the weekend getaway, meeting the locals, befriending the family, attending a party. It honestly feels like a romance (with a few creepy details) right up until a flock of birds starts attacking party-goers. 
In Vertigo, the main character is a retired police officer turned private investigator who is hired to spy on a man’s wife, only to fall in love with her, a situation made complicated by her apparent madness and/or possession by a dead ancestor. This madness drives her to commit suicide. Except then the movie keeps going, and we discover that everything up to that point (2/3rds of the film) was actually a complex setup to disguise a murder...a revelation that honestly takes a backseat to Scottie’s newfangled, creepy obsession with the not-actually-dead girl of his dreams, which then ends in a new murder. It’s a convoluted story that’s much easier to watch than to explain, but it’s a wild ride from beginning to end. 
What do all of these Hitchcock films have in common? They set up one storyline, spending lots of time developing the characters and progressing the plot, only to take an extremely sharp turn. Some might argue that Hitchcock thrillers are just very slow burn, taking their time to luxuriously build up to a crescendo, but I think it goes deeper than that -- some of these movies abruptly change genre. 
In no instance is this as self-evident as in The Birds. The effect of watching it is akin to what might happen if you made a Lifetime movie and then halfway through the zombie apocalypse just happened to take place. It’s brilliant, and it replicates the feeling of real life horror -- where bad things happen suddenly and unexpectedly to ruin your everyday life -- better than any other storytelling device. 
Hitchcock is the master of this type of plot, but there are other stories that employ a similar technique: 
Gone Girl introduces us to a man whose wife has gone missing, and spends a lot of time building up their relationship history and casting doubt on him, so that we begin to suspect that he’s a murderer...only to learn, quite abruptly, that not only is his wife still alive, but she’s the one who set this whole thing up. It’s masterfully done, and the twist occurs about halfway through, giving us plenty of opportunity to see the marriage turn into a real cat-and-mouse game between two equally awful people. 
You’re Next sets up a pretty standard home invasion premise, but it goes sideways when one of the guests begins to fight back. Brilliantly, this is a twist not just for us but for the people in the film -- it’s a turn of events that ruins the evil scheme, where the whole invasion was a setup and many fewer people were meant to die. 
Hereditary lays down all the foundation for the little girl to be supernaturally creepy, the driver of whatever badness the film has in store...right up to the moment of her death. (The film then double-helixes with a Shyamalan twist ending, just for good measure) 
Million Dollar Baby seems at the outset to be an underdog sports film, right up to the point where it actually becomes a treatise on assisted suicide (among other things). 
Interestingly, the Hitchcock Twist finds a home in dramas as much or perhaps more often than in mainstream horror. The reason for this is probably because the twist demands strong characterization, and that sort of lengthy, nuanced character study isn’t as common in genre fiction. This, by extension, means that genre stories that do successfully deliver this kind of twist are often better received by mainstream critics. 
For example, look at Game of Thrones. Ned Stark’s death is absolutely a Hitchcock Twist. At the outset, an audience has certain expectations for how an epic fantasy is supposed to play out -- and brutally killing the main character and ripping apart his family as a “reward” for acting noble is definitely not it. This subversion of expectations is one of many reasons the story resonates so far beyond the usual bounds of fantasy fandom. 
Pros to the Hitchcock Twist: 
Done well, it can make your story feel more literary and/or transgressive, providing cross-genre appeal for audiences who might not normally see or respect your type of work. 
It keeps the audience on their toes by subverting their most crucial expectations; once you pull the rug out from under them, anything can happen! 
Cons to the Hitchcock Twist: 
It can lose the trust of your audience, who may not want to follow you around the bend and might feel betrayed or confused by the sudden shift in expectations. 
It’s tough to market because there is almost nothing you can say about the story that will appeal to the target audience without also giving away the twist. 
It requires a lot of skill with characterization to make up for the slower pace of the plot. 
If there’s one thing that both Hitchcock and Shyamalan twists have in common -- and one take-away I want you to keep -- it’s that successful twists rely on strong characterization. You absolutely must write good, believable, compelling characters first and foremost, or the audience isn’t going to care what happens to them, no matter how twisty those events may be. 
And one final caveat: You can really only afford a couple of major twists per story. You can double up, offering both a Hitchcock and a Shyamalan twist in a single story (see above re: Hereditary), but it’s extremely tough to pull off and can make your audience confused and even downright angry if you fail. 
What are your favorite movie twists? Reblog and tell me all about them! 
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
11/18/2020 DAB Transcript
Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalms 117:1-2, Proverbs 28:1
Today is the 18th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we continue the journey, move through hump day here. We started the book of James yesterday or the letter of James in the New Testament. We’ll be can continuing that today, but we began the book of Ezekiel, one of the major prophets in the Scriptures quite a while ago and we’re continuing that journey for about another week I guess until we finish Ezekiel. But we’ll be moving through Ezekiel 37 today, one of my favorite favorite, favorite passages of Scripture, the valley of the dry bones. So, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Ezekiel 37 and 38.
Okay. First off, in the book of Ezekiel today we read Ezekiel chapter 37 and I said that’s one of my favorite passages of Scripture. The valley of dry bones, that image all the way back from the first time ever read it, but every year that I've read it that imagery just sticks with me. You see that the people are in exile, you see that the people feel like they’re...they’re ruined and that they’re…they’re…like what's gonna happen to them is really, really uncertain. And, so, Ezekiel has his vision…vision of the valley of dry bones. And, so, this is like an ancient battlefield and the dead were never burried, and they just sat in the open field until they became dry bones. So, a very long time they have been sitting there and there's this valley of dry bones. And God asks, “can they live?” And it’s like such an interesting question because we can see the valley of dry bones is a vision, so it's used in metaphorical sense even prophetically here. And, so, we can think about the dry bones in our own lives and then that question comes right? “Can these bones live?” And it's more…it's more confrontational than it seems when you think about the places that you think are dead inside of you. A question, “could these things live again” like…is like in your face because…well…and some of these things we’re like, “whether they could or not, they’re too painful. Like what I went through is too painful. Like I don’t even want to think about this stuff anymore.” Of course, Ezekiel doesn't know whether the dry bones can live again. So, he says the right thing to God, “only you could possibly know the answer to that question.” And answering that question God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dead bones, to call the four winds, the breath of life from the four winds. And he did and those dry bones came back together again, and they received muscle and skin and sinew, and they came back to life again. So, out of a battlefield full of defeated warriors, life came. That has always stuck with me and after a couple years of reading it it just really felt like the Lord was speaking into my spirit, “build a wind farm.” And not like a literal like wind farm with windmills creating energy to power my house, a spiritual windfarm, one that is continually calling to the four winds, the breath of life in every way possible. And, so, that's why prayer in our community is so vital to our community. Yes, it keeps us in touch with each other. Yes, we cry together. Yes, we rejoice together. Yes, indeed we get to know each other as we stay focused and moving together through the Scriptures. Yes to all of that, but we are also calling the breath of life into what looks like it's dead on a continual basis and it matters. It's even why when we…when we began to roast our own coffee and import tea. It's why the brand is called Windfarm because in every way that we can we want to be doing that, calling the four winds, the breath of life into that which is dead all around us.
And now let’s turn to the book of James and let me quote here, and I don't think this needs a lot of interpretation really. Let me just quote from the letter. “Don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away and forget what you look like.” Is that the truth or not? I mean maybe we don't look in a physical mirror like we’re fixing our hair for work and then we go to work and we don't remember what we look like, but spiritually we behave this way all of the time. We can at one moment know fully who we are in Christ and that we are actually a child of the most-high God and then we can walk out the door and live like sons and daughters of the evil one or live completely confused and disoriented. We forgot our identity. We forgot what we look like. And, so let’s take that heart today as well, and just let it kind of ruminate, let it stew, let it just percolate through our…through our day. Let's watch ourselves. Have we forgot who we are? Have we forgotten what we look like? Is that what our behaviors erratically are showing, or do we know exactly who we are in Christ?
Father, it’s kind of like James says, intellectually we know what the Scriptures say about who we are, we have heard the good news, but You're saying You can’t just listen to it, You have to live into it, You have to become it otherwise it’s just…You’re just fooling Yourself. So, we don’t want any part of that. We’re here to learn, we’re here to grow, we’re here with the goal that we would be transformed into Your likeness because this is what the Scriptures tell us is happening, that this is what's going on. And, so, when we claim our faith and then go out into the day and act like anything but a person who's in love with You, then we are just fooling ourselves. And then we would have the audacity to be angry at You for not jumping into every beck and call, like it ever time we ring the little bell You’re just supposed to show up when we don't even know who we are. And, so, once again we reorient ourselves to You. Our identity can only be found in You. You bestow an identity upon us, and You have done that. You have grafted us into Your family and made us joint heirs with Jesus to Your kingdom. That is who we are. May we live like it today. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. Say it most every day, this is where to find out what was going on around here.
We have the Global Campfire Initiative going on around here right now although this is the final day.  And I won’t be mentioning it anymore. It will be concluded, and I just want to thank everybody. Honestly, it’s so humbling. I just want to thank everyone who has participated in this. So, happy. So happy to send you the heart album, the LP. I just love it. And, so, I'm so happy to be able to send that to you and I…I trust that you will hold onto it and treasure it and that it will be a memento of this year that we spent together in God's word. The one thing that sort of stabilized the year, at least for me, in spite of all of the just challenges, some of the very, very…we have had some significant societal challenges in the last 12 months that have taught us a lot and the Scriptures being the constant through that…just…I thank you for your partnership as we continue to move forward and be in a position where we will be here no matter what happens in the world. And that is the goal. We will keep spinning the windfarm, right? We’ll keep calling to the four winds, the breath of life. We will keep speaking the word of God out over the earth as long as God will allow us to, as long as we stay in this together. And, so, thank you profoundly for everybody who has participated in this. Today, like I said, today is the last day. If you want to get involved and participate in this than here's what you do, you can use the web, or you can use the Daily Audio Bible app. If you want to use the web go to dailyaudiobible.com. When you get to the website you will see up at the top, the navigation and you'll see Initiatives. Press that button and you'll find the Global Campfire initiative in there. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you'll notice that there's a little Drawer icon. It's in the upper left-hand corner. When you press that the drawer opens. When the drawer opens, you'll find initiatives. Press that and you’ll find the Global Campfire initiative. And again, I thank you with all my heart.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button that's in the app. It’s the red button that looks kind of like a hotline button, lives kind of up at the top in the app screen. No matter where you are in the app you can find it. So, you can press that, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning everyone it’s Susan from Canada God’s Yellow Flower calling and it’s the wee hours of the morning and it’s very quiet here and I am just loving the depth of the stillness of the time I have with God. And I just want to thank Him in the spirit of Thanksgiving for this month and always of course. I want to thank him and give him glory for in the midst of heavy trials we still have blessings and if we focus on God, we see the blessings. I hear the cold wind raging outside and here I sit in a warm cozy place. I look at our cupboards and they’ve got an abundance of food in there. I look at the relationship that my son Keith and I have developed through this illness that we are…that we are going through together and I just…I just praise him for the closeness and the love that we share and the bonds we have for each other. It’s only because of the Lord that we can do this. And I just give Him all the praise and glory for this time I have with my son before he…before he passes. So, there’s lots to be thankful for in the midst of crisis and just look for your blessings and be thankful. Love you all. Bye now.
Good afternoon DABbers this is Running Desperately to Jesus also known as Staying Desperately Connected to Jesus. I don’t even know where to begin with thanking everybody for their prayers. I was just so overwhelmed. I have fought with depression for a while; however never have hit the part where I went into a dark space and wasn’t able to pull myself out. But just like Moses’ arms were held up and the war was one and when his hands were let down the war was being lost, my Daily Audio Bible family lifted me up and the battle was one. So, although there still continues to be struggles, of course, in just daily living I know where to turn, first to God and then of course to my Daily Audio Bible family, which is so awesome. I wish I had the opportunity to meet every one of you. However, we all know that we’re striving for that mark to be with Him and will all get to meet each other one day. Again, I thank all of you. I…it took me a while to make this call because I wanted to be able to speak and not cry and I think I’ve accomplished it. Running Desperately to Jesus. Also Staying Desperately Connected to Jesus. I love my family.
[singing starts] Thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord for loving me. Thank you, Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord for loving me [singing stops]. Father God thank You that You meet us where we are. Lord we invite You into where we are right now whether we are celebrating or we’re happy, joyful or we’re sad or worried and anxious and we’re afraid or we’re sitting in darkness. Father God thank You that You meet us where we are and thank You Lord that You meet us in our darkness. Shine Your light into our lives Lord. Shine so bright that…that everything else pales into comparison to You, that the shadows flee. Father God, we might feel that we don’t have strength to face tomorrow. We might feel that we don’t know what to do or that we can’t do what’s in front of us. Thank You, Lord that You give us what we need. Thank You for meeting us where we are and thank You for carrying us through. In Jesus’ holy and precious name. Amen. Hi guys is Michaela from Gloucester hope You have a blessed day where You are.
Good morning DAB family this is Eyes of a Dove in Snoqualmie Washington. I had a wonderful weekend but it’s like to me confessing something and then asking for your guy’s prayer and support. All of us on here are…none of us are perfect. And I know that we can all come across perfect or not. I think that’s what brings us all together. You know, we seek to be like Jesus. And I’ve come from a really broken past, broken marriage and at a time when me and my three kids we had nobody and I got into construction to take care of them but with that came pride and being the breadwinner and not wanting another…a man in my life, which led to actually finding a guy and after 2 ½ years of being together last night he asked me to marry him and I said yes. And it’s kind of a secret because shamefully we’re all together, our kids, and we know that’s not under the Lords…what He would want for us. And he wants us to be united under Him in marriage. And, so, I come to you and confess that I’ve been hiding out from you guys.Felt ashamed. And I would like you guys to lift me and Izzy and Braden and the kids all up in prayer. We all desire to be one family. All the kids have been bugging us for months and praying for us that we would and now we are. And now we have to figure out a way to have a wedding and we don’t want a big affair, but we do want our moms and dads there and with Covid restrictions in Washington state it’s made it much more difficult. So, if you all would just be praying the Lord would bless our union and continue to heal us and help us have a great marriage…
Unless the Lord had been my help my soul would soon have slipped into the silence. If I say my foot is slipping your mercy Lord will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties your comforts are my delight. I’m saying this particular verse from Psalm 94 verse 17 to 19 for my teacher sister all the way in California who called in, Dorothea, who shared her own anxieties with the overwhelming workload as being a teacher. I am in the same boat here in the UK by the way is Dr. Cano calling from the UK and honestly, I could relate to what you are sharing. The demands upon us are so many but we thank God that the burden that we get from Jesus is light because he carries every single weight, every single anxiety and we can find comfort in Him. And my prayer for you sis and my prayer for myself and every other person who’s working during this time is that the Lord will give us different strategies, wisdom to manage the workload. He will give us ways to communicate to those who are our seniors for them to support us in this work that we are doing, and the Lord will indeed crown our efforts with success in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray for all the first responders __ staff here in the UK, nurses, doctors, police officers, every single person who is working tirelessly during this time, may the Lord strengthen you, may he empower you, may He give you courage and wisdom. And even for those who are the recipients of our care, our students, our patients, Lord bestow your blessing upon each one in the mighty name of Jesus. God bless you my Daily Audio Bible family. I love you so much and thank you so much Brian for this wonderful ministry. I’ve been loving it for over three years.
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