#and i think my answers reflect that
thatndginger · 27 days
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
I was tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer (their post here!) for this ^.^ Thank you very very much my dear <3
apologies if any of you have been tagged in this before, I've been away for a bit, but I'll throw this out to @chauceryfairytales @theprissythumbelina @theroseempress @aalinaaaaaa @serenanymph @scribe-of-stories @scribble-dee-vee @writernopal @rosieartsie @afoolandathief
The blank question template can be found here!
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How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
My writeblr has been alive since around 2022 or something. I can’t be 100% sure because I just turned my regular blog into a writeblr one lol
What led you to create it?
Two things – I really wanted people to talk to about writing and I wanted to start taking my writing seriously. Cryptid is my favorite person in the world but he’s not a writer and doesn’t *get it*. I wanted other writers to talk to and be weird with about our stories. And having outside accountability in the form of posting about my story on my blog is exactly the kind of low-stakes drive I needed to keep writing.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Just how supportive and nice and welcoming people are. It’s really easy to feel like you belong here. And all you have to do is be a little weirdo obsessed with your oc’s, because everyone else is doing the same thing and cheering each other on. It’s truly lovely.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I have what I call a ‘feral cat friendship style’ where it takes me a long time to warm up to someone, but once I have you will *never get me to leave*. I’ll start leaving dead mice & memes at your door, just you wait.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I genuinely love when people are just Weird about their characters. It makes me more interested when people pop in just to say “character x would eat Weetabix with no milk for breakfast” because now I need to know what the hell is going on with that character. I don’t even care about the important facts anymore. I just want to know what weird little thoughts y’all have about your ocs.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Completely unoriginal but honestly just be yourself and have fun. There’s no point in anything if you aren’t enjoying it. Follower counts don’t matter, the number of likes or reblogs you get don’t matter. All you gotta do is start posting about your writing. If you want to make friends, the easiest way to do that is to join in on tag games or the weekly ask games writeblr plays. (tag games are also great ways to find more people to follow.)
WIP It Good
Which Works-In-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
My big writing project is Shapeshifter. It consumes all of my waking – and some of my sleeping – thoughts. But within that I’ve currently got two stories going: Into the Storm and The Runaway. Both are set in the same world and have some overlap of characters, but The Runaway takes place about 5 years after Into the Storm. It’s fun because ItS is more of a typical urban fantasy mystery/intrigue while Runaway is hardcore a romance story. Switching genres while in the same world is really fun.
How long have you been working on them?
Technically, I’ve been working on The Runaway since 2014/2015. I made one of the main characters, Dean, around then, but I didn’t do a lot with him or the world until 2019 when I ‘officially’ started the Shapeshifter project. I usually lean towards saying I started it all in 2019, unless I want to be dramatic and talk about the ‘full story’...
Do you remember what inspired/what got you started?
Ah, dammit, the full story it is. SO. Baby K was really into internet rp forums as a teen, and had just graduated to one-on-one rp. Along comes a girl who wants to make an rp about shapeshifters – humans who can turn into many types of animals – and Baby K could not be more enthused about this idea. That’s how Dean and Temperance got started, and where they remained for many many years. Eventually not-so-Baby K gets tired of the girl they’re rping with contributing absolutely nothing to the worldbuilding and strikes off on their own.
I joke that I took Temperance in the divorce. It’s okay though, that girl will never read this and if she does she can talk to my lawyer about it.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
All of it? I plastered my bedroom/office walls with Shapeshifter. I plastered my *ceiling* with Shapeshifter. I bought stickers for the laptop I’m currently typing on that remind me of Shapeshifter characters. I am deeply, deeply mentally unwell about this story.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I’m working on an urban fantasy story about three shapeshifter friends who inadvertently become ‘fixers’ for their community when the authorities turn a blind eye.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I spend the majority of my life writing about three queer disasters who also happen to turn into animals sometimes, and the problems they get into that are only occasionally due to the fact that they turn into animals sometimes.
Let's Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
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Just in Into the Storm there’s: Kerr McKay, Warrick Salehrad, Jay de Lange, Carlisle Morrish, Reese Tucker, Lex Causey, Gabriel Beckham, Portia Beckham, Kanda Salae, Mayuri Salae, Aleksei Rybkin, Jaime Sheridan, Mags, Lucian Bardem, Rose MacGinnis, and Enora Nolan. For now.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Depends on what kind of unhinged you’re looking for. The fun kind? Warrick. The ‘actively harmful’ kind? Lucian Bardem.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Kerr, Jay, and Warrick. These three live in my head so much that sometimes they commentate my life. It’s not nearly as entertaining as it sounds.
Do you ever cringe at them?
*Constantly*. They are disaster people. I love them.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
About 60%? I know where the story needs to go and what I need the characters to do, but I leave them a lot of room to decide how they want to get there.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
ABSOLUTELY. Ask me all the weird questions. I’m slow to answer because my life is hectic af, but I love getting questions about my idiots.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
I’d say ‘vibes’ but that’s a copout answer. I don’t go off someone’s intro much besides seeing what genres they’re into and if they’ve got any glaring red flags for something I might not like. Mostly I notice new writeblr accounts because one of my mutuals is interacting with them and they seem cool. Then I do a quick scroll through their blog to check out what they do/interests they have/how they interact with others. Like I said, it’s vibes.
What makes you decide against following?
If someone is too self-absorbed – ie doesn’t interact with anyone, talks about their work like it’s the next Great Novel That Will Change The World. I don’t want to deal with that in my tumblr space.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try? I’m not very good at remembering to look outside my little circle, especially when the burnout and anxiety are bad. Like now...
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I’m sewing dolls based on my mutuals’ characters. They’ll have multiple outfits and tailor-made accessories. I’ve had *dreams* about some of my mutuals’ ocs. I can be just as mentally unwell about my mutuals’ characters as I am about my own.
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limielle · 8 months
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muzzleroars · 6 months
Do you have any concepts/sketches for the other fallen archangels ;o;
here's cleaned up sketches of a line up!!
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more info under a read more!
uriel (heresy): heavily lifted from baphomet, uriel's spontaneous combustions have left him ashen save for the brilliant golds and reds that now outline his figure. he is still constantly trying to read/write, but it's never long before the books burst into flame in his hands. uriel now has the gift of prophecy while ignorant of the past and present, but he refuses to share what he sees.
raphael (fraud): directly taken from the inferno, raphael is weighed down by a divinely gilded golden cloak that is made of solid lead beneath. he refuses to remove it due to constant, feverish chills and so can make very little progress through the halls of hell. he has been drained of all color otherwise and weeps bitterly toxic tears in direct correlation to his falsehoods. regardless, raphael still practices manipulating hell energy into something that might provide relief and comfort to those around him.
michael (violence): michael has been shocked white to show the blood he must now consume to stay alive. his helmet has been broken to free his jaw, able to devour fresh blood from any entity in hell as well as the fetid blood that flows through the phlegethon, while the stone-like feathers breaking through his skin echo the harpies of violence. he has become much less able to control his temper and at first wishes to destroy hell himself; however, once reunited with his brothers, he channels his fury into protecting them.
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silveredsticks · 3 months
@Sportsnet650 What did the Norris Trophy win mean for Quinn Hughes? The Canucks Captain joined #Canucks Central with @danriccio_ and @SatiarShah live from the awards!
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moe-broey · 26 days
Amateur Hour but I gotta outsource this. Aromantics. Heed my call. What is "romantic" love to a non-believer?
Bonus Round if you're not entirely ace -- does experiencing any amount of sexual attraction influence your answer? Also acknowledging that both aro/ace identities exist on a spectrum. Believe me. I am deeply familiar... with so many kinds of spectrums........... 🧍
Also if this breaches containment It's Not That Serious........... just a personal question. For a friend. Me 🙂‍↕️
#was so tempted to put 'sometimes 'love' is just autistic obsession' as an answer bc on god#i do think that's a factor for me. like. espppppp in moe's case. moe is just Obsessed w alfonse.#extremely weird about him constantly studying him. like. it does feel like love... the intensity of it..... but.#both me and moe. most romance repulsed motherfuckers out there.#like. like. not to get too personal but the one relationship i did have. i genuinely felt i loved him#but i also think. so much of it was me reflecting what i Think love was 'supposed' to look like.#most importantly he was my best friend (at the time). and i def did feel differently about him than i did anyone else/even other friends#which is why i'm so conflicted... like half i did genuinely love him half i've never been able to love correctly#and it's always taken some level of putting on a performance according to what i see to 'perform' love#like. like. am i just autistic. does it just come down to the autism again.#but also esp nowadays like. back on my bullshit. i actually ALWAYS hesitate to call whatever moe has w alfonse 'romantic'#like. i think he does feel/experience romantic feelings. but moe is just so dysfunctional and messy#that like. i don't think it would call anything it feels about alfonse romance.#but it still completely adores him. in a way that's distinct from how it loves sharena and how it feels about anyone else.#even charas it admires. somehow. which honestly jusy leads me back to The Obsession again#also extremely focal is how the demisexuality kicks in. like. it's definitely not devoid of sexuality.#IDK IDK I'M TALKING TOO MUCH I'VE TALKED TOO MUCH AND I'M SO TIRED. I'VE BEEN SO TIRED#i'm not in my feelings honestly i'm just frustrated LMFAOOO LIKE. SCREAMING. WHY DOESN'T IT MAKE SENSE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#why am i preordained by fate to never be loved OR understood. wjat the hell man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dailyloopdeloop · 1 month
You think Loop would give the family spacey nicknames like they did with Sif because of the obvious name aversion they got goin on?
See I don't know because "stardust" is given a pretty specific meaning ("because you're what's left (of me)" it's not just aesthetically coherent. I am quite attached to "little star" for Bonnie (stealing from my mewtual startagainaprologue here) because it's cute though. :) To be honest I've never really settled for postcanon nicknames for the party but I do think the fic "ghostlight" brings up a pretty valid point that after a certain point overly formal nicknames like "Housemaiden" or "Researcher" kind of feel a bit rude. So I think Loop would have to innovate something eventually. I'm just not particularly attached to space-themed nicknames (without cause) specifically given there seems to be some genuine weight behind the terms, what with how significant stars and other astronomical objects are to the Island's faith.
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worstloki · 7 months
Natasha/Loki not for the romance but for the devastating attempt at mind games and the excessive internal monologue they would both have when trying to manipulate the other into the real-fake relationship.
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casterhex · 2 months
holy shit anon that's crazy! I wonder if, you know, there might be a reason for that? almost as if they're like, allegorical or something...
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in all seriousness I make no secret in private what inspired me to work on this current project, I just can't be open about it here cuz Tumblr doesn't like that kind of thing (hence why I had to censor this ask instead of answering it). however I can say now it's not meant to be a glorification/sympathetic portrayal of that kind of person or event. I should also clarify mark and ian are their own fictional entities – while there's obvious visual similarities/personality traits lifted from real accounts, the characters they are and things that happen to them and because of them are different enough for me to feel comfortable separating the two. I felt some complicated emotions doing research and decided to try and make some art about it.
(& if it needs to be said me posting silly/affectionate content about mark and ian shouldn't be mistaken for woobifying the real world counterparts – or even mark and ian themselves. they're kind of supposed to be funny in some ways, that's part of their complexity. the silly drawings are also what keep me sane while I attempt to write an actual serious story, a process which is difficult, indefinite and requires a lot of patience)
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gingermintpepper · 12 days
I was reading the Orphic Argonautica last night and the author has mentioned the various methods of divination Apollo knows and guess what? One of them is prophesying by studying the entrails of organisms. As soon as I read that I was reminded of your headcanon of Apollo being into hepatoscopy for divination and I giggled.
Awww 😳😳It's so nice of you to think of me!
Hehe, so fun fact, the overall practice of divination by studying the entrails of animals (including blood, lungs, intestines and so forth) is extispicy while hepatoscopy is specifically using the liver in prophecy and divination readings.
If, like magic in old text exactly like the sort Medea is described as using, the types of divination spoken about in the texts are reflections of the popular divination cultures of the time, I much rather prefer ascribing those to Apollo than I do some vague, somewhat mysterious power which he uses to see the will of the fates, especially since it's mentioned a few times that he'll teach his sons the language of the birds and how to read their signs and so on and so forth.
In short: HEPATOSCOPY APOLLO IS COOL!! HE'S SO NEAT!! Apollo at the altar who predicts the coming droughts and famines from the entrails of his flock!! It's just such a neat little image (to me)!
Also the Orphic Argonautica bangs, genuinely I hope you enjoy it! Orpheus is an insane man and I do not think him along with the collective subspecies of mythical man known as 'sons of Apollo' get enough credit for how truly unhinged they are at any given point in time.
#ginger answers asks#It's so sweet of you to think of me uuuu#If we treat Apollo's prophecy the same we treat say Aphrodite's rituals in the Iliad#Where in Book 14 I think? Hera asks for her help in creating something that will ultimately help her seduce Zeus#And how that reflects on the very big enchantment and amuletting culture where people would use#cosmetics necklaces belts even knots that they hid in their pockets#together with words of affirmation and some ritualistic method like saying a spell three/seven times#in order to inflict some kind of effect on themselves or their betters#then I think it's entirely fair to ascribe the divination rituals of the day to Apollo in place of mystical visions that don't usually#follow any kind of process to induce despite the process of the Oracle itself being highly regimented#Or course the natural rebuttal is 'well Apollo is the god of prophecy why would he have to do any rituals to use his power'#and my answer to that is Apollo is the god of orating fate but he doesn't create Fate itself that's the work of his father and the Fates#So long as Apollo is appealling to powers older than himself the natural course of action is to pray and be supplicant imo#And well Apollo is nothing if not a filial son#Anyway it's still just a personal headcanon of mine I'm really glad <33#I would gladly be known as That one guy on tumblr that really likes making Apollo hold sheep livers#Everyone should have their Apollo hold a sheep liver at least once. For enrichment#greek mythology#apollo
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hekateinhell · 27 days
accidentally took somewhat of a vc fandom break for a while and i come back and it’s almost vamptember lol oops
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novakiart · 1 year
Best spider man comic?
oh!! I'm going to stick to self-contained comics that you can just hop right into
i loooove the amazing spider-man annual #1 (2018) by saladin ahmed. the take on peter & venom's relationship (told through venom's pov) is really really good
peter parker: the spectacular spider-man #310 (2017) by chip zdarsky has been recommended a lot and for good reason!! strong emphasis on peter's relationship with average new yorkers (and vice versa). will make you feel feelings
spine-tingling spider-man #1-8 (2021-22) also by saladin ahmed is a great little self-contained story for spooky season!!! it's a marvel unlimited exclusive rn but physical copies are set to come out soon and a sequel is in the works!!! i love juan ferreyra's traditional art so much too
deadpool annual #2 (2014) by christopher hastings. ok I'm cheating because it's a deadpool story BUT it deals with peter's anxiety and spidey senses going rampantly out of control because he's 1) convinced random new yorkers are chameleon and therefore are out to get him and 2) he has not gotten any sleep because of this. deadpool as the voice of reason is pretty fun. it's just a lighthearted little one-off plot (bros keep bros secret identities safe)
mary jane & black cat: beyond #1 (2022) by jed mackay is also another cheat but you should read it anyway (don't let the bad cover dissuade you). peter is unconscious in the hospital and attracting unwanted attention because he's suspiciously got both mj and black cat looking after him, and their resulting team up dynamic is really fun! mackay's standalone black cat stuff is pretty great too
are these, like, the best spider-man's 60+ yr run has to offer? probably not! but they're fun little stories if you're dipping your toes into the comics
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candycryptids · 4 months
Well, now I have to pop in and ask YOU a question. Which is hard because looking over all your characters pages, I'm sobbing on the fucking floor... I love them all so much????
But! I'd really like to know what sparked Chuusday's interest in technology and how did she get so good with it?! ♡
N..nobodies ever asked that before 🫣💦 So I’ll hammer some of the details out for you RIGHT MEOW! A 2sday-Wednesday special :3
Actually we’re gonna cover a lot of ground I haven’t talked about openly before so settle in
Chuu’s fascination with Machines n the like started REAL early, early when she was small. She wanted to…. Disassemble things. Crates, shelves, alchemist tools of the trade, Mammets… carts… she wanted to lay it all out. See how it fit together. And then MAYBE put it all back together again. And she lived on an island, in a port town, with her mom (an actual Viera) who was continuously unwell and kept getting worse every time she got better and sick again, and the sunseeker chirurgeon who was trying to treat her condition, and his partner, another sunseeker who if I recall correctly, was an alchemist. So. The house she was staying in had no shortage of things a Viera with curious + grabbing destructive hands shouldn’t be grabbing.
It takes coaxing to get her to start putting stuff back together again all the time, and by that point at least she’d stopped trying to pry nails out of things (wooden objects were a pain, she found, to take apart, and piece back together, the wood sometimes was old and slightly rotted, the nails came out unkindly, the shapes were often simple.)… things with screws and bolts were… fun. Her dads (in her mind, they were her dads, but out loud, it was sir, and mister) kept trying to send her out on Missions (chores; your mom isn’t doing well, we don’t want you to have to keep hanging around the house while her every breath rattles and her every cough is harsh and wet. Chuu knew. She was 14. It wasn’t hard to figure out…) for, small stuff. Fetch quests; go pick up ingredients for dinner, or hunt down this one small herb on the cliff side above town for this tincture I’m trying to make to help alleviate the cough symptoms. I have enough for now but having more to replenish what I’m using isn’t bad.. low stakes, yknow.
And when her Mom finally passed from her illness the pair kept Chuu on (Chuu herself will not comment on the her mom and the dads’ relationship, but I CAN and I’ll tell you those fuckers were poly. They might never have slapped a label on it but the love was there. It didn’t start that way, but it certainly was that way by the end.)
This ended up wildly off track didnt it. (Let me get it back on track, and in so doing gracefully gloss over the chunk of history I’m unclear on 💖)
She gets REALLY good at what she’s doing when she signs on with the Garlean Empire. It wasn’t… a hard choice. There was nothing left tying her down where she had been by that point; they’d offered direction, room, board… and, well… her current skills were enough to get placed under Midas’ guidance.
And she found that. Magitek is incredibly interesting compared to whatever she’s had her hands on before and she loves it. Purpose. Drive. She learns how to build things that she’d never dreamed of before under Midas’ guidance. She helps refine designs for two legged heavy artillery a lone person can pilot. To deal with the enemy. She does not think about who the enemy is. The enemy is a problem, and the Machine, glorious, flawless, violent, is the answer.
And then they blow up Bozja. Midas with it. An entire city, wiped off the map. She finds that the numbers- subjects- on the sheet that they’d been running experiments on have faces. Haunted, tired faces, with dull eyes and drawn cheeks and small hands. Children. You can’t just quit, but Midas was gone. Cid was missing. Nero was a thorn in her side and she didn’t want to continue work under someone less competent, or pursue someone else’s dreams. So …. She went missing too. Crashed an airship into Thavnair and stripped the wreckage to the bones for coin. Went into temporary hiding in Kugane, then Ul’Dah, and finally fell in with the slightly sketchy free company she’s with now. She maintains their airships and submersibles and they don’t ask where she came from 💖
I think I got a lil lost in the reeds and I was supposed to go to sleep like 4 hours ago but I kept turning this question over in my mind like a rubrix cube despite my best efforts >v>; The Long And Short Is; she’s always wanted to know how stuff worked, and falling in with Garlemald for (cautiously estimating her time there at about 30+ years) helped her understanding grow in great leaps. Around the start of 2.0 she awakens the Echo (Thrice damned Migraine Creator) and doesn’t realize it’s use until her next encounter with Allagan tech (where she interfaces on a personal level and. It kicks her new obsession up. And… allagans did quite a bit of soul research… it is, somewhat, why there is a Tuesday.)
… 🫣 thank you for the question !!!!!!! I’m. Hopin this makes even a lick of sense, ahaha… some of the stuff I had partially cemented in my mind… I had to fix, after reading the actual lore and wiki -w•;; but not much.
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zivazivc · 6 months
https://open.spotify.com/track/14UiJ7VaTWsG41YYAs6uha?si=O_wQSPfvRgexvWahmsbcng floyd song
I struggled a bit to figure out what song you sent because I don't have spotify and sometimes these links don't want to open ksjbdvb. but YOOOOO Floyd in the bottle song, hell yeah, thank you anon! you are strong, floyd, we love you
Please take my own (bipolar, ex bandmates au) Floyd in the bottle song, where he's going a bit mental from being trapped and having to think about his life 🤲
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How‘s it feel to share your living quarters with various critters? They probably make for the most pleasant accessible company right now, huh?
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“If only I could go into Pelican Town’s library, I’m sure I could find the book…
…It’s really too bad that I’m stuck here, isn’t it?”
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Re: your mental health comic - I hope, if any of those characters are based on real hallucinations youve had, that you don't have them anymore. You're a good person who doesn't deserve to be talked to like that.
(Referencing this or this post, I’m not sure which)
Thank you so much for your kind words! The characters in those works are representations of actual hallucinations I’ve experienced. They were real nasty pieces of work, but I haven’t actually hallucinated one in a severe enough manner to talk to them in about… Shoot. Hang on, I need to think… 5-ish years now? I think? And the last time I did, I heard a brief sentence before I took some heavy-duty meds that knocked me out and took care of the hallucination by the time I woke up. I’ve gone through a lot of growth between now and then, and I’m now in a place where the only lasting legacy those losers have had is making me very good at abstract descriptions + personifications and self-reflection. Their cruel words are fuzzy and vague things that I barely remember.
Heck, I went through some old notes to remember some nicknames I gave them, and it was a blast from the past that I actually laughed at! They actually called me “less than worthless” to the point I internalized and verbalized it many times? Wow. That’s pretty cringe, guys. You spent your entire lives bullying a teenager. Cool. Now I love myself and forgot that was ever a mantra I recited at all times in my head.
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I once had a project I was working on where I made a fictionalized autobiography set in a fantasy world starring a self-insert and these jokers. It was going to be a kind of field guide to hallucinations I experienced. I stopped working on it after a while because it was too painful for me to develop, as it was meant to dig deep into the pain and struggles I went through on a daily basis… and now I’m looking back at it and considering making it a humorous story about how ridiculous my hallucinations were— at least the ones with consistent personalities. Comedy equals tragedy plus time, truly.
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I might end up posting some of the more solemn journal comics I made about these chuckleheads... It'd be weird to dig up my significantly older work, but I think it would do me some good and maybe be enjoyable / educational for others!
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roxynugget · 8 months
Guys, please, Tango doesn't consider himself a builder in the same way Michelangelo might not consider himself a painter* (see tags). You can accept you're very good at two things, and still consider yourself better at one over the other. It's not negative talk when he calls himself a redstone guy.
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