#and i wanted to say something interesting bc im obsessed with all of this. responding to your posts always seems to kick me back into gear
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rarepairnation · 9 months ago
i feel like i am going to die. thank you for this it is lighting my brain on fire. this height difference.....girl..........like father like son / like mother-in-law like daughter-in-law, i suppose. only slightly related but finduilas meeting eowyn is just a concept that rotates at low power in my brain. no coherent sentences are present but. its just really good.
finduilas and denethor having music time in their chambers before bed.....i need to go lie face down in the lake. i like to think it was something denethor never neglected, even if he had to then depart back to his duties. perhaps she was more predisposed to singing when she was younger and felt that her illness took that from her, and denethor kind of helped her reclaim it to some extent.
it also makes me think of maglor haunting the shores of middle earth in this context and well i feel a little crazy. do you think sometimes in dol amroth people swear that their lost princess wanders the high towers at night, singing with the voice of a bird. do you think denethor himself had ever heard her sing, and even if he had not, if sometimes he could almost see her walking along the prow, turned to the east, singing with a broken voice. (idk why i'm giving so much bird imagery in connection to her. her and earendil and elwing are maybe getting to me). hmm. sorry about this one. after her death music becomes a rare thing in the house of the steward - faramir plays the harp, perhaps, after his mother's example, but boromir is more inclined to the sorts of songs sung in taverns, and from the steward's rooms there is never song. but he asks pippin to sing for him, when he takes him into his service. perhaps he thinks that at this end of days, he wants this reminder of her.
i love love the idea of their attraction to one another being primarily based on seeing their own strangeness in one another + also just their sheer competence in their respective political domains. not to be ace about it but that taking precedence over physical attraction even when that is still an aspect that is present (or perhaps it being the way in which their relationship started. in a demisexual way even). yeah. also i Will make everything about the insane poly situation that has taken over my brain. denethor 🤝 finduilas 🤝 thorongil: being absolutely bizarrely strange and subsequently really into each other because of it. Yeah...
hhhmmgngngn this is one barrier they can never quite cross...dying again. obviously i knew she was forever drawn back to the sea but i think before it was kind of abstract in my head but the fact that they are literally forever looking both in opposite directions (her to the west towards the sea, him to the east towards mordor) AND that she would yearn for a place where he could never follow...........which neither of them can ever attain but that perhaps she could come closer to.....kind of giving elf/mortal ship lite and i am. aughe. over it. do you think perhaps there is some resentment in denethor, not towards her but towards the whole elven valinor concept - i could see it going either in the direction of 'if anyone deserved that sanctuary it was her' or 'the land that should have been his promised land is now a curse and he can never take her there and so she yearns for something beyond both their reach'
no thoughts head empty for this one regent finduilas only. even in an informal/private way...the image of her on the steward's chair lives permanently in my head but in the case of a gondor that would not accept that i still think. just him deferring to her in private upon the basis of the parts of the political sphere where he knows he is flawed. and she is the only one he would take that from too. (and...after she's gone.....him having hardly anyone he would trust to receive criticism from and it resulting in him kind of. excising his own perception of his own flaws). it's just such an excellent aspect of their relationship that is easy to overlook bc her gentleness is put more forwards in the text.
ack. ACK! is it because he reminds her of arwen or because he sees her fate written before him as if in the very stone under her feet or a little bit of both or. man. that is literally so........thorongil is a guy who WILL kind of unintentionally freak out both of them isn't he. just the concept that to thorongil she is almost already gone and to denethor she is the realest person he has ever had because he cannot bear anything else. what do you even do if you're her. i don't know.
i'm still turning over my reply to your reply to my post re: your finduilas ask (normal sentences) in my head but while that's marinating i am just dropping by to say that its really funny how i said i hadn't thought enough about here and then she refused to vacate my mind for a week straight after that. self fulfilling prophecy. if you have any spare finduilas thoughts (involving denethor or thorongil or both or neither im not picky) laying around i am all ears.
Hmm, more Finduilas thoughts…
She’s a Dúnedain woman, so she’s tall, though you wouldn’t know it standing next to Denethor or Thorongil, maybe about 5'10" to their 6’6”+.
Her singing voice isn’t the best, her illness has damaged her vocal cords, but she can play the harp and several other instruments while Denethor sings, usually in Sindarin or Andunaic.
Growing up she loved the tale of Earendil and Elwing, and it was from this (and her love of the sea) that she took the name Faramir, after one of Earendil’s companions.
She was physically attracted to Denethor, as much as a Dúnedan can be. He was tall, raven haired and beautiful. But they were drawn together far more by their strangeness however, a shared recognition that they are alike because of how unalike they were to all others.
Finduilas is very elvish, she looks west more towards Valinor than Denethor’s visions of Númenor, the sea offers escape rather than destruction. This is one barrier they can never quite cross.
She’s very good with people, PR, image and diplomacy. She’s not afraid to tell Denethor when he has screwed up and needs to have more tact.
She’s quite fond of Thorongil, and like Denethor sees how useful he could be for Gondor, but she always gets the feeling that he looks at her as if she was a ghost.
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ofbreathandflame-archive · 2 years ago
You’re right, Feyre stans are rarely just Feyre stans.
hi anon!
yep! this was specifically solidified for me after silver flames came out. feyre stans have been conditioned to always validate rhysand's intention over feyre's opinion. again - feyre has established that she:
(1) does not want rhysand to speak about her sisters in a disrespectful manner. feyre validates rhysand emotions about her sisters - meaning she isn't saying (and im not saying) that rhysand doesn't have a right to feel a certain way about her sisters. but that rhysand's feelings should not manifest in jabs and disrespectful words:
“Rhys said smoothly, “I’m not entirely sure Velaris is prepared for Nesta Archeron.” “My sister’s not some feral animal,” I snapped. Rhys recoiled a bit, the others suddenly finding the carpet, the divan, the books incredibly fascinating. “I didn’t mean that.”
feyre to rhysand.
“So she keeps saying, over and over,” Amren grumbled. I shot her a glare. “Careful.”
feyre to amren.
that's a boundary being set - clear as day. feyre does not approve or condone outright disrespect of her sisters. this has nothing to do with how we believe xyz or what rhys has a right to do, but what feyre has established as a no go.
(2) that she does not feel comfortable with rhysand being overly protective, to the point he withholds information, is overly violent, or conflicts with her wants:
“It’s hard to shut down my instincts.” Instincts. Just like … like someone else had instincts to protect, to hide me away. “Then you should have prepared yourself better,” I snapped. “You seemed to be going along just fine with it, until Keir said—”
rhys to feyre; feyre to rhys (acomaf)
(3)feyre doesn't care about instincts (as is an excuse used in sf), here she is telling rhys straight up that he needs to prepare himself better. bc she DOES NOT feel comfortable with the way rhys expressed his frustration. and again feyre is sympathetic to his reasonings, but she does not believe his intentions (in this case) justify the way he chooses to go about these things.
“I craned my neck to look up at him. “Never lie to me again. Not about that.”
feyre to rhys (acowar)
(4) again - feyre establishing a boundary. never lie to her about anything, especially important things.
feyre (and also fucking amren) also establishes that she doesn't believe that keeping her sisters couped up in the house of wind to be productive or helpful:
“If you want to start convincing your sisters, get them out of the House. Being cooped up never helped anyone.”
amren to feyre (acowar)
and nesta has established to rhys that she wants no interest in cassian:
“Nesta had made it clear enough she had no interest in Cassian—not even in being in the same room as him. I knew why. I’d seen it happen, had felt that way plenty.”
rhysand to az (acofas)
feyre also establishes - to rhys - that her she knows her sisters don't do well with public humiliation, and making a scene:
“ “I shouldn’t have asked her in public. I made a mistake.” and “I loosed a long sigh. “I should have considered that telling strangers what happened to her in Hybern might … might not be something she was comfortable with. My sister has been a private person her entire life, even amongst us.”
feyre to rhys (acowar).
im saying allll of this to say that in sf - rhysand literally takes all of these boundaries and shits on them. even his creation of the intervention conflicits against what feyre establishes: (1) her sister is a private person, and will not respond well to public humilation (2) nesta wants nothing to do with cassian (3) her sisters are not healty being in the house of wind and (4) feyre wants to be looped in and considered every step of the way. even the act of creating an intervention that goes so instinctively against feyre's wishes is an act of deep disrespect. that feyre stans can see these moments and still justify them bc their hatred for nesta and obsession w/ rhys trumps their 'love' for feyre. its a conditional like. here feyre is the victim and instead of writing metas and ff about feyre being done dirty by rhysand - they flock to justify rhysand's point to the point where they're willing to ignore feyre's opinions. its not abt how much we like / dislike the sisters. but how rhys's behavior conflicts against feyre's wants and boundaries. its about how those feyre stans would rather validate rhys then stand by feyre's emotions. to imply that rhysand's actions were appropriate means u place his actions above feyre.
feyre is adult and mature enough to manage her emotions, she not a child, she is perfectly able to stand-up and put her foot down. and she has - on multiple occasions retorted and fought back against her sisters - to consistently pretend feyre is a child who needs rhys to cosign and stand body-guard when feyre is perfectly able to do it herself says so much abt those 'stans' than they are willing to admit.
like feyre was able to face down tamlin - her abuser - all by her damn self. she's not some child who needs people to consistently defend her by undermining her opinions. if she wanted rhys to be an asshole to nesta - we would have saw that. instead we got this:
“That’s enough,” Feyre snapped at Rhys. “I told you to keep out of it.” He dragged his star-flecked eyes to his mate, and it was all Nesta could do to keep from collapsing onto the couch as her knees gave out at last. Feyre angled her head, nostrils flaring, and said to Rhysand, “You can either leave, or you can stay and keep your mouth shut.”
we got feyre telling rhys and amren that she did not want them to behave that way. and even after that. both rhys and amren continue ignoring feyre's requests. feyre is not respected - these are not the actions of people who respect her as an equal. she's a child to them , and they believe they know better.
idk - if i were a feyre stan- yall would never have shut me up if my fav was treated like a doormat and sidelined. i would have been writing scathing metas on rhys and the ic. - i wouldve been explaining exactly why rhys withholding information was wrong - not just vaguely saying he was wrong and then justifying why he did it. i would have been an amren hater #1 for how she continually undermined feyre. idk...yall are not real feyre shooters. like damn your fav is catching strays by the author and the readers and you're only focused on how nesta factors into that equation?? like youve got bigger problems to worry abt here. feyre has been continually and consistently phased out of her own story by the author and that don't bother yall? hmm couldnt be me tho.
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jemmo · 6 months ago
ok i was too exhausted to talk about i hear the sunspot last week so now i have 2 weeks worth of ranting saved up and i can feel the tidal wave coming.
edit: i had to add a read more bc this turned into the messiest, most tangent-filled rant. tl;dr idk i just like it
and first off i wanna semi-respond to some discussion ive seen around the show with regards to pacing, that its slow, its frustrating etc. and the extent of my response is... yeah. well, not just yeah. its not that i agree or disagree, its more that i dont have a way to respond that is unbiased or removed from my personal opinion bc i love the show a lot. if i totally detached and looked at it, yeah, maybe i'd think that way. god knows ive said the same thing for many, many other shows and funnily enough its usually one of my least favourite things. at least, i thought it was, but now that i think about it...
ok this is gonna be a tangent but ive now been watching bl and been in the bl space for over 3 years (wow, how did that happen?) and i think its really interesting to think about, and i'd love to hear from others as well, how my taste in bl has changed. what i like, what i dont like, what i value in a show and how much i am willing to invest in or engage with a show. before i got to bl, i was very much looking for bl content. even when i was younger, i was always trying to find queer content and it was usually european, and then in my anime phase i watched all the bl anime, and that led me to cherry magic blah blah you dont need to know the rest. but at that point i was very much hungry to just see queerness on screen. and i mean explicit queerness, not necessary sexual, just like dating and kissing and explicit same sex relationships. and i think in that haze and the height of hyperfixation i watched many shows that i probably wouldnt have the patience to now. i watch a lot less bl now, maybe bc im more busy with work, maybe bc bl is actually getting worse idk, or maybe i just dont have the effort the engage with something when i dont like it, or it just doesnt interest me. and speaking of what i do and don't like, i feel like this lack of patience has also come with this gradual change in what i want for the show. i know bl now, i know its out there, i know more and more is being made every year, im not in short supply of explicit queerness anymore. so now i can be more picky. if i find myself getting bored watching a show, i just wont watch it. and also bc ive been watching bl for years now, i feel like i am developing what my taste in bl is, and thats not exactly something i can describe, for me its more a i know it when i see it kinda thing. thats why i try a lot of shows out but am happy to drop them after a couple of eps when i know i dont vibe with them.
and with shows i dont drop, they usually fall into 2 categories; im actually enjoying it or im just waiting around to see where this goes. and to call myself out, bc of all these things i think it means that im... well, not less critical, but less able to be unbiased when watching a show i do like, bc hey this is the one show out of 10 going on this month that im obsessed with, of course im not gonna be critical of it. and thats not to say i should be critical of i hear the sunspot, more that im not bc my bias and taste just makes me like it. all the things people think are its flaws that i see with other shows, i just dont see, or dont care about, bc i just like it. and thats me with the pacing. in any other show i would probably be bored and impatient. but for me, bc of so many other things, bc of what theyve done with characters in the mean time, bc i just like these characters a lot, the way they interact, the way they think, the whole vibe of the show and what it says, im just not bothered by it. its not an issue to me. and thats my tangent on personal taste and how youre allowed to just not think that a show has flaws when you like it even if other people think its flawed and youre equally critical of other things but anyway.
back to i hear the sunspot. i dont know why i love this slowburn and lack of communication but i just do. maybe its bc the show doesnt feel rushed. ive been frustrated so many other times when shows wait until the final ep for the couple to get together, which im guessing this show is doing, but thats usually bc nothing else about the show is engaging me so it feels like im being left waiting. i dont feel like im left waiting here. here, i feel like everyone as a character is being valued and whatever time i spend with any of them, i love it. i dont find myself waiting until kohei and taichi get a scene together like i have with other shows bc everything else, everything with them individually, everything with maya, with taichi's friends, idk what else to say i just love it all. and that shows bc i cried just as hard at the scene with maya as i did at the scene with kohei and taichi.
and now for just some fave bits, starting with maya. i just love her. people were so ready to be annoyed with her and pick her apart, but i cant scream enough about how amazing it is that the show introduced a female antagonist and managed to, in my eyes anyway, turn her into someone i liked and felt for and just enjoyed watching. finally, a female antagonist that wasnt just disposable after she served her purpose. and whats better is that what we come to learn about her recontextualises her actions when she was first introduced. i just know upon a rewatch that when i first see her acting out and being mean to taichi, i might still be mad at her, but ill also see a girl that is struggling to make it look like she is fine, someone who is trying her hardest to make it appear that she doesnt try at all, that shes fine, shes no burden to anyone, that this huge thing that is scary and difficult to deal with, shes fine with, bc shes just that good, no biggie. that need to make it all seem casual, to not show weakness, is even exactly why she got mad at taichi in the first place, bc she thought he wasnt trying, he was just doing things casually and he was ok with letting people know he wasnt perfect. he didnt take perfect notes and that was ok, he was still trying his hardest. thats like the exact opposite of maya's mindset to be perfect but make it look like shes not trying. and i think that clash was a great thing to add to the show, and so rewarding when taichi finally hit the nail on the head and told her she didnt have to try so hard, that its ok to let, or even make, other people make the effort. its not sympathy or pity, its kindness.
and now for taichi and kohei. there was just so many things that i loved, the scene of kohei cutting onions with his mom, the whole montage in the classroom going through the highlights of taichi taking notes for kohei, the whole vibe at the end where it was never explicitly said but you just knew it was taichi's last day. and i adore the way that kohei didn't ask questions when taichi told him about dropping out, he just had that faith in taichi, there was nothing to question, he believed that whyever it was, whatever it was for, taichi had thought about it and made the decision and that was enough. instead he just talks about taichi, how hes amazing, making him feel good about himself so he can feel both confident in his decision and whatever he does next. and as for taichi, i know we all wanna know why he cant just say he likes kohei and get it over with, but i dont think thats the right sentiment to bring to the show, or at least not the one i have. whatever it is, i just dont mind, bc to me taichi is a person and if he cant bring himself to say it now or doesnt want to or doesnt think its the right time, thats fine. thats the kind of energy gives me anyway, that i shouldnt be pressing these characters for a reason. its similar to how the show doesnt feel rushed, its like im fine if taichi doesnt say it bc theres no deadline, you say your feelings when youre ready and want to and thats just up to him and im not here to rush him, neither is the show. it just gives him the space to figure things out and make his mind up and decide when the time is right, when he isnt on rocky ground with yknow new people being mean to him and making him doubt himself or questioning what he wants to do with his life and taking on something new - like if taichi is overwhelemed by all of that, its fine. and i can hear the argument oh show us that and like yeah, as i said for any other show id say that too but here i dont care. taichi not saying his feelings can be for any reason you want to come up with, the show doesnt need to give us one, nor do we need one to accept he hasnt done it, but also if you want a reason, theres more than enough to draw from the show to come to your own conclusions. that kinda sounds like the most pretencious defence of a show thatsputting off a confession for the final ep but hey its what i think and i vibe with that thinking so there.
honestly, what i feel about this show is that it didn't need to be a bl for me to watch it, bc i adore everything about it that id watch it even if it was just bromance or even pure friendship, but the fact it is that bc its a bl, because it has that romance, it makes it better. and maybe thats why im not bothered by the pacing, bc im not waiting for the bl moments, im just enjoying the show for what it is, for the story its telling, for the characters its created and the message its conveying. and god if i think about it ending next week i will bust a cry so for now, we live in denial.
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hermanunworthy · 1 year ago
haiiiii... you asked for hermie asks so erm. what do you think hermie was like in chaparral (is that how its spelled?)
i imagine that as herman he was a regular good student- kind of uninteresting, not exactly memorable. almost forgettable.. chaparral feels like the more well funded, a bit more prestigious (like they get high grades or smth) but still a bit dull... this is purely to contrast with hemie's theatre kidness. yknow. But idr if it was portrayed differently (and i dont know how american highschools work) so uh what do you think!
hiya i was gonna respond to this last night but i ended up getting a massive headache so i had to go to bed early 😞
this is a REALLY interesting thing to think about, and something ive been trying to figure out! i think my idea of chaparral hermie/herman mostly aligns w urs. i imagine they really tried hard to blend in while also internally feeling a desperate need to stand out. their inclination for mischief probably manifested itself in more subtle, trivial ways, like cheating on tests and sneaking into classrooms and such. little things that wouldnt get them found out by their parents (bc they probably did before and it screwed things up for herman), but could still give them that satisfaction of doing something they werent supposed to. as a kid, i think they were more of a troublemaker, and probably didnt get along w other kids, bc they liked to pull childish pranks and maybe be a little rude due to low empathy (and ofc their scamminess and demonness agkdf). this probably concerned their parents greatly, and led them to be more strict w them, and for herman to conform more (aka just become more secretive. u know how kids are)
the way i imagine their physical appearance is like.... very normal and dull. black hair like their parents, shorter than they wouldve liked, no makeup, a manageable amount of acne to make them look like a regular kid, but not enough to seem gross. sucky bond levels of Average High School Kid, as much as they wanted to stand out. they tried to look as much like their parents kid as possible, even though it wasnt what they really wanted.
when they discovered their love for dc, they felt embarrassed about it and hid it from their peers and their parents, afraid that if they knew how intense and weird their interest was, they would have it taken away from them (BIGGG projecting here guys). they stole comics from the school library and hid them in their backpack. they wanted all kinds of dc merch and to go to comic con soooo bad but they kept it all to themself to the point of wanting to explode. their special interest was one thing nobody found out about, thankfully. amazingly
now. in terms of the mascot costume prank. what im really wondering is.... how much was the rest of the school on board w it? if it wasnt something herman did for the school itself, how was normal aware that it was something being planned? maybe... im thinking.... herman was like.. anonymously antagonizing the school and creating conflict between the two schools for shits and giggles. in my mind, herman was jealous of how san dimas students got to be so openly WEIRD and became.. a little obsessed w that school. ofc as soon as they saw that the school was doing joker as its play that year, their dc autism brain activated and they made their plan to infiltrate the school. doing tons of research on it, especially on the theatre department anddd the mascot!! bc they heard that normally oak swallows garcia was the WEIRDEST OF ALL. so this was not only a fun scam thing but a weird jealousy thing to get back at this kid they didnt even know for getting to be what they were never allowed to be. san dimas/teen high gave them a chance to be the person they had been born to be, and i think thats wonderful <3 (even though it led them to horrible danger and also to break a poor undeserving kids heart)
so! this ended up being more than i thought i had to say. but isnt that always how it is w me and hermie.... tldr i think chaparral herman had to mask a lot and hated it. thanks for letting me ramble gskdj !!
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gemapples · 3 years ago
Plz rant to us about how much you love magolor
first of all this ask was so sweet out of the blue and made me smile a lot so thank you :) i appreciate it so much
i was gonna be all difficult and respond like "LOL are you sure" but yknow what screw it im bored and i've done that too often already so !! here ya go. everything i love about magolor
this is probably to be expected (especially bc of how often i draw him lmao), but first!! i LOVE his design. his design in particular just really stands out to me compared to the other characters ig; he has unique aspects to him that are so cutesy and charming yet contradicting and mysterious from how he looks alone. you have lil cat ears obviously but he still wears a hood and scarf so you cant see his face at all and glowing eyes??? damn. i also love his cape it's so flowy and cool AND ALSO i feel like the gear patterns are really fitting to him as well and go nicely with who he is. however, at first glance you might think his main purpose is to be a mechanic or engineer, and while that is true, he's also majorly known for being a skilled wizard, and his name is even based off the word magic. i feel like you wouldn't expect that from his design and that makes it all the more interesting... it's like there's underlying aspects that you get a suspicion about from just how he looks, which i feel is extremely fitting to his character. his design conveys that he's from another world so nicely too i feel,, you compare him to kirby and the others and he looks so different and otherworldly, almost. you can immediately tell that he's probably not from the same dimension or planet as everyone else. he has a ton of amazing concept designs but im glad they went with this one tbh it just. LOOKS the most like who magolor is and what he's supposed to represent imo. i love the others a lot too but !! in terms of his design his current one takes the cake for me
i adore how Absolutely layered of a character he is. there are so many bubbling details beneath him that have so much impact i just. God. him coming from another planet that's practically dead with very little to no life left and him not knowing what friendship is or how it's supposed to properly work, him betraying the others and falling deep into "obsession and hatred", him finding an exit, dealing with the massive pressure and apologizing to kirby, but him still getting up to funny mischief now and then !! you literally never know what you're gonna get with him (some of those might be personal interps but let's pretend they're not (whoopsie)). Just how he's developed and where he's now placed in the franchise,, he could be classified as comic relief yet he's still a main character if that makes sense?? i'm dying on the hill that magolor is a main character even though he didn't appear in forgotten land idc
i like to think he's similar to how bandee was but. also not ig lol idek -- like both of them debuted in one game and were expected to just?? not return??? but they did and became extremely significant characters who have made such a massive change. they could have chosen to cast magolor aside or whatever, say fuck it and kill him off, etc. but instead they didn't stop there and wanted to keep going with his character and give him a huge role. yeah you could argue it's bc of his popularity but i still think thats so cool tbh he just seems so unique compared to the rest of the cast in his own way and its. really interesting to see how he fits in the series in general !! him and his game are literally where kirby lore and more effective storytelling began imo and i think thats. So amazing they really tried to expand and develop the series through his character and it shows how important he is and how significant he places in terms of kirby as a whole
on a related note -- his personality is something unlike any other. they described him as "deceiving while telling the truth" and i think that's really important bc it's hard for you to tell when he's actually being genuine. and that's unique to most of the other characters and makes him feel out of place in a way and.. yeah mysterious !!! even when he apologized after he fucked up, his wording gave the impression like he just seemed to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal despite the fact it obviously changed his life which also relates to the former thing and fhjkgfh Wow!! ofc dream collection could've taken place a bit after he actually apologized to kirby but y'know !!
also never get tired of the fact that man's ego is the size of the entire galaxy through hell and back . "look at me, i'm such a nice guy right?" I love how he actually Recognizes how important he is and acknowledges // acknowledged how he can use certain situations to his advantage and this may result in him coming off as stuck-up and thinking of himself more highly than everyone else but !! he doesn't care . Plus he's completely aware how strong he really is and just how he can use all of his abilities and skills to his advantage. Yet despite this, you may get a touch of underlying sadness, guilt, loneliness from him... all the more reason he's a layered character :)
extended from the last one but yeah i love how like. Insanely powerful he is and yeah you could say it's bc of the master crown or whatever (probably is lol) but Listen he has such a wide variety of magical attacks and i think it's so cool bc i feel like he doesn't depend on them Too much yet he still shows them off?? if that makes sense?? like he still uses them a lot for things in, say, dream collection for obstacles i don't even know where im going with this LMAO but yeah his abilities are just so !!! very cool like you take one look at him and you think he would be weak or wouldn't have any powers yet he could destroy you from like 40 miles away or something and he's one of the most broken characters in ksa, kf2, etc. mans can summon literal black holes, portals and giant swords that only kirby could previously wield like it's nothing now, if that doesn't make him one of the most powerful characters currently then idrk what does (i remember in a star allies article while describing his ultra sword they stated something along the lines of "did he secretly stash up power from the master crown? or did he steal this ability from kirby?" and while it's most likely the former in a realistic sense could you IMAGINE how insanely strong he would be if he could actually steal abilities from kirby, the most powerful character with the most powerful abilities. Just putting that out there)
said this briefly in the design paragraph already but i appreciate how many things about him can go two ways that usually contradict one another. Maybe i'm thinking too much into it but lol the most obvious one is, ofc, how he acted as a friend vs. deceived kirby but other things too like. How he combines steampunk elements and high-tech elements at the same time which are opposites. as i said he's also a magician which is !! also not something you may see with those two together i believe star allies and his name in general adds a TON of fuel to this bc it confirmed how his name literally means "false paradise" and "wonderful place" if you combine translations which also contradict each other i also like to think that "magic" in his name can also refer to the fact that he's also extremely skilled in certain areas such as yknow. Getting to handle others or outsmart them, seeing things from others' perspectives, or even being a very talented speaker altogether (a magician or wizard can also mean someone who extremely skilled at something. just a fun lil thing)
more minor things !!! but i really love how he uses slang + speaks in a dramatic way, and how that relates to his personality as explained above. no other kirby character says "dude", "beast", etc. which i feel can really emphasize how he's not from their world but it's?? very funny to think about fhdjkgh. I know other kirby characters use katakana in japanese but i believe magolor is the main // most popular example in this aspect(?? lmk if this is incorrect though, i just know galactic nova and star dream use it but im not sure about anyone else) i also like how he heavily emphasizes certain words and phrases !! it makes him seem overexaggerated and even more unique than other characters who may act in a more realistic in a way. All of them are unhinged but they're all unhinged in their own way which compliment each other well and i feel magolor adds a lot to this mix :)
speaking of which god i LOVE his voice. i feel it's so fitting despite the fact it's animal crossing language as it's widely called. like they stated in the miiverse post, i love how they made it seem authentic by making him clearly say "kirby", it does kind of make it seem like he has an accent even in english ig. It's so squeaky and cute and adorable like go off lil man!!!
i think i got a lot of everything lmao i'm sure there's a ton more i haven't mentioned or didn't think to mention but just know i love Everything about him he means so much to me like fucking hell i love this character if you couldn't tell. he's just so Good he has so many things about him yet i feel we haven't even scratched the surface of how much there is. i really think this rtdl novel will bring // brought a whole new light to who exactly he is and what he's worth and i'm always looking forward to seeing him around again :) really hope he'll continue to have a lasting impact on the franchise
(extra bonus: also like his lil salutes)
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psychewritesbs · 2 years ago
A huge factor into why I'm interested in megumi is quite literally seeing him grow with his ct, and seeing him accomplishing his domain, etc is very satisfying, but I think it's pretty much inevitable that sukuna will cast the completed chimera shadow domain (don't like that idea at all), and yeah, we don't know this for a fact and I'm very much jumping the gun, but the silver lining I see is sukuna once again acting as a unintentional or intentional mentor for megumi yk. I'm like 96.4% sure megumi is not dead (could be wrong idk anymore 😭).
I sound very much as though I don't care for character arcs, and solely care for power feats, but I promise I do care for the character development!! I regularly read and watch all sorts of series from different demographics, but im just specific with jjk for this ask. I just enjoy the ways in which authors can create power systems within its own world and seeing how characters respond to those rules, etc.
I'm wondering if gege will revisit the concept of being a good/bad person through megumi/yuji and if hana will play a role in that. I like how hana and megumi share the same "putting someone on a pedestal" thing and wonder if we'll see their relationship develop too (of she survives ofc haha 😢). Hana doesn't know megumi whatsoever, but I think she has more of an obsession with him than just a crush, and I do think her very rough childhood played into that, but only gege knows where this is going, so I guess we'll see hehe. They were both in a sense tricked by that someone (tsumiki, etc). Also, I don't know if it's intentional on gege's part, but is there a reason megumi was not able to deduce that tsumiki wasn't the same or is their dynamic truly a bit stunted where they don't know each other as well. I thought megumi would apologize too like he said, but I can't tell if it's intentional and it will lead to something more, or gege just wants to move the plot and won't explore those things anymore. Tsumiki did really feel as just a plot device, but I still hoped she wouldn't as I wanted to know her feelings on the situation and about her brother and her mom, etc, but I don't know how she would have survived now... but hope is always there I guess! No problem with that. I guess I say this bc I'm interested in knowing how megumi will overcome this need to ignore his own goodness to uplift those worthy individuals (tsumiki and yuji) and I always thought that seeing tsumiki as an actual person capable of good and bad would have challenged him, so I'm curious if that's still what we'll be exploring with megumi or if it doesn't matter anymore and he just died like a fool.
This is definitely the fight obsessed part of me, but ever since we knew that no ten shadows user in history has tamed mahoraga, the thought of megumi being the first is always on my mind, but I may have to settle for mahoraga being tamed by sukuna even if just for a short while. I'm jumping the gun again, but on a happier note 😊 I've been having a ball seeing sukuna mess around again with the mcs 😭 he's so fun to watch, so I'm not completely negative just conflicted lol.
I love the "save me/you" concept that we've seen in yuji and megumi, so I think yuji will play a role in saving him so to speak or playing a big role in megumi saving himself. OR since gege is using the titles to parallel the first few chapters of the series, we may get megumi dying in front of yuji after taking some control back and waha its sad again !! (Don't know how to feel about this theory either) It's fun thinking of ways this could go and gege has clearly thought of these moments in the story as he's clearly expressed what sukuna would do to megumi. I wonder what that interviewer thought when he heard gege speak lmao and if what happened in 212 and beyond is what he told him a while ago 🤔
What do believe to be a fulfilling character arc for megumi? I don't mind him dying or living, but not in this very moment hehe 😃
Sorry for the big ask again, but thanks again for reading!!
Oh my! Thanks for reaching out and sharing your #thoughts with me! I love all the #thoughts. There was so much juiciness to brainrot about!
My own #thoughts in response to your #thoughts under the cut!
A huge factor into why I'm interested in megumi is quite literally seeing him grow with his ct, and seeing him accomplishing his domain, etc is very satisfying,
Ugh! I KNOW! Satisfying is exactly the right word for it.
Honestly, Megumi is beautifully written.
I think it's pretty much inevitable that sukuna will cast the completed chimera shadow domain (don't like that idea at all), and yeah, we don't know this for a fact and I'm very much jumping the gun, but the silver lining I see is sukuna once again acting as a unintentional or intentional mentor for megumi yk
Yeah I have to agree with you on this. Something interesting is happening because Sukuna is clearly better able to use or make the most out of Megumi's Cursed Technique.
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What I am not sure is whether this is due to Megumi's mentality still limiting what he can do or whether this is Sukuna simply being more powerful.
Like in my head, Megumi should be able to accomplish the same, he just doesn't know that he doesn't know that he can do it. That said, Sukuna has been a catalyst for realizations like that in the past, so as you say, Megumi might grow because of Sukuna.
Which is also kind of interesting because Sukuna is equally impressed by Megumi...
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Also... about Megumi's domain... gosh... yeah I must admit I am not a fan of Megumi not being the one who maximizes his own potential.
I have mixed thoughts on what exactly Sukuna is and isn't because of the whole mind = body = soul relationship and how he's just body-hopping and overriding other people's mind's information to merge with the soul and body.
So in a sense this is still Megumi but it isn't Megumi? Because in the end, this is Megumi's body and soul.
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Regardless... I'm sure Sukuna will do something big with Megumi's domain and I do hope that, as you say, Megumi will learn from Sukuna because of it.
"I'm like 96.4% sure megumi is not dead"
That deserved to be made a title because of how specific you are about it lol. Don't hesitate to send in your theories. I'm collecting "the mental gymnastics Megumi fans will do to convince themselves he's still alive".
I do hope you're right tho and will light some prayer candles just to make sure your theory manifests.
I've made peace with Megumi not coming back but I'll still be disappointed if he doesn't which means I have not made peace with it at all.
Also... I am super curious about the other 3.6%...?
I sound very much as though I don't care for character arcs, and solely care for power feats, but I promise I do care for the character development!!... I just enjoy the ways in which authors can create power systems within its own world and seeing how characters respond to those rules, etc.
I'd say you get it. In JJK power = character development and psychological wholeness. It's a nice twist on the trope and Gege has done a good job with it.
In retrospect, I really do think the Culling Game arc has been about showing that relationship between power and the power system in JJK, how it relates to the sorcerer's personality, how the characters respond to those rules, and how they grow and get stronger as a result.
Like... don't get me wrong, I've been consuming Shonen for yeeeeears and while I appreciate Goku powering up because he was like...
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I also really like how Gege pushes his characters to grow outside of long drawn out screaming.
I'm wondering if gege will revisit the concept of being a good/bad person through megumi/yuji and if hana will play a role in that.
Personally, I hope and think so.
How deeply he'll elaborate and/or how he executes is what is unsure. He might hide the struggle in the symbols.
Actually, as a symbol, Hana's Cursed Technique is a massive rabbit hole that gets at the core of good vs. evil. I'm working on writing this super nerdy meta about it. Stay tuned!
What I will say about Hana right now is that she sort of symbolizes light.
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So it's an interesting symbol to bring in for a dynamic with a character like Megumi who represents the shadow.
If you think about it, dark is in need of light.
I'd say there's something there worth exploring.
I like how hana and megumi share the same "putting someone on a pedestal"... Hana doesn't know megumi whatsoever, but I think she has more of an obsession with him than just a crush, and I do think her very rough childhood played into that
Yes! Such a good point! I noticed the same thing about her. Going back to the idea of light, think of how light also make shadows all the more obvious and pronounced. So to me, from a psychological perspective, Hana's obsession is a sort of balance to her "light".
When you look at it like that, the Hana/Megumi parallels are interesting and I also wonder where Gege will go with them given Sukumi just betrayed Hana the way Yorozu betrayed Megumi.
is there a reason megumi was not able to deduce that tsumiki wasn't the same or is their dynamic truly a bit stunted where they don't know each other as well
Ah so, while I can see why people think this is the case, I personally don't interpret like this.
So for one, I do think that the relational dynamic is stunted and that it carries Pygmalion and the Princess and her Knight undertones. This involves how much Megumi idolizes Tsumiki as this epitome of goodness because it appears as though to Megumi, Tsumiki doesn't have a will of her own. Rather, she's an object upon whom he can project his emotional world and everything that is good about himself.
As an object that carries a projection of his emotional world, Tsumiki is also a Sleeping Beauty. Which can be taken as a metaphor for the status of Megumi's own emotional self--cursed to sleep for a hundred years.
Maybe I should expand upon this symbol in more detail. But for the sake of time what I'll say is that Sleeping Beauty is about awakening the feminine principle in order to achieve inner-balance between mind and heart/soul.
In JJK, Megumi's feminine principle has awakened, literalized by Tsumiki waking up, but the twist is that this carrier of Megumi's emotional world is now a cursed existence.
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So it's almost like the Sleeping Beauty has turned against Megumi's immature perception of her. She has a will of her own and is not afraid to do as her sense of self is pleased.
I like that Gege has given us this twist to this dynamic because it gives us another look at Megumi's immature perception of the world and where he needs to grow.
JJK is a true tragedy in that its character's flaws are what ushers their ultimate downfall, and the way Gege is executing is very Jungian to boot.
Not sure if Megumi will grow from this experience because of that 3.6% possibility that he is dead, but the thing about the Princess and her Knight trope is that the Knight in question might eventually learn to see the real heart under the projections he casted upon her.
Twelve from Terror in Resonance is a favorite example of this trope's execution where, after dragging his Fair Lady into trouble, Twelve eventually sees her for who she is. In other words, the Sleeping Beauty comes to life in her own right and the Knight recognizes her true essence and achieves wholeness within himself.
So there's A LOT of possible character development in store for Megumi if he's 96.4% alive given all of the symbolism surrounding Jacob's Ladder and even Kon as the alchemical principle of antimony which unifies opposites.
All of this said, I've read quite a bit of discourse about how Megumi should have known this wasn't Tsumiki that I personally don't agree with.
First, I don't think that because Megumi idealized her that he didn't know her. I find that to be a massive leap of faith in logic because Yorozu was acting based on information she had about Megumi. In a sense, she always had the upper hand.
Again... Reggie cursed Megumi to die a fool.
What's more foolish than looking down on Remi for having failed to recognize Reggie was no longer who she thought he was, and then dying because of it?
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So to me, its more of a question of Megumi failing to recognize this was not Tsumiki's soul / temperament.
There's a couple of characters that are favorites of mine who fool others because they walk a fine line between who they pretend to be and who they are at their core.
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People can say and behave in one way, but temperament is an entirely different thing.
In Tokyo Babylon, Seishiro acts a certain way, and even though Subaru seems to be aware of it, he ignores his intuition about it because Subaru enjoyed Seishiro's temperament.
The way I see it, by the mere fact that they grew up together, Megumi is familiar with Tsumiki's idiosyncrasies and/or temperament. You know, the small things that make her Tsumiki.
Like what she might say in any given moment.
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Or how she might behave in specific circumstances.
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I personally see these panels as Megumi noticing that something was off but that he ignored his intuition because Yorozu is pretty much an optical illusion. Again, she is someone with access to Tsumiki's mind's information.
But that's how I see it at least.
If I'm honest, this all makes me wonder why Yorozu played coy. Why not just beat him to a pulp and enter the Culling Game? Was she enjoying humoring Megumi?
Or is this simply a plot hole for the sake of shock value?
ANYWAYS. I hope that I didn't go on an unrelated tangent as per usual. Moving on!
I thought megumi would apologize too like he said, but I can't tell if it's intentional and it will lead to something more, or gege just wants to move the plot and won't explore those things anymore.
Ah I feel the same way!
There's so many little details that feel like might be left unresolved. So far it looks like Gege is paying off on his promises so I wonder if he's going to deliver some angsty moment where Megumi apologizes because Sukuna killed her. Perhaps not that precisely but I wouldn't put it past the cursed cat.
I always thought that seeing tsumiki as an actual person capable of good and bad would have challenged him, so I'm curious if that's still what we'll be exploring with megumi or if it doesn't matter anymore and he just died like a fool.
Oh this is GOOD stuff. Not the part about Megumi dying like a fool but... y'know.
Again, "go back to sleep Tsumiki. I am busy protecting you."
Honestly, I am not sure what I like the most about how things unfolded... that Megumi's soul broke because Tsumiki might be dead, or that Megumi's soul broke because she has a will of her own when she never did before lol.
Again. I am eager to see how Gege executes on the trope.
on a happier note 😊 I've been having a ball seeing sukuna mess around again with the mcs 😭 he's so fun to watch
Yeessssss... sort of... not really... but still... yeeeeeeessss...
I love Sukuna and I love that every time Sukuna shows up he just has this overbearing and amazing sense of self that comes through the page in such a beautiful way.
I kind of just wish he want back to Yuji's body for that lol.
But ok, FINE! Go forth Sukumi! I'm looking forward to seeing what shenanigans he gets into this time.
Sort of... not really... ok maybe.
I love the "save me/you" concept that we've seen in yuji and megumi, so I think yuji will play a role in saving him so to speak or playing a big role in megumi saving himself. OR since gege is using the titles to parallel the first few chapters of the series, we may get megumi dying in front of yuji after taking some control back and waha its sad again !!
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Wait... jk, noooooooooooo!
This is interesting because Jacob's Ladder also gets at the core of the idea of the human heart. OMG what is Gege planning?!!!
ok I personally think it's a bit too predictable for Megumi to do a reverse uno from chapter 9, but it is also very likely to happen. Sad indeed.
Gege did drop possible foreshadowing about Megumi's death, but it could also very well be a red herring.
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The reference to Patrasche is very tragic. You can read about A Dog of Flanders in Wikipedia, which has a quick summary of the story and mentions a couple of anime adaptations of the story.
In a nutshell, A Dog of Flanders is about a boy (who happens to be an orphan like a certain someone) with a very tragic life and his very tragic death.
Anyways, thanks for sharing this theory. I loved the continuity that Gege brought in from chapter 9 but I never thought to explore the end of the arc.
What do believe to be a fulfilling character arc for megumi? I don't mind him dying or living, but not in this very moment hehe 😃
Shoot. I have no clue!!! I'm really focused on taking each chapter at a time and not getting my hopes up about Megumi coming back. This is my own personal way of not getting hurt heh. I just don't want to be disappointed because Gege is unpredictable af sometimes.
So... I keep referring to Jacob's Ladder because as a symbol it represents the upward mobility of the soul. There's a clear theme of corruption and redemption of the self. So I feel like a fulfilling arc would be Megumi doing the whole union of opposites thing (remember the Sleeping Beauty references?) and re-awakening and overpowering Sukuna's sense of self.
After all, Gege already made it a point to make a distinction between how some people can be a vessels and others can be cages. I think it might be a theme of overcoming evil within oneself.
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Thanks for reaching out again!!!
It's always good to brainrot and chat with others about JJK so thank you for sending in your thoughts. Keep them coming if you wish :)
Apologies on the delayed answer as well.
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confessing on valentine’s day to leviathan, lucifer, and simeon
a/n: more last-minute valentine’s hcs for any simps out there (shh bc im one of you lol)
He pretends he’s not curious about what you do for valentine’s day by claiming he has lots of valentine’s day game events to participate in
But when you ask if he’ll be busy on the day of, he immediately yelps out “uh- nope, nothing at all! w-why, did you wanna do something together??”
Levi isn’t actually expecting you to say yes
Poor bby had already resigned himself to another year of binging anime and being forever alone
He’s so hype now, and he’s already blushing as he imagines all the romantic tropes that could happen with you (making a stuffed bear together? exchanging heartfelt gifts?? a kiss at the end of the day??? levi can no longer compute)
Whether you two end up watching a movie together or just spend the day playing valentine’s themed games, the only thoughts running through Levi’s mind are on how to make a move
Should he put his arm over you now or after this scene ends? Is he supposed to say something right now? Gah, what if you think he’s a no-good, deadbeat, awkward, internet-obsessed loser after this?!
But all of his worries are yeeted away when you casually lean your head against his shoulder
His face explodes in red and he’s not sure what to say, but as you begin talking about how you really love hanging out and being with him, he feels like he’s about to pass out
“N-no way... you’re serious right now? I mean, I like you too, of course! S-so that means you have to spend even more of your time with me from now on, ok?”
He’s a blushing mess as he says that, but his heart nearly explodes out of his chest when you enthusiastically nod and smile
The next day, he gloats to his brothers and makes sure to set your next plans in stone as soon as possible
“Yesss! Best valentine’s day reward ever!!”
Also tries to act unconcerned over you and this human holiday
Except he secretly enjoys watching you have fun, so he gets you any chocolate-making supplies you need even if he scoffs at first
Fully expects himself to be the first to receive chocolate
But as he watches, one by one, all of his brothers receive chocolates from you before him, he’s less than pleased
He becomes grumpier as the day goes on, especially after Mammon rubs it in his face (”Woo, look what they got for me! As expected for The Great Mammon! Don’t feel too bad that they didn’t give anthing to you hehe”)
Lucifer just hovers in your vicinity the whole day, making it pretty obvious that he’s almost desperately waiting for something from you
Is about ready to give up and decide human traditions really don’t mean anything when you shyly pull him aside
You hand him the special chocolates with a poison apple filling that you’d made for him, and he almost wants to laugh at how ridiculous he feels now
“You have some nerve to make me wait. Now, how will you make it up to me?”
Even more stupefied when you respond with a love confession
A blush dusting your cheeks, eyes demurely glancing away from his then back, the nervous smile playing on your lips... Lucifer’s heart is taken right then and there
He lets out a chuckle and teases you for your shy moment, but he’s the one who takes a tentative step forward
Tentativeness quickly turns to confidence, though, as he gives you a chaste kiss on your forehead
“Well, well, I can’t say I’m displeased to hear that from you. It should go without saying that I return your feelings, so you had better never make me wait like that again... unless you want to receive the punishment.”
Unlike the other two, Simeon is openly interested in what Valentine’s Day has to offer
Asks you a lot of inquisitive questions about the holiday in the days prior
You wonder why he doesn’t just ask Solomon, but then again Solomon probably treats it more as an opportunity for messing with people than a day of love
He learns about the gifting tradition and also how love confessions are often told on the day of
So Simeon sees it as a perfect opportunity for him to pamper you a little
He already makes a cake specially for you, so when you present him with chocolates before he can give it to you, he’s pleasantly surprised
Athough, considering your not-angel-level cooking skills, the chocolates might not have turned out the best
“These look.. a little misshapen. Oh, I know! Why don’t I help you make some tomorrow? I always love spending time with you, sweetheart~”
You accept bashfully, but you still need to confess to him!
Especially after he hands you the cake with a sweet smile, you force yourself to speak up
“Princess, I... Ahh, that’s so sweet of you! Thank you, I’m touched.”
You feel heartbroken because it’s like he brushed off your feelings, but when you tell him that he just looks at you confused
“Oh? I’m surprised you didn’t already know how I feel about you... Of course I return your feelings!”
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misterbitches · 4 years ago
what i like abt muren and li chen
i’m sorta burned out and my vagina is bleeding so lemme see if i can type this. probably can lmao. my brain is going ten miles a minute.
1. the fact that they were friends first.
 someone on here said this and idk who but i don’t want to seem like it was my idea. 
the fact that they are friends and didn’t have like a connection previously and it developed. most times friends-to-lovers has a basis of some sort of romantic interest from another person so they were not truly ever friends, you know? and many relationships people aren’t friends first but that’s the best kind. and they are the truest form in that (i wouldnt say truest means good but just i think a representation of) they were truly friends, no attraction at least consciously, and were lead into it. 
2. bc they know each other well and are friends they know each other and LAUGH and if you can’t laugh with your love then there is no point. 0. lmao. i love it
idk they fell easily in2 the luvy duvy part and u can actually believe they are into each other like outside of kissing. gee. also hello! when lichen like threw the heart in the office and muren caught it? bitch! i woulda been like ew!!!!! and blushed but muren was like that’s right that’s my bitch
3. bouncing off 2 um uhhhhh the way they interact so i guess this is 2 but whatver i like lists now
muren is >:O but super sweet and receptive to others. so he responds to people and it isn’t just stoic for stoic sake or with not much substance. idk how to say this but oftentimes sometimes i feel like characters will be too oppositional to offset their partner and it can be extremely annoying to watch because it’s part of the dynamic but sometimes there’s a lack of reciprocation. i like that even if muren is quiet he smiles a lot and lets people know through his actions and shit. esp his mans. and when he needs to talk, he will. 
lichen is perfect for this because of reasons. what do you even say about this dude holy shit. first of all he really is a fucking himbo. he’s not even dumb he’s just a fucking himbo. it’s great to say the way they express their excitement and the best thing to hear, “i can be myself around you”
4. u cannnot tell me that this top/bottom discourse is actually not ridiculous esp for them bc there is no way that my eyes are seeing what i see yet there’s some struggle when they’re trying to constantly grapple with the masculine/feminine aspects (this is a good thing)
with the way that they hang off each other. esp bc lichen is shorter than him and stockier and he can attach himself like a barnacle. the way he expresses glee and love is very “feminine” at times IE reliance, support, putting your head on his etc but then there are times when he is the one to hold muren too. so it’s like they are clearly on the same  level in how they exchange love and stuff and exploring the dynamics but it clearly isnt as structured as the usual ones and it shouldnt be so they should just stop talking about this shit cos ur both getting fucked god shut up
lichen squeals like a girl and is obsessed with him. he is clingy and also says “what do you want to do to me.” if this show is gonna sit us through the agony of this stupid discourse and they tell me they arent gonna sw*tch or whatever (not that they cant have other forms of sex bc that is not that difficultand as adults w eknow this but anywaaay) then they simply are wrong
5. the ~gay 4 u~ thing is dumb and i cannot believe it tbqh cos it’s like sir....but i am glad that lichen like expresses attraction to his physique and personhood as a man and acknowledging that that is something and a part of the attraction.
 it was probably a happy accident but it’s still a good one. there’s sometimes an idea of like sexual attraction being sorta nebulous when someone is like getting into a rship with the same gender but not being sure about their sexuality or whatever or still liking another gender explicitly where they cant admit they find things attractive or enticing even when they are in a same sex relationship and it is so fucking confusing and doesn’t make sense. i wish instead of trying to make it cut and dry they just went honestly mabye they dont know but theyre both men and thats a factor. ok lets move on now. :) 
6. they make u feel nice
especially in comparison to the show being messy and also there’s some crazy stalker man running around you know they temper that 
they’re just really fun to watch. it’s an interesting dynamic and particularly with xing si in their lives it’s nice and i’m so glad there’s no one else to ruin it like say a brother who is a waste of space. but it’s mostly good feelings for them and you can see why they like each other, that they can stay together, and how helpful a relationship can be as you grow as an individual
7. while i am sure there will be further misunderstandings...comm...unic...ation?
literally boys are dumb as hell but idk if my reading is correct on this one but SO FAR TO MOI im like wow u guys like actually talk. woah. and i think that’s nice. yest i had a breakdown in front of my fam bc i am sometimes emotionally stunted when faced with distress so it’s nice to see people talking that out in particularly with like jealousy and stuff
AND their interactions in public and the understanding. knowing it takes time and stuff for them to adjust and allowing them the time. they are extremely different to other people and they want to be distinct and they can be and arre to each other they dont need to follow anyone else’s rules (except the costume department sometimes needs to get better pants for muren like that’s my rule tbh but that’s neither here nor there)
did some1 call them emotional support himbos? i think so cos word. 
oh one more thing idk the name of the actor playing li chen and im too tired to look it up but i like him a lot i think he does a good job of going seamlessly between like a jubilant person and an actual human being. he plays well at being oblivious but not outright stupid and emotionally stunted or not picking up certain signals. i think at times it seems like he doesn’t always have a sense of self  like trying to be something else for other people but then he realizes like he can’t do that so all he can do is be himself which leads him 2 his mans but yea. the actor does a decent job! it’s a fun character to wathc
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lesbiancarat · 4 years ago
Haha its fine! Im book anon for a reason so take all the time you need! Before I start, I wanna apologize for the possible asks you got about the merch and hybe in general. I didn't intend to cause stress and need to be careful bdjahdsj so slap me with a fish!
Onto the ask! But agreed, I mean before the big kpop boom we saw, this was very common. Build a decent fanbase and then move to Japan or China. (Of course sometimes you see INSTANT movement in other countries but that depends on the company and such but you know what I mean) but since we do have the more global kpop era, we may see more companies do America which isn't a bad thing. It makes sense buisness wise so they will jump on it after debut or something. Thus I don't see it a bad thing for kpop groups to promote in America because hey, if in Korea they do sell western artist music who also tour there, kpop groups can also do the same ya know?
Now onto the hybe comment, I will try not to speak too much on it so I will try to summarize. I think my theory is due with merch from their main artist, they think maybe it could work with svt which maybe could but svt has a different fanbase so throwing on random merch won't make fans really want to buy (not saying some won't which kudos to you! As a fan you are allowed to consume what you please except not be a bad apple about it) so thus like the infamous water bottles which was done for bts, they thought why not do it for svt because bts fans sold it out apparently for a 2nd wave of it being sold again. (Which to this day idk why someone in the hybe team thought this was smart. Like...this is just in bad taste imo) I do wanna agree that it appears that hybe doesn't seem to have a proper art team for svt because while sometimes wild, I do know for their main artist they do have thoughtful merch based around say an album concept I recall. Kf course they will make mistakes i.e. the water bottles. I do wish it can improve because even though it is capitalism, I think fans do want decent merch. We have seen interesting ideas like svt making their own magazine and selling it lol. Of course it is hard to please because some fans want subtle merch ideas while others don't mind the vibrant pastel colors we got or some want wild ideas like svt figurines or something. Overall I hope I didn't drag this too much as I just wanted to respond back to you, I agree with many points you said so yeah cx I say let's also wait as this is barely what, a year or even less of svt being under hybe properly. Especially when hybe had its rebranding and expanding so things are being changed, I know fans are worried about this which is valid but let's not panic just yet. Let's come back in a year to this and see what has improved and what hasn't. (OK but peldis sold the boys rings!? :o since when!? I haven't heard of this actually, when did this happen if I may ask?)
Oof yeah sadly with streaming, many view "oh you don't stream it means you aren't a fan" when isn't the case (which is why I personally don't like when certain companies also do "listening parties" which seems a bit ???) I do remember this popped up big in 2017 but many fans called it out so it quiet down a bit. Like we didn't see it so often where fans were causing problems over it so idk why this returned nor what the cause of it was.
But thank you!! It really was a nice closing chapter, I think when I have personal stuff settled I will try maybe get a new bunny? And oohh congrats on the album! (Note to hybe or pledis. Please make the us store a more common thing, it makes things so much easier! Am happy it was at your place quick so kudos to the us store. Oohh wonderful choices! I think for many fans anyone or heaven's cloud seems to be the popular picks? For me, I may have to say game boi or heaven's cloud as well! Those songs make me just so happy? Like game boy is just so creative with the way it was made. As a video game nerd, it is perfection. I could make an essay about this song lol and heaven's cloud is just...wow. I feel so at ease with the song, comfortable and soothed. Like you are on a cloud lol. Also that is totally fine! Rtl was a grower for me (I blame the mv, it didn't do the song jusitice) but it is a bop and can't stop humming the chorus at random moments. Overall a great summer album. Just imagine any of these songs performed live ndjansns
lol don't feel too bad about it! honestly they weren't that bad + i can always delete asks if i really don't want to answer them, i just always get a bit paranoid that things will get out of hand so i may end up getting more serious in those situations OTL
and yeah i agree! i don't think it's a bad thing for groups to promote in the US, as you said, it's similar to groups expanding their fanbase by promoting in china or Japan or other asian counties, it makes sense from a business standpoint and there's nothing wrong with promoting in different countries. i just wish that some kpop stans understood that western and/or global popularity is a bonus and not a requirement for success. while they do have a global appeal, at the end of the day kpop's main audience is korea, and groups that achieve popularity in Korea have already achieved what they set out to do. but there's unfortunately a decent chunk of international fans that prioritize western popularity over anything and can't fathom that a group can be successful without being popular in the US. or they just talk as if their groups western achievements are more valuable than their Korean ones and to me that starts to look like xenophobia... (sorry if I'm repeating anything i said before in regards to this, i feel like i am but I'm too lazy to go back and check OTL)
since you sent this ask hybe released the caratland merch which was actually really nice, and today they also announced that there will be birthday merch for cheol (and presumably all members from here on out). we don't know what the bday merch is yet but some carats are already a bit miffed that hybe is even thinking to capitalize off the boys' birthdays... i bring both of these up bc i feel like the caratland merch proves your point that hybe is capable of designing good and thoughtful merch, and honestly this does reassure me a bit. but on the other hand them trying to capitalize off the boys' birthdays also proves that they still don't fully understand carats wants and priorities as a fanbase. which, if the future of seventeens merch is gonna be quality merch with some shitty cash grabs in between, i can live with that. I'm not gonna like the shitty cash grabs and i think it would be in our best interest as a fandom to not go crazy buying those shitty cash grabs, because if we don't then hybe will hopefully stop wasting their time and put more effort into /quality/. but if we get quality merch for important events like concerts and fanmeetings, i can live with it. as you said too, it can take time for these things to change, and we should all recognize that. but at the same time merch specifically is market driven, so i don't think it's a bad thing if people like @ hybe on twt about any bad merch that comes out in order to drive that change dhfkfj
but also on a maybe more fun note in regards to the merch... with some carats being upset about the bday merch i was thinking about what hybe could do for merch instead that would fill the niche of being at intervals throughout the year that could still be limited time drops but that carats wouldn't be mad at them capitalizing on and then i was like duh! they could literally just make merch off of going seventeen! honestly I'm surprised they haven't yet. maybe not merch for every episode, but they could have a line of permanent gose merch w a basic logo or something and then release limited time merch themed around some of the more popular episodes at various points during the year. I'm actually kind of obsessed with this idea now and for once I'm like hybe/pledis please capitalize off of this!! dhfkgjg
they never actually sold them, but for seventeens 3rd anniversary, pledis planned to sell replicas of seventeens rings. after it was announced carats were understandably upset since the boys worked so hard for those. luckily pledis heard carats concerns and put out an apology and didn't manufacture them in the end. I'm glad that at least they listened to carats even though it would have been better if they had never considered the idea in the first place :(
oh yeah listening parties are definitely just another marketing technique to boost streams. i think like with a lot of marketing techniques, it just depends on the execution. imo if they're done well it can be a good way for fans to connect while listening to an artists music, which is mutually beneficial for the company, but i can totally see a situation where companies get greedy and push it too hard. i don't know anything about what happened with them back in the day, but if you're curious why SVT had listening parties leading up to your choice, they were set up by UMG, the American distributor that SVT worked with for this cb. in this case the listening parties weren't just for boosting streams, but also likely for UMG to gauge interest. SVT isn't officially signed to a US label yet, but UMG's data from the listening parties could be used to show US labels whether or not there's enough interest for them to be signed. which if that happens we'd almost definitely see a more permanent US shop!
ahh yes, once you're ready I'm sure it would be great to have another bunny companion 🥺
yes! heavens cloud and gam3 bo1 are both such feel good songs! my sister actually added heavens cloud to their Spotify after i made them listen to the album in the car dhfkf it's now one of 6 kpop songs they have saved (4 of which are SVT... my influence 💅 DHFJFH) I'm certain we'll see some of the songs from your choice at caratland this year, hopefully it's all of them but I'd especially like to see heavens cloud and wave 👀 I'm also still crossing my fingers for an i wish live performance bc i can't believe my favorite SVT b-side is one of the TWO tracks they haven't performed live not including the new album (the other one being network love, which i would also like to see live!)
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rayomz · 4 years ago
 raymond headcanons.. they aren't entirely fleshed out and they're like "what if it was like this? that makes sense". so sorry if things dont quite make sense or isn't that thought out.. also there may be errors here and there but this isn't supposed to be a polished document its just a rough collection of headcanons i haven't done much with other than like... thinking of them lol
some of this stuff i've posted before but i'm going to reshare again
polokus in origins is described as "an artist and unabashed hedonist" and i see him as just that. immature. he loves all his creations, of course, but he's not exactly responsible. he sees the nymphs more as friends than his daughters. he's more concerned with people liking him than doing the right thing. when he has his first bad dream, he cowers and doesn't want to do anything about it, or he's too scared? this leads to betilla having to do everything herself, she gets help from the other nymphs and creates rayman
the masks of polokus represent his different formes, or perhaps different eras. polokus is a shapeshifter and can be whatever he wants to of course, but he has a "default" he likes to stick with. when he finally changes his "default", a mask is made of the previous forme. for example, polokus from rayman 2 and polokus from the ubiart games are him in different "eras" if that makes sense. their cultural and historic significance could be expanded upon definitely i think but i havent thought too much more into that lmao. the wiki on rpc says that the four kings look like the masks but that sounds more speculative and feels like a stretch. i don’t buy that at all, i don’t see the resemblance
polokus loves all forms of art, and as a result, a lot of the glade's "religion" boils down to being creative and creating, and a lot of magic in general require some form of art, such as dancing for certain spells (the way teensies open portals in r2 or w/e). the people of the glade create art, sing, dance, to keep polokus inspired, amused, and happy so he doesn't have any more bad dreams. i thought about the nymphs all having a corresponding art form, with, obviously, holly being music and edith being culinary, but im not sure what annetta or helena would be. helena maybe textiles... annetta im not sure what i would do with her since she's the most... withdrawn nymph
polokus��� feelings on rayman’s existence are complicated since he is the only creature not created by him. he doesn’t know what he’s capable of, but he’s done a lot already in terms of stopping nightmares and foreign threats such as the pirates. he’s impressed, intrigued... a bit intimidated maybe..... he respects rayman and does love him (polokus has to love every creature after all)
im not sure if the muse of the poets is considered to be actual canon since it appears she was only mentioned in a license guide and not in any other official media. but she's a popular character and i like her too so she gets mentioned. she and polokus fall in love and she has their children, the teensies. she is disgusted by them and runs away, leaving them and polokus forever. she is disgusted by herself, too. if her children are ugly, she must be ugly as well. she becomes obsessed with making herself beautiful, and having beautiful children. she eventually becomes begoniax, which you know how that turns out...
betilla: polokus' pride and joy, she loves him as a father, but is disappointed with his lack of responsibility. when she was younger she was very mischevious and much like him. she learned magic just to be able to pull pranks perform elaborate pull magic tricks. eventually when the first bad dream happened, it was a wake up call. she tried to get him to do something about jano but he wouldn't respond to her. she took matters into her own hands since she was the most magically capable of anyone she knew. with the help of the other nymphs, they created rayman. she's been the "responsible" one ever since. if you catch her in a good mood she might be a bit playful but her days of frivolity are long gone. likes to knit and crochet when she has the time (which is rarely), and spend time with her sisters.
other nymphs: i dont have quite as many headcanons about them, but they are rayman's aunts obviously. edith is rayman's favourite aunt since she's a good cook, followed by holly, who has taught him everything he knows about music. helena is very enthusiastic and a bit overbearing. annetta is the aunt that never shows up to anything
the nymphs all have an element tied to them. betilla and fee de la mort obviously being life and death. holly is air, edith is fire, anetta is water, and helena is earth. seems pretty obvious this part but i've rarely seen ppl attribute helena with earth despite the fact she lives on a mountain...? (stone men, stone dogs, golly g....)
ly is interested in the magical workings of the world and is especially fascinated with lums and their power. betilla sees her potential as a magic user and has accepted her as her pupil. another reason betilla has taken a liking to ly is that she reminds her of her own youth, since ly is fairly playful as well, using magic for tricks. ly is initially just interested in rayman because of the fact he's a being entirely made out of lums, but it eventually turns into a genuine, and close, friendship.
a lot of fairies and some teensies can make "weak" silver lums to give to rayman, but they might not do much, or the effects are temporary. only ly and the nymphs are able to give rayman powers with "stronger" silver lums.
polokus does not dream of every individual in the glade. he dreamt of the first peoples of each species, then they procreate by themselves. most places in the glade are natural, similar to earth, but polokus' dreams may affect them (the icy parts of gourmand land is an obvious example. giant fruit? that's silly)
teensies: naturally hairless and there is little dimorphism between the sexes. their fashion is inspired by the fairies', and have adopted to wear wigs, false eyelashes, fake facial hair, etc. all teensies have the ability to perform magic but they have to actively for it to be useful. teensies with an interest in magic will attend a magic school. the best of the best of teensie magic users can become a minimus, and, of course, the best out of THEM become the grand minimus. there are many teensie races, and each may vary in size, colour (turquoise like in the ubiarts, more grey like in 2 and 3. usually just varying shades of blue), markings, nose length and shape. some races may be more adept at certain magic styles than others.
mr dark: i have some ideas but nothing concrete. might not even go with this story as my definitive headcanon. fairy. he was always critical of polokus, and after the first bad dream, that made him hate the god even more. he was the one who wanted to stop jano, and maybe become someone powerful enough to be seen as the glade's new "god" or whatever. betilla has proven herself to be the better magic user after the creation of rayman. polokus' main thing was that he was the creator, he was able to create life, and now betilla's able to create life. she may as well be polokus! she's a threat! when he steals the protoon/heart of the world and eventually kidnaps betilla, he uses her power to create dark rayman/raymesis. raymesis is *not* was not created by dark by himself, and he would not have been able to pull off this feat without betilla's knowledge of creating "thingamajigs". rayman and raymesis are the only two thingamajigs known in existence, both created by betilla. not saying it's impossible that others could exist, but they would have to be dreamt into existence by polokus.
dark's obsession with being the most powerful person in the world and becoming a god is why he stole the heart of the world, of course. ales mansay would take inspiration from this event. his views are similar to dark's, that's why he worships him. polokus is a terrible god, he lets people suffer. rayman is a terrible hero, all he does is sleep. ales knows he wouldn't be able to reach the heart of the world and instead tries to build his “own” using lums (maybe not exactly but something comparable... the heart of the world is made up of lums after all). i know that's like, duh, canon information, but it was never stated *WHY* he looks up to mr dark. so now you know why. its bc they both hate polokus
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sparklingpax · 4 years ago
Hello! Your amazing Batfam art came up on my feed today and Im 🥺🥺🥺!! batfam is one my biggest obsessions!!!!! So I wanted to stop by and say 1) AHDKSHSKSJAJD IM LOVE THE ART YOU DID (also ur Terry McGinnis art is INCREDIBLE)
and 2) I don't know you so I don't know what kind of fanfiction you like, (and it's very possible you've already read it!), so feel free to ignore this!!! But, I wanted to recommend my absolute FAV batfam fic/series!!!! It's one I recommend to basically anyone who even slightly likes batman bc it's just. That. Good. The first work in the series is called Foreign Object, and the series is called Cor et Cerebrum. It's written by AudreyCritter on Ao3!!!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7804285/chapters/17807005
The characterization, the story line, the interaction between characters, the writing style,,,, EVERYTHING is just!!! It's all I could ask for in a story. I'm constantly recommending it to my friends (and anyone I come across) and it's basically an unofficial fandom within a fandom bc everyone I've talked to that has read it is also obsessed 😂 (btw, I saw in your blog description not to request nsfw, whether that matters for rec'ing something idk, but this series has no smut, and there is only one short [that isn't part of the main storyline] that is rated M and it's for gore. Everything else is T or G rated.)
Like I said feel free to ignore this! I tend to make a fool of myself when it comes to this bc I get too excited about this story and batfam in general... ^^; i simply see someone who also likes batfam and cannot keep my mouth shut haha
HIIII AAAAAAAA (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Ok ok so first off, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! >//w//< Like seriously, I'm flattered you like the art!!! I don't get to draw dc stuff much (barring the last three art posts), and I wish I could! The Bruce Timm art style is just so much easier for me to understand ;w; ✨ I know I'm a Transformers blog, but taking a break to draw something easier is nice too! lmao I'm rambling again so I'll just move on now--
(So sorry I didn't respond when this first came to my inbox aa ^^'' as usual, I'm so bad at responding to people sdjdsjsdj I just get nervous about how my response sounds and overthink everything, and then it takes me a while to actually write it out... o//o)
Second, that fic sounds really interesting!! I honestly don't get around to reading much fanfic anymore, since I spend more time writing my own or working on art stuff or binge-watching one of the hundreds of shows on my to-watch list ahah but oh my goodness?? A well-written batfam-centric fic???? *eyes emoji intensifies* aight, I'll definitely check it out!!
And thank you very much for the warning! <3 I mean tbh nsfw and the like doesn't bother me too much, I'm just so terrible at writing/drawing nsfw stuff so....I put that disclaimer in my bio to prevent people from requesting that kinda stuff or sending it in straight-up and without warning o///o And I can live with violent stuff ^^''
So I apologize if I started rambling aimlessly again, but thank you so much! I'm happy my art brought you some joy ^w^ And it's good to know there are more of us out there, who appreciate the batfam hehe 😊😎🦇💖✨
I hope you have a lovely day/evening, and thanks for dropping into my ask box! :D
-Kuni 🥰✨
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woozi · 3 years ago
the thirst tweets yza 😭😭😭 i cannot. as much as fun this was, we were so close to getting jaebs with cats <//3
headlocking sk 😭😭 DJJDSKSK i would stand there like wonu clapping in the soop, for you <3. it's hindi ( actually it's my 2nd language but i speak in it the most w ppl outside of family djdjdjk ) my mother tongue is almost dwording djdjdkdk </3 i think im last gen who still speaks it, kids these days only know hindi or english.
ALSO!!! the footwork in senses choreo???? i liked it sm <3 yugyeom makes it look so easy to move like that?!?
same jdjdkddk godddd sometimes it takes a month to complete a drama which i like and started on my own will and sometimes it only takes 3 days. it doesn't matter how much i love something if i won't watch it, then I won't watch or consume it at all 💀.
ohhh, i've known jamie as an after school club mc first and singer second. like there was this time i was suddenly obsessed w eric nam's before we begin album i think around that time i first listened to one or two songs of jamie ( it was all spotify's doing jddjks) but then i forgot abt both and went back to listening to my regular ones. honestly i feel like i've gotten to know and appreciate jype artists ( those i know ) more, only after they've changed agencies it could just be me or my timing tho djdjdjh. have you listened to hanbin's solo album? honestly it's been no.1 album from 1st half of 2021 for me. i was not even looking forward to it or even knew djdjsk but i'm so glad i did i really like the songs & lyrics.
almost whatever jackson has released after mirrors has been to my taste leaving few bsides here and there. i love lmly <3 idk why for some reason i tend to mix pretty please and lmly up a lot djdjsk maybe it's bc of white tee and jeans. both mvs concept and songs are fantastic but if i have to pick one w/ mv & only considering the song, i do love lmly a little bit more then pretty please. wbu? <3
mark kept saying ' when we go back ' during the live so i got more confused each time, went on twt and got to know djdjdk. twt list of both svt & got7 of update accounts is like my newspaper, in free time i open it to see what is going on, sometimes jdjddk.
and of course i know abt woozi's cover <3 i've listened to it a lot jdjdksk he's so <//3
i could listen to his voice all day.
there is one cover of 10 cm hoshi dropped last year i like it sm <3 it made me so happy!!, around that i was obsessed with some of 10 cm's songs. help is one of my most favorite.
i really really wish for dokyeom to cover more day6 songs or just any songs </3 would really appreciate one from mr. joshu_acoustic too 😿.
did you see the way dokyeom woke up with a smile on his face in 5th in the sopp ep <//3 he's so precious 😭 (i'll try to link next time idk links go through asks tho djjddj sometimes tumblr eats it up). i don't even know what a smile is for first 2 hours after i've woken up. also i think i like this (sk coming and karaoke one - 5th) ep a lil more bc of that half minute of singer cheol it served us. i need him to sing more omg <//3
the soop song tho it's so sweet 😭💕. i love love how they brainstorm and make songs it's such an interesting process. i love what going seventeen is now but i miss watching the song making & recording process (even rho they do show it in inse after cb but jdjdks). the one where they made gose song, recorded it and made choreo/mv i love. it's still remains as one of my most favorite ep. they compose & write songs so smoothly & make it look so effortless <3
thank you for letting me ramble abt silly little things and responding to them, yza <3 love hanging out w/ you. i hope you're also having fun djjddj (i'll try to keep these short fr 😭 djdkdk i feel a bit bad for making you read so much nonsense :3)
take care of yourself, yza <3 sending good week wishes. - 🪂🪂🪂
also mood tbh we could've gotten something like jacks' puppy vid </3
LIKE WONU CLAPPING FJKDJKFDJFD in true infj fashion <3 wait naurr that's so sad </3 do they not teach it in schools?
ALSO YES OH MY GODDDDDDDDD house king show us ur fancy moves <3 as a fellow dancer i am throwing him my shoe rn <3 also i literally have never seen smth like this in kpop how did people fucking sleep on this icb it..
I FULLY RELATE HELLO????????????????? what dramas have u been watching? and which genres are u into? <3 i also just finished vincenzo today it was so good 😭 took me like.. a week, i think (?), though bc svt has SO MUCH content and i dont like being behind on svt shit esp bc i also run an update blog lmaooo 😭
WAIT I FORGOT SHE ALSO DID EMCEEING 😭 she's such a fun person </3 AND ERIC NAM FDKJDFJK i have one-sided beef w him lmao when he was still new to the scene he would reply to everyone's @s but he never replied to me so i felt v .. </3 (also this is what.. 13 year old me speaking so this def does not reflect how i feel abt him now JKJKFJKDFF) i also get that </3 i feel like jype doesn't manage them well (i dont know shit behind the scenes and shit abt the industry in-depth but u know... it Kind Of Shows esp w how the artists themselves speak abt the agency lol). and i have not!! i am truly a svtpoppie 😭 i will though bc u recommended it to me <3 i also have been seeing him frequently on tiktok lol, ALSO BC OF LEE HI!!
honestly i haven't been keeping up w his albums anymore just the title tracks so i cant say much 😭 i also def prefer lmly over pretty please i was actually obsessed w it for a while!! i love jackson's vision so much though, the cinematography is EVERYTHING
literally reading abt what our boys have been up to like reading the morning paper KJDSFKJDSJKSJKD
V GOOD FOR U TO HAVE COME ACROSS THE COVER... I JUST DISCOVERED IT BY ACCIDENT 😭 also i have to agree although i definitely do not want to admit that i am more than willing to listen to some man sing to me all day 😭😭😭😭😭 jihoon's voice is just... different to me for some reason. i have a hard time picking between him & seokmin tbh </3 hbu, who's ur fave svt vocalist?
ALSO YES THAT WAS SO CUTE OF HIM!! AND V ON BRAND TOO </3 the way u listen to 10cm..... im giving u an award rn <3 im guessing you listen to k-indie too?
DK THOUGH... I'M VERY MUCH WILLING TO ADMIT THAT I'D LISTEN TO HIM ALL DAY.... something about him... AND NOT THE JOSHU_ACOUSTIC FJDJFDJKFD 😭😭😭 i hate his username so much- why... WHY...
I DID!!!!!!!!! and i was so surprised too bc.. who wakes up smiling?????? what'd he dream of???????????? he's such a happy person i cant imagine what thats like 😭 the first thing i do when i wake up is make the >:| face JFJKFDKJFD also oh my god i just read that you're experiencing the same thing 😭😭 bestie trait!! KJJKFDKJFD ALSO YOU COULDN'T BE MORE RIGHT?????????? im always campaigning for vocalist coups im SOOO glad u feel the same way <3 his voice is just so comforting to me </3 idk i just really like his timbre
and v true omg i'm always fascinated to see how they actually work all this out!! the bts recording/choreo making vids are also my favorite gfkjdfkjdfj HOW ARE WE SO SIMILAR WE MIGHT AS WELL BE THE SAME PERSON 😭also jihoon in that gose behind vid........... in universe factory............... i still think about that Look from time to time... 😭this is also why i respect the boys sm tbh. everyone in the industry undeniably works so hard but to actually get this much creative freedom and to basically lead the group and their direction music and performance-wise is so insane to me... no wonder jihoon's always in his studio. i couldnt be happier that they get to live off of doing what they like im also so so proud of them they must work so hard <3 esp w all the content they're giving us.. icb it's always like this in caratland im so used to being an ahgase that gets like.... 1 cb a year😭
AND NOOO OMG DON'T BE SORRY I REALLY LOOOVE GETTING UR MESSAGES </3 and i love how lengthy they are makes me feel like ur just not making small talk (i hate small talk sm 😭) and that you're actually interested <3 i genuinely love bonding w u through these little asks i can never thank u enough for sending them <3 i hope ur having a lovely week as well!! u can always talk to me even if it's not kpop related and u just want to talk abt life or when u need some cheering up <3
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selfcareparker · 4 years ago
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ❣️💕❤️💓❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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drawlfoy · 5 years ago
Mirror, Mirror P.4
request guidelines
requests are open! 
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pairing: draco x reader
requested: nope it’s my idea laddies
summary: reader has had a crush on draco for a long time from afar, which would be fine if they hadn’t been paired up to do rounds as prefects together and ran into a certain mirror.
a/n: yeah so i’m kinda cooling down on this blog just bc im about to start up school again. but i’m still here and i still love writing stuff up! i also just got a typewriter that i’m obsessing over (and it’s in slytherin colors!!!! eek!!). i’m writing this on a ferry right now. i hope you all enjoy.
music recs: tungs from the frights
word count: 1,082 (i know it’s so short i’m so sorry but there’s gonna be way more parts and i just wanted to get this out there!!)
The air surrounding her was thick with anticipation, but Y/N was most deliciously alone.
She hadn’t seen Draco since the night in the dungeons with Rena, when she’d ran away like a child. The memory still made her cringe—who does that sort of stuff anyways?
But when she had returned to her dorm and retold the story to Rena,things took an interesting turn. Her friend’s words still echoed around in her head--No, Y/N, you have to stop playing games....all you’re doing is embarrassing yourself now...he already knows, and he’s still seeking you out...it’ll feel better after it’s over, you won’t need to hide from him anymore...
Something snapped Y/N out of her inner conflict: footsteps, sounding down the corridor just a few seconds away. She swallowed, shut her eyes, and leaned back against the wall, secretly praying that he couldn’t see her.
“Sorry I’m late, I got a little caught up,” Malfoy greeted, stopping in front of her. “What’s gotten into you? Stop leaning on the wall, there’s probably a whole colony of spiders behind the plaster.”
Y/N squeaked at that statement, throwing herself off of it and glaring at him once she regained her composure. “Spiders don’t live in plaster.”
“You seemed mighty convinced otherwise a moment ago. I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart.”
“I am!”
Malfoy looked amused at that, his glowing eyes twinkling and the sides of his mouth turning up. “Well, then...if you’re so smart, did you finally figure out what the mirror was?”
She was supposed to be the one to bring that up, not him! Y/N turned bright red before she could help herself, her mouth agape and eyes wide. 
“You heard me,” he said, cocking his head to the side. Another smirk passed over his features as well of a realization. “Oh, you did, didn’t you! That’s why you’re being so painfully awkward and making this worse for both of us.”
“Wha--no!” Worse for both of us? Us? What did that mean?
Y/N gulped again, dropping eye contact with him to look at the floor. 
“Y’know, you can come clean,” he mused. “I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“What have I to tell you?” 
Draco rolled his eyes. “And people tell me I’m the most difficult person in our year.”
“I’m not difficult!”
“Sure you aren’t.”
They began walking without another word, casually and akin to their other round shifts, but Y/N’s mind was racing. Did he mean it when he said he wouldn’t tell anyone? Of course he didn’t, he was the worst person in the history of Hogwarts. Well, that was hyperbolic. 
She stole a glimpse at him when they turned a corner and she was sure he wasn’t going to catch her, drinking in the sight of him wearing a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves with his Slytherin tie looped haphazardly around his neck, his collar slightly undone. He must’ve washed his hair because there was no longer any gel in it. Some of his uniquely light strands had dared to stretch out over his brow, just barely catching the torchlight of the corridor.
“Is there something on my face?” Draco drawled, giving her a lazy flash of the corner of his eyes. 
“Er..” She pondered for a millisecond, coming up with a rather idiotic plan. “Yes. An eyelash.”
Draco took a swipe at his cheekbones, his eyebrows knit together in suspicion. He glanced down at his fingers curiously. 
“You know, it’s funny, because I didn’t happen to feel anything there.”
“I don’t think that eyelashes are the most noticeable things, I’m not shocked.”
He let out a small laugh at that. “So you had to look closely to notice it, I take it?”
Y/N blushed again but hid it by brushing her hair out of her face. “Stop projecting,” she dared, looking anywhere but his eyes.
“I--what? Projecting?”
Draco’s sputtering would’ve been comical if his tone wasn’t so taken aback and surprised...something that poked Y/N harder than she would’ve liked it to.
“Kidding,” she quickly said, turning away from him to focus on walking straight. 
“Mhm,” he mumbled rather discontentedly, but when she stole another glance at him, she could see a light filter of amusement settled over his face. 
“You’re being awfully bold, you know,” he mused.
“Accusing me of projecting,” he said, “when you were the one who saw me in the Mirror of Erised.”
While nothing he said was new information, the very fact that he dared to utter the name of the mirror startled her. 
“I don’t know what you’re gett--”
“Can you just be  civil for once and admit it?” Draco drawled, turning around to lock his eyes on hers. “You can stop playing games now. I know you know. Rena told me.”
“Rena...she...what?” Y/N choked out, the connection between her mind and her mouth failing. “What did she tell you?”
His painfully calm composure painfully contradicted her flustered one as he smoothly shifted his weight to lean on the wall next to her. “Oh, nothing important, really. Just everything.”
“And what’s that?”
“Ooh, why the fuss?” he prodded. “She told me everything. Is there something that you’re afraid of me knowing?” 
The torchlight above them caught the slightest glint of amusement in his eyes, something that infuriated Y/N to the point where her embarrassment melted away.
“Well,” she snarled, “If you’re trying to make me fancy you less, you’re certainly putting forth quite the effort.”
All movement from the Slytherin ceased as he gaped at her, the amusement in his eyes now completely gone. “You....wait...”
“So she didn’t tell you everything,” Y/N responding dryly, allowed herself to lean back up against the wall. 
“I thought she did. I thought you were being honest, though.”
“Honest when?”
“When you said you hadn’t seen me the last time you went to go see it.”
Y/N allowed her eyes, which were previously glued shut, to crack open just the slightest. The sight of Draco Malfoy awkwardly wringing his hands just a foot or so away greeted her. 
“Hm. Whatever. It doesn’t matter anyways.”
She saw his throat bob as he swallowed hard before regaining his regal composure.
“Er, yeah. That’s true. Can we get on to our rounds? My feet hurt and I want to go to bed.”
“Whatever you say,” she muttered, pushing herself off the wall rather unceremoniously. It’s not like it mattered, anyways. He knew, and he didn’t seem like he had any plans with her included. 
final a/n: whoooooaaaa boy. so i wrote the first few paragraphs in the beginning of the month, and finished the rest of it over a span of time. i have not edited, i have not tagged because i’m tired and just want to get this out there. there WILL be a part 5 and maybe even a part 6. i kinda want to use the fact that they are allowed to be unsupervised in the wee hours of the night to my advantage (no smut, but you know, fluff). i’m sorry that this one wasn’t nearly as good as the one’s i’ve done before. i have another fic i’m thinking of writing soon as well that i’ll most likely be doing over the weekends. once 2019 is over and all my college apps are in, chances are that i’ll have a lot more time to be writing on here :)
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taylornock · 5 years ago
how cell phones made our lives better while simultaneously ruining them
hi fam!! it’s me, again. are you tired of hearing from me? me too. that’s why I’m here to rant about social media / phone / technology. bc i hate it… but in a loving way???
everyone remembers when they got their first iPhone. seriously. why is that such a monumental moment in our lives? i can hardly remember what i felt like freshman year of high school but can pinpoint the feeling of sheer glee unwrapping my iPhone 6 in eighth grade. i have this thing that is attached to me 24/7 - when I go anywhere (even downstairs) without my phone i feel weird. that is f***ing SAD! PATHETIC. i hate feeling that dependent on what is essentially a pocket robot.
for what it’s worth - phones have done INCREDIBLE things for the world as we know it. for example, this quarantine shit has been testing all of us; and our phones are helping us get through it in so many ways. our phones let us see the faces of those loved ones we are missing, our phones provide us with stupid tik tok content to keep everything light hearted, and our phones let us check in on each other. all amazing things! when we are at school, we have instant access to our lives at home . being able to call my mom whenever i want is something i definitely abuse. “mom, I’m on my way home from Thompson right now and i think i have a brain aneurysm but my bio final is at 11am tomorrow will i make it” … an actual conversation i had with my mom at the end of freshman year. needless to say i was medicated shortly after THAT meltdown. I am such a brat that i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t text my dad and have him immediately get me the password again to our Uverse account…… god forbid i miss an episode of the bachelor. i have this phone, and that’s what i do with it? abuse its powers to ask my parents for medical advice or a password i forgot? have we lost sight of everything here?
throughout life and especially throughout quarantine… my phone is the definition of a possession that is a blessing and a curse. I’m so grateful to have the ability to bother my friends - whenever i want! the options are endless! i love keeping in touch with people i thought id never hear from again, and being able to talk to so many people in my life and make my heart swell. now, when a conversation with someone other than my two roommates (shoutout parents) is so rare ⎯ that phone is my weapon and i use it to help flatten the curve: flatten the curve of covid19 and flatten the curve of my mental illness 🙃 [humor is a coping mechanism okay let me live] but like, i KNOW i’m not the only one that looks at my screen time and immediately wants to die. how can i honestly be looking at my phone for that long? picking it up THAT many times?????? my phone is the best distraction and also the most toxic - it makes me feel better but has a tendency to bring up all my issues and blast them into the reflection of my blue light glasses...... its called fashion look it up.
to give some examples - let’s open up my most used app: snapchat. I go on snapchat with the best of intentions - to see a memory from a year ago that makes me smile. to respond to my friends and see what their mood today is based on the look on their face. to creep on snap stories and see what everyone’s cooking and doing with their lives. somehow, tho, after spending a few minutes on the app.. i end up with a pit in my stomach most of the time. the person i want to respond hasn’t responded in 4 hours. oh god lets overthink this- they don’t like me anymore and are no longer interested in speaking to me and only respond every once in a while out of pity or because they are uncomfortable. everyone hates you. oh and GOD FORBID someone leaves me on open??! I am not funny nor interesting nor worth a reply - suddenly, i have equated my value to receiving or not receiving a photo of someone’s blank stare. this is extreme, and this is dramatic. but trust me —— this is the hamster wheel always turning in my head. I’m not even going to touch on snap maps; that feature is pandoras box and someone better fucking shut it.
second most used app is instagram. i scroll for hours, i have time limits set for the app acting like i’m actually going to listen to them and get off. lmaooooooooo. i love looking at aesthetic stuff and dogs and food and recipes and my friends’ beautiful faces. but you know what i don’t like? constant nudges to compare myself to others. oh look at her having a party with all of her friends even though we aren’t supposed to be. am i a loser for trying to be safe? oh look at her washboard abs, i’m never going to look like that and will never live up to the standard of beauty society has set for me. look at all of these people in their happy relationships. why can’t i have that? it goes over and over and over. its not like i sit there and think of these things just like that, its a precedent in my mind when i stare at everybody else that i am going to size my own life up against theirs. for years i followed every single elite model / VS angel on instagram to motivate me to do better - to start being psycho about what i did to my body so i could be as gorgeous as them. what kind of fucked up mindset is that? i would literally watch their footage of them eating rice and vegetables once a day and try to copy it. i would watch their runway walks obsessively trying to recreate them in heels alone in my house - like that was all i could imagine doing with my life. did i ever stop for a second to look at that photoshoot of gigi hadid and wonder if she was happy? wonder if the constant pictures she saw of herself ever made her insecure? what was i doing? the day i unfollowed those girls was a monumental day in my journey to a better self image. i didn’t realize the people i thought were my “motivators” were actually my triggers. i have grown to a point in life now that i would much rather eat a stack of chocolate chip pancakes that make me dance in my chair like an infant than practice my runway walk and shame my body in the mirror. and i am so freakin happy! 
i could go app by app for hours. but moving on to the next thing i hate about cell phones - how they have destroyed our biological methods of communication. you hear about those psychos who think the world is destroyed by technology and we are going to be overrun by robots. but hey, I’m with the psychos on this one. i have this amazing friend, Trevor Wright, who without fail at EVERY dinner announces “phones off friends on” and collects our phones into the center of the table. yes, we are 20 year old adults. yes, we hand our phones over to Trevor and let him yell at us for trying to see if ~that person~ snap chatted us back. i have so much respect for him because of this. there is nothing worse than staring at your phones when you could be having a good conversation about life, about love, about laughter + memories, about “do you think hellen keller is real?” anything, bro, anything. anything but snapchat messaging your hoe of the week or mindlessly playing tetris to twiddle your thumbs. we all need to start loving a little harder, and the first step to doing that is to communicate better. communicate smarter. I’m guilty of alllll of the above, don’t get me wrong. and I am ADD asf and constantly playing mindless games just to stimulate my brain. but i need to stop that! even writing this is taking some time away from the dumb shit on my phone - and encouraging me to communicate how i     r e a l l y   feel to my homies that will read this. communication - especially body language - is fascinating. I’ve studied it in  psych, I’ve learned the neurological bases of behavior and why we do what we do. I’ve learned how much our life experience impacts who we are as a whole...and it! is! fascinating! i also think that’s why i love film so much. because it can capture the raw moments of your friends just being your friends, of you just being the person you are, and the world around you just existing as it exists. i love the raw moments; and not just because indy blue posted one youtube video of her slow mo laughing and now thats the only footage i find myself shooting. 😚
im not quite sure what this post is, lol. but - just a rant on technology. so listen to me:
take advantage of technology + social media! it CAN BE GREAT. for so many reasons. but, don’t let technology + social media TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. stay true to you - know how to communicate with yourself and your loved ones without the use of a robot. remember that feeling when you setup up your first iPhone? imagine if you could feel that again, with your phone nowhere in sight. if you don’t know how to communicate with yourself yet, start by journaling. WRITE! TYPE! SPEAK! do what you want. getting your thoughts down even without an audience is so crucial to understanding yourself and others. if you don’t like to write, reflect. breathe. meditate. make art. do what makes you feel at peace, and do whatever makes you feel like the world makes a little bit more sense than it does. 
gossip girl
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pangwave · 5 years ago
If you really think about it Mil isn't a shitty person. He went and took care of tine and still treated Phukong with respect and made it very clear about his lack of feelings for him, so he didn't lead him on. It was just Phukong who was persistent and was continuing hurting himself by chasing someone who wasn't interested. Like think about it, you can't force yourself to like someone doesn't matter how nice, attractive, or all over you they are to/towards you 😕
That being said, I think that Mil chased after tine despite knowing he didn't stand a chance because he too had self esteem issues like tine, maybe he was scared to be loved, or didn't believe someone could love him so he kept running away when Phukong was trying to get with him. Maybe all the stuff Phukong was "imagining" was him actually trying to initiate something with his overly confident facade (like tine) then backing out out of fear. We don't really get to see his growth like tine's
And Im basing this off on the fact that he said that he hadnt seen him as a nong for a while like why didnt you respond to Phukong then? Again, lack of self esteem. He probably felt that bc he knew tine didnt like him back tine truly couldnt hurt him deeply than if he allows himself to love someone and get hurt for whatever reason which is perhaps his insistence w tine and apathy towards phukong... idk I just feel like him and tine are the same its just that the series wants to make him a villan
I guess if he doesn't have low self esteem then... I guess... you don't have to like someone, I still think its unfair to say he's bad or something when he didn't sabotage sarawatine's relationship, in that regard I'm 👀 at tine's gang, it also reminds me of when the fandom hated Pam for no reason and didn't even realize that sarawat had not made tine and his relationship clear, so can you really blame her? Idk he's a complex character, what are your thoughts, sorry for the rant
hello anon!!!! please don't apologize for ranting!! i love hearing you guys' rants and im glad you felt comfortable enough to share your thoughts with me so we can discuss our different points of view!
first of all i want to apologize beforehand because this is probably gonna get Very Long so dbkshdks buckle up!!
as much as i do understand what you are trying to say and where you are coming from, i disagree. mil is a shitty person, and not because he didn't like phukong back. as you said yourself, no one is forced to like other person no matter how or who they are if they simply don't feel like it. but mil did much more than just not reciprocating phukong's feelings.
if we are going to talk about whether he's a "villain" or not, then we must put all the cards on the table. and that means we need to address his behaviour towards tine, how he disrespected his relationship with sarawat and especially how he physically hurt both (sarawat more than once.). mil was always creepy and obsessive of tine when tine was more than visibly uncomfortable with the way mil treated him. tine didn't explicitly say no to him because we are talking about tine, but even the dumbest person would've caught the drill and backed off on the second try because tine never reciprocated it and always felt extremely invaded, that was pretty clear in the way he acted. mil has this weird, almost childish grudge agaisnt sarawat without a clear motive for such hatred and he always tried to overstep in their relationship — sometimes, i think, it wasn't even because he liked tine that much, but only to piss sarawat off. which doesn't make sense to me. but this grudge was so big that he planned a beating on sarawat. three times. he was successful on the first two times, the second where even tine got hurt too, but backed off on the third because phukong had discovered it. not because he realised the absurd that was and how sick that made him seem like.
i honestly don't think mil parallels tine in the way of both having low self steem. he almost came off as arrogant most of the time we saw him onscreen, always full of himself and treating others with a subtle disdain (sometimes being agressive too, both verbally and physically). so no, i don't think he ran from phukong because he was scared of being loved, if he was simultaneously trying so hard to gain tine's attention.
again, you are right, he's not obliged to like phukong back. but he did lead phukong on sometimes. at the beginning he was pretty straightforward about him not feeling the same but as the series progressed, he did give phukong attention and at the end of the show, he literally accepted phukong as a replacement. they are only together now because sarawat's band won. not because mil liked phukong or whatever. it was only because of a bet. how can a relationship be any good if it started off like this? they aren't together because mil sat down for a second, thought about his actions and his feelings, realised how fucking terrible he had been and that maybe he likes phukong too, and then went to phukong and gave him a chance. no. he said "if i win, i'm going after tine.", so phukong, in his eyes, is just someone to fill up tine's space. because he lost. he didn't like phukong at that point, at least not yet.
as for still2gether, him saying he didn't see phukong as a "nong" for a long time already feels...... idk. not true. he didn't change a single thing from 2gether until now, how on earth did he plan on letting phukong know that if he hadn't been confronted? it isn't fair the way he treats phukong, letting him think so little of himself this whole time and accepting the crumbles mil gave him. i don't see any redemption arc from mil yet because he is still the same, reciprocating phukong's feelings doesn't change everything shitty he did in the past that he still haven't apologised for and doesn't change the fact that he still treats phukong like he did back then. that scene in episode one is proof of that.
do i think phukong went too far? yes, he shouldn't have tried so hard for someone who clearly wasn't on the same boat and he should've had a lot more self respect, but mil was never clear with him about their statuses. i'm sorry to break it down to you, mil, but phukong can't read minds.
and also. phukong having to teach him how to be a decent fucking person? no. nope. if im to ever like mil, i have to see him change, apologize and fight for phukong. i have to see him doing things because he wants to and because he genuinely likes phukong and wants to make him happy, not because phukong is bossing him around on how to be the perfect boyfriend or whatever. that's not authentic, it's all made up. a proper redemp arc is only going to begin once mil goes to sarawat and tine to apologize, as well as apologize to phukong for this one year of keeping him at bay, and then changing based on the reflections he did when he apologized and the understanding he had, doing for phukong at least half of all that phukong has done to him.
i don't necessarily think mil is a villian, but he's no saint. he has his pretty big share of despicable behaviours to own up to and learn from them before he can finally grow out of this douchey persona he is and start treating phukong with the love and respect he deserves.
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