#coach hiraguchi
stolen-wolfbread · 1 year
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Atlus should've let us romance her. They are COWARDS who do not understand the innate sexiness of middle-aged women.
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vgckwb · 3 months
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 203: The Book of Love
The next day, Makoto was getting ready to head to school. She was determined, and just about ready to tackle this day head on. For she knew that tomorrow was the day of her sister’s court case, and tomorrow was the day they would go back in and finish finding an infiltration route to her sister’s treasure.
She went out to the kitchen to see Eiko doing some cooking. “Oh!” Eiko said. “Good morning!”
“Good morning,” Makoto replied. “How are you doing?
“I’m doing GREAT!” Eiko said. “I know it’s only been a short time, but I really like living here.”
“Well that’s good to hear,” Makoto remarked.
“So, what are we doing tomorrow?” Eiko asked.
This caught Makoto off guard. “T-Tomorrow?”
Eiko nodded. “I mean, like, it’s Sunday tomorrow. We have off from school, silly. I was thinking we could do something together.”
“Oh…” Makoto said. “Um, well, uh, about that…” Eiko was confused. “I…made some plans with friends.”
“Oh,” Eiko responded. “Well…maybe I can tag along! I’d like to get to know your friends.”
Makoto was panicking. She wasn’t sure what to do. “Sooo, ummmmmm…”
Eiko grew concerned. “What is it?”
Makoto sighed. She knew what she had to do. “I need you to promise not to say this to anyone. Do you understand?”
“What is-?”
“Do you understand?” Makoto repeated. Eiko was a little scared, but she didn’t suspect that Makoto would pressure her like others did. She nodded. “Good,” Makoto said. She grew quiet. “The truth is, I am a member of The Phantom Thieves.”
“WHA-” Eiko belted before catching herself. “What?” she said, quieter.
Makoto nodded. “Tomorrow, we have something important planned, so we can’t do anything.”
“Huh…” Eiko reacted.
“I’m sorry…” Makoto said.
Eiko smiled. “Don’t be. I…really appreciate The Phantom Thieves. So it’s nice to know that you’re among their ranks.”
Makoto was shocked. “Oh! Oh. Ummmm…”
Eiko grew worried. “What’s wrong?”
“Well, um,” Makoto said. “I thought you’d be more…upset.”
“Why?” Eiko asked.
“Well,” Makoto began, “We didn’t go after Tsukasa when we could have. Or your parents for that matter.”
Eiko frowned. “Oh. Well, I suppose a little of that is my fault. I could have easily put all of them up on the Phansite. But there were so many requests that I think I wouldn’t get noticed. Besides, I didn’t think I was worth saving.”
“Eiko...” Makoto said, shocked. She took her hand. “It’s not your fault. In fact, I’m the one who suggested not targeting Tsukasa because I wanted to show you that you were worth more than that. I was a little selfish, but I thought if you could see what Tsukasa was like without him having to say it, you’d be better off for it. But I didn’t know better.”
Eiko was stunned. She grew determined. She broke from Makoto’s hand to grab her arm and pull her in, wrapping her other arm around her waist. “It’s nobody’s fault,” she stated. “We were both in our own head about things.” She smiled. “But now, everything’s changed, and we’re both better off for it. I admit the road was bumpy, but I’m glad that things turned out the way they did.” She kissed Makoto. “So, you do whatever it is you do with your Phantom Thief friends, and we’ll do something some other time.”
Makoto was in disbelief. She then smiled, and placed her forehead against Eiko’s. "I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.” They shared another kiss. “Well then, we still have school today, so let’s get ready.”
“Hm hm, right,” Eiko said. They prepared themselves further, ate breakfast, and headed off.
After school, Ren got a text. She was confused when she saw it was from Dr. Maruki.
Maruki: Hi. Do you have a minute?
Maruki: I know it’s a little unorthodox to contact a student, but I’d really like your expertise.
Ren: Um, sure.
Ren: Give me a minute.
Maruki: Take your time.
Ren put her phone away, and headed over to Maruki’s office.
Upon Ren’s arrival, Maruki greeted her. “Heh heh. Welcome.” Ren closed the door and took a seat. “What do you need help with?”
“Well…about that…” Maruki said. “It’s a little complicated. I just needed someone to talk to.”
Ren was confused. “And you wanted that person to be me?”
“Well, see,” Maruki said, “as you know, I’ve been going through a difficult time as of late, but talking with you has helped alleviate that. I feel like I’ve been getting better with every conversation, but you in particular have helped me quite immensely.”
“Thanks?” Ren said, a little confused.
Maruki chuckled. “Don’t mention it.”
Ren chuckled. “So, what’s up?”
“Well, uh, here’s the thing,” Maruki said, “I’ve started dating again.”
Ren was surprised. “Really?” Maruki nodded. “Well, congratulations!”
“Eh heh, thanks,” Maruki said. “But I’m a little nervous.”
“Well, so long as you don’t mention the fact that you were on course to take over the world, I think you’ll be fine,” Ren jokes.
“About that,” Maruki said. “What if I did?”
Ren was puzzled. “And she still said ‘yes’? Or he? Or they? Sorry, I don’t know what way you swing. Well, I mean, I know you had a girlfriend, but…”
Maruki chuckled. “It’s fine. She’s a woman, I’m straight, and for the record, she asked me out first.”
“Huh,” Ren replied.
“Truth be told, the confession itself was a little messy,” Maruki said. “There were a lot of surprises between the both of us. But through our intense honesty, I think we came out the better.”
“So, why did you want to talk to me?” Ren asked.
“Well, I mean,” Maruki said, “I’m still nervous. I haven’t dated since Rumi, and despite everything that happened, I’m nervous I can mess this up.”
“Well…I can’t say I don’t understand,” Ren replied. “I mean, I know my girlfriend asked me out, and I still get butterflies sometimes. But I think that ‘intense honesty’ you mentioned before might be helpful. I mean, it’s certainly been helpful in situations where being dishonest was causing pain. I know it’s not always the easiest thing, but if you told her that you were hatching a plan to usher in a false utopia, then I don’t know if there’s much to worry about.”
“Hm,” Maruki grinned. “I think we’ve talked about stuff like this before. But it’s nice to hear that it’s stuck with you.”
“I think you’re right,” Ren said. “But it’s nice to reiterate.”
“Of course,” Maruki nodded. “But I know it’s easy to say things like that and not put them into practice. I guess I’m just scared of that. I’ve talked with countless students who were telling me about their problems, and time and time again I’m impressed by their courage. I feel like if I don’t get this right, I’ll fail to live up to their expectations, you know? Especially since I’ve already failed to live up to expectations previously.”
“Hm,” Ren pondered.
“Something on your mind?” Maruki asked.
“Oh, uh, well,” Ren said, “I was just thinking about something Miss Kawakami was talking about.” Maruki looked at her more intently. “She was teaching us about the practice of kintsugi, or gold repair. The idea is that when you fix broken poetry, you line where the break happened with gold to show off its damage, rather than hide it. The damage is seen as part of the pottery’s unique history. I was kind of thinking that people would benefit from something like that. Although an emotional scar isn’t visible, so there’s no desire to paint it gold. But if the people you care about need to see it, maybe it should be a little more gold.”
Maruki was stunned silent. He was impressed. He started laughing. “Oh man. That’s BRILLIANT!”
“Well, I’m just thinking out loud,” Ren said.
“But I agree with you,” Maruki said “I just didn’t know how to phrase it until you said it.”
“Well…I only learned about it through Miss Kawakami,” Ren said.
“Hm,” Maruki chuckled. “Maybe I should thank her as well.”
“Not to mention your new girlfriend,” Ren retorted.
“Ha ha, yeah,” Maruki said. “Although, I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Ren was curious. “They just so happen to be one in the same.”
Ren was shocked again. “Really?!” Maruki nodded. “Well, congrats to the both of you!”
“Thanks,” Maruki said.
Councilor-Takato Maruki: Rank 8
Ren checked her phone. “Well, I should get going. Sojiro’s planning something tonight, and I don’t want to be late.”
Maruki nodded. “Take care!” Ren got up, bowed, and then left.
Once she got back to the house, she looked around for Sojiro. “He’s at Leblanc,” Futaba said, sneaking up on Ren.
“Gah!” Ren said.
Futaba chuckled. “Gotcha!”
Ren rolled her eyes. “So, do we just meet him there?”
“Not until he tells us,” Futaba said. “He’s going to text me when he’s ready. Although I don’t know how much he has to get ready.”
“Well, do you know what he’s doing?” Ren asked.
“No clue,” Futaba answered.
“Really?” Ren said. “You’re usually so good at keeping an eye on him.”
“Only here and at work,” Futaba said. “I can track his phone, but I haven’t hacked it to the degree I have yours. Well, I actually have, but then he caught on and got a new phone. And then didn’t give me his new number until I promised not to do that again.”
“What if you needed to call?” Ren asked.
“He told me to call the payphone Leblanc has,” Futaba said.
“I see,” Ren said.
Futaba’s text notification popped up. “Oh!” She checked her phone. “That’s Sojiro! He says he’s ready.”
“Well then, let’s go,” Ren instructed. She and Futaba headed out.
Upon entering Leblanc, Futaba said “So Sojiro, what’s the ocas-EEP!” She and Ren noticed Hiraguchi at the bar taking a sip of coffee. “You said you were ready! You still have a customer!”
“Uh, hi,” Ren said, nervously.
“Hello,” Hiraguchi replied.
Sojiro sighed. “Futaba, this is Kokoro Hiraguchi. She and I are…seeing each other.”
Futaba seemed puzzled. “Um, pardon me, but I don’t need to know who you take on various one night stands…”
“Well, that’s the thing…” Sojiro said. “This is more than that.” Futaba seemed puzzled. “She and I are, well, dating. Properly.”
Ren was shocked, but not as much as Futaba. “Oh!” Futaba said, pale as a ghost. “Oh…”
“I wanted you all to get to know each other,” Sojiro said. “I have a good feeling about this, and I don’t want it ruined.”
“Well, I’m already familiar with Ren,” Hiraguchi said.
“Yeah,” Ren said
“You are?!” Futaba said, incensed.
“She’s Sumire’s gymnastics coach,” Ren explained. “Plus, she’s the interim gym teacher at my school.”
“Oh…I see…” Futaba said, calming down. She turned to Hiraguchi. “Um, hi.”
“Hello,” Hiraguchi replied. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Futaba was alarmed. “How much?!”
“Well, a fair amount,” Hiraguchi said. “Not too much, I don’t think.”
“She knows about Wakaba,” Sojiro said.
This oddly calmed Futaba down. “She does?”
Hiraguchi nodded. “I’m…sorry that happened to you.”
“...I mean, it’s not like you did it, right?” Futaba said.
“Right,” Hiraguchi answered. She glanced away. “I know this might seem like a lot, but Sojiro and I are having a good time together. I just want to make sure that things are going to be OK going forward.”
Futaba stared at her intently. She then looked over at Sojiro. “Um, do you mind if I speak with her one-on-one?”
Sojiro was surprised by Futaba’s initiative. “Not at all.” He started walking around the bar. “C’mon Ren.” He led Ren outside so that Futaba and Hiraguchi could have their one-on-one.
While outside, Ren asked “So, you decided to go for it, huh?”
Sojiro nodded. “Yup.”
“If I may, what was the catalyst for it?” Ren asked.
Sojiro sighed. “We just kind of opened up to each other. One thing led to another, and then…”
“Gotcha,” Ren said.
“You know I wouldn’t do this for just anyone,” Sojiro said.
Ren nodded. “I know you don’t like doing something just for the heck of it.”
“Hm,” Sojiro grunted. He looked at the ground. “Of course I’m not going to forget Wakaba. Nor should I ask Futaba to. But after what happened this summer, after dealing with all of that, I feel like it’s time to move forward.”
“Well, that’s a noble stance,” en remarked.
Sojiro smirked. “You taught me that.”
“I did?” Ren wondered.
Sojiro nodded. “Ever since you came here, you’ve grown immensely. The position you started in was unenviable to say the least. But looking at you know, I know you make the world green with envy.”
Ren smiled. “Thanks. But I think I have some growing left to do.”
“Hm. We all do,” Sojiro shot back.
“I guess that’s true too,” Ren said.
Meanwhile, inside, Futaba and Hiraguchi were looking at each other. “So, um,” Futaba said, “what do you see in Sojiro?”
Hiraguchi was surprised. “Not what I was expecting. Straight to it, eh?”
Futaba nodded. “I’ve already lost one parent! I won’t lose another if I can help it!”
“What about your birth father?” Hiraguchi questioned.
“I dunno,” Futaba said. “I never knew him. Mom didn’t talk about him. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a non-entity.”
“I see,” Hiraguchi said. “To answer your question, I think he’s a smart man. He’s serious, but he knows when to let loose. On top of all of that, he knows just what to say. He may seem like just another guy, and he can certainly present himself that way, but when you get down to it, he’s really genuine.”
“Hmmm,” Futaba said. “Yup. That sounds like him alright. Next question: Are you concerned at all about, well, me?”
Hiraguchi smiled. “Not at all. In fact, I was the one who insisted on meeting you.”
Futaba was surprised. “Really?”
Hiraguch nodded. “I really like kids. I wouldn’t teach them if I didn’t.”
“So, um, do you have any kids of your own?” Futaba wondered.
“Well, no…” Hiraguchi said.
“Why not?” Futaba inquired.
Hiraguchi sighed. “Well, I know your baggage, so it’s only fair.” Futaba was confused. “The truth is, I just can’t have children. I’m…infertile.”
Futaba gasped, covering her mouth. “I’m so sorry I didn’t-”
“It’s OK,” Hiraguchi assured her. “There was no way for you to know. Besides, being open like this was what led to me and Sojio to start dating in the first place.”
“I see,” Futaba said.
Hiraguchi frowned. “I don’t…I’m not here to replace your mother. I don’t even think I could. But Sojiro and I feel like we need each other. And if we’re going to be in each other’s lives like this, well, things like this need to happen.”
“Hmmm,” Futaba thought. “You seem almost too good to be true.”
Hiraguchi smirked. “Don’t I know it. Sojiro had to get serious to start dating me.”
Futaba was impressed. “Wow. You really carry yourself well. Respect.” She smiled. “Well, if someone like you is dating Sojiro, then I can see things being alright. And if they aren’t, well, I think Sojiro might have himself to blame.”
Hiraguchi chuckled. “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”
Futaba giggled. “Me either.” She went up to the door and knocked on it. “We’re good!”
Sojiro opened the door and he and Ren popped their heads in. “Well…?” Sojiro wondered.
“I gotta say Sojiro, you managed to pick yourself a feisty one,” Futaba said.
Sojiro and Hiraguchi grew a little embarrassed. “I take it you like her.”
“I…think so…” Futaba said. “It’s still a little…”
Sojiro smirked. “I understand.” He gave Futaba a hug. “Change like this isn’t always easy,” he looked at Hiraguchi, “but sometimes it’s necessary.”
Hiraguchi smirked. “Well said.”
Futaba looked up at Sojiro. “So, um, is that everything?”
“Well,” Sojiro said, “I figured we could go out a little.”
“Where to?” Futaba wondered.
“Well, first, I would like to visit Wakaba’s grave,” Sojiro said. “But then we can go get something to eat. Together.”
Hiraguchi was a little surprised. “You want to visit Wakaba’s grave?”
“Well,” Sojiro said, “I haven’t been in a while. I didn’t even go on the anniversary because, um, well…there was an incident.”
“What kind of incident?” Hiraguchi wondered.
“That’s on a need to know basis,” Sojiro said.
“Oh?” Hiraguchi said. “And who says I don’t need to know?”
Ren interjected. “It’s OK. So, um, well, you know how The Phantom Thieves were dealing with Medjed through the summer?”
“Oh!” Hiraguchi said. She nodded. “Gotcha.”
Futaba and Sojiro were confused. Ren turned to them “She knows I’m a Phantom Thief.”
“Oh!” Sojiro said, surprised.
“Yeah, she figured it out with Sumire,” Ren said.
“Huh,” Sojiro said.
“Not gonna lie, that’s pretty cool,” Futaba said. “But also kind of scary.”
Hiraguchi chuckled. “I’ll take that as the compliment it is.”
Sojiro sighed. “Well, now that that’s out of the way, shall we get going?” They all nodded, and headed off.
At the church, Futaba went to pay her respects on her own, while Hiraguchi went to use the bathroom. Sojiro turned to Ren. “Hey.” Ren looked over at him. “While it’s just the two of us, I just wanted to say: Thank you.”
Ren was confused. “Where is this coming from?”
Sojiro smirked. “I know it might not seem like it, but you’ve taught me a lot since I took you in. I watched you grow. I’ve watched you help Futaba break out of her shell. At every turn you’ve always impressed me. I thought I was content with just keeping to myself and Futaba. But I’ve seen what opening up can do, and I’m not about to be outdone by some punk kid. So again: Thank you.”
Ren smiled, bowed, and said “You’re welcome.”
I am thou, thou art I
Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath.
Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart.
Thou hast awakened to the ultimate secret of the Hierophant, granting thee infinite power…
Hierophant-Sojiro Sakura: Rank 10
Futaba returned. Ren turned to her. “How’d it go?”
“Oh, uh,” Futaba said, wiping some tears. “I think it went alright.”
Sojiro pulled her in for a hug. “I know…”
“I’m back,” Hiraguchi announced. She saw the hug. “Is everything alright?”
“As fine as it can be,” Sojiro answered. “This is a more somber activity.”
“Right…” Hiraguchi said. “Well, I’m glad you’re able to do it.”
“Me too,” Sojiro replied. He let go. “Alright, I’m off. Once I get back, we’re heading out, OK?”
Futaba nodded. Ren gave a thumbs up. “You got it,” she said. Sojiro smiled, nodded, and walked off.
Once he got to Wakaba’s grave, he sat down. “Hey. I know it’s been a while, but, well, you know that not a day goes by where I don’t think of you. But I’ve started moving on a little.” He smiled. “You know, you told me to be the man you fell in love with. I feel like I’m starting to get back into that thanks to Kokoro.
I think you’d like her. She’s got a similar fiery spirit as you. Of course, if you were still here, she and I wouldn’t be dating, but I still think you’d get along.” He sighed. “You were my first catalyst to change. And I will always appreciate you for that. I didn’t know I needed that to keep me going until another one got arrested and just so happened to be the kid of a friend of mine.”
He took out the ring he kept on him. “I was going to give you this, right before you told me you were going to die. I was going to ask for your life, but it appears I wasn’t the only one who wanted it, huh. I kept this on me because it made me feel closer to you when you were taken from me. But I’ve always thought you deserved this, and I’m finally in a place where I can give it to you.” He set the box with the ring next to the grave. “Thank you for everything.” He stood up, and walked back to his new family.
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Coach Hiraguchi
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persona-game-info · 3 months
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Gayest Persona Character, Round 1
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summermimosas · 10 months
[Sumire NG+ Character Study]
"Just be yourself." The Phantom Thieves insisted when they find out about her identity (even Akira, a little too kind and patiently like she's a fragile glass figurine) and so Sumire tries.
But try as may, Sumire doesn't have a clue to be 'herself' beyond the weight of resentment and guilt she clings to.
After all, she can't remember what it's like to be 'Sumire' because Sumire was only ever 'Kasumi's sister'.
A shitty sister at that, a coward who hides behind her elder twin and goes along with the flow because it's comfortable to. One who bottles up all her ugliness until it explodes and selfishly blames everyone for not seeing it. Yet at the same time, Sumire had never bothered to express herself to anyone so how could they ever know what she likes or doesn't?
After all, it's just so convenient to slink back and fall into the roles they want her to be. A quiet, demure child, an excellent student, a team player who is always there to support her group.
A best friend who is always there to listen to people's worries and comfort them why isn't anyone asking about her?
And a lifelong companion always, the other half of a blissful childhood wish to be by each other's side.
A hopeless one. Sumire realises as she stands at the edge of the Gymnastic Hall watching Kasumi shine as she performs trick after trick of her solo routine that she's entering a competition for the school as the best gymnast in their age group.
Because Sumire can tell how much Kasumi is still in love with the sport from that lovely smile she has on her face. That delighted adrenaline-filled thrill in her warm brown eyes. The determination she has, bursting out into lighthearted complaints on a misstepped flip that she resolved to redo. Little moments that Sumire found herself treasuring the sight of, heart aching at the loss that hadn't happened.
Had Sumire been in the same position, she would have hated herself for failing anything. Taken a small failure too hard and wallow in her crippling self-hatred and angst, no doubt. It doesn't help that she knows watching Coach Hiraguchi complimenting and encouraging Kasumi for a job well done that had it been her performing on that same stage, Sumire would have gotten a different treatment from just supportive praise.
It's not like their coach was abusive or anything, nor did she intend any harm, in fact Hiraguchi has been a wonderful teacher to them for the past 8 years she was in charge. Just that— Sumire glanced over at the mirror when she stretched out, tearing her eyes away from the crowd Hiraguchi-sensei was gathering around Kasumi as the gymnastic coach launched into a lecture on Kasumi's performance, drawing starry eyes from their other teammates as the woman gushed about her prized student. — It's truly hard to feel any joy in anything you do well when you're know you'll always be pitted against a genius that wears your face.
"Your sister's amazing, she tried that move last month and Kasumi managed to perfect it in a week!"
"Why not ask your sister for help?"
"You must be proud of your sister, she's such an angel!"
"You know, you can stand to learn a trick or two from Kasumi! You don't seem anything alike."
"I know you can better than this, stop trying to imitate Kasumi when she's on another league and focus on you. Be more confident in yourself!"
And it's— So, so hard not to resent Kasumi when she did nothing wrong. She's truly the best sister Sumire could ever have as Kasumi is always the one reaching out to include her, trying hard to be there and support her when the younger twin seemed upset. Between the sickening knowledge of how happy she had been living a lie in that future compared to present events of her lacklustre skills never improving enough, it's grating at her limited sense of self-worth she has but she's pinning this on the wrong person and it's not fair again to Kasumi. That comes back to hit Sumire like a stab in the heart later when Kasumi worries and frets over her mood so much that it's instinctive to Sumire by now to hide away and avoid showing a glimpse of anything negative to her dearest big sister.
Because all of this, it's really just her fault in the equation... Right?
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queersrus · 1 year
HII KIRA KIRA looks at you :] persona names maybe... (feel free to choose from all games, but obviously 5 is the one I know :D)
yeye!! (nick)names from persona 5!!!
Aka, Akan, Akane, Aki, Akim, Akimi, Akimitsu, Akira, Al, Ali, Alice, Ang, Ango, An/Ann/Anne, Aoi, Ama, Amami, Amamiya, Ake, Akechi, Ara, Arai
Car, Caro, Carol, Caroli, Carolin/Carolyn, Caroline, Chi, Chiha, Chihay, Chihaya, Coach
Dem, Demi, Demiu, Demiur, Demiurge, Di, Dir/Dire, Director
En, Ena, Esc, Esca, Escar, Escargo/Escargot
Fu, Futa, Futaba, Fuji, Fujikawa
Go, Goro
Haru, Hi, Hif, Hifu, Hifumi, Has, Hase, Hasega, Hasegawa, Hi/Hii, Hiir, Hiira/Hira, Hiiragi, Hiraguchi, Hy, Hyo, Hyodo
Ichi, Ichiko, Ichiryu, Ichiryusa, Ichiryusai, Igo, Igor, Iss, Isshi, Isshiki, Ichino, Ichinose, Iwa, Iwai
Jo, Jose, Jun, Juny, Junya, Jyu, Jyun, Jul/Jule, Juli/Julie, Julia, Julian, Just, Justi, Justin, Justine
Kas, Kasu, Kasumi, Kaz, Kazu, Kazuya, Ko, Kob, Koba, Kobaya, Kobayaka, Kobayakawa, Koto, Kotone, Kumi, Kun, Kuni, Kunik, Kunika, Kunikaz, Kunikazu, Kuo, Kuon, Kiu, Kiuchi, Kita, Kitaga, Kitagawa, Kamo, Kamoshi, Kamoshida, Kawa, Kawakami, Konoe, Kage, Kageya, Kageyama, Kane, Kaneshi, Kaneshiro, Kat, Kata, Kataya, Katayama, Kabu, Kabura, Kaburagi
Mak, Mako, Makoto, Mari, Mariko, Masa, Masayo, Masayoshi, Mer, Mero, Merope, Mi, Mika, Miya, Miyako, Morg, Morga, Morgan, Morgana, Moto/Motoh, Motoha, Mune, Munehi, Munehis/Munehise, Munehisa, Mish, Mishi, Mishima, Maru, Maruki, Maki, Makigami, Mifu, Mifune, Mada, Madara, Madarame, Mon, Mont, Monta, Montag, Montagne
Nao, Naoya, Nat, Nats, Natsu/Natsuh, Natsuhi, Natsuhiko, Noge, Nii, Niiji, Niijima, Naka, Nakano, Nakanohara, Natsume
Od, Oda, Oku, Okumu, Okumura, Ohya, Owa, Owada
Pres, Presi, President
Ren, Ru, Rufe, Rufer, Ruferu, Rumi, Ry, Ryu, Ryuji
Sada, Sadayo, Sae, Sei, Seiji, Shadow, Shi, Shibu, Shibus, Shibusa, Shibusawa, Shiho, Shin, Shini, Shinichi, Shiny, Shinya, Shu, Shuz, Shuzo, Si, Siu, So, Soji, Sojiro, Soph, Sophi/Sophie/Sofi/Sofie, Sophia/Sofia, Sugi, Sugimura, Suguru, Sumi, Sumir, Sumire, Saku, Sakura, Su, Suz, Suzu, Suzui, Shira, Shirato, Shiratori, Saka, Sakamo, Sakamoto, Shido
Tae, Tak, Taku, Takuto, Tom, Tomoko, Tor, Tora, Torano, Toranosuke, Take, Takemi, Tan, Tana, Tanaka, Tsu, Tsuda, Taka, Takama, Takamaki, Togo
Ubu, Ubuka, Ubukata
Yu, Yuki/Yuuki, Yukimi, Yusu, Yusuke, Yuji/Yuuji, Yosh, Yoshi, Yoshida, Yoshiza, Yoshizawa
Zen, Zenki, Zenkichi
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badlydrawndrawnings · 4 years
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(source on both: megaten wiki)
honestly speaking the more i look at the two, the more i’m thinking:
‘the artist didn’t have to go all out and make these minor npc characters so damn attractive as f*ck’
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
Kasumi Yoshizawa & Japanese Sociocultural Issues (Persona 5 Royal Character Analysis) comments on youtube :
Forgot to mention that we don't really know the "true" Kasumi at the end of the day, only Sumire's perception of her. The fact Coach Hiraguchi's insight is such a shock to Sumire just further proves that Sumi's narrative bias likely plays a part in how we the players perceive Kasumi. It's not a huge deal in this video, since it's Sumi we're trying to analyze here anyway, so it's just food for thought!
The "respect for anyone older" aspect of East-Asian values is interesting to me. P5 shows where it can go wrong and that's something a lot of westerners latch on to, but there's a flipside to it. Asian cultures respect the elderly far more than the west does. When my grandmother spent her final years in a nursing home, the most caring staff to her were all of East-Asian backgrounds, and she and my mother grew very annoyed at how dismissive westerners could be of the aging members of society. (Not so relevant to this vid, just wanted to mention that) Cu Cuchulainn and Scathach were mentor and student, wonder if them being encounters in Maruki's Palace is symbolic. What little we see of Kasumi and Sumire's relationship is interesting. Yes Kasumi was showing "on", but I feel she was doing it in an unintentionally condescending way that was ultimately hurting Sumire mentally. A lot went unsaid between then and I'm sure they could have worked things out if Sumire had the courage to tell her about it, but it went bottled up for so long that the traffic incident happened. Sumire seems to have had a bit of supressed resentment over never having her own feelings considered, always being stuck in her sister's shadow (in more ways than one, talking about Persona). Again, Kasumi wasn't a bad person, it was just a tragedy of unexpressed feelings. (You basically said that in the "Gaman" section) On "gaman", I wonder if it plays into tropes of the traditional Shounen protagonist, always persevering to get stronger. This character trope has fallen out of favour in anime recently, replaced by the Isekai protag who already starts strong and only gets stronger with little effort. I wonder why? Wish-fulfilment, gaman falling out of favour in society, or a bit of both? Sadly there's a bit of an aversion to seeking therapy in the west too, but it's definitely worse in Japan. I held off on going to therapy for a long time and I feel my university years would have been a LOT happier if I'd done it sooner. I always had that feeling of "if I go, I'm admitting that I'm crazy." Side note: the clothing store owner talking about "carnivore" and "herbivore" energy... if I'm remembering my Japanese classes right, those are dating slang over there. Coach Hiraguchi's a pretty underrated character and I wish we got to see more of her. Good point about her portraits reverting at the end of the game. And also 23:53 YES, THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!!! That bothered me so much of my first playthrough of Royal I had to ask people "did I miss Sumire's goodbye or does she really not get one?!" It made me think of a Friends quote from the 2nd last episode. Sumire: "I don't get a goodbye?! Sure it's hard to say goodbye to 22 Confidants, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye gh- IT'S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE! It's not like I awakened my Persona with you, saved the world with you, dated you oh wait a minute wait a minute I DID ALL THOSE THINGS!!" So overall, Sumire feels like a Persona 4 character arc in Persona 5's world. While all the other PTs had an abuser they had to learn to stand up to, Sumire's abuser was HERSELF. (Some would argue Maruki, but imo what Maruki did was a "seemed like a good idea at the time" that really did prevent her from committing suicide in the short-term, but we'll get into him later) This might not be true of everyone, but these kinds of characters are the ones I really relate to, as someone who suffers from self-esteem issues and, not exactly a fear of failure but more... a "fear everything you do is a failure"? General feelings of worthlessness. I also struggled with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder all through university without knowing I had it until I saw a therapist (it is NOTHING like pop culture says it is, I'd recommend looking it up on medical sites. It's more about intrusive, distressing thoughts than obsession with order and cleaning), so in a way my own mind was literally my enemy for a lot of my life and that's a big part of why Persona 4's Shadows used to scare me so much. The stigma around therapy is awful, because it was only after it that I started to turn things around. (This is why Maruki's a favourite of mine too but we'll get to him later)
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lesserknownwaifus · 4 years
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Coach Hiraguchi from P5R
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stolen-wolfbread · 1 year
Aaaaah?! She's so beautiful??? But we can't romance her??? WHY, ATLUS, WHY??
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coolman229 · 3 years
Coach Hiraguchi: "She can step on me."
Sadayo Kawakami: "She can sleep on me."
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vgckwb · 3 months
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 200: The Future is Now
Akechi had been working all day on case work. Since there was no school today, he was free to catch up on a few things, as well as working on proving his ideas on who The Phantom Thieves were. “Hmmm. I know they have an interest in Sae. Perhaps I could try and intercept them in some way through that.” He was cut off by his phone ringing. He checked, and sure enough, the caller ID read “POS”. “What does he want now?” He answered. “Hello?”
“How are things coming along?” the man on the other end spoke.
“Well,” Akechi answered, “it’s a bit tense. I’m walking on eggshells to not give too much away without jeopardizing my position to get closer to The Phantom Thieves.”
“I heard through the grapevine that you have some suspects,” the man said.
“Hm,” Akechi grinned. “I don’t have any proof though.”
“Know you, you’re probably right,” the man said.
“Let’s say I was,” Akechi said. “What good is it to attack them now?”
“It’ll remove a thorn from our side,” the man said. “Even if they aren’t the Thieves, you believe they might be, and we can’t have anyone like that once I come to power.”
“I understand your logic,” Akechi retorted, “but if we were to do that at this point, you might not get into power." The man on the other side grunted. “I mean, if the director didn’t fail at killing Okumura and framing The Phantom Thieves, we’d have a whole other ball game. But as it stands, support for them is still high. All we have to do is weather the current storm, and then everything will fall into place.”
“I sure hope you’re right,” the man said.
“Did you just infer that I usually am?” Akechi asked.
“Don’t give me lip,” the man said
“Sorry,” Akechi said.
“Just keep me posted,” the man said.
“Will do!” Akechi replied. They hung up. Akechi’s face grew sour. “Sometimes I wonder why I’m even doing this.” Suddenly, he got another call; this time, it was from Lena. “Hello?”
“Hey, um, can we talk?” Lena said. “Ah! That sounds bad. It’s not. Well, kind of.”
Akechi smiled. “Of course. I needed a break anyway.”
Lena smiled. “Great! Should I come over?”
“No, that’s quite alright,” Akechi said, looking over his apartment filled with different case papers, as well as some of his plans concerning the conspiracy.
“Mmm,” Lena said. “I never get to come over.”
“Sorry,” Akechi said. “It’s a mess, and I never have time to organize things.”
“I can help,” Lena offered.
“It’s fine,” Akechi said. “I know just the place to go anyways. I’ll come pick you up, OK?”
“OK,” Lena replied.
“Great! See you soon!” Akechi said.
“Seeya!” Lena said back. They hung up.
Akechi sighed. “I can’t let her know. But if I keep this up, she might find out regardless. Hmm. Well, no sense in worrying about it now. Once everything is in place, it’ll be smooth sailing.” He got himself ready and headed out.
Meanwhile, Riko was doing some work for Sae when Sae emerged from her office. “Oh, hello,” Riko said. “How are you doing?”
Sae smiled slightly. “I’m doing fine. I have that case in a few days, and then I can focus squarely on The Phantom Thieves!”
“Right,” Riko said with a smile.
“Hm,” Sae muttered. “You know, once we catch those thieves, that’ll free us up a bit. I mean, I know that some big changes will come our way, but we’ll be given some time to relax.”
“I see,” Riko said.
“So, um, is there anything in particular you’d like to do, but just never had the time for?” Sae asked. “Maybe we can do that.”
“Oh!” Riko said, blushing. “Well, ummm, I’m not sure.”
“I was planning a trip to some hot springs with my sister,” Sae said. “Maybe you could come along.”
“Well, um,” Riko said, getting more nervous, “that sounds nice, but um, you know, I don’t want to interrupt time with your sister. I mean, I’m sure she’d be looking forward to just spending time with you.”
“Oh,” Sae said. “Right.” She smiled. “Well, maybe you and I can take a trip afterwards. Or before, depending.”
“Uhhhh,” Riko responded.
“It doesn’t have to be hot springs either,” Sae said. “It could be anywhere.”
“Well…” Riko said. “I’d like to go to Osaka. I mean, it’s the food capital of Japan.”
“Hm. Alright,” Sae said. “Sounds like a plan.” Riko smiled. “Although, I’m surprised you’ve never been.”
“Oh, uh,” Riko said, her face going pale, “I, uh, I had planned to go with some friends of mine, but um, before we were set to go, we, um, had a falling out.”
Sae grew alarmed. “What happened?”
“Well…” Riko said. She remembered that she had started being more open about her transness, and then her friends started to distance themselves from her. “I…was changing, and they didn’t like it.”
Sae grew mad. “Sounds like they weren’t your friends after all.”
“Well, I mean,” Riko said, “I don’t entirely blame them.”
“You should,” Sae said. “I mean, I don’t know what you were like then, but you’re amazing now.”
“Oh, you’re just saying that,” Riko said.
“I don’t tend to say things I don’t mean,” Sae said.
“Right,” Riko said.
Sae smiled. “We’ll go to Osaka. We’ll hit up every restaurant and food truck from sunup to sundown. It’ll be amazing. I promise.”
“Really?” Riko wondered. Sae nodded. “Well, uh, I don’t know what to say.”
Sae chuckled. “Just keep working hard. And I promise, I’ll do everything to make up for everything bad that’s happened.”
“Oh, uh, well…” Riko said, embarrassed and unsure. “Thanks?”
Sae smiled. “Don’t mention it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head out for a bit. Hold down the fort until I’m back, OK?”
“Of course,” Riko nodded. Sae smiled and left. Riko was a little confused. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume she was just hitting on me. But that can’t be right. Can it?”
On her way out, Sae said “Alright. Good first step. Although she seemed a little lost for words. Maybe I need to be more clear about my intentions. Although maybe I should get to know her a little more.”
She grew more serious. “She seems real hesitant when talking about her past. I don’t know why people seem to despise her. She’s amazing. Hm. Well Sae, like you said, the goal is to make up for all of that and then some. Just keep it smooth, and you’ll be good to go. Once those thieves are behind bars, you and her will have all the time in the world to change this world for the better!” She headed out.
Meanwhile, gymnastics practice had gotten out, and everyone was leaving. Once they left, Sojiro was there waiting for Hiraguchi. “Hey,” he said. “Ready for our date?”
Hiraguchi smiled, but then grew stern. She walked over and asked “When am I going to meet your daughter?”
Sojiro was stunned. “Um, that might be a bit too fast.”
“You said we should go fast,” Hiraguchi countered.
Sojiro sighed. “I know. I’m just worried.”
“From what you told me, she’s stronger than she seems,” Hiraguchi assured him. “Besides, the sooner she knows, the sooner she’ll accept.”
“I know,” Sojiro said. “It’s just hard, you know. It’s been over two years since her mom passed, but the wound still runs deep.”
Hiraguchi felt his pain. “Trust me, wounds like that never completely heal. But we both know it’s not worth it to just do nothing.”
Sojiro smiled. “You’re right. Alright. I’ll try to organize a time soon. How does that sound?”
Hiraguchi giggled. “Sounds great.”
“Great,” Sojiro said. “Now, as for tonight, are you still up for a date?”
“Of course,” Hiraguchi said. “Lead the way.” Sojiro nodded. He took her arm, and the two headed off to their date.
A little later, Akechi and Lena arrived at a Jazz Club in Kichijoji. “Wooow!” Lena said, amazed.
“Hm hm,” Akechi chuckled. “This is one of my favorite places. I come here when I need to clear my head, or just relax.”
“It sounds wonderful,” Lena remarked.
“Let’s head in, shall we?” Akechi offered. Lena nodded. The two of them headed in.
As they entered, they were greeted by the manager. “Hey there Akechi!”
“Good evening, Muhen,” Akechi replied.
Muhen looked at Lena. “Hmmm.” Lena got a little nervous. “It’s unusual that you bring someone in with you.”
“Well, she’s special to me,” Akechi said. He turned to Lena. “Lena, this is my friend Muhen.”
“Uh, hi,” Lena said.
“Hello,” Muhen replied.
“Hm hm,” Akechi chuckled. “Muhen, this is my girlfriend, Lena.”
“Oh!” Muhen said. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks,” Akechi and Lena said at the same time. They noticed this, and shared a chuckle.
“I take it you trust Muhen a lot,” Lena asked.
Akechi nodded. “He’s a special confidant to me. Between the three of us, he and I run under the same flag.”
Lena was a little confused, but then got it. “Oh!” She toned her voice down. “You’re both trans?”
“Woah!” Muhen said. “You told her? She must be REALLY special.”
Akechi smirked. “Of course.” 
Muhen nodded. “Well, just don’t let her go.”
“Actually,” Lena said, “that’s sort of what I wanted to talk to you about. Er, uh, that sounded bad again. It’s really not. It’s just…”
Akechi was concerned, but remained calm. “Why don’t we have a seat?”
“That…sounds good…” Lena said, trying to organize her word salad.
“Muhen?” Akechi asked.
“Follow me,” Muhen said. He sat the couple down. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“What do you want?” Akechi asked.
Lena was unsure. “Mmmmmmm, dealer’s choice.”
“Very well,” Akechi said. “I’ll take the same.”
“Certainly,” Muhen said. “Coming right up!” Muhen rushed off and brought back their drinks. “You kids have fun, alright?”
“Will do!” Akechi assured him. Muhen nodded and headed back to his post. Akechi turned to Lena. “So…what’s this about?”
Lena sighed. “I’m…worried…”
Akechi was confused. “About what?”
“Well,” Lena said, “I’m an exchange student. But I want to stay. And not just because of you, but because I love it here, despite everything. But I don’t know what to do. I haven’t told my family about you yet, but I want to, but I’m worried about what they’ll do, and I-”
“OK, OK, OK,” Akechi said. “I understand.”
Lena sighed. “I’m just…worried… I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s OK,” Akechi said. “I’m glad you came to me. And I’m glad you want to stay with me.”
“Of course I do!” Lena said, tearing up slightly.
Akechi sighed. “Listen, I know what it’s like to keep things from your parents. My mother never knew I was actually a boy. And I’ve regretted not telling her before her time. I don’t want you befalling the same fate. If you’d like, we can do it together.”
Lena calmed down. “Well, I know you’re busy…”
“Just say the word,” Akechi interjected. “This is important. You are important.”
“Are you sure?” Lena asked.
“Positive,” Akechi answered. “I know I’m busy fighting crime, but I’m doing it for you. For us. So that tomorrow is brighter than today.”
Lena smiled and blushed. “Goro…” She took a sip of her drink. “Well, I still have to plan on calling them. The time zone difference is a lot, so it’s hard to find a good time that works for the both of us. But I will. For me.” She grasped Akechi’s hand. “For us.”
Akechi smiled. “For us.” That’s right. I’m not just doing it for me. I’m doing it for us. For everyone. To make sure that the future I build is one where Lena doesn’t have to worry; where no one has to worry. It’s hard now, especially working with that horrid man, but when all is said and done it will be worth it.
They noticed a singer going on stage. “I didn’t know this place had live music,” Lena remarked.
“Huh,” Akechi said. “I did, but I wasn’t aware there was any tonight.”
“Well, I guess it means good luck,” Lena said.
“I guess so,” Akechi said. He raised his glass. “To us.”
Lena reciprocated. “To us!” They clinked their glasses, drank, and hung out in the jazz club for a while. As they were leaving, Lena said “Thanks for taking me here. And thanks for everything else.”
“Of course,” Akechi said. “It’s my pleasure.” They shared a kiss, and went home for the night.
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gertritude · 4 years
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Coach Hiraguchi is a minor character and yet they still made her the best-looking character in the entire game
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pacixfrisky-reborn · 3 years
💕 Persona 4/5?
Send me 💕 and a fandom name for me to list the characters from it that I would like to interact with! @nexusagain
I should probably point out to start with that I do not actually know all that much about Persona 4, so there's only going to be three girls from that on the list. I do wanna play it sometime, but at the moment I don't really have what's necessary to do so. Especially since my computer is a piece of shit. Also I will be including characters from Persona 5 Royal and Strikers.
Naoto Shirogane
Ann Takamaki
Coach Hiraguchi
Futaba Sakura
Haru Okumura
Hifume Togo
Kasumi/Sumire Yoshizawa
Makoto Niijama
Sadayo Kawakami
Sae Niijama
Shiho Suzui
Tae Takemi
Wakaba Isshiki
Alice Hiiragi
Kuon Ichinose
Akane Hasegawa
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Round 1!
Vote for who you think is more queer/gay (doesn't matter if you think they're bi, pan, gay, lesbian, etc. Who's the most not straight!)
I will allow propaganda in the form of asks or notes (tags and comments)
Be nice and respectful. Not everyone has the same headcanons.
Remember, this is mostly just for fun! We have a few submitted characters for this exact purpose, so don't take things too seriously. (It doesn't matter what the results are, most persona characters will be queer-coded in my heart)
The list of polls is as follows:
Labrys vs. Daisuke Todoroki
Principal Kobayakawa vs. Yukiko Amagi
Mayumi Yamano vs. Suguru Kamoshida
Bebe vs. Sho Minazuki
Isako Toriumi (Maya) vs. Ann Takamaki
Ichiryusai Madarame vs. Ichiko Ohya
Chihiro Fushimi vs. Ai Ebihara
Philemon vs.Shibusawa
Kou Ichijo vs. Fuuka Yamagishi
Munehisa Iwai vs. Miyabi Hanakouji
President Tanaka vs. Akihiko Sanada
Ryuji Sakamoto vs. Taro Namatame
Kanami Mashita vs. Haru Okumura
Nozomi Suemitsu vs. Angel and Julian
Ryotaro Dojima vs. Rio Iwasaki
Sadayo Kawakami vs. Maya Amano
Nagi vs. Saori Hasegawa
Cashier from Peace Diner vs. Junpei Iori
Chizuru Ishigami vs. Minoru Inoue
Chihaya Mifune vs. Mamoru Hayase
Misuzu Hiiragi vs. Lala Escargot
Setsuko Sonomura vs. Junko Kurosu
Eri Minami vs. Tae Takemi
Zen vs. Kenji Tomochika
Eriko Kirishima vs. Takeharu Kirijo
Mika vs. Metis
Junya Kaneshiro vs. Takuto Maruki
Moel Gas Station Attendant vs. Hanako Ohtani
Maya Okamura vs. Igor
Sayoko Uehara vs. Makoto Yuki
Lesbian Student from P3 vs. Mami Shibata
Shunsuke Fujii vs. Saki Konishi
Tatsuya Suou vs. Akinari Kashihara
Miho Ogishima vs. Kinshiro Morooka
Hisano Kuroda vs. Ayane Matsunaga
Kanji Tatsumi vs. Makoto Nijiima
Marie vs. Tatsuya Sudou
SIU Director vs. Reiji Kido
Baofu vs. Takahisa Kandori
Yuuki Mishima vs. Tamaki Uchida
Zenkichi Hasegawa vs. Yosuke Hanamura
Mitsuo Kubo vs. Aigis
Kei Nanjo vs. Margaret
Masao Inaba vs. Noriko Katayama
Yukino Mayuzumi vs. Saeko Takami
Tadashi Satomi vs. Chidori Yoshino
Yumi Ozawa vs. Gay Demons P2
Kasumi Yoshizawa vs. Yuka Ayase
Hidetoshi Odagiri vs. Mutatsu
Shinjiro Aragaki vs. Kazushi Miyamoto
Localized version of Naoya vs. Ren Amamiya
Coach Hiraguchi vs. Chie Satonaka
Shuji Ikutsuki vs. Shiho Suzui
Futaba Sakura vs. Naoto Shirogane
Jin Shirato vs. Hifumi Togo
Keisuke Hiraga vs. Eikichi Mishina
Maki Sonomura vs. Toranosuke Yoshida
Rise Kujikawa vs. Elizabeth
Goro Akechi vs. Yuko Nishiwaki
Noriko Kashiwagi vs. Ulala Serizawa
Yuko Himeno vs. Anna Yoshizaka
Hikari vs. Joker (IS)
Mitsuru Kirijo vs. Hidehiko Uesugi
Masayoshi Shido vs. Youichi Makimura
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